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pg. 1
Table of Contents
Executive summary.............................................................................................................................2
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................3
Social influences and buying behavior. ................................................................................................4
Psychological factors.......................................................................................................................4
Ability and Knowledge.................................................................................................................5
Social Factors..................................................................................................................................7
Reference Groups........................................................................................................................8
Membership groups ....................................................................................................................8
Social Class..................................................................................................................................8
Culture and Sub-culture...............................................................................................................9
All New Colgate: DO MORE FOR YOUR WHOLE MOUTH ......................................................................10
PEPSI: ‘Is Pepsi Ok’............................................................................................................................10
Influences of Advertisement on Consumer Buying Behavior................................................................11
Social Imaging.....................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Life Style ......................................................................................................................................12
Beliefs and Attitude ......................................................................................................................13
What a consumer thinks when he goes outfor shopping? ...........................................................13
Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................14
pg. 2
Executive summary
As the experience's consumers, when they are thinking about acquiring merchandise like keen
phones, they will have the basic leadership process that is called consumer choice making. One
of the contributions for customer is association's showcasing effort. The firms advertising
exertion incorporates the product, price, promotion and place. The other is social condition.
Social condition incorporates family,friends,reference groups,social class,culture and so on
which impact the basic leadership process.Consumer conduct mixes components from
psychology,sociology,economics and promoting particularly social economics.It explore how
emotions,attitude and inclinations impact purchasing behavior.The research of purchaser conduct
likewise examines the effects,on the consume,from bunches like family,friends,reference
groups,and society when all is said in done.
pg. 3
The following examination is an inquiry to highlight the prospects for the directors of
established, in the pipelines business and particularly to the showcasing division which are
pivotal to improvement of nation and drive for better knowing of customers and better quality
goods, services and thoughts which will be showcased in the 1950's "contemporary promoting
idea" communicating to the buyer arranged businesses. Encompassing what when where why
and at what cost the consumers require the product, these questions have always required
answering since about forty years ago. In a nutshell, it has become imperative and paramount to
know the target audience’s choices and their living patterns and to tailor our product to these
pg. 4
Social influences and buying behavior
Following three factors are the reason behind a comsumer’s purchasing decision:
 Personal
 Psychological
 Social
These factors are directly related to an individual person, these may include sex, age, race etc.
This may also depend on how/who is making the purchase decision in the family too.
The personal factors include the choices, interests, profession too. For example a sports person’s
choice will be different from a business person.
Psychological factors
Psychological factors are further clasified as:
A motive best explains the major forces that acts as a stimuli to purchase or make a
decision. It also depends on what stage of lifecycle a person is in. may it be professional
cycle, age, etc.
MASLOW hierarchy of needs may best explain how the psychological factors affect the
purchase decision.
 Physiological
 Safety
 Love and Belonging
 Esteem
 Self- Actualization
pg. 5
To understand what makes individuals make a certain purchase, first there is a need of finding at
what hierarchy level are they present.
What do you see?? Perception is the process of selecting, organizing and interpreting
information inputs to produce meaning. It highly depends on how we personally perceive
the information given to us. Information inputs are the sensations received through sight,
taste, hearing, smell and touch.
Selective Exposure: select inputs to be exposed to our awareness. More likely if it is
linked to an event, satisfies current needs, intensity of input changes (sharp price drop).
Selective Distortion: Changing/twisting current received information, inconsistent with
Selective Retention: Remember inputs that support beliefs, forgets those that don't.
Average supermarket shopper is exposed to 17,000 products in a shopping visit lasting 30
minutes-60% of purchases are unplanned. Exposed to 1,500 advertisement per day. Can't
be expected to be aware of all these inputs, and certainly will not retain many.
Advertisements shape the behaviors of the people through cognition. Cognition is the
perception of a person towards the information communicated through advertisements.
These cognitions are observed by the individual through his senses, perception, attention,
memory, reasoning, language, etc. best way of attracting the customers is to understand
the psychological cognitive aspects of the consumers
Ability and Knowledge
Need to understand individual’s capacity to learn. Learning, changes in a person's
behavior caused by information and experience. Therefore to change consumers' behavior
about your product, need to give them new information, free sample etc.
When making buying decisions, buyers must process information.
Knowledge is the familiarity with the product and expertise.
pg. 6
Product price is often used as an indicator of product quality by those who don’t
have much expertise when it comes to buying.
Non-alcoholic Beerexample: consumers chose the most expensive six-pack, because
they assume that the greater price indicates greater quality.
Learning is the process through which a relatively permanent change in behavior results
from the consequences of past behavior.
Knowledge and positive and negative feelings about an object or activity-maybe tangible
or intangible, living or non- living
Attitudes and attitude change are influenced by consumer’s personality and lifestyle.
Consumers screen information that conflicts with their attitudes. Distort information to
make it consistent and selectively retain information that reinforces our attitudes. IE
brand loyalty.
There is a difference between attitude and intention to buy (ability to buy).
All the internal traits and behaviors that make a person unique, uniqueness arrives from a
person's heredity and personal experience.
Traits effect the way people behave. Marketers try to match the store image to the
perceived image of their customers.
There is a weak association between personality and Buying Behavior, this may be due to
unreliable measures. Nike ads. Consumers buy products that are consistent with their
pg. 7
These are the regular patterns individuals follow.
 For example, health food stuff for a healthy wealthy life.
Social Factors
 Social factor can be studied in depth to understand how an individual reacts to social
reforms or trends. A consumer learns, follows, admires, from its reference group, culture,
social circle and class.
 Following social groups cab be discussed:
 Opinion Leaders
 The marketers want to get attraction of the opinion leaders and they are ambassadors or
may go for personality endorsements in order to advertise different products e.g. Nike,
McDonalds, Gatorade etc. Fawad Khan, Mahira khan are also endorsing for multiple
brands to create a sense of relativity between the product and the consumers.
Family Influence & Role
The different things that you need to do are based on your expectations within the society
of a group of people. The people are normally assigned with lots of roles in their real
lives. These roles include father, brother, husband, colleagues. They used to change with
the passage of time. Therefore, the marketers are changing the information continuously.
 The very basic group that is associated with any person directly is his
family. The marketers understand the fact that:
 Family unit is considered as the major parameter to make decisions.
 The behavior of a customer is started in a family unit.
 For an individual person, a family usually acts as the cultural as well as
social interpreter.
 Children can take their family roles as a model for future.
 The mixture of an individual decision making and the interactions of
family are commonly known as family buying decisions.
pg. 8
Associating Groups
Individual start to identify himself/herself with communal attributes of the values, attitudes or
behaviors of the others members of the group. Such groups may be categorized by family,
friends, civic and professional organizations.
Each group plays a defining role in determining the attitude and behavior of the individual.
Membership groups
The affinity marketing is mainly based and constructed upon the customers’ requirements and
needs. It is totally directed towards the reference groups. Various marketers have different target
reference groups for pitching their product. It also helps in steering the approval towards their
members e.g. credit cards.
 Desiring groups
 You want to be a part of it
 Groups that are disassociate
 don’t want to be associated to
The extent to which a reference group will play a role in purchase decision making depends on
an individual’s vulnerability to the reference group’s sway and his/her affinity with the group.
Social Class
 Social class, such as upper middle class etc, constructs many aspects of our lives.
Social class defines to some scope the type, quality, and quantity of products that
a person purchases or utilizes.
 Lower class people tend to localize their shopping choices in neighborhood and
do not involve themselves in the collection of information about pre-purchase.
 The definite class based preferences of a project are stored. The social factors on
the behavior of consumers include social classes, reference groups, family etc.
They are adhered by a large number of people belonging to different cultures.
pg. 9
Culture & Subculture
The different attitudes, values and the ideas followed by the people that are considered acceptable
by the homogenous peoples’ group is commonly known as culture. The culture is normally
distributed in the next young generation automatically by following the forefathers or other elder
people of the society.
Culture determines the compatibility of the product advertising. Culture regulate what people
wear, eat, live and travel. Take for example, US cultural values are based on good health,
education, individualism and freedom. Referring to the earlier point made, consumer buying
pattern directly emerges from the consumer’s behavior and attitude. Many things converge to
define the behavior of any individual. Culture shapes the consumer’s behavior. Culture builds the
strong impression of the products in the mind of the customers. According to Rai, 2013, there are
several national and international brands which people recognized and have strong perception in
their minds. These impressions are pictured in their minds because of specific culture, life styles
and surroundings. Advertisements are the source of motivation which make them buy a specific
product. Advertisements are also a source of gaining trust. Consumer is convinced significantly
if he is looking for the quality and prices of the products. Product evaluation and brand
recognition effects the purchase attitude strongly.
Analyze two recent communication campaigns that clearly illustrate how
organizations are aware of these social influences when marketing their products
pg. 10
It is very exciting to see how Colgate has targeted its audience, the concept of “there no such
thing as to close”, has made a large impact on the living style and psychology of consumer’s
mind. Showing that it is now perfectly okay to speak too closely if you use “All New Colgate”.
The commercial basics Colgate Total SF toothpaste's new formula and the enhanced benefit
concept – from reducing sensitivity to strengthening teeth, to germ and bacteria fighting to
instant neutralization of odors associated with bad breath– in one product.
It is a great plot to engage the entire segment of audience by just one campaign, where bad
breath being a major issue for many people. Colgate brilliantly tried to change the mindset of
consumer’s by offering them a single product to get rid of multiple issue for “Whole Mouth”.
Hence changing the consumer behavior of what product to choose.
PEPSI: ‘Is Pepsi Ok’
PEPSI coming up to break the stereotype questions “Is PEPSI Okay?” the brand believes that this
convention has to be broken and tell the different customers that Pepsi is a good product in actual.
The 30th second place released today, stars Steve Carell going a bit lifeless when a woman in a
booth next to him ordered a Coca Cola and prompting a waiter to ask him about, "Is Pepsi OK?"
Across the country, this is an oft-repeated line in drink venues and it has been the same for couple
of years. Now, Pepsi is doing vice versa. Todd Kaplan, VP of marketing for Pepsi, told in a press
release that how much people love pepsi, the people who love this brand but yet they are to be
asked that is Pepsi okay? "We felt that it was time to address this question head-on."
The advertisement directly challenging Coke, positioning PEPSI in consumer’s mind while
dinning. This is a great psychological challenge for the consumer to prefer PEPSI over coke,
keeping in mind that Coca Cola recently launched “Coke with Food”. Pepsi is trying to change
the lifestyle of people to Prefer PEPSI over Coke while having food.
pg. 11
Influences of Advertisement on Consumer Buying Behavior
Social Imaging
Normally, the advertisements have great influence on the fact that how people perceive the various
things around them. There different kinds associated with the advertisements e.g. TVCs. They
describe that how should be the nature of a user of a particular good or product. Most of the times,
it displays a social class of the user i.e. user’s attitude as well as lifestyle.
The concept discussed above is usually applicable in case of various products related to beauty. In
2009, according to a survey, it was said that the protection of a society of the attractiveness as well
as the beauty were the most influential and significant approaches spread and explored by media.
The healthy men with good shaped body and the smart beautiful ladies were found everywhere
around that society. The pressure of holding on such unique ideas and the media’s influence are
directly proportional to each other i.e. increase in the media’s influence increases the pressure as
well to hold on this kind of ideas (Russello, 2009).
A wide range of advertisements is easily accessible by the people across the globe these days. The
people are fond of getting something very unique and he things that succeed in getting all of their
attention. The boring and un-necessary advertisements cannot gain peoples’ attention instead they
become irritating for them. The customers do not like such advertisements. Therefore, the
effectiveness of the advertisements is also as much important as advertisements are. This is
necessary to get the consumers’ attention and their satisfaction too.
There are different factors that can affect the behavior of a consumer while buying various
products. The familiarity generated through an advertisement for a particular brand or company
can also be considered as one of these factors. A research work was carried out to observe the
effects of the familiarity of songs on the behavior of customers as well as advertisements. As a
result of this research work, different customers showed their satisfactory behavior towards for
various products with familiarity of the songs. The proper relation between the amiability of the
songs and their familiarity was observed and confirmed.
pg. 12
Life Style
The life of an individual can be influenced by the adds as reflected by the image and a social role.
It can also be influenced by the fact that how an individual want to represent herself or himself in
front of the society. Both the life style as well as the image can be sold by advertisements. Adds
are proved to be helpful to introduce new trends in customers’ life style (Mittal and Pollay, 1993;
Burns, 2003). The ideal consumer’s position can be illustrated by life style and social image by
promoting advertisements. This fact can also be very helpful for stimulating a social action towards
buying any specific good or product.
Perceived Values
Another point of view of the consumption of status is that it follows the “trickle down” theory
which states that people who have a higher level of income consume the services and the
products that give them a good reputation in the society which gains aspiration from the people
whose income levels is low.
People who have a lower level of income desire to reach the level of the people with higher
income. This is a trickledown effect as each class aspires to reach the level of the class above it
and this effect of the product or the service effects the consciousness related to the class of the
Along with the reviews of celebrities that use the product the marketers also give weightage to
the opinion of the reference groups which paint a reliable image for the customers regarding the
authenticity and results of the product they are purchasing. Due to this the marketers advertise
products in such a way that the product setting is of a particular class and by purchasing this
product, people of lower class can achieve that status.
However, when a customer is willing to pay more for a certain product than it’s worth according
to the economic theory, then the customer is purchasing that product for its symbolic aspect and
the status it will get them in the society they live in.
Furthermore, products that are purchased only for the sake of purchasing them because that is
what’s trending are aid to the consumer culture aspect of the consumption.
pg. 13
Beliefs and Attitude
Beliefs and attitude are extremely crucial as they play a significant role in convincing and
influencing the customer to purchase a certain product. Individuals make up a very convincing
and powerful image of any product they have to sell or any service that they need to sell in the
market. Every brand has its very own ‘brand image’ that is attached to it and by which the brand
is recognized.
Opinion of the general public regarding any product is highly crucial as they will buy the product
based on the image that is formed up in their head, when a certain image is formed in the
customers head then they do not rely on anyone’s feedback but rather their gut feeling about that
product. Even if a product is really good if the customer has made up an unsatisfactory opinion
about it, they will never purchase it.
What a consumer thinks when he goes out for shopping?
A salesperson first of all needs to understand their target customers along with their level of
income, level of spending, their lifestyle as well as the right advertisement that will attract them
and convince them in buying the product.
If the product is highly-priced then it would never attract the class which belongs to low income
levels as their first priority to fulfill their basic needs as their budget does not allow them to
purchase expensive products. So if the marketer is trying to sell a Mercedes car to such a class he
would fail incredibly.
If we take an example of the cereal Kellogg’s K special, it would not have any buyers that
belong to the class of low income as those people would prefer buying fresh vegetables, fruits
and other healthy supplements.
The most important aspect of being a marketer is to understand what the need of their customers
is and sell products that they will think are worth investing in. if a marketer tries to sell a laptop
to a person who is not well-educated he would fail in his business as that is not the requirement
of his customer. A customer would show very keen interest in a product which is useful to them,
their friends or their family members. A person whose income is very low would not at all be
pg. 14
interested in buying expensive business suits as that is not his requirement nor can he afford to
purchase such luxuries. If we take an example of bottled juices, they are regularly purchased by
medium and higher level income groups as they can afford to buy them and they can also afford
to think about their fitness and health. While on the other hand people belonging to low income
groups can never dream of spending their money on luxuries like health supplements, juices,
Diet Coke, etc.
By the practice of sociology, psychology and demographics, marketers can begin to know the
reason why buyers form attitudes and get to conclusions to buy. Consumer-behavior studies tell
marketers, advertisers and public agencies how aftermath and service selection is influenced by
personality, thoughts, values and beliefs. For marketing, these impacts are studied in the context
of demographics, which includes nationalism, age, and marital status, size of family, earning,
education and job.
pg. 15
1. Engage with your Audience Online and Offline
In the computerizedworldeverybodyishyper-associatedandexpendcontentonnumerous
stagesand devices.Companiescanbeginadiscussionondifferentwebbasedlife stagesand
connectwiththeircrowdin it.Howevershoppershave now gottenincreasinglysuspiciousof
organizationsandprogressivelywaryof theirspendingonspecificitemsorservice.Soitis
imperative todrawinclientsindiscussionswheretheysee yourmessage andaimsassincere.
Alsoorganizationsoughttomove themtoadvocate theiritemandadministrationsfortheirsake
by drawinginthemdisconnected.
2. Understand the Needs of your Potential Customers
3. To impactshopperschoice aboutobtaininganitemoradministration.Organizations
needstocomprehendtheirnecessitiesanddistinguishhow toconveyanadvertising
message thatintereststothem.Manyorganizationsacceptthattheycan utilize internet
basedlife toimpactor change the way clientthinks.Buttheycanjust prevail upon
individualsbymakingversatilecordial substance thatmeetstheirrequirementsand
preferences.If theydon'tknow whatpurchasersare lookingfor,thentheywould
legitimatelyaskthemthroughdifferentonline networkingstagesormessages.
4. Apply the Golden Rule
Beingalluringhasitsadvantagesanditcan expandabusinessaffabilityanditsreliability.
Strikingwebarchitecture hasthe abilitytoimpactclientsandpropel themtopurchase
itemsandadministrationsof aspecificcompany.Outof probablythe mostincredible
structure systemsthatare use to make a site lookcaptivating,one isthe brilliantratio.It
isa planideathat isworriedaboutextentsinareas,suchart,designandengineering.
pg. 16
Also, Be Available 24/7 for your Customers.
What more can help a company to make an impact on their customer is trying to connect to their
targetted audience emotionally. One way of doing that so efficieintly is making your consumer
aware that you are present for them all the time, so that you may solve any of their queries or
assist them in any matter. As per one study, 42% customers expect getting a response within an
hour when they complain online.
The following considerations can be of great help to learn more about the buying behavior of
 How does your targeted audience respond to a particular brand or any specific product?
 What makes them prefer one product over the other?
 What thoughts do they hold while searching for a product?
 Is online shopping preferable for them?
 Do product reviews play any role in getting them to make a decision?
pg. 17

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  • 1. pg. 1 Table of Contents Executive summary.............................................................................................................................2 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................3 Social influences and buying behavior. ................................................................................................4 Personal.........................................................................................................................................4 Psychological factors.......................................................................................................................4 Motives......................................................................................................................................4 Perception..................................................................................................................................5 Ability and Knowledge.................................................................................................................5 Attitudes.....................................................................................................................................6 Personality..................................................................................................................................6 Lifestyles.....................................................................................................................................7 Social Factors..................................................................................................................................7 Reference Groups........................................................................................................................8 Membership groups ....................................................................................................................8 Social Class..................................................................................................................................8 Culture and Sub-culture...............................................................................................................9 All New Colgate: DO MORE FOR YOUR WHOLE MOUTH ......................................................................10 PEPSI: ‘Is Pepsi Ok’............................................................................................................................10 Influences of Advertisement on Consumer Buying Behavior................................................................11 Social Imaging.....................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Entertainment..............................................................................................................................11 Life Style ......................................................................................................................................12 PerceivedValues...........................................................................................................................11 Beliefs and Attitude ......................................................................................................................13 What a consumer thinks when he goes outfor shopping? ...........................................................13 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................14 Recommendations............................................................................................................................15 References.......................................................................................................................................17
  • 2. pg. 2 Executive summary As the experience's consumers, when they are thinking about acquiring merchandise like keen phones, they will have the basic leadership process that is called consumer choice making. One of the contributions for customer is association's showcasing effort. The firms advertising exertion incorporates the product, price, promotion and place. The other is social condition. Social condition incorporates family,friends,reference groups,social class,culture and so on which impact the basic leadership process.Consumer conduct mixes components from psychology,sociology,economics and promoting particularly social economics.It explore how emotions,attitude and inclinations impact purchasing behavior.The research of purchaser conduct likewise examines the effects,on the consume,from bunches like family,friends,reference groups,and society when all is said in done.
  • 3. pg. 3 Introduction The following examination is an inquiry to highlight the prospects for the directors of established, in the pipelines business and particularly to the showcasing division which are pivotal to improvement of nation and drive for better knowing of customers and better quality goods, services and thoughts which will be showcased in the 1950's "contemporary promoting idea" communicating to the buyer arranged businesses. Encompassing what when where why and at what cost the consumers require the product, these questions have always required answering since about forty years ago. In a nutshell, it has become imperative and paramount to know the target audience’s choices and their living patterns and to tailor our product to these factors.
  • 4. pg. 4 Social influences and buying behavior Following three factors are the reason behind a comsumer’s purchasing decision:  Personal  Psychological  Social Personal These factors are directly related to an individual person, these may include sex, age, race etc. This may also depend on how/who is making the purchase decision in the family too. The personal factors include the choices, interests, profession too. For example a sports person’s choice will be different from a business person. Psychological factors Psychological factors are further clasified as: Motives A motive best explains the major forces that acts as a stimuli to purchase or make a decision. It also depends on what stage of lifecycle a person is in. may it be professional cycle, age, etc. MASLOW hierarchy of needs may best explain how the psychological factors affect the purchase decision.  Physiological  Safety  Love and Belonging  Esteem  Self- Actualization
  • 5. pg. 5 To understand what makes individuals make a certain purchase, first there is a need of finding at what hierarchy level are they present. Perception What do you see?? Perception is the process of selecting, organizing and interpreting information inputs to produce meaning. It highly depends on how we personally perceive the information given to us. Information inputs are the sensations received through sight, taste, hearing, smell and touch. Selective Exposure: select inputs to be exposed to our awareness. More likely if it is linked to an event, satisfies current needs, intensity of input changes (sharp price drop). Selective Distortion: Changing/twisting current received information, inconsistent with beliefs. Selective Retention: Remember inputs that support beliefs, forgets those that don't. Average supermarket shopper is exposed to 17,000 products in a shopping visit lasting 30 minutes-60% of purchases are unplanned. Exposed to 1,500 advertisement per day. Can't be expected to be aware of all these inputs, and certainly will not retain many. Advertisements shape the behaviors of the people through cognition. Cognition is the perception of a person towards the information communicated through advertisements. These cognitions are observed by the individual through his senses, perception, attention, memory, reasoning, language, etc. best way of attracting the customers is to understand the psychological cognitive aspects of the consumers Ability and Knowledge Need to understand individual’s capacity to learn. Learning, changes in a person's behavior caused by information and experience. Therefore to change consumers' behavior about your product, need to give them new information, free sample etc. When making buying decisions, buyers must process information. Knowledge is the familiarity with the product and expertise.
  • 6. pg. 6 Product price is often used as an indicator of product quality by those who don’t have much expertise when it comes to buying. Non-alcoholic Beerexample: consumers chose the most expensive six-pack, because they assume that the greater price indicates greater quality. Learning is the process through which a relatively permanent change in behavior results from the consequences of past behavior. Attitudes Knowledge and positive and negative feelings about an object or activity-maybe tangible or intangible, living or non- living Attitudes and attitude change are influenced by consumer’s personality and lifestyle. Consumers screen information that conflicts with their attitudes. Distort information to make it consistent and selectively retain information that reinforces our attitudes. IE brand loyalty. There is a difference between attitude and intention to buy (ability to buy). Personality All the internal traits and behaviors that make a person unique, uniqueness arrives from a person's heredity and personal experience. Traits effect the way people behave. Marketers try to match the store image to the perceived image of their customers. There is a weak association between personality and Buying Behavior, this may be due to unreliable measures. Nike ads. Consumers buy products that are consistent with their self-concept.
  • 7. pg. 7 Lifestyles These are the regular patterns individuals follow.  For example, health food stuff for a healthy wealthy life. Social Factors  Social factor can be studied in depth to understand how an individual reacts to social reforms or trends. A consumer learns, follows, admires, from its reference group, culture, social circle and class.  Following social groups cab be discussed:  Opinion Leaders  The marketers want to get attraction of the opinion leaders and they are ambassadors or may go for personality endorsements in order to advertise different products e.g. Nike, McDonalds, Gatorade etc. Fawad Khan, Mahira khan are also endorsing for multiple brands to create a sense of relativity between the product and the consumers. Family Influence & Role The different things that you need to do are based on your expectations within the society of a group of people. The people are normally assigned with lots of roles in their real lives. These roles include father, brother, husband, colleagues. They used to change with the passage of time. Therefore, the marketers are changing the information continuously.  The very basic group that is associated with any person directly is his family. The marketers understand the fact that:  Family unit is considered as the major parameter to make decisions.  The behavior of a customer is started in a family unit.  For an individual person, a family usually acts as the cultural as well as social interpreter.  Children can take their family roles as a model for future.  The mixture of an individual decision making and the interactions of family are commonly known as family buying decisions.
  • 8. pg. 8 Associating Groups Individual start to identify himself/herself with communal attributes of the values, attitudes or behaviors of the others members of the group. Such groups may be categorized by family, friends, civic and professional organizations. Each group plays a defining role in determining the attitude and behavior of the individual. Membership groups The affinity marketing is mainly based and constructed upon the customers’ requirements and needs. It is totally directed towards the reference groups. Various marketers have different target reference groups for pitching their product. It also helps in steering the approval towards their members e.g. credit cards.  Desiring groups  You want to be a part of it  Groups that are disassociate  don’t want to be associated to The extent to which a reference group will play a role in purchase decision making depends on an individual’s vulnerability to the reference group’s sway and his/her affinity with the group. Social Class  Social class, such as upper middle class etc, constructs many aspects of our lives. Social class defines to some scope the type, quality, and quantity of products that a person purchases or utilizes.  Lower class people tend to localize their shopping choices in neighborhood and do not involve themselves in the collection of information about pre-purchase.  The definite class based preferences of a project are stored. The social factors on the behavior of consumers include social classes, reference groups, family etc. They are adhered by a large number of people belonging to different cultures.
  • 9. pg. 9 Culture & Subculture The different attitudes, values and the ideas followed by the people that are considered acceptable by the homogenous peoples’ group is commonly known as culture. The culture is normally distributed in the next young generation automatically by following the forefathers or other elder people of the society. Culture determines the compatibility of the product advertising. Culture regulate what people wear, eat, live and travel. Take for example, US cultural values are based on good health, education, individualism and freedom. Referring to the earlier point made, consumer buying pattern directly emerges from the consumer’s behavior and attitude. Many things converge to define the behavior of any individual. Culture shapes the consumer’s behavior. Culture builds the strong impression of the products in the mind of the customers. According to Rai, 2013, there are several national and international brands which people recognized and have strong perception in their minds. These impressions are pictured in their minds because of specific culture, life styles and surroundings. Advertisements are the source of motivation which make them buy a specific product. Advertisements are also a source of gaining trust. Consumer is convinced significantly if he is looking for the quality and prices of the products. Product evaluation and brand recognition effects the purchase attitude strongly. Analyze two recent communication campaigns that clearly illustrate how organizations are aware of these social influences when marketing their products
  • 10. pg. 10 All New Colgate: DO MORE FOR YOUR WHOLE MOUTH It is very exciting to see how Colgate has targeted its audience, the concept of “there no such thing as to close”, has made a large impact on the living style and psychology of consumer’s mind. Showing that it is now perfectly okay to speak too closely if you use “All New Colgate”. The commercial basics Colgate Total SF toothpaste's new formula and the enhanced benefit concept – from reducing sensitivity to strengthening teeth, to germ and bacteria fighting to instant neutralization of odors associated with bad breath– in one product. It is a great plot to engage the entire segment of audience by just one campaign, where bad breath being a major issue for many people. Colgate brilliantly tried to change the mindset of consumer’s by offering them a single product to get rid of multiple issue for “Whole Mouth”. Hence changing the consumer behavior of what product to choose. PEPSI: ‘Is Pepsi Ok’ PEPSI coming up to break the stereotype questions “Is PEPSI Okay?” the brand believes that this convention has to be broken and tell the different customers that Pepsi is a good product in actual. The 30th second place released today, stars Steve Carell going a bit lifeless when a woman in a booth next to him ordered a Coca Cola and prompting a waiter to ask him about, "Is Pepsi OK?" Across the country, this is an oft-repeated line in drink venues and it has been the same for couple of years. Now, Pepsi is doing vice versa. Todd Kaplan, VP of marketing for Pepsi, told in a press release that how much people love pepsi, the people who love this brand but yet they are to be asked that is Pepsi okay? "We felt that it was time to address this question head-on." The advertisement directly challenging Coke, positioning PEPSI in consumer’s mind while dinning. This is a great psychological challenge for the consumer to prefer PEPSI over coke, keeping in mind that Coca Cola recently launched “Coke with Food”. Pepsi is trying to change the lifestyle of people to Prefer PEPSI over Coke while having food.
  • 11. pg. 11 Influences of Advertisement on Consumer Buying Behavior Social Imaging Normally, the advertisements have great influence on the fact that how people perceive the various things around them. There different kinds associated with the advertisements e.g. TVCs. They describe that how should be the nature of a user of a particular good or product. Most of the times, it displays a social class of the user i.e. user’s attitude as well as lifestyle. The concept discussed above is usually applicable in case of various products related to beauty. In 2009, according to a survey, it was said that the protection of a society of the attractiveness as well as the beauty were the most influential and significant approaches spread and explored by media. The healthy men with good shaped body and the smart beautiful ladies were found everywhere around that society. The pressure of holding on such unique ideas and the media’s influence are directly proportional to each other i.e. increase in the media’s influence increases the pressure as well to hold on this kind of ideas (Russello, 2009). Entertainment A wide range of advertisements is easily accessible by the people across the globe these days. The people are fond of getting something very unique and he things that succeed in getting all of their attention. The boring and un-necessary advertisements cannot gain peoples’ attention instead they become irritating for them. The customers do not like such advertisements. Therefore, the effectiveness of the advertisements is also as much important as advertisements are. This is necessary to get the consumers’ attention and their satisfaction too. There are different factors that can affect the behavior of a consumer while buying various products. The familiarity generated through an advertisement for a particular brand or company can also be considered as one of these factors. A research work was carried out to observe the effects of the familiarity of songs on the behavior of customers as well as advertisements. As a result of this research work, different customers showed their satisfactory behavior towards for various products with familiarity of the songs. The proper relation between the amiability of the songs and their familiarity was observed and confirmed.
  • 12. pg. 12 Life Style The life of an individual can be influenced by the adds as reflected by the image and a social role. It can also be influenced by the fact that how an individual want to represent herself or himself in front of the society. Both the life style as well as the image can be sold by advertisements. Adds are proved to be helpful to introduce new trends in customers’ life style (Mittal and Pollay, 1993; Burns, 2003). The ideal consumer’s position can be illustrated by life style and social image by promoting advertisements. This fact can also be very helpful for stimulating a social action towards buying any specific good or product. Perceived Values Another point of view of the consumption of status is that it follows the “trickle down” theory which states that people who have a higher level of income consume the services and the products that give them a good reputation in the society which gains aspiration from the people whose income levels is low. People who have a lower level of income desire to reach the level of the people with higher income. This is a trickledown effect as each class aspires to reach the level of the class above it and this effect of the product or the service effects the consciousness related to the class of the consumer. Along with the reviews of celebrities that use the product the marketers also give weightage to the opinion of the reference groups which paint a reliable image for the customers regarding the authenticity and results of the product they are purchasing. Due to this the marketers advertise products in such a way that the product setting is of a particular class and by purchasing this product, people of lower class can achieve that status. However, when a customer is willing to pay more for a certain product than it’s worth according to the economic theory, then the customer is purchasing that product for its symbolic aspect and the status it will get them in the society they live in. Furthermore, products that are purchased only for the sake of purchasing them because that is what’s trending are aid to the consumer culture aspect of the consumption.
  • 13. pg. 13 Beliefs and Attitude Beliefs and attitude are extremely crucial as they play a significant role in convincing and influencing the customer to purchase a certain product. Individuals make up a very convincing and powerful image of any product they have to sell or any service that they need to sell in the market. Every brand has its very own ‘brand image’ that is attached to it and by which the brand is recognized. Opinion of the general public regarding any product is highly crucial as they will buy the product based on the image that is formed up in their head, when a certain image is formed in the customers head then they do not rely on anyone’s feedback but rather their gut feeling about that product. Even if a product is really good if the customer has made up an unsatisfactory opinion about it, they will never purchase it. What a consumer thinks when he goes out for shopping? A salesperson first of all needs to understand their target customers along with their level of income, level of spending, their lifestyle as well as the right advertisement that will attract them and convince them in buying the product. If the product is highly-priced then it would never attract the class which belongs to low income levels as their first priority to fulfill their basic needs as their budget does not allow them to purchase expensive products. So if the marketer is trying to sell a Mercedes car to such a class he would fail incredibly. If we take an example of the cereal Kellogg’s K special, it would not have any buyers that belong to the class of low income as those people would prefer buying fresh vegetables, fruits and other healthy supplements. The most important aspect of being a marketer is to understand what the need of their customers is and sell products that they will think are worth investing in. if a marketer tries to sell a laptop to a person who is not well-educated he would fail in his business as that is not the requirement of his customer. A customer would show very keen interest in a product which is useful to them, their friends or their family members. A person whose income is very low would not at all be
  • 14. pg. 14 interested in buying expensive business suits as that is not his requirement nor can he afford to purchase such luxuries. If we take an example of bottled juices, they are regularly purchased by medium and higher level income groups as they can afford to buy them and they can also afford to think about their fitness and health. While on the other hand people belonging to low income groups can never dream of spending their money on luxuries like health supplements, juices, Diet Coke, etc. Conclusion By the practice of sociology, psychology and demographics, marketers can begin to know the reason why buyers form attitudes and get to conclusions to buy. Consumer-behavior studies tell marketers, advertisers and public agencies how aftermath and service selection is influenced by personality, thoughts, values and beliefs. For marketing, these impacts are studied in the context of demographics, which includes nationalism, age, and marital status, size of family, earning, education and job.
  • 15. pg. 15 Recommendations 1. Engage with your Audience Online and Offline In the computerizedworldeverybodyishyper-associatedandexpendcontentonnumerous stagesand devices.Companiescanbeginadiscussionondifferentwebbasedlife stagesand connectwiththeircrowdin it.Howevershoppershave now gottenincreasinglysuspiciousof organizationsandprogressivelywaryof theirspendingonspecificitemsorservice.Soitis imperative todrawinclientsindiscussionswheretheysee yourmessage andaimsassincere. Alsoorganizationsoughttomove themtoadvocate theiritemandadministrationsfortheirsake by drawinginthemdisconnected. 2. Understand the Needs of your Potential Customers 3. To impactshopperschoice aboutobtaininganitemoradministration.Organizations needstocomprehendtheirnecessitiesanddistinguishhow toconveyanadvertising message thatintereststothem.Manyorganizationsacceptthattheycan utilize internet basedlife toimpactor change the way clientthinks.Buttheycanjust prevail upon individualsbymakingversatilecordial substance thatmeetstheirrequirementsand preferences.If theydon'tknow whatpurchasersare lookingfor,thentheywould legitimatelyaskthemthroughdifferentonline networkingstagesormessages. 4. Apply the Golden Rule Beingalluringhasitsadvantagesanditcan expandabusinessaffabilityanditsreliability. Strikingwebarchitecture hasthe abilitytoimpactclientsandpropel themtopurchase itemsandadministrationsof aspecificcompany.Outof probablythe mostincredible structure systemsthatare use to make a site lookcaptivating,one isthe brilliantratio.It isa planideathat isworriedaboutextentsinareas,suchart,designandengineering.
  • 16. pg. 16 Also, Be Available 24/7 for your Customers. What more can help a company to make an impact on their customer is trying to connect to their targetted audience emotionally. One way of doing that so efficieintly is making your consumer aware that you are present for them all the time, so that you may solve any of their queries or assist them in any matter. As per one study, 42% customers expect getting a response within an hour when they complain online. The following considerations can be of great help to learn more about the buying behavior of individuals:  How does your targeted audience respond to a particular brand or any specific product?  What makes them prefer one product over the other?  What thoughts do they hold while searching for a product?  Is online shopping preferable for them?  Do product reviews play any role in getting them to make a decision?