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The Cause And Effects Of Hurricane Katrina
In the wake of nature's fury, a disaster of another kind followed the devastation of
Hurricane Katrina. When it came time for the government to take quick and efficient action decades
of indifference, blame, and incompetence reached a climax, leaving thousands in unacceptable
conditions. To further delve into the extent of the political catastrophe that took place in terms of
intergovernmental relations there needs to be a closer look taken at the agencies, leaders, and
officials that tried shuffling blame around, the sheer lack of communication between them, and the
way that Katrina was a microcosm of the nation's faulty priorities. To begin examining the
complexities of the Katrina aftermath, it's important to lay out some key actors of the relief effort.
Mayor Ray Nagin, former Louisiana Governor Kathleen
Blanco, and former Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) director Michael Brown were
amongst those who had the responsibility of working together to set in motion a plan to deal with
Katrina's devastating effects. Others who were appointed to work as a unit with the aforementioned
included Major General Bennett Landreneau and at the time Chief of US
National Guard Lt. General Steven Blum. While these individuals should have taken initiative to
help and rescue those suffering in New Orleans, they spent nearly a week after Katrina waiting on
each other to set off relief efforts. There was so much finger pointing and a clear lack of
accountability, but most assigned a
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Doctoral Basis By William Yaw Adufutse
Walden University
This is to certify that the doctoral dissertation by William Yaw Adufutse has been found to be
complete and satisfactory in all respects, and that any and all revisions required by the review
committee have been made. Review Committee Dr. James Schiro, Committee Chairperson, Applied
Management and Decision Sciences Faculty Dr. Thea Singer, Committee Member, Applied
Management and Decision Sciences Faculty Dr. Lilburn Hoehn, Committee Member, Applied
Management and Decision Sciences Faculty Dr. Cheryl Winsten–Bartlett, University Reviewer
Applied Management and Decision Sciences Faculty
Chief Academic Officer David Clinefelter, Ph.D.
Walden University 2010
ABSTRACT ... Show more content on ...
Finally, many thanks go to the love of my life, my childhood friend, my sweetheart, and my wife,
Nice Adufutse, who has proven to be a firm pillar of support to me all the way through my studies.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS With much appreciation, I would like to express my sincere thanks to
Almighty God for giving me the strength, hope, and ability to conclude this lonely journey. I am
sincerely grateful for the help and the encouragement I received from my mentor and committee
chair, Dr Schiro who has ceaselessly helped me in perfecting my critical thinking abilities and in
bringing clarity to my writing. I am very much indebted to Dr. Hoehn who guided me through
understanding different research paradigms that I intend to use in my further academic endeavors.
My special thanks go to Dr. Singer, a member of my dissertation committee who helped me with my
thinking about customer satisfaction. Finally, I am thankful for the editorial work of Steven Peyster
who worked diligently in correcting my mistakes and made sure that my writing and logical
reasoning meet the high academic standards of doctoral studies.
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Fema Case Study
Despite warnings of the impact, Hurricane Andrew the response was negligent and ill prepared. As
predicted, the devastation was catastrophic. (20) Governor Chiles was either not informed as to how
the state would be affected or was lax in his duties. The Governor waited too long before requesting
help for the state. Governor Chiles felt that the state itself could handle the damages that arose after
impact and refused government assistance. Once he realized the state could not handle the
devastation on its own, government also waited for a formal request from the Governor before
stepping in. The reaction from FEMA after the request was slow and ineffective waiting for word
from Chiles. In essence, no one actually surveyed the damages caused by the hurricane and once
surveyed properly; people had already waited too long and were in dire ... Show more content on ...
It was suggested that if FEMA could not be more effective to abolish it entirely. President Clinton
with the assistance of the new director of FEMA, James Lee Witt, up scaled the response time of
FEMA since they no longer ahd to wait for state approval. The enhancements that Witt made were
the most effective changes made in years. (27) At that point, oversight felt the changes should be
made permanent and Congress should be involved however, once the public outrage over the
mishandling of Andrew died down Congress decided not to spend the time or money on the project
and moved to other things. The changes to the system were made through executive order however
since Congress did not stay involved to address the issue therefore once President Bush took office,
the orders were dismantled. President Bush felt that the Changes made by President Clinton were
more of an entitlement that wasted federal money and the executive order was changed to remove
much of what was in the
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Fema Research Papers
(FEMA) – Federal Emergency Management Agency. FEMA's mission for 37 years is to lead
America to prepare for, prevent, respond to, and to recover disasters with a vision of "A Nation
Prepared". To rescue and attend all victims, suppress any secondary fires that might have resulted in,
secure police the disaster area, and begin the process of restoring order. FEMA also coordinates the
federal role is preparing for, preventing, mitigating the effects of responding to, and recovering all
domestic disasters, whether natural or manmade including the acts of terror. In 1803 The
Congressional Act was passed; the act was intended after the first piece of disaster happened, which
would be, the New Hampshire FIre of 1803. FEMA provided assistance ... Show more content on ...
Carter states " That commitment to the people we serve and the belief in our survivor centric
mission will never change. FEMA has continued to stay committed to protecting and serving the
American people. The director of FEMA, Thomas Casey, was charged with integrating these diverse
programs into one conceive operation capable of delivering federal resources and assistance through
a new method called "Integrated Emergency System". This system was centered on all hazards
In 1980, Ronald Reagan became president. The focus of FEMA's policies and program shifted
dramatically from all–hazards approach to a single focus on a nuclear attack planning through its
Office of National Preparedness. The incompetence of the agency's many parts to function
adequately as one, led to the awful responses to Hurricane Hugo (1989), the Loma Prieta earthquake
(1989), and Hurricane Andrew (1992). Various congress members were talking about suppressing
In 1992, Bill Clinton became president. The new emergency manager, James Lee Witt, authorized
FEMA to once more to take up an all hazards approach. Also it became an a customer–focused
organization that worked closely with its state and local emergency management partners, and
effectively responded to unprecedented series of major disasters across the country. This also
included terrorist attacks such as 9/11 and the Oklahoma City
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Hurricane Katrina: A Man-made Disaster Essay
At 7:10 EDT on August 29, 2005 Hurricane Katrina made landfall, etching lasting memories of
those living in and around the New Orleans, Louisiana. It was this day that Hurricane Katrina came
ashore and caused what was to be thought as one of the "most destructive storm in terms of
economic losses" ("Hurricane Katrina –," 2007) of all times. Who was to be blamed for the failure in
emergence management response and preparation, no one seemed to know or understand. Those left
in the wake of this disaster could only stand by and wonder who was at fault, what preparation were
to be in place and why wasn't there a quicker response to help the hundreds of thousands that needed
immediate aid and disaster assistance.
Failures of the Katrina ... Show more content on ...
216). Hurricane Katrina brought to light many failures in the aftermath of what was to become one
of United States biggest blunders. One of the largest failures of Katrina was the inability to
communicate both before during and after the storm hit landfall. Warren Rudman stated in the PBS
"The Storm" video that the "failure of interoperability fell on the Congress, the administration and
the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)" ("Frontline "The Storm"," 2005). It was this failure
that Mr. Rudman felt had the largest impact on all levels of the emergency management causing the
failures that resulted. Two example of this are 1) as stated by the public safety wireless network
which said that Delaware, Michigan and North Carolina had successfully implemented their
interoperability system so why didn't Louisiana and 2) that when given a federal grant from the
Department of Justice (DOJ) that the city of New Orleans didn't succeed in their system "because of
pushback from the "big tech companies" to the major without directive from the federal
government" caused the program to be not completed (Frontline "The Storm", 2005).
Can You be Prepared One of the key questions that anyone in emergency management preparation
will ask themselves is can they be fully prepared. This is the million dollar question that those
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Emergency Management Part 1 Summary
Part I The book 'Introduction to Emergency Management' is written by George Haddow, Jane
Bullock and Damon Coppola. George D. Haddow served as White House Liaison and Deputy Chief
of Staff to FEMA Director James L. Witt from 1993–2001. Jane A. Bullock served as Chief of Staff
to FEMA Director James Lee Witt in the final 5 years of her 21–year career in that agency. Damon
P. Coppola is an emergency management planner and analyst with over 15 years of experience
providing technical and subject matter expertise to clients in the public, nonprofit, private, and
international sectors. It is very important to know the background of the authors. Two of the three
authors of the book have served under the FEMA director James Witt. While reading ... Show more
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Risk reduction is the main aim. Few mitigation tools are hazard identification and mapping, land use
planning, insurance, structural controls etc. Impediments to mitigation refer to the
obstacles/hindrances to any mitigation program implementation which are stated in the chapter as
Denials of risk, Lack of Political Will, Lack of funding, Lack of Leadership.
Federal and non–federal mitigation programs refer to the funding provided by the federal and state
bodies respectively for mitigation programs. FEMA set up programs that support mitigation. SBA,
EDA, HUD are some examples. Being federally funded by the government their main is to reduce
risk and provide benefits which exceed cost.
The chapter also goes on to explain mitigation methods in practice through specific case studies.
The goal of mitigation is to create economically secure, socially stable, better built and more
environmentally sound communities that are out of the harms
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President James Lee Witt's FEMA
Probably one of the best and most successful appointments President Bill Clinton made while in
office was placing James Lee Witt as Director of FEMA. James Lee Witt was the first Director to
have actual past experience in the Emergency Management field. James Lee Witt was very active in
reforming FEMA from the way it was to the proactive agency it became while he was in office. For
so long FEMA was directed by appointed personnel who had no knowledge or experience in
Emergency Management. Witt came into the position with a background in emergency management.
Witt was very concerned regarding the cost of response and recovery, in the aftermath of different
disasters. Witt felt that preventative measures taken prior to disaster could eliminate
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Emergency Management Essay
This chapter provides an overview that describes the basic types of hazards threatening the United
States and provides definitions for some basic terms such as hazards, emergencies, and disasters.
The chapter also provides a brief history of emergency management in the federal government and a
general description of the current emergency management system–including the basic functions
performed by local emergency managers. The chapter concludes with a discussion of the all–hazards
approach and its implications for local emergency management.
Introduction There are many ways to describe emergency management and the importance of the
tasks emergency managers perform. Indeed, in ... Show more content on ...
The natural environment is, of course, not "getting its revenge". Geophysical, meteorological, and
hydrologic processes are unfolding as they have for millennia, beginning long before humans
occupied the earth and continuing to the present. Given the eons–long perspective of the natural
environment, it would be very difficult to identify meaningful changes in event frequency for the
short time period in which scientific records are available on geological, meteorological, and
hydrological phenomena. Event frequency, from an emergency management perspective, is not
really the issue. It is certainly true that, over the years, more people have been affected by natural
disasters and losses are becoming progressively greater. The significant feature driving these
observations, however, is the extent of human encroachment into hazard prone areas. With
increasing population density and changing land use patterns, more people are exposed to natural
hazards and consequently our accumulated human and economic losses are increasing. Much of this
exposure is a matter of choice. Sometimes people choose hazardous places, building houses on
picturesque cliffs, on mountain slopes, in floodplains, near beautiful volcanoes, or along seismic
faults. Sometimes people choose hazardous building materials that fail under extreme environmental
stresses–for example, unreinforced masonry construction in seismically active areas. Some exposure
results from constrained choices; the cheap land or
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Emergency Management Act Of 1934 Essay
Emergency Management begin in the 1800's. New Hampshire had a fire that destroyed most of the
city. The city needed financial aid to help with the recovery efforts. In 1803, a Congressional Act
was passed in order to help the town recover from the devastating loss.
This is an example of what would be the Federal government participation in a local disaster.
In the 1930's, the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and the Bureau of Public Roads was given
the ability to give disaster loans to aid in the recovery process ( During this time, a
noteworthy, "significant piece of emergency management legislation was passed by Congress"
( It was the Flood Control Act of 1934. This Act gave U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
the ability to plan and construct flood control projects.
Through the years Emergency Management has taken on new forms. Initially there were over 100
departments overseeing emergency management. It was not until June 19, 1978, that President
Carter announced a plan to provide the launching of the Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA). The FEMA Director would report to the President of the United States of America. In
1992, Hurricane Andrew struck the state of Florida, and FEMA was evidently not prepared to handle
such an event. It was clear that FEMA's partners at the State level were also not prepared to handle
such an event. Across the United States, news stations were showing and documenting the failures
of the State and FEMA. The
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Sexism and Disney
For decades now, Disney Corporation has been providing us with countless films made to delight
and amuse children and adults alike. But not all Disney films seem particularly appropriate for their
target audience. Many of these films portray violence, gender inequality, and skewed views of
leadership roles that seem altogether inappropriate for impressionable young children. Better and
more contemporary heroines need to be added to Disney's wall of princesses in order to counteract
years of sexism. Admittedly, many of Disney's original works are not being viewed by their intended
audience. Author of Patricia Digón Regueiro 's states, "it may be of interest to know that in his early
cartoons created by Walt Disney were not directed at ... Show more content on ...
Once again Snow White is saved not by her actions or words, but by her looks alone. While violence
is shown to a far lesser extent in this film compared to others, it is still prevalent. When the Queen
orders the huntsman to kill Snow White, she does not ask for a simple death. She orders the man to
hack out the young girl 's heart and bring it to her (in the original story, she does this so she can eat
it. Thankfully, they do not mention that in the movie). Despite being the protagonist, Snow White is
never given a chance to lead her own life. From the very beginning of the film, she is always owned
by someone else. First her stepmother controls her life, then the huntsman orders her to leave, then it
is the dwarfs (sic) who control and care for her well–being, and then it is the prince. Never once
does she resist or attempt to go out on her own. By the end of the film, she does not even protest a
near stranger kissing her as she sleeps. In fact, she figures that 's reason enough to run away with
him! Beauty and the Beast is another film with questionable morals. Despite a sixty year time span
between the two films, gender relations changed very little. Though the main characters come off as
slightly more rounded, there are still some eerie instances that should be addressed. Belle is (yet
again) a stunning young woman who is revered throughout for her
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Essay on Fema
Special Topics in Business Introduction The Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, is
responsible for coordinating the government's role in preparation, prevention, response and recovery
from domestic disaster, whether they be natural or man–made. lists 1849 total disasters
declared since 1953, with an average of 32 each year (13). This particular agency has generated a lot
of praise and but just as much criticism. Over the course of FEMA's history, there are many lessons
to be learned and FEMA is always looking for ways to be more effective. This paper will examine
the history of FEMA, evaluate its performance over the years and pinpoint lessons to be learned and
actions to be taken. History and Purpose of ... Show more content on ...
Now, DHS has to share its money with the department as a whole. FEMA's funding comes from the
President's budget, but it is in direct competition with all of the other administration's current
interests, particular with its sister departments within DHS. FEMA often takes a backseat to
terrorism. In the integration of FEMA into the DHS, FEMA had to contribute to the start–up costs of
the new department, but unfortunately evidence suggests that the agency may have been made to
pay a disproportionately higher amount than larger agencies. FEMA officials say this directly
affected their levels of service in 2004 and 2005 (14). In the integration, FEMA lost some programs,
but lost major ones as well (14). In 2005, plans continued to reduce FEMA. Director at the time,
Michael Brown, wrote a memo in June expressing his concern about the agency's future if the cuts
continued (13). Perhaps the most ironic cut was the disaster planning exercise "Hurricane Pam."
This exercise, in which outlines a scenario where a disastrous hurricane hits New Orleans, leaving
more than 100,000 people in the city, began a year before Katrina. The exercise was never finished
because the Bush Administration cut funding (13). But it doesn't look like FEMA is going anywhere.
Inspector General Richard Skinner wrote a 2009 report in which he said, "Removing FEMA from
DHS at this point would cause considerable upheaval, to both FEMA and the department." (11)
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JFK ASSASINATION THEORY November 22, 1963, was one of the darkest days in the history of
the United States of America. It was a day of complete turmoil. People all over the country dropped
everything that they were doing. Children were permitted to go home from school and people
huddled around their televisions in shock as they watched the day's events. On this day, John F.
Kennedy was brutally assassinated in Dallas, Texas.
John F. Kennedy was probably the most beloved and popular president to ever sit in the Oval Office.
He was the icon of our country. His youth and charisma personified the American citizen. His
beautiful wife and his two young children optimized the perfect family. His war hero and his highly
educated ... Show more content on ...
Because of these flaws, he only beat Nixon by less than one percent of the popular vote. He took the
office with his new vice president Lyndon B. Johnson. This was a surprise at first, because he
opposed Kennedy as the Democratic Party's candidate. Kennedy was able to persuade Johnson to
run with him and they later proved to be a good team.
Johnson was not the only Democrat opposed to Kennedy. Frankly, many people disliked the
President because his views conflicted with the party's. He was characterized as a liberal by many,
but the reality was the JFK did what he thought was right. For example, he went against the liberals
and failed to take a strong stand against McCarthyism. He also took a strong stand for the civil
rights of blacks in the South and unemployment. This caused much strife between Kennedy and the
John F. Kennedy was so popular probably because of the way he stood up for his beliefs. He was
also loved because he was the major factor in the Space race. In this point and time we were battling
the USSR for the lead. He guaranteed and came through with sending astronauts to the moon. This
may be insignificant as far as politics go, but it gave American citizens a sense of pride and
John F. Kennedy was also a hero to our country because he got our country out of two serious
conflicts. Almost immediately after taking
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FEMA Mitigation: A Case Study
national security functions toward natural hazards that are more easily mitigated than prevented
(Roberts, p. 134). James Lee Witt, oversaw FEMA reorganization and he as the director promoted
the idea of mitigation at the local and state level throughout the 1990s. As a result, mitigation
became associated with the policies of his political chief, President Bill Clinton (Roberts, p. 134). In
the wake of September 11 attacks, everything change, from roles and responsibilities, to the creation
of departments. In fact, the September 11 attacks placed attention to the policy design in charge of
preventing or mitigating such attacks, which evidently showed they have failed and therefore, new
policies will emerge to address the problems revealed
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Hazard Mitigation Case Study
1) What mitigation processes have been implemented (if any) since the disaster occurred? (If no, or
very few, mitigation processes have been implemented, explain why you think this is the case.)
In 2014, after what was arguably the most devastating natural disaster to impact the Northeast coast
of the US, the Village of Freeport, NY Planning Committee reviewed previous hazard data and
conducted a risk assessment to identify and profile those hazards that pose a risk to the Village (All
Hazard Mitigation Plan – Incorporated Village of Freeport, 2014). It was ascertained that the
hazards the will have the most significant impact on the Village are Hurricanes, flooding and high
wind damage caused by Nor'easters (All Hazard Mitigation Plan – ... Show more content on ...
To reduce the risk of sea–worthy vehicles being ripped from their moorings, boat owners and
marinas should beef up mooring which can prevent property damage and injury. To mitigate the
possibility of injury or loss of life of the community's seniors and disabled individuals, the Village
could maintain a directory of all said individuals. Additionally, to assure this populations well–being
where evacuations are not implemented, establishing teams of volunteers tasked with getting
supplies to this population (those living alone) or in the event of evacuation, bringing them to the
designated safe location. For the local business, installing storm shutters on the windows of the
business would prevent projectiles from causing greater damage. Additionally, installing water
pumps with sensors would help mitigate minor
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Fempa Case Study
Since its conception, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has seen an array of
different directors, each with their own leadership style. Many of these directors performed their
duties admirably in the response to many major U.S. disasters; however, there were also some who
are infamous for their lack of performance. The roles these directors had in response to a major
disaster, whether good or bad, would greatly influence the response and recovery efforts. One of the
most notable and influential FEMA directors was a man named James Lee Witt who was appointed
by former President, Bill Clinton in 1993. Witt, who served four years, as the director of the
Arkansas Office of Emergency Service was the first FEMA director appointed ... Show more content
on ...
The region suffered more than $20 billion in damage overall, making it one of the most costliest
disasters in U.S. history (Bolin & Stanford, 1998). Due to the magnitude and severity of the disaster
it grabbed the immediate attention of the federal government, and within hours after the earthquake
President Clinton sent key member of the administration to assess the damage and begin recovery
operations. Most notably, James Lee Witt not only was in charge coordinating the response effort,
but also took immediate action to begin relaying information to the public and disaster victims as
quickly as possible (Gordon & Emerson, 2010). In the days to follow the quake, Witt held daily
public press conferences with the Governor and would spend many evenings walking through
temporary shelters, speaking with victims and listened to their stories (Bolin & Stanford, 1998).
While Witt made it his duty to thoroughly reassure the public that the government was there to help,
he also made the decision to modify existing FEMA programs to expedite grant money to victims.
Under normal circumstances, displaced families would only receive a grant check for $3,000 if they
could show proof of their displacement. However, due to the severity of the disaster, FEMA decided
that the risk of fraud was far exceeded by the benefit of distributing grant money
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• Explain The Requirements For Changing A Tax Year
After completing Chapter 13, you should be able to:
1. List what are permissible tax years.
2. Explain the requirements for changing a tax year.
3. Identify the available accounting methods.
4. Understand the rules for accounting method changes.
5. Account for the capitalization of inventory costs.
6. Describe long–term contract reporting.
7. Defi ne the installment method of accounting.
The fi rst 12 chapters are presented primarily from the individual taxpayer's point of view (including
self–employed taxpayers). This chapter provides a general discussion of the previous material as it
applies to other entities and provides a ... Show more content on ...
Thus, the Internal Revenue
Service has been provided with Code Sec. 482, under which it may reallocate items of income,
deduction, credit, or allowance in order to prevent tax avoidance when two or more organizations
are controlled by the same interest. Further, if the taxpayer's method of accounting does not clearly
refl ect income, Code Sec. 446 authorizes the IRS to require the use of a method that will do so.
Additionally, the Supreme Court has indicated that the use of generally accepted accounting
principles (GAAP), which apply to fi nancial accounting and are considered to be the "best"
accounting practices, does not necessarily clearly refl ect income and does not shift the burden of
proof to the IRS to show otherwise. Thor Power Tool Co., 79–1 USTC ¶9139, 439 U.S. 522 (1979).
Once the questions of what items are includible in gross income and what items are deductible in
computing taxable income are answered, a second set of questions must be faced. These relate to
when such qualifying items are to be utilized in that computation. In other words, in what tax year is
an item of income actually to be included in gross income? In what tax year is a deduction to be
subtracted from gross income?
The general answers to most of these "when" questions are furnished in terms of the method of
accounting regularly employed by the taxpayer in his or her business and recordkeeping. That
record, however, must "clearly refl ect income." Various accounting
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The Federal Emergency Management Agency
The Rise and Fall of Legitimacy: A Review of the Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) from 1979 to 2005
Legitimacy is the lifeblood of an organization. With conflict and competition a clear winner is
considered legitimate. Cooperation, however, offers the potential for legitimacy for multiple parties.
A legitimate organization has authority based on being representative, accountable, responsible,
effectiveness, efficiency, minimal interference from political pressure, and established rules. Rules
provide a rational foundation for procedures and operations. Administrative decisions grounded in
established rules are the basis of a legal–rational authority and ensure that decisions are not biased
or influenced. Weber (1922) and Stillman (1998) identify the application of established, impersonal
rules and procedures as an important characteristic of an organization and crucial to a legitimate
authority. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has seen a rise and fall regarding
its view of legitimacy between the years of 1979 and 2005. FEMA carried a reputation for a lack of
legitimacy for nearly two decades. Strong leadership and a new approach led to an increased respect
and view of legitimacy by the public. However, this was short–lived. This paper will discuss the
significant contributing factor leading to FEMA's return to a lack of legitimacy in the response to
Hurricane Katrina.
The Early Years
In 1979 The Federal Emergency Management Agency
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The Assassination of Jfk and His Accomplishments While He...
The Assassination of JFK and his Accomplishments while he was in Office.
The assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy remains a mystery to this day. Some argue that there
is more than one shooter, I personally agree with this theory. Although his presidency was very
short, he made great strides in giving the people what he promised. He most likely would have
helped America in more ways than one and it would have been great to have seen what he would
have accomplished. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald on November 22,
1963 in Dallas, Texas at the Daeley Plaza. On November 24, 1963 a man named Jack Ruby shot and
killed Oswald while Oswald was being transported to another jail. Oswald was the only known
person who ... Show more content on ...
He was in the marines so he had a great deal of skill in handling guns. He wanted to live in Russia,
but he could not get his visa. When he lived in Dallas, Texas he openly expressed his views of
communism by handing out leaflets. His views greatly conflicted with the views of Kennedy. For
less than six months he worked for the Texas School Depository which is located near Daeley Plaza.
The theory is the Oswald shot Kennedy from the sixth floor of the Depository and hid the gun there.
When the gun was found and examined later, Oswald palm print was found on the barrel on the gun
(Salisbury,1964). During all the chaos Oswald went home to get a pistol. He then returned to the
Depository where he shot Officer Tippet when the officer approached to question him. He was
arrested for killing Officer Tippet and it was not until later JFK 5 that he was linked to the
assassination of Kennedy. He claimed he was innocent on the accounts of shooting both President
Kennedy and Officer Tippet. On November 24, 1963 Oswald was shot and killed by Jack Ruby.
There are theories that Ruby shot Oswald because Ruby didn't want Oswald selling him out if they
were accomplices in the assassination (, Inc., 2008).
There are witnesses that can testify that they saw a man fire a weapon from the sixth floor of the
Depository. Eye witness Howard L. Brennan claimed that he saw a man in leaning out of a window
on the sixth
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Emergency Management Evolution Of The Field Summary
After reading the article, "Emergency Management: The Evolution of the Field", I gained an
understanding of how emergency management has progressed as a field in the United States during
the last few centuries. There were some information that I had already known prior to reading this
article, but there was a substantial amount of intriguing information that I not only read in order to
write this journal entry, but for my own benefit as a student who is educating himself in this field.
The historical events relating to emergency management listed in this article were definitely worth
reading about. For example, in the village of Portsmouth, New Hampshire during 1803, a local fire
broke out that lead to a cry for additional help after local ... Show more content on
From the Portsmouth fire of 1803 to Hurricane Sandy of 2012, every major disaster that has
occurred not only in the United States, but in the surrounding countries, has shaped how emergency
management progressed over the last few centuries. Not only did natural disasters played a role in
this evolution, but the U.S. presidents as well because each president had a unique mindset towards
the relationship between the federal government and emergency management. As we progressed
towards the future, there is no doubt that this field is continuing to evolve. Whether it is a natural
disaster or a U.S. President, emergency management only has room for improving. Although it will
have its times of failure, the history of emergency management has shown that failure is only one
step closer to
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A Comparison Of Hurricane Katrina
Lessons in Contemporary
When the Katrina Hurricane hit ground in New Orleans people did not evacuated on time. It was
said that the Military waited for too long to take any action and that The Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) failed to plan for evacuation and that the government was
indifferent to the victims who were mostly poor and black.
Few hours before Katrina hit ground, people believed the storm had missed the city. In
Jackson Barracks at the headquarters, The National Guard didn't know that the levees were given in.
Commander General Bennett
Landreneau monitored the water from Baton Rouge when he was informed by a soldier at Jackson
Barracks that water was flowing the streets. At the headquarters there were 300 soldiers trapped,
they lost power, equipment and any communication. At the other side of town the police
headquarters was also under water. All switchboards were flooded, phones didn't work. New
Orleans SWAT team did not have enough boats to rescue people. It was the responsibility of New
Orleans' Mayor Ray Nagin to stock the shelters with enough food and water and start mobilizing
school buses for evacuation. It was found that 500 hundred buses were flooded when the levees
Former FEMA director Michael D. Brown accepted later that he had mislead the public by saying
that the
were doing when in reality he said he knew they weren't.
On day 4 the Mayor was asking all not to give
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Are There Any Aspects of Bp’s Ethical Culture That Could...
BP Gulf Coast Disaster and Recovery INTRODUCTION BP, formerly British Petroleum and the
Anglo–Persian Oil Company, has experienced a lot of ups and downs over its hundred–year history–
from nearly bankrupting its founder William D'Arcy to becoming one of the world's largest energy
companies. BP has also experienced its fair share of controversies regarding business practices,
environmental damage, and hazards to workers. It and all other large energy companies have come
under fire for releasing huge amounts of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. For some time, BP
has attempted to turn a page in its history book toward a more environmentally–friendly future
through investments in renewable energy and a support of ethics and compliance ... Show more
content on ...
Simply moving equipment to the site had been a monumental task that could take months. To
facilitate transportation of the oil, BP started building a pipeline through the area, and many of the
necessary supplies had to be shipped from the United States. In a time before paved roads,
everything had to be hauled through the sand using manpower and mules. Because of the difficult
mountainous terrain, the pipeline project took over two years to complete. The huge scope of the
undertaking drew workers not only from nearby Arab countries, but also from India and China–all
of whom were seeking work in helping to build the largest refinery in the world. By 1914, BP was
about to go bankrupt again. The company had a lot of oil, but demand for that oil was low. In 1914
the automobile had not become a mass–market product yet, and companies in the New World and
Europe had first–mover advantages in the industrial oils market. An even worse problem was the
strong smell of Persian oil, which eliminated it from the heating and kerosene lamp markets.
Winston Churchill, the British's First Lord of the Admiralty, changed all that. He felt that the British
navy, which was the envy of the world, needed a reliable and dedicated source of oil. Oil executives
had been courting the navy for some years, but until Churchill, commanders had been
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Internal Auditing in an Organization and Its Effects on...
1.1 Back ground of the study.
An audit is the examination and checking of financial statements by a professional auditor or
accountant who has had no part in its preparation. The process involves an examination of the
evidence from which the final revenue accounts and balance sheet, or other statements of an
organization have been prepared, in order to ascertain that they present a true reflection of the
summarized transactions for the period under review and of the financial state of the organization at
the end date, so enabling the auditor to report thereon. The objective of the ordinary audit of
financial statements by the independent auditor is the expression of an opinion as to the fairness
with which ... Show more content on ...
Auditor's business and professional futures depend on integrating attest services with, the
information user's demand and delivery systems they can use. This integration will involve
developing attest services to deal with 1) relevance as well as reliability 2) non–financial
information as well as traditional financial statements 3) electronic databases as well as printed
financial reports. Traditional attest functions have therefore expanded resulting in an equally
expanded assurance function to involve the expression of written or oral conclusions on the
reliability and / or information systems.
We can summarize the main objectives of auditing therefore as: 1. The confirmation of the accuracy
of accounts and statements 2. Detection of errors and frauds. 3. Prevention of errors and frauds.
However, to qualify as an auditor, one must be a member of the institute of Chartered Accountants
as defined under the Chartered Accountants Act 1963 (170) and must not have been disqualified
from acting as an auditor by any legislative instrument by the registrar. An auditor, therefore, is a
person who reports on the accounts of an organization or enterprise. Nevertheless; there are two
types of audit, namely Internal and External audit. But for the purpose of our study; we would want
to concentrate much on internal audit.
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The Hurricane Devastation Of The United States
The massive hurricane that decimated large areas of the southeastern coast originated as a small
category 1 hurricane. The state and federal government received lots of criticism for their minimal
preparation and their ineffectual evacuation procedures. The storm shed light on the role of the
government in natural disasters and its need for serious evaluation. During the first few hours of the
storm, the Louisiana National Guard did not feel concerned about the approaching rainfall. Once
members saw multiple feet of water on the streets, they realized how the dire situation was. Shortly
after, the communication systems within Louisiana were greatly impaired. Many victims of Katrina
were not able to reach any functioning phones because the residents' switchboards were flooded.
Only a few of the victims were able to make 911 calls to the rescue teams. Because of the poor
communication systems, there were many casualties in the water–filled streets and homes. Many
criticisms arose after the events of Hurricane Katrina that greatly affected the system of the
government. An essential component to a functioning government is interoperability, which is the
concise communication between FEMA, federal, state, and local authorities. Because federalism
depends on the sharing of power between the national and state governments, the aftermath of
Katrina left a confusing and dangerous impression on the stability of the government. No one could
determine who was in charge of leading
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JFK Assassination: Who Really Killed Kennedy?
Who Really Killed Kennedy?
Lincoln, Malcolm X, Franz Ferdinand, all murdered, all with a purpose, all with a confirmed killer.
Why did these assassinations happen? What caused these people to feel the need to kill such
powerful people? While we know who killed many, and most of people, who were assassinated
while in powerful positions, we have no idea who really killed Kennedy. Though many theories
surround his death, we have no real evidence to confirm a killer. Could it have been the work of a
single person, a group of people, maybe radicals, or even a conspiracy?
A Single Person
While popular opinion states that the killer could have been one of many things, among common
citizens, the most believed reason of who killed Kennedy was ... Show more content on ...
Johnson. No one really thought about Johnson until about 2003, at least not publicly. In 2003, a poll
showed that about twenty percent of all Americans honestly thought that Lyndon B. Johnson could
have had something to do with Kennedy's shooting ( A website called
"Environmental Graffiti" said that one of the theories which could have clearly explained how
Johnson was involved (if he was) would be Lyndon's "desire to become president, his need to cover
up scandals, and his involvement with the FBI," (
Jackie Kennedy. The most far–fetched theory of all the JFK assassination theories is the one that
states that John F. Kennedy's own wife killed him herself. A few theorists claim or say that Mrs.
Kennedy could have had a pistol in the car with she and her husband. They also say that after she
shot him, she hid the pistol she used in a flowerpot nearby. But the fact that thousands of Texans
were watching the Kennedys automatically throws this theory out of the window.
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Graduate Level Class: Emergency Management
Introduction Hurricane Katrina happened 4 years after the attacks of 9/11, 3 years after the
succeeding production of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and one year after the DHS
had actually produced a National Response Plan. However regardless of the heightened focus on
homeland safety, the feedback to Katrina was a failure. The world viewed as government responders
appeared not able to provide standard security from the ravages of nature. The titles of 2
congressional reports summed up the sense of failure. A Select House Committee [Residence
Report, 2006] determined "A Failure of Initiative" while the Senate Committee on Homeland
Security and Governmental Affairs [Senate Report, 2006] evaluated the United States "A Nation
Still Unprepared." (Moynihan, 2009). The bad feedback emerged from a failure to handle a lot of
threat elements. The threats of a significant hurricane striking New Orleans had actually been long
thought about, and there sufficed caution of the danger of Katrina that declarations of emergency
were made days in advance of landfall. However responders fell short to transform this info into a
level of preparation suitable with the scope of the approaching catastrophe. The distributed nature of
authority in the United States intergovernmental feedback system additional deteriorated feedback,
as federal responders fell short to acknowledge they should even more actively engage. In any case,
numerous of the crucial institutional capabilities to
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Personal Position Analysis : Natural Disasters
Steven White
Professor Engelhardt
Eng 104
25 October 2014
Personal Position Analysis
When natural disasters happen many people have their homes, lives, and loved ones strippen away
in a blink of an eye. One would feel sorry for them and send cards and small donations and try to
raise awareness. But what happens when their lives are not taken away in the blink of an eye, what
happens if it takes a couple years of suffering and struggling? If something is plaguing a group of
people for a prolonged period of time can't we do something to stop the suffering and struggle? Our
government should be able to make its citizens lives easier and should help make hard times pass
faster even when it involves small crisis's. This isn't always the case though.
For example, there is a small town in Porterville that has been struggling with a severe drought that
is occurring in California, with little to no help. The people who live in Porterville and call it home
are now facing the reality that they might be forced to leave what little they have. "Most homes here
depend on shallow, private wells, and one by one, they are going dry. That means the only drinking
water comes in donated bottles. For everything else, the county is delivering and filling storage
tanks for household use"(CBS). Why is it though that the most amount of help that these people
whom are struggling comes from just the county and private donations? The federal government has
yet to even take any steps to helping
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The Storm Frontline Research Paper
"The Storm" Frontline
When trying to figure out who was to blame for the failure to provide appropriate responses to
Katrina, everyone pointed fingers at each other but in my opinion all of the officials from federal to
state and local government were responsible for failing to respond immediately in the after math of
the hurricane. Former Mayor Ray Nagin was responsible for stocking enough food and water
supplies for the victims as well as to mobilize city school buses for evacuation but supplies didn't
last long and 500 school buses were flooded and could not be used for evacuation. When ask why he
didn't plan better and move the school buses on higher grounds Mr. Nagin stated that there were not
enough bus drivers. There was also the question as to ... Show more content on ...
When the 2nd George W Bush took office, Witt left his position and doing the same thing his father
did Bush appointed an official who had no proper background and experience to be the head of
FEMA. One would think that leader should learn from previous mistakes but under both President
Bush's, FEMA became an agency in which top positions could be filled as political favors. Michael
D. Brown had 0 experience in navigating disasters.
Furthermore, in addition to appointing unqualified leaders Bush administration also cut out budget
spending for FEMA. After the 9/11 terrorist attacks Bush Administration were focused more on
antiterrorism, war and security causing to deny FEMA of proper resources. Specifically, a year
earlier before
FEMA faced Katrina, they had sponsored a project called Hurricane Pam but were cut out before it
was even finished. This project forecasted Katrina and would have help local and state government
to be more prepared and organized when disaster hits.
Many of the failures of federal and local government would have been prevented if they had proper
communication when Hurricane Katrina came. With modern technology, we could expect the
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The Administration Of The U.s. Tax System
In 1990, the IRS commissioned a comprehensive nationwide survey of taxpayers to obtain their
overall perception of its administration of the U.S. tax system. NPM related questions from this
survey were re–asked to taxpayers to determine any potential changes in response patterns
(VanDenburgh 2004, 2). Several questions were re–asked to allow for an assessment of differences
between the 1990 responses and the 2004 responses during research by William M. VanDenburgh
The concept of logic of action, which derives from institutional theory, is valuable to understanding
why the IRS case is not aberrant and why there exists an implicit tension between merit ideals and
the performance paradigm (Thompson 2006, 498). Patterns of behavior derive from institutional
rules that create incentives to act in one way or another. They also derive from norms that have
arisen over time that govern what behaviors are considered "appropriate." Important for the purpose
of this argument is the existence of an underlying logic according to which behavioral patterns,
incentives, and norms are interlocked (Thompson 2006, 498). Adoption of a new NPM requires an
agency organizational structure to become more competitive and business–like. In other words, a
private market focus is to be incorporated in the organization. The IRS was heavily criticized
because auditors forcefully went after non–filers when some IRS employees themselves were not
filing tax returns (VanDenburgh 2004, 91).
Due to
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Improving A High Performing Agency Essay
Public agencies are unique. They are all performing at different rates with different missions and
goals. Despite their differences, it cannot be denied that all agencies want to improve or maintain
their performance. This paper outlines some of the important features and strategies that directors
should take into consideration if they want to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their
agency. These strategies and components include being an autonomous agency, practicing
organizational learning, having strong leadership and implementing institutionalization.
One of the first important factors that that must be taken under consideration to achieve a high
performing agency is autonomy. An autonomous agency is defined as an one that is free from
external influences that may include the three branches of government or other interest groups. It is
important to note that an agency is never fully autonomous. Those who are given the task of creating
the institutional design have the power to design who the agency can be independent and dependent
on. Unfortunately, some agencies face the predicament, of being dependent on both Congress and
the President such as the National Drug Agency who are dependent on Congress for their budget
(Selin, 2015). Despite not having full autonomy, the agency can still work independently from other
external influences, enabling the agency to be efficient and effective because it can dictate its own
For example, the Equal Employment
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The Cause And Effects Of Hurricane Katrina

  • 1. The Cause And Effects Of Hurricane Katrina In the wake of nature's fury, a disaster of another kind followed the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. When it came time for the government to take quick and efficient action decades of indifference, blame, and incompetence reached a climax, leaving thousands in unacceptable conditions. To further delve into the extent of the political catastrophe that took place in terms of intergovernmental relations there needs to be a closer look taken at the agencies, leaders, and officials that tried shuffling blame around, the sheer lack of communication between them, and the way that Katrina was a microcosm of the nation's faulty priorities. To begin examining the complexities of the Katrina aftermath, it's important to lay out some key actors of the relief effort. Mayor Ray Nagin, former Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco, and former Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) director Michael Brown were amongst those who had the responsibility of working together to set in motion a plan to deal with Katrina's devastating effects. Others who were appointed to work as a unit with the aforementioned included Major General Bennett Landreneau and at the time Chief of US National Guard Lt. General Steven Blum. While these individuals should have taken initiative to help and rescue those suffering in New Orleans, they spent nearly a week after Katrina waiting on each other to set off relief efforts. There was so much finger pointing and a clear lack of accountability, but most assigned a ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Doctoral Basis By William Yaw Adufutse Walden University COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY This is to certify that the doctoral dissertation by William Yaw Adufutse has been found to be complete and satisfactory in all respects, and that any and all revisions required by the review committee have been made. Review Committee Dr. James Schiro, Committee Chairperson, Applied Management and Decision Sciences Faculty Dr. Thea Singer, Committee Member, Applied Management and Decision Sciences Faculty Dr. Lilburn Hoehn, Committee Member, Applied Management and Decision Sciences Faculty Dr. Cheryl Winsten–Bartlett, University Reviewer Applied Management and Decision Sciences Faculty Chief Academic Officer David Clinefelter, Ph.D. Walden University 2010 ABSTRACT ... Show more content on ... Finally, many thanks go to the love of my life, my childhood friend, my sweetheart, and my wife, Nice Adufutse, who has proven to be a firm pillar of support to me all the way through my studies. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS With much appreciation, I would like to express my sincere thanks to Almighty God for giving me the strength, hope, and ability to conclude this lonely journey. I am sincerely grateful for the help and the encouragement I received from my mentor and committee chair, Dr Schiro who has ceaselessly helped me in perfecting my critical thinking abilities and in bringing clarity to my writing. I am very much indebted to Dr. Hoehn who guided me through understanding different research paradigms that I intend to use in my further academic endeavors. My special thanks go to Dr. Singer, a member of my dissertation committee who helped me with my thinking about customer satisfaction. Finally, I am thankful for the editorial work of Steven Peyster who worked diligently in correcting my mistakes and made sure that my writing and logical reasoning meet the high academic standards of doctoral studies. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES
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  • 10. Fema Case Study Despite warnings of the impact, Hurricane Andrew the response was negligent and ill prepared. As predicted, the devastation was catastrophic. (20) Governor Chiles was either not informed as to how the state would be affected or was lax in his duties. The Governor waited too long before requesting help for the state. Governor Chiles felt that the state itself could handle the damages that arose after impact and refused government assistance. Once he realized the state could not handle the devastation on its own, government also waited for a formal request from the Governor before stepping in. The reaction from FEMA after the request was slow and ineffective waiting for word from Chiles. In essence, no one actually surveyed the damages caused by the hurricane and once surveyed properly; people had already waited too long and were in dire ... Show more content on ... It was suggested that if FEMA could not be more effective to abolish it entirely. President Clinton with the assistance of the new director of FEMA, James Lee Witt, up scaled the response time of FEMA since they no longer ahd to wait for state approval. The enhancements that Witt made were the most effective changes made in years. (27) At that point, oversight felt the changes should be made permanent and Congress should be involved however, once the public outrage over the mishandling of Andrew died down Congress decided not to spend the time or money on the project and moved to other things. The changes to the system were made through executive order however since Congress did not stay involved to address the issue therefore once President Bush took office, the orders were dismantled. President Bush felt that the Changes made by President Clinton were more of an entitlement that wasted federal money and the executive order was changed to remove much of what was in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 14. Fema Research Papers (FEMA) – Federal Emergency Management Agency. FEMA's mission for 37 years is to lead America to prepare for, prevent, respond to, and to recover disasters with a vision of "A Nation Prepared". To rescue and attend all victims, suppress any secondary fires that might have resulted in, secure police the disaster area, and begin the process of restoring order. FEMA also coordinates the federal role is preparing for, preventing, mitigating the effects of responding to, and recovering all domestic disasters, whether natural or manmade including the acts of terror. In 1803 The Congressional Act was passed; the act was intended after the first piece of disaster happened, which would be, the New Hampshire FIre of 1803. FEMA provided assistance ... Show more content on ... Carter states " That commitment to the people we serve and the belief in our survivor centric mission will never change. FEMA has continued to stay committed to protecting and serving the American people. The director of FEMA, Thomas Casey, was charged with integrating these diverse programs into one conceive operation capable of delivering federal resources and assistance through a new method called "Integrated Emergency System". This system was centered on all hazards approach. In 1980, Ronald Reagan became president. The focus of FEMA's policies and program shifted dramatically from all–hazards approach to a single focus on a nuclear attack planning through its Office of National Preparedness. The incompetence of the agency's many parts to function adequately as one, led to the awful responses to Hurricane Hugo (1989), the Loma Prieta earthquake (1989), and Hurricane Andrew (1992). Various congress members were talking about suppressing FEMA. In 1992, Bill Clinton became president. The new emergency manager, James Lee Witt, authorized FEMA to once more to take up an all hazards approach. Also it became an a customer–focused organization that worked closely with its state and local emergency management partners, and effectively responded to unprecedented series of major disasters across the country. This also included terrorist attacks such as 9/11 and the Oklahoma City ... Get more on ...
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  • 18. Hurricane Katrina: A Man-made Disaster Essay At 7:10 EDT on August 29, 2005 Hurricane Katrina made landfall, etching lasting memories of those living in and around the New Orleans, Louisiana. It was this day that Hurricane Katrina came ashore and caused what was to be thought as one of the "most destructive storm in terms of economic losses" ("Hurricane Katrina –," 2007) of all times. Who was to be blamed for the failure in emergence management response and preparation, no one seemed to know or understand. Those left in the wake of this disaster could only stand by and wonder who was at fault, what preparation were to be in place and why wasn't there a quicker response to help the hundreds of thousands that needed immediate aid and disaster assistance. Failures of the Katrina ... Show more content on ... 216). Hurricane Katrina brought to light many failures in the aftermath of what was to become one of United States biggest blunders. One of the largest failures of Katrina was the inability to communicate both before during and after the storm hit landfall. Warren Rudman stated in the PBS "The Storm" video that the "failure of interoperability fell on the Congress, the administration and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)" ("Frontline "The Storm"," 2005). It was this failure that Mr. Rudman felt had the largest impact on all levels of the emergency management causing the failures that resulted. Two example of this are 1) as stated by the public safety wireless network which said that Delaware, Michigan and North Carolina had successfully implemented their interoperability system so why didn't Louisiana and 2) that when given a federal grant from the Department of Justice (DOJ) that the city of New Orleans didn't succeed in their system "because of pushback from the "big tech companies" to the major without directive from the federal government" caused the program to be not completed (Frontline "The Storm", 2005). Can You be Prepared One of the key questions that anyone in emergency management preparation will ask themselves is can they be fully prepared. This is the million dollar question that those ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. Emergency Management Part 1 Summary Part I The book 'Introduction to Emergency Management' is written by George Haddow, Jane Bullock and Damon Coppola. George D. Haddow served as White House Liaison and Deputy Chief of Staff to FEMA Director James L. Witt from 1993–2001. Jane A. Bullock served as Chief of Staff to FEMA Director James Lee Witt in the final 5 years of her 21–year career in that agency. Damon P. Coppola is an emergency management planner and analyst with over 15 years of experience providing technical and subject matter expertise to clients in the public, nonprofit, private, and international sectors. It is very important to know the background of the authors. Two of the three authors of the book have served under the FEMA director James Witt. While reading ... Show more content on ... Risk reduction is the main aim. Few mitigation tools are hazard identification and mapping, land use planning, insurance, structural controls etc. Impediments to mitigation refer to the obstacles/hindrances to any mitigation program implementation which are stated in the chapter as Denials of risk, Lack of Political Will, Lack of funding, Lack of Leadership. Federal and non–federal mitigation programs refer to the funding provided by the federal and state bodies respectively for mitigation programs. FEMA set up programs that support mitigation. SBA, EDA, HUD are some examples. Being federally funded by the government their main is to reduce risk and provide benefits which exceed cost. The chapter also goes on to explain mitigation methods in practice through specific case studies. The goal of mitigation is to create economically secure, socially stable, better built and more environmentally sound communities that are out of the harms ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. President James Lee Witt's FEMA Probably one of the best and most successful appointments President Bill Clinton made while in office was placing James Lee Witt as Director of FEMA. James Lee Witt was the first Director to have actual past experience in the Emergency Management field. James Lee Witt was very active in reforming FEMA from the way it was to the proactive agency it became while he was in office. For so long FEMA was directed by appointed personnel who had no knowledge or experience in Emergency Management. Witt came into the position with a background in emergency management. Witt was very concerned regarding the cost of response and recovery, in the aftermath of different disasters. Witt felt that preventative measures taken prior to disaster could eliminate ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Emergency Management Essay CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT This chapter provides an overview that describes the basic types of hazards threatening the United States and provides definitions for some basic terms such as hazards, emergencies, and disasters. The chapter also provides a brief history of emergency management in the federal government and a general description of the current emergency management system–including the basic functions performed by local emergency managers. The chapter concludes with a discussion of the all–hazards approach and its implications for local emergency management. Introduction There are many ways to describe emergency management and the importance of the tasks emergency managers perform. Indeed, in ... Show more content on ... The natural environment is, of course, not "getting its revenge". Geophysical, meteorological, and hydrologic processes are unfolding as they have for millennia, beginning long before humans occupied the earth and continuing to the present. Given the eons–long perspective of the natural environment, it would be very difficult to identify meaningful changes in event frequency for the short time period in which scientific records are available on geological, meteorological, and hydrological phenomena. Event frequency, from an emergency management perspective, is not really the issue. It is certainly true that, over the years, more people have been affected by natural disasters and losses are becoming progressively greater. The significant feature driving these observations, however, is the extent of human encroachment into hazard prone areas. With increasing population density and changing land use patterns, more people are exposed to natural hazards and consequently our accumulated human and economic losses are increasing. Much of this exposure is a matter of choice. Sometimes people choose hazardous places, building houses on picturesque cliffs, on mountain slopes, in floodplains, near beautiful volcanoes, or along seismic faults. Sometimes people choose hazardous building materials that fail under extreme environmental stresses–for example, unreinforced masonry construction in seismically active areas. Some exposure results from constrained choices; the cheap land or ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Emergency Management Act Of 1934 Essay Emergency Management begin in the 1800's. New Hampshire had a fire that destroyed most of the city. The city needed financial aid to help with the recovery efforts. In 1803, a Congressional Act was passed in order to help the town recover from the devastating loss. This is an example of what would be the Federal government participation in a local disaster. In the 1930's, the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and the Bureau of Public Roads was given the ability to give disaster loans to aid in the recovery process ( During this time, a noteworthy, "significant piece of emergency management legislation was passed by Congress" ( It was the Flood Control Act of 1934. This Act gave U.S. Army Corps of Engineers the ability to plan and construct flood control projects. Through the years Emergency Management has taken on new forms. Initially there were over 100 departments overseeing emergency management. It was not until June 19, 1978, that President Carter announced a plan to provide the launching of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The FEMA Director would report to the President of the United States of America. In 1992, Hurricane Andrew struck the state of Florida, and FEMA was evidently not prepared to handle such an event. It was clear that FEMA's partners at the State level were also not prepared to handle such an event. Across the United States, news stations were showing and documenting the failures of the State and FEMA. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Sexism and Disney For decades now, Disney Corporation has been providing us with countless films made to delight and amuse children and adults alike. But not all Disney films seem particularly appropriate for their target audience. Many of these films portray violence, gender inequality, and skewed views of leadership roles that seem altogether inappropriate for impressionable young children. Better and more contemporary heroines need to be added to Disney's wall of princesses in order to counteract years of sexism. Admittedly, many of Disney's original works are not being viewed by their intended audience. Author of Patricia Digón Regueiro 's states, "it may be of interest to know that in his early cartoons created by Walt Disney were not directed at ... Show more content on ... Once again Snow White is saved not by her actions or words, but by her looks alone. While violence is shown to a far lesser extent in this film compared to others, it is still prevalent. When the Queen orders the huntsman to kill Snow White, she does not ask for a simple death. She orders the man to hack out the young girl 's heart and bring it to her (in the original story, she does this so she can eat it. Thankfully, they do not mention that in the movie). Despite being the protagonist, Snow White is never given a chance to lead her own life. From the very beginning of the film, she is always owned by someone else. First her stepmother controls her life, then the huntsman orders her to leave, then it is the dwarfs (sic) who control and care for her well–being, and then it is the prince. Never once does she resist or attempt to go out on her own. By the end of the film, she does not even protest a near stranger kissing her as she sleeps. In fact, she figures that 's reason enough to run away with him! Beauty and the Beast is another film with questionable morals. Despite a sixty year time span between the two films, gender relations changed very little. Though the main characters come off as slightly more rounded, there are still some eerie instances that should be addressed. Belle is (yet again) a stunning young woman who is revered throughout for her ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Essay on Fema Special Topics in Business Introduction The Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, is responsible for coordinating the government's role in preparation, prevention, response and recovery from domestic disaster, whether they be natural or man–made. lists 1849 total disasters declared since 1953, with an average of 32 each year (13). This particular agency has generated a lot of praise and but just as much criticism. Over the course of FEMA's history, there are many lessons to be learned and FEMA is always looking for ways to be more effective. This paper will examine the history of FEMA, evaluate its performance over the years and pinpoint lessons to be learned and actions to be taken. History and Purpose of ... Show more content on ... Now, DHS has to share its money with the department as a whole. FEMA's funding comes from the President's budget, but it is in direct competition with all of the other administration's current interests, particular with its sister departments within DHS. FEMA often takes a backseat to terrorism. In the integration of FEMA into the DHS, FEMA had to contribute to the start–up costs of the new department, but unfortunately evidence suggests that the agency may have been made to pay a disproportionately higher amount than larger agencies. FEMA officials say this directly affected their levels of service in 2004 and 2005 (14). In the integration, FEMA lost some programs, but lost major ones as well (14). In 2005, plans continued to reduce FEMA. Director at the time, Michael Brown, wrote a memo in June expressing his concern about the agency's future if the cuts continued (13). Perhaps the most ironic cut was the disaster planning exercise "Hurricane Pam." This exercise, in which outlines a scenario where a disastrous hurricane hits New Orleans, leaving more than 100,000 people in the city, began a year before Katrina. The exercise was never finished because the Bush Administration cut funding (13). But it doesn't look like FEMA is going anywhere. Inspector General Richard Skinner wrote a 2009 report in which he said, "Removing FEMA from DHS at this point would cause considerable upheaval, to both FEMA and the department." (11) ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. JFK ASSASINATION THEORY Essay JFK ASSASINATION THEORY November 22, 1963, was one of the darkest days in the history of the United States of America. It was a day of complete turmoil. People all over the country dropped everything that they were doing. Children were permitted to go home from school and people huddled around their televisions in shock as they watched the day's events. On this day, John F. Kennedy was brutally assassinated in Dallas, Texas. John F. Kennedy was probably the most beloved and popular president to ever sit in the Oval Office. He was the icon of our country. His youth and charisma personified the American citizen. His beautiful wife and his two young children optimized the perfect family. His war hero and his highly educated ... Show more content on ... Because of these flaws, he only beat Nixon by less than one percent of the popular vote. He took the office with his new vice president Lyndon B. Johnson. This was a surprise at first, because he opposed Kennedy as the Democratic Party's candidate. Kennedy was able to persuade Johnson to run with him and they later proved to be a good team. Johnson was not the only Democrat opposed to Kennedy. Frankly, many people disliked the President because his views conflicted with the party's. He was characterized as a liberal by many, but the reality was the JFK did what he thought was right. For example, he went against the liberals and failed to take a strong stand against McCarthyism. He also took a strong stand for the civil rights of blacks in the South and unemployment. This caused much strife between Kennedy and the Democrats. John F. Kennedy was so popular probably because of the way he stood up for his beliefs. He was also loved because he was the major factor in the Space race. In this point and time we were battling the USSR for the lead. He guaranteed and came through with sending astronauts to the moon. This may be insignificant as far as politics go, but it gave American citizens a sense of pride and patriotism. John F. Kennedy was also a hero to our country because he got our country out of two serious conflicts. Almost immediately after taking ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. FEMA Mitigation: A Case Study national security functions toward natural hazards that are more easily mitigated than prevented (Roberts, p. 134). James Lee Witt, oversaw FEMA reorganization and he as the director promoted the idea of mitigation at the local and state level throughout the 1990s. As a result, mitigation became associated with the policies of his political chief, President Bill Clinton (Roberts, p. 134). In the wake of September 11 attacks, everything change, from roles and responsibilities, to the creation of departments. In fact, the September 11 attacks placed attention to the policy design in charge of preventing or mitigating such attacks, which evidently showed they have failed and therefore, new policies will emerge to address the problems revealed ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Hazard Mitigation Case Study 1) What mitigation processes have been implemented (if any) since the disaster occurred? (If no, or very few, mitigation processes have been implemented, explain why you think this is the case.) In 2014, after what was arguably the most devastating natural disaster to impact the Northeast coast of the US, the Village of Freeport, NY Planning Committee reviewed previous hazard data and conducted a risk assessment to identify and profile those hazards that pose a risk to the Village (All Hazard Mitigation Plan – Incorporated Village of Freeport, 2014). It was ascertained that the hazards the will have the most significant impact on the Village are Hurricanes, flooding and high wind damage caused by Nor'easters (All Hazard Mitigation Plan – ... Show more content on ... To reduce the risk of sea–worthy vehicles being ripped from their moorings, boat owners and marinas should beef up mooring which can prevent property damage and injury. To mitigate the possibility of injury or loss of life of the community's seniors and disabled individuals, the Village could maintain a directory of all said individuals. Additionally, to assure this populations well–being where evacuations are not implemented, establishing teams of volunteers tasked with getting supplies to this population (those living alone) or in the event of evacuation, bringing them to the designated safe location. For the local business, installing storm shutters on the windows of the business would prevent projectiles from causing greater damage. Additionally, installing water pumps with sensors would help mitigate minor ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Fempa Case Study Since its conception, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has seen an array of different directors, each with their own leadership style. Many of these directors performed their duties admirably in the response to many major U.S. disasters; however, there were also some who are infamous for their lack of performance. The roles these directors had in response to a major disaster, whether good or bad, would greatly influence the response and recovery efforts. One of the most notable and influential FEMA directors was a man named James Lee Witt who was appointed by former President, Bill Clinton in 1993. Witt, who served four years, as the director of the Arkansas Office of Emergency Service was the first FEMA director appointed ... Show more content on ... The region suffered more than $20 billion in damage overall, making it one of the most costliest disasters in U.S. history (Bolin & Stanford, 1998). Due to the magnitude and severity of the disaster it grabbed the immediate attention of the federal government, and within hours after the earthquake President Clinton sent key member of the administration to assess the damage and begin recovery operations. Most notably, James Lee Witt not only was in charge coordinating the response effort, but also took immediate action to begin relaying information to the public and disaster victims as quickly as possible (Gordon & Emerson, 2010). In the days to follow the quake, Witt held daily public press conferences with the Governor and would spend many evenings walking through temporary shelters, speaking with victims and listened to their stories (Bolin & Stanford, 1998). While Witt made it his duty to thoroughly reassure the public that the government was there to help, he also made the decision to modify existing FEMA programs to expedite grant money to victims. Under normal circumstances, displaced families would only receive a grant check for $3,000 if they could show proof of their displacement. However, due to the severity of the disaster, FEMA decided that the risk of fraud was far exceeded by the benefit of distributing grant money ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. • Explain The Requirements For Changing A Tax Year 13 chapter TAX ACCOUNTING OBJECTIVES After completing Chapter 13, you should be able to: 1. List what are permissible tax years. 2. Explain the requirements for changing a tax year. 3. Identify the available accounting methods. 4. Understand the rules for accounting method changes. 5. Account for the capitalization of inventory costs. 6. Describe long–term contract reporting. 7. Defi ne the installment method of accounting. 13–2 CCH FEDERAL TAXATION–COMPREHENSIVE TOPICS OVERVIEW The fi rst 12 chapters are presented primarily from the individual taxpayer's point of view (including self–employed taxpayers). This chapter provides a general discussion of the previous material as it applies to other entities and provides a ... Show more content on ... Thus, the Internal Revenue Service has been provided with Code Sec. 482, under which it may reallocate items of income, deduction, credit, or allowance in order to prevent tax avoidance when two or more organizations are controlled by the same interest. Further, if the taxpayer's method of accounting does not clearly refl ect income, Code Sec. 446 authorizes the IRS to require the use of a method that will do so. Additionally, the Supreme Court has indicated that the use of generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), which apply to fi nancial accounting and are considered to be the "best" accounting practices, does not necessarily clearly refl ect income and does not shift the burden of proof to the IRS to show otherwise. Thor Power Tool Co., 79–1 USTC ¶9139, 439 U.S. 522 (1979). Once the questions of what items are includible in gross income and what items are deductible in computing taxable income are answered, a second set of questions must be faced. These relate to when such qualifying items are to be utilized in that computation. In other words, in what tax year is an item of income actually to be included in gross income? In what tax year is a deduction to be subtracted from gross income? The general answers to most of these "when" questions are furnished in terms of the method of accounting regularly employed by the taxpayer in his or her business and recordkeeping. That record, however, must "clearly refl ect income." Various accounting ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. The Federal Emergency Management Agency The Rise and Fall of Legitimacy: A Review of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) from 1979 to 2005 Introduction Legitimacy is the lifeblood of an organization. With conflict and competition a clear winner is considered legitimate. Cooperation, however, offers the potential for legitimacy for multiple parties. A legitimate organization has authority based on being representative, accountable, responsible, effectiveness, efficiency, minimal interference from political pressure, and established rules. Rules provide a rational foundation for procedures and operations. Administrative decisions grounded in established rules are the basis of a legal–rational authority and ensure that decisions are not biased or influenced. Weber (1922) and Stillman (1998) identify the application of established, impersonal rules and procedures as an important characteristic of an organization and crucial to a legitimate authority. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has seen a rise and fall regarding its view of legitimacy between the years of 1979 and 2005. FEMA carried a reputation for a lack of legitimacy for nearly two decades. Strong leadership and a new approach led to an increased respect and view of legitimacy by the public. However, this was short–lived. This paper will discuss the significant contributing factor leading to FEMA's return to a lack of legitimacy in the response to Hurricane Katrina. The Early Years In 1979 The Federal Emergency Management Agency ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. The Assassination of Jfk and His Accomplishments While He... The Assassination of JFK and his Accomplishments while he was in Office. The assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy remains a mystery to this day. Some argue that there is more than one shooter, I personally agree with this theory. Although his presidency was very short, he made great strides in giving the people what he promised. He most likely would have helped America in more ways than one and it would have been great to have seen what he would have accomplished. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas at the Daeley Plaza. On November 24, 1963 a man named Jack Ruby shot and killed Oswald while Oswald was being transported to another jail. Oswald was the only known person who ... Show more content on ... He was in the marines so he had a great deal of skill in handling guns. He wanted to live in Russia, but he could not get his visa. When he lived in Dallas, Texas he openly expressed his views of communism by handing out leaflets. His views greatly conflicted with the views of Kennedy. For less than six months he worked for the Texas School Depository which is located near Daeley Plaza. The theory is the Oswald shot Kennedy from the sixth floor of the Depository and hid the gun there. When the gun was found and examined later, Oswald palm print was found on the barrel on the gun (Salisbury,1964). During all the chaos Oswald went home to get a pistol. He then returned to the Depository where he shot Officer Tippet when the officer approached to question him. He was arrested for killing Officer Tippet and it was not until later JFK 5 that he was linked to the assassination of Kennedy. He claimed he was innocent on the accounts of shooting both President Kennedy and Officer Tippet. On November 24, 1963 Oswald was shot and killed by Jack Ruby. There are theories that Ruby shot Oswald because Ruby didn't want Oswald selling him out if they were accomplices in the assassination (, Inc., 2008). There are witnesses that can testify that they saw a man fire a weapon from the sixth floor of the Depository. Eye witness Howard L. Brennan claimed that he saw a man in leaning out of a window on the sixth ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Emergency Management Evolution Of The Field Summary After reading the article, "Emergency Management: The Evolution of the Field", I gained an understanding of how emergency management has progressed as a field in the United States during the last few centuries. There were some information that I had already known prior to reading this article, but there was a substantial amount of intriguing information that I not only read in order to write this journal entry, but for my own benefit as a student who is educating himself in this field. The historical events relating to emergency management listed in this article were definitely worth reading about. For example, in the village of Portsmouth, New Hampshire during 1803, a local fire broke out that lead to a cry for additional help after local ... Show more content on ... From the Portsmouth fire of 1803 to Hurricane Sandy of 2012, every major disaster that has occurred not only in the United States, but in the surrounding countries, has shaped how emergency management progressed over the last few centuries. Not only did natural disasters played a role in this evolution, but the U.S. presidents as well because each president had a unique mindset towards the relationship between the federal government and emergency management. As we progressed towards the future, there is no doubt that this field is continuing to evolve. Whether it is a natural disaster or a U.S. President, emergency management only has room for improving. Although it will have its times of failure, the history of emergency management has shown that failure is only one step closer to ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. A Comparison Of Hurricane Katrina Hurricane Katrina: Lessons in Contemporary Intergovernmental Relations When the Katrina Hurricane hit ground in New Orleans people did not evacuated on time. It was said that the Military waited for too long to take any action and that The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) failed to plan for evacuation and that the government was indifferent to the victims who were mostly poor and black. Few hours before Katrina hit ground, people believed the storm had missed the city. In Jackson Barracks at the headquarters, The National Guard didn't know that the levees were given in. Commander General Bennett Landreneau monitored the water from Baton Rouge when he was informed by a soldier at Jackson Barracks that water was flowing the streets. At the headquarters there were 300 soldiers trapped, they lost power, equipment and any communication. At the other side of town the police headquarters was also under water. All switchboards were flooded, phones didn't work. New Orleans SWAT team did not have enough boats to rescue people. It was the responsibility of New Orleans' Mayor Ray Nagin to stock the shelters with enough food and water and start mobilizing school buses for evacuation. It was found that 500 hundred buses were flooded when the levees broke. Former FEMA director Michael D. Brown accepted later that he had mislead the public by saying that the Mayor and Governor were doing when in reality he said he knew they weren't. On day 4 the Mayor was asking all not to give ... Get more on ...
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  • 82. Are There Any Aspects of Bp’s Ethical Culture That Could... BP Gulf Coast Disaster and Recovery INTRODUCTION BP, formerly British Petroleum and the Anglo–Persian Oil Company, has experienced a lot of ups and downs over its hundred–year history– from nearly bankrupting its founder William D'Arcy to becoming one of the world's largest energy companies. BP has also experienced its fair share of controversies regarding business practices, environmental damage, and hazards to workers. It and all other large energy companies have come under fire for releasing huge amounts of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. For some time, BP has attempted to turn a page in its history book toward a more environmentally–friendly future through investments in renewable energy and a support of ethics and compliance ... Show more content on ... Simply moving equipment to the site had been a monumental task that could take months. To facilitate transportation of the oil, BP started building a pipeline through the area, and many of the necessary supplies had to be shipped from the United States. In a time before paved roads, everything had to be hauled through the sand using manpower and mules. Because of the difficult mountainous terrain, the pipeline project took over two years to complete. The huge scope of the undertaking drew workers not only from nearby Arab countries, but also from India and China–all of whom were seeking work in helping to build the largest refinery in the world. By 1914, BP was about to go bankrupt again. The company had a lot of oil, but demand for that oil was low. In 1914 the automobile had not become a mass–market product yet, and companies in the New World and Europe had first–mover advantages in the industrial oils market. An even worse problem was the strong smell of Persian oil, which eliminated it from the heating and kerosene lamp markets. Winston Churchill, the British's First Lord of the Admiralty, changed all that. He felt that the British navy, which was the envy of the world, needed a reliable and dedicated source of oil. Oil executives had been courting the navy for some years, but until Churchill, commanders had been ... Get more on ...
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  • 86. Internal Auditing in an Organization and Its Effects on... CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Back ground of the study. An audit is the examination and checking of financial statements by a professional auditor or accountant who has had no part in its preparation. The process involves an examination of the evidence from which the final revenue accounts and balance sheet, or other statements of an organization have been prepared, in order to ascertain that they present a true reflection of the summarized transactions for the period under review and of the financial state of the organization at the end date, so enabling the auditor to report thereon. The objective of the ordinary audit of financial statements by the independent auditor is the expression of an opinion as to the fairness with which ... Show more content on ... Auditor's business and professional futures depend on integrating attest services with, the information user's demand and delivery systems they can use. This integration will involve developing attest services to deal with 1) relevance as well as reliability 2) non–financial information as well as traditional financial statements 3) electronic databases as well as printed financial reports. Traditional attest functions have therefore expanded resulting in an equally expanded assurance function to involve the expression of written or oral conclusions on the reliability and / or information systems. We can summarize the main objectives of auditing therefore as: 1. The confirmation of the accuracy of accounts and statements 2. Detection of errors and frauds. 3. Prevention of errors and frauds. However, to qualify as an auditor, one must be a member of the institute of Chartered Accountants as defined under the Chartered Accountants Act 1963 (170) and must not have been disqualified from acting as an auditor by any legislative instrument by the registrar. An auditor, therefore, is a person who reports on the accounts of an organization or enterprise. Nevertheless; there are two types of audit, namely Internal and External audit. But for the purpose of our study; we would want to concentrate much on internal audit. ... Get more on ...
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  • 90. The Hurricane Devastation Of The United States The massive hurricane that decimated large areas of the southeastern coast originated as a small category 1 hurricane. The state and federal government received lots of criticism for their minimal preparation and their ineffectual evacuation procedures. The storm shed light on the role of the government in natural disasters and its need for serious evaluation. During the first few hours of the storm, the Louisiana National Guard did not feel concerned about the approaching rainfall. Once members saw multiple feet of water on the streets, they realized how the dire situation was. Shortly after, the communication systems within Louisiana were greatly impaired. Many victims of Katrina were not able to reach any functioning phones because the residents' switchboards were flooded. Only a few of the victims were able to make 911 calls to the rescue teams. Because of the poor communication systems, there were many casualties in the water–filled streets and homes. Many criticisms arose after the events of Hurricane Katrina that greatly affected the system of the government. An essential component to a functioning government is interoperability, which is the concise communication between FEMA, federal, state, and local authorities. Because federalism depends on the sharing of power between the national and state governments, the aftermath of Katrina left a confusing and dangerous impression on the stability of the government. No one could determine who was in charge of leading ... Get more on ...
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  • 94. JFK Assassination: Who Really Killed Kennedy? Who Really Killed Kennedy? Lincoln, Malcolm X, Franz Ferdinand, all murdered, all with a purpose, all with a confirmed killer. Why did these assassinations happen? What caused these people to feel the need to kill such powerful people? While we know who killed many, and most of people, who were assassinated while in powerful positions, we have no idea who really killed Kennedy. Though many theories surround his death, we have no real evidence to confirm a killer. Could it have been the work of a single person, a group of people, maybe radicals, or even a conspiracy? A Single Person While popular opinion states that the killer could have been one of many things, among common citizens, the most believed reason of who killed Kennedy was ... Show more content on ... Johnson. No one really thought about Johnson until about 2003, at least not publicly. In 2003, a poll showed that about twenty percent of all Americans honestly thought that Lyndon B. Johnson could have had something to do with Kennedy's shooting ( A website called "Environmental Graffiti" said that one of the theories which could have clearly explained how Johnson was involved (if he was) would be Lyndon's "desire to become president, his need to cover up scandals, and his involvement with the FBI," ( Jackie Kennedy. The most far–fetched theory of all the JFK assassination theories is the one that states that John F. Kennedy's own wife killed him herself. A few theorists claim or say that Mrs. Kennedy could have had a pistol in the car with she and her husband. They also say that after she shot him, she hid the pistol she used in a flowerpot nearby. But the fact that thousands of Texans were watching the Kennedys automatically throws this theory out of the window. ... Get more on ...
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  • 98. Graduate Level Class: Emergency Management Introduction Hurricane Katrina happened 4 years after the attacks of 9/11, 3 years after the succeeding production of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and one year after the DHS had actually produced a National Response Plan. However regardless of the heightened focus on homeland safety, the feedback to Katrina was a failure. The world viewed as government responders appeared not able to provide standard security from the ravages of nature. The titles of 2 congressional reports summed up the sense of failure. A Select House Committee [Residence Report, 2006] determined "A Failure of Initiative" while the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs [Senate Report, 2006] evaluated the United States "A Nation Still Unprepared." (Moynihan, 2009). The bad feedback emerged from a failure to handle a lot of threat elements. The threats of a significant hurricane striking New Orleans had actually been long thought about, and there sufficed caution of the danger of Katrina that declarations of emergency were made days in advance of landfall. However responders fell short to transform this info into a level of preparation suitable with the scope of the approaching catastrophe. The distributed nature of authority in the United States intergovernmental feedback system additional deteriorated feedback, as federal responders fell short to acknowledge they should even more actively engage. In any case, numerous of the crucial institutional capabilities to ... Get more on ...
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  • 102. Personal Position Analysis : Natural Disasters Steven White Professor Engelhardt Eng 104 25 October 2014 Personal Position Analysis When natural disasters happen many people have their homes, lives, and loved ones strippen away in a blink of an eye. One would feel sorry for them and send cards and small donations and try to raise awareness. But what happens when their lives are not taken away in the blink of an eye, what happens if it takes a couple years of suffering and struggling? If something is plaguing a group of people for a prolonged period of time can't we do something to stop the suffering and struggle? Our government should be able to make its citizens lives easier and should help make hard times pass faster even when it involves small crisis's. This isn't always the case though. For example, there is a small town in Porterville that has been struggling with a severe drought that is occurring in California, with little to no help. The people who live in Porterville and call it home are now facing the reality that they might be forced to leave what little they have. "Most homes here depend on shallow, private wells, and one by one, they are going dry. That means the only drinking water comes in donated bottles. For everything else, the county is delivering and filling storage tanks for household use"(CBS). Why is it though that the most amount of help that these people whom are struggling comes from just the county and private donations? The federal government has yet to even take any steps to helping ... Get more on ...
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  • 106. The Storm Frontline Research Paper "The Storm" Frontline When trying to figure out who was to blame for the failure to provide appropriate responses to Hurricane Katrina, everyone pointed fingers at each other but in my opinion all of the officials from federal to state and local government were responsible for failing to respond immediately in the after math of the hurricane. Former Mayor Ray Nagin was responsible for stocking enough food and water supplies for the victims as well as to mobilize city school buses for evacuation but supplies didn't last long and 500 school buses were flooded and could not be used for evacuation. When ask why he didn't plan better and move the school buses on higher grounds Mr. Nagin stated that there were not enough bus drivers. There was also the question as to ... Show more content on ... When the 2nd George W Bush took office, Witt left his position and doing the same thing his father did Bush appointed an official who had no proper background and experience to be the head of FEMA. One would think that leader should learn from previous mistakes but under both President Bush's, FEMA became an agency in which top positions could be filled as political favors. Michael D. Brown had 0 experience in navigating disasters. Furthermore, in addition to appointing unqualified leaders Bush administration also cut out budget spending for FEMA. After the 9/11 terrorist attacks Bush Administration were focused more on antiterrorism, war and security causing to deny FEMA of proper resources. Specifically, a year earlier before FEMA faced Katrina, they had sponsored a project called Hurricane Pam but were cut out before it was even finished. This project forecasted Katrina and would have help local and state government to be more prepared and organized when disaster hits. Many of the failures of federal and local government would have been prevented if they had proper communication when Hurricane Katrina came. With modern technology, we could expect the ... Get more on ...
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  • 110. The Administration Of The U.s. Tax System In 1990, the IRS commissioned a comprehensive nationwide survey of taxpayers to obtain their overall perception of its administration of the U.S. tax system. NPM related questions from this survey were re–asked to taxpayers to determine any potential changes in response patterns (VanDenburgh 2004, 2). Several questions were re–asked to allow for an assessment of differences between the 1990 responses and the 2004 responses during research by William M. VanDenburgh (2004). The concept of logic of action, which derives from institutional theory, is valuable to understanding why the IRS case is not aberrant and why there exists an implicit tension between merit ideals and the performance paradigm (Thompson 2006, 498). Patterns of behavior derive from institutional rules that create incentives to act in one way or another. They also derive from norms that have arisen over time that govern what behaviors are considered "appropriate." Important for the purpose of this argument is the existence of an underlying logic according to which behavioral patterns, incentives, and norms are interlocked (Thompson 2006, 498). Adoption of a new NPM requires an agency organizational structure to become more competitive and business–like. In other words, a private market focus is to be incorporated in the organization. The IRS was heavily criticized because auditors forcefully went after non–filers when some IRS employees themselves were not filing tax returns (VanDenburgh 2004, 91). Due to ... Get more on ...
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  • 114. Improving A High Performing Agency Essay Public agencies are unique. They are all performing at different rates with different missions and goals. Despite their differences, it cannot be denied that all agencies want to improve or maintain their performance. This paper outlines some of the important features and strategies that directors should take into consideration if they want to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their agency. These strategies and components include being an autonomous agency, practicing organizational learning, having strong leadership and implementing institutionalization. One of the first important factors that that must be taken under consideration to achieve a high performing agency is autonomy. An autonomous agency is defined as an one that is free from external influences that may include the three branches of government or other interest groups. It is important to note that an agency is never fully autonomous. Those who are given the task of creating the institutional design have the power to design who the agency can be independent and dependent on. Unfortunately, some agencies face the predicament, of being dependent on both Congress and the President such as the National Drug Agency who are dependent on Congress for their budget (Selin, 2015). Despite not having full autonomy, the agency can still work independently from other external influences, enabling the agency to be efficient and effective because it can dictate its own actions. For example, the Equal Employment ... Get more on ...