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The Planning Fallacy: Cognitive,
Motivational, and Social Origins
Roger Buehler,* Dale Griffin,†
and Johanna Peetz*
1. Defining the Planning Fallacy 2
2. Documenting the Planning Fallacy 4
3. Explaining the Planning Fallacy: The Original Cognitive Model 17
3.1. The inside versus outside view 17
3.2. Obstacles to using past experiences 18
3.3. Optimistic plans 19
4. Empirical Support for the Inside–Outside Model 20
5. Extending the Planning Fallacy: An Extended Inside–Outside Model 24
5.1. Identifying key elements of the inside focus 24
5.2. Effects of motivation: The mediating role of focus on plans 27
5.3. Perspective(s) and the planning fallacy 31
5.4. Social forces: Group processes accentuate plan focus 42
5.5. The behavioral impact of plans and predictions 46
5.6. Implications for debiasing 53
6. Concluding Perspectives 55
Acknowledgments 56
References 56
The planning fallacy refers to a prediction phenomenon, all too familiar to many,
wherein people underestimate the time it will take to complete a future task,
despite knowledge that previous tasks have generally taken longer than
planned. In this chapter, we review theory and research on the planning fallacy,
with an emphasis on a programmatic series of investigations that we have
conducted on this topic. We first outline a definition of the planning fallacy,
explicate controversies and complexities surrounding its definition, and
summarize empirical research documenting the scope and generality of the
phenomenon. We then explore the origins of the planning fallacy, beginning
with the classic inside–outside cognitive model developed by Kahneman and
Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Volume 43 # 2010 Elsevier Inc.
ISSN 0065-2601, DOI: 10.1016/S0065-2601(10)43001-4 All rights reserved.
* Psychology Department, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Tversky [Kahneman, D., & Tversky, A. (1979). Intuitive prediction: biases and
corrective procedures. TIMS Studies in Management Science, 12, 313–327].
Finally, we develop an extended inside–outside model that integrates empirical
research examining cognitive, motivational, social, and behavioral processes
underlying the planning fallacy.
Why do academic papers take longer to write than expected? Why do
home renovation projects take longer and cost more than expected? Why
do major public construction projects take longer and cost more than
expected, even though their scope and innovative features are typically
reduced along the way? The phenomenon of optimistic time predictions
undoubtedly comes in many forms and has many causes. Through a series of
programmatic investigations, we have been exploring one particular form of
optimistic time prediction that Kahneman and Tversky (1979) originally
termed the planning fallacy. In this chapter, we first outline the basic definition
of the planning fallacy, explicate controversies and complexities surrounding
its definition, summarize evidence supporting the classic inside–outside cog-
nitive model of Kahneman and Tversky (1979) and Kahneman and Lovallo
(1993), and then describe recent work that enriches the classic cognitive
model with motivational, social, and behavioral extensions.
1. Defining the Planning Fallacy
The planning fallacy refers to a readily observable phenomenon: the
conviction that a current project will go as well as planned even though
most projects from a relevant comparison set have failed to fulfill their
planned outcomes. The term was first introduced to the psychological
literature by Kahneman and Tversky (1979, 1982a, p. 415) to describe
people’s tendency ‘‘to underestimate the time required to complete a
project, even when they have considerable experience of past failures to
live up to planned schedules.’’
Kahneman and Tversky did not conduct empirical studies of the
planning fallacy, but offered a single case study that still stands as a defining
test case for theory and research on this phenomenon.
In 1976, one of us was involved in a project to develop a curriculum for a
new subject area for high schools in Israel. . . . Everyone on the team was
asked to write on a slip of paper the number of months that would be
needed to finish the project defined as having a complete report ready for
submission to the Ministry of Education. The estimates ranged from 18 to
30 months.
One of the team members—a distinguished expert in curriculum develop-
ment—was then posed a challenge by another team member: ‘‘Surely,
we’re not the only team to have tried to develop a curriculum where
2 Roger Buehler et al.
none existed before. Try to recall as many such projects as you can. Think
of them as they were in a stage comparable to ours at present. How long did
it take them at that point to reach completion?’’ After a long silence, the
curriculum expert said, with some discomfort, ‘‘First, I should say that not
all the teams that I can think of, that were at a comparable stage, ever did
complete their task. About 40% of them eventually gave up. Of the
remaining, I cannot think of any that completed their task in less than
seven years, nor of any that took more than ten.’’ He was then asked if he
had reason to believe that the present team was more skilled in curriculum
development than the earlier ones had been. ‘‘No,’’ he replied, ‘‘I cannot
think of any relevant factor that distinguishes us favorably from the teams I
have been thinking about. Indeed, my impression is that we are slightly
below average in terms of resources and potential. (Lovallo & Kahneman,
2003, p. 61; see also Kahneman & Tversky, 1982b)
Note that in this example so far, the narrator has assembled the ingre-
dients of the planning fallacy—a set of optimistic estimates for the current
task juxtaposed with the knowledge of a rather more pessimistic history of
such tasks—but the fallacy itself did not occur until the members of the team
ignored or neglected the lessons of the past. In this case, the planning fallacy
occurred when ‘‘. . .the members ignored the pessimistic information and
proceeded with the project. They finally completed the initiative 8 years
later, and their efforts went largely for naught—the resulting curriculum
was rarely used.’’ (Lovallo & Kahneman, 2003, p. 61)
The signature of the planning fallacy, then, is not that planners are
optimistic but that they maintain their optimism about the current project
in the face of historical evidence to the contrary. So, for example, even
though Denver’s ambitious Stapleton international airport project opened
16 months later than planned at a cost of at least $2 billion over budget, it
can only be defined as a case of the planning fallacy if the planners had
knowledge of a set of similar projects that had taken longer than planned
(which they surely did). Similarly, the fact that NASA’s most recent space
project has shown marked overruns in time and cost is not enough to define
it as a case of the planning fallacy without the knowledge (as summarized in
a recent U.S. General Accounting Office report) that 10 of the 13 preceding
projects had also been marked by time and cost overruns. A frustrated
project manager captures this point clearly: ‘‘A recent example I’ve had
was a task that the programmer promised he was going to finish it first in
2 days, I told him to be overly pessimistic, he said 2 weeks. The task was
scheduled for 4 [weeks]. Now, after 5 weeks, the programmer says he’s
2 days away from finishing.’’ With the planning fallacy, the future continues
to look rosier than the past, even as the future becomes the past.
Of course people can also underestimate the time required to complete a
task in contexts where they have no access to relevant historical base rates,
and there is value in understanding the causes and consequences of this more
The Planning Fallacy 3
general ‘‘optimistic bias’’ or ‘‘underestimation bias.’’ However, we believe
it is the remarkable combination of realistic knowledge about the past and
continuing optimism about the future that gives the planning fallacy its bite.
Definitions that do not acknowledge the paradoxical combination of opti-
mism about the future with realism about the past miss much of the richness
of the phenomenon. We were drawn to studying the planning fallacy
because in these types of predictions people do not forget history but
because people confidently make predictions that go against the history that
they know and remember. The study of the planning fallacy digs into the
deep psychology of George Bernard Shaw’s claim that ‘‘We learn from
history that we learn nothing from history.’’ (Shaw, 1903/1948, p. 485)
The lessons about when people do—and do not—learn from history also
make the study of the planning fallacy extremely relevant for social psychol-
ogists. The challenge of integrating memories of the past into our under-
standing of the present and our expectations for the future is a central
human problem that we face in every domain of our social lives. Studying
the planning fallacy provides insights about how hope, fear, disappointment,
and reason combine to shape not only time predictions but also many other
expectations for the future.
2. Documenting the Planning Fallacy
To identify examples of the planning fallacy requires two related but
separable findings. First, predictions of current task completion times must
be more optimistic than beliefs about the distribution of past completion
times for similar projects; second, predictions of current task completion
times must be more optimistic than actual outcomes. A high degree of
confidence is also diagnostic, but is not required by the classic definition.
The Standish Group publishes an annual survey about the success of
information technology projects in the United States; in 2009, they classi-
fied 32% of surveyed projects as successes, meaning they were delivered on
time, on budget, and with required features and functions; 44% were
challenged, which meant that they were delivered late, over budget, or
with less than required features; and 24% failed and were canceled or never
used (The Standish Group, 2009). In an earlier study (The Standish Group,
1995), the average time overrun was 222%, with 47% of all projects
reporting at least a 100% overrun. In a review of software estimation studies,
Molokken and Jrgensen (2003) report that between 65% and 85% of
software projects are completed after the predicted date; furthermore,
poor estimation was noted as the most common reason for IT project failure
(Nelson, 2007). In a comprehensive study of private sector planning and
forecasting, Norris (1971) compiled forecasted and completed times and
4 Roger Buehler et al.
costs for close to 300 industrial research and design (RD) projects (these
300 projects were taken from a larger pool of 475 projects—the balance of
the projects were abandoned or changed. Notably, projects were generally
abandoned after the estimated point of completion). He found that projects
were, on average, about 250% over time budget and about 125% over cost
budget. In a more detailed study of 50 RD projects, Wilkes and Norris
(1972) found that substage estimates were just as optimistic as whole-project
estimates. Furthermore, there is ample historical evidence that cost and time
overruns have been characteristic of public works projects in both the
United States (Engerman  Sokoloff, 2004) and Europe (Flyvbjerg et al.,
2005) for hundreds of years.
The tendency for project time estimation to show marked optimism
seems to hold for projects in the private and public sectors, as well as for
projects estimated to take from a few days to years to complete, and with
budgets from a few thousand to millions of dollars. However, there are two
major barriers to interpreting these applied real-world data in terms of the
planning fallacy. First, we have no direct measures of planners’ beliefs about
the distribution of relevant past outcomes. Although many surveys indicate
cost and time overruns are considered to be endemic in the high-tech and
project-management world, we are lacking the data that would tie beliefs
about the past to predictions about the future.
Second, the apparently optimistic time estimates for commercial projects
may represent duplicitous attempts to manipulate an audience for political
ends rather than true predictions about the future. Flyvbjerg et al. (2003,
2004, 2005) have argued that large public works are plagued by estimates
that are deliberately deceptive, either because politicians wish to develop
major projects but know that their true cost will not be borne by the
taxpayer, or because contractors lowball the estimated cost or effort predic-
tion to gain the contract, or because employees underestimate the cost and
scope of projects to gain political favor and project approval from their
managers. Flyvbjerg and colleagues provide anecdotal reports indicating
that employees are at least sometimes implicitly or explicitly rewarded for
deliberately underestimating project magnitude. Flyvbjerg also argues that
because the history of project overruns is so well-known, the continuing
pattern of optimistic forecasts in large-scale public projects has no other
reasonable explanation other than fraud and deception. Importantly, this
line of argument denies that people can honestly hold simultaneous beliefs
in a pessimistic past and an optimistic future. Whatever the role of the
‘‘honest’’ planning fallacy in project overruns, there is undoubtedly a strong
case for the role of deception and corruption in the underestimation of time
and cost in public works and private industry projects.
Thus, despite the applied importance of studying industrial and trans-
portation projects, and the plentiful data on the magnitude and generality of
optimistic biases in this domain, the cleanest laboratory for the study of the
The Planning Fallacy 5
planning fallacy seems to lie in the study of everyday personal projects.
Consider one familiar example: Academics who carry home a stuffed
briefcase full of work on Fridays, fully (and confidently) intending to
complete every task, are often aware that they have never gone beyond
the first one or two jobs on any previous weekend. Once again, this
illustrates the ability of people to hold two seemingly contradictory beliefs.
Although aware that most of their previous predictions were overly opti-
mistic, they believe (so it seems) that their current forecasts are realistic.
This phenomenon is universally recognized by academics, and so we
have often put it to the test with university students. However, the transla-
tion and operationalization from long-term projects is not as straightforward
as it might seem. For example, is the appropriate measure the duration of
time that students spend on the task, or is it the temporal distance to the
estimated completion time? We know from the literature on software
development projects that overestimation is typically found when measured
either way: as programmer hours or by the time to the completion of the
project. Nonetheless, larger overruns are generally found in estimates of
completion time (van Oorschot et al., 2002). Kahneman and Tversky’s
classic planning fallacy example was based on completion time: the curricu-
lum team estimated their completion date but there is no report of the team
jointly estimating how many hours they would spend on the task itself.
Moreover, we suspect that most project teams and most students measure
success in task completion by whether the product is delivered on time, and
rarely look back to assess whether the task took surprisingly many hours or
days of actual working time. Thus, in most of the studies we report here, the
key outcome measure is completion time rather than time-on-task dura-
tion. Moreover, in most cases, we examine target tasks that are of sufficient
magnitude that they require at least a full day of elapsed time between
prediction and completion.
A second decision we have faced is whether we should include or
exclude academic or personal tasks with a firm deadline. Strictly enforced
deadlines minimize the scope of the planning fallacy as they provide a tight
upper bound to the possible optimistic bias. Indeed, Tversky and Shafir
(1992) offered students $5 for answering and returning a questionnaire
within 5 days, 3 weeks, or with no deadline and observed return rates of
60%, 42%, and 25%, respectively, underlining the power of deadlines to
enforce timely completion. Similarly, Silk (2010) found that consumers
were much more likely to return mail-in rebates if given a 1-day or
1-week deadline rather than a more conventional 3-week deadline—even
though the consumers preferred the longer deadline if given a choice.
Furthermore, externally imposed deadlines are more effective in ensuring
timely task completion than are self-imposed deadlines (Ariely 
Wertenbroch, 2002). Thus, our decision to include projects with deadlines—
and our general focus on academic projects with strict deadlines—undoubtedly
6 Roger Buehler et al.
has led to a conservative estimate of the magnitude of the planning fallacy in
personal projects.
In one of our first assessments of the planning fallacy, we examined
predictions for completion of a computer-based tutorial session. Students
reported that they usually completed similar academic tasks about a day
before the deadline; when asked to predict when they would complete the
current tutorial, students estimated that they would be finished, on average,
about 6 days in advance of the deadline (Buehler et al., 1994). In fact, and
consistent with our two-point test for the planning fallacy, only about 30%
completed by their predicted date—most finished, as usual, considerably
closer to the deadline than they anticipated. We have obtained further
evidence that student participants firmly believe in their forecasts by asses-
sing their confidence (Buehler et al., 1994, Studies 2 and 3; Buehler et al.,
1995). First, participants reported how certain they were that they would
finish by the time they had predicted, on a scale ranging from 0% (not at all
certain) to 100% (completely certain). The 50% or halfway mark on this
scale indicated that respondents felt that it was a ‘‘toss-up’’ whether they
would finish by the time they predicted. For the most part, participants were
quite confident that they would meet their predictions: the average cer-
tainty rating was 74% for school assignments in one study, 84% in a second
study, and 70% for household tasks. In each case, approximately 40% of the
participants actually finished by the predicted time. It is notable that, in a
class survey, students reported that they typically completed about 32% of
their projects by their expected completion date, and were later than expected
about 68% of the time. The belief in (or knowledge of ) a ‘‘pessimistic past’’
seems to be widespread in this domain.
Figure 1.1 presents data from a related study (Griffin  Buehler, 1999,
Study 1) where students reported probability estimates for their best guess
completion times for 10 current projects across their academic and personal
lives. Once again, about 45% of the projects were completed, compared to
an average confidence level of 73%. The calibration plot reveals two
interesting patterns: First, probability judgments are overly optimistic across
the entire range; this does not match the canonical pattern of overconfi-
dence in knowledge which is marked by underconfidence or underestima-
tion at the low end of the probability scale and overconfidence or
overestimation at the upper end, a pattern known as over-extremity
(Griffin  Brenner, 2004). Thus, the phenomenon to explain is an opti-
mistic bias, not an extremity bias. Second, the slope between confidence
and likelihood of timely task completion is moderately steep, indicating that
in a relative sense, the predictions contain considerable information about
completion times.
As well as assessing judges’ confidence in their ‘‘best guess’’ predictions,
we have also employed a more demanding ‘‘fractile procedure’’
(Lichtenstein et al., 1982; Yates, 1990): In addition to their best guess
The Planning Fallacy 7
predictions, participants indicated times by which they were 50% certain,
75% certain, and 99% certain that they would finish a project (Buehler et al.,
1995). As seen in Fig. 1.2, the fractile measure revealed rampant optimistic
overconfidence: Only 13% of the participants finished their academic
projects by the time they reported as their 50% probability level, 19%
finished by the time of their 75% probability level, and 45% finished by
the time of their 99% probability level. The results for the 99% probability
level are especially striking: Even when asked to provide a prediction that
they feel virtually certain they will fulfill, students’ confidence far exceeds
their accomplishments.
We also documented a more dramatic example of optimistic time com-
pletion estimates by studying senior honors theses, a rare academic project
without a binding deadline. We waited until most students were approach-
ing the end of this year-long project, and then asked them to predict when
they realistically expected to submit the thesis, as well as when they would
submit it if ‘‘everything went as poorly as it possibly could.’’ The students’
realistic predictions were overly optimistic: Only 30% of the students fin-
ished the project by the predicted time. On average, the students took 55
days to complete their thesis, 22 days longer than they had anticipated, and
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Estimated % complete
Figure 1.1 Calibration curve for estimated and actual probability of meeting task
completion predictions. Numbers indicate the proportion of responses represented
by each point on the curve. Dashed line represents perfect calibration (Griffin 
Buehler, 1999).
8 Roger Buehler et al.
even 7 days longer than the average worst-case prediction. Interestingly,
despite the optimistic bias, the students’ forecasts were accurate in a relative
or ordinal sense: The predicted completion times were highly correlated
with actual completion times (r ¼ 0.77). Compared to others in the sample,
then, the students who predicted that they would take more time to finish
actually did take more time. Once again, we see that predictions can be
informative even in the presence of a marked optimistic bias.
A telephone survey of Canadian taxpayers revealed that the planning
fallacy is not limited to students and their school assignments (Buehler et al.,
1997). Those surveyed expected to mail their tax returns about a week
earlier than their typical date (3 weeks before the deadline rather than their
usual 2 weeks), but in accord with the planning fallacy, history repeated
itself: on average, reported typical behavior in the past accurately matched
present behavior (forms were completed in the usual 2 weeks), so that the
current predictions averaging 3 weeks before deadline were markedly
We should note, however, that current completion times do not always
match recollections of past behavior in our studies, nor does the definition
of the planning fallacy require such a match. Across many of our studies, we
find that the current task usually takes slightly longer than the recalled
typical time, implying either that the world is becoming progressively
more difficult or that people misremember the past in a somewhat positive
light. For example, in a study of holiday shopping predictions (Peetz et al.,
2010, Study 2), students reported that they typically completed their shop-
ping about 6.2 days before Christmas, and predicted they would complete
the current season’s shopping about 7.5 days before Christmas, but actually
completed it only 5.5 days before Christmas on average. Similarly, in studies
of student predictions for academic projects conducted in both Canada and
Figure 1.2 Predicted completion times for academic tasks corresponding to specified
probability levels. Numbers above bars represent the percentage of projects finished by
predicted time (Buehler et al., 1995).
The Planning Fallacy 9
Japan (Buehler  Griffin, 2003, Study 2; Buehler et al., 2003), we found
that predictions were more optimistic than the recalled date of a typical
project. Both Canadian and Japanese students predicted to finish about
2 days before the deadline and recalled that they typically finished about a
day before the deadline, but the current tasks were completed only half a
day before the deadline (see Fig. 1.3). In all cases, using recalled behavior to
make predictions would have been more accurate, at least on a mean level,
than using predicted behavior, but it would not have been perfect.
The evidence presented so far suggests that the tendency to underesti-
mate task completion times is a robust phenomenon. To characterize the
scope and generality of the prediction bias, we have also performed a more
exhaustive review of research outcomes from controlled studies of project
completion predictions and summarized these findings in Figs. 1.4 and 1.5
and associated Table 1.1. Our review builds upon previous summaries of the
literature (Roy et al., 2005) and includes additional studies. We included all
studies we could find that examined self-predictions (as opposed to observer
predictions) and reported untransformed measures of both predicted and
actual completion times. Because we were interested in characterizing
people’s natural ability to predict completion times, without assistance or
manipulation, we included only studies (or control conditions within stud-
ies) in which participants’ forecasts were not subject to experimental inter-
ventions designed to alter the information that predictors considered. In
addition, we classified the target tasks as ‘‘in-session’’ or ‘‘out-of-session’’
tasks based on whether participants completed the task during the research
Canada Japan
Recalled typical
Figure 1.3 Recall of typical completion time, predicted completion time, and actual
completion time for a self-nominated school assignment in Canadian and Japanese
students (Buehler et al., 2003).
10 Roger Buehler et al.
session (e.g., laboratory tasks) or completed it on their own time, outside the
research session. The dependent variables of interest were the predicted
and actual time to task completion, as opposed to the duration of time
spent working on the task. These two measures can (and usually do) diverge
markedly for out-of-session tasks (e.g., an essay with a 2-week deadline may
take 12 days from prediction to completion yet require only 5 h of actual time
on task), but are indistinguishable in the ‘‘in-session’’ tasks (e.g., a laboratory
task that takes 10 min of actual working time also has a time to completion of
10 min). We include a total of 65 comparisons of predicted and actual
outcomes, 35 from in-session tasks and 30 from out-of-session tasks.
Figure 1.4 presents a pair of histograms that summarizes the frequency of
studies showing underestimation bias versus overestimation bias separately
for in-session and out-of-session tasks. Both histograms are presented as
ratios (predicted time over actual time) to allow comparison between the
short in-session tasks (measured in minutes) and the longer, more complex
out-of-session tasks (measured in days). A ratio of 1 indicates a perfectly
accurate prediction, with ratios larger than 1 indicating overestimation (a
pessimistic belief that the task will take longer than it actually does) and
ratios less than 1 indicating underestimation (an optimistic belief that the
task will take less time than it actually does), consistent with the planning
fallacy. The contrast in the pattern of results is striking: for in-session studies,
where uncertainty is solely about the nature and difficulty of the target task,
there is considerable variability on both sides of the accuracy ratio, indicating
the presence of both overestimation and underestimation; for out-of-session
studies, where uncertainty is greater and comes not only from the nature of
the task but also from a host of other factors (e.g., competing tasks,
In-session tasks
0 1 2
Ratio predicted to actual
completion time
3 4 5
Out-of-session tasks
Ratio predicted to actual
completion time
0.75 1
Figure 1.4 Percent of studies finding underestimation (ratio  1) and overestimation
(ratio  1).
The Planning Fallacy 11
unsuspected difficulties in locating task-relevant materials, unexpected
interruptions, and self-control failure), underestimation is typical and over-
estimation is never observed.
Figure 1.5 further unpacks the difference between in-session and out-of-
session studies by plotting the same ratio of predicted to actual completion
time (in original ratio units on the Y-axis) against the actual task completion
time (in log units on the X-axis, to allow comparison between tasks taking
minutes to complete with tasks tasking weeks to complete). The top panel
presents the data from ‘‘in-session’’ studies, with actual times presented in
minutes, and the bottom panel presents the comparable data from ‘‘out-of-
session’’ studies, with actual times presented in days. For the in-session
studies, the degree and direction of bias is clearly related to the actual length
of the task, a relationship that has been documented previously (Roy 
Christenfeld, 2008; Roy et al., 2005). Notably, for very short laboratory
tasks, overestimation is characteristic, whereas for somewhat longer tasks,
20s 15min
Actual task time
1 day 80 days
In-session tasks
20s 15min
Actual task time
1 day 80 days
Out-of-session tasks
Figure 1.5 Ratio of predicted to actual completion time as a function of actual
completion time.
12 Roger Buehler et al.
Table 1.1 Summary of studies comparing predicted and actual task completion times
Reference Study Type Task Predicted Actual Unit
Buehler et al.
1 2 Honors thesis [best guess predictions] 33.9 55.5 days
2 2 Self-nominated nonacademic project [partial
information group]
5 9.2 days
2 2 Self-nominated academic project [partial
information group]
5.8 10.7 days
3 2 Self-nominated school project 6.0 7.1 days
4 2 Computer tutorial assignment [control
5.5 6.8 days
Buehler et al.
1 2 Income tax forms [across refund/no refund
22.2 14.0 days BDL
2 1 Anagram word puzzles [no-incentive
control group]
6.7 7 min
Buehler et al.
1 2 Self-nominated school project 11.4 13.7 days
Buehler and
Griffin (2003)
1 2 Christmas shopping [control group] 4.5 3.3 days BDL
2 2 Self-nominated school project [standard
control group]
1.5 0.3 days BDL
Buehler et al.
1 2 School group project [final individual
45.2 59.3 days
2 1 Puzzle task [final individual predictions] 13.1 13.8 min
3 2 Group take-home assignment [final
individual predictions]
1.9 2.5 days
Buehler et al.
1 2 School assignment [Japanese sample] 1.7 0.3 days BDL
1 2 School assignment [Canadian sample] 1.8 0.7 days BDL
2 Summer research project 14.2 6.7 days BDL
Table 1.1 (continued)
Reference Study Type Task Predicted Actual Unit
Burt and Kemp
1 1 Bookshop 120 44 s
1 1 Cards 180 52 s
1 1 Library form 300 74 s
1 1 Library 133 139 s
1 1 Walk 600 249 s
2 1 Purchase 420 433 s
2 1 Balance sheet 900 557 s
2 1 Letter 600 611 s
2 1 Proofread 900 690 s
2 1 Library 840 734 s
Byram (1997) 1 1 Assemble computer stand [subset that
performed the task]
65.7 76.1 min
4 1 Origami task [final prediction, across
immediate/delay group]
6.6 9.7 min
5 1 Origami task [no-incentive control group] 10.1 9.8 min
Connolly and
Dean (1997)
1 2 Programming assignment #1 [predict whole
task first group]
8.3 8.7 h
1 2 Programming assignment #2 [predict whole
task first group]
9.9 13.4 h
Deslaurier (2002) 1 2 Single-submission essay task [control group] 7.72 10.2 days
1 2 Multiple-submission essay task [control
8.85 10.4 days
Forsyth and Burt
1 1 Office tasks A [scheduled as group] 17.9 12.8 min
1 1 Office tasks B [scheduled as group] 15 14.5 min
2 1 Office tasks A [scheduled as group] 22.4 71.6 min
2 1 Office tasks B [scheduled as group] 21.2 85.5 min
and Robertson
1 1 Spell-check 429 357 s
Hinds (1999) 1 1 Operate cell phone [novice sample, unaided
15.7 31.5 min
Josephs and
Hahn (1995)
3 1 Read manuscript [short format, across slow/
fast readers]
35.8 65.0 min
3 1 Read manuscript [long format, across slow/
fast readers]
25.5 68.6 min
4 1 Read manuscript [short format, across slow/
fast readers]
55.5 69.8 min
4 1 Read manuscript [long format, across slow/
fast readers]
44.2 77.6 min
König (2005) pilot 1 Answer questions 49 59.9 min
Koole and Van’t
Spijker (2000)
1 2 Essay task [goal condition] 1.7 2.9 days
Kruger and
Evans (2004)
3 1 Format document [packed group] 17.3 39.7 min
4 1 Assemble food tray [packed group] 23.5 33.6 min
5 1 Format document [simple; packed group] 7.9 8.1 min
5 1 Format document [complex; packed group] 11.9 23.7 min
et al. (2000)
1 2 Major school assignment [realistic scenario;
final prediction]
1.1 0.3 days BDL
3 2 Major school assignment [no scenario
2.0 0.8 days BDL
Table 1.1 (continued)
Reference Study Type Task Predicted Actual Unit
Peetz et al.
1 2 Major school assignment 2.5 1.3 days BDL
2 2 Christmas shopping [predicted in October] 9.2 5.7 days BDL
2 2 Christmas shopping [predicted in
5.7 5.4 days BDL
5 2 Essay task [predicted 3 weeks BDL] 1.6 0.6 days BDL
5 2 Essay task [predicted 1 week BDL] 1.1 0.3 days BDL
Pezzo et al.
1 2 Read story 8.2 12 days
1 2 Proof-read lists 6.0 7.9 days
Roy and
1 1 Origami task [no prior experience group;
prediction group]
20 11 min
Sanna et al.
1 2 Group research proposal [control group] 8.3 3.1 days BDL
2 1 Group desk assembly [control group] 42.4 50.0 min
3 1 Group desk assembly [control group] 42.3 53.2 min
Thomas and
2 1 Build toy castle [no-anchor control group] 619 652 s
Thomas et al.
1 1 Tower of Hanoi [no-experience control
61.7 21.7 s
Zhang and
5 2 GRE questions [estimate group; expect
simple task]
59.7 62.4 h
5 2 GRE questions [estimate group; expect
difficult task]
29.3 35.1 h
Note. Type of task refers to whether the task was completed as part of the experimental session (1 ¼ in-session, 2 ¼ out-of-session). For studies with experimental
manipulations, the control group selection is specified in brackets. BDL ¼ before deadline.
underestimation becomes common. This is consistent with a floor effect on
a bounded scale for these very short tasks. However, for out-of-session
studies, the degree of underestimation is consistent across the range of task
length, indicating that optimistic time predictions are characteristic of tasks
carried out in a real-world context, whether they are relatively short-term
or long-term projects. The starkly contrasting patterns between in-session
and out-of-session prediction tasks shown in both Figs. 1.4 and 1.5 provide
justification for our view that the planning fallacy is a phenomenon charac-
teristic of familiar tasks carried out under conditions of considerable uncer-
tainty—and should be studied under those conditions (Griffin  Buehler,
2005). Furthermore, these distinct patterns cast doubt on the utility of
attempts to build a single account of prediction bias that applies readily to
novel and familiar tasks, short and long tasks, and tasks performed in and
outside of the laboratory (cf. Roy et al., 2005).
3. Explaining the Planning Fallacy: The Original
Cognitive Model
3.1. The inside versus outside view
Given the prevalence of optimistic predictions, and ample empirical evi-
dence of the planning fallacy, we now turn to examining the psychological
mechanisms that underlie people’s optimistic forecasts. In particular, how do
people segregate their general theories about their predictions (i.e., that they
are usually unrealistically optimistic) from their specific expectations for an
upcoming task? Kahneman and Tversky (1979) explained the prediction
failure of the curriculum development team through the inside versus outside
analysis of the planning fallacy. This analysis builds upon a perceptual
metaphor of how people view a planned project. In the curriculum devel-
opment example, the group of authors focused on the specific qualities of the
current task, and seemed to look inside their representation of the developing
project to assess its difficulty. The group of authors failed, however, to look
outside of the specific project to evaluate the relevant distribution of compa-
rable projects. Even when they asked for information about the outside
viewpoint, they neglected to incorporate it in their predictions or even to
moderate their confidence. An inside or internal view of a task focuses on
singular information: specific aspects of the target task that might lead to
longer or shorter completion times. An outside or external view of the task
focuses on distributional information: how the current task fits into the set of
related tasks. Thus, the two general approaches to prediction differ primarily
in whether individuals treat the target task as a unique case or as an instance of
a category or ensemble of similar problems.
The Planning Fallacy 17
To explain the planning fallacy using this model, we need to account for
two things: why people fail to incorporate the distributional or outside
information in their completion estimates, and why the resulting focus on
singular information through the inside perspective leads to overoptimism.
For a number of reasons, the singular or ‘‘narrow’’ frame seems to be most
natural when developing plans and predictions as well as making decisions
about the future (Kahneman  Lovallo, 1993; Kahneman  Tversky,
1979). People tend to generate their predictions by considering the unique
features of the task at hand, and constructing a scenario about their future
progress on that task. This is, by and large, what ‘‘planning’’ means to most
people: developing a series of steps that will lead from the beginning to a
successful conclusion of the project. In deciding how much work to take
home for the weekend, for example, individuals may try to imagine when
they will start a particular project and how many hours of actual working
time they will require. They may (or may not) also consider the other
activities they have planned for the weekend and try to determine precisely
when, where, and how they will find time to work on the project. They
may (or may not) even try to envision potential obstacles to completing the
project, and how these obstacles will be overcome. Essentially this inside or
internal approach to prediction involves sketching out a scenario that
captures how the specific future project is likely to unfold. Several theorists
have similarly noted the tendency to construct scenarios, narratives, or
mental simulations as a basis for predicting the future (Dawes, 1988;
Dougherty et al., 1997; Dunning, 2007; Griffin et al., 1990; Kahneman 
Lovallo, 1993; Kahneman  Tversky, 1982c).
3.2. Obstacles to using past experiences
Despite the predictive value of past experiences, our findings suggest that
people neglect them while forming predictions. Why might this be so? One
answer was suggested above: prediction, by its very nature, elicits a focus on
the future rather than the past, and this future orientation may prevent
individuals from looking backwards. However, a failure to use personal base
rates need not always result from inattention to the past. People may
sometimes attend to their past, but nevertheless fail to incorporate this
information into their predictions because it does not seem relevant. People
may have difficulty extracting an appropriate set of past experiences; the
various instances seem so different from each other that individuals cannot
compare them meaningfully (Kahneman  Lovallo, 1993; Kahneman 
Tversky, 1979). As a British rugby-player-turned-commentator noted
‘‘Each game is unique, and this one is no different from any other.’’
People may also interpret the past in a manner that reduces its pertinence
to the current prediction. The meaning and relevance of any past behavior
depends largely on an individual’s explanation of why it occurred. Whereas
18 Roger Buehler et al.
certain types of attributions link a past event to the present and future, other
attributions isolate the past. To the extent that people perceive a previous
episode to be caused by external, unstable, and specific factors, they need
not connect its outcome to future occasions. For example, a woman may
attribute her inability to complete a past weekend task to an unexpected
visit by her former college roommate. Thus, she may generalize the previ-
ous failure only to weekends when that external and specific factor is
present. Knowing that her college friend is out of town, she may assume
she will be able to readily attain her objectives.
We suggest that people often make attributions that diminish the rele-
vance of past experiences to their current task. People are probably most
inclined to deny the significance of their personal history when they dislike
its implications (e.g., that a project will take longer than they hope). If they
are reminded of a past episode that could challenge their optimistic plans,
they may invoke attributions that render the experience uninformative for
the present forecast. This analysis is consistent with evidence that individuals
are inclined to explain away negative personal outcomes (for reviews, see
Miller  Ross, 1975; Taylor  Brown, 1988). People’s use of others’
experiences are presumably restricted by the same two factors: a focus on
the future reduces the salience of others’ experiences, and the tendency to
attribute others’ outcomes to their dispositions (Gilbert  Malone, 1995)
limits the inferential value of others’ experiences. Furthermore, our under-
standing of other people’s experiences is typically associated with uncer-
tainty about what actually happened; consequently, we can readily cast
doubt on the generalizability of those experiences. To quote Douglas
Adams, ‘‘Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to
learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent
disinclination to do so.’’ (Adams  Carwardine, 1991, p. 116)
In sum, we note three particular impediments to using the outside
perspective in estimating task completion times: the forward nature of
prediction which elicits a focus on future scenarios, the elusive definition
of ‘‘similar’’ experiences, and attributional processes that diminish the
relevance of the past to the present.
3.3. Optimistic plans
People’s completion estimates are likely to be overly optimistic if their
forecasts are based exclusively on plan-based, future scenarios. A problem
with the scenario approach is that people generally fail to appreciate the vast
number of ways in which the future may unfold (Arkes et al., 1988;
Fischhoff et al., 1978; Hoch, 1985; Shaklee  Fischhoff, 1982). For
instance, expert auto mechanics typically consider only a small subset of
the possible things that can go wrong with a car, and hence underestimate
the probability of a breakdown (Fischhoff et al., 1978). Similarly, when
The Planning Fallacy 19
individuals imagine the future, they often fail to entertain alternatives to
their favored scenario and do not consider the implications of the uncer-
tainty inherent in every detail of a constructed scenario (Griffin et al., 1990;
Hoch, 1985). When individuals are asked to predict based on ‘‘best guess’’
scenarios, their forecasts are generally indistinguishable from those generated
by ‘‘best-case’’ scenarios (Griffin et al., 1990; Newby-Clark et al., 2000).
The act of scenario construction itself may lead people to exaggerate the
likelihood of the scenario unfolding as envisioned. Individuals instructed to
imagine hypothetical outcomes for events ranging from football games to
presidential elections subsequently regard these imagined events as more
likely (for reviews, see Gregory  Duran, 2001; Koehler, 1991). Focusing
on the target event (the successful completion of a set of plans) may lead a
predictor to ignore or underweight the chances that some other event will
occur. Even when a particular scenario is relatively probable, a priori,
chance will still usually favor the whole set of possible alternative events
because there are so many (Dawes, 1988; Kahneman  Lovallo, 1993).
4. Empirical Support for the Inside–Outside
An important goal of our initial studies of the planning fallacy was to
test the inside–outside account. We first looked for evidence that a focus on
the future—and a consequent neglect of the past—was indeed characteristic
of the planning process. In several studies, we included ‘‘think-aloud’’
procedures to record the ‘‘online’’ narratives of participants as they esti-
mated their completion times for various tasks, most of which had specific
deadlines. We instructed respondents to say aloud every thought or idea that
came to mind while predicting when they would finish an upcoming
project. We later analyzed the verbal protocols for evidence that people
focus on plan-based scenarios for the task at hand, rather than distributional
information such as their previous experiences. In a typical study of aca-
demic and home projects (Buehler et al., 1994, Study 3), the majority of
respondents’ thoughts were directed toward the future (M ¼ 74%). The
participants focused overwhelmingly on their plans for the current project,
for the most part describing scenarios in which they finished the task
without problems arising (only 3% of respondents’ thoughts included
potential impediments); their verbal protocols revealed an almost total
neglect of other kinds of information, including their own past experiences
(7% of thoughts) or others’ experiences with similar projects (1%). We have
replicated this pattern of results a number of times using written thought-
listing measures instead of think-aloud procedures, and collecting retrospec-
tive rather than online measures of thoughts. Thought-listings also revealed
20 Roger Buehler et al.
a consistent neglect of another piece of information in favor of the focus on
future plans. In all studies, few students report thinking about the role of
deadlines when constructing their forecasts of completion times. For exam-
ple, in one study with varying deadlines (Buehler et al., 1994, Study 2),
students’ predictions were only weakly associated with their self-reported
deadlines (r ¼ 0.23, p  0.09), whereas their reported completion times
were strongly associated with the deadlines (r ¼ 0.82, p  0.001).
In one particularly interesting analysis of thought focus, we compared
the reported thought content of Canadian and Japanese students (Buehler
et al., 2003). Participants named a school assignment that was due in the
next 4 weeks, reported best guess predictions for that project, described
their thoughts while they made their predictions, reported when they
typically finished similar assignments in the past, and later reported when
they actually finished the target assignment. As described earlier, both
Japanese and Canadian participants showed the classic planning fallacy
dissociation between their current predictions and their reports of typical
completion times. Furthermore, as seen in Fig. 1.6, the thought-listings also
revealed a very similar pattern across cultures. Consistent with previous
findings, most participants (70%) focused on their plans for completing the
task, whereas only about one quarter of the participants (26%) referred to
their past experiences (which typically implied that a more conservative
prediction was in order), and very few participants contemplated the poten-
tial problems and delays they might encounter. The Canadian and Japanese
samples did not differ significantly in their use of any of the thought
Canada Japan
Figure 1.6 Focus of thoughts in Canadian and Japanese students predicting their
completion for a self-nominated school assignment (Buehler et al., 2003).
The Planning Fallacy 21
In another experiment (Buehler et al., 1994, Study 4), we examined
whether the relative neglect of past experiences was due to a lack of
attention or due to the perceived irrelevance of the past. Participants
predicted when they would finish a standard, 1-h computer assignment.
Those in the Recall condition reported on their previous experiences with
similar assignments just before making their predictions. They indicated
how far before the deadlines they had typically finished school assignments
similar to the present one. Control participants were not asked any ques-
tions concerning their past experiences until after they had reported their
predictions. In both conditions, participants remembered finishing the
majority of their previous projects very close to the relevant deadlines.
Participants in the Recall condition—who had just focused on their usual
deadline-snatching pattern of completion times—nonetheless underesti-
mated their actual completion times just as much as those in the standard
Control condition. Even in the Recall condition, only 12% of participants
reported thinking about past experiences when making their current plans
(vs. 2% in the Control condition). Again, this pattern has been replicated in
other studies (e.g., Buehler  Griffin, 2003), indicating that attention to and
awareness of the past is not enough to make the past relevant to the future.
The relevance account is further strengthened by a demonstration that
forcing the past to become relevant eliminates the optimistic prediction bias
for completion times. Our manipulation required participants to actively
link their past experiences with their specific plans for an upcoming task. In
this ‘‘recall-relevance’’ manipulation, participants first indicated the date
and time they would finish a computer assignment if they finished it as far
before its deadline as they typically completed assignments (Buehler et al.,
1994, Study 4). They were then required to describe a plausible scenario—
based on their past experiences—that would result in their completing the
computer assignment at their typical time. This procedure was designed to
prevent participants from either ignoring past experiences with similar tasks
or discounting the relevance of those experiences. After writing the hypo-
thetical scenario, participants made predictions for the computer assign-
ment. For this task, at least, the recall-relevance manipulation successfully
eliminated the usual optimistic bias.
Recall that a third reason that people may fail to incorporate the lessons
of past experiences into their future predictions is that people may diminish
the relevance of the past through attributional means. To test the role of
attributional processes in the planning fallacy, we have asked participants to
recall an occasion when they had failed to complete a task by the time they
had originally anticipated, and then to recall a similar prediction failure
experienced by a close acquaintance (Buehler et al., 1994, Study 3). Next,
we asked them to explain why each of the two tasks was not finished by the
expected time and coded them using the dimensions of the Attributional
Style Questionnaire (Peterson et al., 1982). The reasons participants reported
22 Roger Buehler et al.
for their own lateness were more external, transitory, and specific than the
reasons they provided for similar tardiness by close acquaintances. Partici-
pants attributed their own lateness to such rare events as their computer
monitor ‘‘frying’’ while they were typing their final English essay, whereas
others’ failures seemed to reflect enduring personal problems with time
management. In a related study (Buehler et al., 1994, Study 4), participants
who either succeeded or failed in meeting their predictions rated their own
reasons for the success or failure. Those who finished late rated their reasons
as significantly more transitory and specific than those who finished on time.
Both studies reveal that people interpret their own tardiness in a manner that
makes it seem unique and unlikely to recur.
In the cross-cultural study mentioned previously (Buehler et al., 2003),
we asked participants to describe a past prediction failure of their own and
that of a school friend and to explain why each of these had occurred. Once
again, we found a moderate self-serving bias in Canadians’ attributions for
failures to complete tasks by the expected time, one that could serve to
diminish the relevance of past failures to future forecasts. Canadian students
reported causes that were more external, transitory, and specific than the
causes they reported for a friend’s late completion. However, we did not
expect that the same attributional bias would appear in Japanese students,
given that theorists propose Japanese culture is marked by social pressure
toward self-derogation rather than self-enhancement, at least publicly (e.g.,
Heine et al., 2000, 2001). Consistent with these cultural theories, the
Japanese students demonstrated a self-derogation bias in their attributions
for failing to complete tasks on time: they attributed their own prediction
failures to causes that were more internal, stable, and global than those of a
friend. This finding implies that the planning fallacy may be supported by
attributional processes to a lesser degree in Japanese than in Western
cultures, and raises the intriguing possibility that Japanese participants
might be more influenced by reminders of past failures than are Western
We have also validated the role of the perceived irrelevance of the past
(at least in Western cultures) through interviews with software engineers
engaged on major projects at a firm specializing in taxation software for
government use. Although this small sample does not provide a confirma-
tory test of the attributional hypothesis, it does provide vivid demonstra-
tions of the seemingly unassailable logic that drives the dissociation of past
from future projects. Of the dozen software engineers interviewed, there
was virtual unanimous agreement that past projects tended to be late and that
the results of past projects could not be used to inform future predictions.
Participants were first asked ‘‘When you made the prediction. . .did you
think of past projects and their outcomes?’’ Typical answers included
‘‘No. . .because it’s a unique working environment and I’ve never worked
on anything like it’’; ‘‘No, not relevant. It’s not the same kind of project at all.’’
The Planning Fallacy 23
Participants were also asked ‘‘When you made this prediction did you think
about other people’s projects here or within the field in general?’’ Answers
included: ‘‘There didn’t seem to be anything that was comparable. This is a bit
unique. A lot of it relies on new technology, new software on which to build
reports, etc. It’s difficult to compare to other projects’’; ‘‘No, not on this one.
The nature of this project is a little strange; it’s not like anything I’ve
ever worked on’’; ‘‘No comparison, because this type of thing hasn’t been
done before.’’
Overall, the evidence for the cognitive processes underlying the inside
model of prediction is highly consistent, whether in terms of thought-listing
analysis, manipulations of attention to and perceived relevance of past
experiences, or measures of attributional processes that diminish the rele-
vance of the past to future outcomes. In the next sections, we go beyond
documenting the processes underlying the classic model of the planning
fallacy, and use these processes to explain the effects of a broader range of
variables, resulting in an extended model (Fig. 1.7 presents a comparison of
the classic and extended inside–outside model).
5. Extending the Planning Fallacy: An Extended
Inside–Outside Model
5.1. Identifying key elements of the inside focus
A basic axiom of the planning fallacy is that the future is perceived to be
rosier than the past; realistically pessimistic lessons from the past fade from a
forecaster’s attention in light of optimistic plans about the future. However,
according to Kahneman and Tversky’s (1979) initial definition, the inside
view includes all case-specific content including possible problems or
obstacles to completion as well as plans for how to overcome them. Thus,
an inside view can, at least in theory, vary in the balance of its content
between plans for success and possible obstacles or interruptions. This led us
to two guiding hypotheses about the content of the inside view on a given
prediction: (1) the content will, in general, be biased toward a best-case
scenario dominated by plans for success; (2) the balance of the content
between plans for success and obstacles to completion is a continuous
variable that varies according to the psychological state of the forecaster
and influences the optimism of the resulting forecast. Thus, in the research
that follows, we extend the inside–outside view of the planning fallacy by
drawing a distinction not only between inside and outside perspectives, but
also between varying amounts of positive focus within the inside
To evaluate the first of these hypotheses, Newby-Clark et al. (2000)
assessed the overall positivity of people’s scenarios about future projects by
24 Roger Buehler et al.
contrasting thought-listings and predictions created by forecasters assuming
either realistic, worst-case, or best-case future scenarios. Notably, the con-
tent of the best-case scenarios was rated as only slightly (although signifi-
cantly) more optimistic than the content for the realistic scenarios, and the
number of future problems mentioned and the rated plausibility of the
scenarios did not differ between realistic and best-case conditions (which
both differed markedly from the worst-case scenario condition). A follow-
up study revealed that when predictors constructed multiple scenarios to
describe the time-course of a project, the first scenario was the most
optimistic in content, contained the fewest problems, and was rated as
most plausible. Furthermore, only the predicted completion time associated
with the first scenario was uniquely associated with the final ‘‘best guess’’
prediction. Taken together, these findings imply that planning a task and
estimating its completion is similar to—although not identical to—assuming
the best and working from there.
Extended inside–outside model
Classic inside–outside model
Inside view
Outside view
More use of memories
More use of base rates
More plan focus
Less obstacle focus
Closed versus
open tasks
More use of theories
Greater social power
Narrower perspective
Social pressure
Closer temporal
First versus third-
person imagery
Actor versus
observer status
Incentives Motivation
Inside view
Outside view
Group versus
Figure 1.7 Summary of the classic and extended inside–outside model of the planning
The Planning Fallacy 25
According to our second hypothesis, scenarios can vary in the extent to
which they are tightly focused on an optimistic future plan versus open to
acknowledging the possibility of obstacles, both foreseen and unforeseeable.
Following this logic, a greater than normal focus on detailed planning could
exacerbate the degree of optimistic bias. In two studies examining school
assignments and holiday shopping plans, we experimentally manipulated the
degree of focus on plans by having some participants make detailed, step-
by-step plans about a current project whereas other participants merely
reported their predictions about project completions (Buehler  Griffin,
2003). In both studies, we instructed a subset of the participants, those in the
‘‘planning-focus’’ condition, to formulate highly specific plans for complet-
ing their target task. These participants considered and described in detail
when, where, and how they would carry out the task. This enhanced focus
on concrete plans produced highly optimistic predictions. In the ‘‘Christmas
shopping’’ study, for example, participants in the planning-focus condition
predicted they would complete their designated shopping list more than a
week before Christmas day (M ¼ 7.5 days) whereas control participants
expected to finish approximately 4 days before Christmas (M ¼ 4.5 days).
Follow-up interviews revealed that participants in both conditions finished
their designated shopping list only 3 days before Christmas. A similar pattern
was obtained for the study involving school assignments. Increasing the
focus on specific plans produced more optimistic forecasts because this
focus, induced at the time of prediction, substantially affected predictions
but did not affect actual completion times.
This pattern of effects may seem surprising in light of the apparent
similarity of the planning focus manipulation to manipulations of unpacking
(e.g., Kruger  Evans, 2004) and implementation intentions (e.g.,
Gollwitzer, 1999). First, unpacking a complete project into subcomponent
tasks makes people less optimistic in their time predictions because the
subtasks serve as specific reminders of the many steps that need to be
completed, but may be neglected in an overall scenario-based project plan
(Kruger  Evans, 2004). However, the effects of breaking down a task into
concrete details may depend on the type of information that is highlighted.
If people are induced to focus on otherwise ignored nonfocal aspects of a
task, as in the unpacking manipulation, this should lead to less optimism. If,
however, people are induced to focus in greater concrete detail on how
they will carry out the central or higher level task components (without
contemplating the otherwise ignored subcomponents of the task), then we
should find greater optimism. Given that the planning focus instructions
emphasized the creation of a flowing scenario for a unitary task (e.g.,
‘‘. . .Try to provide a complete picture, from beginning to end, of how
this assignment will be completed’’), it probably led participants to focus on
their plans for carrying out central task components, rather than to recognize
previously ignored aspects of the task.
26 Roger Buehler et al.
Second, there is considerable research indicating that making specific
plans can have facilitating effects on behavior (e.g., Gollwitzer, 1999;
Gollwitzer  Brandstätter, 1997; see also Armor  Taylor, 2003; Koole
 Van’t Spijker, 2000), which we do not find in these studies. Participants
who share a common goal intention (e.g., a desire to maintain an exercise
program or diet) are more likely to succeed if they are prompted to generate
implementation intentions that specify precisely when, where, and how
they will act to achieve the goal. The implementation intention is effective
because it links anticipated opportunities with effective goal-directed beha-
viors. A key variable controlling the impact of a concrete plan on actual
completion times, we suggest, is the nature of the barriers to project
completion. When the barriers to completion consist primarily of internal
(and therefore more controllable) factors such as forgetfulness, lack of
motivation, and weakness of will, we expect the effect of plans on behavior
to be substantial. However, when the barriers to completion consist pri-
marily of external (and therefore less controllable) factors such as competing
projects, unexpected problems in the task itself, or missing resources, we
expect that the effect on behavior will be minimal. We believe that the kind
of projects we have been studying—the completion of income tax forms,
major school assignments, and long-term personal projects—may fit the
latter pattern. These are long-term projects that require sustained effort over
several days or weeks, and the problems that are encountered are generally
not because of self-control or forgetfulness about goal completion. We will
return to the question of when optimistic planning processes influence
behavior in a later section.
5.2. Effects of motivation: The mediating role of
focus on plans
Our emphasis on the balance of positive versus negative content in the
extended inside–outside model also highlights the role of motivation in
enhancing or exaggerating a narrow focus on planning for success. Direc-
tional motivation in service of the desire to finish tasks quickly may lead to a
greater focus on future plans and a reduced focus on possible obstacles (e.g.,
problems, distractions, or other threats to completion), a form of motivated
reasoning (Kunda, 1990) or desirability bias (Krizan  Windschitl, 2007).
We hypothesize that as the motivated individual relies on more focused and
biased plans for success, the resulting predictions should exhibit an even
greater optimistic prediction bias—assuming that completion behavior is
not equally influenced by the optimistic plans and associated goals. Our
contention is that although it is relatively easy and straightforward to
generate plans and predictions that correspond with one’s current goal, it
will usually be much more difficult to translate that goal into behavior.
People’s task completion behaviors occur long after the prediction is
The Planning Fallacy 27
generated and are subject to a wide range of external factors that can
intervene between prediction and completion behavior. To the extent
that a task is prone to influence from these external factors, people’s
incentive-induced goals at the time of prediction may have little, if any,
impact on actual completion time.
In an initial nonexperimental field test of the role of motivated
reasoning, we surveyed Canadian taxpayers and asked them to predict
when they would file their income tax forms (Buehler et al., 1997). The
study took advantage of a naturally occurring variation in people’s desire to
finish the task promptly. Individuals expecting a tax refund have an incen-
tive to submit the forms early (and thus receive an early refund). These
motivated respondents predicted that they would send in their tax returns
about 10 days earlier than nonmotivated respondents, but managed to send
them in only about 3 days earlier. As a result, the optimistic prediction bias
was markedly greater for the motivated respondents. Furthermore, the
individuals expecting a refund appeared to give less weight to their past
experiences in making their predictions: reports of past completion times
were less related to predicted completion times for participants who
expected a refund than for participants who did not.
This field study is consistent with the hypothesis that motivation
enhances the planning fallacy through a heightened focus on future plans.
However, it was a nonexperimental demonstration and subject to a host of
alternative explanations; in addition, the field setting prevented a detailed
measure of the hypothesized process. As a consequence, we conducted a
follow-up laboratory study that was tightly controlled and provided detailed
process data but was rather far removed from the defining real-world
phenomena. This experiment used a word-puzzle task to replicate the
incentive effect on prediction in an experimental setting and to measure
the mediating cognitive mechanisms. After taking part in a practice trial,
participants completed three trials with feedback (completion times ranged
from 5 to 7 min) so that they had prior experiences on which to base their
subsequent prediction. Some participants, those in the speed incentive
condition, were then promised monetary incentives if their completion
time in the next round was substantially (1 or 2 min) faster than their
previous trial time. As expected, monetary incentives for speedy completion
of the task led to more optimistically biased predictions, increased attention
to detailed future plans, reduced attention to—and perceived relevance
of—past experiences, and reduced thoughts about possible obstacles. In
other words, the speed incentives appeared to elicit the double pattern of
cognitive processes that constitute the planning fallacy—an exaggerated
focus on singular information (plan-based scenarios) at the expense of
relevant distributional information (past experiences), and an exaggerated
focus on plans for success and a reduction in the consideration of competing
tasks and other obstacles to successful completion. These cognitive processes
28 Roger Buehler et al.
also played a mediating role in the enhanced optimistic bias found in the
incentive/motivated condition. This laboratory study serves as an ‘‘in vitro’’
examination of the processes underlying prediction; because the word
puzzle was a short, novel task, the optimistic bias was virtually absent in
the control condition, where students by and large directly reported the
highly salient past experiences from moments before. However, even in this
short and highly constrained laboratory setting, the presence of small finan-
cial incentives was sufficient to engage planning processes that overrode the
salient past experiences.
Similar effects of incentives for speed have been observed by other
researchers. Byram (1997) asked participants to estimate how long they
would take to perform an origami task in the lab. Participants offered a
monetary incentive for speedy completion of the task ($4 for finishing in the
top quartile, $2 for finishing in the next quartile, $1 for finishing in the third
quartile, and nothing for finishing in the bottom quartile) underestimated
their completion times, whereas participants without a monetary incentive
for speed did not exhibit the bias. Again, the incentive for speed increased
bias because it had a large impact on predicted completion times but did not
influence actual performance (for an economic analysis of the role of
incentives in the planning fallacy, see Brunnermeier et al., 2008).
Another strategy for exploring the role of motivational processes is to
solicit predictions from observers, who do not typically share the same
motivations as the individuals carrying out a task. Indeed, an early study
(Buehler et al., 1994, Study 5) indicated that observers are generally less
attentive than actors to actors’ reported plans and more attentive to potential
obstacles, the actors’ past experiences, and task deadlines—in other words,
observers are more likely to adopt the outside view and to construct a more
problem-focused inside view. Similarly, a more recent study found that
observers gave little weight to an actor’s motivation for early completion.
Actors who imagined themselves completing a school project predicted
they would finish it much earlier in a scenario where they were offered
incentive grades for early completion; however, knowing that the student
had been offered this incentive did not affect the predictions generated by
observer participants (Mulhern, 2006). Thus it appears that observers are
more skeptical than actors about whether incentives that operate on the
actor are enough to overcome past behavioral tendencies.
However, what would happen if observers were motivated to see an
actor achieve an early completion time? Conceivably, for such observers,
the same motivated reasoning processes that encourage optimism in actors
would operate so that they adopt an inside perspective dominated by plans
for success. We have tested this possibility by offering financial incentives to
observers that were contingent on a target (actor) individual’s timely task
completion (Buehler  Griffin, 2009). In the initial study, actor participants
were given a take-home writing assignment to be completed within a
The Planning Fallacy 29
2-week deadline, predicted their completion time, and then carried out the
assignment. Observers were each yoked to a participant (actor) and received
the following information provided by the actor: demographic information
(sex, age, academic major), the instructions the actor received for complet-
ing the assignment, the actor’s report of typical assignment completion
times along with the self-predicted completion time for the target assign-
ment, and finally, the actor’s scenario-based description of how he or she
arrived at the prediction. We varied whether observers were offered a
reward that was contingent on the actor’s completion of the project. The
contingent observers were informed that they would receive a bonus
payment for participating in the study and that the size of the payment
would depend on how soon the target actor completed the assignment (50
cents for each day before deadline the assignment was completed). (Note
that these motivated observers were in no way compensated for the opti-
mism of their predictions nor were their predictions communicated to the
actors.) Neutral (control) observers were offered a standard bonus payment
that was not contingent on the actor’s performance. After reviewing the
information, observers were instructed to estimate as accurately as possible
when the target actor would finish the assignment and also rated the extent
to which they had based their predictions on the actor’s plans, past experi-
ences, and potential obstacles to early completion. They were also asked to
rate, specifically, the extent to which the actor’s past experiences were
relevant in predicting the completion time of the upcoming task.
The actor participants reported that they typically finished their assign-
ments about a day and a half before deadlines and, consistent with this report
of past behavior, finished the present assignment just prior to the 2-week
deadline (mean completion time was 12.1 days). However, in another
display of the planning fallacy, the actors predicted they would finish the
assignment in only 8.1 days, thereby exhibiting a substantial optimistic bias.
Observers in the contingent incentive condition, who were presumably
motivated to believe that the actor would finish as early as possible, also
tended to underestimate the completion time (mean prediction was 9.9
days) whereas neutral observers did not exhibit this bias (mean prediction
was 12.0 days). Furthermore, the thought ratings indicated that the incen-
tives affected observers’ predictions, in part, because they prompted the
observers to rely more heavily on the target individual’s future plans and to
place less weight on reports of past experiences and potential obstacles.
Participants’ direct ratings of the relevance of past experience also indicated
that incentives for early task completion led them to diminish the relevance
of past experience.
In a second study of contingent observers, we manipulated the extent to
which the contingent observers saw participants’ past experiences as rele-
vant using a variant of the recall-relevance manipulation used in our original
paper (Buehler et al., 1994). New observer participants were yoked to the
30 Roger Buehler et al.
same actor participants as in the first study and were randomly assigned to
three conditions: neutral (control), contingent, and contingent plus past-
relevant scenario. In the new combined condition, observers were offered
the contingent incentive, but were also asked to indicate the completion
time suggested by the actor’s typical past experience and to generate a
scenario that could lead the person to finish at that time. Again, the ultimate
task was to estimate the target actor’s completion time as accurately as
possible. The study replicated the effect of incentive found previously,
and added the novel finding that forcing observers to confront the implica-
tions of an actor’s past behavior was enough to eliminate the incentive effect
on the planning process—and the corresponding degree of optimistic bias.
In a third observer motivation study, we constructed a set of ‘‘prediction
dossiers,’’ each about a hypothetical actor participant (Buehler  Griffin,
2009). Four different actor profiles were constructed which differed in
terms of the individual’s typical task completion time relative to predictions
(early vs. late) as well as the current completion estimate (early vs. late). As in
the first two observer incentive studies, we manipulated whether or not
observer participants were offered a monetary incentive for each day before
deadline the apparently real task (an academic essay) was completed. Nota-
bly, the previously documented effects of contingent incentives on predi-
ction were not moderated by the profile information variables. In each
case, the observers who stood to gain from an early completion time
predicted the actor would finish earlier than did neutral observers. In
addition, thought-listings indicated that the effect of incentives was
mediated by the observers’ cognitive focus. Observers with an incentive
predicted earlier completion times because they focused more exclusively
on the actors’ optimistic plans, and relatively less on the actors’ previous
lateness or the potential obstacles they could encounter.
Taken together, these studies provide strong and consistent evidence
that directional motivation both increases the relative focus on the inside
versus the outside view, and accentuates the tendency to create a positively
biased inside view, as indexed by a narrow focus on plans for success and a
concomitant neglect of possible obstacles and interruptions. Notable is the
demonstration that even observers, who are usually less caught up in the
inside perspective than actors, can be made to ‘‘see’’ the world like actors
when they are motivated to hope for a short completion time.
5.3. Perspective(s) and the planning fallacy
Our work on motivation, described in the previous section, extends the
classic model of the planning fallacy by illustrating the important role of
motivation in altering the cognitive processes of prediction. The work also
touches upon two other important themes that are emphasized in our
extended model: first, that people who view the same future project from
The Planning Fallacy 31
different vantage points (e.g., an actor vs. observer perspective) can arrive at
very different conclusions, and second that even people who take an inside
view can vary markedly in the kinds of scenarios they construct (e.g., the
relative focus on plans vs. obstacles) and these variations within the inside
view can translate into different predictions. We take up each of these
themes further in this section by exploring variations in perspective or
vantage point that may influence the kinds of mental scenarios that people
5.3.1. First-person versus third-person imagery perspective
As people imagine themselves carrying out a future project they often
generate visual imagery (Atance  O’Neill, 2001; Marks, 1999) and gener-
ally adopt one of two visual perspectives (Libby  Eibach, 2002, 2009;
Pronin  Ross, 2006). People who adopt a first-person perspective see the
project unfolding as if they were actually carrying it out. People who adopt
a third-person perspective see the events from an observer’s visual perspec-
tive; in their mental image, they see themselves as part of the field of view,
embedded in their surroundings. A defining attribute of a third-person
perspective is that individuals can ‘‘see themselves’’ acting, much like an
onlooker would. At a metaphorical level at least, the two visual perspectives
appear to map onto the inside and outside approaches to project prediction.
Furthermore, research on imagery perspective in a variety of domains
suggests two reasons why third-person imagery may interfere with the
cognitive and motivational processes that typically result in optimistic bias.
First, imagery perspective may affect people’s cognitive approach to predic-
tion. Adopting a third-person perspective elicits cognitive processes that are
more similar to those found in neutral observers than in actors (Frank 
Gilovich, 1989; Pronin  Ross, 2006; Robinson  Swanson, 1993).
Robinson and Swanson (1993) proposed that the first- and third-person
perspectives activate cognitive processes typically associated with the
corresponding roles of actor and observer. For example, whereas observers
typically try to understand why a person is acting in a particular way, actors
are actively engaged in goal pursuit and thus focus on plans for accomplish-
ing their goals. Along similar lines, research on attribution has found that
individuals prompted to recall or imagine an event from a third-person
perspective make attributions that more closely resemble those typically
made by observers than those made by actors (Frank  Gilovich, 1989;
Pronin  Ross, 2006). Thus, people who imagine an upcoming task from
the third-person perspective may be less inclined to focus on plans and more
inclined to consider potential obstacles, and as a result would generate more
realistic predictions.
Second, imagery perspective may alter the salience and intensity of
people’s emotional engagement with a target outcome. People tend to
experience stronger affective involvement with an event when they
32 Roger Buehler et al.
generate first-person, rather than third-person, imagery (Kross et al., 2005;
Lorenz  Neisser, 1985; McIsaac  Eich, 2002; Pronin  Ross, 2006;
Robinson  Swanson, 1993). For example, in first-person memories,
people report rich accounts of the affective reactions, physical sensations,
and psychological states they experienced during the event (McIsaac 
Eich, 2002; Robinson  Swanson, 1993). People who adopt a third-person
perspective remain relatively dispassionate, objective, and removed. In the
realm of planning and prediction, then, task-relevant feelings and motives
(such as the motivation to finish a task at the desired time) may be less vivid
and cognitively available to people who imagine the task from the third-
person perspective, and hence this perspective may be relatively immune
from the additional bias associated with motivated inference.
We recently conducted several experiments to explore the effects of
people’s imagery perspective as they envision an upcoming task (Buehler
et al., 2010b). The first two studies tested whether differences in imagery
perspective are indeed linked to the degree of bias in task completion
predictions. Participants first nominated a project they intended to complete
in the coming weeks, and were then instructed to visualize the project
unfolding: ‘‘Try to picture in your mind how the project is likely to unfold,
including details such as when, where, and how it will be done. For
example, you could picture the steps you will take to complete the project.
You could think of potential problems, interruptions, or distractions that
may arise and how these would affect you. Make an effort to really ‘‘see’’
how the project is likely to unfold.’’ In the initial study, participants then
reported whether they had adopted primarily a first-person perspective (i.e.,
seeing the events through their own eyes, just as they would when they
were actually occurring) or a third-person perspective (i.e., seeing them-
selves and their surroundings, just as an onlooker would). Approximately,
two-thirds of participants reported adopting first-person imagery and one-
third reported third-person imagery. In the next study, imagery perspective
was randomly assigned: participants were instructed to adopt either the first-
person or third-person perspective as they visualized the target project.
Immediately after the visualization procedure, participants predicted when
the project would most likely be finished and later reported their actual
completion times in an e-mail survey.
Both studies yielded a very similar pattern of results. Overall, predicted
completion times were significantly shorter than actual completion times,
indicating that, as usual, participants tended to underestimate how long their
projects would take to complete. However, the degree of optimistic bias in
prediction was related to whether participants had generated third-person
or first-person imagery. Participants predicted they would take significantly
longer to finish their tasks when they generated third-person rather than
first-person imagery. Actual completion times did not differ across condi-
tions, however, and thus the bias was reduced by third-person imagery.
The Planning Fallacy 33
Indeed, there was no optimistic prediction bias in the participants instructed
to adopt a third-person perspective.
The next study again manipulated imagery perspective and also intro-
duced measures to assess the focus of participants’ thoughts (plans vs.
obstacles) as well as their motivation to complete the task promptly. The
study also introduced a control condition (in which participants were not
assigned to a specified perspective) to locate the effects of visual perspective
more precisely. As expected, participants predicted they would take signifi-
cantly longer to finish the project in the third-person than in the first-person
condition. Predictions in the control condition fell in between, and did not
differ significantly from those in either manipulated condition. To examine
the role of cognitive focus, coders rated the extent to which participants
focused on their plans for successful task completion and, separately, the
extent to which they focused on potential obstacles they might encounter.
Comparisons across the conditions indicated that, as expected, participants
focused less on future plans, and more on potential obstacles, in the third-
person than in either the first-person or control condition. Furthermore,
mediational analyses indicated that the effect of perspective (third-person vs.
first-person) on prediction was mediated by the focus of participants’
thoughts as they generated predictions. Third-person imagery reduced the
tendency to focus narrowly on plans and increased the likelihood of con-
sidering obstacles, which, in turn, yielded longer completion predictions
(see Fig. 1.8).
In addition to assessing cognitive processes, we also explored the guiding
role of motivation. Two items that were included to assess participants’
motivation to complete the task promptly indicated that, as hypothesized,
participants experienced lower levels of motivation in the third-person con-
dition than in either the first-person or the control condition. Apparently,
(–0.35*) –0.15
Predicted days
Focus on plans
(vs. obstacles)
Figure 1.8 Focus on plans (vs. obstacles) as a mediator of the effects of visual
perspective (third-person vs. first-person) on completion time predictions. The plan
focus index was based on ratings of focus on plans minus ratings of focus on obstacles.
Sobel z ¼ 2.98, *p  0.01 (Buehler et al., 2010b, Study 3).
34 Roger Buehler et al.
third-person imagery served to dampen participants’ levels of motivationat the
time of prediction. Additionally, third-person imagery appeared to reduce
people’s tendency to base predictions on their feelings of motivation. Indivi-
duals who were feeling more motivated to complete the task quickly predicted
shorter completion times within the first-person condition (r ¼ .46,
p  0.01) and control condition (r ¼ .38, p  0.05), but not within the
third-person condition (r ¼ 0.10, ns). Similarly, regression analyses revealed
a significant interaction between motivation and perspective indicating that
motivation was a stronger determinant of predicted completion times in the
first-person than in the third-person condition (see Fig. 1.9).
Our final study in this series provided a fully experimental test of the
motivation by perspective interaction—that is, we experimentally varied
both the level of motivation to finish early as well as imagery perspective.
Participants imagined a project completion scenario, in which their profes-
sor had just given them a 15-page research essay due in 30 days. The
scenario included a motivation manipulation: half of the participants were
informed that, to encourage students to hand in the assignment promptly,
the professor was offering one bonus mark for each day before the deadline
the essay was submitted (high motivation condition), whereas the other
Low High
First-person Control
Figure 1.9 Predicted completiontime for self-selected project as a functionofmotivation
to finish task and imagery perspective (Buehler et al., 2010b, Study 3).
The Planning Fallacy 35
participants were not informed of this incentive (low motivation condi-
tion). Participants were asked to visualize, from the assigned perspective
(first-person vs. third-person), the steps they would take to complete the
assignment, and then to predict when the project would most likely be
finished. The predicted completion times again revealed a perspective by
motivation interaction. Within the first-person condition, participants pre-
dicted they would finish much earlier in the high motivation condition than
in the low motivation condition. Within the third-person condition, this
effect of motivation was significantly attenuated. The results thus provide
further evidence that imagery perspective alters the role of motivation in
Taken together, then, the studies of visual perspective supported three
guiding hypotheses about the effects of imagery perspective. First, people
predicted longer completion times—and thus were less prone to bias—
when they imagined an upcoming task from a third-person rather than a
first-person perspective. Second, the effect of imagery perspective was
mediated by people’s cognitive focus on plans versus obstacles at the time
of prediction. Third-person imagery reduced people’s inclination to focus
narrowly on optimistic plans, and increased their focus on potential obsta-
cles. Finally, imagery perspective altered the role of task-relevant motiva-
tion in prediction. People’s desire to finish an upcoming task promptly was
reduced, and weighted less heavily, when they adopted a third-person
rather than a first-person perspective. In essence, then, third-person imagery
elicited predictions and underlying psychological processes that mimic those
found previously in neutral observers (Buehler et al., 1994; Newby-Clark
et al., 2000).
5.3.2. Temporal perspective
In everyday life, people must generate task completion predictions at
various points in time; for example, a homeowner might try to predict
the time required for a renovation project months in advance (e.g.,
when booking the contractors) or when the work is about to begin (e.g.,
when arranging temporary lodging). Academic conference organizers often
deliberately invite participants far in advance when the prospect of giving a
talk seems a desirable and inviting chance to share knowledge and renew old
friendships. More generally, perceived temporal distance influences the
level of optimism for judgments and predictions in many other domains
(Liberman et al., 2007). Thus, we have begun to examine whether, and
how, the temporal distance to a future project influences people’s predic-
tions of when it will be finished.
According to temporal construal theory (TCT) (Liberman  Trope,
1998; Trope  Liberman, 2003), decreasing temporal distance enhances the
tendency for forecasters to focus on concrete, specific representations of an
event, whereas increasing temporal distance enhances the tendency for
36 Roger Buehler et al.
forecasters to focus on high-level, abstract representations. For example, the
same future project (e.g., completing a school assignment) in the far future
will be construed at a high level of abstraction (e.g., pursuing educational
goals) but in the immediate future will be construed at a low-level or
concrete-level of abstraction (e.g., typing words on paper). High-level
construals contain information about the central and abstract features of
the event, but are schematic and decontextualized and hence do not contain
incidental or peripheral details. In contrast, low-level construals contain
more concrete, contextualized representations of the specific case at hand;
they are rich in detail, including information about incidental or peripheral
features of the event (Liberman et al., 2002).
In the realm of planning and prediction, people’s thoughts about both the
specific plans they hope to undertake and the specific obstacles they may
encounter (e.g., problems with the task, competing demands for their time,
changes in motivation, lack of skills or ability) may be heightened by
temporal proximity. Studies on predictions in other domains have found
that people become less optimistic and less confident in their predictions
about an event as it draws near (e.g., Eyal et al., 2004; Gilovich et al., 1993;
Savitsky et al., 1998); a plausible account for several of the findings is that
potential obstacles become more salient as an event draws near. For exam-
ple, Gilovich et al. (1993) found that students estimating their performance
on several short experimental tasks (e.g., recalling nonsense syllables) were
less confident and listed more possible reasons for failure when told they
would complete the tasks immediately rather than later in the semester.
Along similar lines, people appear to be more sensitive to competing
demands on their time in the near future than in the distant future
(Liberman  Trope, 1998; Zauberman  Lynch, 2005). These findings
imply that forecasters may focus more on obstacles to task completion (e.g.,
problems, interruptions, competing demands) when thinking about a task
that is closer in time.
Although temporal proximity heightens people’s focus on potential
obstacles, we postulate that it also increases the tendency to focus on
specific, concrete plans for carrying out a task at a desired time. Plans are
concrete in that they spell out the specific steps that will be taken to carry
out the upcoming task; they require that people move beyond abstract,
decontextualized representation of an event to consider features unique to
the case at hand. According to this logic, temporal closeness should prime or
make available concrete content of two different types, each with directly
opposite implications for prediction. In the context of a specific prediction,
situational factors may determine which of the two types of content is most
prevalent, and thus determine the size and direction of temporal proximity
effects on prediction. In circumstances where people are aware of or
concerned about obstacles they might encounter, temporal proximity may
accentuate these concerns, thereby resulting in less optimistic predictions.
The Planning Fallacy 37
In circumstances where people are already inclined to focus on developing
plans for success, with little concern about feasibility, temporal proximity
will strengthen the plan-based approach to prediction.
Our initial studies in this area (Peetz et al., 2010) find support for the
general pattern expected following TCT: people generate more optimistic
predictions when tasks are further in the future. For example, in an experi-
mental study, individuals predicted when they would finish the gift shop-
ping they planned to do for the upcoming Christmas holiday. All
participants came into the lab in October and provided their shopping list.
However, participants were then randomly assigned to make their predic-
tions immediately (for predictions made 3 months in advance of Christmas
day) or in a subsequent questionnaire session 6 weeks later (for predictions
made only 3 weeks in advance of Christmas day). Consistent with the classic
planning fallacy pattern, participants predicted they would finish their
nominated shopping earlier than they had typically completed their shop-
ping in previous years, but did not finish any earlier than in the past. Most
relevant to our present questions, participants in the temporally distant
condition predicted that they would finish their holiday shopping signifi-
cantly earlier than those asked closer to the holiday; because the two groups
did not differ in when they actually completed their shopping, the distant
predictions were more optimistically biased than the close predictions. Of
course this pattern could stem in part from differences in the time available
to carry out the shopping; however, in studies described below we have
replicated the effect of temporal proximity to a future task while controlling
for the time available to carry it out.
Thought focus measures shed further light on cognitive processes
underlying the effect of temporal proximity on participants’ shopping
predictions. Participants’ open-ended thought-lists were coded for refer-
ences to concrete obstacles (e.g., I figure with being in school I won’t have much
time to plan or go out and buy any gifts. So I gave myself some time once I have
completed all my exams to go out and buy them.) and to concrete plans (e.g., I
will go to a couple different malls in the area to look around). Perhaps in
recognition of the challenges of the holiday season, thought-listings
revealed a moderate focus on potential obstacles—indeed, there were
slightly more references to obstacles than to concrete plans. Although this
pattern may seem somewhat surprising, given that many previous studies
have found little focus on potential obstacles, the effects of this focus on
obstacles were clearly consistent with our theorizing. People mentioned
potential obstacles more frequently in the close condition than in the
distant condition, and a greater focus on obstacles, in turn, led people to
predict later completion (see Fig. 1.10). Thus, the impact of temporal
proximity on prediction was mediated, at least partially, by the degree of
focus on potential obstacles.
38 Roger Buehler et al.
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The Planning Fallacy Cognitive.pdf
The Planning Fallacy Cognitive.pdf
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The Planning Fallacy Cognitive.pdf
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The Planning Fallacy Cognitive.pdf
The Planning Fallacy Cognitive.pdf
The Planning Fallacy Cognitive.pdf
The Planning Fallacy Cognitive.pdf
The Planning Fallacy Cognitive.pdf
The Planning Fallacy Cognitive.pdf
The Planning Fallacy Cognitive.pdf
The Planning Fallacy Cognitive.pdf
The Planning Fallacy Cognitive.pdf
The Planning Fallacy Cognitive.pdf
The Planning Fallacy Cognitive.pdf
The Planning Fallacy Cognitive.pdf
The Planning Fallacy Cognitive.pdf
The Planning Fallacy Cognitive.pdf
The Planning Fallacy Cognitive.pdf
The Planning Fallacy Cognitive.pdf
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  • 1. C H A P T E R O N E The Planning Fallacy: Cognitive, Motivational, and Social Origins Roger Buehler,* Dale Griffin,† and Johanna Peetz* Contents 1. Defining the Planning Fallacy 2 2. Documenting the Planning Fallacy 4 3. Explaining the Planning Fallacy: The Original Cognitive Model 17 3.1. The inside versus outside view 17 3.2. Obstacles to using past experiences 18 3.3. Optimistic plans 19 4. Empirical Support for the Inside–Outside Model 20 5. Extending the Planning Fallacy: An Extended Inside–Outside Model 24 5.1. Identifying key elements of the inside focus 24 5.2. Effects of motivation: The mediating role of focus on plans 27 5.3. Perspective(s) and the planning fallacy 31 5.4. Social forces: Group processes accentuate plan focus 42 5.5. The behavioral impact of plans and predictions 46 5.6. Implications for debiasing 53 6. Concluding Perspectives 55 Acknowledgments 56 References 56 Abstract The planning fallacy refers to a prediction phenomenon, all too familiar to many, wherein people underestimate the time it will take to complete a future task, despite knowledge that previous tasks have generally taken longer than planned. In this chapter, we review theory and research on the planning fallacy, with an emphasis on a programmatic series of investigations that we have conducted on this topic. We first outline a definition of the planning fallacy, explicate controversies and complexities surrounding its definition, and summarize empirical research documenting the scope and generality of the phenomenon. We then explore the origins of the planning fallacy, beginning with the classic inside–outside cognitive model developed by Kahneman and Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Volume 43 # 2010 Elsevier Inc. ISSN 0065-2601, DOI: 10.1016/S0065-2601(10)43001-4 All rights reserved. * Psychology Department, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada { Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada 1
  • 2. Tversky [Kahneman, D., & Tversky, A. (1979). Intuitive prediction: biases and corrective procedures. TIMS Studies in Management Science, 12, 313–327]. Finally, we develop an extended inside–outside model that integrates empirical research examining cognitive, motivational, social, and behavioral processes underlying the planning fallacy. Why do academic papers take longer to write than expected? Why do home renovation projects take longer and cost more than expected? Why do major public construction projects take longer and cost more than expected, even though their scope and innovative features are typically reduced along the way? The phenomenon of optimistic time predictions undoubtedly comes in many forms and has many causes. Through a series of programmatic investigations, we have been exploring one particular form of optimistic time prediction that Kahneman and Tversky (1979) originally termed the planning fallacy. In this chapter, we first outline the basic definition of the planning fallacy, explicate controversies and complexities surrounding its definition, summarize evidence supporting the classic inside–outside cog- nitive model of Kahneman and Tversky (1979) and Kahneman and Lovallo (1993), and then describe recent work that enriches the classic cognitive model with motivational, social, and behavioral extensions. 1. Defining the Planning Fallacy The planning fallacy refers to a readily observable phenomenon: the conviction that a current project will go as well as planned even though most projects from a relevant comparison set have failed to fulfill their planned outcomes. The term was first introduced to the psychological literature by Kahneman and Tversky (1979, 1982a, p. 415) to describe people’s tendency ‘‘to underestimate the time required to complete a project, even when they have considerable experience of past failures to live up to planned schedules.’’ Kahneman and Tversky did not conduct empirical studies of the planning fallacy, but offered a single case study that still stands as a defining test case for theory and research on this phenomenon. In 1976, one of us was involved in a project to develop a curriculum for a new subject area for high schools in Israel. . . . Everyone on the team was asked to write on a slip of paper the number of months that would be needed to finish the project defined as having a complete report ready for submission to the Ministry of Education. The estimates ranged from 18 to 30 months. One of the team members—a distinguished expert in curriculum develop- ment—was then posed a challenge by another team member: ‘‘Surely, we’re not the only team to have tried to develop a curriculum where 2 Roger Buehler et al.
  • 3. none existed before. Try to recall as many such projects as you can. Think of them as they were in a stage comparable to ours at present. How long did it take them at that point to reach completion?’’ After a long silence, the curriculum expert said, with some discomfort, ‘‘First, I should say that not all the teams that I can think of, that were at a comparable stage, ever did complete their task. About 40% of them eventually gave up. Of the remaining, I cannot think of any that completed their task in less than seven years, nor of any that took more than ten.’’ He was then asked if he had reason to believe that the present team was more skilled in curriculum development than the earlier ones had been. ‘‘No,’’ he replied, ‘‘I cannot think of any relevant factor that distinguishes us favorably from the teams I have been thinking about. Indeed, my impression is that we are slightly below average in terms of resources and potential. (Lovallo & Kahneman, 2003, p. 61; see also Kahneman & Tversky, 1982b) Note that in this example so far, the narrator has assembled the ingre- dients of the planning fallacy—a set of optimistic estimates for the current task juxtaposed with the knowledge of a rather more pessimistic history of such tasks—but the fallacy itself did not occur until the members of the team ignored or neglected the lessons of the past. In this case, the planning fallacy occurred when ‘‘. . .the members ignored the pessimistic information and proceeded with the project. They finally completed the initiative 8 years later, and their efforts went largely for naught—the resulting curriculum was rarely used.’’ (Lovallo & Kahneman, 2003, p. 61) The signature of the planning fallacy, then, is not that planners are optimistic but that they maintain their optimism about the current project in the face of historical evidence to the contrary. So, for example, even though Denver’s ambitious Stapleton international airport project opened 16 months later than planned at a cost of at least $2 billion over budget, it can only be defined as a case of the planning fallacy if the planners had knowledge of a set of similar projects that had taken longer than planned (which they surely did). Similarly, the fact that NASA’s most recent space project has shown marked overruns in time and cost is not enough to define it as a case of the planning fallacy without the knowledge (as summarized in a recent U.S. General Accounting Office report) that 10 of the 13 preceding projects had also been marked by time and cost overruns. A frustrated project manager captures this point clearly: ‘‘A recent example I’ve had was a task that the programmer promised he was going to finish it first in 2 days, I told him to be overly pessimistic, he said 2 weeks. The task was scheduled for 4 [weeks]. Now, after 5 weeks, the programmer says he’s 2 days away from finishing.’’ With the planning fallacy, the future continues to look rosier than the past, even as the future becomes the past. Of course people can also underestimate the time required to complete a task in contexts where they have no access to relevant historical base rates, and there is value in understanding the causes and consequences of this more The Planning Fallacy 3
  • 4. general ‘‘optimistic bias’’ or ‘‘underestimation bias.’’ However, we believe it is the remarkable combination of realistic knowledge about the past and continuing optimism about the future that gives the planning fallacy its bite. Definitions that do not acknowledge the paradoxical combination of opti- mism about the future with realism about the past miss much of the richness of the phenomenon. We were drawn to studying the planning fallacy because in these types of predictions people do not forget history but because people confidently make predictions that go against the history that they know and remember. The study of the planning fallacy digs into the deep psychology of George Bernard Shaw’s claim that ‘‘We learn from history that we learn nothing from history.’’ (Shaw, 1903/1948, p. 485) The lessons about when people do—and do not—learn from history also make the study of the planning fallacy extremely relevant for social psychol- ogists. The challenge of integrating memories of the past into our under- standing of the present and our expectations for the future is a central human problem that we face in every domain of our social lives. Studying the planning fallacy provides insights about how hope, fear, disappointment, and reason combine to shape not only time predictions but also many other expectations for the future. 2. Documenting the Planning Fallacy To identify examples of the planning fallacy requires two related but separable findings. First, predictions of current task completion times must be more optimistic than beliefs about the distribution of past completion times for similar projects; second, predictions of current task completion times must be more optimistic than actual outcomes. A high degree of confidence is also diagnostic, but is not required by the classic definition. The Standish Group publishes an annual survey about the success of information technology projects in the United States; in 2009, they classi- fied 32% of surveyed projects as successes, meaning they were delivered on time, on budget, and with required features and functions; 44% were challenged, which meant that they were delivered late, over budget, or with less than required features; and 24% failed and were canceled or never used (The Standish Group, 2009). In an earlier study (The Standish Group, 1995), the average time overrun was 222%, with 47% of all projects reporting at least a 100% overrun. In a review of software estimation studies, Molokken and Jrgensen (2003) report that between 65% and 85% of software projects are completed after the predicted date; furthermore, poor estimation was noted as the most common reason for IT project failure (Nelson, 2007). In a comprehensive study of private sector planning and forecasting, Norris (1971) compiled forecasted and completed times and 4 Roger Buehler et al.
  • 5. costs for close to 300 industrial research and design (RD) projects (these 300 projects were taken from a larger pool of 475 projects—the balance of the projects were abandoned or changed. Notably, projects were generally abandoned after the estimated point of completion). He found that projects were, on average, about 250% over time budget and about 125% over cost budget. In a more detailed study of 50 RD projects, Wilkes and Norris (1972) found that substage estimates were just as optimistic as whole-project estimates. Furthermore, there is ample historical evidence that cost and time overruns have been characteristic of public works projects in both the United States (Engerman Sokoloff, 2004) and Europe (Flyvbjerg et al., 2005) for hundreds of years. The tendency for project time estimation to show marked optimism seems to hold for projects in the private and public sectors, as well as for projects estimated to take from a few days to years to complete, and with budgets from a few thousand to millions of dollars. However, there are two major barriers to interpreting these applied real-world data in terms of the planning fallacy. First, we have no direct measures of planners’ beliefs about the distribution of relevant past outcomes. Although many surveys indicate cost and time overruns are considered to be endemic in the high-tech and project-management world, we are lacking the data that would tie beliefs about the past to predictions about the future. Second, the apparently optimistic time estimates for commercial projects may represent duplicitous attempts to manipulate an audience for political ends rather than true predictions about the future. Flyvbjerg et al. (2003, 2004, 2005) have argued that large public works are plagued by estimates that are deliberately deceptive, either because politicians wish to develop major projects but know that their true cost will not be borne by the taxpayer, or because contractors lowball the estimated cost or effort predic- tion to gain the contract, or because employees underestimate the cost and scope of projects to gain political favor and project approval from their managers. Flyvbjerg and colleagues provide anecdotal reports indicating that employees are at least sometimes implicitly or explicitly rewarded for deliberately underestimating project magnitude. Flyvbjerg also argues that because the history of project overruns is so well-known, the continuing pattern of optimistic forecasts in large-scale public projects has no other reasonable explanation other than fraud and deception. Importantly, this line of argument denies that people can honestly hold simultaneous beliefs in a pessimistic past and an optimistic future. Whatever the role of the ‘‘honest’’ planning fallacy in project overruns, there is undoubtedly a strong case for the role of deception and corruption in the underestimation of time and cost in public works and private industry projects. Thus, despite the applied importance of studying industrial and trans- portation projects, and the plentiful data on the magnitude and generality of optimistic biases in this domain, the cleanest laboratory for the study of the The Planning Fallacy 5
  • 6. planning fallacy seems to lie in the study of everyday personal projects. Consider one familiar example: Academics who carry home a stuffed briefcase full of work on Fridays, fully (and confidently) intending to complete every task, are often aware that they have never gone beyond the first one or two jobs on any previous weekend. Once again, this illustrates the ability of people to hold two seemingly contradictory beliefs. Although aware that most of their previous predictions were overly opti- mistic, they believe (so it seems) that their current forecasts are realistic. This phenomenon is universally recognized by academics, and so we have often put it to the test with university students. However, the transla- tion and operationalization from long-term projects is not as straightforward as it might seem. For example, is the appropriate measure the duration of time that students spend on the task, or is it the temporal distance to the estimated completion time? We know from the literature on software development projects that overestimation is typically found when measured either way: as programmer hours or by the time to the completion of the project. Nonetheless, larger overruns are generally found in estimates of completion time (van Oorschot et al., 2002). Kahneman and Tversky’s classic planning fallacy example was based on completion time: the curricu- lum team estimated their completion date but there is no report of the team jointly estimating how many hours they would spend on the task itself. Moreover, we suspect that most project teams and most students measure success in task completion by whether the product is delivered on time, and rarely look back to assess whether the task took surprisingly many hours or days of actual working time. Thus, in most of the studies we report here, the key outcome measure is completion time rather than time-on-task dura- tion. Moreover, in most cases, we examine target tasks that are of sufficient magnitude that they require at least a full day of elapsed time between prediction and completion. A second decision we have faced is whether we should include or exclude academic or personal tasks with a firm deadline. Strictly enforced deadlines minimize the scope of the planning fallacy as they provide a tight upper bound to the possible optimistic bias. Indeed, Tversky and Shafir (1992) offered students $5 for answering and returning a questionnaire within 5 days, 3 weeks, or with no deadline and observed return rates of 60%, 42%, and 25%, respectively, underlining the power of deadlines to enforce timely completion. Similarly, Silk (2010) found that consumers were much more likely to return mail-in rebates if given a 1-day or 1-week deadline rather than a more conventional 3-week deadline—even though the consumers preferred the longer deadline if given a choice. Furthermore, externally imposed deadlines are more effective in ensuring timely task completion than are self-imposed deadlines (Ariely Wertenbroch, 2002). Thus, our decision to include projects with deadlines— and our general focus on academic projects with strict deadlines—undoubtedly 6 Roger Buehler et al.
  • 7. has led to a conservative estimate of the magnitude of the planning fallacy in personal projects. In one of our first assessments of the planning fallacy, we examined predictions for completion of a computer-based tutorial session. Students reported that they usually completed similar academic tasks about a day before the deadline; when asked to predict when they would complete the current tutorial, students estimated that they would be finished, on average, about 6 days in advance of the deadline (Buehler et al., 1994). In fact, and consistent with our two-point test for the planning fallacy, only about 30% completed by their predicted date—most finished, as usual, considerably closer to the deadline than they anticipated. We have obtained further evidence that student participants firmly believe in their forecasts by asses- sing their confidence (Buehler et al., 1994, Studies 2 and 3; Buehler et al., 1995). First, participants reported how certain they were that they would finish by the time they had predicted, on a scale ranging from 0% (not at all certain) to 100% (completely certain). The 50% or halfway mark on this scale indicated that respondents felt that it was a ‘‘toss-up’’ whether they would finish by the time they predicted. For the most part, participants were quite confident that they would meet their predictions: the average cer- tainty rating was 74% for school assignments in one study, 84% in a second study, and 70% for household tasks. In each case, approximately 40% of the participants actually finished by the predicted time. It is notable that, in a class survey, students reported that they typically completed about 32% of their projects by their expected completion date, and were later than expected about 68% of the time. The belief in (or knowledge of ) a ‘‘pessimistic past’’ seems to be widespread in this domain. Figure 1.1 presents data from a related study (Griffin Buehler, 1999, Study 1) where students reported probability estimates for their best guess completion times for 10 current projects across their academic and personal lives. Once again, about 45% of the projects were completed, compared to an average confidence level of 73%. The calibration plot reveals two interesting patterns: First, probability judgments are overly optimistic across the entire range; this does not match the canonical pattern of overconfi- dence in knowledge which is marked by underconfidence or underestima- tion at the low end of the probability scale and overconfidence or overestimation at the upper end, a pattern known as over-extremity (Griffin Brenner, 2004). Thus, the phenomenon to explain is an opti- mistic bias, not an extremity bias. Second, the slope between confidence and likelihood of timely task completion is moderately steep, indicating that in a relative sense, the predictions contain considerable information about completion times. As well as assessing judges’ confidence in their ‘‘best guess’’ predictions, we have also employed a more demanding ‘‘fractile procedure’’ (Lichtenstein et al., 1982; Yates, 1990): In addition to their best guess The Planning Fallacy 7
  • 8. predictions, participants indicated times by which they were 50% certain, 75% certain, and 99% certain that they would finish a project (Buehler et al., 1995). As seen in Fig. 1.2, the fractile measure revealed rampant optimistic overconfidence: Only 13% of the participants finished their academic projects by the time they reported as their 50% probability level, 19% finished by the time of their 75% probability level, and 45% finished by the time of their 99% probability level. The results for the 99% probability level are especially striking: Even when asked to provide a prediction that they feel virtually certain they will fulfill, students’ confidence far exceeds their accomplishments. We also documented a more dramatic example of optimistic time com- pletion estimates by studying senior honors theses, a rare academic project without a binding deadline. We waited until most students were approach- ing the end of this year-long project, and then asked them to predict when they realistically expected to submit the thesis, as well as when they would submit it if ‘‘everything went as poorly as it possibly could.’’ The students’ realistic predictions were overly optimistic: Only 30% of the students fin- ished the project by the predicted time. On average, the students took 55 days to complete their thesis, 22 days longer than they had anticipated, and 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Estimated % complete % complete 0.12 0.32 0.19 0.17 0.17 Figure 1.1 Calibration curve for estimated and actual probability of meeting task completion predictions. Numbers indicate the proportion of responses represented by each point on the curve. Dashed line represents perfect calibration (Griffin Buehler, 1999). 8 Roger Buehler et al.
  • 9. even 7 days longer than the average worst-case prediction. Interestingly, despite the optimistic bias, the students’ forecasts were accurate in a relative or ordinal sense: The predicted completion times were highly correlated with actual completion times (r ¼ 0.77). Compared to others in the sample, then, the students who predicted that they would take more time to finish actually did take more time. Once again, we see that predictions can be informative even in the presence of a marked optimistic bias. A telephone survey of Canadian taxpayers revealed that the planning fallacy is not limited to students and their school assignments (Buehler et al., 1997). Those surveyed expected to mail their tax returns about a week earlier than their typical date (3 weeks before the deadline rather than their usual 2 weeks), but in accord with the planning fallacy, history repeated itself: on average, reported typical behavior in the past accurately matched present behavior (forms were completed in the usual 2 weeks), so that the current predictions averaging 3 weeks before deadline were markedly optimistic. We should note, however, that current completion times do not always match recollections of past behavior in our studies, nor does the definition of the planning fallacy require such a match. Across many of our studies, we find that the current task usually takes slightly longer than the recalled typical time, implying either that the world is becoming progressively more difficult or that people misremember the past in a somewhat positive light. For example, in a study of holiday shopping predictions (Peetz et al., 2010, Study 2), students reported that they typically completed their shop- ping about 6.2 days before Christmas, and predicted they would complete the current season’s shopping about 7.5 days before Christmas, but actually completed it only 5.5 days before Christmas on average. Similarly, in studies of student predictions for academic projects conducted in both Canada and 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Best estimate 50% estimate 75% estimate 99% estimate Actual Days 37% 13% 19% 45% Figure 1.2 Predicted completion times for academic tasks corresponding to specified probability levels. Numbers above bars represent the percentage of projects finished by predicted time (Buehler et al., 1995). The Planning Fallacy 9
  • 10. Japan (Buehler Griffin, 2003, Study 2; Buehler et al., 2003), we found that predictions were more optimistic than the recalled date of a typical project. Both Canadian and Japanese students predicted to finish about 2 days before the deadline and recalled that they typically finished about a day before the deadline, but the current tasks were completed only half a day before the deadline (see Fig. 1.3). In all cases, using recalled behavior to make predictions would have been more accurate, at least on a mean level, than using predicted behavior, but it would not have been perfect. The evidence presented so far suggests that the tendency to underesti- mate task completion times is a robust phenomenon. To characterize the scope and generality of the prediction bias, we have also performed a more exhaustive review of research outcomes from controlled studies of project completion predictions and summarized these findings in Figs. 1.4 and 1.5 and associated Table 1.1. Our review builds upon previous summaries of the literature (Roy et al., 2005) and includes additional studies. We included all studies we could find that examined self-predictions (as opposed to observer predictions) and reported untransformed measures of both predicted and actual completion times. Because we were interested in characterizing people’s natural ability to predict completion times, without assistance or manipulation, we included only studies (or control conditions within stud- ies) in which participants’ forecasts were not subject to experimental inter- ventions designed to alter the information that predictors considered. In addition, we classified the target tasks as ‘‘in-session’’ or ‘‘out-of-session’’ tasks based on whether participants completed the task during the research 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Canada Japan Days before deadline Recalled typical Predict Actual Figure 1.3 Recall of typical completion time, predicted completion time, and actual completion time for a self-nominated school assignment in Canadian and Japanese students (Buehler et al., 2003). 10 Roger Buehler et al.
  • 11. session (e.g., laboratory tasks) or completed it on their own time, outside the research session. The dependent variables of interest were the predicted and actual time to task completion, as opposed to the duration of time spent working on the task. These two measures can (and usually do) diverge markedly for out-of-session tasks (e.g., an essay with a 2-week deadline may take 12 days from prediction to completion yet require only 5 h of actual time on task), but are indistinguishable in the ‘‘in-session’’ tasks (e.g., a laboratory task that takes 10 min of actual working time also has a time to completion of 10 min). We include a total of 65 comparisons of predicted and actual outcomes, 35 from in-session tasks and 30 from out-of-session tasks. Figure 1.4 presents a pair of histograms that summarizes the frequency of studies showing underestimation bias versus overestimation bias separately for in-session and out-of-session tasks. Both histograms are presented as ratios (predicted time over actual time) to allow comparison between the short in-session tasks (measured in minutes) and the longer, more complex out-of-session tasks (measured in days). A ratio of 1 indicates a perfectly accurate prediction, with ratios larger than 1 indicating overestimation (a pessimistic belief that the task will take longer than it actually does) and ratios less than 1 indicating underestimation (an optimistic belief that the task will take less time than it actually does), consistent with the planning fallacy. The contrast in the pattern of results is striking: for in-session studies, where uncertainty is solely about the nature and difficulty of the target task, there is considerable variability on both sides of the accuracy ratio, indicating the presence of both overestimation and underestimation; for out-of-session studies, where uncertainty is greater and comes not only from the nature of the task but also from a host of other factors (e.g., competing tasks, 50 40 In-session tasks 30 Percent of studies 20 10 0 0 1 2 Ratio predicted to actual completion time 3 4 5 50 40 Out-of-session tasks 30 Percent of studies 20 10 0 0.5 Ratio predicted to actual completion time 0.75 1 Figure 1.4 Percent of studies finding underestimation (ratio 1) and overestimation (ratio 1). The Planning Fallacy 11
  • 12. unsuspected difficulties in locating task-relevant materials, unexpected interruptions, and self-control failure), underestimation is typical and over- estimation is never observed. Figure 1.5 further unpacks the difference between in-session and out-of- session studies by plotting the same ratio of predicted to actual completion time (in original ratio units on the Y-axis) against the actual task completion time (in log units on the X-axis, to allow comparison between tasks taking minutes to complete with tasks tasking weeks to complete). The top panel presents the data from ‘‘in-session’’ studies, with actual times presented in minutes, and the bottom panel presents the comparable data from ‘‘out-of- session’’ studies, with actual times presented in days. For the in-session studies, the degree and direction of bias is clearly related to the actual length of the task, a relationship that has been documented previously (Roy Christenfeld, 2008; Roy et al., 2005). Notably, for very short laboratory tasks, overestimation is characteristic, whereas for somewhat longer tasks, 20s 15min Actual task time 1 day 80 days 3 1 In-session tasks 0.3 Ratio of predicted to actual completion time 20s 15min Actual task time 1 day 80 days 3 1 Out-of-session tasks 0.3 Ratio of predicted to actual completion time Figure 1.5 Ratio of predicted to actual completion time as a function of actual completion time. 12 Roger Buehler et al.
  • 13. Table 1.1 Summary of studies comparing predicted and actual task completion times Reference Study Type Task Predicted Actual Unit Buehler et al. (1994) 1 2 Honors thesis [best guess predictions] 33.9 55.5 days 2 2 Self-nominated nonacademic project [partial information group] 5 9.2 days 2 2 Self-nominated academic project [partial information group] 5.8 10.7 days 3 2 Self-nominated school project 6.0 7.1 days 4 2 Computer tutorial assignment [control group] 5.5 6.8 days Buehler et al. (1997) 1 2 Income tax forms [across refund/no refund group] 22.2 14.0 days BDL 2 1 Anagram word puzzles [no-incentive control group] 6.7 7 min Buehler et al. (2010b) 1 2 Self-nominated school project 11.4 13.7 days Buehler and Griffin (2003) 1 2 Christmas shopping [control group] 4.5 3.3 days BDL 2 2 Self-nominated school project [standard control group] 1.5 0.3 days BDL Buehler et al. (2005) 1 2 School group project [final individual predictions] 45.2 59.3 days 2 1 Puzzle task [final individual predictions] 13.1 13.8 min 3 2 Group take-home assignment [final individual predictions] 1.9 2.5 days Buehler et al. (2003) 1 2 School assignment [Japanese sample] 1.7 0.3 days BDL 1 2 School assignment [Canadian sample] 1.8 0.7 days BDL 2 Summer research project 14.2 6.7 days BDL (continued)
  • 14. Table 1.1 (continued) Reference Study Type Task Predicted Actual Unit Burt and Kemp (1994) 1 1 Bookshop 120 44 s 1 1 Cards 180 52 s 1 1 Library form 300 74 s 1 1 Library 133 139 s 1 1 Walk 600 249 s 2 1 Purchase 420 433 s 2 1 Balance sheet 900 557 s 2 1 Letter 600 611 s 2 1 Proofread 900 690 s 2 1 Library 840 734 s Byram (1997) 1 1 Assemble computer stand [subset that performed the task] 65.7 76.1 min 4 1 Origami task [final prediction, across immediate/delay group] 6.6 9.7 min 5 1 Origami task [no-incentive control group] 10.1 9.8 min Connolly and Dean (1997) 1 2 Programming assignment #1 [predict whole task first group] 8.3 8.7 h 1 2 Programming assignment #2 [predict whole task first group] 9.9 13.4 h Deslaurier (2002) 1 2 Single-submission essay task [control group] 7.72 10.2 days 1 2 Multiple-submission essay task [control group] 8.85 10.4 days Forsyth and Burt (2008) 1 1 Office tasks A [scheduled as group] 17.9 12.8 min 1 1 Office tasks B [scheduled as group] 15 14.5 min 2 1 Office tasks A [scheduled as group] 22.4 71.6 min 2 1 Office tasks B [scheduled as group] 21.2 85.5 min 14
  • 15. Francis-Smythe and Robertson (1999) 1 1 Spell-check 429 357 s Hinds (1999) 1 1 Operate cell phone [novice sample, unaided group] 15.7 31.5 min Josephs and Hahn (1995) 3 1 Read manuscript [short format, across slow/ fast readers] 35.8 65.0 min 3 1 Read manuscript [long format, across slow/ fast readers] 25.5 68.6 min 4 1 Read manuscript [short format, across slow/ fast readers] 55.5 69.8 min 4 1 Read manuscript [long format, across slow/ fast readers] 44.2 77.6 min König (2005) pilot 1 Answer questions 49 59.9 min Koole and Van’t Spijker (2000) 1 2 Essay task [goal condition] 1.7 2.9 days Kruger and Evans (2004) 3 1 Format document [packed group] 17.3 39.7 min 4 1 Assemble food tray [packed group] 23.5 33.6 min 5 1 Format document [simple; packed group] 7.9 8.1 min 5 1 Format document [complex; packed group] 11.9 23.7 min Newby-Clark et al. (2000) 1 2 Major school assignment [realistic scenario; final prediction] 1.1 0.3 days BDL 3 2 Major school assignment [no scenario control] 2.0 0.8 days BDL (continued) 15
  • 16. Table 1.1 (continued) Reference Study Type Task Predicted Actual Unit Peetz et al. (2010) 1 2 Major school assignment 2.5 1.3 days BDL 2 2 Christmas shopping [predicted in October] 9.2 5.7 days BDL 2 2 Christmas shopping [predicted in December] 5.7 5.4 days BDL 5 2 Essay task [predicted 3 weeks BDL] 1.6 0.6 days BDL 5 2 Essay task [predicted 1 week BDL] 1.1 0.3 days BDL Pezzo et al. (2006a) 1 2 Read story 8.2 12 days 1 2 Proof-read lists 6.0 7.9 days Roy and Christenfeld (2007) 1 1 Origami task [no prior experience group; prediction group] 20 11 min Sanna et al. (2005) 1 2 Group research proposal [control group] 8.3 3.1 days BDL 2 1 Group desk assembly [control group] 42.4 50.0 min 3 1 Group desk assembly [control group] 42.3 53.2 min Thomas and Handley (2008) 2 1 Build toy castle [no-anchor control group] 619 652 s Thomas et al. (2003) 1 1 Tower of Hanoi [no-experience control group] 61.7 21.7 s Zhang and Fishbach (2010) 5 2 GRE questions [estimate group; expect simple task] 59.7 62.4 h 5 2 GRE questions [estimate group; expect difficult task] 29.3 35.1 h Note. Type of task refers to whether the task was completed as part of the experimental session (1 ¼ in-session, 2 ¼ out-of-session). For studies with experimental manipulations, the control group selection is specified in brackets. BDL ¼ before deadline.
  • 17. underestimation becomes common. This is consistent with a floor effect on a bounded scale for these very short tasks. However, for out-of-session studies, the degree of underestimation is consistent across the range of task length, indicating that optimistic time predictions are characteristic of tasks carried out in a real-world context, whether they are relatively short-term or long-term projects. The starkly contrasting patterns between in-session and out-of-session prediction tasks shown in both Figs. 1.4 and 1.5 provide justification for our view that the planning fallacy is a phenomenon charac- teristic of familiar tasks carried out under conditions of considerable uncer- tainty—and should be studied under those conditions (Griffin Buehler, 2005). Furthermore, these distinct patterns cast doubt on the utility of attempts to build a single account of prediction bias that applies readily to novel and familiar tasks, short and long tasks, and tasks performed in and outside of the laboratory (cf. Roy et al., 2005). 3. Explaining the Planning Fallacy: The Original Cognitive Model 3.1. The inside versus outside view Given the prevalence of optimistic predictions, and ample empirical evi- dence of the planning fallacy, we now turn to examining the psychological mechanisms that underlie people’s optimistic forecasts. In particular, how do people segregate their general theories about their predictions (i.e., that they are usually unrealistically optimistic) from their specific expectations for an upcoming task? Kahneman and Tversky (1979) explained the prediction failure of the curriculum development team through the inside versus outside analysis of the planning fallacy. This analysis builds upon a perceptual metaphor of how people view a planned project. In the curriculum devel- opment example, the group of authors focused on the specific qualities of the current task, and seemed to look inside their representation of the developing project to assess its difficulty. The group of authors failed, however, to look outside of the specific project to evaluate the relevant distribution of compa- rable projects. Even when they asked for information about the outside viewpoint, they neglected to incorporate it in their predictions or even to moderate their confidence. An inside or internal view of a task focuses on singular information: specific aspects of the target task that might lead to longer or shorter completion times. An outside or external view of the task focuses on distributional information: how the current task fits into the set of related tasks. Thus, the two general approaches to prediction differ primarily in whether individuals treat the target task as a unique case or as an instance of a category or ensemble of similar problems. The Planning Fallacy 17
  • 18. To explain the planning fallacy using this model, we need to account for two things: why people fail to incorporate the distributional or outside information in their completion estimates, and why the resulting focus on singular information through the inside perspective leads to overoptimism. For a number of reasons, the singular or ‘‘narrow’’ frame seems to be most natural when developing plans and predictions as well as making decisions about the future (Kahneman Lovallo, 1993; Kahneman Tversky, 1979). People tend to generate their predictions by considering the unique features of the task at hand, and constructing a scenario about their future progress on that task. This is, by and large, what ‘‘planning’’ means to most people: developing a series of steps that will lead from the beginning to a successful conclusion of the project. In deciding how much work to take home for the weekend, for example, individuals may try to imagine when they will start a particular project and how many hours of actual working time they will require. They may (or may not) also consider the other activities they have planned for the weekend and try to determine precisely when, where, and how they will find time to work on the project. They may (or may not) even try to envision potential obstacles to completing the project, and how these obstacles will be overcome. Essentially this inside or internal approach to prediction involves sketching out a scenario that captures how the specific future project is likely to unfold. Several theorists have similarly noted the tendency to construct scenarios, narratives, or mental simulations as a basis for predicting the future (Dawes, 1988; Dougherty et al., 1997; Dunning, 2007; Griffin et al., 1990; Kahneman Lovallo, 1993; Kahneman Tversky, 1982c). 3.2. Obstacles to using past experiences Despite the predictive value of past experiences, our findings suggest that people neglect them while forming predictions. Why might this be so? One answer was suggested above: prediction, by its very nature, elicits a focus on the future rather than the past, and this future orientation may prevent individuals from looking backwards. However, a failure to use personal base rates need not always result from inattention to the past. People may sometimes attend to their past, but nevertheless fail to incorporate this information into their predictions because it does not seem relevant. People may have difficulty extracting an appropriate set of past experiences; the various instances seem so different from each other that individuals cannot compare them meaningfully (Kahneman Lovallo, 1993; Kahneman Tversky, 1979). As a British rugby-player-turned-commentator noted ‘‘Each game is unique, and this one is no different from any other.’’ People may also interpret the past in a manner that reduces its pertinence to the current prediction. The meaning and relevance of any past behavior depends largely on an individual’s explanation of why it occurred. Whereas 18 Roger Buehler et al.
  • 19. certain types of attributions link a past event to the present and future, other attributions isolate the past. To the extent that people perceive a previous episode to be caused by external, unstable, and specific factors, they need not connect its outcome to future occasions. For example, a woman may attribute her inability to complete a past weekend task to an unexpected visit by her former college roommate. Thus, she may generalize the previ- ous failure only to weekends when that external and specific factor is present. Knowing that her college friend is out of town, she may assume she will be able to readily attain her objectives. We suggest that people often make attributions that diminish the rele- vance of past experiences to their current task. People are probably most inclined to deny the significance of their personal history when they dislike its implications (e.g., that a project will take longer than they hope). If they are reminded of a past episode that could challenge their optimistic plans, they may invoke attributions that render the experience uninformative for the present forecast. This analysis is consistent with evidence that individuals are inclined to explain away negative personal outcomes (for reviews, see Miller Ross, 1975; Taylor Brown, 1988). People’s use of others’ experiences are presumably restricted by the same two factors: a focus on the future reduces the salience of others’ experiences, and the tendency to attribute others’ outcomes to their dispositions (Gilbert Malone, 1995) limits the inferential value of others’ experiences. Furthermore, our under- standing of other people’s experiences is typically associated with uncer- tainty about what actually happened; consequently, we can readily cast doubt on the generalizability of those experiences. To quote Douglas Adams, ‘‘Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.’’ (Adams Carwardine, 1991, p. 116) In sum, we note three particular impediments to using the outside perspective in estimating task completion times: the forward nature of prediction which elicits a focus on future scenarios, the elusive definition of ‘‘similar’’ experiences, and attributional processes that diminish the relevance of the past to the present. 3.3. Optimistic plans People’s completion estimates are likely to be overly optimistic if their forecasts are based exclusively on plan-based, future scenarios. A problem with the scenario approach is that people generally fail to appreciate the vast number of ways in which the future may unfold (Arkes et al., 1988; Fischhoff et al., 1978; Hoch, 1985; Shaklee Fischhoff, 1982). For instance, expert auto mechanics typically consider only a small subset of the possible things that can go wrong with a car, and hence underestimate the probability of a breakdown (Fischhoff et al., 1978). Similarly, when The Planning Fallacy 19
  • 20. individuals imagine the future, they often fail to entertain alternatives to their favored scenario and do not consider the implications of the uncer- tainty inherent in every detail of a constructed scenario (Griffin et al., 1990; Hoch, 1985). When individuals are asked to predict based on ‘‘best guess’’ scenarios, their forecasts are generally indistinguishable from those generated by ‘‘best-case’’ scenarios (Griffin et al., 1990; Newby-Clark et al., 2000). The act of scenario construction itself may lead people to exaggerate the likelihood of the scenario unfolding as envisioned. Individuals instructed to imagine hypothetical outcomes for events ranging from football games to presidential elections subsequently regard these imagined events as more likely (for reviews, see Gregory Duran, 2001; Koehler, 1991). Focusing on the target event (the successful completion of a set of plans) may lead a predictor to ignore or underweight the chances that some other event will occur. Even when a particular scenario is relatively probable, a priori, chance will still usually favor the whole set of possible alternative events because there are so many (Dawes, 1988; Kahneman Lovallo, 1993). 4. Empirical Support for the Inside–Outside Model An important goal of our initial studies of the planning fallacy was to test the inside–outside account. We first looked for evidence that a focus on the future—and a consequent neglect of the past—was indeed characteristic of the planning process. In several studies, we included ‘‘think-aloud’’ procedures to record the ‘‘online’’ narratives of participants as they esti- mated their completion times for various tasks, most of which had specific deadlines. We instructed respondents to say aloud every thought or idea that came to mind while predicting when they would finish an upcoming project. We later analyzed the verbal protocols for evidence that people focus on plan-based scenarios for the task at hand, rather than distributional information such as their previous experiences. In a typical study of aca- demic and home projects (Buehler et al., 1994, Study 3), the majority of respondents’ thoughts were directed toward the future (M ¼ 74%). The participants focused overwhelmingly on their plans for the current project, for the most part describing scenarios in which they finished the task without problems arising (only 3% of respondents’ thoughts included potential impediments); their verbal protocols revealed an almost total neglect of other kinds of information, including their own past experiences (7% of thoughts) or others’ experiences with similar projects (1%). We have replicated this pattern of results a number of times using written thought- listing measures instead of think-aloud procedures, and collecting retrospec- tive rather than online measures of thoughts. Thought-listings also revealed 20 Roger Buehler et al.
  • 21. a consistent neglect of another piece of information in favor of the focus on future plans. In all studies, few students report thinking about the role of deadlines when constructing their forecasts of completion times. For exam- ple, in one study with varying deadlines (Buehler et al., 1994, Study 2), students’ predictions were only weakly associated with their self-reported deadlines (r ¼ 0.23, p 0.09), whereas their reported completion times were strongly associated with the deadlines (r ¼ 0.82, p 0.001). In one particularly interesting analysis of thought focus, we compared the reported thought content of Canadian and Japanese students (Buehler et al., 2003). Participants named a school assignment that was due in the next 4 weeks, reported best guess predictions for that project, described their thoughts while they made their predictions, reported when they typically finished similar assignments in the past, and later reported when they actually finished the target assignment. As described earlier, both Japanese and Canadian participants showed the classic planning fallacy dissociation between their current predictions and their reports of typical completion times. Furthermore, as seen in Fig. 1.6, the thought-listings also revealed a very similar pattern across cultures. Consistent with previous findings, most participants (70%) focused on their plans for completing the task, whereas only about one quarter of the participants (26%) referred to their past experiences (which typically implied that a more conservative prediction was in order), and very few participants contemplated the poten- tial problems and delays they might encounter. The Canadian and Japanese samples did not differ significantly in their use of any of the thought categories. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Canada Japan Percentage of respondents Plans Obstacles Past Disposition Figure 1.6 Focus of thoughts in Canadian and Japanese students predicting their completion for a self-nominated school assignment (Buehler et al., 2003). The Planning Fallacy 21
  • 22. In another experiment (Buehler et al., 1994, Study 4), we examined whether the relative neglect of past experiences was due to a lack of attention or due to the perceived irrelevance of the past. Participants predicted when they would finish a standard, 1-h computer assignment. Those in the Recall condition reported on their previous experiences with similar assignments just before making their predictions. They indicated how far before the deadlines they had typically finished school assignments similar to the present one. Control participants were not asked any ques- tions concerning their past experiences until after they had reported their predictions. In both conditions, participants remembered finishing the majority of their previous projects very close to the relevant deadlines. Participants in the Recall condition—who had just focused on their usual deadline-snatching pattern of completion times—nonetheless underesti- mated their actual completion times just as much as those in the standard Control condition. Even in the Recall condition, only 12% of participants reported thinking about past experiences when making their current plans (vs. 2% in the Control condition). Again, this pattern has been replicated in other studies (e.g., Buehler Griffin, 2003), indicating that attention to and awareness of the past is not enough to make the past relevant to the future. The relevance account is further strengthened by a demonstration that forcing the past to become relevant eliminates the optimistic prediction bias for completion times. Our manipulation required participants to actively link their past experiences with their specific plans for an upcoming task. In this ‘‘recall-relevance’’ manipulation, participants first indicated the date and time they would finish a computer assignment if they finished it as far before its deadline as they typically completed assignments (Buehler et al., 1994, Study 4). They were then required to describe a plausible scenario— based on their past experiences—that would result in their completing the computer assignment at their typical time. This procedure was designed to prevent participants from either ignoring past experiences with similar tasks or discounting the relevance of those experiences. After writing the hypo- thetical scenario, participants made predictions for the computer assign- ment. For this task, at least, the recall-relevance manipulation successfully eliminated the usual optimistic bias. Recall that a third reason that people may fail to incorporate the lessons of past experiences into their future predictions is that people may diminish the relevance of the past through attributional means. To test the role of attributional processes in the planning fallacy, we have asked participants to recall an occasion when they had failed to complete a task by the time they had originally anticipated, and then to recall a similar prediction failure experienced by a close acquaintance (Buehler et al., 1994, Study 3). Next, we asked them to explain why each of the two tasks was not finished by the expected time and coded them using the dimensions of the Attributional Style Questionnaire (Peterson et al., 1982). The reasons participants reported 22 Roger Buehler et al.
  • 23. for their own lateness were more external, transitory, and specific than the reasons they provided for similar tardiness by close acquaintances. Partici- pants attributed their own lateness to such rare events as their computer monitor ‘‘frying’’ while they were typing their final English essay, whereas others’ failures seemed to reflect enduring personal problems with time management. In a related study (Buehler et al., 1994, Study 4), participants who either succeeded or failed in meeting their predictions rated their own reasons for the success or failure. Those who finished late rated their reasons as significantly more transitory and specific than those who finished on time. Both studies reveal that people interpret their own tardiness in a manner that makes it seem unique and unlikely to recur. In the cross-cultural study mentioned previously (Buehler et al., 2003), we asked participants to describe a past prediction failure of their own and that of a school friend and to explain why each of these had occurred. Once again, we found a moderate self-serving bias in Canadians’ attributions for failures to complete tasks by the expected time, one that could serve to diminish the relevance of past failures to future forecasts. Canadian students reported causes that were more external, transitory, and specific than the causes they reported for a friend’s late completion. However, we did not expect that the same attributional bias would appear in Japanese students, given that theorists propose Japanese culture is marked by social pressure toward self-derogation rather than self-enhancement, at least publicly (e.g., Heine et al., 2000, 2001). Consistent with these cultural theories, the Japanese students demonstrated a self-derogation bias in their attributions for failing to complete tasks on time: they attributed their own prediction failures to causes that were more internal, stable, and global than those of a friend. This finding implies that the planning fallacy may be supported by attributional processes to a lesser degree in Japanese than in Western cultures, and raises the intriguing possibility that Japanese participants might be more influenced by reminders of past failures than are Western participants. We have also validated the role of the perceived irrelevance of the past (at least in Western cultures) through interviews with software engineers engaged on major projects at a firm specializing in taxation software for government use. Although this small sample does not provide a confirma- tory test of the attributional hypothesis, it does provide vivid demonstra- tions of the seemingly unassailable logic that drives the dissociation of past from future projects. Of the dozen software engineers interviewed, there was virtual unanimous agreement that past projects tended to be late and that the results of past projects could not be used to inform future predictions. Participants were first asked ‘‘When you made the prediction. . .did you think of past projects and their outcomes?’’ Typical answers included ‘‘No. . .because it’s a unique working environment and I’ve never worked on anything like it’’; ‘‘No, not relevant. It’s not the same kind of project at all.’’ The Planning Fallacy 23
  • 24. Participants were also asked ‘‘When you made this prediction did you think about other people’s projects here or within the field in general?’’ Answers included: ‘‘There didn’t seem to be anything that was comparable. This is a bit unique. A lot of it relies on new technology, new software on which to build reports, etc. It’s difficult to compare to other projects’’; ‘‘No, not on this one. The nature of this project is a little strange; it’s not like anything I’ve ever worked on’’; ‘‘No comparison, because this type of thing hasn’t been done before.’’ Overall, the evidence for the cognitive processes underlying the inside model of prediction is highly consistent, whether in terms of thought-listing analysis, manipulations of attention to and perceived relevance of past experiences, or measures of attributional processes that diminish the rele- vance of the past to future outcomes. In the next sections, we go beyond documenting the processes underlying the classic model of the planning fallacy, and use these processes to explain the effects of a broader range of variables, resulting in an extended model (Fig. 1.7 presents a comparison of the classic and extended inside–outside model). 5. Extending the Planning Fallacy: An Extended Inside–Outside Model 5.1. Identifying key elements of the inside focus A basic axiom of the planning fallacy is that the future is perceived to be rosier than the past; realistically pessimistic lessons from the past fade from a forecaster’s attention in light of optimistic plans about the future. However, according to Kahneman and Tversky’s (1979) initial definition, the inside view includes all case-specific content including possible problems or obstacles to completion as well as plans for how to overcome them. Thus, an inside view can, at least in theory, vary in the balance of its content between plans for success and possible obstacles or interruptions. This led us to two guiding hypotheses about the content of the inside view on a given prediction: (1) the content will, in general, be biased toward a best-case scenario dominated by plans for success; (2) the balance of the content between plans for success and obstacles to completion is a continuous variable that varies according to the psychological state of the forecaster and influences the optimism of the resulting forecast. Thus, in the research that follows, we extend the inside–outside view of the planning fallacy by drawing a distinction not only between inside and outside perspectives, but also between varying amounts of positive focus within the inside perspective. To evaluate the first of these hypotheses, Newby-Clark et al. (2000) assessed the overall positivity of people’s scenarios about future projects by 24 Roger Buehler et al.
  • 25. contrasting thought-listings and predictions created by forecasters assuming either realistic, worst-case, or best-case future scenarios. Notably, the con- tent of the best-case scenarios was rated as only slightly (although signifi- cantly) more optimistic than the content for the realistic scenarios, and the number of future problems mentioned and the rated plausibility of the scenarios did not differ between realistic and best-case conditions (which both differed markedly from the worst-case scenario condition). A follow- up study revealed that when predictors constructed multiple scenarios to describe the time-course of a project, the first scenario was the most optimistic in content, contained the fewest problems, and was rated as most plausible. Furthermore, only the predicted completion time associated with the first scenario was uniquely associated with the final ‘‘best guess’’ prediction. Taken together, these findings imply that planning a task and estimating its completion is similar to—although not identical to—assuming the best and working from there. Extended inside–outside model Classic inside–outside model + + Inside view (case-specific) Outside view (reference-class) Prediction optimism Behavior More use of memories More use of base rates More plan focus Less obstacle focus + Closed versus open tasks More use of theories - + + - - Greater social power Narrower perspective Social pressure Closer temporal distance + + - First versus third- person imagery Actor versus observer status Incentives Motivation Inside view (case-specific) Outside view (reference-class) Behavior + - Prediction optimism Group versus individual Figure 1.7 Summary of the classic and extended inside–outside model of the planning fallacy. The Planning Fallacy 25
  • 26. According to our second hypothesis, scenarios can vary in the extent to which they are tightly focused on an optimistic future plan versus open to acknowledging the possibility of obstacles, both foreseen and unforeseeable. Following this logic, a greater than normal focus on detailed planning could exacerbate the degree of optimistic bias. In two studies examining school assignments and holiday shopping plans, we experimentally manipulated the degree of focus on plans by having some participants make detailed, step- by-step plans about a current project whereas other participants merely reported their predictions about project completions (Buehler Griffin, 2003). In both studies, we instructed a subset of the participants, those in the ‘‘planning-focus’’ condition, to formulate highly specific plans for complet- ing their target task. These participants considered and described in detail when, where, and how they would carry out the task. This enhanced focus on concrete plans produced highly optimistic predictions. In the ‘‘Christmas shopping’’ study, for example, participants in the planning-focus condition predicted they would complete their designated shopping list more than a week before Christmas day (M ¼ 7.5 days) whereas control participants expected to finish approximately 4 days before Christmas (M ¼ 4.5 days). Follow-up interviews revealed that participants in both conditions finished their designated shopping list only 3 days before Christmas. A similar pattern was obtained for the study involving school assignments. Increasing the focus on specific plans produced more optimistic forecasts because this focus, induced at the time of prediction, substantially affected predictions but did not affect actual completion times. This pattern of effects may seem surprising in light of the apparent similarity of the planning focus manipulation to manipulations of unpacking (e.g., Kruger Evans, 2004) and implementation intentions (e.g., Gollwitzer, 1999). First, unpacking a complete project into subcomponent tasks makes people less optimistic in their time predictions because the subtasks serve as specific reminders of the many steps that need to be completed, but may be neglected in an overall scenario-based project plan (Kruger Evans, 2004). However, the effects of breaking down a task into concrete details may depend on the type of information that is highlighted. If people are induced to focus on otherwise ignored nonfocal aspects of a task, as in the unpacking manipulation, this should lead to less optimism. If, however, people are induced to focus in greater concrete detail on how they will carry out the central or higher level task components (without contemplating the otherwise ignored subcomponents of the task), then we should find greater optimism. Given that the planning focus instructions emphasized the creation of a flowing scenario for a unitary task (e.g., ‘‘. . .Try to provide a complete picture, from beginning to end, of how this assignment will be completed’’), it probably led participants to focus on their plans for carrying out central task components, rather than to recognize previously ignored aspects of the task. 26 Roger Buehler et al.
  • 27. Second, there is considerable research indicating that making specific plans can have facilitating effects on behavior (e.g., Gollwitzer, 1999; Gollwitzer Brandstätter, 1997; see also Armor Taylor, 2003; Koole Van’t Spijker, 2000), which we do not find in these studies. Participants who share a common goal intention (e.g., a desire to maintain an exercise program or diet) are more likely to succeed if they are prompted to generate implementation intentions that specify precisely when, where, and how they will act to achieve the goal. The implementation intention is effective because it links anticipated opportunities with effective goal-directed beha- viors. A key variable controlling the impact of a concrete plan on actual completion times, we suggest, is the nature of the barriers to project completion. When the barriers to completion consist primarily of internal (and therefore more controllable) factors such as forgetfulness, lack of motivation, and weakness of will, we expect the effect of plans on behavior to be substantial. However, when the barriers to completion consist pri- marily of external (and therefore less controllable) factors such as competing projects, unexpected problems in the task itself, or missing resources, we expect that the effect on behavior will be minimal. We believe that the kind of projects we have been studying—the completion of income tax forms, major school assignments, and long-term personal projects—may fit the latter pattern. These are long-term projects that require sustained effort over several days or weeks, and the problems that are encountered are generally not because of self-control or forgetfulness about goal completion. We will return to the question of when optimistic planning processes influence behavior in a later section. 5.2. Effects of motivation: The mediating role of focus on plans Our emphasis on the balance of positive versus negative content in the extended inside–outside model also highlights the role of motivation in enhancing or exaggerating a narrow focus on planning for success. Direc- tional motivation in service of the desire to finish tasks quickly may lead to a greater focus on future plans and a reduced focus on possible obstacles (e.g., problems, distractions, or other threats to completion), a form of motivated reasoning (Kunda, 1990) or desirability bias (Krizan Windschitl, 2007). We hypothesize that as the motivated individual relies on more focused and biased plans for success, the resulting predictions should exhibit an even greater optimistic prediction bias—assuming that completion behavior is not equally influenced by the optimistic plans and associated goals. Our contention is that although it is relatively easy and straightforward to generate plans and predictions that correspond with one’s current goal, it will usually be much more difficult to translate that goal into behavior. People’s task completion behaviors occur long after the prediction is The Planning Fallacy 27
  • 28. generated and are subject to a wide range of external factors that can intervene between prediction and completion behavior. To the extent that a task is prone to influence from these external factors, people’s incentive-induced goals at the time of prediction may have little, if any, impact on actual completion time. In an initial nonexperimental field test of the role of motivated reasoning, we surveyed Canadian taxpayers and asked them to predict when they would file their income tax forms (Buehler et al., 1997). The study took advantage of a naturally occurring variation in people’s desire to finish the task promptly. Individuals expecting a tax refund have an incen- tive to submit the forms early (and thus receive an early refund). These motivated respondents predicted that they would send in their tax returns about 10 days earlier than nonmotivated respondents, but managed to send them in only about 3 days earlier. As a result, the optimistic prediction bias was markedly greater for the motivated respondents. Furthermore, the individuals expecting a refund appeared to give less weight to their past experiences in making their predictions: reports of past completion times were less related to predicted completion times for participants who expected a refund than for participants who did not. This field study is consistent with the hypothesis that motivation enhances the planning fallacy through a heightened focus on future plans. However, it was a nonexperimental demonstration and subject to a host of alternative explanations; in addition, the field setting prevented a detailed measure of the hypothesized process. As a consequence, we conducted a follow-up laboratory study that was tightly controlled and provided detailed process data but was rather far removed from the defining real-world phenomena. This experiment used a word-puzzle task to replicate the incentive effect on prediction in an experimental setting and to measure the mediating cognitive mechanisms. After taking part in a practice trial, participants completed three trials with feedback (completion times ranged from 5 to 7 min) so that they had prior experiences on which to base their subsequent prediction. Some participants, those in the speed incentive condition, were then promised monetary incentives if their completion time in the next round was substantially (1 or 2 min) faster than their previous trial time. As expected, monetary incentives for speedy completion of the task led to more optimistically biased predictions, increased attention to detailed future plans, reduced attention to—and perceived relevance of—past experiences, and reduced thoughts about possible obstacles. In other words, the speed incentives appeared to elicit the double pattern of cognitive processes that constitute the planning fallacy—an exaggerated focus on singular information (plan-based scenarios) at the expense of relevant distributional information (past experiences), and an exaggerated focus on plans for success and a reduction in the consideration of competing tasks and other obstacles to successful completion. These cognitive processes 28 Roger Buehler et al.
  • 29. also played a mediating role in the enhanced optimistic bias found in the incentive/motivated condition. This laboratory study serves as an ‘‘in vitro’’ examination of the processes underlying prediction; because the word puzzle was a short, novel task, the optimistic bias was virtually absent in the control condition, where students by and large directly reported the highly salient past experiences from moments before. However, even in this short and highly constrained laboratory setting, the presence of small finan- cial incentives was sufficient to engage planning processes that overrode the salient past experiences. Similar effects of incentives for speed have been observed by other researchers. Byram (1997) asked participants to estimate how long they would take to perform an origami task in the lab. Participants offered a monetary incentive for speedy completion of the task ($4 for finishing in the top quartile, $2 for finishing in the next quartile, $1 for finishing in the third quartile, and nothing for finishing in the bottom quartile) underestimated their completion times, whereas participants without a monetary incentive for speed did not exhibit the bias. Again, the incentive for speed increased bias because it had a large impact on predicted completion times but did not influence actual performance (for an economic analysis of the role of incentives in the planning fallacy, see Brunnermeier et al., 2008). Another strategy for exploring the role of motivational processes is to solicit predictions from observers, who do not typically share the same motivations as the individuals carrying out a task. Indeed, an early study (Buehler et al., 1994, Study 5) indicated that observers are generally less attentive than actors to actors’ reported plans and more attentive to potential obstacles, the actors’ past experiences, and task deadlines—in other words, observers are more likely to adopt the outside view and to construct a more problem-focused inside view. Similarly, a more recent study found that observers gave little weight to an actor’s motivation for early completion. Actors who imagined themselves completing a school project predicted they would finish it much earlier in a scenario where they were offered incentive grades for early completion; however, knowing that the student had been offered this incentive did not affect the predictions generated by observer participants (Mulhern, 2006). Thus it appears that observers are more skeptical than actors about whether incentives that operate on the actor are enough to overcome past behavioral tendencies. However, what would happen if observers were motivated to see an actor achieve an early completion time? Conceivably, for such observers, the same motivated reasoning processes that encourage optimism in actors would operate so that they adopt an inside perspective dominated by plans for success. We have tested this possibility by offering financial incentives to observers that were contingent on a target (actor) individual’s timely task completion (Buehler Griffin, 2009). In the initial study, actor participants were given a take-home writing assignment to be completed within a The Planning Fallacy 29
  • 30. 2-week deadline, predicted their completion time, and then carried out the assignment. Observers were each yoked to a participant (actor) and received the following information provided by the actor: demographic information (sex, age, academic major), the instructions the actor received for complet- ing the assignment, the actor’s report of typical assignment completion times along with the self-predicted completion time for the target assign- ment, and finally, the actor’s scenario-based description of how he or she arrived at the prediction. We varied whether observers were offered a reward that was contingent on the actor’s completion of the project. The contingent observers were informed that they would receive a bonus payment for participating in the study and that the size of the payment would depend on how soon the target actor completed the assignment (50 cents for each day before deadline the assignment was completed). (Note that these motivated observers were in no way compensated for the opti- mism of their predictions nor were their predictions communicated to the actors.) Neutral (control) observers were offered a standard bonus payment that was not contingent on the actor’s performance. After reviewing the information, observers were instructed to estimate as accurately as possible when the target actor would finish the assignment and also rated the extent to which they had based their predictions on the actor’s plans, past experi- ences, and potential obstacles to early completion. They were also asked to rate, specifically, the extent to which the actor’s past experiences were relevant in predicting the completion time of the upcoming task. The actor participants reported that they typically finished their assign- ments about a day and a half before deadlines and, consistent with this report of past behavior, finished the present assignment just prior to the 2-week deadline (mean completion time was 12.1 days). However, in another display of the planning fallacy, the actors predicted they would finish the assignment in only 8.1 days, thereby exhibiting a substantial optimistic bias. Observers in the contingent incentive condition, who were presumably motivated to believe that the actor would finish as early as possible, also tended to underestimate the completion time (mean prediction was 9.9 days) whereas neutral observers did not exhibit this bias (mean prediction was 12.0 days). Furthermore, the thought ratings indicated that the incen- tives affected observers’ predictions, in part, because they prompted the observers to rely more heavily on the target individual’s future plans and to place less weight on reports of past experiences and potential obstacles. Participants’ direct ratings of the relevance of past experience also indicated that incentives for early task completion led them to diminish the relevance of past experience. In a second study of contingent observers, we manipulated the extent to which the contingent observers saw participants’ past experiences as rele- vant using a variant of the recall-relevance manipulation used in our original paper (Buehler et al., 1994). New observer participants were yoked to the 30 Roger Buehler et al.
  • 31. same actor participants as in the first study and were randomly assigned to three conditions: neutral (control), contingent, and contingent plus past- relevant scenario. In the new combined condition, observers were offered the contingent incentive, but were also asked to indicate the completion time suggested by the actor’s typical past experience and to generate a scenario that could lead the person to finish at that time. Again, the ultimate task was to estimate the target actor’s completion time as accurately as possible. The study replicated the effect of incentive found previously, and added the novel finding that forcing observers to confront the implica- tions of an actor’s past behavior was enough to eliminate the incentive effect on the planning process—and the corresponding degree of optimistic bias. In a third observer motivation study, we constructed a set of ‘‘prediction dossiers,’’ each about a hypothetical actor participant (Buehler Griffin, 2009). Four different actor profiles were constructed which differed in terms of the individual’s typical task completion time relative to predictions (early vs. late) as well as the current completion estimate (early vs. late). As in the first two observer incentive studies, we manipulated whether or not observer participants were offered a monetary incentive for each day before deadline the apparently real task (an academic essay) was completed. Nota- bly, the previously documented effects of contingent incentives on predi- ction were not moderated by the profile information variables. In each case, the observers who stood to gain from an early completion time predicted the actor would finish earlier than did neutral observers. In addition, thought-listings indicated that the effect of incentives was mediated by the observers’ cognitive focus. Observers with an incentive predicted earlier completion times because they focused more exclusively on the actors’ optimistic plans, and relatively less on the actors’ previous lateness or the potential obstacles they could encounter. Taken together, these studies provide strong and consistent evidence that directional motivation both increases the relative focus on the inside versus the outside view, and accentuates the tendency to create a positively biased inside view, as indexed by a narrow focus on plans for success and a concomitant neglect of possible obstacles and interruptions. Notable is the demonstration that even observers, who are usually less caught up in the inside perspective than actors, can be made to ‘‘see’’ the world like actors when they are motivated to hope for a short completion time. 5.3. Perspective(s) and the planning fallacy Our work on motivation, described in the previous section, extends the classic model of the planning fallacy by illustrating the important role of motivation in altering the cognitive processes of prediction. The work also touches upon two other important themes that are emphasized in our extended model: first, that people who view the same future project from The Planning Fallacy 31
  • 32. different vantage points (e.g., an actor vs. observer perspective) can arrive at very different conclusions, and second that even people who take an inside view can vary markedly in the kinds of scenarios they construct (e.g., the relative focus on plans vs. obstacles) and these variations within the inside view can translate into different predictions. We take up each of these themes further in this section by exploring variations in perspective or vantage point that may influence the kinds of mental scenarios that people construct. 5.3.1. First-person versus third-person imagery perspective As people imagine themselves carrying out a future project they often generate visual imagery (Atance O’Neill, 2001; Marks, 1999) and gener- ally adopt one of two visual perspectives (Libby Eibach, 2002, 2009; Pronin Ross, 2006). People who adopt a first-person perspective see the project unfolding as if they were actually carrying it out. People who adopt a third-person perspective see the events from an observer’s visual perspec- tive; in their mental image, they see themselves as part of the field of view, embedded in their surroundings. A defining attribute of a third-person perspective is that individuals can ‘‘see themselves’’ acting, much like an onlooker would. At a metaphorical level at least, the two visual perspectives appear to map onto the inside and outside approaches to project prediction. Furthermore, research on imagery perspective in a variety of domains suggests two reasons why third-person imagery may interfere with the cognitive and motivational processes that typically result in optimistic bias. First, imagery perspective may affect people’s cognitive approach to predic- tion. Adopting a third-person perspective elicits cognitive processes that are more similar to those found in neutral observers than in actors (Frank Gilovich, 1989; Pronin Ross, 2006; Robinson Swanson, 1993). Robinson and Swanson (1993) proposed that the first- and third-person perspectives activate cognitive processes typically associated with the corresponding roles of actor and observer. For example, whereas observers typically try to understand why a person is acting in a particular way, actors are actively engaged in goal pursuit and thus focus on plans for accomplish- ing their goals. Along similar lines, research on attribution has found that individuals prompted to recall or imagine an event from a third-person perspective make attributions that more closely resemble those typically made by observers than those made by actors (Frank Gilovich, 1989; Pronin Ross, 2006). Thus, people who imagine an upcoming task from the third-person perspective may be less inclined to focus on plans and more inclined to consider potential obstacles, and as a result would generate more realistic predictions. Second, imagery perspective may alter the salience and intensity of people’s emotional engagement with a target outcome. People tend to experience stronger affective involvement with an event when they 32 Roger Buehler et al.
  • 33. generate first-person, rather than third-person, imagery (Kross et al., 2005; Lorenz Neisser, 1985; McIsaac Eich, 2002; Pronin Ross, 2006; Robinson Swanson, 1993). For example, in first-person memories, people report rich accounts of the affective reactions, physical sensations, and psychological states they experienced during the event (McIsaac Eich, 2002; Robinson Swanson, 1993). People who adopt a third-person perspective remain relatively dispassionate, objective, and removed. In the realm of planning and prediction, then, task-relevant feelings and motives (such as the motivation to finish a task at the desired time) may be less vivid and cognitively available to people who imagine the task from the third- person perspective, and hence this perspective may be relatively immune from the additional bias associated with motivated inference. We recently conducted several experiments to explore the effects of people’s imagery perspective as they envision an upcoming task (Buehler et al., 2010b). The first two studies tested whether differences in imagery perspective are indeed linked to the degree of bias in task completion predictions. Participants first nominated a project they intended to complete in the coming weeks, and were then instructed to visualize the project unfolding: ‘‘Try to picture in your mind how the project is likely to unfold, including details such as when, where, and how it will be done. For example, you could picture the steps you will take to complete the project. You could think of potential problems, interruptions, or distractions that may arise and how these would affect you. Make an effort to really ‘‘see’’ how the project is likely to unfold.’’ In the initial study, participants then reported whether they had adopted primarily a first-person perspective (i.e., seeing the events through their own eyes, just as they would when they were actually occurring) or a third-person perspective (i.e., seeing them- selves and their surroundings, just as an onlooker would). Approximately, two-thirds of participants reported adopting first-person imagery and one- third reported third-person imagery. In the next study, imagery perspective was randomly assigned: participants were instructed to adopt either the first- person or third-person perspective as they visualized the target project. Immediately after the visualization procedure, participants predicted when the project would most likely be finished and later reported their actual completion times in an e-mail survey. Both studies yielded a very similar pattern of results. Overall, predicted completion times were significantly shorter than actual completion times, indicating that, as usual, participants tended to underestimate how long their projects would take to complete. However, the degree of optimistic bias in prediction was related to whether participants had generated third-person or first-person imagery. Participants predicted they would take significantly longer to finish their tasks when they generated third-person rather than first-person imagery. Actual completion times did not differ across condi- tions, however, and thus the bias was reduced by third-person imagery. The Planning Fallacy 33
  • 34. Indeed, there was no optimistic prediction bias in the participants instructed to adopt a third-person perspective. The next study again manipulated imagery perspective and also intro- duced measures to assess the focus of participants’ thoughts (plans vs. obstacles) as well as their motivation to complete the task promptly. The study also introduced a control condition (in which participants were not assigned to a specified perspective) to locate the effects of visual perspective more precisely. As expected, participants predicted they would take signifi- cantly longer to finish the project in the third-person than in the first-person condition. Predictions in the control condition fell in between, and did not differ significantly from those in either manipulated condition. To examine the role of cognitive focus, coders rated the extent to which participants focused on their plans for successful task completion and, separately, the extent to which they focused on potential obstacles they might encounter. Comparisons across the conditions indicated that, as expected, participants focused less on future plans, and more on potential obstacles, in the third- person than in either the first-person or control condition. Furthermore, mediational analyses indicated that the effect of perspective (third-person vs. first-person) on prediction was mediated by the focus of participants’ thoughts as they generated predictions. Third-person imagery reduced the tendency to focus narrowly on plans and increased the likelihood of con- sidering obstacles, which, in turn, yielded longer completion predictions (see Fig. 1.8). In addition to assessing cognitive processes, we also explored the guiding role of motivation. Two items that were included to assess participants’ motivation to complete the task promptly indicated that, as hypothesized, participants experienced lower levels of motivation in the third-person con- dition than in either the first-person or the control condition. Apparently, –0.43* (–0.35*) –0.15 Third-person perspective Predicted days Focus on plans (vs. obstacles) –0.48* Figure 1.8 Focus on plans (vs. obstacles) as a mediator of the effects of visual perspective (third-person vs. first-person) on completion time predictions. The plan focus index was based on ratings of focus on plans minus ratings of focus on obstacles. Sobel z ¼ 2.98, *p 0.01 (Buehler et al., 2010b, Study 3). 34 Roger Buehler et al.
  • 35. third-person imagery served to dampen participants’ levels of motivationat the time of prediction. Additionally, third-person imagery appeared to reduce people’s tendency to base predictions on their feelings of motivation. Indivi- duals who were feeling more motivated to complete the task quickly predicted shorter completion times within the first-person condition (r ¼ .46, p 0.01) and control condition (r ¼ .38, p 0.05), but not within the third-person condition (r ¼ 0.10, ns). Similarly, regression analyses revealed a significant interaction between motivation and perspective indicating that motivation was a stronger determinant of predicted completion times in the first-person than in the third-person condition (see Fig. 1.9). Our final study in this series provided a fully experimental test of the motivation by perspective interaction—that is, we experimentally varied both the level of motivation to finish early as well as imagery perspective. Participants imagined a project completion scenario, in which their profes- sor had just given them a 15-page research essay due in 30 days. The scenario included a motivation manipulation: half of the participants were informed that, to encourage students to hand in the assignment promptly, the professor was offering one bonus mark for each day before the deadline the essay was submitted (high motivation condition), whereas the other 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Low High Motivation Predicted days First-person Control Third-person Figure 1.9 Predicted completiontime for self-selected project as a functionofmotivation to finish task and imagery perspective (Buehler et al., 2010b, Study 3). The Planning Fallacy 35
  • 36. participants were not informed of this incentive (low motivation condi- tion). Participants were asked to visualize, from the assigned perspective (first-person vs. third-person), the steps they would take to complete the assignment, and then to predict when the project would most likely be finished. The predicted completion times again revealed a perspective by motivation interaction. Within the first-person condition, participants pre- dicted they would finish much earlier in the high motivation condition than in the low motivation condition. Within the third-person condition, this effect of motivation was significantly attenuated. The results thus provide further evidence that imagery perspective alters the role of motivation in prediction. Taken together, then, the studies of visual perspective supported three guiding hypotheses about the effects of imagery perspective. First, people predicted longer completion times—and thus were less prone to bias— when they imagined an upcoming task from a third-person rather than a first-person perspective. Second, the effect of imagery perspective was mediated by people’s cognitive focus on plans versus obstacles at the time of prediction. Third-person imagery reduced people’s inclination to focus narrowly on optimistic plans, and increased their focus on potential obsta- cles. Finally, imagery perspective altered the role of task-relevant motiva- tion in prediction. People’s desire to finish an upcoming task promptly was reduced, and weighted less heavily, when they adopted a third-person rather than a first-person perspective. In essence, then, third-person imagery elicited predictions and underlying psychological processes that mimic those found previously in neutral observers (Buehler et al., 1994; Newby-Clark et al., 2000). 5.3.2. Temporal perspective In everyday life, people must generate task completion predictions at various points in time; for example, a homeowner might try to predict the time required for a renovation project months in advance (e.g., when booking the contractors) or when the work is about to begin (e.g., when arranging temporary lodging). Academic conference organizers often deliberately invite participants far in advance when the prospect of giving a talk seems a desirable and inviting chance to share knowledge and renew old friendships. More generally, perceived temporal distance influences the level of optimism for judgments and predictions in many other domains (Liberman et al., 2007). Thus, we have begun to examine whether, and how, the temporal distance to a future project influences people’s predic- tions of when it will be finished. According to temporal construal theory (TCT) (Liberman Trope, 1998; Trope Liberman, 2003), decreasing temporal distance enhances the tendency for forecasters to focus on concrete, specific representations of an event, whereas increasing temporal distance enhances the tendency for 36 Roger Buehler et al.
  • 37. forecasters to focus on high-level, abstract representations. For example, the same future project (e.g., completing a school assignment) in the far future will be construed at a high level of abstraction (e.g., pursuing educational goals) but in the immediate future will be construed at a low-level or concrete-level of abstraction (e.g., typing words on paper). High-level construals contain information about the central and abstract features of the event, but are schematic and decontextualized and hence do not contain incidental or peripheral details. In contrast, low-level construals contain more concrete, contextualized representations of the specific case at hand; they are rich in detail, including information about incidental or peripheral features of the event (Liberman et al., 2002). In the realm of planning and prediction, people’s thoughts about both the specific plans they hope to undertake and the specific obstacles they may encounter (e.g., problems with the task, competing demands for their time, changes in motivation, lack of skills or ability) may be heightened by temporal proximity. Studies on predictions in other domains have found that people become less optimistic and less confident in their predictions about an event as it draws near (e.g., Eyal et al., 2004; Gilovich et al., 1993; Savitsky et al., 1998); a plausible account for several of the findings is that potential obstacles become more salient as an event draws near. For exam- ple, Gilovich et al. (1993) found that students estimating their performance on several short experimental tasks (e.g., recalling nonsense syllables) were less confident and listed more possible reasons for failure when told they would complete the tasks immediately rather than later in the semester. Along similar lines, people appear to be more sensitive to competing demands on their time in the near future than in the distant future (Liberman Trope, 1998; Zauberman Lynch, 2005). These findings imply that forecasters may focus more on obstacles to task completion (e.g., problems, interruptions, competing demands) when thinking about a task that is closer in time. Although temporal proximity heightens people’s focus on potential obstacles, we postulate that it also increases the tendency to focus on specific, concrete plans for carrying out a task at a desired time. Plans are concrete in that they spell out the specific steps that will be taken to carry out the upcoming task; they require that people move beyond abstract, decontextualized representation of an event to consider features unique to the case at hand. According to this logic, temporal closeness should prime or make available concrete content of two different types, each with directly opposite implications for prediction. In the context of a specific prediction, situational factors may determine which of the two types of content is most prevalent, and thus determine the size and direction of temporal proximity effects on prediction. In circumstances where people are aware of or concerned about obstacles they might encounter, temporal proximity may accentuate these concerns, thereby resulting in less optimistic predictions. The Planning Fallacy 37
  • 38. In circumstances where people are already inclined to focus on developing plans for success, with little concern about feasibility, temporal proximity will strengthen the plan-based approach to prediction. Our initial studies in this area (Peetz et al., 2010) find support for the general pattern expected following TCT: people generate more optimistic predictions when tasks are further in the future. For example, in an experi- mental study, individuals predicted when they would finish the gift shop- ping they planned to do for the upcoming Christmas holiday. All participants came into the lab in October and provided their shopping list. However, participants were then randomly assigned to make their predic- tions immediately (for predictions made 3 months in advance of Christmas day) or in a subsequent questionnaire session 6 weeks later (for predictions made only 3 weeks in advance of Christmas day). Consistent with the classic planning fallacy pattern, participants predicted they would finish their nominated shopping earlier than they had typically completed their shop- ping in previous years, but did not finish any earlier than in the past. Most relevant to our present questions, participants in the temporally distant condition predicted that they would finish their holiday shopping signifi- cantly earlier than those asked closer to the holiday; because the two groups did not differ in when they actually completed their shopping, the distant predictions were more optimistically biased than the close predictions. Of course this pattern could stem in part from differences in the time available to carry out the shopping; however, in studies described below we have replicated the effect of temporal proximity to a future task while controlling for the time available to carry it out. Thought focus measures shed further light on cognitive processes underlying the effect of temporal proximity on participants’ shopping predictions. Participants’ open-ended thought-lists were coded for refer- ences to concrete obstacles (e.g., I figure with being in school I won’t have much time to plan or go out and buy any gifts. So I gave myself some time once I have completed all my exams to go out and buy them.) and to concrete plans (e.g., I will go to a couple different malls in the area to look around). Perhaps in recognition of the challenges of the holiday season, thought-listings revealed a moderate focus on potential obstacles—indeed, there were slightly more references to obstacles than to concrete plans. Although this pattern may seem somewhat surprising, given that many previous studies have found little focus on potential obstacles, the effects of this focus on obstacles were clearly consistent with our theorizing. People mentioned potential obstacles more frequently in the close condition than in the distant condition, and a greater focus on obstacles, in turn, led people to predict later completion (see Fig. 1.10). Thus, the impact of temporal proximity on prediction was mediated, at least partially, by the degree of focus on potential obstacles. 38 Roger Buehler et al.