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 Tools for Online
Idea Generation
  A Comparison of Technology Platforms
                   for Public Managers
                          March 2011

The past several years have seen a dramatic increase in the use of web 2.0 tools at all levels of
government. Beyond simply using them as communication vehicles, many public managers
have adopted these tools as a means to solicit and aggregate ideas from employees and
external stakeholders on how to solve problems and enhance government services. However,
the plethora of platforms and variety of functionalities available can make a manager’s choice
of technology challenging.

This comparison of di erent platforms is part of a series developed by the National Academy of
Public Administration’s Collaboration Project based on our experience conducting online
stakeholder consultations with government. It aims to assist public managers early in the
planning process of such an initiative by comparing the purposes and functionalities of
di erent ideation tools. Because the features of each of these tools are constantly being
updated and enhanced, we intend this document to be a “living” resource that will be updated
to re ect changes over time.

Other resources in the Collaboration Project’s series on conducting online stakeholder
engagement, including the Online Dialogue Brainstorm Guide, can be found at

                                  Please note: The information in this document is compiled from information
                                  publicly available on the vendors’ websites, supplemented by the National
                                  Academy of Public Administration’s rst-hand experience with several of the
                                  technologies. The National Academy and the Collaboration Project are
                                  technology-neutral: this document is not intended as an endorsement of
                                  any particular technology or vendor. Please feel free to contact us at
                         to recommend changes or tools that
                                  should be added to this document.
Considering your needs

Many technologies are commercially available for online idea generation, ranging from low-
cost, out-of-the-box tools to large scale, custom-built solutions. As such, many factors should
be considered in deciding which technology best ts your needs. These include:

                       Duration of engagement. How long will the idea generation project
                         run? Will it be limited duration or an ongoing “market” of ideas?

                       Community. Do you need to be able to identify your “power users,”
                         those whose ideas tend to be the most in uential? Do these users
                         need to stand out among participants?

                       Responsiveness. Do you need to respond to ideas and comments as
                         the dialogue happens or provide updates on the status of particular

                       Output. What kinds of data and analytics do you need the technol-
                         ogy to provide?

                       Structure of dialogue. Do the ideas need to be strictly organized or
                         siloed (e.g., by topic), or can all ideas mingle together?

                       Cost and resources. What budgetary and sta resources can you
                         allocate to this engagement?

                       Support. What degree of technical support might you need from the

                       Deployment. How quickly do you need to launch the engagement?

                                While deciding on a technology is important, this decision
                                is best made by aligning the the technology to your core
                                purpose for engagement. In other words, let the tools t
                                your needs, not vice-versa.
Platform   Description                    What it does well           What it gives the              Pricing                        Examples
Bubble     Bubble Ideas is an off-the-    • Hosts a two-way           • An aggregation of            • Free: Up to 50,000 server    Mock Bubble Ideas
Ideas      shelf idea generation tool      conversation in which        participants’ suggestions     hits for the duration of      Gov 2.0 site
           enabling idea aggregation       the host can respond to      sorted by the thumbs-up-      the dialogue; 2
                                                                                                                                    Solve Oil Spill
           and two-way                     input, particularly by       thumbs-down votes             moderator accounts
           communication between           updating the status of       received for each idea
                                                                                                     • $99/mo: Up to 500,000
           host and participants. The      suggestions over time
                                                                      • A listing of ideas            server hits; custom URL; 4
           platform allows users to
                                          • Allows a degree of          categorized and sorted        moderator accounts
           submit, comment, and vote
                                           custom design and            by status (e.g., under
           on ideas. The host can                                                                    • $299/mo: Up to 2 million
                                           branding                     review, in progress,
           update users on the status                                                                 server hits; 8 moderator
           of ideas and shape the user                                                                accounts; sentiment/
           experience by allowing                                     • Comment threads for           semantic analysis;
           only-positive or positive                                    each idea that refine         analytics/reporting
           and negative ratings.                                        ideas further
                                                                                                     • $499/mo: Up to 7 million
                                                                      • Analysis of the discussion     server hits; unlimited
                                                                        using advanced                 moderator accounts;
                                                                        qualitative tools              enhanced security; API
                                                                                                       access; sentiment/
                                                                                                       semantic analysis;
Crowd      Crowd Wise is a                • Helps a dialogue host     • Results that reflect a       Product is still in            (Product is still in
Wise       participative tool for          move engagement              process that moves           development, with plans to     development)
           making collective decisions     efforts beyond ideation      toward consensus             offer a free web-based tool.
           by helping participants find    and into decision-making
                                                                      • A more holistic view of
           common ground, avoid
                                          • Offers a method to find     the community’s
           polarization, and achieve
                                           common ground                preferences, which could
           productive outcomes. The
                                           between different            be useful when the
           platform works using
                                           interests or stakeholder     decision needs to be
           consensus voting, in which
                                           groups                       supported by a large
           participants suggest,
                                                                        portion of the
           discuss, and prioritize
           options for a decision,
           allowing for common-
           ground options to emerge
           that might not otherwise
           be considered.
Platform    Description                    What it does well              What it gives the             Pricing                        Examples
Delib       Delib’s Dialogue App is an     • Aggregates ideas based       • An aggregation of ideas     • Free: Up to 100 users for    National Dialogue
Dialogue    idea-generation and             on a simple 5-star rating      sorted by average rating      100-day duration              on the Homeland
App         dialogue tool built for a       scale in a way that shows      on a 5-star scale, by                                       Security Review
                                                                                                        • $350/mo: One forum;
            range of civic-engagement       the “average” level of         volume of comments,
                                                                                                         unlimited users and           UK Spending
            activities. The tool allows     support of participants        and by time submitted
                                                                                                         moderators; custom logo       Challenge
            idea submission and
                                           • Supports more open-          • Comment threads for
            commenting and uses a                                                                       • $550/mo: Up to 8             National Dialogue
                                            ended dialogue than            each idea that refine
            five-star rating system on                                                                   discussion forums;            on Green and
                                            simply idea generation         ideas further
            which each idea’s ratings                                                                    custom demographic            Healthy Homes
            are averaged. The Dialogue     • Provides consulting in       • An aggregation of the        fields; downloadable
            App offers a simple, user-      combination with               topics discussed using        reports (CSV)
            friendly interface and          technology to lend             “tags,” which be useful
                                                                                                        Further pricing depends on
            features intuitive tagging      expertise in stakeholder       for navigating through
                                                                                                        scope and a menu of
            functionality to allow for      consultation                   the ideas
                                                                                                        additional features,
            visualization of cross-        • Allows for a range of                                      including advice and
            cutting themes. Delib also      custom design and                                           consultation by Delib staff.
            offers consultative services    branding, from default to                                   Delib also offers mobile
            on the engagement               fully “white-labeled”                                       apps.
            process to pair with a
            technology solution.
Google      Google Moderator is a tool     • Prioritizes simple           • A quick aggregation of      Google Moderator is free       White House Open
Moderator   that allows distributed         questions or short ideas       short, simple questions or   for organizations using        for Questions (now
            communities to submit and       from a group, without          ideas                        Google Apps or for             closed—link goes
            vote on questions for talks,    the need for deeper                                         individual users with          to project
            presentations and events.       discussion                                                  Google accounts.               summary)
            The platform allows
                                           • Gathers and sorts                                                                         Google Apps
            participants to promote or
                                            questions or ideas in real-                                                                Feature Requests
            demote each submission
                                            time during an event
            by a simple check mark
Platform    Description                     What it does well            What it gives the            Pricing                       Examples
IdeaScale   IdeaScale is an off-the-shelf   • Aggregates ideas with      • An aggregation of          • Free: Unlimited ideas and   Open Department
            platform that enables idea       simple up-or-down votes       participants’ ideas         comments from                of Transportation
            generation and refinement        in a way that distinctly      prioritized by simple       unlimited users; e-mail
                                                                                                                                    Open NASA
            through a simple, intuitive      separates popular ideas       thumbs-up/thumbs-           and twitter integration; 1
            thumbs-up/thumbs-down            from unpopular ones           down votes on each idea     moderator account            NARA Open
            rating tool. This tool                                                                                                  Government Idea
                                            • Helps generate ideas and   • A sorting of ideas into    • $15/mo: Addition of a
            aggregates ratings into a                                                                                               Forum
                                             discussion without            hierarchical categories,    custom logo
            net vote total, which makes
                                             needing to infer users’       e.g., by topic
            negative ratings possible.                                                                • $99/mo: Customized site
                                             magnitude of
            IdeaScale allows for a                                       • Comment threads for         design; file attachments;
            moderate degree of                                             each idea that refine       custom registration fields
            customization in look-and-      • Allows host to structure     ideas further
            feel and also allows the         conversation using pre-
            discussion to be structured      set categories
            into hierarchical categories.   • Allows a degree of
            IdeaScale was used as the        custom design and
            platform to gather input         branding
            into the open government
            plans for 24 federal
            agencies in 2009.
Microsoft   Microsoft Town Hall is an       • Provides a robust web      • An aggregation of          TownHall is free from         America Speaking
Town Hall   ideation tool enabling           platform to aggregate         participants’ ideas        Microsoft but requires        Out
            users to voice opinions,         the top questions or          prioritized by simple      hosting on Windows Azure,
                                                                                                                                    NASA Martian
            identify problems, offer         ideas on a constituency’s     thumbs-up/thumbs-          a platform for managing
                                                                                                                                    Town Hall
            solutions and come               mind                          down votes on each idea    cloud-based services.
            together around common                                                                    Windows Azure pricing
                                            • Supports dialogue with     • An aggregation of the
            interests and concerns. It is                                                             begins at $59.95/month.
                                             leaders that need to          topics discussed using
            also a for generating and
                                             check the pulse of the        “tags,” which be useful
            aggregating questions,
                                             public or stakeholders on     for navigating through
            allowing the most popular
                                             a range of issues             the ideas
            or relevant questions to
            bubble to the top.                                           • Comment threads for
                                                                           each idea that refine
                                                                           ideas further
Platform     Description                    What it does well             What it gives the            Pricing                        Examples
PubliVate    The PubliVate Engagement       • Aggregates ideas based      • An aggregation of ideas    Pricing details are not        Ontario Ministry of
             Platform is an ideation tool    on user ratings                sorted by participant      publicly available.            Municipal Affairs
             that allows participants to                                    votes                                                     and Housing
                                            • Allows for a high degree
             post, view, comment, and
                                             of design customization      • Comment threads for
             vote on ideas that respond
                                                                            each idea that refine
             to a question. The platform    • Supports initiatives
                                                                            ideas further
             is marketed toward              needing in-depth
             “challenges” in which           analytical reporting
             participants submit
             responses to a challenge
             issued by the host.
             Examples of the platform’s
             use generally have a high
             degree of design

Salesforce   Salesforce Ideas is an out-    • Hosts a two-way             • An aggregation of ideas    Salesforce Ideas is            My Starbucks Idea
Ideas        of-the-box tool enabling        conversation in which          sorted by votes of         packaged with other
                                                                                                                                      Salesforce Idea
             constructive idea               the host can respond to        “promote”/”demote”         Salesforce cloud services in
             generation with a               input, particularly by                                    3 tiers of pricing, ranging
                                                                          • A sorting of ideas by
             particular focus on creating    updating the status of                                    from $65/month per user
                                                                            topic area
             a personalized, interactive     suggestions over time                                     to $260/month per user.
             user experience. The                                         • Comment threads for
                                            • Supports longer-term
             platform can host parallel                                     each idea that refine
                                             innovation efforts in
             discussions for different                                      ideas further
                                             which the user
             communities                                                  • Identification of “power
                                             community grows and
             simultaneously and                                             users,” whose ideas have
                                             segments into groups
             empowers responsiveness                                        gained the most traction
                                             based on areas of interest
             through idea status                                            in the community
             updates and blog               • Allows a degree of
             integration.                    custom design and
Platform   Description                      What it does well             What it gives the            Pricing                       Examples
Spigit     Spigit is an innovation-         • Hosts a two-way             • An ongoing market of       Price depends on services     Manor Labs
           management platform               conversation in which         ideas that decision-        and level of customization,   (Manor, TX)
           intended to facilitate the        the host can respond to       makers can use as a         but the basic package
                                                                                                                                     New York City
           generation of ideas over a        input, particularly by        source for innovation and   starts at $499/month.
           long-term process. Spigit         updating the status of        continuous improvement
           allows for the creation of        suggestions over time
                                                                          • A collection of
           discussion forums where
                                            • Supports longer-term         aggregated ideas by
           users can submit ideas and
                                             innovation efforts in         participants’ support
           vote on the best ones over
                                             which the user
           time. It also enables a two-                                   • Identification and
                                             community grows and
           way conversation in which                                       recognition of “power
                                             segments into groups
           the host recognizes ideas,                                      users,” those whose ideas
                                             based on areas of interest
           updates the status of                                           have gained the most
           suggestions, and identifies      • Allows for extensive of      traction in the
           “power users,” those whose        custom design and             community
           ideas gain the most               branding
           traction in the community.       • Supports the creation of
           The product’s design is           detailed user profiles
           generally highly
           customized, and the              • Highlights the
           platform includes a suite of      participation of “power
           other social media tools as       users”
           well, such as profiles, blogs,
           and wikis, for added
           dimensions of
Platform    Description                      What it does well            What it gives the           Pricing                       Examples
UserVoice   UserVoice is an off-the-         • Hosts a two-way            • An aggregation of         • Free: Offers one            Better Buy
            shelf idea generation tool        conversation in which the    participants’ ideas and     administrator account
                                                                                                                                    Ideas for Seattle
            originally built for product      host can respond to          suggestions sorted by       and one forum, which
            improvement, but                  input, particularly by       level of support and        can be used by up to 100     Ideas 4 Oregon
            increasingly used for             updating the status of       volume of conversation      voters
            engagement initiatives            suggestions over time
                                                                          • Comment threads for       • $19/mo (Tin): Offers
            involving two-way
                                             • Steers dialogue toward      each idea that refine       analytics, moderation
            communication between
                                              popular ideas, as            ideas further               tools, domain aliasing, up
            host and participants. The
                                              opposed to focusing on                                   to 100 voters, unlimited
            platform is most useful for                                   • Identification and
                                              disagreements                                            forums, private forums,
            ideation specifically, as                                      recognition of “power
                                             • Allows a degree of          users,” whose ideas have    and email support
            opposed to open-ended
            dialogue, and provides            custom design and            gained the most traction   • $89/mo (Bronze): Offers
            intuitive mechanisms for          branding                     in the community            single sign-on (using
            host to show                                                                               Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
            responsiveness to input.                                                                   and the ability to export
            The tool enables idea                                                                      dialogue data to excel or
            submission and                                                                             CSV. Allows up to 1,000
            commenting and requires                                                                    voters
            users to budget their votes
                                                                                                      • $289/mo (Silver): Offers
            by allocating 0-3 votes per
                                                                                                       commercial API, SSL
            idea, up to a pre-set limit in
                                                                                                       encryption, and up to
            each discussion forum.
                                                                                                       5,000 voters
                                                                                                      • $589/mo (Gold): Allows
                                                                                                       "white labeling"/
                                                                                                       customizable branding
                                                                                                       and design in CSS
                                                                                                      Discounts are available for
                                                                                                      public-facing, government-
                                                                                                      sponsored forums
About the Collaboration Project

The Collaboration Project ( is an independent forum of leaders
who share a commitment to the adoption and use of collaborative technologies to solve com-
plex problems of public management. With the support of dedicated sta and access to the
National Academy’s distinguished Fellows and other subject matter experts, the Collaboration
Project convenes members in person and online to share best practices; produces research on
the opportunities and challenges of collaboration; and assists agencies in implementing
collaborative tools and approaches.

                         For more information:

                          Danielle Germain, Director
                           (202) 204-3632

                          Daniel Honker, Analyst
                           (202) 204-3633

                                 This work is licensed under a
       Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
                 See for more information.
The National Academy of Public Administration is a non-pro t, independent coalition of top public manage-
ment and organizational leaders who tackle the nation’s most critical and complex challenges. With a
network of more than 650 distinguished Fellows and an experienced professional sta , the Academy is
uniquely quali ed and trusted across government to provide objective advice and practical solutions based
on systematic research and expert analysis. Established in 1967 and chartered by Congress, the Academy
continues to make a positive impact by helping federal, state and local governments respond e ectively to
current circumstances and changing conditions.

                          900 7th Street, N.W., Suite 600 Washington, DC 20001
                                Phone: 202-347-3190 • Fax: 202-393-0993

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Tools for Online idea generation

  • 1. Tools for Online Idea Generation A Comparison of Technology Platforms for Public Managers March 2011
  • 2. Overview The past several years have seen a dramatic increase in the use of web 2.0 tools at all levels of government. Beyond simply using them as communication vehicles, many public managers have adopted these tools as a means to solicit and aggregate ideas from employees and external stakeholders on how to solve problems and enhance government services. However, the plethora of platforms and variety of functionalities available can make a manager’s choice of technology challenging. This comparison of di erent platforms is part of a series developed by the National Academy of Public Administration’s Collaboration Project based on our experience conducting online stakeholder consultations with government. It aims to assist public managers early in the planning process of such an initiative by comparing the purposes and functionalities of di erent ideation tools. Because the features of each of these tools are constantly being updated and enhanced, we intend this document to be a “living” resource that will be updated to re ect changes over time. Other resources in the Collaboration Project’s series on conducting online stakeholder engagement, including the Online Dialogue Brainstorm Guide, can be found at Please note: The information in this document is compiled from information publicly available on the vendors’ websites, supplemented by the National Academy of Public Administration’s rst-hand experience with several of the technologies. The National Academy and the Collaboration Project are technology-neutral: this document is not intended as an endorsement of any particular technology or vendor. Please feel free to contact us at to recommend changes or tools that should be added to this document.
  • 3. Considering your needs Many technologies are commercially available for online idea generation, ranging from low- cost, out-of-the-box tools to large scale, custom-built solutions. As such, many factors should be considered in deciding which technology best ts your needs. These include:  Duration of engagement. How long will the idea generation project run? Will it be limited duration or an ongoing “market” of ideas?  Community. Do you need to be able to identify your “power users,” those whose ideas tend to be the most in uential? Do these users need to stand out among participants?  Responsiveness. Do you need to respond to ideas and comments as the dialogue happens or provide updates on the status of particular ideas?  Output. What kinds of data and analytics do you need the technol- ogy to provide?  Structure of dialogue. Do the ideas need to be strictly organized or siloed (e.g., by topic), or can all ideas mingle together?  Cost and resources. What budgetary and sta resources can you allocate to this engagement?  Support. What degree of technical support might you need from the vendor?  Deployment. How quickly do you need to launch the engagement? Remember: While deciding on a technology is important, this decision is best made by aligning the the technology to your core purpose for engagement. In other words, let the tools t your needs, not vice-versa.
  • 4. Platform Description What it does well What it gives the Pricing Examples decision-maker Bubble Bubble Ideas is an off-the- • Hosts a two-way • An aggregation of • Free: Up to 50,000 server Mock Bubble Ideas Ideas shelf idea generation tool conversation in which participants’ suggestions hits for the duration of Gov 2.0 site enabling idea aggregation the host can respond to sorted by the thumbs-up- the dialogue; 2 Solve Oil Spill and two-way input, particularly by thumbs-down votes moderator accounts communication between updating the status of received for each idea • $99/mo: Up to 500,000 host and participants. The suggestions over time • A listing of ideas server hits; custom URL; 4 platform allows users to • Allows a degree of categorized and sorted moderator accounts submit, comment, and vote custom design and by status (e.g., under on ideas. The host can • $299/mo: Up to 2 million branding review, in progress, update users on the status server hits; 8 moderator implemented) of ideas and shape the user accounts; sentiment/ experience by allowing • Comment threads for semantic analysis; only-positive or positive each idea that refine analytics/reporting and negative ratings. ideas further • $499/mo: Up to 7 million • Analysis of the discussion server hits; unlimited using advanced moderator accounts; qualitative tools enhanced security; API access; sentiment/ semantic analysis; analytics/reporting Crowd Crowd Wise is a • Helps a dialogue host • Results that reflect a Product is still in (Product is still in Wise participative tool for move engagement process that moves development, with plans to development) making collective decisions efforts beyond ideation toward consensus offer a free web-based tool. by helping participants find and into decision-making • A more holistic view of common ground, avoid • Offers a method to find the community’s polarization, and achieve common ground preferences, which could productive outcomes. The between different be useful when the platform works using interests or stakeholder decision needs to be consensus voting, in which groups supported by a large participants suggest, portion of the discuss, and prioritize constituency options for a decision, allowing for common- ground options to emerge that might not otherwise be considered.
  • 5. Platform Description What it does well What it gives the Pricing Examples decision-maker Delib Delib’s Dialogue App is an • Aggregates ideas based • An aggregation of ideas • Free: Up to 100 users for National Dialogue Dialogue idea-generation and on a simple 5-star rating sorted by average rating 100-day duration on the Homeland App dialogue tool built for a scale in a way that shows on a 5-star scale, by Security Review • $350/mo: One forum; range of civic-engagement the “average” level of volume of comments, unlimited users and UK Spending activities. The tool allows support of participants and by time submitted moderators; custom logo Challenge idea submission and • Supports more open- • Comment threads for commenting and uses a • $550/mo: Up to 8 National Dialogue ended dialogue than each idea that refine five-star rating system on discussion forums; on Green and simply idea generation ideas further which each idea’s ratings custom demographic Healthy Homes are averaged. The Dialogue • Provides consulting in • An aggregation of the fields; downloadable App offers a simple, user- combination with topics discussed using reports (CSV) friendly interface and technology to lend “tags,” which be useful Further pricing depends on features intuitive tagging expertise in stakeholder for navigating through scope and a menu of functionality to allow for consultation the ideas additional features, visualization of cross- • Allows for a range of including advice and cutting themes. Delib also custom design and consultation by Delib staff. offers consultative services branding, from default to Delib also offers mobile on the engagement fully “white-labeled” apps. process to pair with a technology solution. Google Google Moderator is a tool • Prioritizes simple • A quick aggregation of Google Moderator is free White House Open Moderator that allows distributed questions or short ideas short, simple questions or for organizations using for Questions (now communities to submit and from a group, without ideas Google Apps or for closed—link goes vote on questions for talks, the need for deeper individual users with to project presentations and events. discussion Google accounts. summary) The platform allows • Gathers and sorts Google Apps participants to promote or questions or ideas in real- Feature Requests demote each submission time during an event by a simple check mark mechanism.
  • 6. Platform Description What it does well What it gives the Pricing Examples decision-maker IdeaScale IdeaScale is an off-the-shelf • Aggregates ideas with • An aggregation of • Free: Unlimited ideas and Open Department platform that enables idea simple up-or-down votes participants’ ideas comments from of Transportation generation and refinement in a way that distinctly prioritized by simple unlimited users; e-mail Open NASA through a simple, intuitive separates popular ideas thumbs-up/thumbs- and twitter integration; 1 thumbs-up/thumbs-down from unpopular ones down votes on each idea moderator account NARA Open rating tool. This tool Government Idea • Helps generate ideas and • A sorting of ideas into • $15/mo: Addition of a aggregates ratings into a Forum discussion without hierarchical categories, custom logo net vote total, which makes needing to infer users’ e.g., by topic negative ratings possible. • $99/mo: Customized site magnitude of IdeaScale allows for a • Comment threads for design; file attachments; agreement/disagreement moderate degree of each idea that refine custom registration fields customization in look-and- • Allows host to structure ideas further feel and also allows the conversation using pre- discussion to be structured set categories into hierarchical categories. • Allows a degree of IdeaScale was used as the custom design and platform to gather input branding into the open government plans for 24 federal agencies in 2009. Microsoft Microsoft Town Hall is an • Provides a robust web • An aggregation of TownHall is free from America Speaking Town Hall ideation tool enabling platform to aggregate participants’ ideas Microsoft but requires Out users to voice opinions, the top questions or prioritized by simple hosting on Windows Azure, NASA Martian identify problems, offer ideas on a constituency’s thumbs-up/thumbs- a platform for managing Town Hall solutions and come mind down votes on each idea cloud-based services. together around common Windows Azure pricing • Supports dialogue with • An aggregation of the interests and concerns. It is begins at $59.95/month. leaders that need to topics discussed using also a for generating and check the pulse of the “tags,” which be useful aggregating questions, public or stakeholders on for navigating through allowing the most popular a range of issues the ideas or relevant questions to bubble to the top. • Comment threads for each idea that refine ideas further
  • 7. Platform Description What it does well What it gives the Pricing Examples decision-maker PubliVate The PubliVate Engagement • Aggregates ideas based • An aggregation of ideas Pricing details are not Ontario Ministry of Platform is an ideation tool on user ratings sorted by participant publicly available. Municipal Affairs that allows participants to votes and Housing • Allows for a high degree post, view, comment, and of design customization • Comment threads for vote on ideas that respond each idea that refine to a question. The platform • Supports initiatives ideas further is marketed toward needing in-depth “challenges” in which analytical reporting participants submit responses to a challenge issued by the host. Examples of the platform’s use generally have a high degree of design customization. Salesforce Salesforce Ideas is an out- • Hosts a two-way • An aggregation of ideas Salesforce Ideas is My Starbucks Idea Ideas of-the-box tool enabling conversation in which sorted by votes of packaged with other Salesforce Idea constructive idea the host can respond to “promote”/”demote” Salesforce cloud services in Exchange generation with a input, particularly by 3 tiers of pricing, ranging • A sorting of ideas by particular focus on creating updating the status of from $65/month per user topic area a personalized, interactive suggestions over time to $260/month per user. user experience. The • Comment threads for • Supports longer-term platform can host parallel each idea that refine innovation efforts in discussions for different ideas further which the user communities • Identification of “power community grows and simultaneously and users,” whose ideas have segments into groups empowers responsiveness gained the most traction based on areas of interest through idea status in the community updates and blog • Allows a degree of integration. custom design and branding
  • 8. Platform Description What it does well What it gives the Pricing Examples decision-maker Spigit Spigit is an innovation- • Hosts a two-way • An ongoing market of Price depends on services Manor Labs management platform conversation in which ideas that decision- and level of customization, (Manor, TX) intended to facilitate the the host can respond to makers can use as a but the basic package New York City generation of ideas over a input, particularly by source for innovation and starts at $499/month. “Simplicity” long-term process. Spigit updating the status of continuous improvement allows for the creation of suggestions over time • A collection of discussion forums where • Supports longer-term aggregated ideas by users can submit ideas and innovation efforts in participants’ support vote on the best ones over which the user time. It also enables a two- • Identification and community grows and way conversation in which recognition of “power segments into groups the host recognizes ideas, users,” those whose ideas based on areas of interest updates the status of have gained the most suggestions, and identifies • Allows for extensive of traction in the “power users,” those whose custom design and community ideas gain the most branding traction in the community. • Supports the creation of The product’s design is detailed user profiles generally highly customized, and the • Highlights the platform includes a suite of participation of “power other social media tools as users” well, such as profiles, blogs, and wikis, for added dimensions of collaboration.
  • 9. Platform Description What it does well What it gives the Pricing Examples decision-maker UserVoice UserVoice is an off-the- • Hosts a two-way • An aggregation of • Free: Offers one Better Buy shelf idea generation tool conversation in which the participants’ ideas and administrator account Ideas for Seattle originally built for product host can respond to suggestions sorted by and one forum, which improvement, but input, particularly by level of support and can be used by up to 100 Ideas 4 Oregon increasingly used for updating the status of volume of conversation voters engagement initiatives suggestions over time • Comment threads for • $19/mo (Tin): Offers involving two-way • Steers dialogue toward each idea that refine analytics, moderation communication between popular ideas, as ideas further tools, domain aliasing, up host and participants. The opposed to focusing on to 100 voters, unlimited platform is most useful for • Identification and disagreements forums, private forums, ideation specifically, as recognition of “power • Allows a degree of users,” whose ideas have and email support opposed to open-ended dialogue, and provides custom design and gained the most traction • $89/mo (Bronze): Offers intuitive mechanisms for branding in the community single sign-on (using host to show Facebook, Twitter, etc.) responsiveness to input. and the ability to export The tool enables idea dialogue data to excel or submission and CSV. Allows up to 1,000 commenting and requires voters users to budget their votes • $289/mo (Silver): Offers by allocating 0-3 votes per commercial API, SSL idea, up to a pre-set limit in encryption, and up to each discussion forum. 5,000 voters • $589/mo (Gold): Allows "white labeling"/ customizable branding and design in CSS Discounts are available for public-facing, government- sponsored forums
  • 10. About the Collaboration Project The Collaboration Project ( is an independent forum of leaders who share a commitment to the adoption and use of collaborative technologies to solve com- plex problems of public management. With the support of dedicated sta and access to the National Academy’s distinguished Fellows and other subject matter experts, the Collaboration Project convenes members in person and online to share best practices; produces research on the opportunities and challenges of collaboration; and assists agencies in implementing collaborative tools and approaches. For more information:  Danielle Germain, Director (202) 204-3632  Daniel Honker, Analyst (202) 204-3633 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. See for more information.
  • 11. The National Academy of Public Administration is a non-pro t, independent coalition of top public manage- ment and organizational leaders who tackle the nation’s most critical and complex challenges. With a network of more than 650 distinguished Fellows and an experienced professional sta , the Academy is uniquely quali ed and trusted across government to provide objective advice and practical solutions based on systematic research and expert analysis. Established in 1967 and chartered by Congress, the Academy continues to make a positive impact by helping federal, state and local governments respond e ectively to current circumstances and changing conditions. 900 7th Street, N.W., Suite 600 Washington, DC 20001 Phone: 202-347-3190 • Fax: 202-393-0993