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8th August 2015.
‘Every now and then an idea comes
along that upends how we see
ourselves and our place in the
Virtual reality technology is making great
advances, but it has also helped popularise a
theory long debated by philosophers and now
gaining supporters in Silicon Valley – it is that –
the outside world is itself a simulation.
The Observer.
The world is a
I think you might
recognise this?
AIR is the
first principle
of all things.
Yes … our very
own planet.
So what is she
made of?
All things are
exchanged for Fire
and fire for all
Hear first the four
roots of all things.
Bright Zeus, FIRE, Life
giving Hera, AIR,
Aidoneus, EARTH, and
Nestis, WATER, who
moistens the springs of
men with her tears.Empedocles
By Offnfopt - Own work, Public Domain,
This where Empedocles’ declaration is confronted with disapproval?
The Greek word element has been commandeered by chemists and since there are many
more than four elements listed in the periodic table Jim AL Khalili in his TV series
Chemistry, a Volatile History, makes the case (very strongly) that the idea that there are
only four is clearly a load of obsolete rubbish.
‘ .. the Greeks had it right with their classification of fire,
air, earth, and water … ’ David Bowman.
New Scientist, Oct 10, 2009.
Not all scientist think
Empedocles was wrong.
David clearly agrees with
Sorry Jim
Air Water Fire Earth
Water Earth
First we’ll look at the meanings carried by Earth and Water (yin)
We can pick up a handful of earth, and we can swirl water around with our hands.
Chemists are experts when it comes to understanding Earth and Water.
EARTH = sensing
Earth specifically defines data presented to our brains regarding material reality.
This data is suppled by our senses so the element Earth is identified with sensing.
WATER = Feeling
Feeling is identified with Heart. Heartfelt, yes? Our Feelings supply us with information
regarding our emotional reality. Tears flow when we are unhappy and the blood flow
speeds up when we feel afraid. We continually receive information from this element but
we have to stop thinking if we want to consult our feelings consciously.
If the dull substance of my flesh were thought,
Injurious distance should not stop my way
For then despite of space I would be brought,
From limits far remote, where thou dost stay.
No matter then, although my foot do stand
Upon the furthest earth removed from thee,
For nimble thought can jump both see and land
As soon as think the place where it would be.
But ah, thought kills me that I am not thought
To leap large lengths of miles where thou art gone
But am so much of earth and water wrought
I must attend time’s leisure with my moan.
Receiving naught by elements so slow,
But heavy tears, badges of either’s woe.
Over the centuries
the Greek idea of the
Elements acquired
sophisticated psycho-
logical symbolism.
Shakespeare’s sonnet
44 is concerned with
Earth and Water.
Earth plus Water.
Sensing plus Feeling.
Flesh and Blood.
As Shakespeare so
perceptively notes both
Earth and Water have
Heavy tears.
Air Fire
So what’s with Air and Fire?
Air and Fire are positive elements (yang). You will understand later why I link
positive with what in our modern computer age we call software.
and .
For the ancient Greeks Fire
supplied light at night. Turn off the
Sun and vision would be surplus to
This is the
symbol for the
Yes - it’s an
We receive
through our
Vision allows for
The ancients named
this great gift
Our brain’s visual talent is not listed on the periodic table.
Oxygen feeds the electrical
activity in our brains enabling
us to create symbols and
communicate with other
Have you got a mobile
phone? Where does the
information on your phone
come from?
Yes … the space around us is
replete with invisible waves
that carry information.
This is the ancient’s
astrological symbol for
the air sign Aquarius - a
brilliant illumination of
the symbolic meaning of
AIR + =
Look, this young lad has just
had an bright idea and it’s
symbolized by what?
YES, a light bulb.
This is Venus, Goddess of
Venus symbolises beauty,
fertility and seduction.
Beauty sets off desire, a
necessity if the species is to
make close relationships and
Here she is again
illustrated by symbols
created by our
imagination that allow us
to communicate the
The other two, slight air, and purging fire,
Are both with thee, where-ever I abide,
The first my thoughts, the other my desire,
These present absent with swift motion slide.
For when these quicker Elements are gone,
In tender embassy of love to thee,
My life, being made of four, with two alone,
Sinks down to death, oppressed with melancholy.
Until life’s composition be recurred
By those swift elements returned from thee
Which even but now come back again assured
Of thy fair health, recounting it to me,
This told, I joy, and then no longer glad,
I send them back again and straight grow sad.
Shakespeare’s Sonnet
45 is concerned with
the elements Air and
Shakespeare would
have no problem
understanding the
model I am introducing
This car is
This is Carl Jung with
his book Aion.
Jung was a LEO which
is why a lion is decorating
the cover of his book.
And this is
Jung’s diagram of
the Anima Mundi,
a circle divided
into four, each
quarter standing
for one of the four
elements we have
just discussed.
Anima Mundi. Anima
as in animal and animated.
Mundi means ‘World’.
The Anima Mundi is also known as
The Philosophers stone. So what does
the Tractatus Aureus say?
‘Reduce your stone to the four
elements, rectify and combine them
into one, and you will have the whole
magistery. The one, to which the
elements must be reduced, is the little
circle in the centre of this squared
figure. It is the mediator making peace
between the elements’.
This is valuable information. It explains
consciousness and illustrates human
conflicts with genius. (This is the subject
of a separate presentation.) WATER
Hot air
AIRLook! A hot air
Hot air rises.
The Anima Mundi
pictured here
illustrates the way
The Four Elements
are organised by
Air Fire
And this picture
photosynthesis -
the process that converts
carbon dioxide into the
oxygen that we breath.
The Tree of
Fire fb^
Written between 18 hundred and 11
hundred BCE the Enuma Elish credits
the god Marduk with responsibility for
astrology. Here is Berossos, a 3rd
century BCE Babylonian priest of
Bel Marduk who taught astrology on
the island of Cos. He was so admired
by the Greeks a statue of him was
erected in Athens.
And this diagram illustrates the fact that
every sign of the Zodiac belongs to one of
the four elements.
This is one of Marduk’s eyes. The
other is in the Pierpont Morgan
library in Madison Avenue.
ieg_c a
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, the Air
signs, are rational and intellectual.
Gemini, Libra
and Aquarius.
Aries, Leo and Sag, the Fire signs are
intuitive, passionate and impulsive.
Aries, Leo
and Sag.
Fire fb^
Taurus, Virgo
and Capricorn.
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are
practical and down to Earth.
Cancer, Scorpio
and Pisces.
Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, the
Water signs, are particularly
sensitive to feelings.
Here are three great
astrologers. Nick
Campion, Bernadette
Brady and Liz Greene.
Liz, on the left, is an
expert on Jung.
The Anima Mundi
diagram on the right,
based on Jung’s original,
is from her book,
Liz’s genius is recognizing the fact that
the elements mix where they meet.
12 3
Look! There are twelve
separate positions on this
3 in Air
3 in Fire,
3 in Earth and
3 in Water.
A separate position for
each of the twelve signs of
the Zodiac!
12 3
Learning the
astrological language I
was confused by the fact
that Pisces, a Water sign,
a ‘feeling’ sign, was
described by educated
astrologers as intuitive
feeling. Here is a perfect
place for Pisces on this
diagram. In Water but up
against Fire.
Neptune, the ruling
planet of the sign Pisces,
is identified with mist and
Hot Water. Yes?
12 3
What about the other mixed positions?
Empiric thinking, thinking with the facts
supplied by our senses is the arena in which
science excels. Modern Science is heavily
dependent on Technology.
This information is from the Herschel
Museum web site.
Using his seven-foot reflecting
telescope in the back garden in
19 New King Street, Herschel,
an amateur astronomer,
discovered what we now know
as the planet Uranus. This was
the first planet to be discovered
since the days of the Ancient
Greek astronomers.
Metaphor (the language of cosmic
software) carries significance.
12 3
So I had identified a specific
position on the diagram for
empiric-thinking Uranus, and
intuitive- feeling, Neptune. Oh
dear - they oppose.
12 3
We must learn to
understand ‘the mediator
making peace between
the elements’ (the little
circle in the centre) then
all may yet be well ?
A presentation on chrissy
philp, The Magic of Consciousness, explains this
important information in detail.
` d
Back to the Anima Mundi. So, where
did the other signs belong ?
Here is my first attempt to place them.
(I have posted other presentations on with detailed
I had to find a way of testing my choice.
What if I join the signs up the
way the Sun moves against the
background of fixed stars creating
the seasons of the year
` d
So, here we go.
Starting with Aries, the sign
of spring, we move onto Taurus
– Gemini – Cancer – Leo –
Virgo – Libra – Scorpio – Sag –
Capricorn - Pisces and back to
That didn’t work did it?
` d
So what did I do wrong?
Aware of the depth of
Scorpio’s passionate feelings I
had put Scorpio in the centre
of Water.
It was a bad decision.
Listening to the radio a few
days later I heard a news item
about a sex murder …
` d
Sexy Pluto is ruler of Scorpio!
Scorpio should be up against Taurus
in sensual feeling shouldn’t it?
That gave pure water to Moon
ruled Cancer.
The Moon controlling our oceans
causing the tides. Yes.
18 Dec 1984 Here are the messy pages in my 1984 diary in which I am about to see
what happens when I join up the signs with Scorpio in the new position.
The result was perfect and I am noticing a lot more interesting
information in this arrangement.
Not only had it created a beautiful pattern, it had also organised the astrological
ruling planets (the planets we could see prior to the discovery of Uranus) in perfect order.
All AIR and Fire signs line up on the one side. All material Earth and Water signs on the
other. Only Sun ruled and Moon ruled Cancer had positions all to themselves.
The Pattern
of the
I gave this new pattern a title.
Its logic and harmony identified
its significance.
Then, at a summer school in Jesus College Oxford, I was introduced to Ptolemy’s second century Ptolemaic
Order on the astrological Zodiac. I had been taught astrology from a modern perspective inclusive of the new
ruling planets. Look, look - prior to the discovery of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, the old ruling planets lined up
in pairs … just like on the new Anima
Mundi arrangement. PTOLEMY
I had already awarded these
connections a title.
I had called them Complimentary
Connections because they join positive
signs to negative signs illustrating the
importance of their interrelationship.
Looking at this Ptolemaic
diagram of the Zodiac I
recognised another
meaningful arrangement.
Seven ruling planets
were known prior to the
discovery of Uranus.
1781 Uranus.
1977 Chiron + Asteroids
between Jupiter and Mars.
And this is what happened when I
added the new planets, Uranus,
Neptune, Pluto - then our first look
at Earth in 1961. I needed a symbol
for Earth. I checked with my
dictionary and found this, the orb
the Queen carries at the coronation
- Venus upside down (of course)!
Chiron is an escaped asteroid
orbiting between Jupiter and Mars,
and Virgo means minutia so the
asteroids make perfect rulers for
Virgo. The first asteroid discovered
was Ceres and Ceres IS Virgo.
The story of the Gemini twins
Castor and Pollux explains the
little star next to Mercury. Castor is
was injured and sent to live in
Pluto’s realm. Chiron is called the
wounded healer. Perhaps injury in
myth identifies matter that has not
managed to combine and create a
Mercury +
Plutoids etc ?
This arrangement turns out to be supra meaningful .. you can see why here. DNA has a sense strand and
a template strand matching positive and negative on our model. And DNA consists of a double string of
simple molecules called bases. There are only four bases; A adenine, G guanine, T thiamine and C
cytosine. This ‘Pattern’ is made up of four elements; Earth, Air, Fire and Water. On DNA the base
adenine always links with thiamine and the base guanine always links with cytosine. On the ZODIAC,
Earth always links with Air, and Water always links with Fire.
And what about the all-important Complementary Connections that I had recognised between the sense
strand, black, and template strand, white. The hyper important Complimentary Connections on our model are
called Hydrogen Bonds. Can you see why this model is exciting me
Uranus -
Uranium, U 92.
Neptune –
Neptunium, Np 93.
Gas, Photography
Pluto – .
Plutonium, Pu 94..
Coal, Oil,
Nuclear Power.
I called this new pattern The Pattern of Evolution … WHY?
Because - each time we look upon a new planet we are awarded new power.
The Nuclear planets.
• In 2017, a multidisciplinary group of researchers at the
University of Washington proved that they could embed
malicious computer code into physical strands of DNA.
• Their aim was to show that computers working in gene
sequencing were vulnerable to attack.
But they may also have inadvertently revealed that
what we perceive to be biological reality was in fact
computer code all along.
So what’s this ?
A diagram of I Ching
hexagrams sent to
Leibniz from Joachim
Bouvet. The Arabic
numerals were added
by Leibniz.[153]
Now I must introduce you to The I Ching.
I didn’t know then, but I have since learnt, that the philosopher and mathematician
Leibnitz owned an I Ching.
Leibnitz was fascinated with the binary system. He was convinced
that binary mathematics carried the potential to answer all questions.
1 and 0 can express
everything …
In 1936. Claude Shannon
(studying Boolean Logic in
university) is roped in to look after
Bush’s unwieldy decimal machine.
Decimal Machine
Computer Basics:
Time Life Books.
Computer Basics: Time Life Books.
Fascinated by Leibnitz, in 1716 the Scottish
mathematician George Boole created a logic
system. In 1867 Sanders Peirce, teaching
Boolean Logic in New York, recognises its
potential as an electrical switching device.
So what have we got now?
The Receptive Earth/YIN The Creative Heaven/YANG
i f
Back to our original pattern, The Pattern of the Elements. These Complementary Connections - um hydrogen
bonds - also correlate superbly with the six lines of the two primal I Ching hexagrams, 1, The Creative Heaven
and 2, The Receptive Earth. Because I understood that an I Ching hexagram is read from the base up this was
how I read these Complementary Connections.
i f
So, following I Ching logic we
begin at the base.
Neptune is identified
with the mystic and the
Jupiter is the philosopher
who seeks patterns. DNA is
a pattern?
A warm wet womb?
i f
I gave this position
the title Source.
i f
So what comes next?
Moon symbolizes Mother
and Sun, Father. AH!
Out of the womb comes a new
Life into the waiting arms of
mummy and daddy.
i fSource
I gave this position
the title Life.
e ^
Aries/April represents springtime while Scorpio/November is autumn when
the leaves are falling off the trees. Every moment is born out of the death of the
previous moment.
The moment a baby is born it confronts Constant Change. I gave these two
the title TIME and I stress it means Dynamic Time - not clock time.
Remember the little circle in the center? This is Herman Minkowski’s space-time diagram
(Minkowski was Einstein’s tutor). On Minkowski’s model this position is called The Present so
I gave this position the title NOW.
i f
i f
So NOW we are confronted by a physical, visual and auditorily meaningful world. Taurus, wet
Earth, sensual feeling, supplies information to our brains regarding our physical environment
while Libra, Air/fire, intuitive thinking, sorts out incoming information, supplying images and
responding to beauty. We are presented here with both a physical and mental reality.
I gave this position the title FORM.
At which point we have something to work on and with. Earthy Virgo on the left means practical
work; Virgo is the sign of secretaries and nurses and libraries. Airy Gemini is intellectual. The
talking that goes on our heads is supplied by Mercury. Gemini is the sign of journalists and
i f
Practical Intellectual
i fSource
Time ^
c `
i f
So what’s at the top?
Saturn means business
and Uranus, science. I
gave this the title
Not just wealth
in the form of money,
but also our sense of
‘ ’, our position in
the group.
Rememberthis is
the position on the
model labelled
empiric thinking?
i f
gYou can think of
as the
hard drive upon
which we store
information, but
information needs
a powerful
disruptive force.
Just what
we need.
A friend suggested I
draw up all the
patterns on one page.
That was back in the
mid 1980’s before I
had a computer. The
Zodiac and the
pattern I gave the title
Pattern of Evolution is
on the left - the new
Pattern of the
Elements is on the
right. Everything is
beautifully balanced –
it has elegance and
So, WHY, is there no pattern here?
To redress this
anomaly I copied the
DNA order of the
signs on the Zodiac
onto the arrangement
I had found on The
Anima Mundi … and I
got this.
Look … this new
pattern has wings?
I didn’t have a clue
what it meant.
Until a book I was reading mentioned ‘the two wings of the cerebral cortex’.
Hang on … did it say WINGS! I had drawn the original pattern on the previous
diagram using a ruler, now I drew it out covering all thirty degrees of a sign and I got
this. It looks liked a brain.
So, does the new pattern correlate with what is already known about the brain?
The Receptive Earth.
The Creative Heaven.
The left brain, the yin/negative, the sensory feeling side, controls our physical actions.
The right, yang/side, ruled by all positive signs, the part labelled Intuitive thinking, is concerned with symbols,
metaphor, motivations, desires, and imagination. That fits with what we already know.
Corpus Callosum
Connections se
300,000,000 Axons
Here we are looking at the Corpus Callosum. Three hundred thousand
connections called axons join the two hemispheres together so that they can
communicate. Hello Complementary Connections?
Merim Bilalic in the
New Scientist
explains how chess
players use both
sides of the brain.
New Scientist.
15 January, 2011.
i f
What do Father Sun and Mother Moon identify on the brain?
The Operating System.
Yes, the Cerebellum, the Operating System or ‘snake brain’, the area that supplies our
primal memory, keeps us upright, controls body temperature, heartbeat, digestion and
breathing. Humans brains have developed the wings but all animals have a cerebellum.
This is our connection LIFE?
Nervous System.
Hypnotists have identified two autonomic
nervous system responses. The parasympathetic
nervous system - responds to images.
YES, we know that.
The sympathetic nervous system, responds to
sudden movements that make us feel insecure.
The Moon is the ruling planet of our
emotional/physical being; our bodies must be
protected from injury - the Moon is set up to
keep us aware of danger (remember water).
Nervous System.
I feel, I hear,
and I care.
Neuroscience news.
Are these are our
So, what’s this?
The electrical appliances in our homes are
connected by wires. Axons are the name of the
wires that carry information between neurones.
This is where the nerves of the brain unite as the spinal chord carrying information
between body and brain. Information from our bodies senses and feelings are connecting
here with vision and sound presented to our brains through our eyes and ears.
We are experiencing everything ….
Right here Now.
g Thinking
i f
This is the connection we gave the title Work? Gemini, Air, on
the right, the messenger of the gods, supplies the words while
practical Virgo, known for craftsmanship, handles the physical, the
refined muscular control we need if we are to produce words, write
them and store them in a physical form. Virgo rules libraries.
They make a perfect ‘working’ team..
And here is Nabu – Babylonian Mercury, decorating
the door of the Library of Congress in Washington
USA. Symbols have staying power.
Motor Cortex
Hello Motor Cortex.
I have already mentioned
that with so much
information at my disposal I
have been confident enough
to give the new, so called,
escaped asteroid, Chiron, to
Virgo for a plethora of very
good reasons.
Chiron, Cheiron in Greek, is also
known as Object Kowel (OK). It
was discovered by Charles Kowel.
This is why its glyph looks like a
And in case you are
unsure about me deciding
that Chiron, Greek Cheiron,
rules Gemini’s partner
Virgo, know that in Greek,
‘cheir’ means ‘hand’.
The Science Museum
‘your hand is under constant
surveillance from your eyes.
People with cerebella damage
find this tracking movement
particularly hard.’
Susan Greenfield
Beauty and
harmony rule
So what’s with our next connection, the sensually sensitive Earth/Venus
connection that I gave the title FORM? I explained earlier that Taurus now has a
planet of its own, a planet which was first observed in 1961. Yes, Earth: this is
the Orb the Queen carries at the coronation. Astrologically Taurus signifies
possessions. Earth is our most valuable possession isn’t she?
Somatosensory Cortex
So now we are looking at the Somatosensory Cortex –
Another meaningful fit.
Here is Libra/Taurus in the museum in
Oxford. Sensual-feeling Taurus plus Libra’s
Venus the planet of seduction and desire. Not
as pretty as the metaphoric symbol for Venus
but this scientific reality in Oxford is not
required to activate intuitive-feeling
These hands and lips are not as big as the
Virgo/Gemini motor cortex, but note that this
homunculus has genitals.
i f
Is this interesting?
The right brain lights up when someone is ‘listening’ to music, but when a professional musician is
listening, the left brain lights up too.
The musician’s left brain is registering the physical actions needed to make each sound?
g `
i f
e Time
As I explained earlier, we have two distinct types of TIME on our model. Man-made,
Saturn Chronological Time, and the complementary pair, dynamic Mars-Pluto Time.
i f
Birthe ^
So first we will check out DYNAMIC TIME. Mars, Birth, ruler of
Aries - Spring, and Pluto Death, ruler of Scorpio - Autumn.
Parietal Lobe -
The Brain
Made Simple
i f
e Time
Death Birth
Mars-Pluto TIME
is time as CHANGE.
To test whether ... the Superior (upper)
Parietal Lobe had a role in triggering
the switch, the researchers stimulated
each lobe with a magnetic field …
knocking out the function of that lobe -
while the volunteers re-watched the …
illusion ... the switch rate slowed when
either lobe was exposed to the
magnetic field.
(Current Biology, DOI:
Here is a picture of something that can be viewed in two different ways.
What allows the brain to switch perception?
"One possibility is that the SPL
is actually triggering the
perceptual switches by sending
a signal to 'reset' the illusion,"
.."Or … people with a large SPL
are better at noticing other
possible interpretations ...
which would also result in a
faster switch rate.“
YES: Mars Pluto
TIME is time as
... and the conclusion.
Addition from the New
Scientist, Sep 2020.
SMG = Parietal Lobe. We
know this don’t we?
‘The posterior superior part of the cingulate cortex is related to sexual
behaviour. Tumours in this area may lead to satiriasis (perpetual penile
erection) in the male and nymphomania (continuous sexual desire) in the
cingulate gyrus
corpus callosum
Human Brain Colouring Book. M.C.
Diamond/A.B Scheibel/ L.M. Elson
Do you remember I originally put sexy Pluto in the wrong place, in the centre of Water.
Here are Mars Pluto in Big trouble.
Well YES.
Superior means
upper and posterior
means back ...
Saturn TIMESaturn/Chronos
Saturn The Gate-Keeper
- Old Father Time.
Enough of Mars/Pluto.
Hello Saturn.
Saturn’s Greek name was
Chronos. Here he is, Old
Father Time – otherwise
called The Gatekeeper.
Charles Limb:
The conscious, self-monitoring
gate-keeper of the frontal
lobes must be turned down to
assist creativity .
Tell me, how is it that the brain specialist
Charles Limb knows to make this
Empiric Thinking
So what’s with this hyper-important top position
and, as I explained, this is not just wealth in the form of money,
but also as ‘ ’, our position in the group.
Copyright © 2012 Health Pictures
These are The Frontal Lobes.
All is well, Uranus
is on hand.
When discussing The Gatekeeper Simon Ritter adds: .. it is necessary to
remove functional fixedness in order to release new associations. Saturn,
ruler of stones and bones, is identified with functional fixedness.
i f
OK, Got it.
You have seen this
slide before.
‘ ‘Look at this - is this the
chronological clock in my
I had been working with this model for many years. Some very academically successful friends had even
attempted to get me into the Cambridge Brain Unit to test it but failed so perhaps you will understand why I felt
frustrated watching Dr Meek at Duke University using his fMRI scanner to identify the position of the
chronological clock in Michio Kaku’s brain.
Yes … Mars (Pluto’s
partner) lights up when
someone is being
So what lights up when someone is coming up with
‘New Associations?
Think Spring.
Occipital Lobes
Only one connection left to check out.
The occipital lobes process vision.
Intuitive feeling.
Hello again!
So Jupiter is not only
responsible for our interest in
philosophical patterns, but
also patterns projected onto
Neptune’s highly receptive
Look … patterns!
Hollywood was born when we
discovered Neptune.
That was a poster I put up in
BRLSI, Bath Royal Literary and
Science Institute, at my
University’s Summer School a few
years ago.
I was amazed to read last year
in Fideler’s book ‘Restoring the
Soul of the World’, Anima Mundi
interpreted as Intelligent Pattern.
World Soul
Anima Mundi
World Soul
ψυχὴ κόσμου
psuchè kósmou,
(psyche – butterfly)
Here is a Roman mosaic depicting
Uranus with and her
God of the sky he stands
within the .
An ancient story tells us that
at the beginning of Time,
Uranus, ‘the awakener’,
mated with and planet
Earth gave birth to LIFE.
Copyright © MCMAYHEM.
If we upgrade our present
scientific paradigm Bart Simpson’s
request can be granted .
Copyright © MCMAYHEM.
Uranus is mating with
once again.
Not Gaia exactly …
Homer Simpson standing in
for Gaia.
Revelation, a famous enigmatic manuscript,
calls this model The Bride or The Golden
And please understand Apocalypse does not
mean the end of the world, it translates as
Four walls with three gates in each wall with
an angel at each gate - just like on our new
model (1:20 The seven stars are the angels of
the seven churches. 22:4 And they shall see his
face; and his name shall be in their foreheads.)
Maybe not so enigmatic after all.
Here is Patrick Moore with the author of
my first astrology book. This book was
published on Patrick’s request by his cousin
Michael Beazley. Why didn’t we know
Patrick was interested in astrology?
The Roman Catholic Catechism states
astrology ‘is vying with god for power’, it was
made illegal but was allowed as quote:
‘entertainment of the masses’.
The Independent Television Commission
Mandate was lifted 20 years ago when a
friend of mine, a TV director, discovered he
wasn’t allowed to make a serious astrology
program. I think we need to re-establish
astrology’s integrity as a language of the
software projected by the orbiting, spinning
bodies of mass in our cosmic environment.
I believe in science
but perhaps I can
learn to dream too.
These are some of my favourite TV program
makers so it’s sad for me that they are closed-
minded. Jim again and Richard Dawkins and and
the enthusiastic and talented Brian Cox, they all
aggressively slag off astrology. But what’s this
sign Brian is carrying?
Remember Uranus ‘the planet of
enlightenment’ discovered in 1781 means
science and revolution. Well done Brian for
getting your metaphor spot on. When science
learns to respect metaphor Brian will be right.
Science is where
we must look to
find answers.
is nuts.
If you feel like seeing colourful elucidations, check out
chrissy philp
The grey matter in our heads asks questions, supplies motivations, converts
light waves into pictures, sound waves into words, adds symbols to ideas,
communicates with other brains and requires recognition for its efforts.
Scientific instruments are not up to understanding this incredible software.
However, it appears our brains have been communicating with us for
millennia. They have done this using ideas in the form of symbols, images and
metaphor, and these are further embellished by stories we call myth.
If this is a model of the brain, a blueprint of something physical, it is
accessible to scientific testing. This is the marriage of science and mysticism,
of matter and metaphor, of Earth and Heaven. Revelation, a famous
enigmatic manuscript, calls this model The Bride or The Golden City,
- it shall be in our foreheads! Well yes … not so enigmatic after all.
Perhaps the ‘scientific paradigm’ requires an upgrade
Age of Aquarius.
The world is
a vast
We are at the very
beginning of the
‘New Age’ of
Aquarius. The Age of
Aquarius is
symbolised by what?
Yes waves.
I think that
Stephen Hawking
was right.
But.. thinking in terms of
a hologram it is supra-
important we understand that
SOFTWARE is dependant
no LIFE.
Here she is again.
Hello lovely planet.

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Cosmic for Friends

  • 1.
  • 2. 8th August 2015. ‘Every now and then an idea comes along that upends how we see ourselves and our place in the cosmos.’
  • 3. Virtual reality technology is making great advances, but it has also helped popularise a theory long debated by philosophers and now gaining supporters in Silicon Valley – it is that – the outside world is itself a simulation. The Observer. 22/04/2017
  • 4. The world is a vast HOLOGRAM.
  • 5. I think you might recognise this?
  • 6. Anaximenes 585-525 AIR is the first principle of all things. Yes … our very own planet. So what is she made of?
  • 8. All things are exchanged for Fire and fire for all things. Hereclites 550-450
  • 9. Hear first the four roots of all things. Bright Zeus, FIRE, Life giving Hera, AIR, Aidoneus, EARTH, and Nestis, WATER, who moistens the springs of men with her tears.Empedocles 493-433
  • 10. By Offnfopt - Own work, Public Domain, This where Empedocles’ declaration is confronted with disapproval? The Greek word element has been commandeered by chemists and since there are many more than four elements listed in the periodic table Jim AL Khalili in his TV series Chemistry, a Volatile History, makes the case (very strongly) that the idea that there are only four is clearly a load of obsolete rubbish.
  • 11. ‘ .. the Greeks had it right with their classification of fire, air, earth, and water … ’ David Bowman. New Scientist, Oct 10, 2009. Not all scientist think Empedocles was wrong. David clearly agrees with Empedocles. Sorry Jim
  • 12. Air Water Fire Earth
  • 13. Water Earth First we’ll look at the meanings carried by Earth and Water (yin) We can pick up a handful of earth, and we can swirl water around with our hands. Chemists are experts when it comes to understanding Earth and Water.
  • 14. EARTH = sensing Earth specifically defines data presented to our brains regarding material reality. This data is suppled by our senses so the element Earth is identified with sensing.
  • 15. = WATER = Feeling Feeling is identified with Heart. Heartfelt, yes? Our Feelings supply us with information regarding our emotional reality. Tears flow when we are unhappy and the blood flow speeds up when we feel afraid. We continually receive information from this element but we have to stop thinking if we want to consult our feelings consciously. HOW DO YOU FEEL ?
  • 16. If the dull substance of my flesh were thought, Injurious distance should not stop my way For then despite of space I would be brought, From limits far remote, where thou dost stay. No matter then, although my foot do stand Upon the furthest earth removed from thee, For nimble thought can jump both see and land As soon as think the place where it would be. But ah, thought kills me that I am not thought To leap large lengths of miles where thou art gone But am so much of earth and water wrought I must attend time’s leisure with my moan. Receiving naught by elements so slow, But heavy tears, badges of either’s woe. Over the centuries the Greek idea of the Elements acquired sophisticated psycho- logical symbolism. Shakespeare’s sonnet 44 is concerned with Earth and Water.
  • 17. Earth plus Water. Sensing plus Feeling. OWCH Flesh and Blood. As Shakespeare so perceptively notes both Earth and Water have weight. Heavy tears.
  • 18. Air Fire So what’s with Air and Fire? Air and Fire are positive elements (yang). You will understand later why I link positive with what in our modern computer age we call software.
  • 19. and . For the ancient Greeks Fire supplied light at night. Turn off the Sun and vision would be surplus to requirement. This is the ancients symbol for the Sun. Yes - it’s an EYE.
  • 21. Yes?
  • 22. Vision allows for ‘insight’. The ancients named this great gift ‘INTUITION’.
  • 23. Our brain’s visual talent is not listed on the periodic table.
  • 24. AIR = Oxygen feeds the electrical activity in our brains enabling us to create symbols and communicate with other brains. Have you got a mobile phone? Where does the information on your phone come from? Yes … the space around us is replete with invisible waves that carry information. This is the ancient’s astrological symbol for the air sign Aquarius - a brilliant illumination of the symbolic meaning of Air.
  • 25. AIR + = Look, this young lad has just had an bright idea and it’s symbolized by what? YES, a light bulb.
  • 26. This is Venus, Goddess of love. Venus symbolises beauty, fertility and seduction. Beauty sets off desire, a necessity if the species is to make close relationships and regenerate.
  • 27. Here she is again illustrated by symbols created by our imagination that allow us to communicate the ineffable.
  • 28. The other two, slight air, and purging fire, Are both with thee, where-ever I abide, The first my thoughts, the other my desire, These present absent with swift motion slide. For when these quicker Elements are gone, In tender embassy of love to thee, My life, being made of four, with two alone, Sinks down to death, oppressed with melancholy. Until life’s composition be recurred By those swift elements returned from thee Which even but now come back again assured Of thy fair health, recounting it to me, This told, I joy, and then no longer glad, I send them back again and straight grow sad. Shakespeare’s Sonnet 45 is concerned with the elements Air and Fire. Shakespeare would have no problem understanding the model I am introducing today.
  • 30. This is Carl Jung with his book Aion. Jung was a LEO which is why a lion is decorating the cover of his book. And this is Jung’s diagram of the Anima Mundi, a circle divided into four, each quarter standing for one of the four elements we have just discussed. Anima Mundi. Anima as in animal and animated. Mundi means ‘World’.
  • 31. The Anima Mundi is also known as The Philosophers stone. So what does the Tractatus Aureus say? ‘Reduce your stone to the four elements, rectify and combine them into one, and you will have the whole magistery. The one, to which the elements must be reduced, is the little circle in the centre of this squared figure. It is the mediator making peace between the elements’. This is valuable information. It explains consciousness and illustrates human conflicts with genius. (This is the subject of a separate presentation.) WATER
  • 32. Down Hot air balloon. EARTH WATER AIRLook! A hot air balloon. Hot air rises. The Anima Mundi pictured here illustrates the way The Four Elements are organised by gravity.
  • 33. Down Earth Air Fire Water And this picture illustrates photosynthesis - the process that converts carbon dioxide into the oxygen that we breath. The Tree of Life.
  • 34. Fire fb^ Written between 18 hundred and 11 hundred BCE the Enuma Elish credits the god Marduk with responsibility for astrology. Here is Berossos, a 3rd century BCE Babylonian priest of Bel Marduk who taught astrology on the island of Cos. He was so admired by the Greeks a statue of him was erected in Athens. And this diagram illustrates the fact that every sign of the Zodiac belongs to one of the four elements. This is one of Marduk’s eyes. The other is in the Pierpont Morgan library in Madison Avenue. Air`d ieg_c a
  • 35. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, the Air signs, are rational and intellectual. Air`d Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Aries, Leo and Sag, the Fire signs are intuitive, passionate and impulsive. Aries, Leo and Sag. Fire fb^
  • 36. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. g_c Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are practical and down to Earth. ie Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. a Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, the Water signs, are particularly sensitive to feelings.
  • 37. Here are three great astrologers. Nick Campion, Bernadette Brady and Liz Greene. Liz, on the left, is an expert on Jung. The Anima Mundi diagram on the right, based on Jung’s original, is from her book, Relating. Liz’s genius is recognizing the fact that the elements mix where they meet. LIZ GREENE
  • 38. 12 3 1 23 1 2 3 1 2 3 Fire Air Look! There are twelve separate positions on this diagram. 3 in Air 3 in Fire, 3 in Earth and 3 in Water. A separate position for each of the twelve signs of the Zodiac!
  • 39. 12 3 1 23 1 2 3 1 2 3 Fire Learning the astrological language I was confused by the fact that Pisces, a Water sign, a ‘feeling’ sign, was described by educated astrologers as intuitive feeling. Here is a perfect place for Pisces on this diagram. In Water but up against Fire. Neptune, the ruling planet of the sign Pisces, is identified with mist and clouds. Hot Water. Yes?
  • 40. universe. 12 3 1 23 1 2 3 1 2 3 Air What about the other mixed positions? Empiric thinking, thinking with the facts supplied by our senses is the arena in which science excels. Modern Science is heavily dependent on Technology. This information is from the Herschel Museum web site. Using his seven-foot reflecting telescope in the back garden in 19 New King Street, Herschel, an amateur astronomer, discovered what we now know as the planet Uranus. This was the first planet to be discovered since the days of the Ancient Greek astronomers. Metaphor (the language of cosmic software) carries significance.
  • 41. 12 3 1 23 1 2 3 1 2 3 EMPIRIC THINKING INTUITIVE FEELING So I had identified a specific position on the diagram for empiric-thinking Uranus, and intuitive- feeling, Neptune. Oh dear - they oppose.
  • 42. 12 3 1 23 1 2 3 1 2 3 We must learn to understand ‘the mediator making peace between the elements’ (the little circle in the centre) then all may yet be well ? A presentation on chrissy philp, The Magic of Consciousness, explains this important information in detail.
  • 43. b f ^ Water Fire Air Earth ` d _ g c iea Back to the Anima Mundi. So, where did the other signs belong ? Here is my first attempt to place them. (I have posted other presentations on with detailed explanations.) I had to find a way of testing my choice. What if I join the signs up the way the Sun moves against the background of fixed stars creating the seasons of the year
  • 44. b f ^ Water Fire Air Earth ` d _ g c iea So, here we go. Starting with Aries, the sign of spring, we move onto Taurus – Gemini – Cancer – Leo – Virgo – Libra – Scorpio – Sag – Capricorn - Pisces and back to Aries. That didn’t work did it?
  • 45. b f ^ Water Fire Air Earth ` d _ g c ieaScorpio So what did I do wrong? Aware of the depth of Scorpio’s passionate feelings I had put Scorpio in the centre of Water. It was a bad decision. Listening to the radio a few days later I heard a news item about a sex murder … Ah!
  • 46. b f ^ i ` d c a g Sexy Pluto is ruler of Scorpio! Scorpio should be up against Taurus in sensual feeling shouldn’t it? That gave pure water to Moon ruled Cancer. The Moon controlling our oceans causing the tides. Yes.
  • 47. 18 Dec 1984 Here are the messy pages in my 1984 diary in which I am about to see what happens when I join up the signs with Scorpio in the new position. The result was perfect and I am noticing a lot more interesting information in this arrangement.
  • 48. Saturn Mercury Venus Mars Moon Jupiter Saturn Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter ALL NEGATIVE THIS SIDE ALL POSITIVE THIS SIDE Not only had it created a beautiful pattern, it had also organised the astrological ruling planets (the planets we could see prior to the discovery of Uranus) in perfect order. All AIR and Fire signs line up on the one side. All material Earth and Water signs on the other. Only Sun ruled and Moon ruled Cancer had positions all to themselves.
  • 49. The Pattern of the Elements. I gave this new pattern a title. Its logic and harmony identified its significance.
  • 50. Then, at a summer school in Jesus College Oxford, I was introduced to Ptolemy’s second century Ptolemaic Order on the astrological Zodiac. I had been taught astrology from a modern perspective inclusive of the new ruling planets. Look, look - prior to the discovery of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, the old ruling planets lined up in pairs … just like on the new Anima Mundi arrangement. PTOLEMY
  • 51. Complementary Connections. I had already awarded these connections a title. I had called them Complimentary Connections because they join positive signs to negative signs illustrating the importance of their interrelationship.
  • 52. 7 SATURN 6 JUPITER 4 VENUS 3 MERCURY 1 SUN2 MOON 5 MARS Looking at this Ptolemaic diagram of the Zodiac I recognised another meaningful arrangement. Seven ruling planets were known prior to the discovery of Uranus. 1 4 3 2 5 6 7
  • 53. 1781 Uranus. 1977 Chiron + Asteroids between Jupiter and Mars. 1930 Pluto And this is what happened when I added the new planets, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto - then our first look at Earth in 1961. I needed a symbol for Earth. I checked with my dictionary and found this, the orb the Queen carries at the coronation - Venus upside down (of course)! Chiron is an escaped asteroid orbiting between Jupiter and Mars, and Virgo means minutia so the asteroids make perfect rulers for Virgo. The first asteroid discovered was Ceres and Ceres IS Virgo. The story of the Gemini twins Castor and Pollux explains the little star next to Mercury. Castor is was injured and sent to live in Pluto’s realm. Chiron is called the wounded healer. Perhaps injury in myth identifies matter that has not managed to combine and create a planet? 1961 Earth Mercury + Plutoids etc ? 1846 Neptune. 9 8 1 10 11 12
  • 54. DNA! This arrangement turns out to be supra meaningful .. you can see why here. DNA has a sense strand and a template strand matching positive and negative on our model. And DNA consists of a double string of simple molecules called bases. There are only four bases; A adenine, G guanine, T thiamine and C cytosine. This ‘Pattern’ is made up of four elements; Earth, Air, Fire and Water. On DNA the base adenine always links with thiamine and the base guanine always links with cytosine. On the ZODIAC, Earth always links with Air, and Water always links with Fire.
  • 55. And what about the all-important Complementary Connections that I had recognised between the sense strand, black, and template strand, white. The hyper important Complimentary Connections on our model are called Hydrogen Bonds. Can you see why this model is exciting me
  • 56. Uranus - Uranium, U 92. Electricity, Oxygen. Neptune – Neptunium, Np 93. Gas, Photography Film. Pluto – . Plutonium, Pu 94.. Coal, Oil, Nuclear Power. I called this new pattern The Pattern of Evolution … WHY? Because - each time we look upon a new planet we are awarded new power. The Nuclear planets.
  • 57. • In 2017, a multidisciplinary group of researchers at the University of Washington proved that they could embed malicious computer code into physical strands of DNA. • Their aim was to show that computers working in gene sequencing were vulnerable to attack. But they may also have inadvertently revealed that what we perceive to be biological reality was in fact computer code all along. So what’s this ?
  • 58. A diagram of I Ching hexagrams sent to Leibniz from Joachim Bouvet. The Arabic numerals were added by Leibniz.[153] Wiki. Now I must introduce you to The I Ching. I didn’t know then, but I have since learnt, that the philosopher and mathematician Leibnitz owned an I Ching. Leibnitz was fascinated with the binary system. He was convinced that binary mathematics carried the potential to answer all questions. 1 and 0 can express everything … REALLY!
  • 59. In 1936. Claude Shannon (studying Boolean Logic in university) is roped in to look after Bush’s unwieldy decimal machine. BUSH Decimal Machine Computer Basics: Time Life Books. Computer Basics: Time Life Books. Fascinated by Leibnitz, in 1716 the Scottish mathematician George Boole created a logic system. In 1867 Sanders Peirce, teaching Boolean Logic in New York, recognises its potential as an electrical switching device.
  • 61. The Receptive Earth/YIN The Creative Heaven/YANG a ^ g d e `c i f Back to our original pattern, The Pattern of the Elements. These Complementary Connections - um hydrogen bonds - also correlate superbly with the six lines of the two primal I Ching hexagrams, 1, The Creative Heaven and 2, The Receptive Earth. Because I understood that an I Ching hexagram is read from the base up this was how I read these Complementary Connections.
  • 62. i f So, following I Ching logic we begin at the base. Neptune is identified with the mystic and the womb. Jupiter is the philosopher who seeks patterns. DNA is a pattern? A warm wet womb?
  • 63. i f I gave this position the title Source.
  • 64. i f a So what comes next? Moon symbolizes Mother and Sun, Father. AH! Out of the womb comes a new Life into the waiting arms of mummy and daddy.
  • 65. i fSource a I gave this position the title Life.
  • 66. a Source BirthDeath e ^ Aries/April represents springtime while Scorpio/November is autumn when the leaves are falling off the trees. Every moment is born out of the death of the previous moment. The moment a baby is born it confronts Constant Change. I gave these two the title TIME and I stress it means Dynamic Time - not clock time.
  • 67. space time PAST FUTURE Remember the little circle in the center? This is Herman Minkowski’s space-time diagram (Minkowski was Einstein’s tutor). On Minkowski’s model this position is called The Present so I gave this position the title NOW.
  • 68. d ^ i f ^ Sensual Feeling Intuitive thinking i f ^e a Source Time Form So NOW we are confronted by a physical, visual and auditorily meaningful world. Taurus, wet Earth, sensual feeling, supplies information to our brains regarding our physical environment while Libra, Air/fire, intuitive thinking, sorts out incoming information, supplying images and responding to beauty. We are presented here with both a physical and mental reality. I gave this position the title FORM.
  • 69. At which point we have something to work on and with. Earthy Virgo on the left means practical work; Virgo is the sign of secretaries and nurses and libraries. Airy Gemini is intellectual. The talking that goes on our heads is supplied by Mercury. Gemini is the sign of journalists and teachers. a Source i f Form Practical Intellectual Source i fSource Time ^ d e `c
  • 70. c ` d Cold ScienceBusiness Dry Source f ^^ee Source f SourceSource Time SourceSource i f a Work Form c So what’s at the top? Saturn means business and Uranus, science. I gave this the title Not just wealth in the form of money, but also our sense of ‘ ’, our position in the group. Rememberthis is the position on the model labelled empiric thinking?
  • 71. ` d c a i f ^e gYou can think of as the hard drive upon which we store information, but information needs editing. is a powerful disruptive force. Just what we need.
  • 72. ? A friend suggested I draw up all the patterns on one page. That was back in the mid 1980’s before I had a computer. The Zodiac and the pattern I gave the title Pattern of Evolution is on the left - the new Pattern of the Elements is on the right. Everything is beautifully balanced – it has elegance and symmetry. So, WHY, is there no pattern here?
  • 73. To redress this anomaly I copied the DNA order of the signs on the Zodiac onto the arrangement I had found on The Anima Mundi … and I got this. Look … this new pattern has wings? I didn’t have a clue what it meant.
  • 74. RightLeft Until a book I was reading mentioned ‘the two wings of the cerebral cortex’. Hang on … did it say WINGS! I had drawn the original pattern on the previous diagram using a ruler, now I drew it out covering all thirty degrees of a sign and I got this. It looks liked a brain.
  • 75. So, does the new pattern correlate with what is already known about the brain?
  • 76. Left HEMISPHERE The Receptive Earth. Sensory-Feeling Right HEMISPHERE The Creative Heaven. Intuitive-Thinking The left brain, the yin/negative, the sensory feeling side, controls our physical actions. The right, yang/side, ruled by all positive signs, the part labelled Intuitive thinking, is concerned with symbols, metaphor, motivations, desires, and imagination. That fits with what we already know.
  • 77. Corpus Callosum Complementary Connections se 300,000,000 Axons Cerebellum Here we are looking at the Corpus Callosum. Three hundred thousand connections called axons join the two hemispheres together so that they can communicate. Hello Complementary Connections?
  • 78. Additional complementary structures Merim Bilalic in the New Scientist explains how chess players use both sides of the brain. New Scientist. 15 January, 2011.
  • 79. a i f What do Father Sun and Mother Moon identify on the brain?
  • 80. Hi LeftRight The Operating System. Yes, the Cerebellum, the Operating System or ‘snake brain’, the area that supplies our primal memory, keeps us upright, controls body temperature, heartbeat, digestion and breathing. Humans brains have developed the wings but all animals have a cerebellum. This is our connection LIFE?
  • 81. The Parasympathetic Nervous System. Sun Hypnotists have identified two autonomic nervous system responses. The parasympathetic nervous system - responds to images. YES, we know that. The sympathetic nervous system, responds to sudden movements that make us feel insecure. The Moon is the ruling planet of our emotional/physical being; our bodies must be protected from injury - the Moon is set up to keep us aware of danger (remember water). The Sympathetic Nervous System. I feel, I hear, and I care. MOON
  • 82. Neuroscience news. Are these are our So, what’s this? The electrical appliances in our homes are connected by wires. Axons are the name of the wires that carry information between neurones.
  • 83. This is where the nerves of the brain unite as the spinal chord carrying information between body and brain. Information from our bodies senses and feelings are connecting here with vision and sound presented to our brains through our eyes and ears. We are experiencing everything …. Right here Now.
  • 84. g Thinking a i f Work ^ d e `c Sensing EARTH AIR This is the connection we gave the title Work? Gemini, Air, on the right, the messenger of the gods, supplies the words while practical Virgo, known for craftsmanship, handles the physical, the refined muscular control we need if we are to produce words, write them and store them in a physical form. Virgo rules libraries. They make a perfect ‘working’ team.. And here is Nabu – Babylonian Mercury, decorating the door of the Library of Congress in Washington USA. Symbols have staying power.
  • 85. Motor Cortex Hello Motor Cortex. I have already mentioned that with so much information at my disposal I have been confident enough to give the new, so called, escaped asteroid, Chiron, to Virgo for a plethora of very good reasons. Chiron, Cheiron in Greek, is also known as Object Kowel (OK). It was discovered by Charles Kowel. This is why its glyph looks like a key.
  • 86. And in case you are unsure about me deciding that Chiron, Greek Cheiron, rules Gemini’s partner Virgo, know that in Greek, ‘cheir’ means ‘hand’.
  • 87. MOTOR CORTEX The Science Museum Oxford. Virgo/Gemini Mercury/ Cheiron
  • 88. ‘your hand is under constant surveillance from your eyes. People with cerebella damage find this tracking movement particularly hard.’ Susan Greenfield
  • 89. d f ^ i e a Beauty and harmony rule OK So what’s with our next connection, the sensually sensitive Earth/Venus connection that I gave the title FORM? I explained earlier that Taurus now has a planet of its own, a planet which was first observed in 1961. Yes, Earth: this is the Orb the Queen carries at the coronation. Astrologically Taurus signifies possessions. Earth is our most valuable possession isn’t she?
  • 90. Somatosensory Cortex So now we are looking at the Somatosensory Cortex – Another meaningful fit.
  • 91. Libra/Taurus Venus/Earth Here is Libra/Taurus in the museum in Oxford. Sensual-feeling Taurus plus Libra’s Venus the planet of seduction and desire. Not as pretty as the metaphoric symbol for Venus but this scientific reality in Oxford is not required to activate intuitive-feeling information. These hands and lips are not as big as the Virgo/Gemini motor cortex, but note that this homunculus has genitals.
  • 92. a i f ^ g d e ` Sensual feeling. Intuitive Thinking. c FORM NEGATIVE/YIN POSITIVE/YANG Is this interesting? The right brain lights up when someone is ‘listening’ to music, but when a professional musician is listening, the left brain lights up too. The musician’s left brain is registering the physical actions needed to make each sound?
  • 93. g ` d c a ^ i f e Time CLOCK TIME DYNAMIC TIME Saturn, Chronological Time. g Dynamic Mars-Pluto Time. As I explained earlier, we have two distinct types of TIME on our model. Man-made, Saturn Chronological Time, and the complementary pair, dynamic Mars-Pluto Time.
  • 94. Death a i f Birthe ^ So first we will check out DYNAMIC TIME. Mars, Birth, ruler of Aries - Spring, and Pluto Death, ruler of Scorpio - Autumn.
  • 95. Parietal Lobe - The Brain Made Simple g ` d c a ^ i f e Time 0 Death Birth Mars-Pluto TIME is time as CHANGE.
  • 96. To test whether ... the Superior (upper) Parietal Lobe had a role in triggering the switch, the researchers stimulated each lobe with a magnetic field … knocking out the function of that lobe - while the volunteers re-watched the … illusion ... the switch rate slowed when either lobe was exposed to the magnetic field. (Current Biology, DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2010.07.027). Here is a picture of something that can be viewed in two different ways. What allows the brain to switch perception?
  • 97. "One possibility is that the SPL is actually triggering the perceptual switches by sending a signal to 'reset' the illusion," .."Or … people with a large SPL are better at noticing other possible interpretations ... which would also result in a faster switch rate.“ YES: Mars Pluto TIME is time as CHANGE! CHANGE ... and the conclusion.
  • 98. Addition from the New Scientist, Sep 2020. SMG = Parietal Lobe. We know this don’t we?
  • 99. ‘The posterior superior part of the cingulate cortex is related to sexual behaviour. Tumours in this area may lead to satiriasis (perpetual penile erection) in the male and nymphomania (continuous sexual desire) in the female.’ cingulate gyrus corpus callosum Human Brain Colouring Book. M.C. Diamond/A.B Scheibel/ L.M. Elson Do you remember I originally put sexy Pluto in the wrong place, in the centre of Water. Here are Mars Pluto in Big trouble. Well YES. Superior means upper and posterior means back ...
  • 100. Saturn TIMESaturn/Chronos Chronological Time. Saturn The Gate-Keeper - Old Father Time. Enough of Mars/Pluto. Hello Saturn. Saturn’s Greek name was Chronos. Here he is, Old Father Time – otherwise called The Gatekeeper.
  • 101. Charles Limb: The conscious, self-monitoring gate-keeper of the frontal lobes must be turned down to assist creativity . Tell me, how is it that the brain specialist Charles Limb knows to make this statement?
  • 102. c ScienceBusiness ^^ee a Empiric Thinking So what’s with this hyper-important top position and, as I explained, this is not just wealth in the form of money, but also as ‘ ’, our position in the group.
  • 103. Copyright © 2012 Health Pictures These are The Frontal Lobes. WEALTH
  • 104. All is well, Uranus is on hand. When discussing The Gatekeeper Simon Ritter adds: .. it is necessary to remove functional fixedness in order to release new associations. Saturn, ruler of stones and bones, is identified with functional fixedness.
  • 105. ` d c a i f ^e g OK, Got it. You have seen this slide before.
  • 106. BBC HORIZON ‘ ‘Look at this - is this the chronological clock in my brain?’ I had been working with this model for many years. Some very academically successful friends had even attempted to get me into the Cambridge Brain Unit to test it but failed so perhaps you will understand why I felt frustrated watching Dr Meek at Duke University using his fMRI scanner to identify the position of the chronological clock in Michio Kaku’s brain.
  • 107. Yes … Mars (Pluto’s partner) lights up when someone is being creative. So what lights up when someone is coming up with ‘New Associations? Think Spring.
  • 108. fi Source Occipital Lobes Only one connection left to check out. The occipital lobes process vision. WE KNOW THAT TOO. Intuitive feeling.
  • 110. So Jupiter is not only responsible for our interest in philosophical patterns, but also patterns projected onto Neptune’s highly receptive screen? Look … patterns! Hollywood was born when we discovered Neptune.
  • 111.
  • 112. That was a poster I put up in BRLSI, Bath Royal Literary and Science Institute, at my University’s Summer School a few years ago. I was amazed to read last year in Fideler’s book ‘Restoring the Soul of the World’, Anima Mundi interpreted as Intelligent Pattern.
  • 113. World Soul Latin Anima Mundi (anima/animated mundi/world). World Soul Greek ψυχὴ κόσμου psuchè kósmou, (psyche – butterfly)
  • 114. Here is a Roman mosaic depicting Uranus with and her children. God of the sky he stands within the . An ancient story tells us that at the beginning of Time, Uranus, ‘the awakener’, mated with and planet Earth gave birth to LIFE.
  • 115. Copyright © MCMAYHEM. If we upgrade our present scientific paradigm Bart Simpson’s request can be granted .
  • 116. Copyright © MCMAYHEM. Uranus is mating with once again. Not Gaia exactly … Homer Simpson standing in for Gaia.
  • 117. BambergApocalypseFolio055rNewJerusalem. Revelation, a famous enigmatic manuscript, calls this model The Bride or The Golden City. And please understand Apocalypse does not mean the end of the world, it translates as unveiling. Four walls with three gates in each wall with an angel at each gate - just like on our new model (1:20 The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches. 22:4 And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads.) Maybe not so enigmatic after all.
  • 118. Here is Patrick Moore with the author of my first astrology book. This book was published on Patrick’s request by his cousin Michael Beazley. Why didn’t we know Patrick was interested in astrology? The Roman Catholic Catechism states astrology ‘is vying with god for power’, it was made illegal but was allowed as quote: ‘entertainment of the masses’. The Independent Television Commission Mandate was lifted 20 years ago when a friend of mine, a TV director, discovered he wasn’t allowed to make a serious astrology program. I think we need to re-establish astrology’s integrity as a language of the software projected by the orbiting, spinning bodies of mass in our cosmic environment.
  • 119. I believe in science but perhaps I can learn to dream too. These are some of my favourite TV program makers so it’s sad for me that they are closed- minded. Jim again and Richard Dawkins and and the enthusiastic and talented Brian Cox, they all aggressively slag off astrology. But what’s this sign Brian is carrying? Remember Uranus ‘the planet of enlightenment’ discovered in 1781 means science and revolution. Well done Brian for getting your metaphor spot on. When science learns to respect metaphor Brian will be right. Science is where we must look to find answers. Astrology is nuts.
  • 120. If you feel like seeing colourful elucidations, check out presentations chrissy philp
  • 121. The grey matter in our heads asks questions, supplies motivations, converts light waves into pictures, sound waves into words, adds symbols to ideas, communicates with other brains and requires recognition for its efforts. Scientific instruments are not up to understanding this incredible software. However, it appears our brains have been communicating with us for millennia. They have done this using ideas in the form of symbols, images and metaphor, and these are further embellished by stories we call myth. If this is a model of the brain, a blueprint of something physical, it is accessible to scientific testing. This is the marriage of science and mysticism, of matter and metaphor, of Earth and Heaven. Revelation, a famous enigmatic manuscript, calls this model The Bride or The Golden City, - it shall be in our foreheads! Well yes … not so enigmatic after all. Perhaps the ‘scientific paradigm’ requires an upgrade
  • 122. SOFTWAREHARDWARE THE BRAIN yin yang Age of Aquarius. SOFTWARE Rules.OK The world is a vast HOLOGRAM YES? We are at the very beginning of the ‘New Age’ of Aquarius. The Age of Enlightenment. Aquarius is symbolised by what? Yes waves. I think that Stephen Hawking was right.
  • 123. But.. thinking in terms of a hologram it is supra- important we understand that SOFTWARE is dependant on HARDWARE. No HARDWARE, no LIFE. Here she is again. Hello lovely planet. Thank you..