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Strategy Grand Tour
          Stefano Mastrogiacomo
What does strategy mean ?


"art of a general"

from Fr. stratégie, from Gk. strategia "office or
command of a general," from strategos "general,"
from stratos "multitude, army, expedition "

Based on the Online Etymology Dictionary. Douglas Harper, Historian. 22 May. 2007.
What does strategy mean today ?

       A plan, method, or series of
       maneuvers or stratagems for obtaining
       a specific goal or result.

       Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.
Strategy is about
dealing with a
possible future …

and this is a matter
of perspective…
Some people think
   the future is

   Success is matter of
Some other think the future
    is chaotic and unpredictable.

    Success is a pure matter of
We think (and we’re not the only
 ones) that the future is invented
and created every day. And there
          are great tools for that.
Today’s Agenda

To have a better
understanding on
how to make right
assumptions about
the future in order to
gain a competitive
Defining Corporate Strategy
“the direction and scope of an organization
over the long term, which achieves
advantage for the organization through its
configuration of resources within a changing
environment and to fulfill stakeholders

Exploring Corporate Strategy, Johnson and Scholes, 2002
A simple strategic journey
Winners and losers
Vocabulary                        Resources/Core capabilites


                                                                              Point B

                            Decisions               Circumstances

                  Point A



             now                                                                    the future
Different approaches, different tools,
different purposes
                                                                 alignment processes
                                                         A                  D1

  strategy as…                                           B          C

                                                                            D2       E
                                            free rider
 learning process                                            x
                                          x x
                                          x x


Strategy as rivalry
Michael Porter
Elements of industry structure
Productivity frontier
Value chain
Activity systems
Example: US automotive industry
Strategy as alignment
      A        D1

      B    C

               D2   E
Robert Kaplan and David Norton
The need for focus
          Here                             Ok




Strategy-Focused Organization principles

                2. TRANSLATE STRATEGY TO                                                                           1. Mobilize CHANGE THROUGH
                OPERATIONAL TERMS                                                                                       EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP
                  2.1 Strategy map developed                                                                                     1.1 Top leadership committed
                        2.2 Balanced Scorecard created                                                                     1.2 Case for change clearly articulated
                             2.3 Targets established                                                                 1.3 Leadership engaged
                                  2.4 Initiatives rationalized                                                  1.4 Vision and strategy clarified
                                        2.5 Accountability assigned                                        1.5 New way of managing understood
                                                                                                     1.6 Program manager identified

                   3. ALIGN THE Organization                                    Organization                          5. GOVERN TO MAKE STRATEGY A
                   TO THE STRATEGY                                                                                              CONTINUAL PROCESS

                                 3.1 Corporate role defined
                                                                            BEST PRACTICES                   5.1 BSC reporting system established
                              3.2 Corporate – SBUs aligned                                                       5.2 Strategic review meetings conducted
                           3.3 SBU – Support units aligned                                                          5.3 Planning, budgeting, and strategy integrated
                        3.4 SBU – External Partners aligned                                                            5.4 HR and IT planning linked to strategy
                     3.5 SBU – Board of directors aligned                                                                  5.5 Process management linked to strategy
                                                                              4. MOTIVATE TO                                  5.6 Knowledge sharing linked to strategy
                                                                              MAKE STRATEGY                                        5.7 Strategic Management Office
                                                                              EVERYONE’S JOB                                        established

                                                                      4.1   Strategic awareness created
                                                                      4.2   Personal goals aligned
                                                                      4.3   Personal incentives aligned
                                                                      4.4   Competency development aligned

Balanced Scorecard Collaborative •
Strategy Map example
                                                                                          Maximize return on

                                 Manage                                                                                                                         Profitable
                              operation costs                                                         Leverage asset                                             growth

                                                                                                            Residential, Commercial, Industrial
                                                                                 Innovative                Reliable                                Supplier                    Competitive
                                                                                  solutions              energy supply                             stability                     price
                                                                                                                               energy sources

                  Optimize Core Business                   Continued Public Support                      Customer Service Excellence                     Business Growth

                                                                                                                                                                Capitalize on
                               Optimize                                                                              Seamless
                                                                              Proactively build                                                                 deregulation
                                 asset                                                                              cross-group
                                                                                 & manage                                                                       opportunities
                               utilization                                                                           delivery of
                                                                                                                                                  Trading                          alliances &
                                                                                                                                                opportunities                          joint-
                                               Continued    Ensure reliable                                                                                        Develop          ventures
             Max Returns                         cost          service                                                                                            innovative
             on resource                      management                                                                                                            service
              allocation                                                                                                            Effective                      offerings
                              Enterprise-                                                            drivers of
                                                                      Communication                                                  service
                               wide risk                                                          customer value
                                                                      and education                                                processes
                             management                                                                                                                         Cross-group

      Learning & Growth

                           Ensure market-driven                                               Industry leading
                             skill development                                              employee satisfaction

© 2005 Balanced Scorecard Collaborative •
Balanced Scorecard example
                               Objectives                                    Measures (D=Drivers)                                                                         Initiatives
                                                                                                                              FY03        FY04       FY05

                   • Maximize returns                         • ROCE                                                            14%       14.5%       15%
                   • Profitable growth                        • Revenue growth                                                   6%          8%       12%
                   • Leverage asset base                      • Asset utilization rate                                          80%         85%       90%
                   • Manage operating costs                   • Operating costs / customer                                      $150       $140       $125
                   • Industry leading customer loyalty        • Customer satisfaction rating                                    80%          85%       90% • Customer loyalty program

                   Optimize Core Business
                   • Optimize core utilization                • % revenue from deregulated products/services                     5%          7%        10% • Telecom infrastructure development
                                                              • % trading revenue                                               10%         12%        15% • Trading risk assessment (work support)
                   • Max. return on resource allocation       • Revenue from new services                                     $500M       $550M      $600M
                                                              • % customers served through alliances and joint ventures         10%         20%        25%
                   • Continued cost management                • NPV product/service pipeline                                  $500M       $550M      $600M
                   • Enterprise-wide risk management          • % R&D projects meeting protocol gates (D)                       90%         95%       100% • Research alliance program

                   Continued Public Support                   • Customer/partner satisfaction (5 point scale)                     4.0         4.5        4.5 • Preventative maintenance
                   • Proactively manage relationships         • Reliability index                                             90/100      92/100     95/100
                   • Ensure reliable service                  • Communication/education coverage (%)                           100%        100%       100% • Community outreach program

                   • Communicate/educate customers            • % communication/education plans executed (D)                    80%         85%        90%

                   Customer Service Excellence                • Promised delivery %                                             90%         95%        97% • Cross-selling marketing program
                   • Seamless cross-group delivery            • New product uptake rate                                         20%         25%        30% • Service dispatch automation
                   • Understand customer drivers              • On-time market research projects (D)                            90%         95%       100%
                   • Effective customer services
                                                              • Customer satisfaction rating – C.S. Center (see above)          85%         89%        95% • CIS upgrade
                   Business Growth                            • Problem resolution cycle time – Customer Service Center (D)      6hr         4hr        3hr • Call center software integration
                   • Capitalize on deregulation
                     opportunities                            • % rated capacity attained                                       80%         85%        90%
                   • Optimize trading opportunities                                                                                                          • Fossil maintenance benchmark
                   • Develop innovative services              • Employee productivity improvement                                 2%          3%        4%
                   • Use alliances and joint ventures
                   • Leverage cross-group R&D
                                                              • % cost reduction                                                  4%          5%        6% • Shared service benchmark/outsourcing
                                                              • Cost of disruption vs. plan                                   +/-15%      +/-10%     +/-5%    initiative
                                                              • Time to recovery (D)                                              8 hr        4 hr     2 hr • ERP implementation
                   • Ensure market-driven skill               • Strategic skill coverage ratio                                   65%         75%       85% • Competency profiling
      Learning &

                                                              • Hours in strategic skills training (D)                             10          12        15

                   • Industry leading employee satisfaction   • Employee satisfaction rating (5 point scale)                      3.0         4.0       4.5 • Performance compensation link

                   • World-class leadership effectiveness     • Leadership effectiveness rating (upward appraisal―5 point         4.0         4.5       4.5 • Leadership training program

© 2005 Balanced Scorecard Collaborative •
Strategy as learning and
as an emergent process
Henry Mintzberg
Emergent strategy
And also Peter Senge (learning organization)
Strategy in a networked
Arnoldo Hax and Dean Wilde
Strategic Options

                            System lock-in

customer                                                        Best
solutions                                                       Product

 Total customer solutions      System lock-in                   Best product

 Competition for the           Competition around the control   Competition based on
 customer « interaction        of the ecosystem determinants    product ’s economic
 system »                                                       attributes
                               Complementors lock-in
 Redefining customer ’s        competitor lock-out              Low cost or mere
 experience                                                     differentiation
                               Proprietary standard
Strategy as a free rider

        x x
        x x
Kim and Mauborgne
Kim and Mauborgne

“The only way to beat the
competition is to stop trying
to beat the competition”
Red and blue ocean strategies

 Red Ocean Strategy                        Blue Ocean Strategy

 Compete in existing market space.         Create uncontested market space.

 Beat the competition.                     Make the competition irrelevant.

 Exploit existing demand.                  Create and capture new demand.

 Make the value/cost trade-off.            Break the value/cost trade-off.

 Align the whole system of a company’s     Align the whole system of a
 activities with its strategic choice of   company’s activities in pursuit of
 differentiation or low cost               differentiation and low cost.
Strategic canvas

                 5 - high
                                                                                        value curve

              3 - medium

                  1 - low

                                          1                  2                  3                             8
                                     te                 te                 te                            te
                                  bu                 bu                 bu          …                 bu
                                i                tri                tri                          ttr
                            a                 at                 at                             a
by Alex Osterwalder
Other examples
Strategy as co-creation with
C.K. Prahalad
Collaboration as co-creation of value

                                       discovering and
                                       creating new

                                       sharing and
                                                                                              shared destiny
                                       creating                                               and co-creation
     prerequisites for collaboration

                                       knowledge                                              of value

                                                                               shared practices
                                       information                             and co-innovation
                                                                        collaboration with
                                                                        suppliers, key
                                                                        customers, partners
                                       relationship       traditional

                                                         market-based,       improved         joint             Joint goals;
                                                         transaction         business         development;      joint leverage of
                                                         driven; across      processes;       co-management     competencies
                                                         business unit       across legal     of the enhanced
                                                         boundaries          boundaries       network

                                                                        collaboration intensity
Strategy as environmental
Chris Anderson
Other examples
Strategy as cognition
Ackermann, Eden, Finn, Bryson, …
Four Barriers to Strategy Execution

                                                          The Vision Barrier
                                                       Only 5% of the workforce
                                                       understand the strategy

       The People Barrier                                                           The Management Barrier
Only 25% of managers have                                9 of 10 companies           85% of executive teams
incentives linked to overall                           fail to execute strategy     spend less than one hour
         strategy                                                                   month discussing strategy

                                                         The Resource Barrier

                                                      60% of organizations do not
                                                        link budgets to strategy

© 2005 Balanced Scorecard Collaborative •
1%                                                                      18%
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Cras in tortor. Sed posuere erat. Maecenas pulvinar nulla eu magna. Vivamus semper,
risus ut egestas pulvinar, lectus ante feugiat quam, sit amet congue odio lacus ac ipsum. Aliquam suscipit, est ut volutpat vulputate, nulla felis
pulvinar libero, non ornare libero ipsum tristique tortor. Fusce sed lorem vitae justo feugiat malesuada. Donec aliquet. Vivamus semper eros nec

diam. Vivamus sem arcu, imperdiet nec, congue ac, scelerisque vel, nulla. Donec et mauris. Integer a nulla vulputate pede consequat euismod.
Praesent molestie urna nec leo. Proin eros. Maecenas ac sem nec dui sodales tempus. Maecenas suscipit egestas velit. Suspendisse vel tortor.
Proin imperdiet, sem nec aliquet ultrices, nunc est egestas eros, non hendrerit magna eros eget augue. Maecenas sed leo vitae leo faucibus
vulputate. Proin dignissim eros at augue.

Nam luctus nulla non nibh. Nam at lorem ac mauris laoreet viverra. In placerat consequat nunc. Donec rhoncus nunc ac urna. Integer vestibulum
condimentum orci. Fusce velit turpis, malesuada quis, scelerisque ut, eleifend vitae, ipsum. Vestibulum eu erat. Vestibulum justo nisl, tincidunt
et, semper vel, tristique quis, eros. Vestibulum tempus, massa vel consectetuer congue, erat magna consequat purus, a facilisis orci nibh vitae
purus. Nam tincidunt venenatis ligula. Nunc orci nulla, ornare quis, lobortis viverra, dapibus at, turpis. Suspendisse sit amet nisl at enim tincidunt
blandit. Curabitur augue est, suscipit sed, egestas sit amet, vehicula vitae, tellus. Maecenas nec metus vel nisi interdum pellentesque.

Development plan
      Quisque augue felis, commodo a, elementum id, faucibus id, sem. Aenean rutrum enim. Praesent pulvinar dignissim nisl. Cras a nunc. Donec tincidunt odio sit
      amet lacus. Pellentesque metus tortor, ullamcorper vitae, lobortis vel, euismod in, mi. Ut laoreet, tellus laoreet blandit mollis, massa purus posuere purus, quis
      molestie ligula massa eu metus. Duis placerat, nulla sit amet ornare interdum, neque nunc mollis leo, vitae porttitor mi orci sit amet neque. Donec at enim. In
      facilisis tellus gravida ligula. Phasellus ut lorem. Pellentesque ac tortor eget augue suscipit ullamcorper. Aenean eleifend porta orci.

      Etiam at arcu. Vestibulum lacinia nunc in eros. Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec gravida. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing
      elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas vel enim et metus semper fringilla. Donec ornare arcu.
      Maecenas faucibus ligula convallis nibh. Mauris dui quam, congue eu, commodo nec, tristique in, enim. Nulla auctor semper urna. Quisque a elit eu purus
      iaculis vestibulum. Aliquam dictum risus at odio. Fusce at lorem et elit faucibus placerat. Aenean velit. Proin elit odio, blandit et, scelerisque quis, pulvinar a,
      dui. Nunc magna dolor, bibendum ut, accumsan congue, tincidunt sit amet, neque. Proin consequat tincidunt lacus. In urna dui, congue nec, tincidunt sit amet,
      facilisis imperdiet, lorem.

      Morbi sed nibh. Vivamus vitae dolor. Ut bibendum volutpat mi. Pellentesque quis magna non lectus elementum pretium. Aliquam quis est vitae arcu consequat

      fringilla. Cras magna risus, placerat eget, egestas consectetuer, ornare vel, felis. Nam ornare justo id orci mattis ultricies. Morbi luctus. Ut pretium odio ac
      libero. Nunc sollicitudin pharetra lorem. Aenean scelerisque, lacus eget ullamcorper scelerisque, ipsum urna viverra mi, eget viverra quam eros eget velit. Ut

      lacinia feugiat purus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam nunc nisl, aliquam blandit, luctus id,
      commodo laoreet, sem. Phasellus sit amet orci ut sapien vulputate pellentesque. Pellentesque dapibus purus et quam. Nam sit amet magna in neque dignissim
      sodales. Aenean non justo nec magna lobortis volutpat.
Causal maps
Military foundations of strategy
Strategy as persuasion and
Sun Tzu – The Art of War (~500 BC)
Sun Tzu

   “if they are strong, avoid
any comment ?
Strategy as enemy
  total destruction
Karl von Clausewitz (~1800)
On war

     "The complete or partial
 destruction of the enemy must be
 regarded as the sole object of all
Biological foundations
Daniel Dennett
Genotype and phenotype

 genotype + environment → phenotype

The intentionality characteristic of humans is a result of
evolutionary processes. Humans have goals and desires
and tend to operate in order realize their goals
(according to their understanding of the world or their
Darwinian creatures

Kinds of Minds: Towards an Understanding of Consciousness
Daniel C. Dennett
Popperian creatures

Kinds of Minds: Towards an Understanding of Consciousness
Daniel C. Dennett
Gregorian creatures

Kinds of Minds: Towards an Understanding of Consciousness
Daniel C. Dennett
Different approaches, different tools,
different purposes
                                                                 alignment processes
                                                         A                  D1

  strategy as…                                           B          C

                                                                            D2       E
                                            free rider
 learning process                                            x
                                          x x
                                          x x


Quick checklist
  Identify the strategic issues
  1. What’s the problem ? What’s the context ?

  Select the right method and tools
  1. Read reference books

  2. Ask questions to experts

  3. Use the internet

  Co-create strategy with all future participants
  Operationalize: translate concepts into daily activities
  Monitor execution (measure progress)
  Update strategic destination if necessary
Thank you
Many thanks to Flickr and






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Strategy grand-tour-20096

  • 1. Strategy Grand Tour Stefano Mastrogiacomo 04.2007
  • 2. What does strategy mean ? Etymology "art of a general" from Fr. stratégie, from Gk. strategia "office or command of a general," from strategos "general," from stratos "multitude, army, expedition " Based on the Online Etymology Dictionary. Douglas Harper, Historian. 22 May. 2007.
  • 3. What does strategy mean today ? A plan, method, or series of maneuvers or stratagems for obtaining a specific goal or result. Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.
  • 4. Strategy is about dealing with a possible future … and this is a matter of perspective…
  • 5. Some people think the future is predictable. Success is matter of destiny.
  • 6. Some other think the future is chaotic and unpredictable. Success is a pure matter of chance.
  • 7. We think (and we’re not the only ones) that the future is invented and created every day. And there are great tools for that.
  • 8. Today’s Agenda To have a better understanding on how to make right assumptions about the future in order to gain a competitive advantage.
  • 10. “the direction and scope of an organization over the long term, which achieves advantage for the organization through its configuration of resources within a changing environment and to fulfill stakeholders expectations” Exploring Corporate Strategy, Johnson and Scholes, 2002
  • 13. Vocabulary Resources/Core capabilites Vision/Goals Strategy/Plan Point B Environment/ Decisions Circumstances Point A Competitors time now the future
  • 14. Different approaches, different tools, different purposes rivalry alignment processes A D1 strategy as… B C D2 E co-creation free rider environment learning process x x x x x x x technology cognition manipulation
  • 17. Elements of industry structure
  • 21. Example: US automotive industry (70’-80’)
  • 22. Strategy as alignment processes A D1 B C D2 E
  • 23. Robert Kaplan and David Norton
  • 24. The need for focus Here Ok Here CEOs Managers Staff
  • 25. Strategy-Focused Organization principles 2. TRANSLATE STRATEGY TO 1. Mobilize CHANGE THROUGH OPERATIONAL TERMS EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP 2.1 Strategy map developed 1.1 Top leadership committed 2.2 Balanced Scorecard created 1.2 Case for change clearly articulated 2.3 Targets established 1.3 Leadership engaged 2.4 Initiatives rationalized 1.4 Vision and strategy clarified 2.5 Accountability assigned 1.5 New way of managing understood 1.6 Program manager identified STRATEGY- FOCUSED 3. ALIGN THE Organization Organization 5. GOVERN TO MAKE STRATEGY A TO THE STRATEGY CONTINUAL PROCESS 3.1 Corporate role defined BEST PRACTICES 5.1 BSC reporting system established 3.2 Corporate – SBUs aligned 5.2 Strategic review meetings conducted 3.3 SBU – Support units aligned 5.3 Planning, budgeting, and strategy integrated 3.4 SBU – External Partners aligned 5.4 HR and IT planning linked to strategy 3.5 SBU – Board of directors aligned 5.5 Process management linked to strategy 4. MOTIVATE TO 5.6 Knowledge sharing linked to strategy MAKE STRATEGY 5.7 Strategic Management Office EVERYONE’S JOB established 4.1 Strategic awareness created 4.2 Personal goals aligned 4.3 Personal incentives aligned 4.4 Competency development aligned Balanced Scorecard Collaborative •
  • 26. Strategy Map example Maximize return on assets Financial Manage Profitable operation costs Leverage asset growth base Customer Residential, Commercial, Industrial Socially Innovative Reliable Supplier Competitive responsible solutions energy supply stability price energy sources Internal Optimize Core Business Continued Public Support Customer Service Excellence Business Growth Capitalize on Optimize Seamless Proactively build deregulation asset cross-group & manage opportunities utilization delivery of relationships services Use Trading alliances & opportunities joint- Continued Ensure reliable Develop ventures Max Returns cost service innovative on resource management service allocation Effective offerings Understand customer Enterprise- drivers of Communication service wide risk customer value and education processes management Cross-group programs R&D Learning & Growth World-class Ensure market-driven Industry leading leadership skill development employee satisfaction effectiveness © 2005 Balanced Scorecard Collaborative •
  • 27. Balanced Scorecard example Targets Objectives Measures (D=Drivers) Initiatives FY03 FY04 FY05 Financial • Maximize returns • ROCE 14% 14.5% 15% • Profitable growth • Revenue growth 6% 8% 12% • Leverage asset base • Asset utilization rate 80% 85% 90% • Manage operating costs • Operating costs / customer $150 $140 $125 • Industry leading customer loyalty • Customer satisfaction rating 80% 85% 90% • Customer loyalty program Customer Optimize Core Business • Optimize core utilization • % revenue from deregulated products/services 5% 7% 10% • Telecom infrastructure development • % trading revenue 10% 12% 15% • Trading risk assessment (work support) • Max. return on resource allocation • Revenue from new services $500M $550M $600M • % customers served through alliances and joint ventures 10% 20% 25% • Continued cost management • NPV product/service pipeline $500M $550M $600M • Enterprise-wide risk management • % R&D projects meeting protocol gates (D) 90% 95% 100% • Research alliance program Continued Public Support • Customer/partner satisfaction (5 point scale) 4.0 4.5 4.5 • Preventative maintenance • Proactively manage relationships • Reliability index 90/100 92/100 95/100 • Ensure reliable service • Communication/education coverage (%) 100% 100% 100% • Community outreach program Internal • Communicate/educate customers • % communication/education plans executed (D) 80% 85% 90% Customer Service Excellence • Promised delivery % 90% 95% 97% • Cross-selling marketing program • Seamless cross-group delivery • New product uptake rate 20% 25% 30% • Service dispatch automation • Understand customer drivers • On-time market research projects (D) 90% 95% 100% • Effective customer services • Customer satisfaction rating – C.S. Center (see above) 85% 89% 95% • CIS upgrade Business Growth • Problem resolution cycle time – Customer Service Center (D) 6hr 4hr 3hr • Call center software integration • Capitalize on deregulation opportunities • % rated capacity attained 80% 85% 90% • Optimize trading opportunities • Fossil maintenance benchmark • Develop innovative services • Employee productivity improvement 2% 3% 4% • Use alliances and joint ventures • Leverage cross-group R&D • % cost reduction 4% 5% 6% • Shared service benchmark/outsourcing • Cost of disruption vs. plan +/-15% +/-10% +/-5% initiative • Time to recovery (D) 8 hr 4 hr 2 hr • ERP implementation • Ensure market-driven skill • Strategic skill coverage ratio 65% 75% 85% • Competency profiling Learning & • Hours in strategic skills training (D) 10 12 15 Growth • Industry leading employee satisfaction • Employee satisfaction rating (5 point scale) 3.0 4.0 4.5 • Performance compensation link • World-class leadership effectiveness • Leadership effectiveness rating (upward appraisal―5 point 4.0 4.5 4.5 • Leadership training program scale) © 2005 Balanced Scorecard Collaborative •
  • 29. Strategy as learning and as an emergent process
  • 32. And also Peter Senge (learning organization)
  • 33. Strategy in a networked society
  • 34. Arnoldo Hax and Dean Wilde
  • 35. Strategic Options System lock-in Total customer Best solutions Product Total customer solutions System lock-in Best product Competition for the Competition around the control Competition based on customer « interaction of the ecosystem determinants product ’s economic system » attributes Complementors lock-in Redefining customer ’s competitor lock-out Low cost or mere experience differentiation Proprietary standard
  • 38. Strategy as a free rider experience x x x x x x x
  • 40. Kim and Mauborgne “The only way to beat the competition is to stop trying to beat the competition”
  • 41. Red and blue ocean strategies Red Ocean Strategy Blue Ocean Strategy Compete in existing market space. Create uncontested market space. Beat the competition. Make the competition irrelevant. Exploit existing demand. Create and capture new demand. Make the value/cost trade-off. Break the value/cost trade-off. Align the whole system of a company’s Align the whole system of a activities with its strategic choice of company’s activities in pursuit of differentiation or low cost differentiation and low cost.
  • 42. Strategic canvas 5 - high value curve performance 3 - medium 1 - low 1 2 3 8 te te te te bu bu bu … bu ttr i tri tri ttr i a at at a
  • 43.
  • 46. Strategy as co-creation with customers
  • 48. Collaboration as co-creation of value discovering and creating new opportunities sharing and shared destiny creating and co-creation prerequisites for collaboration knowledge of value sharing shared practices information and co-innovation (transaction data) collaboration with suppliers, key customers, partners arm’s-length relationship traditional business approach market-based, improved joint Joint goals; transaction business development; joint leverage of driven; across processes; co-management competencies business unit across legal of the enhanced boundaries boundaries network collaboration intensity
  • 49. Strategy as environmental configuration
  • 55. Ackermann, Eden, Finn, Bryson, …
  • 56. Four Barriers to Strategy Execution The Vision Barrier Only 5% of the workforce understand the strategy The People Barrier The Management Barrier Only 25% of managers have 9 of 10 companies 85% of executive teams incentives linked to overall fail to execute strategy spend less than one hour strategy month discussing strategy The Resource Barrier 60% of organizations do not link budgets to strategy © 2005 Balanced Scorecard Collaborative •
  • 57. 1% 18% Strategy 300% Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Cras in tortor. Sed posuere erat. Maecenas pulvinar nulla eu magna. Vivamus semper, risus ut egestas pulvinar, lectus ante feugiat quam, sit amet congue odio lacus ac ipsum. Aliquam suscipit, est ut volutpat vulputate, nulla felis pulvinar libero, non ornare libero ipsum tristique tortor. Fusce sed lorem vitae justo feugiat malesuada. Donec aliquet. Vivamus semper eros nec Text diam. Vivamus sem arcu, imperdiet nec, congue ac, scelerisque vel, nulla. Donec et mauris. Integer a nulla vulputate pede consequat euismod. Praesent molestie urna nec leo. Proin eros. Maecenas ac sem nec dui sodales tempus. Maecenas suscipit egestas velit. Suspendisse vel tortor. Proin imperdiet, sem nec aliquet ultrices, nunc est egestas eros, non hendrerit magna eros eget augue. Maecenas sed leo vitae leo faucibus vulputate. Proin dignissim eros at augue. Nam luctus nulla non nibh. Nam at lorem ac mauris laoreet viverra. In placerat consequat nunc. Donec rhoncus nunc ac urna. Integer vestibulum condimentum orci. Fusce velit turpis, malesuada quis, scelerisque ut, eleifend vitae, ipsum. Vestibulum eu erat. Vestibulum justo nisl, tincidunt et, semper vel, tristique quis, eros. Vestibulum tempus, massa vel consectetuer congue, erat magna consequat purus, a facilisis orci nibh vitae purus. Nam tincidunt venenatis ligula. Nunc orci nulla, ornare quis, lobortis viverra, dapibus at, turpis. Suspendisse sit amet nisl at enim tincidunt blandit. Curabitur augue est, suscipit sed, egestas sit amet, vehicula vitae, tellus. Maecenas nec metus vel nisi interdum pellentesque. Development plan Quisque augue felis, commodo a, elementum id, faucibus id, sem. Aenean rutrum enim. Praesent pulvinar dignissim nisl. Cras a nunc. Donec tincidunt odio sit amet lacus. Pellentesque metus tortor, ullamcorper vitae, lobortis vel, euismod in, mi. Ut laoreet, tellus laoreet blandit mollis, massa purus posuere purus, quis molestie ligula massa eu metus. Duis placerat, nulla sit amet ornare interdum, neque nunc mollis leo, vitae porttitor mi orci sit amet neque. Donec at enim. In facilisis tellus gravida ligula. Phasellus ut lorem. Pellentesque ac tortor eget augue suscipit ullamcorper. Aenean eleifend porta orci. Etiam at arcu. Vestibulum lacinia nunc in eros. Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec gravida. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas vel enim et metus semper fringilla. Donec ornare arcu. Maecenas faucibus ligula convallis nibh. Mauris dui quam, congue eu, commodo nec, tristique in, enim. Nulla auctor semper urna. Quisque a elit eu purus iaculis vestibulum. Aliquam dictum risus at odio. Fusce at lorem et elit faucibus placerat. Aenean velit. Proin elit odio, blandit et, scelerisque quis, pulvinar a, dui. Nunc magna dolor, bibendum ut, accumsan congue, tincidunt sit amet, neque. Proin consequat tincidunt lacus. In urna dui, congue nec, tincidunt sit amet, facilisis imperdiet, lorem. Morbi sed nibh. Vivamus vitae dolor. Ut bibendum volutpat mi. Pellentesque quis magna non lectus elementum pretium. Aliquam quis est vitae arcu consequat 12% fringilla. Cras magna risus, placerat eget, egestas consectetuer, ornare vel, felis. Nam ornare justo id orci mattis ultricies. Morbi luctus. Ut pretium odio ac libero. Nunc sollicitudin pharetra lorem. Aenean scelerisque, lacus eget ullamcorper scelerisque, ipsum urna viverra mi, eget viverra quam eros eget velit. Ut Words lacinia feugiat purus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam nunc nisl, aliquam blandit, luctus id, commodo laoreet, sem. Phasellus sit amet orci ut sapien vulputate pellentesque. Pellentesque dapibus purus et quam. Nam sit amet magna in neque dignissim sodales. Aenean non justo nec magna lobortis volutpat.
  • 60. Strategy as persuasion and manipulation
  • 61. Sun Tzu – The Art of War (~500 BC)
  • 62. Sun Tzu “if they are strong, avoid them”
  • 64. Strategy as enemy total destruction
  • 66. On war "The complete or partial destruction of the enemy must be regarded as the sole object of all engagements.”
  • 69. Genotype and phenotype genotype + environment → phenotype
  • 70. Intentionality The intentionality characteristic of humans is a result of evolutionary processes. Humans have goals and desires and tend to operate in order realize their goals (according to their understanding of the world or their beliefs).
  • 71. Darwinian creatures Kinds of Minds: Towards an Understanding of Consciousness Daniel C. Dennett
  • 72. Popperian creatures Kinds of Minds: Towards an Understanding of Consciousness Daniel C. Dennett
  • 73. Gregorian creatures Kinds of Minds: Towards an Understanding of Consciousness Daniel C. Dennett
  • 75. Different approaches, different tools, different purposes rivalry alignment processes A D1 strategy as… B C D2 E co-creation free rider environment learning process x x x x x x x technology cognition manipulation
  • 76. Quick checklist Identify the strategic issues 1. What’s the problem ? What’s the context ? Select the right method and tools 1. Read reference books 2. Ask questions to experts 3. Use the internet Co-create strategy with all future participants Operationalize: translate concepts into daily activities Monitor execution (measure progress) Update strategic destination if necessary
  • 77. Thank you
  • 78. Many thanks to Flickr and McMollie Jimurphy Grafixation leonzerider ayalan