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The Islamic Ethical Principles Of Euthanasia Essay
The objective of my inquiry is to find and investigate the Islamic ethical principles of the act of
euthanasia, to see how Islam responds to euthanasia. The Islamic ethical principles that this
investigation addresses includes the sanctity of human life and how only Allah has the right to
decide the length of our lives, in relation to evidence given by the authentic Islamic sources of
Quran, Hadith (sayings of the Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him]), and opinions
of both Islamic scholars and medical experts. These sources have been used to inform and validate
my research. The research reveals that the Islamic perspective of euthanasia is a negative one, as it is
completely forbidden by the laws of Islam. To assist my research, a number of sources have been
used such as verses from the Quran, hadiths, and articles on Islamic medical ethics. I have used
multiple sources because this offers a reinforcement of the perspectives presented when addressing
each ethical principle of euthanasia.
Euthanasia has been a major issue and subject of intense ethical debates throughout the course of its
existence. It has been a great issue in the perspective of human rights, as it affects the legal, ethical,
and medical issues regarding the patients and health–care providers involved. This paragraph will
discuss the legal and ethical issues regarding euthanasia (both passive and active), and will focus on
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The Core Beliefs Of The Aqida Al-Islam
Islam is a monotheistic religion with over 1.7 billion followers that spans the globe, many of the
practices of a Muslim are committed daily. Devout Muslims would reject the statement 'only those
who fear punishment will treat others well.' Because of the wish, a Muslim has to follow the lead
Muhammad left as a model Muslim, as well as the connection a Muslim holds with to their core
beliefs, through the Aqida al–Islam, the hadiths, Arkan al–Islam and shari'a.
The Aqida al–Islam is the doctrines of Islam, expressing how a Muslim should live their life in the
favour of Allah. The core beliefs of the Aqida al–Islam are expressed through the acts of the Arkan
al–Islam, including; Shahada, Salat, Zakat, Sawm and the Hajj.(Morrissey, 2010, 109.) ... Show
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each person has two angels, known as either the recording or guardian angels, who record all the
good and bad deeds a person makes throughout their life, These angels are made of light, noor, do
not eat or drink, nor have a gender (Morrissey, 2010,103.), these angels are also knowledge during
daily salat. The belief in angels also connects with the belief of with al–Akhira, the belief in a life
after death, and Yawn al–Din, the belief in the Day of Judgement. when one dies, the recording
angels allow Allah to judge if one should be able to enter Jannah (paradise) or be sent to Jahannam
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Arab Islamic Medicine Essay
Arab–Islamic medicine is made up of a combination of new discoveries and the cultural exchange
between different theories and practices of healing. Religion also had a significant role in Islamic
medicine as ideas from the Qur'an, the prophet, and hadiths were pulled together to form several
principles. The attitude of Islam towards the origin of disease was in some ways similar to the
Judeo–Christians. Although it was agreed that sickness was usually borne without moral stigma, it
was also believed that Allah caused illness as a punishment for a person's sins or for reasons beyond
man's comprehension. Someone who became ill would not only hope for a curative miracle through
prayer, but enlisted the help of a physician. It was a Muslim's duty to provide care and assistance to
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It was said that Allah had sent a cure for every ailment and it was a Muslim's duty to take care of the
body and the spirit. This in turn provided a motive for improving the quality of healthcare and
making sure that it was accessible for everyone. Additionally, hadiths assisted in laying down
guidelines for an extensive approach to health. In the earlier days of Islam there was much debate
over whether or not Islamic physicians should use Greek, Chinese, and Indian medical techniques.
Many people viewed them as pagan. In the end, many practices and theories were blended into
Islamic medicine creating new practices, new theories, and new ideas.
Arab–Islamic medicine shares many ideas with Greek medicine over the roles to specific major
organs, each of which perform specific vital functions. The heart was a source of 'innate heat' and
sustained life. The innate heat produced body temperature, which emotional states could disturb and
cause to rise to the surface from the heart. The liver was were natural skills of understanding,
growth, and procreation took place; carried throughout the body by veins. For example, a child is
conceived when a
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Shariah Essay
Definition Of Shariah:
The word Shariah literally means "open bright, straight and clean path." But in religious sense it is
meant for those laws and orders which present code for obedience to one God, one prophet. Shariah
is the Divine Law which was pronounced through the Holy Prophet to mankind.
The technical definition of "Shariah" is "That Divine Law which establishes common beliefs,
corrects line of actions, teaches good character, brings welfare to family life and strengthens state
affairs and finally is approved by a prophet."
Islam is built on the foundation of faith and its edifice is held together by the Allah's will. Allah's
will is the primary source of law in Muslim society. The main objectives of shariah are to ensure that
human life is based on marufat ... Show more content on ...
The Holy Quran says:
"Do not like those who separated and divided after they had received the clear proofs."
And again:
"Obey the Prophet and those who have authority among you............."
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) supported the principle of ijma when He said: If anything comes to you
for decision, decide according to book of Allah, if anything comes to you which is not in the book of
Allah, then look to the Sunnah of the Prophet. If nothing comes to you in the Sunnah, then look to
what people unanimously agree upon.
Hadith Sharif refers:
"It is incumbent upon you to follow the most numerous body ."
"Whoever separates himself from the main body will go to the Hell."
"He who opposes the people's decision will die the death of man who died in the days of
"If anything comes to you for decision, decide according to the book of Allah, if anything come to
you which is not in the Book of Allah, then look into the Sunnah of The Holy Prophet, if anything
comes to you is not in the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet, then look to what the people unanimously
agreed upon."
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Leadership from an Islamic Perspective
Page 1 of 27
Allah (s.w.t.)1 has created mankind with noble objective that people would lead their live in peace
and harmony following the system of belief of his revelations sent down through Prophets from time
to time since very beginning of the society in this world. On top of that, Allah (s.w.t) said in Al
Qu'ran the responsible of humankind is to worship to him.
"I have only created jinns and men that they may serve me"2
Vicegerent (khalifah), the Islamic concept of leadership first emerged from the Qur'anic verse that
express Allah's wish to appoint his vicegerent [Prophet Adam (a.s)3] on earth soil as maintain justice
among the ... Show more content on ...
Web search on the topic also conducted, especially to find out the latest research paper regarding the
Focus of this research is to find out the concept of leadership from an Islamic perspective, through
literature resources available. The scope of this research is based on the illustration at
Figure 1 (above). In this study, the author will do a literature study in deep to find out the concept of
leadership based on two relationships (i.e. first, between creator (Allah s.w.t) and servant (human);
and second, between khalifah (leader) and human (people, society, family and state). 4.0
The leadership concept in Islam is a "trust" (amanah) from Allah (s.w.t). From "trust", then comes
"responsibility" (taklif) and followed by "accountability" (mas'uliyyah)7. Amanah literally means
trust, reliability, trustworthiness, loyalty, faithfulness, integrity, honesty and confidence. 8
In Al Qur'an, Allah (s.w.t) mentioned that the trust (amanah) was given to mankind since the sky, the
earth, and mountains are afraid to take it as a responsibility because the burden of it is very
Naquib Al–Attas. S.M and Mohd Nor. W.W.D.,(2007), The ICLIF Leadership Competency Model
(LCM): An
Islamic Alternative,
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Islamic Importance of: Tawhid, Akhira, Books of Allah and...
Explain the Islamic beliefs about Tawhid, Akhira and the Books of Allah.
Islam is described as a living religious system that applies to an estimated one billion people
globally. The key beliefs in Islam revolve around the elements of Tawhid, Akhira and the Books of
Tawhid is the most basic tenet in Islam, where each Muslim worships one omnipotent, omnipresent
and omniscient deity and personality. It is the acknowledgment that Allah is the "Creator and
Provider" and the belief in worshiping Allah's many attributes. This is evidenced in the Qur'an,
"Glorified be Allah, the Lord of the Throne, bow to He and what they attribute to Him!" [Surah Al
Anbiya: 22]. In Islam, Allah set the requirement that humans must perpetually ... Show more content
on ...
However, various other sources aid the process. It is written, "In the Qur'an we put thee on the right
way of religion so follow thou that way" [45:18]. An example is what is considered "Halal"
(permitted) and "Haraam" (forbidden).The Sunna and Hadith are used second. The Sunnis use Ijma,
the consensus of religious leaders whilst the Shi'ias turn to Imams and the Ayatollah, the leaders of
the religion moved by divine wisdom.
After that Qiyas appears which finds similarity in one situation and applies analogies and teachings
to another.
The Five Pillars are defined as fundamental practice. They are: the Shahadah, declaration of faith,
Salah (prayer), which is believed to "restrain one from shameful deeds", Zakat (charity), Saum
(fasting during Ramadan) and the Hajj (pilgrimage). As no bird can not fly conveniently with only
one wing, a Muslim can't be welcomed in the Heavens unless he is keeping good balance of the two
Islam wings. The Qur'an outlines how these foundational pillars are to be completed to balance
adherent's lives.
Human beings are guided by Allah but they are ultimately the architects of their own destiny. Hence,
God revealed the Qur'an, His keys to unlocking a righteous, spiritual and fulfilled
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Similarities Between Hindus Of Early Ages And The New Era
The similarities between Hindus of early ages and people of new era.
Submited to: Dr. Aziz–ur–Rehman Saifee.
Name: Maaz Ansari.
Roll no.: k14–2203.
The similarities between Hindus of early ages and the new Era. 3
ABSTRACT: 3 deeds. 3
Keywords: 3
Introduction: 3
Act of Mushriks before Islam: 3
Idolization: 4
Types of Shirk: 4
Major Shirk: 4
Minor Shirk: 4
Mistakes that Muslims do: 4
Grave worship: 5
Love something more than ALLAH: 5
To swear with other name: 6
Committing of Riya: 6
Dua against riya: 6
Making fun of Islam or sunnah: 7
How can we be a better Muslim : 7
Women status before Islam 8
Burying infant girls. 8
Today's situation: 8
Situation in Pakistan: 9
Political situation ... Show more content on ...
Fear this shirk as it is more hidden than a crawling ant."
'Abdullah ibn Hazm and Qays bin al–Madaarib both stood and said, "By Allah! You should clarify
what you have said, otherwise we shall bring 'Umar with authority on our behalf or without it".
He then said, "Rather I will explain to you what I said. Allaah's Messenger (saw) addressed us one
day and said,
"O People! Fear this shirk as it is more hidden than a crawling ant." Then someone whom Allaah
had willed to speak said: "
And how shall we save ourselves from it when it is more hidden than a crawling ant, O Messenger
of Allaah?".
He said, "Say "Allahumma inni a`udhu bika an ushrika bika wa ana a`lamu wa astaghfiruka lima la
[O Allah I seek refuge in You from knowingly associating partners with You, and I seek Your
forgiveness for that which I do not know].
Making fun of Islam or sunnah: some people of our society making for of same aspects of sunnah,
such as making fun of beard, clothes and other things that are the part of Sunnah, Sunnah means
those types of acts and actions performed by our beloved Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) (The messenger of
Allah) and who ever make fun of Sunnah will not be a
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The Holy Qur ' An And From Authentic Hadith From Our...
Leadership in Islam is considered to be a necessity, no matter what time period we are in. This can
be seen through some of the ayat in the Holy Qur'an and from authentic hadith from our beloved
Messenger of Allah (Sallallhu alayhi wa salam). Authentic leadership is something that is beneficial
for all people. Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) says in the Qur'an, "It is He Who hath made you (His)
agents, vicegerent of the earth: He hath raised you in ranks, some above others: that He may try you
in the gifts He hath given you: for thy Lord is quick in punishment: yet He is indeed Oft–forgiving,
Most Merciful" (Qur'an ,Al–An 'âm 6: 165). In this ayat we see that Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) has
given some people control over more things than others and that some are appointed as rulers. Allah
(subhanahu wa ta'ala) Himself is telling us that some of the people are to be rulers over the other
people (Towards Understanding). Of course as with everything, Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) has
given us guidelines how to successfully be a good ruler. Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) has provided us
with the Prophet (Sallallahu alayhi wa salam). The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu alayhi wa salam)
said, "All of you are shepherds and each of you is responsible for his flock. An imam is a shepherd
and he is responsible for those in his care. A man is a shepherd in respect of his family and is
responsible for those in his care. The woman is a shepherd in respect of her husband 's house and is
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The Prophet Muhammad : The Father Of Islam
"Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of
the Prophets. Indeed, Allah knows about all things." (Quran 33:40)
Who is Muhammad? As mentioned in the Quran in chapter 33, sura Al–Ahzab verse 40, Muhammad
is the final messenger of Allah to spread and teach Islam. He was also mentioned as the seal of the
prophets which marks the end of all prophets. Muhammad was born in Mecca, western Arabia in the
year 570, and was brought up by his uncle Abu Talib, head of the Hashim clan of the respected tribe
of Quraysh (Donner, 2007).
Although Prophet Muhammad was illiterate as mentioned in chapter 7, sura Al–A'raf verse 157, he
was still chosen by Allah to preach about Islam as he was honest, trustworthy, generous, truthful,
and sincere:
"(Who are the ones to whom my mercy will extend? It is for) those (Jews and Christians) who
follow the Messenger, the unschooled Prophet, whom they will find mentioned in their own
(scriptures) – in the Torah and the Gospel – for he will command them to do what is recognized (as
right) and forbid them from doing what is unfamiliar (to god's good way of life). (The Messenger of
Allah) will allow them (to partake of) what is pure and forbid them from what is unclean..." (Quran
The prophet received his first revelation at the age of 40 in the Cave of Hira through the angel
Gabriel who was sent down by Allah. The revelations lasted for a period of 23 years which they are
known as the Quran.
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The Roles Of Women Of Andalusia
The Roles of Extraordinary Women of Andalusia Muslim women have the same rights as men and
they have to fulfill and attain the same duties of worship such as prayer, zikr, give money to the
poor, fasting, and make pilgrimage to Mecca the holy place. In the pre–Islamic era, the Jahiliya era,
women were not allowed to do anything, they had no rights. Women from the Bedioun tribes had no
legal status whatsoever. The fathers forced their daughters to get married for money and also, many
fathers infanticide their daughters because they were seeing as nothing important in the society. The
tribes were all male–controlled. The heritage was passed on to the following generations through
male lines. Women had no legal right in inheriting property. The head of the tribes limited the rights
of women and took away their freedom. Prior to Islam, women were seen as property to be seized in
tribal or ethnic battles and conflicts. Women had no possessions or succession rights. Their very
essential role was to produce children, especially male offspring. Women had to cook, milk animals,
and wash clothes; they also had to spun wool and wave fabric for the tribal tens. However, when
Islam was found, it gave full rights and freedom to women.
Islam developed the position of women from the Arab cultures. The Sharia Law drew attention to
the proper way of marriage for women. Islam forbids the dowry of a female to be given to her
family rather than to the female who is getting married. Islam
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Benefits of Honey
|Benefits of Honey |[pic| | |] | |by Dr. Monzur Ahmed | | | | | | ... Show more content on ...
The exact mechanism of the anti–microbial effect of honey | |remains obscure. Low pH, osmotic
disruption of pathogens and the | |presence of bactericidal substances, collectively called inhibine
may all play a part. | |Anti–diarrheal properties | |At a concentration of 40%, honey has a bactericidal
effect on various gut bacteria known to cause diarrhoea and dysentery such as | |Salmonella,
Shigella, enteropathogenic E. coli and Vibrio cholera. In one study, honey given with oral
rehydration fluid was shown | |to reduce the duration of bacterial diarrhoea in infants and children. |
|Wound–healing and anti–inflammatory properties | |Honey is of value in treating burns, infected
surgical wounds and decubitus ulcers. Honey is very viscous, enabling it to absorb | |water from
surrounding inflamed tissue. For example, a study in West Africa showed that skin grafting, surgical
debridement and even| |amputation were avoided when local application of honey to wound
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Assignment An Assignment On The World Of Islam
The Quran: The Quran is the Muslim sacred writing, in other words the sacred text of the adherents
of Islam. Islam is the religion built up among the Arabs – a people until the point when at that point
to a great extent restricted to the Arabian Peninsula – by the Prophet Muhammad in the mid seventh
century. The Quran was uncovered to Prophet Muhammad by God through the organization of the
heavenly attendant Gabriel; this occurred halfway in Mecca, the place where he grew up, and
somewhat in Medina, where he prevailing with regards to making a state in a generally stateless
tribal society. The message was uncovered in Arabic, the dialect of the general population it was at
first routed to, despite the fact that the message was at last for the entire of mankind. The Quran
particularly says that Muhammad was the delivery person to the entire of humankind, and that he is
the last courier to be sent. Along these lines, the Quran is the last message that supersedes and
repeats the fundamental religion God appointed for the Jews and the Christians, and additionally the
Muslims. Today, the aggregate number of Muslims on the planet is over a billion, making up right
around a fifth of the total populace. For every single Muslim people group, whatever their dialect
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Khutbah delivered by Imam Dr. Zijad Delic at SNMC on April 27nd, 2012 corresponding to
Jumadath Thani 6th, 1433 H.
Indeed all praise is for God, Lord of the worlds.
Peace and blessings of God be upon Muhammad
(S), his family, Khulafai Rashidin, all his
Companions, and all those who follow in their footsteps until the Last Day. All praise is for God!
We praise Him. We seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. We seek God's refuge from evils of
ourselves and from our evil actions. I bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped except
God, alone, having no partner, and I bear witness life– before the day of Judgment–when he/she will
'have no dinars ... Show more content on ...
How often do we hear that sentiment from the elderly in our community? The "good old days" is
now only
The question of the rights of "children of Adam" is mentioned in the past tense. It is a "long–gone
era". vitally important in the sense that if we disregard them, i.e. infringe on rights of anyone or do
some The days when neighbors knew each other on a other injustice to them, then God Almighty
has not first name basis, when people looked out for each kept the forgiving of it in His own hands
but has other, socialized together and shared common declared that amends are to be made for it in
this interests and concerns, seem long gone. The pace life by referring back to the persons we have
sinned of life in 21st century has become too fast and against and to give such persons their due or
to furious, beating to the drum of globalization. seek their pardon, otherwise we will have to repay
Traditional communities are crumbling and them in the hereafter, which indeed, will cost us
relations with our neighbors are all–too–often reduced to a curt nod. very dearly.
According to the principles of Islam, the sins done Even here in the beautiful capital of Canada,
many towards other people are sins that human beings of us are living side–by–side but rarely mix.
Do we will have to settle with each other; God will not really know much about each other's' lives,
our pass over these sins without doing justice. The shared hopes – or even why it is important
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Islamic Dietary Laws / Regulations And Practices Essay
NOV 29th 2016
Islamic Dietary Laws/Regulations and Practices
According to, Muslims are the fastest growing religion in the world with a
population of 1.6 billion as of 2015. Dietary laws have existed since the biblical years of the Old
Testament in the books of Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy which explains the practices for
Christians and Jews. The Muslims are no exception because their dietary laws are outlined in the
Koran and Hadith as received and practiced by Prophet Mohammed from God. Hence, the Muslims
jurisprudence is the Sharia law which is the religious law governing the members of the Islamic
faith and it is a combination of both the Quran and the hadith. These laws provide guidelines on
what is forbidden known as haram and foods that are permitted known as halal which means
cleanliness and hygiene in food preparation However, for this practice to be effective, most Muslim
countries such as Indonesia and Malaysia have a food certification program with labels to food
which are halal and provides safety to the consumers Kwon and Tamang, (2015). How the food is
prepared and slaughtering of animals also has to be halal and the Islamic law states that animals
should be killed in a humane manner. The awareness of halal food among non–Muslims has helped
with the acceptance of halal food. Also, the concept of Islamic foods in the Quran and Sunnah which
will be considered halal or haram as stipulated in the
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The Usage Of Visual Aids
Prophet Muhammad ‫وسلم‬ ‫عليه‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫صلى‬ was the greatest teacher to have ever lived. Today's methods of
teaching can be seen in many of the Prophet's ‫وسلم‬ ‫عليه‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫صلى‬ sayings and actions. One such method
was the use of repetition in order to reinforce the important details of what is being taught. Another
method that is used regularly and effectively by teachers is the use of visual aids. A third method
that we use today that is from the Prophet ‫وسلم‬ ‫عليه‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫صلى‬ is the usage of analogies to help the
listener understand better. The Prophet ‫وسلم‬ ‫عليه‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫صلى‬ was the best example to mankind and we
should strive to be like him.
Repetition is a method that we see often in many of the hadith of Prophet Muhammad ‫عليه‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫صلى‬
‫وسلم‬. One example of his use of repetition is in the hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah ‫عنه‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫رضي‬‎
. He
said, "A man came to the Prophet and said, 'O Messenger of God! Who among the people is the
most worthy of my good companionship? The Prophet (‫وسلم‬ ‫عليه‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫)صلى‬ said: Your mother. The man
said, 'Then who?' The Prophet said: Then your mother. The man further asked, 'Then who?' The
Prophet said: Then your mother. The man asked again, 'Then who?' The Prophet said: Then your
father. (Bukhari, 2706)
He ‫وسلم‬ ‫عليه‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫صلى‬ repeated "your mother" three times to show the importance of respecting her
because of how much hardship she went through for her child and didn't expect anything in return.
Just as the Prophet ‫وسلم‬ ‫عليه‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫صلى‬ used repetition as an
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The True Teachings of Islam
The particular Holy Qur'an could be the maximum specialist inside Islam. It includes the actual
terms regarding The almighty since uncovered to be able to Prophet Muhammad (R) and also noted
simply by his / her friends. Inside implementing the particular Qur'anic teachings to be able to
everyday activity, Muslims are based upon the particular Sunnah (sayings and also activities) with
the Prophet (R). This kind of slimmer can be a concrete floor setup, any real kind, as well as the
genuine embodiment with the can regarding The almighty by means of Muhammad's
accomplishments. We were holding noted in exactly what is referred to as audit (items of media,
testimonies, or perhaps accounts). This kind of pamphlet provides for your requirements merely a
percentage of many intriguing and also enlightening ahadith. Each estimate under can be a
Language translation regarding just what Prophet Muhammad (R) will be noted to own thought to
his / her friends.
Quantities 1–10 are already offered comes from "Riyadh–Us–Saleheen". It absolutely was compiled
by Imam Abu Zakariya Yahya Trash can Sharaf A–Nawawi (Third). Each and every hadith offered
on this pamphlet will be accompanied by someone guide including the particularly identify with the
transmitter as well as the authentic way to obtain hadith assortment: Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim,
Imam Abu Daud, or perhaps Imam Tirmidhi (Third). The quantity inside parenthesis suggests the
precise hadith.
(R) : Peacefulness becomes after
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The Sociological Impacts Of Ali Unal And The Spread Of Islam
However, Ali Unal implies there are many benefits and burdens that can be accomplished by
participating in a polygamous relationship. Alongside reducing the possibility of any extramarital
affairs, it also deals with the situation of gender ratios as many countries may have a larger female
population as compared to their male counterparts. Ali Unal's translation is in complete contrast to
the view proposed by Muhammad Asad. The Turkish author highlights the religious and historical
significance of polygamy in spreading the message of Islam. The argument was forwarded that the
marriages of Prophet Muhammad allowed for the development of deeper ties across Arabia even
amongst various tribes who trusted the Prophet for guidance as a result of the formation of new
relationships (Ünal, 2008).If one was to argue for the permissibility of polygamy, it may be implied
that polygamy could spread the essence of Islam through such a way that individuals can interpret
the Quran through the positive actions from the spouses. It is evident both Muhammad Asad and Ali
Unal highlight Surah 4:3 but Ali Unal emphasises the positive sociological impact such relationship
can possess.
The counter view to the above point provides a crucial shift towards the idea that polygamy perhaps
should not be permissible in Muslim communities. It is stated in the Quran, 4:129
"Ye are never able to be fair and just as between women, even if it is your ardent desire"
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Marriage In Islam And The Basics Of Marriage And Islamic...
What is Talaq?
Stable union of the couple is a fundamental condition for a cheerful family life. Islam subsequently,
demanded to have great understanding between the partners to enjoy a successful married life with
no or less chances of breaking down or separation (divorce). Furthermore Islam preaches its
followers to be at bay when it comes to divorce.
At first no marriage is contracted to be disintegrated however in awful conditions the marital
contract is broken. One of the methods for such disintegration is by method for separation. Under
Muslim law the separation may happen by the demonstration of the two parties hat is Husband and
wife themselves or by an announcement of the courtroom. However in whatever way the separation
is affected it has never been regarded good in Islam and not considered as rule for life. In Islam,
separation is considered as a special case to the status of marriage.
Divorce is considered as Evil and one must take extreme precautions to stay away from it as much
as possible. But in a certain instances this abhorrence turns into a need, since when it is impossible
for both Husband and Wife to bear on their union with common understanding and love then it is
smoother to enable them to get isolated than urge them to live respectively in an environment of
disdain and estrangement.
The basics of divorce in Islamic law are the inability to continue their life together respectfully likes
husband and wife. A separation might be either by the
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To Cover Or Not To Cover
To cover, or not to cover? That is the question. When magazine, internet or news articles show a
woman wearing a head covering, one automatically assumes that the woman is a Muslim; yet is
covering one's head the rule for these women? What does the Qur'an say? Why do women do this?
What is the difference between the various head coverings? There are hijabs, khimars, chadors,
niqabs, and burqas. What are these? So many questions... The answers to these questions seem to
differ depending upon whom you ask. According to, "It is the general consensus among
the Muslims that a Muslim woman is required to cover her head leaving only her face showing as
part of an overall dress code and behaviour which Islam prescribes. It is therefore ... Show more
content on ...
"In 1 Corinthians 11, God gives the command that a woman is to cover her head when praying or
prophesying and that a man is to have his head uncovered," (Horst). According to the Jewish Virtual
Library website, "It was customary for most women in the ancient Near East, Mesopotamia, and the
Greco–Roman world to cover their hair when they went outside the home. In biblical times, women
covered their heads with veils or scarves. The unveiling of a woman's hair was considered a
humiliation and punishment (Isa. 3:17; cf. Num. 5:18 on the loosening of the hair of a woman
suspected of adultery; III Macc. 4:6; and Sus. 32)," ( "The practice of
head covering appears in many different cultures. Mantillas are still worn by many Spanish and
Latina women during religious ceremonies, and many Christian women in India still cover their
heads with a veil, scarf, shawl or the end of a sari during religious services,"
(–Culture_Head_Coverings.pdf). Based
on this information, to immediately draw attention to Muslim women and question their practice of
covering their heads seems prejudicial – women from many other cultures and religions cover their
heads as
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Robert Irwin 's Excerpt From Islamic Art
In Robert Irwin's excerpt from Islamic Art in Context, Irwin outlines why he believes that the
Muslims of this medieval era in Islamic art would have looked at many of the arts, such as painting,
sculpture, and the decorative arts, with distaste. He clarifies what Muslims at the time believed
about the depiction of living things, how that belief evolved, and why; claiming that the issue of the
non–representational nature of Islamic art is not as clear–cut as people often assume. As for how this
excerpt compares to what was shown in the lectures, there is a similar lack of living creatures that
are depicted in the art. Irwin looks more closely at the line between what is a depiction of a living
creature, however, which was not specifically covered in the class lectures about Islamic art. The
defining line between what is acceptable and what is not in Islamic art is very blurry, and Irwin
explains some of the grey area citing both the Koran and hadiths, as interpreted by various religious
scholars, as well as some other writers that were known at the time. He starts by citing the Koran,
which is a sacred Islamic book written by the Prophet Muhammed, in where the translation is
disputed; it could mean that you are to avoid paintings, as they are Satan's work, or it could mean to
avoid idols, which in context most likely refers to pagan idols, which he shows an example of a
Persian miniature that shows the destroying of an idol. Hadiths were also used to help illustrate his
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The Statements And Actions Of Prophet
The statements and actions of Prophet are recorded in a set of literary texts that modern Muslim call
the Hadith. The original term for the customs of the Prophet was "Sunnat Al– Nabi", which is an
exact translation of "customs of the Prophet" in the native tongue of the Prophet's time, which was
Arabic (textbook). While the entire genre of Islamic literature that surrounds the Prophet
Muhammad is called Sunnat Al–Nabi, the individual reports that outline the personal and private life
of the Prophet are called Hadith. The Hadith is an official collection of the sayings and actions of the
last and final Prophet of Islam throughout the 22 years of his prophetic ministry (Dustin). The
Hadith is arguably one of the most important practical text for modern Muslims, as the many books
on Hadith outline the life of the man that Muslims around the world have been told to emulate.
Muslims have been instructed to practice the behaviour of the Prophet as his behaviour is considered
a guideline on the perfect way for a Muslim to live. The Hadith outlines all relationships between a
Muslim and God, as well as discussing how relationships between humans should be conducted.
The Hadith outlines every affair possible, and how the Prophet acted in this affair, and Muslims
should aspire to model this way of life (Encyclopedia J). Therefore, the Hadith can be considered
one of the most important literary texts on the planet, because it guides a religion of nearly 1.6
billion people. The
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Essay on Mernissi
Mernissi makes the claim that "Any man who believes that a Muslim woman who fights for her
dignity and right to citizenship excludes herself necessarily from the a man who
misunderstands his own religious heritage, his own cultural identity" (Mernissi viii). She goes about
supporting this claim by delving into the very detailed documentation of Islam history. She
attributes misogyny in the past and present Muslim culture to the male elite. She gives many
examples of how Muhammad and Islam have only supported equality of the sexes and also how the
male elite used false hadiths and very narrow interpretations of the Koran and true hadiths for their
She begins by describing how the male elite started ... Show more content on ...
At the same time "the caliph `Ali retook
Basra after having defeated `A'isha at the Battle of the Camel" (Mernissi 50). This leads Mernissi to
wonder if Abu Bakra made up the Hadith to give reason for not supporting `A'isha in the fitna.
Mernissi also attacks the morals of Abu Bakra and finds out that he had been found to give false
testimony in a case to the caliph `Umar. So with the improbable case of extraordinary memory and
lying in other areas of his life, Mernissi gives reason to reject Abu Bakra as a reliable source of
Mernissi discounts another Hadith made by Abu Hurayra, "The Prophet said that the dog, the ass,
and woman interrupt prayer if they pass in front of the believer, interposing themselves between him
and quibla." (Mernissi 64) First, Mernissi finds that when
`A'isha heard of this Hadith, she rebuked it by saying that she had seen the Prophet saying his
prayers while she was lying on the bed between him and quibla (Mernissi 70). History also gives
Abu Hurayra a very anti–feminine personality. He had a nickname given to him by the Prophet
which he disliked because of the trace of femininity in it. This lead him to say "..the male is better
than the female" (Mernissi 71). He is also an object of distrust because even al–Bukhari stated that
"people said that Abu Hurayra recounts too many Hadith" (Mernissi 79). He even confessed and
retracted his words
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The Mystical School Of Islam
The word Sufi is from the Arabic word 'soof ' which means wool. These Sufis have a habit of
wearing thick, coarse wool. They think by wearing harsh clothing, it is piety. From Sufi, you get
tassawwuf; this word is a bid 'ah, as it is neither in Quran or Sunnah. The words Sufi and tassawwuf
are not in the Quran or the Sunnah. Allah (SWT) used tazkia (purification).
There are disagreements regarding the origin of this belief among scholars. Some say that Sufism is
the mystical school of Islam and had its beginnings in the first centuries following the life of the
Prophet Mohammad and others say that they are traced back to the pre–Islamic roots of Sufism
through the early Christian mystics of Syria and Egypt, to the Essenes, the ancient Pythagorean
orders, and the mystery schools of the Egyptians and Zoroastrians, among others. [2]
Keywords; Sufism, Tawassuf, Tazkia, Dhikir, Wahdat al Wajood, Tariqa
What is Sufism?
Sufism is a Muslim movement who seek to discover divine truth and love through encounters with
God directly [3]. The rejection of worldly matters such as celibacy and poverty is a major trait of the
Sufism. It developed religious practices aiming at strict self–control that enable psychological and
mystical insights as well as a loss of self, with the ultimate purpose of mystical union with God. The
Sufi movement has various forms of orders. Leaders of these orders train and assist disciples in the
mastery of Sufism 's
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Islamic Way of warfare
A thesis presented to the Faculty of the U.S. Army
Command and General Staff College in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
Military History
M.S., Bangladesh University of Professionals, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2011
Fort Leavenworth, Kansas
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
Form Approved
OMB No. 0704–0188
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per
response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data
sources, ... Show more content on ...
DiMarco, Ph.D.
, Member
Willburn Edgar Meador, Jr, MA
, Member
Dennis Burket, MBA
Accepted this 8th day of June 2012 by:
, Director, Graduate Degree Programs
Robert F. Baumann, Ph.D.
The opinions and conclusions expressed herein are those of the student author and do not
necessarily represent the views of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College or any other
governmental agency. (References to this study should include the foregoing statement.) iii
QAEDA DOCTRINE, by Major Intekhab Haider Khan, 85 pages.
With the rise of Al Qaeda and like–minded militant groups, there have been many discussions and
misrepresentations of the term Islamic way of warfare. It is important to understand that anything, to
be qualified as Islamic, has to have a reference from the core sources of Islam, i.e. the Quran, and
the practices and sayings of Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH). This research is focused to define an Islamic way of warfare based on these fundamental
sources, with a view to identifying whether Al Qaeda is truly Islamic or not.
This thesis identifies that Islam does not dictate minor tactical matters of warfare, rather focuses its
guidance on warfare in two broad categories: the just cause for waging war, and limited restrictions
on conduct during the war.
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Ethical Essay: Examples Of Etiquettes Of Drinking
Etiquettes of Drinking What is meant by Etiquette and what are its types Etiquette is being polite. It
is good manners. Etiquette is a code of conduct, both written and unwritten, for basic behavior that
is socially expected from individuals in a society based on cultural norms. These behaviors include
the proper way of socially interacting with others, guidelines for handling yourself in public, to the
manner of dress that is considered acceptable for various occasions and circumstances. Here are
some examples: When around others it is not acceptable to sneeze directly into the surrounding
environment. Instead turn your head and sneeze into the crook of your arm, and then say "excuse
me." It is proper etiquette when entering a building to hold the door open momentarily for persons
who are entering behind you to avoid the door closing quickly and slamming up against them. It is
proper etiquette to say please, thank you, and excuse me, as prompted by the particular situation. It
is proper etiquette to send out a thank–you ... Show more content on ...
He ‫ﷺ‬ drank a portion of it, leaving the rest of it. At that time a young boy was sitting on the right
side of the Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. On the left were people grown up in age and senior in learning and
experience. Feeling regard for the people sitting on the left on account of their age and
accomplishments, the Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬ asked the young boy to forgo his right to take the drink first
in favor of his seniors sitting on the left. The boy was intelligent. He replied, saying: O Prophet of
Allah, if there had been something else, I would surely have preferred these respectable men to
myself. Here the question is of sharing a drink which has remained after your drinking. So I request
you to favor me with it, if it is my right. The Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, therefore, handed over the drink to the
boy. This young boy was Hazrat Abdullah bin 'Abbas (Razi Allah tala anhu). (Muslim the Book of
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Contributions Of Prominent Muslim Women
Ehab Elatrash 12 A 3/20/2017 Contributions of Prominent Muslim Women
People when asked about Muslim women automatically picture an oppressed, mistreated, woman.
One who doesn't receive her rights and is not acknowledged in anyway. Which is all a
misconception only conceived by non– muslims or people who might not have much knowledge in
Islam. If they were to look deeper they would be astonished to see a womans worth in Islam and all
the rights given towards women. And how women in Islamic history helped shape the religion.
Some prominent Muslim women throughout Islamic history and modern times are from the
following: Khadija b. Khuwaylid , Nusayba b. Ka'b al– Ansariyya, A'isha b. Abi Bakr, Al– Malika
al– Hurra Arwa al– Sulayhi, ... Show more content on ...
She protected the Prophet Muhammad from adversaries amid the fight and even maintained a few
spear wounds and bolts as she cast herself before him to secure him. It is said that after she
supported her twelfth injury, she fell oblivious and the principal address she asked when she got up
(after a day in Medina) was "did the Prophet survive?" a demonstration of her dependability and
responsibility to the new confidence.
An assume that requires no presentation, 'Ā 'isha was the spouse of the Prophet Muhammad who
had maybe the most impact on the Muslim people group after his passing. She assumed a focal part
in the political resistance to the third and fourth caliphs Uthmān ibn 'Affān and 'Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib,
notwithstanding driving an armed force against the last at Basra in 656. Despite the fact that she
resigned from political life after her thrashing, she kept on assuming a noteworthy part as a
transmitter of Islamic lessons. She is one of the significant storytellers of hadith in the Sunni
custom. From various perspectives, she is among the most fascinating (and disputable) figures in
early Islam, particularly since the ramifications of her activities for ladies ' support in grant, political
life, and people in general circle conflicted with later preservationist originations of the part of
Her full name was Arwa b. Ahmad b. Muhammad
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Showing a Different Facet of Saudi Arabia in Rajaa...
Rajaa Alsanea presents her readers with a society, Saudi Arabia, which is often labelled as archaic
and suppressive. However, her novel, Girls of Riyadh (2007), portrays another facet of Saudi
Arabia. The author takes Saudi society as standpoint to offer an insider's account of the situations
and conditions of four Saudi girlfriends; Gamrah, Sadeem, Michelle and Lamees. Although the four
highly fashionable and stylish girls from the 'velvet class' lead a modern life, they still oscillate
between their desire for freedom and cultural patriarchal norms that they have internalised. Although
Saudi Arabia is claimed to be 'Islamic', Islamic feminists argue that Muslim men wrongly interpret
the Islamic traditions and Koran to uphold their misogynistic values.
History of Saudi Arabia
To be able to understand the prevailing situation in the Saudi system, it is essential to scrutinize
different elements of Saudi Arabian history. Amongst the dominant paradigms patriarchy is a legacy
of tribal history. Before the advent of Islam, Saudi Arabia was well–known as the "Jahiliyya" that is
the 'age of ignorance'. During this era, there was an absence of political structure with proper
constitution. The societal constructions depended primarily on the tribal communities which
embodied several clans. The leader of each tribe was called a 'Sheikh' who was selected according to
their physical strength and character and he had absolute authority over every individual.
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Muslim Women Essay
In today's society women are given ample opportunity just as much as men. In some countries, such
as middle–eastern nations that is not the case. Muslim women are often perceived to be submissive
to Muslim men and unequal. Mohammed never taught for women to be treated as lower class
citizens. Nonetheless, the blame is pointed towards the religion of Islam. The Islamic religion began
as all monotheist religions representing a belief in one God and moral standards. In the following
essay I will discuss and elaborate what Mohammed taught, how women lived in early Islamic
society, and what it has become. Mohammed (ca. 570–632) was the founder of Islam which means
"submission to God". Prophet Mohammed gave his thoughts of women's roles ... Show more content
on ...
Either way you interpret Mohammad's theory made it was clear he believed women played an
important role in mothering the believers and advertising Islam. In early Islamic society the laws
were followed and obeyed when it came to respecting women. In many cases it was found that
women earned property and had an influence on the husband's decision. Veils or hijab as the
Muslim's call it, would be worn proudly by women before and today as a way of reducing lust and
preventing temptation. Women were permitted to be warriors, politics, and lead religious sanctions.
They also traveled freely and played active roles in trade and economic roles. Unfortunately, the era
of men and women being equal was hasty. Briefly after Mohammed's death Islamic society changed,
so did the interpretations of the Quran to meet different circumstances. Almost simultaneously
women became inferior almost being viewed as possessions and property. Having choices was no
longer an option for women, whatever the man said became the law. Girls at birth could be killed by
their father's because boys carried the name of the family while girls usually were concubines,
workers, or sold. Most significantly women's roles depended largely on what the husband's
economic status was. If the husband was a farmer the wife had to help in the fields or if the husband
worked in the city she had to help run the business. In conclusion, this
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The Walking Qur An
In addition to the embodiment of the Qur'an through bodily transmissions and ethical cultivation,
Rudolph Ware in his book, The Walking Qur'an, proposes understanding embodiment of the Qur'an
as not only a bodily epistemology but also as an religious prism to perceive the ontology of human
beings in both the past and present. In a follow–up piece addressing criticisms and questions, Ware
explains in one neat line the objective of his book: "If I could add a single line [to The Walking
Qur'an], it would be that the book takes Qur'an schooling as a window onto a particular
epistemology of embodiment, and then uses that epistemology as a window into history"
("Traditions" 678). Not only does Ware propose an epistemology of embodiment but also ... Show
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Although he has been critiqued for disparaging Reformist variants of Islam, these critiques, in my
opinion, fail to see his particular utilization of the embodiment of Qur'anic knowledge. For instance,
Adeline Masquelier in her essay "Qur'an Schooling and the Production of Mindful Bodies in West
Africa" is correct to critique Ware's final polemic against Reformist Islam as lacking a fair insight
about its historical circumstances and relationship with the other Islamic discursive traditions;
however, her comparison of Saba Mahmood's embodiment of piety exhibited in her book Politics of
Piety and Ware's conceptualization of the term undercuts Ware's unique approach and paints
embodiment with the same brush (Masquelier 189–190). Failing to acknowledge the
epistemological project that comes with embodying the Qur'an in Reformist Islam's particular way,
such as the adoption of specific subjectivities and modes of piety, reduces the differences the West
African epistemology possesses, for "The Walking Qur'an is not only the Qur'an embodied but also
the Qur'an in action" [his italics] (Ware, WQ 14). Overall, whether through the embodiment of the
memorization and dispositions or the becoming of the literal walking, talking, and living Qur'an,
these two conceptualizations of embodiment prove the important point that the Qur'an is intricately
tied to the Muslim's corporeal interactions in this physical existence, for in every motion, the Qur'an
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Advantages Of Halal Products
Halal is the word from an Arabic phrase which means lawful or permitted as prescribed by Islamic
Law. A quote in a Hadith was stated that "Your practice of faith will not be correct unless your
actions are correct" which means may consider as a basic Islamic rule that controls many of
Muslim's behaviors. Quran and Hadith are the main sources of Muslim in their action and intention
in daily life to different behaviors including the Muslim's behaviors towards accepting Halal
products in the Islamic concept and rule.
Malaysia Department of Islamic Development (JAKIM) is one of the authorities that responsible to
approve any product that would be produce from manufacturer as a halal product. Manufacturers
will get the Halal certificate ... Show more content on ...
The market of Halal products are very huge that can be expand in worldwide because if the bigger
population of Muslim in worldwide, the demand for the Halal products is increase as well. Halal
products are not only for halal in foods consuming, it also needed in other consumer goods that refer
to cosmetic products, clothing and equipment.
Cosmetics are the superficial measures to make something appear better, more attractive, or more
impressive when to be look for the other people. The uses of cosmetics products can be enhance
peoples to be more confident to confront with the public in any field of works. That are very
important the Halal cosmetics should be ready in the market for Muslim consumers for the safety.
Furthermore, for the Muslims, there is a need to carry out their transactions in accordance with the
rules and principles of Islam because the vector of commodities which a non–Muslim consumer
may be able to choose from is quite different from that of a Muslim consumer, even if all elements
of goods and services were available (Metwally, 1997). This is because Islam prohibits Muslim in
certain commodities or indulging in some activities such as consuming alcohol, pork, and gamble.
In the Holy Quran was
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Women's Status in Islam Essay
Women's Status in Islam In Islam, women and men are equal in terms of their relationship with
Allah. It can be clearly seen that Allah has created men and women differently, this is so that they
may fulfil different purposes in life. It is not a question of the superiority of one gender over another,
rather it is a matter of role differentiation. Islam teaches that men and women complement one
another and are both equally important. On the other hand, this is not the case is many cultures and
traditions; before and after Islam, the status of woman throughout much of the world was ... Show
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This is verified in the following hadith reported by Al–Bukhari
"A man came to the Prophet (s) and asked him: 'O Messenger of Allah, who among the people s
worthy of my good company?' The prophet said, 'Your mother'. The man asked, 'Then who?' The
Prophet (s) again said, 'Your mother'. The man asked, 'Then who?' The Prophet again said, 'Your
mother.' The man asked, 'Then who?' The Prophet said, 'Then your father.'"
This not only shows that a mother is far more respected than other women, but also, far superior to a
father. A woman, only as a woman, is seen only equal to man, but certainly not greater, if not
slightly inferior in some circumstances.
Furthermore, the Quran also emphasises and makes people realise that their mothers bore them in
pain, and that they should respect and be grateful to their mothers because of that:
"And we have enjoined on men (to be good) to his parents: in weakness upon weakness did his
mother bear him..."
Partly because of this, motherhood is regarded as a most noble and honourable calling in Islamic
society. Women have been given the role of motherhood because Allah has blessed them with the
maternal instinct enables them to take care of children. This is supported in the Quran:
"Moreover, the Quran has a special recommendation for good treatment of mothers."
Mothers have great respect and honour in Islam
"Fear God, in whose
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5 Pillars Of Islam Essay
Hello, Asalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatoellaahi wa Barakatoe.
As you can see I am writing this week about the Five Pillars in Islam.
Islam is based on five pillars. The five pillars of i
slam are Shahada, Salah, Zakah, Sawm and Hajj.
These five pillars refer to the five duties that every Muslim must preform.
The word 'Shahada' means the islamic profession of faith. This means that you believe and testify
that there is only one God, Allah the Almighty and in His Messenger Muhammad peace be upon
him. If you want to convert to Islam you have to say the Shahada. The Shahada has to be proclaimed
in Arabic :
'‫ه‬‫ُل‬‫سـو‬‫َر‬ ‫َو‬ ‫ُه‬‫ْبـُد‬‫َع‬ ‫ًا‬‫ـد‬‫ُمَحّم‬ ‫َّن‬‫َأ‬ ‫ُد‬‫َه‬‫ـ‬‫ْش‬‫َأ‬ ‫َو‬ ، ‫هللا‬ ‫ّال‬‫ِإ‬ ‫َه‬‫لـ‬‫ِإ‬ ‫ال‬ ‫ْن‬‫َأ‬ ‫ُد‬‫َه‬‫ـ‬‫ْش‬‫َأ‬' ... Show more content on ...
'Eshhedoe an laa ilaha illallah, wa eshhedoe enna moehammaden abdoehoe wa rasoeloeh.' 'I bear
witness that none has the right to be worshipped except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is
His slave and Messenger.'
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Women in the Middle East Essay
Women in the Middle East
Women's rights in the Middle East have always been a controversial issue. Although the rights of
women have changed over the years, they have never really been equal to the rights of a man. This
poses a threat on Iran because women have very limited options when it comes to labor, marriage
and other aspects of their culture. I believe that equal treatment for women and men is a
fundamental principal of international human rights standards. Yet, in some places like Iran,
discriminatory practices against women are not only prevalent, but in some cases, required by law.
In this essay I will explain to you the every day life of an every day Islamic woman living in Iran.
You will be astonished by what these women ... Show more content on ...
For example, if a women decided to become a doctor, this would be impossible because she
wouldn't be able to operate on her patient if she was wearing the required dress. Although the Quran
states that women are equal to men, there are also man made books, called the Hadith, which put
women on the same level as animals. As stated in the Hadith, "Women are naturally, morally and
religiously defective." Although this may sound odd, the more traditional Muslims prefer the
Hadith, over the Quran even though it is their religious book.
Not only are women not allowed to choose how they dress, they also aren't allowed to choose where
they would like to work or go to school. They can't work with men because they are segregated from
men in every aspect of public life. They also are barred from taking employment in a large number
of occupations simpley because these jobs would compromise their chastity. A married woman is
only allowed to be employed if she has the consent of her husband. Women are forbidden to choose
their own academic or vocational field of study and there are 169 fields of study that are strictly for
men only. A recent law that was just made in 1990 forbids women to drive, which made it
impossible for them to transport themselves independently.
Iranian women have to depend quite frequently on men to survive. Women aren't even allowed to
travel unless they have permission of their husbands or fathers. Marriage also
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The And Their Implementation Of Today 's Contemporary,...
Hadith, in its religious use is often translated as 'tradition', meaning a report of the teachings, deeds
and sayings of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad. The hadith literature was compiled from oral reports
that were present in society at the time of their compilation, well after the death of Muhammad. The
collection of Ahadith (plural of Hadith) are considered by most religious scholars to be a reliable
source of Islam, just behind the Quran– which they consider to be the word of God. This essay will
be focusing on Ahadith and their implementation in today's Contemporary, 21st Century period. In
particular, this composition will discuss the rulings and interpretation of Ahadith in regards to
Homosexuality and the Hijab.
Homosexuality is when an individual is sexually attracted to a person of the same sex. Although the
majority of West has gradually come to accept this practice, it is widely criticized and condemned
by the mainstream of today's Muslims, even those living in the West. Although Muslim scholars
have had strict viewpoints in regards to sexual diversity throughout the history of the faith, global
modern ethics are challenging them to step up. It is very important to clarify that the scholars
themselves who read and interpret these hadith are clouded by their own cultural background. A
hadith in regards to this topic, reported by Anas bin Malik reads: "A man was with the Prophet and
when another man passed by, the former said, 'O Messenger of God! I love this man.'
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In Kecia Ali’S Book “Sexual Ethics And Islam” We Are Given
In Kecia Ali's book "Sexual Ethics and Islam" we are given a unique perspective on various subjects
within Islam. The chapters deal with topics that have been widely ignored or partially approached,
she addresses them in a way that seeks to not only spark a conversation but ensure the conversation
is uncensored and gets to the root of the issue. Of the nine chapters this book, chapter six was
perhaps the most significant because it is here that we are given a firm grasp on what Ali is aiming
to convey with this book. Through an analysis of this chapter it will become clear that this chapter
was used to fully develop her idea of readdressing what is considered Islamic, the actions of
Muslims, the way scholars justify beliefs, and issues ... Show more content on ...
A similar point is made in chapter 7 about the word "muslimmun" and how it can be used to refer to
both men and women (Ali, 148). Furthermore, we also see Ali contesting a verse that suggests men
have authority and are responsible for women but only in financial terms then when a woman
supports herself the man no longer has authority or responsibility (Ali, 153). Here we see Ali
furthering the idea from chapter 6 because she is displaying how women have progressed and in
modern day many women are independent; therefore, its important to look back at verses like this
and view them as a product of their time as Ali suggests about sunna and hadith as a whole (Ali,
128). As previously stated, Ali asks if perhaps Islam is what Muslims practice in their daily lives.
However, she debunks that because Muslims lives vary and what some do contradicts the
authoritative texts. In my previous analysis of how translation can be manipulated, a patriarchal
undertone was present and it is also present when dealing with the subject of the daily lives of
Muslims. This undertone is present throughout the book and is heightened in this chapter.
Ali states that FGC (female genital circumcision) "is not merely a customary practice incorrectly
understood as having religious authority" (Ali, 131). This is stated
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The Importance Of Gender Equality
Ever since the beginning of time, women have been fighting endlessly to be treated equally and
fairly, whether it's in their personal life, their business careers, or their social encounters. From the
day in which women are born, they are raised and treated differently compared to men. Girls are
expected to be sensitive and sweet, meanwhile boys are usually more tough, and expected to mature
a bit faster. Girls are protected more in comparison to boys and as they grow, the way society treats
each gender stands out more. Women are limited to certain professions because they are not men,
and in situations where they can actually work the same jobs, they are paid much less. Throughout
time, women all over the world continue to be sexualized and judged based on their personal
opinions. While many nations have slowly begun to embrace women's equal rights, Islam continues
to oppress women by limiting their self–expression, using their religious misconceptions to abuse
and control them as a whole, and constantly maintaining old cultural traditions that prevent freedom
and equality for women.
As formerly stated, women's rights across the world are slowly increasing while they remain the
same or even worse in some parts of the world. In America, women can vote, be a part of Congress,
choose whatever career they want to study, live wherever they please, marry whoever they love, and
much more. In Europe, gender equality is one of the core values in their initial founding treaties, and
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Life Of The Human Beings On The Earth
Islam means surrender before the GOD, because they have faith only in Allah and nothing else and
Islam is the complete code of life of the human beings on the earth, it does not only cover the social
life of the human beings but it covers also the economy. GOD means generator, operator and
destroyer, Quran came through the Revelations made by God to the prophet Mohammed (P.B.U.H)
and was compiled in a book form in the life of the third caliph and provides the direction to the
human beings for the right actions on the earth. The business is also the part of the right actions for
all the Human beings and for the first time on the earth the Mudarbah system meaning Profit and
loss Sharing business was performed by the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H) for his Wife khadija
(Rajiallah anhu); before the commencement of the Islam the Mudarbah types of business was not
performed by the world business groups and the business transactions were performed by the small
and big Merchants on that time only for the sake of benefits and with the motive of acquiring
unreasonable interest. In the holy Quran, the four chapters are governed for the business transactions
relating against the interest such as Sura Baqra, Sura Nisa,Sura Al Rum and lastly Sura Al Imran and
emphasize on the principle of the Free interest economy. In the Islam religion the interest word is
used in the Arabic term" Riba" or usury which means excess,exorbitant,pre–determined and
unreasonable, because it increases the
... Get more on ...
Women in Iran Essay
Women's rights in the Middle East have always been a controversial issue. Although the rights of
women have changed over the years, they have never really been equal to the rights of a man. This
poses a threat on Iran because women have very limited options when it comes to labor, marriage
and other aspects of their culture. I believe that equal treatment for women and men is a
fundamental principal of international human rights standards. Yet, in some places like Iran,
discriminatory practices against women are not only prevalent, but in some cases, required by law.
In this essay I will explain to you the every day life of an every day Islamic woman living in Iran.
You will be astonished by what these women have endured through the ... Show more content on ...
Not only are women not allowed to choose how they dress, they also aren't allowed to choose where
they would like to work or go to school. They can't work with men because they are segregated from
men in every aspect of public life. They also are barred from taking employment in a large number
of occupations simply because these jobs would compromise their chastity. A married woman is
only allowed to be employed if she has the consent of her husband. Women are forbidden to choose
their own academic or vocational field of study and there are 169 fields of study that are strictly for
men only. A recent law that was just made in 1990 forbids women to drive, which made it
impossible for them to transport themselves independently.
Iranian women have to depend quite frequently on men to survive. Women aren't even allowed to
travel unless they have permission of their husbands or fathers. Marriage also is a crucial element to
an Iranian woman's life. The legal age of marriage is nine years old and most women are not
allowed their husband of choice. Women are also not allowed equal rights to divorce. It is only
under extreme conditions, such as insanity of their spouse, that they are allowed to file for divorce.
Even in the event of the divorce, the father has legal custody of boys after the age of two and girls
after the age of seven. It is also crucial to have a husband because if women are involved in any
other voluntary sexual
... Get more on ...
jugment day
Major Signs Of Qayamat According To Islam And Science Islam:–One day all the world, humans,
animals, jinn, angels, earth, skies and whatever that is in them will be finished. Except for Allah
there will be nothing left. This is known as the coming of 'Qayamat '. Before the coming of
Qayamat. there will be some signs that will appear Out of which, we write some of them here. Auf
bin Malik radhiyallahu anhu says: I came to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam while he was in
his skin tent during the Tabuk expedition. He said to me, "Count six things before the advent of
Qiyamah: My death The conquest of Jerusalem Mass deaths amongst you people, just as when
sheep die in large numbers during an epidemic Abundance of wealth to such ... Show more content
on ...
When it will be regarded as a shame to act on Quranic injunctions. When untrustworthy people will
be regarded as trustworthy and the trustworthy will be regarded as untrustworthy. When it will be
hot in winter (and vice versa). When the length of days is stretched, i.e. a journey of a few days is
covered in a matter of hours. When orators and lecturers lie openly. When people dispute over petty
issues. When women with children come displeased on account of them bearing offspring, and
barren women remain happy on account of having no responsibility of offspring. When oppression,
jealousy, and greed become the order of the day. When people blatantly follow their passions and
whims. When lies prevail over the truth. When violence, bloodshed and anarchy become common.
When immorality overtakes shamelessness and is perpetrated publicly. When legislation matters
pertaining to Deen is handed over to the worst elements of the Ummat, and if people accept them
and are satisfied with their findings, then such persons will not smell the fragrance of Jannat. When
the offspring become a cause of grief and anger (for their parents)Various wines will be consumed
excessively According to a hadeeth appearing in Sahih Muslim, Sayyidunaa Abi Zaid radhiyallahu
anhu says, " Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam once led the Fajr Salaat after which he ascended
the pulpit and addressed us
... Get more on ...

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  • 3. The Core Beliefs Of The Aqida Al-Islam Islam is a monotheistic religion with over 1.7 billion followers that spans the globe, many of the practices of a Muslim are committed daily. Devout Muslims would reject the statement 'only those who fear punishment will treat others well.' Because of the wish, a Muslim has to follow the lead Muhammad left as a model Muslim, as well as the connection a Muslim holds with to their core beliefs, through the Aqida al–Islam, the hadiths, Arkan al–Islam and shari'a. The Aqida al–Islam is the doctrines of Islam, expressing how a Muslim should live their life in the favour of Allah. The core beliefs of the Aqida al–Islam are expressed through the acts of the Arkan al–Islam, including; Shahada, Salat, Zakat, Sawm and the Hajj.(Morrissey, 2010, 109.) ... Show more content on ... each person has two angels, known as either the recording or guardian angels, who record all the good and bad deeds a person makes throughout their life, These angels are made of light, noor, do not eat or drink, nor have a gender (Morrissey, 2010,103.), these angels are also knowledge during daily salat. The belief in angels also connects with the belief of with al–Akhira, the belief in a life after death, and Yawn al–Din, the belief in the Day of Judgement. when one dies, the recording angels allow Allah to judge if one should be able to enter Jannah (paradise) or be sent to Jahannam ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Arab Islamic Medicine Essay Arab–Islamic medicine is made up of a combination of new discoveries and the cultural exchange between different theories and practices of healing. Religion also had a significant role in Islamic medicine as ideas from the Qur'an, the prophet, and hadiths were pulled together to form several principles. The attitude of Islam towards the origin of disease was in some ways similar to the Judeo–Christians. Although it was agreed that sickness was usually borne without moral stigma, it was also believed that Allah caused illness as a punishment for a person's sins or for reasons beyond man's comprehension. Someone who became ill would not only hope for a curative miracle through prayer, but enlisted the help of a physician. It was a Muslim's duty to provide care and assistance to ... Show more content on ... It was said that Allah had sent a cure for every ailment and it was a Muslim's duty to take care of the body and the spirit. This in turn provided a motive for improving the quality of healthcare and making sure that it was accessible for everyone. Additionally, hadiths assisted in laying down guidelines for an extensive approach to health. In the earlier days of Islam there was much debate over whether or not Islamic physicians should use Greek, Chinese, and Indian medical techniques. Many people viewed them as pagan. In the end, many practices and theories were blended into Islamic medicine creating new practices, new theories, and new ideas. Arab–Islamic medicine shares many ideas with Greek medicine over the roles to specific major organs, each of which perform specific vital functions. The heart was a source of 'innate heat' and sustained life. The innate heat produced body temperature, which emotional states could disturb and cause to rise to the surface from the heart. The liver was were natural skills of understanding, growth, and procreation took place; carried throughout the body by veins. For example, a child is conceived when a ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Shariah Essay Shariah Definition Of Shariah: The word Shariah literally means "open bright, straight and clean path." But in religious sense it is meant for those laws and orders which present code for obedience to one God, one prophet. Shariah is the Divine Law which was pronounced through the Holy Prophet to mankind. The technical definition of "Shariah" is "That Divine Law which establishes common beliefs, corrects line of actions, teaches good character, brings welfare to family life and strengthens state affairs and finally is approved by a prophet." Introduction: Islam is built on the foundation of faith and its edifice is held together by the Allah's will. Allah's will is the primary source of law in Muslim society. The main objectives of shariah are to ensure that human life is based on marufat ... Show more content on ... The Holy Quran says: "Do not like those who separated and divided after they had received the clear proofs." And again: "Obey the Prophet and those who have authority among you............." The Holy Prophet (PBUH) supported the principle of ijma when He said: If anything comes to you for decision, decide according to book of Allah, if anything comes to you which is not in the book of Allah, then look to the Sunnah of the Prophet. If nothing comes to you in the Sunnah, then look to what people unanimously agree upon. Hadith Sharif refers: "It is incumbent upon you to follow the most numerous body ." "Whoever separates himself from the main body will go to the Hell." "He who opposes the people's decision will die the death of man who died in the days of ignorance....." "If anything comes to you for decision, decide according to the book of Allah, if anything come to you which is not in the Book of Allah, then look into the Sunnah of The Holy Prophet, if anything comes to you is not in the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet, then look to what the people unanimously agreed upon." ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Leadership from an Islamic Perspective LEADERSHIP FROM AN ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE By LOKMAN EFFENDI RAMLI Page 1 of 27 1.0 INTRODUCTION Allah (s.w.t.)1 has created mankind with noble objective that people would lead their live in peace and harmony following the system of belief of his revelations sent down through Prophets from time to time since very beginning of the society in this world. On top of that, Allah (s.w.t) said in Al Qu'ran the responsible of humankind is to worship to him. "I have only created jinns and men that they may serve me"2 Vicegerent (khalifah), the Islamic concept of leadership first emerged from the Qur'anic verse that express Allah's wish to appoint his vicegerent [Prophet Adam (a.s)3] on earth soil as maintain justice among the ... Show more content on ... Web search on the topic also conducted, especially to find out the latest research paper regarding the topic.. Focus of this research is to find out the concept of leadership from an Islamic perspective, through literature resources available. The scope of this research is based on the illustration at Figure 1 (above). In this study, the author will do a literature study in deep to find out the concept of leadership based on two relationships (i.e. first, between creator (Allah s.w.t) and servant (human); and second, between khalifah (leader) and human (people, society, family and state). 4.0 LITERATURE REVIEW: FINDING AND DISCUSSION 4.1 THE ISLAMIC CONCEPT OF LEADERSHIP The leadership concept in Islam is a "trust" (amanah) from Allah (s.w.t). From "trust", then comes "responsibility" (taklif) and followed by "accountability" (mas'uliyyah)7. Amanah literally means trust, reliability, trustworthiness, loyalty, faithfulness, integrity, honesty and confidence. 8
  • 10. In Al Qur'an, Allah (s.w.t) mentioned that the trust (amanah) was given to mankind since the sky, the earth, and mountains are afraid to take it as a responsibility because the burden of it is very 7 Naquib Al–Attas. S.M and Mohd Nor. W.W.D.,(2007), The ICLIF Leadership Competency Model (LCM): An Islamic Alternative, ... Get more on ...
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  • 12. Islamic Importance of: Tawhid, Akhira, Books of Allah and... Explain the Islamic beliefs about Tawhid, Akhira and the Books of Allah. Islam is described as a living religious system that applies to an estimated one billion people globally. The key beliefs in Islam revolve around the elements of Tawhid, Akhira and the Books of Allah. Tawhid is the most basic tenet in Islam, where each Muslim worships one omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient deity and personality. It is the acknowledgment that Allah is the "Creator and Provider" and the belief in worshiping Allah's many attributes. This is evidenced in the Qur'an, "Glorified be Allah, the Lord of the Throne, bow to He and what they attribute to Him!" [Surah Al Anbiya: 22]. In Islam, Allah set the requirement that humans must perpetually ... Show more content on ... However, various other sources aid the process. It is written, "In the Qur'an we put thee on the right way of religion so follow thou that way" [45:18]. An example is what is considered "Halal" (permitted) and "Haraam" (forbidden).The Sunna and Hadith are used second. The Sunnis use Ijma, the consensus of religious leaders whilst the Shi'ias turn to Imams and the Ayatollah, the leaders of the religion moved by divine wisdom. After that Qiyas appears which finds similarity in one situation and applies analogies and teachings to another. The Five Pillars are defined as fundamental practice. They are: the Shahadah, declaration of faith, Salah (prayer), which is believed to "restrain one from shameful deeds", Zakat (charity), Saum (fasting during Ramadan) and the Hajj (pilgrimage). As no bird can not fly conveniently with only one wing, a Muslim can't be welcomed in the Heavens unless he is keeping good balance of the two Islam wings. The Qur'an outlines how these foundational pillars are to be completed to balance adherent's lives. Human beings are guided by Allah but they are ultimately the architects of their own destiny. Hence, God revealed the Qur'an, His keys to unlocking a righteous, spiritual and fulfilled ... Get more on ...
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  • 14. Similarities Between Hindus Of Early Ages And The New Era The similarities between Hindus of early ages and people of new era. Submited to: Dr. Aziz–ur–Rehman Saifee. Name: Maaz Ansari. Roll no.: k14–2203. 12/3/2014 Contents The similarities between Hindus of early ages and the new Era. 3 ABSTRACT: 3 deeds. 3 Keywords: 3 Introduction: 3 Act of Mushriks before Islam: 3 Idolization: 4 Types of Shirk: 4 Major Shirk: 4 Minor Shirk: 4 Mistakes that Muslims do: 4 Grave worship: 5 Love something more than ALLAH: 5 To swear with other name: 6 Committing of Riya: 6 Dua against riya: 6 Making fun of Islam or sunnah: 7 How can we be a better Muslim : 7 Women status before Islam 8 STATUS: 8 Burying infant girls. 8 Today's situation: 8 PRESENT TIME WIVES: 9 Situation in Pakistan: 9 Political situation ... Show more content on ... Fear this shirk as it is more hidden than a crawling ant."
  • 15. 'Abdullah ibn Hazm and Qays bin al–Madaarib both stood and said, "By Allah! You should clarify what you have said, otherwise we shall bring 'Umar with authority on our behalf or without it". He then said, "Rather I will explain to you what I said. Allaah's Messenger (saw) addressed us one day and said, "O People! Fear this shirk as it is more hidden than a crawling ant." Then someone whom Allaah had willed to speak said: " And how shall we save ourselves from it when it is more hidden than a crawling ant, O Messenger of Allaah?". He said, "Say "Allahumma inni a`udhu bika an ushrika bika wa ana a`lamu wa astaghfiruka lima la a`lamu" [O Allah I seek refuge in You from knowingly associating partners with You, and I seek Your forgiveness for that which I do not know]. Making fun of Islam or sunnah: some people of our society making for of same aspects of sunnah, such as making fun of beard, clothes and other things that are the part of Sunnah, Sunnah means those types of acts and actions performed by our beloved Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) (The messenger of Allah) and who ever make fun of Sunnah will not be a ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. The Holy Qur ' An And From Authentic Hadith From Our... Leadership in Islam is considered to be a necessity, no matter what time period we are in. This can be seen through some of the ayat in the Holy Qur'an and from authentic hadith from our beloved Messenger of Allah (Sallallhu alayhi wa salam). Authentic leadership is something that is beneficial for all people. Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) says in the Qur'an, "It is He Who hath made you (His) agents, vicegerent of the earth: He hath raised you in ranks, some above others: that He may try you in the gifts He hath given you: for thy Lord is quick in punishment: yet He is indeed Oft–forgiving, Most Merciful" (Qur'an ,Al–An 'âm 6: 165). In this ayat we see that Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) has given some people control over more things than others and that some are appointed as rulers. Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) Himself is telling us that some of the people are to be rulers over the other people (Towards Understanding). Of course as with everything, Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) has given us guidelines how to successfully be a good ruler. Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) has provided us with the Prophet (Sallallahu alayhi wa salam). The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu alayhi wa salam) said, "All of you are shepherds and each of you is responsible for his flock. An imam is a shepherd and he is responsible for those in his care. A man is a shepherd in respect of his family and is responsible for those in his care. The woman is a shepherd in respect of her husband 's house and is ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. The Prophet Muhammad : The Father Of Islam "Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets. Indeed, Allah knows about all things." (Quran 33:40) Who is Muhammad? As mentioned in the Quran in chapter 33, sura Al–Ahzab verse 40, Muhammad is the final messenger of Allah to spread and teach Islam. He was also mentioned as the seal of the prophets which marks the end of all prophets. Muhammad was born in Mecca, western Arabia in the year 570, and was brought up by his uncle Abu Talib, head of the Hashim clan of the respected tribe of Quraysh (Donner, 2007). Although Prophet Muhammad was illiterate as mentioned in chapter 7, sura Al–A'raf verse 157, he was still chosen by Allah to preach about Islam as he was honest, trustworthy, generous, truthful, and sincere: "(Who are the ones to whom my mercy will extend? It is for) those (Jews and Christians) who follow the Messenger, the unschooled Prophet, whom they will find mentioned in their own (scriptures) – in the Torah and the Gospel – for he will command them to do what is recognized (as right) and forbid them from doing what is unfamiliar (to god's good way of life). (The Messenger of Allah) will allow them (to partake of) what is pure and forbid them from what is unclean..." (Quran 7:157). The prophet received his first revelation at the age of 40 in the Cave of Hira through the angel Gabriel who was sent down by Allah. The revelations lasted for a period of 23 years which they are known as the Quran. His ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. The Roles Of Women Of Andalusia The Roles of Extraordinary Women of Andalusia Muslim women have the same rights as men and they have to fulfill and attain the same duties of worship such as prayer, zikr, give money to the poor, fasting, and make pilgrimage to Mecca the holy place. In the pre–Islamic era, the Jahiliya era, women were not allowed to do anything, they had no rights. Women from the Bedioun tribes had no legal status whatsoever. The fathers forced their daughters to get married for money and also, many fathers infanticide their daughters because they were seeing as nothing important in the society. The tribes were all male–controlled. The heritage was passed on to the following generations through male lines. Women had no legal right in inheriting property. The head of the tribes limited the rights of women and took away their freedom. Prior to Islam, women were seen as property to be seized in tribal or ethnic battles and conflicts. Women had no possessions or succession rights. Their very essential role was to produce children, especially male offspring. Women had to cook, milk animals, and wash clothes; they also had to spun wool and wave fabric for the tribal tens. However, when Islam was found, it gave full rights and freedom to women. Islam developed the position of women from the Arab cultures. The Sharia Law drew attention to the proper way of marriage for women. Islam forbids the dowry of a female to be given to her family rather than to the female who is getting married. Islam ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Benefits of Honey |Benefits of Honey |[pic| | |] | |by Dr. Monzur Ahmed | | | | | | ... Show more content on ... The exact mechanism of the anti–microbial effect of honey | |remains obscure. Low pH, osmotic disruption of pathogens and the | |presence of bactericidal substances, collectively called inhibine may all play a part. | |Anti–diarrheal properties | |At a concentration of 40%, honey has a bactericidal effect on various gut bacteria known to cause diarrhoea and dysentery such as | |Salmonella, Shigella, enteropathogenic E. coli and Vibrio cholera. In one study, honey given with oral rehydration fluid was shown | |to reduce the duration of bacterial diarrhoea in infants and children. | |Wound–healing and anti–inflammatory properties | |Honey is of value in treating burns, infected surgical wounds and decubitus ulcers. Honey is very viscous, enabling it to absorb | |water from surrounding inflamed tissue. For example, a study in West Africa showed that skin grafting, surgical debridement and even| |amputation were avoided when local application of honey to wound ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Assignment An Assignment On The World Of Islam ASSIGNMENT NO: 1 NAME: NOOR UN NISA CLASS: BBA DEPARTMENT: BUSINESS DEPARTMENT STUDENT ID: BUS–17F–113 SUBJECT: ISLAMIC STUDIES TOPIC: THE HOLLY QURAN TEACHER: MISS SUMBUL ANSAR. The Quran: The Quran is the Muslim sacred writing, in other words the sacred text of the adherents of Islam. Islam is the religion built up among the Arabs – a people until the point when at that point to a great extent restricted to the Arabian Peninsula – by the Prophet Muhammad in the mid seventh century. The Quran was uncovered to Prophet Muhammad by God through the organization of the heavenly attendant Gabriel; this occurred halfway in Mecca, the place where he grew up, and somewhat in Medina, where he prevailing with regards to making a state in a generally stateless tribal society. The message was uncovered in Arabic, the dialect of the general population it was at first routed to, despite the fact that the message was at last for the entire of mankind. The Quran particularly says that Muhammad was the delivery person to the entire of humankind, and that he is the last courier to be sent. Along these lines, the Quran is the last message that supersedes and repeats the fundamental religion God appointed for the Jews and the Christians, and additionally the Muslims. Today, the aggregate number of Muslims on the planet is over a billion, making up right around a fifth of the total populace. For every single Muslim people group, whatever their dialect and ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Khutbah FROM THE MINBAR LOVING YOUR NEIGHBOUR: A MUSLIM PERSPECTIVE Khutbah delivered by Imam Dr. Zijad Delic at SNMC on April 27nd, 2012 corresponding to Jumadath Thani 6th, 1433 H. BACKGROUND Indeed all praise is for God, Lord of the worlds. Peace and blessings of God be upon Muhammad (S), his family, Khulafai Rashidin, all his Companions, and all those who follow in their footsteps until the Last Day. All praise is for God! We praise Him. We seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. We seek God's refuge from evils of ourselves and from our evil actions. I bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped except God, alone, having no partner, and I bear witness life– before the day of Judgment–when he/she will 'have no dinars ... Show more content on ... How often do we hear that sentiment from the elderly in our community? The "good old days" is now only The question of the rights of "children of Adam" is mentioned in the past tense. It is a "long–gone era". vitally important in the sense that if we disregard them, i.e. infringe on rights of anyone or do some The days when neighbors knew each other on a other injustice to them, then God Almighty has not first name basis, when people looked out for each kept the forgiving of it in His own hands but has other, socialized together and shared common declared that amends are to be made for it in this interests and concerns, seem long gone. The pace life by referring back to the persons we have sinned of life in 21st century has become too fast and against and to give such persons their due or to furious, beating to the drum of globalization. seek their pardon, otherwise we will have to repay Traditional communities are crumbling and them in the hereafter, which indeed, will cost us relations with our neighbors are all–too–often reduced to a curt nod. very dearly. According to the principles of Islam, the sins done Even here in the beautiful capital of Canada, many towards other people are sins that human beings of us are living side–by–side but rarely mix. Do we will have to settle with each other; God will not really know much about each other's' lives, our pass over these sins without doing justice. The shared hopes – or even why it is important ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Islamic Dietary Laws / Regulations And Practices Essay ESTHER MONONO RELS/HIST 355 RESEARCH PROJECT NOV 29th 2016 Islamic Dietary Laws/Regulations and Practices According to, Muslims are the fastest growing religion in the world with a population of 1.6 billion as of 2015. Dietary laws have existed since the biblical years of the Old Testament in the books of Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy which explains the practices for Christians and Jews. The Muslims are no exception because their dietary laws are outlined in the Koran and Hadith as received and practiced by Prophet Mohammed from God. Hence, the Muslims jurisprudence is the Sharia law which is the religious law governing the members of the Islamic faith and it is a combination of both the Quran and the hadith. These laws provide guidelines on what is forbidden known as haram and foods that are permitted known as halal which means cleanliness and hygiene in food preparation However, for this practice to be effective, most Muslim countries such as Indonesia and Malaysia have a food certification program with labels to food which are halal and provides safety to the consumers Kwon and Tamang, (2015). How the food is prepared and slaughtering of animals also has to be halal and the Islamic law states that animals should be killed in a humane manner. The awareness of halal food among non–Muslims has helped with the acceptance of halal food. Also, the concept of Islamic foods in the Quran and Sunnah which will be considered halal or haram as stipulated in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. The Usage Of Visual Aids Prophet Muhammad ‫وسلم‬ ‫عليه‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫صلى‬ was the greatest teacher to have ever lived. Today's methods of teaching can be seen in many of the Prophet's ‫وسلم‬ ‫عليه‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫صلى‬ sayings and actions. One such method was the use of repetition in order to reinforce the important details of what is being taught. Another method that is used regularly and effectively by teachers is the use of visual aids. A third method that we use today that is from the Prophet ‫وسلم‬ ‫عليه‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫صلى‬ is the usage of analogies to help the listener understand better. The Prophet ‫وسلم‬ ‫عليه‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫صلى‬ was the best example to mankind and we should strive to be like him. Repetition is a method that we see often in many of the hadith of Prophet Muhammad ‫عليه‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫صلى‬ ‫وسلم‬. One example of his use of repetition is in the hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah ‫عنه‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫رضي‬‎ . He said, "A man came to the Prophet and said, 'O Messenger of God! Who among the people is the most worthy of my good companionship? The Prophet (‫وسلم‬ ‫عليه‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫)صلى‬ said: Your mother. The man said, 'Then who?' The Prophet said: Then your mother. The man further asked, 'Then who?' The Prophet said: Then your mother. The man asked again, 'Then who?' The Prophet said: Then your father. (Bukhari, 2706) He ‫وسلم‬ ‫عليه‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫صلى‬ repeated "your mother" three times to show the importance of respecting her because of how much hardship she went through for her child and didn't expect anything in return. Just as the Prophet ‫وسلم‬ ‫عليه‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫صلى‬ used repetition as an ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The True Teachings of Islam The particular Holy Qur'an could be the maximum specialist inside Islam. It includes the actual terms regarding The almighty since uncovered to be able to Prophet Muhammad (R) and also noted simply by his / her friends. Inside implementing the particular Qur'anic teachings to be able to everyday activity, Muslims are based upon the particular Sunnah (sayings and also activities) with the Prophet (R). This kind of slimmer can be a concrete floor setup, any real kind, as well as the genuine embodiment with the can regarding The almighty by means of Muhammad's accomplishments. We were holding noted in exactly what is referred to as audit (items of media, testimonies, or perhaps accounts). This kind of pamphlet provides for your requirements merely a percentage of many intriguing and also enlightening ahadith. Each estimate under can be a Language translation regarding just what Prophet Muhammad (R) will be noted to own thought to his / her friends. Quantities 1–10 are already offered comes from "Riyadh–Us–Saleheen". It absolutely was compiled by Imam Abu Zakariya Yahya Trash can Sharaf A–Nawawi (Third). Each and every hadith offered on this pamphlet will be accompanied by someone guide including the particularly identify with the transmitter as well as the authentic way to obtain hadith assortment: Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim, Imam Abu Daud, or perhaps Imam Tirmidhi (Third). The quantity inside parenthesis suggests the precise hadith. IMPORTANT (R) : Peacefulness becomes after ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. The Sociological Impacts Of Ali Unal And The Spread Of Islam However, Ali Unal implies there are many benefits and burdens that can be accomplished by participating in a polygamous relationship. Alongside reducing the possibility of any extramarital affairs, it also deals with the situation of gender ratios as many countries may have a larger female population as compared to their male counterparts. Ali Unal's translation is in complete contrast to the view proposed by Muhammad Asad. The Turkish author highlights the religious and historical significance of polygamy in spreading the message of Islam. The argument was forwarded that the marriages of Prophet Muhammad allowed for the development of deeper ties across Arabia even amongst various tribes who trusted the Prophet for guidance as a result of the formation of new relationships (Ünal, 2008).If one was to argue for the permissibility of polygamy, it may be implied that polygamy could spread the essence of Islam through such a way that individuals can interpret the Quran through the positive actions from the spouses. It is evident both Muhammad Asad and Ali Unal highlight Surah 4:3 but Ali Unal emphasises the positive sociological impact such relationship can possess. The counter view to the above point provides a crucial shift towards the idea that polygamy perhaps should not be permissible in Muslim communities. It is stated in the Quran, 4:129 "Ye are never able to be fair and just as between women, even if it is your ardent desire" ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Marriage In Islam And The Basics Of Marriage And Islamic... What is Talaq? Stable union of the couple is a fundamental condition for a cheerful family life. Islam subsequently, demanded to have great understanding between the partners to enjoy a successful married life with no or less chances of breaking down or separation (divorce). Furthermore Islam preaches its followers to be at bay when it comes to divorce. At first no marriage is contracted to be disintegrated however in awful conditions the marital contract is broken. One of the methods for such disintegration is by method for separation. Under Muslim law the separation may happen by the demonstration of the two parties hat is Husband and wife themselves or by an announcement of the courtroom. However in whatever way the separation is affected it has never been regarded good in Islam and not considered as rule for life. In Islam, separation is considered as a special case to the status of marriage. Divorce is considered as Evil and one must take extreme precautions to stay away from it as much as possible. But in a certain instances this abhorrence turns into a need, since when it is impossible for both Husband and Wife to bear on their union with common understanding and love then it is smoother to enable them to get isolated than urge them to live respectively in an environment of disdain and estrangement. The basics of divorce in Islamic law are the inability to continue their life together respectfully likes husband and wife. A separation might be either by the ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. To Cover Or Not To Cover To cover, or not to cover? That is the question. When magazine, internet or news articles show a woman wearing a head covering, one automatically assumes that the woman is a Muslim; yet is covering one's head the rule for these women? What does the Qur'an say? Why do women do this? What is the difference between the various head coverings? There are hijabs, khimars, chadors, niqabs, and burqas. What are these? So many questions... The answers to these questions seem to differ depending upon whom you ask. According to, "It is the general consensus among the Muslims that a Muslim woman is required to cover her head leaving only her face showing as part of an overall dress code and behaviour which Islam prescribes. It is therefore ... Show more content on ... "In 1 Corinthians 11, God gives the command that a woman is to cover her head when praying or prophesying and that a man is to have his head uncovered," (Horst). According to the Jewish Virtual Library website, "It was customary for most women in the ancient Near East, Mesopotamia, and the Greco–Roman world to cover their hair when they went outside the home. In biblical times, women covered their heads with veils or scarves. The unveiling of a woman's hair was considered a humiliation and punishment (Isa. 3:17; cf. Num. 5:18 on the loosening of the hair of a woman suspected of adultery; III Macc. 4:6; and Sus. 32)," ( "The practice of head covering appears in many different cultures. Mantillas are still worn by many Spanish and Latina women during religious ceremonies, and many Christian women in India still cover their heads with a veil, scarf, shawl or the end of a sari during religious services," (–Culture_Head_Coverings.pdf). Based on this information, to immediately draw attention to Muslim women and question their practice of covering their heads seems prejudicial – women from many other cultures and religions cover their heads as ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Robert Irwin 's Excerpt From Islamic Art In Robert Irwin's excerpt from Islamic Art in Context, Irwin outlines why he believes that the Muslims of this medieval era in Islamic art would have looked at many of the arts, such as painting, sculpture, and the decorative arts, with distaste. He clarifies what Muslims at the time believed about the depiction of living things, how that belief evolved, and why; claiming that the issue of the non–representational nature of Islamic art is not as clear–cut as people often assume. As for how this excerpt compares to what was shown in the lectures, there is a similar lack of living creatures that are depicted in the art. Irwin looks more closely at the line between what is a depiction of a living creature, however, which was not specifically covered in the class lectures about Islamic art. The defining line between what is acceptable and what is not in Islamic art is very blurry, and Irwin explains some of the grey area citing both the Koran and hadiths, as interpreted by various religious scholars, as well as some other writers that were known at the time. He starts by citing the Koran, which is a sacred Islamic book written by the Prophet Muhammed, in where the translation is disputed; it could mean that you are to avoid paintings, as they are Satan's work, or it could mean to avoid idols, which in context most likely refers to pagan idols, which he shows an example of a Persian miniature that shows the destroying of an idol. Hadiths were also used to help illustrate his ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. The Statements And Actions Of Prophet INTRO The statements and actions of Prophet are recorded in a set of literary texts that modern Muslim call the Hadith. The original term for the customs of the Prophet was "Sunnat Al– Nabi", which is an exact translation of "customs of the Prophet" in the native tongue of the Prophet's time, which was Arabic (textbook). While the entire genre of Islamic literature that surrounds the Prophet Muhammad is called Sunnat Al–Nabi, the individual reports that outline the personal and private life of the Prophet are called Hadith. The Hadith is an official collection of the sayings and actions of the last and final Prophet of Islam throughout the 22 years of his prophetic ministry (Dustin). The Hadith is arguably one of the most important practical text for modern Muslims, as the many books on Hadith outline the life of the man that Muslims around the world have been told to emulate. Muslims have been instructed to practice the behaviour of the Prophet as his behaviour is considered a guideline on the perfect way for a Muslim to live. The Hadith outlines all relationships between a Muslim and God, as well as discussing how relationships between humans should be conducted. The Hadith outlines every affair possible, and how the Prophet acted in this affair, and Muslims should aspire to model this way of life (Encyclopedia J). Therefore, the Hadith can be considered one of the most important literary texts on the planet, because it guides a religion of nearly 1.6 billion people. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Essay on Mernissi Mernissi Mernissi makes the claim that "Any man who believes that a Muslim woman who fights for her dignity and right to citizenship excludes herself necessarily from the a man who misunderstands his own religious heritage, his own cultural identity" (Mernissi viii). She goes about supporting this claim by delving into the very detailed documentation of Islam history. She attributes misogyny in the past and present Muslim culture to the male elite. She gives many examples of how Muhammad and Islam have only supported equality of the sexes and also how the male elite used false hadiths and very narrow interpretations of the Koran and true hadiths for their purpose. She begins by describing how the male elite started ... Show more content on ... At the same time "the caliph `Ali retook Basra after having defeated `A'isha at the Battle of the Camel" (Mernissi 50). This leads Mernissi to wonder if Abu Bakra made up the Hadith to give reason for not supporting `A'isha in the fitna. Mernissi also attacks the morals of Abu Bakra and finds out that he had been found to give false testimony in a case to the caliph `Umar. So with the improbable case of extraordinary memory and lying in other areas of his life, Mernissi gives reason to reject Abu Bakra as a reliable source of Hadith. Mernissi discounts another Hadith made by Abu Hurayra, "The Prophet said that the dog, the ass, and woman interrupt prayer if they pass in front of the believer, interposing themselves between him and quibla." (Mernissi 64) First, Mernissi finds that when `A'isha heard of this Hadith, she rebuked it by saying that she had seen the Prophet saying his prayers while she was lying on the bed between him and quibla (Mernissi 70). History also gives Abu Hurayra a very anti–feminine personality. He had a nickname given to him by the Prophet which he disliked because of the trace of femininity in it. This lead him to say "..the male is better than the female" (Mernissi 71). He is also an object of distrust because even al–Bukhari stated that "people said that Abu Hurayra recounts too many Hadith" (Mernissi 79). He even confessed and retracted his words ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. The Mystical School Of Islam ABSTRACT The word Sufi is from the Arabic word 'soof ' which means wool. These Sufis have a habit of wearing thick, coarse wool. They think by wearing harsh clothing, it is piety. From Sufi, you get tassawwuf; this word is a bid 'ah, as it is neither in Quran or Sunnah. The words Sufi and tassawwuf are not in the Quran or the Sunnah. Allah (SWT) used tazkia (purification). There are disagreements regarding the origin of this belief among scholars. Some say that Sufism is the mystical school of Islam and had its beginnings in the first centuries following the life of the Prophet Mohammad and others say that they are traced back to the pre–Islamic roots of Sufism through the early Christian mystics of Syria and Egypt, to the Essenes, the ancient Pythagorean orders, and the mystery schools of the Egyptians and Zoroastrians, among others. [2] Keywords; Sufism, Tawassuf, Tazkia, Dhikir, Wahdat al Wajood, Tariqa INTRODUCTION What is Sufism? Sufism is a Muslim movement who seek to discover divine truth and love through encounters with God directly [3]. The rejection of worldly matters such as celibacy and poverty is a major trait of the Sufism. It developed religious practices aiming at strict self–control that enable psychological and mystical insights as well as a loss of self, with the ultimate purpose of mystical union with God. The Sufi movement has various forms of orders. Leaders of these orders train and assist disciples in the mastery of Sufism 's ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Islamic Way of warfare DEFINING ISLAMIC WAY OF WARFARE AND ITS COMPARISON WITH AL QAEDA DOCTRINE A thesis presented to the Faculty of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree MASTER OF MILITARY ART AND SCIENCE Military History by MAJOR INTEKHAB HAIDER KHAN, BANGLADESH ARMY M.S., Bangladesh University of Professionals, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2011 Fort Leavenworth, Kansas 2012–01 Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE Form Approved OMB No. 0704–0188 Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, ... Show more content on ... DiMarco, Ph.D. , Member Willburn Edgar Meador, Jr, MA , Member Dennis Burket, MBA Accepted this 8th day of June 2012 by:
  • 50. , Director, Graduate Degree Programs Robert F. Baumann, Ph.D. The opinions and conclusions expressed herein are those of the student author and do not necessarily represent the views of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College or any other governmental agency. (References to this study should include the foregoing statement.) iii ABSTRACT DEFINING ISLAMIC WAY OF WARFARE AND ITS COMPARISON WITH AL QAEDA DOCTRINE, by Major Intekhab Haider Khan, 85 pages. With the rise of Al Qaeda and like–minded militant groups, there have been many discussions and misrepresentations of the term Islamic way of warfare. It is important to understand that anything, to be qualified as Islamic, has to have a reference from the core sources of Islam, i.e. the Quran, and the practices and sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). This research is focused to define an Islamic way of warfare based on these fundamental sources, with a view to identifying whether Al Qaeda is truly Islamic or not. This thesis identifies that Islam does not dictate minor tactical matters of warfare, rather focuses its guidance on warfare in two broad categories: the just cause for waging war, and limited restrictions on conduct during the war. ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Ethical Essay: Examples Of Etiquettes Of Drinking Etiquettes of Drinking What is meant by Etiquette and what are its types Etiquette is being polite. It is good manners. Etiquette is a code of conduct, both written and unwritten, for basic behavior that is socially expected from individuals in a society based on cultural norms. These behaviors include the proper way of socially interacting with others, guidelines for handling yourself in public, to the manner of dress that is considered acceptable for various occasions and circumstances. Here are some examples: When around others it is not acceptable to sneeze directly into the surrounding environment. Instead turn your head and sneeze into the crook of your arm, and then say "excuse me." It is proper etiquette when entering a building to hold the door open momentarily for persons who are entering behind you to avoid the door closing quickly and slamming up against them. It is proper etiquette to say please, thank you, and excuse me, as prompted by the particular situation. It is proper etiquette to send out a thank–you ... Show more content on ... He ‫ﷺ‬ drank a portion of it, leaving the rest of it. At that time a young boy was sitting on the right side of the Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. On the left were people grown up in age and senior in learning and experience. Feeling regard for the people sitting on the left on account of their age and accomplishments, the Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬ asked the young boy to forgo his right to take the drink first in favor of his seniors sitting on the left. The boy was intelligent. He replied, saying: O Prophet of Allah, if there had been something else, I would surely have preferred these respectable men to myself. Here the question is of sharing a drink which has remained after your drinking. So I request you to favor me with it, if it is my right. The Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, therefore, handed over the drink to the boy. This young boy was Hazrat Abdullah bin 'Abbas (Razi Allah tala anhu). (Muslim the Book of Drink, ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Contributions Of Prominent Muslim Women Ehab Elatrash 12 A 3/20/2017 Contributions of Prominent Muslim Women People when asked about Muslim women automatically picture an oppressed, mistreated, woman. One who doesn't receive her rights and is not acknowledged in anyway. Which is all a misconception only conceived by non– muslims or people who might not have much knowledge in Islam. If they were to look deeper they would be astonished to see a womans worth in Islam and all the rights given towards women. And how women in Islamic history helped shape the religion. Some prominent Muslim women throughout Islamic history and modern times are from the following: Khadija b. Khuwaylid , Nusayba b. Ka'b al– Ansariyya, A'isha b. Abi Bakr, Al– Malika al– Hurra Arwa al– Sulayhi, ... Show more content on ... She protected the Prophet Muhammad from adversaries amid the fight and even maintained a few spear wounds and bolts as she cast herself before him to secure him. It is said that after she supported her twelfth injury, she fell oblivious and the principal address she asked when she got up (after a day in Medina) was "did the Prophet survive?" a demonstration of her dependability and responsibility to the new confidence. An assume that requires no presentation, 'Ā 'isha was the spouse of the Prophet Muhammad who had maybe the most impact on the Muslim people group after his passing. She assumed a focal part in the political resistance to the third and fourth caliphs Uthmān ibn 'Affān and 'Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib, notwithstanding driving an armed force against the last at Basra in 656. Despite the fact that she resigned from political life after her thrashing, she kept on assuming a noteworthy part as a transmitter of Islamic lessons. She is one of the significant storytellers of hadith in the Sunni custom. From various perspectives, she is among the most fascinating (and disputable) figures in early Islam, particularly since the ramifications of her activities for ladies ' support in grant, political life, and people in general circle conflicted with later preservationist originations of the part of ladies. Her full name was Arwa b. Ahmad b. Muhammad ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Showing a Different Facet of Saudi Arabia in Rajaa... Introduction Rajaa Alsanea presents her readers with a society, Saudi Arabia, which is often labelled as archaic and suppressive. However, her novel, Girls of Riyadh (2007), portrays another facet of Saudi Arabia. The author takes Saudi society as standpoint to offer an insider's account of the situations and conditions of four Saudi girlfriends; Gamrah, Sadeem, Michelle and Lamees. Although the four highly fashionable and stylish girls from the 'velvet class' lead a modern life, they still oscillate between their desire for freedom and cultural patriarchal norms that they have internalised. Although Saudi Arabia is claimed to be 'Islamic', Islamic feminists argue that Muslim men wrongly interpret the Islamic traditions and Koran to uphold their misogynistic values. History of Saudi Arabia To be able to understand the prevailing situation in the Saudi system, it is essential to scrutinize different elements of Saudi Arabian history. Amongst the dominant paradigms patriarchy is a legacy of tribal history. Before the advent of Islam, Saudi Arabia was well–known as the "Jahiliyya" that is the 'age of ignorance'. During this era, there was an absence of political structure with proper constitution. The societal constructions depended primarily on the tribal communities which embodied several clans. The leader of each tribe was called a 'Sheikh' who was selected according to their physical strength and character and he had absolute authority over every individual. ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Muslim Women Essay In today's society women are given ample opportunity just as much as men. In some countries, such as middle–eastern nations that is not the case. Muslim women are often perceived to be submissive to Muslim men and unequal. Mohammed never taught for women to be treated as lower class citizens. Nonetheless, the blame is pointed towards the religion of Islam. The Islamic religion began as all monotheist religions representing a belief in one God and moral standards. In the following essay I will discuss and elaborate what Mohammed taught, how women lived in early Islamic society, and what it has become. Mohammed (ca. 570–632) was the founder of Islam which means "submission to God". Prophet Mohammed gave his thoughts of women's roles ... Show more content on ... Either way you interpret Mohammad's theory made it was clear he believed women played an important role in mothering the believers and advertising Islam. In early Islamic society the laws were followed and obeyed when it came to respecting women. In many cases it was found that women earned property and had an influence on the husband's decision. Veils or hijab as the Muslim's call it, would be worn proudly by women before and today as a way of reducing lust and preventing temptation. Women were permitted to be warriors, politics, and lead religious sanctions. They also traveled freely and played active roles in trade and economic roles. Unfortunately, the era of men and women being equal was hasty. Briefly after Mohammed's death Islamic society changed, so did the interpretations of the Quran to meet different circumstances. Almost simultaneously women became inferior almost being viewed as possessions and property. Having choices was no longer an option for women, whatever the man said became the law. Girls at birth could be killed by their father's because boys carried the name of the family while girls usually were concubines, workers, or sold. Most significantly women's roles depended largely on what the husband's economic status was. If the husband was a farmer the wife had to help in the fields or if the husband worked in the city she had to help run the business. In conclusion, this ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. The Walking Qur An In addition to the embodiment of the Qur'an through bodily transmissions and ethical cultivation, Rudolph Ware in his book, The Walking Qur'an, proposes understanding embodiment of the Qur'an as not only a bodily epistemology but also as an religious prism to perceive the ontology of human beings in both the past and present. In a follow–up piece addressing criticisms and questions, Ware explains in one neat line the objective of his book: "If I could add a single line [to The Walking Qur'an], it would be that the book takes Qur'an schooling as a window onto a particular epistemology of embodiment, and then uses that epistemology as a window into history" ("Traditions" 678). Not only does Ware propose an epistemology of embodiment but also ... Show more content on ... Although he has been critiqued for disparaging Reformist variants of Islam, these critiques, in my opinion, fail to see his particular utilization of the embodiment of Qur'anic knowledge. For instance, Adeline Masquelier in her essay "Qur'an Schooling and the Production of Mindful Bodies in West Africa" is correct to critique Ware's final polemic against Reformist Islam as lacking a fair insight about its historical circumstances and relationship with the other Islamic discursive traditions; however, her comparison of Saba Mahmood's embodiment of piety exhibited in her book Politics of Piety and Ware's conceptualization of the term undercuts Ware's unique approach and paints embodiment with the same brush (Masquelier 189–190). Failing to acknowledge the epistemological project that comes with embodying the Qur'an in Reformist Islam's particular way, such as the adoption of specific subjectivities and modes of piety, reduces the differences the West African epistemology possesses, for "The Walking Qur'an is not only the Qur'an embodied but also the Qur'an in action" [his italics] (Ware, WQ 14). Overall, whether through the embodiment of the memorization and dispositions or the becoming of the literal walking, talking, and living Qur'an, these two conceptualizations of embodiment prove the important point that the Qur'an is intricately tied to the Muslim's corporeal interactions in this physical existence, for in every motion, the Qur'an is ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Advantages Of Halal Products 1.0 INTRODUCTION Halal is the word from an Arabic phrase which means lawful or permitted as prescribed by Islamic Law. A quote in a Hadith was stated that "Your practice of faith will not be correct unless your actions are correct" which means may consider as a basic Islamic rule that controls many of Muslim's behaviors. Quran and Hadith are the main sources of Muslim in their action and intention in daily life to different behaviors including the Muslim's behaviors towards accepting Halal products in the Islamic concept and rule. Malaysia Department of Islamic Development (JAKIM) is one of the authorities that responsible to approve any product that would be produce from manufacturer as a halal product. Manufacturers will get the Halal certificate ... Show more content on ... The market of Halal products are very huge that can be expand in worldwide because if the bigger population of Muslim in worldwide, the demand for the Halal products is increase as well. Halal products are not only for halal in foods consuming, it also needed in other consumer goods that refer to cosmetic products, clothing and equipment. Cosmetics are the superficial measures to make something appear better, more attractive, or more impressive when to be look for the other people. The uses of cosmetics products can be enhance peoples to be more confident to confront with the public in any field of works. That are very important the Halal cosmetics should be ready in the market for Muslim consumers for the safety. Furthermore, for the Muslims, there is a need to carry out their transactions in accordance with the rules and principles of Islam because the vector of commodities which a non–Muslim consumer may be able to choose from is quite different from that of a Muslim consumer, even if all elements of goods and services were available (Metwally, 1997). This is because Islam prohibits Muslim in certain commodities or indulging in some activities such as consuming alcohol, pork, and gamble. In the Holy Quran was ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Women's Status in Islam Essay Women's Status in Islam In Islam, women and men are equal in terms of their relationship with Allah. It can be clearly seen that Allah has created men and women differently, this is so that they may fulfil different purposes in life. It is not a question of the superiority of one gender over another, rather it is a matter of role differentiation. Islam teaches that men and women complement one another and are both equally important. On the other hand, this is not the case is many cultures and traditions; before and after Islam, the status of woman throughout much of the world was ... Show more content on ... This is verified in the following hadith reported by Al–Bukhari "A man came to the Prophet (s) and asked him: 'O Messenger of Allah, who among the people s worthy of my good company?' The prophet said, 'Your mother'. The man asked, 'Then who?' The Prophet (s) again said, 'Your mother'. The man asked, 'Then who?' The Prophet again said, 'Your mother.' The man asked, 'Then who?' The Prophet said, 'Then your father.'" This not only shows that a mother is far more respected than other women, but also, far superior to a father. A woman, only as a woman, is seen only equal to man, but certainly not greater, if not slightly inferior in some circumstances. Furthermore, the Quran also emphasises and makes people realise that their mothers bore them in pain, and that they should respect and be grateful to their mothers because of that: "And we have enjoined on men (to be good) to his parents: in weakness upon weakness did his mother bear him..." Partly because of this, motherhood is regarded as a most noble and honourable calling in Islamic society. Women have been given the role of motherhood because Allah has blessed them with the maternal instinct enables them to take care of children. This is supported in the Quran: "Moreover, the Quran has a special recommendation for good treatment of mothers." Mothers have great respect and honour in Islam "Fear God, in whose ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. 5 Pillars Of Islam Essay Hello, Asalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatoellaahi wa Barakatoe. As you can see I am writing this week about the Five Pillars in Islam. Islam is based on five pillars. The five pillars of i slam are Shahada, Salah, Zakah, Sawm and Hajj. These five pillars refer to the five duties that every Muslim must preform. Shahada The word 'Shahada' means the islamic profession of faith. This means that you believe and testify that there is only one God, Allah the Almighty and in His Messenger Muhammad peace be upon him. If you want to convert to Islam you have to say the Shahada. The Shahada has to be proclaimed in Arabic : '‫ه‬‫ُل‬‫سـو‬‫َر‬ ‫َو‬ ‫ُه‬‫ْبـُد‬‫َع‬ ‫ًا‬‫ـد‬‫ُمَحّم‬ ‫َّن‬‫َأ‬ ‫ُد‬‫َه‬‫ـ‬‫ْش‬‫َأ‬ ‫َو‬ ، ‫هللا‬ ‫ّال‬‫ِإ‬ ‫َه‬‫لـ‬‫ِإ‬ ‫ال‬ ‫ْن‬‫َأ‬ ‫ُد‬‫َه‬‫ـ‬‫ْش‬‫َأ‬' ... Show more content on ... 'Eshhedoe an laa ilaha illallah, wa eshhedoe enna moehammaden abdoehoe wa rasoeloeh.' 'I bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.' ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Women in the Middle East Essay Women in the Middle East Women's rights in the Middle East have always been a controversial issue. Although the rights of women have changed over the years, they have never really been equal to the rights of a man. This poses a threat on Iran because women have very limited options when it comes to labor, marriage and other aspects of their culture. I believe that equal treatment for women and men is a fundamental principal of international human rights standards. Yet, in some places like Iran, discriminatory practices against women are not only prevalent, but in some cases, required by law. In this essay I will explain to you the every day life of an every day Islamic woman living in Iran. You will be astonished by what these women ... Show more content on ... For example, if a women decided to become a doctor, this would be impossible because she wouldn't be able to operate on her patient if she was wearing the required dress. Although the Quran states that women are equal to men, there are also man made books, called the Hadith, which put women on the same level as animals. As stated in the Hadith, "Women are naturally, morally and religiously defective." Although this may sound odd, the more traditional Muslims prefer the Hadith, over the Quran even though it is their religious book. Not only are women not allowed to choose how they dress, they also aren't allowed to choose where they would like to work or go to school. They can't work with men because they are segregated from men in every aspect of public life. They also are barred from taking employment in a large number of occupations simpley because these jobs would compromise their chastity. A married woman is only allowed to be employed if she has the consent of her husband. Women are forbidden to choose their own academic or vocational field of study and there are 169 fields of study that are strictly for men only. A recent law that was just made in 1990 forbids women to drive, which made it impossible for them to transport themselves independently. Iranian women have to depend quite frequently on men to survive. Women aren't even allowed to travel unless they have permission of their husbands or fathers. Marriage also ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. The And Their Implementation Of Today 's Contemporary,... Hadith, in its religious use is often translated as 'tradition', meaning a report of the teachings, deeds and sayings of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad. The hadith literature was compiled from oral reports that were present in society at the time of their compilation, well after the death of Muhammad. The collection of Ahadith (plural of Hadith) are considered by most religious scholars to be a reliable source of Islam, just behind the Quran– which they consider to be the word of God. This essay will be focusing on Ahadith and their implementation in today's Contemporary, 21st Century period. In particular, this composition will discuss the rulings and interpretation of Ahadith in regards to Homosexuality and the Hijab. Homosexuality is when an individual is sexually attracted to a person of the same sex. Although the majority of West has gradually come to accept this practice, it is widely criticized and condemned by the mainstream of today's Muslims, even those living in the West. Although Muslim scholars have had strict viewpoints in regards to sexual diversity throughout the history of the faith, global modern ethics are challenging them to step up. It is very important to clarify that the scholars themselves who read and interpret these hadith are clouded by their own cultural background. A hadith in regards to this topic, reported by Anas bin Malik reads: "A man was with the Prophet and when another man passed by, the former said, 'O Messenger of God! I love this man.' ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. In Kecia Ali’S Book “Sexual Ethics And Islam” We Are Given In Kecia Ali's book "Sexual Ethics and Islam" we are given a unique perspective on various subjects within Islam. The chapters deal with topics that have been widely ignored or partially approached, she addresses them in a way that seeks to not only spark a conversation but ensure the conversation is uncensored and gets to the root of the issue. Of the nine chapters this book, chapter six was perhaps the most significant because it is here that we are given a firm grasp on what Ali is aiming to convey with this book. Through an analysis of this chapter it will become clear that this chapter was used to fully develop her idea of readdressing what is considered Islamic, the actions of Muslims, the way scholars justify beliefs, and issues ... Show more content on ... A similar point is made in chapter 7 about the word "muslimmun" and how it can be used to refer to both men and women (Ali, 148). Furthermore, we also see Ali contesting a verse that suggests men have authority and are responsible for women but only in financial terms then when a woman supports herself the man no longer has authority or responsibility (Ali, 153). Here we see Ali furthering the idea from chapter 6 because she is displaying how women have progressed and in modern day many women are independent; therefore, its important to look back at verses like this and view them as a product of their time as Ali suggests about sunna and hadith as a whole (Ali, 128). As previously stated, Ali asks if perhaps Islam is what Muslims practice in their daily lives. However, she debunks that because Muslims lives vary and what some do contradicts the authoritative texts. In my previous analysis of how translation can be manipulated, a patriarchal undertone was present and it is also present when dealing with the subject of the daily lives of Muslims. This undertone is present throughout the book and is heightened in this chapter. Ali states that FGC (female genital circumcision) "is not merely a customary practice incorrectly understood as having religious authority" (Ali, 131). This is stated ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. The Importance Of Gender Equality Ever since the beginning of time, women have been fighting endlessly to be treated equally and fairly, whether it's in their personal life, their business careers, or their social encounters. From the day in which women are born, they are raised and treated differently compared to men. Girls are expected to be sensitive and sweet, meanwhile boys are usually more tough, and expected to mature a bit faster. Girls are protected more in comparison to boys and as they grow, the way society treats each gender stands out more. Women are limited to certain professions because they are not men, and in situations where they can actually work the same jobs, they are paid much less. Throughout time, women all over the world continue to be sexualized and judged based on their personal opinions. While many nations have slowly begun to embrace women's equal rights, Islam continues to oppress women by limiting their self–expression, using their religious misconceptions to abuse and control them as a whole, and constantly maintaining old cultural traditions that prevent freedom and equality for women. As formerly stated, women's rights across the world are slowly increasing while they remain the same or even worse in some parts of the world. In America, women can vote, be a part of Congress, choose whatever career they want to study, live wherever they please, marry whoever they love, and much more. In Europe, gender equality is one of the core values in their initial founding treaties, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Life Of The Human Beings On The Earth Islam means surrender before the GOD, because they have faith only in Allah and nothing else and Islam is the complete code of life of the human beings on the earth, it does not only cover the social life of the human beings but it covers also the economy. GOD means generator, operator and destroyer, Quran came through the Revelations made by God to the prophet Mohammed (P.B.U.H) and was compiled in a book form in the life of the third caliph and provides the direction to the human beings for the right actions on the earth. The business is also the part of the right actions for all the Human beings and for the first time on the earth the Mudarbah system meaning Profit and loss Sharing business was performed by the Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H) for his Wife khadija (Rajiallah anhu); before the commencement of the Islam the Mudarbah types of business was not performed by the world business groups and the business transactions were performed by the small and big Merchants on that time only for the sake of benefits and with the motive of acquiring unreasonable interest. In the holy Quran, the four chapters are governed for the business transactions relating against the interest such as Sura Baqra, Sura Nisa,Sura Al Rum and lastly Sura Al Imran and emphasize on the principle of the Free interest economy. In the Islam religion the interest word is used in the Arabic term" Riba" or usury which means excess,exorbitant,pre–determined and unreasonable, because it increases the ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Women in Iran Essay Women's rights in the Middle East have always been a controversial issue. Although the rights of women have changed over the years, they have never really been equal to the rights of a man. This poses a threat on Iran because women have very limited options when it comes to labor, marriage and other aspects of their culture. I believe that equal treatment for women and men is a fundamental principal of international human rights standards. Yet, in some places like Iran, discriminatory practices against women are not only prevalent, but in some cases, required by law. In this essay I will explain to you the every day life of an every day Islamic woman living in Iran. You will be astonished by what these women have endured through the ... Show more content on ... Not only are women not allowed to choose how they dress, they also aren't allowed to choose where they would like to work or go to school. They can't work with men because they are segregated from men in every aspect of public life. They also are barred from taking employment in a large number of occupations simply because these jobs would compromise their chastity. A married woman is only allowed to be employed if she has the consent of her husband. Women are forbidden to choose their own academic or vocational field of study and there are 169 fields of study that are strictly for men only. A recent law that was just made in 1990 forbids women to drive, which made it impossible for them to transport themselves independently. Iranian women have to depend quite frequently on men to survive. Women aren't even allowed to travel unless they have permission of their husbands or fathers. Marriage also is a crucial element to an Iranian woman's life. The legal age of marriage is nine years old and most women are not allowed their husband of choice. Women are also not allowed equal rights to divorce. It is only under extreme conditions, such as insanity of their spouse, that they are allowed to file for divorce. Even in the event of the divorce, the father has legal custody of boys after the age of two and girls after the age of seven. It is also crucial to have a husband because if women are involved in any other voluntary sexual ... Get more on ...
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  • 80. jugment day Major Signs Of Qayamat According To Islam And Science Islam:–One day all the world, humans, animals, jinn, angels, earth, skies and whatever that is in them will be finished. Except for Allah there will be nothing left. This is known as the coming of 'Qayamat '. Before the coming of Qayamat. there will be some signs that will appear Out of which, we write some of them here. Auf bin Malik radhiyallahu anhu says: I came to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam while he was in his skin tent during the Tabuk expedition. He said to me, "Count six things before the advent of Qiyamah: My death The conquest of Jerusalem Mass deaths amongst you people, just as when sheep die in large numbers during an epidemic Abundance of wealth to such ... Show more content on ... When it will be regarded as a shame to act on Quranic injunctions. When untrustworthy people will be regarded as trustworthy and the trustworthy will be regarded as untrustworthy. When it will be hot in winter (and vice versa). When the length of days is stretched, i.e. a journey of a few days is covered in a matter of hours. When orators and lecturers lie openly. When people dispute over petty issues. When women with children come displeased on account of them bearing offspring, and barren women remain happy on account of having no responsibility of offspring. When oppression, jealousy, and greed become the order of the day. When people blatantly follow their passions and whims. When lies prevail over the truth. When violence, bloodshed and anarchy become common. When immorality overtakes shamelessness and is perpetrated publicly. When legislation matters pertaining to Deen is handed over to the worst elements of the Ummat, and if people accept them and are satisfied with their findings, then such persons will not smell the fragrance of Jannat. When the offspring become a cause of grief and anger (for their parents)Various wines will be consumed excessively According to a hadeeth appearing in Sahih Muslim, Sayyidunaa Abi Zaid radhiyallahu anhu says, " Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam once led the Fajr Salaat after which he ascended the pulpit and addressed us ... Get more on ...