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Pepe lived with his
widowed mothers
and his two younger
Pepe lost all his tools
Mama told him to buy
medicine and salt
Pepe killed man
Pepe went into the
Turning Point
Ending of the story
Pepe was shot
in The Flight story by John
He drew a shaky
cross on his breast
with his hands
The feeling when something
exciting is happening
The feeling you get after it has
Pepe went to Monterey to buy medicine and salt. In
the next morning he came back to his house.
Instead of bringing the medicine and the salt, Pepe
went home without any of them. Pepe went home
because he wanted to escape to the mountain
because he killed a man in the bar, in Monterey.
Pepe decided to go to the mountain by riding the horse.
Pepe thought no one follow him on the way to home and
he will be save.
“You heard no one behind you on the road?” Mama
“No, Mama. I listened carefully. No one was on the road.”
At the mountain, Pepe was followed by someone who
wanted to revenge the man’s death. Pepe’s horse was killed
and he was shot in the gorge.
A piece of stone flew up and a bullet droned off into the
In “Flight” by John Steinbeck
• The black handle on the long blade
• The black jerky
• The black hat
• Pepe’s black hair
• Pepe puts on his father’s black coat
• Pepe travels in a well-worn black path
• A big black bird circled nearly out of sight
• The shadow of Pepe’s shack in North East
• Pepe watches the sun set in the west
• The tops of the trees were wind-bitten
and dead
• Pepe is traveling up the mountain until
away from the river
• Pepe’s water bag was left on his horse’s
Action • Mama kissed Pepe formally on both cheeks
• Pepe went to Emilio and Rosy and kissed
both of their cheeks
Conversation • Mama: “our beautiful—our brave. Our
protector, our son is gone.”
• Rosy: “he is gone on journey. He will never
come back.”
• Rosy: “he is not dead. Not yet.”
Pepe Torres
Mrs. Torres/ Mama
Mrs. Rodrigguez
Round Character
Flat Character
Major Character
Minor Character
Dynamic Character
Static Character
1. Pepe Torres
2. Mrs. Torres
3. Mr. Torres
4. Mrs. Rodrigguez
- "Adios, Mama," Pepe
cried. "I will come back
soon. You may send me
often alone. I am a
man. "
- Pepe may consider
himself to be just like
his father when he
carrying the knife
Pepe doesn’t understand
what is meant to be a man
but he wants to be
considered as a man.
Pepe struggling to
save his life and he
doesn't give up
because he realizes
what will happen if he
gives up his desire to
Pepe's death is
symbolized by the use
of black color on
several things such as
the black handle, Pepe's
black hair, the black
jerky he chews on, and
his father's black coat.
SCENE 1: Set
of Introduction
The Introduction of the
characters including
their characteristics and
their role in the story
The start of
the conflict
Mainly about Pepe who
accidently killed a man
while doing an errand
that his mom told him to
SCENE 3: The
main events of
the story
About Pepe’s journey to
the mountain (more
likely about the struggle
that he found during the
SETTING 3: The journey
to the mountain
SETTING 2: Monterey (Mrs.
Rodriques’s kitchen)
SETTING 1: Torres’s family
farm, on the wild coast
bellow Monterey Country.
“……Behind the farm the
stone mountains stood up
against the sky. The farm
buildings huddled like the
clinging aphids on the
mountain skirts, crouched
low to the ground as though
the wind might blow them
into the sea.”
“…A few people came into the
kitchen of Mrs. Rodriguez.
There was wine to drink. Pepe
drank wine. The little quarrel
the man started toward Pepe
and then the knife it went
almost by itself. It flew, it
darted before Pepe knew it. “
“It was a well-worn path, dark
soft leaf-mold earth strewn with
broken pieces of sandstone. The
trail rounded the shoulder of the
canyon and dropped steeply into
the bed of the stream. In the
sand along the edges of the
stream the tall, rich wild mint
grew, while in the water itself
the cress, old and tough, had
gone to heavy seed.”
Definition of Point of View
Lostracco and Wilkerson (1979:30ff)
Point of view is how the writer convey about how and what the reader sees
in a the story.
How the story was told
Type of Point of View
Third Person
 There is a narrator who tell the story
 It uses third-person pronouns such as "he," "she," and "they” and the
name of person.
- Mama Torres, a lean, dry woman with ancient eyes, had ruled the
farm for ten years, ever since her husband tripped over a stone in the
field one day and fell full length on a rattlesnake.
- Suddenly Emilio cried, “Ya!”
Types of Third Person Point of View
 Limited Omniscient Point of View
1. The story interpreted Pepe thought and feeling trough external
factor. The narrator does not really know what Pepe is
thinking directly.
- He straightened his shoulders, flipped the reins against the
horse's shoulder, and rode away. He turned once and saw that
they still watched him. Emilio and Rosy and Mama. Pepe
grinned with pride and gladness and lifted the tough buckskin
horse to a trot.
- Pepe was pushing the rifle with his left hand now. Little drops
of sweat ran to the ends of his coarse black hair and rolled
down his cheeks. His lips and tongue were growing thick and
heavy. His lips writhed to draw saliva into his mouth. His little
dark eyes were uneasy and suspicious.
2. The narrator know the thought of Mama Torres
but it is not really strong
- Mama thought him fine and brave, but she never told
him so.
- Mama thought how handsome he was, dark and lean
and tall.
3. This limited point of view makes the story ambiguity
some aspects that the reader need explanation.
 Objective Point of View
The reader infer what the narrator cannot see in the
- Mama nodded. “Yes, thou art a man, my poor little
Pepe. Thou art a man. I have seen it coming on
thee. I have watched you throwing the knife into
the post, and I have been afraid.”
Conversation is the activities
of communicating with
words between two or more
characters in a story, where
the each character is
pictured to represent
himself by saying what he
thinks or feels.
Elizabeth Bowen (1946:251)
commenting on the
use of conversation
writes that
conversation or
dialogue should
not on any account
be vehicle for ideas
for their own
“All day you do foolish things with the knife, like a toy baby,” she stormed.
“Get up on thy huge feet that eat up shoes. Get up!” She took him by one loose
shoulder and hoisted at him. Pepe grinned sheepishly and came halfheartedly to
his feet. “Look!” Mama cried. “Big lazy, you must catch the horse and put on
him thy father's saddle. You must ride to Monterey. The medicine bottle is
empty. There is no salt. Go thou now, Peanut! Catch the horse.”
A revolution took place in the relaxed figure of Pepe. “To Monterey, me?
Alone? Si, Mama”
She scowled at him. “Do not think, big sheep, that you will buy candy. No, I
will give you only enough for the medicine and the salt”
Pepe smiled. “Mama, you will put the hatband on the hat?”
She relented then. “Yes, Pepe. You may wear the hatband”
His voice grew insinuating. “And the green handkerchief, Mama?”
“Yes, if you go quickly and return with no trouble, the silk green
handkerchief will go. If you make sure to take off the handkerchief when you
eat so no spot may fall on it”
“Si, Mama. I will be careful. I am a man”
“Thou? A man? Thou art a peanut”
He went to the rickety barn and brought out a rope, and he walked agilely
enough up the hill to catch the horse.
She said “and that for the salt. That for a candle
to burn for the papa. That for dulces for the little
ones. Our friend Mrs. Rodriguez will give you
dinner and maybe a bed for the night. When you
go to the church, say only ten paternosters and
only twenty-five Ave Marias. Oh! I know, big
coyote. You would sit there flapping your mouth
over Aves all day while you looked at the
candles and the holy pictures. That is not good
devotion to stare at the pretty things”
Mama said, “He is now at the house of our friend
Mrs. Rodriguez. She will give him nice things to eat
and maybe a present.”
Emilio said, “Someday I, too, will ride to Monterey
for medicine. Did Pepe come to be a man today?”
Mama said wisely, “A boy gets to be a man when a
man is needed. Remember this thing. I have known
boys forty years old because there was no need for a
Mama cried out from her bed. “Who comes? Pepe, is it thou?”
“Si, Mama”
“Did you get the medicine?”
“Si, Mama”
“Well, go to sleep, then. I thought you would be sleeping at the
house of Mrs. Rodriguez.” Pepe stood silently in the dark room.
“Why do you stand there, Pepe? Did you drink wine?”
“Si, Mama”
“Well, go to bed then and sleep out the wine.”
His voice was tired and patient, but very firm. “'Light the candle,
Mama. I must go away into the mountains.”
“What is this, Pepe? You are crazy.” Mama struck a sulfur match
and held the little blue burr until the flame spread up the stick. She
set light to the candle on the floor beside her bed. “Now, Pepe,
what is this you say?” She looked anxiously into his face.
“Emilio,” she cried. “Go up and catch the other
horse for Pepe. Quickly, now! Quickly.” Emilio put his
legs in his overalls and stumbled sleepily out the door.
“You heard no one behind you on the road?” Mama
“No, Mama. I listened carefully. No one was on the
Mama brought a little leather bag and counted the cartridges
into his hand. “Only ten left,” she warned. “You must not
waste them.”
Emilio put his head in the door. “'Qui 'st 'l caballo, Mama”
“Put on the saddle from the other horse. Tie on the blanket.
Here, tie the jerky to the saddle horn.”
Still Pepe stood silently watching his mother's frantic
activity. His chin looked hard, and his sweet mouth was drawn
and thin. His little eyes followed Mama about the room almost
Rosy asked softly, “Where goes Pepe?”
Mama's eyes were fierce. “Pepe goes on a journey. Pepe is a
man now. He has a man's thing to do”
“When did Pepe come to be a man?” Emilio asked
“Last night,” said Rosy. “Last night in Monterey.” The ocean
clouds turned red with the sun that was behind the mountains.
“We will have no breakfast,” said Emilio. “Mama will not
want to cook.” Rosy did not answer him. “Where is Pepe
gone?” he asked.
Rosy looked around at him. She drew her knowledge from
the quiet air. “He has gone on a journey. He will never come
“Is he dead? Do you think he is dead?”
Rosy looked back at the ocean again. A little steamer,
drawing a line of smoke, sat on the edge of the horizon. “He is
not dead,” Rosy explained. “Not yet.”
Independent old woman. A
caring and loving mother.
Not a wealthy widow.
Mama Torres
Mature older sister
to Emilio.
Gentle and affectionate
yet lazy young boy, whom
changed into
irresponsibly defensive
but tough grown man. Is
skillful at knife.
Innocent youngest
child of Mama
Independent old
woman. A caring
and loving mother.
Not a wealthy
Mama Torres
“Mama Torres, a lean, dry woman with ancient eyes,
had ruled the farm for ten years, ever since her
husband tripped over a stone in the field one day and
fell full length on a rattlesnake.”
“…then Mama brought out the round black hat with
the tooled leather band, and she reached up and
knotted the green silk handkerchief about his neck.”
Authorial Interpretation
“She lifted her full long skirt and
walked in the direction of the
“Do not think, big sheep, that you will buy candy. No, I will give
you only enough for the medicine and the salt.”
Appearance Speech
“I would not send thee now alone, thou little one, except for the
medicine,” she said softly. “It is not good to have no medicine, for
who knows when the toothache will come, or the sadness of the
stomach. These things are.”
”Yes, thou art a man, my poor little Pep. Thou art a man. I have
seen it coming on thee. I have watched you throwing the knife
into the post, and I have been afraid.”
“Mama was out of bed now, her
long black skirt over her
“…Mama thought him fine and brave, but she never
told him so.”
Actions Thoughts
“From a nail on the wall she took a canvas
bag and threw it on the floor. She stripped a
blanket from her bed and rolled it into a tight
tube and tied the ends with string. From a
box beside the stove she lifted a flour sack
half full of black string jerky. “Your father's
black coat, Pepe. Here, put it on.”
“…then Mama brought out the round black
hat with the tooled leather band, and she
reached up and knotted the green silk
handkerchief about his neck.”
Gentle and affectionate yet
lazy young boy, whom
changed into irresponsibly
defensive but tough grown
man. Is skillful at knife.
Authorial Interpretation
“…And there was Pepe, the tall smiling son of
nineteen, a gentle, affectionate boy, but very
“…. Pepe had sharp Indian cheekbones and an
eagle nose, but his mouth was as sweet and
shapely as a girl's mouth, and his chin was fragile
and chiseled. He was loose and gangling, all legs
and feet and wrists, and he was very lazy.”
“… Pepe had a tall head, pointed at the top, and from
its peak coarse black hair grew down like a thatch all
“…. Pepe had sharp Indian cheekbones and an eagle
nose, but his mouth was as sweet and shapely as a
girl's mouth, and his chin was fragile and chiseled.”
“…The fragile quality seemed to have gone from his
chin. His mouth was less full than it had been, the
lines of the lip were straighter, but in his eyes the
greatest change had taken place.”
“Adios, Mama,” Pepe cried. “I will come back soon.
You may send me often alone. I am a man.”
“Thou are a foolish chicken”
“Light the candle, Mama. I must go away into the
“I am a man now, Mama. The man said names to me I
could not allow.”
“Pepe’s wrist flicked like the head of a snake. The
blade seemed to fly open in midair, and with a thump
the point dug into the redwood post, and the black
handle quivered.”
“…Pepe kissed her on both cheeks. Then he went to
Emilio and Rosy and kissed both of their cheeks.”
“… Pepe felt a sharp pain in his right hand. A sliver of
granite was sticking out from between his first and
second knuckles and the point protruded from his
palm. Carefully he pulled out the sliver of stone.”
“He told her in a tired monotone, told her everything
just as it had happened. A few people came into the
kitchen of Mrs. Rodriguez. There was wine to drink. Pepe
drank wine. The little quarrel the man started toward
Pepe and then the knife it went almost by itself. It flew, it
darted before Pepe knew it.”
Mature older sister to
Innocent youngest child of
Mama Torres.
Emilio said, “Someday I, too, will ride to Monterey for
medicine. Did Pepe come to be a man today?”
Emilio put his head in the door. “Qui 'st 'l caballo,
“We will have no breakfast,” said Emilio. “Mama will
not want to cook.” “…Where is Pepe gone?” he asked.
“Is he dead? Do you think he is dead?”
“Rosy looked around at him. She drew her
knowledge from the quiet air. “He has gone on a
journey. He will never come back.”
“Rosy looked back at the ocean again. A little
steamer, drawing a line of smoke, sat on the
edge of the horizon. “He is not dead,” Rosy
explained. “Not yet.”
By John Steinbeck
STYLEBy John Steinbeck
Tone of the story
How writer deliver the story
The structureThe language style
Overall feel of the story feels light and
It is ironic, but the irony itself feels like
The challenge only stated that they need to
pay the debt for 10 years
Need to pay the debt
The story in generally fells more dark and
The journey of Pepe Torres to flee, feels full
of desperation
The challenge that the character face feels
more harsh and unforgiving
Need to survive in the wilderness
The language used to describe the character
feels quite complicated
THE GIRL WAS ONE of those pretty and charming young
creature who sometimes are born, as if by a slip of fate, into
a family of clerks.
The language used to describe the character
more straightforward than the diamond necklace.
But the description of the setting way more
Mama Torres, a lean dry woman with ancient eyes
It was a well-worn path, dark soft leaf-mold earth strewn
with broken pieces of sandstone
The story begin with the description of the character
Constructer by many dialogues between characters
and short narrations
The story started by the description of the setting
first, then the character as the second
Constructed by long narrations and several short
dialogues between the character

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The flight

  • 1. EXPOSITION Short Introduction Pepe lived with his widowed mothers and his two younger siblings CLIMAX Pepe lost all his tools Mama told him to buy medicine and salt Pepe killed man Pepe went into the mountain Turning Point CONCLUSION Ending of the story Pepe was shot PLOT in The Flight story by John Steinbeck He drew a shaky cross on his breast with his hands
  • 2. SUSPENSE The feeling when something exciting is happening SURPRISE The feeling you get after it has happened
  • 3. Example Suspense Pepe went to Monterey to buy medicine and salt. In the next morning he came back to his house. Surprise Instead of bringing the medicine and the salt, Pepe went home without any of them. Pepe went home because he wanted to escape to the mountain because he killed a man in the bar, in Monterey.
  • 4. Suspense Pepe decided to go to the mountain by riding the horse. Pepe thought no one follow him on the way to home and he will be save. “You heard no one behind you on the road?” Mama demanded “No, Mama. I listened carefully. No one was on the road.” Surprise At the mountain, Pepe was followed by someone who wanted to revenge the man’s death. Pepe’s horse was killed and he was shot in the gorge. A piece of stone flew up and a bullet droned off into the
  • 6. • The black handle on the long blade • The black jerky • The black hat • Pepe’s black hair • Pepe puts on his father’s black coat • Pepe travels in a well-worn black path • A big black bird circled nearly out of sight Color Direction (positive/negative effects) • The shadow of Pepe’s shack in North East • Pepe watches the sun set in the west • The tops of the trees were wind-bitten and dead
  • 7. Nature (water) • Pepe is traveling up the mountain until away from the river • Pepe’s water bag was left on his horse’s shoulder Action • Mama kissed Pepe formally on both cheeks • Pepe went to Emilio and Rosy and kissed both of their cheeks Conversation • Mama: “our beautiful—our brave. Our protector, our son is gone.” • Rosy: “he is gone on journey. He will never come back.” • Rosy: “he is not dead. Not yet.”
  • 9. THE CHARACTERS Pepe Torres Mrs. Torres/ Mama Emilo Rossy Mrs. Rodrigguez
  • 10. Round Character Flat Character Major Character Minor Character THE CHARACTERS Dynamic Character Static Character
  • 11. CHARACTERIZATION Indirect Characterization 1. Pepe Torres 2. Mrs. Torres 3. Mr. Torres 4. Mrs. Rodrigguez Direct Characterization
  • 12. Themes - "Adios, Mama," Pepe cried. "I will come back soon. You may send me often alone. I am a man. " - Pepe may consider himself to be just like his father when he carrying the knife Innocence Pepe doesn’t understand what is meant to be a man but he wants to be considered as a man.
  • 13. Strugle Pepe struggling to save his life and he doesn't give up because he realizes what will happen if he gives up his desire to escape.
  • 14. Death Pepe's death is symbolized by the use of black color on several things such as the black handle, Pepe's black hair, the black jerky he chews on, and his father's black coat.
  • 16. SCENE SCENE 1: Set of Introduction The Introduction of the characters including their characteristics and their role in the story SCENE 2: The start of the conflict Mainly about Pepe who accidently killed a man while doing an errand that his mom told him to SCENE 3: The main events of the story About Pepe’s journey to the mountain (more likely about the struggle that he found during the journey)
  • 17. SETTING OR BACKGROUND SETTING 3: The journey to the mountain SETTING 2: Monterey (Mrs. Rodriques’s kitchen) SETTING 1: Torres’s family farm, on the wild coast bellow Monterey Country. “……Behind the farm the stone mountains stood up against the sky. The farm buildings huddled like the clinging aphids on the mountain skirts, crouched low to the ground as though the wind might blow them into the sea.” “…A few people came into the kitchen of Mrs. Rodriguez. There was wine to drink. Pepe drank wine. The little quarrel the man started toward Pepe and then the knife it went almost by itself. It flew, it darted before Pepe knew it. “ “It was a well-worn path, dark soft leaf-mold earth strewn with broken pieces of sandstone. The trail rounded the shoulder of the canyon and dropped steeply into the bed of the stream. In the sand along the edges of the stream the tall, rich wild mint grew, while in the water itself the cress, old and tough, had gone to heavy seed.”
  • 19. Definition of Point of View 19 Lostracco and Wilkerson (1979:30ff) Point of view is how the writer convey about how and what the reader sees in a the story. How the story was told
  • 20. Type of Point of View Third Person  There is a narrator who tell the story  It uses third-person pronouns such as "he," "she," and "they” and the name of person. - Mama Torres, a lean, dry woman with ancient eyes, had ruled the farm for ten years, ever since her husband tripped over a stone in the field one day and fell full length on a rattlesnake. - Suddenly Emilio cried, “Ya!”
  • 21. Types of Third Person Point of View 21  Limited Omniscient Point of View 1. The story interpreted Pepe thought and feeling trough external factor. The narrator does not really know what Pepe is thinking directly. - He straightened his shoulders, flipped the reins against the horse's shoulder, and rode away. He turned once and saw that they still watched him. Emilio and Rosy and Mama. Pepe grinned with pride and gladness and lifted the tough buckskin horse to a trot. - Pepe was pushing the rifle with his left hand now. Little drops of sweat ran to the ends of his coarse black hair and rolled down his cheeks. His lips and tongue were growing thick and heavy. His lips writhed to draw saliva into his mouth. His little dark eyes were uneasy and suspicious.
  • 22. 2. The narrator know the thought of Mama Torres but it is not really strong - Mama thought him fine and brave, but she never told him so. - Mama thought how handsome he was, dark and lean and tall. 3. This limited point of view makes the story ambiguity some aspects that the reader need explanation.
  • 23.  Objective Point of View The reader infer what the narrator cannot see in the story - Mama nodded. “Yes, thou art a man, my poor little Pepe. Thou art a man. I have seen it coming on thee. I have watched you throwing the knife into the post, and I have been afraid.”
  • 25. Conversation is the activities of communicating with words between two or more characters in a story, where the each character is pictured to represent himself by saying what he thinks or feels.
  • 26. Elizabeth Bowen (1946:251) “When commenting on the use of conversation writes that conversation or dialogue should not on any account be vehicle for ideas for their own sake.”
  • 27.
  • 28. “All day you do foolish things with the knife, like a toy baby,” she stormed. “Get up on thy huge feet that eat up shoes. Get up!” She took him by one loose shoulder and hoisted at him. Pepe grinned sheepishly and came halfheartedly to his feet. “Look!” Mama cried. “Big lazy, you must catch the horse and put on him thy father's saddle. You must ride to Monterey. The medicine bottle is empty. There is no salt. Go thou now, Peanut! Catch the horse.” A revolution took place in the relaxed figure of Pepe. “To Monterey, me? Alone? Si, Mama” She scowled at him. “Do not think, big sheep, that you will buy candy. No, I will give you only enough for the medicine and the salt” Pepe smiled. “Mama, you will put the hatband on the hat?” She relented then. “Yes, Pepe. You may wear the hatband” His voice grew insinuating. “And the green handkerchief, Mama?” “Yes, if you go quickly and return with no trouble, the silk green handkerchief will go. If you make sure to take off the handkerchief when you eat so no spot may fall on it” “Si, Mama. I will be careful. I am a man” “Thou? A man? Thou art a peanut” He went to the rickety barn and brought out a rope, and he walked agilely enough up the hill to catch the horse.
  • 29. She said “and that for the salt. That for a candle to burn for the papa. That for dulces for the little ones. Our friend Mrs. Rodriguez will give you dinner and maybe a bed for the night. When you go to the church, say only ten paternosters and only twenty-five Ave Marias. Oh! I know, big coyote. You would sit there flapping your mouth over Aves all day while you looked at the candles and the holy pictures. That is not good devotion to stare at the pretty things”
  • 30. Mama said, “He is now at the house of our friend Mrs. Rodriguez. She will give him nice things to eat and maybe a present.” Emilio said, “Someday I, too, will ride to Monterey for medicine. Did Pepe come to be a man today?” Mama said wisely, “A boy gets to be a man when a man is needed. Remember this thing. I have known boys forty years old because there was no need for a man”
  • 31. Mama cried out from her bed. “Who comes? Pepe, is it thou?” “Si, Mama” “Did you get the medicine?” “Si, Mama” “Well, go to sleep, then. I thought you would be sleeping at the house of Mrs. Rodriguez.” Pepe stood silently in the dark room. “Why do you stand there, Pepe? Did you drink wine?” “Si, Mama” “Well, go to bed then and sleep out the wine.” His voice was tired and patient, but very firm. “'Light the candle, Mama. I must go away into the mountains.” “What is this, Pepe? You are crazy.” Mama struck a sulfur match and held the little blue burr until the flame spread up the stick. She set light to the candle on the floor beside her bed. “Now, Pepe, what is this you say?” She looked anxiously into his face.
  • 32. “Emilio,” she cried. “Go up and catch the other horse for Pepe. Quickly, now! Quickly.” Emilio put his legs in his overalls and stumbled sleepily out the door. “You heard no one behind you on the road?” Mama demanded. “No, Mama. I listened carefully. No one was on the road”
  • 33. Mama brought a little leather bag and counted the cartridges into his hand. “Only ten left,” she warned. “You must not waste them.” Emilio put his head in the door. “'Qui 'st 'l caballo, Mama” “Put on the saddle from the other horse. Tie on the blanket. Here, tie the jerky to the saddle horn.” Still Pepe stood silently watching his mother's frantic activity. His chin looked hard, and his sweet mouth was drawn and thin. His little eyes followed Mama about the room almost suspiciously. Rosy asked softly, “Where goes Pepe?” Mama's eyes were fierce. “Pepe goes on a journey. Pepe is a man now. He has a man's thing to do”
  • 34. “When did Pepe come to be a man?” Emilio asked “Last night,” said Rosy. “Last night in Monterey.” The ocean clouds turned red with the sun that was behind the mountains. “We will have no breakfast,” said Emilio. “Mama will not want to cook.” Rosy did not answer him. “Where is Pepe gone?” he asked. Rosy looked around at him. She drew her knowledge from the quiet air. “He has gone on a journey. He will never come back.” “Is he dead? Do you think he is dead?” Rosy looked back at the ocean again. A little steamer, drawing a line of smoke, sat on the edge of the horizon. “He is not dead,” Rosy explained. “Not yet.”
  • 36. Independent old woman. A caring and loving mother. Not a wealthy widow. Mama Torres Mature older sister to Emilio. Rosy Gentle and affectionate yet lazy young boy, whom changed into irresponsibly defensive but tough grown man. Is skillful at knife. Pepe Innocent youngest child of Mama Torres. Emilio
  • 37. Independent old woman. A caring and loving mother. Not a wealthy widow. Mama Torres “Mama Torres, a lean, dry woman with ancient eyes, had ruled the farm for ten years, ever since her husband tripped over a stone in the field one day and fell full length on a rattlesnake.” “…then Mama brought out the round black hat with the tooled leather band, and she reached up and knotted the green silk handkerchief about his neck.” Authorial Interpretation
  • 38. “She lifted her full long skirt and walked in the direction of the noise.” “Do not think, big sheep, that you will buy candy. No, I will give you only enough for the medicine and the salt.” Appearance Speech “I would not send thee now alone, thou little one, except for the medicine,” she said softly. “It is not good to have no medicine, for who knows when the toothache will come, or the sadness of the stomach. These things are.” ”Yes, thou art a man, my poor little Pep. Thou art a man. I have seen it coming on thee. I have watched you throwing the knife into the post, and I have been afraid.” “Mama was out of bed now, her long black skirt over her nightgown.”
  • 39. “…Mama thought him fine and brave, but she never told him so.” Actions Thoughts “From a nail on the wall she took a canvas bag and threw it on the floor. She stripped a blanket from her bed and rolled it into a tight tube and tied the ends with string. From a box beside the stove she lifted a flour sack half full of black string jerky. “Your father's black coat, Pepe. Here, put it on.” “…then Mama brought out the round black hat with the tooled leather band, and she reached up and knotted the green silk handkerchief about his neck.”
  • 40. Gentle and affectionate yet lazy young boy, whom changed into irresponsibly defensive but tough grown man. Is skillful at knife. Pepe Authorial Interpretation “…And there was Pepe, the tall smiling son of nineteen, a gentle, affectionate boy, but very lazy.” “…. Pepe had sharp Indian cheekbones and an eagle nose, but his mouth was as sweet and shapely as a girl's mouth, and his chin was fragile and chiseled. He was loose and gangling, all legs and feet and wrists, and he was very lazy.”
  • 41. Appearance “… Pepe had a tall head, pointed at the top, and from its peak coarse black hair grew down like a thatch all around.” “…. Pepe had sharp Indian cheekbones and an eagle nose, but his mouth was as sweet and shapely as a girl's mouth, and his chin was fragile and chiseled.” Speech “…The fragile quality seemed to have gone from his chin. His mouth was less full than it had been, the lines of the lip were straighter, but in his eyes the greatest change had taken place.” “Adios, Mama,” Pepe cried. “I will come back soon. You may send me often alone. I am a man.” “Thou are a foolish chicken” “Light the candle, Mama. I must go away into the mountains.” “I am a man now, Mama. The man said names to me I could not allow.”
  • 42. Actions “Pepe’s wrist flicked like the head of a snake. The blade seemed to fly open in midair, and with a thump the point dug into the redwood post, and the black handle quivered.” “…Pepe kissed her on both cheeks. Then he went to Emilio and Rosy and kissed both of their cheeks.” “… Pepe felt a sharp pain in his right hand. A sliver of granite was sticking out from between his first and second knuckles and the point protruded from his palm. Carefully he pulled out the sliver of stone.” “He told her in a tired monotone, told her everything just as it had happened. A few people came into the kitchen of Mrs. Rodriguez. There was wine to drink. Pepe drank wine. The little quarrel the man started toward Pepe and then the knife it went almost by itself. It flew, it darted before Pepe knew it.”
  • 43. Mature older sister to Emilio. Rosy Innocent youngest child of Mama Torres. Emilio Emilio said, “Someday I, too, will ride to Monterey for medicine. Did Pepe come to be a man today?” Emilio put his head in the door. “Qui 'st 'l caballo, Mama.” “We will have no breakfast,” said Emilio. “Mama will not want to cook.” “…Where is Pepe gone?” he asked. “Is he dead? Do you think he is dead?” “Rosy looked around at him. She drew her knowledge from the quiet air. “He has gone on a journey. He will never come back.” “Rosy looked back at the ocean again. A little steamer, drawing a line of smoke, sat on the edge of the horizon. “He is not dead,” Rosy explained. “Not yet.”
  • 46. STYLE Tone of the story How writer deliver the story The structureThe language style
  • 48. THE DIAMOND NECKLACE FLIGHT Overall feel of the story feels light and friendly It is ironic, but the irony itself feels like comedy The challenge only stated that they need to pay the debt for 10 years Need to pay the debt The story in generally fells more dark and gloomy The journey of Pepe Torres to flee, feels full of desperation The challenge that the character face feels more harsh and unforgiving Need to survive in the wilderness
  • 49. LANGUAGE STYLE THE DIAMOND NECKLACE The language used to describe the character feels quite complicated THE GIRL WAS ONE of those pretty and charming young creature who sometimes are born, as if by a slip of fate, into a family of clerks. FLIGHT The language used to describe the character more straightforward than the diamond necklace. But the description of the setting way more detailed Mama Torres, a lean dry woman with ancient eyes It was a well-worn path, dark soft leaf-mold earth strewn with broken pieces of sandstone
  • 50. THE STRUCTURE THE DIAMOND NECKLACE The story begin with the description of the character Constructer by many dialogues between characters and short narrations FLIGHT The story started by the description of the setting first, then the character as the second Constructed by long narrations and several short dialogues between the character

Editor's Notes

  1. More material: