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The Economic Crisis And The Arms Race
The economic crisis and the Arms Race were the major reasons of the collapse of the Soviet Union
and the fall had a big impact on today's politics. The Soviet Union was formed in 1922. It consisted
of 15 Soviet Republics (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belorussia, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kirgizia,
Latvia, Lithuania, Moldavia, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan). The main
ideologies were communism and Socialism. One of the most prominent leaders of the Union was
Joseph Stalin. The Soviet Union was one of the leading empires in the world at that period of time.
The Communism is the ideology that replaces private property with public ownership and individual
needs are replaced by collective one. It is the advanced form of Socialism. In the 1970's and 1980's
The Soviet Union was very stable. It seemingly was strong politically and was acquiring even
greater power and influence. But in reality there were many economic problems for the Soviet
Empire. The central pillar of Soviet Economy was central planning and subsequent lack of
individual creativity, lack of incentives for increased productivity. According to Soviet worker, the
government pretended that they paid people and people pretended that they worked. The system was
based on lies, it seemingly was successful but in reality it was failing. The Soviet Union had other,
more important problems which led to the economic crisis. 70% of the industrial output of the
Soviet Union was
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Joseph Stalin: Dictator Of The Union Soviet Socialists...
Joseph Stalin ruled as dictator of the Union Soviet Socialists Republic (USSR) from 1929–1923.
Stalin manipulated and outmanoeuvred his political opponents for control of the party. During his
rule Stalin used terror and violence to transform the Soviet Union from a peasant society to an
industrial and military superpower, killing millions along the way
(–stalinv). Stalin was born in rural Georgia, Russia in 1879. By
the time of his birth, the Georgia nation had become disaffected by the years of Russian domination
through the forced assimilation of ethnic minorities and suppression of its distinctive culture under
tsarist rule (Joseph Stalin, A Biographical Companion). Stalin attended a seminary school where he
began secretly reading the works of Karl Marx and became interested in the revolutionary
movement against the Russian monarchy. Stalin was eventually expelled from the seminary for
missing too many exams. After Stalin was expelled he began taking part in labor strikes and
demonstrations, which eventually led him to join the Bolsheviks (a militant wing of the Marxist
Social Democratic,) led by Vladimir Lenin. In 1912, Lenin ... Show more content on ...
Trotsky was away at the time of Lenin's death so Stalin telegraphed him to inform him of the news
and said the funeral would be held immediately, so there was no point traveling back to Moscow for
the funeral. This is the first major example of Stalin's manipulation techniques; he successfully
forced Trotsky to be absent for the funeral. Stalin played a prominent and public role in mourning
Lenin's death, again using manipulation to his advantage; only this time he is manipulating the
people of Russia. Stalin's death did bring difficulties to Stalin: Lenin's Testament had a warning
against Stalin and suggested he be removed from leadership. However, Stalin's allies came to his
defence and Trotsky stayed silent, allowing Stalin to keep his position as General
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A Letter About the Fall of The Soviet Union
Dear Comrade
My cherished friend, I regret to inform you that our beloved Soviet society has ceased to exist. Our
solid red flag with its magnificent gold emblem of the hammer and sickle flew above the Kremlin
for the very last time on Christmas day, 1991. Prior to this gloomy day, eleven of the fifteenth
Soviet republics that once made up the strong and prosperous Soviet Union, met in Alma–Ata,
Kazakhstan, to announce that they would no longer partake in the Soviet Union, and had created a
Commonwealth of independent states. Our Baltic brothers: Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia were the
first to break apart, while Georgia remained as the last republic in the Soviet Union. I have served
the Soviet Union as Minister of Foreign Affairs ... Show more content on ...
One can easily admit that the Party had failed to properly economically plan the needs of each state.
The Soviet Union economy was complex and massive, it became an impossible task for the state
planners to manage, as they did not want to grant and create more managerial levels that would
proceed to the local level resulting in failed timely attempts to the constant changes the economy
was going through. Since the Soviet economy was based on state planning, it failed in encouraging
innovation and motivating productivity. Managers would also alter numbers in order to produce the
quotas that they were required to meet. The growth of the Soviet economy had been in a constant
decline since the 1950's and this progressed to the 1980's. This was a clear sign that the Soviet
economy was in need of a complete economic overhaul. Gorbachev succeeded power in March,
1985 and became General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist party of the Soviet
Union. His main goal was to revive the Soviet economy, and he strongly believed that success was
tied to loosening the governments control and creating a system that included less government
intervention and more freedom to allow private initiatives. This new market economy would allow
for private enterprise, which what Gorbachev believed would create more innovation. For the first
time since 1920's, individuals were able to own and create businesses.
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How Did Mikhail Gorbachev Modernize The Soviet Union
Mikhail Gorbachev was the seventh and final President, the last Head of State, and the last General
Secretary of the Soviet Union and also the final Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet.
Gorbachev tried to introduce new economic, social and political reforms to the Soviet Union. These
reforms were very different to those current in place from the Communism ideals. Although Mikhail
Gorbachev didn't intend to cause the collapse the Soviet Union, the attempts he made to strengthen
and modernise the Soviet Union ultimately lead to its downfall. As communism and central power
was the basis that held together the Soviet Union, Gorbachev's 'Perestroika' acted against these
factors causing the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Communism was introduced in Russia in 1917 following the Russian Revolution and the takeover
of Vladimir Lenin and the Bolshevik party. They introduced a Union of Soviet Republics based on
communism, they ... Show more content on ...
Gorbachev changed the Soviet foreign policies and began to travel around to other nations easing
tensions and assuring that the Soviet Union is not a threat any longer, the changes to the foreign
policy led to the democratization of much of Eastern Europe and ultimately ending the Cold War.
However these changes in foreign policies removed ideological enemies causing a weakness in the
Soviet ideology over the people. Gorbachev did not believe in using force to strengthen his control,
this was also a major downfall as the republics nationalism began to increase weakening the Soviet
Union. With Gorbachev's methods of easing tensions and assuring foreign nations that the USSR is
no longer a threat, the people no longer feared the government, fear is essential to controlling people
in a communist society, this further decreased the power of the
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Gorbachev And The Soviet Union
This is a photo of Gorbachev giving a speech. Mikhail Gorbachev became Secretary General of the
Soviet Union in 1985, until he resigned in 1991. Gorbachev was much younger than the previous
leaders of the Soviet Union and had many ideas for reforms. After entering office, Gorbachev began
to implement a wide range of reforms. He sought to correct many problems in the Soviet Union,
including economic problems, the issues and history of harsh punishments against dissidents, and
unrest among the different groups that made up the Soviet Union. Gorbachev began to encourage a
culture of openness and honesty between the government and the Soviet people. This policy was
known as "glasnost". Gorbachev also instituted a reform of restructuring the ... Show more content
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As the United States and the Soviet Union began to normalise their relationship, many people in the
Soviet republics began to feel that they no longer needed to be part of the Soviet Union for
protection against a military threat. President Richard Nixon and Soviet Premier Leonid Brezhnev
began this process of détente in an attempt to pull back from the threat of nuclear war and to begin
increased trade between the United States and the Soviet Union. Détente made people feel safer as it
decreased the threat of nuclear war and included formal agreements on arms control and the security
of Europe. However, détente contributed to the fall of the Soviet Union as some of the Soviet
republics decided that they no longer needed to be part of the Soviet Union for protection against a
military threat. Therefore, they gradually realised that if they did not need that protection, then they
did not need the Soviet Union at all. Consequently, détente planted the seeds for some of the Soviet
republics to dream of independence.
This photograph is the mark of the Polish Trade Union, Solidarity. The symbol of the Solidarity
movement became renown throughout the world. In 1980, the Solidarity movement began in Poland
and set the stage for a weakening of Soviet Communist power. Solidarity was a trade union started
in the shipyards of
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Soviet Union Failures
Since the fall of the Soviet Union, a multitude of factors has been attributed as the cause of its
disintegration, including, but not limited to: a failing economy, political fracturing, and ethnic
cleavages. In this paper I will argue that the dissolution of the Soviet Union resulted from a
combination of variables beginning with Gorbachev's economic and social reform policies. These
reforms brought to light the internal political factions in Soviet leadership thus leading to the
exploitation of ethno–national divisions by officials seeking greater leadership and more power.
Therefore, ethnic divisions within the Soviet Union did not make disintegration inevitable, but were
rather a politically efficient lens for leaders to use in order to ... Show more content on ...
From economic stagnation and decline, to fissures within the Soviet leadership, to the manipulation
and nurturing of nationalist values from politicians throughout the Soviet republics. These variables
joined together culminate a plausible explanation as to why the Soviet Union collapsed, but one
variable could not generate enough damage alone. The argument that ethnic divisions caused the
disintegration of the Soviet Union is no more feasible than the argument that the Soviet Union's
disintegration was unavoidable. In his article Leon Aron states, "Nothing in history is automatic or
inevitable. The fact that something happened means neither that it had to happened nor that it could
have happened only in the way that it did" (Aron, p. 25). This statement rings true to the collapse of
the Soviet Union, for its dissolution was not predicable nor was it expected, but it happened
nonetheless. As Treisman's argues, "it was a series of accidents and bungling responses" which in
the end culminated in the toppling of one of the 20th century's greatest global
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The Soviet Union Of Soviet Republics
Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, former Soviet republics have been forced to
undertake the harrowing task of achieving stability for their citizens and developing their own
identities independent from the former hegemon. Some, such as Poland, have been successful in this
regard, while others, such as Georgia, have been less fortunate. For Ukraine, a vast agricultural
country with centuries–old ties to Russia, answers to the questions of stability and identity have
been uncertain ones. In spring 2014, following the Ukrainian Revolution in which pro–Russian
president Viktor Yanukovych was deposed and replaced by Olexander Turchnyov, Russian forces
invaded Crimea after signing an accession treaty on March 18. Throughout the year, this conflict
escalated with violence between pro–Russian militants along with Russian forces and Ukrainian
military and thousands of deaths. The violence in Crimea, where Russians have an ethnic majority
of 58%, and eastern Ukraine began to dissipate in late September when Russian military
commenced a withdrawal from Ukraine. The violence intensified again in early November when
pro–Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine held new elections supported by Russia and denounced
by Ukraine, the United States, and the European Union. This is an issue that has vast economic
repercussions for powerful eurozone countries such as Germany, whose GDP growth rate fell to
0.4% in the second quarter, and who has 300,000 jobs that rely on Russian
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Korean War And Its Effects On Korea
Kim Jong–un, North Korea's leader, is currently testing weapons of mass destruction and
threatening to aim them at the United States. The Democratic Republic of Korea is a communist
dictatorship with Kim Jong–un declaring himself the Supreme Leader. The Republic of Korea,
otherwise known as South Korea, is a non–communist state with Moon Jae–in as its president. It is a
democratic republic with three branches of government. North Korea and South Korea were once
one nation under Japan. They are now bitter enemies and have no plan to reunify due to a long
history of violence between the two states starting with the end of World War II. The Cold War
caused the Korean War and negatively impacted Korea's development because of the opposing ...
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After World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union were no longer allies and both became
world superpowers in their own right. Since the Joint Commission failed to establish a government
to unify Korea, the country was split into North Korea and South Korea. Because of the United
States and the Soviet Union not being able to build a government together, Korea was divided into
North Korea and South Korea, permanently establishing their own governments. The attempt at
unification failed, then each country (the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic)
worked to politically influence the portion of Korea that they occupied. The Soviet Union pushed
for the spread of communism and the United States pushed for a democratic and capitalistic society.
The United States and the Soviet Union had many resources that allowed them to greatly influence
the development of the part of Korea that they occupied. From 1948 to 1950 the Soviet Union
greatly influenced communism in North Korea by supplying them with weapons and military
supplies (Korean War). The weapons given to the North Koreans helped to advance them in national
security. North Korea had a swift economic recovery with the outside assistance from the Soviet
Union and China (Asia for Educators). This
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Essay on The Break up of Union of Soviet Socialist Republic
In one week, the summer of 1991, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic, became history. The
forces of reform unleashed by President Mikhail Gorbachev in the mid 1980’s
generated a democratic movement. “Mr. Gorbachev may be revered for the democratic
forces he unleashed– his policies of perestroika, or reconstructing, and glasnost, or openness.
However, his failure to put food on Soviet tables and his reluctance to move boldly on economic
reforms doomed him to be a failure'; (Sieff). His economic policies threw his country into even
more turmoil and chaos, as the different nationalities used their new freedoms to move away from
the union. “Gorbachev sincerely wanted to reform the communist system, but he did ...
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Some say perestroika was “a betrayal either intended as such from the very beginning
and quiet conscious, or a betrayal that just happened to occur'; (Yakovlev). While others still declare
that perestroika “was stupidity, probably caused by good intentions, which resulted in
an absolute lack of responsibility'; (Yakovlev). In truth, perestroika was a historical significance,
which was noble in its goals but had major repercussions to the nation, as well as to its people.
Gorbachev’s perestroika confirms a desire to discard the Stalinist days of forced
collectivization and terror. Furthermore, it is not only a declaration of Leninist’s ideas
that will insert a new dose of motivation into the national awareness, but a hopeful effort to restore
trust between the people and their government.'; Perestroika is an effort to inspire Russia towards
values and high standards'; (Rodrigue). However, Gorbachev’s solutions are flawed
because of the “lack of an ethical framework to guide his programs'; (The Collapse of
Stalinism). He did not “have a clear plan of what kind of political and social system
must be created,'; says Fydor Bulatsky, a speechwriter for Krushchev, close aide of Andropov, and
former advisor to Gorbachev (Sneider). Perestroika has focused on
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What Contributed To The Fall Of The Berlin Wall
I convict that the fall of the Berlin Wall contributed the most to the fall of the Soviet Union because
it became "the symbol of the fall of the Soviet Union and return to democracy for its republics and
satellite nations". The Berlin Wall was a physical wall built up in the center of the city of Berlin to
separate the Western Berliners and eastern Berliners. In 1989, The government opened the Berlin
Wall for East and West Germany and removed the restrictions to travel to the West. East Berliners
used sledgehammers to take down the wall.
The second most important event that contributed to the fall of the Soviet Union is the Romanian
Revolution, which was Romania demanding independence from the soviet control in 1989.
Romanians clashed with
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Women's Rights During Ww2
During the year 1942, most of the world was occupied with World War II; for the US, it was a
period of hardship, unity, sacrifice, and pain. Men were selected to go fight while women were
encouraged with the "Rosie the Riveter" poster to work in areas they were not familiar with. About
six million women were motivated from it and worked the jobs men usually took and jobs that
contributed to helping the men who were fighting; however, women were still responsible for their
daily house work.
While in Germany, many Jewish people, such as Anne Frank and her family, went into hiding
because Hitler was in power and was responsible for the massacre of primarily Jewish people, but
also homosexuals, Jehovah Witnesses, and other individuals who had some ... Show more content
on ...
They wanted to abolish anything that came from the Joint Statement by President Roosevelt and
Prime Minister Churchill in August 14, 1941, which were principles given to the government of the
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the 24th of September of the year 1941.
In end to the articles, the eighth and final one promised that on that day –June 11, 1942– the treaty,
or document, would take total and absolute effect until both the United States and the Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics decide otherwise. It lists the day it was signed in Washington and the
names of both the Secretary of State of the United States of America and the Ambassador of the
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics at Washington from 1942. It is without a doubt that his
document – Mutual Aid Agreement between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics (1942) – was intended for the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic to
assisting each other through WWII. It was to equip each other with the necessities the other one
lacked as well as to plan for the future, hoping to unite countries and destroy
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Berlin Wall Of The Soviet Union
Berlin Blockade
Berlin Wall: On August 13, 1961, the Soviet Union that controlled East Berlin (and East Germany)
rolled out a wall of barbed wire overnight to separate their claims on East Berlin from the Allies that
controlled west Berlin because they thought that the allies were damaging their communist regime
in the East. The reason for this 'overnight barricade' was to keep the "Western fascists from
undermining their city" . Families were broken apart and if you were at the wrong side of the wall at
the wrong time, you would be separated from your families by a string of barbed wire that later
became a giant concrete wall. This was seen as a somewhat aggressive action and immediately
began making political actions to make the Soviets tear it down. When Mikhail Gorbachev became
the leader of the Soviet Union, he noticed that it was causing famine and chaos in East Berlin, so he
agreed to demolishing the wall that his predecessors had built.
To make matters worse, it had many deadly security features that made it almost impossible to get in
or out. There were around 300 watchtowers, and many gun emplacements along the wall with
rounded tops that made it nearly impossible to climb over the wall. Afraid of people trying to drive
through the wall, the Soviets placed many steel tank–traps along the wall. Also, to make sure that
the interior of the wall was extremely safe, they planted land mines across the sides. The interior of
the wall was a 20–30 meter area between
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Reasons For The Breakup Of The Soviet Union Essay
The breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991 left many Eastern European countries in disarray. One
such country was Czechoslovakia. It separated from the Soviet Union December 26, 1991. A few
years after Czechoslovakia broke away from the Soviet Union it broke apart, in January 1, 1993.
The two countries are now The Czech Republic and Slovakia. When the two countries split, it was
done peacefully, without a fight or war. The Soviet Union broke up because Mikhail Gorbachev
resigned from being the president of the Soviet Union. This started many conflicts and confusion.
The Soviet Union could no longer keep the union together.
Czechoslovakia broke up, after three years of democracy, because the cost of keeping the country
together was too high. Most ... Show more content on ...
The Czech Republic and Slovakia were now able to own their own businesses. They could move
freely for jobs and homes. The countries are now able to vote as they wish. They did however
change their language. All countries in the Soviet Union used to speak German. Now Czech is
spoken in the Czech Republic and Slovak is spoken in Slovakia. The national anthem changed, both
countries now have their own. In the Soviet Union the religion was Atheism, and now
Czechoslovakia is free to believe whatever they want. The soviet Ruble was the currency in the
Soviet Union and then it changed to the Czechoslovak Koruna and finally, when Czechoslovakia
split, it changed to Czech Koruna in the Czech Republic and the Euro in Slovakia. The government
in the Soviet Union was dictatorship. Now, a Parliamentary Republic is the form of government in
Slovakia and Czech Republic. Although life after the Soviet Union collapsed was free, some people
say it was easier to live in the Soviet Union because everything was already set and organized for
you. They were not making many of their own decisions. However, when Czechoslovakia became
free, the people realized that they had more freedom. They had to make decisions on their
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Russia And The Russian Federation Essay
Russia, known by most as the Russian Federation, is a federal state in Eurasia. Russia is the largest
country in the world at 17,075,200 square kilometres by surface area, covering more than one eighth
of Earth 's inhabited land, and the ninth most populous, with over 146.6 million people as of end of
March 2016. The European western part of the country is much more populated and urbanised than
the East, with almost eight–tenths of the population living within the European region of Russia.
Russia 's capital, Moscow is one of the largest cities in Europe and the world. Its ohter major urban
cities include Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod and Samara.
Extending across the entirety of Northern Asia and even most of Eastern Europe, Russia spans a
total of eleven time zones and incorporates a variety environments within it. From northwest to
southeast, Russia shares a number of different land borders with the following countries: Finland,
Norway, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan,
China, Mongolia, and even North Korea. It shares maritime borders with The State of Japan by the
Sea of Okhotsk and the American state of Alaska across the Bering Strait.
Russia 's history began with that of the East Slavs, whom only emerged as their own distinct group
in Europe somewhere between the 3rd and 8th centuries AD. Founded and ruled by a Varangian
warrior and his descendants, the medieval state
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The Causes Of The Soviet Union
The Soviet Union [8], officially the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR[9], Russian: СССР)
also known unofficially as Russia[10][11], was a socialist state in Eurasia that existed from 1922 to
1991. Nominally a union of multiple equal national Soviet republics,[a] its government and
economy were highly centralized. The country was a one–party state, governed by the Communist
Party with Moscow as its capital in its largest republic, the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist
Republic. The Russian nation had constitutionally equal status among the many nations of the union
but exerted de facto dominance in various respects.[12] Other major urban centres were Leningrad,
Kiev, Minsk, Alma–Ata and Novosibirsk. The Soviet Union was one of ... Show more content on ...
In June 1941, Germany invaded the Soviet Union, opening the largest and bloodiest theater of war
in history. Soviet war casualties accounted for the highest proportion of the conflict in the effort of
acquiring the upper hand over Axis forces at intense battles such as Stalingrad and Kursk. The
territories overtaken by the Red Army became satellite states of the USSR; the postwar division of
Europe into capitalist and communist halves would lead to increased tensions with the West, led by
the United States.
The Cold War emerged by 1947, as the Eastern Bloc, united under the Warsaw Pact in 1955,
confronted the Western Bloc, united under NATO in 1949. Following Stalin's death in 1953, a
period of political and economic liberalization, known as "de–Stalinization" and "Khrushchev's
Thaw", occurred under the leadership of Nikita Khrushchev. The Soviet Union took an early lead in
the Space Race, with the first artificial satellite and the first human spaceflight. In the 1970s, there
was a brief détente of relations with the United States, but tensions resumed with the Soviet–Afghan
War in 1979. In the mid–1980s, the last Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, sought to reform and
liberalize the economy through his policies of glasnost and perestroika. The Cold War ended during
his tenure, and in 1989, Soviet satellite states in Eastern Europe overthrew their respective
communist governments.
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What Was The Fall Of The Soviet Union
Fall of Soviet Union
In December of 1991, the Soviet Union separated into fifteen distinctive countries. Its collapse was
enthusiastically greeted by the west as a triumph for freedom. This is a victory of democracy over
totalitarianism. The US celebrated as its dreadful enemy defeated, thereafter ending the Cold War,
which had fought between two superpowers, America and Soviet Union, since the end of World War
II. Cory Booker says, "If you look at great human civilizations, from the Roman Empire to the
Soviet Union, you will see that most do not fail simply due to external threats but because of
internal weakness, corruption, or a failure to manifest the values and ideals they espouse". In reality,
the disintegration of the Soviet Union ... Show more content on ...
Eventually, the planning of Communism, which the Soviet sought to instill in its population, never
established, and eventually all the influence it had originally carried vanished.
By the time of the 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev take over control of Soviet Union. He was the Soviet
Union's last leader. " This split the scientific community up into factions and promoted conflict. It
permitted him to intervene and take sides whenever deemed necessary" (Martin McCauley. The Rise
and Fall of the Soviet Union). The country was in a state of serious inactivity, with severe economic
and political dispute, which were required to be fix and conquered. Knowing this deep in mind,
Gorbachev initiated a policy of reform. First ,he proposed a policy of freedom of speech. Next, he
started a plan of economic reform known as perestroika, rebuilding. However, Gorbachev did not
noticed that by offering people complete freedom of speech, he was unintentionally released
emotions and political feelings that had been hold up for decades. Also, it seemed to be exceedingly
powerful when brought out into the open. Moreover, his policy of economic reform did not have the
obvious results he had anticipated for and had publicly conjectured. The Soviet people eventually
utilized their recently granted freedom of speech to criticize Gorbachev for his deficiency to boost
the economy.
The decentralization of the Soviet Union began on the border,
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The Failure Of The Soviet Union
There is a myriad of factors that accounted for the dissolution of the USSR, and the consolidation of
capitalist superiority from 1991 onwards after the fall of an autocracy, and demise of a disunited
provisional government. The official declaration of the termination of the Soviet Union was
December 26 1991; this collapse was addressed by the west as the defeat of communism, and the
end of the Cold War. To understand how and why this previously prosperous nation came to fall it is
important to look at the major factors contributing to this disarray. I will examine the economic and
ethnic problems the Soviet Union faced, as well as the problems with those in power.
After the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, the newly formed government had a philosophy ... Show
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Communism is described as " a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all
property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state. "
In some countries this system worked, but what the Soviet Union failed to do was to instill the
ideology of Communism into the heart and minds of its population, an anonymous Soviet citizen
said, "They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work," Showing the lack of motivation amongst the
citizens, and lack of enthusiasm in the system. Not only was there no productivity, but also in the
middle of the 1980's approximately seventy percent of industrial output of the Soviet Union was
going to the military, causing severe shortages of the industrial goods for the rest of the economy,
and failing to meet the needs of the State resulting in acute poverty. In the end the Soviet people
became more cynical about their government and only felt distrust towards them, this and the fact
that the Soviet Union failed to produce a stable economy led to economic decline, eventually
demanding the necessity to
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Gorbachev And The Fall Of The Soviet Union
Gorbachev and the fall of the Soviet Union
The Soviet Union was an empire centered in Moscow, Russia. The Soviet Union consisted of more
than just Russia, it consisted of fifteen sovereign republics, and its formal title was the Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics. In addition to the 15 sovereign republics that comprised the Soviet
Union after World War II there was also the Soviet Outer Empire. The Soviet Union Outer Empire
was commonly referred to as the Soviet Bloc, which consisted of East Germany, Poland,
Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria. The Soviet empire extended from Berlin in the
west to the Pacific Ocean in the east.
The Soviet Union was a communist country, meaning that the Communist Party of the Soviet
Union, herein referred to as CPSU, exercised absolute rule. The Communist Party controlled both
the government and the economy. The Soviet Union's economy was based on a centrally planned
economy, which was composed every five years at the CPSU Party Congress. Despite early
successes under Stalin, the five–year plan system proved to be a mistake. The plans that were
produced were unrealistic, and inconsistent with sound economic policy. The ideology that
motivated people in the early years of the Soviet Union started to fail to serve as sufficient
motivation, and without further incentives, the workforce remained unmotivated and inefficient. In
addition to the failures of the planned economy, the people who ran the party were thoroughly
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As with many important historical events throughout...
As with many important historical events throughout history the dissolution of the Soviet Union had
many contributing forces. However, most historians agree that the main contributor was Soviet
President Mikhail Gorbachev and the many radical reforms he implemented during the six years he
was the leader of the USSR. Even though the official dissolution took place in December 1991, the
Soviet Union's demise began to take form in the 1980s. In order to understand why the Soviet Union
dissolved it is important to have a clear picture of its history and political climate.
The Soviet State was established in 1917 when revolutionary Bolsheviks overthrew the Russian
Czar establishing a socialist state in territories that once belonged to the ... Show more content on ...
Western countries including the United States grew more suspicious and distrustful of the Soviet
Union. The Cold War had begun. Stalin would further isolate the Soviet Union with the building of
the Berlin Wall which divided Germany into two countries, East Germany being communist and
under Soviet control.
After Stalin's death in 1953 Soviet leaders acknowledged that his policies were brutal and extreme,
but maintained the Communist party's power in the Soviet Union. The use of military force to
suppress anticommunism behavior became commonplace. Instead of focusing on domestic
problems and needs, the Communist government focused on the Cold War. Another obsession
became the arms race. This became a costly and destructive obsession.
During the early 1980s the Soviet Union would have three leaders in less than three years.
Brezhnev, Andropov, and Chernenko were all solid communist leaders, but also older and all died
within their first year of office. In March 1985 a communist reformer named Mikhail Gorbachev
was appointed as the Soviet Union's last president. The Soviet government knew they couldn't
afford another short term leader. Gorbachev was fifty four was he took office. When Gorbachev
assumed power the Soviet Union was in a state of stagnation. Gorbachev wanted to reform the
economy and modernize the political structure. In order to help the Soviet Union prosper Gorbachev
introduced three policies of reform. These policies were glasnost, perestroika, and
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The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact And Its Consequences
In 1921, all the Baltics state had fought for liberation and it had been awarded. The West was a key
factor in securing this independence, as they promised international ousting if Germany or the
Soviet Union should try to reincorporate any of the three Baltics. The Baltics signed non–aggression
pacts with the Soviet Union when it was feared that they would be threatened, but they did not have
enough power on their own to resist Soviet forces. In the summer of 1940, the Soviets decided they
had the power to take over the three Baltic nations and eventually convinced Latvia and Estonia to
allow military and government occupation and Lithuania soon followed. This was seen as the worst
possible outcome, as it meant Stalinist rule, communism, and a lack of independence they had
fought so hard for. ... Show more content on ...
The main premises of the pact were that Germany and the Soviet Union would not attack each and
that they would not support or join any alliances or treaties with nations to indirectly attack each
other. Additionally, the nations agreed to work together on issues concerning on another and to
negotiate all issues between one another. The treaty was signed to last for ten years. However, the
most prominent part of this pact was that eastern europe would be split between the two nations so
as not to cause conflict. With this part of the pact, the Soviet Union was given the Baltics as part of
their "sphere of influence" and thus they assumed it was there to take. When the Baltics were
annexed by the Soviet Union and reincorporated into the USSR in 1940, many blamed this
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The Soviet Union And The Central Asian Republics
Topic 1: Evaluate the extent to which the Soviet Union was successful in transforming the
traditional tribal and clan identities in the Central Asian Republics?
Central Asia, also known the middle Asia is the core region of Asian continent, which stretches from
the Caspian Sea in the east to China in the West and from the South to the Afghanistan and Russia in
the North (Collins, 2002). The Soviet Union was a socialist state in that existed between 1922 and
1991, in Eurasia. The union was a one party federation, the communist party and with its capital in
Moscow. It had multiple sub–national republics with its economy and the government being highly
centralised. It had its roots in the revolution of 1917 October. The Soviet ... Show more content on ...
Those observers who valued cultural preconditions would have expected a new Asia to be
underwritten from Asian values or a theocracy from Islamic values or Leninist legacy to perpetuate
something like the Soviet regime. The theorists who did see the modernisation of the economy were
also doubtful when it came to the popular government in the region (Vladislav, 2009). The Soviet
Central Asia 's most important economic indicators saw it as notably higher than Africa and South
Asia and still came out nearing the bottom of the post–communist world with much of rural
economies and less of a middle class (Robert, 2009). The high level of literacy in Central Asia
although suggested that democratic beliefs and civil society could emerge. This seemed unlikely to
outweigh other legacies, but the preconditions thinking of every stripe anticipated uniformity of
regimes and at the same time a uniformly nondemocratic regime all across the post–Soviet Central
Even if the future was projected along the continued communism of even continued disagreements
along ethnicity and Islam remained oblivious, one thing was certain that democracy transition of
any kind was not likely. All in all a transition began later on in Kyrgyzstan. As from 2002, all the
five Central Asian states are under one form or another of authoritarian rule (Bishkek, 2014). To
suggest that there are limits in the transition is
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Soviet Union Dbq Essay
Over the years that the soviet union was active, they had many achievements to be proud of.
However some of these achievements are not recognized or are so miniscule in soviet textbooks that
no one pays any attention to the topic. The Soviet Union had a lot of pride in themselves so it only
makes sense to put more emphasis into these three topics, geographic expansion, military strengths,
and socio economic accomplishments. The Soviet Union was great at all three of these areas and
showed the world how great they truly were. The Soviet Union was one of the largest countries in
the world.the soviet union had a total of twenty–nine republics. Many people think that because you
don't have the most have states or republics that the country isn't as big (doc. b). The soviet union
had a total of eighty million six hundred forty nine thousand square miles(doc. b). That's enough to
fit two Americas. thats huge. With this land they would intimidate every country in the army. ...
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They were a superpower. Praised among other countries. One of the reasons, the main why they had
one of the strongest armies was because they spent the most money. The Soviet Union used one
hundred and sixty five billion dollars on their military. That was eleven percent of their gross
national product. the United States used one hundred and thirty one billion dollars which is five
percent of their gross national product. The more the soviet union spent on their military the more
missiles and nuclear arsenal were obtained by the soviet union. The USSR ( the Soviet Union) had
seventy thousand eight hundred thirty six total megatonnage of nuclear arsenal compared to the
United States three thousand two hundred and fifty three(doc. b). Thats over half of their nuclear
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Disparity Between Republics
The Disparity Between Post–Soviet Republics
The collapse of the U.S.S.R signaled the end of an era. The effects of the dissolution were felt all
over the world, causing many international relationships to be completely re–evaluated ("Fall of the
Soviet Union", The Cold War Museum). Although the severe shift in the global political situation
shocked many, the aftermath of the fall of the Soviet Union was felt most strongly in the countries
which had been a part of it. The dissolution meant what had been one solidified nation was once
again fifteen separate entities who must work to rebuild themselves in a new world. However, when
we look at the former Soviet republics now, the disparity between their growth is obvious. Why is it
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The Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) announced their independence and signaled a rapid
end to Gorbachev's Soviet Union. Revolutions gradually swept through the Soviet Republics until in
1991 when representative members from the remaining republics, excluding Georgia, met and
decided to dissolve the U.S.S.R. and in its place create the Commonwealth of Independent States.
Georgia joined later in 1993, but then pulled out of the organization 15 years afterwards in 2008
("Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)", Global
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History And History Of Russia
Russia has a rich history filled with over 100 nationalities from around the world. Our History
began with East Slavs who were Slavic people who spoke Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian. We
evolved from the medieval state of Kievan Rus into Russian, Ukrainian and Belorussian people
during the 17th century. Russia is the largest country and the most diverse in the world. The USSR
was formed after the collapse of the rule of tsars of the Russian empire due to the revolutions of
1917 which were a series of revolutions that swept Russia due to building social and political unrest.
The February revolutions lead to the overthrow of Tsar Nicholas II and an installment of a leftist
provisional government. The October revolution resulted in the ... Show more content on ...
Stalin Helped to win World war II against Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. The Soviet Union
tested its first atomic bomb in 1949 after the United States dropped 2 on Japan to get them to
surrender, The Soviet Union became the world's 2nd superpower after the United States. Due to
increased tension between the United States and the Soviet Union about communism and
democratic European countries, the cold war and Nuclear arms race began. The nuclear arms race
was a competition for dominance in the ownership of Nuclear weapons. This led to the Cuban
missile crisis which almost invoked a full–scale war between the United States and the Soviet
Union. The Soviet union found out that the United States was storing Nuclear weapons in Italy and
Turkey which were close in proximity to the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union decided that we were
going to store Nuclear weapons in Cuba which was close in proximity to the United States. The US
ordered a blockade on the area and this almost invokes a nuclear war between the US Navy and a
Soviet Union Submarine. The Soviet Union and the United States agreed to remove the missiles
from Turkey, Italy, and Cuba which ended the crisis peacefully. The Soviet Union formally
collapsed in 1991 and Russia became an independent federation. The capital of Russia remained in
Russia is a constitutional republic has their form of government which is a semi–presidential
system. As the head of state and head of government, the prime minister
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The Fall of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic
By the mid 1980's, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics also known as the Soviet Union, or the
USSR was weakening under pressure from many different sources. These sources collimated in
1989 with the fall of the Berlin Wall, the disintegration of the Warsaw Pact, and ultimately, the fall
of the Soviet Union itself in 1991. With these events, the USSR saw its division into the Russian
Federation, and the 13 independent republics that we see today. This time period was one of
uncertainty, and the result was one that even the best intelligence agencies in the West would not
predict. Ultimately, the fall of the Soviet Union, as sudden as it was, should have been predicted by
the West and sent shockwaves around the world. The aftershocks of this collapse are still present to
this day, more than twenty years later. Though the question of what caused the Soviet Union's
collapse is simple in and of itself, its answer is far more complex and requires books to fully
discuss. The aim of this paper however is to surmise the largest causes of the collapse of the Soviet
Union, as well as to see how they were interrelated as well as how they interacted with each other.
The causes to be discussed are as diverse as they are deep, ranging from faltering economies, to
social unrest, and from increases in defense spending in relation to the West and the war in
Afghanistan, to political pressure from unlikely actors. On the eve of the fall of the Soviet Union, its
satellite states had
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The European Union And The Union Of Soviet Socialist...
In this essay I will discuss how the EU that we know today come to be, what are is advantages and
Europe had dominated the global trade, banking and finance, its empires had stretched across the
word and its military powers had been unquestioned. From this high Europe was brought down to
lows of the devastation of the Second World War; a war that left 40 million people dead. It
destroyed countries, cities were left in ruin and agricultural production halved, leaving many people
to rationing their food. This all meant terrible news for Europe's global influence and power leading
to the emergence of two huge superpowers the United States of America and the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republic. This is what gave birth to the European Union, an idea conceived by Jean
The European Union is set up with the aim of ending the wars between neighbors, which culminated
in the Second World War. In particular France and Germany who had be at war with other 3 times in
less than 3 decades. As of 1950, the European Coal and Steel Community begin to unite European
countries economically and politically in order to secure lasting peace. The six founding countries
are Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. The 1950s are dominated
by a cold war between east and west. Protests in Hungary against the Communist regime are put
down by Soviet tanks in 1956. In 1957, the Treaty of Rome creates the European Economic
Community (EEC), or 'Common Market'.
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The History of Sino-Soviet Relations Essay
I. Introduction
The history of Sino–Soviet relations can be traced back hundreds of years, starting with the initial
Mongol invasion and devastation of the Kievan Rus' principalities in the mid–thirteenth century.
With time, the rise of the Russian Empire and Czarist rule reversed the infrastructural and cultural
destruction caused by the Mongol hordes; by the advent of the twentieth century, the reformed
Russian state had begun encroaching on Chinese territory while holding a very strong, influential
grasp on the slowly collapsing Imperial Chinese regime. However, with the success of the Russian
Revolution in 1917, the creation of the Soviet Union, and the institution of a communist government
and administration, the nature of ... Show more content on ...
For the next couple of decades, until the eventual dissolution of the USSR, this strained relationship
and antagonism continued and did not normalize due to unresolved conflicts in ideology,
international politics, and differing national interests and philosophies.
II. Creation and Expansion of Communism
To better understand the nature of Sino–Soviet relations in the twentieth century, one must analyze
the emergence of communism in the respective nations of Russia and China. Communism was first
developed by German philosopher Karl Marx in the 1800s, and is defined as a socioeconomic policy
structured around the common ownership of property in the absence of any social distinctions such
as class, wealth, or race. Marx saw this arrangement as the zenith of human society, the paragon of
interaction where the resources of economic production are fully socialized and everything, from
basic nutrition to education, is freely allocated based on necessity. These egalitarian doctrines and
policies of social, economic, and political freedom greatly appeased to the working–class
populations in politically oppressed regions of the world, especially in the situations of the repressed
poor and peasant classes of early twentieth–century Russian and Chinese societies.
A. Spread of Communism Into Russia
Although serfdom was abolished in 1861, the Russian societal climate at the dawn of the twentieth
century was a breeding ground for revolutionary ideas and beliefs
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Comparing Orwell's Animal Farm And The Soviet Union
George Orwell's Animal Farm tells the story of barn animals that desire, and achieve, independence
from the humans. However, their ideal paradise is lost and things only get worse for them all. With
various references laced within the story, it is clear that Orwell's idea is not a typical fiction novel.
From a historical perspective, it can be seen that Animal Farm is a reference to Stalin and his reign
over the Soviet Union. This is revealed through the events of the story, the side characters, and
Napoleon. The events in Animal Farm mimic the ways that the Soviet Union came to be and
decisions that caused major changes. One of those events was the struggle of power in the new
Soviet Union. Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky fought for control ... Show more content on ...
Stalin was very suspicious and paranoid of the world and the people around him. "He would do
whatever was necessary for his own survival, including murder men, women, and children, and
condemn whole nations of innocent people" (Rees). He would rather have other people die than to
have himself betrayed. Similarly, Napoleon had a public execution of the traitors in the farm
(Orwell 76). He feared that their uprising would demean his rules. They both killed their traitors to
set an example for the remaining people not to go against their rules or face the consequences.
Another way they are similar is because of their treatment of the prior rules. Stalin removed his
opposition in the government and was the only one left (Rees). This enabled him to manipulate the
laws to his own will and led to a dictatorship. Similarly to this, Napoleon also removed the prior
rules. Old Major's speech was the basis of the old rules such as, no animal shall kill another or no
animal shall sleep in a bed. Later on, Napoleon removed all of those rules and replaced it with his
one rule, "All animals are equal but some are more equal than others" (Orwell 118). The last thing
that connects the two is their major plans. Stalin created the Five–Year Plan that, "Emphasized the
production of capital" (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). It forced the people to work mainly on
the project and not on anything for themselves. Napoleon also had an idea of a
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The Collapse of the Soviet Union Essay
The Collapse of the Soviet Union
The Soviet Union was a global superpower, possessing the largest armed forces on the planet with
military bases from Angola in Africa, to Vietnam in South–East Asia, to Cuba in the Americas.
When Mikhail Gorbachev succeeded Konstantin Chernenko as General Secretary of the Central
Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in March 1985, nobody expected than in
less than seven years the USSR would disintergrate into fifteen separate states.
Gorbachev's attempt at democratising the totalitarian Soviet system backfired on him as the Soviet
republics began to revolt against Moscow's control. This was not a case of economic and political
crisis producing liberalisation and democratisation. ... Show more content on ...
In January 1987, Gorbachev called for demokratizatsiya (democratization) – the infusion of
democratic elements such as multicandidate elections into the Soviet political process. In June 1988,
at the CPSU's Nineteenth Party Conference, Gorbachev launched radical reforms meant to reduce
party control of the government apparatus. In December 1988, the Supreme Soviet approved the
formation of a Congress of People's Deputies, which constitutional amendments had established as
the Soviet Union's new legislative body.
Abroad, Gorbachev sought to improve relations and trade with the West. On October 11 1986,
Gorbachev and U.S. President Ronald Reagan met in Reykjavik, Iceland, to discuss reducing
intermediate–range nuclear weapons in Europe. This led to the signing of the Intermediate–Range
Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty in 1987. In February 1988, Gorbachev announced the withdrawal of
Soviet forces from Afghanistan, which was completed the following year.
Also during 1988, Gorbachev announced that the Soviet Union would abandon the Brezhnev
Doctrine, and allow the Warsaw Pact nations to determine their own internal affairs. He jokingly
called his new doctrine the Sinatra Doctrine. This led to the string of revolutions in Eastern Europe
throughout 1989 in which communism collapsed. With the exception of Romania, the democratic
revolutions were all peaceful
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Soviet Union Experienced A Sudden And Unexpected Collapse
In December of 1991, the Soviet Union experienced a sudden and unexpected collapse. What is
even more shocking about all of this is the fact that this collapse took place in just a matter of days.
A Union that was once a superpower of a state was reduced to nothing in no time at all. There are a
number of explanations for this sudden collapse, and each tells us a little bit more about the nature
of political power, governance, and the factors that lead to perceptions of legitimacy within a
Responding to fears that the Soviet Union was disintegrating, Gorbachev increased the number of
conservative Communists in his inner circle and reduced the number of departments and personnel
in the Secretariat (Suny 505, 506). Unfortunately, he was not able to replace these positions; instead,
Gorbachev formed the Council of the Federation and a Cabinet of Ministers in an attempt to
improve the situation in the Union. Eventually it became evident that these structures were not
doing anything to help what was going on, as presidential decrees were ignored, young men refused
to enter the draft, and local officials were paying very little attention to the news and orders coming
from Moscow (Suny 506). The members that made up these new institutions had strong ties to the
Soviet republics, and because of this there was a growing discontent with the way things were being
The period between 1990 and 1991 presented Soviet leaders with two major issues: reviving the
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Vaclav Havel Research Paper
Vaclav Havel was the last president of Czechoslovakia and the first of the Czech Republic, after
communism ended in Czechoslovakia and the country split. He began his political career as a writer
and a political dissident. When he was 40 years old, Havel was thrown into prison for leading a
political movement called Charter 77, which gained much popularity among Czechs, as it was
signed by hundreds of people. Charter 77 was a movement that criticized the government for human
rights abuse. After he was released from jail, he continued to aid anti–communist movements. As
communism began to stumble in 1989, he took advantage and became the chief negotiator of the
Velvet Revolution, a peaceful transition of power in 1989 that gave Vaclav Havel
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The Perestroika Reform And Glasnost Policy Programs
Under Mikhail Gorbachev the Soviet Union underwent massive social, political and economic
reform that drifted away from communist ideology and this ultimately lead to the collapse of the
Soviet Union and failure of communism in Eastern Europe. This essay will focus on how the
Perestroika reform and Glasnost policy programs as well as other external and internal pressures
contributed to the failure of communism under Gorbachev. The aim of the Perestroika and Glasnost
reforms was to restructure and strengthen the Soviet political and economic system and provide
more freedom and democracy within the Soviet Union while strengthening Communism. However,
these changes had achieved exactly what they aimed to prevent when they were first elaborated and
led to the failure of communism and collapse of the Soviet Union. While focusing on the policies
this essay will also focus on the major increase in nationalism that occurred in the Soviet Republics
as a result of the Glasnost. External pressure from the western world was also a factor and the role
that the United States and the Ronald Reagan administration played in the downfall of communism
under Gorbachev will be examined. The essay will also discuss how the disintegration of Yugoslavia
and the 1991 Coup d'état led to the failure of the policies and failure of communism.
Perestroika translates to "restructuring" and was a policy introduced by Gorbachev which intended
to reform the baseline of the Soviet economy in an attempt to
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Ukraine 's Independence From The Union Of Soviet Socialist...
Background. Ukraine gained independence from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.)
August 24, 1991 (Mark, 2016). Slightly smaller in size than Texas, Ukraine is bordered by Poland,
Romania, Moldova, the Russian Federation, and the Black Sea. With a population of 44.4 million
people it is not a very diverse country with 77% identified as ethnic Ukrainians, 18% ethnic
Russian, and 5% other (CIA, 2015). In the last 12 years a relatively young Ukrainian government
has suffered from political turmoil and most recently violent instability.
Most notably beginning with the Orange Revolution of 2004, a corrupt election, and the installment
of President Viktor Yushchenko and Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych. Seen as a reformist of ...
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Since then, Ukraine was briefly lead by interim President Oleksandr Turchynov until the current
president, Petro Proshenko, was elected in May 2014 (Foxall, 2015). The Ukrainian government is
still struggling to assert itself locally and globally while reeling from an exhausted economy being
drained by armed conflict and internally displaced persons.
Current Events. On March 18, 2014 the Russian Federation annexed Ukrainian territory Crimea
(Paul, 2015). The battle for Crimea was both political and physical. Beginning with protest in Kiev,
Ukraine November 21, 2013 after President Yanukovych rejected the Ukraine EU Association
Agreement. Small protest and scattered violence continued until February 20, 2014 when protesters
in Kiev were shot by government snipers in Maidan Square. On February 22, 2014 President
Yanukovych fled to Russia and on March 01, 2014 Russian Federation military forces began direct
action in Crimea. Ethnic Russians in Crimea, Donetsk, and Luhansk began forming separatist
groups fighting against Ukraine (Thompson, 2016). The Ukrainian military was ordered not to fight
when interim President Oleksandr declared "[Ukraine] cannot launch a military operation in Crimea,
as we would expose the eastern border and Ukraine would not be protected (Paul, 2015)." On April
15, 2014 Ukraine began military operations to recover areas that had been seized by separatist
groups. Conflict has ebbed and flowed with neither
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The Soviet Union Of The 19th Century
The Beginning
The idea of having the RSFSR as a enemy towards the Soviet Union at the time of the 19th century
was one of the biggest reasons why the Soviet Union took such a big downfall when it collapsed.
The RSFSR was a opposing group that was branched off from the Soviet Union, resulting from a
argument over political standings and power for both groups.1 The RSFSR wanted a representative
to stand during the meetings of the Soviet Union, however the Soviet Union did not grant that
because the representative did not win in the voting, but candidate that was favored by the USSR
won. The RSFSR was one of the main reasons why the Soviet Union had collapsed by the end of the
19th century, including a number of other factors as well. Despite the grudges, the Soviet Union and
the RSFSR were both branched together at one point. That point didn 't last very long, but starting
from the beginning, the Soviet Union rose to its power throughout the 20th century.
The rise of the Soviet Union
The Soviet Union was officially established during December during the year of 1922, with the
union of the Soviet republics from Russia, Ukraine, Byelorussia, and Transcaucasia, which were all
each ruled by local Bolshevik parties. The foundation of the Soviet state where a federal entity of
many republics that were constituent, each with its own political and administrative entities, was
applied from these Soviet republics. The term "Soviet Russia" was only related to the Russian
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Communism In Germany Essay
Germany "Actually," quickly he became the Federal Republic of Germany and the German
Democratic Republic are two independent power state [ . The two sides began under the rule of the
law of occupation of each division limit, European countries were divided in the West or the Soviet
sphere of influence. Countries of Central and Eastern Europe that were classified as in the Soviet
sphere of influence, so that the Soviet Union began to intervene in its part of the power structure in
the country, and establish cooperation with the government led by the Communist Party . But even
if the People's Republic of Poland, the Hungarian People's Republic, the Czechoslovak Socialist
Republic, the Socialist Republic of Romania, the People's Socialist Republic ... Show more content
on ...
But then the Japanese rule over Korea, guardianship combined period of 38 degrees line is divided
into northern and southern United States to decide the jurisdiction of the Soviet Union. In 1948,
after two lines divided regions 38 degrees expressed as the legitimate government of North Korea,
eventually led to the outbreak of the Korean War. In China, in 1946, the Kuomintang and the
Communist Party of China from China to revive civil war, finally he won the civil war by the
Communist Party of China and the establishment of the People's Republic of China in mainland
China, and the ROC government he moved to Taiwan in 1949 to retire. As for the Middle East, Arab
countries rejected the resolution of the General Assembly of the United 181 Nations and the
implementation of the redeployment of Palestinian land in Israel, but Israel has created the first war
Middle East broke out, and the results of the war, but to promote a major conflict between the Arab
states and Israel. Although the European colonial powers are still trying to retain some of their
colonial empires of the past (colonial rule), however, the loss of prestige and resources during the
war so that European countries can not continue to hold power–up, bringing eventually to advance
the decolonization of Asia and
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Case Report
Final Exam
Results of a fact–finding mission about the state of the war concerning the British Empire, the
German Empire, the Soviet Socialist Republics, the Kingdom of Italy, and the Empire of Japan. The
fact–finding mission was conducted at the request of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt for the
planning of future American diplomatic and military policies. The objective of the mission was to
evaluate each of the major parties currently engaged in armed conflict and create an action plan
based of the combined results of the evaluation. Each evaluation examines the diplomatic, military,
economic, and territorial state of each Country as well as any potential dangers that may be
presented to the security and interests of the United ... Show more content on ...
A founding member of the Axis Alliance, the German Empire is militarily aligned with the Kingdom
of Italy and The Empire of Japan. A close ally of the Kingdom of Italy, the German Empire has
consistently supported the Italian campaigns in both Africa the Balkans. Militarily, the German
armed forces is primarily composed of the Heer (army), the Luftwaffe (air force), and the
Kreigsmarine (navy). Recently, the Luftwaffe lost the battle of Britain conceding a decisive victory
to the RAF. Though recently defeated, The Luftwaffe proved deadly effective on the eastern front.
The main focus of the Kriegsmarine has been the constant and unrelenting blockade of Britain in the
battle of the Atlantic. To great results, the U–boat "wolfpacks" have sunk hundreds of thousands of
tons of shipping since the onset of the war. The majority of the Heer, however, is heavily engaged
along the German border with The Soviet Union. In June the Axis launched operation Barbarossa,
the invasion of the Soviet Union with over 5 million troops. Currently, the Soviet Union is losing an
immense amount of supplies, troops, and territory. The soviets have already suffered over two
million casualties and have been pushed back over 400 miles in some areas. Seemingly dominant in
all counts, the German Economy however struggles to supply their war machine
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Differences Of The Tension Between The United States And...
There is many reason that caused the tension between the United States and the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republic (known as the USSR or Soviet Union) which in turn caused the cold war in 1945.
The main reason where the differences between the two caused tension was that the Americans were
in fear of a communist attack while the Soviet Union had a fear of the atomic bomb which the
United States had. I feel like the main issues where cause by these two things. Fear does strange
things to people.
The Soviet Union had done many things which caused tension between them and the United States.
The Soviet Union had a strong dislike for capitalism and were afraid that the American were going
to attack them with the atomic bomb. I feel like the reason
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Korean Liaison Office
Overview After World War II the United States armed forces and intelligence agencies were affected
by force reduction and spending cuts. With communism looming in Europe the remaining
intelligence personnel started focusing their attention back towards their traditional geographic area
of Europe. Yet, Korea was becoming a hotbed of activity. The United States was forced to figure out
what to do with the country after Japan's withdrawal, in addition to the fighting happening along the
Chinese–Korean border. Eventually a resolution was establish; the Soviet Union would assists the
Koreans north of the 38th parallel, and the United States would assist to the south. A few years after
this agreement, the United States pulled out and handed ... Show more content on ...
One lesson is to understand both individual and group perceptions. Perceptions are "strongly
influenced by" past experiences. Since the military and political leaders during the Korean War were
largely the same leaders in place during Pearl Harbor and WWII, the perception they had fell in line
with their past experiences. The United States had already formulated their opinion about the Soviet
Union and its control over the communist countries. Even though new information presented itself
before the beginning of the war and through the invasion of China, the mindset of the military
leaders was already established, and they were resistant to change. In order to combat falling into
preconceived perceptions an analyst needs to outline the assumptions and inferences made through
the course of
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Soviet Union Effects
Effects of the fall of the Soviet Union Founded in December of 1922 after five years of Civil War,
the Soviet Union was a collection of countries united by communism. It lasted 69 years before
collapsing from numerous internal issues and outside influence. Some of the numerous causes of its
collapse include the introduction of western ideas, stagnation of the economy following the invasion
of Afghanistan, loss of the Eastern Satellite states of Poland and East Germany, and reforms that
opened up the country to outside influence. The Fall of the Soviet Union has had many effects,
including establishing the United States as the sole superpower, the rise of Vladimir Putin, the
collapse of the Russian Economy and Putin's rise to power, the Gulf ... Show more content on ...
The soviets invaded to install a communist government in Afghanistan, but faced steep opposition.
Sticking to the Truman Doctrine president Bush Sr. sent military aid to the Afghans, and after 10
years, the soviets withdrew because they were on the verge of collapse. When the soviets left a
power vacuum was created, with Al–Qaeda eventually becoming the strongest power. Unlike the
afghan rebels the US supported, Al–Qaeda was hostile to any western power, and began a Jihad
against the West. The rise of Al–Qaeda allowed events like 9/11 and the London train Bombings to
occur. Because of the Soviet invasion, radical terrorist groups became powerful, with the effects of
them still being felt
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  • 1. The Economic Crisis And The Arms Race The economic crisis and the Arms Race were the major reasons of the collapse of the Soviet Union and the fall had a big impact on today's politics. The Soviet Union was formed in 1922. It consisted of 15 Soviet Republics (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belorussia, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kirgizia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldavia, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan). The main ideologies were communism and Socialism. One of the most prominent leaders of the Union was Joseph Stalin. The Soviet Union was one of the leading empires in the world at that period of time. The Communism is the ideology that replaces private property with public ownership and individual needs are replaced by collective one. It is the advanced form of Socialism. In the 1970's and 1980's The Soviet Union was very stable. It seemingly was strong politically and was acquiring even greater power and influence. But in reality there were many economic problems for the Soviet Empire. The central pillar of Soviet Economy was central planning and subsequent lack of individual creativity, lack of incentives for increased productivity. According to Soviet worker, the government pretended that they paid people and people pretended that they worked. The system was based on lies, it seemingly was successful but in reality it was failing. The Soviet Union had other, more important problems which led to the economic crisis. 70% of the industrial output of the Soviet Union was ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Joseph Stalin: Dictator Of The Union Soviet Socialists... Joseph Stalin ruled as dictator of the Union Soviet Socialists Republic (USSR) from 1929–1923. Stalin manipulated and outmanoeuvred his political opponents for control of the party. During his rule Stalin used terror and violence to transform the Soviet Union from a peasant society to an industrial and military superpower, killing millions along the way (–stalinv). Stalin was born in rural Georgia, Russia in 1879. By the time of his birth, the Georgia nation had become disaffected by the years of Russian domination through the forced assimilation of ethnic minorities and suppression of its distinctive culture under tsarist rule (Joseph Stalin, A Biographical Companion). Stalin attended a seminary school where he began secretly reading the works of Karl Marx and became interested in the revolutionary movement against the Russian monarchy. Stalin was eventually expelled from the seminary for missing too many exams. After Stalin was expelled he began taking part in labor strikes and demonstrations, which eventually led him to join the Bolsheviks (a militant wing of the Marxist Social Democratic,) led by Vladimir Lenin. In 1912, Lenin ... Show more content on ... Trotsky was away at the time of Lenin's death so Stalin telegraphed him to inform him of the news and said the funeral would be held immediately, so there was no point traveling back to Moscow for the funeral. This is the first major example of Stalin's manipulation techniques; he successfully forced Trotsky to be absent for the funeral. Stalin played a prominent and public role in mourning Lenin's death, again using manipulation to his advantage; only this time he is manipulating the people of Russia. Stalin's death did bring difficulties to Stalin: Lenin's Testament had a warning against Stalin and suggested he be removed from leadership. However, Stalin's allies came to his defence and Trotsky stayed silent, allowing Stalin to keep his position as General ... Get more on ...
  • 3. A Letter About the Fall of The Soviet Union Dear Comrade My cherished friend, I regret to inform you that our beloved Soviet society has ceased to exist. Our solid red flag with its magnificent gold emblem of the hammer and sickle flew above the Kremlin for the very last time on Christmas day, 1991. Prior to this gloomy day, eleven of the fifteenth Soviet republics that once made up the strong and prosperous Soviet Union, met in Alma–Ata, Kazakhstan, to announce that they would no longer partake in the Soviet Union, and had created a Commonwealth of independent states. Our Baltic brothers: Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia were the first to break apart, while Georgia remained as the last republic in the Soviet Union. I have served the Soviet Union as Minister of Foreign Affairs ... Show more content on ... One can easily admit that the Party had failed to properly economically plan the needs of each state. The Soviet Union economy was complex and massive, it became an impossible task for the state planners to manage, as they did not want to grant and create more managerial levels that would proceed to the local level resulting in failed timely attempts to the constant changes the economy was going through. Since the Soviet economy was based on state planning, it failed in encouraging innovation and motivating productivity. Managers would also alter numbers in order to produce the quotas that they were required to meet. The growth of the Soviet economy had been in a constant decline since the 1950's and this progressed to the 1980's. This was a clear sign that the Soviet economy was in need of a complete economic overhaul. Gorbachev succeeded power in March, 1985 and became General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist party of the Soviet Union. His main goal was to revive the Soviet economy, and he strongly believed that success was tied to loosening the governments control and creating a system that included less government intervention and more freedom to allow private initiatives. This new market economy would allow for private enterprise, which what Gorbachev believed would create more innovation. For the first time since 1920's, individuals were able to own and create businesses. ... Get more on ...
  • 4. How Did Mikhail Gorbachev Modernize The Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev was the seventh and final President, the last Head of State, and the last General Secretary of the Soviet Union and also the final Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet. Gorbachev tried to introduce new economic, social and political reforms to the Soviet Union. These reforms were very different to those current in place from the Communism ideals. Although Mikhail Gorbachev didn't intend to cause the collapse the Soviet Union, the attempts he made to strengthen and modernise the Soviet Union ultimately lead to its downfall. As communism and central power was the basis that held together the Soviet Union, Gorbachev's 'Perestroika' acted against these factors causing the collapse of the Soviet Union. Communism was introduced in Russia in 1917 following the Russian Revolution and the takeover of Vladimir Lenin and the Bolshevik party. They introduced a Union of Soviet Republics based on communism, they ... Show more content on ... Gorbachev changed the Soviet foreign policies and began to travel around to other nations easing tensions and assuring that the Soviet Union is not a threat any longer, the changes to the foreign policy led to the democratization of much of Eastern Europe and ultimately ending the Cold War. However these changes in foreign policies removed ideological enemies causing a weakness in the Soviet ideology over the people. Gorbachev did not believe in using force to strengthen his control, this was also a major downfall as the republics nationalism began to increase weakening the Soviet Union. With Gorbachev's methods of easing tensions and assuring foreign nations that the USSR is no longer a threat, the people no longer feared the government, fear is essential to controlling people in a communist society, this further decreased the power of the ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Gorbachev And The Soviet Union This is a photo of Gorbachev giving a speech. Mikhail Gorbachev became Secretary General of the Soviet Union in 1985, until he resigned in 1991. Gorbachev was much younger than the previous leaders of the Soviet Union and had many ideas for reforms. After entering office, Gorbachev began to implement a wide range of reforms. He sought to correct many problems in the Soviet Union, including economic problems, the issues and history of harsh punishments against dissidents, and unrest among the different groups that made up the Soviet Union. Gorbachev began to encourage a culture of openness and honesty between the government and the Soviet people. This policy was known as "glasnost". Gorbachev also instituted a reform of restructuring the ... Show more content on ... As the United States and the Soviet Union began to normalise their relationship, many people in the Soviet republics began to feel that they no longer needed to be part of the Soviet Union for protection against a military threat. President Richard Nixon and Soviet Premier Leonid Brezhnev began this process of détente in an attempt to pull back from the threat of nuclear war and to begin increased trade between the United States and the Soviet Union. Détente made people feel safer as it decreased the threat of nuclear war and included formal agreements on arms control and the security of Europe. However, détente contributed to the fall of the Soviet Union as some of the Soviet republics decided that they no longer needed to be part of the Soviet Union for protection against a military threat. Therefore, they gradually realised that if they did not need that protection, then they did not need the Soviet Union at all. Consequently, détente planted the seeds for some of the Soviet republics to dream of independence. This photograph is the mark of the Polish Trade Union, Solidarity. The symbol of the Solidarity movement became renown throughout the world. In 1980, the Solidarity movement began in Poland and set the stage for a weakening of Soviet Communist power. Solidarity was a trade union started in the shipyards of ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Soviet Union Failures Since the fall of the Soviet Union, a multitude of factors has been attributed as the cause of its disintegration, including, but not limited to: a failing economy, political fracturing, and ethnic cleavages. In this paper I will argue that the dissolution of the Soviet Union resulted from a combination of variables beginning with Gorbachev's economic and social reform policies. These reforms brought to light the internal political factions in Soviet leadership thus leading to the exploitation of ethno–national divisions by officials seeking greater leadership and more power. Therefore, ethnic divisions within the Soviet Union did not make disintegration inevitable, but were rather a politically efficient lens for leaders to use in order to ... Show more content on ... From economic stagnation and decline, to fissures within the Soviet leadership, to the manipulation and nurturing of nationalist values from politicians throughout the Soviet republics. These variables joined together culminate a plausible explanation as to why the Soviet Union collapsed, but one variable could not generate enough damage alone. The argument that ethnic divisions caused the disintegration of the Soviet Union is no more feasible than the argument that the Soviet Union's disintegration was unavoidable. In his article Leon Aron states, "Nothing in history is automatic or inevitable. The fact that something happened means neither that it had to happened nor that it could have happened only in the way that it did" (Aron, p. 25). This statement rings true to the collapse of the Soviet Union, for its dissolution was not predicable nor was it expected, but it happened nonetheless. As Treisman's argues, "it was a series of accidents and bungling responses" which in the end culminated in the toppling of one of the 20th century's greatest global ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Soviet Union Of Soviet Republics Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, former Soviet republics have been forced to undertake the harrowing task of achieving stability for their citizens and developing their own identities independent from the former hegemon. Some, such as Poland, have been successful in this regard, while others, such as Georgia, have been less fortunate. For Ukraine, a vast agricultural country with centuries–old ties to Russia, answers to the questions of stability and identity have been uncertain ones. In spring 2014, following the Ukrainian Revolution in which pro–Russian president Viktor Yanukovych was deposed and replaced by Olexander Turchnyov, Russian forces invaded Crimea after signing an accession treaty on March 18. Throughout the year, this conflict escalated with violence between pro–Russian militants along with Russian forces and Ukrainian military and thousands of deaths. The violence in Crimea, where Russians have an ethnic majority of 58%, and eastern Ukraine began to dissipate in late September when Russian military commenced a withdrawal from Ukraine. The violence intensified again in early November when pro–Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine held new elections supported by Russia and denounced by Ukraine, the United States, and the European Union. This is an issue that has vast economic repercussions for powerful eurozone countries such as Germany, whose GDP growth rate fell to 0.4% in the second quarter, and who has 300,000 jobs that rely on Russian ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Korean War And Its Effects On Korea Kim Jong–un, North Korea's leader, is currently testing weapons of mass destruction and threatening to aim them at the United States. The Democratic Republic of Korea is a communist dictatorship with Kim Jong–un declaring himself the Supreme Leader. The Republic of Korea, otherwise known as South Korea, is a non–communist state with Moon Jae–in as its president. It is a democratic republic with three branches of government. North Korea and South Korea were once one nation under Japan. They are now bitter enemies and have no plan to reunify due to a long history of violence between the two states starting with the end of World War II. The Cold War caused the Korean War and negatively impacted Korea's development because of the opposing ... Show more content on ... After World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union were no longer allies and both became world superpowers in their own right. Since the Joint Commission failed to establish a government to unify Korea, the country was split into North Korea and South Korea. Because of the United States and the Soviet Union not being able to build a government together, Korea was divided into North Korea and South Korea, permanently establishing their own governments. The attempt at unification failed, then each country (the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic) worked to politically influence the portion of Korea that they occupied. The Soviet Union pushed for the spread of communism and the United States pushed for a democratic and capitalistic society. The United States and the Soviet Union had many resources that allowed them to greatly influence the development of the part of Korea that they occupied. From 1948 to 1950 the Soviet Union greatly influenced communism in North Korea by supplying them with weapons and military supplies (Korean War). The weapons given to the North Koreans helped to advance them in national security. North Korea had a swift economic recovery with the outside assistance from the Soviet Union and China (Asia for Educators). This ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Essay on The Break up of Union of Soviet Socialist Republic In one week, the summer of 1991, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic, became history. The forces of reform unleashed by President Mikhail Gorbachev in the mid 1980’s generated a democratic movement. “Mr. Gorbachev may be revered for the democratic forces he unleashed– his policies of perestroika, or reconstructing, and glasnost, or openness. However, his failure to put food on Soviet tables and his reluctance to move boldly on economic reforms doomed him to be a failure'; (Sieff). His economic policies threw his country into even more turmoil and chaos, as the different nationalities used their new freedoms to move away from the union. “Gorbachev sincerely wanted to reform the communist system, but he did ... Show more content on ... Some say perestroika was “a betrayal either intended as such from the very beginning and quiet conscious, or a betrayal that just happened to occur'; (Yakovlev). While others still declare that perestroika “was stupidity, probably caused by good intentions, which resulted in an absolute lack of responsibility'; (Yakovlev). In truth, perestroika was a historical significance, which was noble in its goals but had major repercussions to the nation, as well as to its people. Gorbachev’s perestroika confirms a desire to discard the Stalinist days of forced collectivization and terror. Furthermore, it is not only a declaration of Leninist’s ideas that will insert a new dose of motivation into the national awareness, but a hopeful effort to restore trust between the people and their government.'; Perestroika is an effort to inspire Russia towards values and high standards'; (Rodrigue). However, Gorbachev’s solutions are flawed because of the “lack of an ethical framework to guide his programs'; (The Collapse of Stalinism). He did not “have a clear plan of what kind of political and social system must be created,'; says Fydor Bulatsky, a speechwriter for Krushchev, close aide of Andropov, and former advisor to Gorbachev (Sneider). Perestroika has focused on ... Get more on ...
  • 10. What Contributed To The Fall Of The Berlin Wall I convict that the fall of the Berlin Wall contributed the most to the fall of the Soviet Union because it became "the symbol of the fall of the Soviet Union and return to democracy for its republics and satellite nations". The Berlin Wall was a physical wall built up in the center of the city of Berlin to separate the Western Berliners and eastern Berliners. In 1989, The government opened the Berlin Wall for East and West Germany and removed the restrictions to travel to the West. East Berliners used sledgehammers to take down the wall. The second most important event that contributed to the fall of the Soviet Union is the Romanian Revolution, which was Romania demanding independence from the soviet control in 1989. Romanians clashed with ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Women's Rights During Ww2 During the year 1942, most of the world was occupied with World War II; for the US, it was a period of hardship, unity, sacrifice, and pain. Men were selected to go fight while women were encouraged with the "Rosie the Riveter" poster to work in areas they were not familiar with. About six million women were motivated from it and worked the jobs men usually took and jobs that contributed to helping the men who were fighting; however, women were still responsible for their daily house work. While in Germany, many Jewish people, such as Anne Frank and her family, went into hiding because Hitler was in power and was responsible for the massacre of primarily Jewish people, but also homosexuals, Jehovah Witnesses, and other individuals who had some ... Show more content on ... They wanted to abolish anything that came from the Joint Statement by President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill in August 14, 1941, which were principles given to the government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the 24th of September of the year 1941. In end to the articles, the eighth and final one promised that on that day –June 11, 1942– the treaty, or document, would take total and absolute effect until both the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics decide otherwise. It lists the day it was signed in Washington and the names of both the Secretary of State of the United States of America and the Ambassador of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics at Washington from 1942. It is without a doubt that his document – Mutual Aid Agreement between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (1942) – was intended for the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic to assisting each other through WWII. It was to equip each other with the necessities the other one lacked as well as to plan for the future, hoping to unite countries and destroy ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Berlin Wall Of The Soviet Union Berlin Blockade Berlin Wall: On August 13, 1961, the Soviet Union that controlled East Berlin (and East Germany) rolled out a wall of barbed wire overnight to separate their claims on East Berlin from the Allies that controlled west Berlin because they thought that the allies were damaging their communist regime in the East. The reason for this 'overnight barricade' was to keep the "Western fascists from undermining their city" . Families were broken apart and if you were at the wrong side of the wall at the wrong time, you would be separated from your families by a string of barbed wire that later became a giant concrete wall. This was seen as a somewhat aggressive action and immediately began making political actions to make the Soviets tear it down. When Mikhail Gorbachev became the leader of the Soviet Union, he noticed that it was causing famine and chaos in East Berlin, so he agreed to demolishing the wall that his predecessors had built. To make matters worse, it had many deadly security features that made it almost impossible to get in or out. There were around 300 watchtowers, and many gun emplacements along the wall with rounded tops that made it nearly impossible to climb over the wall. Afraid of people trying to drive through the wall, the Soviets placed many steel tank–traps along the wall. Also, to make sure that the interior of the wall was extremely safe, they planted land mines across the sides. The interior of the wall was a 20–30 meter area between ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Reasons For The Breakup Of The Soviet Union Essay The breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991 left many Eastern European countries in disarray. One such country was Czechoslovakia. It separated from the Soviet Union December 26, 1991. A few years after Czechoslovakia broke away from the Soviet Union it broke apart, in January 1, 1993. The two countries are now The Czech Republic and Slovakia. When the two countries split, it was done peacefully, without a fight or war. The Soviet Union broke up because Mikhail Gorbachev resigned from being the president of the Soviet Union. This started many conflicts and confusion. The Soviet Union could no longer keep the union together. Czechoslovakia broke up, after three years of democracy, because the cost of keeping the country together was too high. Most ... Show more content on ... The Czech Republic and Slovakia were now able to own their own businesses. They could move freely for jobs and homes. The countries are now able to vote as they wish. They did however change their language. All countries in the Soviet Union used to speak German. Now Czech is spoken in the Czech Republic and Slovak is spoken in Slovakia. The national anthem changed, both countries now have their own. In the Soviet Union the religion was Atheism, and now Czechoslovakia is free to believe whatever they want. The soviet Ruble was the currency in the Soviet Union and then it changed to the Czechoslovak Koruna and finally, when Czechoslovakia split, it changed to Czech Koruna in the Czech Republic and the Euro in Slovakia. The government in the Soviet Union was dictatorship. Now, a Parliamentary Republic is the form of government in Slovakia and Czech Republic. Although life after the Soviet Union collapsed was free, some people say it was easier to live in the Soviet Union because everything was already set and organized for you. They were not making many of their own decisions. However, when Czechoslovakia became free, the people realized that they had more freedom. They had to make decisions on their ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Russia And The Russian Federation Essay Russia, known by most as the Russian Federation, is a federal state in Eurasia. Russia is the largest country in the world at 17,075,200 square kilometres by surface area, covering more than one eighth of Earth 's inhabited land, and the ninth most populous, with over 146.6 million people as of end of March 2016. The European western part of the country is much more populated and urbanised than the East, with almost eight–tenths of the population living within the European region of Russia. Russia 's capital, Moscow is one of the largest cities in Europe and the world. Its ohter major urban cities include Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod and Samara. Extending across the entirety of Northern Asia and even most of Eastern Europe, Russia spans a total of eleven time zones and incorporates a variety environments within it. From northwest to southeast, Russia shares a number of different land borders with the following countries: Finland, Norway, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, and even North Korea. It shares maritime borders with The State of Japan by the Sea of Okhotsk and the American state of Alaska across the Bering Strait. Russia 's history began with that of the East Slavs, whom only emerged as their own distinct group in Europe somewhere between the 3rd and 8th centuries AD. Founded and ruled by a Varangian warrior and his descendants, the medieval state ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Causes Of The Soviet Union The Soviet Union [8], officially the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR[9], Russian: СССР) also known unofficially as Russia[10][11], was a socialist state in Eurasia that existed from 1922 to 1991. Nominally a union of multiple equal national Soviet republics,[a] its government and economy were highly centralized. The country was a one–party state, governed by the Communist Party with Moscow as its capital in its largest republic, the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. The Russian nation had constitutionally equal status among the many nations of the union but exerted de facto dominance in various respects.[12] Other major urban centres were Leningrad, Kiev, Minsk, Alma–Ata and Novosibirsk. The Soviet Union was one of ... Show more content on ... In June 1941, Germany invaded the Soviet Union, opening the largest and bloodiest theater of war in history. Soviet war casualties accounted for the highest proportion of the conflict in the effort of acquiring the upper hand over Axis forces at intense battles such as Stalingrad and Kursk. The territories overtaken by the Red Army became satellite states of the USSR; the postwar division of Europe into capitalist and communist halves would lead to increased tensions with the West, led by the United States. The Cold War emerged by 1947, as the Eastern Bloc, united under the Warsaw Pact in 1955, confronted the Western Bloc, united under NATO in 1949. Following Stalin's death in 1953, a period of political and economic liberalization, known as "de–Stalinization" and "Khrushchev's Thaw", occurred under the leadership of Nikita Khrushchev. The Soviet Union took an early lead in the Space Race, with the first artificial satellite and the first human spaceflight. In the 1970s, there was a brief détente of relations with the United States, but tensions resumed with the Soviet–Afghan War in 1979. In the mid–1980s, the last Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, sought to reform and liberalize the economy through his policies of glasnost and perestroika. The Cold War ended during his tenure, and in 1989, Soviet satellite states in Eastern Europe overthrew their respective communist governments. ... Get more on ...
  • 16. What Was The Fall Of The Soviet Union Fall of Soviet Union In December of 1991, the Soviet Union separated into fifteen distinctive countries. Its collapse was enthusiastically greeted by the west as a triumph for freedom. This is a victory of democracy over totalitarianism. The US celebrated as its dreadful enemy defeated, thereafter ending the Cold War, which had fought between two superpowers, America and Soviet Union, since the end of World War II. Cory Booker says, "If you look at great human civilizations, from the Roman Empire to the Soviet Union, you will see that most do not fail simply due to external threats but because of internal weakness, corruption, or a failure to manifest the values and ideals they espouse". In reality, the disintegration of the Soviet Union ... Show more content on ... Eventually, the planning of Communism, which the Soviet sought to instill in its population, never established, and eventually all the influence it had originally carried vanished. By the time of the 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev take over control of Soviet Union. He was the Soviet Union's last leader. " This split the scientific community up into factions and promoted conflict. It permitted him to intervene and take sides whenever deemed necessary" (Martin McCauley. The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union). The country was in a state of serious inactivity, with severe economic and political dispute, which were required to be fix and conquered. Knowing this deep in mind, Gorbachev initiated a policy of reform. First ,he proposed a policy of freedom of speech. Next, he started a plan of economic reform known as perestroika, rebuilding. However, Gorbachev did not noticed that by offering people complete freedom of speech, he was unintentionally released emotions and political feelings that had been hold up for decades. Also, it seemed to be exceedingly powerful when brought out into the open. Moreover, his policy of economic reform did not have the obvious results he had anticipated for and had publicly conjectured. The Soviet people eventually utilized their recently granted freedom of speech to criticize Gorbachev for his deficiency to boost the economy. The decentralization of the Soviet Union began on the border, ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Failure Of The Soviet Union There is a myriad of factors that accounted for the dissolution of the USSR, and the consolidation of capitalist superiority from 1991 onwards after the fall of an autocracy, and demise of a disunited provisional government. The official declaration of the termination of the Soviet Union was December 26 1991; this collapse was addressed by the west as the defeat of communism, and the end of the Cold War. To understand how and why this previously prosperous nation came to fall it is important to look at the major factors contributing to this disarray. I will examine the economic and ethnic problems the Soviet Union faced, as well as the problems with those in power. After the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, the newly formed government had a philosophy ... Show more content on ... Communism is described as " a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state. " In some countries this system worked, but what the Soviet Union failed to do was to instill the ideology of Communism into the heart and minds of its population, an anonymous Soviet citizen said, "They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work," Showing the lack of motivation amongst the citizens, and lack of enthusiasm in the system. Not only was there no productivity, but also in the middle of the 1980's approximately seventy percent of industrial output of the Soviet Union was going to the military, causing severe shortages of the industrial goods for the rest of the economy, and failing to meet the needs of the State resulting in acute poverty. In the end the Soviet people became more cynical about their government and only felt distrust towards them, this and the fact that the Soviet Union failed to produce a stable economy led to economic decline, eventually demanding the necessity to ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Gorbachev And The Fall Of The Soviet Union Gorbachev and the fall of the Soviet Union The Soviet Union was an empire centered in Moscow, Russia. The Soviet Union consisted of more than just Russia, it consisted of fifteen sovereign republics, and its formal title was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. In addition to the 15 sovereign republics that comprised the Soviet Union after World War II there was also the Soviet Outer Empire. The Soviet Union Outer Empire was commonly referred to as the Soviet Bloc, which consisted of East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria. The Soviet empire extended from Berlin in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east. The Soviet Union was a communist country, meaning that the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, herein referred to as CPSU, exercised absolute rule. The Communist Party controlled both the government and the economy. The Soviet Union's economy was based on a centrally planned economy, which was composed every five years at the CPSU Party Congress. Despite early successes under Stalin, the five–year plan system proved to be a mistake. The plans that were produced were unrealistic, and inconsistent with sound economic policy. The ideology that motivated people in the early years of the Soviet Union started to fail to serve as sufficient motivation, and without further incentives, the workforce remained unmotivated and inefficient. In addition to the failures of the planned economy, the people who ran the party were thoroughly corrupt, ... Get more on ...
  • 19. As with many important historical events throughout... As with many important historical events throughout history the dissolution of the Soviet Union had many contributing forces. However, most historians agree that the main contributor was Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and the many radical reforms he implemented during the six years he was the leader of the USSR. Even though the official dissolution took place in December 1991, the Soviet Union's demise began to take form in the 1980s. In order to understand why the Soviet Union dissolved it is important to have a clear picture of its history and political climate. The Soviet State was established in 1917 when revolutionary Bolsheviks overthrew the Russian Czar establishing a socialist state in territories that once belonged to the ... Show more content on ... Western countries including the United States grew more suspicious and distrustful of the Soviet Union. The Cold War had begun. Stalin would further isolate the Soviet Union with the building of the Berlin Wall which divided Germany into two countries, East Germany being communist and under Soviet control. After Stalin's death in 1953 Soviet leaders acknowledged that his policies were brutal and extreme, but maintained the Communist party's power in the Soviet Union. The use of military force to suppress anticommunism behavior became commonplace. Instead of focusing on domestic problems and needs, the Communist government focused on the Cold War. Another obsession became the arms race. This became a costly and destructive obsession. During the early 1980s the Soviet Union would have three leaders in less than three years. Brezhnev, Andropov, and Chernenko were all solid communist leaders, but also older and all died within their first year of office. In March 1985 a communist reformer named Mikhail Gorbachev was appointed as the Soviet Union's last president. The Soviet government knew they couldn't afford another short term leader. Gorbachev was fifty four was he took office. When Gorbachev assumed power the Soviet Union was in a state of stagnation. Gorbachev wanted to reform the economy and modernize the political structure. In order to help the Soviet Union prosper Gorbachev introduced three policies of reform. These policies were glasnost, perestroika, and ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact And Its Consequences In 1921, all the Baltics state had fought for liberation and it had been awarded. The West was a key factor in securing this independence, as they promised international ousting if Germany or the Soviet Union should try to reincorporate any of the three Baltics. The Baltics signed non–aggression pacts with the Soviet Union when it was feared that they would be threatened, but they did not have enough power on their own to resist Soviet forces. In the summer of 1940, the Soviets decided they had the power to take over the three Baltic nations and eventually convinced Latvia and Estonia to allow military and government occupation and Lithuania soon followed. This was seen as the worst possible outcome, as it meant Stalinist rule, communism, and a lack of independence they had fought so hard for. ... Show more content on ... The main premises of the pact were that Germany and the Soviet Union would not attack each and that they would not support or join any alliances or treaties with nations to indirectly attack each other. Additionally, the nations agreed to work together on issues concerning on another and to negotiate all issues between one another. The treaty was signed to last for ten years. However, the most prominent part of this pact was that eastern europe would be split between the two nations so as not to cause conflict. With this part of the pact, the Soviet Union was given the Baltics as part of their "sphere of influence" and thus they assumed it was there to take. When the Baltics were annexed by the Soviet Union and reincorporated into the USSR in 1940, many blamed this ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Soviet Union And The Central Asian Republics Topic 1: Evaluate the extent to which the Soviet Union was successful in transforming the traditional tribal and clan identities in the Central Asian Republics? Introduction Central Asia, also known the middle Asia is the core region of Asian continent, which stretches from the Caspian Sea in the east to China in the West and from the South to the Afghanistan and Russia in the North (Collins, 2002). The Soviet Union was a socialist state in that existed between 1922 and 1991, in Eurasia. The union was a one party federation, the communist party and with its capital in Moscow. It had multiple sub–national republics with its economy and the government being highly centralised. It had its roots in the revolution of 1917 October. The Soviet ... Show more content on ... Those observers who valued cultural preconditions would have expected a new Asia to be underwritten from Asian values or a theocracy from Islamic values or Leninist legacy to perpetuate something like the Soviet regime. The theorists who did see the modernisation of the economy were also doubtful when it came to the popular government in the region (Vladislav, 2009). The Soviet Central Asia 's most important economic indicators saw it as notably higher than Africa and South Asia and still came out nearing the bottom of the post–communist world with much of rural economies and less of a middle class (Robert, 2009). The high level of literacy in Central Asia although suggested that democratic beliefs and civil society could emerge. This seemed unlikely to outweigh other legacies, but the preconditions thinking of every stripe anticipated uniformity of regimes and at the same time a uniformly nondemocratic regime all across the post–Soviet Central Asia. Even if the future was projected along the continued communism of even continued disagreements along ethnicity and Islam remained oblivious, one thing was certain that democracy transition of any kind was not likely. All in all a transition began later on in Kyrgyzstan. As from 2002, all the five Central Asian states are under one form or another of authoritarian rule (Bishkek, 2014). To suggest that there are limits in the transition is ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Soviet Union Dbq Essay Over the years that the soviet union was active, they had many achievements to be proud of. However some of these achievements are not recognized or are so miniscule in soviet textbooks that no one pays any attention to the topic. The Soviet Union had a lot of pride in themselves so it only makes sense to put more emphasis into these three topics, geographic expansion, military strengths, and socio economic accomplishments. The Soviet Union was great at all three of these areas and showed the world how great they truly were. The Soviet Union was one of the largest countries in the world.the soviet union had a total of twenty–nine republics. Many people think that because you don't have the most have states or republics that the country isn't as big (doc. b). The soviet union had a total of eighty million six hundred forty nine thousand square miles(doc. b). That's enough to fit two Americas. thats huge. With this land they would intimidate every country in the army. ... Show more content on ... They were a superpower. Praised among other countries. One of the reasons, the main why they had one of the strongest armies was because they spent the most money. The Soviet Union used one hundred and sixty five billion dollars on their military. That was eleven percent of their gross national product. the United States used one hundred and thirty one billion dollars which is five percent of their gross national product. The more the soviet union spent on their military the more missiles and nuclear arsenal were obtained by the soviet union. The USSR ( the Soviet Union) had seventy thousand eight hundred thirty six total megatonnage of nuclear arsenal compared to the United States three thousand two hundred and fifty three(doc. b). Thats over half of their nuclear ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Disparity Between Republics Brittany The Disparity Between Post–Soviet Republics The collapse of the U.S.S.R signaled the end of an era. The effects of the dissolution were felt all over the world, causing many international relationships to be completely re–evaluated ("Fall of the Soviet Union", The Cold War Museum). Although the severe shift in the global political situation shocked many, the aftermath of the fall of the Soviet Union was felt most strongly in the countries which had been a part of it. The dissolution meant what had been one solidified nation was once again fifteen separate entities who must work to rebuild themselves in a new world. However, when we look at the former Soviet republics now, the disparity between their growth is obvious. Why is it ... Show more content on ... The Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) announced their independence and signaled a rapid end to Gorbachev's Soviet Union. Revolutions gradually swept through the Soviet Republics until in 1991 when representative members from the remaining republics, excluding Georgia, met and decided to dissolve the U.S.S.R. and in its place create the Commonwealth of Independent States. Georgia joined later in 1993, but then pulled out of the organization 15 years afterwards in 2008 ("Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)", Global ... Get more on ...
  • 24. History And History Of Russia Russia has a rich history filled with over 100 nationalities from around the world. Our History began with East Slavs who were Slavic people who spoke Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian. We evolved from the medieval state of Kievan Rus into Russian, Ukrainian and Belorussian people during the 17th century. Russia is the largest country and the most diverse in the world. The USSR was formed after the collapse of the rule of tsars of the Russian empire due to the revolutions of 1917 which were a series of revolutions that swept Russia due to building social and political unrest. The February revolutions lead to the overthrow of Tsar Nicholas II and an installment of a leftist provisional government. The October revolution resulted in the ... Show more content on ... Stalin Helped to win World war II against Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. The Soviet Union tested its first atomic bomb in 1949 after the United States dropped 2 on Japan to get them to surrender, The Soviet Union became the world's 2nd superpower after the United States. Due to increased tension between the United States and the Soviet Union about communism and democratic European countries, the cold war and Nuclear arms race began. The nuclear arms race was a competition for dominance in the ownership of Nuclear weapons. This led to the Cuban missile crisis which almost invoked a full–scale war between the United States and the Soviet Union. The Soviet union found out that the United States was storing Nuclear weapons in Italy and Turkey which were close in proximity to the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union decided that we were going to store Nuclear weapons in Cuba which was close in proximity to the United States. The US ordered a blockade on the area and this almost invokes a nuclear war between the US Navy and a Soviet Union Submarine. The Soviet Union and the United States agreed to remove the missiles from Turkey, Italy, and Cuba which ended the crisis peacefully. The Soviet Union formally collapsed in 1991 and Russia became an independent federation. The capital of Russia remained in Moscow. Russia is a constitutional republic has their form of government which is a semi–presidential system. As the head of state and head of government, the prime minister ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Fall of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic By the mid 1980's, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics also known as the Soviet Union, or the USSR was weakening under pressure from many different sources. These sources collimated in 1989 with the fall of the Berlin Wall, the disintegration of the Warsaw Pact, and ultimately, the fall of the Soviet Union itself in 1991. With these events, the USSR saw its division into the Russian Federation, and the 13 independent republics that we see today. This time period was one of uncertainty, and the result was one that even the best intelligence agencies in the West would not predict. Ultimately, the fall of the Soviet Union, as sudden as it was, should have been predicted by the West and sent shockwaves around the world. The aftershocks of this collapse are still present to this day, more than twenty years later. Though the question of what caused the Soviet Union's collapse is simple in and of itself, its answer is far more complex and requires books to fully discuss. The aim of this paper however is to surmise the largest causes of the collapse of the Soviet Union, as well as to see how they were interrelated as well as how they interacted with each other. The causes to be discussed are as diverse as they are deep, ranging from faltering economies, to social unrest, and from increases in defense spending in relation to the West and the war in Afghanistan, to political pressure from unlikely actors. On the eve of the fall of the Soviet Union, its satellite states had ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The European Union And The Union Of Soviet Socialist... In this essay I will discuss how the EU that we know today come to be, what are is advantages and disadvantages. Europe had dominated the global trade, banking and finance, its empires had stretched across the word and its military powers had been unquestioned. From this high Europe was brought down to lows of the devastation of the Second World War; a war that left 40 million people dead. It destroyed countries, cities were left in ruin and agricultural production halved, leaving many people to rationing their food. This all meant terrible news for Europe's global influence and power leading to the emergence of two huge superpowers the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic. This is what gave birth to the European Union, an idea conceived by Jean Monnet. The European Union is set up with the aim of ending the wars between neighbors, which culminated in the Second World War. In particular France and Germany who had be at war with other 3 times in less than 3 decades. As of 1950, the European Coal and Steel Community begin to unite European countries economically and politically in order to secure lasting peace. The six founding countries are Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. The 1950s are dominated by a cold war between east and west. Protests in Hungary against the Communist regime are put down by Soviet tanks in 1956. In 1957, the Treaty of Rome creates the European Economic Community (EEC), or 'Common Market'. ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The History of Sino-Soviet Relations Essay I. Introduction The history of Sino–Soviet relations can be traced back hundreds of years, starting with the initial Mongol invasion and devastation of the Kievan Rus' principalities in the mid–thirteenth century. With time, the rise of the Russian Empire and Czarist rule reversed the infrastructural and cultural destruction caused by the Mongol hordes; by the advent of the twentieth century, the reformed Russian state had begun encroaching on Chinese territory while holding a very strong, influential grasp on the slowly collapsing Imperial Chinese regime. However, with the success of the Russian Revolution in 1917, the creation of the Soviet Union, and the institution of a communist government and administration, the nature of ... Show more content on ... For the next couple of decades, until the eventual dissolution of the USSR, this strained relationship and antagonism continued and did not normalize due to unresolved conflicts in ideology, international politics, and differing national interests and philosophies. II. Creation and Expansion of Communism To better understand the nature of Sino–Soviet relations in the twentieth century, one must analyze the emergence of communism in the respective nations of Russia and China. Communism was first developed by German philosopher Karl Marx in the 1800s, and is defined as a socioeconomic policy structured around the common ownership of property in the absence of any social distinctions such as class, wealth, or race. Marx saw this arrangement as the zenith of human society, the paragon of interaction where the resources of economic production are fully socialized and everything, from basic nutrition to education, is freely allocated based on necessity. These egalitarian doctrines and policies of social, economic, and political freedom greatly appeased to the working–class populations in politically oppressed regions of the world, especially in the situations of the repressed poor and peasant classes of early twentieth–century Russian and Chinese societies. A. Spread of Communism Into Russia Although serfdom was abolished in 1861, the Russian societal climate at the dawn of the twentieth century was a breeding ground for revolutionary ideas and beliefs ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Comparing Orwell's Animal Farm And The Soviet Union George Orwell's Animal Farm tells the story of barn animals that desire, and achieve, independence from the humans. However, their ideal paradise is lost and things only get worse for them all. With various references laced within the story, it is clear that Orwell's idea is not a typical fiction novel. From a historical perspective, it can be seen that Animal Farm is a reference to Stalin and his reign over the Soviet Union. This is revealed through the events of the story, the side characters, and Napoleon. The events in Animal Farm mimic the ways that the Soviet Union came to be and decisions that caused major changes. One of those events was the struggle of power in the new Soviet Union. Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky fought for control ... Show more content on ... Stalin was very suspicious and paranoid of the world and the people around him. "He would do whatever was necessary for his own survival, including murder men, women, and children, and condemn whole nations of innocent people" (Rees). He would rather have other people die than to have himself betrayed. Similarly, Napoleon had a public execution of the traitors in the farm (Orwell 76). He feared that their uprising would demean his rules. They both killed their traitors to set an example for the remaining people not to go against their rules or face the consequences. Another way they are similar is because of their treatment of the prior rules. Stalin removed his opposition in the government and was the only one left (Rees). This enabled him to manipulate the laws to his own will and led to a dictatorship. Similarly to this, Napoleon also removed the prior rules. Old Major's speech was the basis of the old rules such as, no animal shall kill another or no animal shall sleep in a bed. Later on, Napoleon removed all of those rules and replaced it with his one rule, "All animals are equal but some are more equal than others" (Orwell 118). The last thing that connects the two is their major plans. Stalin created the Five–Year Plan that, "Emphasized the production of capital" (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). It forced the people to work mainly on the project and not on anything for themselves. Napoleon also had an idea of a ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Collapse of the Soviet Union Essay The Collapse of the Soviet Union The Soviet Union was a global superpower, possessing the largest armed forces on the planet with military bases from Angola in Africa, to Vietnam in South–East Asia, to Cuba in the Americas. When Mikhail Gorbachev succeeded Konstantin Chernenko as General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in March 1985, nobody expected than in less than seven years the USSR would disintergrate into fifteen separate states. Gorbachev's attempt at democratising the totalitarian Soviet system backfired on him as the Soviet republics began to revolt against Moscow's control. This was not a case of economic and political crisis producing liberalisation and democratisation. ... Show more content on ... In January 1987, Gorbachev called for demokratizatsiya (democratization) – the infusion of democratic elements such as multicandidate elections into the Soviet political process. In June 1988, at the CPSU's Nineteenth Party Conference, Gorbachev launched radical reforms meant to reduce party control of the government apparatus. In December 1988, the Supreme Soviet approved the formation of a Congress of People's Deputies, which constitutional amendments had established as the Soviet Union's new legislative body. Abroad, Gorbachev sought to improve relations and trade with the West. On October 11 1986, Gorbachev and U.S. President Ronald Reagan met in Reykjavik, Iceland, to discuss reducing intermediate–range nuclear weapons in Europe. This led to the signing of the Intermediate–Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty in 1987. In February 1988, Gorbachev announced the withdrawal of Soviet forces from Afghanistan, which was completed the following year. Also during 1988, Gorbachev announced that the Soviet Union would abandon the Brezhnev Doctrine, and allow the Warsaw Pact nations to determine their own internal affairs. He jokingly called his new doctrine the Sinatra Doctrine. This led to the string of revolutions in Eastern Europe throughout 1989 in which communism collapsed. With the exception of Romania, the democratic revolutions were all peaceful ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Soviet Union Experienced A Sudden And Unexpected Collapse In December of 1991, the Soviet Union experienced a sudden and unexpected collapse. What is even more shocking about all of this is the fact that this collapse took place in just a matter of days. A Union that was once a superpower of a state was reduced to nothing in no time at all. There are a number of explanations for this sudden collapse, and each tells us a little bit more about the nature of political power, governance, and the factors that lead to perceptions of legitimacy within a government. Responding to fears that the Soviet Union was disintegrating, Gorbachev increased the number of conservative Communists in his inner circle and reduced the number of departments and personnel in the Secretariat (Suny 505, 506). Unfortunately, he was not able to replace these positions; instead, Gorbachev formed the Council of the Federation and a Cabinet of Ministers in an attempt to improve the situation in the Union. Eventually it became evident that these structures were not doing anything to help what was going on, as presidential decrees were ignored, young men refused to enter the draft, and local officials were paying very little attention to the news and orders coming from Moscow (Suny 506). The members that made up these new institutions had strong ties to the Soviet republics, and because of this there was a growing discontent with the way things were being handled. The period between 1990 and 1991 presented Soviet leaders with two major issues: reviving the economy ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Vaclav Havel Research Paper Vaclav Havel was the last president of Czechoslovakia and the first of the Czech Republic, after communism ended in Czechoslovakia and the country split. He began his political career as a writer and a political dissident. When he was 40 years old, Havel was thrown into prison for leading a political movement called Charter 77, which gained much popularity among Czechs, as it was signed by hundreds of people. Charter 77 was a movement that criticized the government for human rights abuse. After he was released from jail, he continued to aid anti–communist movements. As communism began to stumble in 1989, he took advantage and became the chief negotiator of the Velvet Revolution, a peaceful transition of power in 1989 that gave Vaclav Havel ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Perestroika Reform And Glasnost Policy Programs Under Mikhail Gorbachev the Soviet Union underwent massive social, political and economic reform that drifted away from communist ideology and this ultimately lead to the collapse of the Soviet Union and failure of communism in Eastern Europe. This essay will focus on how the Perestroika reform and Glasnost policy programs as well as other external and internal pressures contributed to the failure of communism under Gorbachev. The aim of the Perestroika and Glasnost reforms was to restructure and strengthen the Soviet political and economic system and provide more freedom and democracy within the Soviet Union while strengthening Communism. However, these changes had achieved exactly what they aimed to prevent when they were first elaborated and led to the failure of communism and collapse of the Soviet Union. While focusing on the policies this essay will also focus on the major increase in nationalism that occurred in the Soviet Republics as a result of the Glasnost. External pressure from the western world was also a factor and the role that the United States and the Ronald Reagan administration played in the downfall of communism under Gorbachev will be examined. The essay will also discuss how the disintegration of Yugoslavia and the 1991 Coup d'état led to the failure of the policies and failure of communism. Perestroika translates to "restructuring" and was a policy introduced by Gorbachev which intended to reform the baseline of the Soviet economy in an attempt to ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Ukraine 's Independence From The Union Of Soviet Socialist... Background. Ukraine gained independence from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) August 24, 1991 (Mark, 2016). Slightly smaller in size than Texas, Ukraine is bordered by Poland, Romania, Moldova, the Russian Federation, and the Black Sea. With a population of 44.4 million people it is not a very diverse country with 77% identified as ethnic Ukrainians, 18% ethnic Russian, and 5% other (CIA, 2015). In the last 12 years a relatively young Ukrainian government has suffered from political turmoil and most recently violent instability. Most notably beginning with the Orange Revolution of 2004, a corrupt election, and the installment of President Viktor Yushchenko and Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych. Seen as a reformist of ... Show more content on ... Since then, Ukraine was briefly lead by interim President Oleksandr Turchynov until the current president, Petro Proshenko, was elected in May 2014 (Foxall, 2015). The Ukrainian government is still struggling to assert itself locally and globally while reeling from an exhausted economy being drained by armed conflict and internally displaced persons. Current Events. On March 18, 2014 the Russian Federation annexed Ukrainian territory Crimea (Paul, 2015). The battle for Crimea was both political and physical. Beginning with protest in Kiev, Ukraine November 21, 2013 after President Yanukovych rejected the Ukraine EU Association Agreement. Small protest and scattered violence continued until February 20, 2014 when protesters in Kiev were shot by government snipers in Maidan Square. On February 22, 2014 President Yanukovych fled to Russia and on March 01, 2014 Russian Federation military forces began direct action in Crimea. Ethnic Russians in Crimea, Donetsk, and Luhansk began forming separatist groups fighting against Ukraine (Thompson, 2016). The Ukrainian military was ordered not to fight when interim President Oleksandr declared "[Ukraine] cannot launch a military operation in Crimea, as we would expose the eastern border and Ukraine would not be protected (Paul, 2015)." On April 15, 2014 Ukraine began military operations to recover areas that had been seized by separatist groups. Conflict has ebbed and flowed with neither ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Soviet Union Of The 19th Century The Beginning The idea of having the RSFSR as a enemy towards the Soviet Union at the time of the 19th century was one of the biggest reasons why the Soviet Union took such a big downfall when it collapsed. The RSFSR was a opposing group that was branched off from the Soviet Union, resulting from a argument over political standings and power for both groups.1 The RSFSR wanted a representative to stand during the meetings of the Soviet Union, however the Soviet Union did not grant that because the representative did not win in the voting, but candidate that was favored by the USSR won. The RSFSR was one of the main reasons why the Soviet Union had collapsed by the end of the 19th century, including a number of other factors as well. Despite the grudges, the Soviet Union and the RSFSR were both branched together at one point. That point didn 't last very long, but starting from the beginning, the Soviet Union rose to its power throughout the 20th century. The rise of the Soviet Union The Soviet Union was officially established during December during the year of 1922, with the union of the Soviet republics from Russia, Ukraine, Byelorussia, and Transcaucasia, which were all each ruled by local Bolshevik parties. The foundation of the Soviet state where a federal entity of many republics that were constituent, each with its own political and administrative entities, was applied from these Soviet republics. The term "Soviet Russia" was only related to the Russian Federative ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Communism In Germany Essay Germany "Actually," quickly he became the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic are two independent power state [ . The two sides began under the rule of the law of occupation of each division limit, European countries were divided in the West or the Soviet sphere of influence. Countries of Central and Eastern Europe that were classified as in the Soviet sphere of influence, so that the Soviet Union began to intervene in its part of the power structure in the country, and establish cooperation with the government led by the Communist Party . But even if the People's Republic of Poland, the Hungarian People's Republic, the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, the Socialist Republic of Romania, the People's Socialist Republic ... Show more content on ... But then the Japanese rule over Korea, guardianship combined period of 38 degrees line is divided into northern and southern United States to decide the jurisdiction of the Soviet Union. In 1948, after two lines divided regions 38 degrees expressed as the legitimate government of North Korea, eventually led to the outbreak of the Korean War. In China, in 1946, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China from China to revive civil war, finally he won the civil war by the Communist Party of China and the establishment of the People's Republic of China in mainland China, and the ROC government he moved to Taiwan in 1949 to retire. As for the Middle East, Arab countries rejected the resolution of the General Assembly of the United 181 Nations and the implementation of the redeployment of Palestinian land in Israel, but Israel has created the first war Middle East broke out, and the results of the war, but to promote a major conflict between the Arab states and Israel. Although the European colonial powers are still trying to retain some of their colonial empires of the past (colonial rule), however, the loss of prestige and resources during the war so that European countries can not continue to hold power–up, bringing eventually to advance the decolonization of Asia and ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Case Report Final Exam Results of a fact–finding mission about the state of the war concerning the British Empire, the German Empire, the Soviet Socialist Republics, the Kingdom of Italy, and the Empire of Japan. The fact–finding mission was conducted at the request of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt for the planning of future American diplomatic and military policies. The objective of the mission was to evaluate each of the major parties currently engaged in armed conflict and create an action plan based of the combined results of the evaluation. Each evaluation examines the diplomatic, military, economic, and territorial state of each Country as well as any potential dangers that may be presented to the security and interests of the United ... Show more content on ... A founding member of the Axis Alliance, the German Empire is militarily aligned with the Kingdom of Italy and The Empire of Japan. A close ally of the Kingdom of Italy, the German Empire has consistently supported the Italian campaigns in both Africa the Balkans. Militarily, the German armed forces is primarily composed of the Heer (army), the Luftwaffe (air force), and the Kreigsmarine (navy). Recently, the Luftwaffe lost the battle of Britain conceding a decisive victory to the RAF. Though recently defeated, The Luftwaffe proved deadly effective on the eastern front. The main focus of the Kriegsmarine has been the constant and unrelenting blockade of Britain in the battle of the Atlantic. To great results, the U–boat "wolfpacks" have sunk hundreds of thousands of tons of shipping since the onset of the war. The majority of the Heer, however, is heavily engaged along the German border with The Soviet Union. In June the Axis launched operation Barbarossa, the invasion of the Soviet Union with over 5 million troops. Currently, the Soviet Union is losing an immense amount of supplies, troops, and territory. The soviets have already suffered over two million casualties and have been pushed back over 400 miles in some areas. Seemingly dominant in all counts, the German Economy however struggles to supply their war machine ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Differences Of The Tension Between The United States And... There is many reason that caused the tension between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (known as the USSR or Soviet Union) which in turn caused the cold war in 1945. The main reason where the differences between the two caused tension was that the Americans were in fear of a communist attack while the Soviet Union had a fear of the atomic bomb which the United States had. I feel like the main issues where cause by these two things. Fear does strange things to people. The Soviet Union had done many things which caused tension between them and the United States. The Soviet Union had a strong dislike for capitalism and were afraid that the American were going to attack them with the atomic bomb. I feel like the reason ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Korean Liaison Office Overview After World War II the United States armed forces and intelligence agencies were affected by force reduction and spending cuts. With communism looming in Europe the remaining intelligence personnel started focusing their attention back towards their traditional geographic area of Europe. Yet, Korea was becoming a hotbed of activity. The United States was forced to figure out what to do with the country after Japan's withdrawal, in addition to the fighting happening along the Chinese–Korean border. Eventually a resolution was establish; the Soviet Union would assists the Koreans north of the 38th parallel, and the United States would assist to the south. A few years after this agreement, the United States pulled out and handed ... Show more content on ... One lesson is to understand both individual and group perceptions. Perceptions are "strongly influenced by" past experiences. Since the military and political leaders during the Korean War were largely the same leaders in place during Pearl Harbor and WWII, the perception they had fell in line with their past experiences. The United States had already formulated their opinion about the Soviet Union and its control over the communist countries. Even though new information presented itself before the beginning of the war and through the invasion of China, the mindset of the military leaders was already established, and they were resistant to change. In order to combat falling into preconceived perceptions an analyst needs to outline the assumptions and inferences made through the course of ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Soviet Union Effects Effects of the fall of the Soviet Union Founded in December of 1922 after five years of Civil War, the Soviet Union was a collection of countries united by communism. It lasted 69 years before collapsing from numerous internal issues and outside influence. Some of the numerous causes of its collapse include the introduction of western ideas, stagnation of the economy following the invasion of Afghanistan, loss of the Eastern Satellite states of Poland and East Germany, and reforms that opened up the country to outside influence. The Fall of the Soviet Union has had many effects, including establishing the United States as the sole superpower, the rise of Vladimir Putin, the collapse of the Russian Economy and Putin's rise to power, the Gulf ... Show more content on ... The soviets invaded to install a communist government in Afghanistan, but faced steep opposition. Sticking to the Truman Doctrine president Bush Sr. sent military aid to the Afghans, and after 10 years, the soviets withdrew because they were on the verge of collapse. When the soviets left a power vacuum was created, with Al–Qaeda eventually becoming the strongest power. Unlike the afghan rebels the US supported, Al–Qaeda was hostile to any western power, and began a Jihad against the West. The rise of Al–Qaeda allowed events like 9/11 and the London train Bombings to occur. Because of the Soviet invasion, radical terrorist groups became powerful, with the effects of them still being felt ... Get more on ...