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VOL 06 | ISSUE 06 | 2023
of SEO in Enhancing
Organizational Reach
Enhancing SEO
Operations with Emerging
Trends of Technology
The Most prominent SE
EO Companies to watch...
Abhishek Joshi
n the rapidly evolving digital landscape, search engine
Ioptimization (SEO) has become a crucial aspect of any
successful online business strategy. As technology
continues to advance, the importance of SEO has grown,
leading to the emergence of numerous SEO companies that
specialize in helping businesses improve their online
visibility and organic search rankings. In 2023, several SEO
companies have stood out as industry leaders,
demonstrating exceptional expertise, innovation, and a
proven track record of delivering tangible results for their
Prominent SEO companies have a team of seasoned
professionals with deep expertise and years of experience in
the field. They stay up-to-date with the latest industry
trends, algorithm updates, and best practices to deliver
effective SEO strategies to their clients. These companies
rely on data and analytics to drive their SEO decisions.
They use advanced tools and technologies to gather insights
about search trends, consumer behaviour, and website
performance, enabling them to make informed and data-
driven optimizations.
Effective communication is a hallmark of successful SEO
companies. They maintain open and transparent
communication with their clients, providing regular
updates, performance reports, and actionable insights to
help businesses understand the progress of their SEO
In the dynamic world of SEO, staying ahead of the
competition is vital, and these prominent SEO companies
have demonstrated their abilities to do just that. Their
innovative approaches, commitment to delivering results,
and dedication to customer satisfaction make them stand
out as the ones to watch in 2023.
Mapping the journey of these companies, CIOLook India
spotlights The Most Prominent SEO Companies to
Watch – 2023. As businesses continue to recognize the
importance of a strong online presence, partnering with one
of these leading SEO companies could prove instrumental
in achieving success in the digital realm.
The Prime Aspects of Growth
Enhancing SEO
Operations with Emerging
Trends of Technology
Importance of SEO in
Enhancing Organizational
08 Capsicum Mediaworks
Empowering Businesses with Effective SEO Solutions
Offering Unique SEO Approach to Making Brands
Unmissable Everywhere
Empowering Brands in the Ever-evolving SEO Landscape
Copyright © 2023 CIOLOOK India, All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior
permission from CIOLOOK India. Reprint rights remain solely with CIOLOOK India.
Deputy Editor
Abhishek Joshi
Pooja M. Bansal
Art & Design Head
Sandeep Tikode
Technical Head
Prachi Mokashi
Technical Consultant
Rajeshwari Avhad
Circulation Manager
Tanaji Fartade
Research Analyst
Nikita Khadalkar
SEO Executive
Ravindra Kadam
Asst. Vice President
Swapnali Vasaikar
Sr. Manager
Tejaswini Whaval
Team Lead
Suraj Gadekar
Yegesh Kadam
Co - Designer
Deepanjali Jena
Tahmeena Parveen
Avinash Chandra,
BrandLoom is a trusted Brand Consulting,
Experiential Design, and Digital Marketing
partner agency in India.
Even Digit Vinita Pariyani,
EvenDigit is a team of innovative, experienced and
stupendous hard-wired digital marketers.
Yogesh Khasturi,
Webiators is a renowned provider of top-notch SEO
solutions that play a vital role in enhancing
businesses’ online visibility and driving organic traffic
to their websites.
Nirav Dave,
Co-founder and
Capsicum Mediaworks is an SEO agency providing SEO
services for clients across the globe, including countries
like India, the UK, and Australia.
Abhinav Sahai,
Niswey is an inbound and account-based marketing
agency serving B2B IT clients in Asia Pacific and
digital marketing agencies around the world.
Nirav Dave
Co-founder & Partner
June 2023
EO has been an integral part of
Sthe digital marketing industry
for a long time. Over the years,
SEO has adapted and transformed
alongside the ever-changing digital
landscape. It is a dynamic field, with
search engine algorithms constantly
undergoing modifications.
The continuous evolution of search
engine algorithms can have a negative
impact on a brand's visibility in search
engine result pages (SERPs). As new
SEO criteria are introduced and
outdated ranking factors are discarded,
rankings can fluctuate.
Some brands may experience a boost
in their rankings, while others may
witness a decline. In this dynamic
environment, Capsicum Mediaworks
has emerged as one of the leading SEO
agencies in Mumbai, helping brands
navigate the ever-changing world of
search engine algorithms.
Capsicum Mediaworks was founded
by Nirav Dave (Co-founder &
Partner) and Shailendra Dave (Co-
founder & Partner). With a combined
experience of over 30 years, they
established the company with the
vision of delivering exceptional SEO
services to their clients and promoting
their brands.
During an insightful interview with the
CIOLook India team, Mr. Nirav shared
valuable insights about his journey.
The key highlights of the interview are
outlined below.
Please brief our audience about your
company/firm, its USPs, and how
you are currently positioned as one
of the best SEO Solution Providers.
Capsicum Mediaworks is an SEO
agency based in Vile Parle, Mumbai,
that has provided SEO services for
clients across the globe, including
countries like India, the UK and
Australia. Capsicum Mediaworks has
provided tailor-made SEO solutions to
clients spanning various sectors for the
past 10+ years.
Among our clients, we are known for
our high-quality & innovative digital
strategies combined with state-of-the-
art technology. We consider and
prioritise our client’s needs and
preferences in every project, which has
helped us build their trust over time.
Empowering Brands in the
Ever-evolving SEO Landscape
Our vast experience and keen
understanding of the niche help us
devise SEO strategies to get the best
possible outcomes for our client. We
consider each of these factors to
provide out-of-the-box, tailor-made
solutions to our clients that maximise
their brand visibility.
Tell us more about your company’s
offering and what aspects make it
stand out in the cutthroat
Capsicum Mediaworks is a
comprehensive digital agency that
specialises in providing SEO solutions
for a wide range of sectors. In addition
to SEO, we also provide a wide range
of services, including web design and
development services, explainer video
services, social media services,
branding services and PPC services.
What makes Capsicum Mediaworks
stand out from our competitors is our
unwavering commitment to creativity,
quality, and client satisfaction. We put
our client’s objectives and desires
above all and craft unique and tailored
solutions around them. We also discuss
the ideas we have with our clients as
well as our team; this collaboration
helps us to maximise our creativity and
avoid errors.
Please brief us about your journey in
the SEO industry and how you made
the company excel in its niche.
When we founded Capsicum
Mediaworks in 2010, we had only one
goal in our minds: to build brands and
transform business across sectors. Our
digital approach to building brands
helped us gain an upper hand over our
competitors as digital marketing was
fairly new in 2010.
With tailor-made branding and white-
hat SEO strategies, we helped our
clients increase their ROI. We gained a
positive reputation among our clients
for our data-first approach to meeting
clients’ goals. This helped us get global
clientele and find our footing in the
We also built a strong internal team
capable of delivering high-quality
results to our client’s unique needs. In
addition, a well-thought-out process
was also put in place, ensuring our
clients could easily communicate with
us and our team.
What professional qualities and
values do you think your clients
admire in you the most?
At Capsicum Mediaworks, we believe
that a client’s success is our success.
This philosophy reflects in our
methods. We have a client-centric
approach where we listen to our
client’s needs and create customised
solutions for them.
One of our unique approaches to
finalising ideas is a three-way process,
where we discuss the idea with our
clients & team so that we all benefit
maximally from the collaboration. We
have dubbed this as the WIN-WIN-
WIN method. The added creativity and
collaboration enhance the finished
product, which all of our clients seem
to like.
Being an experienced leader, share
your opinion on how the adoption of
modern technologies like AI and ML
impacts the SEO Solution space and
how your company is adapting to the
Change in the SEO sector is inevitable!
The best way to stay relevant in the SEO
industry is to adapt to these changes and
new trends, ensuring your clients
receive the best.
Capsicum Mediaworks recognises the
importance of adapting to modern times
and technologies. We are actively
learning and finding new ways to
incorporate AI and ML in our SEO
strategies to enhance our strategies and
processes. At Capsicum, we use AI to
enhance the content quality, avoid errors
and even plan strategies.
Considering the current industry
scenario, what kind of challenges do
you face, and how do you drive your
company to overcome them?
There are constant news and rumours
that the recession is about to impact the
Indian economy. Many countries where
our clients are based and located have
Capsicum Mediaworks
recognises the importance
of adapting to modern
times and technologies.
“ “
June 2023
already started to experience a
recession. Of course, a slower
economy can be bad for a company;
however, we have continued to provide
high-quality services keeping our
clients happy.
While shifting algorithms and
changing user behaviour is a constant
challenge, we have grown accustomed
to these variables. We view challenges
as valuable opportunities for learning
and growth. Thorough market research
and knowledge of current trends is our
first step towards tackling such
What would be your advice to
budding entrepreneurs who aspire to
venture into the SEO Solution
Entrepreneurship is a great path for
those who want to make a difference in
the world. However, it is also very
risky to be an entrepreneur as the road
is never smooth. You’ll constantly
experience ups and downs. Your
journey towards a successful SEO
venture will be filled with events that
might discourage you, but you mustn’t
lose your focus.
To be successful, you need to have a
strong foundation and a thorough
knowledge of SEO fundamentals. You
should be aware of all the techniques
and tactics you will require. SEO is
also a dynamic field that is constantly
changing and evolving. You must be
curious and a lifelong learner to stay
ahead of the competition. You must be
on top of every latest development,
algorithm update, and emerging
technology, wondering how you can
leverage them for your benefit.
How do you envision scaling your
company’s operations and offerings
eventually, adhering to its future
Capsicum Mediaworks offers a
wide variety of digital
solutions, including
development, marketing and
branding. Currently, we are
focused on onboarding new
clientele from various sectors
who are in need of these
services. With our experience
and assets, we feel that we are
more than capable of providing
best-in-class services to our
existing clients as well as new
We are keen on expanding our
presence in not just India but
also in the international
markets. The demand for SEO
and other digital marketing
services is very high and this
can be a great opportunity to
expand our business.
With the expansion of our
business, we would still be
prioritising a bespoke
customer-centric approach
towards our strategies. Our
steps towards achieving this
goal would include making
our team stronger,
evaluating current
strategies, setting realistic
targets and developing
branding strategies.
June 2023
Importance of
SEOin Enhancing
Organizational REACH
ow magically is our world transforming in front of our eyes? The
Htechnological advancements of the digital revolution have completely
revamped all our personal, professional and business realms.
In today's digital age, where online interactions shape consumer behaviour and
influence business success, the strategic implementation of Search Engine
Optimization (SEO) has emerged as a pivotal driver of organizational growth.
The prowess of SEO lies not only in its ability to boost website visibility but also in its
capacity to foster deeper connections with target audiences. As businesses navigate the
intricate web of online competition, the significance of SEO in enhancing
organizational reach has become an undeniable necessity.
Unveiling the Essence: Navigating the Digital Labyrinth
Imagine the internet as a sprawling metropolis with countless streets and alleys. SEO
is the GPS that guides search engines to your business's doorstep, ensuring potential
customers find you amidst the bustling crowd. When individuals search for products or
services related to your industry, effective SEO ensures that your website is among the
top results. This enhanced visibility drives traffic and creates a lasting impression,
positioning your organization as a relevant player in the market.
The Profound Importance of SEO in Elevating Organizational Reach
Consider a scenario where you search for information or a product; the first few search
results are from reputable sources. This immediate credibility influences your
perception of these brands. SEO isn't just about appearing in search results but at the
right place and time. Being featured prominently in search engine results lends
credibility to your brand, implying that search engines consider your website a
trustworthy source of information or solutions.
June 2023
June 2023
June 2023
**Boosting Online Visibility and Brand Recognition:
The battle for attention is fierce in a digital landscape
inundated with information. SEO is a guiding light that
directs organic traffic toward a business's digital doorstep.
Imagine a startup specializing in eco-friendly skincare
products. With strategic SEO practices, the company can
ensure that its website ranks prominently for key terms like
"natural skincare," increasing the likelihood of potential
customers discovering their offerings. Through effective
keyword optimization, meta descriptions, and quality
content, SEO turns obscure corners of the internet into
prime real estate for brand exposure.
**Elevating User Experience and Engagement:
Modern consumers value seamless experiences, and search
engines recognize this. Google and other search engines
prioritize websites that deliver exceptional user
experiences. A well-optimized website isn't just about
incorporating keywords; it provides valuable, easy-to-
navigate content that addresses users' needs. For instance,
an online furniture retailer can enhance engagement by
optimizing their website for mobile devices, ensuring swift
loading times, and organizing products into user-friendly
categories. As a result, visitors are more likely to explore,
interact, and convert into customers.
**Fuelling Targeted Traffic and Conversion Rates:
SEO transcends mere website traffic; it directs the right
traffic. Consider a travel agency specializing in luxury
cruises. By optimizing their content around keywords like
"luxury cruises to the Caribbean," they attract users actively
seeking their services. As a result, the agency experiences
higher conversion rates, as these users are more likely to
engage with the content and take desired actions, such as
booking a cruise. SEO's ability to attract pre-qualified leads
significantly impacts a business's bottom line.
**Navigating the Customer Journey:
SEO serves as a guiding compass in the intricate dance of
the customer journey. Prospective customers typically move
through stages of awareness, consideration, and decision-
making. By tailoring content to align with these stages,
businesses can cater to users' specific needs at different
points in their journey. For instance, an educational
institution offering online courses can create blog posts
addressing common questions about the benefits of
e-learning (awareness stage), followed by detailed
comparisons of various course options (consideration
stage), and finally, guides on enrolment and payment
processes (decision-making stage). This targeted approach
nurtures prospects into satisfied customers.
**Gaining a Competitive Edge:
In an ever-evolving business landscape, staying ahead of
the competition is paramount. Effective SEO strategies
provide a competitive edge by enabling businesses to adapt
to changing consumer behaviours and search trends.
Imagine a tech startup offering innovative home automation
solutions. By continuously monitoring keywords related to
smart homes and integrating them into their content, the
company can position itself as a thought leader in this
burgeoning industry. This proactive approach enhances
visibility and positions the business as an authority,
attracting both customers and media attention.
An Integral Pillar of Digital Success
The importance of SEO in enhancing organizational reach
cannot be overstated. Beyond the technical aspects, SEO
encapsulates the essence of understanding and catering to
the needs of modern consumers.
SEO is the orchestrator of a harmonious online symphony,
from boosting online visibility and fostering engagement to
guiding users along their journey and gaining a competitive
As businesses weave the threads of strategy and innovation,
embracing the power of SEO paves the way for meaningful
connections, remarkable growth, and enduring success in
the dynamic landscape of the digital age.
The Search Engine Optimization (SEO) industry has
undergone significant transformation in recent
years with advancements in technology, changing
search algorithms, and evolving consumer behavior. As a
result, SEO strategies have become more complex and
specialized, and businesses must stay up to date with the
latest trends and best practices to remain competitive in
online search rankings.
EvenDigit, an award-winning Digital Marketing Agency,
understands that digital marketing is crucial for putting a
brand on top of search results. However, its approach is
different as the company aims to make the brand
unmissable every time and everywhere, rather than simply
pushing it. They strive to create a desire for the brand's
products and services in consumers.
When EvenDigit was initially established by Vinita
Pariyani, it was only a small service within Systematix
Infotech. However, with meticulous planning and
execution, the firm has grown into a comprehensive digital
marketing agency with a team of over 70 members. Its
team's hard work and dedication have allowed us to
establish itself as an expert in the field, which is evident in
EvenDigit’s recognition as a Google Premier Partner, Meta
Partner, and Microsoft Bing Partner. Moreover, EvenDigit
is pleased to have received top-rated status on Clutch and
Upwork, which reflects their high-quality work.
Despite facing challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic,
EvenDigit has continued to expand and flourish. Vinita
takes immense pride in the team's accomplishments at
EvenDigit, as it has worked tirelessly to establish itself as a
prominent digital marketing agency. Vinita is excited to
continue growing and delivering outstanding results for
EvenDigit’s clients.
Standing out with Exclusive Offerings
One aspect that makes EvenDigit stand out in the cutthroat
competition is its focus on delivering measurable results to
its clients. The agency uses data-driven strategies to ensure
that its clients' marketing campaigns are effective and
efficient. This approach allows EvenDigit to optimize its
clients' marketing budgets and deliver the best possible
return on investment (ROI).
EvenDigit's comprehensive range of offerings, combined
with its focus on delivering measurable results, makes it an
ideal partner for businesses looking to build a strong digital
presence and drive growth in the online marketplace.
EvenDigit distinguishes itself from its competitors by
offering an array of integrated services, such as search
engine optimization (SEO), paid advertising (PPC), social
media marketing (SMM), email marketing, video
animation, content writing, and web development. By
providing all these services under one roof, EvenDigit
ensures that its clients' digital marketing campaigns are
coherent, seamlessly integrated, and impactful.
Another factor that sets EvenDigit apart is its emphasis on
producing quantifiable outcomes. The agency uses
advanced analytics tools to track and evaluate the
performance of its clients' marketing campaigns. This
enables EvenDigit to make informed decisions based on
data insights, thereby optimizing campaign performance,
and boosting ROI. Such an approach is particularly crucial
in today's fiercely competitive digital landscape, where
businesses must make every marketing dollar count.
Proven Work Method
EvenDigit's SEO approach is comprehensive and covers all
aspects of online marketing, from website optimization,
link building and content creation to social media
Offering Unique SEO Approach to Making Brands Unmissable Everywhere
June 2023
Vinita's journey in the field of SEO has been
remarkable. It all started with a marketing
partnership, which eventually led her to build
and extend the department to a standalone
company of more than 70 members at
EvenDigit, a full-service digital marketing
agency. Throughout her career, Vinita has
developed exceptional problem-solving
skills, effective communication, and a team-
oriented mindset that has contributed
significantly to the company's success. With
a master's degree in Business Administration
and a certification in Project Management
from the Project Management Institute, she
has gained valuable knowledge and skills
that have helped EvenDigit excel in the
digital marketing industry.
As a leader, Vinita believes in cultivating a
positive work environment that fosters
teamwork, innovation and creativity. This
approach has enabled EvenDigit to become
one of the most highly regarded digital
marketing agencies in the industry, known
for delivering exceptional results for the
clients. Vinita takes pride in her journey in
the SEO industry and is committed to
continuing to drive innovation and lead
EvenDigit to the new heights of success.
Vinita Pariyani
About the Visionary
June 2023
The ultimate goal is to deliver results that drive more traffic
to clients' websites and improve their online visibility.
Proud of its proven track record of success, the team at
EvenDigit boasts many satisfied clients across various
industries, a testament to their expertise and commitment to
excellence. The company is dedicated to providing the best
possible outcomes for its clients.
What Makes EvenDigit Exceptional
At EvenDigit, it is believed by the team that their clients
admire the commitment to professionalism and delivering
high-quality work. The team acknowledges that the needs
and concerns of their clients are of the utmost importance,
and therefore makes themselves available 24/7 to address
any issues that may arise.
EvenDigit's approach is customer-centric, with a focus on
delivering an exceptional customer experience, and
prioritizes using feedback to continuously improve their
services. With this approach, EvenDigit has a client
retention of 70%, which is exceptional for the industry
standard. Vinita takes pride in this achievement.
Advance Techs’ Impact on Business
According to Vinita, the integration of modern technologies
like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)
has had a significant impact on the SEO industry. With
search engines becoming more intelligent and user-oriented,
SEO solutions need to be both effective and innovative.
The team at EvenDigit recognizes the importance of
keeping up with the latest industry trends and technologies.
They have swiftly adapted to the evolving landscape by
incorporating AI and ML into their SEO solutions. This has
enabled them to deliver more precise and tailored solutions
to their clients.
For instance, EvenDigit uses AI-powered tools such as
PowerBI to collect and analyze data and automate routine
tasks such as keyword research and content optimization.
This approach allows the team to focus on more strategic
initiatives while providing clients with more efficient and
effective solutions.
By leveraging these modern technologies, EvenDigit
delivers personalized and results-driven solutions to its
Modern Business Barriers
EvenDigit faces the challenge of keeping up with the
constantly evolving technology and staying abreast of the
latest trends and solutions, which requires significant
investments in time, resources, and training. To address
these challenges, the team at EvenDigit has taken a
proactive approach.
The company continuously invests in research and
development to innovative and effective solutions to its
clients. Additionally, EvenDigit prioritizes employee
training and development to ensure that the team has the
latest skills and knowledge to deliver quality work.
Despite the various challenges in the current industry
landscape, Vinita believes that innovation and creativity are
essential to overcome any obstacles. She encourages the
team to think outside the box and explore new solutions and
approaches to problems.
Focus on Result-driven Approach
Vinita advises budding entrepreneurs who wish to enter the
SEO industry to focus on delivering value to their clients.
She highlights that the SEO industry is results-driven, and
clients expect to see measurable outcomes such as increased
website traffic, higher search engine rankings, and
improved conversion rates. Therefore, it's essential to have
a deep understanding of SEO best practices and stay
updated with the latest trends and changes in search
Moreover, having a clear understanding of the target
audience and their needs is critical to tailor the services and
messaging to effectively reach and engage with clients. By
focusing on providing value to clients and staying up to
date with the latest trends, entrepreneurs can build
successful SEO businesses that deliver real results.
Scaling Business to New Heights
EvenDigit is committed to its core values and brand vision
of Progressive Growth with Boost as it expands its
operations and offerings to align with its future goals. This
vision is represented by the forward-pointing arrow and
sparks in the company’s logo and guides everything the
agency does.
To support the expansion plans, EvenDigit will focus on
several key strategies, including expanding its offerings
globally and covering new geographical markets beyond
India, USA, and Canada.
June 2023
With a strong client base in the USA, the company will also
open a new office and increase its team size to better serve
clients in this region.
Ongoing training and development will remain a priority
for the team to ensure that services continue to meet the
company's high standards. EvenDigit will regularly assess
and optimize internal processes to work as efficiently as
possible, delivering quality services to the clients.
Automation is another crucial strategy for scaling
operations, replacing the need to manually create, manage,
and report on thousands of digital ad campaigns with a
unified portal powered by OpenAI. This approach will
reduce the workload on the team and enable them to focus
on high-value work, increase capacity and deliver better
results for the clients.
EvenDigit's comprehensive
range of offerings,
combined with its focus on
delivering measurable
results, makes it an ideal
partner for businesses
looking to build a strong
digital presence and drive
growth in the online
The Most Prominent SEO Companies to Watch 2023
June 2023
June 2023
SEO Operations
with Emerging Trends
of Technology
n digital marketing, where algorithms reign supreme and online visibility is
Iparamount, the synergy between Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and emerging
technology trends has become a dynamic force to be reckoned with.
As the digital landscape evolves at an unprecedented pace, businesses that grasp the
potential of integrating these technologies into their SEO operations are poised to stay
ahead of the curve and thrive in the competitive digital arena.
Elevating SEO Operations: Harnessing the Power of Emerging Technology Trends
In the digital age, where search engines dictate business success and online visibility is
paramount, staying ahead of the curve requires harnessing the power of emerging
technology trends. The intricate dance between Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and
these trends are reshaping the landscape of digital marketing.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning: Revolutionizing Keyword
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning have transcended the realm of sci-fi to
become driving forces in modern digital marketing. These technologies are
revolutionizing SEO operations by refining the precision of keyword targeting, content
optimization, and user experience enhancement. AI-powered algorithms can analyze
massive datasets to identify trends and predict shifts in user behaviour, enabling
businesses to tailor their SEO strategies accordingly. For instance, AI-driven tools can
expect the keywords users will likely search for and guide content creation, resulting in
more relevant and engaging material.
For instance, consider a travel agency. With AI’s insights, they identify rising travel trends
and adjust their content strategy to include keywords like “eco-friendly destinations” or
“sustainable travel,” tapping into evolving user preferences.
June 2023
June 2023
Voice Search Optimization: Crafting Conversational
The surge in voice-activated virtual assistants like Siri,
Alexa, and Google Assistant has made voice search a
significant search method. SEO operations are adapting by
optimizing content for conversational and long-tail
keywords that users are more likely to use in voice
searches. With voice search becoming more prevalent,
businesses that integrate this trend into their SEO strategy
ensure that their content remains relevant and easily
discoverable by voice search users.
An example here is a restaurant optimizing for voice search.
They tailor their content to accommodate queries like
“Where can I find the best sushi near me?” rather than
traditional keyword phrases, ensuring they remain
discoverable in voice search results.
Featured Snippets and Position Zero: Securing Prime
Real Estate
Featured snippets or position zero, are concise, direct
answers at the top of search engine results pages. These
snippets provide users with quick, relevant information
without needing to click through to a website. Emerging
technology trends enable businesses to optimize their
content to appear in featured snippets, offering a prime
opportunity to capture users’ attention and increase click-
through rates.
Imagine an electronics retailer. Creating concise product
descriptions and guides increases the chances of their
content being featured as a quick answer for user queries
like “How to connect a smart TV to Wi-Fi?”
Video and Visual Search: Crafting Visual Narratives
The rise of visual content and the integrating of images and
videos into search results have introduced a new dimension
to SEO. Visual search technology allows users to search for
information using images, which opens up avenues for
businesses to optimize images and videos for search
engines. Brands that leverage this trend can enhance their
visibility and connect with users who prefer visual content
Consider a fashion brand. By optimizing images of their
latest collection with descriptive alt text and relevant
keywords, they tap into visual search results, ensuring their
products catch the eye of fashion enthusiasts searching for
Mobile Optimization and Accelerated Mobile Pages
(AMP): Capturing Mobile Audiences
Mobile devices have become the primary platform for
internet access, and search engines are taking notice.
Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) project aims to
provide faster-loading web pages for mobile users. By
embracing AMP and optimizing for mobile, businesses
enhance their SEO operations by ensuring seamless user
experiences, faster load times, and improved search engine
An exemplary instance is an online news portal. By
adopting AMP, they ensure their articles load instantly on
mobile devices, enticing readers with seamless, lightning-
fast experiences.
Data Analytics and Predictive Analytics: Personalizing
User Experiences
Data is the foundation of effective SEO operations, and
emerging technology trends are revolutionizing data
analytics. Predictive analytics, fuelled by AI and Machine
Learning, enables businesses to anticipate user behaviour,
trends, and shifts in the market. By harnessing these
insights, organizations can fine-tune their SEO strategies,
optimize content, and deliver personalized experiences that
resonate with their target audience.
A retail brand, using data trends to forecast the demand for
specific products, pre-empts user searches by optimizing its
content for those products, delivering tailored results and a
personalized shopping experience.
Pioneering the Future of SEO
In the age of digital transformation, staying stagnant is not
an option. Embracing emerging technology trends to
enhance SEO operations is the key to unlocking a new
realm of possibilities. Whether through AI-driven insights,
voice search optimization, or visual content integration,
businesses that harness the power of these trends propel
their SEO strategies toward unprecedented success. As
digital landscapes continue to evolve, those who embrace
these technological innovations not only navigate the ever-
changing terrain but also pioneer the future of SEO,
securing their position as leaders in the dynamic world of
digital marketing.
Yogesh Khasturi
June 2023
In today's digital age, a strong
online presence is essential for
business success. One of the most
important components of digital
marketing is Search Engine
Optimization (SEO), which helps
businesses increase their online
visibility, reach their target audience
and drive revenue. If you are looking
to penetrate international markets,
investing in a well-crafted SEO
strategy is essential.
Yogesh Khasturi, Founder of
Webiators is helping businesses boost
their authority and credibility online,
reduce bounce rates, increase user
engagement and boost conversions by
leveraging the latest SEO techniques.
The clientele can gain a competitive
advantage in the market by having
more topical content via keyword
research and implementation. By
implementing SEO techniques such as
optimizing for multiple languages and
leveraging social media marketing,
businesses can increase their global
presence and reach a wider audience.
We at CIOLook India interviewed
Yogesh on conquering enterprise SEO
and driving business online.
Let’s delve into the intercepts of the
Please brief our audience about your
company/firm, its USPs, and how
you are currently positioned as one
of the best SEO Solution Providers.
Empowering Businesses with Effective SEO Solutions
Webiators is a renowned provider of
top-notch SEO solutions that play a
vital role in enhancing businesses'
online visibility and driving organic
traffic to their websites.
Our USP and expertise lie in our
profound understanding of SEO
principles and practices, combined
with our team of skilled professionals
who stay updated on the latest industry
trends and algorithm changes. This
enables us to develop personalized
strategies tailored to each client's
specific requirements, ensuring
effective results in terms of improved
search engine rankings and increased
organic traffic.
We prioritize our client’s unique
business goals and target audiences,
crafting customized strategies that
align perfectly with their needs.
Transparency, communication, and
regular progress updates are central to
our approach, as we believe in keeping
our clients informed and providing
detailed reports on key performance
metrics. Our track record as one of the
leading SEO solution providers is a
testament to our unwavering
commitment to delivering exceptional
outcomes for our clients.
Tell us more about your company’s
offering and what aspects make it
stand out in the cutthroat
Our comprehensive digital marketing
services are designed to help
businesses establish a robust online
presence and achieve their growth
objectives. We offer a wide range of
solutions, including SEO, PPC, Social
Media Marketing, Conversion Rate
Optimization (CRO) and Content
Our expertise encompasses providing
exceptional SEO services, managing
targeted PPC campaigns across
platforms like Google, Bing Ads, and
social media, and building a strong
social media presence through
engaging content, account
management, and effective advertising
Webiators proactively
address challenges
through agility,
continuous learning,
and a focus on staying
ahead of industry
June 2023
Additionally, we optimize websites and
landing pages through thorough
analysis, A/B testing, and user
behavior tracking to maximize
conversion rates and enhance the
overall user experience.
There are several key aspects that
set apart Webiators in the cutthroat
• Results-driven Approachis
highly focused on delivering
measurable results and achieving
our client's specific business goals.
• Our team consists of experienced
professionals who possess deep
knowledge and expertise in
various aspects of digital
• We understand that every business
is unique, so we prioritize
understanding our client's
objectives, target audience, and
industry dynamics. This enables us
to develop customized strategies
that align with their specific
requirements and yield maximum
• We believe in building strong
partnerships with our clients based
on transparency and open
• We offer a comprehensive suite of
digital marketing services,
ensuring that our clients have
access to integrated solutions that
cover various aspects of their
online presence. This enables us to
create cohesive strategiesand
holistic approachesthat generate
synergy and drive long-term
Please brief us about the Featured
Person(s) journey in the SEO
industry and how they have made
the company excel in its niche.
Yogesh, the visionary founder of
Webiators, has been an extraordinary
source of inspiration for our SEO team.
With over a decade of experience in
the business realm, he possesses a
profound understanding of the
intricacies and requirements of various
Yogesh's commitment to continuous
learning and staying abreast of industry
changes have allowed us to implement
effective strategies that yield
exceptional outcomes for our clients.
His expertise and leadership have
played a vital role in shaping our
company's success.
Under his guidance, our SEO team
thrives in delivering customized
services tailored to each client's niche,
thanks to his strategic mindset and
analytical approach. Moreover, Yogesh
has fostered a collaborative work
environment, promoting teamwork,
innovation and professional growth
among our talented SEO professionals.
What professional qualities and
values do you think your clients
admire in you the most?
Clients admire Yogesh for his expertise
and knowledge in digital marketing,
particularly in SEO.
• They appreciate his transparent
communication, keeping them
informed and addressing their
• His commitment to customization
and personalization resonates with
them, as we tailor strategies to
their specific needs.
• His results-driven approach and
focus on their success make us a
trusted partner.
• Clients value his professionalism,
expertise and dedication to
delivering measurable results
while putting their needs first.
Being an experienced leader, share
your opinion on how the adoption of
modern technologies like AI and ML
impacts the SEO Solution space and
how your company is adapting to the
As an experienced leader in the SEO
space, I have seen firsthand how the
adoption of modern technologies like
AI and ML has impacted the industry.
These technologies have the potential
to revolutionize SEO by making it
more efficient and effective.
For example, AI can be used to
automate tasks like keyword research
and content optimization. This can free
up SEO professionals to focus on more
strategic tasks. ML can also be used to
analyze large amounts of data to
identify trends and patterns that can be
used to improve SEO performance.
My company is actively adapting to
these changes by investing in AI and
ML technologies. We believe that these
technologies will allow us to provide
our clients with the best possible SEO
Considering the current industry
scenario, what kind of challenges do
you face, and how do you drive your
company to overcome them?
The SEO industry is constantly
changing, and as a result, SEO
professionals face a number of
challenges. Some of the most common
challenges include:
• The ever-changing landscape of
search enginesincludes updating
their algorithms, which can make
it difficult for SEO professionals to
keep up.
• The SEO industry is becoming
increasingly competitive, as more
and more businesses are looking to
improve their online visibility.
• SEO is a complex and ever-
changing field, which means that
SEO professionals need to have
specialized knowledge about the
latest trends and best practices.
The Most Prominent SEO Companies to Watch 2023
June 2023
Despite these challenges, there are a
number of things that SEO
professionals can do to overcome
them. Some of the most important
things include:
• SEO professionals need to stay
up-to-date on the latest trends in
the industry, including changes to
search engine algorithms.
• SEO professionals can learn a lot
from each other by building
relationships with other
professionals in the industry.
• SEO professionals can stay ahead
of the curve by investing in
education and training.
Webiators proactively address
challenges through agility, continuous
learning, client-centricity and a focus
on staying ahead of industry
developments. By leveraging our
expertise, embracing technology
advancements, and maintaining
transparent communication with
clients, we overcome challenges and
ensure our company's resilience and
success in the ever-changing SEO
What would be your advice to
budding entrepreneurs who aspire to
venture into the SEO Solution
For budding entrepreneurs looking to
venture into the SEO solution space,
here is valuable advice that they must
• Focus on building a strong
foundation of SEO knowledge by
understanding the fundamental
principles and staying updated
with industry trends.
• Gain practical experience by
working on real SEO projects and
analyzing the results. Networking
is crucial, so connect with
professionals, attend conferences,
and join communities to foster
collaborations and partnerships.
• Delivering measurable results and
prioritizing client success should
be at the core of your approach.
• Embrace a data-driven mindset,
provide excellent customer
service, and maintain ethical
• Stay adaptable and open to
learning, as the SEO landscape is
• Persistence, patience and
consistent dedication are key to
long-term success in this dynamic
How do you envision scaling your
company’s operations and offerings
eventually, adhering to its future
The future is unpredictable, but we
believe that Artificial Intelligence and
Machine Learning will play a major
role in shaping it. To remain
competitive in the ever-changing
digital landscape, we are committed to
a culture of continuous innovation and
adaptation. We believe that by
constantly evolving our products and
services, we can not only achieve our
own success but also help our clients
We do not aspire to be in every niche,
but rather we want to be the best in our
niche. And by "best," we mean using
the latest technology to deliver results-
oriented work. We believe that this is
the best way to serve our clients and
create a sustainable business for the
June 2023
27 I N D I A

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The Most Prominent SEO Companies to Watch - 2023.pdf

  • 1. VOL 06 | ISSUE 06 | 2023 THE MOST PROMINENT COMPANIES TO WATCH 2023 I N D I A Know-How Importance of SEO in Enhancing Organizational Reach Tech-Talks Enhancing SEO Operations with Emerging Trends of Technology
  • 3. EO Companies to watch...
  • 4. AbhishekJoshi DeputyEditor Abhishek Joshi n the rapidly evolving digital landscape, search engine Ioptimization (SEO) has become a crucial aspect of any successful online business strategy. As technology continues to advance, the importance of SEO has grown, leading to the emergence of numerous SEO companies that specialize in helping businesses improve their online visibility and organic search rankings. In 2023, several SEO companies have stood out as industry leaders, demonstrating exceptional expertise, innovation, and a proven track record of delivering tangible results for their clients. Prominent SEO companies have a team of seasoned professionals with deep expertise and years of experience in the field. They stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends, algorithm updates, and best practices to deliver effective SEO strategies to their clients. These companies rely on data and analytics to drive their SEO decisions. They use advanced tools and technologies to gather insights about search trends, consumer behaviour, and website performance, enabling them to make informed and data- driven optimizations. Effective communication is a hallmark of successful SEO companies. They maintain open and transparent communication with their clients, providing regular updates, performance reports, and actionable insights to help businesses understand the progress of their SEO campaigns. In the dynamic world of SEO, staying ahead of the competition is vital, and these prominent SEO companies have demonstrated their abilities to do just that. Their innovative approaches, commitment to delivering results, and dedication to customer satisfaction make them stand out as the ones to watch in 2023. Mapping the journey of these companies, CIOLook India spotlights The Most Prominent SEO Companies to Watch – 2023. As businesses continue to recognize the importance of a strong online presence, partnering with one of these leading SEO companies could prove instrumental in achieving success in the digital realm. The Prime Aspects of Growth June2023
  • 7. Tech-Talks Enhancing SEO Operations with Emerging Trends of Technology Know-How Importance of SEO in Enhancing Organizational Reach 12 20 Articles 08 Capsicum Mediaworks 16 EVENDigit 24 Profiles Empowering Businesses with Effective SEO Solutions Webiators Offering Unique SEO Approach to Making Brands Unmissable Everywhere Empowering Brands in the Ever-evolving SEO Landscape
  • 8. Email For Copyright © 2023 CIOLOOK India, All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from CIOLOOK India. Reprint rights remain solely with CIOLOOK India. FOLLOW US ON CONTACT US ON WE ARE ALSO AVAILABLE ON Deputy Editor Abhishek Joshi Editor-in-Chief Pooja M. Bansal Art & Design Head Sandeep Tikode Technical Head Prachi Mokashi Technical Consultant Rajeshwari Avhad Circulation Manager Tanaji Fartade Research Analyst Nikita Khadalkar SEO Executive Ravindra Kadam Asst. Vice President Swapnali Vasaikar Sr. Manager Tejaswini Whaval Team Lead Suraj Gadekar Sr. BDE Yegesh Kadam Credit Page JUNE 2023 I N D I A Co - Designer Deepanjali Jena BDE Tahmeena Parveen
  • 9. Description Featuring Person Company Brandloom Avinash Chandra, Founder BrandLoom is a trusted Brand Consulting, Experiential Design, and Digital Marketing partner agency in India. Even Digit Vinita Pariyani, CEO EvenDigit is a team of innovative, experienced and stupendous hard-wired digital marketers. Webiators Yogesh Khasturi, Founder Webiators is a renowned provider of top-notch SEO solutions that play a vital role in enhancing businesses’ online visibility and driving organic traffic to their websites. Capsicum Mediaworks Nirav Dave, Co-founder and Partner Capsicum Mediaworks is an SEO agency providing SEO services for clients across the globe, including countries like India, the UK, and Australia. Niswey Abhinav Sahai, Founder Niswey is an inbound and account-based marketing agency serving B2B IT clients in Asia Pacific and digital marketing agencies around the world. THE MOST PROMINENT COMPANIES TO WATCH 2023
  • 10. Nirav Dave Co-founder & Partner June 2023 8
  • 11. EO has been an integral part of Sthe digital marketing industry for a long time. Over the years, SEO has adapted and transformed alongside the ever-changing digital landscape. It is a dynamic field, with search engine algorithms constantly undergoing modifications. The continuous evolution of search engine algorithms can have a negative impact on a brand's visibility in search engine result pages (SERPs). As new SEO criteria are introduced and outdated ranking factors are discarded, rankings can fluctuate. Some brands may experience a boost in their rankings, while others may witness a decline. In this dynamic environment, Capsicum Mediaworks has emerged as one of the leading SEO agencies in Mumbai, helping brands navigate the ever-changing world of search engine algorithms. Capsicum Mediaworks was founded by Nirav Dave (Co-founder & Partner) and Shailendra Dave (Co- founder & Partner). With a combined experience of over 30 years, they established the company with the vision of delivering exceptional SEO services to their clients and promoting their brands. During an insightful interview with the CIOLook India team, Mr. Nirav shared valuable insights about his journey. The key highlights of the interview are outlined below. Please brief our audience about your company/firm, its USPs, and how you are currently positioned as one of the best SEO Solution Providers. Capsicum Mediaworks is an SEO agency based in Vile Parle, Mumbai, that has provided SEO services for clients across the globe, including countries like India, the UK and Australia. Capsicum Mediaworks has provided tailor-made SEO solutions to clients spanning various sectors for the past 10+ years. Among our clients, we are known for our high-quality & innovative digital strategies combined with state-of-the- art technology. We consider and prioritise our client’s needs and preferences in every project, which has helped us build their trust over time. Empowering Brands in the Ever-evolving SEO Landscape Our vast experience and keen understanding of the niche help us devise SEO strategies to get the best possible outcomes for our client. We consider each of these factors to provide out-of-the-box, tailor-made solutions to our clients that maximise their brand visibility. Tell us more about your company’s offering and what aspects make it stand out in the cutthroat competition. Capsicum Mediaworks is a comprehensive digital agency that specialises in providing SEO solutions for a wide range of sectors. In addition to SEO, we also provide a wide range of services, including web design and development services, explainer video services, social media services, branding services and PPC services. What makes Capsicum Mediaworks stand out from our competitors is our unwavering commitment to creativity, quality, and client satisfaction. We put our client’s objectives and desires above all and craft unique and tailored solutions around them. We also discuss 9
  • 12. the ideas we have with our clients as well as our team; this collaboration helps us to maximise our creativity and avoid errors. Please brief us about your journey in the SEO industry and how you made the company excel in its niche. When we founded Capsicum Mediaworks in 2010, we had only one goal in our minds: to build brands and transform business across sectors. Our digital approach to building brands helped us gain an upper hand over our competitors as digital marketing was fairly new in 2010. With tailor-made branding and white- hat SEO strategies, we helped our clients increase their ROI. We gained a positive reputation among our clients for our data-first approach to meeting clients’ goals. This helped us get global clientele and find our footing in the market. We also built a strong internal team capable of delivering high-quality results to our client’s unique needs. In addition, a well-thought-out process was also put in place, ensuring our clients could easily communicate with us and our team. What professional qualities and values do you think your clients admire in you the most? At Capsicum Mediaworks, we believe that a client’s success is our success. This philosophy reflects in our methods. We have a client-centric approach where we listen to our client’s needs and create customised solutions for them. One of our unique approaches to finalising ideas is a three-way process, where we discuss the idea with our clients & team so that we all benefit maximally from the collaboration. We have dubbed this as the WIN-WIN- WIN method. The added creativity and collaboration enhance the finished product, which all of our clients seem to like. Being an experienced leader, share your opinion on how the adoption of modern technologies like AI and ML impacts the SEO Solution space and how your company is adapting to the change. Change in the SEO sector is inevitable! The best way to stay relevant in the SEO industry is to adapt to these changes and new trends, ensuring your clients receive the best. Capsicum Mediaworks recognises the importance of adapting to modern times and technologies. We are actively learning and finding new ways to incorporate AI and ML in our SEO strategies to enhance our strategies and processes. At Capsicum, we use AI to enhance the content quality, avoid errors and even plan strategies. Considering the current industry scenario, what kind of challenges do you face, and how do you drive your company to overcome them? There are constant news and rumours that the recession is about to impact the Indian economy. Many countries where our clients are based and located have Capsicum Mediaworks recognises the importance of adapting to modern times and technologies. “ “ 10 June 2023
  • 13. already started to experience a recession. Of course, a slower economy can be bad for a company; however, we have continued to provide high-quality services keeping our clients happy. While shifting algorithms and changing user behaviour is a constant challenge, we have grown accustomed to these variables. We view challenges as valuable opportunities for learning and growth. Thorough market research and knowledge of current trends is our first step towards tackling such problems. What would be your advice to budding entrepreneurs who aspire to venture into the SEO Solution space? Entrepreneurship is a great path for those who want to make a difference in the world. However, it is also very risky to be an entrepreneur as the road is never smooth. You’ll constantly experience ups and downs. Your journey towards a successful SEO venture will be filled with events that might discourage you, but you mustn’t lose your focus. To be successful, you need to have a strong foundation and a thorough knowledge of SEO fundamentals. You should be aware of all the techniques and tactics you will require. SEO is also a dynamic field that is constantly changing and evolving. You must be curious and a lifelong learner to stay ahead of the competition. You must be on top of every latest development, algorithm update, and emerging technology, wondering how you can leverage them for your benefit. How do you envision scaling your company’s operations and offerings eventually, adhering to its future goals? Capsicum Mediaworks offers a wide variety of digital solutions, including development, marketing and branding. Currently, we are focused on onboarding new clientele from various sectors who are in need of these services. With our experience and assets, we feel that we are more than capable of providing best-in-class services to our existing clients as well as new clients. We are keen on expanding our presence in not just India but also in the international markets. The demand for SEO and other digital marketing services is very high and this can be a great opportunity to expand our business. With the expansion of our business, we would still be prioritising a bespoke customer-centric approach towards our strategies. Our steps towards achieving this goal would include making our team stronger, evaluating current strategies, setting realistic targets and developing branding strategies. 11 June 2023
  • 14. 12 Importance of SEOin Enhancing Organizational REACH ow magically is our world transforming in front of our eyes? The Htechnological advancements of the digital revolution have completely revamped all our personal, professional and business realms. In today's digital age, where online interactions shape consumer behaviour and influence business success, the strategic implementation of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has emerged as a pivotal driver of organizational growth. The prowess of SEO lies not only in its ability to boost website visibility but also in its capacity to foster deeper connections with target audiences. As businesses navigate the intricate web of online competition, the significance of SEO in enhancing organizational reach has become an undeniable necessity. Unveiling the Essence: Navigating the Digital Labyrinth Imagine the internet as a sprawling metropolis with countless streets and alleys. SEO is the GPS that guides search engines to your business's doorstep, ensuring potential customers find you amidst the bustling crowd. When individuals search for products or services related to your industry, effective SEO ensures that your website is among the top results. This enhanced visibility drives traffic and creates a lasting impression, positioning your organization as a relevant player in the market. The Profound Importance of SEO in Elevating Organizational Reach Consider a scenario where you search for information or a product; the first few search results are from reputable sources. This immediate credibility influences your perception of these brands. SEO isn't just about appearing in search results but at the right place and time. Being featured prominently in search engine results lends credibility to your brand, implying that search engines consider your website a trustworthy source of information or solutions. June 2023
  • 16. June 2023 14 **Boosting Online Visibility and Brand Recognition: The battle for attention is fierce in a digital landscape inundated with information. SEO is a guiding light that directs organic traffic toward a business's digital doorstep. Imagine a startup specializing in eco-friendly skincare products. With strategic SEO practices, the company can ensure that its website ranks prominently for key terms like "natural skincare," increasing the likelihood of potential customers discovering their offerings. Through effective keyword optimization, meta descriptions, and quality content, SEO turns obscure corners of the internet into prime real estate for brand exposure. **Elevating User Experience and Engagement: Modern consumers value seamless experiences, and search engines recognize this. Google and other search engines prioritize websites that deliver exceptional user experiences. A well-optimized website isn't just about incorporating keywords; it provides valuable, easy-to- navigate content that addresses users' needs. For instance, an online furniture retailer can enhance engagement by optimizing their website for mobile devices, ensuring swift loading times, and organizing products into user-friendly categories. As a result, visitors are more likely to explore, interact, and convert into customers. **Fuelling Targeted Traffic and Conversion Rates: SEO transcends mere website traffic; it directs the right traffic. Consider a travel agency specializing in luxury cruises. By optimizing their content around keywords like "luxury cruises to the Caribbean," they attract users actively seeking their services. As a result, the agency experiences higher conversion rates, as these users are more likely to engage with the content and take desired actions, such as booking a cruise. SEO's ability to attract pre-qualified leads significantly impacts a business's bottom line. **Navigating the Customer Journey: SEO serves as a guiding compass in the intricate dance of the customer journey. Prospective customers typically move through stages of awareness, consideration, and decision- making. By tailoring content to align with these stages, businesses can cater to users' specific needs at different points in their journey. For instance, an educational institution offering online courses can create blog posts addressing common questions about the benefits of e-learning (awareness stage), followed by detailed comparisons of various course options (consideration stage), and finally, guides on enrolment and payment processes (decision-making stage). This targeted approach nurtures prospects into satisfied customers. **Gaining a Competitive Edge: In an ever-evolving business landscape, staying ahead of the competition is paramount. Effective SEO strategies provide a competitive edge by enabling businesses to adapt to changing consumer behaviours and search trends. Imagine a tech startup offering innovative home automation solutions. By continuously monitoring keywords related to smart homes and integrating them into their content, the company can position itself as a thought leader in this burgeoning industry. This proactive approach enhances visibility and positions the business as an authority, attracting both customers and media attention. An Integral Pillar of Digital Success The importance of SEO in enhancing organizational reach cannot be overstated. Beyond the technical aspects, SEO encapsulates the essence of understanding and catering to the needs of modern consumers. SEO is the orchestrator of a harmonious online symphony, from boosting online visibility and fostering engagement to guiding users along their journey and gaining a competitive edge. As businesses weave the threads of strategy and innovation, embracing the power of SEO paves the way for meaningful connections, remarkable growth, and enduring success in the dynamic landscape of the digital age.
  • 17. I N D I A
  • 18. The Search Engine Optimization (SEO) industry has undergone significant transformation in recent years with advancements in technology, changing search algorithms, and evolving consumer behavior. As a result, SEO strategies have become more complex and specialized, and businesses must stay up to date with the latest trends and best practices to remain competitive in online search rankings. EvenDigit, an award-winning Digital Marketing Agency, understands that digital marketing is crucial for putting a brand on top of search results. However, its approach is different as the company aims to make the brand unmissable every time and everywhere, rather than simply pushing it. They strive to create a desire for the brand's products and services in consumers. When EvenDigit was initially established by Vinita Pariyani, it was only a small service within Systematix Infotech. However, with meticulous planning and execution, the firm has grown into a comprehensive digital marketing agency with a team of over 70 members. Its team's hard work and dedication have allowed us to establish itself as an expert in the field, which is evident in EvenDigit’s recognition as a Google Premier Partner, Meta Partner, and Microsoft Bing Partner. Moreover, EvenDigit is pleased to have received top-rated status on Clutch and Upwork, which reflects their high-quality work. Despite facing challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic, EvenDigit has continued to expand and flourish. Vinita takes immense pride in the team's accomplishments at EvenDigit, as it has worked tirelessly to establish itself as a prominent digital marketing agency. Vinita is excited to continue growing and delivering outstanding results for EvenDigit’s clients. Standing out with Exclusive Offerings One aspect that makes EvenDigit stand out in the cutthroat competition is its focus on delivering measurable results to its clients. The agency uses data-driven strategies to ensure that its clients' marketing campaigns are effective and efficient. This approach allows EvenDigit to optimize its clients' marketing budgets and deliver the best possible return on investment (ROI). EvenDigit's comprehensive range of offerings, combined with its focus on delivering measurable results, makes it an ideal partner for businesses looking to build a strong digital presence and drive growth in the online marketplace. EvenDigit distinguishes itself from its competitors by offering an array of integrated services, such as search engine optimization (SEO), paid advertising (PPC), social media marketing (SMM), email marketing, video animation, content writing, and web development. By providing all these services under one roof, EvenDigit ensures that its clients' digital marketing campaigns are coherent, seamlessly integrated, and impactful. Another factor that sets EvenDigit apart is its emphasis on producing quantifiable outcomes. The agency uses advanced analytics tools to track and evaluate the performance of its clients' marketing campaigns. This enables EvenDigit to make informed decisions based on data insights, thereby optimizing campaign performance, and boosting ROI. Such an approach is particularly crucial in today's fiercely competitive digital landscape, where businesses must make every marketing dollar count. Proven Work Method EvenDigit's SEO approach is comprehensive and covers all aspects of online marketing, from website optimization, link building and content creation to social media management. Offering Unique SEO Approach to Making Brands Unmissable Everywhere June 2023 16
  • 19. Vinita's journey in the field of SEO has been remarkable. It all started with a marketing partnership, which eventually led her to build and extend the department to a standalone company of more than 70 members at EvenDigit, a full-service digital marketing agency. Throughout her career, Vinita has developed exceptional problem-solving skills, effective communication, and a team- oriented mindset that has contributed significantly to the company's success. With a master's degree in Business Administration and a certification in Project Management from the Project Management Institute, she has gained valuable knowledge and skills that have helped EvenDigit excel in the digital marketing industry. As a leader, Vinita believes in cultivating a positive work environment that fosters teamwork, innovation and creativity. This approach has enabled EvenDigit to become one of the most highly regarded digital marketing agencies in the industry, known for delivering exceptional results for the clients. Vinita takes pride in her journey in the SEO industry and is committed to continuing to drive innovation and lead EvenDigit to the new heights of success. Vinita Pariyani CEO EvenDigit About the Visionary June 2023 17
  • 20. The ultimate goal is to deliver results that drive more traffic to clients' websites and improve their online visibility. Proud of its proven track record of success, the team at EvenDigit boasts many satisfied clients across various industries, a testament to their expertise and commitment to excellence. The company is dedicated to providing the best possible outcomes for its clients. What Makes EvenDigit Exceptional At EvenDigit, it is believed by the team that their clients admire the commitment to professionalism and delivering high-quality work. The team acknowledges that the needs and concerns of their clients are of the utmost importance, and therefore makes themselves available 24/7 to address any issues that may arise. EvenDigit's approach is customer-centric, with a focus on delivering an exceptional customer experience, and prioritizes using feedback to continuously improve their services. With this approach, EvenDigit has a client retention of 70%, which is exceptional for the industry standard. Vinita takes pride in this achievement. Advance Techs’ Impact on Business According to Vinita, the integration of modern technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) has had a significant impact on the SEO industry. With search engines becoming more intelligent and user-oriented, SEO solutions need to be both effective and innovative. The team at EvenDigit recognizes the importance of keeping up with the latest industry trends and technologies. They have swiftly adapted to the evolving landscape by incorporating AI and ML into their SEO solutions. This has enabled them to deliver more precise and tailored solutions to their clients. For instance, EvenDigit uses AI-powered tools such as PowerBI to collect and analyze data and automate routine tasks such as keyword research and content optimization. This approach allows the team to focus on more strategic initiatives while providing clients with more efficient and effective solutions. By leveraging these modern technologies, EvenDigit delivers personalized and results-driven solutions to its clients. Modern Business Barriers EvenDigit faces the challenge of keeping up with the constantly evolving technology and staying abreast of the latest trends and solutions, which requires significant investments in time, resources, and training. To address these challenges, the team at EvenDigit has taken a proactive approach. The company continuously invests in research and development to innovative and effective solutions to its clients. Additionally, EvenDigit prioritizes employee training and development to ensure that the team has the latest skills and knowledge to deliver quality work. Despite the various challenges in the current industry landscape, Vinita believes that innovation and creativity are essential to overcome any obstacles. She encourages the team to think outside the box and explore new solutions and approaches to problems. Focus on Result-driven Approach Vinita advises budding entrepreneurs who wish to enter the SEO industry to focus on delivering value to their clients. She highlights that the SEO industry is results-driven, and clients expect to see measurable outcomes such as increased website traffic, higher search engine rankings, and improved conversion rates. Therefore, it's essential to have a deep understanding of SEO best practices and stay updated with the latest trends and changes in search algorithms. Moreover, having a clear understanding of the target audience and their needs is critical to tailor the services and messaging to effectively reach and engage with clients. By focusing on providing value to clients and staying up to date with the latest trends, entrepreneurs can build successful SEO businesses that deliver real results. Scaling Business to New Heights EvenDigit is committed to its core values and brand vision of Progressive Growth with Boost as it expands its operations and offerings to align with its future goals. This vision is represented by the forward-pointing arrow and sparks in the company’s logo and guides everything the agency does. To support the expansion plans, EvenDigit will focus on several key strategies, including expanding its offerings globally and covering new geographical markets beyond India, USA, and Canada. 18 June 2023 18
  • 21. With a strong client base in the USA, the company will also open a new office and increase its team size to better serve clients in this region. Ongoing training and development will remain a priority for the team to ensure that services continue to meet the company's high standards. EvenDigit will regularly assess and optimize internal processes to work as efficiently as possible, delivering quality services to the clients. Automation is another crucial strategy for scaling operations, replacing the need to manually create, manage, and report on thousands of digital ad campaigns with a unified portal powered by OpenAI. This approach will reduce the workload on the team and enable them to focus on high-value work, increase capacity and deliver better results for the clients. EvenDigit's comprehensive range of offerings, combined with its focus on delivering measurable results, makes it an ideal partner for businesses looking to build a strong digital presence and drive growth in the online marketplace. The Most Prominent SEO Companies to Watch 2023 19 June 2023 19
  • 22. June 2023 20 Enhancing SEO Operations with Emerging Trends of Technology n digital marketing, where algorithms reign supreme and online visibility is Iparamount, the synergy between Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and emerging technology trends has become a dynamic force to be reckoned with. As the digital landscape evolves at an unprecedented pace, businesses that grasp the potential of integrating these technologies into their SEO operations are poised to stay ahead of the curve and thrive in the competitive digital arena. Elevating SEO Operations: Harnessing the Power of Emerging Technology Trends In the digital age, where search engines dictate business success and online visibility is paramount, staying ahead of the curve requires harnessing the power of emerging technology trends. The intricate dance between Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and these trends are reshaping the landscape of digital marketing. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning: Revolutionizing Keyword Strategies Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning have transcended the realm of sci-fi to become driving forces in modern digital marketing. These technologies are revolutionizing SEO operations by refining the precision of keyword targeting, content optimization, and user experience enhancement. AI-powered algorithms can analyze massive datasets to identify trends and predict shifts in user behaviour, enabling businesses to tailor their SEO strategies accordingly. For instance, AI-driven tools can expect the keywords users will likely search for and guide content creation, resulting in more relevant and engaging material. For instance, consider a travel agency. With AI’s insights, they identify rising travel trends and adjust their content strategy to include keywords like “eco-friendly destinations” or “sustainable travel,” tapping into evolving user preferences.
  • 24. June 2023 22 Voice Search Optimization: Crafting Conversational Content The surge in voice-activated virtual assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant has made voice search a significant search method. SEO operations are adapting by optimizing content for conversational and long-tail keywords that users are more likely to use in voice searches. With voice search becoming more prevalent, businesses that integrate this trend into their SEO strategy ensure that their content remains relevant and easily discoverable by voice search users. An example here is a restaurant optimizing for voice search. They tailor their content to accommodate queries like “Where can I find the best sushi near me?” rather than traditional keyword phrases, ensuring they remain discoverable in voice search results. Featured Snippets and Position Zero: Securing Prime Real Estate Featured snippets or position zero, are concise, direct answers at the top of search engine results pages. These snippets provide users with quick, relevant information without needing to click through to a website. Emerging technology trends enable businesses to optimize their content to appear in featured snippets, offering a prime opportunity to capture users’ attention and increase click- through rates. Imagine an electronics retailer. Creating concise product descriptions and guides increases the chances of their content being featured as a quick answer for user queries like “How to connect a smart TV to Wi-Fi?” Video and Visual Search: Crafting Visual Narratives The rise of visual content and the integrating of images and videos into search results have introduced a new dimension to SEO. Visual search technology allows users to search for information using images, which opens up avenues for businesses to optimize images and videos for search engines. Brands that leverage this trend can enhance their visibility and connect with users who prefer visual content consumption. Consider a fashion brand. By optimizing images of their latest collection with descriptive alt text and relevant keywords, they tap into visual search results, ensuring their products catch the eye of fashion enthusiasts searching for trends. Mobile Optimization and Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP): Capturing Mobile Audiences Mobile devices have become the primary platform for internet access, and search engines are taking notice. Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) project aims to provide faster-loading web pages for mobile users. By embracing AMP and optimizing for mobile, businesses enhance their SEO operations by ensuring seamless user experiences, faster load times, and improved search engine rankings. An exemplary instance is an online news portal. By adopting AMP, they ensure their articles load instantly on mobile devices, enticing readers with seamless, lightning- fast experiences. Data Analytics and Predictive Analytics: Personalizing User Experiences Data is the foundation of effective SEO operations, and emerging technology trends are revolutionizing data analytics. Predictive analytics, fuelled by AI and Machine Learning, enables businesses to anticipate user behaviour, trends, and shifts in the market. By harnessing these insights, organizations can fine-tune their SEO strategies, optimize content, and deliver personalized experiences that resonate with their target audience. A retail brand, using data trends to forecast the demand for specific products, pre-empts user searches by optimizing its content for those products, delivering tailored results and a personalized shopping experience. Pioneering the Future of SEO In the age of digital transformation, staying stagnant is not an option. Embracing emerging technology trends to enhance SEO operations is the key to unlocking a new realm of possibilities. Whether through AI-driven insights, voice search optimization, or visual content integration, businesses that harness the power of these trends propel their SEO strategies toward unprecedented success. As digital landscapes continue to evolve, those who embrace these technological innovations not only navigate the ever- changing terrain but also pioneer the future of SEO, securing their position as leaders in the dynamic world of digital marketing.
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  • 26. Yogesh Khasturi Founder June 2023 24
  • 27. In today's digital age, a strong online presence is essential for business success. One of the most important components of digital marketing is Search Engine Optimization (SEO), which helps businesses increase their online visibility, reach their target audience and drive revenue. If you are looking to penetrate international markets, investing in a well-crafted SEO strategy is essential. Yogesh Khasturi, Founder of Webiators is helping businesses boost their authority and credibility online, reduce bounce rates, increase user engagement and boost conversions by leveraging the latest SEO techniques. The clientele can gain a competitive advantage in the market by having more topical content via keyword research and implementation. By implementing SEO techniques such as optimizing for multiple languages and leveraging social media marketing, businesses can increase their global presence and reach a wider audience. We at CIOLook India interviewed Yogesh on conquering enterprise SEO and driving business online. Let’s delve into the intercepts of the interview! Please brief our audience about your company/firm, its USPs, and how you are currently positioned as one of the best SEO Solution Providers. Empowering Businesses with Effective SEO Solutions Webiators is a renowned provider of top-notch SEO solutions that play a vital role in enhancing businesses' online visibility and driving organic traffic to their websites. Our USP and expertise lie in our profound understanding of SEO principles and practices, combined with our team of skilled professionals who stay updated on the latest industry trends and algorithm changes. This enables us to develop personalized strategies tailored to each client's specific requirements, ensuring effective results in terms of improved search engine rankings and increased organic traffic. We prioritize our client’s unique business goals and target audiences, crafting customized strategies that align perfectly with their needs. Transparency, communication, and regular progress updates are central to our approach, as we believe in keeping our clients informed and providing detailed reports on key performance metrics. Our track record as one of the leading SEO solution providers is a testament to our unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional outcomes for our clients. Tell us more about your company’s offering and what aspects make it stand out in the cutthroat competition. Our comprehensive digital marketing services are designed to help businesses establish a robust online presence and achieve their growth objectives. We offer a wide range of solutions, including SEO, PPC, Social Media Marketing, Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) and Content Marketing. Our expertise encompasses providing exceptional SEO services, managing targeted PPC campaigns across platforms like Google, Bing Ads, and social media, and building a strong social media presence through engaging content, account management, and effective advertising strategies. Webiators proactively address challenges through agility, continuous learning, client-centricity and a focus on staying ahead of industry developments. June 2023 25
  • 28. Additionally, we optimize websites and landing pages through thorough analysis, A/B testing, and user behavior tracking to maximize conversion rates and enhance the overall user experience. There are several key aspects that set apart Webiators in the cutthroat competition: • Results-driven Approachis highly focused on delivering measurable results and achieving our client's specific business goals. • Our team consists of experienced professionals who possess deep knowledge and expertise in various aspects of digital marketing. • We understand that every business is unique, so we prioritize understanding our client's objectives, target audience, and industry dynamics. This enables us to develop customized strategies that align with their specific requirements and yield maximum results. • We believe in building strong partnerships with our clients based on transparency and open communication. • We offer a comprehensive suite of digital marketing services, ensuring that our clients have access to integrated solutions that cover various aspects of their online presence. This enables us to create cohesive strategiesand holistic approachesthat generate synergy and drive long-term success. Please brief us about the Featured Person(s) journey in the SEO industry and how they have made the company excel in its niche. Yogesh, the visionary founder of Webiators, has been an extraordinary source of inspiration for our SEO team. With over a decade of experience in the business realm, he possesses a profound understanding of the intricacies and requirements of various industries. Yogesh's commitment to continuous learning and staying abreast of industry changes have allowed us to implement effective strategies that yield exceptional outcomes for our clients. His expertise and leadership have played a vital role in shaping our company's success. Under his guidance, our SEO team thrives in delivering customized services tailored to each client's niche, thanks to his strategic mindset and analytical approach. Moreover, Yogesh has fostered a collaborative work environment, promoting teamwork, innovation and professional growth among our talented SEO professionals. What professional qualities and values do you think your clients admire in you the most? Clients admire Yogesh for his expertise and knowledge in digital marketing, particularly in SEO. • They appreciate his transparent communication, keeping them informed and addressing their concerns. • His commitment to customization and personalization resonates with them, as we tailor strategies to their specific needs. • His results-driven approach and focus on their success make us a trusted partner. • Clients value his professionalism, expertise and dedication to delivering measurable results while putting their needs first. Being an experienced leader, share your opinion on how the adoption of modern technologies like AI and ML impacts the SEO Solution space and how your company is adapting to the change. As an experienced leader in the SEO space, I have seen firsthand how the adoption of modern technologies like AI and ML has impacted the industry. These technologies have the potential to revolutionize SEO by making it more efficient and effective. For example, AI can be used to automate tasks like keyword research and content optimization. This can free up SEO professionals to focus on more strategic tasks. ML can also be used to analyze large amounts of data to identify trends and patterns that can be used to improve SEO performance. My company is actively adapting to these changes by investing in AI and ML technologies. We believe that these technologies will allow us to provide our clients with the best possible SEO services. Considering the current industry scenario, what kind of challenges do you face, and how do you drive your company to overcome them? The SEO industry is constantly changing, and as a result, SEO professionals face a number of challenges. Some of the most common challenges include: • The ever-changing landscape of search enginesincludes updating their algorithms, which can make it difficult for SEO professionals to keep up. • The SEO industry is becoming increasingly competitive, as more and more businesses are looking to improve their online visibility. • SEO is a complex and ever- changing field, which means that SEO professionals need to have specialized knowledge about the latest trends and best practices. The Most Prominent SEO Companies to Watch 2023 June 2023 26
  • 29. Despite these challenges, there are a number of things that SEO professionals can do to overcome them. Some of the most important things include: • SEO professionals need to stay up-to-date on the latest trends in the industry, including changes to search engine algorithms. • SEO professionals can learn a lot from each other by building relationships with other professionals in the industry. • SEO professionals can stay ahead of the curve by investing in education and training. Webiators proactively address challenges through agility, continuous learning, client-centricity and a focus on staying ahead of industry developments. By leveraging our expertise, embracing technology advancements, and maintaining transparent communication with clients, we overcome challenges and ensure our company's resilience and success in the ever-changing SEO industry. What would be your advice to budding entrepreneurs who aspire to venture into the SEO Solution space? For budding entrepreneurs looking to venture into the SEO solution space, here is valuable advice that they must consider- • Focus on building a strong foundation of SEO knowledge by understanding the fundamental principles and staying updated with industry trends. • Gain practical experience by working on real SEO projects and analyzing the results. Networking is crucial, so connect with professionals, attend conferences, and join communities to foster collaborations and partnerships. • Delivering measurable results and prioritizing client success should be at the core of your approach. • Embrace a data-driven mindset, provide excellent customer service, and maintain ethical practices. • Stay adaptable and open to learning, as the SEO landscape is ever-changing. • Persistence, patience and consistent dedication are key to long-term success in this dynamic industry. How do you envision scaling your company’s operations and offerings eventually, adhering to its future goals? The future is unpredictable, but we believe that Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning will play a major role in shaping it. To remain competitive in the ever-changing digital landscape, we are committed to a culture of continuous innovation and adaptation. We believe that by constantly evolving our products and services, we can not only achieve our own success but also help our clients succeed. We do not aspire to be in every niche, but rather we want to be the best in our niche. And by "best," we mean using the latest technology to deliver results- oriented work. We believe that this is the best way to serve our clients and create a sustainable business for the future. June 2023 27
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