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The Strange Ride of Morrowbie Essays
"Morrowbie inside the Caste" In Rudyard Kipling's story "The Strange Ride of Morrowbie Jukes"
there are many aspects of the India's traditions and customs. But one custom that is strongly present
though out the story is the role of the Indian caste system. Within each character you are taken into
the five levels of the caste system. The caste system has been present in Indian culture for as far
back as their history can be traced. The five levels that are present with in the characters in the story
are Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra, and Harijans ( According to the India caste system is a hierarchical society. In the Indian caste system, no
matter where you live or what religion you are ... Show more content on ...
Morrowbie goes on to say how the merchants should show him respect and give him recognition of
his presence there. In the story, Morrowbie is shown to treat the lower caste levels as second class
citizens to him. While Morrowbie is trying to buy food and shelter from Gunga he once again refers
to the lower class of merchants that surround him. He states "One does not protest against the doings
of a den of wild beasts; and my companions were lower than any beasts (p.28). We are then
introduced to Gunga Dass as a man of power and status in the purgatory of the dead. Gunga Dass is
considered to be the highest class of the Indian caste system. According to,
Gunga Dass is in the caste level of Brahmin. According to Gnome Research Brahmin are members
of the priestly class in the Indian system, and belongs to the upper caste society. The Brahmins as
described by is "Brahman is of the nature of truth, knowledge and infinity. Gunga
Dass claimed that he no longer lived his life as a Deccanee Brahmin, but he does still maintained his
status in the land of the living dead. Even though Dass states that he renounced the Brahmin life, he
still is living the role of his caste system. Gunga becomes the guide to Morrowbie, showing him the
ways of the new land and the laws that he must follow. Gunga takes the role of protector just as he
was in his time on earth. Morrowbie states "Gunga Dass, whom I had begun to regard as my
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Critical Analysis: The Annihilation Of Caste By B. R Ambedkar
Critical Analysis: Annihilation of Caste – B.R Ambedkar
The caste system is a form of differentiation wherein constituent units of a system justify endogamy
based on assumed biological differences which are semaphored by ritualization of multiple social
practices. The idea of purity and pollution has had a very serious impact in the Indian society and
the fates of people have been decided on this very notion almost forever now. B.R Ambedkar, the
father of our constitution, in his book The Annihilation of Caste has made several strong points on
why India as a country should abolish the caste system. When one comes to think of it, each and
everything he has mention in that book needs to be given a very serious thought, for a country like
India to develop and move forward.
The evil practices promoted by the caste system still take place, even though ... Show more content
on ...
Therefore Ambedkar is quite right in thinking that high caste Hindus have exploited and
manipulated rules to favour their own selves for a great deal of time. The notion of pureblood has
already been dismissed by a lot of anthropologists who have agreed that there are no pure bloods in
India anymore and therefore the staunchness of caste should also be given up and abolished. It is a
mere way of stagnating progress of individuals. One should look at the caste system, not in the top
down approach, as it hides quite a few harsh realities about it, but in a bottom up approach to
understand the difficulties faced in a daily life. Though I would not support banishing religion as it
sets a norm for the society to function in a certain way, otherwise there would be no differences
between us and the savages, but these severe complexities that is the caste system should be
definitely be
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India 's Indian Caste System
India has pioneered many different civilizations and empires each presenting new social, religious,
and cultural dynamics. Through the development of India in the past 100+ years, they were
colonized by Great Britain and societies began to form caste systems. However, different hierarchal
statuses were instituted long before the establishment of caste systems officially. Sociologists agree
that the British didn't create the caste system, however the British used their dominance to further
endorse a stricter system that could easily define and categorize the people of India. The Portuguese
used the term caste system first to, "denote the social classification of India, as they thought the
system was meant to be o preserve the purity of ... Show more content on ...
There are many arguments that the caste system is fundamentally for religious reasons, however
other historians and sociologists argue that once the Europeans started colonizing India, the meaning
of took a turn. Through biological theories, all existing things (animated or inanimate) will inherit
one of three qualities, sattva, rajas, and tamas (Daniel). Sattvas qualities include goodness, honesty,
wisdom, intelligence, and many other good–natured qualities; rajas qualities are passionate qualities
such as, passion and pride; and tamas qualities are not very positive qualities, and entail lack of
intelligence and creativity, dullness, and other negative qualities (Daniel). Depending on the
qualities that one inherited and gained, would determine what occupation one would be in,
essentially deciding what class they would be in. Through the social historical theory, we understand
that the caste system began with the Aryans in 1500 B.C. (Swanpil 71). The Aryans were fairer in
their skin, and came from northern Asia and southern Europe. Through Lieberson's and Noel's
Model (1968), both consider the importance of initial group contact however the Aryans used
Lieberson's migrant subordination as well as being ethnocentric to the indigenous culture by
creating a stratification system. When they first entered India, they met the Dravidians who they
contrasted with both in their
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The Pros And Cons Of The Untouchables
The Untouchables were conventionally considered to be outcastes, outside the Hindu religious
system, below even the Shudras or servants, and were treated as impure and contaminated due to
their deliberate ignorance of sanatana brahmanical Hindu dharma ritual and ensuing buildup of
pollution. The levels of punishments sentences for disobedience of caste boundaries in all aspects
and spheres of social communication are lengthily recognized in the sanatana Brahmanical Hindu
dharma codes . Untouchability stems from the ranking position of castes and sub castes that is rigid
neither by prosperity nor learning nor the possession of land, but by the taking of water . Zinkin
elaborates very interesting observation that water may perhaps be taken from equals and superiors,
but not from inferiors. Untouchability differs in degree ... Show more content on ...
Every feature that can be recognized can also be contradicted by the pragmatic truth of caste
divisions in Hindu society. Zinkin clearly writes that it is much easier to say what caste is not than
what caste is . The scholar proceeds to record what caste is not– it is not class, for in every caste
there are educated and uneducated, rich and poor, well–born and ordinarily born; it is not skin color,
for an Untouchable is an Untouchable whether born fair or dark and it is not the Aryan or non–
Aryan, for the Aryans never penetrated into the South or East of India and it is not profession, for
even though some occupations are tremendously recognized with particular castes, mostly artisans,
the main occupation, agriculture, is open to all up to Vaishya and Shudra castes . Panikkar, writing
in 1933, summarized caste as a common system of life, a religion, rather than a varying Hindu social
order, and its caste rigidity with which its rules are imposed would put to humiliation even the Great
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Reservation In India
Reservation for certain classes might be taken with a pinch of salt for the rest simply because there
seems inconsistency with the equality which is so guaranteed by our constitution. But the essence
behind reservation is no longer to bring back the archaic institution of differential classification, it is
merely efforts made by the government to uplift the disadvantages section.
The distinct classes for reservation that prevail are:
1. Scheduled Tribes. These are tribals with little access to education when we got independence.
They were typically disconnected from the rest of civilization and thus didn't experience as much
discrimination as the next group.
2. Scheduled Castes. These were among the most ill–treated communities ... Show more content on ...
On the same issue Supreme Court remarked that "Reservation is necessary for transcending caste
and not for perpetuating it. Reservation has to be used in a limited sense otherwise it will perpetuate
casteism in the country."
Analysis of Equality in consonance with Reservation
Equality and reservation are contrasting terms when clubbed together in a single form a paradox of
its own. It is accepted yet ridiculed severely and there isn't a final common consensus on this matter.
To start with the basics one must weigh out the pros and cons of the reservation system:
1. The groups get an equivalent chance in the field of employment and education
2. It decreases the incongruities between diverse groups.
3. It produces an all the more "reasonable" competition by eliminating the notable points of
advantages that the upper classes had.
Cons of Reservation framework:
1. It highlights the stark differences in the groups.
2. Many of the individuals under the quoats might already be monetarily secure
3. Some of the truly disadvantaged individuals are not able to cope with individuals from this
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India 's Caste System Of India
India's Caste System
The Caste system has aroused much controversy than any other feature of India's society. Every day,
Dalits are butchered, assaulted, abused, raped, lynched, shot or openly mutilated without
considering any consequences of the offenders. The deaths of pregnant women who are not able to
pay the bribes at government hospitals, some boys with eyes raised completely out for falling in
love with a girl of a superior caste, and horrid stories of employees boiled to death because of
spewing out arguments with the boss are continuously reported in mainstream newspapers. After
years of democracy, the social structure stands to practice the caste system disregarding abolishment
laws. Every international or national effort to abolish caste differentiation and segregation has been
proven ineffective. The caste system of India is a deeply inculcated social problem requiring
immense commitment domestically and internationally in understanding what has stopped the
measures to get rid of this ancient system and what measures are needed to complete elimination of
the system. Over a million people continue to suffer discrimination, degrading treatment, and
violence because of caste association. The caste system is based on structural inequalities between
high and low cast untouchables involving social isolation and exclusion from participation in social,
political, and economic developments of society.Dr. Susan Bayly, an expert in the field, defines
caste as not the
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Essay On Jajmani System
Economic system as Jajmani System: Relevance and Impact on Occupation
1. Defining Jajmani System and its History
Jajmani system can be defined as an Indian social system in which upper caste and lower caste
people interact in an economic system where lower caste performed various works for upper caste
and in return get paid in terms of grains. The term Jajmani is derived from the term 'Yajman' which
is a Vedic term meaning a patron who employs the services of a Brahmin for performing sacrifices
and other religious ceremonies. But the major basis of the system is caste. The concept of Jajmani
system was first brought in to light on papers by William H. Wiser in 1936 in his book titled "The
Hindu Jajmani System: A Socio–economic System Interrelating Members of a Hindu Village
Community in Services" where he described in detail how different caste group interact with each
other in the production and ... Show more content on ...
The system progresses with modifications and adaptations to varying conditions in different parts in
India. Though there are some regional and local variations that exist, but there are certain relatively
uniform principles for its organisations. There are many authors who speak of Jajmani system as an
economic system reciting examples from various states and villages. But there are few general
things which can be summarised from those examples as features of Jajmani System.
Majority of members of the Indian village community have an agreement with other members who
perform different services or produce different goods, whereby these groups are enabled to
exchange the products which they control. It mainly emphasizes on the relationship of artisan and
service castes to members of the landowning or farming
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The Five Main Classes Of The Indian Caste System
Indian Caste System Whether it is 400 b.c or just yesterday, there has always been a society in
everyone's day to day life. Even though it is not as cruel or discriminant today, everyone tries to fit
in or be accepted in their social class. However, the ancient Indian Caste System still relates to life
as an American today. There are five main classes to the Indian Caste System. At the highest level
there are the Brahmans. They are treated the finest having food, leisure time, and they do not have to
do laborious work. Second are the Kshatriya or the warriors. The warriors are in charge of
protecting Brahmans and keeping them safe. These people must always be healthy and be in shape.
The third class is the Vaishya. This class has
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Backward Class Case Study
The Indian Constitution: A Case Study of Backward Classes by Ratna G. Revankar(83). deals with
the problems of the Backward Classes in the vast subcontinent of India. Specific discussions
concentrate on social–reform particulars such as housing, social services, industrial and agricultural
participation, and especially, educational opportunities.Valuable information regarding the caste
system in India from ancient days to now.
Chouhan, B.R.(1967)(84): Leadership in Rajasthan Village' in Vidyathi (ed) Leadership in India,
Asia Publishing House, Bombay. This book is a collection of papers prepared for a seminar on
"Leaderhip in India" held at Ranchi in August, 1962. It starts with an apology. S.C.Dube in his ...
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By the end of the nineteenth century and at the beginning of this centry, they aspired to rise in the
case hierarchy. As a first step they followed the path of Sanskritisation, adopting the ritals and the
life style of the upper castes. They invented legends about their ancestors and demanded higher
social status. The Marathas, the Mails, the Sagar Dhangars of Maharashtra, the Kurmis and the
Yadavas of Bihar, the Koils of Gujarat, the kaibarttas of West Bengal, the lingayats of Karnataka and
the Telis of Orissa followed the path of Sanskritisation in the first quarter of the twentieth century.
However, the upper–caste non–Brahmins of Tamilnadu did not follow this path for attaining higher
status in the caste structure. They challenged: the higher status of the Brahmin. In the case of the
former, the upper castes were the reference group for the backward castes, whereas in the latter case,
the non–Brahmins preferred to consider themselves Dravidians I,e, natives of the area, and
considered Brahmins alien intruders. Was a widerspread belief at the turn of the century that the
Brahmins were racially different from the non–Brahmins. The non–Brahmins believed that they
were the creators of 'southern Tamil' culture, whereas the mins were the guardians of the 'northern
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Indian Caste System
The Indian caste system describes the system of social stratification and social restrictions in India
in which social classes are defined by thousands of endogamous hereditary groups, often termed
jātis or castes. Within a jāti, there exist exogamous groups known as gotras, the lineage or clan of an
individual. In a handful of sub–castes such as Shakadvipi, endogamy within a gotra is permitted and
alternative mechanisms of restricting endogamy are used (e.g. banning endogamy within a
The Indian caste system involves four castes and outcasted social groups. Although generally
identified with Hinduism, the caste system was also observed among followers of other religions in
the Indian subcontinent, including some groups of Muslims ... Show more content on ...
Hart stated that "the earliest Tamil texts show the existence of what seems definitely to be caste, but
which antedates the Brahmins and the Hindu orthodoxy". He believes that the origins of the caste
system can be seen in the "belief system that developed with the agricultural civilization", and was
later profoundly influenced by "the Brahmins and the Brahmanical religion". These early Tamil texts
also outline the concept of equality. Saint Valluvar has stated "pirapokkum ella uyirkkum", which
means "all are equal at birth". Likewise, Saint Auvaiyaar has stated that there are only two castes in
the world: those who contribute negatively and those who contribute positively. From these
statements, it can be inferred that the caste system is a socio–economic class system.
[edit] Caste and social status
Traditionally, although the political power lay with the Kshatriyas, historians portrayed the
Brahmins as custodians and interpreters of Dharma, who enjoyed much prestige and many
Fa Hien, a Buddhist pilgrim from China, visited India around 400 AD. "Only the lot of the Chandals
he found unenviable; outcastes by reason of their degrading work as disposers of dead, they were
universally shunned... But no other section of the population were notably disadvantaged, no other
caste distinctions attracted comment from the Chinese pilgrim, and no oppressive caste
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The Origin Of The Indian Caste System In India
The government structure in India began with the development of the Caste System. The caste
system in India is an important part of ancient Hindu tradition. The purpose of the caste system is to
divide Hindu of India into different social classes; especially, the lowest caste was disregarded by
the other classes. With the opposed thinking, Dr. Ambedkar and Gandhiji had the revolution to fight
the Indian Caste System about untouched ability. Christophe S. Queen wrote a review of the article
"Dr. Ambedkar and Untouchability: Fighting the Indian Caste System" in order to quote the
evolution of Dr. Ambedkar. Beyond that, there is some information about Indian Caste System. The
origin of the Indian caste system is related to the age of the Vedas. According to one long–held
theory about the origins of South Asia's caste system, Aryans from central Asia invaded South Asia
and introduced the caste system as a means of controlling the local population. Also, many believe
that all human originated from Brahma the Hindu God of creation.
According to Wikipedia, the caste system in India is the paradigmatic ethnographic example of
caste. It has its origin in the early Vedic times, and then it was in existence in the form of Varna
system which divided the society into four main classes. Four main classes were decided by birth.
The head of the system was the Brahmins who were priestly people. They were the literate group
and were alone empowered to study the Vedas and worships Gods.
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India Is A South Asian Country Where People Hold Various...
India is a South Asian country where people hold various castes and religions. After India gained
independence, the Constitution of India listed backward castes of the people as Scheduled Castes
(SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST). The Constitution laid down 15% and 7.5% of vacancies to
government aided educational institutes and for jobs in the government/public sector, as reserved
quota for the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes candidates respectively for a period of five
years, after which the situation was to be reviewed. Reservation, in Indian law is a form of
affirmative action whereby a percentage of seats are reserved in the public sector units, union and
state civil services, union and state government departments and in all public and private
educational institutions, except in the religious or linguistic minority educational institutions, for the
socially and educationally backward communities and the Scheduled Castes and Tribes. The
common refrain tends to be that less qualified people from backward castes in the field of education
and employment get preferential treatment because of caste based reservations. My argument is that
allocating reservation quotas on the basis of castes is a form of discrimination which is contrary to
the right to equality. Reservations on the basis of caste should be reformed as these reservations
create discrimination, and the people of the upper castes who truly deserve the opportunity lose it
because the reservation is already
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The Hunger Games & the Indian Caste System
ENG 266 – 1001
Essay # 1: The Hunger Games
April 3, 2013
In a story that has an underlying theme of class and poverty, The Hunger Games and their twelve
districts can be compared to India's caste system. Both are hierarchies based on social status. The
districts in The Hunger Games include the Capitol being at the top of the chain, with districts one
through twelve falling below in numerical order. Going down the order, each district gets more and
more poor. Following along with that, the Indian caste system also categorizes each caste by career
type. That is, if a family or person falls into a specific caste. Those who do not are considered
outcasts. In The Hunger Games, a similar organizational system is used. Each district is ... Show
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Collins writes about training for the games, "the exceptions are the kids from the wealthier districts,
the volunteers, the ones who have been fed and trained throughout their lives for this moment...we
call them the Careers (Collins 94)." As previously stated, the Careers illegally train for the games
and the Capitol pretends it is not happening. This makes these teens more educated the rest of the
districts, much like the top, educated varna of the caste system. As a whole all of the districts
perform some sort of servile labor. They are slaves to the Capitol and are not allowed to do anything
that does not involve pleasing the leaders in the Capitol. District twelve could be considered to be
one of the lowest castes of Panem. They are the poorest of all the districts and are seen to be the
losers with no chance at all in the games each year. In a sense, they are nothing but a joke to the rest
of the society. However, the special caste of the "untouchables" could be related to the Avoxes
referenced in the novel. When asked in the novel what Avox is, Haymitch replies "someone who
committed a crime. They cut her tongue so she can't speak...she's probably a traitor of some sort
(Collins 77)." Andrea Hampton explains, "The Brahmans at the top of the caste were considered
pure. However, they could be polluted if they were to come into contact with an untouchable or if
they were to accept food or gifts from them (Hampton
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Advantages Of Indian Reservation System
There arrives a time when almost everything overstays its welcome and needs changes to survive.
India's reservation system is one of those systems which has overstayed its due and has been a
failure in meeting its initial objectives. It was introduced to erase the caste discrimination and the
divisions in the Indian society. What it has done is that it has etched these caste lines even deeper
into the society setting up the general castes against the lower castes. The reservation system was
thought to promote the weaker and the backward classes but it ended up making them tools of vote
bank politics. The reservation system of India has not been successful in eradicating as well as
introducing all what it stood for at the time of its introduction.
The Mandal Commission was introduced in 1979 to identify the socially backward classes and to set
up reservation seats to eliminate caste discrimination in the country. It used social, economic and
education factors to decide on the backwardness of the classes. But if we look at the present
scenario, reservations are determined on the basis of solely caste and nothing else. The OBCs, also
called the Other Backward Castes have been granted 27% reservation on government positions. In
the ... Show more content on ...
In 1965, Dalits constituted only 1.6% of the senior civil servant positions. In 2011, that number has
risen to the 11.5% which is not far off the 16% total population of the Dalits. Also a 2009 study
showed that 1 Dalit appeared in every 15 fifteen graduates and in 10 secondary students. Therefore
there has been an increase in the number by a significant margin. In the political agenda, women
acquire a one third of all the seats in the local elected bodies. The Women's Reservation Bill will see
this being applied in the national parliaments as well. All of this implies that some backward classes
and tribes have benefited from the reservation
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The Caste System In Indian And Chinese Civilization
Indian and Chinese civilizations around 500 B.C.E. were similar regarding individualism in religion
and yet differ due to power source.
The caste system in India allowed for individuals to work for their caste, whereas in China, citizens
worked for the benefit of their emperor. In India, the caste system was the platform for social
structure. The caste system placed individuals into social and economic groupings, and required that
they follow and work certain tasks designated to the respective caste. One was to obey the rules of
their caste, and if not, they should be punished. Due to the diversity of India, one's duty is to their
caste, not the emperor or ruler. On the other hand, China ruled with consolidated power. Each
dynasty possessed
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Asian India 's Caste System
Asian India 's Caste System
Robin Bettasso
SOC 308
Melissa Willis
July 4, 2016 Asian India 's Caste System
For thousands of years the caste members was well known how they lived, class, region, gender,
tribe, and language. They ate, married, and worked with their own group and if that person was born
they rarely changed caste or even mixed with other castes. Social rules defined how to behave
within a caste and when in the presence people from other castes. In a caste system was well known
in India and was supported by Hindu beliefs "the acceptance of one's fate in life, several major caste
dictated one's life chance from the moment of birth, especially in rural areas" (Kerbo, 2009). The
been many controversy in India's society with stratification and inequality specially in the lower
caste that lived in poverty in their lives and the lowest caste was the Dalits known has the
untouchables and lived in polluting and unclean occupations and was considered outcastes. In the
caste system it caused problems when each other overlapped each other when it came to unequal
access to wealth, income, prestige, and power. This paper will examine the history of this group in
the United States and misconception about this ethic group.
The history of the caste is closely connected with Hindu philosophy, custom, religion, and with
tradition and many types of historical theory. There is no unified understanding of how caste system
became the rigid social hierarchy based on birth that is
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Apprenticeship
Solution: Apprenticeship is the abandoned and the best way to stop Child marriage.
Educated bodies from affiliation should accession delivery abut Child marriage.Government should
crop achieve to achieve the laws applicable to Child marriage.The adversity of Child can be credible
by adopting associate applicable the disadvantages of Child marriage.
Introduction: Illiteracy refers to the adversity to apprehend and/or write. The adversity of illiteracy is
a aloft agreeable activity in India. The adversity has beforehand through–out the country in a avant–
garde way.It is one of the a lot of alarming obstacles in the economy's growth.The aloft causes,
abrogating accoutrement and solutions of the adversity of Illiteracy in India are ... Show more
content on ...
Women in India are brash inferior than men aback ages. A abounding allocation of the affiliation
believes that men are added able to admission added than their women.It is broadly credible that the
blowing assembly of the ancestors try to advantage the activities of the capricious members, which
leads to the low caste of women.
Abrogating impact: The abrogating appulse of the lower caste of women are women do not get the
able adventitious to do something to accordance to the society. Aback the caste of women in
affiliation is low, bodies ambition a boy child instead of a girl child. This intensifies the adversity of
capricious foeticide.
Solution: The band–aid to the adversity is: The empowerment of women is of complete emphasis for
analytic the problem.Awareness admission to be created to change the attenuated mindset of the
society. Campaigns admission to be launched to acquire the role and accession of women in the
society.Education can as well admonition to breach the adversity of low caste of women in the
society.Mass–media campaigns should be
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India And The Indian Constitution
We have perused in the past sections that there are numerous minority communities in India and our
constitution itself has made numerous laws for them to shield their society and to give them
education and to help them in different approaches to carry on a content and safe lives. The Indian
Constitution guarantees "justice, social, economic and political" to all citizens. The Indian
Constitution has additionally embraced measures for the security of the privileges of the religious
and ethnic minorities and of the socially and economically burdened classes, for example, the
scheduled classes and scheduled tribes. For example,
1. Reservation in employments, education and in numerous different fields
2. Cultural and educational rights
3. ... Show more content on ...
The procurements made in the Articles 16, 335, 338, 340, 341 & 342 of the Constitution identify
with reservation, insurance and protections, in broad daylight job in appreciation of the persons
having a place with the SCs/STs and other backward classes.
Article 16 empowers the "State" to make procurements for reservation of arrangements or posts for
SCs, STs and OBCs.
Yet at the same time, the state of alleged underprivileged segments in India is the same even that we
have crossed such a variety of many years of freedom. Reservation is working in the inverse course
to its primary goal as is dividing the general public further. It is constantly used to elevate one area
of the general public at the expense of an alternate, which is not reasonable. Rather than this there
ought to be equivalent open doors for all. In addition, an able applicant does not require any
endorsement of being from a lower standing to demonstrate their value. It is his mind, education and
ability to contend that can get change life. Pulling up a chair just by demonstrating your under
advantaged testament won 't provide for you anything, however simply the degree or a vocation.
Additionally the reservation framework in India is making a workforce which is not competent
enough to contend
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Caste Based Poitics in India
Is India a
'Caste Democracy'?
Introduction: Caste based politics in India
Though the idea that caste is a part of a natural and moral order of things, that it is a hereditary
quality which once for all defines ones position and occupational affiliation and which is associated
with a particular law of conduct is rejected both by intellectuals and political leaders, caste is in
Indian post independence politics continually used and abused in different ways.
State politics in India has been particularly the hot bed of political casteism. Caste enters much more
directly into the composition of political elites at the state level. For example the mysore cabinet is
dominated by Lingayats and Vokkaliga, the Maharashtra Cabinet by Marathas, ... Show more
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"Caste, once an instrument for the maintenance of hierarchy, is, paradoxically, seen as a vehicle for
egalitarianism between castes, though not within them." But which type of identity is politically
salient of course varies – in a land as great, as stratified, and as pluralistic and heterogeneous as
India – over time and territory. While caste identities and Hindu nationalism are now particularly
salient in the north of India, regional and linguistic identities are strong in Assam and the states of
northeast, class identity and membership serves as a basis for mobilization and political action in
Kerala and West Bengal.
Not only is caste institutionalized in politics through the system of reservations, which guarantee
seats in government, access to educational institutions and employment in the administrative (which
is a way how to get into position of political power) for selected – large – segments of society, but
caste–based organizations are also emerging within the framework of the civil society. The
particular group rights remain a source of conflict between those who support them and those who
oppose them – while the forward castes oriented more towards the equality of opportunity than
equality of outcome together with Hindu nationalist, who perceive the reservations as
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Political Participation Among Backward Castes Of Panchayat...
Political participation among Backward Castes in Panchayat Raj Institutions: A study on
Ananthapuramu District of Andhra Pradesh Social Stratification is a ubiquitous social structure in
human societies, be it simple or complex. Stratification is fairly permanent ranking of positions in a
society in terms of unequal power, prestige or privileges. It refers to the patterned or structured
social inequalities among the whole categories of people not just among individuals. The Caste
system is the unique dimension, on which the Indian society is stratified into higher and lower castes
with differential access to resources of society. In India, caste is the most important basis of social
categorization. Initially caste originated on the basis of division of people on the basis of their
natural inclinations and occupations and over a period of time it has turned out to be hereditary. It
has created social groups based on kinship and ethnicity. The hereditary occupations have created
vested interests in the form of socio–economic monopolies and have bred an extreme form of
exploitation. The main attribute of Caste system is ritualistic purity, and this in turn has created
inflexibility, rigidity and feelings of superiority and inferiority. Basing on different perspectives
there are various definitions of caste. How does one define caste? Although many social scientists
have done epoch– making work on the Indian caste system, no two social
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What Is A Direct Example Of A Caste System Within Indian...
The living conditions of the villages in India are a direct example of classism and a caste system
within Indian society. Throughout the movie, images flash on the screen showing pollution of the
water sources and streets. Every home in the villages are virtually connected to each other. This
closeness spreads disease easily and with the unsanitary conditions, many die as a result. The water
that the Indian people clean their clothes and themselves with, is the same water they put all their
waste in. In one of Jamal's flashbacks, the viewer sees a scene where his brother, Salim, locks him in
one of their outhouses or more like shacks that they relieve themselves in. Jamal's favorite actor was
going through the village and he wanted an autograph badly enough that he jumped out of the
outhouse into the pile of poop and who knows what that was from the shack. This scene is a perfect
illustration showing the lack of infrastructure and necessary systems in place to take care of the
things we never think about as Americans. We simply push a button or pull a knob and our waste is
flushed to a place that we do not know and frankly, do not care. As Americans, we know that the
waste will be handled and we need not worry about it because we do not have to. Along with the
infrastructure, there is no real access to education in the country. There is one scene in the movie
where Jamal and his brother Salim go to a classroom but all we see is Jamal getting hit with a book
by the teacher.
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We Can Not Live Without A Culture
We cannot live without a culture, as man is a social animal. There are diversities in our culture
around the world. The diversities are good when we have a unity all over the world without
discrimination of religion or caste. But there are many nuances in religion, gender, family, income,
social status, sexual orientation, physical and mental abilities, and physical appearances in our
society. The differences delegate a space to stereotypes. The stereotypes lead to clichés, which often
generates hatred, cruelty, and misbehavior within the cultures.
[1] I have selected Asian group for the social work group presentation and the paper. I have
concentrated on a group called 'Untouchables of India' in Asia. India is the largest democracy in ...
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The middle class includes the Vaisyas who are traders and merchants. The middle class is the Sudras
who are the laborers and artisans. The lower caste consist of many groups such as Panas, Harijans,
Dhobis (who wash clothes), Khatkis (butcher), Mochis (cobbler), Dholis (the musicians of lower
castes), Chamars (a community of Dalits who are scheduled castes), Balais (agricultural laborers),
Bhangis (scavengers) and many more who are recognized as untouchables. Once India was the
British–India under the British rule between 1858–1947, at that time the two British
superintendents, R.C Bramley and Captain A.D Bannerman put the term 'untouchables'. Before
British rule they were known as 'Asprishya' means untouchables in English. This is how the caste
system is divided in the country.
Since many ages the Brahmins were treated as people of god and given many privileges, rights, and
freedom, greater leniency in laws for misconduct. The Brahmins were considered as the upper class
people because they are pure and holy. No one could preform rites and rituals in the temples except
them because they are the people of god. They have strict rules and regulation related to
superstitions and purity, which is followed even today in many eastern and northern states of India.
The untouchables are outcaste group. They do not have any origins and heredity in the society but
they are present in every part of the country. They were referred to as 'Untouchables' because they
carry the
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Caste
Some disadvantaged groups in India which are identified on caste basis have been discriminated
against for centuries, and are still not protected despite the numerous laws. These groups are to be
provided with equality of opportunity and autonomy and more importantly a social safety net was
needed – that is a boost or ladder is required so that the more advanced forms of equality can be
introduced and society can be balanced. Constitution provided reservations for SC/ST's in this
context and is called fair discrimination. The key point here in the practice of this is – there are no
people from disadvantaged groups in the upper echelons of society, and as long as they do not have
a percentage equal to their share in the population in these elite ... Show more content on ...
But here equality means equal opportunities for two really equal groups but what we have now is
one economically & socially advanced individual competing with resources lacking, economically
constrained and in most of the cases faced with severe poverty and severely socially repressed
individual fighting to survive in this big world. Suggestions that one should improve the basic
standards of the socially and educationally backward and provide them the education and make
them compete on merit is welcome but sheer common sense makes it clear that this is not a
substitute for the State Affirmative
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Caste Systems And Indian Caste System
The Indian caste system is historically one of the main elements where people in India are socially
differentiated through classes, religions, regions, tribes, genders, and languages. Caste is a term
which is used to specify a group of people having a specific rank. The Indian term for caste is jati
and generally designates a group that can vary in size from a handful to many thousands. The
various jati are traditionally arranged in hierarchical order and fit into one of the four basic varnas –
Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Sudras. Each caste had a clearly defined role. Members of each
caste were obligated to look after one another, so each caste had its own support system. This paper
describes the role of each varnas in the society.
Caste systems played a significant role in the Indian social structure. Brahmins were the top of the
caste system, and they were the priests, teachers, and judges who understood dharma very well.
Dharma was the spiritual laws that govern the universe. The Brahmins served as the spiritual guides
and teachers of the Kshatriya princes and warriors and preached to the political and military elites
about the dharma. They often lived apart from the rest of society in temples. They were minorities in
the society, but they were the highest class in caste. According to author Yadav, the Brahmins
comprised three percent of the population and were ritually placed at the top of the caste pyramid.
They have historically dominated social, cultural, and
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The Indian Caste System And The Love Laws Essay
This upheaval of identity can be seen in way the colonial trauma pervades the social, political, and
cultural environment depicted in The God of Small Things. The social, political, and cultural
environments in turn invade the lives of the characters of the novel. The Indian caste system and the
love laws, for instance, are driving forces in one of the main conflicts of the novel. The caste
system, which was existed in its present form in the novel due to the British colonists favoring
certain castes above others, categorized groups of people within Indian society and classified some
as superior to others, with the Untouchables being the lowest classification of the human. The love
laws determined "who should be loved, and how. And how much" (Roy 33). These histories work in
tandem to create the tragedy of Ammu, the twins' mother, and Velutha's, an Untouchable and friend
to the twins, doomed relationship. Because of these socially constructed class structures, Ammu and
Velutha's relationship was forbidden and when Velutha's father, Vellya, informs Mamacchi and Baby
Kochamma of their relationship, they are completely horrified. Vellya's relationship with the Ipe
Family also somewhat parallels the colonized people's relationship with the colonizer. Vellya, as an
Untouchable, occupies a lower social position than the Ipe Family and sees them as superior. By
informing the Mamacchi about her daughter and his son's relationship, he maintains the social class
structures and the
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Essay on The Untouchables: The Dalit Population
What is it like to be discriminated against? What would it be like to have almost all equal rights and
liberties taken away just because one is born among a certain race, or there is a different way of
living within a specific group of people? This feeling of discrimination is one that no individual
wants to feel. For the Hindu people, formerly known as "The Untouchables," this was what they had
to live with. The Untouchables, now called the Dalits, are the most oppressed community in India
and have been denied civic and human rights throughout the decades.
The Dalit population is located all throughout India. India is a country south of china and Pakistan,
west of Thailand., and east of Africa. India first gained its independence in ... Show more content on ...
How one is reborn into the soul's newest from mostly depended on how selfless and virtuous the
person being reincarnated was in their past life; this means that a person who was of no selfishness
or greed in their past life can go on to be reborn into a higher human class society, or even into an
animal of their choosing, in their next life. The untouchables did not have very many opportunities
in their life to exemplify their virtuosity because of their lack, or inability, to mobilize around to
attain a higher status in their next life, so they did everything they could whenever possible to
achieve this virtuosity.
There were three main points that explained the significance of the caste society: religious worship,
meals, and marriage. Marriage across caste lines was not allowed, so most people just married
within their own jati, which was just a Hindu caste or specific social group. When it was meal time,
any of the people could take food from the Brahmins, but if a Brahmin took food from a lower class
than them, than they would be considered contaminated, especially if taken from an untouchable
(also, if an untouchable drew water from a well, then it was considered polluted and unusable by
anyone else). Brahmins, being considered the religious priests of the society,
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The Caste System And Islamic Influences In The Medieval Age
The Caste System
Although the exact origins of the Indian caste system remain unknown, it has been a fundamental
aspect of the nation's societal structure for most of its history. The caste system is a set of four
distinct social classes called Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, Sudras, and Untouchables. Each caste is
a separate division within society, Brahmins being ranked the highest and Untouchables the lowest.
Every person's caste is decided before birth through a combination of familial standing and karma,
which would be determined through an individuals completion of his or her dharma, or duty, in a
past life. Furthermore, each caste was further divided into subclasses called jatis, which were based
on occupation. As a result, the Indian caste system is solely responsible for the social norms and
attitudes that control the perceptions and behavior of the citizenry, making it the most important
defining characteristic of India from 300 to 1707 AD.
Islamic Influences in the Medieval Age India's medieval age lasted from 500 to 1400 AD and
marked Islam's arrival to the nation. During this time, the previously Hindu state came under the
rule of various Muslim rulers that sought to convert the populace. Despite initial conflicts and
misunderstandings in communication, the Muslims and the Hindus came to the agreement that
Hindus would become a ... Show more content on ...
However, this dynasty is most notable for its success in uniting the many separate kingdoms into
one body. Under Akbar's leadership, India expanded on many fronts and a stable governing structure
was finally established. This enhanced the emperor's authority, weakening the power of Muslim
religious institutions and other sects that sought power. While religious tolerance facilitated peace
and prosperity, the Mughal Empire's centralized government structure allowed for their continuation
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Caste System, The Scourge of Indian Civilization Essay
Caste system has been the scourge of Indian civilization and culture. The battle against this
oppressive and inhuman is older than even some of the great religions of the world. The first warrior
to wage against this system was probably Gautam Buddha who waged the war against this inhuman
system in 6th century B.C. No doubt, Buddha was able to put some dents in the system, but after the
Nirvana of Buddha, the system once again rose like a phoenix and gained strength to crush
humanity. In fact, the system has proved to be the most agile and resilient against the liberal human
traditions. According to Porter:
Caste represents the most memorable, comprehensive and successful attempt ever made by an order
to oppress humanity in its own ... Show more content on ...
Their hopes of a respectable life dashed and the people of other religion also treated them as
inferiors. In this case, eminent social scientist M.V. Srinivas writes:
The conversion of so called low castes to Islam and Christianity in many parts of India, and to sects
such as Sikhism and Arya Samaj in Punjab and Western Uttar Pradesh, was often motivated by a
desire to shed the odium attached to being low. But the converts found that it was not at all easy to
shake off their caste and that, in fact, they carried it with them to new faith or sect. Indian Islam and
Christianity both bear the stamp of caste system; this is not to say, however, that the caste system
among Indian Christians and Muslims is same as the caste system among the Hindus. (Srinivas, 80)
In fact, conversion could not provide any respite, but added to the miseries because now they were
restricted by the rules of alien faith. The current paper is a study of Bama Faustina's Karukku. Bama
was born into a family of Christian converts. From her childhood she followed the rites and rituals
of Roman Catholic denomination. Bama's grandmother converted to Christianity to escape the
tyranny of caste system, but her writings testify that Christianity turned into shackles around their
feet. In Karukku, she deals mainly with casteism within Roman Catholic Church. In Karruku,
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The Caste System Of India
The Caste System
As children grow up in the United States, they are often told they can do whatever they want when
they are an adult. They are often told to reach for the stars and to chase their dreams. In India
however, this was not the case. India followed what is known as a caste system. A caste system does
not allow young children the fantasy of becoming whoever they want to become, but instead their
future is born when they are. The word "caste" was first coined by Portuguese traders in the 16th
century and translates to race. The original caste system in India was developed more than 3,000
years ago and in some instances, still continues today. (Funk & Wagnalls 2016) It was created by
Aryan priests who had separated society into four different categories. At the top of the list was
Brahmans (priests), next were the Kshatriyas (warriors), then came the Vaisyas (farmers and
merchants), and lastly was the Sudras. The Sudras were composed of servants and laborers who
were to work for the other three castes. Even worse than being a Sudra though, was being a member
of the Harijans, commonly known as the Untouchables. This group was composed of the Dravidians
who were native to India and shunned for 'religious or social sins' from the other classes they
originally came from. All formed by the priests, this system of hierarchy was created and made part
of the Hindu religious law (Funk & Wagnalls 2016). The creation of the caste system came with
many laws. For instance,
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Examples Of Metaphors In The White Tiger
Research Question: How does Aravind Adiga use metaphors in "The White Tiger" to highlight the
contrast between the different sections of Indian society?
Typically, we identify metaphors to be the figure of speech that draws an indirect comparison to
bring out an enhanced rhetoric effect. However, metaphors are so strongly ingrained in our
language, that all of us think, write, and even speak in metaphors every day. Ironically, the word
metaphor itself is a metaphor, as "metaphor" stems from a Greek word that means "transfer" or
"carry across". In the literal sense, metaphors "transfer" meaning from one idea to another, typically
associating it with a word.
Aravind Adiga's The White Tiger' is an epistolary novel consisting of ... Show more content on ...
The only two options for people in the country is "eat or get eaten up". In this jungle, which is India,
the different animals correspond the inhabitants that play a major role in the workings of the
country. The buffalo, the stork, the mongoose, and even the White Tiger are assigned these titles
primarily because of their personality which aligns sublimely with the nature stereotypically
associated with these animals.
The overall metaphor of the "White Tiger" represents what it is like to break out of the never ending
chaos present in the jungle like world. Balram refers to this world as "The Darkness". As he is the
"White Tiger", he possesses the required skills to break out of the "Rooster Coop" and find order
unlike the other inhabitants of the darkness.
Throughout the novel, Arvind Adiga uses a plethora of metaphors to describe the happenings of
Balram Halwai, and his activities. In addition to this, the author repeatedly uses ironic, and sarcastic
phrases to condemn the upper class Indian society, or citizens from "the light". This brings out
several key themes in the novel, including
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What Is The Impact Of The Caste System On Indian Society
The caste system is a social system developed in India. It has a great effect of Indian society
throughout the Indian history. This essay is going to introduce you about the caste system by telling
you how the caste system works, where did it come from, and how does it influence Indian society.
First, its how the caste system works. It divides people ranks; from high to low are Brahmins,
Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudra. Beside these general ranks there are also "untouchables" which are
outside the system. The "untouchables" are the lowest in the society, usually made up of slaves or
war prisoners. Your rank also influences which work you are doing. The higher the rank is the better
the work is. Brahmins are the ruling class, people in this rank are usually are spiritual leaders.
Kshatriyas are usually warriors and nobles; they made up the military class. Vaishyas are people like
merchants and producers, they are the people we usually call the middle class today. The laborers
are usually consisting of Shudras, their rank is so low that they are prohibited from the study of
sacred literature call "Vedas". The "untouchables" do the jobs that nobody wants to do, and for most
of the times all the dirty works like cleaning up or deal with waste. People are only allowed to do
the jobs that are allowed in their rank, if they do the wrong job, the will be punished and sometimes
been killed. The communications between ranks are also limited. Usually the higher ranks are not
allowed to
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Social Class As A Society Based On Social And Economic Status
Social class is a division of a society based on social and economic status. Why do we have social
class in our societies? For what purpose does social class, even exist? From the United States, to
India, many different societies have different social classes and systems. So why does social class
and system differ from place to place? These are some essential questions that need to be answered.
Amazingly, the Caste System in India has been around for thousands of years. The caste system
places you in a social class with specific duties you must perform. Secondly, the system places you
in the social class of your parents. In the Caste System, it is expected of individuals to fulfill their
Dharma. Dharma is the religious and moral law governing individual conduct. There is a specific
Dharma for each caste to follow very closely. While some people may be able to move into a caste
rank (by marriage or other means) they were not born into, this is looked down upon by some
because it upsets the "balance". The Caste system follows the beliefs of the Hindu religion.
Reincarnation, which is one of the key beliefs of the Hindu religion, dictates which caste someone is
born into. If you are good in the current lifetime, you will be born in a higher postion in the next life.
In total, the Caste System has four main castes(or Varnas). First off, the Brahmins, who are priests,
and scholars. They are the highest ranking people in the traditional Hindu caste system. Secondly,
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Klostermaier's Four Elements Of Hinduism
A thorough and often–assigned work, Klostermaier 2007, understands four different elements of
Hinduism: indigenous, Indus Valley, North Indian "Aryan," and South Indian "Dravidian"
perspectives. Klostermaier 2007 also focuses on the change, development, and conflict within
Hinduism, arguing that, in addition to sectarian debates, the colonial and postcolonial worlds gave
rise to various attempts to extract certain "essences" out of Hindu ideas and discard the rest as either
"corrupt" or not "original."
2.5 Caste
India give most importance to the social stratification such as classes and castes. The caste system is
more elaborate than that in any of the other Hindu or Buddhist countries. Society is so fragmented
into castes that there can
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Compare And Contrast Indian Class System
The class systems of Medieval Europe and India were created as a means of providing the people of
those cultures with social structure and order. Over time, the people of each culture came to perceive
their system with its underlying religious beliefs as an integral part of their "rich cultural heritage,"
one that if lost would deny them not only God's good graces but of more immediate concern the
good graces of their clergy and rulers. Although the underlying religious beliefs of the two cultures
were different, both impeded the economic progress necessary to lift large numbers of their
populations out of poverty. In today's India, the caste system and its underlying religious beliefs
continue to impede economic progress.
The class system ... Show more content on ...
The people of Medieval Europe finally resolved the problem with a modification of their religious
beliefs, which when combined with capitalism, eventually brought about the economic progress
necessary to lift large segments of their population out of poverty. Capitalism provided the means,
and the modified or reformed religious beliefs removed a critical
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British Impact on India
Introduction: The struggle for Indian independence was more than just an effort to break free of
British colonial rule. It was part of a broader conflict that took place, and is in many ways ongoing,
within Indian society. In order to organize resistance, upper–caste Indian activists needed to frame
Indian identity as united against British colonialism. This was not in of itself difficult, but they
wanted to maintain an upper–caste dominance over Indian society. This required upholding
"classical" structures of caste identity for all Indians in their vision of what post–colonial India
would look like and how it would function politically and socially. These structures of caste
provided upper–caste Hindus with a privileged social and ... Show more content on
Ambedkar over the issue of political rights for Untouchables. Ambedkar's outspoken advocacy for
Untouchable rights often put him at odds with Gandhi and the Congress Party. The largely Hindu
Congress Party, from the late nineteenth century on, viewed British attempts to address the concerns
of minority communities as part of a divide–and–rule strategy. Many Hindu activists, Gandhi
included, agreed with an essentially Orientalist view that ancient Hindu texts pointed to a classical
civilization which was only later perverted with caste conflict and Untouchability. For Gandhi, the
Untouchables would be better off inside the Hindu community, but for Ambedkar, this was the
actual source of repression. The Untouchables did find better opportunities for advancement
working within the British legal structure than by waiting for Hindu activists to help them. The
irony is that the British had been a force in centralizing and strengthening the Hindu power structure
that the Untouchables faced.[2] The British viewed themselves as uplifting a lower or degraded
society and at times this pushed them to attempt progressive reform on the behalf of minorities. The
Untouchables were one such group. They were in a difficult position, being at odds with both British
rule and the Hindu Congress Party which had taken the foremost position in the struggle for
independence by 1916[3].. The complexities of caste politics, and how each group, British, Hindu,
and Untouchable, used
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What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Castes?
thought was the prime instrument of enslaving the Tamilians. By 1939, Naicker was demanding a
separate Dravidistan. But for the self–respect movement, the elite non–Brahmins of Madras would
in course of time, have been as isolated from the lower caste groups, as the Lingayat and Vokkaliga
leaders in Karnataka came to be at the end of the sixties. In 1944, the Justice Party was reconstituted
as the Dravida Kazhagam, which was imbued with not only an anti–Brahmin, anti–North, anti–
Hindi ideology but also with separatist sub–nationalism. In 1947, the Communal G.O. of 1927 was
revised. The 1947 G.O. was historic because for the first time the non–Brahmin castes were
bifurcated into non–Brahmin Hindus and non–Brahmin backward Hindus. Obviously, ... Show more
content on ...
The Lingayats constituted 15% of the State's population and Vokkaligas about 11%. The first Chief
Ministers of the expanded Karnataka State belonged to the patronage. After the reorganization, the
new leaders extended the communal reservation scheme to the entire State. As a result of a number
of court cases culminating in the famous Balaji judgment, the Government ordered in 1963, 30%
reservation for the Other Backward Classes and 18% for Scheduled Castes and Tribes. The
beneficiaries of this scheme were the politically dominant castes of Lingayats and Vokkaligas. This
gave rise to considerable resentment among other minority castes, who found themselves left high
and dry. Devraj Urs, who rose as the leader of the Congress (I), very carefully and sedulously
cultivated the non–Lingayat and non–vokkaliga communities. It was primarily the consolidation of
this base that enabled him to rule the State from 1972 to
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Sxia Factors Of India And China
1. Compare the PERSIA factors for China & India (BEFORE 600) (CHART form)
China: they were ruled by emperors and the kings. The first emperor was Shi Huangdi. The
emperors/kings beliefs and rules depended on what dynasty they were in, such as the Qin, Shang,
Zhou and Han Dynasties. Their government system were based on Bureaucracy, in which most of
the important decisions are made by state officials.
India: the political state in India was solely based off of the Caste System – Brahmins, the priests
and teachers, Kshatriyas, the warriors and rulers, Vaishyas, the farmers, traders and merchants, and
Shudras, the servants. The Dalits, or the untouchables, were left out of the caste system, since they
were the street sweepers. There were three dynasties that adjusted the political stability time to time,
which are the Mauryan, Kushan, and Gupta.
China: Mostly through trade, including the trade of salt, iron, fish, cattle, and notably silk. The trade
of silk eventually led trading through the famous route – the Silk road. Their form of money was
India: Solely through trade, consisting the trade of wheat, rice, as well as building ships for different
China: most Chinese people believed in Buddhism, confucianism, and Daoism. Buddhism came to
China from India, where it's originated.
India: nearly all of Indians believed in Hinduism and Buddhism, however, majority followed
Hinduism. Both religions differed from each other, however,
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Representation Of A Representative Democracy
3. something that is being represented (opinions, perspectives, interests, discourses, etc.); and
4. A setting within which the activity of representation is taking place (the political context). The
theories of political representation usually start by specifying and explaining the terms for each of
these four components. For example, democratic theorists often limit the types of representatives
being discussed to formal representatives only – that is, only to those representatives who hold
elected or public offices. One reason for the concept of representation being elusive is that theories
of representation often apply only to particular kinds of political actors within a particular context.
Consequently, it is unclear how different forms of representation relate to each other.
In a Representative Democracy, elections are usually held on the basis of universal adult Franchise.
It means that each man or woman, after attaining the prescribed age (such as 18 years or 21 years) is
entitled to vote in the general election, without any discrimination on grounds of gender, caste,
creed, region, language, culture ,etc. All voters of a community are collectively described as the
electorate. Now the question arises: on what basis should the electorate choose its representative?
This gives rise to two alternative systems of representation: (A) Territorial representation Under
territorial or geographic representation the whole country is divided
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The Caste System And The Indian Government Essay
Untouchability as claimed by the Indian government is said to be abandoned 60 years ago, however
still 40% of Dalits are illiterate (Around 70 million). This tells us that the caste system unfortunately
still exists. The caste system is a system of class and hierarchy, it divides people in terms of classes
called castes which usually determines their status in the community and therefor their livelihoods.
The caste system still exists and if not constitutionally definitely socially. The caste system presence
keeps different communities separated, lowers national GDP (Economic activity/development),
discriminates against those of the lower caste, slows the development procedure and creates
unlimited social consequences.
The caste system is known as the spine of the Hindu religion, its presence is essential for most
Hindus. Although it creates a lot of hard time on those of the lower caste as it describes them as
filthy and untouchable, it is much widely accepted by most Hindus because of one main reason, it is
mentioned in the Vedas which is an ancient Hindu script that explains the primary ideals of the
Hindu religion.
Communities are kept separated by castes which results in a lot of social consequences. When
communities are separated by a system that builds social barriers between them, those of the higher
status will deliberately discriminate against those of the lower castes, which creates all sorts of
problems. An example of this could be seen in the Dalit story,
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The Strange Ride Of Morrowbie Essays

  • 1. The Strange Ride of Morrowbie Essays "Morrowbie inside the Caste" In Rudyard Kipling's story "The Strange Ride of Morrowbie Jukes" there are many aspects of the India's traditions and customs. But one custom that is strongly present though out the story is the role of the Indian caste system. Within each character you are taken into the five levels of the caste system. The caste system has been present in Indian culture for as far back as their history can be traced. The five levels that are present with in the characters in the story are Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra, and Harijans ( According to the India caste system is a hierarchical society. In the Indian caste system, no matter where you live or what religion you are ... Show more content on ... Morrowbie goes on to say how the merchants should show him respect and give him recognition of his presence there. In the story, Morrowbie is shown to treat the lower caste levels as second class citizens to him. While Morrowbie is trying to buy food and shelter from Gunga he once again refers to the lower class of merchants that surround him. He states "One does not protest against the doings of a den of wild beasts; and my companions were lower than any beasts (p.28). We are then introduced to Gunga Dass as a man of power and status in the purgatory of the dead. Gunga Dass is considered to be the highest class of the Indian caste system. According to, Gunga Dass is in the caste level of Brahmin. According to Gnome Research Brahmin are members of the priestly class in the Indian system, and belongs to the upper caste society. The Brahmins as described by is "Brahman is of the nature of truth, knowledge and infinity. Gunga Dass claimed that he no longer lived his life as a Deccanee Brahmin, but he does still maintained his status in the land of the living dead. Even though Dass states that he renounced the Brahmin life, he still is living the role of his caste system. Gunga becomes the guide to Morrowbie, showing him the ways of the new land and the laws that he must follow. Gunga takes the role of protector just as he was in his time on earth. Morrowbie states "Gunga Dass, whom I had begun to regard as my ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Critical Analysis: The Annihilation Of Caste By B. R Ambedkar Critical Analysis: Annihilation of Caste – B.R Ambedkar The caste system is a form of differentiation wherein constituent units of a system justify endogamy based on assumed biological differences which are semaphored by ritualization of multiple social practices. The idea of purity and pollution has had a very serious impact in the Indian society and the fates of people have been decided on this very notion almost forever now. B.R Ambedkar, the father of our constitution, in his book The Annihilation of Caste has made several strong points on why India as a country should abolish the caste system. When one comes to think of it, each and everything he has mention in that book needs to be given a very serious thought, for a country like India to develop and move forward. The evil practices promoted by the caste system still take place, even though ... Show more content on ... Therefore Ambedkar is quite right in thinking that high caste Hindus have exploited and manipulated rules to favour their own selves for a great deal of time. The notion of pureblood has already been dismissed by a lot of anthropologists who have agreed that there are no pure bloods in India anymore and therefore the staunchness of caste should also be given up and abolished. It is a mere way of stagnating progress of individuals. One should look at the caste system, not in the top down approach, as it hides quite a few harsh realities about it, but in a bottom up approach to understand the difficulties faced in a daily life. Though I would not support banishing religion as it sets a norm for the society to function in a certain way, otherwise there would be no differences between us and the savages, but these severe complexities that is the caste system should be definitely be ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. India 's Indian Caste System India has pioneered many different civilizations and empires each presenting new social, religious, and cultural dynamics. Through the development of India in the past 100+ years, they were colonized by Great Britain and societies began to form caste systems. However, different hierarchal statuses were instituted long before the establishment of caste systems officially. Sociologists agree that the British didn't create the caste system, however the British used their dominance to further endorse a stricter system that could easily define and categorize the people of India. The Portuguese used the term caste system first to, "denote the social classification of India, as they thought the system was meant to be o preserve the purity of ... Show more content on ... There are many arguments that the caste system is fundamentally for religious reasons, however other historians and sociologists argue that once the Europeans started colonizing India, the meaning of took a turn. Through biological theories, all existing things (animated or inanimate) will inherit one of three qualities, sattva, rajas, and tamas (Daniel). Sattvas qualities include goodness, honesty, wisdom, intelligence, and many other good–natured qualities; rajas qualities are passionate qualities such as, passion and pride; and tamas qualities are not very positive qualities, and entail lack of intelligence and creativity, dullness, and other negative qualities (Daniel). Depending on the qualities that one inherited and gained, would determine what occupation one would be in, essentially deciding what class they would be in. Through the social historical theory, we understand that the caste system began with the Aryans in 1500 B.C. (Swanpil 71). The Aryans were fairer in their skin, and came from northern Asia and southern Europe. Through Lieberson's and Noel's Model (1968), both consider the importance of initial group contact however the Aryans used Lieberson's migrant subordination as well as being ethnocentric to the indigenous culture by creating a stratification system. When they first entered India, they met the Dravidians who they contrasted with both in their ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. The Pros And Cons Of The Untouchables The Untouchables were conventionally considered to be outcastes, outside the Hindu religious system, below even the Shudras or servants, and were treated as impure and contaminated due to their deliberate ignorance of sanatana brahmanical Hindu dharma ritual and ensuing buildup of pollution. The levels of punishments sentences for disobedience of caste boundaries in all aspects and spheres of social communication are lengthily recognized in the sanatana Brahmanical Hindu dharma codes . Untouchability stems from the ranking position of castes and sub castes that is rigid neither by prosperity nor learning nor the possession of land, but by the taking of water . Zinkin elaborates very interesting observation that water may perhaps be taken from equals and superiors, but not from inferiors. Untouchability differs in degree ... Show more content on ... Every feature that can be recognized can also be contradicted by the pragmatic truth of caste divisions in Hindu society. Zinkin clearly writes that it is much easier to say what caste is not than what caste is . The scholar proceeds to record what caste is not– it is not class, for in every caste there are educated and uneducated, rich and poor, well–born and ordinarily born; it is not skin color, for an Untouchable is an Untouchable whether born fair or dark and it is not the Aryan or non– Aryan, for the Aryans never penetrated into the South or East of India and it is not profession, for even though some occupations are tremendously recognized with particular castes, mostly artisans, the main occupation, agriculture, is open to all up to Vaishya and Shudra castes . Panikkar, writing in 1933, summarized caste as a common system of life, a religion, rather than a varying Hindu social order, and its caste rigidity with which its rules are imposed would put to humiliation even the Great Inquisition ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Reservation In India Reservation: Reservation for certain classes might be taken with a pinch of salt for the rest simply because there seems inconsistency with the equality which is so guaranteed by our constitution. But the essence behind reservation is no longer to bring back the archaic institution of differential classification, it is merely efforts made by the government to uplift the disadvantages section. The distinct classes for reservation that prevail are: 1. Scheduled Tribes. These are tribals with little access to education when we got independence. They were typically disconnected from the rest of civilization and thus didn't experience as much discrimination as the next group. 2. Scheduled Castes. These were among the most ill–treated communities ... Show more content on ... On the same issue Supreme Court remarked that "Reservation is necessary for transcending caste and not for perpetuating it. Reservation has to be used in a limited sense otherwise it will perpetuate casteism in the country." Analysis of Equality in consonance with Reservation Equality and reservation are contrasting terms when clubbed together in a single form a paradox of its own. It is accepted yet ridiculed severely and there isn't a final common consensus on this matter. To start with the basics one must weigh out the pros and cons of the reservation system: Pros: 1. The groups get an equivalent chance in the field of employment and education 2. It decreases the incongruities between diverse groups. 3. It produces an all the more "reasonable" competition by eliminating the notable points of advantages that the upper classes had. Cons of Reservation framework: 1. It highlights the stark differences in the groups. 2. Many of the individuals under the quoats might already be monetarily secure 3. Some of the truly disadvantaged individuals are not able to cope with individuals from this "creamy
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  • 22. India 's Caste System Of India India's Caste System The Caste system has aroused much controversy than any other feature of India's society. Every day, Dalits are butchered, assaulted, abused, raped, lynched, shot or openly mutilated without considering any consequences of the offenders. The deaths of pregnant women who are not able to pay the bribes at government hospitals, some boys with eyes raised completely out for falling in love with a girl of a superior caste, and horrid stories of employees boiled to death because of spewing out arguments with the boss are continuously reported in mainstream newspapers. After years of democracy, the social structure stands to practice the caste system disregarding abolishment laws. Every international or national effort to abolish caste differentiation and segregation has been proven ineffective. The caste system of India is a deeply inculcated social problem requiring immense commitment domestically and internationally in understanding what has stopped the measures to get rid of this ancient system and what measures are needed to complete elimination of the system. Over a million people continue to suffer discrimination, degrading treatment, and violence because of caste association. The caste system is based on structural inequalities between high and low cast untouchables involving social isolation and exclusion from participation in social, political, and economic developments of society.Dr. Susan Bayly, an expert in the field, defines caste as not the ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Essay On Jajmani System Economic system as Jajmani System: Relevance and Impact on Occupation 1. Defining Jajmani System and its History Jajmani system can be defined as an Indian social system in which upper caste and lower caste people interact in an economic system where lower caste performed various works for upper caste and in return get paid in terms of grains. The term Jajmani is derived from the term 'Yajman' which is a Vedic term meaning a patron who employs the services of a Brahmin for performing sacrifices and other religious ceremonies. But the major basis of the system is caste. The concept of Jajmani system was first brought in to light on papers by William H. Wiser in 1936 in his book titled "The Hindu Jajmani System: A Socio–economic System Interrelating Members of a Hindu Village Community in Services" where he described in detail how different caste group interact with each other in the production and ... Show more content on ... The system progresses with modifications and adaptations to varying conditions in different parts in India. Though there are some regional and local variations that exist, but there are certain relatively uniform principles for its organisations. There are many authors who speak of Jajmani system as an economic system reciting examples from various states and villages. But there are few general things which can be summarised from those examples as features of Jajmani System. Majority of members of the Indian village community have an agreement with other members who perform different services or produce different goods, whereby these groups are enabled to exchange the products which they control. It mainly emphasizes on the relationship of artisan and service castes to members of the landowning or farming ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. The Five Main Classes Of The Indian Caste System Indian Caste System Whether it is 400 b.c or just yesterday, there has always been a society in everyone's day to day life. Even though it is not as cruel or discriminant today, everyone tries to fit in or be accepted in their social class. However, the ancient Indian Caste System still relates to life as an American today. There are five main classes to the Indian Caste System. At the highest level there are the Brahmans. They are treated the finest having food, leisure time, and they do not have to do laborious work. Second are the Kshatriya or the warriors. The warriors are in charge of protecting Brahmans and keeping them safe. These people must always be healthy and be in shape. The third class is the Vaishya. This class has ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Backward Class Case Study The Indian Constitution: A Case Study of Backward Classes by Ratna G. Revankar(83). deals with the problems of the Backward Classes in the vast subcontinent of India. Specific discussions concentrate on social–reform particulars such as housing, social services, industrial and agricultural participation, and especially, educational opportunities.Valuable information regarding the caste system in India from ancient days to now. Chouhan, B.R.(1967)(84): Leadership in Rajasthan Village' in Vidyathi (ed) Leadership in India, Asia Publishing House, Bombay. This book is a collection of papers prepared for a seminar on "Leaderhip in India" held at Ranchi in August, 1962. It starts with an apology. S.C.Dube in his ... Show more content on ... By the end of the nineteenth century and at the beginning of this centry, they aspired to rise in the case hierarchy. As a first step they followed the path of Sanskritisation, adopting the ritals and the life style of the upper castes. They invented legends about their ancestors and demanded higher social status. The Marathas, the Mails, the Sagar Dhangars of Maharashtra, the Kurmis and the Yadavas of Bihar, the Koils of Gujarat, the kaibarttas of West Bengal, the lingayats of Karnataka and the Telis of Orissa followed the path of Sanskritisation in the first quarter of the twentieth century. However, the upper–caste non–Brahmins of Tamilnadu did not follow this path for attaining higher status in the caste structure. They challenged: the higher status of the Brahmin. In the case of the former, the upper castes were the reference group for the backward castes, whereas in the latter case, the non–Brahmins preferred to consider themselves Dravidians I,e, natives of the area, and considered Brahmins alien intruders. Was a widerspread belief at the turn of the century that the Brahmins were racially different from the non–Brahmins. The non–Brahmins believed that they were the creators of 'southern Tamil' culture, whereas the mins were the guardians of the 'northern Sanskrit; ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Indian Caste System The Indian caste system describes the system of social stratification and social restrictions in India in which social classes are defined by thousands of endogamous hereditary groups, often termed jātis or castes. Within a jāti, there exist exogamous groups known as gotras, the lineage or clan of an individual. In a handful of sub–castes such as Shakadvipi, endogamy within a gotra is permitted and alternative mechanisms of restricting endogamy are used (e.g. banning endogamy within a surname). The Indian caste system involves four castes and outcasted social groups. Although generally identified with Hinduism, the caste system was also observed among followers of other religions in the Indian subcontinent, including some groups of Muslims ... Show more content on ... Hart stated that "the earliest Tamil texts show the existence of what seems definitely to be caste, but which antedates the Brahmins and the Hindu orthodoxy". He believes that the origins of the caste system can be seen in the "belief system that developed with the agricultural civilization", and was later profoundly influenced by "the Brahmins and the Brahmanical religion". These early Tamil texts also outline the concept of equality. Saint Valluvar has stated "pirapokkum ella uyirkkum", which means "all are equal at birth". Likewise, Saint Auvaiyaar has stated that there are only two castes in the world: those who contribute negatively and those who contribute positively. From these statements, it can be inferred that the caste system is a socio–economic class system. [edit] Caste and social status Traditionally, although the political power lay with the Kshatriyas, historians portrayed the Brahmins as custodians and interpreters of Dharma, who enjoyed much prestige and many advantages.[17] Fa Hien, a Buddhist pilgrim from China, visited India around 400 AD. "Only the lot of the Chandals he found unenviable; outcastes by reason of their degrading work as disposers of dead, they were universally shunned... But no other section of the population were notably disadvantaged, no other caste distinctions attracted comment from the Chinese pilgrim, and no oppressive caste ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. The Origin Of The Indian Caste System In India The government structure in India began with the development of the Caste System. The caste system in India is an important part of ancient Hindu tradition. The purpose of the caste system is to divide Hindu of India into different social classes; especially, the lowest caste was disregarded by the other classes. With the opposed thinking, Dr. Ambedkar and Gandhiji had the revolution to fight the Indian Caste System about untouched ability. Christophe S. Queen wrote a review of the article "Dr. Ambedkar and Untouchability: Fighting the Indian Caste System" in order to quote the evolution of Dr. Ambedkar. Beyond that, there is some information about Indian Caste System. The origin of the Indian caste system is related to the age of the Vedas. According to one long–held theory about the origins of South Asia's caste system, Aryans from central Asia invaded South Asia and introduced the caste system as a means of controlling the local population. Also, many believe that all human originated from Brahma the Hindu God of creation. According to Wikipedia, the caste system in India is the paradigmatic ethnographic example of caste. It has its origin in the early Vedic times, and then it was in existence in the form of Varna system which divided the society into four main classes. Four main classes were decided by birth. The head of the system was the Brahmins who were priestly people. They were the literate group and were alone empowered to study the Vedas and worships Gods. ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. India Is A South Asian Country Where People Hold Various... India is a South Asian country where people hold various castes and religions. After India gained independence, the Constitution of India listed backward castes of the people as Scheduled Castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST). The Constitution laid down 15% and 7.5% of vacancies to government aided educational institutes and for jobs in the government/public sector, as reserved quota for the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes candidates respectively for a period of five years, after which the situation was to be reviewed. Reservation, in Indian law is a form of affirmative action whereby a percentage of seats are reserved in the public sector units, union and state civil services, union and state government departments and in all public and private educational institutions, except in the religious or linguistic minority educational institutions, for the socially and educationally backward communities and the Scheduled Castes and Tribes. The common refrain tends to be that less qualified people from backward castes in the field of education and employment get preferential treatment because of caste based reservations. My argument is that allocating reservation quotas on the basis of castes is a form of discrimination which is contrary to the right to equality. Reservations on the basis of caste should be reformed as these reservations create discrimination, and the people of the upper castes who truly deserve the opportunity lose it because the reservation is already ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. The Hunger Games & the Indian Caste System ENG 266 – 1001 Essay # 1: The Hunger Games April 3, 2013 In a story that has an underlying theme of class and poverty, The Hunger Games and their twelve districts can be compared to India's caste system. Both are hierarchies based on social status. The districts in The Hunger Games include the Capitol being at the top of the chain, with districts one through twelve falling below in numerical order. Going down the order, each district gets more and more poor. Following along with that, the Indian caste system also categorizes each caste by career type. That is, if a family or person falls into a specific caste. Those who do not are considered outcasts. In The Hunger Games, a similar organizational system is used. Each district is ... Show more content on ... Collins writes about training for the games, "the exceptions are the kids from the wealthier districts, the volunteers, the ones who have been fed and trained throughout their lives for this moment...we call them the Careers (Collins 94)." As previously stated, the Careers illegally train for the games and the Capitol pretends it is not happening. This makes these teens more educated the rest of the districts, much like the top, educated varna of the caste system. As a whole all of the districts perform some sort of servile labor. They are slaves to the Capitol and are not allowed to do anything that does not involve pleasing the leaders in the Capitol. District twelve could be considered to be one of the lowest castes of Panem. They are the poorest of all the districts and are seen to be the losers with no chance at all in the games each year. In a sense, they are nothing but a joke to the rest of the society. However, the special caste of the "untouchables" could be related to the Avoxes referenced in the novel. When asked in the novel what Avox is, Haymitch replies "someone who committed a crime. They cut her tongue so she can't speak...she's probably a traitor of some sort (Collins 77)." Andrea Hampton explains, "The Brahmans at the top of the caste were considered pure. However, they could be polluted if they were to come into contact with an untouchable or if they were to accept food or gifts from them (Hampton ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Advantages Of Indian Reservation System There arrives a time when almost everything overstays its welcome and needs changes to survive. India's reservation system is one of those systems which has overstayed its due and has been a failure in meeting its initial objectives. It was introduced to erase the caste discrimination and the divisions in the Indian society. What it has done is that it has etched these caste lines even deeper into the society setting up the general castes against the lower castes. The reservation system was thought to promote the weaker and the backward classes but it ended up making them tools of vote bank politics. The reservation system of India has not been successful in eradicating as well as introducing all what it stood for at the time of its introduction. The Mandal Commission was introduced in 1979 to identify the socially backward classes and to set up reservation seats to eliminate caste discrimination in the country. It used social, economic and education factors to decide on the backwardness of the classes. But if we look at the present scenario, reservations are determined on the basis of solely caste and nothing else. The OBCs, also called the Other Backward Castes have been granted 27% reservation on government positions. In the ... Show more content on ... In 1965, Dalits constituted only 1.6% of the senior civil servant positions. In 2011, that number has risen to the 11.5% which is not far off the 16% total population of the Dalits. Also a 2009 study showed that 1 Dalit appeared in every 15 fifteen graduates and in 10 secondary students. Therefore there has been an increase in the number by a significant margin. In the political agenda, women acquire a one third of all the seats in the local elected bodies. The Women's Reservation Bill will see this being applied in the national parliaments as well. All of this implies that some backward classes and tribes have benefited from the reservation ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. The Caste System In Indian And Chinese Civilization Indian and Chinese civilizations around 500 B.C.E. were similar regarding individualism in religion and yet differ due to power source. The caste system in India allowed for individuals to work for their caste, whereas in China, citizens worked for the benefit of their emperor. In India, the caste system was the platform for social structure. The caste system placed individuals into social and economic groupings, and required that they follow and work certain tasks designated to the respective caste. One was to obey the rules of their caste, and if not, they should be punished. Due to the diversity of India, one's duty is to their caste, not the emperor or ruler. On the other hand, China ruled with consolidated power. Each dynasty possessed ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Asian India 's Caste System Asian India 's Caste System Robin Bettasso SOC 308 Melissa Willis July 4, 2016 Asian India 's Caste System For thousands of years the caste members was well known how they lived, class, region, gender, tribe, and language. They ate, married, and worked with their own group and if that person was born they rarely changed caste or even mixed with other castes. Social rules defined how to behave within a caste and when in the presence people from other castes. In a caste system was well known in India and was supported by Hindu beliefs "the acceptance of one's fate in life, several major caste dictated one's life chance from the moment of birth, especially in rural areas" (Kerbo, 2009). The been many controversy in India's society with stratification and inequality specially in the lower caste that lived in poverty in their lives and the lowest caste was the Dalits known has the untouchables and lived in polluting and unclean occupations and was considered outcastes. In the caste system it caused problems when each other overlapped each other when it came to unequal access to wealth, income, prestige, and power. This paper will examine the history of this group in the United States and misconception about this ethic group. The history of the caste is closely connected with Hindu philosophy, custom, religion, and with tradition and many types of historical theory. There is no unified understanding of how caste system became the rigid social hierarchy based on birth that is ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Apprenticeship Solution: Apprenticeship is the abandoned and the best way to stop Child marriage. Educated bodies from affiliation should accession delivery abut Child marriage.Government should crop achieve to achieve the laws applicable to Child marriage.The adversity of Child can be credible by adopting associate applicable the disadvantages of Child marriage. 4. ILLITERACY Introduction: Illiteracy refers to the adversity to apprehend and/or write. The adversity of illiteracy is a aloft agreeable activity in India. The adversity has beforehand through–out the country in a avant– garde way.It is one of the a lot of alarming obstacles in the economy's growth.The aloft causes, abrogating accoutrement and solutions of the adversity of Illiteracy in India are ... Show more content on ... Women in India are brash inferior than men aback ages. A abounding allocation of the affiliation believes that men are added able to admission added than their women.It is broadly credible that the blowing assembly of the ancestors try to advantage the activities of the capricious members, which leads to the low caste of women. Abrogating impact: The abrogating appulse of the lower caste of women are women do not get the able adventitious to do something to accordance to the society. Aback the caste of women in affiliation is low, bodies ambition a boy child instead of a girl child. This intensifies the adversity of capricious foeticide. Solution: The band–aid to the adversity is: The empowerment of women is of complete emphasis for analytic the problem.Awareness admission to be created to change the attenuated mindset of the society. Campaigns admission to be launched to acquire the role and accession of women in the society.Education can as well admonition to breach the adversity of low caste of women in the society.Mass–media campaigns should be ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. India And The Indian Constitution We have perused in the past sections that there are numerous minority communities in India and our constitution itself has made numerous laws for them to shield their society and to give them education and to help them in different approaches to carry on a content and safe lives. The Indian Constitution guarantees "justice, social, economic and political" to all citizens. The Indian Constitution has additionally embraced measures for the security of the privileges of the religious and ethnic minorities and of the socially and economically burdened classes, for example, the scheduled classes and scheduled tribes. For example, 1. Reservation in employments, education and in numerous different fields 2. Cultural and educational rights 3. ... Show more content on ... The procurements made in the Articles 16, 335, 338, 340, 341 & 342 of the Constitution identify with reservation, insurance and protections, in broad daylight job in appreciation of the persons having a place with the SCs/STs and other backward classes. Article 16 empowers the "State" to make procurements for reservation of arrangements or posts for SCs, STs and OBCs. Yet at the same time, the state of alleged underprivileged segments in India is the same even that we have crossed such a variety of many years of freedom. Reservation is working in the inverse course to its primary goal as is dividing the general public further. It is constantly used to elevate one area of the general public at the expense of an alternate, which is not reasonable. Rather than this there ought to be equivalent open doors for all. In addition, an able applicant does not require any endorsement of being from a lower standing to demonstrate their value. It is his mind, education and ability to contend that can get change life. Pulling up a chair just by demonstrating your under advantaged testament won 't provide for you anything, however simply the degree or a vocation. Additionally the reservation framework in India is making a workforce which is not competent enough to contend ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Caste Based Poitics in India Is India a 'Caste Democracy'? Introduction: Caste based politics in India Though the idea that caste is a part of a natural and moral order of things, that it is a hereditary quality which once for all defines ones position and occupational affiliation and which is associated with a particular law of conduct is rejected both by intellectuals and political leaders, caste is in Indian post independence politics continually used and abused in different ways. State politics in India has been particularly the hot bed of political casteism. Caste enters much more directly into the composition of political elites at the state level. For example the mysore cabinet is dominated by Lingayats and Vokkaliga, the Maharashtra Cabinet by Marathas, ... Show more content on ... "Caste, once an instrument for the maintenance of hierarchy, is, paradoxically, seen as a vehicle for egalitarianism between castes, though not within them." But which type of identity is politically salient of course varies – in a land as great, as stratified, and as pluralistic and heterogeneous as India – over time and territory. While caste identities and Hindu nationalism are now particularly salient in the north of India, regional and linguistic identities are strong in Assam and the states of northeast, class identity and membership serves as a basis for mobilization and political action in Kerala and West Bengal. Not only is caste institutionalized in politics through the system of reservations, which guarantee seats in government, access to educational institutions and employment in the administrative (which is a way how to get into position of political power) for selected – large – segments of society, but caste–based organizations are also emerging within the framework of the civil society. The particular group rights remain a source of conflict between those who support them and those who oppose them – while the forward castes oriented more towards the equality of opportunity than equality of outcome together with Hindu nationalist, who perceive the reservations as ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Political Participation Among Backward Castes Of Panchayat... Political participation among Backward Castes in Panchayat Raj Institutions: A study on Ananthapuramu District of Andhra Pradesh Social Stratification is a ubiquitous social structure in human societies, be it simple or complex. Stratification is fairly permanent ranking of positions in a society in terms of unequal power, prestige or privileges. It refers to the patterned or structured social inequalities among the whole categories of people not just among individuals. The Caste system is the unique dimension, on which the Indian society is stratified into higher and lower castes with differential access to resources of society. In India, caste is the most important basis of social categorization. Initially caste originated on the basis of division of people on the basis of their natural inclinations and occupations and over a period of time it has turned out to be hereditary. It has created social groups based on kinship and ethnicity. The hereditary occupations have created vested interests in the form of socio–economic monopolies and have bred an extreme form of exploitation. The main attribute of Caste system is ritualistic purity, and this in turn has created inflexibility, rigidity and feelings of superiority and inferiority. Basing on different perspectives there are various definitions of caste. How does one define caste? Although many social scientists have done epoch– making work on the Indian caste system, no two social ... Get more on ...
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  • 82. What Is A Direct Example Of A Caste System Within Indian... The living conditions of the villages in India are a direct example of classism and a caste system within Indian society. Throughout the movie, images flash on the screen showing pollution of the water sources and streets. Every home in the villages are virtually connected to each other. This closeness spreads disease easily and with the unsanitary conditions, many die as a result. The water that the Indian people clean their clothes and themselves with, is the same water they put all their waste in. In one of Jamal's flashbacks, the viewer sees a scene where his brother, Salim, locks him in one of their outhouses or more like shacks that they relieve themselves in. Jamal's favorite actor was going through the village and he wanted an autograph badly enough that he jumped out of the outhouse into the pile of poop and who knows what that was from the shack. This scene is a perfect illustration showing the lack of infrastructure and necessary systems in place to take care of the things we never think about as Americans. We simply push a button or pull a knob and our waste is flushed to a place that we do not know and frankly, do not care. As Americans, we know that the waste will be handled and we need not worry about it because we do not have to. Along with the infrastructure, there is no real access to education in the country. There is one scene in the movie where Jamal and his brother Salim go to a classroom but all we see is Jamal getting hit with a book by the teacher. ... Get more on ...
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  • 86. We Can Not Live Without A Culture We cannot live without a culture, as man is a social animal. There are diversities in our culture around the world. The diversities are good when we have a unity all over the world without discrimination of religion or caste. But there are many nuances in religion, gender, family, income, social status, sexual orientation, physical and mental abilities, and physical appearances in our society. The differences delegate a space to stereotypes. The stereotypes lead to clichés, which often generates hatred, cruelty, and misbehavior within the cultures. [1] I have selected Asian group for the social work group presentation and the paper. I have concentrated on a group called 'Untouchables of India' in Asia. India is the largest democracy in ... Show more content on ... The middle class includes the Vaisyas who are traders and merchants. The middle class is the Sudras who are the laborers and artisans. The lower caste consist of many groups such as Panas, Harijans, Dhobis (who wash clothes), Khatkis (butcher), Mochis (cobbler), Dholis (the musicians of lower castes), Chamars (a community of Dalits who are scheduled castes), Balais (agricultural laborers), Bhangis (scavengers) and many more who are recognized as untouchables. Once India was the British–India under the British rule between 1858–1947, at that time the two British superintendents, R.C Bramley and Captain A.D Bannerman put the term 'untouchables'. Before British rule they were known as 'Asprishya' means untouchables in English. This is how the caste system is divided in the country. Since many ages the Brahmins were treated as people of god and given many privileges, rights, and freedom, greater leniency in laws for misconduct. The Brahmins were considered as the upper class people because they are pure and holy. No one could preform rites and rituals in the temples except them because they are the people of god. They have strict rules and regulation related to superstitions and purity, which is followed even today in many eastern and northern states of India. The untouchables are outcaste group. They do not have any origins and heredity in the society but they are present in every part of the country. They were referred to as 'Untouchables' because they carry the ... Get more on ...
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  • 90. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Caste Some disadvantaged groups in India which are identified on caste basis have been discriminated against for centuries, and are still not protected despite the numerous laws. These groups are to be provided with equality of opportunity and autonomy and more importantly a social safety net was needed – that is a boost or ladder is required so that the more advanced forms of equality can be introduced and society can be balanced. Constitution provided reservations for SC/ST's in this context and is called fair discrimination. The key point here in the practice of this is – there are no people from disadvantaged groups in the upper echelons of society, and as long as they do not have a percentage equal to their share in the population in these elite ... Show more content on ... But here equality means equal opportunities for two really equal groups but what we have now is one economically & socially advanced individual competing with resources lacking, economically constrained and in most of the cases faced with severe poverty and severely socially repressed individual fighting to survive in this big world. Suggestions that one should improve the basic standards of the socially and educationally backward and provide them the education and make them compete on merit is welcome but sheer common sense makes it clear that this is not a substitute for the State Affirmative ... Get more on ...
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  • 94. Caste Systems And Indian Caste System The Indian caste system is historically one of the main elements where people in India are socially differentiated through classes, religions, regions, tribes, genders, and languages. Caste is a term which is used to specify a group of people having a specific rank. The Indian term for caste is jati and generally designates a group that can vary in size from a handful to many thousands. The various jati are traditionally arranged in hierarchical order and fit into one of the four basic varnas – Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Sudras. Each caste had a clearly defined role. Members of each caste were obligated to look after one another, so each caste had its own support system. This paper describes the role of each varnas in the society. Caste systems played a significant role in the Indian social structure. Brahmins were the top of the caste system, and they were the priests, teachers, and judges who understood dharma very well. Dharma was the spiritual laws that govern the universe. The Brahmins served as the spiritual guides and teachers of the Kshatriya princes and warriors and preached to the political and military elites about the dharma. They often lived apart from the rest of society in temples. They were minorities in the society, but they were the highest class in caste. According to author Yadav, the Brahmins comprised three percent of the population and were ritually placed at the top of the caste pyramid. They have historically dominated social, cultural, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 98. The Indian Caste System And The Love Laws Essay This upheaval of identity can be seen in way the colonial trauma pervades the social, political, and cultural environment depicted in The God of Small Things. The social, political, and cultural environments in turn invade the lives of the characters of the novel. The Indian caste system and the love laws, for instance, are driving forces in one of the main conflicts of the novel. The caste system, which was existed in its present form in the novel due to the British colonists favoring certain castes above others, categorized groups of people within Indian society and classified some as superior to others, with the Untouchables being the lowest classification of the human. The love laws determined "who should be loved, and how. And how much" (Roy 33). These histories work in tandem to create the tragedy of Ammu, the twins' mother, and Velutha's, an Untouchable and friend to the twins, doomed relationship. Because of these socially constructed class structures, Ammu and Velutha's relationship was forbidden and when Velutha's father, Vellya, informs Mamacchi and Baby Kochamma of their relationship, they are completely horrified. Vellya's relationship with the Ipe Family also somewhat parallels the colonized people's relationship with the colonizer. Vellya, as an Untouchable, occupies a lower social position than the Ipe Family and sees them as superior. By informing the Mamacchi about her daughter and his son's relationship, he maintains the social class structures and the ... Get more on ...
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  • 102. Essay on The Untouchables: The Dalit Population What is it like to be discriminated against? What would it be like to have almost all equal rights and liberties taken away just because one is born among a certain race, or there is a different way of living within a specific group of people? This feeling of discrimination is one that no individual wants to feel. For the Hindu people, formerly known as "The Untouchables," this was what they had to live with. The Untouchables, now called the Dalits, are the most oppressed community in India and have been denied civic and human rights throughout the decades. The Dalit population is located all throughout India. India is a country south of china and Pakistan, west of Thailand., and east of Africa. India first gained its independence in ... Show more content on ... How one is reborn into the soul's newest from mostly depended on how selfless and virtuous the person being reincarnated was in their past life; this means that a person who was of no selfishness or greed in their past life can go on to be reborn into a higher human class society, or even into an animal of their choosing, in their next life. The untouchables did not have very many opportunities in their life to exemplify their virtuosity because of their lack, or inability, to mobilize around to attain a higher status in their next life, so they did everything they could whenever possible to achieve this virtuosity. There were three main points that explained the significance of the caste society: religious worship, meals, and marriage. Marriage across caste lines was not allowed, so most people just married within their own jati, which was just a Hindu caste or specific social group. When it was meal time, any of the people could take food from the Brahmins, but if a Brahmin took food from a lower class than them, than they would be considered contaminated, especially if taken from an untouchable (also, if an untouchable drew water from a well, then it was considered polluted and unusable by anyone else). Brahmins, being considered the religious priests of the society, ... Get more on ...
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  • 106. The Caste System And Islamic Influences In The Medieval Age The Caste System Although the exact origins of the Indian caste system remain unknown, it has been a fundamental aspect of the nation's societal structure for most of its history. The caste system is a set of four distinct social classes called Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, Sudras, and Untouchables. Each caste is a separate division within society, Brahmins being ranked the highest and Untouchables the lowest. Every person's caste is decided before birth through a combination of familial standing and karma, which would be determined through an individuals completion of his or her dharma, or duty, in a past life. Furthermore, each caste was further divided into subclasses called jatis, which were based on occupation. As a result, the Indian caste system is solely responsible for the social norms and attitudes that control the perceptions and behavior of the citizenry, making it the most important defining characteristic of India from 300 to 1707 AD. Islamic Influences in the Medieval Age India's medieval age lasted from 500 to 1400 AD and marked Islam's arrival to the nation. During this time, the previously Hindu state came under the rule of various Muslim rulers that sought to convert the populace. Despite initial conflicts and misunderstandings in communication, the Muslims and the Hindus came to the agreement that Hindus would become a ... Show more content on ... However, this dynasty is most notable for its success in uniting the many separate kingdoms into one body. Under Akbar's leadership, India expanded on many fronts and a stable governing structure was finally established. This enhanced the emperor's authority, weakening the power of Muslim religious institutions and other sects that sought power. While religious tolerance facilitated peace and prosperity, the Mughal Empire's centralized government structure allowed for their continuation and ... Get more on ...
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  • 110. Caste System, The Scourge of Indian Civilization Essay Caste system has been the scourge of Indian civilization and culture. The battle against this oppressive and inhuman is older than even some of the great religions of the world. The first warrior to wage against this system was probably Gautam Buddha who waged the war against this inhuman system in 6th century B.C. No doubt, Buddha was able to put some dents in the system, but after the Nirvana of Buddha, the system once again rose like a phoenix and gained strength to crush humanity. In fact, the system has proved to be the most agile and resilient against the liberal human traditions. According to Porter: Caste represents the most memorable, comprehensive and successful attempt ever made by an order to oppress humanity in its own ... Show more content on ... Their hopes of a respectable life dashed and the people of other religion also treated them as inferiors. In this case, eminent social scientist M.V. Srinivas writes: The conversion of so called low castes to Islam and Christianity in many parts of India, and to sects such as Sikhism and Arya Samaj in Punjab and Western Uttar Pradesh, was often motivated by a desire to shed the odium attached to being low. But the converts found that it was not at all easy to shake off their caste and that, in fact, they carried it with them to new faith or sect. Indian Islam and Christianity both bear the stamp of caste system; this is not to say, however, that the caste system among Indian Christians and Muslims is same as the caste system among the Hindus. (Srinivas, 80) In fact, conversion could not provide any respite, but added to the miseries because now they were restricted by the rules of alien faith. The current paper is a study of Bama Faustina's Karukku. Bama was born into a family of Christian converts. From her childhood she followed the rites and rituals of Roman Catholic denomination. Bama's grandmother converted to Christianity to escape the tyranny of caste system, but her writings testify that Christianity turned into shackles around their feet. In Karukku, she deals mainly with casteism within Roman Catholic Church. In Karruku, ... Get more on ...
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  • 114. The Caste System Of India The Caste System As children grow up in the United States, they are often told they can do whatever they want when they are an adult. They are often told to reach for the stars and to chase their dreams. In India however, this was not the case. India followed what is known as a caste system. A caste system does not allow young children the fantasy of becoming whoever they want to become, but instead their future is born when they are. The word "caste" was first coined by Portuguese traders in the 16th century and translates to race. The original caste system in India was developed more than 3,000 years ago and in some instances, still continues today. (Funk & Wagnalls 2016) It was created by Aryan priests who had separated society into four different categories. At the top of the list was Brahmans (priests), next were the Kshatriyas (warriors), then came the Vaisyas (farmers and merchants), and lastly was the Sudras. The Sudras were composed of servants and laborers who were to work for the other three castes. Even worse than being a Sudra though, was being a member of the Harijans, commonly known as the Untouchables. This group was composed of the Dravidians who were native to India and shunned for 'religious or social sins' from the other classes they originally came from. All formed by the priests, this system of hierarchy was created and made part of the Hindu religious law (Funk & Wagnalls 2016). The creation of the caste system came with many laws. For instance, ... Get more on ...
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  • 118. Examples Of Metaphors In The White Tiger Research Question: How does Aravind Adiga use metaphors in "The White Tiger" to highlight the contrast between the different sections of Indian society? Introduction: Typically, we identify metaphors to be the figure of speech that draws an indirect comparison to bring out an enhanced rhetoric effect. However, metaphors are so strongly ingrained in our language, that all of us think, write, and even speak in metaphors every day. Ironically, the word metaphor itself is a metaphor, as "metaphor" stems from a Greek word that means "transfer" or "carry across". In the literal sense, metaphors "transfer" meaning from one idea to another, typically associating it with a word. Aravind Adiga's The White Tiger' is an epistolary novel consisting of ... Show more content on ... The only two options for people in the country is "eat or get eaten up". In this jungle, which is India, the different animals correspond the inhabitants that play a major role in the workings of the country. The buffalo, the stork, the mongoose, and even the White Tiger are assigned these titles primarily because of their personality which aligns sublimely with the nature stereotypically associated with these animals. The overall metaphor of the "White Tiger" represents what it is like to break out of the never ending chaos present in the jungle like world. Balram refers to this world as "The Darkness". As he is the "White Tiger", he possesses the required skills to break out of the "Rooster Coop" and find order unlike the other inhabitants of the darkness. Throughout the novel, Arvind Adiga uses a plethora of metaphors to describe the happenings of Balram Halwai, and his activities. In addition to this, the author repeatedly uses ironic, and sarcastic phrases to condemn the upper class Indian society, or citizens from "the light". This brings out several key themes in the novel, including ... Get more on ...
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  • 122. What Is The Impact Of The Caste System On Indian Society The caste system is a social system developed in India. It has a great effect of Indian society throughout the Indian history. This essay is going to introduce you about the caste system by telling you how the caste system works, where did it come from, and how does it influence Indian society. First, its how the caste system works. It divides people ranks; from high to low are Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudra. Beside these general ranks there are also "untouchables" which are outside the system. The "untouchables" are the lowest in the society, usually made up of slaves or war prisoners. Your rank also influences which work you are doing. The higher the rank is the better the work is. Brahmins are the ruling class, people in this rank are usually are spiritual leaders. Kshatriyas are usually warriors and nobles; they made up the military class. Vaishyas are people like merchants and producers, they are the people we usually call the middle class today. The laborers are usually consisting of Shudras, their rank is so low that they are prohibited from the study of sacred literature call "Vedas". The "untouchables" do the jobs that nobody wants to do, and for most of the times all the dirty works like cleaning up or deal with waste. People are only allowed to do the jobs that are allowed in their rank, if they do the wrong job, the will be punished and sometimes been killed. The communications between ranks are also limited. Usually the higher ranks are not allowed to ... Get more on ...
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  • 126. Social Class As A Society Based On Social And Economic Status Social class is a division of a society based on social and economic status. Why do we have social class in our societies? For what purpose does social class, even exist? From the United States, to India, many different societies have different social classes and systems. So why does social class and system differ from place to place? These are some essential questions that need to be answered. Amazingly, the Caste System in India has been around for thousands of years. The caste system places you in a social class with specific duties you must perform. Secondly, the system places you in the social class of your parents. In the Caste System, it is expected of individuals to fulfill their Dharma. Dharma is the religious and moral law governing individual conduct. There is a specific Dharma for each caste to follow very closely. While some people may be able to move into a caste rank (by marriage or other means) they were not born into, this is looked down upon by some because it upsets the "balance". The Caste system follows the beliefs of the Hindu religion. Reincarnation, which is one of the key beliefs of the Hindu religion, dictates which caste someone is born into. If you are good in the current lifetime, you will be born in a higher postion in the next life. In total, the Caste System has four main castes(or Varnas). First off, the Brahmins, who are priests, and scholars. They are the highest ranking people in the traditional Hindu caste system. Secondly, the ... Get more on ...
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  • 130. Klostermaier's Four Elements Of Hinduism A thorough and often–assigned work, Klostermaier 2007, understands four different elements of Hinduism: indigenous, Indus Valley, North Indian "Aryan," and South Indian "Dravidian" perspectives. Klostermaier 2007 also focuses on the change, development, and conflict within Hinduism, arguing that, in addition to sectarian debates, the colonial and postcolonial worlds gave rise to various attempts to extract certain "essences" out of Hindu ideas and discard the rest as either "corrupt" or not "original." 2.5 Caste India give most importance to the social stratification such as classes and castes. The caste system is more elaborate than that in any of the other Hindu or Buddhist countries. Society is so fragmented into castes that there can ... Get more on ...
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  • 134. Compare And Contrast Indian Class System The class systems of Medieval Europe and India were created as a means of providing the people of those cultures with social structure and order. Over time, the people of each culture came to perceive their system with its underlying religious beliefs as an integral part of their "rich cultural heritage," one that if lost would deny them not only God's good graces but of more immediate concern the good graces of their clergy and rulers. Although the underlying religious beliefs of the two cultures were different, both impeded the economic progress necessary to lift large numbers of their populations out of poverty. In today's India, the caste system and its underlying religious beliefs continue to impede economic progress. The class system ... Show more content on ... The people of Medieval Europe finally resolved the problem with a modification of their religious beliefs, which when combined with capitalism, eventually brought about the economic progress necessary to lift large segments of their population out of poverty. Capitalism provided the means, and the modified or reformed religious beliefs removed a critical ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. British Impact on India Introduction: The struggle for Indian independence was more than just an effort to break free of British colonial rule. It was part of a broader conflict that took place, and is in many ways ongoing, within Indian society. In order to organize resistance, upper–caste Indian activists needed to frame Indian identity as united against British colonialism. This was not in of itself difficult, but they wanted to maintain an upper–caste dominance over Indian society. This required upholding "classical" structures of caste identity for all Indians in their vision of what post–colonial India would look like and how it would function politically and socially. These structures of caste provided upper–caste Hindus with a privileged social and ... Show more content on ... Ambedkar over the issue of political rights for Untouchables. Ambedkar's outspoken advocacy for Untouchable rights often put him at odds with Gandhi and the Congress Party. The largely Hindu Congress Party, from the late nineteenth century on, viewed British attempts to address the concerns of minority communities as part of a divide–and–rule strategy. Many Hindu activists, Gandhi included, agreed with an essentially Orientalist view that ancient Hindu texts pointed to a classical civilization which was only later perverted with caste conflict and Untouchability. For Gandhi, the Untouchables would be better off inside the Hindu community, but for Ambedkar, this was the actual source of repression. The Untouchables did find better opportunities for advancement working within the British legal structure than by waiting for Hindu activists to help them. The irony is that the British had been a force in centralizing and strengthening the Hindu power structure that the Untouchables faced.[2] The British viewed themselves as uplifting a lower or degraded society and at times this pushed them to attempt progressive reform on the behalf of minorities. The Untouchables were one such group. They were in a difficult position, being at odds with both British rule and the Hindu Congress Party which had taken the foremost position in the struggle for independence by 1916[3].. The complexities of caste politics, and how each group, British, Hindu, and Untouchable, used ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Castes? thought was the prime instrument of enslaving the Tamilians. By 1939, Naicker was demanding a separate Dravidistan. But for the self–respect movement, the elite non–Brahmins of Madras would in course of time, have been as isolated from the lower caste groups, as the Lingayat and Vokkaliga leaders in Karnataka came to be at the end of the sixties. In 1944, the Justice Party was reconstituted as the Dravida Kazhagam, which was imbued with not only an anti–Brahmin, anti–North, anti– Hindi ideology but also with separatist sub–nationalism. In 1947, the Communal G.O. of 1927 was revised. The 1947 G.O. was historic because for the first time the non–Brahmin castes were bifurcated into non–Brahmin Hindus and non–Brahmin backward Hindus. Obviously, ... Show more content on ... The Lingayats constituted 15% of the State's population and Vokkaligas about 11%. The first Chief Ministers of the expanded Karnataka State belonged to the patronage. After the reorganization, the new leaders extended the communal reservation scheme to the entire State. As a result of a number of court cases culminating in the famous Balaji judgment, the Government ordered in 1963, 30% reservation for the Other Backward Classes and 18% for Scheduled Castes and Tribes. The beneficiaries of this scheme were the politically dominant castes of Lingayats and Vokkaligas. This gave rise to considerable resentment among other minority castes, who found themselves left high and dry. Devraj Urs, who rose as the leader of the Congress (I), very carefully and sedulously cultivated the non–Lingayat and non–vokkaliga communities. It was primarily the consolidation of this base that enabled him to rule the State from 1972 to ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. Sxia Factors Of India And China 1. Compare the PERSIA factors for China & India (BEFORE 600) (CHART form) Political China: they were ruled by emperors and the kings. The first emperor was Shi Huangdi. The emperors/kings beliefs and rules depended on what dynasty they were in, such as the Qin, Shang, Zhou and Han Dynasties. Their government system were based on Bureaucracy, in which most of the important decisions are made by state officials. India: the political state in India was solely based off of the Caste System – Brahmins, the priests and teachers, Kshatriyas, the warriors and rulers, Vaishyas, the farmers, traders and merchants, and Shudras, the servants. The Dalits, or the untouchables, were left out of the caste system, since they were the street sweepers. There were three dynasties that adjusted the political stability time to time, which are the Mauryan, Kushan, and Gupta. Economic China: Mostly through trade, including the trade of salt, iron, fish, cattle, and notably silk. The trade of silk eventually led trading through the famous route – the Silk road. Their form of money was shells. India: Solely through trade, consisting the trade of wheat, rice, as well as building ships for different purposes. Religious China: most Chinese people believed in Buddhism, confucianism, and Daoism. Buddhism came to China from India, where it's originated. India: nearly all of Indians believed in Hinduism and Buddhism, however, majority followed Hinduism. Both religions differed from each other, however, ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. Representation Of A Representative Democracy 3. something that is being represented (opinions, perspectives, interests, discourses, etc.); and 4. A setting within which the activity of representation is taking place (the political context). The theories of political representation usually start by specifying and explaining the terms for each of these four components. For example, democratic theorists often limit the types of representatives being discussed to formal representatives only – that is, only to those representatives who hold elected or public offices. One reason for the concept of representation being elusive is that theories of representation often apply only to particular kinds of political actors within a particular context. Consequently, it is unclear how different forms of representation relate to each other. TYPES OF REPRESENTATION In a Representative Democracy, elections are usually held on the basis of universal adult Franchise. It means that each man or woman, after attaining the prescribed age (such as 18 years or 21 years) is entitled to vote in the general election, without any discrimination on grounds of gender, caste, creed, region, language, culture ,etc. All voters of a community are collectively described as the electorate. Now the question arises: on what basis should the electorate choose its representative? This gives rise to two alternative systems of representation: (A) Territorial representation Under territorial or geographic representation the whole country is divided ... Get more on ...
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  • 154. The Caste System And The Indian Government Essay Untouchability as claimed by the Indian government is said to be abandoned 60 years ago, however still 40% of Dalits are illiterate (Around 70 million). This tells us that the caste system unfortunately still exists. The caste system is a system of class and hierarchy, it divides people in terms of classes called castes which usually determines their status in the community and therefor their livelihoods. The caste system still exists and if not constitutionally definitely socially. The caste system presence keeps different communities separated, lowers national GDP (Economic activity/development), discriminates against those of the lower caste, slows the development procedure and creates unlimited social consequences. The caste system is known as the spine of the Hindu religion, its presence is essential for most Hindus. Although it creates a lot of hard time on those of the lower caste as it describes them as filthy and untouchable, it is much widely accepted by most Hindus because of one main reason, it is mentioned in the Vedas which is an ancient Hindu script that explains the primary ideals of the Hindu religion. Communities are kept separated by castes which results in a lot of social consequences. When communities are separated by a system that builds social barriers between them, those of the higher status will deliberately discriminate against those of the lower castes, which creates all sorts of problems. An example of this could be seen in the Dalit story, ... Get more on ...