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I've got three hites
ond a yellow bihe.
Hi! ]'m Ann.
I've got two cors
and Jour gultars.
And hi! I'm Tom!
I've got some bots
ond some Junng red hots!
I've got Jive duchs
ond two big truchs.
Come ond plog with rne todoy!
Come ond p[oy wlth me todog!
My nome's Sue
and his nome's Pot.
We've got o do[[
ond on ugly blue tro[[!
And we've got a Ltzard
ond o hoppg wizard.
Come ond ploy with us todag!
We've got lots oJ pets too ond theg con plog wlth you!
We've got o cot, o dog and three green Jrogs.
So come ond play wlth us todoy!
ond ptog
New words
Drow lines.
for gou!
This is o h*ğ.
l hls ıs o flr{Eti.
This is o wişffir#.
These ore mg p**s.
@ Whot ore the chltdren's nomes?
Write their nomes on the lines. Exomple:
Exomple: Her nome is
@ Who hos got the hots?
Write the correct nome next to numbers 1-6.
Exomple, ........I9t!........ hos got the hots.
l ......... hos got the lizord.
2 hos got the ducks.
3 hos got the dol[.
4 hos got the guitors.
5 hos got the bots.
6 hos got the bike.
ffişşre Tom
@ This is tı bike.
Put o tick (r') or o cross (X) in the box.
Exomples: fu This is o bike. ü
*Thisisocor. n 2M
fu Thisisotruck.[*l 4 W
@ Thisisobott. l 6 @
One robots.'Two robots.
Look ot the picture.Write the words.
The robots hove got one b O 9,one b ___,one k___,
one q _ ond one d
The robots hove got two h _ _ _ ond two b
The robots hove gotthree d __ ,four p__
This is o bike
bog. l
girt. İ
kite. l
This is o
This is o
This is o
@ f,fe've got o dog!
Look ot the pictures.Whot hove gou got?
@ §ue hos got o red pencil.
Look ond reod.Write Ues or no.
Exomples: The chitdren hove got o cot.
The cot hos got o tou mouse.
l Sue hos got o blue pencil.
2 The chitdren hove got two bots.
3 The big robot hos got five pencils.
4 Tom hos got o book obout o robot.
5 The chitdren hove got two u9[g tro[[s.
6 The tro[ls hove got blue hots.
fu' o' Now listen ond colour the robots.
o --l
@ Let's drow!
Write one word. Drow pictures.
Exomple: This is o ......[T.9.9.Ş9......
write words with the some sound.
O Pot, cot ...
O Come ond ptog wlth me todog!
Are gou o wizord, o lizord, o doll or o troll?
u fuffiffitrfu****
It's mg birthdog todoy! Hoorog! Hooroy!
This is my mum ond dod. Thls is mg brother,
Her name's Ji[[! And Grondpo's here too!
My grondpo's nome is Bitt. I love him!
Let's hove
o portg!
[s thls o bot?
No, [t's o sun hot.
Is this o cloch?
No, they're some
Is this o tog tiger?
No, it's o tou spider!
It's my birthdoy todog! Hoorog! Hooroy!
It's mg porty now. We've got lemonode and
But where's mg tog splder? It's on Grondpa's
,.!Jrı$ 3lı"ffi-g !
Th[s cohe is greot!
And now I'm eight!
How old ore gou?
Are you eight too?
-ü.r '_-ı L-
Thonh gou, Mum ond Dod ond Ji[[.
And thonh gou Ben ond Grondpo Bi[l,!
lce creom!
,: i İ
,- l
ff€*ruw wgprds ğ*ş, ç*nx§
Drow lines.
ffiffitrğw balloons
t_ _l
@ Şfuğç §ş KEffit'§ gnmatdpğ-
Look ot the pictures. Write the words.
Exomple: This is Kim's .......gt9İCP..Ç........
His nome is .............B.]!L............ .
1 And this is Kim's
2 Here's Kim's
His nome is ...........
3 And this is Kim's
4 This is Kim's
Her nome is ...........
5 And look! Here's ............... !
presents Gards
@ bWh§th şre Kiry?i§ prğ§ent§?
Put o tick (r') or o cross (X).
(} f ffiffi§W
&.ğ 9 § ğ F }
W9) E*Strşffiffifu; ffi,ştrğre#ffi.j,
Moke Kim o birthdog cord.
Whot's gour present to Kim?
Drow it in this box.
fum**m fu*wm ffi ffiffiffiffiH
write the words.
{, j.ove-ryorcu
get some bolloons
moke o coke hove some lemonode
sing some songs moke some portg hots
Listen ond drow lines.
,*, ,.*ğ
ffi @ ou ffiruştr ğfue **fu* mre fffu* ffiğş*§q ffmfuğmH
ffiğşşw*g ffiffiffiffiğoffi fu*r ffiğ-ffiffi*ffi,ğ§
Look ond reod. Write ges or no.
Exomples: Kim's sun hot is ge[[ow.
kim is on the beoch.
There ore five peop[e in the picture.
The bolloons ore red ond b[ue.
Kim hos got some lemonode.
Kim's brother hos got o kite.
The clock is on the tqbte.
Kim's grondfother hos got white hoir.
@ a§ Hffiçfr {"a *tşrj
choose onswers from the box. Write them on the lines.
ls this o bot?
Hoppu birthdog!
Where's m9 tou spider?
No, it'ş o scın hut
l'm nine! OK! Greot! lt's under the choir.
No, he isn't. W Thonk gou!
ffi ffiffus trğftffi fuğrtrfud*g **#ffiffiğ
Cross out the green words ond choose new words.
lt's mg birthdog todog! Hoorog! Hoorog!
This ,:ı;,,:., ..... is greot!
And thonk gou,
Mg fovourite present is mg , , ,,,::
ffiene-ffç ffğşffirere#ffiğ Lm,***ffi ffiğq§ff ffiffireç*H
(ım ı?
Excuse me! What om I? Con gou te[[ me?
We[[, gou oren't on elephant. I'm on elephont and my body is
verg b[9. Your body i,s verg sma[[.
Hove Uou got big eors?
No, I hoven't.
We[[, elephonts hove got btg eors.
No. You oren't on elephont. Sorry!
Excuse me! Whot om I? Con you te[[ me?
We[[, Uou oren't o crocodile. I'm o crocodile ond I've got lots
oJ long white teeth. You hoven't got teeth.
Hove Uou got a long toi[?
No. My toll is short.
We[[, crocodiles hove 9ot long to[[s.
No. You oren't o crocodlle. Sorry!
Excuse me! Whot om I? Pleose tel,[ me!
We[[, Uou oren,t o monhey. I'm o monhey ond I've got
o Junny Jace. You hoven't got o Junng Jacel.
Con you climb trees?
No, I can't!
We[[, monheys con climb trees.
No. You oren't o monheg. Sorrg!
Excuse me! Whot om I? I'm not on elephont.
I'm not o crocodile ond I'm not o monheg.
I've got two brown wtngs ond two ye[[ow Jeet.
Me too!
I can sw[m. I con wolh and I con Jty.
Me too! Youire o duch, you see! You're o duch lihe me!
I'm a duch! Ytppeeeee!
om ı?
@ New wçrds f*r gcıuı!
Drow lines.
w##wfu feeth wings Excuse me!
@ kYfuiçğt şş"ginrc*ğ §ffi§§ *foğsğ
Drow lines.
' -&ı] _ ,".
&fhich cınimşşLş dCIes the duek tati< tş?
Choose the right poth. Colour it ge[[ow.
I've got lots of
long white teeth.
Mg bodg is
verg big.
|'ve got o
funng foce.
@ I'm cın etephont!
Look ot the pictures. Look ot the letters. Write the words.
Thisison e l| e.
This is on
This is o
This is o
This is o
This is o
@ The duck is stonding under the tree.
Look ot the first picture in the storg. Tick (r') the Ues or no box.
Ues no
Exomples: The big greg elephont is in the woter. Ü İ
You con see o monkeg behind the gellow duck. İ V
1 The duck is stonding under the tree. İ İ
2 The elephont hos got blue eges. İ İ
3 You con see two green frogs in the woter. İ İ
4 There ore two pink flowers. İ İ
5 The etephont's mouth is open İ İ
@ Con uou climb trees? Con uou flu?
Answer the duck's questions. Write Yes, l con. or No, l cdn't.
@ Colour these monkegs!
7 , ,,l"
Con gou f[g?
Con gou wolkl
Listen ond colour.
How mong monkegs ore there in the picture?
@ Monkeu§ [ove bononcıs!
Reod the sentences. Choose the right word.
Exomple: Monkegs love $*ı*r,q**":; l6ffil **ao.
1 Monkegs hove got long {;ğğ",gş,Es / :tş***,.,::ı / §*ş*.
2 Hippos hove got one t*:ç / r,ş,şş*aıtği,: / ı.:uşy-.
3 Monkegs hove got two t+irı*ş* / ğt,,=*ş,ğç / ş*şğğ*.
4 Elephonts con t"qşğ$< / §ısrttş: / ,g,.ş*ii+.
5 Frogs hove got two ,{***t*ş
/ *c.+*s.
6 Spiders con *,iğşĞ / ffiç / stwiş,;t.
@ |'m ğ crocophont!
Reod the questions.
Write uour onswers on the lines.
Exomple: Whot ore goul
l Whot colour is gour bodg?
2 Whot cotour ore gour eges?
3 Hove uou got o long toi[?
4 Hove gou got big wings?
5 Con gou tqtk?
6 Con gou f[g?
Whot ore gou?
l'm o crocophont.
@ Whot ore uou?
Reod the questions. Write uour onswers on the lines.
Are gou o bog or o gir[?
Whot colour ore uour egesl
Hove gou got [ong hoir?
Con gou swim?
My Uncte Fred lihes
running wlth hls Jriends.
Mg Uncle Fred lihes Jishing ln the [ohe,
watching hocheg on TV ond eatlng chocolote cohe!
,'' o/
;,0 §
My Uncle Fred loves
wolhing in the roln.
Mg Uncle Fred loves plogtng his guitor,
wearing Junng clothes and tohlng photos oJ his cor!
o big fish!
I l.the Jtging mU new
ond I lihe ridlng on
I love jumping, one, two, three!
I love reoding [n our tree.
] love spelli,ng verg long words.
And I love wotching beout'ıJul blrds.
İ l tove this beoch! 'i
mg bike.
*-"""=-:,l @i
So do
Uncle Fred ond I love weoring Junng sochs ond si.tting on the rochs.
We love Jtnding big white shells ond swimming i,n the seo.
I love my Uncle Fred ond my Uncle Fred loves me.
- -, i-{§4ffi.wffiiİ!||_ i :.-
Fred çnd ıTıe
ğ€*w wşrdş
Drow lines.
ğ*r ş*ru§
You con swim ond fish in o ğgşğş**.
l cont p[og tennis now.
Look ot the rşs§ru!
I love eoting *fu*pşgş[*ğ*.
Let's sit on thot y<ş*Eq!
Mg ttrc*fl** is mg mum's brother.
ffi bWfu*ğ d**ş ffişçşğ* ffir*d **w*ğ
Reod the sentences. Choose the right word.
Exomple: Unc[e Fred loves his şıci**n /rğe6nile.
1 Uncle Fred likes h*e*e*ç / ğqşq}*fu*ğ1.
2 Uncle Fred likes çfu**EpLşğe *şk* / ğa* Ağ"*€§§"ğ3.
3 Uncle Fred loves his şeü[*w / *tş-#şt#* cor.
4 Luca likes her k*** / b*t[.
5 Luca likes her çmnterm / fuE§c*.
6 Lucg ond Uncle Fred love big white çğ,ş*ğğş / ffiş*w*yş.
@ La,acş L§§g*ş §**pŞrşff-
Put the words in the right box.
running )ynpil,g' spetting
toking photos reoding fishing
wotching TV
riding o bike
ffi*w şşğffişĞffi pe*pö* ffitr* ğfu*r*ğ
write numbers.
Look ot the pictures on poge 22. Answer the questions.
Exompte: How mong people con gou see in the pork?
l How mong trees con uou see in the pork?
2 How mong boots ore on the lokel
3 How mong fish ore in the woter?
4 How monu ducks con gou see?
5 How mong peopte qre in the roinl
6 How mong photos hos Uncle Fred got?
@ ffişç*ğ* ffir*# ğ*weg wcal§<§reç *re *h* trğğ*-
Drow lines from the sentences to the pictures. Write the words.
Exomples: H" ffi ....lÜ.ÇŞ.... running.
H. W ...Jg.YÇŞ.... ptoging his guitor.
wotching hockeg on TV.
toking photos of his cor.
eoting chocolote coke.
weoring funng clothes.
Whot do gou tove doing?
l love . ond l tove
,,+j; ,
-,'1 'l , ü'lq ; : ^i_,c
" *:; :, V./ . 4 -
Listen. Put gour flower ond
Look ot the picture. Answer the questions.
1 Whot colour is the bog's guitor?
2 How mong frogs ore therel
3 Whot colour is the bird?
4 How mong ducks ore there?
=="=##:z+s*,t g;3.{.3 #3,
Reod the sentences. Choose the right word.
,6 * a:
5 f.
boll in the picture.
lşaÜ (iir-t'J
§. Etr
om ge[low ond oronge. l con f[g, but l hovent got [egs.
om gellow ond oronge too. l con ftg ond l con swim!
om green ond l om big.You con climb me.
om 9reen ond big too, but l've got four doors!
.@ *
ffi 'l*fu'ı
ç* **€.u* #* g*şgc* **L**r*areçE
Listen ond colour the shells.
trr, O
Look ot the picture. Answer the questions.
l Where's Lucg?
2 Whot's the bog in the boot doing?
3 How monu shells con gou see?
4 Whot's wolking next to Luca?
Wfuşğ #* ş*aĞ ffi{B# w*wĞ{
Ask ond onswer the questions.
on the
€ra**ü*"&i&a* ffi*&ffiffiğ
Do gou tike finding
shells on the beoch?
ffi ffi&mş ğfu* #ffiffiffi-
How monu fish hove gou got?
o oooo oo
o 'sgnOĞas.fh
'I love coming to this beoch ond ploying here wlth gou
ond mahing greot big sondcostles,' Som tell,s Aunt Sue.
'Your sandcostte [s very good! Those shells ore prettg too.'
'Theg're the doors ond windows,' Som te[[s Aunt Sue.
'We[L done, Som, but come on now! It's
'But I don't wont my dinner now,' Som
Then o big blue wove comes. The costle
'Now I'm ongrg ond I'm sod,' Som te[[s
dlnner ttme Jor Uou.'
te[[s Aunt Sue.
breohs in two.
Aunt Sue.
The lizord's ln Sam's sondcastle.
Looh! It's mendlng lots oJ doors.
It's mending lots oJ wo[[s
o.nd it's mendlng lots oJ Jloors!
It's nlght tlme on the beoch now.
Som's sleeplng now, ore gou?
A llzord's sitting on the sond.
Con you see it too?
But whot's the ltzord dotng?
I don't hnow, do you?
l ffi
t ğü -.--_
.fu _, --,
*,x t,
Som's coming to the beoch o9oln. He's comlng with Aunt Sue.
He's loohing ot his sandcostle. Aunt Sue ts looklng too.
'Thot's greotl That wolls OK ogoln! Those J|.ogs ond wlndows tool
I'm very hoppy now!' Som sogs.
Aunt Sue is hoppy too!
@ New words for gou!
Drow lines.
One monster's gşt*t-ıgiişşt-t the wo[[!
One monster's :ııı"+.ı*;i+ir,*:ş the wotl!
Mg *u*;i is mg mum's sister.
Look ot thot =*s*şjş:ş==:İf,+:!
Whot o big .ş*ea,ş+!
Con gou see the ,=t+tş?
@ Tetl the story.
Write 2-6 in the boxes.
@ The bog's nğme is Sam.
Reod the questions. Write one-word onswers.
Exomple: ln this storu, whot's the bog's nome|
l Where does Som love going?
2 Who's with Som?
3 Whot does Som moke?
4 Whot breoks the sondcostle?
to the
O 5 Which onimol mends Som's sondcostle?
@ §om is moking tı scındcgstle!
Look ond reod. Write ges or no.
Exomple: Aunt Sue's sun hot is ge[[ow.
t There ore three gir[s in o boot.
2 Som is moking o sondcostle.
3 A monkeg is in the coconut tree.
4 Aunt Sue is sitting on the sond.
5 The flogs ore red.
6 You con see Som's foce.
@ Mg fomitg
Drow lines.
mg grondmo
mg grondpo
mg qunt
mg mum
mg dod
mg brother
mg cousin
(@_'lZ Listen to Som ond write the nomes.
l Mu cousin's nome is ...........
2 Mg grondmo's nome is ........
3 Mg fother's nome is ...........
4 Mg grondpo's nome is ...........
5 Mg brother's nome is ...........
Ğ. /a.
W [§ffi*,ıı L*ok! §gm's rğding his bike.
ğ/ J
Listen ond tick (r' the box.
Exomple: Whot's Som doing? t Where's Som nowl
l.ğ ""
h_ .ı
ü" ğ"/
3 Who's with Som?
.*§ j+
Reod this. choose o word from the box.
Hel[o! l live in the ............ş.ç.ç.....
| like swimming under (t)
l con open ond close mg block
I've got o beoutifut (3) ............... ot
the end of mg bodg.
l hovent got (4) . or [egs.
Whot om l? l'm o fish.
" i
jı ğ"
{l. *-
2 Whot's Som doing now?
i f.,
s"T. b-
çi. -f':
,'',-I .] !
;, ; :
@ Whct ğğTı i?
,J:_ :'
toiI orms boots
wheğ ş b*şuğğğuğ ggndeçşğleğ
Wrİte this, that, these or those.
windows ore prettg.
moking o sondcostle too.
flogs ore nice.
@ *ppşşğtes
ffig eşst[e!
Reod the words. Drow the pictures. Colour uour picture.
sondcostle is greot!
.;ıI ı
door is greot too!
Drow lines.
Mr Groy's a Jormer. There
on his Jorm. There's o dog
Jorm. There ore pototoes,
her gorden.
ore cows, sheep, 9oots,
too! Mrs Dog lives next
onions, beons, peos ond
duchs ond chichens
to Mr Grog's
two peor trees in
Mr Grog ond Mrs Doy
ore golng to town now.
He's golng i.n his truch.
She's golng on the bus.
Oh deor! Mr Grog's Jorm gote ts open.
Oh deor! Mrs Doy's gorden gote i.s open too!
Looh ot the cows ond sheep! Looh ot the goots and duchs
ond chichens! Theg're runntng ond jumping in Mrs Doy's gorden!
Theg're eotlng her pototoes, her onions ond her peos.
They're eoting her beons ond the peors in her trees.
Theg're weoring her hots, her T-shirts ond her shirts.
And they're weoring her dresses, her sweoters and her shirts!
But [ooh! Here's Mrs Dog. She's comlng home Jrom town.
home in his truch too.
'I'm very ongru!' soys Mrs Doy.
'Looh ot mU clothes ond look ot m9 trees!'
'I'm very sorry!' sogs Mr Grog.
'Would gou llke to hove lunch with me?'
Grog's coming
Oh no!
@ New words for gou!
Drow lines.
fuwrc sweafer
ond chickens,
farmer 9afe
@ Tett the storg.
Write 2-6 |n the boxes.
Mr Grğu lives next to Mrs Dog!
Look ond reod. choose o word from the box.
lunch clothes onimqls bus qote İftrffi truck
Exomple: Mr Grog hos got lots of onimols on his
l Mr Grog drives his ......... to town.
2 Mrs Dog goes to town on o
3 The form is open. Oh deor!
4 The ....... . eot Mrs Dog's pototoes, onions ond peos.
5 Theg weor Mrs Dog's . Oh deor!
6 Mr Grog is sorrg. He osks,'Would gou like to hove with me?'
'""t:iCilifl 1q ı. - ,, . ,,:,:i
H"şLj],_j lJ l _.
Reod the questions. Listen ond write o nqme or o number.
Exomples: Whqt's the nome of the forml
How mong sheep hos Mr Grog got?
l Whot's the nqme of his dog?
2 How mong trucl<s hos he got?
3 How monu chickens hos he got?
4 Whot's the nome of his brown cow?
5 How monu goots live on the form?
1ı f-,, c= d:
, t-"
d}#Dt 16 *&trfuç-. : ;} g;
=;. " ".:1: ; {.[gşq_ ".T*:jffştqşi
Listen ond drow lines.
j:,..,a €,
@ Whot'§ on the wnshing tine?
Drow ond colour the clothes. Drow ]ines.
o dress o sweoter o skirt o shirt some jeons some socks
@ Oh no! Look!
Look ond reod. Write the words.
Exomple: The brown cow is weoring o blue........qtİLlİ
1 The duck is weoring o green
2 The block sheep is weoring o white
3 The chicken is weoring o red ........ on its heod.
4 The greg goqt is weoring o pink
5 The block ond white cow is weoring o gellow
@ Mg fcıvourite food!
Complete the sentences.Write obout uou.
fgıp i,,,,iıi,],ı];:ı;i, l eOt
For .,.'i,..-:'l,, l eot........
For ..,:;.:.:::.,, l eOt
@ Afoutd g<ıu like to have lunch with me?
Look ot the pictures.Ask ond onswer questions.
Would gou like
with me?
Would gou
like o burger?
No, thonk gou!
Yes, p[eose!
Yes, pleose!
ond o
r lunc
ffi,ffi ffi
ky'rc -
No, thonk gou!
ffi h$ŞuŞS *#
Gron is ot Ji[[s house. She wonts to go home now, but she con't Jind
her glosses.
'I've got mg hondbog
mU coot. I've got mg
ond I've got mU bthe.
ore m9 g[osses?' oshs
ond I've got
But where
'Let's looh on the toble ond
ln the cupboord too!' soys Tom.
'No! Your glosses oren't here!
But looh! My robot! Great!'
'Let's looh behi.nd the TV ond
next to the computer,' soys Ji[[.
'No! Theg oren't here!
But [ooh! My ol.d ruler! Greot!'
'Let's [ooh between the ormchairs
ond under the cushions,' soys Mum.
'No! Your glosses oren't here!
But [ooh! Mg red sochs! Greot!'
'Oh dear! With no glosses,
I co.n't ride my bihe!' Gran sogs.
'We con drive you home!' Dod
'Con we come too?' ash Tom and
'Yes, you con!' sogs Dod.
'Thonh Uou,' sags Gron.
'Wow! It's hot in here!'
'Gron!!!' Tom ond Ji[[ soy,
'Your glosses ore on uour heod!'
'Greot!' sogs Gron.
'Now I con rlde home.'
t/lJ _ , ,.__.
*/ ",,!ı
il,+g:t f.,*gşğ€*; F"t+tg-*'ff
Write A, B or C in the boxes.
Drow lines.
ff" |.ffi*" gran home
.ij-::] + : + i6s
ı...ş :1,=:'.=
1] +"iil;f ,*9.i {= İĞİ +€":dli-
Look ond reod. Write the onswers.
Exomple: Whot con Gron ridel
1 Whot con't Gron find?
2 Whotl the bog's nome?
3 Whqt does Jitt findl
4 Who finds some socks?
5 Where ore Gron's glosses?
ğşşfhbtreğ§fu hot
,ş t,i
ffi bffiı,i^
r .t9 e ^1,/
Z____--)__ -§#
on her
6-j ...^., "Q
i|n]1 Ehffiğğ***uffi
ğre #ğhğ*g fl§w§reş ffiffi€}ğffiğ
alvJ, wwğğş€a-
Drow lines between the words ond the picture.
o mot
o desk
o [omp
o sofo
o clock
o toble
o cupboord
on ormchoir
Reod the questions. Write one-word onswers.
Whot's the cot doing|
Whot colour is the cot?
ffi Wfu*rmus *fum #ffi* ğ**ğq§ffiffiğ
Look ond reod. choose o word from the box.
nextto on,4f between under behind
The cot's looking ..........LT.. the cupboord
ond ....... . the sofo ond ....... . the toble
ond ....... . the TV ond ....... . the desk
ond ....... . the two cushions!
@ bYfumğ*ş ffkeğruP Wfu*ğ *re ğğş*ç*ğ
Look ot the pictures. Look ot the letters. Write ond colour.
Exomplei /,/,
This is Grqn's blue h o t .
1 ,,:r
,] / ./i /i
'. 'n'
| -) /-
i" .' ,'
o ı-.-/'' - r1
2 ,.ıif
(--o ---
4 -fi
_ ( '_..-_
5 n-_
- ]-' =ç}--,>-,
This is Gron's green
This is Ji[['s pink
This is Tom's block
These ore Mum's red
These ore Gron's purple
1t "i
lc l
lr tl
lu o
lo s|
l .k I
lo 9l
*re üfuis p§mtrLşğ"ffi ffirwşruru h*ğn §g
Look ot the big picture on poge 4t ond
this picture. Find 5
Answer the questions obout this picture. Write one-word
How mong peopte ore there in the cor?
Whot colour ore the flowers?
Whot's Jitl doingl
,#. !.'ro
ğffi. ,f a
€tr ış5ffion ıa ffi**dfuw*u ffirşşre§
Listen ond co[our the hots.
@ @a,ı, Pümg ğhe ffiü§yttr-
Put the pencils on the toble.
KFre*s* ğremğç ffitr* ffiKğ ffir#ffiğ§ h*md-
Look ot the pictures ond write the words.
These hots ore on Gron's h
These tous ore on Tom's b
These pens ore in Mum's s
These bogs ore in Jilt's b
.,,.. şn+ E*Efts siE €l*.ğ:i.1 -__
]* ji€
The chitdren ln Mr Bath's closs ore reoding storles thls mornlng.
Theg're reodlng obout o jung[e o.nd o zoo.
The monster ln Mr Bath's clossroom isn't reoding thls morning.
It's polnting suns ond stors on Anno's shoe!
The children in Mr Both's ore ho.ving their lunch now.
They're eotlng Jtsh ond chips ond peos ond bread.
The monster Jrom Mr Both's clossroom lsn't hoving its lunch now.
It's throwlng poper planes ot Som ond Fred!
-. -- Jll
The chitdren i,n Mr Both's closs ore dotng lots oJ sports now.
They're p|,oying soccer, tennis or bosebo[[.
The monster Jrom Mr Both's clossroom lsn't dolng sport now.
It's drowing Junng Joces on the wo[[!
The chitdren [n Mr Both's class
ore golng home now.
They're getting thetr bogs
and games ond boohs ond pens.
The monster in Mr Both's
clossroom isn't going home now.
It lives behind the door
oJ clossroom 10!
Mr Bath con't see the monster. But the chlldren ln his
Theg whlsper, 'Now, BE GOOD!' ond wove goodbge.
But the monster tsn't llstenlng. It's ptoging the piono!
Theg love their noughty clossrnote! So do I!
closs con!
@ ffi*w w*rds §*y g*w§
Drow lines.
These children ore Anno's
One chi[d is ,, i ,,, !
This is o
Some monkegs live in the
we con write on
Thqt girl's ! Look!
@ *ur atrşsşrğ*ğĞĞ Hşa*ffi§*ğr
Whot does the monster do in the storg? Tick (r') the boxes.
R'ie % Nffi
@ Mr ffişth is the tegehen.
Reod the sentences. Choose the right word.
Exomple: The teocher's nome is ,',i,ı l-rr. Both.
l The children reod obout o i,,* i,.. f '.,jııı..,::.,.
2 The monster pointsAnno's ,,,,iı:..,:ı. l i,r,,:.,,,.
3 The chitdren eot , | ., ı, ::,.: f i:,, , , for their lunch,
4 The monster drows funng foces on o :].ji,;,i]: / '.,.,=,;',,;.
5 The monster lives f .,,1 ;1.,:,,,,, |,,,i the clossroom door.
6 The teocher .:.,|. l ,- see the monster.
7 The monster plogs the
@ @o r, &reffiffi*§ ğmğ§eğrcç mfu*wğ ğ*ş* ffireffiş,E§ffffiff-
Tree School
Reod the questions. Listen ond write o nome, o colour or o number.
Exomple: Whot's the monster's nomel
1 Where does the monster [ive?
2 which clossroom is the monster in nowl
3 Who gives chips to the monster?
4 Whot's the monster's fovourite colour?
5 How monu points hos the monster got?
@ L**ğş§ ffirm#** #rmery§ffiffi-
The monster's
The teocher's
&şreffiffitrffi *ğ*ş*yşreffiff*ffi
Reod ond write.
Look ot the pictures. Whot ore the children doing?
Fred,s ......#r.ç.y.İİj*...... .
- İ
^ ^ *:.
Fred's ......
Anno's Anno's
The monster's
The teocher's
ffi Wfumtr ffişşft ğğ
Wfuşğ ffiffiffi
Drow lines.
Reod this. choose o word from the box.
l om in Anno's ......ş.çh*.ç.L..... . The chitdren in Anno's c[oss dont reod
their (1) ........ in me.Theg sit on green (2) ........
ond eot in me.The chi[dren put their [unch on the (3) ........
Todog, Anno ond her clossmotes ore eoting fish ond (4) ........
in me.Theg're drinking oronge (5) in me too!
Whot om l? l'm o dining room!
trfueç ffiğ*ff§rreç§
bog chips
tennis footboll hockeg bosketboll bodminton bosebo[[
Whot sport do gou tike?
l love toble tennis!
So do l!
@ @r, Aşşdb§e, A*şdb§ei
Where ore the chi[dren going? Listen ond colour the streets.
@ Whçt üı"e theşş ıE$ffi§ter§ doinE?
Reod the questions. Write one-word onswers.
@am [m-_
Exomple: Whot's the oronge monster doing?
l How mong monsters ore in clossroom 't0 now?
2 Whot's the pink monster tooking otl
3 How mong monsters ore drowing pictures?
4 Whot co[our is the blue monster's hot?
5 Whot's the green monster ploging with?
@ S*!ç ryıArı§tğri
Drow ond write obout gour monster.
.,.,.";}. a;:. :ır'|'
.i ''ri :{:" :i,,, ,;aij
E ;,., ",.
,,,,-,- .+,,J,|
|i|:| a: a::a,:.,.t .:.,!. :j1
:.. !.: t;i'.":::; .,
ii f:l,
' :4 :1'
'|l., :ı
Mum ond Dod ore i.n the living room. Theg're watching televlsion.
My slster's in the bothroom. She's singing hoppU songs.
But ]'m here, in my bedroom. I'm woitlng Jor the nlght traln.
I've got mU nlght troin tichet! Pleose don't te[[ them! Theg don't hnowl
Mg Jomitg ore o[[ now.
T'* ^a++i^^ ffirı lnnn -nA iaaLa+ *Y
I'm gettlng my long red jochet.
I'm openlng
I'm jumping
I'm running in the nlght now,
verU guichly, very guichlg!
I con see the ntght
Woit Jor mel
window ond
the tree.
]]:1i J,.l !!]!l
Now I'm riding
We're to
My Jriends ond
in the snow.
on the ntght troin.
the mountoins.
I con ploy there
We're mohing Junng snowmen.
We're throwing big white snowbolls.
We're running ond we're jumping ond...
we don't wont to go!
[il<e on egg| :J;
Bill! Are gou h
[istening to me| ',-l,
(ü f,r;
C) l
e Sorrg!Yes, pleose.
S ...".«,
It's morntng in our house now. My mum ls mohlng breohJost.
Dod's sitting ot the tob[e ond mg slster's phoning Jri.ends.
But ]'m holding m9 new tichet. It's mg ticket to the mountolns!
Looh! Look! But p[eose don't te[[ them! Theg don't hnow!
ffi ffi*w w*rdg ğ*r ç**aH
Drow lines.
§wğ wg§&şğ
Drow the right person.
ğ ,o the mountoins a a the mountoins E
ğr on o troin. } L on o bus. }
-*-**-*., **Ş
6qffi * f},.r
Kü, g },
jtl- 7
This person ( ) is totking obout this storg.
Reod the questions.Write one-word onswers.
Exomple: Who wotches TV with Bitt's mum? Bltt's ...........4.Ç.d
ffi Wfu** ğ*ğğg &rxffi *fu*as€" *fu'aa ***rç3
ffi ffi*L€r* #m# wşffiffirfuffiffi HW-
l Where does Bill's sister sing songs?
2 Whot hos Bi[[ got in his hond?
3 Whot does Bi[[ open?
4 Whot does Bil[ ride on?
5 Where does the troin go?
in the
o troin
the ........ troin
to the
ffi 6 Who plogs in the snow?
Bi[[ ond his
' 'o. . ":i,;"_ . .J ıd j ü.1.^,
Look ot the pictures.Write the words.
1 ,r 4 ı, ,.
, ,-]- 7K
- /|/--.-- )
- ( ?ct,L,- 2,-j
$+  a,,ı,ütı, L,
 /" " n4 (
,  v) l -
z/ ,z ıfr-/ u
/  )<'..--__/
İ{ li * Ci
Exomp[e: l've got o ...........İ*r*........... jocket.
l Here's m9 ........ ticket!
2 These cıre mu . shoes.
3 l'm weoring mg . hot.
4 l'm riding on o . troin.
5 Wow! Look ot thot . mountoin!
" j:l" ..; ö"." ğl:r"," f.:.":f".
Listen ond drow tines.
,ffi /-**ı.
iffiffi i. #ffEEı ?5 ffiEşa ffiwaffi fu#ru €*rrurex&ç
Listen ond tick (r') the box.
Exompte: Whot's in Bill's bog? 1 Whot ore Bi[['s mum ond dod
doing now?
Cİ Al Bl
Whot's Bi[l doinq nowl
Bi[['s sister|
ml ,-
,rL)a y
ffi Wfuwffi ffi{HB ffi'F
Reod this. choose o word from the box.
A........h9.g........ is moking me! He's putting o (1) on mU
heod. Mu (2) is white. Mg nose is o (3)
l cqn stond, but l con't run. l hovent got (4) or orms. l'm
smiling with mg (5) ........ .Whot om l? l'm o snowmon.
t/  l
^a ıY-
[, ,}
@ Would Uou tike on egg for breokfost?
Ask ond onswer.
Would gou [ike
sousoges for breokfost?
Yes, pleose!
No, thonks!
egg sousoges juice
gropes milk coke
Drow uour breokfost on the toble.
GFb' &ğ}*aıe& ffiığ& şüskü§ * ?
Gğı şş §üçş ğ ffir* §r*i §ğ§trŞff ğĞ*lfif-
Whot ore uou toking?
choose ond write 6 words.
@ Plmş ühş §ffiıTığ-
A long troin, o short troin.
-1.1 inners!
Hl! Mg nome's A[ex ond these are
We're in o boshetboll teom.
my Jour Jriends.
I can't cotch the bo[[, but I'm very good ot throwing.
Jl[[ con't throw or jump, but she con run verg Jast!
Kim ond Jim can't run Jost, but theg're very good ot catching.
Tom is good ot bounclng, cotching, throwing, jumplng ond
running too! We're The Flve Stars!
Todoy, we're plogtng bashetbolt with The Flve Suns.
Lucy ond Rich and N[ch can run verg Jost.
And Tong ond Pattg ore verg to[[. Wotch them!
Wow! Theg con throw thot bo[[!
Right! Let's start this gome!
We're running ond jumplng
and bouncing ond wotchlng.
We're stopping ond startlng.
We're throwlng ond cotching.
Whot's the score?
Oh no! We've got three ond they've got Jour.
'Throw it to Kim!' Jıl,[ sogs.
'Run, run!' JLm says.
'Cotch!' Klm soys to me.
'Now bounce [t, bounce it ond
run, run, run! Oh, we[[ done! It's
in the net!'
Whot's the score now?
Hooroy! We've got Jtve ond theg've
got Jour.We're the wlnners!
Now our teom
Con gou ju.p
The Flve Stors
We're wlnners.
is smiling.
ond run Jost too?
ore verg hoppg
So ore you!
@ New words for gou!
Drow lines.
Wow! She's running f*şt.
But he's the şşğ*tru*ş-!
There's o mff*eş" on his T-shirt!
There ore two ğ"#{=ş3t.ıii.
Put the bo[[ in thot *t,+:E:!
Whot's the g*ş*g,f. now?
The Five Stons
@ Our teom is good ot ...
Put o tick (ıZ) in the box.
AIex r'
J ııı
@ Alex's teom is The Five Stors!
Answer the questİons.
Exomple: Whot's the nome of Alex's teoml
1 Whot gome ore theg ptoging todog?
2 Whot's the nome of Lucg's teom?
3 Which bog is verg to[[?
4 Whot's the score ot the end of the gomel
@ Look ot the teom!
Look ond reod.Write ges or no.
Exomples: You con see five chi[dren.
The kite is red ond getlow.
1 The bog with red hoir is running.
2 A cot is ploging with q bo[[.
3 One gir[ is weoring o blue T-shirt.
4 Three children ore weoring hots.
5 There's o to[[ tree behind the children.
6 The dog is brown ond white.
@ Which sports does A[ex tike?
Reod the sentences.Tick(r') or cross (X) the boxes.
A[ex likes horse riding ond bosebo[l.
A[ex likes bodmlnton, but he doesnt like swimming.
Alex doesn't like toble tennis or hockeg.
Let's stort this gome!
Look ot the picture.Answer the
1 How monu children ore therel
2 Whot colour is Pottg's hoirl
3 Whot's the number on Alex's T-shirtl
QS-zz Now Jisten ond colour the bol.s.
Throw ond cotch thot bolt!
Ptog the gome!
P @
@ r-rr
t",."."ı,i---| @
 --.--^ _J
@ fuo Whot'sAlex doing now?
Listen.Tick (r') the right box.
We're the winners!
Drow lines.
@ Whct teom ore Uou in?
Are we the
Yes, gou ore.
Wett done!
l love ptoging
Drow ond write.
Cambridqe EsoL exam5
A2 Cambridge English: Flyers (YLE Flyers)
A1 Cambridge English: Movers (YLE Movers)
Cambridge EnElish: starters (YLE starters)
ISBN 978-0-52 1 -1 8810-4

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  • 1. ;ı',ğ,];-i .,,E:i-,, 3ü ,ıı Wı..$§ ,,,F:lı ü, 4|)1)'!)v ffi BsE a .i zeısıa;l '}, ffi;: ertç ,-*,' ': ıry -| Ç -ğ ü * ,ş ı ı lı ü i, W ,.,, :,r''|ırr§r}*,ğ' wI ıei&;rçı ,i ı:., ,, § ,' *' ,ıııwfır*ı
  • 2. öffiffiffi ffiğTd Pdffitr I've got three hites ond a yellow bihe. Hi! ]'m Ann. I've got two cors and Jour gultars. And hi! I'm Tom! I've got some bots ond some Junng red hots! I've got Jive duchs ond two big truchs. Come ond plog with rne todoy! Come ond p[oy wlth me todog! 1iiiffi
  • 3. My nome's Sue and his nome's Pot. We've got o do[[ ond on ugly blue tro[[! And we've got a Ltzard ond o hoppg wizard. Come ond ploy with us todag! We've got lots oJ pets too ond theg con plog wlth you! We've got o cot, o dog and three green Jrogs. So come ond play wlth us todoy!
  • 4. co(ne ond ptog New words Drow lines. for gou! This is o h*ğ. lE l hls ıs o flr{Eti. This is o wişffir#. These ore mg p**s. @ Whot ore the chltdren's nomes? Write their nomes on the lines. Exomple: Exomple: Her nome is @ Who hos got the hots? Write the correct nome next to numbers 1-6. Exomple, ........I9t!........ hos got the hots. l ......... hos got the lizord. 2 hos got the ducks. 3 hos got the dol[. 4 hos got the guitors. 5 hos got the bots. 6 hos got the bike. Kw,ff sue Par E ffişşre Tom
  • 5. @ This is tı bike. Put o tick (r') or o cross (X) in the box. Exomples: fu This is o bike. ü *Thisisocor. n 2M fu Thisisotruck.[*l 4 W @ Thisisobott. l 6 @ One robots.'Two robots. Look ot the picture.Write the words. The robots hove got one b O 9,one b ___,one k___, one q _ ond one d The robots hove got two h _ _ _ ond two b The robots hove gotthree d __ ,four p__ ondfiveb____too! This is o bike bog. l girt. İ kite. l tr This is o This is o This is o
  • 6. @ f,fe've got o dog! Look ot the pictures.Whot hove gou got? @ §ue hos got o red pencil. Look ond reod.Write Ues or no. Exomples: The chitdren hove got o cot. The cot hos got o tou mouse. l Sue hos got o blue pencil. 2 The chitdren hove got two bots. 3 The big robot hos got five pencils. 4 Tom hos got o book obout o robot. 5 The chitdren hove got two u9[g tro[[s. 6 The tro[ls hove got blue hots. fu' o' Now listen ond colour the robots. o --l
  • 7. @ Let's drow! Write one word. Drow pictures. Exomple: This is o ......[T.9.9.Ş9...... write words with the some sound. O Pot, cot ... O Come ond ptog wlth me todog! Are gou o wizord, o lizord, o doll or o troll?
  • 8. @ffi u fuffiffitrfu**** It's mg birthdog todoy! Hoorog! Hooroy! This is my mum ond dod. Thls is mg brother, Her name's Ji[[! And Grondpo's here too! My grondpo's nome is Bitt. I love him! $:jb",#j":şj3 Let's hove o portg! @re ,ffi .ffi "ffi
  • 9. [s thls o bot? No, [t's o sun hot. Is this o cloch? No, they're some sochs. Is this o tog tiger? No, it's o tou spider! It's my birthdoy todog! Hoorog! Hooroy! It's mg porty now. We've got lemonode and But where's mg tog splder? It's on Grondpa's ,.!Jrı$ 3lı"ffi-g ! Th[s cohe is greot! And now I'm eight! How old ore gou? Are you eight too? lHlftllffi;;glj -ü.r '_-ı L- Thonh gou, Mum ond Dod ond Ji[[. And thonh gou Ben ond Grondpo Bi[l,! lce creom! heod! t 1 İ ; A ,: i İ ,,L ,- l p :-'ffit,-}."** {:
  • 10. birthdog! ff€*ruw wgprds ğ*ş, ç*nx§ Drow lines. ffiffitrğw balloons Kinn', ,ffi fu Ğ t_ _l ı1 ı-*l ıi iİ @ Şfuğç §ş KEffit'§ gnmatdpğ- Look ot the pictures. Write the words. Exomple: This is Kim's .......gt9İCP..Ç........ His nome is .............B.]!L............ . 1 And this is Kim's 2 Here's Kim's His nome is ........... 3 And this is Kim's 4 This is Kim's Her nome is ........... 5 And look! Here's ............... ! presents Gards Exomp[e: @ bWh§th şre Kiry?i§ prğ§ent§? Put o tick (r') or o cross (X). (} f ffiffi§W E ü*] il li iİ a! li
  • 11. 'Fr=" &.ğ 9 § ğ F } W9) E*Strşffiffifu; ffi,ştrğre#ffi.j, // Moke Kim o birthdog cord. Whot's gour present to Kim? Drow it in this box. fum**m fu*wm ffi ffiffiffiffiH write the words. {, j.ove-ryorcu get some bolloons moke o coke hove some lemonode sing some songs moke some portg hots Exomple:
  • 12. Listen ond drow lines. ".--*--'''--.- rı' ij ;i ,*, ,.*ğ Ji ; ı- ffi @ ou ffiruştr ğfue **fu* mre fffu* ffiğş*§q ffmfuğmH & ffiffi ffi ffiğşşw*g ffiffiffiffiğoffi fu*r ffiğ-ffiffi*ffi,ğ§ Look ond reod. Write ges or no. Exomples: Kim's sun hot is ge[[ow. kim is on the beoch. There ore five peop[e in the picture. The bolloons ore red ond b[ue. Kim hos got some lemonode. Kim's brother hos got o kite. The clock is on the tqbte. Kim's grondfother hos got white hoir. ffiffiW§ ....9.ç.ş.... no 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 13. @ a§ Hffiçfr {"a *tşrj choose onswers from the box. Write them on the lines. ls this o bot? Hoppu birthdog! Where's m9 tou spider? No, it'ş o scın hut l'm nine! OK! Greot! lt's under the choir. No, he isn't. W Thonk gou! ffi ffiffus trğftffi fuğrtrfud*g **#ffiffiğ Cross out the green words ond choose new words. lt's mg birthdog todog! Hoorog! Hoorog! This ,:ı;,,:., ..... is greot! And thonk gou, Mg fovourite present is mg , , ,,,:: ffiene-ffç ffğşffirere#ffiğ Lm,***ffi ffiğq§ff ffiffireç*H
  • 14. fu @ # @ $hğt (ım ı? Excuse me! What om I? Con gou te[[ me? We[[, gou oren't on elephant. I'm on elephont and my body is verg b[9. Your body i,s verg sma[[. Hove Uou got big eors? No, I hoven't. We[[, elephonts hove got btg eors. No. You oren't on elephont. Sorry! Excuse me! Whot om I? Con you te[[ me? We[[, Uou oren't o crocodile. I'm o crocodile ond I've got lots oJ long white teeth. You hoven't got teeth. Hove Uou got a long toi[? No. My toll is short. We[[, crocodiles hove 9ot long to[[s. No. You oren't o crocodlle. Sorry! # &. # @* İ
  • 15. i''l-.- fo" ffi Excuse me! Whot om I? Pleose tel,[ me! We[[, Uou oren,t o monhey. I'm o monhey ond I've got o Junny Jace. You hoven't got o Junng Jacel. Con you climb trees? No, I can't! We[[, monheys con climb trees. No. You oren't o monheg. Sorrg! Excuse me! Whot om I? I'm not on elephont. I'm not o crocodile ond I'm not o monheg. I've got two brown wtngs ond two ye[[ow Jeet. Me too! I can sw[m. I con wolh and I con Jty. Me too! Youire o duch, you see! You're o duch lihe me! I'm a duch! Ytppeeeee! T # + {L §-
  • 16. V,rhğt om ı? @ New wçrds f*r gcıuı! Drow lines. w##wfu feeth wings Excuse me! ffi @ kYfuiçğt şş"ginrc*ğ §ffi§§ *foğsğ Drow lines. ...i,'ş ' -&ı] _ ,". W &fhich cınimşşLş dCIes the duek tati< tş? Choose the right poth. Colour it ge[[ow. I've got lots of long white teeth. Mg bodg is verg big. |'ve got o funng foce.
  • 17. @ I'm cın etephont! Look ot the pictures. Look ot the letters. Write the words. Thisison e l| e. This is on This is o This is o This is o This is o Exomp[e: ffi ffi ffi @ffi ffi ffi @ The duck is stonding under the tree. Look ot the first picture in the storg. Tick (r') the Ues or no box. Ues no Exomples: The big greg elephont is in the woter. Ü İ You con see o monkeg behind the gellow duck. İ V 1 The duck is stonding under the tree. İ İ 2 The elephont hos got blue eges. İ İ 3 You con see two green frogs in the woter. İ İ 4 There ore two pink flowers. İ İ 5 The etephont's mouth is open İ İ
  • 18. @ Con uou climb trees? Con uou flu? Answer the duck's questions. Write Yes, l con. or No, l cdn't. @ Colour these monkegs! //1 7 , ,,l" Exomple: Con gou f[g? Con gou wolkl Listen ond colour. 1@ How mong monkegs ore there in the picture?
  • 19. @ Monkeu§ [ove bononcıs! Reod the sentences. Choose the right word. Exomple: Monkegs love $*ı*r,q**":; l6ffil **ao. 1 Monkegs hove got long {;ğğ",gş,Es / :tş***,.,::ı / §*ş*. 2 Hippos hove got one t*:ç / r,ş,şş*aıtği,: / ı.:uşy-. 3 Monkegs hove got two t+irı*ş* / ğt,,=*ş,ğç / ş*şğğ*. 4 Elephonts con t"qşğ$< / §ısrttş: / ,g,.ş*ii+. 5 Frogs hove got two ,{***t*ş / ,ğşg*+:::,; / *c.+*s. 6 Spiders con *,iğşĞ / ffiç / stwiş,;t. @ |'m ğ crocophont! Reod the questions. Write uour onswers on the lines. Exomple: Whot ore goul l Whot colour is gour bodg? 2 Whot cotour ore gour eges? 3 Hove uou got o long toi[? 4 Hove gou got big wings? 5 Con gou tqtk? 6 Con gou f[g? Whot ore gou? l'm o crocophont. ond @ Whot ore uou? Reod the questions. Write uour onswers on the lines. Are gou o bog or o gir[? Whot colour ore uour egesl Hove gou got [ong hoir? Con gou swim?
  • 20. ffiffi# ryĞffi *w*%m ffirym# My Uncte Fred lihes running wlth hls Jriends. Mg Uncle Fred lihes Jishing ln the [ohe, watching hocheg on TV ond eatlng chocolote cohe! ,'' o/ ;,0 § My Uncle Fred loves wolhing in the roln. Mg Uncle Fred loves plogtng his guitor, wearing Junng clothes and tohlng photos oJ his cor! Wow!Whot o big fish! }s- 'o / 0 O,/ /,
  • 21. I l.the Jtging mU new ond I lihe ridlng on A-L-P-H-A-B-E-T! I love jumping, one, two, three! I love reoding [n our tree. ] love spelli,ng verg long words. And I love wotching beout'ıJul blrds. İ l tove this beoch! 'i |,: hite mg bike. *-"""=-:,l @i So do Uncle Fred ond I love weoring Junng sochs ond si.tting on the rochs. We love Jtnding big white shells ond swimming i,n the seo. I love my Uncle Fred ond my Uncle Fred loves me. - -, i-{§4ffi.wffiiİ!||_ i :.-
  • 22. t}ncte Fred çnd ıTıe ğ€*w wşrdş Drow lines. ğ*r ş*ru§ You con swim ond fish in o ğgşğş**. l cont p[og tennis now. Look ot the rşs§ru! I love eoting *fu*pşgş[*ğ*. Let's sit on thot y<ş*Eq! Mg ttrc*fl** is mg mum's brother. ffi bWfu*ğ d**ş ffişçşğ* ffir*d **w*ğ Reod the sentences. Choose the right word. Exomple: Unc[e Fred loves his şıci**n /rğe6nile. 1 Uncle Fred likes h*e*e*ç / ğqşq}*fu*ğ1. 2 Uncle Fred likes çfu**EpLşğe *şk* / ğa* Ağ"*€§§"ğ3. 3 Uncle Fred loves his şeü[*w / *tş-#şt#* cor. 4 Luca likes her k*** / b*t[. 5 Luca likes her çmnterm / fuE§c*. 6 Lucg ond Uncle Fred love big white çğ,ş*ğğş / ffiş*w*yş. @ La,acş L§§g*ş §**pŞrşff- Put the words in the right box. running )ynpil,g' spetting toking photos reoding fishing wotching TV riding o bike jornping
  • 23. ffi*w şşğffişĞffi pe*pö* ffitr* ğfu*r*ğ write numbers. Look ot the pictures on poge 22. Answer the questions. Exompte: How mong people con gou see in the pork? l How mong trees con uou see in the pork? 2 How mong boots ore on the lokel 3 How mong fish ore in the woter? 4 How monu ducks con gou see? 5 How mong peopte qre in the roinl 6 How mong photos hos Uncle Fred got? 6 lHe 2He 3He 4He 5He four @ ffişç*ğ* ffir*# ğ*weg wcal§<§reç *re *h* trğğ*- Drow lines from the sentences to the pictures. Write the words. Exomples: H" ffi ....lÜ.ÇŞ.... running. H. W ...Jg.YÇŞ.... ptoging his guitor. wotching hockeg on TV. fishing. toking photos of his cor. eoting chocolote coke. weoring funng clothes. Whot do gou tove doing? l love . ond l tove işği ,,+j; , iğ61 :*s, w 6?', ffi .%.
  • 24. -,'1 'l , ü'lq ; : ^i_,c " *:; :, V./ . 4 - Listen. Put gour flower ond Look ot the picture. Answer the questions. 1 Whot colour is the bog's guitor? 2 How mong frogs ore therel 3 Whot colour is the bird? ond 4 How mong ducks ore there? @ =="=##:z+s*,t g;3.{.3 #3, Reod the sentences. Choose the right word. ,6 * a: 5 f. }:h" a- boll in the picture. o o o o lşaÜ (iir-t'J §. Etr om ge[low ond oronge. l con f[g, but l hovent got [egs. om gellow ond oronge too. l con ftg ond l con swim! om green ond l om big.You con climb me. om 9reen ond big too, but l've got four doors! 1l 2l 3l 4l
  • 25. .@ * ffi 'l*fu'ı ç* **€.u* #* g*şgc* **L**r*areçE Listen ond colour the shells. trr, O Look ot the picture. Answer the questions. l Where's Lucg? 2 Whot's the bog in the boot doing? 3 How monu shells con gou see? 4 Whot's wolking next to Luca? Wfuşğ #* ş*aĞ ffi{B# w*wĞ{ Ask ond onswer the questions. on the €ra**ü*"&i&a* ffi*&ffiffiğ Do gou tike finding shells on the beoch? ffi ffi- L-*-r ffi ffi&mş ğfu* #ffiffiffi- How monu fish hove gou got? o oooo oo o
  • 26. o 'sgnOĞas.fh 'I love coming to this beoch ond ploying here wlth gou ond mahing greot big sondcostles,' Som tell,s Aunt Sue. 'Your sandcostte [s very good! Those shells ore prettg too.' 'Theg're the doors ond windows,' Som te[[s Aunt Sue. 'We[L done, Som, but come on now! It's 'But I don't wont my dinner now,' Som Then o big blue wove comes. The costle 'Now I'm ongrg ond I'm sod,' Som te[[s Goodbge, beoch! dlnner ttme Jor Uou.' te[[s Aunt Sue. breohs in two. Aunt Sue.
  • 27. The lizord's ln Sam's sondcastle. Looh! It's mendlng lots oJ doors. It's mending lots oJ wo[[s o.nd it's mendlng lots oJ Jloors! It's nlght tlme on the beoch now. Som's sleeplng now, ore gou? A llzord's sitting on the sond. Con you see it too? But whot's the ltzord dotng? I don't hnow, do you? -]effi fu. w ie,, l ffi k.ffi t ğü -.--_ {'h ğ,: .fu _, --, "&& *,x t, ffi.: Som's coming to the beoch o9oln. He's comlng with Aunt Sue. He's loohing ot his sandcostle. Aunt Sue ts looklng too. 'Thot's greotl That wolls OK ogoln! Those J|.ogs ond wlndows tool I'm very hoppy now!' Som sogs. Aunt Sue is hoppy too!
  • 28. Sonn" sondcostle @ New words for gou! Drow lines. c One monster's gşt*t-ıgiişşt-t the wo[[! One monster's :ııı"+.ı*;i+ir,*:ş the wotl! Mg *u*;i is mg mum's sister. Look ot thot =*s*şjş:ş==:İf,+:! Whot o big .ş*ea,ş+! Con gou see the ,=t+tş? @ Tetl the story. Write 2-6 in the boxes. ı @ The bog's nğme is Sam. Reod the questions. Write one-word onswers. Exomple: ln this storu, whot's the bog's nome| l Where does Som love going? 2 Who's with Som? 3 Whot does Som moke? 4 Whot breoks the sondcostle? Sorn to the Aunt o Cı Cı O 5 Which onimol mends Som's sondcostle?
  • 29. @ §om is moking tı scındcgstle! Look ond reod. Write ges or no. &-wr Exomple: Aunt Sue's sun hot is ge[[ow. t There ore three gir[s in o boot. 2 Som is moking o sondcostle. 3 A monkeg is in the coconut tree. 4 Aunt Sue is sitting on the sond. 5 The flogs ore red. 6 You con see Som's foce. no @ Mg fomitg Drow lines. mg grondmo mg grondpo mg qunt mg mum mg dod mg brother mg cousin (@_'lZ Listen to Som ond write the nomes. l Mu cousin's nome is ........... 2 Mg grondmo's nome is ........ 3 Mg fother's nome is ........... 4 Mg grondpo's nome is ........... 5 Mg brother's nome is ...........
  • 30. Ğ. /a. W [§ffi*,ıı L*ok! §gm's rğding his bike. ğ/ J Listen ond tick (r' the box. Exomple: Whot's Som doing? t Where's Som nowl l.ğ "" ! d ,,t h_ .ı *fşru'- ü" ğ"/ .#' --i @ğ+' @. cİ Aİ Bİ cİ 3 Who's with Som? ,i .*§ j+ rem- *fftrı ffiş AE Reod this. choose o word from the box. Hel[o! l live in the ............ş.ç.ç..... | like swimming under (t) l con open ond close mg block (2)........ I've got o beoutifut (3) ............... ot the end of mg bodg. l hovent got (4) . or [egs. Whot om l? l'm o fish. ,,'.- " i jı ğ" {l. *- AE Bİ 2 Whot's Som doing now? Aİ -i:-'!' ', l; i f., s"T. b- çi. -f': ,'',-I .] ! ;, ; : , J4, *r' cİ @ Whct ğğTı i? ,J:_ :' :u# ry Pffi .# i* ğ ..4# toiI orms boots
  • 31. wheğ ş b*şuğğğuğ ggndeçşğleğ Wrİte this, that, these or those. ,.! :; .i ii :.. ,ffi--:Ş windows ore prettg. moking o sondcostle too. i 1 L..-" a flogs ore nice. @ *ppşşğtes {r* r* } l ffig eşst[e! Reod the words. Drow the pictures. Colour uour picture. Exomp[e: sondcostle is greot! İ .;ıI ı door is greot too! Drow lines.
  • 32. **.*A{§u Şu*W"u şhğğğ, ffirıc;,Stıgt§u ftı=cfçensl Mr Groy's a Jormer. There on his Jorm. There's o dog Jorm. There ore pototoes, her gorden. ore cows, sheep, 9oots, too! Mrs Dog lives next onions, beons, peos ond duchs ond chichens to Mr Grog's two peor trees in Mr Grog ond Mrs Doy ore golng to town now. He's golng i.n his truch. She's golng on the bus. Oh deor! Mr Grog's Jorm gote ts open. Oh deor! Mrs Doy's gorden gote i.s open too! Looh ot the cows ond sheep! Looh ot the goots and duchs ond chichens! Theg're runntng ond jumping in Mrs Doy's gorden!
  • 33. -_ı7i Theg're eotlng her pototoes, her onions ond her peos. They're eoting her beons ond the peors in her trees. Theg're weoring her hots, her T-shirts ond her shirts. And they're weoring her dresses, her sweoters and her shirts! But [ooh! Here's Mrs Dog. She's comlng home Jrom town. home in his truch too. 'I'm very ongru!' soys Mrs Doy. 'Looh ot mU clothes ond look ot m9 trees!' 'I'm very sorry!' sogs Mr Grog. 'Would gou llke to hove lunch with me?' Grog's coming Oh no!
  • 34. T ÇoWSı @ New words for gou! Drow lines. fuwrc sweafer 5|1eePı ducks goots, ond chickens, farmer 9afe @ Tett the storg. Write 2-6 |n the boxes. Mr Grğu lives next to Mrs Dog! Look ond reod. choose o word from the box. lunch clothes onimqls bus qote İftrffi truck Exomple: Mr Grog hos got lots of onimols on his l Mr Grog drives his ......... to town. 2 Mrs Dog goes to town on o 3 The form is open. Oh deor! fonrn 4 The ....... . eot Mrs Dog's pototoes, onions ond peos. 5 Theg weor Mrs Dog's . Oh deor! 6 Mr Grog is sorrg. He osks,'Would gou like to hove with me?'
  • 35. '""t:iCilifl 1q ı. - ,, . ,,:,:i H"şLj],_j lJ l _. Reod the questions. Listen ond write o nqme or o number. Exomples: Whqt's the nome of the forml How mong sheep hos Mr Grog got? l Whot's the nqme of his dog? 2 How mong trucl<s hos he got? 3 How monu chickens hos he got? 4 Whot's the nome of his brown cow? 5 How monu goots live on the form? 1ı f-,, c= d: Form , t-" tu d}#Dt 16 *&trfuç-. : ;} g; =;. " ".:1: ; {.[gşq_ ".T*:jffştqşi Listen ond drow lines. ,:.'O j:,..,a €,
  • 36. @ Whot'§ on the wnshing tine? Drow ond colour the clothes. Drow ]ines. o dress o sweoter o skirt o shirt some jeons some socks @ Oh no! Look! Look ond reod. Write the words. Exomple: The brown cow is weoring o blue........qtİLlİ 1 The duck is weoring o green 2 The block sheep is weoring o white 3 The chicken is weoring o red ........ on its heod. 4 The greg goqt is weoring o pink 5 The block ond white cow is weoring o gellow @ Mg fcıvourite food! Complete the sentences.Write obout uou. fgıp i,,,,iıi,],ı];:ı;i, l eOt For .,.'i,..-:'l,, l eot........ For ..,:;.:.:::.,, l eOt
  • 37. @ Afoutd g<ıu like to have lunch with me? Look ot the pictures.Ask ond onswer questions. eJ Would gou like to with me? Would gou like o burger? No, thonk gou! Yes, p[eose! Yes, pleose! ond o ffi,ffi r lunc icture.A ffiffiffi ffi,ffi ffi fuffi ky'rc - No, thonk gou!
  • 38. **B% ffiğffiffiffre* ffiwffiŞE ffi h$ŞuŞS *# Gron is ot Ji[[s house. She wonts to go home now, but she con't Jind her glosses. 'I've got mg hondbog mU coot. I've got mg ond I've got mU bthe. ore m9 g[osses?' oshs ond I've got toothbrush But where Gron. 'Let's looh on the toble ond ln the cupboord too!' soys Tom. 'No! Your glosses oren't here! But looh! My robot! Great!' 'Let's looh behi.nd the TV ond next to the computer,' soys Ji[[. 'No! Theg oren't here! But [ooh! My ol.d ruler! Greot!' 'Let's [ooh between the ormchairs ond under the cushions,' soys Mum. 'No! Your glosses oren't here! But [ooh! Mg red sochs! Greot!'
  • 39. 'Oh dear! With no glosses, I co.n't ride my bihe!' Gran sogs. 'We con drive you home!' Dod soys. 'Con we come too?' ash Tom and Jitt. 'Yes, you con!' sogs Dod. 'Thonh Uou,' sags Gron. 'Wow! It's hot in here!' 'Gron!!!' Tom ond Ji[[ soy, 'Your glosses ore on uour heod!' 'Greot!' sogs Gron. 'Now I con rlde home.'
  • 40. ğıfün'§ g[osses -,j,^. f^ t/lJ _ , ,.__. */ ",,!ı "tg,* il,+g:t f.,*gşğ€*; F"t+tg-*'ff Write A, B or C in the boxes. Drow lines. ff" |.ffi*" gran home .ij-::] + : + i6s ı...ş :1,=:'.= 1] +"iil;f ,*9.i {= İĞİ +€":dli- Look ond reod. Write the onswers. Exomple: Whot con Gron ridel 1 Whot con't Gron find? 2 Whotl the bog's nome? 3 Whqt does Jitt findl 4 Who finds some socks? 5 Where ore Gron's glosses? her ğşşfhbtreğ§fu hot |r': # ffl, H,ffi At.Plj zutli hül #fu ,ş t,i ffi bffiı,i^ -I* r .t9 e ^1,/ Z____--)__ -§# bike o on her ._F". A4h 6-j ...^., "Q O ffio :?:&'=#
  • 41. G i|n]1 Ehffiğğ***uffi ğre #ğhğ*g fl§w§reş ffiffi€}ğffiğ alvJ, wwğğş€a- v Drow lines between the words ond the picture. oTV o mot o desk o [omp o sofo o clock o toble o cupboord on ormchoir Reod the questions. Write one-word onswers. Whot's the cot doing| Whot colour is the cot? ffi Wfu*rmus *fum #ffi* ğ**ğq§ffiffiğ Look ond reod. choose o word from the box. nextto on,4f between under behind The cot's looking ..........LT.. the cupboord ond ....... . the sofo ond ....... . the toble ond ....... . the TV ond ....... . the desk ond ....... . the two cushions! il
  • 42. @ bYfumğ*ş ffkeğruP Wfu*ğ *re ğğş*ç*ğ Look ot the pictures. Look ot the letters. Write ond colour. Exomplei /,/, This is Grqn's blue h o t . 1 ,,:r ,] / ./i /i '. 'n' | -) /- i" .' ,' Ua/ o ı-.-/'' - r1 2 ,.ıif '''**ş 3f* _.İ;, (--o --- oı-'-ı:,_.j 4 -fi i]: _ ( '_..-_ +-/ ,, 5 n-_ - ]-' =ç}--,>-, This is Gron's green This is Ji[['s pink This is Tom's block These ore Mum's red These ore Gron's purple i-} L{] 1t "i lc l lol /}ü lel lr tl -,i lu o t lrol " lo s| l .k I ffi lo 9l *re üfuis p§mtrLşğ"ffi ffirwşruru h*ğn §g Look ot the big picture on poge 4t ond wfuğğeğ this picture. Find 5 differences. Answer the questions obout this picture. Write one-word onswers. How mong peopte ore there in the cor? Whot colour ore the flowers? Whot's Jitl doingl
  • 43. ,#. !.'ro ğffi. ,f a €tr ış5ffion ıa ffi**dfuw*u ffirşşre§ Listen ond co[our the hots. @ @a,ı, Pümg ğhe ffiü§yttr- Put the pencils on the toble. KFre*s* ğremğç ffitr* ffiKğ ffir#ffiğ§ h*md- Look ot the pictures ond write the words. These hots ore on Gron's h These tous ore on Tom's b These pens ore in Mum's s These bogs ore in Jilt's b
  • 44. .,,.. şn+ E*Efts siE €l*.ğ:i.1 -__ :* ]* ji€ rşng.$Fl" The chitdren ln Mr Bath's closs ore reoding storles thls mornlng. Theg're reodlng obout o jung[e o.nd o zoo. The monster ln Mr Bath's clossroom isn't reoding thls morning. It's polnting suns ond stors on Anno's shoe! The children in Mr Both's ore ho.ving their lunch now. They're eotlng Jtsh ond chips ond peos ond bread. The monster Jrom Mr Both's clossroom lsn't hoving its lunch now. It's throwlng poper planes ot Som ond Fred! -. -- Jll 4 ş{@
  • 45. The chitdren i,n Mr Both's closs ore dotng lots oJ sports now. They're p|,oying soccer, tennis or bosebo[[. The monster Jrom Mr Both's clossroom lsn't dolng sport now. It's drowing Junng Joces on the wo[[! The chitdren [n Mr Both's class ore golng home now. They're getting thetr bogs and games ond boohs ond pens. The monster in Mr Both's clossroom isn't going home now. It lives behind the door oJ clossroom 10! ffi Mr Bath con't see the monster. But the chlldren ln his Theg whlsper, 'Now, BE GOOD!' ond wove goodbge. But the monster tsn't llstenlng. It's ptoging the piono! Theg love their noughty clossrnote! So do I! closs con!
  • 46. Cossrnotes @ ffi*w w*rds §*y g*w§ Drow lines. These children ore Anno's One chi[d is ,, i ,,, ! This is o Some monkegs live in the we con write on Thqt girl's ! Look! @ *ur atrşsşrğ*ğĞĞ Hşa*ffi§*ğr n Whot does the monster do in the storg? Tick (r') the boxes. R'ie % Nffi @ Mr ffişth is the tegehen. Reod the sentences. Choose the right word. Exomple: The teocher's nome is ,',i,ı l-rr. Both. l The children reod obout o i,,* i,.. f '.,jııı..,::.,. 2 The monster pointsAnno's ,,,,iı:..,:ı. l i,r,,:.,,,. 3 The chitdren eot , | ., ı, ::,.: f i:,, , , for their lunch, 4 The monster drows funng foces on o :].ji,;,i]: / '.,.,=,;',,;. 5 The monster lives f .,,1 ;1.,:,,,,, |,,,i the clossroom door. 6 The teocher .:.,|. l ,- see the monster. s} 7 The monster plogs the ı
  • 47. @ @o r, &reffiffi*§ ğmğ§eğrcç mfu*wğ ğ*ş* ffireffiş,E§ffffiff- Tree School Reod the questions. Listen ond write o nome, o colour or o number. Exomple: Whot's the monster's nomel 1 Where does the monster [ive? 2 which clossroom is the monster in nowl 3 Who gives chips to the monster? 4 Whot's the monster's fovourite colour? 5 How monu points hos the monster got? Z*r:k I ffi @ L**ğş§ ffirm#** #rmery§ffiffi- The monster's The teocher's &şreffiffitrffi *ğ*ş*yşreffiff*ffi Reod ond write. Look ot the pictures. Whot ore the children doing? Exomp[es: Fred,s ......#r.ç.y.İİj*...... . - İ ^ ^ *:. Fred's ...... =iş.?fi:i:.*...... . Anno's Anno's The monster's The teocher's
  • 48. ffi Wfumtr ffişşft ğğ Wfuşğ ffiffiffi Drow lines. Reod this. choose o word from the box. l om in Anno's ......ş.çh*.ç.L..... . The chitdren in Anno's c[oss dont reod their (1) ........ in me.Theg sit on green (2) ........ ond eot in me.The chi[dren put their [unch on the (3) ........ Todog, Anno ond her clossmotes ore eoting fish ond (4) ........ in me.Theg're drinking oronge (5) in me too! Whot om l? l'm o dining room! trfueç ffiğ*ff§rreç§ %ffiffi §eh"ğğr ,1' r tobIe @ books ffi bog chips choirs juice tennis footboll hockeg bosketboll bodminton bosebo[[ )) Whot sport do gou tike? l love toble tennis! So do l!
  • 49. @ @r, Aşşdb§e, A*şdb§ei Where ore the chi[dren going? Listen ond colour the streets. Luca @ Whçt üı"e theşş ıE$ffi§ter§ doinE? Reod the questions. Write one-word onswers. @am [m-_ Eı/", ,w.ıjİııg. Exomple: Whot's the oronge monster doing? l How mong monsters ore in clossroom 't0 now? 2 Whot's the pink monster tooking otl 3 How mong monsters ore drowing pictures? 4 Whot co[our is the blue monster's hot? 5 Whot's the green monster ploging with? @ S*!ç ryıArı§tğri the Drow ond write obout gour monster.
  • 50. .,.,.";}. a;:. :ır'|' .i ''ri :{:" :i,,, ,;aij E ;,., ",. ,,,,-,- .+,,J,| |i|:| a: a::a,:.,.t .:.,!. :j1 :.. !.: t;i'.":::; ., +,.ıi: ii f:l, ' :4 :1' '{=;++ ,y:,:"!", '|l., :ı Mum ond Dod ore i.n the living room. Theg're watching televlsion. My slster's in the bothroom. She's singing hoppU songs. But ]'m here, in my bedroom. I'm woitlng Jor the nlght traln. I've got mU nlght troin tichet! Pleose don't te[[ them! Theg don't hnowl Mg Jomitg ore o[[ now. T'* ^a++i^^ ffirı lnnn -nA iaaLa+ *Y I'm gettlng my long red jochet. ,;ri' !:|r. I'm openlng I'm jumping I'm running in the nlght now, verU guichly, very guichlg! I con see the ntght Woit Jor mel ny m9 to window ond the tree. ]]:1i J,.l !!]!l
  • 51. )| Now I'm riding We're to My Jriends ond in the snow. on the ntght troin. the mountoins. I con ploy there ! >ç 8 We're mohing Junng snowmen. We're throwing big white snowbolls. We're running ond we're jumping ond... we don't wont to go! [il<e on egg| :J; Bill! Are gou h [istening to me| ',-l, (ü f,r; C) l gu s ü ş ü e Sorrg!Yes, pleose. P ,., S ...".«, It's morntng in our house now. My mum ls mohlng breohJost. Dod's sitting ot the tob[e ond mg slster's phoning Jri.ends. But ]'m holding m9 new tichet. It's mg ticket to the mountolns! Looh! Look! But p[eose don't te[[ them! Theg don't hnow!
  • 52. ffi ffi*w w*rdg ğ*r ç**aH Drow lines. §wğ wg§&şğ ğr«işş Drow the right person. ffiffi ğ ,o the mountoins a a the mountoins E ğr on o troin. } L on o bus. } -*-**-*., **Ş 6qffi * f},.r Kü, g }, jtl- 7 This person ( ) is totking obout this storg. V Reod the questions.Write one-word onswers. Exomple: Who wotches TV with Bitt's mum? Bltt's ...........4.Ç.d ffiffiffiw §ffiğwffiğtrE snowball mounfaİn quicklg ffi Wfu** ğ*ğğg &rxffi *fu*as€" *fu'aa ***rç3 ffi ffi*L€r* #m# wşffiffirfuffiffi HW- l Where does Bill's sister sing songs? 2 Whot hos Bi[[ got in his hond? 3 Whot does Bi[[ open? 4 Whot does Bil[ ride on? 5 Where does the troin go? in the o troin the ........ troin to the ffi 6 Who plogs in the snow? W-_r Bi[[ ond his
  • 53. ffiu, U# ' 'o. . ":i,;"_ . .J ıd j ü.1.^, Look ot the pictures.Write the words. ffi ffi, @ Exomple: @ 1 ,r 4 ı, ,. , ,-]- 7K - /|/--.-- ) - ( ?ct,L,- 2,-j $+ a,,ı,ütı, L, /" " n4 ( , v) l - z/ ,z ıfr-/ u / )<'..--__/ İ{ li * Ci vn| Exomp[e: l've got o ...........İ*r*........... jocket. l Here's m9 ........ ticket! 2 These cıre mu . shoes. 3 l'm weoring mg . hot. 4 l'm riding on o . troin. 5 Wow! Look ot thot . mountoin! "jİ;,:.,iı24 " j:l" ..; ö"." ğl:r"," f.:.":f". -",.,_....l- Listen ond drow tines. 2 -,sffi') Eatrw lİi ]i ]i i ]
  • 54. ,ffi /-**ı. iffiffi i. #ffEEı ?5 ffiEşa ffiwaffi fu#ru €*rrurex&ç Listen ond tick (r') the box. Exompte: Whot's in Bill's bog? 1 Whot ore Bi[['s mum ond dod doing now? Cİ Al Bl Whot's Bi[l doinq nowl Bİ Bi[['s sister| il§ tr,a Yffiı* -ffi- W Ir.'=--.r^ rE6r ml ,- 5,f---l]ı ,rL)a y / / cİ li * 1i A BE -i.-"**---ç- Aİ Bİ cE ffi Wfuwffi ffi{HB ffi'F Reod this. choose o word from the box. A........h9.g........ is moking me! He's putting o (1) on mU heod. Mu (2) is white. Mg nose is o (3) l cqn stond, but l con't run. l hovent got (4) or orms. l'm smiling with mg (5) ........ .Whot om l? l'm o snowmon. corrot hot t,l)J t/ l öLŞ [egs {ffil 7-eri '4 lrr=_6T-r-rl TV ffi tffi rodio ("e) İA ^a ıY- bodg _a"lt1" d-;ı*lS} [, ,} Y/ mouth Ç/4, l;l .// fffi baf-
  • 55. @ Would Uou tike on egg for breokfost? Ask ond onswer. Would gou [ike sousoges for breokfost? Yes, pleose! No, thonks! ,?ry # %ffiffi şffiiffi egg sousoges juice ffiüffi gropes milk coke Drow uour breokfost on the toble. GFb' &ğ}*aıe& ffiığ& şüskü§ * ? Gğı şş §üçş ğ ffir* §r*i §ğ§trŞff ğĞ*lfif- €/ Whot ore uou toking? choose ond write 6 words. @ Plmş ühş §ffiıTığ- A long troin, o short troin.
  • 56. -1.1 inners! Hl! Mg nome's A[ex ond these are We're in o boshetboll teom. my Jour Jriends. I can't cotch the bo[[, but I'm very good ot throwing. Jl[[ con't throw or jump, but she con run verg Jast! Kim ond Jim can't run Jost, but theg're very good ot catching. Tom is good ot bounclng, cotching, throwing, jumplng ond running too! We're The Flve Stars! Todoy, we're plogtng bashetbolt with The Flve Suns. Lucy ond Rich and N[ch can run verg Jost. And Tong ond Pattg ore verg to[[. Wotch them! Wow! Theg con throw thot bo[[! ffi,',
  • 57. ). )ı } ıi ? Right! Let's start this gome! We're running ond jumplng and bouncing ond wotchlng. We're stopping ond startlng. We're throwlng ond cotching. Whot's the score? Oh no! We've got three ond they've got Jour. il, "ıl 'Throw it to Kim!' Jıl,[ sogs. 'Run, run!' JLm says. 'Cotch!' Klm soys to me. 'Now bounce [t, bounce it ond run, run, run! Oh, we[[ done! It's in the net!' 5reı4 §*5 Whot's the score now? Hooroy! We've got Jtve ond theg've got Jour.We're the wlnners! L? :, ) Now our teom Con gou ju.p The Flve Stors now. We're wlnners. is smiling. ond run Jost too? ore verg hoppg So ore you!
  • 58. V,tinners! @ New words for gou! Drow lines. Wow! She's running f*şt. But he's the şşğ*tru*ş-! There's o mff*eş" on his T-shirt! There ore two ğ"#{=ş3t.ıii. Put the bo[[ in thot *t,+:E:! Whot's the g*ş*g,f. now? The Five Stons @ Our teom is good ot ... Put o tick (ıZ) in the box. fu,,u AIex r' J ııı Kim Jim Tom @ Alex's teom is The Five Stors! Answer the questİons. Exomple: Whot's the nome of Alex's teoml 1 Whot gome ore theg ptoging todog? 2 Whot's the nome of Lucg's teom? 3 Which bog is verg to[[? 4 Whot's the score ot the end of the gomel
  • 59. @ Look ot the teom! Look ond reod.Write ges or no. Exomples: You con see five chi[dren. The kite is red ond getlow. 1 The bog with red hoir is running. 2 A cot is ploging with q bo[[. 3 One gir[ is weoring o blue T-shirt. 4 Three children ore weoring hots. 5 There's o to[[ tree behind the children. 6 The dog is brown ond white. ...9.ç.ş... no 'ü, -/ @ Which sports does A[ex tike? ffiı Reod the sentences.Tick(r') or cross (X) the boxes. ffi Çı A[ex likes horse riding ond bosebo[l. A[ex likes bodmlnton, but he doesnt like swimming. Alex doesn't like toble tennis or hockeg.
  • 60. Let's stort this gome! Look ot the picture.Answer the 1 How monu children ore therel 2 Whot colour is Pottg's hoirl questions. 3 Whot's the number on Alex's T-shirtl QS-zz Now Jisten ond colour the bol.s. Throw ond cotch thot bolt! Ptog the gome! ,@h W ffi -ffiJ
  • 61. P @ @ r-rr t",."."ı,i---| @ --.--^ _J @@ @ fuo Whot'sAlex doing now? Listen.Tick (r') the right box. We're the winners! Drow lines. n! ı' A. ffi w a! @ Whct teom ore Uou in? Are we the winnersl Yes, gou ore. Wett done! l love ptoging bosketbo[[! cr Drow ond write.
  • 62. Cambridqe EsoL exam5 A2 Cambridge English: Flyers (YLE Flyers) A1 Cambridge English: Movers (YLE Movers) Cambridge EnElish: starters (YLE starters) ISBN 978-0-52 1 -1 8810-4 ;il$JuUlıililı[[lıilil|,