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Interview With Transactional Leadership
A Transformational Leader
As a leader, I have constantly maintained the belief that a leader develops a team based upon the
knowledge of the people and situations in which one works. Through the studies into leadership
theories, the situational leadership classified my personal leadership style. Knowing that my
approach to leadership mimics many of those that I have worked within the ministry, I sought to
interview a dear friend that maintains a supervisory role in the secular sector. In addition, they lead a
small team of co–volunteers within the local church. Furthermore, the objective was to glean insight
to the leadership they possessed within the secular world compared to the ministry leadership I
worked closely with for several years. ... Show more content on ...
The transformational approach is the one style I seek to incorporate into my future role as a teacher.
One aspect stood out and that was what motivated him to strive to motivate others, that is he was
inspired by leaders himself. Personally, I too am motivated by the examples of great leaders in my
life. Through the mentors and leaders in my life, I have the desire to lead and motivate others. As
my friend so graciously stated, God entrusts us all with a role and responsibility. Even though it is
different for us all, one constant remains, if we can't lead ourselves, then we can't lead others.
Overall, I am motivated by my friend to "lead people to see them be the person God has called,
designed, and gifted them to be." I am inspired to work with students to guide them to their full
potential. Providing them the opportunity to see what they do not always see in themselves and
molding in them values to
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Transformational And Transactional Leadership :...
Transformational and Transactional leadership
Mark Johnson
American Public University
Dr. Xiaodong Wu
April 30, 2017
Proper management of institutions is the key to the success of such a firm. The kind of leadership
being dispensed directly affects the motivation of employees and their productivity. The two most
prominent kinds of leadership are transformational and transactional leadership. This article seeks to
discuss the two kinds of leadership and eventually propose the most efficient kind of management.
Every organization that aspires to be successful must address the value of emotional intelligence in
the work place. How people relate to each other determines if the organization eventually moves
from ... Show more content on ...
The leader demonstrates to the followers loyalty, trust, respect and admiration, with these the
qualities of the transformational leader, they tend to work harder than originally expected that tends
to have a link between effort and reward. These outcomes occur because the transformational leader
offers followers something more than just working for self–gain; they provide followers with an
inspiring mission and vision and gives them an identity. They believe in the organizational culture
they find and specific methods of performing tasks. Transactional leaders are effective in getting
specific tasks completed by managing each portion individually. According to Maslow's hierarchy of
needs, transactional leaders focus on the lower levels of the hierarchy that is the very basic levels of
need satisfaction. One way that transactional leadership focuses on lower level needs is by stressing
specific task performance (Hargis et al, 2001). They are more concerned with processes rather than
revolutionary ideas hence under their leadership change is least expected. Unlike them,
transformational leaders end up changing existing organizational cultures by implementing new
Transformational leaders encourage group work, as they connect each follower's identity and self to
the project and collective identity of the corporation. They are role models for other staff and this
inspires them and makes them
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Leadership Theory : Transformational And Transactional...
During the course of research, various theories appeared in literature on situational leadership. In
some instances, situational leadership is part of a broader theory and vice versa. Related theories
include transformational and transactional leadership, contingency theory, path–goal theory, and
personality theories. Life Cycle Theory was not included since situational leadership originated from
Life Cycle Theory.
Transformational and Transactional Leadership Theories According to McCleskey (2014),
transformational leadership theory is the most studied leadership theory. This theory is based on
Maslow's Law of Needs (McCleskey, 2014). The four factors of transformation leadership include
idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized
consideration (McCleskey, 2014). According to McCleskey (2014), "Transformational leaders share
a vision, inspire subordinates, mentor, coach, respect individuals, foster creativity, and act with
integrity" (p. 124). These are similar to the four styles in situational leadership. For example,
persuading and idealized influence are essentially the same. The words are synonyms with the same
condensed definition ("influence," 2013, "persuading," 2013). According to McCleskey (2014),
individualized consideration involves coaching and mentoring. This also applies to persuading or
coaching. Furthermore, situational leadership is about applying the appropriate behaviors in the
situation based on
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Examples Of Transactional And Transformational Leadership
Leadership Critique
Transactional and Transforamtional Theories:
Several theories have been made and discussed and more are being put forward explaining the
effectiveness of leadership. As described by Weihrich et al (2008) Leadership is perhaps one of the
most important aspects of management. The most noticeable and proposed leadership theories are
Transformational and Transactional Leadership theories, and since it has been formulated by Bass
(1985) it attracted many experts and still has some issues and limitations that have been recognized.
Being interested in those two theories and relating them to my personal experience and perspective,
will go through the major discussions read and critiques made to compare and contrast the values of
both theories.
Transformational Leadership ... Show more content on ...
Burns (1978) defined a transformational leader as "one who raises the followers' level of
consciousness about the importance and values of desired outcomes and the methods of reaching
those outcomes" (p.141). According to Warrillow (2012) Transformational leadership theory is all
about leadership that creates positive change in the followers whereby they take care of each other's
interests and act in the interests of the group as whole. By providing inspirational motivation to
followers, it develops a less stressful environment and inspires them by taking individual
responsibilities, challenges and positive view for the goals to achieve. It was described by Bass &
Riggio (2006) Enthusiasm and optimism are key characteristics of inspirational motivation.
Transformational leadership major focus is to provide coaching, individual attention and personal
assistance to fulfill their needs and reaching their
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Leadership Theory Vs. Transactional Leadership
Leadership and the study of it date back to the beginning of civilization and interest in the field
remains high. Leadership theory has historically evolved from its early focus on Great Man
(Lincoln, Caesar, Churchill and Gandhi) and trait theory to the modern studies of leadership
effectiveness approaches. Several theories have been framed to explain leadership effectiveness.
The two of the most popular leadership theories are Transformational and Transactional leadership
types. Even though most authors agree that Transactional and Transformational leadership are
different in theory and practice, many authors believe that transformational leadership significantly
supplements transactional leadership, resulting in higher levels of individual, team, and
organizational performance (Bass & Avolio, 1994). Other authors believe that Transactional
leadership is a subset of transformational leadership (Weihrich et al, 2008).
The objective of this critique paper is to provide analysis of the two leadership styles, comparing,
contrasting them and outlining weaknesses of each method, illustrating them with personal
experience examples where applicable.
Transactional Leadership also known as conventional leadership or simply "management" is a
concept that was first explored in the socio–economic context by Weber (1947) and subsequently
adopted by other researchers. This leadership style focuses on the principles of exchange between
the managers and employees who take
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Transformational and Transactional Leadership Styles
Transformational and Transactional Leadership Styles
Transformational leadership theory is intended to create positive change in the followers whereby
they take care of each other's interests and act in the interests of the group as a whole. Essentially the
leader's task is consciousness–raising on a wide plane. The leader's fundamental act is to induce
people to be aware or conscious of what they feel and to feel their true needs so strongly, to define
their values so meaningfully, that they can be moved to purposeful action.
The basis for transformational leadership is the belief that people will follow a person who inspires
them. The theory postulates individuals with vision and passion can achieve great things and the
way to get things done is by injecting enthusiasm and energy. The theory also asserts awareness of
task importance motivates people. Other assumptions include the belief that a focus on the team or
organization produces better work, association with a higher moral position is motivating and will
result in people following a leader who promotes this, and working collaboratively is better than
working individually.
In this leadership style, the leader is charged developing motivation, moral and performance of his
follower group. Transformational leadership is about values and meaning, and creating a purpose
that transcends short–term goals and focuses on higher order needs
Abraham Maslow developed a hierarchy of needs that all humans must have met in
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Transactional And Transformational Leadership Theory
According to Theodore Roosevelt, "the best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good
men to do what he wants done and self–restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it".
The theories that will aid me in my career as a leader are transactional and transformational
leadership styles. Transactional leadership theory emphasizes the role of management and how their
followers are encouraged through reward and punishment. Transformational leadership theory
focuses on the leader and how they inspire his/her followers to achieve a higher level of ethical
values and motivation. Prior to my present education the world around me seemed to demonstrate
only an Authoritarian leadership style where what the boss said was law with no input from those
who were carrying out the specified duties. During my current and previous work experience I
always remember telling myself, "why stay here, nobody cares to listen to ideas that are not their
own"; with that in mind, when speaking with the management team about ideas to improve daily
processes rejection followed swiftly. So as time progressed, my outlook on the system began to
change; it led me to contemplate what I would do different if I were giving the orders. If I am to find
myself in a leadership position I would like to think that when a challenge arose I would handle it as
soon as it occurred and with the perspective of all individuals involved to repair and prevent future
issue. The Jossey–Bass Reader on
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Transactional Leadership And The Leadership Style
In contrast, to laissez–faire leadership, transactional leadership includes clear directions or processes
that employees are required to follow. In addition, transactional leadership holds the employees
accountable for their actions despite the fact that the directions were provided to them. (Odumeru, &
Ifeanyi, 2013) While this leadership style has its advantages, it also has some disadvantages. There
have been many studies on transactional leadership and the style has displayed many positive
attributes. The first positive attribute is employee motivation. Since this leadership style is built on
rewards and punishments, it has been found to be effective in motivating employees to be
productive. For example, the reward that is promised ... Show more content on ...
If employees go against these policies, it may result in undesirable actions, like being suspended or
even terminated. A transactional leader instructs employees on exactly what to do and how to do it.
This type of leader does not tolerate criticisms or disobedience of any kind. Because of this rigor,
the leader generally does not adjust to a given situation or take suggestions from employees which
can limit creativity. Since transactional leaders manage their employees by providing a set of rules
that must be followed, employee emotions are not taken into consideration as long as goals are met.
This can result in employees that are not only disinterested about the well–being of the company,
but are also strictly performing a given task to get the promised award. However, the transactional
leadership style remains an acceptable style because the 'carrot and stick' philosophy can motivate
employees get the job done. However, this style, also has many critics because of the way it directs
its employees' performance and hinders the employees from developing leadership skills and does
not inspire any creativity. (Kuhnert & Lewis, 1987)
Transformational Leadership Finally, onto a review of the transformational leadership style.
Transformational leaders that are effective develop a vision, communicate changes to employees in
a convincing way, nurture trust and motivate others to take action. These leaders are able to motivate
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The Relationship Between Transactional Leadership And...
"Explain, in depth, the difference between transactional leadership and transformational leadership.
Which leadership style is more likely to lead to employees' affective commitment, and why?"
Before explaining the differences between transactional and transformational leadership, I want to
explore each of the two leadership styles through details. According to the definition, transactional
leadership is focusing on managing and supervising subordinators by setting up specific tasks and
expectations. In most case, this kind of leadership is based on a system of rewards and punishments,
which could also motivate employees to work hard. On the other side, transformational leadership is
trying to help every individual achieving his or her potential and make the whole group energetic
and enthusiastic by working together with the followers. Instead of telling employees what to do and
when to do, transformational leaders are more likely to be open mind so that followers feel free to
contribute new ideas as well as solutions. After briefly understanding the definitions of these two
leadership styles, l want to illustrate each of them more detailed. Staring from transactional
leadership, in the real word, transactional leaders are people who playing the role of controllers and
they tell followers to obey their instructions and commands. For instance, in the previous case study
"Coach K and Knight", those two coaches are totally different leaders but
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Transactional Leadership Paper
Two of the most common and popular leadership approaches are transformational and transactional.
Although transactional is more commonly used in business, it has fallen out of favor for the more
holistic technique of transformational leadership. Leadership styles can change with time and
knowledge, a leader could have started their career using one style and by the end that same leader
could be utilizing a completely different style. This means that we as leaders have choices and we
can learn from our experiences and help others to grow along with us.
"Transformational and transactional leadership will only bring about specific outcomes, if leaders
deem these outcomes important in the first place, because otherwise they may not ... Show more
content on ...
As a result, they foster inspiration and anticipation to put extra labor to achieve common goals"
(Zareen, Razzaq, & Mujtaba, 2015, p 535). Transactional leadership does not offer many
opportunities to help bring along or promote others, but still has a meaningful place in certain
situations. More transformational leadership is needed in my organization, my colleagues and I are
seeing more of our leadership, saying many transformational taglines, but their actions are
incongruent with their words. "Transformational leaders are not afraid to take personal risks; they
emphasize progress, change, and innovation" (Hamstra, et al, 2014, p 644). I am hopeful that what I
am learning and my gaining passion to become a more influential leader using transformational
leadership techniques. Knowing where my strengths and preferences lie, will allow me show what
can be accomplished with mutual respected and shared expectations rather treating people like they
are unthinking unfeeling robots. Mixing multiple leadership styles depending on the situation the
leader is encountering appears to be the most well rounded option, yet a leader still must have a base
preference where they start and return, mine is clearly in the transformational leadership
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Transactional Approach For Transactional Leadership
from a transactional approach; employees perform a job and are rewarded based on how or what
they do. Leadership has been hindered by this approach. While transactional leadership has a place
within certain organizations, there is definitely a need to broaden organizational leadership
approaches to attend to different organizations. My organization led and operated on a strictly
transactional basis. Employees were expected to write tickets and respond to collisions and based on
the number of tickets or collision employees were evaluated or rewarded for this work. This
transactional style of leadership created an environment of flippancy with regard to work.
The CHP has since changed its approach to leadership and strives to implement a ... Show more
content on ...
Understanding an employee's wants, and essentially their needs for organizational development can
increase productivity and job satisfaction as well as job performance.
Leadership Theories
The leadership theories that have influenced and shaped my growth in the study of leadership have
been servant leadership, and transformational leadership; however, contingency theory of leadership
ultimately drives my leadership practice. Various leadership styles and theories have a time and a
place when leading organization and individuals. My approach to the profession of law enforcement
has ultimately been that of a servant style of leadership. With the individuals encountered on a daily
basis the concept of being of service provides a foundation for my leadership style. Ultimately the
natural feeling of being of service first before self is what attaches me to Robert Greenleaf's servant
leadership theory. This theory should be the foundation for executives in law enforcement, as
Gardner and Reece (2012) discussed, "leaders who provide direction but avoid domination and
encourage participation, mutual respect, and independence of thought achieve higher–quality
organizational results" (P. 27). Servant leadership is ultimately at the core of what law enforcement
profession embodies. During this educational process the implementation of the transformational
style of leadership seemed to reveal itself more
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Transformational Leadership : Transformational And...
According to the online Oxford Dictionary, leadership is "the action of leading a group of people or
an organization." But what makes someone a leader? To put is simply, a leader is someone that
motivates and inspires those around them to achieve a common goal or vision. That may sound
fairly simple, but not everyone is a leader. And there are several different leadership styles to
consider. The two most common styles are transformational and transactional leadership.
Transformational leadership is generally defined as a leadership style that causes change. This
unique leadership style focuses on four key behaviors: Influence through a vision, inspirational
motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. (Burns, L. R., et. al.). That all
sounds great, but what does it mean? Leaders utilizing transformational leadership will start out by
showing their team a vision of the future. This vision tells the team their purpose; that is, what they
are there for. This is generally done by ensuring that the team understands and believes in the values
of the organization, which motivates them to work toward fulfilling their purpose. The next step in
this process is encouraging creativity amongst the members of the team. And finally, the leader must
motivate each team member by focusing on their individual strengths and weaknesses. It is
important that each team member is inspired to carry out the purpose in his or her own way. Just like
everything else in
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The Philosophy Of Transactional Leadership
The Philosophy of Transactional Leadership
According to Avolio, Bass, and Jung, (1999) transactional leaders motivate to perform by using
positive or negative feedback. Employees work is determined by the reward or punishment that the
leader prescribes to achieve mission accomplishment. The leader's effectiveness is determined by
task completion. Breevaart, Bakker, Hetland, Demerouti, Olsen, and Espevik, (2014) suggest that
the transactional leader is involved in sustaining operational flow. Zhu, Sosik, Riggio, and Yang,
(2012) argue that the transactional leader uses the exchange of rewards to increase performance and
is not concerned with strategic planning, as much as daily operations. Bass and Riggio, (2006)
contend that the transactional leader depends on a contingent reward for production. In this
philosophy, a follower may be satisfied with the reward and will display loyalty and remain
committed to accomplish a task. This commitment will remain as long as the reward stimulates the
follower. The transactional leader is concerned with operations and maintains incentives while the
task is getting completed. According to Breevaart, Bakker, Hetland, Demerouti, Olsen, and Espevik,
(2014) the transactional leader will use a host of incentives to maintain the motivation of the
followers. The incentives will remain as long as the task is complete to the satisfaction of the leader
and the goal is reached.
Impact of Transactional Leadership on an Organization Bass,and
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Leadership Vs Transactional Leadership
A Transactional leader is focused on working to achieve a goal by accomplishing tasks, maintaining
a good relationship with followers, and providing rewards for good performance; also, this
leadership type is more inhere to rules, expectancy of clarity and achieving a fair deal with their
followers (Borkowski, 2016). The transactional leaders when in pursuing of achieving a goal, in
return forms a mutual relationship with its followers in offering something of value upon
accomplishing a task. Usually, the transactional leader's goals are short–term due to the ending and
the acceptance of the reward when the the task is completed. On the other hand, the transformational
leaders, which compasses long–term goals, is based on inspiring values,
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Transactional Leadership Style Analysis
After reading the required text I realized I have a lot of traits similar to a transactional leader. Under
this leadership I lean more towards a constructive leader than a corrective leader. With the stated
facts would mean that I would fall under contingent reward leadership style. I try to be a leader who
empowers rather than micromanages. I also believe that members should own a portion of the goal
so they are aware of the value of their contribution. My goal is to equip others with the knowledge
to confidently complete their job. I also understand that being one type of leader doesn't mean that
you can't cross into other types of leadership styles. My style is setting a goal and expressing my
expectations. If the goal isn't met I try to
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Transactional and Transformational Leadership
Burns Theory of Transformational & Transactional Leadership
The idea of transformational leadership between leaders and followers was first developed by James
McGregor Burns in 1978. He distinguishes between leaders who are, or attempt to be ethical and
moral, and "power wielders," who are not. In an essay 20 years later, Burns returns to this idea,
arguing that: –
 Transactional leaders, through their transactions, make use of "modal values such as honesty,
trustworthiness, reliability, reciprocity, [and] accountability". They do not possess these leader
characteristics, nor are they able to develop strong emotional bonds with followers or inspire
followers to do more than they ... Show more content on ...
Deviation from procedure, methodology, and process guidelines are viewed as problems to be
resolved and eliminated in order to drive predictable uniform outcomes.
4. Willfulness – striving to impose order and control on an otherwise chaotic and uncontrollable
environment is a driving force behind transactional leadership
Weaknesses of Transactional Leadership
1. It can place too much emphasis on the "bottom line" and by its very nature is short–term oriented
with the goal of simply maximizing efficiency and profits.
2. The leader can pressure others to engage in unethical or amoral practices by offering strong
rewards or punishments.
4. If utilized as the primary behavior by a leader it can lead to an environment permeated by
position, power, perks and politics.
5. Transactional leadership seeks to influence others by exchanging work for wages, but it does not
build on the worker's need for meaningful work or tap into their creativity.
Application Level
Works where the organizational problems are simple, clear and technical in nature.
Usually associated with the military
Examples: Hitler and Henry Ford
It is a type of leadership that occurs when leaders " broaden and elevate the interests of their
employees, and when they generate awareness and
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Transactional And Transformational Leadership Theory
**TransformationTransformational leadership. Burns (1978) and Bass (1985) provided much of the
foundational research on transactional and transformational leadership theory that led to
advancements in guidelines for leaders. Although Burns (1978) and Bass (1985) agree on the
characteristics for both theories, there iswas one point of difference. The one area where a difference
exists is that Burns (1978) offered that translational and transformational theory were two separate
approaches that existedexist on opposite ends of the spectrum. whereas Bass (1985) argued that
transactional leadership was the starting point for a leader moving to a transformational approach.
Before a more in–depth review is provided for these alternative views, it is first necessary to provide
further background information on transformational leadership. Transformational leadership theory
is based upon four specific constructs; charismatic or idealized influence, inspirational motivation,
intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. The four constructs serve the leader's
attempt to connect with the follower at a higher level of interest (Alabduljader, 2012; Groves &
LaRocca, 2011; Liu et al., 2011; Odumeru & Ogbonna, 2013; Washington et al., 2014). Laissez faire
Laissez faire leadership. The laissez–faire leadership approach is characterized as management–by–
exception, or passive management (Sosik & Jung, 2010). The leader only intervenes when tasks
have not
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Transactional Leadership Transition Paper
Nicholas explained that Sarah's ability to transition from transactional leadership to transformation
leadership reflected her value of taking care of and inspiring her employees. In addition to the
essential open communication that Nicholas cited, one study found that effective transformational
leaders are also able to integrate different methods for leading individuals and groups (Jiang, Gu, &
Wang, 2015). In other words, leaders need to foster common goals in the leader–employee
relationship and employee–employee, or group/team, relationships, resulting in increased team
performance and innovation (2015). Evidence that Sarah possessed this capability was described in
the introductory anecdote when all of the employees made the individual,
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Transactional And Transformational Leadership Theory
Transactional and Transformational leadership
The transformational leader, according to Burns (1978), is one who" raises the followers level of
consciousness about the importance and value of designated outcomes and ways of reaching them;
gets the followers to transcend their own self–interests for the sake of the team, organization, or
larger polity; and raises the follower's level of need on Maslow's (1954) hierarchy from lower–end
concerns for safety and security to higher–level needs for achievement and self–actualization." The
transactional leader use rights a reward/punishment paradigm to entice meeting the agreements and
standards. Transactional leaders emphasize the exchange between leader and follower (Bass) where
reaching objectives are rewarded and failing to reach objectives are punished, which is then
reinforced by the leaders. The two factors which emerged reflecting the punishment/reward is
contingent reward and management by exception. This type of leadership was the core of leadership
theory up until 1970's when transformational leadership theory was introduced as different from
transactional (Downton, 1973). In 1978, James MacGregor Burns wrote Leadership which
contrasted these styles which was followed by Bass's work in 1985 in which he empirically
demonstrated the positively correlated dimensions which represented a shift in the study of
Leadership. (Bass).
Constructive transactions can be found in both styles of leadership. Contingent rewards, such as
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Transformational And Transactional Leadership :...
Transformational and transactional leadership are two forms of leaders that vary in traits and
effectiveness within the business environment. In accordance to issues such as social corporate
responsibility and dealing with the change of organisational structure within a business entity both
forms of leadership provide different characteristics to provide varying results in dealing with these
issues. Transformational and transactional leadership are polar opposites when it comes to the
underlying theories of management and motivation. Understanding the differences between
transformational and transactional leadership is crucial for anyone pursuing a career in management.
Transformational leadership goes beyond maintaining and managing a ... Show more content on ...
Transformational leaders utilize their allure to go about as good examples for their association. As
regarded and respected Leaders, they demonstrate to subordinates generally accepted methods to
perform assignments with determination and vitality. Transformational leaders ordinarily
acknowledge hazards with a specific end goal to accomplish advancement. On the other hand,
unreasonable danger could be troublesome and impeding to the association. On the off chance that
leaders demonstration shamelessly or dishonestly, the whole operation endures. Time consumption
can gradually affect the company. The aftereffects of transformational authority require some
serious time. Transformational leaders must contribute time and vitality building trust and
persuading devotees to have faith in an imparted vision. Associations planning to attain moment
comes about by introducing a transformational leader are prone to be confused and frustrated.
Transactional leadership styles are more concerned with maintaining the normal flow of operations.
Such leadership can be described as a more organisational approach. These managers are solely
concerned with keeping the stability of the business and micro managing the day to day operations
of the entity. This is done through the use of disciplinary power and an array of incentives to
motivate employees to perform at their very best.
Performance related rewards whether monetary or non–monetary are
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Transactional Leadership Case Study
< Is transformational leadership an inherently better way to lead an organization compared to
transactional leadership>
< Hayley White >
Module Code: CB312
Seminar Group:
Surname: Wang
First Name: songyu
Programme of Study: Business Administration
Login: sw479
Student Number: 13954661
Declaration: I confirm the work submitted is entirely my own and have fully referenced my sources
as appropriate. I am aware of the penalties for plagiarism. Date:
Is transformational leadership an inherently better way to lead an organization compared to
transactional leadership?
Table of contents
Literature review The definition of transformational Leadership and Transactional
Leadership..........3 Transactional leadership............................................................................3
Transformational ... Show more content on ...
Leadership to guide and encourage the follower's direction by established goals, clear roles and
tasks (Humphries, 2001).In exchange, the leadership supply his subordinates compensation, in–kind
rewards, promotion opportunities, honor and etc, which meet the needs and aspirations of follower
and follower obey the leadership of the command to complete their mission for return. Salient
features of transactional leadership is that it is very emphasis on performance. Through clearly
defined division of roles and tasks assignment, transactional leadership can lead or mobilize
subordinates to achieve the stated objectives. Such leadership keywords include: control, evaluation,
scheduling, results and more. For pursuing predictable, sustainable results, is endogenous dynamic
of all transactions leadership. In a transactional leadership chaired by business organizations, we
will see the following
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The Models Of Servant Leadership, Transformational...
This paper aims to address an organizational issue and illustrate how the situation could be resolved
by using three different models of leadership. The work environment will be described, the
significance of the issue will be presented and the resolution will be analyzed using the models of
servant leadership, transformational leadership and transactional leadership.
In 1989 I was employed by a retail bank and enrolled into an accelerated management training
program, the purpose of which was to fast track my progress to management within 4 years, as
opposed to the 15 years typically experienced. The premise behind the program was that candidates
did not need an in–depth knowledge of routine or front office activities, they could get a fleeting
experience of departments, from 2 weeks to 3 months, and progress on to leadership positions
elsewhere in the organization. In my local area there were 45 trainees, all in different offices and
stages of the program. Each trainee was responsible for projecting a professional attitude,
commanding respect from the team, and completing the Chartered Institute of Bankers
The issue that developed was quite serious. Over 50% of the trainees did not complete the process,
generally for one of two reasons; commanding respect or failure to pass the exams. The reason was
not apparent for some time, and the bank leadership created the program knowing that there would
be some considerable waste of money and resources for those that
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Transactional Leadership In Nursing Essay
There is quite a difference between the two types of leadership. The transactional approach features
positive and negative reinforcement, transformational leadership emphasizes motivation and
inspiration. One doesn't have to be part of nursing management to be a "true" nursing leader, there
are unlimited opportunities for nurses to exercise leadership (Grossman and Valiga, 2013, p. 80).
Here are some of the characteristics of transactional leaders: Focused on short–term goals Favor
structured policies and procedures Thrive on following rules and doing things correctly Revel in
efficiency Very left–brained Tend to be inflexible Opposed to change The major characteristics of
transformational leadership include Engendering trust Admiration Loyalty Respect amongst
followers through application of charismatic vision and behavior Transactional leadership styles are
more concerned with maintaining the normal flow of operations. Transactional leadership is
described as making contact with others for the ... Show more content on ...
I always act as a positive role model and encourage others to be the best nurse they can be. It's
always nice to hear compliments and praise, which leads to being motivated and increased self–
esteem, and giving higher levels of care. As it says in Chapter 4, it creates an empowered
environment "where nurses feel they make a difference" (Grossman and Valiga, 2013, p. 74). When
there is higher moral on the units, patients also sense difference, and it shows with a positive patient
outcomes. Acting as a transformational leader, people will look up to you as a role model and trust
you judgments and decisions. I feel as though when people work together and praise one another,
more gets accomplished and goals are reached faster. Since we all spend many hours at work, it's
important to like what we do for job satisfaction, and transformational leadership definitely
promotes this
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Leadership Transformational And Transactional Leadership
Leadership–Transformational v. Transactional Devine and Winter (2012, p. 25) state, "there is
nothing magical about leadership, and there is nothing magical about teaching it or learning it."
They go on to define leadership as the ability to influence those who work for you to want to
accomplish and strive to reach organizational goals and objectives. Those who influence others must
understand the theories of motivation so that these theories can be applied, communicated and
taught in order to motivate followers (Devine and Winter, 2012). Different from supervision,
leadership implores the desires of those around you to want to succeed in meeting a goal through
you the leader's motivational abilities. Two of the most widely accepted theories of leadership within
the law enforcement community are transformational and transactional leadership which are defined
as follows: Transactional Leadership Theory as defined by Deluga and Souza, (1991) suggests that
leaders react to subordinates basic needs and the two are viewed as bargaining units where the
power of the leader is gained through the exchange of work for pay or the mutual exchange of
benefits between the two parties involved. However, Deluga and Souza (1991) also add that under
the paramilitary structure of police agencies today, submission to rank, coupled with organizational
culture may reduce the influence that subordinates may have in an upward motion on their superior
officers. This theory
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Transactional Leadership Styles Paper
The transactional leadership style is understood to be the exchange or trade between leaders and
followers who are compensated for performance and achieving organizational goals. Transactional
leader tends to focus on task completion and employee compliance and these leaders rely quite
heavily on organizational rewards and punishments to influence employee performance. These
leaders validate the relationship between performance and reward and then an exchange for
appropriate responses and rewards, encourages subordinates to improve performance (Saeed, Almas,
Anis–ul–Haq, Niazi, 2014) Research studies have identified a few qualities characteristic of some
transactional leaders. This type of leadership behavior involves various forms of contingent ... Show
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If the leader conforms to the widely understood definition and standard practices of non–
interference when leading subordinates, the worst form of management is displayed.
Employees under this leadership style are offered little or no guidance, no direction is given and
many processes are out of control. Employees are left to assume organizational goals and objectives
with job descriptions, policies, and procedure exchanged word of mouth, from employee to
employee. Some people are not good at setting their own deadlines, managing their own projects
and solving problems on their own. Therefore, employees under this leadership are not in the best
situation as it often leads to poorly defined roles and a lack of motivation.
Employees under this leadership will not have adequate support, guidance and feedback in situations
where they lack the knowledge they need to complete a task.
Laissez–faire management or leadership seems to have an overall negative effect on employee job
performance as employees under this leadership will not have adequate support, guidance and
feedback in situations where they lack the knowledge they need to complete a task. This leadership
style can result in chaos, and organizational
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Leadership : Transformational Leadership And Transactional...
Transformational Leadership Theory was introduced in 1978 by political sociologist James Mac
Gregor Burns and expanded by industrial psychologist Dr. Bernard Bass. In this theory, Burns
differentiated two styles of leadership: transformational leadership and transactional leadership. In
transformational leadership, it is a process where both the leaders and the followers elevate
motivation and morality. The transformational leaders pay attention to the needs and motives of
followers and help them achieve their fullest potential. They influence their followers' behaviors by
appealing to the ideas and values and enhance the followers' commitment to their vision.
transformational leaders exhibit behaviors which include idealized influence wherein the leader
serves as the role model for followers; inspirational motivation – leader inspires and motivates
followers representing the leader's charisma; individualized consideration– leader displays concerns
for the needs and feelings of others which brings out the bringing out the follower's best efforts and;
and intellectual stimulation – the leader challenges followers to be creative and innovative. In
transactional leadership, leader focuses on reward and punishment to achieve compliance from
For many reasons, transformational leadership is important because it transforms group members
into individuals who excel beyond their own self–interests for the sake of the group or institution.
Transformational leaders
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Leadership : Transformational And Transactional Leadership
Within an international organization, the choice of leadership is highly important to build a
successful organization. There are two types of leadership, which includes transformational and
transactional leadership. This essay will examine the advantages and disadvantages of
transformational leadership and how Apple has used leadership to build a successful organization.
Steve jobs, the former CEO of Apple Company, and a transformational leader took a small computer
company and transformed it into a huge electronic company, which is now the most popular brand,
and one of the largest companies in the world.
Leadership is necessary in all organizations in order for its objectives to be achieved. Leadership is
the procedure of motivating people to behave in specific ways in order to attain certain goals.
Leadership is about making decisions to achieve an organisational objective and helping to establish
the 'style' and 'culture' of an organisation– "the way it operates". (Hannagan, 2008) A leader should
be able to look forward and identify the ways ahead. This means that leaders should have followers
and should be able to share collective goals with them. Leaders decide 'where we are going' and
influence people to take that particular direction, rather than describe 'how we are going to get
there'. (Hannagan, 2008)
There are certain qualities, which are the key to a leaders success. First of all, leaders should be
enthusiastic about their work and should have the courage to
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Transactional Leadership : Leadership And Group Performance
Transactional Leadership Organizational leadership builds on traditional theories in order to form
new and exciting directions. Transactional leadership is a traditional theory, which has been used as
a platform to understand leadership and further develop techniques for higher organizational
performance. The three components of transactional leadership help shape and define the style, but
are not always strictly adhered to. There are many advantages and disadvantages of transformational
leadership. Knowing how and when to apply this style will prove useful for most successful
organizational leaders. President Dwight Eisenhower was a good example of how transactional
leadership could be used successfully.
Traditional View and Origin Transactional Leadership was first described by Max Weber in 1947
and re–described by Bernard Bass in 1981. Recognized a traditional leadership, it focuses on the
role of supervision, organization and group performance. Transactional leaders use an exchange
model; they promote compliance of followers through both rewards and punishments. Not looking
to change the future, transactional leaders are trying to keep everything the same (Odumeru &
Ogbonna, 2013).
Components of Transactional Leadership Transactional leadership is defined by different
components: contingent reward, management by exception, and laissez–faire leadership. These
components help define, but are not always prominent. Contingent reward describes the transaction
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Transactional Leadership in Nursing
Transformational Vs. Transactional Leadership In Professional Nursing
Leadership development in the nursing profession is important because it directly impacts the care
that is delivered to clients. Transactional and Transformational leadership styles are two very
different methods of leadership in the nursing profession. This Essay will compare and contrast
these two styles and support that transformational leadership style inspires quality care, job
satisfaction and improved patient outcomes
Review of Professional Nursing Literature. According to Sullivan and Decker (1997) transactional
leadership is a traditional, goal oriented type of leadership based on the social exchange theory.
Work is exchanged for rewards in ... Show more content on ...
In a longitudinal study published in The Journal of Advanced Nursing, Munier and Neison (2009)
concluded that transformational leadership styles reduced stress in the workplace and contributed to
better sleep habits of the employees.
Application of Clinical Example Transformational leadership will guide the current metamorphisis
that is taking place in the nations skilled nursing facilities. Long term care for elders is transitioning
from the skilled nursing facilities to community based settings such as assisted living facilities,
retirement communitities, home health and adult day care facilities. This leaves the traditional
nursing home faced with the changing needs of health care in our society. It is forecasted that skilled
nursing facilities will become the transitional acute care centers for rehabilitation as hospitals are
now discharging complex patients earlier than before to satisfy HMO's and financial restraints. The
ma and pa nursing home of the past will have to succumb to this drastic change in order to survive
financially. This transition must be led by transformational leadership in order to be successful. A
study in 2008 by Neilson et all on the effects of transformational leadership in long term care,
determined that this leadership facilitated a higher job satisfaction amongst long term care workers
and a sense of well being. The employees who dedicate their lives to eldercare
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Transactional Leadership In Health Care
In a health care setting, the transactional leadership commonly used to continue a pleasant
relationship among the managers and the subordinates while keeping promises of rewards for
performance. The expectations of performance and the resulting rewards remain clearly identified
and delivered upon completion of the agreement. The employees are rewarded with values
according to the accomplishment of the performance of the employee to the mission and objectives
of the program. The effectiveness of the transactional allows the managers to facilitate employee
performance, helping the employees plan and coordinate the assigned task and learn new skills.
The transformational leadership is motivated to the organizational changes, innovation, and
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Transactional Leadership
1. Theories provide a standard that is applicable to thought processes. Insight can help leaders to
move forward and bring fresh insight to the workplace. It is a conscious choice that an individual
makes to become a leader and assume the responsibility to support the organizations mission while
empowering the followers. By putting the needs of the followers ahead of self–absorbed leaders
allows them to become healthier, wiser, freer, and more likely willing to be of service. Responsible
leaders elevate and incorporate all moral stakeholders that establishes a connection of diverse
constituents. Authentic responsible leaders have character and demonstrate virtues: honesty, respect,
service, and humility. It is the individual members that make or break the purpose of having a group
advantage. It is important to have an orderly set of steps, no matter what orientation, based upon
moral principles to help conflictual situations.
2. ... Show more content on ...
Theories have been researched and proven to provide correct guidance for responsible decision
making. Transactional leadership is traditional, intended to meet basic needs: food, shelter, etc...
Transformational leaders intend to elevate the group to meet a higher–level of needs: esteem,
competence, self–fulfillment, and self–actualization. Empirical studies have provided evidence that
leaders that transform followers are more successful, achieve results, higher quality, greater profits,
and improved service. By putting the needs of the followers ahead of self–absorbed leaders allows
them to become healthier, wiser, freer, and more likely willing to be of service. These leaders are
perceived to be self–aware and others–aware, they acknowledge their responsibility, are grounded in
their values and beliefs, and adapt when faced with risk and
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The Leadership Skills : Transactional Leadership
Assessing Leadership Skills
Transactional leadership
In assessing leadership skills, the idea portrayed on the Selfish gene is that people are more attracted
to each other especially those that are blood related. The selflessness in individual behaviour is as
related to the leadership skills requirement in human behaviour. Being selfless is set in the mind. A
leader ought to be a person who is courageous, one who feels everyone he leads in his mind. The
fact is that human beings general have a set unique mindset. Even those greatest leaders always feel
anxiety when they are faced by tough decisions to make in their line of duty. There is always the
sense of fear among every person's life. (Robbins, et al 2005).
The theory is characterized by transaction involving the leader and the followers. It essentially
values the positive relationships that are equally mutual. The motivational aspect should be applied
by the leader to align to rewarding or punishing the followers in the course of performing the set
leadership roles. There is need to develop a mutual reinforcement agreement. Human beings seek to
utilize memorable experiences thus, are more likely to associate with those individuals who are
important to our lives. The ability of the leader to interact with people and create beneficial
relationships from such engagements should be assessed during this course. Leaders should be able
to transform their specific followers by inspiration and display of charismatic abilities
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Transactional and Transformational Leadership
Yuan Ye (Carol)
Transactional and Transformational Leadership
To: Nour Akalay Management
June , 2008
Transactional and Transformational Leadership
Leadership has been an important topic in the social sciences for many years. Recently, renewed
interest in the concept of leadership has been aroused. "The resurgence of interest in studying the
topic of leadership appears to be accompanied by an acceptance of the distinction between
transactional and transformational leadership." (Den Hartog, Van Muijen and Koopman, 1997, P.41)
Transactional and transformational leadership were regarded as important leadership theory started
from Political sociologists James ... Show more content on ...
These wrong decisions made a big loss of Ford Motor Company. From these two examples we can
see that Henry's management relationship depends on the power and hierarchy. Maybe, to some
extent, Henry Ford is the dictator of Ford Motor Company.
◆ Motivation and Reward The typical characteristic of transactional leadership is the process of
exchanging. Employees use their labor to change for rewards, and leaders use motivation to change
for performance and obedience. One way or another, the leader and follower agree, explicitly or
implicitly, that desired follower behaviors will be rewarded, while undesirable behaviors will draw
out punishment. "Henry Ford was a pioneer of "welfare capitalism" designed to improve the lot of
his workers and especially to reduce the heavy turnover that had many departments hiring 300 men
per year to fill 100 slots." (Retrieved June 10, 2008, from
Henry Ford started the 40–hours week and paid their employees $5–per–day. Ford provided so good
treatment to change for efficient performance of employees.
◆ Other Leadership
Henry Ford management also embodied other leadership. Let's discuss some of them.
Transformational leadership Transformation leaders think more about the relationship with
followers. They always want to give a good influence on employees and to provide good salary to
employees. So Henry Ford started the 40–hours week and paid their employees $5–per–day
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Philosophy Of Transactional Leadership
Instructional Supervision Philosophy
Even though leadership dates back centuries, it is critical for leaders to display qualities that
"differentiate them from followers" (p. 5). To encourage student success, it is important to practice
theories and methodologies that help institution's and individuals become successful leaders with
superior qualities. Transformational and transactional leadership are two terms that discussed
throughout business and education. Transactional leadership is defined "as trading one thing for
another (quid pro quo)", whereas transformational leadership "is more focused on change" (p. 14).
Transactional leaders believe it is their job to maintain the status quo by setting goals, desired
outcomes, rewards ... Show more content on ...
1). Research indicated the importance of active learning strategies, over the past few years, to help
maximize the student's education. A well–written lesson plan can cover the course content, maintain
student attention, and incorporate the knowledge and skills the student needs to learn. A skilled
educator can scrutinize the learning situation and differentiate instruction by using all the available
resources. I think, to help facilitate learning, teachers should encourage students to be more
responsible for their own education by engaging them to participate in individual or group activities,
including collaboration with other students, hands–on activities, reading, writing, and verbal
presentations. As an educator, I will concentrate on strategies that promote collaboration,
cooperation, and communication. I will concentrate on reading strategies that help students
comprehend what they read. Reading strategies such as, the before, during, and after reading
strategy can be used for reading comprehension. I can use this reading strategy the first time a new
story is read. Before reading the story, I can preview the story by discussing the topic, using key
vocabulary words, activating the student's prior knowledge, and setting the purpose for reading.
During the reading passage, I will stop and use context clues to help students
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Transactional Leadership
Transformational leadership has been presented in the literature as different from transactional
leadership. While transactional leadership was defined on the basis of the influence process
underlying it, as an exchange of rewards for compliance, transformational leadership was defined on
the basis of its effects, as transforming the values and priorities of followers and motivating them to
perform beyond their expectations (Yukl, 1998). Bass and Avolio (1994) proposed that the behaviors
transformational leaders' exhibit include four components: individualized consideration,
inspirational motivation, idealized influence and intellectual stimulation.
Sullivan articulates a compelling vision for the future (Woolliams & Trompenaars, 2013). A
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Transactional Leadership Behavior
When I first read about Transactional Leadership Behaviors it immediately grabbed my attention.
More specifically, I found the Management by Exception–Active concept to be most important to
me. Being in the Security Forces career field, I have seen very good leadership practices and some
that can make you want to cringe. As a Defender, you can be labeled as a proactive or reactive
Airman. There are factors such as existing leadership styles or policies and each member's personal
desires when wearing the badge and beret that contribute to a proactive or reactive approach. I
would say that there is no true right or wrong however my belief is that every Airman should be
proactive as it enhances mission effectiveness and community relations. ... Show more content on ...
I would apply the Management by Exception–Active approach to keep flight members motivated
and performing at a very high level with duty performance. When implemented, subordinates will
strive for excellence when they witness and see firsthand their leadership leading by example and
from the front. Goals will be met and exceeded when the Airman are confident in their work and
abilities. In today's Air Force we want the best Airman on our team and by executing this approach;
we will acquire, maintain and manage the best possible team of Airman. Peers may take different
approaches when it comes to supervising Airman however I believe they will see the success of the
other leaders in their organization that take the active approach and eventually adapt towards a more
active approach with their Airman which is ultimately what is needed from all personnel.
Supervisors and key leaders within the squadron will place emphasis on teamwork, fine tuning
policies and procedures while executing at a highly effective level, giving each member confidence
in their own abilities. As a supervisor, NCO and leader in the United States Air Force, it is your duty
to take care of the Airman and mold them into future leaders and by utilizing the Management by
Exception–Active approach; this will be most
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Transformational & Transactional Leadership Essay
Over the past twenty years, an abundant body of researches have been done to review
transformational leadership and transactional leadership. Burn (1978) was the first person to
introduce and conceptualize the concept of transformational leadership and transactional leadership.
Bass (1985) based on Burn's concept and deepen his notion with modifications, which stated that
one of the best frameworks of leadership is transformational or transactional, but not opposing to
each other. Followed by Bass and Avolio (1994), they provide the idea of these two leaderships and
generalize them into the development of global economic world. Bass and Avolio (1997) also
suggested that there was no need to view transformational and ... Show more content on ...
Leaders are aiming to control and surveillance employees through sensible and thrifty intention
(Bass, 1985). It simply requires an agreement between leaders and followers toward organization
goal (Burns, 1978). In transformation leadership, leaders focus on changing followers' moral
sensibilities and potentially increasing their motivation beyond self–interest (Kezar & Eckel, 2008,
p. 381). It needs more associated with outcome criteria than transactional leadership (Rowold &
Rohmann, 2009, p. 42). Transformation leadership helps to build positive relationship among staff
and raising their morale. In contrast, transactional leadership helps to build the fundamental
structure of the organisation (Kezar & Eckel, 2008, p. 383).
Transformational leadership are clarified into four dimensions which are pointed out by Bass (1990,
p. 28), 'charisma, idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation and
individualized consideration'. Apart from these basic roles, charisma leadership has its own role of
literature since it has similarity with transformational leadership and they are contribution to each
other (Judge & Piccolo, 2004, p. 755). On the other hand, there are three dimensions of transactional
leadership which includes contingent reward, active and passive. The difference between active and
passive which are the exceptions of management is the timing of leaders' interference. It is also the
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Transactional Vs. Transactional Leadership Theory
3.2 Transactional Leadership theory
According to Burns, a transactional leader was someone "who approaches followers with an eye to
exchange one thing for another: jobs for votes, or subsidies to include for campaign contributions"
(Klinsontorn, 2007, p.35). An example using Burns definition, it would be like a boss paying extra
incentive for its employee who does the most sales. Thus, followers obtain rewards for job
performance, while leaders benefit from the completion of tasks. Transactional leaders are good at
traditional management functions such as planning and budgeting and generally focus on the
impersonal aspects of job performance. The definition of Burns was expanded by Bass (1985). He
said that a transactional leader must also ... Show more content on ...
Contingent Reward means to reward a follower that meets the expectation or punish for they fail to
meet the expectation (Klinsontorn, 2007). For Bass (1985), the transactional leadership is contingent
reinforcement. The leader and follower agree on what the follower needs to do to be rewarded or to
avoid punishment. Should the agreed–upon performance is achieved; this dimension reinforces the
effort to maintain the desired speed and accuracy of employee performance.
Active Management–by–exception occurs when the leader has a system for actively monitoring
errors and gaps in expected performance and takes corrective action appropriately (Bass & Avolio,
Passive Management–by–exception occurs when the leader intervenes only when there is a gap
between desired and actual performance levels. Accordingly, the leader pays attention to the
subordinate only when corrective actions are necessary. Thus, there are no preventive actions or
attempts by the leader to monitor or influence performance (Bass & Avolio, 1990).
4.1 Application of Transformational Leadership
Transformational leadership is very effective for corporate entrepreneurship success because it is
responsible for motivating employees to go beyond ordinary expectations by appealing to their
higher order needs and moral values. This will cause increased productivity, objectives being meet
and high performance. Intellectual Stimulation, Individualized Consideration and Inspirational
Motivation are dimensions of
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Max Weber And The Transactional Leadership
The transactional leadership was firstly talked and elaborated in 1947 by Max Weber and described
more in 1981 by Bernard M. Bass. It is a style of leadership that leaders provides their subordinates
with rewards or punishments. It can be called management theories. This style mainly encourages
and directs subordinates or followers by providing incentives. The power of this leadership derives
from the control, rules and regulation of companies. Particularly, managers use the transactional
style. (Odumeru & Ifeanyi, 2013)
Focusing on the fundamental management processes of preparing, controlling, and planning for
short period. The significant point of subordinators or followers is to follow the instructions of the
manager or leader. It may ... Show more content on ...
Passive management: The transactional leader can only intervene if tasks do not meet the criteria or
do not meet expectations. He/she may provide a punishment to the one who performances
Laissez–faire: the transactional leaders give a lot of chances followers for decisions making. So,
leaders themselves give up their responsibilities and try to avoid decisions making, then
organizations tend to have unclear direction.
Implications in an organization:
They focus on the short–term goals as well as standard regulation and methods. Also, the followers
are not support to improve their innovation and new ideas. This leadership style can work if the
organization 's issues are normal and clearly explained. When the existing objective is not meet,
these leaders often do not provide benefit or rewards to subordinates.
On the other hand, reducing costs and increasing productivity are done effectively in this style.
Leaders strongly instructive, and their communication with the members is often short–term, not for
long term relationship. So its characteristic is concentrate only on short term objective, not flexible
to new situations, not support in changes or update ideas. Also, it fits with structured rules or
methods, and just do things rightly.
(Transactional Leadership Theory, n.d)
Transactional leaders perform great in a structured organization. And the subordinates will get
rewards as incentives for their own
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Interview With Transactional Leadership

  • 1. Interview With Transactional Leadership A Transformational Leader As a leader, I have constantly maintained the belief that a leader develops a team based upon the knowledge of the people and situations in which one works. Through the studies into leadership theories, the situational leadership classified my personal leadership style. Knowing that my approach to leadership mimics many of those that I have worked within the ministry, I sought to interview a dear friend that maintains a supervisory role in the secular sector. In addition, they lead a small team of co–volunteers within the local church. Furthermore, the objective was to glean insight to the leadership they possessed within the secular world compared to the ministry leadership I worked closely with for several years. ... Show more content on ... The transformational approach is the one style I seek to incorporate into my future role as a teacher. One aspect stood out and that was what motivated him to strive to motivate others, that is he was inspired by leaders himself. Personally, I too am motivated by the examples of great leaders in my life. Through the mentors and leaders in my life, I have the desire to lead and motivate others. As my friend so graciously stated, God entrusts us all with a role and responsibility. Even though it is different for us all, one constant remains, if we can't lead ourselves, then we can't lead others. Overall, I am motivated by my friend to "lead people to see them be the person God has called, designed, and gifted them to be." I am inspired to work with students to guide them to their full potential. Providing them the opportunity to see what they do not always see in themselves and molding in them values to ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Transformational And Transactional Leadership :... Transformational and Transactional leadership Mark Johnson American Public University Dr. Xiaodong Wu BUSN698 April 30, 2017 Abstract Proper management of institutions is the key to the success of such a firm. The kind of leadership being dispensed directly affects the motivation of employees and their productivity. The two most prominent kinds of leadership are transformational and transactional leadership. This article seeks to discuss the two kinds of leadership and eventually propose the most efficient kind of management. Every organization that aspires to be successful must address the value of emotional intelligence in the work place. How people relate to each other determines if the organization eventually moves from ... Show more content on ... The leader demonstrates to the followers loyalty, trust, respect and admiration, with these the qualities of the transformational leader, they tend to work harder than originally expected that tends to have a link between effort and reward. These outcomes occur because the transformational leader offers followers something more than just working for self–gain; they provide followers with an inspiring mission and vision and gives them an identity. They believe in the organizational culture they find and specific methods of performing tasks. Transactional leaders are effective in getting specific tasks completed by managing each portion individually. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, transactional leaders focus on the lower levels of the hierarchy that is the very basic levels of need satisfaction. One way that transactional leadership focuses on lower level needs is by stressing specific task performance (Hargis et al, 2001). They are more concerned with processes rather than revolutionary ideas hence under their leadership change is least expected. Unlike them, transformational leaders end up changing existing organizational cultures by implementing new ideas. Transformational leaders encourage group work, as they connect each follower's identity and self to the project and collective identity of the corporation. They are role models for other staff and this inspires them and makes them ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Leadership Theory : Transformational And Transactional... During the course of research, various theories appeared in literature on situational leadership. In some instances, situational leadership is part of a broader theory and vice versa. Related theories include transformational and transactional leadership, contingency theory, path–goal theory, and personality theories. Life Cycle Theory was not included since situational leadership originated from Life Cycle Theory. Transformational and Transactional Leadership Theories According to McCleskey (2014), transformational leadership theory is the most studied leadership theory. This theory is based on Maslow's Law of Needs (McCleskey, 2014). The four factors of transformation leadership include idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration (McCleskey, 2014). According to McCleskey (2014), "Transformational leaders share a vision, inspire subordinates, mentor, coach, respect individuals, foster creativity, and act with integrity" (p. 124). These are similar to the four styles in situational leadership. For example, persuading and idealized influence are essentially the same. The words are synonyms with the same condensed definition ("influence," 2013, "persuading," 2013). According to McCleskey (2014), individualized consideration involves coaching and mentoring. This also applies to persuading or coaching. Furthermore, situational leadership is about applying the appropriate behaviors in the situation based on ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Examples Of Transactional And Transformational Leadership Leadership Critique Transactional and Transforamtional Theories: Introduction Several theories have been made and discussed and more are being put forward explaining the effectiveness of leadership. As described by Weihrich et al (2008) Leadership is perhaps one of the most important aspects of management. The most noticeable and proposed leadership theories are Transformational and Transactional Leadership theories, and since it has been formulated by Bass (1985) it attracted many experts and still has some issues and limitations that have been recognized. Being interested in those two theories and relating them to my personal experience and perspective, will go through the major discussions read and critiques made to compare and contrast the values of both theories. Transformational Leadership ... Show more content on ... Burns (1978) defined a transformational leader as "one who raises the followers' level of consciousness about the importance and values of desired outcomes and the methods of reaching those outcomes" (p.141). According to Warrillow (2012) Transformational leadership theory is all about leadership that creates positive change in the followers whereby they take care of each other's interests and act in the interests of the group as whole. By providing inspirational motivation to followers, it develops a less stressful environment and inspires them by taking individual responsibilities, challenges and positive view for the goals to achieve. It was described by Bass & Riggio (2006) Enthusiasm and optimism are key characteristics of inspirational motivation. Transformational leadership major focus is to provide coaching, individual attention and personal assistance to fulfill their needs and reaching their ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Leadership Theory Vs. Transactional Leadership Introduction: Leadership and the study of it date back to the beginning of civilization and interest in the field remains high. Leadership theory has historically evolved from its early focus on Great Man (Lincoln, Caesar, Churchill and Gandhi) and trait theory to the modern studies of leadership effectiveness approaches. Several theories have been framed to explain leadership effectiveness. The two of the most popular leadership theories are Transformational and Transactional leadership types. Even though most authors agree that Transactional and Transformational leadership are different in theory and practice, many authors believe that transformational leadership significantly supplements transactional leadership, resulting in higher levels of individual, team, and organizational performance (Bass & Avolio, 1994). Other authors believe that Transactional leadership is a subset of transformational leadership (Weihrich et al, 2008). The objective of this critique paper is to provide analysis of the two leadership styles, comparing, contrasting them and outlining weaknesses of each method, illustrating them with personal experience examples where applicable. Transactional Leadership also known as conventional leadership or simply "management" is a concept that was first explored in the socio–economic context by Weber (1947) and subsequently adopted by other researchers. This leadership style focuses on the principles of exchange between the managers and employees who take ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Transformational and Transactional Leadership Styles Transformational and Transactional Leadership Styles Transformational leadership theory is intended to create positive change in the followers whereby they take care of each other's interests and act in the interests of the group as a whole. Essentially the leader's task is consciousness–raising on a wide plane. The leader's fundamental act is to induce people to be aware or conscious of what they feel and to feel their true needs so strongly, to define their values so meaningfully, that they can be moved to purposeful action. The basis for transformational leadership is the belief that people will follow a person who inspires them. The theory postulates individuals with vision and passion can achieve great things and the way to get things done is by injecting enthusiasm and energy. The theory also asserts awareness of task importance motivates people. Other assumptions include the belief that a focus on the team or organization produces better work, association with a higher moral position is motivating and will result in people following a leader who promotes this, and working collaboratively is better than working individually. In this leadership style, the leader is charged developing motivation, moral and performance of his follower group. Transformational leadership is about values and meaning, and creating a purpose that transcends short–term goals and focuses on higher order needs Abraham Maslow developed a hierarchy of needs that all humans must have met in ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Transactional And Transformational Leadership Theory According to Theodore Roosevelt, "the best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done and self–restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it". The theories that will aid me in my career as a leader are transactional and transformational leadership styles. Transactional leadership theory emphasizes the role of management and how their followers are encouraged through reward and punishment. Transformational leadership theory focuses on the leader and how they inspire his/her followers to achieve a higher level of ethical values and motivation. Prior to my present education the world around me seemed to demonstrate only an Authoritarian leadership style where what the boss said was law with no input from those who were carrying out the specified duties. During my current and previous work experience I always remember telling myself, "why stay here, nobody cares to listen to ideas that are not their own"; with that in mind, when speaking with the management team about ideas to improve daily processes rejection followed swiftly. So as time progressed, my outlook on the system began to change; it led me to contemplate what I would do different if I were giving the orders. If I am to find myself in a leadership position I would like to think that when a challenge arose I would handle it as soon as it occurred and with the perspective of all individuals involved to repair and prevent future issue. The Jossey–Bass Reader on ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Transactional Leadership And The Leadership Style In contrast, to laissez–faire leadership, transactional leadership includes clear directions or processes that employees are required to follow. In addition, transactional leadership holds the employees accountable for their actions despite the fact that the directions were provided to them. (Odumeru, & Ifeanyi, 2013) While this leadership style has its advantages, it also has some disadvantages. There have been many studies on transactional leadership and the style has displayed many positive attributes. The first positive attribute is employee motivation. Since this leadership style is built on rewards and punishments, it has been found to be effective in motivating employees to be productive. For example, the reward that is promised ... Show more content on ... If employees go against these policies, it may result in undesirable actions, like being suspended or even terminated. A transactional leader instructs employees on exactly what to do and how to do it. This type of leader does not tolerate criticisms or disobedience of any kind. Because of this rigor, the leader generally does not adjust to a given situation or take suggestions from employees which can limit creativity. Since transactional leaders manage their employees by providing a set of rules that must be followed, employee emotions are not taken into consideration as long as goals are met. This can result in employees that are not only disinterested about the well–being of the company, but are also strictly performing a given task to get the promised award. However, the transactional leadership style remains an acceptable style because the 'carrot and stick' philosophy can motivate employees get the job done. However, this style, also has many critics because of the way it directs its employees' performance and hinders the employees from developing leadership skills and does not inspire any creativity. (Kuhnert & Lewis, 1987) Transformational Leadership Finally, onto a review of the transformational leadership style. Transformational leaders that are effective develop a vision, communicate changes to employees in a convincing way, nurture trust and motivate others to take action. These leaders are able to motivate ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The Relationship Between Transactional Leadership And... QUESTION 1 "Explain, in depth, the difference between transactional leadership and transformational leadership. Which leadership style is more likely to lead to employees' affective commitment, and why?" ANSWER: Before explaining the differences between transactional and transformational leadership, I want to explore each of the two leadership styles through details. According to the definition, transactional leadership is focusing on managing and supervising subordinators by setting up specific tasks and expectations. In most case, this kind of leadership is based on a system of rewards and punishments, which could also motivate employees to work hard. On the other side, transformational leadership is trying to help every individual achieving his or her potential and make the whole group energetic and enthusiastic by working together with the followers. Instead of telling employees what to do and when to do, transformational leaders are more likely to be open mind so that followers feel free to contribute new ideas as well as solutions. After briefly understanding the definitions of these two leadership styles, l want to illustrate each of them more detailed. Staring from transactional leadership, in the real word, transactional leaders are people who playing the role of controllers and they tell followers to obey their instructions and commands. For instance, in the previous case study "Coach K and Knight", those two coaches are totally different leaders but ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Transactional Leadership Paper Introduction Two of the most common and popular leadership approaches are transformational and transactional. Although transactional is more commonly used in business, it has fallen out of favor for the more holistic technique of transformational leadership. Leadership styles can change with time and knowledge, a leader could have started their career using one style and by the end that same leader could be utilizing a completely different style. This means that we as leaders have choices and we can learn from our experiences and help others to grow along with us. "Transformational and transactional leadership will only bring about specific outcomes, if leaders deem these outcomes important in the first place, because otherwise they may not ... Show more content on ... As a result, they foster inspiration and anticipation to put extra labor to achieve common goals" (Zareen, Razzaq, & Mujtaba, 2015, p 535). Transactional leadership does not offer many opportunities to help bring along or promote others, but still has a meaningful place in certain situations. More transformational leadership is needed in my organization, my colleagues and I are seeing more of our leadership, saying many transformational taglines, but their actions are incongruent with their words. "Transformational leaders are not afraid to take personal risks; they emphasize progress, change, and innovation" (Hamstra, et al, 2014, p 644). I am hopeful that what I am learning and my gaining passion to become a more influential leader using transformational leadership techniques. Knowing where my strengths and preferences lie, will allow me show what can be accomplished with mutual respected and shared expectations rather treating people like they are unthinking unfeeling robots. Mixing multiple leadership styles depending on the situation the leader is encountering appears to be the most well rounded option, yet a leader still must have a base preference where they start and return, mine is clearly in the transformational leadership ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Transactional Approach For Transactional Leadership from a transactional approach; employees perform a job and are rewarded based on how or what they do. Leadership has been hindered by this approach. While transactional leadership has a place within certain organizations, there is definitely a need to broaden organizational leadership approaches to attend to different organizations. My organization led and operated on a strictly transactional basis. Employees were expected to write tickets and respond to collisions and based on the number of tickets or collision employees were evaluated or rewarded for this work. This transactional style of leadership created an environment of flippancy with regard to work. The CHP has since changed its approach to leadership and strives to implement a ... Show more content on ... Understanding an employee's wants, and essentially their needs for organizational development can increase productivity and job satisfaction as well as job performance. Leadership Theories The leadership theories that have influenced and shaped my growth in the study of leadership have been servant leadership, and transformational leadership; however, contingency theory of leadership ultimately drives my leadership practice. Various leadership styles and theories have a time and a place when leading organization and individuals. My approach to the profession of law enforcement has ultimately been that of a servant style of leadership. With the individuals encountered on a daily basis the concept of being of service provides a foundation for my leadership style. Ultimately the natural feeling of being of service first before self is what attaches me to Robert Greenleaf's servant leadership theory. This theory should be the foundation for executives in law enforcement, as Gardner and Reece (2012) discussed, "leaders who provide direction but avoid domination and encourage participation, mutual respect, and independence of thought achieve higher–quality organizational results" (P. 27). Servant leadership is ultimately at the core of what law enforcement profession embodies. During this educational process the implementation of the transformational style of leadership seemed to reveal itself more ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Transformational Leadership : Transformational And... According to the online Oxford Dictionary, leadership is "the action of leading a group of people or an organization." But what makes someone a leader? To put is simply, a leader is someone that motivates and inspires those around them to achieve a common goal or vision. That may sound fairly simple, but not everyone is a leader. And there are several different leadership styles to consider. The two most common styles are transformational and transactional leadership. Transformational leadership is generally defined as a leadership style that causes change. This unique leadership style focuses on four key behaviors: Influence through a vision, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. (Burns, L. R., et. al.). That all sounds great, but what does it mean? Leaders utilizing transformational leadership will start out by showing their team a vision of the future. This vision tells the team their purpose; that is, what they are there for. This is generally done by ensuring that the team understands and believes in the values of the organization, which motivates them to work toward fulfilling their purpose. The next step in this process is encouraging creativity amongst the members of the team. And finally, the leader must motivate each team member by focusing on their individual strengths and weaknesses. It is important that each team member is inspired to carry out the purpose in his or her own way. Just like everything else in ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. The Philosophy Of Transactional Leadership The Philosophy of Transactional Leadership According to Avolio, Bass, and Jung, (1999) transactional leaders motivate to perform by using positive or negative feedback. Employees work is determined by the reward or punishment that the leader prescribes to achieve mission accomplishment. The leader's effectiveness is determined by task completion. Breevaart, Bakker, Hetland, Demerouti, Olsen, and Espevik, (2014) suggest that the transactional leader is involved in sustaining operational flow. Zhu, Sosik, Riggio, and Yang, (2012) argue that the transactional leader uses the exchange of rewards to increase performance and is not concerned with strategic planning, as much as daily operations. Bass and Riggio, (2006) contend that the transactional leader depends on a contingent reward for production. In this philosophy, a follower may be satisfied with the reward and will display loyalty and remain committed to accomplish a task. This commitment will remain as long as the reward stimulates the follower. The transactional leader is concerned with operations and maintains incentives while the task is getting completed. According to Breevaart, Bakker, Hetland, Demerouti, Olsen, and Espevik, (2014) the transactional leader will use a host of incentives to maintain the motivation of the followers. The incentives will remain as long as the task is complete to the satisfaction of the leader and the goal is reached. Impact of Transactional Leadership on an Organization Bass,and ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Leadership Vs Transactional Leadership A Transactional leader is focused on working to achieve a goal by accomplishing tasks, maintaining a good relationship with followers, and providing rewards for good performance; also, this leadership type is more inhere to rules, expectancy of clarity and achieving a fair deal with their followers (Borkowski, 2016). The transactional leaders when in pursuing of achieving a goal, in return forms a mutual relationship with its followers in offering something of value upon accomplishing a task. Usually, the transactional leader's goals are short–term due to the ending and the acceptance of the reward when the the task is completed. On the other hand, the transformational leaders, which compasses long–term goals, is based on inspiring values, ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Transactional Leadership Style Analysis After reading the required text I realized I have a lot of traits similar to a transactional leader. Under this leadership I lean more towards a constructive leader than a corrective leader. With the stated facts would mean that I would fall under contingent reward leadership style. I try to be a leader who empowers rather than micromanages. I also believe that members should own a portion of the goal so they are aware of the value of their contribution. My goal is to equip others with the knowledge to confidently complete their job. I also understand that being one type of leader doesn't mean that you can't cross into other types of leadership styles. My style is setting a goal and expressing my expectations. If the goal isn't met I try to ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Transactional and Transformational Leadership TRANSACTIONAL & TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP Burns Theory of Transformational & Transactional Leadership The idea of transformational leadership between leaders and followers was first developed by James McGregor Burns in 1978. He distinguishes between leaders who are, or attempt to be ethical and moral, and "power wielders," who are not. In an essay 20 years later, Burns returns to this idea, arguing that: –  Transactional leaders, through their transactions, make use of "modal values such as honesty, trustworthiness, reliability, reciprocity, [and] accountability". They do not possess these leader characteristics, nor are they able to develop strong emotional bonds with followers or inspire followers to do more than they ... Show more content on ... Deviation from procedure, methodology, and process guidelines are viewed as problems to be resolved and eliminated in order to drive predictable uniform outcomes. 4. Willfulness – striving to impose order and control on an otherwise chaotic and uncontrollable environment is a driving force behind transactional leadership Weaknesses of Transactional Leadership 1. It can place too much emphasis on the "bottom line" and by its very nature is short–term oriented with the goal of simply maximizing efficiency and profits. 2. The leader can pressure others to engage in unethical or amoral practices by offering strong rewards or punishments. 4. If utilized as the primary behavior by a leader it can lead to an environment permeated by position, power, perks and politics. 5. Transactional leadership seeks to influence others by exchanging work for wages, but it does not build on the worker's need for meaningful work or tap into their creativity. Application Level Works where the organizational problems are simple, clear and technical in nature. Usually associated with the military Examples: Hitler and Henry Ford TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP DEFINITION
  • 62. It is a type of leadership that occurs when leaders " broaden and elevate the interests of their employees, and when they generate awareness and ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Transactional And Transformational Leadership Theory **TransformationTransformational leadership. Burns (1978) and Bass (1985) provided much of the foundational research on transactional and transformational leadership theory that led to advancements in guidelines for leaders. Although Burns (1978) and Bass (1985) agree on the characteristics for both theories, there iswas one point of difference. The one area where a difference exists is that Burns (1978) offered that translational and transformational theory were two separate approaches that existedexist on opposite ends of the spectrum. whereas Bass (1985) argued that transactional leadership was the starting point for a leader moving to a transformational approach. Before a more in–depth review is provided for these alternative views, it is first necessary to provide further background information on transformational leadership. Transformational leadership theory is based upon four specific constructs; charismatic or idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. The four constructs serve the leader's attempt to connect with the follower at a higher level of interest (Alabduljader, 2012; Groves & LaRocca, 2011; Liu et al., 2011; Odumeru & Ogbonna, 2013; Washington et al., 2014). Laissez faire Leadership. Laissez faire leadership. The laissez–faire leadership approach is characterized as management–by– exception, or passive management (Sosik & Jung, 2010). The leader only intervenes when tasks have not ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Transactional Leadership Transition Paper Nicholas explained that Sarah's ability to transition from transactional leadership to transformation leadership reflected her value of taking care of and inspiring her employees. In addition to the essential open communication that Nicholas cited, one study found that effective transformational leaders are also able to integrate different methods for leading individuals and groups (Jiang, Gu, & Wang, 2015). In other words, leaders need to foster common goals in the leader–employee relationship and employee–employee, or group/team, relationships, resulting in increased team performance and innovation (2015). Evidence that Sarah possessed this capability was described in the introductory anecdote when all of the employees made the individual, ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Transactional And Transformational Leadership Theory Transactional and Transformational leadership The transformational leader, according to Burns (1978), is one who" raises the followers level of consciousness about the importance and value of designated outcomes and ways of reaching them; gets the followers to transcend their own self–interests for the sake of the team, organization, or larger polity; and raises the follower's level of need on Maslow's (1954) hierarchy from lower–end concerns for safety and security to higher–level needs for achievement and self–actualization." The transactional leader use rights a reward/punishment paradigm to entice meeting the agreements and standards. Transactional leaders emphasize the exchange between leader and follower (Bass) where reaching objectives are rewarded and failing to reach objectives are punished, which is then reinforced by the leaders. The two factors which emerged reflecting the punishment/reward is contingent reward and management by exception. This type of leadership was the core of leadership theory up until 1970's when transformational leadership theory was introduced as different from transactional (Downton, 1973). In 1978, James MacGregor Burns wrote Leadership which contrasted these styles which was followed by Bass's work in 1985 in which he empirically demonstrated the positively correlated dimensions which represented a shift in the study of Leadership. (Bass). Constructive transactions can be found in both styles of leadership. Contingent rewards, such as ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Transformational And Transactional Leadership :... Transformational and transactional leadership are two forms of leaders that vary in traits and effectiveness within the business environment. In accordance to issues such as social corporate responsibility and dealing with the change of organisational structure within a business entity both forms of leadership provide different characteristics to provide varying results in dealing with these issues. Transformational and transactional leadership are polar opposites when it comes to the underlying theories of management and motivation. Understanding the differences between transformational and transactional leadership is crucial for anyone pursuing a career in management. Transformational leadership goes beyond maintaining and managing a ... Show more content on ... Transformational leaders utilize their allure to go about as good examples for their association. As regarded and respected Leaders, they demonstrate to subordinates generally accepted methods to perform assignments with determination and vitality. Transformational leaders ordinarily acknowledge hazards with a specific end goal to accomplish advancement. On the other hand, unreasonable danger could be troublesome and impeding to the association. On the off chance that leaders demonstration shamelessly or dishonestly, the whole operation endures. Time consumption can gradually affect the company. The aftereffects of transformational authority require some serious time. Transformational leaders must contribute time and vitality building trust and persuading devotees to have faith in an imparted vision. Associations planning to attain moment comes about by introducing a transformational leader are prone to be confused and frustrated. Transactional leadership styles are more concerned with maintaining the normal flow of operations. Such leadership can be described as a more organisational approach. These managers are solely concerned with keeping the stability of the business and micro managing the day to day operations of the entity. This is done through the use of disciplinary power and an array of incentives to motivate employees to perform at their very best. Performance related rewards whether monetary or non–monetary are ... Get more on ...
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  • 82. Transactional Leadership Case Study < Is transformational leadership an inherently better way to lead an organization compared to transactional leadership> < Hayley White > Module Code: CB312 Seminar Group: Surname: Wang First Name: songyu Programme of Study: Business Administration Login: sw479 Student Number: 13954661 Declaration: I confirm the work submitted is entirely my own and have fully referenced my sources as appropriate. I am aware of the penalties for plagiarism. Date: Is transformational leadership an inherently better way to lead an organization compared to transactional leadership? Table of contents Introduction.........................................................................................3 Literature review The definition of transformational Leadership and Transactional Leadership..........3 Transactional leadership............................................................................3 Transformational ... Show more content on ... Leadership to guide and encourage the follower's direction by established goals, clear roles and tasks (Humphries, 2001).In exchange, the leadership supply his subordinates compensation, in–kind rewards, promotion opportunities, honor and etc, which meet the needs and aspirations of follower and follower obey the leadership of the command to complete their mission for return. Salient features of transactional leadership is that it is very emphasis on performance. Through clearly defined division of roles and tasks assignment, transactional leadership can lead or mobilize subordinates to achieve the stated objectives. Such leadership keywords include: control, evaluation, scheduling, results and more. For pursuing predictable, sustainable results, is endogenous dynamic of all transactions leadership. In a transactional leadership chaired by business organizations, we will see the following
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  • 87. The Models Of Servant Leadership, Transformational... This paper aims to address an organizational issue and illustrate how the situation could be resolved by using three different models of leadership. The work environment will be described, the significance of the issue will be presented and the resolution will be analyzed using the models of servant leadership, transformational leadership and transactional leadership. In 1989 I was employed by a retail bank and enrolled into an accelerated management training program, the purpose of which was to fast track my progress to management within 4 years, as opposed to the 15 years typically experienced. The premise behind the program was that candidates did not need an in–depth knowledge of routine or front office activities, they could get a fleeting experience of departments, from 2 weeks to 3 months, and progress on to leadership positions elsewhere in the organization. In my local area there were 45 trainees, all in different offices and stages of the program. Each trainee was responsible for projecting a professional attitude, commanding respect from the team, and completing the Chartered Institute of Bankers examinations. The issue that developed was quite serious. Over 50% of the trainees did not complete the process, generally for one of two reasons; commanding respect or failure to pass the exams. The reason was not apparent for some time, and the bank leadership created the program knowing that there would be some considerable waste of money and resources for those that ... Get more on ...
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  • 91. Transactional Leadership In Nursing Essay There is quite a difference between the two types of leadership. The transactional approach features positive and negative reinforcement, transformational leadership emphasizes motivation and inspiration. One doesn't have to be part of nursing management to be a "true" nursing leader, there are unlimited opportunities for nurses to exercise leadership (Grossman and Valiga, 2013, p. 80). Here are some of the characteristics of transactional leaders: Focused on short–term goals Favor structured policies and procedures Thrive on following rules and doing things correctly Revel in efficiency Very left–brained Tend to be inflexible Opposed to change The major characteristics of transformational leadership include Engendering trust Admiration Loyalty Respect amongst followers through application of charismatic vision and behavior Transactional leadership styles are more concerned with maintaining the normal flow of operations. Transactional leadership is described as making contact with others for the ... Show more content on ... I always act as a positive role model and encourage others to be the best nurse they can be. It's always nice to hear compliments and praise, which leads to being motivated and increased self– esteem, and giving higher levels of care. As it says in Chapter 4, it creates an empowered environment "where nurses feel they make a difference" (Grossman and Valiga, 2013, p. 74). When there is higher moral on the units, patients also sense difference, and it shows with a positive patient outcomes. Acting as a transformational leader, people will look up to you as a role model and trust you judgments and decisions. I feel as though when people work together and praise one another, more gets accomplished and goals are reached faster. Since we all spend many hours at work, it's important to like what we do for job satisfaction, and transformational leadership definitely promotes this ... Get more on ...
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  • 95. Leadership Transformational And Transactional Leadership Leadership–Transformational v. Transactional Devine and Winter (2012, p. 25) state, "there is nothing magical about leadership, and there is nothing magical about teaching it or learning it." They go on to define leadership as the ability to influence those who work for you to want to accomplish and strive to reach organizational goals and objectives. Those who influence others must understand the theories of motivation so that these theories can be applied, communicated and taught in order to motivate followers (Devine and Winter, 2012). Different from supervision, leadership implores the desires of those around you to want to succeed in meeting a goal through you the leader's motivational abilities. Two of the most widely accepted theories of leadership within the law enforcement community are transformational and transactional leadership which are defined as follows: Transactional Leadership Theory as defined by Deluga and Souza, (1991) suggests that leaders react to subordinates basic needs and the two are viewed as bargaining units where the power of the leader is gained through the exchange of work for pay or the mutual exchange of benefits between the two parties involved. However, Deluga and Souza (1991) also add that under the paramilitary structure of police agencies today, submission to rank, coupled with organizational culture may reduce the influence that subordinates may have in an upward motion on their superior officers. This theory ... Get more on ...
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  • 99. Transactional Leadership Styles Paper The transactional leadership style is understood to be the exchange or trade between leaders and followers who are compensated for performance and achieving organizational goals. Transactional leader tends to focus on task completion and employee compliance and these leaders rely quite heavily on organizational rewards and punishments to influence employee performance. These leaders validate the relationship between performance and reward and then an exchange for appropriate responses and rewards, encourages subordinates to improve performance (Saeed, Almas, Anis–ul–Haq, Niazi, 2014) Research studies have identified a few qualities characteristic of some transactional leaders. This type of leadership behavior involves various forms of contingent ... Show more content on ... If the leader conforms to the widely understood definition and standard practices of non– interference when leading subordinates, the worst form of management is displayed. Employees under this leadership style are offered little or no guidance, no direction is given and many processes are out of control. Employees are left to assume organizational goals and objectives with job descriptions, policies, and procedure exchanged word of mouth, from employee to employee. Some people are not good at setting their own deadlines, managing their own projects and solving problems on their own. Therefore, employees under this leadership are not in the best situation as it often leads to poorly defined roles and a lack of motivation. Employees under this leadership will not have adequate support, guidance and feedback in situations where they lack the knowledge they need to complete a task. Laissez–faire management or leadership seems to have an overall negative effect on employee job performance as employees under this leadership will not have adequate support, guidance and feedback in situations where they lack the knowledge they need to complete a task. This leadership style can result in chaos, and organizational ... Get more on ...
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  • 103. Leadership : Transformational Leadership And Transactional... Theory Transformational Leadership Theory was introduced in 1978 by political sociologist James Mac Gregor Burns and expanded by industrial psychologist Dr. Bernard Bass. In this theory, Burns differentiated two styles of leadership: transformational leadership and transactional leadership. In transformational leadership, it is a process where both the leaders and the followers elevate motivation and morality. The transformational leaders pay attention to the needs and motives of followers and help them achieve their fullest potential. They influence their followers' behaviors by appealing to the ideas and values and enhance the followers' commitment to their vision. transformational leaders exhibit behaviors which include idealized influence wherein the leader serves as the role model for followers; inspirational motivation – leader inspires and motivates followers representing the leader's charisma; individualized consideration– leader displays concerns for the needs and feelings of others which brings out the bringing out the follower's best efforts and; and intellectual stimulation – the leader challenges followers to be creative and innovative. In transactional leadership, leader focuses on reward and punishment to achieve compliance from followers. For many reasons, transformational leadership is important because it transforms group members into individuals who excel beyond their own self–interests for the sake of the group or institution. Transformational leaders ... Get more on ...
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  • 107. Leadership : Transformational And Transactional Leadership Within an international organization, the choice of leadership is highly important to build a successful organization. There are two types of leadership, which includes transformational and transactional leadership. This essay will examine the advantages and disadvantages of transformational leadership and how Apple has used leadership to build a successful organization. Steve jobs, the former CEO of Apple Company, and a transformational leader took a small computer company and transformed it into a huge electronic company, which is now the most popular brand, and one of the largest companies in the world. Leadership is necessary in all organizations in order for its objectives to be achieved. Leadership is the procedure of motivating people to behave in specific ways in order to attain certain goals. Leadership is about making decisions to achieve an organisational objective and helping to establish the 'style' and 'culture' of an organisation– "the way it operates". (Hannagan, 2008) A leader should be able to look forward and identify the ways ahead. This means that leaders should have followers and should be able to share collective goals with them. Leaders decide 'where we are going' and influence people to take that particular direction, rather than describe 'how we are going to get there'. (Hannagan, 2008) There are certain qualities, which are the key to a leaders success. First of all, leaders should be enthusiastic about their work and should have the courage to ... Get more on ...
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  • 111. Transactional Leadership : Leadership And Group Performance Transactional Leadership Organizational leadership builds on traditional theories in order to form new and exciting directions. Transactional leadership is a traditional theory, which has been used as a platform to understand leadership and further develop techniques for higher organizational performance. The three components of transactional leadership help shape and define the style, but are not always strictly adhered to. There are many advantages and disadvantages of transformational leadership. Knowing how and when to apply this style will prove useful for most successful organizational leaders. President Dwight Eisenhower was a good example of how transactional leadership could be used successfully. Traditional View and Origin Transactional Leadership was first described by Max Weber in 1947 and re–described by Bernard Bass in 1981. Recognized a traditional leadership, it focuses on the role of supervision, organization and group performance. Transactional leaders use an exchange model; they promote compliance of followers through both rewards and punishments. Not looking to change the future, transactional leaders are trying to keep everything the same (Odumeru & Ogbonna, 2013). Components of Transactional Leadership Transactional leadership is defined by different components: contingent reward, management by exception, and laissez–faire leadership. These components help define, but are not always prominent. Contingent reward describes the transaction ... Get more on ...
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  • 115. Transactional Leadership in Nursing Transformational Vs. Transactional Leadership In Professional Nursing Introduction Leadership development in the nursing profession is important because it directly impacts the care that is delivered to clients. Transactional and Transformational leadership styles are two very different methods of leadership in the nursing profession. This Essay will compare and contrast these two styles and support that transformational leadership style inspires quality care, job satisfaction and improved patient outcomes Review of Professional Nursing Literature. According to Sullivan and Decker (1997) transactional leadership is a traditional, goal oriented type of leadership based on the social exchange theory. Work is exchanged for rewards in ... Show more content on ... In a longitudinal study published in The Journal of Advanced Nursing, Munier and Neison (2009) concluded that transformational leadership styles reduced stress in the workplace and contributed to better sleep habits of the employees. Application of Clinical Example Transformational leadership will guide the current metamorphisis that is taking place in the nations skilled nursing facilities. Long term care for elders is transitioning from the skilled nursing facilities to community based settings such as assisted living facilities, retirement communitities, home health and adult day care facilities. This leaves the traditional nursing home faced with the changing needs of health care in our society. It is forecasted that skilled nursing facilities will become the transitional acute care centers for rehabilitation as hospitals are now discharging complex patients earlier than before to satisfy HMO's and financial restraints. The ma and pa nursing home of the past will have to succumb to this drastic change in order to survive financially. This transition must be led by transformational leadership in order to be successful. A study in 2008 by Neilson et all on the effects of transformational leadership in long term care, determined that this leadership facilitated a higher job satisfaction amongst long term care workers and a sense of well being. The employees who dedicate their lives to eldercare ... Get more on ...
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  • 119. Transactional Leadership In Health Care In a health care setting, the transactional leadership commonly used to continue a pleasant relationship among the managers and the subordinates while keeping promises of rewards for performance. The expectations of performance and the resulting rewards remain clearly identified and delivered upon completion of the agreement. The employees are rewarded with values according to the accomplishment of the performance of the employee to the mission and objectives of the program. The effectiveness of the transactional allows the managers to facilitate employee performance, helping the employees plan and coordinate the assigned task and learn new skills. The transformational leadership is motivated to the organizational changes, innovation, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 123. Transactional Leadership 1. Theories provide a standard that is applicable to thought processes. Insight can help leaders to move forward and bring fresh insight to the workplace. It is a conscious choice that an individual makes to become a leader and assume the responsibility to support the organizations mission while empowering the followers. By putting the needs of the followers ahead of self–absorbed leaders allows them to become healthier, wiser, freer, and more likely willing to be of service. Responsible leaders elevate and incorporate all moral stakeholders that establishes a connection of diverse constituents. Authentic responsible leaders have character and demonstrate virtues: honesty, respect, service, and humility. It is the individual members that make or break the purpose of having a group advantage. It is important to have an orderly set of steps, no matter what orientation, based upon moral principles to help conflictual situations. 2. ... Show more content on ... Theories have been researched and proven to provide correct guidance for responsible decision making. Transactional leadership is traditional, intended to meet basic needs: food, shelter, etc... Transformational leaders intend to elevate the group to meet a higher–level of needs: esteem, competence, self–fulfillment, and self–actualization. Empirical studies have provided evidence that leaders that transform followers are more successful, achieve results, higher quality, greater profits, and improved service. By putting the needs of the followers ahead of self–absorbed leaders allows them to become healthier, wiser, freer, and more likely willing to be of service. These leaders are perceived to be self–aware and others–aware, they acknowledge their responsibility, are grounded in their values and beliefs, and adapt when faced with risk and ... Get more on ...
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  • 127. The Leadership Skills : Transactional Leadership Assessing Leadership Skills Transactional leadership In assessing leadership skills, the idea portrayed on the Selfish gene is that people are more attracted to each other especially those that are blood related. The selflessness in individual behaviour is as related to the leadership skills requirement in human behaviour. Being selfless is set in the mind. A leader ought to be a person who is courageous, one who feels everyone he leads in his mind. The fact is that human beings general have a set unique mindset. Even those greatest leaders always feel anxiety when they are faced by tough decisions to make in their line of duty. There is always the sense of fear among every person's life. (Robbins, et al 2005). The theory is characterized by transaction involving the leader and the followers. It essentially values the positive relationships that are equally mutual. The motivational aspect should be applied by the leader to align to rewarding or punishing the followers in the course of performing the set leadership roles. There is need to develop a mutual reinforcement agreement. Human beings seek to utilize memorable experiences thus, are more likely to associate with those individuals who are important to our lives. The ability of the leader to interact with people and create beneficial relationships from such engagements should be assessed during this course. Leaders should be able to transform their specific followers by inspiration and display of charismatic abilities ... Get more on ...
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  • 131. Transactional and Transformational Leadership Yuan Ye (Carol) IBT07148 Transactional and Transformational Leadership [pic][pic] To: Nour Akalay Management June , 2008 Transactional and Transformational Leadership Leadership has been an important topic in the social sciences for many years. Recently, renewed interest in the concept of leadership has been aroused. "The resurgence of interest in studying the topic of leadership appears to be accompanied by an acceptance of the distinction between transactional and transformational leadership." (Den Hartog, Van Muijen and Koopman, 1997, P.41) Transactional and transformational leadership were regarded as important leadership theory started from Political sociologists James ... Show more content on ... These wrong decisions made a big loss of Ford Motor Company. From these two examples we can see that Henry's management relationship depends on the power and hierarchy. Maybe, to some extent, Henry Ford is the dictator of Ford Motor Company. ◆ Motivation and Reward The typical characteristic of transactional leadership is the process of exchanging. Employees use their labor to change for rewards, and leaders use motivation to change for performance and obedience. One way or another, the leader and follower agree, explicitly or implicitly, that desired follower behaviors will be rewarded, while undesirable behaviors will draw out punishment. "Henry Ford was a pioneer of "welfare capitalism" designed to improve the lot of his workers and especially to reduce the heavy turnover that had many departments hiring 300 men per year to fill 100 slots." (Retrieved June 10, 2008, from Henry Ford started the 40–hours week and paid their employees $5–per–day. Ford provided so good treatment to change for efficient performance of employees. ◆ Other Leadership Henry Ford management also embodied other leadership. Let's discuss some of them.
  • 132. Transformational leadership Transformation leaders think more about the relationship with followers. They always want to give a good influence on employees and to provide good salary to employees. So Henry Ford started the 40–hours week and paid their employees $5–per–day ... Get more on ...
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  • 136. Philosophy Of Transactional Leadership Instructional Supervision Philosophy Leadership Even though leadership dates back centuries, it is critical for leaders to display qualities that "differentiate them from followers" (p. 5). To encourage student success, it is important to practice theories and methodologies that help institution's and individuals become successful leaders with superior qualities. Transformational and transactional leadership are two terms that discussed throughout business and education. Transactional leadership is defined "as trading one thing for another (quid pro quo)", whereas transformational leadership "is more focused on change" (p. 14). Transactional leaders believe it is their job to maintain the status quo by setting goals, desired outcomes, rewards ... Show more content on ... 1). Research indicated the importance of active learning strategies, over the past few years, to help maximize the student's education. A well–written lesson plan can cover the course content, maintain student attention, and incorporate the knowledge and skills the student needs to learn. A skilled educator can scrutinize the learning situation and differentiate instruction by using all the available resources. I think, to help facilitate learning, teachers should encourage students to be more responsible for their own education by engaging them to participate in individual or group activities, including collaboration with other students, hands–on activities, reading, writing, and verbal presentations. As an educator, I will concentrate on strategies that promote collaboration, cooperation, and communication. I will concentrate on reading strategies that help students comprehend what they read. Reading strategies such as, the before, during, and after reading strategy can be used for reading comprehension. I can use this reading strategy the first time a new story is read. Before reading the story, I can preview the story by discussing the topic, using key vocabulary words, activating the student's prior knowledge, and setting the purpose for reading. During the reading passage, I will stop and use context clues to help students ... Get more on ...
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  • 140. Transactional Leadership Transformational leadership has been presented in the literature as different from transactional leadership. While transactional leadership was defined on the basis of the influence process underlying it, as an exchange of rewards for compliance, transformational leadership was defined on the basis of its effects, as transforming the values and priorities of followers and motivating them to perform beyond their expectations (Yukl, 1998). Bass and Avolio (1994) proposed that the behaviors transformational leaders' exhibit include four components: individualized consideration, inspirational motivation, idealized influence and intellectual stimulation. Sullivan articulates a compelling vision for the future (Woolliams & Trompenaars, 2013). A ... Get more on ...
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  • 144. Transactional Leadership Behavior When I first read about Transactional Leadership Behaviors it immediately grabbed my attention. More specifically, I found the Management by Exception–Active concept to be most important to me. Being in the Security Forces career field, I have seen very good leadership practices and some that can make you want to cringe. As a Defender, you can be labeled as a proactive or reactive Airman. There are factors such as existing leadership styles or policies and each member's personal desires when wearing the badge and beret that contribute to a proactive or reactive approach. I would say that there is no true right or wrong however my belief is that every Airman should be proactive as it enhances mission effectiveness and community relations. ... Show more content on ... I would apply the Management by Exception–Active approach to keep flight members motivated and performing at a very high level with duty performance. When implemented, subordinates will strive for excellence when they witness and see firsthand their leadership leading by example and from the front. Goals will be met and exceeded when the Airman are confident in their work and abilities. In today's Air Force we want the best Airman on our team and by executing this approach; we will acquire, maintain and manage the best possible team of Airman. Peers may take different approaches when it comes to supervising Airman however I believe they will see the success of the other leaders in their organization that take the active approach and eventually adapt towards a more active approach with their Airman which is ultimately what is needed from all personnel. Supervisors and key leaders within the squadron will place emphasis on teamwork, fine tuning policies and procedures while executing at a highly effective level, giving each member confidence in their own abilities. As a supervisor, NCO and leader in the United States Air Force, it is your duty to take care of the Airman and mold them into future leaders and by utilizing the Management by Exception–Active approach; this will be most ... Get more on ...
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  • 148. Transformational & Transactional Leadership Essay Introduction Over the past twenty years, an abundant body of researches have been done to review transformational leadership and transactional leadership. Burn (1978) was the first person to introduce and conceptualize the concept of transformational leadership and transactional leadership. Bass (1985) based on Burn's concept and deepen his notion with modifications, which stated that one of the best frameworks of leadership is transformational or transactional, but not opposing to each other. Followed by Bass and Avolio (1994), they provide the idea of these two leaderships and generalize them into the development of global economic world. Bass and Avolio (1997) also suggested that there was no need to view transformational and ... Show more content on ... Leaders are aiming to control and surveillance employees through sensible and thrifty intention (Bass, 1985). It simply requires an agreement between leaders and followers toward organization goal (Burns, 1978). In transformation leadership, leaders focus on changing followers' moral sensibilities and potentially increasing their motivation beyond self–interest (Kezar & Eckel, 2008, p. 381). It needs more associated with outcome criteria than transactional leadership (Rowold & Rohmann, 2009, p. 42). Transformation leadership helps to build positive relationship among staff and raising their morale. In contrast, transactional leadership helps to build the fundamental structure of the organisation (Kezar & Eckel, 2008, p. 383). Transformational leadership are clarified into four dimensions which are pointed out by Bass (1990, p. 28), 'charisma, idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration'. Apart from these basic roles, charisma leadership has its own role of literature since it has similarity with transformational leadership and they are contribution to each other (Judge & Piccolo, 2004, p. 755). On the other hand, there are three dimensions of transactional leadership which includes contingent reward, active and passive. The difference between active and passive which are the exceptions of management is the timing of leaders' interference. It is also the advantage ... Get more on ...
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  • 152. Transactional Vs. Transactional Leadership Theory 3.2 Transactional Leadership theory According to Burns, a transactional leader was someone "who approaches followers with an eye to exchange one thing for another: jobs for votes, or subsidies to include for campaign contributions" (Klinsontorn, 2007, p.35). An example using Burns definition, it would be like a boss paying extra incentive for its employee who does the most sales. Thus, followers obtain rewards for job performance, while leaders benefit from the completion of tasks. Transactional leaders are good at traditional management functions such as planning and budgeting and generally focus on the impersonal aspects of job performance. The definition of Burns was expanded by Bass (1985). He said that a transactional leader must also ... Show more content on ... Contingent Reward means to reward a follower that meets the expectation or punish for they fail to meet the expectation (Klinsontorn, 2007). For Bass (1985), the transactional leadership is contingent reinforcement. The leader and follower agree on what the follower needs to do to be rewarded or to avoid punishment. Should the agreed–upon performance is achieved; this dimension reinforces the effort to maintain the desired speed and accuracy of employee performance. Active Management–by–exception occurs when the leader has a system for actively monitoring errors and gaps in expected performance and takes corrective action appropriately (Bass & Avolio, 1990). Passive Management–by–exception occurs when the leader intervenes only when there is a gap between desired and actual performance levels. Accordingly, the leader pays attention to the subordinate only when corrective actions are necessary. Thus, there are no preventive actions or attempts by the leader to monitor or influence performance (Bass & Avolio, 1990). 4.1 Application of Transformational Leadership Transformational leadership is very effective for corporate entrepreneurship success because it is responsible for motivating employees to go beyond ordinary expectations by appealing to their higher order needs and moral values. This will cause increased productivity, objectives being meet and high performance. Intellectual Stimulation, Individualized Consideration and Inspirational Motivation are dimensions of ... Get more on ...
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  • 156. Max Weber And The Transactional Leadership The transactional leadership was firstly talked and elaborated in 1947 by Max Weber and described more in 1981 by Bernard M. Bass. It is a style of leadership that leaders provides their subordinates with rewards or punishments. It can be called management theories. This style mainly encourages and directs subordinates or followers by providing incentives. The power of this leadership derives from the control, rules and regulation of companies. Particularly, managers use the transactional style. (Odumeru & Ifeanyi, 2013) Focusing on the fundamental management processes of preparing, controlling, and planning for short period. The significant point of subordinators or followers is to follow the instructions of the manager or leader. It may ... Show more content on ... Passive management: The transactional leader can only intervene if tasks do not meet the criteria or do not meet expectations. He/she may provide a punishment to the one who performances incorrectly. Laissez–faire: the transactional leaders give a lot of chances followers for decisions making. So, leaders themselves give up their responsibilities and try to avoid decisions making, then organizations tend to have unclear direction. Implications in an organization: They focus on the short–term goals as well as standard regulation and methods. Also, the followers are not support to improve their innovation and new ideas. This leadership style can work if the organization 's issues are normal and clearly explained. When the existing objective is not meet, these leaders often do not provide benefit or rewards to subordinates. Characteristic On the other hand, reducing costs and increasing productivity are done effectively in this style. Leaders strongly instructive, and their communication with the members is often short–term, not for long term relationship. So its characteristic is concentrate only on short term objective, not flexible to new situations, not support in changes or update ideas. Also, it fits with structured rules or methods, and just do things rightly. (Transactional Leadership Theory, n.d) Advantages Transactional leaders perform great in a structured organization. And the subordinates will get rewards as incentives for their own ... Get more on ...