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Myth = unproven or false collective belief

Myth = unrecognised barrier to success

Change your thinking

Change your view point

The 5 Myths:
Myth 1. They will find us, if our offer is "good" enough

Myth 2. They know what they want and they want it for free

Myth 3. They understand and will love our offer

Myth 4. They will make a rational purchase decision - in our favor

Myth 5. We sell to Business, not Consumers
Myth 1. They will find us, if our
        offer is "good" enough
The past

The present
The future
> Be Findable / ‘Bingable’
> Stand out from the crowd
Put your customer at the
centre of everything you do
Be findable / 'bingable’
What is your bing strategy?
1. Great Content
2. Get talked about
3. Build community
Myth 2. They know what they want
        and they want it for free
Example of Low Price Provider
Question: Where do they
          go for help?

Educate your customers:
Become a trusted resource for your customers
1. Use clear and simple customer
2. Describe the problem being solved
3. Tell Client stories

Myth 3. They understand
        and love our offer

Prescribe the solution
Make it simple to take
Simple enough for a 7 year
  old child to understand

Triplicate of choice

SPAM: (R = 0)
                Persona-Based Website

Persona-Based Website
Lead your customers:
Help them to self-qualify
1. Guide them through the self-
   qualification process
2. Make it easy for them to find,
   try and buy
3. Triplicate of Choice
Myth 4. They will make a rational
        purchase decision - in our favor
No, No, No, they won’t!
What is rational for them?

Understand their needs (and wants)
Sell to the right brain
…and provide evidence

…. for the left brain
Justify and rationalise
    their decision
Your Hosted

Together we can do more
Master your message:
Business buyers buy on Pain
Technical buyers buy on Features
1. Sell to the emotional brain
2. Make it relevant and credible
3. People buy because they feel
Myth 5. We sell to Business,
        not Consumers

WoM -> Virtual WoM
“Victory in marketing doesn’t happen
when you sell something, but when you
cultivate advocates for your
                    - Steve Knox, CEO of Tremors,
              P&G’s Word of Mouth Business Unit

Advocates are your
 best influencers
Influence is spread
through social media
Let them choose
Create an insanely great
Customer Experience:
1.   Cultivate brand advocates
2.   Multi-channel touch points
3.   End 2 End CE thinking
The 5 Myths:
Myth 1. They will find us, if our offer is ‘good’ enough
Truth 1. Be findable / ‘bingable’
Myth 2. They know what they want and they want it for free
Truth 2. Educate your community
Myth 3. They understand and will love our offer
Truth 3. Lead your customers
Myth 4. They will make a rational purchase decision - in our favor
Truth 4. Master your message
Myth 5. We sell to Business, not Consumers
Truth 5. Create an insanely great Customer Experience
Your future
 is bright
    "I am the world's worst salesman,
    therefore I must make it easy for
    customers to buy.”
                       - F. W. Woolworth
David Ednie
                      President & CEO
                  SalesChannel Europe
            Ph: +33 676 60 09 25 (FRA)
            Ph: +61 415 94 51 57 (AUS)
Action Plan: Start building your
             SaaS future today

It not a game of chance!
Unique Value Proposition
Create a Value Innovation Curve
Target key influencers
and customer groups

Messaging and positioning
SaaS Sales Acceleration 2.0 Program
            Refer                      Find

       Support                               Qualify
                 GTM and Sales & Marketing
                   Innovation Workshops
       Up-sell                                Try

           Manage                      Buy
                                             SalesChannel Europe
                                                 Accelerating Time to Revenue
8 Key Success Factors
8 KSF’s in Actions
                                                                                                                                                                                           Mural's SaaS Key Success Factors ©

1. SaaS Business Acceleration 2.0
                                                                            Competitive                                                                                                                                                                                     Online Customer                     Direct/Indirect Sales                     Organizational
                                                    Level                  Differentiation                  Messaging & Positioning                    Packaging & Pricing                        Web-Driven                       Demand Generation                          Experience                              Process                             Effectiveness                 Focus & Behavior
                                                                   Provider has created true Blue          Vertical (e.g. Real Estate),            Micro-market specific                Micro-market sales sites for          Micro-market specific demand            Integrated up-sell and cross-sell     Vertical or micro-market focused      Organization is designed and
                                                                   Ocean (aka uncontested market           Horizontal specialization (e.g.         packaging/bundling of service        specific vertical markets (e.g. real- generation campaigns with               activities into customer "control     channel partners with lead flow       internally aligned for change.
                                                                   space) by differentiating along a       Finance), or other micro-market         with vertically focused add-ons.     estate). Fully integrated PPC/SEO integration across all forms of             panel". Pro-active and ongoing        integrated into micro-marketing       Specific processes for continuous       Target Market
                                                      5            unique axis that reaches beyond         specific positioning. User focus        Market research used to              and pro-active analysis of web-       demand generation (e.g. PPC,            customer feedback management          campaigns. Channel partner            improvement. Healthy balance of          Focused w/
                                                 (Optimized)       current market boundaries and           groups or surveys are pro-actively      understand customer price-point      analytics                             Banner Ads, email, direct mail,         (surveys of customer panels by        branded sales sites. Integration of   management (stability) and               Continuous
                                                                   existing demand                         used to incorporate customer            sensitivities.                                                             print)                                  segment to assess overall             channel partner into knowledge        leadership (fostering change).

   Workshop self-scoring snap shot of
                                                                                                           feedback into product life-cycle.                                                                                                                          customer experience, satisfaction,    base, live chat, etc.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      and future needs).

                                                                   Provider has differentiated with a Best Practice positioning based    Some type of unique                            Differentiated sub-sites and/or        Demand generation campaigns            Integrated online knowledge-base      Integrated lead/opportunity flow      Strong executive sponsorship for
                                                                   vertical market focus with vertical on a well-defined messaging &     differentiation of packaging or                landing pages aligned with best-       drive to a specific sub-site or        and live-chat for both sales          for channel partners. Mature          improving existing offerings and      Transition Phase -
                                                                   (or micro-market) specific add-on position framework (see             pricing that sets the provider apart           practice positioning of value          landing page. All campaign             support and post-sales support.       process for lead qualification and    adding new value-added service           Focused on
                                                      4            capabilities/features.              template). Customer centric       of the reset of the pack.                      proposition according to               activities are well coordinated and    Pro-active email communication        routing of leads. Customer            offerings. Proven organizational         Competitive
                                                 (Competitive)                                         positioning that blends customer-                                                messaging & positioning                integrated. Pro-active PPC/SEO         during first 30-60 days provides      segmentation and qualification        agility and rapid time-to-market in    Differentiation &
                                                                                                       benefit as the solution for the                                                  framework                              campaign management with               training, tips, tricks, etc.          "drives" the opportunity              response to competitive threats.
                                                                                                       customer pain point/problem.                                                                                            periodic (e.g. bi-weekly)                                                    management. Willing to "walk

   your business today
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               refinement.                                                                  away" from bad opportunities.                                                 Improvements

                                                                   Provider has differentiated from Customer centric positioning with              Small number (2-3) of different      Best-practice site that allows         Makes use of pro-active             Self-guided sales experience, self- Pro-active management of direct            Organizational alignment around
                                                                   the competition by bundling         Benefits (e.g. Anytime, Anywhere            customer/user "plans" that align     customers to 1) Search; 2) Find;       PPC/SEO campaigns. All demand admin capabilities, no barriers to sales, inside sales, and channel                  business objectives and customer
                                                                   additional services or capabilities access), then supporting benefits           correctly with end-user or           3) Self Qualify; 4) Try (Free Trial    generation activities lead to one sale via web, or phone. Easy          partners. Focus on customer                needs. Organizational ability to       End-Customer
                                                       3           not offered by the competition.     points, then features as                    customer personas. Value             where possible); 5) Make the           place -- the web-site.              signup and activation.              segmentation and lead                      repeatedly follow a relatively short
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Focused & Service-
                                                 (Predictable)                                         appropriate. Consistent                     differentiation between different    buying decision; 6) Buy; 7)                                                                                    qualification. Pro-active training.        and defined life-cycle for the
                                                                                                       application of messaging                    price plans is clear and             Activate. Web-site is the focal                                                                                Overlay sales team with deep               successful introduction of new or         Driven
                                                                                                       throughout ALL collateral.                  significant.                         point of the business.                                                                                         solution expertise supports all            revised product offerings.
                                                                   Provider's offering is functionaly      Still product and feature centric Competitive pricing and correct            Customers can search, find, and        PPC/SEO and other demand            Self-guided signup, support,        Direct Sales, indirect channels,           Good executive leadership in
                                                                   equivalent to that of other             positioning with progress towards packaging, but actively working to         buy. Provider is actively working      generation capabilities are         and/or self-administration but      telesales, but with ineffective            place and committed to drive
                                                                   providers, resulting in a "my           customer-centric benefits         eliminate other inhibitors (e.g.           to ensure that all of the              leveraged, but with some            inhibited in some way -- e.g.       processes for lead qualification           change and improve business

2. Identify key actions / improvements
                                                                   feature X beats your feature X"         positioning. Typically a lack of  contract minimums).                        information required to make a         inhibiting factors that limit their overly complex registration         and routing of leads to "best              performance by driving                Transition Phase -
                                                                   competitive differentiation tactic,     consistent application of                                                    successful buying decision is on       effectiveness (e.g. mismatch        process, complex activation.        qualified" channel. Provider is            improvements in accordance with       Focused on Initial
                                                  (Inhibited)      but ultimately resulting in a price-    messaging across all channels                                                the site and correctly presented,      between PPC terms and landing Active progress is being made to actively working to train sales and                 the "key success factors".                 Change
                                                                   competitive sale.                       and collateral.                                                              eliminating any final inhibitors to    page positioning). Active progress eliminate remaining inhibitors.      revise processes to improve
                                                                                                                                                                                        selling.                               is being made to eliminate                                              effectiveness.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               remaining inhibitors
                                                                   Provider is offering the exact          Positioning is completely product       Typically characterized by         Customers are unable to find             No PPC/SEO campaigns. Other No self-signup capability, direct           Direct sales only. No pro-active           Ad-hoc organizational and
                                                                   same service offering as other          and feature centric. Positioning is     uncompetitive pricing, minimum offering, presentation is                    demand generation activities (e.g. sales interaction required. No       lead qualification. No customer            departmental behaviors with a
                                                                   providers (perhaps based on third-      effective only for customers who        contract terms, minimum # of       confusing, no online self-               Print ads, direct mail, etc) do not offering self-administration.       segmentation by size or industry.          lack of internal alignment towards

   you can undertake for each KSF
                                                                   party technologies) with no             already know what they need and         users, confusing pricing, too many subscription is available.               leverage the web-site.                                                  Characterized by tendancy to               achieving a common vision or          Product-Dependent
                                                                   opportunity for true differentiation,   are already familiar with the           tiers of service, multiple tiers                                                                                                                    focus too far up-market. Long              business objectives.                   Focus & Ad-Hoc
                                                 (Ineffective)     resulting in a Red Ocean in which       specific application domain.            instead of "add-on" options.                                                                                                                        sales cycles. Lack of "solution                                                      Behavior
                                                                   the only remaining competetive                                                                                                                                                                                                      specialist" capability results in
                                                                   differentiator is price.                                                                                                                                                                                                            inability to overcome common ob

   area                                                                                                                                                                                      Mural's SaaS Key Success Factors ©

                                          2           Level
                                                                             Differentiation                  Messaging & Positioning                   Packaging & Pricing                        Web-Driven                       Demand Generation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Online Customer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Direct/Indirect Sales
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Effectiveness                 Focus & Behavior

3. Implement actions / improvements
                                                                    Provider has created true Blue           Vertical (e.g. Real Estate),           Micro-market specific                Micro-market sales sites for          Micro-market specific demand           Integrated up-sell and cross-sell     Vertical or micro-market focused      Organization is designed and
                                                                    Ocean (aka uncontested market            Horizontal specialization (e.g.        packaging/bundling of service        specific vertical markets (e.g. real- generation campaigns with              activities into customer "control     channel partners with lead flow       internally aligned for change.
                                                                    space) by differentiating along a        Finance), or other micro-market        with vertically focused add-ons.     estate). Fully integrated PPC/SEO integration across all forms of            panel". Pro-active and ongoing        integrated into micro-marketing       Specific processes for continuous       Target Market
                                                        5           unique axis that reaches beyond          specific positioning. User focus       Market research used to              and pro-active analysis of web-       demand generation (e.g. PPC,           customer feedback management          campaigns. Channel partner            improvement. Healthy balance of          Focused w/
                                                   (Optimized)      current market boundaries and            groups or surveys are pro-actively     understand customer price-point      analytics                             Banner Ads, email, direct mail,        (surveys of customer panels by        branded sales sites. Integration of   management (stability) and               Continuous
                                                                    existing demand                          used to incorporate customer           sensitivities.                                                             print)                                 segment to assess overall             channel partner into knowledge        leadership (fostering change).

                                    + 6 m.
                                                                                                             feedback into product life-cycle.                                                                                                                        customer experience, satisfaction,    base, live chat, etc.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      and future needs).

   giving priority to the Top 3 KSF
                                                                    Provider has differentiated with a Best Practice positioning based    Some type of unique                            Differentiated sub-sites and/or       Demand generation campaigns            Integrated online knowledge-base      Integrated lead/opportunity flow      Strong executive sponsorship for
                                                                    vertical market focus with vertical on a well-defined messaging &     differentiation of packaging or                landing pages aligned with best-      drive to a specific sub-site or        and live-chat for both sales          for channel partners. Mature          improving existing offerings and      Transition Phase -
                                                                    (or micro-market) specific add-on position framework (see             pricing that sets the provider apart           practice positioning of value         landing page. All campaign             support and post-sales support.       process for lead qualification and    adding new value-added service           Focused on
                                                       4            capabilities/features.              template). Customer centric       of the reset of the pack.                      proposition according to              activities are well coordinated and    Pro-active email communication        routing of leads. Customer            offerings. Proven organizational         Competitive
                                                  (Competitive)                                         positioning that blends customer-                                                messaging & positioning               integrated. Pro-active PPC/SEO         during first 30-60 days provides      segmentation and qualification        agility and rapid time-to-market in    Differentiation &
                                                                                                        benefit as the solution for the                                                  framework                             campaign management with               training, tips, tricks, etc.          "drives" the opportunity              response to competitive threats.
                                                                                                        customer pain point/problem.                                                                                           periodic (e.g. bi-weekly)                                                    management. Willing to "walk
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               refinement.                                                                  away" from bad opportunities.                                                 Improvements

   areas for your business
                                                                    Provider has differentiated from Customer centric positioning with              Small number (2-3) of different      Best-practice site that allows        Makes use of pro-active             Self-guided sales experience, self- Pro-active management of direct            Organizational alignment around
                                                                    the competition by bundling         Benefits (e.g. Anytime, Anywhere            customer/user "plans" that align     customers to 1) Search; 2) Find;      PPC/SEO campaigns. All demand admin capabilities, no barriers to sales, inside sales, and channel                  business objectives and customer
                                                                    additional services or capabilities access), then supporting benefits           correctly with end-user or           3) Self Qualify; 4) Try (Free Trial   generation activities lead to one sale via web, or phone. Easy          partners. Focus on customer                needs. Organizational ability to       End-Customer
                                                        3           not offered by the competition.     points, then features as                    customer personas. Value             where possible); 5) Make the          place -- the web-site.              signup and activation.              segmentation and lead                      repeatedly follow a relatively short
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Focused & Service-
                                                  (Predictable)                                         appropriate. Consistent                     differentiation between different    buying decision; 6) Buy; 7)                                                                                   qualification. Pro-active training.        and defined life-cycle for the
                                                                                                        application of messaging                    price plans is clear and             Activate. Web-site is the focal                                                                               Overlay sales team with deep               successful introduction of new or         Driven
                                                                                                        throughout ALL collateral.                  significant.                         point of the business.                                                                                        solution expertise supports all            revised product offerings.
                                                                    Provider's offering is functionaly       Still product and feature centric Competitive pricing and correct           Customers can search, find, and       PPC/SEO and other demand            Self-guided signup, support,        Direct Sales, indirect channels,           Good executive leadership in
                                                                    equivalent to that of other              positioning with progress towards packaging, but actively working to        buy. Provider is actively working     generation capabilities are         and/or self-administration but      telesales, but with ineffective            place and committed to drive
                                                                    providers, resulting in a "my            customer-centric benefits         eliminate other inhibitors (e.g.          to ensure that all of the             leveraged, but with some            inhibited in some way -- e.g.       processes for lead qualification           change and improve business
                                                                    feature X beats your feature X"          positioning. Typically a lack of  contract minimums).                       information required to make a        inhibiting factors that limit their overly complex registration         and routing of leads to "best              performance by driving                Transition Phase -
                                                                    competitive differentiation tactic,      consistent application of                                                   successful buying decision is on      effectiveness (e.g. mismatch        process, complex activation.        qualified" channel. Provider is            improvements in accordance with       Focused on Initial

4. Evaluate results based on changes
                                                                    but ultimately resulting in a price-     messaging across all channels                                               the site and correctly presented,     between PPC terms and landing Active progress is being made to actively working to train sales and                 the "key success factors".                 Change
                                                                    competitive sale.                        and collateral.                                                             eliminating any final inhibitors to   page positioning). Active progress eliminate remaining inhibitors.      revise processes to improve
                                                                                                                                                                                         selling.                              is being made to eliminate                                              effectiveness.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               remaining inhibitors
                                                                    Provider is offering the exact           Positioning is completely product      Typically characterized by         Customers are unable to find            No PPC/SEO campaigns. Other No self-signup capability, direct           Direct sales only. No pro-active           Ad-hoc organizational and
                                                                    same service offering as other           and feature centric. Positioning is    uncompetitive pricing, minimum offering, presentation is                   demand generation activities (e.g. sales interaction required. No       lead qualification. No customer            departmental behaviors with a
                                                                    providers (perhaps based on third-       effective only for customers who       contract terms, minimum # of       confusing, no online self-              Print ads, direct mail, etc) do not offering self-administration.       segmentation by size or industry.          lack of internal alignment towards
                                                                    party technologies) with no              already know what they need and        users, confusing pricing, too many subscription is available.              leverage the web-site.                                                  Characterized by tendancy to               achieving a common vision or          Product-Dependent
                                                                    opportunity for true differentiation,    are already familiar with the          tiers of service, multiple tiers                                                                                                                   focus too far up-market. Long              business objectives.                   Focus & Ad-Hoc

   made and update scoring on each
                                                   (Ineffective)    resulting in a Red Ocean in which        specific application domain.           instead of "add-on" options.                                                                                                                       sales cycles. Lack of "solution                                                      Behavior
                                                                    the only remaining competetive                                                                                                                                                                                                     specialist" capability results in
                                                                    differentiator is price.                                                                                                                                                                                                           inability to overcome common ob

   KSF                                                                                                                                                                                       Mural's SaaS Key Success Factors ©

                                          3            Level
                                                                     Provider has created true Blue
                                                                                                              Messaging & Positioning
                                                                                                             Vertical (e.g. Real Estate),
                                                                                                                                                         Packaging & Pricing
                                                                                                                                                    Micro-market specific
                                                                                                                                                                                         Micro-market sales sites for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Demand Generation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Micro-market specific demand
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Online Customer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Integrated up-sell and cross-sell
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Direct/Indirect Sales
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Vertical or micro-market focused
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Organization is designed and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Focus & Behavior

5. Translate lessons-learned from one
                                                                     Ocean (aka uncontested market           Horizontal specialization (e.g.        packaging/bundling of service        specific vertical markets (e.g. real- generation campaigns with               activities into customer "control    channel partners with lead flow       internally aligned for change.
                                                                     space) by differentiating along a       Finance), or other micro-market        with vertically focused add-ons.     estate). Fully integrated PPC/SEO integration across all forms of             panel". Pro-active and ongoing       integrated into micro-marketing       Specific processes for continuous       Target Market
                                                        5            unique axis that reaches beyond         specific positioning. User focus       Market research used to              and pro-active analysis of web-       demand generation (e.g. PPC,            customer feedback management         campaigns. Channel partner            improvement. Healthy balance of          Focused w/
                                                   (Optimized)       current market boundaries and           groups or surveys are pro-actively     understand customer price-point      analytics                             Banner Ads, email, direct mail,         (surveys of customer panels by       branded sales sites. Integration of   management (stability) and               Continuous
                                                                     existing demand                         used to incorporate customer           sensitivities.                                                             print)                                  segment to assess overall            channel partner into knowledge        leadership (fostering change).

                                      + 12 m.
                                                                                                             feedback into product life-cycle.                                                                                                                         customer experience, satisfaction,   base, live chat, etc.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       and future needs).
                                                                     Provider has differentiated with a Best Practice positioning based    Some type of unique                           Differentiated sub-sites and/or        Demand generation campaigns            Integrated online knowledge-base     Integrated lead/opportunity flow      Strong executive sponsorship for
                                                                     vertical market focus with vertical on a well-defined messaging &     differentiation of packaging or               landing pages aligned with best-       drive to a specific sub-site or        and live-chat for both sales         for channel partners. Mature          improving existing offerings and      Transition Phase -

   KSF area to another, share across
                                                                     (or micro-market) specific add-on position framework (see             pricing that sets the provider apart          practice positioning of value          landing page. All campaign             support and post-sales support.      process for lead qualification and    adding new value-added service           Focused on
                                                        4            capabilities/features.              template). Customer centric       of the reset of the pack.                     proposition according to               activities are well coordinated and    Pro-active email communication       routing of leads. Customer            offerings. Proven organizational         Competitive
                                                   (Competitive)                                         positioning that blends customer-                                               messaging & positioning                integrated. Pro-active PPC/SEO         during first 30-60 days provides     segmentation and qualification        agility and rapid time-to-market in    Differentiation &
                                                                                                         benefit as the solution for the                                                 framework                              campaign management with               training, tips, tricks, etc.         "drives" the opportunity              response to competitive threats.
                                                                                                         customer pain point/problem.                                                                                           periodic (e.g. bi-weekly)                                                   management. Willing to "walk
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                refinement.                                                                 away" from bad opportunities.                                                 Improvements

                                                                     Provider has differentiated from Customer centric positioning with             Small number (2-3) of different      Best-practice site that allows         Makes use of pro-active             Self-guided sales experience, self- Pro-active management of direct           Organizational alignment around
                                                                     the competition by bundling         Benefits (e.g. Anytime, Anywhere           customer/user "plans" that align     customers to 1) Search; 2) Find;       PPC/SEO campaigns. All demand admin capabilities, no barriers to sales, inside sales, and channel                 business objectives and customer

   the organisation
                                                                     additional services or capabilities access), then supporting benefits          correctly with end-user or           3) Self Qualify; 4) Try (Free Trial    generation activities lead to one sale via web, or phone. Easy          partners. Focus on customer               needs. Organizational ability to       End-Customer
                                                         3           not offered by the competition.     points, then features as                   customer personas. Value             where possible); 5) Make the           place -- the web-site.              signup and activation.              segmentation and lead                     repeatedly follow a relatively short
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Focused & Service-
                                                   (Predictable)                                         appropriate. Consistent                    differentiation between different    buying decision; 6) Buy; 7)                                                                                    qualification. Pro-active training.       and defined life-cycle for the
                                                                                                         application of messaging                   price plans is clear and             Activate. Web-site is the focal                                                                                Overlay sales team with deep              successful introduction of new or         Driven
                                                                                                         throughout ALL collateral.                 significant.                         point of the business.                                                                                         solution expertise supports all           revised product offerings.
                                                                     Provider's offering is functionaly      Still product and feature centric Competitive pricing and correct           Customers can search, find, and        PPC/SEO and other demand            Self-guided signup, support,        Direct Sales, indirect channels,          Good executive leadership in
                                                                     equivalent to that of other             positioning with progress towards packaging, but actively working to        buy. Provider is actively working      generation capabilities are         and/or self-administration but      telesales, but with ineffective           place and committed to drive
                                                                     providers, resulting in a "my           customer-centric benefits         eliminate other inhibitors (e.g.          to ensure that all of the              leveraged, but with some            inhibited in some way -- e.g.       processes for lead qualification          change and improve business
                                                                     feature X beats your feature X"         positioning. Typically a lack of  contract minimums).                       information required to make a         inhibiting factors that limit their overly complex registration         and routing of leads to "best             performance by driving                Transition Phase -
                                                                     competitive differentiation tactic,     consistent application of                                                   successful buying decision is on       effectiveness (e.g. mismatch        process, complex activation.        qualified" channel. Provider is           improvements in accordance with       Focused on Initial
                                                    (Inhibited)      but ultimately resulting in a price-    messaging across all channels                                               the site and correctly presented,      between PPC terms and landing Active progress is being made to actively working to train sales and                the "key success factors".                 Change
                                                                     competitive sale.                       and collateral.                                                             eliminating any final inhibitors to    page positioning). Active progress eliminate remaining inhibitors.      revise processes to improve

6. Repeat cycle, starting at 2 (above)
                                                                                                                                                                                         selling.                               is being made to eliminate                                              effectiveness.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                remaining inhibitors
                                                                     Provider is offering the exact          Positioning is completely product      Typically characterized by         Customers are unable to find             No PPC/SEO campaigns. Other No self-signup capability, direct           Direct sales only. No pro-active          Ad-hoc organizational and
                                                                     same service offering as other          and feature centric. Positioning is    uncompetitive pricing, minimum offering, presentation is                    demand generation activities (e.g. sales interaction required. No       lead qualification. No customer           departmental behaviors with a
                                                                     providers (perhaps based on third-      effective only for customers who       contract terms, minimum # of       confusing, no online self-               Print ads, direct mail, etc) do not offering self-administration.       segmentation by size or industry.         lack of internal alignment towards
                                                                     party technologies) with no             already know what they need and        users, confusing pricing, too many subscription is available.               leverage the web-site.                                                  Characterized by tendancy to              achieving a common vision or          Product-Dependent
                                                                     opportunity for true differentiation,   are already familiar with the          tiers of service, multiple tiers                                                                                                                    focus too far up-market. Long             business objectives.                   Focus & Ad-Hoc
                                                   (Ineffective)     resulting in a Red Ocean in which       specific application domain.           instead of "add-on" options.                                                                                                                        sales cycles. Lack of "solution                                                     Behavior
                                                                     the only remaining competetive                                                                                                                                                                                                     specialist" capability results in
                                                                     differentiator is price.                                                                                                                                                                                                           inability to overcome common ob
David Ednie
                      President & CEO
                  SalesChannel Europe
            Ph: +33 676 60 09 25 (FRA)
            Ph: +61 415 94 51 57 (AUS)

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The 5 Myths of Selling Hosted Services to SME Customers

  • 2. Myth = unproven or false collective belief
  • 3. Myth = unrecognised barrier to success 3
  • 4. Change your thinking
  • 5. Change your view point
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8. The 5 Myths: Myth 1. They will find us, if our offer is "good" enough Myth 2. They know what they want and they want it for free Myth 3. They understand and will love our offer Myth 4. They will make a rational purchase decision - in our favor Myth 5. We sell to Business, not Consumers
  • 9. Myth 1. They will find us, if our offer is "good" enough
  • 10. The past 10
  • 13. > Be Findable / ‘Bingable’
  • 14. > Stand out from the crowd
  • 15. Put your customer at the centre of everything you do
  • 16. Be findable / 'bingable’ What is your bing strategy? 1. Great Content 2. Get talked about 3. Build community
  • 17. Myth 2. They know what they want and they want it for free
  • 18. Example of Low Price Provider
  • 19.
  • 20.
  • 21. Question: Where do they go for help?
  • 22. Educate your customers: Become a trusted resource for your customers 1. Use clear and simple customer language 2. Describe the problem being solved 3. Tell Client stories
  • 23. Myth 3. They understand and love our offer
  • 26. Make it simple to take
  • 27. Simple enough for a 7 year old child to understand
  • 28. Triplicate of choice
  • 29. SPAM: (R = 0) Persona-Based Website 29
  • 31. Lead your customers: Help them to self-qualify 1. Guide them through the self- qualification process 2. Make it easy for them to find, try and buy 3. Triplicate of Choice
  • 32. Myth 4. They will make a rational purchase decision - in our favor
  • 33. No, No, No, they won’t!
  • 34. What is rational for them?
  • 35. Understand their needs (and wants)
  • 36. Sell to the right brain
  • 37. …and provide evidence
  • 38. …. for the left brain
  • 39. Justify and rationalise their decision
  • 40. You/Your company + Your Hosted Services + Together we can do more
  • 41. Master your message: Business buyers buy on Pain Technical buyers buy on Features 1. Sell to the emotional brain 2. Make it relevant and credible 3. People buy because they feel understood
  • 42. Myth 5. We sell to Business, not Consumers
  • 43.
  • 44.
  • 46. “Victory in marketing doesn’t happen when you sell something, but when you cultivate advocates for your brand.” - Steve Knox, CEO of Tremors, P&G’s Word of Mouth Business Unit
  • 47. Advocates are your best influencers
  • 50. Create an insanely great Customer Experience: 1. Cultivate brand advocates 2. Multi-channel touch points 3. End 2 End CE thinking
  • 51. The 5 Myths: Myth 1. They will find us, if our offer is ‘good’ enough Truth 1. Be findable / ‘bingable’ Myth 2. They know what they want and they want it for free Truth 2. Educate your community Myth 3. They understand and will love our offer Truth 3. Lead your customers Myth 4. They will make a rational purchase decision - in our favor Truth 4. Master your message Myth 5. We sell to Business, not Consumers Truth 5. Create an insanely great Customer Experience
  • 52. Your future is bright "I am the world's worst salesman, therefore I must make it easy for customers to buy.” - F. W. Woolworth
  • 53. David Ednie President & CEO SalesChannel Europe Ph: +33 676 60 09 25 (FRA) Ph: +61 415 94 51 57 (AUS) Email: Website:
  • 54. Action Plan: Start building your SaaS future today
  • 55. It not a game of chance!
  • 57. Create a Value Innovation Curve
  • 58. Target key influencers and customer groups
  • 60. SaaS Sales Acceleration 2.0 Program Search Refer Find Support Qualify GTM and Sales & Marketing Innovation Workshops Up-sell Try Manage Buy Activate SalesChannel Europe Accelerating Time to Revenue
  • 61. 8 Key Success Factors
  • 62. 8 KSF’s in Actions Mural's SaaS Key Success Factors © 1 1. SaaS Business Acceleration 2.0 Competitive Online Customer Direct/Indirect Sales Organizational Level Differentiation Messaging & Positioning Packaging & Pricing Web-Driven Demand Generation Experience Process Effectiveness Focus & Behavior Provider has created true Blue Vertical (e.g. Real Estate), Micro-market specific Micro-market sales sites for Micro-market specific demand Integrated up-sell and cross-sell Vertical or micro-market focused Organization is designed and Ocean (aka uncontested market Horizontal specialization (e.g. packaging/bundling of service specific vertical markets (e.g. real- generation campaigns with activities into customer "control channel partners with lead flow internally aligned for change. space) by differentiating along a Finance), or other micro-market with vertically focused add-ons. estate). Fully integrated PPC/SEO integration across all forms of panel". Pro-active and ongoing integrated into micro-marketing Specific processes for continuous Target Market 5 unique axis that reaches beyond specific positioning. User focus Market research used to and pro-active analysis of web- demand generation (e.g. PPC, customer feedback management campaigns. Channel partner improvement. Healthy balance of Focused w/ (Optimized) current market boundaries and groups or surveys are pro-actively understand customer price-point analytics Banner Ads, email, direct mail, (surveys of customer panels by branded sales sites. Integration of management (stability) and Continuous existing demand used to incorporate customer sensitivities. print) segment to assess overall channel partner into knowledge leadership (fostering change). Improvement Workshop self-scoring snap shot of feedback into product life-cycle. customer experience, satisfaction, base, live chat, etc. and future needs). Today Provider has differentiated with a Best Practice positioning based Some type of unique Differentiated sub-sites and/or Demand generation campaigns Integrated online knowledge-base Integrated lead/opportunity flow Strong executive sponsorship for vertical market focus with vertical on a well-defined messaging & differentiation of packaging or landing pages aligned with best- drive to a specific sub-site or and live-chat for both sales for channel partners. Mature improving existing offerings and Transition Phase - (or micro-market) specific add-on position framework (see pricing that sets the provider apart practice positioning of value landing page. All campaign support and post-sales support. process for lead qualification and adding new value-added service Focused on 4 capabilities/features. template). Customer centric of the reset of the pack. proposition according to activities are well coordinated and Pro-active email communication routing of leads. Customer offerings. Proven organizational Competitive (Competitive) positioning that blends customer- messaging & positioning integrated. Pro-active PPC/SEO during first 30-60 days provides segmentation and qualification agility and rapid time-to-market in Differentiation & benefit as the solution for the framework campaign management with training, tips, tricks, etc. "drives" the opportunity response to competitive threats. Discrete customer pain point/problem. periodic (e.g. bi-weekly) management. Willing to "walk your business today refinement. away" from bad opportunities. Improvements Provider has differentiated from Customer centric positioning with Small number (2-3) of different Best-practice site that allows Makes use of pro-active Self-guided sales experience, self- Pro-active management of direct Organizational alignment around the competition by bundling Benefits (e.g. Anytime, Anywhere customer/user "plans" that align customers to 1) Search; 2) Find; PPC/SEO campaigns. All demand admin capabilities, no barriers to sales, inside sales, and channel business objectives and customer additional services or capabilities access), then supporting benefits correctly with end-user or 3) Self Qualify; 4) Try (Free Trial generation activities lead to one sale via web, or phone. Easy partners. Focus on customer needs. Organizational ability to End-Customer 3 not offered by the competition. points, then features as customer personas. Value where possible); 5) Make the place -- the web-site. signup and activation. segmentation and lead repeatedly follow a relatively short Focused & Service- (Predictable) appropriate. Consistent differentiation between different buying decision; 6) Buy; 7) qualification. Pro-active training. and defined life-cycle for the application of messaging price plans is clear and Activate. Web-site is the focal Overlay sales team with deep successful introduction of new or Driven throughout ALL collateral. significant. point of the business. solution expertise supports all revised product offerings. channels. Provider's offering is functionaly Still product and feature centric Competitive pricing and correct Customers can search, find, and PPC/SEO and other demand Self-guided signup, support, Direct Sales, indirect channels, Good executive leadership in equivalent to that of other positioning with progress towards packaging, but actively working to buy. Provider is actively working generation capabilities are and/or self-administration but telesales, but with ineffective place and committed to drive providers, resulting in a "my customer-centric benefits eliminate other inhibitors (e.g. to ensure that all of the leveraged, but with some inhibited in some way -- e.g. processes for lead qualification change and improve business 2. Identify key actions / improvements feature X beats your feature X" positioning. Typically a lack of contract minimums). information required to make a inhibiting factors that limit their overly complex registration and routing of leads to "best performance by driving Transition Phase - 2 competitive differentiation tactic, consistent application of successful buying decision is on effectiveness (e.g. mismatch process, complex activation. qualified" channel. Provider is improvements in accordance with Focused on Initial (Inhibited) but ultimately resulting in a price- messaging across all channels the site and correctly presented, between PPC terms and landing Active progress is being made to actively working to train sales and the "key success factors". Change competitive sale. and collateral. eliminating any final inhibitors to page positioning). Active progress eliminate remaining inhibitors. revise processes to improve selling. is being made to eliminate effectiveness. remaining inhibitors Provider is offering the exact Positioning is completely product Typically characterized by Customers are unable to find No PPC/SEO campaigns. Other No self-signup capability, direct Direct sales only. No pro-active Ad-hoc organizational and same service offering as other and feature centric. Positioning is uncompetitive pricing, minimum offering, presentation is demand generation activities (e.g. sales interaction required. No lead qualification. No customer departmental behaviors with a providers (perhaps based on third- effective only for customers who contract terms, minimum # of confusing, no online self- Print ads, direct mail, etc) do not offering self-administration. segmentation by size or industry. lack of internal alignment towards you can undertake for each KSF party technologies) with no already know what they need and users, confusing pricing, too many subscription is available. leverage the web-site. Characterized by tendancy to achieving a common vision or Product-Dependent 1 opportunity for true differentiation, are already familiar with the tiers of service, multiple tiers focus too far up-market. Long business objectives. Focus & Ad-Hoc (Ineffective) resulting in a Red Ocean in which specific application domain. instead of "add-on" options. sales cycles. Lack of "solution Behavior the only remaining competetive specialist" capability results in differentiator is price. inability to overcome common ob area Mural's SaaS Key Success Factors © 2 Level Competitive Differentiation Messaging & Positioning Packaging & Pricing Web-Driven Demand Generation Online Customer Experience Direct/Indirect Sales Process Organizational Effectiveness Focus & Behavior 3. Implement actions / improvements Provider has created true Blue Vertical (e.g. Real Estate), Micro-market specific Micro-market sales sites for Micro-market specific demand Integrated up-sell and cross-sell Vertical or micro-market focused Organization is designed and Ocean (aka uncontested market Horizontal specialization (e.g. packaging/bundling of service specific vertical markets (e.g. real- generation campaigns with activities into customer "control channel partners with lead flow internally aligned for change. space) by differentiating along a Finance), or other micro-market with vertically focused add-ons. estate). Fully integrated PPC/SEO integration across all forms of panel". Pro-active and ongoing integrated into micro-marketing Specific processes for continuous Target Market 5 unique axis that reaches beyond specific positioning. User focus Market research used to and pro-active analysis of web- demand generation (e.g. PPC, customer feedback management campaigns. Channel partner improvement. Healthy balance of Focused w/ (Optimized) current market boundaries and groups or surveys are pro-actively understand customer price-point analytics Banner Ads, email, direct mail, (surveys of customer panels by branded sales sites. Integration of management (stability) and Continuous existing demand used to incorporate customer sensitivities. print) segment to assess overall channel partner into knowledge leadership (fostering change). Improvement + 6 m. feedback into product life-cycle. customer experience, satisfaction, base, live chat, etc. and future needs). giving priority to the Top 3 KSF Provider has differentiated with a Best Practice positioning based Some type of unique Differentiated sub-sites and/or Demand generation campaigns Integrated online knowledge-base Integrated lead/opportunity flow Strong executive sponsorship for vertical market focus with vertical on a well-defined messaging & differentiation of packaging or landing pages aligned with best- drive to a specific sub-site or and live-chat for both sales for channel partners. Mature improving existing offerings and Transition Phase - (or micro-market) specific add-on position framework (see pricing that sets the provider apart practice positioning of value landing page. All campaign support and post-sales support. process for lead qualification and adding new value-added service Focused on 4 capabilities/features. template). Customer centric of the reset of the pack. proposition according to activities are well coordinated and Pro-active email communication routing of leads. Customer offerings. Proven organizational Competitive (Competitive) positioning that blends customer- messaging & positioning integrated. Pro-active PPC/SEO during first 30-60 days provides segmentation and qualification agility and rapid time-to-market in Differentiation & benefit as the solution for the framework campaign management with training, tips, tricks, etc. "drives" the opportunity response to competitive threats. Discrete customer pain point/problem. periodic (e.g. bi-weekly) management. Willing to "walk refinement. away" from bad opportunities. Improvements areas for your business Provider has differentiated from Customer centric positioning with Small number (2-3) of different Best-practice site that allows Makes use of pro-active Self-guided sales experience, self- Pro-active management of direct Organizational alignment around the competition by bundling Benefits (e.g. Anytime, Anywhere customer/user "plans" that align customers to 1) Search; 2) Find; PPC/SEO campaigns. All demand admin capabilities, no barriers to sales, inside sales, and channel business objectives and customer additional services or capabilities access), then supporting benefits correctly with end-user or 3) Self Qualify; 4) Try (Free Trial generation activities lead to one sale via web, or phone. Easy partners. Focus on customer needs. Organizational ability to End-Customer 3 not offered by the competition. points, then features as customer personas. Value where possible); 5) Make the place -- the web-site. signup and activation. segmentation and lead repeatedly follow a relatively short Focused & Service- (Predictable) appropriate. Consistent differentiation between different buying decision; 6) Buy; 7) qualification. Pro-active training. and defined life-cycle for the application of messaging price plans is clear and Activate. Web-site is the focal Overlay sales team with deep successful introduction of new or Driven throughout ALL collateral. significant. point of the business. solution expertise supports all revised product offerings. channels. Provider's offering is functionaly Still product and feature centric Competitive pricing and correct Customers can search, find, and PPC/SEO and other demand Self-guided signup, support, Direct Sales, indirect channels, Good executive leadership in equivalent to that of other positioning with progress towards packaging, but actively working to buy. Provider is actively working generation capabilities are and/or self-administration but telesales, but with ineffective place and committed to drive providers, resulting in a "my customer-centric benefits eliminate other inhibitors (e.g. to ensure that all of the leveraged, but with some inhibited in some way -- e.g. processes for lead qualification change and improve business feature X beats your feature X" positioning. Typically a lack of contract minimums). information required to make a inhibiting factors that limit their overly complex registration and routing of leads to "best performance by driving Transition Phase - 2 competitive differentiation tactic, consistent application of successful buying decision is on effectiveness (e.g. mismatch process, complex activation. qualified" channel. Provider is improvements in accordance with Focused on Initial (Inhibited) 4. Evaluate results based on changes but ultimately resulting in a price- messaging across all channels the site and correctly presented, between PPC terms and landing Active progress is being made to actively working to train sales and the "key success factors". Change competitive sale. and collateral. eliminating any final inhibitors to page positioning). Active progress eliminate remaining inhibitors. revise processes to improve selling. is being made to eliminate effectiveness. remaining inhibitors Provider is offering the exact Positioning is completely product Typically characterized by Customers are unable to find No PPC/SEO campaigns. Other No self-signup capability, direct Direct sales only. No pro-active Ad-hoc organizational and same service offering as other and feature centric. Positioning is uncompetitive pricing, minimum offering, presentation is demand generation activities (e.g. sales interaction required. No lead qualification. No customer departmental behaviors with a providers (perhaps based on third- effective only for customers who contract terms, minimum # of confusing, no online self- Print ads, direct mail, etc) do not offering self-administration. segmentation by size or industry. lack of internal alignment towards party technologies) with no already know what they need and users, confusing pricing, too many subscription is available. leverage the web-site. Characterized by tendancy to achieving a common vision or Product-Dependent 1 opportunity for true differentiation, are already familiar with the tiers of service, multiple tiers focus too far up-market. Long business objectives. Focus & Ad-Hoc made and update scoring on each (Ineffective) resulting in a Red Ocean in which specific application domain. instead of "add-on" options. sales cycles. Lack of "solution Behavior the only remaining competetive specialist" capability results in differentiator is price. inability to overcome common ob KSF Mural's SaaS Key Success Factors © 3 Level Competitive Differentiation Provider has created true Blue Messaging & Positioning Vertical (e.g. Real Estate), Packaging & Pricing Micro-market specific Web-Driven Micro-market sales sites for Demand Generation Micro-market specific demand Online Customer Experience Integrated up-sell and cross-sell Direct/Indirect Sales Process Vertical or micro-market focused Organizational Effectiveness Organization is designed and Focus & Behavior 5. Translate lessons-learned from one Ocean (aka uncontested market Horizontal specialization (e.g. packaging/bundling of service specific vertical markets (e.g. real- generation campaigns with activities into customer "control channel partners with lead flow internally aligned for change. space) by differentiating along a Finance), or other micro-market with vertically focused add-ons. estate). Fully integrated PPC/SEO integration across all forms of panel". Pro-active and ongoing integrated into micro-marketing Specific processes for continuous Target Market 5 unique axis that reaches beyond specific positioning. User focus Market research used to and pro-active analysis of web- demand generation (e.g. PPC, customer feedback management campaigns. Channel partner improvement. Healthy balance of Focused w/ (Optimized) current market boundaries and groups or surveys are pro-actively understand customer price-point analytics Banner Ads, email, direct mail, (surveys of customer panels by branded sales sites. Integration of management (stability) and Continuous existing demand used to incorporate customer sensitivities. print) segment to assess overall channel partner into knowledge leadership (fostering change). + 12 m. Improvement feedback into product life-cycle. customer experience, satisfaction, base, live chat, etc. and future needs). Provider has differentiated with a Best Practice positioning based Some type of unique Differentiated sub-sites and/or Demand generation campaigns Integrated online knowledge-base Integrated lead/opportunity flow Strong executive sponsorship for vertical market focus with vertical on a well-defined messaging & differentiation of packaging or landing pages aligned with best- drive to a specific sub-site or and live-chat for both sales for channel partners. Mature improving existing offerings and Transition Phase - KSF area to another, share across (or micro-market) specific add-on position framework (see pricing that sets the provider apart practice positioning of value landing page. All campaign support and post-sales support. process for lead qualification and adding new value-added service Focused on 4 capabilities/features. template). Customer centric of the reset of the pack. proposition according to activities are well coordinated and Pro-active email communication routing of leads. Customer offerings. Proven organizational Competitive (Competitive) positioning that blends customer- messaging & positioning integrated. Pro-active PPC/SEO during first 30-60 days provides segmentation and qualification agility and rapid time-to-market in Differentiation & benefit as the solution for the framework campaign management with training, tips, tricks, etc. "drives" the opportunity response to competitive threats. Discrete customer pain point/problem. periodic (e.g. bi-weekly) management. Willing to "walk refinement. away" from bad opportunities. Improvements Provider has differentiated from Customer centric positioning with Small number (2-3) of different Best-practice site that allows Makes use of pro-active Self-guided sales experience, self- Pro-active management of direct Organizational alignment around the competition by bundling Benefits (e.g. Anytime, Anywhere customer/user "plans" that align customers to 1) Search; 2) Find; PPC/SEO campaigns. All demand admin capabilities, no barriers to sales, inside sales, and channel business objectives and customer the organisation additional services or capabilities access), then supporting benefits correctly with end-user or 3) Self Qualify; 4) Try (Free Trial generation activities lead to one sale via web, or phone. Easy partners. Focus on customer needs. Organizational ability to End-Customer 3 not offered by the competition. points, then features as customer personas. Value where possible); 5) Make the place -- the web-site. signup and activation. segmentation and lead repeatedly follow a relatively short Focused & Service- (Predictable) appropriate. Consistent differentiation between different buying decision; 6) Buy; 7) qualification. Pro-active training. and defined life-cycle for the application of messaging price plans is clear and Activate. Web-site is the focal Overlay sales team with deep successful introduction of new or Driven throughout ALL collateral. significant. point of the business. solution expertise supports all revised product offerings. channels. Provider's offering is functionaly Still product and feature centric Competitive pricing and correct Customers can search, find, and PPC/SEO and other demand Self-guided signup, support, Direct Sales, indirect channels, Good executive leadership in equivalent to that of other positioning with progress towards packaging, but actively working to buy. Provider is actively working generation capabilities are and/or self-administration but telesales, but with ineffective place and committed to drive providers, resulting in a "my customer-centric benefits eliminate other inhibitors (e.g. to ensure that all of the leveraged, but with some inhibited in some way -- e.g. processes for lead qualification change and improve business feature X beats your feature X" positioning. Typically a lack of contract minimums). information required to make a inhibiting factors that limit their overly complex registration and routing of leads to "best performance by driving Transition Phase - 2 competitive differentiation tactic, consistent application of successful buying decision is on effectiveness (e.g. mismatch process, complex activation. qualified" channel. Provider is improvements in accordance with Focused on Initial (Inhibited) but ultimately resulting in a price- messaging across all channels the site and correctly presented, between PPC terms and landing Active progress is being made to actively working to train sales and the "key success factors". Change competitive sale. and collateral. eliminating any final inhibitors to page positioning). Active progress eliminate remaining inhibitors. revise processes to improve 6. Repeat cycle, starting at 2 (above) selling. is being made to eliminate effectiveness. remaining inhibitors Provider is offering the exact Positioning is completely product Typically characterized by Customers are unable to find No PPC/SEO campaigns. Other No self-signup capability, direct Direct sales only. No pro-active Ad-hoc organizational and same service offering as other and feature centric. Positioning is uncompetitive pricing, minimum offering, presentation is demand generation activities (e.g. sales interaction required. No lead qualification. No customer departmental behaviors with a providers (perhaps based on third- effective only for customers who contract terms, minimum # of confusing, no online self- Print ads, direct mail, etc) do not offering self-administration. segmentation by size or industry. lack of internal alignment towards party technologies) with no already know what they need and users, confusing pricing, too many subscription is available. leverage the web-site. Characterized by tendancy to achieving a common vision or Product-Dependent 1 opportunity for true differentiation, are already familiar with the tiers of service, multiple tiers focus too far up-market. Long business objectives. Focus & Ad-Hoc (Ineffective) resulting in a Red Ocean in which specific application domain. instead of "add-on" options. sales cycles. Lack of "solution Behavior the only remaining competetive specialist" capability results in differentiator is price. inability to overcome common ob
  • 63. David Ednie President & CEO SalesChannel Europe Ph: +33 676 60 09 25 (FRA) Ph: +61 415 94 51 57 (AUS) Email: Website: