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Essay on Ethics in Nursing
Health & Healing 2 Scholarly Assignment Nurses are to provide compassionate, competent, and ethical care, and follow the moral principles and
guidelines set out by the College of Nurses and the Canadian Nurse's Association's code of ethics. The nursing profession is a self–sacrificing one, and
nurses take on the Nightingale Pledge, to elevate the standard of their practice and dedicate themselves to those committed in their care (Keatings
& Smith, 2010, p. 64) However unfavourable working conditions, inadequate patient to nurse ratios, and intensive job–related stress can lead to
poor performance of daily routines, and adversely patient safety (Ozata et al., 2013). In the situation regarding Mr. Gurt who suffers more
Mr. Gurt is emaciated which may be in part to dysphasia, tremors, still muscles, and slow movements among other symptoms of Parkinson's (Wilk
& Newmaster, 2013, p. 288). As well, Mr. Gurt's weight is evidence that he is not receiving the nutritional intake his body's immune system
requires to create the proteins and blood cells (macrophages the body's first line of defence), needed to attack and repair his wounds, and prevent the
risk for infection (Raman–Wilms, 2013). The nurse's blatant disregard to weigh Mr. Gurt puts him at greater risk for infection and is a form of
negligence. Negligence in nursing can be unintentional, however it is important to understand the effects this has on health professionals practicing in
Ontario. A registered nurse is responsible to follow the standard of care when performing nursing acts under autonomy within their scope of practise
(College of Nurses, 2004) (CNO, 2004). Standard of Care is the legal benchmark against which a person's conduct is measured to determine whether a
person has been negligent and whether the person's conduct or actions in a given situation have met those expected of a competent health care
professional (Keatings & Smith, 2010). The College of Nurses is the governing body for registered nurses that protect the public through
regulating the nursing profession (CNO, 2014). A
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Essay about Ethics in Nursing Research
Ethics of Nursing Research Conducting quality research requires the researcher to perform within both ethical and legal guidelines. "Ethics is the
study of right and wrong" (Houser, J., 2012, pg.50). Ethics provide the avenue for decision making and are guided by the researcher's integrity. Legal
guidelines provide direction to the researcher by specifying what is required by law to conduct research. As a nurse researcher, it is an ethical duty to
advocate for patients when incompetent, unethical or illegal practices are observed. There are three basic principles to consider when evaluating the
ethics of a study: 1) respect for persons, 2) beneficence, and 3) justice (Houser, J., 2012, pg. 54–56). To apply more content...
57). This exchange of information should be administered at a 5th grade comprehension level. The subject should be willing to participate in the study
with no reward offered for participation. The informed consent process begins with participant selection and ends with a signed document of
agreement. In the case study regarding Mr. and Mrs. G, there were many questionable areas of concern regarding ethical practices and obtainment of
an informed consent. As the nurse researcher, the duty to advocate for the patient is of primary concern. The first concern recognized through this case
study is that of vague description of the study. As the nurse researcher, I would need to be made aware of the data collection process and the
parameters upon which the research is based. Obtainment of data to be used in research must maintain patient confidentiality. Did the researchers use
patient medical records, family member interviews, patient interviews or staff involvement in patient selection? Were there any HIPPA violations in
the selection process? Were the subjects informed that they were being screened for participation? I would also need to assess the preliminary review
of literature that is driving this particular study. What is the appropriate time to conduct a study such as this? Is the purpose of this study going to
facilitate a change in patient outcomes? Awareness of the motivation for this study and the benefit that is expected to the future
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Ethics and Professionalism in Nursing
Ethics and Professionalism in Nursing The combination of professionalism and ethics can be equated with an extraordinary nurse because they are
core components in the nursing profession and crucial to patient trust, confidence and wellbeing. Having a degree in nursing is not what makes one a
professional. Professionalism is defined as:
The skill, good judgment, and polite behavior that is expected from a person who is trained to do a job well. It is further described as: the conduct,
aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person. Other attributes of a professional nurse would include genuine
compassion and caring for patients. This helps to instill feelings of hope in times of turmoil, more content...
According to Cuila, (2004),
In the ultimate analysis, organizational and leadership ethics is everybody's responsibility, not just that of an elite few. This is because leadership is not
a person or a position but rather a complex moral relationship between people, based on trust, obligation, commitment, emotion, and a shared vision of
the good as cited in Johnstone, 2013).
Specific code of ethics, professional standards and the fundamental practices in nursing are attributed to the school that was founded by Florence
Nightingale including:
Self–Discipline, Time Management, Trustworthiness;
Continuous care with dignity and empathy;
Cleanliness, appropriate treatment of patients and accountability In conclusion, I believe it is the duty of every nurse to protect and preserve the
integrity of the nursing profession. Not only by educational requirements, but by having an unimpaired moral compass to guide oneself through
difficult challenges that one will face in nursing. Doctors, and patients expect nurses to perform at the highest level of integrity and professionalism. In
essence a nurse extraordinaire is the embodiment of professionalism and ethics.
Butts, J.B and Rich,K., (2013,March 1). Ethics in professional nursing care. 3rd Edition. Jones and Bartlett.
JOHNSTONE, M. (2013). Organizational and leadership ethics. Australian Nursing Journal, 20(10), 39. Professionalism. (n.d.).
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The Nursing Code Of Ethics Essay
There are many different careers which entail much more than just a particular degree from a post–secondary education program. Typically, all careers
have a specific code and level of ethics which are incorporated into the daily responsibilities one is expected to perform in their chosen field. For the
basis of this paper, I have chosen to write about the nursing code of ethics. Nursing has a professional code of ethics along with the level/employee
behavior usually being currently attainable, meaning that the behavior expected is normally exhibited by individuals. (Manias 508). However,
although nursing seems to require behavior that is "normally" exhibited and tends to be one of the most popular medical fields, there are numerous
amounts of ethical issues which have emerged in this field of work since the few being noted in Florence Nightingale's Notes on Nursing. (Ulrich et al.
2). From a particular self–administered survey taken by over 1000 nurses in four different states and in four different census regions in the United
States, over half appeared to "feel uncomfortable in addressing the ethical issues they encountered in patient care". (Ulrich et al. 1). However, from
analysis of over 422 questionnaires, the top five most frequently occurring and
trying ethical patient care issues were reported to be "protecting patients' rights; autonomy and informed consent to treatment; staffing patterns;
advanced care planning; and surrogate decision–making". (Ulrich et al.
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Nursing ethics
For the purpose of this assignment, ethics in relation to nursing will be discussed. "Ethics; A code of principles governing correct behaviour, which in
the nursing profession includes behaviour towards patients and their families, visitorsand colleagues" (Oxford Dictionary of Nursing 2004).
This assignment will consider autonomy as identified in a practice placement, but will also look briefly at the ethical principle of non–malefience that
is relevant in this assignment. It will also closely look at this issue and will describe how the principles of ethics apply to practice. In accordance with
the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC 2004).
Any names of patients referred to in this assignment have been changed to protect more content...
However, this does not mean that her fears and concerns should not be acknowledged.
Mill (1982) states ".....the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilised community, against his will, is
to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant. He cannot rightfully be compelled to do or forbear
because it will be better for him to do so, because it will make him happier, because, in the opinion of others to do so would be wise, or even right"
Mill (1982 p 68).
The NMC (2004) Code of Professional Conduct 3.3 states that, "When obtaining valid consent, you must be sure that it is: given by a legally
competent person, given voluntarily, and informed". Crow (1983) suggests that it is the nurse 's responsibility to deliver care within the framework of
agreed moral principles, for instance those reflected in the Code itself.
The principle of non–malefience should also be considered in Betty 's treatment, it would seem to be in her best interests to be treated. If the injection
is the proposed treatment, the balance of harms and benefits may be such that treatment would causes distress for a short time not such that her life is
intolerable. If the decision is to give the injection, then once again respect
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Nursing Ethical Issues Essay
Ethics is the study of moral principles, of good obligation and good commitments, It involves doing good and avoiding harm (Bandman and Bandman,
2002). Ethical rights divers among different cultures, but most cultures hold commonly acceptable ideas (Kaphagawani 2001).
Therefore, a universal code of morals for nurses was initially published by the International Council of Nurses (ICN) in 1953. It has been changed and
review at different circumstances since, most in 2012 (ICN,2012). ICN stated that the need for a nurse is widespread; It highlighted four major
responsibilities of a nurse; To promote health, To preventillness, To restore health and To alleviate suffering (ICN 2012).
Furthermore, ICN (2012), states that; '
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Nursing Ethics Case Study
As a nurse, you may face challenges that impact your ability to provide safe, appropriate and ethical care to clients. In these situations, nurses use
professional judgment, the ethical decision provides an opportunity for you to develop your own personalized program for continuing competence.
Professional Practice course program promotes ongoing safe, ethical and competent practice, leadership, diversity and offers nurses opportunities to
pursue and achieve professional growth throughout their careers. Professional Practice will guide the nursing student to recognize and respect the
diversity of other health care roles, responsibilities, and competencies. "Practical Nurses must understand uphold and promote the ethical standards of
the more content...
Nursing is a dynamic and challenging profession requiring engaging and inspiring role models and leaders. The world is changing and a new
generation of nurses is needed to help meet the demand of the evolving healthcare community. Nurses are expected to take on a leadership role within
the hospital, long term facility and home care facility. An excellent leader must understand the values of patient–centred care and personal
responsibility to promote legal, safe and ethical care. However, leaders must know also how to be in challenging situations and they are comfortable
with ambiguity, uncertainty and possibility. Every nurse is constantly striving to improve their leadership skills. In order to become an effective leader,
nurses should know the strengths and weaknesses of the leadership styles and when is the best time to implement each
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Nursing Code of Ethics
Butts and Rich (1–26) point out that effective nursing requires both broad knowledge and a set of well developed abilities and skills. The required
tasks, are many and varied and in order to do them properly, care must be taken to respect each patient's rights and sensitivities. This is why, according
to the authors, nursing care must be guided by a code of ethics. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview and discussion of the "Code of
Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements" developed by the American Association of Nurses (ANA 1–2).
Content and Clarity of the Code
The ANA's Code of Ethics (1–2) consists of several ethical statements called provisions. There are a more content...
However, Fry and Veatch (32) also point out that the Code relies, to at least some extent, on the principles underlying humanist, feminist, and social
The American Nurses Association's Code of Ethics (2) also defines and distinguishes the terms "ethical" and "moral" thereby helping nurses to better
understand the nature of the principles provided. Specifically, it is noted that:
"Ethical" is used to refer to reasons for decisions about how one ought to act, using the above mentioned approaches. In general, the word "moral"
overlaps with "ethical" but is more aligned with personal belief and cultural values. Statements that describe activities and attributes of nurses in this
Code of Ethics are to be understood as normative or prescriptive statements expressing expectations of ethical behavior (2).
According to Hook and White (1–7), the ANA's Code of Ethics was originally drawn up and adopted by the organization in 1926. However, during
this era this code merely consisted of suggestions for proper and ethical behavior. In 1940, a "tentative code" consisting of a substantive revision of
the earlier code was drawn up and accepted unanimously by the ANA House of Delegates. This code was revised and amended repeatedly over the
next decades until in 2001, the existing
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Essay about Nursing Code of Ethics
The nursing code of ethics has a very standard definition. It is the base on how nurses should guide themselves in conduct by making the right
decision regarding ethical issues. According to the National Student Nurses Association "students of nursing have a responsibility to society in
learning the academic theory and clinical skills needed to provide nursing care" (2003). In the clinical setting nurses have a lot of responsibilities
while caring for an ill patient, they have the obligation to practice their profession with compassion, love, and respect the uniqueness of each patient,
as nurses we are not supposed to deny care to a patient because of their economic status, their skin color, race, or the nature of health problems, we are more content...
Code of Ethics in nursing it is important to make sure the staff and patients are being respected and treated with dignity. The study of ethics has lead to
basic concept such as justice and fidelity, autonomy, beneficence and nonmaleficence. It is very important to understand these concepts, because they
assist the nurse with making decisions during difficult situations (ANA, 2001, p 6).
Justice and fidelity
According to the literature justice refers to the obligation nurses must have with everyone to be fair, it is an approach to ethical decisions making
based on objective rules and fidelity means that the nurse's obligation is to be faithful to commitments made to self and others or loyalty to
agreements accepted. This sense of responsibility to fidelity means to be trustful and keep a promise. Therefore, when taking care of a patient who is
in a lot of pain and ask the nurse for his pain medication then the nurse promises to the patient that he or she will be back with his ordered medication
within five minutes, then as a nurse duty he or she has to come back to the patient's room within those five minutes, because he or she made the
promise. It is an ethical principle that relates to fair treatment in light to what is owed to the patient. The concept individuals obligation is to be faithful
to promises made
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Ethics In Nursing Essay
The topic of ethics is prevalent in health care and addresses a broad range of topics in nursing. In almost every interaction with a patient there could be
a situation that may bring up the question of ethics. Fortunately, there is the realization that placing the nurse in the care of a patient, may put the
medical personnel in an environment where the ethics are questioned. There are whole departments dedicated to advising nurses in these situations.
There are also ethic committees to help guide you when you find yourself in a situation that may question your practice or circumstances. As a nurse, I
strive to maintain an ethical practice. Providing care without judgment, instructing the patient appropriately and to their level of understanding,
maintaining a safe environment under my care, and doing no physical, mental, or emotional harm. I also have a duty to my employer to provide
excellent care and uphold the policies of the organization. While these things are all good intentions, at times there are ethical situation that present for
the nurse. At times the policies of the organization or providing outstanding care seem to be contrary more content...
Being able to grasp the patient's views, habits, and behaviors gives me the knowledge to assist the patient in making better choices. I have noticed in
my workplace, how some nurses are better at conveying information to a patient and presenting it in a way that assist the patient in understanding the
complexities of the issues. They do this with humor, challenging the patient's reasoning, confidence, and solid examples of the matter. Observing these
interactions has allowed me to intercede into my patient's reasoning. There are times when I have been successful and moments when other nurses ask
me to come and speak with their patient to assist in these difficult
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Ethics In Nursing Essay
Ethics in Nursing
According to Aiken (2004) "Ethics is the discipline that deals with rightness and wrongness of actions". The goal is similar to that of the legal system
except that in most cases there is no system of enforcement or ethical penalties. "General ethics is the consideration of the morality of human acts in
general". (Fitzpatrick 2002) In nursing, ethical issues arise daily. There are issues such as death, dying, birth, abortion, genetics, quality of life, and
general human rights. The legal system and ethical system overlap in most situations. Every patient contact can produce a legal or ethical situation.
Ethics is an area that changes with time. As our earth continues to evolve more content...
In deontology "The ends can never justify the means". (Kay 1997) This form of ethical thinking was formalized by Immanuel Kant in the 1700's,
according to his thoughts "Always act in such a way that you can also will that the maxim of your action should become a universal law". (Kay 1997)
This form of ethical thinking believes that a moral is the action that results in the greater amount of happiness for the great number of people.
Everyone is considered equal. According to 19th century philosopher John Stuart Mill "An action is right if it tends to promote happiness and wrong
if it tends to produce the reverse of happiness, not just the happiness of the performer of the action, but also everyone affected by it." (West 2008)
When examining these two ethical views you notice that both deal with universal laws and ethical issues. They both look at morality and make it
objective, scientific and rational. Deontology and Utilitarianism both include the nature of right and wrong, and human nature and choice.
When you look at Deontology, this ethical vision looks out for each individual. Every on treated exactly the same, regardless of circumstances. Each
ethical law is absolute and can be looked at in one way. The advantage I see is that no one can read into or change ethical laws to suit them; the
disadvantage I see is the same. There are issues in
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Nursing Ethics Essay
Nurses support and enable individuals, families and groups to maintain, restore or improve their health status. Nurse also care for and comfort when
deterioration of health has become irreversible. A traditional ideal of nursing is caring and nurturing of human beings regardless of race, religion,
status, age, gender, diagnosis, or any other grounds. Nursing care is based on the development of a helping relationship and the implementation and
evaluation of therapeutic processes. Therapeutic process includes health promotion, education, counseling, nursing interventions and empowerment of
individuals, families or groups. It helps individuals make choices in regards to their health care. Nurses are independent more content...
Such factors may affect the degree to which nurses are able to fulfill their moral obligations and/or the number and type of ethical dilemmas they
may face. A code of ethics focuses on the morals and ideals of the profession and provides a working framework for nursing practice. Nurses can
use the code of ethics as a guide for direction and resolution of ethical dilemmas. It is not intended to cover all the aspects nurse should consider, but
can be used as an aid in further consideration of ethical concerns in nursing. I have created a code of ethics to: a. Identify the fundamental moral
commitments of the profession. b. Provide nurses with a basis for professional and self reflection and a guide to ethical practices. c. Indicate to the
community the values which nurses hold. Code of Ethics 1. Nurses will respect individual needs, values, and culture in the provision of nursing care.
Nursing care for any individual should not be compromised because of ethnicity, gender, spiritual values, disability, age, economic, social or health
status, or any other grounds. Respect for an individual's needs includes recognition of the individual's place in a family and the community. For this
reason, others should be included in the individual's care. Respect for an individual's needs, beliefs and values includes culturally sensitive care, and the
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Ethics In Nursing
Nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the
diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations.(ANA, 2010a, p. 1).
Exemplified within this definition is the inherent nature and breadth of nursing, a discipline grounded in a set of values and guided by a code of ethics
that reveres the sanctity of human life. Both an art and science, it embodies an evidence–based practice requiring a specialized knowledge–base and
skill–set with consideration of clinical judgment and patient preference to optimize health and well–being across the continuum of care. For these
reasons, more content...
(2010a). Nursing: Scope and standards of practice (2nd ed.). Silver Spring, MD: ANA.
American Nurses Association. (2010b). Nursing's social policy statement: The essence of the profession. Silver Spring, MD: ANA.
Debas, Haile T. (2010, July). Global Health: Priority Agenda for the 21st Century. UN Chronicle, XLVII(2), Retrieved from
Reutter, L., & Kushner, K. (2010). 'Health equity through action on the social determinants of health': taking up the challenge in nursing. Nursing
Inquiry, 17(3), 269–280 12p.
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Nursing Code Of Ethics Essay
Nursing code of ethics was developed as a guide in carrying out nursing responsibilities in a matter consistent with quality in nursing care and the
ethical obligations of the profession (ANA, 2015). The term ethics refers to the study of philosophical ideas of right and wrong behavior (Olin, 2012).
There is a total of nine provisions however, throughout this paper I will discuss provisions one through four and express how I plan to utilize these
provisions as a new RN. These provisions would include, personal relationships, primary care, nurse commitment, safety, patient rights, responsibility
and accountability of the patient.
Provision One
Provision one states that nurses in all professional relationships, more content...
Respect for the values and beliefs of the patient or practices does not imply that the nurse condones those beliefs or practices on a personal level
(Taylor, 2010). The nurse should consider values and needs of all persons in the professional relationship (ANA, 2015). Provision Two
Provision two states the nurse's primary commitment is to the patient, whether they are an individual, family, group, or community (Davis, 2010). This
provision of unique care is based upon the needs of the patient (Davis, 2010). Within this provision the nurse attempts to include the patients in
planning care and allowing ability of the patient to participate (Davis, 2010). The nurse assures that the patient finds the plan of care acceptable and
overseas the implementation of the plan (ANA, 2008). However, in health care a nurse can frequently encounter situations where conflicts of interest
may exist (Davis, 2010). The plan of care considers the place of the patient within family networks and where conflicts exist between the wishes of the
patient and other family members, attempts are made to resolve the conflict (ANA, 2008). As a nurse, when conflict remains unresolved the nurse
should commit that the wishes of the patient will remain supreme (ANA, 2008). In addition to Provision two, collaboration is needed and should not
be thought of as just cooperation (ANA, 2008). Collaboration is an effort of multiple members of a health
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Reflection Paper On Ethics In Nursing
Reflection on Nursing Ethic
Ethic in nursing form the basis between which sound and moral decisions are derived. They form the backbone of all the trust that is laid on nurses
dealing with Moral Question. Acceptable cultures and actions are gauged by nursing ethics that are derived from nursing values. Nurses are supposed
to ensure that they adhere to the highest standards as well as maintaining the trust they have from the public. All nurses are bound to exercise the
highest standard of ethics though the performance of their functions.
Relevant and Meaningful Service Our group went to Broward County Library Miramar/Broward College during a health fair. At the health fair,
there were several professors, staff, students from other classes, and some RN BSN students doing required community services. It was a great
opportunity to test our knowledge about the impact of culture on health behaviors in health assessment findings and the significance of age and
developmental stages. The presenter's nurses had some knowledge about culture on health behaviors and health assessment findings as well as on
developmental age stages, but it was definitely a real learning experience. As nurse and future BSN, we find it is imperative to educate the
audience in the community by using a poster board with normal and abnormal values for cholesterol, blood pressure, body ideal mass index,
diabetes and associate risk. We had the opportunity to interact with a diverse multicultural audience. For instance, one person in the audience was a
Hispanic adult man who only spoke Spanish, and the other person was a young adult African American male. Both of these clients were assisted
with vital signs and had their questions answered regarding their health concerns. Also, there was a young African American woman who said, she
never checks her blood pressure, thus she was willing to learn and allow us to check her blood pressure. Surprisingly, her blood pressure reading
was 110/70. We showed her on the board the normal and abnormal level for blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar and how to calculate her body
ideal mass. We informed her that A1C checks the average
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Nursing Ethics Case Study Essay
An ethical dilemma is defined as a mental state when the nurse has to make a choice between the options and choices that he or she has at her
disposal. The choice is a crucial task as the opting of the step will subsequently determine the health status of the concerned patient, hence it requires a
great deal of wisdom along with proper medical and health training before any such step is opted as it is a matter of life and death. Strong emphasis
should therefore be on the acquisition of proper knowledge and skills so that nurses do posses the autonomy to interact with patients regarding ethical
issues involved in health care affairs and address them efficiently. It is normally argued that nurses are not provided more content...
(David, Diane and Aroskar, 2010)
Apart from all this, there are however situations where such dilemmas are properly addressed and the patient automatically demonstrates a prompt
tendency to show recovery from the disease he or she was initially suffering from.
Ethical Dilemma Case
The case of ethical dilemma concerns a fifty–year old woman who was admitted in the hospital complaining of vomiting, indigestion and weight loss
signs and symptoms. After conducting barium X–Ray and gastroscopy it was found out by doctors that the patient was suffering from malignant kind
of gastric carcinoma and hence further diagnosis and treatment will have to be conducted in relation to the disease the patient was suffering from.
Doctors suggested a palliative surgery for reducing stenosis but felt it before time to disclose this information to the patient which was cemented after
proper consultation with the patient's husband who said that her wife would overreact in a situation like this as she had a phobia regarding tumors and
cancer diseases.
A junior staff nurse was employed to take care of the patient who after one week of the surgery had developed a very close relationship of
understanding and care with each other through the proper usage of ethical values related to physical care and pleasing attitude towards the patient.
After three days, the nurse was shifted to day duty and was very hospitably and lovingly greeted by the patient
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The Nursing Code Of Ethics Essay
As described in Black, ethics and morals are defining characteristics that guide nursing care. Each play a particular role in the efficacy of each
nurse and the way he or she performs within the scope of practice. Morals are established as a rule of conduct in any situation provided and once a
nurse is aware of one's personal beliefs and values, safe and effective client care can be delivered through ethical decision making. Ethical decision
making involves a critical analysis of actions before any is taken. It is significant that before every situation, a nurse assess each aspect and determines
the best intervention that is appropriate for the client's well being. This is important so that clients which nurses are responsible for are treated within
the legal guidelines. Q2 What is the Nursing Code of Ethics? Discuss some of the provisions of the ANA Code of Ethics. According to Black, the
Nursing Code of Ethics serves as a social and professional regulation system that informs society of its purpose and function. As previously mentioned,
it is a professional guideline that promotes nurses with responsibility to provide ethical care. It entrusts that qualified healthcare providers are fulfilling
their duty to their clients. Q3 Distinguish between the meaning of morals, values, ethics, and bioethics. Morals, values, ethics and bioethics are all
categories that contribute to the foundation of ethics itself. Morals are described as standards of conduct one
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Nursing Code Of Ethics
Nursing Code of Ethics
In the Code of Ethics for Nurses, the author states that it is a nurse's responsibility to create a safe environment that protects the discussion of personal
information for individuals, families and communities from leaking to unwanted sources.
The author of the Code of Ethics for Nurses also mentions that without permission, the nurse is to keep the treatment or medical plan and personal
information within the nurse–patient relationship and avoid any social media use towards the patient. The confidentiality of the patient may be
restricted, as necessary, for regulation of safety or public health reasons.
Article Summary
1. In the Conscientious Objection in Nursing, the author Vicki D.
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Reflection Paper On Nursing Ethics
Reflection Paper on Nursing Ethic Ethics in nursing forms the basis between which sound and moral decisions are derived. They form the backbone
for all the trust that is laid on nurses dealing with Moral Question. Acceptable cultures and actions are gauged by nursing ethics that are derived from
nursing values. Nurses are supposed to ensure that they adhere to the highest standards as well as maintaining the trust they have from the public. All
nurses are bound to exercise the highest standard of ethics though the performance of their functions. Relevant and Meaningful Service Our group
went to Broward College's Miramar Campus during a health fair. At the health fair there were several professors, staff, group of students from other
classes, and some nurses doing required community services. It was a great opportunity to test our knowledge about the impact of culture on health
behaviors in health assessment findings and the significance of age and developmental stages. The presenter's nurses had some knowledge about
culture on health behaviors and health assessment findings as well as on developmental age stages, but it was definitely a real learning experience. We
used the opportunity to teach the audience by using a poster board with all normal and abnormal values for cholesterol, blood pressure, body ideal mass
index, and diabetes. We had the opportunity to interact with a diverse multicultural audience. For instance, one of the people in the audience was a
Hispanic adult man who only spoke Spanish, and the other person was a young adult African American male. Both of these clients were assisted with
vital signs and had their questions answered regarding their health concerns. The selection of the audience was conducted through randomly selecting
passerbies. Enhanced Academic Learning To attain our objectives for the presentation we used Grasten's and Watt's motivational model of physical
education and
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Essay On Ethics In Nursing

  • 1. Essay on Ethics in Nursing Health & Healing 2 Scholarly Assignment Nurses are to provide compassionate, competent, and ethical care, and follow the moral principles and guidelines set out by the College of Nurses and the Canadian Nurse's Association's code of ethics. The nursing profession is a self–sacrificing one, and nurses take on the Nightingale Pledge, to elevate the standard of their practice and dedicate themselves to those committed in their care (Keatings & Smith, 2010, p. 64) However unfavourable working conditions, inadequate patient to nurse ratios, and intensive job–related stress can lead to poor performance of daily routines, and adversely patient safety (Ozata et al., 2013). In the situation regarding Mr. Gurt who suffers more content... Mr. Gurt is emaciated which may be in part to dysphasia, tremors, still muscles, and slow movements among other symptoms of Parkinson's (Wilk & Newmaster, 2013, p. 288). As well, Mr. Gurt's weight is evidence that he is not receiving the nutritional intake his body's immune system requires to create the proteins and blood cells (macrophages the body's first line of defence), needed to attack and repair his wounds, and prevent the risk for infection (Raman–Wilms, 2013). The nurse's blatant disregard to weigh Mr. Gurt puts him at greater risk for infection and is a form of negligence. Negligence in nursing can be unintentional, however it is important to understand the effects this has on health professionals practicing in Ontario. A registered nurse is responsible to follow the standard of care when performing nursing acts under autonomy within their scope of practise (College of Nurses, 2004) (CNO, 2004). Standard of Care is the legal benchmark against which a person's conduct is measured to determine whether a person has been negligent and whether the person's conduct or actions in a given situation have met those expected of a competent health care professional (Keatings & Smith, 2010). The College of Nurses is the governing body for registered nurses that protect the public through regulating the nursing profession (CNO, 2014). A Get more content on
  • 2. Essay about Ethics in Nursing Research Ethics of Nursing Research Conducting quality research requires the researcher to perform within both ethical and legal guidelines. "Ethics is the study of right and wrong" (Houser, J., 2012, pg.50). Ethics provide the avenue for decision making and are guided by the researcher's integrity. Legal guidelines provide direction to the researcher by specifying what is required by law to conduct research. As a nurse researcher, it is an ethical duty to advocate for patients when incompetent, unethical or illegal practices are observed. There are three basic principles to consider when evaluating the ethics of a study: 1) respect for persons, 2) beneficence, and 3) justice (Houser, J., 2012, pg. 54–56). To apply more content... 57). This exchange of information should be administered at a 5th grade comprehension level. The subject should be willing to participate in the study with no reward offered for participation. The informed consent process begins with participant selection and ends with a signed document of agreement. In the case study regarding Mr. and Mrs. G, there were many questionable areas of concern regarding ethical practices and obtainment of an informed consent. As the nurse researcher, the duty to advocate for the patient is of primary concern. The first concern recognized through this case study is that of vague description of the study. As the nurse researcher, I would need to be made aware of the data collection process and the parameters upon which the research is based. Obtainment of data to be used in research must maintain patient confidentiality. Did the researchers use patient medical records, family member interviews, patient interviews or staff involvement in patient selection? Were there any HIPPA violations in the selection process? Were the subjects informed that they were being screened for participation? I would also need to assess the preliminary review of literature that is driving this particular study. What is the appropriate time to conduct a study such as this? Is the purpose of this study going to facilitate a change in patient outcomes? Awareness of the motivation for this study and the benefit that is expected to the future Get more content on
  • 3. Ethics and Professionalism in Nursing Ethics and Professionalism in Nursing The combination of professionalism and ethics can be equated with an extraordinary nurse because they are core components in the nursing profession and crucial to patient trust, confidence and wellbeing. Having a degree in nursing is not what makes one a professional. Professionalism is defined as: The skill, good judgment, and polite behavior that is expected from a person who is trained to do a job well. It is further described as: the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person. Other attributes of a professional nurse would include genuine compassion and caring for patients. This helps to instill feelings of hope in times of turmoil, more content... According to Cuila, (2004), In the ultimate analysis, organizational and leadership ethics is everybody's responsibility, not just that of an elite few. This is because leadership is not a person or a position but rather a complex moral relationship between people, based on trust, obligation, commitment, emotion, and a shared vision of the good as cited in Johnstone, 2013). Specific code of ethics, professional standards and the fundamental practices in nursing are attributed to the school that was founded by Florence Nightingale including: Self–Discipline, Time Management, Trustworthiness; Continuous care with dignity and empathy; Cleanliness, appropriate treatment of patients and accountability In conclusion, I believe it is the duty of every nurse to protect and preserve the integrity of the nursing profession. Not only by educational requirements, but by having an unimpaired moral compass to guide oneself through difficult challenges that one will face in nursing. Doctors, and patients expect nurses to perform at the highest level of integrity and professionalism. In essence a nurse extraordinaire is the embodiment of professionalism and ethics. References Butts, J.B and Rich,K., (2013,March 1). Ethics in professional nursing care. 3rd Edition. Jones and Bartlett. JOHNSTONE, M. (2013). Organizational and leadership ethics. Australian Nursing Journal, 20(10), 39. Professionalism. (n.d.). Get more content on
  • 4. The Nursing Code Of Ethics Essay There are many different careers which entail much more than just a particular degree from a post–secondary education program. Typically, all careers have a specific code and level of ethics which are incorporated into the daily responsibilities one is expected to perform in their chosen field. For the basis of this paper, I have chosen to write about the nursing code of ethics. Nursing has a professional code of ethics along with the level/employee behavior usually being currently attainable, meaning that the behavior expected is normally exhibited by individuals. (Manias 508). However, although nursing seems to require behavior that is "normally" exhibited and tends to be one of the most popular medical fields, there are numerous amounts of ethical issues which have emerged in this field of work since the few being noted in Florence Nightingale's Notes on Nursing. (Ulrich et al. 2). From a particular self–administered survey taken by over 1000 nurses in four different states and in four different census regions in the United States, over half appeared to "feel uncomfortable in addressing the ethical issues they encountered in patient care". (Ulrich et al. 1). However, from analysis of over 422 questionnaires, the top five most frequently occurring and trying ethical patient care issues were reported to be "protecting patients' rights; autonomy and informed consent to treatment; staffing patterns; advanced care planning; and surrogate decision–making". (Ulrich et al. Get more content on
  • 5. Nursing ethics For the purpose of this assignment, ethics in relation to nursing will be discussed. "Ethics; A code of principles governing correct behaviour, which in the nursing profession includes behaviour towards patients and their families, visitorsand colleagues" (Oxford Dictionary of Nursing 2004). This assignment will consider autonomy as identified in a practice placement, but will also look briefly at the ethical principle of non–malefience that is relevant in this assignment. It will also closely look at this issue and will describe how the principles of ethics apply to practice. In accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC 2004). Any names of patients referred to in this assignment have been changed to protect more content... However, this does not mean that her fears and concerns should not be acknowledged. Mill (1982) states ".....the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilised community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant. He cannot rightfully be compelled to do or forbear because it will be better for him to do so, because it will make him happier, because, in the opinion of others to do so would be wise, or even right" Mill (1982 p 68). The NMC (2004) Code of Professional Conduct 3.3 states that, "When obtaining valid consent, you must be sure that it is: given by a legally competent person, given voluntarily, and informed". Crow (1983) suggests that it is the nurse 's responsibility to deliver care within the framework of agreed moral principles, for instance those reflected in the Code itself. The principle of non–malefience should also be considered in Betty 's treatment, it would seem to be in her best interests to be treated. If the injection is the proposed treatment, the balance of harms and benefits may be such that treatment would causes distress for a short time not such that her life is intolerable. If the decision is to give the injection, then once again respect Get more content on
  • 6. Nursing Ethical Issues Essay ETHICAL ISSUES Ethics is the study of moral principles, of good obligation and good commitments, It involves doing good and avoiding harm (Bandman and Bandman, 2002). Ethical rights divers among different cultures, but most cultures hold commonly acceptable ideas (Kaphagawani 2001). Therefore, a universal code of morals for nurses was initially published by the International Council of Nurses (ICN) in 1953. It has been changed and review at different circumstances since, most in 2012 (ICN,2012). ICN stated that the need for a nurse is widespread; It highlighted four major responsibilities of a nurse; To promote health, To preventillness, To restore health and To alleviate suffering (ICN 2012). Furthermore, ICN (2012), states that; ' "Inherent Get more content on
  • 7. Nursing Ethics Case Study As a nurse, you may face challenges that impact your ability to provide safe, appropriate and ethical care to clients. In these situations, nurses use professional judgment, the ethical decision provides an opportunity for you to develop your own personalized program for continuing competence. Professional Practice course program promotes ongoing safe, ethical and competent practice, leadership, diversity and offers nurses opportunities to pursue and achieve professional growth throughout their careers. Professional Practice will guide the nursing student to recognize and respect the diversity of other health care roles, responsibilities, and competencies. "Practical Nurses must understand uphold and promote the ethical standards of the more content... Nursing is a dynamic and challenging profession requiring engaging and inspiring role models and leaders. The world is changing and a new generation of nurses is needed to help meet the demand of the evolving healthcare community. Nurses are expected to take on a leadership role within the hospital, long term facility and home care facility. An excellent leader must understand the values of patient–centred care and personal responsibility to promote legal, safe and ethical care. However, leaders must know also how to be in challenging situations and they are comfortable with ambiguity, uncertainty and possibility. Every nurse is constantly striving to improve their leadership skills. In order to become an effective leader, nurses should know the strengths and weaknesses of the leadership styles and when is the best time to implement each Get more content on
  • 8. Nursing Code of Ethics Introduction Butts and Rich (1–26) point out that effective nursing requires both broad knowledge and a set of well developed abilities and skills. The required tasks, are many and varied and in order to do them properly, care must be taken to respect each patient's rights and sensitivities. This is why, according to the authors, nursing care must be guided by a code of ethics. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview and discussion of the "Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements" developed by the American Association of Nurses (ANA 1–2). Content and Clarity of the Code The ANA's Code of Ethics (1–2) consists of several ethical statements called provisions. There are a more content... However, Fry and Veatch (32) also point out that the Code relies, to at least some extent, on the principles underlying humanist, feminist, and social ethics. The American Nurses Association's Code of Ethics (2) also defines and distinguishes the terms "ethical" and "moral" thereby helping nurses to better understand the nature of the principles provided. Specifically, it is noted that: "Ethical" is used to refer to reasons for decisions about how one ought to act, using the above mentioned approaches. In general, the word "moral" overlaps with "ethical" but is more aligned with personal belief and cultural values. Statements that describe activities and attributes of nurses in this Code of Ethics are to be understood as normative or prescriptive statements expressing expectations of ethical behavior (2). Process According to Hook and White (1–7), the ANA's Code of Ethics was originally drawn up and adopted by the organization in 1926. However, during this era this code merely consisted of suggestions for proper and ethical behavior. In 1940, a "tentative code" consisting of a substantive revision of the earlier code was drawn up and accepted unanimously by the ANA House of Delegates. This code was revised and amended repeatedly over the
  • 9. next decades until in 2001, the existing Get more content on
  • 10. Essay about Nursing Code of Ethics The nursing code of ethics has a very standard definition. It is the base on how nurses should guide themselves in conduct by making the right decision regarding ethical issues. According to the National Student Nurses Association "students of nursing have a responsibility to society in learning the academic theory and clinical skills needed to provide nursing care" (2003). In the clinical setting nurses have a lot of responsibilities while caring for an ill patient, they have the obligation to practice their profession with compassion, love, and respect the uniqueness of each patient, as nurses we are not supposed to deny care to a patient because of their economic status, their skin color, race, or the nature of health problems, we are more content... Code of Ethics in nursing it is important to make sure the staff and patients are being respected and treated with dignity. The study of ethics has lead to basic concept such as justice and fidelity, autonomy, beneficence and nonmaleficence. It is very important to understand these concepts, because they assist the nurse with making decisions during difficult situations (ANA, 2001, p 6). Justice and fidelity According to the literature justice refers to the obligation nurses must have with everyone to be fair, it is an approach to ethical decisions making based on objective rules and fidelity means that the nurse's obligation is to be faithful to commitments made to self and others or loyalty to agreements accepted. This sense of responsibility to fidelity means to be trustful and keep a promise. Therefore, when taking care of a patient who is in a lot of pain and ask the nurse for his pain medication then the nurse promises to the patient that he or she will be back with his ordered medication within five minutes, then as a nurse duty he or she has to come back to the patient's room within those five minutes, because he or she made the promise. It is an ethical principle that relates to fair treatment in light to what is owed to the patient. The concept individuals obligation is to be faithful to promises made Get more content on
  • 11. Ethics In Nursing Essay The topic of ethics is prevalent in health care and addresses a broad range of topics in nursing. In almost every interaction with a patient there could be a situation that may bring up the question of ethics. Fortunately, there is the realization that placing the nurse in the care of a patient, may put the medical personnel in an environment where the ethics are questioned. There are whole departments dedicated to advising nurses in these situations. There are also ethic committees to help guide you when you find yourself in a situation that may question your practice or circumstances. As a nurse, I strive to maintain an ethical practice. Providing care without judgment, instructing the patient appropriately and to their level of understanding, maintaining a safe environment under my care, and doing no physical, mental, or emotional harm. I also have a duty to my employer to provide excellent care and uphold the policies of the organization. While these things are all good intentions, at times there are ethical situation that present for the nurse. At times the policies of the organization or providing outstanding care seem to be contrary more content... Being able to grasp the patient's views, habits, and behaviors gives me the knowledge to assist the patient in making better choices. I have noticed in my workplace, how some nurses are better at conveying information to a patient and presenting it in a way that assist the patient in understanding the complexities of the issues. They do this with humor, challenging the patient's reasoning, confidence, and solid examples of the matter. Observing these interactions has allowed me to intercede into my patient's reasoning. There are times when I have been successful and moments when other nurses ask me to come and speak with their patient to assist in these difficult Get more content on
  • 12. Ethics In Nursing Essay Ethics in Nursing Overview According to Aiken (2004) "Ethics is the discipline that deals with rightness and wrongness of actions". The goal is similar to that of the legal system except that in most cases there is no system of enforcement or ethical penalties. "General ethics is the consideration of the morality of human acts in general". (Fitzpatrick 2002) In nursing, ethical issues arise daily. There are issues such as death, dying, birth, abortion, genetics, quality of life, and general human rights. The legal system and ethical system overlap in most situations. Every patient contact can produce a legal or ethical situation. Ethics is an area that changes with time. As our earth continues to evolve more content... In deontology "The ends can never justify the means". (Kay 1997) This form of ethical thinking was formalized by Immanuel Kant in the 1700's, according to his thoughts "Always act in such a way that you can also will that the maxim of your action should become a universal law". (Kay 1997) Utilitarianism This form of ethical thinking believes that a moral is the action that results in the greater amount of happiness for the great number of people. Everyone is considered equal. According to 19th century philosopher John Stuart Mill "An action is right if it tends to promote happiness and wrong if it tends to produce the reverse of happiness, not just the happiness of the performer of the action, but also everyone affected by it." (West 2008) Commonalities When examining these two ethical views you notice that both deal with universal laws and ethical issues. They both look at morality and make it objective, scientific and rational. Deontology and Utilitarianism both include the nature of right and wrong, and human nature and choice. Advantages/Disadvantages When you look at Deontology, this ethical vision looks out for each individual. Every on treated exactly the same, regardless of circumstances. Each ethical law is absolute and can be looked at in one way. The advantage I see is that no one can read into or change ethical laws to suit them; the disadvantage I see is the same. There are issues in Get more content on
  • 13. Nursing Ethics Essay Nurses support and enable individuals, families and groups to maintain, restore or improve their health status. Nurse also care for and comfort when deterioration of health has become irreversible. A traditional ideal of nursing is caring and nurturing of human beings regardless of race, religion, status, age, gender, diagnosis, or any other grounds. Nursing care is based on the development of a helping relationship and the implementation and evaluation of therapeutic processes. Therapeutic process includes health promotion, education, counseling, nursing interventions and empowerment of individuals, families or groups. It helps individuals make choices in regards to their health care. Nurses are independent more content... Such factors may affect the degree to which nurses are able to fulfill their moral obligations and/or the number and type of ethical dilemmas they may face. A code of ethics focuses on the morals and ideals of the profession and provides a working framework for nursing practice. Nurses can use the code of ethics as a guide for direction and resolution of ethical dilemmas. It is not intended to cover all the aspects nurse should consider, but can be used as an aid in further consideration of ethical concerns in nursing. I have created a code of ethics to: a. Identify the fundamental moral commitments of the profession. b. Provide nurses with a basis for professional and self reflection and a guide to ethical practices. c. Indicate to the community the values which nurses hold. Code of Ethics 1. Nurses will respect individual needs, values, and culture in the provision of nursing care. Nursing care for any individual should not be compromised because of ethnicity, gender, spiritual values, disability, age, economic, social or health status, or any other grounds. Respect for an individual's needs includes recognition of the individual's place in a family and the community. For this reason, others should be included in the individual's care. Respect for an individual's needs, beliefs and values includes culturally sensitive care, and the need Get more content on
  • 14. Ethics In Nursing Nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations.(ANA, 2010a, p. 1). Exemplified within this definition is the inherent nature and breadth of nursing, a discipline grounded in a set of values and guided by a code of ethics that reveres the sanctity of human life. Both an art and science, it embodies an evidence–based practice requiring a specialized knowledge–base and skill–set with consideration of clinical judgment and patient preference to optimize health and well–being across the continuum of care. For these reasons, more content... (2010a). Nursing: Scope and standards of practice (2nd ed.). Silver Spring, MD: ANA. American Nurses Association. (2010b). Nursing's social policy statement: The essence of the profession. Silver Spring, MD: ANA. Debas, Haile T. (2010, July). Global Health: Priority Agenda for the 21st Century. UN Chronicle, XLVII(2), Retrieved from /article/global–health–priority–agenda–21st–century/ Reutter, L., & Kushner, K. (2010). 'Health equity through action on the social determinants of health': taking up the challenge in nursing. Nursing Inquiry, 17(3), 269–280 12p. Get more content on
  • 15. Nursing Code Of Ethics Essay Introduction Nursing code of ethics was developed as a guide in carrying out nursing responsibilities in a matter consistent with quality in nursing care and the ethical obligations of the profession (ANA, 2015). The term ethics refers to the study of philosophical ideas of right and wrong behavior (Olin, 2012). There is a total of nine provisions however, throughout this paper I will discuss provisions one through four and express how I plan to utilize these provisions as a new RN. These provisions would include, personal relationships, primary care, nurse commitment, safety, patient rights, responsibility and accountability of the patient. Provision One Provision one states that nurses in all professional relationships, more content... Respect for the values and beliefs of the patient or practices does not imply that the nurse condones those beliefs or practices on a personal level (Taylor, 2010). The nurse should consider values and needs of all persons in the professional relationship (ANA, 2015). Provision Two Provision two states the nurse's primary commitment is to the patient, whether they are an individual, family, group, or community (Davis, 2010). This provision of unique care is based upon the needs of the patient (Davis, 2010). Within this provision the nurse attempts to include the patients in planning care and allowing ability of the patient to participate (Davis, 2010). The nurse assures that the patient finds the plan of care acceptable and overseas the implementation of the plan (ANA, 2008). However, in health care a nurse can frequently encounter situations where conflicts of interest may exist (Davis, 2010). The plan of care considers the place of the patient within family networks and where conflicts exist between the wishes of the patient and other family members, attempts are made to resolve the conflict (ANA, 2008). As a nurse, when conflict remains unresolved the nurse should commit that the wishes of the patient will remain supreme (ANA, 2008). In addition to Provision two, collaboration is needed and should not be thought of as just cooperation (ANA, 2008). Collaboration is an effort of multiple members of a health Get more content on
  • 16. Reflection Paper On Ethics In Nursing Reflection on Nursing Ethic Ethic in nursing form the basis between which sound and moral decisions are derived. They form the backbone of all the trust that is laid on nurses dealing with Moral Question. Acceptable cultures and actions are gauged by nursing ethics that are derived from nursing values. Nurses are supposed to ensure that they adhere to the highest standards as well as maintaining the trust they have from the public. All nurses are bound to exercise the highest standard of ethics though the performance of their functions. Relevant and Meaningful Service Our group went to Broward County Library Miramar/Broward College during a health fair. At the health fair, there were several professors, staff, students from other classes, and some RN BSN students doing required community services. It was a great opportunity to test our knowledge about the impact of culture on health behaviors in health assessment findings and the significance of age and developmental stages. The presenter's nurses had some knowledge about culture on health behaviors and health assessment findings as well as on developmental age stages, but it was definitely a real learning experience. As nurse and future BSN, we find it is imperative to educate the audience in the community by using a poster board with normal and abnormal values for cholesterol, blood pressure, body ideal mass index, diabetes and associate risk. We had the opportunity to interact with a diverse multicultural audience. For instance, one person in the audience was a Hispanic adult man who only spoke Spanish, and the other person was a young adult African American male. Both of these clients were assisted with vital signs and had their questions answered regarding their health concerns. Also, there was a young African American woman who said, she never checks her blood pressure, thus she was willing to learn and allow us to check her blood pressure. Surprisingly, her blood pressure reading was 110/70. We showed her on the board the normal and abnormal level for blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar and how to calculate her body ideal mass. We informed her that A1C checks the average Get more content on
  • 17. Nursing Ethics Case Study Essay Introduction An ethical dilemma is defined as a mental state when the nurse has to make a choice between the options and choices that he or she has at her disposal. The choice is a crucial task as the opting of the step will subsequently determine the health status of the concerned patient, hence it requires a great deal of wisdom along with proper medical and health training before any such step is opted as it is a matter of life and death. Strong emphasis should therefore be on the acquisition of proper knowledge and skills so that nurses do posses the autonomy to interact with patients regarding ethical issues involved in health care affairs and address them efficiently. It is normally argued that nurses are not provided more content... (David, Diane and Aroskar, 2010) Apart from all this, there are however situations where such dilemmas are properly addressed and the patient automatically demonstrates a prompt tendency to show recovery from the disease he or she was initially suffering from. Ethical Dilemma Case The case of ethical dilemma concerns a fifty–year old woman who was admitted in the hospital complaining of vomiting, indigestion and weight loss signs and symptoms. After conducting barium X–Ray and gastroscopy it was found out by doctors that the patient was suffering from malignant kind of gastric carcinoma and hence further diagnosis and treatment will have to be conducted in relation to the disease the patient was suffering from. Doctors suggested a palliative surgery for reducing stenosis but felt it before time to disclose this information to the patient which was cemented after proper consultation with the patient's husband who said that her wife would overreact in a situation like this as she had a phobia regarding tumors and cancer diseases. A junior staff nurse was employed to take care of the patient who after one week of the surgery had developed a very close relationship of understanding and care with each other through the proper usage of ethical values related to physical care and pleasing attitude towards the patient. After three days, the nurse was shifted to day duty and was very hospitably and lovingly greeted by the patient Get more content on
  • 18. The Nursing Code Of Ethics Essay As described in Black, ethics and morals are defining characteristics that guide nursing care. Each play a particular role in the efficacy of each nurse and the way he or she performs within the scope of practice. Morals are established as a rule of conduct in any situation provided and once a nurse is aware of one's personal beliefs and values, safe and effective client care can be delivered through ethical decision making. Ethical decision making involves a critical analysis of actions before any is taken. It is significant that before every situation, a nurse assess each aspect and determines the best intervention that is appropriate for the client's well being. This is important so that clients which nurses are responsible for are treated within the legal guidelines. Q2 What is the Nursing Code of Ethics? Discuss some of the provisions of the ANA Code of Ethics. According to Black, the Nursing Code of Ethics serves as a social and professional regulation system that informs society of its purpose and function. As previously mentioned, it is a professional guideline that promotes nurses with responsibility to provide ethical care. It entrusts that qualified healthcare providers are fulfilling their duty to their clients. Q3 Distinguish between the meaning of morals, values, ethics, and bioethics. Morals, values, ethics and bioethics are all categories that contribute to the foundation of ethics itself. Morals are described as standards of conduct one Get more content on
  • 19. Nursing Code Of Ethics Nursing Code of Ethics A.Privacy In the Code of Ethics for Nurses, the author states that it is a nurse's responsibility to create a safe environment that protects the discussion of personal information for individuals, families and communities from leaking to unwanted sources. B.Confidentiality The author of the Code of Ethics for Nurses also mentions that without permission, the nurse is to keep the treatment or medical plan and personal information within the nurse–patient relationship and avoid any social media use towards the patient. The confidentiality of the patient may be restricted, as necessary, for regulation of safety or public health reasons. Article Summary 1. In the Conscientious Objection in Nursing, the author Vicki D. Get more content on
  • 20. Reflection Paper On Nursing Ethics Reflection Paper on Nursing Ethic Ethics in nursing forms the basis between which sound and moral decisions are derived. They form the backbone for all the trust that is laid on nurses dealing with Moral Question. Acceptable cultures and actions are gauged by nursing ethics that are derived from nursing values. Nurses are supposed to ensure that they adhere to the highest standards as well as maintaining the trust they have from the public. All nurses are bound to exercise the highest standard of ethics though the performance of their functions. Relevant and Meaningful Service Our group went to Broward College's Miramar Campus during a health fair. At the health fair there were several professors, staff, group of students from other classes, and some nurses doing required community services. It was a great opportunity to test our knowledge about the impact of culture on health behaviors in health assessment findings and the significance of age and developmental stages. The presenter's nurses had some knowledge about culture on health behaviors and health assessment findings as well as on developmental age stages, but it was definitely a real learning experience. We used the opportunity to teach the audience by using a poster board with all normal and abnormal values for cholesterol, blood pressure, body ideal mass index, and diabetes. We had the opportunity to interact with a diverse multicultural audience. For instance, one of the people in the audience was a Hispanic adult man who only spoke Spanish, and the other person was a young adult African American male. Both of these clients were assisted with vital signs and had their questions answered regarding their health concerns. The selection of the audience was conducted through randomly selecting passerbies. Enhanced Academic Learning To attain our objectives for the presentation we used Grasten's and Watt's motivational model of physical education and Get more content on