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Hipparchus studies
the stars. 190 BCE
illuminates the
representations given
to the patterns of
visible stars
in the night sky.
THE Tropical
The Tropical Zodiac divides the
Sidereal Zodiac into sixty degree
segments which supplies us
with a background map against
which we can accurately place
the planets as they move
around the night sky.
‘targeting the hour’. place.
of the
00 Aries
This Horoscope was set for the start of the evening presentation on the
subject of Great Ages given in The Penthouse, Bath, on 2 Sep 2019.
The sun
has just set
below the
Horizon, and, as the
sun moves one degree a
day, it has 20 degrees/days
still to travel until Summer is over.
Another important point is 00 degrees Aries
the point where the SUN
rose over our planet’s
equator and brought us
the first day of spring.
We can see when we look
at the SUN where we are in
the year. On this chart, at 10 degrees Virgo ,
it has not yet reached its Autumnal point
On the Horoscope the ‘HORIZON’ marks the place
where the SUN  rises and sets on a particular day at a
particular place. Where it ascends, the Ascendant (Asc)
and where it descends, the Descendent (Dsc). We can see
when we look at the position of the SUN the time
of day a horoscope is set for.
North Pole
00 Aries
South Pole
Spring Equinox
Not to scale!
Now we need to check out the
mechanics of Great Ages.
Here is a person standing on the
equator at midday on the spring equinox.
I have turned Earth onto her side so that
he doesn’t fall off (just joking).
It doesn’t matter where he is on the
equator because as the earth spins it will
always be midday at the place he is at
when the Sun is directly overhead. We
have named the point in the heavens
behind the Sun, 00 Aries.
This is Wiki’s diagram of the
same mechanics [I have added
the Sun].
There will undoubtedly be a
person on the equator
somewhere – perhaps, in this
particular scenario, on Isabella
Island - but he/she is too small
to see.
The constellations of fixed stars
have no definite boundaries so
the exact time it takes
for an Age to pass
is undecided.
I have used the old
two millennia - it fits with the
Using the star Regulus (the
heart of the Lion) as a
regulator Ed Gillam has
proposed that the New Age
began at the end of Nov 2011.
Astrological Journal
March/April 2010. Page 53.
In Ed’s own words.
Astrological Journal Nov 2
2010. p.51
Is Ed onto something? We can see that Regulus stands
between Moon ruled Cancer and Sun ruled Leo identifying
the two most important cosmic powers. Ed notes that this pair
marks this all-important division on the Ptolemaic Order.
Here is Ed’s diagram. I like this model because it fits with my
Cosmic Software model.
Looking at Saturn and the Sombrero galaxy you can see that
sprinkled with dust and ice (just like iron filings around a magnet)
an equatorial field is clearly visible.
Equatorial fields can extend into space over great distances.
How big is the Sombrero galaxy’s?
UM … around 135,000 light years!
Equatorial fields result from the interaction of gravity and spin.
The controlling power of an equatorial field is massive.
WOW !!!
Imagine the energy of the field of one planet
intermingling with the field of another. Is
this what is creating the interference that
runs our Cosmic Software?
135,000 light years!
2) The Horoscope identifies the intersection
between the event horizon projected into space
(purple disc) and the Sun’s celestial equator.
1) 00 Aries on the Tropical Zodiac identifies the
intersection between Earth’s celestial equatorial field
(green disc) and the Sun’s celestial equator (yellow).
These diagrams show the relationship between The Tropical Zodiac and a Horoscope.
On the Horoscope you can see that this arrangement is personal - the position of an Event (such as a
birth) on a Horoscope is awarded the same importance as planet Earth’s North Pole.
The Equator on the Event chart is called The .
Personal Horoscope
Tropical Zodiac
00 Aries
00 Libra
Here is the situation from an objective point of view. Earth travels around the Sun close to the Sun’s
equatorial field and she is presently tilted at twenty-three-and-a-half degrees to her orbital plane. These
fields interact through both Earth and the Sun at the equinoxes. Intermingling fields create interference!
Great Ages tell us how we are aligned in relation to
the fixed stars of the Milky Way.
The North pole presently points at Polaris, which is
why, if you watch the sky all night, you will see all the
stars circling around this particular point ….
Great Age 2020
rising point
00 Aries
setting point.
… but Earth is
wobbling on her axis.
At this moment in
time the North Pole
is pointing at
Polaris, but the
situation in 13000
years time will be
very different –
00 Aries
Great Age 13,000 (ish)
rising point
setting point
In 13 thousand years Earth’s
North Pole will be pointing at
Vega. Then it will be the dawning
of the Age of Leo.
From our point of view an Age
lasts a long time but from a
cosmic point of view it represents
only one month.
It takes 12 Cosmic Months to
complete the circuit - around 24
thousand years – 24 thousand
years = 1 Cosmic Year.
When I first learned of the theory of Great Ages I
thought the Ages were independent of each other, each
New Age acting as a separate influence, but my husband,
well versed in ancient history, ridiculed this idea.
He was right - this was not how they work.
Taurus - Scorpio
Aries - Libra
Pisces - Virgo
We are here?
When I studied history it
appeared that each Age was
displaying the symbolism of the
Age that went before. So what
was going on?
If we think of Ages acting like
tree rings everything falls into
place. Every approximately two
thousand years a New Ages
activates and a new innovative
ideology pushes the old age out to
the periphery where the
socio/cultural influence lives on.
Taurus - Scorpio
Aries - Libra
Pisces - Virgo
Babylon/Egypt/Persia: Empire/Power; tombs packed with
possessions, large scale construction projects, trade
(The World Trade Organisation). Female icon - The
Whore of Babylon. Here she is riding on The Beast.
Count the horns - And they look like planets!
Pluto is the 10th planet!
Christianity: Charity (Red
Cross), Nursing/Health
(Hospitals). Female icon -
The Virgin Mary.
Greece: democracy;
competitive sport
(Olympic Games);
reason, academia;
civic beauty,
Female icon –
The Goddess
I noted that the
Descendant point
of each Age was
personified by a
notorious female
This diagram shows Ages maturing slowly out of a memorable seed point within the manifestation of the previous Age. Just
like tree rings, the Ages do not end, they add new expressions of human civilization to the ongoing process. And look –
there are powerful stories associated with the seed point at the very beginning of these New Ages. …
The martyred Christ is
born of a Virgin Mother,
a powerful
Piscean/Virgoan story.
The story of how the
Trojan Wars (Mars can
mean War) began tells
how young Paris ran off
to Troy with the
beautiful Helen after he
had chosen Venus as his
preferred goddess -
well, she did offer him
the most beautiful
woman on Earth. You
can see him choosing
Venus here.
Helen was already married. Her husband, King
Menelaus, wasn’t pleased - hence his Martian
Roman Republic (509–107 BC)
In 494 BC, when three foreign
threats emerged, the dictator
Manius Valerius Maximus raised
ten legions which Livy says was
a greater number than had been
raised previously at any one
time. Here is its flowering
So let’s check
out the Age
of Aries and
Here is the seed point.
Aries … physical or violent and
untamed aspect of war, in contrast to
his sister, the armored Athena, whose
functions as a goddess of intelligence
include military strategy. Wiki. And re Libra – Athens
flowered during thid period
By Erasoft24. - Own
work, CC BY 2.5,
By Carlos Menendez San Juan -
Old Bailey, CC BY-
Justice was rapid:
a case could last
no longer than
one day and had
to be completed
by the time
the sun set .
Ah, Mars!
Here is proof that the Athenian
goddess of justice is still with us.
Athenian democracy developed
around the sixth century BC is often
described as the first known
democracy in the world. Other Greek
cities set up
democracies, most following the
Athenian model, but none are as well
documented as Athens'.
The influence of
this age is still very
much with us.
During the reign of the
Roman Emperor
Constantine the Great
(AD 306–337),
Christianity began to
transition to the
dominant religion of
the Roman Empire.
The Constantinian dynasty
launched the era of State church
of the Roman Empire.
Quoting Hans Pohlsander.
His (the emperors) conversion to
and support of Christianity served
an entirely conservative end, the
preservation and continuation of
the Empire.
Lamb of God. Is this the old age
of Aries (Ram) subtly merging with
the Age of Pisces?
Taurus (Latin for "the Bull") is one of
the constellations of the zodiac,
which means it is crossed by the
plane of the ecliptic. It influenced
various bull figures in the
mythologies of Ancient Sumer,
Akkad, Assyria, Babylon, Egypt,
Greece, and Rome. wiki
In Sumerian mythology,
Marduk is the "bull of
In Hinduism, Shiva's
steed is Nandi, the Bull.
The sacred bull survives
in the constellation
Taurus. wiki
Hathor as a cow. In
Egypt, the bull was
worshiped as Apis, The
bull was also
worshipped as Mnevis,
the embodiment of
Atum-Ra, in Heliopolis.
Ka in Egyptian is both a
religious concept of life-
force/power and the
word for bull. wiki
Syrian Bull.
And let’s not forget that Venus ruled both Libra and Taurus.
This is a reconstruction of the Ishtar Gate in Babylon.
Ishtar is the Babylonian
name for Venus.
Venus’s gate. This is
The decoration
includes many bulls.
And is this
The source of the rivers
Tigris and Euphrates is
in the Taurus Mountains?
In this age they built big.
Taurus, in the I Ching, is the
hexagram Keeping Still
They built mountains which
they called Ziggurats.
Pyramids look like
mountains too.
E-temen-an-ki translates as The House of the
foundation of heaven on Earth. It is said that the
temple on top of Etemenanki had a bed on which
a beautiful maiden slept as a gift for their god – this
is Taurus/Scorpio we are discussing here.
Hippolytus wrote: ‘The
Babylonians were more
interested in making money than
And here is The Bull in
Wall Street New York, still in
command of the financial
From the internet.
While the Danube
Valle civilization isn’t
as famous as other
ancient cultures
around the globe, it is
one of the oldest
civilization to exist in
Europe, developing
from around 5,500
and 3,500 BC
Uruk 3300 supplies the earliest
Mesopotamian example of writing.
Sumerian children were taught at Eduba’s
their name for a school, Schools were in
temples – this is Gemini/Sag.
Teachers were referred to as ‘Big
Brother’ – third house = siblings.
The written story of
Gilgamesh, Babylonian Noah,
is early Sumerian.
So now we look at Gemini Sag.
Where do we look to to discover the
development of our education system?
The twelve tribes were
twelve families (Cancer).
During the period (c. 2600–
2400 BC) that Ur exercised
supremacy over the
Euphrates valley, Sin was
naturally regarded as the
head of the pantheon. The
"wisdom" personified by
the moon-god is likewise
an expression of the
science of astronomy or
the practice of astrology, in
which the observation of
the moon's phases is an
important factor. wiki
The Semitic moon god Su'en/Sin is in
origin a separate deity from Sumerian
Nanna, but from the Akkadian Empire
period the two undergo syncretization and
are identified. wiki
… one of the earliest evidences of Jewry is
surely embodied in the Mesopotamian
Moon God Nanna or Sin. Indeed Nanna or
Sin, akin thematically to the Biblical figure
of Shem, may well be considered a common
mythical ancestor to all present-day
Semites, including Jews. wiki
Sin was the God of the Moon. His
other title was Nanna.
The Moon takes the
Male role in this age,
the female role will have been Saturn. Old
Mother (Nanna).
The Ten Commandment ?
Mount Sinai means
Mountain of the Moon.
Moses means Law Giver.
So Moon-ruled
Cancer has a
deeply emotional
sensitivity and a
long term memory,
denoted by water,
while Capricorn,
ruled by Saturn,
means walls.
The Semites have
a famous long term
memory. Think
‘Wailing Wall’
Moon/Saturn. And
what about The
Battle of Jericho
when the walls
came tumbling
The twelve tribes
were twelve families
In 1620 The Mayflower carried
Puritans (Virgo) across the
Atlantic Ocean (Pisces). In 1786
prisoners (the Piscean 12th
house is the house of prisons)
were sent to Botany (Virgo) Bay
(Pisces) Australia. The world was
colonised by western man:
Pisces spreads its influence and
mixes us up together like the
water droplets in a cloud.
Saint Marianne Cope a
Catholic nun who
influenced the
development of modern
hospitals and nursing.
In 1915, the Catholic Church
ran 541 hospitals, staffed
primarily by unpaid nuns.
"After the Battle of
Gravelotte. The French
Sisters of Mercy … arrive on
the battle field to succour the
wounded." Unsigned
lithograph, 1870 or 1871.
Back to our era. Nun’s personified the Virgo archetype. Virginal Virgo. And Virgo is
Gemini’s yin (female) partner
so, of course, they call
themselves ‘sisters’. Sisters
of mercy. 6th house Virgo
And 12 house Pisces.
A much loved Princess who was born when the
Moon was in Aquarius ruled by Uranus in Leo?
story ?
And finally what do we need to introduce us to the New Age of Aquarius Leo? There are a
couple of possibilities.
Here is someone who won the
hearts of the people and is
unlikely to be forgotten
Possibility ONE: How about a ‘People’s
Princess’ ?
Plugging into the
Jupiter Saturn
conjunction by
sextile and trine,
and illuminated
By the Sun, the
Moon’s nodal
axis is 01 degrees
Astrologers have described the chart for Charles and Diana’s wedding as a ‘wrong’ chart because it doesn’t
describe a happy marriage. From the point of view of the universe this chart might be absolutely right. Is
there something special about these royal
children born of a princess who cared
deeply about the people?
Moon, mother, conjunct Mars, boys,
in Moon-ruled Cancer on the MC,
and Jupiter, crown prince, conjunct
Saturn, ruler, in the 12th house womb just waiting
to be born.
OR ….. Possibility TWO: Queen
Elizabeth the 2nd died this week and
the world is mourning her passing.
Is Queen Elizabeth
representative of the
initiation of the New Age of
‘People of all ages and from countries far
and wide chose to battle the inclement
weather to bid an emotional farewell to
the monarch of 70 years.’
We can watch the age of Pisces/Virgo blossoming noticeably
right now. Alternative health. And what about Glastonbury,
fantasy, music (and perhaps a drug issue) is an expression of the
Old Age flowering. And now, in the 20th Century, all this in
conjunction with Aquarian high tech sound equipment and
exciting Leo Drama.
Dragons and Fairy-
tale Palaces
(of course).
From internet: How do you begin to describe Glastonbury festival?
Is it the greatest show on earth? Some would certainly argue its
case. In less than 50 years the Eavis family have transformed some
beautiful, quiet fields in the village of Pilton into the site of an
annual music pilgrimage. The biggest acts in world music, from Ed
Sheeran to Radiohead, forge careers there through unforgettable
live performances. You must experience swaying in front of the
Pyramid Stage at least once.
(NOTE: Virgo/Neptune word – Pilgrimage.)
Many Christians believe that Glastonbury is the site of the earliest
church in Britain, allegedly
founded in the first or second
century by Joseph of Arimathea.
According to the Gospels, Joseph
was the man who donated his
own tomb for the body of Christ
following the crucifixion. (From
Selfies are surely Leo in operation. Hello Ladies.
Where will this New Age take us
And need I mention the technological brilliance of the
internet through which we can ALL watch this exciting
entertainment going on …
Earlier this year I woke up having been dreaming about Great Ages and
now I think I understand why life has organised that I should be living in
Bath. I did not choose to live in Bath, it was a series of events that
brought me here. So what’s so interesting about Bath?
Bladud, 863 BC, son of the king who lived in the camp on Salisbury Hill,
was studying in Athens when his Father died. On his journey home he
caught a skin disease and in order to protect his people when he
returned he took on the job of caring for the pigs. Watching his pigs
enjoying the hot mud he noted it healed their skin - it healed his too. This
is a Taurus/Scorpio story. Taurus Earth + Scorpio Water = MUD!
Rome is Aries/Libra /.
Roman Legions and the Goddess Athene.
Then the Age of Pisces/Virgo / arrives,
Virgo means healing and Pisces Water.
Yes! Definitely Bath.
Here is a well known quote from a famous song.
‘Jerusalem build-ed here on England’s green and pleasant land’.
So now we are moving into the Age of Aquarius/Leo,
Uranus, Aquarius’s new ‘ruling’ planet, was discovered in ‘New King’ Street (of course).
Leo takes the female role, Leo means Royalty, in this case female royalty.
New King Street is very near Queen Square, in the Royal City of Bath.
‘The Enlightenment gave rise to a number of local Philosophical
and Scientific Societies, most of which were ultimately absorbed
into the Bath Royal Literary & Scientific Institution
which was set up in 1824; we are now approaching our bi-
(Publication on the History of the Institution).
The Jesus story, on which The Old Age of Pisces/martyr,
Virgo/virgin, is based, takes place in Jerusalem.
If the New Age of Aquarius/Leo is based here in Bath then is
Bath ‘The New Jerusalem’, otherwise termed The Golden City?
Leo is golden and Aquarius means the collective - a city!
Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, also carries the idea of
‘enlightenment’. The lightening bolt. Uranus gave us electricity.
Here is a quote from
Michael Davis at BRLSI.
ath oyal iterary and cience
nstitute in Square.
New King Street
Royal Victoria Park, Royal Avenue, The Royal Crescent, Queen Square, Royal Hotel.
When I wrote the set of books
introducing the new model I
gave it the title The Golden City
because I found the description
of the new model of the brain at
the end of The Book of
Revelation. A city with four
walls three gates in each wall
and an angel, also described as
a star, at each gate. I had no
idea then that there would be a
‘real’ version of this Golden City
and that I would be directed by
fate to live in it.
It all appears rather obvious
Where will this take us
Great Ages updated for slideshare.pdf

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Great Ages updated for slideshare.pdf

  • 2. The Sidereal Zodiac illuminates the representations given to the patterns of visible stars in the night sky. CANCER LEO GEMINI TAURUS VIRGO LIBRA SCORPIO ARIES SAGITTARIUS CAPRICORN PISCES AQUARIUS
  • 3. THE Tropical Zodiac. CANCER LEO GEMINI TAURUS VIRGO LIBRA ARIES SAGITTARIUS CAPRICORN PISCES AQUARIUS The Tropical Zodiac divides the Sidereal Zodiac into sixty degree segments which supplies us with a background map against which we can accurately place the planets as they move around the night sky. HORO-SCOPUS means ‘targeting the hour’. place. SCORPIO Background of the HOROSCOPE
  • 4. Dsc (Autumn) Sunset 00 Aries (Spring) Ascendant Sunrise This Horoscope was set for the start of the evening presentation on the subject of Great Ages given in The Penthouse, Bath, on 2 Sep 2019. The sun has just set below the Horizon, and, as the sun moves one degree a day, it has 20 degrees/days still to travel until Summer is over. HORO-SCOPUS HORIZON Another important point is 00 degrees Aries the point where the SUN rose over our planet’s equator and brought us the first day of spring. We can see when we look at the SUN where we are in the year. On this chart, at 10 degrees Virgo , it has not yet reached its Autumnal point On the Horoscope the ‘HORIZON’ marks the place where the SUN  rises and sets on a particular day at a particular place. Where it ascends, the Ascendant (Asc) and where it descends, the Descendent (Dsc). We can see when we look at the position of the SUN the time of day a horoscope is set for.
  • 5. North Pole 00 Aries South Pole Spring Equinox Not to scale! Now we need to check out the mechanics of Great Ages. Here is a person standing on the equator at midday on the spring equinox. I have turned Earth onto her side so that he doesn’t fall off (just joking). It doesn’t matter where he is on the equator because as the earth spins it will always be midday at the place he is at when the Sun is directly overhead. We have named the point in the heavens behind the Sun, 00 Aries.
  • 6. This is Wiki’s diagram of the same mechanics [I have added the Sun]. There will undoubtedly be a person on the equator somewhere – perhaps, in this particular scenario, on Isabella Island - but he/she is too small to see.
  • 7. PISCES AQUARIUS Regulus 0.46 degrees from Ecliptic. The constellations of fixed stars have no definite boundaries so the exact time it takes for an Age to pass is undecided. I have used the old two millennia - it fits with the stories. Using the star Regulus (the heart of the Lion) as a regulator Ed Gillam has proposed that the New Age began at the end of Nov 2011.
  • 8. Astrological Journal March/April 2010. Page 53. In Ed’s own words.
  • 9. Astrological Journal Nov 2 2010. p.51 Is Ed onto something? We can see that Regulus stands between Moon ruled Cancer and Sun ruled Leo identifying the two most important cosmic powers. Ed notes that this pair marks this all-important division on the Ptolemaic Order. Here is Ed’s diagram. I like this model because it fits with my Cosmic Software model.
  • 10. Looking at Saturn and the Sombrero galaxy you can see that sprinkled with dust and ice (just like iron filings around a magnet) an equatorial field is clearly visible. Equatorial fields can extend into space over great distances. How big is the Sombrero galaxy’s? UM … around 135,000 light years! Equatorial fields result from the interaction of gravity and spin. The controlling power of an equatorial field is massive. WOW !!! Imagine the energy of the field of one planet intermingling with the field of another. Is this what is creating the interference that runs our Cosmic Software?
  • 12. Dsc Event 2) The Horoscope identifies the intersection between the event horizon projected into space (purple disc) and the Sun’s celestial equator. 1) 00 Aries on the Tropical Zodiac identifies the intersection between Earth’s celestial equatorial field (green disc) and the Sun’s celestial equator (yellow). These diagrams show the relationship between The Tropical Zodiac and a Horoscope. On the Horoscope you can see that this arrangement is personal - the position of an Event (such as a birth) on a Horoscope is awarded the same importance as planet Earth’s North Pole. The Equator on the Event chart is called The .
  • 14. 00 Aries 00 Libra Here is the situation from an objective point of view. Earth travels around the Sun close to the Sun’s equatorial field and she is presently tilted at twenty-three-and-a-half degrees to her orbital plane. These fields interact through both Earth and the Sun at the equinoxes. Intermingling fields create interference! N N N N S S S S
  • 15. Great Ages tell us how we are aligned in relation to the fixed stars of the Milky Way. The North pole presently points at Polaris, which is why, if you watch the sky all night, you will see all the stars circling around this particular point ….
  • 16. Great Age 2020 rising point N Polaris S Aquarius Leo 00 Aries setting point. … but Earth is wobbling on her axis. At this moment in time the North Pole is pointing at Polaris, but the situation in 13000 years time will be very different –
  • 17. N S Aquarius Leo 00 Aries Great Age 13,000 (ish) rising point Vega setting point In 13 thousand years Earth’s North Pole will be pointing at Vega. Then it will be the dawning of the Age of Leo. From our point of view an Age lasts a long time but from a cosmic point of view it represents only one month. It takes 12 Cosmic Months to complete the circuit - around 24 thousand years – 24 thousand years = 1 Cosmic Year.
  • 18. When I first learned of the theory of Great Ages I thought the Ages were independent of each other, each New Age acting as a separate influence, but my husband, well versed in ancient history, ridiculed this idea. He was right - this was not how they work.
  • 19. Taurus - Scorpio Aries - Libra Pisces - Virgo We are here? When I studied history it appeared that each Age was displaying the symbolism of the Age that went before. So what was going on? If we think of Ages acting like tree rings everything falls into place. Every approximately two thousand years a New Ages activates and a new innovative ideology pushes the old age out to the periphery where the socio/cultural influence lives on.
  • 20. Taurus - Scorpio Aries - Libra Pisces - Virgo Babylon/Egypt/Persia: Empire/Power; tombs packed with possessions, large scale construction projects, trade (The World Trade Organisation). Female icon - The Whore of Babylon. Here she is riding on The Beast. Count the horns - And they look like planets! Pluto is the 10th planet! Christianity: Charity (Red Cross), Nursing/Health (Hospitals). Female icon - The Virgin Mary. Greece: democracy; competitive sport (Olympic Games); reason, academia; civic beauty, Female icon – The Goddess Athena. I noted that the Descendant point of each Age was personified by a notorious female icon.
  • 21. Paris Venus Cupid This diagram shows Ages maturing slowly out of a memorable seed point within the manifestation of the previous Age. Just like tree rings, the Ages do not end, they add new expressions of human civilization to the ongoing process. And look – there are powerful stories associated with the seed point at the very beginning of these New Ages. … The martyred Christ is born of a Virgin Mother, a powerful Piscean/Virgoan story. ….. The story of how the Trojan Wars (Mars can mean War) began tells how young Paris ran off to Troy with the beautiful Helen after he had chosen Venus as his preferred goddess - well, she did offer him the most beautiful woman on Earth. You can see him choosing Venus here. Helen was already married. Her husband, King Menelaus, wasn’t pleased - hence his Martian response.
  • 22. Roman Republic (509–107 BC) In 494 BC, when three foreign threats emerged, the dictator Manius Valerius Maximus raised ten legions which Livy says was a greater number than had been raised previously at any one time. Here is its flowering point. So let’s check out the Age of Aries and Libra. Here is the seed point. Aries … physical or violent and untamed aspect of war, in contrast to his sister, the armored Athena, whose functions as a goddess of intelligence include military strategy. Wiki. And re Libra – Athens flowered during thid period too.
  • 23. By Erasoft24. - Own work, CC BY 2.5, https://commons.wi x.php?curid=790153 By Carlos Menendez San Juan - Old Bailey, CC BY- SA2.0,https://commons.wikimed 812 Justice was rapid: a case could last no longer than one day and had to be completed by the time the sun set . Ah, Mars! Here is proof that the Athenian goddess of justice is still with us. LAW COURTS London DEMOCRACY Athenian democracy developed around the sixth century BC is often described as the first known democracy in the world. Other Greek cities set up democracies, most following the Athenian model, but none are as well documented as Athens'.
  • 24. The influence of this age is still very much with us. During the reign of the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great (AD 306–337), Christianity began to transition to the dominant religion of the Roman Empire. wiki The Constantinian dynasty launched the era of State church of the Roman Empire. Quoting Hans Pohlsander. His (the emperors) conversion to and support of Christianity served an entirely conservative end, the preservation and continuation of the Empire.
  • 25. Lamb of God. Is this the old age of Aries (Ram) subtly merging with the Age of Pisces?
  • 26. Taurus (Latin for "the Bull") is one of the constellations of the zodiac, which means it is crossed by the plane of the ecliptic. It influenced various bull figures in the mythologies of Ancient Sumer, Akkad, Assyria, Babylon, Egypt, Greece, and Rome. wiki In Sumerian mythology, Marduk is the "bull of Utu". In Hinduism, Shiva's steed is Nandi, the Bull. The sacred bull survives in the constellation Taurus. wiki Egypt Hathor as a cow. In Egypt, the bull was worshiped as Apis, The bull was also worshipped as Mnevis, the embodiment of Atum-Ra, in Heliopolis. Ka in Egyptian is both a religious concept of life- force/power and the word for bull. wiki Syrian Bull.
  • 27. ISHTAR And let’s not forget that Venus ruled both Libra and Taurus. This is a reconstruction of the Ishtar Gate in Babylon. Ishtar is the Babylonian name for Venus. Venus’s gate. This is Ishtar. The decoration includes many bulls.
  • 28. And is this interesting? The source of the rivers Tigris and Euphrates is in the Taurus Mountains?
  • 29. In this age they built big. Taurus, in the I Ching, is the hexagram Keeping Still Mountain. They built mountains which they called Ziggurats. Pyramids look like mountains too. UR E-temen-an-ki translates as The House of the foundation of heaven on Earth. It is said that the temple on top of Etemenanki had a bed on which a beautiful maiden slept as a gift for their god – this is Taurus/Scorpio we are discussing here.
  • 30. Hippolytus wrote: ‘The Babylonians were more interested in making money than war.’ And here is The Bull in Wall Street New York, still in command of the financial market.
  • 31. From the internet. While the Danube Valle civilization isn’t as famous as other ancient cultures around the globe, it is one of the oldest civilization to exist in Europe, developing from around 5,500 and 3,500 BC Uruk 3300 supplies the earliest Mesopotamian example of writing. Sumerian children were taught at Eduba’s their name for a school, Schools were in temples – this is Gemini/Sag. Teachers were referred to as ‘Big Brother’ – third house = siblings. The written story of Gilgamesh, Babylonian Noah, is early Sumerian. So now we look at Gemini Sag. Where do we look to to discover the development of our education system?
  • 32. The twelve tribes were twelve families (Cancer). During the period (c. 2600– 2400 BC) that Ur exercised supremacy over the Euphrates valley, Sin was naturally regarded as the head of the pantheon. The "wisdom" personified by the moon-god is likewise an expression of the science of astronomy or the practice of astrology, in which the observation of the moon's phases is an important factor. wiki The Semitic moon god Su'en/Sin is in origin a separate deity from Sumerian Nanna, but from the Akkadian Empire period the two undergo syncretization and are identified. wiki … one of the earliest evidences of Jewry is surely embodied in the Mesopotamian Moon God Nanna or Sin. Indeed Nanna or Sin, akin thematically to the Biblical figure of Shem, may well be considered a common mythical ancestor to all present-day Semites, including Jews. wiki Cancer/Capricorn? Sin was the God of the Moon. His other title was Nanna. The Moon takes the Male role in this age, the female role will have been Saturn. Old Mother (Nanna). STONE ON
  • 33. The Ten Commandment ? Mount Sinai means Mountain of the Moon. Moses means Law Giver.
  • 34. So Moon-ruled Cancer has a deeply emotional sensitivity and a long term memory, denoted by water, while Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, means walls. The Semites have a famous long term memory. Think ‘Wailing Wall’ Moon/Saturn. And what about The Battle of Jericho when the walls came tumbling down. The twelve tribes were twelve families (Cancer).
  • 35. Mayflower In 1620 The Mayflower carried Puritans (Virgo) across the Atlantic Ocean (Pisces). In 1786 prisoners (the Piscean 12th house is the house of prisons) were sent to Botany (Virgo) Bay (Pisces) Australia. The world was colonised by western man: Pisces spreads its influence and mixes us up together like the water droplets in a cloud. Saint Marianne Cope a Catholic nun who influenced the development of modern hospitals and nursing. In 1915, the Catholic Church ran 541 hospitals, staffed primarily by unpaid nuns. "After the Battle of Gravelotte. The French Sisters of Mercy … arrive on the battle field to succour the wounded." Unsigned lithograph, 1870 or 1871. Back to our era. Nun’s personified the Virgo archetype. Virginal Virgo. And Virgo is Gemini’s yin (female) partner so, of course, they call themselves ‘sisters’. Sisters of mercy. 6th house Virgo And 12 house Pisces.
  • 36. A much loved Princess who was born when the Moon was in Aquarius ruled by Uranus in Leo? Aquarius/Leo story ? The People’s Princess! And finally what do we need to introduce us to the New Age of Aquarius Leo? There are a couple of possibilities. Here is someone who won the hearts of the people and is unlikely to be forgotten Possibility ONE: How about a ‘People’s Princess’ ?
  • 37. Plugging into the Jupiter Saturn conjunction by sextile and trine, and illuminated By the Sun, the Moon’s nodal axis is 01 degrees Leo/Aquarius. Astrologers have described the chart for Charles and Diana’s wedding as a ‘wrong’ chart because it doesn’t describe a happy marriage. From the point of view of the universe this chart might be absolutely right. Is there something special about these royal children born of a princess who cared deeply about the people? Moon, mother, conjunct Mars, boys, in Moon-ruled Cancer on the MC, and Jupiter, crown prince, conjunct Saturn, ruler, in the 12th house womb just waiting to be born.
  • 38. OR ….. Possibility TWO: Queen Elizabeth the 2nd died this week and the world is mourning her passing.
  • 39. Is Queen Elizabeth representative of the initiation of the New Age of Aquarius/Leo? ‘People of all ages and from countries far and wide chose to battle the inclement weather to bid an emotional farewell to the monarch of 70 years.’
  • 40. We can watch the age of Pisces/Virgo blossoming noticeably right now. Alternative health. And what about Glastonbury, fantasy, music (and perhaps a drug issue) is an expression of the Old Age flowering. And now, in the 20th Century, all this in conjunction with Aquarian high tech sound equipment and exciting Leo Drama. Dragons and Fairy- tale Palaces (of course). From internet: How do you begin to describe Glastonbury festival? Is it the greatest show on earth? Some would certainly argue its case. In less than 50 years the Eavis family have transformed some beautiful, quiet fields in the village of Pilton into the site of an annual music pilgrimage. The biggest acts in world music, from Ed Sheeran to Radiohead, forge careers there through unforgettable live performances. You must experience swaying in front of the Pyramid Stage at least once. (NOTE: Virgo/Neptune word – Pilgrimage.) Many Christians believe that Glastonbury is the site of the earliest church in Britain, allegedly founded in the first or second century by Joseph of Arimathea. According to the Gospels, Joseph was the man who donated his own tomb for the body of Christ following the crucifixion. (From internet.)
  • 41. Selfies are surely Leo in operation. Hello Ladies. Where will this New Age take us And need I mention the technological brilliance of the internet through which we can ALL watch this exciting entertainment going on …
  • 42. Earlier this year I woke up having been dreaming about Great Ages and now I think I understand why life has organised that I should be living in Bath. I did not choose to live in Bath, it was a series of events that brought me here. So what’s so interesting about Bath? Bladud, 863 BC, son of the king who lived in the camp on Salisbury Hill, was studying in Athens when his Father died. On his journey home he caught a skin disease and in order to protect his people when he returned he took on the job of caring for the pigs. Watching his pigs enjoying the hot mud he noted it healed their skin - it healed his too. This is a Taurus/Scorpio story. Taurus Earth + Scorpio Water = MUD!
  • 43. Rome is Aries/Libra /. Roman Legions and the Goddess Athene. Then the Age of Pisces/Virgo / arrives, Virgo means healing and Pisces Water. Yes! Definitely Bath.
  • 44. Here is a well known quote from a famous song. ‘Jerusalem build-ed here on England’s green and pleasant land’. AQUARIUS/CITY - LEO/ROYAL So now we are moving into the Age of Aquarius/Leo, /. Uranus, Aquarius’s new ‘ruling’ planet, was discovered in ‘New King’ Street (of course). Leo takes the female role, Leo means Royalty, in this case female royalty. New King Street is very near Queen Square, in the Royal City of Bath.
  • 45. ‘The Enlightenment gave rise to a number of local Philosophical and Scientific Societies, most of which were ultimately absorbed into the Bath Royal Literary & Scientific Institution which was set up in 1824; we are now approaching our bi- Centenary.’ (Publication on the History of the Institution). The Jesus story, on which The Old Age of Pisces/martyr, Virgo/virgin, is based, takes place in Jerusalem. If the New Age of Aquarius/Leo is based here in Bath then is Bath ‘The New Jerusalem’, otherwise termed The Golden City? Leo is golden and Aquarius means the collective - a city! Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, also carries the idea of ‘enlightenment’. The lightening bolt. Uranus gave us electricity. Yes! Here is a quote from Michael Davis at BRLSI. ath oyal iterary and cience nstitute in Square.
  • 46. New King Street Royal Victoria Park, Royal Avenue, The Royal Crescent, Queen Square, Royal Hotel.
  • 47. When I wrote the set of books introducing the new model I gave it the title The Golden City because I found the description of the new model of the brain at the end of The Book of Revelation. A city with four walls three gates in each wall and an angel, also described as a star, at each gate. I had no idea then that there would be a ‘real’ version of this Golden City and that I would be directed by fate to live in it. It all appears rather obvious now.
  • 48. Where will this take us