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Tates Creek
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Tates Creek Christian
3150 Tates Creek Road
Lexington, KY 40502
(859) 266-1621
Visit Online
Traditional - 9:30 am
The Vine - 11:00 am
Sunday School -
8:30, 9:30, 11:00 am
Swahili Service - 4:00 pm
Evening - 6:30 pm
Tommy Simpson
Mike Allen
Kim Beckwith
Billy Bishop
John Davis
David Eversole
Geoff Lawson
Matt Lee
Don Seevers
Lesley Tipton
Office Staff
Jenni Gregg
Kim Jones
Jan Sproul (Monday)
Vicki Wesley (Friday)
Feature Article
	10-11	 “Giving is the Gift”
In Every Issue
	 3-8	 Minister Articles
	 12	 Prayer Ministry
	 12	 Guided Prayer Topics
	 13	 Elder/Deacon Serving Schedule
18-21	 Devotional thoughts each week
	 22	 October Statistics
	 23	 New Members
	24	 Calendar
Ministry News		
	 14	 Room in the Inn
	 15	 Missions Moment
	 9	 December Events
	16-17	 December Events	
Tates Creek Christian Church exists
to win people to Christ (evangelism),
build up believers in faith, knowledge, and
service (encouragement), to help those in
need (benevolence), and to stand up for
Christian values in the community (witness).
What words would you use to describe Christmas? The
list of words may be endless. Here are a few: ‘joy,’‘peace,’
‘Church,’and‘gift.’ These words speak to the anticipation of
Christmas. Christmas is the favorite time of year for many. I
say,“Many,”because not everyone looks forward to Christmas, like they once
did. When certain things change in our lives, we may dread Christmas. Our
goal may simply be just to get through the holidays. Since my Dad passed
away, I have mixed thoughts and feelings about Christmas. I am learning
to have empathy for people who no longer look forward to Christmas; they
actually dread the holidays. I still look forward to
Christmas. And now, with grandchildren, Christmas
holds lots of anticipation. However, the chords of
sadness still play in my heart and draw me back to
precious memories with Dad at Christmas time. I am
very thankful for all those memories. I am also sad for
others who have lost loved ones; or for those whose
family life has changed because of divorce, the loss of a job, or the loss of
what used to be a great friendship. I wish I could take away their sadness,
their hurt, and their loneliness. But I cannot take away any of those things.
However, I do know the One who is quite capable of doing that. Jesus
Christ is the One who is capable of taking away the sadness, the hurt, and
the loneliness. He takes away those things by providing the gift of eternal
life. With the gift of eternal life, Jesus provides tremendous anticipation and
joy! John describes great anticipation in Revelation 21:4, “He shall wipe
away every tear from their eyes; and there shall no longer be any death; there
shall no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed
away.” Another verse that helps us to understand the meaning of eternal life
is John 17:3, which says, “And this is eternal life, that they may know Thee, the
only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent.” The gift of eternal life
is available right now! We are able to experience that great gift right now!
A restored relationship with God is the reason Jesus came the first time. A
restored relationship with God is the gift that Jesus provided the very first
Christmas! While some of our heart chords may tone sadness during the
holidays, Jesus changes those chords to ring joy ~ for all eternity!	
Jesus is the source of joy at Christmas!
				~ Tommy
Lexington, KY 40502
Christmas Memories
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Classic Christmas
	 When I think about our sermon series title for the month of
December called“Classic Christmas”, it reminds me of years
gone by and long standing Christmas traditions. Maybe
for you these traditions include a meal, Christmas caroling,
certain family members, a Christmas Eve Candlelight service,
or some other special person or event. For some when we think about
our“Classic Christmas”or ideal Christmas, it brings about warm fuzzy
feelings. For some though, when we think about Christmas, it can bring
feelings of sadness and dread.
Maybe at one time in your life you had those warm fuzzy thoughts
of time spent with family, your spouse, your children, and your friends.
But maybe now you’ve lost a child or a parent. Maybe you lost a close
friend this year, or maybe you lost your spouse. There is nothing quite
as haunting as the thought of that empty space that will be like a huge
elephant in the room when the holidays roll around. Maybe you dread
the holidays now because of the loss of someone. Maybe this will be
your first Christmas without them.
As many of you know, I have gone through a divorce this past year. I
can’t even begin to describe how horribly painful it has been. Where I
once had wonderful memories of years gone by, and excited expectation
for the Christmas season, it has now been replaced with dread. That
empty space left behind seems to scream so loudly and bring so much
pain to the surface that I can hardly focus on
anything else.
If you are in this boat I am praying for you. I am
thinking about you this Christmas. And while
I won’t be able to expect Christmas to look the
same as it always has for my family, I can focus
on the story that was written 2000 years ago, the
story of that miraculous baby boy who came to save all of mankind. That
story will never change, and it will never cease to give me that warm and
fuzzy feeling. I will do my best to focus on that story this Christmas.
					~ Mike
There’s a verse in Luke’s account of the birth of Christ that
sticks out like a sore thumb. The tone of it is completely
different from the surrounding paragraphs and it almost
seems like Luke inserted it well after he had the story of the
first Christmas written out. In Luke 2:19 we read...
“But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart.”
With all the amazement and wonder at Gabriel’s appearance to her,
Elizabeth’s pregnancy with John the Baptist, her firstborn’s birth in a
stable in Bethlehem, the visit from the shepherds...
Mary had the presence of mind to stop, to
contemplate, and to treasure up everything that God
had caused to happen to her. She never wanted to
There are many spiritual disciplines that we can
practice to help us grow in our relationship with
Christ. One that often gets little publicity, but has
helped me greatly through the years, is journaling.
Journaling is essentially doing what Mary did in Luke 2:19 - treasuring
up these things and pondering them in our hearts. When God does
something in your life - or even when he fails to do something - putting
your thoughts to paper forces you to deal with them. It forces you to
slow down, to meditate, and think and interpret what God is doing in
your life at that moment. That’s something we rarely do unless we have
an intentional practice like journaling. Journaling orders the chaos of our
minds so we can make sense of it.
Another wonderful benefit of journaling, though, is the ability to look
back through previous entries and to be reminded of God’s faithfulness,
his goodness to you, or even your own impatience or nearsightedness.
My faith grows deeper and stronger when I go back and read about all
the times God has proven himself to me.
As parents and grandparents I’m sure we’ll try to treasure up in our
hearts all the joys of Christmas this year. But as children of God let us
develop a practice of doing this intentionally and regularly so that we will
never forget the faithfulness of our God.
					~ John
Lexington, KY 40502
A Lesson from Jesus’ Mother
I have said it before, and will probably say it again each year…
I love Christmas!! It truly is the most wonderful time of the year.
Along with the carol singing, the reminder to slow down in life
and enjoy the people with which God has surrounded you, and
the traditions and decorations, there comes a reminder that
Jesus is always the reason for every season! I don’t think I am selfish to say
that I enjoy receiving gifts each year. I still remember my favorite Christmas
gift. I was eight years old and was given my first guitar (which I still have in one
piece). I remember the odd shape it had standing next to the tree, and knew
exactly what it was. Even though I still have the guitar and have purchased
several other cheap ones, I still struggle to play a song! I remember the
Christmas that my family couldn’t afford to give gifts that were purchased, so
we gave gifts that were customized for the receiver. I remember the Reds hat
my grandmother bought for me at a yard sale and gave to me for Christmas. It
still had the last owners name, number, and address in the bill of the hat. Years
later, this story won me 30 new Christian CD’s from a Christian radio station.
There were also Christmases that hold very special memories like when a loved
one was no longer present for the family get together or the first Christmas
Terah and I shared together as we tried to navigate between 2 strong,
traditional,‘everyone should be together on the day’, families. I also remember
the best gift I ever gave Terah - a new set of wrenches and some oil for her car.
(Don’t judge me.) Then there was each Christmas we had with our children
for their“firsts”and how different it was for Onah and Marie as compared to
Colten and Izzy. I remember the first time our team raised funds for the kids in
Liberia to receive gifts for Christmas, and the JME school doing an“Ornaments
for Orphans”drive to help raise money. Finally, I remember going into a home
in Indiana that was piled high with gifts for nearly every child in the family, but
one child had been dropped at the doorstep on Christmas Eve and would soon
have nothing. This was special because other families had gone together to
surprise the little guy with his best Christmas.
Why do I remember these so well? I remember them because they were
chosen in love. I remember them because when I think about them and the
love they included I can’t help but think of a gift much more important. A gift
that the world had waited for many years to arrive. A gift that when grown,
would turn the world upside down and change the future for you and me! A
gift that we celebrate today, tomorrow, and for all eternity! From my
family to yours this season enjoy THE GIFT OF JESUS!
						~ Matt
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Christmas - The Gift
The Christmas season
is one of those times
during the year for
which people all over
the world are preparing
at the same time. While not
everyone celebrates in exactly the
same way, we all have a main focal
point-the birth of our Savior. This
year the children of our church are
performing a musical ‘Chris-Myth
Busters’ that is a bit different from
those you might remember. We
will be discussing things that
*gasp* might not be true about the
Christmas story! It’s definitely an
eye opener for the children who
are learning the play (my daughter
included). I have a feeling there are
some adults out there that may have
to check their Bibles a time or two
as well. I hope that you will come
and join us on December 18, to see
this really fun event with a great
		~ Lesley
The Student Ministry
is working full steam
ahead to plan out the
next year with purpose.
Some of those things
include planning our summer mission
trips, winter and spring retreats, and
other fun outings. Be sure to check
out our student ministry calendar of
events. We plan to have some fun
events for students over the holidays.
Communication is a big key for our
Student Ministry and I want to make
sure parents and students know what
we are doing at all times. It is my
goal to make sure we have plenty of
avenues for you all to know what we
are doing. Just a few of those ways
we plan to keep parents in the loop
are through social media, the church
app, a new text messaging service just
for Student Ministry, as well as the old
fashion paper calendars.
I want to highlight one great
opportunity for Middle School
Students coming up this winter. The
Middle School ministry is planning
on taking Students to CIY Believe. It
will be in Louisville the first weekend
in February. Make sure your middle
schooler is signed up for this event.
You can grab an info pack from the
Middle School room that has all the
details and answers any questions you
might have.
If I have not met you or your student
yet, I would love to get together and
connect with you!				
	 ~ Geoff
Lexington, KY 40502
Ministry Updates
I cannot think of Christmas without associating the event of
Christ’s birth with music! Whether it is remembering a children’s
concert where those participating are wearing scratchy,
uncomfortable costumes while struggling to remember their
lines, or listening to a familiar Christmas cantata by the local
church choir wearing robes, we can all go back in our memories and fondly
remember sharing those experiences with our family and church friends. We
all offered our best efforts.
Then, as I grew up, I was accompanying the choir on
the piano. That was followed by singing in college
choirs and presenting more difficult Christmas music
to hundreds of people who made the drive to the
city of Cincinnati to enjoy the celebrations provided
by all the college choirs and instrumentalists. Again,
those are memories engrained in my mind and heart. I wouldn’t trade those
experiences for anything.
Now, for the past 40 years, I have been directing choirs and orchestras in
Ohio, Florida, Arizona, and for the past 12 years in Kentucky. The pleasure
of leading those hundreds of singers and instrumentalists fills my heart and
soul with joy. In addition, I have enjoyed seeing and listening to countless
Christmas concerts presented in churches, orchestra halls, and college
campuses as I always try to attend at least two concerts in local venues. Yes,
Christmas and music are inseparable for me.
It seems that most people are open to hearing about Jesus and His love
through Christmas music! That is why we encourage you to attend our
Christmas concerts and more importantly invite friends to join you. You
will find most people will join you and they will be blessed. Here are the
opportunities for our congregation and friends this year:
Annual Christmas Collage ~ December 11 at 4:00 PM
Including the Worship Choir, T3CPO,
Rejoicing Ringers, Worship Ensemble, and some Special Guests!
Chris-Myth Busters ~ December 18 at 5:30 PM, MMC
Children’s Ministry Presents their Annual Christmas Musical
Christmas Eve Worship ~ December 24 at 4:30 & 6:30 PM
Our services will conclude with communion & candlelight.
Come back on Christmas Day for one worship service at 9:30 AM
					~ Don		
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
Lexington, KY 40502
December Events
December 3,
12 - 2 pm, MMC
Speaker - Kathy Drane
founder of Hopeful Hearts, which is a
Christian organization bringing the gospel
and relief aid to orphans. She will be sharing
about the group home built in Myanmar
which was funded by Tates Creek.
Tickets are $10.
to the World
If you are making a regular or
special online contribution at
the end of the year, please do
so early in December to ensure
the transaction clears the
banks involved and the credit
can be given on your 2016
giving statement.
End of the Year Gifts
As Christmas is just around the corner, I find myself
reminiscing about those best Christmases from the
past, the earliest being my 5th Christmas. I remember
it sparsely as it has been many, many, MANY years ago,
but I remember two things clearly. The first is the Lionel
train set that was underneath the tree. My memory of that is very
clear, even down to the corner of the room where the Christmas
tree was setting in our home in Michigan. My second memory of
that Christmas is all three of us children being lined up to take a
spoonful of castor oil before we went to my Aunt’s house. One thing
I don’t remember is why we had to ingest
that awful stuff. I suppose it was viewed by
my mother as being good for us, but perhaps
it was to protect us from my Aunt’s cooking.
Either way, it was done with fingers closing
our noses. I remember that being when I was
5 years old because the following month we
moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico. It was a
memorable time in my life. I don’t remember
how old I was when I got the erector set for Christmas, nor do I
remember how old I was when the chemistry set was under the tree,
but I remember building endless things with the erector set and
conducting many experiments with the chemistry set.
As I have grown older the memorable Christmases have become
not about things received, but of things given, like the year I gave my
son-in-law golf clubs for Christmas. I remember giving him those
clubs every time we go golfing and he hits the ball straighter, farther,
and more accurately than I. Not to mention, he always has a better
score. Think about this for a moment. The major difference between
giving and receiving is the fact that giving costs us something while
receiving doesn’t. Just like with my son in law. I always tease him
about me buying his clubs for him only to have him show me up.
Those clubs cost him nothing but they cost me not just the initial
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Giving is the Gift
investment, but also continuing humiliation when we golf together!
No, that’s not the case. In reality I gave him those clubs and I submit
to always being beaten because I love my son-in-law. I enjoy seeing
him do what he enjoys doing. That’s the difference between giving
and receiving. Receiving is enjoying the blessing ourselves while
giving enjoys seeing others blessed.
In 1 Corinthians 13, the Apostle Paul speaks about when we are
children we act like children and think like children, but in growing
up and putting away childish things, we think and act differently.
Paul was speaking of the need to grow up spiritually, and the
transition from Christmas being about receiving to being about
giving is that type of maturity. We all like to receive gifts, and there’s
certainly nothing wrong with that,
but we are living in a culture that is
increasingly all about self-entitlement
and I can assure you there is little
reward in the end. Nothing there
can ever compare to the blessing I
have in golfing with my son-in-law,
and now seeing my granddaughter
being a budding golfer on her high
school team. Where is the cost to me? Where is the humiliation to
me? It is all erased by the joy of giving! Friends, those chemicals in
that chemistry set have long since been used up, and the parts and
pieces of that erector set have long since been lost. Even the Lionel
train set, save for this purpose, has long since been forgotten. But
the blessing received by a gift given continues to be mine! I urge
you not to miss such a blessing this season….the blessing of giving
rather than receiving.
	 				~ Bro. Kim
Lexington, KY 40502
Giving is the Gift continued
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
One of my all time favorite Christmas
songs is“Mary Did You Know.” What a
beautiful way to express the life of Jesus as
a baby cuddled in His mother’s protective
arms to a Savior of mankind from eternal
death! As a mother myself, I have
wondered if Mary REALLY knew the life in
store for her precious child. The Bible tells
us in Luke 1:32 that the angel, Gabriel,
told Mary that her son would be “great
and will be called the Son of the Most High!”
Being a faithful Jewish girl, she would have
also been familiar with Isaiah 53:3-7 which
prophesied that the Messiah would be
despised, rejected, and pierced. I wonder
if Mary’s prayers were like most mothers?
Did she pray for protection, safety, and
wisdom in following God’s plan for her
child’s life? What responsibility Mary and
Joseph must have felt in raising God’s Son!
How active their prayer lives must have
been! I challenge us all to pray, REALLY
pray, for the children in our lives. They may
be young, old, or not even our own. Pray
for protection and safety but, above all,
pray for wisdom in knowing God’s will for
their lives!
		~ Mary Mirre
Mary, Did You
Read and Pray in
preparation for the
celebration of Jesus’
birth at Christmas.
If you are interested in knowing more about our team
or serving with us, please contact Peggy Crawford at, 859-269-5902, or any other team
Isaiah 40:1-5
Isaiah 52:7-9
Isaiah 40:9-11
Genesis 3:8-15
Genesis 15:1-6
Deuteronomy 18:15-19
Psalm 89:1-4
Isaiah 11:1-16
Zechariah 6:12-13
Micah 5:2-3
Malachi 3:1-6
John 1:1-8
John 1:9-18
Mark 1:1-3
Luke 1:5-13
Luke 1:14-17
Luke 1:18-25
Luke 1:39-45
Luke 1:46-56
Luke 1:57-66
Luke 1:67-80
Isaiah 7:10-13
Luke 1:26-35
Isaiah 9:2-7
Matthew 1:18-25
Luke 2:1-20
Matthew 2:1-2
Luke 2:21-35
Luke 2:36-38
Luke 2:39-40
John 3:16
“The Prayer Ministry shall provide opportunities to help equip others to grow more in
their prayer lives by promoting prayer studies and praying collectively together, causing
unity in prayer throughout our congregation and our Prayer ministry team. By our
prayers, we will serve, grow, and give excellence to our Lord”
Lexington, KY 40502
Communion Serving Schedule
December 4
Elders: Kent Mason, Nick Wallen
Deacons: Bill Burke, Russell Brown
Ashland Terrace: Brad Byington
Home Comm: Lucas Moore, Cory Wilson,
		Henry Evans
Sat Comm Prep: Boyd/Wanda Johnson
Clean-up 1st Srv: Marvis/Pam White
Clean-up 2nd Srv: Brittany, Lauren, Olivia
Prayer Room: Judy Clark, Peggy Crawford
1st service: Gaye Dye, Mona Vannatter
2nd service: Cindy Kearns, Martha Bugg
Ushers: Doug I., Dennis M., David F.
December 11
Elders: Nick Wallen, Stan Stack
Deacons: Russell Brown, Henry Evans
Ashland Terrace: Allan Faber
Home Comm: Brad Byington, Allan Faber,
		David Straub	
Sat Comm Prep: Mike/Barb Nevius
Clean-up 1st Srv: Greg/Kim Finkbonner
Clean-up 2nd Srv: Greg/Kim Finkbonner
Prayer Room: Beth Kessler, Kevin Hickey
1st service:Becky Child, Kim Donaldson
2nd service: Vickie Cole, Deena Wertz
Ushers: Stan S., David M., Cory & Sarah W.
December 18
Elders: Stan Stack, Craig Martin
Deacons: Brian Hogston, Allan Faber
Ashland Terrace: Steven Clem
Home Comm: Keith Wertz, Stuart Kearns,
		Bill Johnson
Sat Comm Prep: Brian/Sontina Hogston
Clean-up 1st Srv: Shannon/Jenni Gregg
Clean-up 2nd Srv: Michelle Marshall
Prayer Room: Janice Moore, Monica Kennedy
1st service: Judy Clark, Peggy Crawford
2nd service: Anne Branham, Cindy Kearns
Ushers: Jack W., Boyd J., Stuart K.
December 25
Elders: Craig Martin, George Heaton
Deacons: Bill Johnson
Ashland Terrace: Greg Kasten
Home Comm: Ken Banks, Jonathan Clifton,
		Steven Clem	
Sat Comm Prep: Marvis/Pam White
Clean-up 1st Srv: Ray/Christi Albensi
Prayer Room: Ken Baker
Ushers: Dennis M., Boyd J., John M.
Better With Age Club
Monthly on the third Thursday
December 15, 10:30 am
Fellowship Hall
The Diggles family will be presenting
the musical entertainment.
Bring side dishes, salad, or dessert to
share at our Christmas meal.
Adult Bible Study
Wednesdays, 10:30 am,
Room 200CD
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Room In The Inn
The focus of Room In The Inn is to provide seasonal temporary shelter
and hospitality to the homeless of Lexington. The heart and soul
of this ministry is the participation of congregations and faithful
volunteers who serve our guests for the winter months of November
- March. This ministry provides us an opportunity to be a blessing to
others and show them the love of Christ.
Our task at Tates Creek Christian:
To host up to 14 men twice per month from December through March.
To provide them an evening meal and a place to sleep for the night.
We also provide them a breakfast and a sack lunch to take with them
the next day.
What we need:
We ask Sunday School Classes or other groups to take a given week
and serve as hosts throughout the year. Their job is to plan each
week’s evening meal and provide hosts for the evening. We also need
individual volunteers to help us in the following areas:
Overnight Hosts - Men who will stay the night with our guests.
Lunch Makers - To prepare the sack lunches for the guests.
Set Up Crew - To set up the beds and room for the guests.
Take Down Crew - To break down the beds and room the next morning
Bus Drivers - To assist in transporting men to and from TCCC.
It is time for our ministry with the homeless in Lexington to begin
again. We will be providing a meal and a place to sleep on the
second and fourth Thursday evenings of each month beginning
December 8. Please look for volunteer sign-up sheets in the foyer.
We need help with: Set Up Crew, Bus Drivers, Overnight Hosts, and
Dinner Hosts (for classes or groups). Please contact Chris Lee for
more information at 859-885-9012.
Lexington, KY 40502
Helping to Make Wilson’s Story Possible
During 2010-2012 when our missionaries in Kenya, Shawn and Kristin
Redford, were focused on training African national church leaders to become
the next generation of missionaries for Africa, TCCC sent missions funds to
provide partial scholarships for several young men at Africa International
University (AIU). These men who grew up in remote villages, herding cattle
and goats, had a strong desire for training and reaching others for Christ.
They balanced family life, AIU studies, full or part-time jobs, and service in
their churches. One of the men, Kutinkala Wilson, graduated from AIU in
July 2016 with a degree in Theology and now teaches at a Bible College
in Narok and at Community Christian Church’s Bible Training Institute. He
serves as pastor of the Isinon Christian Church in Maasailand, and is chair of
Community Christian Mission Agency. The following excerpt is from a recent
“thank-you letter”from Kutinkala Wilson to TCCC for the scholarship funds.
Friends: I am Kutinkala Meingati Wilson, a beneficiary of scholarship funds…
May you be abundantly blessed. What amazes me most is “how a person
can choose to invest (donate) for someone you don’t know.” This is faith in
practice, obedience to God and ministry to the world…
Friends, I therefore pass gratitude to the people who
tirelessly and consistently donated toward us through CMF
International… I have not had lack pertaining to my tuition
fees for my studies at AIU because you donated and CMF
made sure it was spent for the right purpose.
Finally, let my achievement be your joy and my
development your seed and the positive impact among the
generations to come be glory to God now and forever more.
I am hopeful to be a positive influence as your prayers were. Roseline (my wife),
our children and I appreciate a lot your generous support to us. May you all be
blessed in the name of Jesus. Thanks all.
					Kutinkala Meingati Wilson
And, imagine how many more will now come to follow Christ as a result!
Missions Moment
December Events
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Christmas Eve
Candlelight Services
December 24
4:30 pm & 6:30 pm
Christmas Day
December 25
One service
9:30 am
Annual Christmas Collage
December 11, 4:00 pm, Worship Center
Come enjoy our annual Christmas Collage. Many groups will be
participating this year including the following:
Worship Choir, T3CPO (orchestra), Rejoicing Ringers,
Worship Ensemble, and some special guests.
Be sure to come and bring your friends for this wonderful
musical presentation.
Children’s Christmas Musical
“Chris-myth Busters”
December 18, 5:30 pm, MMC
Join us in the Multi-Ministry Center to celebrate
with and learn from the Elementary kids choir.
As with every children’s program, you will be
entertained and maybe even learn a few things
through their presentation.
Christmas Card Exchange within our church family!
Drop off your cards November 27 to December 17 in the boxes located in
front of the prayer room at Entrance A. Pick-up on December 18!
Angel Tree
Thank you for helping us make the Angel Tree a
success this year. If you were able to sponsor a
child, please remember to return your gift to the
Angel Tree. All gifts will need to be wrapped,
labeled, and returned to the tree by December 11.
If you need assistance with shopping,
we have people available to do that for you,
just let us know. Contact Mary Furnish
at 219-9111 if you have any questions.
Lexington, KY 40502
December Events
December 4
The Hope - Matthew 1:18-25
December 11
The Light - Matthew 2:1-12
December 18
The Glory - Luke 2:25-35
December 25
The Gift - Romans 3:24
New Sermon Series
December 4-25
December We Care Collection
December 18
We will be collecting for the We Care Store on
the third Sunday in December. Please consider
donating some special items for Christmas related
meals or just the regularly requested items. All
food and monetary donations are appreciated!
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Devotional Thought Week 1
Relationships can be very complicated. We often invest much
emotional energy in our family and close friends. Because we
are all human and make mistakes, this can cause a great deal of
disappointment. We have all experienced this kind of reaction to the
shortcomings of those closest to us.
As I read Matthew 1:18-25, I wonder how Joseph felt about
his relationship with Mary. It appears clear that he was severely
disappointed in what he assumed was some sin in her life. I imagine the
life that he had envisioned and planned for himself and for Mary just
vanished before his eyes when he heard the news of her pregnancy.
So what was it that changed his outlook? It was
the revelation of the truth, that Mary’s actions
were, in fact, faithful to him and to the Lord. Of
course, it probably helped that this message was
delivered by the angel Gabriel! It still must have
been difficult at times for Joseph to believe that
they would be raising God’s own son in human
form. He had to have been a man of great faith
and hope!
Just as Joseph learned he could be hopeful in his situation, the coming
of Jesus should also show us that we, too, can be hopeful. Just as God
was faithful to His word with Joseph, He will always be faithful to His
word with us. He sent Jesus because he loves us and desired to provide
a way of salvation for us. Jesus gives us hope! That is one of the lessons
to be learned and celebrated each Christmas.
				~ David Eversole
Lexington, KY 40502
Devotional Thought Week 2
“We Three Kings”
Star of wonder, star of night
Star with royal beauty bright,
Westward leading, still proceeding
Guide us to thy perfect light.
Matthew is the only gospel that speaks of an extraordinary celestial
event. A star which led the Magi to Jesus. Magi were often understood
as“wise men”but may be more accurately described as astronomers/
astrologists and they certainly understood Biblical prophecies.
Astrology was considered the science of the day. Yet any form of
divination was forbidden in scripture. It’s curious that the Magi were
the only ones to see the star when everyone else seemed unaware.
More important, the Magi understood the significance of the star.
“When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great
joy” Matthew 2:10
The star was made for the very purpose of leading the
Magi to Jesus. When following the star to Jerusalem they
expected to find the new King in Herod’s palace. King
Herod was troubled by the visitors and threatened by the
news. Herod was protective of his power and jealous of
any potential rivals. Herod instructs the Magi, “when you
have found Him, bring word back back to me, so that I may
go and worship Him”. Matthew 2:8
The Magi continue their journey to Bethlehem following the star until
it “stood over where the young child was”. Matthew 2:9
Matthew doesn’t specify how many Magi traveled but it is assumed
only three because of the famous three gifts: gold, frankincense, and
myrrh. It’s likely that the Magi traveled in a large caravan. After paying
respect to Jesus, the child born as the King of the Jews, they traveled
on never to be heard from again. Perhaps home to Persia, Babylon, or
anywhere in the Middle East, without reporting to Herod. If we didn’t
have this account of the Magi by Matthew, I doubt we would have our
gift giving traditions of today.
					~ Becky Child
				 	 Women’s Ministry Leader
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
THE GLORY - LUKE 2:25-35
Here we find a story about a man in Jerusalem named Simeon. The
Book of Luke tells us that Simeon was righteous and devout, waiting on
the consolation of Jerusalem. The people of Israel had been suffering
for years due to their own sins, from being oppressed by other nations,
and by being overrun by anyone who thought
they had a claim to the strategic location for
which the Jewish capital sat. Simeon had been
given a promise by the Holy Spirit that he would
not die until he saw the consolation of his people.
This meant the years of suffering by the Jewish
people would finally be over.
The moment Simeon held the baby Jesus in
his hands a flood of emotions ran through him, for he knew then that
the promise the Holy Spirit made to him so many years ago was finally
being fulfilled. How many times in life have you been waiting for
God to answer your prayers? Do you remember how you felt when it
finally happened? The feeling of elation that God finally answered your
prayers. On a number of occasions I have experienced this. It was only
when I gave up my selfish wants and emptied my soul to the will of
God that things started to happen. That’s what God was telling Simeon
when he said that he would witness the consolation of Israel. The
birth of Jesus meant that the Jewish people had finally given over their
selfish ways and were ready to receive Gods’glory.
I ask each one of you reading this passage to take a moment and
empty yourself to the glory of God and see what blessings begin
to flow through you. Simeon was completely devoted to God and
through Simeon God blessed his people. Now imagine for a moment
that if each one of you gave yourself over to Gods’glory what could be
accomplished in his name. The glory of God is never ending, all you
have to do is trust him.
					~ Lucas Moore
Devotional thought Week 3
Lexington, KY 40502
“And all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that
came by Christ Jesus.”
“The Gift”– A phrase that prompts so many different and conflicting
feelings. From“now I have to go shopping and buy someone
something they probably don’t need”to“wow, someone I love has
made me a gift”.
Gifts from the“Classic Christmas”of yesteryear were more practical
and functional than those we will probably exchange this year. But
gifts from any period of time require effort and planning. On our
mission to find a gift we ask questions, go shopping from store to store,
or scour the websites in search of the“perfect”gift. But none of these
mass produced, store bought, or even home-made loving gifts we
share on this earth compares to“the GIFT”from God. He sent his ONLY
Son Jesus to this earth to be born as a baby,
grow into a man, and die a Savior. What
more could we ask for? Well there is more:
His gift comes with some lifelong perks.
Jesus died for us, washed away our sins,
gave us the opportunity of eternal life in
heaven, and showed us how to be Christians
that love others.
However, like some gifts in today’s world, there is a small catch. To
accept God’s gift we have to respond. We have to accept Jesus Christ as
our Savior, we have to believe and be baptized into him. We also need
to live the life of a Christian and love and lead others to Him.
Remember during this wonderful time of Christmas, as we celebrate
the birth of Jesus, the verse from John 3:16 (NIV)
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that
whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
Gifts from each other can be a blessing and a demonstration of love,
but even the most beautiful wrapped gift under our tree does not
equal the gift from God. So don’t hesitate to accept“the Gift”. Also,
don’t be bashful about sharing it with others.
					~ Larry Bugg
Devotional thought Week 4
Sunday School
Average Attendance
October 2016
Infants	6
Walkers	6
3 - 5 Year Old	 10
Elementary	42
Middle School 	 17
High School	 20
Christians in Action	 19
Crusaders	55
Faith	16
Generations of Faith	 24
Good News	 29
Grace & Truth	 56
Grass Roots	 14
Heaven Bound	 14
In The Word	 20
Open Bible	 55
Seekers	 9
Servants for Christ	 21
Upper Room	 9
Willing Workers	 24
Young Adult Class	 11
Ashland Terrace	 5
Miscellaneous	2
Officers	 7
Total	 510
October Worship
Attendance & Giving
		Total	 	 General Fund	
2nd		 704		 $33,392.
9th	 743	 $25,379.
16th	 721	 $23,982.
23rd	 769	 $24,045.
30th	671	 $25,405.
Mortgage Balance, Oct. 31	 $457,590.
Monthly Payment (November)	 $11,876.
Principal	 $10,636.
Interest	 $1,239.
Add’l Principal	 $0.
To give online anytime or setup
a recurring online gift, visit our
website at
and click on“Donate”. You may
also simply scan the QR code.
% of Dollars Given Online
General Fund Report
2016 Budgeted Need per week	 $31,440.
2016 Average per week	 $28,877.
October Total Income	 $132.203.
October Total Expenses	 $120,757.
Moved to Savings	 $5,517.
Net Above Expenses & Savings	 $5,929.
Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road
Funds Totals for Oct.
Deacons’Fund 	 $2,746.
“What If...” 	 $19,201.
Victory for Life	 $579.
Lexington, KY 40502
New Members
Russ & Amy Lucas
Transfer November 13
Our Brothers and Sisters from
the Swahili service
Transfer November 6
Brittany Mangas
Transfer November 6
Sean Meredith
Baptized November 6
Marla Hall
Transfer October 23
Imogene Foster
Transfer November 6
Asher Lucas
Baptized November 4
TatesCreekChristianChurch	Office:(859)266-1621
Calendar ~ December 2016
1	 Deborah Circle, 6:30 pm
3	 Card Ministry, 8:30 am, 106
3	 Women’s Christmas Tea, 12 pm,
4	 Monthly Ministry meetings
4	 Choir/Orchestra Christmas
	 rehearsal, 4 pm, WC
5	 Elders’Meeting, 6 pm, 200E
6	 Tabitha Circle, 6 pm
8 & 22	 Room in the Inn, 5 pm, FH
9	 Renfro Valley Trip, 4 pm
9	 Crusaders Dinner, 6 pm, FH
10	 Open Bible Lunch, 12 pm, FH
11	 Worship Choir Christmas Collage,
	 4 pm, WC
11	 Grace & Truth dinner, 5 pm, FH
12	 Faith Circle, 6:30 pm, 104
12	 J.O.Y. Circle, 6:30 pm, Fh
15	 BWAC, 10:30 am, FH
17	 Card Ministry, 8:30 am, 106
18	 Children’s Christmas Musical,
	 5:30 pm, MMC
24	 Christmas Eve Services,
	 4:30 & 6:30 pm, WC
25	 Christmas Day Service, 9:30 am
26	 Christmas Holiday, office closed
Weekly Activities
Swahili Worship, 4 pm, 304
High School Worship, 6-8 pm, 303
Adult Small Groups, various times 	
Orchestra rehearsal, 6 pm, Dec. 5
We Care Store, 1:30 & 4 pm
Victory for Life, 6 pm, FH
Adult Bible Study, 10:30 am, 200CD
Worship Choir rehearsal, 6:30 pm,
	 Dec. 7 and 14
Middle School Worship, 6:30 pm
We Care Store, 1:30 pm

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Tates Creek Christian Church Current for December 2016

  • 2. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 2 Contact Tates Creek Christian 3150 Tates Creek Road Lexington, KY 40502 (859) 266-1621 Visit Online Worship Sunday Traditional - 9:30 am The Vine - 11:00 am Sunday School - 8:30, 9:30, 11:00 am Swahili Service - 4:00 pm Evening - 6:30 pm Staff Tommy Simpson Mike Allen Kim Beckwith Billy Bishop John Davis David Eversole Geoff Lawson Matt Lee Don Seevers Lesley Tipton Office Staff Jenni Gregg Kim Jones Jan Sproul (Monday) Vicki Wesley (Friday) Contents Feature Article 10-11 “Giving is the Gift” In Every Issue 3-8 Minister Articles 12 Prayer Ministry 12 Guided Prayer Topics 13 Elder/Deacon Serving Schedule 18-21 Devotional thoughts each week 22 October Statistics 23 New Members 24 Calendar Ministry News 14 Room in the Inn 15 Missions Moment Events 9 December Events 16-17 December Events Mission Tates Creek Christian Church exists to win people to Christ (evangelism), build up believers in faith, knowledge, and service (encouragement), to help those in need (benevolence), and to stand up for Christian values in the community (witness).
  • 3. What words would you use to describe Christmas? The list of words may be endless. Here are a few: ‘joy,’‘peace,’ ‘anticipation,’‘fun,’‘family,’‘home,’‘friends,’‘memories,’‘Christ,’ ‘Church,’and‘gift.’ These words speak to the anticipation of Christmas. Christmas is the favorite time of year for many. I say,“Many,”because not everyone looks forward to Christmas, like they once did. When certain things change in our lives, we may dread Christmas. Our goal may simply be just to get through the holidays. Since my Dad passed away, I have mixed thoughts and feelings about Christmas. I am learning to have empathy for people who no longer look forward to Christmas; they actually dread the holidays. I still look forward to Christmas. And now, with grandchildren, Christmas holds lots of anticipation. However, the chords of sadness still play in my heart and draw me back to precious memories with Dad at Christmas time. I am very thankful for all those memories. I am also sad for others who have lost loved ones; or for those whose family life has changed because of divorce, the loss of a job, or the loss of what used to be a great friendship. I wish I could take away their sadness, their hurt, and their loneliness. But I cannot take away any of those things. However, I do know the One who is quite capable of doing that. Jesus Christ is the One who is capable of taking away the sadness, the hurt, and the loneliness. He takes away those things by providing the gift of eternal life. With the gift of eternal life, Jesus provides tremendous anticipation and joy! John describes great anticipation in Revelation 21:4, “He shall wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there shall no longer be any death; there shall no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away.” Another verse that helps us to understand the meaning of eternal life is John 17:3, which says, “And this is eternal life, that they may know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent.” The gift of eternal life is available right now! We are able to experience that great gift right now! A restored relationship with God is the reason Jesus came the first time. A restored relationship with God is the gift that Jesus provided the very first Christmas! While some of our heart chords may tone sadness during the holidays, Jesus changes those chords to ring joy ~ for all eternity! Jesus is the source of joy at Christmas! ~ Tommy 3 Lexington, KY 40502 Christmas Memories
  • 4. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 4 Classic Christmas When I think about our sermon series title for the month of December called“Classic Christmas”, it reminds me of years gone by and long standing Christmas traditions. Maybe for you these traditions include a meal, Christmas caroling, certain family members, a Christmas Eve Candlelight service, or some other special person or event. For some when we think about our“Classic Christmas”or ideal Christmas, it brings about warm fuzzy feelings. For some though, when we think about Christmas, it can bring feelings of sadness and dread. Maybe at one time in your life you had those warm fuzzy thoughts of time spent with family, your spouse, your children, and your friends. But maybe now you’ve lost a child or a parent. Maybe you lost a close friend this year, or maybe you lost your spouse. There is nothing quite as haunting as the thought of that empty space that will be like a huge elephant in the room when the holidays roll around. Maybe you dread the holidays now because of the loss of someone. Maybe this will be your first Christmas without them. As many of you know, I have gone through a divorce this past year. I can’t even begin to describe how horribly painful it has been. Where I once had wonderful memories of years gone by, and excited expectation for the Christmas season, it has now been replaced with dread. That empty space left behind seems to scream so loudly and bring so much pain to the surface that I can hardly focus on anything else. If you are in this boat I am praying for you. I am thinking about you this Christmas. And while I won’t be able to expect Christmas to look the same as it always has for my family, I can focus on the story that was written 2000 years ago, the story of that miraculous baby boy who came to save all of mankind. That story will never change, and it will never cease to give me that warm and fuzzy feeling. I will do my best to focus on that story this Christmas. ~ Mike
  • 5. There’s a verse in Luke’s account of the birth of Christ that sticks out like a sore thumb. The tone of it is completely different from the surrounding paragraphs and it almost seems like Luke inserted it well after he had the story of the first Christmas written out. In Luke 2:19 we read... “But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart.” With all the amazement and wonder at Gabriel’s appearance to her, Elizabeth’s pregnancy with John the Baptist, her firstborn’s birth in a stable in Bethlehem, the visit from the shepherds... Mary had the presence of mind to stop, to contemplate, and to treasure up everything that God had caused to happen to her. She never wanted to forget. There are many spiritual disciplines that we can practice to help us grow in our relationship with Christ. One that often gets little publicity, but has helped me greatly through the years, is journaling. Journaling is essentially doing what Mary did in Luke 2:19 - treasuring up these things and pondering them in our hearts. When God does something in your life - or even when he fails to do something - putting your thoughts to paper forces you to deal with them. It forces you to slow down, to meditate, and think and interpret what God is doing in your life at that moment. That’s something we rarely do unless we have an intentional practice like journaling. Journaling orders the chaos of our minds so we can make sense of it. Another wonderful benefit of journaling, though, is the ability to look back through previous entries and to be reminded of God’s faithfulness, his goodness to you, or even your own impatience or nearsightedness. My faith grows deeper and stronger when I go back and read about all the times God has proven himself to me. As parents and grandparents I’m sure we’ll try to treasure up in our hearts all the joys of Christmas this year. But as children of God let us develop a practice of doing this intentionally and regularly so that we will never forget the faithfulness of our God. ~ John 5 Lexington, KY 40502 A Lesson from Jesus’ Mother
  • 6. I have said it before, and will probably say it again each year… I love Christmas!! It truly is the most wonderful time of the year. Along with the carol singing, the reminder to slow down in life and enjoy the people with which God has surrounded you, and the traditions and decorations, there comes a reminder that Jesus is always the reason for every season! I don’t think I am selfish to say that I enjoy receiving gifts each year. I still remember my favorite Christmas gift. I was eight years old and was given my first guitar (which I still have in one piece). I remember the odd shape it had standing next to the tree, and knew exactly what it was. Even though I still have the guitar and have purchased several other cheap ones, I still struggle to play a song! I remember the Christmas that my family couldn’t afford to give gifts that were purchased, so we gave gifts that were customized for the receiver. I remember the Reds hat my grandmother bought for me at a yard sale and gave to me for Christmas. It still had the last owners name, number, and address in the bill of the hat. Years later, this story won me 30 new Christian CD’s from a Christian radio station. There were also Christmases that hold very special memories like when a loved one was no longer present for the family get together or the first Christmas Terah and I shared together as we tried to navigate between 2 strong, traditional,‘everyone should be together on the day’, families. I also remember the best gift I ever gave Terah - a new set of wrenches and some oil for her car. (Don’t judge me.) Then there was each Christmas we had with our children for their“firsts”and how different it was for Onah and Marie as compared to Colten and Izzy. I remember the first time our team raised funds for the kids in Liberia to receive gifts for Christmas, and the JME school doing an“Ornaments for Orphans”drive to help raise money. Finally, I remember going into a home in Indiana that was piled high with gifts for nearly every child in the family, but one child had been dropped at the doorstep on Christmas Eve and would soon have nothing. This was special because other families had gone together to surprise the little guy with his best Christmas. Why do I remember these so well? I remember them because they were chosen in love. I remember them because when I think about them and the love they included I can’t help but think of a gift much more important. A gift that the world had waited for many years to arrive. A gift that when grown, would turn the world upside down and change the future for you and me! A gift that we celebrate today, tomorrow, and for all eternity! From my family to yours this season enjoy THE GIFT OF JESUS! ~ Matt Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 6 Christmas - The Gift
  • 7. The Christmas season is one of those times during the year for which people all over the world are preparing at the same time. While not everyone celebrates in exactly the same way, we all have a main focal point-the birth of our Savior. This year the children of our church are performing a musical ‘Chris-Myth Busters’ that is a bit different from those you might remember. We will be discussing things that *gasp* might not be true about the Christmas story! It’s definitely an eye opener for the children who are learning the play (my daughter included). I have a feeling there are some adults out there that may have to check their Bibles a time or two as well. I hope that you will come and join us on December 18, to see this really fun event with a great message. ~ Lesley The Student Ministry is working full steam ahead to plan out the next year with purpose. Some of those things include planning our summer mission trips, winter and spring retreats, and other fun outings. Be sure to check out our student ministry calendar of events. We plan to have some fun events for students over the holidays. Communication is a big key for our Student Ministry and I want to make sure parents and students know what we are doing at all times. It is my goal to make sure we have plenty of avenues for you all to know what we are doing. Just a few of those ways we plan to keep parents in the loop are through social media, the church app, a new text messaging service just for Student Ministry, as well as the old fashion paper calendars. I want to highlight one great opportunity for Middle School Students coming up this winter. The Middle School ministry is planning on taking Students to CIY Believe. It will be in Louisville the first weekend in February. Make sure your middle schooler is signed up for this event. You can grab an info pack from the Middle School room that has all the details and answers any questions you might have. If I have not met you or your student yet, I would love to get together and connect with you! ~ Geoff Lexington, KY 40502 7 Ministry Updates
  • 8. I cannot think of Christmas without associating the event of Christ’s birth with music! Whether it is remembering a children’s concert where those participating are wearing scratchy, uncomfortable costumes while struggling to remember their lines, or listening to a familiar Christmas cantata by the local church choir wearing robes, we can all go back in our memories and fondly remember sharing those experiences with our family and church friends. We all offered our best efforts. Then, as I grew up, I was accompanying the choir on the piano. That was followed by singing in college choirs and presenting more difficult Christmas music to hundreds of people who made the drive to the city of Cincinnati to enjoy the celebrations provided by all the college choirs and instrumentalists. Again, those are memories engrained in my mind and heart. I wouldn’t trade those experiences for anything. Now, for the past 40 years, I have been directing choirs and orchestras in Ohio, Florida, Arizona, and for the past 12 years in Kentucky. The pleasure of leading those hundreds of singers and instrumentalists fills my heart and soul with joy. In addition, I have enjoyed seeing and listening to countless Christmas concerts presented in churches, orchestra halls, and college campuses as I always try to attend at least two concerts in local venues. Yes, Christmas and music are inseparable for me. It seems that most people are open to hearing about Jesus and His love through Christmas music! That is why we encourage you to attend our Christmas concerts and more importantly invite friends to join you. You will find most people will join you and they will be blessed. Here are the opportunities for our congregation and friends this year: Annual Christmas Collage ~ December 11 at 4:00 PM Including the Worship Choir, T3CPO, Rejoicing Ringers, Worship Ensemble, and some Special Guests! Chris-Myth Busters ~ December 18 at 5:30 PM, MMC Children’s Ministry Presents their Annual Christmas Musical Christmas Eve Worship ~ December 24 at 4:30 & 6:30 PM Our services will conclude with communion & candlelight. Come back on Christmas Day for one worship service at 9:30 AM ~ Don Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 8 We Wish You a Merry Christmas
  • 9. Lexington, KY 40502 December Events Women’s Christmas Tea December 3, 12 - 2 pm, MMC Speaker - Kathy Drane founder of Hopeful Hearts, which is a Christian organization bringing the gospel and relief aid to orphans. She will be sharing about the group home built in Myanmar which was funded by Tates Creek. Tickets are $10. Joy to the World If you are making a regular or special online contribution at the end of the year, please do so early in December to ensure the transaction clears the banks involved and the credit can be given on your 2016 giving statement. End of the Year Gifts 9
  • 10. As Christmas is just around the corner, I find myself reminiscing about those best Christmases from the past, the earliest being my 5th Christmas. I remember it sparsely as it has been many, many, MANY years ago, but I remember two things clearly. The first is the Lionel train set that was underneath the tree. My memory of that is very clear, even down to the corner of the room where the Christmas tree was setting in our home in Michigan. My second memory of that Christmas is all three of us children being lined up to take a spoonful of castor oil before we went to my Aunt’s house. One thing I don’t remember is why we had to ingest that awful stuff. I suppose it was viewed by my mother as being good for us, but perhaps it was to protect us from my Aunt’s cooking. Either way, it was done with fingers closing our noses. I remember that being when I was 5 years old because the following month we moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico. It was a memorable time in my life. I don’t remember how old I was when I got the erector set for Christmas, nor do I remember how old I was when the chemistry set was under the tree, but I remember building endless things with the erector set and conducting many experiments with the chemistry set. As I have grown older the memorable Christmases have become not about things received, but of things given, like the year I gave my son-in-law golf clubs for Christmas. I remember giving him those clubs every time we go golfing and he hits the ball straighter, farther, and more accurately than I. Not to mention, he always has a better score. Think about this for a moment. The major difference between giving and receiving is the fact that giving costs us something while receiving doesn’t. Just like with my son in law. I always tease him about me buying his clubs for him only to have him show me up. Those clubs cost him nothing but they cost me not just the initial Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 10 Giving is the Gift
  • 11. investment, but also continuing humiliation when we golf together! No, that’s not the case. In reality I gave him those clubs and I submit to always being beaten because I love my son-in-law. I enjoy seeing him do what he enjoys doing. That’s the difference between giving and receiving. Receiving is enjoying the blessing ourselves while giving enjoys seeing others blessed. In 1 Corinthians 13, the Apostle Paul speaks about when we are children we act like children and think like children, but in growing up and putting away childish things, we think and act differently. Paul was speaking of the need to grow up spiritually, and the transition from Christmas being about receiving to being about giving is that type of maturity. We all like to receive gifts, and there’s certainly nothing wrong with that, but we are living in a culture that is increasingly all about self-entitlement and I can assure you there is little reward in the end. Nothing there can ever compare to the blessing I have in golfing with my son-in-law, and now seeing my granddaughter being a budding golfer on her high school team. Where is the cost to me? Where is the humiliation to me? It is all erased by the joy of giving! Friends, those chemicals in that chemistry set have long since been used up, and the parts and pieces of that erector set have long since been lost. Even the Lionel train set, save for this purpose, has long since been forgotten. But the blessing received by a gift given continues to be mine! I urge you not to miss such a blessing this season….the blessing of giving rather than receiving. ~ Bro. Kim Lexington, KY 40502 11 Giving is the Gift continued
  • 12. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 12 One of my all time favorite Christmas songs is“Mary Did You Know.” What a beautiful way to express the life of Jesus as a baby cuddled in His mother’s protective arms to a Savior of mankind from eternal death! As a mother myself, I have wondered if Mary REALLY knew the life in store for her precious child. The Bible tells us in Luke 1:32 that the angel, Gabriel, told Mary that her son would be “great and will be called the Son of the Most High!” Being a faithful Jewish girl, she would have also been familiar with Isaiah 53:3-7 which prophesied that the Messiah would be despised, rejected, and pierced. I wonder if Mary’s prayers were like most mothers? Did she pray for protection, safety, and wisdom in following God’s plan for her child’s life? What responsibility Mary and Joseph must have felt in raising God’s Son! How active their prayer lives must have been! I challenge us all to pray, REALLY pray, for the children in our lives. They may be young, old, or not even our own. Pray for protection and safety but, above all, pray for wisdom in knowing God’s will for their lives! ~ Mary Mirre Mary, Did You REALLY Know? Read and Pray in preparation for the celebration of Jesus’ birth at Christmas. December If you are interested in knowing more about our team or serving with us, please contact Peggy Crawford at, 859-269-5902, or any other team member. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Isaiah 40:1-5 Isaiah 52:7-9 Isaiah 40:9-11 Genesis 3:8-15 Genesis 15:1-6 Deuteronomy 18:15-19 Psalm 89:1-4 Isaiah 11:1-16 Zechariah 6:12-13 Micah 5:2-3 Malachi 3:1-6 John 1:1-8 John 1:9-18 Mark 1:1-3 Luke 1:5-13 Luke 1:14-17 Luke 1:18-25 Luke 1:39-45 Luke 1:46-56 Luke 1:57-66 Luke 1:67-80 Isaiah 7:10-13 Luke 1:26-35 Isaiah 9:2-7 Matthew 1:18-25 Luke 2:1-20 Matthew 2:1-2 Luke 2:21-35 Luke 2:36-38 Luke 2:39-40 John 3:16 “The Prayer Ministry shall provide opportunities to help equip others to grow more in their prayer lives by promoting prayer studies and praying collectively together, causing unity in prayer throughout our congregation and our Prayer ministry team. By our prayers, we will serve, grow, and give excellence to our Lord”
  • 13. Lexington, KY 40502 Communion Serving Schedule December 4 Elders: Kent Mason, Nick Wallen Deacons: Bill Burke, Russell Brown Ashland Terrace: Brad Byington Home Comm: Lucas Moore, Cory Wilson, Henry Evans Sat Comm Prep: Boyd/Wanda Johnson Clean-up 1st Srv: Marvis/Pam White Clean-up 2nd Srv: Brittany, Lauren, Olivia Prayer Room: Judy Clark, Peggy Crawford WorshipPrayerTeam: 1st service: Gaye Dye, Mona Vannatter 2nd service: Cindy Kearns, Martha Bugg Ushers: Doug I., Dennis M., David F. December 11 Elders: Nick Wallen, Stan Stack Deacons: Russell Brown, Henry Evans Ashland Terrace: Allan Faber Home Comm: Brad Byington, Allan Faber, David Straub Sat Comm Prep: Mike/Barb Nevius Clean-up 1st Srv: Greg/Kim Finkbonner Clean-up 2nd Srv: Greg/Kim Finkbonner Prayer Room: Beth Kessler, Kevin Hickey WorshipPrayerTeam: 1st service:Becky Child, Kim Donaldson 2nd service: Vickie Cole, Deena Wertz Ushers: Stan S., David M., Cory & Sarah W. December 18 Elders: Stan Stack, Craig Martin Deacons: Brian Hogston, Allan Faber Ashland Terrace: Steven Clem Home Comm: Keith Wertz, Stuart Kearns, Bill Johnson Sat Comm Prep: Brian/Sontina Hogston Clean-up 1st Srv: Shannon/Jenni Gregg Clean-up 2nd Srv: Michelle Marshall Prayer Room: Janice Moore, Monica Kennedy WorshipPrayerTeam: 1st service: Judy Clark, Peggy Crawford 2nd service: Anne Branham, Cindy Kearns Ushers: Jack W., Boyd J., Stuart K. December 25 Elders: Craig Martin, George Heaton Deacons: Bill Johnson Ashland Terrace: Greg Kasten Home Comm: Ken Banks, Jonathan Clifton, Steven Clem Sat Comm Prep: Marvis/Pam White Clean-up 1st Srv: Ray/Christi Albensi Prayer Room: Ken Baker Ushers: Dennis M., Boyd J., John M. 13 Better With Age Club Monthly on the third Thursday December 15, 10:30 am Fellowship Hall The Diggles family will be presenting the musical entertainment. Bring side dishes, salad, or dessert to share at our Christmas meal. Adult Bible Study Wednesdays, 10:30 am, Room 200CD
  • 14. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road Room In The Inn Helping The focus of Room In The Inn is to provide seasonal temporary shelter and hospitality to the homeless of Lexington. The heart and soul of this ministry is the participation of congregations and faithful volunteers who serve our guests for the winter months of November - March. This ministry provides us an opportunity to be a blessing to others and show them the love of Christ. Our task at Tates Creek Christian: To host up to 14 men twice per month from December through March. To provide them an evening meal and a place to sleep for the night. We also provide them a breakfast and a sack lunch to take with them the next day. What we need: We ask Sunday School Classes or other groups to take a given week and serve as hosts throughout the year. Their job is to plan each week’s evening meal and provide hosts for the evening. We also need individual volunteers to help us in the following areas: Overnight Hosts - Men who will stay the night with our guests. Lunch Makers - To prepare the sack lunches for the guests. Set Up Crew - To set up the beds and room for the guests. Take Down Crew - To break down the beds and room the next morning Bus Drivers - To assist in transporting men to and from TCCC. It is time for our ministry with the homeless in Lexington to begin again. We will be providing a meal and a place to sleep on the second and fourth Thursday evenings of each month beginning December 8. Please look for volunteer sign-up sheets in the foyer. We need help with: Set Up Crew, Bus Drivers, Overnight Hosts, and Dinner Hosts (for classes or groups). Please contact Chris Lee for more information at 859-885-9012. 14
  • 15. 15 Lexington, KY 40502 Helping to Make Wilson’s Story Possible During 2010-2012 when our missionaries in Kenya, Shawn and Kristin Redford, were focused on training African national church leaders to become the next generation of missionaries for Africa, TCCC sent missions funds to provide partial scholarships for several young men at Africa International University (AIU). These men who grew up in remote villages, herding cattle and goats, had a strong desire for training and reaching others for Christ. They balanced family life, AIU studies, full or part-time jobs, and service in their churches. One of the men, Kutinkala Wilson, graduated from AIU in July 2016 with a degree in Theology and now teaches at a Bible College in Narok and at Community Christian Church’s Bible Training Institute. He serves as pastor of the Isinon Christian Church in Maasailand, and is chair of Community Christian Mission Agency. The following excerpt is from a recent “thank-you letter”from Kutinkala Wilson to TCCC for the scholarship funds. Friends: I am Kutinkala Meingati Wilson, a beneficiary of scholarship funds… May you be abundantly blessed. What amazes me most is “how a person can choose to invest (donate) for someone you don’t know.” This is faith in practice, obedience to God and ministry to the world… Friends, I therefore pass gratitude to the people who tirelessly and consistently donated toward us through CMF International… I have not had lack pertaining to my tuition fees for my studies at AIU because you donated and CMF made sure it was spent for the right purpose. Finally, let my achievement be your joy and my development your seed and the positive impact among the generations to come be glory to God now and forever more. I am hopeful to be a positive influence as your prayers were. Roseline (my wife), our children and I appreciate a lot your generous support to us. May you all be blessed in the name of Jesus. Thanks all. Kutinkala Meingati Wilson And, imagine how many more will now come to follow Christ as a result! Missions Moment
  • 16. December Events Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road Christmas Eve Candlelight Services December 24 4:30 pm & 6:30 pm Christmas Day Sunday, December 25 One service 9:30 am Annual Christmas Collage December 11, 4:00 pm, Worship Center Come enjoy our annual Christmas Collage. Many groups will be participating this year including the following: Worship Choir, T3CPO (orchestra), Rejoicing Ringers, Worship Ensemble, and some special guests. Be sure to come and bring your friends for this wonderful musical presentation. Children’s Christmas Musical “Chris-myth Busters” December 18, 5:30 pm, MMC Join us in the Multi-Ministry Center to celebrate with and learn from the Elementary kids choir. As with every children’s program, you will be entertained and maybe even learn a few things through their presentation. Christmas Card Exchange within our church family! Drop off your cards November 27 to December 17 in the boxes located in front of the prayer room at Entrance A. Pick-up on December 18!
  • 17. Angel Tree Thank you for helping us make the Angel Tree a success this year. If you were able to sponsor a child, please remember to return your gift to the Angel Tree. All gifts will need to be wrapped, labeled, and returned to the tree by December 11. If you need assistance with shopping, we have people available to do that for you, just let us know. Contact Mary Furnish at 219-9111 if you have any questions. Lexington, KY 40502 December Events Helping Teaching December 4 The Hope - Matthew 1:18-25 December 11 The Light - Matthew 2:1-12 December 18 The Glory - Luke 2:25-35 December 25 The Gift - Romans 3:24 New Sermon Series December 4-25 17 December We Care Collection December 18 We will be collecting for the We Care Store on the third Sunday in December. Please consider donating some special items for Christmas related meals or just the regularly requested items. All food and monetary donations are appreciated! Thank You! Thank You!
  • 18. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 18 Devotional Thought Week 1 THE HOPE - MATTHEW 1:18-25 Relationships can be very complicated. We often invest much emotional energy in our family and close friends. Because we are all human and make mistakes, this can cause a great deal of disappointment. We have all experienced this kind of reaction to the shortcomings of those closest to us. As I read Matthew 1:18-25, I wonder how Joseph felt about his relationship with Mary. It appears clear that he was severely disappointed in what he assumed was some sin in her life. I imagine the life that he had envisioned and planned for himself and for Mary just vanished before his eyes when he heard the news of her pregnancy. So what was it that changed his outlook? It was the revelation of the truth, that Mary’s actions were, in fact, faithful to him and to the Lord. Of course, it probably helped that this message was delivered by the angel Gabriel! It still must have been difficult at times for Joseph to believe that they would be raising God’s own son in human form. He had to have been a man of great faith and hope! Just as Joseph learned he could be hopeful in his situation, the coming of Jesus should also show us that we, too, can be hopeful. Just as God was faithful to His word with Joseph, He will always be faithful to His word with us. He sent Jesus because he loves us and desired to provide a way of salvation for us. Jesus gives us hope! That is one of the lessons to be learned and celebrated each Christmas. ~ David Eversole Administrator
  • 19. 19 Lexington, KY 40502 Devotional Thought Week 2 THE LIGHT - MATTHEW 2:1-12 “We Three Kings” Star of wonder, star of night Star with royal beauty bright, Westward leading, still proceeding Guide us to thy perfect light. Matthew is the only gospel that speaks of an extraordinary celestial event. A star which led the Magi to Jesus. Magi were often understood as“wise men”but may be more accurately described as astronomers/ astrologists and they certainly understood Biblical prophecies. Astrology was considered the science of the day. Yet any form of divination was forbidden in scripture. It’s curious that the Magi were the only ones to see the star when everyone else seemed unaware. More important, the Magi understood the significance of the star. “When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy” Matthew 2:10 The star was made for the very purpose of leading the Magi to Jesus. When following the star to Jerusalem they expected to find the new King in Herod’s palace. King Herod was troubled by the visitors and threatened by the news. Herod was protective of his power and jealous of any potential rivals. Herod instructs the Magi, “when you have found Him, bring word back back to me, so that I may go and worship Him”. Matthew 2:8 The Magi continue their journey to Bethlehem following the star until it “stood over where the young child was”. Matthew 2:9 Matthew doesn’t specify how many Magi traveled but it is assumed only three because of the famous three gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. It’s likely that the Magi traveled in a large caravan. After paying respect to Jesus, the child born as the King of the Jews, they traveled on never to be heard from again. Perhaps home to Persia, Babylon, or anywhere in the Middle East, without reporting to Herod. If we didn’t have this account of the Magi by Matthew, I doubt we would have our gift giving traditions of today. ~ Becky Child Women’s Ministry Leader
  • 20. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 20 THE GLORY - LUKE 2:25-35 Here we find a story about a man in Jerusalem named Simeon. The Book of Luke tells us that Simeon was righteous and devout, waiting on the consolation of Jerusalem. The people of Israel had been suffering for years due to their own sins, from being oppressed by other nations, and by being overrun by anyone who thought they had a claim to the strategic location for which the Jewish capital sat. Simeon had been given a promise by the Holy Spirit that he would not die until he saw the consolation of his people. This meant the years of suffering by the Jewish people would finally be over. The moment Simeon held the baby Jesus in his hands a flood of emotions ran through him, for he knew then that the promise the Holy Spirit made to him so many years ago was finally being fulfilled. How many times in life have you been waiting for God to answer your prayers? Do you remember how you felt when it finally happened? The feeling of elation that God finally answered your prayers. On a number of occasions I have experienced this. It was only when I gave up my selfish wants and emptied my soul to the will of God that things started to happen. That’s what God was telling Simeon when he said that he would witness the consolation of Israel. The birth of Jesus meant that the Jewish people had finally given over their selfish ways and were ready to receive Gods’glory. I ask each one of you reading this passage to take a moment and empty yourself to the glory of God and see what blessings begin to flow through you. Simeon was completely devoted to God and through Simeon God blessed his people. Now imagine for a moment that if each one of you gave yourself over to Gods’glory what could be accomplished in his name. The glory of God is never ending, all you have to do is trust him. ~ Lucas Moore Deacon Devotional thought Week 3
  • 21. 21 Lexington, KY 40502 THE GIFT - ROMANS 3:24 “And all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” “The Gift”– A phrase that prompts so many different and conflicting feelings. From“now I have to go shopping and buy someone something they probably don’t need”to“wow, someone I love has made me a gift”. Gifts from the“Classic Christmas”of yesteryear were more practical and functional than those we will probably exchange this year. But gifts from any period of time require effort and planning. On our mission to find a gift we ask questions, go shopping from store to store, or scour the websites in search of the“perfect”gift. But none of these mass produced, store bought, or even home-made loving gifts we share on this earth compares to“the GIFT”from God. He sent his ONLY Son Jesus to this earth to be born as a baby, grow into a man, and die a Savior. What more could we ask for? Well there is more: His gift comes with some lifelong perks. Jesus died for us, washed away our sins, gave us the opportunity of eternal life in heaven, and showed us how to be Christians that love others. However, like some gifts in today’s world, there is a small catch. To accept God’s gift we have to respond. We have to accept Jesus Christ as our Savior, we have to believe and be baptized into him. We also need to live the life of a Christian and love and lead others to Him. Remember during this wonderful time of Christmas, as we celebrate the birth of Jesus, the verse from John 3:16 (NIV) “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Gifts from each other can be a blessing and a demonstration of love, but even the most beautiful wrapped gift under our tree does not equal the gift from God. So don’t hesitate to accept“the Gift”. Also, don’t be bashful about sharing it with others. ~ Larry Bugg Elder Devotional thought Week 4
  • 22. Sunday School Average Attendance October 2016 Youth Infants 6 Walkers 6 3 - 5 Year Old 10 Elementary 42 Middle School 17 High School 20 Adult Christians in Action 19 Crusaders 55 Faith 16 FOCUS 19 Generations of Faith 24 Good News 29 Grace & Truth 56 Grass Roots 14 Heaven Bound 14 In The Word 20 Open Bible 55 Seekers 9 Servants for Christ 21 Upper Room 9 Willing Workers 24 Young Adult Class 11 Ashland Terrace 5 Miscellaneous 2 Officers 7 Total 510 October Worship Attendance & Giving Total General Fund 2nd 704 $33,392. 9th 743 $25,379. 16th 721 $23,982. 23rd 769 $24,045. 30th 671 $25,405. Indebtedness Mortgage Balance, Oct. 31 $457,590. Monthly Payment (November) $11,876. Principal $10,636. Interest $1,239. Add’l Principal $0. To give online anytime or setup a recurring online gift, visit our website at and click on“Donate”. You may also simply scan the QR code. % of Dollars Given Online 25% General Fund Report 2016 Budgeted Need per week $31,440. 2016 Average per week $28,877. October Total Income $132.203. October Total Expenses $120,757. Moved to Savings $5,517. Net Above Expenses & Savings $5,929. Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 22 Funds Totals for Oct. Deacons’Fund $2,746. “What If...” $19,201. Victory for Life $579.
  • 23. 23 Lexington, KY 40502 New Members Russ & Amy Lucas Transfer November 13 Our Brothers and Sisters from the Swahili service Transfer November 6 Brittany Mangas Transfer November 6 Sean Meredith Baptized November 6 Marla Hall Transfer October 23 Imogene Foster Transfer November 6 Asher Lucas Baptized November 4
  • 24. TatesCreekCurrent TatesCreekChristianChurch Office:(859)266-1621 Lexington,KY40502 Calendar ~ December 2016 1 Deborah Circle, 6:30 pm 3 Card Ministry, 8:30 am, 106 3 Women’s Christmas Tea, 12 pm, MMC, WC 4 Monthly Ministry meetings 4 Choir/Orchestra Christmas rehearsal, 4 pm, WC 5 Elders’Meeting, 6 pm, 200E 6 Tabitha Circle, 6 pm 8 & 22 Room in the Inn, 5 pm, FH 9 Renfro Valley Trip, 4 pm 9 Crusaders Dinner, 6 pm, FH 10 Open Bible Lunch, 12 pm, FH 11 Worship Choir Christmas Collage, 4 pm, WC 11 Grace & Truth dinner, 5 pm, FH 12 Faith Circle, 6:30 pm, 104 12 J.O.Y. Circle, 6:30 pm, Fh 15 BWAC, 10:30 am, FH 17 Card Ministry, 8:30 am, 106 18 Children’s Christmas Musical, 5:30 pm, MMC 24 Christmas Eve Services, 4:30 & 6:30 pm, WC 25 Christmas Day Service, 9:30 am 26 Christmas Holiday, office closed Weekly Activities Sunday: Swahili Worship, 4 pm, 304 High School Worship, 6-8 pm, 303 Adult Small Groups, various times Monday: Orchestra rehearsal, 6 pm, Dec. 5 Tuesday: We Care Store, 1:30 & 4 pm Victory for Life, 6 pm, FH Wednesday: Adult Bible Study, 10:30 am, 200CD Worship Choir rehearsal, 6:30 pm, Dec. 7 and 14 Middle School Worship, 6:30 pm Thursday: We Care Store, 1:30 pm Volume4No.12 CR-ChoirRoom/FH-FellowshipHall/Fh-FriendshipHall/HR-HearthRoom/MMC-MultiMinistryCenter/UP-Uptown/WC-WorshipCenter