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Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
The Solar System Creation And Motion (Question And Answers) (Part 1)
The Author Authorized To Be Used By
Mr. Gerges Francis Tawdrous
A Student–Physics Department- Physics
& Mathematics Faculty –
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
(RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia
Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna
Associate Professor (Mathematical Analysis
and Theory of Functions Department)
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
(RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia
Phone +201022532292
Curriculum Vitae
Phone +7 (495) 952-35-83
The Assumption Of S. Virgin Mary -Written in Cairo –Egypt –9th
January 2022
1- Abstract
A Question No. 1
Is There A Simple Proof For Light Motion Effect On Planet Motion?
A Question No. 2
Can The Planets Velocities Be Distributed Based On A Geometrical Design?
A Question No. 3
Is There A Simple Proof For The Solar System Distances Creation In A Network
A Question No. 4
What Proves Are Available For The Existence of The Light Supposed Velocity
A Question No. 5
How does Planet velocity be defined? Is There an Equation can be used for all planets
A Question No. 6
(Planets Velocities Are Created Complementary To One Another)
How to prove this statement?
A Question No. 7
Can Jupiter and Uranus Velocities Be Defined Based On One Another?
A Question No.8
What Basic Points Be Provided By The Solar System Creation And Motion Theory?
(Please scan the figure (ORCID)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
2- Methodology
- I use the planets motions data analysis in comparison with the theories which try to
explain the planets motions-
- Shortly
- I suppose the planet motion data be similar to a creature genes and by analysis of
this data we should discover this planet motion features.
- Let's use one example to explain how this method works?
- An Example
- Why does The Moon Apogee Radius = 406000 km?
- The moon daily displacement = 88000 km, and the displacements total during the
moon day period (29.53 solar days) be = 2598693 km
- If this distance be the moon orbital apogee circumference, the moon orbital apogee
radius should be = 413600 km –
- It's a valid question – how the apogee radius be = 406000 km?
- The moon creates an angle (θ) between its motion direction and its orbit horizontal
level by that the real displacement (L) will not be = 88000 km, instead it be L=
88000 cos (θ), which be shorter than the displacement 88000 km
- By that the total displacements in 29.53 days be less than 2598693 km and the
apogee orbital radius be =406000 km and its circumference be = 2551444 km,
means the apogee orbital circumference be shorter by (2%)
- We should notice that, if the moon doesn't create the angle (θ) in its motion and
depend on the displacement 88000 km directly - not only the apogee orbital radius
will be 413600 km but also the moon will not be able to revolve around The Earth
through any more near orbit– instead –the moon would be prisoner in the apogee
orbit whose radius =413600 km and can't revolve around the Earth through any
more near orbit
- The moon using of the angle (θ) technique – or we call – Pythagorean triangle
technique provides the moon the ability to revolve through more near orbits.
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- But why the moon needs to move its daily displacement 88000 km? the moon has
to move equal distance to Earth motion distance daily (2.57 mkm). We conclude
that because they aren’t separated from one another in the motion. if the moon has
to move (2.57 mkm) daily why does it need a displacement (88000 km) daily?
This question be answered in point no. (7-11) (The Moon Orbital Motion
Equation) in which the moon motion features be discussed in details
- Without the data analysis it's hard to discover this moon motion technique
- The moon creation process can also be more clear by using the planets data
analysis – and based on the data analysis, it's suggested that Mars itself did the
collision with Earth by which the moon be created. Because
- Mars was the second planet after Mercury with original orbital distance (84 mkm)
and Mars had migrated from its original position to its current one (227.9 mkm) in
its motion from (84 mkm) to (227.9 mkm) Mars had collided with Venus and then
with Earth and caused the moon creation –
- Mars migration theory answers many questions – such as – Why Venus has no
moon if it had suffered from a collision as Earth? Because Mars had moved from
the point (84 mkm) to (227.9 mkm) with force and by that Mars had pushed all
collisions debris to move in its motion direction, left Venus without debris around,
as a result, Venus could not create it own moon. this idea also explains the lunar
Magma Ocean (LMO) Origin. (it's Venus). Because the debris be pushed with
Mars in its motion direction and among this debris was the Lunar Magma Ocean–
Earth gravity is greater than Venus' and the debris lost some of their momentum
that gave Earth the chance to create its moon.
- Shortly
The planets motions data analysis put the planets motions data in comparison with the
theories trying to explain how this data be created and to test the theory trying to
prove if it's sufficient and trustee.
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
A Question No. 1
Is There A Simple Proof For Light Motion Effect On Planet Motion?
An Answer No. 1
- Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) needs 1200 seconds to pass a distance = 360
mkm = Mercury Orbital Circumference – But
- Mercury (4.095 mkm /day) moves during 1200 solar day a distance = 4914 mkm
(where 4900 mkm = Jupiter Orbital Circumference)
- Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) needs 16333 s to pass a distance = 4900 mkm =
Jupiter Orbital Circumference – But
- Jupiter (1.1318 mkm /day) moves during 16333 solar days a distance = 18486.4
mkm (where 18048 mkm = Uranus Orbital Circumference – error 2.4%)
- Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) needs 60161 s to pass a distance = 18048 mkm
= Uranus Orbital Circumference – But
- Uranus (0.5875 mkm /day) moves during 60161 solar days a distance = 35346
mkm (where 37100 mkm = Pluto Orbital Circumference – error 4.8%)
- Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) needs 123667 s to pass a distance = 37100 mkm
= Pluto Orbital Circumference –
- Notice (1)
- Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) needs 3134 s to pass a distance = 940 mkm =
Earth Orbital Circumference – But
- During 2 x 3134 solar days, the moon displacements total = 550.7mkm =Mars
Jupiter Distance.
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- Notice (2)
- The 3 planets (Jupiter - Uranus – Pluto), their orbital distances be (778.6 mkm,
2872.5 mkm and 5906 mkm) these 3 distances need the following periods (687
days- 4900 days – 14547 days) to be passed by their planets motions respectively,
we notice that 687 days x 2π= 4331 days (Jupiter orbital period), and 4900 mkm
= Jupiter orbital circumference which be used as 4890 days for Uranus orbital
period and the period (14547 days) can be used as (14547 seconds) for Light
known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) to pass 4364 mkm (where 4331 days =Jupiter orbital
period error 0.7%)
- The data tells the 3 planets almost depend on Jupiter Data –but why??
- Notice (3)
- (4890 days/687days) =7.1= (14.14 days/ 2 days)
- Data Discussion
- The previous data shows that, we deal with one system starts from Mercury to
Jupiter to Uranus to Pluto –one system uses light known velocity (0.3mkm/s) as a
basic velocity –means we deal with one motion –the data proves many concepts,
which are:
(1) One Second Of Light Motion = One Solar Day Of Planet Motion
(2) The Planets Distances Be Created In A Network Form
(3) There's A Continuum In The Solar System
(4) Planet Motion Data Be Defined Based On Light Motion.
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
A Question No. 2
Can The Planets Velocities Be Distributed Based On A Geometrical Design?
An Answer No. 2
- Jupiter moves during (24.6 h =Mars Rotation Period) a distance =1.16 mkm
- (light supposed velocity passes in 1 second a distance = 1.16 mkm) - And
- Uranus moves during (24.6 h =Mars Rotation Period) a distance =0.6 mkm
- (light known velocity passes in 2 seconds a distance = 0.6 mkm)
- By that Jupiter and Uranus be the 2 basic planets and they define the other planets
velocities distribution…
- Also - Uranus moves in 2 solar days a distance =1.16 mkm (error 1.3%)
- Let's see the following Data
- Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) needs 1200 seconds to pass a distance = 360
mkm = Mercury Orbital Circumference – But
- Mercury (4.095 mkm /day) moves during 1200 solar day a distance = 4914 mkm
(Where 4900 mkm = Jupiter Orbital Circumference)
- Notice
- Mercury orbital distance 57.9 mkm and Mercury needs 14.14 days (=340 h) to
pass this distance (but light known velocity (0.3mkm/s) moves in (340s) a distance
102 mkm). (Note Please, 4914 mkm =102 mkm x 48.2)
- Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) needs 2266.7 seconds to pass a distance = 680
mkm = Venus Orbital Circumference – But
- Venus (3.024 mkm /day) moves during 2266.7 solar day a distance = 6855 mkm
- Notice
- Venus orbital distance 108.2 mkm and Venus needs 35.8 days (=859.2 h) to pass
this distance (but light known velocity (0.3mkm/s) moves in (859.2s) a distance
257.8 mkm). (Note Please, 6855 mkm =257.8 mkm x 26.6)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) needs 3134 seconds to pass a distance = 940
mkm = Earth Orbital Circumference – But
- Earth (2.574 mkm /day) moves during 3134 solar day a distance = 8067.5 mkm
- Notice
- Earth orbital distance 149.6 mkm and Earth needs 58.1 days (=1394.5 h) to pass
this distance (but light known velocity (0.3mkm/s) moves in (1394.5s) a distance
418.35 mkm). (Note Please, 8067.5 mkm =418.35 mkm x 19.28)
- Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) needs 4776 seconds to pass a distance = 1433
mkm = Mars Orbital Circumference – But
- Mars (2.082 mkm /day) moves during 4776 solar day a distance = 9946.2 mkm =
2 x 4973 mkm
- Notice
- Mars orbital distance 227.9 mkm and Mars needs 109.5 days (=2626.8 h) to pass
this distance (but light known velocity (0.3mkm/s) moves in (2626.8s) a distance
788 mkm). (Note Please, 9946.2 mkm =788 mkm x 12.62)
- Also
- (Mars Axial Tilt =25.2 deg = 2 x 12.6) and (778.6 mkm=Jupiter orbital distance
and with 788 mkm the error 1.2%) and (9946.2 mkm = 2 x 4973 mkm where 4900
mkm is Jupiter Orbital Circumference with 4973 mkm be 1.5%)
- Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) needs 16333 seconds to pass a distance = 4900
mkm = Jupiter Orbital Circumference – But
- Jupiter (1.1318 mkm /day) moves during 16333 solar day a distance = 18487 mkm
(18048 mkm = Uranus Orbital Circumference) (error 2.4%)
- Notice
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- Jupiter orbital distance 778.6 mkm and Jupiter needs 688 days (=16510 h) to pass
this distance (but light known velocity (0.3mkm/s) moves in (16510 s) a distance
4952 mkm). (Note Please, 18487 mkm =4952 mkm x 3.73)
(4900 =Jupiter Orbital Circumference with (4952) the error 1%)
- Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) needs 30023 seconds to pass a distance = 9007
mkm = Saturn Orbital Circumference – But
- Saturn (0.838 mkm /day) moves during 30023 solar day a distance = 25162 mkm
- Notice
- Saturn orbital distance 1433.5 mkm and Saturn needs 1710 days (=41037 h) to
pass this distance (but light known velocity (0.3mkm/s) moves in (41037 s) a
distance 12311 mkm(Note Please, 25162 mkm =12311 mkm x 2.04)
- Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) needs 60160 seconds to pass a distance =18048
mkm = Uranus Orbital Circumference – But
- Uranus (0.5875 mkm /day) moves during 60160 solar day a distance = 35345
- Notice
- Uranus orbital distance 2872.5 mkm and Saturn needs 4889 days (=117341 h) to
pass this distance (but light known velocity (0.3mkm/s) moves in (117341 s) a
distance 35202 mkm (Note Please, 35345 mkm =35202 mkm, error 0.4%)
- Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) needs 94147 seconds to pass a distance = 28244
mkm = Neptune Orbital Circumference – But
- Neptune (0.4668 mkm /day) moves during 94147 solar day a distance = 43925
- Notice
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- Neptune orbital distance 4495.1 mkm and Neptune needs 9635 days (=231229 h)
to pass this distance (but light known velocity (0.3mkm/s) moves in (231229 s) a
distance 69369 mkm (Note Please, 43925 mkm = 69369 mkm x 0.6333)
- Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) needs 123667 seconds to pass a distance =
37100 mkm = Pluto Orbital Circumference – But
- Pluto (0.406 mkm /day) moves during 123667 solar day a distance = 50219 mkm
- Notice
- Pluto orbital distance 5906 mkm and Pluto needs 14544 days (=349054 h) to pass
this distance (but light known velocity (0.3mkm/s) moves in (349054 s) a distance
104716 mkm (Note Please, 50219 mkm = 104716 mkm x 0.47957)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- Because the 2 distances are equal in Uranus Data (35345 mkm =35202 mkm,
error 0.4%), We conclude that a geometrical design be found behind the planets
velocities distribution.
- Before Uranus planet motion distance be greater than light motion distance in all
planets but the difference be decreasing gradually.
- For the 3 planets (Uranus, Saturn and Neptune) the rates be function in their orbital
distance – (if Uranus be 1), So Saturn be (2) and Neptune be (π/2) because Uranus
orbital distance 2872.5 mkm = 2 Saturn orbital distance 1433 mkm =2/ π Neptune
orbital distance 4495.1 mkm.
- For another group of 3 planets (Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus), their velocities per a
solar day almost be in order (2, 3, and 4), where Uranus moves in a solar day
0.5875 mkm (Light 0.3mkm/s moves during 2 sec a distance 0.6 mkm error 2%)
and Saturn moves 0.838 mkm (light 0.3 mkm/s in 3 sec 0.9 mkm error 0.0725) and
Jupiter moves 1.1318 mkm (light 0.3 mkm/s in 4 sec 1.2 mkm error 0.06)
- We notice that the rate (1.0725) be used for Lorentz length contraction and the
error 0.06 be different from 0.0725 with 1.2%
- Notice (0.9 mkm- 0.838 mkm = 61920 km where accurately 61920 s=17.2 h =
Uranus Day Period
- That tell, Uranus Day Period (17.2h) be created by Saturn motion effect, that
explain why Saturn moves in (17.2 h) a distance= 600000 km
- Many questions still be left behind - one basic question is that – How to explain
the using of the distance 4900 mkm? in different data we have seen this distance
and also Uranus needs around 4900 days to pass its orbital distance –How to
explain that
- Notice Jupiter moves in a solar day a distance 1.13184 mkm which is different
only 2.5% from 1.16 mkm –that causes the planets velocities be rated to Jupiter
velocity as in Uranus case – which we should discuss in next question no. (4)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
A Question No. 3
Is There A Simple Proof For The Solar System Distances Creation In A Network
An Answer No. 3
- The solar system distances be created in a network form. The following data can
prove this fact clearly…
- 0.3 mkm /s (light known velocity) passes in 2094 seconds a distance =629 mkm
- 629 mkm = Earth Jupiter Distance
- 2094 mkm= Jupiter Uranus Distance
- The data shows that, a light beam started from the Earth to Jupiter and passed from
Jupiter to Uranus
- The data shows that the 2 distances (629 mkm and 2094mkm) are created together
based on a geometrical mechanism
- 0.3 mkm /s (light known velocity) passes in 2 x 2723 sec a distance = 1634 mkm
- 2723 mkm = Earth Uranus Distance
- 1622.7 mkm = Uranus Neptune Distance
- The data shows that, a light beam started from the Earth to Uranus and passed
from Uranus to Neptune -
- The data uses the rate (2) because the distance 2723 mkm x 2 = Earth Uranus
diameter through the revolution around the sun – the data shows (2) distances be
used in equivalence to (1) distance- which is a known feature of the solar system
motion- as –Uranus orbital distance = 2 Saturn orbital distances
- The data shows that the 2 distances (2723 mkm and 1622.7 mkm) are created
together in a network form
- The distance 1622.7 mkm be used as a period of time =1622.7 seconds and
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- 1622.7 seconds = 2 x 810 seconds
- Where the period 810 seconds is very famous in the solar system motion –because
light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/sec) passes in 810 sec a distance 940 mkm –
and light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) passes in 810 seconds a distance= 243 mkm-
- That shows the distances be distributed based on one geometrical design
- 0.3 mkm /s (light known velocity) passes in 18048 sec a distance = 5415 mkm =2
x 2707 mkm (Earth Uranus Distance 2723 mkm error 0.5%)
- 18048 mkm = Uranus Orbital Circumference
- The data shows that, the distances 18048 mkm and 2723 mkm be distributed based
on one geometrical design.
- 0.3 mkm /s (light known velocity) passes in 4345.5 sec a distance = 1303 mkm
- 1411 mkm =1.0725 x 1303 mkm (error 1%)
- Where
- 4345.5 mkm = Earth Neptune Distance
- 1411 mkm = Neptune Pluto Distance
- Notice (1)
- The rate (1.0725) is used because of Lorentz Length Contraction Effect. The rate
(1.0725) is used with around 40% of all distances in the solar system – appendix
No.1 provides these distances list (Appendix no. 1 in the referenced paper)
- 0.3 mkm /s (light known velocity) passes in 5756.4 sec a distance = 1727 mkm
- Where
- 5756.4 mkm = Earth Pluto Distance
- 1727 mkm = π x 550.7 mkm Mars Jupiter Distance
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- Notice (2)
- The data deals with Earth distances to the outer planets in order and it shows all
distances must be distributed based on one geometrical design –which proves
clearly that the solar system distances be created in a network form based on one
geometrical design –and Earth distances shows one feature of this design features
- Notice (3)
- 37100 x (0.3)3
=1000 mkm
- 1000 x (1.16)3
= 2 x 780 mkm
- 1000 x 0.3 =300 mkm
- Where
- 37100 mkm = Pluto Orbital Circumference
- 778.6 mkm = Jupiter Orbital Distance
- 300 mkm = Earth orbital diameter (=149.6 mkm x 2 = 299.2 mkm)
- Notice (2)
- 100733 x (0.3)2
= 9066 mkm
- Where
- 100733 mkm = The solar planets orbital circumferences total
- 9007 mkm = Saturn Orbital Circumference (with 9066 error 0.6%)
- This data may refer to specific importance of Saturn motion in the solar system
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
A Question No. 4
What Proves Are Available For The Existence of The Light Supposed Velocity
An Answer No. 4
The following Data Proves that, There's a light beam its velocity =1.16 mkm/sec
- (1) Mercury Motion
- During 310.4s light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/) travels 360 = 2π x 57.9 mkm
- During 310.4 s light known velocity (0.3 mkm/) travels 93.1 = 2π x 14.8 mkm
- Where
- 360 mkm = Mercury Orbital Circumference
- 57.9 mkm = Mercury Orbital Distance
- 88 days = Mercury Orbital Period
- Mercury moves during 88 hours a distance = 14.8 mkm (error1.4 %)
- (2) Venus Motion
- During 586s light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/) travels 680 = 2π x 108.2 mkm
- During 586s light known velocity (0.3 mkm/) travels 175.8 = 2π x 28 mkm
- Where
- 680 mkm = Venus Orbital Circumference
- 224.7 days = Venus Orbital Period
- Venus moves during 224.7 hours a distance =28 mkm (error1%)
- (3) Earth Motion
- During 810s light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/) travels 940 = 2π x 149.6 mkm
- During 810s light known velocity (0.3 mkm/) travels 243 = 2π x 38.7 mkm
- Where
- 940 mkm =Earth Orbital Circumference
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- 149.6 mkm= Earth Orbital Distance
- 365.25 days = Earth Orbital Period
- Earth moves during 365.25 hours a distance = 38.7 mkm (error 1.2%)
- (4) Mars Motion
- During 1235s light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/) travels 1433 = 2π x 227.9 mkm
- During 1235s light known velocity (0.3 mkm/) travels 370.6 = 2π x 59 mkm
- Where
- 1433 mkm = Mars Orbital Circumference
- 227.9 mkm= Mars Orbital Distance
- 687 days = Mars Orbital Period
- Mars moves during 687 hours a distance = 59 mkm (error 1%)
- (5) Jupiter Motion
- During 4222.6s light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/) travels 4900=2π x 778.6 mkm
- During 4222.6s light known velocity (0.3 mkm/) travels 1267 = 2π x 201.7 mkm
- Where
- 4900 mkm =Jupiter Orbital Circumference
- 778.6 mkm = Jupiter Orbital Distance
- 4331 days = Jupiter Orbital Period
- 4222.6 h = Mercury Day Period
- Jupiter moves during 4331 hours a distance = 201.7 mkm (error 1.3%)
- (6) Saturn Motion
- During 7765s light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/) travels 9007 = 2π x 1433 mkm
- During 7765s light known velocity (0.3 mkm/) travels 2330 = 2π x 371 mkm
- Where
- 9007 mkm = Saturn Orbital Circumference
- 1433 mkm = Saturn Orbital Distance
- 10747 days = Mars Orbital Period
- Saturn moves during 10747 hours a distance = 371 mkm (error 1%)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- (7) Uranus Motion
- During 15559s light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/) travels 18048=2π x 2872 mkm
- During 15559s light known velocity (0.3 mkm/) travels 4664 = 2π x 742 mkm
- Where
- 18048 mkm = Uranus Orbital Circumference
- 2872 mkm = Uranus Orbital Distance
- 30589 days = Mars Orbital Period
- Uranus moves during 30589 hours a distance = 742 mkm (error 1%)
- (8) Neptune Motion
- During 24348s light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/) travels 28244 =2π x4495 mkm
- During 24348s light known velocity (0.3 mkm/) travels 7305 = 2π x 1163 mkm
- Where
- 28244 mkm = Neptune Orbital Circumference
- 4495.5 mkm = Neptune Orbital Distance
- 59800 days = Neptune Orbital Period
- Neptune moves during 59800 hours a distance = 1163 mkm
- (9) Pluto Motion
- During 31983s light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/) travels 37100= 2π x 5906mkm
- During 31983s light known velocity (0.3 mkm/) travels 9595 = 2π x 1527 mkm
- Where
- 37100 mkm = Pluto Orbital Circumference
- 5906 mkm = Pluto Orbital Distance
- 90560 days = Pluto Orbital Period
- Pluto moves during 90560 hours a distance = 1527 mkm
- (1527 = 2π x 243)
- Notice
- All defined periods (the red colored periods) are the planets orbital periods in
hours units. (Data Max Error is 1.4%)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- The data uses one rule for all planets motions data and this rule depends on light
velocity supposed to be (1.16 million per second)
- The data proves clearly that, The light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/s) is a fact
and effective on the planets motions data.
- The inner planets produced distances which be colored in blue in order be ( 93.1,
175.8, 243, 370.6) but the outer planets values in order be (1267, 2330, 4664, 7305
and 1527)
- We notice that, the inner planets values are typical for planets cycles periods in
order. And each planet defines its previous planet cycle period. The data should
use the rate (1 mkm = 1 solar day), Let's show that in following:
- Venus value (175.8 mkm) is a typical to Mercury day period (175.94 solar days)
- Earth value (243 mkm) is a typical to Venus rotation period (243 solar days)
- Mars value (370.6 mkm) is a typical to Earth orbital period (365.2 days) (error 1.5%)
- But
- Mercury value (93.1 mkm) = (584.9/2π)
- Where 584 days is the period of Earth and Venus Meeting Cycle
- Shortly
- The inner planet value defines its previous planet Cycle –
- Notice
- The outer planets values are categorized into 3 parts –Pluto value (1527 mkm= 2πx
243) depends on 243 days (Venus rotation period) – and Jupiter value is 1267
mkm = (2 x 633.5 mkm) where Jupiter needs a period = 636.7 days to move a
distance = 720.7 mkm = Mercury Jupiter Distance = the distance be passed by
Mercury in Mercury Day period (4222.6 hours).
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- The rest outer planets values depend on 365.25 days, for example (Saturn value
2330 =2π x 370.8 (with 365.25 has an error 1.5%) – we notice that the value 370.8
is = Mars value because Saturn orbital distance = Mars orbital circumference,
- And 4664 =4π x 370.8, also Uranus value is typical with Saturn value because
Uranus orbital distance = 2 Saturn orbital distance.
- And 7305 =5 x1461 where 1461 days = Earth Cycle (365 +365 +365 +366)
- Shortly
- The 3 planets (Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) values depend on Earth orbital period
(365.25 days), but Jupiter and Pluto depends the distance 720.7 mkm (Mercury
Jupiter Distance)
- (Notice Saturn motion is related to Earth motion and that causes Saturn to be the
connecting point with Earth and the 2 Planets– Uranus and Neptune – depends on
Saturn connection with the Earth)
- Notice,
- Jupiter motion distance during a solar day = 1.13184 mkm which be different from
1.16 mkm with 2.5%, the solar system Creation Theory tells that (One Second of
Light motion be = to one solar day of Planet motion) –Jupiter performs this rule
approximately (error 2.5%)
- Means, the planets before Jupiter moves in a solar day distances greater than 1.16
mkm and after Jupiter the planets move less than 1.16 mkm –this classification of
planets velocities be similar to the classification of the planets velocities in
comparison with Uranus velocity we have discussed in question no.(2).
Through the Mother of God mediation
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
A Question No. 5
How does Planet velocity be defined? Is There an Equation can be used for all
planets velocities?
An Answer No. 5
- The following equation defines any planet velocity,
- Where
- T1 = The original period of time, be used by light supposed velocity 1.16 mkm/s
- T2 = The Planet Orbital Period
- Vd= Planet Velocity in a solar day
- The periods use the same units (seconds)
- Let's test this method in following
- (a) Mercury Velocity
- T1 = 310.4 seconds
- T2 = 88 seconds
- (310.4 s /88s) = 1.16 mkm/ V
- V (Mercury velocity per a solar day) = 4.095 mkm daily
- Mercury orbital period = 88 solar days
- (b) Venus Velocity
- T1 = 586 seconds
- T2 = 224.7 seconds
- (586 s /224.7s) = 1.16 mkm/ V
- V (Venus velocity per a solar day) = 3.024 mkm daily
- Venus orbital period = 224.7 solar days
- (c) Earth Velocity
- T1 = 810 seconds
- T2 = 365.25 seconds
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- (810 s /365.25s) = 1.16 mkm/ V
- V (Earth velocity per a solar day) = 2.574 mkm daily
- Earth orbital period = 365.25 solar days
- (d) Mars Velocity
- T1 = 1235 seconds
- T2 = 687 seconds
- (1235 s /687s) = 1.16 mkm/ V
- V (Mars velocity per a solar day) = 2.082 mkm daily
- Mars orbital period = 687 solar days
- (e) Jupiter Velocity
- T1 = 4222.6 seconds
- T2 = 4331 seconds
- (4222.6 s /4331 s) = 1.16 mkm/ V
- V (Jupiter velocity per a solar day) = 1.13184 mkm daily
- Jupiter orbital period = 4331 solar days
- Notice
- (Jupiter velocity per a solar day 1.13184 mkm is very near to 1.16 mkm with error
2.5% and causes to create special effects on the planets motions we should discuss
in point no. 4-2)
- (f) Saturn Velocity
- T1 = 7756 seconds
- T2 = 10747 seconds
- (7765 s /10747 s) = 1.16 mkm/ V
- V (Saturn velocity per a solar day) = 0.838 mkm daily
- Saturn orbital period = 10747 solar days
- (g) Uranus Velocity
- T1 = 15559 seconds
- T2 = 30589 seconds
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Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- (15559 s /30589 s) = 1.16 mkm/ V
- V (Uranus velocity per a solar day) = 0.5875 mkm daily
- Uranus orbital period = 30589 solar days
- (h) Neptune Velocity
- T1 = 24348 seconds
- T2 = 59800 seconds
- (24348 s /59800 s) = 1.16 mkm/ V
- V (Neptune velocity per a solar day) = 0.466884 mkm daily
- Neptune orbital period = 59800 solar days
- (i) Pluto Motion
- T1 = 31983 seconds
- T2 = 90560 seconds
- (31983 s /90560 s) = 1.16 mkm/ V
- V (Pluto velocity per a solar day) = 0.406 mkm daily
- Pluto orbital period = 90560 solar days
- Notice
- Data errors are less than 1%
- We see the rule works sufficiently
- Why the planets velocities be defined based on the solar day?
- The solar system creation theory supposes that (1 Second Of Light Motion Be
Equivalent To 1 Solar Day Of Planet Motion). that means, light motion takes into
account 2 basic periods of time (the second for light motion and the solar day for
planet motion) that creates the basic rate of time between planet and light motions.
and based on this basic rate of time the planets use different rates of time among
one another.
- Based on that planet velocity per a solar day be defined depends on light velocity
per a second as the rule shows.
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
A Question No. 6
(Planets Velocities Are Created Complementary To One Another)
How to prove this statement?
An Answer No. 6
Group no. (A)
1160000 seconds = 3600 seconds x 322.2 hours
322.2 = 47.4 km/s (Mercury velocity) x 6.8 km/s (Mercury velocity)
322.2 = 35 km/s (Venus velocity) x 2 x 4.7 km/s (Pluto velocity) (error 2%)
322.2 = 29.8 km/s (Earth velocity) x 2 x 5.4 km/s (Neptune velocity)
322.2 = 24.1 km/s (Mars velocity) x 13.1 km/s (Jupiter velocity) (error 2%)
322.2 =35 km/s (Venus velocity) x 9.7 km/s (Pluto velocity) (error 5%)
322.2 =27.78 km/s (The moon velocity) x (24.1/2) (error 4%)
300000 seconds x 4 = 3600 seconds x 333.3
333.3 = 35 km/s (Venus velocity) x 9.7 km/s (Pluto velocity) (error 1.8%)
333.3 = 24.1 km/s (Mars velocity) x 2 x 6.8 km/s (Uranus velocity) (error 1.7%)
Group no. (B)
(1.16 /0.3) = (24.1/2π)
83.33 = 2π x 13.26
322.2 =24.6 x 13.1
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
II- Discussion
- We have noticed that,
- The solar planet velocity per a solar day be created as a function in light supposed
velocity (1.16 mkm/sec),
- Because of that
- The planets velocities be created complementary one another where the light
supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/s) be used as a rate between them.
- The rate 322.2 = 1160000 /3600, means, Light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/s)
travels for 1 second, it passes a distance =1160000 km which be seen for us as
1160000 seconds = 322.2 hours
- Data no. (2) shows, the planets velocities are created rated to one another based on
this rate (322.2) –
- The data shows the planets velocities be complementary, and that shows specific
relationship between these planets, simply, the rate 322.2 create a classification for
the planets into couples with one another.
- Notice
- The proportionality of planets velocities don't tell all facts. Many facts are still
hidden and need to be discovered. For example the equation (322.2 = 35 x 4.7 x 2)
(error 2%) shows that some proportionality be found between Venus velocity (35
km/s) and Pluto velocity (4.7 km/s) but more facts aren't mentioned here – because
Venus during 12104 s moves a distance =the distance Pluto moves in 90560 s =
Uranus motion distance in its day period (where 12104 km= Venus diameter and
90560 days = Pluto orbital period). I want to say, this proportionality of velocities
of Venus and Pluto causes great effect on their motions but we can't discover it
because other data should be analyzed and refer to its proportionality with planets
- But
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- Why the planets velocities be created rated to one another as seen in the data
- Because the velocity is used as a period of time
- Simply
- The planet velocity can be used as a period of time (as a planet day period)
- We conclude clearly that the planet velocities be used as periods of time
Let's discuss the point equations in following:
Equation no. (4)
(1.16 /0.3) = (24.1/2π)
- 1.16 mkm/s = Light Supposed Velocity
- 0.3 mkm/s = Light Known Velocity
- 24.1 km/s = Mars Velocity
Equation no. (5)
83.33 = 2π x 13.26
- 83.33 = 300000 /3600s
- 13.1 km/s = Jupiter Velocity (error 1.2% with 13.26)
- The 2 equations try to show that, Mars and Jupiter velocities are defined based on
light motion only. no another planet velocity be used in both equations but only
one planet velocity. That tells these 2 planets should be specific planets because
their velocities be created as rates with light velocities directly without another
partner planet.
- The importance of that can be seen in the next equation (no.6)
Equation no. (6)
322.2 =24.6 x 13.1
- 24.6 hours = Mars Rotation Period
- 13.1 km/s = Jupiter velocity
Through the Mother of God mediation
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- The equation tells that, Jupiter moves a distance 1.16 mkm in a period = 24.6 h =
Mars rotation period.
- We can't use Mars velocity instead because
- 322.2 =24.1 (Mars velocity) x 13.1 (Jupiter velocity) (error 2%)
- The error tells that, the value (24.6) is more accurate than (24.1) but how to use a
period of time (24.6 h Mars rotation period) in place of a planet velocity (24.1
km/s) (Mars velocity)?
- We accept that planet velocity can be used as a period of time. Based on that some
very interesting addition be found in Mars Data which is
- (24.6 h +24.6 h = 25.2 h +24.1 h)
- 24.6 hours = Mars Rotation Period
- 24.7 hours = Mars Day Period
- 25.2 degrees = Mars Axial Tilt (be used as a period of time also)
- 24.1 km/s = Mars velocity
- The accurate addition tells that these 4 values are used for one process and that
tells they are used as periods of time.
- I want to say, in the equation
- (322.2 = 24.1 x 13.1) Mars here be used as Jupiter motion period of time and
Jupiter be used as Mars motion period of time – for that reason – the using of
24.6h in place of 24.1 is more logical specially because there's no item = 13.26 in
Jupiter data –that means- the dependency between Jupiter and Mars depends
basically on 24.6 h (Mars rotation period).
- Shortly
- Jupiter moves during Mars rotation period a distance = 1.16 mkm where Jupiter
orbital circumference be designed based on the rate (1.16) and that makes Mars
rotation period (24.6 h) is so effective period of time on Jupiter motion data.
Through the Mother of God mediation
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
A Question No. 7
Can Jupiter and Uranus Velocities Be Defined Based On One Another?
An Answer No. 7
- During Mars Rotation Period (24.6 hours) Jupiter moves 1.16 mkm and Uranus
moves 602200 km- means, during the same period (24.6 h) Jupiter moves a
distance = 1.16 mkm = light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/s) motion distance
during 1 second and during the same period Uranus moves a distance =602200 km
= light known velocity (0.3 mkm/sec) motion distance during 2 seconds – these
motions causes to use (a value of one) with (a value of Two) in the solar system,
that may explain why Uranus orbital distance = 2 Saturn orbital distance and can
explain why Mercury Day Period = 2 Mercury orbital period
- 2094 mkm = Jupiter Uranus Distance –this basic distance can be passed by 4
players which are
- (1) Light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/s) in a period = 1805 seconds
- (2) Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) in a period = 6980 seconds
- (3) Jupiter motion in a period 1850 days (=2 x 925 days) (but 929 mkm= Earth
Jupiter Distance when the 2 planets be on 2 different sides from the sun)
- (4) Uranus motion in a period (3564 days)
- 1 second of light motion= 1day of planet motion- for that – Uranus passes the
distances 2094 mkm in (3564 days) which is different from (3600) with 1%
- Because light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/s) passes 2 x 2094 mkm in one hour
(3600 s) but Uranus passes 2094 mkm in (3564 days) because Uranus motion in 2
solar days passes a distance = 1.16 mkm (error 1.3%)
- But
- The period 1805 sec is related to Jupiter because 1.16 x778.6 x 2= 1805 mkm
- (778.6 mkm =Jupiter orbital distance)
Through the Mother of God mediation
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- And
- 6980 seconds be very near to 6939.75 (error 0.6%) ,where 6939.75 days=Metonic
Cycle period – if Uranus effects on the moon to move Metonic Cycle Period –that
makes the period 6939.75 be related to Uranus
- Notice
- Saturn moves during Uranus Day Period a distance = 600624 km
- Shortly
- Light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/s) passes during one hour (3600s) a distance =
2 x 2094 mkm but Uranus in (3600 days) passes 2094 mkm (error1%)
- That tells the rates of velocities between Uranus and Jupiter effect on the planets
distances distribution.
- Notice (1)
- 929 mkm =1.13184mkm x 820 days = 1.16 mkm/s x 800 sec
- And
- 671 mkm = 800 days x 0.838 mkm/day (Saturn velocity)
- The next question provides more explanation for this data
- Notice (2)
- 1second of light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) = 2π hours of Jupiter Motion-because
both move equal distances in their periods
- 1second of light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) = (π)1/2
hours of Mercury Motion-
because both move equal distances in their periods
- 1 second of light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) = 2 (π)1/2
hours of Mars Motion-
because both move equal distances in their periods (error 2.5%)
Through the Mother of God mediation
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
A Question No.8
What Basic Points Be Provided By The Solar System Creation And Motion
An Answer No. 8
- Matter is Created out of light beam, and the produced matter isn't separated from
its light parent but moves with it one unified motion by using different rates of
time between the matter and light.
- The matter is created of energy and the space is created of energy and by that, the
matter is created in motion. that means, the space is created obligatory with the
matter creation.
- The solar planets and their distances are created out of one light beam its velocity
=1.16 mkm/sec (The Theory Hypothesis)
- The energy of light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/sec) be used for the solar system
creation and by that this light beam motion features be registered in the planets
matters and their distances.
- The planets move in comparison with their parent light beam (1.16 mkm/s) in one
unified general motion by using different rates of time
- The basic rate of time is
(1 Second Of Light Motion = 1 Solar Day Of Planet Motion)
- Means
- (Energy of light motion for 1 second be used to move a planet for 1 solar day)
- This great rate be divided among the planets motions rates of time
- As A Result,
- The Using Of Different Rates Of Time Should Be A Feature Of The Solar
Planets Motions
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- Based on this vision
- The Solar System Be Similar To A Great Clock.
- The Clock input is an energy of light motion for 1 second and the clock output is
an energy enough for a planet motion for 1 solar day –
- The rates of time be used by the planets to create One Unified General Rate Of
Time which be used by the planets unified motion. (The General Rate Of Time
Is That 1 Second Of One Motion Be = 1461 Seconds Of Another Motion)
- The solar planets be similar to points on the same one trajectory of energy – or
they are knots on the same rope –
- Also
- The solar planets be similar to gears in one machine of gears – or the planets be
similar to puppets on a puppets theater –
- The rope can show the best similarity for the solar planets – the matter and apace
be created out of light beam energy – and by that – the light creates planet matter
and its distance by light energy – by that – light created planet matter and its
distance to be in proportionality with other planets data because all of them be
created out of the same one source of energy.
- Because all planets be created of one light beam, the planets move with this light
beam and by that we conclude a light beam motion be in accompanying with
planets motions –
- Light motion be accompanying with planets motions– because of that
- The solar planets motions be integrated into One Unified General Motion.
- The solar planets move one unified general motion – This motion be similar to
Train Carriages Motion – they all move together one unified general motion– spite
the planets velocities are different from one another – but as a machine of Gears –
the gears move by different velocities but create one unified general motion.
Through the Mother of God mediation
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- A canal water motion can be very good example for our explanation ….
- Imagine 9 waterwheels be built on one canal, so the 9 waterwheels rotate because
of the water motion (the water motion here is similar to light motion and the
waterwheels are similar to the solar planets)
- This example is a great help for our explanation – the water motion direction is
perpendicular on the waterwheels rotation direction but no waterwheel can rotate
without water motion–also– the waterwheel motions effect on one another because
they effect on the water amount from one to another – that perfectly shows how
the solar system works
- Now we have one more great help,
- The solar planets move One Unified General Motion because the light beam deal
with the unified motion of the planets
- The planets unified motion forces each planet to move a complementary motion
which can be integrated with one another to create the planets unified general
- Now each planet motion became (some how) obligatory motion because it should
be integrated with other planets motions to create the unified general motion.
- By that the planets motions be obligatory motions
- Planet data should be in harmony with this planet motion –the motion is obligatory
to be integrated with other planets motions – based on that – the planets motions
data should be complementary data with one another.
- Based on this vision
- There's one law controls all planets motions data –that because – the data should
be created in harmony with their motions and the motions must be complementary
to create one unified general motion of the solar planets motions.
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- By that, the light beam motion controls the solar planets motions and their data –
shortly we have One Law controls all data.
(VIII) (The Distances Network Form)
- The solar system distances be created in a network form.
- The solar system is similar to a board of chess and the distances be created
together based on one geometrical design. Here we don't deal with an individual
distance be defined by masses gravity. Instead we deal with a group of distances
be distributed based on one geometrical design for that reason the solar system
distances be created in a network form. This idea is so important one because
when we try to define a planet orbital distance we don't use the gravitation
equation but we use the neighbor planets orbital and internal distances to discover
the required one.
- The network theory of the solar system distances provides a very good solution to
explain how the distances be created. And provides perfect explanations for
different features be discovered in the distances analysis. For example around 50%
of all distances in the solar system be equal one another (Notice, the solar system
all orbital and internal distances be 55 distances and around 30 of them be equal
one another), how can we explain this feature? Also one rate as (2.48) be used
between around 50% of all distances, and other rates as (4.61 and 31) be used as
rates between around 45% of all distances – how to explain this feature? The data
shows the distances be created together as one group of distances be distributed
geometrically and all of them can be effected by one reason. Also one more rate
(1.0725) be used between 40% of all distances (Appendix no.1 of this current
paper provides many lists of these distances with comments on them)
(IX) (The Continuum Effect)
- A continuum effect can be proved clearly in the solar planets data –let's explain the
continuum effect meaning in following..
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- In ancient time there was an illness called (Leprosy), it's very interesting illness
because it infects the human, and the cloths and also the buildings!!
- How can that be possible? It's the continuum effect meaning
- One reason moves through the planets data to use matters dimensions, distances,
periods and other components in one unified operation and make all of them be
rated by this one reason.
- The rate 1.0725, be inserted in this current paper appendix no. 1, explains this
meaning, the rate (1.0725) be used between 40% of all distances in the solar
system but be used also between 8 planets axial tilts and be used also between
many planets periods of time! The same one rate (1.0725)
- It's A Continuum Effect Can Be Created Only By Light Motion
- The Continuum Effect Is A Light Motion Feature
- The light can use distance as a period of time and can create the matter of light
energy by that the continuum effect should be a proof for the planets creation of a
light beam – We discuss the continuum effect and prove it in this current paper
(X) (The Planets Order)
- The solar planets original order almost has been similar to the interference of
young experiment of light coherence (the double slits experiment)
- The planets were perfectly arranged as the fringes,
- Jupiter was the greatest fringe and found in the middle, and then
- The planets on its left be ordered as following (Earth – Venus – Mars – Mercury),
- The planets on its right be ordered as following (Neptune – Uranus), (Where
Saturn be created after Mars migration and before the sun creation)
- (Where Mars Migration theory proves this order and be discussed in point no. 9)
- Based on that,
- We see the bright fringes as matters and the dark fringes we see as space – and the
interference be the most suitable form for the solar planets order.
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- But
- Why do we see the bright fringes as matters?
(XI) (The Mind Effect On Matter Creation)
- Let's suppose the human mind uses light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) in realization
process, means, we realize the outer world because our mind works by a velocity
300000 km/s
- It's just a hypothesis, let's test it
- If 2 light beams travel beside each other how each one will see the other? as a
particle! Why? because no difference in their velocities –
- Simply, if our mind works by light velocity – the result will be that, we will see all
light beams (0.3 mkm/s) around as matters and the low motion objects we will see
as light beams because of the difference in velocities…
- If this idea be correct – it will explain the confusion of Lorentz Transformations,
where Lorentz told that (Particle own length will be contracted if this particle
travels by high velocity motion) and we have to ask Why?? what's the relationship
between particle dimensions and its motion velocity? The relationship is found
from our realization for this particle dimensions – because we realize the particle
dimensions and data by using light velocity (0.3 mkm/s) in our mind and by that
when the particle travels with high velocity motion it effects on the basic
realization process components- means- the matter is created out of light by effect
of the human mind realization process on the universe.
- This idea tells shortly
- The matter is created out of light beam by effect of a human mind.
- Means, The Universe Is Created Of Light Beams, But
- Our minds effect to create The Matter
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- Notice
- Some claims tell Particle own length isn't contracted by high velocity motion but
it's illusion of measurement – we refuse this meaning because (1) the physics is the
science of measurement and (2) we don't want to make ourselves the universe
reference point.
- Notice
- In young experiment (the double slits experiment), the produced interference of
bright and dark fringes be created based on some geometrical design, by that, one
equation defines the fringes and distances breadths -
- The geometrical features are light motion features and by that if the matter shows
any geometrical feature that means the matter inherited these features of light
motion- also that tells – as long as the matter follows the light motion direction the
matter follows the geometrical rules otherwise the matter moves into chaos. The
Chaos may be created because the mass gravity may enable the matter to move
contradicting the light motion direction, by that 2 directions of motions be created
and caused the chaos creation.
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
3- The Solar Planets Motions Use Different Rates Of Time
3-1 Preface
3-2 The Planets Motions Rates Of Time
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Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
3-1 Preface
- The solar planets motions rates of time depend on the planets required periods to
move distances = their orbital distances.
- For example Venus needs 35.8 solar days to pass a distance = 108.2 mkm = Venus
orbital distance.
- The planets motions rates of time be defined based on these periods by which the
planets need to move distances = their orbital distances
- Let's write a list of these periods in following:
- Mercury needs 14.13 Solar Days (27.9 Solar Days)
- Venus needs 35.8 Solar Days
- Earth needs 58.1 Solar Days
- The moon needs 1700 Solar Days
- Mars needs 109.4 Solar Days
- Jupiter needs 687 Solar Days
- Saturn needs 1710 Solar Days
- Uranus needs 4890 Solar Days
- Neptune needs 9635 Solar Days
- Pluto needs 14547 Solar Days
- The periods are understandable simply, for example
- Earth moves during (58.1 Solar Days) a distance = 149.6 mkm = Earth orbital
- We notice, The Earth moon needs 1700 days because the moon daily displacement
=88000 km and the distance from the Earth to the sun =149.6 mkm and because of
that the moon needs 1700 days. And we notice that Saturn needs 1710 solar days
which makes the moon and Saturn rates of time are equal approximately
- We notice also that, the moon apogee radius =406000 km and this distance needs
only 4.61 days to be passed by the moon daily displacement 88000km. by that the
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
moon has 2 periods of time for its orbital distance, 4.61 days for the distance from
the moon to the Earth and 1700 days for the distance from the moon to the sun.
- The planets motions rates of time be defined based on these periods.
- The planets motions rates of time be the rate between any 2 periods, let's use
Mercury rates of time as example in following
- Notice for Mercury we 27.9 days and not 14.13 days, we should explain why in a
separated point of discussion in point no. (7-9) of this paper.
- Mercury Motions Rates Of Time
- (35.8 /27.9) = 1.279, means
- 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 1.279 hours of Venus Motion
- (58.1 /27.9) = 2.078, means
- 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 2.078 hours of Earth Motion
- (1700 /27.9) = 60.8, means
- 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 60.8 hours of The Moon Motion
- (109.4 /27.9) = 3.91, means
- 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 3.91 hours of Mars Motion
- 687 /27.9) = 24.6, means
- 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 24.6 hours of Jupiter Motion
- (1710 /27.9) = 61.1, means
- 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 3.91 hours of Saturn Motion
- (4890 /27.9) = 174.8, means
- 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 174.8 hours of Uranus Motion
- (9635 /27.9) = 344.8, means
- 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 344.8 hours of Neptune Motion
- (14547 /27.9) = 520.2, means
- 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 520.2 hours of Pluto Motion
- Let's test these rates in the next point…
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
3-2 The Planets Motions Rates Of Time.
1 hour of Mercury motion = 1.279 h of Venus Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 2.078 h of Earth Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 3.91 h of Mars Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 24.6 h of Jupiter Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 61.1 h of Saturn Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 174.8 h of Uranus Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 344.6 h of Neptune Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 520.2 h of Pluto Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 60.8 h of The Earth Moon Motion
- Notice
- The planets motions rates of time cause the planets revolutions around the sun to
be done in equal periods of time.
- That because
- If 1 day of Mercury motion = 61.1 days of Saturn motion, during Saturn orbital
period (10747 days) Mercury uses a period =175.94 = Mercury day period, that
makes all planets orbital periods are equal in proportionality with their motions
rates of time.
- Let's try to prove that in following…
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
Mercury Rates Of Time Test
 224.7 days (Venus orbital period) = 1.279 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period)
 365.25 days (Earth orbital period) = 2.078 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period)
 687 days (Mars orbital period) = 3.91 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period)
 4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 24.6 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period)
 10747 days (Saturn orbital period) = 61.1 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period)
 30589 days (Uranus orbital period) = 174.8 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period)
 59800 days (Neptune orbital period) = 344.6 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period)
 90560 days (Pluto orbital period) = 520.2 x175.94 days (Mercury Day Period)
- The errors are 1.4% and 1% with Neptune and Pluto orbital periods respectively,
no other error more than 1%
- The data tells, Mercury rate of time defines all planets orbital periods based on
Mercury Day Period (175.94solar days).
- Now we notice that, Mercury use 27.9 days in place of 14.13 days and use its day
period (175.94 days) in place of its orbital period (88 days). Shortly Mercury uses
a double value of its data we should discover why in point no. (7-9) of this paper.
- The data shows that the periods of time are equal – for example – 1 Mercury day -
=2.078 days of Earth motion. by that 175.94 days of Mercury motion be = 365.25
days of Earth motion. that means 175.94 days be = 365.25 days. As a result all
planets revolve around the sun in equal periods of time depending on their motions
rates of time.
- The point is, All solar planets orbital periods are defined based on these rates of
time, similar to Mercury Data Using.
- We have to test all planets motions data to prove all planets follow this same using
of data and by that we obtain a rule control the data clearly. We test all planets in
the next point no. (6)
- Then we have to discuss the planet motions rates of time meaning and effect on the
planets motions.
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- While we analyze the planets motions rates of time using, I wish the vision be seen
clearly from out of the analysis process.
- The analysis process tries to prove that the planets motions data be created as
layers above one another. we here deal with some fruit as (one onion) it consists of
layers above one another.
- The planet motion creates these players one above another. while the outer vision
shows (one onion) may be so strong as a rigid body but in fact it consists of layers
one above another. so the analysis process moves from one layer to the next and
we should follow this process with attention to discover how the planet data be
created and how this planet motion be in harmony with its data.
- In the next point no. (6) We use Mercury as an example for all planets motions
data. The point no. (6) is a simple one because we test just the rates of time in it.
- There are 2 important data we should keep in mind.
- The first data is the planets orbital distances which are defined also based on the
planets motions rates of time and we prove that in point no. (5, 6 and 7)
- The second data is the planets required periods to move their orbital distances,
these periods have a great significance …
- I want to say,
- The planets motions rates of time are rates defined based on the required periods,
but these rates of time control all planets motions data. I have to arrange the data in
best form for that the simple test I put in points no. (5, 6 and 7) as an approach, but
many other analysis we have to discuss in the paper rest points to explain the
major significance of the planets motions rates of time.
- The basic difficulty is the theoretical explanations, for example, when someone
asks how the planet low velocity motion can use different rate of time?
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- This question I can't answer simply… also
- Another question asks,
- Why Do The Planets Motions Use Different Rates Of Time?
- Also this question is hard to answer!
- It doesn't mean, it has no answer. It has an answer.. let's write it
- The planets motions use different rates of time to work as a great clock to create
one great rate of time (1 day of the sun motion = 365 days of Earth motion)
- This rate of time is required to be built because the sun rays energy be provided by
the planets motions energies accumulation. Means, the sun rays aren't produced by
any nuclear interactions inside the sun, on the contrary, the planets motions
energies be accumulated during one year (365 days) and the sun use it on one day
and by that the energy be enough for the sun rays creation.
- The answer is surprised and my be refused…
- That's why I don't answer the theoretical questions
- I want to put the data in front of the respectful readers. The planets motions data
isn't my opinion or theory, it's the planets motions data and we have to explain
how this data be created even if all my explanations be mistaken.
- I want to say
- The planets motions data contradicts Newton theory of the sun mass gravity and
the whole description of the solar system motion. this is the point we need to
- Newton theory which is lived for 400 years created its environment inside the
physics book, that's why the contradiction has a massive negative effect.
- It's not a small point in the physics book we should repair. It's a wide vision and
understanding concerning the solar system motion. the contradiction means we
should change a great part in the physics book.
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
4- The Solar Planets Rates Of Time Analysis
4-1 Preface
4-2 Venus Motion Rate of time
4-3 Earth Motion Rate of time
4-4 Mars Motion Rate of time
4-5 Jupiter Motion Rate of time
4-6 Saturn Motion Rate of time
4-7 Uranus Motion Rate of time
4-8 Neptune Motion Rate of time
4-9 Pluto Motion Rate of time
4-10 The Planets Orbital Distances Test
4-11 One Law Controls The Planets Orbital Periods And Distances
4-12 The General Discussion
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
4-1 Preface
- In this point we follow the example of Mercury motion. by that we define each
planet motion rates of time relative to the other planets and prove these rates of
time define all other planets orbital periods. (and also All Orbital Distances)
- There are 2 basic tasks we have to notice in our discussion which are:
- (1st
Task) The Comparison Of The Data With Newton Vision.
- We need to consider this comparison, because it's not enough to write a sentence
as this one (Newton Description Contradicts The Planets Motions Data), this
sentence is a fact but not enough. We have to see the planets data and to follow the
planets motions different forms to see how Newton description be so far from the
truth. We here don't deal with some wrong idea we need to disprove, but we deal
with a wrong vision and we need to rearrange the data in their correct positions to
see the real picture.
- If we do that, we will discover (for example) that, the sun is the last created piece
in the solar system, the sun be created after all planets creations and motions, that
shows clearly how Newton theory is mistaken because Newton saw what's result
as a reason and what's a reason he considered as a result, means, according to
Newton we have to see a reversed vision for the truth.
- (2nd
Task) The Observation Of The Data Values
- The values are our treasures we should analyze them to their depth. For example
the moon needs 1700 solar days to pass the distance 149.6 mkm = Earth orbital
distance by using its daily displacement 88000 km and Saturn needs 1710 solar
days to move a distance = 1433.5 mkm= Saturn orbital distance, we should know
why these 2 periods are equal and what effect be done as a result
- The data which we analyze here to prove the planets motions rates of time are
priceless data we should keep and follow them – because by the analysis we can
see the different layers of motions which create the planet and its motions data.
- Notice (The Data Be Discussed In Point 6-12)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
4-2 Venus Motion Rate Of Time
I – Data
1 hour of Venus motion = (0.78) h of Mercury Motion
1 hour of Venus motion = 1.62 h of Earth Motion
1 hour of Venus motion = 3.057 h of Mars Motion
1 hour of Venus motion = 19.233 h of Jupiter Motion
1 hour of Venus motion = 47.8 h of Saturn Motion
1 hour of Venus motion = 136.7 h of Uranus Motion
1 hour of Venus motion = 269.4 h of Neptune Motion
1 hour of Venus motion = 406.7 h of Pluto Motion
1 hour of Venus motion = 47.54 h of The Moon Motion
- In Following We Provide The Data Analysis
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
II–Data Analysis
175.94 days (Mercury day period) = 0.78 x 224.7 days (Venus orbital period)
365.25 days (Earth orbital period) = 1.62 x 224.7 days (Venus orbital period)
687 days (Mars orbital period) = 3.057 x 224.7 days (Venus orbital period)
4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 19.2 x 224.7 days (Venus orbital period)
10747 days (Saturn orbital period) = 47.8 x 224.7 days (Venus orbital period)
30589 days (Uranus orbital period) = 136.7 x 224.7 days (Venus orbital period)
59800 days (Neptune orbital period) = 266.2 x 224.7 days (Venus orbital period)
90560 days (Pluto orbital period) = 403 x 224.7 days (Venus orbital period)
- There Are Errors (1%) Only With Neptune And Pluto Orbital Periods
- Shortly
- All planets orbital periods be created based on Venus orbital period (224.7 days)
by using the rates of time between Venus and these planets –
- No error in all data more than 1% -
- The Data Proves That – The Rate of Time Controls The Solar System motion
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
4-3 Earth Motion Rate Of Time
I – Data
1 hour of Earth motion = (0.48) h of Mercury Motion
1 hour of Earth motion = (0.617) h of Venus Motion
1 hour of Earth motion = 1.88 h of Mars Motion
1 hour of Earth motion = 11.8 h of Jupiter Motion
1 hour of Earth motion = 29.4 h of Saturn Motion
1 hour of Earth motion = 84.1 h of Uranus Motion
1 hour of Earth motion = 165.8 h of Neptune Motion
1 hour of Earth motion = 250.4 h of Pluto Motion
1 hour of Earth motion = 29.3 h of The Moon Motion
- In Following We Provide The Data Analysis
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
II–Data Analysis
175.94 days (Mercury day period) = 0.48 x 365.25 days (Earth orbital period)
224.7 days (Venus orbital period) = 0.617 x 365.25 days (Earth orbital period)
687 days (Mars orbital period ) = 1.88 x 365.25 days (Earth orbital period)
4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 11.8 x 365.25 days (Earth orbital period)
10747 days (Saturn orbital period) = 29.4 x 365.25 days (Earth orbital period)
30589 days (Uranus orbital period) = 84.1 x 365.25 days (Earth orbital period)
59800 days (Neptune orbital period) = 163.8 x 365.25 days (Earth orbital period)
90560 days (Pluto orbital period) = 248 x 365.25 days (Earth orbital period)
- Errors (1.2% and 1%) With Neptune And Pluto Orbital Periods Respectively
- Shortly
- All planets orbital periods be created based on Earth orbital period (365.25 days)
by using the rates of time between Earth and these planets –
- No other error in all data more than 1% -
- The Data Proves That – The Rate of Time Controls The Solar System motion
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
4-4 Mars Motion Rate Of Time
I – Data
1 hour of Mars motion = (0.255) h of Mercury Motion
1 hour of Mars motion = (0.327) h of Venus Motion
1 hour of Mars motion = (0.531) h of Earth Motion
1 hour of Mars motion = 6.3 h of Jupiter Motion
1 hour of Mars motion = 15.6 h of Saturn Motion
1 hour of Mars motion = 44.71 h of Uranus Motion
1 hour of Mars motion = 88.1 h of Neptune Motion
1 hour of Mars motion = 133 h of Pluto Motion
1 hour of Mars motion = 15.55 h of The Moon Motion
- In Following We Provide The Data Analysis
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
II–Data Analysis
175.94 days (Mercury day period) = 0.255 x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period)
224.7 days (Venus orbital period) = 0.327 x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period)
365.25 days (Earth orbital period = 0.531 x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period)
4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 6.3 x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period)
10747 days (Saturn orbital period) = 15.6 x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period)
30589 days (Uranus orbital period) = 44.7 x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period)
59800 days (Neptune orbital period) = 88.1 x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period)
90560 days (Pluto orbital period) = 133 x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period)
- Errors (1.2% and 1%) With Neptune And Pluto Orbital Periods Respectively
- Shortly
- All planets orbital periods be created based on Mars orbital period (687 days) by
using the rates of time between Mars and these planets
- No other error in all data more than 1% -
- The Data Proves That – The Rate of Time Controls The Solar System motion
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
4-5 Jupiter Motion Rate Of Time
I – Data
1 hour of Jupiter motion = (0.040) h of Mercury Motion
1 hour of Jupiter motion = (0.0419) h of Venus Motion
1 hour of Jupiter motion = (0.084) h of Earth Motion
1 hour of Jupiter motion = (0.1589) h of Mars Motion
1 hour of Jupiter motion = 2.48 h of Saturn Motion
1 hour of Jupiter motion = 7.1 h of Uranus Motion
1 hour of Jupiter motion = 14 h of Neptune Motion
1 hour of Jupiter motion = 21.1 h of Pluto Motion
1 hour of Jupiter motion = 2.47 h of The Moon Motion
- In Following We Provide The Data Analysis
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
II–Data Analysis
175.94 days (Mercury day period) = 0.040 x 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period)
224.7 days (Venus orbital period) = 0.0419 x 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period)
365.25 days (Earth orbital period = 0.084 x 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period)
687 days (Mars orbital period) = 0.1589 x 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period)
10747 days (Saturn orbital period) = 2.48 x 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period)
30589 days (Uranus orbital period) = 7.1 x 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period)
59800 days (Neptune orbital period) = 14 x 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period)
90560 days (Pluto orbital period) = 21.1 x 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period)
- Errors (1.4% and 1%) With Neptune And Pluto Periods respectively
- All planets orbital periods be created based on Jupiter orbital period (4331days)
by using the rates of time between Jupiter and these planets
- No other error in all data more than 1% -
- The Data Proves That – The Rate of Time Controls The Solar System motion
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
4-6 Saturn Motion Rate Of Time
I – Data
1 hour of Saturn motion = (0.016) h of Mercury Motion
1 hour of Saturn motion = (0.0209) h of Venus Motion
1 hour of Saturn motion = (0.0339) h of Earth Motion
1 hour of Saturn motion = (0.0639) h of Mars Motion
1 hour of Saturn motion = (0.403) h of Jupiter Motion
1 hour of Saturn motion = 2.857 h of Uranus Motion
1 hour of Saturn motion = 5.63 h of Neptune Motion
1 hour of Saturn motion = 8.5 h of Pluto Motion
1 hour of Saturn motion = 1 h of The Moon Motion
- In Following We Provide The Data Analysis
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
II–Data Analysis
175.94 days (Mercury day period) = 0.040 x 10747 days (Saturn Orbital Period)
224.7 days (Venus orbital period) = 0.0209 x 10747 days (Saturn Orbital Period)
365.25 days (Earth orbital period = 0.0339 x 10747 days (Saturn Orbital Period)
687 days (Mars orbital period) = 0.0639 x 10747 days (Saturn Orbital Period)
4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 0.403 x 10747 days (Saturn Orbital Period)
30589 days (Uranus orbital period) = 2.857 x 10747 days (Saturn Orbital Period)
59800 days (Neptune orbital period) = 5.63 x 10747 days (Saturn Orbital Period)
90560 days (Pluto orbital period) = 8.5 x 10747 days (Saturn Orbital Period)
- Errors (1%) Only With Neptune And Pluto Orbital Periods
- Shortly
- All planets orbital periods be created based on Saturn orbital period (10747 days)
by using the rates of time between Saturn and these planets
- No other error in all data more than 1% -
- The Data Proves That – The Rate of Time Controls The Solar System motion
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
4-7 Uranus Motion Rate Of Time
I – Data
1 hour of Uranus motion = (0.0057) h of Mercury Motion
1 hour of Uranus motion = (0.0073) h of Venus Motion
1 hour of Uranus motion = (0.011) h of Earth Motion
1 hour of Uranus motion = (0.022) h of Mars Motion
1 hour of Uranus motion = (0.14) h of Jupiter Motion
1 hour of Uranus motion = (0.3499) h of Saturn Motion
1 hour of Uranus motion = 1.97 h of Neptune Motion
1 hour of Uranus motion = 2.97 h of Pluto Motion
1 hour of Uranus motion = (0.349) h of The Moon Motion
- In Following We Provide The Data Analysis
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
II–Data Analysis
175.94 days (Mercury day period) = 0.0057 x 30589 days ( Uranus Orbital Period)
224.7 days (Venus orbital period) = 0.0073 x 30589 days ( Uranus Orbital Period)
365.25 days (Earth orbital period = 0.011 x 30589 days ( Uranus Orbital Period)
687 days (Mars orbital period) = 0.022 x 30589 days ( Uranus Orbital Period)
4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 0.14 x 30589 days ( Uranus Orbital Period)
10747 days (Saturn orbital period) = 0.3499 x 30589 days (Uranus Orbital Period)
59800 days (Neptune orbital period) = 1.97 x 30589 days ( Uranus Orbital Period)
90560 days (Pluto orbital period) = 2.97 x 30589 days ( Uranus Orbital Period)
- No Error In All Data More Than 1% -
- All planets orbital periods be created based on Uranus orbital period (30589 days)
by using the rates of time between Uranus and these planets
- The Data Proves That – The Rate of Time Controls The Solar System motion
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
4-8 Neptune Motion Rate Of Time
I – Data
1 hour of Neptune motion = (0.0029) h of Mercury Motion
1 hour of Neptune motion = (0.0037) h of Venus Motion
1 hour of Neptune motion = (0.006) h of Earth Motion
1 hour of Neptune motion = (0.011) h of Mars Motion
1 hour of Neptune motion = (0.0713) h of Jupiter Motion
1 hour of Neptune motion = (0.177) h of Saturn Motion
1 hour of Neptune motion = (0.507) h of Uranus Motion
1 hour of Neptune motion = 1.509 h of Pluto Motion
1 hour of Neptune motion = (0.1773) h of The Moon Motion
- In Following We Provide The Data Analysis
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
II–Data Analysis
175.94 days (Mercury day period) = 0.0029 x 59800 days (Neptune Orbital Period)
224.7 days (Venus orbital period) = 0.0037 x 59800 days (Neptune Orbital Period)
365.25 days (Earth orbital period = 0.006 x 59800 days (Neptune Orbital Period)
687 days (Mars orbital period) = 0.011 x 59800 days (Neptune Orbital Period)
4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 0.0713 x 59800 days (Neptune Orbital Period)
10747 days (Saturn orbital period) = 0.177 x 59800 days (Neptune Orbital Period)
30589 days (Uranus orbital period) = 0.507 x 59800 days (Neptune Orbital Period)
90560 days (Pluto orbital period) = 1.509 x 59800 days (Neptune Orbital Period)
- Neptune orbital period creates an error 1.3% with all data except Pluto and
- All planets orbital periods be created based on Neptune orbital period (59800 days)
by using the rates of time between Neptune and these planets
- No other error in all data more than 1% -
- The Data Proves That – The Rate of Time Controls The Solar System motion
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
4-9 Pluto Motion Rate of time
I – Data
1 hour of Pluto motion = (0.00192) h of Mercury Motion
1 hour of Pluto motion = (0.00245) h of Venus Motion
1 hour of Pluto motion = (0.00399) h of Earth Motion
1 hour of Pluto motion = (0.0075) h of Mars Motion
1 hour of Pluto motion = (0.0472) h of Jupiter Motion
1 hour of Pluto motion = (0.1174) h of Saturn Motion
1 hour of Pluto motion = (0.336) h of Uranus Motion
1 hour of Pluto motion = (0.662) h of Neptune Motion
1 hour of Pluto motion = (0.11743) h of The Moon Motion
- In Following We Provide The Data Analysis
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
II–Data Analysis
175.94 days (Mercury day period) = 0.00192 x 90560 days (Pluto Orbital Period)
224.7 days (Venus orbital period) = 0.00245 x 90560 days (Pluto Orbital Period)
365.25 days (Earth orbital period = 0.00399 x 90560 days (Pluto Orbital Period)
687 days (Mars orbital period) = 0.0075 x 90560 days (Pluto Orbital Period)
4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 0.0472 x 90560 days (Pluto Orbital Period)
10747 days (Saturn orbital period) = 0.1174 x 90560 days (Pluto Orbital Period)
30589 days (Uranus orbital period) = 0.336 x 90560 days (Pluto Orbital Period)
59800 days (Neptune orbital period) = 0.662 x 90560 days (Pluto Orbital Period)
- Pluto orbital period creates error 1% with all data.
- No error In All Data More Than 1% -
- All planets orbital periods be created based on Pluto orbital period (90560 days)
by using the rates of time between Pluto and these planets –
The Data Proves That – The Rate of Time Controls The Solar System motion
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
4-10 The Planets Orbital Distances Test
- Let's refer to what we will do here
- We remember here Mercury rates of time with the other planets
- Then
- We suppose that, Mercury moves during one solar day
- And
- We will find the other planets periods of time in comparison with this 1 solar day
of Mercury motion based on these planets rates of time with Mercury
- Then
- We will discover the distances the planets pass during these periods
- Then
- We will compare these distances with Mercury motion distance for 1 solar day
=4.095 mkm
- Based on this comparison, we should test if the planets orbital distances be defined
based on these planets rates of time,
- Let's Do That In Following…
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
I- Data
Mercury Rates Of Time
1 hour of Mercury motion = 1.279 h of Venus Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 2.078 h of Earth Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 3.91 h of Mars Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 24.6 h of Jupiter Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 61.1 h of Saturn Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 174.8 h of Uranus Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 344.6 h of Neptune Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 520.2 h of Pluto Motion
1 hour of Mercury motion = 60.8 h of The Earth Moon Motion
The Motions Distances Based On Mercury Rates Of Time
Mercury (4.095 mkm / solar day) moves during 1 day a distance =4.095 mkm
Venus (3.024 mkm / solar day) moves during 1.279 days a distance =3.867 mkm
Earth (2.574 mkm / solar day) moves during 2.078 days a distance = 5.35 mkm
Mars (2.082 mkm / solar day) moves during 3.91 days a distance = 8.14 mkm
Jupiter (1.13184 mkm / solar day) moves during 24.6 days a distance = 27.8 mkm
Saturn (0.838 mkm / solar day) moves during 61.1 days a distance = 51.2 mkm
Uranus (0.5875 mkm / solar day) moves during 174.8 days a distance = 102.7 mkm
Neptune (0.4665 mkm / solar day) moves during 344.8 days a distance = 160.8 mkm
Pluto (0.406 mkm / solar day) moves during 520.2 days a distance = 211.2 mkm
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
II- Data Analysis
No. (2)
(Venus motion distance=3.867 mkm) /(Mercury Motion Distance 4.095 mkm) =0.944
(Venus orbital circumference =680 mkm) /(Mercury Distance 720.7 mkm) =0.944
No. (3)
(Earth motion distance=5.35 mkm) /(Mercury Motion Distance 4.095 mkm) =1.3
(Earth orbital circumference =940 mkm) /(Mercury Distance 720.7 mkm) = 1.3
No. (4)
(Mars motion distance=8.14 mkm) /(Mercury Motion Distance 4.095 mkm) = 1.98
(Mars orbital circumference =1433 mkm) /(Mercury Distance 720.7 mkm) = 1.98
No. (5)
(Jupiter motion distance=27.8 mkm) /(Mercury Motion Distance 4.095 mkm) = 6.8
(Jupiter orbital circumference =4900 mkm) /(Mercury Distance 720.7 mkm) = 6.8
No. (6)
(Saturn motion distance=51.2 mkm) /(Mercury Motion Distance 4.095 mkm) = 12.5
(Saturn orbital circumference =9010 mkm) /(Mercury Distance 720.7 mkm) = 12.5
No. (7)
(Uranus motion distance =102.7 mkm) /(Mercury Motion Distance 4.095 mkm) =25.1
Where (Uranus orbital circumference =18048 mkm) /(Mercury Distance 720.7 mkm) = 25.1
No. (8)
(Neptune motion distance =161 mkm) /(Mercury Motion Distance 4.095 mkm) =39.3
(Neptune orbital circumference =28255 mkm) /(Mercury Distance 720.7 mkm) = 39.3
No. (9)
(Pluto motion distance =211.2 mkm) /(Mercury Motion Distance 4.095 mkm) =51.6
Where (Pluto orbital circumference =37100 mkm) /(Mercury Distance 720.7 mkm) = 51.6
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
III- Discussion
- Let's summarize the idea in following:
- As we have seen the planets orbital periods and distances be defined clearly based
on the rates of time which we have calculated.
- And
- The rates of time be calculated based on the required periods for the planets to
move distances = their orbital distances, means
- The required periods should be considered as the cornerstone of the rates of time
definition and using.
- Shortly
- We conclude that, the planets orbital periods and distances be created as function
in these planets required periods to move their orbital distances, let's remember
these required periods in following
- Mercury needs 14.13 Solar Days (27.9 Solar Days)
- Venus needs 35.8 Solar Days
- Earth needs 58.1 Solar Days
- The moon needs 1700 Solar Days
- Mars needs 109.4 Solar Days
- Jupiter needs 687 Solar Days
- Saturn needs 1710 Solar Days
- Uranus needs 4890 Solar Days
- Neptune needs 9635 Solar Days
- Pluto needs 14547 Solar Days
- We notice that,
- The planet motion rates of time be defined also as the rates between this planet
orbital period and the other planets orbital periods.
- As we have noticed before
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- The planets orbital period defines planet orbital Circumference but
- The planets required period defines planet orbital Distance but
- Please review the discussion (The planets motions rates of time A Summary)
- The next step is to create one equation express these required periods of time,
- Means, if we have one equation controls the planets required periods of time, that
will create one law controls all planets orbital periods and distances.
- Let's discover this one law in the next point (6-11)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
4-11 One Law Controls The Planets Orbital Periods And Distances
- Let's Summarize The One Law Idea In Following:
- The inner planets required periods total = 235.8 days
- The outer planets required periods total = 31469 days
- The solar planets required periods total = 31705 days
- Notice
- 31469 days = 133 x 235.8 days (error 0.4%)
- The inner planets orbital periods total = 1480 days
- The outer planets orbital periods total = 196027 days
- The solar planets orbital periods total = 197027 days
- The total 197027 days = 1480 days x 133
- The solar planets orbital distances total = 16030 mkm
- 16030 mkm = 53.99 x 2 x 149.6 mkm (Earth orbital distance) (error 1%)
- Where
- 53.99 mkm = the distance be passed by Pluto in 133 days
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
4-12 The General Discussion
- What conclusions we can reach through the previous data?
- The data tries to create an approach for the planets motions data analysis… we try
to know why or how this data be created by these values?
- One notice is, Saturn motion rate of time equal approximately the moon motion
rate of time. No any source in physics book tells this information or tells that the
Earth moon and Saturn have some interaction of motions. but the data shows that's
- The rate of time of Saturn and the moon motions be equal because their motions
creates this equality. For example the moon daily displacement 88000 km needs a
period 10747 days to pass a distance = 940 mkm (Earth orbital circumference),
where (10747 days = Saturn orbital period)
- I want to say
- The previous data analysis open the planets data and arrange it in some form to
facilitate the analysis process. We try to test Newton vision for the planet motion.
here we can't show the contradictions in each point spite they are found, but we
interest to see the planet motion depth as possible. It's not enough to say that
Newton was the bad person in our physics book, it's not our objective, we need to
know why Newton is mistaken?, why the planet motion in its depth be different
from the outer observation? Why the direct vision only without data analysis
deceives us?
- For the last question I have a very interesting answer let's write it in an example for
explanation in following:
- Example For Explanation
- The moon displacement per a solar day = 88000 km
- The moon day period =29.53 solar day
- By that, the distances total which be passed by the moon in its day period should
be =(88000 km x 29.53 days = 2598640 km = 2π x 413600 km)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- Based on this data, The Moon Apogee Radius Should Be = 413600 km
- But it's not a fact
- The moon apogee radius = 406000 km
- Means,
- The moon can't be far from the Earth at a distance more than 406000 km, and the
moon never visit the point 413600 km
- This data shows clearly we can't understand the moon motion trajectory by the
observation only but we need to analyze the motion data to know what's going on.
- Again
- How the moon apogee radius be (406000 km)? while it should be (413600 km?)
- Notice
- There's one more feature should be referred as a result because the distance
(2598640 km) is so long the moon would have to revolve around Earth through its
(new) apogee orbit
- Shortly
- Based on this data, the moon would revolve around Earth along month through the
apogee orbit whose radius (r=413600 km) and would be prevented to revolve
around Earth through any more near orbits!
- The Fact Is That,
- The moon creates an angle (θ) between the moon displacement direction and the
moon orbit horizontal level, by that, while the moon moves daily 88000 km but
this distance doesn't be accounted for the moon orbit. The orbit considers another
displacement depend on the angle, let's call it (the real displacement L)
- (The Real Displacement) L = 88000 km cos (θ)
- As a result
- The real displacement be shorter than (88000 km) and the total displacements
during (29.53 days) be less than (2598640 km) and be = (2550973 km) (-2%)
Through the Mother of God mediation
I do this research
Gerges Francis Tawadrous/
Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292
- By this intelligent technique, the genius moon can revolve around Earth through
more near orbits and avoid to visit the point 413600 km forever and makes its
apogee radius =406000 km
- I wish the example proves the idea clearly, that we can't understand the planets
motions by observation only, but it necessitates to use the planets motions data
- I want to say
- The previous analysis is an approach, the rest paper points use this approach to
analyze different points of the planets motions data. because of that the paper will
discuss the equality of the rates of time between Saturn and the moon.
- Let's summarize what we try to do here
- I arrange the planets motions data to enable the analysis process to be done. In our
minds we compare between Newton vision of the solar system motion and the
planets motions data analysis. By that the contradictions will be seen along the
analysis process. After we finish we should suggest our description for the solar
system motion which be in harmony with the planets motions data analysis.
- Notice
- This paper is considered as a summary for part of my other paper – Please read the
full detailed discussion
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The Solar System Creation And Motion (Question And Answers) (Part 1).pdf

  • 1. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 1 The Solar System Creation And Motion (Question And Answers) (Part 1) The Author Authorized To Be Used By Mr. Gerges Francis Tawdrous A Student–Physics Department- Physics & Mathematics Faculty – Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia Dr. Budochkina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna Associate Professor (Mathematical Analysis and Theory of Functions Department) Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) – Moscow – Russia Phone +201022532292 E-Mail: Curriculum Vitae Phone +7 (495) 952-35-83 E-Mail:, Website The Assumption Of S. Virgin Mary -Written in Cairo –Egypt –9th January 2022 1- Abstract A Question No. 1 Is There A Simple Proof For Light Motion Effect On Planet Motion? A Question No. 2 Can The Planets Velocities Be Distributed Based On A Geometrical Design? A Question No. 3 Is There A Simple Proof For The Solar System Distances Creation In A Network Form? A Question No. 4 What Proves Are Available For The Existence of The Light Supposed Velocity (1.16mkm/sec) A Question No. 5 How does Planet velocity be defined? Is There an Equation can be used for all planets velocities? A Question No. 6 (Planets Velocities Are Created Complementary To One Another) How to prove this statement? A Question No. 7 Can Jupiter and Uranus Velocities Be Defined Based On One Another? A Question No.8 What Basic Points Be Provided By The Solar System Creation And Motion Theory? (Please scan the figure (ORCID)
  • 2. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 2 2- Methodology - I use the planets motions data analysis in comparison with the theories which try to explain the planets motions- - Shortly - I suppose the planet motion data be similar to a creature genes and by analysis of this data we should discover this planet motion features. - Let's use one example to explain how this method works? - An Example - Why does The Moon Apogee Radius = 406000 km? - The moon daily displacement = 88000 km, and the displacements total during the moon day period (29.53 solar days) be = 2598693 km - If this distance be the moon orbital apogee circumference, the moon orbital apogee radius should be = 413600 km – - It's a valid question – how the apogee radius be = 406000 km? - The moon creates an angle (θ) between its motion direction and its orbit horizontal level by that the real displacement (L) will not be = 88000 km, instead it be L= 88000 cos (θ), which be shorter than the displacement 88000 km - By that the total displacements in 29.53 days be less than 2598693 km and the apogee orbital radius be =406000 km and its circumference be = 2551444 km, means the apogee orbital circumference be shorter by (2%) - We should notice that, if the moon doesn't create the angle (θ) in its motion and depend on the displacement 88000 km directly - not only the apogee orbital radius will be 413600 km but also the moon will not be able to revolve around The Earth through any more near orbit– instead –the moon would be prisoner in the apogee orbit whose radius =413600 km and can't revolve around the Earth through any more near orbit - The moon using of the angle (θ) technique – or we call – Pythagorean triangle technique provides the moon the ability to revolve through more near orbits.
  • 3. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 3 - But why the moon needs to move its daily displacement 88000 km? the moon has to move equal distance to Earth motion distance daily (2.57 mkm). We conclude that because they aren’t separated from one another in the motion. if the moon has to move (2.57 mkm) daily why does it need a displacement (88000 km) daily? This question be answered in point no. (7-11) (The Moon Orbital Motion Equation) in which the moon motion features be discussed in details - Without the data analysis it's hard to discover this moon motion technique - The moon creation process can also be more clear by using the planets data analysis – and based on the data analysis, it's suggested that Mars itself did the collision with Earth by which the moon be created. Because - Mars was the second planet after Mercury with original orbital distance (84 mkm) and Mars had migrated from its original position to its current one (227.9 mkm) in its motion from (84 mkm) to (227.9 mkm) Mars had collided with Venus and then with Earth and caused the moon creation – - Mars migration theory answers many questions – such as – Why Venus has no moon if it had suffered from a collision as Earth? Because Mars had moved from the point (84 mkm) to (227.9 mkm) with force and by that Mars had pushed all collisions debris to move in its motion direction, left Venus without debris around, as a result, Venus could not create it own moon. this idea also explains the lunar Magma Ocean (LMO) Origin. (it's Venus). Because the debris be pushed with Mars in its motion direction and among this debris was the Lunar Magma Ocean– Earth gravity is greater than Venus' and the debris lost some of their momentum that gave Earth the chance to create its moon. - Shortly The planets motions data analysis put the planets motions data in comparison with the theories trying to explain how this data be created and to test the theory trying to prove if it's sufficient and trustee.
  • 4. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 4 A Question No. 1 Is There A Simple Proof For Light Motion Effect On Planet Motion? An Answer No. 1 (A) - Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) needs 1200 seconds to pass a distance = 360 mkm = Mercury Orbital Circumference – But - Mercury (4.095 mkm /day) moves during 1200 solar day a distance = 4914 mkm (where 4900 mkm = Jupiter Orbital Circumference) (B) - Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) needs 16333 s to pass a distance = 4900 mkm = Jupiter Orbital Circumference – But - Jupiter (1.1318 mkm /day) moves during 16333 solar days a distance = 18486.4 mkm (where 18048 mkm = Uranus Orbital Circumference – error 2.4%) (C) - Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) needs 60161 s to pass a distance = 18048 mkm = Uranus Orbital Circumference – But - Uranus (0.5875 mkm /day) moves during 60161 solar days a distance = 35346 mkm (where 37100 mkm = Pluto Orbital Circumference – error 4.8%) (D) - Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) needs 123667 s to pass a distance = 37100 mkm = Pluto Orbital Circumference – - Notice (1) - Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) needs 3134 s to pass a distance = 940 mkm = Earth Orbital Circumference – But - During 2 x 3134 solar days, the moon displacements total = 550.7mkm =Mars Jupiter Distance.
  • 5. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 5 - Notice (2) - The 3 planets (Jupiter - Uranus – Pluto), their orbital distances be (778.6 mkm, 2872.5 mkm and 5906 mkm) these 3 distances need the following periods (687 days- 4900 days – 14547 days) to be passed by their planets motions respectively, we notice that 687 days x 2π= 4331 days (Jupiter orbital period), and 4900 mkm = Jupiter orbital circumference which be used as 4890 days for Uranus orbital period and the period (14547 days) can be used as (14547 seconds) for Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) to pass 4364 mkm (where 4331 days =Jupiter orbital period error 0.7%) - The data tells the 3 planets almost depend on Jupiter Data –but why?? - Notice (3) - (4890 days/687days) =7.1= (14.14 days/ 2 days) - Data Discussion - The previous data shows that, we deal with one system starts from Mercury to Jupiter to Uranus to Pluto –one system uses light known velocity (0.3mkm/s) as a basic velocity –means we deal with one motion –the data proves many concepts, which are: (1) One Second Of Light Motion = One Solar Day Of Planet Motion (2) The Planets Distances Be Created In A Network Form (3) There's A Continuum In The Solar System (4) Planet Motion Data Be Defined Based On Light Motion.
  • 6. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 6 A Question No. 2 Can The Planets Velocities Be Distributed Based On A Geometrical Design? An Answer No. 2 - Jupiter moves during (24.6 h =Mars Rotation Period) a distance =1.16 mkm - (light supposed velocity passes in 1 second a distance = 1.16 mkm) - And - Uranus moves during (24.6 h =Mars Rotation Period) a distance =0.6 mkm - (light known velocity passes in 2 seconds a distance = 0.6 mkm) - By that Jupiter and Uranus be the 2 basic planets and they define the other planets velocities distribution… - Also - Uranus moves in 2 solar days a distance =1.16 mkm (error 1.3%) - Let's see the following Data (A) - Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) needs 1200 seconds to pass a distance = 360 mkm = Mercury Orbital Circumference – But - Mercury (4.095 mkm /day) moves during 1200 solar day a distance = 4914 mkm (Where 4900 mkm = Jupiter Orbital Circumference) - Notice - Mercury orbital distance 57.9 mkm and Mercury needs 14.14 days (=340 h) to pass this distance (but light known velocity (0.3mkm/s) moves in (340s) a distance 102 mkm). (Note Please, 4914 mkm =102 mkm x 48.2) (B) - Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) needs 2266.7 seconds to pass a distance = 680 mkm = Venus Orbital Circumference – But - Venus (3.024 mkm /day) moves during 2266.7 solar day a distance = 6855 mkm - Notice - Venus orbital distance 108.2 mkm and Venus needs 35.8 days (=859.2 h) to pass this distance (but light known velocity (0.3mkm/s) moves in (859.2s) a distance 257.8 mkm). (Note Please, 6855 mkm =257.8 mkm x 26.6)
  • 7. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 7 (C) - Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) needs 3134 seconds to pass a distance = 940 mkm = Earth Orbital Circumference – But - Earth (2.574 mkm /day) moves during 3134 solar day a distance = 8067.5 mkm - Notice - Earth orbital distance 149.6 mkm and Earth needs 58.1 days (=1394.5 h) to pass this distance (but light known velocity (0.3mkm/s) moves in (1394.5s) a distance 418.35 mkm). (Note Please, 8067.5 mkm =418.35 mkm x 19.28) (D) - Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) needs 4776 seconds to pass a distance = 1433 mkm = Mars Orbital Circumference – But - Mars (2.082 mkm /day) moves during 4776 solar day a distance = 9946.2 mkm = 2 x 4973 mkm - Notice - Mars orbital distance 227.9 mkm and Mars needs 109.5 days (=2626.8 h) to pass this distance (but light known velocity (0.3mkm/s) moves in (2626.8s) a distance 788 mkm). (Note Please, 9946.2 mkm =788 mkm x 12.62) - Also - (Mars Axial Tilt =25.2 deg = 2 x 12.6) and (778.6 mkm=Jupiter orbital distance and with 788 mkm the error 1.2%) and (9946.2 mkm = 2 x 4973 mkm where 4900 mkm is Jupiter Orbital Circumference with 4973 mkm be 1.5%) (E) - Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) needs 16333 seconds to pass a distance = 4900 mkm = Jupiter Orbital Circumference – But - Jupiter (1.1318 mkm /day) moves during 16333 solar day a distance = 18487 mkm (18048 mkm = Uranus Orbital Circumference) (error 2.4%) - Notice
  • 8. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 8 - Jupiter orbital distance 778.6 mkm and Jupiter needs 688 days (=16510 h) to pass this distance (but light known velocity (0.3mkm/s) moves in (16510 s) a distance 4952 mkm). (Note Please, 18487 mkm =4952 mkm x 3.73) (4900 =Jupiter Orbital Circumference with (4952) the error 1%) (F) - Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) needs 30023 seconds to pass a distance = 9007 mkm = Saturn Orbital Circumference – But - Saturn (0.838 mkm /day) moves during 30023 solar day a distance = 25162 mkm - Notice - Saturn orbital distance 1433.5 mkm and Saturn needs 1710 days (=41037 h) to pass this distance (but light known velocity (0.3mkm/s) moves in (41037 s) a distance 12311 mkm(Note Please, 25162 mkm =12311 mkm x 2.04) (G) - Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) needs 60160 seconds to pass a distance =18048 mkm = Uranus Orbital Circumference – But - Uranus (0.5875 mkm /day) moves during 60160 solar day a distance = 35345 mkm - Notice - Uranus orbital distance 2872.5 mkm and Saturn needs 4889 days (=117341 h) to pass this distance (but light known velocity (0.3mkm/s) moves in (117341 s) a distance 35202 mkm (Note Please, 35345 mkm =35202 mkm, error 0.4%) (H) - Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) needs 94147 seconds to pass a distance = 28244 mkm = Neptune Orbital Circumference – But - Neptune (0.4668 mkm /day) moves during 94147 solar day a distance = 43925 mkm - Notice
  • 9. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 9 - Neptune orbital distance 4495.1 mkm and Neptune needs 9635 days (=231229 h) to pass this distance (but light known velocity (0.3mkm/s) moves in (231229 s) a distance 69369 mkm (Note Please, 43925 mkm = 69369 mkm x 0.6333) (I) - Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) needs 123667 seconds to pass a distance = 37100 mkm = Pluto Orbital Circumference – But - Pluto (0.406 mkm /day) moves during 123667 solar day a distance = 50219 mkm - Notice - Pluto orbital distance 5906 mkm and Pluto needs 14544 days (=349054 h) to pass this distance (but light known velocity (0.3mkm/s) moves in (349054 s) a distance 104716 mkm (Note Please, 50219 mkm = 104716 mkm x 0.47957)
  • 10. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 10 Discussion - Because the 2 distances are equal in Uranus Data (35345 mkm =35202 mkm, error 0.4%), We conclude that a geometrical design be found behind the planets velocities distribution. - Before Uranus planet motion distance be greater than light motion distance in all planets but the difference be decreasing gradually. - For the 3 planets (Uranus, Saturn and Neptune) the rates be function in their orbital distance – (if Uranus be 1), So Saturn be (2) and Neptune be (π/2) because Uranus orbital distance 2872.5 mkm = 2 Saturn orbital distance 1433 mkm =2/ π Neptune orbital distance 4495.1 mkm. - For another group of 3 planets (Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus), their velocities per a solar day almost be in order (2, 3, and 4), where Uranus moves in a solar day 0.5875 mkm (Light 0.3mkm/s moves during 2 sec a distance 0.6 mkm error 2%) and Saturn moves 0.838 mkm (light 0.3 mkm/s in 3 sec 0.9 mkm error 0.0725) and Jupiter moves 1.1318 mkm (light 0.3 mkm/s in 4 sec 1.2 mkm error 0.06) - We notice that the rate (1.0725) be used for Lorentz length contraction and the error 0.06 be different from 0.0725 with 1.2% - Notice (0.9 mkm- 0.838 mkm = 61920 km where accurately 61920 s=17.2 h = Uranus Day Period - That tell, Uranus Day Period (17.2h) be created by Saturn motion effect, that explain why Saturn moves in (17.2 h) a distance= 600000 km - Many questions still be left behind - one basic question is that – How to explain the using of the distance 4900 mkm? in different data we have seen this distance and also Uranus needs around 4900 days to pass its orbital distance –How to explain that - Notice Jupiter moves in a solar day a distance 1.13184 mkm which is different only 2.5% from 1.16 mkm –that causes the planets velocities be rated to Jupiter velocity as in Uranus case – which we should discuss in next question no. (4)
  • 11. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 11 A Question No. 3 Is There A Simple Proof For The Solar System Distances Creation In A Network Form? An Answer No. 3 - The solar system distances be created in a network form. The following data can prove this fact clearly… (A) - 0.3 mkm /s (light known velocity) passes in 2094 seconds a distance =629 mkm - 629 mkm = Earth Jupiter Distance - 2094 mkm= Jupiter Uranus Distance - The data shows that, a light beam started from the Earth to Jupiter and passed from Jupiter to Uranus - The data shows that the 2 distances (629 mkm and 2094mkm) are created together based on a geometrical mechanism (B) - 0.3 mkm /s (light known velocity) passes in 2 x 2723 sec a distance = 1634 mkm - 2723 mkm = Earth Uranus Distance - 1622.7 mkm = Uranus Neptune Distance - The data shows that, a light beam started from the Earth to Uranus and passed from Uranus to Neptune - - The data uses the rate (2) because the distance 2723 mkm x 2 = Earth Uranus diameter through the revolution around the sun – the data shows (2) distances be used in equivalence to (1) distance- which is a known feature of the solar system motion- as –Uranus orbital distance = 2 Saturn orbital distances - The data shows that the 2 distances (2723 mkm and 1622.7 mkm) are created together in a network form (C) - The distance 1622.7 mkm be used as a period of time =1622.7 seconds and
  • 12. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 12 - 1622.7 seconds = 2 x 810 seconds - Where the period 810 seconds is very famous in the solar system motion –because light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/sec) passes in 810 sec a distance 940 mkm – and light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) passes in 810 seconds a distance= 243 mkm- - That shows the distances be distributed based on one geometrical design (D) - 0.3 mkm /s (light known velocity) passes in 18048 sec a distance = 5415 mkm =2 x 2707 mkm (Earth Uranus Distance 2723 mkm error 0.5%) - 18048 mkm = Uranus Orbital Circumference - The data shows that, the distances 18048 mkm and 2723 mkm be distributed based on one geometrical design. (E) - 0.3 mkm /s (light known velocity) passes in 4345.5 sec a distance = 1303 mkm - 1411 mkm =1.0725 x 1303 mkm (error 1%) - Where - 4345.5 mkm = Earth Neptune Distance - 1411 mkm = Neptune Pluto Distance - Notice (1) - The rate (1.0725) is used because of Lorentz Length Contraction Effect. The rate (1.0725) is used with around 40% of all distances in the solar system – appendix No.1 provides these distances list (Appendix no. 1 in the referenced paper) (F) - 0.3 mkm /s (light known velocity) passes in 5756.4 sec a distance = 1727 mkm - Where - 5756.4 mkm = Earth Pluto Distance - 1727 mkm = π x 550.7 mkm Mars Jupiter Distance
  • 13. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 13 - Notice (2) - The data deals with Earth distances to the outer planets in order and it shows all distances must be distributed based on one geometrical design –which proves clearly that the solar system distances be created in a network form based on one geometrical design –and Earth distances shows one feature of this design features - Notice (3) - 37100 x (0.3)3 =1000 mkm - 1000 x (1.16)3 = 2 x 780 mkm - 1000 x 0.3 =300 mkm - Where - 37100 mkm = Pluto Orbital Circumference - 778.6 mkm = Jupiter Orbital Distance - 300 mkm = Earth orbital diameter (=149.6 mkm x 2 = 299.2 mkm) - Notice (2) - 100733 x (0.3)2 = 9066 mkm - Where - 100733 mkm = The solar planets orbital circumferences total - 9007 mkm = Saturn Orbital Circumference (with 9066 error 0.6%) - This data may refer to specific importance of Saturn motion in the solar system motion.
  • 14. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 14 A Question No. 4 What Proves Are Available For The Existence of The Light Supposed Velocity (1.16mkm/sec) An Answer No. 4 The following Data Proves that, There's a light beam its velocity =1.16 mkm/sec - (1) Mercury Motion - During 310.4s light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/) travels 360 = 2π x 57.9 mkm - During 310.4 s light known velocity (0.3 mkm/) travels 93.1 = 2π x 14.8 mkm - Where - 360 mkm = Mercury Orbital Circumference - 57.9 mkm = Mercury Orbital Distance - 88 days = Mercury Orbital Period - Mercury moves during 88 hours a distance = 14.8 mkm (error1.4 %) - (2) Venus Motion - During 586s light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/) travels 680 = 2π x 108.2 mkm - During 586s light known velocity (0.3 mkm/) travels 175.8 = 2π x 28 mkm - Where - 680 mkm = Venus Orbital Circumference - 224.7 days = Venus Orbital Period - Venus moves during 224.7 hours a distance =28 mkm (error1%) - (3) Earth Motion - During 810s light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/) travels 940 = 2π x 149.6 mkm - During 810s light known velocity (0.3 mkm/) travels 243 = 2π x 38.7 mkm - Where - 940 mkm =Earth Orbital Circumference
  • 15. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 15 - 149.6 mkm= Earth Orbital Distance - 365.25 days = Earth Orbital Period - Earth moves during 365.25 hours a distance = 38.7 mkm (error 1.2%) - (4) Mars Motion - During 1235s light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/) travels 1433 = 2π x 227.9 mkm - During 1235s light known velocity (0.3 mkm/) travels 370.6 = 2π x 59 mkm - Where - 1433 mkm = Mars Orbital Circumference - 227.9 mkm= Mars Orbital Distance - 687 days = Mars Orbital Period - Mars moves during 687 hours a distance = 59 mkm (error 1%) - (5) Jupiter Motion - During 4222.6s light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/) travels 4900=2π x 778.6 mkm - During 4222.6s light known velocity (0.3 mkm/) travels 1267 = 2π x 201.7 mkm - Where - 4900 mkm =Jupiter Orbital Circumference - 778.6 mkm = Jupiter Orbital Distance - 4331 days = Jupiter Orbital Period - 4222.6 h = Mercury Day Period - Jupiter moves during 4331 hours a distance = 201.7 mkm (error 1.3%) - (6) Saturn Motion - During 7765s light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/) travels 9007 = 2π x 1433 mkm - During 7765s light known velocity (0.3 mkm/) travels 2330 = 2π x 371 mkm - Where - 9007 mkm = Saturn Orbital Circumference - 1433 mkm = Saturn Orbital Distance - 10747 days = Mars Orbital Period - Saturn moves during 10747 hours a distance = 371 mkm (error 1%)
  • 16. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 16 - (7) Uranus Motion - During 15559s light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/) travels 18048=2π x 2872 mkm - During 15559s light known velocity (0.3 mkm/) travels 4664 = 2π x 742 mkm - Where - 18048 mkm = Uranus Orbital Circumference - 2872 mkm = Uranus Orbital Distance - 30589 days = Mars Orbital Period - Uranus moves during 30589 hours a distance = 742 mkm (error 1%) - (8) Neptune Motion - During 24348s light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/) travels 28244 =2π x4495 mkm - During 24348s light known velocity (0.3 mkm/) travels 7305 = 2π x 1163 mkm - Where - 28244 mkm = Neptune Orbital Circumference - 4495.5 mkm = Neptune Orbital Distance - 59800 days = Neptune Orbital Period - Neptune moves during 59800 hours a distance = 1163 mkm - (9) Pluto Motion - During 31983s light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/) travels 37100= 2π x 5906mkm - During 31983s light known velocity (0.3 mkm/) travels 9595 = 2π x 1527 mkm - Where - 37100 mkm = Pluto Orbital Circumference - 5906 mkm = Pluto Orbital Distance - 90560 days = Pluto Orbital Period - Pluto moves during 90560 hours a distance = 1527 mkm - (1527 = 2π x 243) - Notice - All defined periods (the red colored periods) are the planets orbital periods in hours units. (Data Max Error is 1.4%)
  • 17. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 17 Discussion - The data uses one rule for all planets motions data and this rule depends on light velocity supposed to be (1.16 million per second) - The data proves clearly that, The light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/s) is a fact and effective on the planets motions data. Notice - The inner planets produced distances which be colored in blue in order be ( 93.1, 175.8, 243, 370.6) but the outer planets values in order be (1267, 2330, 4664, 7305 and 1527) - We notice that, the inner planets values are typical for planets cycles periods in order. And each planet defines its previous planet cycle period. The data should use the rate (1 mkm = 1 solar day), Let's show that in following: - Venus value (175.8 mkm) is a typical to Mercury day period (175.94 solar days) - Earth value (243 mkm) is a typical to Venus rotation period (243 solar days) - Mars value (370.6 mkm) is a typical to Earth orbital period (365.2 days) (error 1.5%) - But - Mercury value (93.1 mkm) = (584.9/2π) - Where 584 days is the period of Earth and Venus Meeting Cycle - Shortly - The inner planet value defines its previous planet Cycle – - Notice - The outer planets values are categorized into 3 parts –Pluto value (1527 mkm= 2πx 243) depends on 243 days (Venus rotation period) – and Jupiter value is 1267 mkm = (2 x 633.5 mkm) where Jupiter needs a period = 636.7 days to move a distance = 720.7 mkm = Mercury Jupiter Distance = the distance be passed by Mercury in Mercury Day period (4222.6 hours).
  • 18. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 18 - The rest outer planets values depend on 365.25 days, for example (Saturn value 2330 =2π x 370.8 (with 365.25 has an error 1.5%) – we notice that the value 370.8 is = Mars value because Saturn orbital distance = Mars orbital circumference, - And 4664 =4π x 370.8, also Uranus value is typical with Saturn value because Uranus orbital distance = 2 Saturn orbital distance. - And 7305 =5 x1461 where 1461 days = Earth Cycle (365 +365 +365 +366) - Shortly - The 3 planets (Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) values depend on Earth orbital period (365.25 days), but Jupiter and Pluto depends the distance 720.7 mkm (Mercury Jupiter Distance) - (Notice Saturn motion is related to Earth motion and that causes Saturn to be the connecting point with Earth and the 2 Planets– Uranus and Neptune – depends on Saturn connection with the Earth) - Notice, - Jupiter motion distance during a solar day = 1.13184 mkm which be different from 1.16 mkm with 2.5%, the solar system Creation Theory tells that (One Second of Light motion be = to one solar day of Planet motion) –Jupiter performs this rule approximately (error 2.5%) - Means, the planets before Jupiter moves in a solar day distances greater than 1.16 mkm and after Jupiter the planets move less than 1.16 mkm –this classification of planets velocities be similar to the classification of the planets velocities in comparison with Uranus velocity we have discussed in question no.(2).
  • 19. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 19 A Question No. 5 How does Planet velocity be defined? Is There an Equation can be used for all planets velocities? An Answer No. 5 - The following equation defines any planet velocity, - Where - T1 = The original period of time, be used by light supposed velocity 1.16 mkm/s - T2 = The Planet Orbital Period - Vd= Planet Velocity in a solar day - The periods use the same units (seconds) - Let's test this method in following - (a) Mercury Velocity - T1 = 310.4 seconds - T2 = 88 seconds - (310.4 s /88s) = 1.16 mkm/ V - V (Mercury velocity per a solar day) = 4.095 mkm daily - Mercury orbital period = 88 solar days - (b) Venus Velocity - T1 = 586 seconds - T2 = 224.7 seconds - (586 s /224.7s) = 1.16 mkm/ V - V (Venus velocity per a solar day) = 3.024 mkm daily - Venus orbital period = 224.7 solar days - (c) Earth Velocity - T1 = 810 seconds - T2 = 365.25 seconds d V mkm 1.16 T T 1 2 =
  • 20. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 20 - (810 s /365.25s) = 1.16 mkm/ V - V (Earth velocity per a solar day) = 2.574 mkm daily - Earth orbital period = 365.25 solar days - (d) Mars Velocity - T1 = 1235 seconds - T2 = 687 seconds - (1235 s /687s) = 1.16 mkm/ V - V (Mars velocity per a solar day) = 2.082 mkm daily - Mars orbital period = 687 solar days - (e) Jupiter Velocity - T1 = 4222.6 seconds - T2 = 4331 seconds - (4222.6 s /4331 s) = 1.16 mkm/ V - V (Jupiter velocity per a solar day) = 1.13184 mkm daily - Jupiter orbital period = 4331 solar days - Notice - (Jupiter velocity per a solar day 1.13184 mkm is very near to 1.16 mkm with error 2.5% and causes to create special effects on the planets motions we should discuss in point no. 4-2) - (f) Saturn Velocity - T1 = 7756 seconds - T2 = 10747 seconds - (7765 s /10747 s) = 1.16 mkm/ V - V (Saturn velocity per a solar day) = 0.838 mkm daily - Saturn orbital period = 10747 solar days - (g) Uranus Velocity - T1 = 15559 seconds - T2 = 30589 seconds
  • 21. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 21 - (15559 s /30589 s) = 1.16 mkm/ V - V (Uranus velocity per a solar day) = 0.5875 mkm daily - Uranus orbital period = 30589 solar days - (h) Neptune Velocity - T1 = 24348 seconds - T2 = 59800 seconds - (24348 s /59800 s) = 1.16 mkm/ V - V (Neptune velocity per a solar day) = 0.466884 mkm daily - Neptune orbital period = 59800 solar days - (i) Pluto Motion - T1 = 31983 seconds - T2 = 90560 seconds - (31983 s /90560 s) = 1.16 mkm/ V - V (Pluto velocity per a solar day) = 0.406 mkm daily - Pluto orbital period = 90560 solar days - Notice - Data errors are less than 1% - We see the rule works sufficiently - Why the planets velocities be defined based on the solar day? - The solar system creation theory supposes that (1 Second Of Light Motion Be Equivalent To 1 Solar Day Of Planet Motion). that means, light motion takes into account 2 basic periods of time (the second for light motion and the solar day for planet motion) that creates the basic rate of time between planet and light motions. and based on this basic rate of time the planets use different rates of time among one another. - Based on that planet velocity per a solar day be defined depends on light velocity per a second as the rule shows.
  • 22. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 22 A Question No. 6 (Planets Velocities Are Created Complementary To One Another) How to prove this statement? An Answer No. 6 Group no. (A) (1) 1160000 seconds = 3600 seconds x 322.2 hours (2) 322.2 = 47.4 km/s (Mercury velocity) x 6.8 km/s (Mercury velocity) 322.2 = 35 km/s (Venus velocity) x 2 x 4.7 km/s (Pluto velocity) (error 2%) 322.2 = 29.8 km/s (Earth velocity) x 2 x 5.4 km/s (Neptune velocity) 322.2 = 24.1 km/s (Mars velocity) x 13.1 km/s (Jupiter velocity) (error 2%) 322.2 =35 km/s (Venus velocity) x 9.7 km/s (Pluto velocity) (error 5%) 322.2 =27.78 km/s (The moon velocity) x (24.1/2) (error 4%) (3) 300000 seconds x 4 = 3600 seconds x 333.3 333.3 = 35 km/s (Venus velocity) x 9.7 km/s (Pluto velocity) (error 1.8%) 333.3 = 24.1 km/s (Mars velocity) x 2 x 6.8 km/s (Uranus velocity) (error 1.7%) Group no. (B) (4) (1.16 /0.3) = (24.1/2π) (5) 83.33 = 2π x 13.26 (6) 322.2 =24.6 x 13.1
  • 23. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 23 II- Discussion - We have noticed that, - The solar planet velocity per a solar day be created as a function in light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/sec), - Because of that - The planets velocities be created complementary one another where the light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/s) be used as a rate between them. - The rate 322.2 = 1160000 /3600, means, Light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/s) travels for 1 second, it passes a distance =1160000 km which be seen for us as 1160000 seconds = 322.2 hours - Data no. (2) shows, the planets velocities are created rated to one another based on this rate (322.2) – - The data shows the planets velocities be complementary, and that shows specific relationship between these planets, simply, the rate 322.2 create a classification for the planets into couples with one another. - Notice - The proportionality of planets velocities don't tell all facts. Many facts are still hidden and need to be discovered. For example the equation (322.2 = 35 x 4.7 x 2) (error 2%) shows that some proportionality be found between Venus velocity (35 km/s) and Pluto velocity (4.7 km/s) but more facts aren't mentioned here – because Venus during 12104 s moves a distance =the distance Pluto moves in 90560 s = Uranus motion distance in its day period (where 12104 km= Venus diameter and 90560 days = Pluto orbital period). I want to say, this proportionality of velocities of Venus and Pluto causes great effect on their motions but we can't discover it because other data should be analyzed and refer to its proportionality with planets velocities. - But
  • 24. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 24 - Why the planets velocities be created rated to one another as seen in the data clearly? - Because the velocity is used as a period of time - Simply - The planet velocity can be used as a period of time (as a planet day period) - We conclude clearly that the planet velocities be used as periods of time Let's discuss the point equations in following: Equation no. (4) (1.16 /0.3) = (24.1/2π) - 1.16 mkm/s = Light Supposed Velocity - 0.3 mkm/s = Light Known Velocity - 24.1 km/s = Mars Velocity Equation no. (5) 83.33 = 2π x 13.26 - 83.33 = 300000 /3600s - 13.1 km/s = Jupiter Velocity (error 1.2% with 13.26) - The 2 equations try to show that, Mars and Jupiter velocities are defined based on light motion only. no another planet velocity be used in both equations but only one planet velocity. That tells these 2 planets should be specific planets because their velocities be created as rates with light velocities directly without another partner planet. - The importance of that can be seen in the next equation (no.6) Equation no. (6) 322.2 =24.6 x 13.1 - 24.6 hours = Mars Rotation Period - 13.1 km/s = Jupiter velocity
  • 25. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 25 - The equation tells that, Jupiter moves a distance 1.16 mkm in a period = 24.6 h = Mars rotation period. - We can't use Mars velocity instead because - 322.2 =24.1 (Mars velocity) x 13.1 (Jupiter velocity) (error 2%) - The error tells that, the value (24.6) is more accurate than (24.1) but how to use a period of time (24.6 h Mars rotation period) in place of a planet velocity (24.1 km/s) (Mars velocity)? - We accept that planet velocity can be used as a period of time. Based on that some very interesting addition be found in Mars Data which is - (24.6 h +24.6 h = 25.2 h +24.1 h) - 24.6 hours = Mars Rotation Period - 24.7 hours = Mars Day Period - 25.2 degrees = Mars Axial Tilt (be used as a period of time also) - 24.1 km/s = Mars velocity - The accurate addition tells that these 4 values are used for one process and that tells they are used as periods of time. - I want to say, in the equation - (322.2 = 24.1 x 13.1) Mars here be used as Jupiter motion period of time and Jupiter be used as Mars motion period of time – for that reason – the using of 24.6h in place of 24.1 is more logical specially because there's no item = 13.26 in Jupiter data –that means- the dependency between Jupiter and Mars depends basically on 24.6 h (Mars rotation period). - Shortly - Jupiter moves during Mars rotation period a distance = 1.16 mkm where Jupiter orbital circumference be designed based on the rate (1.16) and that makes Mars rotation period (24.6 h) is so effective period of time on Jupiter motion data.
  • 26. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 26 A Question No. 7 Can Jupiter and Uranus Velocities Be Defined Based On One Another? An Answer No. 7 (A) - During Mars Rotation Period (24.6 hours) Jupiter moves 1.16 mkm and Uranus moves 602200 km- means, during the same period (24.6 h) Jupiter moves a distance = 1.16 mkm = light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/s) motion distance during 1 second and during the same period Uranus moves a distance =602200 km = light known velocity (0.3 mkm/sec) motion distance during 2 seconds – these motions causes to use (a value of one) with (a value of Two) in the solar system, that may explain why Uranus orbital distance = 2 Saturn orbital distance and can explain why Mercury Day Period = 2 Mercury orbital period (B) - 2094 mkm = Jupiter Uranus Distance –this basic distance can be passed by 4 players which are - (1) Light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/s) in a period = 1805 seconds - (2) Light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) in a period = 6980 seconds - (3) Jupiter motion in a period 1850 days (=2 x 925 days) (but 929 mkm= Earth Jupiter Distance when the 2 planets be on 2 different sides from the sun) - (4) Uranus motion in a period (3564 days) - 1 second of light motion= 1day of planet motion- for that – Uranus passes the distances 2094 mkm in (3564 days) which is different from (3600) with 1% - Because light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/s) passes 2 x 2094 mkm in one hour (3600 s) but Uranus passes 2094 mkm in (3564 days) because Uranus motion in 2 solar days passes a distance = 1.16 mkm (error 1.3%) - But - The period 1805 sec is related to Jupiter because 1.16 x778.6 x 2= 1805 mkm - (778.6 mkm =Jupiter orbital distance)
  • 27. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 27 - And - 6980 seconds be very near to 6939.75 (error 0.6%) ,where 6939.75 days=Metonic Cycle period – if Uranus effects on the moon to move Metonic Cycle Period –that makes the period 6939.75 be related to Uranus - Notice - Saturn moves during Uranus Day Period a distance = 600624 km (C) - Shortly - Light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/s) passes during one hour (3600s) a distance = 2 x 2094 mkm but Uranus in (3600 days) passes 2094 mkm (error1%) - That tells the rates of velocities between Uranus and Jupiter effect on the planets distances distribution. - Notice (1) - 929 mkm =1.13184mkm x 820 days = 1.16 mkm/s x 800 sec - And - 671 mkm = 800 days x 0.838 mkm/day (Saturn velocity) - The next question provides more explanation for this data - Notice (2) - 1second of light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) = 2π hours of Jupiter Motion-because both move equal distances in their periods - 1second of light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) = (π)1/2 hours of Mercury Motion- because both move equal distances in their periods - 1 second of light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) = 2 (π)1/2 hours of Mars Motion- because both move equal distances in their periods (error 2.5%)
  • 28. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 28 A Question No.8 What Basic Points Be Provided By The Solar System Creation And Motion Theory? An Answer No. 8 (I) - Matter is Created out of light beam, and the produced matter isn't separated from its light parent but moves with it one unified motion by using different rates of time between the matter and light. - The matter is created of energy and the space is created of energy and by that, the matter is created in motion. that means, the space is created obligatory with the matter creation. (II) - The solar planets and their distances are created out of one light beam its velocity =1.16 mkm/sec (The Theory Hypothesis) - The energy of light supposed velocity (1.16 mkm/sec) be used for the solar system creation and by that this light beam motion features be registered in the planets matters and their distances. - The planets move in comparison with their parent light beam (1.16 mkm/s) in one unified general motion by using different rates of time - The basic rate of time is (1 Second Of Light Motion = 1 Solar Day Of Planet Motion) - Means - (Energy of light motion for 1 second be used to move a planet for 1 solar day) - This great rate be divided among the planets motions rates of time - As A Result, - The Using Of Different Rates Of Time Should Be A Feature Of The Solar Planets Motions
  • 29. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 29 (III) - Based on this vision - The Solar System Be Similar To A Great Clock. - The Clock input is an energy of light motion for 1 second and the clock output is an energy enough for a planet motion for 1 solar day – - The rates of time be used by the planets to create One Unified General Rate Of Time which be used by the planets unified motion. (The General Rate Of Time Is That 1 Second Of One Motion Be = 1461 Seconds Of Another Motion) (IV) - The solar planets be similar to points on the same one trajectory of energy – or they are knots on the same rope – - Also - The solar planets be similar to gears in one machine of gears – or the planets be similar to puppets on a puppets theater – - The rope can show the best similarity for the solar planets – the matter and apace be created out of light beam energy – and by that – the light creates planet matter and its distance by light energy – by that – light created planet matter and its distance to be in proportionality with other planets data because all of them be created out of the same one source of energy. (V) - Because all planets be created of one light beam, the planets move with this light beam and by that we conclude a light beam motion be in accompanying with planets motions – - Light motion be accompanying with planets motions– because of that - The solar planets motions be integrated into One Unified General Motion. - The solar planets move one unified general motion – This motion be similar to Train Carriages Motion – they all move together one unified general motion– spite the planets velocities are different from one another – but as a machine of Gears – the gears move by different velocities but create one unified general motion.
  • 30. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 30 (VI) - A canal water motion can be very good example for our explanation …. - Imagine 9 waterwheels be built on one canal, so the 9 waterwheels rotate because of the water motion (the water motion here is similar to light motion and the waterwheels are similar to the solar planets) - This example is a great help for our explanation – the water motion direction is perpendicular on the waterwheels rotation direction but no waterwheel can rotate without water motion–also– the waterwheel motions effect on one another because they effect on the water amount from one to another – that perfectly shows how the solar system works (VII) - Now we have one more great help, - The solar planets move One Unified General Motion because the light beam deal with the unified motion of the planets - The planets unified motion forces each planet to move a complementary motion which can be integrated with one another to create the planets unified general motion. - Now each planet motion became (some how) obligatory motion because it should be integrated with other planets motions to create the unified general motion. - By that the planets motions be obligatory motions - Planet data should be in harmony with this planet motion –the motion is obligatory to be integrated with other planets motions – based on that – the planets motions data should be complementary data with one another. - Based on this vision - There's one law controls all planets motions data –that because – the data should be created in harmony with their motions and the motions must be complementary to create one unified general motion of the solar planets motions.
  • 31. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 31 - By that, the light beam motion controls the solar planets motions and their data – shortly we have One Law controls all data. (VIII) (The Distances Network Form) - The solar system distances be created in a network form. - The solar system is similar to a board of chess and the distances be created together based on one geometrical design. Here we don't deal with an individual distance be defined by masses gravity. Instead we deal with a group of distances be distributed based on one geometrical design for that reason the solar system distances be created in a network form. This idea is so important one because when we try to define a planet orbital distance we don't use the gravitation equation but we use the neighbor planets orbital and internal distances to discover the required one. - The network theory of the solar system distances provides a very good solution to explain how the distances be created. And provides perfect explanations for different features be discovered in the distances analysis. For example around 50% of all distances in the solar system be equal one another (Notice, the solar system all orbital and internal distances be 55 distances and around 30 of them be equal one another), how can we explain this feature? Also one rate as (2.48) be used between around 50% of all distances, and other rates as (4.61 and 31) be used as rates between around 45% of all distances – how to explain this feature? The data shows the distances be created together as one group of distances be distributed geometrically and all of them can be effected by one reason. Also one more rate (1.0725) be used between 40% of all distances (Appendix no.1 of this current paper provides many lists of these distances with comments on them) (IX) (The Continuum Effect) - A continuum effect can be proved clearly in the solar planets data –let's explain the continuum effect meaning in following..
  • 32. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 32 - In ancient time there was an illness called (Leprosy), it's very interesting illness because it infects the human, and the cloths and also the buildings!! - How can that be possible? It's the continuum effect meaning - One reason moves through the planets data to use matters dimensions, distances, periods and other components in one unified operation and make all of them be rated by this one reason. - The rate 1.0725, be inserted in this current paper appendix no. 1, explains this meaning, the rate (1.0725) be used between 40% of all distances in the solar system but be used also between 8 planets axial tilts and be used also between many planets periods of time! The same one rate (1.0725) - It's A Continuum Effect Can Be Created Only By Light Motion - The Continuum Effect Is A Light Motion Feature - The light can use distance as a period of time and can create the matter of light energy by that the continuum effect should be a proof for the planets creation of a light beam – We discuss the continuum effect and prove it in this current paper discussion. (X) (The Planets Order) - The solar planets original order almost has been similar to the interference of young experiment of light coherence (the double slits experiment) - The planets were perfectly arranged as the fringes, - Jupiter was the greatest fringe and found in the middle, and then - The planets on its left be ordered as following (Earth – Venus – Mars – Mercury), - The planets on its right be ordered as following (Neptune – Uranus), (Where Saturn be created after Mars migration and before the sun creation) - (Where Mars Migration theory proves this order and be discussed in point no. 9) - Based on that, - We see the bright fringes as matters and the dark fringes we see as space – and the interference be the most suitable form for the solar planets order.
  • 33. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 33 - But - Why do we see the bright fringes as matters? (XI) (The Mind Effect On Matter Creation) - Let's suppose the human mind uses light known velocity (0.3 mkm/s) in realization process, means, we realize the outer world because our mind works by a velocity 300000 km/s - It's just a hypothesis, let's test it - If 2 light beams travel beside each other how each one will see the other? as a particle! Why? because no difference in their velocities – - Simply, if our mind works by light velocity – the result will be that, we will see all light beams (0.3 mkm/s) around as matters and the low motion objects we will see as light beams because of the difference in velocities… - If this idea be correct – it will explain the confusion of Lorentz Transformations, where Lorentz told that (Particle own length will be contracted if this particle travels by high velocity motion) and we have to ask Why?? what's the relationship between particle dimensions and its motion velocity? The relationship is found from our realization for this particle dimensions – because we realize the particle dimensions and data by using light velocity (0.3 mkm/s) in our mind and by that when the particle travels with high velocity motion it effects on the basic realization process components- means- the matter is created out of light by effect of the human mind realization process on the universe. - This idea tells shortly - The matter is created out of light beam by effect of a human mind. - Means, The Universe Is Created Of Light Beams, But - Our minds effect to create The Matter
  • 34. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 34 - Notice - Some claims tell Particle own length isn't contracted by high velocity motion but it's illusion of measurement – we refuse this meaning because (1) the physics is the science of measurement and (2) we don't want to make ourselves the universe reference point. - Notice - In young experiment (the double slits experiment), the produced interference of bright and dark fringes be created based on some geometrical design, by that, one equation defines the fringes and distances breadths - - The geometrical features are light motion features and by that if the matter shows any geometrical feature that means the matter inherited these features of light motion- also that tells – as long as the matter follows the light motion direction the matter follows the geometrical rules otherwise the matter moves into chaos. The Chaos may be created because the mass gravity may enable the matter to move contradicting the light motion direction, by that 2 directions of motions be created and caused the chaos creation.
  • 35. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 35 3- The Solar Planets Motions Use Different Rates Of Time 3-1 Preface 3-2 The Planets Motions Rates Of Time
  • 36. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 36 3-1 Preface (I) - The solar planets motions rates of time depend on the planets required periods to move distances = their orbital distances. - For example Venus needs 35.8 solar days to pass a distance = 108.2 mkm = Venus orbital distance. - The planets motions rates of time be defined based on these periods by which the planets need to move distances = their orbital distances - Let's write a list of these periods in following: - Mercury needs 14.13 Solar Days (27.9 Solar Days) - Venus needs 35.8 Solar Days - Earth needs 58.1 Solar Days - The moon needs 1700 Solar Days - Mars needs 109.4 Solar Days - Jupiter needs 687 Solar Days - Saturn needs 1710 Solar Days - Uranus needs 4890 Solar Days - Neptune needs 9635 Solar Days - Pluto needs 14547 Solar Days - The periods are understandable simply, for example - Earth moves during (58.1 Solar Days) a distance = 149.6 mkm = Earth orbital distance. - We notice, The Earth moon needs 1700 days because the moon daily displacement =88000 km and the distance from the Earth to the sun =149.6 mkm and because of that the moon needs 1700 days. And we notice that Saturn needs 1710 solar days which makes the moon and Saturn rates of time are equal approximately - We notice also that, the moon apogee radius =406000 km and this distance needs only 4.61 days to be passed by the moon daily displacement 88000km. by that the
  • 37. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 37 moon has 2 periods of time for its orbital distance, 4.61 days for the distance from the moon to the Earth and 1700 days for the distance from the moon to the sun. - The planets motions rates of time be defined based on these periods. (II) - The planets motions rates of time be the rate between any 2 periods, let's use Mercury rates of time as example in following - Notice for Mercury we 27.9 days and not 14.13 days, we should explain why in a separated point of discussion in point no. (7-9) of this paper. - Mercury Motions Rates Of Time - (35.8 /27.9) = 1.279, means - 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 1.279 hours of Venus Motion - (58.1 /27.9) = 2.078, means - 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 2.078 hours of Earth Motion - (1700 /27.9) = 60.8, means - 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 60.8 hours of The Moon Motion - (109.4 /27.9) = 3.91, means - 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 3.91 hours of Mars Motion - 687 /27.9) = 24.6, means - 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 24.6 hours of Jupiter Motion - (1710 /27.9) = 61.1, means - 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 3.91 hours of Saturn Motion - (4890 /27.9) = 174.8, means - 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 174.8 hours of Uranus Motion - (9635 /27.9) = 344.8, means - 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 344.8 hours of Neptune Motion - (14547 /27.9) = 520.2, means - 1 hour of Mercury Motion = 520.2 hours of Pluto Motion - Let's test these rates in the next point…
  • 38. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 38 3-2 The Planets Motions Rates Of Time. MERCURY MOTION RATES OF TIME LIST 1 hour of Mercury motion = 1.279 h of Venus Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 2.078 h of Earth Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 3.91 h of Mars Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 24.6 h of Jupiter Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 61.1 h of Saturn Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 174.8 h of Uranus Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 344.6 h of Neptune Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 520.2 h of Pluto Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 60.8 h of The Earth Moon Motion - Notice - The planets motions rates of time cause the planets revolutions around the sun to be done in equal periods of time. - That because - If 1 day of Mercury motion = 61.1 days of Saturn motion, during Saturn orbital period (10747 days) Mercury uses a period =175.94 = Mercury day period, that makes all planets orbital periods are equal in proportionality with their motions rates of time. - Let's try to prove that in following…
  • 39. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 39 Mercury Rates Of Time Test 224.7 days (Venus orbital period) = 1.279 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period) 365.25 days (Earth orbital period) = 2.078 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period) 687 days (Mars orbital period) = 3.91 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period) 4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 24.6 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period) 10747 days (Saturn orbital period) = 61.1 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period) 30589 days (Uranus orbital period) = 174.8 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period) 59800 days (Neptune orbital period) = 344.6 x 175.94 days (Mercury Day Period) 90560 days (Pluto orbital period) = 520.2 x175.94 days (Mercury Day Period) - The errors are 1.4% and 1% with Neptune and Pluto orbital periods respectively, no other error more than 1% - The data tells, Mercury rate of time defines all planets orbital periods based on Mercury Day Period (175.94solar days). - Now we notice that, Mercury use 27.9 days in place of 14.13 days and use its day period (175.94 days) in place of its orbital period (88 days). Shortly Mercury uses a double value of its data we should discover why in point no. (7-9) of this paper. - The data shows that the periods of time are equal – for example – 1 Mercury day - =2.078 days of Earth motion. by that 175.94 days of Mercury motion be = 365.25 days of Earth motion. that means 175.94 days be = 365.25 days. As a result all planets revolve around the sun in equal periods of time depending on their motions rates of time. - The point is, All solar planets orbital periods are defined based on these rates of time, similar to Mercury Data Using. - We have to test all planets motions data to prove all planets follow this same using of data and by that we obtain a rule control the data clearly. We test all planets in the next point no. (6) - Then we have to discuss the planet motions rates of time meaning and effect on the planets motions.
  • 40. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 40 NOTICE - While we analyze the planets motions rates of time using, I wish the vision be seen clearly from out of the analysis process. - The analysis process tries to prove that the planets motions data be created as layers above one another. we here deal with some fruit as (one onion) it consists of layers above one another. - The planet motion creates these players one above another. while the outer vision shows (one onion) may be so strong as a rigid body but in fact it consists of layers one above another. so the analysis process moves from one layer to the next and we should follow this process with attention to discover how the planet data be created and how this planet motion be in harmony with its data. NOTICE - In the next point no. (6) We use Mercury as an example for all planets motions data. The point no. (6) is a simple one because we test just the rates of time in it. but - There are 2 important data we should keep in mind. - The first data is the planets orbital distances which are defined also based on the planets motions rates of time and we prove that in point no. (5, 6 and 7) - The second data is the planets required periods to move their orbital distances, these periods have a great significance … - I want to say, - The planets motions rates of time are rates defined based on the required periods, but these rates of time control all planets motions data. I have to arrange the data in best form for that the simple test I put in points no. (5, 6 and 7) as an approach, but many other analysis we have to discuss in the paper rest points to explain the major significance of the planets motions rates of time. - The basic difficulty is the theoretical explanations, for example, when someone asks how the planet low velocity motion can use different rate of time?
  • 41. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 41 - This question I can't answer simply… also - Another question asks, - Why Do The Planets Motions Use Different Rates Of Time? - Also this question is hard to answer! - It doesn't mean, it has no answer. It has an answer.. let's write it - The planets motions use different rates of time to work as a great clock to create one great rate of time (1 day of the sun motion = 365 days of Earth motion) - This rate of time is required to be built because the sun rays energy be provided by the planets motions energies accumulation. Means, the sun rays aren't produced by any nuclear interactions inside the sun, on the contrary, the planets motions energies be accumulated during one year (365 days) and the sun use it on one day and by that the energy be enough for the sun rays creation. - The answer is surprised and my be refused… - That's why I don't answer the theoretical questions - I want to put the data in front of the respectful readers. The planets motions data isn't my opinion or theory, it's the planets motions data and we have to explain how this data be created even if all my explanations be mistaken. - I want to say - The planets motions data contradicts Newton theory of the sun mass gravity and the whole description of the solar system motion. this is the point we need to prove. - Newton theory which is lived for 400 years created its environment inside the physics book, that's why the contradiction has a massive negative effect. - It's not a small point in the physics book we should repair. It's a wide vision and understanding concerning the solar system motion. the contradiction means we should change a great part in the physics book.
  • 42. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 42 4- The Solar Planets Rates Of Time Analysis 4-1 Preface 4-2 Venus Motion Rate of time 4-3 Earth Motion Rate of time 4-4 Mars Motion Rate of time 4-5 Jupiter Motion Rate of time 4-6 Saturn Motion Rate of time 4-7 Uranus Motion Rate of time 4-8 Neptune Motion Rate of time 4-9 Pluto Motion Rate of time 4-10 The Planets Orbital Distances Test 4-11 One Law Controls The Planets Orbital Periods And Distances 4-12 The General Discussion
  • 43. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 43 4-1 Preface - In this point we follow the example of Mercury motion. by that we define each planet motion rates of time relative to the other planets and prove these rates of time define all other planets orbital periods. (and also All Orbital Distances) - There are 2 basic tasks we have to notice in our discussion which are: - (1st Task) The Comparison Of The Data With Newton Vision. - We need to consider this comparison, because it's not enough to write a sentence as this one (Newton Description Contradicts The Planets Motions Data), this sentence is a fact but not enough. We have to see the planets data and to follow the planets motions different forms to see how Newton description be so far from the truth. We here don't deal with some wrong idea we need to disprove, but we deal with a wrong vision and we need to rearrange the data in their correct positions to see the real picture. - If we do that, we will discover (for example) that, the sun is the last created piece in the solar system, the sun be created after all planets creations and motions, that shows clearly how Newton theory is mistaken because Newton saw what's result as a reason and what's a reason he considered as a result, means, according to Newton we have to see a reversed vision for the truth. - (2nd Task) The Observation Of The Data Values - The values are our treasures we should analyze them to their depth. For example the moon needs 1700 solar days to pass the distance 149.6 mkm = Earth orbital distance by using its daily displacement 88000 km and Saturn needs 1710 solar days to move a distance = 1433.5 mkm= Saturn orbital distance, we should know why these 2 periods are equal and what effect be done as a result - The data which we analyze here to prove the planets motions rates of time are priceless data we should keep and follow them – because by the analysis we can see the different layers of motions which create the planet and its motions data. - Notice (The Data Be Discussed In Point 6-12)
  • 44. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 44 4-2 Venus Motion Rate Of Time I – Data VENUS MOTION LIST 1 hour of Venus motion = (0.78) h of Mercury Motion 1 hour of Venus motion = 1.62 h of Earth Motion 1 hour of Venus motion = 3.057 h of Mars Motion 1 hour of Venus motion = 19.233 h of Jupiter Motion 1 hour of Venus motion = 47.8 h of Saturn Motion 1 hour of Venus motion = 136.7 h of Uranus Motion 1 hour of Venus motion = 269.4 h of Neptune Motion 1 hour of Venus motion = 406.7 h of Pluto Motion 1 hour of Venus motion = 47.54 h of The Moon Motion - In Following We Provide The Data Analysis
  • 45. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 45 II–Data Analysis 175.94 days (Mercury day period) = 0.78 x 224.7 days (Venus orbital period) 365.25 days (Earth orbital period) = 1.62 x 224.7 days (Venus orbital period) 687 days (Mars orbital period) = 3.057 x 224.7 days (Venus orbital period) 4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 19.2 x 224.7 days (Venus orbital period) 10747 days (Saturn orbital period) = 47.8 x 224.7 days (Venus orbital period) 30589 days (Uranus orbital period) = 136.7 x 224.7 days (Venus orbital period) 59800 days (Neptune orbital period) = 266.2 x 224.7 days (Venus orbital period) 90560 days (Pluto orbital period) = 403 x 224.7 days (Venus orbital period) - There Are Errors (1%) Only With Neptune And Pluto Orbital Periods - Shortly - All planets orbital periods be created based on Venus orbital period (224.7 days) by using the rates of time between Venus and these planets – - No error in all data more than 1% - - The Data Proves That – The Rate of Time Controls The Solar System motion
  • 46. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 46 4-3 Earth Motion Rate Of Time I – Data EARTH MOTION LIST 1 hour of Earth motion = (0.48) h of Mercury Motion 1 hour of Earth motion = (0.617) h of Venus Motion 1 hour of Earth motion = 1.88 h of Mars Motion 1 hour of Earth motion = 11.8 h of Jupiter Motion 1 hour of Earth motion = 29.4 h of Saturn Motion 1 hour of Earth motion = 84.1 h of Uranus Motion 1 hour of Earth motion = 165.8 h of Neptune Motion 1 hour of Earth motion = 250.4 h of Pluto Motion 1 hour of Earth motion = 29.3 h of The Moon Motion - In Following We Provide The Data Analysis
  • 47. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 47 II–Data Analysis 175.94 days (Mercury day period) = 0.48 x 365.25 days (Earth orbital period) 224.7 days (Venus orbital period) = 0.617 x 365.25 days (Earth orbital period) 687 days (Mars orbital period ) = 1.88 x 365.25 days (Earth orbital period) 4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 11.8 x 365.25 days (Earth orbital period) 10747 days (Saturn orbital period) = 29.4 x 365.25 days (Earth orbital period) 30589 days (Uranus orbital period) = 84.1 x 365.25 days (Earth orbital period) 59800 days (Neptune orbital period) = 163.8 x 365.25 days (Earth orbital period) 90560 days (Pluto orbital period) = 248 x 365.25 days (Earth orbital period) - Errors (1.2% and 1%) With Neptune And Pluto Orbital Periods Respectively - Shortly - All planets orbital periods be created based on Earth orbital period (365.25 days) by using the rates of time between Earth and these planets – - No other error in all data more than 1% - - The Data Proves That – The Rate of Time Controls The Solar System motion
  • 48. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 48 4-4 Mars Motion Rate Of Time I – Data MARS MOTION LIST 1 hour of Mars motion = (0.255) h of Mercury Motion 1 hour of Mars motion = (0.327) h of Venus Motion 1 hour of Mars motion = (0.531) h of Earth Motion 1 hour of Mars motion = 6.3 h of Jupiter Motion 1 hour of Mars motion = 15.6 h of Saturn Motion 1 hour of Mars motion = 44.71 h of Uranus Motion 1 hour of Mars motion = 88.1 h of Neptune Motion 1 hour of Mars motion = 133 h of Pluto Motion 1 hour of Mars motion = 15.55 h of The Moon Motion - In Following We Provide The Data Analysis
  • 49. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 49 II–Data Analysis 175.94 days (Mercury day period) = 0.255 x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period) 224.7 days (Venus orbital period) = 0.327 x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period) 365.25 days (Earth orbital period = 0.531 x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period) 4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 6.3 x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period) 10747 days (Saturn orbital period) = 15.6 x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period) 30589 days (Uranus orbital period) = 44.7 x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period) 59800 days (Neptune orbital period) = 88.1 x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period) 90560 days (Pluto orbital period) = 133 x 687 days (Mars Orbital Period) - Errors (1.2% and 1%) With Neptune And Pluto Orbital Periods Respectively - Shortly - All planets orbital periods be created based on Mars orbital period (687 days) by using the rates of time between Mars and these planets - No other error in all data more than 1% - - The Data Proves That – The Rate of Time Controls The Solar System motion
  • 50. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 50 4-5 Jupiter Motion Rate Of Time I – Data JUPITER MOTION LIST 1 hour of Jupiter motion = (0.040) h of Mercury Motion 1 hour of Jupiter motion = (0.0419) h of Venus Motion 1 hour of Jupiter motion = (0.084) h of Earth Motion 1 hour of Jupiter motion = (0.1589) h of Mars Motion 1 hour of Jupiter motion = 2.48 h of Saturn Motion 1 hour of Jupiter motion = 7.1 h of Uranus Motion 1 hour of Jupiter motion = 14 h of Neptune Motion 1 hour of Jupiter motion = 21.1 h of Pluto Motion 1 hour of Jupiter motion = 2.47 h of The Moon Motion - In Following We Provide The Data Analysis
  • 51. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 51 II–Data Analysis 175.94 days (Mercury day period) = 0.040 x 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period) 224.7 days (Venus orbital period) = 0.0419 x 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period) 365.25 days (Earth orbital period = 0.084 x 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period) 687 days (Mars orbital period) = 0.1589 x 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period) 10747 days (Saturn orbital period) = 2.48 x 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period) 30589 days (Uranus orbital period) = 7.1 x 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period) 59800 days (Neptune orbital period) = 14 x 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period) 90560 days (Pluto orbital period) = 21.1 x 4331 days (Jupiter Orbital Period) - Errors (1.4% and 1%) With Neptune And Pluto Periods respectively - All planets orbital periods be created based on Jupiter orbital period (4331days) by using the rates of time between Jupiter and these planets - No other error in all data more than 1% - - The Data Proves That – The Rate of Time Controls The Solar System motion
  • 52. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 52 4-6 Saturn Motion Rate Of Time I – Data SATURN MOTION LIST 1 hour of Saturn motion = (0.016) h of Mercury Motion 1 hour of Saturn motion = (0.0209) h of Venus Motion 1 hour of Saturn motion = (0.0339) h of Earth Motion 1 hour of Saturn motion = (0.0639) h of Mars Motion 1 hour of Saturn motion = (0.403) h of Jupiter Motion 1 hour of Saturn motion = 2.857 h of Uranus Motion 1 hour of Saturn motion = 5.63 h of Neptune Motion 1 hour of Saturn motion = 8.5 h of Pluto Motion 1 hour of Saturn motion = 1 h of The Moon Motion - In Following We Provide The Data Analysis
  • 53. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 53 II–Data Analysis 175.94 days (Mercury day period) = 0.040 x 10747 days (Saturn Orbital Period) 224.7 days (Venus orbital period) = 0.0209 x 10747 days (Saturn Orbital Period) 365.25 days (Earth orbital period = 0.0339 x 10747 days (Saturn Orbital Period) 687 days (Mars orbital period) = 0.0639 x 10747 days (Saturn Orbital Period) 4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 0.403 x 10747 days (Saturn Orbital Period) 30589 days (Uranus orbital period) = 2.857 x 10747 days (Saturn Orbital Period) 59800 days (Neptune orbital period) = 5.63 x 10747 days (Saturn Orbital Period) 90560 days (Pluto orbital period) = 8.5 x 10747 days (Saturn Orbital Period) - Errors (1%) Only With Neptune And Pluto Orbital Periods - Shortly - All planets orbital periods be created based on Saturn orbital period (10747 days) by using the rates of time between Saturn and these planets - No other error in all data more than 1% - - The Data Proves That – The Rate of Time Controls The Solar System motion
  • 54. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 54 4-7 Uranus Motion Rate Of Time I – Data URANUS MOTION LIST 1 hour of Uranus motion = (0.0057) h of Mercury Motion 1 hour of Uranus motion = (0.0073) h of Venus Motion 1 hour of Uranus motion = (0.011) h of Earth Motion 1 hour of Uranus motion = (0.022) h of Mars Motion 1 hour of Uranus motion = (0.14) h of Jupiter Motion 1 hour of Uranus motion = (0.3499) h of Saturn Motion 1 hour of Uranus motion = 1.97 h of Neptune Motion 1 hour of Uranus motion = 2.97 h of Pluto Motion 1 hour of Uranus motion = (0.349) h of The Moon Motion - In Following We Provide The Data Analysis
  • 55. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 55 II–Data Analysis 175.94 days (Mercury day period) = 0.0057 x 30589 days ( Uranus Orbital Period) 224.7 days (Venus orbital period) = 0.0073 x 30589 days ( Uranus Orbital Period) 365.25 days (Earth orbital period = 0.011 x 30589 days ( Uranus Orbital Period) 687 days (Mars orbital period) = 0.022 x 30589 days ( Uranus Orbital Period) 4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 0.14 x 30589 days ( Uranus Orbital Period) 10747 days (Saturn orbital period) = 0.3499 x 30589 days (Uranus Orbital Period) 59800 days (Neptune orbital period) = 1.97 x 30589 days ( Uranus Orbital Period) 90560 days (Pluto orbital period) = 2.97 x 30589 days ( Uranus Orbital Period) - No Error In All Data More Than 1% - - All planets orbital periods be created based on Uranus orbital period (30589 days) by using the rates of time between Uranus and these planets - The Data Proves That – The Rate of Time Controls The Solar System motion
  • 56. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 56 4-8 Neptune Motion Rate Of Time I – Data NEPTUNE MOTION LIST 1 hour of Neptune motion = (0.0029) h of Mercury Motion 1 hour of Neptune motion = (0.0037) h of Venus Motion 1 hour of Neptune motion = (0.006) h of Earth Motion 1 hour of Neptune motion = (0.011) h of Mars Motion 1 hour of Neptune motion = (0.0713) h of Jupiter Motion 1 hour of Neptune motion = (0.177) h of Saturn Motion 1 hour of Neptune motion = (0.507) h of Uranus Motion 1 hour of Neptune motion = 1.509 h of Pluto Motion 1 hour of Neptune motion = (0.1773) h of The Moon Motion - In Following We Provide The Data Analysis
  • 57. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 57 II–Data Analysis 175.94 days (Mercury day period) = 0.0029 x 59800 days (Neptune Orbital Period) 224.7 days (Venus orbital period) = 0.0037 x 59800 days (Neptune Orbital Period) 365.25 days (Earth orbital period = 0.006 x 59800 days (Neptune Orbital Period) 687 days (Mars orbital period) = 0.011 x 59800 days (Neptune Orbital Period) 4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 0.0713 x 59800 days (Neptune Orbital Period) 10747 days (Saturn orbital period) = 0.177 x 59800 days (Neptune Orbital Period) 30589 days (Uranus orbital period) = 0.507 x 59800 days (Neptune Orbital Period) 90560 days (Pluto orbital period) = 1.509 x 59800 days (Neptune Orbital Period) - Neptune orbital period creates an error 1.3% with all data except Pluto and Uranus - All planets orbital periods be created based on Neptune orbital period (59800 days) by using the rates of time between Neptune and these planets - No other error in all data more than 1% - - The Data Proves That – The Rate of Time Controls The Solar System motion
  • 58. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 58 4-9 Pluto Motion Rate of time I – Data PLUTO MOTION LIST 1 hour of Pluto motion = (0.00192) h of Mercury Motion 1 hour of Pluto motion = (0.00245) h of Venus Motion 1 hour of Pluto motion = (0.00399) h of Earth Motion 1 hour of Pluto motion = (0.0075) h of Mars Motion 1 hour of Pluto motion = (0.0472) h of Jupiter Motion 1 hour of Pluto motion = (0.1174) h of Saturn Motion 1 hour of Pluto motion = (0.336) h of Uranus Motion 1 hour of Pluto motion = (0.662) h of Neptune Motion 1 hour of Pluto motion = (0.11743) h of The Moon Motion - In Following We Provide The Data Analysis
  • 59. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 59 II–Data Analysis 175.94 days (Mercury day period) = 0.00192 x 90560 days (Pluto Orbital Period) 224.7 days (Venus orbital period) = 0.00245 x 90560 days (Pluto Orbital Period) 365.25 days (Earth orbital period = 0.00399 x 90560 days (Pluto Orbital Period) 687 days (Mars orbital period) = 0.0075 x 90560 days (Pluto Orbital Period) 4331 days (Jupiter orbital period) = 0.0472 x 90560 days (Pluto Orbital Period) 10747 days (Saturn orbital period) = 0.1174 x 90560 days (Pluto Orbital Period) 30589 days (Uranus orbital period) = 0.336 x 90560 days (Pluto Orbital Period) 59800 days (Neptune orbital period) = 0.662 x 90560 days (Pluto Orbital Period) - Pluto orbital period creates error 1% with all data. - No error In All Data More Than 1% - - All planets orbital periods be created based on Pluto orbital period (90560 days) by using the rates of time between Pluto and these planets – The Data Proves That – The Rate of Time Controls The Solar System motion
  • 60. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 60 4-10 The Planets Orbital Distances Test - Let's refer to what we will do here - We remember here Mercury rates of time with the other planets - Then - We suppose that, Mercury moves during one solar day - And - We will find the other planets periods of time in comparison with this 1 solar day of Mercury motion based on these planets rates of time with Mercury - Then - We will discover the distances the planets pass during these periods - Then - We will compare these distances with Mercury motion distance for 1 solar day =4.095 mkm - Based on this comparison, we should test if the planets orbital distances be defined based on these planets rates of time, - Let's Do That In Following…
  • 61. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 61 I- Data Mercury Rates Of Time 1 hour of Mercury motion = 1.279 h of Venus Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 2.078 h of Earth Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 3.91 h of Mars Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 24.6 h of Jupiter Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 61.1 h of Saturn Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 174.8 h of Uranus Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 344.6 h of Neptune Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 520.2 h of Pluto Motion 1 hour of Mercury motion = 60.8 h of The Earth Moon Motion The Motions Distances Based On Mercury Rates Of Time (1) Mercury (4.095 mkm / solar day) moves during 1 day a distance =4.095 mkm (2) Venus (3.024 mkm / solar day) moves during 1.279 days a distance =3.867 mkm (3) Earth (2.574 mkm / solar day) moves during 2.078 days a distance = 5.35 mkm (4) Mars (2.082 mkm / solar day) moves during 3.91 days a distance = 8.14 mkm (5) Jupiter (1.13184 mkm / solar day) moves during 24.6 days a distance = 27.8 mkm (6) Saturn (0.838 mkm / solar day) moves during 61.1 days a distance = 51.2 mkm (7) Uranus (0.5875 mkm / solar day) moves during 174.8 days a distance = 102.7 mkm (8) Neptune (0.4665 mkm / solar day) moves during 344.8 days a distance = 160.8 mkm (9) Pluto (0.406 mkm / solar day) moves during 520.2 days a distance = 211.2 mkm
  • 62. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 62 II- Data Analysis No. (2) (Venus motion distance=3.867 mkm) /(Mercury Motion Distance 4.095 mkm) =0.944 Where (Venus orbital circumference =680 mkm) /(Mercury Distance 720.7 mkm) =0.944 No. (3) (Earth motion distance=5.35 mkm) /(Mercury Motion Distance 4.095 mkm) =1.3 Where (Earth orbital circumference =940 mkm) /(Mercury Distance 720.7 mkm) = 1.3 No. (4) (Mars motion distance=8.14 mkm) /(Mercury Motion Distance 4.095 mkm) = 1.98 Where (Mars orbital circumference =1433 mkm) /(Mercury Distance 720.7 mkm) = 1.98 No. (5) (Jupiter motion distance=27.8 mkm) /(Mercury Motion Distance 4.095 mkm) = 6.8 Where (Jupiter orbital circumference =4900 mkm) /(Mercury Distance 720.7 mkm) = 6.8 No. (6) (Saturn motion distance=51.2 mkm) /(Mercury Motion Distance 4.095 mkm) = 12.5 Where (Saturn orbital circumference =9010 mkm) /(Mercury Distance 720.7 mkm) = 12.5 No. (7) (Uranus motion distance =102.7 mkm) /(Mercury Motion Distance 4.095 mkm) =25.1 Where (Uranus orbital circumference =18048 mkm) /(Mercury Distance 720.7 mkm) = 25.1 No. (8) (Neptune motion distance =161 mkm) /(Mercury Motion Distance 4.095 mkm) =39.3 Where (Neptune orbital circumference =28255 mkm) /(Mercury Distance 720.7 mkm) = 39.3 No. (9) (Pluto motion distance =211.2 mkm) /(Mercury Motion Distance 4.095 mkm) =51.6 Where (Pluto orbital circumference =37100 mkm) /(Mercury Distance 720.7 mkm) = 51.6
  • 63. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 63 III- Discussion (A) - Let's summarize the idea in following: - As we have seen the planets orbital periods and distances be defined clearly based on the rates of time which we have calculated. - And - The rates of time be calculated based on the required periods for the planets to move distances = their orbital distances, means - The required periods should be considered as the cornerstone of the rates of time definition and using. - Shortly - We conclude that, the planets orbital periods and distances be created as function in these planets required periods to move their orbital distances, let's remember these required periods in following - Mercury needs 14.13 Solar Days (27.9 Solar Days) - Venus needs 35.8 Solar Days - Earth needs 58.1 Solar Days - The moon needs 1700 Solar Days - Mars needs 109.4 Solar Days - Jupiter needs 687 Solar Days - Saturn needs 1710 Solar Days - Uranus needs 4890 Solar Days - Neptune needs 9635 Solar Days - Pluto needs 14547 Solar Days (B) - We notice that, - The planet motion rates of time be defined also as the rates between this planet orbital period and the other planets orbital periods. - As we have noticed before
  • 64. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 64 - The planets orbital period defines planet orbital Circumference but - The planets required period defines planet orbital Distance but - Please review the discussion (The planets motions rates of time A Summary) (C) - The next step is to create one equation express these required periods of time, - Means, if we have one equation controls the planets required periods of time, that will create one law controls all planets orbital periods and distances. - Let's discover this one law in the next point (6-11)
  • 65. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 65 4-11 One Law Controls The Planets Orbital Periods And Distances - Let's Summarize The One Law Idea In Following: (A) - The inner planets required periods total = 235.8 days - The outer planets required periods total = 31469 days - The solar planets required periods total = 31705 days - Notice - 31469 days = 133 x 235.8 days (error 0.4%) (B) - The inner planets orbital periods total = 1480 days - The outer planets orbital periods total = 196027 days - The solar planets orbital periods total = 197027 days - The total 197027 days = 1480 days x 133 (C) - The solar planets orbital distances total = 16030 mkm - 16030 mkm = 53.99 x 2 x 149.6 mkm (Earth orbital distance) (error 1%) - Where - 53.99 mkm = the distance be passed by Pluto in 133 days
  • 66. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 66 4-12 The General Discussion - What conclusions we can reach through the previous data? - The data tries to create an approach for the planets motions data analysis… we try to know why or how this data be created by these values? - One notice is, Saturn motion rate of time equal approximately the moon motion rate of time. No any source in physics book tells this information or tells that the Earth moon and Saturn have some interaction of motions. but the data shows that's truth. - The rate of time of Saturn and the moon motions be equal because their motions creates this equality. For example the moon daily displacement 88000 km needs a period 10747 days to pass a distance = 940 mkm (Earth orbital circumference), where (10747 days = Saturn orbital period) - I want to say - The previous data analysis open the planets data and arrange it in some form to facilitate the analysis process. We try to test Newton vision for the planet motion. here we can't show the contradictions in each point spite they are found, but we interest to see the planet motion depth as possible. It's not enough to say that Newton was the bad person in our physics book, it's not our objective, we need to know why Newton is mistaken?, why the planet motion in its depth be different from the outer observation? Why the direct vision only without data analysis deceives us? - For the last question I have a very interesting answer let's write it in an example for explanation in following: - Example For Explanation - The moon displacement per a solar day = 88000 km - The moon day period =29.53 solar day - By that, the distances total which be passed by the moon in its day period should be =(88000 km x 29.53 days = 2598640 km = 2π x 413600 km)
  • 67. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 67 - Based on this data, The Moon Apogee Radius Should Be = 413600 km - But it's not a fact - The moon apogee radius = 406000 km - Means, - The moon can't be far from the Earth at a distance more than 406000 km, and the moon never visit the point 413600 km - This data shows clearly we can't understand the moon motion trajectory by the observation only but we need to analyze the motion data to know what's going on. - Again - How the moon apogee radius be (406000 km)? while it should be (413600 km?) - Notice - There's one more feature should be referred as a result because the distance (2598640 km) is so long the moon would have to revolve around Earth through its (new) apogee orbit - Shortly - Based on this data, the moon would revolve around Earth along month through the apogee orbit whose radius (r=413600 km) and would be prevented to revolve around Earth through any more near orbits! - The Fact Is That, - The moon creates an angle (θ) between the moon displacement direction and the moon orbit horizontal level, by that, while the moon moves daily 88000 km but this distance doesn't be accounted for the moon orbit. The orbit considers another displacement depend on the angle, let's call it (the real displacement L) - (The Real Displacement) L = 88000 km cos (θ) - As a result - The real displacement be shorter than (88000 km) and the total displacements during (29.53 days) be less than (2598640 km) and be = (2550973 km) (-2%)
  • 68. IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD NAME Through the Mother of God mediation I do this research Gerges Francis Tawadrous/ 2nd Course student – physics Faculty – People's Friendship University – Moscow –Russia.. +201022532292 68 - By this intelligent technique, the genius moon can revolve around Earth through more near orbits and avoid to visit the point 413600 km forever and makes its apogee radius =406000 km - I wish the example proves the idea clearly, that we can't understand the planets motions by observation only, but it necessitates to use the planets motions data analysis. - I want to say - The previous analysis is an approach, the rest paper points use this approach to analyze different points of the planets motions data. because of that the paper will discuss the equality of the rates of time between Saturn and the moon. - Let's summarize what we try to do here - I arrange the planets motions data to enable the analysis process to be done. In our minds we compare between Newton vision of the solar system motion and the planets motions data analysis. By that the contradictions will be seen along the analysis process. After we finish we should suggest our description for the solar system motion which be in harmony with the planets motions data analysis. - Notice - This paper is considered as a summary for part of my other paper – Please read the full detailed discussion A Light Beam Its Velocity 1.16 mkm /Sec Causes To Create The Solar System