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:First rren .9Lmenaments to tfie Constitl!tion
.9Lmentfment 1.

Congress snaff ma/(r IW (au) respecting an
esta6fisnmtnt of refigion, or prolii6itillg tnc free ei{!rc.ise tliereof; or
a6riaging tne frw{om of speun, or of tfle pre..<s; or tne rignt of tne
peopft peacI!a6fy to a.ssem6{.:, am! to petition tn.c goven/ment for a
rWrs.< ofgrievances.

.9lmenament 11. .51 weff.regl.lfaua mifitia 6eing necessary to
tnt securi1y of a.ftu state, Iii.: rignt (If tnt pcopfe to k!ep ant! 6ear
sliaf[ not 6e infriJrgetf.


.9lmenament JI J.

'J{g soWer sna{f, illtimt of pwa, he
quartered in anyliouse, witMut tnt c,l7l$ent of Ille owner, liar ill
time of 111ar, 6uI ill a nlll7111er to be presc.ri[m( 6y (aw.

.9lmenament 10/. 'lfre rignt of tf/C peop(e t.o De secure in tli.l!ir
perSOll$, fwuses, paper.>, and ~ffects against ullrea.<()1raf,(e searc.fies
and seizures shaff not De vio{atetl, alia 110 111arratl Is snaf{ issue,
611 I UpOIl pr06a6{e cau..<e, supportetf b!1 oath or affirmatioll, all/l
partiel/larfy aescri6ing tfie pface to De searc.fietl, ana tnt persoll$ or
tnillgs 10 6e .<eiz.e<f.

rife, {werty, or property, 1l1it(Wllt aue process of {aw; Iwr .-na(t private.
property De taK!1l for pubric use, 7vitliout just compellSatioll.

.9lmentfrnent 0/1. h I af( criminal prosecuti(llls the acc.user!
sha(l enjoy Iii.: rigfu to a SpU.dy alit! puMic I rial, hy au impartin{
jury of tIle stale and ,{i..<triC.1 ulfr~rein tlie crime slia[{ nave Geell
commit uri" whicli aistriel shafl liave 6ml previolls{y a.'eer/air/cd 6y
{aul, MId to 6e ilrfonnu{ of tne lIatun: ani cause of tfit accusation;
to 6e confrolltetf with tile Ivitne..<.<~ 'tqaill$t nim; to (ta.tle complllsory
process for 06taill-ing uJitnesse..< in fri..; fav,) r, ant! to nave tlie
assi..,talrce of counse(for (lis rkjulSe.
J1.menarnent 0/11.

In stlits at comllwn raw, wllere tfre
vafue irr colltroversy sftaf£ ex..ced t711tllty a,,(far.', tne right of trial hy
jury .>/ia!( he prtsenJed, alld 110 fact trW{ v!J ajury sfta!! 6e otlieruJise
re-e.tamiuea ill allY court of the Vnitd StlItes, Iftall acconWltJ /0 tfie
of Ifte common (mil.


.9Lmencfment 0/1II. 'U:!:i..»"i.w bail shalf /lot he required, lIor
e:(j:u.<ive fines imposer£, 1I0r cruel and ulluSUal pWIi.~lIltrertt.< illJfictea.

.9Lmenament 0/. 'J.& pmo" sfrafl Vf nefd to atlSWtr f or a


rnpita{, or otfrerwise irifamoll..< crime, IlII{tSS on a presentmtnt or
illdictllWlt of a grand jllry, e-tupl ill cases arising iu tlie (ana or
rlf/Va{forces, or ill tlie militia, Uifwl ill actual semee ill time of 111ar
or pl/f,fic aangm nor .i!ia({ any persoll 6e .>u6ject for tfle sa7ltt offense
to b~ twia put in jwpartftJ (If tife or fim6i /Wf Shaff he compef(ea ilr
(/fry crimina( <'rue to a witness agaillSt nimsefj; 1I0r he deprivea of

J1.mendment X. 'l1ie powers /Wt rfelegaterf to tile 'llttit-d
Staus 6y tlie. COII.,titutUm, nor profti6iterf by it 1 t(Ul Slates, are
reservea /0 tfte statts lYspecrivefy, or to tlit peopk.


'l1ie enumuatum in tfre COII..<tlturiOIl, of
urtaih riglits, sfrafl /WI 6, COIIStmeri to aellY or rf.i.<parage olner.<
retaillerf by tli.: peop(e.


Vol. 29, No. 19

October 7, 2013


10 The New Age of Surveillance
b)'joe Wohlerlon J/.j.D. - Mille some Americans have claimed
U.S. government surveillance of Americans is innocuous, others have
equaled it i~l the i.n!anlOus Easl Gennan Stasi. Actually, irs worse.

17 The NSA Domestic Surveillance Lie
1lcn accusations of $p),wg on Americans
were firs! leveled al the NSA, (he government claimed there was no
illicit spying. l1letl it had 10 backtrack again and again.

b)' Tbomos R. Eddle7IJ -


21 The Slippery Slope to Pedophilia
by Selwyn Duke - It is unlikely Illal many Americans now believe
Ihat pedophilia will soon be accepted in this counllY bm it is riding
Ihe S<lme lmck 10 respectability as did homosexual "marriage."

27 Levin's Risky Proposal:
A Constitutional Convention
by l£my Gre.enley - Mark LC1n's Ilew book, Tile Liber~v
Amendments, whjch calls for an Article Vconstitutional convention,

ignores Ibe very real risks of harmful changes 0 the Constilution.

35 NSA Spying: It Didn't Start With 9/11
Jack Kem~)I -

The N an enornJOUS agency created 10 coUecl
and analyze intelligence on foreign threats, {ailed 10 SlOp 91 [I and
now spies on Americ:Uls. Has it oUllived its usefulness?


44 Syria, Obama, Putin, and the UN

lVillimn F. jasper

5 Letters to the Editor

33 The Goodness of America

7 Inside Track

40 Exercising the Right

9 QuickQuotes

41 Correction, Please!
COVER Design by Joseph w. Kelly

Why Attack Syria?
How is it (hat the death of 400 children in
Damascus, caused by parties yet undetermined. is being used as a justification to
further devastate war-torn Syria. yet the
death of 500.000, yes a half-million. Iraqi
children , owi ng to malnutrition caused by
the U.S.-enforced embargo aild economic
sanctions of their country during President Clinton's administration. has raised
hardly an eyebrow? (When asked about
the death of the 500.000. Madeleine Albright, Clinton's secretary of ~tate, said,
"It was worth 11.")
Mightn't we bener do un to oursel ves, firs!,
what we intend to do (or have done) unto
others. perhaps starting by carpet-bombing
our military installations in Arizona, South
Carolina, and suburban D.C .. so tbat their
residenls might fully enjoy that which their
elected congressmen advocate?
Simultaneously. along with that destruction, wouldn't it be poetic for our chief executive to publicly recite Mark Twain's "War
Prayer" to accompany "the bombs bursting
in air"?
tn tbe eyes of our president. his circle of
advi sors, and their supporting talk-show
hosts. how many ton s of bombs must be
dropped on a foreign country to re-establish
so-called American credibility?
Would cluster. whjte phosphorous, and napalm bombs count for extra points?

Golden Colorado
The problem regarding the Syrian debate
stems from the fact that offici al America
has had an Empire mentality for over 200
years. Ever sillce the beginning of the "War
of 1812," where it goal was to annex Canada.
our Republic has tloundered in dreams of
conquest and expansion of influence. They
called it "Manifest Destiny." We should not
be surplised that this megalomania continues
to this day.
Empires alway have more " interests"
than protecting the people of their own
countries, Wby should Americans then cry
because U.S. presidents behave like emperors - that 's what 3Jl empire can expect!
Unaccoulltable tyran ts start illegal and unjust wars to conquer and control. always
using some excuse such as "national security; ' even creating "false flag" operations
if necessary, to frighten their citizens into

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Tyrants also abuse their own people
by meddling ill pers onal affairs s uch a
" health care," plundering the populace
to pay for their arrogance. Claiming to
know what is best for everyone, down to
the most minul~ detail. they impose rules,
regulations, and unju st hindrances to free
enterprise. (Why, it takes I I government
permit to operale a Taco Bell store). The
underl ying ro ot causes for seeking Empire
are lus t, greed, inordinate ambition, and
blood lust.
Things I 'ill not change unlil American~
from all 50 overeign republics wake up
and reali ze the USA has been the aggressor around the world for mnny, many years,
either directl y or by provoking attacks in
order to war. The only truly just war
we ever fought was for our independence
from England_
The current , ilUalion in Syria i~ a perfect exam.ple o f our meddli ng. Whe n VillI
we learn to mind our own bu siness, protect our 0 n people and borders, aod make
policie and law. that e ncourage trul y free
enterpri e and the possibility that all who
wi sh to work and produce value are left to
dec ide what i best for their own dearest
intere t o?

Houston. Texas

Superstate Victims
fn addition to the Snowden and M anning
ca es, the ongoing persecution of Michael
N CI must be publicized. He is the soldier
who refused to pledge allegiance to the United Nations and to wear UN insignia in 1993,
ioasmuch as it would con.tlict with his sworn
allegiance to the United Slates. One cannot

serve two masters.
The U.S. Constitution does not allow the
president to delegate allegi ance of armed
force s to another entity such as the UN ,
which is itse.lf nO( even a govern menl.
New was jailed. and his case continues.
See for details. Appeal was recently filed.

Woodland Hills, California
Send your letters to: THE NEW ~"IERlC N. P.O.
Box 8040. Appleton, WI 54912. Or e-mail:
editorial@thenel"· Due to volume received, not all lellers call be an, wered.
Letters may be edited for space and clarity.



Chinese State-owned Company Purchases Smithfield Foods
On September 6, the U.S. Committee on Foreign [nvestment approved a deal valued at approximately $7.1 billion allowing China's Shuanghui International Holdings Ltd. (Shuanghui Group)
to officially take ownership of Smithfield, Virginia-based Smithfield Foods Inc., the world's largest pork producer. Shuanghui
had already purchased all of Smithfield's stock back in May for
approximately $4.72 billion. "The deal, which would be the biggest purchase of a U.S. company by a Chinese firm. still needs
shareholder approval at a special meeting scheduled for September 24," according to Reuters. Shuanghui announced that Smithfield would be listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange after the
takeover was complete.
One thing that Reuters and other Western media fail 10 mentJOn is that Shuanghui International Holdings is controlled by the
Communist Pany of China.
In various English-language sources geared to readers in the
West, Shuanghui International Holdings is presented as a private
corporation. For example, the English version of the Wikipedia
page for Shuangbui list the company as "private with public subsidiary:' However. the Chinese-language version of Shuanghui's
Wikipedia page says the opposite, identifying the company as a
"state-owned enterprise."
Translated into English , the official Mandarin website for
Shuanghui provides a biography of Shuanghui Chairman Wan
Long that identifies hjm as a member of tbe Communist Party

of China. a former soldier in the People's Liberation Anny, and
representative to the Ninth and Tenth National People's Congress.
which is the unicameral legislative body of the People's Republic
of China. In the official international' version of the company website,.Wan Long's biography conveniently omitS any mention of his
membership in the Communist Parry, service in the military. and
terms as a representative to the National People's Congress.
As the United States and Cbina proceed to work out a bilateral
investment treaty that would enable more Chinese state-owned
enterprises to openly purchase American companies, this acquisition of Smithfield Foods by Shuaughui serves as a preview of
what could eventually be the norm.

Australia Reining In Climate Schemes After Voters Reject Carbon Tax
rn tbe wake of a crushing defeat September 7 for the climate
alarmism-promoting Australian Labor Party, which imposed the
deeply unpopular and expensive "carbon tax" credited by analysts for the conservative coalition's victory. authorities in Australia are preparing to dismantle and consolidate the· myriad globalwarming scheme-s spawned under the previous government.
Ac ording to Australian news reports. the government' vast
anti-carbon climate apparatus currently consists of more than 30
programs under seven departments and eight agencies. Under the
newly elected center-right coalition, the sprawling machine is set
to b reined in significantly, saving taxpayers over $40 million
in four years by collapsing the various schemes into just three
entilies run by two departments, The restructuring of the federal
climate regime was announced to government employees before

the election - widely viewed as a referendum on the carbon
tax - and a spokesman for the new coalition confi.rmed that the
plan was still on track,
Cjmate realists say that the entire global-warming behemoth
ought to be axe.d entirely - especially considering recent developments that experts say bave thoroughly debunked the United Nation" warming theories and wildly il13ccurate computer
models. However. as THE NEW AJ'..IERICAN repol1ed September 9
after the Australian election, there are a number of obstacles to
shulling down the costly climate schemes, including incoming
Prime Minister Tony Abbott s waffling on "cl imate is ues" and
resistance to scmpping the carbon tax in the Senate. Still, even
though the costly climate-alarmism schemes will not be entirely
abolished, Abbott and his coalition appear determined [0 scrap
!Jle carbon tax at least.
Of course, countless bureaucrats and self-styled "expens" whose jobs depend on perpetuating climate alarmism
are fighting back against the will of voters. Despite the wdlknown fact that human emis ions of carbon dioxide make up
just a fraction of one percent of the greenhouse gasses present
naturally in the atmosphere. supporters of man-made globalwam1ing theories insist that humanity must. under UN guidance, destroy the economy to reduce emissions and stave off
alleged disaster. Whether Australia wi II comply remains to
be seen , but it is looking less likely after the latest election.
-------------- TRACK
Wisconsin Law Restricting Government Unions Upheld Again

A popular Wisconsin law aimed at ending the stranglehold of
goverlllTIent-employee unions over taxpayers and workers was
upheld September II by a federal judge. who ruled that the 2011
"Act I 0" reform measures championed by Republican Governor
Scon Walker did not violate the First Amendment or equal-protection rights of Big Labor. It wa the second major victory for
the law in federal courts so far.
In his September II ruling. U.S. District Judge William Conley
explained that the First Amendment does indeed protect the right

to free speech and associ at jon of government worker. Wisconsin's law, however, did not violate those rights, and the Constitution does not purport to grant any so-called collec(jve bargaining
privileges. "'Whatever rights public c'1lployees have to associate
and p~ti-,ion their public employers on wage and conditions of
employment. this right ceminl), does not corupe l the employer
to Iisren." he wrote in his decision to reject the law uit filed by
two public-sector unions.
Big Labor and its attomeys. predictably, were outraged by the
latest court decision. Kat)' Lounsbury, one of the lawyers representing government-employee unions in (he case. slammed the
rulUlg as "just wrong." According to media reports. the attorneys
will be consulting with union bosses before deciding whether or
not to appeal the court's finding that the law is contitutional.
The national implications of the ongoing baUle are one of the
key reasons that analysts say unions across America have been
frantically fighting the Wisconsin law. After it  a approved,
for example, Big Labor and its allies sought to recall Governor
Walker and .~ome fellow Republicans in the legi slature, prompting huge spending sprees by organizations and unions nationwide. In the end, (he GOP governor survived the  ell-funded
challenge. setting the stage for other leaders to pur~ ue desperately
need.ed reforms. However, as the lawsuits continue. the baule is
far from finished.

Federal Judge Dismisses Atheists' Lawsuit Against "In God We Trust"
A federal judge in New York State has di smissed a lawsuit filed
by a group of atheists demanding that '1n God We Trust" be
removed from America's currency. In his September 9 decision,
Judge Harold Baer, Jr. ruled that the presence of the national
mono on coins and paper money had not created a "substan(ial burden" on the athei sts and humanist involved in the suit.
which was filed by members of the New York City Atheists and
the Freedom From Religion Foundation.
"While Plaintiffs may be inconvenienced or offended by the

appearance of the motto on currency." wrote Baer. "these burdens are a far cry from the coercion, penalty. or denial of benefits required under the ' substantial burden' standard."
BaeT Doted that in the federal judiciary 's extensive history
of hearing cases on the con stitutionality of the. national motto,
judges have considered whether ils presence on cunency tends
to advance religion and whether it represent ' an excessive government entanglement with religion. He added tbat every circuit
comt "that bas considered the issue found no EstabLi shment
Clause violation in the motto's placement on currency. finding ceremonial or ecular purposes and
no religious effect or endorsement."
The American Center for La and Justice (ACLJ)
provided an amicus brief in the case in defense of the
national motto, pointing out that the wording "simply echoes the principle found in the Declaration
of Independence that our freedom s come from God
and not the state. The nationa l mono was adopted
for the express purpose of reaffirming America's
unique understanding of thi s truth .... The Establishment Clause was never intended as a guarantee that
a per on will not be exposed to religion or religious
symbols on public property, and the Supreme Court
has rejected previous attempts to eradicate all symbols of this country ' s religious heritage from the
public's view," •
The Path to a "Big War"
"Once we hit, this is an act of war. Little wars start big wars, and
we have to remember that.'·
Interviewed on Meet the Press, Congressman Michael McCaul (RTexas) is the c/l(lirmon of the HOllse Homeland Secllrity Committee.

Ft. Hood Killer Not a Martyr
"Don't be fooled. He is not giving his life. We are taking his life.
This is not his gift to God. This is his debt to society."'
Lead prosecutor Colonel Michael Milligan loldju/"Ors nol to consider Nidal Malik Hasan's death for
the 2009 crime of killing 13 unanned people nn ael afmartyrdom. Thejury look little time to sentence
him 10 death by lethal injection.

Egypt's Government Seeking to Cripple Power of Muslim Brotherhood
··[The move to prosecute former president Mohamed Morsi] is an attempl to paralyze the Brorberhood
and affect its lIctivism. ll·s very symbulic, a pulitic<ll muve by the state against the Brotherhuud."
All expert 011 Middle Easl l slamisl movemellts, Khalil al-Anani of the Washington-based Middle East
Instilllte commented after Egypt's chief prosecutor ordered Marsi 10 stand trialfor inciting murder.

Not the i'World's Policeman"
"We are not !.he world's policeman, nor its judge and jury. Our
own needs in America are great, and they should come tiTSt.'·
Resisting the cry 10 arrack Syria, Congressman Alan Grayson
(D-Fla.). a progressive Democrat, expressed the view of malI}

Food stamps Cost Soaring
"Spending on food stamps has mushroomed from $35 billion in
2007 to $63 billion. Tn an average mon·th, nearly 48 million people
- one in seven U.S. residents - receive [this type of] benefits."
In her Washington POSt Colllllln about this mushrooming a·elfare
program, columnist Ruth Marcos complained about GOP efforTS 10 cut the program.

Syrian Refugee Total Continues to Grow
"The number of Syrian refugees passed the threshold of two million. with no sign of this tragic outflow
A Sl'.plemher 3 rp.pnrt fmm Th e United Nations' Refugee Agency I7Dtp.d that mort' than a millioll oftha!:t>
fleeing rh e civil war are children under 17 years of age.

One Man's Perspective About the Syrian Crisis
"In one of tho e curious turns of history, an ugly bloody. litde conflict in an always fragile, volatile,
artificial nahon-state crea(ed in the last gasps of European colonialism is now determining the world's
immediate fOr1mes."
Writingfor the American Cellterfor Democracy, Sol Sanders believes That the Syrian conflict has good
potential for escalation inTO a world conflict.

President Obama Urged to be
More Outspoken About Racial incidents
" I think that [the Zimmerman acquittal] will be
seen as a questionable judgment on the pan of the
judicial system down (here, but I don't know if it
witl have staying power."
Claiming Ihat the president should "·speak OUl,' ·
former Secretary of Stare Colin Powell said that
Obama should be '·more pa ssionate " aboUT the
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While some Americans have claimed U.S. government surveillance of Americans is innocuous,
others have equated it with the infamous East German Stasi. Actually, it's worse.
by Joe Wolverton
n an interview in June with a German
television tation, German President
Joachim Gauck said the surveillance
conducted by the National Security Agency ( SA) was nOI comparable to that conducted by the Stasi - the infamous East
German Ministry for State Security - be-


6 6 16 10



cau e "it is not like it was with the Stasi
and the KGB - that there exist big filing
cabinets in which aJl the content of our
conversations are written down and nicely
filed. This is not the case."
Gauck is right. The NSA is nothing like
the Stasi because the East German secret
police relied on uch lhing. a typewriters.
carbon copies. handwritten transcriptions

of phone conversations, agents listening
through doors and rudimentary bugging
devices. and the aforementioned fi ling
cabinets. The SA. on the other hand, can
apparently monitor electronically - in
real lime - every word of every phone
call. every text me sage, every social
media post. every website visited, and
every form of electronic communication.


'2' .Ot

How much data is being collected by
the NSA? William Binney, a former NSA
technical director turned whistleblower,
estimates that the newly completed NSA
Utah Data Center "will be able to handle
and process five zettabytes of data," In a
story quoting Binney's claim. National
Public Radio repons that a zettabytc is
equal to "the amount of data that would
fill 250 billion DVDs:'
Back to those bulging Stasi filing cabinets. Imagine that a typical fi ling cabinet
with 60 files of 30 pages per file takes up
about 4,3 square feet of space, Each 30page tile would equal roughly 120 MB of
data, Given the amount of storage available to the NSA in its Utah location, if
all the data stored there were printed and
stored in traditional filing cabinets, those
cabinets would occupy nearly 6,6 million
square miles!
Nothing like the Sla~i, indeed,

Secret Police Minus
the Police Powers
Is there any clearer lens through which to
vicw the future than the past? Is not the
United States of2013 eerily and tragically
traveling along a similar trajectory to that
followed by the formerly free Germans
and the communi st Stasi that ultimately
deprived them of their libenies?
In de cribing the growth and survival of
the East German surveillance state and the
Stasi' activities that undergirded it. Scott
Horton wrote that Eas t Germany was a
country "in whicb the power and authority
of the intelligence services to spy on their
own citizens rested on an elaborate network of laws that empowered surveillance
and eroded the rights of citizens specified
in the country 's constitution,"
Again, the Stasi and lhe Cold War communi t East German regime had nothing
on the NSA and 21 t-century America,
From the enactment of tile Patriot Act
to the renewal of Ule Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Act amendments. Congre s
after Congress and consecutive presidents

have usurped powers the scope of
which are unknown i.n the written
record of government.
Before launching into a report
on the myriad methods being
used by our own federal government to keep us under the
constant vigilance of its neVerblinking eye. the reader needs
to have in the front of hi mind
the standard to which the federal
government mUSt be held,
The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution mandates:
The right of the people to be ecure in
their persons, houses. papers, and effects , against llnreasonable earches
and seizures, shall not be violated.
and no warrants shall issue. but upon
probable cause, supponed b_ oath or
affmnarion. and part icularly de cribing the place to be searched. and the
persons or things to be seized ,
Recent events demonstrate that for over a
decade. ollr elected reprc· cntativ (and
the courts, for that matter) have di regarded the Constitution and built a domestic
spy that bears no re emblance
whatsoever to the blueprint provided by
our Founding Fathers in the Con tlfUlion.

Throwing a Wrench Into the Works
On August I. fonner low-level networking
subcontractor Edward Snowden entered
Russian territory.



a I,

Russian President Vladimir Putin permitted Snowden to take up temporary
residence in Russia, At home, President
Obama charged the young man with espionage. a curiou ' charge given that even the
president admits there is no evidence that
Snowden transferred any sensitive information to a foreign government. an essential element of the crime he is accused of
cOllunitling. No maner. President Obama
is not known for hewing to the Constitution or the law,
The cache of document Snowden
hold, was leaked to the Washingtoll POSI
and to The Guardian (U ,K.) and contai ns
compell ing evidence of the SA's wholeaJe violation of the Fourth Amendment
through the dragnet surveillance of phone
records and monitoring of Internet traffic.
With tbe as istance of Glen Greenwald
of The Guardia/!, Snowden has leaked
one constitutional violation after another
committed by the NSA, All of wbich, it
must be understood, was done with the
cooperation of the pre ident , the Con-

Edward Snowden, an employee of an
NSA subcontractor, leaked a cache of
documents containing compelling evidence
of the NSA's wholesale violation of the
Fou rth Amendment through the dragnet
surveillance of phone records of millions of
innocent Americans .




6 6 16 10
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records on an "ongoing daily
basis" and to hand over to (he
Accoriting to,~~a;courtorder labeled
domestic spy agency "an elec-)'-/':'~I:";
"iTOP. SECRElf.':rederal judge Roger
tronic copy" of "all call detail
records created by Verizon for
Vinson order~'~iVeriZDn to turn over the
communications (i) between the
of its U.S.
United States and abroad; or (ii)
wholly within Ine United States,
including local telephone calls."
This information includes the
gress, and the courts. The strength of the phone numbers involved. the electronic
evidence of collusion among the three identity of the device. the calling card numbranches of the federal government in the bers (if any) used in making the calls, and
de facto repeal of the Fourth Amendment the time and duration of the call.
In other words. millions of innocent
is overwhelming.
A mericans have had their call records
Tyranny Erected in Cyberspace
shared with a federal spy agency in open
Among the most disturbing disclo- and hostile defiance of the Founh Amendsures found within the reams of Edward ment"s guarantee of the right of the people
Snowden 's revelations was the surrender to be free from sllch unreasonable searchby major telecommunications companies es and seizures.
What is reasonable? Legally speaking_
of the otherwise private phone records of
millions of Americans - none of whom "the term reasonable is a generic and relawas, as required by the Constitution, sus- tive one and applies to !hat which is appropriate for a particular situation."
pected of committing any sort of crime.
According to a court order labeled
Even if the reasonableness threshold is
"TOP SECRET:' federal judge RogerVin- crossed, though. there must be a warrant
son ordered Veri zon to tum over the phone and suspicion of commjssion of or intent
records of millions of its U.S. customers to commit a crime. Neither the NSA nor
Veri zon ha. asserted that even one of the
to the NSA.
The order, iss ued in April by the U.S. miUions wbose phone records were seized
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court fits that description.
When contacted by THE NEW AMERIand leaked on the Internet by The Guardian , compels Verizon to provide these CAN , a spokesman for Verizon declined to

~h· ne re· or~
olll· c· d~s,;/of'millions
cu" oilll er· to 1tfe': N'SA.
st· m· sf.j,~

An order from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court compelled telecommunication
giant Verizon to provide the NSA with customer phone records on an "ongoing daily basis"
and to hand over "an electronic copy" of "all call detail records created by Verizon for
communications at home and abroad. "

comment on bis company 's compliance
with tbe order.
Such a demur is expected in light of the
provision of the order that prohibits Verizon, the FBI, or the SA from revealing
to the publ.ic - including the Verizon customers whose phone record now belong
to the Obama admini stration - that lhe
data is being given to the government.
Glen Greenwald of Th e Guardian details the data being seized by the NSA:
The information i classed a "metadata," or transactional information.
rather than commun icati on , and
so does not require individual warrants to access_ The document also
specifies that such " metadata" is not
limited to the aforementioned items.
A 2005 court ruling judged tbat cell
site location data - the neare t cell
tower a phone was connected to
- was also transactional data and
so could potentiall y fall under the
scope of the order.
While the order it.self does not in<.; Iude ei ther the conten Is of messages
or the persona) informat ion of tbe
subscriber of any par{jcular cell number. its collection would allow the
NSA to build easily a comprehensive
picture of who any indi vidual contacted, how and when. and possibly
from where, retrospectively.
Perhaps the most disturbing take-away
from the leak of this secret court document ordering Verizon to hand over customer call logs and other data to a federal surveillance agency is the fact that
the government considers the protections
of the Fourth Amendment to be nothing
more than a " parchment barrier" that is
easily tom through. The Obama administration regards tbe Constitution - as did
the Bush administration before it - as
advisory at best.
Of course, being a subcontractor in
the construction of the surveillance state
pays handsomel y. As reponed by THE
NEW A/o.·IERICAN. on August 16. Verizon
announced that it was awarded a 10-year.
$10 billion contract "to provide cloud and
hosting ervices" to Ihe U.S. Department
of the Interior.
Apparently. crimes against the Constitution pay. and they pay very well.


6 6 16 10 Rh 5

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U.S. governmental e ntities (includ ing
local , state and federal).

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According to tbe information Snowden
released, both companies that disclosed
govenU11ent surveillance requests - Facebook and Microsoft - were giving the
government access to the private information of millions of users .
They were not alone, however. Yahoo,
Google, PalTalk, AOL, Skype, YouTube.
and Apple all allowed the agents of the
federal surveillaJ1ce slate to secretly snoop
on their u ers.

Every Keystroke Recorded

Under a program code-named PRISM, the NSA and the FBI are "tapping directly into the central
servers of nine leading U.S. Internet companies, extracting alldio, video, photographs, e-mails.
documents and connection logs that enable analysts to track a person's movements and contacts
over time " reported the Washington Post.

Social Media Surveillance
Have you updated your Facebook or Twitter accounts lately? If so, the government
likely knows what you posted, when you
posted it. and who read what you wrote.
According to a statement posted on Facebook' website June 14, government agencies - including federal, stale, and local authorities - requested user data on between
18.000 and 19,000 account holders.
The remarkable disclosure of government requests for users' private information fo llows successful negotiations between Facebook and other tech giants and
the federal government.
Over the pas t few weeks, Facebook
Google, and other technology compani es
who were impl icated in the revelation s
of the covert NSA s urveillance program
known as PRISM have petitioned Lhe reds
to allow them to disclose their level of participation in surveillance· requests received
from govemment entitie .
Under PRISM. the NSA and the FBI are
" tapping directl y into the central server
of nine leading U. S. Internet companies.
extracting audio. video, photographs . emails. documents and connection logs that
enable analyst to track a person 's movement and contacts over time," as reported
by the Wa shington Post.
One document in the Snowden rev elations indicated that PRISM was " the

number one source of raw intelligence
used for NSA analytic repons." Snowden
claimed that the program was so invasive
that the NSA and the FBI "quite literally
can watch your ideas fonn as you type."
Most of these requests by the government are m,ade under (he authority of the
Forei gn Inte lligence Surveillance Act
(F1SA). Nor surpri singly, when Lhe govemment asks the pecial urveillance coun
to approve their s nooping. judges give
them the go-ahead .
iJl fact, in April , Lhe Department of Justice revealed to Congress the number of applications for eavesdropping received and
rejected by the FISA court: In 2012, of the
1,789 requests made by Lhe government to
monitor the electronic communications of
citizens, not a single one was rejected.
Followin g the negotiations that opened
the way for Facebook to report its coopera tion with requests to hand over user
information, Microsoft made a similar
surveillance di closure. A blog post on the
Redmond, Washington-based company 's
website declared:
For the six months e nded December

31 , 201 2. Microsoft received between 6,000 and 7.000 criminal and
national securi ty warrants, subpoenas
and orders affecting between 31.000
and 32,000 consumer accounts from

On July 31 Glen Greenwald publis hed another drip in the ocean of Snowden leaks.
Under a program known as "XKeyscore,"
the NSA monitors and records every email written by eve ry Ameri ca)) , again
without a warran t and -vilhoul probable
cause, in direct defiance of the Fourrh
Greenwald, after examining a PowerPoint presentation included in the information he received from Snowden. explained
the scope of XKeyscore: "One presentation ciajms the [XKey core) program coyers 'nearly everything a typical u er does
on the internet,' including the content of
emails. websitesv iitedandsearche . as
well as their metadata ." "Ana.lysL can al so
use XKeyscore and other ISA systems to
obtajn ongoing 'real-ti me ' interception of
an individual ' i.nternet activity:' he added.
How does it work? Greenwald expla ined that too: "An NSA tool called
DNI Presenter. used to read the content
of stored emails, a.l so enables an analyst
using X Keyscore to read the content of
Facebook chats or private messages. Analysts can also search by name, telephone
nu m ber. lP address, keywords. the language in which the internet activity wa..~
conducted or the type of browser used ."
It is important to note that XKey core
doesn'( record phone conversati ons. There
is evidence, however, that the NSA records
every one of those, as well , and stores the
coment in one of its many data warehou. es, such as the one in Utah that goes online
within weeks.
Of course, there is no doubt that mobile
phone conversations are being recorded.
The federal government i remot Iyactivating the microphones and cameras in

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6 6 16 10


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Android smartphones and Windows laptops, according to a report published by
the Wall Street Journal on August 3.
Citing a "former US official," the Journal says court documents reveal that the
FBI is using a variety of "hacking" tools
to ramp up the scope of the surveillance
of millions of Americans, keeping many
unwittingly under the watchful eye of
One of the lou mal's anonymous sources
described a pan of the FB I called the "Remote Operations Unit." Agents in this specialized ullit prefer. if possible, to install the
remote control software by uploading to the
target's computer using a USB flasb drive.
When the g-men-come-hackers can't get
access to the target's computer, they install
the surveillance soft.w3J:e over the Interne!

"usi ng a document or link that
loads software when the person clicks or views it."
It is not only possible for
the federal government to
listen to your conversations
using the microphone in
your Android' smartphone
and watch you while you sit
in your own home on your own computer,
but they do so regularly and can do so very
Purportedly, the FBI has been using
these methods of surveillance "for over a
decade." but their use has come to light
only recently by way of "court documents
and interviews" with people familiar with
the programs.

Is the NSA Policing Itself?
In what likely amounts to another middling
misdirection. on August 15 the Washington
reponed tba( aD internal audit of the
NSA revealed lhat the agency violated its
own privacy protection rule 2,776 times.
NSA Compliance Director John DeLong tried putting a positive spin on the
report. During a press conference on AuPOSI



gust 16, DeLong assured the media that
the NSA is not involved in " willful violations" of the law.
"People need to unders tand there's no
willful violations here," he ·aid. "We really
do look for them, detect them and correct
them." "No one at NSA, not me or anyone
else. thinks they are okay:' he added.
He additionally claimed that (he number of incidenlal violation s of privacy
laws is "minuscule ... a couple over the
past decade."
Minuscule or no!, why is such a disclosure irrelevam? Consider the following analysis published by Ron Paul on his
Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity website:
Though it made for sensational headlines last week. the 2,776 SA violations of its own intercept guidelines
over the course of one year are irrelevant. The millions and millions of
"authorized" intercepts of our communications are all illegal - except
for the very few earned out in pursuit
of a validly-i~sued search warrant in
accordance with the Fourth Amendment. That is the real story, Drawing
our attention to the violations unfortunately sends the message that the
"authorized"' spying on us is nothing
to be concerned about.

E-mail and Snail Mail

In a program known as XKeysc'ore, NSA agents use a 1001 called DNI Presenter to read in real
time the private Facebook chats and messages, and stored e-mail of users. Using this application.
agents can search these electronic records by name, IP address, keywords. etc.

The U.S. government is not content. to monitor your phone calls and your Internet activity; it's now reading your snail mail, too.
A story in the New York Times published
Wednesday. July 3, tells the story of Buffalo , New York , resident Leslie James
Pickering. Pickering repons that last September he noticed "something odd in his
mail": a "handwrirten card, apparently delivered by mistake. with instructions for
postal workers to pay special attention to
the lett ers and packages sent to his home,"
the Times story claims.
'rhe card - a picmre or which appears in
the Times story - appears to read: "Show
all mail to supv L
supervisorJ for copying
prior to going oUI on the street." Pickering's
name was written on the card, as well as the
word "'Confidential," written in green ink.
Apparently, Pickering was (he unwitting
target of a "longtime surveillance system"
the Times calls "mail covers."'


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It doesn't stop there. however. While
snail mail surveillance has been a (001 of
law enforcement for over 11 cenrury. (he program that targeted is called Mail
Isolation Control and Tracking. As pan of
this Slrveillance tactic. the "Postal Service
computers photograph the exterior of every
piece of paper maillha! is processed in the
United States - about 160 billion pieces
last year. It is not known how long the government saves the images."
When combined. the NSA and the
U.S. Postal Service can keep every fonn
of communication - electronic and conventional - under constant surveillance.
without probable cause.
A mail carrier's mistake led Buffalo, New York. resident Leslie James Pickering to discover the
U,S. Postal Service's long-running program of targeting people for monitoring and recording of
their surface mail. Details of the surveillance program reveal that the exterior of every piece of
mail is photographed by the Postal Service.

All Movements Are Monitored
Beyond the government 's ability to watch
and record every activity carried on in cyberspace. its capacity for keeping an eye
on (he real world comings and goings of
citizens is immensely more jarring and
less publicized.
The U.S. government exercises control
over a massive and technologically advanced camera-based surveillance system
that has the capacity to keep the urban population of this country under the watchful
eye of government 24 hours a day.
TrapWire is the name of this network of
camera, and other surveillance tools . Unlike other elements of the central government's cybersurveillance program. word
about TrapWire was not leaked by Obama
administration in ider . The detall of this
nearly unbelievable urveill ance scheme
were made public by WikiLeaks, the antisecrecy group founded by Julian Assange.
Exactly what is TrapWirc? According to
one de cription of the program. from the
online Ru ssia Today:

closed location to be aggregated
with other intelligence.
As with so ma ny of the federal government's unconstitutional efforts at placing
each and every citizen of the United States
under the never-blinking eye of those who
consider themselves our·caretakers. TrapWire is sold as being a necessary weapon
in the War on Terror.

Taxes as a Political Tool
Other departme n in the executive branch
have done
much to keep an e e on p<r
tential enemie of the stale as the _ SA.
albeit in their own di tinct manner.
Earlier thi s summer. it wa rep0l1ed by
many ouuets (including THE E, AMERICAN) that the IRS was persecuting Tea
Party and other conservative groups by
conducting intrusive and illegal investigations of these groups' applications for
501 (c)(4) tax-exempt status.
Although according to the White House
the discrimination ended in May 2012. on
August 9.2013. the Washington Examiner
reported that an unnamed IRS official testitIed in a closed-door hearing of the House
Way s and Means Committee that " the
agency is still targeting Tea Party groups ."
The implications of tlus abu e are incalculable. In a statement to THE NEW fuv[ERlCA • Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said. "The
power to audj t ha become a poLitical weapon. Nobody wants a government where the
taxing authoriry is used politicaJly."

Former enior intelligence ofIicials
have created a detailed surveillance
ystem more accurate thao modern
facial recognition technology - and
have in. tailed it across the US under
the radar of most Americans. according to mails hacked by Anonymous.
Every few second . data picked
up at surveillance points in major
citie and landmarks across the
United States are recorded digitally
on the spot. t.hen encrypted and instantaneously delivered to a fortified
central database center at an undis-

The use oftaxjng authority as a political
weapon was not confined to conflicts with
non-profit petitions.
In January. Christine O· Donnell. former
candidate for Joe Biden's fonner Senate
seat in Delaware. was informed that Delaware -tate officials had on everaJ occaion acee sed her fed eral tax records to
obtain potentially embarra ing information on a tax lien lhat wa first reported in
a new paper article.
The lien. it was di covered. w erroneou Iy filed. and lhe nooping was di covered.

During congres ional hearing on the
maner and on IRS cormption in general. a
spokesman for the IRS told Senator Chuck
Grassley (R-Iowa) that a Delaware state
investigator was given penni :ion to open
O'Donnell's IRS records.
Based on nothing more than a newspaper story. O'DonneH's political foes were
able to gain access to her very private tax.
information. Most Americans. it would
eem, would prefer that the infonnation
contained in their rRS tile would remain
private. The fact is. however. if an agent
of the government (state or federal) wan
to rifle through that file. rhe IRS require
very little in the way of probable cau e of
wrongdoing. Being a member of a group
whose politics don't jibe with the establishment is apparently sufficient ground
for this very invasive, illegaJ. and UDcon slitutional surveillance.
Despite the government' intrusion








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6 6 16 10 .
into Americans' private business, many
Americans dismiss its activities, saying.
"I've Done Nothing Wrong. Why Should
I Worry?" This is the question often put
to opponents of the federal government's
surveillance activity. Furthermore, many
Americans accept the surveillance state
with rationalizations such as: "The government is protecting us from terrorism.
so J think it's fine that they keep an eye
oUI for extremists. If they happen to listen
to my phone calls or read my email, that's
just the price we pay for ~afety:'
In lighT of the protection~ afforded by the
Fourth Amendment, these mentalities look
at the surveillance from the wrong angle.
Americans are endowed by their Creator with Ihe right to be free from unwarranted searches and seizures. When
the government takes away Ihe!;e rights,
then there is no liberty. regardles~ of pretexts and purposes put forth by the fedewl
While it's O1le that most Americans have
"done nothing wrong" criminally spealUng,
it is equally true that most of us have done
many embarrassing things that we would
prefer not to have put in a tile for future use
by political enemies - inside or outside the
government. What are these pO$sible peccadilloes? Think bad credit. poor scholastic
performance, Web surfing habits. sensitive
medical diagnoses, etc.
h is most important to remember that
there is no evidence that the government's
rna ive surveillance and deprivations of
rights has made us any safer. What. then. is
the tnle purpose of the surveillance?
It isn't security. Demanding freedom in
excbange for safety is the economy of tyrants. When the federal govemment - or
any government - robs citizens of their
basic civil rights. then that government has
become despotic by definition.
Benjamin Franklin said., "Any society
that  ould give up a lillIe liberty to gain
a little security will deserve neither and
lose bOlh:' President Oban1a, on the otber
hand, told Americans that we cannot have
a nation that is 100 percent safe and 100
percent private. To be safe. he say. ve
have to make hard choices.
He's right: We must choo e whether to
aJlow our constitutional rights to be subjected to daily diminution or to stand up
ruld demand that the totalitarianism end and
liberty be restored. The question is: How'?

6 6 16 10

Christine O'Donnell, former candidate for Joe Biden's former Senate seat in Delaware, was
informed that Delaware state officials had on several occasions accessed her federal tax
records to obtain potentially embarrassing information on a ta)( lien that was first reported in a
newspaper article.

Federalism Protects
Fundamental Freedom
One unwarranted wiretap. one unwarranted seizure of a phone record, one
search of records of an individual's digital communications is too many. If we
are a republic of laws, then the supreme
constitutional law of the land must be adhered to. The standard i not whether or
nOlthe spies or their bo ses think the deprivations are "okay." The standard is t.he
Constitution - for every issue, on every
occasion, with no exceptions. Anything
les than that is a step towru'd tyranny.
Taken together. the roster of snooping programs in use by the federal government places every American under
the threat of constant urveillance. The
courts. Congress. and the pre.sident have
formed an unholy alliance bent on obliterating the Constitution and establishing
a country where every citizen is a suspect
and is perpetually under the never-blinking eye of the government.
The establishment will likely continue construction of the surveillance umil
the entire country is being watched
around tbe clock and every monitored
activity is recorded
and made retrievable by agents who
will have a dossier
on every American .
The fight can yet
be won, tbough.
Americans can attack the sprav.ling

• • .,.••


surveillance stale on several fronts. First.
we must elect men and women to federal
office who will honor their oaths of office (0 preserve, protec!. and defend the
Constitution . Then , once in office. each
of them must be held immediately nccoulllable for each and every violation of
that oath.
Next. we must fill our state legislatures
with men and women who will refuse to
enforce any act of Ihe federal government
that exceeds the boundaries of its constitutionally granred powers. These lawmakers
must force the federal beast back inside its
constitutional cage and never accept even
a degree of deviation from the blueprint
drawn in Philadelphia in 1787.
Though the hour is late. there is still
hope , Beginning today, Americans can
refuse to re-elect any lawmaker who has
voted to fund the NSA or any olher federal agency wbose exislence is not specifically permitted by the Constitution.
We can unite, as our forefathers, in the
ennobling cause of the end of tyranny and
the promotion of those unalienable rights
granted to us - and revocable only - by
our Creator. •
')OI ,H~!lO'


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STORy .......

The NSA Domestic Surveil ance Lie
When accusations of spying on Americans were first leveled at the ~SA, the government
claimed there was no illicit spying. Then it had to backtrack again and again.
try was strictly limited to likely terrorists
- people that couns ruled to be dangerous
based on the available evidence. Presidell!
Busb stated on April 20,2004:
There are such things as roving wirelaps. J ow, by the way. any time you
bear the lh ited States government
talking abo ut wiretap, it requires - a
wiretap requires a court order. Nothing ha changed, by the way. When
we' re talking about chasing down
terrori sts, we're talking about getting a court order before we do ~o.
Ii's important for our fellow citizens
to understand, when yo u think Patriol
Act. constitutional guarantees are in
place when it comes to doing what
is necessary to protect our homeland.
because we value the Constitution.

IEdwardS'nowden: The former NSA contractor and whis!leblower has stopped an ong oing snowjob by federal off1cials about NSA decimation of the Fourth Amendment.
by Thomas R. fddlem
".A Ild so ill light oj the chll/lged environment lvhere {/ whole set oj questions have
been miser/, some in the most sensatiollalized manner possible, where these leaks
(JTe released drip by drip, one a week,
/() kind of rnaximize attellliOIl {Ind see {(
they can catch us a l so/)/e imprecision 011

ollie /iring. "

- President Obama, August 9, 20J 3
press conjerence


resident Obama' s unprecedented
press conference on NSA surveillance August 9 ~omplained about
'the journalistlleaker team of Glenn Greenwald from the Brirj .. h new. paper The
Guardian and former SA contractorturned-w hi stleblower EdwaJ'd Snowden.
implying that the two were merely trying
to draw attentjon to themselves and bait the
administration into admitting something
inconsistent with what it said previously,
hence giving the pair something else to use

to draw even more attention to tJJemselves.
However, in chast ising the pair' news release, on the NSA , it was ve apparent that
Obama's press conference was a desperate
attempt at political damage control. with
Obama try'ing to con. truct a new. credible
lie upon which he could claim that the NSA
had never violated the Fourth Amendment
or the pl;vacy of American .
Widespread surveillance of Americalls
began shortly after the September 11 , 200 1
attacks uJJder the Bush adminisU'ation, and
received some attention with rep0l1ing by
the New York Times from 2004-2006. Despite the reporting on SA surveillance.
Bush - and later. Obama - administration personnel is ued official denials that
the NSA was lis tening to AmericaJJ citizen ' electronic communications.

We're not collecting data
on American citizens.
The Bu. h administration. which initiated
the denials of spying on Americans. implied
that any U.S. urveillance within the coun-

On March 20 of this year. the director
of national intelligence, Admiral James
Clapper, also denied that there has been
wholesale monitoring of Americans· communications, when he was asked by Oregon Senator Ron Wyden, "Does the NSA
collect any type of data at all OIJ million
or hundreds of millions of AmeriCaJls?"
Director of National Intelligence and
Admiral James Clapper: "No, sir."
Wyden: " It does not?"
Clapper: "Not witlingly. There are
cases where they could inadvertently
perhaps collect, but not winingl y,'·

Oops. We meant to say we are
collecting metadata on Americans.
Both administrations engaged in flat out lies to the American people, but the
Obama administration has been caught in
lie after lie as it continually re treaLS from
iu; offic ial story.
The official story changed dramatically
with Snowden's whistleblowing. Snowden
told Greenwald back on June 9. 2013 that
the NSA - once devoted to foreign intelligence - was increasingly foeu ed upon

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USA 2013 conference. NSA
Director General Keith Alexander laid OUI the e ntirety of
what the NS A was supposedly collecting:

~----' ,:1
July.. 8,2D13,

NSA Director General
Alexa~nder : admitted that the NSA does
collecMhe'·'content" of Americans'
p-ersonatcommunications but, he
insisted~thegovernment is not listening
to or., si!~ji1g . through the collection of data
on Am.e'jcans;




surveill ing Americans. ''The NSA speciticaUy targets the communications of everyone. It ingests them by default. It collects
them in its system and it filters them and
it analyzes them and it measures them and
il stores them for a period of lime." It had
gone so far. the former Booz-Allen-Hamilton employee claimed. "I. sitting at my
desk . certainly had the authority to wiretap anyone. from you or your accountant.
to a federal judge or even the president. if
I had a personal email." Though Obama
admini stration officials denied Snowden's
sweeping charges (Snowden was later validated), they had to backtrack after Greenwald publi shed information on the NSA's
collection of Americans' Internet " metadata" under the agency's PRISM program.
James Clapper retracted his statement
10 Wyden Oll June 9 during NBC's Sunday
Today show:

[ thought it would be imponant [0 give you a picture of what our analysts
actually see. There it is ...
as you can see. what you
have is the dale and ti me of
the call, the calling number
and the call- the duration of the call.
And we also put in the origi n of the
metadata data .... Tllis does not. include
(he content of the communications.
TIllSdoes no! include yo ur phone caJls
or mine. your ell1ails. nor mine, your
SMS messages. There is no content.

By the time Alexander said those words.
they were already out of date . That same
day Greenwald publi sbed in The GUa/dian infomlation on the SA' XKeyscore
program, a program thm collects. miJlions
of e-mails from American cifizens w ithout
a warrant. along with '''nearl y everything
a user does on the I.nternet." La ter. other
NSA programs were also revealed to have
collected Americans' e-mail me sages on a
massive scale. In response to being busted
on this lie, the Obama admillistration bad
another fallback upon which to rest their
damage-control program: Even though

they are collecting all Americans' Internet
data, including the full content of e-mail
messages, the data had never been mi. used
and are subject to multiple _afeguards. Of
course. the Founh Amendment to t}le U.S.
Constit*ion prohibiL~ not only wanantless
"searches" by the government , it ban government "seizllres" of records without both
a warrant and probable cau e as well.

We're not misusing the
personal data that we do collect.
In a televised interview on July 18, 2013,
NSA Direc(or General Alexander admitted
thaI the NSA does collect the "content" of
Americans' personal communications but.
he insisted. the government is not listenjng
to or sifting t.hrough the colleaion of data
on Americans. The NSA ha safeguards
again t actual1y searching Americans' da ta.
NBC Reporter Pete Williams: " Let's
talk about the phone program. You
gather all tbis data from the phone
companie and it sits in YoUt' big tank.
What can you do? Can you muoch on
it and chew on It and do data mining,
or does it just sit there until you have
some specific question?"
Gen. Alexande r: " Yea h. it sits
there. And that's a great ques tion because the coun restricts wbat we can
do with that data. We can only look
at that data if we have a nexus to alQaida or other terrorist groups."

I re.sponded in what I thought was
the mosl truthful, or least untruthful
manner by say ing no. And again. ·10
go back to my metaphor. What I was
thinking of is looking at the Dewey
Decimal number - of those books
in that metaphorical library ~ to
me, collection of U.S. persons' data
would mean taking the book off the
shelf and opening it up and reading it.

We're not collecting e-mail and
other private Internet messages
from Americans.
This firsl of several backtracks was followed by the next fallback line in NSA
denial soon thereafter: The NSA admitted collecting data on American , but only
metadat3 - information aboUl Inte rnet
traffic - not private e-mails and other priate Internet-based mes ages.
On Jul y 3 !, 2013. at the Black Hat

Should have read the morning paper: NSA Director Keith Alexander claimed at the July 31
"Black Hat" conference that NSA surveillance "does not include your phone calls or mine, your
emails, nor mine," the same day that Snowden/Greenwald revealed in the U_K. Guardian that the
XKeyscore program did include contents of e-mails.




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This was the fallback position of the
Obama administration throughout the
month of July. They essentially claimed
thar the NSA was collecting all types of
data on Americans. but that this collection is put into a Iype of legal lockbox
that is not touched without a warrant and
a coun order from a FlSA court. But by
August 15, the Washingtoll Post had reponed that the NSA had violated the privacy of Americans' data - and had violated its own rules - thousands of times
per year. Thus. !.he Obama admjnistration
was forced to fall back to the next tie. th at
the NSA had never intelltiollally violated
Americaos' privacy by searching their pri vate e-mails aod phone records.

Okay, our collection of data on
Americans has been abused
accidentally, but never deliberately.
Obarna then wen'! on hi national public
relations tour for the NSA"s unconstitutional wiretapping program. again assuring Americans lhat !.heiJ private information was safe in his admini stration's hands.
He said in an interview with Jay Leno on
the Tonight Sho w on August 7. 2013:
We put in some additional safeguards
to make ure that there 's federal
court oversigl1( as well as congressional oversight. that there is no spying on Americans. We don ' t have a
domestic spying program. What we
do have are some mechanisms where
we can track a phone number or an
email address that we know is connected to some sort of terrorist threat.
And that information is useful. But
what I've aid before I want to make
. ure I re peat. and that is we should
be skeptical about the potential en croachment.. on privacy. None of the
revelation s s how that governmem
has aCLUally abused these powers.
but they're pretty s ignificant powers.
He reiterated his administration' s Iilywhite hands agaiJl at a press conference
on Augu st 9, 2013:
If you look at the report s - even the
di sclo tires that MI. Snowden has put
forw ard - all the stories tbat have
been written, what you ' re not reading about is the government actually

Believable? Federal officials claim that this behemoth storage facility in the Utah desert is needed
to store only five columns of data on Americans' telephone traffic.
abusing these programs and listening
in on people's phone calls or inappropriately reading people's emails.
What you 're hearing about is the
prospect that these could be abused.
Now, part of the reason they're not
abused is becau se these checks are
in place , and those abuses would be
against the law and would be again t
the orders of the FISC.
Two wee ks after Obama's national public
relations tour for the NSA. the Wall Street
JOl.lmo[ revealed on August 23 that NSA
staffers had used the databa es to spy on
romantic imerests frequently enough to
create the label "LOVE[NT' for Jove intelligence:" lationa] SecurilY Agency officers
on several occasions have channeled their
agency's enormOliS eavesdropping power to
spy on love interests. U.S. officials said."
The privac. of Americans has been abu ed,
the Obarna administration has been forced
to admit. but faced with the evidence. it
claimed in statements for the Wall Street
JOllrnal "lOry that it took place only rarely.
The Waif Street Journal reported that "the
practice isn' t frequent - one official estimated a handful of cases in the last decade
- but it's common enough to garner its
own spycraft label: LOVEINT"

We're not collecting the phone
audio of Americans' phone calls.
While it 's too early to say whether the
NSA is collecting audio of Americans'
telephone calls, it does remain the last el-

ement of eleclTODic data tbat the NSA still
officially denies collecting ellll1{fsse. Most
intelligence analyst seem to believe that
Americans ' phone call ' are not recorded
and stored for later u e. or at least most
of American . phone ca.ll . But lh i may
be largely all i sue of limitafion rather !.han williDgne~ of the SA
to engage in that kind of ncon titutional
monitoring. As tbe SA open a huge data
center in Utah tlli year. technologjcal limiralions rna become a moOt point .
Obama pointedly did not deny lhat the
federal government wa collecting the
audio of Ame rican' telephon e call - in
his August 9 pre. s conference. though a
denial would have: perhaps been a  a te
of time. With a long history of publ ic lies
Oil the issue of warrantless ur ei llance
that explicitly violates the Fourth Amendment: to the U.S. Con litution, Pre ident
Obama's denial would not bave been
believable anyway. Obama has obviou I
bought into the idea that intelligence officials need to collect every bit of informarion about Americans, stari ng in hi August 9 press conference: "W e need new
thinking for a new era. We now have to
unravel terrorist plots by fi nd ing a needle
in the haystack of g lobal telecom munications. And meanwhile. technology has
given government - including our 0  n
~ unprecedented capabilit)' to mo nitor
Is another lie about to be e xposed by
lhe Greenwald/Snowden whistleblowing
[earn? Only time will tell . •

6 6 16

The Slippery Slope to Pedophilia
It is unlikely that many Americans now believe that pedophilia will soon be accepted in
this country, but it is riding the same track to respectability as did homosexual "marriage."
by Selwyn Duke

f you had told someone in the 1950s
that, in about two generations, homosexuality would largely be nomlalized
and faux (. ame-sex) marriage would be
gaining widespread approval, they'd have
called you crazy. Never, ever under the
stars and stripes. Why, pugnacious pundit
Bill O ' Reilly himself opined as recently
as 10 to 15 years ago that faux marriage
would never be accepted in America. Ah,
what a difference a decade makes in tbe
(mis?)information age where ideas can be
transmitted worldwide at a button's touch.
I can't tell you exactly when I knew
faux marriage would gain traction - not
in term of date and time, anyway - but
suffice it to ay it was at least as soon as
1 heard the idea uttered by some obscure
academic or activist 00 society's fringes.
A for homosexuality, there were some
agaciou souls who realized decades
ago Ihat it would even,uall y be accepted.
How? The same way a few of us knew in
high school, almost instinctively, that our
education paled in comparison to that of
previou generations: trajectory. If you
know an a teroid ' trajectory, you can predict not only where it was years ago, but
where it will be in the future, And so it is
Wilh cultural trajectory.


Terrible Trajectory
Yet if l , ay chat our current cultural trajectory - a bizarre trek that has caused us
to boldly go where no American had gooe
before - has as a point on its arc the acceptance of pedophilia, I'm sure I'll hear
"never, ever under the stars and stripes!"
This is a normal human reactlon. But the
pa t is a picture of futures man inevitably
will paint again. and history hollers its
wamings for those with ears to hear.
Fir. t consider a simple fact: There is
virtually no historical precedent - if any
at al1- for faux marriage, yet we're accepting it. But tbere is hi storical
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From unthinkable to palatable: While faux (same-sex) marriage now enjoys 'lidespread
approval, two generations ago it was as much reviled as pedophilia is today - something thai
"could never happen" in America.
precedent for pe.dophilia that lhing most
would currently say we could never accept.
And the obvious place to start here is with
ancient Greece. The civilizat ion is wellknown for its acceptance of homosexuality, yet what actually was most common
in this arena was pederasty, sexual relationships between men and boys. It is said
that in the mid and late periods of ancient
Sparta, the practice was inst itutionalized
in the city-state's military camp, with a
12-year-old boy being attached to a mature
man wbo would become the child's me .
tor and, apparently, molester, And homoerotic ancient Greek art and, more signjficantly, the casual way prominent Greeks
spoke of pederasty attest to its widespread
acceptance. As to the laller, historian Plutarch addresses Theban pederasty in Life
of Pelopidas and explains that it was an
educational device for boys that was dc:signed to 'soften , while they were young.
their natural fierceness" and 'temper tbe
manners and characters of the youth."
The poet Solon gushed about pederasty in
his poem 'Boys and Sport," and tradition
tells us thaI the warrior group the Sacred

Band of Thebe compri ed pederastic
man-youth pairing ". In fa t. the Greeks
even had words de ribing the players in
man-boy relatjon 'bip~ : An eraSfes was an
adult man who courted or was ill a sexual
relationship with a boy (Ihis accounts for
part of the deri ation of "pederast"), who
himself was l"llown as an eroll1enos.
Yet it wasn'tju_1the "advanced" Greeks.
History i littered with examples of primilive peoples that practiced institutionalized pedophilia: the Sambia tribe of Papua
e Guinea doe so to this day, and many
mjlitary per onne! will attest to how the
abu e of "dancing boys" is widespread in
Afghani tan. The reali ty? When it wa. n' t
acrually prescribing it as a good that created a bond between brotllers in arms or
er ed some other end, pagan morality
often had little negative to say about pedophilia (and Islamic culrures may tolerate
it). Perhaps now we see why philo opher
C.S. Lewis once said, "Sex is not rne. sed
up because it was put in the clo et; it was
put in the closet because it was messed up,"
And since that closet was made with Chri tian morality, and the faith is no ridiculed
and attacked and its closet is being thrown
wide open, isn't it logical to suspect that
anything and everything within it could,
quite possibly, emerge? Yet how would
we get from where we are now - perhaps
point G - to a pederastic point X? Well.
it's instructive to explore how we got to G
in the first place, and this brings us to the
ABCs of social manipulation via the lise of
media. entertainment, academia, specious
science. and philoso-babble.
A book was published in 1989 entitled

After fhe Ball: How America Will Conquer
ITs Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90 's.
Tn it. authors Marshall Kirk and Hunter
Madsen - a marketing man by trade who,
take note, once used the pen name "Erastes PiJl" - called for a desensitization of
Americans to homosexuality through a
"continuous flood of gay-related advertising," a "conversion of the average American's emotions, mind, and will, through
a planned psychological attack, in the
form of propaganda fed to the nation via
the media." Of course. Kirk and Madsen
weren 't puppeteers or prophets as much as
good trajectory readers, as the movement
they encouraged was well under way by
the time they penned their book.
III 1977 already, we had the sitcom
Soap witb its openly homosexual character Jodie, played by comedian Billy Crystal. And while some would argue that lhe
character Va created to make the show
cutting edge rather than to manipulate
hearts (and. of course, both could have
been motivations), it certainly made for
ingeniou: propaganda. Take a funny and
sympathetic character - and Crystal was
most comedic - but make him a homosexual on an entertairlillg show that is tbe
"tbing to watch." TIus is effective because
whether it s Soap, La Cage aux Folies, or
another work, if you laugh at something
enough, you're no longer outraged by
it. AJso be sure to have that homosexual
character say things such as "I m a perSOll. just like you." which Jodie did (or a
paraphrase of it), but. most significantly.
just show him acting. and interacting with
other, just as you would. For a big part of
normalizing something is showing those
who embody it acting normally.
The next step after normalization alld
tolerance is engendering sympathy and affection, and elltenaimnent's role in this is
simple to understand. Just as people may



north ameritan mon/boy love association


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Cwid I>y~ l'lIf moler. $cuIP ..... by 8o!lel TlIoMoIdsen (0.
CIdt ... " ' - _ . , golOenw



Wlldme.s. eo.m-on.





Resurrecting a dark Hellenism: The notorious pedophile organization NAMbLA seems to
draw inspiration from ancient Greece, where pederasty was rife and well represented in the
civilization's art and literature.
condemn the sin but no! the sinner. they
also have trouble loving the sinner but
not the sin. Tlus is why a mother may accept even a son's heinous crimes and why
people will justify the scandaJous behavior of a favorite politician or pons figure.
Likewise, when people come to like a show
- and, more specifically, a character on it
- they generally start to accept what that
character represents. And just think bow
successful this entertainment campaign
has been. Homosexual characters are now
a staple ofTY and film and, as ill the movie
Sling Blade, are sometimes the work's only
compassionate voice of reason.

Enter Entertainment
But the·1l tJlere are the agencies vorking in
concert with entenaimuent. There is specious science reponed - and often twisted
- by special-interest media and academia;
thus do we hear about things such as the
"gay gene," which not only doesn 't concern the heritability of happiness bu! also
ha never been found. Nonetheless, it is
used to give weight to the argument that
homosexuality is inborn and, well, haven't
you heard, "God doesn't make nustakes" ?
The media and academia are also careful to
frame the homosexual agenda as a matter
of "rights," '·equality." and " minority" victimhood while avoiding talk of "morality"
(tbey will, however, apply their feelingsderived preferences and call opponents
"haters," "bigots," and " intolerant"). This

is easy to do. too, since they've discredited
moral reaJity with the phi!oso-babble of
moral relativism and its refrains, "Who is
to judge?"' and "All values are equal." Of
course. this credo could be used 0 justify
killing homosexuals as easily as acceptill,g
them, but this realization involves understanding an ;l!feileclt/(J/ argument, and manipulating emotion is tJle name of the game
here. And as long as entenainment - an
arena so powerful that Plato warned how
even ju tmusic had the capacity 0 reshape
civilization - pushes people's emotions in
the desired direction, the field wi II be yours.
But will a day really come that marks
the first time entertainment is placed in pedophilia' s service? And when would this
be? I can predic.t this with some precision:
in about 20 years ago.
There ha long been the "Pedobear' Internet meme, a little comedic cartoon character Web users often associate with news
stories about pedophilia. And remember
what happens when people start to laugh
at something? Then there was the "Chester
the Molester" cartoon character in Hustler
magazine (the creator of which, Dwaine
Tinsley, was once convicted of molesting
his 13-year-old daughter). Far more significant than a porno-mag offering, however,
was a fum made in 1993 called For a Lost
Soldier. Based on a trlle Story, the movie
somewhat vividly portrays a WWII-era
sexual relationship between a Canadian
wldier and a 13-year-old European boy.
What I'd like to focus on here, however, is
a New York Times review of the Ii 1m wrinen
by someone named Stephen Holden. Entitled 'Treating a Delicate Story of a Soldier
lUld II Boy Tenderly." you'd think the paper
was reviewing Romeo alld Juliet. Holden
writes that the story "takes up ... a romantic reLationship between a grown-up and a
child, and invests it with an aching tenderness"; that it is "more than a love story";
that "Walt [the molester) seems almost as
innocent as Jeroen [(he child]": and describes the "affection" between the two as
"touching." Moreover. the Times not only
takes no issue with the film's non-judgmental treatment of pederasty, it writes, "One of
the strengths of the fi Im is its refusal to load
the story with contemporary psychological
and sCicial baggage. There is no mention of
homosexuality. Nor is there any implied accusation of child abuse .... The film assign
no blame and assesses no damages," In facl_
the paper says the movie's only failure "i
in findin g a coherent dramatic frame for
the story." And then there is the kicker: The
review describes the "affection" between
Wah and Jeroen as "the love that dare not
speak its name." My, where have we heard
that one before? And what is the implication here? Should a man-boy sexual relationship be able to speak its name? NA1 1
BLA cenai.nly thinks so.

First salvo in the movement to legitimize
pedophilia: The film For a Lost Soldier portrays a
man/boy sexual relationship in a non-judgmental
- and perhaps even positive - light.

A more recent film in the same
vein is L.I.E. (2001). II portrays
Authors Marshall Kirk and Hunter
pederast Big John, an ex-marine
Madsen - a marketing man by trade
with a penchant for young male
prostitutes but who also, you see,
who, take note, once llsed the pen
has a human side. As Ed Gonzaname "Erastes Pill" - called for
lez wrote at SlantMagazine.colJI.,
the film "suggests that a pederast
a desensitization of Americans to
could actually have something
homosexuality through a "continuous
useful [to] contribute (0 society."
Alld as A.O . Scan of the Ne w
flood of gay-related advertising. "
York Times put it. compared " with
Howie's L
the 15-year-old main
ch aracter's1 well-meaning but clueless Scientific Stamp
guidance coun selor, Big John seems like a Actually. they're already behind us.
beuign, common-sensical uncle."
On January 14 of this year, the Los AnOf course, neither Big John nor For a gel e Time ran an anjcle entitled. "Many
Lost Soldier 's Walt is portrayed as par- researche laking a different view of pedoticularly sympathetic. But they're not por- philia: Pedophilia once was f/roughffo Sfelll
trayed as particularly villainous, either. from psychological influel1ces earh' in life,
And lhis non·judgmentalisl11 is in faCl a NOI~ ', mal1Y e.xperts view iT as (I deep-rooted
judgment, in that it serves to place. via predi position lhar does nOl change." (Emembodiment representation , morally evil phasi in original.) The pi ce starts out with
behavior in the morally Il elllral category. a story about one Paul Christiano, who, as
Except for their habit of indulging the an- a young child, was fascinated by girls and
cient Greeks' "unspeakable vice," Walt loved "bow lheiJ' pindly bodies tumbled
and John are presented as acting . and in g. mnastic ." wrote the paper. We 're
interacting with others, normally - and then told tbat while Chri tiano grel,l.' up.
often even charitably. After all; they are his eXll31 t Ie didn ': He remained tor"people just like you," right?
mented bj an attraction to pre-pube C
That is how it starts .
girl s. Christiano i tbe " ympathetic charWith enten:ainment having already bro- acter:' mind. ou, the haple olll me.:1nt 10
ken the ice in whitewashing pedophiles, put a human face on pedophil ia. But now
can lhe ti.rst clai ms that their desires are just consider -hal he said about un ucce sf1.l1
court-ordered the rap_ he Vas forced to
another inborn olientation be far behind?
undergo after being caught wilh child pornography in 1999. A the Times reponed,
"'These people felt they could snuff out the
desire. or hame me into denying it exi sted:
he said .. But it" as intrinsic as tbe next person' helero exualirj'... '
"A imrin ic as ule next person 's heterosexuality .. , " Where have we heard that
befor '. And the paper then does something el-e th at hould sOllnd famili ar. It
gi e Christiano'S claim the imprimatur
of s ience, writing:

When laughter is the worst medicine: Will
things such as the "Pedobear" Internet meme
eliminate outrage over pedophilia by treating
it not as a jarring perversion, but as a joke?

In the laboratory, researcher are
coming to tJle same conclusion.
Like many fonns of sexual devi ance, pedophilia once was thought to
lem from psychological in fluences
early in life. Now. many experts view
it as a sexual orientation as immutable
as heterosexual i ty or homo e:'Ualit},. It
is a deep-rooted predi po irion - )jrn23
attractions were removed from the APA's
list of disorders. Eventually, the legalization of 'gay marriage.' the mandatory homosexuality lessons in public schools and
the brand new policy of allowing open homosexuality. in the U.S. military resulted:'
writes WND. Reponing fu rther on the positions taken at the conference. WND wrote:

Out of raincoats and into the mainstream: Child-sex advocates now include accomplished
professionals. Or. Fred Berlin (pictured) of Johns Hopkins Hospitat. for instance. has argued for
the "acceptance" of pedophiles.

iled almost entirely to men - that become clear during puberty and does
not change ....
Scientists at the Toronto center
[Center for Mental Health and Addiction in Toronto J have uncovered a
series of associations that suggest pedophilia has biologicaJ roots.
The paper then tells us that pedophile are
generally an inch honer than nonna! people, have I.Q.s IO points lower on average
and less white matter in their brains. and that
the first two of these factors are '·consistent
with developmental problems, whether before birth or in childhood.'· They sure areand their interpretation is consistent with a
cultural problem. The operative phrase here
is "whether before birth or in childhood"
because. if the latter, it iJldicate a nunureoriented cause of pedophilia. not a natureoriented one (as to nurture's significance,
research has indicated that environment can
influence even, amazingly, gene expre sion). Yet the limes article glosses over the
nurture p sibility - it doesn I match the
agenda the paper is trying to advance.
There i another fact the Times has
LO ma sagc. Continuing with the inborn
theme. it tells us. "Among the 1U0 t compelling fiJldings is that 30% of pedophiles
are left-handed or ambidextrous. triple the
general rate. Because hand dominance is
establi hed through some combination
of genetic~ and the environment of the
womb. cieotists see that association as a
powerful indicator that something is different about pedophile.s at birth. 'The only

explanation i~ a phy iological one: said
James Cantor, a leader of the Toronto] research." Yet the lillie had written earlier
in its piece that. researcher have basically
dispensed with the "popular belier' that
childhood sexual abuse i a significant
factor in pedopbllia becau_e "only about a
third of offenders say the were molested"
as children. So let 's get thi sUllight: When
30 percent of pedophile hare ome sort
of inborn characteristic, it's compelling
evidence for the nature the i . But when
(only?) 33 percent share a traumatic life
experience, it's compelling evidence discrediting the nurture one? This clearly is
the spinning of data to fit an agenda.
And who are the "experts" cited in the
Tillles article? Many of them, it seems.
crawled out of lhe woodwork to allend a
2011 symposium in Baltimore, Maryland
- an event whose focu. was the nonna!ization of adult-child sexual relationships. reponed at the time that it was
"held by the 'minor-attracted people ' advocacy group B4U-ACT 10 di seminate
'accurate information' on the position that
pedophilia is just one more alternative
sexual orientation." As such. the confercncc speakers contended, the American
Psychiatric Association should no longer
list pedophilia as a psychological condition
in its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders (DSM). Drawing an imponant parallel. Dr. Judith Reisman, a longtime crusader against child sexual abuse
who attended the symposium. "explained
that the same . trategy was used by homoexual aClivis~ in the 19705 when same-sex

Dr. John Sadler (University of Texas)
argued that diagno tic criteria for
mental disorders hould not be based
on concepts of vice iDce uch concepts are subject 10 shifting social al'
titudes and doing so diverts ll1entalhe<llth professions from their role as
healers ....
Fred Berlin of Johns Hopkins ...
argued in favor of "acceptance of
and compassion for people who are
attracted to minors ......
... Richard Kramer. who represented B4U-ACT at the event, contended listing pedophilia as a disorder stigmatizes the "victims" of the
lifestyle choice.
... Conference speakers said the
Diagnostic Manual should "focus
on the needs" of the pedophile and
~hould have "a minimal focus on social control" rather than a focus on
the "need to protect children."
. .. Self-described "gay activist"
and speaker Jacob Breslow said it is
proper for children to be "the object
of our auraction." Breslow said pedophiles shouldn 't need to get consent
from a child to have sex any more
Ihan (hey would get consent from a
shoe to wear it.
.. , Andrew Hinderliter of the University of WillOis said the boundary
between the helping profe - ions and
the criminal justice system can be
blurred .
Note that B4U-ACT lakes pains to reb rand
pedophiles as "minor-attracted people" in
the same way acti i, t once strove 10 ensure the euphemism "gay" would supplant
Liberty Counsel Action vice president J.
Man Barber.  bo also attended the conference, summed up its themes thus (quotation are Barber's, as reponed by WND):
Adult lu ( for children is "normative."
people indulging i[ are unfairly "de01onTHE NEW AMERICAN • OCTOBER

7. 20 13
ized ," children are capable of consenting
to sex, "wrong" as a concept isn '( applicable to "minor-a((racted people," and
the OSM "ignores that pedophiles 'have
feelings of love and romanc-e for eh i ldr<;,n'
the same way adult heterosexuals have for
each other."

logically Defending Illicit lust
Just as significantly, these are far from
the only times such views have been expressed. In a 2002 article entitJed "Raising
Sexually Healthy Youth: Rights. Respect.
Responsibility & Parent-Child Communication," the group Advocates for Youth
stressed that chilureJl are "sexual f!'OIIl
birth." Ann-Katrin Muller in Der Spiegel
reported that GenTIan homo exuaJ "rights"
organizations and even a sizable number
of Green Party politiciaos have a long hi story of sllpponing pro-pedophilia causes.
Author Judith Levine penned a 2003 book
in which she " suggests the threat of pedophilia and molestation by strangers is
exaggerated by adults who want to den,
young people the opportunity for positi ve
sexu al experiences " wrote Fox ews.
An ti-fracki ng activist Vera Scrogg in s
has advocated that parents initiate young
children into sex, writing. " Who better 10 do it , than the parent s first ?" And,
of cour e, (here is bug researcher turned

self-proclaimed sex expert Alfred Kinsey, who we now
was a pedophile using science
as a cover for the indulging of
his perversion. As 1 reported in
"According to Kinsey, Deviancy Is the New Normal," in THE
NEW AMERICAN. all the afore~entioned
ideas - that children are sexual from
birth. that relations with adults don't hann
them, etc. - can be traced back to him
and his associates. And these ideas are lent
credibili ty even though it has been establi shed that Kjnsey was a scielllific fraud
who misrepresented data for the purposes
of legiLi llllzillg perve r~iull.
And when you combine tills specialiotere t "science" with specious rea oning, you have a very dangerous one-two
pu nch of prevaric ation. For example .
consider again the Los Angeles Times
article. It does contain a grain of truth.
Th at is to say, people generaJly don ' t ask
for the fee li ngs they have, and. as C.S.
Lew is noted ages ago, sex.ual problems
can be quite intractable. Yet it's silly and often just agenda-gre.asing spin - 10
confuse intractability with innateness . We
all know that inlluences and e vents during form ative years can have far-reaching
consequences and can almost imprint behav ior (that is why they're called Jonna-

The pseudoscience used to justify pedophilia - such as the notion that "children are sexual from
birtl1" - can be traced back to "sex researcher." scientific fraud , and pedophile Alfred Kinsey (left).
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live years); raise a boy in an abusive and
criminal ghetto home, for instance, and
he may ex hjbit change-resistant negative
behavior patterns the rest of his days. This
also place in perspective a claim made
by many a homosexual: 'I've had these
feelj ng for my whole life." This is either
sloppy thinIJng or a rationalization. Since
most everyone ha. recoUeclioos reaching
back to onl three. four or even fi ve years
of age, all virtually anyone can say with
assurance is, " I've had these feelings for
as lOllg as I can remember." And those
lost-in-memory first few years of life are
the most ignificant of aIL

Without Morals, Everything Is Normal
The fo lly of the int ractab ility-equ alsirmatene the is is further illustrated by
applying it con istentl .. For example, it's
applied to homosexu ali ty and "gender
dys phoria" feeling you're a member of
one ex rUl:k in the body of the other) , but
what about "Body Integrity Identity Disorder" (BnO .  hich in·. oh persistent and
eemingly irremediabl feelings that a body
part doe n't belong on yo ur body? Would
it justi fy amputation? Acnmlly. two BIID
"patients" found a Scotli'h doctor will ing
to do ju I lhat and had two healthy legs
rernoved, a teslirnonial to what can happen when We e.levate feelings to uliimatearbiter latus. When be et by anomalous.
eU·-de. tru th e. or perverse impulses. the
default ill umption should be tbat the issue
is a p_ychological problem , not a phy icaJ
or genericaJJy induced one.
But rhi, counsel is now viewed as heresy because the "experts" have transitioned
bac k to the nature side in the narw-e/ nurlure debate (at least wben poli rical correctne_ allows it: They certainly won 'r
attribute different achievement among the
races to genetics - yet). It was in fa hion
during the early 1900s as well, then in the
form of the eugenics mo'ement. until the
a sociation with Nazi horror- di credited
it. We then saw nurture dogma' a cendancy and heard pap such as. "The sexe
will be the same if we rai se them iden25
The gene theme: The claim that a behavior cannot be wrong if it has a genetic basis is
philosophically unsound, in that it replaces morality with biological determinism. Also, other
genetic flaws, such as Down syndrome, aren'l deemed normal.
tically:' as these pendulum-and-pabulum
practitioners swung from one extreme to
the other and proved that G.K. Chesterton
was right when he called common sense
"that forgotten branch of psychology."
But of more concern right now is what is
quickly becoming a forgotten branch of
philosophy: morality.
Vhile the nature-oriented eugenics
movement ought to eliminate what it
deemed defects . our nature-oriented movement often bold that if something is natural, it cannot be a defect. This is the "God
doe n't make mistakes" argument, the implication being that if omething is inborn,
it cannot be wrong. And the greatest danger
here isn't that this i- lI~ed to justify homosexuality - or even that it could be u ed to
justify pedophilia - but that it could literaUy ju tjfy anything branded "innate."
Fir t note that whether we believe our
world i naturally flawed or demonically
faUen, it' plain we aren't born perfect.
Spina bifida. cleft palates, and Down syndrome attest 10 this in the physical realm.
and the only reason there hasn't been a
powerful movement to normalize such
things i that people generally don't find
b~ing deformed or mentally compromi 'ed
a turn-on. But few thi ngs feel better than
,IIi fying ~exual desire, and you can't easily sali fy what i stigmatized - ergo the
innatene s-equals-Iegitimacy argument.
Con ider, however, that the same social
scienti ts claiming that homosexuality,

and now pedophilia. i inborn, also tell us
sociopaths are born and not made. Now,
question: If in addition it' determined that
homicidal feelings are innate, would it be
moral for a persoll of uch nature to kill?
The lesson here?
Genetics doesn't determine moral ity.
Wherher or not feeling are disordered
- and whether their com~ ponding behaviors are moral - h /lothing at all
to do with whether 1110 e feelings were
bred not by despotic abuse but the dark
workings of D A. Saying otherwise is to
discard morality and replace it with biological determillism . And no idea is more
destructive to civilization. No idea should
be more quickly rejected by civilized men.
Unfortunately, civilized men are in increasingly shoJ1 supply, especially among
the Left. which seems remarkably untroubled by pedophilia. How can I say this?
Well, just observe leftists' telling contradictions - and what they refuse to tell. If
pedophilia were anything but a convenient
hammer they use when reporting incesantly on hated targets such as the Catholic Church, the New York Times and Los
Angeles Times would not have run articles
legitimizing it. The 61 biggest California
newspapers would not have published
nearly 2,000 articles on the church scandal during the first half of 2002 but,
the. ame period, ollly four on the pubLicschool sex scandal. which a govemmentsponsored Hofstra University study found

is 100 times the magnitude of the church
scandal and i till ongoing. And the Left
would hold pedophile Alfred Kinsey in
contempt and reject hi fraudulent work:
instead. they generally defend him to this
day. Holly",:,ood even gave u the film Kil/sey (2004). which heroici.zed rhe deviant
as a maverick pushing back the frontiers
of a "repressed" society's ignorance.
Most significant, however, is the philosophical corruption. Whenever the Left
seeks to justify homosexuality or anything
else. it invariably peddles moral relativism,
the notion that right and wrong are determined by man and therefore change based
on time and place. But what tlus really implies is that right. and wrong, morality, don't
exist; only human preference does. Thus.
when leftists say "You can't judge this or
that because everything is a matter of perspective:' "trus or that" nuly fit · because
you can JUSt fill in the blank. Relativism is
a package dea I with the Devi I: Once accepting that moral boundaries are illusory, the
sky - or. I should say. Hades - is the limit.
All we are then left with is occultist Aleister
Crowley'S fonnulation, "Do what thou wilt
shaH be the whole of the law."
So how will the Left further legllimize
pedophilia? As the ancient Greeks proved,
relativism isn't even necessary. The idea
tbat sexuality has a specific and limited
conjugal context is a Judeo-Christian one.
And post-Christian America is gradually
accepting the notion that consensual sex.
whatever the stripe, hurts no one. It's just
pleasure like eating ice cream, you see, except that exual exploration is far more important. And children have a right to it. to
sexual self-detennination, to not be placed
in a stifling straitjacket woven of outdated
Puritan morality. Why. Barack Obama
himself has said that having sex education
in kindergarten is the "right thing to do."
The past is a picture of futures man
inevitably will paint again, and ancient
Greece, and perhaps beyond, is where our
cultural trajectory take us. But there is
good news - that i also bad news. Cultural trajeclorie can change via the explosion of civilizational realignment, and. to
parapbra e economjst Herben Stein, "[f
something can'l go on. it won·t."' Until
then, however, the planet of man wi II continue hurtling away fTOm morality and
sanity at light speed, on ils journey toward
that black hole of civilizations past. •

Levin's Ris .Proposal:

A Constitutional Convention
Mark Levin's new book, The Liberty Amendments, which
calls for an Article V constitutional convention, ignores the
very real risks of harmful changes to the Constitution.
by Larry Greenley

The Liber,y Amendments: Restoring 'he
American Republic, by Mark R. Levin.
Nevi York . N.Y.: Threshold Ed ition,
20) 3, 272 pages. bardcover.


hen talk-show host Mark Levin'
latest book, The Liberty AmendlIIellfS , was released to the public
i11 mid-August, its rapidly spreading impact
among the despairing conservative throngs
resembled the effect of dropping a lighted
match on great quantities of dry tinder.
The rapidly developing impact wa_ greatly
enhanced by the endorsement of Levin' proposal for an Article V constitutional
convent jon by three of lhe most popular
con ervative talk-show hOSIS, Ru sh Limbaugh, Sean HruJllity, <lIld Levin him elf.
It i. very apparent that this national phenomenon is due to the book's provision of
a program of action that promjses to rein
in tbe federal government. In a nutshell.
Levin' solution to our out-of-colltml federal government involves: (I ) gettjng an
Article V convenOon for proposing amendments (popularly k.nown as a "consti tutional convention") convened, as di scussed in
chapter one; and (2) getting some amendment. proposed (and sent to the states
for ratification) at such a convention to
addres the problem of an out-of-contTol
federal government, such as his 11 amendment proposals as di scussed in chapters
two through 11_ Since we di sagree with
his proposal for an Anicle V convention,
we won't be spending mnch lime on the 11

amendments: however, we definitely agree
with him that repealing the 17th Amendment would be a good idea.
During a whirlwind review in chapter
one of the seemingly endless ways in which
lhe federal government is departing from
the Constitution, Levin accurately observe. :
Having delegate-cl broad lawmakin~
power to executive branch depart ments and agencies of its own creation, contravening the separationof-powers doctrine, Congress now
watches as lhe president inflates the
congressional delegations [of power
to the executive brancb] even further
and proclaims repeatedly the authority to rule by executive fiat in defiance
of. or over the top of, the same Congres that sanctioned a domineering
executive branch in the lirst place.

A Constitutional Convention?
A few pages later, Levin reveals that his
solution to thi s problem of an ont-of-control federal government is to amend the
Constitution by utiJizing the provision in
Article V for cOllvening "a Convention for
proposing Amendments" ba ed on the direct application to Congress of two-thirds
of the stale legislature '.
At tbis point he takes a little preemptive shot across the bow of the numerous
constitutionalist who have been opposing
such a convention over the past 30 years
by quoting Article V with its two methods for amending the Cons tillltion (via
Congress or via a convenlion called by

the state legislatures), then stating : ··Importantly in neither case does the Article
V amendment process provide for a constitutional convention:'
This type of COIlUllent has become a tafldru'd semrultic weapon in the ar e na] of the
pro Article V convention forces. Howe er.
both conservatives and liberals have routinely referred to an Article V "Convention
for proposing Amendments" a - a "con titutional convention" for well over 30 years.
and Ukely much longer. And they ha en' t
done this because they mjstaken]} believe
that the words "constitutional convention"
are to be found in Article V.
For example when the Senale Subcommittee on the Constitution of the Com27
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The New Age of Surveillance - The New American Magazine - Nov 7 2013

  • 1.
  • 2. :First rren .9Lmenaments to tfie Constitl!tion .9Lmentfment 1. Congress snaff ma/(r IW (au) respecting an esta6fisnmtnt of refigion, or prolii6itillg tnc free ei{!rc.ise tliereof; or a6riaging tne frw{om of speun, or of tfle pre..<s; or tne rignt of tne peopft peacI!a6fy to a.ssem6{.:, am! to petition tn.c goven/ment for a rWrs.< ofgrievances. .9lmenament 11. .51 weff.regl.lfaua mifitia 6eing necessary to tnt securi1y of a.ftu state, Iii.: rignt (If tnt pcopfe to k!ep ant! 6ear sliaf[ not 6e infriJrgetf. arm.~ .9lmenament JI J. 'J{g soWer sna{f, illtimt of pwa, he quartered in anyliouse, witMut tnt c,l7l$ent of Ille owner, liar ill time of 111ar, 6uI ill a nlll7111er to be presc.ri[m( 6y (aw. .9lmenament 10/. 'lfre rignt of tf/C peop(e t.o De secure in tli.l!ir perSOll$, fwuses, paper.>, and ~ffects against ullrea.<()1raf,(e searc.fies and seizures shaff not De vio{atetl, alia 110 111arratl Is snaf{ issue, 611 I UpOIl pr06a6{e cau..<e, supportetf b!1 oath or affirmatioll, all/l partiel/larfy aescri6ing tfie pface to De searc.fietl, ana tnt persoll$ or tnillgs 10 6e .<eiz.e<f. rife, {werty, or property, 1l1it(Wllt aue process of {aw; Iwr .-na(t private. property De taK!1l for pubric use, 7vitliout just compellSatioll. .9lmentfrnent 0/1. h I af( criminal prosecuti(llls the acc.user! sha(l enjoy Iii.: rigfu to a SpU.dy alit! puMic I rial, hy au impartin{ jury of tIle stale and ,{i..<triC.1 ulfr~rein tlie crime slia[{ nave Geell commit uri" whicli aistriel shafl liave 6ml previolls{y a.'eer/air/cd 6y {aul, MId to 6e ilrfonnu{ of tne lIatun: ani cause of tfit accusation; to 6e confrolltetf with tile Ivitne..<.<~ 'tqaill$t nim; to (ta.tle complllsory process for 06taill-ing uJitnesse..< in fri..; fav,) r, ant! to nave tlie assi..,talrce of counse(for (lis rkjulSe. J1.menarnent 0/11. In stlits at comllwn raw, wllere tfre vafue irr colltroversy sftaf£ ex..ced t711tllty a,,(far.', tne right of trial hy jury .>/ia!( he prtsenJed, alld 110 fact trW{ v!J ajury sfta!! 6e otlieruJise re-e.tamiuea ill allY court of the Vnitd StlItes, Iftall acconWltJ /0 tfie of Ifte common (mil. mres .9Lmencfment 0/1II. 'U:!:i..»"i.w bail shalf /lot he required, lIor e:(j:u.<ive fines imposer£, 1I0r cruel and ulluSUal pWIi.~lIltrertt.< illJfictea. .9Lmenament 0/. 'J.& pmo" sfrafl Vf nefd to atlSWtr f or a .9Lmenament1X. rnpita{, or otfrerwise irifamoll..< crime, IlII{tSS on a presentmtnt or illdictllWlt of a grand jllry, e-tupl ill cases arising iu tlie (ana or rlf/Va{forces, or ill tlie militia, Uifwl ill actual semee ill time of 111ar or pl/f,fic aangm nor .i!ia({ any persoll 6e .>u6ject for tfle sa7ltt offense to b~ twia put in jwpartftJ (If tife or fim6i /Wf Shaff he compef(ea ilr (/fry crimina( <'rue to a witness agaillSt nimsefj; 1I0r he deprivea of J1.mendment X. 'l1ie powers /Wt rfelegaterf to tile 'llttit-d Staus 6y tlie. COII.,titutUm, nor profti6iterf by it 1 t(Ul Slates, are 0 reservea /0 tfte statts lYspecrivefy, or to tlit peopk. ve 'l1ie enumuatum in tfre COII..<tlturiOIl, of urtaih riglits, sfrafl /WI 6, COIIStmeri to aellY or rf.i.<parage olner.< retaillerf by tli.: peop(e.
  • 3. • r Vol. 29, No. 19 October 7, 2013 COVER STORY SURVEILLANCE 10 The New Age of Surveillance b)'joe Wohlerlon J/.j.D. - Mille some Americans have claimed U.S. government surveillance of Americans is innocuous, others have equaled it i~l the i.n!anlOus Easl Gennan Stasi. Actually, irs worse. 17 The NSA Domestic Surveillance Lie 1lcn accusations of $p),wg on Americans were firs! leveled al the NSA, (he government claimed there was no illicit spying. l1letl it had 10 backtrack again and again. b)' Tbomos R. Eddle7IJ - FEATURES CULTURE 21 The Slippery Slope to Pedophilia by Selwyn Duke - It is unlikely Illal many Americans now believe Ihat pedophilia will soon be accepted in this counllY bm it is riding Ihe S<lme lmck 10 respectability as did homosexual "marriage." EXTENDED BOOK REVIEW 27 Levin's Risky Proposal: A Constitutional Convention by l£my Gre.enley - Mark LC1n's Ilew book, Tile Liber~v Amendments, whjch calls for an Article Vconstitutional convention, ignores Ibe very real risks of harmful changes 0 the Constilution. HISTORY - PAST AND PERSPECTIVE 35 NSA Spying: It Didn't Start With 9/11 b)1 Jack Kem~)I - The N an enornJOUS agency created 10 coUecl SA, and analyze intelligence on foreign threats, {ailed 10 SlOp 91 [I and now spies on Americ:Uls. Has it oUllived its usefulness? THE LAST WORD 44 Syria, Obama, Putin, and the UN ~" lVillimn F. jasper DEPARTMENTS 5 Letters to the Editor 33 The Goodness of America 7 Inside Track 40 Exercising the Right 9 QuickQuotes 41 Correction, Please! COVER Design by Joseph w. Kelly
  • 4. LEITERS TO THE EDITOR Why Attack Syria? How is it (hat the death of 400 children in Damascus, caused by parties yet undetermined. is being used as a justification to further devastate war-torn Syria. yet the death of 500.000, yes a half-million. Iraqi children , owi ng to malnutrition caused by the U.S.-enforced embargo aild economic sanctions of their country during President Clinton's administration. has raised hardly an eyebrow? (When asked about the death of the 500.000. Madeleine Albright, Clinton's secretary of ~tate, said, "It was worth 11.") Mightn't we bener do un to oursel ves, firs!, what we intend to do (or have done) unto others. perhaps starting by carpet-bombing our military installations in Arizona, South Carolina, and suburban D.C .. so tbat their residenls might fully enjoy that which their elected congressmen advocate? Simultaneously. along with that destruction, wouldn't it be poetic for our chief executive to publicly recite Mark Twain's "War Prayer" to accompany "the bombs bursting in air"? tn tbe eyes of our president. his circle of advi sors, and their supporting talk-show hosts. how many ton s of bombs must be dropped on a foreign country to re-establish so-called American credibility? Would cluster. whjte phosphorous, and napalm bombs count for extra points? RUSSELL W. HAAS Golden Colorado The problem regarding the Syrian debate stems from the fact that offici al America has had an Empire mentality for over 200 years. Ever sillce the beginning of the "War of 1812," where it goal was to annex Canada. our Republic has tloundered in dreams of conquest and expansion of influence. They called it "Manifest Destiny." We should not be surplised that this megalomania continues to this day. Empires alway have more " interests" than protecting the people of their own countries, Wby should Americans then cry because U.S. presidents behave like emperors - that 's what 3Jl empire can expect! Unaccoulltable tyran ts start illegal and unjust wars to conquer and control. always using some excuse such as "national security; ' even creating "false flag" operations if necessary, to frighten their citizens into submission. CaI/1-800-727- TRUE to subscribe today! Tyrants also abuse their own people by meddling ill pers onal affairs s uch a " health care," plundering the populace to pay for their arrogance. Claiming to know what is best for everyone, down to the most minul~ detail. they impose rules, regulations, and unju st hindrances to free enterprise. (Why, it takes I I government permit to operale a Taco Bell store). The underl ying ro ot causes for seeking Empire are lus t, greed, inordinate ambition, and blood lust. Things I 'ill not change unlil American~ from all 50 overeign republics wake up and reali ze the USA has been the aggressor around the world for mnny, many years, either directl y or by provoking attacks in order to war. The only truly just war we ever fought was for our independence from England_ The current , ilUalion in Syria i~ a perfect exam.ple o f our meddli ng. Whe n VillI we learn to mind our own bu siness, protect our 0 n people and borders, aod make policie and law. that e ncourage trul y free enterpri e and the possibility that all who wi sh to work and produce value are left to dec ide what i best for their own dearest intere t o? DtCK MILLS Houston. Texas Superstate Victims fn addition to the Snowden and M anning ca es, the ongoing persecution of Michael N CI must be publicized. He is the soldier who refused to pledge allegiance to the United Nations and to wear UN insignia in 1993, ioasmuch as it would con.tlict with his sworn allegiance to the United Slates. One cannot serve two masters. The U.S. Constitution does not allow the president to delegate allegi ance of armed force s to another entity such as the UN , which is itse.lf nO( even a govern menl. New was jailed. and his case continues. See for details. Appeal was recently filed. CARL OLSO, Woodland Hills, California Send your letters to: THE NEW ~"IERlC N. P.O. Box 8040. Appleton, WI 54912. Or e-mail: editorial@thenel"· Due to volume received, not all lellers call be an, wered. Letters may be edited for space and clarity. 5
  • 5. --~ - INSIDE TRACK Chinese State-owned Company Purchases Smithfield Foods On September 6, the U.S. Committee on Foreign [nvestment approved a deal valued at approximately $7.1 billion allowing China's Shuanghui International Holdings Ltd. (Shuanghui Group) to officially take ownership of Smithfield, Virginia-based Smithfield Foods Inc., the world's largest pork producer. Shuanghui had already purchased all of Smithfield's stock back in May for approximately $4.72 billion. "The deal, which would be the biggest purchase of a U.S. company by a Chinese firm. still needs shareholder approval at a special meeting scheduled for September 24," according to Reuters. Shuanghui announced that Smithfield would be listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange after the takeover was complete. One thing that Reuters and other Western media fail 10 mentJOn is that Shuanghui International Holdings is controlled by the Communist Pany of China. In various English-language sources geared to readers in the West, Shuanghui International Holdings is presented as a private corporation. For example, the English version of the Wikipedia page for Shuangbui list the company as "private with public subsidiary:' However. the Chinese-language version of Shuanghui's Wikipedia page says the opposite, identifying the company as a "state-owned enterprise." Translated into English , the official Mandarin website for Shuanghui provides a biography of Shuanghui Chairman Wan Long that identifies hjm as a member of tbe Communist Party of China. a former soldier in the People's Liberation Anny, and representative to the Ninth and Tenth National People's Congress. which is the unicameral legislative body of the People's Republic of China. In the official international' version of the company website,.Wan Long's biography conveniently omitS any mention of his membership in the Communist Parry, service in the military. and terms as a representative to the National People's Congress. As the United States and Cbina proceed to work out a bilateral investment treaty that would enable more Chinese state-owned enterprises to openly purchase American companies, this acquisition of Smithfield Foods by Shuaughui serves as a preview of what could eventually be the norm. Australia Reining In Climate Schemes After Voters Reject Carbon Tax rn tbe wake of a crushing defeat September 7 for the climate alarmism-promoting Australian Labor Party, which imposed the deeply unpopular and expensive "carbon tax" credited by analysts for the conservative coalition's victory. authorities in Australia are preparing to dismantle and consolidate the· myriad globalwarming scheme-s spawned under the previous government. Ac ording to Australian news reports. the government' vast anti-carbon climate apparatus currently consists of more than 30 programs under seven departments and eight agencies. Under the newly elected center-right coalition, the sprawling machine is set to b reined in significantly, saving taxpayers over $40 million in four years by collapsing the various schemes into just three entilies run by two departments, The restructuring of the federal climate regime was announced to government employees before the election - widely viewed as a referendum on the carbon tax - and a spokesman for the new coalition confi.rmed that the plan was still on track, Cjmate realists say that the entire global-warming behemoth ought to be axe.d entirely - especially considering recent developments that experts say bave thoroughly debunked the United Nation" warming theories and wildly il13ccurate computer models. However. as THE NEW AJ'..IERICAN repol1ed September 9 after the Australian election, there are a number of obstacles to shulling down the costly climate schemes, including incoming Prime Minister Tony Abbott s waffling on "cl imate is ues" and resistance to scmpping the carbon tax in the Senate. Still, even though the costly climate-alarmism schemes will not be entirely abolished, Abbott and his coalition appear determined [0 scrap !Jle carbon tax at least. Of course, countless bureaucrats and self-styled "expens" whose jobs depend on perpetuating climate alarmism are fighting back against the will of voters. Despite the wdlknown fact that human emis ions of carbon dioxide make up just a fraction of one percent of the greenhouse gasses present naturally in the atmosphere. supporters of man-made globalwam1ing theories insist that humanity must. under UN guidance, destroy the economy to reduce emissions and stave off alleged disaster. Whether Australia wi II comply remains to be seen , but it is looking less likely after the latest election.
  • 6. -------------- TRACK INSIDE Wisconsin Law Restricting Government Unions Upheld Again A popular Wisconsin law aimed at ending the stranglehold of goverlllTIent-employee unions over taxpayers and workers was upheld September II by a federal judge. who ruled that the 2011 "Act I 0" reform measures championed by Republican Governor Scon Walker did not violate the First Amendment or equal-protection rights of Big Labor. It wa the second major victory for the law in federal courts so far. In his September II ruling. U.S. District Judge William Conley explained that the First Amendment does indeed protect the right to free speech and associ at jon of government worker. Wisconsin's law, however, did not violate those rights, and the Constitution does not purport to grant any so-called collec(jve bargaining privileges. "'Whatever rights public c'1lployees have to associate and p~ti-,ion their public employers on wage and conditions of employment. this right ceminl), does not corupe l the employer to Iisren." he wrote in his decision to reject the law uit filed by two public-sector unions. Big Labor and its attomeys. predictably, were outraged by the latest court decision. Kat)' Lounsbury, one of the lawyers representing government-employee unions in (he case. slammed the rulUlg as "just wrong." According to media reports. the attorneys will be consulting with union bosses before deciding whether or not to appeal the court's finding that the law is contitutional. The national implications of the ongoing baUle are one of the key reasons that analysts say unions across America have been frantically fighting the Wisconsin law. After it a approved, for example, Big Labor and its allies sought to recall Governor Walker and .~ome fellow Republicans in the legi slature, prompting huge spending sprees by organizations and unions nationwide. In the end, (he GOP governor survived the ell-funded challenge. setting the stage for other leaders to pur~ ue desperately need.ed reforms. However, as the lawsuits continue. the baule is far from finished. Federal Judge Dismisses Atheists' Lawsuit Against "In God We Trust" A federal judge in New York State has di smissed a lawsuit filed by a group of atheists demanding that '1n God We Trust" be removed from America's currency. In his September 9 decision, Judge Harold Baer, Jr. ruled that the presence of the national mono on coins and paper money had not created a "substan(ial burden" on the athei sts and humanist involved in the suit. which was filed by members of the New York City Atheists and the Freedom From Religion Foundation. "While Plaintiffs may be inconvenienced or offended by the appearance of the motto on currency." wrote Baer. "these burdens are a far cry from the coercion, penalty. or denial of benefits required under the ' substantial burden' standard." BaeT Doted that in the federal judiciary 's extensive history of hearing cases on the con stitutionality of the. national motto, judges have considered whether ils presence on cunency tends to advance religion and whether it represent ' an excessive government entanglement with religion. He added tbat every circuit comt "that bas considered the issue found no EstabLi shment Clause violation in the motto's placement on currency. finding ceremonial or ecular purposes and no religious effect or endorsement." The American Center for La and Justice (ACLJ) provided an amicus brief in the case in defense of the national motto, pointing out that the wording "simply echoes the principle found in the Declaration of Independence that our freedom s come from God and not the state. The nationa l mono was adopted for the express purpose of reaffirming America's unique understanding of thi s truth .... The Establishment Clause was never intended as a guarantee that a per on will not be exposed to religion or religious symbols on public property, and the Supreme Court has rejected previous attempts to eradicate all symbols of this country ' s religious heritage from the public's view," •
  • 7. The Path to a "Big War" "Once we hit, this is an act of war. Little wars start big wars, and we have to remember that.'· Interviewed on Meet the Press, Congressman Michael McCaul (RTexas) is the c/l(lirmon of the HOllse Homeland Secllrity Committee. Ft. Hood Killer Not a Martyr "Don't be fooled. He is not giving his life. We are taking his life. This is not his gift to God. This is his debt to society."' Lead prosecutor Colonel Michael Milligan loldju/"Ors nol to consider Nidal Malik Hasan's death for the 2009 crime of killing 13 unanned people nn ael afmartyrdom. Thejury look little time to sentence him 10 death by lethal injection. Egypt's Government Seeking to Cripple Power of Muslim Brotherhood ··[The move to prosecute former president Mohamed Morsi] is an attempl to paralyze the Brorberhood and affect its lIctivism. ll·s very symbulic, a pulitic<ll muve by the state against the Brotherhuud." All expert 011 Middle Easl l slamisl movemellts, Khalil al-Anani of the Washington-based Middle East Instilllte commented after Egypt's chief prosecutor ordered Marsi 10 stand trialfor inciting murder. Not the i'World's Policeman" "We are not !.he world's policeman, nor its judge and jury. Our own needs in America are great, and they should come tiTSt.'· Resisting the cry 10 arrack Syria, Congressman Alan Grayson (D-Fla.). a progressive Democrat, expressed the view of malI} colleagues. Food stamps Cost Soaring "Spending on food stamps has mushroomed from $35 billion in 2007 to $63 billion. Tn an average mon·th, nearly 48 million people - one in seven U.S. residents - receive [this type of] benefits." In her Washington POSt Colllllln about this mushrooming a·elfare program, columnist Ruth Marcos complained about GOP efforTS 10 cut the program. Syrian Refugee Total Continues to Grow "The number of Syrian refugees passed the threshold of two million. with no sign of this tragic outflow ending." A Sl'.plemher 3 rp.pnrt fmm Th e United Nations' Refugee Agency I7Dtp.d that mort' than a millioll oftha!:t> fleeing rh e civil war are children under 17 years of age. One Man's Perspective About the Syrian Crisis "In one of tho e curious turns of history, an ugly bloody. litde conflict in an always fragile, volatile, artificial nahon-state crea(ed in the last gasps of European colonialism is now determining the world's immediate fOr1mes." Writingfor the American Cellterfor Democracy, Sol Sanders believes That the Syrian conflict has good potential for escalation inTO a world conflict. President Obama Urged to be More Outspoken About Racial incidents " I think that [the Zimmerman acquittal] will be seen as a questionable judgment on the pan of the judicial system down (here, but I don't know if it witl have staying power." Claiming Ihat the president should "·speak OUl,' · former Secretary of Stare Colin Powell said that Obama should be '·more pa ssionate " aboUT the mat/a. - COMPILED BY JOHN F. McMANUS Call J-800- 727- TRUE to subscribe today!
  • 8. While some Americans have claimed U.S. government surveillance of Americans is innocuous, others have equated it with the infamous East German Stasi. Actually, it's worse. by Joe Wolverton n an interview in June with a German television tation, German President Joachim Gauck said the surveillance conducted by the National Security Agency ( SA) was nOI comparable to that conducted by the Stasi - the infamous East German Ministry for State Security - be- I 10 6 6 16 10 • . ' cau e "it is not like it was with the Stasi and the KGB - that there exist big filing cabinets in which aJl the content of our conversations are written down and nicely filed. This is not the case." Gauck is right. The NSA is nothing like the Stasi because the East German secret police relied on uch lhing. a typewriters. carbon copies. handwritten transcriptions of phone conversations, agents listening through doors and rudimentary bugging devices. and the aforementioned fi ling cabinets. The SA. on the other hand, can apparently monitor electronically - in real lime - every word of every phone call. every text me sage, every social media post. every website visited, and every form of electronic communication. THE NEW AMERICAN • OCTOBER 7,2013 •• •
  • 9. '2' .Ot How much data is being collected by the NSA? William Binney, a former NSA technical director turned whistleblower, estimates that the newly completed NSA Utah Data Center "will be able to handle and process five zettabytes of data," In a story quoting Binney's claim. National Public Radio repons that a zettabytc is equal to "the amount of data that would fill 250 billion DVDs:' Back to those bulging Stasi filing cabinets. Imagine that a typical fi ling cabinet with 60 files of 30 pages per file takes up about 4,3 square feet of space, Each 30page tile would equal roughly 120 MB of data, Given the amount of storage available to the NSA in its Utah location, if all the data stored there were printed and stored in traditional filing cabinets, those cabinets would occupy nearly 6,6 million square miles! Nothing like the Sla~i, indeed, Secret Police Minus the Police Powers Is there any clearer lens through which to vicw the future than the past? Is not the United States of2013 eerily and tragically traveling along a similar trajectory to that followed by the formerly free Germans and the communi st Stasi that ultimately deprived them of their libenies? In de cribing the growth and survival of the East German surveillance state and the Stasi' activities that undergirded it. Scott Horton wrote that Eas t Germany was a country "in whicb the power and authority of the intelligence services to spy on their own citizens rested on an elaborate network of laws that empowered surveillance and eroded the rights of citizens specified in the country 's constitution," Again, the Stasi and lhe Cold War communi t East German regime had nothing on the NSA and 21 t-century America, From the enactment of tile Patriot Act to the renewal of Ule Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act amendments. Congre s after Congress and consecutive presidents have usurped powers the scope of which are unknown i.n the written record of government. Before launching into a report on the myriad methods being used by our own federal government to keep us under the constant vigilance of its neVerblinking eye. the reader needs to have in the front of hi mind the standard to which the federal government mUSt be held, The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution mandates: The right of the people to be ecure in their persons, houses. papers, and effects , against llnreasonable earches and seizures, shall not be violated. and no warrants shall issue. but upon probable cause, supponed b_ oath or affmnarion. and part icularly de cribing the place to be searched. and the persons or things to be seized , Recent events demonstrate that for over a decade. ollr elected reprc· cntativ (and the courts, for that matter) have di regarded the Constitution and built a domestic spy that bears no re emblance whatsoever to the blueprint provided by our Founding Fathers in the Con tlfUlion. Throwing a Wrench Into the Works On August I. fonner low-level networking subcontractor Edward Snowden entered Russian territory. .M~nAH: OOH WH a I, Russian President Vladimir Putin permitted Snowden to take up temporary residence in Russia, At home, President Obama charged the young man with espionage. a curiou ' charge given that even the president admits there is no evidence that Snowden transferred any sensitive information to a foreign government. an essential element of the crime he is accused of cOllunitling. No maner. President Obama is not known for hewing to the Constitution or the law, The cache of document Snowden hold, was leaked to the Washingtoll POSI and to The Guardian (U ,K.) and contai ns compell ing evidence of the SA's wholeaJe violation of the Fourth Amendment through the dragnet surveillance of phone records and monitoring of Internet traffic. With tbe as istance of Glen Greenwald of The Guardia/!, Snowden has leaked one constitutional violation after another committed by the NSA, All of wbich, it must be understood, was done with the cooperation of the pre ident , the Con- Edward Snowden, an employee of an NSA subcontractor, leaked a cache of documents containing compelling evidence of the NSA's wholesale violation of the Fou rth Amendment through the dragnet surveillance of phone records of millions of innocent Americans . W'A/W, .. ,. 11 6 6 16 10
  • 10. 00 1ol9orroq M _COVER IUO r .i~)/ f2 f}ltO ro I" ~:::J ,~A;,O (((1n111"1" SI!JRVC:I~~ANCE ~STORY records on an "ongoing daily basis" and to hand over to (he Accoriting to,~~a;courtorder labeled domestic spy agency "an elec-)'-/':'~I:"; "iTOP. SECRElf.':rederal judge Roger tronic copy" of "all call detail records created by Verizon for Vinson order~'~iVeriZDn to turn over the communications (i) between the of its U.S. United States and abroad; or (ii) wholly within Ine United States, ~~t~(.'_.';.._';:. including local telephone calls." This information includes the gress, and the courts. The strength of the phone numbers involved. the electronic evidence of collusion among the three identity of the device. the calling card numbranches of the federal government in the bers (if any) used in making the calls, and de facto repeal of the Fourth Amendment the time and duration of the call. In other words. millions of innocent is overwhelming. A mericans have had their call records Tyranny Erected in Cyberspace shared with a federal spy agency in open Among the most disturbing disclo- and hostile defiance of the Founh Amendsures found within the reams of Edward ment"s guarantee of the right of the people Snowden 's revelations was the surrender to be free from sllch unreasonable searchby major telecommunications companies es and seizures. What is reasonable? Legally speaking_ of the otherwise private phone records of millions of Americans - none of whom "the term reasonable is a generic and relawas, as required by the Constitution, sus- tive one and applies to !hat which is appropriate for a particular situation." pected of committing any sort of crime. According to a court order labeled Even if the reasonableness threshold is "TOP SECRET:' federal judge RogerVin- crossed, though. there must be a warrant son ordered Veri zon to tum over the phone and suspicion of commjssion of or intent records of millions of its U.S. customers to commit a crime. Neither the NSA nor Veri zon ha. asserted that even one of the to the NSA. The order, iss ued in April by the U.S. miUions wbose phone records were seized Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court fits that description. When contacted by THE NEW AMERIand leaked on the Internet by The Guardian , compels Verizon to provide these CAN , a spokesman for Verizon declined to i~" ~h· ne re· or~ olll· c· d~s,;/of'millions cu" oilll er· to 1tfe': N'SA. st· m· sf.j,~ An order from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court compelled telecommunication giant Verizon to provide the NSA with customer phone records on an "ongoing daily basis" and to hand over "an electronic copy" of "all call detail records created by Verizon for communications at home and abroad. " 12 comment on bis company 's compliance with tbe order. Such a demur is expected in light of the provision of the order that prohibits Verizon, the FBI, or the SA from revealing to the publ.ic - including the Verizon customers whose phone record now belong to the Obama admini stration - that lhe data is being given to the government. Glen Greenwald of Th e Guardian details the data being seized by the NSA: The information i classed a "metadata," or transactional information. rather than commun icati on , and so does not require individual warrants to access_ The document also specifies that such " metadata" is not limited to the aforementioned items. A 2005 court ruling judged tbat cell site location data - the neare t cell tower a phone was connected to - was also transactional data and so could potentiall y fall under the scope of the order. While the order it.self does not in<.; Iude ei ther the conten Is of messages or the persona) informat ion of tbe subscriber of any par{jcular cell number. its collection would allow the NSA to build easily a comprehensive picture of who any indi vidual contacted, how and when. and possibly from where, retrospectively. Perhaps the most disturbing take-away from the leak of this secret court document ordering Verizon to hand over customer call logs and other data to a federal surveillance agency is the fact that the government considers the protections of the Fourth Amendment to be nothing more than a " parchment barrier" that is easily tom through. The Obama administration regards tbe Constitution - as did the Bush administration before it - as advisory at best. Of course, being a subcontractor in the construction of the surveillance state pays handsomel y. As reponed by THE NEW A/o.·IERICAN. on August 16. Verizon announced that it was awarded a 10-year. $10 billion contract "to provide cloud and hosting ervices" to Ihe U.S. Department of the Interior. Apparently. crimes against the Constitution pay. and they pay very well. THE NEW AMERICAN • 6 6 16 10 Rh 5 ..,...... ~~r ooc . ~r e ~f" nnnr I'>r 0<:' de TOBER 7. 2013
  • 11. ~""'PIo'OU(oni'loilc;PId"'","""'" m.~n."f'OUI' fi'tI .. .L .L L.L 1 U.S. governmental e ntities (includ ing local , state and federal). .I. .L .L L .L .L .1. According to tbe information Snowden released, both companies that disclosed govenU11ent surveillance requests - Facebook and Microsoft - were giving the government access to the private information of millions of users . They were not alone, however. Yahoo, Google, PalTalk, AOL, Skype, YouTube. and Apple all allowed the agents of the federal surveillaJ1ce slate to secretly snoop on their u ers. Every Keystroke Recorded Under a program code-named PRISM, the NSA and the FBI are "tapping directly into the central servers of nine leading U.S. Internet companies, extracting alldio, video, photographs, e-mails. documents and connection logs that enable analysts to track a person's movements and contacts over time " reported the Washington Post. Social Media Surveillance Have you updated your Facebook or Twitter accounts lately? If so, the government likely knows what you posted, when you posted it. and who read what you wrote. According to a statement posted on Facebook' website June 14, government agencies - including federal, stale, and local authorities - requested user data on between 18.000 and 19,000 account holders. The remarkable disclosure of government requests for users' private information fo llows successful negotiations between Facebook and other tech giants and the federal government. Over the pas t few weeks, Facebook Google, and other technology compani es who were impl icated in the revelation s of the covert NSA s urveillance program known as PRISM have petitioned Lhe reds to allow them to disclose their level of participation in surveillance· requests received from govemment entitie . Under PRISM. the NSA and the FBI are " tapping directl y into the central server of nine leading U. S. Internet companies. extracting audio. video, photographs . emails. documents and connection logs that enable analyst to track a person 's movement and contacts over time," as reported by the Wa shington Post. One document in the Snowden rev elations indicated that PRISM was " the number one source of raw intelligence used for NSA analytic repons." Snowden claimed that the program was so invasive that the NSA and the FBI "quite literally can watch your ideas fonn as you type." Most of these requests by the government are m,ade under (he authority of the Forei gn Inte lligence Surveillance Act (F1SA). Nor surpri singly, when Lhe govemment asks the pecial urveillance coun to approve their s nooping. judges give them the go-ahead . iJl fact, in April , Lhe Department of Justice revealed to Congress the number of applications for eavesdropping received and rejected by the FISA court: In 2012, of the 1,789 requests made by Lhe government to monitor the electronic communications of citizens, not a single one was rejected. Followin g the negotiations that opened the way for Facebook to report its coopera tion with requests to hand over user information, Microsoft made a similar surveillance di closure. A blog post on the Redmond, Washington-based company 's website declared: For the six months e nded December 31 , 201 2. Microsoft received between 6,000 and 7.000 criminal and national securi ty warrants, subpoenas and orders affecting between 31.000 and 32,000 consumer accounts from On July 31 Glen Greenwald publis hed another drip in the ocean of Snowden leaks. Under a program known as "XKeyscore," the NSA monitors and records every email written by eve ry Ameri ca)) , again without a warran t and -vilhoul probable cause, in direct defiance of the Fourrh Amendment. Greenwald, after examining a PowerPoint presentation included in the information he received from Snowden. explained the scope of XKeyscore: "One presentation ciajms the [XKey core) program coyers 'nearly everything a typical u er does on the internet,' including the content of emails. websitesv iitedandsearche . as well as their metadata ." "Ana.lysL can al so use XKeyscore and other ISA systems to obtajn ongoing 'real-ti me ' interception of an individual ' i.nternet activity:' he added. How does it work? Greenwald expla ined that too: "An NSA tool called DNI Presenter. used to read the content of stored emails, a.l so enables an analyst using X Keyscore to read the content of Facebook chats or private messages. Analysts can also search by name, telephone nu m ber. lP address, keywords. the language in which the internet activity wa..~ conducted or the type of browser used ." It is important to note that XKey core doesn'( record phone conversati ons. There is evidence, however, that the NSA records every one of those, as well , and stores the coment in one of its many data warehou. es, such as the one in Utah that goes online within weeks. Of course, there is no doubt that mobile phone conversations are being recorded. The federal government i remot Iyactivating the microphones and cameras in Call /-800· 72 i -TRUE /0 subscribe today! 13 •• 6 6 16 10
  • 12. COVER ~ STORY 001 O(9gtf{n(pf~ rotot ,Ioor .. 1:)/ 12 A"" 1" 1 1 1 "1" :J J .~/: /-C1 SURVEI ~l.!ANCE· Android smartphones and Windows laptops, according to a report published by the Wall Street Journal on August 3. Citing a "former US official," the Journal says court documents reveal that the FBI is using a variety of "hacking" tools to ramp up the scope of the surveillance of millions of Americans, keeping many unwittingly under the watchful eye of Washington. One of the lou mal's anonymous sources described a pan of the FB I called the "Remote Operations Unit." Agents in this specialized ullit prefer. if possible, to install the remote control software by uploading to the target's computer using a USB flasb drive. When the g-men-come-hackers can't get access to the target's computer, they install the surveillance soft.w3J:e over the Interne! "usi ng a document or link that loads software when the person clicks or views it." It is not only possible for the federal government to listen to your conversations using the microphone in your Android' smartphone and watch you while you sit in your own home on your own computer, but they do so regularly and can do so very easily. Purportedly, the FBI has been using these methods of surveillance "for over a decade." but their use has come to light only recently by way of "court documents and interviews" with people familiar with the programs. Is the NSA Policing Itself? In what likely amounts to another middling misdirection. on August 15 the Washington reponed tba( aD internal audit of the NSA revealed lhat the agency violated its own privacy protection rule 2,776 times. NSA Compliance Director John DeLong tried putting a positive spin on the report. During a press conference on AuPOSI ge _0 gust 16, DeLong assured the media that the NSA is not involved in " willful violations" of the law. "People need to unders tand there's no willful violations here," he ·aid. "We really do look for them, detect them and correct them." "No one at NSA, not me or anyone else. thinks they are okay:' he added. He additionally claimed that (he number of incidenlal violation s of privacy laws is "minuscule ... a couple over the past decade." Minuscule or no!, why is such a disclosure irrelevam? Consider the following analysis published by Ron Paul on his Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity website: Though it made for sensational headlines last week. the 2,776 SA violations of its own intercept guidelines over the course of one year are irrelevant. The millions and millions of "authorized" intercepts of our communications are all illegal - except for the very few earned out in pursuit of a validly-i~sued search warrant in accordance with the Fourth Amendment. That is the real story, Drawing our attention to the violations unfortunately sends the message that the "authorized"' spying on us is nothing to be concerned about. E-mail and Snail Mail In a program known as XKeysc'ore, NSA agents use a 1001 called DNI Presenter to read in real time the private Facebook chats and messages, and stored e-mail of users. Using this application. agents can search these electronic records by name, IP address, keywords. etc. The U.S. government is not content. to monitor your phone calls and your Internet activity; it's now reading your snail mail, too. A story in the New York Times published Wednesday. July 3, tells the story of Buffalo , New York , resident Leslie James Pickering. Pickering repons that last September he noticed "something odd in his mail": a "handwrirten card, apparently delivered by mistake. with instructions for postal workers to pay special attention to the lett ers and packages sent to his home," the Times story claims. 'rhe card - a picmre or which appears in the Times story - appears to read: "Show all mail to supv L supervisorJ for copying prior to going oUI on the street." Pickering's name was written on the card, as well as the word "'Confidential," written in green ink. Apparently, Pickering was (he unwitting target of a "longtime surveillance system" the Times calls "mail covers."' THE N£lN AMERICAN· OCTOBER 7. 2013 /4 6 6 1 6 10 .. 5 ~=t r POe e: r e 3£ Duor M o s e,I.Qllr iil lOt ;111 ., ~ '. ,: '~'!!lB" '. ,. ,. ,, ' ~ 1T' c ,! ..~ . '.' -
  • 13. JOI,)t8tO' .()tOI Jr MOV OX' ~~1iHW 'V8 0010001010 nnn1n111n1 It doesn't stop there. however. While snail mail surveillance has been a (001 of law enforcement for over 11 cenrury. (he program that targeted is called Mail Isolation Control and Tracking. As pan of this Slrveillance tactic. the "Postal Service computers photograph the exterior of every piece of paper maillha! is processed in the United States - about 160 billion pieces last year. It is not known how long the government saves the images." When combined. the NSA and the U.S. Postal Service can keep every fonn of communication - electronic and conventional - under constant surveillance. without probable cause. A mail carrier's mistake led Buffalo, New York. resident Leslie James Pickering to discover the U,S. Postal Service's long-running program of targeting people for monitoring and recording of their surface mail. Details of the surveillance program reveal that the exterior of every piece of mail is photographed by the Postal Service. All Movements Are Monitored Beyond the government 's ability to watch and record every activity carried on in cyberspace. its capacity for keeping an eye on (he real world comings and goings of citizens is immensely more jarring and less publicized. The U.S. government exercises control over a massive and technologically advanced camera-based surveillance system that has the capacity to keep the urban population of this country under the watchful eye of government 24 hours a day. TrapWire is the name of this network of camera, and other surveillance tools . Unlike other elements of the central government's cybersurveillance program. word about TrapWire was not leaked by Obama administration in ider . The detall of this nearly unbelievable urveill ance scheme were made public by WikiLeaks, the antisecrecy group founded by Julian Assange. Exactly what is TrapWirc? According to one de cription of the program. from the online Ru ssia Today: closed location to be aggregated with other intelligence. As with so ma ny of the federal government's unconstitutional efforts at placing each and every citizen of the United States under the never-blinking eye of those who consider themselves our·caretakers. TrapWire is sold as being a necessary weapon in the War on Terror. Taxes as a Political Tool Other departme n in the executive branch have done much to keep an e e on p<r tential enemie of the stale as the _ SA. albeit in their own di tinct manner. Earlier thi s summer. it wa rep0l1ed by many ouuets (including THE E, AMERICAN) that the IRS was persecuting Tea Party and other conservative groups by conducting intrusive and illegal investigations of these groups' applications for 501 (c)(4) tax-exempt status. Although according to the White House the discrimination ended in May 2012. on August 9.2013. the Washington Examiner reported that an unnamed IRS official testitIed in a closed-door hearing of the House Way s and Means Committee that " the agency is still targeting Tea Party groups ." The implications of tlus abu e are incalculable. In a statement to THE NEW fuv[ERlCA • Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said. "The power to audj t ha become a poLitical weapon. Nobody wants a government where the taxing authoriry is used politicaJly." Former enior intelligence ofIicials have created a detailed surveillance ystem more accurate thao modern facial recognition technology - and have in. tailed it across the US under the radar of most Americans. according to mails hacked by Anonymous. Every few second . data picked up at surveillance points in major citie and landmarks across the United States are recorded digitally on the spot. t.hen encrypted and instantaneously delivered to a fortified central database center at an undis- The use oftaxjng authority as a political weapon was not confined to conflicts with non-profit petitions. In January. Christine O· Donnell. former candidate for Joe Biden's fonner Senate seat in Delaware. was informed that Delaware -tate officials had on everaJ occaion acee sed her fed eral tax records to obtain potentially embarra ing information on a tax lien lhat wa first reported in a new paper article. The lien. it was di covered. w erroneou Iy filed. and lhe nooping was di covered. During congres ional hearing on the maner and on IRS cormption in general. a spokesman for the IRS told Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) that a Delaware state investigator was given penni :ion to open O'Donnell's IRS records. Based on nothing more than a newspaper story. O'DonneH's political foes were able to gain access to her very private tax. information. Most Americans. it would eem, would prefer that the infonnation contained in their rRS tile would remain private. The fact is. however. if an agent of the government (state or federal) wan to rifle through that file. rhe IRS require very little in the way of probable cau e of wrongdoing. Being a member of a group whose politics don't jibe with the establishment is apparently sufficient ground for this very invasive, illegaJ. and UDcon slitutional surveillance. Despite the government' intrusion VIWW: .;" - 1 7 5 -m!!iO~C.-l" f~~,",:. ' Ir "OJt cloc~ h~1 fClD oonr-.ce5' Y'(l~tv AH , 09 ....~. ., 6 6 16 10 .
  • 14. into Americans' private business, many Americans dismiss its activities, saying. "I've Done Nothing Wrong. Why Should I Worry?" This is the question often put to opponents of the federal government's surveillance activity. Furthermore, many Americans accept the surveillance state with rationalizations such as: "The government is protecting us from terrorism. so J think it's fine that they keep an eye oUI for extremists. If they happen to listen to my phone calls or read my email, that's just the price we pay for ~afety:' In lighT of the protection~ afforded by the Fourth Amendment, these mentalities look at the surveillance from the wrong angle. Americans are endowed by their Creator with Ihe right to be free from unwarranted searches and seizures. When the government takes away Ihe!;e rights, then there is no liberty. regardles~ of pretexts and purposes put forth by the fedewl government. While it's O1le that most Americans have "done nothing wrong" criminally spealUng, it is equally true that most of us have done many embarrassing things that we would prefer not to have put in a tile for future use by political enemies - inside or outside the government. What are these pO$sible peccadilloes? Think bad credit. poor scholastic performance, Web surfing habits. sensitive medical diagnoses, etc. h is most important to remember that there is no evidence that the government's rna ive surveillance and deprivations of rights has made us any safer. What. then. is the tnle purpose of the surveillance? It isn't security. Demanding freedom in excbange for safety is the economy of tyrants. When the federal govemment - or any government - robs citizens of their basic civil rights. then that government has become despotic by definition. Benjamin Franklin said., "Any society that ould give up a lillIe liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose bOlh:' President Oban1a, on the otber hand, told Americans that we cannot have a nation that is 100 percent safe and 100 percent private. To be safe. he say. ve have to make hard choices. He's right: We must choo e whether to aJlow our constitutional rights to be subjected to daily diminution or to stand up ruld demand that the totalitarianism end and liberty be restored. The question is: How'? 16 6 6 16 10 .., Christine O'Donnell, former candidate for Joe Biden's former Senate seat in Delaware, was informed that Delaware state officials had on several occasions accessed her federal tax records to obtain potentially embarrassing information on a ta)( lien that was first reported in a newspaper article. Federalism Protects Fundamental Freedom One unwarranted wiretap. one unwarranted seizure of a phone record, one search of records of an individual's digital communications is too many. If we are a republic of laws, then the supreme constitutional law of the land must be adhered to. The standard i not whether or nOlthe spies or their bo ses think the deprivations are "okay." The standard is t.he Constitution - for every issue, on every occasion, with no exceptions. Anything les than that is a step towru'd tyranny. Taken together. the roster of snooping programs in use by the federal government places every American under the threat of constant urveillance. The courts. Congress. and the pre.sident have formed an unholy alliance bent on obliterating the Constitution and establishing a country where every citizen is a suspect and is perpetually under the never-blinking eye of the government. The establishment will likely continue construction of the surveillance umil the entire country is being watched around tbe clock and every monitored activity is recorded and made retrievable by agents who will have a dossier on every American . The fight can yet be won, tbough. Americans can attack the sprav.ling • • .,.•• • surveillance stale on several fronts. First. we must elect men and women to federal office who will honor their oaths of office (0 preserve, protec!. and defend the Constitution . Then , once in office. each of them must be held immediately nccoulllable for each and every violation of that oath. Next. we must fill our state legislatures with men and women who will refuse to enforce any act of Ihe federal government that exceeds the boundaries of its constitutionally granred powers. These lawmakers must force the federal beast back inside its constitutional cage and never accept even a degree of deviation from the blueprint drawn in Philadelphia in 1787. Though the hour is late. there is still hope , Beginning today, Americans can refuse to re-elect any lawmaker who has voted to fund the NSA or any olher federal agency wbose exislence is not specifically permitted by the Constitution. We can unite, as our forefathers, in the ennobling cause of the end of tyranny and the promotion of those unalienable rights granted to us - and revocable only - by our Creator. •
  • 15. ')OI ,H~!lO' MOV DX: ~~~HW .OflJ I :) r • SURVEI I!l!'ANCE COVER STORy ....... The NSA Domestic Surveil ance Lie When accusations of spying on Americans were first leveled at the ~SA, the government claimed there was no illicit spying. Then it had to backtrack again and again. try was strictly limited to likely terrorists - people that couns ruled to be dangerous based on the available evidence. Presidell! Busb stated on April 20,2004: There are such things as roving wirelaps. J ow, by the way. any time you bear the lh ited States government talking abo ut wiretap, it requires - a wiretap requires a court order. Nothing ha changed, by the way. When we' re talking about chasing down terrori sts, we're talking about getting a court order before we do ~o. Ii's important for our fellow citizens to understand, when yo u think Patriol Act. constitutional guarantees are in place when it comes to doing what is necessary to protect our homeland. because we value the Constitution. IEdwardS'nowden: The former NSA contractor and whis!leblower has stopped an ong oing snowjob by federal off1cials about NSA decimation of the Fourth Amendment. by Thomas R. fddlem ".A Ild so ill light oj the chll/lged environment lvhere {/ whole set oj questions have been miser/, some in the most sensatiollalized manner possible, where these leaks (JTe released drip by drip, one a week, /() kind of rnaximize attellliOIl {Ind see {( they can catch us a l so/)/e imprecision 011 ollie /iring. " - President Obama, August 9, 20J 3 press conjerence P resident Obama' s unprecedented press conference on NSA surveillance August 9 ~omplained about 'the journalistlleaker team of Glenn Greenwald from the Brirj .. h new. paper The Guardian and former SA contractorturned-w hi stleblower EdwaJ'd Snowden. implying that the two were merely trying to draw attentjon to themselves and bait the administration into admitting something inconsistent with what it said previously, hence giving the pair something else to use to draw even more attention to tJJemselves. However, in chast ising the pair' news release, on the NSA , it was ve apparent that Obama's press conference was a desperate attempt at political damage control. with Obama try'ing to con. truct a new. credible lie upon which he could claim that the NSA had never violated the Fourth Amendment or the pl;vacy of American . Widespread surveillance of Americalls began shortly after the September 11 , 200 1 attacks uJJder the Bush adminisU'ation, and received some attention with rep0l1ing by the New York Times from 2004-2006. Despite the reporting on SA surveillance. Bush - and later. Obama - administration personnel is ued official denials that the NSA was lis tening to AmericaJJ citizen ' electronic communications. We're not collecting data on American citizens. The Bu. h administration. which initiated the denials of spying on Americans. implied that any U.S. urveillance within the coun- On March 20 of this year. the director of national intelligence, Admiral James Clapper, also denied that there has been wholesale monitoring of Americans· communications, when he was asked by Oregon Senator Ron Wyden, "Does the NSA collect any type of data at all OIJ million or hundreds of millions of AmeriCaJls?" Director of National Intelligence and Admiral James Clapper: "No, sir." Wyden: " It does not?" Clapper: "Not witlingly. There are cases where they could inadvertently perhaps collect, but not winingl y,'· Oops. We meant to say we are collecting metadata on Americans. Both administrations engaged in flat out lies to the American people, but the Obama administration has been caught in lie after lie as it continually re treaLS from iu; offic ial story. The official story changed dramatically with Snowden's whistleblowing. Snowden told Greenwald back on June 9. 2013 that the NSA - once devoted to foreign intelligence - was increasingly foeu ed upon Calf 1 -800-727-TRUE to sLibscribe today l - ,: '. --t -....' ~ -InliAti Itlic..' r I ~.- 17 lie ,. • t• • • • •
  • 16. I . I '0010(99rmQ(YHfHOtOt . ,Ioor ,IJAT2 .J ].~A;- AD nnn1 n111 n1 n Sl!JRVEI~l!'ANCE · On USA 2013 conference. NSA Director General Keith Alexander laid OUI the e ntirety of what the NS A was supposedly collecting: ~----' ,:1 July.. 8,2D13, NSA Director General Alexa~nder : admitted that the NSA does collecMhe'·'content" of Americans' ~';H':". p-ersonatcommunications but, he .• insisted~thegovernment is not listening r...c to or., si!~ji1g . through the collection of data on Am.e'jcans; ' ~-. ,-!!~ ~ft. surveill ing Americans. ''The NSA speciticaUy targets the communications of everyone. It ingests them by default. It collects them in its system and it filters them and it analyzes them and it measures them and il stores them for a period of lime." It had gone so far. the former Booz-Allen-Hamilton employee claimed. "I. sitting at my desk . certainly had the authority to wiretap anyone. from you or your accountant. to a federal judge or even the president. if I had a personal email." Though Obama admini stration officials denied Snowden's sweeping charges (Snowden was later validated), they had to backtrack after Greenwald publi shed information on the NSA's collection of Americans' Internet " metadata" under the agency's PRISM program. James Clapper retracted his statement 10 Wyden Oll June 9 during NBC's Sunday Today show: [ thought it would be imponant [0 give you a picture of what our analysts actually see. There it is ... as you can see. what you have is the dale and ti me of the call, the calling number and the call- the duration of the call. And we also put in the origi n of the metadata data .... Tllis does not. include (he content of the communications. TIllSdoes no! include yo ur phone caJls or mine. your ell1ails. nor mine, your SMS messages. There is no content. By the time Alexander said those words. they were already out of date . That same day Greenwald publi sbed in The GUa/dian infomlation on the SA' XKeyscore program, a program thm collects. miJlions of e-mails from American cifizens w ithout a warrant. along with '''nearl y everything a user does on the I.nternet." La ter. other NSA programs were also revealed to have collected Americans' e-mail me sages on a massive scale. In response to being busted on this lie, the Obama admillistration bad another fallback upon which to rest their damage-control program: Even though they are collecting all Americans' Internet data, including the full content of e-mail messages, the data had never been mi. used and are subject to multiple _afeguards. Of course. the Founh Amendment to t}le U.S. Constit*ion prohibiL~ not only wanantless "searches" by the government , it ban government "seizllres" of records without both a warrant and probable cau e as well. We're not misusing the personal data that we do collect. In a televised interview on July 18, 2013, NSA Direc(or General Alexander admitted thaI the NSA does collect the "content" of Americans' personal communications but. he insisted. the government is not listenjng to or sifting t.hrough the colleaion of data on Americans. The NSA ha safeguards again t actual1y searching Americans' da ta. NBC Reporter Pete Williams: " Let's talk about the phone program. You gather all tbis data from the phone companie and it sits in YoUt' big tank. What can you do? Can you muoch on it and chew on It and do data mining, or does it just sit there until you have some specific question?" Gen. Alexande r: " Yea h. it sits there. And that's a great ques tion because the coun restricts wbat we can do with that data. We can only look at that data if we have a nexus to alQaida or other terrorist groups." I re.sponded in what I thought was the mosl truthful, or least untruthful manner by say ing no. And again. ·10 go back to my metaphor. What I was thinking of is looking at the Dewey Decimal number - of those books in that metaphorical library ~ to me, collection of U.S. persons' data would mean taking the book off the shelf and opening it up and reading it. We're not collecting e-mail and other private Internet messages from Americans. This firsl of several backtracks was followed by the next fallback line in NSA denial soon thereafter: The NSA admitted collecting data on American , but only metadat3 - information aboUl Inte rnet traffic - not private e-mails and other priate Internet-based mes ages. On Jul y 3 !, 2013. at the Black Hat Should have read the morning paper: NSA Director Keith Alexander claimed at the July 31 "Black Hat" conference that NSA surveillance "does not include your phone calls or mine, your emails, nor mine," the same day that Snowden/Greenwald revealed in the U_K. Guardian that the XKeyscore program did include contents of e-mails. 1 8 THE NEW AMERICAN • OC TOBER 7. 201 3 ,Q ,. .. , ,,... "co. • ~ .. " . ..: '.~ tL~ I • ~j .. 1. '._ ~ -
  • 17. I )ll')f~r(~ ) I I'll I Ulel)t MOVDX' ~~ HW 1; , 001000 000101 This was the fallback position of the Obama administration throughout the month of July. They essentially claimed thar the NSA was collecting all types of data on Americans. but that this collection is put into a Iype of legal lockbox that is not touched without a warrant and a coun order from a FlSA court. But by August 15, the Washingtoll Post had reponed that the NSA had violated the privacy of Americans' data - and had violated its own rules - thousands of times per year. Thus. !.he Obama admjnistration was forced to fall back to the next tie. th at the NSA had never intelltiollally violated Americaos' privacy by searching their pri vate e-mails aod phone records. Okay, our collection of data on Americans has been abused accidentally, but never deliberately. Obarna then wen'! on hi national public relations tour for the NSA"s unconstitutional wiretapping program. again assuring Americans lhat !.heiJ private information was safe in his admini stration's hands. He said in an interview with Jay Leno on the Tonight Sho w on August 7. 2013: We put in some additional safeguards to make ure that there 's federal court oversigl1( as well as congressional oversight. that there is no spying on Americans. We don ' t have a domestic spying program. What we do have are some mechanisms where we can track a phone number or an email address that we know is connected to some sort of terrorist threat. And that information is useful. But what I've aid before I want to make . ure I re peat. and that is we should be skeptical about the potential en croachment.. on privacy. None of the revelation s s how that governmem has aCLUally abused these powers. but they're pretty s ignificant powers. He reiterated his administration' s Iilywhite hands agaiJl at a press conference on Augu st 9, 2013: If you look at the report s - even the di sclo tires that MI. Snowden has put forw ard - all the stories tbat have been written, what you ' re not reading about is the government actually Believable? Federal officials claim that this behemoth storage facility in the Utah desert is needed to store only five columns of data on Americans' telephone traffic. abusing these programs and listening in on people's phone calls or inappropriately reading people's emails. What you 're hearing about is the prospect that these could be abused. Now, part of the reason they're not abused is becau se these checks are in place , and those abuses would be against the law and would be again t the orders of the FISC. Two wee ks after Obama's national public relations tour for the NSA. the Wall Street JOl.lmo[ revealed on August 23 that NSA staffers had used the databa es to spy on romantic imerests frequently enough to create the label "LOVE[NT' for Jove intelligence:" lationa] SecurilY Agency officers on several occasions have channeled their agency's enormOliS eavesdropping power to spy on love interests. U.S. officials said." The privac. of Americans has been abu ed, the Obarna administration has been forced to admit. but faced with the evidence. it claimed in statements for the Wall Street JOllrnal "lOry that it took place only rarely. The Waif Street Journal reported that "the practice isn' t frequent - one official estimated a handful of cases in the last decade - but it's common enough to garner its own spycraft label: LOVEINT" We're not collecting the phone audio of Americans' phone calls. While it 's too early to say whether the NSA is collecting audio of Americans' telephone calls, it does remain the last el- ement of eleclTODic data tbat the NSA still officially denies collecting ellll1{fsse. Most intelligence analyst seem to believe that Americans ' phone call ' are not recorded and stored for later u e. or at least most of American . phone ca.ll . But lh i may be largely all i sue of limitafion rather !.han williDgne~ of the SA to engage in that kind of ncon titutional monitoring. As tbe SA open a huge data center in Utah tlli year. technologjcal limiralions rna become a moOt point . Obama pointedly did not deny lhat the federal government wa collecting the audio of Ame rican' telephon e call - in his August 9 pre. s conference. though a denial would have: perhaps been a a te of time. With a long history of publ ic lies Oil the issue of warrantless ur ei llance that explicitly violates the Fourth Amendment: to the U.S. Con litution, Pre ident Obama's denial would not bave been believable anyway. Obama has obviou I bought into the idea that intelligence officials need to collect every bit of informarion about Americans, stari ng in hi August 9 press conference: "W e need new thinking for a new era. We now have to unravel terrorist plots by fi nd ing a needle in the haystack of g lobal telecom munications. And meanwhile. technology has given government - including our 0 n ~ unprecedented capabilit)' to mo nitor communications." Is another lie about to be e xposed by lhe Greenwald/Snowden whistleblowing [earn? Only time will tell . • 19 6 6 16
  • 18. CULTURE The Slippery Slope to Pedophilia It is unlikely that many Americans now believe that pedophilia will soon be accepted in this country, but it is riding the same track to respectability as did homosexual "marriage." by Selwyn Duke f you had told someone in the 1950s that, in about two generations, homosexuality would largely be nomlalized and faux (. ame-sex) marriage would be gaining widespread approval, they'd have called you crazy. Never, ever under the stars and stripes. Why, pugnacious pundit Bill O ' Reilly himself opined as recently as 10 to 15 years ago that faux marriage would never be accepted in America. Ah, what a difference a decade makes in tbe (mis?)information age where ideas can be transmitted worldwide at a button's touch. I can't tell you exactly when I knew faux marriage would gain traction - not in term of date and time, anyway - but suffice it to ay it was at least as soon as 1 heard the idea uttered by some obscure academic or activist 00 society's fringes. A for homosexuality, there were some agaciou souls who realized decades ago Ihat it would even,uall y be accepted. How? The same way a few of us knew in high school, almost instinctively, that our education paled in comparison to that of previou generations: trajectory. If you know an a teroid ' trajectory, you can predict not only where it was years ago, but where it will be in the future, And so it is Wilh cultural trajectory. I Terrible Trajectory Yet if l , ay chat our current cultural trajectory - a bizarre trek that has caused us to boldly go where no American had gooe before - has as a point on its arc the acceptance of pedophilia, I'm sure I'll hear "never, ever under the stars and stripes!" This is a normal human reactlon. But the pa t is a picture of futures man inevitably will paint again. and history hollers its wamings for those with ears to hear. Fir. t consider a simple fact: There is virtually no historical precedent - if any at al1- for faux marriage, yet we're accepting it. But tbere is hi storical Call 1-800-121·TRUE to su bscribe today! From unthinkable to palatable: While faux (same-sex) marriage now enjoys 'lidespread approval, two generations ago it was as much reviled as pedophilia is today - something thai "could never happen" in America. precedent for pe.dophilia that lhing most would currently say we could never accept. And the obvious place to start here is with ancient Greece. The civilizat ion is wellknown for its acceptance of homosexuality, yet what actually was most common in this arena was pederasty, sexual relationships between men and boys. It is said that in the mid and late periods of ancient Sparta, the practice was inst itutionalized in the city-state's military camp, with a 12-year-old boy being attached to a mature man wbo would become the child's me . tor and, apparently, molester, And homoerotic ancient Greek art and, more signjficantly, the casual way prominent Greeks spoke of pederasty attest to its widespread acceptance. As to the laller, historian Plutarch addresses Theban pederasty in Life of Pelopidas and explains that it was an educational device for boys that was dc:signed to 'soften , while they were young. their natural fierceness" and 'temper tbe manners and characters of the youth." The poet Solon gushed about pederasty in his poem 'Boys and Sport," and tradition tells us thaI the warrior group the Sacred Band of Thebe compri ed pederastic man-youth pairing ". In fa t. the Greeks even had words de ribing the players in man-boy relatjon 'bip~ : An eraSfes was an adult man who courted or was ill a sexual relationship with a boy (Ihis accounts for part of the deri ation of "pederast"), who himself was l"llown as an eroll1enos. Yet it wasn'tju_1the "advanced" Greeks. History i littered with examples of primilive peoples that practiced institutionalized pedophilia: the Sambia tribe of Papua e Guinea doe so to this day, and many mjlitary per onne! will attest to how the abu e of "dancing boys" is widespread in Afghani tan. The reali ty? When it wa. n' t acrually prescribing it as a good that created a bond between brotllers in arms or er ed some other end, pagan morality often had little negative to say about pedophilia (and Islamic culrures may tolerate it). Perhaps now we see why philo opher C.S. Lewis once said, "Sex is not rne. sed up because it was put in the clo et; it was put in the closet because it was messed up," And since that closet was made with Chri tian morality, and the faith is no ridiculed 21
  • 19. and attacked and its closet is being thrown wide open, isn't it logical to suspect that anything and everything within it could, quite possibly, emerge? Yet how would we get from where we are now - perhaps point G - to a pederastic point X? Well. it's instructive to explore how we got to G in the first place, and this brings us to the ABCs of social manipulation via the lise of media. entertainment, academia, specious science. and philoso-babble. A book was published in 1989 entitled After fhe Ball: How America Will Conquer ITs Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90 's. Tn it. authors Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen - a marketing man by trade who, take note, once used the pen name "Erastes PiJl" - called for a desensitization of Americans to homosexuality through a "continuous flood of gay-related advertising," a "conversion of the average American's emotions, mind, and will, through a planned psychological attack, in the form of propaganda fed to the nation via the media." Of course. Kirk and Madsen weren 't puppeteers or prophets as much as good trajectory readers, as the movement they encouraged was well under way by the time they penned their book. III 1977 already, we had the sitcom Soap witb its openly homosexual character Jodie, played by comedian Billy Crystal. And while some would argue that lhe character Va created to make the show cutting edge rather than to manipulate hearts (and. of course, both could have been motivations), it certainly made for ingeniou: propaganda. Take a funny and sympathetic character - and Crystal was most comedic - but make him a homosexual on an entertairlillg show that is tbe "tbing to watch." TIus is effective because whether it s Soap, La Cage aux Folies, or another work, if you laugh at something enough, you're no longer outraged by it. AJso be sure to have that homosexual character say things such as "I m a perSOll. just like you." which Jodie did (or a paraphrase of it), but. most significantly. just show him acting. and interacting with other, just as you would. For a big part of normalizing something is showing those who embody it acting normally. The next step after normalization alld tolerance is engendering sympathy and affection, and elltenaimnent's role in this is simple to understand. Just as people may - zeitgeist news north ameritan mon/boy love association _ ...... w-.,~~ ......... 'IIQ """ 11 WMI8o)' ~1 --,,- -_ -_ --.- _on Cwid I>y~ l'lIf moler. $cuIP ..... by 8o!lel TlIoMoIdsen (0. CIdt ... " ' - _ . , golOenw Whal'sNew 177~ltW.) Wlldme.s. eo.m-on. -.... ... ..,." -.... Resurrecting a dark Hellenism: The notorious pedophile organization NAMbLA seems to draw inspiration from ancient Greece, where pederasty was rife and well represented in the civilization's art and literature. condemn the sin but no! the sinner. they also have trouble loving the sinner but not the sin. Tlus is why a mother may accept even a son's heinous crimes and why people will justify the scandaJous behavior of a favorite politician or pons figure. Likewise, when people come to like a show - and, more specifically, a character on it - they generally start to accept what that character represents. And just think bow successful this entertainment campaign has been. Homosexual characters are now a staple ofTY and film and, as ill the movie Sling Blade, are sometimes the work's only compassionate voice of reason. Enter Entertainment But the·1l tJlere are the agencies vorking in concert with entenaimuent. There is specious science reponed - and often twisted - by special-interest media and academia; thus do we hear about things such as the "gay gene," which not only doesn 't concern the heritability of happiness bu! also ha never been found. Nonetheless, it is used to give weight to the argument that homosexuality is inborn and, well, haven't you heard, "God doesn't make nustakes" ? The media and academia are also careful to frame the homosexual agenda as a matter of "rights," '·equality." and " minority" victimhood while avoiding talk of "morality" (tbey will, however, apply their feelingsderived preferences and call opponents "haters," "bigots," and " intolerant"). This is easy to do. too, since they've discredited moral reaJity with the phi!oso-babble of moral relativism and its refrains, "Who is to judge?"' and "All values are equal." Of course. this credo could be used 0 justify killing homosexuals as easily as acceptill,g them, but this realization involves understanding an ;l!feileclt/(J/ argument, and manipulating emotion is tJle name of the game here. And as long as entenainment - an arena so powerful that Plato warned how even ju tmusic had the capacity 0 reshape civilization - pushes people's emotions in the desired direction, the field wi II be yours. But will a day really come that marks the first time entertainment is placed in pedophilia' s service? And when would this be? I can predic.t this with some precision: in about 20 years ago. There ha long been the "Pedobear' Internet meme, a little comedic cartoon character Web users often associate with news stories about pedophilia. And remember what happens when people start to laugh at something? Then there was the "Chester the Molester" cartoon character in Hustler magazine (the creator of which, Dwaine Tinsley, was once convicted of molesting his 13-year-old daughter). Far more significant than a porno-mag offering, however, was a fum made in 1993 called For a Lost Soldier. Based on a trlle Story, the movie somewhat vividly portrays a WWII-era sexual relationship between a Canadian wldier and a 13-year-old European boy.
  • 20. What I'd like to focus on here, however, is a New York Times review of the Ii 1m wrinen by someone named Stephen Holden. Entitled 'Treating a Delicate Story of a Soldier lUld II Boy Tenderly." you'd think the paper was reviewing Romeo alld Juliet. Holden writes that the story "takes up ... a romantic reLationship between a grown-up and a child, and invests it with an aching tenderness"; that it is "more than a love story"; that "Walt [the molester) seems almost as innocent as Jeroen [(he child]": and describes the "affection" between the two as "touching." Moreover. the Times not only takes no issue with the film's non-judgmental treatment of pederasty, it writes, "One of the strengths of the fi Im is its refusal to load the story with contemporary psychological and sCicial baggage. There is no mention of homosexuality. Nor is there any implied accusation of child abuse .... The film assign no blame and assesses no damages," In facl_ the paper says the movie's only failure "i in findin g a coherent dramatic frame for the story." And then there is the kicker: The review describes the "affection" between Wah and Jeroen as "the love that dare not speak its name." My, where have we heard that one before? And what is the implication here? Should a man-boy sexual relationship be able to speak its name? NA1 1 BLA cenai.nly thinks so. First salvo in the movement to legitimize pedophilia: The film For a Lost Soldier portrays a man/boy sexual relationship in a non-judgmental - and perhaps even positive - light. A more recent film in the same vein is L.I.E. (2001). II portrays Authors Marshall Kirk and Hunter pederast Big John, an ex-marine Madsen - a marketing man by trade with a penchant for young male prostitutes but who also, you see, who, take note, once llsed the pen has a human side. As Ed Gonzaname "Erastes Pill" - called for lez wrote at SlantMagazine.colJI., the film "suggests that a pederast a desensitization of Americans to could actually have something homosexuality through a "continuous useful [to] contribute (0 society." Alld as A.O . Scan of the Ne w flood of gay-related advertising. " York Times put it. compared " with Howie's L the 15-year-old main ch aracter's1 well-meaning but clueless Scientific Stamp guidance coun selor, Big John seems like a Actually. they're already behind us. beuign, common-sensical uncle." On January 14 of this year, the Los AnOf course, neither Big John nor For a gel e Time ran an anjcle entitled. "Many Lost Soldier 's Walt is portrayed as par- researche laking a different view of pedoticularly sympathetic. But they're not por- philia: Pedophilia once was f/roughffo Sfelll trayed as particularly villainous, either. from psychological influel1ces earh' in life, And lhis non·judgmentalisl11 is in faCl a NOI~ ', mal1Y e.xperts view iT as (I deep-rooted judgment, in that it serves to place. via predi position lhar does nOl change." (Emembodiment representation , morally evil phasi in original.) The pi ce starts out with behavior in the morally Il elllral category. a story about one Paul Christiano, who, as Except for their habit of indulging the an- a young child, was fascinated by girls and cient Greeks' "unspeakable vice," Walt loved "bow lheiJ' pindly bodies tumbled and John are presented as acting . and in g. mnastic ." wrote the paper. We 're interacting with others, normally - and then told tbat while Chri tiano grel,l.' up. often even charitably. After all; they are his eXll31 t Ie didn ': He remained tor"people just like you," right? mented bj an attraction to pre-pube C eDt That is how it starts . girl s. Christiano i tbe " ympathetic charWith enten:ainment having already bro- acter:' mind. ou, the haple olll me.:1nt 10 ken the ice in whitewashing pedophiles, put a human face on pedophil ia. But now can lhe ti.rst clai ms that their desires are just consider -hal he said about un ucce sf1.l1 court-ordered the rap_ he Vas forced to another inborn olientation be far behind? undergo after being caught wilh child pornography in 1999. A the Times reponed, "'These people felt they could snuff out the desire. or hame me into denying it exi sted: he said .. But it" as intrinsic as tbe next person' helero exualirj'... ' "A imrin ic as ule next person 's heterosexuality .. , " Where have we heard that befor '. And the paper then does something el-e th at hould sOllnd famili ar. It gi e Christiano'S claim the imprimatur of s ience, writing: When laughter is the worst medicine: Will things such as the "Pedobear" Internet meme eliminate outrage over pedophilia by treating it not as a jarring perversion, but as a joke? In the laboratory, researcher are coming to tJle same conclusion. Like many fonns of sexual devi ance, pedophilia once was thought to lem from psychological in fluences early in life. Now. many experts view it as a sexual orientation as immutable as heterosexual i ty or homo e:'Ualit},. It is a deep-rooted predi po irion - )jrn23
  • 21. attractions were removed from the APA's list of disorders. Eventually, the legalization of 'gay marriage.' the mandatory homosexuality lessons in public schools and the brand new policy of allowing open homosexuality. in the U.S. military resulted:' writes WND. Reponing fu rther on the positions taken at the conference. WND wrote: Out of raincoats and into the mainstream: Child-sex advocates now include accomplished professionals. Or. Fred Berlin (pictured) of Johns Hopkins Hospitat. for instance. has argued for the "acceptance" of pedophiles. iled almost entirely to men - that become clear during puberty and does not change .... Scientists at the Toronto center [Center for Mental Health and Addiction in Toronto J have uncovered a series of associations that suggest pedophilia has biologicaJ roots. The paper then tells us that pedophile are generally an inch honer than nonna! people, have I.Q.s IO points lower on average and less white matter in their brains. and that the first two of these factors are '·consistent with developmental problems, whether before birth or in childhood.'· They sure areand their interpretation is consistent with a cultural problem. The operative phrase here is "whether before birth or in childhood" because. if the latter, it iJldicate a nunureoriented cause of pedophilia. not a natureoriented one (as to nurture's significance, research has indicated that environment can influence even, amazingly, gene expre sion). Yet the limes article glosses over the nurture p sibility - it doesn I match the agenda the paper is trying to advance. There i another fact the Times has LO ma sagc. Continuing with the inborn theme. it tells us. "Among the 1U0 t compelling fiJldings is that 30% of pedophiles are left-handed or ambidextrous. triple the general rate. Because hand dominance is establi hed through some combination of genetic~ and the environment of the womb. cieotists see that association as a powerful indicator that something is different about pedophile.s at birth. 'The only 24 explanation i~ a phy iological one: said James Cantor, a leader of the Toronto] research." Yet the lillie had written earlier in its piece that. researcher have basically dispensed with the "popular belier' that childhood sexual abuse i a significant factor in pedopbllia becau_e "only about a third of offenders say the were molested" as children. So let 's get thi sUllight: When 30 percent of pedophile hare ome sort of inborn characteristic, it's compelling evidence for the nature the i . But when (only?) 33 percent share a traumatic life experience, it's compelling evidence discrediting the nurture one? This clearly is the spinning of data to fit an agenda. And who are the "experts" cited in the Tillles article? Many of them, it seems. crawled out of lhe woodwork to allend a 2011 symposium in Baltimore, Maryland - an event whose focu. was the nonna!ization of adult-child sexual relationships. reponed at the time that it was "held by the 'minor-attracted people ' advocacy group B4U-ACT 10 di seminate 'accurate information' on the position that pedophilia is just one more alternative sexual orientation." As such. the confercncc speakers contended, the American Psychiatric Association should no longer list pedophilia as a psychological condition in its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Drawing an imponant parallel. Dr. Judith Reisman, a longtime crusader against child sexual abuse who attended the symposium. "explained that the same . trategy was used by homoexual aClivis~ in the 19705 when same-sex Dr. John Sadler (University of Texas) argued that diagno tic criteria for mental disorders hould not be based on concepts of vice iDce uch concepts are subject 10 shifting social al' titudes and doing so diverts ll1entalhe<llth professions from their role as healers .... Fred Berlin of Johns Hopkins ... argued in favor of "acceptance of and compassion for people who are attracted to minors ...... ... Richard Kramer. who represented B4U-ACT at the event, contended listing pedophilia as a disorder stigmatizes the "victims" of the lifestyle choice. ... Conference speakers said the Diagnostic Manual should "focus on the needs" of the pedophile and ~hould have "a minimal focus on social control" rather than a focus on the "need to protect children." . .. Self-described "gay activist" and speaker Jacob Breslow said it is proper for children to be "the object of our auraction." Breslow said pedophiles shouldn 't need to get consent from a child to have sex any more Ihan (hey would get consent from a shoe to wear it. .. , Andrew Hinderliter of the University of WillOis said the boundary between the helping profe - ions and the criminal justice system can be blurred . Note that B4U-ACT lakes pains to reb rand pedophiles as "minor-attracted people" in the same way acti i, t once strove 10 ensure the euphemism "gay" would supplant "homosexual." Liberty Counsel Action vice president J. Man Barber. bo also attended the conference, summed up its themes thus (quotation are Barber's, as reponed by WND): Adult lu ( for children is "normative." people indulging i[ are unfairly "de01onTHE NEW AMERICAN • OCTOBER 7. 20 13
  • 22. ized ," children are capable of consenting to sex, "wrong" as a concept isn '( applicable to "minor-a((racted people," and the OSM "ignores that pedophiles 'have feelings of love and romanc-e for eh i ldr<;,n' the same way adult heterosexuals have for each other." logically Defending Illicit lust Just as significantly, these are far from the only times such views have been expressed. In a 2002 article entitJed "Raising Sexually Healthy Youth: Rights. Respect. Responsibility & Parent-Child Communication," the group Advocates for Youth stressed that chilureJl are "sexual f!'OIIl birth." Ann-Katrin Muller in Der Spiegel reported that GenTIan homo exuaJ "rights" organizations and even a sizable number of Green Party politiciaos have a long hi story of sllpponing pro-pedophilia causes. Author Judith Levine penned a 2003 book in which she " suggests the threat of pedophilia and molestation by strangers is exaggerated by adults who want to den, young people the opportunity for positi ve sexu al experiences " wrote Fox ews. An ti-fracki ng activist Vera Scrogg in s has advocated that parents initiate young children into sex, writing. " Who better 10 do it , than the parent s first ?" And, of cour e, (here is bug researcher turned self-proclaimed sex expert Alfred Kinsey, who we now was a pedophile using science as a cover for the indulging of his perversion. As 1 reported in "According to Kinsey, Deviancy Is the New Normal," in THE NEW AMERICAN. all the afore~entioned ideas - that children are sexual from birth. that relations with adults don't hann them, etc. - can be traced back to him and his associates. And these ideas are lent credibili ty even though it has been establi shed that Kjnsey was a scielllific fraud who misrepresented data for the purposes of legiLi llllzillg perve r~iull. And when you combine tills specialiotere t "science" with specious rea oning, you have a very dangerous one-two pu nch of prevaric ation. For example . consider again the Los Angeles Times article. It does contain a grain of truth. Th at is to say, people generaJly don ' t ask for the fee li ngs they have, and. as C.S. Lew is noted ages ago, sex.ual problems can be quite intractable. Yet it's silly and often just agenda-gre.asing spin - 10 confuse intractability with innateness . We all know that inlluences and e vents during form ative years can have far-reaching consequences and can almost imprint behav ior (that is why they're called Jonna- The pseudoscience used to justify pedophilia - such as the notion that "children are sexual from birtl1" - can be traced back to "sex researcher." scientific fraud , and pedophile Alfred Kinsey (left). Call 1-800-727- TRUE to subscribe today! live years); raise a boy in an abusive and criminal ghetto home, for instance, and he may ex hjbit change-resistant negative behavior patterns the rest of his days. This also place in perspective a claim made by many a homosexual: 'I've had these feelj ng for my whole life." This is either sloppy thinIJng or a rationalization. Since most everyone ha. recoUeclioos reaching back to onl three. four or even fi ve years of age, all virtually anyone can say with assurance is, " I've had these feelings for as lOllg as I can remember." And those lost-in-memory first few years of life are the most ignificant of aIL Without Morals, Everything Is Normal The fo lly of the int ractab ility-equ alsirmatene the is is further illustrated by applying it con istentl .. For example, it's applied to homosexu ali ty and "gender dys phoria" feeling you're a member of one ex rUl:k in the body of the other) , but what about "Body Integrity Identity Disorder" (BnO . hich in·. oh persistent and eemingly irremediabl feelings that a body part doe n't belong on yo ur body? Would it justi fy amputation? Acnmlly. two BIID "patients" found a Scotli'h doctor will ing to do ju I lhat and had two healthy legs rernoved, a teslirnonial to what can happen when We e.levate feelings to uliimatearbiter latus. When be et by anomalous. eU·-de. tru th e. or perverse impulses. the default ill umption should be tbat the issue is a p_ychological problem , not a phy icaJ or genericaJJy induced one. But rhi, counsel is now viewed as heresy because the "experts" have transitioned bac k to the nature side in the narw-e/ nurlure debate (at least wben poli rical correctne_ allows it: They certainly won 'r attribute different achievement among the races to genetics - yet). It was in fa hion during the early 1900s as well, then in the form of the eugenics mo'ement. until the a sociation with Nazi horror- di credited it. We then saw nurture dogma' a cendancy and heard pap such as. "The sexe will be the same if we rai se them iden25
  • 23. The gene theme: The claim that a behavior cannot be wrong if it has a genetic basis is philosophically unsound, in that it replaces morality with biological determinism. Also, other genetic flaws, such as Down syndrome, aren'l deemed normal. tically:' as these pendulum-and-pabulum practitioners swung from one extreme to the other and proved that G.K. Chesterton was right when he called common sense "that forgotten branch of psychology." But of more concern right now is what is quickly becoming a forgotten branch of philosophy: morality. Vhile the nature-oriented eugenics movement ought to eliminate what it deemed defects . our nature-oriented movement often bold that if something is natural, it cannot be a defect. This is the "God doe n't make mistakes" argument, the implication being that if omething is inborn, it cannot be wrong. And the greatest danger here isn't that this i- lI~ed to justify homosexuality - or even that it could be u ed to justify pedophilia - but that it could literaUy ju tjfy anything branded "innate." Fir t note that whether we believe our world i naturally flawed or demonically faUen, it' plain we aren't born perfect. Spina bifida. cleft palates, and Down syndrome attest 10 this in the physical realm. and the only reason there hasn't been a powerful movement to normalize such things i that people generally don't find b~ing deformed or mentally compromi 'ed a turn-on. But few thi ngs feel better than ,IIi fying ~exual desire, and you can't easily sali fy what i stigmatized - ergo the innatene s-equals-Iegitimacy argument. Con ider, however, that the same social scienti ts claiming that homosexuality, 26 and now pedophilia. i inborn, also tell us sociopaths are born and not made. Now, question: If in addition it' determined that homicidal feelings are innate, would it be moral for a persoll of uch nature to kill? The lesson here? Genetics doesn't determine moral ity. Wherher or not feeling are disordered - and whether their com~ ponding behaviors are moral - h /lothing at all to do with whether 1110 e feelings were bred not by despotic abuse but the dark workings of D A. Saying otherwise is to discard morality and replace it with biological determillism . And no idea is more destructive to civilization. No idea should be more quickly rejected by civilized men. Unfortunately, civilized men are in increasingly shoJ1 supply, especially among the Left. which seems remarkably untroubled by pedophilia. How can I say this? Well, just observe leftists' telling contradictions - and what they refuse to tell. If pedophilia were anything but a convenient hammer they use when reporting incesantly on hated targets such as the Catholic Church, the New York Times and Los Angeles Times would not have run articles legitimizing it. The 61 biggest California newspapers would not have published nearly 2,000 articles on the church scandal during the first half of 2002 but, the. ame period, ollly four on the pubLicschool sex scandal. which a govemmentsponsored Hofstra University study found is 100 times the magnitude of the church scandal and i till ongoing. And the Left would hold pedophile Alfred Kinsey in contempt and reject hi fraudulent work: instead. they generally defend him to this day. Holly",:,ood even gave u the film Kil/sey (2004). which heroici.zed rhe deviant as a maverick pushing back the frontiers of a "repressed" society's ignorance. Most significant, however, is the philosophical corruption. Whenever the Left seeks to justify homosexuality or anything else. it invariably peddles moral relativism, the notion that right and wrong are determined by man and therefore change based on time and place. But what tlus really implies is that right. and wrong, morality, don't exist; only human preference does. Thus. when leftists say "You can't judge this or that because everything is a matter of perspective:' "trus or that" nuly fit · because you can JUSt fill in the blank. Relativism is a package dea I with the Devi I: Once accepting that moral boundaries are illusory, the sky - or. I should say. Hades - is the limit. All we are then left with is occultist Aleister Crowley'S fonnulation, "Do what thou wilt shaH be the whole of the law." So how will the Left further legllimize pedophilia? As the ancient Greeks proved, relativism isn't even necessary. The idea tbat sexuality has a specific and limited conjugal context is a Judeo-Christian one. And post-Christian America is gradually accepting the notion that consensual sex. whatever the stripe, hurts no one. It's just pleasure like eating ice cream, you see, except that exual exploration is far more important. And children have a right to it. to sexual self-detennination, to not be placed in a stifling straitjacket woven of outdated Puritan morality. Why. Barack Obama himself has said that having sex education in kindergarten is the "right thing to do." The past is a picture of futures man inevitably will paint again, and ancient Greece, and perhaps beyond, is where our cultural trajectory take us. But there is good news - that i also bad news. Cultural trajeclorie can change via the explosion of civilizational realignment, and. to parapbra e economjst Herben Stein, "[f something can'l go on. it won·t."' Until then, however, the planet of man wi II continue hurtling away fTOm morality and sanity at light speed, on ils journey toward that black hole of civilizations past. • THE NEW AMERICAN • OCTOBER 7. 2013
  • 24. Levin's Ris .Proposal: A Constitutional Convention Mark Levin's new book, The Liberty Amendments, which calls for an Article V constitutional convention, ignores the very real risks of harmful changes to the Constitution. by Larry Greenley The Liber,y Amendments: Restoring 'he American Republic, by Mark R. Levin. Nevi York . N.Y.: Threshold Ed ition, 20) 3, 272 pages. bardcover. W hen talk-show host Mark Levin' latest book, The Liberty AmendlIIellfS , was released to the public i11 mid-August, its rapidly spreading impact among the despairing conservative throngs resembled the effect of dropping a lighted match on great quantities of dry tinder. The rapidly developing impact wa_ greatly enhanced by the endorsement of Levin' proposal for an Article V constitutional convent jon by three of lhe most popular con ervative talk-show hOSIS, Ru sh Limbaugh, Sean HruJllity, <lIld Levin him elf. It i. very apparent that this national phenomenon is due to the book's provision of a program of action that promjses to rein in tbe federal government. In a nutshell. Levin' solution to our out-of-colltml federal government involves: (I ) gettjng an Article V convenOon for proposing amendments (popularly k.nown as a "consti tutional convention") convened, as di scussed in chapter one; and (2) getting some amendment. proposed (and sent to the states for ratification) at such a convention to addres the problem of an out-of-contTol federal government, such as his 11 amendment proposals as di scussed in chapters two through 11_ Since we di sagree with his proposal for an Anicle V convention, we won't be spending mnch lime on the 11 amendments: however, we definitely agree with him that repealing the 17th Amendment would be a good idea. During a whirlwind review in chapter one of the seemingly endless ways in which lhe federal government is departing from the Constitution, Levin accurately observe. : Having delegate-cl broad lawmakin~ power to executive branch depart ments and agencies of its own creation, contravening the separationof-powers doctrine, Congress now watches as lhe president inflates the congressional delegations [of power to the executive brancb] even further and proclaims repeatedly the authority to rule by executive fiat in defiance of. or over the top of, the same Congres that sanctioned a domineering executive branch in the lirst place. A Constitutional Convention? A few pages later, Levin reveals that his solution to thi s problem of an ont-of-control federal government is to amend the Constitution by utiJizing the provision in Article V for cOllvening "a Convention for proposing Amendments" ba ed on the direct application to Congress of two-thirds of the stale legislature '. At tbis point he takes a little preemptive shot across the bow of the numerous constitutionalist who have been opposing such a convention over the past 30 years by quoting Article V with its two methods for amending the Cons tillltion (via Congress or via a convenlion called by the state legislatures), then stating : ··Importantly in neither case does the Article V amendment process provide for a constitutional convention:' This type of COIlUllent has become a tafldru'd semrultic weapon in the ar e na] of the pro Article V convention forces. Howe er. both conservatives and liberals have routinely referred to an Article V "Convention for proposing Amendments" a - a "con titutional convention" for well over 30 years. and Ukely much longer. And they ha en' t done this because they mjstaken]} believe that the words "constitutional convention" are to be found in Article V. For example when the Senale Subcommittee on the Constitution of the Com27