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           No Ordinary Love
           CW110 Final Paper

           Genalin O. Setarios

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                                       No Ordinary Love


Mimi was about to be late for school, so she prepared her things in a hurry. She put on her black

stiletto and tried to straighten out her yellow dress. She was brushing her hair, when a knock

came on the door.

       “Who is it?” Mimi called out as she pinned her hair back into a half-moon.

       “It’s me, Bella,” answered her personal assistant.

       “Oh Bella, wait a sec! I’m just finishing up in here,” she called back.

       “I just wanted you to know that your father would like to see you in his office before you

head off to school.” Bella informed.

       “Okay, got it! Thanks a lot Bella!” Mimi looked at the mirror and put on some lip balm.

       “Good thing my skin’s fairly morena, I don’t have to put on a lot of make-up just to fix

my skin tone,” she said to herself.

       She took a final look at herself, stood up from her dresser, took her bag and her books

from her bed, and stormed out of her room to her father’s office, just after she said goodbye to

her mother, the portrait of the woman which was hanging on her room.

       Mimi’s mother died when she was still ten, just a year after they settled in Manila. She

didn’t know much about her mother. All she knew was that she looks exactly like her mother, as

her father would always say. She had the same morena complexion, the same long black hair,

and the same fair height. And just like her, her mother was also a music lover. That’s all she

knew of her late mother. But then, that didn’t make her love her mother less, she still loved her

mother just as much as anyone who knew their mother well.
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         As Mimi was running through the hallway, she greeted all the people she passed by – her

personal assistant, the main housekeeper, the butler, the chambermaid, one of the bodyguards

and the rest – with a smile and a good morning along the way. Finally, when she was about to

reach the end of the hallway, where her father’s office was, she stopped to catch her breath,

straightened out her dress and her hair, making sure not a single strand was sticking out, and

tried to look normal as possible. Then she slowly walked towards her father’s office.

         “Good morning, Madam Mimi, your father is expecting you,” the bodyguards at the door

bowed to greet her as they opened the door for her.

         “Thanks! You guys look sharp today. Have a nice day!” waving her hand to the

bodyguards, as the doors closed behind her as she entered her father’s office.

She caught a glimpse of a guy sitting at the waiting bench. The guy was wearing a bodyguard’s

uniform, a black suit and tie with black leather shoes.

         “He must be new,” she said under her breath.

His hair was neatly combed like a real gentleman is. He had the same fair complexion like Mimi.

He had the nicest deep brown eyes that Mimi has ever seen. Something about him reminded her

of someone.

         She continued to walk towards her father’s desk.

         “There you are!” her father greeted her with a warm hug, as usual.

         “Good morning Papa,” as she returned her father’s hug and gave him a peck on the


         “Bella said you wanted to see me,” she said.

         “I got you a new bodyguard. He will be accompanying you to school, piano and voice

practice, parties or any dates you go to,” Mr. dela Torre said.
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       “But Papa!”, Mimi tried to but in.

       “No more buts, honey. This is for your own good,” as he reached for the intercom and

pressed the button, “you may now come in, David.”


David just came from the province. He and his mother had lived there almost all his life. His

mother was the only one who raised him, because his father was an absentee. He didn’t know if

his father was still alive or dead. He hadn’t seen a single picture of his father. But then, since his

mother loved him so much; he felt that he did not need the love of a father anymore. His

mother’s love was enough for him.

       But then, there was one love from a person that he wanted to have. That love is from a

special girl from his past, his childhood friend. And for that reason, he decided to work in

Manila, specifically for the dela Torre’s, so that he can be close to his special someone.

       So, when he graduated from the Philippine National Police Academy, he immediately

sought for a job in Manila, where his mother said the girl was currently residing. Luckily, he

immediately got a job as a bodyguard of the dela Torre companies. It was a group of well-to-do

companies which was known not just in Manila, but also all over the Philippines. They own

airlines, ships, resorts, hotels, restaurants, you name it and they have it. He was just so happy that

he got a job there, at least his chances of finding his first love was perking higher. As he left for

Manila, he hugged his mother tightly and kissed her check.

       “I’m sorry Mama, if I didn’t tell you the real reason why I wanted to work in Manila. But

I know this is the best for me,” he thought as he walked down the hill, carrying his duffel bag,

towards the jeepney stop.
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       Though it was his first time in Manila, he didn’t have a hard time locating the dela

Torre’s residence, because everyone in Manila knew them. Someone even offered him a ride

there, but then, just as they were about to go out of the airport, a man in a black suit, holding out

a card with his name written on it, approached him.

        “Mr. Salazar?”

       “Yes sir. That’s me.”

       “Welcome to Manila. My name is Manuel. I will be driving you to the dela Torre’s

residence.” as he motioned towards the black and shiny limousine parked just outside the lobby.

       “Woah! Nice! I mean, thank you.”, then turning to the kind man who offered him a ride,

“Thank you kind sir. But I guess I won’t be coming with you anymore. It was nice to meet you

though. Have a good day!” he bowed and waved goodbye and walked towards the limousine.

       The dela Torre’s residence was about an hour ride from the airport, just enough for him

to get a glimpse of Manila. Everywhere he looked, there would either be a dela Torre restaurant,

dela Torre spa and salon, dela Torre bank, dela Torre hotels and coffee shop and so on. It was as

if, Manila was bustling with different dela Torre businesses. He imagined that the dela Torre

must be a really rich family with a really nice house. Fair enough, the driver just informed him

that they have arrived. He pulled in what seemed like a palace which came out of some famous

movie. It was an enormous five story palace. Guards can be found everywhere. It had a wide

garden in front filled with different plants and flowers. There were gardeners trimming and

watering the flowers and plants. The driveway was wide and tiled with marble. The garage,

which seemed like a house on its own, was filled with different types of cars, from bullet proof

cars, to sport cars, to motorcycles, and vans. The driver stopped at the backdoor steps, wherein

two guards were standing. A man in a deep navy suit greeted him at the door,
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        “Welcome Mr. Salazar. The president has been expecting you. But before you go see

him, let me show you your room.” and the man lead him inside the palace.

He was too astonished to say anything. He just kept on nodding and smiling. There were maids

and servants everywhere. The palace had carpeted floors all over the place. A lot of portraits and

painting were hanging on either side of its walls. Even the ceilings had paintings on them. Huge

antique jars were placed at every corner. It had huge windows which made the insides of the

palace breezy. Everything in the palace looked exquisite and expensive. As he followed the

butler to his room, he caught a glimpse of some rooms. There was a dancing room, a mini

theater, a couple of guest rooms, a spa and massage room, a TV room and a game room. Just

then the butler stopped at a door, which must be his room.

        “Here we are. Make yourself at home. Your uniform had been prepared already. Please

wear it immediately, before we go to Mr. dela Torre.”

        “Oh, Okay. Thank you, kind sir,” he bowed as he entered the room.

        “Hurry up. I’ll be waiting outside.” David entered his room, which looked like a hotel


It had its own TV set, own dresser with a huge mirror attached to the wall. It also had its own

bathroom, kitchen and mini living room. He frantically searched for his uniform, and finally he

saw it neatly placed on a king sized bed. He changed into his uniform as fast as he could and

combed his hair neatly before he went out.

        “This way please.” the butler pointed towards the long hallway.

Just as they were walking away, he saw a lady in business attire, knocking on the door of some

woman named Mimi, little did he know that he’ll be spending more time with her beginning that

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         He’s been sitting on the bench in the waiting area of the president’s office for a couple of

minutes now. The butler said that he should just wait for the president to call him to come into

his office. So there he was, sitting there and waiting patiently. He thought of his childhood friend

and how much he wanted to see her again. Just then, the door burst open and a beautiful young

lady, just about his age, entered the room. He followed her with his eyes. Then, as if she felt his

stare, she glanced at him. And David, who felt a bit panicky, just smiled. The lady also smiled

brightly, as bright as her yellow dress, and then continued to walk away.

         He felt like there was a connection between him and the young lady. Her smile seemed so

familiar to David. It made him think of someone special to him. He can still remember her

beautiful face and her bright smile. Unfortunately, they had to separate because the girl had to

move somewhere and they haven’t seen each other since then.

         The sound of the intercom cut through his thoughts.

         “You may come in now, David”, were the words he heard. So he got up and went to the

desk of the president.


The guy, she saw in the waiting room earlier, entered the room.

         “This is Mr. David Salazar. He is going to be your new bodyguard.” then turning to


         “And this, Mr. Salazar, is my one and only precious daughter Senna Mae dela Torre.”

David took of his cap and bowed to greet Mimi.

         “At your service, Madam. It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he said.

David was shocked when Mimi held out her hand at him and said
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         “The pleasure’s mine, Dave. Can I call you that? Anyways, you can call me Mimi for

short. I don’t want to be so formal and all,” then brightly smiled at him and gestured for him to

shake her hands.

Realizing that he was just standing there staring at her beautiful face, David shook with Mimi’s


         “Ok, that’s it. I really have got to go Papa. I’m going to be late for school.” she kissed

and hugged her father.

         “Take care honey,” Mr. dela Torre said, then turning to David, “Please stay for a bit. I

just have some important matters to discuss with you in private.”

         “Yes sir,” Dave responded, then he looked at Mimi who was waiting for her at the door.

         “It’s okay, Dave. I’ll just wait for you in the car. But, please do hurry,” Mimi said.

         As Mimi saw Dave approaching the car, she opened her window and yelled out to him.

         “Dave! Hurry up! I’m gonna be late for school,” Mimi cried.

         “Okay, Madam. I’m sorry,” Dave said, as if he just snapped out from his thoughts.


David was still bothered with what Mr. dela Torre told him earlier that day.

         “I know you mean well, but please break it to her gently. Don’t shock her, for she’s had a

tough time ever since then,” were Mr. dela Torre’s last words, before he left.

He still couldn’t believe it. But, he was happy that he’s finally found his childhood friend, Mimi.

Although she still can’t remember him now, he believes that one day, she eventually will.
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          In order for Mimi to remember him, Dave has planned out some things for him to do.

And he started out with Mimi’s favorite snack. After school, as Mimi was about to get in the car,

Dave handed her a bag of mangoes and bagoong, her favorite.

          “Wow! Thanks! These are my favorite,” Mimi beamed as she took it from him.

          “I know,” Dave smiled.

          “Huh? How did you know?” Mimi asked, puzzled.

          “Uhm, I mean. I know, right? Isn’t mangga’t bagoong the best?” Dave explained.

          “Oh, yeah. It definitely is,” Mimi said.

          “Whew! That was close,” Dave muttered under his breath, as he started the car.

As Dave was pulling the car in the dela Torre’s driveway, he glanced at Mimi in the rearview


          “So, I was informed that it’s your birthday tomorrow,” Dave blurted out.

          “Yes, it’s my twenty-fourth birthday,” she said, as Dave put the car to a stop.

          “Well, I guess we have the same birthday then,” Dave said, as he opened the car for her.

          “Really? That’s great! Then we’ll have a double birthday party tomorrow!” Mimi


          “I don’t think so. I’ll just be happy celebrating it with you at the side,” Dave said,

laughing, as he closed the car’s door.

          “Wait, can I see that?” Mimi said pointing at Dave’s wrist.

          “Oh! This one? Yeah, sure,” Dave held out his hand for Mimi to see.

          “Nice bracelet. You know, I feel like I’ve seen something like this before. I’m just not

sure,” Mimi said, observing the bracelet closely.
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       “You may have. You just forgot about it,” Dave said, thinking back to the time when

Mimi gave him the bracelet as a present during his 9th birthday.

       “Yeah, I think so too. Anyways, I gotta go. I still have a lot of things to prepare for

tomorrow,” Mimi said, as she hurried inside their house.

       “Yes indeed, you just don’t know it yet,” Dave muttered under his breath.


Mimi woke up early the next morning. She planned to give Dave a birthday surprise. She went to

their cook and told him about her plan. The cook smiled and agreed to help her cook puchero for

Dave’s birthday surprise. Mimi didn’t know what Dave’s favorite dish was, but when she

thought of a dish to cook, puchero was the first thing that popped into her mind. Indeed, she

decided to cook puchero for Dave.

       She was just placing a vase of tulips on the center table, when Dave entered the dining

room. He was about to say something, when Mimi and the cooks and some maids, sang him a

happy birthday.

       “Thanks everyone. Thanks Madam. I’m too speechless to think of anything,” Dave said,

still overwhelmed with the surprise birthday breakfast.

       “Well, I’m glad you liked it. I’m sorry, since I didn’t know your favorite dish, I just

decided to cook puchero for you. I hope you’ll like it,” Mimi said, as they all settled down to eat.

       “You made a great choice. Puchero is actually my favorite. Thanks again Ma’am. Happy

birthday to you too, I’m sorry I haven’t prepared anything special, yet.” Dave smiled.
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          “That’s great! Oh! Don’t worry about it. I’m just glad you liked my little surprise. You

know, I felt like I’ve known you before, because I seem to know a lot about you,” Mimi said,

slicing her viand.

          “You might know me more than you think,” Dave muttered under his breath, smiling.

          “What did you say?” Mimi said as his father entered the room.

          “What’s going on here?” Mr. dela Torre asked coming to his daughter, “Happy birthday,

darling,” he said, as he gave her a kiss on the cheek.

          “Thanks Papa. Well, I just found out yesterday that Dave and I have the same birthday.

So I decided to prepare a little surprise for him. But since I didn’t know his favorite dish, I just

decided to cook puchero, which turned out to be his favorite dish. Can you believe it Papa?”

Mimi happily explained.

          “Yes, I can dear. You might know him more than you think you do.” Mr. dela Torre said,

exchanging knowing glances with Dave, across the table, “Happy birthday, Dave,” he added.


When the last guests have said their last happy birthdays and goodbyes to Mimi, Dave asked

Mimi to come with him to the backyard. Mimi wondered what he could be up to, but came with

him anyways, smiling.

          “Surprise!” Dave said, as Mimi saw the backyard, which he decorated with tulips and


Situated at the middle of the backyard was a bench, filled with tulips and lights. And on the

bench was a bouquet of tulips.
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        “Wow! This is nice Dave. I’m really surprised,” Mimi exclaimed, still mesmerized with

the view.

        “Here, sit,” Dave motioned for her to sit on the bench, as he took a guitar, which was

lying on the ground, just beside the bench.

        “Oh!” Mimi exclaimed, cupping her mouth with her hands, overwhelmed.

        “Yeah, I’ve prepared a little something for you, I hope you will like this,” Dave said as he

started playing the guitar.

Dave sang Mimi’s favorite song, No Ordinary Love, hoping that she would finally remember

him. All this time, Dave has been trying things that will make Mimi remember him, as her

childhood friend before. Since he already has Mr. dela Torre’s approval, he decided to go with it.

And if this last step won’t work still, he has decided to finally let Mimi know the truth. He’ll tell

her why she couldn’t remember him at all.

        “You were the first to touch my heart, and everything’s right again, with your

extraordinary love,” Dave sang as he strummed the last chords of the song.

        “Wow! I can’t say anything. I’m too surprised right now,” Mimi said in disbelief.

        “Well, I couldn’t think of a more perfect surprise for you. But I hope you liked it,” Dave

said placing the guitar back on the ground and sat beside her.

        “Liked it? I loved it! That was actually my favorite song. And tulips? Tulips are my

favorite!” looking at the tulips decorated in the backyard, then at Dave, “How come we just met

but then we know so much about each other?” Mimi finally wondered.

        “Okay, I’m gonna tell you something,” breathing heavily, “Promise me you won’t laugh

or anything. It’s a secret that I and your father have been keeping for some time now.” Dave

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        “A secret? Okay, what is it?” Mimi asked eagerly.

So David told Mimi the reason why he knew so much about her was that he was her childhood

friend back in Davao. He told her that the reason why she couldn’t remember him was that she

had a post-traumatic amnesia after her mother died in a car accident. It was a car accident that

Mimi caused because when she was 18, it was her first test drive on the highway, and her mother

came to support her. But then, her brakes went off, and they hit a truck. So all she can remember

was her father. That’s also why she vaguely remembers her mother.

        “What the hell are you saying?” Mimi cried, as she stood up from the bench.

        “It’s true, Mimi. I’m sorry if it had to come from me, this way,” Dave said, standing up.

        “No, that can’t be true. No. No. No!” Mimi said, crying and a bit frantic.

        “It’s true, Mimi. That’s the reason why I knew that you liked mangga’t bagoong. And

this bracelet,” holding out his wrist with the bracelet Mimi gave him, “the reason why you think

this bracelet was familiar was because you’re the one who gave it to me, on my birthday. And,

and the reason why you chose to cook puchero was because you already knew that was my

favorite. And now, I prepared tulips because I knew that you loved tulips, because it reminds you

so much of your mom. And I sang No Ordinary Love because I knew it was your favorite. What

other reason could there be to explain all those things?” Dave explained.

        “I’m sorry Dave. I just can’t take this,” Mimi cried, as she turned and ran back inside the

house, leaving Dave crying on the ground.

As Mimi was running back inside the house, she saw her father in the hallway.

        “Mimi! What happened to you dear? Why are you crying?” her father asked, seeing her

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       “Is it true, Papa? Is it true that I was the reason why Mama died? Is it true that Dave was

my childhood friend before? And the reason why I couldn’t remember those things was because

I had an amnesia? Is it true? Papa! Tell me. Answer me please!” Mimi begged clutching at her

father’s arms, sobbing.

       “Yes, darling. It is indeed true. I’m sorry I haven’t told you about it. I guess the timing

wasn’t just right,” her father explained.

       “So when are you gonna plan to tell me? So if Dave didn’t tell me, you still wouldn’t? I

can’t believe you’ve kept this from me for such a long time, Papa! I hate you!” Mimi cried, as

she stormed out running out of the house.

It was already dark and raining outside. But Mimi didn’t care. She went inside the nearest car

and drove out of the house. She felt like she needed to be out of there as fast as she could. She

was sobbing and out of breath, but she couldn’t stop crying. She couldn’t believe all of the things

that she learned that night. It hurt that Dave was the one who told her. But it hurt more that her

father haven’t told her about it, and probably haven’t planned to if it weren’t for Dave, all this

time. Mimi was so absorbed with her thoughts, crying and sobbing, when she haven’t noticed

that a dog was crossing the street up ahead. When she finally did, it came as a shock to her, that

she stepped on her brakes hard in order to avoid the dog, then turned the car to the right. But

since she was driving at full speed, her car didn’t stop immediately. It went a little down the hill,

and hit the tree, which made Mimi hit her head hard. The next thing she knew, she was already in



The door of Mimi’s room opened, and out came her doctor.
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        “Mimi’s awake. You may go see her now,” she informed.

Dave and Mimi’s father have been worried sick about Mimi when she got into another car

accident. She’s been in the hospital for two weeks now. And this was the first time that she has

woken up.

        “Come on. Let’s see her,” Mr. dela Torre said to Dave.

        “Why don’t you come in first, sir. I will just follow you in a while. I don’t wanna shock

her or something,” Dave said anxiously.

        “Okay,” Mr. dela Torre replied as he opened Mimi’s door and went inside.

After a few minutes, Dave finally decided to come inside. As he was closing the door behind

him, he could hear Mimi’s voice.

        “Where is Dave, Dad? I wanna see him,” Mimi said.

        “Actually,” her father began, “Oh! There he is! Come on in, son,” Her father gestured for

Dave to come closer as he saw him approaching.

        “Well, I guess, I’ll have to leave you two alone first,” Mr. dela Torre said, standing up,

kissing Mimi’s forehead and patting Dave’s back, and headed for the door.

        “Hi, how are you?” were the first words that Dave blurted out, sitting down beside

Mimi’s bed.

        “Dave, I’m fine. Look, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I acted that way to you,” Mimi apogized.

        “It’s okay, Mimi. I understand,” Dave said, looking at her eyes.

        “I remember you, Dave. I can now remember you,” Mimi said, as tears rolled down her


        “Really? You can finally remember me now?” Dave asked, in disbelief, but happily.
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      “Yes, and I’m really sorry. I really am. I wish I could make it up to you,” Mimi said in

between sobs.

      “It’s okay, Mimi. What matters now is that we’re together again, and you already

remember me,” Dave smiled, pulling her close to hug her, “Nothing makes me happier than

having you near me, Mimi.”

                                       THE END

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No Ordinary Love

  • 1. qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqw ertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwert yuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyui opasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopa No Ordinary Love sdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdf CW110 Final Paper 10/8/2012 ghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghj Genalin O. Setarios klzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklz xcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcv bnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbn mqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmq wertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwe rtyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwerty uiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuio pasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopas dfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfg
  • 2. Page 1 of 15 200-47475 No Ordinary Love I Mimi was about to be late for school, so she prepared her things in a hurry. She put on her black stiletto and tried to straighten out her yellow dress. She was brushing her hair, when a knock came on the door. “Who is it?” Mimi called out as she pinned her hair back into a half-moon. “It’s me, Bella,” answered her personal assistant. “Oh Bella, wait a sec! I’m just finishing up in here,” she called back. “I just wanted you to know that your father would like to see you in his office before you head off to school.” Bella informed. “Okay, got it! Thanks a lot Bella!” Mimi looked at the mirror and put on some lip balm. “Good thing my skin’s fairly morena, I don’t have to put on a lot of make-up just to fix my skin tone,” she said to herself. She took a final look at herself, stood up from her dresser, took her bag and her books from her bed, and stormed out of her room to her father’s office, just after she said goodbye to her mother, the portrait of the woman which was hanging on her room. Mimi’s mother died when she was still ten, just a year after they settled in Manila. She didn’t know much about her mother. All she knew was that she looks exactly like her mother, as her father would always say. She had the same morena complexion, the same long black hair, and the same fair height. And just like her, her mother was also a music lover. That’s all she knew of her late mother. But then, that didn’t make her love her mother less, she still loved her mother just as much as anyone who knew their mother well.
  • 3. Page 2 of 15 200-47475 As Mimi was running through the hallway, she greeted all the people she passed by – her personal assistant, the main housekeeper, the butler, the chambermaid, one of the bodyguards and the rest – with a smile and a good morning along the way. Finally, when she was about to reach the end of the hallway, where her father’s office was, she stopped to catch her breath, straightened out her dress and her hair, making sure not a single strand was sticking out, and tried to look normal as possible. Then she slowly walked towards her father’s office. “Good morning, Madam Mimi, your father is expecting you,” the bodyguards at the door bowed to greet her as they opened the door for her. “Thanks! You guys look sharp today. Have a nice day!” waving her hand to the bodyguards, as the doors closed behind her as she entered her father’s office. She caught a glimpse of a guy sitting at the waiting bench. The guy was wearing a bodyguard’s uniform, a black suit and tie with black leather shoes. “He must be new,” she said under her breath. His hair was neatly combed like a real gentleman is. He had the same fair complexion like Mimi. He had the nicest deep brown eyes that Mimi has ever seen. Something about him reminded her of someone. She continued to walk towards her father’s desk. “There you are!” her father greeted her with a warm hug, as usual. “Good morning Papa,” as she returned her father’s hug and gave him a peck on the cheek. “Bella said you wanted to see me,” she said. “I got you a new bodyguard. He will be accompanying you to school, piano and voice practice, parties or any dates you go to,” Mr. dela Torre said.
  • 4. Page 3 of 15 200-47475 “But Papa!”, Mimi tried to but in. “No more buts, honey. This is for your own good,” as he reached for the intercom and pressed the button, “you may now come in, David.” II David just came from the province. He and his mother had lived there almost all his life. His mother was the only one who raised him, because his father was an absentee. He didn’t know if his father was still alive or dead. He hadn’t seen a single picture of his father. But then, since his mother loved him so much; he felt that he did not need the love of a father anymore. His mother’s love was enough for him. But then, there was one love from a person that he wanted to have. That love is from a special girl from his past, his childhood friend. And for that reason, he decided to work in Manila, specifically for the dela Torre’s, so that he can be close to his special someone. So, when he graduated from the Philippine National Police Academy, he immediately sought for a job in Manila, where his mother said the girl was currently residing. Luckily, he immediately got a job as a bodyguard of the dela Torre companies. It was a group of well-to-do companies which was known not just in Manila, but also all over the Philippines. They own airlines, ships, resorts, hotels, restaurants, you name it and they have it. He was just so happy that he got a job there, at least his chances of finding his first love was perking higher. As he left for Manila, he hugged his mother tightly and kissed her check. “I’m sorry Mama, if I didn’t tell you the real reason why I wanted to work in Manila. But I know this is the best for me,” he thought as he walked down the hill, carrying his duffel bag, towards the jeepney stop.
  • 5. Page 4 of 15 200-47475 Though it was his first time in Manila, he didn’t have a hard time locating the dela Torre’s residence, because everyone in Manila knew them. Someone even offered him a ride there, but then, just as they were about to go out of the airport, a man in a black suit, holding out a card with his name written on it, approached him. “Mr. Salazar?” “Yes sir. That’s me.” “Welcome to Manila. My name is Manuel. I will be driving you to the dela Torre’s residence.” as he motioned towards the black and shiny limousine parked just outside the lobby. “Woah! Nice! I mean, thank you.”, then turning to the kind man who offered him a ride, “Thank you kind sir. But I guess I won’t be coming with you anymore. It was nice to meet you though. Have a good day!” he bowed and waved goodbye and walked towards the limousine. The dela Torre’s residence was about an hour ride from the airport, just enough for him to get a glimpse of Manila. Everywhere he looked, there would either be a dela Torre restaurant, dela Torre spa and salon, dela Torre bank, dela Torre hotels and coffee shop and so on. It was as if, Manila was bustling with different dela Torre businesses. He imagined that the dela Torre must be a really rich family with a really nice house. Fair enough, the driver just informed him that they have arrived. He pulled in what seemed like a palace which came out of some famous movie. It was an enormous five story palace. Guards can be found everywhere. It had a wide garden in front filled with different plants and flowers. There were gardeners trimming and watering the flowers and plants. The driveway was wide and tiled with marble. The garage, which seemed like a house on its own, was filled with different types of cars, from bullet proof cars, to sport cars, to motorcycles, and vans. The driver stopped at the backdoor steps, wherein two guards were standing. A man in a deep navy suit greeted him at the door,
  • 6. Page 5 of 15 200-47475 “Welcome Mr. Salazar. The president has been expecting you. But before you go see him, let me show you your room.” and the man lead him inside the palace. He was too astonished to say anything. He just kept on nodding and smiling. There were maids and servants everywhere. The palace had carpeted floors all over the place. A lot of portraits and painting were hanging on either side of its walls. Even the ceilings had paintings on them. Huge antique jars were placed at every corner. It had huge windows which made the insides of the palace breezy. Everything in the palace looked exquisite and expensive. As he followed the butler to his room, he caught a glimpse of some rooms. There was a dancing room, a mini theater, a couple of guest rooms, a spa and massage room, a TV room and a game room. Just then the butler stopped at a door, which must be his room. “Here we are. Make yourself at home. Your uniform had been prepared already. Please wear it immediately, before we go to Mr. dela Torre.” “Oh, Okay. Thank you, kind sir,” he bowed as he entered the room. “Hurry up. I’ll be waiting outside.” David entered his room, which looked like a hotel room. It had its own TV set, own dresser with a huge mirror attached to the wall. It also had its own bathroom, kitchen and mini living room. He frantically searched for his uniform, and finally he saw it neatly placed on a king sized bed. He changed into his uniform as fast as he could and combed his hair neatly before he went out. “This way please.” the butler pointed towards the long hallway. Just as they were walking away, he saw a lady in business attire, knocking on the door of some woman named Mimi, little did he know that he’ll be spending more time with her beginning that day.
  • 7. Page 6 of 15 200-47475 He’s been sitting on the bench in the waiting area of the president’s office for a couple of minutes now. The butler said that he should just wait for the president to call him to come into his office. So there he was, sitting there and waiting patiently. He thought of his childhood friend and how much he wanted to see her again. Just then, the door burst open and a beautiful young lady, just about his age, entered the room. He followed her with his eyes. Then, as if she felt his stare, she glanced at him. And David, who felt a bit panicky, just smiled. The lady also smiled brightly, as bright as her yellow dress, and then continued to walk away. He felt like there was a connection between him and the young lady. Her smile seemed so familiar to David. It made him think of someone special to him. He can still remember her beautiful face and her bright smile. Unfortunately, they had to separate because the girl had to move somewhere and they haven’t seen each other since then. The sound of the intercom cut through his thoughts. “You may come in now, David”, were the words he heard. So he got up and went to the desk of the president. III The guy, she saw in the waiting room earlier, entered the room. “This is Mr. David Salazar. He is going to be your new bodyguard.” then turning to David, “And this, Mr. Salazar, is my one and only precious daughter Senna Mae dela Torre.” David took of his cap and bowed to greet Mimi. “At your service, Madam. It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he said. David was shocked when Mimi held out her hand at him and said
  • 8. Page 7 of 15 200-47475 “The pleasure’s mine, Dave. Can I call you that? Anyways, you can call me Mimi for short. I don’t want to be so formal and all,” then brightly smiled at him and gestured for him to shake her hands. Realizing that he was just standing there staring at her beautiful face, David shook with Mimi’s hands. “Ok, that’s it. I really have got to go Papa. I’m going to be late for school.” she kissed and hugged her father. “Take care honey,” Mr. dela Torre said, then turning to David, “Please stay for a bit. I just have some important matters to discuss with you in private.” “Yes sir,” Dave responded, then he looked at Mimi who was waiting for her at the door. “It’s okay, Dave. I’ll just wait for you in the car. But, please do hurry,” Mimi said. As Mimi saw Dave approaching the car, she opened her window and yelled out to him. “Dave! Hurry up! I’m gonna be late for school,” Mimi cried. “Okay, Madam. I’m sorry,” Dave said, as if he just snapped out from his thoughts. IV David was still bothered with what Mr. dela Torre told him earlier that day. “I know you mean well, but please break it to her gently. Don’t shock her, for she’s had a tough time ever since then,” were Mr. dela Torre’s last words, before he left. He still couldn’t believe it. But, he was happy that he’s finally found his childhood friend, Mimi. Although she still can’t remember him now, he believes that one day, she eventually will.
  • 9. Page 8 of 15 200-47475 In order for Mimi to remember him, Dave has planned out some things for him to do. And he started out with Mimi’s favorite snack. After school, as Mimi was about to get in the car, Dave handed her a bag of mangoes and bagoong, her favorite. “Wow! Thanks! These are my favorite,” Mimi beamed as she took it from him. “I know,” Dave smiled. “Huh? How did you know?” Mimi asked, puzzled. “Uhm, I mean. I know, right? Isn’t mangga’t bagoong the best?” Dave explained. “Oh, yeah. It definitely is,” Mimi said. “Whew! That was close,” Dave muttered under his breath, as he started the car. As Dave was pulling the car in the dela Torre’s driveway, he glanced at Mimi in the rearview mirror. “So, I was informed that it’s your birthday tomorrow,” Dave blurted out. “Yes, it’s my twenty-fourth birthday,” she said, as Dave put the car to a stop. “Well, I guess we have the same birthday then,” Dave said, as he opened the car for her. “Really? That’s great! Then we’ll have a double birthday party tomorrow!” Mimi exclaimed. “I don’t think so. I’ll just be happy celebrating it with you at the side,” Dave said, laughing, as he closed the car’s door. “Wait, can I see that?” Mimi said pointing at Dave’s wrist. “Oh! This one? Yeah, sure,” Dave held out his hand for Mimi to see. “Nice bracelet. You know, I feel like I’ve seen something like this before. I’m just not sure,” Mimi said, observing the bracelet closely.
  • 10. Page 9 of 15 200-47475 “You may have. You just forgot about it,” Dave said, thinking back to the time when Mimi gave him the bracelet as a present during his 9th birthday. “Yeah, I think so too. Anyways, I gotta go. I still have a lot of things to prepare for tomorrow,” Mimi said, as she hurried inside their house. “Yes indeed, you just don’t know it yet,” Dave muttered under his breath. V Mimi woke up early the next morning. She planned to give Dave a birthday surprise. She went to their cook and told him about her plan. The cook smiled and agreed to help her cook puchero for Dave’s birthday surprise. Mimi didn’t know what Dave’s favorite dish was, but when she thought of a dish to cook, puchero was the first thing that popped into her mind. Indeed, she decided to cook puchero for Dave. She was just placing a vase of tulips on the center table, when Dave entered the dining room. He was about to say something, when Mimi and the cooks and some maids, sang him a happy birthday. “Thanks everyone. Thanks Madam. I’m too speechless to think of anything,” Dave said, still overwhelmed with the surprise birthday breakfast. “Well, I’m glad you liked it. I’m sorry, since I didn’t know your favorite dish, I just decided to cook puchero for you. I hope you’ll like it,” Mimi said, as they all settled down to eat. “You made a great choice. Puchero is actually my favorite. Thanks again Ma’am. Happy birthday to you too, I’m sorry I haven’t prepared anything special, yet.” Dave smiled.
  • 11. Page 10 of 15 200-47475 “That’s great! Oh! Don’t worry about it. I’m just glad you liked my little surprise. You know, I felt like I’ve known you before, because I seem to know a lot about you,” Mimi said, slicing her viand. “You might know me more than you think,” Dave muttered under his breath, smiling. “What did you say?” Mimi said as his father entered the room. “What’s going on here?” Mr. dela Torre asked coming to his daughter, “Happy birthday, darling,” he said, as he gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks Papa. Well, I just found out yesterday that Dave and I have the same birthday. So I decided to prepare a little surprise for him. But since I didn’t know his favorite dish, I just decided to cook puchero, which turned out to be his favorite dish. Can you believe it Papa?” Mimi happily explained. “Yes, I can dear. You might know him more than you think you do.” Mr. dela Torre said, exchanging knowing glances with Dave, across the table, “Happy birthday, Dave,” he added. VI When the last guests have said their last happy birthdays and goodbyes to Mimi, Dave asked Mimi to come with him to the backyard. Mimi wondered what he could be up to, but came with him anyways, smiling. “Surprise!” Dave said, as Mimi saw the backyard, which he decorated with tulips and lights. Situated at the middle of the backyard was a bench, filled with tulips and lights. And on the bench was a bouquet of tulips.
  • 12. Page 11 of 15 200-47475 “Wow! This is nice Dave. I’m really surprised,” Mimi exclaimed, still mesmerized with the view. “Here, sit,” Dave motioned for her to sit on the bench, as he took a guitar, which was lying on the ground, just beside the bench. “Oh!” Mimi exclaimed, cupping her mouth with her hands, overwhelmed. “Yeah, I’ve prepared a little something for you, I hope you will like this,” Dave said as he started playing the guitar. Dave sang Mimi’s favorite song, No Ordinary Love, hoping that she would finally remember him. All this time, Dave has been trying things that will make Mimi remember him, as her childhood friend before. Since he already has Mr. dela Torre’s approval, he decided to go with it. And if this last step won’t work still, he has decided to finally let Mimi know the truth. He’ll tell her why she couldn’t remember him at all. “You were the first to touch my heart, and everything’s right again, with your extraordinary love,” Dave sang as he strummed the last chords of the song. “Wow! I can’t say anything. I’m too surprised right now,” Mimi said in disbelief. “Well, I couldn’t think of a more perfect surprise for you. But I hope you liked it,” Dave said placing the guitar back on the ground and sat beside her. “Liked it? I loved it! That was actually my favorite song. And tulips? Tulips are my favorite!” looking at the tulips decorated in the backyard, then at Dave, “How come we just met but then we know so much about each other?” Mimi finally wondered. “Okay, I’m gonna tell you something,” breathing heavily, “Promise me you won’t laugh or anything. It’s a secret that I and your father have been keeping for some time now.” Dave said.
  • 13. Page 12 of 15 200-47475 “A secret? Okay, what is it?” Mimi asked eagerly. So David told Mimi the reason why he knew so much about her was that he was her childhood friend back in Davao. He told her that the reason why she couldn’t remember him was that she had a post-traumatic amnesia after her mother died in a car accident. It was a car accident that Mimi caused because when she was 18, it was her first test drive on the highway, and her mother came to support her. But then, her brakes went off, and they hit a truck. So all she can remember was her father. That’s also why she vaguely remembers her mother. “What the hell are you saying?” Mimi cried, as she stood up from the bench. “It’s true, Mimi. I’m sorry if it had to come from me, this way,” Dave said, standing up. “No, that can’t be true. No. No. No!” Mimi said, crying and a bit frantic. “It’s true, Mimi. That’s the reason why I knew that you liked mangga’t bagoong. And this bracelet,” holding out his wrist with the bracelet Mimi gave him, “the reason why you think this bracelet was familiar was because you’re the one who gave it to me, on my birthday. And, and the reason why you chose to cook puchero was because you already knew that was my favorite. And now, I prepared tulips because I knew that you loved tulips, because it reminds you so much of your mom. And I sang No Ordinary Love because I knew it was your favorite. What other reason could there be to explain all those things?” Dave explained. “I’m sorry Dave. I just can’t take this,” Mimi cried, as she turned and ran back inside the house, leaving Dave crying on the ground. As Mimi was running back inside the house, she saw her father in the hallway. “Mimi! What happened to you dear? Why are you crying?” her father asked, seeing her face.
  • 14. Page 13 of 15 200-47475 “Is it true, Papa? Is it true that I was the reason why Mama died? Is it true that Dave was my childhood friend before? And the reason why I couldn’t remember those things was because I had an amnesia? Is it true? Papa! Tell me. Answer me please!” Mimi begged clutching at her father’s arms, sobbing. “Yes, darling. It is indeed true. I’m sorry I haven’t told you about it. I guess the timing wasn’t just right,” her father explained. “So when are you gonna plan to tell me? So if Dave didn’t tell me, you still wouldn’t? I can’t believe you’ve kept this from me for such a long time, Papa! I hate you!” Mimi cried, as she stormed out running out of the house. It was already dark and raining outside. But Mimi didn’t care. She went inside the nearest car and drove out of the house. She felt like she needed to be out of there as fast as she could. She was sobbing and out of breath, but she couldn’t stop crying. She couldn’t believe all of the things that she learned that night. It hurt that Dave was the one who told her. But it hurt more that her father haven’t told her about it, and probably haven’t planned to if it weren’t for Dave, all this time. Mimi was so absorbed with her thoughts, crying and sobbing, when she haven’t noticed that a dog was crossing the street up ahead. When she finally did, it came as a shock to her, that she stepped on her brakes hard in order to avoid the dog, then turned the car to the right. But since she was driving at full speed, her car didn’t stop immediately. It went a little down the hill, and hit the tree, which made Mimi hit her head hard. The next thing she knew, she was already in bed. VII The door of Mimi’s room opened, and out came her doctor.
  • 15. Page 14 of 15 200-47475 “Mimi’s awake. You may go see her now,” she informed. Dave and Mimi’s father have been worried sick about Mimi when she got into another car accident. She’s been in the hospital for two weeks now. And this was the first time that she has woken up. “Come on. Let’s see her,” Mr. dela Torre said to Dave. “Why don’t you come in first, sir. I will just follow you in a while. I don’t wanna shock her or something,” Dave said anxiously. “Okay,” Mr. dela Torre replied as he opened Mimi’s door and went inside. After a few minutes, Dave finally decided to come inside. As he was closing the door behind him, he could hear Mimi’s voice. “Where is Dave, Dad? I wanna see him,” Mimi said. “Actually,” her father began, “Oh! There he is! Come on in, son,” Her father gestured for Dave to come closer as he saw him approaching. “Well, I guess, I’ll have to leave you two alone first,” Mr. dela Torre said, standing up, kissing Mimi’s forehead and patting Dave’s back, and headed for the door. “Hi, how are you?” were the first words that Dave blurted out, sitting down beside Mimi’s bed. “Dave, I’m fine. Look, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I acted that way to you,” Mimi apogized. “It’s okay, Mimi. I understand,” Dave said, looking at her eyes. “I remember you, Dave. I can now remember you,” Mimi said, as tears rolled down her eyes. “Really? You can finally remember me now?” Dave asked, in disbelief, but happily.
  • 16. Page 15 of 15 200-47475 “Yes, and I’m really sorry. I really am. I wish I could make it up to you,” Mimi said in between sobs. “It’s okay, Mimi. What matters now is that we’re together again, and you already remember me,” Dave smiled, pulling her close to hug her, “Nothing makes me happier than having you near me, Mimi.” THE END