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CQRS e Event Sourcing na
prática com RavenDB
Elemar Júnior
Olá, eu sou Elemar Jr
Eu sou Microsoft MVP
Eu gosto de aprender coisas novas
Eu gosto de resolver problemas
Eu gosto de escrever compiladores
Eu gosto do
Roslyn (e do
Eu gosto de
Computação Gráfica
Eu gosto de
Eu gosto de
CQRS e Event Sourcing na prática
com RavenDB
Mas, vamos falar de
Vamos pensar em um cenário...
Precisamos criar um um cadastro
de funcionários...
Coisa simples...
Nome, Endereço Residencial e Salário
Começamos com um protótipo
public class EmployeesController : Controller
public IEnumerable<Employee> Get()
{ /* .. */ }
public Employee Get(string id)
{ /* .. */ }
public void Post([FromBody]Employee value)
{ /* .. */ }
public void Put(string id, [FromBody]Employee value)
{ /* .. */ }
public void Delete(string id)
{ /* .. */}
Podemos modelar
uma API...
public class Employee
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public Address HomeAddress { get; set; }
public decimal Salary { get; set; }
Definir o Modelo
public class EmployeesController : Controller
public IEnumerable<Employee> Get()
{ /* .. */ }
public Employee Get(string id)
{ /* .. */ }
public void Post([FromBody]Employee value)
{ /* .. */ }
public void Put(string id, [FromBody]Employee value)
{ /* .. */ }
public void Delete(string id)
{ /* .. */}
public class EmployeesRepository
public Employee Load(string id)
using (var session = DocumentStoreHolder.Instance.OpenSession())
return session.Load<Employee>(id);
public void Save(Employee newEmployee)
using (var session = DocumentStoreHolder.Instance.OpenSession())
Implementar persistência....
Será que ficou bom?
UI (HTML + Angular)
Esse modelo não está anêmico?
public class Employee
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public Address HomeAddress { get; set; }
public decimal Salary { get; set; }
Cadê a linguagem ubíqua?
public class EmployeesController : Controller
public IEnumerable<Employee> Get()
{ /* .. */ }
public Employee Get(string id)
{ /* .. */ }
public void Post([FromBody]Employee value)
{ /* .. */ }
public void Put(string id, [FromBody]Employee value)
{ /* .. */ }
public void Delete(string id)
{ /* .. */}
Será que escala?
Será que é fácil de alterar?
Vamos tentar resgatar conceitos...
Modelo expressa o domínio
public sealed class Employee
public Guid Id { get; private set; }
public FullName Name { get; private set; }
public decimal Salary { get; private set; }
public Address HomeAddress { get; private set; }
public Employee(Guid id, FullName name, decimal initialSalary)
{ /* .. */ }
public void RaiseSalary(decimal amount)
{ /* .. */ }
public void ChangeHomeAddress(Address address)
{ /* .. */ }
Modelo expressa o domínio
public sealed class Employee
public Guid Id { get; private set; }
public FullName Name { get; private set; }
public decimal Salary { get; private set; }
public Address HomeAddress { get; private set; }
public Employee(Guid id, FullName name, decimal initialSalary)
{ /* .. */ }
public void RaiseSalary(decimal amount)
{ /* .. */ }
public void ChangeHomeAddress(Address address)
{ /* .. */ }
Modelo expressa o domínio
public sealed class Employee
public Guid Id { get; private set; }
public FullName Name { get; private set; }
public decimal Salary { get; private set; }
public Address HomeAddress { get; private set; }
public Employee(Guid id, FullName name, decimal initialSalary)
{ /* .. */ }
public void RaiseSalary(decimal amount)
{ /* .. */ }
public void ChangeHomeAddress(Address address)
{ /* .. */ }
Consolidação da Linguagem
public sealed class Employee
public Guid Id { get; private set; }
public FullName Name { get; private set; }
public decimal Salary { get; private set; }
public Address HomeAddress { get; private set; }
public Employee(Guid id, FullName name, decimal initialSalary)
{ /* .. */ }
public void RaiseSalary(decimal amount)
{ /* .. */ }
public void ChangeHomeAddress(Address address)
{ /* .. */ }
Voltando ao protótipo...
public Employee(Guid id, FullName name, decimal initialSalary)
{ /* .. */ }
public sealed class Employee
public Guid Id { get; private set; }
public FullName Name { get; private set; }
public decimal Salary { get; private set; }
public Address HomeAddress { get; private set; }
public Employee(Guid id, FullName name, decimal initialSalary)
{ /* .. */ }
public void RaiseSalary(decimal amount)
{ /* .. */ }
public void ChangeHomeAddress(Address address)
{ /* .. */ }
Consolidação da Linguagem
Cadê o protótipo?
public void RaiseSalary(decimal amount)
{ /* .. */ }
Anatomia de um Comando
public sealed class UpdateEmployeeHomeAddressCommand :
public Address HomeAddress { get; }
public UpdateEmployeeHomeAddressCommand(
EmployeeId id,
Address address) : base(id)
HomeAddress = address;
public class EmployeeCommandsHandler : IMessageHandler<RegisterEmployeeCommand>,
IMessageHandler<RaiseSalaryCommand>, IMessageHandler<ChangeHomeAddressCommand>
private readonly IEmployeeRepository _repository;
public EmployeeCommandsHandler(IEmployeeRepository repository)
{ _repository = repository; }
public void Handle(RegisterEmployeeCommand command)
var newEmployee = new Employee(command.Id, command.Name, command.InitialSalary);
public void Handle(RaiseSalaryCommand command)
var employee = _repository.Load(command.EmployeeId);
public void Handle(ChangeHomeAddressCommand command)
var employee = _repository.Load(command.EmployeeId);
Chegamos ao Manifesto Reativo
Resolvemos comandos! O que
fazemos com consultas
Vamos lembrar...
Logo, seria natural...
E isso é CQRS
... mas e Event Sourcing?
Anatomia de um Evento
public class EmployeeHomeAddressChangedEvent
: VersionedEvent<Guid>
public Address NewAddress { get; }
public EmployeeHomeAddressChangedEvent(Address newAddress)
NewAddress = newAddress;
public class VersionedEvent<TSourceId> : IVersionedEvent<TSourceId>
public TSourceId SourceId { get; internal set; }
public DateTime When { get; private set; }
public int Version { get; internal set; }
public VersionedEvent()
When = DateTime.Now;
Anatomia de um Evento
public class EmployeeHomeAddressChangedEvent
: VersionedEvent<Guid>
public Address NewAddress { get; }
public EmployeeHomeAddressChangedEvent(Address newAddress)
NewAddress = newAddress;
public class VersionedEvent<TSourceId> : IVersionedEvent<TSourceId>
public TSourceId SourceId { get; internal set; }
public DateTime When { get; private set; }
public int Version { get; internal set; }
public VersionedEvent()
When = DateTime.Now;
Anatomia de um Evento
public class EmployeeHomeAddressChangedEvent
: VersionedEvent<Guid>
public Address NewAddress { get; }
public EmployeeHomeAddressChangedEvent(Address newAddress)
NewAddress = newAddress;
public class VersionedEvent<TSourceId> : IVersionedEvent<TSourceId>
public TSourceId SourceId { get; internal set; }
public DateTime When { get; private set; }
public int Version { get; internal set; }
public VersionedEvent()
When = DateTime.Now;
Stream de Eventos
Stream de Eventos
Por que não salvar?
Stream de Eventos
No RavenDB é fácil!
Stream de Eventos
No RavenDB é fácil!
... mas antes é preciso
Gerar os Eventos
Entidade/Agregado gera Eventos
public Employee(Guid id, FullName name, decimal initialSalary)
: this(id)
Throw.IfArgumentIsNull(name, nameof(name));
Throw.IfArgumentIsNegative(initialSalary, nameof(initialSalary));
Update(new EmployeeRegisteredEvent(name, initialSalary));
Entidade/Agregado gera Eventos
public void RaiseSalary(decimal amount)
Throw.IfArgumentIsNegative(amount, nameof(amount));
Update(new EmployeeSalaryRaisedEvent(amount));
Entidade/Agregado gera Eventos
public void ChangeHomeAddress(Address address)
Throw.IfArgumentIsNull(address, nameof(address));
Update(new EmployeeHomeAddressChangedEvent(address));
Atualiza estado a partir dos
protected void Update(VersionedEvent<TId> e)
e.SourceId = Id;
e.Version = Version + 1;
Version = e.Version;
Atualiza estado a partir dos
protected void Update(VersionedEvent<TId> e)
e.SourceId = Id;
e.Version = Version + 1;
Version = e.Version;
private Employee(Guid id) : base(id)
Atualiza estado a partir dos
protected void Update(VersionedEvent<TId> e)
e.SourceId = Id;
e.Version = Version + 1;
Version = e.Version;
private void OnEmployeeRegistered(EmployeeRegisteredEvent @event)
Name = @event.Name;
Salary = @event.InitialSalary;
private void OnEmployeeSalaryRaised(EmployeeSalaryRaisedEvent @event)
Salary += @event.Amount;
Atualiza estado a partir dos
protected void Update(VersionedEvent<TId> e)
e.SourceId = Id;
e.Version = Version + 1;
Version = e.Version;
Stream de Eventos
Por que não salvar?
Salvar um documento com
eventospublic void Save(Employee employee)
var head = GetHead(employee.Id);
var storedVersion = GetStoredVersionOf(head);
if (storedVersion != (employee.Version - employee.PendingEvents.Count()))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid object state.");
if (head == null)
foreach (var evt in employee.PendingEvents)
Salvar um documento com
public JsonDocumentMetadata GetHead(Guid id)
string localId = $"employees/{id}";
return _store.DatabaseCommands.Head(localId);
public int GetStoredVersionOf(JsonDocumentMetadata
return head
.Value<int>() ?? 0;
Salvar um documento com
eventospublic void Save(Employee employee)
var head = GetHead(employee.Id);
var storedVersion = GetStoredVersionOf(head);
if (storedVersion != (employee.Version - employee.PendingEvents.Count()))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid object state.");
if (head == null)
foreach (var evt in employee.PendingEvents)
Salvar um documento com
private void SaveNewEmployee(Employee employee)
using (var session = _store.OpenSession())
var document = new EmployeeEvents(
.Add(EmployeeEntityVersion, employee.Version);
private void SaveEmployeeEvents(
Employee employee )
var patches = new List<PatchRequest>();
foreach (var evt in employee.PendingEvents)
patches.Add(new PatchRequest
Type = PatchCommandType.Add,
Name = "Events",
Value = RavenJObject.FromObject(evt, _serializer)
var localId = $"employees/{employee.Id}";
var addEmployeeEvents = new PatchCommandData()
Key = localId,
Patches = patches.ToArray()
var updateMetadata = new ScriptedPatchCommandData()
Key = localId,
Patch = new ScriptedPatchRequest
Script = $"this['@metadata']['{EmployeeEntityVersion}'] = {employee.Version}; "
_store.DatabaseCommands.Batch(new ICommandData[]
private void SaveEmployeeEvents(
Employee employee )
var patches = new List<PatchRequest>();
foreach (var evt in employee.PendingEvents)
patches.Add(new PatchRequest
Type = PatchCommandType.Add,
Name = "Events",
Value = RavenJObject.FromObject(evt, _serializer)
var localId = $"employees/{employee.Id}";
var addEmployeeEvents = new PatchCommandData()
Key = localId,
Patches = patches.ToArray()
var updateMetadata = new ScriptedPatchCommandData()
Key = localId,
Patch = new ScriptedPatchRequest
Script = $"this['@metadata']['{EmployeeEntityVersion}'] = {employee.Version}; "
_store.DatabaseCommands.Batch(new ICommandData[]
private void SaveEmployeeEvents(
Employee employee )
var patches = new List<PatchRequest>();
foreach (var evt in employee.PendingEvents)
patches.Add(new PatchRequest
Type = PatchCommandType.Add,
Name = "Events",
Value = RavenJObject.FromObject(evt, _serializer)
var localId = $"employees/{employee.Id}";
var addEmployeeEvents = new PatchCommandData()
Key = localId,
Patches = patches.ToArray()
var updateMetadata = new ScriptedPatchCommandData()
Key = localId,
Patch = new ScriptedPatchRequest
Script = $"this['@metadata']['{EmployeeEntityVersion}'] = {employee.Version}; "
_store.DatabaseCommands.Batch(new ICommandData[]
Salvar um documento com
eventospublic void Save(Employee employee)
var head = GetHead(employee.Id);
var storedVersion = GetStoredVersionOf(head);
if (storedVersion != (employee.Version - employee.PendingEvents.Count()))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid object state.");
if (head == null)
foreach (var evt in employee.PendingEvents)
Carregar um documento com
public Employee Load(Guid id)
EmployeeEvents data;
using (var session = _store.OpenSession())
data = session.Load<EmployeeEvents>(id);
return new Employee(id, data.Events);
public Employee(Guid id,
IEnumerable<IVersionedEvent<Guid>> history)
: this(id)
Carregar um documento com
protected void LoadFrom(IEnumerable<IVersionedEvent<TId>> pastEvents)
foreach (var e in pastEvents)
Version = e.Version;
Mantenha contato!
CQRS e Event Sourcing na
prática com RavenDB
Elemar Júnior

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TDC2016SP - Trilha .NET

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  • 2. Olá, eu sou Elemar Jr
  • 4. Eu gosto de aprender coisas novas
  • 5. Eu gosto de resolver problemas
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  • 14. Coisa simples... Nome, Endereço Residencial e Salário
  • 15. Começamos com um protótipo
  • 16. [Route("api/[controller]")] public class EmployeesController : Controller { [HttpGet] public IEnumerable<Employee> Get() { /* .. */ } [HttpGet("{id}")] public Employee Get(string id) { /* .. */ } [HttpPost] public void Post([FromBody]Employee value) { /* .. */ } [HttpPut("{id}")] public void Put(string id, [FromBody]Employee value) { /* .. */ } [HttpDelete("{id}")] public void Delete(string id) { /* .. */} } Podemos modelar uma API...
  • 17. public class Employee { public string Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public Address HomeAddress { get; set; } public decimal Salary { get; set; } } Definir o Modelo [Route("api/[controller]")] public class EmployeesController : Controller { [HttpGet] public IEnumerable<Employee> Get() { /* .. */ } [HttpGet("{id}")] public Employee Get(string id) { /* .. */ } [HttpPost] public void Post([FromBody]Employee value) { /* .. */ } [HttpPut("{id}")] public void Put(string id, [FromBody]Employee value) { /* .. */ } [HttpDelete("{id}")] public void Delete(string id) { /* .. */} }
  • 18. public class EmployeesRepository { public Employee Load(string id) { using (var session = DocumentStoreHolder.Instance.OpenSession()) { return session.Load<Employee>(id); } } public void Save(Employee newEmployee) { using (var session = DocumentStoreHolder.Instance.OpenSession()) { session.Store(newEmployee); session.SaveChanges(); } } } Implementar persistência....
  • 22. UI (HTML + Angular) WebAPI RavenDB Presentation Business Persistence
  • 23. Esse modelo não está anêmico? public class Employee { public string Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public Address HomeAddress { get; set; } public decimal Salary { get; set; } }
  • 24. Cadê a linguagem ubíqua? [Route("api/[controller]")] public class EmployeesController : Controller { [HttpGet] public IEnumerable<Employee> Get() { /* .. */ } [HttpGet("{id}")] public Employee Get(string id) { /* .. */ } [HttpPost] public void Post([FromBody]Employee value) { /* .. */ } [HttpPut("{id}")] public void Put(string id, [FromBody]Employee value) { /* .. */ } [HttpDelete("{id}")] public void Delete(string id) { /* .. */} }
  • 26. Será que é fácil de alterar?
  • 27. Vamos tentar resgatar conceitos...
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  • 32.
  • 33. Modelo expressa o domínio public sealed class Employee { public Guid Id { get; private set; } public FullName Name { get; private set; } public decimal Salary { get; private set; } public Address HomeAddress { get; private set; } public Employee(Guid id, FullName name, decimal initialSalary) { /* .. */ } public void RaiseSalary(decimal amount) { /* .. */ } public void ChangeHomeAddress(Address address) { /* .. */ } }
  • 34. Modelo expressa o domínio public sealed class Employee { public Guid Id { get; private set; } public FullName Name { get; private set; } public decimal Salary { get; private set; } public Address HomeAddress { get; private set; } public Employee(Guid id, FullName name, decimal initialSalary) { /* .. */ } public void RaiseSalary(decimal amount) { /* .. */ } public void ChangeHomeAddress(Address address) { /* .. */ } }
  • 35. Modelo expressa o domínio public sealed class Employee { public Guid Id { get; private set; } public FullName Name { get; private set; } public decimal Salary { get; private set; } public Address HomeAddress { get; private set; } public Employee(Guid id, FullName name, decimal initialSalary) { /* .. */ } public void RaiseSalary(decimal amount) { /* .. */ } public void ChangeHomeAddress(Address address) { /* .. */ } }
  • 36. Consolidação da Linguagem Ubíqua public sealed class Employee { public Guid Id { get; private set; } public FullName Name { get; private set; } public decimal Salary { get; private set; } public Address HomeAddress { get; private set; } public Employee(Guid id, FullName name, decimal initialSalary) { /* .. */ } public void RaiseSalary(decimal amount) { /* .. */ } public void ChangeHomeAddress(Address address) { /* .. */ } }
  • 37. Voltando ao protótipo... public Employee(Guid id, FullName name, decimal initialSalary) { /* .. */ }
  • 38. public sealed class Employee { public Guid Id { get; private set; } public FullName Name { get; private set; } public decimal Salary { get; private set; } public Address HomeAddress { get; private set; } public Employee(Guid id, FullName name, decimal initialSalary) { /* .. */ } public void RaiseSalary(decimal amount) { /* .. */ } public void ChangeHomeAddress(Address address) { /* .. */ } } Consolidação da Linguagem Ubíqua
  • 39. Cadê o protótipo? public void RaiseSalary(decimal amount) { /* .. */ }
  • 41. Anatomia de um Comando public sealed class UpdateEmployeeHomeAddressCommand : EmployeeCommand { public Address HomeAddress { get; } public UpdateEmployeeHomeAddressCommand( EmployeeId id, Address address) : base(id) { HomeAddress = address; } }
  • 43. public class EmployeeCommandsHandler : IMessageHandler<RegisterEmployeeCommand>, IMessageHandler<RaiseSalaryCommand>, IMessageHandler<ChangeHomeAddressCommand> { private readonly IEmployeeRepository _repository; public EmployeeCommandsHandler(IEmployeeRepository repository) { _repository = repository; } public void Handle(RegisterEmployeeCommand command) { var newEmployee = new Employee(command.Id, command.Name, command.InitialSalary); _repository.Save(newEmployee); } public void Handle(RaiseSalaryCommand command) { var employee = _repository.Load(command.EmployeeId); employee.RaiseSalary(command.Amount); _repository.Save(employee); } public void Handle(ChangeHomeAddressCommand command) { var employee = _repository.Load(command.EmployeeId); employee.ChangeHomeAddress(command.NewAddress); _repository.Save(employee); } }
  • 44.
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  • 48. Resolvemos comandos! O que fazemos com consultas
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  • 53.
  • 54. E isso é CQRS
  • 55. ... mas e Event Sourcing?
  • 58. Anatomia de um Evento public class EmployeeHomeAddressChangedEvent : VersionedEvent<Guid> { public Address NewAddress { get; } public EmployeeHomeAddressChangedEvent(Address newAddress) { NewAddress = newAddress; } } public class VersionedEvent<TSourceId> : IVersionedEvent<TSourceId> { public TSourceId SourceId { get; internal set; } public DateTime When { get; private set; } public int Version { get; internal set; } public VersionedEvent() { When = DateTime.Now; } }
  • 59. Anatomia de um Evento public class EmployeeHomeAddressChangedEvent : VersionedEvent<Guid> { public Address NewAddress { get; } public EmployeeHomeAddressChangedEvent(Address newAddress) { NewAddress = newAddress; } } public class VersionedEvent<TSourceId> : IVersionedEvent<TSourceId> { public TSourceId SourceId { get; internal set; } public DateTime When { get; private set; } public int Version { get; internal set; } public VersionedEvent() { When = DateTime.Now; } }
  • 60. Anatomia de um Evento public class EmployeeHomeAddressChangedEvent : VersionedEvent<Guid> { public Address NewAddress { get; } public EmployeeHomeAddressChangedEvent(Address newAddress) { NewAddress = newAddress; } } public class VersionedEvent<TSourceId> : IVersionedEvent<TSourceId> { public TSourceId SourceId { get; internal set; } public DateTime When { get; private set; } public int Version { get; internal set; } public VersionedEvent() { When = DateTime.Now; } }
  • 63. Stream de Eventos No RavenDB é fácil!
  • 64. Stream de Eventos No RavenDB é fácil!
  • 65. ... mas antes é preciso Gerar os Eventos
  • 66. Entidade/Agregado gera Eventos public Employee(Guid id, FullName name, decimal initialSalary) : this(id) { Throw.IfArgumentIsNull(name, nameof(name)); Throw.IfArgumentIsNegative(initialSalary, nameof(initialSalary)); Update(new EmployeeRegisteredEvent(name, initialSalary)); }
  • 67. Entidade/Agregado gera Eventos public void RaiseSalary(decimal amount) { Throw.IfArgumentIsNegative(amount, nameof(amount)); Update(new EmployeeSalaryRaisedEvent(amount)); }
  • 68. Entidade/Agregado gera Eventos public void ChangeHomeAddress(Address address) { Throw.IfArgumentIsNull(address, nameof(address)); Update(new EmployeeHomeAddressChangedEvent(address)); }
  • 69. Atualiza estado a partir dos Eventos protected void Update(VersionedEvent<TId> e) { e.SourceId = Id; e.Version = Version + 1; _handlers[e.GetType()].Invoke(e); Version = e.Version; _pendingEvents.Add(e); }
  • 70. Atualiza estado a partir dos Eventos protected void Update(VersionedEvent<TId> e) { e.SourceId = Id; e.Version = Version + 1; _handlers[e.GetType()].Invoke(e); Version = e.Version; _pendingEvents.Add(e); } private Employee(Guid id) : base(id) { Handles<EmployeeRegisteredEvent>(OnEmployeeRegistered); Handles<EmployeeSalaryRaisedEvent>(OnEmployeeSalaryRaised); Handles<EmployeeHomeAddressChangedEvent>(OnEmployeeHomeAddressChanged); }
  • 71. Atualiza estado a partir dos Eventos protected void Update(VersionedEvent<TId> e) { e.SourceId = Id; e.Version = Version + 1; _handlers[e.GetType()].Invoke(e); Version = e.Version; _pendingEvents.Add(e); } private void OnEmployeeRegistered(EmployeeRegisteredEvent @event) { Name = @event.Name; Salary = @event.InitialSalary; } private void OnEmployeeSalaryRaised(EmployeeSalaryRaisedEvent @event) { Salary += @event.Amount; }
  • 72. Atualiza estado a partir dos Eventos protected void Update(VersionedEvent<TId> e) { e.SourceId = Id; e.Version = Version + 1; _handlers[e.GetType()].Invoke(e); Version = e.Version; _pendingEvents.Add(e); }
  • 77. Salvar um documento com eventospublic void Save(Employee employee) { var head = GetHead(employee.Id); var storedVersion = GetStoredVersionOf(head); if (storedVersion != (employee.Version - employee.PendingEvents.Count())) throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid object state."); if (head == null) { SaveNewEmployee(employee); } else { SaveEmployeeEvents(employee); } foreach (var evt in employee.PendingEvents) Bus.RaiseEvent(evt); }
  • 78. Salvar um documento com eventos public JsonDocumentMetadata GetHead(Guid id) { string localId = $"employees/{id}"; return _store.DatabaseCommands.Head(localId); } public int GetStoredVersionOf(JsonDocumentMetadata head) { return head ?.Metadata[EmployeeEntityVersion] .Value<int>() ?? 0; }
  • 79. Salvar um documento com eventospublic void Save(Employee employee) { var head = GetHead(employee.Id); var storedVersion = GetStoredVersionOf(head); if (storedVersion != (employee.Version - employee.PendingEvents.Count())) throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid object state."); if (head == null) { SaveNewEmployee(employee); } else { SaveEmployeeEvents(employee); } foreach (var evt in employee.PendingEvents) Bus.RaiseEvent(evt); }
  • 80. Salvar um documento com eventos private void SaveNewEmployee(Employee employee) { using (var session = _store.OpenSession()) { var document = new EmployeeEvents( employee.Id, employee.PendingEvents ); session.Store(document); session.Advanced.GetMetadataFor(document) .Add(EmployeeEntityVersion, employee.Version); session.SaveChanges(); } }
  • 81. private void SaveEmployeeEvents( Employee employee ) { var patches = new List<PatchRequest>(); foreach (var evt in employee.PendingEvents) { patches.Add(new PatchRequest { Type = PatchCommandType.Add, Name = "Events", Value = RavenJObject.FromObject(evt, _serializer) }); } var localId = $"employees/{employee.Id}"; var addEmployeeEvents = new PatchCommandData() { Key = localId, Patches = patches.ToArray() }; var updateMetadata = new ScriptedPatchCommandData() { Key = localId, Patch = new ScriptedPatchRequest { Script = $"this['@metadata']['{EmployeeEntityVersion}'] = {employee.Version}; " } }; _store.DatabaseCommands.Batch(new ICommandData[] { addEmployeeEvents, updateMetadata }); }
  • 82. private void SaveEmployeeEvents( Employee employee ) { var patches = new List<PatchRequest>(); foreach (var evt in employee.PendingEvents) { patches.Add(new PatchRequest { Type = PatchCommandType.Add, Name = "Events", Value = RavenJObject.FromObject(evt, _serializer) }); } var localId = $"employees/{employee.Id}"; var addEmployeeEvents = new PatchCommandData() { Key = localId, Patches = patches.ToArray() }; var updateMetadata = new ScriptedPatchCommandData() { Key = localId, Patch = new ScriptedPatchRequest { Script = $"this['@metadata']['{EmployeeEntityVersion}'] = {employee.Version}; " } }; _store.DatabaseCommands.Batch(new ICommandData[] { addEmployeeEvents, updateMetadata }); }
  • 83. private void SaveEmployeeEvents( Employee employee ) { var patches = new List<PatchRequest>(); foreach (var evt in employee.PendingEvents) { patches.Add(new PatchRequest { Type = PatchCommandType.Add, Name = "Events", Value = RavenJObject.FromObject(evt, _serializer) }); } var localId = $"employees/{employee.Id}"; var addEmployeeEvents = new PatchCommandData() { Key = localId, Patches = patches.ToArray() }; var updateMetadata = new ScriptedPatchCommandData() { Key = localId, Patch = new ScriptedPatchRequest { Script = $"this['@metadata']['{EmployeeEntityVersion}'] = {employee.Version}; " } }; _store.DatabaseCommands.Batch(new ICommandData[] { addEmployeeEvents, updateMetadata }); }
  • 84. Salvar um documento com eventospublic void Save(Employee employee) { var head = GetHead(employee.Id); var storedVersion = GetStoredVersionOf(head); if (storedVersion != (employee.Version - employee.PendingEvents.Count())) throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid object state."); if (head == null) { SaveNewEmployee(employee); } else { SaveEmployeeEvents(employee); } foreach (var evt in employee.PendingEvents) Bus.RaiseEvent(evt); }
  • 85. Carregar um documento com eventos public Employee Load(Guid id) { EmployeeEvents data; using (var session = _store.OpenSession()) { data = session.Load<EmployeeEvents>(id); } return new Employee(id, data.Events); } public Employee(Guid id, IEnumerable<IVersionedEvent<Guid>> history) : this(id) { LoadFrom(history); }
  • 86. Carregar um documento com eventos protected void LoadFrom(IEnumerable<IVersionedEvent<TId>> pastEvents) { foreach (var e in pastEvents) { _handlers[e.GetType()].Invoke(e); Version = e.Version; } }
  • 87.
  • 89. CQRS e Event Sourcing na prática com RavenDB Elemar Júnior @elemarjr