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Synix HK Limited was established in 1999, our initial role to facilitate trade from China to our buying offices in
Africa and Middle East. From a very humble beginning as a trading company, we have grown today into a
Solution provider.
Swastha, our brand for herbal and water solutions, was started off with a purpose far greater than promoting a product.
Founded by entrepreneur, Jackie Chugani, Swastha represents a commitment to impact lives and to deliver customers a
happier and healthier lifestyle.
We attribute our success to the very foundation that sets us apart from our competitors. We listen to our customers
requirements. This, together with our effort on building awareness among users of their current intake and how our products
make a difference is the primary reason we have built a strong network of dedicated and loyal customers.
Every satisfied customer is a vital part of our DNA and a walking talking brand ambassador
carrying our brand. It is because of this, a lot of attention is paid to product safety. Each component
is hand-picked after vigorous testing. The parts that come into direct contact with oral intake and
skin, the raw materials used to manufacture are toxin-free and of food grad. To further ensure
customers’ interest, our production process has been certified ISO9001:2001.
Our goal is to make a difference in the society and to reduce the number of lifestyle
related diseases, which has been growing rapidly due to ignorance.
Factory audit.Food grade raw materials.
Water certification.
Herbal certification.
If we look round us today, we live a relatively comfortable life, yet our body oxidizes at a rate faster than ever.
If we look closely at reasons for aging and illnesses, the common ones are among the following:-
Pollution – Every moment green house gases are released into our environment. As deforestation is on the rise, we lack
trees to neutralize carbon dioxide, this leads to global warming or the rise in global temperatures. This together with the lethal
contaminants in our environment give rise to diseases.
Diet – Our intake today consists mainly of preserved, sugary or fried foods. These
foods lack nutrients and are acidic. Diseases breathe and multiple in acidic surroundings.
Lack of exercise – Technology and the advanced systems have made it very easy for
us to get things done without moving an inch. When we are stagnant, our body metabolism
slows down and it leads to diseases.
Stress – In a world where worldwide economies are in recession, people are overall
people are more insecure, fatigue or stressed. This overall leads to diseases.
Under the above conditions, our body works harder than ever to maintain itself,
which eventually leads to a breakdown, known as disease.
Herbal supplements simply substitute the body’s thirst for nutrients it lacks.
Importance of nutraceuticals.
Health hazards of contaminants.
Pesticide; fungicide; metal smelters.
Ni-Cd batteries; welding; pesticide;
fertilizer; electroplating; nuclear plant.
Paint pesticide; smoking automobile;
emission; mining; burning of coal.
Welding; fuel; ferromanganese.
Pesticide; batteries; paper industry.
Refineries; brass manufacture; metal
plating; plumbing.
Mines; mineral sources.
Mining; pesticide production; chemical
industry; metal piping.
Oxidizer added during water process.
Oxidizer added during water process.
Bronchitis; dermatitis; poisoning.
Renal dysfunction; lung disease/cancer; osteomalacia; osteoporosis; high blood pressure;
kidney damage; bronchitis; gastrointestinal disorder; bone marrow cancer.
Mental retardation in children; development delay; fatal infant encephalopathy; congenital
paralysis; sensor neural deafness; acute or chronic damage to nervous system; epileptics; liver
kidney; gastrointestinal damage.
Inhalation or contact causes damage to the central nervous system.
Tremors; gingivitis; minor psychological changes; acrodynia characterized by pink hand and
feet; spontaneous absorption; damage to nervous system; protoplasm poisoning.
Zinc fumes have corrosive effect on skin; cause damage to nervous membrane.
Damage to nervous system; fatigue; constant irritation.
Anemia; liver and kidney damage; stomach and intestinal irritation.
Bone and ligament defects; mental disorders; dental enamel damage; abdominal pains; nausea,
excess saliva; seizures; muscle spasm.
Cancer in various body organs (bladder/rectal/colon/breast/kidney/intestine); asthma; skin
allergy; bronchitis; hair loss.
Acidic blood.
Alkaline blood.
The modern day diet, it’s all about getting today each day. We don’t realize how our oral intake effects our lives.
To be more direct, how they give rise to diseases. Let me explain.
Our blood has of red blood cells. The core of the cell, you the protons, which have a positive
charge. The outer layer is the electrons, which carry a negative charge. It is because of this,
the cells repel one and can move freely and it is an oxygen-rich environment. At this state the
blood is alkaline at it’s natural pH level of 7.35-7.45.
When our blood becomes acidic, it is high in protons. When protons comes into contact with
our cells, they steal it’s electrons. This attack is called oxidative stress, it gives birth to an
illness. In this environment, the cell carries a positive charge and slug as they flow. The
environment is oxygen-poor and this is a breeding ground to micro-organisms and diseases.
When oxygen goes down, it slows down processes within the body, the most important being
the rate at which it converts sugar into energy or the metabolism rate.
pH levels are measured from a count of 1-14. 7 is the neutral point, any count below being
acidic; any count above being acidic. Our body struggles to maintain blood pH 7.35-7.45, as
any large variation, we would die.
The body works two ways to deal with acid, it either neutralizes the acid or it deposit it to
other body parts to deal with it later. To neutralize acid, the body needs more nutrients from
our body parts than initial acid intake, say for example if you had soda, your body needs 32
parts alkaline water at pH 10 to neutralize this acid.
Antioxidants and oxidative stress.
In continuation to the earlier slide, diseases or oxidative
stress are caused by free radicals and occur in an acidic
What is an antioxidant and it’s relationship with free
radicals. In a simple term, an antioxidant is a molecule,
which is known for it’s electron contributing properties.
Once this touches a free radical, it will donate an
electron, thereby restoring it’s natural charge and making
the radical harmless.
Free radicals breaking lysosomal
membrane. Histamine leaks out.
Free radicals breaking
nuclear membrane altering
DNA (genetic) material.
Free radicals attacking cell
membrane from inside. Easy
entry for destructive
enzymes and pollutants.
Oxidative stress in progress.
Effects of oxidative stress on our body.
Body parts.
Asthma, allergies, COPD, cancer, chronic bronchitis.
Rheumatoid, arthritis, osteoarthritis.
Heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, angina.
Cold and flu, lupus autoimmune disorder, HIV, herpes, cancer, crohn’s
disease, ulcerative colitis, chronic viral disease, hepatitis, EBV, MRSA.
Alzheimer’s disorder, parkinson’s disease, MS ALS, autism, OCD, ADD,
ADHD, migraine, insomnia, lack of mental clarity, depression, bipolar,
Wrinkles, acne, skin aging, eczema, cancer, psoriasis.
Macular and retinal degeneration, cataracts.
Diabetes, aging, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, heavy metal toxicity,
lyme disease, aches and pain.
How our body fights acid.
When our body becomes acidic and there is no source of antioxidant present, to protect the whole system from
breaking down, it will take one of the following measures to deal with the acid:-
The most used practice is to store acid in layers of fat around the body to deal with it at a later time. This gives rise to obesity.
Fat therefore protects us from acid. When you are working hard to loose weight, eating less and still not able to loose weight,
you may want to consider alkalizing or detoxifying your body of it’s acid.
The body could also decide to neutralize the acid. For this to happen, it needs calcium bicarbonate, which is made from
calcium, which is depleted from our bones, mainly lower spine and hip bone area. Thinning of the bones is called
osteoporosis, this illness explains why elderly women in particular, fall more often and damage their hip bones.
When we eat meat, we take the acidic cholesterol of animal with it, which is acidic and
toxic. To protect our heart, our body will store this waste inside our artery walls, which
eventually leads to blockages and cardiovascular diseases.
Another defense mechanism is to convert acid into solid crystals. This happens in our
organs or joints and this is the main reason for gout, kidney stones, arthritis and cysts.
Last but not least, it could give in to acid. When this happens, a lot of the processes within
our body are effect, specially the metabolism rate, which is the rate at which the body
converts sugar into energy, this leads to obesity, loss of energy or even diabetes.
The pH spectrum
Acid/alkaline measure.
pH 3.5.
pH 5.8.
pH 6.8.
pH 7.35 to 7.45.
pH 8.8.
Life ends.
Cancer cells develop.
Chronic diseases.
Blood pH level.
Cancer cells die.
Key pH levels.
Ever heard someone cure a life threatening disease, such as cancer with no
medication. A miracle? Not quite. You see our body has an inner healing
system. However for this mechanism to work, the following must work in
harmony with one another.
Emotions – Most of us lead a very urban life. Anger, stress and frustration
are a part of our life. These are generate negative vibrations and release
acid, which toxify our body. A positive emotion, such as happiness, love, care
or gratitude stimulates the body’s healing system to fight back diseases.
Chakras – This is our body’s energy points, we all have 7 points. For our
body to function properly and for it to heal naturally, these points must be
aligned. When our chakras are imbalanced, we fall sick or become moody.
The two common ways to align your chakras is:- a) a balanced diet; b) yoga
and meditation.
Diet – High alkaline foods, specially raw fruits and vegetables have
antioxidants. Berries, olive leaves and wheatgrass are some of the rich
sources. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals and acids.
Given most of the time, we are tied up in our busy life and it is very hard to
follow a discipline, supplements supply the body of it’s thirst for nutrients, it
thereby can continue the natural healing practice.
Body’s natural healing system.
Introducing our solutions
for a healthy and happy
The healing effects of wheat and wheatgrass without the bitter taste.
- High alkaline properties.
- Potent source of flavonoids, these act as antioxidants that neutralize free radicals.
- Boosts the immune system and increases resistance to diseases.
- Rich in over 13 vitamins; 13 minerals; 20 amino acids. Trace of over 75 minerals.
- Rich in P4D1 enzyme. P4D1 eats the protein from cancer cells so the white blood
cells can easily destroy them.
- Stimulate release of human growth hormone, these repair damaged cells and tissues.
- Rich in saponins, this binds cholesterol and pathogens together into large clusters,
so it is not easily absorbed through our intestinal walls.
Wellness solution.
Anino acids.
Essential fatty
acids (EPAs).
Antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties;
prevents cancer; supports blood circulation
and increases hemoglobin count in blood;
combats body odor; wound healing properties.
Antioxidant with anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-bacterial
properties; improves endothelial functions; reduces risk of
cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure; inhibits platelet
Building blocks for protein; energizes our body.
Antioxidant; regulates body’s biochemical reactions; prevents
cancer; stimulates cellular repair.
Antioxidant; supports cardiovascular, reproductive, nervous and
immune system.
Antioxidant; plays vital role in biological processes.
Antioxidant; beneficial for good vision; supports tissue formation;
heals wound; formation of hemoglobin; essential for healthy
functioning of the nervous system; supports reproductive health.
Builds Immunity; detoxification; prevents cancer; reduces
cholesterol levels.
Alanin; arginine; asparagine; aspartic acid; cysteine; glutamic acid;
glutamine; glycine; hystidine; isoleucine; leucine; lysine; methionine;
phenylalanine; proline; serine; threonine; tryptophan; tryosine; valine.
Peroxidase, superoxide, dismutase, P4D1; dnase; cytochrome
odxidase; catalase; hexokinase; lipase; malic dhydrogenase.
Conjugated and alpha linoleic acids.
Seleniuim; calcium; cobalt; iodine; iron; magnesium; molybdenum;
phosphorus; potassium; copper; sodium; sulphur; zinc.
Choline; vitamin A; B1; B2; B3; B5; B6; B8; B9; B12; C; E; K.
Wheatgrass content and function in our body.
What is the difference? GJF is actually potent extract of wheatgrass in an aqueous solution without the
chlorophyll that gives it the green color and bitter taste.
Does it still have the same effect? Yes it does. Dr Chris Reynolds, a general practitioner in Australia has been treating
patients for years using GJF and has published several papers on wheatgrass too. Here is a brief summary of his findings.
Earlier and today, the chemical used for chlorophyll research is chlorophyllin, this is the water soluble derivatives of
chlorophyll with copper ion added to preserve it’s green color. Dr. Reynolds in his studies uses the extract with no chlorophyll
and it is brown in colour. His research shows similar results, which proves the healing is not the chlorophyll, but the extract,
known as the grass juice factor (GJF).
Research by Dr. Chris Reynolds.
GJF and wheatgrass.
• Immunomodulation of damaged cells/tissues/DNA.
• Protein synthesis in muscle and other tissue.
• Enhances fat metabolism to reduce weight.
• Preserves nerve cell function.
• Antiatherosclerotic effects.
• Bone growth.
• Stabilizes blood glucose.
• Joint protection.
• Enhances immunity.
• Restores skin thickness.
The remarkable features of cereal grass is it’s most powerful antioxidant features. It stimulate
the release of human growth hormone and prolactin from anterior pituitary cells, the gland at
the base of the brain that controls the body's hormonal system. This influences growth and
numerous other physiological and biochemical functions of the body such as:-
Diabetes solution.
Naturally keep fit with a stable blood sugar level and low cholesterol.
- Increases weight loss using a special 3 way slimming system.
It suppresses appetite, boost muscle mass, burns calories and fat.
- Works at a cellular level to prevent obesity.
It slows down process of enzymes causing obesity.
These are:- a) pancreatic lipase; b) FTO (alpha-ketoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase).
- Powerful anti-diabetic mellitus agent.
- Prevents hyperlipidemia and other cardiovascular
diseases by keeping cholesterol in control.
- Made of natural mango extract, mangifera indica with
active phytochemical mangiferin standardized to 20%.
Mangifera indica has polyphenols, flavonoids and tripenoids.
Life is a choice,
Make the right one today!
Synix HK Limited
Suite 606 Gold & Silver Commercial Bldg., 12 Mercer Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
t. +852 35684966 f. +852 37403278 e.

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Swastha - Nutraceuticals.

  • 2. 2 Profile. Synix HK Limited was established in 1999, our initial role to facilitate trade from China to our buying offices in Africa and Middle East. From a very humble beginning as a trading company, we have grown today into a Solution provider. Swastha, our brand for herbal and water solutions, was started off with a purpose far greater than promoting a product. Founded by entrepreneur, Jackie Chugani, Swastha represents a commitment to impact lives and to deliver customers a happier and healthier lifestyle. We attribute our success to the very foundation that sets us apart from our competitors. We listen to our customers requirements. This, together with our effort on building awareness among users of their current intake and how our products make a difference is the primary reason we have built a strong network of dedicated and loyal customers. Every satisfied customer is a vital part of our DNA and a walking talking brand ambassador carrying our brand. It is because of this, a lot of attention is paid to product safety. Each component is hand-picked after vigorous testing. The parts that come into direct contact with oral intake and skin, the raw materials used to manufacture are toxin-free and of food grad. To further ensure customers’ interest, our production process has been certified ISO9001:2001. Our goal is to make a difference in the society and to reduce the number of lifestyle related diseases, which has been growing rapidly due to ignorance.
  • 3. Factory audit.Food grade raw materials. Water certification. SAE304 FOOD GRADE STAINLESS STEEL Herbal certification. Safety. 3
  • 4. If we look round us today, we live a relatively comfortable life, yet our body oxidizes at a rate faster than ever. If we look closely at reasons for aging and illnesses, the common ones are among the following:- Pollution – Every moment green house gases are released into our environment. As deforestation is on the rise, we lack trees to neutralize carbon dioxide, this leads to global warming or the rise in global temperatures. This together with the lethal contaminants in our environment give rise to diseases. Diet – Our intake today consists mainly of preserved, sugary or fried foods. These foods lack nutrients and are acidic. Diseases breathe and multiple in acidic surroundings. Lack of exercise – Technology and the advanced systems have made it very easy for us to get things done without moving an inch. When we are stagnant, our body metabolism slows down and it leads to diseases. Stress – In a world where worldwide economies are in recession, people are overall people are more insecure, fatigue or stressed. This overall leads to diseases. Under the above conditions, our body works harder than ever to maintain itself, which eventually leads to a breakdown, known as disease. Herbal supplements simply substitute the body’s thirst for nutrients it lacks. Importance of nutraceuticals. 4
  • 5. Health hazards of contaminants. Toxin. Arsenic. Cadmium. Lead. Manganese. Mercury. Zinc. Chromium. Copper. Fluoride. Chlorine. Source. Pesticide; fungicide; metal smelters. Ni-Cd batteries; welding; pesticide; fertilizer; electroplating; nuclear plant. Paint pesticide; smoking automobile; emission; mining; burning of coal. Welding; fuel; ferromanganese. Pesticide; batteries; paper industry. Refineries; brass manufacture; metal plating; plumbing. Mines; mineral sources. Mining; pesticide production; chemical industry; metal piping. Oxidizer added during water process. Oxidizer added during water process. Function. Bronchitis; dermatitis; poisoning. Renal dysfunction; lung disease/cancer; osteomalacia; osteoporosis; high blood pressure; kidney damage; bronchitis; gastrointestinal disorder; bone marrow cancer. Mental retardation in children; development delay; fatal infant encephalopathy; congenital paralysis; sensor neural deafness; acute or chronic damage to nervous system; epileptics; liver kidney; gastrointestinal damage. Inhalation or contact causes damage to the central nervous system. Tremors; gingivitis; minor psychological changes; acrodynia characterized by pink hand and feet; spontaneous absorption; damage to nervous system; protoplasm poisoning. Zinc fumes have corrosive effect on skin; cause damage to nervous membrane. Damage to nervous system; fatigue; constant irritation. Anemia; liver and kidney damage; stomach and intestinal irritation. Bone and ligament defects; mental disorders; dental enamel damage; abdominal pains; nausea, excess saliva; seizures; muscle spasm. Cancer in various body organs (bladder/rectal/colon/breast/kidney/intestine); asthma; skin allergy; bronchitis; hair loss. 5
  • 6. Alkalinity. Acidic blood. Alkaline blood. The modern day diet, it’s all about getting today each day. We don’t realize how our oral intake effects our lives. To be more direct, how they give rise to diseases. Let me explain. Our blood has of red blood cells. The core of the cell, you the protons, which have a positive charge. The outer layer is the electrons, which carry a negative charge. It is because of this, the cells repel one and can move freely and it is an oxygen-rich environment. At this state the blood is alkaline at it’s natural pH level of 7.35-7.45. When our blood becomes acidic, it is high in protons. When protons comes into contact with our cells, they steal it’s electrons. This attack is called oxidative stress, it gives birth to an illness. In this environment, the cell carries a positive charge and slug as they flow. The environment is oxygen-poor and this is a breeding ground to micro-organisms and diseases. When oxygen goes down, it slows down processes within the body, the most important being the rate at which it converts sugar into energy or the metabolism rate. pH levels are measured from a count of 1-14. 7 is the neutral point, any count below being acidic; any count above being acidic. Our body struggles to maintain blood pH 7.35-7.45, as any large variation, we would die. The body works two ways to deal with acid, it either neutralizes the acid or it deposit it to other body parts to deal with it later. To neutralize acid, the body needs more nutrients from our body parts than initial acid intake, say for example if you had soda, your body needs 32 parts alkaline water at pH 10 to neutralize this acid. 6
  • 7. Antioxidants and oxidative stress. In continuation to the earlier slide, diseases or oxidative stress are caused by free radicals and occur in an acidic environment? What is an antioxidant and it’s relationship with free radicals. In a simple term, an antioxidant is a molecule, which is known for it’s electron contributing properties. Once this touches a free radical, it will donate an electron, thereby restoring it’s natural charge and making the radical harmless. Free radicals breaking lysosomal membrane. Histamine leaks out. Free radicals breaking nuclear membrane altering DNA (genetic) material. Free radicals attacking cell membrane from inside. Easy entry for destructive enzymes and pollutants. Oxidative stress in progress. 7 Effects of oxidative stress on our body. Body parts. Lungs. Joints. Cardiovascular. Immune. Brain. Skin. Eyes. Multi-organs. Diseases. Asthma, allergies, COPD, cancer, chronic bronchitis. Rheumatoid, arthritis, osteoarthritis. Heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, angina. Cold and flu, lupus autoimmune disorder, HIV, herpes, cancer, crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, chronic viral disease, hepatitis, EBV, MRSA. Alzheimer’s disorder, parkinson’s disease, MS ALS, autism, OCD, ADD, ADHD, migraine, insomnia, lack of mental clarity, depression, bipolar, dementia. Wrinkles, acne, skin aging, eczema, cancer, psoriasis. Macular and retinal degeneration, cataracts. Diabetes, aging, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, heavy metal toxicity, lyme disease, aches and pain.
  • 8. How our body fights acid. When our body becomes acidic and there is no source of antioxidant present, to protect the whole system from breaking down, it will take one of the following measures to deal with the acid:- The most used practice is to store acid in layers of fat around the body to deal with it at a later time. This gives rise to obesity. Fat therefore protects us from acid. When you are working hard to loose weight, eating less and still not able to loose weight, you may want to consider alkalizing or detoxifying your body of it’s acid. The body could also decide to neutralize the acid. For this to happen, it needs calcium bicarbonate, which is made from calcium, which is depleted from our bones, mainly lower spine and hip bone area. Thinning of the bones is called osteoporosis, this illness explains why elderly women in particular, fall more often and damage their hip bones. When we eat meat, we take the acidic cholesterol of animal with it, which is acidic and toxic. To protect our heart, our body will store this waste inside our artery walls, which eventually leads to blockages and cardiovascular diseases. Another defense mechanism is to convert acid into solid crystals. This happens in our organs or joints and this is the main reason for gout, kidney stones, arthritis and cysts. Last but not least, it could give in to acid. When this happens, a lot of the processes within our body are effect, specially the metabolism rate, which is the rate at which the body converts sugar into energy, this leads to obesity, loss of energy or even diabetes. 8
  • 9. The pH spectrum Acid/alkaline measure. pH 3.5. pH 5.8. pH 6.8. pH 7.35 to 7.45. pH 8.8. Life ends. Cancer cells develop. Chronic diseases. Blood pH level. Cancer cells die. Key pH levels. 9
  • 10. Ever heard someone cure a life threatening disease, such as cancer with no medication. A miracle? Not quite. You see our body has an inner healing system. However for this mechanism to work, the following must work in harmony with one another. Emotions – Most of us lead a very urban life. Anger, stress and frustration are a part of our life. These are generate negative vibrations and release acid, which toxify our body. A positive emotion, such as happiness, love, care or gratitude stimulates the body’s healing system to fight back diseases. Chakras – This is our body’s energy points, we all have 7 points. For our body to function properly and for it to heal naturally, these points must be aligned. When our chakras are imbalanced, we fall sick or become moody. The two common ways to align your chakras is:- a) a balanced diet; b) yoga and meditation. Diet – High alkaline foods, specially raw fruits and vegetables have antioxidants. Berries, olive leaves and wheatgrass are some of the rich sources. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals and acids. Given most of the time, we are tied up in our busy life and it is very hard to follow a discipline, supplements supply the body of it’s thirst for nutrients, it thereby can continue the natural healing practice. Body’s natural healing system. 10
  • 11. Introducing our solutions for a healthy and happy lifestyle. 11
  • 12. 12 37ml (1.25oz) The healing effects of wheat and wheatgrass without the bitter taste. - High alkaline properties. - Potent source of flavonoids, these act as antioxidants that neutralize free radicals. - Boosts the immune system and increases resistance to diseases. - Rich in over 13 vitamins; 13 minerals; 20 amino acids. Trace of over 75 minerals. - Rich in P4D1 enzyme. P4D1 eats the protein from cancer cells so the white blood cells can easily destroy them. - Stimulate release of human growth hormone, these repair damaged cells and tissues. - Rich in saponins, this binds cholesterol and pathogens together into large clusters, so it is not easily absorbed through our intestinal walls. Wellness solution.
  • 13. Content. Chlorophyll. Flavonoids. Anino acids. Enzymes. Essential fatty acids (EPAs). Minerals. Vitamins. Saponins. Function. Antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties; prevents cancer; supports blood circulation and increases hemoglobin count in blood; combats body odor; wound healing properties. Antioxidant with anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties; improves endothelial functions; reduces risk of cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure; inhibits platelet aggregation. Building blocks for protein; energizes our body. Antioxidant; regulates body’s biochemical reactions; prevents cancer; stimulates cellular repair. Antioxidant; supports cardiovascular, reproductive, nervous and immune system. Antioxidant; plays vital role in biological processes. Antioxidant; beneficial for good vision; supports tissue formation; heals wound; formation of hemoglobin; essential for healthy functioning of the nervous system; supports reproductive health. Builds Immunity; detoxification; prevents cancer; reduces cholesterol levels. Alanin; arginine; asparagine; aspartic acid; cysteine; glutamic acid; glutamine; glycine; hystidine; isoleucine; leucine; lysine; methionine; phenylalanine; proline; serine; threonine; tryptophan; tryosine; valine. Peroxidase, superoxide, dismutase, P4D1; dnase; cytochrome odxidase; catalase; hexokinase; lipase; malic dhydrogenase. Conjugated and alpha linoleic acids. Seleniuim; calcium; cobalt; iodine; iron; magnesium; molybdenum; phosphorus; potassium; copper; sodium; sulphur; zinc. Choline; vitamin A; B1; B2; B3; B5; B6; B8; B9; B12; C; E; K. Wheatgrass content and function in our body. 13
  • 14. What is the difference? GJF is actually potent extract of wheatgrass in an aqueous solution without the chlorophyll that gives it the green color and bitter taste. Does it still have the same effect? Yes it does. Dr Chris Reynolds, a general practitioner in Australia has been treating patients for years using GJF and has published several papers on wheatgrass too. Here is a brief summary of his findings. Earlier and today, the chemical used for chlorophyll research is chlorophyllin, this is the water soluble derivatives of chlorophyll with copper ion added to preserve it’s green color. Dr. Reynolds in his studies uses the extract with no chlorophyll and it is brown in colour. His research shows similar results, which proves the healing is not the chlorophyll, but the extract, known as the grass juice factor (GJF). Research by Dr. Chris Reynolds. GJF and wheatgrass. 14 • Immunomodulation of damaged cells/tissues/DNA. • Protein synthesis in muscle and other tissue. • Enhances fat metabolism to reduce weight. • Preserves nerve cell function. • Antiatherosclerotic effects. • Bone growth. • Stabilizes blood glucose. • Joint protection. • Enhances immunity. • Restores skin thickness. The remarkable features of cereal grass is it’s most powerful antioxidant features. It stimulate the release of human growth hormone and prolactin from anterior pituitary cells, the gland at the base of the brain that controls the body's hormonal system. This influences growth and numerous other physiological and biochemical functions of the body such as:-
  • 15. Obesity, Cardiovascular, Diabetes solution. Naturally keep fit with a stable blood sugar level and low cholesterol. - Increases weight loss using a special 3 way slimming system. It suppresses appetite, boost muscle mass, burns calories and fat. - Works at a cellular level to prevent obesity. It slows down process of enzymes causing obesity. These are:- a) pancreatic lipase; b) FTO (alpha-ketoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase). - Powerful anti-diabetic mellitus agent. 15 - Prevents hyperlipidemia and other cardiovascular diseases by keeping cholesterol in control. - Made of natural mango extract, mangifera indica with active phytochemical mangiferin standardized to 20%. Mangifera indica has polyphenols, flavonoids and tripenoids.
  • 16. Life is a choice, Make the right one today! 16
  • 17. Synix HK Limited Suite 606 Gold & Silver Commercial Bldg., 12 Mercer Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong t. +852 35684966 f. +852 37403278 e.