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Task 5
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Your Body Will Thank You…
“More and more people are turning to a vegan diet for the health
benefits: increased energy, younger looking skin and eternal youth are
just some of the claims from enthusiastic plant eaters.”
“To keep your strands strong and luscious, snack on some walnuts.”
“Not only are almonds a good source of protein, they're loaded with
magnesium, which helps maintain healthy hair and nails.”,,20855507,00.html#almonds-
“Ginger in food, or ideally as a strong tea, helps stimulate saliva, bile
and gastric juice production to aid in digestion.”
The amino acids in red meat leave a residue in your intestines during
digestion. Intestinal enzymes break down that residue, which then
mixes with bacteria on your skin during perspiration and intensifies
your odor.
Fact Check
“Dairy contains beta-casein proteins, A1 and A2 casein. A1 casein, the
more common protein, can make up 30% of protein found in cow’s milk
and is a significant source of inflammation. Inflammation is believed to
be associated with more severe physical PMS symptoms. So vegans and
dairy-free vegetarians could experience less severe physical PMS
“A salt-heavy diet can cause bloating, caffeine can aggravate irritability
or anxiety, alcohol may worsen depression, and too much sugar can
destabilize your blood sugar and mood.”,,20461504,00.html#improve-
“Vegans have substantially lower death rates than meat-eaters, a major
study has found. However, caution should be exercised when
interpreting the results. Vegans are more likely to be younger than the
general population and therefore have much lower mortality rates.”
Fact Check
“Farm animals the world over are pumped full of drugs—antibiotics,
anti-inflammatories, steroids—in order to keep them healthy and get
meat and dairy to market quickly.”
“Currently, six different steroidal hormones are approved by the FDA
for use in food animals.”
“An extremely high percentage of all the flesh from the chickens,
turkeys, cows, fish, and pigs butchered every year in the U.S. is
contaminated with E. coli, campylobacter, listeria, or other dangerous
bacteria that live in the intestinal tracts, flesh, and feces of animals.”
“Pesticide residues are found in meat and animal byproducts, including,
disturbingly, long-banned pesticides like DDT. These pesticides mostly
come from the food that animals eat and end up getting stored in their
fat, accumulating over time.”
“T.solium, also known as pork tapeworms, can
measure up to 10m when mature and are among
the biggest of these ribbon-like worms to infect
humans. They do this through larval cysts in
undercooked pork that hatch in the stomach and
quickly grow into adult worms which inhabit the
intestine, feeding on the nutrients you eat.”
Fact Check
“Going vegan may help lower your blood pressure because it eliminates
factors known to worsen hypertension, such as eating red meat.”
“Overall a high plant-based diet wasn't linked with a clear benefit for
heart disease risk compared with a low plant-based/high meat-based
“Unfortunately science has yet to show us any specific diet that will
prevent cancer. One of the main issues with the diet-cancer connection
is that it is very complex.”
Fact Check
“According to the National Eye Institute, by the age of 80, more than
half of Americans either have cataracts or have had surgery to correct
them. The British researchers aren’t certain if diet plays a definitive role
in cataract risk or not, but they have pointed out that many fruits and
vegetables have protective properties.”
“In the UK, around 10 million people have arthritis. It affects people of
all ages, including children.”
“Health-care workers are prescribing the gluten-free diet for a wide
range of conditions other than celiac disease. Some people claim it’s
beneficial in treating other autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid
Fact Check
Unnecessary or Inappropriate Information
I feel that this information is quite unnecessary as it is not always true
and it doesn’t apply to everyone. It also focuses directly on people who
like men which is off putting to those that don’t and generates a divide
between people who should become vegan, according to this article,
and people that shouldn’t. I think it can be deemed as also quite
offensive as it is saying that meat eaters have to spend all their time in
the gym, almost as if it is wasted.
“Is the gym not working out for you? Are you looking for an alternative method for losing a few pounds?
Maybe it’s time for you to consider a change in lifestyle. You may find that becoming vegan works for you
and reacts well with your body. You can discover brand new foods that you have never heard of before, that
also substitute as your craving for meat. This will decrease the amount of saturated fats and artificial sugars
that you consume and is an efficient method of losing weight. Some say that this lifestyle has worked out as
a ‘new, clean and energised way of life’ for them.”
Unnecessary or Inappropriate Information
I feel that the highlighted text is inappropriate and very offensive towards
meat eaters as it basically describes meat eaters as gross and unhygienic.
Information like this could also create a different perspective of people who
take on the vegan lifestyle as bitter about those who don’t take the same
lifestyle and forceful when trying to convince people that this is the better
option. This article doesn’t exactly promote saving animals which is what I
think it should focus on, more so.
“Losing weight isn’t the only benefit from transitioning to this lifestyle. Research has found that people who
have previously taken on a vegan lifestyle have also developed clearer skin. Nuts and foods containing vitamins
also help to revitalise your skin, hair and nails and are especially good to eat during your vegan diet. Another
thing that you might appreciate about participating in a vegan diet is that you are less likely to be graced with
morning breath. This is because meats produce bacteria build up which develops bodily odour. Nobody likes
the taste of morning breath, after all.”
Unnecessary or Inappropriate Information
This, to me, is very inappropriate and may be quite upsetting to readers as it
brings out what most people believe to be the worst features of their bodies
and applies this to meat eaters. This is expressed by saying that the
excessive fat, gained from eating meat, is so much that it is restraining
people from being healthy. Being fat isn’t healthy of course. But you can eat
meat and be healthy at the same time (without being fat). It is unfair for the
author of this text to say this as it may create a negative self perception for
people who fall into the meat eating category.
“Premenstrual syndrome is a sentence to exhausting pain and misery which nobody wants to experience.
Especially not over and over again. This can be both mentally and physically discomforting. A meat free lifestyle
will reduce physical and mental pain. However, there are no promises for an end to stomach cramps and
sleepless nights. Of course, you can just go out to the pharmacy and get some prescribed medicine to treat the
problem. This is a known fact. However, this is an offer for a more natural cure which continues to work and
doesn't lose its effect. Fats, salt, sugar and caffeine contribute to PMS, almost like a fuel to the pain. Meat falls
into this category, giving you more reason to cut away meat from your diet. This is your chance to live young
and happy, which leads onto another interesting fact. Vegans have been scientifically proven to live for much
longer than the average person (whom eats meat).”
Unnecessary or Inappropriate Information
Firstly, the word shrine screams to me as something with very negative and
disgusting connotations. I do not like, at all, how this person has chosen to
describe those who are consumers of meat. We must not forget that this is
an article promoting veganism. It is not about discriminating meat eaters. I,
myself, am upset with the fact that this person has decided to write such
negative and nasty things about other people, as if they are able to enforce
their own rules upon everyone with the click of a finger. However,
convincing people to partake in something so big takes time.
“Your body will embrace veganism with open arms, if you do choose this direction. By joining veganuary, you
are one step closer to putting a stop to animal cruelty. When in captivity, a lot of animals are mistreated. Some
examples include animals being fed hormones and drugs to make them meatier or being fed from crops
contaminated by pesticides, animals being homed in poor and crowded environments where they have to
defecate which leads to disease and sickness and in some rare cases, animals are tortured before they are
killed. Would you want to eat an animal, knowing that it has lived a hard life and been harvested in such a
harsh and upsetting way? You should also know that these sorts of problems are the causes of salmonella.”
Unnecessary or Inappropriate Information
Once again, here is another unnecessary comment directed at meat eaters.
By this point, readers probably have the impression that the author isn’t
very open minded when it comes to considering the feelings of meat eaters.
It’s almost as though they are telling readers how disgusting it is to eat
meat, with expectations of the readers thinking that they aren’t cool enough
or otherwise nice enough to animals and to just move to the veganism
”When putting the average meat eater and a vegan together, the there are some very big differences not just
on the outside. Studies found that cancer is less likely to develop in the body of a vegan as opposed to
someone who eats animals. In fact, vegans have less chances of catching illnesses as a whole because of all the
natural sources they are consuming. So for those of you who get ill quite easily, even if it’s just a small cold,
changing your diet can make a difference to the way your body battles illness.”
Changes Made
“Introducing Veganuary: A New Year’s resolution to solve all of your problems. Instead of sacrificing chocolate
and alcohol or otherwise promising yourself that you are going to join the gym tomorrow, why not try out this
new vegan diet catered to you. We will guide you through the transition, slowly but surely cutting out animal
products from your life and including a lot more natural sources. Some people only take on this challenge for
the month. However, we have found that a lot of our clients from Veganuary have welcomed this lifestyle with
open arms.”
I feel that their are some changes necessary to this article as
their are areas that are either poorly written or aren’t very
appropriate for an advertisement to become vegan.
Changes Made
”Bodily odor is produced because of bacteria build up. By eliminating red meat from your diet, you will find
that your body is producing less bacteria. This means that less body odor is being produced and you can stay
fresh for longer.”
”Removing meat from your life can lower your blood pressure. You might be asking yourself ’How does this
benefit me?’ Well, having a lower blood pressure means your less likely to have heart problems and the
likelihood of a stroke is decreased. Your heart won’t be the only happy and healthy organ in your body,
however. Becoming vegan will improve your kidney’s health.”
Changes Made
“Some changes in your life are inevitable. For example, macular degeneration, which is severe vision loss. This
generally occurs around the age of 60. However, if you don’t fancy specs, you could try turning Veganuary into
a lifestyle change and add on another 20 years to having close to perfect eye-sight.”
Complete Article
Image Capture and
Images sourced from books:
Advantages of sourcing images this way:
These images have come straight from a book and so we already know, for one, that
they have not been stolen and two, credit has been given to the author. It is also clear
that they have been taken legitimately and are being used to inform readers. Unlike a
magazine where most if not all the images have been edited in post production and
they can consist of false information. Also, when searching through books, it is easier
to access photographs of dated fashion as if you were to search ’fashion’ into google,
the results would be up to date and with the time.
Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:
These images have been sourced from a website of which scans the pages of books
and formats them into one page after another when you scroll down. Therefore, some
haven’t scanned as well and have a low resolution or appear as fuzzy. As well, images
are often hard to source from books as a lot of them contain a lot more writing and
most seem to contain less images to keep the book more informative. Where as, there
are other places e.g. google where you can specifically look for a certain photograph. I
also found that most of the books only contained black and white and it was really
difficult to find the images in colour. This might just be a cost efficient method but it
doesn’t make things any easier.
Images sourced from google images:
Advantages of sourcing images this way:
There is a wider variety of images as you are able to make more specific searches than
just looking in a book about fashion for example. I found that there is also a lot more
diversity when looking through google images as they span across regions of the world.
However, even if my search hadn’t, I would be able to use key words in order to get
searches that cover the whole world. There are tools which you can select to find very
specific photographs. For example, if you wanted a large, red based photo which had
been uploaded to the ’fashion’ search in the past 24 hours and was open for anyone to
use, you can request that particular search.
Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:
There aren’t many disadvantages to searching images in google, as it is easier to find
what you want. However, in terms of the people that don’t regularly use google images
as a source, most won’t be aware that there is a setting where you can find images
that aren’t copyright and are free to use. So for those people, the use of google images
will be off the table. Google is also at the touch of a button, however. Especially now
that everyone seems to have a device that provides google quickly and easily. It’s much
harder to find a suitable library and then look for picture books.
Images sourced from stock image library:
Advantages of sourcing images this way:
Sourcing images from stock libraries such as Adobe Stock, means that the image you
are buying is guaranteed to come in high quality. You are given this image as a JPEG
and you are given information about the photograph. When buying the photograph,
you have more than one option. You can buy the rights for a limited amount of time or
buy the rights permanently. The great thing, about the Adobe Stock images especially,
is that you can locate the photographers page and find similar images in similar styles
to cater to what you like. Not to forget, as standard, there is a search bar so that you
can search your chosen subject like on google images. This will bring up thousands of
results but maybe not as many as you would find on Google.
Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:
Every single on of the images has a watermark, printed over the top, to prevent
copyright. This renders the photograph useless, unless you are willing to pay the price
just to remove the watermark. These images often go for hefty prices as well so even if
you just wanted to use the picture for a presentation, you can’t.
Images sourced from your own existing images:
Advantages of sourcing images this way:
They are my own and belong to me, therefore, I can use them for anything I want. I
have the option to give them away and maybe even sell them to someone else. I can
display the photograph publically without having to go through a process of gaining
access to the rights and paying money or otherwise, getting into trouble because I
have taken someone else’s photo without knowing. I am able to edit and change things
about the photograph, without offending an author or the subject of the photograph
(so long as I have their consent personally).
Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:
Because I am only a college student and I don’t have access or money to afford high
quality equipment, my photographs won’t come in the same quality as they would on
google images or on Adobe Stock. I, personally, am not able to travel to beautiful and
aesthetically pleasing locations in order to fulfil my photography potential and produce
some beautiful and professional photographs. My photography isn’t the best, either,
and so I don’t think I’d have much chance at selling my photography even if I wanted
Original image:
Cropped image:
Scaled images:
Resolution image:
300dpi for print
72dpi for web
Advantages of different resolutions:
Low resolution files are much easier to process and take less time, which is why a lot of
programs prefer to use lower resolution photographs e.g. google images. Another
great advantage to these lower resolution images is that they take up a lot less storage
space. They can generally come as they are without being made smaller, as they
already look pretty clean. Of course, high resolution has its advantages too, including
the larger output size. This allows you to capture the more intricate details which might
be important for larger prints and displays. Down sampling is also another feature
which can be used to rid noise in images and can be helpful when hiding slight flaws in
the shoot. Cropping is also made easier, due to the massive amount of pixels.
Disadvantages of different resolutions:
When cropping a low resolution image, you will soon find that it is pointless as there
aren’t a lot of pixels in the picture to start with and so your image won’t show properly
and will appear drastically smaller. This basically makes the image useless and
unnecessary. High resolution can put a strain on storage space as there is a lot of data
stored into just one image. It also takes a lot of processing power and would definitely
require a device which can handle the size of the image. High res also often requires a
new and improved lens which can take better photographs and focuses on intricate
details. This means money, money, money!
Manipulated image with appropriate caption:
Explain the changes you made to the image and explain why you made those
- Changed the image colour to black and white
I changed the image colour to go with the quote. This image wouldn’t have worked if
it was coloured because otherwise, I might not have been able to put a quote over the
top. Also, the quote is meant to be depressing which wouldn’t work with colour.
- Enlarged the photograph and zoomed in on particular point
I enlarged the image because their was a lot of white space which wasn’t necessary. I
wanted to capture the building as much as possible as it’s supposed to look slightly
intimidating and cornering.
- Put text over specific part of the building
I put the text over quite a dark part of the building so that it was clearly visible and
readable. It also looks like it has been placed there specifically to look that way. I had
to resize the text to fit it in perfectly like a text box.
- Coloured the text to a creamy colour
The text wouldn’t have worked in any other colour. I think white would have looked
very plain with the rest of the image since it is just black and white. The text had to be
lighter rather than darker also, since the building is made up of much darker colours.
Page number
Strapline Baseline
White Space
Drop Capital
White Space
Cut-Out Margins
Font & Typeface
Optical Balance
Page Numbers
White Space
Optical Balance
Font & Typeface
White Space
Optical Balance

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Task5 ppt

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  • 10. Your Body Will Thank You…
  • 11. “More and more people are turning to a vegan diet for the health benefits: increased energy, younger looking skin and eternal youth are just some of the claims from enthusiastic plant eaters.” “To keep your strands strong and luscious, snack on some walnuts.” “Not only are almonds a good source of protein, they're loaded with magnesium, which helps maintain healthy hair and nails.”,,20855507,00.html#almonds- 10 “Ginger in food, or ideally as a strong tea, helps stimulate saliva, bile and gastric juice production to aid in digestion.” The amino acids in red meat leave a residue in your intestines during digestion. Intestinal enzymes break down that residue, which then mixes with bacteria on your skin during perspiration and intensifies your odor. Fact Check
  • 12. “Dairy contains beta-casein proteins, A1 and A2 casein. A1 casein, the more common protein, can make up 30% of protein found in cow’s milk and is a significant source of inflammation. Inflammation is believed to be associated with more severe physical PMS symptoms. So vegans and dairy-free vegetarians could experience less severe physical PMS symptoms.” veganism-and-vegetarianism-on-the-menstrual-cycle-d78cb32a5245 “A salt-heavy diet can cause bloating, caffeine can aggravate irritability or anxiety, alcohol may worsen depression, and too much sugar can destabilize your blood sugar and mood.”,,20461504,00.html#improve- your-diet-0 “Vegans have substantially lower death rates than meat-eaters, a major study has found. However, caution should be exercised when interpreting the results. Vegans are more likely to be younger than the general population and therefore have much lower mortality rates.” news/vegan-meat-life-expectancy-eggs-dairy-research-a7168036.html Fact Check
  • 13. “Farm animals the world over are pumped full of drugs—antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, steroids—in order to keep them healthy and get meat and dairy to market quickly.” cheeseburger-on-drugs “Currently, six different steroidal hormones are approved by the FDA for use in food animals.” antibiotics-off-the-menu/ “An extremely high percentage of all the flesh from the chickens, turkeys, cows, fish, and pigs butchered every year in the U.S. is contaminated with E. coli, campylobacter, listeria, or other dangerous bacteria that live in the intestinal tracts, flesh, and feces of animals.” “Pesticide residues are found in meat and animal byproducts, including, disturbingly, long-banned pesticides like DDT. These pesticides mostly come from the food that animals eat and end up getting stored in their fat, accumulating over time.” contain-pesticides-c587f6b252e7 “T.solium, also known as pork tapeworms, can measure up to 10m when mature and are among the biggest of these ribbon-like worms to infect humans. They do this through larval cysts in undercooked pork that hatch in the stomach and quickly grow into adult worms which inhabit the intestine, feeding on the nutrients you eat.” parasites-that-could-be-lurking-in-your-food- 29015 Fact Check
  • 14. “Going vegan may help lower your blood pressure because it eliminates factors known to worsen hypertension, such as eating red meat.” blood-pressure-part-1/ “Overall a high plant-based diet wasn't linked with a clear benefit for heart disease risk compared with a low plant-based/high meat-based diet.” diet-can-raise-heart-disease-risk/ “Unfortunately science has yet to show us any specific diet that will prevent cancer. One of the main issues with the diet-cancer connection is that it is very complex.” vegan-diet-prevent-cancer Fact Check
  • 15. “According to the National Eye Institute, by the age of 80, more than half of Americans either have cataracts or have had surgery to correct them. The British researchers aren’t certain if diet plays a definitive role in cataract risk or not, but they have pointed out that many fruits and vegetables have protective properties.” “In the UK, around 10 million people have arthritis. It affects people of all ages, including children.” “Health-care workers are prescribing the gluten-free diet for a wide range of conditions other than celiac disease. Some people claim it’s beneficial in treating other autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis.” panacea/ Fact Check
  • 16. Unnecessary or Inappropriate Information I feel that this information is quite unnecessary as it is not always true and it doesn’t apply to everyone. It also focuses directly on people who like men which is off putting to those that don’t and generates a divide between people who should become vegan, according to this article, and people that shouldn’t. I think it can be deemed as also quite offensive as it is saying that meat eaters have to spend all their time in the gym, almost as if it is wasted. “Is the gym not working out for you? Are you looking for an alternative method for losing a few pounds? Maybe it’s time for you to consider a change in lifestyle. You may find that becoming vegan works for you and reacts well with your body. You can discover brand new foods that you have never heard of before, that also substitute as your craving for meat. This will decrease the amount of saturated fats and artificial sugars that you consume and is an efficient method of losing weight. Some say that this lifestyle has worked out as a ‘new, clean and energised way of life’ for them.”
  • 17. Unnecessary or Inappropriate Information I feel that the highlighted text is inappropriate and very offensive towards meat eaters as it basically describes meat eaters as gross and unhygienic. Information like this could also create a different perspective of people who take on the vegan lifestyle as bitter about those who don’t take the same lifestyle and forceful when trying to convince people that this is the better option. This article doesn’t exactly promote saving animals which is what I think it should focus on, more so. “Losing weight isn’t the only benefit from transitioning to this lifestyle. Research has found that people who have previously taken on a vegan lifestyle have also developed clearer skin. Nuts and foods containing vitamins also help to revitalise your skin, hair and nails and are especially good to eat during your vegan diet. Another thing that you might appreciate about participating in a vegan diet is that you are less likely to be graced with morning breath. This is because meats produce bacteria build up which develops bodily odour. Nobody likes the taste of morning breath, after all.”
  • 18. Unnecessary or Inappropriate Information This, to me, is very inappropriate and may be quite upsetting to readers as it brings out what most people believe to be the worst features of their bodies and applies this to meat eaters. This is expressed by saying that the excessive fat, gained from eating meat, is so much that it is restraining people from being healthy. Being fat isn’t healthy of course. But you can eat meat and be healthy at the same time (without being fat). It is unfair for the author of this text to say this as it may create a negative self perception for people who fall into the meat eating category. “Premenstrual syndrome is a sentence to exhausting pain and misery which nobody wants to experience. Especially not over and over again. This can be both mentally and physically discomforting. A meat free lifestyle will reduce physical and mental pain. However, there are no promises for an end to stomach cramps and sleepless nights. Of course, you can just go out to the pharmacy and get some prescribed medicine to treat the problem. This is a known fact. However, this is an offer for a more natural cure which continues to work and doesn't lose its effect. Fats, salt, sugar and caffeine contribute to PMS, almost like a fuel to the pain. Meat falls into this category, giving you more reason to cut away meat from your diet. This is your chance to live young and happy, which leads onto another interesting fact. Vegans have been scientifically proven to live for much longer than the average person (whom eats meat).”
  • 19. Unnecessary or Inappropriate Information Firstly, the word shrine screams to me as something with very negative and disgusting connotations. I do not like, at all, how this person has chosen to describe those who are consumers of meat. We must not forget that this is an article promoting veganism. It is not about discriminating meat eaters. I, myself, am upset with the fact that this person has decided to write such negative and nasty things about other people, as if they are able to enforce their own rules upon everyone with the click of a finger. However, convincing people to partake in something so big takes time. “Your body will embrace veganism with open arms, if you do choose this direction. By joining veganuary, you are one step closer to putting a stop to animal cruelty. When in captivity, a lot of animals are mistreated. Some examples include animals being fed hormones and drugs to make them meatier or being fed from crops contaminated by pesticides, animals being homed in poor and crowded environments where they have to defecate which leads to disease and sickness and in some rare cases, animals are tortured before they are killed. Would you want to eat an animal, knowing that it has lived a hard life and been harvested in such a harsh and upsetting way? You should also know that these sorts of problems are the causes of salmonella.”
  • 20. Unnecessary or Inappropriate Information Once again, here is another unnecessary comment directed at meat eaters. By this point, readers probably have the impression that the author isn’t very open minded when it comes to considering the feelings of meat eaters. It’s almost as though they are telling readers how disgusting it is to eat meat, with expectations of the readers thinking that they aren’t cool enough or otherwise nice enough to animals and to just move to the veganism lifestyle. ”When putting the average meat eater and a vegan together, the there are some very big differences not just on the outside. Studies found that cancer is less likely to develop in the body of a vegan as opposed to someone who eats animals. In fact, vegans have less chances of catching illnesses as a whole because of all the natural sources they are consuming. So for those of you who get ill quite easily, even if it’s just a small cold, changing your diet can make a difference to the way your body battles illness.”
  • 21. Changes Made “Introducing Veganuary: A New Year’s resolution to solve all of your problems. Instead of sacrificing chocolate and alcohol or otherwise promising yourself that you are going to join the gym tomorrow, why not try out this new vegan diet catered to you. We will guide you through the transition, slowly but surely cutting out animal products from your life and including a lot more natural sources. Some people only take on this challenge for the month. However, we have found that a lot of our clients from Veganuary have welcomed this lifestyle with open arms.” I feel that their are some changes necessary to this article as their are areas that are either poorly written or aren’t very appropriate for an advertisement to become vegan.
  • 22. Changes Made ”Bodily odor is produced because of bacteria build up. By eliminating red meat from your diet, you will find that your body is producing less bacteria. This means that less body odor is being produced and you can stay fresh for longer.” ”Removing meat from your life can lower your blood pressure. You might be asking yourself ’How does this benefit me?’ Well, having a lower blood pressure means your less likely to have heart problems and the likelihood of a stroke is decreased. Your heart won’t be the only happy and healthy organ in your body, however. Becoming vegan will improve your kidney’s health.”
  • 23. Changes Made “Some changes in your life are inevitable. For example, macular degeneration, which is severe vision loss. This generally occurs around the age of 60. However, if you don’t fancy specs, you could try turning Veganuary into a lifestyle change and add on another 20 years to having close to perfect eye-sight.”
  • 28. Advantages of sourcing images this way: These images have come straight from a book and so we already know, for one, that they have not been stolen and two, credit has been given to the author. It is also clear that they have been taken legitimately and are being used to inform readers. Unlike a magazine where most if not all the images have been edited in post production and they can consist of false information. Also, when searching through books, it is easier to access photographs of dated fashion as if you were to search ’fashion’ into google, the results would be up to date and with the time. Disadvantages of sourcing images this way: These images have been sourced from a website of which scans the pages of books and formats them into one page after another when you scroll down. Therefore, some haven’t scanned as well and have a low resolution or appear as fuzzy. As well, images are often hard to source from books as a lot of them contain a lot more writing and most seem to contain less images to keep the book more informative. Where as, there are other places e.g. google where you can specifically look for a certain photograph. I also found that most of the books only contained black and white and it was really difficult to find the images in colour. This might just be a cost efficient method but it doesn’t make things any easier.
  • 29. Images sourced from google images:
  • 30. Advantages of sourcing images this way: There is a wider variety of images as you are able to make more specific searches than just looking in a book about fashion for example. I found that there is also a lot more diversity when looking through google images as they span across regions of the world. However, even if my search hadn’t, I would be able to use key words in order to get searches that cover the whole world. There are tools which you can select to find very specific photographs. For example, if you wanted a large, red based photo which had been uploaded to the ’fashion’ search in the past 24 hours and was open for anyone to use, you can request that particular search. Disadvantages of sourcing images this way: There aren’t many disadvantages to searching images in google, as it is easier to find what you want. However, in terms of the people that don’t regularly use google images as a source, most won’t be aware that there is a setting where you can find images that aren’t copyright and are free to use. So for those people, the use of google images will be off the table. Google is also at the touch of a button, however. Especially now that everyone seems to have a device that provides google quickly and easily. It’s much harder to find a suitable library and then look for picture books.
  • 31. Images sourced from stock image library:
  • 32. Advantages of sourcing images this way: Sourcing images from stock libraries such as Adobe Stock, means that the image you are buying is guaranteed to come in high quality. You are given this image as a JPEG and you are given information about the photograph. When buying the photograph, you have more than one option. You can buy the rights for a limited amount of time or buy the rights permanently. The great thing, about the Adobe Stock images especially, is that you can locate the photographers page and find similar images in similar styles to cater to what you like. Not to forget, as standard, there is a search bar so that you can search your chosen subject like on google images. This will bring up thousands of results but maybe not as many as you would find on Google. Disadvantages of sourcing images this way: Every single on of the images has a watermark, printed over the top, to prevent copyright. This renders the photograph useless, unless you are willing to pay the price just to remove the watermark. These images often go for hefty prices as well so even if you just wanted to use the picture for a presentation, you can’t.
  • 33. Images sourced from your own existing images:
  • 34. Advantages of sourcing images this way: They are my own and belong to me, therefore, I can use them for anything I want. I have the option to give them away and maybe even sell them to someone else. I can display the photograph publically without having to go through a process of gaining access to the rights and paying money or otherwise, getting into trouble because I have taken someone else’s photo without knowing. I am able to edit and change things about the photograph, without offending an author or the subject of the photograph (so long as I have their consent personally). Disadvantages of sourcing images this way: Because I am only a college student and I don’t have access or money to afford high quality equipment, my photographs won’t come in the same quality as they would on google images or on Adobe Stock. I, personally, am not able to travel to beautiful and aesthetically pleasing locations in order to fulfil my photography potential and produce some beautiful and professional photographs. My photography isn’t the best, either, and so I don’t think I’d have much chance at selling my photography even if I wanted to.
  • 39. Resolution image: 300dpi for print 72dpi for web
  • 40. Advantages of different resolutions: Low resolution files are much easier to process and take less time, which is why a lot of programs prefer to use lower resolution photographs e.g. google images. Another great advantage to these lower resolution images is that they take up a lot less storage space. They can generally come as they are without being made smaller, as they already look pretty clean. Of course, high resolution has its advantages too, including the larger output size. This allows you to capture the more intricate details which might be important for larger prints and displays. Down sampling is also another feature which can be used to rid noise in images and can be helpful when hiding slight flaws in the shoot. Cropping is also made easier, due to the massive amount of pixels. Disadvantages of different resolutions: When cropping a low resolution image, you will soon find that it is pointless as there aren’t a lot of pixels in the picture to start with and so your image won’t show properly and will appear drastically smaller. This basically makes the image useless and unnecessary. High resolution can put a strain on storage space as there is a lot of data stored into just one image. It also takes a lot of processing power and would definitely require a device which can handle the size of the image. High res also often requires a new and improved lens which can take better photographs and focuses on intricate details. This means money, money, money!
  • 41. Manipulated image with appropriate caption:
  • 42. Explain the changes you made to the image and explain why you made those changes: - Changed the image colour to black and white I changed the image colour to go with the quote. This image wouldn’t have worked if it was coloured because otherwise, I might not have been able to put a quote over the top. Also, the quote is meant to be depressing which wouldn’t work with colour. - Enlarged the photograph and zoomed in on particular point I enlarged the image because their was a lot of white space which wasn’t necessary. I wanted to capture the building as much as possible as it’s supposed to look slightly intimidating and cornering. - Put text over specific part of the building I put the text over quite a dark part of the building so that it was clearly visible and readable. It also looks like it has been placed there specifically to look that way. I had to resize the text to fit it in perfectly like a text box. - Coloured the text to a creamy colour The text wouldn’t have worked in any other colour. I think white would have looked very plain with the rest of the image since it is just black and white. The text had to be lighter rather than darker also, since the building is made up of much darker colours.
  • 45. Drop Capital Columns Reverse Headline Strapline Baseline White Space Cut-Out Margins Grids Orientation Text Font & Typeface Optical Balance