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Course Code : NCM 103
Course Description : This course deals with the principles and techniques of nursing care management of sick clients across lifespan with emphasis on the adult and
the older person,
population group in any setting with alterations/problems in oxygenation, fluid and electrolyte balance, nutrition and metabolism and endocrine
Course Credit : 8 units lecture; 6 units RLE (1 unit skills lab, 5 units Clinical)
Contact Hours/ Semester : 144 lecture hours; 306 RLE hours
Pre-requisite : NCM 102
Placement : 3rd year, 1st semester
Course Objectives : At the end of the course and given relevant actual clients with problems in oxygenation, fluid and electrolyte balance, nutrition and metabolism,
and endocrine
function, the student should be able to:
1. Utilize the nursing process in the care of individuals, families in community and hospital settings.
 Assess with client/s his/her/their condition/health status through interview, physical examination, interpretation of laboratory
 Identify actual and at-risk nursing diagnosis
 Plan appropriate nursing interventions with client/s and family for identified nursing diagnosis
 Implement plan of care with client/s and family.
 Evaluate the progress of his/her/their client’s condition and outcomes of care.
2. Ensure a well organized and accurate documentation system;
3. Relate with client/s and their family and the health team appropriately;
4. Observe bioethical concepts/principles, core values and nursing standards in the care of clients; and,
5. Promote personal and professional growth of self and others.
At the end of the lecture
discussion,the students
will beable to:
1. Utilizethe nursing
process in the careof
with problems in
oxygenation in
community and
hospital settings;
1.Identify risk factors among
clients thatcontribute to the
development of problems in
Oxygenation- cardiovascular
risk factors (modifiableand
The different risk factors amongclients that
contribute to the development of problems in
 Current respiratory problems
 History of respiratory disease
 Lifestyle (smoking, alcoholism,exercise
 Presence of cough
 Presence of Chest Pain
 Lung Cancer
 Pre-tests
 CaseAnalysis
 Small Group
 Lecture Discussion
 Post test
 Assertiveness
 Cooperation
 Participation
 Sensitivity
2.5 hours
After the discussion, the
students will be able to
identify the modifiableand
non-modifiablerisk factors
that contribute to the
development of problems
in oxygenation.
2. Ensure a well
organized and
3. Relate with client/s
and their family and
the health team
4. Observe bioethical
core values and
nursingstandards in
the careof clients;
5. Promote personal
and professional
growth of self and
 Cardiovascular disease
 Stroke
 Tuberculosis
 Obesity
 Dietary assessment
 Medication history
2. Identify significant
subjectivedata from client
history related to problems
in oxygenation.
a. Chief complaints
b. Relevant information,to includeeleven
functional patterns
 Health perception management pattern
 Nutritional/metabolic pattern
 Elimination pattern
 Activity/exercisepatterns
 Cognitive/perceptual pattern
 Sleep-rest pattern
 Self-perception-self-concept pattern
 Role relationship pattern
 Sexuality-reproductivepattern
 Coping-stress tolerancepattern
 Value-belief pattern
 Pre-tests
 CaseAnalysis
 Small Group
 Lecture Discussion
 Postl test
 Assertiveness
 Cooperation
 Participation
 Sensitivity
2 hours The students should be
able to identify significant
subjective data from
client’s history by
enumerating the possible
chief complaints and
recording relevant
information guided by the
eleven functional patterns.
3. Enumerate the principles
and techniques of physical
examination in assessing
the oxygenation status in
newborn, children, adults.
a. Inspection- gas exchange, perfusion
b. Palpation- gas exchange,perfusion
c. Percussion- gas exchange
d. Auscultation- gas exchange- heart sound,breath
sounds,deviations,fluid transport
 Demonstration
 Return
 Lecture Discussion
 Post test
 Assertiveness
 Cooperation
 Participation
 Sensitivity
3 hours The students will be ableto
perform the proper
techniques in physical
examination and apply the
principles in correctly
assessing the newborn,
children, and adult’s
oxygen status by
comparing any deviations
from normal findings.
4. Identify results and
implications of
examinations of clients
with reference to
problems in Oxygenation.
 Screening procedure- peak flowmeter
 Diagnostic Procedures
 Non-invasive:
 Pulmonary:e.g. sputum microscopy,chest x-
ray,pulmonary function tests, smoke analyzer
 Fagerstrom test – standardized degree of
 Cardiac:ultrasound,ECG,2-D echo, stress test
 Vascular:Doppler ultrasonography
 Blood: pulseoximeter
 Invasive:
 Pre-tests
 CaseAnalysis
 Small Group
 Lecture Discussion
 Post test
 Assertiveness
 Cooperation
 Participation
 Sensitivity
2.5 hours Given actual laboratory
results of a patient, the
student should be able to
identify deviations from
normal findings.
 Pulmonary:bronchoscopy,ABG, 3horacentesis,
pulmonary angiography
 Cardiac:CO determination, cardiac
catheterization, CVP, hemodynamics
monitoring, enzyme levels,Serum, Cholesterol
 Vascular:angiography
 Blood: CBC and bone marrow biopsy
5. Determine the Patho-
physiologicmechanisms of
the Alterations in
a. Alteration in gas exchange – ventilator
dysfunction,impaired perfusion
b. Alteration in cardiacperformance – heart rate
problems, impaired strokevolume secondary
to altered preload, afterload, myocardial
c. Alteration in vascular integrity –transport
network impairment
d. Alteration in oxygen carryingcapacity of the
blood- decreased circulatingerythrocytes
(anemia), increased circulatingerythrocytes
 Pre-tests
 CaseAnalysis
 Small Group
 Lecture Discussion
 Post test
 Assertiveness
 Cooperation
 Participation
 Sensitivity
16 hours The students should be
able to determine the
mechanisms in the
different oxygenation
6. Enumerate Nursing
diagnoses taxonomy
pertinent to
problems/alteration in
a. Ineffective breathingpattern
b. Ineffective airway clearance
c. Impaired gas exchange
d. Inability to sustain spontaneous
e. Dysfunctional 3entilatory weaning
f. Decreased cardiac output(CO)
g. Altered tissueperfusion systemic
h. Impaired gas exchange related to
altered O2 carryingcapacity of blood
due to decreased
i. Activity intolerancerelated to
malnutrition tissuehypoxia
 Pre-tests
 CaseAnalysis
 Small Group
 Lecture Discussion
 Post test
 Assertiveness
 Cooperation
 Participation
 Sensitivity
2 hours The students should be
able to identify possible
nursing diagnoses
taxonomy pertinent to the
derived assessmentdata to
pertinent problems in
7. Identify principles of various
modalities of management
of clients with problems in
oxygenation takinginto
consideration thefollowing
levels of care:
1. Health promotive
2. Disease
a. For altered pulmonary function:
 Airway patency
 Oxygen therapy
 Adequate ventilation
 Drug therapy
 Hydration
 Removal of secretion
 Prevention of infection
 Prevention of complications
 Pre-tests
 CaseAnalysis
 Small Group
 Lecture Discussion
 Post test
 Assertiveness
 Cooperation
 Participation
 Sensitivity
4 hours  The students should be
ableto apply the various
principles in the
management of clients
with problems in
oxygenation in the
actual clinical nursing
 The students should be
3. Curativeand
 Prevention of psychosocial problems
 Rehabilitation
b. For cardiac function
 Hemodynamics monitoring
 O2 therapy
 Drug therapy
 Hydration
 Prevention of infection
 Prevention of complications
 Prevention of psychosocial problems
 Rehabilitation
c. Oxygen carryingcapacity of the blood
 Blood component replacement
 O2 therapy
 Drug therapy
 Hydration
 Prevention of infection
 Prevention of complications
able to provide the
patients/clients with the
proper teachings on
health promotion,
disease prevention and
curative and health
8. Enumerate
Pharmacologic actions,
therapeutic uses,side
effects, indications,
nursingresponsibilities in
clients with oxygenation
a. Pulmonary
 Bronchodilators
 Expectorants
 Antitussives
 Antihistamines
b. Cardiac
 Sympathomymetic agents
 Sympatholytic agents
 Anti-anginal agents
 Anti- arrhythmic agents
 Angiotensin convertingenzyme inhibitors
 Antilipemic agents
 Anticoagulantagents
 Thrombolytics
 Peripheral vascularagents
c. Blood
 Hematinics
 Vitamin supplements
 Pre-tests
 CaseAnalysis
 Small Group
 Lecture Discussion
 Post test
 Assertiveness
 Cooperation
 Participation
 Sensitivity
2 hours The students should be
able to enumerate the
different pulmonary,
cardiac,blood medications,
with their corresponding
pharmacologic actions,
therapeutic uses, side
effects, indications and
contraindications and
nursing responsibilities in
the different medications
of clients with oxygenation
9. List the purposes,
responsibilitiesfor the
surgical and special
procedures in alterations in
1. Safe and comprehensive perioperativenursing
1.1 Assessment and care duringthe
1.2 Techniques in assistingthe surgical team
 Pre-tests
 CaseAnalysis
 Small Group
 Lecture Discussion
 Assertiveness
 Cooperation
 Participation
 Sensitivity
2 hours The students will be ableto
list the different surgical
and special procedures for
clients with oxygenation
problems and identify the
oxygenation. duringthe operation
1.3 Principles of safety, comfort and privacy
duringthe perioperativeperiod
1.4 Nursingresponsibilities duringthe
 Preoperative – physical,
psychological,spiritual preparation
 Intraoperative– circulatingnurse
functions,scrub nursefunctions
 Postoperative – airway,breathings,
circulation priorities. Meeting the
physical,psychological and spiritual
needs of the cliet.
2. Pulmonary
a. Surgical procedures –tracheostomy,
thoracostomy, lungresection, lobectomy,
pneumonectomy, thoracoplasty,
b. Special procedures – endotrcheal/tracheal
suctioningand care,humidication,IPPB,
ventilator assist
3. Cardiac
a. Surgical procedures –coronary aretery bypass,
pacemaker insertion,valvereplacement,
repair of congenital abnormality,insertion of
ventricular assistdevice,heart plansplant
b. Special procedures – laser therapy, basic life
support, advancelifesupport
3.1 Vascular
a. Surgical procedures –endarterectomy,
aneurysmectomy, insertion of intravascular
b. Special procedures – application of
antiembolic stockings
3.2 Blood forming organs
a. Surgical procedures –bone marrow
aspiration,bonemarrow transplant
b. Special procedures – blood component
 Post test nursing responsibilities in
each procedure.
At the end of the lecture
discussion,the students
will beable to:
1. Utilizethe nursing
10. Identify risk factors
among clients that
contribute to the
development of problems in
 Potential factors for exceeding renal reserve
capacity,dietary habits to includesaltintake,
hypertension, infection,diabetes.
 Pre-tests
 CaseAnalysis
 Small Group
 Assertiveness
 Cooperation
 Participation
 Sensitivity
1.5 hours After the discussion,the
students will beable to
identify the modifiableand
non-modifiablerisk factors
process in the careof
with problems in
Fluids and electrolyte
imbalances in
community and
hospital settings.
2. Ensure a well
organized and
3. Relate with client/s
and their family and
the health team
4. Observe bioethical
core values and
nursingstandards in
the careof clients;
5. Promote personal and
professional growth of
self and others.
Fluid and Electrolytes.  Lecture Discussion
 Post test
that contribute to the
development of problems
in fluid and electrolyte
11. Enumerate the
principlesand techniques of
physical examination in
newborn, children,adults,
deviations fromnormal.
 Inspection- signs of dehydration,overhydration
 Palpation- edema, ascites,neck vein filling,hand
vein filling,neuromuscular irritability,
characteristic of pulse
 Percussion- abdomen for presence of air,fluid
 Auscultation- rates
 Demonstration
 Return
 Lecture Discussion
 Post test
 Assertiveness
 Cooperation
 Participation
 Sensitivity
2 hours The students will be ableto
perform the proper
techniques in physical
examination and apply the
principles in correctly
assessing the newborn,
children, and adult’s fluids
and electrolyte balance
status by comparing any
deviations from normal
12. Identify results and
implications of
examinations of clients
with reference to
problems in
a. Diagnostic tests
 Non-invasive:electrolyte determination, intake
and output, KUB-IVP and ultrasound
 Invasive–biopsy
b. Weight
c. Vital Signs
 Pre-tests
 CaseAnalysis
 Small Group
 Lecture Discussion
 Post test
 Assertiveness
 Cooperation
 Participation
 Sensitivity
1.5 hours Given actual laboratory
results of a patient, the
student should be able to
identify deviations from
normal findings.
13. Determine the Patho-
physiologicMechanisms of
Fluid and electrolyte
a. Volume impairment – fluid volume deficit,fluid
volume excess, third spacefluid shift
b. Osmotic imbalances –hyponatremia,
c. Ionic concentration problems – hypo- and
hyperkalemia;hypo and hyperchloremia;hypo-
and hypermagnesemia; hypo- and
d. Acid and baseimbalances –metabolic acidosis
and alkalosis;respiratory acidosisand alkalosis
 Pre-tests
 CaseAnalysis
 Small Group
 Lecture Discussion
 Post test
 Assertiveness
 Cooperation
 Participation
 Sensitivity
12 hours The students should be
able to determine the
mechanisms in the
different fluid and
electrolyte imbalances.
14. Enumerate Nursing
diagnoses taxonomy
pertinent to
problems/alteration in
Fluid and electrolyte
a. Risk for fluid volume deficit
b. Fluid volume excess
c. Fluid volume deficit
d. High risk for injury related to electrolyte
e. High risk for injury related to acid/base
f. Altered urinary elimination
g. Impaired integumentary integrity
 Pre-tests
 CaseAnalysis
 Small Group
 Lecture Discussion
 Post test
 Assertiveness
 Cooperation
 Participation
 Sensitivity
2 hours The students should be
able to identify possible
nursing diagnoses
taxonomy pertinent to the
derived assessmentdata to
pertinent problems in fluid
and electrolyte imbalances.
15.Identify principles of various a. Fluid Volume Deficit  Pre-tests  Assertiveness 12 hours  The students should be
modalities of management
of clients with problems in
fluid and electrolyte
imbalances takinginto
consideration thefollowing
levels of care:
a. Health promotive
b. Diseasepreventive
c. Curativeand
 Determination and management of
 Hydration
 Blood transfusion as needed
 Drug therapy – electrolyte
 Supportive management
 Prevention of infection
 Prevention of complication
 Prevention of psychosocial problems
 Rehabilitation
b. Fluid Volume Excess
 Determination and management of
 Drug therapy – diuretics,electrolytes
 Dietary restriction – sodium
 Supportive management
 Prevention of infection
 Prevention of complication
 Prevention of psychosocial problems
 Rehabilitation
c. Electrolyte Deficit– hyponatremia,
hypomagnesemia, hypophosphatemia
 Determination and management of
 Drug therapy – electrolyte replacement
 Dietary management
 Supportive management
 Prevention of complication
 Prevention of psychosocial problems
 Rehabilitation
d. Electrolyte Excess – hyperkalemia,
 Determination and management of
 Drug therapy – electrolyte replacement
 Dietary management
 Supportive management
 Prevention of complication
 Prevention of psychosocial problems
 Rehabilitation
 CaseAnalysis
 Small Group
 Lecture Discussion
 Post test
 Cooperation
 Participation
 Sensitivity
ableto apply the various
principles in the
management of clients
with problems in fluid
and electrolyte
imbalance in the actual
clinical nursing practice.
 The students should be
able to provide the
patients/clients with the
proper teachings on
health promotion,
disease prevention and
curative and health
e. Metabolic Alkalosis –Basebicarbonateexces
 Determination and management of
 Drug therapy
 Dietary management
 Supportive management
 Prevention of complication
 Prevention of psychosocial problems
 Rehabilitation
a. Metabolic Acidosis- base
 Determination and management of
 Drug therapy
 Dietary management
 Supportive management
 Prevention of complication
 Prevention of psychosocial problems
 Rehabilitation
f. Respiratory Alkalosis –carbonic and acid
 Determination and management of
 Drug therapy
 Dietary management
 Supportive management
 Prevention of complication
 Prevention of psychosocial problems
 Rehabilitation
g. Respiratory Acidosis –carbonic acid excess
 Determination and management of
 Drug therapy
 Dietary management
 Supportive management
 Prevention of complication
 Prevention of psychosocial problems
 Rehabilitation
16. Enumerate
Pharmacologic actions,
therapeutic uses,sideeffects,
a. Fluid
 Parenteral fluids
 Hypotonic
 Hypertonic
 Pre-tests
 CaseAnalysis
 Small Group
 Assertiveness
 Cooperation
 Participation
 Sensitivity
2.5 hours The students should be
able to enumerate the
different medications in
managingclients with fluid
and nursingresponsibilities in
clients in fluid and electrolyte
 Isotonic
b. Electrolyte
 Sodium
 Potassium
 Calcium
 Magnesium
 Phosphate
c. diuretics
 Potassium-sparing
 Potasium-losing
 Osmotic diuretics
d. Vitamin D supplements
 Lecture Discussion
 Post test
and electrolyte imbalances,
with their corresponding
pharmacologic actions,
therapeutic uses, side
effects, indications and
contraindications and
nursing responsibilities in
the different medications.
17. List the purposes,
responsibilitiesfor the
surgical and special
procedures in alterations in
fluid and electrolyte
Renal dysfunction
a. Major surgical procedures –
nephrectomy, nephrostomy,
cystectomy, uterostomy, renal
transplants,urinary diversion
b. Special procedures- peritoneal dialysis,
hemodialysis,bladder training,
cystoclysis/bladder irrigation
 Pre-tests
 CaseAnalysis
 Small Group
 Lecture Discussion
 Post test
 Assertiveness
 Cooperation
 Participation
 Sensitivity
2.5 hours The students will be ableto
list the different surgical
and special procedures for
clients with fluid and
electrolyte imbalance and
identify the nursing
responsibilities in each
At the end of the lecture
discussion,the students
will beable to:
1. Utilizethe nursing
process in the careof
with problems in
nutrition and
community and
hospital settings.
2. Ensure a well
organized and
3. Relate with client/s
and their family and
the health team
4. Observe bioethical
core values and
18. Identify risk factors
among clients that
contribute to the
development of problems
in Nutrition and
 Risk factors related to malnutrition,obesity.  Pre-tests
 CaseAnalysis
 Small Group
 Lecture Discussion
 Post test
 Assertiveness
 Cooperation
 Participation
 Sensitivity
1 hour After the discussion,the
students will beable to
identify the modifiableand
non-modifiablerisk factors
that contribute to the
development of problems
in nutrition and
19.Identify significant
subjectivedata from client
history related to problems
in nutrition and
a. Chief complaints
b. Relevant information,to includeeleven
functional patterns
 Health perception management pattern
 Nutritional/metabolic pattern
 Elimination pattern
 Activity/exercisepatterns
 Cognitive/perceptual pattern
 Sleep-rest pattern
 Self-perception-self-concept pattern
 Role relationship pattern
 Sexuality-reproductivepattern
 Coping-stress tolerancepattern
 Value-belief pattern
 Pre-tests
 CaseAnalysis
 Small Group
 Lecture Discussion
 Post test
 Assertiveness
 Cooperation
 Participation
 Sensitivity
2 hours The students should be
ableto identify significant
subjectivedata from
client’s history by
enumerating the possible
chief complaints and
information guided by the
eleven functional patterns
nursingstandards in
the careof clients;
5. Promote personal and
professional growth of
self and others.
20. Enumerate the
principlesand techniques of
physical examination in
newborn, children,adults,
deviations fromnormal.
3.3 Gastrointestinal function –IPPA
 Inspection- color,texture of skin,
mucous membrane, growth patterns,
 Auscultation- bowel sounds,bruits
 Palpation –focus on GIT for presence of
masses,ascites,rebound tenderness,
 Percussion –liver span,masses
 Demonstration
 Return
 Lecture Discussion
 Post test
 Assertiveness
 Cooperation
 Participation
 Sensitivity
1.5 hours The students will be ableto
perform the proper
techniques in physical
examination and apply the
principles in correctly
assessing the newborn,
children, and adult’s
nutritional and metabolic
status by comparing any
deviations from normal
21. Identify results and
implications of
examinations of clients
with reference to
problems in Nutrition and
a. Non-invasive:ultrasound of the abdomen, stool
b. Invasive:to include:bariumswallow,
esophagoscopy,biopsy,cytology examination,
gastric secretion analysis,endoscopy
proctosigmoidoscopy and rectal examination
 Pre-tests
 CaseAnalysis
 Small Group
 Lecture Discussion
 Post test
 Assertiveness
 Cooperation
 Participation
 Sensitivity
1.5 hours Given actual laboratory
results of a patient, the
student should be ableto
identify deviations from
normal findings.
22. Determine the Patho-
physiologicmechanisms of
the Alterations in Nutrition
and Metabolism.
a. Disturbances in ingestion –problems in buccal
cavity and esophagus
b. Disturbances in digestion –peptic acid disease,
gastritis and gastric cancer
c. Disturbances in absorption –malnutrition,
malabsorption syndromeand inflammatory
bowel conditions
d. Disturbances in elimination –bowel obstruction,
hemorrhoids,diarrhea and constipation.
 Pre-tests
 CaseAnalysis
 Small Group
 Lecture Discussion
 Post test
 Assertiveness
 Cooperation
 Participation
 Sensitivity
12 hours The students should be
able to determine the
mechanisms in the
different nutritional and
metabolic problems.
23. Enumerate Nursing
diagnoses taxonomy
pertinent to
problems/alteration in
Nutrition and Metabolism.
a. Alteration in nutrition less than body requirement
b. Alteration in nutrition more than body
c. Alteration in oral mucous membrane integrity
d. Alteration in comfort: epigastric pain/abdominal
e. Fluid volume deficit
 Pre-tests
 CaseAnalysis
 Small Group
 Lecture Discussion
 Post test
 Assertiveness
 Cooperation
 Participation
 Sensitivity
1.5 hours The students should be
able to identify possible
nursing diagnoses
taxonomy pertinent to the
derived assessmentdata to
pertinent problems in
nutrition and metabolism.
24.Identify principles of various
modalities of management
of clients with problems in
Nutrition and Metabolism
takinginto consideration
the followinglevels of care:
4. Health promotive
5. Disease
A. Disturbances in ingestion
 Determination and management of
 Drug therapy
 Dietary management
 Supportive management
 Prevention of complication
 Prevention of psychosocial problems
 Pre-tests
 CaseAnalysis
 Small Group
 Lecture Discussion
 Post test
 Assertiveness
 Cooperation
 Participation
 Sensitivity
12 hours  The students should be
ableto apply the various
principles in the
management of clients
with problems in
nutrition and
metabolismin the actual
clinical nursing practice.
6. Curativeand
 Rehabilitation
B. Disturbances in digestion
 Determination and management of
 Drug therapy
 Dietary management
 Supportive management
 Prevention of complication
 Prevention of psychosocial problems
 Rehabilitation
C. Disturbances in absorption
 Determination and management of
 Drug therapy
 Dietary management
 Supportive management
 Prevention of complication
 Prevention of psychosocial problems
 Rehabilitation
D. Disturbances in elimination
 Determination and management of
 Drug therapy
 Dietary management
 Supportive management
 Prevention of complication
 Prevention of psychosocial problems
 Rehabilitation
E. Disturbances in hepatic,biliary and
pancreatic functions
 Determination and management of
 Drug therapy
 Dietary management
 Supportive management
 Prevention of complication
 Prevention of psychosocial problems
 Rehabilitation
 The students should be
able to provide the
patients/clients with the
proper teachings on
health promotion,
disease prevention and
curative and health
25. Enumerate
Pharmacologic actions,
therapeutic uses,side
effects, indications,
 Antiemetics
 Anticoagulants
 Hematinics agents
 Laxatives and stool softeners
 Pre-tests
 CaseAnalysis
 Small Group
 Assertiveness
 Cooperation
 Participation
 Sensitivity
2 hours The students should be
able to enumerate the
different pulmonary,
cardiac,blood medications,
nursingresponsibilities in
clients with Nutrition and
 Antipruritus
 Vitamin supplement
 Antacids
 Antihyperlipidemics
 Antispasmodics
 Antidiarrheal
 Lecture Discussion
 Post test
with their corresponding
pharmacologic actions,
therapeutic uses, side
effects, indications and
contraindications and
nursing responsibilities in
the different medications
of clients with nutrition
and metabolism disorders.
26. List the purposes,
responsibilitiesfor the
surgical and special
procedures in alterations in
Nutrition and Metabolism.
a. Surgical procedures –gastrostomy, gastrectomy,
colostomy, hemorrhoidectomy, gastrointestinal
b. Special procedures – parenteral
hyperalimentation;feeding per nasogastric,
jejunostomy, gastrostomy tubes; colostomy care
and irrigation,dietary planningfor common GT
and endocrine problems; administering
medications via NGT, J tube, G tube; hot sitzbath
 Pre-tests
 CaseAnalysis
 Small Group
 Lecture Discussion
 Post test
 Assertiveness
 Cooperation
 Participation
 Sensitivity
2.5 hours The students will be ableto
list the different surgical
and special procedures for
clients with nutrition and
metabolism problems and
identify the nursing
responsibilities in each
At the end of the lecture
discussion,the students
will beable to:
1. Utilizethe nursing
process in the careof
with problems in
endocrine functioning
in community and
hospital settings.
2. Ensure a well
organized and
3. Relate with client/s
and their family and
the health team
4. Observe bioethical
core values and
nursingstandards in
the careof clients;
27. Identify risk factors
among clients that
contribute to the
development of problems
in Endocrine Function.
 Risk factors related to endocrine hypo or hyper-
 Pre-tests
 CaseAnalysis
 Small Group
 Lecture Discussion
 Post test
 Assertiveness
 Cooperation
 Participation
 Sensitivity
1.5 hours After the discussion,the
students will beable to
identify the modifiableand
non-modifiablerisk factors
that contribute to the
development of problems
in endocrine functioning.
28.Identify significant
subjectivedata from client
history related to problems
in endocrine functioning.
A. Chief complaints
B. Relevant information,to includeeleven
functional patterns
 Health perception management pattern
 Nutritional/metabolic pattern
 Elimination pattern
 Activity/exercisepatterns
 Cognitive/perceptual pattern
 Sleep-rest pattern
 Self-perception-self-concept pattern
 Role relationship pattern
 Sexuality-reproductivepattern
 Coping-stress tolerancepattern
 Value-belief pattern
 Pre-tests
 CaseAnalysis
 Small Group
 Lecture Discussion
 Post test
 Assertiveness
 Cooperation
 Participation
 Sensitivity
2 hours The students should be
ableto identify significant
subjectivedata from
client’s history by
enumerating the possible
chief complaints and
information guided by the
eleven functional patterns
29. Enumerate the
techniques of physical
 Inspection- color,texture of skin,mucous
membrane, growth patterns, obesity
 Auscultation – bruit,heart sounds,breath
 Demonstration
 Return
 Assertiveness
 Cooperation
 Participation
1.5 hours The students will be ableto
perform the proper
techniques in physical
5. Promote personal
and professional
growth of self and
examination in
newborn, children,
from normal in the
endocrine system.
 Palpation- organ-thyroid enlargement, masses,
 Percussion- fluid,edema
 Others – weight, delayed healingof wounds
 Lecture Discussion
 Post test
 Sensitivity examination and apply the
principles in correctly
assessing the newborn,
children, and adult’s
endocrine functioning by
comparing any deviations
from normal findings.
30. Identify results and
implications of
examinations of clients
with reference to
problems in endocrine
a. Screening: glucosetolerancetest
 Non-invasive:e.g. GI x-ray,ultrasound
abdomen, Radio-iodineassay (RAI),protein
bound iodine(PBI), thyroid scan,free thyroxin
level, basal metabolic rate(BMR), thyroxine
stimulatinghormone (TSH) test, OGTT (Glucose
tolerance test) urinalysis(glycosuria,ketonuria)
 Invasive:e.g. percutaneous transhepatic
cholangiogram,liver function test, serum
thyroxine and triiodothyroninetest, iodine131
uptake, blood sugar tests (fastingblood sugar –
FBS), random blood sugar (RBS), glycosylated
hemoglobin (Hgb), two-hour postprandial
blood glucose,endocrine assay.
 Pre-tests
 CaseAnalysis
 Small Group
 Lecture Discussion
 Post test
 Assertiveness
 Cooperation
 Participation
 Sensitivity
2.5 hours Given actual laboratory
results of a patient, the
student should be ableto
identify deviations from
normal findings.
31. Determine the Patho-
physiologicmechanisms of
the Alterations in
endocrine functioning.
a. Hypo- and Hyperfunction of the pituitary organ
b. Hypo- and Hyperfunction of the hypothalamus
c. Hypo- and Hyperfunction of the thyroid organ
d. Hypo- and Hyperfunction of the parathyroid
e. Hypo- and Hyperfunction of the adrenal organ
f. Hypo- and Hyperfunction of the gonads
g. Problems in glucosemetabolism – hypoglycemia
and hyperglycemia (IDM, NIDDM)
 Pre-tests
 CaseAnalysis
 Small Group
 Lecture Discussion
 Post test
 Assertiveness
 Cooperation
 Participation
 Sensitivity
10 hours The students should be
able to determine the
mechanisms in the
different endocrine
32. Enumerate Nursing
diagnoses taxonomy
pertinent to
problems/alteration in
endocrine functioning.
a. Alterations in nutrition less than body
b. Fluid volume deficit
c. Activity intolerance
 Pre-tests
 CaseAnalysis
 Small Group
 Lecture Discussion
 Post test
 Assertiveness
 Cooperation
 Participation
 Sensitivity
1.5 hours The students should be
able to identify possible
nursing diagnoses
taxonomy pertinent to the
derived assessmentdata to
pertinent problems in
endocrine functioning.
33. Enumerate
Pharmacologic actions,
therapeutic uses,side
effects, indications,
nursingresponsibilities in
 Corticosteroids
 Alpha-adrenergic blockingagents
 Beta-adrenergic blockingagents
 Tyrosineinhibitors
 Dopamine receptor antagonists
 Glucocorticoids
 Pre-tests
 CaseAnalysis
 Small Group
 Lecture Discussion
 Post test
 Assertiveness
 Cooperation
 Participation
 Sensitivity
2.5 hours  The students should be
ableto apply the various
principles in the
management of clients
with problems in
endocrine functioning in
clients with endocrine
 Parathyroid hormone agents
 Thyroid hormone agents
 Insulin
 Oral hypoglycemic agents
the actual clinical
nursing practice.
 The students should be
able to provide the
patients/clients with the
proper teachings on
health promotion,
disease prevention and
curative and health
34.Identify principles of various
modalities of management
of clients with problems in
endocrine functioning
takinginto consideration
the followinglevels of care:
a. Health promotive
b. Diseasepreventive
c. Curativeand
 Determination and management of cause
 Drug therapy - diuretics,electrolytes
 Dietary management
 Supportive management
 Prevention of complication
 Prevention of psychosocial problems
 Rehabilitation
 Pre-tests
 CaseAnalysis
 Small Group
 Lecture Discussion
 Post test
 Assertiveness
 Cooperation
 Participation
 Sensitivity
12 hours The students should be
able to enumerate the
different pulmonary,
cardiac,blood medications,
with their corresponding
pharmacologic actions,
therapeutic uses, side
effects, indications and
contraindications and
nursing responsibilities in
the different medications
of clients with endocrine
35. List the purposes,
responsibilitiesfor the
surgical and special
procedures in alterations in
endocrine functioning.
a. Surgical procedures –thyroidectomy,
b. Special procedures – monitoringof
blood glucoselevels;maintenance of
blood glucose– diet, exercise, drugs
 Pre-tests
 CaseAnalysis
 Small Group
 Lecture Discussion
 Post test
 Assertiveness
 Cooperation
 Participation
 Sensitivity
2.5 hours The students will be ableto
list the different surgical
and special procedures for
clients with endocrine
problems and identify the
nursing responsibilities in
each procedure.
1. LippincottWilliams & Wilkins. The LippincottManual of NursingPractice –7th edition.2001.
2. Marieb,ElaineN. Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology – 8th edition. Pearson Education South Asia PTE. LTD. 2006
3. Brunner and Suddarth. Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing –12th edition. 2010

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Syllabus with-itp-ncm103

  • 1. Course Name : CARE OF CLIENTS WITH PROBLEMS IN OXYGENATION, FLUID AND ELECTROLYTE BALANCE, NUTRITION AND METABOLISM AND ENDOCRINE Course Code : NCM 103 Course Description : This course deals with the principles and techniques of nursing care management of sick clients across lifespan with emphasis on the adult and the older person, population group in any setting with alterations/problems in oxygenation, fluid and electrolyte balance, nutrition and metabolism and endocrine function. Course Credit : 8 units lecture; 6 units RLE (1 unit skills lab, 5 units Clinical) Contact Hours/ Semester : 144 lecture hours; 306 RLE hours Pre-requisite : NCM 102 Placement : 3rd year, 1st semester Course Objectives : At the end of the course and given relevant actual clients with problems in oxygenation, fluid and electrolyte balance, nutrition and metabolism, and endocrine function, the student should be able to: 1. Utilize the nursing process in the care of individuals, families in community and hospital settings.  Assess with client/s his/her/their condition/health status through interview, physical examination, interpretation of laboratory findings.  Identify actual and at-risk nursing diagnosis  Plan appropriate nursing interventions with client/s and family for identified nursing diagnosis  Implement plan of care with client/s and family.  Evaluate the progress of his/her/their client’s condition and outcomes of care. 2. Ensure a well organized and accurate documentation system; 3. Relate with client/s and their family and the health team appropriately; 4. Observe bioethical concepts/principles, core values and nursing standards in the care of clients; and, 5. Promote personal and professional growth of self and others. OBJECTIVES INTERMEDIATE COMPETENCIES COURSE CONTENT TEACHING-LEARNING ACTIVITIES VALUES INTEGRATION TIME FRAME EVALUATION At the end of the lecture discussion,the students will beable to: 1. Utilizethe nursing process in the careof individuals,families with problems in oxygenation in community and hospital settings; 1.Identify risk factors among clients thatcontribute to the development of problems in Oxygenation- cardiovascular risk factors (modifiableand non-modifiable). The different risk factors amongclients that contribute to the development of problems in oxygenation:  Current respiratory problems  History of respiratory disease  Lifestyle (smoking, alcoholism,exercise patterns)  Presence of cough  Presence of Chest Pain  Lung Cancer  Pre-tests  CaseAnalysis  Small Group Learning  Lecture Discussion  Post test  Assertiveness  Cooperation  Participation  Sensitivity 2.5 hours After the discussion, the students will be able to identify the modifiableand non-modifiablerisk factors that contribute to the development of problems in oxygenation.
  • 2. 2. Ensure a well organized and accurate documentation system; 3. Relate with client/s and their family and the health team appropriately; 4. Observe bioethical concepts/principles, core values and nursingstandards in the careof clients; and, 5. Promote personal and professional growth of self and others.  Cardiovascular disease  Stroke  Tuberculosis  Obesity  Dietary assessment  Medication history 2. Identify significant subjectivedata from client history related to problems in oxygenation. a. Chief complaints b. Relevant information,to includeeleven functional patterns  Health perception management pattern  Nutritional/metabolic pattern  Elimination pattern  Activity/exercisepatterns  Cognitive/perceptual pattern  Sleep-rest pattern  Self-perception-self-concept pattern  Role relationship pattern  Sexuality-reproductivepattern  Coping-stress tolerancepattern  Value-belief pattern  Pre-tests  CaseAnalysis  Small Group Learning  Lecture Discussion  Postl test  Assertiveness  Cooperation  Participation  Sensitivity 2 hours The students should be able to identify significant subjective data from client’s history by enumerating the possible chief complaints and recording relevant information guided by the eleven functional patterns. 3. Enumerate the principles and techniques of physical examination in assessing the oxygenation status in newborn, children, adults. a. Inspection- gas exchange, perfusion b. Palpation- gas exchange,perfusion c. Percussion- gas exchange d. Auscultation- gas exchange- heart sound,breath sounds,deviations,fluid transport  Demonstration  Return Demonstration  Lecture Discussion  Post test  Assertiveness  Cooperation  Participation  Sensitivity 3 hours The students will be ableto perform the proper techniques in physical examination and apply the principles in correctly assessing the newborn, children, and adult’s oxygen status by comparing any deviations from normal findings. 4. Identify results and implications of diagnostic/laboratory examinations of clients with reference to problems in Oxygenation.  Screening procedure- peak flowmeter  Diagnostic Procedures  Non-invasive:  Pulmonary:e.g. sputum microscopy,chest x- ray,pulmonary function tests, smoke analyzer  Fagerstrom test – standardized degree of nicotinedependence  Cardiac:ultrasound,ECG,2-D echo, stress test  Vascular:Doppler ultrasonography  Blood: pulseoximeter  Invasive:  Pre-tests  CaseAnalysis  Small Group Learning  Lecture Discussion  Post test  Assertiveness  Cooperation  Participation  Sensitivity 2.5 hours Given actual laboratory results of a patient, the student should be able to identify deviations from normal findings.
  • 3.  Pulmonary:bronchoscopy,ABG, 3horacentesis, pulmonary angiography  Cardiac:CO determination, cardiac catheterization, CVP, hemodynamics monitoring, enzyme levels,Serum, Cholesterol  Vascular:angiography  Blood: CBC and bone marrow biopsy 5. Determine the Patho- physiologicmechanisms of the Alterations in oxygenation a. Alteration in gas exchange – ventilator dysfunction,impaired perfusion b. Alteration in cardiacperformance – heart rate problems, impaired strokevolume secondary to altered preload, afterload, myocardial contractility c. Alteration in vascular integrity –transport network impairment d. Alteration in oxygen carryingcapacity of the blood- decreased circulatingerythrocytes (anemia), increased circulatingerythrocytes (polycythemia)  Pre-tests  CaseAnalysis  Small Group Learning  Lecture Discussion  Post test  Assertiveness  Cooperation  Participation  Sensitivity 16 hours The students should be able to determine the patho-physiologic mechanisms in the different oxygenation problems. 6. Enumerate Nursing diagnoses taxonomy pertinent to problems/alteration in Oxygenation. a. Ineffective breathingpattern b. Ineffective airway clearance c. Impaired gas exchange d. Inability to sustain spontaneous ventilation e. Dysfunctional 3entilatory weaning response f. Decreased cardiac output(CO) g. Altered tissueperfusion systemic h. Impaired gas exchange related to altered O2 carryingcapacity of blood due to decreased erythrocytes/hemoglobin i. Activity intolerancerelated to malnutrition tissuehypoxia  Pre-tests  CaseAnalysis  Small Group Learning  Lecture Discussion  Post test  Assertiveness  Cooperation  Participation  Sensitivity 2 hours The students should be able to identify possible nursing diagnoses taxonomy pertinent to the derived assessmentdata to pertinent problems in oxygenation. 7. Identify principles of various modalities of management of clients with problems in oxygenation takinginto consideration thefollowing levels of care: 1. Health promotive 2. Disease preventive a. For altered pulmonary function:  Airway patency  Oxygen therapy  Adequate ventilation  Drug therapy  Hydration  Removal of secretion  Prevention of infection  Prevention of complications  Pre-tests  CaseAnalysis  Small Group Learning  Lecture Discussion  Post test  Assertiveness  Cooperation  Participation  Sensitivity 4 hours  The students should be ableto apply the various principles in the management of clients with problems in oxygenation in the actual clinical nursing practice.  The students should be
  • 4. 3. Curativeand restorative  Prevention of psychosocial problems  Rehabilitation b. For cardiac function  Hemodynamics monitoring  O2 therapy  Drug therapy  Hydration  Prevention of infection  Prevention of complications  Prevention of psychosocial problems  Rehabilitation c. Oxygen carryingcapacity of the blood  Blood component replacement  O2 therapy  Drug therapy  Hydration  Prevention of infection  Prevention of complications able to provide the patients/clients with the proper teachings on health promotion, disease prevention and curative and health restoration. 8. Enumerate Pharmacologic actions, therapeutic uses,side effects, indications, contraindications,and nursingresponsibilities in administeringmedications clients with oxygenation problems. a. Pulmonary  Bronchodilators  Expectorants  Antitussives  Antihistamines b. Cardiac  Sympathomymetic agents  Sympatholytic agents  Anti-anginal agents  Anti- arrhythmic agents  Angiotensin convertingenzyme inhibitors  Antilipemic agents  Anticoagulantagents  Thrombolytics  Peripheral vascularagents c. Blood  Hematinics  Vitamin supplements  Pre-tests  CaseAnalysis  Small Group Learning  Lecture Discussion  Post test  Assertiveness  Cooperation  Participation  Sensitivity 2 hours The students should be able to enumerate the different pulmonary, cardiac,blood medications, with their corresponding pharmacologic actions, therapeutic uses, side effects, indications and contraindications and nursing responsibilities in the different medications of clients with oxygenation problems. 9. List the purposes, indications,nursing responsibilitiesfor the surgical and special procedures in alterations in 1. Safe and comprehensive perioperativenursing care 1.1 Assessment and care duringthe perioperativeperiod 1.2 Techniques in assistingthe surgical team  Pre-tests  CaseAnalysis  Small Group Learning  Lecture Discussion  Assertiveness  Cooperation  Participation  Sensitivity 2 hours The students will be ableto list the different surgical and special procedures for clients with oxygenation problems and identify the
  • 5. oxygenation. duringthe operation 1.3 Principles of safety, comfort and privacy duringthe perioperativeperiod 1.4 Nursingresponsibilities duringthe perioperativeperiod  Preoperative – physical, psychological,spiritual preparation  Intraoperative– circulatingnurse functions,scrub nursefunctions  Postoperative – airway,breathings, circulation priorities. Meeting the physical,psychological and spiritual needs of the cliet. 2. Pulmonary a. Surgical procedures –tracheostomy, thoracostomy, lungresection, lobectomy, pneumonectomy, thoracoplasty, decortications b. Special procedures – endotrcheal/tracheal suctioningand care,humidication,IPPB, ventilator assist 3. Cardiac a. Surgical procedures –coronary aretery bypass, pacemaker insertion,valvereplacement, repair of congenital abnormality,insertion of ventricular assistdevice,heart plansplant b. Special procedures – laser therapy, basic life support, advancelifesupport 3.1 Vascular a. Surgical procedures –endarterectomy, aneurysmectomy, insertion of intravascular stents b. Special procedures – application of antiembolic stockings 3.2 Blood forming organs a. Surgical procedures –bone marrow aspiration,bonemarrow transplant b. Special procedures – blood component transfusion,reverseisolation  Post test nursing responsibilities in each procedure. At the end of the lecture discussion,the students will beable to: 1. Utilizethe nursing 10. Identify risk factors among clients that contribute to the development of problems in  Potential factors for exceeding renal reserve capacity,dietary habits to includesaltintake, hypertension, infection,diabetes.  Pre-tests  CaseAnalysis  Small Group Learning  Assertiveness  Cooperation  Participation  Sensitivity 1.5 hours After the discussion,the students will beable to identify the modifiableand non-modifiablerisk factors
  • 6. process in the careof individuals,families with problems in Fluids and electrolyte imbalances in community and hospital settings. 2. Ensure a well organized and accurate documentation system; 3. Relate with client/s and their family and the health team appropriately; 4. Observe bioethical concepts/principles, core values and nursingstandards in the careof clients; and, 5. Promote personal and professional growth of self and others. Fluid and Electrolytes.  Lecture Discussion  Post test that contribute to the development of problems in fluid and electrolyte imbalances. 11. Enumerate the principlesand techniques of physical examination in newborn, children,adults, deviations fromnormal.  Inspection- signs of dehydration,overhydration  Palpation- edema, ascites,neck vein filling,hand vein filling,neuromuscular irritability, characteristic of pulse  Percussion- abdomen for presence of air,fluid  Auscultation- rates  Demonstration  Return Demonstration  Lecture Discussion  Post test  Assertiveness  Cooperation  Participation  Sensitivity 2 hours The students will be ableto perform the proper techniques in physical examination and apply the principles in correctly assessing the newborn, children, and adult’s fluids and electrolyte balance status by comparing any deviations from normal findings. 12. Identify results and implications of diagnostic/laboratory examinations of clients with reference to problems in a. Diagnostic tests  Non-invasive:electrolyte determination, intake and output, KUB-IVP and ultrasound  Invasive–biopsy b. Weight c. Vital Signs  Pre-tests  CaseAnalysis  Small Group Learning  Lecture Discussion  Post test  Assertiveness  Cooperation  Participation  Sensitivity 1.5 hours Given actual laboratory results of a patient, the student should be able to identify deviations from normal findings. 13. Determine the Patho- physiologicMechanisms of Fluid and electrolyte imbalances. a. Volume impairment – fluid volume deficit,fluid volume excess, third spacefluid shift b. Osmotic imbalances –hyponatremia, hypernatremia c. Ionic concentration problems – hypo- and hyperkalemia;hypo and hyperchloremia;hypo- and hypermagnesemia; hypo- and hyperphosphatemia d. Acid and baseimbalances –metabolic acidosis and alkalosis;respiratory acidosisand alkalosis  Pre-tests  CaseAnalysis  Small Group Learning  Lecture Discussion  Post test  Assertiveness  Cooperation  Participation  Sensitivity 12 hours The students should be able to determine the patho-physiologic mechanisms in the different fluid and electrolyte imbalances. 14. Enumerate Nursing diagnoses taxonomy pertinent to problems/alteration in Fluid and electrolyte imbalance. a. Risk for fluid volume deficit b. Fluid volume excess c. Fluid volume deficit d. High risk for injury related to electrolyte deficit/excess e. High risk for injury related to acid/base imbalance f. Altered urinary elimination g. Impaired integumentary integrity  Pre-tests  CaseAnalysis  Small Group Learning  Lecture Discussion  Post test  Assertiveness  Cooperation  Participation  Sensitivity 2 hours The students should be able to identify possible nursing diagnoses taxonomy pertinent to the derived assessmentdata to pertinent problems in fluid and electrolyte imbalances. 15.Identify principles of various a. Fluid Volume Deficit  Pre-tests  Assertiveness 12 hours  The students should be
  • 7. modalities of management of clients with problems in fluid and electrolyte imbalances takinginto consideration thefollowing levels of care: a. Health promotive b. Diseasepreventive c. Curativeand restorative  Determination and management of cause  Hydration  Blood transfusion as needed  Drug therapy – electrolyte  Supportive management  Prevention of infection  Prevention of complication  Prevention of psychosocial problems  Rehabilitation b. Fluid Volume Excess  Determination and management of cause  Drug therapy – diuretics,electrolytes  Dietary restriction – sodium  Supportive management  Prevention of infection  Prevention of complication  Prevention of psychosocial problems  Rehabilitation c. Electrolyte Deficit– hyponatremia, hypokalemia,hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, hypophosphatemia  Determination and management of cause  Drug therapy – electrolyte replacement  Dietary management  Supportive management  Prevention of complication  Prevention of psychosocial problems  Rehabilitation d. Electrolyte Excess – hyperkalemia, 7ypercalcaemia,hypermagnesemia, hyperphosphatemia  Determination and management of cause  Drug therapy – electrolyte replacement  Dietary management  Supportive management  Prevention of complication  Prevention of psychosocial problems  Rehabilitation  CaseAnalysis  Small Group Learning  Lecture Discussion  Post test  Cooperation  Participation  Sensitivity ableto apply the various principles in the management of clients with problems in fluid and electrolyte imbalance in the actual clinical nursing practice.  The students should be able to provide the patients/clients with the proper teachings on health promotion, disease prevention and curative and health restoration.
  • 8. e. Metabolic Alkalosis –Basebicarbonateexces  Determination and management of cause  Drug therapy  Dietary management  Supportive management  Prevention of complication  Prevention of psychosocial problems  Rehabilitation a. Metabolic Acidosis- base bicarbonatedeficit  Determination and management of cause  Drug therapy  Dietary management  Supportive management  Prevention of complication  Prevention of psychosocial problems  Rehabilitation f. Respiratory Alkalosis –carbonic and acid deficit  Determination and management of cause  Drug therapy  Dietary management  Supportive management  Prevention of complication  Prevention of psychosocial problems  Rehabilitation g. Respiratory Acidosis –carbonic acid excess  Determination and management of cause  Drug therapy  Dietary management  Supportive management  Prevention of complication  Prevention of psychosocial problems  Rehabilitation 16. Enumerate Pharmacologic actions, therapeutic uses,sideeffects, indications,contraindications, a. Fluid  Parenteral fluids  Hypotonic  Hypertonic  Pre-tests  CaseAnalysis  Small Group Learning  Assertiveness  Cooperation  Participation  Sensitivity 2.5 hours The students should be able to enumerate the different medications in managingclients with fluid
  • 9. and nursingresponsibilities in administeringmedications clients in fluid and electrolyte imbalances.  Isotonic b. Electrolyte  Sodium  Potassium  Calcium  Magnesium  Phosphate c. diuretics  Potassium-sparing  Potasium-losing  Osmotic diuretics d. Vitamin D supplements  Lecture Discussion  Post test and electrolyte imbalances, with their corresponding pharmacologic actions, therapeutic uses, side effects, indications and contraindications and nursing responsibilities in the different medications. 17. List the purposes, indications,nursing responsibilitiesfor the surgical and special procedures in alterations in fluid and electrolyte imbalances. Renal dysfunction a. Major surgical procedures – nephrectomy, nephrostomy, cystectomy, uterostomy, renal transplants,urinary diversion b. Special procedures- peritoneal dialysis, hemodialysis,bladder training, cystoclysis/bladder irrigation  Pre-tests  CaseAnalysis  Small Group Learning  Lecture Discussion  Post test  Assertiveness  Cooperation  Participation  Sensitivity 2.5 hours The students will be ableto list the different surgical and special procedures for clients with fluid and electrolyte imbalance and identify the nursing responsibilities in each procedure. At the end of the lecture discussion,the students will beable to: 1. Utilizethe nursing process in the careof individuals,families with problems in nutrition and metabolismin community and hospital settings. 2. Ensure a well organized and accurate documentation system; 3. Relate with client/s and their family and the health team appropriately; 4. Observe bioethical concepts/principles, core values and 18. Identify risk factors among clients that contribute to the development of problems in Nutrition and Metabolism.  Risk factors related to malnutrition,obesity.  Pre-tests  CaseAnalysis  Small Group Learning  Lecture Discussion  Post test  Assertiveness  Cooperation  Participation  Sensitivity 1 hour After the discussion,the students will beable to identify the modifiableand non-modifiablerisk factors that contribute to the development of problems in nutrition and metabolism. 19.Identify significant subjectivedata from client history related to problems in nutrition and metabolism. a. Chief complaints b. Relevant information,to includeeleven functional patterns  Health perception management pattern  Nutritional/metabolic pattern  Elimination pattern  Activity/exercisepatterns  Cognitive/perceptual pattern  Sleep-rest pattern  Self-perception-self-concept pattern  Role relationship pattern  Sexuality-reproductivepattern  Coping-stress tolerancepattern  Value-belief pattern  Pre-tests  CaseAnalysis  Small Group Learning  Lecture Discussion  Post test  Assertiveness  Cooperation  Participation  Sensitivity 2 hours The students should be ableto identify significant subjectivedata from client’s history by enumerating the possible chief complaints and recordingrelevant information guided by the eleven functional patterns
  • 10. nursingstandards in the careof clients; and, 5. Promote personal and professional growth of self and others. 20. Enumerate the principlesand techniques of physical examination in newborn, children,adults, deviations fromnormal. 3.3 Gastrointestinal function –IPPA  Inspection- color,texture of skin, mucous membrane, growth patterns, scars,masses  Auscultation- bowel sounds,bruits  Palpation –focus on GIT for presence of masses,ascites,rebound tenderness, distention  Percussion –liver span,masses  Demonstration  Return Demonstration  Lecture Discussion  Post test  Assertiveness  Cooperation  Participation  Sensitivity 1.5 hours The students will be ableto perform the proper techniques in physical examination and apply the principles in correctly assessing the newborn, children, and adult’s nutritional and metabolic status by comparing any deviations from normal findings. 21. Identify results and implications of diagnostic/laboratory examinations of clients with reference to problems in Nutrition and Metabolism. a. Non-invasive:ultrasound of the abdomen, stool culture b. Invasive:to include:bariumswallow, esophagoscopy,biopsy,cytology examination, gastric secretion analysis,endoscopy (gastroscopy,duodenoscopy), proctosigmoidoscopy and rectal examination  Pre-tests  CaseAnalysis  Small Group Learning  Lecture Discussion  Post test  Assertiveness  Cooperation  Participation  Sensitivity 1.5 hours Given actual laboratory results of a patient, the student should be ableto identify deviations from normal findings. 22. Determine the Patho- physiologicmechanisms of the Alterations in Nutrition and Metabolism. a. Disturbances in ingestion –problems in buccal cavity and esophagus b. Disturbances in digestion –peptic acid disease, gastritis and gastric cancer c. Disturbances in absorption –malnutrition, malabsorption syndromeand inflammatory bowel conditions d. Disturbances in elimination –bowel obstruction, hemorrhoids,diarrhea and constipation.  Pre-tests  CaseAnalysis  Small Group Learning  Lecture Discussion  Post test  Assertiveness  Cooperation  Participation  Sensitivity 12 hours The students should be able to determine the patho-physiologic mechanisms in the different nutritional and metabolic problems. 23. Enumerate Nursing diagnoses taxonomy pertinent to problems/alteration in Nutrition and Metabolism. a. Alteration in nutrition less than body requirement b. Alteration in nutrition more than body requirement c. Alteration in oral mucous membrane integrity d. Alteration in comfort: epigastric pain/abdominal pain e. Fluid volume deficit  Pre-tests  CaseAnalysis  Small Group Learning  Lecture Discussion  Post test  Assertiveness  Cooperation  Participation  Sensitivity 1.5 hours The students should be able to identify possible nursing diagnoses taxonomy pertinent to the derived assessmentdata to pertinent problems in nutrition and metabolism. 24.Identify principles of various modalities of management of clients with problems in Nutrition and Metabolism takinginto consideration the followinglevels of care: 4. Health promotive 5. Disease A. Disturbances in ingestion  Determination and management of cause  Drug therapy  Dietary management  Supportive management  Prevention of complication  Prevention of psychosocial problems  Pre-tests  CaseAnalysis  Small Group Learning  Lecture Discussion  Post test  Assertiveness  Cooperation  Participation  Sensitivity 12 hours  The students should be ableto apply the various principles in the management of clients with problems in nutrition and metabolismin the actual clinical nursing practice.
  • 11. preventive 6. Curativeand restorative  Rehabilitation B. Disturbances in digestion  Determination and management of cause  Drug therapy  Dietary management  Supportive management  Prevention of complication  Prevention of psychosocial problems  Rehabilitation C. Disturbances in absorption  Determination and management of cause  Drug therapy  Dietary management  Supportive management  Prevention of complication  Prevention of psychosocial problems  Rehabilitation D. Disturbances in elimination  Determination and management of cause  Drug therapy  Dietary management  Supportive management  Prevention of complication  Prevention of psychosocial problems  Rehabilitation E. Disturbances in hepatic,biliary and pancreatic functions  Determination and management of cause  Drug therapy  Dietary management  Supportive management  Prevention of complication  Prevention of psychosocial problems  Rehabilitation  The students should be able to provide the patients/clients with the proper teachings on health promotion, disease prevention and curative and health restoration. 25. Enumerate Pharmacologic actions, therapeutic uses,side effects, indications,  Antiemetics  Anticoagulants  Hematinics agents  Laxatives and stool softeners  Pre-tests  CaseAnalysis  Small Group Learning  Assertiveness  Cooperation  Participation  Sensitivity 2 hours The students should be able to enumerate the different pulmonary, cardiac,blood medications,
  • 12. contraindications,and nursingresponsibilities in administeringmedications clients with Nutrition and Metabolismproblems.  Antipruritus  Vitamin supplement  Antacids  Antihyperlipidemics  Antispasmodics  Antidiarrheal  Lecture Discussion  Post test with their corresponding pharmacologic actions, therapeutic uses, side effects, indications and contraindications and nursing responsibilities in the different medications of clients with nutrition and metabolism disorders. 26. List the purposes, indications,nursing responsibilitiesfor the surgical and special procedures in alterations in Nutrition and Metabolism. a. Surgical procedures –gastrostomy, gastrectomy, colostomy, hemorrhoidectomy, gastrointestinal bypass,ileostomy b. Special procedures – parenteral hyperalimentation;feeding per nasogastric, jejunostomy, gastrostomy tubes; colostomy care and irrigation,dietary planningfor common GT and endocrine problems; administering medications via NGT, J tube, G tube; hot sitzbath  Pre-tests  CaseAnalysis  Small Group Learning  Lecture Discussion  Post test  Assertiveness  Cooperation  Participation  Sensitivity 2.5 hours The students will be ableto list the different surgical and special procedures for clients with nutrition and metabolism problems and identify the nursing responsibilities in each procedure. At the end of the lecture discussion,the students will beable to: 1. Utilizethe nursing process in the careof individuals,families with problems in endocrine functioning in community and hospital settings. 2. Ensure a well organized and accurate documentation system; 3. Relate with client/s and their family and the health team appropriately; 4. Observe bioethical concepts/principles, core values and nursingstandards in the careof clients; and, 27. Identify risk factors among clients that contribute to the development of problems in Endocrine Function.  Risk factors related to endocrine hypo or hyper- functioning.  Pre-tests  CaseAnalysis  Small Group Learning  Lecture Discussion  Post test  Assertiveness  Cooperation  Participation  Sensitivity 1.5 hours After the discussion,the students will beable to identify the modifiableand non-modifiablerisk factors that contribute to the development of problems in endocrine functioning. 28.Identify significant subjectivedata from client history related to problems in endocrine functioning. A. Chief complaints B. Relevant information,to includeeleven functional patterns  Health perception management pattern  Nutritional/metabolic pattern  Elimination pattern  Activity/exercisepatterns  Cognitive/perceptual pattern  Sleep-rest pattern  Self-perception-self-concept pattern  Role relationship pattern  Sexuality-reproductivepattern  Coping-stress tolerancepattern  Value-belief pattern  Pre-tests  CaseAnalysis  Small Group Learning  Lecture Discussion  Post test  Assertiveness  Cooperation  Participation  Sensitivity 2 hours The students should be ableto identify significant subjectivedata from client’s history by enumerating the possible chief complaints and recordingrelevant information guided by the eleven functional patterns 29. Enumerate the principlesand techniques of physical  Inspection- color,texture of skin,mucous membrane, growth patterns, obesity  Auscultation – bruit,heart sounds,breath  Demonstration  Return Demonstration  Assertiveness  Cooperation  Participation 1.5 hours The students will be ableto perform the proper techniques in physical
  • 13. 5. Promote personal and professional growth of self and others. examination in newborn, children, adults,deviations from normal in the endocrine system. sounds  Palpation- organ-thyroid enlargement, masses, edema  Percussion- fluid,edema  Others – weight, delayed healingof wounds  Lecture Discussion  Post test  Sensitivity examination and apply the principles in correctly assessing the newborn, children, and adult’s endocrine functioning by comparing any deviations from normal findings. 30. Identify results and implications of diagnostic/laboratory examinations of clients with reference to problems in endocrine functioning. a. Screening: glucosetolerancetest  Non-invasive:e.g. GI x-ray,ultrasound abdomen, Radio-iodineassay (RAI),protein bound iodine(PBI), thyroid scan,free thyroxin level, basal metabolic rate(BMR), thyroxine stimulatinghormone (TSH) test, OGTT (Glucose tolerance test) urinalysis(glycosuria,ketonuria)  Invasive:e.g. percutaneous transhepatic cholangiogram,liver function test, serum thyroxine and triiodothyroninetest, iodine131 uptake, blood sugar tests (fastingblood sugar – FBS), random blood sugar (RBS), glycosylated hemoglobin (Hgb), two-hour postprandial blood glucose,endocrine assay.  Pre-tests  CaseAnalysis  Small Group Learning  Lecture Discussion  Post test  Assertiveness  Cooperation  Participation  Sensitivity 2.5 hours Given actual laboratory results of a patient, the student should be ableto identify deviations from normal findings. 31. Determine the Patho- physiologicmechanisms of the Alterations in endocrine functioning. a. Hypo- and Hyperfunction of the pituitary organ b. Hypo- and Hyperfunction of the hypothalamus c. Hypo- and Hyperfunction of the thyroid organ d. Hypo- and Hyperfunction of the parathyroid organ e. Hypo- and Hyperfunction of the adrenal organ f. Hypo- and Hyperfunction of the gonads g. Problems in glucosemetabolism – hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia (IDM, NIDDM)  Pre-tests  CaseAnalysis  Small Group Learning  Lecture Discussion  Post test  Assertiveness  Cooperation  Participation  Sensitivity 10 hours The students should be able to determine the patho-physiologic mechanisms in the different endocrine problems. 32. Enumerate Nursing diagnoses taxonomy pertinent to problems/alteration in endocrine functioning. a. Alterations in nutrition less than body requirement b. Fluid volume deficit c. Activity intolerance  Pre-tests  CaseAnalysis  Small Group Learning  Lecture Discussion  Post test  Assertiveness  Cooperation  Participation  Sensitivity 1.5 hours The students should be able to identify possible nursing diagnoses taxonomy pertinent to the derived assessmentdata to pertinent problems in endocrine functioning. 33. Enumerate Pharmacologic actions, therapeutic uses,side effects, indications, contraindications,and nursingresponsibilities in  Corticosteroids  Alpha-adrenergic blockingagents  Beta-adrenergic blockingagents  Tyrosineinhibitors  Dopamine receptor antagonists  Glucocorticoids  Pre-tests  CaseAnalysis  Small Group Learning  Lecture Discussion  Post test  Assertiveness  Cooperation  Participation  Sensitivity 2.5 hours  The students should be ableto apply the various principles in the management of clients with problems in endocrine functioning in
  • 14. administeringmedications clients with endocrine problems.  Parathyroid hormone agents  Thyroid hormone agents  Insulin  Oral hypoglycemic agents the actual clinical nursing practice.  The students should be able to provide the patients/clients with the proper teachings on health promotion, disease prevention and curative and health restoration. 34.Identify principles of various modalities of management of clients with problems in endocrine functioning takinginto consideration the followinglevels of care: a. Health promotive b. Diseasepreventive c. Curativeand restorative  Determination and management of cause  Drug therapy - diuretics,electrolytes  Dietary management  Supportive management  Prevention of complication  Prevention of psychosocial problems  Rehabilitation  Pre-tests  CaseAnalysis  Small Group Learning  Lecture Discussion  Post test  Assertiveness  Cooperation  Participation  Sensitivity 12 hours The students should be able to enumerate the different pulmonary, cardiac,blood medications, with their corresponding pharmacologic actions, therapeutic uses, side effects, indications and contraindications and nursing responsibilities in the different medications of clients with endocrine problems. 35. List the purposes, indications,nursing responsibilitiesfor the surgical and special procedures in alterations in endocrine functioning. a. Surgical procedures –thyroidectomy, parathyroidectomy b. Special procedures – monitoringof blood glucoselevels;maintenance of blood glucose– diet, exercise, drugs  Pre-tests  CaseAnalysis  Small Group Learning  Lecture Discussion  Post test  Assertiveness  Cooperation  Participation  Sensitivity 2.5 hours The students will be ableto list the different surgical and special procedures for clients with endocrine problems and identify the nursing responsibilities in each procedure. References: 1. LippincottWilliams & Wilkins. The LippincottManual of NursingPractice –7th edition.2001. 2. Marieb,ElaineN. Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology – 8th edition. Pearson Education South Asia PTE. LTD. 2006 3. Brunner and Suddarth. Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing –12th edition. 2010