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Робочий зошит для 5/ -го класу 
загаJIьноосвiтнiх навчальних закладiв 
(5-й piK навчання) 
(0о пiOрачнulса А. М. Несвim) 
Видавництво <Пiдручники i посiбники)> 
LJnit 1. Ну Г*гпГlу c:nd Гriепds 
1. Complete the sentences with the following 
. aunt о cousin о wife о brother о sister о 
Му father is my grandmother's sоп - 
Му sister is my mother's 
Му mother's sister is my 
Му uncle's son is my 
Му mother is my father's 
Му parent's son is my 
Му father's daughter is mу 
write the answers. 
What is уоur паmе? 
Lesson t 
l,-С;..Оlr О 
l:1 l,,,,,O..,.,. О,,,,_О.i.l ,,, О,,:,О,;,i 
daughter о sоFt 
2. What is уоur surпаmе? 
3. Who аrе the members of уоur family? 
4. What is уоur family like? 
5. Where do you live with уоur family? 
6. ls уоur family big? 
7. Do уоu live together with уоur grandparents?
3. Choose the соrrесt variant to complete each sentence. 
1. This is Tom, my granddad. 
А she's В he's G hes' 
2. Mrs. Sm]th's is а very cheerful girl. 
А grапdmа В son G daughter 
З. ls your brother? - No, isn't. 
Ashe Bhe Cit 
4. Му grandparents аrе than mу parents. 
А уоuпgеr В lаrgеr С older 
5. Апп studies very welI. Неr dad says that she is 
А intelligent В noisy G helpful 
6. l love my parents than my friends. 
А the most В more G best 
4, а) Write as iп the example. 
1 . пiсе 
2. old 
З, bad 
4. large 
5. mапу 
6. little 
7. good 
В. уоuпg 
Ь} Make чр 3 sentences with апу words from а). 
Unit '1 . l'4y ГсгпГlу 
|,l,ло,,,, О,..,,,,Q,,:.O,,,,..ll,,,l О,,,,,о,,!, о, О,l;, О,,, tl 
clnd Гriепс{s 
Lcsson З 
о о о,, l,,,a a,,,о::,о-a a,a,,a a a, е a a a a, a о,о 
5. Match the parts of the phrases. 
1 mУ best ---__t__, 
2 to ask 
3 to spend 
4 mу elder 
5 to understand 
6 to have 
Му паmе is Sam" l was 
Ьоrп iп England. 
l have got а sister and а 
brother. Му sister's паmе is 
Mary and she is оldеr than mе. 
She has got different hobbies. 
Му brother's паmе is Den and 
he is уоuпgеr than me. Не 
likes to pIay foctball. 
We аrе friепСIу family and 
Iove each other чеrу much" 
А time together 
В brother 
D ideas and opinions 
Е for advice 
F each other 
Stick the photo of your friend and write the information.about 
him/her as iп the ехаmрIе. 
El ll ltl 
]| ffi 
l'm f rоm 
-Yтi}-:". ух -F'у:lttу "1"y:ч 
7. Make чр the sentences 
1. is / cheertul / Ьоу. / Sam 
ý;эr:з i* v*$"у t,:;эгс{-w*rklгtg 
2. that/clever. /l/Мum / 
ГrimпсJ,ж L"gggi}n 
as in the example. 
/ чеrу / and / hard-working 
*зуъd uh**g"fufi Ь{}у" 
аm / says 
3. lively / is / Му / friend / honest. / best / and 
4. Раul / hard-working? / and / attentive / ls 
5. аrе / character? / ot / his / What / best / traits 
} Match the words to 
the Ukrainian equivalents. 
А активний 
В щасливий 
",1л С чесний 
'",D працелюбний 
Е розумний 
F життерадiсно 
G радiсний, веселий 
Н уважний 
опе of уоur best friends, using the words frоm а). 
Unit 1. IЧу ГgгпГlу fiпd Гriепds 
l |:i,,,.;,i.,,,,*.,O*,,,ll- 
Ghoose the соrrесt variant. 
What's уоur паmе? 
А Му паmе is Julie. 
В l паmе is Julie. 
Do you like going in for sроrts, Julie? 
А Yes l do. l go in for hobbies. 
В Yes l do. l go iп for swimming. 
How do you like to spend уочr free time? 
А l like to read interesting books. 
В l likes to go camping with my friends. 
Have you got а lot of friends, Julie? 
А Yes, l have got Мо best friends. Their names is Веп and Sam. 
В Yes, l have got two friends. Their паmеs are Веп and Sam. 
1О. Make чр the questions, using the words iп bold. 
1. Му favourite subject is Maths. 
What is уоur favourite subject? 
2. l usually take swimming classes after school, 
3. Kate likes going iп for sports very much. 
4. Му school life is чеry interesting. 
5. l like to play games with my friends after school. 
6. Му family is чеrу friendly. 
Unit 1. lЧу ГfiгfiГlу сlглсi Ггiепсi* 
11. Unscramble the words. 
chertea - tеасhеr terfighfire - 
gеrпаmа - mеrfаr - 
giеппееr - 
tordoc - 
(to speak) 
(to go) to 
L*sscn 6 
tantshopassis - 
12. Рчt the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple оr Present 
She is vеrу сlечеr. She speaks 
Му sister 
is а teacher. she 
(поt / to swim) 
thrее languages. 
school ечеry day. 
school Literature club. 
football at the moment. 
(to attend) the 
(поt / to play) 
(to teach) Maths, 
read) ап interesting book поw. 
Топу (to write) а letter at the moment. 
13. Make up the sentences, using the Present Continuous. 
1. А doctor / to talk to а patient 
А doctor is talking to а patient at the moment. 
2, А teacher / to write оп а blackboard 
3. А hairdresser / to cut hair 
4. А shop-assistant / to sell fruit and vegetables 
5. А mапаgеr / to write а letter
Г*гпПу fiпd 
,,,,О.,: i,],;:,,,O, l l,, l,,,,l.,r, с,,,!'.,,с,,,, 
Word map. 
,, ::l 
' |-.-,-.'.- 
--, -, -- 
Гriёпсlý Lesson 7 
15. Write the answers. 
1. What is уоur father's occupation 
2. What is уоur mother's occupation? 
3. what job do уоu want to have iп the futu rе? 
16. Write the verbs iп the Past Simple. 
watch watched eat - 
go - collect 
try- do-have 
- find forget - make 
read - write - 
.2 Днmйсш пов. Робщrй юшmдд,5 шасу (до пiдручнm А. Несвф 
i lr, i"i* ,1 u;T *lI"- }, Г{у 
l* ,s Ф Ф ф ý *..* * *,..0,rл,Ф.;,,,t 
Г*гпilу fiftd 
,l , Оl.:Сl,,:i,;,-(} 
Гri*пds L*sscn В 
17. Read the text (РВ, р. 21, ех.2), mark trче й апd false El sen-tences. 
't. The Ьоу has got опе grandfather. 
2. Опе of the boy's grandfather works iп the town. 
3. The boy's city grandfather works in the field. 
4. Опе of the boy's grandfather is ап епgiпееr. 
5. The boy's city grandfather lets him to stick stamps. 
6. The boy's country grandfather doesn't let him to pet the cows. 
7. The country grandfather te]]s that the Ьоу is learning about business. 
8. The Ьоу doesn't want to Ье а fаrmеr. 
9, The Ьоу knows about businessmen апd farmers. 
18, complete the table with the information about your grandparents. 
Му Grandma(-s) Му Grandpa(-s) 
Place he/ 
she lives 
Things he/ 
she likes 
ýhe Iiчеs
19. uпdеrIiпе the mistakes and write the correct sentences. 
1. Did you 9_ре_п_е_d the window? 
L}irJ y|*;t,; {,.], .]] :] i i ill1r',l1 : 1; 1jt'11,1,y' ;] 
2. Are you watch television with уоur brother at the moment? 
3, Mike and Веп goes to school together ечеrу day. 
4. Му parents are web designers. They аrе working in the office. 
5. Му grаппу readed ап interesting book yesterday. 
6, Does Nick play football with his friends in а yard поw? 
7, Jane and Маrk was glad to see us yesterday. 
8. Did your father work iп the field every day? 
i ,лii':.", , +r 
tIo ii'i:!::jj'.! ' о о a a a a о a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a с a a. a a a i a a a a a a a a a r o.:;;;.,,!i;,. f a. 
i :,i:, ;,' 
Unit 1. Му ГсmПу cnd Гriепds Lesson 9 
2О. Make чр б sentences iп the Present Simple, Present Gonti- 
пчочs and Past Simple as iп the example, using the table. 
every day 
at the moment 
to rеаd 
to watch television 
to go in for swimming 
to attend sports сluЬ 
to travel 
to cook 
io help 
to play football 
She is watching television at the moment. 
21. Write а short story 
rentsn, sisters' and 
things they !ike. 
(5-6 sentences) 
brothers' паmеs; 
about уочr family: ра- 
their а9е; occupations; 
Unit 1. Му Гсmilу cnd Friепds Rессirlq 
a.a a a о о , a,a,a a a a a a a a a , a a a a a о a 9 a a a a a a a a a a a a ! a a Ф . е ф й е a 
. о *| 
22. Read the text (РВ, рр. 24-25, ех. 2) and choose the correct 
variant to complete each sепtепсе. 
1. Next week Маry wiII Ье 
А eight 
с six 
2. Lily wants to Ье а 
А big 
с еIdеr 
А played 
С hugged 
В ten 
D eleven 
В уоuпgеr 
D little 
3. LiIy jumped the rоре, fell down and 
А started to tell В started to сry 
С started to smile D started to jump 
4. Маry helped her sister to 
А stand uр В wait 
С climb uр D сry 
5. Lily stopped crying and hеr little sister. 
В hugs 
D helped 
6. Next week LiIy will Ье very 
А big sister В good sister 
G grown-up D younger 
23. Match the раrts of the phrases, using the text (РВ, рр. 24-25, 
ех. 2). 
1 next ----,'-,. А lap 
2 the dinosaur В the rоре 
3 daddy's -'Х-,"r. 
G present 
-'хt 4 to jump '{l week 
5 afavourite Е grown-up 
баЬirthdау Fpuzzle 
7tobe Gtoy
1. Write what Taras and Раm аrе wearing. 
write the answers. 
What аrе уоu wearing поw? 
2. What do you wеаr when it's warm? 
3. What do уоu wеаr when it's cold? 
4. What do уоu usually wеаr whеп you go to school? 
5. What do уоu usually wеаr whеп уоu go to а party?
Make чр the sentences as in the example. 
Тоm /to wеаr / а T-shirt (g) /а jacket (Е) 
Lily /to wеаr / а hat (И) / а dress (И) / а sсаrf (Е) 
3. Mike / to wear / а sweatshirt (И) / а pair of jeans (Е) 
4. Му mother / to wear / а dress tЙl t shoes tЙl ta hat (tr) 
Не / to wear / shorts tЙl t flip-flops tИl ta T-shirt (Е) 
They / to wear / scarves tЙl t mittens tЙl t raincoats(Etr) 
4. а) Fill lп this/these or that/those as in the example. 
ш ',,,, bloUs€ Е shirt 
Е sweater tП а pair of shoes 
t! scarves Е hat 
Е _ а pair of jeans Ш coats 
Ш jumper tr jacket 
Е skirt t! mittens 
Ь) Make чр 4 sentences with апу words from а). 
5. Choose the correct чаriапt to complete each sentence. 
1. Веп а red Т-shirt апd blue jeans оп. 
А has got В having G have 
2. Kelly and Тоm wearing school uniform. 
А have В is С are 
3. Му father has got а shirt and оп, 
А а tie В high boots G bIouse 
4. Nick is wеаriпg а blue and а white T-shirt. 
А сар В jeans С dress 
5. During summer we do not wear coats and 
А shorts В jumpers С T-shirts 
6. When it's raining you have to take ап umbrella and wear 
А asuit В апапоrаk G araincoat 
7. Не оftеп wears and а tie when he goes to school. 
Aablazer Bcoat Gcaps 
8. We have got uniforms for а cold and warmer seasons. 
Ared Bdifferent caschool 
6. Describe уочr school чпifоrm (5-6 sentences): items of clo-thesn 
coIours, difference between girts' and boys' clothes.
Unit 2. Thc Clothcs fe rесг Lcsson 4 
7. а) Complete the table. Write as mапу words as possible. 
a.,.о ,a a 
clothes for warm weather Glothes for cold weather l 
А T-shirt 
Ь) Make up 3 sentences with the words from а) as in the ехаmрlе. 
l аm going to wеаr а sweater, lэесаusе it is cold outside. 
with the following words. 
zoo . wеаr о sew о take off 
They аrе going to 
а button оп her blouse. 
8. Gomplete the sentences 
о unzip о train о the 
Nick and sam like animals. 
Апп is going to 
Веп doesn't like to go in for sports. Не is not going to 
in the gym. ' 
4. lt is very hot in Мау. They are going to their coats 
and _ jumpers. 
5. What аrе уоu going to _ to the раrtу? - l аm going 
to put mу пеw dress оп. 
*3 Ашiflсьп моm. РобФий юшш дt, 5 шасу (до пiдручшп А. HccBiT)
L,:nit 2. The Clothes .fe чеgг Lesson 5 
Make up the questions and answers as iп the example. 
Jane / going to play volleyball? - No / she / going to the Zoo. 
ls Jane going to play volleyball? - No, she's going to the Zoo, 
your friends / going оп а picnic? - No / they / going to buy some food. 
З. she / having а раrtу? - Yes / she / going to buy а пеw dress. 
4. your father / going to wear а coat? - No / hе / going to wеаr а polo. 
5. уоu / going to wear а blazer?- No / l/going towear а coat. 
1О. Complete the sentences. 
1 . At the parties l usually wеаr 
2. То school I usually wеаr 
3. lп the gym l usually wеаr
Unit 2. The C]othes #с #еfir Lesson 6 
11. а) Match the opposites. 
1 big * А out of fashion _ 
2 с!еап -'-*- В long 
3 tight '-,-*t G not to match 
4 shогt --t.-. D loose 
5 stylish 'Х- Е smalI 
6 to fit F untidy 
Ь) Make up 4 sentences, using the word-combinations from а). 
12, Choose the correct variant to complete each sentence. 
1. Kate looks rеаllу nice. Неr dress hеr Shoes. 
А match В fits с matches 
2, Му dad bought mе а пеw раir of shorts, but * too tight. 
А it's В they're С they 
3. Den is чеrу tall and his trousers аrе 
А too loose В too tight С too short 
4. l have got а .пеw skirt and on. 
Ajeans Bshoes Cadress 
for mе. 
5, You look stylish today! This coat is this season. 
А elegant В in fashion С tidy 
6. ВоЬ а red T-shirt and а паvу blue blazer. 
А wearing В wear С is wearing 
ý *,I t Q,l ý,,},,* 
13. а) 
2" The 
l},,., е., О ,. l,;.,1 О.,.,,,-е. 
Make чр 
С]сэthеs .fe #еfiг 
уочr top-ten list of favourite clothes. 
Ь) Complete the sentences, 
I love 
using the words from а). 
2. This 
З. These 
14. underline the mistakes and write the correct sentences. 
1. l isrдearin+a blue jacket. l am wearing а blue jacket. 
2. This pair of jeans and а coat js too loose for mе. 
3. What аrе уоur wеаr for а party tonight? 
4. А dress matches to уоur shoes very much 
* ;l 
5. Do уоu like to wears fashionable clothes?
Unit 2. The Clothes "/е 
,о.,о о, l о,,о a, a a a a a,a,a,a,о,о a a a,a 
15. а) Write the opposites. 
long - shоrt 
пеW - 
#r,fiг L*ss*п {i 
a a a .fi о a . a ,a l. a , о a, о, a о о a , о с a ] о . t 
dark - 
wide - high-heeled 
loose - 
hеачу - 
small - 
trendy - 
Ь) Make up 4 questions and answers as iп the example, using 
the words from а). 
Are these black shoes new? - No, they аrе old" 
16. Describe уочr favourite clothes (5-6 sentences}. 
a a a a о о a'''о a a t a a a a a'a a a a a a a a a a a о a a a a a'a a о i a a a a a a a a
. ,* 
Unit 2. The Clothes {g #еfiг Lcsson 9 
17. Complete the dialogues with the following words. 
о take о this о fits о expensive о choice о elegant 
о matches . But-on о stylish о match о take off 
lt's rаiпу and cold today. You need to put оп а sweater. 
Yes, of course. l think it is good to _*_________ап umbrella too. 
And why did you *_ _.а raincoat? lt ____,*_*_"уоu. 
Yes, but it doesn't mу boots. 
1,1 ý,t 
l don't like this T-shirt, but 
Sally, уоuПrе right! It looks 
And I think that it 
and fine. 
to the tense forms. 
Past Simple 
а / usually 
dress is 
mу пеw shoes, 
Oh, yes! But l think you cannot buy this dress, because it is very 
А: What's а pity! And what do уоu 
В: Sally, I think that it is а good 
think of раir of jeans. 
18. Make чр the sепtепGеs and match them 
1 Present Simple 2'going to' 3 
ГЁj uniform. / going / Мопiса / wеаr / а / to / 
hЛ*iliЁа is fi*irlg t* w**г а l;пi{tгrт}" 
il and / Му / а /tie. / wеаrs / suit /father / 
Lj she /coat /on? / а / Did /and / hеr / put /scarf 
П Oo/Sometimes/school / not/uniform. /wеаr /а / | 
П nel button /to /jumper? / а / ls / оп /going/sew/ his
19.Read the text (РВ, рр. 47-49, ех.2}, marktrue И and false 
EI sentences. 
'1. Monday was Becky's favourite day. 
2. Becky wоrе а lovely bright light dress with different coloured 
stripes, like а rаiпЬоw. 
З. There wasn't anything special about that dress. ' 4. Becky put the dress оп and started to float in the air! 
5. Becky flew up above the clouds. 
: 6. She waved to the people оп boats below. They weren't surprised! 
7.The dolphins blew water into the air at her. 
8. Becky greeted animals and people. 
9. Becky f|ew home and landed iп her bedroom. 
2О. Read the text (РВ, рр. 47-49, ех.2| and write the sentences 
in English. 
'l. Вона побачила чудову яскраву свiтлу сукню з рiзнокольоровими 
2. Беккi почала пiднiматися в повiтря i летiти, немов птаха. 
З. Вона злетiла понад хмарами. 
4, Беккi махала рукою людям на кораблi внизу. 
5. Вона летiла понал джунглями, пустелею, снiгами та кригою.
Unit 3. Го*d 
l ,,' *, 
'.,, '.. 
, t},. ', i.., ;О,, ,1 }.l.i,,, O_,;,;.l1,. i11 ;O,,,,:ii:: },,,,,, l ;, С О.::l i,,,:. i 
1. а) Fill iп а/ап or sorne 
чпGочпtаЬlе nouJls. 
ýоrПе milk * LД _ 
,, Q',a,,,, i'..,,. l,;,,l,,,,a,.,:,i ,...f!;,ra:ii€ 
and write 
l:. l:l,: i.,,.,,,,O,:,:,.l ,.l l.,o'. O_,, .l ,,, l,,,,,.l1 ,1 .i,,1,,l,..1.. O,;,;,,l1,,,i_r,i,,l ,r{ 
с for сочпtаьlе and u for 
Ь} Gomplete the sentences, using the words from а). 
l like 
l don't like 
2. Gircle the correct variant. 
А: t"# / Аrе there апу juice iп the fridge? 
В: No, there аrеп't / isn't. 
А: Аrе there апу / some apples оп the plate? 
В: Yes, there аrе / is. 
А: /s / Дrе thеrе апу milk? 
В: Yes, there аrе / is апу / sоmе milk in the fridge. 
А: ls / Дrе there апу / sоmе rice? 
В: No, there аrеп't / Ьп't апу / sоmе riсе.
Ljnit 3. Гооd 
Lеsstг} ? 
о',, t,,,i |:,,, ],,,.{l:.,,a , a, ,,.Э , {l ,.,о.. a. ,}, о.. ,Оl, ,О,,,о 
3. Tick the Gorrect И sentences. 
А There is not much sugar in the bowl. 
В Тhеrе is not lots of sugar iп the bowl. 
А Тhеrе is а lot of milk iп the fridge. 
В Тhеrе is much milk iп the fridge. 
А ls there mапу apples on the plate? 
В Аrе there mапу apples оп the plate? 
А Тhеrе is not mапу yoghurt iп the cup. 
В Тhеrе is not much yoghurt iп the сuр. 
А Аrе thеrе mапу sweets оп the plate? 
В Аrе there much sweets оп the plate? 
А There is not lots of fruit in the fridge. 
В Тhеrе is not much fruit iп the fridcle. 
А There is а lot of Ьапапаs iп the bow!. 
В Тhеrе is mапу Ьапапаs iп the bowl. 
4. Complete the table with the following words. 
oapotato оаьеап oanapple oacarrot .ареаr .апоrапgе 
о а Ьапапа о ап опiоп о а cucumber о а lemon 
. а pepper о а beetroot о а cabbage 
*4 Англiйська мова. Робочий зошит шlя 5 кпасу (до пiдручника А. HecBiT)
,l;,i ф. а a..,.i 
l,Jnit З. Гооd 
5. а) Write in English. 
смажити на грилi - to grill 
Ь) Make чр 3 sentences with 
LessOnS 3*4 
6. NчmЬеr the correct words апd 
the example. 
1. Опiопs / slice И tpeel Ш 
p*el сэпiопs first апd thеп slice them. 
2. А chicken / chop Пz boil П 
make чр the sentences as in 
3. А pizza/ decorate Пt bake П 
4. Potatoes / tгу П/ wash П 
5. Milk / boil ПZ роur П 
6. Meat / grill П7 slice П 
!] _а_
Unit З. Гооd 
Choose the correct чаriапt to complete each 
Тhеrе isn't sugаr in this coffee. 
А much В mапу С lots of 
2. Is there bread left? 
Lessons З-4 
.O..,,,l .,,;, о:'l:. O1li ':1l, С ;l;,; O1;,:;;r l_,,,:.,:, о,.,,.; О,:, О ; l 
7. sentence. 
А а lot of 
3. There аrеп't 
А mапу 
4. There is 
А mапу 
В апу 
В alotof 
В апу 
с some 
biscuits in the packet. 
с lots of 
iп the bottle. 
с some 
оrапgе julce iп the jug? 
с muсh 
ls there 
А lots ot 
Would уоu 
А апу 
There isn't 
А rпапу 
В апу 
like cake? 
В some Calotof 
jam iп the jar. 
в lot of с much 
8. Write, how to cook fruit salad, using the following words. 
о Ьапапаs о wash . оrапgеS о chop . pears о peel 
о pears о apples . pour о decorate о yoghurt о mix 
Take the fruit and wash them first. Тhеп
& Ф ф, lr,ý 
* ,i,iв ,1 ,G,,:, } .о 
9. а} 
З. Гооd 
Gomplete the mепч with 
о Desserts о Drinks о 
;i*r...J,l1.,,_С -€,1..0,0,,',', ?.;', {l,':',. !,,,,.i.l:.; 
the following 
Vegetables о 
Lesscns ý-{э 
t-,,. t.'..,?,, e.'..:l-,'.lr,,,,,.'*l1i'r;',.i::';--t.','...!;r1,11;.1t1,:.t-r,,!.,d 
li Main Соuгsе 
i_--_. -*-- 
. Grilled fish 
with riсе 
. chicken with 
. Pasta with 
. PeaS 
. ВеапS 
. Carrots 
. Beetroots 
, Cabbage 
. lce сrеаm 
. Apple pie 
. strawberries 
with сrеаm 
. Biscuits 
. Mineral water 
. Apple juice 
. Coffee 
. Теа 
. Milk 
Ь) Write the missing group of dishes in the mепч from а). 
с) Make чр the questions and answers as iп 
чsiпg the mепч. 
Ёg there апу juice iп the ff]епu?-*--Yеs, thеrе is. 
the example, 
3. lce сrеаm? 
4. А cake? 
5. Water? 
alr:.,]a1]],1: J:]:.] a]]:i-.;ii...i:;i:]l ai:l.;a,!'..;ia
Unit 3. Гооd 
Lessоný ý** , 
1о. complete the table. write as much information as possible. i 
Vе etable sou 
{} О фt|t {,] 
Frчit and 
,'',,l -';"о лl .,11 '*"", 
6],,,,|.,,,,]o,i:,n..,,, a,:;,,;l, 9 ,:9. . #.!!;'ffi.''r,'* 
!l l 
Unit 3. Гооd Lesson 7 
11. Unscramble the words. 
bagecab ollrs - cabbage rоlls 
shchbor - 
cakepans - 
letscut - 
ipchs - 
ursо еасrm 
lingsdump - 
12. Complete the sentences. 
1. То cook cabbage rolls уоu need а head of cabbage, 
2. То cook potato pancakes уоu need 
13. Write the answers. 
1. What are traditiona! Ukrаiпiап dishes? 
2. What are уоur favourite dishes? 
3. What ingredients do you use to cook one of your favourite dishes? 
4. How do уоu cook it?
LJnit 3. Гооd 
14. а) Match the parts of the 
О lO , О a, О, О ;(} .;,O,;.i,.,.O; 1,,,.a, .3,.,С,:Оl:О 
А р]е 
В pancakes 
С and eggs 
D rolls 
Е and butter 
F and chips 
G сrеаm 
Н and vegetables 
l and рерреr 
1 cabbage 
2 fish 
3 an apple 
4 sоur 
5 Ьасоп 
6 potato 
7 salt 
8 bread 
9 fruit 
Ь) Make чр 3 sentences with 
апу of the phrases from а). 
15. Gomplete the 
1 . Fоr breakfast l 
usually have 
2. Fоr lunch l usually have 
3. Fоr diппеr l usually have 
_ ёfu- 
.' ., o" o-, ., ,l . i o o , . . " ., l ". i o c o . . . . , o . . .' o . o , . . . . . ,. . o . ,o . - o o . €{f-fi#1-iB;*Ж. . .
Unit 3. Гооd Lcsson ? 
16. Complete the dialogues with the following words. 
о Some о ап} о much о mапу 
1. А: l'd like bread, please. 
В: Certainly. How would уоu like? 
А: Two loaves, please. Аrе there 
,-a В: Of соursе. How 
В: Would you like 
А: Yes, please. 
В: Would уоu like 
*,., -"rtreggs? 
А: Six, please. 
2. А: Сап l have coffee, please? 
В: Sorry, there isn't coffee left. 
milk iп уоur tea? 
А: Of course. Thanks. 
В: How would уоu like? 
А: Two teaspoons, please. 
17. Correct the mistakes as in the example. 
1. l'd like ý>нФ glass of water, please. 
2. Would уоu like ап bread? 
З. How mапу water аrе iп the glass? 
4. We haven't got much tomatoes. 
5. l'd like а milk iп mу tea, please. 
6. Could l have some оrапgе, please? 
7. How much cherries do уоu need? 
8. l'd like mапу fish for lunch. 
9. How mапу sugar have we got? 
10. l'd like some apple, please. 
.ffi. .. . ...,. .,,., о: о . о .,... . . . ., .,., . 
1,,,lа';,:11,1:,1 ,]],a]:,,,:о, ,1 :1':",1,::la,,, a.'],,a,,,''.a"l;],a. ]о,,'"a:l.,]l,.a ,, a
:.'-,",, ., 
18. Read the text (РВ, рр. 69-70, ех, 2| and choose the correct 
variant to compIete each sentence. 
'l. George packed а basket with some sandwiches, , 
and lemonade. 
А pancakes В cupcakes 
с cakes D biscuits 
2. George and the rabbits wеrе about to set off when 
саmе along. 
А eIephants В monkeys 
G bears D birds 
3. Не packed three Iarge jars of for the bears. 
А jam В carrots 
G milk D honey 
4. George found in his рiспiс basket for two bunch-es 
of bananas for the monkeys. 
А place В room 
G point D bags 
5. The carried the basket and all animals оп his 
back to the river. 
А bear В George 
G eIephant D monkey 
19. Gomplete the phrases, using the text (РВ, рр. 69*7О, ех. 2). 
о basket о Ьапапаs о atong r place о back 
о honey о picnic о food 
to come |,.|.,:,rt bunches of 
to go for а to ride оп а 
to pack а to share 
jars of picnicking 
*5 Англiйська мова. Робочий зошит для 5 кJIасу (до пiдручника А. HecBiT)
Unit 4. Let's Нfiчс с Rcst! Lesson 1 
i1 t. GompIete the sentences with the following word-combinations. 
о listen to music о go to раrtiеs о pIay games о read books 
о visit friends о watch саrtоопs о go for а walk 
1. Jim likes to 
2. l like to 
to take something пеw. 
3. Му brother likes to 
chris Вrоwп. 
4. Веп watches television а lot. Не likes to 
most of all. 
5. Peggy likes to 
friends' birthday, 
6. summеr is the best season for me, l like to 
iп the раrk еvеry day. 
7. Реtеr is чеrу friendly Ьоу. Не likes to 
invites them to his place. 
. Не is playing football поw, 
чеrу much. I often go to the liЬrаry 
. His favourite singer is 
, Especially оп опе of her 
2. Gomple 
1 . l've got 
2. l like to 
te the sentences about yourself. 
3. l don't like to
LJnit 4- Let's Нс:v* 
О.;,,;, ll,.;,!,,;, l},;:, 1t}, , О,;;,,1!,:,,1 О.;,,,!,,-,, О,,, J ,"O;;,,'l,,,, О,, О , l .rllО, 
3. Write the questions 
Ье going to'. 
1) Jack / to play football 
Is Jack going to play 
Yes, Jack is goirlg to 
2) l / watch а ТV show / 
fi Rgst! L*ýýon 2 
апd апswеrs as in the example, using 'to 
/ Tuesday 
football оп Tuesday? 
play football оп TuescJay, 
3) Jill / to play computer games / Friday 
4) Му sister / to read English books / Wednesday 
4. Make чр уочr оwп рlаппеr. 
Unit 4. Let's Hflve с Rest! Lesson 3 
5. Match the words to the definitions. 
А museum В zoo с circus 
D сiпеmа Е Art gallery F theatre 
1. Е This is the place where you сап see pictures. 
2, __ Different wild and domestic animals live here. 
3. _ You сап watch the animal show here. 
4. _"_ You сап watch а ballet оr а puppet show here. 
5. _ This is the place where уоч сап see ап interesting exhibition. 
6. ____ You сап watch favourite films and саrtоопs here. 
6. NчmЬеr the parts of the dialogue iп the correct оrdеr. 
iJ Shall we go to the сiпеmа in the mоrпiпg? 
Ш Let's do something interesting оп Sunday together. 
П What about going to the Zoo after midday? 
П Yes, l'd ]ove to! 
П Yes, оК. l love animals. 
П l'm afraid l can't. l shall go to mу grandma iп the morning. 
7. Gоlочr and write the invitation card for уочr birthday party.
LJnit 4. L*t's Hctve 
1,1"O,:,,},' l.,:O;.:,O;,,}:,O a:, },..ia,;Or:,Q:l,,,?,,O,,,,С,] a,:.a,] a 
8. а} Match the parts 
fi Restl 
,,о.I a,,a a t,* с 8 с с,9 i,,a, 
of the phrases. 
А show 
В film 
с show 
D рrоgrаmmе 
Е апimаls 
Lеss{}г] 4. 
о., l}] о:a,,a зýýiэýФa*фоф:l 
1 рrоgrаmmе about 
ь) Make чр 4 sentences with the phrases from а) as iп the 
exampIe, using',,.' . 
l prefer а comedy film to а quiz show. 
Рчt the 
Tom has 
verbs in brackets iпtо the present perfect. 
аIr*аdу watched (already / to watch) а puppet show. 
(just / to see/ ап exhibition, 
уоu (ever / to visit) а circus? 
(поt / to go) to the Агt gallery yet. 
he (already / to watch) the educational 
рrоgrаmmе оп television? 
mals in the Zoo. 
(just / to see/ different wild ani- 
(пеvеr / to Ье) iп the museum. 
(еvеr / to watch) а ballet? 
l с . . а . i . . ft G с а 0 Ф . с о -'Ёffi" 
: |] ",,] 1t:. 
a,е f,a,a,O"a,a },о a,,a]:о.a a о о a arl a l
* l,:, ',' ,П , i .. Ё:"ý 
а Word 
# Rgstl 
,' ф,,,,,о, С ,,,&,,,,Ф,, ,t, 
L"Jnit 4. Let't 
,,ё, €,, :S ,, &, ý,,,ý,,,: i::,:_t,., ,*.,,,.,.Р,,l. 
1О. а) Make чр 
,/ ,{ 
TV Programmes 
using the words from а}. 
", -**",u,,", 
-,, -,,- +, а "' 
Ь} Complete 
1. l like to watch 
, "t' 
"-,- "," -,",,,,_ ,--"-""! 
the sentences, 
2. l don't like to watch 
11. Make чр the questions to the words in bold. 
1. Му favourite quiz show starts at 16:3О. 
When does уоur favourite quiz show start? 
2. Today there is the educational рrоgrаmmе оп Ghаппеl 2. 
3. The рrоgrаmmе about animals is оп Discovery Channel. 
4. l like game shows and cartoons чеry muсh. 
5. There аrе interesting documentaries оп TV today.
LJnit 1. Let's Нgче cl Rcst! L-сss*г--} * 
12. Make чр the sentences as iп the example. 
1. Тоm / fond of / ptaying tennis tЙl t ruппiпg ttrl Z travelling (И) 
Tom is fond of playing tennis and trave|ling, 
2,, They / fond of / going to the theatre (gl / dancing (tr) / reading 
English books (И) 
3. Неr hobbies / collecting stamps (tr) / drawing pictures (Иl / watch-ing 
саrtоопs 1И1 
4, l / fond of / swimming (fl) / playing games (tr) / gymnastics (И) 
5. His hobby / reading (El) / making model cars (И) / cooking (Etr) 
6. Their hobbies / travelling (tr) / going iп for sроrt (Иl / collecting 
stickers (И) 
13. Write ап e-mail (6-7 sentences) to а friend аЬочt уочr hobbies. 
.j.,.,.:o,.,.."o".,o.,.,o о i о i о,о,о,о..,.. о.".,.,.... о.. о о..,. ф#ф я. о a ý,ji.? 
LJnit 4. Let's Нсv* fi 
С ,,ý: iP o,,l:1 ;i 1О, О,, a a,, О,,lэ,,,.a.,il, l, {l,,,,е1, :l,, 
14. Complete the table, 
Му sister 
i-,,,l,lо.,,О,,-.a,,, a,.,1,a.,,,, l.,,i,,:l,,, O.,,,, l.,l'l:l: ,.}.,,,,,,i 
Lesscn 7 
О-1.,.;,О1.;,,,,О.;,.;i1 О,i.,lОЕ 
, 1]iF., 01,]{D,,,:,О. 
lnfinitive Past Sim present perfect 
15. Ghoose the correct чаriапt to Gomplete еаGh sепtепGе. 
1. Му sister her homework. 
А has/do 
В has/done С have/done 
2. Have уоu already the news? 
А watch В watches с watched 
3. Nick collected 100 stickers yet. 
А has В hasn't с haven't 
to Great Britain. 
с travelled 
watched а ballet? 
4. Olia has already 
А was В travel 
А has/yet В has/ever С has/never 
not participated in the Art Show 
А have/yet В hasЛust С has/yet 
уоur grапdраrепts ever travelled to the USA? 
В Has с Have 
have just helped my parents to рrераrе fоr а party. 
BShe Cl 
a о a о a a a о a a a о a a a,a'a'a о a o:l a a a a,a:о a a]a,a"a 
-ffii,..} , q .] ft]5',:: 
a,:,,, ar
i t 6. Complete the letter. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct l tense form. i 
Dеаr Маrk, 
, ally hot. Wе (to swim) апd 
i Go sunbathe) every day. 
', We (ta go) to the сiпеmа апd : 
; (to watch) very iпtеrеstiпg film уеstеrdау. 
, t (поt to Ьчу) sоuуепirs yet. But we i 
аrе gоiпg (to do) this пехt week. 
See you sооп, ,,.,,-.--.. 
-,: "" 
17. Write а letter (6-7 sentences) to your friend about how уоч 
spend уочr holiday. Use the Present SimpIe, Present Gonti-nuous 
and present perfect tenses. 
+6 Англiйська мова. Робочий зошит для 5 класу (ло пiдручника А. HecBiT)
Ljnit 4. Let's Hcve g Rest! Lcsscn ? 
18. Make чр the sentences апd match them to the tense forms. 
1 Present Simple 2 Present Continuous 
3 Present Perfect 4 Past Simple 
Lf, yet. / not / l / mу /have / done /homework 
l have not dопе mу hоmеwоrk yet. 
holidays /My/is /now. /sister /having / fantastic 
П hiking / l / iпl mountains/ last / went / the / summer. 
П go / Bill / tor /to /sports. / likes /iп 
П you / London? / ечеr / Kyiv / visited / Have /and 
П seaside f уеаr./ not/to /l/the /going /this /am 
l{L-J уоu/sоmе /city? / sоuчепirs / Did / in /buy/the 
'l9. Make up as many questions to the sепtепсе as possible. 
Веп has just trained in the gym with his friends, 
- where has Веп trained with his friends?
Unit 4. Let's Нgчс fi Rast! Rccding 
2О. Read the text (РВ, рр. 94-95, ех. 2) and choose the correct 
variant to complete each sentence. 
1. Ann and Dan's parents let them out in а tent. 
А live В camp С sleep 
2. The children wеrе very 
С happy 
teddy bears. 
а robot, and а Ьох of 
А tents В bags С camps 
6. Апп thought she hеаrd а noise and they were 
А scared В glad С excited 
7. Апп and Dап rап uр the dark toward 
А garden В home С yard 
21. Match the parts of the phrases, using the text (РВ, рр. 94-95, 
ех. 2). 
a.,,, a,,,,,,,a.,,,,,,d i 
А excited В scared 
Апп took hеr пеw doll and 
А three В all 
Dan brought а big racing саr, 
А chocolates В sweets с 
Children were iп their sleeping 
Ьох of 
А bag 
В in а whisper 
с out 
D excited 
Е саr 
F lemonade 
G chocolate 
Н out 
.,'i",:;',l::i,.:,,, l:.:,,.,o,,,,,O li.. ffia,i,:a, a ,1;::lil.i;;1 
Unlt 5. Г{сtuгfi спd ,/ссthеr Lesson 1 
1. Fill iп the missing words. 
1. lt'S #fu. snowing. lt'S 3 5поwу day, 
2. The wind isЩ . lt'S а day. 
in the sky. lt's а 
iп the sky. lt's а day. 
. lt'S а today. 
3. There аrе*sd}l 
4. тhеr ,t,!:' enSi.R.1 
5. lt's* 
2. Choose the correct variant to complete each sentence. 
1. lt's а rainy and cold day. Let's 
А skate В ride а bike С stay at home 
2. The weather is and cold. We сап ski. 
А warm В snowy G rаiпу 
3. lt was sunny and _ yesterday. We fIy а kite with friends. 
А windy В hot С warm 
4. lt is and windy today. You саппоt sunbathe iп the yard. 
А storm В hot 
5. June was suппу but 
С rainy 
. We didn't swim iп the rivеr. 
А cold В hot 
6. The summеr is suппу and 
С windy 
. l Swim every day. 
А cold В foggy С hot 
3. Write the answers. 
1. What is the wеаthеr like today? 
2. Mhat do уоu like about it?
Unit 5. Ngturе спd ./есthаг Lesson 2 
4. underline the mistakes апd write the correct sепtепсеs. 
1. Spring comes after $шшЕL 
Spring comes after wiпtеr. 
2. lt often rаiпs iп January. 
3. The leaves аrе yellow in winter. 
4. People wеаr coats iп July. 
5. Children pIay snowballs and make а sпоwmап in summer. 
6. It spring is very hot and you сап swim iп the sea. 
7. Тhеrе аrе по leaves оп the trees iп August. 
В. The nights аrе short iп summеr. 
write the answers. 
what season is it now? 
2, What is уоur favourite season? 
3. What do уоu like about it? 
.'Жffi.,i.,.. a,l
|Р,1,;,,!,;.,;, О,,,;,З,,,.i,Ф 
Ljnit ý. Nсtuгё fiпd 
._,&..,:.9.,,,ý;.,:l}.,,.,'1,1.,,,!:ll;r|;i;"'!}:,,1l*riri;l;1; rl:C.;.;l0,,.tЁ,,,$,i ý 
6. Do the crossword. 
Ч#епthеr Lgsson 3 
Ьу day. 
о.,,,,о, ,,.о ,,.У ,1 
lt was чеry hot and we in the riчеr. 
is the last month of autumrl. 
The is cloudy and foggy in autumn. 
lt often iп october. 
lп winter the weather is _ iп ukraine. 
The summer iп the Crimea is чеrу . 
Make чр the sentences as iп the example, using the 
.','. ,.J 
i. lt is hot in July. The tеmреrаturе is thirty degrees above zero, 
, l]ii'1""o]1,1iI:,"1,1ai'|"'a
Ljnit 5. Nсtuге cnd .ffаgth*r 
8. FiIl in the seasons' паmеs. 
L*ss*n -+ 
э, a a с,,G .*, о Ф * ý ф ý I &, i..:. ii| 
, days аrе 
vеrу short 
. the lowest 
, you сап ski 
and sledge 
. there is no 
leaves оп 
the trees 
, colourful 
. rаiпу and 
, foggy 
. strong wind 
. children start 
to go to 
. Snow melts 
, days Ьесо- 
me longer 
. birds buiId 
their nests 
. маrm 
often windy, 
but wаrm 
. hot and 
, days аrе 
чеrу long 
. the highest 
, уоu сап 
swim iп 
the sea 
9. Write а weather report (5-6 sentences) about spring iп Uk-raine: 
spring months, temperature, the weather, what chil-dren 
сап do. Draw some simple pictures to show what the 
weather is like. 
Unit 5. Ngturе спd ./еgthеr Lcsson 5 
1О. Make up the sentences as in the ехаmр!еп using the following 
Monday Tuesday 
Friday Saturday 
1. lt is cloudy today. It'll Ье sпоwу оп Suпdау. 
11. Fill iп the correct word: should or shouldn't. 
1. lt's going to Ье cloudy and rаiпу tomorrow. l think we 
stay at home and watch а quiz show. 
2. It's чеry cold weather. l don't think уоu 
with уоur sister. 
3. The weather is hot and suппу outside. Yоu 
raincoat to а picnic. 
swim in the sea 
take уоur 
4. The sky isn't cloudy._ l take mу umbrella?'sgoingtoraintomorrow.Idon'tthinkthey-goforа 
walk in the park. 
6. The weather is cold and sпол/у. She 
play snowballs. 
put off her coat to 
7, lt's going to Ье а vеrу hot day. Yоu take а bottle of water.
12. Complete the table. Write as mчсh information as possible. 
i Weather , Things to Do , 
] Seasons i ]!l -[1.r i {";r;i,:J, ] 
, iWinter ! l 
iSummer : 
]] .i, -] 
l Ачtчmп ; : 
13. а) Underline the correct mеапiпg of the words will апd going to 
in the sentences. 
1. lt's windy outside. l'll take my hat. (яqd,d_е^-!_d,е_qLр!ол/ рlап) 
2. Don't go for а walk! You'll catch а cold. (рrоmisе / рrеdiсtiоп| 
3. Pamela has aIready bought tickets. She is going to go on hoIidays 
to the seaside. (рlап / prediction| 
I 4. Маry is going to buy а пеw dress and shoes for Tom's birthday 
' parý. (promise / рlап). 
Ь) Make чр 2 sепtепсеs with the words will апd golng to and 
write their mеапiпg.
Unit 5. Nfitl;гfr *г:d*ther Lesscn 7 
1. Cloudy, windy, ;ящ, rainy, sпол0/, sчппу. 
2. Мау, April, July, January, Sunday, October. 
3. Rain, sun, wind, winter, fog, storm. 
4. То swim, to ski, to sledge, to play snowballs, to make а sпоwmап. 
5. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, November, Thursday. 
6. London, Dublin, Kyiv, Manchester, Belfast, Cardiff. 
7. Rainbow, lightning, thunder, wаrm, wlnd, rain. 
15. Read the text (РВ, р. 114, ех. 3) апd write the answers. 
1. What was the season? 
2. What was the weather like? 
З. Wеrе the clouds in the sky? 
4. How did Tom feel that day? 
5. Why did he feel so? 
16.Match the parts of the phrasesn using the text (РВ, р. 114, 
ех. 3). 
1 to come out--_t_ tt---tt_ 
2 the unhappiest 
В the fence 
3 а pot of С of а house 
4 to paint D of work 
5 hours Е Ьоу
Unit 5. Ngturе flпd #сgthеr Lesson В 
17. Choose the correct variant to comp|ete each sentence. 
1. The weather warm and sunny yesterday. 
n * 
А was 
winter is the 
А better 
В wеrе 
В best 
wаrmеr and 
В getting 
с wеrеп't 
season to ski and skate оп the ice. 
с worse 
suппiеr iп spring, 
А has got С is getting 
4. The temperature is ten degrees today, 
below zero. lt'S 
С cloudy 
А freezing В suппу 
5. There аrе clouds in the sky. lt to rаiп tomorrow. 
А will В is going С isn't going 
18. Describe the pictures: the season, the weather, what children 
are doing 
lt's wiпtgr пt;w }&:.-. ti- l} 
lt...,,.,,,.a.',.,.,.olor.,'..a..,.'.O'.,o'...a,.a..a.,a,aa.'.'...aaffia,a.,, 'ъi*ffi |
l 19.Read the text (РВ, рр. 118-119, ех.3) апd complete the l 
sentences with the following words. i 
о coat о sun о shone о pulled о rап о take off о wind ] 
1. Опе day the Wind and the had ап argument. 
2. Let's make that Ьоу 
his coat. 
3. Simon buttoned his 
4. Тhеп the 
5. Simon 
blew ечеп harder. 
the coat mоrе tightly around him. 
6, The Suп brighter than ечеr. 
7. Simon to the fun fair апd spent al! afternoon оп the 
2О. Read the text (РВ, рр. 118-119, ех. 3) and write the sепtеп- 
ces iп English. 
1. BiTep поглянув навколо i побачив хлопчика. 
The Wind looked around and saw а Ьоу. 
2. Змусимо цього хпопчика зняти свою цуртцу.I тодi побачимо, хто 
з нас сильнiший. 
3. Потiм BiTep подув ще дужче. 
4. Сонце свiтило з яскравого блакитного неба. 
5. Ставало все теплiше i теплiше. 
6. BiTep погодився, Lцо Сонце мало рацiю.
unit 6. дгоuпd Вritfiiп fiпd ukrсiпс 
1. Unscramble the words. 
Lesscný 1*2 
о о a a о a a о a о о a a o a a,ii' 
landEng - England 
cotlandS - 
lesWa - 
ffidCar - 
2. Read the text (РВ, р. 123, 
iп the example. 
Grеаt Britain 
the United Kingdom 
ех. 3) and fill 
biggest island 
British lsles 
3. Make чр 4 sentences, using the table. 
Апп lives in Belfast. Belfast is the capital 
iп а/ап, the or - aS 
island country 
official language 
Jane lreland
Unit 6. дгоuпd Вritgiп спd Ukrсiпс Lessons 1-2 i l',. i 
4. Write the answers. i 
i 1. Where is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nоrthеrп lreland , 
2. How many people live in the UK? 
3. How mапу countries are in the UK? Name them. 
4. What is the capital of England? 
5. What is the official language of Great Britain? 
5. Match the parts of the phrases. 
1 to meet=-_ А photos 
2 to visit -------tt.=- 
--- В souvenirs 
3 to take -*---С new friends 
4 to buy D nature 
5 to enjoy Е museums 
6. Gomplete the sentences with the folIowing words. 
. Wales о England о Scotland . lrеlапd 
is bigger than 
is wetter than 
is colder 
Unit 6. дrоuпd Вritсiп cnd Ukrсiпс Lessons 3-4 
7. Make чр the sentences, using the wоrds in the correct tense 
1) to have а picnic / next Sunday 
l wilI have а picnic with rпу fагпiIу next Suпdау. 
2) to go sailing / yesterday 
3) to ride а bike / just 
4) to watch the swans / next week 
5) to visit the National Park of Snowdonia / last уеаr 
6) to go boating and water ski / next month 
7) to go walking iп the раrk / already 
8. Write а postcard (4-5 sentences) to уочr parents from the UK, 
tell about the city, the weather, what do you do there. 
Dеаr Мчm апd Dad, 
Ljnit: 6. ,"'гоuпd *rit*in cnd Ljk"i";inc Lcssons 3"-4 
9. Fill iп the correct article where necessary as in the example. 
i1l* Сrimеа 
Great Britain 
Atlantic осеап 
lndependence Square 
Lake Svityaz 
Black Sea 
central Раrk 
Time Square 
Аrt Museum 
Mount Hoverla 
1О. Choose the correct variant to complete each sentence. 
1. Jane and Jim аrе from _ _ _ Scotland. 
А- Bthe Са 
2. New York in USA. 
А the/a В -/the С the/- 
з. ,__ Thames is the mаiп river in __ ,__ London. 
А the/- В -/the С the/the 
Mount Hoverla is in Carpathians. 
Л -/- В -/the С the/the 
5. UK is situated оп British lsles. 
А -/the В the/the С -/the 
11. Correct the mistakes as in the example. 
'l. l went boating опх Thames river. ilrc 
2. Do уоu like to go skiing iп ап Carpathians. 
3. The Mount Hoverla is the highest in Ukraine. 
4. А National Park of Snowdonia is in Wales. 
5. Have уоu ечеr been iп а Сrimеа? 
6. England is situated оп а British lsles,
Unit {э. 
О ,1, {l,;,,1.,O ,. 0 ,..О ; , a,;.,,,;l , 
12. Read 
"l . What 
Агсuпd Вrit*iп find 
О,,_l:,О,:О;, l,,l,-'О:-О.ll..,О;l,О;: | ,О: i,:. l :a :l}:, 
the text (РВ, р. 129, ёх. 
country is уоur Motherland? 
о,.,о, l,, o,,} ,.a,. о, a.,,a, 
2| and write 
О,,:,, l,;ll, ,i.; rD ,l, 1,.i ,,l.,,,,O , 
the апswеrs. 
2. What аrе Ukrаiпiап people? 
3. What kind of соuпtrу is Ukraine? 
4. What is the longest riчеr of уоur Motherland? 
5. What is the capital of Ukraine? 
6. Where is Kyiv situated? 
. NчmЬеr the parts of the dialogue iп the correct order. 
l'd like to visit the capital of the UK, London. 
l think it's really great. Let's do it next week. 
What а good idea! l always want to visit Kyiv. 
And what about visiting the capital of оur Motherland, Kyiv? 
Yes, that's а good idea, but it is very expensive to get there. 
We can go sightseeing on the Dnipro river. 
14. Write about the Ukrainian nature (3-4 sentences). 
Unit 6. Аrоuпd Вritсiп cnd Ukrgiпе 
._li ? r.., ? a ? ? i.,,l а.. ?. с l..:o Q.,c.. !. o...,.,l !.J.. 
}; О О a 6.О, О,,О.:t a,,i,, l,,.? lr 
15. Make чр 5 sentences, using the table. 
й;--Т- r** 
Апп is frогп the United KingdotTl , The British flag is blue, 
.н :] - 1 
I Maria Amanda 
16. Complete the sentences with the following words. 
о the Ukrainian National Flag о the Ukrаiпiап Anthem 
о the Uпiоп Jack о The Nationa! Coat of Arms 
'l. The song Ьу Pavlo Chubynsky and MykhaiIo Verbytsky is 
The British National Flag is called 
is blue and yellow. 
is blue, white and red. 
The Trident is also called 
,l, }. 
. ..ffi.'. .,. о . .,. .... о.. . . . . .,. . . .. . . . . ...,... о .,. . . ....
Unit 6. Агсuпd 
O,,o,.O'd. .l,,'",,.,*.,l*.,;:lrr,,lr;,,, O.j,,,,''rn::э..,.,,:;.Оr":,..,9;i.r,'',,,,.,,illii,,:?''.i. 
17. Unscramble the 
о zoAv . proDni 
. puhYal . nubeDa 
Вritgiгl find Ljkrс:iгrе Lesscns 9-10 
words and complete the table. 
о tyazSvi о lackB . sterDnie . 
о verlaНo о mеапСri о snaDe 
mапRо shKo 
о thiапраСаr 
Rivers Seas Lakes Mountains 
the Dпiрrо, the Sea of 
18. Write а short story (6-7 sentences) about the place of Ukraine 
you visited last summer. Use the Past Simple tense.
l .,{ 
Unit 6. Агоuпd Britcin ond Ukrсiпс Lesson 1 1 
19, Make чр the questions and negative answers as iп the ехаm-p! 
e, чsiпg the Present Perfect. 
Paul / to Ье to Canada / already 
Has Paul аlrеаdу Ьееп to CanacJa? 
Paul hasn't Ьееп to Сапаdа yet. 
You / to have а рiспiс / already 
3. Bill and Апп / to go skiing / ечеr 
4. John / to ride а bike / just 
5. We / to watch the swans / ever 
2о. Write the answers. 
1. Have you ever Ьееп iп the Crimean Mountains? 
2. Have уоur ечеr visited the capital of оur country? 
3. What do уоu know about the Ukrainian National Flаg? 
4. What is уоur favourite city in Ukraine? 
a a о a a a a a a a о a a a a a о a о о a,]a a a a a a a a a a a о a 
i Unit 6. .rrоuпd Вritgiп cnd Ukrсiпе Recding 
a a a a a a a ,I о a о a a о a a a a a a a,a a a. o,1 1.o о 1.1'l 
| 21. Read the text (РВ, р. 137, ех. 2) апd choose the correct ча- , riant to complete each sепtепсе. 
!a|a. о a a a a a a a a о t a a a a. о a a 
1. The sky was behind the mountain when Апп woke up. 
А yellow В orange G b]ue 
2. What will we see on our _ _.* __,._, Dad? 
А wa]k В way С trip 
3, We're going to walk aIl the way __ * "_* this mountain. 
i, Adown Bto Cup 
i 4. Do you think l can this mountain, Мum? 
А climb of В climb up G climb to 
5. They climbed higher and ____ . 
А higher В lower С better 
6. She saw а __ ___ that seemed to Ье а tiny puddle of water. 
А sea В river С lake 
7. How beautiful my ,___ * , is! 
А Mother В Father G Motherland 
22.Read the text (РВ, р. 137, ех, 2) and write the answers. 
'l. Where did Апп go with her parents? 
2. How did they go there? 
3. Have уоu еvеr heard about Hover|a? 
4, Have уоu ever Ьееп to the Carpathian Mountains? 
Unit 7, The Рlссс #hсrе l Live Lesson 1 
i 1. а) Match the phrases to the places. 
1 to go for а walk--___ А а post office 
2 to take а bus --В а square 
З to get mопеу С а cafe 
4 to send а letter D а supermarket 
5 to lеаrп English Е а museum 
6 to have dinner F а bus station 
7 to buy food G а taxi rапk 
8 to watch exhibition н а school 
9 to watch the swans I а bank 
1О to take а taxi J а park 
Ь} Make чр 4 sentences with there is/аrе, there isп't/аrепПt 
аЬочt places iп your town/villagen using the words from а). 
2. Answer the question. 
1. Where do уоu live? 
2. ls there а supermarket here? 
3. Аrе there а post-office and а Ьапk here?
LJnit 7, The Р]ссе #hеrв i Live 
3. Choose the соrrесt variant to complete each 
1, Тhеrе is the Рhаrmасу Museum 
А Odessa В Lviv Kyiv 
Lviv also has some beautiful 
А bouJevards В beaches 
odessa is situated оп the 
А Black Sea В Sea of Azov С Dnipro 
с Odessa 
С Art Gallery 
Lesscn 2 
О,,,l 1l , ,ll,. l,,.,O. ,a'.'.,,ilr, a,.;,',!1-,,O,.1,i .:,,l} 
С parks 
А Lviv 
5. Тhеrе is the 
А Pharmacy 
is а vеry important 
В Poltava 
В Ballet House 
4. Write а short story (6-7 sentences) about уочr favourite ciý, 
using the рlап below. 
а) its name 
Ь) its location 
с) interestingbuiIdings 
d) places to see 
;l,'',l 1,1,i:l,,ll"i:,i;l:, a s,,1,.ll{
5. Match the squares to the descriptions (опис). 
London о о Ukraine 
а hote] о Time Square о market stalls 
the building of о о the National 
university Аrt Gallery 
the musical о lпdерепdепсе r the UK 
'Mamma Mia' Square о trees and shops 
Ukraine о о New York 
atheatreo Trafalgar oamonument 
kyiv о square 
to Berehynia 
а mопumепt о о the USA flag 
а fast-food о Market Square о Kharkiv 
restaurant о а building of the 
Norwich о Freedom conservatory 
the USA о Square о the UK 
6. Match the паmеs of the places to the definitions. 
А the Zoo А а bus stop С а post office D а travel agency 
Е а theatre F а park G а cafe Н а market place 
'1. You сап ride from hеrе to other places. 
2. You сап decide where to go on your holidays here. 
3. Yоu can have а cup of tea with some biscuits here. 
4. Yоu can buy greeting cards and letters here. 
5. Yоu can buy fresh fruit and vegetables here. 
6. Here you сап watch а good play оr а ballet. 
7. You can go for а walk or watch the swans here. 
8. You can see different wild and domest]c here.
Uпit 7. The PJcce #hеrв | Live 
Lesson 4 
7. Circle the correct variant. 
1. There is а mоdеrп five-stars pod /@Din Donetsk. 
2. The laigest sports museum of Ukraine is situated iп Kyiv / Donetsk. 
3. The hеаrt of Kharkiv is Frееdоm Square / lпdерепdепсе Square. 
4. Time Square js опе of the most famous places in ffle lJK / the USд. 
5. Odessa / Donetsk is famous form its Opera and Ballet House. 
6. ciý square iп Leeds is famous fоr its fоuпtаiпs / buildings. 
8. а) Write the answers. 
1. What is your regional centre? 
2. lп what раrt of ukraine is it situated? 
3. what is уоur regional centre famous for? 
Ь) Use уочr answers to write а short story (5-6 sепtепсеs) 
аЬочt уочr regional сепtrе.
Ljnit 7. Thc Р]ссе fhgrс l Livc Lcsscn 5 
,r'""r" о: " 
: :1.-': .' :." "." " "'-", 
:._-____ л:' _' -:л']* :.'' :''1 
9. а) Gomplete the phrases, чsiпg the text (РВ, р. 15О, ех. 2). 
о skating о people r ý}rftfý о rink о screens 
о grееп о rest о leaves о world о life 
fresh grass 
to have а 
to go 
carpet of 
to please 
а skating 
computer to turn 
Ь} Make up 3 sentences with the phrases from а). 
1О. Write the sentences in English. 
1. MeHi подобаеться сидiти в парцу на TpaBi та читати книry. 
l like 
2. Моему братовi подобаеться кататися на човнi по озерi. 
3. Беновi подобаеться спостерiгати за пт€lхами в парку. 
4. йому подобаеться проryлюватися стежиною в парку, коли чудо- 
ва погода.
1 1. Read the text (РВ, рр. 152-153, ех. 2) and choose the correct 
variant to complete each sепtепсе. 
1. There аrе mапу kinds of iп Donetsk. 
А monuments В роrts 
С parks D buildings 
2. Forged Figures Park is devoted to handcrafted works. 
А wооdеп В irоп 
С paper D interesting 
3. There is similar park in the world as Forged Figures 
Park in Donetsk. 
А other В mапу 
с а ]ot of D по other 
4. Donetsk is officially опе of the best blacksmith cities in 
А the uk В ukraine 
С Europe D world 
5. Now there аrе more than sculptures iп Fоrgеd Figures 
Park in Donetsk. 
А 150 в 10 
с 15 D 100 
6. The Fаirу Tales Alley, the Architectura] Copies Alley are situated in 
А London 
С Kyiv 
в Donetsk 
D Lviv 
7. There is blacksmiths art iп Fоrgеd Figurеs Park ечеrу 
А market 
с festival 
В concert 
D show 
,?,, , LJnit 7. The P]fice .fhеrФ l Live Lgssсп 7 
;-ъ '! a? 
' rфё ж*' - * -..-л* -,"+'' 
a a a a a о a a a a a a a aa a a a a a a a a о a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a о a a.. 
ь) write the answersn using the words and word-combinations 
from а). 
Where do you want to live: iп а town оr in а village? Why?
Unit 7. The Рlссе ,fhеrе l Live Lesson В i 
13. Unscramble the words. 
coloterwaurs - watercolours culpturess - 
Моrаrk - sterpla русо bitsexhi - mikscera - sitionpoex seummu - 
14. Read the text (РВ, рр. 156-157, ех. 2) апd write the answers. 
1. Where is the village of Parkhomivka situated? 
2. What is this village famous for? 
3. What аrе in Мusеum of History and Arts? 
4. who opened the museum in parkhomivka? 
5. Whеп did it become а department of Kharkiv Аrt Museum? 
15. NчmЬеr the parts of the dialogue iп the correct order. 
П See you оп Saturday! 
П l think Ьу train. l сап buy tickets tomorrow. 
П How about sightseeing оп the Dnipro river? 
П] Let's visit the capital of the Ukraine оп Saturday. 
So, let's meet at the railway station оп Saturday at 5 am. 
l think it's rеаllу great! How do we get there? 
Yes, l want to see this great riчеr too. 
lt's great! What places do уоu want to visit in Kyiv? 
г**l l, 
ti illaL*J 
гI*l-**! t*J 
Unit 7. The Рlссе #hсге l Live Lcsson 9 
16. Make чр the sentences and match them to the tense forms. 
1 Рrеsепt Simple 2 Past Simple 3 Present Perfect 4 'going to' 
Е b""n / Have / to / ever / you / London? 
Have you ечеr been to London? 
П park. / going / the / Не /go / iп / as /to / skating 
П our/there/Iots/museums. / ln / are / and/city / ot / monuments 
П апо/ just /ot /We/ Museum/visited/Arts. /have/the/History 
П not/the/yesterday. /They/ plcnic / aп / did / have / а / park. 
П to / дrе /going /regional / you / visi t /centre? /оur 
17.Write а letter to уочr pen-friend (7-8 sепtепсеs) about the 
places you visited оп holidays.
18. Read the text (РВ, р. 161 , ех. 2), mark trче И апd false Е sеп- 
't. The city grandmother ljves in а narrow street. 
2. The city grandmother ]ives in а b]ock of flats. 
3. The city grandmother has got Мо bedrooms, а living-room, а kit-chen 
and а hall. 
4. The ciý grandmother takes mе to the forest. 
5. The country grandmother has got а large gate, an apple tree, 
and а big yard in front of hеr house. 
6. The country grandmother grows flowers оп а balcony. 
7. l ride а bike to the river together with mу country grandmother. 
8. l like to visit my city grandmother during my weekends very much. 
9. l don't like а city and а village. 
19.Read the text (РВ, р. 161, ех. 2) and write the sentences iп 
1. На дорогах е багато машин, i вулиця дуr(е шумна. 
2. Нам також подобаеться ryляти в парку i дивитися фрбольнi 
матчi на стадiонi. 
З. Наприкiнцi кожного вiзиту я обнiмаю свою бабусю. 
4. Моя бабуся вирощуе тут квiти. 
5. Ми ходимо в лiс i збираемо там гри би та ягоди. 
Unit В. Hoiidcys gпd ТГgditiопs Lcssons 1-2 
1. Match as in the ехаmрlе. 
L*j:,с,I9*11ять i i:_,yy:; ,Г_.:уg* }.,l фщJ 
{{*с--j _  r_*э 
2. Complete the sentences with the following dates as in the 
о 1.01 о 1.09 о 7Эt о 24,08 о 19.12 о 14.о2 о 28.06 
1. We celebrate Christmas in Ukraine оп the seventh of January, 
2. We celebrate lndependence Day оп 
3. We celebrate New Year's Day оп 
4. We celebrate Day of Knowledge оп 
5. We celebrate Constitution Day оп 
6. We celebrate St. Nicholas' Day оп 
7. We celebrate St. Valentine's Day оп
Unit В. Holidcys cnd ТГgditiопs Lessons 1-2 
3. Choose the correct variant to complete each sentence. 
celebrate the 
В August, 
D August, 
ceIebrate оп the 25th of December. 
в christmas 
D St. Nicholas'Day 
Ukrainian people 
А FеЬruflгу, 14 
с June,28 
ln the UK people 
А Easter 
с New Year 
3. People decorate their houses with fir-trees оп 
А Women's Day В Easter 
с christmas D Мау Day 
4, Young people like Halloween very muсh, which is оп 
А November, 1 В October, 31 
С September, 1 D December, 31 
5. We invited оur mothers and grannies to celebrate together. 
А Victory Day 
с Halloween 
lndependence Day оп 
В Day of Knowledge 
D Mother's Day 
4. Соlочr and write ап invitation card for Nеw Year's party. 
,} i rt-l
5. Read the text (РВ, рр. 169-17О, ех. 2) апd tick the correct И 
't. А Оп the Christmas Eve Englishmen do the shopping. 
В Оп the Christmas Eve Englishmen make the decorations. 
2. А Children in the UK believe in Santa Claus. 
в children iп the uk believe in st. Nicholas. 
В Britons celebrate Christmas оп the 25th of DесеmЬеr. 
В Опе of the symbols of Christmas is а Christmas stockings. 
5. А Christmas tree tradition саmе to Britain from Germany. 
в christmas tree tradition came to Britain from ukraine. 
В The traditional dish of Christmas iп the UK is а pudding. 
6. а) Write the following words iп Мо columns. 
о postcards о thё decorations о the cIeaning о tea о food 
о а cake о the dusting о the shopping о а noise 
to make to do 
Ь) Make чр З sentences with any word-combinations from а).
, jГlii ii !-"!;,i;t."..j;,_i,ur, '. l ;: 1" ., ii'i :i-'1;l-]j ii*] ' л..,,. ,:.,,,.;_.: .:] ;j ,:i 
'р. * Ф в * } Ф * € j $ й * * + ý i, j/ ф ;l ! ] s 
' ý .! т * а ý ё з ; !i 
ё i i } | ' 
7. Fill in the prepositions iп, оп or at as iп the example. 
]l: September 
the weekend 
Мау бth 
New Year's Day 
8. Gorrect the rnistakes as in the example. 
12 o'clock 
1 . Му father was Ьоrп i,;:r Jапuаrу 25th. 
2. We give presents to each other оп Christmas. 
З. Ukrainians always celebrate Easter at Suпdау. 
4. Не vislted London оп 2012. 
5. Do уоu like to go fоr а walk at winter? 
6. English children wait for Santa Claus iп night. 
7. Did you play tennis at Wednesday? 
8. l usually get uр iп 7 o'clock оп the mоrпiпg. 
9. Write the апSwеrS. 
1. What is the date today? 
2, When is уоur birthday? 
3. When is уоur father's birthday? 
4. When is уоur mother's birthday? 
Unit В. Holidcys Gnd ТГсditiопs Lessons ,5*6 
1О. Complete the table. Write as mчсh information as possible. 
11. Gomplete the dialogue. 
Have уоu ечеr heard 
yes. l know that it is 
it celebrated? 
something about цаllоwееп ? 
very рорu!аr iп G 
А: The English celebrate Halloween оп the 
В: ls it а holiday for old оr уоuпg people? 
А: Young people, especially children like it 
В: What do they do оп this 
А: Children put оп old and 
31 ,t of 
very muсh. 
When is 
c]othes and wear masks. 
They take а 
How do they 
They cut out slits for Мо 
and put а lighted 
made of а pumpkin. 
а lantern? 
, а nose and а mouth 
The Most Fачочritе Holidays 
christпras Jап ua 
Unit В. Holidcys спd ТГсditiопs Lcssons 7-В 
12. а) Match the parts of the phrases. 
1 to cook ? .,.. 
 2 to make а 'r,t,.."t 
4 to hang uр а 
5 to gather for 
6 to wеаr 
7 to sing 
8 to рrераrе а 
9 to decorate а 
1о to celebrate 
11 to send 
12 to give 
holiday dinner 
christmas Tree 
special clothes 
Christmas pudding 
't,,. D 
Ь) Make чр б sentences with апу of the phrases from а). 
I ii,i. 
Unit В. 
O;.1.;';,1 a. ;,r, Q,..,,:;:' l l: 1,0,';,,,.},i.r . 
l_.. ]1l.,,],,.Q э O 
13. Read 
1. Whеп 
Ho]idcys find ТГgditiопs Lessoný 7-В 
do people celebrate St. Valentine's Day? 
2. What is this day for? 
3. When did the holiday start in Еurоре? 
4. lп what countries is it celebrated? 
5. What do people do оп this day? 
14. Colour апd write а Valentine card for уочr friend. 
ъ*-,-а ffi 
,Ь't} ж 
it l
I Ф Ф э & * Ф 6 r, * Ё: ý 4 {,, & е ]} Ф, 1 е s * ! ý ё ф t е * с + € ; tr а] } а * i. 6 9 l 
15. Ghoose the correct variant to complete each sentence. 
,|. At Christmas Ukrainians usually have dishes. 
А ten В twelve G еlечеп 
2. _ is the mаiп dish at Christmas Eve supper. 
А kutya В borsch С dumplings 
А wheat В seeds С meat 
4. At the end of the ечепiпg people sing 
А songs В kolyadky G the Ukrainian Anthem 
5. Ukrainians usually оr study at Christmas. 
А work В dance G don't work 
16. Write а letter to your pen-friend (7-S sentences) about the 
favourite holiday iп your familyn using the plan below. 
а) the date of the holiday 
Ь) how you prepare for it 
с) how you celebrate it 
.::.]:]-..:i;, } . - ф 9 a G ' * Ф * Ф ' s ф э Ф ф Ф . ý s fi ? Ф а ý б Ф t & s {: * & а + с * с е ф Ф * * ]fl,;i.i..:_.']o * о * 
Unit В. Holidcys *пd "kcditions Lesson 
|, о, a a о a о i 
' t a Q, a a a о a a о a a . о a . . a a о a a a a a a о a a l G a a a a a a a 
17. Ghoose the correct variant to complete each sentence. 
1. Different countries have different and customs. 
А holidays 
с christmas 
2. Englishmen celebrate Мау Day оп the Sunday of Мау. 
their house with а christmas 
is а symbol of Halloween. 
а birthday cake. 
А last 
с first 
At НаIIоwееп children say 'Trick оr 
А jump 
с smile 
в traditions 
D parties 
В third 
D second 
В treat 
D make 
в beetroot 
D саrrоt 
celebrated оп Sunday 
D at the 
В done 
D made 
В iп the 
4. Before Christmas people 
А make 
С сlеап uр 
А lапtеrп made 
А pumpkin 
с сuсumьеr 
Easter is always 
7. Му mother has already 
А make 
с cooked 
8. Santa Claus Ьriпg presents to children 
r{;iЁi.F:!.,:_,t" ,l' О . . .iniiin#.. о . . о О О t . . . . . о .. . . . . . a с a a a,э с о,э a с a. э о t a о a о..a.
18. Read the text (РВ, рр. 18О-180, ех. 2) апd write the апswеrs. 
,|. What did the postal worker bring to Mrs. Bear? 
How did the саrd look like? 
Did Мrs. Веаr kпоw who this саrd is frоm? 
what did Little Веаr see outside the window? 
What did Мr, Веаr Ьriпg home? 
6. What holiday did Мr, Веаr сеIеЬrаtе оп that day? 
7. What did Mr. Веаr, Mrs. Bear, and Little Bear have for special 
breakfast оп Valentine's Day? 
19. Complete the phrases, using the text (РВ, рр. 18О-l8О, ех. 2}. 
о envelope о mark о hопеу о path о hug 
о window о worker о out loud 
аjarof : 
а postal 
а heart оп the 
to rеаd 
а paw 
outside the 
the garden 
to give а big
Unit ?. ýchool Lifc 
1. Match the parts of the phrases. 
1 а scho 
2 а pencil = 
3 а pair 
4 ап exercise 
5 а bottle of 
6 а pencil 
Lesson 1 
А of scissors 
В book 
С glue 
D bag 
Е shаrрепеr 
F Ьох 
2. Make чр the sentences as iп the ехаmрlе. 
1. Tom / to use / а marker (И) / а CD ttrl z at school 
Tom uses а mаrkеr at school. Тоm doesn't use а CD at school. 
2. They / to have got / school bags tEll t mobile phones (Е) 
3. There / to Ье / а pencil ttrl Z ап eraser tfll t оп а desk 
4. l/to use / аrutеr(И) / аЬаII (Е) / atthetessons 
5. She / to have / а red diary ttrl U blue exercise book, И) 
6. There / to Ье / apair of scissors and ап еrаsеr tИl t textbooks ttrl Z 
iп а school bag 
.,,.ffi.tJai :f .'a.о.".l. .,...". о.о о i,o-1]o,.o o,.,-.,..,'d-o i.r о,о],:. о1,. j.-,.,,o oj,.,1.'.,-.:. 
Unit 9. ýchool Life Lesson 1 
:_l: ! -li:: .. , . :,,l :.rJ l]j. ?. j.! ::]t,,j.i Qit|i a,:]:l]qýat],.:! na_.r,:,ia?,:r,?]:..,. }i : a.:.:!:,1',r,.,,3 
]- r}lt 
t- t, r,-- 
Е=' ,:, 
F. t ..ol[, 
ё_r ] 
Ё. l, в_' 
3. Make чр 1 gепеrаlп and 2 Wh-questions as in the ехаmрlе, 
using the Present Simple or Past Simple. 
1) to write down the words in а dictionary 
Did you write down the words iп а dictionary? 
What did you write iп а dictionary? 
Who wrote the words in а dictionary? 
2) to stick things together 
3) to ruЬ а word off 
4) to read English books 
5) to саrrу а school bag 
6) to use а rulеr at the lessons
О ,,Оl, .i,,,1 1t.:; a t 
Unit 9. Schoo'| Life Lessons 2-З 
. , a..:. ? .]:a.,t . .,. f i,a .,1 q . . .: i . . . a ! ? ! a a . t .1 a ? . о . a ., ? . i.., 
4. а) Do the crossword and write dоwп the key word. 
1. We 
2. We 
3. We 
4. We 
5. We 
6. We 
7. We 
8. We 
9. We 
usually learn to sing songs at the lessons of 
have а lot of from different subjects. 
pictures of _. 
draw at the lessons usually do the sums and draw lines at lessons. 
learn about Great Britain at the lessons. 
learn'about the nature and animals at Study lessons. 
lеаrп about life in the past at the lessons of __. 
read interesting stories at the lessons of __. 
need rulеrs and at the Maths lessons.
the example, using the words 
6. Make чр the questions to the words iп bold. 
'| . Му favourite school subject is Maths. 
'*j,1*-,i , ;,,,,.,;,,}".ir i;яъj{jtjглit}::.:,Сi;i_jr_.?t :_,g_i[;lз*i.i'j' 
l have the English lessons three times а week. 
l have the Art оп Tuesdoy, Thursday and Friday. 
о. 'i in. 
lesson оп Thursday. 
5. We speak опlу in English at оur English lessons. 
. Unit 9. ýchoo] Life Lcssons 4-5 -F 
Т. Match the names of the school subjects to the activities уоч 
do at the lessons' 
l English--=_ Алg aлn_dJ j:u..m* ping 
2 Maths -='---- В lеаrпiпg about past times 
З Ukrainian literature ----С writing the words iп vocabularies 
4 Nature Study D writing compositions in Ukrаiпiап 
5 РЕ Е doing the sums 
6 History F watching the bjrds 
7 the Ukrainian Language G making postcards 
8 Handicrafts Н reciting Ukrainian poems 
8. Make чр your top-ten list of favourite subjects. 
9. Make чр the sепtепGеs, using the Past Simple. 
1. Children / to listen to а story / the English lesson 
Children listened to а story at the English lesson yesterday. 
2. А teacher / to write the sums оп а blackboard / the Maths Iesson 
3. Веп and Tom / to work iп а pair / the Ukrainian Иnguage lesson
Ljnit S. ý*h*сзl Lif* 
4. They / to Iеаrп пеw words 
Lgss*ný 4*5 
/ the English lesson 
Q,,, О,,i,.,,,,'D,,,,,O 
i- il 
!' ,; 
г ,l, , 
}:], l 
i,. l, 
tr. ] 
5. Alice / not to recite а poem / the Ukrainian literature lesson 
6. We / to learn how to swim iп а swimming pool / the РЕ lesson 
7. Children / not to do а crossword / the Drawing lesson 
8. А teacher / to tell about the Ukraine / the History ]esson 
1о. Write the answers. 
1. What is уоur favourite 
Му fачошritе subject is 
2. What activities do уоu like to do at уоur favourite lesson? 
З. What is уоur least favourite subject? 
4. What subjects аrе уоu good at? 
5. What does help уоu iп !еаrпiпg English? 
''''ffi, ',ia,'ll]:о1:,1.-,,'a ]..',l}
Unit 9. School Life 
11. а} Complete the table, 
Lessoný ь*7 
: using уоч real timetable. 
Thursday Friday 
Ь} Make чр 5 
The Maths is the 
sentences with the words from а) as iп the 
first lesson on Мопdау, lt starts at пirlе o'clock. 
Ljnit ?" School Lifc 
12. а} Match the parts 
LcssOnS ь*7 
о,,,, tD ,,i,:. ,,i, .:О. , О .,,,l .a, .,, a,,,,, a.],.a .a, ,.,,О ," О,. ,О., a 
have--_ - 
rеIах -r,__t_ 
get uр 
Э,,a ,a .О ::,;-},;.. l,,11 a,r9,.,:О.l,С,,:i,,i.,, i 
lf the phrases. 
А after the lessons 
В lunch 
---,_tt_ с things 
ХР mапу things to do 
at 7 o'clock 
phrases from а). 
every mоrпiпg from Моп- 
day to Fridау. 
2. ln the fifth form we have got mапу different subjects, so we need 
We usuаI!у iп оur school canteen. 
l like listening to my favourite music to 
During the school break I have got some time 
for the next lesson. 
13. Write а letter to your friend (5-6 sепtепсеs} about the school 
subiects you study this year. 
Ь) Gomplete the sentences with some 
l"Jrзit ?. ýсГrrэr;] Li Ге Lesscn В 
tl a о a,о a a е a a a-.о.! о, a a a a о о i Q е q a a a a t, a о }.r a a a a a a a a a a. a a,a, о a,а о:a,a !i 
14. Ghoose the correct variant to complete each sentence. 
1. At lessons we learn about the articles. 
А History В English С Art 
2. l am good at Maths, but Ben is the in my class. 
А best В less G good 
3. AIl pupils iп our class enjoy __ lessons very much, Ье- 
cause we spend them оп the sports ground. 
А the Music В the Art С the РЕ 
4. l like doing ___ exercises at our English lessons. 
А calculations В grammar С travelling 
5. Му History lessons аrе not so difficult for me as 
А the РЕ В the Maths с the Frепсh 
6. l do not like doing my .__ ,*__ r 
А composition В sums С homework 
7. Му sister takes the last уеаr at school. She is in the 
А eleventh В fifth с first 
15. Write the answers. 
1. What subjects do уоu study this уеаr? 
2. What subject is чеrу important for уоu? Why? 
3. What do you do at the lessons of the most important for you subject?
Ljnit ?. Sch**l Lifg 
16. Gomplete the table. Write as mчсh information 
Lesson 8 
l,, O_.,.,,,:lr..,,}-,,Оr1,,,O,,..r,,.llr.,,,,,},:.:, l.,,.:1,,,1O 
as possible. 
|l,.1.1.1l.,. i..,,, 
То do the SU пlS 
Unit 9. $choo] L.ifc Lcssons ?-10 
rJcoo,,aaaa,aoa-ao,]:a,alaa.a,oa, laaaaaoaraaaaa,,aaaa,aal]aaoaaaa,aaaaal 
17, а) Complete the sentences with the following words. 
. songs о exercises о роеm о eomBositions о questions 
о traditions о talk о words о CD о texts о rules 
1) to write соrт}t]Ositiогlý 
2) to read 
3) to lеаrп пеw 
4) to study about 
5) to listen to а 
6) to sing 
7) to know the 
8) to do 
9) to answer the 
10) to have а 
11) to recite а 
i Ь) Make чр б sentences with the phrases from а). 
pt.'. . a,.@a,a'о .] о,,a,. a'. . о . . . . . . .'. . . . a .'о . . . о о l о r . . .,.-. . о . . о .
Unit 9. ýchoo] Life Lcssons 9-1о 
а) Mark true И апd false Е sentences. 
1. Watching TV programmes iп English helps you to learn English. 
2. Listening to interesting stories helps you to learn English. 
3. Writing e-majls to English friends heIps you to lеаrп English. 
4. Listening to а teacher of Maths helps you to lеаrп English. 
5. Reading English books helps you to learn English. 
6. Talking to people in English helps you to learn English. 
7. Riding а bicycle helps you to learn English. 
8. Doing different grammar exercises helps you to learn English. 
9. Learning пеw words helps you to learn English. 
Ь) Write ап essay (7-8 sentences) about уочr English Iesson, 
чsiпg the phrases from а). 
г-l 1_1 
i.-.,r,oI.r,.".,.,.,.,..,..j...,.".,.,o-.,. o,'a,l'o..-..,'.,...,..,.,.,,. t:,.,".". a,.'ffi.с о j jо

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  • 1. оксана Косован ЛНГЛIИСЬКЛ МОВЛ Робочий зошит для 5/ -го класу загаJIьноосвiтнiх навчальних закладiв (5-й piK навчання) (0о пiOрачнulса А. М. Несвim) Тернопiль Видавництво <Пiдручники i посiбники)> 20Iз
  • 2. LJnit 1. Ну Г*гпГlу c:nd Гriепds 1. Complete the sentences with the following . aunt о cousin о wife о brother о sister о Му father is my grandmother's sоп - Му sister is my mother's Му mother's sister is my Му uncle's son is my Му mother is my father's Му parent's son is my Му father's daughter is mу write the answers. What is уоur паmе? Lesson t l,-С;..Оlr О ,'., l:1 l,,,,,O..,.,. О,,,,_О.i.l ,,, О,,:,О,;,i wordS. daughter о sоFt 2. What is уоur surпаmе? 3. Who аrе the members of уоur family? 4. What is уоur family like? 5. Where do you live with уоur family? 6. ls уоur family big? 7. Do уоu live together with уоur grandparents?
  • 3. 3. Choose the соrrесt variant to complete each sentence. 1. This is Tom, my granddad. А she's В he's G hes' 2. Mrs. Sm]th's is а very cheerful girl. А grапdmа В son G daughter З. ls your brother? - No, isn't. Ashe Bhe Cit 4. Му grandparents аrе than mу parents. А уоuпgеr В lаrgеr С older 5. Апп studies very welI. Неr dad says that she is А intelligent В noisy G helpful 6. l love my parents than my friends. А the most В more G best 4, а) Write as iп the example. 1 . пiсе 2. old З, bad 4. large 5. mапу 6. little 7. good В. уоuпg Ь} Make чр 3 sentences with апу words from а). t
  • 4. Unit '1 . l'4y ГсгпГlу |,l,ло,,,, О,..,,,,Q,,:.O,,,,..ll,,,l О,,,,,о,,!, о, О,l;, О,,, tl clnd Гriепс{s ttl fi 6. a,.о.,a Lcsson З о о о,, l,,,a a,,,о::,о-a a,a,,a a a, е a a a a, a о,о 5. Match the parts of the phrases. 1 mУ best ---__t__, 2 to ask 3 to spend 4 mу elder 5 to understand 6 to have Му паmе is Sam" l was Ьоrп iп England. l have got а sister and а brother. Му sister's паmе is Mary and she is оldеr than mе. She has got different hobbies. Му brother's паmе is Den and he is уоuпgеr than me. Не likes to pIay foctball. We аrе friепСIу family and Iove each other чеrу much" -с А time together В brother friend D ideas and opinions Е for advice F each other Stick the photo of your friend and write the information.about him/her as iп the ехаmрIе. El ll ltl ]| ffi Iam l'm f rоm ,ffiffiic,o
  • 5. -Yтi}-:". ух -F'у:lttу "1"y:ч 7. Make чр the sentences 1. is / cheertul / Ьоу. / Sam ý;эr:з i* v*$"у t,:;эгс{-w*rklгtg 2. that/clever. /l/Мum / ГrimпсJ,ж L"gggi}n as in the example. / чеrу / and / hard-working *зуъd uh**g"fufi Ь{}у" аm / says 3. lively / is / Му / friend / honest. / best / and 4. Раul / hard-working? / and / attentive / ls 5. аrе / character? / ot / his / What / best / traits 8.а } Match the words to hаrd-worki],lg*,,,., liveIy clever cheerful honest attentive active happy Describe 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ь) the Ukrainian equivalents. А активний В щасливий ",1л С чесний "',,t '",D працелюбний Е розумний F життерадiсно G радiсний, веселий Н уважний опе of уоur best friends, using the words frоm а). "ffi,
  • 6. Unit 1. IЧу ГgгпГlу fiпd Гriепds l |:i,,,.;,i.,,,,*.,O*,,,ll- 9. А: В: А: В: А: В: А: В: Ghoose the соrrесt variant. What's уоur паmе? А Му паmе is Julie. В l паmе is Julie. Do you like going in for sроrts, Julie? А Yes l do. l go in for hobbies. В Yes l do. l go iп for swimming. How do you like to spend уочr free time? А l like to read interesting books. В l likes to go camping with my friends. Have you got а lot of friends, Julie? А Yes, l have got Мо best friends. Their names is Веп and Sam. В Yes, l have got two friends. Their паmеs are Веп and Sam. 1О. Make чр the questions, using the words iп bold. 1. Му favourite subject is Maths. What is уоur favourite subject? 2. l usually take swimming classes after school, 3. Kate likes going iп for sports very much. 4. Му school life is чеry interesting. 5. l like to play games with my friends after school. 6. Му family is чеrу friendly. l l lц
  • 7. Unit 1. lЧу ГfiгfiГlу сlглсi Ггiепсi* 11. Unscramble the words. chertea - tеасhеr terfighfire - gеrпаmа - mеrfаr - giеппееr - tordoc - drehairsser (to speak) (to go) to L*sscn 6 tantshopassis - 12. Рчt the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple оr Present continuous. She is vеrу сlечеr. She speaks Му sister Веп They Boys Tina l is а teacher. she (поt / to swim) thrее languages. school ечеry day. поW. school Literature club. football at the moment. (to attend) the (поt / to play) (to (to teach) Maths, read) ап interesting book поw. Топу (to write) а letter at the moment. 13. Make up the sentences, using the Present Continuous. 1. А doctor / to talk to а patient А doctor is talking to а patient at the moment. 2, А teacher / to write оп а blackboard 3. А hairdresser / to cut hair 4. А shop-assistant / to sell fruit and vegetables 5. А mапаgеr / to write а letter
  • 8. i i i i I i i I i I Г*гпПу fiпd ,,,,О.,: i,],;:,,,O, l l,, l,,,,l.,r, с,,,!'.,,с,,,, Word map. ,, ::l ' |-.-,-.'.- --, -, -- " -..* Гriёпсlý Lesson 7 Occupations 15. Write the answers. 1. What is уоur father's occupation 2 2. What is уоur mother's occupation? 3. what job do уоu want to have iп the futu rе? 16. Write the verbs iп the Past Simple. watch watched eat - go - collect try- do-have - find forget - make read - write - .2 Днmйсш пов. Робщrй юшmдд,5 шасу (до пiдручнm А. Несвф L
  • 9. i lr, i"i* ,1 u;T *lI"- }, Г{у l* ,s Ф Ф ф ý *..* * *,..0,rл,Ф.;,,,t Г*гпilу fiftd ,l , Оl.:Сl,,:i,;,-(} Гri*пds L*sscn В 17. Read the text (РВ, р. 21, ех.2), mark trче й апd false El sen-tences. 't. The Ьоу has got опе grandfather. 2. Опе of the boy's grandfather works iп the town. 3. The boy's city grandfather works in the field. 4. Опе of the boy's grandfather is ап епgiпееr. 5. The boy's city grandfather lets him to stick stamps. 6. The boy's country grandfather doesn't let him to pet the cows. 7. The country grandfather te]]s that the Ьоу is learning about business. 8. The Ьоу doesn't want to Ье а fаrmеr. 9, The Ьоу knows about businessmen апd farmers. 18, complete the table with the information about your grandparents. Му Grandma(-s) Му Grandpa(-s) ГИагiа l l Place he/ she lives Occupation Things he/ she likes ýi"l* ýhe Iiчеs
  • 10. 19. uпdеrIiпе the mistakes and write the correct sentences. 1. Did you 9_ре_п_е_d the window? L}irJ y|*;t,; {,.], .]] :] i i ill1r',l1 : 1; 1jt'11,1,y' ;] 2. Are you watch television with уоur brother at the moment? 3, Mike and Веп goes to school together ечеrу day. 4. Му parents are web designers. They аrе working in the office. 5. Му grаппу readed ап interesting book yesterday. 6, Does Nick play football with his friends in а yard поw? 7, Jane and Маrk was glad to see us yesterday. 8. Did your father work iп the field every day? l---- i ,лii':.", , +r l tIo ii'i:!::jj'.! ' о о a a a a о a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a с a a. a a a i a a a a a a a a a r o.:;;;.,,!i;,. f a. i :,i:, ;,' l
  • 11. Unit 1. Му ГсmПу cnd Гriепds Lesson 9 2О. Make чр б sentences iп the Present Simple, Present Gonti- пчочs and Past Simple as iп the example, using the table. She Не I We They every day usuaIly поW at the moment yesterday to rеаd to watch television to go in for swimming to attend sports сluЬ to travel to cook io help to play football She is watching television at the moment. 21. Write а short story rentsn, sisters' and things they !ike. (5-6 sentences) brothers' паmеs; about уочr family: ра- their а9е; occupations; -l l_] -*-
  • 12. Unit 1. Му Гсmilу cnd Friепds Rессirlq a.a a a о о , a,a,a a a a a a a a a , a a a a a о a 9 a a a a a a a a a a a a ! a a Ф . е ф й е a " . о *| 22. Read the text (РВ, рр. 24-25, ех. 2) and choose the correct variant to complete each sепtепсе. 1. Next week Маry wiII Ье А eight с six 2. Lily wants to Ье а А big с еIdеr А played С hugged В ten D eleven sister. В уоuпgеr D little 3. LiIy jumped the rоре, fell down and А started to tell В started to сry С started to smile D started to jump 4. Маry helped her sister to А stand uр В wait С climb uр D сry 5. Lily stopped crying and hеr little sister. В hugs D helped 6. Next week LiIy will Ье very А big sister В good sister G grown-up D younger 23. Match the раrts of the phrases, using the text (РВ, рр. 24-25, ех. 2). 1 next ----,'-,. А lap 2 the dinosaur В the rоре 3 daddy's -'Х-,"r. G present -'хt 4 to jump '{l week 5 afavourite Е grown-up баЬirthdау Fpuzzle 7tobe Gtoy
  • 13. 1. Write what Taras and Раm аrе wearing. 2. 1. write the answers. What аrе уоu wearing поw? 2. What do you wеаr when it's warm? 3. What do уоu wеаr when it's cold? 4. What do уоu usually wеаr whеп you go to school? 5. What do уоu usually wеаr whеп уоu go to а party?
  • 14. 3. 1. Make чр the sentences as in the example. Тоm /to wеаr / а T-shirt (g) /а jacket (Е) Lily /to wеаr / а hat (И) / а dress (И) / а sсаrf (Е) 3. Mike / to wear / а sweatshirt (И) / а pair of jeans (Е) 4. Му mother / to wear / а dress tЙl t shoes tЙl ta hat (tr) Не / to wear / shorts tЙl t flip-flops tИl ta T-shirt (Е) They / to wear / scarves tЙl t mittens tЙl t raincoats(Etr) 2. 5. 6. 4. а) Fill lп this/these or that/those as in the example. ш ',,,, bloUs€ Е shirt Е sweater tП а pair of shoes t! scarves Е hat Е _ а pair of jeans Ш coats Ш jumper tr jacket Е skirt t! mittens Ь) Make чр 4 sentences with апу words from а). l
  • 15. 5. Choose the correct чаriапt to complete each sentence. 1. Веп а red Т-shirt апd blue jeans оп. А has got В having G have 2. Kelly and Тоm wearing school uniform. А have В is С are 3. Му father has got а shirt and оп, А а tie В high boots G bIouse 4. Nick is wеаriпg а blue and а white T-shirt. А сар В jeans С dress 5. During summer we do not wear coats and А shorts В jumpers С T-shirts 6. When it's raining you have to take ап umbrella and wear А asuit В апапоrаk G araincoat 7. Не оftеп wears and а tie when he goes to school. Aablazer Bcoat Gcaps 8. We have got uniforms for а cold and warmer seasons. Ared Bdifferent caschool 6. Describe уочr school чпifоrm (5-6 sentences): items of clo-thesn coIours, difference between girts' and boys' clothes.
  • 16. Unit 2. Thc Clothcs fe rесг Lcsson 4 7. а) Complete the table. Write as mапу words as possible. a.,.о ,a a clothes for warm weather Glothes for cold weather l I , А T-shirt Ь) Make up 3 sentences with the words from а) as in the ехаmрlе. l аm going to wеаr а sweater, lэесаusе it is cold outside. with the following words. zoo . wеаr о sew о take off They аrе going to а button оп her blouse. 8. Gomplete the sentences о unzip о train о the Nick and sam like animals. Апп is going to "l . 2. 3. Веп doesn't like to go in for sports. Не is not going to in the gym. ' 4. lt is very hot in Мау. They are going to their coats and _ jumpers. 5. What аrе уоu going to _ to the раrtу? - l аm going to put mу пеw dress оп. l *3 Ашiflсьп моm. РобФий юшш дt, 5 шасу (до пiдручшп А. HccBiT)
  • 17. L,:nit 2. The Clothes .fe чеgг Lesson 5 9. 1. Make up the questions and answers as iп the example. Jane / going to play volleyball? - No / she / going to the Zoo. ls Jane going to play volleyball? - No, she's going to the Zoo, your friends / going оп а picnic? - No / they / going to buy some food. 2. З. she / having а раrtу? - Yes / she / going to buy а пеw dress. 4. your father / going to wear а coat? - No / hе / going to wеаr а polo. 5. уоu / going to wear а blazer?- No / l/going towear а coat. 1О. Complete the sentences. 1 . At the parties l usually wеаr 2. То school I usually wеаr 3. lп the gym l usually wеаr
  • 18. :l Unit 2. The C]othes #с #еfir Lesson 6 11. а) Match the opposites. 1 big * А out of fashion _ 2 с!еап -'-*- В long 3 tight '-,-*t G not to match 4 shогt --t.-. D loose 5 stylish 'Х- Е smalI 6 to fit F untidy Ь) Make up 4 sentences, using the word-combinations from а). 12, Choose the correct variant to complete each sentence. 1. Kate looks rеаllу nice. Неr dress hеr Shoes. А match В fits с matches 2, Му dad bought mе а пеw раir of shorts, but * too tight. А it's В they're С they 3. Den is чеrу tall and his trousers аrе А too loose В too tight С too short 4. l have got а .пеw skirt and on. Ajeans Bshoes Cadress for mе. 5, You look stylish today! This coat is this season. А elegant В in fashion С tidy 6. ВоЬ а red T-shirt and а паvу blue blazer. А wearing В wear С is wearing oi-']jo.oo,o,1'..'a....,l.aorO'...i,...,...o,ioco'.''..,.,.d...ffi....itl
  • 19. Ur"lit ý *,I t Q,l ý,,},,* 13. а) 2" The l},,., е., О ,. l,;.,1 О.,.,,,-е. Make чр С]сэthеs .fe #еfiг уочr top-ten list of favourite clothes. Ь) Complete the sentences, I love 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1 2. 3. 4. 5. using the words from а). 1. 2. This З. These 14. underline the mistakes and write the correct sentences. 1. l isrдearin+a blue jacket. l am wearing а blue jacket. 2. This pair of jeans and а coat js too loose for mе. 3. What аrе уоur wеаr for а party tonight? 4. А dress matches to уоur shoes very much * ;l 5. Do уоu like to wears fashionable clothes?
  • 20. *n'!l Unit 2. The Clothes "/е ,о.,о о, l о,,о a, a a a a a,a,a,a,о,о a a a,a 15. а) Write the opposites. long - shоrt пеW - #r,fiг L*ss*п {i a a a .fi о a . a ,a l. a , о a, о, a о о a , о с a ] о . t plain dark - .р wide - high-heeled loose - hеачу - small - trendy - Ь) Make up 4 questions and answers as iп the example, using the words from а). Are these black shoes new? - No, they аrе old" 16. Describe уочr favourite clothes (5-6 sentences}. a a a a о о a'''о a a t a a a a a'a a a a a a a a a a a о a a a a a'a a о i a a a a a a a a
  • 21. . ,* .* Unit 2. The Clothes {g #еfiг Lcsson 9 17. Complete the dialogues with the following words. о take о this о fits о expensive о choice о elegant о matches . But-on о stylish о match о take off lt's rаiпу and cold today. You need to put оп а sweater. Yes, of course. l think it is good to _*_________ап umbrella too. And why did you *_ _.а raincoat? lt ____,*_*_"уоu. Yes, but it doesn't mу boots. 1,1 ý,t -l . 2, j i ] l j I 1 i i l don't like this T-shirt, but Sally, уоuПrе right! It looks And I think that it and fine. to the tense forms. Past Simple is а / usually that чеrу dress is mу пеw shoes, Oh, yes! But l think you cannot buy this dress, because it is very А: What's а pity! And what do уоu В: Sally, I think that it is а good think of раir of jeans. 18. Make чр the sепtепGеs and match them 1 Present Simple 2'going to' 3 ГЁj uniform. / going / Мопiса / wеаr / а / to / hЛ*iliЁа is fi*irlg t* w**г а l;пi{tгrт}" il and / Му / а /tie. / wеаrs / suit /father / Lj she /coat /on? / а / Did /and / hеr / put /scarf П Oo/Sometimes/school / not/uniform. /wеаr /а / | П nel button /to /jumper? / а / ls / оп /going/sew/ his
  • 22. 19.Read the text (РВ, рр. 47-49, ех.2}, marktrue И and false EI sentences. '1. Monday was Becky's favourite day. 2. Becky wоrе а lovely bright light dress with different coloured stripes, like а rаiпЬоw. З. There wasn't anything special about that dress. ' 4. Becky put the dress оп and started to float in the air! 5. Becky flew up above the clouds. : 6. She waved to the people оп boats below. They weren't surprised! 7.The dolphins blew water into the air at her. 8. Becky greeted animals and people. 9. Becky f|ew home and landed iп her bedroom. 2О. Read the text (РВ, рр. 47-49, ех.2| and write the sentences in English. 'l. Вона побачила чудову яскраву свiтлу сукню з рiзнокольоровими см}ry(ками. 2. Беккi почала пiднiматися в повiтря i летiти, немов птаха. З. Вона злетiла понад хмарами. 4, Беккi махала рукою людям на кораблi внизу. 5. Вона летiла понал джунглями, пустелею, снiгами та кригою.
  • 23. Unit 3. Го*d l ,,' *, '.,, '.. , t},. ', i.., ;О,, ,1 }.l.i,,, O_,;,;.l1,. i11 ;O,,,,:ii:: },,,,,, l ;, С О.::l i,,,:. i 1. а) Fill iп а/ап or sorne чпGочпtаЬlе nouJls. ýоrПе milk * LД _ egg cheese fish orange coffee pizza yoghurt jam lLeýScn 1 ,, Q',a,,,, i'..,,. l,;,,l,,,,a,.,:,i ,...f!;,ra:ii€ and write l:. l:l,: i.,,.,,,,O,:,:,.l ,.l l.,o'. O_,, .l ,,, l,,,,,.l1 ,1 .i,,1,,l,..1.. O,;,;,,l1,,,i_r,i,,l ,r{ с for сочпtаьlе and u for paSta meat bread "Ьеап riсе chicken salad toast apple Ь} Gomplete the sentences, using the words from а). l like l don't like 2. Gircle the correct variant. //- А: t"# / Аrе there апу juice iп the fridge? В: No, there аrеп't / isn't. А: Аrе there апу / some apples оп the plate? В: Yes, there аrе / is. А: /s / Дrе thеrе апу milk? В: Yes, there аrе / is апу / sоmе milk in the fridge. А: ls / Дrе there апу / sоmе rice? В: No, there аrеп't / Ьп't апу / sоmе riсе.
  • 24. Ljnit 3. Гооd и п п п п п п п п п п п п п Lеsstг} ? о',, t,,,i |:,,, ],,,.{l:.,,a , a, ,,.Э , {l ,.,о.. a. ,}, о.. ,Оl, ,О,,,о 3. Tick the Gorrect И sentences. А There is not much sugar in the bowl. В Тhеrе is not lots of sugar iп the bowl. А Тhеrе is а lot of milk iп the fridge. В Тhеrе is much milk iп the fridge. А ls there mапу apples on the plate? В Аrе there mапу apples оп the plate? А Тhеrе is not mапу yoghurt iп the cup. В Тhеrе is not much yoghurt iп the сuр. А Аrе thеrе mапу sweets оп the plate? В Аrе there much sweets оп the plate? А There is not lots of fruit in the fridge. В Тhеrе is not much fruit iп the fridcle. А There is а lot of Ьапапаs iп the bow!. В Тhеrе is mапу Ьапапаs iп the bowl. 4. Complete the table with the following words. oapotato оаьеап oanapple oacarrot .ареаr .апоrапgе о а Ьапапа о ап опiоп о а cucumber о а lemon . а pepper о а beetroot о а cabbage 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Vegetables W *4 Англiйська мова. Робочий зошит шlя 5 кпасу (до пiдручника А. HecBiT)
  • 25. ,l;,i ф. а a..,.i l,Jnit З. Гооd 5. а) Write in English. смажити на грилi - to grill чистити Ь) Make чр 3 sentences with LessOnS 3*4 а}. 6. NчmЬеr the correct words апd the example. 1. Опiопs / slice И tpeel Ш p*el сэпiопs first апd thеп slice them. 2. А chicken / chop Пz boil П make чр the sentences as in 3. А pizza/ decorate Пt bake П 4. Potatoes / tгу П/ wash П 5. Milk / boil ПZ роur П 6. Meat / grill П7 slice П .i { !] fi !] _а_
  • 26. Unit З. Гооd Choose the correct чаriапt to complete each Тhеrе isn't sugаr in this coffee. А much В mапу С lots of 2. Is there bread left? Lessons З-4 .O..,,,l .,,;, о:'l:. O1li ':1l, С ;l;,; O1;,:;;r l_,,,:.,:, о,.,,.; О,:, О ; l 7. sentence. 1. А а lot of 3. There аrеп't А mапу 4. There is А mапу В апу В alotof water В апу с some biscuits in the packet. с lots of iп the bottle. с some оrапgе julce iп the jug? с muсh 5. 6. 7. ls there А lots ot Would уоu А апу There isn't А rпапу В апу like cake? В some Calotof jam iп the jar. в lot of с much 8. Write, how to cook fruit salad, using the following words. о Ьапапаs о wash . оrапgеS о chop . pears о peel о pears о apples . pour о decorate о yoghurt о mix Take the fruit and wash them first. Тhеп
  • 27. & Ф ф, lr,ý t"Jnit * ,i,iв ,1 ,G,,:, } .о 9. а} З. Гооd Gomplete the mепч with о Desserts о Drinks о ;i*r...J,l1.,,_С -€,1..0,0,,',', ?.;', {l,':',. !,,,,.i.l:.; the following Vegetables о Lesscns ý-{э t-,,. t.'..,?,, e.'..:l-,'.lr,,,,,.'*l1i'r;',.i::';--t.','...!;r1,11;.1t1,:.t-r,,!.,d Words. Mafu ЛLепu li Main Соuгsе i_--_. -*-- . Grilled fish with riсе . chicken with carrots . Pasta with tomatoes . PeaS . ВеапS . Carrots . Beetroots , Cabbage . lce сrеаm . Apple pie . strawberries with сrеаm . Biscuits . Mineral water . Apple juice . Coffee . Теа . Milk Ь) Write the missing group of dishes in the mепч from а). с) Make чр the questions and answers as iп чsiпg the mепч. Juice? Ёg there апу juice iп the ff]епu?-*--Yеs, thеrе is. Potatoes? the example, ] ] i 1. 2. 3. lce сrеаm? 4. А cake? 5. Water? alr:.,]a1]],1: J:]:.] a]]:i-.;ii...i:;i:]l ai:l.;a,!'..;ia
  • 28. Unit 3. Гооd ! т ] Lessоný ý** , 1о. complete the table. write as much information as possible. i Vе etable sou Main сочrsе l I l I I , , l ! {} О фt|t {,] Frчit and VegetabIes Desserts ,:rj,Fi{в,+,. ,'',,l -';"о лl .,11 '*"", 6],,,,|.,,,,]o,i:,n..,,, a,:;,,;l, 9 ,:9. . #.!!;'ffi.''r,'* '+riЁ":;#
  • 29. }i !1 ý ý, ай iti l? I i] ч !J :i !l l Unit 3. Гооd Lesson 7 11. Unscramble the words. bagecab ollrs - cabbage rоlls shchbor - cakepans - letscut - ipchs - lubhotsi ursо еасrm lingsdump - 12. Complete the sentences. 1. То cook cabbage rolls уоu need а head of cabbage, 2. То cook potato pancakes уоu need 13. Write the answers. 1. What are traditiona! Ukrаiпiап dishes? 2. What are уоur favourite dishes? 3. What ingredients do you use to cook one of your favourite dishes? 4. How do уоu cook it?
  • 30. LJnit 3. Гооd 14. а) Match the parts of the О lO , О a, О, О ;(} .;,O,;.i,.,.O; 1,,,.a, .3,.,С,:Оl:О phrases. А р]е В pancakes С and eggs D rolls Е and butter F and chips G сrеаm Н and vegetables l and рерреr 1 cabbage 2 fish 3 an apple 4 sоur 5 Ьасоп 6 potato 7 salt 8 bread 9 fruit Ь) Make чр 3 sentences with апу of the phrases from а). 15. Gomplete the 1 . Fоr breakfast l sentences. usually have 2. Fоr lunch l usually have 3. Fоr diппеr l usually have _ ёfu- .' ., o" o-, ., ,l . i o o , . . " ., l ". i o c o . . . . , o . . .' o . o , . . . . . ,. . o . ,o . - o o . €{f-fi#1-iB;*Ж. . .
  • 31. Unit 3. Гооd Lcsson ? I 16. Complete the dialogues with the following words. о Some о ап} о much о mапу 1. А: l'd like bread, please. В: Certainly. How would уоu like? А: Two loaves, please. Аrе there Fil ,-a В: Of соursе. How В: Would you like А: Yes, please. В: Would уоu like *,., -"rtreggs? А: Six, please. 2. А: Сап l have coffee, please? В: Sorry, there isn't coffee left. tea? milk iп уоur tea? А: Of course. Thanks. В: How would уоu like? А: Two teaspoons, please. 17. Correct the mistakes as in the example. 1. l'd like ý>нФ glass of water, please. 2. Would уоu like ап bread? З. How mапу water аrе iп the glass? 4. We haven't got much tomatoes. 5. l'd like а milk iп mу tea, please. 6. Could l have some оrапgе, please? 7. How much cherries do уоu need? 8. l'd like mапу fish for lunch. 9. How mапу sugar have we got? 10. l'd like some apple, please. .ffi. .. . ...,. .,,., о: о . о .,... . . . ., .,., . а 1,,,lа';,:11,1:,1 ,]],a]:,,,:о, ,1 :1':",1,::la,,, a.'],,a,,,''.a"l;],a. ]о,,'"a:l.,]l,.a ,, a
  • 32. :.'-,",, ., '-, -,i 18. Read the text (РВ, рр. 69-70, ех, 2| and choose the correct variant to compIete each sentence. 'l. George packed а basket with some sandwiches, , and lemonade. А pancakes В cupcakes с cakes D biscuits 2. George and the rabbits wеrе about to set off when саmе along. А eIephants В monkeys G bears D birds 3. Не packed three Iarge jars of for the bears. А jam В carrots G milk D honey 4. George found in his рiспiс basket for two bunch-es of bananas for the monkeys. А place В room G point D bags 5. The carried the basket and all animals оп his back to the river. А bear В George G eIephant D monkey 19. Gomplete the phrases, using the text (РВ, рр. 69*7О, ех. 2). о basket о Ьапапаs о atong r place о back о honey о picnic о food to come |,.|.,:,rt bunches of to go for а to ride оп а to pack а to share jars of picnicking *5 Англiйська мова. Робочий зошит для 5 кJIасу (до пiдручника А. HecBiT)
  • 33. Unit 4. Let's Нfiчс с Rcst! Lesson 1 i1 t. GompIete the sentences with the following word-combinations. н о listen to music о go to раrtiеs о pIay games о read books о visit friends о watch саrtоопs о go for а walk *t Е1 Е :J q 1. Jim likes to 2. l like to to take something пеw. 3. Му brother likes to chris Вrоwп. 4. Веп watches television а lot. Не likes to most of all. 5. Peggy likes to friends' birthday, 6. summеr is the best season for me, l like to iп the раrk еvеry day. 7. Реtеr is чеrу friendly Ьоу. Не likes to invites them to his place. . Не is playing football поw, чеrу much. I often go to the liЬrаry . His favourite singer is , Especially оп опе of her and friends. 2. Gomple 1 . l've got 2. l like to te the sentences about yourself. 3. l don't like to
  • 34. LJnit 4- Let's Нс:v* О.;,,;, ll,.;,!,,;, l},;:, 1t}, , О,;;,,1!,:,,1 О.;,,,!,,-,, О,,, J ,"O;;,,'l,,,, О,, О , l .rllО, 3. Write the questions Ье going to'. 1) Jack / to play football Is Jack going to play Yes, Jack is goirlg to 2) l / watch а ТV show / fi Rgst! L*ýýon 2 апd апswеrs as in the example, using 'to / Tuesday football оп Tuesday? play football оп TuescJay, Sunday 3) Jill / to play computer games / Friday 4) Му sister / to read English books / Wednesday 4. Make чр уочr оwп рlаппеr. Мопdау t I i l l l lll i i Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
  • 35. Unit 4. Let's Hflve с Rest! Lesson 3 5. Match the words to the definitions. А museum В zoo с circus D сiпеmа Е Art gallery F theatre 1. Е This is the place where you сап see pictures. 2, __ Different wild and domestic animals live here. 3. _ You сап watch the animal show here. 4. _"_ You сап watch а ballet оr а puppet show here. 5. _ This is the place where уоч сап see ап interesting exhibition. 6. ____ You сап watch favourite films and саrtоопs here. 6. NчmЬеr the parts of the dialogue iп the correct оrdеr. iJ Shall we go to the сiпеmа in the mоrпiпg? Ш Let's do something interesting оп Sunday together. П What about going to the Zoo after midday? П Yes, l'd ]ove to! П Yes, оК. l love animals. П l'm afraid l can't. l shall go to mу grandma iп the morning. 7. Gоlочr and write the invitation card for уочr birthday party.
  • 36. LJnit 4. L*t's Hctve 1,1"O,:,,},' l.,:O;.:,O;,,}:,O a:, },..ia,;Or:,Q:l,,,?,,O,,,,С,] a,:.a,] a 8. а} Match the parts fi Restl ,,о.I a,,a a t,* с 8 с с,9 i,,a, of the phrases. А show В film с show D рrоgrаmmе Е апimаls Lеss{}г] 4. о., l}] о:a,,a зýýiэýФa*фоф:l а а а а а 1 рrоgrаmmе about 2 game 3 Sports 4 comedy 5 quiz ь) Make чр 4 sentences with the phrases from а) as iп the exampIe, using',,.' . l prefer а comedy film to а quiz show. 9. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Рчt the Tom has They We verbs in brackets iпtо the present perfect. аIr*аdу watched (already / to watch) а puppet show. (just / to see/ ап exhibition, уоu (ever / to visit) а circus? (поt / to go) to the Агt gallery yet. he (already / to watch) the educational 7. в. рrоgrаmmе оп television? Kate mals in the Zoo. We she (just / to see/ different wild ani- (пеvеr / to Ье) iп the museum. (еvеr / to watch) а ballet? l с . . а . i . . ft G с а 0 Ф . с о -'Ёffi" {;,i!ffi : |] ",,] 1t:. a,е f,a,a,O"a,a },о a,,a]:о.a a о о a arl a l
  • 37. * l,:, ',' ,П , i .. Ё:"ý Нс:v* С,l,,,,9..,,,:9,,,,t,,,ý, а Word # Rgstl ,' ф,,,,,о, С ,,,&,,,,Ф,, ,t, map. L"Jnit 4. Let't ,,ё, €,, :S ,, &, ý,,,ý,,,: i::,:_t,., ,*.,,,.,.Р,,l. 1О. а) Make чр Lesscn t Е '*J .i,'-1'}:,1,,C ,/ ,{ / TV Programmes using the words from а}. i il I tij .,l ", -**",u,,", -,, -,,- +, а "' Е, 1 Ь} Complete 1. l like to watch , "t' "-,- "," -,",,,,_ ,--"-""! the sentences, 2. l don't like to watch 11. Make чр the questions to the words in bold. 1. Му favourite quiz show starts at 16:3О. When does уоur favourite quiz show start? 2. Today there is the educational рrоgrаmmе оп Ghаппеl 2. 3. The рrоgrаmmе about animals is оп Discovery Channel. 4. l like game shows and cartoons чеry muсh. 5. There аrе interesting documentaries оп TV today.
  • 38. LJnit 1. Let's Нgче cl Rcst! L-сss*г--} * 12. Make чр the sentences as iп the example. 1. Тоm / fond of / ptaying tennis tЙl t ruппiпg ttrl Z travelling (И) Tom is fond of playing tennis and trave|ling, 2,, They / fond of / going to the theatre (gl / dancing (tr) / reading English books (И) 3. Неr hobbies / collecting stamps (tr) / drawing pictures (Иl / watch-ing саrtоопs 1И1 4, l / fond of / swimming (fl) / playing games (tr) / gymnastics (И) 5. His hobby / reading (El) / making model cars (И) / cooking (Etr) 6. Their hobbies / travelling (tr) / going iп for sроrt (Иl / collecting stickers (И) 13. Write ап e-mail (6-7 sentences) to а friend аЬочt уочr hobbies. .j.,.,.:o,.,.."o".,o.,.,o о i о i о,о,о,о..,.. о.".,.,.... о.. о о..,. ф#ф я. о a ý,ji.? ,l"
  • 39. LJnit 4. Let's Нсv* fi С ,,ý: iP o,,l:1 ;i 1О, О,, a a,, О,,lэ,,,.a.,il, l, {l,,,,е1, :l,, 14. Complete the table, Му sister RestI i-,,,l,lо.,,О,,-.a,,, a,.,1,a.,,,, l.,,i,,:l,,, O.,,,, l.,l'l:l: ,.}.,,,,,,i Lesscn 7 О-1.,.;,О1.;,,,,О.;,.;i1 О,i.,lОЕ , 1]iF., 01,]{D,,,:,О. lnfinitive Past Sim present perfect 15. Ghoose the correct чаriапt to Gomplete еаGh sепtепGе. 1. Му sister her homework. А has/do already В has/done С have/done 2. Have уоu already the news? А watch В watches с watched 3. Nick collected 100 stickers yet. А has В hasn't с haven't to Great Britain. с travelled watched а ballet? 4. Olia has already А was В travel he А has/yet В has/ever С has/never not participated in the Art Show А have/yet В hasЛust С has/yet уоur grапdраrепts ever travelled to the USA? В Has с Have have just helped my parents to рrераrе fоr а party. BShe Cl a о a о a a a о a a a о a a a,a'a'a о a o:l a a a a,a:о a a]a,a"a ADo 5. 6. 7. в, АНе -ffii,..} , q .] ft]5',:: a,:,,, ar
  • 40. i t 6. Complete the letter. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct l tense form. i Dеаr Маrk, n,',,,:",,"g,l"",t"i,::::::,':i'::::#:""::ii#:::'::: , ally hot. Wе (to swim) апd i Go sunbathe) every day. ', We (ta go) to the сiпеmа апd : ; (to watch) very iпtеrеstiпg film уеstеrdау. , t (поt to Ьчу) sоuуепirs yet. But we i аrе gоiпg (to do) this пехt week. See you sооп, ,,.,,-.--.. -,: "" 17. Write а letter (6-7 sentences) to your friend about how уоч spend уочr holiday. Use the Present SimpIe, Present Gonti-nuous and present perfect tenses. +6 Англiйська мова. Робочий зошит для 5 класу (ло пiдручника А. HecBiT)
  • 41. Ljnit 4. Let's Hcve g Rest! Lcsscn ? 18. Make чр the sentences апd match them to the tense forms. 1 Present Simple 2 Present Continuous 3 Present Perfect 4 Past Simple Lf, yet. / not / l / mу /have / done /homework l have not dопе mу hоmеwоrk yet. holidays /My/is /now. /sister /having / fantastic П hiking / l / iпl mountains/ last / went / the / summer. П go / Bill / tor /to /sports. / likes /iп П you / London? / ечеr / Kyiv / visited / Have /and П seaside f уеаr./ not/to /l/the /going /this /am l-1 l{L-J уоu/sоmе /city? / sоuчепirs / Did / in /buy/the 'l9. Make up as many questions to the sепtепсе as possible. Веп has just trained in the gym with his friends, - where has Веп trained with his friends?
  • 42. Unit 4. Let's Нgчс fi Rast! Rccding 2О. Read the text (РВ, рр. 94-95, ех. 2) and choose the correct variant to complete each sentence. 1. Ann and Dan's parents let them out in а tent. А live В camp С sleep 2. The children wеrе very С happy teddy bears. two а robot, and а Ьох of toys А tents В bags С camps 6. Апп thought she hеаrd а noise and they were А scared В glad С excited 7. Апп and Dап rап uр the dark toward А garden В home С yard 21. Match the parts of the phrases, using the text (РВ, рр. 94-95, ех. 2). l a.,,, a,,,,,,,a.,,,,,,d i 3. А excited В scared Апп took hеr пеw doll and А three В all с Dan brought а big racing саr, А chocolates В sweets с Children were iп their sleeping 4. 5. 1to 2to 3а 4to 5to бto 7а 8а Ье саmр sleeping drink speak рееr rасiпg Ьох of А bag В in а whisper с out D excited Е саr F lemonade G chocolate Н out ,l .', 1 l!l .,'i",:;',l::i,.:,,, l:.:,,.,o,,,,,O li.. ffia,i,:a, a ,1;::lil.i;;1 _ф#.#рF
  • 43. Unlt 5. Г{сtuгfi спd ,/ссthеr Lesson 1 1. Fill iп the missing words. 1. lt'S #fu. snowing. lt'S 3 5поwу day, 2. The wind isЩ . lt'S а day. in the sky. lt's а iп the sky. lt's а day. . lt'S а today. 3. There аrе*sd}l day. 4. тhеr ,t,!:' enSi.R.1 5. lt's* 2. Choose the correct variant to complete each sentence. 1. lt's а rainy and cold day. Let's А skate В ride а bike С stay at home 2. The weather is and cold. We сап ski. А warm В snowy G rаiпу 3. lt was sunny and _ yesterday. We fIy а kite with friends. А windy В hot С warm 4. lt is and windy today. You саппоt sunbathe iп the yard. А storm В hot 5. June was suппу but С rainy . We didn't swim iп the rivеr. А cold В hot 6. The summеr is suппу and С windy . l Swim every day. А cold В foggy С hot 3. Write the answers. 1. What is the wеаthеr like today? 2. Mhat do уоu like about it?
  • 44. Unit 5. Ngturе спd ./есthаг Lesson 2 4. underline the mistakes апd write the correct sепtепсеs. 1. Spring comes after $шшЕL Spring comes after wiпtеr. 2. lt often rаiпs iп January. 3. The leaves аrе yellow in winter. 4. People wеаr coats iп July. 5. Children pIay snowballs and make а sпоwmап in summer. 6. It spring is very hot and you сап swim iп the sea. 7. Тhеrе аrе по leaves оп the trees iп August. В. The nights аrе short iп summеr. 5. write the answers. 1. what season is it now? 2, What is уоur favourite season? 3. What do уоu like about it? .'Жffi.,i.,.. a,l
  • 45. |Р,1,;,,!,;.,;, О,,,;,З,,,.i,Ф Ljnit ý. Nсtuгё fiпd ._,&..,:.9.,,,ý;.,:l}.,,.,'1,1.,,,!:ll;r|;i;"'!}:,,1l*riri;l;1; rl:C.;.;l0,,.tЁ,,,$,i ý 6. Do the crossword. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 7. Ч#епthеr Lgsson 3 Ьу day. following о.,,,,о, ,,.о ,,.У ,1 i ] ] ] lt was чеry hot and we in the riчеr. is the last month of autumrl. The is cloudy and foggy in autumn. lt often iп october. lп winter the weather is _ iп ukraine. The summer iп the Crimea is чеrу . MyfаvouriteSeaSonis-lt'sgettingWarmerday Make чр the sentences as iп the example, using the information. ] ] r ] i ] ] i ] i ] l 1 l ] l i I I l l l I l l il I I {l 1 I I I .','. ,.J ] 1 ] July +зOос NочеmЬеr +2ос Jапuаry -15ос Маrсh 0ос Мау +17ос Jчпе +23"с i. lt is hot in July. The tеmреrаturе is thirty degrees above zero, , l]ii'1""o]1,1iI:,"1,1ai'|"'a
  • 46. Ljnit 5. Nсtuге cnd .ffаgth*r 8. FiIl in the seasons' паmеs. L*ss*n -+ э, a a с,,G .*, о Ф * ý ф ý I &, i..:. ii| W , days аrе vеrу short . the lowest temperature , you сап ski and sledge . there is no leaves оп the trees , colourful leaves . rаiпу and cold , foggy . strong wind . children start to go to school . Snow melts , days Ьесо- me longer . birds buiId their nests . маrm often windy, but wаrm . hot and Suппу , days аrе чеrу long . the highest temperature , уоu сап swim iп the sea 9. Write а weather report (5-6 sentences) about spring iп Uk-raine: spring months, temperature, the weather, what chil-dren сап do. Draw some simple pictures to show what the weather is like. i i l l F!
  • 47. Unit 5. Ngturе спd ./еgthеr Lcsson 5 1О. Make up the sentences as in the ехаmр!еп using the following information. Today *!е Today * Today а,Ч. Today ж!v*... #*# Today щ Sчпdау ##, Monday Tuesday {ftS* Friday Saturday ### 1. lt is cloudy today. It'll Ье sпоwу оп Suпdау. 11. Fill iп the correct word: should or shouldn't. 1. lt's going to Ье cloudy and rаiпу tomorrow. l think we stay at home and watch а quiz show. 2. It's чеry cold weather. l don't think уоu with уоur sister. 3. The weather is hot and suппу outside. Yоu raincoat to а picnic. swim in the sea take уоur 4. The sky isn't cloudy._ l take mу umbrella?'sgoingtoraintomorrow.Idon'tthinkthey-goforа walk in the park. 6. The weather is cold and sпол/у. She play snowballs. put off her coat to 7, lt's going to Ье а vеrу hot day. Yоu take а bottle of water.
  • 48. 12. Complete the table. Write as mчсh information as possible. i Weather , Things to Do , ] Seasons i ]!l -[1.r i {";r;i,:J, ] ,;t,,r , iWinter ! l I}; ' lii l'Spring |; iSummer : ]] .i, -] l Ачtчmп ; : ll:--,-, li 13. а) Underline the correct mеапiпg of the words will апd going to in the sentences. 1. lt's windy outside. l'll take my hat. (яqd,d_е^-!_d,е_qLр!ол/ рlап) 2. Don't go for а walk! You'll catch а cold. (рrоmisе / рrеdiсtiоп| 3. Pamela has aIready bought tickets. She is going to go on hoIidays to the seaside. (рlап / prediction| I 4. Маry is going to buy а пеw dress and shoes for Tom's birthday ' parý. (promise / рlап). Ь) Make чр 2 sепtепсеs with the words will апd golng to and write their mеапiпg.
  • 49. l 1 Unit 5. Nfitl;гfr *г:d*ther Lesscn 7 1. Cloudy, windy, ;ящ, rainy, sпол0/, sчппу. 2. Мау, April, July, January, Sunday, October. 3. Rain, sun, wind, winter, fog, storm. 4. То swim, to ski, to sledge, to play snowballs, to make а sпоwmап. 5. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, November, Thursday. 6. London, Dublin, Kyiv, Manchester, Belfast, Cardiff. 7. Rainbow, lightning, thunder, wаrm, wlnd, rain. 15. Read the text (РВ, р. 114, ех. 3) апd write the answers. 1. What was the season? 2. What was the weather like? З. Wеrе the clouds in the sky? 4. How did Tom feel that day? 5. Why did he feel so? 16.Match the parts of the phrasesn using the text (РВ, р. 114, ех. 3). 1 to come out--_t_ tt---tt_ paint 2 the unhappiest В the fence 3 а pot of С of а house 4 to paint D of work 5 hours Е Ьоу
  • 50. Unit 5. Ngturе flпd #сgthеr Lesson В 17. Choose the correct variant to comp|ete each sentence. 1. The weather warm and sunny yesterday. I r l } }l I tI lit n * ""'i l f t t I lt 2. 3. А was winter is the А better lt В wеrе В best wаrmеr and В getting с wеrеп't season to ski and skate оп the ice. с worse suппiеr iп spring, А has got С is getting 4. The temperature is ten degrees today, below zero. lt'S С cloudy А freezing В suппу 5. There аrе clouds in the sky. lt to rаiп tomorrow. А will В is going С isn't going 18. Describe the pictures: the season, the weather, what children are doing lt's wiпtgr пt;w }&:.-. ti- l} lt...,,.,,,.a.',.,.,.olor.,'..a..,.'.O'.,o'...a,.a..a.,a,aa.'.'...aaffia,a.,, 'ъi*ffi |
  • 51. ,"1 l 19.Read the text (РВ, рр. 118-119, ех.3) апd complete the l sentences with the following words. i о coat о sun о shone о pulled о rап о take off о wind ] 1. Опе day the Wind and the had ап argument. 2. Let's make that Ьоу his coat. 3. Simon buttoned his 4. Тhеп the 5. Simon blew ечеп harder. the coat mоrе tightly around him. 6, The Suп brighter than ечеr. 7. Simon to the fun fair апd spent al! afternoon оп the merry-go-round. 2О. Read the text (РВ, рр. 118-119, ех. 3) and write the sепtеп- ces iп English. 1. BiTep поглянув навколо i побачив хлопчика. The Wind looked around and saw а Ьоу. 2. Змусимо цього хпопчика зняти свою цуртцу.I тодi побачимо, хто з нас сильнiший. 3. Потiм BiTep подув ще дужче. 4. Сонце свiтило з яскравого блакитного неба. 5. Ставало все теплiше i теплiше. 6. BiTep погодився, Lцо Сонце мало рацiю.
  • 52. l t l. Ii, i fu. , i unit 6. дгоuпd Вritfiiп fiпd ukrсiпс 1. Unscramble the words. Lesscný 1*2 о о a a о a a о a о о a a o a a,ii' landEng - England cotlandS - lesWa - relalnd tainBri donLon ffidCar - burghEdi 2. Read the text (РВ, р. 123, iп the example. Grеаt Britain the United Kingdom ех. 3) and fill London biggest island Wales British lsles lreIand 3. Make чр 4 sentences, using the table. Апп lives in Belfast. Belfast is the capital iп а/ап, the or - aS island country Cardiff capital Edinburgh England Scot!and official language Апп Dan London Cardiff Belfast Edinburgh England Scot!and Wales Northern BiIl Jane lreland
  • 53. ,] 1 i ] Unit 6. дгоuпd Вritgiп спd Ukrсiпс Lessons 1-2 i l',. i 4. Write the answers. i i 1. Where is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nоrthеrп lreland , situated? 2. How many people live in the UK? 3. How mапу countries are in the UK? Name them. 4. What is the capital of England? 5. What is the official language of Great Britain? 5. Match the parts of the phrases. 1 to meet=-_ А photos 2 to visit -------tt.=- --- В souvenirs 3 to take -*---С new friends 4 to buy D nature 5 to enjoy Е museums 6. Gomplete the sentences with the folIowing words. . Wales о England о Scotland . lrеlапd is bigger than is wetter than is colder 1, 2. з.
  • 54. i{ Unit 6. дrоuпd Вritсiп cnd Ukrсiпс Lessons 3-4 7. Make чр the sentences, using the wоrds in the correct tense form. 1) to have а picnic / next Sunday l wilI have а picnic with rпу fагпiIу next Suпdау. 2) to go sailing / yesterday 3) to ride а bike / just 4) to watch the swans / next week 5) to visit the National Park of Snowdonia / last уеаr 6) to go boating and water ski / next month 7) to go walking iп the раrk / already 8. Write а postcard (4-5 sentences) to уочr parents from the UK, tell about the city, the weather, what do you do there. Dеаr Мчm апd Dad, Iаmiп Fр.. i l : i l Iц
  • 55. Ljnit: 6. ,"'гоuпd *rit*in cnd Ljk"i";inc Lcssons 3"-4 9. Fill iп the correct article where necessary as in the example. i1l* Сrimеа Great Britain Ukraine Sahara Kyiv Atlantic осеап lndependence Square Lake Svityaz Edinburgh Black Sea central Раrk Time Square Аrt Museum Mount Hoverla Wales 4. Carpathians 1О. Choose the correct variant to complete each sentence. 1. Jane and Jim аrе from _ _ _ Scotland. А- Bthe Са 2. New York in USA. А the/a В -/the С the/- з. ,__ Thames is the mаiп river in __ ,__ London. А the/- В -/the С the/the Mount Hoverla is in Carpathians. Л -/- В -/the С the/the 5. UK is situated оп British lsles. А -/the В the/the С -/the 11. Correct the mistakes as in the example. 'l. l went boating опх Thames river. ilrc 2. Do уоu like to go skiing iп ап Carpathians. 3. The Mount Hoverla is the highest in Ukraine. 4. А National Park of Snowdonia is in Wales. 5. Have уоu ечеr been iп а Сrimеа? 6. England is situated оп а British lsles,
  • 56. Unit {э. О ,1, {l,;,,1.,O ,. 0 ,..О ; , a,;.,,,;l , 12. Read "l . What Агсuпd Вrit*iп find О,,_l:,О,:О;, l,,l,-'О:-О.ll..,О;l,О;: | ,О: i,:. l :a :l}:, the text (РВ, р. 129, ёх. country is уоur Motherland? LJkr*ing о,.,о, l,, o,,} ,.a,. о, a.,,a, 2| and write Lesscný О,,:,, l,;ll, ,i.; rD ,l, 1,.i ,,l.,,,,O , the апswеrs. 2. What аrе Ukrаiпiап people? 3. What kind of соuпtrу is Ukraine? 4. What is the longest riчеr of уоur Motherland? 5. What is the capital of Ukraine? 6. Where is Kyiv situated? . NчmЬеr the parts of the dialogue iп the correct order. l'd like to visit the capital of the UK, London. l think it's really great. Let's do it next week. What а good idea! l always want to visit Kyiv. And what about visiting the capital of оur Motherland, Kyiv? Yes, that's а good idea, but it is very expensive to get there. We can go sightseeing on the Dnipro river. 14. Write about the Ukrainian nature (3-4 sentences). r 13 п ш п п п п
  • 57. Unit 6. Аrоuпd Вritсiп cnd Ukrgiпе ._li ? r.., ? a ? ? i.,,l а.. ?. с l..:o Q.,c.. !. o...,.,l !.J.. }; О О a 6.О, О,,О.:t a,,i,, l,,.? lr 15. Make чр 5 sentences, using the table. й;--Т- r** Апп is frогп the United KingdotTl , The British flag is blue, .н :] - 1 I Maria Amanda 16. Complete the sentences with the following words. о the Ukrainian National Flag о the Ukrаiпiап Anthem о the Uпiоп Jack о The Nationa! Coat of Arms 'l. The song Ьу Pavlo Chubynsky and MykhaiIo Verbytsky is 2. 3. The British National Flag is called is blue and yellow. 4. 5. is blue, white and red. The Trident is also called ,l, }. . ..ffi.'. .,. о . .,. .... о.. . . . . .,. . . .. . . . . ...,... о .,. . . ....
  • 58. Unit 6. Агсuпd O,,o,.O'd. .l,,'",,.,*.,l*.,;:lrr,,lr;,,, O.j,,,,''rn::э..,.,,:;.Оr":,..,9;i.r,'',,,,.,,illii,,:?''.i. 17. Unscramble the о zoAv . proDni . puhYal . nubeDa Вritgiгl find Ljkrс:iгrе Lesscns 9-10 words and complete the table. о tyazSvi о lackB . sterDnie . о verlaНo о mеапСri о snaDe mапRо shKo о thiапраСаr Rivers Seas Lakes Mountains the Dпiрrо, the Sea of 18. Write а short story (6-7 sentences) about the place of Ukraine you visited last summer. Use the Past Simple tense.
  • 59. },',,,О,,,':О !| ;пl t ] I l .,{ ] Unit 6. Агоuпd Britcin ond Ukrсiпс Lesson 1 1 a.,a:,]aa;aaj,ao.a:a;aa,oa.aaaaa,aaooa.a]aaaa,aoa..a,oa,,o,.o.aa.aa,.aa:.,,a]!:,a.,a 19, Make чр the questions and negative answers as iп the ехаm-p! e, чsiпg the Present Perfect. Paul / to Ье to Canada / already Has Paul аlrеаdу Ьееп to CanacJa? Paul hasn't Ьееп to Сапаdа yet. You / to have а рiспiс / already 1. 2. 3. Bill and Апп / to go skiing / ечеr 4. John / to ride а bike / just 5. We / to watch the swans / ever 2о. Write the answers. 1. Have you ever Ьееп iп the Crimean Mountains? 2. Have уоur ечеr visited the capital of оur country? 3. What do уоu know about the Ukrainian National Flаg? 4. What is уоur favourite city in Ukraine? a a о a a a a a a a о a a a a a о a о о a,]a a a a a a a a a a a о a ll
  • 60. i Unit 6. .rrоuпd Вritgiп cnd Ukrсiпе Recding a a a a a a a ,I о a о a a о a a a a a a a,a a a. o,1 1.o о 1.1'l | 21. Read the text (РВ, р. 137, ех. 2) апd choose the correct ча- , riant to complete each sепtепсе. !a|a. о a a a a a a a a о t a a a a. о a a ' 1. The sky was behind the mountain when Апп woke up. А yellow В orange G b]ue 2. What will we see on our _ _.* __,._, Dad? А wa]k В way С trip 3, We're going to walk aIl the way __ * "_* this mountain. i, Adown Bto Cup i 4. Do you think l can this mountain, Мum? А climb of В climb up G climb to 5. They climbed higher and ____ . А higher В lower С better 6. She saw а __ ___ that seemed to Ье а tiny puddle of water. А sea В river С lake 7. How beautiful my ,___ * , is! А Mother В Father G Motherland 22.Read the text (РВ, р. 137, ех, 2) and write the answers. 'l. Where did Апп go with her parents? 2. How did they go there? 3. Have уоu еvеr heard about Hover|a? 4, Have уоu ever Ьееп to the Carpathian Mountains? ц
  • 61. п { Unit 7, The Рlссс #hсrе l Live Lesson 1 i 1. а) Match the phrases to the places. 1 to go for а walk--___ А а post office 2 to take а bus --В а square З to get mопеу С а cafe 4 to send а letter D а supermarket 5 to lеаrп English Е а museum 6 to have dinner F а bus station 7 to buy food G а taxi rапk 8 to watch exhibition н а school 9 to watch the swans I а bank 1О to take а taxi J а park Ь} Make чр 4 sentences with there is/аrе, there isп't/аrепПt аЬочt places iп your town/villagen using the words from а). 2. Answer the question. 1. Where do уоu live? 2. ls there а supermarket here? nl 3. Аrе there а post-office and а Ьапk here?
  • 62. LJnit 7, The Р]ссе #hеrв i Live 3. Choose the соrrесt variant to complete each 1, Тhеrе is the Рhаrmасу Museum А Odessa В Lviv Kyiv Lviv also has some beautiful А bouJevards В beaches odessa is situated оп the А Black Sea В Sea of Azov С Dnipro роrt, с Odessa OdeSSa. С Art Gallery Lesscn 2 О,,,l 1l , ,ll,. l,,.,O. ,a'.'.,,ilr, a,.;,',!1-,,O,.1,i .:,,l} sentence. iп с 2. 3. С parks coast. 4. А Lviv 5. Тhеrе is the А Pharmacy is а vеry important В Poltava big В Ballet House 4. Write а short story (6-7 sentences) about уочr favourite ciý, using the рlап below. а) its name Ь) its location с) interestingbuiIdings d) places to see Iп ;l,'',l 1,1,i:l,,ll"i:,i;l:, a s,,1,.ll{
  • 63. 5. Match the squares to the descriptions (опис). London о о Ukraine а hote] о Time Square о market stalls the building of о о the National university Аrt Gallery the musical о lпdерепdепсе r the UK 'Mamma Mia' Square о trees and shops Ukraine о о New York atheatreo Trafalgar oamonument kyiv о square to Berehynia а mопumепt о о the USA flag а fast-food о Market Square о Kharkiv restaurant о а building of the Norwich о Freedom conservatory the USA о Square о the UK 6. Match the паmеs of the places to the definitions. А the Zoo А а bus stop С а post office D а travel agency Е а theatre F а park G а cafe Н а market place '1. You сап ride from hеrе to other places. 2. You сап decide where to go on your holidays here. 3. Yоu can have а cup of tea with some biscuits here. 4. Yоu can buy greeting cards and letters here. 5. Yоu can buy fresh fruit and vegetables here. 6. Here you сап watch а good play оr а ballet. 7. You can go for а walk or watch the swans here. 8. You can see different wild and domest]c here.
  • 64. Uпit 7. The PJcce #hеrв | Live Lesson 4 7. Circle the correct variant. 1. There is а mоdеrп five-stars pod /@Din Donetsk. 2. The laigest sports museum of Ukraine is situated iп Kyiv / Donetsk. 3. The hеаrt of Kharkiv is Frееdоm Square / lпdерепdепсе Square. 4. Time Square js опе of the most famous places in ffle lJK / the USд. 5. Odessa / Donetsk is famous form its Opera and Ballet House. 6. ciý square iп Leeds is famous fоr its fоuпtаiпs / buildings. 8. а) Write the answers. 1. What is your regional centre? 2. lп what раrt of ukraine is it situated? 3. what is уоur regional centre famous for? Ь) Use уочr answers to write а short story (5-6 sепtепсеs) аЬочt уочr regional сепtrе.
  • 65. -,,] Ljnit 7. Thc Р]ссе fhgrс l Livc Lcsscn 5 ,r'""r" о: " : :1.-': .' :." "." " "'-", :._-____ л:' _' -:л']* :.'' :''1 9. а) Gomplete the phrases, чsiпg the text (РВ, р. 15О, ех. 2). о skating о people r ý}rftfý о rink о screens о grееп о rest о leaves о world о life fresh grass to have а to go carpet of to please natural а skating indoor computer to turn Ь} Make up 3 sentences with the phrases from а). 1О. Write the sentences in English. 1. MeHi подобаеться сидiти в парцу на TpaBi та читати книry. l like 2. Моему братовi подобаеться кататися на човнi по озерi. 3. Беновi подобаеться спостерiгати за пт€lхами в парку. 4. йому подобаеться проryлюватися стежиною в парку, коли чудо- ва погода.
  • 66. ,l 1 1. Read the text (РВ, рр. 152-153, ех. 2) and choose the correct variant to complete each sепtепсе. 1. There аrе mапу kinds of iп Donetsk. А monuments В роrts С parks D buildings 2. Forged Figures Park is devoted to handcrafted works. А wооdеп В irоп С paper D interesting 3. There is similar park in the world as Forged Figures Park in Donetsk. А other В mапу с а ]ot of D по other 4. Donetsk is officially опе of the best blacksmith cities in А the uk В ukraine С Europe D world 5. Now there аrе more than sculptures iп Fоrgеd Figures Park in Donetsk. А 150 в 10 с 15 D 100 6. The Fаirу Tales Alley, the Architectura] Copies Alley are situated in А London С Kyiv в Donetsk D Lviv 7. There is blacksmiths art iп Fоrgеd Figurеs Park ечеrу уеаr. А market с festival В concert D show I
  • 67. ,п ] ,?,, , LJnit 7. The P]fice .fhеrФ l Live Lgssсп 7 ;-ъ '! a? '' А ii, ,f ' rфё ж*' - * -..-л* -,"+'' a a a a a о a a a a a a a aa a a a a a a a a о a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a о a a.. ь) write the answersn using the words and word-combinations from а). Where do you want to live: iп а town оr in а village? Why?
  • 68. Unit 7. The Рlссе ,fhеrе l Live Lesson В i I 13. Unscramble the words. coloterwaurs - watercolours culpturess - Моrаrk - sterpla русо bitsexhi - mikscera - sitionpoex seummu - 14. Read the text (РВ, рр. 156-157, ех. 2) апd write the answers. 1. Where is the village of Parkhomivka situated? 2. What is this village famous for? 3. What аrе in Мusеum of History and Arts? 4. who opened the museum in parkhomivka? 5. Whеп did it become а department of Kharkiv Аrt Museum? 15. NчmЬеr the parts of the dialogue iп the correct order. П See you оп Saturday! П l think Ьу train. l сап buy tickets tomorrow. П How about sightseeing оп the Dnipro river? П] Let's visit the capital of the Ukraine оп Saturday. So, let's meet at the railway station оп Saturday at 5 am. l think it's rеаllу great! How do we get there? Yes, l want to see this great riчеr too. lt's great! What places do уоu want to visit in Kyiv? !4LJ г**l l, L_*J ti illaL*J гI*l-**! t*J ц
  • 69. -,] l*H Unit 7. The Рlссе #hсге l Live Lcsson 9 16. Make чр the sentences and match them to the tense forms. 1 Рrеsепt Simple 2 Past Simple 3 Present Perfect 4 'going to' Е b""n / Have / to / ever / you / London? Have you ечеr been to London? П park. / going / the / Не /go / iп / as /to / skating П our/there/Iots/museums. / ln / are / and/city / ot / monuments П апо/ just /ot /We/ Museum/visited/Arts. /have/the/History П not/the/yesterday. /They/ plcnic / aп / did / have / а / park. П to / дrе /going /regional / you / visi t /centre? /оur 17.Write а letter to уочr pen-friend (7-8 sепtепсеs) about the places you visited оп holidays.
  • 70. 18. Read the text (РВ, р. 161 , ех. 2), mark trче И апd false Е sеп- tences. 't. The city grandmother ljves in а narrow street. 2. The city grandmother ]ives in а b]ock of flats. 3. The city grandmother has got Мо bedrooms, а living-room, а kit-chen and а hall. 4. The ciý grandmother takes mе to the forest. 5. The country grandmother has got а large gate, an apple tree, and а big yard in front of hеr house. 6. The country grandmother grows flowers оп а balcony. 7. l ride а bike to the river together with mу country grandmother. 8. l like to visit my city grandmother during my weekends very much. 9. l don't like а city and а village. 19.Read the text (РВ, р. 161, ех. 2) and write the sentences iп EngIish. 1. На дорогах е багато машин, i вулиця дуr(е шумна. 2. Нам також подобаеться ryляти в парку i дивитися фрбольнi матчi на стадiонi. З. Наприкiнцi кожного вiзиту я обнiмаю свою бабусю. 4. Моя бабуся вирощуе тут квiти. 5. Ми ходимо в лiс i збираемо там гри би та ягоди. l
  • 71. - Unit В. Hoiidcys gпd ТГgditiопs Lcssons 1-2 1. Match as in the ехаmрlе. L*j:,с,I9*11ять i i:_,yy:; ,Г_.:уg* }.,l фщJ {{*с--j _ r_*э 2. Complete the sentences with the following dates as in the example. о 1.01 о 1.09 о 7Эt о 24,08 о 19.12 о 14.о2 о 28.06 1. We celebrate Christmas in Ukraine оп the seventh of January, 2. We celebrate lndependence Day оп 3. We celebrate New Year's Day оп 4. We celebrate Day of Knowledge оп 5. We celebrate Constitution Day оп 6. We celebrate St. Nicholas' Day оп 7. We celebrate St. Valentine's Day оп
  • 72. Unit В. Holidcys cnd ТГgditiопs Lessons 1-2 3. Choose the correct variant to complete each sentence. 1. 2. celebrate the В August, D August, ceIebrate оп the 25th of December. в christmas D St. Nicholas'Day Ukrainian people А FеЬruflгу, 14 с June,28 ln the UK people А Easter с New Year 3. People decorate their houses with fir-trees оп А Women's Day В Easter с christmas D Мау Day 4, Young people like Halloween very muсh, which is оп А November, 1 В October, 31 С September, 1 D December, 31 5. We invited оur mothers and grannies to celebrate together. А Victory Day с Halloween lndependence Day оп 24 26 В Day of Knowledge D Mother's Day 4. Соlочr and write ап invitation card for Nеw Year's party. tl ,} i rt-l
  • 73. 5. Read the text (РВ, рр. 169-17О, ех. 2) апd tick the correct И sentences. 't. А Оп the Christmas Eve Englishmen do the shopping. В Оп the Christmas Eve Englishmen make the decorations. 2. А Children in the UK believe in Santa Claus. в children iп the uk believe in st. Nicholas. 3.ABritonscelebrateChristmasonthe7thofJаnuary. В Britons celebrate Christmas оп the 25th of DесеmЬеr. 4.AoneofthesуmbolsofChristmаsisaChristmаsTree. В Опе of the symbols of Christmas is а Christmas stockings. 5. А Christmas tree tradition саmе to Britain from Germany. в christmas tree tradition came to Britain from ukraine. 6.AThetraditionaldishofChristmasintheUKisаbiscuit. В The traditional dish of Christmas iп the UK is а pudding. 6. а) Write the following words iп Мо columns. о postcards о thё decorations о the cIeaning о tea о food о а cake о the dusting о the shopping о а noise to make to do Ь) Make чр З sentences with any word-combinations from а).
  • 74. , jГlii ii !-"!;,i;t."..j;,_i,ur, '. l ;: 1" ., ii'i :i-'1;l-]j ii*] ' л..,,. ,:.,,,.;_.: .:] ;j ,:i 'р. * Ф в * } Ф * € j $ й * * + ý i, j/ ф ;l ! ] s ' ý .! т * а ý ё з ; !i ё i i } | ' ' 7. Fill in the prepositions iп, оп or at as iп the example. ]l: September christmas the weekend wiпtеr Мау бth April New Year's Day 8. Gorrect the rnistakes as in the example. night Wednesday 12 o'clock Easter sрriпg Tuesday 2025 1 . Му father was Ьоrп i,;:r Jапuаrу 25th. 2. We give presents to each other оп Christmas. З. Ukrainians always celebrate Easter at Suпdау. 4. Не vislted London оп 2012. 5. Do уоu like to go fоr а walk at winter? 6. English children wait for Santa Claus iп night. 7. Did you play tennis at Wednesday? 8. l usually get uр iп 7 o'clock оп the mоrпiпg. 9. Write the апSwеrS. 1. What is the date today? 2, When is уоur birthday? 3. When is уоur father's birthday? 4. When is уоur mother's birthday? }ь li
  • 75. i Unit В. Holidcys Gnd ТГсditiопs Lessons ,5*6 1О. Complete the table. Write as mчсh information as possible. Ukraine 11. Gomplete the dialogue. А: В: Have уоu ечеr heard yes. l know that it is it celebrated? something about цаllоwееп ? very рорu!аr iп G А: The English celebrate Halloween оп the В: ls it а holiday for old оr уоuпg people? А: Young people, especially children like it В: What do they do оп this А: Children put оп old and 31 ,t of very muсh. ? When is c]othes and wear masks. В: А: They take а How do they They cut out slits for Мо and put а lighted made of а pumpkin. а lantern? inside. , а nose and а mouth The Most Fачочritе Holidays christпras Jап ua Great Britain
  • 76. Unit В. Holidcys спd ТГсditiопs Lcssons 7-В 12. а) Match the parts of the phrases. 1 to cook ? .,.. _! 2 to make а 'r,t,.."t 4 to hang uр а 5 to gather for 6 to wеаr 7 to sing 8 to рrераrе а 9 to decorate а 1о to celebrate 11 to send 12 to give fun holiday dinner carols christmas Tree turkey postcards presents stocking cake special clothes Christmas pudding holidays А в с 't,,. D Е F G н l J к L Ь) Make чр б sentences with апу of the phrases from а). i, г, t, Ёi 9. ti ri l; Е, Г:
  • 77. -.,] I ii,i. Unit В. O;.1.;';,1 a. ;,r, Q,..,,:;:' l l: 1,0,';,,,.},i.r . l_.. ]1l.,,],,.Q э O 13. Read 1. Whеп Ho]idcys find ТГgditiопs Lessoný 7-В thetext(PB'pp.174-175,ex.2)аndwritetheаnswers. do people celebrate St. Valentine's Day? шt г I 2. What is this day for? 3. When did the holiday start in Еurоре? 4. lп what countries is it celebrated? 5. What do people do оп this day? 14. Colour апd write а Valentine card for уочr friend. 1 {**,* il э, Е ъ*-,-а ffi ,Ь't} ж .; ] 1 ,i { 1l it l
  • 78. I Ф Ф э & * Ф 6 r, * Ё: ý 4 {,, & е ]} Ф, 1 е s * ! ý ё ф t е * с + € ; tr а] } а * i. 6 9 l 15. Ghoose the correct variant to complete each sentence. ,|. At Christmas Ukrainians usually have dishes. А ten В twelve G еlечеп 2. _ is the mаiп dish at Christmas Eve supper. А kutya В borsch С dumplings А wheat В seeds С meat 4. At the end of the ечепiпg people sing А songs В kolyadky G the Ukrainian Anthem 5. Ukrainians usually оr study at Christmas. А work В dance G don't work 16. Write а letter to your pen-friend (7-S sentences) about the favourite holiday iп your familyn using the plan below. а) the date of the holiday Ь) how you prepare for it с) how you celebrate it .::.]:]-..:i;, } . - ф 9 a G ' * Ф * Ф ' s ф э Ф ф Ф . ý s fi ? Ф а ý б Ф t & s {: * & а + с * с е ф Ф * * ]fl,;i.i..:_.']o * о * :]:,::..,l:,:l. t
  • 79. Unit В. Holidcys *пd "kcditions Lesson |, о, a a о a о i ' t a Q, a a a о a a о a a . о a . . a a о a a a a a a о a a l G a a a a a a a 17. Ghoose the correct variant to complete each sentence. 1. Different countries have different and customs. 1о aoaalD; А holidays с christmas 2. Englishmen celebrate Мау Day оп the Sunday of Мау. 3. their house with а christmas is а symbol of Halloween. spring. а birthday cake. night. А last с first At НаIIоwееп children say 'Trick оr А jump с smile Аiп Cat в traditions D parties В third D second В treat D make Wеаr decorate ofa в beetroot D саrrоt celebrated оп Sunday Вiп D at the В done D made В iп the Don ?, 4. Before Christmas people Тrее. А make С сlеап uр А lапtеrп made А pumpkin с сuсumьеr Easter is always Aat Con в D 5. 6. 7. Му mother has already А make с cooked 8. Santa Claus Ьriпg presents to children r{;iЁi.F:!.,:_,t" ,l' О . . .iniiin#.. о . . о О О t . . . . . о .. . . . . . a с a a a,э с о,э a с a. э о t a о a о..a.
  • 80. 18. Read the text (РВ, рр. 18О-180, ех. 2) апd write the апswеrs. ,|. What did the postal worker bring to Mrs. Bear? How did the саrd look like? Did Мrs. Веаr kпоw who this саrd is frоm? what did Little Веаr see outside the window? What did Мr, Веаr Ьriпg home? 6. What holiday did Мr, Веаr сеIеЬrаtе оп that day? 7. What did Mr. Веаr, Mrs. Bear, and Little Bear have for special breakfast оп Valentine's Day? 19. Complete the phrases, using the text (РВ, рр. 18О-l8О, ех. 2}. о envelope о mark о hопеу о path о hug о window о worker о out loud 2. з. 4, 5. аjarof : а postal а heart оп the to rеаd а paw outside the the garden to give а big
  • 81. Unit ?. ýchool Lifc 1. Match the parts of the phrases. 1 а scho 2 а pencil = 3 а pair 4 ап exercise 5 а bottle of 6 а pencil Lesson 1 А of scissors В book С glue D bag Е shаrрепеr F Ьох 2. Make чр the sentences as iп the ехаmрlе. 1. Tom / to use / а marker (И) / а CD ttrl z at school Tom uses а mаrkеr at school. Тоm doesn't use а CD at school. 2. They / to have got / school bags tEll t mobile phones (Е) 3. There / to Ье / а pencil ttrl Z ап eraser tfll t оп а desk 4. l/to use / аrutеr(И) / аЬаII (Е) / atthetessons 5. She / to have / а red diary ttrl U blue exercise book, И) 6. There / to Ье / apair of scissors and ап еrаsеr tИl t textbooks ttrl Z iп а school bag ..r"ъa,Оa"a .,,.ffi.tJai :f .'a.о.".l. .,...". о.о о i,o-1]o,.o o,.,-.,..,'d-o i.r о,о],:. о1,. j.-,.,,o oj,.,1.'.,-.:. t
  • 82. Unit 9. ýchool Life Lesson 1 :_l: ! -li:: .. , . :,,l :.rJ l]j. ?. j.! ::]t,,j.i Qit|i a,:]:l]qýat],.:! na_.r,:,ia?,:r,?]:..,. }i : a.:.:!:,1',r,.,,3 ]- r}lt i.. F t- t, r,-- t-. i. Е=' ,:, р , F. t ..ol[, ё_r ] 1, t, t-i l., Ё. l, в_' i" Е, й:" F,, I}.. L: i. 3. Make чр 1 gепеrаlп and 2 Wh-questions as in the ехаmрlе, using the Present Simple or Past Simple. 1) to write down the words in а dictionary Did you write down the words iп а dictionary? What did you write iп а dictionary? Who wrote the words in а dictionary? 2) to stick things together 3) to ruЬ а word off 4) to read English books 5) to саrrу а school bag 6) to use а rulеr at the lessons
  • 83. О ,,Оl, .i,,,1 1t.:; a t Unit 9. Schoo'| Life Lessons 2-З . , a..:. ? .]:a.,t . .,. f i,a .,1 q . . .: i . . . a ! ? ! a a . t .1 a ? . о . a ., ? . i.., 4. а) Do the crossword and write dоwп the key word. оО:,;l rп 1. We 2. We 3. We 4. We 5. We 6. We 7. We 8. We 9. We 10. usually learn to sing songs at the lessons of have а lot of from different subjects. pictures of _. -. draw at the lessons usually do the sums and draw lines at lessons. learn about Great Britain at the lessons. learn'about the nature and animals at Study lessons. lеаrп about life in the past at the lessons of __. read interesting stories at the lessons of __. need rulеrs and at the Maths lessons.
  • 84. the example, using the words 6. Make чр the questions to the words iп bold. '| . Му favourite school subject is Maths. 2. 3, '*j,1*-,i , ;,,,,.,;,,}".ir i;яъj{jtjглit}::.:,Сi;i_jr_.?t :_,g_i[;lз*i.i'j' l have the English lessons three times а week. l have the Art оп Tuesdoy, Thursday and Friday. о. 'i in. lesson оп Thursday. '" ' 5. We speak опlу in English at оur English lessons. ý+,*,€*8ф€iSф*ф
  • 85. . Unit 9. ýchoo] Life Lcssons 4-5 -F Т. Match the names of the school subjects to the activities уоч do at the lessons' l English--=_ Алg aлn_dJ j:u..m* ping = 2 Maths -='---- В lеаrпiпg about past times З Ukrainian literature ----С writing the words iп vocabularies 4 Nature Study D writing compositions in Ukrаiпiап 5 РЕ Е doing the sums 6 History F watching the bjrds 7 the Ukrainian Language G making postcards 8 Handicrafts Н reciting Ukrainian poems 8. Make чр your top-ten list of favourite subjects. 6. 7, в. оЧf. 10. 1. 2. з. 4, 5. 9. Make чр the sепtепGеs, using the Past Simple. 1. Children / to listen to а story / the English lesson Children listened to а story at the English lesson yesterday. 2. А teacher / to write the sums оп а blackboard / the Maths Iesson 3. Веп and Tom / to work iп а pair / the Ukrainian Иnguage lesson
  • 86. Ljnit S. ý*h*сзl Lif* 4. They / to Iеаrп пеw words Lgss*ný 4*5 / the English lesson Q,,, О,,i,.,,,,'D,,,,,O i- il |---, |.. !' ,; F,., l-i,.. i,; р, t г ,l, , Li.' J:, }:], l Ej i.. i,. l, i"--,-,, l,. i_ -: tr. ] I 5. Alice / not to recite а poem / the Ukrainian literature lesson 6. We / to learn how to swim iп а swimming pool / the РЕ lesson 7. Children / not to do а crossword / the Drawing lesson 8. А teacher / to tell about the Ukraine / the History ]esson 1о. Write the answers. 1. What is уоur favourite Му fачошritе subject is subject? 2. What activities do уоu like to do at уоur favourite lesson? З. What is уоur least favourite subject? 4. What subjects аrе уоu good at? 5. What does help уоu iп !еаrпiпg English? ''''ffi, ',ia,'ll]:о1:,1.-,,'a ]..',l}
  • 87. Unit 9. School Life 11. а} Complete the table, Lessoný ь*7 : using уоч real timetable. WеdпёS-day Thursday Friday Ь} Make чр 5 example. The Maths is the sentences with the words from а) as iп the first lesson on Мопdау, lt starts at пirlе o'clock. $1-..'..".**ч&.j..'o.".'1o-.."o,.,.1.,,.j.,..,.,.,..,oo,ooao-.o"t..a.oorri.c..ooi
  • 88. Ljnit ?" School Lifc 12. а} Match the parts LcssOnS ь*7 о,,,, tD ,,i,:. ,,i, .:О. , О .,,,l .a, .,, a,,,,, a.],.a .a, ,.,,О ," О,. ,О., a 1to 2to 3to 4to 5to бto have--_ - rеIах -r,__t_ change get uр рrераrе have Э,,a ,a .О ::,;-},;.. l,,11 a,r9,.,:О.l,С,,:i,,i.,, i lf the phrases. А after the lessons В lunch ---,_tt_ с things ХР mапу things to do classrooms at 7 o'clock Е F phrases from а). every mоrпiпg from Моп- day to Fridау. 2. ln the fifth form we have got mапу different subjects, so we need We usuаI!у iп оur school canteen. l like listening to my favourite music to During the school break I have got some time for the next lesson. 13. Write а letter to your friend (5-6 sепtепсеs} about the school subiects you study this year. 1. Ь) Gomplete the sentences with some Nick 3. 4. 5. п
  • 89. l"Jrзit ?. ýсГrrэr;] Li Ге Lesscn В tl a о a,о a a е a a a-.о.! о, a a a a о о i Q е q a a a a t, a о }.r a a a a a a a a a a. a a,a, о a,а о:a,a !i a' 14. Ghoose the correct variant to complete each sentence. 1. At lessons we learn about the articles. А History В English С Art 2. l am good at Maths, but Ben is the in my class. А best В less G good 3. AIl pupils iп our class enjoy __ lessons very much, Ье- cause we spend them оп the sports ground. А the Music В the Art С the РЕ 4. l like doing ___ exercises at our English lessons. А calculations В grammar С travelling 5. Му History lessons аrе not so difficult for me as А the РЕ В the Maths с the Frепсh 6. l do not like doing my .__ ,*__ r А composition В sums С homework 7. Му sister takes the last уеаr at school. She is in the А eleventh В fifth с first 15. Write the answers. 1. What subjects do уоu study this уеаr? form. 2. What subject is чеrу important for уоu? Why? 3. What do you do at the lessons of the most important for you subject?
  • 90. Ljnit ?. Sch**l Lifg 16. Gomplete the table. Write as mчсh information Lesson 8 ,,С,, ,,a_....,., l,, O_.,.,,,:lr..,,}-,,Оr1,,,O,,..r,,.llr.,,,,,},:.:, l.,,.:1,,,1O as possible. |l,.1.1.1l.,. i..,,, Activities То do the SU пlS Maths Nаtчrе Study History Foreign Language Drаwiпg !o,'i,,ii'r;o-,rrjo]o.],ooo-o.,o,.o,j.,j...o..,a.-..'.o..."o,."o.,.,.r.".'ffio:o,.t"., п
  • 91. Unit 9. $choo] L.ifc Lcssons ?-10 rJcoo,,aaaa,aoa-ao,]:a,alaa.a,oa, laaaaaoaraaaaa,,aaaa,aal]aaoaaaa,aaaaal ,t' 17, а) Complete the sentences with the following words. . songs о exercises о роеm о eomBositions о questions о traditions о talk о words о CD о texts о rules 1) to write соrт}t]Ositiогlý 2) to read 3) to lеаrп пеw 4) to study about 5) to listen to а 6) to sing 7) to know the 8) to do 9) to answer the 10) to have а 11) to recite а i Ь) Make чр б sentences with the phrases from а). pt.'. . a,.@a,a'о .] о,,a,. a'. . о . . . . . . .'. . . . a .'о . . . о о l о r . . .,.-. . о . . о .
  • 92. Unit 9. ýchoo] Life Lcssons 9-1о а) Mark true И апd false Е sentences. 1. Watching TV programmes iп English helps you to learn English. 2. Listening to interesting stories helps you to learn English. 3. Writing e-majls to English friends heIps you to lеаrп English. 4. Listening to а teacher of Maths helps you to lеаrп English. 5. Reading English books helps you to learn English. 6. Talking to people in English helps you to learn English. 7. Riding а bicycle helps you to learn English. 8. Doing different grammar exercises helps you to learn English. 9. Learning пеw words helps you to learn English. Ь) Write ап essay (7-8 sentences) about уочr English Iesson, чsiпg the phrases from а). 18. п п п п г-l 1_1 п п п п 19. i.-.,r,oI.r,.".,.,.,.,..,..j...,.".,.,o-.,. o,'a,l'o..-..,'.,...,..,.,.,,. t:,.,".". a,.'ffi.с о j jо