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The Nature of Stress
Stress Management
MTL Course Topics
The Nature of Stress
The Nature of Stress
Stress Management
MTL Course Topics
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The Nature of Stress
Stress Management
MTL Course Topics
The Nature of Stress
Stress Management
MTL Course Topics
Stress has been called the plague of the modern age. It is
thought to be linked to two-thirds of medical conditions in
the Western world. Studies show that it is not just our way
of life that causes stress, but our way of work as well.
Fortunately, for most of us the serious symptoms of stress
are rare, but for some they can be a more or less permanent
feature of life. If you are judged in your job by how well you
manage yourself, then you will also be judged by how well
you manage your stress.
The Nature of Stress
Stress Management
MTL Course Topics
Stress is "an unresolved inability to adjust to an imposed
The word "stress" comes from the Latin "stringere", to draw
tight. It denotes force, strain or strong effort. It can be used
to describe physical, mental or emotional strain. In the
physical world, stress means excessive force on an object,
such as on a building.
We all need pressure to do things. But there is a difference
between motivating pressure and destructive stress. A
pressure is positive, "encouraging us to act in a certain way
to achieve a certain goal." A stress is negative, leading to
excessive strain on the organism.
"Stress is the rate of wear and tear of the body." (Hans
The Nature of Stress
Stress Management
MTL Course Topics
To understand stress, we need to recognize that:
(a) we live in what can be a potentially hostile environment.
Hostility can take the form of perceived physical, emotional
or psychological threats to ourselves and our self-esteem.
(b) to cope with physical threats to our survival, our bodies
have developed very sophisticated and healthy defence
mechanisms of their own.
(c) only when threats are psychological, unreal, prolonged,
excessive or unresolved do the normal body mechanisms
break down and require stress to be managed.
The Nature of Stress
Stress Management
MTL Course Topics
For thousands of years, the way human beings dealt with a
potentially hostile environment was the way all animals
cope with threats or dangers: through the fight-flight
When we see danger, our normal and natural response is to
attack or run.
We are no different from our Stone Age ancestor in his cave,
who suddenly sees a ferocious-looking sabre-toothed tiger
at the door. His instinctive reaction is to escape from it or to
attack it. Our response is the same in the face of anything
which we perceive as a threat.
The Nature of Stress
Stress Management
MTL Course Topics
When we see something that our brains interpret as danger,
a tiny cluster of cells at the base of the brain called the
hypothalamus sets into motion the autonomic nervous
This nervous system has two branches, the sympathetic
branch which puts us onto alert and the parasympathetic
branch which reverses the alert once the danger has passed.
The aim of the sympathetic branch of the autonomic
nervous system is to equip us with the physical means for
fight or flight.
A simple way to compare the effects of the autonomic
nervous system is to compare the heart rates of a fit man
before and after a race. Before the race, his heart rate is 60
to 75 beats a minute. This rises to 190 to 220 at the start of
the race. When the race is over, it returns to normal.
The Nature of Stress
Stress Management
MTL Course Topics
The following are some of the responses initiated by the
sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system.
1. digestion slows down so that blood can be diverted to
muscles and the brain
2. breathing increases so that oxygen can be diverted to
3. heart rate and blood pressure increase so that blood
can be pumped to the area needing it
4. perspiration increases so that more energy can be
5. muscles stiffen in preparation for action
6. chemicals are released to clot blood
7. sugar and fats pour into the bloodstream for quick
8. bladder and rectum muscles tense to put elimination
processes on hold
9. the pituitary gland releases the hormone ACTH which
triggers the adrenal glands to produce cortisol.
The Nature of Stress
Stress Management
MTL Course Topics
To cope with sudden threats, the sympathetic branch of the
autonomic nervous system works in milliseconds without us
really knowing what is happening.
• After 12 milliseconds, the jaw tightens
• after 16, the brow contracts
• after 20, the neck contracts
• after 50, elbows bend, palms turn down
• after 60, the abdomen contracts, breathing stops
• after 70, knees bend inwards, feet turn in
• after 80, toes lift up, crotch tightens
• after 90, heart rate increases
• after 100, mouth dries, digestion stops
• after 150, breathing becomes irregular
• after 200, palms sweat
• after 250, face pales.
The Nature of Stress
Stress Management
MTL Course Topics
When the sense organs - sight, hearing, touch, taste and
smell - signal danger, they transmit impulses to the brain
that a threat exists and needs a response. The brain sends
the sympathetic nervous system into action and also sends a
nerve impulse to the adrenal glands situated just above the
These glands have an outer layer, the cortex, which
produces several hormones including cortisone, and an
inner layer, the medulla, which produces adrenaline.
Cortisone releases amino acids to form glucose while
adrenaline releases stored glucose in the liver and muscles.
As a result blood sugar levels increase.
The release of adrenaline stimulates the sympathetic
nervous system which creates the symptoms of anxiety and
excitement in the body.
The Nature of Stress
Stress Management
MTL Course Topics
The difference between our Stone Age ancestors' handling
of threats and our own way of handling a threat is that...
1. while their threats were physically real, ours are less
likely to be physically real and more likely to be mental,
psychological and emotional
2. while their threats ceased in a given period of time with
some outcome - one way or the other - ours are often
extended indefinitely or left unresolved
3. while the primary stress response can be dealt with
quickly, by reversing the physical symptoms of stress,
dealing with the secondary stress responses of negative
thought and emotions is more difficult.
The Nature of Stress
Stress Management
MTL Course Topics
Hans Selye's research into what happens when the human
body remains in the alert state for a prolonged period of
time is the best explanation of how stress leads to disease.
Selye suggests the body goes through three phases when
confronted by danger:
1. firstly, ALARM
2. secondly, RESISTANCE
3. finally, EXHAUSTION
It is in the exhaustion phase that symptoms of disease and
then disease itself start to appear.
One estimate reckons that 8 out of 10 people who visit a
doctor's surgery each day are suffering from one or another
form of stress-related illness.
The Nature of Stress
Stress Management
MTL Course Topics
The autonomic nervous system cannot differentiate
between the different sources of arousal to which we are
subjected. It cannot distinguish whether we are stuck in a
traffic gridlock with an important appointment minutes
away or whether we are being chased by a mad bull.
The healthy action of the fight-flight response is to
recognise a real danger and deal with it by using the energy
we've created. The action of the fight-flight response is
unhealthy when there is no real threat or it continues
unresolved. In these cases, the body continues to prepare
for action, allowing undischarged chemicals and muscle
tension to build up.
When faced with such high levels of arousal, we have two
choices: we must either use up the energy we've created or
find some method of turning off the response system. Only
then can the body return to normal.
The Nature of Stress
Stress Management
MTL Course Topics
Under extreme, prolonged or persistent stress, the human
organism continues to manufacture large quantities of
stress chemicals in the belief it is dealing with a threat.
1. over-breathing becomes hyperventilation
2. fats and proteins in the liver, gut and skin are released
as further sources of energy
3. the stomach secretes more acid but cannot return to its
normal functioning
4. the heart becomes overworked by beating more and
more irregularly
5. the body retains extra sodium encouraging fluid
retention and high blood pressure
6. muscle tension increases resulting in stiffness and pain
If all these changes continue, the body goes on trying to
adapt under increasing strain until it eventually breaks
The Nature of Stress
Stress Management
MTL Course Topics
Like any other process, stress develops progressively along
observable lines. Unfortunately, it is one of the quirks of the
stress syndrome that the more stressed we become, the
less we are able to recognize its effects.
Phase 1: occurs when we perceive the need for energy, eg a
competitive meeting at work; a project reaching a deadline.
This phase is recognisable because all our behaviour -
talking, thinking, eating - is speeded up.
Phase 2: occurs when we push ourselves beyond the normal
pace of activity. We feel tense most of the time but also
excited. Patterns of sleep, eating and rest are disrupted.
Phase 3: occurs when we push ourselves to the point of
exhaustion. We feel numb, emotionally empty, can't enjoy
anything. At this stage, collapse is a real possibility.
The Nature of Stress
Stress Management
MTL Course Topics
These are some of the physical symptoms of excessive
1. lack of appetite
2. nervous twitching
3. frequent indigestion
4. constipation and diarrhoea
5. insomnia
6. sweating for no reason
7. nail-biting
8. nausea
9. headaches
10. impotence
11. frequent desire to cry.
These symptoms are all related to the body's prolonged stay
in the automatic alert state.
The Nature of Stress
Stress Management
MTL Course Topics
These are some of the psychological symptoms of excessive
1. feelings of being a failure; unable to cope; unliked;
2. irritable and no sense of humour
3. suppressed anger, anxiety, aggression
4. dread of the future
5. lack of interest in life
6. lapses of concentration
7. frustration, depression, guilt, shame, moodiness
8. mental blocks
9. tension and nervousness
10. outbursts and overreactions
11. unable to settle.
These symptoms are a transference of the fight-flight
response from the physical plane to the psychological plane.
The Nature of Stress
Stress Management
MTL Course Topics
The involuntary effects of the fight-flight response can be
detected in the way our bodies tense whenever we are
uncomfortable, frightened or anxious. We may be unaware
of all or some of these reflexes.
The tense response includes: biting nails; clenched fists;
white knuckles; grasping an object very tightly, such as the
arm of a chair or a pencil; clenched or grinding teeth; jutting
jaw; picking at facial skin; touching hair; hunched shoulders;
finger-pointing or finger-drumming; chin thrust forward;
tightened neck muscles; raised shoulders; crossed arms;
tensed buttocks; abdomen drawn in; knees tightly held
together; legs coiled around a chair leg; tapping feet.
Just as these tense body reflexes are set off by internal
processes, so we can reverse them from outside by learning
how to un-tense our bodies and relax.
The Nature of Stress
Stress Management
MTL Course Topics
The following are ailments which are now recognised as
having a stress-related background:
1. depression
2. hypertension and high blood pressure
3. coronary thrombosis and heart disease
4. migraine
5. allergies
6. ulcers, colitis and stomach disorders
7. skin disease
8. cancer
9. eating disorders
10. infertility and impotence
The UK Health and Safety Executive has officially recognised
stress as the second largest category of workplace illness
after musculo-skeletal illness.
The Nature of Stress
Stress Management
MTL Course Topics
Stress leads a three-pronged attack on the heart:
1. stress creates high blood pressure which increases the
risk of rupture of blood vessels
2. stress creates fatty acids and glucose. These are
converted to neutral fat and cholesterol and deposited on
the walls of the arteries leading to the heart. This reduces
the amount of oxygen needed by the heart, which in turn
causes angina.
3. stress increases the levels of hormones in the blood. This
increases the tendency of the blood to clot and so leads to
heart attacks.
"I would estimate that between 90% and 95% of all illnesses
can be blamed totally or mainly on psychological forces." (Dr
Vernon Coleman)
The Nature of Stress
Stress Management
MTL Course Topics
Stress can lead directly to stomach ulcers:
1. stress diverts blood to the muscles of the body where it is
needed to fight off a threat. This means less blood is sent to
the stomach. One of the results is that appetite is put on
hold since eating is of less importance than our immediate
2. as a result of the reduction in stomach activity, gastric
juices are reduced and the wall of the stomach becomes
3. when the threat passes, or is dealt with, the body returns
to normal and gastric juices pour back into the unprotected
stomach and causes stomach ulcers.
The Nature of Stress
Stress Management
MTL Course Topics
The level of stress-related illness and stress disease places a
high toll on medical costs:
1. each year in the UK 180 million working days are lost
because of stress
2. this represents a cost to the health services of £55
million and £4 billion to the whole economy
3. to these costs must now be added the increased costs
of employers' insurance and legal costs as more and
more employees hold employers responsible for stress.
In a typical large company of 10,000 employees, stress
results each year in 73,000 lost working days; the death of
42 of the in-work employees between the ages of 35 and
65; and lost production to the value of over £2.5 million.
The Nature of Stress
Stress Management
MTL Course Topics
The Nature of Stress
Stress Management
MTL Course Topics
This has been a Slide Topic from Manage Train Learn

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The Nature of Stress

  • 1. 1 | The Nature of Stress Stress Management MTL Course Topics STRESS MANAGEMENT The Nature of Stress
  • 2. 2 | The Nature of Stress Stress Management MTL Course Topics The Course Topics series from Manage Train Learn is a large collection of topics that will help you as a learner to quickly and easily master a range of skills in your everyday working life and life outside work. If you are a trainer, they are perfect for adding to your classroom courses and online learning plans. COURSE TOPICS FROM MTL The written content in this Slide Topic belongs exclusively to Manage Train Learn and may only be reprinted either by attribution to Manage Train Learn or with the express written permission of Manage Train Learn. They are designed as a series of numbered slides. As with all programmes on Slide Topics, these slides are fully editable and can be used in your own programmes, royalty-free. Your only limitation is that you may not re-publish or sell these slides as your own. Copyright Manage Train Learn 2020 onwards. Attribution: All images are from sources which do not require attribution and may be used for commercial uses. Sources include pixabay, unsplash, and freepik. These images may also be those which are in the public domain, out of copyright, for fair use, or allowed under a Creative Commons license.
  • 3. 3 | The Nature of Stress Stress Management MTL Course Topics ARE YOU READY? OK, LET’S START!
  • 4. 4 | The Nature of Stress Stress Management MTL Course Topics INTRODUCTION Stress has been called the plague of the modern age. It is thought to be linked to two-thirds of medical conditions in the Western world. Studies show that it is not just our way of life that causes stress, but our way of work as well. Fortunately, for most of us the serious symptoms of stress are rare, but for some they can be a more or less permanent feature of life. If you are judged in your job by how well you manage yourself, then you will also be judged by how well you manage your stress.
  • 5. 5 | The Nature of Stress Stress Management MTL Course Topics WHAT IS STRESS? Stress is "an unresolved inability to adjust to an imposed situation.“ The word "stress" comes from the Latin "stringere", to draw tight. It denotes force, strain or strong effort. It can be used to describe physical, mental or emotional strain. In the physical world, stress means excessive force on an object, such as on a building. We all need pressure to do things. But there is a difference between motivating pressure and destructive stress. A pressure is positive, "encouraging us to act in a certain way to achieve a certain goal." A stress is negative, leading to excessive strain on the organism. "Stress is the rate of wear and tear of the body." (Hans Selye)
  • 6. 6 | The Nature of Stress Stress Management MTL Course Topics STRESS AND THREATS To understand stress, we need to recognize that: (a) we live in what can be a potentially hostile environment. Hostility can take the form of perceived physical, emotional or psychological threats to ourselves and our self-esteem. (b) to cope with physical threats to our survival, our bodies have developed very sophisticated and healthy defence mechanisms of their own. (c) only when threats are psychological, unreal, prolonged, excessive or unresolved do the normal body mechanisms break down and require stress to be managed.
  • 7. 7 | The Nature of Stress Stress Management MTL Course Topics FIGHT AND FLIGHT For thousands of years, the way human beings dealt with a potentially hostile environment was the way all animals cope with threats or dangers: through the fight-flight mechanism. When we see danger, our normal and natural response is to attack or run. We are no different from our Stone Age ancestor in his cave, who suddenly sees a ferocious-looking sabre-toothed tiger at the door. His instinctive reaction is to escape from it or to attack it. Our response is the same in the face of anything which we perceive as a threat.
  • 8. 8 | The Nature of Stress Stress Management MTL Course Topics RED ALERT When we see something that our brains interpret as danger, a tiny cluster of cells at the base of the brain called the hypothalamus sets into motion the autonomic nervous system. This nervous system has two branches, the sympathetic branch which puts us onto alert and the parasympathetic branch which reverses the alert once the danger has passed. The aim of the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system is to equip us with the physical means for fight or flight. A simple way to compare the effects of the autonomic nervous system is to compare the heart rates of a fit man before and after a race. Before the race, his heart rate is 60 to 75 beats a minute. This rises to 190 to 220 at the start of the race. When the race is over, it returns to normal.
  • 9. 9 | The Nature of Stress Stress Management MTL Course Topics OUR RESPONSE TO THREATS The following are some of the responses initiated by the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system. 1. digestion slows down so that blood can be diverted to muscles and the brain 2. breathing increases so that oxygen can be diverted to muscles 3. heart rate and blood pressure increase so that blood can be pumped to the area needing it 4. perspiration increases so that more energy can be burned 5. muscles stiffen in preparation for action 6. chemicals are released to clot blood 7. sugar and fats pour into the bloodstream for quick energy 8. bladder and rectum muscles tense to put elimination processes on hold 9. the pituitary gland releases the hormone ACTH which triggers the adrenal glands to produce cortisol.
  • 10. 10 | The Nature of Stress Stress Management MTL Course Topics BODY REACTIONS TO STRESS To cope with sudden threats, the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system works in milliseconds without us really knowing what is happening. • After 12 milliseconds, the jaw tightens • after 16, the brow contracts • after 20, the neck contracts • after 50, elbows bend, palms turn down • after 60, the abdomen contracts, breathing stops • after 70, knees bend inwards, feet turn in • after 80, toes lift up, crotch tightens • after 90, heart rate increases • after 100, mouth dries, digestion stops • after 150, breathing becomes irregular • after 200, palms sweat • after 250, face pales.
  • 11. 11 | The Nature of Stress Stress Management MTL Course Topics THE ADRENALIN RUSH When the sense organs - sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell - signal danger, they transmit impulses to the brain that a threat exists and needs a response. The brain sends the sympathetic nervous system into action and also sends a nerve impulse to the adrenal glands situated just above the kidneys. These glands have an outer layer, the cortex, which produces several hormones including cortisone, and an inner layer, the medulla, which produces adrenaline. Cortisone releases amino acids to form glucose while adrenaline releases stored glucose in the liver and muscles. As a result blood sugar levels increase. The release of adrenaline stimulates the sympathetic nervous system which creates the symptoms of anxiety and excitement in the body.
  • 12. 12 | The Nature of Stress Stress Management MTL Course Topics OUR STONE AGE BODIES The difference between our Stone Age ancestors' handling of threats and our own way of handling a threat is that... 1. while their threats were physically real, ours are less likely to be physically real and more likely to be mental, psychological and emotional 2. while their threats ceased in a given period of time with some outcome - one way or the other - ours are often extended indefinitely or left unresolved 3. while the primary stress response can be dealt with quickly, by reversing the physical symptoms of stress, dealing with the secondary stress responses of negative thought and emotions is more difficult.
  • 13. 13 | The Nature of Stress Stress Management MTL Course Topics FROM ALARM TO EXHAUSTION Hans Selye's research into what happens when the human body remains in the alert state for a prolonged period of time is the best explanation of how stress leads to disease. Selye suggests the body goes through three phases when confronted by danger: 1. firstly, ALARM 2. secondly, RESISTANCE 3. finally, EXHAUSTION It is in the exhaustion phase that symptoms of disease and then disease itself start to appear. One estimate reckons that 8 out of 10 people who visit a doctor's surgery each day are suffering from one or another form of stress-related illness.
  • 14. 14 | The Nature of Stress Stress Management MTL Course Topics AROUSAL The autonomic nervous system cannot differentiate between the different sources of arousal to which we are subjected. It cannot distinguish whether we are stuck in a traffic gridlock with an important appointment minutes away or whether we are being chased by a mad bull. The healthy action of the fight-flight response is to recognise a real danger and deal with it by using the energy we've created. The action of the fight-flight response is unhealthy when there is no real threat or it continues unresolved. In these cases, the body continues to prepare for action, allowing undischarged chemicals and muscle tension to build up. When faced with such high levels of arousal, we have two choices: we must either use up the energy we've created or find some method of turning off the response system. Only then can the body return to normal.
  • 15. 15 | The Nature of Stress Stress Management MTL Course Topics UNDER STRESS Under extreme, prolonged or persistent stress, the human organism continues to manufacture large quantities of stress chemicals in the belief it is dealing with a threat. 1. over-breathing becomes hyperventilation 2. fats and proteins in the liver, gut and skin are released as further sources of energy 3. the stomach secretes more acid but cannot return to its normal functioning 4. the heart becomes overworked by beating more and more irregularly 5. the body retains extra sodium encouraging fluid retention and high blood pressure 6. muscle tension increases resulting in stiffness and pain If all these changes continue, the body goes on trying to adapt under increasing strain until it eventually breaks down.
  • 16. 16 | The Nature of Stress Stress Management MTL Course Topics THREE STRESS PHASES Like any other process, stress develops progressively along observable lines. Unfortunately, it is one of the quirks of the stress syndrome that the more stressed we become, the less we are able to recognize its effects. Phase 1: occurs when we perceive the need for energy, eg a competitive meeting at work; a project reaching a deadline. This phase is recognisable because all our behaviour - talking, thinking, eating - is speeded up. Phase 2: occurs when we push ourselves beyond the normal pace of activity. We feel tense most of the time but also excited. Patterns of sleep, eating and rest are disrupted. Phase 3: occurs when we push ourselves to the point of exhaustion. We feel numb, emotionally empty, can't enjoy anything. At this stage, collapse is a real possibility.
  • 17. 17 | The Nature of Stress Stress Management MTL Course Topics PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS These are some of the physical symptoms of excessive stress: 1. lack of appetite 2. nervous twitching 3. frequent indigestion 4. constipation and diarrhoea 5. insomnia 6. sweating for no reason 7. nail-biting 8. nausea 9. headaches 10. impotence 11. frequent desire to cry. These symptoms are all related to the body's prolonged stay in the automatic alert state.
  • 18. 18 | The Nature of Stress Stress Management MTL Course Topics PSYCHOLOGICAL SYMPTOMS These are some of the psychological symptoms of excessive stress: 1. feelings of being a failure; unable to cope; unliked; alone; 2. irritable and no sense of humour 3. suppressed anger, anxiety, aggression 4. dread of the future 5. lack of interest in life 6. lapses of concentration 7. frustration, depression, guilt, shame, moodiness 8. mental blocks 9. tension and nervousness 10. outbursts and overreactions 11. unable to settle. These symptoms are a transference of the fight-flight response from the physical plane to the psychological plane.
  • 19. 19 | The Nature of Stress Stress Management MTL Course Topics BODY TENSION The involuntary effects of the fight-flight response can be detected in the way our bodies tense whenever we are uncomfortable, frightened or anxious. We may be unaware of all or some of these reflexes. The tense response includes: biting nails; clenched fists; white knuckles; grasping an object very tightly, such as the arm of a chair or a pencil; clenched or grinding teeth; jutting jaw; picking at facial skin; touching hair; hunched shoulders; finger-pointing or finger-drumming; chin thrust forward; tightened neck muscles; raised shoulders; crossed arms; tensed buttocks; abdomen drawn in; knees tightly held together; legs coiled around a chair leg; tapping feet. Just as these tense body reflexes are set off by internal processes, so we can reverse them from outside by learning how to un-tense our bodies and relax.
  • 20. 20 | The Nature of Stress Stress Management MTL Course Topics STRESS-RELATED DISEASE The following are ailments which are now recognised as having a stress-related background: 1. depression 2. hypertension and high blood pressure 3. coronary thrombosis and heart disease 4. migraine 5. allergies 6. ulcers, colitis and stomach disorders 7. skin disease 8. cancer 9. eating disorders 10. infertility and impotence The UK Health and Safety Executive has officially recognised stress as the second largest category of workplace illness after musculo-skeletal illness.
  • 21. 21 | The Nature of Stress Stress Management MTL Course Topics STRESS & HEART ATTACKS Stress leads a three-pronged attack on the heart: 1. stress creates high blood pressure which increases the risk of rupture of blood vessels 2. stress creates fatty acids and glucose. These are converted to neutral fat and cholesterol and deposited on the walls of the arteries leading to the heart. This reduces the amount of oxygen needed by the heart, which in turn causes angina. 3. stress increases the levels of hormones in the blood. This increases the tendency of the blood to clot and so leads to heart attacks. "I would estimate that between 90% and 95% of all illnesses can be blamed totally or mainly on psychological forces." (Dr Vernon Coleman)
  • 22. 22 | The Nature of Stress Stress Management MTL Course Topics STRESS & ULCERS Stress can lead directly to stomach ulcers: 1. stress diverts blood to the muscles of the body where it is needed to fight off a threat. This means less blood is sent to the stomach. One of the results is that appetite is put on hold since eating is of less importance than our immediate survival; 2. as a result of the reduction in stomach activity, gastric juices are reduced and the wall of the stomach becomes exposed; 3. when the threat passes, or is dealt with, the body returns to normal and gastric juices pour back into the unprotected stomach and causes stomach ulcers.
  • 23. 23 | The Nature of Stress Stress Management MTL Course Topics THE COST OF STRESS The level of stress-related illness and stress disease places a high toll on medical costs: 1. each year in the UK 180 million working days are lost because of stress 2. this represents a cost to the health services of £55 million and £4 billion to the whole economy 3. to these costs must now be added the increased costs of employers' insurance and legal costs as more and more employees hold employers responsible for stress. In a typical large company of 10,000 employees, stress results each year in 73,000 lost working days; the death of 42 of the in-work employees between the ages of 35 and 65; and lost production to the value of over £2.5 million.
  • 24. 24 | The Nature of Stress Stress Management MTL Course Topics THAT’S IT! WELL DONE!
  • 25. 25 | The Nature of Stress Stress Management MTL Course Topics THANK YOU This has been a Slide Topic from Manage Train Learn