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Leadership Centre for local government

Total Place: a practitioner’s guide to
             doing things differently
Contents                                                                                         Introduction
                                                                                                 The Total Place journey –
                                                                                                 or there and back again
                                                                                                 (with apologies to JRR Tolkien)

Introduction   The Total Place journey –                                                         David Bolger
               or there and back again .............................................3
               Guide to the guide ......................................................5

Section 1.0    Understanding systemic change................................6
                                                                                                 The Hobbit may not be an obvious starting
               Starting out ............................................................... 24
Section 2.0
                                                                                                 point for a compendium of ideas about Total
Section 3.0    Connecting the system to itself ............................... 44
                                                                                                 Place. But the quest as a storytelling model
Section 4.0    Being human ............................................................. 62
                                                                                                 retains extraordinary power even here in the
Section 5.0    Using power differently ............................................ 78           sceptical world of the 21st century.
Section 6.0    Counting and story-telling........................................ 92

Section 7.0    Thinking differently................................................. 110         In this document, we have gathered the        The thirteen Total Place pilots have each
                                                                                                 wisdom of a number of people who have         undertaken a unique journey over the
                                                                                                 been involved in the Total Place adventure.   past nine months or so. It is abundantly
                                                                                                 Their wisdom ranges widely across             clear that there is no single set of rules to
                                                                                                 theories and models of change, embracing      follow and that there is more work to be
                                                                                                 practical ideas on processes and things       undertaken – the story is far from over.
                                                                                                 to do, and also touching on the inevitable
                                                                                                                                               Nevertheless, at this point, it seems right
                                                                                                 human dimensions of change.
                                                                                                                                               to try to gather the experience of the Total
                                                                                                 In some cases these experiences of the        Place pioneers to date; to understand
                                                                                                 Total Place quest are recounted by the        what they have found useful, inspiring and
                                                                                                 pilots’ programme managers and leads.         rewarding in the journeys they have made;
                                                                                                 Others are insights from Leadership Centre    and to offer to those who are embarking
                                                                                                 advisers who have worked closely              on their own quest some modest thoughts
                                                                                                 with places.                                  on ways of thinking and behaving which
                                                                                                                                               may be of help.

2                                                                                                                                                                                              3
The compendium is divided
into three main areas:
                                                                                          Guide to the guide

                                            THEORIES AND MODELS here we                   We have broken down our contributors’ pieces into seven
                                            briefly summarise, and reference, some of     sections, to help you find the most relevant pieces
1 THEORIES AND                              the models of change etc which Total Place    for you at any given time. Those sections are:

  MODELS                                    practitioners have drawn on; the models
                                            are generally well known, researched and
                                                                                                     Understanding systemic change Getting your mind
                                                                                                     around the ‘founding’ theories of the initial Total Place approach –
                                                                                                     the ideas that started things out and shaped the first phase.

                                            PRACTICE here we capture some very
                                            practical ideas which have been used in
2 PRACTICE                                  the various Total Place quests. As with
                                            the theories and models, no prescriptions                Starting out Getting set up, recognising the need for ‘learning
                                            are on offer. Simply a description of                    cycles’ as a scaffolding for Total Place work, and using those cycles
                                            approaches which have been used to                       to maximise the impact of a piece of Total Place work.

                                            move the Total Place idea forward

                                            HUMAN IMPLICATIONS here we                               Connecting the system to itself Linking up people across
                                            capture ideas about social interactions                  your system to generate new ideas and agreements – the power of
3 HUMAN                                     which have proved insightful for Total                   multi-party conversations.

  IMPLICATIONS                              Place practitioners.

                                                                                                     Being human Recognising the emotional impacts of
                                                                                                     change on people and the effects of social dynamics on groups
                                                                                                     and organisations.

The compendium is exactly that:             It goes without saying, almost, that the
a collection of ideas and approaches        various authors of this document offer
which may be of value to those setting      no warranties about the efficacy of their
                                            ideas. They offer them humbly, in a spirit               Using power differently Neither ignoring nor being
out on a Total Place journey. There is
                                            of co-operation and shared learning, to                  overwhelmed by the power hierarchies we work in.

no guiding narrative to the pieces here,
although there are evident overlaps         those who may follow them on the Total
and echoes between the ‘chunks’ and         Place quest. You must make of them what
between individual pieces. The separate     you will-and we hope that in time you will               Counting and story-telling Using data, stories and
pieces are designed to stand alone and      be moved to share your own experiences                   deep dives to find the information that begins to change minds:
can be dipped into according to taste.      with the growing Total Place community.                  professional minds, leadership minds and political minds.

Each piece has an identified author, with   The views expressed in this publication are
contact details; and where appropriate,     those of the author and do not necessarily
references are provided for theories and    reflect the views or opinions of the                     Thinking differently Taking your new information and
models quoted.                              Leadership Centre for Local Government                   working with it in innovative ways – using new ideas and theories
                                            or its staff.                                            and playing with your creativity.

4                                                                                                                                                                            5
Getting your mind around the ‘founding’
theories of the initial Total Place approach
– the ideas that started things out and
shaped the first phase.

                                               Section 1
                                               Understanding systemic change
                                               Getting past the polarities – an introduction to Total Place . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
                                               Total Place – the founding ideas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
                                               Living systems, adaptive change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
                                               Information, identity, relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
                                               Wicked problems, wicked work. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
                                               Diverse cultures, diverse solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
                                               Leadership that changes thinking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
                                               Public value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

6                                                                                                                                                                                                                  7
Getting past the polarities –                                                                     Culture                                                    Counting
    an introduction to Total Place                                                                    Forming cross-agency
                                                                                                      leadership boards, design               Task
                                                                                                                                                                 Conducting high level
                                                                                                                                                                 and detailed ‘Deep Dives’
                                                                                                      groups, professional                                       assessing cost against benefit
                                                                                                      collectives – diverse                                      across the whole public realm
                                                                                                      groupings of people who                                    and for specific citizens,
    John Atkinson, Managing director, Leadership Centre                                               do the work together                                       families and target groups
    for Local Government

                                                                                                                                                                 Participating in customer
                                                                                                                                           Customer              involvement and insight work
Total Place is a ‘both/and’ exercise: places and                                                                                            Citizen              – interviews, group sessions,
                                                                                                                                                                 innovation workshops,
Whitehall were asked to work together to find ways                                                                                                               co-design exercises, ward
                                                                                                                                                                 level conversations
of creating better outcomes for citizens at lower cost
to the taxpayer.
                                                                                                     Agencies                                                    Whitehall
                                                                                                     Getting together across                 Players             Joining in counting and
This was the first difficult thing for people to   So, why do we think Total Place is different
                                                                                                     sectors to define themes, share                             design work, facilitating new
get their heads around – Total Place is not a      from all of these myriad initiatives that have    information, create new ideas,                              policy conversations, acting
service improvement initiative nor is it a cost-   washed over our bows over the last twenty         negotiate implementation                                    as Champions in Whitehall
cutting exercise. It is an approach to ‘public     years or so? It’s because we think that
value’ (more on this later) that includes          Total Place is the first time that two crucial
both improvement and innovation and a              triads have been brought together in a
close eye on the value to the citizen being        single piece of work.                            •	 How do the organisational cultures of       leaders meet together with Whitehall
generated (or failing to be generated) by                                                              agencies in places and departments          colleagues as part of theme groups
each public service pound that we spend.           The task triad: Customers,
                                                                                                       in Whitehall hamper our ability to          and at senior leaders events; agency
                                                   counting, culture
Total Place is also an attempt to bring all of                                                         deliver value to the public? Are our        professionals and managers have worked
                                                   The ‘task’ of Total Place has been to               attempts to maintain organisational         with customers at large system events and
the contributors to public value together in
                                                   consider all three of the key aspects in the        sovereignty getting in the way of working   via smaller design groups.
one place. A lofty ambition!
                                                   creation of public value:                           collaboratively to shift society’s most
We have a long history of partnership                                                                                                              And the choices that working this way
                                                   •	 What does the citizen really want from us        intransigent problems?
initiatives in the public sector, each of                                                                                                          create are fundamental and deeply
                                                      when they are in the role of customer?
which has made an impact in shifting us                                                             The player triad: Agencies,                    political. This needs to be recognised
                                                      Do they really want all the things we
towards a more collaborative approach                                                               citizens, Whitehall                            from the outset and welcomed as part of
                                                      provide or would they rather do much of
between agencies. Many individual                                                                                                                  a reinvigoration of healthy public debate
                                                      it for themselves? Where they do need         And the design of Total Place has been
councils, primary car trusts, police forces                                                                                                        about what is best for our places and how
                                                      the support of the public service, are we     to create as much connection between
and other agencies have also done good                                                                                                             best this can be achieved.
                                                      doing a decent job or driving them half       the different players in public value as
work with local citizens, involving them in           mad with our internal fragmentation and       possible. No one agency in a place or          So, if you think the leaders of your place
community development, service design                 arcane language?                              department in Whitehall has dictated the       are ready for a ‘both/and’ approach to
and outcome setting. Some Whitehall                •	 What really counts in the huge expenditure    work. Perhaps more importantly, a great        generating public value, Total Place may
departments have got closer to their                  managed by the public sector? How             deal of attention has been paid to creating    be the approach for you. It’s not about
agencies, connecting leaders in places to             much bang are we really getting for our       cross system forums where very significant     everyone getting involved in everything but
policy makers around specific initiatives.            buck? Is the actual investment in services    conversations take place. Whitehall            it is about always keeping the whole task
                                                      to the customer undermined by the cost        champions have got involved in places;         and all the actors in mind – a complex but
                                                      of ‘being in business’?                       place agency leaders and local political       rewarding way of working.
8                                                                                                                                                                                                 9
1                                                                                                          5
 Total Place - the founding ideas                                                                 Myron’s maxims: working with adaptive change                                                                Elegant solutions don’t solve wicked problems

                                                                                                     •	 Real change happens in real work                                                                                  Fatalism                         Hierarchy

  John Atkinson, Managing director, Leadership Centre                                                •	 Those who do the work do the change
                                                                                                     •	 People own what they create

  for Local Government                                                                               •	 Start anywhere, go everywhere
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Individualism                    Egalitarianism
                                                                                                     •	 Connect the system to more of itself

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Low                                                                          High

Total Place is a bit different from the usual initiative                                     Source: Myron Rogers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Group orientation

or centrally orchestrated programme – sometimes                                               Myron Rogers
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Diverse solutions to unmanageable youths
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Fatalists                        Hierarchists

frustratingly so.                                                                                      Structure                                 Identity                             Meaning
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          There’s nothing we can do.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          There have been feral young
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          men in every society and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          on-one knows what to do
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Stronger discipline is needed:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Sanction parents
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Give police more powers

                                                                                                                                                                                                              GRID:       about them
It didn’t come with a programme plan,             can only be addressed with messy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Individualists                   Egalitarians
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Kids need better life chances:   Kids need more support:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Offer incentives to stay         Provide mentors
toolkit or defined outcomes – no set of           (not elegantly simple) solutions                                                                                                                                        in school
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Give rewards for good
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Create opportunities for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           community contribution

instructions to follow. But it did come with      (Wicked problems, wicked solutions)                                                                                                                                     behaviour

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Low                                                                          High
a, largely unspoken, body of theory behind     4. If we want to address those wicked              Systems         Policy            Information       Relationships          Action             Trust
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Group orientation:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Belonging and meaning

it, theory that informed the design and that      problems we must be willing to adapt
has informed the day to day decisions of          our thinking, and it is a key role of      Source: Myron Rogers                                                                                       Adapted from the work of Mary Douglas

the Leadership Centre for Local                   leadership to help ourselves and others    3                                                                                                          6
Government and the High Level Officials’          to think new thoughts (Leadership that                                                                                                                 The strategic triangle
Group responsible for steering the work
                                                                                                                                       What kind of problem is it?
                                                  changes thinking)
through Whitehall. We thought it would be      5. Different individuals have different                                     Do you know how to solve this problem?                                                     The Authorising Enviroment

helpful for places who are wanting to             overarching cultural theories about
embark on Total Place work to have some                                                                           Yes                                                            No                                                                              Public Value Outcomes
                                                  how human systems work – all of                                                                                                                                                                                   Strategic Goals

understanding of those theories, whether          those theories have value in building                      Is it a crisis?
                                                                                                                                                                     Does anyone know to
                                                                                                                                                                           solve this?
they want to use them in their work or not!       messy solutions (Diverse viewpoints,
Each of the founding ideas outlined below         diverse solutions)                                   Yes                     No                                    Yes                     No

is dealt with in more depth in one of the      6. If we focus only on ‘service                     Critical problem                                                            Wicked problem
                                                                                                                                        Tame problem

following pieces in this section.                 improvement’ or on ‘cost cutting’,             Act as a commander
                                                                                                      Be decisive
                                                                                                                                       Act as a manager
                                                                                                                                          Use S.O.Ps
                                                                                                                                                                               Act as a leader
                                                                                                                                                                            Ask questions and use                     Operational Capacity
                                                                                                   Provide answers                                                             clumsy solutions

1. Human communities and organisations            we get further and further away from
     are not machines, they are living,           understanding the true value of public     Sourced from Professor Keith Grint, Warwick Business School                                                Source: Mark Moore

     adapting systems so we need                  work for the public we are trying to       4
     approaches to change that recognise          serve (Public value)
                                                                                                 Changing our thinking
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Please see the following pages for
     this fact (Living systems, adaptive                                                                                                                                                                    full details:
                                               As you read through this guide to Total                  Unproductive fantasy
     change)                                                                                                                                                                        Denial
                                               Place, you will spot each of these founding                                                                                                                  1 Living systems, adaptive
2. Our leadership attention is best spent

                                               ideas popping up over and over again,
                                                                                                                                                                                        Not enough
                                                                                                                                                                                                              change ........................................ page 12
                                                                                                     Sense of
     by considering the information that
                                                                                                                                                Existing Map

                                               sometimes overtly, sometimes in disguise.
                                                                                                  Experimentation          Realistic                                  Sense of
                                                                                                                                                                      Tension           Just right          2 Information, identity,
     shapes the system, the identity                                                                                                                                                                          relationships ............................... page 14
     the system is creating for itself and     And, as you consider your own local Total                       New map                                                       Loosening Map                  3 Wicked problems, wicked work.... page 16
     the relationships that uphold the work.   Place exercise, you may want to think                                                                                                                        4 Leadership that changes
                                               which of these founding ideas you find                    Sufficient                                                                     Sense of              thinking ....................................... page 20
     (Information, identity, relationships)                                                                                                                                             Safety
                                                                                                                                            Thought Experiments
                                                                                                                                                                                                            5 Diverse cultures, diverse
3. The long standing and remarkably            useful and how you might incorporate                           None
                                                                                                                          Sense of
                                                                                                                        Positive Future
                                                                                                                                                                       Just right
                                                                                                                                                                                        Not enough
                                                                                                                                                                                                              solutions ..................................... page 18
     resilient problems now faced by our       them in your own work.                                            Despair                                                            Panic
                                                                                                                                                                                                            6 Public value ................................ page 22
     society are ‘wicked problems’ that                                                      Adapted from Kurt Lewin
10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 11
Living systems, adaptive change                                                                          Myron’s maxims: working with adaptive change

  John Atkinson, Managing director, Leadership Centre
                                                                                                              •	 Real change happens in real work
  for Local Government
                                                                                                              •	 Those who do the work do the change
                                                                                                              •	 People own what they create

One of the central ideas of Total Place is that the                                                           •	 Start anywhere, go everywhere
long-standing machine metaphor of organisation                                                                •	 Connect the system to more of itself
and social systems is handicapping our ability to
understand the environment we work in and how to
change the behaviours of those systems.                                                              Source: Myron Rogers

By the machine metaphor, we mean a               In his work with the Leadership Centre on           •	 Self organisation: social systems            •	 As over-arching issues started to emerge
view of the social and organisational world      our Leeds Castle Leadership Programme,                 preserve their identity. Once a group or        (especially on the relationship between
that assumes that people are passive             Myron describes his view of the five major             organisation has formed a loyalty, people       places and national Government),
actors who take instructions and carry           characteristics of living systems:                     will act to hold on to the identity they        new spaces were made to have those
them out, that there are ‘levers of power’       •	 Chaos and complexity: complex                       have created.                                   discussions rather than them being
that can be pulled somewhere that will              systems are characterised by ambiguity,                                                             declared ‘out of scope’
change behaviour and that setting a target                                                           Myron’s five maxims for working with living     •	 Many opportunities were created to
                                                    uncertainty and unexpected connections.
will completely drive an intended change.                                                            systems are shown in the box above.                connect previously unconnected bits of
                                                    Order arises from chaotic and unmanaged
The last twenty years of attempted public                                                            Perhaps you can see how the initial design         the system – e.g. professionals in places
                                                    micro-interactions, rather than because of
service reform shows us that, while small                                                            of Total Place reflected these ideas:              with policy makers in Whitehall, leaders
                                                    some design from on high.
positive changes have been made, the             •	 Emergence: living systems seem chaotic           •	 Places were asked to do real work rather        in one area to leaders from another, front
outcomes for individual citizens have not           and unpredictable but their patterns are            than just ‘set up a partnership’ – to find      line professionals with financial analysts,
altered to the extent that the machine              created by simple underlying rules which            a theme, actively diagnose the issues           middle managers with citizens
metaphor would have had us hope.                    are not usually apparent to the actors.             and create some innovative potential
                                                                                                        interventions                                As you begin, or continue, to work on
So, during the design and initiation phase       •	 Cognition: no one person can ever                                                                your Total Place exercises, you may want
of Total Place, we turned to the work               ‘see the system’. Each person will have          •	 Senior leaders were asked to get actively
                                                                                                        involved in the work (politicians, agency    to consider how you can use these ideas
of those theorists and educators who                a different perspective depending on                                                             in your work to experiment with their
emphasise a completely different lens for           their place in the system and what they             leaders and colleagues in Whitehall)
                                                                                                        rather than delegating to others to do       power – perhaps the machine metaphor
looking at human activity – that of the living      see determines what they do.                                                                     will begin to have had its day!
system (sometimes known as complex                                                                      the change for them
                                                 •	 Networks: people are strongly linked
adaptive systems theory). There are now             by their informal ties and by the stories        •	 Places were encouraged to work closely
many writers who work with these ideas              they tell. If the ‘official line’ does not fit      with front-line staff and citizens rather
but the person who has most influenced              with the lived reality of players, they will        than just consulting them once the work
our work is Myron Rogers.                           ignore or subvert it.                               was done – to move gently towards

12                                                                                                                                                                                              13
Information, identity, relationships                                                            Looking at the work we do

  John Atkinson, Managing director, Leadership Centre                                                        Structure                      Identity                       Meaning

  for Local Government

Much has been made of Total Place as a whole
systems intervention. Working with whole systems
is now increasingly listed in government literature as
being a key requirement of effective leadership.                                                      Systems           Policy    Information    Relationships       Action        Trust

The term however, is exceptionally vague.       beliefs and the emotional responses they
                                                                                                 Source: Myron Rogers
Some people can list over forty different       bring to each other and their work.
philosophies that might constitute a whole
                                                Myron suggests we should spend our
systems approach. Total Place has tried to
                                                leadership attention on identity, information                                                    betterment of Total Place. There has been
remain pragmatic in the face of all of this
                                                and relationships. That this creates an          At the same time, getting new information       no substitute in Total Place for racking up
and has plotted a course through the work
                                                environment of trust, which in turn ensures      into our discussion has been critical. The      the travel miles and the mobile bill.
that is mindful of the theory, but rooted in
                                                we address the appropriate rather than           most important source of this has been
everyday experience.                                                                                                                             So one element of Total Place is the
                                                historical actions and that together this will   the citizen. Raising the profile of people’s
                                                                                                                                                 requirement to move away from the
Myron Rogers has worked with whole              make work in the public service altogether       stories about engaging with the state
                                                                                                                                                 comfort of policy, structures and systems
systems for decades and has worked              more meaningful for those involved.              brings different perspectives. Put this
                                                                                                                                                 and into a vaguer but more purposeful
with repeated cohorts of the Leeds Castle                                                        alongside the wealth of data from the
                                                I have interpreted the issue of identity as                                                      world that asks more difficult questions.
Leadership Programme. He suggests a                                                              deep dives about how we really provide
                                                determining who we mean when we say                                                              •	 Who are the people that we really need
way of looking at the work we do along the                                                       services and the cost of this, then the
                                                ‘we’ and what it is that ‘we’ are trying to                                                         together to solve the problems we face?
lines of the diagram opposite.                                                                   conversations we have about what we
                                                do. In Total Place, we have made new                                                             •	 What do we collectively know that we
                                                                                                 could (and ought) to do become different.
Our time is primarily spent in the first        connections between Whitehall and                                                                   can use to move us forward?
three circles. We focus our activity on the     places, across different areas of local          Through Total Place, people have made
                                                                                                                                                 •	 How can we forge new and stronger
structures necessary to get our work done,      geography and between the state and              new relationships and strengthened old
                                                                                                                                                    connections with the people we need
the policies that we wish to pursue and the     citizens. This focus on a different ‘we’         ones. The quality and quantity of these
                                                                                                                                                    to in order to deliver altogether better
systems or mechanisms by which we do            creates a new identity and allows us             relationships directly impacts on our ability
                                                                                                                                                    services in a time of tough financial
this. While these are useful pursuits, they     new possibilities. The variety of different      to get things done. One senior civil servant
fail to significantly address the important     meetings, workshops and forums and               describes me as judiciously using the
dynamic at play. Our work takes place           the growth of the online communities of          car-park, train station, late-night mobile      You can read more about Myron’s
with people, human beings, with all their       practice and other ‘e’-processes have all        phone call to cajole, dragoon, seduce           ideas in the book: ‘A Simpler Way’,
capacity for creativity, their prejudices and   helped to build a sense of identity around       or otherwise persuade an accountable            Myron Rogers and Margaret Wheatley,
                                                the work.                                        individual to do something useful for the       Berrett-Koehler, 2002.

14                                                                                                                                                                                         15
Wicked problems, wicked work                                                                                                              What kind of problem is it?

  David Bolger, Leadership Centre adviser                                                                                         Do you know how to solve this problem?

                                                                                                                        Yes                                                       No

Situational Leadership is a term, and model, devised
by Hersey and Blanchard, and identified four main                                                                 Is it a crisis?
                                                                                                                                                                         Does anyone know to
                                                                                                                                                                               solve this?
styles for leaders which they could adopt according
to the capacity of their teams. These modes are:
                                                                                                            Yes                      No                                  Yes              No
directing; coaching; supporting and delegating.

Details can be found in Blanchard’s            •	 Wicked, where the challenge is either             Critical problem                        Tame problem                          Wicked problem
‘Leadership and the One Minute Manager’.          wholly novel or perhaps is long-standing,       Act as a commander                      Act as a manager                        Act as a leader
In recent years, Professor Keith Grint, now       proving impervious to previous efforts to            Be decisive                          Use standard                       Ask questions and use
of Warwick Business School, has linked the        resolve it - teenage pregnancies might            Provide answers                     operationg procedures                     clumsy solutions
idea of adaptive leadership approaches to         be an example, or long term addictions
the work of Rittell and Webber on so-called       to alcohol or drugs
‘wicked problems’.                                                                             Sourced from Professor Keith Grint, Warwick Business School
                                               Proponents of a contextual leadership
There are two dimensions to consider: the      approach might argue that the role of
leadership challenge which is presenting;      a leader is, first, to identify the nature      •	 For wicked problems, leadership                            But beware of two things. First, problems
and the leadership approach which is           of the challenge, and then to adopt the            is required - if we’ve never seen this                     will not necessarily present simply. They
adopted to deal with the challenge. On         appropriate leadership response. The               problem before, and command and                            may combine facets of critical, tame and
the leadership challenge, the Rittell and      corresponding leadership styles can be             control or management don’t seem to                        wicked. Second, there is also evidence
Webber work suggests that challenges, or       described as follows:                              work, then we need to look for new                         to show that leaders have preferred
problems, fall into three broad categories                                                        solutions; this also holds true if it’s an                 leadership approaches. For example, some
                                               •	 For critical problems, command and
•	 Critical, where the challenge is evident                                                       old, intractable problem. We need to find                  leaders relish crises and the chance to
                                                  control is the necessary response-
   and immediate- a fire might be an                                                              new ways of thinking and talking about                     give some command and control orders;
                                                  you don’t expect your leader to form a
   example                                                                                        the issue; and we may have to accept                       some leaders prefer to manage, to defuse
                                                  committee if there’s a fire; you expect to
•	 Tame, where the challenge is well                                                              that it is not actually soluble, only that we              the drama of crises but also to avoid
                                                  be told what to do, quickly and clearly
   understood, and where procedures                                                               can make slow, experimental progress                       genuinely complex and intractable wicked
                                               •	 For tame problems, management is                or limit the damage.                                       issues; and there are yet others for whom
   have been developed and proven in              called for - what do we already know
   practice, even if the challenge is pretty                                                                                                                 everything is a wicked problem, requiring
                                                  about how to deal with this issue? What                                                                    extensive and never-ending analysis and
   complicated-brain surgery might be an          are the procedures? Let’s do that: we
   example                                                                                                                                                   consultation.
                                                  know it’s going to work
                                                                                                                                                             You can read more about Keith’s work
                                                                                                                                                             in the book: ‘Leadership: Limits and
                                                                                                                                                             Possibilities’, Palgrave MacMillan (2005)
16                                                                                                                                                                                                  17
Elegant solutions don’t solve wicked problems
 Diverse cultures, diverse solutions                                                                        High

                                                                                                                             Fatalism                          Hierarchy
  Karen Ellis, Leadership Centre adviser
One of the things that quickly becomes apparent to                                                        Roles

any observer of a Total Place conversation is that                                                                           Individualism                     Egalitarianism

different individuals are operating from very different
core assumptions when it comes to their view of                                                              Low                                                                                High
                                                                                                                                              Group orientation
social change.
                                                                                                           Diverse solutions to unmanageable youths
This is not new news! During the 1950s,        •	 From the individualist: “I’ll send the
a superb social scientist named Mary              experts off to design some solutions, try                                  Fatalists                         Hierarchists
Douglas began to notice the same thing.           them all out on a small scale and I’ll do a                                There’s nothing we can do.        Stronger discipline is needed:
Fundamentally, she noticed that when              ‘Dragon’s Den’ to choose between them”                                     There have been feral young       Sanction parents
                                                                                                                             men in every society and          Give police more powers
people are in groups, their behaviour seems    •	 From the hierarchist: “we, the leaders,                                    on-one knows what to do
to be driven by where they sit (usually           will set the criteria and you, the workers,              GRID:             about them
unconsciously) on each of two spectra :           will work together and come back to us                   Rules
                                                                                                           and                                                 Egalitarians
•	 Do they enjoy and support formal rules         with your proposals”                                                       Kids need better life chances:    Kids need more support:
   and roles or do they prefer to make up      •	 From the egalitarian: “we will call                                        Offer incentives to stay          Provide mentors
                                                                                                                             in school                         Create opportunities for
   their own rules?                               together all the people who have a stake                                   Give rewards for good             community contribution
•	 Do they like to feel part of a group or        in the issue and run a collaborative event                                 behaviour
   do they prefer to stay independent and         to design the solution together”
                                                                                                             Low                                                                                High
   work alone?                                 •	 From the fatalist: “whatever I do, it                                                      Group orientation:
                                                  will be subsumed by business-as-usual,                                                   Belonging and meaning
She called these two dimensions ‘Grid’ and
                                                  so I will put the minimum effort in to tick
‘Group’ and created the two-by-two matrix
                                                  your box”.                                    Adapted from the work of Mary Douglas
of ‘Cultural Types’ shown opposite. Of
course, none of us is a pure type but most     You may see some of your own behaviour
                                                                                                than the single viewpoint elegant solutions                     [Keith doesn’t say this but I feel bound to
of us would admit that there is at least one   in the descriptions above!
                                                                                                that each type would instinctively prefer.                      defend fatalists as I think they have a lot
box that we prefer on most occasions and       So why does this social science theory                                                                           of realism to offer!]
certainly one that we don’t like at all!       matter in Total Place? Professor Keith           In the process of building messy solutions:
                                               Grint has applied Mary’s ideas to the            •	 Individualists are good at innovation and                  In your Total Place process, you will get
So when we get together in working
                                               issue of wicked problems. He proposes               protecting independence                                    much further if you ensure that all of the
groups to discuss social or organisational
                                               that the best solutions to long-standing         •	 Hierarchists are good at decision making                   types have a voice in your work – after all,
change, these cultural differences start
                                               social issues recognise all four of these           and setting up structures                                  they will all have to be part of the solution…
to show up. Unless, of course, our group
is subject to group-think. The differences     cultural types. He says that each type           •	 Egalitarians are good at consensual                        You can read more about Mary’s
appear not just in thinking about what         has something to offer to the process of            process and recognising everyone’s needs                   work in the book: ‘Risk and Culture’,
change we’d like to see (as in my ‘hoody’      identifying and thinking about what he           •	 Fatalists are good at reminding people                     Mary Douglas and Aaron Wildavsky,
example opposite) but also in the process      calls messy solutions – solutions that              we’ve been here before and that this                       University of California Press, 1983
we’d like to use to find a solution:           are much more sustainable in the long run           may be as good as it gets.
18                                                                                                                                                                                                       19
Leadership that changes thinking                                                              Changing our thinking

                                                                                                         Unproductive fantasy
  Karen Ellis, Leadership Centre adviser
                                                                                                                                                                                      Not enough
                                                                                                    Sense of                                  Existing map
                                                                                                 experimentation            Realistic                              Sense of
During the middle part of the 20th Century, Kurt Lewin                                                                                                              tension           Just right

attempted to look at the actual phenomena of personal
or social change without adding in ideas of what was                                                            New map                                                    Loosening map
good or bad, useful or non-useful.
Lewin made the distinction between               1. There is a growing sense of discomfort                Sufficient                                                                  Sense of
learning as a change in knowledge and               with existing knowledge, mindset
learning as a change in motivations or              or espoused values – data is coming                                                    Thought experiments
                                                                                                                           Sense of                                  Just right
values – the one does not assume the                in that suggest that the ‘mental map’                      None      positive future                                              Not enough
other. So, it’s important that we note that         is no longer a good fit with reality.
knowledge on its own does not create             2. If this tension is sufficient, people
                                                                                                                  Despair                                                         Panic
change nor is ‘wanting to be different’             start to question the existing mental
sufficient to actually be different if people       map and, instead of looking for data
don’t have the relevant knowledge or skills         to support it, they actively seek out      Adapted from Kurt Lewin
to make the shift.                                  new information.
How might this process of change work –          3. Then, if they feel safe enough to let go
either at the cognitive or motivational level?      of their map, they start to run some
The diagram maps some of Lewin’s ideas              ‘thought experiments’ about other          Someone who wants to lead in Total                    •	 Sponsor the search for new models and
into a set of feedback processes that can           ways of looking at the issue and they      Place, at whatever level, has to be                      ideas, even when they are contrary to
be applied at the level of the individual,          talk to others about their maps on the     prepared to offer themselves and others                  perceived wisdom
group or social system. The steps to                subject and find a whole new set of        the opportunity to make changes to their              •	 Begin to paint in a positive vision for the
changing thinking run something like this:          options for thinking about the issue.      thinking or their values. What can a leader              future – even when it feels far away and
                                                 4. If they have a sense that there is a       usefully do? They can:                                   the path isn’t obvious
                                                    positive potential future if they change   •	 Create opportunities to closely examine            •	 Allow time for hypothesising,
“There are many leaders whose                       to a new way of doing things, they will       disconfirming data and controversial                  experimentation and validation rather
personal style runs directly counter to
                                                    find creative ways to implement the           viewpoints and point out those points                 than rushing prematurely for results.
these strategies, and many pressures
in the political and public service                 new map, developing the skills they           where individuals or groups start to drift
systems that push for the opposite                  need as they go.                                                                                 You can learn more about Kurt’s work in
                                                                                                  off towards denial
behaviour. But, to paraphrase the old                                                                                                                the book ‘Field Theory in Social Science
                                                                                               •	 Create a sense of safety – “we are all in          – Selected Theoretical Papers’, Harper
adage ‘If you keep leading the way
that you’ve always done, you’ll keep                                                              this together, you are OK to raise difficult       and Row 1964
getting what you always get’!”                                                                    conversations, you won’t be punished
Karen Ellis
                                                                                                  for not getting it right first time”

20                                                                                                                                                                                                 21
Public value                                                                                 The strategic triangle

                                                                                                                   The Authorising Enviroment
  David Bolger, Leadership Centre adviser

                                                                                                                                                         Public Value Outcomes
                                                                                                                                                            Strategic Goals

Public value is a concept developed by Professor
Mark Moore of the JFK School of Government at
Harvard in the 1990s. The key reference work is
‘Creating Public Value-Strategic Management in
Government’ Harvard University Press, 1995.
Moore has since developed a working and       •	 The definition of public value –
publishing relationship with Professor John      this is not simply the description                                Operational Capacity
Benington of Warwick University Business         of the outputs of a public policy
School, so there is opportunity for direct       intervention, but also of the value
contact with the theorists on this model.        perceived both by direct recipients
                                                 of those outputs but also critically of      Source: Mark Moore
Moore developed the model as a way of
                                                 other, non-recipient stakeholders. So
dealing with the absence of a ‘bottom line’
                                                 for example, libraries provide a direct
for public organisations. He wanted to
                                                 public value to borrowers of books etc;         be authorised to pursue it. Hence              The public value model is typically illustrated
help public service policy makers and
                                                 but they also satisfy a value perception        politicians form part of this authorising      by the 3 circles above. These are said
practitioners to demonstrate the value they
                                                 among non-borrowers (but funders,               environment, as well as being decision-        to form the strategic triangle (apologies to
were striving to create using the
                                                 as taxpayers) that their community              makers on which definition of public           geometric purists). Moore postulates that
investment of public monies. He also
                                                 provides opportunities for disadvantaged        value is being pursued                         there will always be tension between the
wanted to move away from the traditional
                                                 members of society to learn                  •	 The operational capacity – these are           elements of the model-the definition of
sterile model of ‘public administration’
                                              •	 The authorising environment – this              the resources of money and people,             public value must constantly be checked
in which public servants are passive
                                                 includes all those who have an interest         typically, which may be deployed in            out with the authorising environment, and
recipients of politically driven goals; and
                                                 in, and the ability to influence, a public      pursuit of a public policy goal. This is       operational capacity aligned accordingly-
to show that public servants are not mere
                                                 policy issue. The idea of the authorising       normally the resources of the public           and that it is the role of public policy
deliverers of ‘public value’, but also key
                                                 environment is that those involved              body or bodies engaged in delivering           practitioners to maintain the strategic
co-creators with citizens and with their
                                                 provide legitimacy and support for the          the relevant public policy ambitions, but      alignment of the model elements through
political representatives.
                                                 definition of public value which is being       may also include a wider resource pool         ever-vigilant attention to each of the circles.
In essence, the public value model               sought and for the resources approved           including the capacity of society and
proposes that there are three core               to deliver it: while the environment            its individual members. Here, Moore
dimensions to the creation and delivery          supports the definition, resources will         develops ideas on co-design and
of public policy:                                                                                co-production

22                                                                                                                                                                                          23
Getting set up, recognising the need
for ‘learning cycles’ as a scaffolding for
Total Place work, and using those cycles
to maximise the impact of a piece of
Total Place work.

                                             Section 2
                                             Starting out
                                             Cautionary note: one size does not fit all . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
                                             Planning the first cycle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
                                             Messy learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
                                             Gathering everyone in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
                                             Managing the dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
                                             Designing the process – getting the rhythm right!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
                                             Paying attention to emergence – the power of simple rules . . . . . . . . 38
                                             Roles and responsibilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
                                             Overcoming the power of the day job. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

24                                                                                                                                                                                                         25
Different starting points
 Cautionary note: one size does not
 fit all                                                                                                                                                           Unitary

                                                                                                                                                            County      Multi-area
  Karen Ellis, Leadership Centre adviser                                                          None                              Positive

                                                                                                    History of working together                             Geographic reach
Total Place sponsors, programme managers and
advisers have been asked many questions. The most                                                                                   Broad
                                                                                                                                                                  Public facing
popular (and difficult) being, “What is this Total Place                                                                                                                             General
                                                                                                                                                    Back office
thing anyway?” There is already something political                                               Tight                             Multi-theme                                      access
                                                                                                    Theme focus (1)                                  Theme focus (2)
(small ‘p’) in the way each person answers.
We tend to focus on those aspects of          start points inevitably lead to differences in
Total Place that suit our perspectives or     how the work shows up in that place and the       Different initial approaches
passions and ‘forget’ the other aspects.      pre-judgements that players and the public
If you’re outside the existing Total Place    have about work of this sort. Some places
community, this diversity of view can         have an excellent history of working together
seem bewildering.                             across agencies; others have had bad
                                                                                                                                  Small           Radical                         Pragmatic
                                              relationships in the past or are just starting    Diffused
But there has (deliberately) never been a                                                                                         group
                                              out as a new geographic mix. They all have
well defined party line on what Total Place                                                      Leadership sponsorship                           ‘Feel’
                                              different demographics, social strengths,
actually is. The whole idea was to set up
                                              problem areas and economic situations.                                                                                 Service
an environment for innovation, where                                                                                               Front-liners
                                                                                                                                                                     change       Innovation
each place had the chance to define its       Some of the differences that have shown
own thematic thrust and specific approach     up between the places are around:
                                                                                                                                   Public                                         ‘Pre-thought’
within a set of broad parameters.             •	 Type and level of sponsorship                  Power players                                     Efficiences
                                                                                                                                   and users                                      improvement
A one-size-fits-all methodology would have    •	 Approach to involvement                           Focus of initial involvement                   Starting emphasis
been inappropriate, due to the significant    •	 Level of innovation and radicalism
differences in starting point and approach
across the 13 pilots.                         Probably the most heated discussions
                                              arising from the question, “what is Total Place   •	 Are we willing to start tackling contentious   We’re not advocating where places should
This diversity has given us a unique          anyway?” centre around the degree of                 issues like state-sponsored (mandated?)        stand on these questions. More radical
opportunity to look at what works             radicalism and innovation that each place            behaviour change among citizens when           options, by definition, contain more risk
(and what doesn’t) in terms of innovation     wants to pursue. Are they content to do what         we know that any such approach will get        and the leaders in each place will have to
and change in the civic arena. It also        they’ve done before, with some nice new              labelled intrusion of the nanny state?         decide what they can handle locally.
helps us to look at which type of approach    language? Or are they looking to truly change                                                       Acknowledging the diversity of approach
                                                                                                •	 Are we willing to shift the funding
works best, in which settings, and for what   how they do things and what they do?                                                                and building it into the work on Total Place
                                                                                                   focus from managing symptoms to
sort of problems.                                                                                                                                 has helped some to find radical new
                                              •	 Are the power players willing to work             prevention of the causes of problems
Across the 13 places there’s been a very         with the public and service users in a            when the media will jump on us from            solutions to local services, more tailored
heterogeneous mix of geographical areas,         new way when those conversations are              a great height whenever our symptom            to local needs.
histories and chosen themes. These unique        usually messy and often embarrassing?             management fails?
26                                                                                                                                                                                             27
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently
Total place   a practitioner's guide to doing things differently

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Total place a practitioner's guide to doing things differently

  • 1. Leadership Centre for local government Total Place: a practitioner’s guide to doing things differently
  • 2. Contents Introduction The Total Place journey – or there and back again (with apologies to JRR Tolkien) Introduction The Total Place journey – David Bolger or there and back again .............................................3 Guide to the guide ......................................................5 Section 1.0 Understanding systemic change................................6 The Hobbit may not be an obvious starting Starting out ............................................................... 24 Section 2.0 point for a compendium of ideas about Total Section 3.0 Connecting the system to itself ............................... 44 Place. But the quest as a storytelling model Section 4.0 Being human ............................................................. 62 retains extraordinary power even here in the Section 5.0 Using power differently ............................................ 78 sceptical world of the 21st century. Section 6.0 Counting and story-telling........................................ 92 Section 7.0 Thinking differently................................................. 110 In this document, we have gathered the The thirteen Total Place pilots have each wisdom of a number of people who have undertaken a unique journey over the been involved in the Total Place adventure. past nine months or so. It is abundantly Their wisdom ranges widely across clear that there is no single set of rules to theories and models of change, embracing follow and that there is more work to be practical ideas on processes and things undertaken – the story is far from over. to do, and also touching on the inevitable Nevertheless, at this point, it seems right human dimensions of change. to try to gather the experience of the Total In some cases these experiences of the Place pioneers to date; to understand Total Place quest are recounted by the what they have found useful, inspiring and pilots’ programme managers and leads. rewarding in the journeys they have made; Others are insights from Leadership Centre and to offer to those who are embarking advisers who have worked closely on their own quest some modest thoughts with places. on ways of thinking and behaving which may be of help. 2 3
  • 3. The compendium is divided into three main areas: Guide to the guide THEORIES AND MODELS here we We have broken down our contributors’ pieces into seven briefly summarise, and reference, some of sections, to help you find the most relevant pieces 1 THEORIES AND the models of change etc which Total Place for you at any given time. Those sections are: 1 MODELS practitioners have drawn on; the models are generally well known, researched and documented Understanding systemic change Getting your mind around the ‘founding’ theories of the initial Total Place approach – the ideas that started things out and shaped the first phase. 2 PRACTICE here we capture some very practical ideas which have been used in 2 PRACTICE the various Total Place quests. As with the theories and models, no prescriptions Starting out Getting set up, recognising the need for ‘learning are on offer. Simply a description of cycles’ as a scaffolding for Total Place work, and using those cycles approaches which have been used to to maximise the impact of a piece of Total Place work. 3 move the Total Place idea forward HUMAN IMPLICATIONS here we Connecting the system to itself Linking up people across capture ideas about social interactions your system to generate new ideas and agreements – the power of 3 HUMAN which have proved insightful for Total multi-party conversations. 4 IMPLICATIONS Place practitioners. Being human Recognising the emotional impacts of change on people and the effects of social dynamics on groups and organisations. 5 The compendium is exactly that: It goes without saying, almost, that the a collection of ideas and approaches various authors of this document offer which may be of value to those setting no warranties about the efficacy of their ideas. They offer them humbly, in a spirit Using power differently Neither ignoring nor being out on a Total Place journey. There is of co-operation and shared learning, to overwhelmed by the power hierarchies we work in. 6 no guiding narrative to the pieces here, although there are evident overlaps those who may follow them on the Total and echoes between the ‘chunks’ and Place quest. You must make of them what between individual pieces. The separate you will-and we hope that in time you will Counting and story-telling Using data, stories and pieces are designed to stand alone and be moved to share your own experiences deep dives to find the information that begins to change minds: can be dipped into according to taste. with the growing Total Place community. professional minds, leadership minds and political minds. 7 Each piece has an identified author, with The views expressed in this publication are contact details; and where appropriate, those of the author and do not necessarily references are provided for theories and reflect the views or opinions of the Thinking differently Taking your new information and models quoted. Leadership Centre for Local Government working with it in innovative ways – using new ideas and theories or its staff. and playing with your creativity. 4 5
  • 4. 1 Getting your mind around the ‘founding’ theories of the initial Total Place approach – the ideas that started things out and shaped the first phase. Section 1 Understanding systemic change Getting past the polarities – an introduction to Total Place . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Total Place – the founding ideas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Living systems, adaptive change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Information, identity, relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Wicked problems, wicked work. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Diverse cultures, diverse solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Leadership that changes thinking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Public value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 6 7
  • 5. Getting past the polarities – Culture Counting an introduction to Total Place Forming cross-agency leadership boards, design Task Conducting high level and detailed ‘Deep Dives’ groups, professional assessing cost against benefit collectives – diverse across the whole public realm groupings of people who and for specific citizens, John Atkinson, Managing director, Leadership Centre do the work together families and target groups for Local Government Participating in customer Customer involvement and insight work Total Place is a ‘both/and’ exercise: places and Citizen – interviews, group sessions, innovation workshops, Whitehall were asked to work together to find ways co-design exercises, ward level conversations of creating better outcomes for citizens at lower cost to the taxpayer. Agencies Whitehall Getting together across Players Joining in counting and This was the first difficult thing for people to So, why do we think Total Place is different sectors to define themes, share design work, facilitating new get their heads around – Total Place is not a from all of these myriad initiatives that have information, create new ideas, policy conversations, acting service improvement initiative nor is it a cost- washed over our bows over the last twenty negotiate implementation as Champions in Whitehall cutting exercise. It is an approach to ‘public years or so? It’s because we think that value’ (more on this later) that includes Total Place is the first time that two crucial both improvement and innovation and a triads have been brought together in a close eye on the value to the citizen being single piece of work. • How do the organisational cultures of leaders meet together with Whitehall generated (or failing to be generated) by agencies in places and departments colleagues as part of theme groups each public service pound that we spend. The task triad: Customers, in Whitehall hamper our ability to and at senior leaders events; agency counting, culture Total Place is also an attempt to bring all of deliver value to the public? Are our professionals and managers have worked The ‘task’ of Total Place has been to attempts to maintain organisational with customers at large system events and the contributors to public value together in consider all three of the key aspects in the sovereignty getting in the way of working via smaller design groups. one place. A lofty ambition! creation of public value: collaboratively to shift society’s most We have a long history of partnership And the choices that working this way • What does the citizen really want from us intransigent problems? initiatives in the public sector, each of create are fundamental and deeply when they are in the role of customer? which has made an impact in shifting us The player triad: Agencies, political. This needs to be recognised Do they really want all the things we towards a more collaborative approach citizens, Whitehall from the outset and welcomed as part of provide or would they rather do much of between agencies. Many individual a reinvigoration of healthy public debate it for themselves? Where they do need And the design of Total Place has been councils, primary car trusts, police forces about what is best for our places and how the support of the public service, are we to create as much connection between and other agencies have also done good best this can be achieved. doing a decent job or driving them half the different players in public value as work with local citizens, involving them in mad with our internal fragmentation and possible. No one agency in a place or So, if you think the leaders of your place community development, service design arcane language? department in Whitehall has dictated the are ready for a ‘both/and’ approach to and outcome setting. Some Whitehall • What really counts in the huge expenditure work. Perhaps more importantly, a great generating public value, Total Place may departments have got closer to their managed by the public sector? How deal of attention has been paid to creating be the approach for you. It’s not about agencies, connecting leaders in places to much bang are we really getting for our cross system forums where very significant everyone getting involved in everything but policy makers around specific initiatives. buck? Is the actual investment in services conversations take place. Whitehall it is about always keeping the whole task to the customer undermined by the cost champions have got involved in places; and all the actors in mind – a complex but of ‘being in business’? place agency leaders and local political rewarding way of working. 8 9
  • 6. 1 5 Total Place - the founding ideas Myron’s maxims: working with adaptive change Elegant solutions don’t solve wicked problems High • Real change happens in real work Fatalism Hierarchy John Atkinson, Managing director, Leadership Centre • Those who do the work do the change • People own what they create GRID: Rules for Local Government • Start anywhere, go everywhere and Roles Individualism Egalitarianism • Connect the system to more of itself Low High Total Place is a bit different from the usual initiative Source: Myron Rogers Group orientation 2 or centrally orchestrated programme – sometimes Myron Rogers Diverse solutions to unmanageable youths High Fatalists Hierarchists frustratingly so. Structure Identity Meaning There’s nothing we can do. There have been feral young men in every society and on-one knows what to do Stronger discipline is needed: Sanction parents Give police more powers GRID: about them Rules It didn’t come with a programme plan, can only be addressed with messy Individualists Egalitarians and Kids need better life chances: Kids need more support: Roles Offer incentives to stay Provide mentors toolkit or defined outcomes – no set of (not elegantly simple) solutions in school Give rewards for good Create opportunities for community contribution instructions to follow. But it did come with (Wicked problems, wicked solutions) behaviour Low High a, largely unspoken, body of theory behind 4. If we want to address those wicked Systems Policy Information Relationships Action Trust Group orientation: Belonging and meaning it, theory that informed the design and that problems we must be willing to adapt has informed the day to day decisions of our thinking, and it is a key role of Source: Myron Rogers Adapted from the work of Mary Douglas the Leadership Centre for Local leadership to help ourselves and others 3 6 Government and the High Level Officials’ to think new thoughts (Leadership that The strategic triangle Group responsible for steering the work What kind of problem is it? changes thinking) through Whitehall. We thought it would be 5. Different individuals have different Do you know how to solve this problem? The Authorising Enviroment helpful for places who are wanting to overarching cultural theories about embark on Total Place work to have some Yes No Public Value Outcomes how human systems work – all of Strategic Goals understanding of those theories, whether those theories have value in building Is it a crisis? Does anyone know to solve this? they want to use them in their work or not! messy solutions (Diverse viewpoints, Each of the founding ideas outlined below diverse solutions) Yes No Yes No is dealt with in more depth in one of the 6. If we focus only on ‘service Critical problem Wicked problem Tame problem following pieces in this section. improvement’ or on ‘cost cutting’, Act as a commander Be decisive Act as a manager Use S.O.Ps Act as a leader Ask questions and use Operational Capacity Provide answers clumsy solutions 1. Human communities and organisations we get further and further away from are not machines, they are living, understanding the true value of public Sourced from Professor Keith Grint, Warwick Business School Source: Mark Moore adapting systems so we need work for the public we are trying to 4 approaches to change that recognise serve (Public value) Changing our thinking Please see the following pages for this fact (Living systems, adaptive full details: As you read through this guide to Total Unproductive fantasy change) Denial Place, you will spot each of these founding 1 Living systems, adaptive 2. Our leadership attention is best spent Unrealistic ideas popping up over and over again, Not enough change ........................................ page 12 Sense of by considering the information that Existing Map sometimes overtly, sometimes in disguise. Experimentation Realistic Sense of Tension Just right 2 Information, identity, shapes the system, the identity relationships ............................... page 14 the system is creating for itself and And, as you consider your own local Total New map Loosening Map 3 Wicked problems, wicked work.... page 16 the relationships that uphold the work. Place exercise, you may want to think 4 Leadership that changes which of these founding ideas you find Sufficient Sense of thinking ....................................... page 20 (Information, identity, relationships) Safety Thought Experiments 5 Diverse cultures, diverse 3. The long standing and remarkably useful and how you might incorporate None Sense of Positive Future Just right Not enough solutions ..................................... page 18 resilient problems now faced by our them in your own work. Despair Panic 6 Public value ................................ page 22 society are ‘wicked problems’ that Adapted from Kurt Lewin 10 11
  • 7. Living systems, adaptive change Myron’s maxims: working with adaptive change John Atkinson, Managing director, Leadership Centre • Real change happens in real work for Local Government • Those who do the work do the change • People own what they create One of the central ideas of Total Place is that the • Start anywhere, go everywhere long-standing machine metaphor of organisation • Connect the system to more of itself and social systems is handicapping our ability to understand the environment we work in and how to change the behaviours of those systems. Source: Myron Rogers By the machine metaphor, we mean a In his work with the Leadership Centre on • Self organisation: social systems • As over-arching issues started to emerge view of the social and organisational world our Leeds Castle Leadership Programme, preserve their identity. Once a group or (especially on the relationship between that assumes that people are passive Myron describes his view of the five major organisation has formed a loyalty, people places and national Government), actors who take instructions and carry characteristics of living systems: will act to hold on to the identity they new spaces were made to have those them out, that there are ‘levers of power’ • Chaos and complexity: complex have created. discussions rather than them being that can be pulled somewhere that will systems are characterised by ambiguity, declared ‘out of scope’ change behaviour and that setting a target Myron’s five maxims for working with living • Many opportunities were created to uncertainty and unexpected connections. will completely drive an intended change. systems are shown in the box above. connect previously unconnected bits of Order arises from chaotic and unmanaged The last twenty years of attempted public Perhaps you can see how the initial design the system – e.g. professionals in places micro-interactions, rather than because of service reform shows us that, while small of Total Place reflected these ideas: with policy makers in Whitehall, leaders some design from on high. positive changes have been made, the • Emergence: living systems seem chaotic • Places were asked to do real work rather in one area to leaders from another, front outcomes for individual citizens have not and unpredictable but their patterns are than just ‘set up a partnership’ – to find line professionals with financial analysts, altered to the extent that the machine created by simple underlying rules which a theme, actively diagnose the issues middle managers with citizens metaphor would have had us hope. are not usually apparent to the actors. and create some innovative potential interventions As you begin, or continue, to work on So, during the design and initiation phase • Cognition: no one person can ever your Total Place exercises, you may want of Total Place, we turned to the work ‘see the system’. Each person will have • Senior leaders were asked to get actively involved in the work (politicians, agency to consider how you can use these ideas of those theorists and educators who a different perspective depending on in your work to experiment with their emphasise a completely different lens for their place in the system and what they leaders and colleagues in Whitehall) rather than delegating to others to do power – perhaps the machine metaphor looking at human activity – that of the living see determines what they do. will begin to have had its day! system (sometimes known as complex the change for them • Networks: people are strongly linked adaptive systems theory). There are now by their informal ties and by the stories • Places were encouraged to work closely many writers who work with these ideas they tell. If the ‘official line’ does not fit with front-line staff and citizens rather but the person who has most influenced with the lived reality of players, they will than just consulting them once the work our work is Myron Rogers. ignore or subvert it. was done – to move gently towards co-creation 12 13
  • 8. Information, identity, relationships Looking at the work we do John Atkinson, Managing director, Leadership Centre Structure Identity Meaning for Local Government Much has been made of Total Place as a whole systems intervention. Working with whole systems is now increasingly listed in government literature as being a key requirement of effective leadership. Systems Policy Information Relationships Action Trust The term however, is exceptionally vague. beliefs and the emotional responses they Source: Myron Rogers Some people can list over forty different bring to each other and their work. philosophies that might constitute a whole Myron suggests we should spend our systems approach. Total Place has tried to leadership attention on identity, information betterment of Total Place. There has been remain pragmatic in the face of all of this and relationships. That this creates an At the same time, getting new information no substitute in Total Place for racking up and has plotted a course through the work environment of trust, which in turn ensures into our discussion has been critical. The the travel miles and the mobile bill. that is mindful of the theory, but rooted in we address the appropriate rather than most important source of this has been everyday experience. So one element of Total Place is the historical actions and that together this will the citizen. Raising the profile of people’s requirement to move away from the Myron Rogers has worked with whole make work in the public service altogether stories about engaging with the state comfort of policy, structures and systems systems for decades and has worked more meaningful for those involved. brings different perspectives. Put this and into a vaguer but more purposeful with repeated cohorts of the Leeds Castle alongside the wealth of data from the I have interpreted the issue of identity as world that asks more difficult questions. Leadership Programme. He suggests a deep dives about how we really provide determining who we mean when we say • Who are the people that we really need way of looking at the work we do along the services and the cost of this, then the ‘we’ and what it is that ‘we’ are trying to together to solve the problems we face? lines of the diagram opposite. conversations we have about what we do. In Total Place, we have made new • What do we collectively know that we could (and ought) to do become different. Our time is primarily spent in the first connections between Whitehall and can use to move us forward? three circles. We focus our activity on the places, across different areas of local Through Total Place, people have made • How can we forge new and stronger structures necessary to get our work done, geography and between the state and new relationships and strengthened old connections with the people we need the policies that we wish to pursue and the citizens. This focus on a different ‘we’ ones. The quality and quantity of these to in order to deliver altogether better systems or mechanisms by which we do creates a new identity and allows us relationships directly impacts on our ability services in a time of tough financial this. While these are useful pursuits, they new possibilities. The variety of different to get things done. One senior civil servant constraint? fail to significantly address the important meetings, workshops and forums and describes me as judiciously using the dynamic at play. Our work takes place the growth of the online communities of car-park, train station, late-night mobile You can read more about Myron’s with people, human beings, with all their practice and other ‘e’-processes have all phone call to cajole, dragoon, seduce ideas in the book: ‘A Simpler Way’, capacity for creativity, their prejudices and helped to build a sense of identity around or otherwise persuade an accountable Myron Rogers and Margaret Wheatley, the work. individual to do something useful for the Berrett-Koehler, 2002. 14 15
  • 9. Wicked problems, wicked work What kind of problem is it? David Bolger, Leadership Centre adviser Do you know how to solve this problem? Yes No Situational Leadership is a term, and model, devised by Hersey and Blanchard, and identified four main Is it a crisis? Does anyone know to solve this? styles for leaders which they could adopt according to the capacity of their teams. These modes are: Yes No Yes No directing; coaching; supporting and delegating. Details can be found in Blanchard’s • Wicked, where the challenge is either Critical problem Tame problem Wicked problem ‘Leadership and the One Minute Manager’. wholly novel or perhaps is long-standing, Act as a commander Act as a manager Act as a leader In recent years, Professor Keith Grint, now proving impervious to previous efforts to Be decisive Use standard Ask questions and use of Warwick Business School, has linked the resolve it - teenage pregnancies might Provide answers operationg procedures clumsy solutions idea of adaptive leadership approaches to be an example, or long term addictions the work of Rittell and Webber on so-called to alcohol or drugs ‘wicked problems’. Sourced from Professor Keith Grint, Warwick Business School Proponents of a contextual leadership There are two dimensions to consider: the approach might argue that the role of leadership challenge which is presenting; a leader is, first, to identify the nature • For wicked problems, leadership But beware of two things. First, problems and the leadership approach which is of the challenge, and then to adopt the is required - if we’ve never seen this will not necessarily present simply. They adopted to deal with the challenge. On appropriate leadership response. The problem before, and command and may combine facets of critical, tame and the leadership challenge, the Rittell and corresponding leadership styles can be control or management don’t seem to wicked. Second, there is also evidence Webber work suggests that challenges, or described as follows: work, then we need to look for new to show that leaders have preferred problems, fall into three broad categories solutions; this also holds true if it’s an leadership approaches. For example, some • For critical problems, command and • Critical, where the challenge is evident old, intractable problem. We need to find leaders relish crises and the chance to control is the necessary response- and immediate- a fire might be an new ways of thinking and talking about give some command and control orders; you don’t expect your leader to form a example the issue; and we may have to accept some leaders prefer to manage, to defuse committee if there’s a fire; you expect to • Tame, where the challenge is well that it is not actually soluble, only that we the drama of crises but also to avoid be told what to do, quickly and clearly understood, and where procedures can make slow, experimental progress genuinely complex and intractable wicked • For tame problems, management is or limit the damage. issues; and there are yet others for whom have been developed and proven in called for - what do we already know practice, even if the challenge is pretty everything is a wicked problem, requiring about how to deal with this issue? What extensive and never-ending analysis and complicated-brain surgery might be an are the procedures? Let’s do that: we example consultation. know it’s going to work You can read more about Keith’s work in the book: ‘Leadership: Limits and Possibilities’, Palgrave MacMillan (2005) 16 17
  • 10. Elegant solutions don’t solve wicked problems Diverse cultures, diverse solutions High Fatalism Hierarchy Karen Ellis, Leadership Centre adviser GRID: Rules and One of the things that quickly becomes apparent to Roles any observer of a Total Place conversation is that Individualism Egalitarianism different individuals are operating from very different core assumptions when it comes to their view of Low High Group orientation social change. Diverse solutions to unmanageable youths This is not new news! During the 1950s, • From the individualist: “I’ll send the High a superb social scientist named Mary experts off to design some solutions, try Fatalists Hierarchists Douglas began to notice the same thing. them all out on a small scale and I’ll do a There’s nothing we can do. Stronger discipline is needed: Fundamentally, she noticed that when ‘Dragon’s Den’ to choose between them” There have been feral young Sanction parents men in every society and Give police more powers people are in groups, their behaviour seems • From the hierarchist: “we, the leaders, on-one knows what to do to be driven by where they sit (usually will set the criteria and you, the workers, GRID: about them unconsciously) on each of two spectra : will work together and come back to us Rules Individualists and Egalitarians • Do they enjoy and support formal rules with your proposals” Kids need better life chances: Kids need more support: Roles and roles or do they prefer to make up • From the egalitarian: “we will call Offer incentives to stay Provide mentors in school Create opportunities for their own rules? together all the people who have a stake Give rewards for good community contribution • Do they like to feel part of a group or in the issue and run a collaborative event behaviour do they prefer to stay independent and to design the solution together” Low High work alone? • From the fatalist: “whatever I do, it Group orientation: will be subsumed by business-as-usual, Belonging and meaning She called these two dimensions ‘Grid’ and so I will put the minimum effort in to tick ‘Group’ and created the two-by-two matrix your box”. Adapted from the work of Mary Douglas of ‘Cultural Types’ shown opposite. Of course, none of us is a pure type but most You may see some of your own behaviour than the single viewpoint elegant solutions [Keith doesn’t say this but I feel bound to of us would admit that there is at least one in the descriptions above! that each type would instinctively prefer. defend fatalists as I think they have a lot box that we prefer on most occasions and So why does this social science theory of realism to offer!] certainly one that we don’t like at all! matter in Total Place? Professor Keith In the process of building messy solutions: Grint has applied Mary’s ideas to the • Individualists are good at innovation and In your Total Place process, you will get So when we get together in working issue of wicked problems. He proposes protecting independence much further if you ensure that all of the groups to discuss social or organisational that the best solutions to long-standing • Hierarchists are good at decision making types have a voice in your work – after all, change, these cultural differences start social issues recognise all four of these and setting up structures they will all have to be part of the solution… to show up. Unless, of course, our group is subject to group-think. The differences cultural types. He says that each type • Egalitarians are good at consensual You can read more about Mary’s appear not just in thinking about what has something to offer to the process of process and recognising everyone’s needs work in the book: ‘Risk and Culture’, change we’d like to see (as in my ‘hoody’ identifying and thinking about what he • Fatalists are good at reminding people Mary Douglas and Aaron Wildavsky, example opposite) but also in the process calls messy solutions – solutions that we’ve been here before and that this University of California Press, 1983 we’d like to use to find a solution: are much more sustainable in the long run may be as good as it gets. 18 19
  • 11. Leadership that changes thinking Changing our thinking Unproductive fantasy Denial Karen Ellis, Leadership Centre adviser Unrealistic Not enough Sense of Existing map experimentation Realistic Sense of During the middle part of the 20th Century, Kurt Lewin tension Just right attempted to look at the actual phenomena of personal or social change without adding in ideas of what was New map Loosening map good or bad, useful or non-useful. Lewin made the distinction between 1. There is a growing sense of discomfort Sufficient Sense of safety learning as a change in knowledge and with existing knowledge, mindset learning as a change in motivations or or espoused values – data is coming Thought experiments Sense of Just right values – the one does not assume the in that suggest that the ‘mental map’ None positive future Not enough other. So, it’s important that we note that is no longer a good fit with reality. knowledge on its own does not create 2. If this tension is sufficient, people Despair Panic change nor is ‘wanting to be different’ start to question the existing mental sufficient to actually be different if people map and, instead of looking for data don’t have the relevant knowledge or skills to support it, they actively seek out Adapted from Kurt Lewin to make the shift. new information. How might this process of change work – 3. Then, if they feel safe enough to let go either at the cognitive or motivational level? of their map, they start to run some The diagram maps some of Lewin’s ideas ‘thought experiments’ about other Someone who wants to lead in Total • Sponsor the search for new models and into a set of feedback processes that can ways of looking at the issue and they Place, at whatever level, has to be ideas, even when they are contrary to be applied at the level of the individual, talk to others about their maps on the prepared to offer themselves and others perceived wisdom group or social system. The steps to subject and find a whole new set of the opportunity to make changes to their • Begin to paint in a positive vision for the changing thinking run something like this: options for thinking about the issue. thinking or their values. What can a leader future – even when it feels far away and 4. If they have a sense that there is a usefully do? They can: the path isn’t obvious positive potential future if they change • Create opportunities to closely examine • Allow time for hypothesising, “There are many leaders whose to a new way of doing things, they will disconfirming data and controversial experimentation and validation rather personal style runs directly counter to find creative ways to implement the viewpoints and point out those points than rushing prematurely for results. these strategies, and many pressures in the political and public service new map, developing the skills they where individuals or groups start to drift systems that push for the opposite need as they go. You can learn more about Kurt’s work in off towards denial behaviour. But, to paraphrase the old the book ‘Field Theory in Social Science • Create a sense of safety – “we are all in – Selected Theoretical Papers’, Harper adage ‘If you keep leading the way that you’ve always done, you’ll keep this together, you are OK to raise difficult and Row 1964 getting what you always get’!” conversations, you won’t be punished Karen Ellis for not getting it right first time” 20 21
  • 12. Public value The strategic triangle The Authorising Enviroment David Bolger, Leadership Centre adviser Public Value Outcomes Strategic Goals Public value is a concept developed by Professor Mark Moore of the JFK School of Government at Harvard in the 1990s. The key reference work is ‘Creating Public Value-Strategic Management in Government’ Harvard University Press, 1995. Moore has since developed a working and • The definition of public value – publishing relationship with Professor John this is not simply the description Operational Capacity Benington of Warwick University Business of the outputs of a public policy School, so there is opportunity for direct intervention, but also of the value contact with the theorists on this model. perceived both by direct recipients of those outputs but also critically of Source: Mark Moore Moore developed the model as a way of other, non-recipient stakeholders. So dealing with the absence of a ‘bottom line’ for example, libraries provide a direct for public organisations. He wanted to public value to borrowers of books etc; be authorised to pursue it. Hence The public value model is typically illustrated help public service policy makers and but they also satisfy a value perception politicians form part of this authorising by the 3 circles above. These are said practitioners to demonstrate the value they among non-borrowers (but funders, environment, as well as being decision- to form the strategic triangle (apologies to were striving to create using the as taxpayers) that their community makers on which definition of public geometric purists). Moore postulates that investment of public monies. He also provides opportunities for disadvantaged value is being pursued there will always be tension between the wanted to move away from the traditional members of society to learn • The operational capacity – these are elements of the model-the definition of sterile model of ‘public administration’ • The authorising environment – this the resources of money and people, public value must constantly be checked in which public servants are passive includes all those who have an interest typically, which may be deployed in out with the authorising environment, and recipients of politically driven goals; and in, and the ability to influence, a public pursuit of a public policy goal. This is operational capacity aligned accordingly- to show that public servants are not mere policy issue. The idea of the authorising normally the resources of the public and that it is the role of public policy deliverers of ‘public value’, but also key environment is that those involved body or bodies engaged in delivering practitioners to maintain the strategic co-creators with citizens and with their provide legitimacy and support for the the relevant public policy ambitions, but alignment of the model elements through political representatives. definition of public value which is being may also include a wider resource pool ever-vigilant attention to each of the circles. In essence, the public value model sought and for the resources approved including the capacity of society and proposes that there are three core to deliver it: while the environment its individual members. Here, Moore dimensions to the creation and delivery supports the definition, resources will develops ideas on co-design and of public policy: co-production 22 23
  • 13. 2 Getting set up, recognising the need for ‘learning cycles’ as a scaffolding for Total Place work, and using those cycles to maximise the impact of a piece of Total Place work. Section 2 Starting out Cautionary note: one size does not fit all . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Planning the first cycle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Messy learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Gathering everyone in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Managing the dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Designing the process – getting the rhythm right!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Paying attention to emergence – the power of simple rules . . . . . . . . 38 Roles and responsibilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Overcoming the power of the day job. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 24 25
  • 14. Different starting points Cautionary note: one size does not fit all Unitary Fraught County Multi-area Karen Ellis, Leadership Centre adviser None Positive History of working together Geographic reach Total Place sponsors, programme managers and advisers have been asked many questions. The most Broad Public facing Specific groups popular (and difficult) being, “What is this Total Place General Back office thing anyway?” There is already something political Tight Multi-theme access Theme focus (1) Theme focus (2) (small ‘p’) in the way each person answers. We tend to focus on those aspects of start points inevitably lead to differences in Total Place that suit our perspectives or how the work shows up in that place and the Different initial approaches passions and ‘forget’ the other aspects. pre-judgements that players and the public Central If you’re outside the existing Total Place have about work of this sort. Some places individual community, this diversity of view can have an excellent history of working together seem bewildering. across agencies; others have had bad Small Radical Pragmatic relationships in the past or are just starting Diffused But there has (deliberately) never been a group out as a new geographic mix. They all have well defined party line on what Total Place Leadership sponsorship ‘Feel’ different demographics, social strengths, actually is. The whole idea was to set up problem areas and economic situations. Service an environment for innovation, where Front-liners change Innovation each place had the chance to define its Some of the differences that have shown own thematic thrust and specific approach up between the places are around: Public ‘Pre-thought’ within a set of broad parameters. • Type and level of sponsorship Power players Efficiences and users improvement A one-size-fits-all methodology would have • Approach to involvement Focus of initial involvement Starting emphasis been inappropriate, due to the significant • Level of innovation and radicalism differences in starting point and approach across the 13 pilots. Probably the most heated discussions arising from the question, “what is Total Place • Are we willing to start tackling contentious We’re not advocating where places should This diversity has given us a unique anyway?” centre around the degree of issues like state-sponsored (mandated?) stand on these questions. More radical opportunity to look at what works radicalism and innovation that each place behaviour change among citizens when options, by definition, contain more risk (and what doesn’t) in terms of innovation wants to pursue. Are they content to do what we know that any such approach will get and the leaders in each place will have to and change in the civic arena. It also they’ve done before, with some nice new labelled intrusion of the nanny state? decide what they can handle locally. helps us to look at which type of approach language? Or are they looking to truly change Acknowledging the diversity of approach • Are we willing to shift the funding works best, in which settings, and for what how they do things and what they do? and building it into the work on Total Place focus from managing symptoms to sort of problems. has helped some to find radical new • Are the power players willing to work prevention of the causes of problems Across the 13 places there’s been a very with the public and service users in a when the media will jump on us from solutions to local services, more tailored heterogeneous mix of geographical areas, new way when those conversations are a great height whenever our symptom to local needs. histories and chosen themes. These unique usually messy and often embarrassing? management fails? 26 27