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Water solutions.
Synix HK Limited was established in 1999, our initial role to facilitate trade from China to our buying offices in
Africa and Middle East. From a very humble beginning as a trading company, we have grown today into a
solution provider.
Swastha, our brand for herbal and water solutions, was started off with a purpose far greater than promoting a product.
Founded by entrepreneur, Jackie Chugani, Swastha represents a personal commitment to impact lives and to deliver
customers a happier and healthier lifestyle.
We attribute our success to the very foundation that sets us apart from our competitors. We listen to our customers
requirements. This, together with our effort on building awareness among users of their current intake and how our products
make a difference is the primary reason we have built a strong network of dedicated and loyal customers.
Every satisfied customer is a vital part of our DNA and a walking talking brand ambassador
carrying our brand. It is because of this, a lot of attention is paid to product safety. Each component
is hand-picked after vigorous testing. The parts that come into direct contact with oral intake and
skin, the raw materials used to manufacture are toxin-free and of food grad. To further ensure
customers’ interest, our production process has been certified ISO9001:2001.
Our goal is to make a difference in the society and to reduce the number of lifestyle
related diseases, which has been growing rapidly due to ignorance.
Factory audit.Food grade raw materials.
Water certification. Herbal certification.
Two-third of our body is water, an essential fluid it needs to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Lifestyle diseases, such as:- obesity, stress, fatigue can be regulated by intake of right water.
Majority of our oral intake is acidic. Our blood is alkaline at pH 7.35. To maintain this level, the
body will absorb calcium from our bones and teeth. This results in thin and fragile bones, a
condition called Osteoporosis. The acid can also be converted into crystals typically in our organs
or joints. This results in gout, kidney stones, arthritis and cysts in our body. Acidic is also
responsible for diseases such as high blood pressure, tumors, type 2 diabetes, cancer and
cardiovascular blockages. Drinking the right water can avoid this.
At time of processing, oxidizers are added to water. This is good for hygiene point of view to
ensure we have edible drinking water from our tap, however our cells however are not able to
absorb this type of water, it actually damages us at cellular level.
Bottled water manufacturers also add oxidizers to ensure water is not contaminated by
petrochemicals used during the process of manufacturing plastic bottles.
Boiling kills bacteria, what about the heavy metals inside the water? Does our body become the
Boiling along with the bacteria, kills the nutrients too, some of which are a necessity for us to live
a healthy lifestyle.
Importance of safe drinking water.
• Algae.
• Aluminum.
• Arsenic.
• Asbestos.
• Bacteria.
• Barium.
• Benzene.
• Carbon tetrachloride.
• Chlordane.
• Chloroform.
• Chloride.
• Chlorine.
• Chromium.
• Copper.
• Cryptosporidium.
• Dioxin.
• Fluoride.
• Iron.
• Lead.
• Lindane.
• Mercury.
• Nitrates.
• Odors.
• Parasite.
• Perchlorate.
• Pesticide.
• Radionuclide.
• Rust.
• Selenium.
• Sodium.
• Sulfates.
• TDS.
• Trihalomethane.
• Vinyl Chloride.
• Virus.
Flow of water to our tap.
Pesticide; fungicide; metal smelters.
Ni-Cd batteries; welding; pesticide;
fertilizer; electroplating; nuclear plant.
Paint pesticide; smoking automobile;
emission; mining; burning of coal.
Welding; fuel; ferromanganese.
Pesticide; batteries; paper industry.
Refineries; brass manufacture; metal
plating; plumbing.
Mines; mineral sources.
Mining; pesticide production; chemical
industry; metal piping.
Oxidizer added during water process.
Oxidizer added during water process.
Bronchitis; dermatitis; poisoning.
Renal dysfunction; lung disease/cancer; osteomalacia; osteoporosis; high blood pressure;
kidney damage; bronchitis; gastrointestinal disorder; bone marrow cancer.
Mental retardation in children; development delay; fatal infant encephalopathy; congenital
paralysis; sensor neural deafness; acute or chronic damage to nervous system; epileptics; liver
kidney; gastrointestinal damage.
Inhalation or contact causes damage to the central nervous system.
Tremors; gingivitis; minor psychological changes; acrodynia characterized by pink hand and
feet; spontaneous absorption; damage to nervous system; protoplasm poisoning.
Zinc fumes have corrosive effect on skin; cause damage to nervous membrane.
Damage to nervous system; fatigue; constant irritation.
Anemia; liver and kidney damage; stomach and intestinal irritation.
Bone and ligament defects; mental disorders; dental enamel damage; abdominal pains; nausea,
excess saliva; seizures; muscle spasm.
Cancer in various body organs (bladder/rectal/colon/breast/kidney/intestine); asthma; skin
allergy; bronchitis; hair loss.
Health hazards of contaminants.
The modern day diet, it’s all about getting today each day. We don’t realize how our oral intake effects our lives.
To be more direct, how they give rise to diseases. Let me explain.
Our blood has of red blood cells. The core of the cell, you the protons, which have a positive
charge. The outer layer is the electrons, which carry a negative charge. It is because of this,
the cells repel one and can move freely and it is an oxygen-rich environment. At this state the
blood is alkaline at it’s natural pH level of 7.35-7.45.
When our blood becomes acidic, it is high in protons. When protons comes into contact with
our cells, they steal it’s electrons. This attack is called oxidative stress, it gives birth to an
illness. In this environment, the cell carries a positive charge and slug as they flow. The
environment is oxygen-poor and this is a breeding ground to micro-organisms and diseases.
When oxygen goes down, it slows down processes within the body, the most important being
the rate at which it converts sugar into energy or the metabolism rate.
pH levels are measured from a count of 1-14. 7 is the neutral point, any count below being
acidic; any count above being acidic. Our body struggles to maintain blood pH 7.35-7.45, as
any large variation, we would die.
The body works two ways to deal with acid, it either neutralizes the acid or it deposit it to
other body parts to deal with it later. To neutralize acid, the body needs more nutrients from
our body parts than initial acid intake, say for example if you had soda, your body needs 32
parts alkaline water at pH 10 to neutralize this acid.
Acidic blood.
Alkaline blood.
Antioxidant and oxidative stress.
In continuation to our earlier discussion on alkalinity and
blood, diseases or oxidative stress are caused by free
radicals and occur in an acidic environment.
What is an antioxidant and it’s relationship with free
radicals. In a simple term, an antioxidant is a molecule,
which is known for it’s electron contributing properties.
Once this touches a free radical, it will donate an electron,
thereby restoring it’s natural charge and making the
radical harmless.
Free radicals breaking lysosomal
membrane. Histamine leaks out.
Free radicals breaking
nuclear membrane altering
DNA (genetic) material.
Free radicals attacking cell
membrane from inside. Easy
entry for destructive
enzymes and pollutants.
Oxidative stress in progress.
Effects of oxidative stress on our body.
Body parts.
Asthma, allergies, COPD, cancer, chronic bronchitis.
Rheumatoid, arthritis, osteoarthritis.
Heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, angina.
Cold and flu, lupus autoimmune disorder, HIV, herpes, cancer, crohn’s
disease, ulcerative colitis, chronic viral disease, hepatitis, EBV, MRSA.
Alzheimer’s disorder, parkinson’s disease, MS ALS, autism, OCD, ADD,
ADHD, migraine, insomnia, lack of mental clarity, depression, bipolar,
Wrinkles, acne, skin aging, eczema, cancer, psoriasis.
Macular and retinal degeneration, cataracts.
Diabetes, aging, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, heavy metal toxicity,
lyme disease, aches and pain.
How our body fights acid.
When our body becomes acidic and there is no source of antioxidant present, to protect the whole system from
breaking down, it will take one of the following measures to deal with the acid:-
The most used practice is to store acid in layers of fat around the body to deal with it at a later time. This gives rise to obesity.
Fat therefore protects us from acid. When you are working hard to loose weight, eating less and still not able to loose weight,
you may want to consider alkalizing or detoxifying your body of it’s acid.
The body could also decide to neutralize the acid. For this to happen, it needs calcium bicarbonate, which is made from
calcium, which is depleted from our bones, mainly lower spine and hip bone area. Thinning of the bones is called
osteoporosis, this illness explains why elderly women in particular, fall more often and damage their hip bones.
When we eat meat, we take the acidic cholesterol of animal with it, which is acidic and
toxic. To protect our heart, our body will store this waste inside our artery walls, which
eventually leads to blockages and cardiovascular diseases.
Another defense mechanism is to convert acid into solid crystals. This happens in our
organs or joints and this is the main reason for gout, kidney stones, arthritis and cysts.
Last but not least, it could give in to acid. When this happens, a lot of the processes within
our body are effect, specially the metabolism rate, which is the rate at which the body
converts sugar into energy, this leads to obesity, loss of energy or even diabetes.
pH spectrum.
Acid/alkaline measure.
pH 3.5.
pH 5.8.
pH 6.8.
pH 7.35 to 7.45.
pH 8.8.
pH 9.0.
pH 9.5 to 10.0.
Life ends.
Cancer cells develop.
Chronic diseases.
Blood pH level.
Cancer cells die.
Swastha Pure WHPK610.
Swastha Healer WHHM35.
Key pH levels.
- 72mV.
- 131mV.
Very bad.
Very bad.
Very good.
Very good.
Compare: +400 to +150 most bottled water.
-350 Swastha Pure WHPK610.
-400 Swastha Healer WHHM35.
Water electrons/ORP chart
ORP (Oxygen Reduction Potential).
Electron count in fluid.
Structured (living) water.
Water in it’s natural environment, passes through grains of sand, stones creating spirals and ripples. This naturally
structures the water molecules giving it a very refreshing taste and when we drink this fluid, it nourishes us at
cellular level. At this stage, each molecule is hexangular in shape and it is 6 molecules organized neatly in a
cluster. The water is said to be structured or living.
Prior to making way to our tap, the water goes is chemically processed, pumped at high pressure, turned numerous right
angles inside the pipeline and last but not least, the contaminated inside the pipeline. Because of all this, the water molecule is
stripped of it’s electron and clamps together in large clusters of 15-20 molecules having a positive charge. The water is said to
be dead. This is the acid we spoke about earlier that goes in our blood and causes oxidative stress, also known as a disease.
Bottled water is far more acidic than tap, infact only 1% of all bottled water sold is safe water. If is safe, it’s overpriced.
Dead water.
- Unorganized cluster.
- 15-20 molecules per cluster.
- Partial hydration.
- Pollutants outside structure.
Living or structured water.
- Structured hexangular cluster.
- 6 molecules per cluster.
- Full hydration.
- Pollutants inside structure.
In the past century a lot of experiments have been done on water.
The most remarkable was that by doctor Masura Emoto. Using a microscope, he examined water after it was
exposed to different vibrations. His findings show energy of the environment, that is emotions, music, pollution all effect the
shape of a water crystal. Likewise, filter media and magnetic shield too have the ability to change frequency of water.
Soon after he did another experiment. Three glasses of rice with water were place next to one another.. Each of this glass was
exposed to a different energy everyday. The first one was expressed gratitude. The second one was expressed anger. The third
one was neglected. After 30 days, the one with gratitude fragmented; the one with anger decayed and turned black; the
neglected rice had started was decaying and turning green. This experiment reaffirms his earlier findings, water responds to
The complete videos on both experiments can be viewed on
Research by Dr. Masura Emoto.
Evidence water responds to vibrations.
Polluted river. After a positive
Swimming pool. From our tap. Distilled water.
What is hard water and where does it occur? To understand this, it is better we understand at first what hard
water really is and how it is formed.
Slightly soft.
Moderate hard.
Very hard.
Mineral content.
0-17.1ppm (0-1gpg).
17.2-60ppm (1.1-3.5gpg).
60.1-120ppm (3.6-7gpg).
120.1-180ppm (7.1-10.5gpg).
<181.1ppm (<10.6gpg).
Calcium carbonate.
Calcium bicarbonate.
Magnesium carbonate.
Magnesium bicarbonate.
Calcium sulfate.
Calcium chloride.
Magnesium sulfate.
Magnesium chloride.
- Acidity effect in water.
- Magnesium content has a laxative effect.
- Water is dark in colour and an unpleasant taste.
- Yellowish stains on bath tubs, hard to clean off.
- Reacts with soap to make it less effective so
more cleaning agent is required.
- Scales in pipeline and coating on heating element
reduces appliances efficiency causing energy
cleaning and maintenance bills to hike up.
- Alkalinity effect in water.
- Soothes sore muscles.
- Key ingredient to produce beauty
products and bath salts.
- Used to remove splinters and corn.
- Aids in growing healthy crops.
List of common salts found in water, pros and cons of having salts in water.
WQA classification of water.
Hard water.
The water in our cloud is pure water, however when it rains the water
comes into with carbon dioxide in the air and a chemical reaction occurs,
this leads to the formation of carbonic acid, also known as acid rain. As
acid rain makes it way to the waterways, it picks up calcium and
magnesium from the ground. These minerals are deposited in the water in
form of salts. It is the saturation of these salts that determines the hardness
of water. Generally, water is known to be hard when it exceeds mineral
content of 60.1ppm.
- When sodium reacts with soap, it gives a slippery
feeling on skin, like the soap is still not gone.
- Erosion in metal pipes.
- Water taste is unpleasant.
- Increases blood pressure.
- Appliance has high maintenance and energy bills.
Problems with softener/sodium in
Water flowing out is naturally soft while retaining the
healthy minerals. The improved flavor is because the
water molecular structure has been altered*. The
cluster is hexangular in shape and easily absorbed by
our body at a cellular level. This water does not cause
Natural, un-organized
large water clusters with
a crystallizing (scaling)
mineral structure.
The most common water softening method is to run water inside a water
softener. Inside this appliance, there is an ion exchange, it’s calcium and
magnesium will be substituted for sodium and potassium. This is a good
solution, but people with cardiovascular problems cannot take excess of
sodium. Please refer to the table on the right for other problem with sodium.
Magnesium and calcium are essential nutrients the body requires, yet these
minerals are not appliance friendly. Using an alternative softening solution,
we can condition these minerals so they could easily flow through without
leaving behind a trail of scales behind and into our body where it is needed.
This is done by running water, while in it’s pipeline through a magnetic field.
The magnet changes water’s molecular structure and it is now called known
as structured water.
Softening hard water.
Softener appliance and magnetic shield compared.
This data shows the effect of
a magnet could last as much
as 200 hours.
Duration (hours)
Research by Prof. J.M.D. Coey
Effect of magnetic shield and it’s effect on water.
To understand the effect of magnet on minerals, let us refer to studies done by
professor J.M.D Coey. In his book, ‘Magnetism and magnetic material’, he covered an
experiment on two samples of hard water containing calcium carbonate.
The first sample was normal tap water. The second sample was run through a
magnetic shield of 1000 gauss. Both these samples were then heated in open beakers
and their scales were then examined using an electron microscope and a x-ray
diffraction appliance.
Calcite structure
Aragonite structure
The untreated sample had small bead-like
structure, also known as calcite. This tends
to cling onto surfaces forming scales when
heated. The treated sample had a long nail-
like structure, also known as aragonite. This
moves with the water and less likely to leave
a trail behind.
UK and
Hard water distribution.
(Spain, UK and Ireland).
India Sri Lanka
Hard water distribution.
(India and Sri Lanka).
USA and
United Arab Emirates
Hard water distribution.
(UAE, USA and Canada).
Healing water.
Is clean water safe? No.
Clean water is simply sanitized. Water is considered safe for consumption, when together
with hygiene, it is rich in antioxidants and is alkaline.
Swastha takes a step further, our healer series has the following healing properties:-
a) Anti-aging – rich in antioxidants, which provide our body the electrons it needs for
a speedy recovery from illness. ORP value is -350mV.
b) Alkalinity – High alkaline pH value of 9.5.
c) Metabolism management – Has nutrients which the rate at which body burns
sugar into energy. This aids in weight and diabetes management.
d) Rich is mineral – These are essential for our body to maintain a healthy lifestyle,
some of these are:- potassium, zinc, iodine, calcium, sodium, ect.
e) Antibacterial silver-lite filtration layer.
For detailed explanation on points a-c, please refer to earlier discussion on alkalinity. D is
self-explanatory. For e, refer to the next page, explanation by Dr. Rustum Roy.
Our ancestors stored water in clay, silver or copper flasks over night and would drink it the next morning for
purpose of wellness and natural healing. The US army uses silver water to disinfect wounds. The US president
uses silver water to keep bugs away from his hands. How would storing water in a container make a difference?
A lot of research has been done on this topic. The most comprehensive is perhaps by Dr. Rustum Roy. His studies tell us
water has memory. Each molecule has 440,000 memory cells that is capable of recording it’s relationship with the
environment, something similar a very powerful magnetic tape.
Research by Dr. Rustum Roy
Water has memory.
Clay, silver and copper all have amazing healing capabilities. Given the above
understanding, the water’s molecules are rearranged according to the environment
it is in. It ends up picking the antibacterial and other healing proprieties.
The research video can be viewed on
Skin of a young boy
exposed to chlorine.
Colon of a 52 year old
man with a prostate
Breast of a 45 year old woman with breast
cancer and constipation.
Health benefits of healing water.
Colon of a
fit man.
We believe the main reason a person does not repeat a purchase is not the price, nor the service. It is the
expectation a product fails to deliver. This roots down to the marketing campaign, which is more focused on
sales and less on awareness.
Our success mantra is building a network of loyal customers. It is because of this we have categorized our products very
carefully so there is complete transparency with our buyers.
How we classify our solutions.
Model. Series. Technology. Description. Purpose.
WYEX Essential. Filter media. Water suitable for washing external body parts only.
WYAX Aroma. Filter media. Scented water for that extra special bath or shower.
WYRX Refiner. Filter media. Purified drinking water.
WYLX Living. Filter media. Water with alkalinity and anti-aging properties.
WYHX Healer. Filter media. Water with alkalinity, anti-aging, supply of nutrients and
metabolism control properties.
WYPX Pure. Filter media. Purified drinking water with alkalinity and anti-aging properties.
WYBX Booster. Mineral salts. Water with alkalinity and anti-aging properties.
WYMX Magnex. Magnetic. Structured water.
WYVX Vortex. Electromagnetic. Structured water.
The prefix Y in the model number
will be substituted with a prefix
below to identify it’s purpose:-
A – Agricultural.
C – Commercial drinking water.
O – Outdoor drinking water.
H – Home drinking water.
S – Home spa.
L – Laundry.
The prefix X will be substituted to
represent the model.
Annually governments and farmers worldwide spend
a lot of money on fertilizers and pesticides to improve
crop cultivation. With modern technology available,
we have overlooked nature's solution to chemical
farming, water.
However, water from our tap is said to be dead. For
the plants to hydrate themselves at a cellular levels
using this fluid, it's molecular structure needs to be
restored to it's original state. Running water through a
magnetic field does just that and transforms the fluid
to structured or living water. Using this water on
plants, improves crop efficiency.
Here is another reason to use magnetic water,
agricultural land generally has hard water, which is
rich in calcium and magnesium. Together with water,
the minerals gets structured too, this means the
plants can use it as a supplement for the deficiency in
Agricultural solution.
Magnex WAMN128.
Neodymium water magnet.
- Consists of 2 pieces (1 pair).
- Strength: 12,800 gauss.
- Weight: 1 KG (without packing).
- Suitable for small farm.
- Pipe size till 2.25”.
- Packed with 4 screws in a tin box.
Magnex WAMO75.
Neodymium water magnet.
- Consists of 2 pieces (1 pair).
- Strength: 7,500 gauss
- Weight: 0.15 KGs (without packing).
- Suitable for single hose.
- Pipe size: 0.5-1.5”.
- Packed with 2 screws in a tin box.
Magnex WAMA198.
Neodymium water magnet.
- Consists of 8 pieces (1 pair).
- Strength: 19,800 gauss.
- Weight: 2.2 KGs (without packing).
- Suitable for large distribution pipe.
- Pipe size 3-4”.
- Packed with 8 screws in a tin can.
Agricultural solution.
Beyond the product or service exchanged, what truly
differentiates an organization from it's competitors is
the way it treats it's people.
Companies today focus on commercial activities such
as:- advertisement, recognition or amenities to stand
out. Would it not make sense to achieve famous and
success by giving care? Beyond a tagline, structured
and alkaline water, boosts energy levels and
productivity is higher.
Commercial solution.
Commercial use.
• Manufacture foodstuff,
skincare, soaps,
• Spas for a smoothing bath.
• Clinics to treat skin issues.
• Electroplating of metal.
Everyday use.
• Office.
• Gym.
• Clinic.
• School canteen.
• Old age home/hospital.
• Shopping mall.
• Event halls.
Living WCLB series.
- Adjustable pH / ORP dispenser.
- pH 3.5 to 10.
- ORP +450 to – 550mV.
- Titanium electrodes with platinum plating.
- Auto power off on overheat;
low/high water pressure.
- Water source: well or municipal.
- Environment: humidity <85%;
temperature 5-40 ℃.
- Water TDS: 150-800 mg/L.
-Total (acid/alkaline) flow: 34(17/17)L/min.
- Electrodes (duration/qty): 15,0000/1.
- Unit size: 105x75x205cms.
- Weight: 280kgs.
-Total (acid/alkaline) flow: 68(34/34)L/min.
- Electrodes (duration/qty): 18,0000/2.
- Unit size: 105x75x205cms.
- Weight: 332kgs.
-Total (acid/alkaline) flow: 100(50/50)L/min.
- Electrodes (duration/qty): 25,0000/3.
- Unit size: 170x75x205cms.
- Weight: 570kgs.
Commercial solution.
Magnex WCMN128.
Neodymium water magnet.
- Consists of 2 pieces (1 pair).
- Strength: 12,800 gauss.
- Weight: 1 KG (without packing).
- Suitable for central pipe to office.
- Pipe size till 2.25”.
- Packed with 4 screws in a tin box.
Magnex WCMO75.
Neodymium water magnet.
- Consists of 2 pieces (1 pair).
- Strength: 7,500 gauss
- Weight: 0.15 KGs (without packing).
- Suitable for office, clinics, pharmacy.
- Pipe size: 0.5-1.5”.
- Packed with 2 screws in a tin box.
Magnex WCMA198.
Neodymium water magnet.
- Consists of 8 pieces (1 pair).
- Strength: 19,800 gauss.
- Weight: 2.2 KGs (without packing).
- Suitable for factories, restaurants, hospital.
- Pipe size: 3-4”.
- Packed with 8 screws in a tin can.
Commercial solution.
Did you know 70% of our planet is water. From this
reservoir of water, 97.26% is salt water, 2% is stored
in ice, 0.59% is ground water. This leaves us with
only 0.15% in lakes, streams and rivers, which can be
processed for our consumption.
What if you could take any form of liquid water and
convert it to safe drinking water? Would it not be
economical and convenient to have a purification or
an alkalizing solution in your backpack?
Everyday use.
• Gym.
• Camping.
• Hiking.
• Rescue missions.
• Defense (navy/armed forces).
• Workers in offshore or remote locations, ex oil rig.
• Challenging expeditions,
(ex forest or desert expedition).
Outdoor solution.
Refiner WORC400.
Water filter bottle.
- Converts contaminated water
to safe drinking water.
- Size: 400ml. Weight: 165g.
- Filter capacity: 1500L - 400ml/min.
(Activated carbon filter: 80L).
Refiner WORD60.
Water filter straw.
- Converts contaminated water
to safe drinking water.
- Weight: 60g.
- Filter capacity: 1500L - 400ml/min.
(Activated carbon filter: 80L).
Refiner WORE65.
Portable pump water filter.
- Converts contaminated water
to safe drinking water.
- Weight: 410g.
- Filter capacity: 5000l - 500ml/min.
(Activated carbon filter: 80L).
Outdoor solution.
Healer WOHF850.
Alkaline water flask.
- Converts filtered water
to alkaline water.
- Size: 850ml. Weight: 600g.
- Filter capacity: 600L.
Pure WOLC400.
Alkaline water filter bottle.
- Converts tap water
to alkaline water.
- Size: 400ml. Weight: 225g.
- Filter capacity: 1500L - 400ml/min.
(Activated carbon filter: 80L).
Healer WOHG370.
Alkaline water flask.
- Converts filtered water
to alkaline water.
- Size: 370ml. Weight: 500g.
- Filter capacity: 800L.
Healer WOHH55.
Alkaline water stick.
- Converts filtered water
to alkaline water.
- Weight: 65g.
- Filter capacity: 480L.
Video on
Outdoor solution.
Booster WOBU10.
pH / ORP booster drops.
- pH till 10.
- ORP till -400mV.
- 37ml (1.25oz).
Outdoor solution.
Mayu stone.
Nano silver.
These are negative ions. Besides softening water, these condition our system, thereby promoting good
health and lung ventilation and efficient metabolism. It also soften water and has antibacterial functions.
Known for it’s antioxidant properties, it deactivate and flush out heavy metals and free radials from our
Contains rare earth elements, which are good for our health. These elements absorb heavy metals, toxins
and regulates metabolism.
Improves body’s immunity to diseases, increases blood's oxygen capacity, stress tolerance levels,
promotes skin/tissue reproduction, detoxification, improves metabolism, microcirculation and hormone
Contains 26 minerals good for our health. Soaked for 2 hrs, water could be compared to spring water.
Aids in skin disorders, poisonous bites, anemia, joint issues, diabetic neuropathy, stomach problems,
eliminates food allergies, absorbs e-smog and other harmful radiation we are exposed to on a daily basic
such as:- UV radiation, x-rays, televisions, computer, air-conditioners, energy released when fuel is burned
or when light is turned on.
Known for it’s oil absorbing properties, reducing gloss and translucent properties.
Effect on pathogenic micro-organisms, repairs damaged epithelial cells. In water it's anti-bacterial effect is
much stronger, more conductive to improving water quality.
Filtration system of WOHF850 / WOHG370.
KDF55 activated
UF membrane.
Cotton gauze.
These are negative ions. Besides softening water, these condition our system, thereby promoting good
health and lung ventilation and efficient metabolism. It also soften water and has antibacterial functions.
Removes heavy metals, chlorine, fluoride, halide and other harmful substances. Prevents build-up of
scale. algae and bacteria.
The finest level of filtration, any particle beyond 0.01 micron is kept away.
Removes sediments and large particles from water.
Removes mud, particles & pathogens.
Filtration system of WOLC400 / WOHC400 / WORD60 / WORE65.
Times today are changing faster than ever, as we
move to a century of comfort.
Bottled water, once a luxury is today a part of our
everyday life. While it is convenient, most people
don’t know the health hazards associated with
bottled water. They also don’t know boiling water
kills the bacteria, what dies with it is the nutrients in
water leaving behind the contaminants in water to
which our organs become a filter of.
Ignorance today has given rise to many lifestyle
diseases, such as:- obesity, stress, fatigue, kidney
stones and even osteoporosis.
Does it make sense to feed our loved ones acidic
and dead water? Filtration is an art, which we
continue to master.
Home solution.
Vortex WHVJ600.
The vortex machine
- High oxygen output.
- 3 layer filtration.
- Weight: 2.5 KGs (without packing).
- 15W max power
- 1 piece packed in a giftbox.
A vortex machine is a electromagnetic
appliance. When switched on, it
generates the magnetic field that
causes a spiral vortex in the water.
Inside is also a filter ball, which has
mix of the three stones: far infrared
energy balls; negative ions and
activated carbon.
This water has two benefits to our
health. First, the water is structured
again and it’s harmful energizes are
erased. When this water enters our
cells, it will flush out toxins. Second,
the water is rich in Oxygen and
promotes good health.
Home solution.
Pure WHPK610.
UF water filtration system.
- Healing water output.
- 9 layer filtration.
- Weight: 3 KGs (without packing).
-1 piece packed in a giftbox.
Refiner WHRL620.
UF water filtration system.
- Refined water output.
- 2 layer filtration
(UF membrane + activated carbon)
- Washable filter
- Weight: 2 KGs (without packing).
- 1 piece packed in a giftbox.
Healer WHHM35.
Alkaline water bottle.
- Converts filtered water
to alkaline water.
- Size: 3.5L. Weight: 500g.
- Filter capacity: 200L.
Home solution.
Magnex WHMN128.
Neodymium water magnet.
- Consists of 2 pieces (1 pair).
- Strength: 12,800 gauss
- Weight: 1 KG (without packing).
- Suitable for main house pipe.
- Pipe size till 2.25”.
- Packed with 4 screws in a tin box.
Magnex WHMO75.
Neodymium water magnet.
- Consists of 2 pieces (1 pair).
- Strength: 7,500 gauss
- Weight: 0.15 KGs (without packing).
- Suitable for kitchen faucet, under sink pipe
- Pipe size: 0.5-1.5”.
- Packed with 2 screws in a tin box.
Magnex WHMP52.
Neodymium water magnet in ABS case.
- Consists of 4 pieces (2 pairs).
- Strength: 5,200 gauss.
- Weight: 0.15 KGs (without packing).
- Suitable for water purifier outlet .
- Pipe size: 0.5-1”.
- Packed with 4 ties in a tin box.
Home solution.
Contamination possibility.
Need for a pump.
Need for electricity.
High maintenance.
Reduction of bacteria.
(ultra filtration).
(reverse osmosis).
Yes (tank).
Maximum (breakdown of
membrane possible).
Yes (around UV lamp).
Medium (bacteria can hide
behind sediments or be
Home filtration methods compared – WPHK610 / WHRL630 are UF type.
0.2um precision ceramic.
Ion exchange resins.
KDF55 activated carbon.
Activated granular carbon.
Anion mineral balls.
Far infrared ceramic.
KDF55 activated carbon.
Activated granular carbon.
Magnetic stones.
Silver-lite resins.
Filtration process for WHPK610.
Removes mud, particles and pathogens.
Conditions calcium and magnesium content in water, thereby it improves
flavor and avoids scales in pipe.
Removes heavy metals, chlorine, fluoride, halide and other harmful
substances. Prevents build-up of scale, algae and bacteria.
Very similar to stage 3.
Structures water molecules for optimal cell absorption.
Improves body’s immunity to diseases, increases blood's oxygen capacity,
stress tolerance levels, promotes skin/tissue reproduction, detoxification,
improves metabolism, microcirculation and hormone balance.
Same as stage 3.
Very similar to stage 3.
As water passes through a strong magnet, its molecules become orderly
and stable. Aids in strong memory function.
Antibacterial silver resins promotes natural healing.
Filter gauze.
Ion exchange
KDF55 activated
pH mineral balls.
Far infrared
ORP ceramic.
Silver-lite resins.
PP pad.
Removes sediments and large particles from water.
Conditions calcium and magnesium content in water, thereby it improves flavor and
avoids scales in pipe.
Removes heavy metals, chlorine, fluoride, halide and other harmful substances.
Prevents build-up of scale, algae and bacteria.
Supplies micro and mineral elements to the body. Adjusts water alkalinity.
Improves body’s immunity to diseases, increases blood's oxygen capacity, stress
tolerance levels, promotes skin/tissue reproduction, detoxification, improves
metabolism, microcirculation and hormone balance.
Responsible for adding antioxidants to water, thereby reducing ORP.
Antibacterial silver resins promotes natural healing.
Last stage removes the grainy bits, including remains of activated carbon. Ensures
water is clean with no residue.
Filtration process for WHHM35.
Skincare, a multi-trillion dollar industry has been
growing at a constant pace, the figures show the
demand for wellness, far exceed any economic
downturn. What comes as a shock is, we generally
focus more on the solution than the cause.
An average person does not even know what is in
the air he breathes, the water/detergent he uses on
his skin and the effects of these substances. If you
study everyday skin and hair issues such as:- rash;
allergies; boils; hair fall, you will find a majority of it is
due to these chemicals.
Our range of water solution focuses on refining
water and structuring of water and contaminants so
when water touches our skin, instead of the harmful
effects, it has a positive effect.
Spa solution.
Spa WSEQ89.
Shower filter in PP case.
- 3 layer filtration.
- Weight: 0.5 KGs
(without packing).
- Packed in a giftbox.
Spa WSER88.
Shower filter in PP case
- UV paint finish on case.
- 4 layer filtration.
- Weight: 0.5 KGs
(without packing).
- Packed in a giftbox.
Magnex WSMO75.
Neodymium water magnet.
- Consists of 2 pieces (1 pair).
- Strength: 7,500 gauss
- Weight: 0.15 KGs
(without packing).
- Suitable for shower,
under sink pipe.
- Pipe size: 0.5-1.5”.
- Packed with 2 screws
in a tin box.
Aroma WSAS67.
Shower head
- Electroplating on case.
- Aroma water.
- Weight: 0.3 KGs
(without packing).
- Packed in a giftbox.
Spa WSET68.
Shower head
- 2 layer filtration.
- Weight: 0.45 KGs
(without packing).
- Packed in a giftbox.
Spa solution.
KDF55 activated
carbon in wool.
Calcium sulfite.
Germanium bath
Removes heavy metals, chlorine, fluoride, halide and other harmful substances.
Prevents build-up of scale, algae and bacteria.
In addition to features of activated carbon, it can also remove other heavy metals,
including lead, mercury, cadmium and aluminum.
Improves body’s immunity to diseases, increases blood's oxygen capacity,
increases stress tolerance levels, promotes skin/tissue reproduction,
detoxification, improves metabolism and microcirculation, improves hormone
Contains rare earth elements, which are good for our health. These elements
absorb heavy metals, toxins and regulates metabolism.
These are negative ions. Besides softening water, these condition our system,
thereby promoting good health and lung ventilation and efficient metabolism. It
also soften water and has antibacterial functions.
These have an antibacterial effect and remove chlorine from water. On our skin, it
shrinks the spores, moisturizes it and prevents ant-aging. It also has a skin
whitening effect.
Filtration process for WSER88 / WSAS67 / WSET68.
Ever been to the cupboard, picked your favorite
dress, just about to wear it when you notice the
smell and put back to wash? Most of us feel this is
because the clothes were wrapped up or ironed
when damp. It is not so and has more to do with
the water.
The water that flows in our pipeline is dead and has
various substances in it. When detergent comes
into contact with these substances, a chemical
reactions occurs, because of which soap looses it’s
efficiency and a lot more soap is needed to perform
the same task.
Magnetic water is proven to reduce the reactions,
as the molecular structure of the liquid and salts
are structured. This gives the clothes from the
washing machine a nice clean, fresh feel. We also
save on washing detergent.
Laundry solution.
Magnex WLMI52.
Neodymium water magnet in PVC shell.
- Consists of 1 piece.
- Strength: 5,200 gauss
- Weight: 0.25 KGs (without packing).
- Suitable for washing machines and hand wash.
- Packed in a giftbox.
Magnex WLMO75.
Neodymium water magnet.
- Consists of 2 pieces (1 pair).
- Strength: 7,500 gauss
- Weight: 0.15 KGs (without packing).
- Suitable for washing machine pipeline.
- Pipe size: 0.5-1.5”.
- Packed with 2 screws in a tin box.
Laundry solution.
Life is a choice,
Make the right
one today!
Synix HK Limited
Suite 606 Gold & Silver Commercial Bldg., 12 Mercer Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
t. +852 35684966 f. +852 37403278 e.

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Swastha - Water solutions.

  • 2. Synix HK Limited was established in 1999, our initial role to facilitate trade from China to our buying offices in Africa and Middle East. From a very humble beginning as a trading company, we have grown today into a solution provider. Swastha, our brand for herbal and water solutions, was started off with a purpose far greater than promoting a product. Founded by entrepreneur, Jackie Chugani, Swastha represents a personal commitment to impact lives and to deliver customers a happier and healthier lifestyle. We attribute our success to the very foundation that sets us apart from our competitors. We listen to our customers requirements. This, together with our effort on building awareness among users of their current intake and how our products make a difference is the primary reason we have built a strong network of dedicated and loyal customers. Every satisfied customer is a vital part of our DNA and a walking talking brand ambassador carrying our brand. It is because of this, a lot of attention is paid to product safety. Each component is hand-picked after vigorous testing. The parts that come into direct contact with oral intake and skin, the raw materials used to manufacture are toxin-free and of food grad. To further ensure customers’ interest, our production process has been certified ISO9001:2001. Our goal is to make a difference in the society and to reduce the number of lifestyle related diseases, which has been growing rapidly due to ignorance. Profile. 2
  • 3. Factory audit.Food grade raw materials. Water certification. Herbal certification. SAE304 FOOD GRADE STAINLESS STEEL Safety. 3
  • 4. Two-third of our body is water, an essential fluid it needs to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Lifestyle diseases, such as:- obesity, stress, fatigue can be regulated by intake of right water. Majority of our oral intake is acidic. Our blood is alkaline at pH 7.35. To maintain this level, the body will absorb calcium from our bones and teeth. This results in thin and fragile bones, a condition called Osteoporosis. The acid can also be converted into crystals typically in our organs or joints. This results in gout, kidney stones, arthritis and cysts in our body. Acidic is also responsible for diseases such as high blood pressure, tumors, type 2 diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular blockages. Drinking the right water can avoid this. At time of processing, oxidizers are added to water. This is good for hygiene point of view to ensure we have edible drinking water from our tap, however our cells however are not able to absorb this type of water, it actually damages us at cellular level. Bottled water manufacturers also add oxidizers to ensure water is not contaminated by petrochemicals used during the process of manufacturing plastic bottles. Boiling kills bacteria, what about the heavy metals inside the water? Does our body become the filter? Boiling along with the bacteria, kills the nutrients too, some of which are a necessity for us to live a healthy lifestyle. Importance of safe drinking water. 4
  • 5. • Algae. • Aluminum. • Arsenic. • Asbestos. • Bacteria. • Barium. • Benzene. • Carbon tetrachloride. • Chlordane. • Chloroform. • Chloride. • Chlorine. • Chromium. • Copper. • Cryptosporidium. • Dioxin. • Fluoride. • Iron. • Lead. • Lindane. • Mercury. • MTBE. • Nitrates. • Odors. • Parasite. • Perchlorate. • Pesticide. • Radionuclide. • Rust. • Selenium. • Sodium. • Sulfates. • TDS. • Trihalomethane. • Vinyl Chloride. • Virus. Contaminantsinwater. Flow of water to our tap. 5
  • 6. Toxin. Arsenic. Cadmium. Lead. Manganese. Mercury. Zinc. Chromium. Copper. Fluoride. Chlorine. Source. Pesticide; fungicide; metal smelters. Ni-Cd batteries; welding; pesticide; fertilizer; electroplating; nuclear plant. Paint pesticide; smoking automobile; emission; mining; burning of coal. Welding; fuel; ferromanganese. Pesticide; batteries; paper industry. Refineries; brass manufacture; metal plating; plumbing. Mines; mineral sources. Mining; pesticide production; chemical industry; metal piping. Oxidizer added during water process. Oxidizer added during water process. Function. Bronchitis; dermatitis; poisoning. Renal dysfunction; lung disease/cancer; osteomalacia; osteoporosis; high blood pressure; kidney damage; bronchitis; gastrointestinal disorder; bone marrow cancer. Mental retardation in children; development delay; fatal infant encephalopathy; congenital paralysis; sensor neural deafness; acute or chronic damage to nervous system; epileptics; liver kidney; gastrointestinal damage. Inhalation or contact causes damage to the central nervous system. Tremors; gingivitis; minor psychological changes; acrodynia characterized by pink hand and feet; spontaneous absorption; damage to nervous system; protoplasm poisoning. Zinc fumes have corrosive effect on skin; cause damage to nervous membrane. Damage to nervous system; fatigue; constant irritation. Anemia; liver and kidney damage; stomach and intestinal irritation. Bone and ligament defects; mental disorders; dental enamel damage; abdominal pains; nausea, excess saliva; seizures; muscle spasm. Cancer in various body organs (bladder/rectal/colon/breast/kidney/intestine); asthma; skin allergy; bronchitis; hair loss. Health hazards of contaminants. 6
  • 7. The modern day diet, it’s all about getting today each day. We don’t realize how our oral intake effects our lives. To be more direct, how they give rise to diseases. Let me explain. Our blood has of red blood cells. The core of the cell, you the protons, which have a positive charge. The outer layer is the electrons, which carry a negative charge. It is because of this, the cells repel one and can move freely and it is an oxygen-rich environment. At this state the blood is alkaline at it’s natural pH level of 7.35-7.45. When our blood becomes acidic, it is high in protons. When protons comes into contact with our cells, they steal it’s electrons. This attack is called oxidative stress, it gives birth to an illness. In this environment, the cell carries a positive charge and slug as they flow. The environment is oxygen-poor and this is a breeding ground to micro-organisms and diseases. When oxygen goes down, it slows down processes within the body, the most important being the rate at which it converts sugar into energy or the metabolism rate. pH levels are measured from a count of 1-14. 7 is the neutral point, any count below being acidic; any count above being acidic. Our body struggles to maintain blood pH 7.35-7.45, as any large variation, we would die. The body works two ways to deal with acid, it either neutralizes the acid or it deposit it to other body parts to deal with it later. To neutralize acid, the body needs more nutrients from our body parts than initial acid intake, say for example if you had soda, your body needs 32 parts alkaline water at pH 10 to neutralize this acid. Alkalinity. Acidic blood. Alkaline blood. 7
  • 8. Antioxidant and oxidative stress. In continuation to our earlier discussion on alkalinity and blood, diseases or oxidative stress are caused by free radicals and occur in an acidic environment. What is an antioxidant and it’s relationship with free radicals. In a simple term, an antioxidant is a molecule, which is known for it’s electron contributing properties. Once this touches a free radical, it will donate an electron, thereby restoring it’s natural charge and making the radical harmless. Free radicals breaking lysosomal membrane. Histamine leaks out. Free radicals breaking nuclear membrane altering DNA (genetic) material. Free radicals attacking cell membrane from inside. Easy entry for destructive enzymes and pollutants. Oxidative stress in progress. 8 Effects of oxidative stress on our body. Body parts. Lungs. Joints. Cardiovascular. Immune. Brain. Skin. Eyes. Multi-organs. Diseases. Asthma, allergies, COPD, cancer, chronic bronchitis. Rheumatoid, arthritis, osteoarthritis. Heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, angina. Cold and flu, lupus autoimmune disorder, HIV, herpes, cancer, crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, chronic viral disease, hepatitis, EBV, MRSA. Alzheimer’s disorder, parkinson’s disease, MS ALS, autism, OCD, ADD, ADHD, migraine, insomnia, lack of mental clarity, depression, bipolar, dementia. Wrinkles, acne, skin aging, eczema, cancer, psoriasis. Macular and retinal degeneration, cataracts. Diabetes, aging, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, heavy metal toxicity, lyme disease, aches and pain.
  • 9. How our body fights acid. When our body becomes acidic and there is no source of antioxidant present, to protect the whole system from breaking down, it will take one of the following measures to deal with the acid:- The most used practice is to store acid in layers of fat around the body to deal with it at a later time. This gives rise to obesity. Fat therefore protects us from acid. When you are working hard to loose weight, eating less and still not able to loose weight, you may want to consider alkalizing or detoxifying your body of it’s acid. The body could also decide to neutralize the acid. For this to happen, it needs calcium bicarbonate, which is made from calcium, which is depleted from our bones, mainly lower spine and hip bone area. Thinning of the bones is called osteoporosis, this illness explains why elderly women in particular, fall more often and damage their hip bones. When we eat meat, we take the acidic cholesterol of animal with it, which is acidic and toxic. To protect our heart, our body will store this waste inside our artery walls, which eventually leads to blockages and cardiovascular diseases. Another defense mechanism is to convert acid into solid crystals. This happens in our organs or joints and this is the main reason for gout, kidney stones, arthritis and cysts. Last but not least, it could give in to acid. When this happens, a lot of the processes within our body are effect, specially the metabolism rate, which is the rate at which the body converts sugar into energy, this leads to obesity, loss of energy or even diabetes. 9
  • 10. pH spectrum. Acid/alkaline measure. pH 3.5. pH 5.8. pH 6.8. pH 7.35 to 7.45. pH 8.8. pH 9.0. pH 9.5 to 10.0. Life ends. Cancer cells develop. Chronic diseases. Blood pH level. Cancer cells die. Swastha Pure WHPK610. Swastha Healer WHHM35. Key pH levels. Electrons. 1. 10. 100. 1,000. 10,000. 100,000. 1,000,000. 10,000,000. 100,000,000. 1,000,000,000. ORP +400mV. +341mV. +282mV. +233mV. +164mV. +105mV. +46mV. -13mV. - 72mV. - 131mV. Rating. Worse. Very bad. Very bad. Bad. Bad Ok. Ok. Good. Very good. Very good. Compare: +400 to +150 most bottled water. -350 Swastha Pure WHPK610. -400 Swastha Healer WHHM35. Water electrons/ORP chart ORP (Oxygen Reduction Potential). Electron count in fluid. 10
  • 11. plasmamembrane Structured (living) water. Water in it’s natural environment, passes through grains of sand, stones creating spirals and ripples. This naturally structures the water molecules giving it a very refreshing taste and when we drink this fluid, it nourishes us at cellular level. At this stage, each molecule is hexangular in shape and it is 6 molecules organized neatly in a cluster. The water is said to be structured or living. Prior to making way to our tap, the water goes is chemically processed, pumped at high pressure, turned numerous right angles inside the pipeline and last but not least, the contaminated inside the pipeline. Because of all this, the water molecule is stripped of it’s electron and clamps together in large clusters of 15-20 molecules having a positive charge. The water is said to be dead. This is the acid we spoke about earlier that goes in our blood and causes oxidative stress, also known as a disease. Bottled water is far more acidic than tap, infact only 1% of all bottled water sold is safe water. If is safe, it’s overpriced. Pollutants. Dead water. - Unorganized cluster. - 15-20 molecules per cluster. - Partial hydration. - Pollutants outside structure. Living or structured water. - Structured hexangular cluster. - 6 molecules per cluster. - Full hydration. - Pollutants inside structure. Waterandsmall,non-charged moleculeshavenodifficultycrossing theaquaporinsofthemembrane.Ions, chargedparticlesandlargemolecules cannotcrosseasily. Clusterstructureand absorptionatcellularlevel. 11
  • 12. 12 In the past century a lot of experiments have been done on water. The most remarkable was that by doctor Masura Emoto. Using a microscope, he examined water after it was exposed to different vibrations. His findings show energy of the environment, that is emotions, music, pollution all effect the shape of a water crystal. Likewise, filter media and magnetic shield too have the ability to change frequency of water. Soon after he did another experiment. Three glasses of rice with water were place next to one another.. Each of this glass was exposed to a different energy everyday. The first one was expressed gratitude. The second one was expressed anger. The third one was neglected. After 30 days, the one with gratitude fragmented; the one with anger decayed and turned black; the neglected rice had started was decaying and turning green. This experiment reaffirms his earlier findings, water responds to energy. The complete videos on both experiments can be viewed on Research by Dr. Masura Emoto. Evidence water responds to vibrations. 12 Polluted river. After a positive vibration. Swimming pool. From our tap. Distilled water. Untreated
  • 13. What is hard water and where does it occur? To understand this, it is better we understand at first what hard water really is and how it is formed. Purity. Soft. Slightly soft. Moderate hard. Hard. Very hard. Mineral content. 0-17.1ppm (0-1gpg). 17.2-60ppm (1.1-3.5gpg). 60.1-120ppm (3.6-7gpg). 120.1-180ppm (7.1-10.5gpg). <181.1ppm (<10.6gpg). Salts. Calcium carbonate. Calcium bicarbonate. Magnesium carbonate. Magnesium bicarbonate. Calcium sulfate. Calcium chloride. Magnesium sulfate. Magnesium chloride. Cons. - Acidity effect in water. - Magnesium content has a laxative effect. - Water is dark in colour and an unpleasant taste. - Yellowish stains on bath tubs, hard to clean off. - Reacts with soap to make it less effective so more cleaning agent is required. - Scales in pipeline and coating on heating element reduces appliances efficiency causing energy cleaning and maintenance bills to hike up. Pros. - Alkalinity effect in water. - Soothes sore muscles. - Key ingredient to produce beauty products and bath salts. - Used to remove splinters and corn. - Aids in growing healthy crops. List of common salts found in water, pros and cons of having salts in water. WQA classification of water. Hard water. The water in our cloud is pure water, however when it rains the water comes into with carbon dioxide in the air and a chemical reaction occurs, this leads to the formation of carbonic acid, also known as acid rain. As acid rain makes it way to the waterways, it picks up calcium and magnesium from the ground. These minerals are deposited in the water in form of salts. It is the saturation of these salts that determines the hardness of water. Generally, water is known to be hard when it exceeds mineral content of 60.1ppm. 13
  • 14. 14 - When sodium reacts with soap, it gives a slippery feeling on skin, like the soap is still not gone. - Erosion in metal pipes. - Water taste is unpleasant. - Increases blood pressure. - Appliance has high maintenance and energy bills. Problems with softener/sodium in water. Water flowing out is naturally soft while retaining the healthy minerals. The improved flavor is because the water molecular structure has been altered*. The cluster is hexangular in shape and easily absorbed by our body at a cellular level. This water does not cause crystallizing. Natural, un-organized large water clusters with a crystallizing (scaling) mineral structure. The most common water softening method is to run water inside a water softener. Inside this appliance, there is an ion exchange, it’s calcium and magnesium will be substituted for sodium and potassium. This is a good solution, but people with cardiovascular problems cannot take excess of sodium. Please refer to the table on the right for other problem with sodium. Magnesium and calcium are essential nutrients the body requires, yet these minerals are not appliance friendly. Using an alternative softening solution, we can condition these minerals so they could easily flow through without leaving behind a trail of scales behind and into our body where it is needed. This is done by running water, while in it’s pipeline through a magnetic field. The magnet changes water’s molecular structure and it is now called known as structured water. Softening hard water. Softener appliance and magnetic shield compared. Magnet. 14
  • 15. Percentageofaragonite This data shows the effect of a magnet could last as much as 200 hours. Duration (hours) Research by Prof. J.M.D. Coey Effect of magnetic shield and it’s effect on water. To understand the effect of magnet on minerals, let us refer to studies done by professor J.M.D Coey. In his book, ‘Magnetism and magnetic material’, he covered an experiment on two samples of hard water containing calcium carbonate. The first sample was normal tap water. The second sample was run through a magnetic shield of 1000 gauss. Both these samples were then heated in open beakers and their scales were then examined using an electron microscope and a x-ray diffraction appliance. Untreated Calcite structure (crystallizing) Treated Aragonite structure (non-crystallizing) The untreated sample had small bead-like structure, also known as calcite. This tends to cling onto surfaces forming scales when heated. The treated sample had a long nail- like structure, also known as aragonite. This moves with the water and less likely to leave a trail behind. 15
  • 16. Spain UK and Ireland 16 Hard water distribution. (Spain, UK and Ireland).
  • 17. UK and Irelan d India Sri Lanka 17 Hard water distribution. (India and Sri Lanka).
  • 18. 18 USA and Canada United Arab Emirates 18 Hard water distribution. (UAE, USA and Canada).
  • 19. Healing water. Is clean water safe? No. Clean water is simply sanitized. Water is considered safe for consumption, when together with hygiene, it is rich in antioxidants and is alkaline. Swastha takes a step further, our healer series has the following healing properties:- a) Anti-aging – rich in antioxidants, which provide our body the electrons it needs for a speedy recovery from illness. ORP value is -350mV. b) Alkalinity – High alkaline pH value of 9.5. c) Metabolism management – Has nutrients which the rate at which body burns sugar into energy. This aids in weight and diabetes management. d) Rich is mineral – These are essential for our body to maintain a healthy lifestyle, some of these are:- potassium, zinc, iodine, calcium, sodium, ect. e) Antibacterial silver-lite filtration layer. For detailed explanation on points a-c, please refer to earlier discussion on alkalinity. D is self-explanatory. For e, refer to the next page, explanation by Dr. Rustum Roy. 19
  • 20. 20 Our ancestors stored water in clay, silver or copper flasks over night and would drink it the next morning for purpose of wellness and natural healing. The US army uses silver water to disinfect wounds. The US president uses silver water to keep bugs away from his hands. How would storing water in a container make a difference? A lot of research has been done on this topic. The most comprehensive is perhaps by Dr. Rustum Roy. His studies tell us water has memory. Each molecule has 440,000 memory cells that is capable of recording it’s relationship with the environment, something similar a very powerful magnetic tape. Research by Dr. Rustum Roy Water has memory. Clay, silver and copper all have amazing healing capabilities. Given the above understanding, the water’s molecules are rearranged according to the environment it is in. It ends up picking the antibacterial and other healing proprieties. The research video can be viewed on 20
  • 21. Skin of a young boy exposed to chlorine. Colon of a 52 year old man with a prostate problem. Breast of a 45 year old woman with breast cancer and constipation. A F T E R B E F O R E A F T E R B E F O R E B E F O R E A F T E R Health benefits of healing water. Colon of a fit man. A F T E R B E F O R E 21
  • 22. We believe the main reason a person does not repeat a purchase is not the price, nor the service. It is the expectation a product fails to deliver. This roots down to the marketing campaign, which is more focused on sales and less on awareness. Our success mantra is building a network of loyal customers. It is because of this we have categorized our products very carefully so there is complete transparency with our buyers. How we classify our solutions. Model. Series. Technology. Description. Purpose. WYEX Essential. Filter media. Water suitable for washing external body parts only. WYAX Aroma. Filter media. Scented water for that extra special bath or shower. WYRX Refiner. Filter media. Purified drinking water. WYLX Living. Filter media. Water with alkalinity and anti-aging properties. WYHX Healer. Filter media. Water with alkalinity, anti-aging, supply of nutrients and metabolism control properties. WYPX Pure. Filter media. Purified drinking water with alkalinity and anti-aging properties. WYBX Booster. Mineral salts. Water with alkalinity and anti-aging properties. WYMX Magnex. Magnetic. Structured water. WYVX Vortex. Electromagnetic. Structured water. The prefix Y in the model number will be substituted with a prefix below to identify it’s purpose:- A – Agricultural. C – Commercial drinking water. O – Outdoor drinking water. H – Home drinking water. S – Home spa. L – Laundry. The prefix X will be substituted to represent the model. 22
  • 23. Annually governments and farmers worldwide spend a lot of money on fertilizers and pesticides to improve crop cultivation. With modern technology available, we have overlooked nature's solution to chemical farming, water. However, water from our tap is said to be dead. For the plants to hydrate themselves at a cellular levels using this fluid, it's molecular structure needs to be restored to it's original state. Running water through a magnetic field does just that and transforms the fluid to structured or living water. Using this water on plants, improves crop efficiency. Here is another reason to use magnetic water, agricultural land generally has hard water, which is rich in calcium and magnesium. Together with water, the minerals gets structured too, this means the plants can use it as a supplement for the deficiency in soil. Agricultural solution. 23
  • 24. 24 Magnex WAMN128. Neodymium water magnet. - Consists of 2 pieces (1 pair). - Strength: 12,800 gauss. - Weight: 1 KG (without packing). - Suitable for small farm. - Pipe size till 2.25”. - Packed with 4 screws in a tin box. Magnex WAMO75. Neodymium water magnet. - Consists of 2 pieces (1 pair). - Strength: 7,500 gauss - Weight: 0.15 KGs (without packing). - Suitable for single hose. - Pipe size: 0.5-1.5”. - Packed with 2 screws in a tin box. Magnex WAMA198. Neodymium water magnet. - Consists of 8 pieces (1 pair). - Strength: 19,800 gauss. - Weight: 2.2 KGs (without packing). - Suitable for large distribution pipe. - Pipe size 3-4”. - Packed with 8 screws in a tin can. Agricultural solution.
  • 25. Beyond the product or service exchanged, what truly differentiates an organization from it's competitors is the way it treats it's people. Companies today focus on commercial activities such as:- advertisement, recognition or amenities to stand out. Would it not make sense to achieve famous and success by giving care? Beyond a tagline, structured and alkaline water, boosts energy levels and productivity is higher. Commercial solution. 25 Commercial use. • Manufacture foodstuff, skincare, soaps, pharmaceutical, nutraceutical. • Spas for a smoothing bath. • Clinics to treat skin issues. • Electroplating of metal. Everyday use. • Office. • Gym. • Clinic. • School canteen. • Old age home/hospital. • Shopping mall. • Event halls.
  • 26. 26 Living WCLB series. - Adjustable pH / ORP dispenser. - pH 3.5 to 10. - ORP +450 to – 550mV. - Titanium electrodes with platinum plating. - Auto power off on overheat; low/high water pressure. - Water source: well or municipal. - Environment: humidity <85%; temperature 5-40 ℃. - Water TDS: 150-800 mg/L. WCLB34. -Total (acid/alkaline) flow: 34(17/17)L/min. - Electrodes (duration/qty): 15,0000/1. - Unit size: 105x75x205cms. - Weight: 280kgs. WCLB68. -Total (acid/alkaline) flow: 68(34/34)L/min. - Electrodes (duration/qty): 18,0000/2. - Unit size: 105x75x205cms. - Weight: 332kgs. WCLB100. -Total (acid/alkaline) flow: 100(50/50)L/min. - Electrodes (duration/qty): 25,0000/3. - Unit size: 170x75x205cms. - Weight: 570kgs. Commercial solution.
  • 27. 27 Magnex WCMN128. Neodymium water magnet. - Consists of 2 pieces (1 pair). - Strength: 12,800 gauss. - Weight: 1 KG (without packing). - Suitable for central pipe to office. - Pipe size till 2.25”. - Packed with 4 screws in a tin box. Magnex WCMO75. Neodymium water magnet. - Consists of 2 pieces (1 pair). - Strength: 7,500 gauss - Weight: 0.15 KGs (without packing). - Suitable for office, clinics, pharmacy. - Pipe size: 0.5-1.5”. - Packed with 2 screws in a tin box. Magnex WCMA198. Neodymium water magnet. - Consists of 8 pieces (1 pair). - Strength: 19,800 gauss. - Weight: 2.2 KGs (without packing). - Suitable for factories, restaurants, hospital. - Pipe size: 3-4”. - Packed with 8 screws in a tin can. Commercial solution.
  • 28. Did you know 70% of our planet is water. From this reservoir of water, 97.26% is salt water, 2% is stored in ice, 0.59% is ground water. This leaves us with only 0.15% in lakes, streams and rivers, which can be processed for our consumption. What if you could take any form of liquid water and convert it to safe drinking water? Would it not be economical and convenient to have a purification or an alkalizing solution in your backpack? Everyday use. • Gym. • Camping. • Hiking. • Rescue missions. • Defense (navy/armed forces). • Workers in offshore or remote locations, ex oil rig. • Challenging expeditions, (ex forest or desert expedition). Outdoor solution. 28
  • 29. 29 Refiner WORC400. Water filter bottle. - Converts contaminated water to safe drinking water. - Size: 400ml. Weight: 165g. - Filter capacity: 1500L - 400ml/min. (Activated carbon filter: 80L). Refiner WORD60. Water filter straw. - Converts contaminated water to safe drinking water. - Weight: 60g. - Filter capacity: 1500L - 400ml/min. (Activated carbon filter: 80L). Refiner WORE65. Portable pump water filter. - Converts contaminated water to safe drinking water. - Weight: 410g. - Filter capacity: 5000l - 500ml/min. (Activated carbon filter: 80L). 99.99% BACTERIA FREE Outdoor solution.
  • 30. 30 Healer WOHF850. Alkaline water flask. - Converts filtered water to alkaline water. - Size: 850ml. Weight: 600g. - Filter capacity: 600L. Pure WOLC400. Alkaline water filter bottle. - Converts tap water to alkaline water. - Size: 400ml. Weight: 225g. - Filter capacity: 1500L - 400ml/min. (Activated carbon filter: 80L). Healer WOHG370. Alkaline water flask. - Converts filtered water to alkaline water. - Size: 370ml. Weight: 500g. - Filter capacity: 800L. Healer WOHH55. Alkaline water stick. - Converts filtered water to alkaline water. - Weight: 65g. - Filter capacity: 480L. Video on WOHG370/WOHF850 Outdoor solution.
  • 31. 31 Booster WOBU10. pH / ORP booster drops. - pH till 10. - ORP till -400mV. - 37ml (1.25oz). 37ml (1.25oz) Outdoor solution.
  • 32. Filter. Tourmaline. Zeolite. Maifanshi. Far-infrared ceramic. Mayu stone. Bentonite clay. Kaolin. Nano silver. Function. These are negative ions. Besides softening water, these condition our system, thereby promoting good health and lung ventilation and efficient metabolism. It also soften water and has antibacterial functions. Known for it’s antioxidant properties, it deactivate and flush out heavy metals and free radials from our body. Contains rare earth elements, which are good for our health. These elements absorb heavy metals, toxins and regulates metabolism. Improves body’s immunity to diseases, increases blood's oxygen capacity, stress tolerance levels, promotes skin/tissue reproduction, detoxification, improves metabolism, microcirculation and hormone balance. Contains 26 minerals good for our health. Soaked for 2 hrs, water could be compared to spring water. Aids in skin disorders, poisonous bites, anemia, joint issues, diabetic neuropathy, stomach problems, eliminates food allergies, absorbs e-smog and other harmful radiation we are exposed to on a daily basic such as:- UV radiation, x-rays, televisions, computer, air-conditioners, energy released when fuel is burned or when light is turned on. Known for it’s oil absorbing properties, reducing gloss and translucent properties. Effect on pathogenic micro-organisms, repairs damaged epithelial cells. In water it's anti-bacterial effect is much stronger, more conductive to improving water quality. Filtration system of WOHF850 / WOHG370. 32
  • 33. 33 Cap Mouthpiece Wate r Air Mouthpiece Cap Cap Mouthpiece Filter Tourmaline. KDF55 activated carbon. UF membrane. Cotton gauze. Ceramic. Function These are negative ions. Besides softening water, these condition our system, thereby promoting good health and lung ventilation and efficient metabolism. It also soften water and has antibacterial functions. Removes heavy metals, chlorine, fluoride, halide and other harmful substances. Prevents build-up of scale. algae and bacteria. The finest level of filtration, any particle beyond 0.01 micron is kept away. Removes sediments and large particles from water. Removes mud, particles & pathogens. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Barrel Piston Relief valve Output barb Pump handle Float Filtration system of WOLC400 / WOHC400 / WORD60 / WORE65.
  • 34. Times today are changing faster than ever, as we move to a century of comfort. Bottled water, once a luxury is today a part of our everyday life. While it is convenient, most people don’t know the health hazards associated with bottled water. They also don’t know boiling water kills the bacteria, what dies with it is the nutrients in water leaving behind the contaminants in water to which our organs become a filter of. Ignorance today has given rise to many lifestyle diseases, such as:- obesity, stress, fatigue, kidney stones and even osteoporosis. Does it make sense to feed our loved ones acidic and dead water? Filtration is an art, which we continue to master. Home solution. 34
  • 35. 35 Vortex WHVJ600. The vortex machine - High oxygen output. - 3 layer filtration. - Weight: 2.5 KGs (without packing). - 15W max power - 1 piece packed in a giftbox. A vortex machine is a electromagnetic appliance. When switched on, it generates the magnetic field that causes a spiral vortex in the water. Inside is also a filter ball, which has mix of the three stones: far infrared energy balls; negative ions and activated carbon. This water has two benefits to our health. First, the water is structured again and it’s harmful energizes are erased. When this water enters our cells, it will flush out toxins. Second, the water is rich in Oxygen and promotes good health. Home solution.
  • 36. 36 Pure WHPK610. UF water filtration system. - Healing water output. - 9 layer filtration. - Weight: 3 KGs (without packing). -1 piece packed in a giftbox. Refiner WHRL620. UF water filtration system. - Refined water output. - 2 layer filtration (UF membrane + activated carbon) - Washable filter - Weight: 2 KGs (without packing). - 1 piece packed in a giftbox. Healer WHHM35. Alkaline water bottle. - Converts filtered water to alkaline water. - Size: 3.5L. Weight: 500g. - Filter capacity: 200L. Home solution.
  • 37. 37 Magnex WHMN128. Neodymium water magnet. - Consists of 2 pieces (1 pair). - Strength: 12,800 gauss - Weight: 1 KG (without packing). - Suitable for main house pipe. - Pipe size till 2.25”. - Packed with 4 screws in a tin box. Magnex WHMO75. Neodymium water magnet. - Consists of 2 pieces (1 pair). - Strength: 7,500 gauss - Weight: 0.15 KGs (without packing). - Suitable for kitchen faucet, under sink pipe - Pipe size: 0.5-1.5”. - Packed with 2 screws in a tin box. Magnex WHMP52. Neodymium water magnet in ABS case. - Consists of 4 pieces (2 pairs). - Strength: 5,200 gauss. - Weight: 0.15 KGs (without packing). - Suitable for water purifier outlet . - Pipe size: 0.5-1”. - Packed with 4 ties in a tin box. Home solution.
  • 38. Features. Contamination possibility. Demineralization. Need for a pump. Need for electricity. Anti-aging. Alkalinity. High maintenance. Reduction of bacteria. UF (ultra filtration). No. No. No. No. Possible. Possible. No. Maximum. RO (reverse osmosis). Yes (tank). Yes. Yes. Yes. No. No. Yes. Maximum (breakdown of membrane possible). UV (ultraviolet). Yes (around UV lamp). No. No. Yes. No. No. Yes. Medium (bacteria can hide behind sediments or be paralyzed). Home filtration methods compared – WPHK610 / WHRL630 are UF type. 38
  • 39. Filter. 0.2um precision ceramic. Ion exchange resins. KDF55 activated carbon. Activated granular carbon. Anion mineral balls. Far infrared ceramic. KDF55 activated carbon. Activated granular carbon. Magnetic stones. Silver-lite resins. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Filtration process for WHPK610. Function. Removes mud, particles and pathogens. Conditions calcium and magnesium content in water, thereby it improves flavor and avoids scales in pipe. Removes heavy metals, chlorine, fluoride, halide and other harmful substances. Prevents build-up of scale, algae and bacteria. Very similar to stage 3. Structures water molecules for optimal cell absorption. Improves body’s immunity to diseases, increases blood's oxygen capacity, stress tolerance levels, promotes skin/tissue reproduction, detoxification, improves metabolism, microcirculation and hormone balance. Same as stage 3. Very similar to stage 3. As water passes through a strong magnet, its molecules become orderly and stable. Aids in strong memory function. Antibacterial silver resins promotes natural healing. 39
  • 40. Filter. Filter gauze. Ion exchange resins. KDF55 activated carbon. pH mineral balls. Far infrared ceramic. ORP ceramic. Silver-lite resins. PP pad. Function. Removes sediments and large particles from water. Conditions calcium and magnesium content in water, thereby it improves flavor and avoids scales in pipe. Removes heavy metals, chlorine, fluoride, halide and other harmful substances. Prevents build-up of scale, algae and bacteria. Supplies micro and mineral elements to the body. Adjusts water alkalinity. Improves body’s immunity to diseases, increases blood's oxygen capacity, stress tolerance levels, promotes skin/tissue reproduction, detoxification, improves metabolism, microcirculation and hormone balance. Responsible for adding antioxidants to water, thereby reducing ORP. Antibacterial silver resins promotes natural healing. Last stage removes the grainy bits, including remains of activated carbon. Ensures water is clean with no residue. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Filtration process for WHHM35. 40
  • 41. Skincare, a multi-trillion dollar industry has been growing at a constant pace, the figures show the demand for wellness, far exceed any economic downturn. What comes as a shock is, we generally focus more on the solution than the cause. An average person does not even know what is in the air he breathes, the water/detergent he uses on his skin and the effects of these substances. If you study everyday skin and hair issues such as:- rash; allergies; boils; hair fall, you will find a majority of it is due to these chemicals. Our range of water solution focuses on refining water and structuring of water and contaminants so when water touches our skin, instead of the harmful effects, it has a positive effect. Spa solution. 41
  • 42. 42 Spa WSEQ89. Shower filter in PP case. - 3 layer filtration. - Weight: 0.5 KGs (without packing). - Packed in a giftbox. Spa WSER88. Shower filter in PP case - UV paint finish on case. - 4 layer filtration. - Weight: 0.5 KGs (without packing). - Packed in a giftbox. Magnex WSMO75. Neodymium water magnet. - Consists of 2 pieces (1 pair). - Strength: 7,500 gauss - Weight: 0.15 KGs (without packing). - Suitable for shower, under sink pipe. - Pipe size: 0.5-1.5”. - Packed with 2 screws in a tin box. Aroma WSAS67. Shower head - Electroplating on case. - Aroma water. - Weight: 0.3 KGs (without packing). - Packed in a giftbox. Spa WSET68. Shower head - 2 layer filtration. - Weight: 0.45 KGs (without packing). - Packed in a giftbox. Spa solution.
  • 43. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Filter. KDF55 activated carbon in wool. Calcium sulfite. Far-infrared ceramic. Maifanshi. Tourmaline. Germanium bath ceramic. Function. Removes heavy metals, chlorine, fluoride, halide and other harmful substances. Prevents build-up of scale, algae and bacteria. In addition to features of activated carbon, it can also remove other heavy metals, including lead, mercury, cadmium and aluminum. Improves body’s immunity to diseases, increases blood's oxygen capacity, increases stress tolerance levels, promotes skin/tissue reproduction, detoxification, improves metabolism and microcirculation, improves hormone balance. Contains rare earth elements, which are good for our health. These elements absorb heavy metals, toxins and regulates metabolism. These are negative ions. Besides softening water, these condition our system, thereby promoting good health and lung ventilation and efficient metabolism. It also soften water and has antibacterial functions. These have an antibacterial effect and remove chlorine from water. On our skin, it shrinks the spores, moisturizes it and prevents ant-aging. It also has a skin whitening effect. Filtration process for WSER88 / WSAS67 / WSET68. 43
  • 44. Ever been to the cupboard, picked your favorite dress, just about to wear it when you notice the smell and put back to wash? Most of us feel this is because the clothes were wrapped up or ironed when damp. It is not so and has more to do with the water. The water that flows in our pipeline is dead and has various substances in it. When detergent comes into contact with these substances, a chemical reactions occurs, because of which soap looses it’s efficiency and a lot more soap is needed to perform the same task. Magnetic water is proven to reduce the reactions, as the molecular structure of the liquid and salts are structured. This gives the clothes from the washing machine a nice clean, fresh feel. We also save on washing detergent. Laundry solution. 44
  • 45. 45 Magnex WLMI52. Neodymium water magnet in PVC shell. - Consists of 1 piece. - Strength: 5,200 gauss - Weight: 0.25 KGs (without packing). - Suitable for washing machines and hand wash. - Packed in a giftbox. Magnex WLMO75. Neodymium water magnet. - Consists of 2 pieces (1 pair). - Strength: 7,500 gauss - Weight: 0.15 KGs (without packing). - Suitable for washing machine pipeline. - Pipe size: 0.5-1.5”. - Packed with 2 screws in a tin box. Laundry solution.
  • 46. Life is a choice, Make the right one today! 46
  • 47. Synix HK Limited Suite 606 Gold & Silver Commercial Bldg., 12 Mercer Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong t. +852 35684966 f. +852 37403278 e.