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Russian Revolution Research Paper
The Russian Revolution of 1917 was a turning point in the direction for Russia for several reasons. Economics, culture, government, and international
relations/position all shaped and were shaped by these events. The Soviet Union was one built in response to human agency and conditions as well as
on the ideology of men like Lenin and Stalin. Though the Bolsheviks struggled to establish pure socialism, they faced many hardships and setbacks and
eventually settled on a sort of hybrid Marxism. All the changes, resulting from ideology and condition, would drastically affect the Russian people and
the Russian condition.
Ideology played a significant role in the Russian Revolution, the Russian civil war and the post–civil war era of the 1920's. more content...
Despite the Bolshevik's attempt at abolishing all marks of a capitalist state such as wealth–based classes, some still, perhaps inevitably, persisted (129).
A class system is a marking point for a capitalist society. Those who have little are at the bottom and those who have much at the top. This type of
system has "no place in the idealized model of socialism" (129). Nonetheless, the Bolsheviks had to deal with the formation of new social groups and
classes (129–130). Rations based on position and class were also evidence of the impact of this issue (80). So, despite private property being done
away with, a hierarchy still existed. Its pieces simply came to be defined by a different standard. Women began to enjoy some new rights. Equal legal
status, right to abortion (Russia being the first country to legalize the practice), right to divorce, opportunity for employment, rise in education and so
on (137, 138, 140). However, few women actually reaped the majority of these benefits (138). Despite the turbulence of the years from the Revolution
through the 1920s, there was still an enduring sense of nationalism that persisted (109). This was particularly true among the youth of Russia (113).
These young people faced a slew of hardships that broke their spirit and caused them to move somewhat away from strict Marxist ideas and more
toward semi traditional practices, but
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1917 Russian Revolution Research Paper
In 1917, the beginning of the Revolution, Russia was led by Czar Nicholas II. The people were not happy with the way Nicholas was leading the
country. The economy had spiraled downward and the Russians had more casualties from World War I than they had had in any other war. This made
the people upset, so they decided that they wanted to overthrow their leader.
In March of 1917, protesters went to the capital of Russia, Petrograd (now called St. Petersburg), asking for bread. While they were there they met up
with industrial workers who were on strike and supported their cause. Eventually, the Petrograd army garrison was called to stop the protesting, but
when they got there they couldn't because there were too many people. On March 11, Czar
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The Russian Revolution Essay
The Russian Revolution
Here are some of the causes of the Russian Revolution in March 1917:
~Failures in the War
~The mutiny in the Army
~The Tsarina and Rasputin
~Food Shortages
In 1904 The Tsar of Russia (Nicholas II) embarked on a war with Japan, hoping for a quick and glorious victory that would unite the country, decrease
support for the Tsar's opponents and gain control over Korea and Manchuria. Unfortunately for the Tsar, the Japanese were well prepared, both
industrially and military. The Japanese crushed the Russian army and destroyed most of it's fleet. Damaged both militarily and industrially,Russia had
to sign a peace treaty. In 1905 the Tsar crushed the attempted revolution more content...
The other reason was transporting the crop once it was harvested. ` The USA could fit into Russia two and a half times and over and Britain nearly
100 times`4, the problem with transportation was that the railroads were very often the only way to transport large amounts of goods as Russia's
conditions often made roads impassable. `By 1900 Russia had only as many miles of track as Britain`5 and Britain was 100 times smaller. This
meant that there were very large delays of delivering food and most of it rotted before even reaching town. The only way of transporting goods
from the industrial West to the unfarmable East was the Trans Siberian Express, which took more than a week to complete its journey from
Moscow to Vladivostok. During the WWI (which started in 1914), Food Shortages increased greatly because more strikes begun demanding an
end to the war. Strikes of course caused food shortages as peasants began striking and not producing any food. Also more soldiers were needed to
join the army and so the factory workers were taken to fight and peasants left the countryside to seek better jobs in factories so fewer farmers were
left to grow food. Another very important reason that caused an increase in food shortage was that ` the Russian railway system was being used to
carry supplies to the war front and so trains carrying food to the cities had been reduced`1so
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Why Was The Russian Revolution Successful
The revolution in Russia was successful because they replaced their old government with a new communist nation. Karl Marx never had envisioned
this for Russia. The Bolshevik's goal was to destroy Russia's social system and replace it with a more superior one. This shows that the revolution was
truly a success and not only impacted Russia, but other countries around the world as well.
The Russian revolution occurred in 1917 During the end of World War I. The revolution started when the people were sick of food shortages and
started storming the streets of St. Petersburg. Before the Russian Revolution, Russia was ruled by Nicholas II and the monarchy was becoming
weaker. Nicholas II should not have gone to war in 1914; now in1917 the war is more content...
He believed that these countries that used capitalism would fall first. Marx was not in favor of capitalism and felt that it would eventually turn into
what would later be socialism when the working class overthrows the bourgeoisie. By this Marx explains that the Bourgeoisie's aspiration to make
money and succeed, would eventually out rule feudalism, causing capitalism to happen. He saw capitalism as being a conflict and he makes it obvious
that he envisioned that the problems associated with it would turn into the working class overthrowing the upper class.
Marx had never envisioned Russia to become a communist nation. He didn't believe that the Russian proletariant was ready for a revolution. He talks
about the happenings of social revolutions but not political revolutions. He didn't think of Russian as being grown and advanced as Capitalism in other
places such as Europe. During this time Russia was not as industrialized as other countries, and being more agricultural than industrial, Marx never saw
Russia as becoming communist. He only envisioned these working class revolutions for the more advanced capitalistic nations, which Russia was not
at the time. Marx believed that with time political systems would progress and all turn into communism when trying to solve
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What Led Up To The 1917 Russian Revolution
Russian Revolution Essay.
Throughout history there have been many revolutions between the population of a country and its government. People always want change, usually in
the directions of freedom, peace and equality and in the lead up to the 1917 Russian revolution; there were a variety of social, political and economic
situations that all played their part.
In the years leading up to the revolution, Russia had been involved in a series of wars. The Crimean war, The Russo–Turkish war, The Russo–Japanese
war and the First World War. Russia had been defeated in all except the war with Turkey and its government and economy had the scars to prove it. A
severe lack of food and poor living conditions amongst the peasant population more content...
Petersburg was submitted to Nicholas II. A large group had formed in front of his palace and claimed that they would let themselves be shot if the
demands of the people were not met, saying, "We do not regret this sacrifice, we are glad to make it." Among the demands were: The immediate
release of all who have suffered for religious, political, and peasant disorders. Universal education financed by the state. Equality for everyone. The
separation of church and state. Immediate freedom for consumers and trade unions. And the introduction of a minimum wage. It was the large number
of these groups and the constant in–fighting amongst them that caused their strikes and protests to overthrow the Tsar to fail.
The Tsar and his elite began to understand that change was required before they lost complete control. By signing the October manifesto in 1905
Tsar Nicolas II turned Russia into a constitutional monarchy, gave its citizens civil rights and gave the Duma, Russia's parliament legislative power.
It wasn't long before the 1905 revolution had died down, when Nicholas II disbanded the Duma and violated many of the civil liberties promises in
the October manifesto. As a result of the Tsar reneging on his promises, by 1917 another revolution had begun, not only to highlight the lack food and
civil rights as in the 1905 revolution but also from the violations of the October manifesto. In March of 1917 workers in Petrograd went on strike.
Unlike the protests of 1905, the
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The Russian Revolution Of 1917
The Russian Revolution of 1917 set the country on a course that few other countries took in the 20th century. The shift from the direction of a
democratic, parliamentary–style government to a one party communist rule was a drastic change that many did not and could not predict. Looking back
on this key moment in Russian history, many historians ask the question 'why did the political power in Russia shift to the Bolsheviks'? Since the
revolution in 1905 Russia was becoming progressively more democratic, distributing power throughout the political sphere. This came to an abrupt halt
when Vladimir Lenin was put into power by the Bolshevik takeover of the Provisional Government. Many authors have had different takes on this
event. Two particularly interesting ones were Arthur Mendel and John D. Basil. Their pieces On Interpreting the Fate of Imperial Russia and Russia
and the Bolshevik Revolution give various perspectives on the Russian Revolution and attempt to answer the question of the power shift. This key
point in Russia's history sets the tone for the next 100 years. Russia became a superpower, an enemy of the United States, started multiple wars
directly and indirectly, and started using an economic system used by various countries around the world. Today we still see the effects of the 1917
Revolution. Looking at both Mendel's and Basil's attempt to answer why the power shifted to the Bolsheviks. Since both historian 's account of the
events is different they cannot
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Essay on The Russian Revolution in March 1917
The Russian Revolution in March 1917 There where many reasons that led to the fall of tsarism in march 1917. One of them was tsars' incompetence
and the fact that he was incapable of finding effective ministers, or of supporting those he appointed. He listened not to the Duma's advises but to his
wife, friends and favorites. One friend was particularly disliked, the unsavory Rasputin. His name was Gregory Efimovitch but most people called
him Rasputin, "the immortal one", a Siberian peasant who claimed to be a Starets, a holy man of God. He was a wonderer whose uncouth appearance
and outrageous behavior upset St. Petersburg society. Claiming mysterious powers of prophesy and healing, more content...
From the start of Nicholas reign she encouraged Nicholas to rule as an autocrat and to ignore new ideas about sharing power with people. In 1915
Nicholas went to military headquarters to take command leaving the Empress in charge. Alexandra was able to do more or less what she wanted. She
used her power to dismiss ministers who displeased her and replace them with men whom she, and Rasputin, favoured. With ministers coming and
going the work of the government ground to a halt. Nicholas relied on information about the situation in the capital from his wife. She often did not tell
him the truth and made out that everything was fine. Even the closest supporters of the Tsar were in despair. (2)Short–term and long–term causes
contributed to the revolution. Mutiny in the army, food shortages and discontent among the people, witch led to strikes were some of them. Mutiny in
the army and food shortages were short–term causes of the revolution in 1917 but discontent among the people were long terms building up long ago,
even from the start of Nicolas II, regime. First of all there were 170 000 garrisoned soldiers sullenly awaiting the call to the front. More often the
Russians had to retreat, with immense losses of men and weapons. Lice, dirt, frost, mud, starvation, shortages and lack of medical care made things
worse. The army had always
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Russian Revolution After World War I Essay
For many revolutions people may argue different reasons why that particular revolution was caused, but there often one that is the primary cause. The
Russian Revolution began February 1917, many people in Russia lost faith in their government, especially since they had not done so well to begin
with when they participated in World War I. Which resulted in a lot of expenses. Others may argue that since Tsar was an unproductive leader and
because of the decisions he made when he was in power that influenced the Russian Revolution. Although Tsar's weak leadership may have influenced
the Russian Revolution, World War I was the main cause of the Russian Revolution because it destroyed the economy, which led to riots and many more content...
Russia struggled to provide food for its populations. Citizens took control into their own hands, Ludovic Naudeau wrote in October 1917, "One
morning recently I was awakened by the cries of my neighbor in the next room. His boots had been stolen. The same day the manager of a
newspaper office told me that he had been robbed six of pairs of pantaloons, ... "Four hundred thefts every night!" he cried; that is the average for
the last two weeks,"(One Aspect of Bolshevist Liberty). Russia could not even uphold itself because the economy was not successful compared to
other countries. This led people to desire a change in the government; therefore this led to the Russian Revolution. People went to different maters to
get what they wanted such as stealing since they were not getting the aid that they needed and they needed financial support. This caused them to
protest against their government because many people from the lower class could not take care of their families. This cause led to a greater impact
compared to Tsarist weak authority. Some may argue Tsar Nicholas weak leadership help contributes to the Russian Revolution but World War I was
be the primary cause. Tsar Nicholas was not the best leader but that did not have a big enough impact to cause the Russia Revolution because his
actions did not lead to as many problems that World War I had caused. World War I had a greater impact because it led to many problems within
Russia that caused the citizens to be furious.
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Causes of the Russian Revolution Essay
Causes of the Russian Revolution Consider the following causes of the October 1917 Russian Revolution:
Poor Living and Working Conditions
Effects of the First World War
The Appeal of Lenin and the Bolsheviks
The Limitations of the 1917 Provisional Government
Was any one of these causes more important than the others to the Bolsheviks' seizure of power in 1917? Explain your answer.
A1. When the Bolsheviks seized power in the October Russian Revolution, the country was in complete turmoil. Every one was unhappy about
something and things weren't going so well for the Royal family and the aristocracy. The ongoing First World War withRussia was despised by the
army, more content...
The First World War was a terrible blow to Russia. Even before the war everyone knew that Russia was not ready and the majority had the
perception that Russia was forced into a war with Germany because of Serbia. When the war started, it was greeted with some enthusiasm but it soon
became clear that the Russian industry was too far behind the standards of the time and could not cope with an expensive war. The army was not well
supported or equipped to fight the more advance German forces and was often short of rifles and ammo. The final blow came after an all–out failed
offensive in July 1917 when, because of two arrogant officers and their personal dislike for each other, half a million Russian soldiers were
slaughtered by about 200,000 German ones. This was one of the events that the Bolsheviks promoted and it added immensely to their support.
Lenin, real name Vladimir Illich Ulyanov was a very gifted public speaker and was exceptional good at arousing crowds and lifting spirits. He was
able to speak what the man on the street feared to say and that's probably why he was driven into exile by the Czar. When the Germans secretly let
him enter Russia through Siberia in the hope that the move will help them win the war, he and the rest of the Bolsheviks got a lot of support
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World History: The Russian Revolution
Anyone who has studied world history has heard of the Russian Revolution. The Russian Revolution was very important because it lead to a new era
in Russia that impacted countries all over the world. It consisted of two revolutions which allowed for Lenin and the Bolsheviks to come to power.
These revolutions occurred in the Russian Empire on March 8, 1917, and November 7, 1917. There were many problems in Russia at that time, which
may have sparked these uprisings. Tsar Nicholas II, who was part of the Romanov dynasty that ruled Russia, failed to solve its basic political and
economic problems after Bloody Sunday in 1905. He also continued fighting in WWI, which was very hard on Russia because they were already
suffering from the effects of
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Essay on Russian Revolution
During the 1900's the Russian Government made it extremely hard for the Bolsheviks to progress which made them revolt against the government
making this a prime matter for the start of the Revolution. The Czarist government was ostracized by the common people of Russia so Tsar Nicholas
II was overthrown by the Provisional Government, whom later on were overthrown by Lenin and shortly after the Bolsheviks took control over Russia.
Russia was hard to develop because of the major leaders who had control; Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky. Almost overnight an entire society was destroyed and
replaced with one of the most radical social experiments ever seen. Poverty, crime, privileged and class–divisions were to be eliminated, a new era of more content...
The privileged nobles, who possessed land and serfs, supported his autocratic rule. The main theme of the Russian history in the 19th century is that the
non–nobles who detested the Czarist government asked for an improvement in their disconsolate and deprived life. When the Czarist government
ignored this matter they revolted for the first time in 1905 and than for the second time in 1917 by which the Czarist government was finally
overthrown. Hungry strikers on March 8, 1917 mobbed the streets of Petrograd, their demand was bread. In order to appease the misery of his people
Czar Nicholas II resigned his throne to his brother, Michael. His brother knew that everyone hated Czardom so he rejected the throne on March 15.
The Provisional Government than took over and Czardom after ruling Russia for three centuries came to an end.
Provisional Government vs. Bolshevik Party It appeared that Russia was finally headed to the right path when Czar Nicholas II relinquished his thrown
in March of 1917. The provisional government who took control tried to create a western style society. Nevertheless, this government led by Alexander
Kerensky lasted for only seven months, by which at the end Lenin and the communist Bolsheviks seized power over Russia. When the peasants
claimed land from the government the government refused which made the Bolsheviks extremely mad making them riot against the government. The
Provisional Government lost to the
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The Russian revolution of 1905 was a wave of mass political and social unrest that spread through vast areas of the Russian empire. Most of the
Russian population were agriculturalist with impoverished and highly taxed peasants. Dominance of aristocrats and clergy was there in government.
Industries were being set up which was mostly private property of industrialist. Workers in cities lived in overcrowded apartments and poor conditions.
Ideas of enlightment like democracy, rights of individual and accountable government. It was spread from Western Europe toRussia in 19th century.
Romanovs were absolute monarchs since 17th century. In 1894 tsar Nicholas was influenced by Rasputin a mystic. Karl Marx gave the theory of
communism. He said workers as proletariat which means they should only rule. Vladimir changed the theory he said some of the proletariat should
stand further and prefer dictatorship. more content...
This is also a negative effect because communism replaces czarist rule. After the revolution, Lenin created free education throughout Russia. Children
learned communist ideas but they were still educated about the world. Another positive effect was that Lenin made the eight hour working day, which
greatly improved working condition.
The negative effect was that the Russian revolution had many positive effects on Russia, but it also had many negative effects on the world. One
negative effect was the spread of communism around the world that was the reason for world war11. Another negative effect was that 15 million
people die after the Bolsheviks and anti– Bolsheviks sweep Russia. After the revolution, people's freedom was lost and people couldn't read and
write, or say whatever they want. People were also not allowed to celebrate religion as religious leaders were murdered and church were
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Research Paper On Russian Revolution
The Russian Revolution is the collective term for a pair of revolutions in Russia in 1917, which dismantled the Tsarist autocracy and led to the
eventual rise of the Soviet Union. The Russian Empire collapsed with the abdication of Emperor Nicholas II, and the old regime was replaced by a
provisional government during the first revolution of February 1917 (March in the Gregorian calendar; the older Julian calendar was in use in Russia at
the time). In the second revolution that October, the Provisional Government was removed and replaced with a Bolshevik (Communist) government.
The February Revolution (March 1917) was a revolution focused around Petrograd (now Saint Petersburg), then capital of Russia. In the chaos,
members of the Imperial parliament or Duma assumed control of the country, forming the more content...
During this chaotic period there were frequent mutinies, protests and many strikes. When the Provisional Government chose to continue fighting the
war with Germany, the Bolsheviks and other socialist factions campaigned for stopping the conflict. The Bolsheviks turned workers militias under their
control into the Red Guards (later the Red Army) over which they exerted substantial control.[1]
In the October Revolution (November in the Gregorian calendar), the Bolshevik party, led by Vladimir Lenin, and the workers' Soviets overthrew the
Provisional Government in Petrograd and established the Russian SFSR, eventually shifting the capital to Moscow in 1918. The Bolsheviks appointed
themselves as leaders of various government ministries and seized control of the countryside, establishing the Cheka to quash dissent. To end Russia's
participation in the First World War, the Bolshevik leaders signed the Treaty of Brest
–Litovsk with Germany in March
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Russian Revolution Research Paper
917 were hard and trying times for Russians all over the country. Russia had a horrible leader consequently when they needed a good one, with the war
in progress etc. Times were changing, for the better and they needed a suitable person for the occasion. But they were stuck With Tsar Nicholas II. Its
only reasonable to say that if they didn't have a rather pathetic Emperor then people wouldn't have wanted to change, meaning they wouldn't of
revolutionized their country, themselves, the government and their attitudes. People evolve.
When the people evolved that caused two main Revolutions to sweep throughout the country...that included the February revolution and the Bolshevik
The course of the Russian revolution in 1917 was because more content...
Their bad living conditions included: unfair distribution of wealth, inflation and starvation.
TNII also enforced " change" due to his Orthodox Jew beliefs. This " change" included Russification a form of an assimulation process during which
non Russian communities, voluntarily or not, give up their culture and language in favor of the Russian one. This was devastating to those who were
stripped of their culture and removed from their Faith.
Bloody Sunday was an extreme and rather platitudinous attack on the Russian people, once again displayingTNII's affections for Russia. It was a
vicious shooting using 1A1SLR riffles. Most victim's were shot whilst fleeing in fear from the soldiers or trying to help the injured. Things were
becoming mor wretched.
The Russian autocracy was unreasonable to the people, they had a really ludicrous leader. They had to follow a system of government in which a
supreme power ( TNII) is concentrated in the hands of one person, who's decisions are subject to neither external legal restraints nor regulized
mechanisms of popular
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HMS 301
Section C
Instructor: Dr. Georges MassГ©
Name: Hadi Hamieh
ID number: 12130313
What is a revolution?
A revolution is a complete radical and pervasive change in the structure of the economy and social structure. And it is mainly due to poverty, starving
society, technology, and communication.
Russian revolution:
The tsar Nicholas II ruled Russia. Russia entered the World War I, under the leader Nicholas II. Russian involvement in the war compounded by
problems and corruption and weak economy reduced the desperate straits. The Russian citizens were threatened because of the shortage of fuel and
The Russian revolution took place in 1917 and it is a two in one revolution. One more content...
The Russian Revolution widely spread Karl Marx's economic idea of communism. As we know now, communism has not worked out in history but in
the 1900's it was a very popular idea. The Russian Revolution had many outcomes that were good and bad. The main positive effects are that the czarist
rule comes to an end and gives workers and peasants the right to interfere in the Russian society. Moreover, after the revolution, Lenin created free
education throughout Russia. Another positive effect was that Lenin made the eight–hour working day, which greatly improved working conditions.
On the other hand, there are some negative effects resulting from the Russian revolution for sure such as the spread of communism around the world
that was the reason for World War II. Another negative effect was that 15 million people die after the Bolsheviks and anti
–Bolsheviks sweep Russia.
After the revolution, people's freedom was lost and people couldn't read, write, or say whatever they want. People were also not allowed to celebrate
religion as religious leaders were murdered and churches were destroyed.
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Causes And Effects Of The Russian Revolution
Monaco Pollock
Ms. Correa
English II Pre–AP Period 1
14 December 2016
Research Essay – Russian Revolution
According to, "A revolution is an overthrow or repudiation and the thorough replacement of an established government or political
system by the people governed" ( Staff). During the Russian Revolution, many of the citizens were left to starve and were controlled
by a corrupt government due to the poor leadership of Czar Nicholas II.The people of Russia were greatly affected by the Revolution by this because
it changed their everyday lives forever. Poor leadership, scarcity of food, and corrupt governing can cause riots, rebellion and death to the citizens of
Russia. The Russian Revolution left a lasting effect on Europe and its people by executing them and leaving them to starve because of the defective
government and leadership that Russia possessed.
The Russian Revolution left behind a long effect on Europe by Russian citizens losing faith in the leadership of Czar Nicholas II because of the
corruption that occurred to the Russian government. According to, "By 1917, most Russians had lost faith in the leadership ability of
Czar Nicholas II. Government corruption was rampant, the Russian economy remained backward, and Nicholas repeatedly dissolved the Duma, the
Russian parliament established after the 1905 revolution, when it opposed his will" ( Staff).Russia suffered a great deal in terms of their
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Essay On The 1905 Russian Revolution
Zachary Shooshani
Profesor Kakounis Ph.D
Global History I
31 October 2017
1905 Russian Revolution
The Russians had protested against a corrupt government and their unfair laws. There were many different causes, events, effects, and compromises
that happened. The Russians had fought long and hard to be able to get where they are today and get a fair and just system of government. The people
involved in the Revolution was, Alexander I, Alexander II, Alexander III, Soviet, Nicholas ll, USSR, Bolshevik Party, Lenin, Social Democrats,
Communist Party, Social Revolutionaries, Leon Trotsky, and Joseph Stalin. The Russians had rebelled against government disruption and were looking
for freedom and democracy. In the beginning of the Revolution, more content...
During the conflict of the "1905 Russian Revolution," there were many/various events happening during 1905. The first one being the Bloody Sunday
in St Petersburg, 22 January 1905, an event where Russian protesters against the government corruption, had been separated due to brute force from the
Russian troops. The next, was when Nicholas II, had tried to build a constitutional monarchy, then during 1917 in the Russian Revolution, they had
overthrown this type of government, and then they had put revolutionaries or Bolsheviks in control of the country of Russia. After this, on November
2nd, 1906, there was another topic called " Trotsky exiled to Siberia," wherein this topic, several members from the Soviet of "St. Petersburg," had
been arrest due to the current revolution. These people had been struggling and persevering in prison for months, and they haven 't even received a
trial. Later on continuing onto the year of 1906, these atlantes was finally a trial. The trial had been called "Charges of armed insurrection," in which
this trial
I would believe that there is an assortment of effects, in the aftermath of the 1905 Russian Revolution. First of all, The country had been paralyzed
from the October 's general strike in 1905, later on leading to January 22nd, 1905. Identically, when there was a corrupted government, the people who
protested had been sent to jail, later of leading to the Bloody Sunday and after
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Why Were There Two Revolutions In Russia In 1917
"Why were there two revolutions in Russia in 1917? Why did the Provisional Government exist for mere months, yet the Bolsheviks had consolidated
their authority in the country by Lenin's death in 1924?"
Between February and October in 1917, two revolutions occurred due to the Governments failing to fulfill the needs of the Russian people. With the
Tsar in power during Bloody Sunday that formed riots and Government unrest and also the Russo–Japanese War and World War One that left the
Russian people humiliated and in disarray. The reign of the Provisional Government was short due to failures to provide land and food to the peasants
and also the failure to pull Russia out of World War One caused chaos throughout Russia once more. The rise more content...
The Government corruption was immense, the Russian economy was backwards, the Tsar repeatedly crumbled the Dumas, Russia's involvement in
Russo–Japanese war and World War One was disastrous, the fact that he ignored the requests of the people, and he had no support of the military, it left
him no other choice to abdicate from power.
With the collapse of the Tsar's Government in March 1917, the members of the Duma set up the Provisional Government, led by Alexander Kerensky.
The Provisional Government had one disadvantage, it's leaders, who were all associated with the middle class and were not seen as having anything in
common with the working class, therefore it made the Provisional Government's job of representing the working class a whole lot harder. There were
many main reasons why the Provisional Government only existed for mere months, with a large majority of those reasons being that their decisions
were greatly unpopular among the Russian people. A major blunder by the Provisional Government that greatly affected their existence was the refusal
of land reforms, this seemed to back up the point that the Provisional Government did not understand the desires of the poor and didn't take into
account their living conditions. Another factor that lead to the removal of the Provisional Government was the fact
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The Causes of the Russian Revolution in March 1917
There were many causes to explain the outbreak of the Russian Revolution in March 1917. Some of these can be defined as long term causes as their
origin goes way back to pre–revolutionary times. Others are short–term reasons or even immediate effects, which act as the last spark, to bring the
tense situation out of control. In this essay I will be looking at some of these long and short–term causes in more detail.
The long term causes lead back to the time between the end of the 1905 revolution and the beginning of the war. What they are can be summarized as
the economic, social and political problems within Russia. Economic causes more content...
It had major effects on the way people in Russia were thinking. The war was a very manipulating factor. If things went well, the atmosphere was good
and support for the Tsar high. However when the Russians were loosing people's anger against the Tsar arose. Unfortunately, after the first strike of
enthusiasm, the Russians went through one defeat after another. The backward economic condition of the country made it unable to sustain the war
effort against powerful, industrialized Germany. This was partly due to the fact that Russian industry lacked the required equipment to arm some 15
million men who were sent into war.
Back at home people were facing problems too. Many peasants were sent into the war. Accordingly there was a lack of farm workers causing
serious food shortages. In addition the railway system was used to supply the army at the front with essential goods and could therefore not send
enough food into the cities. Owing to the lack of food prices went sky high and even a piece of bread became unaffordable for many workers. To
make matters worse many factories closed down resulting high unemployment. The workers who kept their job were asked to work longer hours for
lower wages. Due to the war working conditions were worse than ever and the moral of many people was very low. It seemed as though the longer
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Russian Revolution Research Paper

  • 1. Russian Revolution Research Paper The Russian Revolution of 1917 was a turning point in the direction for Russia for several reasons. Economics, culture, government, and international relations/position all shaped and were shaped by these events. The Soviet Union was one built in response to human agency and conditions as well as on the ideology of men like Lenin and Stalin. Though the Bolsheviks struggled to establish pure socialism, they faced many hardships and setbacks and eventually settled on a sort of hybrid Marxism. All the changes, resulting from ideology and condition, would drastically affect the Russian people and the Russian condition. Ideology played a significant role in the Russian Revolution, the Russian civil war and the post–civil war era of the 1920's. more content... Despite the Bolshevik's attempt at abolishing all marks of a capitalist state such as wealth–based classes, some still, perhaps inevitably, persisted (129). A class system is a marking point for a capitalist society. Those who have little are at the bottom and those who have much at the top. This type of system has "no place in the idealized model of socialism" (129). Nonetheless, the Bolsheviks had to deal with the formation of new social groups and classes (129–130). Rations based on position and class were also evidence of the impact of this issue (80). So, despite private property being done away with, a hierarchy still existed. Its pieces simply came to be defined by a different standard. Women began to enjoy some new rights. Equal legal status, right to abortion (Russia being the first country to legalize the practice), right to divorce, opportunity for employment, rise in education and so on (137, 138, 140). However, few women actually reaped the majority of these benefits (138). Despite the turbulence of the years from the Revolution through the 1920s, there was still an enduring sense of nationalism that persisted (109). This was particularly true among the youth of Russia (113). These young people faced a slew of hardships that broke their spirit and caused them to move somewhat away from strict Marxist ideas and more toward semi traditional practices, but Get more content on
  • 2. 1917 Russian Revolution Research Paper In 1917, the beginning of the Revolution, Russia was led by Czar Nicholas II. The people were not happy with the way Nicholas was leading the country. The economy had spiraled downward and the Russians had more casualties from World War I than they had had in any other war. This made the people upset, so they decided that they wanted to overthrow their leader. In March of 1917, protesters went to the capital of Russia, Petrograd (now called St. Petersburg), asking for bread. While they were there they met up with industrial workers who were on strike and supported their cause. Eventually, the Petrograd army garrison was called to stop the protesting, but when they got there they couldn't because there were too many people. On March 11, Czar Get more content on
  • 3. The Russian Revolution Essay The Russian Revolution Here are some of the causes of the Russian Revolution in March 1917: ~Failures in the War ~The mutiny in the Army ~The Tsarina and Rasputin ~Food Shortages ~Strikes PREFACE: In 1904 The Tsar of Russia (Nicholas II) embarked on a war with Japan, hoping for a quick and glorious victory that would unite the country, decrease support for the Tsar's opponents and gain control over Korea and Manchuria. Unfortunately for the Tsar, the Japanese were well prepared, both industrially and military. The Japanese crushed the Russian army and destroyed most of it's fleet. Damaged both militarily and industrially,Russia had to sign a peace treaty. In 1905 the Tsar crushed the attempted revolution more content... The other reason was transporting the crop once it was harvested. ` The USA could fit into Russia two and a half times and over and Britain nearly 100 times`4, the problem with transportation was that the railroads were very often the only way to transport large amounts of goods as Russia's conditions often made roads impassable. `By 1900 Russia had only as many miles of track as Britain`5 and Britain was 100 times smaller. This meant that there were very large delays of delivering food and most of it rotted before even reaching town. The only way of transporting goods from the industrial West to the unfarmable East was the Trans Siberian Express, which took more than a week to complete its journey from Moscow to Vladivostok. During the WWI (which started in 1914), Food Shortages increased greatly because more strikes begun demanding an end to the war. Strikes of course caused food shortages as peasants began striking and not producing any food. Also more soldiers were needed to join the army and so the factory workers were taken to fight and peasants left the countryside to seek better jobs in factories so fewer farmers were left to grow food. Another very important reason that caused an increase in food shortage was that ` the Russian railway system was being used to carry supplies to the war front and so trains carrying food to the cities had been reduced`1so
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  • 5. Why Was The Russian Revolution Successful The revolution in Russia was successful because they replaced their old government with a new communist nation. Karl Marx never had envisioned this for Russia. The Bolshevik's goal was to destroy Russia's social system and replace it with a more superior one. This shows that the revolution was truly a success and not only impacted Russia, but other countries around the world as well. The Russian revolution occurred in 1917 During the end of World War I. The revolution started when the people were sick of food shortages and started storming the streets of St. Petersburg. Before the Russian Revolution, Russia was ruled by Nicholas II and the monarchy was becoming weaker. Nicholas II should not have gone to war in 1914; now in1917 the war is more content... He believed that these countries that used capitalism would fall first. Marx was not in favor of capitalism and felt that it would eventually turn into what would later be socialism when the working class overthrows the bourgeoisie. By this Marx explains that the Bourgeoisie's aspiration to make money and succeed, would eventually out rule feudalism, causing capitalism to happen. He saw capitalism as being a conflict and he makes it obvious that he envisioned that the problems associated with it would turn into the working class overthrowing the upper class. Marx had never envisioned Russia to become a communist nation. He didn't believe that the Russian proletariant was ready for a revolution. He talks about the happenings of social revolutions but not political revolutions. He didn't think of Russian as being grown and advanced as Capitalism in other places such as Europe. During this time Russia was not as industrialized as other countries, and being more agricultural than industrial, Marx never saw Russia as becoming communist. He only envisioned these working class revolutions for the more advanced capitalistic nations, which Russia was not at the time. Marx believed that with time political systems would progress and all turn into communism when trying to solve Get more content on
  • 6. What Led Up To The 1917 Russian Revolution Russian Revolution Essay. Throughout history there have been many revolutions between the population of a country and its government. People always want change, usually in the directions of freedom, peace and equality and in the lead up to the 1917 Russian revolution; there were a variety of social, political and economic situations that all played their part. In the years leading up to the revolution, Russia had been involved in a series of wars. The Crimean war, The Russo–Turkish war, The Russo–Japanese war and the First World War. Russia had been defeated in all except the war with Turkey and its government and economy had the scars to prove it. A severe lack of food and poor living conditions amongst the peasant population more content... Petersburg was submitted to Nicholas II. A large group had formed in front of his palace and claimed that they would let themselves be shot if the demands of the people were not met, saying, "We do not regret this sacrifice, we are glad to make it." Among the demands were: The immediate release of all who have suffered for religious, political, and peasant disorders. Universal education financed by the state. Equality for everyone. The separation of church and state. Immediate freedom for consumers and trade unions. And the introduction of a minimum wage. It was the large number of these groups and the constant in–fighting amongst them that caused their strikes and protests to overthrow the Tsar to fail. The Tsar and his elite began to understand that change was required before they lost complete control. By signing the October manifesto in 1905 Tsar Nicolas II turned Russia into a constitutional monarchy, gave its citizens civil rights and gave the Duma, Russia's parliament legislative power. It wasn't long before the 1905 revolution had died down, when Nicholas II disbanded the Duma and violated many of the civil liberties promises in the October manifesto. As a result of the Tsar reneging on his promises, by 1917 another revolution had begun, not only to highlight the lack food and civil rights as in the 1905 revolution but also from the violations of the October manifesto. In March of 1917 workers in Petrograd went on strike. Unlike the protests of 1905, the Get more content on
  • 7. The Russian Revolution Of 1917 The Russian Revolution of 1917 set the country on a course that few other countries took in the 20th century. The shift from the direction of a democratic, parliamentary–style government to a one party communist rule was a drastic change that many did not and could not predict. Looking back on this key moment in Russian history, many historians ask the question 'why did the political power in Russia shift to the Bolsheviks'? Since the revolution in 1905 Russia was becoming progressively more democratic, distributing power throughout the political sphere. This came to an abrupt halt when Vladimir Lenin was put into power by the Bolshevik takeover of the Provisional Government. Many authors have had different takes on this event. Two particularly interesting ones were Arthur Mendel and John D. Basil. Their pieces On Interpreting the Fate of Imperial Russia and Russia and the Bolshevik Revolution give various perspectives on the Russian Revolution and attempt to answer the question of the power shift. This key point in Russia's history sets the tone for the next 100 years. Russia became a superpower, an enemy of the United States, started multiple wars directly and indirectly, and started using an economic system used by various countries around the world. Today we still see the effects of the 1917 Revolution. Looking at both Mendel's and Basil's attempt to answer why the power shifted to the Bolsheviks. Since both historian 's account of the events is different they cannot Get more content on
  • 8. Essay on The Russian Revolution in March 1917 The Russian Revolution in March 1917 There where many reasons that led to the fall of tsarism in march 1917. One of them was tsars' incompetence and the fact that he was incapable of finding effective ministers, or of supporting those he appointed. He listened not to the Duma's advises but to his wife, friends and favorites. One friend was particularly disliked, the unsavory Rasputin. His name was Gregory Efimovitch but most people called him Rasputin, "the immortal one", a Siberian peasant who claimed to be a Starets, a holy man of God. He was a wonderer whose uncouth appearance and outrageous behavior upset St. Petersburg society. Claiming mysterious powers of prophesy and healing, more content... From the start of Nicholas reign she encouraged Nicholas to rule as an autocrat and to ignore new ideas about sharing power with people. In 1915 Nicholas went to military headquarters to take command leaving the Empress in charge. Alexandra was able to do more or less what she wanted. She used her power to dismiss ministers who displeased her and replace them with men whom she, and Rasputin, favoured. With ministers coming and going the work of the government ground to a halt. Nicholas relied on information about the situation in the capital from his wife. She often did not tell him the truth and made out that everything was fine. Even the closest supporters of the Tsar were in despair. (2)Short–term and long–term causes contributed to the revolution. Mutiny in the army, food shortages and discontent among the people, witch led to strikes were some of them. Mutiny in the army and food shortages were short–term causes of the revolution in 1917 but discontent among the people were long terms building up long ago, even from the start of Nicolas II, regime. First of all there were 170 000 garrisoned soldiers sullenly awaiting the call to the front. More often the Russians had to retreat, with immense losses of men and weapons. Lice, dirt, frost, mud, starvation, shortages and lack of medical care made things worse. The army had always Get more content on
  • 9. Russian Revolution After World War I Essay For many revolutions people may argue different reasons why that particular revolution was caused, but there often one that is the primary cause. The Russian Revolution began February 1917, many people in Russia lost faith in their government, especially since they had not done so well to begin with when they participated in World War I. Which resulted in a lot of expenses. Others may argue that since Tsar was an unproductive leader and because of the decisions he made when he was in power that influenced the Russian Revolution. Although Tsar's weak leadership may have influenced the Russian Revolution, World War I was the main cause of the Russian Revolution because it destroyed the economy, which led to riots and many more content... Russia struggled to provide food for its populations. Citizens took control into their own hands, Ludovic Naudeau wrote in October 1917, "One morning recently I was awakened by the cries of my neighbor in the next room. His boots had been stolen. The same day the manager of a newspaper office told me that he had been robbed six of pairs of pantaloons, ... "Four hundred thefts every night!" he cried; that is the average for the last two weeks,"(One Aspect of Bolshevist Liberty). Russia could not even uphold itself because the economy was not successful compared to other countries. This led people to desire a change in the government; therefore this led to the Russian Revolution. People went to different maters to get what they wanted such as stealing since they were not getting the aid that they needed and they needed financial support. This caused them to protest against their government because many people from the lower class could not take care of their families. This cause led to a greater impact compared to Tsarist weak authority. Some may argue Tsar Nicholas weak leadership help contributes to the Russian Revolution but World War I was be the primary cause. Tsar Nicholas was not the best leader but that did not have a big enough impact to cause the Russia Revolution because his actions did not lead to as many problems that World War I had caused. World War I had a greater impact because it led to many problems within Russia that caused the citizens to be furious. Get more content on
  • 10. Causes of the Russian Revolution Essay Causes of the Russian Revolution Consider the following causes of the October 1917 Russian Revolution: Poor Living and Working Conditions Effects of the First World War The Appeal of Lenin and the Bolsheviks The Limitations of the 1917 Provisional Government Was any one of these causes more important than the others to the Bolsheviks' seizure of power in 1917? Explain your answer. A1. When the Bolsheviks seized power in the October Russian Revolution, the country was in complete turmoil. Every one was unhappy about something and things weren't going so well for the Royal family and the aristocracy. The ongoing First World War withRussia was despised by the army, more content... The First World War was a terrible blow to Russia. Even before the war everyone knew that Russia was not ready and the majority had the perception that Russia was forced into a war with Germany because of Serbia. When the war started, it was greeted with some enthusiasm but it soon became clear that the Russian industry was too far behind the standards of the time and could not cope with an expensive war. The army was not well supported or equipped to fight the more advance German forces and was often short of rifles and ammo. The final blow came after an all–out failed offensive in July 1917 when, because of two arrogant officers and their personal dislike for each other, half a million Russian soldiers were slaughtered by about 200,000 German ones. This was one of the events that the Bolsheviks promoted and it added immensely to their support. Lenin, real name Vladimir Illich Ulyanov was a very gifted public speaker and was exceptional good at arousing crowds and lifting spirits. He was able to speak what the man on the street feared to say and that's probably why he was driven into exile by the Czar. When the Germans secretly let him enter Russia through Siberia in the hope that the move will help them win the war, he and the rest of the Bolsheviks got a lot of support
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  • 12. World History: The Russian Revolution Anyone who has studied world history has heard of the Russian Revolution. The Russian Revolution was very important because it lead to a new era in Russia that impacted countries all over the world. It consisted of two revolutions which allowed for Lenin and the Bolsheviks to come to power. These revolutions occurred in the Russian Empire on March 8, 1917, and November 7, 1917. There were many problems in Russia at that time, which may have sparked these uprisings. Tsar Nicholas II, who was part of the Romanov dynasty that ruled Russia, failed to solve its basic political and economic problems after Bloody Sunday in 1905. He also continued fighting in WWI, which was very hard on Russia because they were already suffering from the effects of Get more content on
  • 13. Essay on Russian Revolution During the 1900's the Russian Government made it extremely hard for the Bolsheviks to progress which made them revolt against the government making this a prime matter for the start of the Revolution. The Czarist government was ostracized by the common people of Russia so Tsar Nicholas II was overthrown by the Provisional Government, whom later on were overthrown by Lenin and shortly after the Bolsheviks took control over Russia. Russia was hard to develop because of the major leaders who had control; Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky. Almost overnight an entire society was destroyed and replaced with one of the most radical social experiments ever seen. Poverty, crime, privileged and class–divisions were to be eliminated, a new era of more content... The privileged nobles, who possessed land and serfs, supported his autocratic rule. The main theme of the Russian history in the 19th century is that the non–nobles who detested the Czarist government asked for an improvement in their disconsolate and deprived life. When the Czarist government ignored this matter they revolted for the first time in 1905 and than for the second time in 1917 by which the Czarist government was finally overthrown. Hungry strikers on March 8, 1917 mobbed the streets of Petrograd, their demand was bread. In order to appease the misery of his people Czar Nicholas II resigned his throne to his brother, Michael. His brother knew that everyone hated Czardom so he rejected the throne on March 15. The Provisional Government than took over and Czardom after ruling Russia for three centuries came to an end. Provisional Government vs. Bolshevik Party It appeared that Russia was finally headed to the right path when Czar Nicholas II relinquished his thrown in March of 1917. The provisional government who took control tried to create a western style society. Nevertheless, this government led by Alexander Kerensky lasted for only seven months, by which at the end Lenin and the communist Bolsheviks seized power over Russia. When the peasants claimed land from the government the government refused which made the Bolsheviks extremely mad making them riot against the government. The Provisional Government lost to the Get more content on
  • 14. RUSSIAN REVOLUTION The Russian revolution of 1905 was a wave of mass political and social unrest that spread through vast areas of the Russian empire. Most of the Russian population were agriculturalist with impoverished and highly taxed peasants. Dominance of aristocrats and clergy was there in government. Industries were being set up which was mostly private property of industrialist. Workers in cities lived in overcrowded apartments and poor conditions. Ideas of enlightment like democracy, rights of individual and accountable government. It was spread from Western Europe toRussia in 19th century. Romanovs were absolute monarchs since 17th century. In 1894 tsar Nicholas was influenced by Rasputin a mystic. Karl Marx gave the theory of communism. He said workers as proletariat which means they should only rule. Vladimir changed the theory he said some of the proletariat should stand further and prefer dictatorship. more content... This is also a negative effect because communism replaces czarist rule. After the revolution, Lenin created free education throughout Russia. Children learned communist ideas but they were still educated about the world. Another positive effect was that Lenin made the eight hour working day, which greatly improved working condition. The negative effect was that the Russian revolution had many positive effects on Russia, but it also had many negative effects on the world. One negative effect was the spread of communism around the world that was the reason for world war11. Another negative effect was that 15 million people die after the Bolsheviks and anti– Bolsheviks sweep Russia. After the revolution, people's freedom was lost and people couldn't read and write, or say whatever they want. People were also not allowed to celebrate religion as religious leaders were murdered and church were Get more content on
  • 15. Research Paper On Russian Revolution The Russian Revolution is the collective term for a pair of revolutions in Russia in 1917, which dismantled the Tsarist autocracy and led to the eventual rise of the Soviet Union. The Russian Empire collapsed with the abdication of Emperor Nicholas II, and the old regime was replaced by a provisional government during the first revolution of February 1917 (March in the Gregorian calendar; the older Julian calendar was in use in Russia at the time). In the second revolution that October, the Provisional Government was removed and replaced with a Bolshevik (Communist) government. The February Revolution (March 1917) was a revolution focused around Petrograd (now Saint Petersburg), then capital of Russia. In the chaos, members of the Imperial parliament or Duma assumed control of the country, forming the more content... During this chaotic period there were frequent mutinies, protests and many strikes. When the Provisional Government chose to continue fighting the war with Germany, the Bolsheviks and other socialist factions campaigned for stopping the conflict. The Bolsheviks turned workers militias under their control into the Red Guards (later the Red Army) over which they exerted substantial control.[1] In the October Revolution (November in the Gregorian calendar), the Bolshevik party, led by Vladimir Lenin, and the workers' Soviets overthrew the Provisional Government in Petrograd and established the Russian SFSR, eventually shifting the capital to Moscow in 1918. The Bolsheviks appointed themselves as leaders of various government ministries and seized control of the countryside, establishing the Cheka to quash dissent. To end Russia's participation in the First World War, the Bolshevik leaders signed the Treaty of Brest –Litovsk with Germany in March Get more content on
  • 16. Russian Revolution Research Paper 917 were hard and trying times for Russians all over the country. Russia had a horrible leader consequently when they needed a good one, with the war in progress etc. Times were changing, for the better and they needed a suitable person for the occasion. But they were stuck With Tsar Nicholas II. Its only reasonable to say that if they didn't have a rather pathetic Emperor then people wouldn't have wanted to change, meaning they wouldn't of revolutionized their country, themselves, the government and their attitudes. People evolve. When the people evolved that caused two main Revolutions to sweep throughout the country...that included the February revolution and the Bolshevik Revolution. The course of the Russian revolution in 1917 was because more content... Their bad living conditions included: unfair distribution of wealth, inflation and starvation. TNII also enforced " change" due to his Orthodox Jew beliefs. This " change" included Russification a form of an assimulation process during which non Russian communities, voluntarily or not, give up their culture and language in favor of the Russian one. This was devastating to those who were stripped of their culture and removed from their Faith. Bloody Sunday was an extreme and rather platitudinous attack on the Russian people, once again displayingTNII's affections for Russia. It was a vicious shooting using 1A1SLR riffles. Most victim's were shot whilst fleeing in fear from the soldiers or trying to help the injured. Things were becoming mor wretched. The Russian autocracy was unreasonable to the people, they had a really ludicrous leader. They had to follow a system of government in which a supreme power ( TNII) is concentrated in the hands of one person, who's decisions are subject to neither external legal restraints nor regulized mechanisms of popular Get more content on
  • 17. WESTERN CIVILIZATION HMS 301 Section C Instructor: Dr. Georges MassГ© Name: Hadi Hamieh ID number: 12130313 SUBJECT: THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION What is a revolution? A revolution is a complete radical and pervasive change in the structure of the economy and social structure. And it is mainly due to poverty, starving society, technology, and communication. Russian revolution: The tsar Nicholas II ruled Russia. Russia entered the World War I, under the leader Nicholas II. Russian involvement in the war compounded by problems and corruption and weak economy reduced the desperate straits. The Russian citizens were threatened because of the shortage of fuel and bread. The Russian revolution took place in 1917 and it is a two in one revolution. One more content... The Russian Revolution widely spread Karl Marx's economic idea of communism. As we know now, communism has not worked out in history but in the 1900's it was a very popular idea. The Russian Revolution had many outcomes that were good and bad. The main positive effects are that the czarist rule comes to an end and gives workers and peasants the right to interfere in the Russian society. Moreover, after the revolution, Lenin created free education throughout Russia. Another positive effect was that Lenin made the eight–hour working day, which greatly improved working conditions. On the other hand, there are some negative effects resulting from the Russian revolution for sure such as the spread of communism around the world that was the reason for World War II. Another negative effect was that 15 million people die after the Bolsheviks and anti –Bolsheviks sweep Russia. After the revolution, people's freedom was lost and people couldn't read, write, or say whatever they want. People were also not allowed to celebrate religion as religious leaders were murdered and churches were destroyed.
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  • 19. Causes And Effects Of The Russian Revolution Monaco Pollock Ms. Correa English II Pre–AP Period 1 14 December 2016 Research Essay – Russian Revolution According to, "A revolution is an overthrow or repudiation and the thorough replacement of an established government or political system by the people governed" ( Staff). During the Russian Revolution, many of the citizens were left to starve and were controlled by a corrupt government due to the poor leadership of Czar Nicholas II.The people of Russia were greatly affected by the Revolution by this because it changed their everyday lives forever. Poor leadership, scarcity of food, and corrupt governing can cause riots, rebellion and death to the citizens of Russia. The Russian Revolution left a lasting effect on Europe and its people by executing them and leaving them to starve because of the defective government and leadership that Russia possessed. The Russian Revolution left behind a long effect on Europe by Russian citizens losing faith in the leadership of Czar Nicholas II because of the corruption that occurred to the Russian government. According to, "By 1917, most Russians had lost faith in the leadership ability of Czar Nicholas II. Government corruption was rampant, the Russian economy remained backward, and Nicholas repeatedly dissolved the Duma, the Russian parliament established after the 1905 revolution, when it opposed his will" ( Staff).Russia suffered a great deal in terms of their corrupt Get more content on
  • 20. Essay On The 1905 Russian Revolution Zachary Shooshani Profesor Kakounis Ph.D Global History I 31 October 2017 1905 Russian Revolution The Russians had protested against a corrupt government and their unfair laws. There were many different causes, events, effects, and compromises that happened. The Russians had fought long and hard to be able to get where they are today and get a fair and just system of government. The people involved in the Revolution was, Alexander I, Alexander II, Alexander III, Soviet, Nicholas ll, USSR, Bolshevik Party, Lenin, Social Democrats, Communist Party, Social Revolutionaries, Leon Trotsky, and Joseph Stalin. The Russians had rebelled against government disruption and were looking for freedom and democracy. In the beginning of the Revolution, more content... During the conflict of the "1905 Russian Revolution," there were many/various events happening during 1905. The first one being the Bloody Sunday in St Petersburg, 22 January 1905, an event where Russian protesters against the government corruption, had been separated due to brute force from the Russian troops. The next, was when Nicholas II, had tried to build a constitutional monarchy, then during 1917 in the Russian Revolution, they had overthrown this type of government, and then they had put revolutionaries or Bolsheviks in control of the country of Russia. After this, on November 2nd, 1906, there was another topic called " Trotsky exiled to Siberia," wherein this topic, several members from the Soviet of "St. Petersburg," had been arrest due to the current revolution. These people had been struggling and persevering in prison for months, and they haven 't even received a trial. Later on continuing onto the year of 1906, these atlantes was finally a trial. The trial had been called "Charges of armed insurrection," in which this trial I would believe that there is an assortment of effects, in the aftermath of the 1905 Russian Revolution. First of all, The country had been paralyzed from the October 's general strike in 1905, later on leading to January 22nd, 1905. Identically, when there was a corrupted government, the people who protested had been sent to jail, later of leading to the Bloody Sunday and after Get more content on
  • 21. Why Were There Two Revolutions In Russia In 1917 "Why were there two revolutions in Russia in 1917? Why did the Provisional Government exist for mere months, yet the Bolsheviks had consolidated their authority in the country by Lenin's death in 1924?" Between February and October in 1917, two revolutions occurred due to the Governments failing to fulfill the needs of the Russian people. With the Tsar in power during Bloody Sunday that formed riots and Government unrest and also the Russo–Japanese War and World War One that left the Russian people humiliated and in disarray. The reign of the Provisional Government was short due to failures to provide land and food to the peasants and also the failure to pull Russia out of World War One caused chaos throughout Russia once more. The rise more content... The Government corruption was immense, the Russian economy was backwards, the Tsar repeatedly crumbled the Dumas, Russia's involvement in Russo–Japanese war and World War One was disastrous, the fact that he ignored the requests of the people, and he had no support of the military, it left him no other choice to abdicate from power. With the collapse of the Tsar's Government in March 1917, the members of the Duma set up the Provisional Government, led by Alexander Kerensky. The Provisional Government had one disadvantage, it's leaders, who were all associated with the middle class and were not seen as having anything in common with the working class, therefore it made the Provisional Government's job of representing the working class a whole lot harder. There were many main reasons why the Provisional Government only existed for mere months, with a large majority of those reasons being that their decisions were greatly unpopular among the Russian people. A major blunder by the Provisional Government that greatly affected their existence was the refusal of land reforms, this seemed to back up the point that the Provisional Government did not understand the desires of the poor and didn't take into account their living conditions. Another factor that lead to the removal of the Provisional Government was the fact Get more content on
  • 22. The Causes of the Russian Revolution in March 1917 There were many causes to explain the outbreak of the Russian Revolution in March 1917. Some of these can be defined as long term causes as their origin goes way back to pre–revolutionary times. Others are short–term reasons or even immediate effects, which act as the last spark, to bring the tense situation out of control. In this essay I will be looking at some of these long and short–term causes in more detail. The long term causes lead back to the time between the end of the 1905 revolution and the beginning of the war. What they are can be summarized as the economic, social and political problems within Russia. Economic causes more content... It had major effects on the way people in Russia were thinking. The war was a very manipulating factor. If things went well, the atmosphere was good and support for the Tsar high. However when the Russians were loosing people's anger against the Tsar arose. Unfortunately, after the first strike of enthusiasm, the Russians went through one defeat after another. The backward economic condition of the country made it unable to sustain the war effort against powerful, industrialized Germany. This was partly due to the fact that Russian industry lacked the required equipment to arm some 15 million men who were sent into war. Back at home people were facing problems too. Many peasants were sent into the war. Accordingly there was a lack of farm workers causing serious food shortages. In addition the railway system was used to supply the army at the front with essential goods and could therefore not send enough food into the cities. Owing to the lack of food prices went sky high and even a piece of bread became unaffordable for many workers. To make matters worse many factories closed down resulting high unemployment. The workers who kept their job were asked to work longer hours for lower wages. Due to the war working conditions were worse than ever and the moral of many people was very low. It seemed as though the longer Get more content on