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Accelerate Your Ambitions
Live Workshop with:
5 Shifts to Create
All the Time in the
Dalia Lourenço
Productivity Coach
This webinar is for Ambitious Professionals who:
• have big aspirations and high expectations for
• are determined go-getters with strong work
ethic with the desire to create a purposeful
business or career and life;
• want to turn their efforts into results;
• want to find razor-sharp focus, become
powerfully efficient with their time; and
• want to achieve their dreams.
Who is this for?
• Do you find yourself overwhelmed and
anxious? Like you are dealing with a million
priorities and constantly “putting out
• Are you dissatisfied with your work-life
balance and are looking for a way to re-
• Are you stressed from over commitment?
Does this sound like you?
Do you feel like:
•Deep down you never quite
have it together?
•Time is passing you by?
•You’re stuck in the mundane
year after year while you miss
out on meaningful and exciting
•If you don’t make a
change, you risk finding
yourself years from now
on your deathbed
without having achieved
your dreams or made the
memories that matter?
Does this sound like you?
You’ll learn...
• The 5 secrets of time management even if you feel like you need 48
hours in a day.
• The critical shift you need to make that allows you to make time
more abundant.
• How to free up time for your goals without neglecting your
• How to stop sacrificing your goals for busy work.
• How to free up minimum 1 hour of time starting TODAY.

In the next 45 minutes…
Your actions are investments.

Why take control of your time?
-The calculator Site
The compound
-Market Watch
Why take control of your time?
The compound
Why take control of your time?
The Kaizen Principle
A Step By Step Strategy To Become Powerfully
Efficient With Your Time
Starting With One Hour TODAY
If you stay until the end, you get the steps for free.
The steps will help you change your relationship
with time so that you can move faster towards your
There is nothing for sale today…
Here’s what I see among professionals right now...
Professionals taking business or other
productivity-related courses, but struggling to
gain momentum.

Many people are sharing listicles, TED Talks,
productivity apps and news articles.

Here’s what I see among professionals right now...
Ambitious people are caught up in a
TRAP and believing a LIE…
The Productivity TRAP
They were taught being ambitious
The Productivity TRAP
These professionals have incredible
ambition, but don’t know how to take
their productivity to the next level to
achieve the results they deserve.

Most professionals feel like work-life
balance is a myth and having a strong
work ethic = struggle.

Many people try productivity
strategies here and there, and some
are helpful to an extent, but nothing
is really solving their overwhelm or
bringing them closer to their goals.

The Real Problem: You haven’t made the important
shifts, yet!
And it could be as simple as you just don’t know
what they are -
until NOW
Can you relate?
Once you’ve made the shifts …
• You'll have complete clarity on how to create
time for the things that are important to you
• You'll be confident in how you structure your
day and approach your daily work
• You'll master the routines that keep you
focused and working smarter, not harder
• You’ll understand how to breath through glass
ceilings and achieve what you’ve been desiring
• You’ll create a liberated, no-stress, freedom-
lifestyle and follow your calling


Let’s discover the 5 shifts
From international communications to
Productivity and Ambitions Consultant
I went from anxious and desiring more time for
travel and friends to an international career,
traveling the world for work and pleasure.
Now I help ambitious people turn their efforts
into results by improving their productivity
systems. They’re kicking procrastination, guilt
and anxiety to the curb while making time for
themselves, increasing their value in the new
economy and achieving the life they desire.
A little more about me…
I spoke with hundreds
of Ambitious
Professionals last
year, some with show-
stopping results and
some struggling
But the Top Achievers
consistently did these 5
things - no matter what
their profession and their
I, too, have made these
shifts when I went from
ambitious but feeling
anxious and overwhelmed
to consistently achieving
my goals, both personal and
professional, faster than

This means that the 5 shifts will WORK FOR YOU, TOO!

Why ask “why”?
“He who has a why can endure any how.”
What if I don’t know my
What would you do with one extra
hour TODAY?
1 extra hour per day = 365 hours per year or 45 eight-hour
work days.
•What would you do with all that time?
•What will you do with your 1 extra hour 


What could that hour add up to?
If you DO know your WHY…
Go a step further

Keep asking “Why” until you have your core reason.
It should be specific and personal.
Why ask “why”?
Your WHY becomes your your CORE driver and
MOTIVATOR that underlies the change.
“What you do simply proves what you
-Simon Sinek
A few examples of goals I have achieved and
my WHYs
Career goals:
Deployments to
Ukraine and Angola,
Personal: Travel with
friends, discovering
new places, time for
exercise and being
Now it’s your turn!
What are your WHYs?
Productivity isn’t a
It’s a lifestyle.
So to sum up, before you even think about making more time, becoming
more productive, or all the things you want to achieve, you need to know
specifically what the reasons are behind those desires, because this is the
foundation of everything you are going to do later!
Do you see how this is going to underpin and empower your time
management actions and decisions?
Decide where an extra hour will
go today by choosing a timeslot.
“What isn’t scheduled
doesn’t happen.”
-Famous proverb we’ve all heard.

Tip for choosing your timeslot:

Get creative.
Some tips for selecting your timeslot
Use your commute

The average commuting time for Americans is 25
That’s nearly an hour each day!
Some tips for selecting your timeslot
Make the most of your morning

Never hit “snooze”

Don’t start your day in procrastination mode.

Get rid of any AM decision-making

Use your lunch break
Use your lunch break

Some tips for selecting your timeslot
Use your evenings
Be honest, how productive are you really in the evening?
If you met up with friends, would your night have been just
as good had you left an hour earlier?

If you have time in the evening but no energy, try going to
bed earlier and using the morning timeslot.

Some tips for selecting your timeslot
Some tips for selecting your timeslot
Now, schedule it!
Kris scheduled her morning ritual to curb anxiety
●While working with me, Kris made time
for a morning hike and meditation.
Despite working two jobs, doing a
Master’s of Public Health in a new
country, relationship stress and chronic
anxiety, she prioritized this hour for
herself at the beginning of the day. By
taking the time out, she set herself up to
handle everything else that came her
way during a difficult life period.
●She aced her exams, succeeded in
acquiring funding for the NGO she leads
and made an international move to start
a new life and career phase.
Women in Global Health co-founder and Operations
Director, Research Fellow at the University of Haifa,
Consultant at the World Health Organization
●Do you see how scheduling timeslots for your goals makes them
concrete and actionable?
●And how challenging the comfort of your current routine and using
a bit of creativity can open up new timeslots?
●Do you see how this is going to transform your calendar into your
OWN blank canvas to map out a life that’s in line with YOUR goals?


Getting back YOUR time!

Focus is becoming a lost
skill in our society.
How much time are you
really spending on “deep
work” in the “flow state,”
aka “the zone”?

“One of the most valuable skills in our economy is
becoming increasingly rare. If you master this skill,
you’ll achieve extraordinary results.”
- Cal Newport

The Flow State
Or “hyperfocus”

-Has been recognized for 1000s of years
●Experienced as:
●Intense and focused concentration on the present moment
●Merging of action and awareness
●A loss of reflective self-consciousness
●A sense of personal control or agency over the situation or activity
●A distortion of temporal experience, one's subjective experience of time is altered
●Experience of the activity as intrinsically rewarding, also referred to as autotelic experience -Jeanne
Nakamura and Csíkszentmihályi

Deep Work
Getting into a state of flow will
allow you to do deep work
• Create more value
• Avoid becoming replaceable
• Complete projects faster
• ENJOY working!

Ask Yourself
What if I focused on the work that matters? What
would those deliverables be?
What if I eliminated, automated or delegated the
busy work?

How much the quality of your work will improve and how
much more value you will bring to your projects, dreams
and to the world!

Quick Recap
We know we have to:
1. Understand exactly what we want the time for and why we
want it
2. Map the timeslots onto our calendars using creative
approaches and make that time non-negotiable
3. Work with full focus, prioritizing value-added work that
contributes to our goals
“Rule your mind, or it will rule
-Horace, Roman poet
Our brains love distraction!
Every time you get distracted it takes about 25 minutes to get focused again
(University of California Irvine study) That’s a huge waste of time!
Distractions signal that something has changed. A distraction is an alert that
says, 'Orient your attention here now; this could be dangerous.’”-David Rock,
co-founder of the NeuroLeadership Institute
Imagine the effect of living in danger on your stress levels.
Distractions may also lower our IQ (Rock).
Seemingly small distractions
can be bigger time wasters
than you realize. 

Create gadget-free zones

Use noise-cancelling headphones.

Stop keeping social media tabs open and turn notifications off

Use your phone’s airplane mode

Change your location

Create a peaceful, clutter-free workspace 

Don’t use distractions as rewards

Maya eliminated distractions and landed a new job!
Maya had tried lots of productivity strategies in the past,
but still found herself distracted and out of balance. After
our work together, she closed the gap between what she’d
already tried and where she wanted to go.
She learned to avoid “shiny object syndrome” and cut out
procrastination. In a focused and empowered state, she
contacted recruiters and her contacts directly, landing two
interviews and two job offers the next day!
Now she’s starting her new dream job!
UX Designer
What’s the biggest distraction you could eliminate in your
life right now?
Speaking of technological distractions, there’s an important
one we need to address...
Manage your email
You need a clear and decisive system for email.
Otherwise, email will:
● stress you out;
● disorient you; and
● kill your ability to control of your time. 

Manage your email
Cut the addiction to email app notifications and
social media distractions.
Stop relying on email as your to-do list.

Manage your email

Assign a time of day (or multiple times of day if you’re really nervous about it)
to check email.

Do not check email first thing in the morning.
Seriously. Don’t.

Go ahead and turn off your email notifications right now.

Manage your email
Did you do it?
Why we turn off email notifications
• Eliminate a ton of
background stress
that you don’t need in
your life
• Eliminate a false
sense of productivity
● How many times per day do you really need to check email?
● When will you check it?

Have you turned off your email

Manage your email
It will be easy to find focus and time for your goals once you
eliminate the distractions and busywork.
You’ll be unstoppable!

The only way that high performance
athletes, coaches, politicians, and million
dollar business owners have reached their
level of success is by investing in mentors.
But they did NOT invest in mentors when
they were already making their millions and
earning their Olympic gold, they invested
when they were living in their parent's
garage and training at the local community
I invest in mentoring consistently.
Sara invested in mentoring and made an international
career move
Sara invested in mentoring and got the
motivation and the push she needed to not only
accelerate her career but also her personal
Since working with me, she made an
international move totally on her own. She
landed herself a job as a TV journalist, found a
new apartment and already has a new group of
All within one week of moving from London to
Hong Kong!

TV journalist with Bloomberg and Reuters
Why you need a mentor:
Mentoring brings:
• new ideas
• confidence & accountability
• the exact strategy to reach your goals
in the shortest amount of time
Mentoring keeps you out of overwhelm,
doubt, and fear
Mentoring is FUN! You have an ally in
reaching your goals
Why you need a mentor:
• Clarity for forward action
• Avoid wasting your time figuring it
out and get where you want faster
• Enhanced decision-making skills
• Tailored advice to your life
• Accountability
• Perspective
Successful people have mentors backing them
behind the scenes
Let go of your ego
You do NOT have to do it all on your own. Get the support you need
to succeed now, not 12 months, 5 or 10 years from now.
Failure to get the support you need can lead to not meeting the
expectations you have for yourself, or struggling so much you
eventually give up on your goals.
I see this happen all the time and it makes me so sad because I
KNOW it doesn’t have to be that way. I don’t want you to be one of
What YOU need to WIN!
Have you been waiting to feel “Ready”?
Imagine waking up every day feeling
excited to take action on your goals
and live the life of your dreams…
Have you been waiting to feel “Ready”?
I started with reaching goals ad
hoc. Taking some years to end
up where I wanted to be. Now
I’m achieving huge
achievements on a monthly
basis with job offers falling from
the sky, my dream travels being
fulfilled and lifestyle dreams.
What’s your big vision for your life?
What would you create if you had
more time and freedom?
What would your career look like?
What’s important to you?
How would your social and/or
family life look?
How would you feel? What drives
you to keep going?
Travel… More time with friends/family… Freedom of time...
Now you have 3 choices
1. Procrastinate and do nothing. Leave your dreams where they are and your
life the way it is.
2. Crawl towards your goals alone, browsing the web for productivity tips and
tricks, all while struggling to beat the daily grind and wasting valuable time
you could be dedicating towards building your business, dream career,
memories or lifestyle.
3. You can allow me to help you strategize your productivity and how you
spend your time, enjoy the process and follow a model that’s proven to work
and take advantage of the compound effect by starting to implement the
system now, not 10 years from now.
How can I help?
1. I can help you get clear on your Productivity
Model and plan to achieve your ambitions as fast as
2. I can help you figure out the best way to structure
your daily routines for your profession and your
unique life circumstances
3. And I can help you implement a Productivity
System that will help you consistently focus and
take action towards your goals.
Your chance to break through
I have set aside some time to talk to you about how you can apply
these ideas to your life starting today. The cost: FREE.

I gave you these 5 shifts, but the truth is that you need to know how
to apply these shifts to your life circumstances and how to make
them work for you. I do this free of charge.
Apply Now:

What I Will Deliver
You’ll discover a whole new side of yourself that’s strategic, focused,
and unstoppable.

How to create a clean slate whenever confusion or overwhelm start
setting in.

Get a grip on your priorities, create a time matrix and start
maximizing your calendar.

What I Will Deliver

You’ll choose the habits to discontinue and create the rituals that will propel
you to success.


With focus becoming an increasingly rare skill, the few who cultivate it
make themselves invaluable in the current and future economy.


…while avoiding the pitfalls. By implementing the right tools in the right
way, you’ll make sure that digitalization is serving, not disrupting you.
Who this is for:
You’re ready to make big changes in your daily routine
You understand the only way to reach your dreams is to get out of your
comfort zone
You understand how important it is to have a structure and a system
towards your goals
You understand that your thoughts and actions are highly linked to your
Who this is NOT for:
You’re looking for a quick fix
You enjoy short tips and tricks that feel good to read but you don’t feel
like taking action on them
You’re indecisive, or noncommittal
It hurts to admit that something you’re doing isn’t working or could be
You’re skeptical about online programmes

Please be someone who takes this time seriously,
and is serious about RESULTS.
Why we are doing this
On the call we are going to give you complete clarity on what you want your life
to look like and the exact steps to get you there.
If you desire my help to improve your productivity and we agree that it’s a good
fit, I may invite you to become one of the new clients I’m working with this month
in the Accelerate Your Ambitions programme.
Why we are doing this
If you don’t sign up for coaching, there are no harsh feelings ☺
Either way, you get an extremely valuable breakthrough session and productivity
roadmap tailored to YOU
What I will deliver
Immediate and long term improvements in focus, clarity and action on
your goals. You will see the benefits from this training in the weeks,
months and years to come.
What I will deliver
Hybrid system of group and one-on-one accountability will
create massive momentum towards your goals that can’t be
duplicated when you go at it solo.
You’ll save tons and tons of hours, days, weeks, months and
YEARS of wasted time by avoiding piecing your system
together by yourself.
You’ll have access to a signature system that you can re-use
over and over again in your life for long-lasting results.
If we work together
I will hold you to the same standards as the other professionals in my
network who are taking productive action and achieving huge goals
and successes.
The curriculum is designed to take you on a transformational deep-
dive to clarify your road map for life, career and/or business, and
position yourself to achieve your dreams.
This is possible because I provide you with the tools you need, a
tight-knit network of fellow ambitious professionals, and a mindset
for success to create FREEDOM.
Apply Now. Spaces are
Apply right now.

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Time managment
Time managmentTime managment
Time managment

5 Shift to Create All the Time in the World - Time Management and Productivity

  • 1. 1 Accelerate Your Ambitions Live Workshop with: 5 Shifts to Create All the Time in the World Dalia Lourenço Productivity Coach
  • 2. 2 This webinar is for Ambitious Professionals who: • have big aspirations and high expectations for themselves; • are determined go-getters with strong work ethic with the desire to create a purposeful business or career and life; • want to turn their efforts into results; • want to find razor-sharp focus, become powerfully efficient with their time; and • want to achieve their dreams. Who is this for?
  • 3. 3 • Do you find yourself overwhelmed and anxious? Like you are dealing with a million priorities and constantly “putting out fires”…? • Are you dissatisfied with your work-life balance and are looking for a way to re- prioritize? • Are you stressed from over commitment? Does this sound like you?
  • 4. 4 Do you feel like: •Deep down you never quite have it together? •Time is passing you by? •You’re stuck in the mundane year after year while you miss out on meaningful and exciting experiences? •If you don’t make a change, you risk finding yourself years from now on your deathbed without having achieved your dreams or made the memories that matter? Does this sound like you?
  • 5. 5 You’ll learn... • The 5 secrets of time management even if you feel like you need 48 hours in a day. • The critical shift you need to make that allows you to make time more abundant. • How to free up time for your goals without neglecting your obligations. • How to stop sacrificing your goals for busy work. • How to free up minimum 1 hour of time starting TODAY. 
 In the next 45 minutes…
  • 6. Your actions are investments. 
 Why take control of your time? -The calculator Site The compound effect…
  • 7. -Market Watch Why take control of your time? The compound effect…
  • 8. Why take control of your time? The Kaizen Principle
  • 9. 9 A Step By Step Strategy To Become Powerfully Efficient With Your Time Starting With One Hour TODAY My PROMISE to YOU
  • 10. 10 If you stay until the end, you get the steps for free. The steps will help you change your relationship with time so that you can move faster towards your goals. There is nothing for sale today…
  • 11. 11 Here’s what I see among professionals right now...
  • 12. 12 Professionals taking business or other productivity-related courses, but struggling to gain momentum. 
 Many people are sharing listicles, TED Talks, productivity apps and news articles. 
 Here’s what I see among professionals right now...
  • 13. 13 Ambitious people are caught up in a TRAP and believing a LIE… The Productivity TRAP
  • 14. 14 They were taught being ambitious means WORKING HARD, DOING A LOT AND HAVING NO TIME OR ENERGY! The Productivity TRAP
  • 15. 15 These professionals have incredible ambition, but don’t know how to take their productivity to the next level to achieve the results they deserve. 
 Most professionals feel like work-life balance is a myth and having a strong work ethic = struggle. 
 Many people try productivity strategies here and there, and some are helpful to an extent, but nothing is really solving their overwhelm or bringing them closer to their goals. 

  • 16. 16 The Real Problem: You haven’t made the important shifts, yet! And it could be as simple as you just don’t know what they are - until NOW Can you relate?
  • 17. 17 Once you’ve made the shifts … • You'll have complete clarity on how to create time for the things that are important to you • You'll be confident in how you structure your day and approach your daily work • You'll master the routines that keep you focused and working smarter, not harder • You’ll understand how to breath through glass ceilings and achieve what you’ve been desiring • You’ll create a liberated, no-stress, freedom- lifestyle and follow your calling 

  • 19. 19 From international communications to Productivity and Ambitions Consultant I went from anxious and desiring more time for travel and friends to an international career, traveling the world for work and pleasure. Now I help ambitious people turn their efforts into results by improving their productivity systems. They’re kicking procrastination, guilt and anxiety to the curb while making time for themselves, increasing their value in the new economy and achieving the life they desire.    A little more about me…
  • 20. 20 I spoke with hundreds of Ambitious Professionals last year, some with show- stopping results and some struggling tremendously.
  • 21. 21 But the Top Achievers consistently did these 5 things - no matter what their profession and their goals.
  • 22. 22 I, too, have made these shifts when I went from ambitious but feeling anxious and overwhelmed to consistently achieving my goals, both personal and professional, faster than ever.
  • 23. 23 
 This means that the 5 shifts will WORK FOR YOU, TOO!

  • 24. Shift 1 : KNOW YOUR WHY
  • 25. 25 Why ask “why”? “He who has a why can endure any how.” -Nietzsche Shift 1 : KNOW YOUR WHY
  • 26. 26 What if I don’t know my WHY? Shift 1 : KNOW YOUR WHY
  • 27. 27 What would you do with one extra hour TODAY? Shift 1 : KNOW YOUR WHY
  • 28. 1 extra hour per day = 365 hours per year or 45 eight-hour work days. •What would you do with all that time? •What will you do with your 1 extra hour 
 What could that hour add up to?
  • 29. 29 If you DO know your WHY… Go a step further
 Keep asking “Why” until you have your core reason. It should be specific and personal. Shift 1 : KNOW YOUR WHY
  • 30. 30 Why ask “why”? Your WHY becomes your your CORE driver and MOTIVATOR that underlies the change. Shift 1 : KNOW YOUR WHY
  • 31. 31 “What you do simply proves what you believe.” -Simon Sinek Shift 1 : KNOW YOUR WHY
  • 32. 32 A few examples of goals I have achieved and my WHYs Career goals: Deployments to Ukraine and Angola, international conferences… Personal: Travel with friends, discovering new places, time for exercise and being outdoors…
  • 33. 33 Now it’s your turn! What are your WHYs?
  • 34. 34 Productivity isn’t a goal. It’s a lifestyle. Shift 1 : KNOW YOUR WHY
  • 35. 35 So to sum up, before you even think about making more time, becoming more productive, or all the things you want to achieve, you need to know specifically what the reasons are behind those desires, because this is the foundation of everything you are going to do later! Do you see how this is going to underpin and empower your time management actions and decisions? Shift 1 : KNOW YOUR WHY
  • 36. 36 Shift 2: MAP YOUR TIME
  • 37. 37 Shift 2: MAP YOUR TIME Decide where an extra hour will go today by choosing a timeslot.
  • 38. 38 “What isn’t scheduled doesn’t happen.” -Famous proverb we’ve all heard. 
  • 39. 39 Tip for choosing your timeslot: 
 Get creative. Shift 2: MAP YOUR TIME
  • 40. 40 Some tips for selecting your timeslot Use your commute 
 The average commuting time for Americans is 25 minutes That’s nearly an hour each day!
  • 41. 41 Some tips for selecting your timeslot Make the most of your morning
 Never hit “snooze” 
 Don’t start your day in procrastination mode.
 Get rid of any AM decision-making

  • 42. 42 Use your lunch break Use your lunch break 
 Some tips for selecting your timeslot
  • 43. 43 Use your evenings Be honest, how productive are you really in the evening? If you met up with friends, would your night have been just as good had you left an hour earlier?
 If you have time in the evening but no energy, try going to bed earlier and using the morning timeslot.
 Some tips for selecting your timeslot
  • 44. 44 Some tips for selecting your timeslot Now, schedule it!
  • 45. 45 Kris scheduled her morning ritual to curb anxiety ●While working with me, Kris made time for a morning hike and meditation. Despite working two jobs, doing a Master’s of Public Health in a new country, relationship stress and chronic anxiety, she prioritized this hour for herself at the beginning of the day. By taking the time out, she set herself up to handle everything else that came her way during a difficult life period. ●She aced her exams, succeeded in acquiring funding for the NGO she leads and made an international move to start a new life and career phase. Kris Women in Global Health co-founder and Operations Director, Research Fellow at the University of Haifa, Consultant at the World Health Organization
  • 46. 46 ●Do you see how scheduling timeslots for your goals makes them concrete and actionable? ●And how challenging the comfort of your current routine and using a bit of creativity can open up new timeslots? ●Do you see how this is going to transform your calendar into your OWN blank canvas to map out a life that’s in line with YOUR goals? Shift 2: MAP YOUR TIME
  • 47. 47 
 Getting back YOUR time!

  • 48. 48 Shift 3: LEARN TO FOCUS
  • 49. 49 Focus is becoming a lost skill in our society. How much time are you really spending on “deep work” in the “flow state,” aka “the zone”? 
  • 50. 50 SHIFT 3: LEARN TO FOCUS “One of the most valuable skills in our economy is becoming increasingly rare. If you master this skill, you’ll achieve extraordinary results.” - Cal Newport 

  • 51. 51 The Flow State Or “hyperfocus” 
 -Has been recognized for 1000s of years ●Experienced as: ●Intense and focused concentration on the present moment ●Merging of action and awareness ●A loss of reflective self-consciousness ●A sense of personal control or agency over the situation or activity ●A distortion of temporal experience, one's subjective experience of time is altered ●Experience of the activity as intrinsically rewarding, also referred to as autotelic experience -Jeanne Nakamura and Csíkszentmihályi 

  • 52. 52 Deep Work Getting into a state of flow will allow you to do deep work Benefits: • Create more value • Avoid becoming replaceable • Complete projects faster • ENJOY working! 

  • 53. 53 Ask Yourself What if I focused on the work that matters? What would those deliverables be? What if I eliminated, automated or delegated the busy work? 

  • 54. 54 Shift 3: LEARN TO FOCUS Realize: How much the quality of your work will improve and how much more value you will bring to your projects, dreams and to the world! 

  • 55. 55 Quick Recap We know we have to: 1. Understand exactly what we want the time for and why we want it 2. Map the timeslots onto our calendars using creative approaches and make that time non-negotiable 3. Work with full focus, prioritizing value-added work that contributes to our goals
  • 57. “Rule your mind, or it will rule you.” -Horace, Roman poet Shift 4: ELIMINATE DISTRACTIONS
  • 58. Our brains love distraction! Every time you get distracted it takes about 25 minutes to get focused again (University of California Irvine study) That’s a huge waste of time! Distractions signal that something has changed. A distraction is an alert that says, 'Orient your attention here now; this could be dangerous.’”-David Rock, co-founder of the NeuroLeadership Institute Imagine the effect of living in danger on your stress levels. Distractions may also lower our IQ (Rock). Shift 4: ELIMINATE DISTRACTIONS
  • 59. Seemingly small distractions can be bigger time wasters than you realize. 
  • 60. • Create gadget-free zones
 • Use noise-cancelling headphones.
 Stop keeping social media tabs open and turn notifications off
 • Use your phone’s airplane mode
 Change your location
 Create a peaceful, clutter-free workspace 
 Don’t use distractions as rewards
  • 61. Maya eliminated distractions and landed a new job! Maya had tried lots of productivity strategies in the past, but still found herself distracted and out of balance. After our work together, she closed the gap between what she’d already tried and where she wanted to go. She learned to avoid “shiny object syndrome” and cut out procrastination. In a focused and empowered state, she contacted recruiters and her contacts directly, landing two interviews and two job offers the next day! Now she’s starting her new dream job! Maya UX Designer
  • 62. What’s the biggest distraction you could eliminate in your life right now?
  • 63. Speaking of technological distractions, there’s an important one we need to address...
  • 64. 64 Manage your email You need a clear and decisive system for email. Otherwise, email will: ● stress you out; ● disorient you; and ● kill your ability to control of your time. 

  • 65. 65 Manage your email Cut the addiction to email app notifications and social media distractions. Stop relying on email as your to-do list. 

  • 66. 66 Manage your email Instead: 
 Assign a time of day (or multiple times of day if you’re really nervous about it) to check email. 
 Do not check email first thing in the morning. Seriously. Don’t. 
 Go ahead and turn off your email notifications right now. 

  • 68. 68 Why we turn off email notifications • Eliminate a ton of background stress that you don’t need in your life • Eliminate a false sense of productivity
  • 69. 69 Decide: ● How many times per day do you really need to check email? ● When will you check it?
 Have you turned off your email notifications?
 Manage your email
  • 70. 70 It will be easy to find focus and time for your goals once you eliminate the distractions and busywork. You’ll be unstoppable!
  • 71. Shift 5: DO NOT TRY THIS ALONE
  • 72. Shift 5: DO NOT TRY THIS ALONE The only way that high performance athletes, coaches, politicians, and million dollar business owners have reached their level of success is by investing in mentors. But they did NOT invest in mentors when they were already making their millions and earning their Olympic gold, they invested when they were living in their parent's garage and training at the local community gym. I invest in mentoring consistently.
  • 73. Sara invested in mentoring and made an international career move Sara invested in mentoring and got the motivation and the push she needed to not only accelerate her career but also her personal growth. Since working with me, she made an international move totally on her own. She landed herself a job as a TV journalist, found a new apartment and already has a new group of friends. All within one week of moving from London to Hong Kong! Sara
 TV journalist with Bloomberg and Reuters
  • 74. Why you need a mentor: Mentoring brings: • new ideas • confidence & accountability • the exact strategy to reach your goals in the shortest amount of time Mentoring keeps you out of overwhelm, doubt, and fear Mentoring is FUN! You have an ally in reaching your goals
  • 75. Why you need a mentor: • Clarity for forward action • Avoid wasting your time figuring it out and get where you want faster • Enhanced decision-making skills • Tailored advice to your life • Accountability • Perspective
  • 76. Successful people have mentors backing them behind the scenes
  • 77. Let go of your ego You do NOT have to do it all on your own. Get the support you need to succeed now, not 12 months, 5 or 10 years from now. Failure to get the support you need can lead to not meeting the expectations you have for yourself, or struggling so much you eventually give up on your goals. I see this happen all the time and it makes me so sad because I KNOW it doesn’t have to be that way. I don’t want you to be one of them.
  • 78. 78 What YOU need to WIN! Shift 1 : KNOW YOUR WHY Shift 2 : MAP YOUR TIME Shift 3 : LEARN TO FOCUS Shift 4 : ELIMINATE DISTRACTIONS Shift 5: DON’T TRY THIS ALONE
  • 79. 79 Have you been waiting to feel “Ready”? Imagine waking up every day feeling excited to take action on your goals and live the life of your dreams…
  • 80. 80 Have you been waiting to feel “Ready”? I started with reaching goals ad hoc. Taking some years to end up where I wanted to be. Now I’m achieving huge achievements on a monthly basis with job offers falling from the sky, my dream travels being fulfilled and lifestyle dreams.
  • 81. 81 What’s your big vision for your life? What would you create if you had more time and freedom? What would your career look like? What’s important to you? How would your social and/or family life look? How would you feel? What drives you to keep going? Travel… More time with friends/family… Freedom of time...
  • 82. 82 Now you have 3 choices 1. Procrastinate and do nothing. Leave your dreams where they are and your life the way it is. 2. Crawl towards your goals alone, browsing the web for productivity tips and tricks, all while struggling to beat the daily grind and wasting valuable time you could be dedicating towards building your business, dream career, memories or lifestyle. 3. You can allow me to help you strategize your productivity and how you spend your time, enjoy the process and follow a model that’s proven to work and take advantage of the compound effect by starting to implement the system now, not 10 years from now.
  • 83. 83 How can I help? 1. I can help you get clear on your Productivity Model and plan to achieve your ambitions as fast as possible 2. I can help you figure out the best way to structure your daily routines for your profession and your unique life circumstances 3. And I can help you implement a Productivity System that will help you consistently focus and take action towards your goals.
  • 84. 84 Your chance to break through I have set aside some time to talk to you about how you can apply these ideas to your life starting today. The cost: FREE. 
 I gave you these 5 shifts, but the truth is that you need to know how to apply these shifts to your life circumstances and how to make them work for you. I do this free of charge. Apply Now:

  • 85. 85 What I Will Deliver MINDSET BREAKTHROUGHS You’ll discover a whole new side of yourself that’s strategic, focused, and unstoppable. 
 A FRESH START How to create a clean slate whenever confusion or overwhelm start setting in. 
 SET YOUR PRIORITIES AND MANAGE YOUR TIME Get a grip on your priorities, create a time matrix and start maximizing your calendar. 

  • 86. What I Will Deliver HABIT BREAKTHROUGHS
 You’ll choose the habits to discontinue and create the rituals that will propel you to success.
 With focus becoming an increasingly rare skill, the few who cultivate it make themselves invaluable in the current and future economy.
 …while avoiding the pitfalls. By implementing the right tools in the right way, you’ll make sure that digitalization is serving, not disrupting you.
  • 87. 87 Who this is for: You’re ready to make big changes in your daily routine You understand the only way to reach your dreams is to get out of your comfort zone You understand how important it is to have a structure and a system towards your goals You understand that your thoughts and actions are highly linked to your success.
  • 88. 88 Who this is NOT for: You’re looking for a quick fix You enjoy short tips and tricks that feel good to read but you don’t feel like taking action on them You’re indecisive, or noncommittal It hurts to admit that something you’re doing isn’t working or could be improved. You’re skeptical about online programmes
  • 89. 
 Please be someone who takes this time seriously, and is serious about RESULTS.
  • 90. 90 Why we are doing this On the call we are going to give you complete clarity on what you want your life to look like and the exact steps to get you there. If you desire my help to improve your productivity and we agree that it’s a good fit, I may invite you to become one of the new clients I’m working with this month in the Accelerate Your Ambitions programme.
  • 91. 91 Why we are doing this If you don’t sign up for coaching, there are no harsh feelings ☺ Either way, you get an extremely valuable breakthrough session and productivity roadmap tailored to YOU
  • 92. 92 What I will deliver PRODUCTIVITY SIGNATURE SYSTEM THAT DELIVERS FOR LIFE ONE ON ONE SUPPORT + GROUP ACCOUNTABILITY MINIMUM 80% BOOST IN YOUR PRODUCTIVITY Immediate and long term improvements in focus, clarity and action on your goals. You will see the benefits from this training in the weeks, months and years to come.
  • 93. 93 What I will deliver Hybrid system of group and one-on-one accountability will create massive momentum towards your goals that can’t be duplicated when you go at it solo. You’ll save tons and tons of hours, days, weeks, months and YEARS of wasted time by avoiding piecing your system together by yourself. You’ll have access to a signature system that you can re-use over and over again in your life for long-lasting results.
  • 94. 94 If we work together I will hold you to the same standards as the other professionals in my network who are taking productive action and achieving huge goals and successes. The curriculum is designed to take you on a transformational deep- dive to clarify your road map for life, career and/or business, and position yourself to achieve your dreams. This is possible because I provide you with the tools you need, a tight-knit network of fellow ambitious professionals, and a mindset for success to create FREEDOM.
  • 95. 95 Apply Now. Spaces are limited. Apply right now.