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Titus Andronicus Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Titus Andronicus" can prove to be a challenging endeavor
for various reasons. Firstly, delving into the complexities of Shakespearean tragedies demands a
profound understanding of the language, historical context, and thematic nuances. "Titus
Andronicus," known for its intense violence and dark themes, requires a meticulous exploration
of the characters, their motivations, and the intricate web of relationships.
Moreover, interpreting the play and offering original insights can be demanding, as scholars have
extensively scrutinized this work. Finding a unique angle or perspective that adds value to the
existing body of literature on "Titus Andronicus" can be an arduous task. Balancing a critical
analysis with personal interpretations while staying true to the academic rigor expected in an
essay further complicates the writing process.
Additionally, the play's grim and graphic nature may pose challenges in presenting the material
in a way that is both engaging and sensitive to the themes it explores. Addressing the violent and
tragic elements requires a careful navigation of language and a thoughtful consideration of the
potential impact on readers.
In conclusion, crafting a compelling essay on "Titus Andronicus" necessitates a deep dive into
the complexities of Shakespeare's work, the ability to contribute fresh perspectives to the existing
discourse, and the skill to navigate and convey the play's darker themes. However, for those
seeking assistance, it's worth noting that offers a range of essay-writing
services that cater to various topics and complexities, providing valuable support for academic
Titus Andronicus EssayTitus Andronicus Essay
Analysis Of Star Wars
Star Wars: A Fantasy Not So Far From Reality
Star Wars, the single most recognizable science fiction experience to the date, hides
a substantial amount of real life issues, and borrows a great deal from real life
history. While feasting these senses, a lot can be gained by analyzing the saga,
specifically A New Hope and The Phantom Menace by George Lucas. Ironic themes
exist in the saga in the likes of an oppressive government, the horrid results of such
governments, a strong presence of theology all which demonstrates parallelism of real
life; borrowing from some of history s most notable governments, events, and
theologies. From the first installment of Star Wars, it is overtly operant of George
Lucas intentions to weigh in on ... Show more content on ...
War, murder, and neglect all chief contributors to this astounding death toll backed
by the nefarious likes of Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong, and vast number
of omitted others due to the length of the proverbial list. In Lucas first film, A New
Hope, the empire destroys an entire planet, annihilating countless lives, and shows
a distasteful lack of morality. A simple theme here genocide and utter disregard for
human life, and the dangerous of such power in the wrong hands. Lucas plays
heavily on the audiences emotions with the destruction of the planet Aldaaran. The
decision to destroy the planet is made over a strategic demonstration of force and
to leverage to get the Rebel princess, Leigh, to divulge information (Episode I). The
dramatic screenplay displays a force with overwhelming power and how dangerous
it could be in the hands of force not checked, and likely has an inspired parallel
event and a cautionary tale of what the future may hold. August 6, 1945, Hiroshima,
around 8:15 AM, nearly 80,000 people face the wrath of United States, and pay with
their lives to a bomb nicknamed little boy . Another is dropped, fat man , and another
36,00 perish (Shi 1127). The events that unfolded that day have been, and will
continue to be argued for eternity, however, ethics aside, draws strong connections to
a growing militarized world and the concern that comes with such advancements. In
modern times, the aforementioned
The Importance Of Self-Efficacy In The Classroom
Bandura (1997, cited from Walker, 2010) discussed four contributors that can
enhance the level of self efficacy and upgrade students motivation directly and
indirectly. Firstly, mastery experiences, these actual experiences of success and
failure in the past. They are most strongly influential to higher self efficacy belief.
For example, an individual would feel more confident of doing the similar tasks
well if he or she experienced amount of success in the past in the same areas.
Because of these successful experiences, learners have higher expectations of self
efficacy and believe themselves have abilities and skills of continually performing
well. Secondly, vicarious experiences associated with the observation of others, is
also a powerful source for improving higher level of self efficacy belief. A person s
self efficacy will become higher if the observers with similar qualification and
situations can handle them efficiently. Conversely, it will not matter the individuals
self efficacy belief if the observers abilities are too high to replicate. Also, it is
helpful to strengthen self efficacy that if people with different levels of qualification
can succeed in a task. Therefore, for teachers and caregivers, it is essential to
observe some role models experiences which are around the children ability domain
or to supply achievement examples from various academic backgrounds. Thirdly,
verbal persuasion also influences self efficacy. By encouraging verbally, students
War On The Battle Field And The Return Home
Danfung Dennis perfectly portrayed the difficulties of war on the battle field and the
return home in Hell and Back Again . Following a wounded solider throughout his
tour in Afghanistan as well as his first few months back home shines light on the
hardship that these soldiers go through while serving their country. This film takes a
look inside the nightmares of war on the battle field and in the heads of the soldiers
that come home. Sending men and women into war not only has a damaging physical
effect, but also has a devastating mental effect as well.
Sergeant Nathan Harris served two tours in the Echo Company 2nd Battalion 8th
Regiment of the US Marine Corp. In the summer of 2009, when the fighting was at
its highest ever since the first initial attack, he was severely wounded and relieved of
his duties. Once he is sent home he is left to deal with the physical pain and hardship
of rehabbing his broken hip. Along with the physical pain, he fights to keep his
mental health stable as well. Struggling with the effects of war on his brain alongside
the struggle of taking handfuls of narcotics each day without becoming dependent on
them. His story is just a glimpse of what thousands of men and women deal with after
returning home from the battlefield.
It s no secret that our government has sent men and women into the battle field to
return in pieces, if not in a wooden box. We have all seen the images and heard the
stories of our wounded warriors
Banisteriopsis Caapi Research Paper
Ayahuasca or yage, is a ritual by itself that involves time, patience and care. The
shamans, which are the people who make the mixture split a 1 to 2 meter long
piece of Banisteriopsis caapi stem into small strips then they place the strips in a
pot full of water. They then add leaves of Diplopterys cabrerana, Herrania species,
Ilex guayusa, Heliconia stricta, and an unidentified plant known as Mukuyasku.
The mixture then is boiled until most of the water has evaporated and a syrupy
fluid remains. The use of Banisteriopsis caapi is important in the recipe since caapi
itself is considered to be ayahuasca while the DMT containing plants are simply
helpers. To make ayahuasca you will need 50 grams of Banisteriopsis caapi (the
whole vine) 12 grams of... Show more content on ...
Second you will need to put in the mimosa, a teaspoon of vinegar, and a liter of
water into the pot. In another pot, put in the caapi, and a similar amount of water
and vinegar. Simmer for about 2 and a half hours or until water level gets low.
Avoid boiling it should be just cool enough where it doesn t bubbles. Speak your
intentions to the brew as it is brewing; listen to the sounds it makes. Do not leave it
unattended. Keeping the mimosa and the caapi separate, filter each through a
cloth about 4 or 5 times until the brew becomes clear. Put the mimosa tea in a pot
separate from the caapi pot. Remember do not fully boil it Repeat the steps three
times, keeping the mimosa and caapi separately. At this point you will have a pot
containing the three washes of mimosa, reduced, and the same for the caapi. Each
dose should be, nor do smaller or larger than a cup. Your tea should be pretty clean
from now on. It should become clear when heated, and have a purplish color almost
like red wine. Now you have the option of combining the mimosa and the caapi or
drinking the mimosa after the caapi. Heat up the tea and drink it
Business Marketing
Chapter 7
LO1. There are four major trends that have influenced world trade and global
marketing . first one is decline of economic protectionism , is the practice of
shielding one or more industries within a country s economy from foreign
competition through the use of tariffs or quotas . Second is rise of economic
integration , just like creation of the European Union and the North American Free
Trade Agreement . Third , there exists global competition among global companies
for global consumers , resulting in firms adopting global marketing strategies and
promoting global brands . And finally , is the emergence of a networked global
marketspace has emerged using internet technology as a tool for exchanging goods ,
services , and ... Show more content on ...
Step 4 is develop findings from the marketing research data collected . This involved
analyze the data and present the findings of the research . The last step is take
marketing actions , which involves implement the action recommendations , evaluate
the results .
LO3. Secondary data have already been recorded before the start of the project and
consist of two parts : internal secondary data , which originate from within the
organization , such as sales reports and customer comments , and external
secondary data , which are created y other organizations , such as the U.S. Census
Bureau , or business and trade publications , Primary data are collected specifically
for the project and are obtained by either observing or questioning people .
LO4. Marketing researchers observe people in various ways , such as
electronically using Nielsen people meters to measure TV viewing behavior or
personally using mystery shoppers or ethnographic techniques . A recent electronic
innovation is neuromarketing useing high tech brain scanning to record the
responses of a consumer s brain to marketing stimuli like packages or TV ads .
Questionnaires involve asking people questions in person using interviews or focus
groups or via a questionnaire using a telephone, fax , print, e mail , or internet
survey . Panels involve a sample of consumers or stores that are
Essay on Recording, Analysing Using HR L D information
Activity 1 There are several reasons why an organisation needs to collect HR data
and are no different. During my review I have discovered the following reasons we
are collecting this information and examples of information that we are collecting:
Legal requirements This has covered working time regulations, tribunals, accident
at work reports To be able to contact family or individuals This allows us easy
access to personal details in case of accidents, sickness or emergency contacts To
allow for decision making Information stored allows us to consider promotions,
planning training associated costs, work force planning Types of information:
Sickness records Allows HR to track staff sickness and provides... Show more content
on ...
As such we must comply with the 8 data protection principles in that personal Data
shall: 1)Be fairly and lawfully processed 2)Processed for limited purposes
3)Adequate, relevant and not excessive 4)Accurate and up to date 5)Not kept longer
than is necessary 6)Processed in line with your rights 7)Secure 8)Not transferred to
other countries without adequate protection. Another legislation that governs this is
the freedom of information Act. This provides the public access to information held
by public authorities. It does this in two ways: Public authorities are obliged to
publish certain information about their activities; and Members of the public are
entitled to request information from public authorities. For the public to gain this
information they must provide a written request with their: Name Address
Description of information And can be liable to a cost for providing this information,
but will be entitled to a notice stating reasons if request is refused. Word count 542
Activity 2 Training department The training department currently consists
Greek Theatre History
Theatre has been an evolutionary cultural superpower since the beginning of Greek
theatre to the society impacting shows of Broadway. Although theatre is all the same,
each social cultural construct twisted theatre into it s own tradition and values. Greek
theatre for example used theatre to honor the gods; Dionysus in specific. Compared
to Roman theatrewhere the Romans love to used comedy, and spectacle. Japanese
theatre however, has a long rich history and was twisted to the Japaneses traditions
and works.
There are four main types of traditional theatre in Japan: Noh, Kyogen, Kabuki, and
Bunraku. Each form is very distinct and unique from each other. Noh theatre also
known as Nogaku is a form of musical drama. Derived from the Sino Japanese ...
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Translated as the art of singing and dancing some people interpret Kabuki as
bizarre and shocking. Unlike Noh, Kabuki used more lively tactics to entertain it s
audience using wild costumes, fireworks and real swords in sword fighting.
Kabuki first started in 1603 when Izumo no Okuni, a shrine maiden began
performing a new style of dance. The style immediately grew popular and Okuni
was asked to perform for the Imperial court. Rival troupes then formed and Kabuki
was born. Since Kabuki was a women on performance, performers were also
available to prostitution. With performances going from morning to sunset,
Kabuki became a common form of entertain in the 1600s and is argued that Kabuki
started pop culture in Japan. It wasn t till the Shogunate disliked Kabuki for being
to erotic and open to prostitution, it was banned in 1629. Young boys then played in
Kabuki, but was banned as well due to the young boys being eligible for
prostitution. Kabuki then switched to male actors in the mid 1600s and when
back to it s traditional ways of males playing both male and female roles. The
Genroku era (1673 1841) became the golden age of Kabuki theatre. The structure
of Kabuki was formalized and coventail characters types were established. A
Kabuki stage features a projection called Hanamichi ,a walkway that extends out to
the audience and allows entrances and exits to be made. A curtain that shields the
stage before and during breaks is in traditional colors of black, red , and green.
White also can replace the green if needed and is one continuous piece of fabric. An
additional curtain called a doncho depicts the season the performance is taking place,
but wasn t used until the Meiji Restoration. Kabuki stages have gotten more
technology advance unlike Noh stages which stayed the same. Trap doors and
revolving stages were introduced in the eighteenth century and stage tricks
Self Assessment IIi And Vi
Self Assessment III and VI In self Assessment III the first sections talks about what
type of organizational system I would prefer. Organizational Structure is a system
that defines the levels of hierarchy within an organization. The organizational
structure classifies each job, explains its function, and who it reports to within the
organization. Based on my scores they suggest I prefer to work in a mechanistic
structure rather than a organic structure. In a mechanistic structure people work
separately and specialize on only one task. Also within a mechanistic the hierarchy
of authority is well defined. The first section also measures my ability to delegate
in the work place. According to my score I need to substantial improve on my
ability to delegate. Based on the analysis delegating authority are what many
managers have difficult doing. My ratio for being able to give feedback is a four
out four. This means my self perceived strength and weakness are equal, but I could
work to improve ratio to be more self perceived in strength. In the section labeled
careers it indicates that I my preferred organizational culturethat informal, humanistic,
flexible, and innovative culture. These traits fall under humanistic culture even
thought my other score suggested I prefer a mechanistic structure. It also indicates
that I m not that committed to my job since my score falls below the mean. This is
ok since not being committed to ones job is the new norm than it was
Effects Of Drug Addiction To Drugs
Drug addicted teenagers can be remedied through them better prevention programs
and education. Drugs have been misused by people of all different ages but, mainly
by young adults. They use them mainly because they are depressed or think drugs
will help them escape their problems.
To find out if a teen is using and or addicted to drugs monitor their action. Next have a
conversation with them about drugs. If they seem to act nervous and jittery about it
than most likely they have had it before. After that explain to the teen how they
should feel about drugs and some reasons not to use them. During this conversation
there should be a connection between the people interacted with the conversation.
Some signs of drug abuse are breaking curfew, mood swings, and violet behaviors.
There are many more signs that are there but being able to catch the teens actions
is very hard. They most likely the teen will not confess or admit to using drugs.
They should be aware of the consequences drugs can do to the body. As it is known
different drugs has different effects on the body. Drugs have been around for a long
time and there are many different reasons for them. They have been misused by
teenagers over the years, but more teens are using drugs daily. Young adults do not
deal with their problems in a healthy way, instead they turn to drugs as a solution.
Teens who abuse drugs have had some type of issue in their family. Drugs impact the
health of a young adult because
Use Of Language And Context Voltaire s Candide Essay
The narrative techniques, features of language and context Voltaire used when
writing Candide tells us a lot about this book and what Voltaire was trying to
achieve in writing it. Candide is told by a third person narrator who is not a main
character in the book and is completely outside of the storyline. The title page of
Candideimplies that the book was found and translated by Doctor Ralph who is our
narrator. This is a fiction created by Voltaireto distance himself from the book and to
help the reader to understand the satirical nature of Candide.
Telling the story from a third person perspective allows the narrator to know all the
thing the characters in the book do not. He is omniscience, knowing everything
about the circumstances and the characters without being involved with them. This
approach works particularly well in Candide. It allows the reader to stand back and
see how disturbing the word Voltaire has created is. It also gives the reader space to
understand Voltaire s purpose in writing Candide without getting too caught up in the
plight of its characters. It also really highlights how naГЇve and almost narrow
minded Candide is as a character, especially where his philosophical beliefs are
concerned. The use of the third person narrator really highlights the more unrealistic
moments in the passage, for example:
Candide, having served with the Bulgars, performed the Bulgar drill before the
general of this little force with such grace, such celerity,
The Conquest Of Noah
Genesis: In the beginning God created the heaven and earth. (Gen 1:1 KJV) the
genre for this book is a narrative genre because there are a lot of stories in this
book. Moses was the author of this book and the date it was created was 1445 BC.
The first part of Genesis talks about the beginning of how God created this
beautiful world we are living in today. Also talks about the flood and how noah
dealt with this issue (Gen 6 9 KJV). The second part of the book tells about how
God deals with this one man, Abraham (Gen. 11 25 KJV). In the bibleit says that,
Genesis is a Greek word meaning orgin, source, generation, or beginning. It also says
the original title is Bereshith means in the beginning. In the book we are reading it
states, He speaks, creates, calls, blesses,... Show more content on ...
Canaan is in Israel. The books of the bible where Canaan is located is Genesis,
Exodus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, and Job. I believe Canaan
was a pretty popular place in the before Christ century because it did take its place
in so many books of the bible. Especially in Joshua where the conquest took place
in Canaan. Canaan is also known as the promise land. The whole book of Joshua
talks about the conquest of Canaan. Then it also talks about the division of Canaan.
Around 1400 BC The Amarna Tablets refer to a period of chaos in Canaan.
(Hindson Towns, 2013, pg.49) Also in the book of Genesisfrom chapters 12 36 it
talks about Joseph s arrival in Egypt which mostly took place in Canaan. It looks to
me that Canaan had a really big part of the Old Testament and without Canaan
where would we be today. I would say nowhere because it was a well known place.
The book of Joshua was probably the book that the land of Canaan was in most.
Just because of the conquest that occurred in that book. There was a map of Canaan
in my Bible and it seemed to appear that it had a lot of mountains and it looked very
Purdue Is A School That Is Cold Most Of The Academic
Purdue is a school that is cold most of the academic year. There is a little while in
the fall when students first arrive that is warm, and then it gets really cold. This
encourages students to stop wearing deodorant because they think that they can get
away with it and for the most part they do get away with it. Then at the end of the
academic year the season turns to spring and it starts to get warmer outside. This
means that people start to get sweat and smell more. The problem is that these
students are now trained to not wear deodorant. This is troubling because body odoris
disgusting. We thought that it would be a good idea to remind these students,
whether they are lifting or even just going to class, to put on deodorant. It will
save the that student from being bothered about it and the other students from
having to smell it. We went about the research and production in a few steps. First
we made a power point video and then we did a voice over on the video. The video
was made from slides of words and pictures that we found on the internet. We also
found data on the subject. One fact that the Daily Mail found out was that one in five
men admitted to never using deodorant or any other kind of body spray (Tozer,
2011). We also found out through the Huffington Postthat deodorant has antibacterial
that stops the stink of body odorbefore it happens while antiperspirants deal with
sweat directly (Klein, 2013). The final fact we found that was interesting is
Battered Woman Syndrome In Purple Hibiscus
Adichie s Purple Hibiscus is a coming of age novel is about the effects of an
oppressive patriarchal society. Throughout the story, Beatrice the mother of the
protagonist Kambili agonizes because of her abusive relationship with her husband,
which leads to her act of murdering him. Beatrice displays several symptoms of
battered woman syndrome throughout the novel. Battered woman syndrome is a
mental disorder that emerges within victims of long term domestic abuse
(Thomson Reuters). Around 4,000 women a year die at the hands of their abusers
75 percent of them because they are trying to leave. For women, killing is often
seen as a last resort (Starre Vartan). An example of a battered woman syndrome case
is the case is People v. Scott in... Show more content on ...
No longer is she shackled by the patriarchal society, but instead she is shackled by
her own guilt.. One of the symptoms of Battered woman syndrome is performance
at work or other important daily activities are affected (Joan McClennen). Beatrice
now gives off the air of the unkempt woman in Ogbete market (295). She is walking
slowly; her limp more noticeable, (306), implying she has difficulty walking. Her
body is now painfully bony body, (296), she hasn t been eating regularly. She s
been ignoring basic human needs, and doesn t value herself. After they visit Jaja
who s now in jail, Beatrice finally speaks Kambili is taken aback, not because of
her words a simple Thank you, (306), but because this is one of the few times in the
past three years that she has spoken without being first spoken to (306). Kambili also
states her mother, usually says nothing, (298), further evidence that Beatrice hasn t
spoken much since Eugene s death. While not officially diagnosed in the novel,
Beatrice suffers in a abusive patriarchal society and clearly displays multiple
symptoms of battered woman
Case Study Of Britannia Bread
Certificate of Approval
The following Summer Internship Report titled Study of the Bread Category and
analysis of Britannia s current positioning strategy to recommend how to revitalise
the brand Britannia Bread to establish itself an an iconic brand in this category is
hereby approved as a certified study in management carried out and presented in a
manner satisfactory to warrant its acceptance as a prerequisite for the award of Post
Graduate Programme in Management for which it has been submitted. It is
understood that by this approval the undersigned do not necessarily endorse or
approve any statement made, opinion expressed or conclusion drawn therein but
approve the Summer Internship Report only for the purpose it is submitted. ... Show
more content on ...
Currently only Harvest Gold is servicing this channel where vendors takes the
delivery at a single point and hence no extra freight charges are required.
Table 4.10: Potential for Government Institutions
Playschools Daycare Schools: Playschools Daycare schools Serves bread at least once
in a day to their students everyday. They also require to include snacks like burger,
pav bhaji in their menu to make there food exciting. Usually these schools takes
supplies from local vendors at a retail price.
Previously only Harvest Gold was servicing this channel at a very competitive price.
However, nutritionists are very particular about the quality of breads that is to be
given to the students and do not find competition s quality at par when compared to
Britannia health range. This channel have a huge potential as shown below:
Table 4.11: Potential for play schools
Online Grocery stores: Over the last two decades, rising internet and mobile phone
penetration has changed the way we communicate and do business. E commerce is
relatively a novel concept. It is, at present, heavily leaning on the internet and mobile
phone revolution to fundamentally alter the way businesses reach their
Rudolf Virchow s Impact On Modern Biological Sciences
Rudolf Virchow could be considered one of the greatest biologists of 19th century,
and perhaps even of all history. His abundance of work is also mostly accurate,
sparing a couple minor and major misconceptions. He has even received an award
for his efforts. This pathologist has greatly impacted modern biological sciences.
Before one learns his achievements, it is imperative to know his early years. On
October 13, 1821, Rudolf Virchow was born in rural Pomerania, an area in Prussia.
He lived as an only child (Kearl, 2015). As a child, he had a fascination of the
natural world. Virchow earned a great education because of his gift of intelligence (
Virchow, Rudolf Carl, 2015). Originally, Virchow sought to be a pastor. He
abandoned this thought... Show more content on ...
One of his biggest discoveries is the formation of cells. In 1855, Virchow stated
that cells are made from other cells, which is still proven to be true today. He is not
considered the first person to state this, but once he suggested this many other
scientists took this thought seriously. Prior to this, it was understood that
imbalances in the body produced a substance called blastema, which caused cells
to be made. He is attributed to performing the first organized autopsy, which is now
a common medical practice. The discovery of Leukemia is also accredited to him.
In 1847, Rudolf and a fellow physician, Benno Reinhardt, published their own
scientific journal. In said journal, the two asserted that medical practices should be
based on only well proven science. The duo rejected several contemporary medical
practices that had been around for ages, such as Galen s use of humors which was
later proven to be incorrect (Doc, 2015). He later began to publish textbooks such
as Cellular Pathology (Titford, 2015). Virchow also was an advocate of the
improvement of public health for all social classes. In the medical science field,
Virchow made an abundance of other discoveries. He published more than 2,000
scientific books and papers throughout his life, mainly in microscopic pathology. The
British Royal Society s Copley Medal, the greatest award in science at the time, in
1892. Other notable recipients of
Religious Influences Of African Americans
Despite the ignorance and insensitivity of their oppressors, early African Americans
instilled in their children the values of honesty, integrity and treating their fellow
humans with compassion, an attitude that prevails in many modern African American
families. During the period of slavery, African Americans found strength and unity
through communal worship. In addition, African Americans, once freed from slavery,
were very active in forming their own churches, most of them Baptist or Methodist.
Although, my mother converted to Islam after marrying my father once he joined
the Nation of Islam, she educated her children about her religious background which
was Baptist. I rely on my faith to give me the inspiration I need to move forward...
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The bible states that Christians are supposed to love and help each other at all
times so I find myself always helping people in need. Also, on the political end,
religion has strongly influenced which party I vote for. In my life, religion affects
the way I look at life, communicate with others, spend my time, and how I act. My
faith has shown me evidence of the resilience I ve had towards the inherited
oppression in my life. I am now more compassionate and have a lot more empathy
towards different ethnic and racial backgrounds which has allowed me to have more
humility and empathy in my social work practice and relationships.
In systems of oppression, power accrues to those who most closely approximates
the mythical norm in the US which include: male, white, heterosexual, financially
stable, young middle adult, able bodied, and Christian. Power is typically defined
as the ability to coerce another s behavior and also includes access to social,
political, and economic resources. Power can bring unequal distribution of tasks and
rewards such as starting salary, resources, such as time off for research or start up
funds/travel funds, research assistance, and service expectations. Unfortunately, I do
not know what it is to have power and quite frankly, I may not ever know because of
my race and cultural background.
One of the persistent and perennial challenges faced by African
Essay about Managerial Economics
In a competitive market, the market demand is Qd = 60 6P and the market supply
is Qs = 4P. A price ceiling of $3 will result in a A. B. C. D. shortage of 30 units.
shortage of 15 units. surplus of 30 units. surplus of 12 units.
In a competitive market, the market demand is Qd = 60 6P and the market supply is
Qs = 4P. The full economic price under a price ceiling of $3 is A. B. C. D. 6. 7. 8. 9.
The buyer side of the market is known as the: A. B. C. D. income side. demand side.
supply side. seller side.
The law of demand states that, holding all else constant: A. B. C. D. as price falls,
demand will fall also. as ... Show more content on ...
20. Suppose the demand for good X is given by Qdx = 10 2Px + Py + M. The price
of good X is $1, the price of good Y is $10, and income is $100. Given these prices
and income, how much of good X will be purchased? A. B. C. D. 115. 515. 1,000.
none of the statements associated with this question are correct.
21. Other things held constant, the greater the price of a good A. B. C. D. the lower
the demand. the higher the demand. the greater the consumer surplus. the lower the
consumer surplus.
22. The curve which summarizes the total quantity producers are willing and able to
produce at differing prices is the: A. B. C. D. market demand curve. consumer surplus
curve. average cost curve. market supply curve.
23. The law of supply states that, holding all else constant, as the price of a good
falls: A. B. C. D. quantity demanded rises. quantity supplied falls. quantity supplied
rises. quantity demanded falls.
24. The economic principle that producers are willing to produce more output when
price is high is depicted by the: A. B. C. D. upward slope of the supply curve.
extreme steepness of the supply curve. downward slope of the supply curve.
interaction of the supply and demand curves.
25. For a steel factory, a decrease in the cost of electricity to the plant will cause the
supply curve to: A. B. C. D. become flatter. shift to the left. shift to the right. become
parallel to the price axis.
26. Changes in the price of a good lead to: A. B. C. D.
The Aspectence Of God s Omnipresence In The Bible
God s omnipresence is one of His essential attributes. His justice is also essential,
and, therefore, it is necessary for Him to punish sinners who do not trust in Jesus
for salvation. Thus, we have a God who is referred to as everywhere present yet who
maintains a place called hell, described as a place where people are removed from
His presence Then he will say to those on his left, Depart from me, you cursed, into
the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels (Matthew 25:41).
The Bible unquestionably demonstrates that God is all knowing and ever present.
Everything is stripped and open to the eyes of Him to whom we should give account
(Hebrews 4:13). Through the prophet Jeremiah, God asked: Am I a God close at
hand...and not a God a far distance off? Would anyone be able to conceal himself in
mystery places, so I might not see him?... Do I not fill paradise and earth? (Jeremiah
23:23 24). In fact, God does fill paradise and earth. Solomon stated: Observe, paradise
and the paradise of sky can t contain You God (1 Kings 8:27). Nobody can escape
from God s essence (Psalm 139:7). He is omniscient and inescapable.
The Bible does, notwithstanding, talk about God s essence in various faculties. God
is available on His position of royalty in paradise (Hebrews 8:1; 12:2; Revelation
21:5). Solomon alluded to paradise as God s abode from which He hears the petitions
of His kin (1 Kings 8:30). God is available in and among His congregation (1
Human Relations Reflection Report
INTRODUCTION Everyone told me that I had to take this class with Kathy
Oakland. People would claim that she was the best around and that I wouldn t
regret having her as a professor. When looking at my major requirements I saw that
I had to take Human Relations. When I first saw the title I thought I was going to
be learning about how to work with and handle different types of people. I
associated it with Human Resources, I knew that HR usually dealt with all sorts of
people and relationships, so I wasn t 100% wrong. And people weren t wrong,
Kathy has been one of the best professors that I ve had at UNI, I m really glad that
I got to have her in class. STANDARD ONE This was the first standard that we
discussed at the beginning of the year. There was a reading that taught me a lot
about what teachers do that don t work in the classroom. The one point that the
reading pointed out was that, A quieter tone is going to produce quietness better
than if you use a higher tone. When you use a higher tone, your students are going
to talk louder so they can hear each other. . During my level ones, I was in a
Kindergarten classroom and my mentor teachers prefered method of classroom
management was yelling. I knew this method wasn t the most effective, but it s
what was being modeled in front of me. I m glad to know that there are readings
out there that are proving that this method doesn t work for classroom
management. This will be a reading that I will carry with me through my career as
a teacher. STANDARD TWO Everyday I struggle with emotions and reacting
before I think about how I actually feel. Many times in my life I will say something
in a moment of anger, and I won t really mean what I said. Len came to class one
day to talk to us, and one thing really stood out to me that I have applied to my life
since. He talked about how your feelings can influence the majority of your
decisions. He then said, Think about how you are feeling. Why are you feeling that
way? You need to think before you react to a situation. . At first I thought that it
would be a good thing to apply to help improve my life, but now that I m looking
back and reflecting on what Len said, this will apply to my teaching career. Teachers
Kramer Vs Framer Essay
Upon reviewing the film Kramer VS. Kramer, I will provide a brief summary and
cover Semantic interference, Psychological interferences, and Selective listening.
The movie Framer VS. Framer is about a couple going through a divorce affecting
their son named Billy. The mother Joanna Kramer leaves her husband and son for
her well being. Ted Kramer is then forced to raise his son with a little help from
another friend who is also a single parent named Margaret. Ted later has to cope with
obstacles, but maintains a stronger relationship with his son.
First let s look at Semantic interference. The words you choose (Understanding
Human Communication). Throughout the movie Ted had to pick his words wisely
whenever Billy would ask a question about his mother. This is because even though
Joanna and Ted were split up she was still Billy s mother. Another example of
Semantic interferences in the movie Kramer VS. Kramer was when Joanna wanted
her son back, Ted and Joanna had to go to court which means they had to pick there
words wisely weather if they were appropriate for parenting Billy. Another example
is when Ted is talking on the phone to Joanna s friend named Margaret talking about
Joanna leaving him and he states Have you heard what she s done with ... Show more
content on ...
Your State of Mind (Understanding Human Communication). In the beginning of
the movie Joanna was in a very bad place of her Psychological interences.
Throughout the movie her friend Margret states the Joanna was depressed and was
in a very bad state. Joanna even states He s better off without me which showed her
self esteem. This may have been caused when she would say something to her
husband and he wouldn t hear her. This showed selective listening. For example,
When Ted was talking about his day and didn t want to hear that she was leaving him.
Therefore, it is important to have positive psychological interventions because it
could be affect your mental
Mark Twain Satire
Satire can be used in many ways, although it is not always done in a convincing
manner. Only a knowledgeable and creative writer can influence people through this
device. Satire often uses humor to show a current problem, and in most cases, it does
not provide a solution but is the catalyst for it. Emotions on the topic are prompted
and in turn the audience connects with the writer and the conflict at hand.
Throughout history authors have wielded the literary devices of satireto convey a
message; mockery, irony, overstatement, and understatement can be the most
effective by shedding light on an issue in an unusual way. The most common and
effective device of satire is mockery. In Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark
Twain, the author uses satire as the foundation of the novel, utilizing mockery the
most often. Early on in the novel, when Huck and Jim meet, Huck is questioning
Jim about what his plan is to do with his money and Jim responds with his idea that
his friend Balum came up with, In church he hear de preacher say dat whoever
give to de po len to de Lord, en boun to git his money back a hund d times (Twain
49). This mockery is effective because it is talking directly about an issue. Twain is
mocking the old Catholic church and also the people that sometimes blindly
followed it. In the 1500s the church was accused of offering its people the right to
buy their way to heaven. In Jim s case, the church is saying that if anyone donates
money, they will in return
A1 Steak Sauce (Lawry s Defense)
A1 Steak Sauce (Lawry s Defense) Case Analysis
Selwyn Paul
Davenport University
Marketing Strategies
Dr. Paula Zobisch
Aug 09, 2011
A1 Steak Sauce (Lawry s Defense) Case Analysis
Case Recap
A.1. Steak Sauce was founded in England in 1830 by King George s Chef,
Henderson William Brand and introduced to North America in the early 1900s.
The Sauce became a premier brand of Kraft Foods Inc. who acquired it from Nabisco
in 2002. (Kerin amp; Peterson, 2011, 630). A.1. Steak Sauce had done well in
sales, and was able to secure excellent margins for Kraft Foods Inc. with a market
share of approximately 50% and a brand awareness that was second to none (Kerin ...
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(Kerin amp; Peterson, 2011, 631) A.1 sought to introduce and launch a new poultry
marinade item, and was planning to continue an aggressive marketing campaign
against its competitors. However, marketing the new poultry product was a failure
and A.1 had to reassess its strategies regarding the launching of new trial marinade
brands. The major challenge that A.1 based however was protecting its market
share, and brand integrity by counteracting though bold launch of a new steak
sauce product by Lawry which was cheaper, and very similar to the A.1 product.
Lawry Steak Sauce was one dollar less than A.1. Steak Sauce ($3.99 vs. $4.99),
and the Lawry product were 11 ounces whereas A.1 was 10 ounces. Lawry s
product was also similar in taste, texture and packaging as the A.1 product which
also presented a serious problem for A.1. Added to this was the fact that Lawry
introduced its new product live on an interactive cooking show which gave the
product an extra media boost. (Kerin amp; Peterson, 2011, 634) In addition to
launching a product that was able to company with A1 Steak Sauce, Lawry formed
an alliance with the supermarket Publix to launch a Memorial Day advertising
campaign offering two bottles of Lawry Steak Sauce for five dollars as a promotional
price. (Kerin amp; Peterson, 2011, 630). By using this
Essay on Government Secrecy
Ashley Simons Secrecy and a free, democratic government don t mix, President Harry
Truman once said. Harry Truman understood the importance of an open government
in a free society. Unfortunately, George W. Bush has a different outlook. From the
first days of his administration, President Bush has taken steps to tighten the
government s hold on information and limit public scrutiny of its activities.
Expansive assertions of executive privilege, restrictive views of the Freedom of
Information Act, increasing use of national security classification, stonewalling in
response to congressional request for information В– all these were evident even
before the September 11 attacks (At Issue: Has the Bush administration misused
government... Show more content on ...
The В‘secret designation referred to information in which its disclosure might
endanger the national security, or cause serious injury to the interests of the nation or
be of great advantage to a foreign nation. Similarly, В‘confidential could be applied to
material of such a nature that is disclosure, although not endangering the national
security, might be harmful to the interests or prestige of the Nation. The term
В‘restricted is used in instances where information is for official use only and should
be denied access to the general public. According to an analysis released in August,
2005, by, more and more government information is
becoming less and less publicly available. is an
unprecedented coalition of journalists, consumer and government groups,
environmentalists, labor and others united out of a concern for what U.S. News and
World Report called a shroud of secrecydescending over our local, state and federal
governments (Gordon 35). This organization focuses on making the federal
government a more open place to make us safer and strengthen the public trust in the
government. In its Secrecy Report Card, OpenTheGovernment found that the
government spent $7.2 billion last year creating 15.6 million new classified
documents and securing accumulated secrets В– more than it has for the past decade
(1). The increasing secrecy is expensive to maintain. The U.S. government
Injutice Injustice
The fact that crimes, drugs, and criminals have increased in America, is part of the
reason why I am afraid to live in Sacramento. It is really hard to trust anyone or
depend on the criminal justice system. There are even bad cops in America who
have not been convicted for their wrongdoings. Many individuals get away with
their actions because either are financially privileged, or have plenty of connections
in the law enforcement. Those who are defined as middle class or poor do not have
the ability to bribe others to receive what they want, or have the power to relinquish
themselves out of trouble. Injustice is something that has always been relevant; a
problem in American history and a problem today. In the textbook, Give me Liberty
by Eric Foner, he uncovers the story on the trial of Anne Hutchinson. This trial was
brought to my attention because what had happened to her was unethical. Hutchinson
was charged with sedition which is the action by encouraging others to rebel against
the authority. She also held meetings after church to talk about the bible. Anne
Hutchinson announces her own point of views that are above the human law and
church teachings. For example, Her meetings, said Governor Winthrop, were neither
comely in the sight of God, nor fitting to your sex (Foner 74). We were all born with
the ability to speak upon our own judgments and because she was educated and had
her own logical opinions that other women did not have, she was on trial for that.
International Commission For The Protection Of Human...
En los Гєltimos 60 aГ±os, se han establecido diversos cГіdigos, normas y leyes sobre
la realizaciГіn de investigaciones en seres humanos, como el CГіdigo de NГјremberg
(Katz,1996), la DeclaraciГіn de Helsinki (AsociaciГіn MГ©dica Mundial,1964), el
Informe Belmont (National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of
Biomedical and Behavioral Research, 1979), las GuГas Г‰ticas Internacionales para
la InvestigaciГіn BiomГ©dica en Seres Humanos (Consejo de Organizaciones
Internacionales de las Ciencias MГ©dicas CIOMS/OMS, 2002) o la DeclaraciГіn
Universal sobre BioГ©tica y Derechos Humanos (UNESCO, 2005). AsГ mismo, se
ha creado una sГіlida infraestructura Г©tica en el Espacio Europeo de InvestigaciГіn,
como el Convenio de Oviedo (BOE, 1999) y otras recomendaciones Г©ticas en
materia de investigaciГіn en la UniГіn Europea.
En nuestra legislaciГіn, la Ley 14/2007, de 3 de Julio, se construye para garantizar los
principios de respeto a la dignidad e identidad del ser humano y a la integridad de las
personas en cualquier investigaciГіn que se lleve a cabo, relacionada con la salud (
BOE, 2002). La Ley proclama que la salud, el interГ©s del ser humano que participe
en una investigaciГіn biomГ©dica deben prevalecer por encima del interГ©s de la
sociedad o de la ciencia.
AsГ pues, el imperativo categГіrico compartido por la mayorГa de estos cГіdigos
Г©ticos hace referencia a que toda investigaciГіn debe salvaguardar la dignidad,
derechos, seguridad y bienestar de
The Distrust Between The Sexes By Karen Horney
Differences Between Men and Women
An analysis of The Distrust Between the Sexes by Karen Horney
Men and women have always been unequal, and it has always been an issue of
women wanting to be equal, and men wanting to be superior. Maybe in other
countries across the globe they are more equal, but in America they are not as
equal and women want them to be. Women are portrayed as the ones that are
supposed to stay home and take care of the kids and cook and clean the house all
the time. Men are supposed to be the workers of the family and they are not
supposed to be the ones that cook the meals or clean the home. The man is supposed
to be the worker, the woman is supposed to be the housewife, and women are
supposed to give birth to kids ... Show more content on ...
Chapter 14 of The Distrust Between the Sexes, Horney states, They bring forth new
life and they nurture it. It was this life creating power of woman, an element force,
that filled man with admiration. The President made a speech August 8 of 2014
about the role of women in society, and after the speech, the Angola Press Agency
released this, The women, including rural women, represent a living symbol of the
customs, traditions and knowledge, said the president, stressing that through them it
was possible to convey these values to younger people within family, said the
president. Africa News Service. Women play a big role in society, but sometimes,
people don t see it. Thankfully, the president does.The Christian Century wrote about
the 1980 s and had this to say, Throughout this period, mainline Christian editors
remained reluctant to support women s working outside the home. The CENTURY
feared two developments: 1) women might take jobs needed by ethnic minorities (a
legitimate concern because American industry in the 1950s might have preferred
women to minority employees); and 2) women working outside the home would
likely have an adverse effect upon the family life of America. They still thought that
women working outside the home was a bad idea. Just another example of how
women are supposed to be in the home and not
Interpersonal Communication Movie Juno Analysis
The main character in the movie Juno is a 16 year old girl named Juno. She is
witty, sarcastic and has a great sense of humor. Surrounded by the falling leaves of
autumn, we find Juno drinking like ten tons of Sunny D as she decides to take three
pregnancy tests to confirm her worst fear. She is pregnant. After a fateful and funny
encounter with a pro life schoolmate outside an abortion clinic, ( Fingernails? The
baby already has fingernails? ), Juno decides to go through with the pregnancy. Juno
breaks the news to her best friend and father of the baby Paulie Bleeker, as well as
her parents. Surprisingly all parties seem very supportive of her plan to give the
baby up for adoption. With the advice from her friend Leah she searches... Show more
content on ...
He is in his mid thirties acting like he s eighteen. This ultimately leads to him
divorcing his wife. Vanessa is not totally innocent in the dissolution of this
marriage. She has pushed all of Mark s interests into a small bedroom and the
basement. When I saw this I thought of the saying Out of sight, Out of mind. She
shows no interest in his hobbies. Mark is deceptive towards Vanessa for not telling
her how he really feels about becoming a father and Vanessa is guilty of not
recognizing and talking about the differentiation aspects of their marriage.
Deception and differentiating are two factors that can lead to the end of a
relationship, especially if they are not recognized and dealt with in a timely
manner. (McCornack, 2010, p.338) There is a scene where Vanessa is upset with
Mark because he is totally uninterested in the shade of yellow she is painting the
nursery Mark s remark is that he thinks it is too early to paint, again skirting the
issue. When Mark tells Vanessa he wants a divorce, she still doesn t want to admit
that he is serious about leaving she tells Juno he just has cold feet. Once Juno
leaves Vanessa tells Mark Your shirt is stupid. (Referring to his cartoon band shirt)
Grow up. If I have to wait for you to be Kurt Cobain, then I m never going to be a
mother . (Reitman, 2007) She is clearly showing that her wants are above his in her
mind. However
Persuasive Speech About Youth Suicide
Nicole: Man it would just warm my heart. I know too many people who have lost
children. I know too many people here in the Manitou Springs school district.
There were two youth who took their lives in one year. I mean it hits home across
the nation of course across the globe. You study suicide rates for a variety of other
causes across the globe, but it s everywhere. El Paso Countyhas one of the highest
rates of youthsuicide so yeah I mean I would feel like I was actually providing true
public and community service by just doing as much as I possibly could to support
families in order to prevent that and to just bring some awareness to that. Half of it is
just awareness and the ability to have the conversation around it
Andrew: I think that that s huge Nicole and I think that s something that should
really be talked about and needs to be talked about. I also think as we re looking
over not just messaging, but also fundraising networks, we ve certainly seen an
increase in youth homelessness in Manitou and neighboring Colorado Springs and I
think as you stated there s been an increase youth suicide and just coming from my
experience as a gay man I think there s some connections there. There would be a lot
of people in the LGBTQ community interested in helping people who are =
committed to those sort of issues with first being that LGBTQ youth make up about
forty percent of the homeless population and thus are more prone to teen suicide so I
mean looking for different demographic and groups whether it be looking at the
LGBTQ community or the Latino community or whatnot I think you know it is not
just good for outreach and messaging to those communities, but also potentially
fundraising bases as well.
Nicole: Absolutely. I m so glad you brought that up because Urban Peak is an
organization we have down here. It s an amazing organization that deals with youth
homelessness and I know the director and communicate with her regularly. In fact, I
just saw her at an event. Citizens Project is another one that I attend their annual
breakfast every year. I ve got to know several of those folks and they are very vocal
and outspoken of the LGBTQ community so that s a great point we have several
organizations down here
Benefits Of The Prepaid Plan
We know college can be very expensive. There are many expenses for higher
education including; tuition, room and board, books, and extra cost. That being said,
there are many programs and plans that can assist with the cost. I will discuss 529
plans, Coverdell education savings account, American Opportunity TaxCredit,
Lifetime Learning Credits, and tuition fees.
There is a 529 Plan that can help the parent start preparing for their child s college.
The plan will help families save many for future college funding. The plan is setup
into two plans, saving and prepaid. Saving plans work by investing your money in
shared funds. If the family were to choose the savings plan, it comes with different
options to invest the family s money in. The account will either increase or decrease
in value based on the investment. The prepaid plan will allow the family to pre pay
all of the cost for public higher education. The prepaid plan may also be converted
for a private college. Even though contributions are not deductible, the income in
the plan is federally tax free. Therefore, the income will not be taxed when they are
removed to pay for college. The 529 plan does not have to be reported on tax return.
The donor will stay in control of the account. The account owner can withdraw funds
at any time, but non qualified withdrawals will earn income tax and a ten percent
tax. Anyone can qualify for a 529 plan. There are no limits on income, age, or yearly
contribution. (В§529)
Black Worms Lab
There are two main types of toxicity, acute and chronic. Acute toxicity refers to a
relatively high dose of a toxin given over a short period of time. Chronic toxicity is
a relatively low dose of a toxin given over a longer time period. Acute toxicity is
measured by the Lethal Dose 50 (LD50). LD50 is the dose of a specific substance
that kills 50% of test organisms, and it varies from substance to substance. Toxin
severity is due to intrinsic, within the body, and extrinsic, outside of the body,
factors. When determining the effect of a toxin on an organism, it is important to
compare the behavior of the organism exposed to a toxin to that of the same type of
organism when not exposed to a toxin. California Black worms are a North American
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Procure 8 petri dishes labelled water control , water 1 , water 2 , water 3 , control ,
low concentration , medium concentration , and high concentration . 2.Place 25
mL of water in the water control , water 1 , water 2 , and water 3 petri dishes.
3.Procure the tobacco solution in low, medium, and high concentrations. 4.Place 25
mL of the low concentration tobacco solution into the low concentration petri dish.
5.Place 25 mL of the medium concentration tobacco solution into the medium
concentration petri dish. 6.Place 25 mL of the high concentration tobacco solution
into the high concentration petri dish. 7.Procure 8 worms. 8.Place 2 worms in
each of the following: water control , water 1 , water 2 , and water 3 . 9.Observe
and record normal behavior of the worms with and without problems. 10.Move the
worms from water control to control . 11.Move worms from water 1 to low
concentration . 12.Move worms from water 2 to medium concentration . 13.Move
worms from water 3 to high concentration . 14.Observe and record worm activity at
0, 4, 8, and 12 minutes. 15.Return worms to their original petri dishes. 16.Observe
the worms at 0, 4, 8, and 12 minutes, recording their level of
Hamlet And The Characters Of Hamlet In Hamlet
1.It is very clear that something is wrong in Denmark in scene 1 because King
Hamlet has died. His brother that is now King was the one that murdered him.
Prince Hamlet does not like the idea of his uncle becoming King and marrying his
mother so soon after his father s death. Something else that let us know something
was wrong was Barnardo and Francisco s conversation. They are used to taking
turns being a guard so for Barnardo to ask Francisco Who s there (Ham. 1.1.1) let us
know that there is someone else besides Francisco around the castle at that time.
Come to find out King Hamlethas a ghostthat appears outside the castle that they can
see. Since they see a ghost they bring a friend, Horatio, to confirm that this ghost that
they are seeing really is King Hamlet. Horatio confirms the ghost by saying Such was
the very armour he had on, (Ham. 1.1.59). Prince Hamletnow knows that the ghost is
his father but is concerned that he may be haunting the castle to get revenge. I don
t personally have some one that represents Claudius character but someone in the
media that reminds me of him is Trump. I say this because I think Trump is a good
leader because he tries to do what is best for America but because of that I don t
think he is a very family man. An example of this is But you must know your father
lost a father, That father lost, lost his, and the survivor bound (Ham. 1.1.89 90). He
isn t worried about his family as much because he doesn t have much sympathy for
Hamlet about losing his father. To me this reminds me of Trump because he doesn t
always say things with other people s emotions in mind.
2.In scene 2, we can see that Claudius and Hamlet do not get along. Hamlet does not
like that Claudius is just brushing off the king s death and moving right into getting
married to Gertrude. Hamlet thinks that Claudius should be more upset about his
death considering it was his brother, but he is not. Claudius says to Hamlet how is it
that the cloud still hang on you? (Ham. 1.2.66) This line is insinuating that Prince
Hamlet is still mourning over his father s death after months have gone by and
Claudius doesn t think that he should be. I think that Claudius may have a little good
in him because he
Uruk And Gilgamesh Compare And Contrast
The people of Uruk described Gilgamesh as a wise, good looking and determined
King but feared his arrogance because he used abusing as his power and was
sleeping with women, therefore it was not a good relationship the people of
Mesopotamia had with Gilgamesh. Mesopotamians believed everything seen on the
Earth including their lives, environments and societies were created or controlled by
the gods, such as Shamash being the godof the sun, Adad being the god of the storm
and Aruru being the goddess of creation. Gilgamesh oppresses his people and so they
cry out to Anu, the god of Urukand in response Aruru creates Enkiduto rival
Gilgamesh. These goods have better relations to the people of Uruk by listening, or
staying in touch. Enkidu s
Changing Attitude Towards Child Sex Preference
Department of Sociology, Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos.
This paper focuses on the intensity of preference for sons over daughters in
anticipation of old age security both physically and financially, and its impact on
the care and support/ well being of the elderly in Nigeria in general, and in
particular among the Yoruba of Southwest. The paper examines the impact of social
change on child sex preference as old age security. Before delving into the theme of
the paper, the concept of social change was briefly discussed. The reasons for having
children generally are discussed, child sex ... Show more content on
For example, an older person who was hard to get along with is more likely to lack
support than the cheerful old person who gets along well with family and neighbours
(Peil, 1991). All these are important variables, which determine whether individuals
will receive adequate care and support from family and society. It is evident from
the various literature that, very little attention has been paid to older people of
modern industrializing societies of the world. In Nigeria for example, as well as
in most developing countries, the need to plan for the welfare of older persons has
received very little attention. There are clear evidences of lack of formal social
support services for older people in Nigeria, such as Social Securiy, Pension,
Health Insurance Scheme, Old Peoples Home, etc. One of the explanatory factors
arises from the belief that the existing extended family system generally protects
and provides for the welfare of old people in rural and agricultural societies. Hence,
where an older person is childless, his/her brothers or sisters or even the children of
his siblings are believed to be responsible for his/her maintenance. This may not be
unconnected with why most policies, programmes and projects in the developing
countries such as Nigeria have been concentrated on the children and the youths at
the expense of older persons in the country. Both national and international
organizations are seen working tirelessly
The Meal Card Book Report
As the Meal Card Book Control Officer on Fort Riley, my duties and
responsibilities are to issue and receive meal card books from Meal Card Control
Officers which is a control item. In addition to issuing and receiving meal card
books, I provide training to officers, non commissioned officers and lower enlisted
Soldiers on maintaining accountability for meal card books to include issuing the
meal card, receiving the meal cards, destroying the meal cards and preparation of
annual reports in accordance with regulatory guidance. These responsibilities
culminate with me being a member of the installation Inspector General team
conducting Organization Inspections within every battalion size element who have
received meal card books from... Show more content on ...
They assumed that all Army s forms are self explanatory, therefore, we completed
the exercise using the step by step methodology. I provided each group a DA Form
4809 and a DD Form 714. The Soldier playing the role as the issuer annotates
columns a, b, and d and Meal Card Control Sheet and require the recipient to sign
in column E The issuer will place recipient s name on the DD Form 714, obtain the
recipient s signature and the MCCO will sign the DD Form 714 and have the meal
card laminated and provided to the recipient. This completes the meal card issuing
transaction. Immediately after mastering this task, the training continued and covered
replacing a Soldier s lost meal card. The MCC will annotate DA Form 4809
columns c and d and sign column e on the next available line. Additionally, MCC
will annotate meal card control sheet with lost and the replacement meal card
number. Next the MCC will annotate DA Form 4809 column a, b, d, and have the
recipient sign in column e on the next unused line on the DA Form 4809, obtain the
recipient s signature and MCCO signature on DD Form 714 and laminate the meal
card and provide to the recipient. The MCC will make a copy of the DA Form 4809
and the copy in the inactive binder while placing the original DA Form 4809 in the
active binder. The students revealed their frustration with the process and continually
interrupted the block of instruction. It seemed as though I kept repeating the same
instruction over and
Evolution Of Mitochondria
The evolution and mutation rate of the organisms has varied greatly over the past
millions of years. Previously, scientists knew little information on how to determine
evolutionary changes, however new techniques involving molecular analysis have
enriched the knowledge of scientists. Many organisms have completely reworked
their chemical makeup and it is important to recognize these changes and the things
that provoke them. Knowing how evolution works allows scientist to study diseases
and identify the genes that cause them. If could also provide information on how to
save endangered species and different agricultural techniques. Without this clear
understanding it becomes impossible to solve biological problems that arise within
the human... Show more content on ...
Some mutations serve as a form of natural selection and can help better the life of an
organism. The mutation rate of the mitochondrial DNA has been proven to be one
hundred fold higher than that of nuclear DNA. A recent study conducted by scientists
has suggest the reason for the abundance of mitochondrial DNA mutations. In the
study, they suggested that the nucleotide imbalance within mitochondria cause a
decrease in polymerase gamma, or POLG, and an increase in mutation rates. The
main responsibility POLG is to encode the DNA polymerase that duplicates the
mitochondrial genome. This protein also consists of a two domains. The catalytic
domain displays polymerase activity, while the anexonuclease domain recognizes and
removes DNA base pair mistakes that occur during DNA replication. As a result of
the vast population of mitochondrial DNA, mitochondria are considered
heteroplasmic. Heteroplasmy surrounds the presence of various types of genomes
within a single cell. When considering the severity of mutations and mitochondrial
diseases heteroplasmy is a prominent factor. When a single cell divides mitochondrial
segregation occurs in a random matter and the mitochondria is divided between
daughter cells. This process is not very well organized, which causes the daughter
cells to receive similar, but not identical, copies of their mitochondrial DNA. Unlike
the segregation of mitochondrial DNA, chromosome
Antitrust Law Violation Of Antitrust Laws
Antitrust Law Violations
This paper will discuss the Google case that was presented by Microsoft stating that
Google was in violation of antitrust laws. Also, in this paper some of the pecuniary
and non pecuniary costs will be discussed. Given in this paper will also be my
thoughts on monopolies and oligopolies.
Antitrust Case
Google was investigated for antitrust behavior because they were claimed to be an
internet bully that abuses its dominance of online search and advertising
(STEINHAUSER LIEDTKE, 2011, p. 1). Google was doing things like buying
smaller companies in search results but then labeling/highlighting their own services
instead. Being that Google was knocking out the competition by only showing their
results ... Show more content on ...
When dealing with market structures and considering Google as a monopoly, the
characteristics of the monopoly market structure fit. In a sense, Google is being seen
as the only producer for internet search, and is trying to make it seem through their
practices that they are the only reliable business in the industry. Because of the
overwhelming market power Google is gaining through the use of other smaller
companies, other businesses such as Microsoft, are beginning to feel that the
competition being created is unfair and favored. Especially with Google blocking out
their results as the search engine is used.
Antitrust as Investopedia pointed out, prohibits a variety of practices that restrain
trade, ( Antitrust Definition | Investopedia , n.d.). According to the complaints of
Microsoft, Google was in violation of the Sherman Act of 1980. The Sherman Act
states that, public is best served by free competition in trade and industry, ( Sherman
Anti Trust Act legal definition of Sherman Anti Trust Act , n.d.). Also, the Sherman
Act points out that, it prohibits monopolies attempts to monopolize, or conspiracies
to monopolize. ( Sherman Anti Trust Act legal definition of Sherman Anti Trust Act ,
n.d). By blocking out their rivals, and not giving them an equal opportunity to display
the information related to the searches of the consumers, Microsoft felt this was a
violation of the Sherman Act. On another note, after reading the research
The Influence Of Life In The 1920 s
To live in the 1920 s was like living in a seemingly eternal jazz club. This world was
full of people making something of themselves through fashion and dancing. From
parking your girdle so that you have the ability to do the Charleston dance, to short
skirts and even shorter haircuts, and men playing jazz music in the Cotton Club
every night, the 1920 s was a time of youthful celebration and exotically inspired
dress. What the individuals that lived in the 1920 s didn t realize was that they
would have a major influence in our world today. If there was no dancing, no mini
skirts, and no jazz music, our world would be tasteless and lacking culture. The
Roaring 20 s was a time of the first Youth Rebellion , sheiks, shebas, flappers, jazz
music, and Oxford Bags . Sheiks were young men with sex appeal, as well as
shebas were young women with sex appeal (Britten 28 32). Flappers were young
women who wore short skirts, cut their hair short, and danced the nights away with
the sheiks and shebas. During the 1920 s, young ladies were expected to dress
modestly, in long skirts with blouses and corsets. Those expectations were soon cast
adrift when the night clubs and jazz music came along. Girls began parking their
girdles and dancing. A large portion of the... Show more content on ...
All of the clubs played jazz and swing music, making the Roaring 20 s a
magnificent time to be a dancer. Every night, people from all backgrounds and
professions were lined up outside the doors to get into the night clubs (Ward 131).
In the early 1920 s, not very many people cared about the particular bands that
played, but later in the decade individuals became particular about which band was
playing the music they danced to each night. It was typical to see African Americans
playing swing and jazz in white clubs for money. In fact, it was a common
understanding that African Americans were better at composing this genre of
Political Power In John Locke And The State Of Power
However, once they ve reached this age of reason, they are still supposed to honor
their parents, but are no longer obligated to obey this paternal power or their rules.
Political power, according to Locke, is essentially the right to make laws for
protection and the regulation of property. However, according to Locke, these laws
that are made are only laws if the people believe they are and accept them as good
for the community. He claims that no political society can survive without laws in
place to protect private property, that is, life, liberty and his estate. The differences
in power between Hobbes and Locke are important because the political power that
Locke discusses, the power that ensures one s life, liberty and pursuit of happiness
is non existent in Hobbes s state of nature. Another key difference that Locke
believes is evident in his version of the state of nature is the use of laws. Locke
believes that laws are not created when a sovereign or governing force is put into
place. He believes laws were always there, but in the state of nature, it is the
citizens that are the enforcers. For example, if one breaks the Law of Nature,
everyone has the power to punish the offender, as long as it is impartial. There is a
bit of a problem with impartiality in this aspect. Individuals could enforce these types
of laws, but more often than not, they would not be impartial. Therefore, a
government might be more effective in the enforcing category, except for an absolute
Puritan Depravity and Distrust in Hawthorne s Young...
Puritan Depravity and Distrust in Young Goodman Brown
Puritan doctrine taught that all men are totally depraved and require constant self
examination to see that they are sinners and unworthy of God s Grace. Because man
had broken the Covenant of Works when Adam had eaten from the Tree of
Knowledge, God offered a new covenant to Abraham s people which held that
election to Heaven was merely a possibility. In the Puritan religion, believers dutifully
recognized the negative aspects of their humanity rather than the gifts they possessed.
This shadow of distrust would have a direct influence on early American New
England and on many of its historians and writers, one of which was Nathaniel
The influence of ... Show more content on ...
Hawthorne sets Young Goodman Brown into a context of Puritan rigidity and self
doubt to allow his contemporary readers to see the consequences of such a system of
Hawthorne s tale places the newly wed Puritan Brown upon the road to what may
or may not be a true conversion experience. The conversion experience a sudden
realization brought about by divine intervention, a vision, or perhaps a dream easily
translates into the dream allegory of Hawthorne s work and allows the author to use
Puritan doctrine and the history of Salem to argue the merits and consequences of
such a belief. Major issues and themes of Puritanism must have been researched and
delicately placed into Hawthorne s discussion of not only past consequences of
Puritan zeal but also on the contemporary religious issue of his own time, the Second
Great Awakening. Much like the nighttime witches Sabbath that awaits Goodman
Brown, the tent revivals of the 1820 s and 1830 s could be seen by the questioning
Hawthorne as another attempt by the church to sway its membership towards total
obedience and faith. The importance placed on this event by Goodman Brown shows
the importance placed on the conversion experience
Free Throws
In the beginning, we often see tasks as not having meaning or being a waste of our
time. We won t realize that these tasks will help us later in life in valuable
moments in our life. I remember as a young child learning the ropes of how to play
my favorite sport basketball. My father and I would drill around, and i d learn to
shoot by B.E.E.F (Balance, eyes, elbows in, and follow through), but one tasked
seemed to be unimportant to me and that was free throws. I couldn t understand
why we had to practice free throws so often and so much. I didn t learn until later
in life how important it was to have the skill of shooting free throws. While I was
young free throws never seemed to be as important as they are today to me, when i
was young this... Show more content on ...
Playing against the Buffalo Bison we the freshman Warriors had not played well.
Throughout the game shots had not dropped for us and we struggled in a close
game. None the less, we continued to play physical on both ends of the court.
Fouls were called in bunches on both ends of the court, on both us and the Bison.
The difference in us the Warriors and the Bison was that was shot free throws
exceptionally well compared to the Bison. In the end, the game ended with us the
Warriors only have three players on the court, while the Bison had five players left.
Even down players we had gained a lead where there was no way we could lose.
During this game i shot twelve free throws and only missed one, i shot at over
ninety percent helping lead our team to a victory. This is when i realized how
important free throws are to a game of basketball. The amount of free throws you
shot and make is important to any team looking for a win against any opponent.
Not till i had experience the meaning of free throws first hand i had no reason to
practice them. My father forced me to shoot them and i am thankful now, while
back then they just annoyed me. This task of shooting one hundred free throws a
night seemed to be useless at a young age, until i had was but in a position where
my task lead us to victory. The task i learned that day seemed to have no meaning to
me until i had grown up.
Sex Is Not Only Important For The Existence Of Humanity
As women and men it is not only important for the existence of humanity, but also to
fulfill an innate human desire for everyone to be able to express themselves sexually.
Although sex can be something that men and women desire, and at times yearn for it
is important to remember that sex is not just a physical act, it is something that comes
with emotions and responsibility. Fundamentally it is important to understand how
sex works and the anatomy of yourself and the opposite sex, the consequences of
having unprotected sex, what and how to use contraceptives and finally
understanding yourself and your sexual preferences. Before engaging in any sexual
act it is important to understand the anatomy of the opposite sex and to understand
why... Show more content on ...
During sexual intercourse or sexual activity, a substance known as semen, which is
comprised of salt, water and other bodily fluids aid the sperm for its travel through
a woman s vagina, to her uterus to then attach to an egg. This is the process called
conception that allows for the growth of a baby within her womb. Much like men,
women have external and internal sex organs. However, unlike men women are
able to get pregnant and give birth to children due to the composition of their
internal sex organs. The external sex organs of women are refereed to as the
vulva. The components of the vulva include the mons venerus which is a lump
above a woman s pelvic bone mostly comprised of fat, labia majora which are lips
made up of fat that cover or protect the vulva, labia manora which are smaller lips
inward from the labia major, and the clitoris which is the external structure that is
responsible for female orgasm. Female internal structures include the vagina which
is a canal like structure that is made up of muscle. The vagina is the part of the body
where a penis is inserted during vaginal intercourse. It connects to the cervix which is
the bottom portion of the uterus that sticks out into the vagina. A small narrow
opening at the base of the cervix is where sperm enters once semen has been
ejaculated into the vagina. The cervix leads
Tim Tebow Research Paper
Heisman trophy winner, Kids Choice award winner for favorite male athlete, best
male college athlete ESPY award winner ,Timothy Richard Tebow does a lot more
than win awards! He makes the world a better place. Without Mr. Tebow s
contributions, the world would be a harsher and worse world than it is now.
Besides Tim Tebows awards, he has created the Tim Tebow Foundation,
Incorporated. This foundation is a charity that you can donate money to and help
children in need. It helps spread the word of God, gives love, faith, and hope to
children in their darkest hour of need. People have donated money from all over
the world to help this cause, for example the Philippines. Mr. Tebow spent a lot of
time in the Philippines when he was younger. Today he takes mission trips with
friends and family to help spread the word of God, and give comfort to those who are
having hard times over there as well. ... Show more content on ...
He was putting bible verses on his eye black to raise awareness of Christianity. He
influenced a lot of people when they searched it up on google, especially to know
what the verse John 3:16 was about. He also has comforted many of people during
his games. For example, at the Arizona fall league Tim Tebow comforted a man
that was having a seizure from a brain tumor. They talked about college football
when the man said he liked Georgia, the rival of the Florida Gators where Tebow
went to college. Also in the year of 2016, Mr. Tebow comforted a passenger on a
plane when she had medical
Freedom Writers Techniques
The Freedom Writers 1.11
In the Film Freedom Writers,the diary scene , the scene is about the students writing
about their lives during their childhood and now, this is an important part of the
movie because it is used to show the story of the students to the audience and how
their lives are in the present, shortly after the LA Riots, the scene uses a range of
techniques such as the sound, editing, the colour/lighting and the cinematography to
give the scene more emphasis.
The Directors use of Fade transitions, Close up shots and Flashbacks during the scene
are important, as the audience sees lots of fade transitions between flashbacks and the
present. Sometimes we can see faded pictures of the students diaries it shows
illustrations in ... Show more content on ...
We can see these techniques used substantially during Brandy s part of the scene.
Dark lighting is shown in Brandys flashback scene, during the flashback we see
Brandys father abuse her mother and the rest of her family, we also see this when
her father kicks her and her siblings to the kerb. The dialogue of Brandy is heard
all throughout her scene, she is explaining what has happened to her but her voice
is very depressing. These techniques have been used in order to show the audience
the struggle of their lives and how trapped Brandys and the other students lives are.
The dialogue of the students show the audience what Brandy has been through, it is
obvious that it is not an easy subject for them to talk about, this makes the audience
feel shocked how her father would abuse his family. The dark lighting within the
flashback represent how dark and gloom Brandys life has been, all she has witnessed
and been through, its shows how depressing her life has been. The combination with
her standing by the fence in the flashback, it shows how she is trapped in this life.
this makes the audience feel saddened for Brandy and surprised that the students are
alive after all that has happened to them This makes the audience understand how
much they have gone through and how they didn t want this life. This shows the
audience that that this life is not the life they wanted, they
Pitbull And Human Behavior Analysis
The words Pitbull or Mastiff or even Rottweiler can often cause the ordinary to pull
up their lip, or to gasp. Many times I use the word Pitbull and an immediate
response is something along the lines of aggressive dogs or dangerous animals , but
I ve never believed that to be the case.
In October of 2014, my mom andI had begun to discuss adding a fur baby to out
family. We had the original intent of getting a Rottweiler, a sweet dogwith a big bark.
Of course, things don t always go as we intend them too. A different breed was
immediately pushed on us when we mentioned we wanted someone protective, but
still sweet.
Within minutes, I was sitting with our future puppy in a four by four pen playing. It
took about 5 minutes before ... Show more content on ...
Sometimes, you cross a bad egg. The person who calls to you from a distance, that
your dog is dangerous. Instead of getting upset, you have to laugh it off. After all, I
know that in a few hours the brown fluff will be on my lap, drooling and snoozing,
not terrorizing anyone.
I ve learned patience. I ve learned patience both with training him, and the people
that meet him. He s a handful, but all puppies are. He s taught me that keeping my
cool will pay off, because now, after staying patient with him, he almost always
listens first try. Some people are immediately turned on by the idea of my squishy
face boy, and some are a little wary. Some patience sometimes shows people that
both he and I are good, and by the end of our conversation, they end up petting him,
and realizing that they were wrong.
The ups and downs of reactions will be a constant as long as we have Roscoe
(which I hope is a long, long while) and having him almost two years has taught me a
lot about how to handle reactions, as well to handle things in
Descriptive Essay On The Color Memoir
The Color Memoir One Friday night, Brooke Schettler invited me to a movie night
at her house. I decided that it would probably be too entertaining to miss out on, so
I went. I arrived at Brooke s house where I sat around for a short while eating candy
while talking with the few other people that were there, waiting for the rest of the
guests to arrive. I didn t know that the plan was to watchscary movies. I am not very
much of a scary movie person. When I watch scary movies, afterwards I will have
nightmares for a week. Even so, I stayed quiet about my discomfort and didn t say
anything while they picked a movie. The first movie that we watched was about a
mass murderer who would target particularly girls, kidnap them, torture them, and
afterwards use them as puppets for a picture that he would keep, similar to a
trophy of what he accomplished. The movie was mainly centered on a girl who
worked at a small grocery or department store. At the beginning of the movie, we
knew who the murderer was. For days he would come to the store where she
worked to buy something. One night her friend pressured her into going to a party.
She went, although, when she went outside she saw him. Not thinking much about
it, she went back inside. It wasn t until they heard a scream, found a dead body, that
she began to panic. By that time it was too late. It ends with everyone at the party in
a bloody, mangled, yet realistic picture. The next movie that we watched was called
The Lazarus
Drake s Passage Is The Worst Ocean On The World
The ocean that had chased them back and made them flee for the shelter of the ice
pack is the worst ocean on the globe. (82) Drake s Passage can be considered to be
the worst ocean on the globe (82) by many. This treacherous ocean is an 800
kilometer wide gap between South america s Cape Horn and South Shetland Island of
Antarctica. What makes Drakes passage considered to be the worst on the globe?
Sailing through this passage is incredibly dangerous because of its insane winds. On
the Beaufort scale is has known to have winds from category 10 123. Drakes passage
is extremely deep. The Average depth being 11,000 feet and the deepest trench going
all the way down 15,400 feet4. Drakes passage is known to have two different
moods. The first one is the drake Lake it is when the ocean is a clear as a lake with
no windor waves just nice sailing. Normally it s the second mood the drake shake,
this is when the passage has ferocious roaring winds which creates enormous waves,
not a fun time. In 1578 there was an Explorer named Sir Francis Drake that went
through the Strait of Magellan. When he went through the Strait of Magellan he lost
4 ships. After his last ship made it through it got pushed farther south and that s when
drake realized that there is a another route for ships further south. Then the bottleneck
was named Drake Passage after him.
The southern ocean carries strange that often run against the prevailing winds,causing
a broken, turbulent surface and stirring up
Literature Review On Organic Food
Name: Jolanda Seli
Matric no: S38420
Assignment: Literature Review
Consumer attitudes and Purchase Intention toward Organic Food in University
Malaysia Terengganu
4.0Literature Review
Consumer are more concerned about the nutrition and quality of their daily food
nowadays. They tend to find the green aspect in the products, as well as their effect
on earth (Minyan Yang, Sarah Al Shaaban and Tram B.Nguyen, 2014). This is
because the emergences of the fake product that contain a lot poisonous chemical that
can lead to cancer and other critical diseases. The demand for organic food continue
to rise in developed country and the trend move to developing country including
Malaysia (Chandran Somasundram, Zuliana Razali and Vicknesha Santhirasegaram,
... Show more content on ...
(2016). A Review on Organic Food Production in Malaysia. 1.
Ihsan Effendi, PahamGinting, Arlina Nurbaity Lubis and Khaira Amalia Fachruddin.
(2015). Journal of Business Management. Analysis of Consumer behaviour of
Organic Food in North Sumatra Province, Indonesia, 46.
Irianto, H. (2015). consumers attitude and intention towards organic food purchase.
an extension of theory of planned behavior in gender perspective, 19.
Leon G. Schiffman and Joseph L Wisenblit. (2015). consumer behavior eleventh
edition. United States of America : Pearson Education.
Lewin, J. (2013). how to guide organic. what does organic mean?
M, C. (2009). Attitudes toward Organic food among Taiwanese as related to health
consciousness,enviromental attitudes,and the mediating effect of a healthy lifestyles.
British Food Journal.
Minyan Yang, Sarah Al Shaaban and Tram B.Nguyen. (2014). Consumer attitude and
purchase intention towards organic food. a quantitative study of China, 7.
Minyan Yang, Sarah Al Shabaan,Trum B Nguyen. (2014). consumer attitudes and
purchase intention towards organic food . a quantitative study of China , 14.
NZFSA. (2008). NZFSA Policy on Organic Food. A Background Paper,
William Tell Argumentative Essay
Some people think William was a hero and some think he was an outlaw. William
did not obey the law or bow down to a king so some people say he is bad. Other
people think that he did not bow down because he was an evil king. He also saved
Switzerland. I think that William Tell was an amazing hero that is not afraid. He
did not bow to a king. The king made him almost kill his son and he killed a king.
William Tell did not bow to a king. A long time ago an evil king sent a hat on a pole
to the village. He told everyone to bow to it. Everyone bowed to him even though
they did not want to. Everyone bowed to him except William. William did not want
to bow to an evil king. An evil king did not deserve to be bowed to. Soon after that
the king found out that he did not bow to his hat he was very mad. He decided that
he needed to get him back so that everyone would know that he was powerful and
they needed to do what he said. Since he was a tyrant he came up with the worst...
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The king told him that he had to shoot an arrow off of his sons head with one
arrow. If, he missed he would kill his son before his eyes and then kill him. If, he
missed there is also a chance he would kill his son. William was a good hunter and
could shoot a bow but he did not want a chance to hurt his son. William was scared
but, his son trusted him. Then the king made him do it. He was able to shoot it so
straight it hit the apple off his head. The king did not like that he had not gotten
hurt. Then another arrow came out from his jacket. They king asked what it was
for. He was brave and said it was for if, his son got hurt because of him, he would kill
the king. Lots of people think that this was bad because he was going to kill
someone but he was going to kill a tyrant that would make someone kill their own
family for power. The king was very
The World of Technical and Professional Writing Essay
The World of Technical and Professional Writing
As technical writing grows into a more common discipline, complicated questions
concerning ethical standards seem to present themselves more frequently. Much of
what is written by a technical writer will need to appeal to individuals of varying
situational backgrounds, and in this day of intense political correctness and moral
responsibility, it is important to remember the ethical and other cultural issues
associated with writing for diverse groups of people.
Perhaps the foremost ethical question that presents itself to technical writers revolves
around the question What makes a piece of writing acceptable to one s audience? On
the surface, this is a seemingly ... Show more content on ...
When beginning one s research for any project, four basic issues should be
considered: audience, purpose, scope and prior knowledge. The writer should
determine who his or her audience will be and for what purposes the audience will
use the writer s knowledge. The audience s intended purposes will determine how
broad or narrow to focus the scope of the information. Finally, the writer s prior
knowledge of the given topic will determine how much time should be devoted to
research (Pickett, Laster, and Staples 513 14). Each of these considerations will be
discussed at intervals throughout this text.
Ethical practices involving research methods are especially important to those
individuals who have a career in education and who use their experiences with
students as a source for their professional writings. Ethical issues, of course, are not
limited to the field of education, but many questionable concerns can certainly
present themselves in pedagogical situations. For example, when using a student
(or a group of students) as a source of data for research, it is important to remain
aware of his or her vulnerability, dignity and privacy. These three conditions come
into question on a regular basis and are heavily debated by professionals in the field.
The disputes are largely due to the fact that professional and
The Pros And Cons Of RICO Conspiracy
The United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania in Brown
v. Access Midstream Partners, L.P.1310, specifically addressed such civil RICO В§
1962(d) conspiracy pleading contentions advanced by defendants alleged to have
formulated, implemented, and executed a sophisticated elaborate scheme to defraud
real property owners in connection with offering and promoting a natural gas drilling
and gathering operation. Though substantial returns were represented by the
promoters as commercially attractive, in fact, the promoters essentially reduced the
amount of the income stream due payable by charging alleged fees, costs, and
expenses payable to a third party, thereby significantly reducing the royalty payments.
The property ... Show more content on ...
See Church Mutual Insurance Co. v. Alliance Adjustment Group, LLC, 2015 U.S.
Dist. LEXIS 121852 (E.D. Penn., 14 September 2015)(insurance fraud conspiracy
claim sustained, citing and following Smith v. Berg, 247 F.3d 532 (3d Cir.
2001)(RICO В§ 1962(d) conspiracy charging mortgage lenders and title insurance
institutions involved in high profile real estate mortgage financing scheme with real
estate developers exposed to conspiratorial liability notwithstanding absence of actual
commission of underlying predicate offenses).
See Dean Browning Webb, Judicially Fusing The Pinkerton Doctrine To RICO
Conspiracy Litigation Through The Concept of Mediate Causation, 97 Kentucky Law
Journal 665,
674 681 (2008 2009).
examined such a highly visible RICO criminal enterprise endeavour in De Sole v.
Knoedler Gallery, LLC.1315 De Sole addressed RICO claims asserted against an
upscale, highly recognized pedigree art gallery and the gallery principals for
promoting and selling forgeries of paintings allegedly produced by internationally
recognized artists including globally acclaimed artists Jackson Pollock, William de
Kooning, and Mark Rothko. The gallery principals and operators engaged in
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Titus Andronicus Essay.pdf

  • 1. Titus Andronicus Essay Crafting an essay on the subject of "Titus Andronicus" can prove to be a challenging endeavor for various reasons. Firstly, delving into the complexities of Shakespearean tragedies demands a profound understanding of the language, historical context, and thematic nuances. "Titus Andronicus," known for its intense violence and dark themes, requires a meticulous exploration of the characters, their motivations, and the intricate web of relationships. Moreover, interpreting the play and offering original insights can be demanding, as scholars have extensively scrutinized this work. Finding a unique angle or perspective that adds value to the existing body of literature on "Titus Andronicus" can be an arduous task. Balancing a critical analysis with personal interpretations while staying true to the academic rigor expected in an essay further complicates the writing process. Additionally, the play's grim and graphic nature may pose challenges in presenting the material in a way that is both engaging and sensitive to the themes it explores. Addressing the violent and tragic elements requires a careful navigation of language and a thoughtful consideration of the potential impact on readers. In conclusion, crafting a compelling essay on "Titus Andronicus" necessitates a deep dive into the complexities of Shakespeare's work, the ability to contribute fresh perspectives to the existing discourse, and the skill to navigate and convey the play's darker themes. However, for those seeking assistance, it's worth noting that offers a range of essay-writing services that cater to various topics and complexities, providing valuable support for academic endeavors. Titus Andronicus EssayTitus Andronicus Essay
  • 2. Analysis Of Star Wars Star Wars: A Fantasy Not So Far From Reality Star Wars, the single most recognizable science fiction experience to the date, hides a substantial amount of real life issues, and borrows a great deal from real life history. While feasting these senses, a lot can be gained by analyzing the saga, specifically A New Hope and The Phantom Menace by George Lucas. Ironic themes exist in the saga in the likes of an oppressive government, the horrid results of such governments, a strong presence of theology all which demonstrates parallelism of real life; borrowing from some of history s most notable governments, events, and theologies. From the first installment of Star Wars, it is overtly operant of George Lucas intentions to weigh in on ... Show more content on ... War, murder, and neglect all chief contributors to this astounding death toll backed by the nefarious likes of Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong, and vast number of omitted others due to the length of the proverbial list. In Lucas first film, A New Hope, the empire destroys an entire planet, annihilating countless lives, and shows a distasteful lack of morality. A simple theme here genocide and utter disregard for human life, and the dangerous of such power in the wrong hands. Lucas plays heavily on the audiences emotions with the destruction of the planet Aldaaran. The decision to destroy the planet is made over a strategic demonstration of force and to leverage to get the Rebel princess, Leigh, to divulge information (Episode I). The dramatic screenplay displays a force with overwhelming power and how dangerous it could be in the hands of force not checked, and likely has an inspired parallel event and a cautionary tale of what the future may hold. August 6, 1945, Hiroshima, around 8:15 AM, nearly 80,000 people face the wrath of United States, and pay with their lives to a bomb nicknamed little boy . Another is dropped, fat man , and another 36,00 perish (Shi 1127). The events that unfolded that day have been, and will continue to be argued for eternity, however, ethics aside, draws strong connections to a growing militarized world and the concern that comes with such advancements. In modern times, the aforementioned
  • 3. The Importance Of Self-Efficacy In The Classroom Bandura (1997, cited from Walker, 2010) discussed four contributors that can enhance the level of self efficacy and upgrade students motivation directly and indirectly. Firstly, mastery experiences, these actual experiences of success and failure in the past. They are most strongly influential to higher self efficacy belief. For example, an individual would feel more confident of doing the similar tasks well if he or she experienced amount of success in the past in the same areas. Because of these successful experiences, learners have higher expectations of self efficacy and believe themselves have abilities and skills of continually performing well. Secondly, vicarious experiences associated with the observation of others, is also a powerful source for improving higher level of self efficacy belief. A person s self efficacy will become higher if the observers with similar qualification and situations can handle them efficiently. Conversely, it will not matter the individuals self efficacy belief if the observers abilities are too high to replicate. Also, it is helpful to strengthen self efficacy that if people with different levels of qualification can succeed in a task. Therefore, for teachers and caregivers, it is essential to observe some role models experiences which are around the children ability domain or to supply achievement examples from various academic backgrounds. Thirdly, verbal persuasion also influences self efficacy. By encouraging verbally, students
  • 4. War On The Battle Field And The Return Home Danfung Dennis perfectly portrayed the difficulties of war on the battle field and the return home in Hell and Back Again . Following a wounded solider throughout his tour in Afghanistan as well as his first few months back home shines light on the hardship that these soldiers go through while serving their country. This film takes a look inside the nightmares of war on the battle field and in the heads of the soldiers that come home. Sending men and women into war not only has a damaging physical effect, but also has a devastating mental effect as well. Sergeant Nathan Harris served two tours in the Echo Company 2nd Battalion 8th Regiment of the US Marine Corp. In the summer of 2009, when the fighting was at its highest ever since the first initial attack, he was severely wounded and relieved of his duties. Once he is sent home he is left to deal with the physical pain and hardship of rehabbing his broken hip. Along with the physical pain, he fights to keep his mental health stable as well. Struggling with the effects of war on his brain alongside the struggle of taking handfuls of narcotics each day without becoming dependent on them. His story is just a glimpse of what thousands of men and women deal with after returning home from the battlefield. It s no secret that our government has sent men and women into the battle field to return in pieces, if not in a wooden box. We have all seen the images and heard the stories of our wounded warriors
  • 5. Banisteriopsis Caapi Research Paper Ayahuasca or yage, is a ritual by itself that involves time, patience and care. The shamans, which are the people who make the mixture split a 1 to 2 meter long piece of Banisteriopsis caapi stem into small strips then they place the strips in a pot full of water. They then add leaves of Diplopterys cabrerana, Herrania species, Ilex guayusa, Heliconia stricta, and an unidentified plant known as Mukuyasku. The mixture then is boiled until most of the water has evaporated and a syrupy fluid remains. The use of Banisteriopsis caapi is important in the recipe since caapi itself is considered to be ayahuasca while the DMT containing plants are simply helpers. To make ayahuasca you will need 50 grams of Banisteriopsis caapi (the whole vine) 12 grams of... Show more content on ... Second you will need to put in the mimosa, a teaspoon of vinegar, and a liter of water into the pot. In another pot, put in the caapi, and a similar amount of water and vinegar. Simmer for about 2 and a half hours or until water level gets low. Avoid boiling it should be just cool enough where it doesn t bubbles. Speak your intentions to the brew as it is brewing; listen to the sounds it makes. Do not leave it unattended. Keeping the mimosa and the caapi separate, filter each through a cloth about 4 or 5 times until the brew becomes clear. Put the mimosa tea in a pot separate from the caapi pot. Remember do not fully boil it Repeat the steps three times, keeping the mimosa and caapi separately. At this point you will have a pot containing the three washes of mimosa, reduced, and the same for the caapi. Each dose should be, nor do smaller or larger than a cup. Your tea should be pretty clean from now on. It should become clear when heated, and have a purplish color almost like red wine. Now you have the option of combining the mimosa and the caapi or drinking the mimosa after the caapi. Heat up the tea and drink it
  • 6. Business Marketing Chapter 7 LO1. There are four major trends that have influenced world trade and global marketing . first one is decline of economic protectionism , is the practice of shielding one or more industries within a country s economy from foreign competition through the use of tariffs or quotas . Second is rise of economic integration , just like creation of the European Union and the North American Free Trade Agreement . Third , there exists global competition among global companies for global consumers , resulting in firms adopting global marketing strategies and promoting global brands . And finally , is the emergence of a networked global marketspace has emerged using internet technology as a tool for exchanging goods , services , and ... Show more content on ... Step 4 is develop findings from the marketing research data collected . This involved analyze the data and present the findings of the research . The last step is take marketing actions , which involves implement the action recommendations , evaluate the results . LO3. Secondary data have already been recorded before the start of the project and consist of two parts : internal secondary data , which originate from within the organization , such as sales reports and customer comments , and external secondary data , which are created y other organizations , such as the U.S. Census Bureau , or business and trade publications , Primary data are collected specifically for the project and are obtained by either observing or questioning people . LO4. Marketing researchers observe people in various ways , such as electronically using Nielsen people meters to measure TV viewing behavior or personally using mystery shoppers or ethnographic techniques . A recent electronic innovation is neuromarketing useing high tech brain scanning to record the responses of a consumer s brain to marketing stimuli like packages or TV ads . Questionnaires involve asking people questions in person using interviews or focus groups or via a questionnaire using a telephone, fax , print, e mail , or internet survey . Panels involve a sample of consumers or stores that are
  • 7. Essay on Recording, Analysing Using HR L D information Activity 1 There are several reasons why an organisation needs to collect HR data and are no different. During my review I have discovered the following reasons we are collecting this information and examples of information that we are collecting: Legal requirements This has covered working time regulations, tribunals, accident at work reports To be able to contact family or individuals This allows us easy access to personal details in case of accidents, sickness or emergency contacts To allow for decision making Information stored allows us to consider promotions, planning training associated costs, work force planning Types of information: Sickness records Allows HR to track staff sickness and provides... Show more content on ... As such we must comply with the 8 data protection principles in that personal Data shall: 1)Be fairly and lawfully processed 2)Processed for limited purposes 3)Adequate, relevant and not excessive 4)Accurate and up to date 5)Not kept longer than is necessary 6)Processed in line with your rights 7)Secure 8)Not transferred to other countries without adequate protection. Another legislation that governs this is the freedom of information Act. This provides the public access to information held by public authorities. It does this in two ways: Public authorities are obliged to publish certain information about their activities; and Members of the public are entitled to request information from public authorities. For the public to gain this information they must provide a written request with their: Name Address Description of information And can be liable to a cost for providing this information, but will be entitled to a notice stating reasons if request is refused. Word count 542 Activity 2 Training department The training department currently consists
  • 8. Greek Theatre History Theatre has been an evolutionary cultural superpower since the beginning of Greek theatre to the society impacting shows of Broadway. Although theatre is all the same, each social cultural construct twisted theatre into it s own tradition and values. Greek theatre for example used theatre to honor the gods; Dionysus in specific. Compared to Roman theatrewhere the Romans love to used comedy, and spectacle. Japanese theatre however, has a long rich history and was twisted to the Japaneses traditions and works. There are four main types of traditional theatre in Japan: Noh, Kyogen, Kabuki, and Bunraku. Each form is very distinct and unique from each other. Noh theatre also known as Nogaku is a form of musical drama. Derived from the Sino Japanese ... Show more content on ... Translated as the art of singing and dancing some people interpret Kabuki as bizarre and shocking. Unlike Noh, Kabuki used more lively tactics to entertain it s audience using wild costumes, fireworks and real swords in sword fighting. Kabuki first started in 1603 when Izumo no Okuni, a shrine maiden began performing a new style of dance. The style immediately grew popular and Okuni was asked to perform for the Imperial court. Rival troupes then formed and Kabuki was born. Since Kabuki was a women on performance, performers were also available to prostitution. With performances going from morning to sunset, Kabuki became a common form of entertain in the 1600s and is argued that Kabuki started pop culture in Japan. It wasn t till the Shogunate disliked Kabuki for being to erotic and open to prostitution, it was banned in 1629. Young boys then played in Kabuki, but was banned as well due to the young boys being eligible for prostitution. Kabuki then switched to male actors in the mid 1600s and when back to it s traditional ways of males playing both male and female roles. The Genroku era (1673 1841) became the golden age of Kabuki theatre. The structure of Kabuki was formalized and coventail characters types were established. A Kabuki stage features a projection called Hanamichi ,a walkway that extends out to the audience and allows entrances and exits to be made. A curtain that shields the stage before and during breaks is in traditional colors of black, red , and green. White also can replace the green if needed and is one continuous piece of fabric. An additional curtain called a doncho depicts the season the performance is taking place, but wasn t used until the Meiji Restoration. Kabuki stages have gotten more technology advance unlike Noh stages which stayed the same. Trap doors and revolving stages were introduced in the eighteenth century and stage tricks
  • 9. Self Assessment IIi And Vi Self Assessment III and VI In self Assessment III the first sections talks about what type of organizational system I would prefer. Organizational Structure is a system that defines the levels of hierarchy within an organization. The organizational structure classifies each job, explains its function, and who it reports to within the organization. Based on my scores they suggest I prefer to work in a mechanistic structure rather than a organic structure. In a mechanistic structure people work separately and specialize on only one task. Also within a mechanistic the hierarchy of authority is well defined. The first section also measures my ability to delegate in the work place. According to my score I need to substantial improve on my ability to delegate. Based on the analysis delegating authority are what many managers have difficult doing. My ratio for being able to give feedback is a four out four. This means my self perceived strength and weakness are equal, but I could work to improve ratio to be more self perceived in strength. In the section labeled careers it indicates that I my preferred organizational culturethat informal, humanistic, flexible, and innovative culture. These traits fall under humanistic culture even thought my other score suggested I prefer a mechanistic structure. It also indicates that I m not that committed to my job since my score falls below the mean. This is ok since not being committed to ones job is the new norm than it was
  • 10. Effects Of Drug Addiction To Drugs Drug addicted teenagers can be remedied through them better prevention programs and education. Drugs have been misused by people of all different ages but, mainly by young adults. They use them mainly because they are depressed or think drugs will help them escape their problems. Background To find out if a teen is using and or addicted to drugs monitor their action. Next have a conversation with them about drugs. If they seem to act nervous and jittery about it than most likely they have had it before. After that explain to the teen how they should feel about drugs and some reasons not to use them. During this conversation there should be a connection between the people interacted with the conversation. Some signs of drug abuse are breaking curfew, mood swings, and violet behaviors. There are many more signs that are there but being able to catch the teens actions is very hard. They most likely the teen will not confess or admit to using drugs. They should be aware of the consequences drugs can do to the body. As it is known different drugs has different effects on the body. Drugs have been around for a long time and there are many different reasons for them. They have been misused by teenagers over the years, but more teens are using drugs daily. Young adults do not deal with their problems in a healthy way, instead they turn to drugs as a solution. Teens who abuse drugs have had some type of issue in their family. Drugs impact the health of a young adult because
  • 11. Use Of Language And Context Voltaire s Candide Essay The narrative techniques, features of language and context Voltaire used when writing Candide tells us a lot about this book and what Voltaire was trying to achieve in writing it. Candide is told by a third person narrator who is not a main character in the book and is completely outside of the storyline. The title page of Candideimplies that the book was found and translated by Doctor Ralph who is our narrator. This is a fiction created by Voltaireto distance himself from the book and to help the reader to understand the satirical nature of Candide. Telling the story from a third person perspective allows the narrator to know all the thing the characters in the book do not. He is omniscience, knowing everything about the circumstances and the characters without being involved with them. This approach works particularly well in Candide. It allows the reader to stand back and see how disturbing the word Voltaire has created is. It also gives the reader space to understand Voltaire s purpose in writing Candide without getting too caught up in the plight of its characters. It also really highlights how naГЇve and almost narrow minded Candide is as a character, especially where his philosophical beliefs are concerned. The use of the third person narrator really highlights the more unrealistic moments in the passage, for example: Candide, having served with the Bulgars, performed the Bulgar drill before the general of this little force with such grace, such celerity,
  • 12. The Conquest Of Noah Genesis: In the beginning God created the heaven and earth. (Gen 1:1 KJV) the genre for this book is a narrative genre because there are a lot of stories in this book. Moses was the author of this book and the date it was created was 1445 BC. The first part of Genesis talks about the beginning of how God created this beautiful world we are living in today. Also talks about the flood and how noah dealt with this issue (Gen 6 9 KJV). The second part of the book tells about how God deals with this one man, Abraham (Gen. 11 25 KJV). In the bibleit says that, Genesis is a Greek word meaning orgin, source, generation, or beginning. It also says the original title is Bereshith means in the beginning. In the book we are reading it states, He speaks, creates, calls, blesses,... Show more content on ... Canaan is in Israel. The books of the bible where Canaan is located is Genesis, Exodus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, and Job. I believe Canaan was a pretty popular place in the before Christ century because it did take its place in so many books of the bible. Especially in Joshua where the conquest took place in Canaan. Canaan is also known as the promise land. The whole book of Joshua talks about the conquest of Canaan. Then it also talks about the division of Canaan. Around 1400 BC The Amarna Tablets refer to a period of chaos in Canaan. (Hindson Towns, 2013, pg.49) Also in the book of Genesisfrom chapters 12 36 it talks about Joseph s arrival in Egypt which mostly took place in Canaan. It looks to me that Canaan had a really big part of the Old Testament and without Canaan where would we be today. I would say nowhere because it was a well known place. The book of Joshua was probably the book that the land of Canaan was in most. Just because of the conquest that occurred in that book. There was a map of Canaan in my Bible and it seemed to appear that it had a lot of mountains and it looked very
  • 13. Purdue Is A School That Is Cold Most Of The Academic Year Purdue is a school that is cold most of the academic year. There is a little while in the fall when students first arrive that is warm, and then it gets really cold. This encourages students to stop wearing deodorant because they think that they can get away with it and for the most part they do get away with it. Then at the end of the academic year the season turns to spring and it starts to get warmer outside. This means that people start to get sweat and smell more. The problem is that these students are now trained to not wear deodorant. This is troubling because body odoris disgusting. We thought that it would be a good idea to remind these students, whether they are lifting or even just going to class, to put on deodorant. It will save the that student from being bothered about it and the other students from having to smell it. We went about the research and production in a few steps. First we made a power point video and then we did a voice over on the video. The video was made from slides of words and pictures that we found on the internet. We also found data on the subject. One fact that the Daily Mail found out was that one in five men admitted to never using deodorant or any other kind of body spray (Tozer, 2011). We also found out through the Huffington Postthat deodorant has antibacterial that stops the stink of body odorbefore it happens while antiperspirants deal with sweat directly (Klein, 2013). The final fact we found that was interesting is
  • 14. Battered Woman Syndrome In Purple Hibiscus Adichie s Purple Hibiscus is a coming of age novel is about the effects of an oppressive patriarchal society. Throughout the story, Beatrice the mother of the protagonist Kambili agonizes because of her abusive relationship with her husband, which leads to her act of murdering him. Beatrice displays several symptoms of battered woman syndrome throughout the novel. Battered woman syndrome is a mental disorder that emerges within victims of long term domestic abuse (Thomson Reuters). Around 4,000 women a year die at the hands of their abusers 75 percent of them because they are trying to leave. For women, killing is often seen as a last resort (Starre Vartan). An example of a battered woman syndrome case is the case is People v. Scott in... Show more content on ... No longer is she shackled by the patriarchal society, but instead she is shackled by her own guilt.. One of the symptoms of Battered woman syndrome is performance at work or other important daily activities are affected (Joan McClennen). Beatrice now gives off the air of the unkempt woman in Ogbete market (295). She is walking slowly; her limp more noticeable, (306), implying she has difficulty walking. Her body is now painfully bony body, (296), she hasn t been eating regularly. She s been ignoring basic human needs, and doesn t value herself. After they visit Jaja who s now in jail, Beatrice finally speaks Kambili is taken aback, not because of her words a simple Thank you, (306), but because this is one of the few times in the past three years that she has spoken without being first spoken to (306). Kambili also states her mother, usually says nothing, (298), further evidence that Beatrice hasn t spoken much since Eugene s death. While not officially diagnosed in the novel, Beatrice suffers in a abusive patriarchal society and clearly displays multiple symptoms of battered woman
  • 15. Case Study Of Britannia Bread Certificate of Approval The following Summer Internship Report titled Study of the Bread Category and analysis of Britannia s current positioning strategy to recommend how to revitalise the brand Britannia Bread to establish itself an an iconic brand in this category is hereby approved as a certified study in management carried out and presented in a manner satisfactory to warrant its acceptance as a prerequisite for the award of Post Graduate Programme in Management for which it has been submitted. It is understood that by this approval the undersigned do not necessarily endorse or approve any statement made, opinion expressed or conclusion drawn therein but approve the Summer Internship Report only for the purpose it is submitted. ... Show more content on ... Currently only Harvest Gold is servicing this channel where vendors takes the delivery at a single point and hence no extra freight charges are required. Table 4.10: Potential for Government Institutions Playschools Daycare Schools: Playschools Daycare schools Serves bread at least once in a day to their students everyday. They also require to include snacks like burger, pav bhaji in their menu to make there food exciting. Usually these schools takes supplies from local vendors at a retail price. Previously only Harvest Gold was servicing this channel at a very competitive price. However, nutritionists are very particular about the quality of breads that is to be given to the students and do not find competition s quality at par when compared to Britannia health range. This channel have a huge potential as shown below: Table 4.11: Potential for play schools Online Grocery stores: Over the last two decades, rising internet and mobile phone penetration has changed the way we communicate and do business. E commerce is relatively a novel concept. It is, at present, heavily leaning on the internet and mobile phone revolution to fundamentally alter the way businesses reach their
  • 16. Rudolf Virchow s Impact On Modern Biological Sciences Rudolf Virchow could be considered one of the greatest biologists of 19th century, and perhaps even of all history. His abundance of work is also mostly accurate, sparing a couple minor and major misconceptions. He has even received an award for his efforts. This pathologist has greatly impacted modern biological sciences. Before one learns his achievements, it is imperative to know his early years. On October 13, 1821, Rudolf Virchow was born in rural Pomerania, an area in Prussia. He lived as an only child (Kearl, 2015). As a child, he had a fascination of the natural world. Virchow earned a great education because of his gift of intelligence ( Virchow, Rudolf Carl, 2015). Originally, Virchow sought to be a pastor. He abandoned this thought... Show more content on ... One of his biggest discoveries is the formation of cells. In 1855, Virchow stated that cells are made from other cells, which is still proven to be true today. He is not considered the first person to state this, but once he suggested this many other scientists took this thought seriously. Prior to this, it was understood that imbalances in the body produced a substance called blastema, which caused cells to be made. He is attributed to performing the first organized autopsy, which is now a common medical practice. The discovery of Leukemia is also accredited to him. In 1847, Rudolf and a fellow physician, Benno Reinhardt, published their own scientific journal. In said journal, the two asserted that medical practices should be based on only well proven science. The duo rejected several contemporary medical practices that had been around for ages, such as Galen s use of humors which was later proven to be incorrect (Doc, 2015). He later began to publish textbooks such as Cellular Pathology (Titford, 2015). Virchow also was an advocate of the improvement of public health for all social classes. In the medical science field, Virchow made an abundance of other discoveries. He published more than 2,000 scientific books and papers throughout his life, mainly in microscopic pathology. The British Royal Society s Copley Medal, the greatest award in science at the time, in 1892. Other notable recipients of
  • 17. Religious Influences Of African Americans Despite the ignorance and insensitivity of their oppressors, early African Americans instilled in their children the values of honesty, integrity and treating their fellow humans with compassion, an attitude that prevails in many modern African American families. During the period of slavery, African Americans found strength and unity through communal worship. In addition, African Americans, once freed from slavery, were very active in forming their own churches, most of them Baptist or Methodist. Although, my mother converted to Islam after marrying my father once he joined the Nation of Islam, she educated her children about her religious background which was Baptist. I rely on my faith to give me the inspiration I need to move forward... Show more content on ... The bible states that Christians are supposed to love and help each other at all times so I find myself always helping people in need. Also, on the political end, religion has strongly influenced which party I vote for. In my life, religion affects the way I look at life, communicate with others, spend my time, and how I act. My faith has shown me evidence of the resilience I ve had towards the inherited oppression in my life. I am now more compassionate and have a lot more empathy towards different ethnic and racial backgrounds which has allowed me to have more humility and empathy in my social work practice and relationships. In systems of oppression, power accrues to those who most closely approximates the mythical norm in the US which include: male, white, heterosexual, financially stable, young middle adult, able bodied, and Christian. Power is typically defined as the ability to coerce another s behavior and also includes access to social, political, and economic resources. Power can bring unequal distribution of tasks and rewards such as starting salary, resources, such as time off for research or start up funds/travel funds, research assistance, and service expectations. Unfortunately, I do not know what it is to have power and quite frankly, I may not ever know because of my race and cultural background. One of the persistent and perennial challenges faced by African
  • 18. Essay about Managerial Economics Ch2 Student: ___________________________________________________________________________ 1. In a competitive market, the market demand is Qd = 60 6P and the market supply is Qs = 4P. A price ceiling of $3 will result in a A. B. C. D. shortage of 30 units. shortage of 15 units. surplus of 30 units. surplus of 12 units. 2. In a competitive market, the market demand is Qd = 60 6P and the market supply is Qs = 4P. The full economic price under a price ceiling of $3 is A. B. C. D. 6. 7. 8. 9. 3. The buyer side of the market is known as the: A. B. C. D. income side. demand side. supply side. seller side. 4. The law of demand states that, holding all else constant: A. B. C. D. as price falls, demand will fall also. as ... Show more content on ... 20. Suppose the demand for good X is given by Qdx = 10 2Px + Py + M. The price of good X is $1, the price of good Y is $10, and income is $100. Given these prices and income, how much of good X will be purchased? A. B. C. D. 115. 515. 1,000. none of the statements associated with this question are correct. 21. Other things held constant, the greater the price of a good A. B. C. D. the lower the demand. the higher the demand. the greater the consumer surplus. the lower the consumer surplus. 22. The curve which summarizes the total quantity producers are willing and able to produce at differing prices is the: A. B. C. D. market demand curve. consumer surplus curve. average cost curve. market supply curve. 23. The law of supply states that, holding all else constant, as the price of a good falls: A. B. C. D. quantity demanded rises. quantity supplied falls. quantity supplied rises. quantity demanded falls. 24. The economic principle that producers are willing to produce more output when price is high is depicted by the: A. B. C. D. upward slope of the supply curve.
  • 19. extreme steepness of the supply curve. downward slope of the supply curve. interaction of the supply and demand curves. 25. For a steel factory, a decrease in the cost of electricity to the plant will cause the supply curve to: A. B. C. D. become flatter. shift to the left. shift to the right. become parallel to the price axis. 26. Changes in the price of a good lead to: A. B. C. D.
  • 20. The Aspectence Of God s Omnipresence In The Bible God s omnipresence is one of His essential attributes. His justice is also essential, and, therefore, it is necessary for Him to punish sinners who do not trust in Jesus for salvation. Thus, we have a God who is referred to as everywhere present yet who maintains a place called hell, described as a place where people are removed from His presence Then he will say to those on his left, Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels (Matthew 25:41). The Bible unquestionably demonstrates that God is all knowing and ever present. Everything is stripped and open to the eyes of Him to whom we should give account (Hebrews 4:13). Through the prophet Jeremiah, God asked: Am I a God close at hand...and not a God a far distance off? Would anyone be able to conceal himself in mystery places, so I might not see him?... Do I not fill paradise and earth? (Jeremiah 23:23 24). In fact, God does fill paradise and earth. Solomon stated: Observe, paradise and the paradise of sky can t contain You God (1 Kings 8:27). Nobody can escape from God s essence (Psalm 139:7). He is omniscient and inescapable. The Bible does, notwithstanding, talk about God s essence in various faculties. God is available on His position of royalty in paradise (Hebrews 8:1; 12:2; Revelation 21:5). Solomon alluded to paradise as God s abode from which He hears the petitions of His kin (1 Kings 8:30). God is available in and among His congregation (1 Corinthians
  • 21. Human Relations Reflection Report INTRODUCTION Everyone told me that I had to take this class with Kathy Oakland. People would claim that she was the best around and that I wouldn t regret having her as a professor. When looking at my major requirements I saw that I had to take Human Relations. When I first saw the title I thought I was going to be learning about how to work with and handle different types of people. I associated it with Human Resources, I knew that HR usually dealt with all sorts of people and relationships, so I wasn t 100% wrong. And people weren t wrong, Kathy has been one of the best professors that I ve had at UNI, I m really glad that I got to have her in class. STANDARD ONE This was the first standard that we discussed at the beginning of the year. There was a reading that taught me a lot about what teachers do that don t work in the classroom. The one point that the reading pointed out was that, A quieter tone is going to produce quietness better than if you use a higher tone. When you use a higher tone, your students are going to talk louder so they can hear each other. . During my level ones, I was in a Kindergarten classroom and my mentor teachers prefered method of classroom management was yelling. I knew this method wasn t the most effective, but it s what was being modeled in front of me. I m glad to know that there are readings out there that are proving that this method doesn t work for classroom management. This will be a reading that I will carry with me through my career as a teacher. STANDARD TWO Everyday I struggle with emotions and reacting before I think about how I actually feel. Many times in my life I will say something in a moment of anger, and I won t really mean what I said. Len came to class one day to talk to us, and one thing really stood out to me that I have applied to my life since. He talked about how your feelings can influence the majority of your decisions. He then said, Think about how you are feeling. Why are you feeling that way? You need to think before you react to a situation. . At first I thought that it would be a good thing to apply to help improve my life, but now that I m looking back and reflecting on what Len said, this will apply to my teaching career. Teachers will
  • 22. Kramer Vs Framer Essay Upon reviewing the film Kramer VS. Kramer, I will provide a brief summary and cover Semantic interference, Psychological interferences, and Selective listening. The movie Framer VS. Framer is about a couple going through a divorce affecting their son named Billy. The mother Joanna Kramer leaves her husband and son for her well being. Ted Kramer is then forced to raise his son with a little help from another friend who is also a single parent named Margaret. Ted later has to cope with obstacles, but maintains a stronger relationship with his son. First let s look at Semantic interference. The words you choose (Understanding Human Communication). Throughout the movie Ted had to pick his words wisely whenever Billy would ask a question about his mother. This is because even though Joanna and Ted were split up she was still Billy s mother. Another example of Semantic interferences in the movie Kramer VS. Kramer was when Joanna wanted her son back, Ted and Joanna had to go to court which means they had to pick there words wisely weather if they were appropriate for parenting Billy. Another example is when Ted is talking on the phone to Joanna s friend named Margaret talking about Joanna leaving him and he states Have you heard what she s done with ... Show more content on ... Your State of Mind (Understanding Human Communication). In the beginning of the movie Joanna was in a very bad place of her Psychological interences. Throughout the movie her friend Margret states the Joanna was depressed and was in a very bad state. Joanna even states He s better off without me which showed her self esteem. This may have been caused when she would say something to her husband and he wouldn t hear her. This showed selective listening. For example, When Ted was talking about his day and didn t want to hear that she was leaving him. Therefore, it is important to have positive psychological interventions because it could be affect your mental
  • 23. Mark Twain Satire Satire can be used in many ways, although it is not always done in a convincing manner. Only a knowledgeable and creative writer can influence people through this device. Satire often uses humor to show a current problem, and in most cases, it does not provide a solution but is the catalyst for it. Emotions on the topic are prompted and in turn the audience connects with the writer and the conflict at hand. Throughout history authors have wielded the literary devices of satireto convey a message; mockery, irony, overstatement, and understatement can be the most effective by shedding light on an issue in an unusual way. The most common and effective device of satire is mockery. In Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain, the author uses satire as the foundation of the novel, utilizing mockery the most often. Early on in the novel, when Huck and Jim meet, Huck is questioning Jim about what his plan is to do with his money and Jim responds with his idea that his friend Balum came up with, In church he hear de preacher say dat whoever give to de po len to de Lord, en boun to git his money back a hund d times (Twain 49). This mockery is effective because it is talking directly about an issue. Twain is mocking the old Catholic church and also the people that sometimes blindly followed it. In the 1500s the church was accused of offering its people the right to buy their way to heaven. In Jim s case, the church is saying that if anyone donates money, they will in return
  • 24. A1 Steak Sauce (Lawry s Defense) Running head: A1 STEAK SAUCE (LAWRY S DEFENSE) CASE ANALYSIS A1 Steak Sauce (Lawry s Defense) Case Analysis Selwyn Paul Davenport University Marketing Strategies MKTG610 Dr. Paula Zobisch Aug 09, 2011 A1 Steak Sauce (Lawry s Defense) Case Analysis Case Recap A.1. Steak Sauce was founded in England in 1830 by King George s Chef, Henderson William Brand and introduced to North America in the early 1900s. The Sauce became a premier brand of Kraft Foods Inc. who acquired it from Nabisco in 2002. (Kerin amp; Peterson, 2011, 630). A.1. Steak Sauce had done well in sales, and was able to secure excellent margins for Kraft Foods Inc. with a market share of approximately 50% and a brand awareness that was second to none (Kerin ... Show more content on ... (Kerin amp; Peterson, 2011, 631) A.1 sought to introduce and launch a new poultry marinade item, and was planning to continue an aggressive marketing campaign against its competitors. However, marketing the new poultry product was a failure and A.1 had to reassess its strategies regarding the launching of new trial marinade brands. The major challenge that A.1 based however was protecting its market share, and brand integrity by counteracting though bold launch of a new steak sauce product by Lawry which was cheaper, and very similar to the A.1 product. Lawry Steak Sauce was one dollar less than A.1. Steak Sauce ($3.99 vs. $4.99), and the Lawry product were 11 ounces whereas A.1 was 10 ounces. Lawry s product was also similar in taste, texture and packaging as the A.1 product which also presented a serious problem for A.1. Added to this was the fact that Lawry introduced its new product live on an interactive cooking show which gave the product an extra media boost. (Kerin amp; Peterson, 2011, 634) In addition to launching a product that was able to company with A1 Steak Sauce, Lawry formed an alliance with the supermarket Publix to launch a Memorial Day advertising campaign offering two bottles of Lawry Steak Sauce for five dollars as a promotional price. (Kerin amp; Peterson, 2011, 630). By using this
  • 25. Essay on Government Secrecy Ashley Simons Secrecy and a free, democratic government don t mix, President Harry Truman once said. Harry Truman understood the importance of an open government in a free society. Unfortunately, George W. Bush has a different outlook. From the first days of his administration, President Bush has taken steps to tighten the government s hold on information and limit public scrutiny of its activities. Expansive assertions of executive privilege, restrictive views of the Freedom of Information Act, increasing use of national security classification, stonewalling in response to congressional request for information В– all these were evident even before the September 11 attacks (At Issue: Has the Bush administration misused government... Show more content on ... The В‘secret designation referred to information in which its disclosure might endanger the national security, or cause serious injury to the interests of the nation or be of great advantage to a foreign nation. Similarly, В‘confidential could be applied to material of such a nature that is disclosure, although not endangering the national security, might be harmful to the interests or prestige of the Nation. The term В‘restricted is used in instances where information is for official use only and should be denied access to the general public. According to an analysis released in August, 2005, by, more and more government information is becoming less and less publicly available. is an unprecedented coalition of journalists, consumer and government groups, environmentalists, labor and others united out of a concern for what U.S. News and World Report called a shroud of secrecydescending over our local, state and federal governments (Gordon 35). This organization focuses on making the federal government a more open place to make us safer and strengthen the public trust in the government. In its Secrecy Report Card, OpenTheGovernment found that the government spent $7.2 billion last year creating 15.6 million new classified documents and securing accumulated secrets В– more than it has for the past decade (1). The increasing secrecy is expensive to maintain. The U.S. government
  • 26. Injutice Injustice The fact that crimes, drugs, and criminals have increased in America, is part of the reason why I am afraid to live in Sacramento. It is really hard to trust anyone or depend on the criminal justice system. There are even bad cops in America who have not been convicted for their wrongdoings. Many individuals get away with their actions because either are financially privileged, or have plenty of connections in the law enforcement. Those who are defined as middle class or poor do not have the ability to bribe others to receive what they want, or have the power to relinquish themselves out of trouble. Injustice is something that has always been relevant; a problem in American history and a problem today. In the textbook, Give me Liberty by Eric Foner, he uncovers the story on the trial of Anne Hutchinson. This trial was brought to my attention because what had happened to her was unethical. Hutchinson was charged with sedition which is the action by encouraging others to rebel against the authority. She also held meetings after church to talk about the bible. Anne Hutchinson announces her own point of views that are above the human law and church teachings. For example, Her meetings, said Governor Winthrop, were neither comely in the sight of God, nor fitting to your sex (Foner 74). We were all born with the ability to speak upon our own judgments and because she was educated and had her own logical opinions that other women did not have, she was on trial for that.
  • 27. International Commission For The Protection Of Human... 4.5. CONSIDERACIONES Г‰TICAS. En los Гєltimos 60 aГ±os, se han establecido diversos cГіdigos, normas y leyes sobre la realizaciГіn de investigaciones en seres humanos, como el CГіdigo de NГјremberg (Katz,1996), la DeclaraciГіn de Helsinki (AsociaciГіn MГ©dica Mundial,1964), el Informe Belmont (National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research, 1979), las GuГas Г‰ticas Internacionales para la InvestigaciГіn BiomГ©dica en Seres Humanos (Consejo de Organizaciones Internacionales de las Ciencias MГ©dicas CIOMS/OMS, 2002) o la DeclaraciГіn Universal sobre BioГ©tica y Derechos Humanos (UNESCO, 2005). AsГ mismo, se ha creado una sГіlida infraestructura Г©tica en el Espacio Europeo de InvestigaciГіn, como el Convenio de Oviedo (BOE, 1999) y otras recomendaciones Г©ticas en materia de investigaciГіn en la UniГіn Europea. En nuestra legislaciГіn, la Ley 14/2007, de 3 de Julio, se construye para garantizar los principios de respeto a la dignidad e identidad del ser humano y a la integridad de las personas en cualquier investigaciГіn que se lleve a cabo, relacionada con la salud ( BOE, 2002). La Ley proclama que la salud, el interГ©s del ser humano que participe en una investigaciГіn biomГ©dica deben prevalecer por encima del interГ©s de la sociedad o de la ciencia. AsГ pues, el imperativo categГіrico compartido por la mayorГa de estos cГіdigos Г©ticos hace referencia a que toda investigaciГіn debe salvaguardar la dignidad, derechos, seguridad y bienestar de
  • 28. The Distrust Between The Sexes By Karen Horney Differences Between Men and Women An analysis of The Distrust Between the Sexes by Karen Horney Men and women have always been unequal, and it has always been an issue of women wanting to be equal, and men wanting to be superior. Maybe in other countries across the globe they are more equal, but in America they are not as equal and women want them to be. Women are portrayed as the ones that are supposed to stay home and take care of the kids and cook and clean the house all the time. Men are supposed to be the workers of the family and they are not supposed to be the ones that cook the meals or clean the home. The man is supposed to be the worker, the woman is supposed to be the housewife, and women are supposed to give birth to kids ... Show more content on ... Chapter 14 of The Distrust Between the Sexes, Horney states, They bring forth new life and they nurture it. It was this life creating power of woman, an element force, that filled man with admiration. The President made a speech August 8 of 2014 about the role of women in society, and after the speech, the Angola Press Agency released this, The women, including rural women, represent a living symbol of the customs, traditions and knowledge, said the president, stressing that through them it was possible to convey these values to younger people within family, said the president. Africa News Service. Women play a big role in society, but sometimes, people don t see it. Thankfully, the president does.The Christian Century wrote about the 1980 s and had this to say, Throughout this period, mainline Christian editors remained reluctant to support women s working outside the home. The CENTURY feared two developments: 1) women might take jobs needed by ethnic minorities (a legitimate concern because American industry in the 1950s might have preferred women to minority employees); and 2) women working outside the home would likely have an adverse effect upon the family life of America. They still thought that women working outside the home was a bad idea. Just another example of how women are supposed to be in the home and not
  • 29. Interpersonal Communication Movie Juno Analysis The main character in the movie Juno is a 16 year old girl named Juno. She is witty, sarcastic and has a great sense of humor. Surrounded by the falling leaves of autumn, we find Juno drinking like ten tons of Sunny D as she decides to take three pregnancy tests to confirm her worst fear. She is pregnant. After a fateful and funny encounter with a pro life schoolmate outside an abortion clinic, ( Fingernails? The baby already has fingernails? ), Juno decides to go through with the pregnancy. Juno breaks the news to her best friend and father of the baby Paulie Bleeker, as well as her parents. Surprisingly all parties seem very supportive of her plan to give the baby up for adoption. With the advice from her friend Leah she searches... Show more content on ... He is in his mid thirties acting like he s eighteen. This ultimately leads to him divorcing his wife. Vanessa is not totally innocent in the dissolution of this marriage. She has pushed all of Mark s interests into a small bedroom and the basement. When I saw this I thought of the saying Out of sight, Out of mind. She shows no interest in his hobbies. Mark is deceptive towards Vanessa for not telling her how he really feels about becoming a father and Vanessa is guilty of not recognizing and talking about the differentiation aspects of their marriage. Deception and differentiating are two factors that can lead to the end of a relationship, especially if they are not recognized and dealt with in a timely manner. (McCornack, 2010, p.338) There is a scene where Vanessa is upset with Mark because he is totally uninterested in the shade of yellow she is painting the nursery Mark s remark is that he thinks it is too early to paint, again skirting the issue. When Mark tells Vanessa he wants a divorce, she still doesn t want to admit that he is serious about leaving she tells Juno he just has cold feet. Once Juno leaves Vanessa tells Mark Your shirt is stupid. (Referring to his cartoon band shirt) Grow up. If I have to wait for you to be Kurt Cobain, then I m never going to be a mother . (Reitman, 2007) She is clearly showing that her wants are above his in her mind. However
  • 30. Persuasive Speech About Youth Suicide Nicole: Man it would just warm my heart. I know too many people who have lost children. I know too many people here in the Manitou Springs school district. There were two youth who took their lives in one year. I mean it hits home across the nation of course across the globe. You study suicide rates for a variety of other causes across the globe, but it s everywhere. El Paso Countyhas one of the highest rates of youthsuicide so yeah I mean I would feel like I was actually providing true public and community service by just doing as much as I possibly could to support families in order to prevent that and to just bring some awareness to that. Half of it is just awareness and the ability to have the conversation around it Andrew: I think that that s huge Nicole and I think that s something that should really be talked about and needs to be talked about. I also think as we re looking over not just messaging, but also fundraising networks, we ve certainly seen an increase in youth homelessness in Manitou and neighboring Colorado Springs and I think as you stated there s been an increase youth suicide and just coming from my experience as a gay man I think there s some connections there. There would be a lot of people in the LGBTQ community interested in helping people who are = committed to those sort of issues with first being that LGBTQ youth make up about forty percent of the homeless population and thus are more prone to teen suicide so I mean looking for different demographic and groups whether it be looking at the LGBTQ community or the Latino community or whatnot I think you know it is not just good for outreach and messaging to those communities, but also potentially fundraising bases as well. Nicole: Absolutely. I m so glad you brought that up because Urban Peak is an organization we have down here. It s an amazing organization that deals with youth homelessness and I know the director and communicate with her regularly. In fact, I just saw her at an event. Citizens Project is another one that I attend their annual breakfast every year. I ve got to know several of those folks and they are very vocal and outspoken of the LGBTQ community so that s a great point we have several organizations down here
  • 31. Benefits Of The Prepaid Plan We know college can be very expensive. There are many expenses for higher education including; tuition, room and board, books, and extra cost. That being said, there are many programs and plans that can assist with the cost. I will discuss 529 plans, Coverdell education savings account, American Opportunity TaxCredit, Lifetime Learning Credits, and tuition fees. There is a 529 Plan that can help the parent start preparing for their child s college. The plan will help families save many for future college funding. The plan is setup into two plans, saving and prepaid. Saving plans work by investing your money in shared funds. If the family were to choose the savings plan, it comes with different options to invest the family s money in. The account will either increase or decrease in value based on the investment. The prepaid plan will allow the family to pre pay all of the cost for public higher education. The prepaid plan may also be converted for a private college. Even though contributions are not deductible, the income in the plan is federally tax free. Therefore, the income will not be taxed when they are removed to pay for college. The 529 plan does not have to be reported on tax return. The donor will stay in control of the account. The account owner can withdraw funds at any time, but non qualified withdrawals will earn income tax and a ten percent tax. Anyone can qualify for a 529 plan. There are no limits on income, age, or yearly contribution. (В§529) Coverdell
  • 32. Black Worms Lab There are two main types of toxicity, acute and chronic. Acute toxicity refers to a relatively high dose of a toxin given over a short period of time. Chronic toxicity is a relatively low dose of a toxin given over a longer time period. Acute toxicity is measured by the Lethal Dose 50 (LD50). LD50 is the dose of a specific substance that kills 50% of test organisms, and it varies from substance to substance. Toxin severity is due to intrinsic, within the body, and extrinsic, outside of the body, factors. When determining the effect of a toxin on an organism, it is important to compare the behavior of the organism exposed to a toxin to that of the same type of organism when not exposed to a toxin. California Black worms are a North American ... Show more content on ... Procure 8 petri dishes labelled water control , water 1 , water 2 , water 3 , control , low concentration , medium concentration , and high concentration . 2.Place 25 mL of water in the water control , water 1 , water 2 , and water 3 petri dishes. 3.Procure the tobacco solution in low, medium, and high concentrations. 4.Place 25 mL of the low concentration tobacco solution into the low concentration petri dish. 5.Place 25 mL of the medium concentration tobacco solution into the medium concentration petri dish. 6.Place 25 mL of the high concentration tobacco solution into the high concentration petri dish. 7.Procure 8 worms. 8.Place 2 worms in each of the following: water control , water 1 , water 2 , and water 3 . 9.Observe and record normal behavior of the worms with and without problems. 10.Move the worms from water control to control . 11.Move worms from water 1 to low concentration . 12.Move worms from water 2 to medium concentration . 13.Move worms from water 3 to high concentration . 14.Observe and record worm activity at 0, 4, 8, and 12 minutes. 15.Return worms to their original petri dishes. 16.Observe the worms at 0, 4, 8, and 12 minutes, recording their level of
  • 33. Hamlet And The Characters Of Hamlet In Hamlet 1.It is very clear that something is wrong in Denmark in scene 1 because King Hamlet has died. His brother that is now King was the one that murdered him. Prince Hamlet does not like the idea of his uncle becoming King and marrying his mother so soon after his father s death. Something else that let us know something was wrong was Barnardo and Francisco s conversation. They are used to taking turns being a guard so for Barnardo to ask Francisco Who s there (Ham. 1.1.1) let us know that there is someone else besides Francisco around the castle at that time. Come to find out King Hamlethas a ghostthat appears outside the castle that they can see. Since they see a ghost they bring a friend, Horatio, to confirm that this ghost that they are seeing really is King Hamlet. Horatio confirms the ghost by saying Such was the very armour he had on, (Ham. 1.1.59). Prince Hamletnow knows that the ghost is his father but is concerned that he may be haunting the castle to get revenge. I don t personally have some one that represents Claudius character but someone in the media that reminds me of him is Trump. I say this because I think Trump is a good leader because he tries to do what is best for America but because of that I don t think he is a very family man. An example of this is But you must know your father lost a father, That father lost, lost his, and the survivor bound (Ham. 1.1.89 90). He isn t worried about his family as much because he doesn t have much sympathy for Hamlet about losing his father. To me this reminds me of Trump because he doesn t always say things with other people s emotions in mind. 2.In scene 2, we can see that Claudius and Hamlet do not get along. Hamlet does not like that Claudius is just brushing off the king s death and moving right into getting married to Gertrude. Hamlet thinks that Claudius should be more upset about his death considering it was his brother, but he is not. Claudius says to Hamlet how is it that the cloud still hang on you? (Ham. 1.2.66) This line is insinuating that Prince Hamlet is still mourning over his father s death after months have gone by and Claudius doesn t think that he should be. I think that Claudius may have a little good in him because he
  • 34. Uruk And Gilgamesh Compare And Contrast The people of Uruk described Gilgamesh as a wise, good looking and determined King but feared his arrogance because he used abusing as his power and was sleeping with women, therefore it was not a good relationship the people of Mesopotamia had with Gilgamesh. Mesopotamians believed everything seen on the Earth including their lives, environments and societies were created or controlled by the gods, such as Shamash being the godof the sun, Adad being the god of the storm and Aruru being the goddess of creation. Gilgamesh oppresses his people and so they cry out to Anu, the god of Urukand in response Aruru creates Enkiduto rival Gilgamesh. These goods have better relations to the people of Uruk by listening, or staying in touch. Enkidu s
  • 35. Changing Attitude Towards Child Sex Preference CHANGING ATTITUDE TOWARDS SEX PREFERENCE AS OLD AGE SECURITY AMONG NIGERIAN OLDER PERSONS BY AJIBOYE, OLANREWAJU EMMANUEL(Ph.D) Department of Sociology, Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos. Abstract This paper focuses on the intensity of preference for sons over daughters in anticipation of old age security both physically and financially, and its impact on the care and support/ well being of the elderly in Nigeria in general, and in particular among the Yoruba of Southwest. The paper examines the impact of social change on child sex preference as old age security. Before delving into the theme of the paper, the concept of social change was briefly discussed. The reasons for having children generally are discussed, child sex ... Show more content on ... For example, an older person who was hard to get along with is more likely to lack support than the cheerful old person who gets along well with family and neighbours (Peil, 1991). All these are important variables, which determine whether individuals will receive adequate care and support from family and society. It is evident from the various literature that, very little attention has been paid to older people of modern industrializing societies of the world. In Nigeria for example, as well as in most developing countries, the need to plan for the welfare of older persons has received very little attention. There are clear evidences of lack of formal social support services for older people in Nigeria, such as Social Securiy, Pension, Health Insurance Scheme, Old Peoples Home, etc. One of the explanatory factors arises from the belief that the existing extended family system generally protects and provides for the welfare of old people in rural and agricultural societies. Hence, where an older person is childless, his/her brothers or sisters or even the children of his siblings are believed to be responsible for his/her maintenance. This may not be unconnected with why most policies, programmes and projects in the developing countries such as Nigeria have been concentrated on the children and the youths at the expense of older persons in the country. Both national and international organizations are seen working tirelessly
  • 36. The Meal Card Book Report As the Meal Card Book Control Officer on Fort Riley, my duties and responsibilities are to issue and receive meal card books from Meal Card Control Officers which is a control item. In addition to issuing and receiving meal card books, I provide training to officers, non commissioned officers and lower enlisted Soldiers on maintaining accountability for meal card books to include issuing the meal card, receiving the meal cards, destroying the meal cards and preparation of annual reports in accordance with regulatory guidance. These responsibilities culminate with me being a member of the installation Inspector General team conducting Organization Inspections within every battalion size element who have received meal card books from... Show more content on ... They assumed that all Army s forms are self explanatory, therefore, we completed the exercise using the step by step methodology. I provided each group a DA Form 4809 and a DD Form 714. The Soldier playing the role as the issuer annotates columns a, b, and d and Meal Card Control Sheet and require the recipient to sign in column E The issuer will place recipient s name on the DD Form 714, obtain the recipient s signature and the MCCO will sign the DD Form 714 and have the meal card laminated and provided to the recipient. This completes the meal card issuing transaction. Immediately after mastering this task, the training continued and covered replacing a Soldier s lost meal card. The MCC will annotate DA Form 4809 columns c and d and sign column e on the next available line. Additionally, MCC will annotate meal card control sheet with lost and the replacement meal card number. Next the MCC will annotate DA Form 4809 column a, b, d, and have the recipient sign in column e on the next unused line on the DA Form 4809, obtain the recipient s signature and MCCO signature on DD Form 714 and laminate the meal card and provide to the recipient. The MCC will make a copy of the DA Form 4809 and the copy in the inactive binder while placing the original DA Form 4809 in the active binder. The students revealed their frustration with the process and continually interrupted the block of instruction. It seemed as though I kept repeating the same instruction over and
  • 37. Evolution Of Mitochondria The evolution and mutation rate of the organisms has varied greatly over the past millions of years. Previously, scientists knew little information on how to determine evolutionary changes, however new techniques involving molecular analysis have enriched the knowledge of scientists. Many organisms have completely reworked their chemical makeup and it is important to recognize these changes and the things that provoke them. Knowing how evolution works allows scientist to study diseases and identify the genes that cause them. If could also provide information on how to save endangered species and different agricultural techniques. Without this clear understanding it becomes impossible to solve biological problems that arise within the human... Show more content on ... Some mutations serve as a form of natural selection and can help better the life of an organism. The mutation rate of the mitochondrial DNA has been proven to be one hundred fold higher than that of nuclear DNA. A recent study conducted by scientists has suggest the reason for the abundance of mitochondrial DNA mutations. In the study, they suggested that the nucleotide imbalance within mitochondria cause a decrease in polymerase gamma, or POLG, and an increase in mutation rates. The main responsibility POLG is to encode the DNA polymerase that duplicates the mitochondrial genome. This protein also consists of a two domains. The catalytic domain displays polymerase activity, while the anexonuclease domain recognizes and removes DNA base pair mistakes that occur during DNA replication. As a result of the vast population of mitochondrial DNA, mitochondria are considered heteroplasmic. Heteroplasmy surrounds the presence of various types of genomes within a single cell. When considering the severity of mutations and mitochondrial diseases heteroplasmy is a prominent factor. When a single cell divides mitochondrial segregation occurs in a random matter and the mitochondria is divided between daughter cells. This process is not very well organized, which causes the daughter cells to receive similar, but not identical, copies of their mitochondrial DNA. Unlike the segregation of mitochondrial DNA, chromosome
  • 38. Antitrust Law Violation Of Antitrust Laws Antitrust Law Violations Introduction This paper will discuss the Google case that was presented by Microsoft stating that Google was in violation of antitrust laws. Also, in this paper some of the pecuniary and non pecuniary costs will be discussed. Given in this paper will also be my thoughts on monopolies and oligopolies. Antitrust Case Google was investigated for antitrust behavior because they were claimed to be an internet bully that abuses its dominance of online search and advertising (STEINHAUSER LIEDTKE, 2011, p. 1). Google was doing things like buying smaller companies in search results but then labeling/highlighting their own services instead. Being that Google was knocking out the competition by only showing their results ... Show more content on ... When dealing with market structures and considering Google as a monopoly, the characteristics of the monopoly market structure fit. In a sense, Google is being seen as the only producer for internet search, and is trying to make it seem through their practices that they are the only reliable business in the industry. Because of the overwhelming market power Google is gaining through the use of other smaller companies, other businesses such as Microsoft, are beginning to feel that the competition being created is unfair and favored. Especially with Google blocking out their results as the search engine is used. Antitrust as Investopedia pointed out, prohibits a variety of practices that restrain trade, ( Antitrust Definition | Investopedia , n.d.). According to the complaints of Microsoft, Google was in violation of the Sherman Act of 1980. The Sherman Act states that, public is best served by free competition in trade and industry, ( Sherman Anti Trust Act legal definition of Sherman Anti Trust Act , n.d.). Also, the Sherman Act points out that, it prohibits monopolies attempts to monopolize, or conspiracies to monopolize. ( Sherman Anti Trust Act legal definition of Sherman Anti Trust Act , n.d). By blocking out their rivals, and not giving them an equal opportunity to display the information related to the searches of the consumers, Microsoft felt this was a violation of the Sherman Act. On another note, after reading the research
  • 39. The Influence Of Life In The 1920 s To live in the 1920 s was like living in a seemingly eternal jazz club. This world was full of people making something of themselves through fashion and dancing. From parking your girdle so that you have the ability to do the Charleston dance, to short skirts and even shorter haircuts, and men playing jazz music in the Cotton Club every night, the 1920 s was a time of youthful celebration and exotically inspired dress. What the individuals that lived in the 1920 s didn t realize was that they would have a major influence in our world today. If there was no dancing, no mini skirts, and no jazz music, our world would be tasteless and lacking culture. The Roaring 20 s was a time of the first Youth Rebellion , sheiks, shebas, flappers, jazz music, and Oxford Bags . Sheiks were young men with sex appeal, as well as shebas were young women with sex appeal (Britten 28 32). Flappers were young women who wore short skirts, cut their hair short, and danced the nights away with the sheiks and shebas. During the 1920 s, young ladies were expected to dress modestly, in long skirts with blouses and corsets. Those expectations were soon cast adrift when the night clubs and jazz music came along. Girls began parking their girdles and dancing. A large portion of the... Show more content on ... All of the clubs played jazz and swing music, making the Roaring 20 s a magnificent time to be a dancer. Every night, people from all backgrounds and professions were lined up outside the doors to get into the night clubs (Ward 131). In the early 1920 s, not very many people cared about the particular bands that played, but later in the decade individuals became particular about which band was playing the music they danced to each night. It was typical to see African Americans playing swing and jazz in white clubs for money. In fact, it was a common understanding that African Americans were better at composing this genre of
  • 40. Political Power In John Locke And The State Of Power However, once they ve reached this age of reason, they are still supposed to honor their parents, but are no longer obligated to obey this paternal power or their rules. Political power, according to Locke, is essentially the right to make laws for protection and the regulation of property. However, according to Locke, these laws that are made are only laws if the people believe they are and accept them as good for the community. He claims that no political society can survive without laws in place to protect private property, that is, life, liberty and his estate. The differences in power between Hobbes and Locke are important because the political power that Locke discusses, the power that ensures one s life, liberty and pursuit of happiness is non existent in Hobbes s state of nature. Another key difference that Locke believes is evident in his version of the state of nature is the use of laws. Locke believes that laws are not created when a sovereign or governing force is put into place. He believes laws were always there, but in the state of nature, it is the citizens that are the enforcers. For example, if one breaks the Law of Nature, everyone has the power to punish the offender, as long as it is impartial. There is a bit of a problem with impartiality in this aspect. Individuals could enforce these types of laws, but more often than not, they would not be impartial. Therefore, a government might be more effective in the enforcing category, except for an absolute
  • 41. Puritan Depravity and Distrust in Hawthorne s Young... Puritan Depravity and Distrust in Young Goodman Brown Puritan doctrine taught that all men are totally depraved and require constant self examination to see that they are sinners and unworthy of God s Grace. Because man had broken the Covenant of Works when Adam had eaten from the Tree of Knowledge, God offered a new covenant to Abraham s people which held that election to Heaven was merely a possibility. In the Puritan religion, believers dutifully recognized the negative aspects of their humanity rather than the gifts they possessed. This shadow of distrust would have a direct influence on early American New England and on many of its historians and writers, one of which was Nathaniel Hawthorne. The influence of ... Show more content on ... Hawthorne sets Young Goodman Brown into a context of Puritan rigidity and self doubt to allow his contemporary readers to see the consequences of such a system of belief. Hawthorne s tale places the newly wed Puritan Brown upon the road to what may or may not be a true conversion experience. The conversion experience a sudden realization brought about by divine intervention, a vision, or perhaps a dream easily translates into the dream allegory of Hawthorne s work and allows the author to use Puritan doctrine and the history of Salem to argue the merits and consequences of such a belief. Major issues and themes of Puritanism must have been researched and delicately placed into Hawthorne s discussion of not only past consequences of Puritan zeal but also on the contemporary religious issue of his own time, the Second Great Awakening. Much like the nighttime witches Sabbath that awaits Goodman Brown, the tent revivals of the 1820 s and 1830 s could be seen by the questioning Hawthorne as another attempt by the church to sway its membership towards total obedience and faith. The importance placed on this event by Goodman Brown shows the importance placed on the conversion experience
  • 42. Free Throws In the beginning, we often see tasks as not having meaning or being a waste of our time. We won t realize that these tasks will help us later in life in valuable moments in our life. I remember as a young child learning the ropes of how to play my favorite sport basketball. My father and I would drill around, and i d learn to shoot by B.E.E.F (Balance, eyes, elbows in, and follow through), but one tasked seemed to be unimportant to me and that was free throws. I couldn t understand why we had to practice free throws so often and so much. I didn t learn until later in life how important it was to have the skill of shooting free throws. While I was young free throws never seemed to be as important as they are today to me, when i was young this... Show more content on ... Playing against the Buffalo Bison we the freshman Warriors had not played well. Throughout the game shots had not dropped for us and we struggled in a close game. None the less, we continued to play physical on both ends of the court. Fouls were called in bunches on both ends of the court, on both us and the Bison. The difference in us the Warriors and the Bison was that was shot free throws exceptionally well compared to the Bison. In the end, the game ended with us the Warriors only have three players on the court, while the Bison had five players left. Even down players we had gained a lead where there was no way we could lose. During this game i shot twelve free throws and only missed one, i shot at over ninety percent helping lead our team to a victory. This is when i realized how important free throws are to a game of basketball. The amount of free throws you shot and make is important to any team looking for a win against any opponent. Not till i had experience the meaning of free throws first hand i had no reason to practice them. My father forced me to shoot them and i am thankful now, while back then they just annoyed me. This task of shooting one hundred free throws a night seemed to be useless at a young age, until i had was but in a position where my task lead us to victory. The task i learned that day seemed to have no meaning to me until i had grown up.
  • 43. Sex Is Not Only Important For The Existence Of Humanity As women and men it is not only important for the existence of humanity, but also to fulfill an innate human desire for everyone to be able to express themselves sexually. Although sex can be something that men and women desire, and at times yearn for it is important to remember that sex is not just a physical act, it is something that comes with emotions and responsibility. Fundamentally it is important to understand how sex works and the anatomy of yourself and the opposite sex, the consequences of having unprotected sex, what and how to use contraceptives and finally understanding yourself and your sexual preferences. Before engaging in any sexual act it is important to understand the anatomy of the opposite sex and to understand why... Show more content on ... During sexual intercourse or sexual activity, a substance known as semen, which is comprised of salt, water and other bodily fluids aid the sperm for its travel through a woman s vagina, to her uterus to then attach to an egg. This is the process called conception that allows for the growth of a baby within her womb. Much like men, women have external and internal sex organs. However, unlike men women are able to get pregnant and give birth to children due to the composition of their internal sex organs. The external sex organs of women are refereed to as the vulva. The components of the vulva include the mons venerus which is a lump above a woman s pelvic bone mostly comprised of fat, labia majora which are lips made up of fat that cover or protect the vulva, labia manora which are smaller lips inward from the labia major, and the clitoris which is the external structure that is responsible for female orgasm. Female internal structures include the vagina which is a canal like structure that is made up of muscle. The vagina is the part of the body where a penis is inserted during vaginal intercourse. It connects to the cervix which is the bottom portion of the uterus that sticks out into the vagina. A small narrow opening at the base of the cervix is where sperm enters once semen has been ejaculated into the vagina. The cervix leads
  • 44. Tim Tebow Research Paper Heisman trophy winner, Kids Choice award winner for favorite male athlete, best male college athlete ESPY award winner ,Timothy Richard Tebow does a lot more than win awards! He makes the world a better place. Without Mr. Tebow s contributions, the world would be a harsher and worse world than it is now. Besides Tim Tebows awards, he has created the Tim Tebow Foundation, Incorporated. This foundation is a charity that you can donate money to and help children in need. It helps spread the word of God, gives love, faith, and hope to children in their darkest hour of need. People have donated money from all over the world to help this cause, for example the Philippines. Mr. Tebow spent a lot of time in the Philippines when he was younger. Today he takes mission trips with friends and family to help spread the word of God, and give comfort to those who are having hard times over there as well. ... Show more content on ... He was putting bible verses on his eye black to raise awareness of Christianity. He influenced a lot of people when they searched it up on google, especially to know what the verse John 3:16 was about. He also has comforted many of people during his games. For example, at the Arizona fall league Tim Tebow comforted a man that was having a seizure from a brain tumor. They talked about college football when the man said he liked Georgia, the rival of the Florida Gators where Tebow went to college. Also in the year of 2016, Mr. Tebow comforted a passenger on a plane when she had medical
  • 45. Freedom Writers Techniques The Freedom Writers 1.11 In the Film Freedom Writers,the diary scene , the scene is about the students writing about their lives during their childhood and now, this is an important part of the movie because it is used to show the story of the students to the audience and how their lives are in the present, shortly after the LA Riots, the scene uses a range of techniques such as the sound, editing, the colour/lighting and the cinematography to give the scene more emphasis. The Directors use of Fade transitions, Close up shots and Flashbacks during the scene are important, as the audience sees lots of fade transitions between flashbacks and the present. Sometimes we can see faded pictures of the students diaries it shows illustrations in ... Show more content on ... We can see these techniques used substantially during Brandy s part of the scene. Dark lighting is shown in Brandys flashback scene, during the flashback we see Brandys father abuse her mother and the rest of her family, we also see this when her father kicks her and her siblings to the kerb. The dialogue of Brandy is heard all throughout her scene, she is explaining what has happened to her but her voice is very depressing. These techniques have been used in order to show the audience the struggle of their lives and how trapped Brandys and the other students lives are. The dialogue of the students show the audience what Brandy has been through, it is obvious that it is not an easy subject for them to talk about, this makes the audience feel shocked how her father would abuse his family. The dark lighting within the flashback represent how dark and gloom Brandys life has been, all she has witnessed and been through, its shows how depressing her life has been. The combination with her standing by the fence in the flashback, it shows how she is trapped in this life. this makes the audience feel saddened for Brandy and surprised that the students are alive after all that has happened to them This makes the audience understand how much they have gone through and how they didn t want this life. This shows the audience that that this life is not the life they wanted, they
  • 46. Pitbull And Human Behavior Analysis The words Pitbull or Mastiff or even Rottweiler can often cause the ordinary to pull up their lip, or to gasp. Many times I use the word Pitbull and an immediate response is something along the lines of aggressive dogs or dangerous animals , but I ve never believed that to be the case. In October of 2014, my mom andI had begun to discuss adding a fur baby to out family. We had the original intent of getting a Rottweiler, a sweet dogwith a big bark. Of course, things don t always go as we intend them too. A different breed was immediately pushed on us when we mentioned we wanted someone protective, but still sweet. Within minutes, I was sitting with our future puppy in a four by four pen playing. It took about 5 minutes before ... Show more content on ... Sometimes, you cross a bad egg. The person who calls to you from a distance, that your dog is dangerous. Instead of getting upset, you have to laugh it off. After all, I know that in a few hours the brown fluff will be on my lap, drooling and snoozing, not terrorizing anyone. I ve learned patience. I ve learned patience both with training him, and the people that meet him. He s a handful, but all puppies are. He s taught me that keeping my cool will pay off, because now, after staying patient with him, he almost always listens first try. Some people are immediately turned on by the idea of my squishy face boy, and some are a little wary. Some patience sometimes shows people that both he and I are good, and by the end of our conversation, they end up petting him, and realizing that they were wrong. The ups and downs of reactions will be a constant as long as we have Roscoe (which I hope is a long, long while) and having him almost two years has taught me a lot about how to handle reactions, as well to handle things in
  • 47. Descriptive Essay On The Color Memoir The Color Memoir One Friday night, Brooke Schettler invited me to a movie night at her house. I decided that it would probably be too entertaining to miss out on, so I went. I arrived at Brooke s house where I sat around for a short while eating candy while talking with the few other people that were there, waiting for the rest of the guests to arrive. I didn t know that the plan was to watchscary movies. I am not very much of a scary movie person. When I watch scary movies, afterwards I will have nightmares for a week. Even so, I stayed quiet about my discomfort and didn t say anything while they picked a movie. The first movie that we watched was about a mass murderer who would target particularly girls, kidnap them, torture them, and afterwards use them as puppets for a picture that he would keep, similar to a trophy of what he accomplished. The movie was mainly centered on a girl who worked at a small grocery or department store. At the beginning of the movie, we knew who the murderer was. For days he would come to the store where she worked to buy something. One night her friend pressured her into going to a party. She went, although, when she went outside she saw him. Not thinking much about it, she went back inside. It wasn t until they heard a scream, found a dead body, that she began to panic. By that time it was too late. It ends with everyone at the party in a bloody, mangled, yet realistic picture. The next movie that we watched was called The Lazarus
  • 48. Drake s Passage Is The Worst Ocean On The World The ocean that had chased them back and made them flee for the shelter of the ice pack is the worst ocean on the globe. (82) Drake s Passage can be considered to be the worst ocean on the globe (82) by many. This treacherous ocean is an 800 kilometer wide gap between South america s Cape Horn and South Shetland Island of Antarctica. What makes Drakes passage considered to be the worst on the globe? Sailing through this passage is incredibly dangerous because of its insane winds. On the Beaufort scale is has known to have winds from category 10 123. Drakes passage is extremely deep. The Average depth being 11,000 feet and the deepest trench going all the way down 15,400 feet4. Drakes passage is known to have two different moods. The first one is the drake Lake it is when the ocean is a clear as a lake with no windor waves just nice sailing. Normally it s the second mood the drake shake, this is when the passage has ferocious roaring winds which creates enormous waves, not a fun time. In 1578 there was an Explorer named Sir Francis Drake that went through the Strait of Magellan. When he went through the Strait of Magellan he lost 4 ships. After his last ship made it through it got pushed farther south and that s when drake realized that there is a another route for ships further south. Then the bottleneck was named Drake Passage after him. The southern ocean carries strange that often run against the prevailing winds,causing a broken, turbulent surface and stirring up
  • 49. Literature Review On Organic Food Name: Jolanda Seli Matric no: S38420 Assignment: Literature Review Consumer attitudes and Purchase Intention toward Organic Food in University Malaysia Terengganu 4.0Literature Review Consumer are more concerned about the nutrition and quality of their daily food nowadays. They tend to find the green aspect in the products, as well as their effect on earth (Minyan Yang, Sarah Al Shaaban and Tram B.Nguyen, 2014). This is because the emergences of the fake product that contain a lot poisonous chemical that can lead to cancer and other critical diseases. The demand for organic food continue to rise in developed country and the trend move to developing country including Malaysia (Chandran Somasundram, Zuliana Razali and Vicknesha Santhirasegaram, ... Show more content on ... (2016). A Review on Organic Food Production in Malaysia. 1. Ihsan Effendi, PahamGinting, Arlina Nurbaity Lubis and Khaira Amalia Fachruddin. (2015). Journal of Business Management. Analysis of Consumer behaviour of Organic Food in North Sumatra Province, Indonesia, 46. Irianto, H. (2015). consumers attitude and intention towards organic food purchase. an extension of theory of planned behavior in gender perspective, 19. Leon G. Schiffman and Joseph L Wisenblit. (2015). consumer behavior eleventh edition. United States of America : Pearson Education. Lewin, J. (2013). how to guide organic. what does organic mean? M, C. (2009). Attitudes toward Organic food among Taiwanese as related to health consciousness,enviromental attitudes,and the mediating effect of a healthy lifestyles. British Food Journal. Minyan Yang, Sarah Al Shaaban and Tram B.Nguyen. (2014). Consumer attitude and purchase intention towards organic food. a quantitative study of China, 7. Minyan Yang, Sarah Al Shabaan,Trum B Nguyen. (2014). consumer attitudes and purchase intention towards organic food . a quantitative study of China , 14. NZFSA. (2008). NZFSA Policy on Organic Food. A Background Paper,
  • 50. William Tell Argumentative Essay Some people think William was a hero and some think he was an outlaw. William did not obey the law or bow down to a king so some people say he is bad. Other people think that he did not bow down because he was an evil king. He also saved Switzerland. I think that William Tell was an amazing hero that is not afraid. He did not bow to a king. The king made him almost kill his son and he killed a king. William Tell did not bow to a king. A long time ago an evil king sent a hat on a pole to the village. He told everyone to bow to it. Everyone bowed to him even though they did not want to. Everyone bowed to him except William. William did not want to bow to an evil king. An evil king did not deserve to be bowed to. Soon after that the king found out that he did not bow to his hat he was very mad. He decided that he needed to get him back so that everyone would know that he was powerful and they needed to do what he said. Since he was a tyrant he came up with the worst... Show more content on ... The king told him that he had to shoot an arrow off of his sons head with one arrow. If, he missed he would kill his son before his eyes and then kill him. If, he missed there is also a chance he would kill his son. William was a good hunter and could shoot a bow but he did not want a chance to hurt his son. William was scared but, his son trusted him. Then the king made him do it. He was able to shoot it so straight it hit the apple off his head. The king did not like that he had not gotten hurt. Then another arrow came out from his jacket. They king asked what it was for. He was brave and said it was for if, his son got hurt because of him, he would kill the king. Lots of people think that this was bad because he was going to kill someone but he was going to kill a tyrant that would make someone kill their own family for power. The king was very
  • 51. The World of Technical and Professional Writing Essay The World of Technical and Professional Writing As technical writing grows into a more common discipline, complicated questions concerning ethical standards seem to present themselves more frequently. Much of what is written by a technical writer will need to appeal to individuals of varying situational backgrounds, and in this day of intense political correctness and moral responsibility, it is important to remember the ethical and other cultural issues associated with writing for diverse groups of people. Perhaps the foremost ethical question that presents itself to technical writers revolves around the question What makes a piece of writing acceptable to one s audience? On the surface, this is a seemingly ... Show more content on ... When beginning one s research for any project, four basic issues should be considered: audience, purpose, scope and prior knowledge. The writer should determine who his or her audience will be and for what purposes the audience will use the writer s knowledge. The audience s intended purposes will determine how broad or narrow to focus the scope of the information. Finally, the writer s prior knowledge of the given topic will determine how much time should be devoted to research (Pickett, Laster, and Staples 513 14). Each of these considerations will be discussed at intervals throughout this text. Ethical practices involving research methods are especially important to those individuals who have a career in education and who use their experiences with students as a source for their professional writings. Ethical issues, of course, are not limited to the field of education, but many questionable concerns can certainly present themselves in pedagogical situations. For example, when using a student (or a group of students) as a source of data for research, it is important to remain aware of his or her vulnerability, dignity and privacy. These three conditions come into question on a regular basis and are heavily debated by professionals in the field. The disputes are largely due to the fact that professional and
  • 52. The Pros And Cons Of RICO Conspiracy The United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania in Brown v. Access Midstream Partners, L.P.1310, specifically addressed such civil RICO В§ 1962(d) conspiracy pleading contentions advanced by defendants alleged to have formulated, implemented, and executed a sophisticated elaborate scheme to defraud real property owners in connection with offering and promoting a natural gas drilling and gathering operation. Though substantial returns were represented by the promoters as commercially attractive, in fact, the promoters essentially reduced the amount of the income stream due payable by charging alleged fees, costs, and expenses payable to a third party, thereby significantly reducing the royalty payments. The property ... Show more content on ... 1313 See Church Mutual Insurance Co. v. Alliance Adjustment Group, LLC, 2015 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 121852 (E.D. Penn., 14 September 2015)(insurance fraud conspiracy claim sustained, citing and following Smith v. Berg, 247 F.3d 532 (3d Cir. 2001)(RICO В§ 1962(d) conspiracy charging mortgage lenders and title insurance institutions involved in high profile real estate mortgage financing scheme with real estate developers exposed to conspiratorial liability notwithstanding absence of actual commission of underlying predicate offenses). 1314 See Dean Browning Webb, Judicially Fusing The Pinkerton Doctrine To RICO Conspiracy Litigation Through The Concept of Mediate Causation, 97 Kentucky Law Journal 665, 674 681 (2008 2009). 1175 examined such a highly visible RICO criminal enterprise endeavour in De Sole v. Knoedler Gallery, LLC.1315 De Sole addressed RICO claims asserted against an upscale, highly recognized pedigree art gallery and the gallery principals for promoting and selling forgeries of paintings allegedly produced by internationally recognized artists including globally acclaimed artists Jackson Pollock, William de Kooning, and Mark Rothko. The gallery principals and operators engaged in