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Tanla Mobile Marketing
 and Advertising Guide
The Tanla guide aims to give you a comprehensive view of the opportunities
presented by mobile marketing and advertising. The report has been compiled
by Tanla Mobile, powered by opinion articles from leading industry thought
leaders and edited by mobile marketing expert Helen Keegan.
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Interactive          Content               Bespoke                 Mobile
Applications         Management            Development             Payments
Campaign Manager     CMS Platforms         Project Management      Premium SMS Billing
Interactive TV       UGC Applications      Technical Consultancy   WAP, Voice & MMS
Video Calling        Community Portals     Software Development    Global Messaging
Tanla Mobile Marketing
 and Advertising Guide

        © 2008

2008: The Year of Mobile Marketing and Advertising:
N.V. Subba Rao, CEO Tanla Mobile Inc                                                     9
The Global Mobile Market:
Gautam Sabharwal, Director Global Business Development, Tanla Mobile                     13
Mobile Emerging as 7th Mass Media:
Tomi Ahonen, Author & Consultant                                                         19
A Brief History of the Mobile Phone                                                      27
               Developments in Mobile Technologies                                       28
               Why Mobile is Important                                                   29
Mobile Marketing Past, Present and Future:
Russell Buckley, Managing Director Europe, Admob                                         35
Thoughts For Marketers On The Values Around New Digital Media Opportunities:
Gillian Kennedy, Managing Director, Emerging Media Platforms Ltd                         39
Mobile Has Always Been All Inclusive:
Mike Short, Vice President R&D, O2 Europe                                                43
Mobile Marketing & Advertising                                                           48
	              What	is	Mobile	Marketing	and	where	does	it	fit	in	the	Marketing	Mix?	 	   48
               The 5 Cs of Mobile = Connectedness                                        48
               Creating Mobile Moments                                                   50
               The Mobile Marketing Value Chain                                          51
               Different Types of Mobile Marketing Campaigns                             52
	              	               Text	to	Win	    	               	             	       	   52
                               Voting and Participation TV                               52
                               Quizzes                                                   52
                               Mobile Content [pictures, ringtones, video]               53
                               Games                                                     53
                               Applications                                              54
                               CRM                                                       54
                               IVR                                                       54
                               MMS                                                       54
                               Direct Response                                           54
                               Mobile Barcodes                                           56
                               QR Codes                                                  56
                               Java or On Device Portal [ODP]                            58
               Mobile Marketing Challenges                                               58
                               Technology Constraints                                    58
                               Marketers and Mobile Marketing                            58
                               What do I Measure                                         59
               Campaign Planning                                                         60
                               Permission Marketing                                      60
                               Running a Successful Campaign                             63
	              	               Production	and	Fulfilment	 	                  	       	   65
                               Technical Project Management                              65
                               Outbound Campaigns                                        66

From Hand to Eye, Mobile Marketing gets Co-ordinated:
Anuj Khanna, Head of Marketing, Tanla Mobile, UK                                              69
Mobile Search                                                                                 71
A Question of Search: Can Web Search Supremacy Translate to Mobile?
Ben Tatton-Brown, Head of Advertising Sales, EMEA, Medio Systems                              75
Music and Mobile                                                                              80
                 Podcasting                                                                   81
                 Moblogs                                                                      81
                 RSS                                                                          82
                 Bluetooth/Infra Red                                                          83
Business Models in Mobile                                                                     85
                 Ad-Funded Content                                                            85
                 Mobile Advertising                                                           86
                 Sponsored SMS                                                                87
                 Selling Your List                                                            87
                 Sponsored Content                                                            88
                 Off The Page Promotion                                                       88
                 Subscription Model                                                           88
                 User Generated Content                                                       88
                 Wholesale                                                                    88
                 Retail                                                                       89
                 Don’t Have a Business Model                                                  89
Social Networking Will Drive the Next Wave of Mobile Commerce:
Jeff Spirer, Vice President Mobile Internet, Tanla Mobile Inc                                 91
Mobile TV – Are We Nearly There Yet?
Steve Flaherty, Mobile Consultant, Keitai Culture                                             95
The Mobile Web, Beyond Best Practices:
Daniel Appelquist, Senior Technology Strategist, Vodafone                                     99
Limited Use of Mobile Content Provides Advertisers With An Opportunity To Go It Alone:
Jessica Sandin, Head of Mobile & Senior Consultant, Fathom Partners                           105
A Brave New Future for Mobile:
Gerry Drew, Chief Operations Officer, Tanla Mobile, UK                                        109
Appendix	        	                	                 	           	     	          	       						113
                 Emoticons                                                                    113
                 Glossary of Terms                                                            115
                 Events and Networking                                                        120
                 Further Reading                                                              121
                 Magazines (Print) Covering Mobile Topics                                     121
                 Blogs                                                                        121
Acknowledgements                                                                              123
Sources and References                                                                        125

2008: The Year of Mobile
Marketing and Advertising:

N.V. Subba Rao, CEO Tanla Mobile Inc

          N.V. Subba Rao is the CEO and President for Tanla Mobile Inc (USA) and is also responsible for
          expanding	business	operations	for	Tanla	Mobile	across	Asia.	Subba	joined	Tanla	Mobile	in	July	2007	
          from	Bharti	Airtel	Ltd	where	he	last	held	the	position	of	Chief	Operating	Officer.	He	has	over	20	years	
          industry	 experience,	 working	 with	 blue	 chip	 telecommunications	 and	 FMCG	 brands	 including	 Bharti	
          Mobile, Tata Tele, Proctor & Gamble and Agro Tech Foods Ltd.

2008: The Year of Mobile Marketing and Advertising

Is not life a hundred times too short for us to bore ourselves? ............... Nietzsche

If there is one industry that has taken the above quote to heart, it is the mobile marketing industry.       It
continues to seek new opportunities and perspectives to better connect with today’s evolving requirements
for technology enabled communication and lifestyle marketing.

Possibly	 Alexander	 Graham	 Bell	 didn’t	 imagine	 beyond	 traditional	 voice	 based	 communication	 when	 he	
invented the telephone, yet it was a true ‘Eureka’ moment. From that perspective mobile and converged
communications is a revolution in the making, yet it doesn’t seem to evoke the same ‘Eureka’ feeling. This
is because the mobile phone is no longer ‘outside of us’. It is now very much a part of us - becoming an
expression	of	freedom,	personality,	lifestyle	and	entertainment;	as	well	as	a	lifeline	for	enabling	faster	data	
access, cutting across the various enterprise verticals and customer segments. To borrow a Proctor and
Gamble corporate slogan, mobile ‘continues to touch lives and improve life’ possibly more so than any other
product or service before it. You can use a mobile device to reach directly into the mind of the consumer and
subsequently change their behaviour. What could be a more powerful medium in today’s society, for mass,
one-to-one	and	contextual	marketing	–	the	7th	mass	media	as	some	pundits	describe	it!

The industry is on the cusp of a new era of mobile and integrated media consumption, encompassing
a myriad of real and virtual social networks, web sites, devices and products/ services for commercial
consumption,	while	creating	new	storefronts	defined	by	the	industry	domain.		New	dynamics	unfold	on	the	
sector almost every day, be it via announcements from Nokia, Google or Apple or the numerous bodies
across UK, USA, India, S. Africa and Asia who are all working to create platforms that enable easier, faster
and better integration and monetisation of content (almost to Thomas Edison’s logic of “Hell, there are no
rules	here	–	we’re	just	trying	to	accomplish	something”).

Walls have come down and new windows have come up. Applications, client server models, style sheets,
web	 sheets,	 browsers,	 payment	 mechanisms,	 ad	 serving	 engines,	 text	 advertising,	 campaigns,	 contests,	
promotions and web stores: these are just the tip of the marketing frenzy to create more direct and personal
connect with customers across all psychographic, socio-economic and business indices.

From a marketing perspective, 2008 will give rise to a number of questions concerning mobile marketing.
Namely, how it will become

-              even better at browsing/ search
-              a simpler way to make payments/ facilitate commerce
-              a more integrated medium for marketing and advertising
-              more effective for social networking/communication
-	             more	exciting	for	integrating	new	user	generated	content	

These,	and	many	other	questions	related	to	the	mobile	ecosystem,	will	help	better	define	new	marketing	
and	advertising	formats	and	firmly	establish	the	dependencies	for	those	formats.		Today,	more	than	ever,	
the	marketing	and	advertising	industry	is	witnessing	the	need	for	significant	change.		Traditional	marketing	
models are often criticised in the boardroom, with questions asked regarding ‘Does your marketing work’,
‘Where is the consumer in all this’, ‘Is brand marketing relevant any more’, etc. The mobile phone represents
one of, if not the, most important marketing opportunities in the last century for two key reasons:

1.	            The	mobile	phone	is	very	personal	both	in	terms	of	how	it	expresses	who	we	are,	but	also	the
	              ways	in	which	it	is	used	–	who	am	I	?/		what	do	I	do?/		what	can	I	do?

2.             As a result of how its infrastructure has evolved, mobile offers many unique opportunities for
               the advertiser. These include accurate and relevant targeting, rich data on usage and
	              consumer	behaviour,	higher	response	rates	and	flexible,	cost	effective	commercial	models.	
               The net result is a more rewarding and interactive relationship with the customer, and overall
               better brand indices.

Thomas	Friedman’s	powerful	metaphor	(and	book),	that	the	‘world	is	flat’	is	a	truly	inspiring	way	of	looking	at	
the forces that are stitching the present wireless and software enabled world. I trust all mobile enthusiasts
enjoy	 reading	 this	 guide	 and	 discover	 the	 many	 benefits	 mobile	 marketing	 and	 advertising	 can	 bring	 to	
both	businesses	and	brands	in	a	‘flat	world’,		The	new	mobile	platforms	are	not	just	an	expansive	but	also	
an inclusive medium, that not only makes marketing and advertising cost effective but also more personal
and relevant. Compared to traditional marketing and advertising, mobile possibly offers ground for more
significant	developments	for	large	brands	and	enterprises	to	better	connect	the	dots!

Wishing	you	all	a	more	Mobile	2008!

N.V. Subba Rao
CEO Tanla Mobile Inc

The Global Mobile Market:

Gautam Sabharwal
Director Global Business Development,
Tanla Mobile

         Gautam Sabharwal is responsible for Tanla Mobile’s global business development, sales and marketing.
         An	 expert	 at	 market	 visualisation,	 approach	 strategies	 and	 sales	 initiatives,	 he	 brings	 with	 him	 in-
         depth	 knowledge	 of	 the	 Telecom	 Services	 Industry.	 	 His	 experience	 includes	 several	 years	 running	
         successful businesses in the emerging telecom services markets of Europe. His long-term strategy
         planning, along with knowledge of Tanla’s core businesses, is instrumental in steering the company
         in the right direction.

The Global Mobile Market

          New Players Bring Change to the Mobile Sector

          Throughout	the	short	history	of	mobile	there	have	been	numerous	-	too	many	some	will	say	–	innovations,	
          milestones, developments and advances promising to change the mobile industry for ever.

          2008	will	see	the	emergence	of	the	new	mobile	world-order,	namely	the	influence	of	‘traditional’	internet	
          brands as new and powerful entrants to the mobile sector. They will bring with them established models
          and approaches to marketing and advertising, amongst other things, that will change the landscape and
          consumer	mobile	experience	for	ever.

          The	impact	of	developments	such	as	the	iPhone	is	significant	and	its	arrival	marks	an	important	turning	
          point. The iPhone has made the mobile internet become a competitive driver for handset manufacturers
          and operators alike, while forcing others to review OS and device simplicity.

          The future growth of the mobile marketing sector is dependent upon two traditionally disparate sectors
          collaborating, the mobile and the media industry. But the real growth potential for mobile will come as a
          result of brands such as Google, Yahoo and MSN securing their place at the new mobile table.

          Combine	these	factors	with	the	fact	that	operators	increasingly	offer	fixed	rate	data	charges,	this	all	means	
          the opportunity for mobile marketing is here and now.
                    Mobile advertising will be constrained unless
          Mobile advertising users constrained unless users have unlimited data plans.
                             will be have unlimited data plans

                                        Strongly disagree
          Strongly agree                                            12%

                                                                          Somewhat agree


Mobile Content Industry SurveySource Survey, Mobile Advertising Services Report 2006,
         Source: 2Q06 Mobile Content Industry
                  Informa Telecoms & Media

The Predictions

 Research Film         Prediction                                              Comment

 eMarketer             USA: $421m in 2006 to $4.7bn by 2011                    Mobile advertisment only
                       WW: $11.3bn by 2011

 Yankee Group          USA: $40m in 2006 to $2bn in 2010                       Mobile advertisment only

 Ovum                  USA: $46m this year to $1.3bn in 2010                   Accounts for text delivery
                                                                               advertising only

 Strategy Analytics    USA: 17% of total online ad spending by 2010,           SMS and display advertising
                       while browser based advertising will claim the
                       greatest share with 44%

 Jupiter Research      USA: $2.1bn in 2011

 ABI Research          WW: $19bn by 2011                                       Mobile marketing and
                                                                               advertising combined

 Informa Telecoms      WW: $1.5bn by the end of 2007 to $11.5bn by             Mobile advertisment only
 and Media*            2011

 Shosteck Group        WW: grow to $9.6bn by 2010                              Mobile advertisment only

*Correct as at September 2006.

While predictions do vary, the overall message is one of growth for mobile advertising in all key territories.

Mobile Advertising US Spending Projection, 2006-2011 (US$m)


     3500                                                                  3202

     2500                                                   2285

                410                                                                               402
      500                                                                         213
                      11             26             55             110

                 2006         2007        2008               2009         2010        2011
                General Mobile Ad Spending                Mobile Multimedia Ad Spending

Source: eMarketer January 2007

Which Territories are Seeing the Biggest Growth?
Welcome	to	the	new	players	in	the	market.	India,	China	and	Asia	are	amongst	the	new	battle	grounds;	with	
China already having more mobile users than the US. Across these regions there is a common vein, many
consumers own or prefer purchasing a Smartphone over a PC. So the trend toward mobile content is high.

With wealth increasing in these territories, mobile advertising revenue in these emerging markets is
expected	to	be	a	major	contributor	to	the	overall	global	market.

An Appetite to Receive
The	changes	brought	about	by	the	new	mobile	world	order	will	benefit	the	mobile	marketing	business	case.	
The application of knowledge and techniques applied in the internet space will allow brands to opt for and
better measure mobile as a viable channel. Also, consumers will increasingly show a willingness to receive
advertising on the device.

 How willing will consumers be to receive advertising
How	willing	will	consumers	be	to	receive	advertising	in	exchange	for	cheaper	mobile	content?
 in exchange for cheaper mobile content?

     50%                                                                                  Not at all willing
                                                                                          Fairly willing
     45%                                                                                  Somewhat willing
                                                                                          Extremely willing







                   Music        Games     Mobile TV     Idle Screen UCG/      SMS/MMS
                                           & Video              Communications

 Source: Mobile Content Industry Survey Informa Telecoms & Media
Source: 2Q06 Mobile Content Industry Survey, Mobile Advertising Services Report 2006,
         Informa Telecoms & Media

Critical success factors
According	to	Informa’s	MOBILE	ADVERTISING	SERVICES	research,	there	are	four	factors	that	will	influence	
the mobile advertising market.

Regulation - of mobile content, broadcast networks for the delivery of mobile TV, as well as for the advertising
techniques for the mobile channel, such as codes of conduct for SMS messaging.

Digital Rights Management (DRM) - is about the ability to have a clear view of who owns what content and
exactly	what	can	be	transferred	across	a	mobile	network.

Monitoring and measurement - if mobile advertising is to succeed than the critical element will be the ability
to capture data on mobile campaigns.

Pricing - the chicken and the egg debate. Will consumers pay for network time to receive adverts or will they
receive	adverts	to	get	free	network	air	time?

Mobile Emerging as
7th Mass Media:

Tomi Ahonen, Author & Consultant

         Tomi T Ahonen is a four time best-selling author and strategy consultant who lectures at Oxford
         University on digital convergence. Tomi’s reference customer list reads like the who’s who of mobile
         telecoms, including Ericsson, Orange, Motorola, Nokia, NTT DoCoMo, TeliaSonera and Vodafone as well
         as leading media and advertising giants. Tomi’s fourth bestseller “Communies Dominate Brands” was
         hailed as a landmark book on old media and interactivity, user-generated content and engagement.
         Tomi regularly runs workshops and seminars for leading media customers around the world. He
         chaired the world’s first mobile advertising conference in 2001, presented the mobile keynote to the
         Periodicals Publishing Association, and to the Media in Motion event in 2004, etc. A founding member
         of Engagement Alliance, Forum Oxford, Wireless Watch, and Carnival of the Mobilists, Tomi blogs at His website is

Mobile Emerging as 7th Mass Media

The Mobile Phone has emerged as the 7th Mass Media channel. It is as different from the internet [6th Mass
Media] as TV [5th] is from radio [4th]. Trying to force concepts from the internet, TV, or other previous media
will	produce	a	disappointing	audience	experience	on	mobile.	But	understanding	the	unique	power	of	mobile	
as the 7th Mass Media will deliver radical new concepts and new winners.

Most	 of	 the	 media	 experts,	 including	 many	 even	 in	 new	 media,	 do	 not	 understand	 mobile.	 It	 became	 a	
mass	media	first	in	Japan	just	seven	years	ago,	and	until	recently	was	mostly	dismissed	as	a	youth	text	
messaging and viral marketing channel only. Yet the economics of mobile produce enormous opportunities.
Three times as many people have mobile phones than have personal computers. Twice as many people
have a phone subscription than a credit card, more households have mobile phones than TV sets. And
most	importantly,	the	mobile	phone	can	replicate	all	of	the	previous	mass	media	with	six	unique	benefits,	
which is why already 588 million people consume premium content such as news, TV, entertainment and
games on mobile phones in 2007. During 2008 more people will access internet content on phones than on
the	web.	This	is	no	mere	sci-fi	fantasy	of	technology	buffs;	it has already happened in Japan, South Korea,
China and Taiwan.

Not	the	first	time	there’s	been	a	new	mass	medium

First Four Mass Media. The traditional mass media are well known and established with known formats.
News	 and	 weather	 work	 on	 radio,	 long-form	 stories	 in	 books	 and	 cinema;	 videogames	 work	 well	 on	
recordings etc. Print is the oldest, from the 1500s, it introduced the buy-to-own business model for books
and introduced advertising and subscriptions to newspapers and magazines. Recordings [late 1890s]
introduced performance media separating the creative element [the writer/composer] and the performer
with the global performance celebrity star, such as Edith Piaf, Elvis and the Beatles. It is possible to consume
books	and	printed	content	on	recordings,	yet	recordings	did	not	destroy	the	print	industry;	rather	it	built	
a whole new parallel media industry worth 30 billion dollars today. Cinema [1900s] turned celebrity into
superstar	with	the	first	global	icon,	Charlie	Chaplin.	

Cinema introduced moving images and multimedia content and the pay-per-view business model, ie you
had	to	pay	every	time	you	viewed	a	movie.	Many	thought	cinema	would	kill	books;	rather	Hollywood	built	
another	new	industry	worth	30	billion	dollars	at	the	box	office,	and	another	20	billion	in	after-sales	products	
like video rentals, DVD sales etc. Radio [1910s] brought the broadcast model with a ‘streaming’ approach
to	content	delivery	-	if	you	were	not	there	to	listen,	you	missed	the	content;	mass	market	recording	of	radio	
[the	C-Casette]	would	not	appear	until	50	years	later.	Radio	was	the	first	pervasive	medium	meaning	it	was	
omnipresent nationally and if content was broadcast, it was received simultaneously by all.

TV	the	fifth	mass	media [1950s]. The most dominant mass media for the past 50 years has been television,
yet	TV	didn‘t	really	introduce	anything	new!	While	each	of	the	previous	four	mass	media	brought	innovations,	
TV	did	not,	yet	in	spite	of	this	‘deficiency’	TV	soon	dominated	all	others.	We	had	multimedia	in	the	cinema,	
and broadcast in radio, TV only combined those. TV soon took over the news from cinema. It took over much
of the drama series and live sports broadcasts from radio. Where families in the 1930s sat around the
radio set to listen to a soap opera, concert or news broadcast, in the 1960s those families organized their
living rooms to allow good viewing of TV. TV discovered the power of celebrity, and soon shows emerged that
promoted celebrity [eg talk shows] and propelled normal people into temporary celebrity status [eg game
shows, reality TV]. After the advent of MTV, suddenly music videos - no longer radio - became the deciding
factor to a music artist‘s success.

Sixth	Mass	Media:	the	Internet.	So	enter	the	sixth	mass	media,	the	internet,	in	the	1990s.	This	is	a	very	
young	media	not	well	understood.	As	a	mass	media,	the	internet	is	the	first	that	is	capable of replicating
all	of	the	other	five	previous	media	-	we	can	read	books,	magazines	and	newspapers	online;	view	movies;	
listen	to	radio;	view	TV;	download	recordings	eg	MP3	files,	computer	software,	videogames	etc.	That	is	why	
it	is	a	threat	to	the	previous	five	media.	Furthermore,	the	internet	introduced	two	elements	not	possible	on	
previous mass media: interactivity and search. Yes, we could write to the editor of a newspaper, but still,
most	of	the	mass	media	did	not	have	any	realistic	mass-market	interactivity	ability	ten	years	ago;	on	the	
web	it	is	built	in.	And	search?	It	has	become	the	most	used	application	on	the	web.	Capable	of	doing	what	
all other media can do, and adding two powerful new elements, it is no surprise the internet cannibalizes
existing	mass	media.	Not	to	mention	the	costs	of	production	on	the	web	are	a	tiny	fraction	of	those	of	owning	
a	printing	press,	a	broadcast	license	or	network	for	example.

Mobile newest, also least understood

So	 what	 about	 the	 7th	 mass	 media? The mobile phone emerged as a mass media from about the year
2000. The youngest of the seven mass media, it is by far the least understood. Many see similarities to
the internet, thinking that because of the small screen and less convenient keypad, the mobile internet
is	somehow	‘simpler’	or	‘dumber’.	Similarly	many	TV	execs	look	at	the	tiny	screen	and	think	TV	on	mobile	
is somehow a ‘reduced’ offering, where viewers will only ‘snack’ at selected highlights. Nothing could be
further from the truth. In fact the mobile phone as the seventh mass media is by far the most powerful. It is
as	different	to	the	web	as	TV	is	to	radio;	mobile	media‘s	influence	will	be	greater	than	all	we‘ve	seen	so	far	of	
the internet, so much so that mobile to internet will be as dominant in its media audience reach and media
impact on society as TV was to radio in the second half of the last century.

Like the internet before it, today the phone	can	replicate	everything	the	previous	six	mass	media	can	do. You
can consume newspapers, read magazine articles, listen to radio and podcasts, buy MP3 songs, watch TV,
even watch whole movies on the phone - Nokia shipped Mission Impossible 3 on a memory card with the
N93	phones	[and	the	2	hour	movie	works	fine	on	the	high-resolution	screen	of	that	phone].	Any	web	content	
can be consumed on the phone, and the phone easily supercedes the interactivity of the web, because e-
mail and IM are already on the phone, but SMS and MMS messaging are unique to mobile. Similarly search
already	exists	on	mobile.	Already in 2006 the value of paid content on mobile at 35 B USD is bigger than
on the fixed wireline internet at 25 B USD.

Mobile has 6 unique benefits

The power of the mobile phone as a mass media is due to six elements not available on previous mass
media. [1] The phone is the first truly personal medium. A 2006 survey by Wired revealed that 63% of
the population do not share the phone even with one‘s spouse, it is that personal. [2] The phone is always
carried. A survey in 2005 by BDDO found that 60% of the population sleep with the phone physically in
bed;	a	Nokia	2006	study	found	that	72%	of	us	use	the	phone	as	our	alarm	clock.	[3] The phone is the first
always-on mass medium, today many media offer alerts via the phone, what is on another real time medium
like TV, such as CNN breaking news alerts via SMS.

Probably the most important, is that [4] the phone has a built-in payment mechanism. No other medium
has a built-in payment mechanism, even on the internet you have to subscribe to PayPal or provide a credit
card, etc. But already today, older media collect payments through the mobile phone. Habbo Hotel the web
online playground collects micropayments through premium SMS. TV shows from Big Brother to American
Idol earn billions via SMS votes. Some gaming and chat cable TV channels in Europe earn 80% of their total
revenues from mobile payments.

Tapping into the social networking and user-generated content phenomenon, is that [5] the phone is a
creative tool available always at the point of creative impulse.	For	example	Time	Magazine‘s	Person	of	
the Year 2006 was the ‘You’ of User-Generated Content. Mostly when the photo opportunity emerges, our
digital camera is safely at home in its camera case. But the cameraphone [which is also our video recorder
and podcast recorder] is in our pocket, always at the ready to snap images and clips. User-generated content
is radically altering the media world as seen at YouTube, Ohmy News and SeeMeTV.

Lastly but perhaps most relevant to the legacy media, [6] mobile captures the most accurate customer
information in any medium. AMF Ventures measured the relative accuracy of audience measurements
on	TV,	internet	and	mobile,	in	May	2007,	finding	that	on	TV	only	1%	of	audience	data	is	captured;	on	the	
Internet	about	10%	of	audience	data	is	collected;	but	on	mobile	90%	of	audience	info	can	be	identified.	
Considering media content targeting and advertising, this means that for practical purposes we know the
exact composition of our total audience,	individually	and	exactly	-	and	even	where	the	media	is	consumed.	
Not	even	on	the	web	do	we	have	this	level	of	precision.	CRM	will	be	revolutionized!	It	is	not	surprising	then	
to	find	that	in	Japan,	54%	of	all	mobile	phone	users	receive	advertising	on	their	phones,	and	with	targeting	
and personalization, 44% like the ads so much, they actively click on the ads.

Don‘t focus on the limitations

Of the limitations to consume, the phone has a screen smaller than that of TV or a personal computer, that
is	true.	That	is	balanced	against	it	being	always	with	us,	often	used	in	parallel	when	watching	TV	on	a	flat	
screen	-	30%	of	Japanese	TV	viewers	already	do	this;	20%	of	the	British	vote	via	mobile	in	reality	TV	shows.	
The same holds for the keypad.	Yes,	a	laptop	has	a	better	keyboard,	and	writing	a	book	for	example	is	much	
easier on a PC than tripple-tapping on a phone keypad. But the phone has the camera [a picture worth a
thousand words], the microphone [podcasts], and now: 2D barcodes, as the quick shorthand of the digital
generation. You don‘t type the name of your colleague from the business card, you zoom to the 2D barcode
[that	little	square	that	looks	like	a	fingerprint]	and	your	phone	reads	the	text	in	it	-	the	phone	‘magically’	
replaces the need for any typing at all.

As to content migration, in 2006 already 18% of all music worldwide was sold to mobile phones [mostly
ringtones], as is 14% of video games. TV and advertising has also moved into mobile during 2007. News
and search are showing strong signs of moving that way as well. What is important to note, is that the phone
will	not	kill	other	medium;	they	will	all	adjust,	like	radio	did	to	TV.	All	seven	mass	media	will	continue.	But	
only those who understand the power of mobile will be able to share in its success. Just like those who
understood interactivity and search on the web.

A Brief History of the Mobile Phone

The mobile phone was invented in 1973 by Dr Martin Cooper, a former general manager at Motorola. The
first	call	was	made	in	April	1973	by	Dr	Cooper	to	his	rival,	Joel	Engel	who	was	Head	of	Research	at	Bell	
Labs,	but	it	was	some	time	before	mobile	phones	were	available	commercially.	Probably	our	first	memories	
of	mobile	phones	are	from	the	1980s	when	the	handsets	were	large,	expensive	and	typically	used	by	city	
high-fliers.	Today	things	are	very	different:		nearly	everyone	in	the	UK	has	a	mobile	phone,	with	many	people	
having one for business and one for personal use. The table below shows how common the mobile phone
has become in a short space of time.

The table below shows mobile penetration rates in selected countries.

                                                          UK           US       SPAIN   INDIA       JAPAN

Total population                                         59.4m         297m     41.1m   1081m       127.8m
Urban population (per 1000 pop.)                         89.2%         80.8%    76.7%   28.7%       65.7%

No. of households                                        25.3m     110.2m       15.0m   202.9m      48.5m
Average number per household                             2.4       2.6          2.7     5.3         2.6

Cost of living December 2005 (New York=100)              125           100      95      47          136

Colour TVs per 100 households                            98.2          99.6     98.5    35.1        99.0

Telephone lines per 100 pop.                             56.4          60.5     41.5    4.1         46.0
Mobile telephone subscribers per 100 pop.                102.2         62.1     86.5    4.4         71.6

Computers per 100 pop.                                    60.0         76.2     24.4     1.2        54.2

Not	only	has	the	mobile	phone	become	synonymous	with	modern	living,	so	has	text	messaging. The network
operators	never	thought	text	messaging	would	become	a	revenue	stream	for	them;	it	was	originally	designed	
by engineers to check whether or not the line was working. As such, the technology was embedded on all
mobile	phones,	albeit	behind	the	scenes.	However,	in	the	early	days	of	text	messaging	,	few	people	knew	of	
its	existence	beyond	telecoms	engineers.

Just a few years later, customers discovered the messaging tool on their mobile phones and started to use
it	to	see	what	would	happen.	This	meant	that	they	sent	a	text	message	to	a	friend	and	this	strange	message	
appeared	on	the	other	person’s	phone	and	in	appearing,	was	how	the	next	customer	found	out	about	the	
text	message	facility	on	their	phone.	This	was	true	viral	marketing.

By	1999	text	messaging	was	proving	so	popular	the	networks	realised	that	there	was	a	revenue	stream	
available	to	them	by	promoting	it.		At	this	time,	we	saw	the	first	advertisements	including	text	messaging	as	
part	of	the	service.	Texting	took	the	network	operators	by	surprise	at	first	and	they	were	not	geared	up	for	
large volumes of messaging going through their systems.

It	was	also	around	this	time	that	the	first	mobile	marketing	entrepreneurs	put	their	thinking	caps	on	and	
worked out that the mobile phone could be an incredibly important advertising communications channel.
Young	people	were	embracing	text	messaging	and	in	turn,	their	parents	and	grandparents	were	finding	out	
about	text	messaging	as	it	was	the	easiest	way	to	keep	in	touch	with	the	young	people	in	their	lives.	

Those	first	companies	to	think	about	commercial	text	messaging	and	in	particular,	using	text	messaging	
for	marketing	included	ZagMe,	Flytxt,	12snap	and	Enpocket.	All	these	companies	were	VC	[Venture	Capital]	
funded	 and	 to	 a	 certain	 extent	 were	 creating	 concepts	 and	 rules	 as	 mobile	 marketing	 simply	 hadn’t	
been invented at this stage. So it was a steep learning curve both from a technology and an operational

Eight	years	on	and	the	market	is	really	finding	its	feet	and	the	value	chain	is	becoming	clearer	along	with	
companies’ roles within that ecosystem. But we are just at the start of the mobile journey when compared
with the previous 6 mass media, as pointed out in Tomi Ahonen’s article ‘Mobile Emerging as 7th Mass

Developments in Mobile Technologies
                                                                 5         6
In terms of technology we are now at a combination of 2.5G and 3G and have multi-media messaging
[with	pictures,	animations,	video	and	sound],	Java	games,	MP3	music	files,	instant	messenger,	email	and	
lots more besides.

Mobile technology can be likened to television. In the early days of television, it was amazing to have moving
pictures	in	your	living	room	at	all	even	though	it	was	a	very	small	screen;	television	was	not	broadcast	all	
day and viewers were subjected to the test card for long periods of time. Who could have imagined back
in	the	early	days	of	television	how	the	technology	would	progress	–	colour	television,	over	300	channels,	
video, dvd, surround sound, Tivo/Sky Active, interactive television, games to play on your television, digital
television,	video	on	demand	etc?

Mobile technology is on a similar roadmap. In the early days, we had small screens with black and white
text,	but	it	was	amazing	that	you	could	do	more	than	just	talk	on	your	phone.	We	are	in	the	‘colour	television’	
age of mobile telephony. Most handsets on the market now have a colour screen and camera as standard
features, and we’re seeing the emergence and acceptance of new technology features such as Bluetooth,
mobile internet, Java, email, television and more. Who knows what will emerge in the years to come as the
cost	of	the	technology	reduces	and	data	speeds	increase?

So why not have another look at your phone and think about how you use it. Already you may be using it
for	talking	and	text	messaging	and	quite	possibly	as	an	alarm	clock	and	calendar	as	well.	Some	of	you	will	
have downloaded applications such as Googlemail, Googlemaps or Shozu on to your phone, changed your
ringtone and probably sent and/or received an MMS message to boot. OK, you might not do these things all
the	time,	but	the	chances	are	you’ve	done	them!

Why Mobile is Important
You’re probably reading this guide because you’re already engaged in mobile marketing or advertising
activities or you’re thinking about it. Mobile has already come a long way and this section gives some
statistics and useful information to show how mainstream mobile has become, as well as penetration rates
and usage statistics which will help you gauge how relevant mobile is or isn’t for your particular audience,
product and company.

Did you know

•      There	is	102.2%	mobile	penetration	in	the	UK	according	to	the	latest	operator	figures.
       [Source: Economist Pocket World in Figures, 2007]

•      In the UK, 4,825 billion messages were sent during September 2007, an average of over 1,2 billion
       messages every week. This equates to the same number of messages sent during the
       whole of 1999.7

•      Over 15 million handsets are replaced per annum which is about a third of all handsets. The
       typical upgrade time is currently 18 months for a mobile phone but seven years for a landline. The
       difference being that a landline is seen as a utility and the mobile phone as an object of desire.
       When was the last time you had a debate in the pub over the fact that your landline telephone was
       better	than	your	mate’s?

•      Global	SMS	traffic	over	the	2007/2008	New	Year	period	increased	by	30	per	cent	compared	to	the	
       same	period	last	year.	Around	the	world,	phone	users	sent	a	total	of	43	billion	text	messages	to	
       wish their loved ones a happy New Year.8

•      10%	of	UK	homes	only	have	a	mobile	[figure	rises	to	14%	in	Scotland].	This	is	particularly	prevalent	
       in lower income households, where the mobile phone is treated as a landline and is often plugged
       permanently into the wall. Usually this will be a Pay As You Go phone which means that there are
       no monthly rental charges to consider and outgoing calls can only be made when there is enough
       credit on the phone, although you can receive calls any time. This is also the case in some high
       income households, e.g. a businessman constantly on the move with little need for a landline.
       [Source: Ofcom 2007]

•      Prepay	still	makes	up	64%	of	the	market.	[Source:	Ofcom	2007]	Although	this	figure		has	fallen	in	
       the	last	few	years	from	over	70%,	it	is	still	a	significant	part	of	the	market.	If	someone	doesn’t	have	
       credit on their phone, it does affect their ability to reply to your message at all. Also the networks
       expire	pre-pay	numbers	very	quickly	–	sometimes	after		only	a	few	weeks	of	non-usage	–	with	those	
       numbers recycled in as little as 3 months.This is worth bearing in mind when dealing with customer
       database lists and CRM. Another point worth noting is that typically, a customer has on average £2
       of credit on their phone, so this is something to remember when asking them to pay for stuff on their
       phone	or	access	content	where	their	data	rate	charges	may	be	expensive	e.g.	if	they	are	not	on	a	
       flat	rate	tariff.

•        80%	of	under	25s	more	likely	to	text	than	talk.10

•        85.8%	of	UK	mobile	customers	sent	a	text	message	in	the	last	month.11

•        25% of under 10s have a mobile phone.12

•        14 million or 30% of UK users browsed WAP in the last month.13

Ofcom recently published their annual communications report which includes a section on mobile telephony.
Their	findings	are	usually	more	conservative	than	figures	from	other	research	companies,	but	still	the	results	
are encouraging. 92% of the under 45 UK adult population use a mobile phone, falling to 70% of over 45s.
Usage for the under 45s has changed little between 2005 and 2006 but amongst the over 45 age group it
has increased from 66% to 70%.

•        Use of mobile services also varies according to socio-economic group, with 85% of UK ABC1s
         using a mobile phone in the last year compared with 76% of C2DEs which is broadly similar to the
         previous year. The important thing to note from this is how widespread mobile usage actually is.

•        The report shows us the use of online and mobile applications which is interesting to compare and
         contrast as mobile services move forward. Today 79% of mobile users use their handset to do more
         than	make	or	receive	calls,	64%	of	them	are	texting	and	53%	of	them	are	using	voicemail.	Taking	
         pictures with your phone is popular with 40% of customers doing this and 25% of customers actually
         using MMS, 17% of the UK’s mobile owners have 3G and 3% of all mobile users are using video
         calling, although I still haven’t seen anyone use video calling in the wild yet.

•        3G take up is greatest in London at 21% penetration and lowest in the North of England at 14%.
         Unsurprisingly Urban take up is slightly higher at 19% than rural at 12%.

Use of Mobile Applications

 60%                         52%
                                                                   20% 20%
 20%                                                                                        12% 10% 10% 9% 8% 7% 7%
                                                                                                                    4% 3%
                                                                                                                            chat function
                                         Take photos

                                                                               Play games


                                                                                                   video clips

                                                                                                                                                                  video clips




                                                                                                                 FM Radio


                                                                                                                              Use IMr




 Base: All adults 15+ who have a mobile phone
 Source: Ofcom research, 2006
Base: All adults 15+ who have a mobile phone
Source: Ofcom, The Communications Market 2007

Use of Online Applications by Dial-up & Broadband Internet Users


                  Sending and recieving email

                     General sur ng/browsing

                    Purchasing goods/services

 Looking for/downloading info for personal use


        Looking for/downloading info for work

         DOwnloading music/ lms/video clips

      Looking for/downloading info for college

                            Instant messaging

                                  Playing games
                  Realtime gambling/auctions

                                      None of these

                                                            0%                    20%                 40%           60&          80%           100%

Base: All adults 15+ who have access to the internet at home
Source: Ofcom research, 2006 access to the internet at home
 Base: All adults 15+ who have
Source: Ofcom, The Communications Market 2007

The network operators are gaining ground in different parts of the country with O2 winning the battle,
particularly in Scotland and Northern Ireland. In London, however, T-Mobile has 36% market share.







                                                                    N Ireland







                     Vodafone                    O2                             T-Mobile            Orange        Three        BT Mobile     Other/Unsure

 Base: All SMEs currently using mobiles
 Source: Ofcom research, 2006

More detailed information is available from the Ofcom report ‘The Communications Market 2007’ which is
available as a free download from

    See Wikipedia for more information:

    Source: The Pocket World in Figures 2007 published by The Economist.

    A	text	message	is	160	characters	long	[including	spaces)	and	contains	no	formatting.	It	is	free	to	receive	standard	SMS	text	messages	in	the	UK,	but	not	in	all	

countries.	In	the	US,	some	networks	charge	for	customers	to	receive	each	text.	Also	see	Wikipedia

    The	first	SMS	[text	message)	was	sent	in	December	1992	on	the	Vodafone	network	in	the	UK.	It	was	originally	created	for	internal	use	and	it	never	could	have	

been predicted it would become so popular.

    Also known as GPRS [general packet radio switch) or WAP over GPRS. In consumer terms, this allows faster connection to the mobile internet and data transfer.

    3G is a faster connection to the mobile internet and data transfer thus allowing, in theory, more reliable voice calls and faster data transfers. It is sometimes

dubbed as broadband on your phone, but realistically, 3G speeds are not always so fast or reliable. This will come as the operators roll out 3G to all their


    Source	MDA:

    Source Acision

    Source	MDA:

     Source	MDA:

     Source: m:metrics Spring 2007

     Source: MORI

     Source: m:metrics

Mobile Marketing Past,
Present and Future:

Russell Buckley,
Managing Director Europe, Admob

         Russell	is	one	of	the	leading	experts	on	mobile	marketing	in	the	world,	having	overseen	nearly	2,000	
         campaigns since 2000. Russell is the co-author of MobHappy, one of the most popular mobile
         marketing and mobile technology blogs on the web. Before joining AdMob, Russell spent over 15 years
         working	in	marketing,	including	advising	leading	brands	such	as	Coca-Cola,	Diageo,	Texaco	and	Mars.	
         In 2000, he was recruited to be Director of Marketing of UK-based mobile marketing start up, ZagMe,
         one of the leading pioneers in mobile advertising. Russell learned about AdMob soon after its launch
         and immediately saw the potential. He gave up his consulting practice to join founder Omar and launch
         AdMob in the European market.

Mobile Marketing Past, Present and Future

For	years	marketers	and	mobilists	alike	have	been	excited	about	the	prospects	for	mobile	marketing.	But	
despite their evangelising and the obvious potential of the mobile channel, it seemed to be locked in a
permanent	 winter.	 However,	 2007	 saw	 a	 definite	 thaw	 as	 new	 business	 models	 emerged	 that	 promise	
great things.

The	main	reason	why	mobile	marketing	hasn’t	really	taken	off	historically,	has	been	the	mixed	results	that	
the various techniques have generated. In the beginning, we had SMS push campaigns, where the user
opted-in to receive alerts from advertisers, or triggered by an event, such as going shopping in the mall.
While	this	sounds	like	a	great	idea	for	advertisers	and	customers	alike,	the	reality	is	that	the	execution	is	
fraught with issues.

Firstly	 it	 is	 expensive	 to	 send,	 meaning	 that	 many	 potential	 advertisers	 couldn’t	 justify	 the	 return	 on	
investment.	Then	there	was	the	tricky	problem	of	getting	customers	to	opt-in	in	the	first	place.	Finally,	while	
the	definition	of	spam	revolves	around	prior	permission,	the	reality	is	that	it	depends	on	the	context	of	when	
the message is received. If the customer gets it at the wrong time, in the wrong mood or even if the content
wasn’t valuable, it’s simply condemned as spam.

SMS is more about CRM (Customer Relationship Management) activity, like airlines sending travel updates
or	credit	card	companies	sending	transaction	details,	or	for	users	to	“pull”	information	to	their	phones	from	
other media. For instance, someone might send an SMS as a result of seeing a poster campaign to ask for
stockists,	or	enter	a	competition	they’ve	seen	on	a	cereal	box.

SMS pull is already a well established technique and is one that will continue to grow. A recent report from M:
Metrics found that 18.5% of UK adults had interacted in this way with a marketing campaign in the previous
month alone. Ultimately, marketing without an SMS short code will look as odd today as marketing material
without	 a	 web	 address.	 Indeed,	 it’s	 possible	 that	 phone	 interaction	 will	 supersede	 the	 fixed	 web	 as	 the	
preferred communication channel, as it encourages immediate interactivity and thus higher responses.

As	useful	as	SMS	is,	2007	saw	the	launch	of	a	new	way	for	marketers	to	use	the	mobile	channel	–	Mobile	
Web Advertising. And unlike its predecessor, SMS push, it’s proved unequivocally to generate consistently
high	results	for	the	early	adopters,	with	many	claiming	4	times	the	ROI	that	they	enjoy	using	the	fixed	web,	
which in turn is already a highly effective medium.

So	how	does	this	work?	If	we	take	my	company,	AdMob,	as	one	of	the	pioneers	and	success	stories,	we	
partner	with	mobile	web	sites	that	enjoy	high	traffic	and	offer	to	run	advertising	[text-links	and	graphical	
banners] on a revenue share basis. Then we make this space available to advertisers via our self-serve web
platform. This allows most campaigns to be set up and run in a matter of minutes. Advertisers can target
their campaigns according to the characteristics of mobile handset that the ad appears on, such as location,
make of handset and phone capability.

For mobile content sellers, this has meant that the mobile has been transformed from a distribution channel
into a highly effective marketing medium. All users need to do if they’re interested is click on a link and
they	 get	 straight	 to	 the	 information.	 Compare	 this	 to	 traditional	 TV	 ads,	 as	 an	 example,	 where	 potential	
respondents need to grab their phone, access the mobile web [assuming they know how to and have the
right settings], type in a url and only then connect with the information.

The medium has proven to be so effective that AdMob now runs one billion ads every month, despite
only launching the platform in January 2006. AdMob also has 850 million pages a month available for
advertisers	to	use	and	target	the	30%	of	adults	who	already	use	the	mobile	web	and	this	figure	is	set	to	rise	
dramatically	as	operators	offer	flat	rate	data	packages,	handsets	get	better,	speeds	get	faster	and	as	walled	
gardens	fall	down	–	all	these	trends	are	accelerating	this	year.

Another important trend is that more mainstream brands are looking to establish their footprint on the
mobile	by	creating	their	own	mobile	websites.	Clearly,	once	a	mobile	website	is	built,	it	will	need	traffic	and	
the AdMob system is highly effective for doing this. A recent campaign saw AdMob generating 40% of the
traffic,	despite	only	receiving	0.4%	share	of	the	overall	marketing	budget.

2007	saw	significant	moves	in	advertising-funded	content,	games	and	applications,	as	marketers	grew	in	
their sophistication in using the mobile medium.

The	future	for	mobile	marketing	and	the	mobile	web	is	now	looking	very	exciting	for	all	participants	in	the	
value	chain,	including	for	the	all-important	end	user.	Not	only	is	mobile	web	advertising	helping	them	to	find	
content	they’re	looking	for,	but	it’ll	make	products	and	services	available	at	significantly	less	than	they’re	
paying	for	them	now.	It’s	been	a	long	wait,	but	mobile	marketing	has	finally	arrived.

Thoughts for Marketers On The
Values Around New Digital
Media Opportunities:

Gillian Kennedy, Managing Director,
Emerging Media Platforms Ltd

          Gillian began her career in media at The Observer, which was followed by 12 years at Emap working
          across several markets and media. As Interactive Commercial Development Director at Emap
          Advertising Gillian’s responsibilities included commercialising new digital platforms and digital new
          product development. Gillian has been an early pioneer of mobile advertising, working in this area
          for 6 years. 2007 saw Gillian work as an independent consultant both in UK & Europe. She has now
          formed Emerging Media Platforms which focuses on scoping, implementing & communicating new
          digital media opportunities for clients.

          Gillian is actively involved in growing the new digital markets. A former member of DMA Mobile Council,
          Gillian is a member of several digital networking groups and a regular speaker at conferences and
          Thought Leadership seminars in the UK & Europe. Last year she took a diverse range of trips to the Far
          East & Europe to gain greater insight into the rapidly involving digital world we now live in.

Thoughts For Marketers On The Values Around New Digital Media Opportunities

The new converged digital media world frequently represents a dichotomy for those who play a role in the
ever	changing	value	chain.	Communication	between	individuals	is	a	good	example	of	this.	Whilst	the	price	
of	communication	has	decreased	significantly	over	the	last	few	decades,	the	value	that	consumers	place	on	
communication has increased more than ever so presenting a further challenge to those who market brands
and need to capture associated value.

Along with this comes ‘new’ new media opportunities which are made possible by fast moving new
technologies that allow us to easily interact on a global 24/7 basis whether they be online or mobile. New
content and inventory created by developments in technology present both marketers and media owners
with new opportunities and associated challenges to get it right, or at the very least make fewer mistakes
than your competitors. There is considerable uncharted territory here. With regard to inventory, the new
digital	 world	 will	 accommodate	 some	 standardised	 formats.	 Take	 mobile	 as	 an	 example,	 in	 Japan	 NTT	
DoCoMo	has	carried	banner	advertising	for	the	last	five	years,	a	trend	that	is	currently	being	rolled	out	with	
the UK operators’ advertising inventory. Whilst we can be sure search will play a vital role in this sector, we
have only just started the journey when it comes to integrated advertising formats and data targeting that
will	enrich	the	consumer	experience.	It	gets	really	exciting	and	much	riskier	when	we	start	to	think	about	
user generated advertising though this is probably a little further down the line.

Change, driven by technology and new distribution channels, creates a new set of rules for content owners
and marketers alike which requires some thought for those who venture into this arena. Audiences have
more control than ever before and can decide when and where they want to engage with content and who
they share it with. How audiences choose to receive content i.e. online, mobile, MP3 player and so on,
provides	the	platform	of	choice	to	engage	with	content	and	brands,	which	needs	to	be	created	specifically	
for that platform. Audiences can now decide who they get content from, which includes brands or friends, as
well as what they want to receive and what they are prepared to pay for.

New media is actively consumed with audiences down-loading, searching or clicking through for more
information	 that	 is	 relevant	 to	 their	 needs.	 Consumption	 patterns	 include	 during	 the	 day	 in	 the	 office,	
at home in the evening or when audiences are on the move and vary according to device. This active
media consumption by audiences creates a superb tool for brands to engage with audiences in an
appropriate way.

Think about what the device has to offer the consumer and how easy and useful it is in their own lives. Last
year	I	spent	some	time	in	Japan	and	was	suitably	impressed	by	the	end	user	experience	around	mobile	
TV.	 Here	 device	 features	 including	 superb	 clam	 shaped	 screens,	 ease	 of	 use	 functionality	 and	 flat	 rate	
data	charging	has	created	a	clever	consumer	centric	experience	that	extends	audience	consumption	time	
of	this	medium.	UK	operator	trials	of	mobile	TV	indicate	that	mobile	TV	will	extend	time	spent	consuming	
this medium and 30 minute sessions will become a reality. What a fantastic new canvas for brands to start
enriching and engaging their audience. The new rules around successful marketing within ‘new’ new media
need	to	put	the	audience	in	control.	Get	this	right,	and	success	will	follow!

Mobile Has Always Been
All Inclusive:

Mike Short, Vice President R&D, 02 Europe

         Mike’s career spans 32 years in Electronics and Telecommunications, with the last 19 years in Mobile
         communications. He was appointed Contracts Director of Cellnet in 1989 with multi-million dollar
         infra-structure investments and UK interconnect agreements. In 1993 the focus moved to establishing
         Cellnet’s GSM service and he was elected Chairman of the GSM Association for 1995/96 and served
         on	the	Executive	Board	for	5	years.	

         Mike’s focus today is on Third Generation cellular, Mobile TV and steering O2’s Group Research and
         Development	in	mobile.		He	also	is	a	member	of	the	UK	Home	Office	Internet	Task	Force,	OSAB	(Ofcom	
         Spectrum Advisory Board) and has been chairman of the UK Mobile Data Association since September
         1998. He was appointed VP Technology for O2 in 2000, Visiting Professor at Surrey University in 2003
         and Board Member University of Coventry in 2006. He is a Fellow of BCS/ RGS / CIPS and a member
         of IET and the Royal Television Society.

Mobile Has Always Been All Inclusive

The	obsession	with	3G	suggests	an	inexorable	quest	for	speed	and	a	new	generation	of	technology	when	it	
really is about capacity, capability and content. As we move into the broadband world we also must not forget
the	4th	C	–	the	Customer.	But	the	capability	to	meet	market	needs	is	also	driven	by	progress	on	the	internet.	
Mobile 2.0 will soon be with us opening up a whole new world of content and applications.

Taking	 recent	 figures	 from	 Insight	 Research	 the	 global	 telecom	 revenues	 in	 2006	 are	 expected	 to	 grow	
annually by 5.91% [CAGR] to 2010, from $1.24 to $1.56 trillion, as the diagrams below illustrate:

                                   $170B                                                        $250B

          $589B                                                           $774B



                                           2006 - $1.24 Trillion                                    2010- $1.56 Trillion


                                             CAGR - 2006/10              Narrowband wireless growth is driven by cellular and its share
                                                                         is anticipated to grow from 47.4% to 49.6% of the global total
              Broadband Wired                   10.5%                    revenues. However, it is broadband wired and wireless that show
                                                                         the fastest growth rates. As also illustrated by this guide this
                                                                         is driven by a wider demand for Applications than purely voice
              Narrowband Wired                  1.4 %

              Broadband Wireless 51.7%                                   People are spending more of their free time online [as seen in
                                                                         Figure 2] and broadband adoption including 3G continues
              Narrowband Wireless 7.8%                                   to grow.

      Fig 2                                                              In terms of internet and comparisons this is not the special
                                                                         position	for	Europe	alone	–	over	1	billion	new	phones	or	3000	per	
                                                                         day are being shipped worldwide this year.
     People are spending more and more
     free time online                                                    In Asia, India reached 187 million customers by the end of June
                                                                         2007, and based on 6 million growth per month it is likely to
     Most popular leisure activites amongst Europeans
                                                                         exceed	 200	 million	 during	 September	 2007.	 According	 to	 ‘The	
     Listening to music                                            67%
     Watching lms/DVDs                                             65%   Mobile World’ research, China remains the largest mobile market
     Sur ng the internet                                           60%   in the world with 484 million customers and with growth currently
     Travelling                                                    58%   at	 7	 million	 per	 month	 should	 exceed	 500	 million	 in	 a	 similar	
     restaurants/bars                                              40%   timeframe. By contrast Japan should have reached 100 million,
     Walking/rambling                                              38%
     Gardening                                                     36%
                                                                         but	 with	 the	 majority	 being	 3G	 for	 the	 first	 time	 in	 September	
     DIY                                                           34%   2007	–	and	the	leading	market	globally	for	3G	based	on	these	
                                                                         customer numbers.
     Sources: Fig Fonester
      Sources: Fig 2
                     2 Forrester

The evolution of the internet to Web 2.0 and beyond will have a more profound impact on applications
development. Web based applications will move from ‘consult / surf / search’ to ‘share / collaborate /
exploit’	with	Web	2.0	capability	and	eventually	to	‘suggest	/	happen	/	discover	/	provide’,	all	alongside	a	
general trend from content ‘pull’ to ‘push’.

Early	 examples	 of	 Web	 2.0	 we	 see	 are	 My	 Space,	 Facebook,	 2nd	 Life,	 Wikipedia	 and	 some	 enterprise	
collaboration tools. When we look to see how Web 2.0 will impact mobile, it not only takes us into a wider
world of partnerships partly based on mobile content but also into the growing market for mobile applications
or Applications, Anywhere, Anytime.

                                                Energy &
                      Transport                Environment

                              Content / messaging                                                   Web 20

                                    wireless                                                        Web 10

We already see growing interest in mobile video and TV from the growth in downloads and mobile broadcast
TV	trends	around	the	world.	We	also	expect	to	see	all	phones	sold	by	2010	to	have	mobile	email	and	mobile	
internet	capabilities	–	as	an	industry	we	need	to	make	these	applications	as	easy	to	use	as	they	are	
to sell.

Other mobile applications will be based on combinations of Web 2.0, and messaging telematics. For
example	transport	telematics	will	evolve	from	navigation	to	journey	management	[with	congestion	alerts,	
breakdown	and	other	information	services];	parking	will	get	smarter	for	connected	cars;	congestion	analysis	
via	wireless	will	support	road	resource	management	and	user	charging;	environmental	sensors	will	offer	
pollution	control;	connected	roads	will	offer	more	road	safety	and	better	informed	drivers	and	passengers.	

In education a further phase of connected learning growth is anticipated as mobile access speeds [through
3G	and	WiFi]	extend	the	research	experience	from	the	lecture	room	to	the	school	classroom.	Early	examples	
of	usage	will	be	seen	with	field	trips	and	geoblogging,	supported	by	mobile	cameras.			This	is	likely	to	be	
followed with wider shared learning based on PDA’s becoming EDA’s or Educational Digital Assistants. It is
widely	expected	that	digital	homework	and	Interactive	learning	will	follow.

In	health	we	already	see	examples	of	‘wellness’	being	tested	as	part	of	sports	training	using	mobile	devices,	
often	with	GPS	and	typical	sports	monitors.	This	is	expected	to	evolve	into	wider	social	and	health	care	as	
both low power monitors and short range [Bluetooth/ Wibree] wireless connectivity develops. Social care
in the community will require better mobile alarms and alerts, to compliment developments towards the
digital home of the future.

The further growth in telematics for societal requirements [Transport, Energy and the Enviroment, Education
and Health] will be supported by growing GSM economies of scale and systems integrators. Harbor Research
predict the machine to machine market [M2M] could reach annual revenues of $290 billion by 2011
[$200Bn services / $80 Bn operations / $10 Bn hardware], but this will require applications partnering and
ecosystems to be more fully built.

As we continue to move from a verbal to a visual world, Web 2.0 and beyond will play a much bigger part in
mobile communications. With more [mobile] phones than people in many parts of the world we are now able
to	offer	a	much	wider	range	of	applications	and	solutions	–	a	world	of	Applications,	Anywhere,	Anytime.

Mobile Marketing & Advertising

Mobile marketing is the ability to connect brands to customers via the mobile phone. In its early days, this
meant	SMS,	or	text,	marketing	e.g.	sending	out	text	alerts	–	the	first	being	notices	for	UK	clubbers	in	Ibiza.	
This	now	covers	much	more	as	the	technology	has	developed	over	the	last	five	years.	We’ve	moved	from	
simple	 text	 messaging,	 black	 and	 white	 operator	 logos	 and	 mono	 ringtones	 to	 true	 tones	 and	 MP3	 [so	
it’s the real music on your phone], video clips, streaming video, games, multi-media messaging, instant
messenger and more.

What is Mobile Marketing and where does it fit in the Marketing Mix?

Mobile marketing is about having the ability to connect with consumers via their mobile phone wherever they
happen	to	be:		the	office,	college	or	school,	the	pub,	the	theatre,	out	shopping,	out	playing,	walking	the	dog,	
at home watching television, in bed listening to the radio. Wherever you are, with the right permissions, you
can connect customers and clients and vice versa.

Mobile	marketing	fits	across	many	marketing	disciplines	including	sales	promotion,	CRM,	direct	marketing,	
above the line, interactive, integrated, loyalty schemes or it can stand alone.

The 5 Cs of mobile = Connectedness

We are now living in a new digital age where the network effect is dominant. With online social networking,
web 2.0 approaches to internet and other businesses and the easy availability and access to information,
entertainment and people 24/7, it really is a connected world. This is never more so than with mobile
phones which increase our accessibility to people and information wherever we, or they, may be.

With reference to articles by authors Paul Golding14	 and	 Tomi	 Ahonen,	 there	 are	 at	 least	 five	 primary	
elements to consider when developing campaigns and applications for the use of mobile phones.

1. Communication
The	mobile	phone	is	primarily	a	communications	device.	It	allows	one	person	to	talk	to	another;	it	allows	
one person to send a message to another via SMS, MMS, instant messenger or email. It even allows us to
communicate in pictures, audio and video and multi-player gaming. But it’s fundamentally about allowing
one to one communication. For marketers it’s all about communication and if used wisely the mobile phone
can	be	as	important	a	part	of	the	marketing	mix	as	direct	marketing	and	email	are.	

Communication is also evolving into richer forms including emoticons, images, audio and video. This is
obvious if you watch any young person interacting on MSN, Yahoo Messenger or Aim and see how they
personalise	 the	 experience	 beyond	 normal	 language.	 This	 is	 also	 evident	 on	 social	 networking	 sites	 like	
MySpace where you can personalise your own online presence.

Marketing	question:	What	are	we	communicating,	when,	to	whom,	why	and	how?	How	are	we	going	to	allow	
customers	to	communicate	with	us?

2. Consuming
Consumption on mobile takes two forms. We buy things for and with our mobile phones: we may decorate
our	 phones	 with	 phone	 jewellery	 or	 flashing	 stickers;	 and	 we	 pay	 for	 ringtones,	 images	 and	 videos	 to	
personalise them.

In addition, now that we have full multi-media access on our phones, we’re also consuming a wide range
of content from video news clips, casual games like Sudoku and news services. It could be argued that we
‘consume’ messages from loved ones and marketers alike.

Marketing	question:	What	do	our	customers	want	to	do	on	their	phones?	How	does	that	fit	in	with	what	we	
want	to	communicate?

3. Communing
The mobile phone allows us to connect with the digital world and have a presence or be ‘always on’. It
means that we have access to information 24/7 and that others can connect to us 24/7. This allows a level
of access we have never had before, even with the advent of broadband on our computers. It means we
can	find	out	anything	we	want	at	any	time	with	a	device	that	sits	in	our	pocket	and	is	with	us	twenty-four	
hours a day. It means that we can remain ‘linked’ to people around us without having to be in physical
contact	or	in	the	same	physical	space.	We	also	use	mobile	phones	to	find	contacts	and	soul	mates	as	can	
be	seen	with	the	prevalence	of	text	chat	services	and	the	popularity	of	mobile	social	networking	services	
such as Flirtomatic.

Marketing question: How does our marketing effort allow customers to commune or link with us and/or the
outside	world?

4. Convenience
The	mobile	phone	is	a	very	convenient	way	to	communicate	with	another	person	or	entity	or	find	something	
out	by	looking	it	up	on	the	mobile	internet	or	by	asking	a	Texpert15 a question. It’s a tiny device that packs
a powerful punch, some phones have hard drives of 8GB or more and most have cameras, WAP access and
the ability to download applications and games. The mobile phones we have today are more powerful than
the desktop computers we had sitting on our desks less than 10 years ago.

Marketing question: Can we make our campaign or our service more convenient for customers by allowing
mobile	interactivity?	Is	our	service	or	campaign	convenient	to	use?

5. Control
You decide how ‘always on’ you want to be, or not. You can turn your phone off at any time. You can see
who is calling you and decide whether or not you wish to take that call. You can see who is sending you a
text	message	and	you	can	decide	whether	or	not	you	wish	to	reply.	What	this	means	for	marketers	is	that	
the customer may choose to interact with you via their mobile. They may [or not] give you permission to
talk to them via their mobile phone. But it also means that you need to put the customer in control of that
permission and make it easy to unsubscribe from marketing activities.

Marketing	question:	Have	we	got	our	subscribe/unsubscribe	process	right?	

Creating Mobile Moments

One of the key differences mobile phones and computers, is the way we use them and in particular the types
of things we enjoy doing with them. The chances are if you are interested in computer games you will end up
spending several hours playing the one game. At work, you can spend your whole day glued to your screen,
inputting	data,	checking	email,	surfing	the	internet,	preparing	documents	etc.		

However with a mobile phone, although you may have a long telephone conversation with someone, most
activities	are	short	and	sweet:	‘Mobile	Moments’.	Text	messaging	is	a	very	short	form	of	communication;	
mobile games are typically played for 10 to 20 minutes whilst waiting for a bus or commuting on the tube or
train. If you vote in TV shows such as Big Brother or I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here, it takes just seconds
and you get a feeling of instant reward. Browsing on WAP sites can still be slow, although it’s getting better
with 3G becoming more mainstream, so you’re unlikely to spend hours doing it [yet]. So when embarking on
a mobile communications strategy, think ‘short and sweet’ and look towards creating that ‘mobile moment’
rather	than	a	mobile	half	hour	or	mobile	two	hours.	As	consumers,	we’re	used	to	instant	gratification,	and	
the mobile phone is an ideal way to feed that addiction.

The Mobile Marketing Value Chain

With ABI Research stating the global mobile marketing and advertising sector will be worth US $19 billion
by 2011 and the Internet Advertising Bureau ‘Engage for Mobile’ conference in November 2007 claiming
Mobile	Advertising	is	set	to	take	up	more	than	half	of	advertisers’	budgets	by	2012;	things	are	looking	very	
positive for the key stakeholders in the mobile marketing value chain.

Brands have realised it is no longer enough to ‘push’ marketing campaigns at consumers, they need to
involve	and	engage	with	them	to	find	new	ways	to	create	and	retain	loyalty.	Mobile	has	given	brands	a	unique	
opportunity to do this and create a two-way relationship, ultimately building product awareness, driving sales
and	retaining	loyalty.		By	using	mobile	as	part	of	a	marketing	campaign	brands	can	reach	a	specific	target	
audience, via a time-sensitive, measureable medium.

Marketing / Digital Agencies
Mobile has transformed the media landscape over the past seven years, with many big agencies such as
Ogilvy and Saatchi launching an interactive digital division that includes mobile services. The increasing
sophistication of the handsets themselves, with integrated media players, high resolution imaging and
cameras have in turn given agencies more scope to work with to create interactive, innovative campaigns
that help drive consumer engagement.

Mobile Advertising Networks
Companies	such	as	Admob	and	Enpocket	partner	with	mobile	web	sites	that	enjoy	high	traffic	and	offer	to	
run	advertising	[text-links	and	graphical	banners]	on	a	revenue	share	basis.	They	make	this	space	available	
to advertisers via self-serve web platforms. This allows most campaigns to be set up and become operational
in a matter of minutes. Advertisers can target their campaigns according to the characteristics of mobile
handset that the ad appears on, such as location, make of handset and phone capability.

Search Engines
Many customers are accessing the mobile internet through established, web-based vendors such as Yahoo,
Google and MSN, rather than use the network operator’s searching tools, putting the search engines in a
strong position.

Mobile Marketing Service Providers
Service providers, such as Tanla Mobile, are a full service mobile agency, that provide a complete solution
to technically enable mobile marketing and advertising campaigns, working in partnership with the other
players in the mobile marketing value chain.

Network Operators
Network Operators are moving away from the walled garden approach to portals, opening up their network to
third parties, to encourage competition and increase data usage through the provision of new and innovative
content. They have traditionally charged consumers to buy digital content from their mobile portals, and are
now beginning to share demographics and mobile media consumption insights with brands as they move
to advertisers funded models.

Different Types of Mobile Marketing Campaigns

As	mentioned	earlier,	mobile	marketing	fits	in	across	a	wide	variety	of	marketing	disciplines	as	well	as	being	
a	channel	in	its	own	right.	It	was	first	used	most	frequently	by	sales	promotion	agencies	as	a	very	convenient	
way	to	manage	a	competition	–	the	ubiquitous	‘text	and	win’	promotion.	Now	there	is	no	need	to	deal	with	
sack loads of mail and the data inputting post-campaign to allow for a follow-up campaign which means that
smart direct marketers can step in and take advantage of the opportunity.

Text	to	Win
This is a very convenient way to manage a competition or prize draw. A number is published on a pack,
poster,	 magazine,	 TV	 or	 email	 and	 the	 customer	 is	 asked	 to	 text	 in	 a	 word,	 lucky	 number,	 answer	 to	 a	
question or their own details for a chance to win a prize to a ‘long’ mobile number                 or a shortcode17.
It also means that you are able to do a follow up campaign as this is also a convenient way to kick-start
building your own list and you can do reporting and analysis by measuring repeat entries, times and date
of entries etc.

Voting and Participation TV
We	are	all	familiar	with	text	voting	on	the	television	for	programmes	like	Big	Brother,	I’m	a	Celebrity,	Get	
Me Out of Here, The X Factor and Britain’s Got Talent. We’re also seeing polling and voting and ‘ask a
question’	 via	 text	 message	 on	 more	 serious	 programmes	 such	 as	 the	 BBC’s	 Question	 Time.	 In	 addition,	
most	national	and	regional	newspapers	use	text	messaging,	and	in	particular	voting	and	polling,	as	a	way	to	
engage customers in a simple dialogue. Again it is a good way to build a customer database list as well as
encouraging	participation.	Similar	analysis	can	be	done	as	for	a	text	and	win	promotion	in	terms	of	numbers	
of	people	who	participated	and	when,	repeat	usage	and	so	on;	and	in	carrying	out	this	analysis	you	may	be	
able to pick up on patterns of usage and create cluster groups to help with further relevant marketing and
promotions to those customers.

Some of these initiatives have been tainted recently with the scandals on the Channel 4 programme, Richard
and Judy, ITV’s GMTV and even the BBC’s Blue Peter. The misdemeanours vary but it reiterates the need for
good planning and good customer service. So, be clear with your terms and conditions and check these with
a lawyer, e.g. opening and closing times/dates, how much it costs, the criteria for entry, what money [if any]
is going to charity, any additional network charges that may apply.

Quizzes are eternally popular as seen with the proliferation of quiz formats on television, the popularity of
the	pub	quiz	and	ever	popular	personality	profiling.	Quizzes	work	very	well	on	mobile	phones	using	either	
text	messaging	or	a	Java	application.	The	benefit	of	using	a	text	messaging	format	is	that	everyone	can	use	
that on their mobile phone. But on more sophisticated phones, a Java quiz application can be developed
which	allows	a	deeper	level	of	interactivity	than	text	alone	as	graphics	and	sound	can	be	incorporated	and	
with	a	link	to	a	Wapsite	or	website	specifically	designed	for	mobile.		This	means	that	new	questions	can	be	
uploaded on to the phone at the click of a button.

The	typical	way	to	start	a	quiz	is	to	text	in	a	key	word	to	a	central	mobile	number	or	shortcode	and	a	question	
is sent to you by return. The quiz can be as long or as short as you like. Typically, the questions require an
A, B, or C answer or a single word answer to keep the data handling simple. It is possible to include what’s
called	a	natural	language	engine	behind	the	system	to	analyse	customer’s	text	messages,	but	this	adds	cost	
to	building	and	managing	the	application.	A	natural	language	engine	‘reads’	the	incoming	text	and	attempts	
to recognise it and picks up on keywords within the message in order to work out how to respond.

Mobile Content [pictures, ringtones, video]
The mobile content industry is huge and has sprung up from literally nowhere. Many people have changed
their	 ringtone	 from	 the	 standard	 ringtone	 setting	 and	 experimented	 with	 pictures	 on	 their	 phone	 to	
personalise it. Brands are now capitalising on the popularity of mobile content and are using it as part of
their marketing effort. A picture or ringtone can be a second or third tier prize in a free prize draw or other
competition, the content based around the brand itself. Many brands and companies employ this tactic of
rewarding customers with content for their mobile phones including Honda, Pepsi, Coca Cola, Carling and
Fosters.		It’s	an	easy	way	to	reward	customers	without	dealing	with	complex	handling	of	sending	out	small	
prizes in their hundreds or thousands.

Mobile games are so popular that they are now an industry in their own right and all the major players in
the games industry have a mobile games division. Nokia produced the N-Gage which is a mobile phone
specifically	designed	for	playing	games	which	competes	directly	with	Nintendo	DS	and	DS	Lite	and	Sony	PSP	
which	have	internet,	file	sharing	and	multi-player	gaming	capability.

Adding mobile connectivity to the mobile internet allows customers to engage in multi-player gaming
wherever they are and also allows live updates to the game and the ability to load their score on to a leader-
board. In some cases, gaming can be customised according to location so they can challenge real players
in their vicinity whether that’s using the location service from their network operator, by using a service like
Jaiku18 or Buddyping19	or	using	Bluetooth	at	a	specific	location.

Mobile	games	are	also	a	popular	reward	for	customers,	although	more	expensive	to	produce	and	deliver	than	
a simple ringtone, picture or even a full audio track. This is because the cost of production is typically about
£20,000 [which is small fry compared with the cost to produce a mainstream Playstation 3 game which
can run into millions]. So you have to balance the budget with the potential for ROI and what other fringe
benefits	you	may	get	from	going	down	the	games	route.	As	technologies	improve,	the	cost	of	production	will	
come down as a large chunk of the cost is down to having to customise and test for a multitude of phones.
Of	course	savings	can	be	made	by	‘reskinning’	an	existing	mobile	game	and	changing	some	of	the	images	
and screens in the game to suit your particular needs. Since the game already works across handsets and
operators, your production costs reduce dramatically provided the changes are cosmetic.

This	is	currently	still	a	relatively	unexplored	area	for	mobile	marketing	but	has	potential.	Applications	can	
be fun or useful and would typically be Java based to reach the mass market, although higher end business
phones such as the Sony Ericsson P800 and P900 range and the Nokia N-Series use Symbian20 which is a
more powerful platform for applications.

The application can be almost anything you want it to be. It can keep you up to date with stocks and shares
if you’re a broker, or it could be a horoscope application that gives you your daily reading in the morning.
Development, distribution, billing [if required] and delivery would be similar to handling a mobile game.

It should be noted that as soon as you start asking customers to download an application to their phone,
that can act as a barrier so it’s not a given that you will get penetration as quickly as you might like it. That
said both Google and Opera have had great success with generating full, successful downloads of their
mobile email, mapping [Google] and browser [Opera] products.

Text	messaging	in	particular	is	a	really	useful	element	of	any	CRM	or	Customer	Relationship	Management	
initiative. It can be used to keep customers up to date with what’s new and offer them last minute or
exclusive	 offers.	 Text	 messaging	 is	 more	 expensive	 than	 email	 for	 this	 kind	 of	 activity,	 but	 is	 potentially	
quicker to run, as you don’t have the creative design and build to consider [unless you’re planning to do
MMS21].	Costs	per	text	will	vary	depending	on	the	volumes	you	put	through	the	networks	and	also	the	cost	
of	any	application	you	use	may	also	be	included	in	the	per	text	cost.

IVR stands for Interactive Voice Response which has typically been used by large corporates to manage
incoming calls e.g. press one for yes and press two for no. It is also used to pay for mobile content and for
premium rate services off the television screen and in the back of magazines.

Multi-media messaging is becoming more popular and more readily available on handsets. Most new phones
have a camera function as standard and will also have the capability to send and receive multi-media
messages. An MMS message can contain pictures, video or animation, a sound clip [which can be used
as	a	ringtone]	and	formatted	text	[using	colour,	size	and	bold].	It	could	also	include	a	barcode	that	can	be	
scanned at point of sale. The typical message size is 30k for outbound campaigns. But the user sending in to
you can have varying size of MMS depending on what their handset and their network operator allows.

Direct Response Campaigns
One	of	the	simplest	ways	for	an	advertiser	to	engage	with	a	customer	via	mobile	is	to	have	them	text	in	
to a shortcode as a method of direct response to an above the line advertisement. We are seeing these
campaigns on posters, in magazines and on the television already. This is also a straightforward way to build
your	own	mobile	mailing	list	for	future	text	campaigns.

Some media owners are branding their shortcodes and running direct response campaigns for their
advertisers as well as their own promotions and competitions from those numbers. Viewers or listeners
understand that if the message has come from a particular shortcode, it belongs to the radio station or the
TV	station	and	is	part	of	their	branding.		For	example,	the	shortcode	for	BBC	Radio	2	is	88291	which	is	the	
same as their FM frequency 88 to 91 FM.

Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008
Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008

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Tanla Mobile Marketing & Advertising Guide 2008

  • 1. Tanla Mobile Marketing and Advertising Guide
  • 2. The Tanla guide aims to give you a comprehensive view of the opportunities presented by mobile marketing and advertising. The report has been compiled by Tanla Mobile, powered by opinion articles from leading industry thought leaders and edited by mobile marketing expert Helen Keegan.
  • 3. You want to be different Just like your customers We can help you differentiate Tanla Mobile can help you maximise your content’s potential and differentiate your brand by providing customised mobile applications, interactive media platforms, integrated content management, messaging and mobile payments solutions. From text messaging to video calling we can create a mobile channel for you. Call us today to get the most from your digital content. UK: E: T: +44 (0) 20 7494 5600 US: E: T: +1 (0) 212 786 7539 India: E: T: +91 (40) 4009 9999 Interactive Content Bespoke Mobile Applications Management Development Payments Campaign Manager CMS Platforms Project Management Premium SMS Billing Interactive TV UGC Applications Technical Consultancy WAP, Voice & MMS Video Calling Community Portals Software Development Global Messaging
  • 4.
  • 5. Tanla Mobile Marketing and Advertising Guide © 2008
  • 6. CONTENTS 2008: The Year of Mobile Marketing and Advertising: N.V. Subba Rao, CEO Tanla Mobile Inc 9 The Global Mobile Market: Gautam Sabharwal, Director Global Business Development, Tanla Mobile 13 Mobile Emerging as 7th Mass Media: Tomi Ahonen, Author & Consultant 19 A Brief History of the Mobile Phone 27 Developments in Mobile Technologies 28 Why Mobile is Important 29 Mobile Marketing Past, Present and Future: Russell Buckley, Managing Director Europe, Admob 35 Thoughts For Marketers On The Values Around New Digital Media Opportunities: Gillian Kennedy, Managing Director, Emerging Media Platforms Ltd 39 Mobile Has Always Been All Inclusive: Mike Short, Vice President R&D, O2 Europe 43 Mobile Marketing & Advertising 48 What is Mobile Marketing and where does it fit in the Marketing Mix? 48 The 5 Cs of Mobile = Connectedness 48 Creating Mobile Moments 50 The Mobile Marketing Value Chain 51 Different Types of Mobile Marketing Campaigns 52 Text to Win 52 Voting and Participation TV 52 Quizzes 52 Mobile Content [pictures, ringtones, video] 53 Games 53 Applications 54 CRM 54 IVR 54 MMS 54 Direct Response 54 Mobile Barcodes 56 QR Codes 56 Java or On Device Portal [ODP] 58 Mobile Marketing Challenges 58 Technology Constraints 58 Marketers and Mobile Marketing 58 What do I Measure 59 Campaign Planning 60 Permission Marketing 60 Running a Successful Campaign 63 Production and Fulfilment 65 Technical Project Management 65 Outbound Campaigns 66 6
  • 7. From Hand to Eye, Mobile Marketing gets Co-ordinated: Anuj Khanna, Head of Marketing, Tanla Mobile, UK 69 Mobile Search 71 A Question of Search: Can Web Search Supremacy Translate to Mobile? Ben Tatton-Brown, Head of Advertising Sales, EMEA, Medio Systems 75 Music and Mobile 80 Podcasting 81 Moblogs 81 RSS 82 Bluetooth/Infra Red 83 Business Models in Mobile 85 Ad-Funded Content 85 Mobile Advertising 86 Sponsored SMS 87 Selling Your List 87 Sponsored Content 88 Off The Page Promotion 88 Subscription Model 88 User Generated Content 88 Wholesale 88 Retail 89 Don’t Have a Business Model 89 Social Networking Will Drive the Next Wave of Mobile Commerce: Jeff Spirer, Vice President Mobile Internet, Tanla Mobile Inc 91 Mobile TV – Are We Nearly There Yet? Steve Flaherty, Mobile Consultant, Keitai Culture 95 The Mobile Web, Beyond Best Practices: Daniel Appelquist, Senior Technology Strategist, Vodafone 99 Limited Use of Mobile Content Provides Advertisers With An Opportunity To Go It Alone: Jessica Sandin, Head of Mobile & Senior Consultant, Fathom Partners 105 A Brave New Future for Mobile: Gerry Drew, Chief Operations Officer, Tanla Mobile, UK 109 Appendix 113 Emoticons 113 Glossary of Terms 115 Events and Networking 120 Further Reading 121 Magazines (Print) Covering Mobile Topics 121 Blogs 121 Acknowledgements 123 Sources and References 125 7
  • 8.
  • 9. 2008: The Year of Mobile Marketing and Advertising: N.V. Subba Rao, CEO Tanla Mobile Inc N.V. Subba Rao is the CEO and President for Tanla Mobile Inc (USA) and is also responsible for expanding business operations for Tanla Mobile across Asia. Subba joined Tanla Mobile in July 2007 from Bharti Airtel Ltd where he last held the position of Chief Operating Officer. He has over 20 years industry experience, working with blue chip telecommunications and FMCG brands including Bharti Mobile, Tata Tele, Proctor & Gamble and Agro Tech Foods Ltd. 9
  • 10. 2008: The Year of Mobile Marketing and Advertising Is not life a hundred times too short for us to bore ourselves? ............... Nietzsche If there is one industry that has taken the above quote to heart, it is the mobile marketing industry. It continues to seek new opportunities and perspectives to better connect with today’s evolving requirements for technology enabled communication and lifestyle marketing. Possibly Alexander Graham Bell didn’t imagine beyond traditional voice based communication when he invented the telephone, yet it was a true ‘Eureka’ moment. From that perspective mobile and converged communications is a revolution in the making, yet it doesn’t seem to evoke the same ‘Eureka’ feeling. This is because the mobile phone is no longer ‘outside of us’. It is now very much a part of us - becoming an expression of freedom, personality, lifestyle and entertainment; as well as a lifeline for enabling faster data access, cutting across the various enterprise verticals and customer segments. To borrow a Proctor and Gamble corporate slogan, mobile ‘continues to touch lives and improve life’ possibly more so than any other product or service before it. You can use a mobile device to reach directly into the mind of the consumer and subsequently change their behaviour. What could be a more powerful medium in today’s society, for mass, one-to-one and contextual marketing – the 7th mass media as some pundits describe it! The industry is on the cusp of a new era of mobile and integrated media consumption, encompassing a myriad of real and virtual social networks, web sites, devices and products/ services for commercial consumption, while creating new storefronts defined by the industry domain. New dynamics unfold on the sector almost every day, be it via announcements from Nokia, Google or Apple or the numerous bodies across UK, USA, India, S. Africa and Asia who are all working to create platforms that enable easier, faster and better integration and monetisation of content (almost to Thomas Edison’s logic of “Hell, there are no rules here – we’re just trying to accomplish something”). Walls have come down and new windows have come up. Applications, client server models, style sheets, web sheets, browsers, payment mechanisms, ad serving engines, text advertising, campaigns, contests, promotions and web stores: these are just the tip of the marketing frenzy to create more direct and personal connect with customers across all psychographic, socio-economic and business indices. From a marketing perspective, 2008 will give rise to a number of questions concerning mobile marketing. Namely, how it will become - even better at browsing/ search - a simpler way to make payments/ facilitate commerce - a more integrated medium for marketing and advertising - more effective for social networking/communication - more exciting for integrating new user generated content 10
  • 11. These, and many other questions related to the mobile ecosystem, will help better define new marketing and advertising formats and firmly establish the dependencies for those formats. Today, more than ever, the marketing and advertising industry is witnessing the need for significant change. Traditional marketing models are often criticised in the boardroom, with questions asked regarding ‘Does your marketing work’, ‘Where is the consumer in all this’, ‘Is brand marketing relevant any more’, etc. The mobile phone represents one of, if not the, most important marketing opportunities in the last century for two key reasons: 1. The mobile phone is very personal both in terms of how it expresses who we are, but also the ways in which it is used – who am I ?/ what do I do?/ what can I do? 2. As a result of how its infrastructure has evolved, mobile offers many unique opportunities for the advertiser. These include accurate and relevant targeting, rich data on usage and consumer behaviour, higher response rates and flexible, cost effective commercial models. The net result is a more rewarding and interactive relationship with the customer, and overall better brand indices. Thomas Friedman’s powerful metaphor (and book), that the ‘world is flat’ is a truly inspiring way of looking at the forces that are stitching the present wireless and software enabled world. I trust all mobile enthusiasts enjoy reading this guide and discover the many benefits mobile marketing and advertising can bring to both businesses and brands in a ‘flat world’, The new mobile platforms are not just an expansive but also an inclusive medium, that not only makes marketing and advertising cost effective but also more personal and relevant. Compared to traditional marketing and advertising, mobile possibly offers ground for more significant developments for large brands and enterprises to better connect the dots! Wishing you all a more Mobile 2008! N.V. Subba Rao CEO Tanla Mobile Inc 11
  • 12.
  • 13. The Global Mobile Market: Gautam Sabharwal Director Global Business Development, Tanla Mobile Gautam Sabharwal is responsible for Tanla Mobile’s global business development, sales and marketing. An expert at market visualisation, approach strategies and sales initiatives, he brings with him in- depth knowledge of the Telecom Services Industry. His experience includes several years running successful businesses in the emerging telecom services markets of Europe. His long-term strategy planning, along with knowledge of Tanla’s core businesses, is instrumental in steering the company in the right direction. 13
  • 14. The Global Mobile Market New Players Bring Change to the Mobile Sector Throughout the short history of mobile there have been numerous - too many some will say – innovations, milestones, developments and advances promising to change the mobile industry for ever. 2008 will see the emergence of the new mobile world-order, namely the influence of ‘traditional’ internet brands as new and powerful entrants to the mobile sector. They will bring with them established models and approaches to marketing and advertising, amongst other things, that will change the landscape and consumer mobile experience for ever. The impact of developments such as the iPhone is significant and its arrival marks an important turning point. The iPhone has made the mobile internet become a competitive driver for handset manufacturers and operators alike, while forcing others to review OS and device simplicity. The future growth of the mobile marketing sector is dependent upon two traditionally disparate sectors collaborating, the mobile and the media industry. But the real growth potential for mobile will come as a result of brands such as Google, Yahoo and MSN securing their place at the new mobile table. Combine these factors with the fact that operators increasingly offer fixed rate data charges, this all means the opportunity for mobile marketing is here and now. Mobile advertising will be constrained unless Mobile advertising users constrained unless users have unlimited data plans. will be have unlimited data plans Strongly disagree 3% Disagree Strongly agree 12% 26% Somewhat agree 34% Agree 25% Mobile Content Industry SurveySource Survey, Mobile Advertising Services Report 2006, Source: 2Q06 Mobile Content Industry Informa Telecoms & Media 14
  • 15. The Predictions Research Film Prediction Comment eMarketer USA: $421m in 2006 to $4.7bn by 2011 Mobile advertisment only WW: $11.3bn by 2011 Yankee Group USA: $40m in 2006 to $2bn in 2010 Mobile advertisment only Ovum USA: $46m this year to $1.3bn in 2010 Accounts for text delivery advertising only Strategy Analytics USA: 17% of total online ad spending by 2010, SMS and display advertising while browser based advertising will claim the greatest share with 44% Jupiter Research USA: $2.1bn in 2011 ABI Research WW: $19bn by 2011 Mobile marketing and advertising combined Informa Telecoms WW: $1.5bn by the end of 2007 to $11.5bn by Mobile advertisment only and Media* 2011 Shosteck Group WW: grow to $9.6bn by 2010 Mobile advertisment only *Correct as at September 2006. While predictions do vary, the overall message is one of growth for mobile advertising in all key territories. Mobile Advertising US Spending Projection, 2006-2011 (US$m) 5000 4356 4500 4000 3500 3202 3000 2500 2285 2000 1547 1500 878 1000 410 402 500 213 11 26 55 110 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 General Mobile Ad Spending Mobile Multimedia Ad Spending Source: eMarketer January 2007 15
  • 16. Which Territories are Seeing the Biggest Growth? Welcome to the new players in the market. India, China and Asia are amongst the new battle grounds; with China already having more mobile users than the US. Across these regions there is a common vein, many consumers own or prefer purchasing a Smartphone over a PC. So the trend toward mobile content is high. With wealth increasing in these territories, mobile advertising revenue in these emerging markets is expected to be a major contributor to the overall global market. An Appetite to Receive The changes brought about by the new mobile world order will benefit the mobile marketing business case. The application of knowledge and techniques applied in the internet space will allow brands to opt for and better measure mobile as a viable channel. Also, consumers will increasingly show a willingness to receive advertising on the device. How willing will consumers be to receive advertising How willing will consumers be to receive advertising in exchange for cheaper mobile content? in exchange for cheaper mobile content? 50% Not at all willing Fairly willing 45% Somewhat willing Willing 40% Extremely willing 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Music Games Mobile TV Idle Screen UCG/ SMS/MMS & Video Communications Source: Mobile Content Industry Survey Informa Telecoms & Media Source: 2Q06 Mobile Content Industry Survey, Mobile Advertising Services Report 2006, Informa Telecoms & Media 16
  • 17. Critical success factors According to Informa’s MOBILE ADVERTISING SERVICES research, there are four factors that will influence the mobile advertising market. Regulation - of mobile content, broadcast networks for the delivery of mobile TV, as well as for the advertising techniques for the mobile channel, such as codes of conduct for SMS messaging. Digital Rights Management (DRM) - is about the ability to have a clear view of who owns what content and exactly what can be transferred across a mobile network. Monitoring and measurement - if mobile advertising is to succeed than the critical element will be the ability to capture data on mobile campaigns. Pricing - the chicken and the egg debate. Will consumers pay for network time to receive adverts or will they receive adverts to get free network air time? 17
  • 18.
  • 19. Mobile Emerging as 7th Mass Media: Tomi Ahonen, Author & Consultant Tomi T Ahonen is a four time best-selling author and strategy consultant who lectures at Oxford University on digital convergence. Tomi’s reference customer list reads like the who’s who of mobile telecoms, including Ericsson, Orange, Motorola, Nokia, NTT DoCoMo, TeliaSonera and Vodafone as well as leading media and advertising giants. Tomi’s fourth bestseller “Communies Dominate Brands” was hailed as a landmark book on old media and interactivity, user-generated content and engagement. Tomi regularly runs workshops and seminars for leading media customers around the world. He chaired the world’s first mobile advertising conference in 2001, presented the mobile keynote to the Periodicals Publishing Association, and to the Media in Motion event in 2004, etc. A founding member of Engagement Alliance, Forum Oxford, Wireless Watch, and Carnival of the Mobilists, Tomi blogs at His website is 19
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  • 21. Mobile Emerging as 7th Mass Media The Mobile Phone has emerged as the 7th Mass Media channel. It is as different from the internet [6th Mass Media] as TV [5th] is from radio [4th]. Trying to force concepts from the internet, TV, or other previous media will produce a disappointing audience experience on mobile. But understanding the unique power of mobile as the 7th Mass Media will deliver radical new concepts and new winners. Most of the media experts, including many even in new media, do not understand mobile. It became a mass media first in Japan just seven years ago, and until recently was mostly dismissed as a youth text messaging and viral marketing channel only. Yet the economics of mobile produce enormous opportunities. Three times as many people have mobile phones than have personal computers. Twice as many people have a phone subscription than a credit card, more households have mobile phones than TV sets. And most importantly, the mobile phone can replicate all of the previous mass media with six unique benefits, which is why already 588 million people consume premium content such as news, TV, entertainment and games on mobile phones in 2007. During 2008 more people will access internet content on phones than on the web. This is no mere sci-fi fantasy of technology buffs; it has already happened in Japan, South Korea, China and Taiwan. Not the first time there’s been a new mass medium First Four Mass Media. The traditional mass media are well known and established with known formats. News and weather work on radio, long-form stories in books and cinema; videogames work well on recordings etc. Print is the oldest, from the 1500s, it introduced the buy-to-own business model for books and introduced advertising and subscriptions to newspapers and magazines. Recordings [late 1890s] introduced performance media separating the creative element [the writer/composer] and the performer with the global performance celebrity star, such as Edith Piaf, Elvis and the Beatles. It is possible to consume books and printed content on recordings, yet recordings did not destroy the print industry; rather it built a whole new parallel media industry worth 30 billion dollars today. Cinema [1900s] turned celebrity into superstar with the first global icon, Charlie Chaplin. 21
  • 22. Cinema introduced moving images and multimedia content and the pay-per-view business model, ie you had to pay every time you viewed a movie. Many thought cinema would kill books; rather Hollywood built another new industry worth 30 billion dollars at the box office, and another 20 billion in after-sales products like video rentals, DVD sales etc. Radio [1910s] brought the broadcast model with a ‘streaming’ approach to content delivery - if you were not there to listen, you missed the content; mass market recording of radio [the C-Casette] would not appear until 50 years later. Radio was the first pervasive medium meaning it was omnipresent nationally and if content was broadcast, it was received simultaneously by all. TV the fifth mass media [1950s]. The most dominant mass media for the past 50 years has been television, yet TV didn‘t really introduce anything new! While each of the previous four mass media brought innovations, TV did not, yet in spite of this ‘deficiency’ TV soon dominated all others. We had multimedia in the cinema, and broadcast in radio, TV only combined those. TV soon took over the news from cinema. It took over much of the drama series and live sports broadcasts from radio. Where families in the 1930s sat around the radio set to listen to a soap opera, concert or news broadcast, in the 1960s those families organized their living rooms to allow good viewing of TV. TV discovered the power of celebrity, and soon shows emerged that promoted celebrity [eg talk shows] and propelled normal people into temporary celebrity status [eg game shows, reality TV]. After the advent of MTV, suddenly music videos - no longer radio - became the deciding factor to a music artist‘s success. Sixth Mass Media: the Internet. So enter the sixth mass media, the internet, in the 1990s. This is a very young media not well understood. As a mass media, the internet is the first that is capable of replicating all of the other five previous media - we can read books, magazines and newspapers online; view movies; listen to radio; view TV; download recordings eg MP3 files, computer software, videogames etc. That is why it is a threat to the previous five media. Furthermore, the internet introduced two elements not possible on previous mass media: interactivity and search. Yes, we could write to the editor of a newspaper, but still, most of the mass media did not have any realistic mass-market interactivity ability ten years ago; on the web it is built in. And search? It has become the most used application on the web. Capable of doing what all other media can do, and adding two powerful new elements, it is no surprise the internet cannibalizes existing mass media. Not to mention the costs of production on the web are a tiny fraction of those of owning a printing press, a broadcast license or network for example. 22
  • 23. Mobile newest, also least understood So what about the 7th mass media? The mobile phone emerged as a mass media from about the year 2000. The youngest of the seven mass media, it is by far the least understood. Many see similarities to the internet, thinking that because of the small screen and less convenient keypad, the mobile internet is somehow ‘simpler’ or ‘dumber’. Similarly many TV execs look at the tiny screen and think TV on mobile is somehow a ‘reduced’ offering, where viewers will only ‘snack’ at selected highlights. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact the mobile phone as the seventh mass media is by far the most powerful. It is as different to the web as TV is to radio; mobile media‘s influence will be greater than all we‘ve seen so far of the internet, so much so that mobile to internet will be as dominant in its media audience reach and media impact on society as TV was to radio in the second half of the last century. Like the internet before it, today the phone can replicate everything the previous six mass media can do. You can consume newspapers, read magazine articles, listen to radio and podcasts, buy MP3 songs, watch TV, even watch whole movies on the phone - Nokia shipped Mission Impossible 3 on a memory card with the N93 phones [and the 2 hour movie works fine on the high-resolution screen of that phone]. Any web content can be consumed on the phone, and the phone easily supercedes the interactivity of the web, because e- mail and IM are already on the phone, but SMS and MMS messaging are unique to mobile. Similarly search already exists on mobile. Already in 2006 the value of paid content on mobile at 35 B USD is bigger than on the fixed wireline internet at 25 B USD. Mobile has 6 unique benefits The power of the mobile phone as a mass media is due to six elements not available on previous mass media. [1] The phone is the first truly personal medium. A 2006 survey by Wired revealed that 63% of the population do not share the phone even with one‘s spouse, it is that personal. [2] The phone is always carried. A survey in 2005 by BDDO found that 60% of the population sleep with the phone physically in bed; a Nokia 2006 study found that 72% of us use the phone as our alarm clock. [3] The phone is the first always-on mass medium, today many media offer alerts via the phone, what is on another real time medium like TV, such as CNN breaking news alerts via SMS. Probably the most important, is that [4] the phone has a built-in payment mechanism. No other medium has a built-in payment mechanism, even on the internet you have to subscribe to PayPal or provide a credit card, etc. But already today, older media collect payments through the mobile phone. Habbo Hotel the web online playground collects micropayments through premium SMS. TV shows from Big Brother to American Idol earn billions via SMS votes. Some gaming and chat cable TV channels in Europe earn 80% of their total revenues from mobile payments. Tapping into the social networking and user-generated content phenomenon, is that [5] the phone is a creative tool available always at the point of creative impulse. For example Time Magazine‘s Person of the Year 2006 was the ‘You’ of User-Generated Content. Mostly when the photo opportunity emerges, our digital camera is safely at home in its camera case. But the cameraphone [which is also our video recorder and podcast recorder] is in our pocket, always at the ready to snap images and clips. User-generated content is radically altering the media world as seen at YouTube, Ohmy News and SeeMeTV. 23
  • 24. Lastly but perhaps most relevant to the legacy media, [6] mobile captures the most accurate customer information in any medium. AMF Ventures measured the relative accuracy of audience measurements on TV, internet and mobile, in May 2007, finding that on TV only 1% of audience data is captured; on the Internet about 10% of audience data is collected; but on mobile 90% of audience info can be identified. Considering media content targeting and advertising, this means that for practical purposes we know the exact composition of our total audience, individually and exactly - and even where the media is consumed. Not even on the web do we have this level of precision. CRM will be revolutionized! It is not surprising then to find that in Japan, 54% of all mobile phone users receive advertising on their phones, and with targeting and personalization, 44% like the ads so much, they actively click on the ads. Don‘t focus on the limitations Of the limitations to consume, the phone has a screen smaller than that of TV or a personal computer, that is true. That is balanced against it being always with us, often used in parallel when watching TV on a flat screen - 30% of Japanese TV viewers already do this; 20% of the British vote via mobile in reality TV shows. The same holds for the keypad. Yes, a laptop has a better keyboard, and writing a book for example is much easier on a PC than tripple-tapping on a phone keypad. But the phone has the camera [a picture worth a thousand words], the microphone [podcasts], and now: 2D barcodes, as the quick shorthand of the digital generation. You don‘t type the name of your colleague from the business card, you zoom to the 2D barcode [that little square that looks like a fingerprint] and your phone reads the text in it - the phone ‘magically’ replaces the need for any typing at all. As to content migration, in 2006 already 18% of all music worldwide was sold to mobile phones [mostly ringtones], as is 14% of video games. TV and advertising has also moved into mobile during 2007. News and search are showing strong signs of moving that way as well. What is important to note, is that the phone will not kill other medium; they will all adjust, like radio did to TV. All seven mass media will continue. But only those who understand the power of mobile will be able to share in its success. Just like those who understood interactivity and search on the web. 24
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  • 27. A Brief History of the Mobile Phone 1 The mobile phone was invented in 1973 by Dr Martin Cooper, a former general manager at Motorola. The first call was made in April 1973 by Dr Cooper to his rival, Joel Engel who was Head of Research at Bell Labs, but it was some time before mobile phones were available commercially. Probably our first memories of mobile phones are from the 1980s when the handsets were large, expensive and typically used by city high-fliers. Today things are very different: nearly everyone in the UK has a mobile phone, with many people having one for business and one for personal use. The table below shows how common the mobile phone has become in a short space of time. 2 The table below shows mobile penetration rates in selected countries. UK US SPAIN INDIA JAPAN Total population 59.4m 297m 41.1m 1081m 127.8m Urban population (per 1000 pop.) 89.2% 80.8% 76.7% 28.7% 65.7% No. of households 25.3m 110.2m 15.0m 202.9m 48.5m Average number per household 2.4 2.6 2.7 5.3 2.6 Cost of living December 2005 (New York=100) 125 100 95 47 136 Colour TVs per 100 households 98.2 99.6 98.5 35.1 99.0 Telephone lines per 100 pop. 56.4 60.5 41.5 4.1 46.0 Mobile telephone subscribers per 100 pop. 102.2 62.1 86.5 4.4 71.6 Computers per 100 pop. 60.0 76.2 24.4 1.2 54.2 3 Not only has the mobile phone become synonymous with modern living, so has text messaging. The network operators never thought text messaging would become a revenue stream for them; it was originally designed by engineers to check whether or not the line was working. As such, the technology was embedded on all mobile phones, albeit behind the scenes. However, in the early days of text messaging , few people knew of 4 its existence beyond telecoms engineers. Just a few years later, customers discovered the messaging tool on their mobile phones and started to use it to see what would happen. This meant that they sent a text message to a friend and this strange message appeared on the other person’s phone and in appearing, was how the next customer found out about the text message facility on their phone. This was true viral marketing. By 1999 text messaging was proving so popular the networks realised that there was a revenue stream available to them by promoting it. At this time, we saw the first advertisements including text messaging as part of the service. Texting took the network operators by surprise at first and they were not geared up for large volumes of messaging going through their systems. 27
  • 28. It was also around this time that the first mobile marketing entrepreneurs put their thinking caps on and worked out that the mobile phone could be an incredibly important advertising communications channel. Young people were embracing text messaging and in turn, their parents and grandparents were finding out about text messaging as it was the easiest way to keep in touch with the young people in their lives. Those first companies to think about commercial text messaging and in particular, using text messaging for marketing included ZagMe, Flytxt, 12snap and Enpocket. All these companies were VC [Venture Capital] funded and to a certain extent were creating concepts and rules as mobile marketing simply hadn’t been invented at this stage. So it was a steep learning curve both from a technology and an operational perspective. Eight years on and the market is really finding its feet and the value chain is becoming clearer along with companies’ roles within that ecosystem. But we are just at the start of the mobile journey when compared with the previous 6 mass media, as pointed out in Tomi Ahonen’s article ‘Mobile Emerging as 7th Mass Media’ Developments in Mobile Technologies 5 6 In terms of technology we are now at a combination of 2.5G and 3G and have multi-media messaging [with pictures, animations, video and sound], Java games, MP3 music files, instant messenger, email and lots more besides. Mobile technology can be likened to television. In the early days of television, it was amazing to have moving pictures in your living room at all even though it was a very small screen; television was not broadcast all day and viewers were subjected to the test card for long periods of time. Who could have imagined back in the early days of television how the technology would progress – colour television, over 300 channels, video, dvd, surround sound, Tivo/Sky Active, interactive television, games to play on your television, digital television, video on demand etc? Mobile technology is on a similar roadmap. In the early days, we had small screens with black and white text, but it was amazing that you could do more than just talk on your phone. We are in the ‘colour television’ age of mobile telephony. Most handsets on the market now have a colour screen and camera as standard features, and we’re seeing the emergence and acceptance of new technology features such as Bluetooth, mobile internet, Java, email, television and more. Who knows what will emerge in the years to come as the cost of the technology reduces and data speeds increase? So why not have another look at your phone and think about how you use it. Already you may be using it for talking and text messaging and quite possibly as an alarm clock and calendar as well. Some of you will have downloaded applications such as Googlemail, Googlemaps or Shozu on to your phone, changed your ringtone and probably sent and/or received an MMS message to boot. OK, you might not do these things all the time, but the chances are you’ve done them! 28
  • 29. Why Mobile is Important You’re probably reading this guide because you’re already engaged in mobile marketing or advertising activities or you’re thinking about it. Mobile has already come a long way and this section gives some statistics and useful information to show how mainstream mobile has become, as well as penetration rates and usage statistics which will help you gauge how relevant mobile is or isn’t for your particular audience, product and company. Did you know • There is 102.2% mobile penetration in the UK according to the latest operator figures. [Source: Economist Pocket World in Figures, 2007] • In the UK, 4,825 billion messages were sent during September 2007, an average of over 1,2 billion messages every week. This equates to the same number of messages sent during the whole of 1999.7 • Over 15 million handsets are replaced per annum which is about a third of all handsets. The typical upgrade time is currently 18 months for a mobile phone but seven years for a landline. The difference being that a landline is seen as a utility and the mobile phone as an object of desire. When was the last time you had a debate in the pub over the fact that your landline telephone was better than your mate’s? • Global SMS traffic over the 2007/2008 New Year period increased by 30 per cent compared to the same period last year. Around the world, phone users sent a total of 43 billion text messages to wish their loved ones a happy New Year.8 • 10% of UK homes only have a mobile [figure rises to 14% in Scotland]. This is particularly prevalent in lower income households, where the mobile phone is treated as a landline and is often plugged permanently into the wall. Usually this will be a Pay As You Go phone which means that there are no monthly rental charges to consider and outgoing calls can only be made when there is enough credit on the phone, although you can receive calls any time. This is also the case in some high income households, e.g. a businessman constantly on the move with little need for a landline. [Source: Ofcom 2007] • Prepay still makes up 64% of the market. [Source: Ofcom 2007] Although this figure has fallen in the last few years from over 70%, it is still a significant part of the market. If someone doesn’t have credit on their phone, it does affect their ability to reply to your message at all. Also the networks expire pre-pay numbers very quickly – sometimes after only a few weeks of non-usage – with those numbers recycled in as little as 3 months.This is worth bearing in mind when dealing with customer database lists and CRM. Another point worth noting is that typically, a customer has on average £2 of credit on their phone, so this is something to remember when asking them to pay for stuff on their phone or access content where their data rate charges may be expensive e.g. if they are not on a flat rate tariff. 29
  • 30. 80% of under 25s more likely to text than talk.10 • 85.8% of UK mobile customers sent a text message in the last month.11 • 25% of under 10s have a mobile phone.12 • 14 million or 30% of UK users browsed WAP in the last month.13 Ofcom recently published their annual communications report which includes a section on mobile telephony. Their findings are usually more conservative than figures from other research companies, but still the results are encouraging. 92% of the under 45 UK adult population use a mobile phone, falling to 70% of over 45s. Usage for the under 45s has changed little between 2005 and 2006 but amongst the over 45 age group it has increased from 66% to 70%. • Use of mobile services also varies according to socio-economic group, with 85% of UK ABC1s using a mobile phone in the last year compared with 76% of C2DEs which is broadly similar to the previous year. The important thing to note from this is how widespread mobile usage actually is. • The report shows us the use of online and mobile applications which is interesting to compare and contrast as mobile services move forward. Today 79% of mobile users use their handset to do more than make or receive calls, 64% of them are texting and 53% of them are using voicemail. Taking pictures with your phone is popular with 40% of customers doing this and 25% of customers actually using MMS, 17% of the UK’s mobile owners have 3G and 3% of all mobile users are using video calling, although I still haven’t seen anyone use video calling in the wild yet. • 3G take up is greatest in London at 21% penetration and lowest in the North of England at 14%. Unsurprisingly Urban take up is slightly higher at 19% than rural at 12%. Use of Mobile Applications 79% 80% 64% 60% 52% 40% 40% 25% 20% 20% 20% 12% 10% 10% 9% 8% 7% 7% 4% 3% 0% chat function Send/recieve Take photos Play games messaging Messaging video clips video clips Download Download Streaming Voicemail programs organiser FM Radio Emailing Personal Use IMr Picture Calling Video Video WAP Any Text Base: All adults 15+ who have a mobile phone Source: Ofcom research, 2006 Base: All adults 15+ who have a mobile phone Source: Ofcom, The Communications Market 2007 30
  • 31. Use of Online Applications by Dial-up & Broadband Internet Users Any Sending and recieving email General sur ng/browsing Purchasing goods/services Looking for/downloading info for personal use Banking Looking for/downloading info for work DOwnloading music/ lms/video clips Looking for/downloading info for college Instant messaging Playing games Realtime gambling/auctions Other Broadband None of these Narrowband 0% 20% 40% 60& 80% 100% Base: All adults 15+ who have access to the internet at home Source: Ofcom research, 2006 access to the internet at home Base: All adults 15+ who have Source: Ofcom, The Communications Market 2007 The network operators are gaining ground in different parts of the country with O2 winning the battle, particularly in Scotland and Northern Ireland. In London, however, T-Mobile has 36% market share. 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% WM EA UK England Scotland Wales N Ireland London SE SW EM Y&H NE NW Vodafone O2 T-Mobile Orange Three BT Mobile Other/Unsure Base: All SMEs currently using mobiles Source: Ofcom research, 2006 More detailed information is available from the Ofcom report ‘The Communications Market 2007’ which is available as a free download from 31
  • 32. 1 See Wikipedia for more information: 2 Source: The Pocket World in Figures 2007 published by The Economist. 3 A text message is 160 characters long [including spaces) and contains no formatting. It is free to receive standard SMS text messages in the UK, but not in all countries. In the US, some networks charge for customers to receive each text. Also see Wikipedia 4 The first SMS [text message) was sent in December 1992 on the Vodafone network in the UK. It was originally created for internal use and it never could have been predicted it would become so popular. 5 Also known as GPRS [general packet radio switch) or WAP over GPRS. In consumer terms, this allows faster connection to the mobile internet and data transfer. 6 3G is a faster connection to the mobile internet and data transfer thus allowing, in theory, more reliable voice calls and faster data transfers. It is sometimes dubbed as broadband on your phone, but realistically, 3G speeds are not always so fast or reliable. This will come as the operators roll out 3G to all their consumers. 7 Source MDA: 8 Source Acision 9 Source MDA: 10 Source MDA: 11 Source: m:metrics Spring 2007 12 Source: MORI 13 Source: m:metrics 32
  • 33. 19
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  • 35. Mobile Marketing Past, Present and Future: Russell Buckley, Managing Director Europe, Admob Russell is one of the leading experts on mobile marketing in the world, having overseen nearly 2,000 campaigns since 2000. Russell is the co-author of MobHappy, one of the most popular mobile marketing and mobile technology blogs on the web. Before joining AdMob, Russell spent over 15 years working in marketing, including advising leading brands such as Coca-Cola, Diageo, Texaco and Mars. In 2000, he was recruited to be Director of Marketing of UK-based mobile marketing start up, ZagMe, one of the leading pioneers in mobile advertising. Russell learned about AdMob soon after its launch and immediately saw the potential. He gave up his consulting practice to join founder Omar and launch AdMob in the European market. 35
  • 36. Mobile Marketing Past, Present and Future For years marketers and mobilists alike have been excited about the prospects for mobile marketing. But despite their evangelising and the obvious potential of the mobile channel, it seemed to be locked in a permanent winter. However, 2007 saw a definite thaw as new business models emerged that promise great things. The main reason why mobile marketing hasn’t really taken off historically, has been the mixed results that the various techniques have generated. In the beginning, we had SMS push campaigns, where the user opted-in to receive alerts from advertisers, or triggered by an event, such as going shopping in the mall. While this sounds like a great idea for advertisers and customers alike, the reality is that the execution is fraught with issues. Firstly it is expensive to send, meaning that many potential advertisers couldn’t justify the return on investment. Then there was the tricky problem of getting customers to opt-in in the first place. Finally, while the definition of spam revolves around prior permission, the reality is that it depends on the context of when the message is received. If the customer gets it at the wrong time, in the wrong mood or even if the content wasn’t valuable, it’s simply condemned as spam. SMS is more about CRM (Customer Relationship Management) activity, like airlines sending travel updates or credit card companies sending transaction details, or for users to “pull” information to their phones from other media. For instance, someone might send an SMS as a result of seeing a poster campaign to ask for stockists, or enter a competition they’ve seen on a cereal box. SMS pull is already a well established technique and is one that will continue to grow. A recent report from M: Metrics found that 18.5% of UK adults had interacted in this way with a marketing campaign in the previous month alone. Ultimately, marketing without an SMS short code will look as odd today as marketing material without a web address. Indeed, it’s possible that phone interaction will supersede the fixed web as the preferred communication channel, as it encourages immediate interactivity and thus higher responses. As useful as SMS is, 2007 saw the launch of a new way for marketers to use the mobile channel – Mobile Web Advertising. And unlike its predecessor, SMS push, it’s proved unequivocally to generate consistently high results for the early adopters, with many claiming 4 times the ROI that they enjoy using the fixed web, which in turn is already a highly effective medium. 36
  • 37. So how does this work? If we take my company, AdMob, as one of the pioneers and success stories, we partner with mobile web sites that enjoy high traffic and offer to run advertising [text-links and graphical banners] on a revenue share basis. Then we make this space available to advertisers via our self-serve web platform. This allows most campaigns to be set up and run in a matter of minutes. Advertisers can target their campaigns according to the characteristics of mobile handset that the ad appears on, such as location, make of handset and phone capability. For mobile content sellers, this has meant that the mobile has been transformed from a distribution channel into a highly effective marketing medium. All users need to do if they’re interested is click on a link and they get straight to the information. Compare this to traditional TV ads, as an example, where potential respondents need to grab their phone, access the mobile web [assuming they know how to and have the right settings], type in a url and only then connect with the information. The medium has proven to be so effective that AdMob now runs one billion ads every month, despite only launching the platform in January 2006. AdMob also has 850 million pages a month available for advertisers to use and target the 30% of adults who already use the mobile web and this figure is set to rise dramatically as operators offer flat rate data packages, handsets get better, speeds get faster and as walled gardens fall down – all these trends are accelerating this year. Another important trend is that more mainstream brands are looking to establish their footprint on the mobile by creating their own mobile websites. Clearly, once a mobile website is built, it will need traffic and the AdMob system is highly effective for doing this. A recent campaign saw AdMob generating 40% of the traffic, despite only receiving 0.4% share of the overall marketing budget. 2007 saw significant moves in advertising-funded content, games and applications, as marketers grew in their sophistication in using the mobile medium. The future for mobile marketing and the mobile web is now looking very exciting for all participants in the value chain, including for the all-important end user. Not only is mobile web advertising helping them to find content they’re looking for, but it’ll make products and services available at significantly less than they’re paying for them now. It’s been a long wait, but mobile marketing has finally arrived. 37
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  • 39. Thoughts for Marketers On The Values Around New Digital Media Opportunities: Gillian Kennedy, Managing Director, Emerging Media Platforms Ltd Gillian began her career in media at The Observer, which was followed by 12 years at Emap working across several markets and media. As Interactive Commercial Development Director at Emap Advertising Gillian’s responsibilities included commercialising new digital platforms and digital new product development. Gillian has been an early pioneer of mobile advertising, working in this area for 6 years. 2007 saw Gillian work as an independent consultant both in UK & Europe. She has now formed Emerging Media Platforms which focuses on scoping, implementing & communicating new digital media opportunities for clients. Gillian is actively involved in growing the new digital markets. A former member of DMA Mobile Council, Gillian is a member of several digital networking groups and a regular speaker at conferences and Thought Leadership seminars in the UK & Europe. Last year she took a diverse range of trips to the Far East & Europe to gain greater insight into the rapidly involving digital world we now live in. 39
  • 40. Thoughts For Marketers On The Values Around New Digital Media Opportunities The new converged digital media world frequently represents a dichotomy for those who play a role in the ever changing value chain. Communication between individuals is a good example of this. Whilst the price of communication has decreased significantly over the last few decades, the value that consumers place on communication has increased more than ever so presenting a further challenge to those who market brands and need to capture associated value. Along with this comes ‘new’ new media opportunities which are made possible by fast moving new technologies that allow us to easily interact on a global 24/7 basis whether they be online or mobile. New content and inventory created by developments in technology present both marketers and media owners with new opportunities and associated challenges to get it right, or at the very least make fewer mistakes than your competitors. There is considerable uncharted territory here. With regard to inventory, the new digital world will accommodate some standardised formats. Take mobile as an example, in Japan NTT DoCoMo has carried banner advertising for the last five years, a trend that is currently being rolled out with the UK operators’ advertising inventory. Whilst we can be sure search will play a vital role in this sector, we have only just started the journey when it comes to integrated advertising formats and data targeting that will enrich the consumer experience. It gets really exciting and much riskier when we start to think about user generated advertising though this is probably a little further down the line. Change, driven by technology and new distribution channels, creates a new set of rules for content owners and marketers alike which requires some thought for those who venture into this arena. Audiences have more control than ever before and can decide when and where they want to engage with content and who they share it with. How audiences choose to receive content i.e. online, mobile, MP3 player and so on, provides the platform of choice to engage with content and brands, which needs to be created specifically for that platform. Audiences can now decide who they get content from, which includes brands or friends, as well as what they want to receive and what they are prepared to pay for. New media is actively consumed with audiences down-loading, searching or clicking through for more information that is relevant to their needs. Consumption patterns include during the day in the office, at home in the evening or when audiences are on the move and vary according to device. This active media consumption by audiences creates a superb tool for brands to engage with audiences in an appropriate way. Think about what the device has to offer the consumer and how easy and useful it is in their own lives. Last year I spent some time in Japan and was suitably impressed by the end user experience around mobile TV. Here device features including superb clam shaped screens, ease of use functionality and flat rate data charging has created a clever consumer centric experience that extends audience consumption time of this medium. UK operator trials of mobile TV indicate that mobile TV will extend time spent consuming this medium and 30 minute sessions will become a reality. What a fantastic new canvas for brands to start enriching and engaging their audience. The new rules around successful marketing within ‘new’ new media need to put the audience in control. Get this right, and success will follow! 40
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  • 43. Mobile Has Always Been All Inclusive: Mike Short, Vice President R&D, 02 Europe Mike’s career spans 32 years in Electronics and Telecommunications, with the last 19 years in Mobile communications. He was appointed Contracts Director of Cellnet in 1989 with multi-million dollar infra-structure investments and UK interconnect agreements. In 1993 the focus moved to establishing Cellnet’s GSM service and he was elected Chairman of the GSM Association for 1995/96 and served on the Executive Board for 5 years. Mike’s focus today is on Third Generation cellular, Mobile TV and steering O2’s Group Research and Development in mobile. He also is a member of the UK Home Office Internet Task Force, OSAB (Ofcom Spectrum Advisory Board) and has been chairman of the UK Mobile Data Association since September 1998. He was appointed VP Technology for O2 in 2000, Visiting Professor at Surrey University in 2003 and Board Member University of Coventry in 2006. He is a Fellow of BCS/ RGS / CIPS and a member of IET and the Royal Television Society. 43
  • 44. Mobile Has Always Been All Inclusive The obsession with 3G suggests an inexorable quest for speed and a new generation of technology when it really is about capacity, capability and content. As we move into the broadband world we also must not forget the 4th C – the Customer. But the capability to meet market needs is also driven by progress on the internet. Mobile 2.0 will soon be with us opening up a whole new world of content and applications. Taking recent figures from Insight Research the global telecom revenues in 2006 are expected to grow annually by 5.91% [CAGR] to 2010, from $1.24 to $1.56 trillion, as the diagrams below illustrate: $170B $250B $589B $774B $443B $467B $592B 2006 - $1.24 Trillion 2010- $1.56 Trillion $16B CAGR - 2006/10 Narrowband wireless growth is driven by cellular and its share is anticipated to grow from 47.4% to 49.6% of the global total Broadband Wired 10.5% revenues. However, it is broadband wired and wireless that show the fastest growth rates. As also illustrated by this guide this is driven by a wider demand for Applications than purely voice Narrowband Wired 1.4 % services. Broadband Wireless 51.7% People are spending more of their free time online [as seen in Figure 2] and broadband adoption including 3G continues Narrowband Wireless 7.8% to grow. Fig 2 In terms of internet and comparisons this is not the special position for Europe alone – over 1 billion new phones or 3000 per day are being shipped worldwide this year. People are spending more and more free time online In Asia, India reached 187 million customers by the end of June 2007, and based on 6 million growth per month it is likely to Most popular leisure activites amongst Europeans exceed 200 million during September 2007. According to ‘The Listening to music 67% Watching lms/DVDs 65% Mobile World’ research, China remains the largest mobile market Sur ng the internet 60% in the world with 484 million customers and with growth currently Travelling 58% at 7 million per month should exceed 500 million in a similar restaurants/bars 40% timeframe. By contrast Japan should have reached 100 million, Walking/rambling 38% Gardening 36% but with the majority being 3G for the first time in September DIY 34% 2007 – and the leading market globally for 3G based on these customer numbers. Sources: Fig Fonester Sources: Fig 2 2 Forrester 44
  • 45. The evolution of the internet to Web 2.0 and beyond will have a more profound impact on applications development. Web based applications will move from ‘consult / surf / search’ to ‘share / collaborate / exploit’ with Web 2.0 capability and eventually to ‘suggest / happen / discover / provide’, all alongside a general trend from content ‘pull’ to ‘push’. Early examples of Web 2.0 we see are My Space, Facebook, 2nd Life, Wikipedia and some enterprise collaboration tools. When we look to see how Web 2.0 will impact mobile, it not only takes us into a wider world of partnerships partly based on mobile content but also into the growing market for mobile applications or Applications, Anywhere, Anytime. Energy & Transport Environment Education Health Video/TV Content / messaging Web 20 wireless Web 10 We already see growing interest in mobile video and TV from the growth in downloads and mobile broadcast TV trends around the world. We also expect to see all phones sold by 2010 to have mobile email and mobile internet capabilities – as an industry we need to make these applications as easy to use as they are to sell. Other mobile applications will be based on combinations of Web 2.0, and messaging telematics. For example transport telematics will evolve from navigation to journey management [with congestion alerts, breakdown and other information services]; parking will get smarter for connected cars; congestion analysis via wireless will support road resource management and user charging; environmental sensors will offer pollution control; connected roads will offer more road safety and better informed drivers and passengers. In education a further phase of connected learning growth is anticipated as mobile access speeds [through 3G and WiFi] extend the research experience from the lecture room to the school classroom. Early examples of usage will be seen with field trips and geoblogging, supported by mobile cameras. This is likely to be followed with wider shared learning based on PDA’s becoming EDA’s or Educational Digital Assistants. It is widely expected that digital homework and Interactive learning will follow. 45
  • 46. In health we already see examples of ‘wellness’ being tested as part of sports training using mobile devices, often with GPS and typical sports monitors. This is expected to evolve into wider social and health care as both low power monitors and short range [Bluetooth/ Wibree] wireless connectivity develops. Social care in the community will require better mobile alarms and alerts, to compliment developments towards the digital home of the future. The further growth in telematics for societal requirements [Transport, Energy and the Enviroment, Education and Health] will be supported by growing GSM economies of scale and systems integrators. Harbor Research predict the machine to machine market [M2M] could reach annual revenues of $290 billion by 2011 [$200Bn services / $80 Bn operations / $10 Bn hardware], but this will require applications partnering and ecosystems to be more fully built. As we continue to move from a verbal to a visual world, Web 2.0 and beyond will play a much bigger part in mobile communications. With more [mobile] phones than people in many parts of the world we are now able to offer a much wider range of applications and solutions – a world of Applications, Anywhere, Anytime. 46
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  • 48. Mobile Marketing & Advertising Mobile marketing is the ability to connect brands to customers via the mobile phone. In its early days, this meant SMS, or text, marketing e.g. sending out text alerts – the first being notices for UK clubbers in Ibiza. This now covers much more as the technology has developed over the last five years. We’ve moved from simple text messaging, black and white operator logos and mono ringtones to true tones and MP3 [so it’s the real music on your phone], video clips, streaming video, games, multi-media messaging, instant messenger and more. What is Mobile Marketing and where does it fit in the Marketing Mix? Mobile marketing is about having the ability to connect with consumers via their mobile phone wherever they happen to be: the office, college or school, the pub, the theatre, out shopping, out playing, walking the dog, at home watching television, in bed listening to the radio. Wherever you are, with the right permissions, you can connect customers and clients and vice versa. Mobile marketing fits across many marketing disciplines including sales promotion, CRM, direct marketing, above the line, interactive, integrated, loyalty schemes or it can stand alone. The 5 Cs of mobile = Connectedness We are now living in a new digital age where the network effect is dominant. With online social networking, web 2.0 approaches to internet and other businesses and the easy availability and access to information, entertainment and people 24/7, it really is a connected world. This is never more so than with mobile phones which increase our accessibility to people and information wherever we, or they, may be. With reference to articles by authors Paul Golding14 and Tomi Ahonen, there are at least five primary elements to consider when developing campaigns and applications for the use of mobile phones. 48
  • 49. 1. Communication The mobile phone is primarily a communications device. It allows one person to talk to another; it allows one person to send a message to another via SMS, MMS, instant messenger or email. It even allows us to communicate in pictures, audio and video and multi-player gaming. But it’s fundamentally about allowing one to one communication. For marketers it’s all about communication and if used wisely the mobile phone can be as important a part of the marketing mix as direct marketing and email are. Communication is also evolving into richer forms including emoticons, images, audio and video. This is obvious if you watch any young person interacting on MSN, Yahoo Messenger or Aim and see how they personalise the experience beyond normal language. This is also evident on social networking sites like MySpace where you can personalise your own online presence. Marketing question: What are we communicating, when, to whom, why and how? How are we going to allow customers to communicate with us? 2. Consuming Consumption on mobile takes two forms. We buy things for and with our mobile phones: we may decorate our phones with phone jewellery or flashing stickers; and we pay for ringtones, images and videos to personalise them. In addition, now that we have full multi-media access on our phones, we’re also consuming a wide range of content from video news clips, casual games like Sudoku and news services. It could be argued that we ‘consume’ messages from loved ones and marketers alike. Marketing question: What do our customers want to do on their phones? How does that fit in with what we want to communicate? 3. Communing The mobile phone allows us to connect with the digital world and have a presence or be ‘always on’. It means that we have access to information 24/7 and that others can connect to us 24/7. This allows a level of access we have never had before, even with the advent of broadband on our computers. It means we can find out anything we want at any time with a device that sits in our pocket and is with us twenty-four hours a day. It means that we can remain ‘linked’ to people around us without having to be in physical contact or in the same physical space. We also use mobile phones to find contacts and soul mates as can be seen with the prevalence of text chat services and the popularity of mobile social networking services such as Flirtomatic. Marketing question: How does our marketing effort allow customers to commune or link with us and/or the outside world? 49
  • 50. 4. Convenience The mobile phone is a very convenient way to communicate with another person or entity or find something out by looking it up on the mobile internet or by asking a Texpert15 a question. It’s a tiny device that packs a powerful punch, some phones have hard drives of 8GB or more and most have cameras, WAP access and the ability to download applications and games. The mobile phones we have today are more powerful than the desktop computers we had sitting on our desks less than 10 years ago. Marketing question: Can we make our campaign or our service more convenient for customers by allowing mobile interactivity? Is our service or campaign convenient to use? 5. Control You decide how ‘always on’ you want to be, or not. You can turn your phone off at any time. You can see who is calling you and decide whether or not you wish to take that call. You can see who is sending you a text message and you can decide whether or not you wish to reply. What this means for marketers is that the customer may choose to interact with you via their mobile. They may [or not] give you permission to talk to them via their mobile phone. But it also means that you need to put the customer in control of that permission and make it easy to unsubscribe from marketing activities. Marketing question: Have we got our subscribe/unsubscribe process right? Creating Mobile Moments One of the key differences mobile phones and computers, is the way we use them and in particular the types of things we enjoy doing with them. The chances are if you are interested in computer games you will end up spending several hours playing the one game. At work, you can spend your whole day glued to your screen, inputting data, checking email, surfing the internet, preparing documents etc. However with a mobile phone, although you may have a long telephone conversation with someone, most activities are short and sweet: ‘Mobile Moments’. Text messaging is a very short form of communication; mobile games are typically played for 10 to 20 minutes whilst waiting for a bus or commuting on the tube or train. If you vote in TV shows such as Big Brother or I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here, it takes just seconds and you get a feeling of instant reward. Browsing on WAP sites can still be slow, although it’s getting better with 3G becoming more mainstream, so you’re unlikely to spend hours doing it [yet]. So when embarking on a mobile communications strategy, think ‘short and sweet’ and look towards creating that ‘mobile moment’ rather than a mobile half hour or mobile two hours. As consumers, we’re used to instant gratification, and the mobile phone is an ideal way to feed that addiction. 50
  • 51. The Mobile Marketing Value Chain With ABI Research stating the global mobile marketing and advertising sector will be worth US $19 billion by 2011 and the Internet Advertising Bureau ‘Engage for Mobile’ conference in November 2007 claiming Mobile Advertising is set to take up more than half of advertisers’ budgets by 2012; things are looking very positive for the key stakeholders in the mobile marketing value chain. Brands Brands have realised it is no longer enough to ‘push’ marketing campaigns at consumers, they need to involve and engage with them to find new ways to create and retain loyalty. Mobile has given brands a unique opportunity to do this and create a two-way relationship, ultimately building product awareness, driving sales and retaining loyalty. By using mobile as part of a marketing campaign brands can reach a specific target audience, via a time-sensitive, measureable medium. Marketing / Digital Agencies Mobile has transformed the media landscape over the past seven years, with many big agencies such as Ogilvy and Saatchi launching an interactive digital division that includes mobile services. The increasing sophistication of the handsets themselves, with integrated media players, high resolution imaging and cameras have in turn given agencies more scope to work with to create interactive, innovative campaigns that help drive consumer engagement. Mobile Advertising Networks Companies such as Admob and Enpocket partner with mobile web sites that enjoy high traffic and offer to run advertising [text-links and graphical banners] on a revenue share basis. They make this space available to advertisers via self-serve web platforms. This allows most campaigns to be set up and become operational in a matter of minutes. Advertisers can target their campaigns according to the characteristics of mobile handset that the ad appears on, such as location, make of handset and phone capability. Search Engines Many customers are accessing the mobile internet through established, web-based vendors such as Yahoo, Google and MSN, rather than use the network operator’s searching tools, putting the search engines in a strong position. Mobile Marketing Service Providers Service providers, such as Tanla Mobile, are a full service mobile agency, that provide a complete solution to technically enable mobile marketing and advertising campaigns, working in partnership with the other players in the mobile marketing value chain. Network Operators Network Operators are moving away from the walled garden approach to portals, opening up their network to third parties, to encourage competition and increase data usage through the provision of new and innovative content. They have traditionally charged consumers to buy digital content from their mobile portals, and are now beginning to share demographics and mobile media consumption insights with brands as they move to advertisers funded models. 51
  • 52. Different Types of Mobile Marketing Campaigns As mentioned earlier, mobile marketing fits in across a wide variety of marketing disciplines as well as being a channel in its own right. It was first used most frequently by sales promotion agencies as a very convenient way to manage a competition – the ubiquitous ‘text and win’ promotion. Now there is no need to deal with sack loads of mail and the data inputting post-campaign to allow for a follow-up campaign which means that smart direct marketers can step in and take advantage of the opportunity. Text to Win This is a very convenient way to manage a competition or prize draw. A number is published on a pack, poster, magazine, TV or email and the customer is asked to text in a word, lucky number, answer to a 16 question or their own details for a chance to win a prize to a ‘long’ mobile number or a shortcode17. It also means that you are able to do a follow up campaign as this is also a convenient way to kick-start building your own list and you can do reporting and analysis by measuring repeat entries, times and date of entries etc. Voting and Participation TV We are all familiar with text voting on the television for programmes like Big Brother, I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here, The X Factor and Britain’s Got Talent. We’re also seeing polling and voting and ‘ask a question’ via text message on more serious programmes such as the BBC’s Question Time. In addition, most national and regional newspapers use text messaging, and in particular voting and polling, as a way to engage customers in a simple dialogue. Again it is a good way to build a customer database list as well as encouraging participation. Similar analysis can be done as for a text and win promotion in terms of numbers of people who participated and when, repeat usage and so on; and in carrying out this analysis you may be able to pick up on patterns of usage and create cluster groups to help with further relevant marketing and promotions to those customers. Some of these initiatives have been tainted recently with the scandals on the Channel 4 programme, Richard and Judy, ITV’s GMTV and even the BBC’s Blue Peter. The misdemeanours vary but it reiterates the need for good planning and good customer service. So, be clear with your terms and conditions and check these with a lawyer, e.g. opening and closing times/dates, how much it costs, the criteria for entry, what money [if any] is going to charity, any additional network charges that may apply. Quizzes Quizzes are eternally popular as seen with the proliferation of quiz formats on television, the popularity of the pub quiz and ever popular personality profiling. Quizzes work very well on mobile phones using either text messaging or a Java application. The benefit of using a text messaging format is that everyone can use that on their mobile phone. But on more sophisticated phones, a Java quiz application can be developed which allows a deeper level of interactivity than text alone as graphics and sound can be incorporated and with a link to a Wapsite or website specifically designed for mobile. This means that new questions can be uploaded on to the phone at the click of a button. 52
  • 53. The typical way to start a quiz is to text in a key word to a central mobile number or shortcode and a question is sent to you by return. The quiz can be as long or as short as you like. Typically, the questions require an A, B, or C answer or a single word answer to keep the data handling simple. It is possible to include what’s called a natural language engine behind the system to analyse customer’s text messages, but this adds cost to building and managing the application. A natural language engine ‘reads’ the incoming text and attempts to recognise it and picks up on keywords within the message in order to work out how to respond. Mobile Content [pictures, ringtones, video] The mobile content industry is huge and has sprung up from literally nowhere. Many people have changed their ringtone from the standard ringtone setting and experimented with pictures on their phone to personalise it. Brands are now capitalising on the popularity of mobile content and are using it as part of their marketing effort. A picture or ringtone can be a second or third tier prize in a free prize draw or other competition, the content based around the brand itself. Many brands and companies employ this tactic of rewarding customers with content for their mobile phones including Honda, Pepsi, Coca Cola, Carling and Fosters. It’s an easy way to reward customers without dealing with complex handling of sending out small prizes in their hundreds or thousands. Games Mobile games are so popular that they are now an industry in their own right and all the major players in the games industry have a mobile games division. Nokia produced the N-Gage which is a mobile phone specifically designed for playing games which competes directly with Nintendo DS and DS Lite and Sony PSP which have internet, file sharing and multi-player gaming capability. Adding mobile connectivity to the mobile internet allows customers to engage in multi-player gaming wherever they are and also allows live updates to the game and the ability to load their score on to a leader- board. In some cases, gaming can be customised according to location so they can challenge real players in their vicinity whether that’s using the location service from their network operator, by using a service like Jaiku18 or Buddyping19 or using Bluetooth at a specific location. Mobile games are also a popular reward for customers, although more expensive to produce and deliver than a simple ringtone, picture or even a full audio track. This is because the cost of production is typically about £20,000 [which is small fry compared with the cost to produce a mainstream Playstation 3 game which can run into millions]. So you have to balance the budget with the potential for ROI and what other fringe benefits you may get from going down the games route. As technologies improve, the cost of production will come down as a large chunk of the cost is down to having to customise and test for a multitude of phones. Of course savings can be made by ‘reskinning’ an existing mobile game and changing some of the images and screens in the game to suit your particular needs. Since the game already works across handsets and operators, your production costs reduce dramatically provided the changes are cosmetic. 53
  • 54. Applications This is currently still a relatively unexplored area for mobile marketing but has potential. Applications can be fun or useful and would typically be Java based to reach the mass market, although higher end business phones such as the Sony Ericsson P800 and P900 range and the Nokia N-Series use Symbian20 which is a more powerful platform for applications. The application can be almost anything you want it to be. It can keep you up to date with stocks and shares if you’re a broker, or it could be a horoscope application that gives you your daily reading in the morning. Development, distribution, billing [if required] and delivery would be similar to handling a mobile game. It should be noted that as soon as you start asking customers to download an application to their phone, that can act as a barrier so it’s not a given that you will get penetration as quickly as you might like it. That said both Google and Opera have had great success with generating full, successful downloads of their mobile email, mapping [Google] and browser [Opera] products. CRM Text messaging in particular is a really useful element of any CRM or Customer Relationship Management initiative. It can be used to keep customers up to date with what’s new and offer them last minute or exclusive offers. Text messaging is more expensive than email for this kind of activity, but is potentially quicker to run, as you don’t have the creative design and build to consider [unless you’re planning to do MMS21]. Costs per text will vary depending on the volumes you put through the networks and also the cost of any application you use may also be included in the per text cost. IVR IVR stands for Interactive Voice Response which has typically been used by large corporates to manage incoming calls e.g. press one for yes and press two for no. It is also used to pay for mobile content and for premium rate services off the television screen and in the back of magazines. MMS Multi-media messaging is becoming more popular and more readily available on handsets. Most new phones have a camera function as standard and will also have the capability to send and receive multi-media messages. An MMS message can contain pictures, video or animation, a sound clip [which can be used as a ringtone] and formatted text [using colour, size and bold]. It could also include a barcode that can be scanned at point of sale. The typical message size is 30k for outbound campaigns. But the user sending in to you can have varying size of MMS depending on what their handset and their network operator allows. Direct Response Campaigns One of the simplest ways for an advertiser to engage with a customer via mobile is to have them text in to a shortcode as a method of direct response to an above the line advertisement. We are seeing these campaigns on posters, in magazines and on the television already. This is also a straightforward way to build your own mobile mailing list for future text campaigns. Some media owners are branding their shortcodes and running direct response campaigns for their advertisers as well as their own promotions and competitions from those numbers. Viewers or listeners understand that if the message has come from a particular shortcode, it belongs to the radio station or the TV station and is part of their branding. For example, the shortcode for BBC Radio 2 is 88291 which is the same as their FM frequency 88 to 91 FM. 54