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Stress Management Reflection Essay
After learning about stress in this class my understanding is that, stress symptoms may be affecting your health, even though you might not realize it.
You may think illness is to blame for that nagging headache, your frequent forgetfulness or your decreased productivity at work. But sometimes stress
is to blame. Indeed, stress symptoms can affect your body, your thoughts and feelings, and your behavior. There is a long list of serious health
problems that may develop due to stress. Some include depression, diabetes, hair loss, heart disease, high blood pressure, stomach upset, sleep
problems, chest pain, back pain, obesity, obsessive–compulsive or anxiety disorder, sexual dysfunction, tooth and gum disease, ulcers, cancer. Some more content...
However, after taking this class I have learned many ways to cope with this and it has been a tremendous help to me and my relationship. I believe
my strengths are keeping organized and motivated. If I am not organized it is a huge stressor for me. When I stay motivated I accomplish a lot
more things in one day, which in return is a huge stress relief. Some areas that I show room for improvement are I need to set more weekly or
monthly goals for myself instead of just long term goals, by doing this I believe I would feel more accomplished. Another area of improvement for
me is I need to have more trust for my boyfriend. Forgive, forget and move on. One last improvement would be to improve my level of self
discipline. The topics I related to the most or the ones that I was most interested in were body awareness, breathing exercises, the worry and anxiety
chapter, goal setting, and time management. I really enjoyed the body awareness exercises because it recognizes that when stressed the body
automatically tenses. Our muscles become hard, tight and tense. Holding this tension is very tiring, and hence, a feeling of fatigue can occur. If the
muscular tension has no release, because of the constant stress levels and not knowing how to relax your muscles can cause strain on your body.
After doing this exercise in the book I was able to recognize what tense muscles felt and looked like and what relaxed muscles felt and looked like. So
now when I
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What Is Stress, Stress And Spissuality
Exercise 18: write 1–3 words that define stress for you.
Stress is commonly defined as a state of mental and emotional strain caused by very demanding and/or pressuring adverse circumstances.
Synonyms of stress are: tension, pressure, strain, nervous tension, worry, anxiety and nervousness.
In practical terms, stress is a very subjective phenomena with physical & psychological manifestations: ulcers, shrinkage of lymphoid tissue,
enlargement of adrenal glands, rheumatoid arthritis, strokes & heart attacks.
It is subjective simply because one stressful situation could be non–stressful to another person; individual differences & selective perception; what we
perceive & more content...
Stress becomes a dominating issue affecting all aspects of life & making you want to talk about it all the time and giving yourselves excuses to be
angry, irritated and lag behind.
Stress also negatively affects your judgment of situations hence your next steps, leading to more stress & the cycle doesn't end. You become trapped!
Exercise 20: IPEC – Take 2 fingers & jab them into your ribs really hard. Start to have a conversation with someone, read something or engage in an
activity. Where is your attention? It is probably not the discussion, book or activity.
This is exactly what happens when you are stressed; you are distracted & your focus is shattered, which limits your ability to think & function properly.
The psychologist Hans Seyle, describes the reaction as General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) which has 3 stages:–
1.The Alarm Reaction: This is known as fight or flight reaction in response to presented danger.
It is a natural survival reaction where the body becomes alarmed and ready to either fight to protect itself or to flight (run away) to save
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Essay Conclusion On Stress
Stress is a normal reaction to life events. It is what you feel when life demands more than you are used to or more than you can handle. Some stress
can be useful. For example, the stress reaction can help you catch the last bus of the day, study for a test, or meet a deadline at work. But stress that
occurs too often or for too long can cause problems. It can affect your emotional health and interfere with relationships and normal daily activities. Too
much stress can weaken your immune system and increase your risk for physical illness. If you already have a medical problem, stress can make it
What are the causes?
All sorts of life events may cause stress. An event that causes stress for one person may not more content...
He or she may diagnose this condition based on:
Your symptoms. Yourhealth care provider will ask questions about your symptoms and any stressful life events.
Medical history. Your health care provider will ask you questions about any medical problems you have had in the past.
You may also have other tests, including blood tests.
Certain medical conditions and medicine can cause physical symptoms similar to stress. Mental illness can cause emotional symptoms and unhealthy
behaviors similar to stress. Your health care provider may refer you to a mental health professional for further evaluation.
How is this treated?
Stress management is the recommended treatment for stress. The goals of stress management are reducing stressful life events and coping with stress
in healthy ways.
Techniques for reducing stressful life events include the following:
Stress identification. Monitor yourself for stress and identify what causes stress for you. These skills may help you to avoid some stressful events.
Time management. Set your priorities, keep a calendar of events, and learn to say "no." These tools can help you avoid making too many commitments.
Techniques for coping with stress include the following:
Rethinking the problem. Try to think realistically about stressful events rather than ignoring them or overreacting. Try to find the positives in a
stressful situation rather than focusing on the negatives.
Exercise. Physical exercise can release both
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Psychological Stress Essay
Psychological stress is a result of many factors and should be dealt with very carefully. Stress can be defined as "An excess of demand made upon the
adaptive capabilities of the mind and body".(Joseph 1). Another way of putting it, is that there are some things that put certain demands on us. The
effects of stress should not be limited to unpleasant emotional states. Many studies have concluded that the effects on our physical health from stress
can be extremely detrimental. These adverse physical effects include heart disease and formations of cancer. There are also some societal issues that
psychological stress can hamper.
There are numerous elements that trigger the effects of psychological stress. Frustration is one of more content...
Pressures that are brought about in our society are imposed by ourselves and by others. If one has too high of expectations for oneself it is
inevitable that they will burn themselves out. These expectations are derived out of our gender roles as men. Men are thought of in our society to be
the provider of money and security to their families. It is one way we measure or "manlyhood". Unrealistic pressures such as this, and pressures from
school, work and social life will lead to high levels of stress.
Conflict happens when two or more incompatible motivations or behavioral impulses compete for expression. There are three classifications of
conflict; approach/approach, avoidance/avoidance, approach/avoidance. Approach/approach conflicts occur when we have two attractive options
from which we have to chose. This can happen when we have two group of friends going out for New Year's Eve, both with exciting plans. It is
tough to decide which group of friends you want to hang out with. Avoidance/avoidance is the opposite of approach/approach. When you have to
decide between two unattractive choices or goals, stress sets in. This has occurred to me this past month or so in deciding what I am going to take for
my accounting elective. All of my options are very unappealing. Decisions may arise where both objects that you are to chose from have both attractive
and unattractive components. This type of conflict can be categorized as approach/avoidance conflict. An example
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Essay The Long Term Effects of Stress
The Long Term Effects of Stress
The long term effects of stress on the human body are generally negative. Stress can be a positive, as it enables us to respond to danger quickly, but
continued stress places stress on the body causing diseases such as cardio–vascular problems, ulcers, problems with digestion and illness.
The most common problem caused by stress is heart disease, more specifically cardiovascular problems. One very common effect when you develop
cardiovascular problems is high blood pressure. You can also develop coronary heart disease which involves a narrowing of the hearts arteries. There
have been very few studies into this area of stress as the effects can be more content...
The human body develops problems with digestion because when under stress we use energy, lowering out blood sugar level. Therefore thestomach
tells your body that you need more sugar. When placed under stress however, your appetite disappears. So the stomach creates more hydrochloric
acid, which is not being used up. This acid wears down the walls in your stomach, causing ulcers. This is all controlled by the SAM.
There has only been one major study into ulcers, by Brady (1958). He performed an experiment on two monkeys. Many people believed for a long
time that this was this study was definitive proof that stress caused ulcers. It was backed up by Weiner et al in 1957. He used army recruits under
stressful training conditions. At the end of the study fourteen percent of the recruits had developed ulcers. Marshall et al (1985) disagreed however.
He believed that it was actually a bacterium called 'helicobacter pylori'. He was so convinced that he infected himself with it, and developed stomach
Another effect of prolonged stress to the body is mental stress, because you are getting less oxygen to your brain. People who experience a high level
of stress for a long time–and who cope poorly with this stress–may become irritable, socially withdrawn, and emotionally unstable. They may also have
difficulty concentrating and solving problems. Some
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Stress in the Workplace Essay
Stress in the workplace
Stress in the workplace has become one of the increasingly popular topics of discussion over the last couple of decades. It has become a major concern
among various organizations creating an impact on the management and operations of the organization. This paper will give a detailed definition of what
stress in the workplace is and the most common causes of stress amongst both employers and employees. In the midst of investigating the causes of
stress, I will give an outline of what can be done to manage the stress by not only the individual but also by the employers themselves.
I will also mention the effects of stress to an individual, which can be categorized as short–term effects both psychological more content...
In the United States, the American Institute of Stress (AIS) has estimated that 40% of the worker turnover is due to stress and the cost of stress in
the workplace has been estimated to be over $300 billion per year. However, the ability of employers to lower the rate of stress in the workplace has
shown to improve the employee's quality of work and their health (Lee 36).
Causes of stress in the workplace
There are a variety of different causes of stress in the workplace and an ability to identify these as an employer is important because it will help in
knowing how to deal with and correct any problems arising from it. Most of the stresses are caused when the demands at work become extreme or
excessive. Many of these demands are a direct result of technological advances that have made work processes easier but on the other hand, require
employees to do more tasks. Current technology demands the workers to constantly perform near peak levels, be competitive and be cognizant of
technological breakthroughs. In some circumstances, the organization fails to inform the workers about changes in the business or the technology they
are using in their systems which can cause tension and uncertainty. Because of this, the worker can feel a constant fear of losing their position if they
do not work efficiently and understand the new changes in the organization.
Another cause of stress is a change in the workplace environment. As an
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Stress Essay
Stress is the “wear and tear� our bodies experience as we adjust to our continual changing environment; it has physical and emotional
effects on us and can create negative feelings. As a positive influence, stress can help compel us to action; result in a new awareness and an exciting
new perspective. As a negative influence stress can result in feelings of distrust, rejection anger, and depression, which in turn can cause health problems
such as headaches, upset stomach, rashes, insomnia, ulcers, high pressure, heart disease, and stroke. (Koop,1998). The long term effects of stress on
one’s health are quite significant. The American Academy of Family Physicians has said that two thirds of office visits to family
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Ideally, people would be able to adjust to the amount of stress that they face so that they receive neither too much nor too little. This, of course, is
not always possible. When one cannot eliminate excessive stress, the best way to manage it is to learn to maintain a balance even during a stressful
event. If people learn to recognize the warning signs of increasing stress before they reach their limit, they can cope intelligently with their stresses
before their resources are all spent. (Sarafino,1999). A large population of people suffering from high stress is college students. In a study by
Whiteman (1998) stress is defined as any situation that evokes negative thoughts and feelings in a person. The same situation is not evocative or
stressful for all people, and all people do not experience the same negative thoughts and feelings when stressed. A critical issue concerning stress among
students is its effect on learning. Yerkes–Doson Law postulates that individuals under low and high stress learn to the least and that those under
moderate stress learn the most. Field study and laboratory tests support the notion that excessive stress is harmful to students’ performance.
Mechanisms that explain why students perform badly under stress include “hypervigilance� (excessive alertness to a stressful situation
resulting in panic–for example, overstudying for an exam) and
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Informative Essay On Stress
Stress is quite prevalent today. Although you may feel like you're alone when the feeling of panic strikes, rest assured that this isn't true. According to
the American Psychological Association, stress is so prevalent today that it's becoming a public health crisis. In fact, most Americans suffer from a
moderate to a high amount of stress daily. This is mainly caused by worrying about things like finances, work, and the state of the economy. When
you're concerned about your health, you'll understand that stress isn't something you want to deal with over the long–term. It has you living in a
continuous stress of heightened awareness that isn't good for your heart or blood pressure. For this reason, you really need to find healthy ways of
combatting the stress you face in your life. Take Time for Self Care Self–care is the number one best way to destress today. There are many great ways
you can do this, including: Take time to meditate or do yoga. Doing so changes your brain's neural pathways so you're more resilient to stress.
This is especially true when you focus on a positive mantra, such as "I love myself." Take some time to get together with your friends and do
something fun. Share with them what's going on in your life. This gives you a new perspective on your issues too. When you only have 10 minutes
to decompress, put a warm heat wrap around your neck and shoulders, close your eyes, and relax. Once you remove the wrap, try rolling a massager
over your back and feel your tension melt away. Head to the gym daily. While this may seem like a lot, but Fitness Magazine says you should do 30
minutes of cardio exercise every day. This includes anything that raises your heart rate, including running, brisk walking, swimming, and biking. You
should also do strength training at least twice a week such as squats, push–ups, lunges, weight training, planks, and jumping jacks. These release
feel–good chemicals in your brain that help you deal with stress. When you don't have time for these things, park further from a store, take the steps
instead of the elevator, or go for a short walk. 5 Minutes to Decompress Stop saying you're stressed because you don't have enough time to decompress.
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Stress And The Stress Of Stress
Stress is something everyone goes through no matter what age, gender or race you are. Stress is the experience of a perceived threat to one's mental,
physical or spiritual well–being, resulting from a series of physiological responses and adaptations. When people think of stress they think it's a bad
thing which isn't true, some stress is just your body's reaction to certain situations. At times it may seem like stress is taking over your body leaving
you physically, emotionally and mentally hurt but what you can do is learn how to manage your stress to have a healthier and happy lifestyle. Stress
management is learning to deal with your stress and take charge. There are three types of stresses which are eustress, distress and more
Social life expectations is also a huge stressor, people want to feel the need to be popular and pressured to fit in. Another major source of my
stress is financial issues, fortunately my parents are able to provide me with necessary needs like a car, school books, food, home, clothes/shoes
and money. At the point where I need be dependent on my own rather than on my parents which causes me a lot of stress. Another major source of
my stress is seeing my parents hurt whether it be physically, mentally or emotionally. My parents worked so hard and became successful which
inspires me and seeing them hurt stresses me out when i'm unable to do anything. My last source of my stress are certain lifestyle choices. I tend to
make poor choices that affect other situations in my life in a negative way. For example, staying up late on a school night or skipping an important
event to hang out with friends. Some of my internal factors are being insecure or feeling worried. Feeling insecure on how I look or even how I dress
and feeling worried about others opinions or other situations. Other internal factors are being confused with what I'm doing with my life. Some
external factors include, school and work. Being overloaded with work causes a huge stress on me along with not sleeping at night or having family
issues. Like most things there are positives and negatives, technology is one of them.
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What Is Stress?
What is Stress? Stress is not a new phenomenon; it has been experienced throughout history. Stress is a biological response to some stimulus. Fear,
panic, anger, tragedy, and even something as simple as being competitive can cause it. Stress can result in the competitiveness needed to succeed in
business, achieve an education, foster social relationships, and win at sports. Stress it caused be many factors in your life. For example, such stressful
situations like going to the dentist, queuing in the supermarket, stuck in a traffic jam, finding a place to park, going to the hairdresser, having an
interview, making a speech, travelling by air can be very annoying.
Stress is an unavoidable part of life, and don't use the term negative for a reason. This is because just as distress can cause disease, it seems probable
that there are good stresses that promote wellness. Stress is not always necessarily harmful. Winning a race or the lottery can be just as stressful as
losing, or even more, but this type of stress may trigger very more content...
It happens everyday to everyone. Different things make people irritated and cause stress. Stress causes many problems in everyday life. It could
cause everything from a headache to a heart attack. Eventually a person could be so stressed out and lose all hope to actually commit suicide. There
are also many ways to relieve stress. A person could do anything from going to the doctor to yoga. In the dictionary the word that is used most as the
definition is pressure. Pressure from a job, family, and life all cause stress. Stress is also related to panic, anxiety, and depression. Some people work
better under stress and pressure instead of a relaxed atmosphere. Others can't even function with stress put on them. Everybody is going to have stress.
A person may have a high stress or low stress personality. They are not born with this; it is developed throughout their
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Reflection Paper On Stress
Stress is one of the leading causes of depression in the United States. If stress is not handled right away it can become distress. Many things in our
daily life cause us to feel stressed such as work, school, or major change that took place in your life. Stress can impact your emotions, attitude, and
health. In this paper, I will be addressing how stress has impacted my life, how stress effects the body, the signs of stress, and what strategies we can
use to reduce stress in our lives.
The stress self–assessment that I took told me about my stress levels is I have a moderate to high chance of developing an illness in the future. My
stress level total was 175 based on the answers I selected in the assessment. I was surprised on more content...
Stress puts a burden on our health and effects our well–being because it causes a large amount of negativity that our bodies are not built to handle.
After taking the stress self–assessment quiz, I believe I have developed a new perspective on emotion, motivation, and stress. I think stress effects
both our motivation and emotion because it weights us down and we tend to feel hopeless. I also realized that our emotion and motivation effects
the way we view our lives and ourselves. I believe motivation and emotion effect our attitude and how we react to issues. According to (Cooper,
2006), motivation and emotion have positive and negative characteristics and are also goal related. Motivation gives us energy and positivity and we
give our all into whatever we do. Emotion is what we use to respond to situations or issues. Emotion involves our behavior and our psychological
state of mind. According to (Cooper, 2006), emotion involves a widespread of responses such as psychological, behavioral, and endocrine responses,
the reflect our experiences to a higher level.
My emotion and motivation have been impacted by stressors in my life because the stress that I experience in my life causes me to feel depressed
and less motivated. Stress does affect my attitude and the way I view my life. When I am stressed I feel tired more often and very low in energy.
What has helped me to lower my stress levels is to not let negativity
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Essay about Stress
Stress is the nonspecific response of the body to any demands made upon it; it may be characterized as muscle tension and acute anxiety or may be a
positive force of action. Stressors are what cause stress. Stressors are specific or nonspecific agents or situations that cause a stress response in the
body. There are five Categories of Stressors: Acute time limited stressors are anxiety–provoking situations such as having to talk in public or work out
a math problem; Brief naturalistic stressors are more serious challenges such as SAT's or meeting a deadline for a big project; Stressful event
sequences like difficult consequences such as a natural disaster, or another traumatic occurrence such as more content...
The body's fight to stay healthy in the face of the increased energy that your are expending is major stress.
Environmental factors may also cause stress. Very hot or very cold climates can be stressful. Very high altitude may be a stress. Toxins or poisons are a
stress. Each of these factors threatens to cause change in your body's internal environment.
The special case of tobacco use, tobacco is a powerful toxin! Smoking destroys cells that clean your trachea, bronchi, and lungs. Smoking causes
emphysema and chronic bronchitis, which progress to slow suffocation. The carbon monoxide from cigarette smoking causes chronic carbon
monoxide poisoning. Tobacco use damages the arteries in your body, causing insufficient blood supply to the brain, heart, and vital organs. Cigarette
smoking increases the risk of cancer 50 fold. Chewing tobacco or snuff is no safe haven. It also damages your arteries, and it carries the same cancer
risk. (Cancers of the head and neck are particularly vicious, disfiguring, and deadly). Poisoning the body with carbon monoxide, and causing the
physical illnesses of emphysema, chronic bronchitis, cancer, and arterial damage, tobacco is a powerful source of added stress to one's life.
Hormonal factors such as puberty, pre–menstrual syndrome, post partum, and menopause may also cause stress. The vast hormonal changes of puberty
are severe stressors. A person's body actually change shape, sexual organs begin to function, new
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Cause And Effect Essay On Stress
Effects of Stress Stress is a reaction to a situation when presented with a challenge, everyone experiences stress at some point. "Stress can lead to
emotional, psychological and even physical problems – including heart disease, high blood pressure, chest pains or irregular heartbeats." (Nahrendorf)
While its effects vary the overall three main effects occur from stress being mental instability, eating habits, and the body physically.
The most common effect of stress comes in the form of muscle pains or headaches. The reasoning for this is because when the body is stressed,
muscles tense up. It is a safety reaction done by the body to shield itself from injury and pain. Eventually when stress fades the muscles will relax
and the feeling will pass, but due to the amount of time the muscles are in this state a side effect is often headaches or even migraines. The
respiratory system is also at risk during states of stress causing breathing to become more intense. That is not an issue for most people, however those
with breathing disorders such as asthma or emphysema can pose a bigger problem. Additionally, some cases of stress can lead to hyperventilation or a
panic attack, which ties into the effects of the cardiovascular system, mainly blood pressure. This mostly occurs through chronic stress or stress over a
longer period. Finally, during high periods of stress an excess of glucose, extra energy for an emergency, known to most as "fight or flight." All this
extra blood
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Reflective Essay On Stress
Stress is something we are all familiar with. Some of us experience it more than others, but we all know the terrible feelings that accompany stress.
I kept a stress log for two weeks, which helped me lower my amount of daily stress. I was able to notice patters about what caused my stress, what
coping skills I was using, and what changes I could make to help lower my levels of stress.
First, one thing that became very clear to me was how most of my stress was revolved around school. Whether it was homework, an essay, or a test, the
times where I was the most stressed out where all because of school. By having to write down what was causing my stress, I was forced to use
primary appraisal. Primary appraisal is when one views an event as being harmful in the past, harmful in the future, or a challenge (King 524). I had
to figure out what was causing my stress, and the reason for that. I noticed that many of the times, I viewed stress and being a threat to future harm. I
think that having this view caused me to overthink what damage could be done by the stressor, which ended up causing me even more stress. Another
commonality I noticed was the effect procrastination had on my stress. The more I procrastinated doing school work, the more stressed out I got. The
stress and worry of not being able to get the work done in time lead me to being motivated to do the work. This relates self–regulation, which King
describes as, "the process by which and organism effortfully controls
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Narrative Essay About Stress
Stress is something that everyone will have to deal with in their lifetime and, for the most part, is not avoidable. It's something that usually won't
happen to you when you are younger but, that depends on your situation growing up e.g. abuse, divorce, drug use etc. For the most part stress is
not something a kid should worry about and, is usually something that comes with age which, in my case and most people, is what happened to
me. My stress usually isn't the product of not doing work on time or something else mundane that could be easily fixed mine is something a little
more scarier than that but I've learned to cope with it. It all started about three years ago in 2014. During this time I was completely healthy and
never really had any bad health complications up to that point. I began to experience heart pain but i had no clue why this, of course, prompted a
lot of stress but it was something that i would live through for about another half a year. I had realized a pattern with the heart pain, that it would
only show when i would consume caffeine. This heart pain and stress from it would hit a climax about eight months after the pain started. I had
experienced pain like no other, I genuinely thought that i was going to have a heart attack that day but, i was able to calm myself down with some
breathing techniques. This made me and my parents very concerned and i would in the following days go to see a doctor. The doctor would tell me
that i had a hypersensitivity
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What is Stress? Essay
Stress is something that affects many people each and every day. Life is full of hassles, deadlines, frustrations, and demands. For some people stress
is so common it is a way of life. Stress can be very harmful and or helpful. It could help motivate you to meet a deadline and perform a task under
pressure. Stress can also be very harmful, such as memory problems, moodiness, aches and pains, and eating more or less.
So what is stress? Stress is a normal physical response that happens when you feel threatened or upset. When you feel that you are in danger whether
it is real or imaged. Your body has a response when stress occurs and it is a way of actually protecting you. Many times, stress helps people stay more
focussed and more content...
Stress can affect the mind, body, and behavior. These affects could cause your relationships with others can be affected with your girlfriend, parents, or
anyone else who is significant in your life.
Stress has many different symptoms the most often and most common is having a headache. On your body the effects of stress are muscle tension or
pain, chest pain, and fatigue. The effects of stress on your mood is anxiety, restlessness, and lack of motivation or focus. Finally, the effects of stress
on your behavior is overeating or under eating, drug or alcohol abuse, and social withdraw. Since anyone at any age can be stressed there is no
certain population that is effected the most. I would say that teenagers get stressed easily due to school, spots and or jobs. The thing that stresses
most high school student out is picking and choosing what they are going to do after high school and what college they will be going to if any.
People a little bit older after college could be stressed by trying to find a job or trying to find or support a family. Older people could be stressed if they
are running out of money but besides that older people are probably the least stressful people in are population.
Stress is not only affected in the work place and at home, it is also affected during sports. There is a ton of pressure in many high school sports
especially individual sports. Stress is the body's way of
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Essay on Stress: Causes And Effects
Stress: Causes and Effects
Stress is an ongoing dilemma that occurs in each and everyone's life. It is a factor that is undoubtedly a part of daily living. Due to the trivial
problems that occur in people's daily lives massive amounts of stress can arise. People perceive and manage stress in many different ways. The causes
and effects of stress are numerous and one's ability to manage stress is vital in maintaining healthy living.
First, stress is defined as an unpleasant state of emotional and physiological arousal that people experience in situations that they perceive as dangerous
or threatening to their well being (Patel, 14). Stress is a universal feeling to everyone but the word stress means different things more content...
Stress affects the body in many different ways. Many doctors estimate that stress is involved in more than half of all illnesses (Sapolsky, 21). Stress
may cause or prolong an illness or increase its severity. Epinephrine and norepinephrine are hormones that are released during a stress reaction that
affect organs throughout the body. As a result from the hormones being secreted, the heart begins to beat more rapidly, muscle tension increases, blood
pressure raises, and heavy breathing may occur. This reaction is known as the fight–or–flight response. The fight–or–flight response energizes the body
to either confront or flee from a threat. Heredity, learning, and injuries all play a role in determining where or when a stress related illness may occur
in a particular individual (Sapolsky, 22).
Stress has been linked to many diseases or malady conditions. Stress hormones that act on the heart, blood vessels, and lungs may contribute to heart
disease, high blood pressure, and asthma (Feldman, 17). Diseases of the stomach and intestines are often associated to stress because blood leaves
these organs and moves to muscles used in running and fighting. Another difficulty is the prolonging increase of blood sugar can influence the
development of diabetes. Stress also appears to influence the development of cancer.
Chronic stress can also interfere with the body's immune system directly through hormonal changes. Glucocorticoids–a hormone
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stress and how it affects the body Essays
Taylor Diehl
Mr. David Schultz
Speech 1010
16 September 2014
Stress and what causes it Stress is a very common everyday thing. People have stress so much that most of the time they don't even know how much
it's affecting them. Stress can really affect your body, mind, and behavior. It is a normal response to situations that make you feel upset or threatened
in a way. Stress is the body's way of change. The change can either be good or bad.
Stress affects your health without you even realizing it. Constant headaches or trouble sleeping would be something stress causes often. This can get
bad enough which leads to serious health problems such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Stress effects your body with things like
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Stress can get bad enough to where it starts to affect your body system. Things like depression, heart attacks, diseases, rashes and a low immune system
can all occur to people dealing with stress bad enough. The number of common signs and symptoms is outrageous and is depressing to see that
there are so many people dealing with this and how it's such a common thing in this world. On, they talk about the different body
systems and how they're affected. The nervous, musculoskeletal, respiratory, cardiovascular, endocrine, gastro and reproductive systems are all
affected in some way and in many ways to say the least. If your stress ever gets so bad, I consider seeing a doctor or specialist seeing how
dangerous this can get. There are four different kinds of stress warnings; Cognitive, Emotional, Physical, and Behavioral symptoms. These all
range from moodiness, depression, worrying, aches/pains, and nervous habits. This can all be caused by other medical problems too so make sure
you go get checked to find out what's causing it fully. People can deal with stress like its apart of their life and some can't deal at all. The way
certain people handle stress can depend on your outlook on life or the decisions you make. Mostly if you have a lot to do or a lot of responsibly, your
body has its emergency stress response on most of the time. Long term stress leads to depression over anything though. Overall, stress affects everyone
in different
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Stress Management Essay
Stress is normal. It happens to everyone, and affects everyone differently. It is a feeling of being overwhelmed for handling things you aren't used to.
Stress is also known as a response or something that changes in the body caused by emotions, social, physical, or economical issues which can cause
tension mentally and physically. It can be caused by external or internal situations. What's known as the "fight or flight" response, is initiated when an
individual becomes stressed. It is the complex response of the neurologic and endocrinologic systems. Stress management includes pharmacological
and nonpharmacological elements, and was found to be an effective treatment method for treating stress.
All stress isn't bad, there more content...
You also shouldn't judge yourself too harshly. Don't try so hard to be perfect, people are not meant to be that way. By managing your stress, you can
avoid becoming burned out and affecting people around you.
Remember to NEVER take your stress out on the residents. No matter how bad your situation is, personal matters cannot affect your job. Stress can
also be from caregiving. Being a caregiver can be an amazing experience, but also challenging. Women are more at risk for heart diseases and harmful
effects from stress involving health than men are. These effects stress can cause could lead to many different medical conditions including
psychological conditions like anxiety and depression. Families who have had to take care of their elders have been reported to having higher levels
of stress rather than people who don't. As people who will be taking care of these residents' families, we need to keep in mind that it may not be easy
for them. We may be stressed out about something not concerning a resident, and the family may take your actions to heart. If you bring your personal
problems to work, this could lead to neglect and upset the family.
The effects of stress are not only overwhelming for us, as the caregivers, but also the residents. The elders may have poorly controlled diabetes, high
blood pressure, slow healing, uncomfortable bowel movements, and
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Stress Management Reflection Essay

  • 1. Stress Management Reflection Essay After learning about stress in this class my understanding is that, stress symptoms may be affecting your health, even though you might not realize it. You may think illness is to blame for that nagging headache, your frequent forgetfulness or your decreased productivity at work. But sometimes stress is to blame. Indeed, stress symptoms can affect your body, your thoughts and feelings, and your behavior. There is a long list of serious health problems that may develop due to stress. Some include depression, diabetes, hair loss, heart disease, high blood pressure, stomach upset, sleep problems, chest pain, back pain, obesity, obsessive–compulsive or anxiety disorder, sexual dysfunction, tooth and gum disease, ulcers, cancer. Some more content... However, after taking this class I have learned many ways to cope with this and it has been a tremendous help to me and my relationship. I believe my strengths are keeping organized and motivated. If I am not organized it is a huge stressor for me. When I stay motivated I accomplish a lot more things in one day, which in return is a huge stress relief. Some areas that I show room for improvement are I need to set more weekly or monthly goals for myself instead of just long term goals, by doing this I believe I would feel more accomplished. Another area of improvement for me is I need to have more trust for my boyfriend. Forgive, forget and move on. One last improvement would be to improve my level of self discipline. The topics I related to the most or the ones that I was most interested in were body awareness, breathing exercises, the worry and anxiety chapter, goal setting, and time management. I really enjoyed the body awareness exercises because it recognizes that when stressed the body automatically tenses. Our muscles become hard, tight and tense. Holding this tension is very tiring, and hence, a feeling of fatigue can occur. If the muscular tension has no release, because of the constant stress levels and not knowing how to relax your muscles can cause strain on your body. After doing this exercise in the book I was able to recognize what tense muscles felt and looked like and what relaxed muscles felt and looked like. So now when I Get more content on
  • 2. What Is Stress, Stress And Spissuality NOURISH YOUR SOUL, STRESS AND SPIRITUALITY STRESS & SPIRITUALITY Exercise 18: write 1–3 words that define stress for you. Stress is commonly defined as a state of mental and emotional strain caused by very demanding and/or pressuring adverse circumstances. Synonyms of stress are: tension, pressure, strain, nervous tension, worry, anxiety and nervousness. In practical terms, stress is a very subjective phenomena with physical & psychological manifestations: ulcers, shrinkage of lymphoid tissue, enlargement of adrenal glands, rheumatoid arthritis, strokes & heart attacks. It is subjective simply because one stressful situation could be non–stressful to another person; individual differences & selective perception; what we perceive & more content... Stress becomes a dominating issue affecting all aspects of life & making you want to talk about it all the time and giving yourselves excuses to be angry, irritated and lag behind. Stress also negatively affects your judgment of situations hence your next steps, leading to more stress & the cycle doesn't end. You become trapped! Exercise 20: IPEC – Take 2 fingers & jab them into your ribs really hard. Start to have a conversation with someone, read something or engage in an activity. Where is your attention? It is probably not the discussion, book or activity. This is exactly what happens when you are stressed; you are distracted & your focus is shattered, which limits your ability to think & function properly. The psychologist Hans Seyle, describes the reaction as General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) which has 3 stages:– 1.The Alarm Reaction: This is known as fight or flight reaction in response to presented danger. It is a natural survival reaction where the body becomes alarmed and ready to either fight to protect itself or to flight (run away) to save Get more content on
  • 3. Essay Conclusion On Stress Introduction Stress is a normal reaction to life events. It is what you feel when life demands more than you are used to or more than you can handle. Some stress can be useful. For example, the stress reaction can help you catch the last bus of the day, study for a test, or meet a deadline at work. But stress that occurs too often or for too long can cause problems. It can affect your emotional health and interfere with relationships and normal daily activities. Too much stress can weaken your immune system and increase your risk for physical illness. If you already have a medical problem, stress can make it worse. What are the causes? All sorts of life events may cause stress. An event that causes stress for one person may not more content... He or she may diagnose this condition based on: Your symptoms. Yourhealth care provider will ask questions about your symptoms and any stressful life events. Medical history. Your health care provider will ask you questions about any medical problems you have had in the past. You may also have other tests, including blood tests. Certain medical conditions and medicine can cause physical symptoms similar to stress. Mental illness can cause emotional symptoms and unhealthy behaviors similar to stress. Your health care provider may refer you to a mental health professional for further evaluation. How is this treated? Stress management is the recommended treatment for stress. The goals of stress management are reducing stressful life events and coping with stress in healthy ways. Techniques for reducing stressful life events include the following: Stress identification. Monitor yourself for stress and identify what causes stress for you. These skills may help you to avoid some stressful events. Time management. Set your priorities, keep a calendar of events, and learn to say "no." These tools can help you avoid making too many commitments. Techniques for coping with stress include the following: Rethinking the problem. Try to think realistically about stressful events rather than ignoring them or overreacting. Try to find the positives in a stressful situation rather than focusing on the negatives. Exercise. Physical exercise can release both
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  • 5. Psychological Stress Essay Psychological stress is a result of many factors and should be dealt with very carefully. Stress can be defined as "An excess of demand made upon the adaptive capabilities of the mind and body".(Joseph 1). Another way of putting it, is that there are some things that put certain demands on us. The effects of stress should not be limited to unpleasant emotional states. Many studies have concluded that the effects on our physical health from stress can be extremely detrimental. These adverse physical effects include heart disease and formations of cancer. There are also some societal issues that psychological stress can hamper. There are numerous elements that trigger the effects of psychological stress. Frustration is one of more content... Pressures that are brought about in our society are imposed by ourselves and by others. If one has too high of expectations for oneself it is inevitable that they will burn themselves out. These expectations are derived out of our gender roles as men. Men are thought of in our society to be the provider of money and security to their families. It is one way we measure or "manlyhood". Unrealistic pressures such as this, and pressures from school, work and social life will lead to high levels of stress. Conflict happens when two or more incompatible motivations or behavioral impulses compete for expression. There are three classifications of conflict; approach/approach, avoidance/avoidance, approach/avoidance. Approach/approach conflicts occur when we have two attractive options from which we have to chose. This can happen when we have two group of friends going out for New Year's Eve, both with exciting plans. It is tough to decide which group of friends you want to hang out with. Avoidance/avoidance is the opposite of approach/approach. When you have to decide between two unattractive choices or goals, stress sets in. This has occurred to me this past month or so in deciding what I am going to take for my accounting elective. All of my options are very unappealing. Decisions may arise where both objects that you are to chose from have both attractive and unattractive components. This type of conflict can be categorized as approach/avoidance conflict. An example Get more content on
  • 6. Essay The Long Term Effects of Stress The Long Term Effects of Stress The long term effects of stress on the human body are generally negative. Stress can be a positive, as it enables us to respond to danger quickly, but continued stress places stress on the body causing diseases such as cardio–vascular problems, ulcers, problems with digestion and illness. The most common problem caused by stress is heart disease, more specifically cardiovascular problems. One very common effect when you develop cardiovascular problems is high blood pressure. You can also develop coronary heart disease which involves a narrowing of the hearts arteries. There have been very few studies into this area of stress as the effects can be more content... The human body develops problems with digestion because when under stress we use energy, lowering out blood sugar level. Therefore thestomach tells your body that you need more sugar. When placed under stress however, your appetite disappears. So the stomach creates more hydrochloric acid, which is not being used up. This acid wears down the walls in your stomach, causing ulcers. This is all controlled by the SAM. There has only been one major study into ulcers, by Brady (1958). He performed an experiment on two monkeys. Many people believed for a long time that this was this study was definitive proof that stress caused ulcers. It was backed up by Weiner et al in 1957. He used army recruits under stressful training conditions. At the end of the study fourteen percent of the recruits had developed ulcers. Marshall et al (1985) disagreed however. He believed that it was actually a bacterium called 'helicobacter pylori'. He was so convinced that he infected himself with it, and developed stomach ulcers. Another effect of prolonged stress to the body is mental stress, because you are getting less oxygen to your brain. People who experience a high level of stress for a long time–and who cope poorly with this stress–may become irritable, socially withdrawn, and emotionally unstable. They may also have difficulty concentrating and solving problems. Some Get more content on
  • 7. Stress in the Workplace Essay Stress in the workplace Stress in the workplace has become one of the increasingly popular topics of discussion over the last couple of decades. It has become a major concern among various organizations creating an impact on the management and operations of the organization. This paper will give a detailed definition of what stress in the workplace is and the most common causes of stress amongst both employers and employees. In the midst of investigating the causes of stress, I will give an outline of what can be done to manage the stress by not only the individual but also by the employers themselves. I will also mention the effects of stress to an individual, which can be categorized as short–term effects both psychological more content... In the United States, the American Institute of Stress (AIS) has estimated that 40% of the worker turnover is due to stress and the cost of stress in the workplace has been estimated to be over $300 billion per year. However, the ability of employers to lower the rate of stress in the workplace has shown to improve the employee's quality of work and their health (Lee 36). Causes of stress in the workplace There are a variety of different causes of stress in the workplace and an ability to identify these as an employer is important because it will help in knowing how to deal with and correct any problems arising from it. Most of the stresses are caused when the demands at work become extreme or excessive. Many of these demands are a direct result of technological advances that have made work processes easier but on the other hand, require employees to do more tasks. Current technology demands the workers to constantly perform near peak levels, be competitive and be cognizant of technological breakthroughs. In some circumstances, the organization fails to inform the workers about changes in the business or the technology they are using in their systems which can cause tension and uncertainty. Because of this, the worker can feel a constant fear of losing their position if they do not work efficiently and understand the new changes in the organization. Another cause of stress is a change in the workplace environment. As an Get more content on
  • 8. Stress Essay Stress Stress is the “wear and tearâ€? our bodies experience as we adjust to our continual changing environment; it has physical and emotional effects on us and can create negative feelings. As a positive influence, stress can help compel us to action; result in a new awareness and an exciting new perspective. As a negative influence stress can result in feelings of distrust, rejection anger, and depression, which in turn can cause health problems such as headaches, upset stomach, rashes, insomnia, ulcers, high pressure, heart disease, and stroke. (Koop,1998). The long term effects of stress on one’s health are quite significant. The American Academy of Family Physicians has said that two thirds of office visits to family more content... Ideally, people would be able to adjust to the amount of stress that they face so that they receive neither too much nor too little. This, of course, is not always possible. When one cannot eliminate excessive stress, the best way to manage it is to learn to maintain a balance even during a stressful event. If people learn to recognize the warning signs of increasing stress before they reach their limit, they can cope intelligently with their stresses before their resources are all spent. (Sarafino,1999). A large population of people suffering from high stress is college students. In a study by Whiteman (1998) stress is defined as any situation that evokes negative thoughts and feelings in a person. The same situation is not evocative or stressful for all people, and all people do not experience the same negative thoughts and feelings when stressed. A critical issue concerning stress among students is its effect on learning. Yerkes–Doson Law postulates that individuals under low and high stress learn to the least and that those under moderate stress learn the most. Field study and laboratory tests support the notion that excessive stress is harmful to students’ performance. Mechanisms that explain why students perform badly under stress include “hypervigilanceâ€? (excessive alertness to a stressful situation resulting in panic–for example, overstudying for an exam) and Get more content on
  • 9. Informative Essay On Stress Stress is quite prevalent today. Although you may feel like you're alone when the feeling of panic strikes, rest assured that this isn't true. According to the American Psychological Association, stress is so prevalent today that it's becoming a public health crisis. In fact, most Americans suffer from a moderate to a high amount of stress daily. This is mainly caused by worrying about things like finances, work, and the state of the economy. When you're concerned about your health, you'll understand that stress isn't something you want to deal with over the long–term. It has you living in a continuous stress of heightened awareness that isn't good for your heart or blood pressure. For this reason, you really need to find healthy ways of combatting the stress you face in your life. Take Time for Self Care Self–care is the number one best way to destress today. There are many great ways you can do this, including: Take time to meditate or do yoga. Doing so changes your brain's neural pathways so you're more resilient to stress. This is especially true when you focus on a positive mantra, such as "I love myself." Take some time to get together with your friends and do something fun. Share with them what's going on in your life. This gives you a new perspective on your issues too. When you only have 10 minutes to decompress, put a warm heat wrap around your neck and shoulders, close your eyes, and relax. Once you remove the wrap, try rolling a massager over your back and feel your tension melt away. Head to the gym daily. While this may seem like a lot, but Fitness Magazine says you should do 30 minutes of cardio exercise every day. This includes anything that raises your heart rate, including running, brisk walking, swimming, and biking. You should also do strength training at least twice a week such as squats, push–ups, lunges, weight training, planks, and jumping jacks. These release feel–good chemicals in your brain that help you deal with stress. When you don't have time for these things, park further from a store, take the steps instead of the elevator, or go for a short walk. 5 Minutes to Decompress Stop saying you're stressed because you don't have enough time to decompress. This Get more content on
  • 10. Stress And The Stress Of Stress Stress is something everyone goes through no matter what age, gender or race you are. Stress is the experience of a perceived threat to one's mental, physical or spiritual well–being, resulting from a series of physiological responses and adaptations. When people think of stress they think it's a bad thing which isn't true, some stress is just your body's reaction to certain situations. At times it may seem like stress is taking over your body leaving you physically, emotionally and mentally hurt but what you can do is learn how to manage your stress to have a healthier and happy lifestyle. Stress management is learning to deal with your stress and take charge. There are three types of stresses which are eustress, distress and more content... Social life expectations is also a huge stressor, people want to feel the need to be popular and pressured to fit in. Another major source of my stress is financial issues, fortunately my parents are able to provide me with necessary needs like a car, school books, food, home, clothes/shoes and money. At the point where I need be dependent on my own rather than on my parents which causes me a lot of stress. Another major source of my stress is seeing my parents hurt whether it be physically, mentally or emotionally. My parents worked so hard and became successful which inspires me and seeing them hurt stresses me out when i'm unable to do anything. My last source of my stress are certain lifestyle choices. I tend to make poor choices that affect other situations in my life in a negative way. For example, staying up late on a school night or skipping an important event to hang out with friends. Some of my internal factors are being insecure or feeling worried. Feeling insecure on how I look or even how I dress and feeling worried about others opinions or other situations. Other internal factors are being confused with what I'm doing with my life. Some external factors include, school and work. Being overloaded with work causes a huge stress on me along with not sleeping at night or having family issues. Like most things there are positives and negatives, technology is one of them. Get more content on
  • 11. What Is Stress? Stress What is Stress? Stress is not a new phenomenon; it has been experienced throughout history. Stress is a biological response to some stimulus. Fear, panic, anger, tragedy, and even something as simple as being competitive can cause it. Stress can result in the competitiveness needed to succeed in business, achieve an education, foster social relationships, and win at sports. Stress it caused be many factors in your life. For example, such stressful situations like going to the dentist, queuing in the supermarket, stuck in a traffic jam, finding a place to park, going to the hairdresser, having an interview, making a speech, travelling by air can be very annoying. Stress is an unavoidable part of life, and don't use the term negative for a reason. This is because just as distress can cause disease, it seems probable that there are good stresses that promote wellness. Stress is not always necessarily harmful. Winning a race or the lottery can be just as stressful as losing, or even more, but this type of stress may trigger very more content... It happens everyday to everyone. Different things make people irritated and cause stress. Stress causes many problems in everyday life. It could cause everything from a headache to a heart attack. Eventually a person could be so stressed out and lose all hope to actually commit suicide. There are also many ways to relieve stress. A person could do anything from going to the doctor to yoga. In the dictionary the word that is used most as the definition is pressure. Pressure from a job, family, and life all cause stress. Stress is also related to panic, anxiety, and depression. Some people work better under stress and pressure instead of a relaxed atmosphere. Others can't even function with stress put on them. Everybody is going to have stress. A person may have a high stress or low stress personality. They are not born with this; it is developed throughout their Get more content on
  • 12. Reflection Paper On Stress Stress is one of the leading causes of depression in the United States. If stress is not handled right away it can become distress. Many things in our daily life cause us to feel stressed such as work, school, or major change that took place in your life. Stress can impact your emotions, attitude, and health. In this paper, I will be addressing how stress has impacted my life, how stress effects the body, the signs of stress, and what strategies we can use to reduce stress in our lives. The stress self–assessment that I took told me about my stress levels is I have a moderate to high chance of developing an illness in the future. My stress level total was 175 based on the answers I selected in the assessment. I was surprised on more content... Stress puts a burden on our health and effects our well–being because it causes a large amount of negativity that our bodies are not built to handle. After taking the stress self–assessment quiz, I believe I have developed a new perspective on emotion, motivation, and stress. I think stress effects both our motivation and emotion because it weights us down and we tend to feel hopeless. I also realized that our emotion and motivation effects the way we view our lives and ourselves. I believe motivation and emotion effect our attitude and how we react to issues. According to (Cooper, 2006), motivation and emotion have positive and negative characteristics and are also goal related. Motivation gives us energy and positivity and we give our all into whatever we do. Emotion is what we use to respond to situations or issues. Emotion involves our behavior and our psychological state of mind. According to (Cooper, 2006), emotion involves a widespread of responses such as psychological, behavioral, and endocrine responses, the reflect our experiences to a higher level. My emotion and motivation have been impacted by stressors in my life because the stress that I experience in my life causes me to feel depressed and less motivated. Stress does affect my attitude and the way I view my life. When I am stressed I feel tired more often and very low in energy. What has helped me to lower my stress levels is to not let negativity Get more content on
  • 13. Essay about Stress Stress Stress is the nonspecific response of the body to any demands made upon it; it may be characterized as muscle tension and acute anxiety or may be a positive force of action. Stressors are what cause stress. Stressors are specific or nonspecific agents or situations that cause a stress response in the body. There are five Categories of Stressors: Acute time limited stressors are anxiety–provoking situations such as having to talk in public or work out a math problem; Brief naturalistic stressors are more serious challenges such as SAT's or meeting a deadline for a big project; Stressful event sequences like difficult consequences such as a natural disaster, or another traumatic occurrence such as more content... The body's fight to stay healthy in the face of the increased energy that your are expending is major stress. Environmental factors may also cause stress. Very hot or very cold climates can be stressful. Very high altitude may be a stress. Toxins or poisons are a stress. Each of these factors threatens to cause change in your body's internal environment. The special case of tobacco use, tobacco is a powerful toxin! Smoking destroys cells that clean your trachea, bronchi, and lungs. Smoking causes emphysema and chronic bronchitis, which progress to slow suffocation. The carbon monoxide from cigarette smoking causes chronic carbon monoxide poisoning. Tobacco use damages the arteries in your body, causing insufficient blood supply to the brain, heart, and vital organs. Cigarette smoking increases the risk of cancer 50 fold. Chewing tobacco or snuff is no safe haven. It also damages your arteries, and it carries the same cancer risk. (Cancers of the head and neck are particularly vicious, disfiguring, and deadly). Poisoning the body with carbon monoxide, and causing the physical illnesses of emphysema, chronic bronchitis, cancer, and arterial damage, tobacco is a powerful source of added stress to one's life. Hormonal factors such as puberty, pre–menstrual syndrome, post partum, and menopause may also cause stress. The vast hormonal changes of puberty are severe stressors. A person's body actually change shape, sexual organs begin to function, new Get more content on
  • 14. Cause And Effect Essay On Stress Effects of Stress Stress is a reaction to a situation when presented with a challenge, everyone experiences stress at some point. "Stress can lead to emotional, psychological and even physical problems – including heart disease, high blood pressure, chest pains or irregular heartbeats." (Nahrendorf) While its effects vary the overall three main effects occur from stress being mental instability, eating habits, and the body physically. The most common effect of stress comes in the form of muscle pains or headaches. The reasoning for this is because when the body is stressed, muscles tense up. It is a safety reaction done by the body to shield itself from injury and pain. Eventually when stress fades the muscles will relax and the feeling will pass, but due to the amount of time the muscles are in this state a side effect is often headaches or even migraines. The respiratory system is also at risk during states of stress causing breathing to become more intense. That is not an issue for most people, however those with breathing disorders such as asthma or emphysema can pose a bigger problem. Additionally, some cases of stress can lead to hyperventilation or a panic attack, which ties into the effects of the cardiovascular system, mainly blood pressure. This mostly occurs through chronic stress or stress over a longer period. Finally, during high periods of stress an excess of glucose, extra energy for an emergency, known to most as "fight or flight." All this extra blood Get more content on
  • 15. Reflective Essay On Stress Stress is something we are all familiar with. Some of us experience it more than others, but we all know the terrible feelings that accompany stress. I kept a stress log for two weeks, which helped me lower my amount of daily stress. I was able to notice patters about what caused my stress, what coping skills I was using, and what changes I could make to help lower my levels of stress. First, one thing that became very clear to me was how most of my stress was revolved around school. Whether it was homework, an essay, or a test, the times where I was the most stressed out where all because of school. By having to write down what was causing my stress, I was forced to use primary appraisal. Primary appraisal is when one views an event as being harmful in the past, harmful in the future, or a challenge (King 524). I had to figure out what was causing my stress, and the reason for that. I noticed that many of the times, I viewed stress and being a threat to future harm. I think that having this view caused me to overthink what damage could be done by the stressor, which ended up causing me even more stress. Another commonality I noticed was the effect procrastination had on my stress. The more I procrastinated doing school work, the more stressed out I got. The stress and worry of not being able to get the work done in time lead me to being motivated to do the work. This relates self–regulation, which King describes as, "the process by which and organism effortfully controls Get more content on
  • 16. Narrative Essay About Stress Stress is something that everyone will have to deal with in their lifetime and, for the most part, is not avoidable. It's something that usually won't happen to you when you are younger but, that depends on your situation growing up e.g. abuse, divorce, drug use etc. For the most part stress is not something a kid should worry about and, is usually something that comes with age which, in my case and most people, is what happened to me. My stress usually isn't the product of not doing work on time or something else mundane that could be easily fixed mine is something a little more scarier than that but I've learned to cope with it. It all started about three years ago in 2014. During this time I was completely healthy and never really had any bad health complications up to that point. I began to experience heart pain but i had no clue why this, of course, prompted a lot of stress but it was something that i would live through for about another half a year. I had realized a pattern with the heart pain, that it would only show when i would consume caffeine. This heart pain and stress from it would hit a climax about eight months after the pain started. I had experienced pain like no other, I genuinely thought that i was going to have a heart attack that day but, i was able to calm myself down with some breathing techniques. This made me and my parents very concerned and i would in the following days go to see a doctor. The doctor would tell me that i had a hypersensitivity Get more content on
  • 17. What is Stress? Essay Stress is something that affects many people each and every day. Life is full of hassles, deadlines, frustrations, and demands. For some people stress is so common it is a way of life. Stress can be very harmful and or helpful. It could help motivate you to meet a deadline and perform a task under pressure. Stress can also be very harmful, such as memory problems, moodiness, aches and pains, and eating more or less. So what is stress? Stress is a normal physical response that happens when you feel threatened or upset. When you feel that you are in danger whether it is real or imaged. Your body has a response when stress occurs and it is a way of actually protecting you. Many times, stress helps people stay more focussed and more content... Stress can affect the mind, body, and behavior. These affects could cause your relationships with others can be affected with your girlfriend, parents, or anyone else who is significant in your life. Stress has many different symptoms the most often and most common is having a headache. On your body the effects of stress are muscle tension or pain, chest pain, and fatigue. The effects of stress on your mood is anxiety, restlessness, and lack of motivation or focus. Finally, the effects of stress on your behavior is overeating or under eating, drug or alcohol abuse, and social withdraw. Since anyone at any age can be stressed there is no certain population that is effected the most. I would say that teenagers get stressed easily due to school, spots and or jobs. The thing that stresses most high school student out is picking and choosing what they are going to do after high school and what college they will be going to if any. People a little bit older after college could be stressed by trying to find a job or trying to find or support a family. Older people could be stressed if they are running out of money but besides that older people are probably the least stressful people in are population. Stress is not only affected in the work place and at home, it is also affected during sports. There is a ton of pressure in many high school sports especially individual sports. Stress is the body's way of Get more content on
  • 18. Essay on Stress: Causes And Effects Stress: Causes and Effects Stress is an ongoing dilemma that occurs in each and everyone's life. It is a factor that is undoubtedly a part of daily living. Due to the trivial problems that occur in people's daily lives massive amounts of stress can arise. People perceive and manage stress in many different ways. The causes and effects of stress are numerous and one's ability to manage stress is vital in maintaining healthy living. First, stress is defined as an unpleasant state of emotional and physiological arousal that people experience in situations that they perceive as dangerous or threatening to their well being (Patel, 14). Stress is a universal feeling to everyone but the word stress means different things more content... Stress affects the body in many different ways. Many doctors estimate that stress is involved in more than half of all illnesses (Sapolsky, 21). Stress may cause or prolong an illness or increase its severity. Epinephrine and norepinephrine are hormones that are released during a stress reaction that affect organs throughout the body. As a result from the hormones being secreted, the heart begins to beat more rapidly, muscle tension increases, blood pressure raises, and heavy breathing may occur. This reaction is known as the fight–or–flight response. The fight–or–flight response energizes the body to either confront or flee from a threat. Heredity, learning, and injuries all play a role in determining where or when a stress related illness may occur in a particular individual (Sapolsky, 22). Stress has been linked to many diseases or malady conditions. Stress hormones that act on the heart, blood vessels, and lungs may contribute to heart disease, high blood pressure, and asthma (Feldman, 17). Diseases of the stomach and intestines are often associated to stress because blood leaves these organs and moves to muscles used in running and fighting. Another difficulty is the prolonging increase of blood sugar can influence the development of diabetes. Stress also appears to influence the development of cancer. Chronic stress can also interfere with the body's immune system directly through hormonal changes. Glucocorticoids–a hormone Get more content on
  • 19. stress and how it affects the body Essays Taylor Diehl Mr. David Schultz Speech 1010 16 September 2014 Stress and what causes it Stress is a very common everyday thing. People have stress so much that most of the time they don't even know how much it's affecting them. Stress can really affect your body, mind, and behavior. It is a normal response to situations that make you feel upset or threatened in a way. Stress is the body's way of change. The change can either be good or bad. Stress affects your health without you even realizing it. Constant headaches or trouble sleeping would be something stress causes often. This can get bad enough which leads to serious health problems such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Stress effects your body with things like more content... Stress can get bad enough to where it starts to affect your body system. Things like depression, heart attacks, diseases, rashes and a low immune system can all occur to people dealing with stress bad enough. The number of common signs and symptoms is outrageous and is depressing to see that there are so many people dealing with this and how it's such a common thing in this world. On, they talk about the different body systems and how they're affected. The nervous, musculoskeletal, respiratory, cardiovascular, endocrine, gastro and reproductive systems are all affected in some way and in many ways to say the least. If your stress ever gets so bad, I consider seeing a doctor or specialist seeing how dangerous this can get. There are four different kinds of stress warnings; Cognitive, Emotional, Physical, and Behavioral symptoms. These all range from moodiness, depression, worrying, aches/pains, and nervous habits. This can all be caused by other medical problems too so make sure you go get checked to find out what's causing it fully. People can deal with stress like its apart of their life and some can't deal at all. The way certain people handle stress can depend on your outlook on life or the decisions you make. Mostly if you have a lot to do or a lot of responsibly, your body has its emergency stress response on most of the time. Long term stress leads to depression over anything though. Overall, stress affects everyone in different Get more content on
  • 20. Stress Management Essay Stress Stress is normal. It happens to everyone, and affects everyone differently. It is a feeling of being overwhelmed for handling things you aren't used to. Stress is also known as a response or something that changes in the body caused by emotions, social, physical, or economical issues which can cause tension mentally and physically. It can be caused by external or internal situations. What's known as the "fight or flight" response, is initiated when an individual becomes stressed. It is the complex response of the neurologic and endocrinologic systems. Stress management includes pharmacological and nonpharmacological elements, and was found to be an effective treatment method for treating stress. All stress isn't bad, there more content... You also shouldn't judge yourself too harshly. Don't try so hard to be perfect, people are not meant to be that way. By managing your stress, you can avoid becoming burned out and affecting people around you. Remember to NEVER take your stress out on the residents. No matter how bad your situation is, personal matters cannot affect your job. Stress can also be from caregiving. Being a caregiver can be an amazing experience, but also challenging. Women are more at risk for heart diseases and harmful effects from stress involving health than men are. These effects stress can cause could lead to many different medical conditions including psychological conditions like anxiety and depression. Families who have had to take care of their elders have been reported to having higher levels of stress rather than people who don't. As people who will be taking care of these residents' families, we need to keep in mind that it may not be easy for them. We may be stressed out about something not concerning a resident, and the family may take your actions to heart. If you bring your personal problems to work, this could lead to neglect and upset the family. The effects of stress are not only overwhelming for us, as the caregivers, but also the residents. The elders may have poorly controlled diabetes, high blood pressure, slow healing, uncomfortable bowel movements, and Get more content on