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Change of
Avoiding Kufr and Nifaq(Hypocrisy) and adopt the
characteristics of true believers, submit to Allahs
orders with sincere intention as His vicegerent.
Ayah 1 - 39
Invitation to
Bani Israel to
accept Islam,
the causes of
termination of
leadership of
Bani Israel
Ayah 40 _ 141
Complete submission to Islam and implementing
commandments as moderate nation, fulfilling
responsibility as witness onto mankind.
Ayah 283 _ 142
Acting upon
s with sincerity
full capacity.
Ayah 284 _ 286
Commandments : Ibadah, dealings, Jihad with wealth, Jihad with nafs
___ ___ Bani Israel ___ Ibrahim AS ____ Shariah Law ______
Everything is in Allahs control
Lessons from Bani Israel
Prohibition of
Rights of Orphans
Surah Baqarah Flow chart
Creation of
Adam AS
Three types
Faith, disbelief and hypocrisy --- comes out by tests
Story of Adam(AS) (Father) ---
Tested, didn't succeed but repented
Bani Israel(Children) --- Tested,
didn't succeed neither repented
Ibrahim(AS)(Father) --- Tested, succeeded and repented
Change of Qiblah --- Major test
Muslim Ummah(Children) ---- Will be
tested, succeeded or failed, we don't know
Laws of Islam(15 of them), will put us to
the test --- Greed is the hardest test
Guidance on greed – How to deal with spending,
Ribah unaccepted, Business accepted
Prayer for help against tests
 There is no doubt in This book.(A very big challenge)
 Six qualities of people who will be benefited from this Book. (Piety, Faith on
Ghaib, Books and Hereafter, Salat, Charity)
 Believe in that which is revealed to Prophet Muhammad(saw) -- All types of
Wahi revealed on Prophet (saw) (Khafi/Jali) (Quran+Hadees)
Ruku No 1 (Ayah 1-7)
 Truly successful. What are our criteria of success?
 Three groups of People ------ Momineen, Kuffar, Hypocrites
 Fear of Ghishawa(sealing up) -- Correct use of ears, eyes, hands & heart.
 Characteristics of Hypocrites.
 Contrast of Faith in one’s heart and verbally.
 Deceiving your own soul ----- Hypocrisy, a disease.
 Lies ----- Judge our own routine, do we realize what a single lie leads to?
Ruku No 2 (Ayah 8-20)
 Spreading disorder on earth ----- Razing the rights of Allah and rights of all
His creations.
 Claiming betterment of others but calling them fools and make fun of them.
 Parable of Hypocrites (Example of Light and Rain)
 Check yourself(Light of perception)
 Rationale to submit yourself to Allah (swt). (Worship /submission)
 Challenge of Quran ------ Miracle
 Men and stones for fuel of Hell fire.
 Stating punishment and reward side by side.( Fear and Hope)
 An analogy is not abject, main thing is conformation of analogy and to
which it is analogized.
Ruku No 3 (Ayah 21-29)
 Fasiq means transgressor, disobedient.
 Who break covenants(Allah’s covenant, covenant with humans)
 Spreading disorder on earth ----- Razing the rights of Allah and rights of
all His creations.
 Human morality and social life (human relations)
 Khalifah or vicegerent, guardianship ----- Obedience of Allah (swt),
compliance of His orders and duties and endeavor of their enforcement.
 Knowledge is superior to Worship. Superiority of Adam (as) over angels
 ُ‫م‬ۡ‫ی‬ِ‫ک‬َ‫ح‬ۡ‫ال‬ ُ‫م‬ۡ‫ی‬ِ‫ل‬َ‫ع‬ۡ‫ال‬ ---- Ayah 32 Knowledge is mentioned with Hikmah
 Arrogance ------ Not following commandments Of Allah (swt) is Satan’s
Ruku No 4 (Ayah 30-39)
 Everybody has to go through trials & tests. One who disobeys Allah
actually does injustice to himself.
 Satan’s enmity with humans ------ Prompting, Alluring, Tempting,
Whispering evil suggestions etc.
 Repentance ------ ُ‫م‬ۡ‫ی‬ ِ‫ح‬َّ‫الر‬ ُ‫اب‬ َّ‫و‬َّ‫ت‬‫ال‬ --- Relation of Allah’s mercy with repentance
 Difference between Adam (as) and Iblis ------ Adam’s remorseful behavior,
Satan’s behavior of arrogance, blaming others and making excuses,
 Remembrance of Allah’s blessing and favors = fulfilling your covenants.
 Fear Allah alone (rahab/ taqwa).
 Rejecting God's directives and orders for the sake of worldly benefits.
 Intentionally concealing truth or mixing truth with falsehood. Conceal
truth by resorting to false propaganda.
Ruku No 5 (Ayah 40-46)
 Contradiction between what you say and do.(Rational/Irrational)
 Meaning of Tilawat ------- to go after.
 Take assistance from Salat and Patience ------- Remedy to drive
the strength. Adopting humility and obedience.
 Intercession, favors - Why conditions and constraints? Justice Equitableness
 Bani Israel’s History, Allah’s blessing & favors on them and their continuous
defiance, Allah pardoned them every time -- Relate this to our own life.
 Allah’s favors and blessings for us, He forgive us even after our disobedience
and continue His blessings on us ------ (Our response) we should adopt an
attitude of thankfulness, show gratefulness by our heart, tongue and practice.
 Ingratitude = injustice on our own soul.
 ُ‫م‬ۡ‫ی‬ ِ‫ح‬َّ‫الر‬ ُ‫اب‬ َّ‫و‬َّ‫ت‬‫ال‬ ---- Mercy and repentance(Ayah 54)
Ruku No 6 (Ayah 47-59)
 Different dimensions of spreading disorder on earth (Fasad fil Ardh) ------
Theft, banditry, murder and desolation and Encroachment of each other’s
rights are different forms of spreading disorder on earth. According to
Sharia’s point of view adultery and shirk are also Fasad fil Ardh.
 Reason for asking for lentils and vegetables ----- Instead of life of Jihad
they want a settled life.
 Life of Jihad ----- Training, struggle to achieve higher goals.
Ruku No 7 (Ayah 60-61)
 Why misery and wretchedness were stamped upon Bani Israel -----
three reasons
 Rejecting the Revelations (signs) of Allah.
 Kill His Messengers without any just cause.
 Disobedience and their persistent transgression against the Law.
 Flouting, distorting or refusing to accept those teachings of God which
you found contrary to your own fancies and desires ---- Current situation
of Muslim Ummah. Evaluate your own selves.
 Covenant of Bani Israel ------ Situation, raising of Tur Mountain.
 Story of Sabbat ------ Importance of enjoining what is right and forbidding
what is wrong.
 Story of the cow --- Argumentation, series of questions, wants to get the
answer of your own choice, trying to shelve the issue by resorting to
Ruku No 8 (Ayah 62-71)
 More they enquired, the narrower the strait became for them.
 They were made to behold a sign of God's power and killing the cow
seemed to be beneficial for them proving it has no supernatural powers.
 Test is always where you have personal flaw, it’s always hard to renounce
the things you love.
 Hardness of heart ----- hard as rock (Different types of rocks )
 Check your own behavior (stance). How are our hearts? Soft or hard
 Confined or limit the knowledge to scholars only ---- It’s easier to delude
an Illiterate.
 Giving Fatwa to gain some paltry worldly end ----- Woe to them.
 Misconception ------ Immunity from hell-fire or possibility of a transient
punishment before they were transported to heaven.
Ruku No 9 (Ayah 72-82)
 Covenant with Allah ---- submission, rights of Allah and human beings,
Salah and Zakah
 Ibadat = worship + fulfilling your rights
 Solemn covenant ----- No blood shed among ourselves.
 Believe in one part of the Book and disbelieve in the other. Obeying
some rulings of the Book and rejecting others.( Rejection/ Kufr by
disobeying, un practicing)(Islam is not a buffet platter)
Ruku No 10 (Ayah 83-86)
 Punishment is ignominious for life here and Hereafter. Current state of
Ummat e Muslimah. (disgrace/shame)
 Preferring the worldly life to the life in the Hereafter ----- severe torment
 What are our choices in our daily life?
 Accept the truth no matter who is telling it
 Try to remove the signs of hypocrisy from within.
 To increase the relationship with Allah through His Introduction.
 Understand your responsibilities as a Caliph and try your best to fulfill
 Behavior of self-control, patience, humility rather than arrogance
 Understand that every custom of the ancestors is part not of religion
 Audit on which obligations you disobey Allah and promise to obey.
 Avoid arguments and disputation.
 The rust of hearts can be removed by remembrance of Akhirah and
Recitation of Quran
 The attitude of Ihsan with parents and to treat all humans with kindness
Action Items Surah Baqara Ruku 1-10
 Why people grew rebellious against Messengers because what He brings did not
suit their lusts, today we also disobey Allah’s command because of our desires
and lusts.
 Securing of hearts or in covering is not the thing you have be proud of , instead it
is an Imprecation ( Curse)
 Jealousy, despitefulness ------ Rejecting the Truth, Intransigence & stubbornness.
 Cherished the calf in their hearts was the main reason of their Kufr ------ Whose
affections is in our heart.
 Love of this world, greed, fear of death and excessive worldliness.
Ruku No 11 (Ayah 87-96)
 Necromancy, fetish , Phylactery, black magic -- Without any labor and
hardship just few blows and Incantation(ritual recitation) can do everything
for you ----- trial
 Incantation(ritual recitation) which caused division between husband and
wife( Harut and Marut) ------ moral depravity ( A hadith from Shahih Muslim
in which Satan back slap his agents who has succeeded in separating a wife
from her husband)
Ruku No 12 (Ayah 97-103)
 Moral depravity of a society in which a man wants to destroy another marriage
just for his own lust. When adulterous affairs become favorite pastime, and
when seducing a married woman is considered a boastful achievement.
 Incantation (ritual recitation) or black magic never has any good in it, it only has
maleficence. This is kufr. Today this evilness is spreading in so called scientific
 Listen attentively and then practice ---- Deedless scholar is ignorant.
 Naskh fil Quran -- Abrogate Ayahs (to cancel or revoke formally or officially)
& hikmah behind them
 Hair splitting arguments, unnecessary inquisitiveness --- It is better to follow
the injunctions which are clearly laid down, abstain from things prohibited,
and avoid excessive inquiry about far-fetched, hypothetical issues, attending
instead to questions of practical significance.
 Don’t waste one's valuable time by engaging in useless debates and
acrimonious polemics.
Ruku No 13 (Ayah 104-112)
 In reply of spite and hostility show forbearance and forgiveness to them --
--- Patience and Tawakkul ilallah (Reliance and trust on Allah) -----
Forgive, pardon and forget (delete)
 Prerequisite for entrance of Paradise is to surrender oneself to Allah in
obedience and follows the Right Way. If you became Mohsin you will be
rewarded. Who is Mohsin?
 ٌ‫ر‬ۡ‫ِی‬‫د‬َ‫ق‬ ٍ‫ء‬ ۡ‫َی‬‫ش‬ ِ‫ل‬ُ‫ک‬ ‫ی‬ٰ‫ل‬َ‫ع‬ َ ‫ہ‬
‫اّٰلل‬ َّ‫ِن‬‫ا‬ -- Ayah 106 and 109 -- Allah's power and its vastness
 Don’t call anybody Kafir; differences will be determined at Day of Judgment.
 Etiquettes of entering the Mosque.
 Direction of prayer ------ God’s realm is boundless and so is His vision and
the range of His benevolence and mercy. Moreover, God's knowledge is all-
embracing. He knows who remembers Him, as well as where, when and why
he does that ---- ٌ‫م‬ۡ‫ی‬ِ‫ل‬َ‫ع‬ ٌ‫ع‬ِ‫س‬‫ا‬ َ‫و‬
Ruku No 14 (Ayah 113-121)
 Mentalities of mindless people are alike.
 Displeasure of Jews and Christians will never end, they will never be
happy until they make you practice their religion.
 Five rights of recitation of Quran ----- Belief, Qirat, ponder, practice,
spreading it.
 Dua (supplication) ----- Ayat 127, 128
 Bani Israel and Bani Ismael got the Imamate because of Ibrahim(as)
 Purification and cleanliness of mosque apparently and spiritually both.
 Ibrahim’s Sunnat ----- Making dua for Momin offspring.
 Contemplation of our offspring‘s dunya & deen both ---- making dua for Rizq,
making dua for peace.
 Four purpose of Advent of Prophet Muhammad (saw) ----- Recite revelations,
teach them the Book and Wisdom and purify their lives.
 ُ‫م‬‫ی‬ِ‫ل‬َ‫ع‬ْ‫ال‬ ُ‫ع‬‫ی‬ِ‫م‬َّ‫س‬‫ال‬
ُ‫م‬‫ی‬ ِ‫ح‬َّ‫الر‬ ُ‫اب‬ َّ‫و‬َّ‫ت‬‫ال‬
ُ‫م‬‫ی‬ِ‫ك‬َ‫ح‬ْ‫ال‬ ُ‫یز‬ ِ
‫ز‬َ‫ع‬ْ‫ال‬ -- Three Ayah & six attributes of Allah SWT
Ruku No 15 (Ayah 122-129)
 Deen e Ibrahimi is Deen e Islam.
 Advice and admonition to your children, contemplation of our offspring‘s deen,
teach your children to love God and observe His commandments. God alone
should be served.
 ُ‫م‬‫ی‬ِ‫ل‬َ‫ع‬ْ‫ال‬ ُ‫ع‬‫ی‬ِ‫م‬َّ‫س‬‫ال‬ --- Ayah 137-- Allah is enough to safeguard from evils of the enemy
 Sibghatullah -- Allah’s color ---- Always everywhere, every time and in every aspect
of our lives Allah’s color should be prominent, His orders are observed (walk and
talk like Allah want you too, working for His pleasure) ----- Hanifiyat is Sibghatullah.
 ‫کآفۃ‬ ‫السلم‬ ‫ِدخلوافی‬‫ا‬ -- Supplication for living as a Muslim and dying as a Muslim.
Ruku No 16 (Ayah 130-141)
 Change in Qiblah, importance of Qiblah.
 “Ummat e Wast “ ----- the community of the middle way
 It signifies that distinguished group of people which follows the path of
justice and equity, of balance and moderation, a group which occupies a
central position among the nations of the world so that its friendship with all
is based on righteousness and justice and none receives its support in
wrong and injustice.
Ruku No 17 (Ayah 142-147)
 Moderation in belief, moderation in actions and Ibadat, social and
cultural moderation, economic and financial moderation.
 Responsibility of Imamat (Leadership) witness before all mankind
(Word witness, act witness)
 ٌ‫م‬‫ی‬ ِ‫ح‬َّ‫ر‬ ٌ‫وف‬ُ‫ء‬َ‫ر‬َ‫ل‬ --- Blessing of Eman, guidance and leadership
 Principle of give and take does not work in deen ----- Following your
own fancies and desires is the main cause of deviation.
 Instead of arguing with each other on controversies try to excel one
another in good works.
 Do not fear people but fear Allah (swt) only.
 The reward of fearing only Allah (swt) ----- Completion of His favors -----
the position of world leadership and guidance from God to guide the
entire human race to godliness and righteousness.
 Love for each other is also a blessing, a favor for Ummah.
Ruku No 18 (Ayah 148-152)
 Four purpose of Advent of Prophet Muhammad (saw) ----- Recite
revelations, teach them the Book and Wisdom and purify their lives.
 Remembrance of Allah (swt) ----- Its cardinal value (Promise that Allah will
remember you) ---- The real remembrance is to obey His commandments,
allegiance of Halal and Haram.
 Gratification towards Allah (Shukr) ----- Acknowledging His favors,
blessings. Avoid dismissal Of Complaint Disobey of Allah’s commands.
 Ingratitude is Kufr.
 Fortitude & Salat -- Solution of every affliction & hardship, trials & tribulations. Develop
patience & strengthen ourselves by devoting to Prayer. (Allah’s Conjunction)
 Status of Martyrs.
 Fear, hunger, loss of property, life and earnings -- Trial ,test (Solution: Be steadfast)
 Supplication -- َ‫ن‬ ۡ
‫و‬ُ‫ع‬ ِ‫ج‬ ٰ
‫ر‬ ِ‫ه‬ۡ‫ی‬َ‫ل‬ِ‫ا‬ ٓ‫ا‬‫ـ‬َّ‫ن‬ِ‫ا‬ َ‫و‬ ِ ‫ہ‬ ِ
‫ّٰلل‬ ‫ا‬َّ‫ن‬ِ‫ا‬ Deep conviction in our heart: To Allah do we belong.
 Allah’s curse ----- Miserliness of knowledge(conceal the clear teachings and guidance)
 Spreading the guidance.
 The original meaning of kufr is to conceal, refusal to believe, deny, reject.
Ruku No 19 (Ayah 153-163)
 According to the Qur'an there are six forms of disbelief.
1. Refuse to believe in the existence of God
2. Recognizes the existence of God but refuses to accept His ordinances
3. Refuses to believe in the Prophets
4. Differentiate between Prophets
5. Refusal to recognize, either totally or partially, the teachings by the
6. Theoretically accepts all but willfully disobeys God's ordinances and
persists in this disobedience.
 ٌ‫م‬‫ی‬ِ‫ل‬َ‫ع‬ٌ‫ر‬ِ‫ك‬‫َا‬‫ش‬
ُ‫م‬‫ی‬ ِ‫ح‬َّ‫الر‬ ُ‫اب‬ َّ‫و‬َّ‫ت‬‫ال‬
ُ‫م‬‫ی‬ ِ‫ح‬َّ‫الر‬ ُ‫ن‬ٰ‫ـ‬َ‫م‬ْ‫ح‬َّ‫الر‬ --- Three Ayahs and 6 attributes -- Relate
 Signs of Allah(swt) --- Constant operation of this universe( 8 rationales from
 Love and affection with Allah, connection with Allah ---- absolute priority in
seeking His pleasure.
 Caterer, Listener of your complaints, savior of your unmanageable = Allah(swt)
 Disownment from leaders and guides with their followers ----- Punishment of
those leaders who misguided their followers.
Ruku No 20 (Ayah 164-167)
 Try to be truthful and righteous even if truth is unbearable.
 Avoid things that spoil relationships and personal relations.
 Get rid of superstition of magically jinxed.
 Adopt social etiquettes, Adab of gatherings.
 To encourage the family and relatives to strive for the Hereafter
 Adopt attitude of prayer/dua in every step like Ibrahim AS.
 During every action keep in mind that our direction is towards Allah SWT
 Witnessing the truth through our speech and actions.
 Try to excel in doing good.
 Seek help with patience and prayer against impatient behavior
 Remembrance of Allah /Zikr continuously
Action Items Surah Baqarah Ruku 11-20
 Importance of lawful earnings. What is lawful and clean?(Quran & Sunnah)
 Order of renouncing unlawful and doubtful.
 Making Haram into Halal and Halal into Haram ------ Adhesion toward Satan.
 Enjoining vice and indecency ------- Satan’s policy
 Apprehending superstitious customs and taboos as God-given religious
teachings is satanic deception.
 Following forefathers ------- Parable of irrational animals.
Ruku No 21 (Ayah 168-176)
 Using good and clean things without hesitation what Allah has provided
us and be grateful to Allah.
 Haram things are only four ------- Carrion, blood, swine flesh and what
has been consecrated to any other name than of Allah.
 Concealing the Truth ------- Responsibility of scholars.
 Differences and dispute ------ mulishness
 The chapters of Birr(the virtues) -- essence is obedience, the real
righteousness, Our view of piety and broader aspect of righteousness.
 Belief, worship, relation, pledge and patience ------- Truthful, honest,
trustworthy and pious (mutaqi)
 Law of retribution, diyah or blood money --- Why the law of retribution is
called security of life for you.
 The Quranic view of making will(1/3rd)
 ٌ‫م‬‫ی‬ِ‫ل‬َ‫ع‬ ٌ‫ع‬‫ی‬ِ‫م‬َ‫س‬
ٌ‫م‬‫ی‬ ِ‫ح‬َّ‫ر‬ ٌ‫ور‬ُ‫ف‬َ‫غ‬ --- Warning to avoid injustices
in wills and retribution, Allah knows the intention.
Ruku No 22 (Ayah 177-182)
 Guidance from Quran--Gratitude (The Book which give criterion of Truth & falsehood)
 Pronouncement of Allah’s greatness, glorify Allah for the Guidance He sent.
 Connection of Ramadan and Fasting. Fasting produce piety, Quran is guidance for
pious people --- Piety=Taqwa=God‘s fear
 Fasting during the month of the revelation of the Qur'an is more than an act of
worship and more than an excellent course of moral training; it is also an appropriate
form for the expression of our thankfulness to God for the bounty of the Qur'an.
Ruku No 23 (Ayah 183-188)
 Islam is a lenience deen, there are no hardships. People's own fancies and
misconceptions often caused great inconvenience.
 Etiquettes of supplication.
 Relations between husband and wife -- metaphoric term of garment --
affinity, secrecy, honor, concealment -- a relationship of inalienable intimacy.
 Don’t skirt near the boundaries of disobedience ; Prudence demands that
one should keep some distance from these lest one's steps inadvertent lead
one to cross them.
 Usurp one another's property by unjust means -------- bribery, unjust
recommendations, theft, banditry, gambling, interest, embezzlement
 Etiquettes and principles of war.
 Fitna is worse than bloodshed.
 Spending our wealth in the Way of Allah, if we don’t than we are
casting ourselves into ruin with our own hands.
 What is Ihsan? ------ Perform the task entrusted to us. The higher
standard is to perform that task in a wholesome manner, to devote our
capacities and resources to its fulfillment, to do our duty with our heart.
Ruku No 24 (Ayah 189-196)
 The first standard of ordinary obedience is that we should fear God. The
other and higher standard is Ihsan (moral and spiritual excellence) for which
it is necessary that we should have a strong love for God and a profound
attachment to Him.
 Injunctions concerning Hajj and Umrah.
 Injunctions concerning Hajj and Umrah.
 ٌ‫م‬‫ی‬ ِ‫ح‬َّ‫ر‬ ٌ‫ور‬ُ‫ف‬َ‫غ‬ -- Remorse  guilt for pride of racial superiority & seeking forgiveness
 Excellent supplication (best) ------ Ayah 201 ------ Asking for hasnah in this world
and Hereafter.
 Refraining from disobeying Allah is sign of understanding and wiseness.
 A character that charms people with this worldly life, with his glib talk, deadliest
opponent, spreading mischief, arrogant, argumentative, quarrelsome.
Ruku No 25 (197-210)
 Another character that fear Allah and devotes his whole life to please Allah.
 Enter completely into Islam ------ ‫ة‬َّ‫ف‬ٓ‫ا‬َ‫ک‬ ِ‫م‬ۡ‫ل‬ِ‫الس‬ ‫ى‬ِ‫ف‬ ‫ا‬ ۡ
‫و‬ُ‫ل‬ُ‫خ‬ۡ‫اد‬ ----- No back lapse, no
picking and choosing, complete obedience, and complete practice in all
aspects of our lives.
 The worldly Rizq (economic strength, abilities) is not criterion for success.
 Differences arose not because people were not given the knowledge of
the truth; it arose because they wanted to tyrannize over one another.
Personal mulishness &egoism.
 Faith will be tested and entering Paradise has prerequisites; believers will
be tried by efforts and struggle and the resulting hardship and sufferings.
Living reality (our temptations, Satan)
 Unpleasant things according to our judgment can be better and our
favorite things can be bad. How do we react about our judgments?
Ruku No 26 (Ayah 211-216)
 ٌ‫م‬‫ی‬ ِ‫ح‬َّ‫ر‬ ٌ‫ور‬ُ‫ف‬َ‫غ‬ ---- Ayah 218 -- The hope of Allah's mercy, salvation will be by grace and
mercy not by one's deeds
 Persecution (fitna) is far worse than bloodshed.
 Jihad denotes doing one's utmost to achieve something.
 More harm than benefit -- First injunction concerning intoxicating drinks & gambling.
 Demeanor with orphans --- ٌ‫م‬‫ی‬ِ‫ك‬َ‫ح‬ ٌ‫یز‬ ِ
‫ز‬َ‫ع‬ ---Wisdom and easiness of our deen
Ruku No 27 (Ayah 217-221)
 Marriage with Mushrik is invitation to fire ----- Marriage is not just sexual
relations between a man and a woman. It is a relationship which has
deep social, moral and emotional implications on our future generations.
 Allah makes His revelations plain, easy and open to the people so that
they should learn a lesson and follow the admonition.
 Menstruation ------ Impurity, closer to sickness than health, discomfort, she
has to be respected for this natural course.
 Concernment about future -- off springs( Marriage is not just recreation,
continuity of human race)
 Making mockery of Allah’s commandments --- Injunctions concerning oath
--- ٌ‫م‬‫ی‬ِ‫ل‬َ‫ع‬ ٌ‫ع‬‫ی‬ِ‫م‬َ‫س‬
ٌ‫م‬‫ی‬ِ‫ل‬َ‫ح‬ ٌ‫ور‬ُ‫ف‬َ‫غ‬
 Illa ---- when a husband has taken a vow not to have sexual relations with
his wife --- ٌ‫م‬‫ی‬ ِ‫ح‬َّ‫ر‬ ٌ‫ور‬ُ‫ف‬َ‫غ‬
Ruku No 28(Ayah 222-228)
 Injunctions concerning divorce --- Iddat is a period of waiting after which
a new marriage is permissible.
 Iddat of divorcee is three menstrual courses.
 Men have a degree above women ------ Status of women in Islam
 Men’s guardianship is essential for peace and order, this degree is for
discipline only.
 Allah is All Powerful and All Wise --- ٌ‫م‬ۡ‫ی‬ِ‫ک‬َ‫ح‬ ٌ‫ز‬ۡ‫ی‬ ِ
 Injunctions concerning marriage and divorce.
 Halala ----- Tough condition for remarrying after divorce. Don’t jest
Allah’s commands.
 Transgressing over Allah’s bound is an injustice to our own selves.
 Playing with Allah’s Commandments and its forms.
 Fear of Allah and remembering that Allah is All knowing is the key
which will make us on right path concerning marital relations.
Ruku No 29 (Ayah 229-231)
 Divorce and Iddat ---- remarriage.
 Allah knows the Hikmah (wisdom) behind His commandments, we don’t.
 Decent, clean and pure way ---- Society’s chastity is in Nikah (marriage).
 Injunctions of suckling children (Rada’ah).
Ruku No 30 (Ayah 232-235)
 Iddat of a widow ----- Four months and ten days.
 Fear of Allah ----- Taqwa ---- Order of Taqwa after injunction concerning
marital relations, divorce, and iddat.
 Allah is Lenient and Forgiving ----- ---
‫غفوروحلیم‬ We should forgive and
pardon too. Try to develop leniency, fortitudinous in our relations.
 Leave the path of Shaitan
 Helping the needy in Allah's love
 Avoid the actions which displease Allah SWT
 Putting the capabilities and blessings of Allah in the way of Allah
 To enter Islam as a whole
 Make those actions routine that lead to paradise
 Kindness towards orphans
 Knowing your rights and duties as a woman
 Try to make room for love of every command of Allah SWT
 Every command of Allah is better for me
Action Items Surah Baqara Ruku 21-30
 Magnanimity in dealings is essential for human relationships. If everyone
were to stick strictly to his legal rights & claims, a pleasant social life would
he render impossible. Lesson of altruism in rights and responsibilities.
 Generosities in your dealings take you toward piety.
 Take great care of prayers specially Salat ul Wusta (Salat Asr). Taking care
of your prayers means to perform them at right time with full devotion and
attention to Allah.
Ruku No 31 (Ayah 236-242)
 Our prayer should instill fear of God in us, it should inculcate the feelings of
goodness and purity and the disposition to obey the ordinances of Allah.
 Even in the state of war (fear) one has to perform Salah.
 Providing compensatory benefits (Alimony) to a widow and divorce women.
 Two attributes of Allah (swt) --- Al Aziz and Al Hakeem (All powerful and All wise)
 Allah makes clear His commandments for us; we should use our common sense
and obey them.
 Prompting the sacrifice of one’s life and possessions in the way of Allah
Almighty ---- ٌ‫م‬‫ی‬ِ‫ل‬َ‫ع‬ ٌ‫ع‬‫ی‬ِ‫م‬َ‫س‬
 Goodly loan “Qardh e Hasna” ----- whatever one gives to another person
selflessly with pure motives. It should not taint with selfish designs & should
be given for the sake of God, to be spent for purposes pleasing to Him.
 Different forms of Infaq fi sabilillah .
Ruku No 32 (Ayah 243-248)
 Spending in the way of Allah never decrease your wealth.
 The story of Talut and Jalut and its lessons ----- Person with physical
and mental abilities should be appointed as a leader. Piety is more
important than wealth and clan. Faith will be tried and those who obey
will succeed. --- ٌ‫م‬‫ی‬ِ‫ل‬َ‫ع‬ ٌ‫ع‬ِ‫س‬‫ا‬ َ‫و‬
 Dua Ayat 250 ----- Asking for the blessing of fortitudinous, firmness of foot hold
and victory against enemy.
 Along with material resources supplication is compulsory for achieving victory.
 Divine law of repelling one set of people by means of another otherwise the
earth would have been filled with chaos.
 Mashiyat of Allah ----- Differences between people (fights) ----- Exercising the
free will granted by Allah (rightly or wrongly).
Ruku No 33 (Ayah 249-253)
 Spending out of one’s possession in way of Allah is the best deed.
 The merits of Ayat ul Kursi (The Greatest Ayah of Quran) ----- 'Verse of the Throne'
and it provides in one piece knowledge of God without parallel.
 Islamic concept of intercession.
Ruku No 34 (Ayah 254-257)
 ِۙ‫ن‬ۡ‫ِی‬‫الد‬ ‫ى‬ِ‫ف‬ َ‫ه‬‫ا‬ َ‫ر‬ۡ‫ِك‬‫ا‬ ۤ َ
‫َل‬- There is no compulsion and coercion regarding religion. Use of free will.
 Taghut is a creature who exceeds the limits of his creatureliness and arrogates to
himself godhead and lordship. It can be Satan, a person, oneself, one's wife and
children, relatives, family and community, friends or social environment, leaders and
guides, government and rulers.
Every human being is free to the extent of adopting the religion of Islam, whether he
accepts it or rejects it. But after accepting Islam, he does not have the option to start
testing the rules and instructions of the religion because of his intellect and accept
whatever seems reasonable to him and to reject the rest or to follow some of the rules
and let go of those who he dislikes, or which are hard on his nature - Apostasy from the
religion is tantamount to rebellion against the entire Ummah.(Taseer ul Quran)
 Rejection of taghut and believe in Allah = taken a firm support that never gives
way. Sharia and its systems protect us from going astray.
 Right and wrong have been differentiated. The darkness of Ignorance throws man
off the path of salvation and directs his energies and efforts to wrong directions in
defiance of reality. The knowledge of Truth (light) shows the purpose of life and
leads to adopt the Right Way.
 Three stages of transgression ------ Fisq, Kufr and Taghut.
 ٌ‫م‬‫ی‬ِ‫ل‬َ‫ع‬ ٌ‫ع‬‫ی‬ِ‫م‬َ‫س‬ ---- The only firm support
 The story of Ibrahim (AS) and Nimrud. ( Excellent rationale) --- ٌ‫مي‬ِ‫ك‬َ‫ح‬ ٌ‫يز‬ِ‫ز‬َ‫ع‬
 Three types of Shirk ----- Shirk e Rabobiat, Shirk Fisiffat, Shirk e Uloohiat.
 Life after death ----- stories of Hazrat Ibrahim(AS) and Hazrat Uzair (AS)
 Faith of Prophets (Faith in seen) personal direct observation & experience.
 To create life in people who are untamed from Haq (Truth) is to bring them
closer and then get them acquainted with the Allah’s deen.
Ruku No 35 (Ayah 258-260)
 A similitude of spending in the way of Allah -- Rewards Here and Here after.
 Allah is All-Embracing, All-Wise. He knows our intentions.
 How the reward of Sadqa (charity) increases or decreases ----- Reminders
of generosity and not injuring the feeling of recipient.
 A kind word and forbearance is better than that charity which is followed up
by insult or injury.
Ruku No 36 (Ayah 261-266)
 Self-Sufficient and Forbearing are Allah’s attributes. He likes the people who
are generous and large hearted. Are we forbearing?
 Showoff, dissimulation -- Parables of Rain on a stone/rock and on a garden.
 Parable of a fiery whirl wind on an old man’s farm and garden.
 How charity bring blessing to the wealth ---- Examples from our daily life and
if it’s not the case we should check our intentions, our behavior.
 Give the best portion of your wealth for Sadqah --- ٌ‫د‬‫ی‬ِ‫م‬َ‫ح‬ ٌّ‫ي‬ِ‫ن‬َ‫غ‬
 Satan hold us out of Sadqah by threat of poverty and prompts us to do
shameless niggardly conduct. Through Sadqa Allah hold out for us
promise of pardon and bounty --- ٌ‫م‬‫ی‬ِ‫ل‬َ‫ع‬ ٌ‫ع‬ِ‫س‬‫ا‬ َ‫و‬
 What is true wisdom (Hikmah) ---- using our resources moderately to
meet our needs and spend whatever is left for charitable purposes.
(right insight, judgmental power)
Ruku No 37 (Ayah 267-273)
 Non-obligatory charity should preferably be dispensed secretly.
 Sadqah expiate sins, it wither bad qualities slowly.
 Better to give Sadqah to those needy people who don’t ask.
 Spend Sadqah on those people who devote themselves wholly to
serve Islam. (Ashab Suffah).
 What is Riba (interest)? Difference between interest and trade.
 The people who think interest & trade are same are called bewitched and
maddened by Satan’s touch.
 Why is there so hard admonition for interest? Declaration of war by Allah and His
messenger for those who did not give up interest-bearing transactions.
Ruku No 38 (Ayah 274-281)
 Interest breeds meanness, selfishness, apathy & cruelty towards others. It leads to
the worship of money and destroys fellow-feeling and a spirit of altruistic co-operation.
Thus, it is ruinous for mankind from both an economic and a moral viewpoint.
 Allah deprives interest of all blessing and develops charity. Interest serves as a strain
on moral and spiritual well-being, and social and economic growth, it also causes
actual regression and decline. Charity leads to the growth and expansion of man's
moral and spiritual qualities and to the growth of human society and economy.
 Hadith regarding Interest.
 An ungrateful, sinful person ------ Riba consumer
 Hikmah behind prohibition of Riba.
 Ways and solution of emancipation from Interest based system ---- deceptions.
 Give up riba if you fear Allah and if you are a true believer.
 Injunctions concerning debts and debtors.
 Ayah 282 ---- Ayat e Dain ----- Longest Ayah of Quran.
 Debt transactions should be written down ------ expediency to avoid
future conflicts and doubts.
 The rules of witnessing.
 Injunctions regarding hypothecation (pawn)
Ruku No 39 (Ayah 282-283)
 Last three Ayahs of Surah Baqrah ---- Gift of Miraj (Ascension)
 The best dua which Allah has taught us.
Ruku No 40 (Ayah 284-286)
 Guard your prayers
 Give goodly loan(Qardh Hasna)
 Do be silent in the war of truth and falsehood
 Realizing the Compassionate Mercy of the Prophets.
 A conscious effort to ponder on the attributes of Allah SWT
 Thanksgiving mood: steadfastness on the generosity/charity
 The way of Allah's pleasure through the service of religion
 Avoid interest completely
 To lend to those in need.
 Joining the mission of the Prophets and make dua
Action Items Surah Baqarah Ruku 31-40
Change of
Avoiding Kufr and Nifaq(Hypocrisy) and adopt the
characteristics of true believers, submit to Allahs
orders with sincere intention as His vicegerent.
Ayah 1 - 39
Invitation to
Bani Israel to
accept Islam,
the causes of
termination of
leadership of
Bani Israel
Ayah 40 _ 141
Complete submission to Islam and implementing
commandments as moderate nation, fulfilling
responsibility as witness onto mankind.
Ayah 283 _ 142
Acting upon
s with sincerity
full capacity.
Ayah 284 _ 286
Commandments : Ibadah, dealings, Jihad with wealth, Jihad with nafs
Let's evaluate our selves
Am I sure? Yes No mostly
to some
If I follow guidance from Allah SWT completely than I will have no fear,
neither grieve.
If I exceed bounds of Shariah than I will be surrounded by Allah's
Allah has full knowledge of my every actions.
If I follow desires of people after receiving knowledge than no friend or
helper can save me from Allahs grip.
I admire religion of Islam and try to adopt color of Allah conciously.
I am fulfilling responsibility as witness onto mankind.
I realize favors of Allah in my heart.
I am always patient when faced by any calamity.
I abide by the halal and haram declared by Allah SWT.
I spent in the way of Allah SWT.
I try to achieve excellence in all affairs of deen.
DUA of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) and Ismail (A.S)
DUA of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) and Ismail (A.S)
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Surah Al Baqarah 2021 JTQ English

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5. Change of Leadership Avoiding Kufr and Nifaq(Hypocrisy) and adopt the characteristics of true believers, submit to Allahs orders with sincere intention as His vicegerent. Ayah 1 - 39 Invitation to Bani Israel to accept Islam, the causes of termination of leadership of Bani Israel Ayah 40 _ 141 Complete submission to Islam and implementing commandments as moderate nation, fulfilling responsibility as witness onto mankind. Ayah 283 _ 142 Acting upon Shariah's commandment s with sincerity and full capacity. Ayah 284 _ 286 Commandments : Ibadah, dealings, Jihad with wealth, Jihad with nafs :2 ‫سورة‬ ‫بقرة‬‫ل‬‫ا‬
  • 6. ___ ___ Bani Israel ___ Ibrahim AS ____ Shariah Law ______ Tests Everything is in Allahs control Momin Kafir Munafiq Lessons from Bani Israel Tauheed Salah Zakat Fasting Haj Qisas Will Charity Jihad Prohibition of Interest Rights of Orphans Marriage Divorce Widow Breastfeeding Surah Baqarah Flow chart Creation of Adam AS Three types of people
  • 7. Faith, disbelief and hypocrisy --- comes out by tests Story of Adam(AS) (Father) --- Tested, didn't succeed but repented Bani Israel(Children) --- Tested, didn't succeed neither repented Ibrahim(AS)(Father) --- Tested, succeeded and repented Change of Qiblah --- Major test Muslim Ummah(Children) ---- Will be tested, succeeded or failed, we don't know Laws of Islam(15 of them), will put us to the test --- Greed is the hardest test Guidance on greed – How to deal with spending, Ribah unaccepted, Business accepted Prayer for help against tests Don’t play with Shariah laws like Bani Israel
  • 8.
  • 9.  There is no doubt in This book.(A very big challenge)  Six qualities of people who will be benefited from this Book. (Piety, Faith on Ghaib, Books and Hereafter, Salat, Charity)  Believe in that which is revealed to Prophet Muhammad(saw) -- All types of Wahi revealed on Prophet (saw) (Khafi/Jali) (Quran+Hadees) Ruku No 1 (Ayah 1-7)
  • 10.  Truly successful. What are our criteria of success?  Three groups of People ------ Momineen, Kuffar, Hypocrites  Fear of Ghishawa(sealing up) -- Correct use of ears, eyes, hands & heart.
  • 11.  Characteristics of Hypocrites.  Contrast of Faith in one’s heart and verbally.  Deceiving your own soul ----- Hypocrisy, a disease.  Lies ----- Judge our own routine, do we realize what a single lie leads to? Ruku No 2 (Ayah 8-20)
  • 12.  Spreading disorder on earth ----- Razing the rights of Allah and rights of all His creations.  Claiming betterment of others but calling them fools and make fun of them.  Parable of Hypocrites (Example of Light and Rain)  Check yourself(Light of perception)
  • 13.  Rationale to submit yourself to Allah (swt). (Worship /submission)  Challenge of Quran ------ Miracle  Men and stones for fuel of Hell fire.  Stating punishment and reward side by side.( Fear and Hope)  An analogy is not abject, main thing is conformation of analogy and to which it is analogized. Ruku No 3 (Ayah 21-29)
  • 14.
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18.
  • 19.
  • 20.
  • 21.  Fasiq means transgressor, disobedient.  Who break covenants(Allah’s covenant, covenant with humans)  Spreading disorder on earth ----- Razing the rights of Allah and rights of all His creations.  Human morality and social life (human relations)
  • 22.  Khalifah or vicegerent, guardianship ----- Obedience of Allah (swt), compliance of His orders and duties and endeavor of their enforcement.  Knowledge is superior to Worship. Superiority of Adam (as) over angels  ُ‫م‬ۡ‫ی‬ِ‫ک‬َ‫ح‬ۡ‫ال‬ ُ‫م‬ۡ‫ی‬ِ‫ل‬َ‫ع‬ۡ‫ال‬ ---- Ayah 32 Knowledge is mentioned with Hikmah  Arrogance ------ Not following commandments Of Allah (swt) is Satan’s behavior.. Ruku No 4 (Ayah 30-39)
  • 23.  Everybody has to go through trials & tests. One who disobeys Allah actually does injustice to himself.  Satan’s enmity with humans ------ Prompting, Alluring, Tempting, Whispering evil suggestions etc.  Repentance ------ ُ‫م‬ۡ‫ی‬ ِ‫ح‬َّ‫الر‬ ُ‫اب‬ َّ‫و‬َّ‫ت‬‫ال‬ --- Relation of Allah’s mercy with repentance  Difference between Adam (as) and Iblis ------ Adam’s remorseful behavior, Satan’s behavior of arrogance, blaming others and making excuses, obstinateness.
  • 24.
  • 25.  Remembrance of Allah’s blessing and favors = fulfilling your covenants.  Fear Allah alone (rahab/ taqwa).  Rejecting God's directives and orders for the sake of worldly benefits.  Intentionally concealing truth or mixing truth with falsehood. Conceal truth by resorting to false propaganda. Ruku No 5 (Ayah 40-46)
  • 26.  Contradiction between what you say and do.(Rational/Irrational)  Meaning of Tilawat ------- to go after.  Take assistance from Salat and Patience ------- Remedy to drive the strength. Adopting humility and obedience.
  • 27.
  • 28.  Intercession, favors - Why conditions and constraints? Justice Equitableness  Bani Israel’s History, Allah’s blessing & favors on them and their continuous defiance, Allah pardoned them every time -- Relate this to our own life.  Allah’s favors and blessings for us, He forgive us even after our disobedience and continue His blessings on us ------ (Our response) we should adopt an attitude of thankfulness, show gratefulness by our heart, tongue and practice.  Ingratitude = injustice on our own soul.  ُ‫م‬ۡ‫ی‬ ِ‫ح‬َّ‫الر‬ ُ‫اب‬ َّ‫و‬َّ‫ت‬‫ال‬ ---- Mercy and repentance(Ayah 54) Ruku No 6 (Ayah 47-59)
  • 31.  Different dimensions of spreading disorder on earth (Fasad fil Ardh) ------ Theft, banditry, murder and desolation and Encroachment of each other’s rights are different forms of spreading disorder on earth. According to Sharia’s point of view adultery and shirk are also Fasad fil Ardh.  Reason for asking for lentils and vegetables ----- Instead of life of Jihad they want a settled life.  Life of Jihad ----- Training, struggle to achieve higher goals. Ruku No 7 (Ayah 60-61)
  • 32.  Why misery and wretchedness were stamped upon Bani Israel ----- three reasons  Rejecting the Revelations (signs) of Allah.  Kill His Messengers without any just cause.  Disobedience and their persistent transgression against the Law.  Flouting, distorting or refusing to accept those teachings of God which you found contrary to your own fancies and desires ---- Current situation of Muslim Ummah. Evaluate your own selves.
  • 33.  Covenant of Bani Israel ------ Situation, raising of Tur Mountain.  Story of Sabbat ------ Importance of enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong.  Story of the cow --- Argumentation, series of questions, wants to get the answer of your own choice, trying to shelve the issue by resorting to enquiries. Ruku No 8 (Ayah 62-71)
  • 34.  More they enquired, the narrower the strait became for them.  They were made to behold a sign of God's power and killing the cow seemed to be beneficial for them proving it has no supernatural powers.  Test is always where you have personal flaw, it’s always hard to renounce the things you love.
  • 35.  Hardness of heart ----- hard as rock (Different types of rocks )  Check your own behavior (stance). How are our hearts? Soft or hard  Confined or limit the knowledge to scholars only ---- It’s easier to delude an Illiterate.  Giving Fatwa to gain some paltry worldly end ----- Woe to them.  Misconception ------ Immunity from hell-fire or possibility of a transient punishment before they were transported to heaven. Ruku No 9 (Ayah 72-82)
  • 36.  Covenant with Allah ---- submission, rights of Allah and human beings, Salah and Zakah  Ibadat = worship + fulfilling your rights  Solemn covenant ----- No blood shed among ourselves.  Believe in one part of the Book and disbelieve in the other. Obeying some rulings of the Book and rejecting others.( Rejection/ Kufr by disobeying, un practicing)(Islam is not a buffet platter) Ruku No 10 (Ayah 83-86)
  • 37.  Punishment is ignominious for life here and Hereafter. Current state of Ummat e Muslimah. (disgrace/shame)  Preferring the worldly life to the life in the Hereafter ----- severe torment  What are our choices in our daily life?
  • 38.  Accept the truth no matter who is telling it  Try to remove the signs of hypocrisy from within.  To increase the relationship with Allah through His Introduction.  Understand your responsibilities as a Caliph and try your best to fulfill  Behavior of self-control, patience, humility rather than arrogance  Understand that every custom of the ancestors is part not of religion  Audit on which obligations you disobey Allah and promise to obey.  Avoid arguments and disputation.  The rust of hearts can be removed by remembrance of Akhirah and Recitation of Quran  The attitude of Ihsan with parents and to treat all humans with kindness Action Items Surah Baqara Ruku 1-10
  • 39.  Why people grew rebellious against Messengers because what He brings did not suit their lusts, today we also disobey Allah’s command because of our desires and lusts.  Securing of hearts or in covering is not the thing you have be proud of , instead it is an Imprecation ( Curse)  Jealousy, despitefulness ------ Rejecting the Truth, Intransigence & stubbornness.  Cherished the calf in their hearts was the main reason of their Kufr ------ Whose affections is in our heart.  Love of this world, greed, fear of death and excessive worldliness. Ruku No 11 (Ayah 87-96)
  • 40.  Necromancy, fetish , Phylactery, black magic -- Without any labor and hardship just few blows and Incantation(ritual recitation) can do everything for you ----- trial  Incantation(ritual recitation) which caused division between husband and wife( Harut and Marut) ------ moral depravity ( A hadith from Shahih Muslim in which Satan back slap his agents who has succeeded in separating a wife from her husband) Ruku No 12 (Ayah 97-103)
  • 41.  Moral depravity of a society in which a man wants to destroy another marriage just for his own lust. When adulterous affairs become favorite pastime, and when seducing a married woman is considered a boastful achievement.  Incantation (ritual recitation) or black magic never has any good in it, it only has maleficence. This is kufr. Today this evilness is spreading in so called scientific age.
  • 42.
  • 43.
  • 44.  Listen attentively and then practice ---- Deedless scholar is ignorant.  Naskh fil Quran -- Abrogate Ayahs (to cancel or revoke formally or officially) & hikmah behind them  Hair splitting arguments, unnecessary inquisitiveness --- It is better to follow the injunctions which are clearly laid down, abstain from things prohibited, and avoid excessive inquiry about far-fetched, hypothetical issues, attending instead to questions of practical significance.  Don’t waste one's valuable time by engaging in useless debates and acrimonious polemics. Ruku No 13 (Ayah 104-112)
  • 45.  In reply of spite and hostility show forbearance and forgiveness to them -- --- Patience and Tawakkul ilallah (Reliance and trust on Allah) ----- Forgive, pardon and forget (delete)  Prerequisite for entrance of Paradise is to surrender oneself to Allah in obedience and follows the Right Way. If you became Mohsin you will be rewarded. Who is Mohsin?  ٌ‫ر‬ۡ‫ِی‬‫د‬َ‫ق‬ ٍ‫ء‬ ۡ‫َی‬‫ش‬ ِ‫ل‬ُ‫ک‬ ‫ی‬ٰ‫ل‬َ‫ع‬ َ ‫ہ‬ ‫اّٰلل‬ َّ‫ِن‬‫ا‬ -- Ayah 106 and 109 -- Allah's power and its vastness
  • 46.  Don’t call anybody Kafir; differences will be determined at Day of Judgment.  Etiquettes of entering the Mosque.  Direction of prayer ------ God’s realm is boundless and so is His vision and the range of His benevolence and mercy. Moreover, God's knowledge is all- embracing. He knows who remembers Him, as well as where, when and why he does that ---- ٌ‫م‬ۡ‫ی‬ِ‫ل‬َ‫ع‬ ٌ‫ع‬ِ‫س‬‫ا‬ َ‫و‬ Ruku No 14 (Ayah 113-121)
  • 47.  Mentalities of mindless people are alike.  Displeasure of Jews and Christians will never end, they will never be happy until they make you practice their religion.  Five rights of recitation of Quran ----- Belief, Qirat, ponder, practice, spreading it.
  • 48.  Dua (supplication) ----- Ayat 127, 128  Bani Israel and Bani Ismael got the Imamate because of Ibrahim(as)  Purification and cleanliness of mosque apparently and spiritually both.  Ibrahim’s Sunnat ----- Making dua for Momin offspring.  Contemplation of our offspring‘s dunya & deen both ---- making dua for Rizq, making dua for peace.  Four purpose of Advent of Prophet Muhammad (saw) ----- Recite revelations, teach them the Book and Wisdom and purify their lives.  ُ‫م‬‫ی‬ِ‫ل‬َ‫ع‬ْ‫ال‬ ُ‫ع‬‫ی‬ِ‫م‬َّ‫س‬‫ال‬ , ُ‫م‬‫ی‬ ِ‫ح‬َّ‫الر‬ ُ‫اب‬ َّ‫و‬َّ‫ت‬‫ال‬ , ُ‫م‬‫ی‬ِ‫ك‬َ‫ح‬ْ‫ال‬ ُ‫یز‬ ِ ‫ز‬َ‫ع‬ْ‫ال‬ -- Three Ayah & six attributes of Allah SWT Ruku No 15 (Ayah 122-129)
  • 51. 51
  • 52.  Deen e Ibrahimi is Deen e Islam.  Advice and admonition to your children, contemplation of our offspring‘s deen, teach your children to love God and observe His commandments. God alone should be served.  ُ‫م‬‫ی‬ِ‫ل‬َ‫ع‬ْ‫ال‬ ُ‫ع‬‫ی‬ِ‫م‬َّ‫س‬‫ال‬ --- Ayah 137-- Allah is enough to safeguard from evils of the enemy  Sibghatullah -- Allah’s color ---- Always everywhere, every time and in every aspect of our lives Allah’s color should be prominent, His orders are observed (walk and talk like Allah want you too, working for His pleasure) ----- Hanifiyat is Sibghatullah.  ‫کآفۃ‬ ‫السلم‬ ‫ِدخلوافی‬‫ا‬ -- Supplication for living as a Muslim and dying as a Muslim. Ruku No 16 (Ayah 130-141)
  • 53.
  • 54.  Change in Qiblah, importance of Qiblah.  “Ummat e Wast “ ----- the community of the middle way  It signifies that distinguished group of people which follows the path of justice and equity, of balance and moderation, a group which occupies a central position among the nations of the world so that its friendship with all is based on righteousness and justice and none receives its support in wrong and injustice. Ruku No 17 (Ayah 142-147)
  • 55.  Moderation in belief, moderation in actions and Ibadat, social and cultural moderation, economic and financial moderation.  Responsibility of Imamat (Leadership) witness before all mankind (Word witness, act witness)  ٌ‫م‬‫ی‬ ِ‫ح‬َّ‫ر‬ ٌ‫وف‬ُ‫ء‬َ‫ر‬َ‫ل‬ --- Blessing of Eman, guidance and leadership  Principle of give and take does not work in deen ----- Following your own fancies and desires is the main cause of deviation.
  • 56.  Instead of arguing with each other on controversies try to excel one another in good works.  Do not fear people but fear Allah (swt) only.  The reward of fearing only Allah (swt) ----- Completion of His favors ----- the position of world leadership and guidance from God to guide the entire human race to godliness and righteousness.  Love for each other is also a blessing, a favor for Ummah. Ruku No 18 (Ayah 148-152)
  • 57.  Four purpose of Advent of Prophet Muhammad (saw) ----- Recite revelations, teach them the Book and Wisdom and purify their lives.  Remembrance of Allah (swt) ----- Its cardinal value (Promise that Allah will remember you) ---- The real remembrance is to obey His commandments, allegiance of Halal and Haram.  Gratification towards Allah (Shukr) ----- Acknowledging His favors, blessings. Avoid dismissal Of Complaint Disobey of Allah’s commands.  Ingratitude is Kufr.
  • 58.  Fortitude & Salat -- Solution of every affliction & hardship, trials & tribulations. Develop patience & strengthen ourselves by devoting to Prayer. (Allah’s Conjunction)  Status of Martyrs.  Fear, hunger, loss of property, life and earnings -- Trial ,test (Solution: Be steadfast)  Supplication -- َ‫ن‬ ۡ ‫و‬ُ‫ع‬ ِ‫ج‬ ٰ ‫ر‬ ِ‫ه‬ۡ‫ی‬َ‫ل‬ِ‫ا‬ ٓ‫ا‬‫ـ‬َّ‫ن‬ِ‫ا‬ َ‫و‬ ِ ‫ہ‬ ِ ‫ّٰلل‬ ‫ا‬َّ‫ن‬ِ‫ا‬ Deep conviction in our heart: To Allah do we belong.  Allah’s curse ----- Miserliness of knowledge(conceal the clear teachings and guidance)  Spreading the guidance.  The original meaning of kufr is to conceal, refusal to believe, deny, reject. Ruku No 19 (Ayah 153-163)
  • 59.  According to the Qur'an there are six forms of disbelief. 1. Refuse to believe in the existence of God 2. Recognizes the existence of God but refuses to accept His ordinances 3. Refuses to believe in the Prophets 4. Differentiate between Prophets 5. Refusal to recognize, either totally or partially, the teachings by the Prophets. 6. Theoretically accepts all but willfully disobeys God's ordinances and persists in this disobedience.  ٌ‫م‬‫ی‬ِ‫ل‬َ‫ع‬ٌ‫ر‬ِ‫ك‬‫َا‬‫ش‬ , ُ‫م‬‫ی‬ ِ‫ح‬َّ‫الر‬ ُ‫اب‬ َّ‫و‬َّ‫ت‬‫ال‬ , ُ‫م‬‫ی‬ ِ‫ح‬َّ‫الر‬ ُ‫ن‬ٰ‫ـ‬َ‫م‬ْ‫ح‬َّ‫الر‬ --- Three Ayahs and 6 attributes -- Relate
  • 60.  Signs of Allah(swt) --- Constant operation of this universe( 8 rationales from nature)  Love and affection with Allah, connection with Allah ---- absolute priority in seeking His pleasure.  Caterer, Listener of your complaints, savior of your unmanageable = Allah(swt)  Disownment from leaders and guides with their followers ----- Punishment of those leaders who misguided their followers. Ruku No 20 (Ayah 164-167)
  • 61.  Try to be truthful and righteous even if truth is unbearable.  Avoid things that spoil relationships and personal relations.  Get rid of superstition of magically jinxed.  Adopt social etiquettes, Adab of gatherings.  To encourage the family and relatives to strive for the Hereafter  Adopt attitude of prayer/dua in every step like Ibrahim AS.  During every action keep in mind that our direction is towards Allah SWT  Witnessing the truth through our speech and actions.  Try to excel in doing good.  Seek help with patience and prayer against impatient behavior  Remembrance of Allah /Zikr continuously Action Items Surah Baqarah Ruku 11-20
  • 62.  Importance of lawful earnings. What is lawful and clean?(Quran & Sunnah)  Order of renouncing unlawful and doubtful.  Making Haram into Halal and Halal into Haram ------ Adhesion toward Satan.  Enjoining vice and indecency ------- Satan’s policy  Apprehending superstitious customs and taboos as God-given religious teachings is satanic deception.  Following forefathers ------- Parable of irrational animals. Ruku No 21 (Ayah 168-176)
  • 63.  Using good and clean things without hesitation what Allah has provided us and be grateful to Allah.  Haram things are only four ------- Carrion, blood, swine flesh and what has been consecrated to any other name than of Allah.  Concealing the Truth ------- Responsibility of scholars.  Differences and dispute ------ mulishness
  • 64.  The chapters of Birr(the virtues) -- essence is obedience, the real righteousness, Our view of piety and broader aspect of righteousness.  Belief, worship, relation, pledge and patience ------- Truthful, honest, trustworthy and pious (mutaqi)  Law of retribution, diyah or blood money --- Why the law of retribution is called security of life for you.  The Quranic view of making will(1/3rd)  ٌ‫م‬‫ی‬ِ‫ل‬َ‫ع‬ ٌ‫ع‬‫ی‬ِ‫م‬َ‫س‬ , ٌ‫م‬‫ی‬ ِ‫ح‬َّ‫ر‬ ٌ‫ور‬ُ‫ف‬َ‫غ‬ --- Warning to avoid injustices in wills and retribution, Allah knows the intention. Ruku No 22 (Ayah 177-182)
  • 65.  Guidance from Quran--Gratitude (The Book which give criterion of Truth & falsehood)  Pronouncement of Allah’s greatness, glorify Allah for the Guidance He sent.  Connection of Ramadan and Fasting. Fasting produce piety, Quran is guidance for pious people --- Piety=Taqwa=God‘s fear  Fasting during the month of the revelation of the Qur'an is more than an act of worship and more than an excellent course of moral training; it is also an appropriate form for the expression of our thankfulness to God for the bounty of the Qur'an. Ruku No 23 (Ayah 183-188)
  • 66.  Islam is a lenience deen, there are no hardships. People's own fancies and misconceptions often caused great inconvenience.  Etiquettes of supplication.  Relations between husband and wife -- metaphoric term of garment -- affinity, secrecy, honor, concealment -- a relationship of inalienable intimacy.
  • 67.  Don’t skirt near the boundaries of disobedience ; Prudence demands that one should keep some distance from these lest one's steps inadvertent lead one to cross them.  Usurp one another's property by unjust means -------- bribery, unjust recommendations, theft, banditry, gambling, interest, embezzlement
  • 68.  Etiquettes and principles of war.  Fitna is worse than bloodshed.  Spending our wealth in the Way of Allah, if we don’t than we are casting ourselves into ruin with our own hands.  What is Ihsan? ------ Perform the task entrusted to us. The higher standard is to perform that task in a wholesome manner, to devote our capacities and resources to its fulfillment, to do our duty with our heart. Ruku No 24 (Ayah 189-196)
  • 69.  The first standard of ordinary obedience is that we should fear God. The other and higher standard is Ihsan (moral and spiritual excellence) for which it is necessary that we should have a strong love for God and a profound attachment to Him.  Injunctions concerning Hajj and Umrah.
  • 70.  Injunctions concerning Hajj and Umrah.  ٌ‫م‬‫ی‬ ِ‫ح‬َّ‫ر‬ ٌ‫ور‬ُ‫ف‬َ‫غ‬ -- Remorse guilt for pride of racial superiority & seeking forgiveness  Excellent supplication (best) ------ Ayah 201 ------ Asking for hasnah in this world and Hereafter.  Refraining from disobeying Allah is sign of understanding and wiseness.  A character that charms people with this worldly life, with his glib talk, deadliest opponent, spreading mischief, arrogant, argumentative, quarrelsome. Ruku No 25 (197-210)
  • 71.  Another character that fear Allah and devotes his whole life to please Allah.  Enter completely into Islam ------ ‫ة‬َّ‫ف‬ٓ‫ا‬َ‫ک‬ ِ‫م‬ۡ‫ل‬ِ‫الس‬ ‫ى‬ِ‫ف‬ ‫ا‬ ۡ ‫و‬ُ‫ل‬ُ‫خ‬ۡ‫اد‬ ----- No back lapse, no picking and choosing, complete obedience, and complete practice in all aspects of our lives.
  • 72.  The worldly Rizq (economic strength, abilities) is not criterion for success.  Differences arose not because people were not given the knowledge of the truth; it arose because they wanted to tyrannize over one another. Personal mulishness &egoism.  Faith will be tested and entering Paradise has prerequisites; believers will be tried by efforts and struggle and the resulting hardship and sufferings. Living reality (our temptations, Satan)  Unpleasant things according to our judgment can be better and our favorite things can be bad. How do we react about our judgments? Ruku No 26 (Ayah 211-216)
  • 73.  ٌ‫م‬‫ی‬ ِ‫ح‬َّ‫ر‬ ٌ‫ور‬ُ‫ف‬َ‫غ‬ ---- Ayah 218 -- The hope of Allah's mercy, salvation will be by grace and mercy not by one's deeds  Persecution (fitna) is far worse than bloodshed.  Jihad denotes doing one's utmost to achieve something.  More harm than benefit -- First injunction concerning intoxicating drinks & gambling.  Demeanor with orphans --- ٌ‫م‬‫ی‬ِ‫ك‬َ‫ح‬ ٌ‫یز‬ ِ ‫ز‬َ‫ع‬ ---Wisdom and easiness of our deen Ruku No 27 (Ayah 217-221)
  • 74.  Marriage with Mushrik is invitation to fire ----- Marriage is not just sexual relations between a man and a woman. It is a relationship which has deep social, moral and emotional implications on our future generations.  Allah makes His revelations plain, easy and open to the people so that they should learn a lesson and follow the admonition.
  • 75.  Menstruation ------ Impurity, closer to sickness than health, discomfort, she has to be respected for this natural course.  Concernment about future -- off springs( Marriage is not just recreation, continuity of human race)  Making mockery of Allah’s commandments --- Injunctions concerning oath --- ٌ‫م‬‫ی‬ِ‫ل‬َ‫ع‬ ٌ‫ع‬‫ی‬ِ‫م‬َ‫س‬ , ٌ‫م‬‫ی‬ِ‫ل‬َ‫ح‬ ٌ‫ور‬ُ‫ف‬َ‫غ‬  Illa ---- when a husband has taken a vow not to have sexual relations with his wife --- ٌ‫م‬‫ی‬ ِ‫ح‬َّ‫ر‬ ٌ‫ور‬ُ‫ف‬َ‫غ‬ Ruku No 28(Ayah 222-228)
  • 76.  Injunctions concerning divorce --- Iddat is a period of waiting after which a new marriage is permissible.  Iddat of divorcee is three menstrual courses.  Men have a degree above women ------ Status of women in Islam  Men’s guardianship is essential for peace and order, this degree is for discipline only.  Allah is All Powerful and All Wise --- ٌ‫م‬ۡ‫ی‬ِ‫ک‬َ‫ح‬ ٌ‫ز‬ۡ‫ی‬ ِ ‫ز‬َ‫ع‬
  • 77.  Injunctions concerning marriage and divorce.  Halala ----- Tough condition for remarrying after divorce. Don’t jest Allah’s commands.  Transgressing over Allah’s bound is an injustice to our own selves.  Playing with Allah’s Commandments and its forms.  Fear of Allah and remembering that Allah is All knowing is the key which will make us on right path concerning marital relations. Ruku No 29 (Ayah 229-231)
  • 78.  Divorce and Iddat ---- remarriage.  Allah knows the Hikmah (wisdom) behind His commandments, we don’t.  Decent, clean and pure way ---- Society’s chastity is in Nikah (marriage).  Injunctions of suckling children (Rada’ah). Ruku No 30 (Ayah 232-235)
  • 79.  Iddat of a widow ----- Four months and ten days.  Fear of Allah ----- Taqwa ---- Order of Taqwa after injunction concerning marital relations, divorce, and iddat.  Allah is Lenient and Forgiving ----- --- ‫غفوروحلیم‬ We should forgive and pardon too. Try to develop leniency, fortitudinous in our relations.
  • 80.  Leave the path of Shaitan  Helping the needy in Allah's love  Avoid the actions which displease Allah SWT  Putting the capabilities and blessings of Allah in the way of Allah  To enter Islam as a whole  Make those actions routine that lead to paradise  Kindness towards orphans  Knowing your rights and duties as a woman  Try to make room for love of every command of Allah SWT  Every command of Allah is better for me Action Items Surah Baqara Ruku 21-30
  • 81.  Magnanimity in dealings is essential for human relationships. If everyone were to stick strictly to his legal rights & claims, a pleasant social life would he render impossible. Lesson of altruism in rights and responsibilities.  Generosities in your dealings take you toward piety.  Take great care of prayers specially Salat ul Wusta (Salat Asr). Taking care of your prayers means to perform them at right time with full devotion and attention to Allah. Ruku No 31 (Ayah 236-242)
  • 82.  Our prayer should instill fear of God in us, it should inculcate the feelings of goodness and purity and the disposition to obey the ordinances of Allah.  Even in the state of war (fear) one has to perform Salah.  Providing compensatory benefits (Alimony) to a widow and divorce women.  Two attributes of Allah (swt) --- Al Aziz and Al Hakeem (All powerful and All wise)  Allah makes clear His commandments for us; we should use our common sense and obey them.
  • 83.  Prompting the sacrifice of one’s life and possessions in the way of Allah Almighty ---- ٌ‫م‬‫ی‬ِ‫ل‬َ‫ع‬ ٌ‫ع‬‫ی‬ِ‫م‬َ‫س‬  Goodly loan “Qardh e Hasna” ----- whatever one gives to another person selflessly with pure motives. It should not taint with selfish designs & should be given for the sake of God, to be spent for purposes pleasing to Him.  Different forms of Infaq fi sabilillah . Ruku No 32 (Ayah 243-248)
  • 84.  Spending in the way of Allah never decrease your wealth.  The story of Talut and Jalut and its lessons ----- Person with physical and mental abilities should be appointed as a leader. Piety is more important than wealth and clan. Faith will be tried and those who obey will succeed. --- ٌ‫م‬‫ی‬ِ‫ل‬َ‫ع‬ ٌ‫ع‬ِ‫س‬‫ا‬ َ‫و‬
  • 85.  Dua Ayat 250 ----- Asking for the blessing of fortitudinous, firmness of foot hold and victory against enemy.  Along with material resources supplication is compulsory for achieving victory.  Divine law of repelling one set of people by means of another otherwise the earth would have been filled with chaos.  Mashiyat of Allah ----- Differences between people (fights) ----- Exercising the free will granted by Allah (rightly or wrongly). Ruku No 33 (Ayah 249-253)
  • 86.  Spending out of one’s possession in way of Allah is the best deed.  The merits of Ayat ul Kursi (The Greatest Ayah of Quran) ----- 'Verse of the Throne' and it provides in one piece knowledge of God without parallel.  Islamic concept of intercession. Ruku No 34 (Ayah 254-257)
  • 87.  ِۙ‫ن‬ۡ‫ِی‬‫الد‬ ‫ى‬ِ‫ف‬ َ‫ه‬‫ا‬ َ‫ر‬ۡ‫ِك‬‫ا‬ ۤ َ ‫َل‬- There is no compulsion and coercion regarding religion. Use of free will.  Taghut is a creature who exceeds the limits of his creatureliness and arrogates to himself godhead and lordship. It can be Satan, a person, oneself, one's wife and children, relatives, family and community, friends or social environment, leaders and guides, government and rulers. Every human being is free to the extent of adopting the religion of Islam, whether he accepts it or rejects it. But after accepting Islam, he does not have the option to start testing the rules and instructions of the religion because of his intellect and accept whatever seems reasonable to him and to reject the rest or to follow some of the rules and let go of those who he dislikes, or which are hard on his nature - Apostasy from the religion is tantamount to rebellion against the entire Ummah.(Taseer ul Quran)
  • 88.  Rejection of taghut and believe in Allah = taken a firm support that never gives way. Sharia and its systems protect us from going astray.  Right and wrong have been differentiated. The darkness of Ignorance throws man off the path of salvation and directs his energies and efforts to wrong directions in defiance of reality. The knowledge of Truth (light) shows the purpose of life and leads to adopt the Right Way.  Three stages of transgression ------ Fisq, Kufr and Taghut.  ٌ‫م‬‫ی‬ِ‫ل‬َ‫ع‬ ٌ‫ع‬‫ی‬ِ‫م‬َ‫س‬ ---- The only firm support
  • 89.  The story of Ibrahim (AS) and Nimrud. ( Excellent rationale) --- ٌ‫مي‬ِ‫ك‬َ‫ح‬ ٌ‫يز‬ِ‫ز‬َ‫ع‬  Three types of Shirk ----- Shirk e Rabobiat, Shirk Fisiffat, Shirk e Uloohiat.  Life after death ----- stories of Hazrat Ibrahim(AS) and Hazrat Uzair (AS)  Faith of Prophets (Faith in seen) personal direct observation & experience.  To create life in people who are untamed from Haq (Truth) is to bring them closer and then get them acquainted with the Allah’s deen. Ruku No 35 (Ayah 258-260)
  • 90.  A similitude of spending in the way of Allah -- Rewards Here and Here after.  Allah is All-Embracing, All-Wise. He knows our intentions.  How the reward of Sadqa (charity) increases or decreases ----- Reminders of generosity and not injuring the feeling of recipient.  A kind word and forbearance is better than that charity which is followed up by insult or injury. Ruku No 36 (Ayah 261-266)
  • 91.  Self-Sufficient and Forbearing are Allah’s attributes. He likes the people who are generous and large hearted. Are we forbearing?  Showoff, dissimulation -- Parables of Rain on a stone/rock and on a garden.  Parable of a fiery whirl wind on an old man’s farm and garden.  How charity bring blessing to the wealth ---- Examples from our daily life and if it’s not the case we should check our intentions, our behavior.
  • 92.  Give the best portion of your wealth for Sadqah --- ٌ‫د‬‫ی‬ِ‫م‬َ‫ح‬ ٌّ‫ي‬ِ‫ن‬َ‫غ‬  Satan hold us out of Sadqah by threat of poverty and prompts us to do shameless niggardly conduct. Through Sadqa Allah hold out for us promise of pardon and bounty --- ٌ‫م‬‫ی‬ِ‫ل‬َ‫ع‬ ٌ‫ع‬ِ‫س‬‫ا‬ َ‫و‬  What is true wisdom (Hikmah) ---- using our resources moderately to meet our needs and spend whatever is left for charitable purposes. (right insight, judgmental power) Ruku No 37 (Ayah 267-273)
  • 93.  Non-obligatory charity should preferably be dispensed secretly.  Sadqah expiate sins, it wither bad qualities slowly.  Better to give Sadqah to those needy people who don’t ask.  Spend Sadqah on those people who devote themselves wholly to serve Islam. (Ashab Suffah).
  • 94.  What is Riba (interest)? Difference between interest and trade.  The people who think interest & trade are same are called bewitched and maddened by Satan’s touch.  Why is there so hard admonition for interest? Declaration of war by Allah and His messenger for those who did not give up interest-bearing transactions. Ruku No 38 (Ayah 274-281)
  • 95.  Interest breeds meanness, selfishness, apathy & cruelty towards others. It leads to the worship of money and destroys fellow-feeling and a spirit of altruistic co-operation. Thus, it is ruinous for mankind from both an economic and a moral viewpoint.  Allah deprives interest of all blessing and develops charity. Interest serves as a strain on moral and spiritual well-being, and social and economic growth, it also causes actual regression and decline. Charity leads to the growth and expansion of man's moral and spiritual qualities and to the growth of human society and economy.
  • 96.  Hadith regarding Interest.  An ungrateful, sinful person ------ Riba consumer  Hikmah behind prohibition of Riba.  Ways and solution of emancipation from Interest based system ---- deceptions.  Give up riba if you fear Allah and if you are a true believer.  Injunctions concerning debts and debtors.
  • 97.  Ayah 282 ---- Ayat e Dain ----- Longest Ayah of Quran.  Debt transactions should be written down ------ expediency to avoid future conflicts and doubts.  The rules of witnessing.  Injunctions regarding hypothecation (pawn) Ruku No 39 (Ayah 282-283)
  • 98.
  • 99.  Last three Ayahs of Surah Baqrah ---- Gift of Miraj (Ascension)  The best dua which Allah has taught us. Ruku No 40 (Ayah 284-286)
  • 100.  Guard your prayers  Give goodly loan(Qardh Hasna)  Do be silent in the war of truth and falsehood  Realizing the Compassionate Mercy of the Prophets.  A conscious effort to ponder on the attributes of Allah SWT  Thanksgiving mood: steadfastness on the generosity/charity  The way of Allah's pleasure through the service of religion  Avoid interest completely  To lend to those in need.  Joining the mission of the Prophets and make dua Action Items Surah Baqarah Ruku 31-40
  • 101. Change of Leadership Avoiding Kufr and Nifaq(Hypocrisy) and adopt the characteristics of true believers, submit to Allahs orders with sincere intention as His vicegerent. Ayah 1 - 39 Invitation to Bani Israel to accept Islam, the causes of termination of leadership of Bani Israel Ayah 40 _ 141 Complete submission to Islam and implementing commandments as moderate nation, fulfilling responsibility as witness onto mankind. Ayah 283 _ 142 Acting upon Shariah's commandment s with sincerity and full capacity. Ayah 284 _ 286 Commandments : Ibadah, dealings, Jihad with wealth, Jihad with nafs :2 ‫سورة‬ ‫بقرة‬‫ل‬‫ا‬
  • 102. Let's evaluate our selves Am I sure? Yes No mostly to some extent If I follow guidance from Allah SWT completely than I will have no fear, neither grieve. If I exceed bounds of Shariah than I will be surrounded by Allah's wrath. Allah has full knowledge of my every actions. If I follow desires of people after receiving knowledge than no friend or helper can save me from Allahs grip. I admire religion of Islam and try to adopt color of Allah conciously. I am fulfilling responsibility as witness onto mankind. I realize favors of Allah in my heart. I am always patient when faced by any calamity. I abide by the halal and haram declared by Allah SWT. I spent in the way of Allah SWT. I try to achieve excellence in all affairs of deen.
  • 103. DUA of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) and Ismail (A.S)
  • 104. DUA of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) and Ismail (A.S)