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Chapters 17-19
The New Kings

Chrissy Philp
19 November 2011
In Part One John introduced the number Seven. He spoke
of seven churches, seven lamps of gold and seven stars.
In Chapter 1, verse 20, we were told that the ‘seven stars
(planets) are the angels of the seven churches’.

1:4 .. seven churches .. 1:12 Seven lamps of gold .. 1:16
.. seven stars. 1:20 ...the seven stars are the angels of the
seven churches.
This is a copy of a page in the
Jewish encyclopaedia illustrating
the seven branched candlestick.

Quote: ‘The seven lights may be
said to represent the seven
planets, which, regarded as the
eyes of God, behold everything. ..
in the Babylonian religion the
seven planets are the seven chief

Some theologians think John
was a Palestinian Jew because
the language that he used in his
manuscript was Palestinian
Greek. I am confident that when
John speaks of seven stars he is
alluding to the planets.
Remember Ishtar – this time I’ve included Nabu. They both have wings just like angels! Babylonian Nabu ‘the scribe’ is Mercury, Virgo’s old
ruler. Virgo rules libraries. This plaque decorates the Library of Congress
in Washington. Symbols have staying power.


John also speaks of seven spirits,
seven seals, seven horns, seven
eyes, seven angels sounding
seven trumpet blasts, seven
thunders, seven crowns, seven
plagues, seven viols, seven
heads, seven mountains and
seven kings.
This is the order in which
Claudius Ptolemy places the
seven ‘ruling planets’ in his
In Part Two I equated ‘angels’
with planets, I think it is
reasonable to equate astrological
planetary ‘rulers’ with kings?

Rulers = Kings

The Ptolemaic Order of
Now, in Chapter 17 verse 10, the text begins to specifically
address these seven ruling planets as kings. John tells us ..

17:10 There are seven kings. Five are fallen …

Why are five kings described as fallen? Is it because Saturn,
Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury, are having to rule two signs?
My interest in these kings was particularly stimulated when later
on in this same chapter 17, in verse 12, I read that the seven
kings had suddenly become ten? This is what John says ..

17:12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten
kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but
receive power as kings one hour with the beast.

7 plus 3 = 10.
WHY – I want to know have THREE NEW
KINGS been added to
the text ....

So I read Chapter 17 Verse 10 with special care.
What has happened to change the number of kings from seven to ten?
Is there a clue in this sentence?‘

17:10 ... there are seven kings. Five are fallen, and … one is ..

What’s with this ONE IS ?
The Creative Heaven is symbolised in the Chinese
oracle, the I Ching, by the number 1.
The planet Uranus, first God of the Hittites, was
discovered by William Herschel in 1781. Uranus was
originally called Oranus which translates as ‘Sky’.

Is this symbolically significant?
Here he is … Mr Wow.
He sits in the top position
on both the Creative
Heaven and Receptive
Earth models and on the
Receptive Earth model he
sits at the top of the
section identified with
The Creative.

He is Top Alpha.
Check it out ….

The Spirit The
Father The
Groom The
Some astrologers did not appreciate this
revolutionary disruption of the old system.
It was William Blake’s friend John Varley
who decided that Uranus ruled the sign
Aquarius. This is what he wrote:

John Varley

‘Aries and Scorpio are the houses of Mars,
Taurus and Libra are the houses of Venus,
Gemini and Virgo are under the dominion of
Mercury, Cancer is the house of the Moon,
Sagittarius and Pisces are the houses of
Jupiter, Capricorn is the house of Saturn; and
Aquarius is governed by the Herschel planet.’

My thanks for this information goes to (the expert) Kim Farnell.
Because astrology is a study of the sky, astrology is thought by many
astrologers to be connected to the sign Aquarius. Aquarius is a fixed sign
which means astrologers don't like change, yet Uranus causes revolutions!
It’s a conundrum. We need to remember that Uranus’ partner is Saturn and
Saturn is forever tempted to carve its secular regulations into stone.
So back to the text: ‘

And there are seven kings: five have fallen, and one is …


Photograph from

Monica (in a moment of inspiration) has
pointed out that this New King was
discovered in New King Street.
So here we see Uranus, principle, connecting with Saturn, structure, a perfect
pair: freedom plus responsibility. Saturn no longer controls the Aquarian
collective. No longer can kings declare ‘l’etat c’est moi’ (The State is Me) with
impunity. The American War of Independence was won in 1781. Please note
that just as with the primal pair, the Sun and the Moon, a positive-male sign,
always links with a
female sign. Here
Capricorn, a negative
female sign, links with
Aquarius, a positive
male sign.
This is an example of
yin (negative) and yang
(positive) equivalence.

‘All men are
created equal.’
So we are back to contemplating the indivisibility of space-time. The
Chinese thought of Cosmos in terms of space-time.
This is from Ames and Hall’s academic text on the Daodejing (I Ching).
Revelation - the sentence continues:

..... and the other is not yet come: and when he
cometh he must continue a short space.
Neptune, discovered by John Couch Adams in 1848,
had already been catalogued but mistaken for a star
by U.J.J. Leverrier in 1795.

Neptune is notoriously ambiguous.
And here he is ……
The first life on Earth was nurtured
in Neptune’s waters. Can Neptune
ever be said to be completely and
absolutely manifested? The 12th
house represents our time in the
We all spend time in the womb not
yet come, but the place from which
we cometh.
Stan Grof writes: ‘… undisturbed intra-uterine life is synonymous with Pisces’
ruling planet Neptune’ (Beyond the Brain, 1985, State University of New York). Sag’s ruling
planet, Jupiter, stands for internal structure (DNA?) expansion and development.
Ah! Another New King perhaps?
With Neptune now ruling Pisces (as Jupiter’s complementary partner) intuition
joins with feeling, knowledge with empathy, mysticism with philosophy - the
Receptive quality of Pisces combines with the creative expansiveness of Sag.
So along with
Jupiter’s ethics we have
fully realised Neptunian
Since Neptune was
discovered Christianity
has begun to change.
Ninth house religious
organisation is giving
way to a less defined
Neptunian expression,
more in tune, it seems
to me, with Jesus’
original intentions.





And perhaps we
ought to note (again)
just as with the
primal pair the Sun
and the Moon, a
yang-male sign
always links with a
yin-female sign.
Now, before we read chapter 17 verse 11, we take a backward step and look at
some previous verses as they will help us to understand the introduction to the
tenth king.
In chapter 17 verse 7 we are let into a secret - the secret meaning of the beast
(yes the one with ten horns) upon which the famous Whore of Babylon rides.

Count the horns.
(Or are they planets!)
English, probably
London, about
1255 - 1260
Tempera colors,
gold leaf, and
colored washes on
12 9/16 x 8 7/8 in.
FOL. 36
Remember, this is the original verse that first stimulated my
interest in this chapter.

17:12 And the ten horns which thou
sawest are ten kings, which have received
no kingdom as yet; but receive power as
kings one hour with the beast.
What is this beast about?

17:7 .. I will tell you the mystery
of the woman, and of the beast
that carries her, which has the
seven heads and the ten horns.
17.8 .. behold the beast that
was, and is not, and yet is.
The woman represents the ‘female’,
material, aspect of existence. The
beast she rides is ‘time’. It was
yesterday, is not yet tomorrow and yet
is now.
This is not structured Saturnian
time, ordered and controlled, counted
in seconds and minutes, this is MarsPluto time, time that is directly
experienced as the constant birth and
death of the passing moment. This is
‘time’ that we ‘intuit’ (fire) and ‘feel’
(water), ‘time’ that was, is not, and yet

Parietal Lobes
Now back to Chapter 17
verse 11 (the verse that
follows the introduction of
the first two new planets).
It concludes with a
description of this same
And here is Pluto, god
of the underworld, ruler of
the eighth house with his
partner Mars who is one
of the seven. He is right
on cue!
When we added Pluto to
our Zodiacal pantheon we
had evolved sufficiently to
conceive of ‘Relative
So ... what’s this with

17:11 .. the beast (Mars/Pluto) that was,
and is not, even he is the eighth, (Eight
House) and is of the seven (Mars) and
goeth into perdition.

In Latin Plouton is related to the
word "wealth“.
Pluto has made available the
wealth of the underworld, oil and
coal. We are presently very aware
that our hungry dependence on
these commodities has
endangered our planet.
It doesn’t sound good and I
suspect this is not an

Our mastery of nuclear fission (the breaking
apart of an atom of Uranium) produced a
new element, plutonium, the basic
ingredient of the atomic bomb.
Pluto is Earth’s recycling energy. Pluto
breaks down discarded materiel back into
its component parts so that it can be reassimilated into the life process.
Pluto will degrade most things ….
but not PLUTONIUM.
So, after the introduction of the three new planets and a bit of to-ing and
fro-ing we have arrived in the text at the mention of those ten kings.
And here they are - all ten of them.
Chapter 17 verse 13 continues
the story.

Photo by Owen Byrne

17:13 They have one mind and
shall give their power and
strength unto the beast.
Modern technology is heavily
dependent on Pluto’s wealth.
Photo by Gilad Rom

17:16 And the ten horns which
thou sawest upon the beast shall
hate the whore and shall make her
desolate and naked.
And shall eat her
flesh and burn her
with fire.
This is where we find
ourselves now ...
17:17 For God hath put it in
their hearts to fulfil his will, and
to agree, and give their kingdoms
to the beast, until the words of
God shall be fulfilled.

Oxford Tire Pile, California.
New Scientist. May 2012.
6 million tyres.

Here is a review of these eight verses.

17:10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not
yet come and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.
17:11 And the beast that was , and is not, he is the eighth, and is of the seven,
and goeth into perdition.
17:12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received
no kingdom as yet: but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
17:13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the
17:14 These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them;
for he is Lord of lords, and king of kings: and they that are with him are
called and chosen, and faithful.
17:15 And he sayeth unto me. The waters which thou sawest, where the whore
sitteth, are people and multitudes, and nations, and tounges.
17:16 and the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the
whore and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and
burn her with fire.
17:17 for God hath put in their heads to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give
their kingdom to the beast until the words of God shall be fulfilled.
And this is the final verse in the chapter.
Could this be another ruler?

17:18 And the woman which thou sawest
is that great city, which reigneth over the
kings of the earth.
So now ‘the woman’, ‘the whore’, is also symbolised by
‘A CITY’ ?
The Apocalypse (unveiling), another name for The
Book of Revelation, is concerned with introducing The
Golden City which has long been thought of as the
introduction of a New Age.
We had better take a look at how Ages operate.
I used to think of Great Ages like a string of sausages, each one acting
as a separated influence, but my husband, who is well versed in
ancient history, ridiculed this idea.
He was right - this was not how they work.




When I studied history it appeared that each Age was displaying the
symbolism of the age that went before. So what was going on?
If we think of ages acting
like tree rings everything
falls into place. Every
approximately two
thousand years New Ages
are born and a new
innovative ideology pushes
the old age ideology out to
the periphery where the
socio/cultural influence
lives on.

s - Sc
aur u - L or pio
T ies ib
s - Virg

I noticed that the
descendant point of the age
is personified by a wellknown female icon.

We are here?

Empire/Power; tombs packed with
possessions; large scale
construction projects (massive
cities), trade (The World Trade
Organisation). Female icon - The
Whore of Babylon.

s - Sc
aur u - L or pio
T ies ib
s - Virg

Greece: democracy;
competitive sport
(Olympic Games);
reason, academia; civic
beauty (Palladian
architecture). Female
icon - The Goddess
Christianity: Charity
(Red Cross),
(Hospitals). Female
icon -The Virgin Mary.
On the following slides you will see a diagram I drew
up when studying World Ages.
After an initial seed point (we will look at this later)
the influence of a Great Age shows itself most
obviously towards the end of the age.
You can watch the age of Pisces/Virgo blossoming
noticeably right now. If you think about it you will see
that The New Age Movement, alternative health, and
mystic get-togethers with lots of music, is an
expression of the Old Age flowering.


Dates are
Athens flowered (Aries/Libra) in 500 BCE.
In 1620 The Mayflower carried Puritans
(Virgo) across the Atlantic Ocean (Pisces).
In 1786 prisoners (the Piscean 12th house
is the house of prisons) were sentFlood
Botany (Virgo) Bay (Pisces), Australia. The
world was colonised by western man:
Pisces spreads its influence like fog.
Babylon flexed its
muscle in 2500
BCE. The
pyramids at Giza
were built around
2560 BCE


Prior to the
flowering point old
ages carry the
main influence.
The crusades
were Martian.
Democracy is
Libran and the Age
of Taurus/Scorpio
lives on in World


We know that
writing was around
by 3,100 BCE
As mentioned already, The New Age
Movement is an expression
of the Old Age flowering.
Music festivals (getting spaced out
on drugs and drink) are Piscean
occupations and ‘alternative health’
is Virgoan.
This is mixed in with New Age
influences. Aquarius groups,
technological sound systems and
Leo Pop Stars also feature.

Yahweh is a Saturnian father-god,
the twelve tribes were twelve
families (Cancer).

These planets are being discovered in a very obvious order - from the top
down. The New Age (described in the final chapters as a marriage of the
Spirit to his Bride (positive to negative) cannot happen until this allimportant male/female coupling is complete.
What comes next? Libra is undoubtedly Venusian.

Who rules Taurus?

Who is the Woman?
Here is that instructive verse again …

17:18 And the woman which thou sawest is that Great City,
which reigneth over the Kings of the earth.
We must take a closer look at this woman for it is this female consort
of the heavenly spirit, Mater (the mother), the matter aspect of energy,
the space aspect of time, the negative rather than the positive, that is
to be the foundation upon which this New ‘Creative’ male Age is to be
constructed. She has already been mentioned at the beginning of
chapter twelve - the first time Revelation mentions the full complement
of ruling planets.

12.1 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman
clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet and upon
her head a crown of twelve stars ………….
The Anima Mundi represents, not only our beautiful home planet - the
progenitor of our collective intelligence - but also the personal cognitive
processes operating in individual brains – and she has a crown of
twelve stars, all essential to her productivity. Here is that verse again ..

12.1 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the
sun and the moon under her feet and upon her head a crown of twelve stars
12:2 And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained
to be delivered.
Mother Earth prepares to give birth to
life. We are back at Chapter 12 (prior to
the mention of the kings) to hear about
the woman again.

12:3 And there appeared another
wonder in heaven; and behold a
great red dragon having seven
heads and ten horns and seven
crowns.’ 12:4 ‘And his tail drew
the third part of the stars of
heaven and cast them to earth:
Same dragon? This is the first mention of a beast. In I Ching mythology the
yang dragon of time and the yin dragon of materiality are at war.
Ouranus, disruption, and, Saturn, order, stand in the unstable position at the
top of both primal hexagrams. Is this his tail? Remember, the Complementary
Connection Time is made up of Mars-Pluto but Saturn also represents Time (old
father Time) – if we include Saturn/Uranus this beast accused of consuming the
woman’s children, covers a third of the heavens: Capricorn and Aquarius,
Scorpio and Aries. Four is one third of twelve.
12:4 …. and the dragon stood before the woman
which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her
child as soon as it was born.

This is one mean dragon.
Time is inexorable. It devours us. It
never stops, and eventually, it confronts
us all with death.
We already know that the
woman (in her personification
as the whore) is also
mentioned in chapter 17,
verses 3 and 4.
And chapter 17, verses 10 to
17, are the verses that
introduced the new planets.
Here is another representation of
the whore, female representative of
the Age of Taurus Scorpio.
Revelation informs us that on her
forehead is written …

The Age of Taurus/Scorpio was the
age of the great Babylonian empire
when cities were massive and
trade flourished. Taurus is
certainly sensual and acquisitive
and her consort is erotic Venus but
isn’t this criticism a bit harsh ? St
John tells that us that he really
admires this woman.

Artserve at the Australian National

17:6 .. I wondered with great
Me too. She must have been amazing.
My daughter drew this in the 1990s
when I was writing the very last
words in the very last chapter of my
trilogy The Golden City.
I was writing about the upcoming
eclipse chart of 2000 set for
Babylon - an eclipse that was to
occur when the Sun moved onto 00
Aquarius at the very beginning of
the new Millennium.
Em did not know what I was
writing about. When I got up from
my computer to look at what she
had been drawing I saw this .. I was
amazed, just like John was amazed.
I think it’s the best pic of the whore
ever. Em has drawn the beast and
the woman as if they are one –
which they are. And the whore
looks like a Bodhisattva doesn’t
she? This is an evolved whore.

On this chart PLUTO
in the 10th HOUSE
rules the Scorpio MC
and New Age Uranus
is rising in Aquarius.
Em’s natal chart
has Sun in Leo,
conjunct this charts
Moon, and the Moon
in Aquarius, conjunct
this charts Sun –
can’t get much more
New Age than that.
So to get back to where we
were –

What is happening here!
The angels, the original
seven kings, have joined
up from Sun to Saturn in a
neat zigzag pattern.
What if we continue adding the New Kings in the order they were discovered
it looks like this … Uranus 1781, Neptune 1849, and Pluto 1930.
So what’s next?

Here is a familiar
planet, first seen in
all her planetary
glory in 1961.


So, which sign
is ruled by planet
This is a slide from my Anima Mundi presentation. It explains how DNA
and this model of the planets are founded on the same principles.

DNA consists of a double string of simple molecules called bases. There are only
four bases; these are adenine, A, guanine, G, thiamine, T and cytosine, C. The
Pattern of Evolution is made up of four elements; these are Earth, Air, Fire, and
Water. In DNA the base adenine always links with thiamine and the base
guanine always links with cytosine. This is reflected by the pattern on the Earth
Alignment. Earth always links with Air, Water always links with Fire.
Earth is the perfect planet for applying to rulership of the second house
sign, the house of values and possessions – she is surely our greatest
possession. The second house is Taurean – Taurus is the second sign. So
now when we add the new planets - including our mother planet Earth - it
looks like this.
AND LOOK! Here is the
symbol for Earth that I
found in my Cassell’s
English Dictionary … she
is Venus upside down!
Is this significant or

Oh yes … didn’t we learn that the gift for Libra was to rule the world, and
weren’t the gifts symbolic of the complementary planet i.e. the Moon’s
gift is the Sun’s Crown, Mercury has Virgo’s white stone on which he
can write, and now Venus is co-ruling with Mother Earth?

.. to him I will give power over the nations: 2:27 ... And he
shall rule them with a rod of iron;
This addition of planet Earth marks a momentous
evolutionary step.
We have achieved ‘lift off’.
We have broken free from Earth’s powerful
gravitational hold.
Earth is the only planet we have yet discovered in which the Four
Elements, earth/air/fire/water, exist independently and in large quantities.
The Anima Mundi, also called Philosopher’s Stone, means Living World
(anima as in ‘animated’ and ‘animal’) World Soul or World Mind.

Anima Mundi
But what’s this about ?


And to the woman were given two wings
of a great eagle ..…’

This is where I offer
you a hyper-brief
(only four slides)
introduction to my
Magnum Opus –
Here is a diagram I drew in the mid 1980s. On the left is The Zodiac, The
Creative Heaven – you can see the new zigzag pattern completed at the bottom.
On the right is The Receptive Earth (the Woman), I have labelled it The Pattern
of the Elements as I drew this up at least 15 years before Liz informed me that
her model, on which this set-up is built, was based on the Anima Mundi. Look
at the diagram to the right of the zigzag pattern. This is what the zigzag pattern
looks like if you join up the same sequence on the female model, The Woman.


Wings -

It was mention of the two wings of the cerebral cortex that drew my
attention to the possibility this might be a model of the brain. That
was way back in 1986. Now, after much study, I am convinced this is
what it is. The seven planets, when applied to this model, are not
called angels, the beast was described as having seven ‘heads’ ..
this is pertinent as they stand here for cognitive functions –
Limbic System



Core brain



Seven planets = angels

Seven heads = cognitive functions
So back to the discovery of Earth.
The Taurus Element is the Sensing Element –
How did astronaut Russell L. Schweickart know to write this?

‘You know very well that moment, and it comes through you so

powerfully, that you are the sensing element for man. You look down
and see the surface of that globe that you've lived on all this time,
and you know all those people down there, and they are like you,
they are you, and somehow you represent them.’ The Home Planet,
Conceived and edited by Kevin W. Kelly. Macdonald Queen Anne Press.


Earth is

The influence of this discovery on the human psyche - the discovery of Venus’
partner Earth - was obvious. The Beatles sang ‘Love, love, love’, and ‘Love, love
me do’, and ‘All you need is love’ - and nobody could get enough of them.
Hippies preached Free
Love: Flower Power was
‘the thing’.

Babylon, by Joan
Oats. Thames and
Hudson Ltd.1986

Remember - the Age of
Taurus/Scorpio, 4,000 – 2,000
BCE, was the age when we learnt
to Build Big. We built tombs
which we filled with
possessions. It was the age of
great cities when trade between
rich and powerful nations was
established. Herodotus said of
the Babylonians – they were

more interested in making money
than making war!
Our massive cities, commercial and financial empires, and World
Trade organizations, are all born of this Age of Taurus the Bull.

So, back to Chapter 17 verse 18 where we began. This is the
chapter introducing the new planets. Here is the woman again.

17:18 And the woman which thou sawest is
that Great City, which reigneth over the Kings
of the earth.
I think we might have got this worked out. The woman is our
own planet, complementary connection to Venus (her sister
From a symbolic standpoint she is the Anima Mundi, the living
Earth, the Receptive feminine archetype. No wonder she is so
She was the undiscovered (therefore unconscious) ruler of
the Age of Taurus/Scorpio, the age of great cities, commercial
and financial Empires, and World Trade.
Now we move from chapter 17, in which we were introduced to the whore
and the new planets (including the woman ), to chapter 18 and ….

The Fall of
18.2 .. Babylon the great is
fallen, is fallen .. 18.9 And the
kings of the earth, who have
lived deliciously with her shall
bewail her and lament for her,
when they shall see the smoke of
her burning ..
Could this be the fall of the World Trade

18.10 Standing afar off for the
fear of her torment, saying, Alas,
alas that great city Babylon that
mighty city! for in one hour is
thy judgment come.
I had just arrived at a friend’s house (her
brother lived in New York). ‘Come in
quickly’, she said – her smart new TV
was on – we watched the second plane
hit the second tower together, it didn’t
feel real.
The Twin Towers belonged to the New
York Port Authorities.

18:15 The merchants of these
things which were made rich by
her, shall stand afar off for the
fear of her torment, weeping
and wailing,
18:16 And saying, Alas, alas
that great city
18:17 For in one hour so great
riches is come to nought. And
every shipmaster, and all the
company in ships, and sailors,
and as many as trade by sea,
stood afar off …
18:18 And cried when they
saw the smoke of her
burning saying, What city is
like unto this great city!

18:19 And they cast dust on
their heads, and cried, weeping
and wailing, saying, Alas, alas
that great city, wherein were
made rich all that had ships in
the sea by reason of her
costliness! for in one hour is
she made desolate.

Fran has pointed out that this is
GROUND ZERO. Remember ...

18:17 For in one hour so great
riches is come to nought –
The world watched in
horror this what the Sunday
Times had to say:

In one hour, the enemies of America
had struck at its greatest symbols: the So now we
get to
glittering spires of Mammon....

chapter 19.

19:1 After this I heard what sounded like the roar of a vast
throng in heaven and they were shouting Alleluia! And again
they said, Alleluia. And her smoke rose up for ever and ever.’

In the UK the Last Night of the Proms was delayed.
They broadcast The Ode to Joy. Jerusalem was In the wake of Sept. 11,
Buckley's version of
sung throughout the country from end to end. In
America they broadcast their national anthem. Is Leonard Cohen’s Halleluia
was used in a video of
this what is meant by the ‘roar of a great throng?’
World Trade Center
footage that played
constantly on VH1.
Summing up
Chapter 17, verses 10 to 12, introduced
the rule of the Ten Kings.
Chapter 17 verse 18 introduced the
woman who I identified as Taurus Earth.
In Chapter 18 we were horrified by the
story of the ‘Fall of Babylon’.
Now in Chapter 19 verse 9 we are invited
to the marriage supper …
19:9 And he saith unto me,
Write, Blessed are they which
are called unto the marriage
supper of the Lamb.


Take away the Christian
polyvalence in Revelation’s text
and we are again looking at a
bonding of primary male and
female archetypes.

The Sun rising over the Earth.
Photograph taken from Apollo 12
returning home from the Moon.
But the marriage cannot take place while the pattern is
incomplete. One of the Kings is still fallen. We need a
ruler for Virgo, a partner for Mercury.
Here is a picture of the Goddess Ceres,
goddess of the harvest, she is the
constellation Virgo!
And here is the asteroid Ceres.


Johannes Kepler predicted another planet
orbiting between Mars and Jupiter but there
was no planet to be found, only bits of what
might have become a planet if Jupiter’s
gravity wasn’t so strong. Might this protoplanet be worthy of serious consideration?
Ceres, first seen in 01.01.1801, was the first
asteroid to be discovered.
From Catherine
Tennant’s Box of Stars
Ceres is one of many,
many, many, many, many
asteroids in the main
asteroid belt.
Many manys.

Virgo, the secretary, is
interested in minutiae –
Virgo rules libraries: lots
and lots of words,
sentences, chapters,
stops, and commas in
lots and lots of books.
Mutable, positive,
Mercurial Gemini working
together with mutable,
negative, material Virgo:
an ever mutating
melange of information
encoding capacity.
And since we discovered
Mercury’s partner look what we
have done to our Earth.
Does this remind you of
asteroids? This is how the
throng of voices could be
broadcast from heaven all over
the world - a new global
communication/ nervous
system. This is a massive (and
possibly troublesome)
evolutionary development.
We have a World Wide Web.
Revelation discusses this
amazing extension of our selfexpression later on in the text.
... But, hang on!
We are forgetting something?
It has been suggested that Chiron is an
escaped asteroid - we mustn’t forget
Chiron. In Greek ‘cheir’ means hands.
Mercury + Cheiron = hands.
This is a highly responsible Centaur so
lets not leave him out.

When Chiron was discovered it
was named after its discoverer
Charles T Kowal, Object Kowal –
OK. This is the reason why it’s
glyph looks like a key.


Fran (who recognised Ground 0)
has also pointed out that this is
the 21st Century! Perhaps we
are come of age?

Wall painting, Museo
Napoli, Inv 9109

Chiron was a teacher, a shaman, said
to have named many of the
constellations and to have taught the
arts of war and of healing; in French
Chirurgie (Greek Cheirourgia) means
Infants given into Chiron's care grew
up to be famous. Achilles was King
Peleus’ son. Hercules, Jason and
Asklepios were also students of
Asklepios (meaning unceasingly
gentle) became so skilled as a surgeon
and so knowledgeable in the use of
drugs that he is called the founder of
medicine. The sixth house is health
and third house is the house of
education, isn’t it?
So what have we got here now? A complete set! Chiron (ecology) was
discovered in 1977 when the Rainbow Warrior took to the waves.
We will be cataloguing the asteroids for some time yet.
Cataloguing – just what Virgo likes.

The star next to Chiron
symbolises the
asteroids in the main
asteroid belt between
Jupiter and Mars.
So what does Revelation say about
this new state of affairs?

19:11 And I saw heaven
opened, and behold a white
horse; and he that sat upon him
was called Faithful and True,
and in righteousness he doth
judge and make war.
Again, here are Castor and Pollux,
from Liz Greene’s Tarot Cards - the
Dioskouroi - the Gemini Twins.

The Mythic Tarot, by Liz Greene and
Juliet Sharman Burk

Chiron is a Centaur, half horse
half man, Virginal Virgo favors
white, (writing paper and Word for
windows favour white) and these
Dioskouroi certainly appear to be
setting off to judge and make war.
19:11 And I saw heaven opened,
and behold a white horse; and
he that sat upon him was called
Faithful and True, and in
righteousness he doth judge and
make war.
My first choice for Faithful and True?

The Mythic Tarot, by Liz Greene and
Juliet Sharman Burk
OR .....
Mercury Rules GEMINI.
The media have dubbed Clegg and Cameron ‘twins’. Could these two
possibly be playing the part of Faithful and True?
Here, for bored astrologers, is a Clegg Cameron Composite. I am a fan of composites, it is a
chart in its own right. It shows us the potential of these two working in unison. This Chart has
a Leo MC and an Aquarius IC. And there is an 11th 5th
opposition. Very
new age. Jupiter
and Sun are in
mutual reception. Jupiter is the
angel praised for faith and the Sun
‘cans’t not bear him that is evil’ –
the Sun is True. Is this Faithful and
True? What about the Dioscouroi.
In Virgo Pluto, Mars and Uranus are
clustering around the 11th house
cusp opposing Chiron - we have a
Mercury ruled 8th house and Mars
rules the archetypal Virgoan 6th.
Meanwhile powerful Venus,
conjunct Mercury, is on the cusp of
the Jupiter ruled second house –
and Venus rules the DSC. The Moon
– the people - is sextile the Sun,
Venus and Mercury.
Chapter 19 continues, but first we must
take a look at what was said about
Mercury in the letters in Part One.
Do you remember that the letter to
this third angel, ruler of the third
house, made this announcement way
back in Chapter 2 ?
Chapter 2, Letters to the Angels
2: 12
And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write;
These things saith he which hath the sharp sword
with two edges; 2.16 Repent; or else I will come
unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with
the sword of my mouth.

2:17 To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden
manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new
name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.
Chapter 19
And now we are told in Chapter 19:
His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many
crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he
19:15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he
should smite the nations:

19.12 … and on his head were many crowns; …
So what’s with these many crowns: Sounds like asteroids to me!

19.13 and he was
clothed in a vesture
dipped in blood and he
was called The Word
of God.

Ah! Got it. Mercury is I to the me and
me is the Moon, Kan, ‘blood’ isn’t it?

I am unsure about the blood
but I’m sure you’ll get this
… he was called The Word
of God’.
Words belong to this
Gemini Virgo axis don’t
19.14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him
upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
This is from Wiki … Remember the
Dioskouroi? Here they are again.

.. Castor and Pollux are constantly
associated with horses in art and literature.
Their role as horsemen made them
particularly attractive to the Roman
equites and cavalry. Each year on July 15,
the feast day of the Dioskouroi, the 1,800
equestrians would parade through the
streets of Rome in an elaborate spectacle
...[14] . .....
The next few verses relate to the Chiron myth so lets look at what
the myth has to tell us.
Chiron and Prometheus
Prometheus (a word that
translates as ‘foresight’) stole
fire from the gods and gave it to
man, an act that so angered the
king of the gods that, in a blind
fury (as ruler of a fire sign Zeus
was personally violated by this
theft), he had Prometheus
chained to a mountain inviting a
great bird to dine on his liver.
Since Prometheus was immortal
his liver restored itself every
night obliging Zeus (Roman
Jupiter) to listen to his victim’s
cries of agony on a daily basis.

Website for this image

Discomforted by the uproar,
Zeus began to regret the
harshness of his punishment but
he was unable to remove the
bonds he had set up.
Chiron offered to give his own life in return for Prometheus’ liberty. This
delivered Zeus from his predicament and the punishment was annulled,
thus Chiron served the interests of both Prometheus (foresight), and Zeus
(knowledge). He taught, through the example of his compassionate and
voluntary extinction, a difficult but uncompromising lesson; that life, by its
very nature, incorporates pain and suffering - however unjust the pain and
suffering might seem to be - and that personal death is essential if the aim
is to ensure the continuing ecological development and health of an
immortal living system.
In astrology names which sound
alike are considered to have
similar qualities.
Just as Saturn is equated with
Satan so the Chiron myth can be
equated with Christ. I learnt this
from Ermenine Lantero – The
Continuing Discovery of Chiron.
Samuel Viser Inc 1983
19.17 And I saw an angel standing
in the sun; and he cried with a loud
voice, saying to all the fowls that fly
in the midst of heaven, Come and
gather yourselves together unto the
supper of the great God;
19.18 That ye may eat the flesh of
kings, and the flesh of captains, and
the flesh of mighty men, and the
flesh of horses, and of them that sit
on them, and the flesh of all men,
both free and bond, both small and
What is this saying?
Our bodies, whether mighty or
insignificant, human or animal, are
food for the collective. Life feeds
on death. This is Chiron’s difficult
But wait ….
In honour of his sacrifice Zeus put Chiron in the
sky as the constellation Centaurus.

We live forever in the stars. We really do.
Box of Stars

If Chiron has an entourage of asteroids,
why not Mercury? Astronomers suggest
Mercury came in from the outer solar
system and, in myth, the twin Castor was
mortally injured (just like Chiron) and was
sent to live in Pluto’s realm – until, that is,
Jupiter - who was Pollux’s dad but not
Castor’s (it’s a long story) - took pity on the
grieving pair and placed them together in
the sky as the constellation Gemini?

So both Castor-and-Pollux, and
Chiron, have their own
I wonder if the Centaurs, the
Kuiper belt, the Oort Cloud,
maybe even the new Plutoids, are
something to do with the injured
Castor? This explains why, on the
diagram, I have also given Gemini
a star.
Now we get to chapter 20, a chapter that – mostly - has eluded my understanding. Here are the bits that fit with what I already know.
This is how it begins.

20:1 And I saw an angel come down
from heaven, having the key of the
bottomless pit …
Nick Oakley Smith thinks this might
be the key to the Black Hole Game
(from my book One Way of Looking at
Man). He knows that I have Chiron
conjunct Pluto in the 11th


.. and a great chain in his hand.

Fran has suggested that the chain is the
asteroid belt.

And, of course, there is the
Kuiper Belt as well?

21 and key of the door.

Chrissy, you do realise
this is the 21st century?

No I didn’t …. THANK YOU FRAN.

So where are we ‘at’ now?
We are come of age. We have power,
we have knowledge, we recognised
all of the planetary influences acting
upon us. We are ready for another
trip around the pattern, perhaps
visiting these planets one by one.
We understand fusion – the
mechanism that works the Sun - and
we have stood on the Moon. We are
almost (definitely) on the threshold
of a New Age.
Pattern complete!
20.15 And whosoever was not found written in
the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

This is the ring of fire. The day the first of the New Kings moved out of
Pisces - the old age - and into Aries - a sign that means birth - we watched
the dreadful Tsunami in Japan which set off the nuclear fires. Then there
was the earthquake in Christchurch. There has been a lot of seismic
activity around this area recently but I hope the meaning is more symbolic
.. although it wasn’t for ‘the Fall’ was it? I am merely speculating.
Now I am going to skip the details in chapter 20 as I don’t understand
them sufficiently - that the Israelis incarcerate Palestinian terrorists in
Geddon (Armageddon means field of Geddon) is a bit worrying since
the old age was born on that piece of our planet - and move onto the
chapter that aroused my curiosity in the first place. Chapter 21 begins:

21.1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth … 21:2
And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming
down .. from heaven prepared as a bride adorned for her
Here she is again … the planet that gives birth to life - that gave birth to us.
The Anima Mundi. Edgar Mitchell in the book The Home Planet writes:

‘My view of our planet was a glimpse of divinity’.
And so, after these rather stressful
chapters, we get to Revelation Part Three
which supplies an interpretation of the
last two chapters in the Bible, the Holy
book of the Age of Pisces.
In Part Three we hear about the Marriage
of the Spirit to his Bride and the
Introduction of a New Age. Whoopee!

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Revelation Part Two

  • 1. REVELATION PART TWO Chapters 17-19 The New Kings C Chrissy Philp 19 November 2011
  • 2. In Part One John introduced the number Seven. He spoke of seven churches, seven lamps of gold and seven stars. In Chapter 1, verse 20, we were told that the ‘seven stars (planets) are the angels of the seven churches’. 7 1:4 .. seven churches .. 1:12 Seven lamps of gold .. 1:16 .. seven stars. 1:20 ...the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches.
  • 3. This is a copy of a page in the Jewish encyclopaedia illustrating the seven branched candlestick. Quote: ‘The seven lights may be said to represent the seven planets, which, regarded as the eyes of God, behold everything. .. in the Babylonian religion the seven planets are the seven chief gods.’ Some theologians think John was a Palestinian Jew because the language that he used in his manuscript was Palestinian Greek. I am confident that when John speaks of seven stars he is alluding to the planets.
  • 4. Remember Ishtar – this time I’ve included Nabu. They both have wings just like angels! Babylonian Nabu ‘the scribe’ is Mercury, Virgo’s old ruler. Virgo rules libraries. This plaque decorates the Library of Congress in Washington. Symbols have staying power. Ishtar/Venus Nabu/Mercury
  • 5. John also speaks of seven spirits, seven seals, seven horns, seven eyes, seven angels sounding seven trumpet blasts, seven thunders, seven crowns, seven plagues, seven viols, seven heads, seven mountains and seven kings. This is the order in which Claudius Ptolemy places the seven ‘ruling planets’ in his famous TETRABIBLOS. In Part Two I equated ‘angels’ with planets, I think it is reasonable to equate astrological planetary ‘rulers’ with kings? Rulers = Kings The Ptolemaic Order of Rulership
  • 6. Now, in Chapter 17 verse 10, the text begins to specifically address these seven ruling planets as kings. John tells us .. 17:10 There are seven kings. Five are fallen … Why are five kings described as fallen? Is it because Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury, are having to rule two signs?
  • 7. My interest in these kings was particularly stimulated when later on in this same chapter 17, in verse 12, I read that the seven kings had suddenly become ten? This is what John says .. 17:12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. 7 plus 3 = 10. WHY – I want to know have THREE NEW KINGS been added to the text .... ?
  • 8. So I read Chapter 17 Verse 10 with special care. What has happened to change the number of kings from seven to ten? Is there a clue in this sentence?‘ 17:10 ... there are seven kings. Five are fallen, and … one is .. ONE IS ? What’s with this ONE IS ? The Creative Heaven is symbolised in the Chinese oracle, the I Ching, by the number 1. The planet Uranus, first God of the Hittites, was discovered by William Herschel in 1781. Uranus was originally called Oranus which translates as ‘Sky’. Herschel Is this symbolically significant?
  • 9. Here he is … Mr Wow. He sits in the top position on both the Creative Heaven and Receptive Earth models and on the Receptive Earth model he sits at the top of the section identified with The Creative. He is Top Alpha. Check it out …. 1781
  • 10. Personifications The Spirit The Father The Groom The Husband
  • 11. Some astrologers did not appreciate this revolutionary disruption of the old system. It was William Blake’s friend John Varley who decided that Uranus ruled the sign Aquarius. This is what he wrote: John Varley ‘Aries and Scorpio are the houses of Mars, Taurus and Libra are the houses of Venus, Gemini and Virgo are under the dominion of Mercury, Cancer is the house of the Moon, Sagittarius and Pisces are the houses of Jupiter, Capricorn is the house of Saturn; and Aquarius is governed by the Herschel planet.’ My thanks for this information goes to (the expert) Kim Farnell. Because astrology is a study of the sky, astrology is thought by many astrologers to be connected to the sign Aquarius. Aquarius is a fixed sign which means astrologers don't like change, yet Uranus causes revolutions! It’s a conundrum. We need to remember that Uranus’ partner is Saturn and Saturn is forever tempted to carve its secular regulations into stone.
  • 12. So back to the text: ‘ And there are seven kings: five have fallen, and one is … ONE IS ?
  • 13. ADD ON Photograph from Rhona. Monica (in a moment of inspiration) has pointed out that this New King was discovered in New King Street.
  • 14. So here we see Uranus, principle, connecting with Saturn, structure, a perfect pair: freedom plus responsibility. Saturn no longer controls the Aquarian collective. No longer can kings declare ‘l’etat c’est moi’ (The State is Me) with impunity. The American War of Independence was won in 1781. Please note that just as with the primal pair, the Sun and the Moon, a positive-male sign, always links with a female sign. Here Capricorn, a negative 1781 female sign, links with Aquarius, a positive male sign. This is an example of yin (negative) and yang (positive) equivalence. American Constitution ‘All men are created equal.’
  • 15. So we are back to contemplating the indivisibility of space-time. The Chinese thought of Cosmos in terms of space-time. This is from Ames and Hall’s academic text on the Daodejing (I Ching).
  • 16. Revelation - the sentence continues: ..... and the other is not yet come: and when he cometh he must continue a short space. Neptune, discovered by John Couch Adams in 1848, had already been catalogued but mistaken for a star by U.J.J. Leverrier in 1795. Neptune is notoriously ambiguous.
  • 17. And here he is …… The first life on Earth was nurtured in Neptune’s waters. Can Neptune ever be said to be completely and absolutely manifested? The 12th house represents our time in the womb. We all spend time in the womb not yet come, but the place from which we cometh.
  • 18. Stan Grof writes: ‘… undisturbed intra-uterine life is synonymous with Pisces’ ruling planet Neptune’ (Beyond the Brain, 1985, State University of New York). Sag’s ruling planet, Jupiter, stands for internal structure (DNA?) expansion and development. Ah! Another New King perhaps? With Neptune now ruling Pisces (as Jupiter’s complementary partner) intuition joins with feeling, knowledge with empathy, mysticism with philosophy - the Receptive quality of Pisces combines with the creative expansiveness of Sag. So along with Jupiter’s ethics we have fully realised Neptunian 1795 mysticism. or Since Neptune was discovered Christianity 1848 has begun to change. Ninth house religious organisation is giving way to a less defined Neptunian expression, more in tune, it seems to me, with Jesus’ original intentions.
  • 19. + - - - + + And perhaps we ought to note (again) just as with the primal pair the Sun and the Moon, a yang-male sign always links with a yin-female sign.
  • 20. Now, before we read chapter 17 verse 11, we take a backward step and look at some previous verses as they will help us to understand the introduction to the tenth king. In chapter 17 verse 7 we are let into a secret - the secret meaning of the beast (yes the one with ten horns) upon which the famous Whore of Babylon rides. Count the horns. (Or are they planets!) Unknown English, probably London, about 1255 - 1260 Tempera colors, gold leaf, and colored washes on parchment 12 9/16 x 8 7/8 in. MS. LUDWIG III 1, FOL. 36
  • 21. Remember, this is the original verse that first stimulated my interest in this chapter. 17:12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. What is this beast about? ?
  • 22. 17:7 .. I will tell you the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carries her, which has the seven heads and the ten horns. 17.8 .. behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. The woman represents the ‘female’, material, aspect of existence. The beast she rides is ‘time’. It was yesterday, is not yet tomorrow and yet is now. This is not structured Saturnian time, ordered and controlled, counted in seconds and minutes, this is MarsPluto time, time that is directly experienced as the constant birth and death of the passing moment. This is ‘time’ that we ‘intuit’ (fire) and ‘feel’ (water), ‘time’ that was, is not, and yet is.
  • 24. Now back to Chapter 17 verse 11 (the verse that follows the introduction of the first two new planets). It concludes with a description of this same beast. And here is Pluto, god of the underworld, ruler of the eighth house with his partner Mars who is one of the seven. He is right on cue! When we added Pluto to our Zodiacal pantheon we had evolved sufficiently to conceive of ‘Relative Time’. So ... what’s this with perdition?? 17:11 .. the beast (Mars/Pluto) that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, (Eight House) and is of the seven (Mars) and goeth into perdition. 1930
  • 25. In Latin Plouton is related to the word "wealth“. Pluto has made available the wealth of the underworld, oil and coal. We are presently very aware that our hungry dependence on these commodities has endangered our planet. It doesn’t sound good and I suspect this is not an exaggeration. Our mastery of nuclear fission (the breaking apart of an atom of Uranium) produced a new element, plutonium, the basic ingredient of the atomic bomb. Pluto is Earth’s recycling energy. Pluto breaks down discarded materiel back into its component parts so that it can be reassimilated into the life process. Pluto will degrade most things …. but not PLUTONIUM.
  • 26. So, after the introduction of the three new planets and a bit of to-ing and fro-ing we have arrived in the text at the mention of those ten kings. And here they are - all ten of them.
  • 27. Chapter 17 verse 13 continues the story. Photo by Owen Byrne 17:13 They have one mind and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. Modern technology is heavily dependent on Pluto’s wealth. Photo by Gilad Rom 17:16 And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast shall hate the whore and shall make her desolate and naked. And shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire. This is where we find ourselves now ...
  • 28. 17:17 For God hath put it in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdoms to the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. Oxford Tire Pile, California. EDWARD BURTYNSKY. New Scientist. May 2012. 6 million tyres. !
  • 29. Here is a review of these eight verses. 17:10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. 17:11 And the beast that was , and is not, he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. 17:12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet: but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. 17:13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. 17:14 These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them; for he is Lord of lords, and king of kings: and they that are with him are called and chosen, and faithful. 17:15 And he sayeth unto me. The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are people and multitudes, and nations, and tounges. 17:16 and the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. 17:17 for God hath put in their heads to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom to the beast until the words of God shall be fulfilled.
  • 30. And this is the final verse in the chapter. Could this be another ruler? 17:18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth. So now ‘the woman’, ‘the whore’, is also symbolised by ‘A CITY’ ? The Apocalypse (unveiling), another name for The Book of Revelation, is concerned with introducing The Golden City which has long been thought of as the introduction of a New Age. We had better take a look at how Ages operate.
  • 31. I used to think of Great Ages like a string of sausages, each one acting as a separated influence, but my husband, who is well versed in ancient history, ridiculed this idea. He was right - this was not how they work. Taurus/Scorpio Aries/Libra Pisces/Virgo When I studied history it appeared that each Age was displaying the symbolism of the age that went before. So what was going on?
  • 32. If we think of ages acting like tree rings everything falls into place. Every approximately two thousand years New Ages are born and a new innovative ideology pushes the old age ideology out to the periphery where the socio/cultural influence lives on. s - Sc aur u - L or pio T ies ib ra Ar s - Virg isce o P I noticed that the descendant point of the age is personified by a wellknown female icon. We are here? (Maybe)
  • 33. Babylon/Egypt/Persia: Empire/Power; tombs packed with possessions; large scale construction projects (massive cities), trade (The World Trade Organisation). Female icon - The Whore of Babylon. s - Sc aur u - L or pio T ies ib ra Ar s - Virg isce o P Greece: democracy; competitive sport (Olympic Games); reason, academia; civic beauty (Palladian architecture). Female icon - The Goddess Athena. Christianity: Charity (Red Cross), Nursing/Health (Hospitals). Female icon -The Virgin Mary.
  • 34. On the following slides you will see a diagram I drew up when studying World Ages. After an initial seed point (we will look at this later) the influence of a Great Age shows itself most obviously towards the end of the age. You can watch the age of Pisces/Virgo blossoming noticeably right now. If you think about it you will see that The New Age Movement, alternative health, and mystic get-togethers with lots of music, is an expression of the Old Age flowering.
  • 35. Mayflower Democracy Dates are approximate Athens flowered (Aries/Libra) in 500 BCE. In 1620 The Mayflower carried Puritans (Virgo) across the Atlantic Ocean (Pisces). In 1786 prisoners (the Piscean 12th house is the house of prisons) were sentFlood to Botany (Virgo) Bay (Pisces), Australia. The world was colonised by western man: Pisces spreads its influence like fog.
  • 36. Babylon flexed its muscle in 2500 BCE. The pyramids at Giza were built around 2560 BCE Mardu k Prior to the flowering point old ages carry the main influence. The crusades were Martian. Democracy is Libran and the Age of Taurus/Scorpio lives on in World Trade. MARDUK We know that writing was around by 3,100 BCE
  • 37. As mentioned already, The New Age Movement is an expression of the Old Age flowering. Music festivals (getting spaced out on drugs and drink) are Piscean occupations and ‘alternative health’ is Virgoan. This is mixed in with New Age influences. Aquarius groups, technological sound systems and Leo Pop Stars also feature. Yahweh is a Saturnian father-god, the twelve tribes were twelve families (Cancer). Flood?
  • 38. These planets are being discovered in a very obvious order - from the top down. The New Age (described in the final chapters as a marriage of the Spirit to his Bride (positive to negative) cannot happen until this allimportant male/female coupling is complete. What comes next? Libra is undoubtedly Venusian. Who rules Taurus? ?
  • 39. Who is the Woman? Here is that instructive verse again … 17:18 And the woman which thou sawest is that Great City, which reigneth over the Kings of the earth. We must take a closer look at this woman for it is this female consort of the heavenly spirit, Mater (the mother), the matter aspect of energy, the space aspect of time, the negative rather than the positive, that is to be the foundation upon which this New ‘Creative’ male Age is to be constructed. She has already been mentioned at the beginning of chapter twelve - the first time Revelation mentions the full complement of ruling planets. 12.1 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet and upon her head a crown of twelve stars ………….
  • 40. The Anima Mundi represents, not only our beautiful home planet - the progenitor of our collective intelligence - but also the personal cognitive processes operating in individual brains – and she has a crown of twelve stars, all essential to her productivity. Here is that verse again .. 12.1 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet and upon her head a crown of twelve stars ………….
  • 41. 12:2 And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered. Mother Earth prepares to give birth to life. We are back at Chapter 12 (prior to the mention of the kings) to hear about the woman again. 12:3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns.’ 12:4 ‘And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven and cast them to earth: Same dragon? This is the first mention of a beast. In I Ching mythology the yang dragon of time and the yin dragon of materiality are at war. Ouranus, disruption, and, Saturn, order, stand in the unstable position at the top of both primal hexagrams. Is this his tail? Remember, the Complementary Connection Time is made up of Mars-Pluto but Saturn also represents Time (old father Time) – if we include Saturn/Uranus this beast accused of consuming the woman’s children, covers a third of the heavens: Capricorn and Aquarius, Scorpio and Aries. Four is one third of twelve.
  • 42. 12:4 …. and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born. This is one mean dragon. Time is inexorable. It devours us. It never stops, and eventually, it confronts us all with death.
  • 43. We already know that the woman (in her personification as the whore) is also mentioned in chapter 17, verses 3 and 4. And chapter 17, verses 10 to 17, are the verses that introduced the new planets.
  • 44. Here is another representation of the whore, female representative of the Age of Taurus Scorpio. Revelation informs us that on her forehead is written … 17:5 BABYLON THE GREAT, MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. The Age of Taurus/Scorpio was the age of the great Babylonian empire when cities were massive and trade flourished. Taurus is certainly sensual and acquisitive and her consort is erotic Venus but isn’t this criticism a bit harsh ? St John tells that us that he really admires this woman. Artserve at the Australian National University 17:6 .. I wondered with great admiration. Me too. She must have been amazing.
  • 45. My daughter drew this in the 1990s when I was writing the very last words in the very last chapter of my trilogy The Golden City. I was writing about the upcoming eclipse chart of 2000 set for Babylon - an eclipse that was to occur when the Sun moved onto 00 Aquarius at the very beginning of the new Millennium. Em did not know what I was writing about. When I got up from my computer to look at what she had been drawing I saw this .. I was amazed, just like John was amazed. I think it’s the best pic of the whore ever. Em has drawn the beast and the woman as if they are one – which they are. And the whore looks like a Bodhisattva doesn’t she? This is an evolved whore.
  • 46. Babylon On this chart PLUTO in the 10th HOUSE rules the Scorpio MC and New Age Uranus is rising in Aquarius. Em’s natal chart has Sun in Leo, conjunct this charts Moon, and the Moon in Aquarius, conjunct this charts Sun – can’t get much more New Age than that.
  • 47. So to get back to where we were – What is happening here! The angels, the original seven kings, have joined up from Sun to Saturn in a neat zigzag pattern.
  • 48. What if we continue adding the New Kings in the order they were discovered it looks like this … Uranus 1781, Neptune 1849, and Pluto 1930. So what’s next? 1781 Here is a familiar planet, first seen in all her planetary glory in 1961. 1849 1930 ? So, which sign is ruled by planet Earth?
  • 49. This is a slide from my Anima Mundi presentation. It explains how DNA and this model of the planets are founded on the same principles. DNA consists of a double string of simple molecules called bases. There are only four bases; these are adenine, A, guanine, G, thiamine, T and cytosine, C. The Pattern of Evolution is made up of four elements; these are Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. In DNA the base adenine always links with thiamine and the base guanine always links with cytosine. This is reflected by the pattern on the Earth Alignment. Earth always links with Air, Water always links with Fire.
  • 50. Earth is the perfect planet for applying to rulership of the second house sign, the house of values and possessions – she is surely our greatest possession. The second house is Taurean – Taurus is the second sign. So now when we add the new planets - including our mother planet Earth - it looks like this. AND LOOK! Here is the symbol for Earth that I found in my Cassell’s English Dictionary … she is Venus upside down! Is this significant or what? 1961
  • 51. Oh yes … didn’t we learn that the gift for Libra was to rule the world, and weren’t the gifts symbolic of the complementary planet i.e. the Moon’s gift is the Sun’s Crown, Mercury has Virgo’s white stone on which he can write, and now Venus is co-ruling with Mother Earth? .. to him I will give power over the nations: 2:27 ... And he shall rule them with a rod of iron;
  • 52. This addition of planet Earth marks a momentous evolutionary step. We have achieved ‘lift off’. We have broken free from Earth’s powerful gravitational hold.
  • 53. Earth is the only planet we have yet discovered in which the Four Elements, earth/air/fire/water, exist independently and in large quantities. The Anima Mundi, also called Philosopher’s Stone, means Living World (anima as in ‘animated’ and ‘animal’) World Soul or World Mind. Anima Mundi AIR and FIRE Levity Gravity EARTH and WATER
  • 54. But what’s this about ? ‘12:14 And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle ..…’ This is where I offer you a hyper-brief (only four slides) introduction to my Magnum Opus –
  • 55. Here is a diagram I drew in the mid 1980s. On the left is The Zodiac, The Creative Heaven – you can see the new zigzag pattern completed at the bottom. On the right is The Receptive Earth (the Woman), I have labelled it The Pattern of the Elements as I drew this up at least 15 years before Liz informed me that her model, on which this set-up is built, was based on the Anima Mundi. Look at the diagram to the right of the zigzag pattern. This is what the zigzag pattern looks like if you join up the same sequence on the female model, The Woman. ANIMA MUNDI No Wings - Look WINGS!
  • 56. It was mention of the two wings of the cerebral cortex that drew my attention to the possibility this might be a model of the brain. That was way back in 1986. Now, after much study, I am convinced this is what it is. The seven planets, when applied to this model, are not called angels, the beast was described as having seven ‘heads’ .. this is pertinent as they stand here for cognitive functions – Forebrain Limbic System Left Hemisphere Right Core brain Hemisphere Cerebellum WORLD MIND! Seven planets = angels Seven heads = cognitive functions
  • 57. So back to the discovery of Earth. The Taurus Element is the Sensing Element – How did astronaut Russell L. Schweickart know to write this? ‘You know very well that moment, and it comes through you so powerfully, that you are the sensing element for man. You look down and see the surface of that globe that you've lived on all this time, and you know all those people down there, and they are like you, they are you, and somehow you represent them.’ The Home Planet, Conceived and edited by Kevin W. Kelly. Macdonald Queen Anne Press. 1846 Earth is Sensing 1930 1961 1977
  • 58. The influence of this discovery on the human psyche - the discovery of Venus’ partner Earth - was obvious. The Beatles sang ‘Love, love, love’, and ‘Love, love me do’, and ‘All you need is love’ - and nobody could get enough of them. Hippies preached Free Love: Flower Power was ‘the thing’. Flower Power
  • 59. Babylon, by Joan Oats. Thames and Hudson Ltd.1986 Remember - the Age of Taurus/Scorpio, 4,000 – 2,000 BCE, was the age when we learnt to Build Big. We built tombs which we filled with possessions. It was the age of great cities when trade between rich and powerful nations was established. Herodotus said of the Babylonians – they were more interested in making money than making war!
  • 60. Our massive cities, commercial and financial empires, and World Trade organizations, are all born of this Age of Taurus the Bull. The Wall Street BULL. WOW!
  • 61. So, back to Chapter 17 verse 18 where we began. This is the chapter introducing the new planets. Here is the woman again. 17:18 And the woman which thou sawest is that Great City, which reigneth over the Kings of the earth. I think we might have got this worked out. The woman is our own planet, complementary connection to Venus (her sister planet). From a symbolic standpoint she is the Anima Mundi, the living Earth, the Receptive feminine archetype. No wonder she is so important. She was the undiscovered (therefore unconscious) ruler of the Age of Taurus/Scorpio, the age of great cities, commercial and financial Empires, and World Trade.
  • 62. Now we move from chapter 17, in which we were introduced to the whore and the new planets (including the woman ), to chapter 18 and …. The Fall of Babylon
  • 63. 18.2 .. Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen .. 18.9 And the kings of the earth, who have lived deliciously with her shall bewail her and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning .. Could this be the fall of the World Trade Centre? 18.10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come. I had just arrived at a friend’s house (her brother lived in New York). ‘Come in quickly’, she said – her smart new TV was on – we watched the second plane hit the second tower together, it didn’t feel real.
  • 64. The Twin Towers belonged to the New York Port Authorities. 18:15 The merchants of these things which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing, 18:16 And saying, Alas, alas that great city 18:17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off …
  • 65. 18:18 And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning saying, What city is like unto this great city! 18:19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her ADD costliness! for in one hour is ON she made desolate. Fran has pointed out that this is GROUND ZERO. Remember ... 18:17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought –
  • 66. The world watched in horror this what the Sunday Times had to say: In one hour, the enemies of America had struck at its greatest symbols: the So now we get to glittering spires of Mammon.... chapter 19. 19:1 After this I heard what sounded like the roar of a vast throng in heaven and they were shouting Alleluia! And again they said, Alleluia. And her smoke rose up for ever and ever.’ Alleluia! In the UK the Last Night of the Proms was delayed. They broadcast The Ode to Joy. Jerusalem was In the wake of Sept. 11, Buckley's version of sung throughout the country from end to end. In America they broadcast their national anthem. Is Leonard Cohen’s Halleluia was used in a video of this what is meant by the ‘roar of a great throng?’ World Trade Center footage that played constantly on VH1.
  • 67. Summing up Chapter 17, verses 10 to 12, introduced the rule of the Ten Kings. Chapter 17 verse 18 introduced the woman who I identified as Taurus Earth. In Chapter 18 we were horrified by the story of the ‘Fall of Babylon’. Now in Chapter 19 verse 9 we are invited to the marriage supper …
  • 68. 19:9 And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. 1961 1961 1977 Take away the Christian polyvalence in Revelation’s text and we are again looking at a bonding of primary male and female archetypes. The Sun rising over the Earth. Photograph taken from Apollo 12 returning home from the Moon.
  • 69. But the marriage cannot take place while the pattern is incomplete. One of the Kings is still fallen. We need a ruler for Virgo, a partner for Mercury.
  • 70. Here is a picture of the Goddess Ceres, goddess of the harvest, she is the constellation Virgo! And here is the asteroid Ceres. 01.01.1801 Johannes Kepler predicted another planet orbiting between Mars and Jupiter but there was no planet to be found, only bits of what might have become a planet if Jupiter’s gravity wasn’t so strong. Might this protoplanet be worthy of serious consideration? Ceres, first seen in 01.01.1801, was the first asteroid to be discovered. From Catherine Tennant’s Box of Stars
  • 71. Ceres is one of many, many, many, many, many asteroids in the main asteroid belt. Many manys. Virgo, the secretary, is interested in minutiae – Virgo rules libraries: lots and lots of words, sentences, chapters, stops, and commas in lots and lots of books. Mutable, positive, Mercurial Gemini working together with mutable, negative, material Virgo: an ever mutating melange of information encoding capacity. WOW!
  • 72. And since we discovered Mercury’s partner look what we have done to our Earth. Does this remind you of asteroids? This is how the throng of voices could be broadcast from heaven all over the world - a new global communication/ nervous system. This is a massive (and possibly troublesome) evolutionary development. We have a World Wide Web. Revelation discusses this amazing extension of our selfexpression later on in the text.
  • 73. ... But, hang on! We are forgetting something? It has been suggested that Chiron is an escaped asteroid - we mustn’t forget Chiron. In Greek ‘cheir’ means hands. Mercury + Cheiron = hands. This is a highly responsible Centaur so lets not leave him out. 961 1977 1977 When Chiron was discovered it was named after its discoverer Charles T Kowal, Object Kowal – OK. This is the reason why it’s glyph looks like a key. ADD ON Fran (who recognised Ground 0) has also pointed out that this is the 21st Century! Perhaps we are come of age?
  • 75. Wall painting, Museo Archeologico, Napoli, Inv 9109 Chiron was a teacher, a shaman, said to have named many of the constellations and to have taught the arts of war and of healing; in French Chirurgie (Greek Cheirourgia) means surgery. Infants given into Chiron's care grew up to be famous. Achilles was King Peleus’ son. Hercules, Jason and Asklepios were also students of Chiron. Asklepios (meaning unceasingly gentle) became so skilled as a surgeon and so knowledgeable in the use of drugs that he is called the founder of medicine. The sixth house is health and third house is the house of education, isn’t it?
  • 76. So what have we got here now? A complete set! Chiron (ecology) was discovered in 1977 when the Rainbow Warrior took to the waves. We will be cataloguing the asteroids for some time yet. Cataloguing – just what Virgo likes. The star next to Chiron symbolises the asteroids in the main asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars.
  • 77. So what does Revelation say about this new state of affairs? 19:11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. Again, here are Castor and Pollux, from Liz Greene’s Tarot Cards - the Dioskouroi - the Gemini Twins. The Mythic Tarot, by Liz Greene and Juliet Sharman Burk Chiron is a Centaur, half horse half man, Virginal Virgo favors white, (writing paper and Word for windows favour white) and these Dioskouroi certainly appear to be setting off to judge and make war.
  • 78. 19:11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. My first choice for Faithful and True? The Mythic Tarot, by Liz Greene and Juliet Sharman Burk
  • 79. OR ..... Mercury Rules GEMINI. The media have dubbed Clegg and Cameron ‘twins’. Could these two possibly be playing the part of Faithful and True?
  • 80. Here, for bored astrologers, is a Clegg Cameron Composite. I am a fan of composites, it is a chart in its own right. It shows us the potential of these two working in unison. This Chart has a Leo MC and an Aquarius IC. And there is an 11th 5th opposition. Very new age. Jupiter COMPOSITE and Sun are in mutual reception. Jupiter is the angel praised for faith and the Sun ‘cans’t not bear him that is evil’ – the Sun is True. Is this Faithful and True? What about the Dioscouroi. In Virgo Pluto, Mars and Uranus are clustering around the 11th house cusp opposing Chiron - we have a Mercury ruled 8th house and Mars rules the archetypal Virgoan 6th. Meanwhile powerful Venus, conjunct Mercury, is on the cusp of the Jupiter ruled second house – and Venus rules the DSC. The Moon – the people - is sextile the Sun, Venus and Mercury.
  • 81. Chapter 19 continues, but first we must take a look at what was said about Mercury in the letters in Part One. Do you remember that the letter to this third angel, ruler of the third house, made this announcement way back in Chapter 2 ?
  • 82. Chapter 2, Letters to the Angels 2: 12 And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges; 2.16 Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth. 2:17 To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it. Chapter 19 And now we are told in Chapter 19: 19:12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. 19:15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: SNAP
  • 83. 19.12 … and on his head were many crowns; … So what’s with these many crowns: Sounds like asteroids to me! 19.13 and he was clothed in a vesture dipped in blood and he was called The Word of God. Ah! Got it. Mercury is I to the me and me is the Moon, Kan, ‘blood’ isn’t it? I am unsure about the blood but I’m sure you’ll get this … he was called The Word of God’. Words belong to this Gemini Virgo axis don’t they?
  • 84. 19.14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. This is from Wiki … Remember the Dioskouroi? Here they are again. .. Castor and Pollux are constantly associated with horses in art and literature. Their role as horsemen made them particularly attractive to the Roman equites and cavalry. Each year on July 15, the feast day of the Dioskouroi, the 1,800 equestrians would parade through the streets of Rome in an elaborate spectacle ...[14] . ..... The next few verses relate to the Chiron myth so lets look at what the myth has to tell us.
  • 85. Chiron and Prometheus Prometheus (a word that translates as ‘foresight’) stole fire from the gods and gave it to man, an act that so angered the king of the gods that, in a blind fury (as ruler of a fire sign Zeus was personally violated by this theft), he had Prometheus chained to a mountain inviting a great bird to dine on his liver. Since Prometheus was immortal his liver restored itself every night obliging Zeus (Roman Jupiter) to listen to his victim’s cries of agony on a daily basis. Website for this image Discomforted by the uproar, Zeus began to regret the harshness of his punishment but he was unable to remove the bonds he had set up.
  • 86. Chiron offered to give his own life in return for Prometheus’ liberty. This delivered Zeus from his predicament and the punishment was annulled, thus Chiron served the interests of both Prometheus (foresight), and Zeus (knowledge). He taught, through the example of his compassionate and voluntary extinction, a difficult but uncompromising lesson; that life, by its very nature, incorporates pain and suffering - however unjust the pain and suffering might seem to be - and that personal death is essential if the aim is to ensure the continuing ecological development and health of an immortal living system. In astrology names which sound alike are considered to have similar qualities. Just as Saturn is equated with Satan so the Chiron myth can be equated with Christ. I learnt this from Ermenine Lantero – The Continuing Discovery of Chiron. Samuel Viser Inc 1983
  • 87. 19.17 And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God; 19.18 That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great. What is this saying? Our bodies, whether mighty or insignificant, human or animal, are food for the collective. Life feeds on death. This is Chiron’s difficult message. But wait ….
  • 88. In honour of his sacrifice Zeus put Chiron in the sky as the constellation Centaurus. We live forever in the stars. We really do.
  • 89. Tennant’s Box of Stars If Chiron has an entourage of asteroids, why not Mercury? Astronomers suggest Mercury came in from the outer solar system and, in myth, the twin Castor was mortally injured (just like Chiron) and was sent to live in Pluto’s realm – until, that is, Jupiter - who was Pollux’s dad but not Castor’s (it’s a long story) - took pity on the grieving pair and placed them together in the sky as the constellation Gemini? So both Castor-and-Pollux, and Chiron, have their own constellation. I wonder if the Centaurs, the Kuiper belt, the Oort Cloud, maybe even the new Plutoids, are something to do with the injured Castor? This explains why, on the diagram, I have also given Gemini a star.
  • 90. Now we get to chapter 20, a chapter that – mostly - has eluded my understanding. Here are the bits that fit with what I already know. This is how it begins. 20:1 And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit … Nick Oakley Smith thinks this might be the key to the Black Hole Game (from my book One Way of Looking at Man). He knows that I have Chiron conjunct Pluto in the 11th ADD ON .. and a great chain in his hand. Fran has suggested that the chain is the asteroid belt. And, of course, there is the Kuiper Belt as well? ADD ON
  • 91. 21 and key of the door. Remember this ADD ON Chrissy, you do realise this is the 21st century? No I didn’t …. THANK YOU FRAN. So where are we ‘at’ now? We are come of age. We have power, we have knowledge, we recognised all of the planetary influences acting upon us. We are ready for another trip around the pattern, perhaps visiting these planets one by one. We understand fusion – the mechanism that works the Sun - and we have stood on the Moon. We are almost (definitely) on the threshold of a New Age.
  • 93. 20.15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. This is the ring of fire. The day the first of the New Kings moved out of Pisces - the old age - and into Aries - a sign that means birth - we watched the dreadful Tsunami in Japan which set off the nuclear fires. Then there was the earthquake in Christchurch. There has been a lot of seismic activity around this area recently but I hope the meaning is more symbolic .. although it wasn’t for ‘the Fall’ was it? I am merely speculating.
  • 94. Now I am going to skip the details in chapter 20 as I don’t understand them sufficiently - that the Israelis incarcerate Palestinian terrorists in Geddon (Armageddon means field of Geddon) is a bit worrying since the old age was born on that piece of our planet - and move onto the chapter that aroused my curiosity in the first place. Chapter 21 begins: 21.1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth … 21:2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down .. from heaven prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
  • 95. Here she is again … the planet that gives birth to life - that gave birth to us. The Anima Mundi. Edgar Mitchell in the book The Home Planet writes: ‘My view of our planet was a glimpse of divinity’.
  • 96. And so, after these rather stressful chapters, we get to Revelation Part Three which supplies an interpretation of the last two chapters in the Bible, the Holy book of the Age of Pisces. In Part Three we hear about the Marriage of the Spirit to his Bride and the Introduction of a New Age. Whoopee!

Editor's Notes

  1. We need to understand this in order to interpret this final sentence.
  2. Now we move from chapter 17, in which we were introduced to the whore and the new planets, including the woman in verse18, to chapter 18 where we are told the story of the famous Fall of Babylon.