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In the previous presentations I introduced two patterns -
one MALE - one FEMALE.
We created the MALE pattern by
following an evolutionary narrative
on the – the FEMALE
pattern derived from tracing the
Sun’s path around onto
the .
What if we take the evolutionary DNA narrative and
implant it into the archetypal arrangement on the
Sun to Moon. …
Moon to Mercury
(and friends ) ...
Mercury to Venus ...
Venus to Mars ...
Mars to Jupiter ...
Jupiter to Saturn ...
Saturn to Uranus ...
Uranus to Neptune ...
Neptune to Pluto ...
Pluto to Earth ...
Earth to Chiron and
asteroids ...
... and back to the Sun .
it is.
Because it is born of The Pattern of Evolution
on the Zodiac I called this new pattern ...
The Pattern
of Evolution II.
So what’s so
interesting about
this pattern?
It has two triangles, just like
the original pattern on
the , a
Sun/Moon triangle and a
These are clearly
I couldn’t read
this pattern so I
pinned it up on
the wall and
forgot it ...
And this pattern has wings like a butterfly. In Greek
butterfly translates as psyche – psyche means soul
also means soul,
By Dr
... until I read a book by
Ronald Shone.
When explaining the
brain he mentioned
the ‘two wings of the
cerebrum’, these words
rang the eureka bell.
I can see
Here is a photograph of a brain
with the new pattern imposed.
You can see the
wings clearly.
Shone also talked about the Frontal Lobes
connected to the Limbic System: and the Core Brain
and the Cerebellum.
Here they are.
Yes, look.
Right Left
I had created the pattern
using a ruler joining planet to
planet. Now I drew it out
covering all thirty degrees of a
sign ...
and I got this.
Note: because we are
viewing the photograph of the brain
from the base looking up, right and left are opposite sides on our model.
We understand this model don’t we?
We based this model on Liz’s diagram and Liz’s
model clearly defined eight cognitive functions.
This is our Bride isn’t it?
One side is Receptive, yin, negative
- the other – Creative, yang, positive.
I planned to skip explaining The Integrated Cycle
(on the left) but it describes why the model also
divides the new Pattern of Evolution II into Mind,
Body, Imagination and Heart, and this is important
information (sorry).
Barry writes:
The mind knows it is master in the
imagination and slave to the fact.
It will fight you all the way to self-
Two books were instrumental in supplying me
with this information.
One was my own.
The other was
by the Australian guru Barry Long.
Prompted by my study of in relation to Mind,
Imagination, Heart and Body, I came up with this.
This is also based on the .
is FIRE isn’t it, and
the senses, EARTH,
supply the Body
with the facts.
I wondered, did Barry’s
words apply to all four
Hmmmm ...
Here’s what happens when the Mind takes the easy
way. I called this model .
Ah! Can you see
what I saw? Mind,
Heart, and Body,
each result
In this diagram AIR,
thoughts, turn to the
facts supplied by
EARTH to make sure
the thoughts reflect
reality accurately.
That’s all the information you need to know, but, if we
do as Barry suggested, and take conscious control of
we get a result that you
might find interesting.
The results speak for themselves. I gave this
model the title
So here, again, are the three models, two based
on the (The Bride) and, on
the right, a simplified version of our
intelligent, enigmatic, cognitive system.
Yes ... only
Left Right
So what shall we look at first?
How about the area that
the Integrated Cycle
identifies as ?
LeftLeft Right
The the ‘snake
brain’ or ‘primal brain’, looks after
all autonomic responses. This is
the Operating System. It keeps us
upright, controls body temperature
and breathing – remember I see, I
hear, and I feel.
LeftLeft Right
Hypnotists have identified two autonomic
nervous system responses. One, the sympathetic
nervous system, responds to sudden movements
that make us feel insecure.
I feel and
I hear.
The Moon
Body + Heart
The other – the parasympathetic nervous
system - responds to images.
Ah! The
Imagination +
Now we are going to look at
the wings , the Cerebrum -
the two hemispheres right
and left.
Left Right
The electrical appliances in your house are con-
nected by wires - axons are the name of the wires that
carry information between neurones. These axons
‘sort of’ look like our original pattern don’t they?
Neuroscience news.
Here are the nerves that connect the
Cerebrum bottom to top.
Are these our ?
A colored 3-D MRI scan of the brain's white matter pathways
traces connections between cells in the cerebrum and the
brainstem. (Tom Barrick, Chris Clark, SGHMS/Science Source)
And where converts into Form, the point that
the identifies as - this is where
the nerves of the brain unite as the spinal chord,
carrying information
between body and
300,000,000 Axons
What about the lateral connections. The electric
wires in your house are protected by a plastic sheath,
axons are protected by myelin, a sheath of fat, which
is why this part of the brain
looks white.
This bridge of axons,
sending information from
right to left hemisphere, is
called the Corpus
Yes there are three-
hundred-million axons (this
is a seriously sophisticated
computing mechanism).
Operating system
Corpus Callosum
These axons joins the two
hemispheres together so that
they can communicate.
Corpus Callosum =
CC … Is this
a cosmic joke?
So ... what’s this from Merim
New Scientist.
15 January,
Right Brain
Left Brain
Occipital Lobes
Both the left and right occipital
lobes of the visual cortex process
vision. The symbols are
Jupiter and Neptune .
Neptune rules
photography and film.
Is it possible that
Jupiter recognises, not
only philosophical patterns,
but also patterns in the
images projected onto
Neptune’s highly
receptive screen? WATER FIRE
Copyright © 2012
Health Pictures
This diagram is
illustrating the left
This hemisphere is the
RECEPTIVE hemisphere, therefore
concerned with the ‘physical’ body (though brain
specialists do not yet know this). Just want you to
register the visual cortex at the back.
Copyright © 2012 Health Pictures
I have also marked
Wernicke’s area.
The Moon is ‘I hear’ remember?
Wernink’s area is only on the left brain, on our model it
signifies inner mind chatter, it has a direct connection to
Mercury (communication).
i f
Do you remember the connection Work ?
Gemini, Air, supplies the intellect while practical
Virgo, Earth, deals with details, the
practical/physical, the production of actions,
specifically words.
They make a perfect ‘working’ team..
i f
Libra, intuitive-thinking, and Taurus, sensual-
feeling, connect us with Form . I read recently that
the right brain lights up when someone is ‘listening’
to music, but, when a professional musician is
listening, the left brain lights up too, Is this because
the musician’s brain is registering the physical
actions needed to make each sound?
Right Brain
Left Brain
Motor Cortex
Somatosensory Cortex
The connection identifies the
Motor Cortex and the connection FORM the
Somatosensory Cortex. Again, a perfect fit.
CortexMotor Cortex
Here they are again on the left brain diagram.
Copyright © 2012 Health Pictures
Copyright © 2012 Health Pictures
This time I want you to note Broca’s area, which, like
Wernicke’s, is left hemisphere only. If this specifically
‘physical’ Virgo area is damaged we lose the ability to
make words (remember this side is Receptive therefore
it is specifying Body control)
Broca’s Area
It was this information that caused
astrologers who knew about brain research
to identify the left hemisphere with
Gemini but further research has since
shown that it was only the physical ability
to articulate words that was injured – the
subject could still think using words.
Mercury was not injured, Chiron and
friends were.
Here they are again, this time on a somatotopical map
made by stimulating areas of the brain and noting what
part of the body responds. The map covers both
hemispheres but here I have illustrated only one side of
Mercury, messenger of the gods, is good at talking,
and, as old ruler of Virgo, ‘the craftsman’, pretty handy
too. Venus is much like Mercury, but she controls the
pharynx – isn’t Taurus famous for singers? Venus also
has genitals!
Here they are in The Museum of Natural History, Oxford.
Sensual, luscious-lipped
Venus is maybe not as
pretty as she would like to
appear, and rather
obviously showing her
male attributes (Libra is a
positive ‘male’ sign) ...
... and here
is dexterous,
And in case you are unsure about
giving Chiron (Cheiron) to Gemini’s
partner Virgo know that in Greek,
‘cheir’ means ‘hand’.
Susan Greenfield writes:
‘your hand is under constant
surveillance from your eyes.
People with cerebella damage
find this tracking movement
particularly hard.’
Right, that’s sorted.
g `
i f
e Time
We have two distinct types of TIME on
our model. Man-made, Saturn,
Chronological Time, and dynamic
Mars-Pluto Time.
Saturn TIME
First we are going
to check out
Saturn The Gate-Keeper
- Old Father Time.
This means we
are going to look at the
area marked MIND.
Copyright © 2012 Health Pictures
Here are the Frontal Lobes.
Michio Kaku went to Duke University where Dr Meek
was using fMRI to determine the position of the brain’s
‘chronological’ clock’. Michio says: ‘Look at this –
is this the chronological clock in my brain?’
Warren Meek
answers, very
The executive functions
of the frontal lobes involve
the ability to recognize
future consequences
resulting from current
actions, override and
suppress unacceptable
social responses ….
Therefore, it is involved in
higher mental functioning.
Empiric Thinking
And I think you will recognise Saturn in this.
Next you will see a page from the musician
Clive Wearing’s diary.
Clive had a damaged Hippocampus. Clive’s
memory of what just happened lasted about a
second. He recognised the people he loved,
operating system memories, autonomic and
instinctive, and could still conduct the orchestra,
but the memory that built up his sense of
identity was gone. Uranus, ‘the awakener’, and
Saturn, ‘patience’, feature prominently.
Professor William T.
(Billy) O’Connor
James Fenner
Clive Wearing’s Diary
We can think of Saturn as the CD or memory stick
on which we store ongoing work. We need to edit our
work don’t we?
But, what if the editing energy gets
out of hand.
E T Rolls,
J Hornak,
D Wade,
J McGrath
Performance on these … tests … reflected
the degree of disinhibited and socially
inappropriate behaviour exhibited by
… difficulty in modifying responses,
especially when followed by negative
consequences may contribute to the
inappropriate behaviour ….
Research Article Emotion-related learning in
patients with social and emotional changes
associated with frontal lobe damage.
Parietal Lobe -
The Brain
Made Simple
i f
e Time
Death Birth
Tucked up between the Somato-
sensory Cortex and Visual
Cortex we have the
Parietal Lobes.
TIME is time as
To test whether ... the Superior
(upper) Parietal Lobe had a role
in triggering the switch, the
researchers stimulated each lobe
with a magnetic field … knocking
out the function of that lobe -
while the volunteers re-watched
the … illusion ... the switch rate
slowed when either lobe was
exposed to the magnetic field.
(Current Biology, DOI:
This picture is an example of something that can be
viewed in different ways.
What allows the brain to switch perception?
"One possibility is that the SPL
is actually triggering the
perceptual switches by sending
a signal to 'reset' the illusion,"
.."Or … people with a large SPL
are better at noticing other
possible interpretations ...
which would also result in a
faster switch rate.“
YES: Mars Pluto
TIME is time as
... and here is the conclusion.
No wonder Aries can’t
hang about without getting
bored. …
‘The posterior superior part of the cingulate cortex is related
to sexual behaviour.
Tumours in this area may lead to satiriasis (perpetual penile
erection) in the male and nymphomania (continuous sexual
desire) in the female.’
cingulate gyrus
corpus callosum
Superior means
upper and posterior
means back ...
Mars rules sexual desire and Pluto, compulsion.
Here are Mars-Pluto in Big Trouble.
Human Brain Colouring Book. M.C.
Diamond/A.B Scheibel/ L.M. Elson
Quote: This right anterior temporal area
helps make connections across distantly
related information during
comprehension. Although all problem
solving relies on a largely shared cortical
network, the
sudden flash of insight
occurs when solvers engage distinct
neural and cognitive processes that
allow them to see connections
that previously eluded them.
This is from BBC
Horizon March 2013.
The subject was Creativity.
The Creative Heaven
Right Brain
Nine in the third
place means: All
day long the
superior man is
creatively active.
Dr Young, scanning for creativity, noted this Aries
right brain area predominated. Well yes – the I
Ching says about this position: Nine in the third
place means: All day long the superior man is
creatively active.
Mark Jung Beeman working with
MRI and John Kounios of Drexel,
working with EEG, have combined
their specialties in order to
research ‘The Ah Ha effect’.
And this also from
March 2013 Horizon.
In my presentation
How Life Works
I explain how I discovered that
Mars/Aries is represented in the I
CHING by the trigram Chen –
Shock. The I CHING says:
Laughing words – ha, ha!
Charles Limb explains: … the conscious, self-monitoring
gate-keeper of the frontal lobes must be turned
down to assist creativity .
Simon Ritter adds: .. it is necessary to
remove ... functional fixedness
in order to release
new associations .
Saturn’s esoteric title is The Gate-Keeper.
All is well, Uranus
is on hand.
My chart, Sun in Aries, with Uranus conjunct
Saturn and trine Neptune, explains why I have no
problem with
‘Functional Fixedness’.
I and me.
The pathway between Moon and
Mercury is once again significant.
It identifies two separate centres of
conscious awareness – in the head I,
and in the body me.
Ruling line:
X me
We pat our when we say ‘me’.
Cancer, the crab, is soft inside a hard protective
shell. Me is the name we give our vulnerable, physical,
self. The ruling line of The Receptive Earth says:
“Straight square great without purpose yet nothing
remains unfurthered”. Ahhh! ... Primal brain.
Although vulnerable to Virgoan criticism, I is in-
visible, it is safe in our heads. For Mercury, the ruling
line of The Creative Heaven, the I Ching says:
“Flying dragon in the
heavens”. Yes ... Mercury is
Gemini’s winged messenger
isn’t he?
Ruling line:
The Creative
I think
I am)I
amI me
(it appears) results from the
attraction between positive
AIR and negative WATER -
thought and feeling.
Please don’t hurt
The New Scientist (issue 2357 page 16, Hazel Muir) Split Brain reveals our sense of self
Venus is
right brain!
I relate (therefore
you are)
Ah ha!
The result of research
on split brain patients
revealed that the
‘different’ sides of the
brain perform ‘different’
They labelled the
Creative right brain
‘Spatial’ and the
left brain
Back in the seventies
brain specialists cut
through the Corpus
Callosum to relieve the
effects of epilepsy.
Good idea to split
electrical Uranus
from Saturn in this
Why did brain specialist label the Creative, right
brain, Spatial, and the Receptive, left, Temporal
when The CREATIVE HEAVEN means
means SPACE/matter. Is this ALL WRONG?
The Imagination.
The Creative Heaven
The Body.
The Receptive Earth
The Left Brain deals with
actions that can only be
performed one at a time:
actions you need a BODY
to execute. And look,
Saturn culminates on
this ‘Temporal’
Left Hemisphere. ..
The Right Brain is
labelled ‘spatial’ because it
deals with our ability to
manipulate images in our
The Creative means
Brain specialists, unlike physicists, are using the
Uranian ‘idea’ of SPACE, rather than the ‘reality’
space. The ‘reality’ space has three dimensions: up-
down, side to side and back to front, represented by
the Chinese as a cube. Remember The Receptive
Earth “Straight square great without purpose yet
nothing remains unfurthered”.
When they think TIME, they are thinking
Saturn time, clock time, time constructed by man.
Pick up an object, move it, and time will have passed.
If you are interested in understanding the
phenomenon see presentations on
At a conference in
Bristol in 2013 Professor
Goodyer, neurologist at
Cambridge University,
explained that they
were beginning to
understand that the
brain of a child develops
from the back to the
front ...
I sat in the audience with a diagram of this very thing
brought for my friend who had arranged the lecture.
The professor was frustrated because he did not have
a model and I was frustrated because I had a model
but no-one would take it seriously.
We were both frustrated ...
Professor Goodyer
mentioned that
they needed a
model but were
unlikely to find
one during his
We know that don’t we?
The grey, squidgy, material, in our heads asks questions, supplies
motivations, converts light waves into pictures, sound waves into words,
manipulates muscles with exquisite precision, adds symbols to ideas,
communicates with other brains and requires recognition for its efforts.
Scientific instruments are not up to understanding this incredible
However, it appears our brains have been communicating with us for
millennia. They have done this using ideas in the form of symbols, images
and metaphor, and these are further embellished by stories we call myth.
Enjoying the creativity of this ancient language I inadvertently
discovered that it illuminates our working brain. This discovery has great
esoteric significance. If this is a model of the brain, a blueprint of
something physical, it is accessible to scientific testing. This is the marriage
of science and mysticism, of matter and metaphor, of Earth and Heaven.
Revelation, a famous enigmatic manuscript, calls this model The Bride
or The Golden City, and in the last chapter it says it shall be in our
foreheads. Well yes … not so enigmatic after all.
Clearly the scientific paradigm requires an upgrade.
Copyright © MCMAYHEM.
If we upgrade the paradigm Bart
Simpson’s request can be granted .
Anima Mundi means World
Mind doesn’t it?
An ancient story tells us that a long time ago,
at the beginning of Time, Uranus,
‘the awakener’, mated with and planet
Earth gave birth to LIFE.
Here is a mosaic
depicting Uranus
with and her
God of the sky
he stands within the
Copyright © MCMAYHEM.
Here is Uranus mating with
once more. Maybe not
(exactly) but Homer Simpson
standing in for .
The ‘ancients’ understood that WE and the
universe are intimately related.
Now, maybe, we can prove that the old saying,
‘as above so below’, is not unscientific,
superstitious, rubbish – it is FACT. All we have
to do is check out this model.
We have looked upon our Mother planet -
the planet that gave birth to LIFE - the planet
that, with the creative participation of her
miraculous surroundings, gave birth to US.
Um … Uranus is ruler of the sign Aquarius
... This is the dawning of
The Age of Aquarius
isn’t it?
If this is the famous
Marriage of Heaven and Earth,
the mating, this time, is taking place on an
Here she is, her surrounding sprinkled with stars …
the planet that gave birth to LIFE - that gave birth to
US. Edgar Mitchell in the book The Home Planet
writes: My view of our planet was a glimpse of divinity’.
Hi kids – it’s the 21st
This key is for
you. GOOD
LUCK. xxxxx
Chrissy Philp. August, 2015

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Three the child 2016

  • 1.
  • 2. In the previous presentations I introduced two patterns - one MALE - one FEMALE. THE GROOM THE BRIDE
  • 3. We created the MALE pattern by following an evolutionary narrative on the – the FEMALE pattern derived from tracing the Sun’s path around onto the .
  • 4. What if we take the evolutionary DNA narrative and implant it into the archetypal arrangement on the
  • 6. Moon to Mercury (and friends ) ...
  • 15. Earth to Chiron and asteroids ...
  • 16. ... and back to the Sun . Here it is.
  • 17. Because it is born of The Pattern of Evolution on the Zodiac I called this new pattern ... The Pattern of Evolution II.
  • 18. So what’s so interesting about this pattern?
  • 19. It has two triangles, just like the original pattern on the , a Sun/Moon triangle and a Saturn/Uranus Triangle. These are clearly important.
  • 20. I couldn’t read this pattern so I pinned it up on the wall and forgot it ... And this pattern has wings like a butterfly. In Greek butterfly translates as psyche – psyche means soul ... also means soul, WORLD SOUL.
  • 21. Autohypnosis By Dr Ronald Shone DID HE SAY WINGS? ... until I read a book by Ronald Shone. When explaining the brain he mentioned the ‘two wings of the cerebrum’, these words rang the eureka bell.
  • 22. I can see them. Here is a photograph of a brain with the new pattern imposed. You can see the wings clearly.
  • 23. Shone also talked about the Frontal Lobes connected to the Limbic System: and the Core Brain and the Cerebellum. Here they are. Yes, look.
  • 24. Right Left I had created the pattern using a ruler joining planet to planet. Now I drew it out covering all thirty degrees of a sign ... and I got this. WOW! Note: because we are viewing the photograph of the brain from the base looking up, right and left are opposite sides on our model. RightLeft
  • 25. We understand this model don’t we? We based this model on Liz’s diagram and Liz’s model clearly defined eight cognitive functions.
  • 26. This is our Bride isn’t it? One side is Receptive, yin, negative - the other – Creative, yang, positive.
  • 27. I planned to skip explaining The Integrated Cycle (on the left) but it describes why the model also divides the new Pattern of Evolution II into Mind, Body, Imagination and Heart, and this is important information (sorry).
  • 28. Barry writes: The mind knows it is master in the imagination and slave to the fact. It will fight you all the way to self- knowledge. Two books were instrumental in supplying me with this information. One was my own. The other was by the Australian guru Barry Long.
  • 29. . Prompted by my study of in relation to Mind, Imagination, Heart and Body, I came up with this. This is also based on the . Imagination is FIRE isn’t it, and the senses, EARTH, supply the Body with the facts. I wondered, did Barry’s words apply to all four elements? LIFE
  • 31. Here’s what happens when the Mind takes the easy way. I called this model . Ah! Can you see what I saw? Mind, Imagination, Heart, and Body, each result from TWO ELEMENTS Working AS ONE.
  • 32. In this diagram AIR, thoughts, turn to the facts supplied by EARTH to make sure the thoughts reflect reality accurately. That’s all the information you need to know, but, if we do as Barry suggested, and take conscious control of this we get a result that you might find interesting.
  • 33. The results speak for themselves. I gave this model the title
  • 35. So here, again, are the three models, two based on the (The Bride) and, on the right, a simplified version of our intelligent, enigmatic, cognitive system.
  • 37. Left Right So what shall we look at first? How about the area that the Integrated Cycle identifies as ? Right Right Left
  • 38. LeftLeft Right The the ‘snake brain’ or ‘primal brain’, looks after all autonomic responses. This is the Operating System. It keeps us upright, controls body temperature and breathing – remember I see, I hear, and I feel.
  • 40. Hypnotists have identified two autonomic nervous system responses. One, the sympathetic nervous system, responds to sudden movements that make us feel insecure. I feel and I hear. The Moon Body + Heart
  • 41. The other – the parasympathetic nervous system - responds to images. I SEE. Ah! The Sun? Imagination + Heart
  • 42. Now we are going to look at the wings , the Cerebrum - the two hemispheres right and left. Left Right
  • 43. The electrical appliances in your house are con- nected by wires - axons are the name of the wires that carry information between neurones. These axons ‘sort of’ look like our original pattern don’t they?
  • 44. Neuroscience news. Here are the nerves that connect the Cerebrum bottom to top. Are these our ?
  • 45. A colored 3-D MRI scan of the brain's white matter pathways traces connections between cells in the cerebrum and the brainstem. (Tom Barrick, Chris Clark, SGHMS/Science Source) And where converts into Form, the point that the identifies as - this is where the nerves of the brain unite as the spinal chord, carrying information between body and brain. Form Time
  • 46. 300,000,000 Axons What about the lateral connections. The electric wires in your house are protected by a plastic sheath, axons are protected by myelin, a sheath of fat, which is why this part of the brain looks white. This bridge of axons, sending information from right to left hemisphere, is called the Corpus Callosum. Yes there are three- hundred-million axons (this is a seriously sophisticated computing mechanism).
  • 48. These axons joins the two hemispheres together so that they can communicate. Corpus Callosum = Complementary Connections CC … Is this a cosmic joke?
  • 49. Additional complementary structures! So ... what’s this from Merim Bilalic? New Scientist. 15 January, 2011.
  • 50. f Creative Right Brain Receptive Left Brain i Source Occipital Lobes Both the left and right occipital lobes of the visual cortex process vision. The symbols are Jupiter and Neptune . Neptune rules photography and film. Is it possible that Jupiter recognises, not only philosophical patterns, but also patterns in the images projected onto Neptune’s highly receptive screen? WATER FIRE
  • 51. Copyright © 2012 Health Pictures This diagram is illustrating the left hemisphere. This hemisphere is the RECEPTIVE hemisphere, therefore concerned with the ‘physical’ body (though brain specialists do not yet know this). Just want you to register the visual cortex at the back. i VISION
  • 52. Copyright © 2012 Health Pictures I have also marked Wernicke’s area. The Moon is ‘I hear’ remember? Wernink’s area is only on the left brain, on our model it signifies inner mind chatter, it has a direct connection to Mercury (communication).
  • 53. Thinking a i f Work ^ g d e `c Do you remember the connection Work ? Gemini, Air, supplies the intellect while practical Virgo, Earth, deals with details, the practical/physical, the production of actions, specifically words. They make a perfect ‘working’ team.. Work Sensing MIND EARTH AIR
  • 54. a i f ^ g d e `c Form Libra, intuitive-thinking, and Taurus, sensual- feeling, connect us with Form . I read recently that the right brain lights up when someone is ‘listening’ to music, but, when a professional musician is listening, the left brain lights up too, Is this because the musician’s brain is registering the physical actions needed to make each sound? Sensual feeling Intuitive thinking MINDEARTH AIR FIREWATER
  • 55. Creative Right Brain Receptive Left Brain Motor Cortex Somatosensory Cortex The connection identifies the Motor Cortex and the connection FORM the Somatosensory Cortex. Again, a perfect fit. Work
  • 56. c Somatosensory CortexMotor Cortex Here they are again on the left brain diagram. Motor cortex Somatosensory cortex Work Form Copyright © 2012 Health Pictures
  • 57. Copyright © 2012 Health Pictures This time I want you to note Broca’s area, which, like Wernicke’s, is left hemisphere only. If this specifically ‘physical’ Virgo area is damaged we lose the ability to make words (remember this side is Receptive therefore it is specifying Body control) Somatosensory cortex Motor cortex c Broca’s Area
  • 58. It was this information that caused astrologers who knew about brain research to identify the left hemisphere with Gemini but further research has since shown that it was only the physical ability to articulate words that was injured – the subject could still think using words. Mercury was not injured, Chiron and friends were.
  • 59. Genitals! Work WorkForm Here they are again, this time on a somatotopical map made by stimulating areas of the brain and noting what part of the body responds. The map covers both hemispheres but here I have illustrated only one side of each. Motor Cortex Somatosensory Cortex d ` c
  • 60. Genitals! Mercury, messenger of the gods, is good at talking, and, as old ruler of Virgo, ‘the craftsman’, pretty handy too. Venus is much like Mercury, but she controls the pharynx – isn’t Taurus famous for singers? Venus also has genitals! _ d c `
  • 61. Here they are in The Museum of Natural History, Oxford.
  • 62. Venus Sensual, luscious-lipped Venus is maybe not as pretty as she would like to appear, and rather obviously showing her male attributes (Libra is a positive ‘male’ sign) ...
  • 63. Mercury ... and here is dexterous, talkative, Mercury.
  • 64. And in case you are unsure about giving Chiron (Cheiron) to Gemini’s partner Virgo know that in Greek, ‘cheir’ means ‘hand’.
  • 65. Susan Greenfield writes: ‘your hand is under constant surveillance from your eyes. People with cerebella damage find this tracking movement particularly hard.’ Right, that’s sorted.
  • 66. g ` d c a ^ i f e Time CLOCK TIME DYNAMIC TIME We have two distinct types of TIME on our model. Man-made, Saturn, Chronological Time, and dynamic Mars-Pluto Time. g
  • 67. Saturn TIME First we are going to check out Saturn/Chronos Chronological Time. Saturn The Gate-Keeper - Old Father Time.
  • 68. EMPIRIC THINKING This means we are going to look at the area marked MIND.
  • 69. Copyright © 2012 Health Pictures Wealth Here are the Frontal Lobes.
  • 70. Michio Kaku went to Duke University where Dr Meek was using fMRI to determine the position of the brain’s ‘chronological’ clock’. Michio says: ‘Look at this – is this the chronological clock in my brain?’ Warren Meek answers, very assertively: ’Yes’. BBC HORIZON
  • 71. The executive functions of the frontal lobes involve the ability to recognize future consequences resulting from current actions, override and suppress unacceptable social responses …. Therefore, it is involved in higher mental functioning. Empiric Thinking MIND And I think you will recognise Saturn in this.
  • 72. Next you will see a page from the musician Clive Wearing’s diary. Clive had a damaged Hippocampus. Clive’s memory of what just happened lasted about a second. He recognised the people he loved, operating system memories, autonomic and instinctive, and could still conduct the orchestra, but the memory that built up his sense of identity was gone. Uranus, ‘the awakener’, and Saturn, ‘patience’, feature prominently.
  • 73. Professor William T. (Billy) O’Connor James Fenner Clive Wearing’s Diary Saturn Patience Awake Uranus
  • 74. We can think of Saturn as the CD or memory stick on which we store ongoing work. We need to edit our work don’t we? But, what if the editing energy gets out of hand. E T Rolls, J Hornak, D Wade, J McGrath Performance on these … tests … reflected the degree of disinhibited and socially inappropriate behaviour exhibited by patients. … difficulty in modifying responses, especially when followed by negative consequences may contribute to the inappropriate behaviour …. Research Article Emotion-related learning in patients with social and emotional changes associated with frontal lobe damage.
  • 75. Parietal Lobe - The Brain Made Simple g ` d c a ^ i f e Time 0 Death Birth Tucked up between the Somato- sensory Cortex and Visual Cortex we have the Parietal Lobes. Mars-Pluto TIME is time as CHANGE. e
  • 76. To test whether ... the Superior (upper) Parietal Lobe had a role in triggering the switch, the researchers stimulated each lobe with a magnetic field … knocking out the function of that lobe - while the volunteers re-watched the … illusion ... the switch rate slowed when either lobe was exposed to the magnetic field. (Current Biology, DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2010.07.027). This picture is an example of something that can be viewed in different ways. What allows the brain to switch perception?
  • 77. "One possibility is that the SPL is actually triggering the perceptual switches by sending a signal to 'reset' the illusion," .."Or … people with a large SPL are better at noticing other possible interpretations ... which would also result in a faster switch rate.“ YES: Mars Pluto TIME is time as CHANGE! CHANGE ... and here is the conclusion. No wonder Aries can’t hang about without getting bored. …
  • 78. ‘The posterior superior part of the cingulate cortex is related to sexual behaviour. Tumours in this area may lead to satiriasis (perpetual penile erection) in the male and nymphomania (continuous sexual desire) in the female.’ cingulate gyrus corpus callosum Superior means upper and posterior means back ... Mars rules sexual desire and Pluto, compulsion. Here are Mars-Pluto in Big Trouble. Human Brain Colouring Book. M.C. Diamond/A.B Scheibel/ L.M. Elson
  • 79. Quote: This right anterior temporal area helps make connections across distantly related information during comprehension. Although all problem solving relies on a largely shared cortical network, the sudden flash of insight occurs when solvers engage distinct neural and cognitive processes that allow them to see connections that previously eluded them. This is from BBC Horizon March 2013. The subject was Creativity.
  • 80. YANG YANG YANG YANG YANG YANG The Creative Heaven Right Brain Nine in the third place means: All day long the superior man is creatively active. Dr Young, scanning for creativity, noted this Aries right brain area predominated. Well yes – the I Ching says about this position: Nine in the third place means: All day long the superior man is creatively active.
  • 81. Mark Jung Beeman working with MRI and John Kounios of Drexel, working with EEG, have combined their specialties in order to research ‘The Ah Ha effect’. And this also from March 2013 Horizon. In my presentation How Life Works I explain how I discovered that Mars/Aries is represented in the I CHING by the trigram Chen – Shock. The I CHING says: Laughing words – ha, ha!
  • 82. Charles Limb explains: … the conscious, self-monitoring gate-keeper of the frontal lobes must be turned down to assist creativity . Simon Ritter adds: .. it is necessary to remove ... functional fixedness in order to release new associations . Saturn’s esoteric title is The Gate-Keeper. All is well, Uranus is on hand.
  • 83. My chart, Sun in Aries, with Uranus conjunct Saturn and trine Neptune, explains why I have no problem with ‘Functional Fixedness’.
  • 84. I and me. The pathway between Moon and Mercury is once again significant. It identifies two separate centres of conscious awareness – in the head I, and in the body me.
  • 85. Ruling line: The Receptive Earth X me Feeling me We pat our when we say ‘me’. Cancer, the crab, is soft inside a hard protective shell. Me is the name we give our vulnerable, physical, self. The ruling line of The Receptive Earth says: “Straight square great without purpose yet nothing remains unfurthered”. Ahhh! ... Primal brain.
  • 86. Although vulnerable to Virgoan criticism, I is in- visible, it is safe in our heads. For Mercury, the ruling line of The Creative Heaven, the I Ching says: “Flying dragon in the heavens”. Yes ... Mercury is Gemini’s winged messenger isn’t he? Ruling line: The Creative Heaven Thinking I I
  • 87. me am I think (therefore I am)I amI me Self-consciousness (it appears) results from the attraction between positive AIR and negative WATER - thought and feeling. Please don’t hurt me.
  • 88. The New Scientist (issue 2357 page 16, Hazel Muir) Split Brain reveals our sense of self me! Venus is right brain! I relate (therefore you are) Ah ha!
  • 89. The result of research on split brain patients revealed that the ‘different’ sides of the brain perform ‘different’ functions. They labelled the Creative right brain ‘Spatial’ and the Receptive left brain ‘Temporal’. Back in the seventies brain specialists cut through the Corpus Callosum to relieve the effects of epilepsy. Good idea to split electrical Uranus from Saturn in this instance.
  • 90. Why did brain specialist label the Creative, right brain, Spatial, and the Receptive, left, Temporal when The CREATIVE HEAVEN means energy/TIME and The RECEPTIVE EARTH means SPACE/matter. Is this ALL WRONG?
  • 91. The Imagination. The Creative Heaven The Body. The Receptive Earth TEMPORAL? SPATIAL? The Left Brain deals with actions that can only be performed one at a time: actions you need a BODY to execute. And look, Saturn culminates on this ‘Temporal’ Left Hemisphere. .. The Right Brain is labelled ‘spatial’ because it deals with our ability to manipulate images in our imagination. The Creative means IMAGINATION. YANGYIN
  • 92. Brain specialists, unlike physicists, are using the Uranian ‘idea’ of SPACE, rather than the ‘reality’ space. The ‘reality’ space has three dimensions: up- down, side to side and back to front, represented by the Chinese as a cube. Remember The Receptive Earth “Straight square great without purpose yet nothing remains unfurthered”. When they think TIME, they are thinking Saturn time, clock time, time constructed by man. Pick up an object, move it, and time will have passed. If you are interested in understanding the phenomenon see presentations on slideshare. YANG YIN
  • 93. At a conference in Bristol in 2013 Professor Goodyer, neurologist at Cambridge University, explained that they were beginning to understand that the brain of a child develops from the back to the front ...
  • 94. I sat in the audience with a diagram of this very thing brought for my friend who had arranged the lecture. The professor was frustrated because he did not have a model and I was frustrated because I had a model but no-one would take it seriously. We were both frustrated ... Professor Goodyer mentioned that they needed a model but were unlikely to find one during his lifetime. We know that don’t we?
  • 95. The grey, squidgy, material, in our heads asks questions, supplies motivations, converts light waves into pictures, sound waves into words, manipulates muscles with exquisite precision, adds symbols to ideas, communicates with other brains and requires recognition for its efforts. Scientific instruments are not up to understanding this incredible software. However, it appears our brains have been communicating with us for millennia. They have done this using ideas in the form of symbols, images and metaphor, and these are further embellished by stories we call myth. Enjoying the creativity of this ancient language I inadvertently discovered that it illuminates our working brain. This discovery has great esoteric significance. If this is a model of the brain, a blueprint of something physical, it is accessible to scientific testing. This is the marriage of science and mysticism, of matter and metaphor, of Earth and Heaven. Revelation, a famous enigmatic manuscript, calls this model The Bride or The Golden City, and in the last chapter it says it shall be in our foreheads. Well yes … not so enigmatic after all. Clearly the scientific paradigm requires an upgrade.
  • 96. Copyright © MCMAYHEM. If we upgrade the paradigm Bart Simpson’s request can be granted . Anima Mundi means World Mind doesn’t it?
  • 97. An ancient story tells us that a long time ago, at the beginning of Time, Uranus, ‘the awakener’, mated with and planet Earth gave birth to LIFE. Here is a mosaic depicting Uranus with and her children. God of the sky he stands within the .
  • 98. Copyright © MCMAYHEM. Here is Uranus mating with once more. Maybe not (exactly) but Homer Simpson standing in for .
  • 99. The ‘ancients’ understood that WE and the universe are intimately related. Now, maybe, we can prove that the old saying, ‘as above so below’, is not unscientific, superstitious, rubbish – it is FACT. All we have to do is check out this model.
  • 100. We have looked upon our Mother planet - the planet that gave birth to LIFE - the planet that, with the creative participation of her miraculous surroundings, gave birth to US. Um … Uranus is ruler of the sign Aquarius ... This is the dawning of The Age of Aquarius isn’t it?
  • 101. If this is the famous Marriage of Heaven and Earth, the mating, this time, is taking place on an
  • 102.
  • 103. Here she is, her surrounding sprinkled with stars … the planet that gave birth to LIFE - that gave birth to US. Edgar Mitchell in the book The Home Planet writes: My view of our planet was a glimpse of divinity’.
  • 104. Hi kids – it’s the 21st Century!
  • 105. This key is for you. GOOD LUCK. xxxxx Chrissy Philp. August, 2015