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Transformational Leadership And Transformational Leaders
Introduction and Background
Innovation is a fundamental activity of organizations that is necessary for their growth and
existence. Some argue that innovation has not occurred until the change associated with the
innovation has been adopted. There is little disagreement that change is often more successful when
transformational leaders are involved. This leads to the question of the current study: "What does the
literature have to say about adoption of the innovation and transformational leadership?" The
purpose of the current study is to conduct a rapid assessment of the innovation literature to explore
the extent to which transformational leadership influences diffusion and adoption of innovation and
to provide several topics for future research.
The transformational school of leadership was discussed in detail by Burns in his seminal work on
leadership (1978). He defines two leadership styles, transactional and transformational leaders. The
former, more directive style maintains a relationship with the follower with the purpose of
exchanging items of value. The latter style involves a greater involvement and communication
exchanges between the leaders and follower.
This study is outlined as follows. The process to both selecting the articles in the study and to
analyze the evidence is first discussed. A brief overview of the analysis and discussion of the
findings is then provided; followed by a short conclusion.
This rapid systematic review (Gough,
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Transformational Leadership : Transformational Leaders
As leadership is ability to influence, motivate, and enable others to contribute towards the
effectiveness and success of the organizations of which they are members. Leaders use influence to
motivate followers and arrange the work environment so they do the job more effectively. To start
with transformational leader, transformational leadership is a leadership perspective that explains
how leaders change teams or organizations by creating, communicating, modelling a shared vision
for the team or organization, and inspiring employees to strive for that vision. This is a process
where leaders and their followers raise one another to higher levels of morality and motivation.
Transformational leadership is a model of integrity and fairness. It encourages others and gets
people to look beyond their self–interest. The most significant of transformational leaders is to
inspire great loyalty and trust in their followers. They have high expectations and inspire their
people to reach their goals, particularly change the organization to fit environment. There are four
key elements of transformational leadership, including build commitment to the vision, model the
vision, develop a strategic vision, and communicate the vision. At first, build commitment to the
vision by communicating and modelling the vision and through employee involvement in shaping
the shared vision. Secondly, modeling the vision is to symbolize and demonstrate the vision through
behaviour and made employees trust
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Transformational Leadership As A Good Leadership
The 3 sorts of worker commitment aren 't invariably resulted into best performance. For instance,
associate worker United Nations agency has high continuance commitment however low emotive
commitment sTransformational leadership is taken into account to be the foremost effective
leadership vogue. Avolio et al.
(2004) declared that transformational leadership vogue positively enhance worker commitment.
Limsili and Ogunlana (2008) declared that transformational leadership is a good leadership style to
influence worker commitment. Ismail and Yusuf (2009) thought of the terribly momentous result of
transformational leadership vogue on worker structure commitment. The study found that if leaders
inspire workers, invest in coaching to ... Show more content on ...
The study concluded that transformational leadership behaviors like inspirational motivation,
idealized influence, individual consideration and intellectual stimulation leads to higher employee
commitment and employee work engagement. The employees feel devoted and motivated towards
their work (Raja, 2012).
The research also identifies the impact of transformational and transactional leadership styles in
Pakistan Banking sector.The survey results confirm that transformational leadership style of bank
managers increased employees' commitment. The employees' job commitment was reflected
through their positive attitude, increase trust in leadership and performance at work. Although,
employees are found to be less innovative, less risk taking and transactional style of leadership still
observed in minor form (Reddy, 2011).
The outcome of research conducted in Yemeni universities indicates that both transformational and
transactional leadership styles have positive impact on three types of employee commitment;
affective, normative and continuous (Saeed, 2011). One of the studies conducted from three hundred
and twelve (312) private sector Pakistan colleges' teachers to measure the consequence of
transformational and transactional leadership style on organizational commitment. The results
revealed that transformational leadership style was
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Transformational And Transactional Leadership :...
Transformational and Transactional Leadership
Transformational leadership taps into the motives of followers in order to reach their goals, while
transactional focuses on the exchanges that occur between leaders and followers (Northouse, 2013).
The branches of the military in general would be considered transactional leadership organizations.
This type of leadership encourages followers to perform tasks at a high level in order to achieve
advancement or increase in pay or rank. Conversely, transformational leadership would be focused
on creating a connection between the leader and the followers, in order to perform tasks in such a
way as to increase the feeling of morality in both the leader and the follower (Northouse, 2013).
Panorama did not exhibit any behavior that tried to motivate Bailey to feel a connection to him.
Instead, Panorama tried to intimidate, coerce, and punish Bailey to execute the tasks he was required
to perform. Additional Cultural Factors
The GLOBE Country Clusters show that Panorama's Southern Asian culture has a deep concern for
their communities (Northouse, 2013). This cultural characteristic prevented Panorama from
accepting Bailey's behavior. This divergence by Bailey from the cultural priority Panorama holds
important hindered Panorama from being an impartial leader. It so infuriated Panorama that he was
not able to follow the Navy's new cultural priority of non–threatening language. Recommendations
for action to address key issues The
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Transformational Leadership
****Granted, every quality associated with transactional and transformational leadership may not
easily serve the needs of the ethical public–sector leader. For example, risk–taking and commitment
are elements of transformational leadership; however, Dobell (1989) argues that there are systemic
reasons as to why public–sector leaders tend to avoid risk and sustain the status quo, and also that
the attempts by public officials to satisfy various groups may be perceived as a lack of commitment
and inconsistency. Nonetheless, other qualities such as honesty, optimism, fairness, inner direction,
and the motivation of followers can add to the ethical climate of public–sector organizations. Thus, a
public–sector leader who focuses on specific aspects of both ... Show more content on ...
As such, any associations between ethical values within the public sector and transformational and
transactional leadership must take into account the potential for overlap between the relationships.
For example, the expectation of public officials to exercise discretion can in some ways be
associated with the transformational values of providing motivational encouragement, and also
being inspirational and confident. In theory there will likely always be the possibility that the ethical
expectations and obligations of public officials will relate in some form to both transformational and
transactional leadership. Accordingly the categorization of the ethical values into transformational
and transactional columns does not represent distinct or conclusive placements, but is meant to
merely provide a broad conceptualization of the relationships that potentially exist between ethical
values, expectations, and obligations of public officials, and factors associated with transformational
and transactional
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Transformational Leadership : Transformational Leaders
Through time we have come to observe that the outdated system of management has transformed
and undergone various changes within the century. Before, employees would carry out their
assigned occupational duties during an allotted amount of time and once that time elapsed they
would go home. However, now times have changed. Employees are now encouraged and motivated
to grow, contribute input, as well as contribute as a whole in order to improve the overall state of an
organization. There is a great deal of information for leaders to become more informed and
knowledgeable of how to achieve personal growth, which, ultimately enables the organization to
grow as a whole as well. This process of achieving personal growth and becoming more ... Show
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Carey, 2015). Therefore, we come to learn that transformational leaders are often necessary and
utilized to transform an inadequate low performance organization into an adequate high
performance organization. In other occurrences, a transformation leader is expected to rescue an
organization from a crisis. However, in order to carry out and achieve this task, it is vital for the
leader to overhaul the organizational culture and subculture that may be prevalent. This task can be
accomplished through nine methods of transforming other individuals such as: 1. Raise and increase
awareness. It is vital that the leader makes other individuals aware of potential rewards and how
they may be achieved. For example, pride in the job as well as offering financial incentives and
bonuses. 2. Facilitate others in looking past self–interest. It is vital for the transformational leader to
help others acknowledge and comprehend the big picture through explaining the presenting the
whole scenario. For example, if an organization is to hire more employees to carry out certain task
there will be cuts in various other areas. 3. Help individuals achieve self–fulfillment. The
transformative leader assist others in not focusing on minor satisfactions such as completing a job
prior to the deadline due to the fact that an individual did not take days off, this helps the
organization grow and
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Transactional And Transformational Leadership : A...
Transactional and Transformational Leadership
For this paper, we were asked if we saw ourselves as a transactional leader or a transformational
leader. This was a tough question. When I held managerial positions, I would not have my worker
do anything I would not do. I would work beside my workers and encourage them along with
overseeing their work. Overall I feel I am a mixture of both leader styles. I will discuss why below.
Transactional Versus Transformational
Transactional and transformational leadership differ. Ingram (2016) states "Different managers
employ distinctly different management styles, ranging from relatively hands–off, facilitative styles
to autocratic, micromanaging styles. Managers can also employ different motivational strategies and
techniques to boost employee performance or accomplish internal change. Transformational and
transactional leadership are polar opposites when it comes to the underlying theories of management
and motivation. Understanding the difference between transformational and transactional leadership
is crucial for anyone pursuing a career in management." (Ingram, 2016). When I was a manager, I
had to make sure my store operated properly and maintain sales. Sometimes I would hold contest for
my workers to motivate them, Ingram (2016) states "Transactional leadership styles are more
concerned with maintaining the normal flow of operations. Transactional leadership can be
described as "keeping the ship afloat." Transactional leaders
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Leadership And Leadership : Transformational Leadership
Leadership is extremely valuable around the world. Without leadership the world would probably
get nowhere. Before the leadership course I am taking I thought of leadership as a simple trait. Now
I know that it is much more than that. There is all kinds of ways to lead, and there is also all kinds of
followers. The importance of the followers has also grown over time. A great leader would probably
not go far without good followers. Therefore there is a very interesting and important connection
between leaders and followers. A very important leadership style that impacted my way of thinking,
and changed my perspective towards leadership is transformational leadership. I had the opportunity
to present a case over it, and do research. It is such an important way of leading. Transformational
leadership is probably one of the most inspiring ways to lead a follower! We can describe it as a
process that occurs between the follower and the leader where both of them motivate each other and
rise their levels of morality. Now a days I believe we can find many of our transformational leaders
within our teachers. I have had many good teachers over the years that are understanding and highly
encouraging. A transformational leader encourages other and treats everyone as the humans they are.
The also help people look beyond their own interest, and most of the times have high expectations.
Some theories say that in order to become a good transformational leader it
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Transformational And Transactional Leadership :...
Transformational and transactional leadership are two forms of leaders that vary in traits and
effectiveness within the business environment. In accordance to issues such as social corporate
responsibility and dealing with the change of organisational structure within a business entity both
forms of leadership provide different characteristics to provide varying results in dealing with these
issues. Transformational and transactional leadership are polar opposites when it comes to the
underlying theories of management and motivation. Understanding the differences between
transformational and transactional leadership is crucial for anyone pursuing a career in management.
Transformational leadership goes beyond maintaining and managing a ... Show more content on ...
Transformational leaders utilize their allure to go about as good examples for their association. As
regarded and respected Leaders, they demonstrate to subordinates generally accepted methods to
perform assignments with determination and vitality. Transformational leaders ordinarily
acknowledge hazards with a specific end goal to accomplish advancement. On the other hand,
unreasonable danger could be troublesome and impeding to the association. On the off chance that
leaders demonstration shamelessly or dishonestly, the whole operation endures. Time consumption
can gradually affect the company. The aftereffects of transformational authority require some
serious time. Transformational leaders must contribute time and vitality building trust and
persuading devotees to have faith in an imparted vision. Associations planning to attain moment
comes about by introducing a transformational leader are prone to be confused and frustrated.
Transactional leadership styles are more concerned with maintaining the normal flow of operations.
Such leadership can be described as a more organisational approach. These managers are solely
concerned with keeping the stability of the business and micro managing the day to day operations
of the entity. This is done through the use of disciplinary power and an array of incentives to
motivate employees to perform at their very best.
Performance related rewards whether monetary or non–monetary are
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Transformational Leadership : The Transformational Leader
In order to be authentic the transformational leader needs to be an ethical moral agent. "A leader is
praiseworthy as a moral agent if he or she possesses a developed conscience and acts in ways that
are kind, charitable and altruistic rather than selfish or maleficent." ( The authentic
leader tends to complete actions which are best for the followers. Leaders actions should be judged
based on the ends sought, means used, and the consequences achieved.
Authentic transformational leadership can be defined as "a leader who demonstrates ethical behavior
and personal character while performing the four leadership behaviors including idealized influence,
inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. (Bass &
Steidlmeier, 1999). Pseudo–transformational leadership is the direct opposite of authentic
transformational leadership. These leaders share charisma and gaining followers with authentic
leaders. "But while authentic transformational leaders drive long–standing corporate turn–arounds,
pseudo–transformational leaders tend to make short–term gains that ultimately result in long–term
costs." (Kraft). Transformational leadership is about creating relationships and maintaining
communication which is centered around a common vision, goals, and values. While there are
several criticisms of the theory of transformational leaders which include that they use impression
management and thus can be accountable to accusations of amorality,
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Transformational Leadership
Strategies to Achieve Vision for Professional Success in a Leadership Role
Being interconnected with others enriches us as humans and leaders, and maintaining positive and
enriching relationships is my fundamental strategy for personal and professional success. Whatever
we say or do to others, whether on personal or professional levels, has impact on them. Deciding on
using words and demonstrating actions that can have positive effect upon others, either by
empowering them to go beyond their comfort zone or encouraging them to believe in themselves
and their own impact, opens the possibility of transformation. In my opinion, the idea of
transformational leadership goes beyond work related functions. First, there must be the areas of
transformation that need to occur for us as individuals. For instance, Pallota (2012) ... Show more
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To notice opportunity takes time and patience. As a teacher, through my entire career, I kept using
my influence to motivate, empower and support my students on their journey to personal and
professional growth. When I started the MSW program, I discovered how determined I was to
become empathetic and knowledgeable professional. I learned to appreciate any challenges helping
me to abandon my self–centered attitude, leave my safety zone, and critically self–reflect on what I
need to change in order to become a better person.
I can envision myself as a transformational social work leader fulfilling the mission of
empowerment of socioeconomically disadvantaged and marginalized students by supporting their
academic achievement and strengthening their self–esteem and self–efficacy. Interviewing for
strengths and solutions comes naturally to me, and I consider it my greatest
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Transformational Leadership : Transformational Leader
The Four Components to being a Transformational Leader Being a transformational leader is a great
humane leadership theory, which believes in inspiring people to do excellent work through example
of a leader's personality. A transformational leader's main goal is to inspire followers to share their
values, and connect with their vision. The four components to be a transformational leader are
idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized
consideration. A positive role model is an idealized influence, which is highly fundamental to
becoming transformational leader (Babou 2008). The leader shouldn't ask followers to do something
that he or she wouldn't do themselves (Babou 2008). Idealized influence can be expressed through a
transformational leader 's willingness to take risks and follow a core set of values, convictions, and
ethical principles in the actions they make (Schieltz 2016). Through this concept, the leader builds
trust with his followers and in turn, the followers would develop confidence in their leader (Schieltz
2016). When the supporters understand that their transformational leader has great potential and
determination, it push them to higher levels (Berci 2014). No matter the situation, as a
transformational leader, it is key to have the capability to become the role model for their followers
(Berci 2014). Inspirational motivation refers to the leader 's ability to inspire confidence, motivation
and a sense of
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Transformational Leadership : Leadership And Leadership
The idea of leadership has transformed throughout the years to encompass varying aspects of
leadership approaches, leadership types and the like. According to Summerfield (2014), C. F. Rauch
and O. Behling, quote leadership as: Leadership is the process of influencing the activities of an
organized group toward goal achievement. Given its broad definition, leadership is understood to
have different meanings when applied to diverse situations. For example, there are different types of
approaches to leadership, including adaptive and transformative leadership. Adaptive leadership
refers to the manner in which leaders are able to encourage and prepare people to deal with change.
On the other hand, transformational leadership incorporates ... Show more content on ...
Whether a leader is a transformational leader, selective approach is transpired in order to become an
important leader. A set of characteristics is essential for an individual to exercise influence.
Establishing the five–factor personality models, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness,
openness to experiences and neuroticism, bringing renewed interest to the study. Antonakis, Fenley,
and Liechti (2011) approach was a little different in that they discussed if Charisma could be taught.
This was an approach to create charismatic leadership. In this approach, two studies were tested and
experimented. The significant evidence to establish findings of popular notions that "leaders are
born." The approach was significant and the outcome proves to be successful. Antonakis et al.,
investigated manipulating participant's charisma, wondering if charisma would have a significant
effect on a leader's outcome. Braun, Gable, and Kite (2011) approach to leadership was through
specific leadership preparation practices and leader behavior. The leadership preparation programs
prepared effective leaders in guiding school communities. They developed and utilized specific
essential practices identified as alternative, innovative or exemplary. Another approach to leadership
preparation utilized quantitative survey research, couple with qualitative study exploring a deep
understanding of school leaders' self–reported behaviors.
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Transformational Leadership : Transformational Leaders
Transformational leadership is regarded as one of the most effective leadership styles in times of
change and uncertainty. It is used to not only create a long term vision within an organization, but
also inspire its employees (Tyssen et al, 2014). For example, if an organization's main goal is to
increase sales, instead of thinking of the process as a "strictly–business" type process,
transformational leaders look to motivate and encourage his or her followers to think of new ways to
increase these sales. Transformational leaders thrive in an environment where there is
encouragement and motivation. These leaders tend to create an environment that is conducive to
creativity and the sharing of ideas. They inspire through innovation (Bryant, 2003). According to
Bernard Bass (2006), there are four components to transformation leadership: Idealized influence,
inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. Each component
will be explained in depth below:
Idealized influence: Transformational leaders behave in ways that allow them to be trusted and
respected by their followers. Between the leaders behaviors' and the followers emulation of them,
this creates a relationship that is beneficial for both parties.
Inspirational motivation: The behaviors emulated by transformational leaders inspire followers by
providing significance to their work. Leaders get followers to envision future goals through passion
and confidence. The
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Transformational Leadership
Why Transformational Leadership Is Important
In 1978, James MacGregor Burns defined the perception of a "transformational leader." His work
has been sustained and expanded upon by other scientists, including industrial psychologist Dr.
Bernard Bass. A transformational leader exhibits specific traits and behaviors to inspire and motivate
a team or organization to rally around a shared vision or goal. These behaviors and characteristics
include charisma, intellectual stimulation, inspirational motivation and individual consideration for
each unit or group member. For many reasons, transformational leadership is an essential factor at
both the micro, or personal level, and macro, or administrative, societal level.
Individual Growth and Development
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Transformational Leadership
Transformational LeadershipTransformational leadership is a style of leadership model that
identifies needed change, creates vision through inspiration, and executes the change with the
commitment of members to revitalize the organization (Olden 2015). The term transformational
leadership was first coined by James M Burns in 1978, based on the idea that leaders and followers
can make each other advance to a higher level of morality and motivation. In which the leader
focuses on the beliefs, needs, and values of their followers. Transformational leaders are generally
energetic, enthusiastic, and passionate. Not only are these leaders concerned and involved in the
process; they are also focused on helping every member ofthe group succeed as ... Show more
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Goals and incentives arestructured to drive high performance, while providing opportunity for
employee's personal and professional growth. There are four key elements/characteristics a
transformational leader should possess:1) Charisma /Influence: This element provides purpose and
vision for the followers; it also serves as a mode for high ethical behavior to instill pride, respect,
and trust.2) Individualized consideration – This emphasize on the degree to which the leader attends
to each follower's needs, acts as a mentor or coach to the followers and listens to the follower's
concerns and needs. The leader gives the support, keeps communication open and places challenges
before the followers. It helps maintain the follower's will and aspirations for self–development and
intrinsic motivation for completion of assigned tasks.3) Intellectual stimulation – This enhances
rational thinking, the degree to which the leader challenges assumptions take risks and solicits
followers' ideas. This leadership style stimulates and encourages creativity among followers. It
places emphasis on learning and sees unexpected situations as opportunities to learn. Therefore,
followers think deeply about things, ask critical questions, and figure out better ways to execute
their tasks. 4) Inspirational motivation – This is the degree to which the leader articulates a vision
that is appealing and inspiring to followers. It explains how: purpose, expectations, and goals are
communicated. Leaders with inspirational motivation challenge followers with high standards,
future goals, and provide meaning for the task at hand. Followers must have a strong sense
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Transformational And Transactional Leadership :...
Transformational and Transactional leadership
Mark Johnson
American Public University
Dr. Xiaodong Wu
April 30, 2017
Proper management of institutions is the key to the success of such a firm. The kind of leadership
being dispensed directly affects the motivation of employees and their productivity. The two most
prominent kinds of leadership are transformational and transactional leadership. This article seeks to
discuss the two kinds of leadership and eventually propose the most efficient kind of management.
Every organization that aspires to be successful must address the value of emotional intelligence in
the work place. How people relate to each other determines if the organization eventually moves
from ... Show more content on ...
The leader demonstrates to the followers loyalty, trust, respect and admiration, with these the
qualities of the transformational leader, they tend to work harder than originally expected that tends
to have a link between effort and reward. These outcomes occur because the transformational leader
offers followers something more than just working for self–gain; they provide followers with an
inspiring mission and vision and gives them an identity. They believe in the organizational culture
they find and specific methods of performing tasks. Transactional leaders are effective in getting
specific tasks completed by managing each portion individually. According to Maslow's hierarchy of
needs, transactional leaders focus on the lower levels of the hierarchy that is the very basic levels of
need satisfaction. One way that transactional leadership focuses on lower level needs is by stressing
specific task performance (Hargis et al, 2001). They are more concerned with processes rather than
revolutionary ideas hence under their leadership change is least expected. Unlike them,
transformational leaders end up changing existing organizational cultures by implementing new
Transformational leaders encourage group work, as they connect each follower's identity and self to
the project and collective identity of the corporation. They are role models for other staff and this
inspires them and makes them
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Transformational Leadership : Transformational And...
According to the online Oxford Dictionary, leadership is "the action of leading a group of people or
an organization." But what makes someone a leader? To put is simply, a leader is someone that
motivates and inspires those around them to achieve a common goal or vision. That may sound
fairly simple, but not everyone is a leader. And there are several different leadership styles to
consider. The two most common styles are transformational and transactional leadership.
Transformational leadership is generally defined as a leadership style that causes change. This
unique leadership style focuses on four key behaviors: Influence through a vision, inspirational
motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. (Burns, L. R., et. al.). That all
sounds great, but what does it mean? Leaders utilizing transformational leadership will start out by
showing their team a vision of the future. This vision tells the team their purpose; that is, what they
are there for. This is generally done by ensuring that the team understands and believes in the values
of the organization, which motivates them to work toward fulfilling their purpose. The next step in
this process is encouraging creativity amongst the members of the team. And finally, the leader must
motivate each team member by focusing on their individual strengths and weaknesses. It is
important that each team member is inspired to carry out the purpose in his or her own way. Just like
everything else in
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Transformational Leadership
Leadership is a fundamental aspect of an organization. A good leadership approach that suits the
organizational will determine and indicate how successful the company will be in dealing with
challenges that the organization may encounter whether internal or external. One such type of leader
is a transformative leader. Transformational leadership is distinguished by its capacity to promote
the idea of "innovation and change. Transformational leadership is a manner that encourages
subordinates to excel in performing their job and to move far beyond their personal goals and attain
targets that benefit the organization as a whole. The literature has proposed that there is a solid
correlation between transformational leadership and followers performances. ... Show more content
on ...
This can be perceived as being less educated because I am a female and Afro–Caribbean. Having
confidence is a component of leadership that is necessary and important & without it, leadership
cannot exist. In hard or uncertain times, employees and the community want to be guided by a
leader who projects confidence because it sends the right calming message and optimism.
Nonetheless, because I am aware of this shortcoming, I have sought out a mentor who has been
guiding my career
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Transformational Leadership : A Transformational Leader
As transformational leadership relies heavily on the leader's ability to influence the subordinates and
communicate his or her vision to them, it's imperative to study the traits the leader must have. In this
section, we'll examine not only the traits the leader must show, but also the key competencies
required to be a transformational leader.
Five major traits
Transformational leaders are often measured based on how much they showcase certain
characteristics, referred to as the 'Big Five'. Big Five refers to the Five Factor Model Of Personality,
which examines a set of stable characteristics and measures how these influence a leader's cognition
and behaviour. The Big Five includes the following dimensions: openness to experience,
conscientiousness, extraversion/introversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism/emotional stability.
Furthermore, the below image shows the personality dimensions, along with the specific
characteristics or traits associated with the dimension.
Source: SlidePlayer presentation by Alice F. Short
Joyce Bono and Timothy Judge's meta analysis, published in the Journal of Applied Psychology,
showed how transformational leaders relate to each of these five personality dimension.
According to the findings, there is a strong correlation between the openness to experience and
transformational leadership. This is not surprising, as transformational leaders are actively looking
to challenge the status quo and therefore, they are constantly seeking to find
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Transformational Leadership : Transformational Leaders
Effective leadership requires skills to adapt to the demands of fresh situations. Leadership flexibility
offers opportunities to hone unique approaches, as circumstances demand. Leaders can hang onto
core styles while embracing principles found in harmonizing theories. Theories of particular interest
are transformational leadership and servant leadership, among others. These approaches are
synergistic rather than mutually exclusive. Moreover, they overlap with other beneficial leadership
Leadership of Individuals and Groups
Transformational leadership. Transformational leaders change organizations by igniting group
members' emotions and help them move beyond their own self–interests (Bass, 1990). Group
members see how their efforts contribute and become willing to accomplish more than they thought
possible. Wang and Howell (2010) asserted that both individuals and groups are concerns to
transformational leaders. At the individual level, transformational leaders endeavor to appreciate
group members' talents while acting as coach and mentor to address weaknesses. At the group level,
transformational leaders communicate and engender shared values and goals. This encourages
concord in the business' vision and group objectives.
Servant leadership. Servant leadership is a complementary approach to transformational leadership
that concentrates on others' needs (Greenleaf, 1991). The emphasis of servant leadership is that the
organization is
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Transformational Leadership : Transformational Leader
The Road to Becoming a More Effective Transformational Leader
A leader not only inspires those around them, but also seizes opportunities. Leaders listen to and
advise those around them while recognizing and grooming their talents for greater potential success.
All leaders share these abilities, how they achieve them from those on their team may vary. In this
paper, I will examine transformational leadership in well–known leaders, the examples they exhibit
and these can apply to me personally.
The Transformational Leadership Style
Transformational leaders have an ability to not only gain the trust their team, but also inspire those
around them as tools in a proverbial "toolbox". By convincing those that follow them to put self–
interest aside for the benefit of the group, these leaders are able to generate tremendous results and
transform collections of individuals into teams. For further insight into this leadership style, we turn
to Steven Covey:
The goal of transformational leadership is to "transform" people and organizations in a literal sense
– to change them in mind and heart; enlarge vision, insight, and understanding; clarify purposes;
make behavior congruent with beliefs, principles, or values; and bring about changes that are
permanent, self–perpetuating, and momentum building (Covey, 2009, p. 287).
Communication Skills Without a base of excellent communication skills, the ability to inspire
individuals would miss the mark completely. Leaders of this
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Transformational Leadership : A Transformational Leader
The second subgenre that falls under the relational theory is known as transformational leadership.
Transformational leadership is one of the four types of leadership styles defined in Daft's textbook.
The transformational leader is the one that cares most about the well–being of others just like the
servant leader. A transformational leader is able to develop not only followers, but is also able to
develop the overall vision of the company in a positive manner. Deschamps (2016) found that, "The
high correlation between transformational leadership behaviors and perceptions of justice also
indicates that leaders are highly capable of promoting fairness." The transformational leader is one
that is able to keep calm while change is happening within the company.
There are four areas of transformational leadership that Daft describes within his text. The first stage
is the leader has a plan for the future and makes change effortless for followers. Second the leader is
able to motivate workers to become better for the group as a whole and not just on an individual
level. Third the leader is able to make the worker realize how important they are to the company's
success. Lastly, the leader is able to make fellow workers become leaders just like him or her.
Within each stage of transformational leadership, the worker is able to grow as an individual and
help the company as a whole. This way of leadership is very positive towards helping workers reach
their full potential and belief
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Leadership Styles : Transformational Leadership
To begin with this essay is to document a critical evaluation to prove that transformational
leadership styles have a major influence on the employee motivation and organisational culture,
hence influence the long term success of the business. A number of key leadership styles, together
with the transformational leadership will be discussed and linked to real business–world examples.
According to the research, there are three main leadership styles, specifically transformational,
transactional, and laissez–faire. It has been found that a transformational leadership style is typically
more effective than transactional and laissez–faire leadership styles. Lowe et al (1996) points out,
followers are most likely to appraise their ... Show more content on ...
In order to make the best use of the critical success factors, the leaders must effectively
communicate the CSFs with everyone involved in the business. This requirement of effective
communication regarding the organisation's values, purpose and significance of mission, brings out
the importance of the practice of the transformational leaderships' idealised influence (behaviour)
D. Goleman (2000) states leaders who have mastered four or more leadership styles –especially the
authoritative, democratic, affiliative, and coaching styles–have the best climate and business
performance. Even though the practice of transformational leadership is appreciated and
recommended, Luthans (1998) comments that the process of recognising high performance and
transformational characteristics of leaders has been challenging as organisations are obligated to
transform and expand traditional management practices.
Sir Richard Branson has constantly shared his views on management and leadership. During an
interview at McGill University (2011), he states the employees of a business are directly behind the
success of a business. Therefore the most important aspect that need thorough consideration when
making a business decision is to protect the jobs the business has created. He further shares his view
of what he looks for a leader; "We want to be sure that they are fantastic motivators that
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Transformational Leadership And Transformational Leaders
Transformational Leadership Style
Tanya Schankel
ORG300 – Applying Leadership Principles
Colorado State University – Global Campus
Dr. Anne O 'Bryan
June 21, 2015 Transformational Leadership Style
Are you ready for a change? Transformational leaders pave the way for implementing change.
Transformational leaders are visionaries who do not look at today without envisioning a better
tomorrow. Smith (2011), states that this leadership style focuses on not only the leader, but also the
contribution of others. This shared involvement is considered an essential part of the vision strategy.
According to Bass (2011), transformational leaders are charismatic and engaging. They can
charismatically connect and communicate their vision in a way that motivates and excites others to
want to embrace the vision of change and feel included in its successful implementation and
outcome. Transformational leaders effectively implement change through communication, vision,
team building, and inspiration.
Applying Transformational Leadership Principles
I am a transformational leader based on the results of the leadership assessment from University of
Kent in the United Kingdom. While these results did not surprise me, I do wonder if the results
might be based more on the restraints of my current position rather than my actual leadership style. I
am part of an administrative assistant staff that works independently but who share information as a
team. The executives see me as the leader of
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A Transformational And Transformational Leadership
Leaders all over the world have different styles of leadership with which to lead their team and their
organizations to success. The different styles are authoritarian, procedural, laissez–faire, and I
happen to be a transformational and participative leader. Being a leader also has different
components that are necessary for success, like the C.O.A.T. assessment which stands for
Communication, Opportunity, Advisory, and Talent. I will be discussing how I can implement this
assessment in correlation with my leadership styles to create the best results, and foster the best
team in my organization.
According to the assessment, I am a mix between a Participative and Transformational leadership, or
a mix between Barack Obama, and Nelson ... Show more content on ...
I am in a sense surprised by these results, but then I agree with them as well. I can think back to my
previous leadership position and think of examples of when I used these leadership styles. I clearly
remember being democratic and consulting, especially when I needed help coming up with a
solution or sought the opinions of my team members. I can also recall of times when I was a
charismatic leader and used that to inspire my team to get the job done. The reason for my surprise
is that I remember times when I was not so charismatic, or democratic, but I still managed to get
myself and my team to get the job done. The majority of the time, however, I was democratic and/or
charismatic. The part I have to disagree with is in terms of a transformational leader's inability to
focus or take care of fine details. I actually am very detail oriented so I can focus on the big picture
and the small details on my own.
In order to be a great leader, you need to thrive in effective communication skills. I can clearly see
how my styles of leadership can come into play and help me rise above the rest in this skill. Being
democratic I feel is where communication is necessary, you need to be able to talk to people and get
them talking. A great way to get ideas flowing from everyone is through open communication, this
way everyone can feel like a part of the team and a part of the decision making and this can also
build trust in the leader and their
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Transformational Leadership : A Transformational Leader
Productive transformational leadership abilities can easily be developed. A transformational leader
has a trustworthy relationship with their followers. Having a strong bond between a leader and their
followers can influence more productivity and incorporate more ethical practices. With this bond,
the follower tends to put their best foot forward, taking full accountability for their actions because
there is a sense of trust and honor. There are four dimensions of transformational leadership, which
are "idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation and individual
consideration" (Pradhan 228). Ideally, a leader should be a role model in order to influence others.
Typically, a role model is a person that is looked to by others to be imitated, one that is easily
accessible and a go–to person to communicate with. The connection between the leader and
followers is an important facet to guide the followers to succeed in their end goal. A positive
relationship can lead to inspirational motivation, the second of the four dimensions of
transformational leadership. Depending on the situation, inspirational motivation can be developed
by breaking down and causing the follower to be unselfish. Motivation starts with looking at the
"big picture" in life and seeking out what is necessary to achieve it. Motivated people on average are
more successful and perform better than others that lack motivation. Leaders with substantial goals
and visions encourage and
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Transformational Leadership
This connection paper reflects the courses I have taken throughout my study at Concordia
University. In the analysis of this connection paper, I am going to review the various courses of
study I have completed. In retrospect of the concept of effective leadership I have learned, there is
an underlying issue; many professionals are experiencing due to the different viewpoint of
politicians and school leaders in our community. The results of this connection will show the aspect
of transactional leadership in any organizational setting. Transactional leadership Identifies and
critique the dominant theories of social change and education, including the various assumptions
embedded in conceptualizations of transformation. Therefore, it cultivates the ability to question,
deconstruct, and then reconstruct knowledge in the interest of transformational learning
Comprehensive Connection
Transactional leadership is more proper in inducing performance in an ... Show more content on ...
Transformational Learning is based on the view that an individual's beliefs influence his or her
actions in powerful ways, which may or may not be clear to the person (Mezirow,1991). Through
the courses taken, I have aimed my learning toward reflective processes that enable self–evaluation
of one's values, beliefs, and experiences. Transformation theory and its product, transformative
learning, aids leaders in understanding that the develop the necessary skills and process which
encourage them to challenge the status quo (Mezirow,1991). Transformative learning helps leaders
to deconstruct conformity to the many social and cultural canons, which have permeated US public
schools to the detriment of many of our students and encourages visionary, progressive social
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Transformational Leadership : A Transformational Leader Essay
Being able to lead a group or someone is a very powerful action. Being a leader in general is very
powerful. Leadership is an art that is painted, sculpted, and displayed in all sorts of ways. There are
many different styles of leadership that correspond with different tasks. From transformational
leadership to laissez–faire leadership, there are various styles throughout the continuum. A
transformational leader is one of the best, more successful leadership style. When going down the
continuum, the leadership styles only become less effective. Everyone also falls in distinctive
categories when it comes to leading others. The leadership style that is displayed depends on the
person leading and those who are being led along with the task.
Straightaway, I believe that I am a transformational leader. A transformational leader upholds the
four dimensions that the leadership style contains. This leadership style is considered one of the
most effective forms there is, according to research. It is also not a replacement for other leadership
styles. For example, in the article "Transformational and Transactional Leadership: A Meta–Analytic
Test of their Relative Validity" by Timothy A. Judge and Ronald F. Piccolo, the authors explain how
transformational leadership is built upon a transactional leadership base. It could be imagined by
moving from one end of the continuum to the other. The four dimensions of transformational
leadership are charisma or idealized influence,
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Transformational Leadership And Its Impact On Leadership
As Northouse (2015) explained, transformational leadership is a process that can change and
transform the emotions, values, ethics, standard, and long term goals of the people. It also involves
transforming followers to accomplish more than what is expected of them. The four factors that are
closely associated with transformational leadership includes being an idealized influence or
charisma leaders who act as strong role models, have a high standard of moral and ethical conduct,
and deeply respected by his or her followers. A leader who can inspire and motivate their followers
to be part of a shared vision of the organization. A leader who can also stimulate followers to
become more creative and innovative, and provide the necessary coaches and advice to the
followers (p.167).
Authentic leadership is a leadership style that is transparent, morally grounded, and responsive to
people's needs and values. A leader that has the genuine desire to serve others and lead from their
core values of doing the right thing, established a process of trusting relationship with others, shows
self–discipline to reach his or her goals and keep everyone accountable (George, 2003). A leader that
based on life's experience and the meaning he or she attaches to those experience.
Servant leadership also focuses more on the need of followers, empower followers, and help them to
develop their full human capacity (Northouse, 2015). A leadership that have the mindset of serving
others first before
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Transformational Leadership : Leadership And Leadership
Transformational leadership, also known as charismatic leadership, is based upon transforming the
followers into independent and confident workers. These leaders not only want the best for their
followers, but they also portray themselves in a positive selfless way. Transformational leadership is
one of the most popular approaches to leadership (Northouse, 2013). Throughout this informative
research paper, I am going to explain what transformational leadership is, the different theories
behind it, the goals, factors, strengths, and weaknesses. James Downton first created
transformational leadership in 1973, but James MacGregor Burns brought the actual approach to
leadership in 1978. James MacGregor Burns' goal was to link the roles between leadership and
followership (Burns, 1978). I feel that I relate to James MacGregor Burns with our view on leaders,
in his book Leadership, he views "leaders as people who tap the motives of followers in order to
better reach the goals of leaders and followers" (Burns, 1978). Leaders need to be the most
important person in a team; they need to be the rock, supporter, and motivator of their followers.
Without a strong motivating leader, the goals of the team may not be reached to the full potential or
reached at all. Bernard Bass' transformational leadership model in 1985 was based upon James
MacGregor Burns' studies. This model focused more on what the followers needed instead of the
leaders needs, like James MacGregor Burns had done.
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Transformational Leadership
Table of Contents
Introduction .............................................................................................................................02
Why Transformational Leadership Is Important?....................................................................03
Individual Growth and Development...........................................................................03 Increases ...
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These types of leaders provide others with a sense of purpose that goes beyond a simple exchange of
rewards for effort provided.
According to Burns, transforming leadership is a process in which "leaders and followers help each
other to advance to a higher level of morale and motivation". Burns related to the difficulty in
differentiation between management and leadership and claimed that the differences are in
characteristics and behaviours. He established two concepts: "transforming leadership" and
"transactional leadership". According to Burns, the transforming approach creates significant change
in the life of people and organizations. It redesigns perceptions and values, and changes expectations
and aspirations of employees. Unlike in the transactional approach, it is not based on a "give and
take" relationship, but on the leader 's personality, traits and ability to make a change through
example, articulation of an energizing vision and challenging goals. Transforming leaders are
idealized in the sense that they are a moral exemplar of working towards the benefit of the team,
organization and/or community. Burns theorized that transforming and transactional leadership were
mutually exclusive styles.
Bass introduced the term "transformational" in place of "transforming." Bass added to the initial
concepts of Burns (1978) to help
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Transformational Leadership : A Transformational Leader
Leadership is the process of "communicating, motivating, encouraging and involving." (PowerPoint
2) A leader who combines these vital characteristics will "inspire and motivate" subordinates to
"help achieve group and organizational goals" (textbook) and are key ingredients to a successful
organisation. Transformational leadership is one of the three main leadership styles adopted by
managers. The book, Contemporary Management specifies the three main characteristics of
transformational leadership are "Charisma, the ability to intellectually stimulate subordinates and
the ability to engage in developmental consideration." These thee characteristics will be further
explained throughout with examples relating to Oprah Winfrey and Mark ... Show more content on ...
Charismatic leadership is an important leadership style within its self but is also seen as a key trait
of transformational leadership as it allows the manager to project their energy in a stimulating
manner. In turn inspiring subordinates for the greater good of the organisation and allowing them to
achieve superior goals for a higher overall level of job satisfaction. Primarily the charisma of
"transformational managers make subordinates aware of how important their jobs are for the
organisation and how necessary it is for them to perform those jobs as best as they can..." (Textbook,
chapter 7, page170) The key traits of inspiration, passion and confidence are prioritised rather than
leading through the "power, control, or authority" of other types of leaders (5.)
The ability to be open and authentic enough for people around the leader to personally feel and be
impacted by that leader's passion. This is the sense that the leader has a direction and the energy to
pursue it, and he is genuinely enjoying the pursuit. It is the feeling of confidence in the intention of
the leader. Through this, people around that leader will also be inspired to take creative action
toward the goal of the future.
5. Leaders can, through tapping their own inspiration and sharing it freely with people, engage with
an organization in such a way as to liberate the organization to transform itself, when needed. The
safety created through
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Transformational Leadership : A Transformational Leader
Transformational Nursing Leadership INTRODUCTION
Leadership is a process. The leader uses influence to inspire others toward a common goal. There
are different types of leadership such as autocratic, democratic, and laissez–faire. One leadership
theory is transformational leadership. A transformational leader is defined as "a leader who is
committed to a vision that empowers others" (Kelly, 2012). A transactional leader is focused on day
to day operations and is more task oriented. I will explore what it takes to become a transformational
leader and what part they play at the organizational level. I will discuss an ethical issue, which my
nurse manager assisted me with as a new registered nurse. I will research the concept of power in
relation to nursing leadership. There are certain attributes a transformational leader exhibits and are
required to have in order to be a successful leader. A transformational leader has many skills and
attributes. They are developed through mentorship and mastered by experience. A transformational
leader creates a work environment that empowers others to advance their skills and abilities. This
empowerment leads to a successful and highly functioning team, that works toward a common goal
for the patients, families, co–workers, and organization as a whole. To be an effective leader it is
important to balance both transactional and transformational leadership styles.
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Transformational Leadership As A Transformational Leader
Leaders have played a pivotal role in every society throughout history. Today 's modern world is no
exception to that fact. While there are many different styles of leadership, transformational
leadership has become one of the most inspiring forms for leaders to embody. Along with changes in
leadership style, the emergence of women as leaders in the workplace has brought about new forms
of transformation. These changes have greatly impacted the professional climate of nursing. In order
to fully examine these changes it is necessary to look at: the background of transformational
leadership, how transformational leadership functions in nursing practice, the perceived boundaries
for women as leaders, the application and effectiveness of female transformational leaders, and how
women implementing transformational leadership can effect change of the term leader.
During the past three decades, transformational leadership has helped to transform the workforce.
The need for this type of inspirational style was recognized and explored in an original work called
Leadership by James Macgregor Burns (1978). Burns believed that transformational leadership was
a collaborative process that served to raise the morals and motivations of everyone involved
(Leadership, 1978, 19). This type of leader works to inspire others with a goal or plan for the future.
According the Marquis and Huston (2015) one of the key aspects of this style is the ability to
empower others
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Transformational Leadership : A Transformational Leader
Transformational leadership. Burns (1978) is recognized as one of the earliest theorist on
transformational leadership, who introduced transformational leadership over 30 years ago.
Transformational leaders are perceived as leaders who uplift their employee morale, subsequently
uplifting the entire organizational. Transformational leaders are known by their capacity to inspire
followers to forgo self–interests in achieving superior results for the organization (Clawson, 2006).
Avolio and Yammarino (2002) shared Bass's explanation of transformational leadership as leaders
who act as agents of change that stimulate, and transform followers' attitudes, beliefs, and motivate
from lower to higher level of arousal.
Transformational model can adopt instructive, or consultation functions, shared, relation–grounded,
or task–oriented, very condition dependent, or self–character dependent (Molero, Cuadrado, Navas
& Morales, 2007). Demonstrating transformational leadership, ethical behaviors, and obvious
concern for others, leaders may gain organizational credibility. SAHC leaders must utilize attributes
of transformational leadership to manage current challenges related to employee hiring and
retention, diversity, electronic medical record management, and cost containment.
Transformational leaders' focus is on the relationship of the leader with subordinates through
encouragement, understanding, enthusiasm, and spur, while considering the individual. The leader
motivates, possesses
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Transformational Leadership As A Transformational Leader
I personally choose to use transformational leadership as my style of leadership with the staff that I
work with. There are many approaches I can use to implement this style, as well as many ways that I
can share my leadership vision for leading in the healthcare environment. This leadership vision is
influenced by previous leaders in my career, and a current leader today. By evaluating my strengths
and limitations, I am able to evaluate opportunities for leadership and professional growth.
Personal Leadership Style and Approaches The personal style I am trying to master to lead with is
the transformational style of leadership. In accordance with Gibson, Ivancevich, Donnelly, &
Konopaske (2012), my vision as a transformational leader includes clearly communicating future
visions to employees, and taking a genuine interest in each person so that relationships may be built,
and trust is formed. My personal vision for leadership also includes putting the patient and their
needs first, while successfully encouraging and inspiring nurses to do their best. As a
transformational leader, my job is to support and assist my employees toward unit, organizational,
and individual goals while helping them to overcome obstacles in their path. As they meet these
goals, energy and motivation is formed, and thus the leadership style is successful as the employees
follow me toward the visions I have created. A transformational leader can be successful using
multiple approaches with
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Transformational Leadership : A Transformational Leader
As I take a moment to reflect on my time here, I have learned that I have traits of a Transformational
Leader but that I also have room for improvement. I have highlighted areas in where I felt I needed
the most improvement to become the Transformational Leader that I aspire to be. For the next three
to five years, I plan to implement these changes to improve the way that I utilize the Elements of
Adaptability, The Who, Stakes and Situation, Impact on Work Center Climate, and Ethical Behavior
concepts. Understanding and effectively implementing these changes will make me a better leader
for my subordinates, peers, and supervisors. I stated in my Module 5 PLDP that I currently struggle
with my emotional flexibility, leading me to make ... Show more content on ...
In the next three to five years, I plan on developing in these concepts to help me with identifying
what the priority is at the time, and the best way to handle it. Properly communicating The Who,
Stakes and Situation concept, along with promoting a Cognitively Flexible approach to negotiations,
will help when trying to agree on what the best decision is for the situation. This communication
will breed trust amongst my subordinates, peers and supervisors and lead to a positive impact on the
mission. With goals of becoming a more Transformational Leader, I must become versatile in my
ability to apply all of the Four I's: Intellectual Stimulation, Idealized Influence, Individual
Consideration, and Inspirational Motivation. As I stated in Module 3 of my PLDP, I usually only
focus on the Individual Consideration element. The next three to five years I plan to improve in all
areas. Individual Consideration will be used to show my co–workers that I care about their
individual goals to provide a sense of self–awareness. Intellectual Stimulation will be used to
empower my subordinates to use their own thinking to resolve problems, creating a sense of pride
and ownership. Inspirational Motivation will be used to encourage my peers to not only "Sale" the
mission of the organization, but to "Buy in" as well, to
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Transformational Leadership
Philosophy of Leadership
Sullivan (2010) indicates that leaders empower, encourage, and support others in a shared effort to
achieve goals or create change. Hence, as a early childhood educator our role has a great impact in
achieving such goals. Indeed, a leader has desirable traits that inspires and motivates other to work
towards a vision or goal. For the purpose of this paper, I will discuss my leadership style and explain
how the style motivates and influences my environment and the importance to reflect on practice.
Transformational Leadership Being in the field for over twenty years, I am able to reflect on my role
as a supervisor. I consider myself as a transformational leader. According to _____tranformational
leaders are able to motivate and equip members by actively engaging them in the program's' mission
or goals. As a result of my transformational leadership in the field, I am able to create such
collaborative and engaging atmosphere, where staff families and community work together for the
benefit of the children. With this intention, families and staff develop a sense of belonging in the
program, therefore enables active participation in the program's activities, planning and decision
Motivates ... Show more content on ...
––––––––states that transformational leadership ensures that each staff member is treated as an
important leader in the workplace (2010). With this in mind, lines of communication are kept open
to ensure that staff members are able to express their ideas and valued as contributing member of the
workplace. Providing this type of atmosphere motivates staff to actively participate in the program
and carry out the program's vision. In essence, a program can not be successful on it's own, but it
takes a group of motivating people that share common goals and interest for the
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Transformational Leadership And Transformational Leaders

  • 1. Transformational Leadership And Transformational Leaders Introduction and Background Innovation is a fundamental activity of organizations that is necessary for their growth and existence. Some argue that innovation has not occurred until the change associated with the innovation has been adopted. There is little disagreement that change is often more successful when transformational leaders are involved. This leads to the question of the current study: "What does the literature have to say about adoption of the innovation and transformational leadership?" The purpose of the current study is to conduct a rapid assessment of the innovation literature to explore the extent to which transformational leadership influences diffusion and adoption of innovation and to provide several topics for future research. The transformational school of leadership was discussed in detail by Burns in his seminal work on leadership (1978). He defines two leadership styles, transactional and transformational leaders. The former, more directive style maintains a relationship with the follower with the purpose of exchanging items of value. The latter style involves a greater involvement and communication exchanges between the leaders and follower. This study is outlined as follows. The process to both selecting the articles in the study and to analyze the evidence is first discussed. A brief overview of the analysis and discussion of the findings is then provided; followed by a short conclusion. Methodology This rapid systematic review (Gough, ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Transformational Leadership : Transformational Leaders As leadership is ability to influence, motivate, and enable others to contribute towards the effectiveness and success of the organizations of which they are members. Leaders use influence to motivate followers and arrange the work environment so they do the job more effectively. To start with transformational leader, transformational leadership is a leadership perspective that explains how leaders change teams or organizations by creating, communicating, modelling a shared vision for the team or organization, and inspiring employees to strive for that vision. This is a process where leaders and their followers raise one another to higher levels of morality and motivation. Transformational leadership is a model of integrity and fairness. It encourages others and gets people to look beyond their self–interest. The most significant of transformational leaders is to inspire great loyalty and trust in their followers. They have high expectations and inspire their people to reach their goals, particularly change the organization to fit environment. There are four key elements of transformational leadership, including build commitment to the vision, model the vision, develop a strategic vision, and communicate the vision. At first, build commitment to the vision by communicating and modelling the vision and through employee involvement in shaping the shared vision. Secondly, modeling the vision is to symbolize and demonstrate the vision through behaviour and made employees trust ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Transformational Leadership As A Good Leadership The 3 sorts of worker commitment aren 't invariably resulted into best performance. For instance, associate worker United Nations agency has high continuance commitment however low emotive commitment sTransformational leadership is taken into account to be the foremost effective leadership vogue. Avolio et al. (2004) declared that transformational leadership vogue positively enhance worker commitment. Limsili and Ogunlana (2008) declared that transformational leadership is a good leadership style to influence worker commitment. Ismail and Yusuf (2009) thought of the terribly momentous result of transformational leadership vogue on worker structure commitment. The study found that if leaders inspire workers, invest in coaching to ... Show more content on ... The study concluded that transformational leadership behaviors like inspirational motivation, idealized influence, individual consideration and intellectual stimulation leads to higher employee commitment and employee work engagement. The employees feel devoted and motivated towards their work (Raja, 2012). The research also identifies the impact of transformational and transactional leadership styles in Pakistan Banking sector.The survey results confirm that transformational leadership style of bank managers increased employees' commitment. The employees' job commitment was reflected through their positive attitude, increase trust in leadership and performance at work. Although, employees are found to be less innovative, less risk taking and transactional style of leadership still observed in minor form (Reddy, 2011). The outcome of research conducted in Yemeni universities indicates that both transformational and transactional leadership styles have positive impact on three types of employee commitment; affective, normative and continuous (Saeed, 2011). One of the studies conducted from three hundred and twelve (312) private sector Pakistan colleges' teachers to measure the consequence of transformational and transactional leadership style on organizational commitment. The results revealed that transformational leadership style was ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Transformational And Transactional Leadership :... Transformational and Transactional Leadership Transformational leadership taps into the motives of followers in order to reach their goals, while transactional focuses on the exchanges that occur between leaders and followers (Northouse, 2013). The branches of the military in general would be considered transactional leadership organizations. This type of leadership encourages followers to perform tasks at a high level in order to achieve advancement or increase in pay or rank. Conversely, transformational leadership would be focused on creating a connection between the leader and the followers, in order to perform tasks in such a way as to increase the feeling of morality in both the leader and the follower (Northouse, 2013). Panorama did not exhibit any behavior that tried to motivate Bailey to feel a connection to him. Instead, Panorama tried to intimidate, coerce, and punish Bailey to execute the tasks he was required to perform. Additional Cultural Factors The GLOBE Country Clusters show that Panorama's Southern Asian culture has a deep concern for their communities (Northouse, 2013). This cultural characteristic prevented Panorama from accepting Bailey's behavior. This divergence by Bailey from the cultural priority Panorama holds important hindered Panorama from being an impartial leader. It so infuriated Panorama that he was not able to follow the Navy's new cultural priority of non–threatening language. Recommendations for action to address key issues The ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Transformational Leadership ****Granted, every quality associated with transactional and transformational leadership may not easily serve the needs of the ethical public–sector leader. For example, risk–taking and commitment are elements of transformational leadership; however, Dobell (1989) argues that there are systemic reasons as to why public–sector leaders tend to avoid risk and sustain the status quo, and also that the attempts by public officials to satisfy various groups may be perceived as a lack of commitment and inconsistency. Nonetheless, other qualities such as honesty, optimism, fairness, inner direction, and the motivation of followers can add to the ethical climate of public–sector organizations. Thus, a public–sector leader who focuses on specific aspects of both ... Show more content on ... As such, any associations between ethical values within the public sector and transformational and transactional leadership must take into account the potential for overlap between the relationships. For example, the expectation of public officials to exercise discretion can in some ways be associated with the transformational values of providing motivational encouragement, and also being inspirational and confident. In theory there will likely always be the possibility that the ethical expectations and obligations of public officials will relate in some form to both transformational and transactional leadership. Accordingly the categorization of the ethical values into transformational and transactional columns does not represent distinct or conclusive placements, but is meant to merely provide a broad conceptualization of the relationships that potentially exist between ethical values, expectations, and obligations of public officials, and factors associated with transformational and transactional ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. Transformational Leadership : Transformational Leaders Through time we have come to observe that the outdated system of management has transformed and undergone various changes within the century. Before, employees would carry out their assigned occupational duties during an allotted amount of time and once that time elapsed they would go home. However, now times have changed. Employees are now encouraged and motivated to grow, contribute input, as well as contribute as a whole in order to improve the overall state of an organization. There is a great deal of information for leaders to become more informed and knowledgeable of how to achieve personal growth, which, ultimately enables the organization to grow as a whole as well. This process of achieving personal growth and becoming more ... Show more content on ... Carey, 2015). Therefore, we come to learn that transformational leaders are often necessary and utilized to transform an inadequate low performance organization into an adequate high performance organization. In other occurrences, a transformation leader is expected to rescue an organization from a crisis. However, in order to carry out and achieve this task, it is vital for the leader to overhaul the organizational culture and subculture that may be prevalent. This task can be accomplished through nine methods of transforming other individuals such as: 1. Raise and increase awareness. It is vital that the leader makes other individuals aware of potential rewards and how they may be achieved. For example, pride in the job as well as offering financial incentives and bonuses. 2. Facilitate others in looking past self–interest. It is vital for the transformational leader to help others acknowledge and comprehend the big picture through explaining the presenting the whole scenario. For example, if an organization is to hire more employees to carry out certain task there will be cuts in various other areas. 3. Help individuals achieve self–fulfillment. The transformative leader assist others in not focusing on minor satisfactions such as completing a job prior to the deadline due to the fact that an individual did not take days off, this helps the organization grow and ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Transactional And Transformational Leadership : A... Transactional and Transformational Leadership For this paper, we were asked if we saw ourselves as a transactional leader or a transformational leader. This was a tough question. When I held managerial positions, I would not have my worker do anything I would not do. I would work beside my workers and encourage them along with overseeing their work. Overall I feel I am a mixture of both leader styles. I will discuss why below. Transactional Versus Transformational Transactional and transformational leadership differ. Ingram (2016) states "Different managers employ distinctly different management styles, ranging from relatively hands–off, facilitative styles to autocratic, micromanaging styles. Managers can also employ different motivational strategies and techniques to boost employee performance or accomplish internal change. Transformational and transactional leadership are polar opposites when it comes to the underlying theories of management and motivation. Understanding the difference between transformational and transactional leadership is crucial for anyone pursuing a career in management." (Ingram, 2016). When I was a manager, I had to make sure my store operated properly and maintain sales. Sometimes I would hold contest for my workers to motivate them, Ingram (2016) states "Transactional leadership styles are more concerned with maintaining the normal flow of operations. Transactional leadership can be described as "keeping the ship afloat." Transactional leaders ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Leadership And Leadership : Transformational Leadership Leadership is extremely valuable around the world. Without leadership the world would probably get nowhere. Before the leadership course I am taking I thought of leadership as a simple trait. Now I know that it is much more than that. There is all kinds of ways to lead, and there is also all kinds of followers. The importance of the followers has also grown over time. A great leader would probably not go far without good followers. Therefore there is a very interesting and important connection between leaders and followers. A very important leadership style that impacted my way of thinking, and changed my perspective towards leadership is transformational leadership. I had the opportunity to present a case over it, and do research. It is such an important way of leading. Transformational leadership is probably one of the most inspiring ways to lead a follower! We can describe it as a process that occurs between the follower and the leader where both of them motivate each other and rise their levels of morality. Now a days I believe we can find many of our transformational leaders within our teachers. I have had many good teachers over the years that are understanding and highly encouraging. A transformational leader encourages other and treats everyone as the humans they are. The also help people look beyond their own interest, and most of the times have high expectations. Some theories say that in order to become a good transformational leader it ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Transformational And Transactional Leadership :... Transformational and transactional leadership are two forms of leaders that vary in traits and effectiveness within the business environment. In accordance to issues such as social corporate responsibility and dealing with the change of organisational structure within a business entity both forms of leadership provide different characteristics to provide varying results in dealing with these issues. Transformational and transactional leadership are polar opposites when it comes to the underlying theories of management and motivation. Understanding the differences between transformational and transactional leadership is crucial for anyone pursuing a career in management. Transformational leadership goes beyond maintaining and managing a ... Show more content on ... Transformational leaders utilize their allure to go about as good examples for their association. As regarded and respected Leaders, they demonstrate to subordinates generally accepted methods to perform assignments with determination and vitality. Transformational leaders ordinarily acknowledge hazards with a specific end goal to accomplish advancement. On the other hand, unreasonable danger could be troublesome and impeding to the association. On the off chance that leaders demonstration shamelessly or dishonestly, the whole operation endures. Time consumption can gradually affect the company. The aftereffects of transformational authority require some serious time. Transformational leaders must contribute time and vitality building trust and persuading devotees to have faith in an imparted vision. Associations planning to attain moment comes about by introducing a transformational leader are prone to be confused and frustrated. Transactional leadership styles are more concerned with maintaining the normal flow of operations. Such leadership can be described as a more organisational approach. These managers are solely concerned with keeping the stability of the business and micro managing the day to day operations of the entity. This is done through the use of disciplinary power and an array of incentives to motivate employees to perform at their very best. Performance related rewards whether monetary or non–monetary are ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Transformational Leadership : The Transformational Leader In order to be authentic the transformational leader needs to be an ethical moral agent. "A leader is praiseworthy as a moral agent if he or she possesses a developed conscience and acts in ways that are kind, charitable and altruistic rather than selfish or maleficent." ( The authentic leader tends to complete actions which are best for the followers. Leaders actions should be judged based on the ends sought, means used, and the consequences achieved. Authentic transformational leadership can be defined as "a leader who demonstrates ethical behavior and personal character while performing the four leadership behaviors including idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. (Bass & Steidlmeier, 1999). Pseudo–transformational leadership is the direct opposite of authentic transformational leadership. These leaders share charisma and gaining followers with authentic leaders. "But while authentic transformational leaders drive long–standing corporate turn–arounds, pseudo–transformational leaders tend to make short–term gains that ultimately result in long–term costs." (Kraft). Transformational leadership is about creating relationships and maintaining communication which is centered around a common vision, goals, and values. While there are several criticisms of the theory of transformational leaders which include that they use impression management and thus can be accountable to accusations of amorality, ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Transformational Leadership Strategies to Achieve Vision for Professional Success in a Leadership Role Being interconnected with others enriches us as humans and leaders, and maintaining positive and enriching relationships is my fundamental strategy for personal and professional success. Whatever we say or do to others, whether on personal or professional levels, has impact on them. Deciding on using words and demonstrating actions that can have positive effect upon others, either by empowering them to go beyond their comfort zone or encouraging them to believe in themselves and their own impact, opens the possibility of transformation. In my opinion, the idea of transformational leadership goes beyond work related functions. First, there must be the areas of transformation that need to occur for us as individuals. For instance, Pallota (2012) ... Show more content on ... To notice opportunity takes time and patience. As a teacher, through my entire career, I kept using my influence to motivate, empower and support my students on their journey to personal and professional growth. When I started the MSW program, I discovered how determined I was to become empathetic and knowledgeable professional. I learned to appreciate any challenges helping me to abandon my self–centered attitude, leave my safety zone, and critically self–reflect on what I need to change in order to become a better person. I can envision myself as a transformational social work leader fulfilling the mission of empowerment of socioeconomically disadvantaged and marginalized students by supporting their academic achievement and strengthening their self–esteem and self–efficacy. Interviewing for strengths and solutions comes naturally to me, and I consider it my greatest ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Transformational Leadership : Transformational Leader The Four Components to being a Transformational Leader Being a transformational leader is a great humane leadership theory, which believes in inspiring people to do excellent work through example of a leader's personality. A transformational leader's main goal is to inspire followers to share their values, and connect with their vision. The four components to be a transformational leader are idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. A positive role model is an idealized influence, which is highly fundamental to becoming transformational leader (Babou 2008). The leader shouldn't ask followers to do something that he or she wouldn't do themselves (Babou 2008). Idealized influence can be expressed through a transformational leader 's willingness to take risks and follow a core set of values, convictions, and ethical principles in the actions they make (Schieltz 2016). Through this concept, the leader builds trust with his followers and in turn, the followers would develop confidence in their leader (Schieltz 2016). When the supporters understand that their transformational leader has great potential and determination, it push them to higher levels (Berci 2014). No matter the situation, as a transformational leader, it is key to have the capability to become the role model for their followers (Berci 2014). Inspirational motivation refers to the leader 's ability to inspire confidence, motivation and a sense of ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Transformational Leadership : Leadership And Leadership The idea of leadership has transformed throughout the years to encompass varying aspects of leadership approaches, leadership types and the like. According to Summerfield (2014), C. F. Rauch and O. Behling, quote leadership as: Leadership is the process of influencing the activities of an organized group toward goal achievement. Given its broad definition, leadership is understood to have different meanings when applied to diverse situations. For example, there are different types of approaches to leadership, including adaptive and transformative leadership. Adaptive leadership refers to the manner in which leaders are able to encourage and prepare people to deal with change. On the other hand, transformational leadership incorporates ... Show more content on ... Whether a leader is a transformational leader, selective approach is transpired in order to become an important leader. A set of characteristics is essential for an individual to exercise influence. Establishing the five–factor personality models, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness to experiences and neuroticism, bringing renewed interest to the study. Antonakis, Fenley, and Liechti (2011) approach was a little different in that they discussed if Charisma could be taught. This was an approach to create charismatic leadership. In this approach, two studies were tested and experimented. The significant evidence to establish findings of popular notions that "leaders are born." The approach was significant and the outcome proves to be successful. Antonakis et al., investigated manipulating participant's charisma, wondering if charisma would have a significant effect on a leader's outcome. Braun, Gable, and Kite (2011) approach to leadership was through specific leadership preparation practices and leader behavior. The leadership preparation programs prepared effective leaders in guiding school communities. They developed and utilized specific essential practices identified as alternative, innovative or exemplary. Another approach to leadership preparation utilized quantitative survey research, couple with qualitative study exploring a deep understanding of school leaders' self–reported behaviors. Lastly, ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. Transformational Leadership : Transformational Leaders Transformational leadership is regarded as one of the most effective leadership styles in times of change and uncertainty. It is used to not only create a long term vision within an organization, but also inspire its employees (Tyssen et al, 2014). For example, if an organization's main goal is to increase sales, instead of thinking of the process as a "strictly–business" type process, transformational leaders look to motivate and encourage his or her followers to think of new ways to increase these sales. Transformational leaders thrive in an environment where there is encouragement and motivation. These leaders tend to create an environment that is conducive to creativity and the sharing of ideas. They inspire through innovation (Bryant, 2003). According to Bernard Bass (2006), there are four components to transformation leadership: Idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. Each component will be explained in depth below: Idealized influence: Transformational leaders behave in ways that allow them to be trusted and respected by their followers. Between the leaders behaviors' and the followers emulation of them, this creates a relationship that is beneficial for both parties. Inspirational motivation: The behaviors emulated by transformational leaders inspire followers by providing significance to their work. Leaders get followers to envision future goals through passion and confidence. The ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. Transformational Leadership Why Transformational Leadership Is Important In 1978, James MacGregor Burns defined the perception of a "transformational leader." His work has been sustained and expanded upon by other scientists, including industrial psychologist Dr. Bernard Bass. A transformational leader exhibits specific traits and behaviors to inspire and motivate a team or organization to rally around a shared vision or goal. These behaviors and characteristics include charisma, intellectual stimulation, inspirational motivation and individual consideration for each unit or group member. For many reasons, transformational leadership is an essential factor at both the micro, or personal level, and macro, or administrative, societal level. Individual Growth and Development ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Transformational Leadership Transformational LeadershipTransformational leadership is a style of leadership model that identifies needed change, creates vision through inspiration, and executes the change with the commitment of members to revitalize the organization (Olden 2015). The term transformational leadership was first coined by James M Burns in 1978, based on the idea that leaders and followers can make each other advance to a higher level of morality and motivation. In which the leader focuses on the beliefs, needs, and values of their followers. Transformational leaders are generally energetic, enthusiastic, and passionate. Not only are these leaders concerned and involved in the process; they are also focused on helping every member ofthe group succeed as ... Show more content on ... Goals and incentives arestructured to drive high performance, while providing opportunity for employee's personal and professional growth. There are four key elements/characteristics a transformational leader should possess:1) Charisma /Influence: This element provides purpose and vision for the followers; it also serves as a mode for high ethical behavior to instill pride, respect, and trust.2) Individualized consideration – This emphasize on the degree to which the leader attends to each follower's needs, acts as a mentor or coach to the followers and listens to the follower's concerns and needs. The leader gives the support, keeps communication open and places challenges before the followers. It helps maintain the follower's will and aspirations for self–development and intrinsic motivation for completion of assigned tasks.3) Intellectual stimulation – This enhances rational thinking, the degree to which the leader challenges assumptions take risks and solicits followers' ideas. This leadership style stimulates and encourages creativity among followers. It places emphasis on learning and sees unexpected situations as opportunities to learn. Therefore, followers think deeply about things, ask critical questions, and figure out better ways to execute their tasks. 4) Inspirational motivation – This is the degree to which the leader articulates a vision that is appealing and inspiring to followers. It explains how: purpose, expectations, and goals are communicated. Leaders with inspirational motivation challenge followers with high standards, future goals, and provide meaning for the task at hand. Followers must have a strong sense ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Transformational And Transactional Leadership :... Transformational and Transactional leadership Mark Johnson American Public University Dr. Xiaodong Wu BUSN698 April 30, 2017 Abstract Proper management of institutions is the key to the success of such a firm. The kind of leadership being dispensed directly affects the motivation of employees and their productivity. The two most prominent kinds of leadership are transformational and transactional leadership. This article seeks to discuss the two kinds of leadership and eventually propose the most efficient kind of management. Every organization that aspires to be successful must address the value of emotional intelligence in the work place. How people relate to each other determines if the organization eventually moves from ... Show more content on ... The leader demonstrates to the followers loyalty, trust, respect and admiration, with these the qualities of the transformational leader, they tend to work harder than originally expected that tends to have a link between effort and reward. These outcomes occur because the transformational leader offers followers something more than just working for self–gain; they provide followers with an inspiring mission and vision and gives them an identity. They believe in the organizational culture they find and specific methods of performing tasks. Transactional leaders are effective in getting specific tasks completed by managing each portion individually. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, transactional leaders focus on the lower levels of the hierarchy that is the very basic levels of need satisfaction. One way that transactional leadership focuses on lower level needs is by stressing specific task performance (Hargis et al, 2001). They are more concerned with processes rather than revolutionary ideas hence under their leadership change is least expected. Unlike them, transformational leaders end up changing existing organizational cultures by implementing new ideas. Transformational leaders encourage group work, as they connect each follower's identity and self to the project and collective identity of the corporation. They are role models for other staff and this inspires them and makes them ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Transformational Leadership : Transformational And... According to the online Oxford Dictionary, leadership is "the action of leading a group of people or an organization." But what makes someone a leader? To put is simply, a leader is someone that motivates and inspires those around them to achieve a common goal or vision. That may sound fairly simple, but not everyone is a leader. And there are several different leadership styles to consider. The two most common styles are transformational and transactional leadership. Transformational leadership is generally defined as a leadership style that causes change. This unique leadership style focuses on four key behaviors: Influence through a vision, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. (Burns, L. R., et. al.). That all sounds great, but what does it mean? Leaders utilizing transformational leadership will start out by showing their team a vision of the future. This vision tells the team their purpose; that is, what they are there for. This is generally done by ensuring that the team understands and believes in the values of the organization, which motivates them to work toward fulfilling their purpose. The next step in this process is encouraging creativity amongst the members of the team. And finally, the leader must motivate each team member by focusing on their individual strengths and weaknesses. It is important that each team member is inspired to carry out the purpose in his or her own way. Just like everything else in ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Transformational Leadership Leadership is a fundamental aspect of an organization. A good leadership approach that suits the organizational will determine and indicate how successful the company will be in dealing with challenges that the organization may encounter whether internal or external. One such type of leader is a transformative leader. Transformational leadership is distinguished by its capacity to promote the idea of "innovation and change. Transformational leadership is a manner that encourages subordinates to excel in performing their job and to move far beyond their personal goals and attain targets that benefit the organization as a whole. The literature has proposed that there is a solid correlation between transformational leadership and followers performances. ... Show more content on ... This can be perceived as being less educated because I am a female and Afro–Caribbean. Having confidence is a component of leadership that is necessary and important & without it, leadership cannot exist. In hard or uncertain times, employees and the community want to be guided by a leader who projects confidence because it sends the right calming message and optimism. Nonetheless, because I am aware of this shortcoming, I have sought out a mentor who has been guiding my career ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Transformational Leadership : A Transformational Leader As transformational leadership relies heavily on the leader's ability to influence the subordinates and communicate his or her vision to them, it's imperative to study the traits the leader must have. In this section, we'll examine not only the traits the leader must show, but also the key competencies required to be a transformational leader. Five major traits Transformational leaders are often measured based on how much they showcase certain characteristics, referred to as the 'Big Five'. Big Five refers to the Five Factor Model Of Personality, which examines a set of stable characteristics and measures how these influence a leader's cognition and behaviour. The Big Five includes the following dimensions: openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion/introversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism/emotional stability. Furthermore, the below image shows the personality dimensions, along with the specific characteristics or traits associated with the dimension. Source: SlidePlayer presentation by Alice F. Short Joyce Bono and Timothy Judge's meta analysis, published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, showed how transformational leaders relate to each of these five personality dimension. According to the findings, there is a strong correlation between the openness to experience and transformational leadership. This is not surprising, as transformational leaders are actively looking to challenge the status quo and therefore, they are constantly seeking to find ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Transformational Leadership : Transformational Leaders Introduction Effective leadership requires skills to adapt to the demands of fresh situations. Leadership flexibility offers opportunities to hone unique approaches, as circumstances demand. Leaders can hang onto core styles while embracing principles found in harmonizing theories. Theories of particular interest are transformational leadership and servant leadership, among others. These approaches are synergistic rather than mutually exclusive. Moreover, they overlap with other beneficial leadership concepts. Leadership of Individuals and Groups Transformational leadership. Transformational leaders change organizations by igniting group members' emotions and help them move beyond their own self–interests (Bass, 1990). Group members see how their efforts contribute and become willing to accomplish more than they thought possible. Wang and Howell (2010) asserted that both individuals and groups are concerns to transformational leaders. At the individual level, transformational leaders endeavor to appreciate group members' talents while acting as coach and mentor to address weaknesses. At the group level, transformational leaders communicate and engender shared values and goals. This encourages concord in the business' vision and group objectives. Servant leadership. Servant leadership is a complementary approach to transformational leadership that concentrates on others' needs (Greenleaf, 1991). The emphasis of servant leadership is that the organization is ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Transformational Leadership : Transformational Leader The Road to Becoming a More Effective Transformational Leader A leader not only inspires those around them, but also seizes opportunities. Leaders listen to and advise those around them while recognizing and grooming their talents for greater potential success. All leaders share these abilities, how they achieve them from those on their team may vary. In this paper, I will examine transformational leadership in well–known leaders, the examples they exhibit and these can apply to me personally. The Transformational Leadership Style Transformational leaders have an ability to not only gain the trust their team, but also inspire those around them as tools in a proverbial "toolbox". By convincing those that follow them to put self– interest aside for the benefit of the group, these leaders are able to generate tremendous results and transform collections of individuals into teams. For further insight into this leadership style, we turn to Steven Covey: The goal of transformational leadership is to "transform" people and organizations in a literal sense – to change them in mind and heart; enlarge vision, insight, and understanding; clarify purposes; make behavior congruent with beliefs, principles, or values; and bring about changes that are permanent, self–perpetuating, and momentum building (Covey, 2009, p. 287). Communication Skills Without a base of excellent communication skills, the ability to inspire individuals would miss the mark completely. Leaders of this ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Transformational Leadership : A Transformational Leader The second subgenre that falls under the relational theory is known as transformational leadership. Transformational leadership is one of the four types of leadership styles defined in Daft's textbook. The transformational leader is the one that cares most about the well–being of others just like the servant leader. A transformational leader is able to develop not only followers, but is also able to develop the overall vision of the company in a positive manner. Deschamps (2016) found that, "The high correlation between transformational leadership behaviors and perceptions of justice also indicates that leaders are highly capable of promoting fairness." The transformational leader is one that is able to keep calm while change is happening within the company. There are four areas of transformational leadership that Daft describes within his text. The first stage is the leader has a plan for the future and makes change effortless for followers. Second the leader is able to motivate workers to become better for the group as a whole and not just on an individual level. Third the leader is able to make the worker realize how important they are to the company's success. Lastly, the leader is able to make fellow workers become leaders just like him or her. Within each stage of transformational leadership, the worker is able to grow as an individual and help the company as a whole. This way of leadership is very positive towards helping workers reach their full potential and belief ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Leadership Styles : Transformational Leadership To begin with this essay is to document a critical evaluation to prove that transformational leadership styles have a major influence on the employee motivation and organisational culture, hence influence the long term success of the business. A number of key leadership styles, together with the transformational leadership will be discussed and linked to real business–world examples. According to the research, there are three main leadership styles, specifically transformational, transactional, and laissez–faire. It has been found that a transformational leadership style is typically more effective than transactional and laissez–faire leadership styles. Lowe et al (1996) points out, followers are most likely to appraise their ... Show more content on ... In order to make the best use of the critical success factors, the leaders must effectively communicate the CSFs with everyone involved in the business. This requirement of effective communication regarding the organisation's values, purpose and significance of mission, brings out the importance of the practice of the transformational leaderships' idealised influence (behaviour) factor. D. Goleman (2000) states leaders who have mastered four or more leadership styles –especially the authoritative, democratic, affiliative, and coaching styles–have the best climate and business performance. Even though the practice of transformational leadership is appreciated and recommended, Luthans (1998) comments that the process of recognising high performance and transformational characteristics of leaders has been challenging as organisations are obligated to transform and expand traditional management practices. Sir Richard Branson has constantly shared his views on management and leadership. During an interview at McGill University (2011), he states the employees of a business are directly behind the success of a business. Therefore the most important aspect that need thorough consideration when making a business decision is to protect the jobs the business has created. He further shares his view of what he looks for a leader; "We want to be sure that they are fantastic motivators that ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Transformational Leadership And Transformational Leaders Transformational Leadership Style Tanya Schankel ORG300 – Applying Leadership Principles Colorado State University – Global Campus Dr. Anne O 'Bryan June 21, 2015 Transformational Leadership Style Are you ready for a change? Transformational leaders pave the way for implementing change. Transformational leaders are visionaries who do not look at today without envisioning a better tomorrow. Smith (2011), states that this leadership style focuses on not only the leader, but also the contribution of others. This shared involvement is considered an essential part of the vision strategy. According to Bass (2011), transformational leaders are charismatic and engaging. They can charismatically connect and communicate their vision in a way that motivates and excites others to want to embrace the vision of change and feel included in its successful implementation and outcome. Transformational leaders effectively implement change through communication, vision, team building, and inspiration. Applying Transformational Leadership Principles I am a transformational leader based on the results of the leadership assessment from University of Kent in the United Kingdom. While these results did not surprise me, I do wonder if the results might be based more on the restraints of my current position rather than my actual leadership style. I am part of an administrative assistant staff that works independently but who share information as a team. The executives see me as the leader of ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. A Transformational And Transformational Leadership Leaders all over the world have different styles of leadership with which to lead their team and their organizations to success. The different styles are authoritarian, procedural, laissez–faire, and I happen to be a transformational and participative leader. Being a leader also has different components that are necessary for success, like the C.O.A.T. assessment which stands for Communication, Opportunity, Advisory, and Talent. I will be discussing how I can implement this assessment in correlation with my leadership styles to create the best results, and foster the best team in my organization. According to the assessment, I am a mix between a Participative and Transformational leadership, or a mix between Barack Obama, and Nelson ... Show more content on ... I am in a sense surprised by these results, but then I agree with them as well. I can think back to my previous leadership position and think of examples of when I used these leadership styles. I clearly remember being democratic and consulting, especially when I needed help coming up with a solution or sought the opinions of my team members. I can also recall of times when I was a charismatic leader and used that to inspire my team to get the job done. The reason for my surprise is that I remember times when I was not so charismatic, or democratic, but I still managed to get myself and my team to get the job done. The majority of the time, however, I was democratic and/or charismatic. The part I have to disagree with is in terms of a transformational leader's inability to focus or take care of fine details. I actually am very detail oriented so I can focus on the big picture and the small details on my own. In order to be a great leader, you need to thrive in effective communication skills. I can clearly see how my styles of leadership can come into play and help me rise above the rest in this skill. Being democratic I feel is where communication is necessary, you need to be able to talk to people and get them talking. A great way to get ideas flowing from everyone is through open communication, this way everyone can feel like a part of the team and a part of the decision making and this can also build trust in the leader and their ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Transformational Leadership : A Transformational Leader Productive transformational leadership abilities can easily be developed. A transformational leader has a trustworthy relationship with their followers. Having a strong bond between a leader and their followers can influence more productivity and incorporate more ethical practices. With this bond, the follower tends to put their best foot forward, taking full accountability for their actions because there is a sense of trust and honor. There are four dimensions of transformational leadership, which are "idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation and individual consideration" (Pradhan 228). Ideally, a leader should be a role model in order to influence others. Typically, a role model is a person that is looked to by others to be imitated, one that is easily accessible and a go–to person to communicate with. The connection between the leader and followers is an important facet to guide the followers to succeed in their end goal. A positive relationship can lead to inspirational motivation, the second of the four dimensions of transformational leadership. Depending on the situation, inspirational motivation can be developed by breaking down and causing the follower to be unselfish. Motivation starts with looking at the "big picture" in life and seeking out what is necessary to achieve it. Motivated people on average are more successful and perform better than others that lack motivation. Leaders with substantial goals and visions encourage and ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Transformational Leadership This connection paper reflects the courses I have taken throughout my study at Concordia University. In the analysis of this connection paper, I am going to review the various courses of study I have completed. In retrospect of the concept of effective leadership I have learned, there is an underlying issue; many professionals are experiencing due to the different viewpoint of politicians and school leaders in our community. The results of this connection will show the aspect of transactional leadership in any organizational setting. Transactional leadership Identifies and critique the dominant theories of social change and education, including the various assumptions embedded in conceptualizations of transformation. Therefore, it cultivates the ability to question, deconstruct, and then reconstruct knowledge in the interest of transformational learning (Mezirow,1991). Comprehensive Connection Transactional leadership is more proper in inducing performance in an ... Show more content on ... Transformational Learning is based on the view that an individual's beliefs influence his or her actions in powerful ways, which may or may not be clear to the person (Mezirow,1991). Through the courses taken, I have aimed my learning toward reflective processes that enable self–evaluation of one's values, beliefs, and experiences. Transformation theory and its product, transformative learning, aids leaders in understanding that the develop the necessary skills and process which encourage them to challenge the status quo (Mezirow,1991). Transformative learning helps leaders to deconstruct conformity to the many social and cultural canons, which have permeated US public schools to the detriment of many of our students and encourages visionary, progressive social ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Transformational Leadership : A Transformational Leader Essay Being able to lead a group or someone is a very powerful action. Being a leader in general is very powerful. Leadership is an art that is painted, sculpted, and displayed in all sorts of ways. There are many different styles of leadership that correspond with different tasks. From transformational leadership to laissez–faire leadership, there are various styles throughout the continuum. A transformational leader is one of the best, more successful leadership style. When going down the continuum, the leadership styles only become less effective. Everyone also falls in distinctive categories when it comes to leading others. The leadership style that is displayed depends on the person leading and those who are being led along with the task. Straightaway, I believe that I am a transformational leader. A transformational leader upholds the four dimensions that the leadership style contains. This leadership style is considered one of the most effective forms there is, according to research. It is also not a replacement for other leadership styles. For example, in the article "Transformational and Transactional Leadership: A Meta–Analytic Test of their Relative Validity" by Timothy A. Judge and Ronald F. Piccolo, the authors explain how transformational leadership is built upon a transactional leadership base. It could be imagined by moving from one end of the continuum to the other. The four dimensions of transformational leadership are charisma or idealized influence, ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Transformational Leadership And Its Impact On Leadership As Northouse (2015) explained, transformational leadership is a process that can change and transform the emotions, values, ethics, standard, and long term goals of the people. It also involves transforming followers to accomplish more than what is expected of them. The four factors that are closely associated with transformational leadership includes being an idealized influence or charisma leaders who act as strong role models, have a high standard of moral and ethical conduct, and deeply respected by his or her followers. A leader who can inspire and motivate their followers to be part of a shared vision of the organization. A leader who can also stimulate followers to become more creative and innovative, and provide the necessary coaches and advice to the followers (p.167). Authentic leadership is a leadership style that is transparent, morally grounded, and responsive to people's needs and values. A leader that has the genuine desire to serve others and lead from their core values of doing the right thing, established a process of trusting relationship with others, shows self–discipline to reach his or her goals and keep everyone accountable (George, 2003). A leader that based on life's experience and the meaning he or she attaches to those experience. Servant leadership also focuses more on the need of followers, empower followers, and help them to develop their full human capacity (Northouse, 2015). A leadership that have the mindset of serving others first before ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Transformational Leadership : Leadership And Leadership Transformational leadership, also known as charismatic leadership, is based upon transforming the followers into independent and confident workers. These leaders not only want the best for their followers, but they also portray themselves in a positive selfless way. Transformational leadership is one of the most popular approaches to leadership (Northouse, 2013). Throughout this informative research paper, I am going to explain what transformational leadership is, the different theories behind it, the goals, factors, strengths, and weaknesses. James Downton first created transformational leadership in 1973, but James MacGregor Burns brought the actual approach to leadership in 1978. James MacGregor Burns' goal was to link the roles between leadership and followership (Burns, 1978). I feel that I relate to James MacGregor Burns with our view on leaders, in his book Leadership, he views "leaders as people who tap the motives of followers in order to better reach the goals of leaders and followers" (Burns, 1978). Leaders need to be the most important person in a team; they need to be the rock, supporter, and motivator of their followers. Without a strong motivating leader, the goals of the team may not be reached to the full potential or reached at all. Bernard Bass' transformational leadership model in 1985 was based upon James MacGregor Burns' studies. This model focused more on what the followers needed instead of the leaders needs, like James MacGregor Burns had done. ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Transformational Leadership Table of Contents Abstract....................................................................................................................................02 History......................................................................................................................................02 Introduction .............................................................................................................................02 Why Transformational Leadership Is Important?....................................................................03 Individual Growth and Development...........................................................................03 Increases ... Show more content on ... These types of leaders provide others with a sense of purpose that goes beyond a simple exchange of rewards for effort provided. According to Burns, transforming leadership is a process in which "leaders and followers help each other to advance to a higher level of morale and motivation". Burns related to the difficulty in differentiation between management and leadership and claimed that the differences are in characteristics and behaviours. He established two concepts: "transforming leadership" and "transactional leadership". According to Burns, the transforming approach creates significant change in the life of people and organizations. It redesigns perceptions and values, and changes expectations and aspirations of employees. Unlike in the transactional approach, it is not based on a "give and take" relationship, but on the leader 's personality, traits and ability to make a change through example, articulation of an energizing vision and challenging goals. Transforming leaders are idealized in the sense that they are a moral exemplar of working towards the benefit of the team, organization and/or community. Burns theorized that transforming and transactional leadership were mutually exclusive styles. Bass introduced the term "transformational" in place of "transforming." Bass added to the initial concepts of Burns (1978) to help ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Transformational Leadership : A Transformational Leader Leadership is the process of "communicating, motivating, encouraging and involving." (PowerPoint 2) A leader who combines these vital characteristics will "inspire and motivate" subordinates to "help achieve group and organizational goals" (textbook) and are key ingredients to a successful organisation. Transformational leadership is one of the three main leadership styles adopted by managers. The book, Contemporary Management specifies the three main characteristics of transformational leadership are "Charisma, the ability to intellectually stimulate subordinates and the ability to engage in developmental consideration." These thee characteristics will be further explained throughout with examples relating to Oprah Winfrey and Mark ... Show more content on ... Charismatic leadership is an important leadership style within its self but is also seen as a key trait of transformational leadership as it allows the manager to project their energy in a stimulating manner. In turn inspiring subordinates for the greater good of the organisation and allowing them to achieve superior goals for a higher overall level of job satisfaction. Primarily the charisma of "transformational managers make subordinates aware of how important their jobs are for the organisation and how necessary it is for them to perform those jobs as best as they can..." (Textbook, chapter 7, page170) The key traits of inspiration, passion and confidence are prioritised rather than leading through the "power, control, or authority" of other types of leaders (5.) The ability to be open and authentic enough for people around the leader to personally feel and be impacted by that leader's passion. This is the sense that the leader has a direction and the energy to pursue it, and he is genuinely enjoying the pursuit. It is the feeling of confidence in the intention of the leader. Through this, people around that leader will also be inspired to take creative action toward the goal of the future. 5. Leaders can, through tapping their own inspiration and sharing it freely with people, engage with an organization in such a way as to liberate the organization to transform itself, when needed. The safety created through ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Transformational Leadership : A Transformational Leader Transformational Nursing Leadership INTRODUCTION Leadership is a process. The leader uses influence to inspire others toward a common goal. There are different types of leadership such as autocratic, democratic, and laissez–faire. One leadership theory is transformational leadership. A transformational leader is defined as "a leader who is committed to a vision that empowers others" (Kelly, 2012). A transactional leader is focused on day to day operations and is more task oriented. I will explore what it takes to become a transformational leader and what part they play at the organizational level. I will discuss an ethical issue, which my nurse manager assisted me with as a new registered nurse. I will research the concept of power in relation to nursing leadership. There are certain attributes a transformational leader exhibits and are required to have in order to be a successful leader. A transformational leader has many skills and attributes. They are developed through mentorship and mastered by experience. A transformational leader creates a work environment that empowers others to advance their skills and abilities. This empowerment leads to a successful and highly functioning team, that works toward a common goal for the patients, families, co–workers, and organization as a whole. To be an effective leader it is important to balance both transactional and transformational leadership styles. ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Transformational Leadership As A Transformational Leader Leaders have played a pivotal role in every society throughout history. Today 's modern world is no exception to that fact. While there are many different styles of leadership, transformational leadership has become one of the most inspiring forms for leaders to embody. Along with changes in leadership style, the emergence of women as leaders in the workplace has brought about new forms of transformation. These changes have greatly impacted the professional climate of nursing. In order to fully examine these changes it is necessary to look at: the background of transformational leadership, how transformational leadership functions in nursing practice, the perceived boundaries for women as leaders, the application and effectiveness of female transformational leaders, and how women implementing transformational leadership can effect change of the term leader. Background During the past three decades, transformational leadership has helped to transform the workforce. The need for this type of inspirational style was recognized and explored in an original work called Leadership by James Macgregor Burns (1978). Burns believed that transformational leadership was a collaborative process that served to raise the morals and motivations of everyone involved (Leadership, 1978, 19). This type of leader works to inspire others with a goal or plan for the future. According the Marquis and Huston (2015) one of the key aspects of this style is the ability to empower others ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Transformational Leadership : A Transformational Leader Transformational leadership. Burns (1978) is recognized as one of the earliest theorist on transformational leadership, who introduced transformational leadership over 30 years ago. Transformational leaders are perceived as leaders who uplift their employee morale, subsequently uplifting the entire organizational. Transformational leaders are known by their capacity to inspire followers to forgo self–interests in achieving superior results for the organization (Clawson, 2006). Avolio and Yammarino (2002) shared Bass's explanation of transformational leadership as leaders who act as agents of change that stimulate, and transform followers' attitudes, beliefs, and motivate from lower to higher level of arousal. Transformational model can adopt instructive, or consultation functions, shared, relation–grounded, or task–oriented, very condition dependent, or self–character dependent (Molero, Cuadrado, Navas & Morales, 2007). Demonstrating transformational leadership, ethical behaviors, and obvious concern for others, leaders may gain organizational credibility. SAHC leaders must utilize attributes of transformational leadership to manage current challenges related to employee hiring and retention, diversity, electronic medical record management, and cost containment. Transformational leaders' focus is on the relationship of the leader with subordinates through encouragement, understanding, enthusiasm, and spur, while considering the individual. The leader motivates, possesses ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Transformational Leadership As A Transformational Leader I personally choose to use transformational leadership as my style of leadership with the staff that I work with. There are many approaches I can use to implement this style, as well as many ways that I can share my leadership vision for leading in the healthcare environment. This leadership vision is influenced by previous leaders in my career, and a current leader today. By evaluating my strengths and limitations, I am able to evaluate opportunities for leadership and professional growth. Personal Leadership Style and Approaches The personal style I am trying to master to lead with is the transformational style of leadership. In accordance with Gibson, Ivancevich, Donnelly, & Konopaske (2012), my vision as a transformational leader includes clearly communicating future visions to employees, and taking a genuine interest in each person so that relationships may be built, and trust is formed. My personal vision for leadership also includes putting the patient and their needs first, while successfully encouraging and inspiring nurses to do their best. As a transformational leader, my job is to support and assist my employees toward unit, organizational, and individual goals while helping them to overcome obstacles in their path. As they meet these goals, energy and motivation is formed, and thus the leadership style is successful as the employees follow me toward the visions I have created. A transformational leader can be successful using multiple approaches with ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Transformational Leadership : A Transformational Leader As I take a moment to reflect on my time here, I have learned that I have traits of a Transformational Leader but that I also have room for improvement. I have highlighted areas in where I felt I needed the most improvement to become the Transformational Leader that I aspire to be. For the next three to five years, I plan to implement these changes to improve the way that I utilize the Elements of Adaptability, The Who, Stakes and Situation, Impact on Work Center Climate, and Ethical Behavior concepts. Understanding and effectively implementing these changes will make me a better leader for my subordinates, peers, and supervisors. I stated in my Module 5 PLDP that I currently struggle with my emotional flexibility, leading me to make ... Show more content on ... In the next three to five years, I plan on developing in these concepts to help me with identifying what the priority is at the time, and the best way to handle it. Properly communicating The Who, Stakes and Situation concept, along with promoting a Cognitively Flexible approach to negotiations, will help when trying to agree on what the best decision is for the situation. This communication will breed trust amongst my subordinates, peers and supervisors and lead to a positive impact on the mission. With goals of becoming a more Transformational Leader, I must become versatile in my ability to apply all of the Four I's: Intellectual Stimulation, Idealized Influence, Individual Consideration, and Inspirational Motivation. As I stated in Module 3 of my PLDP, I usually only focus on the Individual Consideration element. The next three to five years I plan to improve in all areas. Individual Consideration will be used to show my co–workers that I care about their individual goals to provide a sense of self–awareness. Intellectual Stimulation will be used to empower my subordinates to use their own thinking to resolve problems, creating a sense of pride and ownership. Inspirational Motivation will be used to encourage my peers to not only "Sale" the mission of the organization, but to "Buy in" as well, to ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Transformational Leadership Philosophy of Leadership Sullivan (2010) indicates that leaders empower, encourage, and support others in a shared effort to achieve goals or create change. Hence, as a early childhood educator our role has a great impact in achieving such goals. Indeed, a leader has desirable traits that inspires and motivates other to work towards a vision or goal. For the purpose of this paper, I will discuss my leadership style and explain how the style motivates and influences my environment and the importance to reflect on practice. Transformational Leadership Being in the field for over twenty years, I am able to reflect on my role as a supervisor. I consider myself as a transformational leader. According to _____tranformational leaders are able to motivate and equip members by actively engaging them in the program's' mission or goals. As a result of my transformational leadership in the field, I am able to create such collaborative and engaging atmosphere, where staff families and community work together for the benefit of the children. With this intention, families and staff develop a sense of belonging in the program, therefore enables active participation in the program's activities, planning and decision making. Motivates ... Show more content on ... ––––––––states that transformational leadership ensures that each staff member is treated as an important leader in the workplace (2010). With this in mind, lines of communication are kept open to ensure that staff members are able to express their ideas and valued as contributing member of the workplace. Providing this type of atmosphere motivates staff to actively participate in the program and carry out the program's vision. In essence, a program can not be successful on it's own, but it takes a group of motivating people that share common goals and interest for the ... Get more on ...