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Restoring the                   Powerful Lessons
Character Ethic                 in Personal change

                  By: Stephen
                    R Covey

This presentation is an excerpts from the best selling management book,
“The seven habits of highly effective people” by Stephen R Covey.
Each of the Seven Habits has been described in the slide No-4 to slide No-
In the next few slides, I have tried to share my past experience and
knowledge & information gathered during my interaction with various
management consultants, while undergoing various training, knowledge &
information gathered from various management books, articles, & various
world wide web sites pertaining to management education. Inculcating
these habits & implementing the HR practices can help personal
development as well as organisational development & help develop a
culture in consonance with organisational philosophy.

Stephen Covey(Oct 24,1932 to July 16, 2012) was the well renowned
 international Management Guru, imparting training to most of the Fortune 500
He is the author of several best selling Management books.
He was the co-chairman of Franklin Covey Company, an international firm devoted to
helping individuals, organisations, and families become more effective through the
application of proven principles of natural law. For many people, reading Covey's work,
or listening to him, literally changes their lives.

It is principle centered, character based, inside-out approach
to personal and interpersonal effectiveness.
Inside-out means to start first with self, even more

fundamentally, to start with the most inside part of self- with
your paradigms, your character, and your motive.
The inside-out approach says that private victories precedes
public victories, that making and keeping promises to
ourselves precedes making and keeping promises to others. It
says it is futile to put personality ahead of character, to try to
improve relationships with others before improving ourselves.

                                                   23/09/2012        4
1)Ethics:-      Ethics are that dimension of human thought & behaviour that is
                guided by standards & principles of appropriate conduct. It
                involves a commitment to do the right thing.
2)Values:- Values are one's judgments about what is important in life.
           Values tell people what is good, bad, right, wrong, beneficial,
                important, useful, beautiful, desirable, appropriate.
3)Paradigm:-It is our perception about the world. It is the way we see the
            world-not in terms of visual sense of sight, but in terms of
            perceiving , understanding & interpreting the world.
4)Habits:-      An acquired pattern of behavior that often occurs
5)Principles:-These are guidelines for human conduct that are proven to have
              enduring, permanent value.
6)Proactive:-    Tending to initiate change rather than reacting to events.

   There are two types of ethics that define our success.
   a) Character ethics:-Things like integrity, humility, fidelity,
    temperance, courage, justice, patience, simplicity through
    which the people can only experience true & enduring success.
    These attributes are the foundation stone of success. The
    character ethics teaches us that there are basic principles of
    effective living, and that people can only experience true
    success and enduring happiness as they learn and integrate
    these principles into their basic character.
    Character is like a tree & reputation like a shadow.
    The shadow is what we think of it, the tree is the real thing-
    Abraham Lincoln

   b) Personality ethics:-In such type of ethics
    more importance is given to the personality of a
    person rather than the character, for achieving
    success. This emphasises more on quick-fix
    influence techniques, communication skills &
    positive attitude.

Private Victory:-The first three habits move a person from
dependence to independence. These are the essence of the
character growth. These habits are called habits of self-mastery.

   Principles of
                                     Habit 1

  Principles                          for                       Principles of
 of personal                        Private                       personal
                        Habit 2                 Habit 3
 leadership                         Victory                     management
                       Begin with               Put first
                       the end in

                                                            23/09/2012          8
Habit 4-             Principles of
    Think Win/Win            leadership

        Habit 5-            Principles of
Seek first to understand     Empathetic
& then to be understood    communication

                            Principles of
        Habit 6-
       Synergize            Cooperation

Principles of
    Habit 7-
                  Balanced self
Sharpen the Saw      renewal

   What is proactivity? It is more than taking
    initiative. This is the ability to control one's
    environment, rather than have it control you,
    as is so often the case. Self determination,
    choice, and the power to decide response to
    stimulus, conditions and circumstances.
   We have the initiative and the responsibility to
    make things happen.
   Highly proactive people recognize that

Circle of influence & Circle of concern:-Excellent way to become more self aware
regarding our own degree of pro-activity is to look at where we focus our time &

                                 Circle of Concern: Identify
                                those concern on which you
                                 don’t have any influence &
                                   minimise this circle of

                                          Circle of
                                     :Increase this
                                          circle of
                                       influence to
                                     increase your
                                       pro activity.

                       Highly Proactive people focus their efforts on
                                    circle of influence.

   We have lot of concerns in our lives. In some cases we
    have no control over those concerns & in some cases
    we have control. We have to identify those concerns
    only where we have some control & enlarge our circle
    of influence to bring out a change.
   How to enlarge the circle of influence?
   a) Be a light not a judge.
   b) Be a model, not a critic.
   c) Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
   d) Don’t get into blaming, accusing mode.
   e) Work on things you have control over.

   At the very heart of our circle of
    influence is our ability to make and
    keep commitments and promises.
   The commitments we make to
    ourselves and to others, and our
    integrity to those commitments, is
    the essence and clearest
    manifestation of our pro activity.

Habit 2 is based on the principle that all things are created twice. It is based on
principles of personal leadership, which means that the Leadership is the first
creation and Management is the second creation.
Leadership and management are the two creations.
Management is a bottom line focus.
According to Peter Drucker :-Management is doing the things right ,
Leadership is doing the right things.
The most effective way to nurture Habit 2 is to develop a personal
mission statement. It focuses on what you want to be(character)
and to do(contributions and achievement) and on the values or
principles upon which being and doing are based. A good mission
A good mission statement should incorporate socially meaningful and
measurable criteria addressing such areas as the moral/ethical position of
the individual, the personal improvement to be developed and the
expectations of growth and personal development.

Stephen R. Covey's Mission Statement:
To inspire, lift and provide tools for change and growth of
individuals and organizations throughout the world to significantly
increase their performance capability in order to achieve worthwhile
purposes through understanding and living principle-centered

T.K.Dhar’s Mission Statement
To strive relentlessly to bring a change in environment and society
through sharing knowledge and resources at my disposal, spread
joy, unconditional love and compassion and lead a life with highest
degree of moral values and integrity.

   This is the principles of personal
   Habit 1 says you are the creator. It is based on
    the four unique endowments of imagination,
    conscience, independent will and particularly
    self awareness.
   Effective management is put first things first.
    While leadership decides what first things are,
    it is the management that puts them first.

 It is the habit of interpersonal
 It involves the exercise of each of the
  unique human endowments- self awareness,
  imagination, conscience, and independent
  will in our relationship with others.
  Character is the foundation of win/win and
  everything else builds on that foundation.
  Win/Win is a total paradigm of human
  interaction. It comes from a character of
  integrity, maturity, and the abundance
  mentality. It grows out of high trust
  relationship. Lack of respect & trust
  destroys relationship & puts the
  organisation always in urgency mode.
  Achievements are largely dependent on co-
  operative efforts with others.

 Seven common mistakes the leader
  makes which prevents the leader
  from being trusted by the followers:
 The leader withhold trust in others.
 The leader asks much, yet fail to
  acknowledge effort.
 The leader behaves badly.
 The leader does not admit his mistakes.
 The leader spin the truth.
 The leader duck people & performance
 The leader does not walk the talk.
 And finally, they assume that their
  position alone makes them worthy of
  other’s trust.(Author- Dennis and
  Michelle Reina- Co-founder of the
  Reina Trust Building 23/09/2012
   Seek first to understand involves a very deep shift
    in paradigm. We typically seek first to be
   Most people do not listen with the intent to
    understand; they listen with the intent to reply.
   In order to seek first to understand we have to be
    empathetic listener.
   What is empathy ?
     It is the awareness of other’s feelings, needs, and
    concerns. Empathy is our social radar. It is the ability to
    sense what others feel without their explicitly saying so.

   Empathy is demonstrated in the way we listen
    or do not listen. Most of us listen with the
    intent to reply. We do not listen with the intent
    to understand. In order to become empathetic
    listener we have to refrain from the following
    types of behaviour and responses:-
   Changing the topic
   I know better than you.
   Judjmental
   Advising
   Telling our own stories

   Before the problem come up, before you try to
    evaluate and prescribe, before you try to present
    your own ideas- seek to understand.
   It is a powerful habit of effective independence.
   When we really, deeply understand each other, we
    open the door to creative solutions . Our
    differences are no longer stumbling blocks to
    communication and progress. Instead they become
    the stepping stones to synergy.

   What is Synergy? It means that the whole is greater
    than the sum of its parts.
   Synergy, in general, may be defined as two or more
    agents working together to produce a result not
    obtainable by any of the agents independently.
   Synergy is the essence of principle centered
   It catalyzes, unifies, and unleashes the greatest
    powers within people.
   The essence of synergy is to value differences-to respect
    them, to build on strengths, to compensate for
    weakness.(Envy, jealousy, selfishness are the main negative
    attributes of a human being which becomes the main
    bottlenecks in synergy)

It is the renewal of following four dimensions
  of our nature:-
 i) Physical:-Exercise, nutrition, stress
 ii) Spiritual:-Value clarification, commitment,
                 study & meditation.
 iii) Mental:- Reading, Visualising, Planning,
 iv) Social/emotional:-Service, empathy.

   Proactive people can figure out many, many ways
    to educate themselves.
   a) There is no better way to inform and
       expand your mind on a regular basis than to
       get into the habit of reading good literature.
   b) Writing is another powerful way to sharpen the
        mental saw.
   c) Organisation as well as individual effectiveness
       requires development and renewal of all four
      dimensions(mentioned in previous slide) in a
      wise and balanced way.

Self awareness-
                                                               Habit 1-
Self                                                          Be Proactive
                                                                                                                                 emotions, conduct
-Reading, writing,                                                                                                                Leadership-
                                                                                                Habit 2
socialising,                      Babit-7                                                                                         Mission, values,
exercising, work           Sharpen the Saw
                                                                                             Begin with the                       Contribution,
                                                                                              end in mind
life balancing.                                                                                                                   Judgment, inspire,
                                                                                                                                  innovate, Lead by
                                                                                                                                  example, mentor

                                                          Seven Habits of
                                                          Highly Effective
Collaboration-                                            People-Stephen
Team work,             Habit 6-                              R Covey                                      Habit 3
Group effort,          Synergize
                                                                                                    Put first things
                                                                                                                                  Accomplish, Do
Delegation                                                                                                                        things right.

Empathy-                                        Habit 5
 Listen, Understand,                          Seek first to                     Habit 4
                                                                                                                                   Love, Respect,
Care, Support                               understand then
                                                                             Think Win/Win
                                                 to be                                                                             Trust

Self Actualisation

The best modern organisations have started realising that
sustainable success is built on a serious and compassionate
commitment to helping people identify, pursue and reach their own
personal unique potential & aligning the individual potential to
achieve the corporate objective.(satisfaction of self actualisation at
the top of the pyramid shown in slide-28)
When people grow as people, they automatically become more
effective and valuable as employees.
In fact virtually all personal growth, whether in a hobby, a special talent or
interest, or a new experience, produces new skills, attributes, behaviours and
wisdom that is directly transferable to any sort of job role.
The best modern organisations recognise this and as such offer development
support to their staff in any direction whatsoever that the person seeks to grow
and become more fulfilled.

Aligning all the employees with the organisational

In order to survive, most of the organisations today are more
concerned with the improvement of top line & bottom line. But
little attention is paid to the development of the organisational
culture, which is equally important for sustainable growth &
getting enduring success. Most of them have beautifully drafted
vision statement, mission statement, core values, organisational
philosophy. But little attention is paid to align all the employees
with those values & philosophy of the organisation. This leads to
mismatch between the philosophy of the organisation & their

HR practices which can help in developing sustainable
  organisational culture in the long term
1) Johari Window model:-It was developed by American psychologists Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham in
     the 1950s.This model can be used to increase self awareness, personal development and group development. The
     Johari Window actually represents information - feelings, experience, views, attitudes, skills, intentions,
     motivation, etc - within or about a person - in relation to their group, from four perspectives.
2) 360 degree feedback process:-This can be used for leadership development or development of
     interpersonal behaviours. As per Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, Co-founder of Marshall Goldsmith Partners &
     Coach, senior management team at many of the world’s leading companies like American Express, GE,
     Johnson & Johnson, UBS –use 360degree feedback as a part of an overall process to help align corporate
     values with individual behaviour.
3) Code of ethics/conduct:-Writing code of                   Ethics applicable for all level of employees helps in
     developing sustainable organisation culture . A code of ethics should be tailored to the needs and values of the
     organization. Display/circulation of code of ethics/conduct. This require every one to acknowledges & understands
     the responsibility to comply with it. Best practices is to include it in employee orientation programme.
4) Organisation structure:-Review of organisation structure, its effectiveness & the best prevalent
     practices, keeping in view the long term objective & values of the organisation .
5) Vision, Mission, Core Values:-Sharing/displaying Organisation Vision , Mission, Core values with
     all employees, specifically the new entrants(making it a part & parcel of welcome kit) and igniting passion to
     live by values.

Johari Window model for increasing self
awareness, understanding relationship, personal
development, group development

The Johari Window processes of serious feedback solicitation,
disclosure, and striving to uncover one's unknown area relate to
Maslow's 'self-actualization' ideas contained in the Hierarchy of
Needs.(depicted in slide No.28)
Today the Johari Window model is especially relevant due to
modern emphasis on, and influence of, 'soft' skills, behaviour,
empathy, cooperation, inter-group development and
interpersonal development. This model can help in increasing
self awareness which in turn will help nurture & inculcate Habit-4
described in Slide No-20.

360 degree Feedback

There are tools like 360 degree feedback process, where
the peer, superior, subordinate gives feedback about each
one of them.
This system works on the premise that “There is no
challenge more challenging than improving yourself”.
360-degree feedback process was developed in order to
improve the manager/employee relationship.
In present day organizations, 360-degree feedback process
is used mostly for leadership development.

Code of Ethics/Code of conduct

Code of Ethics is required:-
a) To define accepted/acceptable behaviours in line with
   organisational philosophy.

b) To promote high standards of practice.

c) For self evaluation & act as a benchmark for employees to

d) To establish a framework for professional behaviour and

From Effectiveness to Greatness
           In 1992, because of his selfless humanitarian endeavors, JRD Tata was awarded India`s highest
           civilian honor, the Bharat Ratna-one of the rarest instances in which this award was granted
           during a person`s lifetime.
            In the same year, JRD Tata was also bestowed with the United Nations Population Award for his
           crusading endeavors towards initiating and successfully implementing the family planning
           movement in India, much before it became an official government policy.

  Some valuable insights:-
 Good leaders are followed chiefly because people trust and respect them,
 rather than the skills they possess. Leadership is about behaviour first, skills
 Great and enduring leaders are anchored by their conscience or spiritual
 intelligence.- Stephen R Covey
 A Cardinal principle of Total Quality escapes too many managers:
You can not continuously improve interdependent processes until you
progressively perfect interdependent interpersonal relationship—Henry Ford.

      “An organisation’s ability to learn and translate it into action rapidly is
     the ultimate competitive advantage”-Jack Welch

Basic Principles of Leadership

“Practice what you preach”

This will help earning the respect & trust of the
Gandhiji realised that untouchability is an evil to the
Indian society. So he preached to eradicate this evil
from the Indian society. He used to stay with the
Harijan’s in their hut to show the world that they are
not untouchable.

CMA T. K. Dhar

Your feedback, comments & valuable suggestions solicited.
For insightful thoughts of life & leadership thoughts, visit my blogsite

                                                                   T. K. Dhar


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The 7 habits of highly effective people slideshare-31-10-2010

  • 1. Restoring the Powerful Lessons Character Ethic in Personal change By: Stephen R Covey 23/09/2012 1
  • 2. This presentation is an excerpts from the best selling management book, “The seven habits of highly effective people” by Stephen R Covey. Each of the Seven Habits has been described in the slide No-4 to slide No- 26. In the next few slides, I have tried to share my past experience and 2 knowledge & information gathered during my interaction with various management consultants, while undergoing various training, knowledge & information gathered from various management books, articles, & various world wide web sites pertaining to management education. Inculcating these habits & implementing the HR practices can help personal development as well as organisational development & help develop a culture in consonance with organisational philosophy. 2 23/09/2012
  • 3. Stephen Covey(Oct 24,1932 to July 16, 2012) was the well renowned 3 international Management Guru, imparting training to most of the Fortune 500 companies. He is the author of several best selling Management books. He was the co-chairman of Franklin Covey Company, an international firm devoted to helping individuals, organisations, and families become more effective through the application of proven principles of natural law. For many people, reading Covey's work, or listening to him, literally changes their lives. 3 23/09/2012
  • 4. It is principle centered, character based, inside-out approach to personal and interpersonal effectiveness. Inside-out means to start first with self, even more 4 fundamentally, to start with the most inside part of self- with your paradigms, your character, and your motive. The inside-out approach says that private victories precedes public victories, that making and keeping promises to ourselves precedes making and keeping promises to others. It says it is futile to put personality ahead of character, to try to improve relationships with others before improving ourselves. 23/09/2012 4
  • 5. 1)Ethics:- Ethics are that dimension of human thought & behaviour that is guided by standards & principles of appropriate conduct. It involves a commitment to do the right thing. 2)Values:- Values are one's judgments about what is important in life. Values tell people what is good, bad, right, wrong, beneficial, important, useful, beautiful, desirable, appropriate. 3)Paradigm:-It is our perception about the world. It is the way we see the world-not in terms of visual sense of sight, but in terms of perceiving , understanding & interpreting the world. 4)Habits:- An acquired pattern of behavior that often occurs automatically. 5)Principles:-These are guidelines for human conduct that are proven to have enduring, permanent value. 6)Proactive:- Tending to initiate change rather than reacting to events. 23/09/2012 5
  • 6. There are two types of ethics that define our success.  a) Character ethics:-Things like integrity, humility, fidelity, temperance, courage, justice, patience, simplicity through which the people can only experience true & enduring success. These attributes are the foundation stone of success. The character ethics teaches us that there are basic principles of effective living, and that people can only experience true success and enduring happiness as they learn and integrate these principles into their basic character.  Character is like a tree & reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it, the tree is the real thing- Abraham Lincoln 23/09/2012 6
  • 7. b) Personality ethics:-In such type of ethics more importance is given to the personality of a person rather than the character, for achieving success. This emphasises more on quick-fix influence techniques, communication skills & positive attitude. 23/09/2012 7
  • 8. Private Victory:-The first three habits move a person from dependence to independence. These are the essence of the character growth. These habits are called habits of self-mastery. Principles of personal Habit 1 vision Be Proactive Habits Principles for Principles of of personal Private personal Habit 2 Habit 3 leadership Victory management Begin with Put first the end in things mind first 23/09/2012 8
  • 9. Habit 4- Principles of interpersonal Think Win/Win leadership Habit 5- Principles of Seek first to understand Empathetic & then to be understood communication Principles of Habit 6- Creative Synergize Cooperation 23/09/2012 9
  • 10. Principles of Habit 7- Balanced self Sharpen the Saw renewal 23/09/2012 10
  • 11. What is proactivity? It is more than taking initiative. This is the ability to control one's environment, rather than have it control you, as is so often the case. Self determination, choice, and the power to decide response to stimulus, conditions and circumstances.  We have the initiative and the responsibility to make things happen.  Highly proactive people recognize that responsibility. 23/09/2012 11
  • 12. Circle of influence & Circle of concern:-Excellent way to become more self aware regarding our own degree of pro-activity is to look at where we focus our time & energy. Circle of Concern: Identify those concern on which you don’t have any influence & minimise this circle of concern Circle of Influence :Increase this circle of influence to increase your pro activity. Highly Proactive people focus their efforts on circle of influence. 23/09/2012 12
  • 13. We have lot of concerns in our lives. In some cases we have no control over those concerns & in some cases we have control. We have to identify those concerns only where we have some control & enlarge our circle of influence to bring out a change.  How to enlarge the circle of influence?  a) Be a light not a judge.  b) Be a model, not a critic.  c) Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.  d) Don’t get into blaming, accusing mode.  e) Work on things you have control over. 23/09/2012 13
  • 14. At the very heart of our circle of influence is our ability to make and keep commitments and promises.  The commitments we make to ourselves and to others, and our integrity to those commitments, is the essence and clearest manifestation of our pro activity. 23/09/2012 14
  • 15. Habit 2 is based on the principle that all things are created twice. It is based on principles of personal leadership, which means that the Leadership is the first creation and Management is the second creation. Leadership and management are the two creations. Management is a bottom line focus. According to Peter Drucker :-Management is doing the things right , Leadership is doing the right things. The most effective way to nurture Habit 2 is to develop a personal mission statement. It focuses on what you want to be(character) and to do(contributions and achievement) and on the values or principles upon which being and doing are based. A good mission A good mission statement should incorporate socially meaningful and measurable criteria addressing such areas as the moral/ethical position of the individual, the personal improvement to be developed and the expectations of growth and personal development. 23/09/2012 15
  • 16. Stephen R. Covey's Mission Statement: To inspire, lift and provide tools for change and growth of individuals and organizations throughout the world to significantly increase their performance capability in order to achieve worthwhile purposes through understanding and living principle-centered leadership. T.K.Dhar’s Mission Statement To strive relentlessly to bring a change in environment and society through sharing knowledge and resources at my disposal, spread joy, unconditional love and compassion and lead a life with highest degree of moral values and integrity. 23/09/2012 16
  • 17. This is the principles of personal management.  Habit 1 says you are the creator. It is based on the four unique endowments of imagination, conscience, independent will and particularly self awareness.  Effective management is put first things first. While leadership decides what first things are, it is the management that puts them first. 23/09/2012 17
  • 18.  It is the habit of interpersonal leadership.  It involves the exercise of each of the unique human endowments- self awareness, imagination, conscience, and independent will in our relationship with others. Character is the foundation of win/win and everything else builds on that foundation. Win/Win is a total paradigm of human interaction. It comes from a character of integrity, maturity, and the abundance mentality. It grows out of high trust relationship. Lack of respect & trust destroys relationship & puts the organisation always in urgency mode. Achievements are largely dependent on co- operative efforts with others. 23/09/2012 19
  • 19.  Seven common mistakes the leader makes which prevents the leader from being trusted by the followers:  The leader withhold trust in others.  The leader asks much, yet fail to acknowledge effort.  The leader behaves badly.  The leader does not admit his mistakes.  The leader spin the truth.  The leader duck people & performance issues.  The leader does not walk the talk.  And finally, they assume that their position alone makes them worthy of other’s trust.(Author- Dennis and Michelle Reina- Co-founder of the Reina Trust Building 23/09/2012 Institute) 20
  • 20. Seek first to understand involves a very deep shift in paradigm. We typically seek first to be understood.  Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.  In order to seek first to understand we have to be empathetic listener.  What is empathy ? It is the awareness of other’s feelings, needs, and concerns. Empathy is our social radar. It is the ability to sense what others feel without their explicitly saying so. 23/09/2012 21
  • 21. Empathy is demonstrated in the way we listen or do not listen. Most of us listen with the intent to reply. We do not listen with the intent to understand. In order to become empathetic listener we have to refrain from the following types of behaviour and responses:-  Changing the topic  I know better than you.  Judjmental  Advising  Telling our own stories 23/09/2012 22
  • 22. Before the problem come up, before you try to evaluate and prescribe, before you try to present your own ideas- seek to understand.  It is a powerful habit of effective independence.  When we really, deeply understand each other, we open the door to creative solutions . Our differences are no longer stumbling blocks to communication and progress. Instead they become the stepping stones to synergy. 23/09/2012 23
  • 23. What is Synergy? It means that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.  Synergy, in general, may be defined as two or more agents working together to produce a result not obtainable by any of the agents independently.  Synergy is the essence of principle centered leadership.  It catalyzes, unifies, and unleashes the greatest powers within people.  The essence of synergy is to value differences-to respect them, to build on strengths, to compensate for weakness.(Envy, jealousy, selfishness are the main negative attributes of a human being which becomes the main bottlenecks in synergy) 23/09/2012 24
  • 24. It is the renewal of following four dimensions of our nature:-  i) Physical:-Exercise, nutrition, stress management.  ii) Spiritual:-Value clarification, commitment, study & meditation.  iii) Mental:- Reading, Visualising, Planning, Writing.  iv) Social/emotional:-Service, empathy. 23/09/2012 25
  • 25. Proactive people can figure out many, many ways to educate themselves.  a) There is no better way to inform and expand your mind on a regular basis than to get into the habit of reading good literature.  b) Writing is another powerful way to sharpen the mental saw.  c) Organisation as well as individual effectiveness requires development and renewal of all four dimensions(mentioned in previous slide) in a wise and balanced way. 23/09/2012 26
  • 26. Self awareness- Commitment Imagination, Habit 1- conscience, Self Be Proactive emotions, conduct Development -Reading, writing, Leadership- Habit 2 socialising, Babit-7 Mission, values, exercising, work Sharpen the Saw Begin with the Contribution, end in mind life balancing. Judgment, inspire, innovate, Lead by example, mentor Seven Habits of Highly Effective Collaboration- People-Stephen Management- Team work, Habit 6- R Covey Habit 3 Motivate, Group effort, Synergize Put first things Accomplish, Do first Delegation things right. Empathy- Habit 5 Relationship- Listen, Understand, Seek first to Habit 4 Love, Respect, Care, Support understand then Think Win/Win to be Trust understood 23/09/2012 27
  • 28. Self Actualisation The best modern organisations have started realising that sustainable success is built on a serious and compassionate commitment to helping people identify, pursue and reach their own personal unique potential & aligning the individual potential to achieve the corporate objective.(satisfaction of self actualisation at the top of the pyramid shown in slide-28) When people grow as people, they automatically become more effective and valuable as employees. In fact virtually all personal growth, whether in a hobby, a special talent or interest, or a new experience, produces new skills, attributes, behaviours and wisdom that is directly transferable to any sort of job role. The best modern organisations recognise this and as such offer development support to their staff in any direction whatsoever that the person seeks to grow and become more fulfilled. 23/09/2012 29
  • 29. Aligning all the employees with the organisational philosophy In order to survive, most of the organisations today are more concerned with the improvement of top line & bottom line. But little attention is paid to the development of the organisational culture, which is equally important for sustainable growth & getting enduring success. Most of them have beautifully drafted vision statement, mission statement, core values, organisational philosophy. But little attention is paid to align all the employees with those values & philosophy of the organisation. This leads to mismatch between the philosophy of the organisation & their employees. 23/09/2012 30
  • 30. HR practices which can help in developing sustainable organisational culture in the long term 1) Johari Window model:-It was developed by American psychologists Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham in the 1950s.This model can be used to increase self awareness, personal development and group development. The Johari Window actually represents information - feelings, experience, views, attitudes, skills, intentions, motivation, etc - within or about a person - in relation to their group, from four perspectives. 2) 360 degree feedback process:-This can be used for leadership development or development of interpersonal behaviours. As per Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, Co-founder of Marshall Goldsmith Partners & Coach, senior management team at many of the world’s leading companies like American Express, GE, Johnson & Johnson, UBS –use 360degree feedback as a part of an overall process to help align corporate values with individual behaviour. 3) Code of ethics/conduct:-Writing code of Ethics applicable for all level of employees helps in developing sustainable organisation culture . A code of ethics should be tailored to the needs and values of the organization. Display/circulation of code of ethics/conduct. This require every one to acknowledges & understands the responsibility to comply with it. Best practices is to include it in employee orientation programme. 4) Organisation structure:-Review of organisation structure, its effectiveness & the best prevalent practices, keeping in view the long term objective & values of the organisation . 5) Vision, Mission, Core Values:-Sharing/displaying Organisation Vision , Mission, Core values with all employees, specifically the new entrants(making it a part & parcel of welcome kit) and igniting passion to live by values. 23/09/2012 31
  • 31. Johari Window model for increasing self awareness, understanding relationship, personal development, group development The Johari Window processes of serious feedback solicitation, disclosure, and striving to uncover one's unknown area relate to Maslow's 'self-actualization' ideas contained in the Hierarchy of Needs.(depicted in slide No.28) Today the Johari Window model is especially relevant due to modern emphasis on, and influence of, 'soft' skills, behaviour, empathy, cooperation, inter-group development and interpersonal development. This model can help in increasing self awareness which in turn will help nurture & inculcate Habit-4 described in Slide No-20. 23/09/2012 32
  • 32. 360 degree Feedback There are tools like 360 degree feedback process, where the peer, superior, subordinate gives feedback about each one of them. This system works on the premise that “There is no challenge more challenging than improving yourself”. 360-degree feedback process was developed in order to improve the manager/employee relationship. In present day organizations, 360-degree feedback process is used mostly for leadership development. 23/09/2012 33
  • 33. Code of Ethics/Code of conduct Code of Ethics is required:- a) To define accepted/acceptable behaviours in line with organisational philosophy. b) To promote high standards of practice. c) For self evaluation & act as a benchmark for employees to use. d) To establish a framework for professional behaviour and responsibilities. 23/09/2012 34
  • 34. From Effectiveness to Greatness In 1992, because of his selfless humanitarian endeavors, JRD Tata was awarded India`s highest civilian honor, the Bharat Ratna-one of the rarest instances in which this award was granted during a person`s lifetime. In the same year, JRD Tata was also bestowed with the United Nations Population Award for his crusading endeavors towards initiating and successfully implementing the family planning movement in India, much before it became an official government policy. Some valuable insights:- Good leaders are followed chiefly because people trust and respect them, rather than the skills they possess. Leadership is about behaviour first, skills second. Great and enduring leaders are anchored by their conscience or spiritual intelligence.- Stephen R Covey A Cardinal principle of Total Quality escapes too many managers: You can not continuously improve interdependent processes until you progressively perfect interdependent interpersonal relationship—Henry Ford. “An organisation’s ability to learn and translate it into action rapidly is the ultimate competitive advantage”-Jack Welch 23/09/2012 35
  • 35. Basic Principles of Leadership “Practice what you preach” This will help earning the respect & trust of the followers. Gandhiji realised that untouchability is an evil to the Indian society. So he preached to eradicate this evil from the Indian society. He used to stay with the Harijan’s in their hut to show the world that they are not untouchable. 23/09/2012 36
  • 36. CMA T. K. Dhar Your feedback, comments & valuable suggestions solicited. For insightful thoughts of life & leadership thoughts, visit my blogsite T. K. Dhar 23/09/2012 37

Editor's Notes

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  3. Franklin Covey community allows anyone in the world to become its member. Joining this community & sharing & learning for self development is free.
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