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After the Muslim conquest of the Peninsula, the mountainous areas of the North were the only 
territories to remain out of the Muslim control. These regions had experienced a superficial 
Romanization and the Visigoths hadn’t controlled them much either. New Christian States 
appeared around the Cantabrian Mountain Range and the Pyrenees.
Kingdom of Pamplona 
Aragonese counties 
Catalan counties 
Kingdom of Asturias
In 722 Pelagius, an Asturian nobleman, defeated 
the Muslims in the Battle of Covadonga, 
probably only a skirmish, and was chosen king of 
Asturias (722-737). This was the origin of the 
Kingdom of Asturias. Cangas de Onís was the 
first capital city. 
PELAGIUS (718-737) 
Proclamation of Pelagius, 
painted by Madrazo in 1856 
Battle of Covadonga (722) 
Extension of the Kingdom of Asturias
Discovery of the tomb of Saint James in 
Compostela Bishop Theodemir went to Oviedo 
and told Alphonse II about the discovery. 
Alphonse I (739-757) extended the kingdom outside the mountains. He conquered Galicia and 
León and brought the population who lived between the mountains and the river Duero to the 
North. A no man’s land or demographic desert appeared there. At the end of the century 
Alphonse II (791-842) moved the capital city to Oviedo. According to tradition, during Alphonse 
II’s reign the tomb of Apostle Saint James was supposedly discovered in Compostela.
ALPHONSE III (866-910) 
- 9th century: the Kingdom of Asturias extended to Galicia in the West and Álava in the East. They 
occupied these lands and founded cities such as Zamora, Burgos and Coimbra. The maximum 
expansion happened during Alfonso III the Great´s rule. The first attempt to link the Visigothic 
kingdom and the kingdom of Asturias appeared during his reign and was written in the Chronicle 
of Alphonse III. 
- 10th century: the capital city of the kingdom was moved to León and the kingdom of Asturias 
changed its name to Kingdom of León. In the county of Castile, located in the Eastern part of the 
kingdom, count Fernán González took advantage of León’s weakness and converted his county 
into hereditary. The kingdom of León started declining at the end of this century and it fell under 
Navarre´s influence.
Spanish March 
In the 8thcentury the territories around the Pyrenees fell under the control of the Carolingians: 
they formed the Spanish March, border province which extended from Pamplona to 
- 9th century: at the beginning the 
area continued to be controlled by 
the Carolingian Empire. After the 
disintegration of the Carolingian 
Empire, three regions appeared: the 
Kingdom of Pamplona, created by 
Íñigo Arista in 824, the Aragonese 
counties and the Catalan counties. 
The count of Barcelona Wilfred the 
Hairy was the last to swear 
allegiance to the Frankish kings and 
left his county to his children. 
- 10th century: the crisis of the Emirate of Córdoba led to the consolidation of the States created in the 
• In Navarre, a new dynasty, the Jimena, was enthroned and they extended their influence to La 
Rioja and Álava. 
• The Aragonese counties fell under the influence of Navarre. 
• The Catalan counties consolidated their independence. At the end of the 10th century, after Al- 
Mansur’s attack to Barcelona, count Borrell II unified the Catalan counties and decided to declare 
them independent from France.
In the 10th century, during the Caliphate of Córdoba, Abd-al- Rahman III and Al-Mansur launched 
several expeditions against the Christian kingdoms and stopped their expansion.
At the beginning of the 11th century Navarre was the 
most powerful Christian kingdom: king Sancho III the 
Great created a big kingdom that included Castile, the 
Aragonese counties and had big influence in León.
When Sancho III died in 1035, he divided his kingdom among his sons. His testament was the origin 
of three of the big Christian kingdoms of the Middle Ages in the Peninsula: 
·Ferdinand I inherited Castile and proclaimed himself king. When he defeated his brother-in-law 
Bermudo III of León (who died fighting in the Battle of Tamarón in 1038), he became the king of 
León as well. The Crown of Castile was created, although Castile and León became separated and 
unified several times until the 13th century. 
·Navarre was for his son García I Sánchez. 
·Aragón was for his son Ramiro I, who also proclaimed himself king. 
·The counties of Sobrarbe and Ribagorza were for his son Gonzalo, but when he died these 
territories were added to Aragón. 
In the 2nd half of the 11th century Navarre was added 
to Aragón when its king Sancho Garcés IV, known as 
Sancho el de Peñalén, was killed and the Navarrese 
decided to submit to Sancho I Ramírez, king of 
Aragón. Navarre and Aragón were united between 
1076 and 1134. 
The Jimena dynasty 
Killing of Sancho IV of Peñalén, 
thrown by his brothers from a cliff 
Sancho I Ramírez of 
Aragón, who became 
also king of Navarre, 
known as Sancho V
- Not accurate term to refer to the advance od 
the Christian kingdoms of the North to the 
South. It was rather the conquest of the 
territories occupied by the Muslims by the 
Christian kingdoms of the North, mainly Aragón, 
Portugal and Castile . 
-Origin: in the 9th century the kings of Asturias- 
León established a continuity with the Visigothic 
Kingdom . 
- Since the 11th century the conquest added a 
connotation of “crusade” against Islam 
-It started after the disintegration of the 
Caliphate of Córdoba and the military weakness 
of the Taifgas kingdoms 
- It was not a continuous process. There were 
long periods of truce and the impulse of the 
conquests depended on the circumstances of 
both Al-Andalus and the Christian Kingdoms
8th-10th century: MUSLIM SUPERIORITY (Christians on the defensive) 
11th- middle 13th century: CHRISTIAN INITIATIVE (Christian advance, 
taking advantage of the Muslims’ weaknesss and disunity) 
Middle 13th century- end 15th century: STABILITY: the Nasrid 
Kingdom of Granada survived through the payment of parias
Alphonse Vi of Castile and León, 
conqueror of Toledo 
Castile and León reached the River Tajo Valley and Aragón and the Catalan counties reached the 
Ebro Valley, taking advantage of the internal problems of Taifas Kingdoms and their difficulties to 
recruit soldiers. The first Christian success was the conquest of Toledo by Alphonse VI of Castile in 
1085. Later the Catalans occupied Tarragona (1090) and the Aragonese conquered Huesca (1096). 
This first advance to the South was stopped by the arrival of the Almoravids, who defeated the 
Castilians in Sagrajas (1086) and Uclés (1108) and reunified the Taifas kingdoms.
Urraca I of Castile and 
Alphonse I Enríquez, 
first king of Portugal 
This was a complictated period for the 
kingdom of Castile. After Alphonse 
Vi’s death: 
-his daughter Urraca I became the queen, 
but her marriage with Alphonse I the 
Battler of Aragón caused a lot of problems 
in the kingdom and was finally dissolved. 
-Portugal separated from Castile in 1139. 
Alphonse I Enríquez, Alphonse VI’s 
grandson was his first king. The Portuguese 
occupied Lisbon in 1147.
In Aragón, Alphonse I the Battler 
conquered Zaragoza (1118) and 
consolidated his control over the Ebro 
When he died without descendants in 
1134, a succesory crisis took place in 
the kingdom. The Aragonese and 
Navarrese nobles didn’t accept his 
testament, where he had decided to 
leave his kingdom to the military 
-the Navarrese decided to separate 
from Aragón and chose a new king, 
García IV Ramírez, the Restorer 
-the Aragonese took Ramiro, Alphonse 
I’s brother, out from the monastery 
and obliged him to accept the crown, 
look for a spouse and give a heir to 
Aragón. Ramiro II married Agnes of 
Poitou and they had a baby girl called 
Petronila in 1136 
Alphonse I the Battler Ramiro II the Monk
In 1137, when Petronila was one year old, her parents married her 
to Ramón Berenguer IV, count of Barcelona. After this, Ramiro II 
the Monk went back to the monastery and Ramón Berenguer IV 
was in charge of the kingdom, with the title of prince of Catalonia. 
When Petronila was of age (14 years old), their marriage was 
consummated. Ramón Berenguer IV conquered Tortosa (1148) and 
Lleida (1149) and reached the mouth of the River Ebro. Petronila 
and Ramón Berenguer IV´s son, Alphonse II (1164-1196), became 
the first king of the Crown of Aragón. 
Petronila and Ramón Berenguer IV 
Alphonse II of Aragón
After the disintegration of the 
Almoravid Empire in 1145, Alphonse 
VII of Castile and León conquered 
Almería in 1147 and Alphonse VIII of 
Castile conquered Cuenca in 1177. This 
advance was stopped by the 
Almohads, a new people from the 
North of Africa, who had crossed the 
Gibraltar Strait in 1147 and reunified 
the Taifas kingdoms, except for 
Mallorca, which survived under 
Almoravid rule until the end of the 
century. In 1195 Alphonse VIII of 
Castile’s troops were defeated in the 
Battle of Alarcos, in present Ciudad 
Real. The Castilians were obliged to 
sign a truce with the Almohads. After 
this victory the Almohads reconquered 
several places, like Trujillo, Cáceres, 
Plasencia, Talavera, Cuenca and Uclés. 
Navarre became trapped between Castile and Aragón 
and couldn’t advance more to the South. Since the 13th 
century they were linked to France and in 1234 
Theobald of Champagne became the first king from a 
French dynasty with the name of Theobald I.
Alphonse VIII 
of Castile 
Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa, 1212 
Peter II of 
Sancho VII of 
Alphonse VIII of Castile led a coalition of Christian princes and monarchs against the Almohads, 
who were defeated in the Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa en 1212. This Christian victory opened 
path to the conquest of the Guadalquivir Valley. Although the Almohad Caliphate didn’t fall 
immediately, Portugal and Castile conquered all the Guadalquivir Valley and Aragón reached the 
Baetic Mountains
· Alphonse IX of León conquered 
Cáceres (1227) and Badajoz 
· Ferdinand III the Saint of 
Castile and León conquered 
the main cities of the 
Guadalquivir Valley: Córdoba 
(1236), Jaén (1246) and Seville 
· James I the Conqueror of 
Aragón conquered Mallorca 
(1229) and Valencia (1238) 
· Alphonse III of Portugal 
conquered Faro in 1249 and 
finished the Portuguese 
Treaty of Almizra 
Dates of the conquest of Valencia 
In 1244 the Treaty of Almizra was signed between James I of Aragón and his future son-in-law 
Alphonse X the Wise of Castile. They definitely fixed the limits of the Kingdom of Valencia and agreed 
on the cession of Murcia to Castile. This treaty was signed after the unfulfillment of previous treaties 
between Castile and Aragón, signed to establish the borders of both kingdoms (treaties of Tudilén in 
1151 and Cazola in 1179).
After the inclusion of Murcia in Castile, the Crown of Aragón oriented its 
expansion to the Mediterranean Sea. They conquered different territories 
in the Mediterranean Sea: 
-Sicily and Malta (1282) 
-duchies of Athens (1311) and Neopatria (1319) in Greece (conquered by 
the Almogavars, mercenary troops who fought in the Byzantine Empire) 
- Sardinia (1324) 
- Naples (1442) 
The Kingdom of Mallorca 
included the territories in 
the South of France 
The kingdoms of Mallorca and Sicily were ruled as independent kingdoms by members of the royal 
After the big conquests of the 13th 
century, the Nasrid kingdom of Granada 
was the only Muslim territory that 
remained in the Iberian Peninsula. 
The Castilians conquered some territories 
as a result of their fight against the 
Marinids, a new Berber people who had 
destroyed the Almohad Caliphate in the 
North of Africa: 
-Gibraltar in 1309 (lost in 1333 and 
recovered in 1349) 
- Victory against the Marinids in the Battle 
of River Salado in 1340 (Alphonse XI of 
Castile got the help of Portugal and 
- Algeciras in 1344 
The Nasrid Kingdom of Granada survived until 1492, when it was finally conquered by the 
Catholic Monarchs.
The Christians used different methods to 
control the seized land conquered and 
establish their political, economic and 
social structures 
- APRISIO OR PRESURA: Duero Valley and 
Plana de Vic 
-FUEROS (Charters of liberties given to 
towns): between Duero and Tajo valleys. 
-MILITARY ORDERS: between Tajo and 
Guadiana valleys and the upper Júcar and 
Turia valleys 
-REPARTIMIENTOS (land distribution 
between those who had contributed to 
the conquest): Guadalquivir (donadíos and 
heredamientos) and Mediterranean coast
Territories received by the military orders: 
-Alcántara, Calatrava, San Juan and Santiago received land in Castile and Portugal 
-Montesa received land in Aragón
Stages of the population of Castile-La Mancha
Linguistic division of the 
Valencian Community 
Structure of the property of the 
land in the 2nd half of the 19th 
Structure of the property of the land at 
The lands of the interior of the Valencian Community, populated by Aragonese, are Castilian-speaking 
The structure of the property of the land also reflects the heritage of the Middle Ages: 
-large estates in Extremadura, Castile La-Mancha and Andalusia 
-small properties in the North and East

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The Christian kingdoms and the "Reconquest"

  • 2. THE IBERIAN PENINSULA IN THE 8th CENTURY After the Muslim conquest of the Peninsula, the mountainous areas of the North were the only territories to remain out of the Muslim control. These regions had experienced a superficial Romanization and the Visigoths hadn’t controlled them much either. New Christian States appeared around the Cantabrian Mountain Range and the Pyrenees.
  • 3. THE FIRST CHRISTIAN STATES PYRENEES Kingdom of Pamplona Aragonese counties Catalan counties CANTABRIAN MOUNTAINS Kingdom of Asturias
  • 4. KINGDOM OF ASTURIAS In 722 Pelagius, an Asturian nobleman, defeated the Muslims in the Battle of Covadonga, probably only a skirmish, and was chosen king of Asturias (722-737). This was the origin of the Kingdom of Asturias. Cangas de Onís was the first capital city. PELAGIUS (718-737) Proclamation of Pelagius, painted by Madrazo in 1856 Battle of Covadonga (722) Extension of the Kingdom of Asturias
  • 5. ALPHONSE I (739-757) ALPHONSE II (791-842) Discovery of the tomb of Saint James in Compostela Bishop Theodemir went to Oviedo and told Alphonse II about the discovery. Alphonse I (739-757) extended the kingdom outside the mountains. He conquered Galicia and León and brought the population who lived between the mountains and the river Duero to the North. A no man’s land or demographic desert appeared there. At the end of the century Alphonse II (791-842) moved the capital city to Oviedo. According to tradition, during Alphonse II’s reign the tomb of Apostle Saint James was supposedly discovered in Compostela.
  • 6. ALPHONSE III (866-910) - 9th century: the Kingdom of Asturias extended to Galicia in the West and Álava in the East. They occupied these lands and founded cities such as Zamora, Burgos and Coimbra. The maximum expansion happened during Alfonso III the Great´s rule. The first attempt to link the Visigothic kingdom and the kingdom of Asturias appeared during his reign and was written in the Chronicle of Alphonse III. - 10th century: the capital city of the kingdom was moved to León and the kingdom of Asturias changed its name to Kingdom of León. In the county of Castile, located in the Eastern part of the kingdom, count Fernán González took advantage of León’s weakness and converted his county into hereditary. The kingdom of León started declining at the end of this century and it fell under Navarre´s influence.
  • 7. PYRENEAN AREA Spanish March Charlemagne In the 8thcentury the territories around the Pyrenees fell under the control of the Carolingians: they formed the Spanish March, border province which extended from Pamplona to Barcelona.
  • 8. - 9th century: at the beginning the area continued to be controlled by the Carolingian Empire. After the disintegration of the Carolingian Empire, three regions appeared: the Kingdom of Pamplona, created by Íñigo Arista in 824, the Aragonese counties and the Catalan counties. The count of Barcelona Wilfred the Hairy was the last to swear allegiance to the Frankish kings and left his county to his children. - 10th century: the crisis of the Emirate of Córdoba led to the consolidation of the States created in the Pyrenees: • In Navarre, a new dynasty, the Jimena, was enthroned and they extended their influence to La Rioja and Álava. • The Aragonese counties fell under the influence of Navarre. • The Catalan counties consolidated their independence. At the end of the 10th century, after Al- Mansur’s attack to Barcelona, count Borrell II unified the Catalan counties and decided to declare them independent from France.
  • 9. THE CHRISTIAN KINGDOMS DURING THE CALIPHATE OF CÓRDOBA In the 10th century, during the Caliphate of Córdoba, Abd-al- Rahman III and Al-Mansur launched several expeditions against the Christian kingdoms and stopped their expansion.
  • 10. BEGINNING OF THE 11th CENTURY At the beginning of the 11th century Navarre was the most powerful Christian kingdom: king Sancho III the Great created a big kingdom that included Castile, the Aragonese counties and had big influence in León.
  • 11. When Sancho III died in 1035, he divided his kingdom among his sons. His testament was the origin of three of the big Christian kingdoms of the Middle Ages in the Peninsula: ·Ferdinand I inherited Castile and proclaimed himself king. When he defeated his brother-in-law Bermudo III of León (who died fighting in the Battle of Tamarón in 1038), he became the king of León as well. The Crown of Castile was created, although Castile and León became separated and unified several times until the 13th century. ·Navarre was for his son García I Sánchez. ·Aragón was for his son Ramiro I, who also proclaimed himself king. ·The counties of Sobrarbe and Ribagorza were for his son Gonzalo, but when he died these territories were added to Aragón. FERDINAND I GARCÍA I RAMIRO I GONZALO
  • 12. In the 2nd half of the 11th century Navarre was added to Aragón when its king Sancho Garcés IV, known as Sancho el de Peñalén, was killed and the Navarrese decided to submit to Sancho I Ramírez, king of Aragón. Navarre and Aragón were united between 1076 and 1134. The Jimena dynasty Killing of Sancho IV of Peñalén, thrown by his brothers from a cliff Sancho I Ramírez of Aragón, who became also king of Navarre, known as Sancho V
  • 13. “RECONQUEST” - Not accurate term to refer to the advance od the Christian kingdoms of the North to the South. It was rather the conquest of the territories occupied by the Muslims by the Christian kingdoms of the North, mainly Aragón, Portugal and Castile . -Origin: in the 9th century the kings of Asturias- León established a continuity with the Visigothic Kingdom . - Since the 11th century the conquest added a connotation of “crusade” against Islam -It started after the disintegration of the Caliphate of Córdoba and the military weakness of the Taifgas kingdoms - It was not a continuous process. There were long periods of truce and the impulse of the conquests depended on the circumstances of both Al-Andalus and the Christian Kingdoms
  • 14. STAGES 8th-10th century: MUSLIM SUPERIORITY (Christians on the defensive) 11th- middle 13th century: CHRISTIAN INITIATIVE (Christian advance, taking advantage of the Muslims’ weaknesss and disunity) Middle 13th century- end 15th century: STABILITY: the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada survived through the payment of parias
  • 15. 11th CENTURY Alphonse Vi of Castile and León, conqueror of Toledo Castile and León reached the River Tajo Valley and Aragón and the Catalan counties reached the Ebro Valley, taking advantage of the internal problems of Taifas Kingdoms and their difficulties to recruit soldiers. The first Christian success was the conquest of Toledo by Alphonse VI of Castile in 1085. Later the Catalans occupied Tarragona (1090) and the Aragonese conquered Huesca (1096). This first advance to the South was stopped by the arrival of the Almoravids, who defeated the Castilians in Sagrajas (1086) and Uclés (1108) and reunified the Taifas kingdoms.
  • 16. 12th CENTURY Urraca I of Castile and León Alphonse I Enríquez, first king of Portugal This was a complictated period for the kingdom of Castile. After Alphonse Vi’s death: -his daughter Urraca I became the queen, but her marriage with Alphonse I the Battler of Aragón caused a lot of problems in the kingdom and was finally dissolved. -Portugal separated from Castile in 1139. Alphonse I Enríquez, Alphonse VI’s grandson was his first king. The Portuguese occupied Lisbon in 1147.
  • 17. In Aragón, Alphonse I the Battler conquered Zaragoza (1118) and consolidated his control over the Ebro Valley. When he died without descendants in 1134, a succesory crisis took place in the kingdom. The Aragonese and Navarrese nobles didn’t accept his testament, where he had decided to leave his kingdom to the military orders: -the Navarrese decided to separate from Aragón and chose a new king, García IV Ramírez, the Restorer -the Aragonese took Ramiro, Alphonse I’s brother, out from the monastery and obliged him to accept the crown, look for a spouse and give a heir to Aragón. Ramiro II married Agnes of Poitou and they had a baby girl called Petronila in 1136 Alphonse I the Battler Ramiro II the Monk
  • 18. In 1137, when Petronila was one year old, her parents married her to Ramón Berenguer IV, count of Barcelona. After this, Ramiro II the Monk went back to the monastery and Ramón Berenguer IV was in charge of the kingdom, with the title of prince of Catalonia. When Petronila was of age (14 years old), their marriage was consummated. Ramón Berenguer IV conquered Tortosa (1148) and Lleida (1149) and reached the mouth of the River Ebro. Petronila and Ramón Berenguer IV´s son, Alphonse II (1164-1196), became the first king of the Crown of Aragón. Petronila and Ramón Berenguer IV Alphonse II of Aragón
  • 19. After the disintegration of the Almoravid Empire in 1145, Alphonse VII of Castile and León conquered Almería in 1147 and Alphonse VIII of Castile conquered Cuenca in 1177. This advance was stopped by the Almohads, a new people from the North of Africa, who had crossed the Gibraltar Strait in 1147 and reunified the Taifas kingdoms, except for Mallorca, which survived under Almoravid rule until the end of the century. In 1195 Alphonse VIII of Castile’s troops were defeated in the Battle of Alarcos, in present Ciudad Real. The Castilians were obliged to sign a truce with the Almohads. After this victory the Almohads reconquered several places, like Trujillo, Cáceres, Plasencia, Talavera, Cuenca and Uclés. Navarre became trapped between Castile and Aragón and couldn’t advance more to the South. Since the 13th century they were linked to France and in 1234 Theobald of Champagne became the first king from a French dynasty with the name of Theobald I.
  • 20. Alphonse VIII of Castile 13th CENTURY Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa, 1212 Peter II of Aragón Sancho VII of Navarre Alphonse VIII of Castile led a coalition of Christian princes and monarchs against the Almohads, who were defeated in the Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa en 1212. This Christian victory opened path to the conquest of the Guadalquivir Valley. Although the Almohad Caliphate didn’t fall immediately, Portugal and Castile conquered all the Guadalquivir Valley and Aragón reached the Baetic Mountains
  • 21. · Alphonse IX of León conquered Cáceres (1227) and Badajoz (1230) · Ferdinand III the Saint of Castile and León conquered the main cities of the Guadalquivir Valley: Córdoba (1236), Jaén (1246) and Seville (1248) · James I the Conqueror of Aragón conquered Mallorca (1229) and Valencia (1238) · Alphonse III of Portugal conquered Faro in 1249 and finished the Portuguese expansion
  • 22. Treaty of Almizra Dates of the conquest of Valencia In 1244 the Treaty of Almizra was signed between James I of Aragón and his future son-in-law Alphonse X the Wise of Castile. They definitely fixed the limits of the Kingdom of Valencia and agreed on the cession of Murcia to Castile. This treaty was signed after the unfulfillment of previous treaties between Castile and Aragón, signed to establish the borders of both kingdoms (treaties of Tudilén in 1151 and Cazola in 1179).
  • 23. MEDITERRANEAN EXPANSION OF THE CROWN OF ARAGON After the inclusion of Murcia in Castile, the Crown of Aragón oriented its expansion to the Mediterranean Sea. They conquered different territories in the Mediterranean Sea: -Sicily and Malta (1282) -duchies of Athens (1311) and Neopatria (1319) in Greece (conquered by the Almogavars, mercenary troops who fought in the Byzantine Empire) - Sardinia (1324) - Naples (1442) The Kingdom of Mallorca included the territories in the South of France The kingdoms of Mallorca and Sicily were ruled as independent kingdoms by members of the royal family
  • 24. THE IBERIAN PENINSULA IN 1265 After the big conquests of the 13th century, the Nasrid kingdom of Granada was the only Muslim territory that remained in the Iberian Peninsula. The Castilians conquered some territories as a result of their fight against the Marinids, a new Berber people who had destroyed the Almohad Caliphate in the North of Africa: -Gibraltar in 1309 (lost in 1333 and recovered in 1349) - Victory against the Marinids in the Battle of River Salado in 1340 (Alphonse XI of Castile got the help of Portugal and Aragón) - Algeciras in 1344 The Nasrid Kingdom of Granada survived until 1492, when it was finally conquered by the Catholic Monarchs.
  • 25. “REPOPULATION” PROCESS The Christians used different methods to control the seized land conquered and establish their political, economic and social structures - APRISIO OR PRESURA: Duero Valley and Plana de Vic -FUEROS (Charters of liberties given to towns): between Duero and Tajo valleys. -MILITARY ORDERS: between Tajo and Guadiana valleys and the upper Júcar and Turia valleys -REPARTIMIENTOS (land distribution between those who had contributed to the conquest): Guadalquivir (donadíos and heredamientos) and Mediterranean coast
  • 26. Territories received by the military orders: -Alcántara, Calatrava, San Juan and Santiago received land in Castile and Portugal -Montesa received land in Aragón
  • 27. Stages of the population of Castile-La Mancha
  • 28. REMAINS OF THE “REPOPULATION” Linguistic division of the Valencian Community Structure of the property of the land in the 2nd half of the 19th century Structure of the property of the land at present The lands of the interior of the Valencian Community, populated by Aragonese, are Castilian-speaking areas. The structure of the property of the land also reflects the heritage of the Middle Ages: -large estates in Extremadura, Castile La-Mancha and Andalusia -small properties in the North and East