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Congress Case Study
1. The publics low approval of Congress is influenced by how superficial and negative the media coverage is– focusing
on scandals, rivalry, and conflict rather than complex issues like policy. 2. A veto is the President rejecting a bill and
sending it back within 10 days, but if he doesn't sign the bill in those 10 days it becomes a pocket veto and the bill dies.
3. The term refers to a legislative system containing 2 chambers, like the House and the Senate. 4. Incumbents have
advantages in home styles, campaign fund raising, and constituency service. 5. The responsibility and responsiveness of
Congress contributes to their image problem because they can't meet all the demands of both national and
local/personal issues. So the public is upset ... Show more content on ...
The ultimate oversight is impeachment. 22. Substantive representation is how the member of congress actually serves
its constituents interests and concerns. 23. The House of Representatives 24. Authorization process; appropriations
process. 25. A delegate is responsive to constituents direct interests while a trustee is responsible and considers
national/collective/moral/local while representing constituents interests. A politico will act as a delegate for issues of
constituents concern, and a trustee on complex issues. 26. Money is a huge deterrent to political challengers because
seeing that an incumbent has a large reelection fund shows they will have a strong campaign and makes them not want
to run against them. Having parties makes the legislative process more centralized and unified because if there weren't
parties it would be disconnected and everybody would be battling each other. Party structure created a team outline so
members can work together to reach their goals and benefit the country and it's people. The Speaker of the House is the
effective leader of the chamber and head of the majority party, who influences the overall agenda and party strategy.
The majority leader helps the Speaker, this person is elected as head of the party with the majority of seats in either
chamber. They are responsible for speaking nationally on behalf of the party and helps with daily operation. The
minority leader is the head of the party with minority number of seats in the chambers. The party conference is a
convention of a political party where delegates attend and elect/nominate the leaders of the party, at this convention the
policy and platform of the party is
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The Powers Of The U.s. Congress
Examining the Powers of the U.S. Congress Congress has constitutional rights established that reserve a solidified
position to influence the budget and its process. With most of its power being apparent with discretionary funds in
which appropriations bills occur, it also has a hand in mandatory funding by way of legislation. A bicameral process
with rules attached, takes place to carry out the proposed budget prepared by the Executive branch. Although the
President and his administration begin the budgetary process, Congress still has a large amount of power that
sometimes isn't even used. Nevertheless, Congress is an enduring participant in the budget appropriation process.
Power of the Purse
In the budget appropriation process, Congress is granted influential powers from the constitution. In Article 1, Section
8, Clause 1, the power to control or limit federal spending is placed in the hands of Congress. This power is known as
the "Power of the Purse", which may be regarded as one of the most effective weapons by which representatives can be
armed with (Whener, 2006). Its importance branches from the requirements Congress is granted for legislative approval
of financial measures. Among the checks and balances of the government, this ability to maneuver and influence the
budget is a democratic cornerstone. The "Power of the Purse" is Congress's main weapon against Executive oppression
by allowing congressional approval of appropriations (Whener, 2016). However, even
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Distrust For Congress
According to a recent poll that was taken in 2014, there was a list of certain important aspects of the U.S community
and government to get the peoples opinion on what citizens thought of them. The list had a wide variety of entities from
the U.S military and small businesses to Newspapers. Every participant of the poll was given the list and was asked to
choose the ones you had quite a lot and/or great deal of confidence in; however, congress was given the least amount of
votes out of every other option on the list with 5% on both great deal and quite a lot. I'm going to give a sense of the
perspective on how insignificant those numbers are, because the military was the highest voted with 43% great deal of
confidence with 33% great deal of confidence. But there is a good reason for the distrust for congress, because of their
bias nature and partisan conduct when it comes to controversial problems, and just overall acting like children. ... Show
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Congress is thought to be too slow on pressing matters to the average citizen at times, such as campaign finance,
abortions and other highly controversial topics. Although being so important to the U.S government, congress is still
thought to be the most untrustworthy and incompetent branch according to the
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Congress Crisis
Yvette Hobson 2A Current Event #3 The Speaker of the House, John Boehner, has announced that he "will resign from
Congress". The announcement came on September 21,2015 following ongoing tension caused by the "challenges of
divided government" and a " Republican Party faction". Boehner has said the he will resign from his position at the
close of October. Mr. Boehner has been struggling to lead effectively, as the most conservative Republicans of the
House have been pressuring him and limiting his capability to lead. The conservatives in the House have been
pressuring Boehner ,mainly, to persuade him to cut funding for Planned Parenthood. Boehner also faced the burden of
trying to avoid a government shutdown. In addition to these strains, he ... Show more content on ...
As leader of the House of Representatives, Boehner is responsible for managing his party members, responding to their
concerns as well as making committee assignments and assigning bills etc. However, with the current lack of party
unity(agreement among party members) among Republicans and divided government (Republicans are the majority in
Congress, but there is a Democratic president.) he has not been able to adequately fulfill these responsibilities and lead
his chamber Of Congress effectively. While Republican members of the House pressed him to make more "aggressive
policy changes" and decrease funding , Boehner faced opposition from the Democratic presidency which made it nearly
impossible to fulfill the demands of those members. Disagreement within the Republican party also prevents the
development of a favorable agenda among Republican House members. Simply put, Boehner could not properly
respond to party member's concerns due to the divided government nor could he manage those members due to the lack
of unity and agreement among them.This article serves to inform readers of Boehner's resignation and of the reasons for
it , but it also provides one explanation of why policy making is hindered. While this article is not particularly biased
against Boehner or his opposers, it seems to be slightly sympathetic toward Boehner noting his emotions and depicting
him as a victim of political conflict. Steinhauer, Jennifer. "John Boehner, House Speaker, Will Resign From Congress."
The New York Times. The New York Times, 25 Sept. 2015. Web. 21 Oct.
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Difference Between Congress And Us Congress
The differences between the U.S. system of government and the parliamentary system of government such as the one in
Great Britain. The big difference between British Parliament and the U.S congress are significantly different. First the
British system of government gives much greater power to the majority party that exists in the American system of
government. In the United States, presidents are elected independent from congressional elections, and serve
independent from the legislative branch of government. In congress, both house of representatives and the senate must
agree in order for a law to pass. Also congress has no real part in the executive function of the United states
government. Congress is a legislative body and is separated
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U.s. Congress And The United States Congress
Under the first Article in the Constitution, the U.S. Congress is the first branch and is also known as the most important
representative body of the world. They are among the other few national representative bodies that acquire powers of
governance. The U.S. Congress is made up of two chambers, The House of Representatives and The Senate. The two
most important powers given to any government are the power of force and the power over money, and the U.S.
Congress has the authority over the two. They have a lot of power in their hands (Lowi, 130). As mentioned before, the
U.S. Congress is made up of two chambers–the House and the Senate– that is provided by the constitution as a
bicameral legislature. They each cater to different constituencies. The House is known to be more responsive to the
people and the Senate is responsive to the elite. They both are elected directly by the people. Four hundred thirty–five
of the members of the U.S. Congress are apart of the House and one hundred of the members are apart of the Senate
(Lowi, 136). Can you imagine having to make compromises and decisions on thing with five hundred thirty–five
people? I can imagine with that many people apart of the U.S. Congress that they dealt with a lot of conflict when
having to make decisions. With their powers, under Article I, Section 8, Congress has the power to lay and collect
taxes, borrow money, deal with bankruptcy, and mainly have control over the nations finances. With territory of
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Congress Of Vienna Research Paper
The conservative order, had to do with France and how his four major rivals tried to cease France and also secure the
peace after the war. The main reason the Congress of Vienna was established was to stop France, which was ruled by
Napoleon Bonaparte. Great Britain, Austria, Prussia, and Russia were France's major rivals and were put to do anything
possible to defeat and overrule Napoleon's country. All in all, they were all out to put a stop to France or to prevent
something worse to happen. Also to prevent expansion of, in the country was a major deal the Quadruple Alliance was
worried about. Alternatively, even before France had been defeated,the Quadruple Alliance remained together as one.
When the Quadruple alliance defeated France they, "restored the Bourbon monarchy to France in the person of Louis
XVIII and agreed to meet at a congress in Vienna in September 1814 to arrange a final peace settlement". The person
who was in charge of the taking of the Congress ... Show more content on ...
The balance of power was to prevent any country from invading any weaker country in Europe. It was a theory that
allowed "The posture and policy of a nation or group of nations protecting itself against another nation or group of
nations by matching its power against the power of the other side."Some arrangements include the alliance of Prussia
and Austria, making them as powerful as Russia in order to keep a balance between them. It was believed by
Metternich that by doing the arrangements it was going to prevent danger from happening. Even though, the balance of
power was to fight against France and to keep it from getting stronger, it stayed the same. France still remained strong,
even when it had no allies and was against four major countries. The thought of France threatening the peace of Europe
was always on their minds and they were trying to make anything possible to not let them
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The Emancipation of a Member of Congress
Our elected officials are sent to Washington to represent the people. In the case of the house they are there to represent
the people of a certain district. Senators are supposed to represent citizens of a certain state. They currently have no
limits on how long they can serve. There are many faces in Congress that have been there for over 20 years. I intend to
explain why having the same people hold the same office is not healthy for the average American citizen. The original
intent of the Constitution was to limit government and the self–serving interests that become tyrannical by their very
nature. The fact that the founders did not include limiting terms for Congress appears to be a great oversight. The
reason for this is simple. When a person was chosen to serve during the time of the founders it was considered both and
honor and a burden. The founders overlooked term limits because at the time it was not an issue as it was not lucrative
to be a member of Congress. Through devious legislation Congress has turned these offices of service into an institution
that is above the very people it was designed to serve. It has become an institution that seeks power and allows
When one considers that the approval rate of Congress at any given time is below 30%, it would seem apparent that
citizens are not happy with how they are represented. The question then becomes "Why are the same members of
Congress elected if everyone is so unhappy with how they
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The Power Of Congress
Congress Congress is a branch of the federal government, the Congress consists of two groups The Senate and The
House Of Representatives. The Constitutional thought it was necessary to protect the country from tyranny, and
excessive democracy. They created a Senate that gives each state, large and small, two seats and that elects its members
to serve for six–year terms. They created a House Of Representatives, whose members serve two–year terms and are
intended to focus more on popular preferences. The strength of Congress has changed over the course of history.
Presidential power has expanded significantly since the beginning of the 20th century. Presidents used to be often times
at the mercy of the Congress and the Supreme Court's. However, as we have witnessed, especially recently, Presidents
often find ways to get around the separation of powers. For example, right now the United States is fighting two wars,
Afghanistan and Iraq. However, a legal declaration of war was never declared in either case. We simply bombarded
ourselves onto their territory taking their issues and making them our ... Show more content on ...
A law starts this process as a bill. When Congress passes a bill, it goes to the president who reviews it. If he likes it, he
signs it, and it becomes a law. If the president does not like it, he vetoes it. When the president decides to veto a bill, the
Congress can vote on it again. If two–thirds of the Congress votes in favor of the bill, they override the veto. The
federal bureaucracy performs three primary tasks in government: implementation, administration, and regulation. When
Congress passes a law, it sets down guidelines to carry out the new policies. So basically the Congress still holds
greater power than the president, and in most cases he must be authorized by congress to issue a
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Congress Rhetorical Analysis
The main goal of this paper is to assess why Americans tend to feel coldly towards the United States Congress. Looking
at factors such as total income, I theorize that due to the large lifestyle gap between the citizens of the U.S. and their
congress the American people might feel a disconnect to Congress and in return not feel warmly towards them. By
controlling for outside variables and running a multitude of tests the results have shown that the relationship between
income and feelings towards congress is not spurious and can be counted on as an accurate reflection of the American
people's true feelings. However, it is an opposite relationship from my hypothesis. I hypothesize that as income
decreases feelings towards Congress would grow colder; instead, tests revealed that ... Show more content on ...
Min .25 Mdn .75 Max
incgroup_prepost 5717 13.35 8.22 1.00 6.00 13.00 21.00 28.00
Due to both the independent and the dependent variable being continuous I have chosen to use a correlation coefficient
test to check for covariation between the two variables. Here the correlation coefficient is –0.2004, which indicates that
there is a negative relationship between total family income and feelings towards congress. In layman's terms that
translates to the higher your income the more coldly you feels towards congress. These results are considered to be
statistically significant because our data chart shows there to be a p–value of 0 which falls below the necessary F =
0.0000 Residual | 339520.364 5299 64.0725353 R–squared = 0.0402 –––––––––––––
+–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Adj R–squared = 0.0400 Total | 353723.307 5300 66.7402465 Root MSE =
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Responsibilities Of Congress
Do you ever wonder what jobs congress man and women actually do? Media coverage discusses congress and its
members, but does not go into detail of the jobs done by congress people for their district. Instead, the media covers
controversy and sandal, taking away the focus and importance from the actual purpose of Congress. Often times
Americans are ignorant of how their representatives operate and function, because of the lack of information on the
news media. There are many responsibilities held by the people who represent districts of the United States. Those
responsibilities help ensure that the people being represented are being heard. I am congress woman Lily Tinajero and I
represent district nine in Georgia. I was chosen to run for congress and thanks to the voters, I won. Congress is made up
of two parts: the Senate and the House of Representatives ("Why...").After winning, I made my way to Capitol Hill in
Washington, D.C. to become a member of the House of Representatives. The Senate has 100 members at this moment
and 435 representatives in the House of Representatives ("Why..."). We all have four tasks assigned to us: represent the
people, make the laws of the land, investigate problems, and solve problems (Holman). ... Show more content on ...
I am a member of two committees: House Committee of Rules and House Committee of Judiciary. I am a member of
two standing or permanent committees (Holman).On the first committee I am in charge of the rules in the House,
internal organization of the House, relations between branches (Sessions). When working on the House Committee of
Judiciary we can decide on standing committees and deciding on boarders between committees and on conducting
hearings ("What..."). Both jobs are difficult, because there is often disagreements among members and groups, which
have to be
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Congress Rule 1937
Government of India Act, 1935:
The Government of India Act, 1935 was formulated after long deliberations but was not fully promulgated but the only
provincial part was introduced in the country, the central part was not introduced. The British govt deliberated on it and
then the British parliament passed this law and then the king signed this law and this became the govt of India Act of
1935, under which the elections of 1937 would be held elections were held. The Muslim League criticized this law for a
number of reasons and the same was the case with the Congress party but agreed to contest provincial elections to make
advantage of the opportunities being provided under the govt of India Act.
The 1937 Elections:
Provincial elections were ... Show more content on ...
The Congress won 18 seats and the Akali Dal, 10.[8] In Bengal, though the Congress was the largest party (with 52
seats), The Krishak Praja Party of A. K. Fazlul Huq(with 36 seats) was able to form a coalition government.
[edit]The Muslim League
The election results were a blow to the League. After the election,Muhammad Ali Jinnah of the League offered to form
coalitions with the Congress. The League insisted that the Congress should not nominate any Muslims to the ministries,
as it (the League) claimed to be the exclusive representative of Indian Muslims. This was not acceptable to the
Congress, and it declined the League's offer.
Projection of Congress:
The Congress projected itself as an all–India force representing all religions and factions of the society. The Muslim
League contested for the Muslim seats. The ML focused only on the Muslims because it claimed to be the sole
representative of the Muslims. There was a tough competition from the other Muslim organizations in different
provinces which were also claiming to be the representatives of the Muslims. In this way the ML was not only
competing with the Congress only but with a number of other Muslim groups and political parties at the provincial
level. The elections were completed in February 1937. And if we look at the results of these elections we
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Pros And Cons Of A Congress
In the United States, we have a congress. It is a democratic body that is also known as a legislature. This congress has
two houses. The first house is the Senate and the second is the House of Representatives. The process by which a seat is
filled in either the Senate or House of Representatives, is if there is a vacancy. However, for a Senate seat to be filled,
one must be vacant and filled by appointment. When there is a bill that is before congress and needs consideration, it
can take a great amount of time before it is processed through. Sometimes, it can be debated and held in congress
before the House of Representatives approves it. It must then make its way to the Senate and finally the President, who
can choose to veto the bill or sign it into law. Our Congress has more liberties and power than those in a parliament
(Wilson, Diiulio, Jr. and Bose 216–217). ... Show more content on ...
The executive branch in a parliament is held accountable to the legislative branch and the head of the government. A
parliament is usually found in the United Kingdom, like Great Britain and other Asian Areas that were once ruled by
Britain. The Parliament has two houses. There is an upper house and a lower house. The upper house is known as the
Senate and the lower house is known as the National Assembly. A Prime Minister is elected by the majority of the
parliament party vote. They are expected to follow all rules and laws strictly. The parliament has a house of the Lord
and House of the commons. The parliament is under a Prime Minister. To be a member of a parliament, one must be
chosen by a political party. If a bill goes before a parliament, it is done by a majority vote for the bill to pass. In
Congress the selection is done by the people based upon their political career, plans and profile and future while they
are serving in office (Wilson, Dilulio, Jr. and Bose
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Feature Of Congress
One Important Feature of the U.S Congress Congress is a vital component of our government. It has a great amount of
authority over foreign affairs, a bicameral legislature which seeks to balance power, as well as having power over
economic matters under Article I Section 8 of the Constitution (The Logic of American Politics, 219). The failures of
the Articles of Confederation called for a stronger government demanded by the people of America. The Legislative,
Judicial, and Executive branches were created thus Congress was formed. These powers of Congress have much control
under the branches of government, being able to deal with affairs outside of the country as well as having the Senate
and House of Representatives. The structure of Congress ... Show more content on ...
In the Federalists Papers written by Publius, their focus was opposing ratification and building independence in
America. They wanted to demoralize factions due to their tendency to be based on interests different than the
community. Within The Federalist, No.10, Madison states, " A republic, by which I mean a government in which the
scheme of representation takes place ...promises the cure for which we are seeking" ( Readings In American Politics,
55). Instead of factions, Madison suggests a republic be formed which represents and solves the problems of the people.
The features of Congress to control the budget imposed on the American people does not align with the thoughts of
Madison. Congress, chosen to represent the people, were unable to provide cures for the mishaps occurring on both
April 2011 and October 2013. The job of Congress is to solve the problems of the people when it comes to funding
certain government operations and passing bills that will ultimately help the people, and during these times Congress
did not uphold to Madison's standards. Instead, Congress remained deadlock and let the issues linger longer than they
should've which may not be federal behavior per James Madison. According to Federalists Paper, No.51, Madison
spoke of, "the power surrendered by the people is first divided between
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U.s. Congress And The Congress
The United States Congress is made up of two chambers the House of Representatives and the Senate. All together
there are 485 congress people that come together to alter current laws or suggest new legislation. They are required to
meet once per year on January 3 by the US Constitution, but they come together much more often than that. Their
sessions can last months if the topic is very controversial. US legislation is slow and at times painfully inefficient. In
order to make new legislation, the Congress has to go through a long process of getting a majority in the house as well
as the Senate, and even after all that the President still has to approve of the bill in question. An example of this is the
Healthcare bill that Barack Obama successfully passed in during his first term as President. He had to fight in order to
get the reform passed, persuade the members of Congress that his bill should even be considered, and after all that the
Supreme Court almost ruled that the legislation was unconstitutional. The US Congress is a headache on its best day.
The system is set up to create gridlock and for the past 200 years it has works. While two sides debate back and forth on
what the "founding fathers" would have wanted, an environment is created where only the best laws are allowed to
leave altered. Citizens can rest assure that the legislators are giving them only the best in terms of what laws are passed.
If the laws were no good, there would not be so much effort to get
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The Triumph of the Congress of Vienna Essay
The Congress of Vienna was a series of conferences held in Vienna, from 1814–1815. In which many European heads
of government met to establish long–lasting piece, preventing revolution and any other nations from becoming to
powerful, on the European continent after the defeat of Napoleon. Even though many countries came together to discus
an issue, "the Congress of Vienna was more successful than many other peace meetings in history" (Beck, 241). The
most influential of these representatives was the foreign minister of Austria, Prince Klemens von Metternich (Beck,
238). An additional great influential representative was the French foreign minister Prince Charles–Maurice de
Talleyrand, who was sent behalf of the French monarchy ... Show more content on ...
"The representatives in the Congress of Vienna wanted to prevent France's aggression by surrounding France with
stronger nations, restore balance of power, so no country would be a threat to others and restore Europe's royal families
to the thrones they head held before Napoleon's coquets" (Beck, 239). In order to make the weak nations around France
stronger, the former Austrian Netherlands and Dutch Republic were united to form the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
"Group of 39 German states were loosely joined as the newly create German confederation, dominate by Austria.
Leaders of Europe wanted to weaken France, but also didn't want to leave it powerless. If they did, the French might
rebel to take revenge but if France became weaker and was broken up, another country might become so strong that it
would threaten them all. France remained a major but diminished European powers" (Beck, 239). Nevertheless, not all–
important decisions were made by the great powers.
"Most influential of these representatives in the Congress of Vienna was the foreign minister of Austria, Prince
Klemens von Metternich" (Beck, 238). "At the Congress of Vienna, which convened after Napoleon's abdication in
1814, Metternich shone brightly as the "coachman of Europe," guiding policies and decision" (Peterson–Bennett, 632).
The Austrian emperor, Francis I, who wanted a
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Term Limits Of Congress : Congress
Term Limits in Congress
More than seventy–nine congressmen have been in office in both the United States House of Representatives and the
Senate for twenty years or more; Patrick Leahy, Dianne Heinstein, Mitch McConnell, Mac Thornberry, and many, many
James Madison states in Federalist 48 that "The legislative department is everywhere... drawing all power into its
impetuous vortex"(Will). Congress corrupts with power and the only way to stop this is to impose term limits on the US
Congress. Term limits are laws that keep one politician from being in Congress for too long. Term limits are on the rise
with the public, but are hard to get accepted in Congress. Because of this, the last time a bill that proposed term limits
was even voted on was on May 26, 1993. Many wonder why term limits were not originally put in the Constitution but
term limits were not needed when the Constitution was written because most founding fathers were not career
politicians, now many are career politicians and an amendment to the Constitution is needed. Term limits should be
implemented in the United States Congress because they help prevent corruption, provide beneficial turnover in
Congress, have public support, and, contrary to popular belief, they can be implemented easily.
As a remedy to the issues in Congress, term limits should be implemented in the US Congress because they can prevent
corruption and provide turnover in Congress. Throughout the years, working as a Congressman has become
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The Three Eras Of Congress
The United States Constitution created Congress as a way to have the people represented in government. Our
constitutional founders divided Congress into two bodies: the Senate and the House of Representatives. The role of
Congress has changed, along with how it relates to its own members and the public. Many scholars have divided the
evolution of Congress into three eras: the formative era, the partisan era, and the committee era.
First I will talk about the first era called the formative era. The formative era of Congress lasted from the 1780s to the
1820s. The Second Continental Congress was the first governing body of the United States during the Revolutionary
War. This was the body that declared the 13 colonies free and independent on July 4th, 1776. The Articles of
Confederation gave Congress limited authority over foreign affairs. Also gave the colonies military matters, but they
were not to collect taxes, regulate commerce, or enforce laws. Each state was given veto power, and this made this
system of Congress not work because there were constant fights over economics. They had no national defense
protection. Our leaders in that era began looking for new answers. The flaws of the first era was sired to be changed. ...
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The partisan era of Congress lasted from the 1830s through the early 1900s. This committee era saw much corruption
between and amongst the main political groups in the United States. It was believed that this was because senators were
chosen by state governments. Some of these issues were resolved by the Seventeenth Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution. The amendment was ratified in 1913. This amendment provided for the direct popular election of
senators, effectively cutting out of the loop senate elections. That were controlled by corruption and bribery by the state
legislatures. Even though so much corruption was caused, it also led to a new era to
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Relationship Between Congress And Congress
Political Science 2
Since the time of the framing of the United States Constitution, the belief of the rapid growth of the President's power is
undisputable and the extent of this growth has been commonly misinterpreted and underestimated. For example, one of
the Founding Fathers of the United States, James Madison, supported and promoted the creation of a bicameral
legislature because he strongly believed that the legislature was the strongest and most powerful branch in government.
Bicameral legislature forced Congress to be divided into two separate branches in the hopes that it would not
overpower or overwhelm the remaining branches; respectively, in order for it to not be undermined in its disputes and
disagreements by the legislative ... Show more content on ...
According to the Constitution, Congress is primarily in charge of representation and lawmaking. Congress is divided
into the House and the Senate, and therefore, although members of the House and the Senate serve and represent their
own states and districts, they need to "act collectively to make laws for the entire nation" (Smith, 26). In terms of
politics, collective action requires bargaining and compromise between the House and the Senate and between
Congress and the President. Issues on collective action tend to appear when there is no compromise between the two
groups; in order for compromise to become possible, members of a group must withdraw some of their devotions and
fidelities to their respective state or district. Members of Congress, specifically members of the House and Senate are
envisioned to be representatives of their constituents; however, this envisionment of being representatives does not
correctly depict the role of House and Senate members. Although it may seem like a representative in Congress has the
main role of present the views of his or her district, or serve as a delegate of his or her constituents, delegates do not
have an easy job because their constituents usually have contradictory views and beliefs regarding issues with
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Power Of The Congress
The Founding Fathers put many thoughts when drafting the federal laws. Founders defined Congress limits of powers,
they can precise over the president and the Supreme Court, for example, the Congress can impeach the president or
government officials at faults, revenue bill, and treaties, to name a few. On the other, checks and balances stop
Congress from becoming so dominant to another branch. For example, the Senate can prevent a treaty signed by the
president. The supreme court can also reject a law passed by the Congress. The president is in charge of the executive
branch. Article I defines the structure, the power and the operation of the Congress (ushistory). Due to the high volume
and complexity of the task Congress has its committee with different responsibility (POLS201). Congress has a
selection of committee members such as Standing, Select, Joint, and the Conference committees all plays a vital part in
the Congress. Congress is a branch of the United States government that has two separate bodies the House of the
Representative and the Senate. The House and the Senate divided into two chambers as " bicameral" legislature, and
their powers are constitutional. Congress makes the ... Show more content on ...
The Senate has two senators representing a state. Some states have more population than others, for example, California
more than Rhode Island with less population still have two senators representing the states. It gives equal opportunity to
the from smaller states. The purpose of the Senators is to serve all the people in their constituents.
Another branch of government is the House of Representative a larger chamber of the Congress consists of 435
representatives. The number of populations decides the number of a representative in the House representing each state.
For example, large states two and small states one. The representative serves two years, Representative can run for a
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Polarization In Congress
All 435 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives were up for reelection in 2010. In the 2010 U.S. House election, the
average amount spent by Super PACs in 87 districts was $242,580; see Table 1 and Figure 1 for average spending by
outside entities and challengers. The maximum about Super PACs spent was $912,503 in Colorado's Fourth
Congressional District, where Cory Gardner (R) defeated incumbent Betsy Markey (D). The average independent
expenditures by political parties in 94 districts was $1,238,897. The maximum outside party spending was $4,289,706
in Michigan's Seventh Congressional District, where Tim Walberg (R) beat incumbent Mark Schauer (D). The average
challenger spending was $704,692 in 366 districts. Figures 2, shows the ... Show more content on ...
Outside party spending has a significant effect in 2010 on member's ideological position in the 112th Congress (p =
0.03). When there is outside spending present in a district, there is a slight impact on a member polarization score,
which decreases by 0.003 units. While the substantive effect of outside party spending is minimal, at best, the null
hypothesis can be rejected. Outside party spending promotes moderation of ideological positions by members of
Congress. The cross–level interaction of Super PAC spending and the percent of Obama's state vote share is significant
(p = 0.01). The null hypothesis can be rejected, for the interaction of Super PAC spending in relation to Obama's state
vote share diminishes extreme ideological scores in Congress. Figure 3, shows predicted logarithmic effects of the
interaction between the log of Super PAC spending and Obama's votes share. As the log of Super PAC spending
increases and the percentage of Obama vote share in the state is low at 35%, there is a greater movement to an extreme
position compared to when Obama's vote share is at 65%. Very minuscule moderating effect on a member's polarization
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Local Issues In Congress
In today's government, a major issue involves members of Congress focusing all of their time and resources on re–
election. This causes the Congress to focus on the desires and needs of their constituents while potentially ignoring
necessary projects and laws that could benefit the entire nation. This, in effect, results in wasted funding and an
inefficient Congress. I am a strong believer that the members of Congress need to focus on the national issues rather
than local issues that dictate re–election. The state and local governments are in place to pass laws and ensure that the
local communities are being represented in a correct manner. Members of Congress focusing on these local issues
drives the "need" for pork–barreling. There are potential ... Show more content on ...
These members of Congress are focused on spending federal funding on companies or people that would result in
benefiting themselves. The members of Congress that stay within the confines of Congress for decades may be
involved with corruption with no recourse for their actions. This is because the incumbent party has an advantage over
the rivaling party on the premise that they are already in office. One of the main examples of this can be seen in the
Keating Five in the late 1980's. Five senators, who were given donations by Charles Keating, "influenced a regulatory
agency on behalf of Keating's savings and loan institution, which was under investigation" (Otteson 1991). These
senators were dealt no punishment, while two of the senators were actually re–elected. This not only displays the
potential corruption, but also shows how strong the incumbent party is when facing elections. If term limits were
enacted, these men would have not been able to be re–elected and new senators could have taken their positions. . This
ability for change in the members of Congress can bring about new ideals and outlooks onto common issues that the
country faces today. In addition to the new ideals, the changing of Congress will allow for the constituents to develop
more of an interest in the government affairs. With new candidates, "people will be forced to focus on
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The Need for Congress in the U.S
The Need for Congress in the U.S
There is a definite need for Congress in the United States. It serves many roles such as making laws, implementing
national policy and watching over the other two branches of government. These are just a few of the duties of our
U.S. Congress. Although they are essential to our government, there are potential problems. People are not always
satisfied with the length of time involved in passing a law as well as the deadlock Congress can experience on an issue.
Another potential problem people see with Congress is representation.
Not all Americans feel that they are equally represented. The Congress of the
United States is viewed by many as the largest branch in government. Some people might ... Show more content on ...
It serves many roles such as making laws, implementing national policy and watching over the other two branches of
government. These are just a few of the duties of our U.S. Congress.
Although they are essential to our government, there are potential problems.
People are not always satisfied with the length of time involved in passing a law as well as the deadlock Congress can
experience on an issue. Another potential problem people see with Congress is representation. Not all Americans feel
that they are equally represented. The Congress of the United States is viewed by many as the largest branch in
government. Some people might even say it is the most important. This is due to the roles Congress pays in our
government. Congress is responsible for the lawmaking in our country as well as implementing national policy. The
power to make laws was given to Congress by our forefathers when they constructed our constitution. Passing laws is
very important to our country because without them we would be living in chaos. Of course, all our laws are not perfect
but for the most part our Congress does a good job at keeping this country under control. The problems with lawmaking
that most people see is the time involved in getting a law passed. In order for a bill to become a law it must first be
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Failure Of Congress
There's a lot to deal with when you are sitting in the big chair in the oval office. People don't understand the pressure,
the hard choices, and the people themselves. There is so much to take in when you're leading a nation, like trying to
reduce taxes, getting rid of pollution, and charging people when they can't afford something. I mean, you should at least
talk it over with the entire country, but what do I know? I'm just a citizen. The president doesn't have complete power
over everything, though, it is congress that has the real bang for their buck. No, the president is just a face and name to
lay on the blame. Well, and look pretty. The president is more of a fall guy in terms of success and failure. If a bill is
passed and it works, ... Show more content on ...
Just like how people look at the leader that they nominated for congress passing a bill that outrages them. You see,
when you look at our political system you often miss some things, it's okay, so does our government. People seldom
realize that the president does not in fact control the bills that pass through. The big man can pass them or veto them.
But sometimes the big man can get out voted by two–thirds vote from congress, therefore canceling out the big cheese's
veto. Citizens of the United States of America get so into voting and try to be so nationalist until they realize they didn't
do their homework. "Hey lets vote for this guy because he said he's more american than that guy!" That's what it breaks
down to. Whenever someone makes a mistake everybody points their fingers and hangs the noose because they don't
want to look bad. "Oh no! The guy we voted for and put 'so much thought' into turned out to be a bad guy because
congress forced a bad law through!" See how bad "that guy" is? He needs to be taught a lesson on how to run our
country. Well, if you think about it, the whole country needs a lesson on how to pick someone to run the
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Brazil Congress System
Brazil Is a beautiful country in South America, Brazil territory is more than halfway covered in Forest, this includes the
world's largest tropical rain forest, in the Amazon River Basin. Brazil is a federative republic consisting of 26 states and
one federal district called Brasilia. Each state has a legislative body and an elected governor, though the federal
government reserves all rights not delegated to the state. Brazil's government is well organized because they are a
federal republic, their president does not control the military like most others do, and their legislative body is the
national congress. A federal republic is a form of government in which citizens elect officials to run the government
according to laws that restrict the power of the central government and vest regional units with a degree of self–
government. The federation's component regions can consist of states, colonies or provinces. Brazil is a federal
presidential constitutional republic, based on representative ... Show more content on ...
The Federal Legislative branch is composed by two Houses: the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies. When referred to
as a single entity, Senate and Chamber are called the National Congress. The National Congress exercises its legislative
power through the legislative process, which includes amendments to the Constitution and the preparation of
supplementary laws, ordinary laws, delegated laws, provisional measures, legislative decrees, and resolutions. The
National Congress has exclusive powers to decide definitively on international treaties, agreements, or acts that result in
charges or commitments encumbering the national patrimony. This is good because they have the power to make
decisions that will not only affect them but also the citizens themselves. Brazil is smart to have the national congress as
their legislative body because they have people of a higher power making decisions for
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President's Relationship With Congress
The U.S. Constitution gives Congress and the president various responsibilities, but there have extensive disputes about
where war powers begin and the other's ends. The U.S. Constitution permits the president to let wars happen as
commander in chief while Congress has the power to claim war; in fact, to authorize hostilities at any level and fund
them. Many people can agree that presidents can send U.S. troops to fight when the country is being attacked, it appears
forthcoming but chief executives from both major parties often differ with Congress over their ability to let military
force into other combat situations. The president's relationship with Congress is crucial to American politics.
Federalism and the Constitution represent the effort that the president and Congress need to do, which is work together
for the good of America. Congress can ... Show more content on ...
Congress needs to confirm and support the president's nominees for the Supreme Court and his Executive office. The
president needs to have a respectful relationship with Congress when it passes bills and supports his appointments even
if Congress is controlled by the opposing party in American politics. "A recurring debate in foreign affairs law focuses
on the appropriate level of congressional and judicial deference to the President. In answering that question, most
scholars focus on the Constitution, Supreme Court precedent, and historical practice for guidance, or evaluate the
expertise and strategic incentives of Congress, the President, and the
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How Congress Constructs Its Acts
In order to advance the acumen of how Congress constructs its acts from inception to enactment, there are various
methodologies one can use. With that in mind, this exploration aligns to the Analytical Framework methodology as
described in our class textbook, The Struggle for Democracy by authors Edward Greenberg and Benjamin Page. Thus,
the congressional act I've chosen to examine is the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 as it's of immense
importance to all Americans. Specifically, this act addresses the fundamental need of our nation's workforce as it relates
to work/life balance; therefore, by providing the context of the reasons why such a law emerged, identifying the
collaborating actors in the creation and implementation of the law, articulating the process of enactments, as well as
outlining out its path to enactment using the Analytical Framework, this exploration will increase its reader's
competency of knowledge about what transpired in passing the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993. Likewise, the
organization of this examination comprises of four main sections correlating with the horizontal segments (levels) of
the Analytical Framework. To begin, the first section interprets the foundation of the FMLA by providing the historical
background, the economic and social environment of the American workforce prior to the FMLA, along with previous
legislation attempts and information on various legislative acts which are in similar alignment with the FMLA:
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Role Of Congress In Congress
Congress's Committee System and Legislative Powers The United States Congress is a bicameral legislature, composed
of the House of Representatives and the Senate that use Committees too "generate new ideas for new laws, debating the
merits of those ideas for new laws, holding hearings, conducting investigations, listening to testimonies of experts,
offering new modifications and additions to proposed bills, and giving important advice to all House and Senate
members regarding how they should vote on a new bill." (Dautrich & Yalof 150). Committees play the largest role in
the lawmaking process, deciding if or when a bill might even see its chance to be voted on in the House and Senate to
become a bill. The use of the Committee system to ... Show more content on ...
Congress's committees thrive on partisanship, which can have its advantages and disadvantages to a political parties
view on a bill "...the primary organizational characteristic of most committeessss in Congress is partisanship" (Dautrich
& Yalof 153) Dautrich and Yalof write that "The power of the majority caucus is fully felt in the committee and
subcommittee chairs, as all chairs are members of the majority caucus." The chair has the vast majority of power in
determining when or if a bill will even be presented or edited in the committee. Leaders are usually chosen based on the
seniority and party allegiance, which of course is a majority parties member. Majority leaders also ensure that they have
the most members of the committee in their party so the vote can swing in their favor. There are also more broad roles
of leadership in Congress like "party leaders" and "presiding officers", but majority of the power comes from the chairs
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Congress Bashing
Nelson Polsby was the author of Congress–Bashing for Beginners. Congress has played a huge role in the history of our
nation. Congress has been perceived differently by different people since it was founded way back ago. It has resulted
in much agreement, as well as arguments about how our nation is run. Posby was influenced by several different books
and writings, while in the midst of his own book; consequently, these books had information regarding the congress of
this country. Over the course of time, America has put more strength in presidency and higher powers, instead of
improving our nations congress. Although congress has attained a negative image by many, the vast majority of citizens
lack knowledge on what the congress actually does ... Show more content on ...
First, congress salaries are very heavily bashed on by the public. An average congress member attains a salary just shy
of $100,000. Many members of congress start off making roughly $80,000–$90,000 annually. Therefore, an abundance
of people argue that their salary is too high. Although they have a decent salary to sit on, they aren't overly wealthy. In
contrast, members may work their way up in power, yet don't generate much of a raise other than a few thousand
annually. Back when the constitution was being formed, many of our nation's top builders predicted a president leading
the USA. Granted the president description was extremely vague, we soon realized how powerful presidency and high
powers truly are. After several presidencies and wars, among other awry events, we quickly discovered the roles and
objectives of these political leaders. Furthermore, the role of presidency has been altered greatly over the course of
time. The separation of power ultimately led to the creation of a two–party system. Lastly, the issue of re–election
arises. Re–election rates have generated a fair amount of complaints among American's. The idea of limiting terms for
congress members has become a common thought. If this followed through, it may generate mixed feelings for our
country. Everybody has different stances on our nation's higher powers, but perception is critical, depending on the
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Congress Versus Parliament : Congress Vs. Parliament
Congress Versus Parliament
The US and many Latin American countries have a Congress, while Great Britain and many Western European
countries have a Parliament.
The word "Congress" comes from latin, meaning "a coming together".
The word "Parliament" comes from the French infinitive "parler" meaning "to talk".
The differences between the two governing institutions affects how one becomes a member and what one does as a
To become a member of parliament, a person needs to persuade a political party to put their name on the ballot.
Often, a local party committee selects a person as it's candidate with suggestions from national party headquarters.
The local group selects someone willing to support the national party program and leadership.
In an election, voters choose between competing parties, instead of candidates.
To become a member of Congress, a person needs to run in a primary election.
Voters select candidates in a primary because of their personalities, positions on issues, or overall reputation.
Even though party labels affect who votes for whom, voter most likely votes for the candidate, not for the party.
Parliament tends to be made up of those loyals to the national party leadership who meet and vote on party issues.
Congress tends to be made up of people who think of themselves as representatives of their districts or states who while
supporting their party, are expected to vote in favor of their constituents.
In a Parliamentary system, there is a
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Is Congress Dysfunctional
In the current administration the government and especially congress are viewed as dysfunctional. Congress is the
legislative , or lawmaking branch of the federal government. It's bicameral legislature of representatives and the senate.
Congress is made up of the legislative, judicial, and executive branches. As argued by Ezra Klein, congress is
dysfunctional due to democrats and republicans denying each other accomplishments and it affecting the minority.
However , Lee H. hamilton differs and believes congress isn't dysfunctional and is objected to, too much criticism. My
stance is that congress is dysfunctional because, congress bureaucracy is complicated. Ezra Klein makes good points
about why congress is dysfunctional. For instance, she
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Congress Dysfunctions
Dysfunction can be found within the U.S. government. For the purpose of this paper I will argue that the dysfunction is
largely rooted and caused by U.S. culture and also caused by the political system. Furthermore, I will conclude that
through the culmination of a dysfunctional culture the dysfunctions found within the political system has resulted in a
dysfunctional government. Congress currently has the lowest approval rating they have ever had, however, the
incumbent reelection rates are over 90%. This points to a culture where cooperation and compromise are no longer the
prime objective. People expect their congressman to force their issue and not compromise on issues that may be
contrary to their beliefs. According to America's ... Show more content on ...
For instance, Wyoming has as many votes in the Senate as California. This disproportionate representation allows for
the rule of the minority. In a Democracy it seems entirely contrary to allow a minority to influence the direction of the
country, however, that is where we are at. In Madison's Federalist 10, he expresses his concern for the rule of factions
and also the rule of the minority. It appears that through institutions like the Senate and the Electoral College we have
allowed, to a certain extent, the ability of minorities to sway major decisions. Furthermore, because of our attachment
to past institutions that at one point provided a certain service which has now become completely arbitrary, we add to
the rule of the minority. The Electoral College at one point provided a service to the nation wherein people would vote
their conscious if they felt the Republic was under threat, however, this institution has become entirely arbitrary and
unnecessary in the modern day. This institution exhibits the diagnosis given in America in Decay wherein the institution
has failed to adapt to changing external circumstances. External circumstances pushed the Electoral College to become
a mouthpiece to the people's easily swayed minds. Arguably the Senate did not adapt well to external circumstances as
well. External forces pushed the Senate to become more democratic through the 17th
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Similarities And Differences Between The Congress Of...
The Treaty of Versaille and the Congress of Vienna are major treaties that in their own way, played major parts in world
history. The Congress of Vienna was created post Napoleon Era to fix the damages that France created during that time
period. Nearly 100 years later, the Treaty of Versaille officially ended the first World War between Germany and the
rest of the leaders of Europe including England, France, and the United States. Being from different periods of time,
both agreements settled an unbalance of power and created systems to rebuild Europe into a better form. A difference
between the two can be seen as the Congress of Vienna was to rebuild while the purpose for the Treaty of Versailles
was to end the war and hold Germany responsible for what they did. Although the Treaty of Versaille and the Congress
of Vienna share some common similarities and differences including the equality of land distribution and balance of
powers, the Congress of Vienna and the Treaty of Versaille are more similar than different because, "The Vienna
Settlement of 1815 has been ranked with the Peace of Westphalia (1648), the Peace of Utrecht (1713), and the Peace of
Paris (1919) as one of the four most significant international agreements in the history of modern Europe"(Concert of
Europe 1). "The Congress of Vienna assembled in September 1814. Never had such a brilliant gathering been seen. All
the states of Europe sent representatives and many defunct states, such as the
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How Is Congress Centralized
Recently, many political scientists have argued over whether today's Congress is centralizing or decentralizing.
Centralization allows Congress to act quickly and decisively, but at the expense of the members of Congress and their
constituents, while decentralization protects and enhances the interests of individual members and their constituents,
but at the expense of its ability to act quickly and decisively. At its birth, Congress was created as a decentralized body,
and although it has fluctuated over the years, the Constitution, congressional incentive for reelection, the committee
system, and weak central leadership has certainly maintained such a decentralized institution. Madison, in his federalist
papers, fiercely defends the constitution, ... Show more content on ...
In "Congressional Government", Woodrow Wilson tries to explain the system of Congress and in it he thoroughly
discusses the predominance of Congressional Committees in the legislative body. He argues that our legislature is more
analogous to a conglomerate, not a homogenous body and that "we are ruled by a score and a half of 'little legislatures'"
(Wilson p. 323). There is little unity in the House and party organization is not strong according to Wilson. The many
distinct, disconnected committees has leads Congress to have weak leadership and therefore decreases decision making.
Also Wilson shows how multiple committee jurisdictions creates a system where there is no clear voice on the issue
and since committees differ in political ideology broad questions of policy suffer. Lawrence C. Dodd also discusses the
committee system in "Congress and the Quest for Power". In it, he argues that the solution to congressmen's need for
power is a decentralized congress with a committee system that allows members to gain considerable power in their
small committees. "Each member wants to exercise power, to make the key policy decisions. ... Given this widespread
power motive, an obvious way to resolve the conflict is to disperse power"(Dodd p. 335). Dodd argues that the solution
to member Congress constantly seeking power is the current
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Strengths And Weaknesses Of Congress
Although there are strengths in the way the United States Congress is built to deal with issues, there are many
weaknesses that counteract these strengths. Congress is a bicameral legislature that is made up of both the House of
Representatives and the Senate. The strengths are in the way Congress has clearly established rules. The three branches
of government were created to make a separation of powers so that no one branch can be more powerful than the next;
which is known as checks and balances. The clearly established rules that Congress has to follow is a major strength,
and although these checks and balances are beneficial, they tend to cause many dilemmas making the contemporary
Congress a relatively weak institution of American national ... Show more content on ...
It is the job of both Congress and the president to make a yearly fiscal budget as well as implementing tax regulations.
There has been seventeen spending gaps since the government revised its' budgeting process which is a huge weakness.
The United States is supposed to be the world leader, yet their government has not even been able to agree on a budget
half of the time. The one good thing about this budget is that Congress creates a debt limit that the president has to
abide by. In theory this limit should help prevent overspending but when the president gets close to the debt limit
Congress has an option to raise the debt limit, which they always do. If Congress does not raise the debt limit, the
president will have to decide which bills do not get paid. By not being able to pay people for the work they have
already complete, it makes the value of the dollar less trustworthy around the world. The debt limit has been
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• Explain The Role That Congress Plays In Congress
Congress has the most important role in American government. It is the main voice for the people. Congress members
take the criticism and everyone's request to try to better themselves and the community. Members serve each and
everyone of their constituents, the people that elected them become their districts. It is the member's duty to gratify
their constituents if they want to stay in office, and every issue must be considered from the perspective of those
constituents. These representatives do a lot more than just pass laws in a capital. Representatives help constituents in a
number of ways. They can help by negotiating the complicated process of applying for a passport. They can help act as
an advocate to help the people get any types of ... Show more content on ...
The electoral connection in Congress applies rational choice theory to the actions of American congressmen. The office
of Constituent Service works to make sure every question or concern addressed to the governor by the public is
answered in the best fast possible manner. A Constituency service is the general term for what parliamentarians do to
serve and represent the interests of their constituents. It exists in many different forms, both in constituency based
electoral systems and also in list–based systems. One of the many examples for constituency services can be a hotline
created by an elected official to address the concerns of hometown voters. This includes city, state and federal programs
like grants and alternate funding for projects that invest in local areas.
It is open to the public to be able to contact official representatives such as senators and representatives of congress. But
they are also able to contact district managers of local community boards, council members, governors, mayors, and the
president of the United States to request assistance with constituency services. For example, I was able to contact one
of the district's representative and he actually responded back. Not a lot of the representatives answer back. They will
just send an email saying that they got it and that they will get right on
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Congress And Congress Similarities
The United States government is built on branches that support it. The executive branch, the judicial and the legislative
branch are all led by someone. The legislative branch, which makes our laws in the congress. The legislative that takes
control of our laws in Congress.
Congress is two parts the United States senate and the United States house of representatives. California legislature and
the U.S. Congress have eight differences between them. These differences that jointly make the California legislative
and uncertain body. The term limit was one of the differences and claimed that California legislators are extended to a
total of 12 years. For Congress who can assist extensively as they are re–elected. In California legislature, ... Show
more content on ...
California has a population equivalent to the population of twenty–two small states united. These states have forty–four
senators among them California has the equivalent number of senators as the smallest of the indicated states. But the
differences are that California is so crowded and because it's legislature is moderately small, its legislative districts are
between the biggest in the nation. California's senators are nothing like any other U.S. legislative body. Both houses of
California legislature are distributed by population has pursued some advise observers to advise that a unicameral
legislature of 120 members would make more common sense. This would effect additional smaller districts and
enhance accessibility to legislators. Media Visibility In Washington D.C the media explains the national government's
activities by paying close attention to the president, who subsequently takes over the news. Most frequently these are
party leaders committee chairs, or the occasional legislator who persuaded to create a name for him/herself on a certain
issue. In Congress, the remark of members of congress is normally used to provide more insight in a presidential
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Essay On The Continental Congress
Fade in – pan to an angry mob standing at the docks of the Boston Harbor as Mother England ships, laden with high tax
penalties for the young and growing colony they have come to know as the 'America's'. What started at Plymouth Rock
has now grown to 13 and this soon to be nation is teaming with anger and resentment for not having a voice.
Placing myself in the time of the American Revolution, the role I would play would be one of the Continental Congress.
I would be a part of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, which proclaimed the United
States' independence from Great Britain.
Myself and a delegate from each of the 13 colonies, except Georgia, will comprise the Continental Congress. We met in
Philadelphia on September 5, 1774 to react to intimidating acts imposed by the British government in response to their
resistance to new taxes. During my tenure, I will help promote free debate, assist in the issuance of a Declaration of
Rights, pass the Articles of Association which will tell the colonies to stop importing goods from the British Isles. Once
our work is complete, the Continental Congress will disband.
Comparing the Continental Congress then to now, I would compare it to Congress and ... Show more content on ...
I don't believe I would particularly be an Industrialist, more on the working end of the spectrum. The time of the
Industrial Revolution went from farming to factories and many American women during that time worked in factories
and textile mills for long hours with poor wages. There were women who would go back to work within days of having
their children because they needed the income. Times were tough and the conditions were tougher. When the 20th
century and new technology and better machinery came to town, they were all excited. Some women were able to
change jobs and leave the coal mines for a desk or clerical
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Why Is The Congress Of Vienna Powerful
Congress of Vienna was not a forerunner to the United Nations.
Congress of Vienna
United Nations
Established in 1815, in Vienna, Austria. They met to reorganize Europe after the Napoleonic wars.
They met to deal with the after–effects of war.
Established in 1945, San Francisco USA. They met in order to pledge that they would never start a conflict like World
War Two again.
The goals of the Congress of Vienna were to pay back countries that had suffered during the Napoleonic wars, balance
the European powers, and enforce the rule of Legitimacy. This rule reinstated all previous monarchs as the rightful ruler
of their state.
They both had goals that promoted peace between the nations.
The goals of the United Nations were to keep peace in the world, develop ... Show more content on ...
North Korea or the People's Republic of Korea was added so the UN could somewhat control their actions and keep
them involved in Global Politics.
The spokesperson of the Congress of Vienna was Prince Metternich of Austria.
The spokesperson of the United Nations is the secretary general Ban Ki–Moon of South Korea.
The Congress of Vienna was very conservative because it was made up of monarchs. Conservatives don't want change
and monarchs don't want to be out of power so it makes sense that the Congress was conservative.
The United Nations can be very mixed because of the number of different countries represented. The key values of the
United Nations involve lots of change and revolution so the organization would be considered liberal even though not
all the representatives are.
The biggest challenge for the Congress of Vienna was the reorganization and revitalization of Europe. After the
Napoleonic wars, they had to figure out how to make all the countries feel equal to each other in power and land mass.
They also had to restore themselves to power as the rightful monarchs and destroy and rebellion against
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Btec Business Level 3 Unit 14 M1
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Congress Case Study

  • 1. Congress Case Study 1. The publics low approval of Congress is influenced by how superficial and negative the media coverage is– focusing on scandals, rivalry, and conflict rather than complex issues like policy. 2. A veto is the President rejecting a bill and sending it back within 10 days, but if he doesn't sign the bill in those 10 days it becomes a pocket veto and the bill dies. 3. The term refers to a legislative system containing 2 chambers, like the House and the Senate. 4. Incumbents have advantages in home styles, campaign fund raising, and constituency service. 5. The responsibility and responsiveness of Congress contributes to their image problem because they can't meet all the demands of both national and local/personal issues. So the public is upset ... Show more content on ... The ultimate oversight is impeachment. 22. Substantive representation is how the member of congress actually serves its constituents interests and concerns. 23. The House of Representatives 24. Authorization process; appropriations process. 25. A delegate is responsive to constituents direct interests while a trustee is responsible and considers national/collective/moral/local while representing constituents interests. A politico will act as a delegate for issues of constituents concern, and a trustee on complex issues. 26. Money is a huge deterrent to political challengers because seeing that an incumbent has a large reelection fund shows they will have a strong campaign and makes them not want to run against them. Having parties makes the legislative process more centralized and unified because if there weren't parties it would be disconnected and everybody would be battling each other. Party structure created a team outline so members can work together to reach their goals and benefit the country and it's people. The Speaker of the House is the effective leader of the chamber and head of the majority party, who influences the overall agenda and party strategy. The majority leader helps the Speaker, this person is elected as head of the party with the majority of seats in either chamber. They are responsible for speaking nationally on behalf of the party and helps with daily operation. The minority leader is the head of the party with minority number of seats in the chambers. The party conference is a convention of a political party where delegates attend and elect/nominate the leaders of the party, at this convention the policy and platform of the party is ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. The Powers Of The U.s. Congress Examining the Powers of the U.S. Congress Congress has constitutional rights established that reserve a solidified position to influence the budget and its process. With most of its power being apparent with discretionary funds in which appropriations bills occur, it also has a hand in mandatory funding by way of legislation. A bicameral process with rules attached, takes place to carry out the proposed budget prepared by the Executive branch. Although the President and his administration begin the budgetary process, Congress still has a large amount of power that sometimes isn't even used. Nevertheless, Congress is an enduring participant in the budget appropriation process. Power of the Purse In the budget appropriation process, Congress is granted influential powers from the constitution. In Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1, the power to control or limit federal spending is placed in the hands of Congress. This power is known as the "Power of the Purse", which may be regarded as one of the most effective weapons by which representatives can be armed with (Whener, 2006). Its importance branches from the requirements Congress is granted for legislative approval of financial measures. Among the checks and balances of the government, this ability to maneuver and influence the budget is a democratic cornerstone. The "Power of the Purse" is Congress's main weapon against Executive oppression by allowing congressional approval of appropriations (Whener, 2016). However, even ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Distrust For Congress According to a recent poll that was taken in 2014, there was a list of certain important aspects of the U.S community and government to get the peoples opinion on what citizens thought of them. The list had a wide variety of entities from the U.S military and small businesses to Newspapers. Every participant of the poll was given the list and was asked to choose the ones you had quite a lot and/or great deal of confidence in; however, congress was given the least amount of votes out of every other option on the list with 5% on both great deal and quite a lot. I'm going to give a sense of the perspective on how insignificant those numbers are, because the military was the highest voted with 43% great deal of confidence with 33% great deal of confidence. But there is a good reason for the distrust for congress, because of their bias nature and partisan conduct when it comes to controversial problems, and just overall acting like children. ... Show more content on ... Congress is thought to be too slow on pressing matters to the average citizen at times, such as campaign finance, abortions and other highly controversial topics. Although being so important to the U.S government, congress is still thought to be the most untrustworthy and incompetent branch according to the ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Congress Crisis Yvette Hobson 2A Current Event #3 The Speaker of the House, John Boehner, has announced that he "will resign from Congress". The announcement came on September 21,2015 following ongoing tension caused by the "challenges of divided government" and a " Republican Party faction". Boehner has said the he will resign from his position at the close of October. Mr. Boehner has been struggling to lead effectively, as the most conservative Republicans of the House have been pressuring him and limiting his capability to lead. The conservatives in the House have been pressuring Boehner ,mainly, to persuade him to cut funding for Planned Parenthood. Boehner also faced the burden of trying to avoid a government shutdown. In addition to these strains, he ... Show more content on ... As leader of the House of Representatives, Boehner is responsible for managing his party members, responding to their concerns as well as making committee assignments and assigning bills etc. However, with the current lack of party unity(agreement among party members) among Republicans and divided government (Republicans are the majority in Congress, but there is a Democratic president.) he has not been able to adequately fulfill these responsibilities and lead his chamber Of Congress effectively. While Republican members of the House pressed him to make more "aggressive policy changes" and decrease funding , Boehner faced opposition from the Democratic presidency which made it nearly impossible to fulfill the demands of those members. Disagreement within the Republican party also prevents the development of a favorable agenda among Republican House members. Simply put, Boehner could not properly respond to party member's concerns due to the divided government nor could he manage those members due to the lack of unity and agreement among them.This article serves to inform readers of Boehner's resignation and of the reasons for it , but it also provides one explanation of why policy making is hindered. While this article is not particularly biased against Boehner or his opposers, it seems to be slightly sympathetic toward Boehner noting his emotions and depicting him as a victim of political conflict. Steinhauer, Jennifer. "John Boehner, House Speaker, Will Resign From Congress." The New York Times. The New York Times, 25 Sept. 2015. Web. 21 Oct. ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Difference Between Congress And Us Congress The differences between the U.S. system of government and the parliamentary system of government such as the one in Great Britain. The big difference between British Parliament and the U.S congress are significantly different. First the British system of government gives much greater power to the majority party that exists in the American system of government. In the United States, presidents are elected independent from congressional elections, and serve independent from the legislative branch of government. In congress, both house of representatives and the senate must agree in order for a law to pass. Also congress has no real part in the executive function of the United states government. Congress is a legislative body and is separated ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. U.s. Congress And The United States Congress Under the first Article in the Constitution, the U.S. Congress is the first branch and is also known as the most important representative body of the world. They are among the other few national representative bodies that acquire powers of governance. The U.S. Congress is made up of two chambers, The House of Representatives and The Senate. The two most important powers given to any government are the power of force and the power over money, and the U.S. Congress has the authority over the two. They have a lot of power in their hands (Lowi, 130). As mentioned before, the U.S. Congress is made up of two chambers–the House and the Senate– that is provided by the constitution as a bicameral legislature. They each cater to different constituencies. The House is known to be more responsive to the people and the Senate is responsive to the elite. They both are elected directly by the people. Four hundred thirty–five of the members of the U.S. Congress are apart of the House and one hundred of the members are apart of the Senate (Lowi, 136). Can you imagine having to make compromises and decisions on thing with five hundred thirty–five people? I can imagine with that many people apart of the U.S. Congress that they dealt with a lot of conflict when having to make decisions. With their powers, under Article I, Section 8, Congress has the power to lay and collect taxes, borrow money, deal with bankruptcy, and mainly have control over the nations finances. With territory of ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Congress Of Vienna Research Paper The conservative order, had to do with France and how his four major rivals tried to cease France and also secure the peace after the war. The main reason the Congress of Vienna was established was to stop France, which was ruled by Napoleon Bonaparte. Great Britain, Austria, Prussia, and Russia were France's major rivals and were put to do anything possible to defeat and overrule Napoleon's country. All in all, they were all out to put a stop to France or to prevent something worse to happen. Also to prevent expansion of, in the country was a major deal the Quadruple Alliance was worried about. Alternatively, even before France had been defeated,the Quadruple Alliance remained together as one. When the Quadruple alliance defeated France they, "restored the Bourbon monarchy to France in the person of Louis XVIII and agreed to meet at a congress in Vienna in September 1814 to arrange a final peace settlement". The person who was in charge of the taking of the Congress ... Show more content on ... The balance of power was to prevent any country from invading any weaker country in Europe. It was a theory that allowed "The posture and policy of a nation or group of nations protecting itself against another nation or group of nations by matching its power against the power of the other side."Some arrangements include the alliance of Prussia and Austria, making them as powerful as Russia in order to keep a balance between them. It was believed by Metternich that by doing the arrangements it was going to prevent danger from happening. Even though, the balance of power was to fight against France and to keep it from getting stronger, it stayed the same. France still remained strong, even when it had no allies and was against four major countries. The thought of France threatening the peace of Europe was always on their minds and they were trying to make anything possible to not let them ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. The Emancipation of a Member of Congress Our elected officials are sent to Washington to represent the people. In the case of the house they are there to represent the people of a certain district. Senators are supposed to represent citizens of a certain state. They currently have no limits on how long they can serve. There are many faces in Congress that have been there for over 20 years. I intend to explain why having the same people hold the same office is not healthy for the average American citizen. The original intent of the Constitution was to limit government and the self–serving interests that become tyrannical by their very nature. The fact that the founders did not include limiting terms for Congress appears to be a great oversight. The reason for this is simple. When a person was chosen to serve during the time of the founders it was considered both and honor and a burden. The founders overlooked term limits because at the time it was not an issue as it was not lucrative to be a member of Congress. Through devious legislation Congress has turned these offices of service into an institution that is above the very people it was designed to serve. It has become an institution that seeks power and allows corruption. When one considers that the approval rate of Congress at any given time is below 30%, it would seem apparent that citizens are not happy with how they are represented. The question then becomes "Why are the same members of Congress elected if everyone is so unhappy with how they ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. The Power Of Congress Congress Congress is a branch of the federal government, the Congress consists of two groups The Senate and The House Of Representatives. The Constitutional thought it was necessary to protect the country from tyranny, and excessive democracy. They created a Senate that gives each state, large and small, two seats and that elects its members to serve for six–year terms. They created a House Of Representatives, whose members serve two–year terms and are intended to focus more on popular preferences. The strength of Congress has changed over the course of history. Presidential power has expanded significantly since the beginning of the 20th century. Presidents used to be often times at the mercy of the Congress and the Supreme Court's. However, as we have witnessed, especially recently, Presidents often find ways to get around the separation of powers. For example, right now the United States is fighting two wars, Afghanistan and Iraq. However, a legal declaration of war was never declared in either case. We simply bombarded ourselves onto their territory taking their issues and making them our ... Show more content on ... A law starts this process as a bill. When Congress passes a bill, it goes to the president who reviews it. If he likes it, he signs it, and it becomes a law. If the president does not like it, he vetoes it. When the president decides to veto a bill, the Congress can vote on it again. If two–thirds of the Congress votes in favor of the bill, they override the veto. The federal bureaucracy performs three primary tasks in government: implementation, administration, and regulation. When Congress passes a law, it sets down guidelines to carry out the new policies. So basically the Congress still holds greater power than the president, and in most cases he must be authorized by congress to issue a ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Congress Rhetorical Analysis The main goal of this paper is to assess why Americans tend to feel coldly towards the United States Congress. Looking at factors such as total income, I theorize that due to the large lifestyle gap between the citizens of the U.S. and their congress the American people might feel a disconnect to Congress and in return not feel warmly towards them. By controlling for outside variables and running a multitude of tests the results have shown that the relationship between income and feelings towards congress is not spurious and can be counted on as an accurate reflection of the American people's true feelings. However, it is an opposite relationship from my hypothesis. I hypothesize that as income decreases feelings towards Congress would grow colder; instead, tests revealed that ... Show more content on ... Min .25 Mdn .75 Max ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– incgroup_prepost 5717 13.35 8.22 1.00 6.00 13.00 21.00 28.00 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Due to both the independent and the dependent variable being continuous I have chosen to use a correlation coefficient test to check for covariation between the two variables. Here the correlation coefficient is –0.2004, which indicates that there is a negative relationship between total family income and feelings towards congress. In layman's terms that translates to the higher your income the more coldly you feels towards congress. These results are considered to be statistically significant because our data chart shows there to be a p–value of 0 which falls below the necessary F = 0.0000 Residual | 339520.364 5299 64.0725353 R–squared = 0.0402 ––––––––––––– +–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Adj R–squared = 0.0400 Total | 353723.307 5300 66.7402465 Root MSE = ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Responsibilities Of Congress Do you ever wonder what jobs congress man and women actually do? Media coverage discusses congress and its members, but does not go into detail of the jobs done by congress people for their district. Instead, the media covers controversy and sandal, taking away the focus and importance from the actual purpose of Congress. Often times Americans are ignorant of how their representatives operate and function, because of the lack of information on the news media. There are many responsibilities held by the people who represent districts of the United States. Those responsibilities help ensure that the people being represented are being heard. I am congress woman Lily Tinajero and I represent district nine in Georgia. I was chosen to run for congress and thanks to the voters, I won. Congress is made up of two parts: the Senate and the House of Representatives ("Why...").After winning, I made my way to Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. to become a member of the House of Representatives. The Senate has 100 members at this moment and 435 representatives in the House of Representatives ("Why..."). We all have four tasks assigned to us: represent the people, make the laws of the land, investigate problems, and solve problems (Holman). ... Show more content on ... I am a member of two committees: House Committee of Rules and House Committee of Judiciary. I am a member of two standing or permanent committees (Holman).On the first committee I am in charge of the rules in the House, internal organization of the House, relations between branches (Sessions). When working on the House Committee of Judiciary we can decide on standing committees and deciding on boarders between committees and on conducting hearings ("What..."). Both jobs are difficult, because there is often disagreements among members and groups, which have to be ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Congress Rule 1937 Government of India Act, 1935: The Government of India Act, 1935 was formulated after long deliberations but was not fully promulgated but the only provincial part was introduced in the country, the central part was not introduced. The British govt deliberated on it and then the British parliament passed this law and then the king signed this law and this became the govt of India Act of 1935, under which the elections of 1937 would be held elections were held. The Muslim League criticized this law for a number of reasons and the same was the case with the Congress party but agreed to contest provincial elections to make advantage of the opportunities being provided under the govt of India Act. The 1937 Elections: Provincial elections were ... Show more content on ... The Congress won 18 seats and the Akali Dal, 10.[8] In Bengal, though the Congress was the largest party (with 52 seats), The Krishak Praja Party of A. K. Fazlul Huq(with 36 seats) was able to form a coalition government. [edit]The Muslim League The election results were a blow to the League. After the election,Muhammad Ali Jinnah of the League offered to form coalitions with the Congress. The League insisted that the Congress should not nominate any Muslims to the ministries, as it (the League) claimed to be the exclusive representative of Indian Muslims. This was not acceptable to the Congress, and it declined the League's offer. Projection of Congress: The Congress projected itself as an all–India force representing all religions and factions of the society. The Muslim League contested for the Muslim seats. The ML focused only on the Muslims because it claimed to be the sole representative of the Muslims. There was a tough competition from the other Muslim organizations in different provinces which were also claiming to be the representatives of the Muslims. In this way the ML was not only competing with the Congress only but with a number of other Muslim groups and political parties at the provincial level. The elections were completed in February 1937. And if we look at the results of these elections we ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Pros And Cons Of A Congress In the United States, we have a congress. It is a democratic body that is also known as a legislature. This congress has two houses. The first house is the Senate and the second is the House of Representatives. The process by which a seat is filled in either the Senate or House of Representatives, is if there is a vacancy. However, for a Senate seat to be filled, one must be vacant and filled by appointment. When there is a bill that is before congress and needs consideration, it can take a great amount of time before it is processed through. Sometimes, it can be debated and held in congress before the House of Representatives approves it. It must then make its way to the Senate and finally the President, who can choose to veto the bill or sign it into law. Our Congress has more liberties and power than those in a parliament (Wilson, Diiulio, Jr. and Bose 216–217). ... Show more content on ... The executive branch in a parliament is held accountable to the legislative branch and the head of the government. A parliament is usually found in the United Kingdom, like Great Britain and other Asian Areas that were once ruled by Britain. The Parliament has two houses. There is an upper house and a lower house. The upper house is known as the Senate and the lower house is known as the National Assembly. A Prime Minister is elected by the majority of the parliament party vote. They are expected to follow all rules and laws strictly. The parliament has a house of the Lord and House of the commons. The parliament is under a Prime Minister. To be a member of a parliament, one must be chosen by a political party. If a bill goes before a parliament, it is done by a majority vote for the bill to pass. In Congress the selection is done by the people based upon their political career, plans and profile and future while they are serving in office (Wilson, Dilulio, Jr. and Bose ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. Feature Of Congress One Important Feature of the U.S Congress Congress is a vital component of our government. It has a great amount of authority over foreign affairs, a bicameral legislature which seeks to balance power, as well as having power over economic matters under Article I Section 8 of the Constitution (The Logic of American Politics, 219). The failures of the Articles of Confederation called for a stronger government demanded by the people of America. The Legislative, Judicial, and Executive branches were created thus Congress was formed. These powers of Congress have much control under the branches of government, being able to deal with affairs outside of the country as well as having the Senate and House of Representatives. The structure of Congress ... Show more content on ... In the Federalists Papers written by Publius, their focus was opposing ratification and building independence in America. They wanted to demoralize factions due to their tendency to be based on interests different than the community. Within The Federalist, No.10, Madison states, " A republic, by which I mean a government in which the scheme of representation takes place ...promises the cure for which we are seeking" ( Readings In American Politics, 55). Instead of factions, Madison suggests a republic be formed which represents and solves the problems of the people. The features of Congress to control the budget imposed on the American people does not align with the thoughts of Madison. Congress, chosen to represent the people, were unable to provide cures for the mishaps occurring on both April 2011 and October 2013. The job of Congress is to solve the problems of the people when it comes to funding certain government operations and passing bills that will ultimately help the people, and during these times Congress did not uphold to Madison's standards. Instead, Congress remained deadlock and let the issues linger longer than they should've which may not be federal behavior per James Madison. According to Federalists Paper, No.51, Madison spoke of, "the power surrendered by the people is first divided between ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. U.s. Congress And The Congress The United States Congress is made up of two chambers the House of Representatives and the Senate. All together there are 485 congress people that come together to alter current laws or suggest new legislation. They are required to meet once per year on January 3 by the US Constitution, but they come together much more often than that. Their sessions can last months if the topic is very controversial. US legislation is slow and at times painfully inefficient. In order to make new legislation, the Congress has to go through a long process of getting a majority in the house as well as the Senate, and even after all that the President still has to approve of the bill in question. An example of this is the Healthcare bill that Barack Obama successfully passed in during his first term as President. He had to fight in order to get the reform passed, persuade the members of Congress that his bill should even be considered, and after all that the Supreme Court almost ruled that the legislation was unconstitutional. The US Congress is a headache on its best day. The system is set up to create gridlock and for the past 200 years it has works. While two sides debate back and forth on what the "founding fathers" would have wanted, an environment is created where only the best laws are allowed to leave altered. Citizens can rest assure that the legislators are giving them only the best in terms of what laws are passed. If the laws were no good, there would not be so much effort to get ... Get more on ...
  • 30.
  • 31. The Triumph of the Congress of Vienna Essay The Congress of Vienna was a series of conferences held in Vienna, from 1814–1815. In which many European heads of government met to establish long–lasting piece, preventing revolution and any other nations from becoming to powerful, on the European continent after the defeat of Napoleon. Even though many countries came together to discus an issue, "the Congress of Vienna was more successful than many other peace meetings in history" (Beck, 241). The most influential of these representatives was the foreign minister of Austria, Prince Klemens von Metternich (Beck, 238). An additional great influential representative was the French foreign minister Prince Charles–Maurice de Talleyrand, who was sent behalf of the French monarchy ... Show more content on ... "The representatives in the Congress of Vienna wanted to prevent France's aggression by surrounding France with stronger nations, restore balance of power, so no country would be a threat to others and restore Europe's royal families to the thrones they head held before Napoleon's coquets" (Beck, 239). In order to make the weak nations around France stronger, the former Austrian Netherlands and Dutch Republic were united to form the Kingdom of the Netherlands. "Group of 39 German states were loosely joined as the newly create German confederation, dominate by Austria. Leaders of Europe wanted to weaken France, but also didn't want to leave it powerless. If they did, the French might rebel to take revenge but if France became weaker and was broken up, another country might become so strong that it would threaten them all. France remained a major but diminished European powers" (Beck, 239). Nevertheless, not all– important decisions were made by the great powers. "Most influential of these representatives in the Congress of Vienna was the foreign minister of Austria, Prince Klemens von Metternich" (Beck, 238). "At the Congress of Vienna, which convened after Napoleon's abdication in 1814, Metternich shone brightly as the "coachman of Europe," guiding policies and decision" (Peterson–Bennett, 632). The Austrian emperor, Francis I, who wanted a ... Get more on ...
  • 32.
  • 33. Term Limits Of Congress : Congress Term Limits in Congress More than seventy–nine congressmen have been in office in both the United States House of Representatives and the Senate for twenty years or more; Patrick Leahy, Dianne Heinstein, Mitch McConnell, Mac Thornberry, and many, many more. James Madison states in Federalist 48 that "The legislative department is everywhere... drawing all power into its impetuous vortex"(Will). Congress corrupts with power and the only way to stop this is to impose term limits on the US Congress. Term limits are laws that keep one politician from being in Congress for too long. Term limits are on the rise with the public, but are hard to get accepted in Congress. Because of this, the last time a bill that proposed term limits was even voted on was on May 26, 1993. Many wonder why term limits were not originally put in the Constitution but term limits were not needed when the Constitution was written because most founding fathers were not career politicians, now many are career politicians and an amendment to the Constitution is needed. Term limits should be implemented in the United States Congress because they help prevent corruption, provide beneficial turnover in Congress, have public support, and, contrary to popular belief, they can be implemented easily. As a remedy to the issues in Congress, term limits should be implemented in the US Congress because they can prevent corruption and provide turnover in Congress. Throughout the years, working as a Congressman has become ... Get more on ...
  • 34.
  • 35. The Three Eras Of Congress The United States Constitution created Congress as a way to have the people represented in government. Our constitutional founders divided Congress into two bodies: the Senate and the House of Representatives. The role of Congress has changed, along with how it relates to its own members and the public. Many scholars have divided the evolution of Congress into three eras: the formative era, the partisan era, and the committee era. First I will talk about the first era called the formative era. The formative era of Congress lasted from the 1780s to the 1820s. The Second Continental Congress was the first governing body of the United States during the Revolutionary War. This was the body that declared the 13 colonies free and independent on July 4th, 1776. The Articles of Confederation gave Congress limited authority over foreign affairs. Also gave the colonies military matters, but they were not to collect taxes, regulate commerce, or enforce laws. Each state was given veto power, and this made this system of Congress not work because there were constant fights over economics. They had no national defense protection. Our leaders in that era began looking for new answers. The flaws of the first era was sired to be changed. ... Show more content on ... The partisan era of Congress lasted from the 1830s through the early 1900s. This committee era saw much corruption between and amongst the main political groups in the United States. It was believed that this was because senators were chosen by state governments. Some of these issues were resolved by the Seventeenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The amendment was ratified in 1913. This amendment provided for the direct popular election of senators, effectively cutting out of the loop senate elections. That were controlled by corruption and bribery by the state legislatures. Even though so much corruption was caused, it also led to a new era to ... Get more on ...
  • 36.
  • 37. Relationship Between Congress And Congress Political Science 2 Since the time of the framing of the United States Constitution, the belief of the rapid growth of the President's power is undisputable and the extent of this growth has been commonly misinterpreted and underestimated. For example, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, James Madison, supported and promoted the creation of a bicameral legislature because he strongly believed that the legislature was the strongest and most powerful branch in government. Bicameral legislature forced Congress to be divided into two separate branches in the hopes that it would not overpower or overwhelm the remaining branches; respectively, in order for it to not be undermined in its disputes and disagreements by the legislative ... Show more content on ... According to the Constitution, Congress is primarily in charge of representation and lawmaking. Congress is divided into the House and the Senate, and therefore, although members of the House and the Senate serve and represent their own states and districts, they need to "act collectively to make laws for the entire nation" (Smith, 26). In terms of politics, collective action requires bargaining and compromise between the House and the Senate and between Congress and the President. Issues on collective action tend to appear when there is no compromise between the two groups; in order for compromise to become possible, members of a group must withdraw some of their devotions and fidelities to their respective state or district. Members of Congress, specifically members of the House and Senate are envisioned to be representatives of their constituents; however, this envisionment of being representatives does not correctly depict the role of House and Senate members. Although it may seem like a representative in Congress has the main role of present the views of his or her district, or serve as a delegate of his or her constituents, delegates do not have an easy job because their constituents usually have contradictory views and beliefs regarding issues with ... Get more on ...
  • 38.
  • 39. Power Of The Congress The Founding Fathers put many thoughts when drafting the federal laws. Founders defined Congress limits of powers, they can precise over the president and the Supreme Court, for example, the Congress can impeach the president or government officials at faults, revenue bill, and treaties, to name a few. On the other, checks and balances stop Congress from becoming so dominant to another branch. For example, the Senate can prevent a treaty signed by the president. The supreme court can also reject a law passed by the Congress. The president is in charge of the executive branch. Article I defines the structure, the power and the operation of the Congress (ushistory). Due to the high volume and complexity of the task Congress has its committee with different responsibility (POLS201). Congress has a selection of committee members such as Standing, Select, Joint, and the Conference committees all plays a vital part in the Congress. Congress is a branch of the United States government that has two separate bodies the House of the Representative and the Senate. The House and the Senate divided into two chambers as " bicameral" legislature, and their powers are constitutional. Congress makes the ... Show more content on ... The Senate has two senators representing a state. Some states have more population than others, for example, California more than Rhode Island with less population still have two senators representing the states. It gives equal opportunity to the from smaller states. The purpose of the Senators is to serve all the people in their constituents. Another branch of government is the House of Representative a larger chamber of the Congress consists of 435 representatives. The number of populations decides the number of a representative in the House representing each state. For example, large states two and small states one. The representative serves two years, Representative can run for a second ... Get more on ...
  • 40.
  • 41. Polarization In Congress All 435 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives were up for reelection in 2010. In the 2010 U.S. House election, the average amount spent by Super PACs in 87 districts was $242,580; see Table 1 and Figure 1 for average spending by outside entities and challengers. The maximum about Super PACs spent was $912,503 in Colorado's Fourth Congressional District, where Cory Gardner (R) defeated incumbent Betsy Markey (D). The average independent expenditures by political parties in 94 districts was $1,238,897. The maximum outside party spending was $4,289,706 in Michigan's Seventh Congressional District, where Tim Walberg (R) beat incumbent Mark Schauer (D). The average challenger spending was $704,692 in 366 districts. Figures 2, shows the ... Show more content on ... Outside party spending has a significant effect in 2010 on member's ideological position in the 112th Congress (p = 0.03). When there is outside spending present in a district, there is a slight impact on a member polarization score, which decreases by 0.003 units. While the substantive effect of outside party spending is minimal, at best, the null hypothesis can be rejected. Outside party spending promotes moderation of ideological positions by members of Congress. The cross–level interaction of Super PAC spending and the percent of Obama's state vote share is significant (p = 0.01). The null hypothesis can be rejected, for the interaction of Super PAC spending in relation to Obama's state vote share diminishes extreme ideological scores in Congress. Figure 3, shows predicted logarithmic effects of the interaction between the log of Super PAC spending and Obama's votes share. As the log of Super PAC spending increases and the percentage of Obama vote share in the state is low at 35%, there is a greater movement to an extreme position compared to when Obama's vote share is at 65%. Very minuscule moderating effect on a member's polarization ... Get more on ...
  • 42.
  • 43. Local Issues In Congress In today's government, a major issue involves members of Congress focusing all of their time and resources on re– election. This causes the Congress to focus on the desires and needs of their constituents while potentially ignoring necessary projects and laws that could benefit the entire nation. This, in effect, results in wasted funding and an inefficient Congress. I am a strong believer that the members of Congress need to focus on the national issues rather than local issues that dictate re–election. The state and local governments are in place to pass laws and ensure that the local communities are being represented in a correct manner. Members of Congress focusing on these local issues drives the "need" for pork–barreling. There are potential ... Show more content on ... These members of Congress are focused on spending federal funding on companies or people that would result in benefiting themselves. The members of Congress that stay within the confines of Congress for decades may be involved with corruption with no recourse for their actions. This is because the incumbent party has an advantage over the rivaling party on the premise that they are already in office. One of the main examples of this can be seen in the Keating Five in the late 1980's. Five senators, who were given donations by Charles Keating, "influenced a regulatory agency on behalf of Keating's savings and loan institution, which was under investigation" (Otteson 1991). These senators were dealt no punishment, while two of the senators were actually re–elected. This not only displays the potential corruption, but also shows how strong the incumbent party is when facing elections. If term limits were enacted, these men would have not been able to be re–elected and new senators could have taken their positions. . This ability for change in the members of Congress can bring about new ideals and outlooks onto common issues that the country faces today. In addition to the new ideals, the changing of Congress will allow for the constituents to develop more of an interest in the government affairs. With new candidates, "people will be forced to focus on ... Get more on ...
  • 44.
  • 45. The Need for Congress in the U.S The Need for Congress in the U.S There is a definite need for Congress in the United States. It serves many roles such as making laws, implementing national policy and watching over the other two branches of government. These are just a few of the duties of our U.S. Congress. Although they are essential to our government, there are potential problems. People are not always satisfied with the length of time involved in passing a law as well as the deadlock Congress can experience on an issue. Another potential problem people see with Congress is representation. Not all Americans feel that they are equally represented. The Congress of the United States is viewed by many as the largest branch in government. Some people might ... Show more content on ... It serves many roles such as making laws, implementing national policy and watching over the other two branches of government. These are just a few of the duties of our U.S. Congress. Although they are essential to our government, there are potential problems. People are not always satisfied with the length of time involved in passing a law as well as the deadlock Congress can experience on an issue. Another potential problem people see with Congress is representation. Not all Americans feel that they are equally represented. The Congress of the United States is viewed by many as the largest branch in government. Some people might even say it is the most important. This is due to the roles Congress pays in our government. Congress is responsible for the lawmaking in our country as well as implementing national policy. The power to make laws was given to Congress by our forefathers when they constructed our constitution. Passing laws is very important to our country because without them we would be living in chaos. Of course, all our laws are not perfect but for the most part our Congress does a good job at keeping this country under control. The problems with lawmaking that most people see is the time involved in getting a law passed. In order for a bill to become a law it must first be ... Get more on ...
  • 46.
  • 47. Failure Of Congress There's a lot to deal with when you are sitting in the big chair in the oval office. People don't understand the pressure, the hard choices, and the people themselves. There is so much to take in when you're leading a nation, like trying to reduce taxes, getting rid of pollution, and charging people when they can't afford something. I mean, you should at least talk it over with the entire country, but what do I know? I'm just a citizen. The president doesn't have complete power over everything, though, it is congress that has the real bang for their buck. No, the president is just a face and name to lay on the blame. Well, and look pretty. The president is more of a fall guy in terms of success and failure. If a bill is passed and it works, ... Show more content on ... Just like how people look at the leader that they nominated for congress passing a bill that outrages them. You see, when you look at our political system you often miss some things, it's okay, so does our government. People seldom realize that the president does not in fact control the bills that pass through. The big man can pass them or veto them. But sometimes the big man can get out voted by two–thirds vote from congress, therefore canceling out the big cheese's veto. Citizens of the United States of America get so into voting and try to be so nationalist until they realize they didn't do their homework. "Hey lets vote for this guy because he said he's more american than that guy!" That's what it breaks down to. Whenever someone makes a mistake everybody points their fingers and hangs the noose because they don't want to look bad. "Oh no! The guy we voted for and put 'so much thought' into turned out to be a bad guy because congress forced a bad law through!" See how bad "that guy" is? He needs to be taught a lesson on how to run our country. Well, if you think about it, the whole country needs a lesson on how to pick someone to run the ... Get more on ...
  • 48.
  • 49. Brazil Congress System Brazil Is a beautiful country in South America, Brazil territory is more than halfway covered in Forest, this includes the world's largest tropical rain forest, in the Amazon River Basin. Brazil is a federative republic consisting of 26 states and one federal district called Brasilia. Each state has a legislative body and an elected governor, though the federal government reserves all rights not delegated to the state. Brazil's government is well organized because they are a federal republic, their president does not control the military like most others do, and their legislative body is the national congress. A federal republic is a form of government in which citizens elect officials to run the government according to laws that restrict the power of the central government and vest regional units with a degree of self– government. The federation's component regions can consist of states, colonies or provinces. Brazil is a federal presidential constitutional republic, based on representative ... Show more content on ... The Federal Legislative branch is composed by two Houses: the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies. When referred to as a single entity, Senate and Chamber are called the National Congress. The National Congress exercises its legislative power through the legislative process, which includes amendments to the Constitution and the preparation of supplementary laws, ordinary laws, delegated laws, provisional measures, legislative decrees, and resolutions. The National Congress has exclusive powers to decide definitively on international treaties, agreements, or acts that result in charges or commitments encumbering the national patrimony. This is good because they have the power to make decisions that will not only affect them but also the citizens themselves. Brazil is smart to have the national congress as their legislative body because they have people of a higher power making decisions for ... Get more on ...
  • 50.
  • 51. President's Relationship With Congress The U.S. Constitution gives Congress and the president various responsibilities, but there have extensive disputes about where war powers begin and the other's ends. The U.S. Constitution permits the president to let wars happen as commander in chief while Congress has the power to claim war; in fact, to authorize hostilities at any level and fund them. Many people can agree that presidents can send U.S. troops to fight when the country is being attacked, it appears forthcoming but chief executives from both major parties often differ with Congress over their ability to let military force into other combat situations. The president's relationship with Congress is crucial to American politics. Federalism and the Constitution represent the effort that the president and Congress need to do, which is work together for the good of America. Congress can ... Show more content on ... Congress needs to confirm and support the president's nominees for the Supreme Court and his Executive office. The president needs to have a respectful relationship with Congress when it passes bills and supports his appointments even if Congress is controlled by the opposing party in American politics. "A recurring debate in foreign affairs law focuses on the appropriate level of congressional and judicial deference to the President. In answering that question, most scholars focus on the Constitution, Supreme Court precedent, and historical practice for guidance, or evaluate the expertise and strategic incentives of Congress, the President, and the ... Get more on ...
  • 52.
  • 53. How Congress Constructs Its Acts In order to advance the acumen of how Congress constructs its acts from inception to enactment, there are various methodologies one can use. With that in mind, this exploration aligns to the Analytical Framework methodology as described in our class textbook, The Struggle for Democracy by authors Edward Greenberg and Benjamin Page. Thus, the congressional act I've chosen to examine is the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 as it's of immense importance to all Americans. Specifically, this act addresses the fundamental need of our nation's workforce as it relates to work/life balance; therefore, by providing the context of the reasons why such a law emerged, identifying the collaborating actors in the creation and implementation of the law, articulating the process of enactments, as well as outlining out its path to enactment using the Analytical Framework, this exploration will increase its reader's competency of knowledge about what transpired in passing the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993. Likewise, the organization of this examination comprises of four main sections correlating with the horizontal segments (levels) of the Analytical Framework. To begin, the first section interprets the foundation of the FMLA by providing the historical background, the economic and social environment of the American workforce prior to the FMLA, along with previous legislation attempts and information on various legislative acts which are in similar alignment with the FMLA: ... Get more on ...
  • 54.
  • 55. Role Of Congress In Congress Congress's Committee System and Legislative Powers The United States Congress is a bicameral legislature, composed of the House of Representatives and the Senate that use Committees too "generate new ideas for new laws, debating the merits of those ideas for new laws, holding hearings, conducting investigations, listening to testimonies of experts, offering new modifications and additions to proposed bills, and giving important advice to all House and Senate members regarding how they should vote on a new bill." (Dautrich & Yalof 150). Committees play the largest role in the lawmaking process, deciding if or when a bill might even see its chance to be voted on in the House and Senate to become a bill. The use of the Committee system to ... Show more content on ... Congress's committees thrive on partisanship, which can have its advantages and disadvantages to a political parties view on a bill "...the primary organizational characteristic of most committeessss in Congress is partisanship" (Dautrich & Yalof 153) Dautrich and Yalof write that "The power of the majority caucus is fully felt in the committee and subcommittee chairs, as all chairs are members of the majority caucus." The chair has the vast majority of power in determining when or if a bill will even be presented or edited in the committee. Leaders are usually chosen based on the seniority and party allegiance, which of course is a majority parties member. Majority leaders also ensure that they have the most members of the committee in their party so the vote can swing in their favor. There are also more broad roles of leadership in Congress like "party leaders" and "presiding officers", but majority of the power comes from the chairs in ... Get more on ...
  • 56.
  • 57. Congress Bashing Nelson Polsby was the author of Congress–Bashing for Beginners. Congress has played a huge role in the history of our nation. Congress has been perceived differently by different people since it was founded way back ago. It has resulted in much agreement, as well as arguments about how our nation is run. Posby was influenced by several different books and writings, while in the midst of his own book; consequently, these books had information regarding the congress of this country. Over the course of time, America has put more strength in presidency and higher powers, instead of improving our nations congress. Although congress has attained a negative image by many, the vast majority of citizens lack knowledge on what the congress actually does ... Show more content on ... First, congress salaries are very heavily bashed on by the public. An average congress member attains a salary just shy of $100,000. Many members of congress start off making roughly $80,000–$90,000 annually. Therefore, an abundance of people argue that their salary is too high. Although they have a decent salary to sit on, they aren't overly wealthy. In contrast, members may work their way up in power, yet don't generate much of a raise other than a few thousand annually. Back when the constitution was being formed, many of our nation's top builders predicted a president leading the USA. Granted the president description was extremely vague, we soon realized how powerful presidency and high powers truly are. After several presidencies and wars, among other awry events, we quickly discovered the roles and objectives of these political leaders. Furthermore, the role of presidency has been altered greatly over the course of time. The separation of power ultimately led to the creation of a two–party system. Lastly, the issue of re–election arises. Re–election rates have generated a fair amount of complaints among American's. The idea of limiting terms for congress members has become a common thought. If this followed through, it may generate mixed feelings for our country. Everybody has different stances on our nation's higher powers, but perception is critical, depending on the ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Congress Versus Parliament : Congress Vs. Parliament Congress Versus Parliament The US and many Latin American countries have a Congress, while Great Britain and many Western European countries have a Parliament. The word "Congress" comes from latin, meaning "a coming together". The word "Parliament" comes from the French infinitive "parler" meaning "to talk". The differences between the two governing institutions affects how one becomes a member and what one does as a member. To become a member of parliament, a person needs to persuade a political party to put their name on the ballot. Often, a local party committee selects a person as it's candidate with suggestions from national party headquarters. The local group selects someone willing to support the national party program and leadership. In an election, voters choose between competing parties, instead of candidates. To become a member of Congress, a person needs to run in a primary election. Voters select candidates in a primary because of their personalities, positions on issues, or overall reputation. Even though party labels affect who votes for whom, voter most likely votes for the candidate, not for the party. Parliament tends to be made up of those loyals to the national party leadership who meet and vote on party issues. Congress tends to be made up of people who think of themselves as representatives of their districts or states who while supporting their party, are expected to vote in favor of their constituents. In a Parliamentary system, there is a ... Get more on ...
  • 60.
  • 61. Is Congress Dysfunctional In the current administration the government and especially congress are viewed as dysfunctional. Congress is the legislative , or lawmaking branch of the federal government. It's bicameral legislature of representatives and the senate. Congress is made up of the legislative, judicial, and executive branches. As argued by Ezra Klein, congress is dysfunctional due to democrats and republicans denying each other accomplishments and it affecting the minority. However , Lee H. hamilton differs and believes congress isn't dysfunctional and is objected to, too much criticism. My stance is that congress is dysfunctional because, congress bureaucracy is complicated. Ezra Klein makes good points about why congress is dysfunctional. For instance, she ... Get more on ...
  • 62.
  • 63. Congress Dysfunctions Dysfunction can be found within the U.S. government. For the purpose of this paper I will argue that the dysfunction is largely rooted and caused by U.S. culture and also caused by the political system. Furthermore, I will conclude that through the culmination of a dysfunctional culture the dysfunctions found within the political system has resulted in a dysfunctional government. Congress currently has the lowest approval rating they have ever had, however, the incumbent reelection rates are over 90%. This points to a culture where cooperation and compromise are no longer the prime objective. People expect their congressman to force their issue and not compromise on issues that may be contrary to their beliefs. According to America's ... Show more content on ... For instance, Wyoming has as many votes in the Senate as California. This disproportionate representation allows for the rule of the minority. In a Democracy it seems entirely contrary to allow a minority to influence the direction of the country, however, that is where we are at. In Madison's Federalist 10, he expresses his concern for the rule of factions and also the rule of the minority. It appears that through institutions like the Senate and the Electoral College we have allowed, to a certain extent, the ability of minorities to sway major decisions. Furthermore, because of our attachment to past institutions that at one point provided a certain service which has now become completely arbitrary, we add to the rule of the minority. The Electoral College at one point provided a service to the nation wherein people would vote their conscious if they felt the Republic was under threat, however, this institution has become entirely arbitrary and unnecessary in the modern day. This institution exhibits the diagnosis given in America in Decay wherein the institution has failed to adapt to changing external circumstances. External circumstances pushed the Electoral College to become a mouthpiece to the people's easily swayed minds. Arguably the Senate did not adapt well to external circumstances as well. External forces pushed the Senate to become more democratic through the 17th ... Get more on ...
  • 64.
  • 65. Similarities And Differences Between The Congress Of... The Treaty of Versaille and the Congress of Vienna are major treaties that in their own way, played major parts in world history. The Congress of Vienna was created post Napoleon Era to fix the damages that France created during that time period. Nearly 100 years later, the Treaty of Versaille officially ended the first World War between Germany and the rest of the leaders of Europe including England, France, and the United States. Being from different periods of time, both agreements settled an unbalance of power and created systems to rebuild Europe into a better form. A difference between the two can be seen as the Congress of Vienna was to rebuild while the purpose for the Treaty of Versailles was to end the war and hold Germany responsible for what they did. Although the Treaty of Versaille and the Congress of Vienna share some common similarities and differences including the equality of land distribution and balance of powers, the Congress of Vienna and the Treaty of Versaille are more similar than different because, "The Vienna Settlement of 1815 has been ranked with the Peace of Westphalia (1648), the Peace of Utrecht (1713), and the Peace of Paris (1919) as one of the four most significant international agreements in the history of modern Europe"(Concert of Europe 1). "The Congress of Vienna assembled in September 1814. Never had such a brilliant gathering been seen. All the states of Europe sent representatives and many defunct states, such as the ... Get more on ...
  • 66.
  • 67. How Is Congress Centralized Recently, many political scientists have argued over whether today's Congress is centralizing or decentralizing. Centralization allows Congress to act quickly and decisively, but at the expense of the members of Congress and their constituents, while decentralization protects and enhances the interests of individual members and their constituents, but at the expense of its ability to act quickly and decisively. At its birth, Congress was created as a decentralized body, and although it has fluctuated over the years, the Constitution, congressional incentive for reelection, the committee system, and weak central leadership has certainly maintained such a decentralized institution. Madison, in his federalist papers, fiercely defends the constitution, ... Show more content on ... In "Congressional Government", Woodrow Wilson tries to explain the system of Congress and in it he thoroughly discusses the predominance of Congressional Committees in the legislative body. He argues that our legislature is more analogous to a conglomerate, not a homogenous body and that "we are ruled by a score and a half of 'little legislatures'" (Wilson p. 323). There is little unity in the House and party organization is not strong according to Wilson. The many distinct, disconnected committees has leads Congress to have weak leadership and therefore decreases decision making. Also Wilson shows how multiple committee jurisdictions creates a system where there is no clear voice on the issue and since committees differ in political ideology broad questions of policy suffer. Lawrence C. Dodd also discusses the committee system in "Congress and the Quest for Power". In it, he argues that the solution to congressmen's need for power is a decentralized congress with a committee system that allows members to gain considerable power in their small committees. "Each member wants to exercise power, to make the key policy decisions. ... Given this widespread power motive, an obvious way to resolve the conflict is to disperse power"(Dodd p. 335). Dodd argues that the solution to member Congress constantly seeking power is the current ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Strengths And Weaknesses Of Congress Although there are strengths in the way the United States Congress is built to deal with issues, there are many weaknesses that counteract these strengths. Congress is a bicameral legislature that is made up of both the House of Representatives and the Senate. The strengths are in the way Congress has clearly established rules. The three branches of government were created to make a separation of powers so that no one branch can be more powerful than the next; which is known as checks and balances. The clearly established rules that Congress has to follow is a major strength, and although these checks and balances are beneficial, they tend to cause many dilemmas making the contemporary Congress a relatively weak institution of American national ... Show more content on ... It is the job of both Congress and the president to make a yearly fiscal budget as well as implementing tax regulations. There has been seventeen spending gaps since the government revised its' budgeting process which is a huge weakness. The United States is supposed to be the world leader, yet their government has not even been able to agree on a budget half of the time. The one good thing about this budget is that Congress creates a debt limit that the president has to abide by. In theory this limit should help prevent overspending but when the president gets close to the debt limit Congress has an option to raise the debt limit, which they always do. If Congress does not raise the debt limit, the president will have to decide which bills do not get paid. By not being able to pay people for the work they have already complete, it makes the value of the dollar less trustworthy around the world. The debt limit has been ... Get more on ...
  • 70.
  • 71. • Explain The Role That Congress Plays In Congress Congress has the most important role in American government. It is the main voice for the people. Congress members take the criticism and everyone's request to try to better themselves and the community. Members serve each and everyone of their constituents, the people that elected them become their districts. It is the member's duty to gratify their constituents if they want to stay in office, and every issue must be considered from the perspective of those constituents. These representatives do a lot more than just pass laws in a capital. Representatives help constituents in a number of ways. They can help by negotiating the complicated process of applying for a passport. They can help act as an advocate to help the people get any types of ... Show more content on ... The electoral connection in Congress applies rational choice theory to the actions of American congressmen. The office of Constituent Service works to make sure every question or concern addressed to the governor by the public is answered in the best fast possible manner. A Constituency service is the general term for what parliamentarians do to serve and represent the interests of their constituents. It exists in many different forms, both in constituency based electoral systems and also in list–based systems. One of the many examples for constituency services can be a hotline created by an elected official to address the concerns of hometown voters. This includes city, state and federal programs like grants and alternate funding for projects that invest in local areas. It is open to the public to be able to contact official representatives such as senators and representatives of congress. But they are also able to contact district managers of local community boards, council members, governors, mayors, and the president of the United States to request assistance with constituency services. For example, I was able to contact one of the district's representative and he actually responded back. Not a lot of the representatives answer back. They will just send an email saying that they got it and that they will get right on ... Get more on ...
  • 72.
  • 73. Congress And Congress Similarities The United States government is built on branches that support it. The executive branch, the judicial and the legislative branch are all led by someone. The legislative branch, which makes our laws in the congress. The legislative that takes control of our laws in Congress. Congress is two parts the United States senate and the United States house of representatives. California legislature and the U.S. Congress have eight differences between them. These differences that jointly make the California legislative and uncertain body. The term limit was one of the differences and claimed that California legislators are extended to a total of 12 years. For Congress who can assist extensively as they are re–elected. In California legislature, ... Show more content on ... California has a population equivalent to the population of twenty–two small states united. These states have forty–four senators among them California has the equivalent number of senators as the smallest of the indicated states. But the differences are that California is so crowded and because it's legislature is moderately small, its legislative districts are between the biggest in the nation. California's senators are nothing like any other U.S. legislative body. Both houses of California legislature are distributed by population has pursued some advise observers to advise that a unicameral legislature of 120 members would make more common sense. This would effect additional smaller districts and enhance accessibility to legislators. Media Visibility In Washington D.C the media explains the national government's activities by paying close attention to the president, who subsequently takes over the news. Most frequently these are party leaders committee chairs, or the occasional legislator who persuaded to create a name for him/herself on a certain issue. In Congress, the remark of members of congress is normally used to provide more insight in a presidential ... Get more on ...
  • 74.
  • 75. Essay On The Continental Congress Fade in – pan to an angry mob standing at the docks of the Boston Harbor as Mother England ships, laden with high tax penalties for the young and growing colony they have come to know as the 'America's'. What started at Plymouth Rock has now grown to 13 and this soon to be nation is teaming with anger and resentment for not having a voice. Placing myself in the time of the American Revolution, the role I would play would be one of the Continental Congress. I would be a part of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, which proclaimed the United States' independence from Great Britain. Myself and a delegate from each of the 13 colonies, except Georgia, will comprise the Continental Congress. We met in Philadelphia on September 5, 1774 to react to intimidating acts imposed by the British government in response to their resistance to new taxes. During my tenure, I will help promote free debate, assist in the issuance of a Declaration of Rights, pass the Articles of Association which will tell the colonies to stop importing goods from the British Isles. Once our work is complete, the Continental Congress will disband. Comparing the Continental Congress then to now, I would compare it to Congress and ... Show more content on ... I don't believe I would particularly be an Industrialist, more on the working end of the spectrum. The time of the Industrial Revolution went from farming to factories and many American women during that time worked in factories and textile mills for long hours with poor wages. There were women who would go back to work within days of having their children because they needed the income. Times were tough and the conditions were tougher. When the 20th century and new technology and better machinery came to town, they were all excited. Some women were able to change jobs and leave the coal mines for a desk or clerical ... Get more on ...
  • 76.
  • 77. Why Is The Congress Of Vienna Powerful Congress of Vienna was not a forerunner to the United Nations. Congress of Vienna Similarities United Nations Established in 1815, in Vienna, Austria. They met to reorganize Europe after the Napoleonic wars. They met to deal with the after–effects of war. Established in 1945, San Francisco USA. They met in order to pledge that they would never start a conflict like World War Two again. The goals of the Congress of Vienna were to pay back countries that had suffered during the Napoleonic wars, balance the European powers, and enforce the rule of Legitimacy. This rule reinstated all previous monarchs as the rightful ruler of their state. They both had goals that promoted peace between the nations. The goals of the United Nations were to keep peace in the world, develop ... Show more content on ... North Korea or the People's Republic of Korea was added so the UN could somewhat control their actions and keep them involved in Global Politics. The spokesperson of the Congress of Vienna was Prince Metternich of Austria. The spokesperson of the United Nations is the secretary general Ban Ki–Moon of South Korea. The Congress of Vienna was very conservative because it was made up of monarchs. Conservatives don't want change and monarchs don't want to be out of power so it makes sense that the Congress was conservative. The United Nations can be very mixed because of the number of different countries represented. The key values of the United Nations involve lots of change and revolution so the organization would be considered liberal even though not all the representatives are. The biggest challenge for the Congress of Vienna was the reorganization and revitalization of Europe. After the Napoleonic wars, they had to figure out how to make all the countries feel equal to each other in power and land mass. They also had to restore themselves to power as the rightful monarchs and destroy and rebellion against ... Get more on ...