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Geography Synoptic Essay
With reference to examples, assess the degree to which the level of economic development of a
country affects planning and management in urban areas.
The economic development of a country can be defined as the growth of industry, wealth,
employment and the level of urbanisation. The planning and management issues that are linked to
economic development, are those associated with processes such as urbanisation, suburbanisation
and counter–urbanisation of cities. These may include pollution of water, air and noise. Other issues
may be the increase in transport and waste, created by people living, travelling through and working
in urban areas. These problems need solutions, which often leads to planning and carrying out
redevelopment more content...
Despite great publicity only 8000 houses were built, which would on average house 40,000 people
(in comparison to the 100,000 living in the favelas.) Improvements have been attempted since, for
example in 2000, when investment was put into Santo Andre. The aim was to alleviate poverty by
providing work for entrepreneurs, community healthcare workers and literacy programmes. So
although this is an LEDC/RIC, it still faces overpopulation problems; it does seem that the planning
and management changes are aiding the over–population problem and improving the overall quality
of life.
In contrast Notting Hill is in the UK, an economically developed country with an average GDP
(ppp) per capita of $35,494 in comparison to $11,719 in Brazil (World Bank 2011). Notting Hil is an
area of London, an example of re–urbanisation; when people move into the city centre or inner city
due to regeneration. Gentrification is what has happened in Notting Hill, as individuals moved into
old housing that was formerly in a state of despair and refurbished and improved it. This changed the
composition of the whole neighbourhood, because the affluent newcomers displaced the
low–income groups that formerly lived there. Often the new comers work in professional or
managerial jobs. A positive outcome of this is that more affluent people have been attracted to the
area and therefore
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The Synoptic Gospels Essay
The Synoptic Gospels are composed of the gospels of Mark, Matthew, and Luke. These three
gospels covered many of the same stories; yet, they disagree with each other on various details
within certain stories. Also, numerous events that are in Mark, is not in Matthew or Luke and vice
versa. Many historians have concluded that Mark was the first of the three gospels written and that
Matthew and Luke used Mark as a source to their own gospels. The Synoptic Gospels were first
written in Greek, which would suggest to some ambiguity within Mark, Matthew, and Luke due to
certain perceptions and translations within the Greek language. One ambiguity that is shown within
the Synoptic Gospels dealt with Jesus's view on marriage and divorce. more content...
This ambiguity could have been because of the different interpretations and translations of the Greek
language. This could also have been caused by the fact that Matthew and Mark may not have agreed
on where Jesus went to preach the Pharisees.
The dispute of details between Mark and Matthew continues in Mark 10:1: "And crowds again
gathered around him and as was his custom, he again taught them." Based on Mark's gospel once
Jesus arrived at both Judea and beyond the Jordan, he is met with many people who he'd taught.
Matthew's gospel thought otherwise. In Matthew 19:2, "Large crowds followed him, and he
cured them there." Unlike Mark's Gospel in which Jesus taught a large group of people, Matthew
writes that once Jesus arrives in Judea he cured the large group of people. This ambiguity could
have been caused because the words for teaching and cure in Greek are similar. It could suggest
that Matthew meant Jesus cured the large group of people of their sins, which would be more in
line with Mark in which Jesus may have taught the large group of people on how to rid of their sins.
Both Mark and Matthew also agree with each other on parts of the story of marriage and divorce.
In both Mark 10:2 and Matthew 19:2, it is written, "Some Pharisees came, and to test him they
asked." Because of the exact word for word description of the Pharisees test of Jesus in both Mark
and Matthew, it can be concluded that either were written
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Essay The Synoptic Problem
The Synoptic Problem
The synoptic problem is that of considering which of the 3 synoptic gospels. Matthew, Mark and
Luke was written first and perhaps which gospel was written aided via the other and/or which writer
used the questionable Q source.
It is believed that there is a literary connection between the gospels as there is an obvious verbal
agreement that suggests some kind of interdependence between them all. It is believed that these
similarities have arisen because
i. All the gospel writers were inspired by the power of the holy spirit
ii. They are all an account of the Jesus. Therefore as they are all about the same person there will be
similarities between more content...
The literary connection can be seen in the Baptism story. Mark has 5 verses, Matthew 15 and Luke
17. And also the Peter Disowns Jesus Mark has 7 verses, Matthew 7 and Luke 9. The fact that these
stories are in each gospel suggests some kind of clear connection between them all.
Streeter believed that the order of the gospels was Mark first then Matthew then lastly Luke. He
also believed that all the gospels shared a common source which he called Q. This Markan
priority theory overtook the Matheau priority in the 19th century. It was suggested that Mark
portrayed Jesus to be too human. That mark showed him 'faults and all' and when the church was
first compiled it was seen to be the case that Matthew was put first as the most important gospel
with the most verses and therefore as they saw it; the most historical content. It is believed that as
Mark is the priority gospel and that Matthew and Luke took Marks account and then expanded on
it to write their own. It is also true that using this theory the Matthew and Luke have taken Marks
gospel and tidied it up by correcting his poor Greek. It is known that mark used long narratives and
in Matthew and Luke it can be seen that these have been abbreviated. Mark is also seen as the
priority gospel as it appears to give an all
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Griesbach's Hypothesis
When people consider the Synoptic Gospels, they believe that they all complement each other. This
is not entirely the case. While these Gospels speak on similar topics with regard to Jesus' life, they
differ in how they portray it. This is where the Synoptic Problem is developed. Essentially, the
Problem is that the Gospels are not all the same and they each present something different about
Jesus' life. The Problem addresses which Gospel was written first. Since they are all similar but
some have excluded or added details, it is difficult to tell which one was produced first and to tell
which description of Jesus' life is accurate. Scholars have produced theories that offer a solution to
the confusion regarding the order that the Gospels were written and to identify the original values of
Jesus and more content...
The Two–Source Hypothesis is the most widely accepted theory. The Augustinian Theory suggests
that Matthew was written in Aramaic and the first Gospel. Then it says that Mark was written based
off of Mathew and was written in Greek when Hellenistic culture became prominent which is why it
is the shorter Gospel. The Griesbach Hypothesis, also known as the Two–Gospel hypothesis, written
by 18th century biblical scholar Griesbach, maintains that the order of the Gospels is Matthew,
Luke, then Mark. However, neither of these solutions accounts for the fact that Mark had to be
written first. So, we look to the Two–Source and Farrher Hypothesis' for a reasonable explanation to
the synoptic problem. The Two–Source Hypothesis says that Mark is the original Gospel and that
Matthew and Luke independently used Mark to write their own Gospel. This is the most popular
solution amongst scholars today. It has also been hypothesized that the Q, which is a collection of
teaching traditions is used to relate the Gospels but the issue is that there is
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Synoptic Problem
The synoptic problem
The first three books of the New Testament which are Matthew, Mark and Luke are compared, and
it is discovered that they look similar to one another in content and expression. As a result they a
referred to as the synoptic gospels. The word "synoptic" basically means "to see together with a
common view". This raises the question of why they are similar to one another in these respects.
This is known as the synoptic problem.
The many similarities between the synoptic gospels have led some to wonder if the gospel authors
had a common source, another written account of Christ's birth, life, ministry, death, and resurrection
from which they obtained the material for their gospels. Some argue that Matthew, Mark, and Luke more content...
Mark`s fast moving account presents Jesus as a man of action, the son of God who was a servant
among men. Luke is in inquisitive Greek literary style, seems to address cultured Gentiles and shows
Jesus as a friend of disadvantaged groups. Attempts to account for both similarities and differences
within the three Gospels constitute the synoptic problem.
Matthew is the author of the first Gospel and is an eye witness to the events that occurred during
approximately the last half of Jesus` ministry. He was one of the twelve apostles who followed
Jesus and was commissioned by him. His account is second to that only of Luke. He groups events
in topical order and as a result his account often deviates from a strict chronological order. He is
pre–eminently the reporter of Jesus` sermons and other discourses such as the Sermon on the Mount
(Matthew 5–7), the instruction given to the twelve apostles (Matthew 16), the sermon on the sea
(Matthew 13) and the last preaching in the temple (Matthew 21).
Mark is not an eye witness of the events he describes in his writings and he even quotes Isaiah and is
also a close associate of the apostle Peter one of the twelve. He narrates what he heard from the lips
of Peter the apostle. His purpose was to report what Jesus did and not what he said and therefore
teaches that Jesus is a man of action. He called it, "a brief of our Lord`s biography" because of lack
of the exact term. He follows much of a chronological precise than that of
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Synoptic Argument
Matthew the premise you present regarding the Synoptic problem is an interesting take, and
definitely different than the majority of the class (M. Moore, personal communication, September
20, 2017). Moreover, I relish the chance to respectfully disagree with you regarding this premise,
as this is how one truly understands what they believe. So, yes, there are grounds for arguing that
the Gospels plagiarized information from the other Gospel's due to their similarities (Wilcox,
2014). However, this premise does not account for the separate terminology, chronological
variations, and differing focus of each writer (Harris, 2014). Moreover, if these writers did not
personally observe the acts explained in the Gospels, and had limited sources to
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Synoptic Gospels
The synoptic gospels portray Jesus Christ in a comprehensive and authoritative manner. They offer a
deeper truth about Christianity in addition to the biographic information regarding Jesus Christ,
unlike other biblical books. Additionally, the authors of these books were all inspired by the Holy
Spirit in order to come up with an exceptional perspective and account of Jesus. Equally, through the
Holy Spirit, each author was able to provide gospel themes that were in tandem with the teachings
and the philosophy of Jesus Christ. In essence, the gospels of Luke, Matthews, and Mark provide
correlated information on the accounts and perceptions of Jesus, with John's accounts differing
slightly (Straus 2007, p.24). Moreover, the three gospels more content...
By and large, religious differences have been the source of conflicts and misunderstandings among
various faiths. Nonetheless, the teachings of Jesus Christ and the accounts of his deeds and
philosophy, as provided in the synoptic gospels, can act as an effective remedy to enhancing
dialogue among individuals of different religious beliefs and faiths (Straus 2007, p.234). In this
connection, religious differences can be used to spark dialogue because different groups can use
these differences to acquire more information and knowledge about various religions. This, therefore,
can offer the best solution to addressing misconceptions pertaining to the differences accentuated by
their religious faiths. Of importance is that the multiplicity of religious beliefs tends to deny
Christians the opportunity to understand various religions. An instance to illustrate this is where
Jesus, in accompany of his disciples, told them that "they may be ever seeing but never perceiving,
and ever hearing but never understanding; otherwise they might turn and be forgiven!"(Luke 8:10).
Even so, the essence of engaging interreligious faiths is to address conflicts by understanding
important doctrines and tenets in various religions. Consequently, this can assist all people from
different faiths to share their experiences hence playing a role in preventing religious conflicts and
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Synoptic Gospel Of Mark
The Synoptic Gospel of Mark is the second Gospel located within the New Testament. Apostle
John Mark is the Credited Author. Mark's main theme and focus is the service and sacrifice of
Jesus Christ. Jesus' genealogy is not given within Mark corresponding with Mark's depiction of
Jesus as the perfect servant because a servant's genealogy was not commonly recorded. However, the
Gospel commences with forerunner John the Baptist preparing the way for the coming of the
promised Messiah, Jesus. Correspondingly, John the Baptist baptizes Jesus to fulfill Messianic
prophecy. Then the Holy Spirit descends like a dove upon Jesus as the audible voice of God speaks
revealing Jesus as God's son. Momentarily after His baptism the Spirit leads Jesus into
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Jesus: Synoptic Gospels
In Paula Fredriksen's introduction of her book, she states the issue of what the concept of who
Jesus was is still unknown. The Gospels portrayed him as a teacher or a apocalyptic Messiah.
From information received from different sources, they still portray a different image for each
historian. Jesus' death is one of the most accepted aspect of him. It still brings issues, as Pilate could
have killed Jesus swiftly but his crucifixion meant it was for a political death. The Gospels each
illustrate a different Jesus. This is problematic, as there are four different descriptions to look at for
looking into the historical Jesus. Especially the synoptic Gospels, since they share a similar theme.
Matthew and Luke start with Jesus' birth, and ends
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The Synoptic Problem Essay
Liberty University
The Synoptic Problem
A paper submitted to Dr. Charles Powell
In partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the course NBST 525
Liberty Theological seminary
La Shawn Self
Lynchburg, Virginia
Sunday, August 14, 2011
The books of the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John; where written over 2000 years ago.
These books excluding the Gospel of John are often called the synoptic Gospels. The term synoptic
is derived from the Greek word meaning "seeing together." These three books are comparable in
their recording of the existence and ministry of Jesus. The wording of the synoptic Gospels is
similar as well. For example, the account of the healing of the leaper occurs in all three books and the more content...
The common belief among source critics is that, the Gospel of Mark is the oldest and Matthew and
Luke used his gospel along with an unknown source to write their Gospels. Evidence supporting
this view make the makes four points. First, the Luke's Gospel is contains approximately half of
Mark's information and Matthew's Gospel encompasses almost all of Mark's views. Second,
Mark's words are used verbatium Matthew and Luke. Third, Matthew and Luke follow the same
sequence of events as Mark. Finally, Matthew and Luke sometimes reword Mark's uncomfortable
passages of scripture to allow smooth transitions and ease of understanding.[5] Markan Priority The
Markan Priority is the belief that Mark was the first to write his account then Matthew and Luke
used his recordings along with an unknown source to write their accounts. Although it is said that
Matthew and Luke used Mark's account and another unknown source to write their versions of the
gospel, it is also believed that Mark used some unknown source to supplement his gospel as well.[6]
Weaknesses in the Markan Priority To accept the Markan Priority one must first denounce the word
of Jesus, "that the Holy Spirit would bring all things back to their remembrance"; the testimonies of
the early church leaders and historical facts. Also, if Matthew and Luke were present at the same
time that Mark was present, why would they need to use Mark's account?[7] Some authors believe
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Synoptic Essay

  • 1. Geography Synoptic Essay With reference to examples, assess the degree to which the level of economic development of a country affects planning and management in urban areas. The economic development of a country can be defined as the growth of industry, wealth, employment and the level of urbanisation. The planning and management issues that are linked to economic development, are those associated with processes such as urbanisation, suburbanisation and counter–urbanisation of cities. These may include pollution of water, air and noise. Other issues may be the increase in transport and waste, created by people living, travelling through and working in urban areas. These problems need solutions, which often leads to planning and carrying out redevelopment more content... Despite great publicity only 8000 houses were built, which would on average house 40,000 people (in comparison to the 100,000 living in the favelas.) Improvements have been attempted since, for example in 2000, when investment was put into Santo Andre. The aim was to alleviate poverty by providing work for entrepreneurs, community healthcare workers and literacy programmes. So although this is an LEDC/RIC, it still faces overpopulation problems; it does seem that the planning and management changes are aiding the over–population problem and improving the overall quality of life. In contrast Notting Hill is in the UK, an economically developed country with an average GDP (ppp) per capita of $35,494 in comparison to $11,719 in Brazil (World Bank 2011). Notting Hil is an area of London, an example of re–urbanisation; when people move into the city centre or inner city due to regeneration. Gentrification is what has happened in Notting Hill, as individuals moved into old housing that was formerly in a state of despair and refurbished and improved it. This changed the composition of the whole neighbourhood, because the affluent newcomers displaced the low–income groups that formerly lived there. Often the new comers work in professional or managerial jobs. A positive outcome of this is that more affluent people have been attracted to the area and therefore Get more content on
  • 2. The Synoptic Gospels Essay The Synoptic Gospels are composed of the gospels of Mark, Matthew, and Luke. These three gospels covered many of the same stories; yet, they disagree with each other on various details within certain stories. Also, numerous events that are in Mark, is not in Matthew or Luke and vice versa. Many historians have concluded that Mark was the first of the three gospels written and that Matthew and Luke used Mark as a source to their own gospels. The Synoptic Gospels were first written in Greek, which would suggest to some ambiguity within Mark, Matthew, and Luke due to certain perceptions and translations within the Greek language. One ambiguity that is shown within the Synoptic Gospels dealt with Jesus's view on marriage and divorce. more content... This ambiguity could have been because of the different interpretations and translations of the Greek language. This could also have been caused by the fact that Matthew and Mark may not have agreed on where Jesus went to preach the Pharisees. The dispute of details between Mark and Matthew continues in Mark 10:1: "And crowds again gathered around him and as was his custom, he again taught them." Based on Mark's gospel once Jesus arrived at both Judea and beyond the Jordan, he is met with many people who he'd taught. Matthew's gospel thought otherwise. In Matthew 19:2, "Large crowds followed him, and he cured them there." Unlike Mark's Gospel in which Jesus taught a large group of people, Matthew writes that once Jesus arrives in Judea he cured the large group of people. This ambiguity could have been caused because the words for teaching and cure in Greek are similar. It could suggest that Matthew meant Jesus cured the large group of people of their sins, which would be more in line with Mark in which Jesus may have taught the large group of people on how to rid of their sins. Both Mark and Matthew also agree with each other on parts of the story of marriage and divorce. In both Mark 10:2 and Matthew 19:2, it is written, "Some Pharisees came, and to test him they asked." Because of the exact word for word description of the Pharisees test of Jesus in both Mark and Matthew, it can be concluded that either were written Get more content on
  • 3. Essay The Synoptic Problem The Synoptic Problem The synoptic problem is that of considering which of the 3 synoptic gospels. Matthew, Mark and Luke was written first and perhaps which gospel was written aided via the other and/or which writer used the questionable Q source. It is believed that there is a literary connection between the gospels as there is an obvious verbal agreement that suggests some kind of interdependence between them all. It is believed that these similarities have arisen because i. All the gospel writers were inspired by the power of the holy spirit ii. They are all an account of the Jesus. Therefore as they are all about the same person there will be similarities between more content... The literary connection can be seen in the Baptism story. Mark has 5 verses, Matthew 15 and Luke 17. And also the Peter Disowns Jesus Mark has 7 verses, Matthew 7 and Luke 9. The fact that these stories are in each gospel suggests some kind of clear connection between them all. Streeter believed that the order of the gospels was Mark first then Matthew then lastly Luke. He also believed that all the gospels shared a common source which he called Q. This Markan priority theory overtook the Matheau priority in the 19th century. It was suggested that Mark portrayed Jesus to be too human. That mark showed him 'faults and all' and when the church was first compiled it was seen to be the case that Matthew was put first as the most important gospel with the most verses and therefore as they saw it; the most historical content. It is believed that as Mark is the priority gospel and that Matthew and Luke took Marks account and then expanded on it to write their own. It is also true that using this theory the Matthew and Luke have taken Marks gospel and tidied it up by correcting his poor Greek. It is known that mark used long narratives and in Matthew and Luke it can be seen that these have been abbreviated. Mark is also seen as the priority gospel as it appears to give an all Get more content on
  • 4. Griesbach's Hypothesis When people consider the Synoptic Gospels, they believe that they all complement each other. This is not entirely the case. While these Gospels speak on similar topics with regard to Jesus' life, they differ in how they portray it. This is where the Synoptic Problem is developed. Essentially, the Problem is that the Gospels are not all the same and they each present something different about Jesus' life. The Problem addresses which Gospel was written first. Since they are all similar but some have excluded or added details, it is difficult to tell which one was produced first and to tell which description of Jesus' life is accurate. Scholars have produced theories that offer a solution to the confusion regarding the order that the Gospels were written and to identify the original values of Jesus and more content... The Two–Source Hypothesis is the most widely accepted theory. The Augustinian Theory suggests that Matthew was written in Aramaic and the first Gospel. Then it says that Mark was written based off of Mathew and was written in Greek when Hellenistic culture became prominent which is why it is the shorter Gospel. The Griesbach Hypothesis, also known as the Two–Gospel hypothesis, written by 18th century biblical scholar Griesbach, maintains that the order of the Gospels is Matthew, Luke, then Mark. However, neither of these solutions accounts for the fact that Mark had to be written first. So, we look to the Two–Source and Farrher Hypothesis' for a reasonable explanation to the synoptic problem. The Two–Source Hypothesis says that Mark is the original Gospel and that Matthew and Luke independently used Mark to write their own Gospel. This is the most popular solution amongst scholars today. It has also been hypothesized that the Q, which is a collection of teaching traditions is used to relate the Gospels but the issue is that there is Get more content on
  • 5. Synoptic Problem The synoptic problem The first three books of the New Testament which are Matthew, Mark and Luke are compared, and it is discovered that they look similar to one another in content and expression. As a result they a referred to as the synoptic gospels. The word "synoptic" basically means "to see together with a common view". This raises the question of why they are similar to one another in these respects. This is known as the synoptic problem. The many similarities between the synoptic gospels have led some to wonder if the gospel authors had a common source, another written account of Christ's birth, life, ministry, death, and resurrection from which they obtained the material for their gospels. Some argue that Matthew, Mark, and Luke more content... Mark`s fast moving account presents Jesus as a man of action, the son of God who was a servant among men. Luke is in inquisitive Greek literary style, seems to address cultured Gentiles and shows Jesus as a friend of disadvantaged groups. Attempts to account for both similarities and differences within the three Gospels constitute the synoptic problem. Matthew is the author of the first Gospel and is an eye witness to the events that occurred during approximately the last half of Jesus` ministry. He was one of the twelve apostles who followed Jesus and was commissioned by him. His account is second to that only of Luke. He groups events in topical order and as a result his account often deviates from a strict chronological order. He is pre–eminently the reporter of Jesus` sermons and other discourses such as the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5–7), the instruction given to the twelve apostles (Matthew 16), the sermon on the sea (Matthew 13) and the last preaching in the temple (Matthew 21). Mark is not an eye witness of the events he describes in his writings and he even quotes Isaiah and is also a close associate of the apostle Peter one of the twelve. He narrates what he heard from the lips of Peter the apostle. His purpose was to report what Jesus did and not what he said and therefore teaches that Jesus is a man of action. He called it, "a brief of our Lord`s biography" because of lack of the exact term. He follows much of a chronological precise than that of Get more content on
  • 6. Synoptic Argument Matthew the premise you present regarding the Synoptic problem is an interesting take, and definitely different than the majority of the class (M. Moore, personal communication, September 20, 2017). Moreover, I relish the chance to respectfully disagree with you regarding this premise, as this is how one truly understands what they believe. So, yes, there are grounds for arguing that the Gospels plagiarized information from the other Gospel's due to their similarities (Wilcox, 2014). However, this premise does not account for the separate terminology, chronological variations, and differing focus of each writer (Harris, 2014). Moreover, if these writers did not personally observe the acts explained in the Gospels, and had limited sources to Get more content on
  • 7. Synoptic Gospels The synoptic gospels portray Jesus Christ in a comprehensive and authoritative manner. They offer a deeper truth about Christianity in addition to the biographic information regarding Jesus Christ, unlike other biblical books. Additionally, the authors of these books were all inspired by the Holy Spirit in order to come up with an exceptional perspective and account of Jesus. Equally, through the Holy Spirit, each author was able to provide gospel themes that were in tandem with the teachings and the philosophy of Jesus Christ. In essence, the gospels of Luke, Matthews, and Mark provide correlated information on the accounts and perceptions of Jesus, with John's accounts differing slightly (Straus 2007, p.24). Moreover, the three gospels more content... By and large, religious differences have been the source of conflicts and misunderstandings among various faiths. Nonetheless, the teachings of Jesus Christ and the accounts of his deeds and philosophy, as provided in the synoptic gospels, can act as an effective remedy to enhancing dialogue among individuals of different religious beliefs and faiths (Straus 2007, p.234). In this connection, religious differences can be used to spark dialogue because different groups can use these differences to acquire more information and knowledge about various religions. This, therefore, can offer the best solution to addressing misconceptions pertaining to the differences accentuated by their religious faiths. Of importance is that the multiplicity of religious beliefs tends to deny Christians the opportunity to understand various religions. An instance to illustrate this is where Jesus, in accompany of his disciples, told them that "they may be ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing but never understanding; otherwise they might turn and be forgiven!"(Luke 8:10). Even so, the essence of engaging interreligious faiths is to address conflicts by understanding important doctrines and tenets in various religions. Consequently, this can assist all people from different faiths to share their experiences hence playing a role in preventing religious conflicts and Get more content on
  • 8. Synoptic Gospel Of Mark The Synoptic Gospel of Mark is the second Gospel located within the New Testament. Apostle John Mark is the Credited Author. Mark's main theme and focus is the service and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Jesus' genealogy is not given within Mark corresponding with Mark's depiction of Jesus as the perfect servant because a servant's genealogy was not commonly recorded. However, the Gospel commences with forerunner John the Baptist preparing the way for the coming of the promised Messiah, Jesus. Correspondingly, John the Baptist baptizes Jesus to fulfill Messianic prophecy. Then the Holy Spirit descends like a dove upon Jesus as the audible voice of God speaks revealing Jesus as God's son. Momentarily after His baptism the Spirit leads Jesus into Get more content on
  • 9. Jesus: Synoptic Gospels In Paula Fredriksen's introduction of her book, she states the issue of what the concept of who Jesus was is still unknown. The Gospels portrayed him as a teacher or a apocalyptic Messiah. From information received from different sources, they still portray a different image for each historian. Jesus' death is one of the most accepted aspect of him. It still brings issues, as Pilate could have killed Jesus swiftly but his crucifixion meant it was for a political death. The Gospels each illustrate a different Jesus. This is problematic, as there are four different descriptions to look at for looking into the historical Jesus. Especially the synoptic Gospels, since they share a similar theme. Matthew and Luke start with Jesus' birth, and ends Get more content on
  • 10. The Synoptic Problem Essay Liberty University The Synoptic Problem A paper submitted to Dr. Charles Powell In partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the course NBST 525 Liberty Theological seminary By La Shawn Self Lynchburg, Virginia Sunday, August 14, 2011 The books of the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John; where written over 2000 years ago. These books excluding the Gospel of John are often called the synoptic Gospels. The term synoptic is derived from the Greek word meaning "seeing together." These three books are comparable in their recording of the existence and ministry of Jesus. The wording of the synoptic Gospels is similar as well. For example, the account of the healing of the leaper occurs in all three books and the more content... The common belief among source critics is that, the Gospel of Mark is the oldest and Matthew and Luke used his gospel along with an unknown source to write their Gospels. Evidence supporting this view make the makes four points. First, the Luke's Gospel is contains approximately half of Mark's information and Matthew's Gospel encompasses almost all of Mark's views. Second, Mark's words are used verbatium Matthew and Luke. Third, Matthew and Luke follow the same sequence of events as Mark. Finally, Matthew and Luke sometimes reword Mark's uncomfortable passages of scripture to allow smooth transitions and ease of understanding.[5] Markan Priority The Markan Priority is the belief that Mark was the first to write his account then Matthew and Luke used his recordings along with an unknown source to write their accounts. Although it is said that Matthew and Luke used Mark's account and another unknown source to write their versions of the gospel, it is also believed that Mark used some unknown source to supplement his gospel as well.[6] Weaknesses in the Markan Priority To accept the Markan Priority one must first denounce the word of Jesus, "that the Holy Spirit would bring all things back to their remembrance"; the testimonies of the early church leaders and historical facts. Also, if Matthew and Luke were present at the same time that Mark was present, why would they need to use Mark's account?[7] Some authors believe that Get more content on