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Thesis Of Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia is a mental illness that is diagnosed in 0.5%–1% of the population in their lifetime
(van Os et al, 2010). Its literal translation is 'split–brain', though it does not refer to multiple
personality disorder, but rather a split from reality characterized by its disturbed perceptions,
disorganized thinking and inappropriate emotions (Myers, 2010). Much research has been carried
out to gain a better understanding of the causes of this serious disorder. A popular theory is the
diathesis–stress model. This theory of schizophrenia proposes that stress can elicit a pre–existing
vulnerability to the disorder (Jones & Fernyhough, 2007). This model focuses on the interaction
between genetic heritability of the disorder, and the environments interaction ... Show more content
on ...
Within twins, monozygotic twins have a 48% probability if their twin is diagnosed with
schizophrenia, and with dizygotic twins it is a 17% probability (Kalat, 2015). This shows that there
is a genetic bases for schizophrenia, it also highlights that other non–genetic factors must play a role
in the development of the disorder. These results have been backed by many research carried out on
adoption studies. An adoption study in Finland carried out aimed to test the hypostasis that family
rearing plays a factor in the development of schizophrenia (Tienari et al, 2004).Their research found
that adoptees at high genetic risk (biological mother had schizophrenia) were more sensitive to
problems in the adoptive family environment. Adoptees with high risk and a severally dysfunctional
family rearing were significantly coordinated with a diagnosis of a schizophrenia spectrum disorder
(Tienari et al, 2004). In support of the diathesis model neither high risk nor dysfunctional rearing
were significantly linked with a diagnosis (Tienari et al, 2004). The research found that a 'healthy'
adoptive family, acted as a 'protective effect' for the adoptees with
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Fear Of Schizophrenia
Due to the media, what little knowledge the world has about Schizophrenia is clouded by fear of
those who have it. People affected by Schizophrenia are sick and need to be treated with the same
respect every human is treated with; if not even more. However, fear and discrimination has clouded
Schizophrenia to the point were it has become twisted with lies and misconceptions. Schizophrenia
is a complex, long–term mental disorder that affects the way a person perceives reality and the way
a person acts, talks, and behaves (WebMD). There are different types of Schizophrenia that can have
similar and specific symptoms and sometimes even a different form of treatment. Paranoid
Schizophrenia is the most common type of Schizophrenia ( A patient with
paranoid Schizophrenia is ... Show more content on ...
Another type of Schizophrenia is Catatonic Schizophrenia where the patient exhibits extreme
behavior. In severe cases the patient can develop catatonic characteristics either with very excited
activity like copying sounds and movements or, in other cases, they can seem to be in a stupor
where they cannot speak, move or have normal responses. Sometimes the patient can take weird
positions with their body and face and other times they can stay still for long periods of time even if
they are in extremely uncomfortable positions. Many doctors agree that Catatonic Schizophrenia is
the most mentally debilitating of the types. Another type of Schizophrenia is Disorganized
Schizophrenia. Like the name suggests, people with Disorganized Schizophrenia have disorganized
thoughts, speech, and overall behavior. The patient may have incoherent speech and see no purpose
in anything. Disorganized Schizophrenia affects their emotions, making them almost completely
devoid of it. They are known to have a blank look on their faces and not being able to do normal
daily tasks like basic hygiene. Sometimes, the patient becomes agitated that people cannot
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Schizophrenia Essay
The disorder/disease we studied is known today as schizophrenia. It is a mental disorder whose most
infamous symptoms include delusions, hallucinations, and fractured thinking. It is thought to be
caused by a mixture of genetic and environmental factors, and usually appears for most people in
their late teens or early twenties. Because it surfaces quite early in life, it was misnamed "dementia
praecox", meaning early dementia, when it started being more closely researched in the early
twentieth century. Schizophrenia is not a type of dementia, or the same as bipolar disorder. Current
research still focuses on what the disorder actually is, like what causes it, rather than developing
more effective treatments. However, there are already treatments available, like antipsychotics, that
allow some schizophrenics to live normally.
Schizophrenia has quite a recent history. However, written records show that signs of schizophrenic
people have been around for thousands of years, with the earliest coming from old pharaonic Egypt.
In the late 1800s and early 1900s, European psychiatrists were studying mental disorders that have
unknown causes. German psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin coined the term "dementia praecox" ("early
dementia") for mental disorders that start early in life (including what is now known today as
schizophrenia). Kraepelin thought that disorders of this type were a form of dementia, but they
actually are not. He also made the distinction between dementia praecox
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Schizophrenia And Paranoia
The topic of this social science research essay is Schizophrenia and Paranoia. The research question
is what is Schizophrenia? What are currently considered possible causes of Schizophrenia? What are
common effects on the patient? What are challenges that people who live with Schizophrenia may
experience? What suggestions could be made to help deal with those challenges? What is Paranoia
and how might it affect people with Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is a mental illness that affects the
way patients understand and interact with the world. There is no known cause of Schizophrenia,
although genetics and environmental factors are considered at least partially responsible. Common
effects on the patient may include having trouble thinking and ... Show more content on ...
There is no known cause of Schizophrenia, although genetics and environmental factors are
considered at least partially responsible. Common effects on the patient may include having trouble
thinking and communicating; also, patients may experience hallucinations and/or delusions.
Challenges could include finding a job and staying on prescribed medication. To help deal with
those challenges, it is suggested that those with Schizophrenia, as well as those who interact with
them, to learn as much as possible about Schizophrenia, to have family support, to go to support
groups and benefits of taking regular medication. Paranoia is a mental illness and can affect
Schizophrenics by causing extreme symptoms of Paranoia. Suggestions of further research that
could be done in the future would be to give out surveys to a larger group of people and have more
than one grade complete the survey to see if there is a difference of knowledge in the different age
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Schizophrenia In Adolescents
Early detection of schizophrenia is an intriguing topic that has been studied for decades but still lack
acknowledgement. It is repeatedly misunderstood in adolescents. Schizophrenia is a psychiatric
chronic disorder that affects approximately 1% of the population in the United States and typically
presents in early adult life (Nemade & Dombeck, 2009). It is commonly associated with social and
psychological deficits presented through irritability, erratic behavior, and bizarre thoughts such as
hallucinations and delusions (Tossell, 2003). The underlying causes of schizophrenia in adolescents
is not essentially known, however it is believed that neurodevelopment alterations, genetic
variations, and distinctive environmental factors contribute ... Show more content on ...
Experts suggest that early interventions and treatment can significantly reduce the decline in
function and long–term complications linked to schizophrenia. There is an increased genetic risk for
schizophrenia due to sensitivity of assorted environmental factors (Svrakic, Zorumski, Svrakic,
Zwir, & Cloninger, 2013). Evidence suggests that the avoidance of environmental triggers that
exacerbate the schizophrenia gene can significantly decrease the chance of ever being diagnose with
this mental illness.
The sociodevelopmental–cognitive model displays the interaction between the dopamine system and
environmental risk factors (Howes & Murray, 2014). Individuals who develop schizophrenia tend to
show excessive increases in dopamine levels during psychosis. The link between dopaminergic
alterations and neurodevelopment damage has become more evident and underlies psychosis
(Howes & Murray, 2014). The model insinuates interventions to interrupt dysregulations in
dopamine by alleviating stressors and incorporating cognitive
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Paranoia Schizophrenia
Paranoia Schizophrenia is a mental illness that is the most known type of schizophrenia.
Schizophrenia is a type of psychosis when your thoughts and emotions are impaired enough to a
point that you cannot recognize reality or fantasy. According to–paranoia#1 this illness usually starts in
late adolescence or young adulthood. It also affects the way you behave and think. There is
medication that can be taken to treat the illness.
Symptoms of Paranoia Schizophrenia include, auditory delusions, anxiety, and hallucinations. With
these symptoms it sort of makes a person feel alone and can even cause suicidal thoughts. Since the
illness can be treated with medicine it may lead to an easier, happier, more productive life. The
hallucinations will cause an individual to see things that are not real but are convinced that they're
real. In a ... Show more content on ...
Emile Kraepelin. Dr. Kraepelin was a German psychiatrist who is the first to believe that psychiatric
diseases are caused from genetics. Dr. Kraepelin also believed that schizophrenia occurs in intervals.
Dementia Praecox was later renamed Schizophrenia by Eugen Bleuler in 1911. There are so many
types of Schizophrenia's that they do not classify each anymore they just classify it by certain
symptoms in an article on
People are stricken with the illness due to the history of family members who have had it, it is
biological. About 2.2 million people in the United States suffer from Schizophrenia, and as many as
51 million people suffer worldwide. Yet people that suffer are being viewed as abnormal. Different
treatment is required for different ages and symptoms but the most known treatments are
medications, electroconvulsive therapy, psychotherapy, or possibly even hospitalization. Although
with treatment, it is an illness that is
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The Effects Of Schizophrenia
It is every person worse fear to find out that a family member or someone whom you care deeply
about is suffering from schizophrenia. Schizophrenia can be described as a psychotic brain disorder
that affects a person able to think clearly. Not only that, it also has an effect on how a person
communicates with other people. This psychotic disease will cause a schizophrenia person to not
have controlled over their emotions, seeing things that are not there, have trouble making important
decisions for their selves, and just not be able to adapt in society. According to Barlow and Durand,
schizophrenia has a complex syndrome that inevitably has a devastating effect on the lives of the
person affected and on family members as well (Barlow and Durand). ... Show more content on ...
The positive symptom can be seen when one is showing signs of hallucinations, hyperactive, suffer
from a delusion, constantly on the lookout due to feeling like they are threatened by someone or
something, become suspicious of people, mood symptoms, and just hostility. The negative
symptoms are seen when a schizophrenia person shows a behavior which would be considered to
not be normal. For instance, one will display emotional and social withdrawal, poor communication
with people has trouble with their thinking, and just showing flat affect. A schizophrenia person will
also display disorganized symptoms. He or she will have an unusual behavior that can or will affect
their speech. The person will also have problems paying attention, inappropriate behavior, manners,
and posture (Hales et al., 2014). There are many factors that contribute to the disorder
schizophrenia. The environment that a person lives in can have an effect on them developing
schizophrenia. Not only that, the kind of genes that a person has can also play big roles in someone
with this
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Schizophrenia Vs Schizophrenia
Causes of schizophrenia from a relatives' point of view
Schizophrenia is a brain disorder that affects the way a person acts, thinks, and sees the world.
People with schizophrenia have a completely different perception of reality, such as a significant
loss of contact with it for example, compared to people who do not suffer from this mental disease.
They tend to panic a lot, feel like someone is trying to harm them or their loved ones, fear that
someone is watching every move they make. Although they hallucinate a lot and/or are delusional,
most people with schizophrenia are not violent and are not a danger to others. (, 2015)
Schizophrenia is a common mental disease these days. Statistics show that the chance of developing
it ... Show more content on ...
Relatives know the patients better than anyone else and might have a clearer concept as to what has
caused the development of this illness, which situation in the lives of the patients has played a role
as a causer to schizophrenia. They can give the doctors and researchers of this illness, a clearer look
to the traumatic experiences of the patient and perhaps help the doctors find out the main cause of
the mental disorder.
Given the fact that no one exactly knows why some people develop schizophrenia, researchers have
come up with different theories, but none is yet confirmed. Some researchers think it is possible that
the mental disease called schizophrenia is actually several diseases which, when combined, have the
symptoms, known as possible symptoms of schizophrenia. (Catherine Harrison, 2015) On the other
hand, there are those who believe that it is a single disease, which affects different parts of the brain.
Researchers also believe that genes are one of the causes of schizophrenia, however they are
convinced that genes alone can't be the main cause, they just make a person more likely to develop
the mental disease. (,
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Schizophrenia Essay
The modern definition of schizophrenia describes it as a long–lasting psychotic disorder (involving
a severe break with reality), in which there is an inability to distinguish what is real from fantasy as
well as disturbances in thinking, emotions, behavior, and perception (Cicarelli, p. 557).
Schizophrenia includes several symptoms. One common symptom is delusions, which are false
beliefs that the person holds and that tend to remain fixed and unshakable even in the face of
evidence that disproves the delusions (Cicarelli, p. 557).
Other common symptoms include speech disturbances, in which people with schizophrenia make up
words, repeat words or sentences persistently, string words together on the ... Show more content on ...
There are five subtypes of schizophrenia, which include: disorganized, catatonic, paranoid, positive
and negative symptoms (Cicarelli, p. 558).
Disorganized schizophrenia involves confused speech, vivid and frequent hallucinations, and
extremely inappropriate emotions. Those who suffer from disorganized schizophrenia are socially
impaired and unable to engage in normal social rituals of daily life (Cicarelli, p. 558).
Catatonic schizophrenia is less common and involves very disturbed motor behavior. The individual
either doesn't move at all or moves about wildly in severe agitation (Cicarelli, p. 558).
Paranoid schizophrenia is a condition in which a person suffers from delusions of persecution,
grandeur, and jealousy, along with hallucinations (Cicarelli, p. 558).
Positive symptoms involve excesses of behavior or occur in addition to normal behavior;
hallucinations, delusions, and distorted thinking (Cicarelli, p. 558).
Negative symptoms involve less than normal behavior or absence of normal behavior; poor
attention, flat affect, and poor speech production (Cicarelli, p. 558).
The cause or causes of schizophrenia can best be explained through the use of the biological model,
which points to genetic origins, inflammation in the brain, chemical influences, and brain structural
defects. Further support comes from
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Schizophrenia Definition
According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), the definition of Schizophrenia is "a
chronic and severe mental disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves" (2016). In
1887, Dr. Emile Kraepelin was the first to acknowledge Schizophrenia. Patients were having
memory loss and not acting like themselves. When studying patients, he believed that it was much
like dementia except in this particular case, the disease formed earlier in life. Dr. Kraeplin even
named it "dementia praecox" meaning "early dementia". After more research was conducted on this
disease, Eugen Bleuler came to conclusion that this was not even close to dementia. So, in 1911, he
changed the name to Schizophrenia. The symptoms of Schizophrenia ... Show more content on ...
Generally, it will be seen mostly in the family line. If your mother, father, brother, or sister has had it
then your chances are increased compared to someone whose distant family member has had it.
Someone in the ancestry may have had it before and since then it has been carried down. As of yet,
there is no way to determine exactly if you will develop the disease. Scientists have not found the
specific gene variations that will eventually lead to Schizophrenia. There have been other cases
however, where the disease is nowhere to be seen in past family members but certain factors such as
drug or alcohol abuse have contributed to it being activated. Sometimes chemical imbalances in the
brain will be what causes Schizophrenia. When you compare a normal healthy human brain to one
that has Schizophrenia, they are somewhat different in the way they are structured. For instance, a
Schizophrenic brain has a lot less gray matter in it and/or the ventricles will increase in size even
after being treated. The NIMH believes that Schizophrenia affects more males than females and that
the symptoms usually start between the ages of 16–30. Most likely it will not be a diagnosis after the
age of 45 and rarely will it occur in children. The youngest child to ever be treated for Schizophrenia
was a girl named Jani Schofield. The hallucinations began at a very young age for Jani. She could
see rats that
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Schizophrenia Poster Research Topics : Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia Poster Research Topics
K – What is schizophrenia?
Schizophrenia is chronic, severe, and a brain disabling disorder; that has affected people throughout
history. It also interferes with a person's ability to think clearly, manage emotions, make decisions
and relate to others. People with the disorder may hear voices other people do not hear. They may
believe other people are reading their minds, controlling their thoughts, or plotting to harm them.
This can terrify people with the illness and make them withdrawn or extremely agitated. People with
schizophrenia may not make sense when they talk. They may sit for hours without moving or
talking. Sometimes people with schizophrenia seem perfectly fine until they talk about what they are
really thinking. There are many subtypes of the illness as well.
Schizophrenia is a brain disorder that affects the way a person behaves, thinks, and see the world.
People with schizophrenia often have an altered perception of reality. They experience delusions and
hallucinations. This can make it difficult to negotiate the activities of daily life, and people with
schizophrenia may withdraw from the outside world or act out in confusion and fear.
Schizophrenia is a mystery, a puzzle with missing pieces. This complex biochemical brain disorder
affects the brain and creates perceptions along the wrong "path," leading to the wrong conclusion.
K – Who are affected by schizophrenia?
Families and society are affected by schizophrenia
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Schizophrenia And Its Effects On Schizophrenia
The person I chose came from a famous novel and has schizophrenia. According to Mayo Clinic
"Schizophrenia is a severe brain disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally.
Schizophrenia may result in some combination of hallucinations, delusions, and extremely
disordered thinking and behavior. Contrary to popular belief, schizophrenia is not a split personality
or multiple personality. The word "schizophrenia" does mean "split mind," but it refers to a
disruption of the usual balance of emotions and thinking. Schizophrenia is a chronic condition,
requiring lifelong treatment."(Schizophrenia, August 2014). The individual would start showing
signs of reduced pleasure in life, difficulty participating in activities, barely speaking, ... Show more
content on ...
Larry Stein has said that a cause could be hyprdopamine increase causing nerves fibers destroyed in
the brain. With the psychodynamic approach of schizophrenia is the breakdown of the person's ego.
Ego controls the id's impulses and the compromise of the id and superego. It can cause the person
the loose touch with reality and no longer associate with others. The start of hallucinations and not
knowing what is imagination from reality. According to post–Freudians "The therapist attempted to
bring about a regression to early childhood and then would take on the role of parent/nurturer,
thereby coaxing the patient to develop for a second time, the return to adulthood bringing with it a
corresponding redevelopment of the ego and reconnecting them with reality." (Schizophrenia). Next
with behavioral theorist according to psychiatric times, "The therapeutic techniques used for patients
with schizophrenia are based on the general principles of CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy).
Links are established between thoughts, feelings, and actions in a collaborative and accepting
atmosphere. Agendas are set and used but are generally more flexibly developed than in traditional
CBT. The duration of therapy varies according to the individual 's need, generally between 12 and
20 sessions, but often with an option of ongoing booster sessions. CBT for psychosis usually
proceeds through the following phase's assessment and engagement stage." (Schizophrenia). During
the ABC
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Schizophrenia Fallacies
Affecting about 1% of the population, schizophrenia causes more anxiety in the media, in the public,
and even in doctors' offices more than any other mental illness. It is the most stigmatized and most
misunderstood psychological disorder of them all, even among psychologists. Among the many
fallacies that surround the disorder is the name in itself. Schizophrenia literally means, from
Greek,"split mind" but contrary to popular belief, the condition has nothing to do with a split in
personality or multiple personalities. The term refers instead to a "split from reality", which is
usually what inflicts what we stereotype to be "schizophrenics." However, multiple Personality
Disorder, now known as Dissociative Identity Disorder, is the kind ... Show more content on ...
Researchers think that overly responsive dopamine systems might magnify brain activity in some
way, perhaps creating hallucinations and other so–called positive symptoms as the brain loses its
capacity to tell the difference between internal and external stimuli. For this reason, dopamine
blocking drugs are often used as anti–psychotic medications in treatment. Modern neuroimaging
studies show that some people with schizophrenia have abnormal brain activity in the
thalamus,when patients were hallucinating for example, which is involved in filtering incoming
sensory signals. Patients with paranoid symptoms showed over–activity in the fear processing
amygdala. Schizophrenia seems to involve not just problems with one part of the brain, but
abnormalities in several areas and their interconnections. What might be causing these abnormalities
under the "iathesis–stress" model? This way of thinking involves a combination of biological and
genetic vulnerabilities –diathesis– and environmental stressors –stress– that both contribute to the
onset of schizophrenia. This model helps explain why some people with genetic vulnerability might
not always develop schizophrenia and why the rates of schizophrenia tend to be higher with some
degree of poverty or socioeconomic stress. It seems too that there is some kind of genetic
predisposition for the
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Schizophrenia Essay
Schizophrenia is a debilitating mental disorder characterized by a dysfunctional thinking process
and withdrawal from the outside world. The word schizophrenia comes from two Greek words
schizo which means split and phrenia, which means mind. This doesn't mean that a person with the
disorder has multiple personalities, but rather parts of the mind seem to be operating independent of
each other. The disease affects approximately 1 in 100 people and there are thought to be over 2
million schizophrenics in the United States today. Schizophrenia has been found to be a biologically
based brain disease due to the imbalance of two of the brains chemicals dopamine and serotonin. In
the brain of a schizophrenic there are ... Show more content on ...
Catatonic Schizophrenia has more of a physical notability. A rigid body, a very odd posture, and
repetitive motioning are the main characteristics, which are together called catatonia. A Catatonic
Schizophrenic is also very unresponsive to surroundings. There are 2 other types of schizophrenia,
and they are Undifferentiated and Residual. Undifferentiated is characterized by symptoms that tend
to match either none or more that 1 of the above types of schizophrenia. Residual Schizophrenia is
characterized by rare episodes of attack and there are less severe symptoms after the initial attack.
The diagnosis of schizophrenia is not an easy process and diagnosis is looked into very seriously
and extensively. Characteristic symptoms are one are looked into for the diagnosis. These symptoms
must be present for a significant period of time during a one–month period. The characteristics used
for the diagnosis include delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, grossly disorganized or
catatonic behavior, and negative symptoms. Social or occupation dysfunction is another are for
diagnosis. This may be characterized by a disturbance in one or more areas of functioning such as
work, interpersonal relations, or self–care way below a level a person may have previously been at.
Duration, or continuous disturbance for 6 months of which 1 month must show symptoms, is also
used to diagnose the disease. Schizoaffective and Mood Disorder exclusion
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What is Schizophrenia?
Schizophrenia is the worst of all mental health disorders because it is many severe disorders all put
into one such as mood disorders and psychological disorders. It is a mental health disorder that
affects a persons' reality. When the word Schizophrenia is broken into two, schizo means "Split" and
phrenia means "mind" (DeWall & Myers, 2014, p.562). According to the National Institute of
Mental Health (NIMH), about 1% of Americans have schizophrenia. Schizophrenia has many
different components such as causes, the people it affects, types of symptoms, and types of
schizophrenia all of which will be discussed in this paper. Within schizophrenia symptoms in can be
positive or negative and treating these symptoms come with different approaches.
Researchers do not exactly know what causes Schizophrenia, but it is known that Schizophrenia isn't
only caused due to genes or environment. Schizophrenia is caused by a number of different factors.
The more factors that play into a person, makes it likely they will become Schizophrenic. In DeWall
and Myers (2014), they discuss how prenatal environment can be a risk to developing schizophrenia
(p.565). There is a link between women who get sick with the flu during the second trimester of
pregnancy and their children getting increased risks of schizophrenia (DeWall & Myers, 2014,
p.566). However it is not known what the exact link is yet (DeWall & Myers, 2014, p.566). Also,
another environmental factor is famine. Scientists have learned
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Understanding Schizophrenia
An Insight Into Understanding Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a complex mental illness which has
several differing theories exploring the underlining neurological causes. This paper will focus on
giving insight into aspects of schizophrenia as well as discussing the following leading theories on
the topic: neurodevelopment, dopamine, glutamate, and brain abnormalities. Methods of research
focus on studying twins, adopted family members as well as genetics. As it is such a complex illness
it presents many different symptoms that have been categorized as positive, negative, and cognitive.
Treatment is crucial to managing a life with this illness which includes a combination of therapy and
antipsychotic drugs. Since a wide array of the symptoms ... Show more content on
Dopamine being a neurotransmitter is being secreted at higher levels in the synapses which is
causing over stimulation of cells resulting in such positive symptoms that are all characteristic of
A study done by Hietala J, Syvalahti E, Vuorio K, et al. on acutely psychotic schizophrenic patients
using a PET scanning found elevated presynaptic striatal dopamine availability. Seven out of nine
studies in patients showed elevated dopamine synapse activity which concluded an effect size
between 0.63 to 1.89 resulting in this being the highest dopamine brain abnormality associated with
schizophrenia. There are a few first– and second–generation antipsychotics that work fundamentally
by blocking dopamine D2 receptors, thereby affecting dopamine transmission in the brain. However,
some of these drugs are not very effective in the treatment of negative schizophrenia symptoms.
This leads researcher to postulate there is other neurotransmitters involved in schizophrenia. Which
brings me to the Glutamate
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Schizophrenia In Venezuela
Mental health disorders are prevalent among all races and ethnicities worldwide, they are
indiscriminate and frequently genetic. Throughout countless cultures, mental disorders are heavily
misunderstood and people diagnosed with them are negatively stigmatized. Schizophrenia is a
mentally disabling disease that causes individuals who suffer from it to lose their sense of reality
and perform crimes or acts they wouldn't otherwise commit. In many cultures globally,
schizophrenia and schizoaffective symptoms can be seen. For this reason, schizophrenia continues
to be heavily studied and new causal factors for the disorder continue to emerge. This presents a
problem for people who have causes that have yet to arisen. In this point in time, Venezuela ... Show
more content on ...
Various countries have differing methods of identifying the condition and there exist many different
boundaries between this disease and similar ones. Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are two
similar disorders where the patient can present with a high functioning psychosis. The distinction
between the two is not an easy one to make due to the fact that they both deal with many identical
symptoms but sometimes patients interpret them in different ways. One major common symptom
they both share is illogical thinking, where they think or see situations differently than what actually
occurred. Auditory hallucinations may also occur in either manic or depressive states of bipolar
disorder, and it is also a common symptom for schizophrenics though the main difference is that for
schizophrenics the auditory hallucinations are often commenting on the person's actions or converse
with one another. Delusions are also common because they give the individual's senses that they are
being followed or controlled by outside forces, or that their thoughts are being broadcasted or
interfered with. Since many symptoms are unusual and can have devastating effects when they are
not treated, when they do receive the medication they can potentially
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Schizophrenia Essay
Roy Blunt, American politician, once said, "People with mental health problems are almost never
dangerous. In fact, they are more likely to be the victims than the perpetrators. At the same time,
mental illness has been the common denominator in one act of mass violence after another." There is
a misconception that mental disorders such as dissociative identity disorder and schizophrenia are
the same. Today's society often see all mental disorders as one, however, they are very much
different. If one was to say someone with multiple personalities is the same as someone who has
hallucinations and/or has delusions, they are incorrect, which is why in specific cases such as
schizophrenia, the legal term "not guilty due to mental disorder" should be valid.
Schizophrenia, unlike most disorders, is a standout amongst the most genuine of the mental
disorders. It is known that one in a hundred individuals are affected by it, and starts in either youth
or early adulthood. Schizophrenia brings social interruption, anguish and hardship to the individuals
who experience the ill effects of it, as well as to their family. Under those circumstances, it is known
to be the most devastating of all disorders. There are both negative and positive symptoms when it
comes to dealing with schizophrenia. Despite the fact that there are various negative indications, the
most present one is limitations or absence in thoughts and behaviours that are characteristics in
normal functioning. For this
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Schizophrenia Essay
People all over the world suffer from this dreadful disease, but you may be wondering what it is,
what causes it, and if there are treatments? All these questions and more with be answered, but first
of all, what is schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by irrational thought
processes. A person dealing with this debilitating illness may think that people are going to kill
them, or kidnap them. Some Schizophrenics often have "voices" in their heads telling them what to
do. In some cases this has caused people to take their lives or try to. Schizophrenia is everywhere
you look. Out of one hundred thousand people at least one hundred and fifty people have
schizophrenia. Like any other disorder, ... Show more content on ...
This type of schizophrenia is called paranoid schizophrenia because it often characterized by
paranoid delusions of persecution, change in bodily functions, or jealousy. Often people with
paranoid schizophrenia hallucinate voices that give commands, and the voice will threaten the
person and will not stop until they follow the command. Sometimes this voice may tell the person to
laugh or hum, or whistle which is also know as auditory hallucinations. With this disorder there are
many types of hallucinations that go along with this disorder. Another type of hallucination is when
a person hallucinates that they taste something or smell something that is not there. This is less
likely to be viewed by a bystander but is still debilitating. Many people believe that all
schizophrenics hallucinate visually, but it is very rare. Paranoid schizophrenia can again be broken
down into different types. A paranoid schizophrenic can go into remission at anytime, but in chronic
cases symptoms may develop over time. Another type of schizophrenia is disorganized
schizophrenia. With this condition people behave oddly or disturbed, with no particular reason why
they would behave in such a way. Disorganized schizophrenia has multiple symptoms to be on the
look out for, and some to your surprise may be very distinct. Some symptoms include being active
but in an aimless sort of way, inappropriate emotional responses. An
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Schizophrenia Essay
Schizophrenia is a serious, chronic mental disorder characterized by loss of contact with reality and
disturbances of thought, mood, and perception. Schizophrenia is the most common and the most
potentially sever and disabling of the psychosis, a term encompassing several severe mental
disorders that result in the loss of contact with reality along with major personality derangements.
Schizophrenia patients experience delusions, hallucinations and often lose thought process.
Schizophrenia affects an estimated one percent of the population in every country of the world.
Victims share a range of symptoms that can be devastating to themselves as well as to families and
friends. They may have trouble dealing with the most minor everyday ... Show more content on ...
Those with schizophrenia regularly report unusual sensory experiences, especially when the illness
is in an acute stage. Often these experiences are in the form of hearing voices. Persons may hear one
or two voices making comments on their behavior. They may not know the voice, or they may
believe it is the voice of God, the Devil, or a friend. When the voice issues orders to behave in a
particular way, the experience is known as a command hallucination. These hallucinations can be
very dangerous to the sufferer and others. When the voice commands the person to do something,
the schizophrenic person will perform that task as instructed (Kass, 188). Particular, repetitive
movements sometimes are seen in schizophrenics. Victims might swing one leg back and forth all
day, or constantly shake their heads. Catatonic behavior is another symptom; a victim might keep
the same position for hours, unable to talk or eat. Catatonic schizophrenia is marked by striking
motor behavior. Some victims may be overly intrusive, constantly prying into the affairs of those
around them (Gingerich, 64). When compared to other people in general, those with schizophrenia
are less likely to marry or remain married; more likely to have school problems; often unable to
keep their jobs; more prone to suicide attempts. People with schizophrenia also tend to fall into
other groupings that can help in diagnosis. The majority range in age from
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schizophrenia abstract
Schizophrenia is a severe and chronic brain disorder in which a person interprets actual reality
abnormally. It is a mental disorder that makes it difficult to think clearly, have normal responses to
emotions, act normal in a social setting, and tell the difference between their own interpretation of
reality and actual reality. There are several types of Schizophrenia: paranoid, undifferentiated,
disorganized, residual, and catatonic schizophrenia. The assumption is that schizophrenia is split or
multiple personalities. Schizophrenia is defined as "split mind" but this references the disruption in
normal balance of emotions and thinking. Schizophrenia is a chronic condition that requires lifelong
treatment. ... Show more content on ...
This decreases the signs of schizophrenic behavior and improves behavior by creating a neutral state
between rest and digest and flight or fight. Quetiapine is another drug that serves as an antagonizer
of serotonin and dopamine along with being an antagonist to histamine and adrenergic receptors.
Histamine causes capillary dilation and constriction of smooth muscle in the bronchials and
decreases overall blood pressure. This drug decreases delusions, hallucinations, and depression by
blocking the action of histamine and the flight or fight response. Clozapine binds specifically to
dopamine receptors but also has anti cholinergic blocking activity which in return decreases
schizophrenic behavior by reducing flight or fight response and regulating emotion. Anti–
depression/anti–anxiety medication Welbutin and Ativan are used to target more specific symptoms.
Welbutin is used to decrease depression symptoms by blocking the reuptake of dopamine and
increases the uptake of norepinephrine and serotonin. Ativan depresses the central nervous system
by increasing GABA activity, therefore decreasing anxiety. All these drugs can have the side effects
of weight gain, diabetes, and high blood pressure. MRI's and PET scans can also be used to monitor
physiologic damage and progression of schizophrenia. Since
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Schizophrenia Essay
Schizophrenia is a specific type of psychosis. It is a disorder distinguished by disturbances within
thought patterns, attention and also emotion. It can also result in a complete lack of emotional
expressiveness, or on occasions inappropriate ones. Every now and then it may cause disturbances
in the patient's movement and or behaviour, resulting in an unkempt appearance.
For quite a long time schizophrenia was perceived as a 'functional disorder' with some doctors
saying it was a 'sociological phenomenon' (Gelder et al 1989) meaning' patients with schizophrenia
are normal people who are driven insane by an insane world'.
Schizophrenics may often be withdrawn from other people and usual everyday reality, frequently ...
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The rate of substance abuse is very high (Fowler et al, 1998) perhaps a reflection of an attempt to
achieve a little relief from many negative emotions that schizophrenics deal with. Therefore it is no
wonder at all that the suicide rate among people with schizophrenia is so high.
The symptom of schizophrenia also has a profound impact on the lives of family and friends. The
delusions and hallucinations that are had cause much distress and made far worse by the fact that all
hopes and dreams have been demolished.
Schizophrenia is a very severe disorder its lifetime predominance is just under 1 percent, but it
affects men a little more often than it does women. (Walker et al. 2004) Schizophrenia can begin in
early childhood but is usually more apparent in later adolescence or early on in adulthood, and again
this usually occurs earlier in men than women.
Although there is an extensive range of symptoms relating to schizophrenia, people with this
disorder usually only display a small number of them at any given time. The DSM–IV–TR suggest
that not one single symptom is essential in the diagnosis. This shows how people with schizophrenia
can be so dissimilar.
Around thirty years ago the symptoms of schizophrenia were split into two groups. These were
names positive and negative. There is now a clear distinction between the symptoms of positive,
negative and disorganized; these separations
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Cause Of Schizophrenia
There are many causes to Schizophrenia. Many causes are genetics, brain chemistry and structure,
and the environment of a human being. Genetically Schizophrenia can run through a family and can
be passed on generations at a time. "Individuals with a first degree relative (parent or sibling) who
has schizophrenia have a 10 percent chance of developing the disorder, as opposed to the 1 percent
chance of the general population." ( Identical twins are a good example of this. "If an
identical twin is diagnosed with Schizophrenia the other twin is 50 percent more likely to also be
diagnosed with the mental disorder (" Brain chemistry and structure is another
big factor in the cause of Schizophrenia. Neurotransmitters– ... Show more content on ...
In some people's cases, Schizophrenia appears suddenly and without warning. But for most it comes
slowly, with subtle warning signs and a gradual decline in functioning long before the first severe
episode. "In the early phases of Schizophrenia people often seem eccentric, unmotivated,
emotionless, and reclusive (" They may isolate themselves and not want to
participate in daily activities such as playing with their children, going outside, or getting off the
couch. They abandon their hobbies and they do not do well in their jobs. "The most common early
warning signs of Schizophrenia include: social withdrawal, hostility or suspiciousness, deterioration
of personal hygiene, having a flat and expressionless gaze, the inability to cry or express joy,
inappropriate laughter or crying, depression, oversleeping or insomnia, odd or irrational statements,
forgetfulness or the inability to concentrate, extreme reaction to criticism, and or strange use of
words or way of speaking (" There are five types of symptoms of Schizophrenia.
Positive is a symptom that involves having hallucinations or delusions. Negative is when one shows
no emotion or flat behavior. Avolation is when a person shows little interest in whatever they are
doing. Cognitive behavior is when you have disorganized speech or memory loss. Catatonic
behavior is considered poor functioning such as your voluntary muscles
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Schizophrenia Essay
There are many disorders throughout the world that affect people on a daily basis. They are life
altering and life changing. They affect how a person can function on a normal level of life. This, in
itself, is an interesting way of viewing the disorder, but it truly is the way that schizophrenia is
viewed. The term normal is in its self a complex concept, but to understand that for the purpose of
schizophrenia; normal is anything that deviates from the socially accepted way of conducting one's
self. The person affected by this disorder is drifting away from reality and, at the same time, drifting
away from who they have been their whole life. It has been stated that schizophrenia plays a very
large role pertaining ... Show more content on ...
While the disorder is taking its course, the person that has it will become out–casted and choose to
deviate from the culture within their normal habitat. They choose not to be around others for fears
that cannot easily be explained. The only way of looking at it and simply understanding it is to say
that the person is scared of what could happen. They do not know how the others around them will
accept them, and they do not know what the voices they hear may tell them. If pressured in certain
situations, the person will snap and have no true control over their actions. Jeffery S. Nevid is an
accredited author, professor, director of psychology programs, editor, research conductor, and all
around a highly educated man who has divulged much of his life to researching the various
psychological aspects of daily life. He has published roughly 32 books, such as Psychology and the
challenges of life: Adjustment and growth, and many other various works. He has taught courses
pertaining to psychology but more specifically abnormal psychology. This all evolves to a very
well–educated man who knows what he is speaking of within the context of schizophrenia. He has
stated the following:
People who develop schizophrenia become increasingly disengaged from society. They fail to
function in the expected roles of student, worker, or spouse, and their families and communities
grow intolerant of their deviant behavior. Acute episodes of
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Schizophrenia Essay
When I lived in Germany, I had a friend who played on my High School tennis team. On a sunny
afternoon after our tennis lessons we decided to drink an ice tea and have a little snack at the tennis
snack bar. We started talking about tennis strategies, but my friend, Thomas, was kind of depressed
and sad. When I asked him what was really bothering him, he started tell me about his sick mother.
He tried to explain her disease to me, but I could not understand it. He said, " my mother is suffering
from persecution mania and in addition, she sometimes talks about things that make no sense.
Nevertheless, I saw Thomas again after the summer holidays and I asked him how his mother was
doing now. He responded with a very sad voice and also had ... Show more content on ...
However, evidence seems to disprove this theory. In some instances, both identical twins are
schizophrenics and other times only one is affected. To defend this theory, it should be noted that
this research is complicated. Identical twins are relatively rare, especially twins who are both
diagnosed with schizophrenia. Studies have also shown that children with one parent diagnosed with
schizophrenia have a ten percent chance of suffering from schizophrenia. When both parents are
schizophrenic, their risk raises to approximately forty percent. Little is known about the
Environmental Theory. The theory is built mainly on the effects of stress on human behavior. Most
researchers agree that stress alone cannot be the main cause of schizophrenia. Most researchers
agree that stress could possibly trigger or worsen the symptoms when the illness is already present.
Other researchers focus on drug abuse. Like stress, certain drugs such as amphetamines can make
psychotic symptoms worse if a person already has schizophrenia. Furthermore, these drugs can, in a
sense, create schizophrenia. Other researchers that support the Environmental Theory believe that
"slow viruses" may be to blame. Slow viruses are viral infections that go undetected for
long periods of time. Signs and symptoms are delayed and may occur many years after the first
infection. The Bio–Chemical Theory suggests that schizophrenia is caused
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Schizophrenia In The Voices
In my opinion, The Voices did a pretty accurate portrayal of what Schizophrenia could potentially
look like in a patient. Jerry, Ryan Reynolds, exhibited many of the classic symptoms that we
associate with Schizophrenia; he also had several of the predisposing risk factors. This movie gave a
good overall portrayal of the lifestyle that someone with Schizophrenia could potentially lead,
especially how normal one can seem if you only know them superficially. We get to see different
parts of his life from his perspective, and then from the perspective of the other characters. One
particular example of this is his apartment. From Jerry's perspective, it is well kept and orderly;
when Lisa comes to see him, we see that his apartment is actually a mess, there are multiple stacks
of boxes, blood everywhere from the dismantling of Fiona's body, and animal feces from his cat and
It is evident early on in the movie that Jerry is socially awkward. He works in a factory, but does not
seem to interact with any of his coworkers. This could be partially due to the fact that he does seem
to be a fairly new employee, but many of his coworkers make comments about him being "weird" or
"odd". He lives by himself in a secluded old bowling alley, with his cat and dog. Whenever we do
see him interact with his peers, it is ... Show more content on ...
However, through Jerry's flashbacks, we learn that he had a fairly traumatizing childhood. His father
was abusive, and his mother appeared to have had Schizophrenia as well. She referred to her voices
as her angels. When Jerry told her he could hear voices too, she told him to never tell anyone
because they would come after him. When his mom was trying to commit suicide, Jerry was right
next to her; she even had him finish her off because she couldn't. This all brought on his
Schizophrenia, and could have been the reason for such an early
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Bleuler And Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia is the most severe of the mental disorders which disables the person and has
worldwide accepted prevalence of about 1% in the population. WHO (2009) reports also depicts that
it may affect about 1.0% of the general population in any given country. Schizophrenia, from the
public health perspective, is a major concern as the onset of the illness occurs early in age (15–35
years of age) (WHO, 2009). It usually starts in adulthood with likelihood that a person disables for a
lifetime. Schizophrenia is found in all countries, cultures, and socioeconomic classes; in both sexes
equally with typical age of onset appears to be younger in males (about 21 years of age) than
females (about 27 years) (Oxford Textbook of Psychopathology, 1999). ... Show more content on ...
This term is often misunderstood with splitting of personality whereas Bleuler intended to
emphasize on the splitting of psychic functioning. He described schizophrenia as a group of
disorders characterized by hallucinations, delusions, and thought disorganization in individuals who
were young and healthy prior to the occurrence of the illness. He did not agree with Kraepelin's
terminology of Dementia because he noted that there was not complete deterioration in many
patients and in some patients when deterioration did happen it happened later in life. Bleuler also
introduced four As of schizophrenia (four primary symptoms of schizophrenia starting with alphabet
A) which are: Association disturbance; Ambivalence (contradictory ideas, wishes and impulses);
Affective disturbance (flat or incongruous affect); and Autism (living in fantasy and withdrawal
from reality). These symptoms can be seen at any point during the illness. He felt that these four As
have a role to play in developing the accessory symptoms of schizophrenia i.e. hallucinations,
delusions, disorder of person, disorder of speech and writing, somatic symptoms, and catatonic
symptoms. Furthermore apart from Kraepelin's hallucinations, delusions and thought disorder,
Bleuler gave a fourth subtype of schizophrenia which is simple schizophrenia where patients simply
become affectively and
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Features Of Schizophrenia
The term Schizophrenia is used to describe a clinical psychiatric disorder that affects an individual's
thoughts, perception, affect and behaviour. Features of Schizophrenia can be divided into positive
symptoms and negative symptoms. Positive symptoms include hallucinations, delusions and grossly
disorganized behaviour while negative symptoms are poverty of speech, emotional apathy, lack of
drive, self–neglect and social withdrawn behaviour. Schizophrenia has a strong propensity for
relapses because of several reasons including social isolation, stigma, comorbid substance misuse,
and non–adherence to treatment, cognitive impairment and lack of insight. According to Mason et
al, 1996, approximately half of patients with schizophrenia t will ... Show more content on ...
Low and middle–income counties (LAMI) are characterized by less organized healthcare system
with limited access to services prolonged periods of untreated psychosis. However the outcome of
schizophrenia in these countries is better suggesting that cultural factors and family support
contribute to the better outcome.
Practice guidelines have been developed to improve schizophrenia care in many developed
countries. However, it remains a challenge how a core set of universally acceptable guidelines can
be developed that also take care of the local health systems or
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Schizophrenia Essay
Schizophrenia is an extremely puzzling condition, the most chronic and disabling of the major
mental illnesses. Approximately one percent of the population develops schizophrenia during their
lives. With the sudden onset of severe psychotic symptoms, the individual is said to be experiencing
acute schizophrenia. Psychotic means out of touch with reality, or unable to separate real from
unreal experiences.
Schizophrenia is a disorder characterized by loss of touch with reality, thought disorders, delusions,
hallucination, and affective disorder. Two psychiatrists came up with two–different concept of
schizophrenia. One of the psychiatrists was Emil Kraepelin. He came up with the theory of dementia
praecox. Two ... Show more content on ...
Antipsychotic medication, block dopamine and serotonin transmission in the brain. Clozaril,
resperdal, zyprera, and seroquel are four newer antipsychotic medications. The symptom is
alleviated with older antipsychotic medication. These are divided into groups depending on their
potency. If a drug has a low potency, more of it is needed to relieve the symptom. Medium potency
is only affective if medium dose is taken. High potency drug can be taken with smaller amount to be
effective. Note that the antipsychotic drug, only reduces the psychotic symptoms of schizophrenia
and usually allow the patient to function more effectively and appropriately. Most patients don't
need the drug. Even though the drug can't elminate the disease. It can help the patient determine the
difference between psychotic episodes from the real world. With continued drug treatment, about
forty percent of recovered patient will suffer relapses within two years.
During the early phases of treatment the patient may experience drowsiness, restlessness, muscle
spasms, tremor, dry mouth, or blurring of vision. These can be corrected by lowering the dosage.
About 15 to 20 percent developes a long term sede effects called tardive dyskinesia.
Psychosocial therapy is available for patients with schizophrenia. Psychosocial therapy focus on
improving the patient's functions. Rehabilitation includes a wide area of nonmedical interventions
for these with
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Psychotherapy Of Schizophrenia
Mental disorders have enormous effects on the way individuals function and live on a day–to–day
basis. Of the many mental disorders, schizophrenia is one of the most disabling disorders that an
individual can have. Schizophrenia has a very rare prevalence rate and only affects about 1% of the
entire population worldwide. However, it is one of the most incapacitating disorders and individuals
with schizophrenia suffer from a variety of symptoms. There are two categories of symptoms that a
person with schizophrenia can have: positive symptoms (incomprehensible speech, hallucinations,
and delusions) and negative symptoms (affective flattening, alogia, and anhedonia) (Gregory, 2010).
The positive symptoms tend to be more disabling since delusions ... Show more content on ...
This psychotherapy approach strives to help families understand that how they behave towards or
around the patient can inhibit recovery from schizophrenic symptoms. Therefore, the main focus of
psychoeducation is to teach both family members and the patient about what schizophrenia actually
is, as well as discuss potential treatment methods. Clinicians using a family psychoeducation
approach use a variety of principles to ensure that overall family cohesion can be reached. Some of
these key principles are to analyze the strengths and restraints in a family's ability to help the
patient, increase communication within the family, work on resolving family conflict, implement
problem–solving techniques that the family can use, and ensure all family members are working
towards the same goals (McFarlane et al.,
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Schizophrenia Essay
Schizophrenia is affecting people more now than a few decades ago. This illness is across the US
and is present in every culture. People are now aware and understand how the illness can be
devastating to one's life. Schizophrenia is a mental disorder of the brain but it is highly treatable. In
the US the total amount of people affected with the illness is about 2.2 % of the adult population.
The average number of people affected per 1000 total population is 7.2 % per 1000, which means a
city that is consists of 3 million people will have approxiamately 21,000 people suffering from
schizophrenia. People with mental illness should seek early treatment to be stabilized with
medications. During a 10 year period 25% of schizophrenics ... Show more content on ...
Given these facts, this research paper will address this question. I will examine the effects of
schizophrenia upon adults in the US. I have presented an overview of schizophrenia, the discovery
of the illness. I will explain how genetics intertwined with schizophrenia. To fully explore the topic
this paper will discuss the following questions.
1. What is schizophrenia, and discovery of the illness?
2. How genetics plays an important role in schizophrenia.
3. The major symptoms, treatments and drugs available.
4. How family members are affected by this illness.
5. How schizophrenics manage work and mental illness.
6. The diagnoses and prognoses of schizophrenia.
7. Recovery and relapse of schizophrenia.
What is Schizophrenia?
Schizophrenia is a mental illness that affects the brain. It interferes with mental functions in a person
and may cause changes to a person's personality. It usually starts from adolescence unto adulthood
which also affects the elderly. At first the illness may be rapid due to acute symptoms or it can
develop slowly and prolong into months or even years. People with schizophrenia show symptoms
of hearing voices that others are unable to hear, they believe that people are reading their mind or
trying to harm them. The illness affects men and women,
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Catatonic Schizophrenia
Catatonic schizophrenia which is characterized by severe disturbances in movement and a marked
lack of responsiveness to the outside world. At one end of the extreme they can not speak, move or
respond. At the other end of the extreme they are over excited or hyperactive mimicking sounds or
movements around them. Other symptoms are, uncooperative which means they resist any attempt
to move them, they may say absolutely nothing and won't listen to any instructions. Another is,
strange movements, the patience posture may be unusual or inappropriate. With catatonic
schizophrenia patients can stay immobile for long periods of time, in positions that we may think
look extremely uncomfortable (Nordqvist, 2015).
Undifferentiated schizophrenia is ... Show more content on ...
The symptoms that may occur are: reduced ability to concentrate and pay attention, decreased
energy and motivation, mood changes (depression and anxiety), irritability, problems sleeping,
social withdrawal, suspiciousness and drop in school performance.These symptoms appear when
leading to Schizophrenia, whether it be mild, or severe. These symptoms also occur when dealing
with depression. When you have depression you are sad, anxious, "empty" feelings, feelings of
hopelessness, guilt, worthlessness or helplessness, loss of interest in activities or hobbies, irritability,
thoughts of suicide and suicide attempts (, n.d.). These symptoms that are seen
in depression are similar to the symptoms that are seen in schizophrenia. People who end up with
schizophrenia don't always experience all or even any of these early warning signs, however, almost
every person experiences these symptoms at some point in their lives. These early warning signs are
hard to identify because they are very
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Essay on Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia is a metal illness which is characterized by a disruption in cognition and emotion that
affects the most fundamental human attributes, such as thought, perception, language, and the sense
of self. There are a large number of symptoms of schizophrenia which can include hearing internal
voices, hallucinations, and delusions. No single symptom can diagnose a person as schizophrenic,
but rather the collection of multiple symptoms which persist for a prolonged period of time.
Symptoms of schizophrenia are divided into two categories, positive and negative. These categories
define how the symptoms are defined and treated. Positive symptoms include delusions,
hallucinations, disorganized ... Show more content on ...
Risperidone is a prescription medication that was approved by the FDA to treat bipolar 1 disorder;
although it is used to treat schizophrenia as well. According to the makers of Risperidone it is
designed to control symptoms of bipolar1 disorder, and schizophrenia
(risperdal). Risperidone is used to treat the positive symptoms of schizophrenia, but has been shown
to help the symptoms of negative schizophrenia as well (NAMI–NYS). Risperidone is offered in 3
different forms, all of which are taken orally. The first form is a quick dissolving tablet offered in 3
strengths, .5mg, 1mg; 2mg.
Risperidone is also offered in tablet form in strengths ranging from
.25mg to 4mg, and a liquid form (risperdal). Risperidone is well tolerated and side–effects rarely
occur according to the manufacturer
(risperdal). Risperidone like most anti–schizophrenic drugs has side– effects; some are temporary
and will stop after the medication has been stopped, but others symptoms will never go away. Some
of the possible temporary side–effects can include muscle stiffness, tremors, and body shakes, and at
higher doses of risperidone, this side effect increases. While the most significant side effects,
affecting some patients but not all include low blood pressure; dizziness, especially when standing
up suddenly; sleepiness, lethargy, heart palpitations, constipation, weight
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What Is Schizophrenia?
What Is Schizophrenia?
By Navodita Maurice | Submitted On July 16, 2011
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Expert Author Navodita Maurice
Schizophrenia is an incredible example of mental muddle which is exemplified by crumbling of
thought processes and emotional receptiveness. It can be straightforwardly acknowledged by
auditory hallucinations, paranoid or bizarre illusions, dislocated speech or thinking aptitude pursued
by social or occupational dysfunction. The warning signs initiate untimely in the adulthood. The
disease is recognized to affect about 1% of the human population with about 2 million patients from
the United States unaided.
Schizophrenia is also known as split personality disorder and it affects men extra recurrently in
contrast to women. A number of aspects play decisive task in aggravating the symptoms of this
disorder and these issues are genetic parameters, early environment, neurobiology, physiological and
social processes. Some drugs also contribute a petite portion in making the condition of the patient
In the present scenario researchers are very much spotlighted on the neurobiological factors but no
apposite consequence has cropped up. The
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Schizophrenia And Psychotherapy
The issue of whether psychotherapy is effective on schizophrenia has been a widely debated topic.
First, Denise Grady says that antipsychotic drugs work far better than psychotherapy for most
patients (88). Denise Grady also says that people with schizophrenia are either too sick to be
reached by psychotherapy or, thanks to medication, too well to need it (87). Finally, Denise Grady
says psychotherapy is useless and harmful to patients in treating schizophrenia (88). Second,
Turkington, Kingdon, and Weiden, individual psychotherapy of any form cannot work for
schizophrenia. Lastly, Turkington, Kingdon, and Weiden say that people with schizophrenia are too
cognitively impaired for psychological approaches. Furthermore, Torrey says that Cognitive ...
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In the article "Psychodynamics of Psychosis," from 2009, Eric R. Marcus explains the importance of
Psychodynamic Therapy:
Talking to the psychotic patient is important since there is no other way to understand that person's
psychotic experience, and it is the emotional story that informs and reinforces the psychotic process.
Working in conjunction with [other modalities], individual psychodynamic psychotherapy can serve
to strengthen such dysfunctional aspects of the ego as boundary dissolution, reality testing, and the
synthesizing functions that organize the patient's relationship to the world around him. (qtd. in Brus,
Novakovic, and Friedberg 613–614) First, Denise Grady says that antipsychotic drugs work far
better than psychotherapy for most patients (88). In most cases, antipsychotic drugs work about the
same as psychotherapy. In addition, using antipsychotic drugs along with psychotherapy seems to
work for most patients. In other cases, psychotherapy works better than antipsychotic
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Schizophrenia Essay
Although schizophrenia may come off as an interesting and unique disorder, it also relates to the
Emotional, Social, and Intellectual dimensions of Health and Wellness. Schizophrenia is an disorder
that affects a person's ability to think, feel and behave clearly. The emotional dimension of the
wellness wheel is described as the ability to understand ourselves and cope with the challenges life
can bring. Also, the ability to acknowledge and share feelings of fear, sadness or stress; hope, love,
joy and happiness in a productive manner contributes to our emotional wellness. This connects to
schizophrenia because when you have this disorder it perceives you to imagine situations that aren't
actually happening. Usually people diagnosed with this ... Show more content on ...
The challenges you are facing while having this disorder can have an extremely negative toll on
your life. Another dimension Schizophrenia related to is Social. Social health is the ability to relate
to and connect with other people in our world. Also, our ability to establish and maintain positive
relationships with family, friends and co–workers contributes to our Social Wellness. Schizophrenia
relates to Social health because it puts you in a different mental state than the norm. The side effect
of hallucinations schizophrenia comes with affects their ability to relate and connect with other
people since, they are seeing differently than everyone else. In the video it socially created a
problem for him considering his aspect to relate and connect with other people was
discombobulated. He reacted as if everyone was staring at him and judging him in an non
productive manner which affected his ability to establish an relationship to relate and connect with
other people. For example, another dimension Schizophrenia relates to is intellectual Wellness.
Intellectual Wellness is the ability to open our minds to new ideas and experience that can be applied
to personal decisions, group interaction and community betterment. The desire to learn new
concepts, improve skills and seek challenges in pursuit of lifelong learning contributes to our
Intellectual Wellness. Schizophrenia relates to this aspect of the Wellness Wheel because this
specific mental state does not comprehend the difference between what they imagine is happening
and what is actually
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What Is Schizophrenia?
What is Schizophrenia? The study of schizophrenia dates back to the early 1800's, when a guy by
the name of John Haslam published a book called "Observations of Insanity". In his book he goes
into detail about the case studies or patents that show symptoms that we could categorize as
schizophrenia disorder (John Haslam). By the end of the 19th Century the concept of schizophrenia
was made known by a German psychiatrist by the name of Emil Krapelin. He basically took what he
learned from Haslam and others and formed what we call Schizophrenia disorder today
(schizophrenia history). Even thought the word itself in only 100 years old many cases can be traced
back to the times prior to Jesus coming to the earth. Because there was no clear diagnosis for this
disorder, at that time many people that had any sort of mental illness were all treated the same
weather they had physical deformities or mental retardation. The first official title given to this
disorder was called "Dementia Praecox", which was given by Emil Krapelin. It wasn't until 1911
when the Swiss psychiatrist, Eugen Bleuler gave it the name of schizophrenia. The word
schizophrenia comes from two different Greek words, "schizo", which means split and "phrene",
which means mind (Psychology today).
Schizophrenia is a very severe brain disorder that has affected people all throughout history. At
times Schizophrenia can be chronic and severe making it a very challenging disorder to cope with.
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Schizophrenia Essay
Schizophrenia One of the major concerns of modern medicine is Schizophrenia.
Frey defines schizophrenia as a group of disorders marked by severely impaired thinking, emotions,
and behaviors (99). Straube and Oades incorporate more on its definition by saying this illness
evokes a fundamental disturbance of personality (92).
According to Gottesman, schizophrenia didn't exist before the 19th century. He found many facts
that lead to this hypothesis, finding no existence of this illness in ancient writings. He argues that
schizophrenia was described clinically in 1809, and since then, this disease has been rapidly
increasing to western world. (91)
Schizophrenia commonly begins between the ages of 15 and 25. This brain disease ... Show more
content on ...
The catatonic schizophrenics suffer from at least two of the following; catalepsy or stupor, excessive
motor activity, extreme negativism or mutism, peculiar voluntary movement as posturing,
stereotyped movements, prominent mannerisms, or prominent grimacing. In disorganized
Schizophrenia, flat or inappropriate affect, disorganized speech and behavior are all prevalent. The
undifferentiated type is unusual in that it may have some characteristics of each of the different
types. The Residual type has symptoms of odd beliefs and unusual perceptual experiences (99).
Some researchers think some of these symptoms of schizophrenia (delusions, hallucinations, and
confusion) may be caused by too much dopamine the brain (or very sensitive dopamine receptors).
"Dopamine regulates many normal body functions, including movement, emotions, behavior, and
appetite" (
What causes schizophrenia?
As stated by Andreasen, Schizophrenia is probably caused by multiple environmental stimuli and a
combination of inherited genes. A more reasonable explanation is that there are individuals who
have an inherited proneness to illness. Such individuals may fall ill, if in addition, they are exposed
to several factors in the environment such as drugs. It has already been proven that in the case of
diseases like diabetes and raised blood pressure (99). However, Bradford stands the
... Get more on ...
Schizophrenia And Normality
The notion of normality is a complex theory to grasp, but you need to comprehend it to understand
what Schizophrenia is. Normal is anything that differs from the socially accepted way of conducting
one's self. People affected with Schizophrenia have lost touch with reality and simultaneous with
themselves. "Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and disabling brain disease. Approximately 1
percent of the population develops schizophrenia during their lifetime – more than 2 million
Americans suffer from the illness in a given year," ("
Schizophrenia is a harsh mental disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. It has
gruesome side effects on top of that it has a negative stigma. There is no way to cure this ... Show
more content on ...
"In media reporting and in public opinion Schizophrenia probably has more negative associations
that any other public health issue in the UK today," (Stigma). The negative ideas that the public has
on Schizophrenic patients unfavorably affects them. According to Dr. Buchanan Fahy, there have
been many people that suffer from Schizophrenia that said that the stigma that they face is just as
bad as the hallucination, delusions and other symptoms that come with their mental illness. The
negative stigma can lead to denial that they have the mental illness. It can also lead to poor self–
esteem, the need to isolate oneself, self pain, and even the feeling of desperation. This disorder has
effects that can ruin a person
... Get more on ...

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Thesis Of Schizophrenia

  • 1. Thesis Of Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a mental illness that is diagnosed in 0.5%–1% of the population in their lifetime (van Os et al, 2010). Its literal translation is 'split–brain', though it does not refer to multiple personality disorder, but rather a split from reality characterized by its disturbed perceptions, disorganized thinking and inappropriate emotions (Myers, 2010). Much research has been carried out to gain a better understanding of the causes of this serious disorder. A popular theory is the diathesis–stress model. This theory of schizophrenia proposes that stress can elicit a pre–existing vulnerability to the disorder (Jones & Fernyhough, 2007). This model focuses on the interaction between genetic heritability of the disorder, and the environments interaction ... Show more content on ... Within twins, monozygotic twins have a 48% probability if their twin is diagnosed with schizophrenia, and with dizygotic twins it is a 17% probability (Kalat, 2015). This shows that there is a genetic bases for schizophrenia, it also highlights that other non–genetic factors must play a role in the development of the disorder. These results have been backed by many research carried out on adoption studies. An adoption study in Finland carried out aimed to test the hypostasis that family rearing plays a factor in the development of schizophrenia (Tienari et al, 2004).Their research found that adoptees at high genetic risk (biological mother had schizophrenia) were more sensitive to problems in the adoptive family environment. Adoptees with high risk and a severally dysfunctional family rearing were significantly coordinated with a diagnosis of a schizophrenia spectrum disorder (Tienari et al, 2004). In support of the diathesis model neither high risk nor dysfunctional rearing were significantly linked with a diagnosis (Tienari et al, 2004). The research found that a 'healthy' adoptive family, acted as a 'protective effect' for the adoptees with ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Fear Of Schizophrenia Due to the media, what little knowledge the world has about Schizophrenia is clouded by fear of those who have it. People affected by Schizophrenia are sick and need to be treated with the same respect every human is treated with; if not even more. However, fear and discrimination has clouded Schizophrenia to the point were it has become twisted with lies and misconceptions. Schizophrenia is a complex, long–term mental disorder that affects the way a person perceives reality and the way a person acts, talks, and behaves (WebMD). There are different types of Schizophrenia that can have similar and specific symptoms and sometimes even a different form of treatment. Paranoid Schizophrenia is the most common type of Schizophrenia ( A patient with paranoid Schizophrenia is ... Show more content on ... Another type of Schizophrenia is Catatonic Schizophrenia where the patient exhibits extreme behavior. In severe cases the patient can develop catatonic characteristics either with very excited activity like copying sounds and movements or, in other cases, they can seem to be in a stupor where they cannot speak, move or have normal responses. Sometimes the patient can take weird positions with their body and face and other times they can stay still for long periods of time even if they are in extremely uncomfortable positions. Many doctors agree that Catatonic Schizophrenia is the most mentally debilitating of the types. Another type of Schizophrenia is Disorganized Schizophrenia. Like the name suggests, people with Disorganized Schizophrenia have disorganized thoughts, speech, and overall behavior. The patient may have incoherent speech and see no purpose in anything. Disorganized Schizophrenia affects their emotions, making them almost completely devoid of it. They are known to have a blank look on their faces and not being able to do normal daily tasks like basic hygiene. Sometimes, the patient becomes agitated that people cannot ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Schizophrenia Essay The disorder/disease we studied is known today as schizophrenia. It is a mental disorder whose most infamous symptoms include delusions, hallucinations, and fractured thinking. It is thought to be caused by a mixture of genetic and environmental factors, and usually appears for most people in their late teens or early twenties. Because it surfaces quite early in life, it was misnamed "dementia praecox", meaning early dementia, when it started being more closely researched in the early twentieth century. Schizophrenia is not a type of dementia, or the same as bipolar disorder. Current research still focuses on what the disorder actually is, like what causes it, rather than developing more effective treatments. However, there are already treatments available, like antipsychotics, that allow some schizophrenics to live normally. Schizophrenia has quite a recent history. However, written records show that signs of schizophrenic people have been around for thousands of years, with the earliest coming from old pharaonic Egypt. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, European psychiatrists were studying mental disorders that have unknown causes. German psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin coined the term "dementia praecox" ("early dementia") for mental disorders that start early in life (including what is now known today as schizophrenia). Kraepelin thought that disorders of this type were a form of dementia, but they actually are not. He also made the distinction between dementia praecox ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Schizophrenia And Paranoia The topic of this social science research essay is Schizophrenia and Paranoia. The research question is what is Schizophrenia? What are currently considered possible causes of Schizophrenia? What are common effects on the patient? What are challenges that people who live with Schizophrenia may experience? What suggestions could be made to help deal with those challenges? What is Paranoia and how might it affect people with Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is a mental illness that affects the way patients understand and interact with the world. There is no known cause of Schizophrenia, although genetics and environmental factors are considered at least partially responsible. Common effects on the patient may include having trouble thinking and ... Show more content on ... There is no known cause of Schizophrenia, although genetics and environmental factors are considered at least partially responsible. Common effects on the patient may include having trouble thinking and communicating; also, patients may experience hallucinations and/or delusions. Challenges could include finding a job and staying on prescribed medication. To help deal with those challenges, it is suggested that those with Schizophrenia, as well as those who interact with them, to learn as much as possible about Schizophrenia, to have family support, to go to support groups and benefits of taking regular medication. Paranoia is a mental illness and can affect Schizophrenics by causing extreme symptoms of Paranoia. Suggestions of further research that could be done in the future would be to give out surveys to a larger group of people and have more than one grade complete the survey to see if there is a difference of knowledge in the different age ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Schizophrenia In Adolescents Early detection of schizophrenia is an intriguing topic that has been studied for decades but still lack acknowledgement. It is repeatedly misunderstood in adolescents. Schizophrenia is a psychiatric chronic disorder that affects approximately 1% of the population in the United States and typically presents in early adult life (Nemade & Dombeck, 2009). It is commonly associated with social and psychological deficits presented through irritability, erratic behavior, and bizarre thoughts such as hallucinations and delusions (Tossell, 2003). The underlying causes of schizophrenia in adolescents is not essentially known, however it is believed that neurodevelopment alterations, genetic variations, and distinctive environmental factors contribute ... Show more content on ... Experts suggest that early interventions and treatment can significantly reduce the decline in function and long–term complications linked to schizophrenia. There is an increased genetic risk for schizophrenia due to sensitivity of assorted environmental factors (Svrakic, Zorumski, Svrakic, Zwir, & Cloninger, 2013). Evidence suggests that the avoidance of environmental triggers that exacerbate the schizophrenia gene can significantly decrease the chance of ever being diagnose with this mental illness. The sociodevelopmental–cognitive model displays the interaction between the dopamine system and environmental risk factors (Howes & Murray, 2014). Individuals who develop schizophrenia tend to show excessive increases in dopamine levels during psychosis. The link between dopaminergic alterations and neurodevelopment damage has become more evident and underlies psychosis (Howes & Murray, 2014). The model insinuates interventions to interrupt dysregulations in dopamine by alleviating stressors and incorporating cognitive ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Paranoia Schizophrenia Paranoia Schizophrenia is a mental illness that is the most known type of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a type of psychosis when your thoughts and emotions are impaired enough to a point that you cannot recognize reality or fantasy. According to–paranoia#1 this illness usually starts in late adolescence or young adulthood. It also affects the way you behave and think. There is medication that can be taken to treat the illness. Symptoms of Paranoia Schizophrenia include, auditory delusions, anxiety, and hallucinations. With these symptoms it sort of makes a person feel alone and can even cause suicidal thoughts. Since the illness can be treated with medicine it may lead to an easier, happier, more productive life. The hallucinations will cause an individual to see things that are not real but are convinced that they're real. In a ... Show more content on ... Emile Kraepelin. Dr. Kraepelin was a German psychiatrist who is the first to believe that psychiatric diseases are caused from genetics. Dr. Kraepelin also believed that schizophrenia occurs in intervals. Dementia Praecox was later renamed Schizophrenia by Eugen Bleuler in 1911. There are so many types of Schizophrenia's that they do not classify each anymore they just classify it by certain symptoms in an article on People are stricken with the illness due to the history of family members who have had it, it is biological. About 2.2 million people in the United States suffer from Schizophrenia, and as many as 51 million people suffer worldwide. Yet people that suffer are being viewed as abnormal. Different treatment is required for different ages and symptoms but the most known treatments are medications, electroconvulsive therapy, psychotherapy, or possibly even hospitalization. Although with treatment, it is an illness that is ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. The Effects Of Schizophrenia It is every person worse fear to find out that a family member or someone whom you care deeply about is suffering from schizophrenia. Schizophrenia can be described as a psychotic brain disorder that affects a person able to think clearly. Not only that, it also has an effect on how a person communicates with other people. This psychotic disease will cause a schizophrenia person to not have controlled over their emotions, seeing things that are not there, have trouble making important decisions for their selves, and just not be able to adapt in society. According to Barlow and Durand, schizophrenia has a complex syndrome that inevitably has a devastating effect on the lives of the person affected and on family members as well (Barlow and Durand). ... Show more content on ... The positive symptom can be seen when one is showing signs of hallucinations, hyperactive, suffer from a delusion, constantly on the lookout due to feeling like they are threatened by someone or something, become suspicious of people, mood symptoms, and just hostility. The negative symptoms are seen when a schizophrenia person shows a behavior which would be considered to not be normal. For instance, one will display emotional and social withdrawal, poor communication with people has trouble with their thinking, and just showing flat affect. A schizophrenia person will also display disorganized symptoms. He or she will have an unusual behavior that can or will affect their speech. The person will also have problems paying attention, inappropriate behavior, manners, and posture (Hales et al., 2014). There are many factors that contribute to the disorder schizophrenia. The environment that a person lives in can have an effect on them developing schizophrenia. Not only that, the kind of genes that a person has can also play big roles in someone with this ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Schizophrenia Vs Schizophrenia Causes of schizophrenia from a relatives' point of view Schizophrenia is a brain disorder that affects the way a person acts, thinks, and sees the world. People with schizophrenia have a completely different perception of reality, such as a significant loss of contact with it for example, compared to people who do not suffer from this mental disease. They tend to panic a lot, feel like someone is trying to harm them or their loved ones, fear that someone is watching every move they make. Although they hallucinate a lot and/or are delusional, most people with schizophrenia are not violent and are not a danger to others. (, 2015) Schizophrenia is a common mental disease these days. Statistics show that the chance of developing it ... Show more content on ... Relatives know the patients better than anyone else and might have a clearer concept as to what has caused the development of this illness, which situation in the lives of the patients has played a role as a causer to schizophrenia. They can give the doctors and researchers of this illness, a clearer look to the traumatic experiences of the patient and perhaps help the doctors find out the main cause of the mental disorder. Given the fact that no one exactly knows why some people develop schizophrenia, researchers have come up with different theories, but none is yet confirmed. Some researchers think it is possible that the mental disease called schizophrenia is actually several diseases which, when combined, have the symptoms, known as possible symptoms of schizophrenia. (Catherine Harrison, 2015) On the other hand, there are those who believe that it is a single disease, which affects different parts of the brain. Researchers also believe that genes are one of the causes of schizophrenia, however they are convinced that genes alone can't be the main cause, they just make a person more likely to develop the mental disease. (, ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Schizophrenia Essay WHAT IS SCHIZOPHRENIA? The modern definition of schizophrenia describes it as a long–lasting psychotic disorder (involving a severe break with reality), in which there is an inability to distinguish what is real from fantasy as well as disturbances in thinking, emotions, behavior, and perception (Cicarelli, p. 557). SYMPTOMS Schizophrenia includes several symptoms. One common symptom is delusions, which are false beliefs that the person holds and that tend to remain fixed and unshakable even in the face of evidence that disproves the delusions (Cicarelli, p. 557). Other common symptoms include speech disturbances, in which people with schizophrenia make up words, repeat words or sentences persistently, string words together on the ... Show more content on ... 557). TYPES OF SCHIZOPHRENIA There are five subtypes of schizophrenia, which include: disorganized, catatonic, paranoid, positive and negative symptoms (Cicarelli, p. 558). Disorganized schizophrenia involves confused speech, vivid and frequent hallucinations, and extremely inappropriate emotions. Those who suffer from disorganized schizophrenia are socially impaired and unable to engage in normal social rituals of daily life (Cicarelli, p. 558). Catatonic schizophrenia is less common and involves very disturbed motor behavior. The individual either doesn't move at all or moves about wildly in severe agitation (Cicarelli, p. 558). Paranoid schizophrenia is a condition in which a person suffers from delusions of persecution, grandeur, and jealousy, along with hallucinations (Cicarelli, p. 558). Positive symptoms involve excesses of behavior or occur in addition to normal behavior; hallucinations, delusions, and distorted thinking (Cicarelli, p. 558). Negative symptoms involve less than normal behavior or absence of normal behavior; poor attention, flat affect, and poor speech production (Cicarelli, p. 558). CAUSES The cause or causes of schizophrenia can best be explained through the use of the biological model, which points to genetic origins, inflammation in the brain, chemical influences, and brain structural defects. Further support comes from ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Schizophrenia Definition According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), the definition of Schizophrenia is "a chronic and severe mental disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves" (2016). In 1887, Dr. Emile Kraepelin was the first to acknowledge Schizophrenia. Patients were having memory loss and not acting like themselves. When studying patients, he believed that it was much like dementia except in this particular case, the disease formed earlier in life. Dr. Kraeplin even named it "dementia praecox" meaning "early dementia". After more research was conducted on this disease, Eugen Bleuler came to conclusion that this was not even close to dementia. So, in 1911, he changed the name to Schizophrenia. The symptoms of Schizophrenia ... Show more content on ... Generally, it will be seen mostly in the family line. If your mother, father, brother, or sister has had it then your chances are increased compared to someone whose distant family member has had it. Someone in the ancestry may have had it before and since then it has been carried down. As of yet, there is no way to determine exactly if you will develop the disease. Scientists have not found the specific gene variations that will eventually lead to Schizophrenia. There have been other cases however, where the disease is nowhere to be seen in past family members but certain factors such as drug or alcohol abuse have contributed to it being activated. Sometimes chemical imbalances in the brain will be what causes Schizophrenia. When you compare a normal healthy human brain to one that has Schizophrenia, they are somewhat different in the way they are structured. For instance, a Schizophrenic brain has a lot less gray matter in it and/or the ventricles will increase in size even after being treated. The NIMH believes that Schizophrenia affects more males than females and that the symptoms usually start between the ages of 16–30. Most likely it will not be a diagnosis after the age of 45 and rarely will it occur in children. The youngest child to ever be treated for Schizophrenia was a girl named Jani Schofield. The hallucinations began at a very young age for Jani. She could see rats that ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Schizophrenia Poster Research Topics : Schizophrenia Schizophrenia Poster Research Topics K – What is schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is chronic, severe, and a brain disabling disorder; that has affected people throughout history. It also interferes with a person's ability to think clearly, manage emotions, make decisions and relate to others. People with the disorder may hear voices other people do not hear. They may believe other people are reading their minds, controlling their thoughts, or plotting to harm them. This can terrify people with the illness and make them withdrawn or extremely agitated. People with schizophrenia may not make sense when they talk. They may sit for hours without moving or talking. Sometimes people with schizophrenia seem perfectly fine until they talk about what they are really thinking. There are many subtypes of the illness as well. Schizophrenia is a brain disorder that affects the way a person behaves, thinks, and see the world. People with schizophrenia often have an altered perception of reality. They experience delusions and hallucinations. This can make it difficult to negotiate the activities of daily life, and people with schizophrenia may withdraw from the outside world or act out in confusion and fear. Schizophrenia is a mystery, a puzzle with missing pieces. This complex biochemical brain disorder affects the brain and creates perceptions along the wrong "path," leading to the wrong conclusion. K – Who are affected by schizophrenia? Families and society are affected by schizophrenia ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Schizophrenia And Its Effects On Schizophrenia The person I chose came from a famous novel and has schizophrenia. According to Mayo Clinic "Schizophrenia is a severe brain disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally. Schizophrenia may result in some combination of hallucinations, delusions, and extremely disordered thinking and behavior. Contrary to popular belief, schizophrenia is not a split personality or multiple personality. The word "schizophrenia" does mean "split mind," but it refers to a disruption of the usual balance of emotions and thinking. Schizophrenia is a chronic condition, requiring lifelong treatment."(Schizophrenia, August 2014). The individual would start showing signs of reduced pleasure in life, difficulty participating in activities, barely speaking, ... Show more content on ... Larry Stein has said that a cause could be hyprdopamine increase causing nerves fibers destroyed in the brain. With the psychodynamic approach of schizophrenia is the breakdown of the person's ego. Ego controls the id's impulses and the compromise of the id and superego. It can cause the person the loose touch with reality and no longer associate with others. The start of hallucinations and not knowing what is imagination from reality. According to post–Freudians "The therapist attempted to bring about a regression to early childhood and then would take on the role of parent/nurturer, thereby coaxing the patient to develop for a second time, the return to adulthood bringing with it a corresponding redevelopment of the ego and reconnecting them with reality." (Schizophrenia). Next with behavioral theorist according to psychiatric times, "The therapeutic techniques used for patients with schizophrenia are based on the general principles of CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy). Links are established between thoughts, feelings, and actions in a collaborative and accepting atmosphere. Agendas are set and used but are generally more flexibly developed than in traditional CBT. The duration of therapy varies according to the individual 's need, generally between 12 and 20 sessions, but often with an option of ongoing booster sessions. CBT for psychosis usually proceeds through the following phase's assessment and engagement stage." (Schizophrenia). During the ABC ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Schizophrenia Fallacies Affecting about 1% of the population, schizophrenia causes more anxiety in the media, in the public, and even in doctors' offices more than any other mental illness. It is the most stigmatized and most misunderstood psychological disorder of them all, even among psychologists. Among the many fallacies that surround the disorder is the name in itself. Schizophrenia literally means, from Greek,"split mind" but contrary to popular belief, the condition has nothing to do with a split in personality or multiple personalities. The term refers instead to a "split from reality", which is usually what inflicts what we stereotype to be "schizophrenics." However, multiple Personality Disorder, now known as Dissociative Identity Disorder, is the kind ... Show more content on ... Researchers think that overly responsive dopamine systems might magnify brain activity in some way, perhaps creating hallucinations and other so–called positive symptoms as the brain loses its capacity to tell the difference between internal and external stimuli. For this reason, dopamine blocking drugs are often used as anti–psychotic medications in treatment. Modern neuroimaging studies show that some people with schizophrenia have abnormal brain activity in the thalamus,when patients were hallucinating for example, which is involved in filtering incoming sensory signals. Patients with paranoid symptoms showed over–activity in the fear processing amygdala. Schizophrenia seems to involve not just problems with one part of the brain, but abnormalities in several areas and their interconnections. What might be causing these abnormalities under the "iathesis–stress" model? This way of thinking involves a combination of biological and genetic vulnerabilities –diathesis– and environmental stressors –stress– that both contribute to the onset of schizophrenia. This model helps explain why some people with genetic vulnerability might not always develop schizophrenia and why the rates of schizophrenia tend to be higher with some degree of poverty or socioeconomic stress. It seems too that there is some kind of genetic predisposition for the ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Schizophrenia Essay Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a debilitating mental disorder characterized by a dysfunctional thinking process and withdrawal from the outside world. The word schizophrenia comes from two Greek words schizo which means split and phrenia, which means mind. This doesn't mean that a person with the disorder has multiple personalities, but rather parts of the mind seem to be operating independent of each other. The disease affects approximately 1 in 100 people and there are thought to be over 2 million schizophrenics in the United States today. Schizophrenia has been found to be a biologically based brain disease due to the imbalance of two of the brains chemicals dopamine and serotonin. In the brain of a schizophrenic there are ... Show more content on ... Catatonic Schizophrenia has more of a physical notability. A rigid body, a very odd posture, and repetitive motioning are the main characteristics, which are together called catatonia. A Catatonic Schizophrenic is also very unresponsive to surroundings. There are 2 other types of schizophrenia, and they are Undifferentiated and Residual. Undifferentiated is characterized by symptoms that tend to match either none or more that 1 of the above types of schizophrenia. Residual Schizophrenia is characterized by rare episodes of attack and there are less severe symptoms after the initial attack. The diagnosis of schizophrenia is not an easy process and diagnosis is looked into very seriously and extensively. Characteristic symptoms are one are looked into for the diagnosis. These symptoms must be present for a significant period of time during a one–month period. The characteristics used for the diagnosis include delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior, and negative symptoms. Social or occupation dysfunction is another are for diagnosis. This may be characterized by a disturbance in one or more areas of functioning such as work, interpersonal relations, or self–care way below a level a person may have previously been at. Duration, or continuous disturbance for 6 months of which 1 month must show symptoms, is also used to diagnose the disease. Schizoaffective and Mood Disorder exclusion ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. What is Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is the worst of all mental health disorders because it is many severe disorders all put into one such as mood disorders and psychological disorders. It is a mental health disorder that affects a persons' reality. When the word Schizophrenia is broken into two, schizo means "Split" and phrenia means "mind" (DeWall & Myers, 2014, p.562). According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), about 1% of Americans have schizophrenia. Schizophrenia has many different components such as causes, the people it affects, types of symptoms, and types of schizophrenia all of which will be discussed in this paper. Within schizophrenia symptoms in can be positive or negative and treating these symptoms come with different approaches. Researchers do not exactly know what causes Schizophrenia, but it is known that Schizophrenia isn't only caused due to genes or environment. Schizophrenia is caused by a number of different factors. The more factors that play into a person, makes it likely they will become Schizophrenic. In DeWall and Myers (2014), they discuss how prenatal environment can be a risk to developing schizophrenia (p.565). There is a link between women who get sick with the flu during the second trimester of pregnancy and their children getting increased risks of schizophrenia (DeWall & Myers, 2014, p.566). However it is not known what the exact link is yet (DeWall & Myers, 2014, p.566). Also, another environmental factor is famine. Scientists have learned ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Understanding Schizophrenia An Insight Into Understanding Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a complex mental illness which has several differing theories exploring the underlining neurological causes. This paper will focus on giving insight into aspects of schizophrenia as well as discussing the following leading theories on the topic: neurodevelopment, dopamine, glutamate, and brain abnormalities. Methods of research focus on studying twins, adopted family members as well as genetics. As it is such a complex illness it presents many different symptoms that have been categorized as positive, negative, and cognitive. Treatment is crucial to managing a life with this illness which includes a combination of therapy and antipsychotic drugs. Since a wide array of the symptoms ... Show more content on ... Dopamine being a neurotransmitter is being secreted at higher levels in the synapses which is causing over stimulation of cells resulting in such positive symptoms that are all characteristic of schizophrenia. A study done by Hietala J, Syvalahti E, Vuorio K, et al. on acutely psychotic schizophrenic patients using a PET scanning found elevated presynaptic striatal dopamine availability. Seven out of nine studies in patients showed elevated dopamine synapse activity which concluded an effect size between 0.63 to 1.89 resulting in this being the highest dopamine brain abnormality associated with schizophrenia. There are a few first– and second–generation antipsychotics that work fundamentally by blocking dopamine D2 receptors, thereby affecting dopamine transmission in the brain. However, some of these drugs are not very effective in the treatment of negative schizophrenia symptoms. This leads researcher to postulate there is other neurotransmitters involved in schizophrenia. Which brings me to the Glutamate ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Schizophrenia In Venezuela Mental health disorders are prevalent among all races and ethnicities worldwide, they are indiscriminate and frequently genetic. Throughout countless cultures, mental disorders are heavily misunderstood and people diagnosed with them are negatively stigmatized. Schizophrenia is a mentally disabling disease that causes individuals who suffer from it to lose their sense of reality and perform crimes or acts they wouldn't otherwise commit. In many cultures globally, schizophrenia and schizoaffective symptoms can be seen. For this reason, schizophrenia continues to be heavily studied and new causal factors for the disorder continue to emerge. This presents a problem for people who have causes that have yet to arisen. In this point in time, Venezuela ... Show more content on ... Various countries have differing methods of identifying the condition and there exist many different boundaries between this disease and similar ones. Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are two similar disorders where the patient can present with a high functioning psychosis. The distinction between the two is not an easy one to make due to the fact that they both deal with many identical symptoms but sometimes patients interpret them in different ways. One major common symptom they both share is illogical thinking, where they think or see situations differently than what actually occurred. Auditory hallucinations may also occur in either manic or depressive states of bipolar disorder, and it is also a common symptom for schizophrenics though the main difference is that for schizophrenics the auditory hallucinations are often commenting on the person's actions or converse with one another. Delusions are also common because they give the individual's senses that they are being followed or controlled by outside forces, or that their thoughts are being broadcasted or interfered with. Since many symptoms are unusual and can have devastating effects when they are not treated, when they do receive the medication they can potentially ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Schizophrenia Essay Roy Blunt, American politician, once said, "People with mental health problems are almost never dangerous. In fact, they are more likely to be the victims than the perpetrators. At the same time, mental illness has been the common denominator in one act of mass violence after another." There is a misconception that mental disorders such as dissociative identity disorder and schizophrenia are the same. Today's society often see all mental disorders as one, however, they are very much different. If one was to say someone with multiple personalities is the same as someone who has hallucinations and/or has delusions, they are incorrect, which is why in specific cases such as schizophrenia, the legal term "not guilty due to mental disorder" should be valid. Schizophrenia, unlike most disorders, is a standout amongst the most genuine of the mental disorders. It is known that one in a hundred individuals are affected by it, and starts in either youth or early adulthood. Schizophrenia brings social interruption, anguish and hardship to the individuals who experience the ill effects of it, as well as to their family. Under those circumstances, it is known to be the most devastating of all disorders. There are both negative and positive symptoms when it comes to dealing with schizophrenia. Despite the fact that there are various negative indications, the most present one is limitations or absence in thoughts and behaviours that are characteristics in normal functioning. For this ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Schizophrenia Essay People all over the world suffer from this dreadful disease, but you may be wondering what it is, what causes it, and if there are treatments? All these questions and more with be answered, but first of all, what is schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by irrational thought processes. A person dealing with this debilitating illness may think that people are going to kill them, or kidnap them. Some Schizophrenics often have "voices" in their heads telling them what to do. In some cases this has caused people to take their lives or try to. Schizophrenia is everywhere you look. Out of one hundred thousand people at least one hundred and fifty people have schizophrenia. Like any other disorder, ... Show more content on ... This type of schizophrenia is called paranoid schizophrenia because it often characterized by paranoid delusions of persecution, change in bodily functions, or jealousy. Often people with paranoid schizophrenia hallucinate voices that give commands, and the voice will threaten the person and will not stop until they follow the command. Sometimes this voice may tell the person to laugh or hum, or whistle which is also know as auditory hallucinations. With this disorder there are many types of hallucinations that go along with this disorder. Another type of hallucination is when a person hallucinates that they taste something or smell something that is not there. This is less likely to be viewed by a bystander but is still debilitating. Many people believe that all schizophrenics hallucinate visually, but it is very rare. Paranoid schizophrenia can again be broken down into different types. A paranoid schizophrenic can go into remission at anytime, but in chronic cases symptoms may develop over time. Another type of schizophrenia is disorganized schizophrenia. With this condition people behave oddly or disturbed, with no particular reason why they would behave in such a way. Disorganized schizophrenia has multiple symptoms to be on the look out for, and some to your surprise may be very distinct. Some symptoms include being active but in an aimless sort of way, inappropriate emotional responses. An ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Schizophrenia Essay Schizophrenia is a serious, chronic mental disorder characterized by loss of contact with reality and disturbances of thought, mood, and perception. Schizophrenia is the most common and the most potentially sever and disabling of the psychosis, a term encompassing several severe mental disorders that result in the loss of contact with reality along with major personality derangements. Schizophrenia patients experience delusions, hallucinations and often lose thought process. Schizophrenia affects an estimated one percent of the population in every country of the world. Victims share a range of symptoms that can be devastating to themselves as well as to families and friends. They may have trouble dealing with the most minor everyday ... Show more content on ... Those with schizophrenia regularly report unusual sensory experiences, especially when the illness is in an acute stage. Often these experiences are in the form of hearing voices. Persons may hear one or two voices making comments on their behavior. They may not know the voice, or they may believe it is the voice of God, the Devil, or a friend. When the voice issues orders to behave in a particular way, the experience is known as a command hallucination. These hallucinations can be very dangerous to the sufferer and others. When the voice commands the person to do something, the schizophrenic person will perform that task as instructed (Kass, 188). Particular, repetitive movements sometimes are seen in schizophrenics. Victims might swing one leg back and forth all day, or constantly shake their heads. Catatonic behavior is another symptom; a victim might keep the same position for hours, unable to talk or eat. Catatonic schizophrenia is marked by striking motor behavior. Some victims may be overly intrusive, constantly prying into the affairs of those around them (Gingerich, 64). When compared to other people in general, those with schizophrenia are less likely to marry or remain married; more likely to have school problems; often unable to keep their jobs; more prone to suicide attempts. People with schizophrenia also tend to fall into other groupings that can help in diagnosis. The majority range in age from ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. schizophrenia abstract Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a severe and chronic brain disorder in which a person interprets actual reality abnormally. It is a mental disorder that makes it difficult to think clearly, have normal responses to emotions, act normal in a social setting, and tell the difference between their own interpretation of reality and actual reality. There are several types of Schizophrenia: paranoid, undifferentiated, disorganized, residual, and catatonic schizophrenia. The assumption is that schizophrenia is split or multiple personalities. Schizophrenia is defined as "split mind" but this references the disruption in normal balance of emotions and thinking. Schizophrenia is a chronic condition that requires lifelong treatment. ... Show more content on ... This decreases the signs of schizophrenic behavior and improves behavior by creating a neutral state between rest and digest and flight or fight. Quetiapine is another drug that serves as an antagonizer of serotonin and dopamine along with being an antagonist to histamine and adrenergic receptors. Histamine causes capillary dilation and constriction of smooth muscle in the bronchials and decreases overall blood pressure. This drug decreases delusions, hallucinations, and depression by blocking the action of histamine and the flight or fight response. Clozapine binds specifically to dopamine receptors but also has anti cholinergic blocking activity which in return decreases schizophrenic behavior by reducing flight or fight response and regulating emotion. Anti– depression/anti–anxiety medication Welbutin and Ativan are used to target more specific symptoms. Welbutin is used to decrease depression symptoms by blocking the reuptake of dopamine and increases the uptake of norepinephrine and serotonin. Ativan depresses the central nervous system by increasing GABA activity, therefore decreasing anxiety. All these drugs can have the side effects of weight gain, diabetes, and high blood pressure. MRI's and PET scans can also be used to monitor physiologic damage and progression of schizophrenia. Since ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Schizophrenia Essay Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a specific type of psychosis. It is a disorder distinguished by disturbances within thought patterns, attention and also emotion. It can also result in a complete lack of emotional expressiveness, or on occasions inappropriate ones. Every now and then it may cause disturbances in the patient's movement and or behaviour, resulting in an unkempt appearance. For quite a long time schizophrenia was perceived as a 'functional disorder' with some doctors saying it was a 'sociological phenomenon' (Gelder et al 1989) meaning' patients with schizophrenia are normal people who are driven insane by an insane world'. Schizophrenics may often be withdrawn from other people and usual everyday reality, frequently ... Show more content on ... The rate of substance abuse is very high (Fowler et al, 1998) perhaps a reflection of an attempt to achieve a little relief from many negative emotions that schizophrenics deal with. Therefore it is no wonder at all that the suicide rate among people with schizophrenia is so high. The symptom of schizophrenia also has a profound impact on the lives of family and friends. The delusions and hallucinations that are had cause much distress and made far worse by the fact that all hopes and dreams have been demolished. Schizophrenia is a very severe disorder its lifetime predominance is just under 1 percent, but it affects men a little more often than it does women. (Walker et al. 2004) Schizophrenia can begin in early childhood but is usually more apparent in later adolescence or early on in adulthood, and again this usually occurs earlier in men than women. Although there is an extensive range of symptoms relating to schizophrenia, people with this disorder usually only display a small number of them at any given time. The DSM–IV–TR suggest that not one single symptom is essential in the diagnosis. This shows how people with schizophrenia can be so dissimilar. Around thirty years ago the symptoms of schizophrenia were split into two groups. These were names positive and negative. There is now a clear distinction between the symptoms of positive, negative and disorganized; these separations ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Cause Of Schizophrenia There are many causes to Schizophrenia. Many causes are genetics, brain chemistry and structure, and the environment of a human being. Genetically Schizophrenia can run through a family and can be passed on generations at a time. "Individuals with a first degree relative (parent or sibling) who has schizophrenia have a 10 percent chance of developing the disorder, as opposed to the 1 percent chance of the general population." ( Identical twins are a good example of this. "If an identical twin is diagnosed with Schizophrenia the other twin is 50 percent more likely to also be diagnosed with the mental disorder (" Brain chemistry and structure is another big factor in the cause of Schizophrenia. Neurotransmitters– ... Show more content on ... In some people's cases, Schizophrenia appears suddenly and without warning. But for most it comes slowly, with subtle warning signs and a gradual decline in functioning long before the first severe episode. "In the early phases of Schizophrenia people often seem eccentric, unmotivated, emotionless, and reclusive (" They may isolate themselves and not want to participate in daily activities such as playing with their children, going outside, or getting off the couch. They abandon their hobbies and they do not do well in their jobs. "The most common early warning signs of Schizophrenia include: social withdrawal, hostility or suspiciousness, deterioration of personal hygiene, having a flat and expressionless gaze, the inability to cry or express joy, inappropriate laughter or crying, depression, oversleeping or insomnia, odd or irrational statements, forgetfulness or the inability to concentrate, extreme reaction to criticism, and or strange use of words or way of speaking (" There are five types of symptoms of Schizophrenia. Positive is a symptom that involves having hallucinations or delusions. Negative is when one shows no emotion or flat behavior. Avolation is when a person shows little interest in whatever they are doing. Cognitive behavior is when you have disorganized speech or memory loss. Catatonic behavior is considered poor functioning such as your voluntary muscles ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Schizophrenia Essay There are many disorders throughout the world that affect people on a daily basis. They are life altering and life changing. They affect how a person can function on a normal level of life. This, in itself, is an interesting way of viewing the disorder, but it truly is the way that schizophrenia is viewed. The term normal is in its self a complex concept, but to understand that for the purpose of schizophrenia; normal is anything that deviates from the socially accepted way of conducting one's self. The person affected by this disorder is drifting away from reality and, at the same time, drifting away from who they have been their whole life. It has been stated that schizophrenia plays a very large role pertaining ... Show more content on ... While the disorder is taking its course, the person that has it will become out–casted and choose to deviate from the culture within their normal habitat. They choose not to be around others for fears that cannot easily be explained. The only way of looking at it and simply understanding it is to say that the person is scared of what could happen. They do not know how the others around them will accept them, and they do not know what the voices they hear may tell them. If pressured in certain situations, the person will snap and have no true control over their actions. Jeffery S. Nevid is an accredited author, professor, director of psychology programs, editor, research conductor, and all around a highly educated man who has divulged much of his life to researching the various psychological aspects of daily life. He has published roughly 32 books, such as Psychology and the challenges of life: Adjustment and growth, and many other various works. He has taught courses pertaining to psychology but more specifically abnormal psychology. This all evolves to a very well–educated man who knows what he is speaking of within the context of schizophrenia. He has stated the following: People who develop schizophrenia become increasingly disengaged from society. They fail to function in the expected roles of student, worker, or spouse, and their families and communities grow intolerant of their deviant behavior. Acute episodes of ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Schizophrenia Essay When I lived in Germany, I had a friend who played on my High School tennis team. On a sunny afternoon after our tennis lessons we decided to drink an ice tea and have a little snack at the tennis snack bar. We started talking about tennis strategies, but my friend, Thomas, was kind of depressed and sad. When I asked him what was really bothering him, he started tell me about his sick mother. He tried to explain her disease to me, but I could not understand it. He said, " my mother is suffering from persecution mania and in addition, she sometimes talks about things that make no sense. Nevertheless, I saw Thomas again after the summer holidays and I asked him how his mother was doing now. He responded with a very sad voice and also had ... Show more content on ... However, evidence seems to disprove this theory. In some instances, both identical twins are schizophrenics and other times only one is affected. To defend this theory, it should be noted that this research is complicated. Identical twins are relatively rare, especially twins who are both diagnosed with schizophrenia. Studies have also shown that children with one parent diagnosed with schizophrenia have a ten percent chance of suffering from schizophrenia. When both parents are schizophrenic, their risk raises to approximately forty percent. Little is known about the Environmental Theory. The theory is built mainly on the effects of stress on human behavior. Most researchers agree that stress alone cannot be the main cause of schizophrenia. Most researchers agree that stress could possibly trigger or worsen the symptoms when the illness is already present. Other researchers focus on drug abuse. Like stress, certain drugs such as amphetamines can make psychotic symptoms worse if a person already has schizophrenia. Furthermore, these drugs can, in a sense, create schizophrenia. Other researchers that support the Environmental Theory believe that "slow viruses" may be to blame. Slow viruses are viral infections that go undetected for long periods of time. Signs and symptoms are delayed and may occur many years after the first infection. The Bio–Chemical Theory suggests that schizophrenia is caused ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Schizophrenia In The Voices In my opinion, The Voices did a pretty accurate portrayal of what Schizophrenia could potentially look like in a patient. Jerry, Ryan Reynolds, exhibited many of the classic symptoms that we associate with Schizophrenia; he also had several of the predisposing risk factors. This movie gave a good overall portrayal of the lifestyle that someone with Schizophrenia could potentially lead, especially how normal one can seem if you only know them superficially. We get to see different parts of his life from his perspective, and then from the perspective of the other characters. One particular example of this is his apartment. From Jerry's perspective, it is well kept and orderly; when Lisa comes to see him, we see that his apartment is actually a mess, there are multiple stacks of boxes, blood everywhere from the dismantling of Fiona's body, and animal feces from his cat and dog. It is evident early on in the movie that Jerry is socially awkward. He works in a factory, but does not seem to interact with any of his coworkers. This could be partially due to the fact that he does seem to be a fairly new employee, but many of his coworkers make comments about him being "weird" or "odd". He lives by himself in a secluded old bowling alley, with his cat and dog. Whenever we do see him interact with his peers, it is ... Show more content on ... However, through Jerry's flashbacks, we learn that he had a fairly traumatizing childhood. His father was abusive, and his mother appeared to have had Schizophrenia as well. She referred to her voices as her angels. When Jerry told her he could hear voices too, she told him to never tell anyone because they would come after him. When his mom was trying to commit suicide, Jerry was right next to her; she even had him finish her off because she couldn't. This all brought on his Schizophrenia, and could have been the reason for such an early ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Bleuler And Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is the most severe of the mental disorders which disables the person and has worldwide accepted prevalence of about 1% in the population. WHO (2009) reports also depicts that it may affect about 1.0% of the general population in any given country. Schizophrenia, from the public health perspective, is a major concern as the onset of the illness occurs early in age (15–35 years of age) (WHO, 2009). It usually starts in adulthood with likelihood that a person disables for a lifetime. Schizophrenia is found in all countries, cultures, and socioeconomic classes; in both sexes equally with typical age of onset appears to be younger in males (about 21 years of age) than females (about 27 years) (Oxford Textbook of Psychopathology, 1999). ... Show more content on ... This term is often misunderstood with splitting of personality whereas Bleuler intended to emphasize on the splitting of psychic functioning. He described schizophrenia as a group of disorders characterized by hallucinations, delusions, and thought disorganization in individuals who were young and healthy prior to the occurrence of the illness. He did not agree with Kraepelin's terminology of Dementia because he noted that there was not complete deterioration in many patients and in some patients when deterioration did happen it happened later in life. Bleuler also introduced four As of schizophrenia (four primary symptoms of schizophrenia starting with alphabet A) which are: Association disturbance; Ambivalence (contradictory ideas, wishes and impulses); Affective disturbance (flat or incongruous affect); and Autism (living in fantasy and withdrawal from reality). These symptoms can be seen at any point during the illness. He felt that these four As have a role to play in developing the accessory symptoms of schizophrenia i.e. hallucinations, delusions, disorder of person, disorder of speech and writing, somatic symptoms, and catatonic symptoms. Furthermore apart from Kraepelin's hallucinations, delusions and thought disorder, Bleuler gave a fourth subtype of schizophrenia which is simple schizophrenia where patients simply become affectively and ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Features Of Schizophrenia The term Schizophrenia is used to describe a clinical psychiatric disorder that affects an individual's thoughts, perception, affect and behaviour. Features of Schizophrenia can be divided into positive symptoms and negative symptoms. Positive symptoms include hallucinations, delusions and grossly disorganized behaviour while negative symptoms are poverty of speech, emotional apathy, lack of drive, self–neglect and social withdrawn behaviour. Schizophrenia has a strong propensity for relapses because of several reasons including social isolation, stigma, comorbid substance misuse, and non–adherence to treatment, cognitive impairment and lack of insight. According to Mason et al, 1996, approximately half of patients with schizophrenia t will ... Show more content on ... Low and middle–income counties (LAMI) are characterized by less organized healthcare system with limited access to services prolonged periods of untreated psychosis. However the outcome of schizophrenia in these countries is better suggesting that cultural factors and family support contribute to the better outcome. Practice guidelines have been developed to improve schizophrenia care in many developed countries. However, it remains a challenge how a core set of universally acceptable guidelines can be developed that also take care of the local health systems or ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Schizophrenia Essay Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is an extremely puzzling condition, the most chronic and disabling of the major mental illnesses. Approximately one percent of the population develops schizophrenia during their lives. With the sudden onset of severe psychotic symptoms, the individual is said to be experiencing acute schizophrenia. Psychotic means out of touch with reality, or unable to separate real from unreal experiences. Schizophrenia is a disorder characterized by loss of touch with reality, thought disorders, delusions, hallucination, and affective disorder. Two psychiatrists came up with two–different concept of schizophrenia. One of the psychiatrists was Emil Kraepelin. He came up with the theory of dementia praecox. Two ... Show more content on ... Antipsychotic medication, block dopamine and serotonin transmission in the brain. Clozaril, resperdal, zyprera, and seroquel are four newer antipsychotic medications. The symptom is alleviated with older antipsychotic medication. These are divided into groups depending on their potency. If a drug has a low potency, more of it is needed to relieve the symptom. Medium potency is only affective if medium dose is taken. High potency drug can be taken with smaller amount to be effective. Note that the antipsychotic drug, only reduces the psychotic symptoms of schizophrenia and usually allow the patient to function more effectively and appropriately. Most patients don't need the drug. Even though the drug can't elminate the disease. It can help the patient determine the difference between psychotic episodes from the real world. With continued drug treatment, about forty percent of recovered patient will suffer relapses within two years. During the early phases of treatment the patient may experience drowsiness, restlessness, muscle spasms, tremor, dry mouth, or blurring of vision. These can be corrected by lowering the dosage. About 15 to 20 percent developes a long term sede effects called tardive dyskinesia. Psychosocial therapy is available for patients with schizophrenia. Psychosocial therapy focus on improving the patient's functions. Rehabilitation includes a wide area of nonmedical interventions for these with ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Psychotherapy Of Schizophrenia Mental disorders have enormous effects on the way individuals function and live on a day–to–day basis. Of the many mental disorders, schizophrenia is one of the most disabling disorders that an individual can have. Schizophrenia has a very rare prevalence rate and only affects about 1% of the entire population worldwide. However, it is one of the most incapacitating disorders and individuals with schizophrenia suffer from a variety of symptoms. There are two categories of symptoms that a person with schizophrenia can have: positive symptoms (incomprehensible speech, hallucinations, and delusions) and negative symptoms (affective flattening, alogia, and anhedonia) (Gregory, 2010). The positive symptoms tend to be more disabling since delusions ... Show more content on ... This psychotherapy approach strives to help families understand that how they behave towards or around the patient can inhibit recovery from schizophrenic symptoms. Therefore, the main focus of psychoeducation is to teach both family members and the patient about what schizophrenia actually is, as well as discuss potential treatment methods. Clinicians using a family psychoeducation approach use a variety of principles to ensure that overall family cohesion can be reached. Some of these key principles are to analyze the strengths and restraints in a family's ability to help the patient, increase communication within the family, work on resolving family conflict, implement problem–solving techniques that the family can use, and ensure all family members are working towards the same goals (McFarlane et al., ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Schizophrenia Essay Schizophrenia is affecting people more now than a few decades ago. This illness is across the US and is present in every culture. People are now aware and understand how the illness can be devastating to one's life. Schizophrenia is a mental disorder of the brain but it is highly treatable. In the US the total amount of people affected with the illness is about 2.2 % of the adult population. The average number of people affected per 1000 total population is 7.2 % per 1000, which means a city that is consists of 3 million people will have approxiamately 21,000 people suffering from schizophrenia. People with mental illness should seek early treatment to be stabilized with medications. During a 10 year period 25% of schizophrenics ... Show more content on ... Given these facts, this research paper will address this question. I will examine the effects of schizophrenia upon adults in the US. I have presented an overview of schizophrenia, the discovery of the illness. I will explain how genetics intertwined with schizophrenia. To fully explore the topic this paper will discuss the following questions. 1. What is schizophrenia, and discovery of the illness? 2. How genetics plays an important role in schizophrenia. 3. The major symptoms, treatments and drugs available. 4. How family members are affected by this illness. 5. How schizophrenics manage work and mental illness. 6. The diagnoses and prognoses of schizophrenia. 7. Recovery and relapse of schizophrenia. What is Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is a mental illness that affects the brain. It interferes with mental functions in a person and may cause changes to a person's personality. It usually starts from adolescence unto adulthood which also affects the elderly. At first the illness may be rapid due to acute symptoms or it can develop slowly and prolong into months or even years. People with schizophrenia show symptoms of hearing voices that others are unable to hear, they believe that people are reading their mind or trying to harm them. The illness affects men and women, ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Catatonic Schizophrenia Catatonic schizophrenia which is characterized by severe disturbances in movement and a marked lack of responsiveness to the outside world. At one end of the extreme they can not speak, move or respond. At the other end of the extreme they are over excited or hyperactive mimicking sounds or movements around them. Other symptoms are, uncooperative which means they resist any attempt to move them, they may say absolutely nothing and won't listen to any instructions. Another is, strange movements, the patience posture may be unusual or inappropriate. With catatonic schizophrenia patients can stay immobile for long periods of time, in positions that we may think look extremely uncomfortable (Nordqvist, 2015). Undifferentiated schizophrenia is ... Show more content on ... The symptoms that may occur are: reduced ability to concentrate and pay attention, decreased energy and motivation, mood changes (depression and anxiety), irritability, problems sleeping, social withdrawal, suspiciousness and drop in school performance.These symptoms appear when leading to Schizophrenia, whether it be mild, or severe. These symptoms also occur when dealing with depression. When you have depression you are sad, anxious, "empty" feelings, feelings of hopelessness, guilt, worthlessness or helplessness, loss of interest in activities or hobbies, irritability, thoughts of suicide and suicide attempts (, n.d.). These symptoms that are seen in depression are similar to the symptoms that are seen in schizophrenia. People who end up with schizophrenia don't always experience all or even any of these early warning signs, however, almost every person experiences these symptoms at some point in their lives. These early warning signs are hard to identify because they are very ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Essay on Schizophrenia Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a metal illness which is characterized by a disruption in cognition and emotion that affects the most fundamental human attributes, such as thought, perception, language, and the sense of self. There are a large number of symptoms of schizophrenia which can include hearing internal voices, hallucinations, and delusions. No single symptom can diagnose a person as schizophrenic, but rather the collection of multiple symptoms which persist for a prolonged period of time. Symptoms of schizophrenia are divided into two categories, positive and negative. These categories define how the symptoms are defined and treated. Positive symptoms include delusions, hallucinations, disorganized ... Show more content on ... Risperidone is a prescription medication that was approved by the FDA to treat bipolar 1 disorder; although it is used to treat schizophrenia as well. According to the makers of Risperidone it is designed to control symptoms of bipolar1 disorder, and schizophrenia (risperdal). Risperidone is used to treat the positive symptoms of schizophrenia, but has been shown to help the symptoms of negative schizophrenia as well (NAMI–NYS). Risperidone is offered in 3 different forms, all of which are taken orally. The first form is a quick dissolving tablet offered in 3 strengths, .5mg, 1mg; 2mg. Risperidone is also offered in tablet form in strengths ranging from .25mg to 4mg, and a liquid form (risperdal). Risperidone is well tolerated and side–effects rarely occur according to the manufacturer (risperdal). Risperidone like most anti–schizophrenic drugs has side– effects; some are temporary and will stop after the medication has been stopped, but others symptoms will never go away. Some of the possible temporary side–effects can include muscle stiffness, tremors, and body shakes, and at higher doses of risperidone, this side effect increases. While the most significant side effects, affecting some patients but not all include low blood pressure; dizziness, especially when standing up suddenly; sleepiness, lethargy, heart palpitations, constipation, weight ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. What Is Schizophrenia? What Is Schizophrenia? By Navodita Maurice | Submitted On July 16, 2011 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Navodita Maurice Schizophrenia is an incredible example of mental muddle which is exemplified by crumbling of thought processes and emotional receptiveness. It can be straightforwardly acknowledged by auditory hallucinations, paranoid or bizarre illusions, dislocated speech or thinking aptitude pursued by social or occupational dysfunction. The warning signs initiate untimely in the adulthood. The disease is recognized to affect about 1% of the human population with about 2 million patients from the United States unaided. Schizophrenia is also known as split personality disorder and it affects men extra recurrently in contrast to women. A number of aspects play decisive task in aggravating the symptoms of this disorder and these issues are genetic parameters, early environment, neurobiology, physiological and social processes. Some drugs also contribute a petite portion in making the condition of the patient poorer. In the present scenario researchers are very much spotlighted on the neurobiological factors but no apposite consequence has cropped up. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Schizophrenia And Psychotherapy The issue of whether psychotherapy is effective on schizophrenia has been a widely debated topic. First, Denise Grady says that antipsychotic drugs work far better than psychotherapy for most patients (88). Denise Grady also says that people with schizophrenia are either too sick to be reached by psychotherapy or, thanks to medication, too well to need it (87). Finally, Denise Grady says psychotherapy is useless and harmful to patients in treating schizophrenia (88). Second, Turkington, Kingdon, and Weiden, individual psychotherapy of any form cannot work for schizophrenia. Lastly, Turkington, Kingdon, and Weiden say that people with schizophrenia are too cognitively impaired for psychological approaches. Furthermore, Torrey says that Cognitive ... Show more content on ... In the article "Psychodynamics of Psychosis," from 2009, Eric R. Marcus explains the importance of Psychodynamic Therapy: Talking to the psychotic patient is important since there is no other way to understand that person's psychotic experience, and it is the emotional story that informs and reinforces the psychotic process. Working in conjunction with [other modalities], individual psychodynamic psychotherapy can serve to strengthen such dysfunctional aspects of the ego as boundary dissolution, reality testing, and the synthesizing functions that organize the patient's relationship to the world around him. (qtd. in Brus, Novakovic, and Friedberg 613–614) First, Denise Grady says that antipsychotic drugs work far better than psychotherapy for most patients (88). In most cases, antipsychotic drugs work about the same as psychotherapy. In addition, using antipsychotic drugs along with psychotherapy seems to work for most patients. In other cases, psychotherapy works better than antipsychotic ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Schizophrenia Essay Although schizophrenia may come off as an interesting and unique disorder, it also relates to the Emotional, Social, and Intellectual dimensions of Health and Wellness. Schizophrenia is an disorder that affects a person's ability to think, feel and behave clearly. The emotional dimension of the wellness wheel is described as the ability to understand ourselves and cope with the challenges life can bring. Also, the ability to acknowledge and share feelings of fear, sadness or stress; hope, love, joy and happiness in a productive manner contributes to our emotional wellness. This connects to schizophrenia because when you have this disorder it perceives you to imagine situations that aren't actually happening. Usually people diagnosed with this ... Show more content on ... The challenges you are facing while having this disorder can have an extremely negative toll on your life. Another dimension Schizophrenia related to is Social. Social health is the ability to relate to and connect with other people in our world. Also, our ability to establish and maintain positive relationships with family, friends and co–workers contributes to our Social Wellness. Schizophrenia relates to Social health because it puts you in a different mental state than the norm. The side effect of hallucinations schizophrenia comes with affects their ability to relate and connect with other people since, they are seeing differently than everyone else. In the video it socially created a problem for him considering his aspect to relate and connect with other people was discombobulated. He reacted as if everyone was staring at him and judging him in an non productive manner which affected his ability to establish an relationship to relate and connect with other people. For example, another dimension Schizophrenia relates to is intellectual Wellness. Intellectual Wellness is the ability to open our minds to new ideas and experience that can be applied to personal decisions, group interaction and community betterment. The desire to learn new concepts, improve skills and seek challenges in pursuit of lifelong learning contributes to our Intellectual Wellness. Schizophrenia relates to this aspect of the Wellness Wheel because this specific mental state does not comprehend the difference between what they imagine is happening and what is actually ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. What Is Schizophrenia? What is Schizophrenia? The study of schizophrenia dates back to the early 1800's, when a guy by the name of John Haslam published a book called "Observations of Insanity". In his book he goes into detail about the case studies or patents that show symptoms that we could categorize as schizophrenia disorder (John Haslam). By the end of the 19th Century the concept of schizophrenia was made known by a German psychiatrist by the name of Emil Krapelin. He basically took what he learned from Haslam and others and formed what we call Schizophrenia disorder today (schizophrenia history). Even thought the word itself in only 100 years old many cases can be traced back to the times prior to Jesus coming to the earth. Because there was no clear diagnosis for this disorder, at that time many people that had any sort of mental illness were all treated the same weather they had physical deformities or mental retardation. The first official title given to this disorder was called "Dementia Praecox", which was given by Emil Krapelin. It wasn't until 1911 when the Swiss psychiatrist, Eugen Bleuler gave it the name of schizophrenia. The word schizophrenia comes from two different Greek words, "schizo", which means split and "phrene", which means mind (Psychology today). Schizophrenia is a very severe brain disorder that has affected people all throughout history. At times Schizophrenia can be chronic and severe making it a very challenging disorder to cope with. Individuals ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Schizophrenia Essay Schizophrenia One of the major concerns of modern medicine is Schizophrenia. Frey defines schizophrenia as a group of disorders marked by severely impaired thinking, emotions, and behaviors (99). Straube and Oades incorporate more on its definition by saying this illness evokes a fundamental disturbance of personality (92). According to Gottesman, schizophrenia didn't exist before the 19th century. He found many facts that lead to this hypothesis, finding no existence of this illness in ancient writings. He argues that schizophrenia was described clinically in 1809, and since then, this disease has been rapidly increasing to western world. (91) Schizophrenia commonly begins between the ages of 15 and 25. This brain disease ... Show more content on ... The catatonic schizophrenics suffer from at least two of the following; catalepsy or stupor, excessive motor activity, extreme negativism or mutism, peculiar voluntary movement as posturing, stereotyped movements, prominent mannerisms, or prominent grimacing. In disorganized Schizophrenia, flat or inappropriate affect, disorganized speech and behavior are all prevalent. The undifferentiated type is unusual in that it may have some characteristics of each of the different types. The Residual type has symptoms of odd beliefs and unusual perceptual experiences (99). Some researchers think some of these symptoms of schizophrenia (delusions, hallucinations, and confusion) may be caused by too much dopamine the brain (or very sensitive dopamine receptors). "Dopamine regulates many normal body functions, including movement, emotions, behavior, and appetite" ( What causes schizophrenia? As stated by Andreasen, Schizophrenia is probably caused by multiple environmental stimuli and a combination of inherited genes. A more reasonable explanation is that there are individuals who have an inherited proneness to illness. Such individuals may fall ill, if in addition, they are exposed to several factors in the environment such as drugs. It has already been proven that in the case of diseases like diabetes and raised blood pressure (99). However, Bradford stands the ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Schizophrenia And Normality The notion of normality is a complex theory to grasp, but you need to comprehend it to understand what Schizophrenia is. Normal is anything that differs from the socially accepted way of conducting one's self. People affected with Schizophrenia have lost touch with reality and simultaneous with themselves. "Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and disabling brain disease. Approximately 1 percent of the population develops schizophrenia during their lifetime – more than 2 million Americans suffer from the illness in a given year," (" Schizophrenia is a harsh mental disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. It has gruesome side effects on top of that it has a negative stigma. There is no way to cure this ... Show more content on ... "In media reporting and in public opinion Schizophrenia probably has more negative associations that any other public health issue in the UK today," (Stigma). The negative ideas that the public has on Schizophrenic patients unfavorably affects them. According to Dr. Buchanan Fahy, there have been many people that suffer from Schizophrenia that said that the stigma that they face is just as bad as the hallucination, delusions and other symptoms that come with their mental illness. The negative stigma can lead to denial that they have the mental illness. It can also lead to poor self– esteem, the need to isolate oneself, self pain, and even the feeling of desperation. This disorder has effects that can ruin a person ... Get more on ...