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The Ethics Of Nursing Practice
Nursing practice is established in customs, formal consideration and institutional arrangements.
Over the previous decade, nurses have been tested to answer the inquiry, "why do they do what they
do" or demonstrate the confirmation that nursing practices are successful (Wolf, 2012). The worry
over results of consideration developed because of raising expense of think and inquiries concerning
the quality and security our consideration gave. The developing interest for healthcare services to
utilize best practices as a part of their consideration is additionally gone for enhancing the wellbeing
of that care. This is a global test to nurses, doctors and other healthcare providers confronted with an
interest for new responsibility for their practice (DiCenso, Guyatt, & Ciliska, (2005). This essay will
discuss the meaning of rituals in nursing and evidence based practice as well as their differences.
Equally important to discuss the reason how site determination, needle choice, insertion system and
aspiration can be referred to as cases of routined or ritual practice and why these ought to be dismiss
for a evidence based methodology. The impact on some student nurses of encountering contrasting
practices between what is taught at university and what is regularly seen in clinical practice,
frequently called the theory based practice will likewise be explain. Nursing student took
extraordinary pride in "being great at" certain nursing aptitudes that appeared to be oversimplified
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1. Introduction. Reflective Practice Is A Key Part Of Working
1. Introduction
Reflective practice is a key part of working as a health care professional, including speech and
language therapists (SLT), and will be used throughout a practitioner's career as part of their
continuing professional development. It is the practice of experiencing situations and then reflecting
on them, which is how clinicians may enhance their knowledge and skills and, thus, maintain their
competence throughout their career as a practicing therapist (RCSLT, 2003). It is through this
reflective practice that an SLT can progress "from novice to expert" (Tarrant, 2013; p3).
Furthermore, reflective practice is a skill which itself continues to be developed.
Reflective practice and professional development are intrinsically ... Show more content on ...
This can be particularly useful in holistic practices used by SLTs where knowledge gained from
other situations and clients may not be appropriate in the current situation; prior preconceptions
about a client may lead to an unexpected outcome that may need to be rectified. The ability to reflect
on an on–going experience will allow the clinician to correct their practices within that situation.
To reflect in action is something all practitioners do; it is a form of professional instinct. In some
cases, this may be as simple as monitoring the level of language used and ensuring it is appropriate
for the specific client. However, to truly monitor and adapt practices simultaneously requires a level
of expertise that a novice SLT may not yet have (Findlay, 2008), as they are more likely to need to
detach themselves from the situation, requiring more time to process situations.
2.2. Reflective Cycle (Gibbs, 1988)
The model provides six stages in which a professional may reflect upon their experiences. It focuses
on the medium of written reflection and comprises: (1) a description of the event; (2) a description
of emotional responses; (3) consideration of the emotional response; (4) analysis, including
academic research, to understand the situation; (5) conclusions drawn from the experience; and (6)
future strategies.
Gibbs' model expands upon Kolb's (1984) Experiential Learning Cycle, and provides methodical
steps to follow,
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Advanced Practice Nurse
Among older adults aged 65 years and older are found to have difficulty in reading and to
comprehend discharge instructions. This has been found to be a concern regarding continuing care
and re–admission concerns throughout urban and rural hospitals. Does the integration of Advanced
Practice Nurse (APN) guiding discharge education, along with a follow–up contact with the patient
after discharge effect compliance and readmission rates, more than not having an APN guiding
discharge teaching to help decrease readmission rates?
P ( Patient, population or problem): For patients greater than 65 years old
I (intervention): Does integrating an APN–guided discharge process
C (comparison): Compared to no APN–guided instruction
O ( outcome): Effect compliance ... Show more content on ...
Integrating an Advanced Practice Nurse into the discharge process to help guide proper
understanding of discharge instructions to help decrease non–compliance, along with re–admission
rates. The best types of research evidence will include clinical practice guidelines (CPG), Random
Controlled Trials (RCT), Primary Research Studies. I included other types of studies but come up
with small results. I used different variables when searching the literature. Some of these included,
literacy level, different types of a disease process, use of pictograms, re–admission percentages,
along with non–compliance.
Text Words for Searching:
1) MeSH– Literacy, coaching, outreach improvements, pictograms, education, nurse guided,
2) Keywords– Discharge Instructions, follow–up care, geriatric patients greater than 65,
comprehension, patient discharge education.
3) Inclusion Criteria– Hospital re–admission after six months, follow–up care, qualitative study,
RCT, clinical trials. I searched English written articles between the years of 2011 and 2017.
Databases Searched:
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Nursing Practice in a Given Scenario
Nursing Practice and Responsibilities 2 Introduction "Many older people fear that a hospital stay
could leave them even more disabled than they were before. Unfortunately, there's new reason to
believe this fear is justified. Elderly patients who are hospitalized are at much higher risk of
cognitive problems afterward, according to a study published on Wednesday in the journal
Neurology." Joan would have to witness a number of stressful psychological factors. For one he
would be unfamiliar with his new surroundings. He had lived with his daughter in law and son for
quite some time and now was accustomed to that environment. He had adjusted to it. This new
environment may be a source of intimidation for him. He may be sharing a room with people he
hardly knows and are hence complete strangers to him. There may be several stressful triggers like a
new bed, an eccentric smell, the room being too hot or cold or having to eat cold or tasteless food.
"The sources of stress for and threats to patients arise from circumstances of the hospital setting, the
behaviour of hospital staff, the patients' own behaviour and the built hospital environment. Although
anxiety and distress are negative states that most people would choose to avoid anyway, they are
particularly relevant when their influence on physical recovery is examined. The various ways in
which stress can slow recovery and in which buffers against stress can speed recovery are of central
importance to the training of
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Paradigms Of Professional Nursing Practice
Professional nursing practice is a system that usually supports the registered nurses to get control
over the process involved in delivering with the nursing care as well as the environment that the care
is delivered to patients. However, for this system to be successful and effective, it involves the
application of the paradigm of research, theory as well as practice and policy where each plays a
specific role. The paradigm of the theory is involved in the professional nursing practice since it
utilizes and employs a logical structure of nursing ideas, assumptions and hypotheses that are
applied to various situations. These structures assist in serving as a base for various aspects of
professional nursing practice such as professional development,
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Relationship Between Theory And Practice
The Relationship Between Theory and Practice/Application
According to Schwandt (2012), the explanation of theory is a logical division of
information that is utilized in solving particular problems (Schwandt, 2012).
Additionally, Schwandt (2012) specified that theory is an array of specifics regarding a
particular subject and is implemented to clarify, identify, and foresee a certain issue
(Schwandt, 2012). Theories are mostly a fraction of modern application. According to
Gay and Weaver (2011), a sound theory works as a standard in creating excellent
procedures (Gay & Weaver, 2011). Also, as mentioned earlier, particular events are
justified by utilizing theory when it comes to certain environments and must discuss real
life hindrances thus validating Schwandt's (2012) certainty that emphasis is placed on
the application of theory (Schwandt, 2012).
There is a mutual connection that link theory and practice. In other words, it is a give
and take situation. Practice is irrelevant if the theory is not involved in the subjects being
studied or examined. Studies can gather information on a particular topic; however, in the
absence of theory the facts are beside the point (Stam, 2010). Besides, the link between
theory and practice is cooperative meaning one cannot function properly without the
presence of the other. This is to say that, if theorists utilize both tools in research and the
research is successful, then both tools will show
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The Legal Functions Of Legal Practice
The work environment (the legal office we operate in) is incredibly important when it comes to
productivity and the emotional health of employed legal practitioners, as it will affect their personal
productivity and their contribution to the overall success of the legal practice. Ensuring the work
environment is as healthy as it can be is the responsibility, or can benefit from the influence, of legal
practice managers.
Legal practice managers have the challenge and responsibility of developing their own emotional
intelligence and recognising it and fostering its growth in others. For instance, the emotional
intelligence of the managing partners sets the stage for the workplace atmosphere in a legal practice,
and ultimately, the outcome of the performance of the lawyers a firm.
Before delving into specific areas in which emotional intelligence can help create an overall healthy
atmosphere in the workplace, it is prudent to identify the reality of law firms and lawyers today. One
often–referred–to paper in this area is John Briton's Lawyers, Emotional Stress and Regulation. Mr
Briton was the Legal Services Commissioner in Queensland when he discussed the results of The
BeyondBlue and Beaton Consulting Annual Professions Survey conducted in April 2007.
According to the results of this survey, lawyers are two and a half times more likely than other
professionals to suffer from clinical depression. Mr Briton also note that in the following year,
Sydney University's Brain
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Best Practices And Benchmarking Analysis
Albany State University Best Practices and Benchmarking Jonatan Galan Business Internship 1
3100.01 Ms. Tracy Williams September 03, 2016 Best Practices and Benchmarking Benchmarking
is the process of analyzing and comparing one's business processes and performance measurement
by looking at industry ideal and best practices from other companies. This process of obtaining a
measure is a way of examining and discovering what is the best production being achieved whether
in a particular industry, company, competitor or a different business. It is a way of examining how
others achieve their performance level and understand the processes and steps they use. This
dimensions usually measures quality, time and cost using a specific indicator resulting in a metric
performance that is going to be compared to others. The application of this practice usually involves
four key steps: Understand in detail current business processes, Analyze the business procedures and
process of others, compare/contrast own business performance/production with the others analyzed
and implement the steps necessary to close the performance gap. There are four primary types of
bench marking: functional, internal, competitive and generic. Functional benchmarking is the
process of comparing to similar or identical practices within the same functions outside the instant
industry. This practice provides trend information regarding the industry and shows quantitative
comparisons. Internal
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Ethnographic Practice In Paediatric
A phenomenological methodology has been encouraged in nursing and midwifery circles as the
choice of scientific research (Crotty 1998: Lopez & Willis 2004). This is due to the researcher's
mode of collecting the participants 'life world' or the ability to 'identify a real–life issue' as stated by
Barnacle, 2004; Carpenter, as cited in Liamputtong 2017; Crotty 1998; Schneider, Whitehead,
Elliott, LoBiondo–Wood and Haber 2007. The philosophical approach leads the researcher; the
ability to interpret the participant's lived experience (Barnacle, 2004; Creswell, 2017; Crotty 1998;
Lopez & Willis 2004). In relation to the research question: What are non– specialized registered
nurses' perceptions of medication calculation practice in Paediatric
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Nursing Theory in Practice
Nursing Theory In Practice
Chamberlain College of Nursing
NR 501: Theoretical Basis of Advance Practice
September 25, 2011
Introduction Imogene King was the developer of both a Conceptual Framework and a Goal
Attainment theory. The Goal Attainment theory is a middle–range theory that originated from the
Conceptual System. The primary concepts of Goal Attainment theory are perception,
communication, interaction, self role, grow and development, stress, and time and space (Frey,
Sieloff & Norris, 2002). The main point of Goal Attainment theory is that the nurse and the patient
work together to define and reach goals that they set together (Killeen & King, 2007). This process
is done mostly through communication, ... Show more content on ...
The cause of poor or lack of communication skills are many and include time availability of nurses
to get time to sit and talk with patients; lack of privacy; shortage of qualified nurses who are
available to talk to patients; lack of training; and different languages. Poor communication skills
also affect goal setting and goal attainment, which leads to increase return follow–up, visits in the
emergency room (Williams, 2001). The application of communication into the nursing practice is
done through the process of the nurse conducting a comprehensive assessments on patients, making
diagnoses, setting realistic goals and evaluating outcomes (Khowaja, 2006). During the assessment
of the patient is when interaction occurs and the nurse collects data regarding the patient. The data
collected from the assessment is used to make nursing diagnosis from identified problems
communicated between the patient and the nurse. After the nursing diagnosis is made, the nurse
continues to communicate with the patient to plan by setting goals. The patient is encouraged to
participate in decision making for collaboration of achievement of goals. Once the goals are set, the
nurse and the patient collaborate through communication to formulate the means by which the goals
can be attained. However, mutual goal setting is only successful if the patients trusted that the goal
would benefit them (Williams, 2001). With communication, nursed have to
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Best Practices Inquiry
The "best practices" inquiry involves the research part of the social work field in order to better
understand and serve clients. In order to provide the best care to our clients, one must fully indulge
themselves into researching what works best and what does not appear to be as successful. Best
practices inquiries, according to Petr and Walter (2005), is the process by which an investigator
ascertains he current state–of–the–art approaches, models, and interventions for a given problem and
target population.
They believe that best practices allow social workers to draw into their professional decision–
making. It also involves an appraisal of not only the quality of available research, but also the values
that guide the research, policies, and practices within the social work field (Petr & Walter, 2005).
Biopsychosocial Assessment The biopsychosocial assessment is essential in treating a client using
the systems theory approach and is used to determine the target population in order to conduct a best
practices inquiry. It allows practitioners to look at the whole person in order to identify factors that
may support or hinder the treatment of their presenting problem. It also allows treatment teams to
discuss and contribute to the client's intervention and goals. This particular biopsychosocial focuses
on four–year–old Client X, and his multifaceted case. The client was initially referred to this agency
by the school district. Client X is a four–year–old
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Active Spiritual Practices Analysis
Active Spiritual Practices
The life of a pastor requires many developed practices, none more important than personal spiritual
practices. The author, adheres to many daily and weekly habit s to develop personally and spiritual
with the hope to remain spiritual vibrant. As Addington explains all great qualities of leadership
come form the place deep inside our hearts, the hidden recess of our souls, whose "channels lead to
deep veins of God's work and molding" (Addington, 2014 p1).
Daily habits include journaling, prayer, following a prayer and devotional guide, reflection, study,
and prayer with family. Weekly habits that are practiced also include a day of extended reading, a
day of rest, and an afternoon of personal study. Other habits occurring ... Show more content on ...
In those moments of spiritual dryness, desperation, fear, and often–great decision making, the
disciplines of fasting and solitude seem necessary. As further explains in those moments sermons,
worship songs, and intellectual debate don't excite us, therefore it's the inner silence, peace, and
stillness that ones soul longs for (Foster, 1978).
Resources for Spiritual Formation
Like many areas of study, spiritual formations offer a litany of great resource. The author has read
and worked through various spiritual formation classics and have found many to be most valuable,
some more valuable than others. Research has concluded that each bare a certain value and have
proven valuable to a certain time or season of life and ministry. Furthermore, others withstand the
test of time and season, and prove valuable continually through each every one of life's challenges.
The daily resource that has been most beneficial would be A Guide to Prayer for Ministers and
Other Servants (Job & Shawchuck, 1988). It's daily readings of scripture; writings of past and
present spiritual giants, and reflective prayer have proven to be great resources for an everyday
prayer and journaling guide. It also offers hymns for worship and reflection and season
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Does Practice Make Perfect?
Lauren Snodgrass
Mrs. Watson
7th Grade Science
07 October 2016
Does Practice Make Perfect?
"Practice makes perfect!" We've all heard that before, and we all want to be perfect. I am trying to
find out what kind of practice makes perfect by answering this question: "What type of practice
results in the most improvement?" There are three ways to practice. The three are physically,
mentally, or both. Even though we think practicing is simple and there is not much to it, there is.
Here is the history, science, and application of practice.
People might not think that history has anything to do with science, but it is an important part of any
science experiment/project. Practice makes perfect is a phrase that dates back quite a bit of time, as
well as the term practice. The phrase goes back to the 1550s–1560s when it was used in the form of
'use makes perfect'. It was first used in the United States in a 'Diary and Autobiography of John
Adams ' (Wingnut). Not only does the phase date back to the 16th century; so does its importance.
According to LightHouse, there are at least 5 different importances to the proverb. An example is
encouragement. When people feel like giving up, and they hear this phrase, they are encouraged to
try again. As well as the phrase, the word practice has importance. The word practice comes from
the Greek "πρακτική" (praktike), "fit for or concerned with action, practical", and that from the verb
"πράσσω" (prasso), "to achieve, bring about, effect,
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The Enhancement Of Primary Care Practices
Primary care is considered by many countries as a backbone of the medical health system that is
effective and efficient and satisfies the demands of patients and families (Sebo, 2015). The
enhancement of primary care practices' quality improvement (QI) orientation is essential in
strengthening the primary care practices (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Agency
for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2013). In addition, external supports such as feedback and
benchmarking, coaching, expert consultation, and shared learning can help primary care practices
with quality improvement and enhancing QI orientation. There are different organizations that
provide quality supports to primary care practices. One of this is the North Carolina Area Health
Education Centers (AHECs) Practice Support Program. The aim of the program is to support
primary care practices in North Carolina by providing primary care practices with onsite QI
consultants, tools, and resources that help primary care practices' transformational efforts (U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2014).The
aim of this paper is to summarize two articles related to primary care.
I. Quality Improvement in Primary Care: External Supports for Practices
In the article "Quality Improvement in Primary Care: External Supports for Practices," Taylor,
Peikes, Geonnotti, McNellis, Genevro, & Meyers (2014), describes the importance of quality
improvement (QI) for primary
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Essay On Best Practice To Implement
I am on a team in my workplace where I am looking for new best practices to implement. This best
new practice would be implemented within several steps throughout the workplace, and each
workplace is different and has their own set of steps. I would look at the policies and procedures
within my workplace to see what specific policies are in place right now for the change that I would
like to bring about. In this assignment I will be talking about my best new practice, what steps are
going to be implemented in changing it, and what policies are already in place regarding the new
Best Practice to Implement
When working on the team within my workplace that looks at policies that could be changed based
on evidence based practice, I have decided that we could change the way that staffing and patient
ratios are decided. According to LoBiondo–Wood & Haber ... Show more content on ...
This is important because all nurses want to give the best care they can. Campaigners have launched
a website to increase the support for patient–nurse ratios to be mandated due to the amount of
patient loads that some nurses are taking, and they are decreasing patients care within the process
(Campaigners, 2013). Having an increase in staff with a higher number of patients can help increase
the patient's safety within the care that they are receiving. The more patients that nurses have, the
less care that those patients will receive at a given time, because the nurses can become burnt out on
the amount of care that they must provide, within a limited amount of time. According to Hill
(2017), there are many nurse shortages, which leads to decreased patient care and decreased good
outcomes when it involves patient care. Having an increased staff helps prevent unfavorable
outcomes when it comes to patient care. Less patients per nurse ratio lead to favorable
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Unauthorized Practice of Law
Unauthorized Practice of Law:
The paralegal and UPL
Polly Paralegal finds himself in an ethical dilemma when Mr. Stan Smith asks him "Do the grounds
for divorce in North Carolina include adultery?" A day later, the wife of Stan Smith asks if she has
grounds for divorce in the same state because her husband has committed adultery. If Polly
Paralegal answers that question for either one of his friends he will be committing UPL or
Unauthorized Practice of Law. The consequences for UPL can be devastating to a paralegal and the
entire law office that the paralegal that is employed by.
It is Paralegal Polly's obligation to know and follow the rules and regulations put forth by the State
Board. The rules are said and stated for Board ... Show more content on ...
One scenario where this could fall into play would be: An attorney is in a rush to submit a
preparation form and delegates the paralegal to sign the form. If the paralegal does so, they will be
committing the unauthorized practice of law because they are not permitted to sign legal forms and
furthermore, if signing the supervising attorney's name, they are committing fraud.
In some states UPL is not only criminalized in itself, but another charge of falsely claiming to be a
lawyer even thought this is not how the paralegal intended the situation to turn out. In the innocence
of trying to help out a friend by sharing their legal know how, they in turn can be persecuted, lose
their jobs or even their careers. Any person of the public can put in their opinion about a legal
situation, or tell a person what they think they should do and it would not be considered
unauthorized practice of law. However, when a person is a paralegal, any spoken or written opinion
about what a person should do in a legal situation can be considered UPL. Whether it is a friend,
family member, or just someone a person knows, the situation stays the same. It is clear that only an
attorney should provide legal counsel, legal representation or sign legal documents. A paralegal may
do ninety percent of the work on a client's case but in the end the attorney is the only one who can
do these things. Polly Paralegal needs
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Implementation Of Evidence Based Practices
Evidence based practices like bedside reports have reduced the number of patient calls during
changes of shift. Hence scholarly discovery not only helps with present issues, but also helps in
assessing future needs to meet the strategic goals of an organization. Implementation of report by
the method known as SBAR (Situation–Background–Assessment–Recommendation) is another
example of the integration of knowledge in practice in this acute care hospital in north Texas.
Nursing is a practice and the pursuit of knowledge and understanding in nursing is inextricably
linked to practice. Scholarship is not only gaining the necessary knowledge but also applying the
application. In the discipline of nursing, the ability to the judge the scientific
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Reflective Practice Essay
Reflective practice – A tool for learning
When something goes wrong or something unexpected happens during a lesson or activity, we ask
ourselves questions such as, could I have done something to avoid it? These experiences usually
make us grow and we learn from experience, and we will be better prepared to face the situation if it
happened again. This introspection is generally called "reflection", and all professionals have
adopted it in order to improve their practice, but for educators reflection involves "critical thinking"
about past experiences or current experiences that occur or are occurring in classroom settings and
looking at them in a positive light on how to make improvements for their teaching ... Show more
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The literature review will include models of reflective practice and theorists who have had a major
input for developing theory for reflective practice.
When we speak of 'reflective practitioners' we usually refer to adult learners who are engaged in
some kind of activity (often professional) which they can use to reflect on their strengths,
weaknesses and areas for development. However, reflective thinking is not an innovation in
teaching. It has its roots in the work of a number of educational theorists. The concept has been
around for over 50 years. Some theorists define reflective teaching/thinking as; "A set of abilities
and skills, to indicate the taking of a critical stance, an orientation to problem solving or state of
mind" This encapsulates the wide range of activities associated with thinking about your learning.
(Moon, 1999)
'Reflective teaching is seen as a process through which the capacity to make professional judgments
can be developed and maintained' (Pollard, 2002)
Schon (1983) speaks of reflective practitioners who are not just skilful or competent but "thoughtful,
wise and contemplative", whose work involves "intuition, insight and artistry".
Today, reflective practice is best understood as an approach which promotes autonomous learning
that aims to develop practitioners understanding and critical thinking skills. It refers to an activity or
process, in which an experience is recalled,
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Best Practice
The yield expected from successful human resource management (HRM) or development (HRD)
differs greatly depending on where the organisation is based, its' culture, resources, size and socio–
economic climate. Therefore, it is imperative that the development and delivery of improved human
capital via HRM is rooted in the needs of the organisation rather than opting for an 'off the shelf'
closed option such as 'Best Practise' or high performance work practices. Theorists have yet to settle
on a definitive model for best practise, which itself suggests a certain degree of flexibility is built
into the interpretation of what it could be. Here lies the first contradiction to the pro best practise
argument as these rigid principals are yet to be ... Show more content on ...
This badge of honour was displayed in the 2004 Toyota Corporate Social Responsibility Report.
Toyota is a large multinational organisation with an established reputation for providing good
quality products by using lean production, highly automated and Tayloristic methods of
manufacturing. Its relatively flat structure, efficient processes and seemingly endless resource
enables this principal to be trusted by its' employees and wider public. In 2004 the Japanese
economy was emergent, though the automotive industry had began to plateau. The Toyota employee
was and is, in general, semi–skilled and reasonably paid. The idea of 'a job for life' is still viable in
Japan today. Though this sentiment is commendable, this may not work for all. The same type of
statement could not be trusted within many similar automotive companies based in the United
Kingdom today. Public redundancies at Jaguar, Ford and Vauxhall and the downturn within the
economy over the last seven years has seen 'job for life' ideology diluted. Greater emphasis is placed
on flexibility, particularly when all companies strive to achieve higher performance with less people
capability. This is representative of how principals for the best practise models can work in one
context, but fail in another. Incidentally, job
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The Pros And Cons Of Yogic Practices
Is Yogic practices different from normal exercises?
Yogic practices is not exercise in the sense in which the word 'exercise' is commonly understood.
Both yogic practices and exercises have a common goal or objective, namely health protection and
promotion. However , the effect of yogic practices is not limited to this only. It is expected that
yogapractices should lead to a balanced personality.
Normal exercise routine is focused towards a certain goal, such as losing 10kg or increase push–ups
than what you did yesterday. Yoga is to tone the body and calm the mind at the same time.
Regular yoga abhyas develops self confidence, boots vitality and induces a feeling of stability ; it
improves the health of the body and mind. However, this does not mean that yoga is a kind of
physical exercise . The objectives of different types of exercises such as sports, wrestling, ... Show
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But even in yoga, we often don't pay much attention to this dimension in our practice.
What brings silence into our practice is making our yoga class a sacred place. But in these days of
mobiles and tablets, many people bring their electronics to their class, and we've lost that
impermeability. That's disturbing the potential of allowing silence to enter into our practice. We let
ourselves get depleted and then use yoga to try to get us back to neutral. Instead of going from
negative to zero one must try to organize our lives to go from zero to positive. This requires 'neti,
neti', 'not this, not this'. It requires learning to let go of certain things and not letting them enter into
that sacred space. Yoga is not a doctrine or belief system but a process of observation, introspection
and self enquiry. Sage Patanjali has given practical ways to reach the self. Practical approach is very
much necessary as any preconceived faith, belief or ideas is detrimental to objective inquiry. Mauna
is part and parcel of this self
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The Spiritual Practice Of The Labyrinth
Since I was a child I was told to read the Bible, pray, and repeat. Eventually, these few spiritual
practices became empty rituals to me for a time. In the duration of this class thus far, I've had the
chance to relook at my spiritual practices, learn why I should practice them, and then put them into
practice with a right heart. I've also had the chance to partake in many other types of spiritual
practices. One in particular interested me, so I decided to try it – that is, the spiritual practice of the
There were many spiritual practices that I had never done before on the list, but the Labyrinth was a
formative practice that I hadn't even heard of. I had no experience with the discipline before the
class. However, I decided to try it because I might not have had the chance to practice it again,
unless I first tried it. Also, the fact of a spiritual practice having a labyrinth involved greatly
interested me, and I wanted to study it. When I found out what the Labyrinth was – I wanted to try it
even more. A prayer labyrinth is a labyrinth used to facilitate prayer, meditation, spiritual
transformation, and/or global unity. Walking a prayer labyrinth is seen in 3 stages: Purgation,
Illumination, and Union. Purgation occurs as you first walk into the labyrinth until you reach the
center, the goal is to clear the mind from distractions, and open the heart. Illumination happens at
the center, the goal to pray and meditate and listen to what God has for you. Union,
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Managing Work Family Practices At The Workplace
3.0 Managing work–family practices at the workplace
3.1 Introduction
The generalizability of published studies related to harmonising the work and family domains are
uncertain. The topic have been carried out in several studies investigating on aspects such as
influencing the impact of practices in particular frameworks (Wood & Stephen, 2007; Beham et al.,
2012; Stock et al., 2013). As earlier scholar in this work and family interaction, Rapoport and
Rapoport (1965) reported that the effectiveness of the interaction between work and family domain
involves a certain amount of conflict. This is because of a serious changing point in work and family
role systems. Thus, in this study, we will disclose the important factors associated with the balancing
role between work and family at the workplace. Some of these factors include personal variables,
individual personalities, line–manager attitudes, macro–socioeconomic and cultural values (Dávila
de León & Finkelstein, 2011; McCarthy et al., 2010; Poelmans et al., 2003). They are most common
influences' on work and family practices or programmes and have been identified based on the
challenges faced by the employees at the workplace.
This chapter introduces the managing WFBPs' phenomenon with the managerial role and their
practicing action. It begins with the understanding of the establishment of the WFBPs at the
workplace in the first section of this chapter. There are heavily discussions on this interest topic
especially in
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Best Practices of American Airlines
Best Practices: American Airlines Best practices are techniques or methods that lead to better results
and improvements in things such as ethics teamwork motivation or other things that keep a business
going smoothly. These practices utilize all the knowledge and technology advances that one has to
conquer success in the given field. The term of "Best Practices" is used often times in healthcare
education systems project management as well as government administration and several other
organizations. These things make certain businesses become the best in class or the ideal for its
category. Examples of best practices are but are not limited to things that deal with price, employee
perks or how happy the employee is, motivation, ... Show more content on ...
This way of dealing with things may not go through as well with other organizations. Also this may
sometime in the future not workout so well with American Airlines as well. In addition, American
Airlines also prides itself on maintaining a happy healthy work environment so they can maintain a
positive surrounding community. They do this through acting as responsible stewards as well as
reducing their mark on the environment. They act as responsible stewards through continuously
looking for new ideas and opportunities to further improve their environmental performance.
(Corporate Responsibility) In 2009 they made impeccable improvement to the environment in
several was such as the fact that their environmental initiatives resulted in the reduction of their
greenhouse gas emissions related fuel from 2008. This is not the only way they have aided in the
improvements of the environment they also saved at least $10 million through energy–saving
initiatives, as well as increasing fuel–efficiency. Furthermore, they signed agreements in partnership
with 15 other airlines to purchase future supplies of alternative fuels they also reduced ozone
depleting substances through the replacement of certain industrial cleaning products. (Corporate
Responsibility) In conclusion American Airlines continues to be the epitome of what utilizing all the
knowledge and technology advances that one has to conquer success in the given field. And is the
ideal example of what best practices
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What Can You Make Your Business Or Practice?
Ideas are everywhere. Some are small and seemingly insignificant. Others are big giant ideas with
the opportunity to change much of our lives. Each idea that we are, if we create the idea, synthesize
it from somewhere else, or hear, it is a possible opportunity.
Start challenging yourself to think or do something that will grow your business or practice. We can
not promise that you will grow your business or practice, as is the need to apply specific strategies
for your business / specific practice.
People who are successful in getting the results you are looking for, the practice of doing things
rather than thinking about them. By becoming a doer will do more things and stimulate new ideas in
the process.
One possible opportunity.
No matter how promising, exciting or applicable the idea is, or how big of an opportunity that might
be, is only one possible opportunity, unless you take action. Opportunity may knock, but we have to
open the door, roll up our sleeves and get after if we take advantage of that opportunity.
There are many reasons why people do not take action on the ideas and opportunities, including:
– Lack of self confidence to feel that they will succeed
– They do not see the benefits outweighing the risks
– they are scared
– They have too many opportunities and immobilized, unable to make a decision
The steps outlined below will help you get past any of these issues – and move forward with
confidence towards great results. Here are the steps you can
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Translation Of Evidence And Practice
Translation of Evidence to Practice Does the compliance with a sedation protocol improve after
nurses receive a sedation competency over a three month period? The available data supported the
hypothesis that nursing education and competency can lead to consistent best practices and positive
outcomes for patients. The answers to this research question can help develop interventions that
support best practices for patients who are mechanically ventilated and receiving intravenous
sedation. The literature supported a positive impact on patient outcomes when sedation awakening
trials (SAT) and spontaneous breathing trials (SBT) were coordinated (Klompas et al., 2015, Woien
& Bjork, 2012, & Woien, Vaeroy, Aamodt, & Bjork, 2012). The literature also supported the
compliance of the coordination was more predictable when the nursing division was provided with
protocol education (Klompas et al., 2015, Woien & Bjork, 2012, & Woien, Vaeroy, Aamodt, &
Bjork, 2012). The summation of findings indicates that when education was integrated with the
research methods, the outcomes related to nursing compliance were consistent and led to the
completion of best practices. Nursing education was a controlled variable in research that found a
positive correlation with SAT and SBT and outcomes for patients. Additionally, research without
this controlled variable found inconsistencies with the performance of SAT/SBT and related
outcomes. As a result, the particular relationship between
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The Study Of Practice And Practice Essay
The Study of Practice
Introduction As the term refers to the untrained individual, practice may seem like a minuscule
activity that is drawn–out to emulate a pattern that is to be learned. As practice refers to motor
learning it is a very integral part of learning a motor pattern. The same can be said for other
activities such as riding a bike, dribbling a ball, or climbing stairs. According to the Oxford English
dictionary the term practice is defined as, "repeated exercise in our performance of an activity or
skill so as to acquire or maintain proficiency in it" (Practice, 2016). We practice a certain activity to
become better at performing said activity. For example, a small child learning how to ride a bike,
may use training wheels help the child maintain balance without the threat of falling off of the bike.
The training wheels help the child acquire the feeling of what it is like to ride a bike. The use of the
training wheels allows the child to practice or get comfortable with the action of riding a bike before
actually doing so. Practice encompasses many other factors that contribute to how well an individual
attains and learns a skill. Practicing a skill infrequently or frequently affects how that skill is
performed. The distribution or spread of practice may affect learning. The instability or variability of
a skill performance can have an effect on the end result learning. Mental practice, part practice, and
whole practice are types of practice that also has
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Unauthorized Practice of Law Essay
In order to complete this assignment we must first recognize what Unauthorized Practice of Law is
when it comes to paralegals. There is no set definition on what UPL is but as a paralegal there are
guidelines to go by. Some ways they can violate the practice of law would be an individual holding
themselves as an attorney when they are paralegals, giving legal advice as an attorney would, or
representing clients in a court of law. All of the previous are violations and can be subject to several
disciplinary actions [ (Unauthorized Practice of Law, 2010) ]. It has been named illegal due to the
damages on may suffer due to bad legal advice. In some states it is considered a criminal offense
and could be given a jail sentence. With that ... Show more content on ...
Now this one is a bit trickier than the other. To give proper advice would be giving legal advice.
Mrs. Smith would have to know the ins and outs of divorce when it comes to adultery and Polly
legally cannot supply the answer. Once again, Polly has the responsibility to let Mrs. Smith know
that she is not a lawyer and she can't give any legal advice. Information that involves the grounds for
any law suit of any matter is considered legal advice. Although Mrs. Smith may feel that a simple
yes or no will not hurt Polly, it will. One thing Polly can do that is not UPL is to advise Mrs. Smith
to seek legal representation [ (Orlik, 2007) ]. This action can save Polly a lot of hassles and the
chance of getting disciplined. Now the reasoning behind prohibiting the unauthorized practice of
law is not to hurt lawyers and anyone legally practicing law. These were put into place to help from
personally damaging cases and individuals alike. What if you were given advice and used it to help
with your case. Then come to find out that this advice or information was not at all correct and cost
you your case. You would be very adamant to return to the individual to find out what had
happened. Then you also find out that this person was not legally able to practice law in any manner.
You would be furious and would want this person to pay for his/her actions. This is an example of
why it is very important why someone that is not authorized
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Theory In Nursing Practice
Application of Theory The role of theory in clinical nursing practice is to guide assessment,
interventions, and evaluation of nursing care. Theory in nursing practice provides a rationale for
collecting reliable and valid data about the health status of clients, which are essential for effective
decision making and implementation. Nursing theory also serves as a guide assessment,
interventions, and evaluation of nursing practice. Theories can address important questions for
nursing units. Theories can be grand, middle range and practice. Grand theories provide a complex
and broad scope and incorporate numerous ways of viewing concepts in nursing. Middle range
nursing theories are narrower in scope and offer an effective bridge between grand nursing theories
and nursing practice. The Ida J. Orlando's middle range nursing theory provides a nursing
foundation for nursing leaders to utilize both in the management of patient care and leadership.
When applying Orlando's theory, nursing leaders can identify perceptions, thoughts and feelings
about patients care, then educate nursing staff on meeting the patient's needs. The theory combines
competent nursing practice and customer satisfaction. Meeting the patient's needs reduces patient
distress levels. Bedside nurses must be diligent and confident of their nursing skills. When provided
with great leadership, nurses will feel more confident in their ability to provide quality patient care.
The rehabilitation unit frequently
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Nursing Theory in Professional Practice
Nursing Theory in Professional Practice
Nursing Theory in Professional Practice
Nursing is the art and science of caring for individuals with potential or actual health problems.
Nursing is the art of providing quality, compassionate care while evaluating the patients'
biopsychosocial and spiritual needs. Nursing as a science evaluates the patients' health and response
to disease. Nurses assist individuals and groups to maintain or attain optimal health. They
implement care to accomplish defined goals and evaluate responses to care and treatment. This care
is delivered in accordance with the standards of nursing practice. Nursing is dynamic, evolving from
changes in health care, and advances in medical science and technology. ... Show more content on ...
The need for continuous education is imperative to expand competence, to meet the criteria
necessary in any role of the nursing profession, and to continuously expand his/her personal body of
The professional nurse practices in the six interrelated roles of advocate, clinician,
collaborator/coordinator, educator, leader, and researcher to provide optimal patient care. As an
advocate, the nurse can include other disciplines that may be able to assist the patient to attain
optimal health. As a clinician, the nurse provides care within his/her scope of practice and under the
guidelines of the ANA Standards of Clinical Practice. As a collaborator/coordinator, the nurse works
in collaboration with co–workers to meet the needs of patients and families. As an educator, the
nurse assesses needs of patients and families and teaches them with the focus on health promotion,
disease prevention, and wellness. As a leader, the nurse uses critical thinking; problem–solving
skills to try to encourage others to make decisions that will improve the profession. As a researcher,
the nurse uses knowledge and reviews findings to correct problems. Autonomy, the fourth value, is
the right of self–determination as a profession. Nurses are ethically and legally accountable for the
quality of their practice by functioning independently and interdependently in a variety of settings.
The American Nurses' Association developed the Standards of Clinical Nursing Practice that
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The Best Practices Of Determining A Budget
Every company relies on accurate budget estimates in order to provide the correct amount of
allocated dollars in a budget plan that the company develops. Most companies develop budgets that
look at least two years into the future. Each company is different, however typically most expect
their projected budgets to be within 10% less or 25% more of the projected budget (Schwalbe 281).
In order to do this, managers must allocate project costs to individual work items over the lifetime of
the project. Project managers will create a cost baseline (time–phased budget) in order to measure
and monitor the performance of their projects over the projects duration. Any changes or updates
that are needed should be changed and reflected in a newly updated budget. Real time budget
updates are vital in order to avoid financial problems. Ultimately, budgeting provides a prediction of
the projects funding requirements. This article will go into detail about the best practices of
determining a budget, and how they can be innovated for a better approach in the future.
In his book, Tactical Issues & Best Practice Solutions in Budgeting, Stephan Hunt discusses five
focus areas that make up the best practice of determining a budget. These areas include: rolling
forecasts, increased participation of operational owners, link detail to accountability, end user
analysis, and driver based forecasting and budgeting (Hunt 3).
First, this paper will explain why rolling forecasts are considered a
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Deliberate Practice, By Anders Ericsson
Deliberate practice is the ability to make oneself able to practice on a regular basis. This can apply
to virtually anything that you would need to get better in. Deliberate practice also includes the
ability to set a specific goal. This goal is used for getting to a certain point that will make you better
at the thing you are practicing. You'll also need a teacher to help you see mistakes that you can then
go and fix while you're practicing. With all of these things combined you'll set a strong foundation
for you to be able excell in your topic of work.
Anders Ericsson is the main figure in the study of Deliberate practice and purposeful practice in this
book. As he goes into topic after topic Ericsson backs up his claim with evidence, as a good writer
should. His topics are usually backed up with experiments and his findings of those experiments. ...
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Faloon is trying to remember as many numbers as possible in the order told to him. Faloon was able
to go up to about eight or nine digits the first few times he went to work. This amount was called his
natural ceiling, or how many numbers he could remember without practice or techniques. After
being stuck at this amount he was then introduced to some techniques to help him go higher. Some
of the things he did was to group the numbers together, or, in his case, pump himself up. With the
use of these methods Faloon was able to break his natural ceiling and memorize an eight–two
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What Is The Purpose Of Deep Practice By Daniel Coyle
INTRODUCTION In "The Sweet Spot",the author Daniel Coyle has analyzed the meaning of talent
and his role in success. But, what is the talent? And successfull? The author tryed to give a complete
view about these ones examinating that are strictly connected. The author also has examinated the
art of "Deep practice" using the example of Futsal, an old brasilian training soccer method that is
also used by european soccer players. Danyel Coyle,still regarding the "Deep practice", made an
example about Edwin Link pilots training during 1920 in which he allowed the pilots to make more
and deep practice than the past training. SUMMARY The analyzation of deep practice is the main
purpose of chapter 1 of "The Talent Code".In particular, the author wants to explain that the deep
practice is the best way to get skills. Deep practice is characterized by practicing more and more
time the same exercise,making a lot of mistakes, until the individual can perform it properly without
making any mistakes,saving the time. ... Show more content on ...
He visit a tennis court in Moscow in which he saw,in addition to the velocity,energy,and fast
movements the deeply attention to the details, doing all the exercise in a slower way. Then,the
author met Brunio a brazilian guy which was trying to make the "elastico", and that turned out to do
it after a lot of
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The Best Practice Of Formal Structure
The best practice of formal structure is characterized by the establishment of a policy and
procedures manual and the use of a variety of school and community settings for activities (DuBois
et al., 2002). This manual should outline all aspects of hiring, training, and retaining staff in order to
aid in clarification of expectations and establish protocols that lead to fidelity of implementation
When recruiting a mentor, the organization should adhere to the best practice of developing clear
expectations, even if there is no pay involved. These expectations include a job description and
interview protocols that address the specific competencies required for the position (Keller, 2006).
Although not essential to successful mentoring, prior ... Show more content on ...
In addition, a regular assessment to identify barriers that can limit staff success also is beneficial
(Keller, 2006). Mentor Best Practices Positive outcomes occur when the mentor–mentee relationship
lasts for 1 year or longer and when the mentor understands what approaches, practices, and attitudes
work (Grossman & Rhodes, 2002; Rhodes, 2008). Best practices can serve to increase the rate of
success in formal mentoring programs and can reduce negative impacts, such as early relationship
termination. Regardless of the reason for termination, it can be perceived by the mentee as
intentional rejection (Downey & Feldman, 1996; Downey, Lebolt, Rincorn, & Freitas, 1998; DuBois
et al., 2002; Grossman & Rhodes, 2002) and can lead to negative self–perception and lowered
academic performance. The literature identifies six best practices for individual mentors: (a)
training, (b) commitment to the relationship, (c) respect for the mentee's background, (d) respect for
the individual, (e) mutual activities, and (f) use of support (see Figure 1). Each of these is discussed
below. Although those in "helping professions" (e.g., teachers, counselors) who have received
formal training have greater predictive success as mentors, training and support provided to lay
persons can produce similar results (DuBois et al., 2002). Mentors should avail themselves of
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Communities of Practice (Cop)
Communities of Practice (COP)
Table of Content
Serial no: | Topic: | Page No: | 1. | Introduction | 3 | 2. | Communities of Practices | 4 | 3. |
Communities of practice and knowledge management | 5 | | I. Importance of teamwork for
Knowledge Management | 5 | | II. Sharing ideas to the success of KM | 7 | | III. Connection of COP
to Knowledge Management | 8 | | IV. How characteristics of COP help to bring success to KM
practices | 9 | 4. | Conclusion | 11 | 5. | References | 12 |
Communities of practice are everywhere. We all belong to a number of them–at work, at university,
at home, in our hobbies. Some have a name, some don't. We ... Show more content on ...
To build an understanding of how communities of practice create organizational value, we suggest
thinking of a community as an engine for the development of social capital. We argue that the social
capital resident in communities of practice leads to behavioral changes, which in turn positively
influence business performance. We identify four specific performance outcomes associated with the
communities of practice we studied and link these outcomes to the basic dimensions of social
capital. These dimensions include connections among practitioners who may or may not be co–
located; relationships that build a sense of trust and mutual obligation, and a common language and
context that can be shared by community members. Our conclusions are based on a study of seven
organizations where communities of practice are acknowledged to be creating value.
Communities of practice and
Knowledge management
Wasko and Faraj (2000) describe three kinds of knowledge: "knowledge as object", "knowledge
embedded within individuals", and "knowledge embedded in a community". Communities of
Practice have become associated with finding, sharing, transferring, and archiving knowledge, as
well as making explicit "expertise", or tacit knowledge. Tacit knowledge is considered to be those
valuable context–based experiences that cannot easily be captured, codified and stored (Davenport
& Prusak
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Best Practice Guideline
The Best Practice Guidelines Program, "focuses on individual, organizational, and system–level
strategies to ensure effective, sustained, and scalable implementation of best practice guidelines in
clinical and management practices" (Bajnok & Grinspun, 2015, p.3). It is important in the
development of patient care, clinical excellence, informed practice, and the optimization of
outcomes (Bajnok & Grinspun, 2015). This essay will focus on the Best Practice Guideline for the
Assessment and Management of Pain, recommendations on how to implement this guideline,
spotlight organizations, evidence, application in the acute care setting, and the implementation of
this guideline in personal practice.
Best Practice Guideline The Best Practice Guideline ... Show more content on ...
As a student, it is important to build a foundation in implementing these guidelines, so that when
they graduate, they can provide competent patient care. Nursing students perform pain assessments
regularly while in clinical, so it is important to be familiar with the tools that the North Bay
Regional Health Centre uses, so that when reporting findings it is with tools that the hospital
approves of. It is also important to know a variety of tools and when it is appropriate to use each
one. Performing comprehensive pain assessments and being aware of how the interprofessional
team and/or patient has decided to manage potential pain can help form a basis for reference for
future nurse. In future practice it is important to respect a patients wants in regards to pain
management and to be able to implement both pharmacological and non–pharmacological pain
management interventions. These may include multimodal analgesics, opioids, repositioning, and
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Trends in Nursing Practice
Trends in the nursing practice Job opportunities for RNs (registered nurses) are expected to continue
growing faster with their salaries also growing. However, the opportunities vary by the employment
setting and their available geographical setting. In fact, estimates of nursing industry experts project
that close to 600,000 new jobs will be generated. The reason for this growth is as a result of the
technological advances in the care of patients. This has permitted more health problems to be treated
and has increased the emphasis that is being placed on preventive care. Additionally, the number of
old people is increasing that the number of younger people. In hospital–health care which is the
largest industry, however, employment is expected to grow more slowly. With the intensity of
nursing care also increasing, there are more nurses that are required per patient and the number of
inpatients is also increasing. Discharge of patients is happening earlier and there are more
procedures that are being conducted at the outpatient departments. Therefore in hospitals, the growth
is expected in the outpatient departments such as rehabilitation, chemotherapy, and same–day
surgery. Moreover, there are many procedures that are being conducted in physicians' offices and
other places such as freestanding ambulatory centers and emergency centers. Therefore, growth in
employment is expected in these places. Employment in home care facilities such as nursing homes
is expected to
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14 Best Reading Practices
14 Best Reading Practices Best Practice 1: Explicit Word Analysis Instruction, Including Phonics
Teachers provide explicit instruction, build word knowledge, and directly teach skills and strategies
for word analysis (phonemic awareness, phonics, word recognition, structural analysis, context
clues, vocabulary). Best Practice 2: Assessment to Inform Instruction Teachers routinely monitor
and assess the reading levels and progress of individual students. This ongoing evaluation directs
and informs instruction. Best Practice 3: Instructional Planning Teachers plan instruction
considering three phases: before, during and after reading. Best Practice 4: Collaboration and
Reflection Teachers routinely ... Show more content on ...
Audit Follow–Up: Practices that are identified as being most challenging and needing further
emphasis could be incorporated into the school improvement plan. Professional development
experiences on particular practices could be offered. Teachers could use the summary results of the
audit to develop instructional practices in individual classrooms, at grade levels, and/or schoolwide.
Directions: Circle the number that indicates the use of this best practice schoolwide using the
following rating scale: 4 – Fully evident in all classrooms 3 – Seen in some classrooms but not the
majority 2 – Visible in a small number of classrooms 1 – Rarely seen in any classrooms Best
Practice Rating Possible Evidence (What would the practice look like in the classroom?) 1– Explicit
and Systematic word Analysis Instruction, Including Phonics and Phonemic Awareness 4 3 2 1
Direct phonics instruction, word walls, word sorts, making words, manipulative letters, picture
clues, songs, poems, rhymes 2– Assessment to Inform Instruction 4 3 2 1 Running records,
portfolios, Individual Reading Inventory (IRI), learning logs, anecdotal notes, response journals,
rubrics 3– Instructional Planning to Create Independence Through Student–Owned Strategies 4 3 2
1 KWL, integrated thematic units, anticipation guides, graphic organizers, journal
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Essay on Evidence-Based Practice
Part A
Think about your specific practice setting. Based on your new knowledge of evidence–based
practice, pick one unit procedure in your work place and explore whether it is based on research
evidence or not. Discuss what you think would be needed to make the procedure more in line with
best practice in the area or what was done to ensure that it was based on best practice.
At Fremont–Rideout the big issue was pressure ulcers, every month all the patients in the hospital
had to be assessed for them. Anything that was a stage 3 or above had to reported to AHS.
According to Chaves, Grypdonck, & Defloor (2010, p. 563), evidenced–based protocols are specific
to the organization, and are used to help improve patient outcomes. In 2009 the ... Show more
content on ...
The wound care team is able to correspond with the physicians, and recommend and write order in
accordance to the best treat for each individual patient's issues with pressure ulcer. Therefore they
are constantly using and teaching the nurses and physicians better ways to prevent and treat pressure
Part B
Discuss what this statement means to you: "The key to transitioning evidence to practice is to
reframe thinking about organizational culture, knowledge about research, attitudes about research,
and skill in using research."
This means that taking on a positive attitude during any situation or when faced with a set of
circumstances, in other words you're taking the same situation and same set of circumstances and
giving those details a meaning. By doing this you can approach the situation with new possibilities,
which gives new actions that you can take into that response. By seeing things in a variety of ways it
helps you to build a range of understanding and you don't become so narrow minded. Also, by
taking this type of an attitude toward the various situations it will help you to become a better
In exercise 1 the qualities of leadership I ranked myself most of the time in the overflowing
category. I believe that I have these qualities since I have almost 9 years of experience on med/surg
floor, surgical floor,
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Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing
Nursing Evidence–Based Practice
Findings of evidenced based practice have to be disseminated to ensure that innovations for practice
are replicated or applied in other settings by stakeholders in the health fraternity and healthcare
professionals (Forsyth, Wright, Scherb & Gaspar, 2010). One of the objectives of dissemination
should be to improve the practice. Dissemination of evidenced based practice findings in nursing is
very critical in knowledge synthesis, translation, and translation. It is imperative in strengthening
healthcare, informing policy, and improving practice decisions based on clinical evidence (Rycroft–
Malone & Bucknall, 2010). This is realized by transforming clinical changes into practice. It
actually involves two stage processes namely: translation of evidence into practice and integration
of research recommendations into actual practice. Effective dissemination of evidence based
practice findings enable staff to share information about developments in healthcare practice and
implement innovation (Freemantle & Watt, 1994).
Dissemination enables healthcare professionals to make decisions based on the quality of
information they receive on effectiveness and cost–effectiveness of a proposed healthcare
intervention. Dissemination of evidenced based research findings using any medium enables health
facility staff members to access research findings and critique the findings (Bradley, McSherry &
McSherry, 2010). Service users and carers also access such
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The Ethics Of Nursing Practice

  • 1. The Ethics Of Nursing Practice Nursing practice is established in customs, formal consideration and institutional arrangements. Over the previous decade, nurses have been tested to answer the inquiry, "why do they do what they do" or demonstrate the confirmation that nursing practices are successful (Wolf, 2012). The worry over results of consideration developed because of raising expense of think and inquiries concerning the quality and security our consideration gave. The developing interest for healthcare services to utilize best practices as a part of their consideration is additionally gone for enhancing the wellbeing of that care. This is a global test to nurses, doctors and other healthcare providers confronted with an interest for new responsibility for their practice (DiCenso, Guyatt, & Ciliska, (2005). This essay will discuss the meaning of rituals in nursing and evidence based practice as well as their differences. Equally important to discuss the reason how site determination, needle choice, insertion system and aspiration can be referred to as cases of routined or ritual practice and why these ought to be dismiss for a evidence based methodology. The impact on some student nurses of encountering contrasting practices between what is taught at university and what is regularly seen in clinical practice, frequently called the theory based practice will likewise be explain. Nursing student took extraordinary pride in "being great at" certain nursing aptitudes that appeared to be oversimplified ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. 1. Introduction. Reflective Practice Is A Key Part Of Working 1. Introduction Reflective practice is a key part of working as a health care professional, including speech and language therapists (SLT), and will be used throughout a practitioner's career as part of their continuing professional development. It is the practice of experiencing situations and then reflecting on them, which is how clinicians may enhance their knowledge and skills and, thus, maintain their competence throughout their career as a practicing therapist (RCSLT, 2003). It is through this reflective practice that an SLT can progress "from novice to expert" (Tarrant, 2013; p3). Furthermore, reflective practice is a skill which itself continues to be developed. Reflective practice and professional development are intrinsically ... Show more content on ... This can be particularly useful in holistic practices used by SLTs where knowledge gained from other situations and clients may not be appropriate in the current situation; prior preconceptions about a client may lead to an unexpected outcome that may need to be rectified. The ability to reflect on an on–going experience will allow the clinician to correct their practices within that situation. To reflect in action is something all practitioners do; it is a form of professional instinct. In some cases, this may be as simple as monitoring the level of language used and ensuring it is appropriate for the specific client. However, to truly monitor and adapt practices simultaneously requires a level of expertise that a novice SLT may not yet have (Findlay, 2008), as they are more likely to need to detach themselves from the situation, requiring more time to process situations. 2.2. Reflective Cycle (Gibbs, 1988) The model provides six stages in which a professional may reflect upon their experiences. It focuses on the medium of written reflection and comprises: (1) a description of the event; (2) a description of emotional responses; (3) consideration of the emotional response; (4) analysis, including academic research, to understand the situation; (5) conclusions drawn from the experience; and (6) future strategies. Gibbs' model expands upon Kolb's (1984) Experiential Learning Cycle, and provides methodical steps to follow, ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Advanced Practice Nurse Among older adults aged 65 years and older are found to have difficulty in reading and to comprehend discharge instructions. This has been found to be a concern regarding continuing care and re–admission concerns throughout urban and rural hospitals. Does the integration of Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) guiding discharge education, along with a follow–up contact with the patient after discharge effect compliance and readmission rates, more than not having an APN guiding discharge teaching to help decrease readmission rates? P ( Patient, population or problem): For patients greater than 65 years old I (intervention): Does integrating an APN–guided discharge process C (comparison): Compared to no APN–guided instruction O ( outcome): Effect compliance ... Show more content on ... Integrating an Advanced Practice Nurse into the discharge process to help guide proper understanding of discharge instructions to help decrease non–compliance, along with re–admission rates. The best types of research evidence will include clinical practice guidelines (CPG), Random Controlled Trials (RCT), Primary Research Studies. I included other types of studies but come up with small results. I used different variables when searching the literature. Some of these included, literacy level, different types of a disease process, use of pictograms, re–admission percentages, along with non–compliance. Text Words for Searching: 1) MeSH– Literacy, coaching, outreach improvements, pictograms, education, nurse guided, discharge 2) Keywords– Discharge Instructions, follow–up care, geriatric patients greater than 65, comprehension, patient discharge education. 3) Inclusion Criteria– Hospital re–admission after six months, follow–up care, qualitative study, RCT, clinical trials. I searched English written articles between the years of 2011 and 2017. Databases Searched: ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Nursing Practice in a Given Scenario Nursing Practice and Responsibilities 2 Introduction "Many older people fear that a hospital stay could leave them even more disabled than they were before. Unfortunately, there's new reason to believe this fear is justified. Elderly patients who are hospitalized are at much higher risk of cognitive problems afterward, according to a study published on Wednesday in the journal Neurology." Joan would have to witness a number of stressful psychological factors. For one he would be unfamiliar with his new surroundings. He had lived with his daughter in law and son for quite some time and now was accustomed to that environment. He had adjusted to it. This new environment may be a source of intimidation for him. He may be sharing a room with people he hardly knows and are hence complete strangers to him. There may be several stressful triggers like a new bed, an eccentric smell, the room being too hot or cold or having to eat cold or tasteless food. "The sources of stress for and threats to patients arise from circumstances of the hospital setting, the behaviour of hospital staff, the patients' own behaviour and the built hospital environment. Although anxiety and distress are negative states that most people would choose to avoid anyway, they are particularly relevant when their influence on physical recovery is examined. The various ways in which stress can slow recovery and in which buffers against stress can speed recovery are of central importance to the training of ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Paradigms Of Professional Nursing Practice Professional nursing practice is a system that usually supports the registered nurses to get control over the process involved in delivering with the nursing care as well as the environment that the care is delivered to patients. However, for this system to be successful and effective, it involves the application of the paradigm of research, theory as well as practice and policy where each plays a specific role. The paradigm of the theory is involved in the professional nursing practice since it utilizes and employs a logical structure of nursing ideas, assumptions and hypotheses that are applied to various situations. These structures assist in serving as a base for various aspects of professional nursing practice such as professional development, ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Relationship Between Theory And Practice The Relationship Between Theory and Practice/Application According to Schwandt (2012), the explanation of theory is a logical division of information that is utilized in solving particular problems (Schwandt, 2012). Additionally, Schwandt (2012) specified that theory is an array of specifics regarding a particular subject and is implemented to clarify, identify, and foresee a certain issue (Schwandt, 2012). Theories are mostly a fraction of modern application. According to Gay and Weaver (2011), a sound theory works as a standard in creating excellent procedures (Gay & Weaver, 2011). Also, as mentioned earlier, particular events are justified by utilizing theory when it comes to certain environments and must discuss real life hindrances thus validating Schwandt's (2012) certainty that emphasis is placed on the application of theory (Schwandt, 2012). There is a mutual connection that link theory and practice. In other words, it is a give and take situation. Practice is irrelevant if the theory is not involved in the subjects being studied or examined. Studies can gather information on a particular topic; however, in the absence of theory the facts are beside the point (Stam, 2010). Besides, the link between theory and practice is cooperative meaning one cannot function properly without the presence of the other. This is to say that, if theorists utilize both tools in research and the research is successful, then both tools will show
  • 12. ... Get more on ...
  • 13.
  • 14. The Legal Functions Of Legal Practice The work environment (the legal office we operate in) is incredibly important when it comes to productivity and the emotional health of employed legal practitioners, as it will affect their personal productivity and their contribution to the overall success of the legal practice. Ensuring the work environment is as healthy as it can be is the responsibility, or can benefit from the influence, of legal practice managers. Legal practice managers have the challenge and responsibility of developing their own emotional intelligence and recognising it and fostering its growth in others. For instance, the emotional intelligence of the managing partners sets the stage for the workplace atmosphere in a legal practice, and ultimately, the outcome of the performance of the lawyers a firm. Before delving into specific areas in which emotional intelligence can help create an overall healthy atmosphere in the workplace, it is prudent to identify the reality of law firms and lawyers today. One often–referred–to paper in this area is John Briton's Lawyers, Emotional Stress and Regulation. Mr Briton was the Legal Services Commissioner in Queensland when he discussed the results of The BeyondBlue and Beaton Consulting Annual Professions Survey conducted in April 2007. According to the results of this survey, lawyers are two and a half times more likely than other professionals to suffer from clinical depression. Mr Briton also note that in the following year, Sydney University's Brain ... Get more on ...
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  • 16. Best Practices And Benchmarking Analysis Albany State University Best Practices and Benchmarking Jonatan Galan Business Internship 1 3100.01 Ms. Tracy Williams September 03, 2016 Best Practices and Benchmarking Benchmarking is the process of analyzing and comparing one's business processes and performance measurement by looking at industry ideal and best practices from other companies. This process of obtaining a measure is a way of examining and discovering what is the best production being achieved whether in a particular industry, company, competitor or a different business. It is a way of examining how others achieve their performance level and understand the processes and steps they use. This dimensions usually measures quality, time and cost using a specific indicator resulting in a metric performance that is going to be compared to others. The application of this practice usually involves four key steps: Understand in detail current business processes, Analyze the business procedures and process of others, compare/contrast own business performance/production with the others analyzed and implement the steps necessary to close the performance gap. There are four primary types of bench marking: functional, internal, competitive and generic. Functional benchmarking is the process of comparing to similar or identical practices within the same functions outside the instant industry. This practice provides trend information regarding the industry and shows quantitative comparisons. Internal ... Get more on ...
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  • 18. Ethnographic Practice In Paediatric A phenomenological methodology has been encouraged in nursing and midwifery circles as the choice of scientific research (Crotty 1998: Lopez & Willis 2004). This is due to the researcher's mode of collecting the participants 'life world' or the ability to 'identify a real–life issue' as stated by Barnacle, 2004; Carpenter, as cited in Liamputtong 2017; Crotty 1998; Schneider, Whitehead, Elliott, LoBiondo–Wood and Haber 2007. The philosophical approach leads the researcher; the ability to interpret the participant's lived experience (Barnacle, 2004; Creswell, 2017; Crotty 1998; Lopez & Willis 2004). In relation to the research question: What are non– specialized registered nurses' perceptions of medication calculation practice in Paediatric ... Get more on ...
  • 19.
  • 20. Nursing Theory in Practice Nursing Theory In Practice Chamberlain College of Nursing NR 501: Theoretical Basis of Advance Practice September 25, 2011 Introduction Imogene King was the developer of both a Conceptual Framework and a Goal Attainment theory. The Goal Attainment theory is a middle–range theory that originated from the Conceptual System. The primary concepts of Goal Attainment theory are perception, communication, interaction, self role, grow and development, stress, and time and space (Frey, Sieloff & Norris, 2002). The main point of Goal Attainment theory is that the nurse and the patient work together to define and reach goals that they set together (Killeen & King, 2007). This process is done mostly through communication, ... Show more content on ... The cause of poor or lack of communication skills are many and include time availability of nurses to get time to sit and talk with patients; lack of privacy; shortage of qualified nurses who are available to talk to patients; lack of training; and different languages. Poor communication skills also affect goal setting and goal attainment, which leads to increase return follow–up, visits in the emergency room (Williams, 2001). The application of communication into the nursing practice is done through the process of the nurse conducting a comprehensive assessments on patients, making diagnoses, setting realistic goals and evaluating outcomes (Khowaja, 2006). During the assessment of the patient is when interaction occurs and the nurse collects data regarding the patient. The data collected from the assessment is used to make nursing diagnosis from identified problems communicated between the patient and the nurse. After the nursing diagnosis is made, the nurse continues to communicate with the patient to plan by setting goals. The patient is encouraged to participate in decision making for collaboration of achievement of goals. Once the goals are set, the nurse and the patient collaborate through communication to formulate the means by which the goals can be attained. However, mutual goal setting is only successful if the patients trusted that the goal would benefit them (Williams, 2001). With communication, nursed have to ... Get more on ...
  • 21.
  • 22. Best Practices Inquiry The "best practices" inquiry involves the research part of the social work field in order to better understand and serve clients. In order to provide the best care to our clients, one must fully indulge themselves into researching what works best and what does not appear to be as successful. Best practices inquiries, according to Petr and Walter (2005), is the process by which an investigator ascertains he current state–of–the–art approaches, models, and interventions for a given problem and target population. They believe that best practices allow social workers to draw into their professional decision– making. It also involves an appraisal of not only the quality of available research, but also the values that guide the research, policies, and practices within the social work field (Petr & Walter, 2005). Biopsychosocial Assessment The biopsychosocial assessment is essential in treating a client using the systems theory approach and is used to determine the target population in order to conduct a best practices inquiry. It allows practitioners to look at the whole person in order to identify factors that may support or hinder the treatment of their presenting problem. It also allows treatment teams to discuss and contribute to the client's intervention and goals. This particular biopsychosocial focuses on four–year–old Client X, and his multifaceted case. The client was initially referred to this agency by the school district. Client X is a four–year–old ... Get more on ...
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  • 24. Active Spiritual Practices Analysis Active Spiritual Practices The life of a pastor requires many developed practices, none more important than personal spiritual practices. The author, adheres to many daily and weekly habit s to develop personally and spiritual with the hope to remain spiritual vibrant. As Addington explains all great qualities of leadership come form the place deep inside our hearts, the hidden recess of our souls, whose "channels lead to deep veins of God's work and molding" (Addington, 2014 p1). Daily habits include journaling, prayer, following a prayer and devotional guide, reflection, study, and prayer with family. Weekly habits that are practiced also include a day of extended reading, a day of rest, and an afternoon of personal study. Other habits occurring ... Show more content on ... In those moments of spiritual dryness, desperation, fear, and often–great decision making, the disciplines of fasting and solitude seem necessary. As further explains in those moments sermons, worship songs, and intellectual debate don't excite us, therefore it's the inner silence, peace, and stillness that ones soul longs for (Foster, 1978). Resources for Spiritual Formation Like many areas of study, spiritual formations offer a litany of great resource. The author has read and worked through various spiritual formation classics and have found many to be most valuable, some more valuable than others. Research has concluded that each bare a certain value and have proven valuable to a certain time or season of life and ministry. Furthermore, others withstand the test of time and season, and prove valuable continually through each every one of life's challenges. The daily resource that has been most beneficial would be A Guide to Prayer for Ministers and Other Servants (Job & Shawchuck, 1988). It's daily readings of scripture; writings of past and present spiritual giants, and reflective prayer have proven to be great resources for an everyday prayer and journaling guide. It also offers hymns for worship and reflection and season ... Get more on ...
  • 25.
  • 26. Does Practice Make Perfect? Lauren Snodgrass Mrs. Watson 7th Grade Science 07 October 2016 Does Practice Make Perfect? "Practice makes perfect!" We've all heard that before, and we all want to be perfect. I am trying to find out what kind of practice makes perfect by answering this question: "What type of practice results in the most improvement?" There are three ways to practice. The three are physically, mentally, or both. Even though we think practicing is simple and there is not much to it, there is. Here is the history, science, and application of practice. People might not think that history has anything to do with science, but it is an important part of any science experiment/project. Practice makes perfect is a phrase that dates back quite a bit of time, as well as the term practice. The phrase goes back to the 1550s–1560s when it was used in the form of 'use makes perfect'. It was first used in the United States in a 'Diary and Autobiography of John Adams ' (Wingnut). Not only does the phase date back to the 16th century; so does its importance. According to LightHouse, there are at least 5 different importances to the proverb. An example is encouragement. When people feel like giving up, and they hear this phrase, they are encouraged to try again. As well as the phrase, the word practice has importance. The word practice comes from the Greek "πρακτική" (praktike), "fit for or concerned with action, practical", and that from the verb "πράσσω" (prasso), "to achieve, bring about, effect, ... Get more on ...
  • 27.
  • 28. The Enhancement Of Primary Care Practices Primary care is considered by many countries as a backbone of the medical health system that is effective and efficient and satisfies the demands of patients and families (Sebo, 2015). The enhancement of primary care practices' quality improvement (QI) orientation is essential in strengthening the primary care practices (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2013). In addition, external supports such as feedback and benchmarking, coaching, expert consultation, and shared learning can help primary care practices with quality improvement and enhancing QI orientation. There are different organizations that provide quality supports to primary care practices. One of this is the North Carolina Area Health Education Centers (AHECs) Practice Support Program. The aim of the program is to support primary care practices in North Carolina by providing primary care practices with onsite QI consultants, tools, and resources that help primary care practices' transformational efforts (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2014).The aim of this paper is to summarize two articles related to primary care. I. Quality Improvement in Primary Care: External Supports for Practices In the article "Quality Improvement in Primary Care: External Supports for Practices," Taylor, Peikes, Geonnotti, McNellis, Genevro, & Meyers (2014), describes the importance of quality improvement (QI) for primary ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Essay On Best Practice To Implement I am on a team in my workplace where I am looking for new best practices to implement. This best new practice would be implemented within several steps throughout the workplace, and each workplace is different and has their own set of steps. I would look at the policies and procedures within my workplace to see what specific policies are in place right now for the change that I would like to bring about. In this assignment I will be talking about my best new practice, what steps are going to be implemented in changing it, and what policies are already in place regarding the new practice. Best Practice to Implement When working on the team within my workplace that looks at policies that could be changed based on evidence based practice, I have decided that we could change the way that staffing and patient ratios are decided. According to LoBiondo–Wood & Haber ... Show more content on ... This is important because all nurses want to give the best care they can. Campaigners have launched a website to increase the support for patient–nurse ratios to be mandated due to the amount of patient loads that some nurses are taking, and they are decreasing patients care within the process (Campaigners, 2013). Having an increase in staff with a higher number of patients can help increase the patient's safety within the care that they are receiving. The more patients that nurses have, the less care that those patients will receive at a given time, because the nurses can become burnt out on the amount of care that they must provide, within a limited amount of time. According to Hill (2017), there are many nurse shortages, which leads to decreased patient care and decreased good outcomes when it involves patient care. Having an increased staff helps prevent unfavorable outcomes when it comes to patient care. Less patients per nurse ratio lead to favorable ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. Unauthorized Practice of Law Unauthorized Practice of Law: The paralegal and UPL Polly Paralegal finds himself in an ethical dilemma when Mr. Stan Smith asks him "Do the grounds for divorce in North Carolina include adultery?" A day later, the wife of Stan Smith asks if she has grounds for divorce in the same state because her husband has committed adultery. If Polly Paralegal answers that question for either one of his friends he will be committing UPL or Unauthorized Practice of Law. The consequences for UPL can be devastating to a paralegal and the entire law office that the paralegal that is employed by. It is Paralegal Polly's obligation to know and follow the rules and regulations put forth by the State Board. The rules are said and stated for Board ... Show more content on ... One scenario where this could fall into play would be: An attorney is in a rush to submit a preparation form and delegates the paralegal to sign the form. If the paralegal does so, they will be committing the unauthorized practice of law because they are not permitted to sign legal forms and furthermore, if signing the supervising attorney's name, they are committing fraud. In some states UPL is not only criminalized in itself, but another charge of falsely claiming to be a lawyer even thought this is not how the paralegal intended the situation to turn out. In the innocence of trying to help out a friend by sharing their legal know how, they in turn can be persecuted, lose their jobs or even their careers. Any person of the public can put in their opinion about a legal situation, or tell a person what they think they should do and it would not be considered unauthorized practice of law. However, when a person is a paralegal, any spoken or written opinion about what a person should do in a legal situation can be considered UPL. Whether it is a friend, family member, or just someone a person knows, the situation stays the same. It is clear that only an attorney should provide legal counsel, legal representation or sign legal documents. A paralegal may do ninety percent of the work on a client's case but in the end the attorney is the only one who can do these things. Polly Paralegal needs ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Implementation Of Evidence Based Practices Evidence based practices like bedside reports have reduced the number of patient calls during changes of shift. Hence scholarly discovery not only helps with present issues, but also helps in assessing future needs to meet the strategic goals of an organization. Implementation of report by the method known as SBAR (Situation–Background–Assessment–Recommendation) is another example of the integration of knowledge in practice in this acute care hospital in north Texas. Nursing is a practice and the pursuit of knowledge and understanding in nursing is inextricably linked to practice. Scholarship is not only gaining the necessary knowledge but also applying the application. In the discipline of nursing, the ability to the judge the scientific ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. Reflective Practice Essay Reflective practice – A tool for learning Introduction/Rationale When something goes wrong or something unexpected happens during a lesson or activity, we ask ourselves questions such as, could I have done something to avoid it? These experiences usually make us grow and we learn from experience, and we will be better prepared to face the situation if it happened again. This introspection is generally called "reflection", and all professionals have adopted it in order to improve their practice, but for educators reflection involves "critical thinking" about past experiences or current experiences that occur or are occurring in classroom settings and looking at them in a positive light on how to make improvements for their teaching ... Show more content on ... The literature review will include models of reflective practice and theorists who have had a major input for developing theory for reflective practice. When we speak of 'reflective practitioners' we usually refer to adult learners who are engaged in some kind of activity (often professional) which they can use to reflect on their strengths, weaknesses and areas for development. However, reflective thinking is not an innovation in teaching. It has its roots in the work of a number of educational theorists. The concept has been around for over 50 years. Some theorists define reflective teaching/thinking as; "A set of abilities and skills, to indicate the taking of a critical stance, an orientation to problem solving or state of mind" This encapsulates the wide range of activities associated with thinking about your learning. (Moon, 1999) 'Reflective teaching is seen as a process through which the capacity to make professional judgments can be developed and maintained' (Pollard, 2002) Schon (1983) speaks of reflective practitioners who are not just skilful or competent but "thoughtful, wise and contemplative", whose work involves "intuition, insight and artistry". Today, reflective practice is best understood as an approach which promotes autonomous learning that aims to develop practitioners understanding and critical thinking skills. It refers to an activity or process, in which an experience is recalled, ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Best Practice The yield expected from successful human resource management (HRM) or development (HRD) differs greatly depending on where the organisation is based, its' culture, resources, size and socio– economic climate. Therefore, it is imperative that the development and delivery of improved human capital via HRM is rooted in the needs of the organisation rather than opting for an 'off the shelf' closed option such as 'Best Practise' or high performance work practices. Theorists have yet to settle on a definitive model for best practise, which itself suggests a certain degree of flexibility is built into the interpretation of what it could be. Here lies the first contradiction to the pro best practise argument as these rigid principals are yet to be ... Show more content on ... This badge of honour was displayed in the 2004 Toyota Corporate Social Responsibility Report. Toyota is a large multinational organisation with an established reputation for providing good quality products by using lean production, highly automated and Tayloristic methods of manufacturing. Its relatively flat structure, efficient processes and seemingly endless resource enables this principal to be trusted by its' employees and wider public. In 2004 the Japanese economy was emergent, though the automotive industry had began to plateau. The Toyota employee was and is, in general, semi–skilled and reasonably paid. The idea of 'a job for life' is still viable in Japan today. Though this sentiment is commendable, this may not work for all. The same type of statement could not be trusted within many similar automotive companies based in the United Kingdom today. Public redundancies at Jaguar, Ford and Vauxhall and the downturn within the economy over the last seven years has seen 'job for life' ideology diluted. Greater emphasis is placed on flexibility, particularly when all companies strive to achieve higher performance with less people capability. This is representative of how principals for the best practise models can work in one context, but fail in another. Incidentally, job ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. The Pros And Cons Of Yogic Practices Is Yogic practices different from normal exercises? Yogic practices is not exercise in the sense in which the word 'exercise' is commonly understood. Both yogic practices and exercises have a common goal or objective, namely health protection and promotion. However , the effect of yogic practices is not limited to this only. It is expected that yogapractices should lead to a balanced personality. Normal exercise routine is focused towards a certain goal, such as losing 10kg or increase push–ups than what you did yesterday. Yoga is to tone the body and calm the mind at the same time. Regular yoga abhyas develops self confidence, boots vitality and induces a feeling of stability ; it improves the health of the body and mind. However, this does not mean that yoga is a kind of physical exercise . The objectives of different types of exercises such as sports, wrestling, ... Show more content on ... But even in yoga, we often don't pay much attention to this dimension in our practice. What brings silence into our practice is making our yoga class a sacred place. But in these days of mobiles and tablets, many people bring their electronics to their class, and we've lost that impermeability. That's disturbing the potential of allowing silence to enter into our practice. We let ourselves get depleted and then use yoga to try to get us back to neutral. Instead of going from negative to zero one must try to organize our lives to go from zero to positive. This requires 'neti, neti', 'not this, not this'. It requires learning to let go of certain things and not letting them enter into that sacred space. Yoga is not a doctrine or belief system but a process of observation, introspection and self enquiry. Sage Patanjali has given practical ways to reach the self. Practical approach is very much necessary as any preconceived faith, belief or ideas is detrimental to objective inquiry. Mauna is part and parcel of this self ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. The Spiritual Practice Of The Labyrinth Since I was a child I was told to read the Bible, pray, and repeat. Eventually, these few spiritual practices became empty rituals to me for a time. In the duration of this class thus far, I've had the chance to relook at my spiritual practices, learn why I should practice them, and then put them into practice with a right heart. I've also had the chance to partake in many other types of spiritual practices. One in particular interested me, so I decided to try it – that is, the spiritual practice of the Labyrinth. There were many spiritual practices that I had never done before on the list, but the Labyrinth was a formative practice that I hadn't even heard of. I had no experience with the discipline before the class. However, I decided to try it because I might not have had the chance to practice it again, unless I first tried it. Also, the fact of a spiritual practice having a labyrinth involved greatly interested me, and I wanted to study it. When I found out what the Labyrinth was – I wanted to try it even more. A prayer labyrinth is a labyrinth used to facilitate prayer, meditation, spiritual transformation, and/or global unity. Walking a prayer labyrinth is seen in 3 stages: Purgation, Illumination, and Union. Purgation occurs as you first walk into the labyrinth until you reach the center, the goal is to clear the mind from distractions, and open the heart. Illumination happens at the center, the goal to pray and meditate and listen to what God has for you. Union, ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Managing Work Family Practices At The Workplace 3.0 Managing work–family practices at the workplace 3.1 Introduction The generalizability of published studies related to harmonising the work and family domains are uncertain. The topic have been carried out in several studies investigating on aspects such as influencing the impact of practices in particular frameworks (Wood & Stephen, 2007; Beham et al., 2012; Stock et al., 2013). As earlier scholar in this work and family interaction, Rapoport and Rapoport (1965) reported that the effectiveness of the interaction between work and family domain involves a certain amount of conflict. This is because of a serious changing point in work and family role systems. Thus, in this study, we will disclose the important factors associated with the balancing role between work and family at the workplace. Some of these factors include personal variables, individual personalities, line–manager attitudes, macro–socioeconomic and cultural values (Dávila de León & Finkelstein, 2011; McCarthy et al., 2010; Poelmans et al., 2003). They are most common influences' on work and family practices or programmes and have been identified based on the challenges faced by the employees at the workplace. This chapter introduces the managing WFBPs' phenomenon with the managerial role and their practicing action. It begins with the understanding of the establishment of the WFBPs at the workplace in the first section of this chapter. There are heavily discussions on this interest topic especially in ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Best Practices of American Airlines Best Practices: American Airlines Best practices are techniques or methods that lead to better results and improvements in things such as ethics teamwork motivation or other things that keep a business going smoothly. These practices utilize all the knowledge and technology advances that one has to conquer success in the given field. The term of "Best Practices" is used often times in healthcare education systems project management as well as government administration and several other organizations. These things make certain businesses become the best in class or the ideal for its category. Examples of best practices are but are not limited to things that deal with price, employee perks or how happy the employee is, motivation, ... Show more content on ... This way of dealing with things may not go through as well with other organizations. Also this may sometime in the future not workout so well with American Airlines as well. In addition, American Airlines also prides itself on maintaining a happy healthy work environment so they can maintain a positive surrounding community. They do this through acting as responsible stewards as well as reducing their mark on the environment. They act as responsible stewards through continuously looking for new ideas and opportunities to further improve their environmental performance. (Corporate Responsibility) In 2009 they made impeccable improvement to the environment in several was such as the fact that their environmental initiatives resulted in the reduction of their greenhouse gas emissions related fuel from 2008. This is not the only way they have aided in the improvements of the environment they also saved at least $10 million through energy–saving initiatives, as well as increasing fuel–efficiency. Furthermore, they signed agreements in partnership with 15 other airlines to purchase future supplies of alternative fuels they also reduced ozone depleting substances through the replacement of certain industrial cleaning products. (Corporate Responsibility) In conclusion American Airlines continues to be the epitome of what utilizing all the knowledge and technology advances that one has to conquer success in the given field. And is the ideal example of what best practices ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. What Can You Make Your Business Or Practice? Ideas are everywhere. Some are small and seemingly insignificant. Others are big giant ideas with the opportunity to change much of our lives. Each idea that we are, if we create the idea, synthesize it from somewhere else, or hear, it is a possible opportunity. Start challenging yourself to think or do something that will grow your business or practice. We can not promise that you will grow your business or practice, as is the need to apply specific strategies for your business / specific practice. People who are successful in getting the results you are looking for, the practice of doing things rather than thinking about them. By becoming a doer will do more things and stimulate new ideas in the process. One possible opportunity. No matter how promising, exciting or applicable the idea is, or how big of an opportunity that might be, is only one possible opportunity, unless you take action. Opportunity may knock, but we have to open the door, roll up our sleeves and get after if we take advantage of that opportunity. There are many reasons why people do not take action on the ideas and opportunities, including: – Lack of self confidence to feel that they will succeed – They do not see the benefits outweighing the risks – they are scared – They have too many opportunities and immobilized, unable to make a decision The steps outlined below will help you get past any of these issues – and move forward with confidence towards great results. Here are the steps you can ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Translation Of Evidence And Practice Translation of Evidence to Practice Does the compliance with a sedation protocol improve after nurses receive a sedation competency over a three month period? The available data supported the hypothesis that nursing education and competency can lead to consistent best practices and positive outcomes for patients. The answers to this research question can help develop interventions that support best practices for patients who are mechanically ventilated and receiving intravenous sedation. The literature supported a positive impact on patient outcomes when sedation awakening trials (SAT) and spontaneous breathing trials (SBT) were coordinated (Klompas et al., 2015, Woien & Bjork, 2012, & Woien, Vaeroy, Aamodt, & Bjork, 2012). The literature also supported the compliance of the coordination was more predictable when the nursing division was provided with protocol education (Klompas et al., 2015, Woien & Bjork, 2012, & Woien, Vaeroy, Aamodt, & Bjork, 2012). The summation of findings indicates that when education was integrated with the research methods, the outcomes related to nursing compliance were consistent and led to the completion of best practices. Nursing education was a controlled variable in research that found a positive correlation with SAT and SBT and outcomes for patients. Additionally, research without this controlled variable found inconsistencies with the performance of SAT/SBT and related outcomes. As a result, the particular relationship between ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. The Study Of Practice And Practice Essay The Study of Practice Introduction As the term refers to the untrained individual, practice may seem like a minuscule activity that is drawn–out to emulate a pattern that is to be learned. As practice refers to motor learning it is a very integral part of learning a motor pattern. The same can be said for other activities such as riding a bike, dribbling a ball, or climbing stairs. According to the Oxford English dictionary the term practice is defined as, "repeated exercise in our performance of an activity or skill so as to acquire or maintain proficiency in it" (Practice, 2016). We practice a certain activity to become better at performing said activity. For example, a small child learning how to ride a bike, may use training wheels help the child maintain balance without the threat of falling off of the bike. The training wheels help the child acquire the feeling of what it is like to ride a bike. The use of the training wheels allows the child to practice or get comfortable with the action of riding a bike before actually doing so. Practice encompasses many other factors that contribute to how well an individual attains and learns a skill. Practicing a skill infrequently or frequently affects how that skill is performed. The distribution or spread of practice may affect learning. The instability or variability of a skill performance can have an effect on the end result learning. Mental practice, part practice, and whole practice are types of practice that also has ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Unauthorized Practice of Law Essay In order to complete this assignment we must first recognize what Unauthorized Practice of Law is when it comes to paralegals. There is no set definition on what UPL is but as a paralegal there are guidelines to go by. Some ways they can violate the practice of law would be an individual holding themselves as an attorney when they are paralegals, giving legal advice as an attorney would, or representing clients in a court of law. All of the previous are violations and can be subject to several disciplinary actions [ (Unauthorized Practice of Law, 2010) ]. It has been named illegal due to the damages on may suffer due to bad legal advice. In some states it is considered a criminal offense and could be given a jail sentence. With that ... Show more content on ... Now this one is a bit trickier than the other. To give proper advice would be giving legal advice. Mrs. Smith would have to know the ins and outs of divorce when it comes to adultery and Polly legally cannot supply the answer. Once again, Polly has the responsibility to let Mrs. Smith know that she is not a lawyer and she can't give any legal advice. Information that involves the grounds for any law suit of any matter is considered legal advice. Although Mrs. Smith may feel that a simple yes or no will not hurt Polly, it will. One thing Polly can do that is not UPL is to advise Mrs. Smith to seek legal representation [ (Orlik, 2007) ]. This action can save Polly a lot of hassles and the chance of getting disciplined. Now the reasoning behind prohibiting the unauthorized practice of law is not to hurt lawyers and anyone legally practicing law. These were put into place to help from personally damaging cases and individuals alike. What if you were given advice and used it to help with your case. Then come to find out that this advice or information was not at all correct and cost you your case. You would be very adamant to return to the individual to find out what had happened. Then you also find out that this person was not legally able to practice law in any manner. You would be furious and would want this person to pay for his/her actions. This is an example of why it is very important why someone that is not authorized ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Theory In Nursing Practice Application of Theory The role of theory in clinical nursing practice is to guide assessment, interventions, and evaluation of nursing care. Theory in nursing practice provides a rationale for collecting reliable and valid data about the health status of clients, which are essential for effective decision making and implementation. Nursing theory also serves as a guide assessment, interventions, and evaluation of nursing practice. Theories can address important questions for nursing units. Theories can be grand, middle range and practice. Grand theories provide a complex and broad scope and incorporate numerous ways of viewing concepts in nursing. Middle range nursing theories are narrower in scope and offer an effective bridge between grand nursing theories and nursing practice. The Ida J. Orlando's middle range nursing theory provides a nursing foundation for nursing leaders to utilize both in the management of patient care and leadership. When applying Orlando's theory, nursing leaders can identify perceptions, thoughts and feelings about patients care, then educate nursing staff on meeting the patient's needs. The theory combines competent nursing practice and customer satisfaction. Meeting the patient's needs reduces patient distress levels. Bedside nurses must be diligent and confident of their nursing skills. When provided with great leadership, nurses will feel more confident in their ability to provide quality patient care. The rehabilitation unit frequently ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Nursing Theory in Professional Practice Nursing Theory in Professional Practice Nursing Theory in Professional Practice Nursing is the art and science of caring for individuals with potential or actual health problems. Nursing is the art of providing quality, compassionate care while evaluating the patients' biopsychosocial and spiritual needs. Nursing as a science evaluates the patients' health and response to disease. Nurses assist individuals and groups to maintain or attain optimal health. They implement care to accomplish defined goals and evaluate responses to care and treatment. This care is delivered in accordance with the standards of nursing practice. Nursing is dynamic, evolving from changes in health care, and advances in medical science and technology. ... Show more content on ... The need for continuous education is imperative to expand competence, to meet the criteria necessary in any role of the nursing profession, and to continuously expand his/her personal body of knowledge. The professional nurse practices in the six interrelated roles of advocate, clinician, collaborator/coordinator, educator, leader, and researcher to provide optimal patient care. As an advocate, the nurse can include other disciplines that may be able to assist the patient to attain optimal health. As a clinician, the nurse provides care within his/her scope of practice and under the guidelines of the ANA Standards of Clinical Practice. As a collaborator/coordinator, the nurse works in collaboration with co–workers to meet the needs of patients and families. As an educator, the nurse assesses needs of patients and families and teaches them with the focus on health promotion, disease prevention, and wellness. As a leader, the nurse uses critical thinking; problem–solving skills to try to encourage others to make decisions that will improve the profession. As a researcher, the nurse uses knowledge and reviews findings to correct problems. Autonomy, the fourth value, is the right of self–determination as a profession. Nurses are ethically and legally accountable for the quality of their practice by functioning independently and interdependently in a variety of settings. The American Nurses' Association developed the Standards of Clinical Nursing Practice that ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. The Best Practices Of Determining A Budget Every company relies on accurate budget estimates in order to provide the correct amount of allocated dollars in a budget plan that the company develops. Most companies develop budgets that look at least two years into the future. Each company is different, however typically most expect their projected budgets to be within 10% less or 25% more of the projected budget (Schwalbe 281). In order to do this, managers must allocate project costs to individual work items over the lifetime of the project. Project managers will create a cost baseline (time–phased budget) in order to measure and monitor the performance of their projects over the projects duration. Any changes or updates that are needed should be changed and reflected in a newly updated budget. Real time budget updates are vital in order to avoid financial problems. Ultimately, budgeting provides a prediction of the projects funding requirements. This article will go into detail about the best practices of determining a budget, and how they can be innovated for a better approach in the future. In his book, Tactical Issues & Best Practice Solutions in Budgeting, Stephan Hunt discusses five focus areas that make up the best practice of determining a budget. These areas include: rolling forecasts, increased participation of operational owners, link detail to accountability, end user analysis, and driver based forecasting and budgeting (Hunt 3). First, this paper will explain why rolling forecasts are considered a ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Deliberate Practice, By Anders Ericsson Deliberate practice is the ability to make oneself able to practice on a regular basis. This can apply to virtually anything that you would need to get better in. Deliberate practice also includes the ability to set a specific goal. This goal is used for getting to a certain point that will make you better at the thing you are practicing. You'll also need a teacher to help you see mistakes that you can then go and fix while you're practicing. With all of these things combined you'll set a strong foundation for you to be able excell in your topic of work. Anders Ericsson is the main figure in the study of Deliberate practice and purposeful practice in this book. As he goes into topic after topic Ericsson backs up his claim with evidence, as a good writer should. His topics are usually backed up with experiments and his findings of those experiments. ... Show more content on ... Faloon is trying to remember as many numbers as possible in the order told to him. Faloon was able to go up to about eight or nine digits the first few times he went to work. This amount was called his natural ceiling, or how many numbers he could remember without practice or techniques. After being stuck at this amount he was then introduced to some techniques to help him go higher. Some of the things he did was to group the numbers together, or, in his case, pump himself up. With the use of these methods Faloon was able to break his natural ceiling and memorize an eight–two number ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. What Is The Purpose Of Deep Practice By Daniel Coyle INTRODUCTION In "The Sweet Spot",the author Daniel Coyle has analyzed the meaning of talent and his role in success. But, what is the talent? And successfull? The author tryed to give a complete view about these ones examinating that are strictly connected. The author also has examinated the art of "Deep practice" using the example of Futsal, an old brasilian training soccer method that is also used by european soccer players. Danyel Coyle,still regarding the "Deep practice", made an example about Edwin Link pilots training during 1920 in which he allowed the pilots to make more and deep practice than the past training. SUMMARY The analyzation of deep practice is the main purpose of chapter 1 of "The Talent Code".In particular, the author wants to explain that the deep practice is the best way to get skills. Deep practice is characterized by practicing more and more time the same exercise,making a lot of mistakes, until the individual can perform it properly without making any mistakes,saving the time. ... Show more content on ... He visit a tennis court in Moscow in which he saw,in addition to the velocity,energy,and fast movements the deeply attention to the details, doing all the exercise in a slower way. Then,the author met Brunio a brazilian guy which was trying to make the "elastico", and that turned out to do it after a lot of ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. The Best Practice Of Formal Structure The best practice of formal structure is characterized by the establishment of a policy and procedures manual and the use of a variety of school and community settings for activities (DuBois et al., 2002). This manual should outline all aspects of hiring, training, and retaining staff in order to aid in clarification of expectations and establish protocols that lead to fidelity of implementation When recruiting a mentor, the organization should adhere to the best practice of developing clear expectations, even if there is no pay involved. These expectations include a job description and interview protocols that address the specific competencies required for the position (Keller, 2006). Although not essential to successful mentoring, prior ... Show more content on ... In addition, a regular assessment to identify barriers that can limit staff success also is beneficial (Keller, 2006). Mentor Best Practices Positive outcomes occur when the mentor–mentee relationship lasts for 1 year or longer and when the mentor understands what approaches, practices, and attitudes work (Grossman & Rhodes, 2002; Rhodes, 2008). Best practices can serve to increase the rate of success in formal mentoring programs and can reduce negative impacts, such as early relationship termination. Regardless of the reason for termination, it can be perceived by the mentee as intentional rejection (Downey & Feldman, 1996; Downey, Lebolt, Rincorn, & Freitas, 1998; DuBois et al., 2002; Grossman & Rhodes, 2002) and can lead to negative self–perception and lowered academic performance. The literature identifies six best practices for individual mentors: (a) training, (b) commitment to the relationship, (c) respect for the mentee's background, (d) respect for the individual, (e) mutual activities, and (f) use of support (see Figure 1). Each of these is discussed below. Although those in "helping professions" (e.g., teachers, counselors) who have received formal training have greater predictive success as mentors, training and support provided to lay persons can produce similar results (DuBois et al., 2002). Mentors should avail themselves of ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Communities of Practice (Cop) Communities of Practice (COP) Assignment On Table of Content Serial no: | Topic: | Page No: | 1. | Introduction | 3 | 2. | Communities of Practices | 4 | 3. | Communities of practice and knowledge management | 5 | | I. Importance of teamwork for Knowledge Management | 5 | | II. Sharing ideas to the success of KM | 7 | | III. Connection of COP to Knowledge Management | 8 | | IV. How characteristics of COP help to bring success to KM practices | 9 | 4. | Conclusion | 11 | 5. | References | 12 | Introduction Communities of practice are everywhere. We all belong to a number of them–at work, at university, at home, in our hobbies. Some have a name, some don't. We ... Show more content on ... To build an understanding of how communities of practice create organizational value, we suggest thinking of a community as an engine for the development of social capital. We argue that the social capital resident in communities of practice leads to behavioral changes, which in turn positively influence business performance. We identify four specific performance outcomes associated with the communities of practice we studied and link these outcomes to the basic dimensions of social capital. These dimensions include connections among practitioners who may or may not be co– located; relationships that build a sense of trust and mutual obligation, and a common language and context that can be shared by community members. Our conclusions are based on a study of seven organizations where communities of practice are acknowledged to be creating value. Communities of practice and Knowledge management Wasko and Faraj (2000) describe three kinds of knowledge: "knowledge as object", "knowledge embedded within individuals", and "knowledge embedded in a community". Communities of Practice have become associated with finding, sharing, transferring, and archiving knowledge, as well as making explicit "expertise", or tacit knowledge. Tacit knowledge is considered to be those
  • 69. valuable context–based experiences that cannot easily be captured, codified and stored (Davenport & Prusak ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Best Practice Guideline The Best Practice Guidelines Program, "focuses on individual, organizational, and system–level strategies to ensure effective, sustained, and scalable implementation of best practice guidelines in clinical and management practices" (Bajnok & Grinspun, 2015, p.3). It is important in the development of patient care, clinical excellence, informed practice, and the optimization of outcomes (Bajnok & Grinspun, 2015). This essay will focus on the Best Practice Guideline for the Assessment and Management of Pain, recommendations on how to implement this guideline, spotlight organizations, evidence, application in the acute care setting, and the implementation of this guideline in personal practice. Best Practice Guideline The Best Practice Guideline ... Show more content on ... As a student, it is important to build a foundation in implementing these guidelines, so that when they graduate, they can provide competent patient care. Nursing students perform pain assessments regularly while in clinical, so it is important to be familiar with the tools that the North Bay Regional Health Centre uses, so that when reporting findings it is with tools that the hospital approves of. It is also important to know a variety of tools and when it is appropriate to use each one. Performing comprehensive pain assessments and being aware of how the interprofessional team and/or patient has decided to manage potential pain can help form a basis for reference for future nurse. In future practice it is important to respect a patients wants in regards to pain management and to be able to implement both pharmacological and non–pharmacological pain management interventions. These may include multimodal analgesics, opioids, repositioning, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Trends in Nursing Practice Trends in the nursing practice Job opportunities for RNs (registered nurses) are expected to continue growing faster with their salaries also growing. However, the opportunities vary by the employment setting and their available geographical setting. In fact, estimates of nursing industry experts project that close to 600,000 new jobs will be generated. The reason for this growth is as a result of the technological advances in the care of patients. This has permitted more health problems to be treated and has increased the emphasis that is being placed on preventive care. Additionally, the number of old people is increasing that the number of younger people. In hospital–health care which is the largest industry, however, employment is expected to grow more slowly. With the intensity of nursing care also increasing, there are more nurses that are required per patient and the number of inpatients is also increasing. Discharge of patients is happening earlier and there are more procedures that are being conducted at the outpatient departments. Therefore in hospitals, the growth is expected in the outpatient departments such as rehabilitation, chemotherapy, and same–day surgery. Moreover, there are many procedures that are being conducted in physicians' offices and other places such as freestanding ambulatory centers and emergency centers. Therefore, growth in employment is expected in these places. Employment in home care facilities such as nursing homes is expected to ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. 14 Best Reading Practices 14 Best Reading Practices Best Practice 1: Explicit Word Analysis Instruction, Including Phonics Teachers provide explicit instruction, build word knowledge, and directly teach skills and strategies for word analysis (phonemic awareness, phonics, word recognition, structural analysis, context clues, vocabulary). Best Practice 2: Assessment to Inform Instruction Teachers routinely monitor and assess the reading levels and progress of individual students. This ongoing evaluation directs and informs instruction. Best Practice 3: Instructional Planning Teachers plan instruction considering three phases: before, during and after reading. Best Practice 4: Collaboration and Reflection Teachers routinely ... Show more content on ... Audit Follow–Up: Practices that are identified as being most challenging and needing further emphasis could be incorporated into the school improvement plan. Professional development experiences on particular practices could be offered. Teachers could use the summary results of the audit to develop instructional practices in individual classrooms, at grade levels, and/or schoolwide. Directions: Circle the number that indicates the use of this best practice schoolwide using the following rating scale: 4 – Fully evident in all classrooms 3 – Seen in some classrooms but not the majority 2 – Visible in a small number of classrooms 1 – Rarely seen in any classrooms Best Practice Rating Possible Evidence (What would the practice look like in the classroom?) 1– Explicit and Systematic word Analysis Instruction, Including Phonics and Phonemic Awareness 4 3 2 1 Direct phonics instruction, word walls, word sorts, making words, manipulative letters, picture clues, songs, poems, rhymes 2– Assessment to Inform Instruction 4 3 2 1 Running records, portfolios, Individual Reading Inventory (IRI), learning logs, anecdotal notes, response journals, rubrics 3– Instructional Planning to Create Independence Through Student–Owned Strategies 4 3 2 1 KWL, integrated thematic units, anticipation guides, graphic organizers, journal ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Essay on Evidence-Based Practice Part A Think about your specific practice setting. Based on your new knowledge of evidence–based practice, pick one unit procedure in your work place and explore whether it is based on research evidence or not. Discuss what you think would be needed to make the procedure more in line with best practice in the area or what was done to ensure that it was based on best practice. At Fremont–Rideout the big issue was pressure ulcers, every month all the patients in the hospital had to be assessed for them. Anything that was a stage 3 or above had to reported to AHS. According to Chaves, Grypdonck, & Defloor (2010, p. 563), evidenced–based protocols are specific to the organization, and are used to help improve patient outcomes. In 2009 the ... Show more content on ... The wound care team is able to correspond with the physicians, and recommend and write order in accordance to the best treat for each individual patient's issues with pressure ulcer. Therefore they are constantly using and teaching the nurses and physicians better ways to prevent and treat pressure ulcers. Part B Discuss what this statement means to you: "The key to transitioning evidence to practice is to reframe thinking about organizational culture, knowledge about research, attitudes about research, and skill in using research." This means that taking on a positive attitude during any situation or when faced with a set of circumstances, in other words you're taking the same situation and same set of circumstances and giving those details a meaning. By doing this you can approach the situation with new possibilities, which gives new actions that you can take into that response. By seeing things in a variety of ways it helps you to build a range of understanding and you don't become so narrow minded. Also, by taking this type of an attitude toward the various situations it will help you to become a better leader/manager ANALYSIS/FOLLOW–UP FOR PARTS I & II In exercise 1 the qualities of leadership I ranked myself most of the time in the overflowing category. I believe that I have these qualities since I have almost 9 years of experience on med/surg floor, surgical floor, ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing Nursing Evidence–Based Practice Findings of evidenced based practice have to be disseminated to ensure that innovations for practice are replicated or applied in other settings by stakeholders in the health fraternity and healthcare professionals (Forsyth, Wright, Scherb & Gaspar, 2010). One of the objectives of dissemination should be to improve the practice. Dissemination of evidenced based practice findings in nursing is very critical in knowledge synthesis, translation, and translation. It is imperative in strengthening healthcare, informing policy, and improving practice decisions based on clinical evidence (Rycroft– Malone & Bucknall, 2010). This is realized by transforming clinical changes into practice. It actually involves two stage processes namely: translation of evidence into practice and integration of research recommendations into actual practice. Effective dissemination of evidence based practice findings enable staff to share information about developments in healthcare practice and implement innovation (Freemantle & Watt, 1994). Dissemination enables healthcare professionals to make decisions based on the quality of information they receive on effectiveness and cost–effectiveness of a proposed healthcare intervention. Dissemination of evidenced based research findings using any medium enables health facility staff members to access research findings and critique the findings (Bradley, McSherry & McSherry, 2010). Service users and carers also access such ... Get more on ...