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NSIT Quiz Fest 2015
Dry Round 1
o12 dry questions.
o+15/-10 on pounce; +10/-0 on /direct.
(Yes, it’s a rule.)
X graduated from Oregon with a degree in journalism in 1959. He enlisted in the
army for a year (and served in the reserves for seven), then enrolled at the
Graduate School of Business at Stanford. As a kid and in college, X was involved in
many sports like track running, basketball and football.
Stanford changed X's life. For the first time, he was excited to read about something
other than sports. And it was in Frank Shallenberger's small-business class that X
conceived Y. Shallenberger gave the class the following assignment: Invent a New
business, describe its purpose and create a marketing plan.
The main thrust of X’s business plan was using cheap foreign labour to manufacture
the products on a large scale. His inspiration behind so was the collapse of German
cameras in the American market with the introduction of the cheaper Japanese
Cameras. X later described that class as an 'aha!' moment.
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X is Phil Knight and Y is Nike.
His paper was "Can Japanese Sports Shoes Do to German Sports Shoes What Japanese Cameras
Did to German Cameras?" X developed a blueprint for superior athletic shoes, produced
inexpensively in Japan, where labor was cheaper.
Q2)Give Y.
Inspiration for the song Y came to X when reading the I Ching, which, as X put it, "seemed
to me to be based on the Eastern concept that everything is relative to everything else...
opposed to the Western view that things are merely coincidental." Taking this idea of
relativism to his parents’ home , X committed to write a song based on the first words he
saw upon opening a random book. Those words were “_____ _____”, and he immediately
began writing the song. As he said:
"I wrote “Y" at my mother's house in Warrington. I was thinking about the Chinese I Ching,
the Book of Changes... The Eastern concept is that whatever happens is all meant to be,
and that there's no such thing as coincidence — every little item that's going down has a
Y is ranked at number 136 on Rolling Stone '​s "The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time",
number 7 on the magazine's list of the 100 Greatest Guitar Songs of All Time, and number
10 on its list of The Beatles 100 Greatest Songs.
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While My Guitar Gently Weeps by the
Beatles, written by George Harrison
Q3) In 2008, in an interview with ABC, X talked about
the strange meeting she had with Y. Give both X and Y.
"What was going through my head was 'How long do I have to sit here and how
quickly can I get out of here?' You know, it was funny because when he said, 'I
have a video for you,' I thought, 'Oh my goodness, what is this going to be?' But it
was actually just a bunch of pictures of me with Vladimir Putin, me with Hu Jin
Tao," X said.
"And then he said, 'I have _____’s best composer, most famous composer write
this song for you,' and it was called Black Flower in the White House," she said,
calling the scrapbook "eerie."
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X is Mohammad Gadaffi and Y is Condoleezza Rice
Question 4
Construction of X occurred in three stages across 199 years. Work on X began on August
14, 1173, during a period of military success and prosperity. X was finally completed in
There has been controversy about the real identity of the architect of the X. For many
years, the design was attributed to Guglielmo and Bonanno ______. However, recent
studies seem to indicate Diotisalvi as the original architect due to the time of
construction. However, Diotisalvi usually signed his work and there is no signature on X,
leading to speculation.
During World War II, the Allies discovered that the Germans were using the X as an
observation post. A U.S. Army sergeant sent to confirm the presence of German troops in
the tower was impressed by the beauty of the X and thus refrained from ordering an
artillery strike, sparing it from destruction.
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Leaning Tower of Pisa
Q5. What name was given to this series
of paintings?
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“The 12 Labours of Vladimir”
Series of paintings displayed
during an art exhibition at
Moscow Art Gallery on Vladimir
Putin’s Birthday, artists chose not
to identify themselves
Q6. What are they talking about?
<Video Question>
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The ‘Christmas Truce’ soccer
match of 1914 in WW1, between
British and German soldiers.
Q7. Give X
The tape of the song X made its way into the hands of vocalist Y, who was working
as a security guard for a petroleum company in San Diego, California at the time.
He listened to the tape shortly before going surfing, where lyrics came to him.
The song is the first piece to a trilogy of songs in what Y later described as a
"mini-opera" entitled Mamasan. X tells the story of a young man discovering that
his father is actually his stepfather, while his mother’s grief leads to an incestuous
relationship with the son, who strongly resembles the biological father.
“X" has been revealed by Y to be part autobiographical and part fiction. When X
was a teenager, his mother revealed to him that the man he thought was his
father was actually his stepfather, and that his biological father was dead.
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X - Alive
Q8)Who is the person featured in this
ad? What is his claim to fame
<Video Question>
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Pete Best was the first drummer of the Beatles before
he was replaced by Ringo Starr. He is often known as
the 5th Beatle
Q9)Which band is being featured here?
<Video Question>
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Pussy Riot
Q10. Recently released cartoon. What has been
blanked out?
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Je Suis Charlie
Q11)Who is he? What is his claim to
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Lorne Michaels. He is best known for
creating the TV show SNL.
extremely popular
conspiracy theory is
being referenced
over here?
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Paul is Dead.
Differential Round
 As it is customary, this is a written round.
The scoring pattern is 2n+5 where n is the number of teams that
are unable to answer.
Q1) Who is Kevin Spacey impersonating?
<Video Question>
Q2) Id both the sketches, representing
one and drawn by the other.
Q3) Who is Jim Carrey impersonating?
<Video Question>
Q4) This article/tickbox appeared in the
British Newspaper, the Sun
Q5) Who is Simon Helberg
<Video Question>
Q6) Whose Guest appearance on the
<Video Question>
Q1) Who is Kevin Spacey impersonating?
<Video Question>
Q2) Id both the sketches, representing
one and drawn by the other.
Q3) Who is Jim Carrey impersonating?
<Video Question>
Q4) This article/tickbox appeared in the
British Newspaper, the Sun
Q5) Who is Simon Helberg
<Video Question>
Q6) Whose Guest appearance on the
<Video Question>
The answers are
1. Johnny Carson
2. Matt Groening and Seth McFarlane
3. James Dean
4. Heather Mills
5. Al Pacino
6. Elon Musk
Dry Round 2
o12 dry questions.
o+15/-10 on pounce; +10/-0 on /direct.
(Yes, it’s a rule.)
Q1) Id X ?
X a game popular in Assam is similar to Kabbadi._______ is the name
given to a rubber ball that two teams throw across a central line into
each other’s courts. Each team sends a player into the opponent’s
court; the aim is to catch the ball his team throws and make his way
back to his team without allowing the opponents to touch him to
earn points.
The game requires absolute physical fitness – speed, stamina and
acrobatic skills.
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This is how the story of their formation goes:
◦ It was during A’s jingles career that the idea of X was conceived. A had called in B to sing a jingle for
him one evening in 1992. The lyrics for the jingle were late coming in. The restless A began crooning
something while strumming on his guitar, B felt inspired to jam with an alaap, and the result: the
seamless fusion of Eastern and Western sounds that has become the quintessential characteristic
of X.
Their unique brand of music fused Indian and Western musical genres
instantly won the hearts of young and old alike. Their eponymous first
album hit platinum in sales in India alone and consistently headed the
Indian music charts in 1996.
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X – Colonial Cousins A – Leslie Lewis B – Hariharan
Q3.ID X.
At age 16, X fell in love with Edith Bratt, three years his senior. His guardian,
a Catholic priest, was horrified that his ward was seeing a Protestant and
ordered the boy to have no contact with Edith until he turned 21. X
obeyed, pining after Edith for years until that fateful birthday, when he met
with her under a railroad viaduct. She broke off her engagement to
another man, converted to Catholicism, and the two were married for the
rest of their lives. At X's instructions, their shared gravestone has the
names "Beren" and "Luthien“ engraved on it, a reference to a famous pair
of star-crossed lovers from the fictional world he created.
To X, writing fantasy fiction was simply a hobby. The works he considered
most important were his scholarly works, which included Beowulf: The
Monsters and the Critics, and a modern translation of Sir Gawain and the
Green Knight
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JRR Tolkien
Q4)What prompted the Indian government to do
Hussainiwala is a village in Firozpur district in Punjab state, India. It lies near the
banks of the Sutlej river. The village is on the border with Pakistan, opposite the
Pakistani village of Ganda Singh Wala.
In the 1960s, the Indian government exchanged 12 villages in Punjab with the
Pakistani government in return for the village Hussainiwala in Punjab province in
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It is the village where Bhagat Singh,
Rajguru and Sukhdev were cremated
Q5) Id X
X aficionados often claim that the spread of its popularity is due to
Pope Clement VIII's influence. Being pressured by his advisers to
declare X the "______ invention of Satan" because of its popularity
among Muslims and it being a sort of antithesis or substitute for ____
(which was used in the Eucharist), upon tasting it he instead declared
that, "This devil's drink is so delicious...we should cheat the devil by
baptizing it." The year often cited is 1600.
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X is Coffee
Q6) Id X
The Simpsons first aired in 1989 and it was around this time when
VCRs had just begun to proliferate into the consumers’ homes. VCRs
had the then-new feature of recording TV broadcasts onto a tape,
which could then be played back at will. This new technology led to
creation of new type of visual humour in the Simpsons and has been
frequently used in other shows since then. The jokes were esoteric in
nature and usually aren’t relevant to the plot. What is being
referenced here?
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Freeze Frame
Q7)ID X, Y and Z.
X invested the money he made from his engineering career in USA in producing
the movie Y Blues. It is based on a script that he wrote in Atlanta dealing with
Indians returning home from the United States of America. He directed and acted
in the movie. It was a budget of Rs. 1.7 million (roughly equivalent to US$40,000)
and shot in 17 days.
It was perceived by Sanjay Arora, an independent film maker, to be realistic and
among one of the first movies to use Z, a dialect used extensively in Y, correctly.
It became the most successful independent film in India. The film was featured at
Peachtree International Film Festival in Atlanta and Rhode Island International
Film Festival.
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X – Nagesh Kukunoor, Y – Hyderabad,Z – Hyderabadi Urdu
Q8) Id X
The name “X", which the author adopted in 1718, is an anagram of "AROVET LI," the
Latinized spelling of his surname, Arouet, and the initial letters of "le jeune" ("the
young"). The adoption of the name “X" following his incarceration at the Bastille is seen by
many to mark X's formal separation from his family and his past and also for its
connotations of speed and daring.
"Arouet" was not a noble name fit for his growing reputation, especially given that name's
resonance with "à rouer" ("to be broken on the wheel" – a form of torture then still
prevalent) and "roué" (a "débauché").
In a letter to Jean-Baptiste Rousseau in March 1719, X concludes by asking that, if
Rousseau wishes to send him a return letter, he do so by addressing it to Monsieur de X.
Indeed, X is known also to have used at least 178 separate pen names during his lifetime
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Q9) Give X
The X principle is the tendency for people to remember pleasant items more
accurately than unpleasant ones. Research indicates that, at the subconscious level,
the mind has a tendency to focus on the optimistic while, at the conscious level, it
has a tendency to focus on the negative. This subconscious bias towards the
positive is often described as the X principle.
The name derives from the 1913 novel X by Eleanor H. Porter describing a girl who
plays the "glad game"—trying to find something to be glad about in every situation.
The novel has been adapted to film several times, most famously in 1920 and 1960.
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X is Pollyanna
Q10) What?
Going Postal, X’s 2004 Discworld novel, introduces "the clacks" (a
form of telegraph, and thought by many fans to be the Discworld's
early predecessor to the internet in the books). A murdered
"clacksman" called John Dearheart is honoured by other characters
with GNU John Dearheart, a piece of code that keeps his name
running up and down the clacks.
To keep his name alive, his fans starts something similar.
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They started GNU Terry Pratchett
Q11) Which event?
Stieg Larrson, writer of the Millennium Trilogy, was a journalist and an
expert on the right-wing groups in Sweden. After his untimely death,
he left behind a 15 box series, which tried to solve a particular case,
and was also sent to the Swedish Police. According to many
perspectives, this event, which happened in February 1986, was a
pivotal event in the history of Sweden and could have changed the
course of history for the country.
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The event is Olof Palme’s solved/unsolved
Q12. Give X
The city of X hosted the Winter Olympics from 8–19 February 1984, after beating
Sapporo, Japan and Gothenburg, Sweden to the rights to host the event. It was the first
Winter Olympics held in a Communist state. It was also the second Olympics overall, as
well as the second consecutive Olympics, to be held in a Communist nation after the
1980 Summer Olympics were held in Moscow, Soviet Union.
These were the first games under the presidency of Juan Antonio Samaranch.
The city of X was once famous for its traditional cultural and religious diversity, with
adherents of Islam, Orthodoxy, Judaism and Catholicism coexisting there for centuries.
Due to its long and rich history of religious and cultural variety, X was sometimes called
the "Jerusalem of Europe“.
However, the city of X is now primarily remembered for another reason, one that does
not evoke happy memories.
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Sarajevo, known for the Siege of Sarajevo
Mega Connect
 6 questions with individual scores for the connect on the
respective slides
Each team will get 2 attempts to answer the connect.
X is was a Swedish writer of fiction and
screenplays. She is best known for children's book
series featuring Pippi Longstocking, Karlsson-on-
the-Roof, and the Six Bullerby Children. As of May
2013, she is the world's 18th most translated
author and the third most translated children's
books author after H.C. Andersen and the Grimm
brothers. X has sold roughly 144 million books
She has also been featured on the 20 kronor
Swedish currency note which will enter into
circulation in 2015.
Q2 +35/-30
X was a very frail child from birth. He contracted smallpox in his youth, which severely
affected his vision. Young X also suffered from various other illnesses, including
hypochondria. X was fascinated with the night sky at an early age of six.
He had a deep interest in astrology, though he had many doubts about its laws and
foundations. He was shrewd and used astrology to influence his friends and
distinguished noblemen. During his teaching years in 1594 (in Graz, Styria, Austria), X
had to make astrological predictions as part of his “professorship duties”. Although he
was not interested in making predictions, he correctly predicted the invasion by the
Turks, the peasant uprising and a very cold winter in 1595 and a rare astrological
conjunction in 1604 helped X calculate Christ’s birth. This calculation is universally
accepted today.
Q3 +30/-25
X's number is the number of stars in the observable universe. It is named in
honor of X. This number is reasonably well defined, because it is known what
stars are and what the observable universe is, but its value is not known with any
certainty. It is presently estimated to be approximately 70 sextillion in short scale
X's number is unrelated to the X unit or the humorous use of the term "X" to
denote any large quantity—specifically, any number in the billions, due to X's
association with the phrase “___________________"
Q4 +25/-20
X is known for showing that the recessional velocity of a galaxy increases with its
distance from the earth, implying the Universe is expanding. Known as “X's law", this
relation had been discovered previously by Georges Lemaître, a Belgian
priest/astronomer who published his work in a less visible journal. There is still much
controversy surrounding the issue, and some argue that it should be referred to as
"Lemaître's law", although this change has not taken hold in the astronomy
X is also known for providing substantial evidence that many objects then classified
as "nebulae" were actually galaxies beyond the Milky Way. American astronomer
Vesto Slipher provided the first evidence for this argument almost a decade before.
Q5) Google Doodle based on whom? +20/-10
Q6) +15/-10
The Arabic translation of X’s work during the Islamic Golden Age (c. 820 CE), was extremely
influential. Some of his results are cited by Al-Khwarizmi and in the 10th century Al-Biruni stated
that X’s followers believed that the Earth rotated on its axis.
His definitions of sine (jya), cosine (kojya), versine (utkrama-jya), and inverse sine (otkram jya)
influenced the birth of trigonometry. He was also the first to specify sine and versine (1 − cos x)
tables, in 3.75° intervals from 0° to 90°, to an accuracy of 4 decimal places.
Calendric calculations devised by X and his followers have been in continuous use in India for the
practical purposes of fixing the Panchangam (the Hindu calendar). In the Islamic world, they
formed the basis of the Jalali calendar introduced in 1073 CE by a group of astronomers including
Omar Khayyam, versions of which are the national calendars in use in Iran and Afghanistan today.
Now, the answers will be
revealed, following which teams
which have not went for the
connect/ have one attempt left
The answers are
1. Astrid Lindgren
2. Johannes Kepler
3. Carl Sagan
4. Edwin Hubble
5. Jules Verne
6. Aryabhatta
The points for the connect are now +10/0
Answer to the Mega Connect
People who have artificial satellites named after them

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The College General Quiz (Finals)- NSIT Quiz Fest 2015

  • 3. Rules o12 dry questions. oClock-wise. oPounce/Bounce o+15/-10 on pounce; +10/-0 on /direct. oEnjoy! (Yes, it’s a rule.)
  • 4. Q1)ID X X graduated from Oregon with a degree in journalism in 1959. He enlisted in the army for a year (and served in the reserves for seven), then enrolled at the Graduate School of Business at Stanford. As a kid and in college, X was involved in many sports like track running, basketball and football. Stanford changed X's life. For the first time, he was excited to read about something other than sports. And it was in Frank Shallenberger's small-business class that X conceived Y. Shallenberger gave the class the following assignment: Invent a New business, describe its purpose and create a marketing plan. The main thrust of X’s business plan was using cheap foreign labour to manufacture the products on a large scale. His inspiration behind so was the collapse of German cameras in the American market with the introduction of the cheaper Japanese Cameras. X later described that class as an 'aha!' moment.
  • 5. If(answer_provided == TRUE) { ◦ Proceed to next slide; } Else { ◦ Udi baba! Peechche jao! }
  • 6. X is Phil Knight and Y is Nike. His paper was "Can Japanese Sports Shoes Do to German Sports Shoes What Japanese Cameras Did to German Cameras?" X developed a blueprint for superior athletic shoes, produced inexpensively in Japan, where labor was cheaper.
  • 7. Q2)Give Y. Inspiration for the song Y came to X when reading the I Ching, which, as X put it, "seemed to me to be based on the Eastern concept that everything is relative to everything else... opposed to the Western view that things are merely coincidental." Taking this idea of relativism to his parents’ home , X committed to write a song based on the first words he saw upon opening a random book. Those words were “_____ _____”, and he immediately began writing the song. As he said: "I wrote “Y" at my mother's house in Warrington. I was thinking about the Chinese I Ching, the Book of Changes... The Eastern concept is that whatever happens is all meant to be, and that there's no such thing as coincidence — every little item that's going down has a purpose. Y is ranked at number 136 on Rolling Stone '​s "The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time", number 7 on the magazine's list of the 100 Greatest Guitar Songs of All Time, and number 10 on its list of The Beatles 100 Greatest Songs.
  • 8. If(answer_provided == TRUE) { ◦ Proceed to next slide; } Else { ◦ Udi baba! Peechche jao! }
  • 9. While My Guitar Gently Weeps by the Beatles, written by George Harrison
  • 10. Q3) In 2008, in an interview with ABC, X talked about the strange meeting she had with Y. Give both X and Y. "What was going through my head was 'How long do I have to sit here and how quickly can I get out of here?' You know, it was funny because when he said, 'I have a video for you,' I thought, 'Oh my goodness, what is this going to be?' But it was actually just a bunch of pictures of me with Vladimir Putin, me with Hu Jin Tao," X said. "And then he said, 'I have _____’s best composer, most famous composer write this song for you,' and it was called Black Flower in the White House," she said, calling the scrapbook "eerie."
  • 11. If(answer_provided == TRUE) { ◦ Proceed to next slide; } Else { ◦ Udi baba! Peechche jao! }
  • 12. X is Mohammad Gadaffi and Y is Condoleezza Rice
  • 13. Question 4 Construction of X occurred in three stages across 199 years. Work on X began on August 14, 1173, during a period of military success and prosperity. X was finally completed in 1372. There has been controversy about the real identity of the architect of the X. For many years, the design was attributed to Guglielmo and Bonanno ______. However, recent studies seem to indicate Diotisalvi as the original architect due to the time of construction. However, Diotisalvi usually signed his work and there is no signature on X, leading to speculation. During World War II, the Allies discovered that the Germans were using the X as an observation post. A U.S. Army sergeant sent to confirm the presence of German troops in the tower was impressed by the beauty of the X and thus refrained from ordering an artillery strike, sparing it from destruction.
  • 14. If(answer_provided == TRUE) { ◦ Proceed to next slide; } Else { ◦ Udi baba! Peechche jao! }
  • 16. Q5. What name was given to this series of paintings?
  • 17.
  • 18. If(answer_provided == TRUE) { ◦ Proceed to next slide; } Else { ◦ Udi baba! Peechche jao! }
  • 19. Answer “The 12 Labours of Vladimir” Series of paintings displayed during an art exhibition at Moscow Art Gallery on Vladimir Putin’s Birthday, artists chose not to identify themselves
  • 20. Q6. What are they talking about? <Video Question>
  • 21. If(answer_provided == TRUE) { ◦ Proceed to next slide; } Else { ◦ Udi baba! Peechche jao! }
  • 22. Answer The ‘Christmas Truce’ soccer match of 1914 in WW1, between British and German soldiers.
  • 23. Q7. Give X The tape of the song X made its way into the hands of vocalist Y, who was working as a security guard for a petroleum company in San Diego, California at the time. He listened to the tape shortly before going surfing, where lyrics came to him. The song is the first piece to a trilogy of songs in what Y later described as a "mini-opera" entitled Mamasan. X tells the story of a young man discovering that his father is actually his stepfather, while his mother’s grief leads to an incestuous relationship with the son, who strongly resembles the biological father. “X" has been revealed by Y to be part autobiographical and part fiction. When X was a teenager, his mother revealed to him that the man he thought was his father was actually his stepfather, and that his biological father was dead.
  • 24. If(answer_provided == TRUE) { ◦ Proceed to next slide; } Else { ◦ Udi baba! Peechche jao! }
  • 26. Q8)Who is the person featured in this ad? What is his claim to fame <Video Question>
  • 27. If(answer_provided == TRUE) { ◦ Proceed to next slide; } Else { ◦ Udi baba! Peechche jao! }
  • 28. Pete Best was the first drummer of the Beatles before he was replaced by Ringo Starr. He is often known as the 5th Beatle
  • 29. Q9)Which band is being featured here? <Video Question>
  • 30. If(answer_provided == TRUE) { ◦ Proceed to next slide; } Else { ◦ Udi baba! Peechche jao! }
  • 32. Q10. Recently released cartoon. What has been blanked out?
  • 33. If(answer_provided == TRUE) { ◦ Proceed to next slide; } Else { ◦ Udi baba! Peechche jao! }
  • 35. Q11)Who is he? What is his claim to fame?
  • 36. If(answer_provided == TRUE) { ◦ Proceed to next slide; } Else { ◦ Udi baba! Peechche jao! }
  • 37. Lorne Michaels. He is best known for creating the TV show SNL.
  • 38. Q12)What extremely popular conspiracy theory is being referenced over here?
  • 39. If(answer_provided == TRUE) { ◦ Proceed to next slide; } Else { ◦ Udi baba! Peechche jao! }
  • 42. Rules  As it is customary, this is a written round. The scoring pattern is 2n+5 where n is the number of teams that are unable to answer.
  • 43. Q1) Who is Kevin Spacey impersonating? <Video Question>
  • 44. Q2) Id both the sketches, representing one and drawn by the other.
  • 45. Q3) Who is Jim Carrey impersonating? <Video Question>
  • 46. Q4) This article/tickbox appeared in the British Newspaper, the Sun
  • 47. Q5) Who is Simon Helberg impersonating? <Video Question>
  • 48. Q6) Whose Guest appearance on the Simpsons? <Video Question>
  • 49. Rerun
  • 50. Q1) Who is Kevin Spacey impersonating? <Video Question>
  • 51. Q2) Id both the sketches, representing one and drawn by the other.
  • 52. Q3) Who is Jim Carrey impersonating? <Video Question>
  • 53. Q4) This article/tickbox appeared in the British Newspaper, the Sun
  • 54. Q5) Who is Simon Helberg impersonating? <Video Question>
  • 55. Q6) Whose Guest appearance on the Simpsons? <Video Question>
  • 57. The answers are 1. Johnny Carson 2. Matt Groening and Seth McFarlane 3. James Dean 4. Heather Mills 5. Al Pacino 6. Elon Musk
  • 59. Rules o12 dry questions. oClock-wise. oPounce/Bounce o+15/-10 on pounce; +10/-0 on /direct. oEnjoy! (Yes, it’s a rule.)
  • 60. Q1) Id X ? X a game popular in Assam is similar to Kabbadi._______ is the name given to a rubber ball that two teams throw across a central line into each other’s courts. Each team sends a player into the opponent’s court; the aim is to catch the ball his team throws and make his way back to his team without allowing the opponents to touch him to earn points. The game requires absolute physical fitness – speed, stamina and acrobatic skills.
  • 61. If(answer_provided == TRUE) { ◦ Proceed to next slide; } Else { ◦ Udi baba! Peechche jao! }
  • 63. Q2.ID X This is how the story of their formation goes: ◦ It was during A’s jingles career that the idea of X was conceived. A had called in B to sing a jingle for him one evening in 1992. The lyrics for the jingle were late coming in. The restless A began crooning something while strumming on his guitar, B felt inspired to jam with an alaap, and the result: the seamless fusion of Eastern and Western sounds that has become the quintessential characteristic of X. Their unique brand of music fused Indian and Western musical genres instantly won the hearts of young and old alike. Their eponymous first album hit platinum in sales in India alone and consistently headed the Indian music charts in 1996.
  • 64. If(answer_provided == TRUE) { ◦ Proceed to next slide; } Else { ◦ Udi baba! Peechche jao! }
  • 65. X – Colonial Cousins A – Leslie Lewis B – Hariharan
  • 66. Q3.ID X. At age 16, X fell in love with Edith Bratt, three years his senior. His guardian, a Catholic priest, was horrified that his ward was seeing a Protestant and ordered the boy to have no contact with Edith until he turned 21. X obeyed, pining after Edith for years until that fateful birthday, when he met with her under a railroad viaduct. She broke off her engagement to another man, converted to Catholicism, and the two were married for the rest of their lives. At X's instructions, their shared gravestone has the names "Beren" and "Luthien“ engraved on it, a reference to a famous pair of star-crossed lovers from the fictional world he created. To X, writing fantasy fiction was simply a hobby. The works he considered most important were his scholarly works, which included Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics, and a modern translation of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
  • 67. If(answer_provided == TRUE) { ◦ Proceed to next slide; } Else { ◦ Udi baba! Peechche jao! }
  • 69. Q4)What prompted the Indian government to do so? Hussainiwala is a village in Firozpur district in Punjab state, India. It lies near the banks of the Sutlej river. The village is on the border with Pakistan, opposite the Pakistani village of Ganda Singh Wala. In the 1960s, the Indian government exchanged 12 villages in Punjab with the Pakistani government in return for the village Hussainiwala in Punjab province in Pakistan.
  • 70. If(answer_provided == TRUE) { ◦ Proceed to next slide; } Else { ◦ Udi baba! Peechche jao! }
  • 71. It is the village where Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev were cremated
  • 72. Q5) Id X X aficionados often claim that the spread of its popularity is due to Pope Clement VIII's influence. Being pressured by his advisers to declare X the "______ invention of Satan" because of its popularity among Muslims and it being a sort of antithesis or substitute for ____ (which was used in the Eucharist), upon tasting it he instead declared that, "This devil's drink is so delicious...we should cheat the devil by baptizing it." The year often cited is 1600.
  • 73. If(answer_provided == TRUE) { ◦ Proceed to next slide; } Else { ◦ Udi baba! Peechche jao! }
  • 75. Q6) Id X The Simpsons first aired in 1989 and it was around this time when VCRs had just begun to proliferate into the consumers’ homes. VCRs had the then-new feature of recording TV broadcasts onto a tape, which could then be played back at will. This new technology led to creation of new type of visual humour in the Simpsons and has been frequently used in other shows since then. The jokes were esoteric in nature and usually aren’t relevant to the plot. What is being referenced here?
  • 76. If(answer_provided == TRUE) { ◦ Proceed to next slide; } Else { ◦ Udi baba! Peechche jao! }
  • 78. Q7)ID X, Y and Z. X invested the money he made from his engineering career in USA in producing the movie Y Blues. It is based on a script that he wrote in Atlanta dealing with Indians returning home from the United States of America. He directed and acted in the movie. It was a budget of Rs. 1.7 million (roughly equivalent to US$40,000) and shot in 17 days. It was perceived by Sanjay Arora, an independent film maker, to be realistic and among one of the first movies to use Z, a dialect used extensively in Y, correctly. It became the most successful independent film in India. The film was featured at Peachtree International Film Festival in Atlanta and Rhode Island International Film Festival.
  • 79. If(answer_provided == TRUE) { ◦ Proceed to next slide; } Else { ◦ Udi baba! Peechche jao! }
  • 80. X – Nagesh Kukunoor, Y – Hyderabad,Z – Hyderabadi Urdu
  • 81. Q8) Id X The name “X", which the author adopted in 1718, is an anagram of "AROVET LI," the Latinized spelling of his surname, Arouet, and the initial letters of "le jeune" ("the young"). The adoption of the name “X" following his incarceration at the Bastille is seen by many to mark X's formal separation from his family and his past and also for its connotations of speed and daring. "Arouet" was not a noble name fit for his growing reputation, especially given that name's resonance with "à rouer" ("to be broken on the wheel" – a form of torture then still prevalent) and "roué" (a "débauché"). In a letter to Jean-Baptiste Rousseau in March 1719, X concludes by asking that, if Rousseau wishes to send him a return letter, he do so by addressing it to Monsieur de X. Indeed, X is known also to have used at least 178 separate pen names during his lifetime
  • 82. If(answer_provided == TRUE) { ◦ Proceed to next slide; } Else { ◦ Udi baba! Peechche jao! }
  • 84. Q9) Give X The X principle is the tendency for people to remember pleasant items more accurately than unpleasant ones. Research indicates that, at the subconscious level, the mind has a tendency to focus on the optimistic while, at the conscious level, it has a tendency to focus on the negative. This subconscious bias towards the positive is often described as the X principle. The name derives from the 1913 novel X by Eleanor H. Porter describing a girl who plays the "glad game"—trying to find something to be glad about in every situation. The novel has been adapted to film several times, most famously in 1920 and 1960.
  • 85. If(answer_provided == TRUE) { ◦ Proceed to next slide; } Else { ◦ Udi baba! Peechche jao! }
  • 87. Q10) What? Going Postal, X’s 2004 Discworld novel, introduces "the clacks" (a form of telegraph, and thought by many fans to be the Discworld's early predecessor to the internet in the books). A murdered "clacksman" called John Dearheart is honoured by other characters with GNU John Dearheart, a piece of code that keeps his name running up and down the clacks. To keep his name alive, his fans starts something similar.
  • 88. If(answer_provided == TRUE) { ◦ Proceed to next slide; } Else { ◦ Udi baba! Peechche jao! }
  • 89. They started GNU Terry Pratchett
  • 90. Q11) Which event? Stieg Larrson, writer of the Millennium Trilogy, was a journalist and an expert on the right-wing groups in Sweden. After his untimely death, he left behind a 15 box series, which tried to solve a particular case, and was also sent to the Swedish Police. According to many perspectives, this event, which happened in February 1986, was a pivotal event in the history of Sweden and could have changed the course of history for the country.
  • 91. If(answer_provided == TRUE) { ◦ Proceed to next slide; } Else { ◦ Udi baba! Peechche jao! }
  • 92. The event is Olof Palme’s solved/unsolved murder
  • 93. Q12. Give X The city of X hosted the Winter Olympics from 8–19 February 1984, after beating Sapporo, Japan and Gothenburg, Sweden to the rights to host the event. It was the first Winter Olympics held in a Communist state. It was also the second Olympics overall, as well as the second consecutive Olympics, to be held in a Communist nation after the 1980 Summer Olympics were held in Moscow, Soviet Union. These were the first games under the presidency of Juan Antonio Samaranch. The city of X was once famous for its traditional cultural and religious diversity, with adherents of Islam, Orthodoxy, Judaism and Catholicism coexisting there for centuries. Due to its long and rich history of religious and cultural variety, X was sometimes called the "Jerusalem of Europe“. However, the city of X is now primarily remembered for another reason, one that does not evoke happy memories.
  • 94. If(answer_provided == TRUE) { ◦ Proceed to next slide; } Else { ◦ Udi baba! Peechche jao! }
  • 95. Sarajevo, known for the Siege of Sarajevo
  • 97. Rules  6 questions with individual scores for the connect on the respective slides Each team will get 2 attempts to answer the connect.
  • 98. Q1 X is was a Swedish writer of fiction and screenplays. She is best known for children's book series featuring Pippi Longstocking, Karlsson-on- the-Roof, and the Six Bullerby Children. As of May 2013, she is the world's 18th most translated author and the third most translated children's books author after H.C. Andersen and the Grimm brothers. X has sold roughly 144 million books worldwide She has also been featured on the 20 kronor Swedish currency note which will enter into circulation in 2015.
  • 99. Q2 +35/-30 X was a very frail child from birth. He contracted smallpox in his youth, which severely affected his vision. Young X also suffered from various other illnesses, including hypochondria. X was fascinated with the night sky at an early age of six. He had a deep interest in astrology, though he had many doubts about its laws and foundations. He was shrewd and used astrology to influence his friends and distinguished noblemen. During his teaching years in 1594 (in Graz, Styria, Austria), X had to make astrological predictions as part of his “professorship duties”. Although he was not interested in making predictions, he correctly predicted the invasion by the Turks, the peasant uprising and a very cold winter in 1595 and a rare astrological conjunction in 1604 helped X calculate Christ’s birth. This calculation is universally accepted today.
  • 100. Q3 +30/-25 X's number is the number of stars in the observable universe. It is named in honor of X. This number is reasonably well defined, because it is known what stars are and what the observable universe is, but its value is not known with any certainty. It is presently estimated to be approximately 70 sextillion in short scale (70·1021). X's number is unrelated to the X unit or the humorous use of the term "X" to denote any large quantity—specifically, any number in the billions, due to X's association with the phrase “___________________"
  • 101. Q4 +25/-20 X is known for showing that the recessional velocity of a galaxy increases with its distance from the earth, implying the Universe is expanding. Known as “X's law", this relation had been discovered previously by Georges Lemaître, a Belgian priest/astronomer who published his work in a less visible journal. There is still much controversy surrounding the issue, and some argue that it should be referred to as "Lemaître's law", although this change has not taken hold in the astronomy community. X is also known for providing substantial evidence that many objects then classified as "nebulae" were actually galaxies beyond the Milky Way. American astronomer Vesto Slipher provided the first evidence for this argument almost a decade before.
  • 102. Q5) Google Doodle based on whom? +20/-10
  • 103. Q6) +15/-10 The Arabic translation of X’s work during the Islamic Golden Age (c. 820 CE), was extremely influential. Some of his results are cited by Al-Khwarizmi and in the 10th century Al-Biruni stated that X’s followers believed that the Earth rotated on its axis. His definitions of sine (jya), cosine (kojya), versine (utkrama-jya), and inverse sine (otkram jya) influenced the birth of trigonometry. He was also the first to specify sine and versine (1 − cos x) tables, in 3.75° intervals from 0° to 90°, to an accuracy of 4 decimal places. Calendric calculations devised by X and his followers have been in continuous use in India for the practical purposes of fixing the Panchangam (the Hindu calendar). In the Islamic world, they formed the basis of the Jalali calendar introduced in 1073 CE by a group of astronomers including Omar Khayyam, versions of which are the national calendars in use in Iran and Afghanistan today.
  • 104. Now, the answers will be revealed, following which teams which have not went for the connect/ have one attempt left
  • 105. The answers are 1. Astrid Lindgren 2. Johannes Kepler 3. Carl Sagan 4. Edwin Hubble 5. Jules Verne 6. Aryabhatta The points for the connect are now +10/0
  • 106. Answer to the Mega Connect People who have artificial satellites named after them

Editor's Notes

  1. Hint :