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Issue 02 Page 1 | Q2, 2009

this issue….                                                        Market Update – Q2, 2009
                                                                   In a recent summit of New Zealand's top 100
Market Update…                                          P.1        entrepreneurs, organizer Andy Hamilton was
                                                                   quoted as saying "I remember someone
                                                                   saying 'let's not let a good recession go to
Pearls of Testing Wisdom                                P.2        waste'.... if anything we need to be more
- Test Design                                                      aggressive, not less aggressive to grow this
                                                                   economy and grow our business"

Release Management and Test                             P.3        So are we seeing this spirit working its way
                                                                   into mainstream thinking? Well, yes and no….
-Telecom New Zealand
                                                                   On the upside, in a recent Hays New Zealand
                                                                   survey, it recognized that the depth of the
Testing Profile: Carol Cornelius                        P.5        skills shortage (in NZ) in information
- Inland Revenue Department                                        technology had reduced, and that our largest
                                                                   trading partner, Australia, has avoided
                                                                   plunging into recession. We also see positive
ISTQB Training Weekend                                  P.7        signs emanating from the most recent budget,
                                                                   in that NZ improved its ratings with the credit
                                                                   rating agencies and that short term interest
The last laugh                                          P.7        rates were due to stay lower than long term
                                                                   rates for some time (RBNZ).

                                                                   ‘On the street’ however, we’re seeing the
                                                                   challenging times continue. Redundancies are
                                                                   still on the radar, albeit less frequent within
                                                                   ICT specifically, and the continuing theme of
                                                                   budgets being continually scrutinised, and
                                                                   risks being addressed, acknowledged and
All information in this newsletter is to the best of the authors   quantified upfront is standard fare. The
                                                                   Wellington ICT market, generally speaking, has
 knowledge true and accurate. No liability is assumed by the
                                                                   shown more resilience that its Auckland
authors, or publishers, for any losses suffered by any person      counterpart and an increasing number of
                                                                   technology professionals are spending time
   relying directly or indirectly upon this newsletter. It is
                                                                   commuting between centers on short and
      recommended that clients should consult a senior             medium term projects. Price pressure
                                                                   continues and we see that the markets have
 representative of this firm before acting on the information
                                                                   fallen now anywhere between 10 – 15% for
                                                                   experienced contract staff.
Issue 02 Page 2 | Q2, 2009

                                                       Pearls of Testing Wisdom No.2
Interestingly, at our company we have seen an
                                                                 Test Design
increase in demand for ‘Testing Health Checks’
                                                      Each module should have test cases with
and Test Practice Reviews, which are revealing
                                                       expected results.
some real opportunities for short term, quick
                                                      Develop a traceable matrix to understand
wins, alongside some significant longer-term
                                                       the test case coverage against the
gains.. All in all, it’s challenging times for
companies and only those who are showing
                                                      Avoid writing repetitive UI test cases. This
real ‘value adds’ will forge ahead. Naturally we
                                                       causes higher maintenance.
wish to report more positive forecasts next
                                                      Do not concentrate on negative paths for
                                                       User acceptance test cases if the business
                                                       requirements clearly emphasise application
Lastly, just a small plug for our office in the
                                                       behaviour and usage by the business users.
mighty capital. We’re delighted with response
                                                      Try not to write test cases on error
in Wellington and thank those companies and
                                                       messages based on your assumptions.
government departments whom have
                                                      Document error message validation test
entrusted us with streams of test consulting
                                                       cases when the error message to be
and resourcing work to date. Our Practice
                                                       displayed is given in requirements.
Manager in Wellington, Neisha Kindley, is a
                                                      Get the test cases reviewed by module
highly experienced tester having worked with
                                                       owners of the development and business
a number of significant firms across NZ
                                                       to ensure that all agree.
including TVNZ, AXA Insurance, NZ Lotteries
                                                      Only exclude functionality in test cases
and ING NZ, so she knows the discipline inside
                                                       when the test plan indicates it out of scope.
and out. I know she would love the chance to
understand your business challenges from a
                                                       Contribution by: Ari Rajavelu, Test
test perspective so please contact me directly
or call her for a meeting/coffee on 021 802151
                                                       Manager at Fidelity Life Insurance

Best regards and happy testing

                                                            Strategic Partners

Grant Borrie
Director/Test Consultant
Issue 02 Page 3 | Q2, 2009

FEATURE:The Relationship between                   can I allocate a release resource to begin the
                                                   management of this policy.
Release Management & Testing
                                                   With such an integrated environment like
        Contributor: Joanne Gresslehner
                                                   Telecom NZ there is constant urgency to
          Principal Release Manager
                                                   deliver to our customer needs. Without
                                                   planning in place throughout the release and
                                                   deployment tasks, there is often conflict
                                                   especially around the integrated test
Joanne has worked with the management and
                                                   The largest part of the Release Management
implementation of Release Management for
almost 7 years. Having 20 years experience in      role is the release planning phase.
IT, Joanne has travelled extensively, working in   Understanding what projects or other change
the UK, Ireland and Australia in a range of        requests are in the pipeline, what stage of the
roles from SAS Programmer, Microsoft               SDLC are they at and then planning and
Instructor to Management of a Medical              locking down the scope of the next release
Software company in Sydney. Joanne’s
                                                   with Development and Test teams input. The
current role is managing a centralised Release
Management team for Telecom.                       Release Manager must guide Project
                                                   Managers and other business requests into a
When implementing Release Management               release by setting specific entry criteria into
you must first carry out analysis of current       the integrated test & pre-production
processes across the SDLC, gather an               environments. These rules are part of the
understanding of available environments and        release policy and must be adhered to.
what is the pipeline of activity.
                                                   I have found in most companies that Test
If implementing to an ITIL methodology, is         teams are often testing from un-complete
there current Configuration & Change               requirements or design as the push to deliver
Management? Release is typically last on the       what was promised can seem far greater than
list when implementing to ITIL, however it can     that of quality. Typical statements like ‘but we
be successful without some parts of the ITIL       have to deliver on that date – we promised
framework. The key is to remember that you         the customer’. In some rare cases this works
tailor ITIL to your company’s requirements,        without hiccup. In most, the delivery to live is
not every function may be required.                not of quality, and quite often results in
                                                   further change required, thus delaying the
In Telecom NZ, I manage a centralised Release      pipeline activity.
practice with Enterprise wide principles.
Individual release policies are tailored           We found Test timelines were tightened to
specifically in each area we have influence and    meet promised delivery dates; standard terms
formally approved by key stakeholders across       like ‘de-scope’ or ‘squash’ are used.       This
the business. Only once the policy is in place     normally resulted in poor quality or delivery of
Issue 02 Page 4 | Q2, 2009

change far different than that of the original           each new deployment (saving time
requirements. By planning a release to a                 and money)
release date and guiding change into it, an
understanding of timelines is known up front         4. Increased quality of deliverables to
which limits surprise.                                  live systems resulting in a reduction of
                                                        change required and production faults
In Telecom NZ we plan releases sometimes 12             being raised
months in advance with release dates. A
release calendar is published with rules that        5. Greater understanding of pipeline
must be met to be confirmed into a specific             enabling better team planning
release.      Project Managers during the               throughout the SDLC
initiation phase of their project are guided to
the release schedules so they can build their        6. Controlled      versioning      through
individual release and deployment tasks as key          stabilised environments
milestones into their project schedules. This
enables teams further down the SDLC to be            7. No longer reactive but now proactive
more proactive instead of always being in a
reactive state.                                      8. Greater business and customer
                                                        satisfaction – predictable delivery
To give you an idea of some of the benefits             dates and ability to manage business
achieved with implementing a robust release             change requests as well as project
structure, see below:                                   requests into one release

     1. Significant cost savings from taking a    In Conclusion:
        holistic view across the company by
        planning and bundling projects &          Not all companies will require Release
        business as usual requests that are in    Management; a robust Change Management
        the pipeline into one release.            capability is often enough. However, if you
                                                  are managing to an extremely integrated
     2. Decrease in throughput time for           environment, Release will help structure the
        projects – quite often this is evident    delivery of change in a planned and controlled
        during Test phases as bundling            manner limiting conflict and surprise
        multiple changes requires one set of
        tests, instead of testing in a silo
        manner (project by project by project)
                                                          Strategic Partners
     3. Repeatable release process & single
        point of contact – understanding
        lessons learnt from previous releases
        and not having to learn the ropes for
Issue 02 Page 5 | Q2, 2009

Focus on People….                                      training together with new test practices and
                                                       the team soon grew (along with the demand
                                                       for Testing!)This really set the foundations for
         Carol Cornelius                               growing our Test processes across the entire
  Capability Manager – Testing                         business. My role allowed me to manage that
Applications Services Delivery - IT                    initiative, which led to the development of an
  Inland Revenue Department                            organisation wide test strategy and that was a
                                                       hugely rewarding ‘feather in my cap’

                                                       Views on the testing industry in NZ?

                                                       After working in the UK, it was hard not to
                                                       draw comparisons the NZ and UK testing
                                                       industries and I found it to be quite a contrast.
                                                       Having come from an environment that had
                                                       allowed me scope to bring about change, the
                                                       most challenging aspect here in NZ was
                                                       helping raise the profile of testing as a
                                                       profession and promote the benefits to the
Carol is a qualified and highly experienced Test       rest of the business.
Manager whose career began in the UK, and now          I believe that the recent glut of ‘testers’ within
sees her heading up a team of 99 permanent and         the industry especially 12-18 months ago
contract staff, focusing on functional and non-        possibly helped give Testing a bad rap and
functional system testing, and acceptance testing
                                                       ultimately generated a lower quality of skills
at the IRD in Wellington. Carol possesses a genuine
                                                       due to the ease in which people could brand
passion for software testing and shares her
thoughts with us around the state of testing in NZ     themselves as ‘testers’ when some had had
and some of the challenges it faces...                 very little exposure to Testing.

How did you                  choose   your   testing

Back in the UK, I began my career in a ‘techie’
role as a Programmer, which led eventually (as         And on finding the right people…..
strange as it may seem to some!) to a Project
Management role within a System Test Group             I am strong on interviewing, as it’s so
that was relatively small at the time. I really        important to strike the right balance between
enjoyed it as I found test management to be            aptitude, knowledge and skill set when finding
more personable and offered more flexibility           the right person for not only the project, but
to the role. I began building the test                 for the team and the organisation. That
capabilities within the team (who were largely         balancing act comes down to having solid
Developers at the time) and introduced ISEB            knowledge in your area of expertise, strong
                                                       interviewing techniques and ultimately
Issue 02 Page 6 | Q2, 2009

understanding and managing the risks around       Analyst role. There really is a whole lot more
recruiting. I have found that one of the issues   to testing than just execution!
in finding that right balance between
contractor and permanent resource is that         Advice for those considering testing as a
contractors are often there to do a job for a     career?
set period and that does not always call for
handover of IP, which is something that is        The main advice I would give to anyone out
seen to be very valuable to a business. Huge      there who is considering a career in testing is
efficiencies can be gained by the business if     to really think about the area they would like
the handover and transition of knowledge is       to specialise in, for example; System Testing,
well understood and well managed and I            Performance, Integration, Non-functional ...
would like to see a greater emphasis on this      There are some great resources out there to
when agreeing a statement of work for staff       help investigate different options this industry
who are contracting.                              has to offer and not all come at an expense,
                                                  for example:
What are your greatest challenges and those
of the Testing Industry in NZ?                    -
                                                  -       Testing blogs
For me, one of the greatest challenges both       -       NZ Computer Society sessions
here and in the UK has been gaining the                   ( )
support and endorsement for Testing across        -       ISTQB – training and syllabus
an organisation. Being involved in such an                information
achievement brings great rewards to both the              ( )
business and Testing teams involved. In terms     -       Books such as my favourite: “Lessons
of the Industry here in New Zealand, I think              learned in Software Testing”, by Cem
the biggest challenge is how we communicate               Kaner, James Bach & Brett Pettichord
and translate what Testing Services “actually
means” for the business. I think that Testing     Also, I would highly recommend that
Services teams need to approach this in a         individuals and businesses invest in test
collaborative way with the business to achieve    services, team and personal development.
a common understanding. By reaching an            Exams and training options are more readily
understanding, it will help us make the shift     available than previously and more and more
away from the “anyone can test” type              we are seeing candidates who can show they
mentality that still exists out there in the      have invested in training (for example the
industry.                                         ISTQB Foundation course is a great start). And
                                                  beyond the Foundation course, I believe the
Wish list for testing.                            ISTQB Advanced will soon play a key role in
                                                  helping distinguish between the competencies
One of the activities and core competencies       of a Test Analyst and a truly ‘Advanced’ Test
that I believe we need to be building and         Analyst.
promoting is the Analysis aspect of a Test
Issue 02 Page 7 | Q2, 2009

                                                   The last laugh…..
     ISTQB Foundation Course                       A software developer/tester convention was
    Weekend of 8-10 August 2009                    being held. On the train to the convention,
      Auckland, New Zealand                        there were a bunch of developers and a bunch
                                                   of testers. Each of the developers had his/her
The current economic climate has led to
                                                   train ticket. The group of testers had only ONE
greater demands for business dexterity and
TTC has adapted to this need by planning an        ticket for all of them. The developers started
ISTQB Foundation Course over the weekend of        laughing and snickering. Then, one of the
August 8-10 2009. This allows those wanting        software    testers   said,   "here   comes   the
to learn and attain this certification to          conductor" and then all of the testers went into
complete the bulk of learning over one
                                                   the bathroom. The developers were puzzled.
weekend without a detrimental effect on your
annual leave (or earnings)…….                      The conductor came aboard and said "tickets
                                                   please" and got tickets from all the developers.
Nesta Jones is our ISTQB Foundation trainer        He then went to the bathroom and knocked on
for the weekend course. With over 15 years         the door and said "ticket please" and the
of software testing experience in the UK and
                                                   testers stuck the ticket under the door. The
New Zealand, having held various roles
ranging from Test Manager, Project Manager,        conductor took it and then the testers came out
Test Team Lead, Test Architect, System Tester      of the bathroom a few minutes later. The
and Integrator. A dynamic trainer, with            developers felt really stupid. So, on the way
exceptional interpersonal and communication        back from the convention, the group of
skills, she believes in active participation and   developers had one ticket for the group. They
real life examples. She comes highly qualified
                                                   started snickering at the testers, for the whole
having actively consulted to some of the
world’s leading companies. In her role with        group had no tickets amongst them. Then, the
TTC she assists in providing high level test       tester lookout said "Conductor coming!" All the
plans and implementation procedures for the        testers went to one bathroom. All the
financial, retail, transport and utilities         developers went to another bathroom. Then,
industries. For further details, please contact
                                                   before the conductor came on board, one of the
Florence Pretorius on 09 948 2225 or email
her:               testers left the bathroom, knocked on the other
                                                   bathroom, and said "ticket please."
More information on the Foundation level
syllabus can be found at the following:            Lesson learned: Any test that passed in unit
                                                   testing can fail in system testing

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Testing times q2 2009

  • 1. Issue 02 Page 1 | Q2, 2009 this issue…. Market Update – Q2, 2009 In a recent summit of New Zealand's top 100 Market Update… P.1 entrepreneurs, organizer Andy Hamilton was quoted as saying "I remember someone saying 'let's not let a good recession go to Pearls of Testing Wisdom P.2 waste'.... if anything we need to be more - Test Design aggressive, not less aggressive to grow this economy and grow our business" Release Management and Test P.3 So are we seeing this spirit working its way into mainstream thinking? Well, yes and no…. -Telecom New Zealand On the upside, in a recent Hays New Zealand survey, it recognized that the depth of the Testing Profile: Carol Cornelius P.5 skills shortage (in NZ) in information - Inland Revenue Department technology had reduced, and that our largest trading partner, Australia, has avoided plunging into recession. We also see positive ISTQB Training Weekend P.7 signs emanating from the most recent budget, in that NZ improved its ratings with the credit rating agencies and that short term interest The last laugh P.7 rates were due to stay lower than long term rates for some time (RBNZ). ‘On the street’ however, we’re seeing the challenging times continue. Redundancies are still on the radar, albeit less frequent within ICT specifically, and the continuing theme of budgets being continually scrutinised, and risks being addressed, acknowledged and All information in this newsletter is to the best of the authors quantified upfront is standard fare. The Wellington ICT market, generally speaking, has knowledge true and accurate. No liability is assumed by the shown more resilience that its Auckland authors, or publishers, for any losses suffered by any person counterpart and an increasing number of technology professionals are spending time relying directly or indirectly upon this newsletter. It is commuting between centers on short and recommended that clients should consult a senior medium term projects. Price pressure continues and we see that the markets have representative of this firm before acting on the information fallen now anywhere between 10 – 15% for experienced contract staff.
  • 2. Issue 02 Page 2 | Q2, 2009 Pearls of Testing Wisdom No.2 Interestingly, at our company we have seen an Test Design increase in demand for ‘Testing Health Checks’  Each module should have test cases with and Test Practice Reviews, which are revealing expected results. some real opportunities for short term, quick  Develop a traceable matrix to understand wins, alongside some significant longer-term the test case coverage against the gains.. All in all, it’s challenging times for requirements. companies and only those who are showing  Avoid writing repetitive UI test cases. This real ‘value adds’ will forge ahead. Naturally we causes higher maintenance. wish to report more positive forecasts next  Do not concentrate on negative paths for review… User acceptance test cases if the business requirements clearly emphasise application Lastly, just a small plug for our office in the behaviour and usage by the business users. mighty capital. We’re delighted with response  Try not to write test cases on error in Wellington and thank those companies and messages based on your assumptions. government departments whom have  Document error message validation test entrusted us with streams of test consulting cases when the error message to be and resourcing work to date. Our Practice displayed is given in requirements. Manager in Wellington, Neisha Kindley, is a  Get the test cases reviewed by module highly experienced tester having worked with owners of the development and business a number of significant firms across NZ to ensure that all agree. including TVNZ, AXA Insurance, NZ Lotteries  Only exclude functionality in test cases and ING NZ, so she knows the discipline inside when the test plan indicates it out of scope. and out. I know she would love the chance to understand your business challenges from a Contribution by: Ari Rajavelu, Test test perspective so please contact me directly or call her for a meeting/coffee on 021 802151 Manager at Fidelity Life Insurance Best regards and happy testing Strategic Partners Grant Borrie Director/Test Consultant
  • 3. Issue 02 Page 3 | Q2, 2009 FEATURE:The Relationship between can I allocate a release resource to begin the management of this policy. Release Management & Testing With such an integrated environment like Contributor: Joanne Gresslehner Telecom NZ there is constant urgency to Principal Release Manager deliver to our customer needs. Without planning in place throughout the release and deployment tasks, there is often conflict especially around the integrated test environments. Joanne has worked with the management and The largest part of the Release Management implementation of Release Management for almost 7 years. Having 20 years experience in role is the release planning phase. IT, Joanne has travelled extensively, working in Understanding what projects or other change the UK, Ireland and Australia in a range of requests are in the pipeline, what stage of the roles from SAS Programmer, Microsoft SDLC are they at and then planning and Instructor to Management of a Medical locking down the scope of the next release Software company in Sydney. Joanne’s with Development and Test teams input. The current role is managing a centralised Release Management team for Telecom. Release Manager must guide Project Managers and other business requests into a When implementing Release Management release by setting specific entry criteria into you must first carry out analysis of current the integrated test & pre-production processes across the SDLC, gather an environments. These rules are part of the understanding of available environments and release policy and must be adhered to. what is the pipeline of activity. I have found in most companies that Test If implementing to an ITIL methodology, is teams are often testing from un-complete there current Configuration & Change requirements or design as the push to deliver Management? Release is typically last on the what was promised can seem far greater than list when implementing to ITIL, however it can that of quality. Typical statements like ‘but we be successful without some parts of the ITIL have to deliver on that date – we promised framework. The key is to remember that you the customer’. In some rare cases this works tailor ITIL to your company’s requirements, without hiccup. In most, the delivery to live is not every function may be required. not of quality, and quite often results in further change required, thus delaying the In Telecom NZ, I manage a centralised Release pipeline activity. practice with Enterprise wide principles. Individual release policies are tailored We found Test timelines were tightened to specifically in each area we have influence and meet promised delivery dates; standard terms formally approved by key stakeholders across like ‘de-scope’ or ‘squash’ are used. This the business. Only once the policy is in place normally resulted in poor quality or delivery of
  • 4. Issue 02 Page 4 | Q2, 2009 change far different than that of the original each new deployment (saving time requirements. By planning a release to a and money) release date and guiding change into it, an understanding of timelines is known up front 4. Increased quality of deliverables to which limits surprise. live systems resulting in a reduction of change required and production faults In Telecom NZ we plan releases sometimes 12 being raised months in advance with release dates. A release calendar is published with rules that 5. Greater understanding of pipeline must be met to be confirmed into a specific enabling better team planning release. Project Managers during the throughout the SDLC initiation phase of their project are guided to the release schedules so they can build their 6. Controlled versioning through individual release and deployment tasks as key stabilised environments milestones into their project schedules. This enables teams further down the SDLC to be 7. No longer reactive but now proactive more proactive instead of always being in a reactive state. 8. Greater business and customer satisfaction – predictable delivery To give you an idea of some of the benefits dates and ability to manage business achieved with implementing a robust release change requests as well as project structure, see below: requests into one release 1. Significant cost savings from taking a In Conclusion: holistic view across the company by planning and bundling projects & Not all companies will require Release business as usual requests that are in Management; a robust Change Management the pipeline into one release. capability is often enough. However, if you are managing to an extremely integrated 2. Decrease in throughput time for environment, Release will help structure the projects – quite often this is evident delivery of change in a planned and controlled during Test phases as bundling manner limiting conflict and surprise multiple changes requires one set of tests, instead of testing in a silo manner (project by project by project) Strategic Partners 3. Repeatable release process & single point of contact – understanding lessons learnt from previous releases and not having to learn the ropes for
  • 5. Issue 02 Page 5 | Q2, 2009 Focus on People…. training together with new test practices and the team soon grew (along with the demand for Testing!)This really set the foundations for Carol Cornelius growing our Test processes across the entire Capability Manager – Testing business. My role allowed me to manage that Applications Services Delivery - IT initiative, which led to the development of an Inland Revenue Department organisation wide test strategy and that was a hugely rewarding ‘feather in my cap’ Views on the testing industry in NZ? After working in the UK, it was hard not to draw comparisons the NZ and UK testing industries and I found it to be quite a contrast. Having come from an environment that had allowed me scope to bring about change, the most challenging aspect here in NZ was helping raise the profile of testing as a profession and promote the benefits to the Carol is a qualified and highly experienced Test rest of the business. Manager whose career began in the UK, and now I believe that the recent glut of ‘testers’ within sees her heading up a team of 99 permanent and the industry especially 12-18 months ago contract staff, focusing on functional and non- possibly helped give Testing a bad rap and functional system testing, and acceptance testing ultimately generated a lower quality of skills at the IRD in Wellington. Carol possesses a genuine due to the ease in which people could brand passion for software testing and shares her thoughts with us around the state of testing in NZ themselves as ‘testers’ when some had had and some of the challenges it faces... very little exposure to Testing. How did you choose your testing path/career? Back in the UK, I began my career in a ‘techie’ role as a Programmer, which led eventually (as And on finding the right people….. strange as it may seem to some!) to a Project Management role within a System Test Group I am strong on interviewing, as it’s so that was relatively small at the time. I really important to strike the right balance between enjoyed it as I found test management to be aptitude, knowledge and skill set when finding more personable and offered more flexibility the right person for not only the project, but to the role. I began building the test for the team and the organisation. That capabilities within the team (who were largely balancing act comes down to having solid Developers at the time) and introduced ISEB knowledge in your area of expertise, strong interviewing techniques and ultimately
  • 6. Issue 02 Page 6 | Q2, 2009 understanding and managing the risks around Analyst role. There really is a whole lot more recruiting. I have found that one of the issues to testing than just execution! in finding that right balance between contractor and permanent resource is that Advice for those considering testing as a contractors are often there to do a job for a career? set period and that does not always call for handover of IP, which is something that is The main advice I would give to anyone out seen to be very valuable to a business. Huge there who is considering a career in testing is efficiencies can be gained by the business if to really think about the area they would like the handover and transition of knowledge is to specialise in, for example; System Testing, well understood and well managed and I Performance, Integration, Non-functional ... would like to see a greater emphasis on this There are some great resources out there to when agreeing a statement of work for staff help investigate different options this industry who are contracting. has to offer and not all come at an expense, for example: What are your greatest challenges and those of the Testing Industry in NZ? - - Testing blogs For me, one of the greatest challenges both - NZ Computer Society sessions here and in the UK has been gaining the ( ) support and endorsement for Testing across - ISTQB – training and syllabus an organisation. Being involved in such an information achievement brings great rewards to both the ( ) business and Testing teams involved. In terms - Books such as my favourite: “Lessons of the Industry here in New Zealand, I think learned in Software Testing”, by Cem the biggest challenge is how we communicate Kaner, James Bach & Brett Pettichord and translate what Testing Services “actually means” for the business. I think that Testing Also, I would highly recommend that Services teams need to approach this in a individuals and businesses invest in test collaborative way with the business to achieve services, team and personal development. a common understanding. By reaching an Exams and training options are more readily understanding, it will help us make the shift available than previously and more and more away from the “anyone can test” type we are seeing candidates who can show they mentality that still exists out there in the have invested in training (for example the industry. ISTQB Foundation course is a great start). And beyond the Foundation course, I believe the Wish list for testing. ISTQB Advanced will soon play a key role in helping distinguish between the competencies One of the activities and core competencies of a Test Analyst and a truly ‘Advanced’ Test that I believe we need to be building and Analyst. promoting is the Analysis aspect of a Test
  • 7. Issue 02 Page 7 | Q2, 2009 The last laugh….. ISTQB Foundation Course A software developer/tester convention was Weekend of 8-10 August 2009 being held. On the train to the convention, Auckland, New Zealand there were a bunch of developers and a bunch of testers. Each of the developers had his/her The current economic climate has led to train ticket. The group of testers had only ONE greater demands for business dexterity and TTC has adapted to this need by planning an ticket for all of them. The developers started ISTQB Foundation Course over the weekend of laughing and snickering. Then, one of the August 8-10 2009. This allows those wanting software testers said, "here comes the to learn and attain this certification to conductor" and then all of the testers went into complete the bulk of learning over one the bathroom. The developers were puzzled. weekend without a detrimental effect on your annual leave (or earnings)……. The conductor came aboard and said "tickets please" and got tickets from all the developers. Nesta Jones is our ISTQB Foundation trainer He then went to the bathroom and knocked on for the weekend course. With over 15 years the door and said "ticket please" and the of software testing experience in the UK and testers stuck the ticket under the door. The New Zealand, having held various roles ranging from Test Manager, Project Manager, conductor took it and then the testers came out Test Team Lead, Test Architect, System Tester of the bathroom a few minutes later. The and Integrator. A dynamic trainer, with developers felt really stupid. So, on the way exceptional interpersonal and communication back from the convention, the group of skills, she believes in active participation and developers had one ticket for the group. They real life examples. She comes highly qualified started snickering at the testers, for the whole having actively consulted to some of the world’s leading companies. In her role with group had no tickets amongst them. Then, the TTC she assists in providing high level test tester lookout said "Conductor coming!" All the plans and implementation procedures for the testers went to one bathroom. All the financial, retail, transport and utilities developers went to another bathroom. Then, industries. For further details, please contact before the conductor came on board, one of the Florence Pretorius on 09 948 2225 or email her: testers left the bathroom, knocked on the other bathroom, and said "ticket please." More information on the Foundation level syllabus can be found at the following: Lesson learned: Any test that passed in unit testing can fail in system testing busFoundation.pdf