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The Fragile-Personal Narrative
My friend Melanie and I head to a Halloween store with her parents after long and boring day at school. We look around near the creepy masks and
face paint. I grab a can of pink fake hair color, taking off the lid once Melanie turns around walking down the aisle. I spray some in her blonde hair then
quickly hide the can behind my back. She gasped, "What did you do?" She said following me as I ran to the other side of the store. I look behind me to
see that she has stopped running and is now looking at her hair in a mirror mounted on the wall. She picks up a few strands of hair and I see her face
go red with anger.
"This is going to take so long to get out of my hair! I even have a chorus concert tomorrow," She exclaimed as she start walking ... Show more content
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I heard they are really fun to try also there is like one left," She told me and left the aisle. I know what I'm getting... I quickly get up and see Melanie
"That was hilarious! She gave you the worst death glare I have ever seen also a nice way to make friends," She said and I rolled my eyes as I start
heading towards where the Ouiju or Ouiji... Ugh whatever it is called might be at. I quickly walk over to the shelf as I look around hoping that no one
will be trying to get it too, but with my luck there is some kids a bit older than me walking over to it. I quickly grab the board and try to act casual as I
walk a bit away before being pulled back.
"Hey we were going to get that!" Said the older teen and he tries pulling it out of my arms. He ends up letting go of the board making the board,
including me go falling to the floor. After that little dispute at the Halloween store. Melanie and I managed to get theOuija board because the store
owner kicked the guy and his mates out. Mel and I decided to head out back to her old play set that I'm sure has a few spiders lingering around it. We
set up the board and she turns on the flashlight since it is getting dark outside already.
"Are you sure that we should do this?" I asked her being the wimpy preteen that I
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The Trenches Of Birdsong ( 1993 )
Examine the ways Faulks presents superstition among characters in the trenches in Birdsong (1993).
Superstition as an 'excessively credulous belief in and reverence for the supernatural' is often associated with perilous endeavours, and a psychological
need to latch on to a mechanism to allow hope for the preservation of the fragile human condition. This systematic and illogical belief in the
supernatural is extensively prevalent throughout Faulks' novel, during the linear storyline of Stephen and other orbital characters it is referenced
through not only irrational fears but additionally rituals of extispicy.
Faulks expedites the process of firm belief among the characters during life on the front line, which is particularly highlighted ... Show more content on ...
This thus deepens the contrast to the final section of the sentence which informs the reader that Weir is fascinated by thedivination taking place. Using
the adjective 'fascinated' precisely aligns with imagery associated with a childlike fixation upon something, and so it can be extrapolated that in this
case the object of the subject's curiosity is extispicy. That Weir can stomach such a ritual and remain engaged and 'fascinated' suggest that the
character truly believes that this can determine his future with a degree of useful accuracy. This barbaric practice and all its derivatives collectively
indicate the desperation of the soldiers and how they are left with no option but to cling on to any form of hope they can muster.
As well as an air of hope, an underlying sense of ridicule and even mockery is brought to bear through Ellis' response to the ritualistic predictions,
remarking that Stephen and Weir should be 'ashamed of themselves'. A depth of ignominy is acknowledged in this light, which evinces that certain
soldiers believe such practice to be nonsense and that those who practice it should be embarrassed. Specific phrasing as 'you should be ashamed'
stipulates an understanding that such behaviour was commonplace, as the characters are not ashamed, however it is of Ellis' opinion that they should
be. Faulks in this way offers
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The Significance Of Wicca And Witchcraft
The Christian Church persecuted witches in Europe between the 15th and 17th centuries and in North America (Research Salem). The last official
execution of a witch in Europe was that of Anna Goddi, hanged in Switzerland in 1782. Obi is the witchcraft of Black Africa imported to the West
Indies, and includes Christian elements; Voodoo is a similar cult (Webster's New World Encyclopedia, 1992).
From research articles via Dr. Dominquez we find the following references to "Wicca" and "Witchcraft" meanings:
Witchcraft – the practice of performing acts with the aid of a spirit.
Sorcerer – a male who has made a pact with the devil in exchange for magical powers (or Sorceress – female).
Actually "Wicca" is a marriage between Witchcraft and Hinduism ... Show more content on ...
Among its major motifs are: Reverence for the Goddess and the God; Reincarnation, magic, ritual observance of the full moon, astronomical and
agricultural phenomena, spheroid temples, created with personal power in which rituals occur.
Wicca indeed is modern witchcraft "coming out of the broom closet" .... Removed the stereotypical image of witches as ugly old hags with warts on
their noses, decked out in black capes and cone–shaped hats, riding their favorite broomstick on a moonlight night. The Modern Wiccan may be an
attractive female dressed in a fashionable, well–tailored business suit or a professional businessman (Dominquez, 2004).
The Art of ascertaining future events or eliciting other hidden knowledge by supernatural or non–rational means. Divination played a large part in the
ancient civilization of the Egyptians, Greeks (oracles), Romans and Chinese ( I Ching), and is practiced throughout the
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How Did Nostradamus Predict The Future
Nostradamus was an astrologer who seemed to predict the future. He became famous after he published his first book containing his predictions on
the events that would happen in the future. One of Nostradamus's prophecies told the harsh end of King Henry II. Even now, people are not sure how
he was able to foretell such events and still are trying to figure out how he did it. This mystery behind Nostradamus can be summed up into two
conspiracies: he did predict the future and he didn't predict the future.
Nostradamus has bewildered experts with his prophecies for centuries and still they can't decide if he did predict the future or not. To begin with, each
of his prophecies contained four quatrains, these were, consequently, stanzas made up of four lines which equivalently rhymes . Undoubtedly,
Nostradamus ... Show more content on ...
In other words, Nostradamus might've not presaged anything, but enabled the public to create the future events, he wrote("The Antinous Prophecies"
1). There is more of a chance of people reading his prophecies before they happen, and then accidentally or purposely create such an event. Though that
could be a possibility, Nostradamus's vaticinations seem to be more universal and disordered(5). Secondly, could the vaticinations just put rhetorical
significance on such events which cause individuals somehow to tend and construct them into existence?(1). If so, could scholars determine that "
many of the historical interpretations provided by respondents reflect on our modern minds reacting to amorphous poetry" is actually true, from what
Pickover, the author of Dreaming the Future has inferred("The Antinous Prophecies" 5). Then, Nostradamus could've been trying to be universal and
possibly wanted people to create the future, he envisioned to make his prophecies come
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The Personal Legend Of Coelho's The Alchemist
The alchemist is a well written book that accurately describes every concept about life and explains it through a story. The Alchemist is a book
about a shepherd named Santiago, who discovers his personal legend and receives help from others to help achieve his Personal Legend and
learns many major life lessons along the way. Santiago gets advice that when life puts him down, keep getting back up and to focus on the task at
hand, which is Santiago's own personal legend. Along the the journey, Santiago receives help from many different characters but only three
characters who helped him the most throughout his quest for his Personal legend is the alchemist, the Old King and the Englishman. The best
advice a reader is able to gain from this story is the advice the the Old King taught Santiago, which is" there is only one thing that makes achieving
a dream impossible to achieve, the fear of failure" which means is to never be afraid of failures and to follow your own path God has laid out for
you because if you are too afraid to pursue your personal legend, meaning if people are too afraid to take risks to make their own life better than it
already is now, then they will not have the opportunity to accomplish their own goals. In Coelho's The Alchemist, Santiago learns theSoul of the World
through experience, patience, time and help from the Old King, the Englishman and the alchemist.
The first important character in the story who helped Santiago is the Old King of Salem.
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Historical Aspects Of Ancient China
As with all oracular processes, chance remains a pivotal aspect of divining the future. The use of divination in the context of Ancient China is a way of
explaining the unknown. Known in the Western sphere as The Book of Changes, the Yijing/I Ching–conversely known as Zhouyi–is a document that
was incepted during the Bronze Age for the purposes of divination. The contents of the Yijing holds "sixty–four short chapters, each consisting of three
elements: a hexagram, a hexagram statement, and six line statements. The hexagrams are drawings of six parallel lines, some whole and some broken.
The two kind of statements...explain the mantic value of each hexagram and each line." The creation of the hexagrams were attributed to Fuxi, a ruler ...
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The following line statements that accompany each individual line can also give further insight as to whether the person asking the question will be
successful in their endeavors. Though according to Rutt, "though its 'indications' are sometimes appropriate to the theme of the lines, the hexagram
statement does not summarize the theme of its line statements, and in most cases has no thematic connection with the...and cannot be said to provide a
general summary of the hexagram's meaning..." Even if the divination process selects the same hexagram for varying situations, it does not guarantee
that they will all have the same outcome of success or failure. The Yijing is rooted in mathematics; the basis of the hexagrams were inspired by
nature, which can be debased to mathematical equations. 2 to the power of 6 equates to the number of hexagrams within the document (64 total).
"Since numbers to the power of 2, together with multiple symmetries, turn up everywhere in mathematical and physical structures, Chinese scholars
found no difficulty in applying the 64 hexagrams to everything from the structure of crystals to the solar system." Hexagrams were also discovered to
have relation to binary by William Leibniz. "Hexagrams in the Fuxi order, if written with 0 for the broken lines and 1 for the whole lines, and with the
bottom line at the right, gave the binary
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Personal Legend In The Alchemist
In the novel, The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho throughout Santiago's long adventurous journey he meets people that change the script in his play of life.
When a shepherd named Santiago was on his way to meet the beautiful merchant's daughter, he is confronted by a king who directs him to his personal
legend. Santiago decides to pursue his journey to find his personal legend and meets many important characters along the way. Santiago was destined to
meet these certain characters such as the crystal merchant, Fatima, and the King of Salem so they can reflect on one another's lives and through finding
their own personal legends they help redirect his.
The first significant person to direct Santiago to his personal legend was the King of Salem. The King of Salem is the character that introduces
Santiago to his personal legend and what a personal legend is. Through this it adjusts Santiago's path and desires to find out what the Old King was
talking about. "None of what the old man was saying made much sense to the boy. But he wanted to know what the "mysterious force was;" (22). By
this little spiel from the Old King Santiago takes a turn in his life. He suddenly is curious about this "hidden treasure" and is determined to find out
more. If Santiago never met the King of Salem then he never would've known about his personal legend and continued to meet other important
characters in his life. The Old King also encouraged the belief of omen to the boy through the use of white and
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Thummim Symbolism In The Alchemist
Often times when having to read a book for a class it's assumed that you won't get much out of it, but that's not been the case as I read The Alchemist,
by Paul Coelho, 1993. One of the most interesting aspects of the read is that it was so relatable in many ways. I found myself empathizing with
characters and plugging into all the different scenes taking place. Amongst all of the bigger picture themes I chose to write about the stones Urim and
Thummim ironically because they're literally like the hidden gems throughout the book. The stones played a role that I felt was quite overlooked from
discussion with my peers so I chose to write about how important the stones were in the book and how I interpreted them fully.
In the beginning the main ... Show more content on ...
I am in search of that universal language, among other things. That's why I'm here. (Coelho, 73). Santiago learns that he can discover the
signifigance in his surroundings. I believe omens can coincide with faith, a good example is when the stones drop from SAntiago's pocket, he sees
this happening as an omen. It feels good when you have fate on your side, you feel as though things are going right for you and the world is on your
Many people lose sight of what their purpose is and often fall astray from their journey, that's why were given omens in life to remind and keep us
focused. The stones also are a reminder to never give up and to know that it is okay to ask for help. Often times peope take on so much and forget
there are options for help. Throughout the story, though, too, Santiago only consults the stones once because he desires to learn to listen and read the
omens that life and the world around him provide on their own. And, he does this quite well by the end of the story when he gets to talk wtih the sand,
the moon, and the
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Reading Subject : English Year Level
Lesson: (English Groups)
Guided ReadingSubject: EnglishYear level: 2Duration:
30 mins
Content descriptors:
Year 2: Literacy strand; Interpreting, analysing and evaluation sub–strand
Content indicator: Use comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning and begin to analyse texts by drawing on growing knowledge of
context, language and visual features and print and multimodal text structures (ACELY1670)
Elaborations: Predicting, asking and answering questions as they read, and summarising and reviewing meaning.
Learning intention:Success criteria:
We will be focusing on how students make predictions before reading texts and during listening.
What is more important, being smart (proud)/well–dressed or being kind?I ... Show more content on ...
As it is going to help them, have a deeper understanding of the texts they read.
Start off by asking students if they know what prediction means. Allow students to share their ideas. Write down their explanations on the whiteboard.
Afterwards provide students with an explanation of what prediction is and write it next to the student's explanations.
Introduce the book to the students. Show the cover, read the title and the authors and illustrators name.
Key Questions:
To activate prior knowledge, back ground knowledge and higher order thinking, start off by asking if they have read or heard any other stories with
giants in them? What were the giants like (other than being big)?
Then ask predicting questions about the title, 'The Smartest....' Going off the title, what do you think this story is about? What do you think might
happen in this story?
Ask students what the word 'smart' means? Could it mean something else, does it have a double meaning? E.g. being proud?
Listening, sitting on thinking mat.
Students will be using "hand signals" to either add something new or add on to what someone else has said. They a "thumbs up" for something new
and they hold up "two fingers" if they have something to add.
Give students the making predictions about the main character worksheet (see appendix B).
Using hand signals, will promote active listening and participation for Rada and other students who have trouble focusing.
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Nostradamus Book Report
Nostradamus Book written by: John Hogue Book report by: Andrew. Thomas. Newsome Nostradamus, the man very prophecies came true. Yet some
prophecies have yet to come true like the one about world war III. How about we get started with this book report. The cold war: "Le fucceffeur
vengera fon beau frere, Occuper regne fonz vmbre de vengeance: Occcis oftacle fon fang mort vitupere, Long temps Bretaigne tiendra auec la France."
The English verdant: "The successor will avenge his beautiful brother [or: brother –in–law], He will occupy the realm under the shadow of vengeance:
Obstacle slain, his blood[line?] dead to reprimand, for a long time will Britannia hold with France." What might have happened if Robert Kennedy
have done if he hadn't... Show more content on ...
'42 and '37." Atom Bomb: "Sera laiffe` le feu vif, mort cache`, Dedans les globes horrible efpouuentable, De nuict `a claffe cite` en poudre lafche`, La
cite` a` feu, l'ennemy fauorable." The English verdant There will be let loose living fire and hidden death, Inside dreadful globes – horrible! Frightful!
By night the city will be reduced to dust by the fleet, The city on fire, helpful to the enemy. The Historical things that happen from what I know is the
atomic bomb happen in 1945 Aug 06 on Hiroshima Japan ended the war against Americans vs Japanese, Pearl Harbor made the Americans join the war
also known as World War 2, Assassination of Robert Kennedy, some think that in an Alternative universe that he caused the Cold
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Athenian Democracy and Divination Essay
Athenian Democracy and Divination
Divination was a prevalent feature in Archaic Greece, as it provided objective advice, to assist people in making appropriate decisions in problematic
predicaments. In certain situations its ambiguity allowed decisions to be postponed, or blame to be assigned to others. Divination was also used to
explain matters that seemed unexplainable, such as crop failure or drought. This is illustrated in the Homeric epics, which depicts numerous oracle
interpreters, such as Calchas, consulting oracles on domestic, as well as, military decisions. Divination was a guiding authority in ancient society.
However, during the fifth and fourth century BC, the democratic ... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, when the Athenians suggest to the Melians that they should become allies with them, against the Spartans, the Melians state:
'…We trust that the gods will give us fortune as good as yours…'[3]
In contrast, the Athenians dismiss the protection of the gods, and state:
'This kind of attitude is not going to be of much help to you in your absurd conquest for safety at the moment'.[4]
Thucydides portrays the Athenians in an arrogant light, which suggests that they will get their comeuppance for such sacrilegious opinions.
Furthermore, Thucydides also highlights the scientific approach that the Athenians have towards their domination of the Peloponnese, suggesting that
it is the 'law of nature', that they should conquer as much as they can. The rise of freethinking, that the democracy had established, had lead to the
neglect of the gods. In comparison, Xerxes, in his conquest to dominate Greece, complies with a dream that is sent from the gods, which indicates to
him and Artabanus that he should continue with the Persian wars.[5] Herodotus, writing in the early fifth century, highlights the importance of
following divination, whereas, Thucydides, writing in the later fifth century, focuses on decisions made by the people.
The Sicilian expedition, from 415BC,
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I-Ching History
The ancient history of China has several aspects that have changed over the years, slowly developing a diverse process compared to the past. Although
China has reformed over the years, but the history remains within the society. However, many of these improvements would have similarities closely
linking back to the history of how Chinese fortune telling was created. Back in 1600 BCE during the Shang Dynasty, fortune telling had used the
discovery of oracle bones to uncover one's path. Later different techniques evolved over time such as the I–Ching method in the Zhou Dynasty from
1046 BCE, as well as many others throughout the dynasties that now incorporate into present day methods. The developments of Chinese fortune
telling provides an ancient ... Show more content on ...
I–Ching had become the new method that was discovered during the Zhou Dynasty to tell fortunes. The technique of I–Ching also known as the book
of changes was a method formed with sixty–four hexagrams, with a symbol that consisted of six lines, that is either broken or unbroken. Whether the
lines are broken or unbroken, it gives a meaning behind it of the fortunes. The representations of shadows if the line is broken and light if it is
unbroken. Therefore, this creates their fate. The hexagrams can be created through the procedure of throwing yellow straws or a coin toss. Slowly,
I–Ching had gained recognition and became extremely popular in 1046 BCE. However, due to the popularity of the new fortune telling method,
eventually, this led to the neglection of oracle bones as it was not used as frequently as it was during the Shang Dynasty. Although oracle bones had
been replaced by I–Ching, oracle bones were still the beginning of the existent of fortune telling, which has an importance of value within the history of
creating a further development of changes in Chinese fortune telling. Hence, this represents that fortune telling had developed within the Zhou dynasty
by creating a change in the future of how fortune telling will continue to
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Dante's Inferno: Divination Essay
If you've ever gone to a carnival or walked down a boardwalk at the beach, chances are you saw a sign that read, ""Palm Readings only $5,".
Innocently, you cave in because who wouldn't want to know their future if it only costed five dollars? Nowadays, fortune telling seems like a harmless
way to tell the future, but this wasn't always the case. Dante Alighieri, a fourteenth century Italian poet and author of The Inferno, believed fortune
telling or any form of divination to be one of the most egregious sins a person can commit. It is so egregious that Dante reserved the fourth pouch of
the eighth circle of Hell to the souls who were guilty of divination. Their retribution is depicted in a famous painting called Punishment of the Diviners,
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In the text, Dante speaks to the reader as he expresses his sympathy for the diviners: "So may God grant you, Reader, benefit from reading of my
poem, just ask yourself how I could keep my eyes dry when, close by, I saw the image of our human form so twisted–the tears their eyes were shedding
streamed down to wet their buttocks at the cleft" (Dante 20.19–23). On the far left of the painting, Dante is portrayed as he weeps for the sinners. He
assumes a stance that a typical person would if they were very upset; he is hunched over while resting his head in his hands, looking down at the
ground and crying. With this depiction of Dante's grief, Quencia forces the observer to sympathize with the sinners as well. The compassion that the
observer feels for the sinners in the illustration coincides with that of Dante from the passage. Quercia's depiction of Virgil's mood is also consistent
with that of the passage. It is clear that Virgil is vexed by Dante's grief when he says: "So you are still like all the other fools?" (Dante 20.27).
Quercia accurately portrays Virgil's disapproval in the painting; he is facing Dante while standing upright in an assertive stance and using hand gestures
while proving his
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Divination In Ancient Greece
Divination Exorbitance
Divination in the ancient world was a way for the state or people to access the will of the gods. In a civilization that is immersed in daily practices
of religion divination would not seem excessive in any amount because the gods were thought of as entities that needed to give permission, it was
much like a child and parent relationship. The different means of divination are expressed by two manners, one being inductive and the other is
inspired. Inductive divination is used by identifying the signs and then decoding them in order to receive the message. Inspired divination is a
message relayed via a person who is enthused or possessed by the gods. The possession of a person can only be attained by a person who has ... Show
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Conversely, many Greeks did not dare to commit impiety by not consulting the gods. To not beseech the gods on such a grand matter would be
impious due to impression of extreme hubris. Each step that was taken in order to gain approval from a god is measured and precise in its formula of
approach. Just as the offerings to the gods were inspected and practiced with dexterity.
The practice of inductive divination was used to not only decode signs form the gods, the practice of augury was common place in Roman religion as
well. This is the practice of watching events in nature such as lightning, a flock of birds or animal behavior in general. A Roman who was waiting
for a sign may have time constraints on a message from the gods and would then manipulate the behavior of the animals in order to receive
guidance. One such practice is recorded by Cicero. it is necessary for some of the fall from the beak of the chicken....In relation to birds,
this would occur when one ate enthusiastically and pieces of its food fell to the ground, and perhaps it also made a noise. To ascertain the divine will
quickly, especially in the military context, and to produce this kind of behaviour the Romans kept in cages hens which they deliberately deprived of
food, thus 'forcing' the auspice (Cicero and Wardle, 2006, Pp 174–175)
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The Alchemist Essay
The Alchemist is a wonderful fiction novel by Paulo Coelho. The novella, published in 1988, is a huge success, selling over 150 million copies and
making it to the top charts. (addicted2success) . Coelho succeeds in delivering his message smoothly and innovatively throughout the story; one
should forever live to pursue his personal legend and never give up on his dream. (Coelho). The monomyth applies to the main character of the
novella, Santiago, a young Shepard with enough passion and will to uncover his personal legend. The boy gets called to start his search for his
personal legend through a dream, a dream of a child grabbing on his hand to the pyramids of Egypt, unleashing a secret of a treasure buried under the
deserts sand. Later on,... Show more content on ...
Santiago makes it to Africa, where he looses all his money to a thief. He is now a strange person in a strange land, helpless and penniless. At this
point of his journey, Santiago was in real need for an assistant to help his dream survive this challenge. Santiago starts to search for a way to get
money and luckily a crystal merchant struggling to keep his trade afloat hires him. Using omens, he brings new ideas and enhances the merchant's
business. As time passes, his dream of the treasure starts fading away. Months go by, and the boy builds up quite a nest egg. The crystal merchant
is a clear helper; he gave Santiago a hand when he really needed it. At this stage, Santiago is once again split in choice; he could return to Europe
and double his sheep flock or try to peruse his dream again. Even though the crystal merchant supported Santiago through his hard times, he also
reflects a negative example for the Shepard to avoid, as he is someone who gave up on his personal legend. This gives the boy an enthusiastic push to
get on a caravan and head to the pyramids. During this checkpoint, Santiago learns Arabic and gains a great deal of money as well as experience,
which really came in handy all the way through the
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Michel De Nostradame Accomplishments
Michel de Nostradame was born in Saint–Remy–de–Provence, France on the year 1503. He became a physician and helped plague victims in France
and Italy. Nostradamus began practicing the occult and make predictions of the future. These predictions were published in a book called The
Prophecies. People today believe his predictions are true and will come in time.
Michel de Nostradame was born in a family with nine children. His grandfather, Guy Gassonet, had to convert to Catholicism and change the family
name to Nostradame in fear of the Inquisition. Nostradamus learned quickly in school, and he learned Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and math. When
Nostradamus became the age of 14 he entered the University of Avignon to study medicine. After being kicked out of the school, which he was in for
only a year, he researched herbal remedies and found work as an apothecary. In 1522 he got into... Show more content on ...
The rose pill cured his patients but keeping them clean, giving them low–fat diets, and providing fresh air also helped. Citizens began to support him
financially because of his treatments.
Nostradamus began practicing the occult which is believed to be the basis of his prophecies. Around 1554 he wanted to write a book called
Centuries which was going to be 10 volumes and 100 predictions. In 1555 he published his predictions in a book called Les Prophecies. He hid his
prophecies by putting them in rhymed four–line verses and in different languages. He did this so the church wouldn't persecute him.
Catherine de Medici admired his work and made him counselor. He had a prophecy in which the king would die in a jousting match. Few years later
the king died from an infection because of a jousting match. Nostradamus died from a heart failure because he had gout and arthritis. He told his
secretary, "You will not fine me alive at sunrise," and was found dead the next morning on July 2,
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Examples Of Conflict In The Alchemist
The Alchemist
Santiago, the main protagonist, never gave up and continued to follow his dreams despite him going through many obstacles. The conflict arises as
he's trying to find treasure depicted to him through a dream while trying to overcome the brutality of the world and those trying to hold him back. The
conflict enhances the story, as he did not give up and kept moving towards his goal with the help of friends that he meets throughout his journey in
order to seek out his dreams. The boy was a shepherd going throughout the lands selling wool, but twice now he had the same dream, where there was a
little boy leading him throughout Egypt to where treasure would be, yet as soon was the boy would show him where, he woke up. Seeking help from
a Gipsy to find this treasure, he agreed that in return 1/10 of the treasure would be hers. After talking to the Gipsy he meet an old man who sat down
next to him, they held a conversation, after a while the boy found out that the old man was a king that knew of where the treasure of hidden, and he
told him to follow his dream, and gave him two rocks named Urim and Thummim. Santiago then raised enough money to go to Egypt, while there he
met a boy at a bar who then agreed to take them Santiago to the pyramids if he was in charge of his money, and Santiago agreed. While he was
looking at a sword the boy ran off leaving Santiago with no money. Having no money, he had to find a job, but Arabic, being the main langue there,
made it
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A long and stressful day can take a toll on the mind. The...
A long and stressful day can take a toll on the mind. The mind in return, takes a toll on itself. For thousands of years, the belief that dreams hold a
secret meaning or message was believed since the beginning of history. Dream interpretations have dated back to 3000 B.C. Ancient Egyptian,
Roman, and Greek civilizations would record their dreams believing they were significant to the meaning of their lives. The idea that dreams hold a
secret message or can be foretold has been carried out to present day. "Centuries ago, people in many cultures believed dreams were presented by an
outside force and intended to serve as oracles or omens. Later, people theorized that dreams were caused by anxiety, household noises, and even
indigestion"... Show more content on ...
In some societies, people were unable to distinguish between the dream world and the waking world or choose not to make the distinction. They
thought dreams were more powerful and not only an extension of reality. The fascination with dreams has led to many researchers discovering to study
the mind while a person is asleep. Dream interpretation varies from culture to culture. A dream can mean different things depending on the background
from who is analyzing them. For example, many religions had considerable respect for dreams. "Mohammed "received" much of the text of the Koran
in a dream, and interpreted his disciples' dreams for them. Later, the pendulum swung the other way: the Inquisition held the view that dreams were
more often than not the work of the devil..." (Parker 10). Ancient Romans argued that dreams were unique depending on the person who dreamed them,
and a person's characteristics such as job, status and health influenced what symbols were in a dream.
Modern theories believe that dreams were based on "wish–fulfillment" and reflected a deep–desire. Freud believed dreams were rooted in our infancy
and held serious meaning. Carl Gustav Jung, who did not agreed with Freud, thought they exposed deep wishes which made it possible to discover
our aspirations. However, now psychologists reveal that drams are pointless to have any theory about. "They are simply another facet of life, as
meaningless as waling existence" (Parker
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It 's Only A Game
It's Only a Game – Isn't It? A small group of people sat around a ouija board expecting nothing to happen. A few nervous giggles were exchanged
amongst each other. The laughter quickly stopped when the planchette stopped moving and the room became cold; the air turned thick and heavy.
Something entered the space, a feeling of distress surrounded the group. They became paranoid, and felt like there was something looking at them from
the dark corners. After what felt like hours trying to end the session, the planchette still refused to move, almost as if it was frozen on the board. As
their impatience quickly grew, they forced the planchette to goodbye. The feeling of despair had vanished, but the feeling of being watched remained
as everyone left the room that night. Some view the ouija board as a harmless game, but many have faced the terrifying reality of the mysterious
"talking board." The ouija board is a phenomenon that is a legitimate means of communicating with spirits. "In February, 1891, the first few
advertisements appeared in papers: "ouija, the wonderful talking board," boomed a Pittsburgh toy and novelty shop, describing a magical device that
answered questions about the past, present and future with marvelous accuracy" and promised "never – failing amusement and recreation for all the
classes," a link "between the known and unknown, the material and immaterial'" (McRobbie 1). Known as the father of the ouija board, William Fuld
patented the world's first
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Symbols In The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho
Everything a person encounters in their life affects their view on the world. In The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, Santiago does not feel like he is
fulfilling his life to its highest potential. In order to achieve his full potential, he sells his sheep and takes off on a journey to fulfill his personal
legend. The story is not just about a boy trying to carry out his personal legend, it is about the symbolic aspects of life and how everything in a
person's life affects them. Fate and omens are main motifs in The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo that helped Santiago find this way through his journey
and are shown by the symbolic stones from the king, the desert he traveled through and the treasure that was found.
Urim and Thummim are magic stones that Melchizedek gives Santiago to take on his journey bring him comfort as they answer his questions and
relieve his doubts about fulfilling his quest. The small stones he keeps in his pocket remind him of the King who bestowed them upon him, along with
stories emphasizing the importance of following one's dreams. Towards the beginning of Santiago's journey, he goes to ask the stones a question and
realizes that they are not in his pocket. "He didn't consider mending the hole–the stones could fall through any time they wanted. He had learned that
there were certain things one shouldn't ask about, so as not to flee from one's own Personal Legend. "I promised that I would make my own
decisions," he said to himself."(41)
When the stones urim
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Tarot Cards Essay
How Can Tarot Card Readings Change Your Life?
The 78–card Tarot deck is probably the most popular and recognizable divination tool often used in psychic readings and for spiritual development.
Although the cards have no mystic power, the symbols hidden in each card do contain keys to unlock life's meaning and mysteries. Therefore, Tarot
cards play an important role in aiding the psychic in finding the answer to the truth seekers' question.
In order to discover the mysterious world of Tarot, you need a Tarot reader's guide.
Practicing in both spirituality and mysticism realms, Tarot readers are able to interpret each card's picture and symbol. Then, they will provide you
deep messages, helping you prepare for challenges in the day–to–day ... Show more content on ...
Free Tarot Love Readings
"How lucky am I in love?" "Will I find my true love?" "Will my relationship last long?" "Does my partner really love me?" "How to know my love
When it comes to love relationships, there are a lot of questions wandering in your mind, right? If you want to gain clear insight and clarity into the
heart matter, the best option will be Tarot love readings.
First and foremost, love Tarot readings will help you find the right partner of your life. For those who are in relationships, the cards will tell whether
their love life is rosy or ropey. Simply pick the cards and you will get to know about your destiny in detail.
Also, the reader will sense the energy surrounding your relationship and then analyze problems that you might face with your mate in the future.
There are many different topics covering the relationship area, such as communications, friendship, partnership, present, love, sex and dreams. Go with
the topic you are craving to explore the most and get clarity.
Overall, Tarot displays all facets of life, and the love Tarot reading reflects the emotional dimension of a loving
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Taot Card Symbolism
The tarot themselves usually have 78 cards in the four main suits of wands, cups, pentacles, and swords. They also the have suit of trumps, which are
also called the major arcana, that are known to deal with more universal energy that relates to the psychological and archetypal subconscious of man.
Each card symbolizing a different direct topic. Tarot cards are now commonly found as being used in psychic practices here in America. They find
themselves currently in such a niche in our culture because the tarot cards are seen by many to muster divinatory meaning behind the overall
experience of sprawling the cards out and playing with them. By playing with them what is really happening is that the cards begin to layout a story
that is then interpreted
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Direct and Indirect Methods of Communication with the Gods...
Both directly and indirectly, the Ancient Greeks communicated with their gods through various methods that ranged from oracles and seers to
sacrifice. The oracles of ancient Greece were consulted on issues ranging from serious community matters to private healing and served as a conduit
for communication between the mortals and the gods. Seers and oracles were an important part of Ancient Greek divination through which the gods
provided with insight of events to come. In addition, sacrifice at the hearth or public bonfires were used as a means of direct communication with the
gods in order to convey prayers to the heavens.
In terms of indirect communication with the gods, one of the most famous methods was consulting an oracle. One of the most popular oracles of
Ancient Greece was the Oracle of Delphi. People would journey for days to visit this oracle and hear the wisdom of the gods which she received
through a gift from Apollo, the god of prophecy. Receiving a prophecy was a lengthy process which started with the oracle bathing in the spring of
Castalia and drinking from another nearby stream. A priest would then determine if Apollo was present by pouring ice water on a goat. If the goat
shivered the oracle was ready to give the prophecy, and if not then Apollo was not present and therefore she was not ready to deliver a prophecy
(Pythia Prophecies, 2014). When she spoke, the pythia would be seated on a tripod over a small opening in the ground, the opening released gases
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Theme Of Omens In The Alchemist
The pungent smell of chestnut trees filled the air as his knees grew tremulous, insecurities filling his mind of the future. For years he had walked
the trails in attempt to once again reunite with mankind after the devastating shipwreck that set him off course. From the corner of his eye he saw
a swallowtail butterfly, nonetheless of his wife's favorite, no doubt it was a sign. He must keep moving. Alike to this harried individual and his
determination to keep moving after being reminded of his family, author Paulo Coelho illustrates similar traits in characters as well as the same
principles through his works of art. In the novel, "The Alchemist," Coelho utilizes the motif of omens in Santiago's journey to reveal themes, and
teach readers valuable life lessons. Omens prove to be a significant part of Coelho's masterpiece that guide Santiago on his treacherous journey, and
convey a theme of the novel which is one's only task in life is to follow one's personal legend. For instance, when Santiago, is in Tarifa, Spain after
traveling with his sheep to meet his desired lover, he befriends the King of Salem who prepares him to follow his personal legend, as the King of
Salem states, "In order to find the treasure, you will have to follow the omens. God has prepared a path for everyone to follow. You just have to read
the omens that he left for you"(Coelho 29). Santiago first learns about omens and the importance of following his personal legend from the King of
Salem and
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Life-Divination And Omens
Chapter 11: Encountering the Present: Guidance for Life–Divination and Omens
Walton begins to discuss the ANE view of the present in this chapter, so he focuses on the usage and interpretation of divinations and omens as the
guidance for life. The objective here is to discuss the epistemology for the knowledge driven divination and the practical application by magicians and
other religious practitioners.
The major discussion focuses on the two categories of divination as the inspired and the deductive along with the forms of them. Inspired divination
targets on both official and informal prophecy and dreams. Walton states that prophecy generally concentrated primarily on the kings, and the function
of the prophet was there to advise the king of what would be approving to the god who had spoken or who had reveled. Dreams varied from
inspiration to one who actively sought a god as the last part of inspired divination. Other than the inspired divination, deductive divination comes from
two types of events that can be observed in the physical realm: the active as extispicy or casting of lots; and the unprovoked ... Show more content on ...
Then the continue topic of magic is addressed and expressed that it must be included within the religious field of the ANE. Magic is used as an
example of power; while divination is always used to gain knowledge or understanding. After the discussion of myth, this chapter achieved the
dimension of epistemology and semiotics as well as how a prophet gained his credibility through prophecy with the provided biblical evidences.
Chapter 12: Encountering the Present: Context of Life–Cities and
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Ouija Board Essay
Ouija Board – An Unexpected Way To Reach The Afterlife
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Have you seen an Ouija board before? Have you tried working with it?
This board is claimed to be very mystical, mysterious and a tad intimidating. Not many experienced psychic mediums think of using it in their reading
session; even some may feel nervous with this idea.
Rightfully so, Ouija is not something that you can take lightly. Indeed, it MUST be used with the responsibility and utmost care.
Nonetheless, if putting the fear aside, the Ouija board is an extremely powerful divination tool. It is believed to be able to connect you with the afterlife
when utilized correctly.
What is Ouija?
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Ouija, also known as a spirit board or talking board, is a flat board with letters, numbers (0–9) and basic communication words (yes, no, hello and
goodbye). The existence of Ouija was determined since the ancient time – maybe 1000 ... Show more content on ...
In order to interact with Ouija, you should have a small heart–shaped pointer (planchette) of wood or plastic, firstly.
Place your fingers on the planchette and start asking your questions. The planchette itself will move or slide to the on–board letters. Put those letters
into words and sentences and you'll get what the Ouija board wants to tell you.
Definitely not a toy, this device, according to the most genuine intuitive, is likely to connect to entities in the spiritual realm.
What to Remember When Using Ouija?
Never bring the negative energy into the session whether you use the spirit board alone or in a group. Instead, for enlightening insight, everyone is
supposed to stay in the positive state of mind.
Like any spiritual reading method, your energy is very important. The Ouija board will operate based on the radiated energy of the individual who is
using it. If you interact with Ouija with fearful, scared, angry or possessive attitudes, then everything you receive in return will be in the same
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Ouija Informative Speech
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the history of Ouija and talking boards, their impact in recent history and today, and a nonparanormal
theory on how they work.
I.Attention–getter: How many of you have seen a scary movie featuring a Ouija board?
A.You might have watched Ouija a few years ago.
B.Perhaps you have recently seen Ouija: Origin of Evil.
II.Audience Need: Moves such as these are causing Ouija and talking boards to become increasingly popular. .According to an article in Daily Mail
titled "Spooky truth behind surge in sales of Ouija Boards" written in December 2014 by Neil, Ouija board sales rose dramatically with the release of
the movie Ouija.
A.Despite this, many people do not know much more about ... Show more content on ...
Anthony Hayne, a Catholic priest who used to specialize in exorcisms claimed that "A lot more people are dabbling in the occult and having seances,
and that is causing a lot of problems."
(Transition: Finally, we will talk about a scientific theory on how Ouija and talking boards work.)
III.Paranormal skeptics often use the ideomotor effect to explain how the Ouija board works.
A.According to an article from volume 53, issue 3 of The American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis titled "Ideomotor signaling: from divining spiritual
messages to discerning subconscious answers during hypnosis and hypnoanalysis, a historical perspective." written by Shenefelt, scientific skepticism
began to question how paranormal incidents, such as talking boards and swinging pendulums mysteriously answering questions, were really happening.
1.In France, the royal investigative commission, led by Benjamin Franklin began conducting experiments on mesmerism.
2.They concluded through these experiments that the effects of talking boards and other supposedly paranormal cases were caused by the imagination.
B.In 1812, Michel Eugene Chevreul, a natural scientist and chemist began investigations of the pendulum phenomenon, in which a pendulum held by a
string would swing, giving yes, no, and maybe answers to
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June LГ©vesque: The Snake Lady
June LГ©vesque, also known as "The Snake Lady", has been living in the streets and performing black magic, in the streets of New Orleans longer
than anyone could remember. Her nickname is well earned, everyday she steals and cheats people, slithers her way through the streets all day and
night tricking visitors into believing her gibberish and giving her money. The childhood of Miss LГ©vesque, had been quite similar to the way she
lives now. Grungy and dirty, living with her mother in a small shotgun house just outside of Lafayette, June had little education and relied on her
neighbor's books that he would give her when he was through with them. June's father, who had been the family's main source of income, committed
suicide when June was four due to schizophrenia. Her mother, was also a fortune teller and was the one who taught June the tricks of the trade. June
didn't have many friends, the children in the neighborhood were told by their parents to keep away, because of June and her "crazy" mother. When
June was seventeen, her house caught on fire, burning all of her belongings and killing her mother.... Show more content on ...
Everyone had already seen all of her tricks causing her to start stealing more and more instead of making her own money. When she had started out,
her readings were amazing and people were completely awestruck, but the same tricks that she had used all of those years ago, people are bored of
although she doesn't see that. June had a schedule for each day to make sure that she got the most business in each hour of the day. Bourbon Street
was where most evening, late night, and early morning events took place, but just around noon "The Snake Lady" creeps her way over to the french
quarter in the hot summer sun to squeeze any other pedestrians money out of them. June is extremely protective of herself and her possessions. If she
sees that another thief or performer is about to steal a possible victim, she will fight her way to the
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The Alchemist ( Book )
The Alchemist (Book)
The Alchemist (Book) Archetype
Three (Number)
In Santiago's dreams, he sees that he must travel to the Pyramids of Giza in order to find the treasure that is hidden for him. After meeting with
Melchizedek, he realizes that it is his "Personal Legend" to reach the Pyramids and decides to sacrifice everything that he had to accomplish it.
Santiago is given three days to turn himself into the wind after making a deal with the chief. During this time, he manipulates the wind and sun and
connects with the "Soul of God" to accomplish his superhuman task.
The pyramids symbolize Santiago's aspirations and the enlightenment that he will ... Show more content on ...
If Santiago is lost or confused during journey, he will always have Urim and Thummim to guide him and help him understand where the omens want
him to be. They also act as a reminder that he cannot complete his quest alone and must call for help at times in order to be successful.
His ability to respond omens and ask for help is critical to his success and willingness to fight through the hardships of his journey.
The alchemist is testing Santiago to see if he will give up because he believes that the challenge is impossible or fight through it despite the odds. In
the end, Santiago decides to ignore his fear that he will fail and decides to use all possible means to accomplish the impossible. When he finally
manages to turn into the wind, he learns that he must continue to fight for whatever he wants to achieve, even when hope seems to be gone.
Temple of Doom (Movie)
Temple of Doom (Movie)
The Quest
After Indy's plane crashes, he finds himself in a small village in northern India. The villagers believe that he was sent by Shiva to save their abducted
children and retrieve the Sivalinga stone from the wicked forces in the Pankot Palace.
After the Sivalinga stone is stolen from the village, all of their crops burn and the village enters an extreme famine. The people ask Indy to help them
retrieve the sacred stone and free their children
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13 Treasures Mitchelle Harrison Analysis
I am reading 13 Treasures by Michelle Harrison. The book unfolds with the dilemma of a young girl named Tanya, who is the only person capable
of seeing fairies. Unfortunately for her, these fairies are the malevolent type and their only goal seems to be is making Tanya's life as miserable as
possible. She finds it difficult to prove to her mother that the creatures do exist and ends up being sent off to her grandmother's mansion, after a trick
done by the fairies is blamed on the poor girl. Once there, Tanya's life takes an even stranger turn when she meets a woman who claims to be able to
predict the future and insists that her and Tanya were meant to cross paths. In this journal, I will be evaluating Tanya's characteristics and predicting...
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One reason I believe this because she seems to have an unorthodox lifestyle in comparison to the townsfolk. First of all, she makes her home inside a
caravan. This is unlike many of the townsfolk, who live inside typical houses, which could mean that the woman is from a separate culture or place.
Secondly, the woman prefers the solitude of the forest to the crowded town. When nearing her house, it is mentioned, "most would have found these
surroundings unnerving; but for the old gypsy woman the forest gave her that solitude she craved" (Harrison 25). Again, this shows that the woman
holds more unorthodox preferences in comparison to the rest of the town. Lastly, it is mentioned that the woman has "extensive knowledge of the
plants and herbs growing wildly in the forest and was able to remedy many an ailment" (Harrison 25–26). It also hints many of these "ailments" hold
supernatural powers. From this, it can be deducted that the woman herself has knowledge of the supernatural and may even herself be supernatural.
The other reason I believe that the woman is "otherworldly" is because she claims to have the powers to see into the past and the future. At the start, the
woman mentions that many townsfolk have come to her to ask about their pasts or futures. The woman mentions that for a time she had made a living
off of the "fortune–telling" meaning that many found her predictions successful or accurate. In addition, the woman has a brief vision of a girl whose
description sounds unnervingly close to Tanya's. As Tanya and the strange woman have yet to meet, it can be assumed that this is a vision of the
future the woman claims to have. Finally, Tanya runs into the woman later at the strange new shop I town. Despite Tanya's surprise and slight fear, the
woman does not seemed startled at all and almost acts as if she knows Tanya. From this, we can infer
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The Idea Of Spiritualism Became A Popular Belief
During the 19th century, the idea of spiritualism became a popular belief in America. The Kennard Novelty Company invested in the making of the
Ouija board. The myth of the word "Ouija" coming from French and German languages is a false accusation. Charles Kennard and Helen Peters used
the mysterious board to question the name, and the board responded with "O–U–I–J–A." This was because of the locket Helen Peters wore of a
woman's rights activist who shared an almost identical name (McRobbie, 1). Colman describes the Ouija Board as, "A board marked with letters of the
alphabet... to spell out answers to questions with a pointer or inverted glass" (2). The Ouija Board has influenced American culture/pop culture,
religious beliefs, and ... Show more content on ...
The movie The Exorcism released in 1973 had first impact on the American culture that linked the ideas of the Ouija board and thedevil together
(McRobbie, 2).
The Exorcism film depicted a girl who became possessed by the devil because she played with an old Ouija board. After the release of The
Exorcism, the public developed a different view on Ouija boards. Different age groups and genders began to use the board. In effect, the sales and
creation of the Ouija increased due to the paranormal film. The perception of the Ouija board caused a higher usage of the toy. The influence of the
board became daring rather than a fun way of communicating with the spiritual world. This became a source of moneymaking by producing more
paranormal movies, horror writings, and selling more Ouija boards. (McRobbie 2–3).
The Ouija Board did not attract the religious audience. Many religious groups opposed the idea of the Ouija board because it represented Satan. In
contrast, religious teenagers often did opposite and welcomed the Ouija board into their lives. In Redemption of the Ouija, the question, "Why do
teenagers use the Ouija board?" is asked; the response is, "To meet and greet the devil..." (Redemption, 101). Many religious teenagers use the Ouija
board to have proof the devil is real. They do not worship Satan; they just want to make sure their faith in religion is real
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The Causes And Consequences Of The Ouija Board
There are an innumerable amount of unsolved mysteries in the world. Such as the inexplicable force that moves the Ouija's planchette. Used to
communicate with the spirit world, the Ouija board has horrified many players and served as inspiration for many Hollywood films. There are many
disagreements regarding the consequences of the Ouija board. Many people believe that is only a game, other believes that is an evil tool. In order to
understand how the Ouija board works, is important to know its origins. Which shows how dangerous this "game" really is. The Ouija board was
invented in the mid–1800s, during the spiritualist movement. It consists in the belief of the interaction between departed souls and the living.
Spiritualists use the assistance of mediums, which are believed to have the ability to contact spirits instantly. There were many was to make people
believe that they were communication with the death. For instance, table turning or the use of planchettes. However, both of these methods have its ...
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He believed that a malignant spirit had possessed the family dog; he ended up drowning and chopping it up, dumping its remains down a drain. A
week later, his wife and stepdaughter used the Ouija board. They declared that were persuaded to take a large dose of prescription drugs before
burning out the house. Luckily, both women survived that macabre experience. The last real life case is about Dorothea Turley and her
fifteen–year–old daughter Mattie in the winter of 1933. While playing with the Ouija board, a spirit contacted them telling them to kill Dorothea's
husband. Dorothea persuaded her Mattie to shoot her father, after telling her daughter that "the board could no be denied". After a long hospital stay,
Dorothea's husband died of serious injuries. Therefore, Dorothea Turley was charged with assault and intent of murder. After Mattie confessed, she was
sent to reform
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Jeffrey B. Russell's Perception Of Necromancers
Necromancy, in many eyes, portrayed a bad and occult subject, but necromancy was not always viewed that way. In an effort to know more about the
future, many priests followed this practice. Soon after necromancy became labeled as occult by the Christian Church and banned later on (Riley).
Many people received punishment because of the Inquisition, an effort made by the Roman Catholic Church, in order to seek out and reform those
who opposed its teachings, that is if they were found out (Riley). Necromancy is viewed differently in the eyes of people, it is considered a despicable
subject, if necromancers were to be found out what they are practicing, they were to be punished severely, due to some of the requirements the rituals
called for, that led to necromancy getting a negative concept, but despite this, necromancers still had their purpose to practice necromancy. ... Show
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According to Jeffrey B. Russell, "Necromancy, the art of exhuming dead bodies and causing them to prophesy, was understandably regarded by
nonmagicians as the most sinister aspect of divination" (9). From this text, it can presume that Russell did not see necromancy as a divine object and
more like a negative, or occult subject. In contrast to Russell, Sarah M. Pike's definition, "There are many kinds of divination. For example,
necromancy involves communicating with the spirits of the dead" (Pike). From Pike's input, it can be concluded that Pike may have viewed or
mentioned necromancy as part of a kind of divination (Pike). Due to the many contrasting, and unclear definitions of necromancy, there was never any
clear and official definition of the word,
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Reflection Of The Alchemist
Books are a wonderful world, marvelous and freely in its creation. Using words and wisdom, an author can take the readers to search through
layers and layers of life, seeking for understanding and hoping for achieving the experience characters in such books has gone through. In the vast
world of literacy, "The Alchemist" stands at the top. "The Alchemist" has been translated into many languages and become one of the most
delectable foods for a faithful soul. The book is about the adventure of a boy called Santiago and his pilgrimage on finding his Personal Legend.
Nonetheless how boring it may sound, the book really brought a new perspective of viewing life to the reader. Personal Legend and
Understanding of the World, the knowledge would not come to the boy if it wasn't for the people he meets and his heart. Upon reading this essay,
you will get a better understanding of the wonderful world of "The Alchemist" as well as knowing how this can help you succeed in life, as well as
it has helped me. At the start of the book, Santiago is just a mere shepherd whose job is the same day by day. Although having an adventurous blood
boiling inside, Santiago never thought about leaving his comfortable lifestyle, not until he met Melchizedek. Melchizedek, who claim to be the King
of Salem, appear to Santiago as an old man living in the Spanish town of Tarifa. Although his appearance is very brief, his impact on Santiago's life is
tremendous. He is the one first tell Santiago about
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Psychic Readers
The practice of psychic reading has been around for centuries. Throughout the years, countless individuals have sought the guidance and wisdom of
psychics. By picking up on energetic levels we overlook in everyday life, psychics can provide us with a deeper understanding of ourselves, as well as
our fate. Psychic readings are an experience that can change our lives, so it's important that we choose the right psychic reader service.
Types of Psychic Readers
The term "psychic reader" is very broad. There are upwards of 20 different types of psychic readers. The type that best suits you will be dependent on
your reason for visiting. The more common types of psychic readers include:
– Mediums: Mediums are psychics who communicate with the ... Show more content on ...
If you have friends or family that have used a psychic reader service in the past, ask them which service they used. Ask them if they were fulfilled by
their experience, and if they would recommend their psychic to you.
Another great way to find a reliable psychic is through internet research. Many psychic reader services are posted online, where others who have used
the service can leave reviews and testimonials. Look for services with positive reviews from other customers. Once you've found a service that
interests you, research it further. There are many websites dedicated to reviewing psychic services online – in fact, we have many listed here on our
site. Our recommendations can help point you in the direction of your next psychic reader service.
Know Your Budget
Psychic readers usually charge by the hour, and their rates will depend on the services they provide. You may find one service with an hourly rate of
$25, and another with an hourly rate of $400.
Research psychic reader services in your area to learn more about their rates. Make a list of services that interest you, and compare their rates amongst
each other. Remember that no two psychics are the same – depending on your needs, the least expensive service may not be the best option for you.
Try a Phone
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My Shadowing Essay On My Grandpa
My Grandpa's fiance has to be one of the coolest and unique people that I have ever met.
She is from Rochester, NY but has been with my grandpa now for about two years and they
currently live in Hudson, NC. We call her Ann which is short for Anna Maria Maid. She runs
her own astrology entertainment business where they charge $100 dollars an hour to talk to a
psychic and read tarot cards. I didn't know what to think about her when I heard what she does
for a living, I expected a devil worshiper who walked around doing evil things, but that is
definitely not anything close to what or who she is.
The first time I met her was in June of 2014, when my great grandpa got sick with cancer
then sadly passed away and we went to his funeral ... Show more content on ...
I sort of giggled a little bit when I
heard that but then I realized that it is important to never give up and it was cool that she got the
quote from Buzz Light Year.
Over the next few times that I was around her, I really started to love talking to her
because our two personalities just clicked. I could have talked to her for hours and hours and
even for the rest of the day. That is why I decided to choose her as my shadowing essay.
There was one thing she said when we first started our time together and I admitted to her
that I was nervous about my shadowing project. I think I will use it as my own motto because
it's totally true and it's a saying that she got from my Grandpa. She says it is something that she
tells herself regularly to help her not stress out. It is that "worry is work without pay". She also
made me feel better because we would go back and forth making funny comments about the
stories she told and picking on each other. I love that she can take jokes and not get offended. I
guess that comes from her being from New York, at least that what she says anyway.
In the interview portion of our time she told me the busiest time of year for her
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Supernatural Definition
Natural Answers to Supernatural Questions
Many people believe in demonic possessions because this subject is mentioned in several verses of the bible such as Luck 4:33 which say "In the
synagogue there was a man possessed by a demon, an impure spirit. He cried out at the top of his voice, "Go away! What do you want with us, Jesus
of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are–the Holy One of God!" This, along with other subjects such as efficacy of prayer,
Ouija board, and talking to the dead has been debated for a long time. Believers have a supernatural explanation for these themes based on their
religious beliefs. While non–believers, not satisfied with religious explanations, seek for a natural one based on tangible evidence. ... Show more content
on ...
In fact, mediums, can be found in any city of the country. This is because many people have the illusion of communicating again with their deceased
loved ones and others request a medium in order to communicate with a spirit who is inside their houses. Whichever is the case, the only beneficiary
will be the medium. Mediums only take advantage of the superstitions and hope of others with the purpose of generating profits. In the first place,
mediums will try to know more about his client in order to elaborate an answer for him. However, without even knowing, the same client is the one
who give him the information through a series of questions made by the medium. Now, with that information, the medium can work out in an answer
that satisfies his client. But not before making an alleged invocation to the spirit. The medium will tell his client what he wants to hear and in return,
he will receive a large sum of money for his supernatural services. Most people want to hear what they claim, from other people in order to support his
affirmation. As matter of fact, if the person does not get the answer he wants to hear, it is very like he will request another medium until he gets what
he wants to hear. Although it is known that most mediums are charlatans, some people argument the truthfulness of the supernatural powers of the
mediums based on TV shows such as "Hollywood Medium" , where a medium invite celebrities
... Get more on ...
Lefty History
History Behind The Technique From the start, as fate would have it, I set forever on the path of a left–handed magician. For the record, I'm a
right–hander who performs magic as a lefty. My story begins when I first learned card magic from my father. Among the random spelling tricks and
occasional force–a–card routines, one of the sleights I attempted to master was making beautiful blank fans with a regular deck of cards. This was
doubly challenging. Not only were my hands smaller and not dexterous, but my father taught me the reverse fan in my right hand–as a lefty would.
But, I was up for the challenge learned. What I didn't know was how my decision would directly impact the way I'd perform –– and think about ––
card magic for the rest... Show more content on ...
Once again, spreading cards in a certain way achieves a specific objective – in this case, to control a selection to the top. But that was far from the
potential of the reverse spread. In the summer of 2000, after a long and fruitful card session, my Las Vegan friend Joe Burton issued an off–the–cuff
challenge. He wanted me to create a move on the spot. Without hesitation, I picked up the pack from the table, pulled down a few cards and
executed a reverse spread from the break. As I squared the cards, I loaded the hidden block into the spread. It felt effortless and natural, almost as if
I had been performing it for years. From Joey's point of view, it seemed as if I had simply spread the deck and closed it. Yet, I actually controlled a
card to the bottom! It was then that I saw the potential and the birth of Pulp Friction. For the next year, I infatuated with the idea of bringing a
selection to the bottom of the deck. I assumed that Pulp Friction was simply a single–card control. Pulp Friction's remarkable efficiency and utility
flourished on a short trip to the Netherlands with Aaron Fisher in December,
... Get more on ...
Importance Of Fortune Teller Crystal Ball
Vintage Fortune Teller Crystal Ball (#3) add picture What is the common use of the vintage fortune teller crystal ball? This divination tool is used
most with the purpose of cleansing. Not only predicting a person's future, it can help the psychic cleanse their mind after many days seeing through
others' mind. If the psychic keeps living their ordinary life without purifying the negative energy inside, they will not be able to tune into their psychic
abilities during upcoming readings. Also, their mind could be easily influenced by others' negative thoughts. How worse is the negative energy? It
will block your third eye for sure, leading to all kinds of nastiness. The fortune teller will experience mood swings and many changes in personality if
they forget not to cleanse their mind. By gazing into the fortune teller crystal ball, they will... Show more content on ...
This allows them to look through one's future and deliver precise, accurate prophecies. Have a look: Fortune Teller Online Free Readings (*1)
Real Fortune Teller Crystal Ball (#5) add picture Looking for a fortune teller crystal ball reading for real free? These days, there are many legit
psychic networks in which you can interact with various different online crystal ball readers. By making use of the spiritual sphere, they come up
with divine guidance that can help you find solutions for your problems in life. Is this method truly accurate? Is it possible for the fortune teller to
read through the crystal ball? From what I researched, a psychic online enables to do the fortune telling reading online (*2) and gives you correct
forecast. How does the crystal ball forecast work? Psychics, mostly, utilize the gypsy fortune teller crystal ball as a calculation method. Yet, the
accuracy of the globe is also influenced by the energy of you and your clairvoyant (or spiritual healer) put on
... Get more on ...

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The Fragile-Personal Narrative

  • 1. The Fragile-Personal Narrative My friend Melanie and I head to a Halloween store with her parents after long and boring day at school. We look around near the creepy masks and face paint. I grab a can of pink fake hair color, taking off the lid once Melanie turns around walking down the aisle. I spray some in her blonde hair then quickly hide the can behind my back. She gasped, "What did you do?" She said following me as I ran to the other side of the store. I look behind me to see that she has stopped running and is now looking at her hair in a mirror mounted on the wall. She picks up a few strands of hair and I see her face go red with anger. "This is going to take so long to get out of my hair! I even have a chorus concert tomorrow," She exclaimed as she start walking ... Show more content on ... I heard they are really fun to try also there is like one left," She told me and left the aisle. I know what I'm getting... I quickly get up and see Melanie laughing. "That was hilarious! She gave you the worst death glare I have ever seen also a nice way to make friends," She said and I rolled my eyes as I start heading towards where the Ouiju or Ouiji... Ugh whatever it is called might be at. I quickly walk over to the shelf as I look around hoping that no one will be trying to get it too, but with my luck there is some kids a bit older than me walking over to it. I quickly grab the board and try to act casual as I walk a bit away before being pulled back. "Hey we were going to get that!" Said the older teen and he tries pulling it out of my arms. He ends up letting go of the board making the board, including me go falling to the floor. After that little dispute at the Halloween store. Melanie and I managed to get theOuija board because the store owner kicked the guy and his mates out. Mel and I decided to head out back to her old play set that I'm sure has a few spiders lingering around it. We set up the board and she turns on the flashlight since it is getting dark outside already. "Are you sure that we should do this?" I asked her being the wimpy preteen that I ... Get more on ...
  • 2. The Trenches Of Birdsong ( 1993 ) Examine the ways Faulks presents superstition among characters in the trenches in Birdsong (1993). Superstition as an 'excessively credulous belief in and reverence for the supernatural' is often associated with perilous endeavours, and a psychological need to latch on to a mechanism to allow hope for the preservation of the fragile human condition. This systematic and illogical belief in the supernatural is extensively prevalent throughout Faulks' novel, during the linear storyline of Stephen and other orbital characters it is referenced through not only irrational fears but additionally rituals of extispicy. Faulks expedites the process of firm belief among the characters during life on the front line, which is particularly highlighted ... Show more content on ... This thus deepens the contrast to the final section of the sentence which informs the reader that Weir is fascinated by thedivination taking place. Using the adjective 'fascinated' precisely aligns with imagery associated with a childlike fixation upon something, and so it can be extrapolated that in this case the object of the subject's curiosity is extispicy. That Weir can stomach such a ritual and remain engaged and 'fascinated' suggest that the character truly believes that this can determine his future with a degree of useful accuracy. This barbaric practice and all its derivatives collectively indicate the desperation of the soldiers and how they are left with no option but to cling on to any form of hope they can muster. As well as an air of hope, an underlying sense of ridicule and even mockery is brought to bear through Ellis' response to the ritualistic predictions, remarking that Stephen and Weir should be 'ashamed of themselves'. A depth of ignominy is acknowledged in this light, which evinces that certain soldiers believe such practice to be nonsense and that those who practice it should be embarrassed. Specific phrasing as 'you should be ashamed' stipulates an understanding that such behaviour was commonplace, as the characters are not ashamed, however it is of Ellis' opinion that they should be. Faulks in this way offers ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The Significance Of Wicca And Witchcraft The Christian Church persecuted witches in Europe between the 15th and 17th centuries and in North America (Research Salem). The last official execution of a witch in Europe was that of Anna Goddi, hanged in Switzerland in 1782. Obi is the witchcraft of Black Africa imported to the West Indies, and includes Christian elements; Voodoo is a similar cult (Webster's New World Encyclopedia, 1992). From research articles via Dr. Dominquez we find the following references to "Wicca" and "Witchcraft" meanings: Witchcraft – the practice of performing acts with the aid of a spirit. Sorcerer – a male who has made a pact with the devil in exchange for magical powers (or Sorceress – female). Actually "Wicca" is a marriage between Witchcraft and Hinduism ... Show more content on ... Among its major motifs are: Reverence for the Goddess and the God; Reincarnation, magic, ritual observance of the full moon, astronomical and agricultural phenomena, spheroid temples, created with personal power in which rituals occur. Wicca indeed is modern witchcraft "coming out of the broom closet" .... Removed the stereotypical image of witches as ugly old hags with warts on their noses, decked out in black capes and cone–shaped hats, riding their favorite broomstick on a moonlight night. The Modern Wiccan may be an attractive female dressed in a fashionable, well–tailored business suit or a professional businessman (Dominquez, 2004). Divination The Art of ascertaining future events or eliciting other hidden knowledge by supernatural or non–rational means. Divination played a large part in the ancient civilization of the Egyptians, Greeks (oracles), Romans and Chinese ( I Ching), and is practiced throughout the ... Get more on ...
  • 4. How Did Nostradamus Predict The Future Nostradamus was an astrologer who seemed to predict the future. He became famous after he published his first book containing his predictions on the events that would happen in the future. One of Nostradamus's prophecies told the harsh end of King Henry II. Even now, people are not sure how he was able to foretell such events and still are trying to figure out how he did it. This mystery behind Nostradamus can be summed up into two conspiracies: he did predict the future and he didn't predict the future. Nostradamus has bewildered experts with his prophecies for centuries and still they can't decide if he did predict the future or not. To begin with, each of his prophecies contained four quatrains, these were, consequently, stanzas made up of four lines which equivalently rhymes . Undoubtedly, Nostradamus ... Show more content on ... In other words, Nostradamus might've not presaged anything, but enabled the public to create the future events, he wrote("The Antinous Prophecies" 1). There is more of a chance of people reading his prophecies before they happen, and then accidentally or purposely create such an event. Though that could be a possibility, Nostradamus's vaticinations seem to be more universal and disordered(5). Secondly, could the vaticinations just put rhetorical significance on such events which cause individuals somehow to tend and construct them into existence?(1). If so, could scholars determine that " many of the historical interpretations provided by respondents reflect on our modern minds reacting to amorphous poetry" is actually true, from what Pickover, the author of Dreaming the Future has inferred("The Antinous Prophecies" 5). Then, Nostradamus could've been trying to be universal and possibly wanted people to create the future, he envisioned to make his prophecies come ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Personal Legend Of Coelho's The Alchemist The alchemist is a well written book that accurately describes every concept about life and explains it through a story. The Alchemist is a book about a shepherd named Santiago, who discovers his personal legend and receives help from others to help achieve his Personal Legend and learns many major life lessons along the way. Santiago gets advice that when life puts him down, keep getting back up and to focus on the task at hand, which is Santiago's own personal legend. Along the the journey, Santiago receives help from many different characters but only three characters who helped him the most throughout his quest for his Personal legend is the alchemist, the Old King and the Englishman. The best advice a reader is able to gain from this story is the advice the the Old King taught Santiago, which is" there is only one thing that makes achieving a dream impossible to achieve, the fear of failure" which means is to never be afraid of failures and to follow your own path God has laid out for you because if you are too afraid to pursue your personal legend, meaning if people are too afraid to take risks to make their own life better than it already is now, then they will not have the opportunity to accomplish their own goals. In Coelho's The Alchemist, Santiago learns theSoul of the World through experience, patience, time and help from the Old King, the Englishman and the alchemist. The first important character in the story who helped Santiago is the Old King of Salem. ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Historical Aspects Of Ancient China As with all oracular processes, chance remains a pivotal aspect of divining the future. The use of divination in the context of Ancient China is a way of explaining the unknown. Known in the Western sphere as The Book of Changes, the Yijing/I Ching–conversely known as Zhouyi–is a document that was incepted during the Bronze Age for the purposes of divination. The contents of the Yijing holds "sixty–four short chapters, each consisting of three elements: a hexagram, a hexagram statement, and six line statements. The hexagrams are drawings of six parallel lines, some whole and some broken. The two kind of statements...explain the mantic value of each hexagram and each line." The creation of the hexagrams were attributed to Fuxi, a ruler ... Show more content on ... The following line statements that accompany each individual line can also give further insight as to whether the person asking the question will be successful in their endeavors. Though according to Rutt, "though its 'indications' are sometimes appropriate to the theme of the lines, the hexagram statement does not summarize the theme of its line statements, and in most cases has no thematic connection with the...and cannot be said to provide a general summary of the hexagram's meaning..." Even if the divination process selects the same hexagram for varying situations, it does not guarantee that they will all have the same outcome of success or failure. The Yijing is rooted in mathematics; the basis of the hexagrams were inspired by nature, which can be debased to mathematical equations. 2 to the power of 6 equates to the number of hexagrams within the document (64 total). "Since numbers to the power of 2, together with multiple symmetries, turn up everywhere in mathematical and physical structures, Chinese scholars found no difficulty in applying the 64 hexagrams to everything from the structure of crystals to the solar system." Hexagrams were also discovered to have relation to binary by William Leibniz. "Hexagrams in the Fuxi order, if written with 0 for the broken lines and 1 for the whole lines, and with the bottom line at the right, gave the binary ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Personal Legend In The Alchemist In the novel, The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho throughout Santiago's long adventurous journey he meets people that change the script in his play of life. When a shepherd named Santiago was on his way to meet the beautiful merchant's daughter, he is confronted by a king who directs him to his personal legend. Santiago decides to pursue his journey to find his personal legend and meets many important characters along the way. Santiago was destined to meet these certain characters such as the crystal merchant, Fatima, and the King of Salem so they can reflect on one another's lives and through finding their own personal legends they help redirect his. The first significant person to direct Santiago to his personal legend was the King of Salem. The King of Salem is the character that introduces Santiago to his personal legend and what a personal legend is. Through this it adjusts Santiago's path and desires to find out what the Old King was talking about. "None of what the old man was saying made much sense to the boy. But he wanted to know what the "mysterious force was;" (22). By this little spiel from the Old King Santiago takes a turn in his life. He suddenly is curious about this "hidden treasure" and is determined to find out more. If Santiago never met the King of Salem then he never would've known about his personal legend and continued to meet other important characters in his life. The Old King also encouraged the belief of omen to the boy through the use of white and ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Thummim Symbolism In The Alchemist Often times when having to read a book for a class it's assumed that you won't get much out of it, but that's not been the case as I read The Alchemist, by Paul Coelho, 1993. One of the most interesting aspects of the read is that it was so relatable in many ways. I found myself empathizing with characters and plugging into all the different scenes taking place. Amongst all of the bigger picture themes I chose to write about the stones Urim and Thummim ironically because they're literally like the hidden gems throughout the book. The stones played a role that I felt was quite overlooked from discussion with my peers so I chose to write about how important the stones were in the book and how I interpreted them fully. In the beginning the main ... Show more content on ... I am in search of that universal language, among other things. That's why I'm here. (Coelho, 73). Santiago learns that he can discover the signifigance in his surroundings. I believe omens can coincide with faith, a good example is when the stones drop from SAntiago's pocket, he sees this happening as an omen. It feels good when you have fate on your side, you feel as though things are going right for you and the world is on your side. Many people lose sight of what their purpose is and often fall astray from their journey, that's why were given omens in life to remind and keep us focused. The stones also are a reminder to never give up and to know that it is okay to ask for help. Often times peope take on so much and forget there are options for help. Throughout the story, though, too, Santiago only consults the stones once because he desires to learn to listen and read the omens that life and the world around him provide on their own. And, he does this quite well by the end of the story when he gets to talk wtih the sand, the moon, and the ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Reading Subject : English Year Level Lesson: (English Groups) Guided ReadingSubject: EnglishYear level: 2Duration: 30 mins Content descriptors: Year 2: Literacy strand; Interpreting, analysing and evaluation sub–strand Content indicator: Use comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning and begin to analyse texts by drawing on growing knowledge of context, language and visual features and print and multimodal text structures (ACELY1670) Elaborations: Predicting, asking and answering questions as they read, and summarising and reviewing meaning. Learning intention:Success criteria: We will be focusing on how students make predictions before reading texts and during listening. What is more important, being smart (proud)/well–dressed or being kind?I ... Show more content on ... As it is going to help them, have a deeper understanding of the texts they read. Start off by asking students if they know what prediction means. Allow students to share their ideas. Write down their explanations on the whiteboard. Afterwards provide students with an explanation of what prediction is and write it next to the student's explanations. Introduce the book to the students. Show the cover, read the title and the authors and illustrators name. Key Questions: To activate prior knowledge, back ground knowledge and higher order thinking, start off by asking if they have read or heard any other stories with giants in them? What were the giants like (other than being big)? Then ask predicting questions about the title, 'The Smartest....' Going off the title, what do you think this story is about? What do you think might happen in this story? Ask students what the word 'smart' means? Could it mean something else, does it have a double meaning? E.g. being proud? Listening, sitting on thinking mat.
  • 10. Students will be using "hand signals" to either add something new or add on to what someone else has said. They a "thumbs up" for something new and they hold up "two fingers" if they have something to add. Give students the making predictions about the main character worksheet (see appendix B). Using hand signals, will promote active listening and participation for Rada and other students who have trouble focusing. Observing ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Nostradamus Book Report Nostradamus Book written by: John Hogue Book report by: Andrew. Thomas. Newsome Nostradamus, the man very prophecies came true. Yet some prophecies have yet to come true like the one about world war III. How about we get started with this book report. The cold war: "Le fucceffeur vengera fon beau frere, Occuper regne fonz vmbre de vengeance: Occcis oftacle fon fang mort vitupere, Long temps Bretaigne tiendra auec la France." The English verdant: "The successor will avenge his beautiful brother [or: brother –in–law], He will occupy the realm under the shadow of vengeance: Obstacle slain, his blood[line?] dead to reprimand, for a long time will Britannia hold with France." What might have happened if Robert Kennedy have done if he hadn't... Show more content on ... '42 and '37." Atom Bomb: "Sera laiffe` le feu vif, mort cache`, Dedans les globes horrible efpouuentable, De nuict `a claffe cite` en poudre lafche`, La cite` a` feu, l'ennemy fauorable." The English verdant There will be let loose living fire and hidden death, Inside dreadful globes – horrible! Frightful! By night the city will be reduced to dust by the fleet, The city on fire, helpful to the enemy. The Historical things that happen from what I know is the atomic bomb happen in 1945 Aug 06 on Hiroshima Japan ended the war against Americans vs Japanese, Pearl Harbor made the Americans join the war also known as World War 2, Assassination of Robert Kennedy, some think that in an Alternative universe that he caused the Cold ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Athenian Democracy and Divination Essay Athenian Democracy and Divination Divination was a prevalent feature in Archaic Greece, as it provided objective advice, to assist people in making appropriate decisions in problematic predicaments. In certain situations its ambiguity allowed decisions to be postponed, or blame to be assigned to others. Divination was also used to explain matters that seemed unexplainable, such as crop failure or drought. This is illustrated in the Homeric epics, which depicts numerous oracle interpreters, such as Calchas, consulting oracles on domestic, as well as, military decisions. Divination was a guiding authority in ancient society. However, during the fifth and fourth century BC, the democratic ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, when the Athenians suggest to the Melians that they should become allies with them, against the Spartans, the Melians state: '…We trust that the gods will give us fortune as good as yours…'[3] In contrast, the Athenians dismiss the protection of the gods, and state: 'This kind of attitude is not going to be of much help to you in your absurd conquest for safety at the moment'.[4] Thucydides portrays the Athenians in an arrogant light, which suggests that they will get their comeuppance for such sacrilegious opinions. Furthermore, Thucydides also highlights the scientific approach that the Athenians have towards their domination of the Peloponnese, suggesting that it is the 'law of nature', that they should conquer as much as they can. The rise of freethinking, that the democracy had established, had lead to the neglect of the gods. In comparison, Xerxes, in his conquest to dominate Greece, complies with a dream that is sent from the gods, which indicates to him and Artabanus that he should continue with the Persian wars.[5] Herodotus, writing in the early fifth century, highlights the importance of following divination, whereas, Thucydides, writing in the later fifth century, focuses on decisions made by the people. The Sicilian expedition, from 415BC, ... Get more on ...
  • 13. I-Ching History The ancient history of China has several aspects that have changed over the years, slowly developing a diverse process compared to the past. Although China has reformed over the years, but the history remains within the society. However, many of these improvements would have similarities closely linking back to the history of how Chinese fortune telling was created. Back in 1600 BCE during the Shang Dynasty, fortune telling had used the discovery of oracle bones to uncover one's path. Later different techniques evolved over time such as the I–Ching method in the Zhou Dynasty from 1046 BCE, as well as many others throughout the dynasties that now incorporate into present day methods. The developments of Chinese fortune telling provides an ancient ... Show more content on ... I–Ching had become the new method that was discovered during the Zhou Dynasty to tell fortunes. The technique of I–Ching also known as the book of changes was a method formed with sixty–four hexagrams, with a symbol that consisted of six lines, that is either broken or unbroken. Whether the lines are broken or unbroken, it gives a meaning behind it of the fortunes. The representations of shadows if the line is broken and light if it is unbroken. Therefore, this creates their fate. The hexagrams can be created through the procedure of throwing yellow straws or a coin toss. Slowly, I–Ching had gained recognition and became extremely popular in 1046 BCE. However, due to the popularity of the new fortune telling method, eventually, this led to the neglection of oracle bones as it was not used as frequently as it was during the Shang Dynasty. Although oracle bones had been replaced by I–Ching, oracle bones were still the beginning of the existent of fortune telling, which has an importance of value within the history of creating a further development of changes in Chinese fortune telling. Hence, this represents that fortune telling had developed within the Zhou dynasty by creating a change in the future of how fortune telling will continue to ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Dante's Inferno: Divination Essay If you've ever gone to a carnival or walked down a boardwalk at the beach, chances are you saw a sign that read, ""Palm Readings only $5,". Innocently, you cave in because who wouldn't want to know their future if it only costed five dollars? Nowadays, fortune telling seems like a harmless way to tell the future, but this wasn't always the case. Dante Alighieri, a fourteenth century Italian poet and author of The Inferno, believed fortune telling or any form of divination to be one of the most egregious sins a person can commit. It is so egregious that Dante reserved the fourth pouch of the eighth circle of Hell to the souls who were guilty of divination. Their retribution is depicted in a famous painting called Punishment of the Diviners, ... Show more content on ... In the text, Dante speaks to the reader as he expresses his sympathy for the diviners: "So may God grant you, Reader, benefit from reading of my poem, just ask yourself how I could keep my eyes dry when, close by, I saw the image of our human form so twisted–the tears their eyes were shedding streamed down to wet their buttocks at the cleft" (Dante 20.19–23). On the far left of the painting, Dante is portrayed as he weeps for the sinners. He assumes a stance that a typical person would if they were very upset; he is hunched over while resting his head in his hands, looking down at the ground and crying. With this depiction of Dante's grief, Quencia forces the observer to sympathize with the sinners as well. The compassion that the observer feels for the sinners in the illustration coincides with that of Dante from the passage. Quercia's depiction of Virgil's mood is also consistent with that of the passage. It is clear that Virgil is vexed by Dante's grief when he says: "So you are still like all the other fools?" (Dante 20.27). Quercia accurately portrays Virgil's disapproval in the painting; he is facing Dante while standing upright in an assertive stance and using hand gestures while proving his ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Divination In Ancient Greece Divination Exorbitance Divination in the ancient world was a way for the state or people to access the will of the gods. In a civilization that is immersed in daily practices of religion divination would not seem excessive in any amount because the gods were thought of as entities that needed to give permission, it was much like a child and parent relationship. The different means of divination are expressed by two manners, one being inductive and the other is inspired. Inductive divination is used by identifying the signs and then decoding them in order to receive the message. Inspired divination is a message relayed via a person who is enthused or possessed by the gods. The possession of a person can only be attained by a person who has ... Show more content on ... Conversely, many Greeks did not dare to commit impiety by not consulting the gods. To not beseech the gods on such a grand matter would be impious due to impression of extreme hubris. Each step that was taken in order to gain approval from a god is measured and precise in its formula of approach. Just as the offerings to the gods were inspected and practiced with dexterity. The practice of inductive divination was used to not only decode signs form the gods, the practice of augury was common place in Roman religion as well. This is the practice of watching events in nature such as lightning, a flock of birds or animal behavior in general. A Roman who was waiting for a sign may have time constraints on a message from the gods and would then manipulate the behavior of the animals in order to receive guidance. One such practice is recorded by Cicero. it is necessary for some of the fall from the beak of the chicken....In relation to birds, this would occur when one ate enthusiastically and pieces of its food fell to the ground, and perhaps it also made a noise. To ascertain the divine will quickly, especially in the military context, and to produce this kind of behaviour the Romans kept in cages hens which they deliberately deprived of food, thus 'forcing' the auspice (Cicero and Wardle, 2006, Pp 174–175) ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Alchemist Essay The Alchemist is a wonderful fiction novel by Paulo Coelho. The novella, published in 1988, is a huge success, selling over 150 million copies and making it to the top charts. (addicted2success) . Coelho succeeds in delivering his message smoothly and innovatively throughout the story; one should forever live to pursue his personal legend and never give up on his dream. (Coelho). The monomyth applies to the main character of the novella, Santiago, a young Shepard with enough passion and will to uncover his personal legend. The boy gets called to start his search for his personal legend through a dream, a dream of a child grabbing on his hand to the pyramids of Egypt, unleashing a secret of a treasure buried under the deserts sand. Later on,... Show more content on ... Santiago makes it to Africa, where he looses all his money to a thief. He is now a strange person in a strange land, helpless and penniless. At this point of his journey, Santiago was in real need for an assistant to help his dream survive this challenge. Santiago starts to search for a way to get money and luckily a crystal merchant struggling to keep his trade afloat hires him. Using omens, he brings new ideas and enhances the merchant's business. As time passes, his dream of the treasure starts fading away. Months go by, and the boy builds up quite a nest egg. The crystal merchant is a clear helper; he gave Santiago a hand when he really needed it. At this stage, Santiago is once again split in choice; he could return to Europe and double his sheep flock or try to peruse his dream again. Even though the crystal merchant supported Santiago through his hard times, he also reflects a negative example for the Shepard to avoid, as he is someone who gave up on his personal legend. This gives the boy an enthusiastic push to get on a caravan and head to the pyramids. During this checkpoint, Santiago learns Arabic and gains a great deal of money as well as experience, which really came in handy all the way through the ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Michel De Nostradame Accomplishments Michel de Nostradame was born in Saint–Remy–de–Provence, France on the year 1503. He became a physician and helped plague victims in France and Italy. Nostradamus began practicing the occult and make predictions of the future. These predictions were published in a book called The Prophecies. People today believe his predictions are true and will come in time. Michel de Nostradame was born in a family with nine children. His grandfather, Guy Gassonet, had to convert to Catholicism and change the family name to Nostradame in fear of the Inquisition. Nostradamus learned quickly in school, and he learned Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and math. When Nostradamus became the age of 14 he entered the University of Avignon to study medicine. After being kicked out of the school, which he was in for only a year, he researched herbal remedies and found work as an apothecary. In 1522 he got into... Show more content on ... The rose pill cured his patients but keeping them clean, giving them low–fat diets, and providing fresh air also helped. Citizens began to support him financially because of his treatments. Nostradamus began practicing the occult which is believed to be the basis of his prophecies. Around 1554 he wanted to write a book called Centuries which was going to be 10 volumes and 100 predictions. In 1555 he published his predictions in a book called Les Prophecies. He hid his prophecies by putting them in rhymed four–line verses and in different languages. He did this so the church wouldn't persecute him. Catherine de Medici admired his work and made him counselor. He had a prophecy in which the king would die in a jousting match. Few years later the king died from an infection because of a jousting match. Nostradamus died from a heart failure because he had gout and arthritis. He told his secretary, "You will not fine me alive at sunrise," and was found dead the next morning on July 2, ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Examples Of Conflict In The Alchemist The Alchemist Santiago, the main protagonist, never gave up and continued to follow his dreams despite him going through many obstacles. The conflict arises as he's trying to find treasure depicted to him through a dream while trying to overcome the brutality of the world and those trying to hold him back. The conflict enhances the story, as he did not give up and kept moving towards his goal with the help of friends that he meets throughout his journey in order to seek out his dreams. The boy was a shepherd going throughout the lands selling wool, but twice now he had the same dream, where there was a little boy leading him throughout Egypt to where treasure would be, yet as soon was the boy would show him where, he woke up. Seeking help from a Gipsy to find this treasure, he agreed that in return 1/10 of the treasure would be hers. After talking to the Gipsy he meet an old man who sat down next to him, they held a conversation, after a while the boy found out that the old man was a king that knew of where the treasure of hidden, and he told him to follow his dream, and gave him two rocks named Urim and Thummim. Santiago then raised enough money to go to Egypt, while there he met a boy at a bar who then agreed to take them Santiago to the pyramids if he was in charge of his money, and Santiago agreed. While he was looking at a sword the boy ran off leaving Santiago with no money. Having no money, he had to find a job, but Arabic, being the main langue there, made it ... Get more on ...
  • 19. A long and stressful day can take a toll on the mind. The... A long and stressful day can take a toll on the mind. The mind in return, takes a toll on itself. For thousands of years, the belief that dreams hold a secret meaning or message was believed since the beginning of history. Dream interpretations have dated back to 3000 B.C. Ancient Egyptian, Roman, and Greek civilizations would record their dreams believing they were significant to the meaning of their lives. The idea that dreams hold a secret message or can be foretold has been carried out to present day. "Centuries ago, people in many cultures believed dreams were presented by an outside force and intended to serve as oracles or omens. Later, people theorized that dreams were caused by anxiety, household noises, and even indigestion"... Show more content on ... In some societies, people were unable to distinguish between the dream world and the waking world or choose not to make the distinction. They thought dreams were more powerful and not only an extension of reality. The fascination with dreams has led to many researchers discovering to study the mind while a person is asleep. Dream interpretation varies from culture to culture. A dream can mean different things depending on the background from who is analyzing them. For example, many religions had considerable respect for dreams. "Mohammed "received" much of the text of the Koran in a dream, and interpreted his disciples' dreams for them. Later, the pendulum swung the other way: the Inquisition held the view that dreams were more often than not the work of the devil..." (Parker 10). Ancient Romans argued that dreams were unique depending on the person who dreamed them, and a person's characteristics such as job, status and health influenced what symbols were in a dream. Modern theories believe that dreams were based on "wish–fulfillment" and reflected a deep–desire. Freud believed dreams were rooted in our infancy and held serious meaning. Carl Gustav Jung, who did not agreed with Freud, thought they exposed deep wishes which made it possible to discover our aspirations. However, now psychologists reveal that drams are pointless to have any theory about. "They are simply another facet of life, as meaningless as waling existence" (Parker ... Get more on ...
  • 20. It 's Only A Game It's Only a Game – Isn't It? A small group of people sat around a ouija board expecting nothing to happen. A few nervous giggles were exchanged amongst each other. The laughter quickly stopped when the planchette stopped moving and the room became cold; the air turned thick and heavy. Something entered the space, a feeling of distress surrounded the group. They became paranoid, and felt like there was something looking at them from the dark corners. After what felt like hours trying to end the session, the planchette still refused to move, almost as if it was frozen on the board. As their impatience quickly grew, they forced the planchette to goodbye. The feeling of despair had vanished, but the feeling of being watched remained as everyone left the room that night. Some view the ouija board as a harmless game, but many have faced the terrifying reality of the mysterious "talking board." The ouija board is a phenomenon that is a legitimate means of communicating with spirits. "In February, 1891, the first few advertisements appeared in papers: "ouija, the wonderful talking board," boomed a Pittsburgh toy and novelty shop, describing a magical device that answered questions about the past, present and future with marvelous accuracy" and promised "never – failing amusement and recreation for all the classes," a link "between the known and unknown, the material and immaterial'" (McRobbie 1). Known as the father of the ouija board, William Fuld patented the world's first ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Symbols In The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho Everything a person encounters in their life affects their view on the world. In The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, Santiago does not feel like he is fulfilling his life to its highest potential. In order to achieve his full potential, he sells his sheep and takes off on a journey to fulfill his personal legend. The story is not just about a boy trying to carry out his personal legend, it is about the symbolic aspects of life and how everything in a person's life affects them. Fate and omens are main motifs in The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo that helped Santiago find this way through his journey and are shown by the symbolic stones from the king, the desert he traveled through and the treasure that was found. Urim and Thummim are magic stones that Melchizedek gives Santiago to take on his journey bring him comfort as they answer his questions and relieve his doubts about fulfilling his quest. The small stones he keeps in his pocket remind him of the King who bestowed them upon him, along with stories emphasizing the importance of following one's dreams. Towards the beginning of Santiago's journey, he goes to ask the stones a question and realizes that they are not in his pocket. "He didn't consider mending the hole–the stones could fall through any time they wanted. He had learned that there were certain things one shouldn't ask about, so as not to flee from one's own Personal Legend. "I promised that I would make my own decisions," he said to himself."(41) When the stones urim ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Tarot Cards Essay How Can Tarot Card Readings Change Your Life? The 78–card Tarot deck is probably the most popular and recognizable divination tool often used in psychic readings and for spiritual development. Although the cards have no mystic power, the symbols hidden in each card do contain keys to unlock life's meaning and mysteries. Therefore, Tarot cards play an important role in aiding the psychic in finding the answer to the truth seekers' question. In order to discover the mysterious world of Tarot, you need a Tarot reader's guide. Practicing in both spirituality and mysticism realms, Tarot readers are able to interpret each card's picture and symbol. Then, they will provide you deep messages, helping you prepare for challenges in the day–to–day ... Show more content on ... Free Tarot Love Readings "How lucky am I in love?" "Will I find my true love?" "Will my relationship last long?" "Does my partner really love me?" "How to know my love forecast?" When it comes to love relationships, there are a lot of questions wandering in your mind, right? If you want to gain clear insight and clarity into the heart matter, the best option will be Tarot love readings. First and foremost, love Tarot readings will help you find the right partner of your life. For those who are in relationships, the cards will tell whether their love life is rosy or ropey. Simply pick the cards and you will get to know about your destiny in detail. Also, the reader will sense the energy surrounding your relationship and then analyze problems that you might face with your mate in the future. There are many different topics covering the relationship area, such as communications, friendship, partnership, present, love, sex and dreams. Go with the topic you are craving to explore the most and get clarity. Overall, Tarot displays all facets of life, and the love Tarot reading reflects the emotional dimension of a loving
  • 23. ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Taot Card Symbolism The tarot themselves usually have 78 cards in the four main suits of wands, cups, pentacles, and swords. They also the have suit of trumps, which are also called the major arcana, that are known to deal with more universal energy that relates to the psychological and archetypal subconscious of man. Each card symbolizing a different direct topic. Tarot cards are now commonly found as being used in psychic practices here in America. They find themselves currently in such a niche in our culture because the tarot cards are seen by many to muster divinatory meaning behind the overall experience of sprawling the cards out and playing with them. By playing with them what is really happening is that the cards begin to layout a story that is then interpreted ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Direct and Indirect Methods of Communication with the Gods... Both directly and indirectly, the Ancient Greeks communicated with their gods through various methods that ranged from oracles and seers to sacrifice. The oracles of ancient Greece were consulted on issues ranging from serious community matters to private healing and served as a conduit for communication between the mortals and the gods. Seers and oracles were an important part of Ancient Greek divination through which the gods provided with insight of events to come. In addition, sacrifice at the hearth or public bonfires were used as a means of direct communication with the gods in order to convey prayers to the heavens. In terms of indirect communication with the gods, one of the most famous methods was consulting an oracle. One of the most popular oracles of Ancient Greece was the Oracle of Delphi. People would journey for days to visit this oracle and hear the wisdom of the gods which she received through a gift from Apollo, the god of prophecy. Receiving a prophecy was a lengthy process which started with the oracle bathing in the spring of Castalia and drinking from another nearby stream. A priest would then determine if Apollo was present by pouring ice water on a goat. If the goat shivered the oracle was ready to give the prophecy, and if not then Apollo was not present and therefore she was not ready to deliver a prophecy (Pythia Prophecies, 2014). When she spoke, the pythia would be seated on a tripod over a small opening in the ground, the opening released gases ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Theme Of Omens In The Alchemist The pungent smell of chestnut trees filled the air as his knees grew tremulous, insecurities filling his mind of the future. For years he had walked the trails in attempt to once again reunite with mankind after the devastating shipwreck that set him off course. From the corner of his eye he saw a swallowtail butterfly, nonetheless of his wife's favorite, no doubt it was a sign. He must keep moving. Alike to this harried individual and his determination to keep moving after being reminded of his family, author Paulo Coelho illustrates similar traits in characters as well as the same principles through his works of art. In the novel, "The Alchemist," Coelho utilizes the motif of omens in Santiago's journey to reveal themes, and teach readers valuable life lessons. Omens prove to be a significant part of Coelho's masterpiece that guide Santiago on his treacherous journey, and convey a theme of the novel which is one's only task in life is to follow one's personal legend. For instance, when Santiago, is in Tarifa, Spain after traveling with his sheep to meet his desired lover, he befriends the King of Salem who prepares him to follow his personal legend, as the King of Salem states, "In order to find the treasure, you will have to follow the omens. God has prepared a path for everyone to follow. You just have to read the omens that he left for you"(Coelho 29). Santiago first learns about omens and the importance of following his personal legend from the King of Salem and ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Life-Divination And Omens Chapter 11: Encountering the Present: Guidance for Life–Divination and Omens Walton begins to discuss the ANE view of the present in this chapter, so he focuses on the usage and interpretation of divinations and omens as the guidance for life. The objective here is to discuss the epistemology for the knowledge driven divination and the practical application by magicians and other religious practitioners. The major discussion focuses on the two categories of divination as the inspired and the deductive along with the forms of them. Inspired divination targets on both official and informal prophecy and dreams. Walton states that prophecy generally concentrated primarily on the kings, and the function of the prophet was there to advise the king of what would be approving to the god who had spoken or who had reveled. Dreams varied from inspiration to one who actively sought a god as the last part of inspired divination. Other than the inspired divination, deductive divination comes from two types of events that can be observed in the physical realm: the active as extispicy or casting of lots; and the unprovoked ... Show more content on ... Then the continue topic of magic is addressed and expressed that it must be included within the religious field of the ANE. Magic is used as an example of power; while divination is always used to gain knowledge or understanding. After the discussion of myth, this chapter achieved the dimension of epistemology and semiotics as well as how a prophet gained his credibility through prophecy with the provided biblical evidences. Chapter 12: Encountering the Present: Context of Life–Cities and ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Ouija Board Essay Ouija Board – An Unexpected Way To Reach The Afterlife (#1) add picture Have you seen an Ouija board before? Have you tried working with it? This board is claimed to be very mystical, mysterious and a tad intimidating. Not many experienced psychic mediums think of using it in their reading session; even some may feel nervous with this idea. Rightfully so, Ouija is not something that you can take lightly. Indeed, it MUST be used with the responsibility and utmost care. Nonetheless, if putting the fear aside, the Ouija board is an extremely powerful divination tool. It is believed to be able to connect you with the afterlife when utilized correctly. What is Ouija? (#2) add picture Ouija, also known as a spirit board or talking board, is a flat board with letters, numbers (0–9) and basic communication words (yes, no, hello and goodbye). The existence of Ouija was determined since the ancient time – maybe 1000 ... Show more content on ... In order to interact with Ouija, you should have a small heart–shaped pointer (planchette) of wood or plastic, firstly. Place your fingers on the planchette and start asking your questions. The planchette itself will move or slide to the on–board letters. Put those letters into words and sentences and you'll get what the Ouija board wants to tell you. Definitely not a toy, this device, according to the most genuine intuitive, is likely to connect to entities in the spiritual realm. What to Remember When Using Ouija? Never bring the negative energy into the session whether you use the spirit board alone or in a group. Instead, for enlightening insight, everyone is supposed to stay in the positive state of mind.
  • 29. Like any spiritual reading method, your energy is very important. The Ouija board will operate based on the radiated energy of the individual who is using it. If you interact with Ouija with fearful, scared, angry or possessive attitudes, then everything you receive in return will be in the same ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Ouija Informative Speech Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the history of Ouija and talking boards, their impact in recent history and today, and a nonparanormal theory on how they work. Introduction I.Attention–getter: How many of you have seen a scary movie featuring a Ouija board? A.You might have watched Ouija a few years ago. B.Perhaps you have recently seen Ouija: Origin of Evil. II.Audience Need: Moves such as these are causing Ouija and talking boards to become increasingly popular. .According to an article in Daily Mail titled "Spooky truth behind surge in sales of Ouija Boards" written in December 2014 by Neil, Ouija board sales rose dramatically with the release of the movie Ouija. A.Despite this, many people do not know much more about ... Show more content on ... Anthony Hayne, a Catholic priest who used to specialize in exorcisms claimed that "A lot more people are dabbling in the occult and having seances, and that is causing a lot of problems." (Transition: Finally, we will talk about a scientific theory on how Ouija and talking boards work.) III.Paranormal skeptics often use the ideomotor effect to explain how the Ouija board works. A.According to an article from volume 53, issue 3 of The American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis titled "Ideomotor signaling: from divining spiritual messages to discerning subconscious answers during hypnosis and hypnoanalysis, a historical perspective." written by Shenefelt, scientific skepticism began to question how paranormal incidents, such as talking boards and swinging pendulums mysteriously answering questions, were really happening. 1.In France, the royal investigative commission, led by Benjamin Franklin began conducting experiments on mesmerism. 2.They concluded through these experiments that the effects of talking boards and other supposedly paranormal cases were caused by the imagination. B.In 1812, Michel Eugene Chevreul, a natural scientist and chemist began investigations of the pendulum phenomenon, in which a pendulum held by a string would swing, giving yes, no, and maybe answers to ... Get more on ...
  • 31. June LГ©vesque: The Snake Lady June LГ©vesque, also known as "The Snake Lady", has been living in the streets and performing black magic, in the streets of New Orleans longer than anyone could remember. Her nickname is well earned, everyday she steals and cheats people, slithers her way through the streets all day and night tricking visitors into believing her gibberish and giving her money. The childhood of Miss LГ©vesque, had been quite similar to the way she lives now. Grungy and dirty, living with her mother in a small shotgun house just outside of Lafayette, June had little education and relied on her neighbor's books that he would give her when he was through with them. June's father, who had been the family's main source of income, committed suicide when June was four due to schizophrenia. Her mother, was also a fortune teller and was the one who taught June the tricks of the trade. June didn't have many friends, the children in the neighborhood were told by their parents to keep away, because of June and her "crazy" mother. When June was seventeen, her house caught on fire, burning all of her belongings and killing her mother.... Show more content on ... Everyone had already seen all of her tricks causing her to start stealing more and more instead of making her own money. When she had started out, her readings were amazing and people were completely awestruck, but the same tricks that she had used all of those years ago, people are bored of although she doesn't see that. June had a schedule for each day to make sure that she got the most business in each hour of the day. Bourbon Street was where most evening, late night, and early morning events took place, but just around noon "The Snake Lady" creeps her way over to the french quarter in the hot summer sun to squeeze any other pedestrians money out of them. June is extremely protective of herself and her possessions. If she sees that another thief or performer is about to steal a possible victim, she will fight her way to the ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Alchemist ( Book ) The Alchemist (Book) The Alchemist (Book) Archetype Pyramid/ Triangle Three (Number) Context In Santiago's dreams, he sees that he must travel to the Pyramids of Giza in order to find the treasure that is hidden for him. After meeting with Melchizedek, he realizes that it is his "Personal Legend" to reach the Pyramids and decides to sacrifice everything that he had to accomplish it. Santiago is given three days to turn himself into the wind after making a deal with the chief. During this time, he manipulates the wind and sun and connects with the "Soul of God" to accomplish his superhuman task. Meaning The pyramids symbolize Santiago's aspirations and the enlightenment that he will ... Show more content on ... Meaning If Santiago is lost or confused during journey, he will always have Urim and Thummim to guide him and help him understand where the omens want him to be. They also act as a reminder that he cannot complete his quest alone and must call for help at times in order to be successful. His ability to respond omens and ask for help is critical to his success and willingness to fight through the hardships of his journey. The alchemist is testing Santiago to see if he will give up because he believes that the challenge is impossible or fight through it despite the odds. In the end, Santiago decides to ignore his fear that he will fail and decides to use all possible means to accomplish the impossible. When he finally
  • 33. manages to turn into the wind, he learns that he must continue to fight for whatever he wants to achieve, even when hope seems to be gone. Source Temple of Doom (Movie) Temple of Doom (Movie) Archetype Hero The Quest Context After Indy's plane crashes, he finds himself in a small village in northern India. The villagers believe that he was sent by Shiva to save their abducted children and retrieve the Sivalinga stone from the wicked forces in the Pankot Palace. After the Sivalinga stone is stolen from the village, all of their crops burn and the village enters an extreme famine. The people ask Indy to help them retrieve the sacred stone and free their children ... Get more on ...
  • 34. 13 Treasures Mitchelle Harrison Analysis I am reading 13 Treasures by Michelle Harrison. The book unfolds with the dilemma of a young girl named Tanya, who is the only person capable of seeing fairies. Unfortunately for her, these fairies are the malevolent type and their only goal seems to be is making Tanya's life as miserable as possible. She finds it difficult to prove to her mother that the creatures do exist and ends up being sent off to her grandmother's mansion, after a trick done by the fairies is blamed on the poor girl. Once there, Tanya's life takes an even stranger turn when she meets a woman who claims to be able to predict the future and insists that her and Tanya were meant to cross paths. In this journal, I will be evaluating Tanya's characteristics and predicting... Show more content on ... One reason I believe this because she seems to have an unorthodox lifestyle in comparison to the townsfolk. First of all, she makes her home inside a caravan. This is unlike many of the townsfolk, who live inside typical houses, which could mean that the woman is from a separate culture or place. Secondly, the woman prefers the solitude of the forest to the crowded town. When nearing her house, it is mentioned, "most would have found these surroundings unnerving; but for the old gypsy woman the forest gave her that solitude she craved" (Harrison 25). Again, this shows that the woman holds more unorthodox preferences in comparison to the rest of the town. Lastly, it is mentioned that the woman has "extensive knowledge of the plants and herbs growing wildly in the forest and was able to remedy many an ailment" (Harrison 25–26). It also hints many of these "ailments" hold supernatural powers. From this, it can be deducted that the woman herself has knowledge of the supernatural and may even herself be supernatural. The other reason I believe that the woman is "otherworldly" is because she claims to have the powers to see into the past and the future. At the start, the woman mentions that many townsfolk have come to her to ask about their pasts or futures. The woman mentions that for a time she had made a living off of the "fortune–telling" meaning that many found her predictions successful or accurate. In addition, the woman has a brief vision of a girl whose description sounds unnervingly close to Tanya's. As Tanya and the strange woman have yet to meet, it can be assumed that this is a vision of the future the woman claims to have. Finally, Tanya runs into the woman later at the strange new shop I town. Despite Tanya's surprise and slight fear, the woman does not seemed startled at all and almost acts as if she knows Tanya. From this, we can infer ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Idea Of Spiritualism Became A Popular Belief During the 19th century, the idea of spiritualism became a popular belief in America. The Kennard Novelty Company invested in the making of the Ouija board. The myth of the word "Ouija" coming from French and German languages is a false accusation. Charles Kennard and Helen Peters used the mysterious board to question the name, and the board responded with "O–U–I–J–A." This was because of the locket Helen Peters wore of a woman's rights activist who shared an almost identical name (McRobbie, 1). Colman describes the Ouija Board as, "A board marked with letters of the alphabet... to spell out answers to questions with a pointer or inverted glass" (2). The Ouija Board has influenced American culture/pop culture, religious beliefs, and ... Show more content on ... The movie The Exorcism released in 1973 had first impact on the American culture that linked the ideas of the Ouija board and thedevil together (McRobbie, 2). The Exorcism film depicted a girl who became possessed by the devil because she played with an old Ouija board. After the release of The Exorcism, the public developed a different view on Ouija boards. Different age groups and genders began to use the board. In effect, the sales and creation of the Ouija increased due to the paranormal film. The perception of the Ouija board caused a higher usage of the toy. The influence of the board became daring rather than a fun way of communicating with the spiritual world. This became a source of moneymaking by producing more paranormal movies, horror writings, and selling more Ouija boards. (McRobbie 2–3). The Ouija Board did not attract the religious audience. Many religious groups opposed the idea of the Ouija board because it represented Satan. In contrast, religious teenagers often did opposite and welcomed the Ouija board into their lives. In Redemption of the Ouija, the question, "Why do teenagers use the Ouija board?" is asked; the response is, "To meet and greet the devil..." (Redemption, 101). Many religious teenagers use the Ouija board to have proof the devil is real. They do not worship Satan; they just want to make sure their faith in religion is real ... Get more on ...
  • 36. The Causes And Consequences Of The Ouija Board There are an innumerable amount of unsolved mysteries in the world. Such as the inexplicable force that moves the Ouija's planchette. Used to communicate with the spirit world, the Ouija board has horrified many players and served as inspiration for many Hollywood films. There are many disagreements regarding the consequences of the Ouija board. Many people believe that is only a game, other believes that is an evil tool. In order to understand how the Ouija board works, is important to know its origins. Which shows how dangerous this "game" really is. The Ouija board was invented in the mid–1800s, during the spiritualist movement. It consists in the belief of the interaction between departed souls and the living. Spiritualists use the assistance of mediums, which are believed to have the ability to contact spirits instantly. There were many was to make people believe that they were communication with the death. For instance, table turning or the use of planchettes. However, both of these methods have its ... Show more content on ... He believed that a malignant spirit had possessed the family dog; he ended up drowning and chopping it up, dumping its remains down a drain. A week later, his wife and stepdaughter used the Ouija board. They declared that were persuaded to take a large dose of prescription drugs before burning out the house. Luckily, both women survived that macabre experience. The last real life case is about Dorothea Turley and her fifteen–year–old daughter Mattie in the winter of 1933. While playing with the Ouija board, a spirit contacted them telling them to kill Dorothea's husband. Dorothea persuaded her Mattie to shoot her father, after telling her daughter that "the board could no be denied". After a long hospital stay, Dorothea's husband died of serious injuries. Therefore, Dorothea Turley was charged with assault and intent of murder. After Mattie confessed, she was sent to reform ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Jeffrey B. Russell's Perception Of Necromancers Necromancy, in many eyes, portrayed a bad and occult subject, but necromancy was not always viewed that way. In an effort to know more about the future, many priests followed this practice. Soon after necromancy became labeled as occult by the Christian Church and banned later on (Riley). Many people received punishment because of the Inquisition, an effort made by the Roman Catholic Church, in order to seek out and reform those who opposed its teachings, that is if they were found out (Riley). Necromancy is viewed differently in the eyes of people, it is considered a despicable subject, if necromancers were to be found out what they are practicing, they were to be punished severely, due to some of the requirements the rituals called for, that led to necromancy getting a negative concept, but despite this, necromancers still had their purpose to practice necromancy. ... Show more content on ... According to Jeffrey B. Russell, "Necromancy, the art of exhuming dead bodies and causing them to prophesy, was understandably regarded by nonmagicians as the most sinister aspect of divination" (9). From this text, it can presume that Russell did not see necromancy as a divine object and more like a negative, or occult subject. In contrast to Russell, Sarah M. Pike's definition, "There are many kinds of divination. For example, necromancy involves communicating with the spirits of the dead" (Pike). From Pike's input, it can be concluded that Pike may have viewed or mentioned necromancy as part of a kind of divination (Pike). Due to the many contrasting, and unclear definitions of necromancy, there was never any clear and official definition of the word, ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Reflection Of The Alchemist Books are a wonderful world, marvelous and freely in its creation. Using words and wisdom, an author can take the readers to search through layers and layers of life, seeking for understanding and hoping for achieving the experience characters in such books has gone through. In the vast world of literacy, "The Alchemist" stands at the top. "The Alchemist" has been translated into many languages and become one of the most delectable foods for a faithful soul. The book is about the adventure of a boy called Santiago and his pilgrimage on finding his Personal Legend. Nonetheless how boring it may sound, the book really brought a new perspective of viewing life to the reader. Personal Legend and Understanding of the World, the knowledge would not come to the boy if it wasn't for the people he meets and his heart. Upon reading this essay, you will get a better understanding of the wonderful world of "The Alchemist" as well as knowing how this can help you succeed in life, as well as it has helped me. At the start of the book, Santiago is just a mere shepherd whose job is the same day by day. Although having an adventurous blood boiling inside, Santiago never thought about leaving his comfortable lifestyle, not until he met Melchizedek. Melchizedek, who claim to be the King of Salem, appear to Santiago as an old man living in the Spanish town of Tarifa. Although his appearance is very brief, his impact on Santiago's life is tremendous. He is the one first tell Santiago about ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Psychic Readers The practice of psychic reading has been around for centuries. Throughout the years, countless individuals have sought the guidance and wisdom of psychics. By picking up on energetic levels we overlook in everyday life, psychics can provide us with a deeper understanding of ourselves, as well as our fate. Psychic readings are an experience that can change our lives, so it's important that we choose the right psychic reader service. Types of Psychic Readers The term "psychic reader" is very broad. There are upwards of 20 different types of psychic readers. The type that best suits you will be dependent on your reason for visiting. The more common types of psychic readers include: – Mediums: Mediums are psychics who communicate with the ... Show more content on ... If you have friends or family that have used a psychic reader service in the past, ask them which service they used. Ask them if they were fulfilled by their experience, and if they would recommend their psychic to you. Another great way to find a reliable psychic is through internet research. Many psychic reader services are posted online, where others who have used the service can leave reviews and testimonials. Look for services with positive reviews from other customers. Once you've found a service that interests you, research it further. There are many websites dedicated to reviewing psychic services online – in fact, we have many listed here on our site. Our recommendations can help point you in the direction of your next psychic reader service. Know Your Budget Psychic readers usually charge by the hour, and their rates will depend on the services they provide. You may find one service with an hourly rate of $25, and another with an hourly rate of $400. Research psychic reader services in your area to learn more about their rates. Make a list of services that interest you, and compare their rates amongst each other. Remember that no two psychics are the same – depending on your needs, the least expensive service may not be the best option for you. Try a Phone
  • 40. ... Get more on ...
  • 41. My Shadowing Essay On My Grandpa My Grandpa's fiance has to be one of the coolest and unique people that I have ever met. She is from Rochester, NY but has been with my grandpa now for about two years and they currently live in Hudson, NC. We call her Ann which is short for Anna Maria Maid. She runs her own astrology entertainment business where they charge $100 dollars an hour to talk to a psychic and read tarot cards. I didn't know what to think about her when I heard what she does for a living, I expected a devil worshiper who walked around doing evil things, but that is definitely not anything close to what or who she is. The first time I met her was in June of 2014, when my great grandpa got sick with cancer then sadly passed away and we went to his funeral ... Show more content on ... I sort of giggled a little bit when I heard that but then I realized that it is important to never give up and it was cool that she got the quote from Buzz Light Year. Over the next few times that I was around her, I really started to love talking to her because our two personalities just clicked. I could have talked to her for hours and hours and
  • 42. even for the rest of the day. That is why I decided to choose her as my shadowing essay. There was one thing she said when we first started our time together and I admitted to her that I was nervous about my shadowing project. I think I will use it as my own motto because it's totally true and it's a saying that she got from my Grandpa. She says it is something that she tells herself regularly to help her not stress out. It is that "worry is work without pay". She also made me feel better because we would go back and forth making funny comments about the stories she told and picking on each other. I love that she can take jokes and not get offended. I guess that comes from her being from New York, at least that what she says anyway. In the interview portion of our time she told me the busiest time of year for her ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Supernatural Definition Natural Answers to Supernatural Questions Many people believe in demonic possessions because this subject is mentioned in several verses of the bible such as Luck 4:33 which say "In the synagogue there was a man possessed by a demon, an impure spirit. He cried out at the top of his voice, "Go away! What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are–the Holy One of God!" This, along with other subjects such as efficacy of prayer, Ouija board, and talking to the dead has been debated for a long time. Believers have a supernatural explanation for these themes based on their religious beliefs. While non–believers, not satisfied with religious explanations, seek for a natural one based on tangible evidence. ... Show more content on ... In fact, mediums, can be found in any city of the country. This is because many people have the illusion of communicating again with their deceased loved ones and others request a medium in order to communicate with a spirit who is inside their houses. Whichever is the case, the only beneficiary will be the medium. Mediums only take advantage of the superstitions and hope of others with the purpose of generating profits. In the first place, mediums will try to know more about his client in order to elaborate an answer for him. However, without even knowing, the same client is the one who give him the information through a series of questions made by the medium. Now, with that information, the medium can work out in an answer that satisfies his client. But not before making an alleged invocation to the spirit. The medium will tell his client what he wants to hear and in return, he will receive a large sum of money for his supernatural services. Most people want to hear what they claim, from other people in order to support his affirmation. As matter of fact, if the person does not get the answer he wants to hear, it is very like he will request another medium until he gets what he wants to hear. Although it is known that most mediums are charlatans, some people argument the truthfulness of the supernatural powers of the mediums based on TV shows such as "Hollywood Medium" , where a medium invite celebrities ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Lefty History History Behind The Technique From the start, as fate would have it, I set forever on the path of a left–handed magician. For the record, I'm a right–hander who performs magic as a lefty. My story begins when I first learned card magic from my father. Among the random spelling tricks and occasional force–a–card routines, one of the sleights I attempted to master was making beautiful blank fans with a regular deck of cards. This was doubly challenging. Not only were my hands smaller and not dexterous, but my father taught me the reverse fan in my right hand–as a lefty would. But, I was up for the challenge learned. What I didn't know was how my decision would directly impact the way I'd perform –– and think about –– card magic for the rest... Show more content on ... Once again, spreading cards in a certain way achieves a specific objective – in this case, to control a selection to the top. But that was far from the potential of the reverse spread. In the summer of 2000, after a long and fruitful card session, my Las Vegan friend Joe Burton issued an off–the–cuff challenge. He wanted me to create a move on the spot. Without hesitation, I picked up the pack from the table, pulled down a few cards and executed a reverse spread from the break. As I squared the cards, I loaded the hidden block into the spread. It felt effortless and natural, almost as if I had been performing it for years. From Joey's point of view, it seemed as if I had simply spread the deck and closed it. Yet, I actually controlled a card to the bottom! It was then that I saw the potential and the birth of Pulp Friction. For the next year, I infatuated with the idea of bringing a selection to the bottom of the deck. I assumed that Pulp Friction was simply a single–card control. Pulp Friction's remarkable efficiency and utility flourished on a short trip to the Netherlands with Aaron Fisher in December, ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Importance Of Fortune Teller Crystal Ball Vintage Fortune Teller Crystal Ball (#3) add picture What is the common use of the vintage fortune teller crystal ball? This divination tool is used most with the purpose of cleansing. Not only predicting a person's future, it can help the psychic cleanse their mind after many days seeing through others' mind. If the psychic keeps living their ordinary life without purifying the negative energy inside, they will not be able to tune into their psychic abilities during upcoming readings. Also, their mind could be easily influenced by others' negative thoughts. How worse is the negative energy? It will block your third eye for sure, leading to all kinds of nastiness. The fortune teller will experience mood swings and many changes in personality if they forget not to cleanse their mind. By gazing into the fortune teller crystal ball, they will... Show more content on ... This allows them to look through one's future and deliver precise, accurate prophecies. Have a look: Fortune Teller Online Free Readings (*1) Real Fortune Teller Crystal Ball (#5) add picture Looking for a fortune teller crystal ball reading for real free? These days, there are many legit psychic networks in which you can interact with various different online crystal ball readers. By making use of the spiritual sphere, they come up with divine guidance that can help you find solutions for your problems in life. Is this method truly accurate? Is it possible for the fortune teller to read through the crystal ball? From what I researched, a psychic online enables to do the fortune telling reading online (*2) and gives you correct forecast. How does the crystal ball forecast work? Psychics, mostly, utilize the gypsy fortune teller crystal ball as a calculation method. Yet, the accuracy of the globe is also influenced by the energy of you and your clairvoyant (or spiritual healer) put on ... Get more on ...