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SEMESTER I 2014 – 2015
This portfolio is based on the book Key Issues in Language Teaching, chapter 19. This 
chapter is about technology and it has some questions that we answered bases on the 
information that we found in the chapter, in some web pages and other based on our 
experience as students. 
This chapter is divided in: 
19. Technology 
19.1 Introduction 
19.2 Ways to use technology 
Ways to interact with technology 
19.3 The emergence of technology and its benefits 
The emergence of technology in language teaching 
The benefits of TLLT 
19.4 TLLT and current teaching approaches 
Communicative language teaching 
Content-based instruction (CBI and CLIL) 
Task-based language teaching 
19.5 TLLT and language skills 
Teaching the four skills 
Teaching other language and communication skills 
19.6 The challenges of TLLT 
19.7 Testing and assessment in TLLT 
Institutional or large-scale testing 
Classroom assessment 
19.8 Conclusion 
Discussion questions 
So, based on this content we did this portfolio.
To answer the questions of this portfolio, we took into account the chapter 19 (Key 
Issues in Language Teaching), our experience as students, as teachers and we use 
internet to search for information that complement our answers. 
PORTFOLIO Chapter 19 
1 Images took from: -and-students-clipart 
1. Have you ever tried to incorporate a new technology into your classes? 
What issues did you face doing do? 
First, we, as students, can notice that most of our teachers have tried to 
incorporate technology in their classes in order to get better results with us. In 
our French or German classes, our teachers use different pages to explain a 
new topic or to practice the language; for instance, they use You Tube to 
practice our listening skills or they use other pages such as 
http://www.francaisfacile.com2 to practice grammar. Also, teachers use the 
Moodle platform to organize their courses, however, some of them never use 
this tool because they find difficult to learn how to use it. So, this is a problem 
with teachers who are not accustomed to use technology in their class. This is a 
common problem that some teachers have and it could be caused by the lack of 
knowledge about how to use new technology or just because they are afraid of 
use new tools in their class. In addition, one of the major problems of 
technology us that sometimes it could not work as the teacher want. For 
instance, if the teacher needs internet, sometimes it will not work and the 
teacher is forced to improvise or just change the activity. 
Second, in our experience as teachers, we try to incorporate technology such 
as the use of computers, but sometimes it is difficult to use because schools are 
not equipped with this tools. So, we need to bring our equipment such as 
laptop, infocus, etc. 
Finally, there are other issues when teachers use technology. For instance, 
teachers use most of the times internet connection, but this could be a problem 
when the internet does not work and they need to have other options if they 
have this problem. Also, the use of new technologies can be challenging for 
teachers, and they prefer to avoid using those tools even though new 
technology can improve their language classes. 
2 French Course, level 5. Teacher: Giovanna Ruggiero.
2. What are some benefits students can get from collaborative blogging? 
First, it is important to know the definitions of collaborative blogging. 
This is a type of weblog in which posts are written and published by 
more than one author. The majority of high-profile collaborative blogs 
are based around a single uniting theme, such as politics or technology 
(Wikipedia, 2014). 
According with this definition, we think that collaborative blogging can help 
student to improve their communicative skills and they could start to work in 
groups. First, students will fell more confident when they try to communicate 
with others. Also, they could not be afraid of making mistakes and they will fell 
free of express their opinions. Finally, the most important benefit is that students 
are able to work in groups and in this process they will discover that they have 
to be respectful with others and they have to learn that people will have different 
opinions that they must understand.
3. Which of the aspects of technology above are available to teachers and 
students in schools in your country? 
The physical 
Nowadays, Ecuador has changed education in many aspects. The most 
important is that the government tries to incorporate technology in all education 
levels. For instance, the government wants that each school has their own 
computer lab and their own internet access in order to improve education. In 
addition, the president wants to give tablets to students of primary school 
because he thinks that “computer labs are good for high school while tablets 
could help students of primary levels to develop their skills with technology” (1 
millón de tablets en el Ecuador ofrece Rafael Correa al abrir clases, 2014). So, 
we can see that in our country there are aspects that help teachers and 
students in the physical level, management level and applications level. 
However, it is important to say that this is a new process and there are some 
places, such as rural areas, that do not have this benefit and other places 
where teachers need training to learn how to use technology in a correct way. 
4. How has the use of technology changed since you started teaching or 
learning a language? 
We could notice many changes since we started to learn a new language. At 
the beginning, we used to learn a new language (English, French, German) in a 
traditional way, it means, we used to use our physical books, cd’s, and the 
material that the teacher prepares. It was not bad because in some way we 
learn the basis of the language, however we could not improve our 
communicative skills. Now, thanks of technology, our classes are more dynamic
and the most important thing is that our teachers have different ways of prepare 
their classes. For instance, if they want to practice grammar, they could use 
internet, if they want to practice listening, they could use songs or videos with 
subtitles in order to improve our speaking, etc. As we could see, there is a big 
change and we consider that language classes are better today than in the 
past. Other options that teachers use are the different platforms to organize 
their classes; for example, at PUCE, teachers use Moodle to plan their lessons, 
share information, send homework, etc. 
Finally, there is another important change concerning books. Nowadays, 
teachers and students have the opportunity to get electronic books. This is 
because of the development of technology and it is a good way of facilitate the 
learning process. So, the students could access to their books or workbooks at 
any time in a computer, table or cellphone. 
5. What sources are available in your school? Consider the computers and 
the software installed on them, the resources in the computer lab and the 
materials in the library and on your network (if you have one) and that you 
use in your classroom. Would you classify these as behavioristic, 
communicative or integrative? 
In our school there are computer labs, however, each class has its own 
computer and infocus. There is not specific software for language teaching but 
each teacher has different ways of improve their classes with their own favorite
internet pages. For instance, French teachers usually use the web page to search articles and practice reading. 
Finally, our school does not have a network for language purposes. So, most of 
the times, the teacher is the one who decide how to communicate with their 
6. Can you choose three benefits from those listed above that you think 
offer the strongest reasons for the use of technology? 
Increased opportunities for 
authentic interaction: TLLT al lows 
learners to connect with other 
learners worldwide and to 
participate in real communication. 
(Chapelle, 2005). 
Supports different ways of learning: 
TLLT al lows students to find 
learning resources that match their 
preferred way of learning, for 
example visual or auditory. 
Access to more engaging materials: 
TLLT provides access to content 
that i s often very engaging for 
learners, such as digital games, 
YouTube content and so on. 
7. What do you think are the most difficult challenges teachers face in 
moving to TLLT? 
We consider that the most difficult challenge for teachers is to be updated with 
the changes of programs, apps, etc. As we know, programs, apps or platforms 
are developing every day to provide a good service to people. It is challenging 
because teachers need to know all the changes and they have to be prepared 
for everything. Most of the times, teachers are afraid of use these tools because
they consider that it is difficult to learn and they will spend a lot of time planning 
a class using those tools. In addition, we could find other challenges3. 
 Learning how to use a variety of technology applications. 
 Using, adapting, and designing technology-enhanced curricula to meet 
students’ needs. 
 Expanding content knowledge. 
 Taking on new roles. 
8. Which of the potential benefits for teacher above have you experienced 
In my case, I’ve experienced many potential benefits. First, in our classes we 
have labs were each student is able to use a computer in order to follow what 
the teacher is explaining or doing. On the other hand, there are many software 
that, as teachers, we have used. There are also, as in the example, programs 
that help us to make videos. Once, a teacher used a software to do make a 
video and then, the student made it with other types programs. There was a 
great variety of videos about one topic. These videos were made individually or 
in group. There is also the benefit called “Creates a better learning 
environment”. This benefit helps the teacher to make the class more dynamic in 
order to stimulate the students and help them to get all the new information. In 
our case, all the technology in class helps the students to understand better 
about any subject because of the visual, audio examples provided by 
computers, laptops and cellphones. 
Practical support is also one important benefit. The student not only learn the 
theoretical part of the assignment, but also the practical part. The student is 
able to see how something works, or how to do something in real life through 
9. How do you think computer-mediated communication can lead to 
“increased participation”? 
First, I think that computed-mediated communication helps the student to 
interact better with the language. There are many programs that make the 
student participate in many activities in order to practice what he/she has just 
learned. I think that the student should first learn how to develop his/her own 
communication strategies. Then there is a necessity to use language in a 
natural way. The usage of language as a natural language will help the student 
to use technology in an easier way, which will help his/her to be really used to 
that language. Once the student is used to the language, this method of 
mediated communication through a computer will help the student to participate 
more in different activities. I think that the teacher could create one kind of 
conversational program or activity in order to make all the students participate. 
In this way, the teacher is able to give feedback about the mistake made by the 
students. In computer programs, there is not this possibility to receive feedback 
of every word they produce. The student will be encouraged to participate and 
to use the computer-mediated communication. 
10. Have you observed differences in your students’ communicative behavior 
during traditional classroom speaking practice and online 
Yes, there is a difference between a traditional classroom speaking and online 
communication. As the text mentions, there are many environment where the 
students are able to produce speaking communication. The traditional class is 
always prepared; of course, there would be little fragments of spontaneity, but it 
is a script that the students should follow. The student tries to practice the topic 
that he or her just learned and that is his/her limitation. On the other hand, in 
online conversation there are a lot of vocabulary of daily conversation. The 
student is able to learn more words that would use in a daily conversation and 
in a spontaneous one also. Online conversation involves different topics, this 
helps the student to be prepared to any type of questions, and the student is 
able to ask and to receive feedback from different people. The spoken 
interaction becomes more real and the student learn from the others. 
Classroom conversations have feedback from the teacher but it is limited to the 
topic or environment the teacher has created. 
11. In what way does reading a text in a book differ from reading a text 
There are many things that differ from reading a book of reading a text online. 
Reading texts online facilitates the students to choose the level of reading they 
need. They have access to many electronic dictionaries that would help them to 
search for words that they do not understand. There is also the opportunity to 
participate in online blog and in status updates.
On the other hand, the results of these texts online are different from the text in 
a book. The student will be able to develop hi/her skills. There are letter-sound 
exercises that help the student not only to develop his/her reading skills, but 
also his/her listening skills. There is also, an exercise about fluency, where the 
student is able to develop the velocity in which he or she reads a text. There are 
many other activities online for reading. In this way, the student is able to 
develop it and to improve each time his/ her reading skills. With text in books, it 
is not possible to reach these type of benefits in the same way online texts do. 
12. Which of the above have you tried yourself? Can you think of additional 
purposes for each of these uses of technology? 
There is the first one about videos in YouTube. I had many teachers that used 
videos in order to teach us different things such as vocabulary, syntax and 
rhymes. I’ve also tried the second one, my teacher made us record a video of a 
topic in order to practice our English. On the other hand, I have tried the one of 
Jasmine. Our teacher allow us to bring our mobile to class, we can use it to 
search for more information, new vocabulary, images or videos. Even when we 
do not print the document we are using in class, we are allowed to open it on 
the cellphone. I have not tried the same that David, but a teacher made us 
translate a song in a computer in order to make it rhyme with our first language. 
It was great because we added more thing of our own language and we made it 
more significant in the other language. 
Other purposes: the first one, technology can be used to not just to show the 
videos but also, to make the students elaborate their own videos. That`s what a 
teacher made us to do and it worked very well. The second one, the teacher 
would use those recorded videos in order to share them with people from other 
countries and to ask for feedback. The third one, the teacher can use web 
pages as virtual classrooms in order to make courses not only in the real 
classroom but also, in other parts of the country. The one of Lina could be used 
also to use the email with another purpose, for example, she can use email for 
sending extra activities to correct the exercise of a classmate. The next one 
could be used in order to use mobiles to take a test in it. The teacher will send 
the test to the mail and then, the student takes it online and on his/her 
cellphone. With the last one, as I mentioned before, the teacher could use 
music in order to teach translation of songs and then the rhyme in the other 
13. How much training and support is available for teachers in your schools, 
in the use of technology? Draw up a plan for the kind of training program 
that you think would be useful. Particularly for new teachers. 
My school has a lot of support for teaching. There are virtual classrooms. They 
have recorders and CDs with audio activities, Internet, infocus, videos, movies, 
etc. I think that my school has many technological implements that facilitate the 
teaching process. Technology helps to explain better the student all the topics 
and it helps to make them practice it. There are sometimes problems with the 
connection to the internet but the other thing work well. 
 Video conferences, once a week 
 Meetings with their supervisor about internal problems of each subject, 
each week. 
 Practical classes for teachers with teachers of other countries once a 
 Teach the teacher how to teach grammar, once a month. 
 Teach the teacher how to use technology inside the class, once each 
 How to evaluate the student, once each semester. 
14. Talk to you teacher in your school (or go inline) and find out what kind of 
current websites your colleagues recommend for both teachers and 
learners, and why. 
The first one is You Tube, the teacher recommend it because this website has 
any type of topic. YouTube is opened for everybody and it is free. You are able 
to watch the video all the time you think are necessary. 
The second one is google; here, you can use it to search for information. This is 
a browser so; you can use it to get into other pages. This is the most efficient 
browser in the red according to many teachers. The issue of freedom permit the 
teacher uses it with the student. Here you can find many exercises that the 
teacher and the student would enjoy. 
The third one is teacher’s network, here you can find lessons, music, teacher 
designed activities, etc. 
Education world (The Educator’s best friend). It provides teaching tips, lesson 
plans, activities, academic articles, web resources and many more.
Teachers Net is a platform where teachers can get to discover new teaching 
ideas and tips, lesson plans, classroom projects and many other things for a 
teacher and the student. 
15. In section 19.2, Levy lists five levels at which TLLT fits with current 
thinking in second language acquisition and can support language 
teaching. Can you think of an example of how technology could help with 
each of these? 
Technology can support language teaching through websites with grammar 
quizzes or a CDROM with audio clips and listening-comprehension questions. 
On the other hand, Technology also emphasizes the social aspect, so it is able 
to connect learners, either with authentic language input, or with native 
speakers or other learners. 
Regarding to the physical level, technology could help with tools such as 
laptops and tablets, regarding to the management level, technology can help 
with the learning management system that enables the administration of a 
language course, according to the application level, technology could help with 
word processing software, email and social networking sites, regarding to the 
resource level, technology could help with online material such as newspapers, 
language tutors, and finally regarding to the component technology level, 
technology could help with spelling checkers, grammar checkers, electronic 
dictionaries and important tools. 
16. Review the three phases of CALL, identified by Warschauer, and some 
defining characteristics of each phase. How would you situate popular 
programs like Rosetta Stone in terms of these three phases? 
The first phase is the behavioristic CALL, where the computer was used as a 
tutor for learning materials. There are programs like grammar drills and 
pronunciation-practice software. The other phase is the communicative where 
the computer was used for skill practice like reading, writing with more 
opportunities for student choice, control and interaction. The third one is the 
integrative phase which focuses on the different language skills in a single 
program or website. Therefore I would situate popular program in the integrative 
phase because it allows everybody to use popular programs where learners 
can work together using email, chat, blogs and other communication tools
17. What new skills might learners and teachers need to acquire to use TLLT 
They might need to acquire the skills such as listening, speaking, writing and 
reading, besides the vocabulary, grammar and intercultural awareness in order 
to use the TLLT effectively which each one of these has an important roles in 
that process. 
18. This chapter listed many ways that technology can support the teaching 
of the four skills, as well as vocabulary, grammar and intercultural 
awareness. Choose one of these areas and develop a lesson plan where 
technology is fully integrated. 
One of the four skills listed in this chapter is grammar, so we developed a 
lesson plan about simple past using technology. Therefore, we found digital 
games where students can learn and apply the grammar skill successfully. For 
instance, the teacher can use digital games such as ESL Jeopardy game which 
is very practical for classroom teaching. Teachers can engage all their students’ 
attention on these activities. The activity below is an example of a digital game. 
First, they click on the word next, and choose the grade of difficulty they want to 
play and then the sentence with the gap will appear, so here is when the 
student needs to fill the gap with all their knowledge. 
Another digital game that the teacher can use is the next one, which explains the 
difference of various tenses, as the teacher only focuses on the simple past, the 
student will only have to choose the verb in past tense, and here if the student make a 
mistake the computer will not allow that, until the student choose the correct verb. 
19. A teacher who gives out homework for students to complete online after 
school is making a number of assumptions about his or her learners, their 
(preferred ways of) learning and their home situations. What are some of 
these assumptions, and are there any pitfalls to be avoided? 
From one side, the teacher will assume that giving out his/her students online 
homework to complete after school, will mean more advantages for the student 
because they are able to work at their own time, without any pressure, and they 
will be able to repeat and review the same information the times they want. 
Besides, the teachers will assume that they will reinforce all the previous 
information learned in class. However, the teacher also will know that their 
students will have questions that will not be answered because the computer is 
only a machine that will not take the teacher’s place because “technological 
methods are restricted to the guiding of tutors and not replacing them” as José 
Lema said on the text. Therefore, this questions will be only answered in the 
interaction class between the teacher and the student. 
20. Teachers often do not allow students to use mobile phones in class. What 
are some ways in which mobile phones CAN be used effectively as 
learning tools? 
Some ways in which mobile phone can be used in teaching class in the 
classroom are: 
 Use as a research tool (for web-enabled devices) 
 Snap a photo: Of notes on the board in class, of assignments, etc 
 Use e-books and other digital materials as alternatives to lugging around 
tons of heavy books 
 SMS Chat Room: Teachers can use free group messaging apps (there are a 
ton of them out there) to create group chat rooms for classes
 Share photos of field trips or projects either via aforementioned SMS chat 
rooms or via a blog or app 
 Use smartphones as mobile diaries: Set reminders, make notes, and 
organize schedules using a variety of free apps and tools that often come 
loaded on the device 
 Call a friend: Connect with guest speakers or other classrooms via skype 
This information is taken from: 
21. Do your students have access to Skype? Develop an activity that could be 
used with Skype. 
Yes, the students have access to Skype, and this technological tool can be very 
successfully for the students in classroom. Some activities can be applied at the 
moment of using Skype, for instance, if the teacher wants to explain the 
contrastive between phonetics and phonology in Spanish and English the 
Skype tool would be the best way because here the students can make contact 
with other students from countries where they speak English, so here they will 
hear the sound variation in both languages, all the features that each letter has 
and each student will be able to ask any question regarding the topic. Besides, 
Skype also allows the students to know more about different cultures around 
the world and the student will have a practical learning in the classroom. 
22. How can the internet be used to develop intercultural awareness? Design 
an activity that has this as a focus. 
Internet is very important to develop intercultural awareness because through 
digital media many students can communicate with other people from many 
different cultures and they are able acquire knowledge and skills for intercultural
communication. In addition, the internet is helpful because it develops the 
sensitivity to the values and practices of people from different cultures and the 
students self-awareness of the nature and values implicit in one’s own practices 
and willingness to share and experience other people’s cultures and finally the 
learners ability to modify one’s own behavior in intercultural settings. An activity 
that develops intercultural awareness as a focus can be videogames because 
they allow students to interact with other people from different cultures, these 
videogames can focused on group works in order to achieve missions or goals 
around the world. This kid of videogame will let the students know more about 
different cultures and countries around the world.
1 millón de tablets en el Ecuador ofrece Rafael Correa al abrir clases. (2 de 09 de 2014). El 
Wikipedia. (2014). Recuperado el 29 de 11 de 2014, de 
Online sites 

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Topics in Linguistics Portfolio: Technology

  • 2. Outline This portfolio is based on the book Key Issues in Language Teaching, chapter 19. This chapter is about technology and it has some questions that we answered bases on the information that we found in the chapter, in some web pages and other based on our experience as students. This chapter is divided in: 19. Technology 19.1 Introduction 19.2 Ways to use technology Ways to interact with technology 19.3 The emergence of technology and its benefits The emergence of technology in language teaching The benefits of TLLT 19.4 TLLT and current teaching approaches Communicative language teaching Content-based instruction (CBI and CLIL) Task-based language teaching 19.5 TLLT and language skills Teaching the four skills Teaching other language and communication skills 19.6 The challenges of TLLT 19.7 Testing and assessment in TLLT Institutional or large-scale testing Classroom assessment 19.8 Conclusion Discussion questions So, based on this content we did this portfolio.
  • 3. Introduction To answer the questions of this portfolio, we took into account the chapter 19 (Key Issues in Language Teaching), our experience as students, as teachers and we use internet to search for information that complement our answers. 1 BOOK TEACHERS PORTFOLIO Chapter 19 1 Images took from: -and-students-clipart practice-english-grammar/ STUDENTS INTERNET
  • 4. 1. Have you ever tried to incorporate a new technology into your classes? What issues did you face doing do? First, we, as students, can notice that most of our teachers have tried to incorporate technology in their classes in order to get better results with us. In our French or German classes, our teachers use different pages to explain a new topic or to practice the language; for instance, they use You Tube to practice our listening skills or they use other pages such as http://www.francaisfacile.com2 to practice grammar. Also, teachers use the Moodle platform to organize their courses, however, some of them never use this tool because they find difficult to learn how to use it. So, this is a problem with teachers who are not accustomed to use technology in their class. This is a common problem that some teachers have and it could be caused by the lack of knowledge about how to use new technology or just because they are afraid of use new tools in their class. In addition, one of the major problems of technology us that sometimes it could not work as the teacher want. For instance, if the teacher needs internet, sometimes it will not work and the teacher is forced to improvise or just change the activity. Second, in our experience as teachers, we try to incorporate technology such as the use of computers, but sometimes it is difficult to use because schools are not equipped with this tools. So, we need to bring our equipment such as laptop, infocus, etc. Finally, there are other issues when teachers use technology. For instance, teachers use most of the times internet connection, but this could be a problem when the internet does not work and they need to have other options if they have this problem. Also, the use of new technologies can be challenging for teachers, and they prefer to avoid using those tools even though new technology can improve their language classes. 2 French Course, level 5. Teacher: Giovanna Ruggiero.
  • 5. 2. What are some benefits students can get from collaborative blogging? First, it is important to know the definitions of collaborative blogging. This is a type of weblog in which posts are written and published by more than one author. The majority of high-profile collaborative blogs are based around a single uniting theme, such as politics or technology (Wikipedia, 2014). According with this definition, we think that collaborative blogging can help student to improve their communicative skills and they could start to work in groups. First, students will fell more confident when they try to communicate with others. Also, they could not be afraid of making mistakes and they will fell free of express their opinions. Finally, the most important benefit is that students are able to work in groups and in this process they will discover that they have to be respectful with others and they have to learn that people will have different opinions that they must understand.
  • 6. 3. Which of the aspects of technology above are available to teachers and students in schools in your country? The physical level Technology The application level The management level Nowadays, Ecuador has changed education in many aspects. The most important is that the government tries to incorporate technology in all education levels. For instance, the government wants that each school has their own computer lab and their own internet access in order to improve education. In addition, the president wants to give tablets to students of primary school because he thinks that “computer labs are good for high school while tablets could help students of primary levels to develop their skills with technology” (1 millón de tablets en el Ecuador ofrece Rafael Correa al abrir clases, 2014). So, we can see that in our country there are aspects that help teachers and students in the physical level, management level and applications level. However, it is important to say that this is a new process and there are some places, such as rural areas, that do not have this benefit and other places where teachers need training to learn how to use technology in a correct way. 4. How has the use of technology changed since you started teaching or learning a language? We could notice many changes since we started to learn a new language. At the beginning, we used to learn a new language (English, French, German) in a traditional way, it means, we used to use our physical books, cd’s, and the material that the teacher prepares. It was not bad because in some way we learn the basis of the language, however we could not improve our communicative skills. Now, thanks of technology, our classes are more dynamic
  • 7. and the most important thing is that our teachers have different ways of prepare their classes. For instance, if they want to practice grammar, they could use internet, if they want to practice listening, they could use songs or videos with subtitles in order to improve our speaking, etc. As we could see, there is a big change and we consider that language classes are better today than in the past. Other options that teachers use are the different platforms to organize their classes; for example, at PUCE, teachers use Moodle to plan their lessons, share information, send homework, etc. Finally, there is another important change concerning books. Nowadays, teachers and students have the opportunity to get electronic books. This is because of the development of technology and it is a good way of facilitate the learning process. So, the students could access to their books or workbooks at any time in a computer, table or cellphone. 5. What sources are available in your school? Consider the computers and the software installed on them, the resources in the computer lab and the materials in the library and on your network (if you have one) and that you use in your classroom. Would you classify these as behavioristic, communicative or integrative? In our school there are computer labs, however, each class has its own computer and infocus. There is not specific software for language teaching but each teacher has different ways of improve their classes with their own favorite
  • 8. internet pages. For instance, French teachers usually use the web page to search articles and practice reading. Finally, our school does not have a network for language purposes. So, most of the times, the teacher is the one who decide how to communicate with their students. 6. Can you choose three benefits from those listed above that you think offer the strongest reasons for the use of technology? Increased opportunities for authentic interaction: TLLT al lows learners to connect with other learners worldwide and to participate in real communication. (Chapelle, 2005). Supports different ways of learning: TLLT al lows students to find learning resources that match their preferred way of learning, for example visual or auditory. Access to more engaging materials: TLLT provides access to content that i s often very engaging for learners, such as digital games, YouTube content and so on. 7. What do you think are the most difficult challenges teachers face in moving to TLLT? We consider that the most difficult challenge for teachers is to be updated with the changes of programs, apps, etc. As we know, programs, apps or platforms are developing every day to provide a good service to people. It is challenging because teachers need to know all the changes and they have to be prepared for everything. Most of the times, teachers are afraid of use these tools because
  • 9. they consider that it is difficult to learn and they will spend a lot of time planning a class using those tools. In addition, we could find other challenges3.  Learning how to use a variety of technology applications.  Using, adapting, and designing technology-enhanced curricula to meet students’ needs.  Expanding content knowledge.  Taking on new roles. 8. Which of the potential benefits for teacher above have you experienced yourself? In my case, I’ve experienced many potential benefits. First, in our classes we have labs were each student is able to use a computer in order to follow what the teacher is explaining or doing. On the other hand, there are many software that, as teachers, we have used. There are also, as in the example, programs that help us to make videos. Once, a teacher used a software to do make a video and then, the student made it with other types programs. There was a great variety of videos about one topic. These videos were made individually or in group. There is also the benefit called “Creates a better learning environment”. This benefit helps the teacher to make the class more dynamic in order to stimulate the students and help them to get all the new information. In our case, all the technology in class helps the students to understand better about any subject because of the visual, audio examples provided by computers, laptops and cellphones. Practical support is also one important benefit. The student not only learn the theoretical part of the assignment, but also the practical part. The student is able to see how something works, or how to do something in real life through technology. 9. How do you think computer-mediated communication can lead to “increased participation”? First, I think that computed-mediated communication helps the student to interact better with the language. There are many programs that make the student participate in many activities in order to practice what he/she has just learned. I think that the student should first learn how to develop his/her own communication strategies. Then there is a necessity to use language in a 3
  • 10. natural way. The usage of language as a natural language will help the student to use technology in an easier way, which will help his/her to be really used to that language. Once the student is used to the language, this method of mediated communication through a computer will help the student to participate more in different activities. I think that the teacher could create one kind of conversational program or activity in order to make all the students participate. In this way, the teacher is able to give feedback about the mistake made by the students. In computer programs, there is not this possibility to receive feedback of every word they produce. The student will be encouraged to participate and to use the computer-mediated communication. 10. Have you observed differences in your students’ communicative behavior during traditional classroom speaking practice and online communication? Yes, there is a difference between a traditional classroom speaking and online communication. As the text mentions, there are many environment where the students are able to produce speaking communication. The traditional class is always prepared; of course, there would be little fragments of spontaneity, but it is a script that the students should follow. The student tries to practice the topic that he or her just learned and that is his/her limitation. On the other hand, in online conversation there are a lot of vocabulary of daily conversation. The student is able to learn more words that would use in a daily conversation and in a spontaneous one also. Online conversation involves different topics, this helps the student to be prepared to any type of questions, and the student is able to ask and to receive feedback from different people. The spoken interaction becomes more real and the student learn from the others. Classroom conversations have feedback from the teacher but it is limited to the topic or environment the teacher has created. 11. In what way does reading a text in a book differ from reading a text online? There are many things that differ from reading a book of reading a text online. Reading texts online facilitates the students to choose the level of reading they need. They have access to many electronic dictionaries that would help them to search for words that they do not understand. There is also the opportunity to participate in online blog and in status updates.
  • 11. On the other hand, the results of these texts online are different from the text in a book. The student will be able to develop hi/her skills. There are letter-sound exercises that help the student not only to develop his/her reading skills, but also his/her listening skills. There is also, an exercise about fluency, where the student is able to develop the velocity in which he or she reads a text. There are many other activities online for reading. In this way, the student is able to develop it and to improve each time his/ her reading skills. With text in books, it is not possible to reach these type of benefits in the same way online texts do. 12. Which of the above have you tried yourself? Can you think of additional purposes for each of these uses of technology? There is the first one about videos in YouTube. I had many teachers that used videos in order to teach us different things such as vocabulary, syntax and rhymes. I’ve also tried the second one, my teacher made us record a video of a topic in order to practice our English. On the other hand, I have tried the one of Jasmine. Our teacher allow us to bring our mobile to class, we can use it to search for more information, new vocabulary, images or videos. Even when we do not print the document we are using in class, we are allowed to open it on the cellphone. I have not tried the same that David, but a teacher made us translate a song in a computer in order to make it rhyme with our first language. It was great because we added more thing of our own language and we made it more significant in the other language. Other purposes: the first one, technology can be used to not just to show the videos but also, to make the students elaborate their own videos. That`s what a teacher made us to do and it worked very well. The second one, the teacher would use those recorded videos in order to share them with people from other countries and to ask for feedback. The third one, the teacher can use web pages as virtual classrooms in order to make courses not only in the real classroom but also, in other parts of the country. The one of Lina could be used also to use the email with another purpose, for example, she can use email for sending extra activities to correct the exercise of a classmate. The next one could be used in order to use mobiles to take a test in it. The teacher will send the test to the mail and then, the student takes it online and on his/her cellphone. With the last one, as I mentioned before, the teacher could use music in order to teach translation of songs and then the rhyme in the other language.
  • 12. 13. How much training and support is available for teachers in your schools, in the use of technology? Draw up a plan for the kind of training program that you think would be useful. Particularly for new teachers. My school has a lot of support for teaching. There are virtual classrooms. They have recorders and CDs with audio activities, Internet, infocus, videos, movies, etc. I think that my school has many technological implements that facilitate the teaching process. Technology helps to explain better the student all the topics and it helps to make them practice it. There are sometimes problems with the connection to the internet but the other thing work well. Plan:  Video conferences, once a week  Meetings with their supervisor about internal problems of each subject, each week.  Practical classes for teachers with teachers of other countries once a month.  Teach the teacher how to teach grammar, once a month.  Teach the teacher how to use technology inside the class, once each semester.  How to evaluate the student, once each semester. 14. Talk to you teacher in your school (or go inline) and find out what kind of current websites your colleagues recommend for both teachers and learners, and why. The first one is You Tube, the teacher recommend it because this website has any type of topic. YouTube is opened for everybody and it is free. You are able to watch the video all the time you think are necessary. The second one is google; here, you can use it to search for information. This is a browser so; you can use it to get into other pages. This is the most efficient browser in the red according to many teachers. The issue of freedom permit the teacher uses it with the student. Here you can find many exercises that the teacher and the student would enjoy. The third one is teacher’s network, here you can find lessons, music, teacher designed activities, etc. Education world (The Educator’s best friend). It provides teaching tips, lesson plans, activities, academic articles, web resources and many more.
  • 13. Teachers Net is a platform where teachers can get to discover new teaching ideas and tips, lesson plans, classroom projects and many other things for a teacher and the student. 15. In section 19.2, Levy lists five levels at which TLLT fits with current thinking in second language acquisition and can support language teaching. Can you think of an example of how technology could help with each of these? Technology can support language teaching through websites with grammar quizzes or a CDROM with audio clips and listening-comprehension questions. On the other hand, Technology also emphasizes the social aspect, so it is able to connect learners, either with authentic language input, or with native speakers or other learners. Regarding to the physical level, technology could help with tools such as laptops and tablets, regarding to the management level, technology can help with the learning management system that enables the administration of a language course, according to the application level, technology could help with word processing software, email and social networking sites, regarding to the resource level, technology could help with online material such as newspapers, language tutors, and finally regarding to the component technology level, technology could help with spelling checkers, grammar checkers, electronic dictionaries and important tools. 16. Review the three phases of CALL, identified by Warschauer, and some defining characteristics of each phase. How would you situate popular programs like Rosetta Stone in terms of these three phases? The first phase is the behavioristic CALL, where the computer was used as a tutor for learning materials. There are programs like grammar drills and pronunciation-practice software. The other phase is the communicative where the computer was used for skill practice like reading, writing with more opportunities for student choice, control and interaction. The third one is the integrative phase which focuses on the different language skills in a single program or website. Therefore I would situate popular program in the integrative phase because it allows everybody to use popular programs where learners can work together using email, chat, blogs and other communication tools
  • 14. 17. What new skills might learners and teachers need to acquire to use TLLT effectively? They might need to acquire the skills such as listening, speaking, writing and reading, besides the vocabulary, grammar and intercultural awareness in order to use the TLLT effectively which each one of these has an important roles in that process. 18. This chapter listed many ways that technology can support the teaching of the four skills, as well as vocabulary, grammar and intercultural awareness. Choose one of these areas and develop a lesson plan where technology is fully integrated. One of the four skills listed in this chapter is grammar, so we developed a lesson plan about simple past using technology. Therefore, we found digital games where students can learn and apply the grammar skill successfully. For instance, the teacher can use digital games such as ESL Jeopardy game which is very practical for classroom teaching. Teachers can engage all their students’ attention on these activities. The activity below is an example of a digital game. First, they click on the word next, and choose the grade of difficulty they want to play and then the sentence with the gap will appear, so here is when the student needs to fill the gap with all their knowledge. Another digital game that the teacher can use is the next one, which explains the difference of various tenses, as the teacher only focuses on the simple past, the student will only have to choose the verb in past tense, and here if the student make a mistake the computer will not allow that, until the student choose the correct verb.
  • 15. online/ 19. A teacher who gives out homework for students to complete online after school is making a number of assumptions about his or her learners, their (preferred ways of) learning and their home situations. What are some of these assumptions, and are there any pitfalls to be avoided? From one side, the teacher will assume that giving out his/her students online homework to complete after school, will mean more advantages for the student because they are able to work at their own time, without any pressure, and they will be able to repeat and review the same information the times they want. Besides, the teachers will assume that they will reinforce all the previous information learned in class. However, the teacher also will know that their students will have questions that will not be answered because the computer is only a machine that will not take the teacher’s place because “technological methods are restricted to the guiding of tutors and not replacing them” as José Lema said on the text. Therefore, this questions will be only answered in the interaction class between the teacher and the student. 20. Teachers often do not allow students to use mobile phones in class. What are some ways in which mobile phones CAN be used effectively as learning tools? Some ways in which mobile phone can be used in teaching class in the classroom are:  Use as a research tool (for web-enabled devices)  Snap a photo: Of notes on the board in class, of assignments, etc  Use e-books and other digital materials as alternatives to lugging around tons of heavy books  SMS Chat Room: Teachers can use free group messaging apps (there are a ton of them out there) to create group chat rooms for classes
  • 16.  Share photos of field trips or projects either via aforementioned SMS chat rooms or via a blog or app  Use smartphones as mobile diaries: Set reminders, make notes, and organize schedules using a variety of free apps and tools that often come loaded on the device  Call a friend: Connect with guest speakers or other classrooms via skype This information is taken from: 2/ 21. Do your students have access to Skype? Develop an activity that could be used with Skype. Yes, the students have access to Skype, and this technological tool can be very successfully for the students in classroom. Some activities can be applied at the moment of using Skype, for instance, if the teacher wants to explain the contrastive between phonetics and phonology in Spanish and English the Skype tool would be the best way because here the students can make contact with other students from countries where they speak English, so here they will hear the sound variation in both languages, all the features that each letter has and each student will be able to ask any question regarding the topic. Besides, Skype also allows the students to know more about different cultures around the world and the student will have a practical learning in the classroom. 22. How can the internet be used to develop intercultural awareness? Design an activity that has this as a focus. Internet is very important to develop intercultural awareness because through digital media many students can communicate with other people from many different cultures and they are able acquire knowledge and skills for intercultural
  • 17. communication. In addition, the internet is helpful because it develops the sensitivity to the values and practices of people from different cultures and the students self-awareness of the nature and values implicit in one’s own practices and willingness to share and experience other people’s cultures and finally the learners ability to modify one’s own behavior in intercultural settings. An activity that develops intercultural awareness as a focus can be videogames because they allow students to interact with other people from different cultures, these videogames can focused on group works in order to achieve missions or goals around the world. This kid of videogame will let the students know more about different cultures and countries around the world.
  • 18. Sources 1 millón de tablets en el Ecuador ofrece Rafael Correa al abrir clases. (2 de 09 de 2014). El Universo. Wikipedia. (2014). Recuperado el 29 de 11 de 2014, de Online sites     english-grammar/   activity-online/ 