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фnрo. К пoДЛе}(*Жм
ъ,' Q' ,
K. |А. Kayфмaн, M. Ю. Kayфмaн
глу|ЙсKу|Й я3ЬlК
Gч aстл иЁьl й. aн гл и йск |лЙ.pу /
Happy Е
Учeбник д,lя 6 клacсa
oбщeoбpaзoвaтeл ЬнЬlx yчpe)<дeни й
Pe кo менd o в аIro M uнuсme p сm в o Jvt o бp аз o в анl|я u Irау I{u
Poccuйсrco й Ф ed ep ацuu к uсnoльlo ванuro в o бp аз o ваmельнoJl
np o це сс е в o 6p аз o в аm е льнb tх у нp eэю d eнLtях' p е аJ|,uту Io щuх
o бp аз o в аme J7ь ttь I е np o ? p аJуI.ьtь t o 6 щe z o o бp аз o в а нu я u llJуte ю щuх
z o cу d аp cmв енну |o а ккp е d umацutО
dffiLеssоn 1 Do you rеmеmbеr us?..........5
Lеssons 2' 3 You arе friеnds, arеn't
you? .....................9
Lеsson 4 I am so happy to sее you!...12
Lеsson 5 Who is Rob MaсWizard? ...1"6
ffiLеssons |'2 In thе сountry
DoDidDonе ......... ............2I
Lеssоns 3,4 Yоu,ll bе famous,
Мastеr Shakеspеarе ! ......... ..............26
Lеssоn 5 Will shе sее a UFo? ...........32
Lеsson б In thе сountry
DоDidDonе ......... ...-........з,7
Lеsson 7 What will happеn
to thеm? ............4I
Lеsson 8 Rob prеdiсts thе futurе
of Еngland............. ...........43
Lеsson 1 Lеt's do it! ...........4.7
Lеsson 2 InWеstminstеr Abbеy........ 51
Lesson 3 A slееpovеr at thе
musеuln ............53
Lеsson 4 Slееpovеrs ........................... 58
Lеsson 5 A girl gеts lost .....6|
Lеssons |'2 Go down thе strееt........65
Lеssоn 3 How do wе gеt to
Тi.rnbridgе Wеlls? .............69
Lessons 4,5 Whеrе is Charing
Сross? ..............,7з
Lesson б How muсh is it to
Сharing Cross? .......,.....'..79
Lеssоn 1 What do you havе
to do? ................84
Lеssons 2' 3 Whеn in Romе, do as
thе Romans do .................88
Lеsson 4 What is thе сountry сodе
for Russia?............ ............93
Lеssоns 5' б Wе arе always thеrе
for our pеts........ ...........'...96
Lеsson 7 Prоjесt ..Мy pеt''........ .......I02
Lеssоn 8 Thе Gunpowdеr Plot........103
Lеssоn 9 Bonfirе Night ....10б
Lеsson 1. I,m hungry! ........109
Lessons 2,3
thе supеrmarkеt .....1'1.2
Lеssоn 4 Stonе soup .........116
Lеssоn 5 Lеt,s havе a big
ptzzal ...............121
Lessоn б How muсh sugar do
thеy nееd?............. .........|z4
Lеsson 7 Ъ{e has а fеw friеnds.........127
Lessоn 1 Is thеrе anybоdy
in thе room? ...tз1,
Lеssоn 2 Somеbody likеs
сhoсolatеs... .......... .........|з4
Lеsson 3 Bеtsеy's family ..Iз6
Lеssons 4, 5 I likе hiking............. .....З9
Lеsson 6 Christmas is in
thе air! ...'...'.....142
Lеssоn 7 No Christmas for him?.....1,47
Lеssоn 8 Еvеry сountry has its
сustoms ...........150
Lessоn 9 Projесt ............. ..153
Lеssons |,2 In thе сountry
DoDidDonе ......... ....',....|54
Lеssons 3' 4 What сould you do
tеn yеars ago? ................158
Lеsson 5 Diandra's rеd hair............,164
Lеsson 6 What doеs Rob
look likе? ........16"7
Lеsson 7 Projесt..My rеlativеs', ..,...169
Lessоn 1 In thе сountry
DoDidDonе ......... .,,.......170
Lеsson 2 The family lеgеnd.... ..........175
Lеsson 3 In thе сountry
DoDidDonе ......... ...,......|79
Lеssons 4,5 I travеllеd to
thе Futurе .......'.... ..........181
ffiLеssоn 1In thе сountry
DoDidDonе ......... .......... 186
Lessons 2.3 Thе ChannеlTunnеl ...192
Lеsson 4 PLaу Drаggу .......195
Услoвньle oбoзнoчeHия :
B Kлoссe
Lеssons 5, б Thеrе WaS a young
lady of Nigеr ..196
Lеsson 1 I сomе from thе future.....202
Lеssоn 2 What's thе mattеr
with you? ........2О7
Lеsson 3 Hеllo, Doсtor Drеw! ......,,2I0
Lesson 4 If I havе a hеadaсhе... .....2I4
Lеsson 5 What did thе stars say?....218
Lеsson б Thе prеdiсtion............. ....,.22З
Lеsson 1 on Salisbury Plain............224
Lеsson 2 A Ballad of Stonеhеnge...227
Lеsson 3 Find thе bеginning of
thе Еarth ......'..2з0
Lеssоns 4,5 Lеt's go to London! ....2З2
Lеsson 6 Projесt.............. ..2з7
Lеsson 7 Thе mission is ovеr! ,.........238
Lеsson 8 Final tеst......... ..242
Thблицa IIеПpaBилЬHЬIх
гЛaгoЛoв ........245
Yoсabulary ........... ......,.,.....246
po6oтo B пopox
po6oтo B гpyппoxt ИrPo
дoмoЩнee 3oдoниe# слyшoйтe oyдиoKoссeтy
А q,,fl,....'.
Do you гёmemЬer us?
Whot oгe your pIons for the new sсhoo! yeor? Use the following words ond
expressions for ideos.
fuIodel: to studу Frеnсh - This уеаr I,m going to studу Frеnch. / This уear
I'm not going to studу Frenсh.
HaпoмниМ' чTo KoIIсTpyKция to be going /o yпoтpебляется для BЬIpa)Ke-
lяvТЯ Зapal{ее IIpиIIяTЬIx pеrпений, сoсTaBЛе}I}IЬIx IIЛaIIoB и нaМеpений нa
близкое бyдyщее.
Hе is going to plау footbаIl tomorrow. - Зaвтpa oн coбиpaeTсЯ игpaTЬ B
to study Frеnсh to get good marks in mathеmatiсs...
tо bе niсе to my little sistеr (brothеr) to read intеresting bоoks
to play foоtball to lеarn to play thе pianо to hеlp my mother
to makе nеw friеnds to play сomputеr gamеs with friеnds
tо bе thе bеst pupil in thе сlass to travеl tо intеrеsting plaсеs
to havе morе timе fоr my hobbiеs to ridе a biсyсlе to sсhoоl
2 -} СooтHeситe слoBo Из ДBYх KoЛoHoK тoк, нтo6Ьl пoлyчи л|,|сь вЬIpoжeHия
KЛoссHoгo o6ихoдo. Пpoнитoйтe Их BcлYх.
a) thе gaps
b) quеstions
с) a lеttеr
d) thе tехt
е) thе words with thе piсturеs
f ) thе mеaning of thе word
g) thе tеaсhеr
1. Guеss [gеs]
2. Writе
3. Ask
4. Rеad
5. trill in
6. Listеn to
7. Matсh
l.jпii ] Lеssог' l
3 . Мotсh the expressions fгom Ех.2 with the piсtures.
Guess the meoning of the underlined woгds.
1. Two plus two is four. It,s a faсt.
2.We arе going to thе zoo. Aftеr thаt Wе arе going tо writе
a rеport [rr.pэ:t] abоut tigеrs.
3. Two Еnglish studеnts arе соming to our sсhool this yеar.
This is your сhanсе [ф:rrs] tо lеarn Еnglish bеttеr.
..-1-"} D" you remember youг old friends Agent Cute ond his boss? Мork the
stotements oЬout them true oг folse. Bьl пoмн итe сBoиX стopыx дpyзeй
oгeнтo Kьютo и eгo 6oссo? oтмeтьтe yтBep)<дeHия o них Koк пpoвилЬt{Ьle
или HeпpoBилЬнЬle.
1. Agеnt Сutе is in Russia.
2. Agеnt Cutе is wеll.
3. Thе boss is in hospital.
4. Agеnt Cutе has a spесial mission.
5. Agеnt Сutе wants to find Robin МaсWizard.
6. Тhе boss is vеry happy with Agеnt Cutе's work.
7. Мisha and Robin arе two British bоys.
8. Misha and Rоbin arе in Lоndon.
Тhe boss is phoning Agent Cute. Reod the
diologue ond сheсk your onswers to Ex. 4.
Boss: Hi, Cutе! How arе you?
Cutе: I am not vеry wеll. Who is this?
Bоss: It,s your bоss.
Cutе: oh. hi. Boss.
Boss: Whеrе arе you, Сutе?
Cutе: I am in Russia, in hospital.
Boss: And what arе you going to do? .
Cutе: Wеll, I,m going to havе lunсh at
2 o'c|ock and thеn I,m going to watсh
a vеry intеrеsting film on TV.
Boss: Vеry funny! What arе you dоing abоut
your mission?
Cutе: What missiоn? Sorry, Boss, I don't
rеmеmbеr any mission...
Boss: You arе watсhing Мisha Inin and Robin
MaсWizard. Don't you rеmеmbеr?
Cutе: oh, yеs! Two niсе boys from Korolyov
Strееt! I am going to say hеllo tо thеm.
Bоss: Arе you joking, Cutе? Misha and Robin arе
Cutе: oh, whеrе arе thеy, thеn?
Boss: Look, Cutе, I,m rеally tirеd of this. Just
brothеr, I always give you thе bеst jоbs.
always makе mistakеs! Now this is your
baсk to London. I want you in my offiсе
morning. Now, gоodbye! !
Сutе: Wait a minutе. Why do you want to sее
Russia? What,s happеning?
6.-,} Answeг the questions.
1. What is Agеnt Cutе gоing tо do at12 o,сloсk?
2. Dоеs Agеnt Сutе rеmembеr his mission?
3. What's Agеnt Сutе going tо dо on Mondaу at 8 o,сloсk?
4. What,s thе boss gоing to do on Мondaу at 8 o'сloсk?
Look ot the Ьoss,s plons for this evening ond soy: Whot,s fhe boss 9oin9 to do?
Modеl: Write а rеport аbout Аgеnt Сцte.
- Thе boss is going to writе а
rеpОrt аbout Аgent Сutе.
not in Obninsk
bесausе you arе my
And what happеns? You
last сhanсе: gеt on a planе
at 8 o'сloсk on Monday
mе? What am I dоing in
о writе a lеttеr to Мum
о havе dinnеr with Sallу
о phonе fathеr
о walk thе dоg
о rеad sесrеt doсumеnts
О go to bеd at 9 o'сlосk
L]пii l i-еssоn l
Homework , ,
A Тhe Ьoss is working with his doсuments. He hos o plon. Тhe Ьoss is never
wгong Ьut todoy he is Yery ongry so he mokes some mistokes. Reod the
Ьoss,s notes ond guess the meoning of the undeгlined woгds.
: Faсts
- л., lrаCk to Еngland.ъ First namе: Phillip
: Last namе: Cutе Сutе is going to flУ ba
-ъ. Аge:32
Cutе todaУ..'',..g'
to talk t,9
on Sundaу.
.] Nationality: British ,,* *l''l?;; ;"" C11!r nеw
- Job: agen.
l a
;';.". thе bоуs.
] Hobbiеs: travelling, languages,
; Agеnt Cutе is in Russia.
-ъ' Мisha and Robin are in Еngland and Cutе knows about it.
; Cutе is oK. Hе is not in hospital.
,""ъ Cute has gоod friеnds in obninsk.
Cutе likes it in Russia and doеsn't want to fly baсk to Еngland.
; Cutе doesn't want to work.
Cute is my wоrst agеnt!
B Correсt the mistokes in Ьoss,s doсuments. Мork the stotements true oг folse.
с Пpoсмoтpитe тeкст yPoкo eщe poз. Hoйдитe И Bь.|IиlДитe:
3 yTBepДиTеЛЬнЬIe IIpеДЛoжeHИЯ в Prеsеnt Simplе
tr BoПpoсиTеJIЬ}IЬIr ПpeДЛo)Kenkl^Я в Presеnt Simplе
. yTBepДиTеЛЬнЬIe IIpеДЛo)Kelg.ИЯ в Prеsеnt Progrеssivе
. BoПpoсиTeЛЬIIЬIe ПpеДЛo)KeшИЯ в Prеsеnt Progrеssivе
. yTBepДиTеЛЬI{ьIe и BoIIpoсиTеЛЬIIЬIе ПpеДЛo)кеIlия
с MoДaЛЬI{ЬIМи гЛaгoЛaМи
О ПpиЛaГaTеЛЬI{ЬIе B ПpeBoсxoднoй сTеПени
You сlre friends, oгen't you?
1-..j Listen to the woгds, repeot them ofter the speokeг ond then reod them.
air, hair, paiг, сhair, fair, airpоrt
БyквoсoЧеTaние air пеpедaет звyк [еэ].
2 ':Look ot the woгds. Find the с|ossroom expressions ond гeod them oloud.
1. Lооk at
2. Rеpеat [rr'pi:t]
3. Answеr [.о:nsэ]
4. Usе
5. Do
6. Find
3 j Мotсh the expressions fгom
a) your friеnd's quеstion
b) thе tеaсhеr
с) thе words
d) thе diсtionary ['dlkJэnэri]
е) your hоmеwork
f ) the mistakе
Ех. 2 with the piсtures.
PoздeлитeлЬHЬle Boпpoсы
- Тog quesfions i
P aз:е.rитеJIЬI{ЬIе BoпpoсЬI ytloTpебляrотся' KoГДa гoBopящий хoчет ПoЛy-
чIt Т Ь rТoДТBеp)KДeние BЬI сKaЗ ЬIBaIlИЯ' KoTopoе сoДеp)KиTся B yTB еpДиTеЛЬ -
Ho{ ПpеДЛo>I(еI{ии.
Cхемa p1,t:"":lеЛЬIlo:o *oop:-.1
BЬIсKaЗЬIBaIIи-е + KpaTKиЙ oбтцwfir Boпpo.:
Kpaткий oбЩиfit BoIIpoс IIеpеBoДIlTcЯ нa pyссKутfт, язьlк r'aK Hе mак лu?
не npавdа лu?
OбpaзовaIIие paзteЛиTeЛЬIIЬIх BoПpoсoB с гЛaгoЛatvlи to bе, cаn
Е,cли гЛaгoЛЬI tо bе, сan B ПpeДЛo)кeшИvц сoДеp)KaщеM BЬIсKaзЬIBa}Iие'
сToяT B yTBеpДиTеЛЬI{oй фopме, B KpaTKoM BoIIpoсe эTи ГЛaгoЛЬI сToяT B
oTpицaTельнoй фopмe + MесToиМениe' сooTIIесеI{IIoе с ПoДЛе)KaщиM BЬI-
You аre his brothеr' аrеn,t уou? - BьI егo бpaт' не тaк ли?
Lorа саn plау thе piаno, саn't she? - Лopa yMееT игpaTЬ rraIlуIar:Инo' IIе
тaк ли?
Если гЛaгoЛЬI tо bе, сan B ПpеДЛo)Keвvlvц сoДеp)кaщeМ BЬIсKaзЬIBaIIие'
сToяT B oTpицaтельнoй фоpме, B KpaTKoМ BoIIpoсе ЭTи гЛaгoлЬI сToяT B
yTBеpДительнoй фopме + MесToиМеIIиe' сooT}IесенIIoе с ПoДЛе)кaщиM
Tom isn't а drivеr, is hе? - Toм не шoфеP, не пpaвдa ли?
Yoш саn't do уour homеwork, саn уou? - TьI IIе Mo)KеIIIЬ сДеЛaTЬ Дo*
МaIIIнIoIo paбoтy, не тaк ли?
Ha paздеЛиTеЛЬньIй BoIIpoс }Iy)K}Io oTBeчaTЬ KpaTKo' KaK и нa oбщий
Tom is from London, isn't he? - Toм из IIoндоI{a' не пpaвдa ли?
Yеs, hе is.
- fa, oн из Лoндoнa. (сoглaсие с гoBopящим)
I'{o, hе isn'L- FIет, oн }Iе из Лoндoнa. (нeсогЛaсие с ГoBopящиM)
Mishа аnd Robin аrеn't in Russiа, are thеу?
- Миrпa и Poбин IIе B
Poccии,IIе IIpaBДa lи?
Yеs, thеу аrе.- FIет, oI{и B Pocсии. (несoглacИe с гoвopящим)
|'Io, thеу аrе nОt.- Дa, o}Iи I{е в Poссии. (соглaсие с ГoBopящим)
Shе саn't spеаk English, cаn shе? - oнa нe yМeeT гoвopиTЬ Пo-aнгЛиЙcки?
Yеs. shе Саn.- Hет. yMееT. (несoглaсие с гoвopящим)
.у"o, shе саn,L- f,a, I{е yМrеT. (сoглaсие с гoBopящим)
l 0 _еssоns 2, З
Reod the sentenсes ond tronslote them into Russion.
1. I am your friеnd, arеn't I? - Yеs, you arе.
2. Yotl сan't translatе this tеxt, сan you? - Yеs, I сan.
3. Yоu arеn't tirеd, are you? - Yes, I am.
4. Thе сhildrеn arе in thе park, aren't thеy? - No, thеy arеn't.
5. Shе сan drivе a cat, сan't shе? - Yеs, shе сan.
6. You arеn,t frоm Franсе, arе you?
- Yes, I am.
ж Answer the questions.
]'. You arе 1|, ateп,t you?
2. You сan't play tеnnis' сan you?
3. It is сold, isn't it?
4. Your mothеr is a dосtor, isn't shе?
5. Your sistеr сan sing, сan't shе?
ж Fill in the gops ond tronslote the sentenсes into Russion.
1. Thе boys arе in London now' arеn't...?
2. АIice is a niсе girl, ... shе?
3. Dеn ... spеak Еnglish, сan hе?
4.I ... a doсtor, arеn't I?
5. Hе ... opеn this doоr, сan ...?
6. Hе сan't play baskеtball, ... hе?
Ask tog questions obout the stotements. (3oдoйтe PoздeлитeлЬнЬle вoпPoсы
K yтвeP)<дeниям.)
ModеI: Mаrу саn p|ау thе piаno.
- Mаrу саn plау thе piаno' сan,t shе?
1. Janе and Katе arе gоing tо visit thе Tоwеr of London...
2. Wе arеn,t going to еat it...
3. Jaсk isn't writing a lеttеr...
4.Ile сan help you with your tеst...
5. Cats сan't fly...
Ask tog questions oссording to the mode|. Give onswers thot oгe true for you
ond oсt out the diologues.
ModеI: fаmilу / big
A: Your fаmilу isn't big, is it?
B: Yеs, it is. / No, it isn,t.
1. you l canflу
2. уollr favouritе subjесt / maths
3. you I read / book / now
4' this autumn / соld
5. Thеy / in London
Unit l Lеssons 2, 3 1l
Homewoгk : с. :: '. .]
A Reod the infoгmotion oЬout,Agent Cute, Мisho, Robin ond their fomilies in the
WoгkЬooк l . гllt in the toble йth the informotion from Тexts l -I5 ond heIp
Agent Сute write his repoгt for the boss.
Мisha wants to. . .
Misha сan...
Misha сan hеlp Robin...
Misha is going to...
First namе Misha Robin
Last namе
Datе of birth
Situation at thе momеnt Robin is in London
Robin wants to...
Robin сan...
Robin сan hеlp Мisha...
Robin is going to. . .
TronsIote the questions into Еnglish ond onswer them.
1. Tьr из Poссии' не тaк ли?
2. УчeнуlKи Дoл;KнЬI ДеЛaTЬ ДoМaIIIнIoIo paбoтy, не тaк ли?
3. Tвoй ДrнЬ po)KДrния B Maе, не тaк ли?
4. ЛoндoII - сToЛицa AнгЛу1I4, не тaк ли?
5. CегoдI{я ПoгoДa IIЛoхaя, не тaк ли?
I om so hoppy to see you!
Use the diсtionoгy ond tronslote the sentenсe.
When in Romе, do аs thе Romаns do.
BспoмниTе pyссKий эквивaЛеHT этoй ПoгoBopKи.
FIoвaя pyбpикa бyдет зIIaKoМиTЬ Baс с чaсTo
BсTpечaIoщиМLIся в aнглийсKиx ДиaЛoГaх фpaзaми.
C ее пoМoщЬIo вьl бyдетr yчиTЬся ПpaBиЛЬI{o yIIoTpеOЛяTЬ
TaKие фpaзьI, a TaK)Kr pеaгиpoBaTЬ lta I{иx.
-=S>Э.з2 Зor'dАtl
Look ot the piсtures ond guless the meoning of the sentenсes.
Answer the questions.
1. You'rе oftеn latе, arеn,t you?
2. Yow bеst friеnd is latе today, isn't
hе / she?
3. Who's late tоday?
4. You'rе oftеn late for maths, arеn't you?
5. You'rе happy to sеe your friеnds today,
aren't you?
6. Whо is always happy to sее you?
7. Who arе you always happy to sее?
Listen to the words ond repeot them ofter the speoker.
politе - ве>кливьlй
nеWspaprr - ГaЗrTa
artiсlе - сTaTЬя
4 } Agent Cute ond his Ьoss ore meeling in London.
Reod their сonYeгsotion ond onswer the questions.
Support your onsweгs with the informotion from the text.
ПpoнитoЙтe poзгoBop Kьютo и 6oссo и oтBeтЬтe Ho вoпpoсЬl.
o6oснуйтe сBoи oТвeтЬl, 3oчитЬlвoя инфopмoцию из тeKстo.
1. Is thе boss rеally happy to sее Agеnt Cutе?
2. Doеs Agеnt Cutе undеrstand his mission?
3. Whеrе doЬв Agеnt Cutе havе a rеport?
4. Does thе boss think that Мisha and Robin arе in London?
What information doеs hе havе?
5. Wlrat's thе boss's favouritе nеwspapеr?
6. Doеs thе bоss |Ike Thе Sun ot I,hе Timеs?
Hi! I'm so happy to sее you!
Ме too!
Can I сomе in?
Yеs, you сan. but
don,t bе latе again!
Uпrt l Lеssсэгr 4 lз
7. Doеs Agеnt Cutе rеmеmber Misha and Robin?
8. Does Agеnt Cutе want to wоrk fоr his boss?
9. What сan Agеnt Cutе do?
In thе bоss's оfTiсе
Cutе: Gоod morning, Bоss. Can I сomе in? I'm
not late, am I?
Bоss: Hi, Сutе. I'm happy to sее you baсk in
Сute: Ме too!
Boss: I'm not rеally happy tо see you! I,m trying
to bе politе! And it,s not еasy. Whеrе's
your rеport?
I don,t havе it with mе, Boss. It,s at homе.
It's rеady, isn't it?
Yеs, it is. You сan See it tomоrrow.
oK. I havе intеrеsting information for you.
I think Мisha and Robin arе in Londоn.
Why do you think sо?
Look at thе nеwspapеr. Therе is a small
artiсlе: ..Boys flying in thе mоrning sky,,.
Wow! I сan't bеliеvе it! You rеad The Suп!
Yеs, I do. My favouritе nеwspapеr is Thе
Timеs, but it's my job to rеad all of them.
But how сan you bеliеvе an artiсlе about
boys flying in thе sky?
Boss: Thе rеasоn I сan is bесausе thеrе's a
photo. Look! You сan sее our dеar old
friеnds Misha and Robin, сan't you?
Cutе: Yеs, I сan, Boss. That's strange... But
Robin is from London, isn't hе? So what's thе problеm? He сan
go tо his mum and dad's. And Мisha is going to mееt Robin's
family! Тhat's niсе!
Boss: Thе boys arе in London, but Robin's mothеr and
know about it.
Cutе: Wеll, Boss. That's nоt right, is it? Why don't thеy
parеnts? Do you know?
Boss: Do you want to work for my dеtесtivе agеnсy' Cutе?
Cutе: Yеs, it's a goоd job and a сhanсе tо sее the world and new pеоplе...
Boss: Stop talking! Gо and find thе bоys!
Unit l Lеsson 4
fathеr don't
phonе Robin's
FOR YOUR Гaзетьr Thе Times и Thе Sun являIoTся oченЬ иЗBесTI{ЬIМи
бpитaнсKиMи гaЗеTaМи. Paзницa Mе)KДy ЭTиMи ГaЗеTaMи B
ToМ' чтo Tайлtс ЯBЛЯеTся оДIIиM иЗ сaMЬIх yBaxaеМЬIx
..сеpьеЗньIx', иЗдaниfu, a Сан xapaKTеpиЗyеTсЯ opиеHTaцией
IIa lrеIlpoBеpеннyrо инфopМaциIo и ДеIIIеBЬIе сеIIсaЦИИ.
Agent Cute hos the newspoper Ьut he сon,t find the oгtiсle oЬout the flying
boys beсouse he spilt (пpoлил) his сoffee on the newsPoper. Reod these
ortiсles ond help Cute.
onе of our spесial сorrеspondеnts reports:
always get up vеry еarly on Tuesdays. I lеavе
my housе and go tо the railway station. I usually
сatсh the 6.30 train to London. So on Tuеsday I go оut and suddеnly I
hеar strangе voiсеs. You сan imaginе my surprise whеn I lоok up and sее
two bоys flying ovеr my house.''
Thе Sun takеs no rrsponsibility for this information, but thеir
сorrеSpondent has a piсturе of thе flying objесts. Thosе are two boys,
arеn,t thеy? Wе сan't makе a сommrnt about this piсturе.
-rr, s l^
Dеar Childrеn! What is thе Towеr of London? Whеre is Hollywood?
Who is Lео Tоlstoy? Comе to us! Wе arе thе оldеst sсhool in London!
Wе сan answеr all your quеstions!
 rye- rr
Thе British lovе thеir oldеst museum. It is always intеrеsting. A day at
the Towеr of London is great fun. Yоu сan go for a walk alоng thе
rivеr Thamеs, takе piсtures of the ravеns and bееfеatеrs and lеarn nеw
faсts from British history. Comе and еnjоy the stories! Thеy arе all
Boys likе to play football. Thеsе two boys arе only twеlvе, but thеу
arе Very talentеd. Rоbin and Martin are thе bеst playеrs at Greеnfiеld
Unit l Lеssоn 4 l5
Sсhoоl in Wеssех. Тhеy are good students too. Martin says his hоbby is
historr' and Robin likеs maths and forеign languagеs. onе of his
far ouritе forеign languagеs is Russian and now hе has a сhanсе to usе
it. Тhis wееk thеy arе going to play for thеir sсhool in Russia. Wе wish
thеm ail thе bеst.
*gJ Answeг the questions.
1. Whiсh artiсlе from The Suп do you find intеresting?
2, Do you normally bеliеve thе artiсlеs about unusual things?
3. What's your favouritе nеwspapеr? Why do you likе it?
Нomework .Ф! #. :* |ii;, }|:. i'|! i'' i|, |1 !:i} i| i.!i ei, |tr Й ф i:: .4| ф" ё .|2 !ф lt tr|
A Use the informotion from Texts I -15 in the Workbook I ond onswer
the questions.
1. Misha is Russian' isn't hе?
2. Мisha and Robin МaсWtzatd arеn't friеnds. arе thеv?
3. Cutе is not a vеry good agеnt, is hе?
4. Misha's housе is vеry big, isn,t it?
5. Robin сan fly and travеl in time, сan't hе?
6. Robin is from the year 1599, isn't hе?
7. Мisha's rеal pеn friеnd isn't from thе past, is hе?
8. Misha's pеn friеnd сan't сomе baсk to our timе, сan hе?
9. Мisha сan,t tеll Agеnt Cutе about Robin's sесrеt, сan he?
10. Thе Stonе of Dеstiny is in Wеstminstеr Abbey, isn't it?
11. Мisha сan hеlp Robin go baсk to the Уeat 1599, сan,t he?
Who is RoЬ МoсWizord?
PoздeлитeЛЬнЬ|e вoпpoсЬl с:]огoлo}v{и в Pгesent SimpIe, кoтopЬIм
-Дштя o6poзoвoHия BoпpoситeлЬHЬlx и oтpицoтёлЬныx пPeдлo>l< eнИИ
нy)кeH вспo}vtoгoтeлЬHый глoгoл do / does.
Если ГЛaгoЛ B IIpеДЛo)Kении' сoДep)KaщeМ BЬIсKaЗЬIBaI{ие' сToиT B
-TBеpДиTельнoй фopме Prеsеnt Simplе, B KpaTKoM BoПpoсе yпoтpеб-
'-IяеTся BсПoМoГaTеЛЬIIЬIй глaгoл эToгo BpеMеI{и B oTpицaтельнoй
t6 |е:s;ns,1 .;п.] 5
фopме don,t / doesn,t + МесToиMение' сooTнесеIII{or с IIoДЛе)KaщиМ
You speаk English, don,t уou? - BьI ГoBopиTе шo-arтглrдlсKи' IIе тaк ли?
Yеs, I do,
- [a, гoвoplo. / No, I don't.
- Hец }Iе гoBoplo.
Bob bаkеs breаd, doеsn't hе? - Бoб вьrпeKaеT xлеб, не тaк ли?
Yеs, hе does.
- Дa, BЬIIIеKaет. / No, he doеsn,/.
- Нец Hе BЬIIIеKaеT.
Если гЛaгoЛ B IIpеДЛo)KеIIии' сoДеp)KaщеМ BЬIсKaЗЬIBaниe' сToиT B oT-
pицaTельнoй фopме Prеsеnt Simplе, B KpaTKoМ BoПpoсе ylloTpе1ляeтcя
BсIIoМoгaTеЛЬIIЬIй глaгoл эToгo BpеMеI{и B ПoЛo)KиTеЛЬIIoй фopме do /
You don't know this mаn, do уou? - Bьt }Iе ЗIIaеTе ЭToгo чеЛoBеKa' IIе
тaк ли? - No, I don't.- Дa, }Iе ЗIIaIo. (сoглaсие с гoBopящим)
Yеs, I do.- Hет' ЗHaЮ. (несoглaсие с гoвopящим)
Shе doеsn't livе in this flаt, does shе?
- oнa IIе )KиBет в этoй KBapTиpе'
нe тaк ли?
No, shе doеsn't.- Дa' Hе )KИBeт. (сoглaсие с гoвopящим)
Yеs, shе doеs.- Hет, )KИBеT. (несоглaсие с гoвopящим)
Ploy o gome. Reod the foсts ond osk the questions.
Model: Sсhoo| in Russiа stаrts in Sеptеmbеr. - Sсhool in Rшssiа stаrts
in Sеptember, doеsn't it ?
1. Thе Quееn livеs in thе Tоwеr of London.
2. It snows in Australia in Junе.
3. Pеoplе in Еngland drivе on thе lеft sidе
of thе road.
4. Fathеr Christmas сomеs from Nоrway.
5. Pеoplе don't travеl from London tо Paris
by сar.
6. Jamеs Bond сomеS from Amеriсa.
]..Гhe Bеatlеs sing in London еvеry day.
8. Thе sun goes round thе Еarth.
9. A сomputеr hеlps pеoplе talk tо and sее
thеir friеnds from faraway сountirеs.
- 2 3 Toke turns to osk ond onswer the questions in Ex. 1 . Remember: lf's o quiz!
Пo oнepeди зoдoвoйтe эти BoпPoсЬl и oтвeчoйтe Ho Hиx.
Model: A: Sсhool in Russiа stаrts in Sеptеmber, doеsп't it?
B: Yеs. it does.
l'Jnit l Lеsson 5 17
}э9nt speoking obout RoЬin,s fomiiy. Listen to the speoker ond fi;l
iп the gops in his report.
lnformation about Kobin gacWizard
Kobin |iveo in London, |iэ addreeэ ie: 19 Сrreсrnt Koad, Tunbridge We||e,
KenN ,,, , |1iэ moNher'a namr iэ , , , gaсWizard, Эhe worke .., ,
Нie fat,hеr'o name ie Douqlae МaсWizard, Ае ie a ,,, , Kobin hae
Оne .,,, Jane'
Kobin gaсWizard iэ a very nice boу, le |ovre Jane and a|waуe ,,, hie
Аl| hiэ ... and ,,, |ove Kobin,
Crеsсеnt [.krеsаnt] - IIoлyМесЯц. B дaннoМ сЛyчaе pечЬ
иtеT oб yлице ИJIИ pЯДe ДoМoB, paсПoЛo)KенIlЬIx
IloЛyМeсяцeМ. Taкoе paсПoJIo)KеIlIIе ДoMoB xapaKTеpllo
ДЛя aIIгЛийскoй apxиTеKTypЬI XVIII_ХIХ векoв.
4 Cчte is meeting МoсWizoгd,s neighbouг Мr PilI. He wonts to сheсk the
infoгmotion he hos. Reod the diologue ond сorгeсl Cute,s report obout
RoЬin in Еx. 3.
Cutе: Hеllo' my name is Сute, Agеnt Cutе.
Мr Pill: My namе is Mr Pill. How сan I hеlp you?
Сutе: I'm looking for Robin МaсWizard. не is lost. You livе in
19 Сrеsсent Road, don't you?
Yеs, I dо. I'm his nеighbour. Thе bоy's namе is Robin,
but wе always сall him Rob. His parеnts dо it too.
Is hе a niсе boy?
I,m not Surе. Hе is oK, but hе nеvеr hеlps his mothеr
and hе doеsn't say ..F{еllo,' to thе nеighbours.
I sее. And his mothеr... What сan vou tеll mе about
Mr Pill: oh, shе's a vеry niсе lady.
Cutе: Shе works in a bank, doеsn,t shе?
Mr Pill: No, shе doеsn't. Sir Jamеs, hеr husband, is a lэank
manager. Lady Еlizabеth doеsn't work. Shе is very
busy with hеr сhildrеn and thе housе.
Сutе: So Rob has brothеrs and sistеrs, doеsn,t hе?
Мr Pill: Yеs, hе has a sistеr and a brothеr. I oftеn mееt thеm
whеn thеy arе out for a walk in thе park.
Сutе: Thеy walk togеther, don't thеy?
Мr Pill: No, thеy don't. Rob normally walks alonе.
Сutе: You don't likе Rob MaсWizard. do vou?
Mr Pill: Not rеallv.
Ladу [,lеrdi] - TиTyЛ, Пp'IcBaИвaемьIй )Kе}Iщине иЗ BЬIсlIIегo
oбществ a vIЛ|а apисToKpaTичесKoй семьи.
Sir [sз:] - 1. Bе>кЛИBaЯ фopмa oбpaщенvIЯK Мyx<нинr.
2. БлaгopoдньIй TиTyЛ' ПpисBaивaемьtй pЬIцapЮ, бapoнетy
или yKaзЬIBaIoщиЙ нa apисToKpaTичeсKoe IIpoисxo)кДе}Iие.
B нaстoящrе BpеМЯ зa BЬIДaIoщИecЯ ЗaсЛyги TиTyЛa Sir yдoстoен
иЗBесTI{ЬIй певeц' чЛeн гpyППЬI Битлз Пoл MaккapтHИ' a TиTyЛa Lаdу
yДoсToеI{a бьlвrший пpeмьеp-МиIlистp Bеликoбpитaнии МapгapеT
Answer the questions.
1. Lady Еlizabеth works as a tеaсhеr, dоеsn't shе?
2. Мr MaсWizard works in a bank, doеsn't hе?
3. The boy,s parеnts don,t сall him Robin, do thеy?
4. Rоb doеsn't havе a brothеr, dоеs he?
5. Rob likеs tо walk in thе park, doеsn't hе?
б. Мr Pill givеs Agеnt Cutе intеrеsting informatiоn' dоеsn't hе?
Mr Pill:
Mr Pill:
19Unit l Lеsson
A Wгite o new гepoгt oЬout Rob. Use the infoгmotion from the text.
1. Rob has a ... and a ... .
2. Rob ... a vеry niсе boy. His nеighbours ... like him.
3. His brother and sistеr ... play with him.
4. Rob's motlrеr's namе isn,t ... . Hеr name is ... . Shе ... work. shе ... .
5. Rob,s fathеr...
B Complete the questions ond onswer them.
1. You likе to lеarn Еnglish, ...?
2. You don't do your homеwork in thе morning, ...?
3. Yоur mothеr сooks brеakfast for you' ...?
4. Yоur fathеr wоrks in a hospital, . .. ?
5. You don't havе a brothеt, ...?
6. Your mothеr doеsn't spеak F'rеnсh, ...?
7. You likе to play football, ...?
8. Whеn you havе timе, yоu hеlp your parеnts, . . . ?
с Если Boм He yдoлoсЬ зoпoлHить тo6лицу у1э дoмoЩнeгo зoдoния ypoкo 3
пoлHoстЬlo у1лИ y вoс eщe oстoлИсь вoпpoсЬI oтHoситeлЬнo Мищи и Po6и.
нo, зoпи.Дитe свoи BoпpoсЬI в фopмe poздeлитeлЬHЬIx вoпPoсoв и зoдoйтe
иx сBoим дpy3Ьям B Kлoссe.
Если y Boс He Boзниклo пpo6лeм с зoпoлHeHиeм тo6лицьl/ пoдгoтoвЬтe
пятЬ тpyднЬlx BoпpoсoB пo сloжeтy в фopмe PoздeлитeлЬнЬlx BoпPoсoB и
зoдoйтe Иx сBoиl^ дpyзЬям B KЛoссe. B этoм сЛyчoe нe зo6yдЬтe пoдгoтo.
витЬ ссЬlлKи нo пPoBилЬHЬle oтвeтЬ!, oпиpoясЬ Ho инфopмoциro yнe6ниKo,,Hoppy Еnglish.гu -5', .
2a -.l Lеssоn 5
ln the сountry DoDidDone
Ceгoдня МЬI с Ba]v{и oTПpaBиMсЯ B }Ioвoе
гpaфствo - Futшre.
Future B IIеpеBoДе oЗнaЧaeт буdуЩe€,
ПoЭToМy Bсе гopoДa ЭToгo гpaфствa
BЬIГЛЯДяT I{есKoЛькo необЬIчI{o дЛя Че-
ЛoBеKa нaIIIеГo BpeМе}Iи.
B этoм гpaфстве MьI ПoсеTиМ гopoД
[ля тoгo чтoбьI BopoTa гopoДa oTKpЬI-
ЛисЬ ГJlaГoЛaМ-ДpaKolшaм, неoбхoДиMo
BoсIIoЛЬЗoBaTЬсЯ KapToчKoй-zutroчoм. Ha
KapToчKе KpyПIIo HaПисaн IlapoЛЬ гopo-
Цa.. tomorTОw.
Это ознaчaеT' чTo ДЛя yKaЗaIIиЯ Нa
бyдyщее BpеMЯ чaсTo yпотpебЛЯeTCЯ
сЛoBo tomorrоw (зaвтpa)' a TaKхе сЛo-
nехt wеek - нa слеДyloщей неделе
neхt month - B сЛеДyloщеМ Месяце
neхt yеar - B сЛеДyloщеМ гoДУ
nехt timе - B сЛеДyrощий paз
in a day - чеprз Де}IЬ
in a minutе - чеpеЗ MинyTy
in an hour - чеpеЗ чaс
in twо weеks - чеpеЗ ДBr неДеЛи
in fivе yеars - ЧrpеЗ IIяTЬ ЛеT
in thе future - в бyдyщеМ
',,, РЕRFЕсТ
Q вcпомorшиыыi
х гм!л
Ф]# i'"
ъ* ;' i,':,
Глaгoльl в фopме Futurе Simplе yпoтpeбЛяIоTся:
о .[ля IIpeДсKaз alн.rlЯ бyдyщих сoбьrтий
You'll mаkе nеw friеnds nехt уесIr.- y тe6я IIoЯBЯTся нoBЬIе ДpуЗЬя
B слеДyIощеМ ГoДy.
I think grаnnу will сomе on Мondау.- Я ДyMa}o, бaбyшкa IIpиеДеT B
Mауbе hе'll phone tomorrow.
- Molкет бьlть, oll ПoзBoI{иT ЗaвTpa.
I hopе shе'll sing tonight.- Я нatelосЬ' oFIa бyдет ПеTЬ сегOДIIя Bече-
Оnе dау wе'll meеt аgаin.- Koгдa-нибyдь МЬI BсTpеTиМся сIIoBa.
I'll phone lаter.- Я IIo3BoIIIo пoЗ)ке.
Hе'll cОmе bаck SООn.- oн сKopo BеpIIеTсЯ.
о [ля BьIpDI(еIIия oбещaний и peIIIеHий, пpинЯTьIx B lvIolиеIIT pечи
- А: Whаt аrе уou doing?
- Чтo тьr дeлaerшь?
- B: I'm clеаning thе floor.- Я MoIo ПoЛ.
- A: I,ll hеIp уОu.- Я помoгy тебе.
Boйдя B ГopoД Futurе Simple, гЛaгoЛ-ДpaKollla oГЛяДЬIBaеTсЯ B ПoисKaх
oДe)KДЬI. oднaкo B эToМ ГopoДе oДе)KtЬI I{еT' и гЛaгOЛЬI-ДpaKoшIи TaK и
oсTaIoTся ToЛЬKo B иMrIIнЬIx МaечKaх. Этo oЗHaчaеT' чTo B гopoДе Futurе
Simplе ГЛaгoЛЬI yпoтpебЛяIоTсЯ B oсIIoBIlой (пеpвoй) фopМе Bo Bсех Ли-
цaх и чисЛaх.
B этoм гopoДe paбoтaеT BсIIoМoгaTеЛЬнЬrй глaгoл will. oн пoмoгaеT
гЛaгoЛaМ }Ia Bсеx yЛицaх гopoДa.
Этo знaчиT' чTo B Гopot{е Future Simplе yTBеpДиTеЛЬнЬIе' oTpицaTеЛЬ-
HЬIе и BoПpoсиTeЛЬIIЬIе IIpeДлo)KeНуIЯ oбpaзyrоTся с IIoМoщЬIo BсIIoMoгa-
TeлЬI{oГo глaгoлa will.
ПpoгyляеМся BМесTе с гЛaгoЛoм wоrk Пo yЛицaМ гopoДa.
. &nрo.**д,,*.o.,nu"у
22 2 Lеssоns l,2
oбpaзовallие yTBrpДиTeJIьIIЬIx ПpeДЛo)Kений в Future Simplе
Ha yлице УтвеpдиTrЛЬнoе IIpеДЛo)KеIIиl' KaK и нa Bсеx oсTaЛЬI{ЬIх yЛи-
цaх Гopoдa Futurе Simple' гЛaгoЛЬI-ДpaKoIIIи обpaщaloTсЯ Зa ПoМoщЬIo K
BсIroMoгaTелЬнoМy гЛaгoлy will.
BспoмoгaTеЛЬHЬIй глaгол will зaниМaeT МесTo Зa IIoДЛr)KaIIIиМ' a зa will
сЛеДyеT гЛaГoЛ-ДpaKollla.
УтвеpдитeлЬHoe n p"дno*",й"
Этo oзнaчaеT' чTo B yTBеpДиTrЛЬI{oМ ПprДЛo)KeшИИ IIopяДoK сЛoB сЛе-
Пoдлеiкaщее + will + oсHoB}Ioй глaгoЛ + BTopoсTеIIrннЬIе чЛr}IЬl
B yтвepдиTrЛЬI{ЬIx IIpеДЛoх(еHиЯx BсПoМoгaTеЛЬIIЬIЙ глaгoл will чaстo
yпoтpебЛЯeTcЯ B сoKpaщеннoй фopме 'll (will = 'll).
CпpяIкеIIие гЛaгoЛoB в Futurе Simplе
I will ('ll) work in thе gаrdеn SoОn.
- Я сKopo бyдy paбo'l'a,гЬ ts сaДy.
You will ('lI) work iп thе gаrdеn SООn.- BьI сKopo бyде'r'с рlaбo.t.a.гЬ B сaДy.
Hе will ('ll) work in thе gаrdеn SООn.- Oн сKopo бyде.г рaбo,r'aтЬ B сaДy.
Shе will ('ll) work in the gа.rdеn SОon.- oнa сKopO бyдет paбo,t.a.r'Ь ts сaДy.
It (а dog) will ('ll) plау in the gа,rdеn SoОn.- oнa (сoбaкa) UKUpO бyд1е,r'
игpaTЬ B сaДy.
Wе will ('ll) work in thе gаrdеn SООn.- MьI сKOpo бyдем paбот'ar'Ь ts сa/]y.
Thеу will (,ll) work in thе gаrdеn SoОn.- oни сKUpo бyдy,r.pa6u,гa,t.ь ts UaДy.
*{:.э} Listen to the words ond expressions ond repeot them ofter the speokeг.
Тronslote the verbs into Russion.
somеthing (сoкpaщенllo snrth)
- чTo-To
somеbody (сoкpaщrннO smb) - KTO-.I'O
a prеdiсtion - rrprДUKaЗaниr
to prеdiсt smth .--
a promisе
- oбс-tllаttие
to promisе smth to stttb *
"2JUn]t 2 Lеssоns l, 2
W Listen to the sentenсes ond repeot them ofteг the speoker.
1. I'l1 rеad this book onе day. 6. Pеrhaps you,ll bе bеttеr tomorrow.
2' I think it'll rain tomorrow. 7. Hе'll writе to you soon.
3. Hе'll сomе baсk in a minutе. 8. I'1l rеad your lеttеr latеr.
4. Тhе boss will bе hеrе nеxt wееk. 9. Pеrhaps hе'll ask you a quеstiоn.
5. A: I сan't find my book. 10. I hopе shе'll likе your story.
B: I'll find it for you. 11. I'll sing nеxt time.
С Listen to the speokeг. Whiсh sentenсe does he soy? Choose o) or b).
a) I'1l phone him. a) Hе'll rеmеmbеr you.
b) I phоnе him. b) Hе rеmembеrs you.
a) Wе'll spеak to thе tеaсher abоut your problеm.
b) We spеak to the teaсher about your problеm.
a) I think thеy,ll likе your presеnt. a) You'll get her lеtters.
b) I think thеy likе your prеsеnt. b) You get hеr lettеrs.
tr Тronslote the sentenсes into Russion.
1. I think they'll phone mе in two days.
2. I hope wе'll watсh this film tomorrow.
3. Maybе Pеtеr will сomе to my New Yеar party.
4. Pеrhaps Robin will find thе Stonе of Dеstiny.
5. I think they will fly tо London in five months.
6. I hopе your friеnds will givе you niсе presents on your birthday.
Мaybе you'll bе famous onе day.
# Fill in the gops ond сomplete promises ond prediсtions.
think they ... сome nеxt wееk.
hope we ... meet you at thе thеatrе tomorrow.
think Mark ... сomе by bus.
hopе wе ... spеak bettеr Еnglish in Fеbruary.
It ... snow in January.
You ... havе a niсе hоliday.
You ... mееt nеw intеrеsting pеoplе.
I . .. do my homеwork latеr.
Wе ... phone you soon.
w Мotсh the ports of the short diologues.
- I want to go to thе сinеma. a) - I,ll find it for you.
- I сan,t find my jaсket. b) - I'll hеlp you.
з. - I сan,t do this tеst now. с) - I'l1 do it now.
4. - Yоu friеnd is сalling. d) - I'* busy now. I'll сall hеr baсk.
- You сan do it later. e) - I'11 go with you.
24 Unii 2 Lеssons l, 2
t Reod oЬout o typiсol doy in Rosy,s life. Whot will she do tomoгrow?
Мoke prediсtions.
Model: Rosу will gеt up аnd thеn she will wаlk hеr dog,
Rosy gеts up and thеn shе walks her dog. Shе has brеakfast. At еight
o'сloсk shе goеs to sсhool. Shе always goеS to sсhool by biсyсlе.
Shе stops and says hеllo to hеr nеighbours. Shе has fivе lessons at sсhоol.
Rоsy сomеs homе and doеs hеr homеwork. Shе сooks dinnеr for hеr
family. In thе еvеning Rosy rеads books or watсhеs TV.
offer help in the following situotions. Use the verbs in Ьroсkets. (Пpeдлlo)(итe
пoмoщЬ B слeдyюЩИх ситуoцияx. Испoльзуйтe глoгoлЬ| в скo6кox.)
ModеI: This bаg is heаvу. фelp)
This bаg is hеаvry.
- I,ll hеlp уou.
1. Thе flоor is dirty. (сlеan)
2. I likе this book. (bring)
3. I nееd a pеn. (give)
4. Thе windоw is opеn and I'm сold. (сlоsе)
5. I сan,t walk the dog now. I,m tirеd. (do)
6. I сan't mееt my friеnd at thе railway statiоn. I'm busy. (mееt)
Ф, Й ф 4'i f1 ;t1 f,l i,i| i: ф,B e Ф *,фt ф ft & * .# 6 |2
Rewrite the sentenсes. Use the short form of will.
ModеI: I will сlеаn thе floor.- I'll сlеап the floor.
1. Thеy will visit Franсе in a yеar's timе.
2. Shе will work in a hospital in tеn yеars timе.
3. I think my fathеr will сomr homе at.7 o,coсk on Monday.
4. I hopе wе will go to Kiеv nеxt summеr.
5. My sistеr will talk tо you about it onе day.
6. Whеrе arе you going? I will go with yоu.
Whot will hoppen tomorrow? Write your prediсtions. Use these ideos.
Model: gО tО school - Mу friend will go to sсhool tomorrow.
gеt up early / sее friеnds / phonе granny i do homеwоrk l read' l
watсh Tv / danсе.
Unit 2 Lеssоns l, 2 25
с Сomplete the toble with the exomples from Ех. 1, 2.
When wi|l these things hoppen? Complete the prediсtions. Use: nexl week,
nexf month neхI yeor| in o doу, in on hour, in five yeors| in o minute, in Ihe
future, soon, one doy, lofer, I think,l hope.
1.'11 rain...
2. ...уolr bеst friеnd will phonе...
3. ...your mothеr will gеt a nеW job...
4. ...yоu'll drivе a car,..
5. ...yоur tеaсhеr will answrr your quеstion...
6. "'ll gо tо Еngland...
1. ...your friеnds will go tо thе Zoo..,
You,ll be fomous, Мoster Shokespeore!
oтпpaвиМсЯ I{a yЛицy ОmpuцаmельнОe npеdлoэrcенue гopoДa Simple
гpaфствa Futurе. Ha этoй yЛице' KaK и IIa Bсeх oсTaЛЬIIЬIх yЛицax ЭToгo
ГopoДa' гЛaгoЛЬI-ДpaKoIIIи oбpaщaloTся зa IIoМoщЬIo K BсПoМoгaTеЛЬI{o-
N{y ГЛaгoлy will, кoтopьlй paбoтaеT B IIapе с собaчкoй not.
BспoмoгaTеЛЬнЬIй глaгол will с сoбaчкoй nоt ЗaI{иМaеT MrсTo Зa ПoД-
JIе)<aщиМ' a зa ниМи сЛеДyеT ГлaгoЛ*ДpaKollla.
.. ; .l,..l *.,...t
$Ёfi.fi6;*n'**;нЬЫа ffi
] iеssоns 1,2сэndЗ 4
бr.1ущие дeЙcтвия 6eз
.KaЗaния ToЧI{oгo
бyдyщиx сoбьIтий
oбещaниЯ, peIIleв.ИЯ'
IIpиняTЬIе B I,{OMеI{T
Этo oзнaчaеT' ЧTo ПopяДoK сЛoB B oTpицaTеЛЬнoM ПpеДЛo)KgнИИ
Пoдле;кaщее + BсIIoМoГaTеЛЬIIЬlй глaгол will + oTpицaTеЛЬI{aЯ
чaсTицa not + oснoвнoй гЛaгoл + BTopoсTеПе}I}IЬIе чЛе}IЬI
Сoкpaщен}IaЯ фopмa oт will nоt _ won't.
I will not work in thе gаrdеn nехt summer.
- Я
сЛеДyIощиМ ЛrToМ.
You will not work in thе gаrdеn nехt summеr.
-B сaДy сЛrДyloщиМ ЛеToМ.
Hе / shе will пot work in the gаrdеn nехt summеr,
- oн / oнa не бyдет
paбoтaтЬ B сaДy сЛеДyIощиМ ЛеToМ.
It will not rаin tomorrow.
- Зaвтpa Дo)KДя не бyдет.
Wе will not work in the gаrdеn nехt summer.
- Мьt не бyдем paботaть
B сaДy сЛeДyloщиM леToМ.
You will not work in thе gаrdеn nехt summer.
- Bьr не бyдете paбoтaть
B сaДy слеДyloщиМ ЛеToМ.
Thеу wil| not work in the gаrden neхt Summеr.- oни не бyдyт paбoтaть
B сaДy сЛеДyloщиМ ЛеToМ.
Are these pгediсtions true or folse?
ModеI: Wintеr will stаrt in two wееks,
- Yеs, it will. / No, it won't.
1. It'lI snow soon.
2. Your friеnd will bе a doсtor in 15 yеars.
3. Your tеaсhеr will givе you a tеst this wееk.
4. It'll bе hot in Junе.
5. It,ll rain in thе еvеning.
6. Russian football playеrs will bе thе bеst in thе world soon.
7.In onе hundrеd yеars pеoplе will bе kindеr.
8. Pеoplе will fly to Mars vеry Soon.
Фpoзьl д'lя выPox<eHия сoглoси я / нecoглoсИя
Reod ond tronslote the lost sentenсe into Russion.
I agrеe [э'gri:] with you.- Я с тoбoй сoглaсен (сoглaснa).
I dоn't agrеe with you.-
не бyдy paботaтЬ B сaДy
Bьr не бyдете paбoтaть
Uni| 2 Lеssons З, 4 27
2 ,,Whiсh
of the prediсtions f1om Еx. 1 do you ogree with? Whiсh of them don,t
you ogree with? Correсt the folse prediсtions.
Model: A: Wintеr will stаrt in two wееks.
B: I don't аgree. Winter will stаrt in two months"
Listen to the words ond repeot them ofter the speoker.
a lеadеr - зd. гЛaBa' гЛaBнoKoМaI{- to invеnt smth - изoбpеTaTЬ ЧTo-
дyroщий либo
an army - apNIvIЯ famous - ЗнaМенитьtй
a politiсian [,pоlr.trjnl - ПoЛиTиK Мastеr - зd. гoсПoДиII
an arсhitесt ['о:kitеkt] - apхи.геKTop thе Сivil Wаr - Гpa)KДaнcKaЯ
an invеntor - изoбpетaTеЛЬ войнa
a sсiеntist - yченьlй thе Pаrliаmеnt - [apЛaМе}IT
.4,,'i Before you reod. Let,s tгy to remember.
].. Who is Rob MaсWizard?
2. Why сan hе prеdiсt thе futurе in 1599?
Reod the prediсtions ond rewrite them oссoгding to the model.
Model: Shаkespеаre will bе а fаmous plауwright.
Todау in London!
Thе grеаtеst wizаrd of аll times Rob
MасWizаrd prediсts thе futurе!
l, '.i28
1. You will bе a famous playwright,
Mastеr Shakеspеarе. Pеoplе will
rеad your books and likе thеm.
2. You arе Puritans' arеn't yоu? In twеnty
yеars you'll go to thе Nеw World.
3. Your son will bе a grеat
arсhitесt, Мr Wrеn.
4. Your son will bе a grеat politiсian
and a lеadеr of thе armY' Mr Сromwеll.
5. In a сеntury your namе
will bе famous, Mr Nеwton.
Your grandson will bе a
great sсiеntist and invеntor.
His invеntions will сhangе
thе world.
Reod the informotion in the гubriсs Еnglish in foсus ond l aa% English ond
onswer the questions.
1. Who is olivеr Cromwеll?
2. Who is Christophеr Wrеn?
3. What is one of Christоphеr Wrеn's famous wоrks?
4. What is thе Nеw Wоrld?
5. Why is Nеwton famous?
. *-_"* lry to guess.
In 1599 thе namе of Amеriсa is thе Nеw Wоrld. Guеss thе namе of Еuropе.
Oliver Cromwеll [.оlrvэ 'kmmwэl]
- (1599_165s) a politiсian
and thе leadеr of thе Parliamеnt army in thе Civil War against
thе king in 1642_165|.
Christоphеr Wrеn [,krrstafэ'rеn] - (16З2_1.72З) a famous
Еnglish arсhitесt. onе of his famоus works is St Paul's Cathеdral
in London.
Puritans ['pjoэntэnz] - ПypиTaIIе' pеЛиГИoЗIloе TечеI{ие B
хpисTиaнсTBе. Пypитaне BЬIсTyПaЛИ Зa чисTo.гy и сKpoМнoсTЬ
Bo BсеМ' a TaK)(е Зa yГIpoщеIIиr MI{oГих цеpKoBHьrх oбpядoв.
oфициaЛЬIlaЯ цеpKoBЬ ПpесЛеДoBaЛa ПypиTa' Зa иx yбе>кде-
I{vIЯ, vIX )KиЗнЬ в Aнглии сTaIIoBуIIaсЬ I{еBЬIIIOсимой, IIoЭToМy
в 1620 гoДУ бoльrшинсTвo IIypиTaI{ iroKинyЛи Aнглиrо. Именнo
o}Iи I]rpBЬIМи oTIIpaBилисЬ ){(иTЬ в F{oвьlй Cвет. Taк нaзьrвa-
ЛaсЬ ToГДa Aмеpикa. . t
l Lеssоrr J, 1L 29
.Z} Пpeдстoвьтe сe6e, чтo и вЬI, KoK Poб Мoквизopдu пepeнeсл ись B пpoцIлoe
и мoxeтe BoспoЛЬ3oвoтЬся сBoим зHoниeм 6yдyщeгo. ПpeдсKoxитe сУдь.
6y людям Ho KoPтиHKox. Испoльзуйтe эти слoBo:
astronaut ['юstrэnэ:t], poеt, tsar [zo:], singеr, tеnnis playеr, ballеt danсеr, sсiеntist.
Model:o - Littlе Pushkin will bе а fаmous poet.
TronstCIte the new words with o diсtionory.
М. Lomonosov
Е. Kafеlnikov
Ploy o gome. Boдящий стoит сnинoй K KЛoссy. Oдин и3 Boс пpoсит вoдящe.
гo пPeдсKoзoтЬ 6yдyщee/ yKoзЬlвoя пo oчepeди Ho pe6ят, cИДяЩих B Kлoссe.
Koxдьlй poз pe6ятo сoo6щ0ют вeдyщeмy, пPoBилЬH o I|И oH yгoдoл. Boдя.
щиe мeняются Ho пPoтяЖeHу|у1игPЬ| HeскoлЬKo Poз. Bьlигpьlвoeт тoт, Kтo
нoи6oлee пpoвилЬHo пpeдсKoзoл 6yдyщee сBoим oдHoKлoссHиKoм.
ModеI: А: Tell us his / hеr futurе.
B: Shе / he will bе а fаrmer.
С: You аrе right. I wаnt to bе а fаrmеr /
You аrе wrong. I won't bе а fаrmеr. I wаnt to bе а bаkеr.
- -+.: э^s З, А
M. Lеrmontov
A Rewrite the sentenсes oссording to the model.
Model: I will not еаt this.
- I won't eаt this.
1. You will not go with mе nехt timе.
2. I will not spеak to him.
3. It will not bе Warmrr tomorrow.
4. Katе will not lеarn Frеnсh nехt Уear.
5. Nехt wееk will not bе еasy for us.
B Look ot the piсtures ond prediсt the сhiIdren's future.
, r l/1
oпpoвepгHитe yтвepxдeну|яl с KoтopЬ|ми BЬl He сoглoсHЬl.
Iodel: Your first lеsson nехt wееk will be litеrаturе.
- Mу first lеsson nехt
wееk wОn't bе litеrаturе. It'll be mаths.
1. It,ll be 24 Novеmbеr in two days.
2. Your tеaсhеr will soon go to London.
3. You will sее your granny this еvеning.
4. It'll rain today.
5. It,ll bе сold tomorrow.
6. You'll play football nеxt wееk.
Tгonslote the prediсtions into English.
1. Чеpез ДесяTЬ днeй я бУдУ в Москве.
2. Чepез ДBaДцaTЬ лет мoй лyнrпий Дpyг бyдет BpaчoM.
3. Чеpeз ДBa ГoДa ябУдУ B BoсЬМoМ KЛaссе.
4. Чepез TpиДцaTЬ rrЯTЬ лет мoй yчиTеЛЬ aнглийскoгo ЯЗЬIKa бyдет
paбoтaтЬ B IIIKoЛе.
5. Чеpез нeДеЛIo сTaнеT TепЛее.
6. CeгоДIIя Bечеpoм мой пaIIa бyдет ДoМa.
Will she see o UFO?
oтпpaвиМся }Ia yЛицy Общuй вonpoс. Ha этoй yЛице BсIloМoгaтeльньrй
гЛaгoЛ will зaниMaеT МесTo IIеpеД ПoДЛе)KaЩИМ, a Зa пoДлe)KaщиМ сЛеДy-
еT oсIIoBнoй глaгoл.
Этo oзнaчaеT' ЧTo ПopЯДoK сЛoB в oбщем BoПpoсе следyrощий:
BспoшloгaTеЛЬI{ЬIй глaгoл will + пoДЛrx<aщее + oснoвнoй ГЛaгoЛ +
BTopoсTеIIеIIIIЬIе чЛеIIЬI ПpеДЛoХeния + ?
Оnit 2 Lеssоns З, 4 оnd 5
will I wОrk in thе gаrden nехt summеr? - Yеs, I will. / No, I won,t.
Will уou work in thе gаrden nехt summеr? - Yes, уou will. / |'{o, уou
Will hе / shе work in thе gаrdеn nехt summеr? - Yes, hе / shе will. /
|io, he / shе won,t.
will it rаin tomorrow?
- Yes, it will. / No, it won't.
Will wе work in the gаrdеn nехt summеr? - Yеs, we will. / No, wе
Will уou work in thе gаrden nехt
Will thеу work in the gаrdеn nехt
No, thеу wОn,t.
: Look ot the piсtures ond onsweг the questions.
1. Will it rain soon?
2. Will thе girl bе a famоus singеr?
3. Will thе boy's mothеr bе happy?
4. Will thе girl likе thеir prеsеnt?
5. Will thе girl bе сold in tеn minutеs?
- Yes' уou will. / Il'Io, уou
- Yеs. thеv will. /
-lг.lllйскиit язьlк. 6 кл. Happу Еnglislr з3
Ask questions obout the sentenсes.
Model: Hе'lI phonе mе in five minutes.
- Will hе phone me in fivе minutеs?
1. Thе doсtors will work in a nеw hospital Soon.
2. Мaуbe wе'll lеarn Frеnсh next yеar.
3. My fathеr will сomе homе at sеvеn o'сloсk.
4. I hоpе this famous singеr will сomе to our сity.
5. The first of Novеmbеr will bе Sunday.
6. Maybe I,11 makе new friеnds.
7. I think Hеlеn will havе a big surprisе on hеr birthday.
ln poirs
A. Look ot the сhi|dren,s questions oЬout next yeor ond help them get the
onswers. Ask the wizoгd foг the сhildren.
B. You ore o wizord. Answer the questions. Look ot the mogiсol mop foг help.
Modеl: Janе
A: Will Jаne Sее a
B: No, she won't.
UFО nехt уeаr?
But shе,ll mеet а fаmous pеrsОn.
@lPlaсеs? )_-г * _
si"u". Linda Carol
.WiliБЦ rеal zebra? )
" "::''' Liz
.'..^^ с.- _:::r i -,
.ъЦнlI "
i'!,1 I
;!J Whot do you think? А,nswer the questions.
Model: Will Mishа аnd Robin stау in London?
- Yes, thеу will. /
No, thеу won't. I think theу will / won,t stау in London.
1. Will Мisha and Robin stay in London?
2. Will Robin find thе Stonе of Destiny?
3. Will Misha and Robin go baсk to Russia?
4. Will Robin stay in our timе?
5. Will Robin go baсk to his timе?
6. Will Мisha travеl in timе with Robin?
7. Will Misha's parеnts look for him?
8. Will Мisha and Robin makе nеw friеnds?
9. Will Misha and Robin gо to thе MaсWizard family in Еngland and
ask them for hеlp?
Пopядок сЛoB B paЗteЛиTеЛьнolvl BoПpoсе в Futurе Simplе
УтвеpдиTеЛЬI{oе IIpеДЛo)KеI{ие + wоn't + МесToиMеI{ие' сooT}IесеIII{oе с
IIoДле)KaщиМ yTBrpДиTеЛЬIIoгo IIpеДЛo)K eния, + ?
oтpицaтrЛЬI{oе IIpеДЛo)KеIIие + will + МесToиMеIIие' сoOTнrсеIII{oе
с IIoДЛе)KaщиМ oTpицaTrЛЬIloгo IIpеДЛo)Keния, + ?
Answer the questions.
1. You will bе 2 neхt yеar' won't you?
2. Your friеnd will invitе you to his birthday party, won,t hе?
3. Your mоthеr will buy you a nеw biсyсlе soon, won't shе?
4. Your friеnd's sistеr won,t phonе you tomorrow' will shе?
5. You won't havе mathеmatiсs in two days timе, will yоu?
6. Your parеnts will bе at homе nеxt Sunday, will thеy?
Fil| in the gops with the сorreсt tog questions.
1. Ann will play thе piano at thе birthday party,...?
2. Тheу,|l lеarn Frеnсh nехt уear,...?
3. Robin will stay in our timе,...?
4. Robin won't find thе Stonе of Dеstinу,,...?
5. Yоur friеnd will bе a tеaсhеr in20 yеars,...?
6. His brothеr won't go to sсhool tomorrow'...?
36 i -:sson 5
Homework ,r
A Wгite questions for the sentenсes.
1. A1l сars will havе соmputers in 30 years' time.
2. Мaуbe it,ll bе сold nеxt wееk.
3. I think they won't havе good weathеr nехt month.
4. Shе will tеll you thе answеr latеr.
5. I think you'll mееt him in two wееks.
6. Thеy'll be friеnds in thе futurе.
7. Wе'll ask him about it tomorrow.
8. Perhaps shе,ll see him again soon.
B Answeг the questions.
].. You,ll bе a famous tеnnis playеr in thе futurе' won't you?
2. You'll play football Soon' won't yоu?
3. You won,t play сomputеr gamеS in two hours, will you?
4. Your friеnd won't givе you an intеrеsting book nеxt wееk, will hе?
5. It'll bе сold tomorrow, won't it?
oтпpaвиМся IIa yЛицy СneцuальньLй вonpОс. Ha этoй yЛице IIa Пepвoе
МесTo сTaBиTсЯ BoГIpoсиTеЛЬIIoе сЛoBo, Зa KoTopЬIМ сЛеДyIoT BсПoMoгa-
тельньrй гЛaгoЛ, пoДЛе)KaЩee' oсI{oBI{oй глaгол и BTopoсTeIIеI{нЬIr чЛе-
нЬI пpеДЛo)KениЯ.
CпeциaльньlЙ вoпpoс
i'.jliг |) L€,sl,Огts 5 опd 6 37
Этo oзнaчaеT, чTo ПopяДoK сЛoB B специaлЬIIЬIx Boпpoсax сЛеДyloщий:
+? :
Where will I work in two уесlrs?
Whу will уou work in thе hospitаl soon?
Whеn will hе / shе phonе?
When will it rаin?
Where will wе work nехt wееk?
When will уou work in thе hospitа|?
Where will thеу work nехt timе?
-'l- i Look ot the piсtures ond onswer the questions.
1. Whеrе will thеy probably go on Surrday?
2. Whеn will thе film start?
3. What will happеn to the bоy in a yеar?
4. How оld will hе bе in tеn yеars?
5. Whеrе will shе find hеr boоk?
oсновнoй ГЛaгoЛ
сЛoвo + BсIIoMoГaTеЛьньrй
+ BTopoсTеПеннЬIе чЛеI{ЬI
гЛaгoЛ will +
frT'вФ qg"ФФ ъfl,Ф@
2 .-:
|n poiгs. Ask questions oЬout the underlined woгds.
ModеI: Mауbе our tеасher will rеаd this teхt.
-Whаt will oшr teасher do?
1. I'11 phonе him tomorrow.
2' H.е'Il' buy a prеsеnt for his mothеr in
two days. l
3. Мum will makе a niсе qakе soon.
-1. Pеrhaps wе'11 havе lunсh tоgethеr.
5' Shе'll pla}u thе piano nехt timе.
oтпpaвиMся I{a yЛицy Bonpoс K nОdлеJtсащеJvtу. Ha этoй yЛице IIa Пеp-
Boe MесTo сTaBиTся BoПpoсиTеЛЬHoе сЛoBo Who (ктo) или What (uтo),
BTopoе МесTo ЗaниМaeT BсIIoМoгaTеЛЬIIЬIй глaгол rvill, Зa KoTopЬIM сле-
ДyIoT oсI{oBнoй глaгoл и BTopoсTепе}IIIЬIе чЛенЬI IIpеДЛo)KеIIия.
Этo oзнaчaeT' ЧTo пopяДoK сЛoB B BoIIpoсе K ПoДЛе)Kaще]vly следyroщий:
Who / What + will + oсI{oB}Ioй глaгoЛ + BTopoсTеПrHI{ЬIе чЛеHЬI
ПpедJIoХeHvIЯ + ?
Who will work? -
I / уou will; hе / shе / it will; wе / уou / thеу will.
LU ln poirs. Soon yoyr fomily wilI сeleЬrote New Yeor. Тoke turns to osk ond
onswer the questions.
ModеI: Who will mаkе Nеw Yеаr dесorаtions? - I will.
1. Who will dесoratе thе flat?
2. Whо will сlеan thе floor?
3. Who will сook?
4. Who will buy prеsеnts?
5. Who will writе сards for yоur friеnds?
6. Who will sеnd you сards?
7. Who will phonе you?
8. Who will сomе to you?
9. Who will go tо bеd earlу?
g. 4 J Ploy o gome. Ask ond onswer questions obout these inventions. Stort with
who, when ond whot. till in the toЬles in youг Workbooks.
Пpeдстoвьтe сe6e, чтo вЬl oKoзoлисЬ Ho мeстe Po6o МoквизoPto в пРollJлoм
и знoeтe, чтo и Koгдo изo6peтeт чeлoBeчeствo. Poсскoxитe o6 этИх изo6pe.
тeнияx. И,PY Hoчинoeт A. oн (oнo) зoдoeт Bсe свoи вoпPoсы пo всeм Kop.
Unii2 Lеssоn6 39
.3.(].*'. 1э.ггeгтeiF{]Aiiо з{tпoлl1яя у|х. Пoслe этoгo сBoи вoпpoсЬl 3oдoeт B, кo-.:firв.й збгтIlli.{л€т сBои кoPтoчKи. Пo oкo HЧoHи|.| иrpь| КoРтoчKи сPoвHивo.
Етmзn Зoгпr'ои l ниx дoлxнЬl 6ыть oдинoкoвЬIми.
. e.сrrk on this pagе.
B: Go to page 163.
Model: А: Whаt will Thomаs Adаms invеnt?
B: Hе,ll invеnt сhеwing gum.
А: When will hе invеnt сhеwing gum?
B: In 1870.
Information for A
''' |;| | :|i |
Valdеmar Poulsеn
9 Aеroplanе 10 11 Rеvolvеr
Thеo Мaiman
Alехandеr Graham
12 Tеlеvision
Vladimir Zworikin
! lо wut"r Closet (WC) !
15 Tank
Karl Bеnz
I Cristofori
Homework l*u EЕ 6I, 'g|. *'+ фj It gl #,.P, *Ф ф #:ф, *r *:fu/,ф 8 Йф &ф ф*,Фwф
A .Wгite questions for the onsweгs.
Model: - Thе doсtors will work in а nеw hospitаl.
_ Whеrе will thе doсtors work?
1. - Wе will lеarn Frеnсh nеxt }zear.
2. - My father will сomе homе at sevеn o'сloсk.
3. - A famous singer will соmе to our сit}z.
4. - Thеy will go to Мosсow in a month.
5. - Thеy will bе in Еngland nеxt month.
6. - I will find new friеnds in a new sсhool.
7. - Hеlen will havе a big surprise on hеr birthdav.
Unit 2 Lеssоn 6
Пpeдстoвьтe сe6e/ чтo вЬl BстpeтИлу| пpeдсKo3oтeля 6yдyщeгo. Чтo 6ьl вьl
xoтeли yзHoтЬ o сBoeм 6yдyщeм? 3oпиulИтe сBoу1Boпpoсьl.
TronsIote the mini.diologues into Еnglish.
1. Kтo IIoеДеT I{a МaIIIинe? - Я. 4. Kтo KyпиT билетьl? - Пaпa.
2. Kтo I{aПиIIIeT письмо? - oн. 5 Kтo ПoМo)KеT МaМе? - МьI.
3. Kтo ПoЗBoI{ит? - Сarшa. 6. Kтo IIpиeДеT зaвтpa? - oни.
Whqt wi|l hоppen to them?
1.,"} ln poiгs. With your friends osk ond onswer: WhoI will hoppen fo you next
. .."
*""k? Мoke prediсtions ond tell the сloss oЬout eoсh other.
2 3 K Po6у МoквизoPдy пoдoЩли тpoe pe6ят, o KoтoPыx oн Hичeгo нe зHoeт.
пoэ'oмy, oтBeчoя Ho Иx вoпPoсЬl, oH чoстo oцlи6oeтся. Пpoнитoйтe сти.
xoтBoPeH у|e и peЦJитe, KoKиe пPeдсKoз oH|,|я Poбo мoгyт с6ьlться
в XVI.ХVII вeкox, o KoKиe Heт.
3 j-} Listen to the song ond sing olong. Мotсh the piсtuгes of the сhiIdren
with the prediсtions.
In tеn yеars
In tеn years
What will happеn to mе?
In tеn yеars
Whеrе will I bе?
Will I bе happy?
Will I be alonе?
Will I travеl round thе world?
Will I stay at homе?
In tеn years you'll bе twеnty-onе'
You'll travel round thе world and yоu'll havе fun.
You'll go to Sсotland and you'll go to Spain.
You,ll travеl by сar, by bus and by plane.
In tеn yеars you'll bе a famous star.
You'll havе a small dog and a vеry big сar.
You'll buy a niсе housе with a swimming pool.
And your friеnds will say ..Shе'S rеally сool!''
In ten years you'll bе twenty-two.
You will bе a vеt and you,ll work at thе zoo.
You'll love your jоb and you'll nеvеr bе latе
And thе tigеrs and lions will think, ..Hе is grеat.',
Ljnit 2 l-еssопs 6 опd Z 41
ffi Answer the questions.
1. Who will bе a famous star in tеn yеars?
2. Who will buy a niсе housе in tеn yеars?
З. Who will travеl round thе world in tеn yеars?
4. Who will stay at homе in ten yеars?
5. Who will work with animals in tеn yеars?
;!J Мoke questions foг the onswers.
1. You'll bе a famous star in tеn yеars.
2. You,ll be a vеt.
3. You,ll bе twеnty-two.
4. You'll wоrk at the zoo.
5. You'll go to Sсotland
6. Your friеnds will.
7. You'll travеl round thе world in ten yеars.
8. You'll travеl bу car, by bus and by planе.
9. You,ll buy a niсе housе.
99py the toble into y.our сopyЬooks. Listen to the infoгmotion obout Peter,
Alex ond Kote ond fill in the toble.
Рeter Alеx Katе
1. When will it bе?
2. Whеrе will hе / shе bе?
3. What job will hе / she havе?
4. Will hе / she be happy?
5. Will hе / shе stav at homе?
6. Will hе shе travеl round the world?
7. What will hе / shе have? (сhildrеn, friends, a big family,
a car, a housе, a swimming pool, a dog, ...)
42 |Jni| 2 Lеsson Z
Use the informotion. in youг сopybooks ond tгy to wгite prediсtions foг Peleг,
Kote ond Alex ogoin.
j Wгite o short prediсtion on o pieсe of poper. Next Iesson your с|ossmote wil1
get it in o mogiс lottery go'". Тhese q,"'tion' will heip_iJu.
Rob prediсts the futuгe of Еnglond
1.,} P|oу o mogiс lottery gome. Put your pгediсtions in o hot.
Тoke o prediсtion out of the hot ond reod it. ls it true?
2,',l Listen to the woгds ond expressions ond repeot them
ofter the speoker.
thе Greаt Plаguе [,grеil'plеIg] - ЭПиДеМия чyМЬI
the Grеаt Firе of London |,greft 'falэ] - Beликий
ЛoHДo}lский пox<ap
а сеntшrу [.sеnфri] - BеK
to kill - yбивaть
to ехесute ['еksrkju:t] - KaЗIIиTЬ
to dеstroу [dl,strэI] - yничTo)KиTЬ
to cаtсh [kretЛ - сxBaTить, пoйМaTЬ
3 'i Listen to the dio|ogue ond mork these sentenсes true or folse.
1. Rob will mеet thе Quееn of Еngland.
2, Тhe Quееn оf Еngland will сall Rob a сharlatan.
3. Rob won't prеdiсt the futurе.
4. Thе Quееn will givе Rob prеsеnts and monеy.
4 ' Reod the diologue ond сheсk you
Guess the meoning of the underlined words.
1. I don,t bеlievе this doсtor. He is a сharlatan [Jo:lэtэn].
Мy Quееn, thеrе is a
grеat wizard in London.
His namе is Rob
MaсWizard. Hе knows
thе past and thе futurе.
Jt'it2 Lеssоn B 4з
What will happеn to my сountry in thе
Thе sеvеnteеnth сеntury won't bе еasy
bесause thе kings of Еngland won't bе
When will I diе?
You,ll diе in four yеars.
futurе, Rob?
for Еngland
In 43 yеars' the Civil War will start in Еngland.
In 50 years' Parliamеnt will еxесutе thе klng.
In 6б yеars thе Great Plaguе will сomе.
It will kill many pеoplе.
In 67 years, thе Grеat Fire will dеstrоy
London. But in thе 19th сеntury, Еngland
will bе thе strongеst сountry in thе world
And what will happеn to you, Rob?
I don't know.
In two hours you will bе in thе Towеr
of London bесausе you are a witсh!
But сatсh mе first!
+#3 Answer fhe quesrions.
Model: Whаt will hаppen in 1б03?
- Quееn
Еlizаbeth will die.
1. What will happеn in 1642?
2.What will happеn in |649?
3. What will happеn in 1665?
4. What will happеn in 1666?
5. When will Еngland be thе strongеst сountry
in the world?
6. What will happеn to Rob?
7. What dоеs ..You,ll
bе in the Towеr of
Londоn,'mеan? Is it gоod or bad for Rob?
44 2 Lеssоn B
.gJ Пpeдстoвьтe сe6e, чтo y Boс eстЬ
1. Will you go thеre?
2. What will you take with you?
3. What won't you takе with you?
Use these things for ideos:
*jJ Тhese expressions wiII heIp you:
1. I'll nееd it. l I won't neеd it.
z. rШ usе it. / I won't use it.
3. I'll hеlp pеоplе.
вoзмoxнoстЬ пoпoстЬ B Aнглию 1599 гoдo.
4.It,I work. / It wоn't work.
5. It,ll help mе.
6. It is safе. / It isn,t safe.
A Whot do you think? Whot will hoppen in Russio in o сentury?
1. Will therе bе a prеsidеnt or a king in Russia?
2. Will pеople's life bе bеttеr in Russia?
3. Will Russia bе biggеr or smaller?
4. Whiсh сity will bе thе сapital of Russia?
5. Will thе сlimate сhange? Will it be warmrr or сolder?
6. Will thе Russian languagе bесomе popular all over thе world?
B Тгonslote the questions into English.
1. Где вьl бyдете чеpeЗ чac?
2. Гдe oн бyдет )KиTЬ чеpеЗ 10 лет?
3. Что сЛyчиTся чеpеЗ гoд?
4. Kyдa IIoлеTяT ЛIoДи чеpеЗ двa вeкa?
mobilе phonе
sandwiсhеs and a iar of сoffее
46 2 Lеssог, B
Let's do it!
FIaпoмниM' чTo aнглийские ЛичIIЬIе lvleсToиМения иМeIoT две фоpмьl.
oднy иЗ ниx Мo){<Ho сpaBHиTЬ с pyссKиMи ЛиЧнЬIlvlи ]vlесToиМени'lМи B иМе-
IIиTеЛЬHoМ IIaДе)Ke. Bтopaя фopмa - oбъектньrй Пaде)K
- сooTBеTсTBy-
eT ЛиЧIIЬIМ MесTOиMеIIиЯМ pyссKoгo яЗЬIKa Bo Bсеx oсTaJIЬнЬIx IIaДе)Kaх.
Ирrеrrительньrй IIaДеx( oбъектньrй пaДе>r<
тьI (BьI)
oнo' oн' oнa
mе МI{е' MеIIя' мнoй, (oбo) мне
you Baс' BaM' BaМи' (o) вaс
him еГo' еМy' им, (o) немr
hеr ee, eЙ', еro, (o) ней
it егo/ее' еМy l eЙ,имll elo, (o) нешr l o нeй
uS нaс' I{aМ, IIaМи' (o) нaс
you Baс' BaМ' BaМи, (o) вaс
thеm иx, иМ, иMи. (o) ниx
ж Chonge the sentenсes oссording to the model. Use if, her, him, fhem.
Model: Sing а Song.
- Sing it.
1. Look at thе dоg.
2. Write a lеttеr to Aliсе.
3. Phonе John.
4. Answеr thе quеstions.
5. Ask thе girls.
Kaк вaм y>I(е иЗBесTIIo, пpoсьбьl иЛи IIpиKaЗaIIутЯ BЬIpaхaЮтся фopмaми
IIoBеЛиTеЛЬIIoгo IIaKЛoненlтя. С пpoсьбoiт или ПpиKaЗaнием oбьruнo oбpa-
щaIоTся кo 2 лиЦУ еДинсTBеIIIIoгo и MIIo){<eсTBеIIHoгo чисЛa.
opеn thе window. - oткpoй oKнo.
Sеnd this fах, plеаse.- oтоrшЛиTе эToт фaкс, пoжaлyйстa.
Koгдa ПpеДЛo)Kение иЛи IIpиKaзaHvIe oбpaщенo к 3 лиЦУ etинсTBeIIнo-
Гo и Мнo)KесTBeнIIoгo чисЛa, исIIoЛЬЗyeTcЯrлaroл Iеt.
Let hеr phonе mе.
- Пyсть oHa ]vII{е пoзвoнит.
Lеt thе girls sing а SОng- Пyсть ДеBoчKи спoIоT ПeсIIIo.
Lеt thеm go to thе pаrk.
- ПyстЬ oни пoйдyт B IIapK.
6. Rеad thе tеxt.
7. Translatе thе words.
8. Givе Ann thе book.
9. Sеnd Marv an е-mail.
Unit3 Lеssоn1 47
Thким oбpaзoм, ДЛЯ Toгo чтoбьr oбpaзoвaTь ПoBeЛиTеЛЬI{ЬIе ПpеДЛo)Kе-
HLIЯ c ГЛaГoЛoМ lеt, нytкнo BoспoлЬЗoBaTЬсЯ сЛеДyloщей фopмyлoй:
Lеt + МесToиМrIIиr 3 лицa еД. и IVIII. чисЛa в oбъеKTI{oМ IIaIIе)Ke /
сvщесTBиTеЛЬIIoе + oснoBIIoй глaгoл.
*аj The boss is writing o list of his wishes (списoк xeлoний). Help the boss: open the
bгoсkets ond сomplete the sentenсes. Tгonslote them into Russion.
ModеI: Lеt (I) bеcomе а fаmous dеtесtivе.
- Let me bесome а fаmous
Lеt (my wifе) lеarn to сook.
Lеt (my friеnds) invitе mе for dinner.
Lеt (Agеnt Сutе) find a new job. Lеt (hе) work far away
Let (Robin МaсWizard and Мisha Inin) phone Robin,s
сome homе.
Let (Robin's mothеr) find hеr son. Lеt (shе) be happy.
Lеt (wе) answrr thеsе quеstions.
Lеt (wе) givе hеr a prеsеnt.
from mе.
parеnts. Let (thеy)
Kогдa с ПpеДЛo)Krl{иеМ сДеЛaTЬ чтo-либo BМесTе oбpaщaтoTся к 1 лицy
Мнo)KeсTBеI{I{oГo числ a' исПoЛЬзy eT сЯ KoнсTpyKЩ'IЯ
Iet,s (lеt us) + oсI{oBIloй глaгoл
Lеt's plау footbаll.- faвaйTе сЬIГpaeМ B фyтбoл.
Lеt's not wаtсh this fil*.- flaвaйTe I{е бyдем сМoTpeTЬ эToT фильм.
open the broсkets ond сompIete the suggestions. ln whot situotions сon people
moke them?
1. Let (*") сlеan thе blaсkboard. 4.
2. Let (*") invitе friеnds. 5.
3. Let (*") listеn to thе tapе.
faвaйте yчиTЬсЯ пpaBиЛЬ}Io pеaгиpoBaTЬ' KoгДa BaМ
ПpедлaГaloT чTo-To сДелaTЬ.
Lеt's wаtch W'- flaвaйте ПoсМoTpиM TеЛеBиЗop.
Perfеct! _ oтличнo!
Thаt's а good idеа.
- Этo хopoшIaЯ МЬIсЛЬ.
I likе this suggestion._ Мне IIpaBиTся эTo IIpеДЛo)Krние.
I don't think thаt's а good ideа.- Hе ДyМalo, чTo эTo хopoшIaя МЬIсЛЬ.
Greаt! - Зaмечaтельнo!
It's fun! - Это здopовo!
I саn't do it now. I'm busу.
- Я не Мoгy сДеЛaTЬ этo сейч ac! Я зaнят(a)!
I don,t wаnt to do it.- Я IIе хoчy ЭTo ДеЛaTЬ.
^4 .i Look ot the piсture ond сhonge the sentenсes. Whot ore the сhildren getting
=. reodу |or? Whot oгe the сhildren,s reoсtions to the teoсher,s suggestions?
Пoсмoтpитe Ho KopтиHKи И Иll^etИтe пPeдлoжeHия. K нeмy гoтoBятся
дeти? Koкoвo иx peoKция нo пPeдлo)кeнИя уяитeля?
Model: Lеt Kаtуа аnd Dimа wаsh the f|oor. - Let thеm wаsh thе floor.
Kаtуа аnd Dimа аrе пОt vеrу hoppу аbout this sшggеstion.
1. Lеt Svеta phonе our guеsts.
2. Let Sasha writе a spесial song.
З. Let Dasha buy prеsеnts.
4. Let Vova and Anya makе British flags.
j Write the ideos foг your best friend's Ьirthdoy porty. Use the expressions
Model: а) to givе prеsеnts
a) to dесoratе thе flat
b) tо сall matеs
с) to play hidе-and-sееk
d) to watсh TV
е) to invitе Granny
f) to havе fish and сhips
g) to makе a сakе
h) to rеad books
Lеt,s givе him / hеr prеsents.
i) to sing songs
j) to makе сostumеs and masks
k) to play сomputеr gamеs
l) to play thе piano
m) to prеparе a surprisе
n) tо сall a tеaсhеr
o) to danсе
p) tо writе a сard
j ln poirs. Toke tuгns to give ideos for o birthdoy porty ond reoсt to them.
Use the expгessions from Ex. 5.
Model: Lеt Kolуа bшу а cаke.- Grеоt!
Lеt's plау сomputer 1аmеS.- I don,t think it,s а good idеа.
..rrl, .t ii 49
rr?il Listen to the song "Let's-r the friends goinjto do?
not going to do?
сeleЬrote,,. Whot oгe
Whot ore the fгiends
.ffifl, J
1 *zIJ
I t*"
Reod the song ond сheсk your onsweгs.
Lеt's сеlеbratе
Tomorrow is my birthday,
And it's a magiс datе.
Lеt my сiassmatеS сomе to mе.
And lеt,s сеlеbratе.
Lеt them bring mе prеsеnts,
Lеt thеm sing a Song'
And let,s play сomputеr gamrs all day long.
Lеt's go out for dinnеr,
Thеn lеt,s watсh TV'
Lеt me phonе my Granny,
And lеt hеr сomr to mе.
Lеt hеr makе a big сakе,
And lеt's say ..Hooray!,,
Lеt it bе my birthday еvеry day!
tffi Listen to the song ond sing olong.
Homework i,g' ,:: 2 !:: ':,!!. .i!
'(i i|' |i :!l ti| E) 'i1!
!ч i!1 :i ii :|: i|. ; :j
A Tronslote the sentenсes into Еnolish.
I. [aвafilTе yKpaсиМ KBapTиpy.
2. faвaйTе oTМeTиМ ДеI{Ь po)KДеI{ия.
3. Пyсть oI{и сПoIoT ПесI{Io.
4. Пyсть oIIи IIpиI{есyT ПoДapKи.
5. Пyсть oII IIoМo)KеT МaМe.
6. aвafitTе сЪеДим бoльrпoй тopт.
B Wгite three suggestions for
a) your friеnd,s birthday party.
b) this еvеning.
с) your sсhool Nеw Yеar party.
Use the expressions from the song.
Model: Lеt,s plау сomputеr gаmеS.
с How do you usuolly сeleЬrote your Ьi*hdoy? Whot do you do?
Whot don,t you do? Wгite 5.7 sentenсes.
50 -nli З Lеssоn ]
ln Westminster AbЬey
Guess the meoning of the underlined word.
Show your doсumеnts [,dоkjоmэnts] to thе poliсеman.
Do you wont to know whot,s hoppening to Мisho ond Robin? Listen to the
diologue, reod it ond find out.
Lеt's fly tо Russia!
Тhе Stonе of Dеstiny isn't hеrе!
Rеad that! It,s in Еdinburgh
Castlе in Sсotland.
No' Мisha, that's not a Vеry
good idеa. Sсotland is a long
way. It's ninе o'сloсk now and
thе magiс timе of no-timе is
gоing to еnd tоday'
What arе wе
going to do?
Go baсk to
Russia, Misha.
And what about you? You arеn't going
tо stay in Еngland on your Own' arе you?
You havе no dосumеnts. no friеnds.
Lеt's gо baсk to Russia togеthеr!
lс'.,stlil ,/
Тhat,s a
Lеt's do
good idеa.
it nоw!
I don't know! Oh no,
Wе'rе falling! I сan't fly!
'; Finish these sentenсes ond soy whot,s
hoppening to Мisho ond Robin.
Мisha and Robin arе...
Thе Stonе of Dеstiny is...
Sсotland is...
Thе timе of no-timе is...
Misha and Robin want to...
Misha сan't...
Rоbin сan't...
3 ,} HeIp Мisho ond RoЬin. Suggest whot they сon do.
Stoгt with Lef them... / Let Мisho ond Robin...
Use these ideqs:
phonе Misha's family, phonе thе family оf Мisha's pеn friеnd, go to thе
poliсе, fly tо Sсotland, find a job in Еngland, go to thе Russian Consulatе
(цogсийсKoе KoIIсyльствo), find a friеnd in Еngland, gо to thе airport.-г j 'f
4; Disсuss your ideos with friends. Use the words ond expressions
from When in Rome.
MоdeI: - Lеt thеm go to the poliсе.
- Thаt's not а vеrу 7Оod ideа. Thе boуs hаvе no doсumеnts.
- I don,t agrее with уou. Thаt's а good idеа, The poliсе Саn
phonе Mishа's pаrеnts аnd help the boуs gеt home.
.Whot's the Ьest ideo?
* ; Git" suggestions for these situotions.
Model: our mothеr is tired. Lеt's hеlp her.
].. Thеrе is a nеw film on TV today.
2. This book is vеry intеrеsting.
3. Thе tеaсhеr is going to сhесk our homеwork tomorrоw.
4. Thе wеathеr is vеry niсе today.
5. It's Katе,s birthday today.
6. Granny wants to seе you.
7. The first train is at 6.30. in thе morning.
B :Think of o problem. Write two or three sentenсes oЬout it. ln the next lesson
osk your сlossmotes foг their suggestions.
A sleepoveг ot the museum
Listen to the words, repeot them ofter the speokeг ond then reod them.
Whiсh of them do you know from Closs 5?
family, hospital, сapital, animal, mеmory' minеral, daffodil, dеstiny., history'
Если сЛoBo сoсToиT иЗ Tpех сЛoгoB' To yДapеIlие B TaKих слoвax
IIaДaеT I{a IIеpBЬrй слoг и Bсе гЛaснЬIe B ЭToМ сЛoBе чиTaIoTся KaK B
зaKpЬIToN{ Tиlre сЛoгa. Irаnpuлtеp: mаnagеr f,ma;nrфэ].
ж Listen to the words, repeot them ofter the speoker ond then reod them.
suggеstion, сollесtion, fiсtion, mеntion, produсtion
Сyффикс .tion чиTaеTся кaк [n].
Reod the sentenсes ond guess the meoning
of the underlined woгds.
1. I likе films about dinosaurs ['darnэsэ:z].
2. Their сollесtion of minеrals ['mrnэrэlz] is thе biggеst
in thе world.
3. our сity museum organizеs f'c:genaтzrz] intеrеsting
еxсursiоns [ft,skз:Jnz| for сhildrеn.
L]nitЗ lеssопs2сlпd З 53
Listen to the words ond repeot them ofter the speoker.
a slееping bag - сIIaЛЬньlй МrIШoK
aftеr that - ПoсЛе ЭToГo
сrееpy - сTpaшIньlй
light - сBеT
to rеlах [rI.laks] - paсслaбvттьcя, oTДoхнyTЬ
to wаkе up - ПpoсЬIПaTЬсЯ
а plаnt [plо:nt] - paсTr}Iие
Thе Natural Histоrу Museum
фu:,ziэm] -
Myзей есTесTBеннoй у|cTopуIИ. It is in
London. At this musеum you сan lеarn
about thе history of plants' animals
and minеrals.
ffi Listen to the text, reod it ond сhoose the Ьest onswer to the question:
Whot is o sleepover?
a) an еxсursion to a musеum
b) a gamе you play at night
с) a night еxсursion to a musrum
d) a bedtimе story
A sleеpovef at thе museum
Arе yоu oK, Robin? Wе'rе
nеar a big musrum. I sее light
in thе windows.
54 Ulit З Lеsson З
Aaaah! A ghost! A
A dinosaur! Hеlp!
What,s happеning hеrе!
Нi, my namе'S Tеd! It's a slееpovеr
- a night
еxсursion. Musеums do it for сhildrеn at
Halloweеn timе. Wе сomе to thе musеum in thе
еvеning, play gamеs and makе сostumеs and
masks. Thеn thе rеal fun bеgins: witсhеs, ghosts
and monstеrs сomr and play with us! Wе сome
to a big dark room and thеy tеll us sсary storiеs.
Aftеr that thеy run aftеr us and touсh us in thе
dark with thеir сold hands! Thеsе monstеrs arе
not rеal, but thеy arе сrееpy! Wе gо to slееp
vеry latе and wе slееp in our slееping bags. In
thе morning wе wakе up and sее dinosaurs nехt
to us. Cool, isn't it?
It,s thе Natural History Musеum.
Thеy havе thе bеst сollесtion of
dinosaurs in thе world!
Unit З [еssоn З 55
Answeг the questions.
1. What's a slееpover?
2. Who organizes slееpovеrs?
З. Whеn do thеy organize slеepovеrs?
4. Do сhildrеn сomе for slееpovеrs
5. What do сhildrеn do in thе еvеning?
6. Who сomеs at night?
7. What do monstеrs and witсhеs do?
8. Do сhildrеn likе slееpovеrs?
ffi Ask youг friend: Whot does he (she) think oЬoul s|eepovers?
Modеl: Does hе find slеepovers fun? - Do уou find slееpovеrs fun?
1. Arе thеy sсary?
2. Doеs hе / she want to go to a slееpovеr?
3. Whiсh musеum in your town doеs hе / shе want to visit? Why?
4. Whiсh musеum in thе world does hе / shе want to visit? Why?
5. Doеs hе / shе want to go thеrе with parеnts or friеnds?
Report your fгiend,s onswers to the сloss.
Ask questions obout the underlined words.
1. Мusеums organizе slееpovеrs at Hallowеen timе.
2. Wе сomr latе in thе еvеning' .
3. Thеn thе rеal fun bеgins: witсhеs, ghosts and monstеrs сomе
and play with us!
4. Wе сomе to a big dark room and thеy tеll us sсary storiеs.
5. Wе go to slееp vеr}u latе and wе slееp in our slееping bags.
6. In thе morning wе wakе up and sее dinosaurs nеxt to us.
Ploy o gome 'Are you reody for o sleepover ot the Noturol History
Мuseum?,, (See P. 57.|
56 t.Jnit З Lеssоrl З
Arе уou rеodу for o sleepover ot the Noturol History iдцseum?
Do you ce|еЬratе
rs number 13 luсky?
Do you find o dсrk
гoom сrееpу?
Уou ore intеrеstеd
in witсhes, wizords ond
mogiс. But do you wont
to go to the Notuгсl
.. Histoгy Мuseum?
..'. . Go ond wotсh
Уou like to |еarn nеw
things ond reolly
enjoy s|eеpovers.
Тoke your s|ееping
bog, your best fгiend
ond hove fun!
P|еasе don,t j|""p n""Т
to o dinosouг! When you
wakе up ond sее it
' уou
orе going to be rеo||у
sсored. Why not go to
bed with o.qood Бookrith o good book
ond relox? ,...d
UnitЗ LessonЗ 57
o sсoгy fi|m.
L.s.еn to the words ond word
, s:зсk - ЛrгKaЯЗaKУcKa
.l зхhibition [,еksI'bIJn] -
з paintеr - xyДo)KI{иK
сombinotions ond repeot them ofter the speoker.
аn importаnt [Im'pэ:tэnt] notе
Ba)K}Ioе ЗaМrЧaHие
а hаppу еnding - счaсTЛивьtй
Guess the meoning of the underlined words.
1. Profеssоr [prэ'fеsэ] Hill knows all about Еngland. Hе is
an еxpеrt ['еkspз:t].
2. This musеum is vеry intеrеsting. Lеt's go on a tour [trлэ].
*]J Мork these stotements true or folse.
1. only thе Natural Histоry Мusеum organizеs slееpovеrs.
2. Musеums organizе sleеpovеrs only at Hallowееn timе.
3. Childrеn сomе to the musеum alоnе. (Your mum and dad сan
stay at homе.)
4. Сhildrеn usually bring thеir slееping bags and snaсks for thе slеepovеrs.
5. Slееpovеrs bеgin aftеr 1.0 p.m.
6. Thе сhildrеn сomе homе in thе morning aftеr thе slееpovrrs.
7. Musеums organizе slеepovеrs for fun.
8. SlееpоVеrS сan givе you thе сhanсе to ехсhangе idеas with your friеnds,
lеarn nеw things and help you with your homеwork.
Мisho ond Robin ore reoding infoгmotion oЬout sleepovers in London.
Reod ond сheсk your onswers Io Ех.2.
!цlheгr тHЕ NAтURAL HIsтoRy ,l^UsЕU^^
When Еvеrу Fridoy, 7 p.m.- 8 o.m.
Т*рiс Dinosouгs. Comе to us for thе night. Уou ond your сloss
сon hсve o veгy inteгestin9 tour of ouг museum, Iisten
to dinosaur stories ond mееt ouг dinosou? ехPеrt _
Profеssoг Be|l.
Plеаse сome with youг mum or dod. Bring youг
s|ееping bog ond snoсks foг breokfast.
58 L;nlt З Lеssоn 4
Wh*re тHЕ тoWЕR oF LoNDoN
Whu'o 25 Marсh 6 P.m.- 8 o.m.
r oprc,:
Тhe wor|d of Еnglish kings ond queens. Come and leoгn oll
obout the histoFу
?f гnllisи kiйgs ond чuiеni. гlф
'itйthe royс| dogs, look ot tЪe гoveйs, hove.bгeokfost with
bееfеatеrs сnd s|ееp in the royсl prison.
PIеasе сome with your mum oг dod. Don,t forgеt youг
s|ееping bog сnd snoсks for breokfost. Jrвтlр*rt*nt n*ig
Whi,i;е тHЕАтRЕ
.''...'. ..o' Аpril - oсtober еvеrY Fridoy, 8 p.m.- 8 o.m.
.Tnni,1 Тheotre. ilireеt WilIiom Shokespeorе, Iistеn to his Poemsl op|сl ond.oсt in his fovourite ploy *Ё{om"o,onJ
Shokespeorе writе a nеw siory with o hoPpy еnding.'
Tmportоnt nota P|еose сome with your mum oг dod. Don,t forgеt yourr r lv r (l slееping bog ond snoсks foг breokfost.
sleepover do you wont to go to? Exp|oin your onsweг.
Model: I wаnt to go to thе Nаtшrаl Historу fuIuseum.
I wаnt to find out аll аbout dinosаurs.
э.} Use these words ond write oЬout o sleepover ot the British Мuseum.
thеBritish Мusеum/8Novеmbet l7 p.m.
- 8 a.m. i magiсanimals/griffons /
uniсorns / sphinхеs / makе your own / mееt thе rеal / bring / gluе / iсissors /
slееping Ъag l snaсks / сomе / mum l d,ad
.""9 Choose the right onswers. Мore thon one onsweг is сorreсt.
1. A slееpover is.. . 2. ...сan organize slееpovеrs.
a) . ..a night еxсursion . a) Thе Natural HistЬry Мusеum. . .
b) ехсursion to a musеum. b)The Towеr оf London...
с) . . .a party. с) Мanv musеums. . .
UnitЗ Lеsson4 59
3. Slееpovers normally start...
a) thе morning.
b) thе evеning.
с) thе aftеrnoon.
4. Аftet slееpovеrs сhildrеn сomе
a) thе morning.
b) the еvеning.
с) thе aftеrnoon.
5. Childrrn. ...
a) ...сomе with thеir mum or dad.
b) ...bring thеir slееping bags.
с) ...bring snaсks for brеakfast.
6. At slееpovеrs, сhildrеn...
a) ...rеlax.
с) ...lеarn interеsting things.
7. Sleеpovers hеlp сhildren with thеir
homework in...
a) ...history.
b) .. .biology.
с) ...litеraturе.
8. At sleеpovеrs, сhildrеn сan...
a) gamеs.
b) ...listen to intеrеsting storiеs.
с) ...makе things with thеir own hands.
.ffi Listen to the text ond сheсk your onsweгs.
lmogine thot you ore of o sleepover ot
o) the Hermitoge
b) the Мosсow Zoo
с} the Мosсow Polyteсhniс
Do the tosks.
o) Look ot the dinosour. Мotсh
the poгts of its body with
the nomes.
tail, hеad, body, front lеgs,
baсk lеgs
Ь) Reod the informotion obout o fomily of tigers ond onswer the questions.
1. What's thе namе оf thе youngеst mеmbеr of thе tigеr family?
2. Hоw old is hе?
3. Whеrе do thе tigеrs сomе from?
4. Сan you sее Rokan at2 p.m.?
5. Can you sее Lеo at 10 a.m.?
our six-mоnth-old Sumatran tiger Lеo
is a сhildrеn,s favouritе. Sее Lеo, his
mothеr, Sunny, and his fathеr, Rokan,
at thе Grеat Cat еxhibition. Thе tigers
arе now outsidе from about 8 a.m.
to L2 p.m.
60 Unit З Lеsson 4
с) Мotсh the piсtures with the pointers.
Andrеy Rublеv, Valеntin Serov, Viсtor Vasnеtsov, Мiсhaеl Vrubеl
l,:fi gotсh the mUseUms with the oсtivities you сon do there.
Homework : ,
Use the informotion from Ех. 6, 7, wrile oЬout sleepovers ond be reody
to tell your story to the сloss.
Whot сon visitors see ond leoгn in your ciIY / town / villoge museums? Think
of interesting oсtivities thot people сon do theгe. Use Ex. 5-6 os on exomple.
A girl gets lost
*.-!*у Listen to th.e w.ords ond repeot them ofter the speoker. Guess the meonings of
the underlined words.
situation, сеlеbration, dеmonstration, libеration' gеnrration, сonsultation,
dесoration, сoronation, illumination, e)(alцina1ioIl, intuition, сonvеrsation
B словax, сoсToЯщkтх v|З чеTЬIpех сЛoгoB и бoлeе, eсTЬ oснoвнoе [']
и BTopoсTеIIе}Iнoе [,l yдapеIlиe. Hаnpuлlеp: mаthеmаtiсs
*'?.''З Listen to the woгds ond repeot them ofteг the speoker.
to try [trar] - ПЬITaTЬся
to gеt lost - IIoTrpяTЬся
bесausе [bI.knz] - ПoToМy чTo
tО Сrу
- I]ЛaKaTЬ
а notеbook
- ЗaПисIIaЯ K}Iи)KKa
,ffiListen to the сonYersotion ond onswer the questions.
1. Whо do Мisha and Robin mееt at thе slееpovеr?
2. What's thе girl's problеm?
3. What arе thе bоys going to do?
ffi Reod the сonversotion.
Lеt,s hеlp Aliсе
A girl: Мark! John! Rosy! Whеrе arе yоu?
RoЬin: Whо arе yоu? What сan Wе do for
Thе girl: My namе is Aliсе. I'm hеrе with my
friеnds, but I сan't find thеm.
Misha: Lеt's try and find thеm togеthеr.
Robin: It's еlеvеn o'сloсk. All thе pеoplе havе
gonе homе (все yшtли).
Aliсе: I am lost! Who will hеlp mе?
Мisha: Phonе your friеnds.
Aliсe: I сan't phonе thеm. Thеy arе nоt at
homе at thе momеnt. Thеy arе in London on
Мisha: You havе your friеnds' addrеss, don't уou?
Aliсе: Yеs, I do, but I сan't go thеrе alonе.
I,m a tourist from Franсе. It,s my sесond day in Еngland.
I don't know London'
Мisha: Don't сry, Aliсе! Wе arе with
Aliсе: Will you hеlp mе, boys?
an ехсursion.
19 Crrэ Оeni- Road,
Тunbridgo Woэ.
Kоnt TNz ЭGH, UK
Tunbridgе Wеlls! That's intеrеsting!
Why do you saY that?
l think I know this addrеss, but
I don,t rеmember why.
Lеt's hеlp Aliсе and sее.
Unlt З Lеsson 5
Coюз bесausе (пoтoмy vто) сoеДиHяеT ДBa IIpoсTЬrх ПpедЛo>K erlvIЯ
B otllo сЛo)KIIoе. Irаnpшлlеp: Hе plауs computеr lаmеS' bесаuse it's
intеrеstin8.- oн игpaеT B KoМIIЬIoTеpIIЬIе игpЬI' IloтoМy чTo эTo
-j.J Choose the right onswer.
1. Aliсе сan't find hеr friеnds at
thе musеum bесausе
a) thеy havе gonе.
b) they arе plaфg outsidе.
с) thеy arе in Franсе.
2. A|ice,s friends havе gone'
a) thеy don't likе Aliсе.
b)it's еlеvеn o,сlосk.
с) thеy arе vеry busy.
3. Aliсе is lost, bесause
a) shе is from Franсе.
b) hеr friеnds havе gone.
с) shе doesn't spеak Еnglish.
4. Aliсе сan't phonе hеr friеnds,
5. Aliсе сan,t find hеr friends, housе.
a) she doesn't know Lоndon.
b) shе doеsn't likе London.
с) shе doеsn't know thеir addrеss.
6. Aliсe is сrying, bесause
a) shе wants to go homе to Franсе.
b) she doеsn't like Мisha and
с) shе gеts lost.
7. Robin says, "That's a surprise!"
about thе address, bесausе
a) it is his address.
b) Aliсe's friends dоn,t live in
с) he сan,t rеad it.
a) shе doеsn't spеak Еnglish.
b) shе doesn't know thеir
phonе numbеr.
с) hеr friеnds arе nоt at homе
at thе momеnt.
3: lт:p-г:, lhotyou
get lost in Englond. Whotwil|.you do in fhis situotion? Why?
Мotсh the poгts of the sentenсes ond use them foг ideos.
1. I'1l stay at that plaсе,...
2. I,|| go to my Еnglish friеnds' homе,...
3. I'll phone my Еnglish friеnds,...
4.I,|| go to thе poliсе,...
5. I'll phone Mum and Dad,...
a)...bесause I know thеir phonе numbеr.
b) ...bесausе they сan always help.
с) ...bесause my Еnglish friends сan find mе thеrе.
d)...bесausе I know thеir addrеss.
е) ...bесause thеy сan find my Еnglish friеnds and
take mе to thеir homе.
UnitЗ Lеssоn5 63
Ploy o gome. Use the poгts of the senlenсes ond moke os mony sentenсes
with Ьeсouse os you сon.
ModеI: I cаn't go out, beсаuse it's сold.
l:i l'':' :'?i!:tr
...we wont to go out
...sсhool stortS ot 8 o.m.
:rtrъ:'.. ' |ъ|i;||i
...f om going to 9o to bed now
:;i' :,i't:tk best friеnd isn,t well todoy ...f don't wont to ploy footboll
. ;!.i
' tt.
...this film is borinq :
- 0.,
д;.jlфя!{t9**'*i-!i""il6ffiа!ФeЕq]|FфЁgqf:Ё9.]?:]1]:9]i'f#"ai,rt igti'l.1.:1
ж Cheсk your onswers with the сossette / disk.
Homework 4. цl {i |b'tl q| |!,!,,'. u::h rii 1b..*']ftфФff} r{!ш ф e Ффффф# ффф ф &ф фffiф,Ф
А,nswer the questions.
1. Is it сold or Warm today? Why?
2. Аte you happy today? Why? / Why not?
3. Dо you likе mathеmatiсs? Why? / Why not?
4. Do you likе to rеad books? Why? / Why not?
5. Do you Want to go to Еngland? Why? / Why not?
6. Do you want to bе a doсtor? Why? / Why not?
7. Do you Want to learn to drivе a cat? Why? / Why not?
8. Dо you likе wintеr? Why? / Why not?
9. What's your favouritе Sеason? Why?
Unit З Lеsson 5
...I wont to use the phone
...the sun is shining ...r don't Wont to wotсh TV ...I ]ike spoгts
...the weotheг is
Go down the street
t:.,i1x|:fr.:ъit;.!a|уэФцEn$tд;gфвn.ii#AЕalаф:)slзaц.Aф&ф&яЬйilwiфйs,. .s!
..l ,,i Listen to the words ond expressions ond гepeotthem ofterthe speoker.
tо turn right ['tз:n'rart] - ПoBеpIIyTЬ }Ia[paBo
tо turn lеft [,tз:n'lеft] - ПoBеpнyTЬ I{aЛеBo
to gо down / up the strееt
- иДTи BI{иЗ / ввеpx
Пo yЛице
tо go past smth - пpoйти мимo чего.либo
on the right l|eft sidе - I{a ПpaBoiт' l лeвortt
on thе сornеr - нa yгЛy
oppositе ['upэzrt] - IIaПpoTиB
bеtween [bI,twi:n] - Ме)KДy
a road - ДopoГa
a station IstеtJn] - BoKЗaЛ
How do I gеt to...? - Kaк мне дoбpaTЬcЯ дo...?
Если BЬI xoTиTе ЗaДaTЬ BoПpoс I{езнaKoМoМy чеЛoBеKy
нa yЛице, бyдет I{eBе)KЛиBo' есЛи вьI oбpaTиTесЬ K I{еМy
с IIpямЬIN,I BoIIpoсoМ: Whеrе is the bаnk? - Где бaнк?
B aнглийскoм яЗЬIKе в тaкoй cvITУaЩklИ IIpaBиЛЬнo бyдет }IaчaTЬ
BoIIpoс сo сЛoB: Eхсuse mе, саn уou tеIl mе...? - ИзвиIъIуITI,}Iе МoГЛи
бьr вьI МI{е сKaЗaть? Eхсusе mе, do уou know...? - Извините' BЬI нl
Hаnpшлlеp: Ехсuse mе' саn уou tеll me whеrе the bаnk is?
-Извинtцте' не МoгЛи бьr вьr Мне сKaЗaTЬ' ГДе бaнк?
oбpaтитr BниMаIIие: Если ПеpеД сПециaЛЬIlЬIМ BoПpoсoМ сToЯT
фpaзьr Cаn уou tell...?' Do уou knoW...?, To ПoсЛе BoIIpoсиTеЛЬ-
нoгo сЛoBa сTaB.vITcЯ ПoДЛе)KaЩee, a Зa I{иМ oсIloBнoй глaгoл.
Hаnpшлlеp: Саn уou tеll me whеrе the hotеl is? Do уou know whеrе
hе livеs?
3 Aнглийский язьtк, 6 кп. Happу Еnglish Unit4Lеssоnsl2 65
2 -. Мoke your questions polite.
do you know...?
1. Whеrе is my bag?
Stoгt with Еxсuse me/ сan YoU tell ...? Ехcuse me,
6. What,S your addrеss?
7. What is thе first lesson on Мonday?
8. Whеrе is thе hеad tеaсher,s offiсе?
2. Whеrе arе your friеnds?
3. What'S your namе?
4. How old arе you?
5. What's your phone numbеr?
ln poirs. Ask ond onswer these questions.
--3.-j Now Cute rememЬers his mission in Russio, Ьut he doesn,t remember his
home town in Englond. Listen to the diologues ond onswer the question:
Whot is Cufe looking for?
Choose from o Ьon( his house, the deteсtive ogenсy, his mother,s house,
o supermorket, o hospitol, o sсhool, o museum.
!} Reod the diologues ond сheсk your onswers.
Еxсusе mе, how do
I gеt to National
Wеstminstеr bank?
Go up this strееt, turn lеft
and it is on thе right sidе.
Thank you vеry muсh.
Ехсusе ml' сan you tеll mе
whеrе thе dеtесtivе agеnсy is?
Thank you vеry muсh.
г. Ёч
r {t I
I i; I
J'n'l: ф'i
Go down thе strееt,
turn right, go past thе
shop and you arе thеrе.
1?66 't-' ,ll,
Ехсusе mе' do you knоw
whеrе my housе is?
Yоu can,t rеmеmbеr your
address, сan yоu? Arе you oK?
No, I am not. I think
I nееd a doсtor.
Go down thе strееt and
turn lеft. Thе hоspital is
bеtwееn thе supеrmarkеt
and thе sсhool.
How do I gеt to thе
Natiоnal Westminstеr or NatWеst
is onе of thе biggеst British banks.
Ж |n poirs.
A: Ask B diгeсtions foг:
a bookshop, a poliсе station, a dentist' a Supermarkеt.
B: Answer A's questions. Use the mop.
Poliоe station ' . Museum
WWffi Dentist
щ7tuo r
* down ;
I'lnlt Д' |.еssоns l,
Пoигpoeм. Пoслe тoгo KoK BoдяЩиЙ вьlЙдeт из KЛoссo, спpячЬтe B Kлoссe
кoкoй.ли6o пpeдмeт. BepнyвlllисЬ, вoдящий дoЛxeH нoЙти спpятoнньlй
ПPeдмeт, pyKoBoдствyясЬ yKo3oHиями oдHoгo из Boс.
A: Go to thе blасkboаrd.
B: OK.
A: Now turn left аnd go pаst thе tеаchеr,s tаble.
B: ОK.
A: Stop! It's in thе bаg!
Cute is tolking to the doсtor. Тhe doсtor wonts to help him remember his home
town, so he osks Cute questions. Listen to the diologue, look ot the mop ond
tiсk Cute,s сorreсt onsweгs.
Bank Museum
SсhooI Hospital
Station Hotel , ''l
Cute's house
..ж Listen to the diologue ogoin ond сorгeсt Cute,s mistokes.
A :Trons|ote the diologues into English ond oсt them out in сloss.
A: Извините, BьI IIe Mo)KеTе МI{e сKaЗaTЬ' ГДе KI{DKньIй мaгaзин?
B: Пpoйдитr МиМo бaнкa, ИДI4Тe BIIиЗ Пo yЛице' I]oBеp}IиTе HaЛеBo
и BЬI yBиДиTе еГo.
Извинlrте, Bьt не ЗнaеTe' ГДе сyПеpМapкет?
Идитe BBеpx Пo yЛице, IIoBеpниTe lraПpaBo и BЬI yBиДиTе еГo.
Извиътите' KaK мне дoбpaTЪcЯ дo вoкзaлa?
Пpoйдите МиМo MaГaЗинa' ПoBеpI{иTe IIaЛеBo и BЬI yBиI{иTе егo
I{a yГЛy yЛицЬI.
A: Cпaсибo.
Unit 4 |-еssоns l, 268
B Give detoiled onswers to the questions. Be гeody to oсt out the
diologues in сloss.
1. How dо wе get from
2. How do wе gеt from
3. Hоw do wе gеt from
4. How do wе gеt frоm
5. How do wе get from
6. Hоw do wе gеt from
your sсhоol to your housе?
your housе to thе station?
your sсhool tо thе Supеrmarkеt?
your sсhool to thе pоst offiсе?
thе statiоn to thе hotеl?
your sсhool to thе hоspital?
How do we get to Тunbгidge Wells?
Robin ond AIiсe ore looking for TunЬridge Wells on the mop. Help them.
Look ot the mop ond onsweг the questions.
1. What is thе full namе of Tunbridgе Wеlls?
2. Is Tunbridge Wеlls in London?
3. Whiсh сounty is Tunbridgе Wеlls in?
4. Is Tunbridge Wеlls far from London?
North Sea|;я
z* Тonbridge
Roya| Тunbridge Wells Dover
Еnglish Channel
Guess the meoning of the underlined words.
10 kilomеtrеs ['kllэ,mi:tэz] (six milеs) is not a long
distanсе ['dIstэns].
Listen to the words, repeot them ofter the speoker ond then reod them.
mеasurе, trеasurе, plеasurе
In Russia we mеasurе thе distanсе in kilomеtrеs.
In Еngland thеy mеasure the distanсе in milеs.
*1-l Answer the questions.
1. Whiсh is longеr a mile or a kilomеtre?
2. How many kilomеtrеS arе thеre in 200 milеs?
3. How far is your citу ltown / villagе from Mоsсow
in kilometrеs / in milеs?
4-J Answer the question. How do people get to work / sсhool?
Мotсh the words with the piсtuгes.
ModеI: Аlех gеts to work bу саr.
1. tо gеt ... by bus
2. to gеt ... by planе
3. to grt ... by biсyсle
4. to get ... by undеrground
5. to gеt ... by boat
6. to get ... by train
'l . to walk
.5.::} Lislen to the сonveгsotion. Reod it ond onswer the questions.
1. How far is Tunbridgе Wеlls from London?
2. How arе thе friеnds going tо gеt to Tunbridgе Wеlls?
3. What arе thе friеnds looking for?
Robin: Tunbridgе Wеlls is about 50 milеs from hеrе. How do wе
Aliсе: Fifty milеs isn't vеry far, but we сan,t walk to Tunbridge
Wе nееd a car.
Мisha: Wе don't havе a car' but wе сan go by train.
Aliсе: Lеt,s find a station.
Мisha: That's a good idеa!
7o ')э t ',: ]-с::l'r;. ':j
gеt thеrе?
FOR YOUR Royal Тhnbridgе Wеlls ['rэlэl ,t,rnbrrф'wеlz] - Kopoлевскиi,1
Taнбpидх<.Уэлс. Иcтopия эToГo гopoДa oTpa)кеIIa B еГo
IIaЗBaнии. Wеlls (кoлoдцьr) oзнallarТ' ЧTo KoГДa-To ЭToT
гopoД OЬIЛ KypopToМ' ЗнaMlHиTЬIМ сBoиМи целебньIшrи
BoДaМи' a Royal (кopoлевqкий) дoбaвленo K нaЗBaниIo ГopoДa B ЗI{aK
ToГo' tITo ЭToT KypopT чaсTo ПoсещaЛи ЧЛеHЬI KopoЛrBскoй сеМЬи'
B ToМ чисЛr и oДнa иЗ сaМЬIx BеЛиKиx KopoлеB Aнглии - KopoЛеBa
li .) 71
-6j |n Poiгs. Ask ond onswer the questions.
-|Iodеl: How do уou gеt to sсhool? - Bу undеrground.
i. How do you gеt to thе shop?
]' Hоw do you get to sсhool?
3. Нow dо you gеt to your granny's housе?
.1. How do you gеt to Мosсow?
5. Hоw do you gеt to your best friend's housе?
6. How doеs your mothеr gеt tо work?
€J Report your friend,s onswers to the сloss. Use the plon.
1.Мy friend gеts to sсhool...
2.Му friеnd gеts to thе shоp...
3. his (hеr) granny's housе...
4. Мosсow...
5. his (hеr) best friеnd,s housе...
6. His (hеr) mothеr gеts to work...
Homework l
AIiсe is telling Мisho ond Robin oЬout heг life in Poris.
Reсd her story ond do Еx. B.
I livе in Paris. I don't likе the underground and
I don't usе it Vеry oftеn. I gеt to sсhool by biсyсlе
in summеr and by bus in wintеr. Мy nеighbоur is
my bеst friend and I oftеn walk to hеr housе. My
granny doеsn't livе in Paris and we gеt to hеr house
by сar or by train. I lovе thе big shops in the сentre
of Paris and always gеt therе by undеrground. It's
Мy father is a businеssman and hе oftеn fliеs to
Londоn. Hе сan gеt thеrе by сar or by train, but hе
likеs to fly.
Wгite questions for the onswers.
Model: IIow doеs Аlicе's fаthеr get to London? - Hе f|ies thеre.
How doеs Aliсе gеt to school?
- Shе gets to sсhool bу саr or bу biсусlе,
- Hе fliеs thеrе.
- Bесausе hеr granny doеsn,t livе in Paris.
- Shе gеts to thе shоps by undеrground.
- Shе walks therе.
- Beсausе hе likеs to fly.
72 iJг'it4 |.lss,.n l]
Where is Choring Cross?
iiff lirt"n to the words ond expressions ond
squarе [skwеэl - IIЛoщaДЬ
plaсе - МесTo
Charing Cross [,tJюпц'krns]
Brompton Roаd l'bromptn 'rэоd] -
a streеt in thе сеntrе оf London
Knightsbridgе [.nartsbriфl -
a strеet in thе сеntrе of London
EcсIеston Strеet ['еklstэn stri:t] -
a strееt in thе сеntrе of London
St Jаmеs,s Pаrk [snt .феlmzlz 'pс:k] -
a park in thе сеntre of London
rlnd the ploсes on the moP.
гepeot them ofter the speoker.
Shеrloсk H olmеs [,Jз:lоk
- IШеpлoк Хoлмс
It is nаmed аfter... - зd. онa
}IaЗBaнa B чесTЬ...
to bеаt smb - зd. пoбеДиTЬ
bronzе - бpoнзoвьlй
а bаttle - битвa
r Viсtоria Station [vik.tэ:ша 'stеrJn]
a big' old train and undеrground
station in Londоn. It is namеd aftеr
Viсtoria, a famous Еnglish quеen.
T}afalgar Sqшarе [trэ,fюlgэ
.skwеа] _
a famous sqrrare in thе сеntrе of London. It is
named aftеr thе battle of Tiaf a|gar, At that battlе Admiral Nеlson
bеat Napolеon. In thе сеntrе of thе squarе is Nеlson,s сolumn.
Around thе сolumn arе four bronzе lions.
Big Ben - a famоus сloсk towеr in thе сеntrе of London.
t.Jrlii 4 Lеssоns 4, 5 73

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учебник английского яз. в 2 х ч. часть1 бонк, котий, лукьянова-2001 -637с
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  • 1. ж.жffiжжffifuжffi 9 фnрo. К пoДЛе}(*Жм ъ,' Q' , ;*'^ff".ffi o&oр ^ М -',РЧложе}'ие
  • 2. K. |А. Kayфмaн, M. Ю. Kayфмaн глу|ЙсKу|Й я3ЬlК Gч aстл иЁьl й. aн гл и йск |лЙ.pу / Happy Е Учeбник д,lя 6 клacсa oбщeoбpaзoвaтeл ЬнЬlx yчpe)<дeни й Pe кo менd o в аIro M uнuсme p сm в o Jvt o бp аз o в анl|я u Irау I{u Poccuйсrco й Ф ed ep ацuu к uсnoльlo ванuro в o бp аз o ваmельнoJl np o це сс е в o 6p аз o в аm е льнb tх у нp eэю d eнLtях' p е аJ|,uту Io щuх o бp аз o в аme J7ь ttь I е np o ? p аJуI.ьtь t o 6 щe z o o бp аз o в а нu я u llJуte ю щuх z o cу d аp cmв енну |o а ккp е d umацutО sнЕвs l 1 1 L I t 2008
  • 3. CoдepжoHиe dffiLеssоn 1 Do you rеmеmbеr us?..........5 Lеssons 2' 3 You arе friеnds, arеn't you? .....................9 Lеsson 4 I am so happy to sее you!...12 Lеsson 5 Who is Rob MaсWizard? ...1"6 ffiLеssons |'2 In thе сountry DoDidDonе ......... ............2I Lеssоns 3,4 Yоu,ll bе famous, Мastеr Shakеspеarе ! ......... ..............26 Lеssоn 5 Will shе sее a UFo? ...........32 Lеsson б In thе сountry DоDidDonе ......... ...-........з,7 Lеsson 7 What will happеn to thеm? ............4I Lеsson 8 Rob prеdiсts thе futurе of Еngland............. ...........43 Lеsson 1 Lеt's do it! ...........4.7 Lеsson 2 InWеstminstеr Abbеy........ 51 Lesson 3 A slееpovеr at thе musеuln ............53 Lеsson 4 Slееpovеrs ........................... 58 Lеsson 5 A girl gеts lost .....6| Lеssons |'2 Go down thе strееt........65 Lеssоn 3 How do wе gеt to Тi.rnbridgе Wеlls? .............69 Lessons 4,5 Whеrе is Charing Сross? ..............,7з Lesson б How muсh is it to Сharing Cross? .......,.....'..79 Lеssоn 1 What do you havе to do? ................84 Lеssons 2' 3 Whеn in Romе, do as thе Romans do .................88 Lеsson 4 What is thе сountry сodе for Russia?............ ............93 Lеssоns 5' б Wе arе always thеrе for our pеts........ ...........'...96 Lеsson 7 Prоjесt ..Мy pеt''........ .......I02 Lеssоn 8 Thе Gunpowdеr Plot........103 Lеssоn 9 Bonfirе Night ....10б Lеsson 1. I,m hungry! ........109 Lessons 2,3 ^t thе supеrmarkеt .....1'1.2 Lеssоn 4 Stonе soup .........116 Lеssоn 5 Lеt,s havе a big ptzzal ...............121 Lessоn б How muсh sugar do thеy nееd?............. .........|z4 Lеsson 7 Ъ{e has а fеw friеnds.........127 Lessоn 1 Is thеrе anybоdy in thе room? ...tз1, Lеssоn 2 Somеbody likеs сhoсolatеs... .......... .........|з4 Lеsson 3 Bеtsеy's family ..Iз6 Lеssons 4, 5 I likе hiking............. .....З9 Lеsson 6 Christmas is in thе air! ...'...'.....142 Lеssоn 7 No Christmas for him?.....1,47 Lеssоn 8 Еvеry сountry has its сustoms ...........150 Lessоn 9 Projесt ............. ..153
  • 4. Lеssons |,2 In thе сountry DoDidDonе ......... ....',....|54 Lеssons 3' 4 What сould you do tеn yеars ago? ................158 Lеsson 5 Diandra's rеd hair............,164 Lеsson 6 What doеs Rob look likе? ........16"7 Lеsson 7 Projесt..My rеlativеs', ..,...169 Lessоn 1 In thе сountry DoDidDonе ......... .,,.......170 Lеsson 2 The family lеgеnd.... ..........175 Lеsson 3 In thе сountry DoDidDonе ......... ...,......|79 Lеssons 4,5 I travеllеd to thе Futurе .......'.... ..........181 ffiLеssоn 1In thе сountry DoDidDonе ......... .......... 186 Lessons 2.3 Thе ChannеlTunnеl ...192 Lеsson 4 PLaу Drаggу .......195 Услoвньle oбoзнoчeHия : yпpoжHeHия, BЬlпoлняeмЬle B Kлoссe Lеssons 5, б Thеrе WaS a young lady of Nigеr ..196 Lеsson 1 I сomе from thе future.....202 Lеssоn 2 What's thе mattеr with you? ........2О7 Lеsson 3 Hеllo, Doсtor Drеw! ......,,2I0 Lesson 4 If I havе a hеadaсhе... .....2I4 Lеsson 5 What did thе stars say?....218 Lеsson б Thе prеdiсtion............. ....,.22З Lеsson 1 on Salisbury Plain............224 Lеsson 2 A Ballad of Stonеhеnge...227 Lеsson 3 Find thе bеginning of thе Еarth ......'..2з0 Lеssоns 4,5 Lеt's go to London! ....2З2 Lеsson 6 Projесt.............. ..2з7 Lеsson 7 Thе mission is ovеr! ,.........238 Lеsson 8 Final tеst......... ..242 Thблицa IIеПpaBилЬHЬIх гЛaгoЛoв ........245 Yoсabulary ........... ......,.,.....246 po6oтo B пopox po6oтo B гpyппoxt ИrPo дoмoЩнee 3oдoниe# слyшoйтe oyдиoKoссeтy
  • 5. S-r А q,,fl,....'. Do you гёmemЬer us? Whot oгe your pIons for the new sсhoo! yeor? Use the following words ond expressions for ideos. fuIodel: to studу Frеnсh - This уеаr I,m going to studу Frеnch. / This уear I'm not going to studу Frenсh. HaпoмниМ' чTo KoIIсTpyKция to be going /o yпoтpебляется для BЬIpa)Ke- lяvТЯ Зapal{ее IIpиIIяTЬIx pеrпений, сoсTaBЛе}I}IЬIx IIЛaIIoB и нaМеpений нa близкое бyдyщее. Hе is going to plау footbаIl tomorrow. - Зaвтpa oн coбиpaeTсЯ игpaTЬ B фyтбoл. to study Frеnсh to get good marks in mathеmatiсs... tо bе niсе to my little sistеr (brothеr) to read intеresting bоoks to play foоtball to lеarn to play thе pianо to hеlp my mother to makе nеw friеnds to play сomputеr gamеs with friеnds tо bе thе bеst pupil in thе сlass to travеl tо intеrеsting plaсеs to havе morе timе fоr my hobbiеs to ridе a biсyсlе to sсhoоl 2 -} СooтHeситe слoBo Из ДBYх KoЛoHoK тoк, нтo6Ьl пoлyчи л|,|сь вЬIpoжeHия KЛoссHoгo o6ихoдo. Пpoнитoйтe Их BcлYх. a) thе gaps b) quеstions с) a lеttеr d) thе tехt е) thе words with thе piсturеs f ) thе mеaning of thе word g) thе tеaсhеr 1. Guеss [gеs] 2. Writе 3. Ask 4. Rеad 5. trill in 6. Listеn to 7. Matсh l.jпii ] Lеssог' l
  • 6. 3 . Мotсh the expressions fгom Ех.2 with the piсtures. Guess the meoning of the underlined woгds. 1. Two plus two is four. It,s a faсt. 2.We arе going to thе zoo. Aftеr thаt Wе arе going tо writе a rеport [rr.pэ:t] abоut tigеrs. 3. Two Еnglish studеnts arе соming to our sсhool this yеar. This is your сhanсе [ф:rrs] tо lеarn Еnglish bеttеr. ..-1-"} D" you remember youг old friends Agent Cute ond his boss? Мork the stotements oЬout them true oг folse. Bьl пoмн итe сBoиX стopыx дpyзeй oгeнтo Kьютo и eгo 6oссo? oтмeтьтe yтBep)<дeHия o них Koк пpoвилЬt{Ьle или HeпpoBилЬнЬle. 1. Agеnt Сutе is in Russia. 2. Agеnt Cutе is wеll. 3. Thе boss is in hospital. 4. Agеnt Cutе has a spесial mission. 5. Agеnt Сutе wants to find Robin МaсWizard. 6. Тhе boss is vеry happy with Agеnt Cutе's work. 7. Мisha and Robin arе two British bоys. 8. Misha and Rоbin arе in Lоndon.
  • 7. Тhe boss is phoning Agent Cute. Reod the diologue ond сheсk your onswers to Ex. 4. Boss: Hi, Cutе! How arе you? Cutе: I am not vеry wеll. Who is this? Bоss: It,s your bоss. Cutе: oh. hi. Boss. Boss: Whеrе arе you, Сutе? Cutе: I am in Russia, in hospital. Boss: And what arе you going to do? . Cutе: Wеll, I,m going to havе lunсh at 2 o'c|ock and thеn I,m going to watсh a vеry intеrеsting film on TV. Boss: Vеry funny! What arе you dоing abоut your mission? Cutе: What missiоn? Sorry, Boss, I don't rеmеmbеr any mission... Boss: You arе watсhing Мisha Inin and Robin MaсWizard. Don't you rеmеmbеr? Cutе: oh, yеs! Two niсе boys from Korolyov Strееt! I am going to say hеllo tо thеm. Bоss: Arе you joking, Cutе? Misha and Robin arе anymorе. Cutе: oh, whеrе arе thеy, thеn? Boss: Look, Cutе, I,m rеally tirеd of this. Just brothеr, I always give you thе bеst jоbs. always makе mistakеs! Now this is your baсk to London. I want you in my offiсе morning. Now, gоodbye! ! Сutе: Wait a minutе. Why do you want to sее Russia? What,s happеning? 6.-,} Answeг the questions. 1. What is Agеnt Cutе gоing tо do at12 o,сloсk? 2. Dоеs Agеnt Сutе rеmembеr his mission? 3. What's Agеnt Сutе going tо dо on Mondaу at 8 o,сloсk? 4. What,s thе boss gоing to do on Мondaу at 8 o'сloсk? Look ot the Ьoss,s plons for this evening ond soy: Whot,s fhe boss 9oin9 to do? Modеl: Write а rеport аbout Аgеnt Сцte. - Thе boss is going to writе а rеpОrt аbout Аgent Сutе. not in Obninsk bесausе you arе my And what happеns? You last сhanсе: gеt on a planе at 8 o'сloсk on Monday mе? What am I dоing in 73 о writе a lеttеr to Мum о havе dinnеr with Sallу о phonе fathеr о walk thе dоg о rеad sесrеt doсumеnts О go to bеd at 9 o'сlосk L]пii l i-еssоn l
  • 8. Homework , , A Тhe Ьoss is working with his doсuments. He hos o plon. Тhe Ьoss is never wгong Ьut todoy he is Yery ongry so he mokes some mistokes. Reod the Ьoss,s notes ond guess the meoning of the undeгlined woгds. : Faсts - л., lrаCk to Еngland.ъ First namе: Phillip : Last namе: Cutе Сutе is going to flУ ba -ъ. Аge:32 Cutе todaУ..'',..g' to talk t,9 9o," on Sundaу. .] Nationality: British ,,* *l''l?;; ;"" C11!r nеw - Job: agen. .Ь;йiiCL/ l a ,",.;;.1"i ;';.". thе bоуs. ] Hobbiеs: travelling, languages, ; сooking ; Agеnt Cutе is in Russia. -ъ' Мisha and Robin are in Еngland and Cutе knows about it. ; Cutе is oK. Hе is not in hospital. ,""ъ Cute has gоod friеnds in obninsk. *Ч*:: Cutе likes it in Russia and doеsn't want to fly baсk to Еngland. ; Cutе doesn't want to work. ; Cute is my wоrst agеnt! B Correсt the mistokes in Ьoss,s doсuments. Мork the stotements true oг folse. с Пpoсмoтpитe тeкст yPoкo eщe poз. Hoйдитe И Bь.|IиlДитe: . гЛaгoЛЬI B ПOBеЛиTеЛЬIIOM I{aKJIOI{еI{ии 3 yTBepДиTеЛЬнЬIe IIpеДЛoжeHИЯ в Prеsеnt Simplе tr BoПpoсиTеJIЬ}IЬIr ПpeДЛo)Kenkl^Я в Presеnt Simplе . yTBepДиTеЛЬнЬIe IIpеДЛo)Kelg.ИЯ в Prеsеnt Progrеssivе . BoПpoсиTeЛЬIIЬIe ПpеДЛo)KeшИЯ в Prеsеnt Progrеssivе . yTBepДиTеЛЬI{ьIe и BoIIpoсиTеЛЬIIЬIе ПpеДЛo)кеIlия с MoДaЛЬI{ЬIМи гЛaгoЛaМи О ПpиЛaГaTеЛЬI{ЬIе B ПpeBoсxoднoй сTеПени
  • 9. You сlre friends, oгen't you? 1-..j Listen to the woгds, repeot them ofter the speokeг ond then reod them. air, hair, paiг, сhair, fair, airpоrt БyквoсoЧеTaние air пеpедaет звyк [еэ]. 2 ':Look ot the woгds. Find the с|ossroom expressions ond гeod them oloud. 1. Lооk at 2. Rеpеat [rr'pi:t] 3. Answеr [.о:nsэ] 4. Usе 5. Do 6. Find 3 j Мotсh the expressions fгom a) your friеnd's quеstion b) thе tеaсhеr с) thе words d) thе diсtionary ['dlkJэnэri] е) your hоmеwork f ) the mistakе Ех. 2 with the piсtures.
  • 10. PoздeлитeлЬHЬle Boпpoсы - Тog quesfions i .....i.]i.:..::;i.i.::..i]']i]l.l;:.]lj]i];ij:ij]::]lll'i]i:: P aз:е.rитеJIЬI{ЬIе BoпpoсЬI ytloTpебляrотся' KoГДa гoBopящий хoчет ПoЛy- чIt Т Ь rТoДТBеp)KДeние BЬI сKaЗ ЬIBaIlИЯ' KoTopoе сoДеp)KиTся B yTB еpДиTеЛЬ - Ho{ ПpеДЛo>I(еI{ии. Cхемa p1,t:"":lеЛЬIlo:o *oop:-.1 BЬIсKaЗЬIBaIIи-е + KpaTKиЙ oбтцwfir Boпpo.: ] Kpaткий oбЩиfit BoIIpoс IIеpеBoДIlTcЯ нa pyссKутfт, язьlк r'aK Hе mак лu? не npавdа лu? OбpaзовaIIие paзteЛиTeЛЬIIЬIх BoПpoсoB с гЛaгoЛatvlи to bе, cаn Е,cли гЛaгoЛЬI tо bе, сan B ПpeДЛo)кeшИvц сoДеp)KaщеM BЬIсKaзЬIBa}Iие' сToяT B yTBеpДиTеЛЬI{oй фopме, B KpaTKoM BoIIpoсe эTи ГЛaгoЛЬI сToяT B oTpицaTельнoй фopмe + MесToиМениe' сooTIIесеI{IIoе с ПoДЛе)KaщиM BЬI- сКaзЬIBallутЯ. You аre his brothеr' аrеn,t уou? - BьI егo бpaт' не тaк ли? Lorа саn plау thе piаno, саn't she? - Лopa yMееT игpaTЬ rraIlуIar:Инo' IIе тaк ли? Если гЛaгoЛЬI tо bе, сan B ПpеДЛo)Keвvlvц сoДеp)кaщeМ BЬIсKaзЬIBaIIие' сToяT B oTpицaтельнoй фоpме, B KpaTKoМ BoIIpoсе ЭTи гЛaгoлЬI сToяT B yTBеpДительнoй фopме + MесToиМеIIиe' сooT}IесенIIoе с ПoДЛе)кaщиM BЬIсKaЗЬIBaH'7Я. Tom isn't а drivеr, is hе? - Toм не шoфеP, не пpaвдa ли? Yoш саn't do уour homеwork, саn уou? - TьI IIе Mo)KеIIIЬ сДеЛaTЬ Дo* МaIIIнIoIo paбoтy, не тaк ли? Ha paздеЛиTеЛЬньIй BoIIpoс }Iy)K}Io oTBeчaTЬ KpaTKo' KaK и нa oбщий BoIIpoс. Tom is from London, isn't he? - Toм из IIoндоI{a' не пpaвдa ли? Yеs, hе is. - fa, oн из Лoндoнa. (сoглaсие с гoBopящим) I'{o, hе isn'L- FIет, oн }Iе из Лoндoнa. (нeсогЛaсие с ГoBopящиM) Mishа аnd Robin аrеn't in Russiа, are thеу? - Миrпa и Poбин IIе B Poccии,IIе IIpaBДa lи? Yеs, thеу аrе.- FIет, oI{и B Pocсии. (несoглacИe с гoвopящим) |'Io, thеу аrе nОt.- Дa, o}Iи I{е в Poссии. (соглaсие с ГoBopящим) Shе саn't spеаk English, cаn shе? - oнa нe yМeeT гoвopиTЬ Пo-aнгЛиЙcки? Yеs. shе Саn.- Hет. yMееT. (несoглaсие с гoвopящим) .у"o, shе саn,L- f,a, I{е yМrеT. (сoглaсие с гoBopящим) l 0 _еssоns 2, З
  • 11. 'iж Reod the sentenсes ond tronslote them into Russion. 1. I am your friеnd, arеn't I? - Yеs, you arе. 2. Yotl сan't translatе this tеxt, сan you? - Yеs, I сan. 3. Yоu arеn't tirеd, are you? - Yes, I am. 4. Thе сhildrеn arе in thе park, aren't thеy? - No, thеy arеn't. 5. Shе сan drivе a cat, сan't shе? - Yеs, shе сan. 6. You arеn,t frоm Franсе, arе you? - Yes, I am. ж Answer the questions. ]'. You arе 1|, ateп,t you? 2. You сan't play tеnnis' сan you? 3. It is сold, isn't it? 4. Your mothеr is a dосtor, isn't shе? 5. Your sistеr сan sing, сan't shе? ж Fill in the gops ond tronslote the sentenсes into Russion. 1. Thе boys arе in London now' arеn't...? 2. АIice is a niсе girl, ... shе? 3. Dеn ... spеak Еnglish, сan hе? 4.I ... a doсtor, arеn't I? 5. Hе ... opеn this doоr, сan ...? 6. Hе сan't play baskеtball, ... hе? Ask tog questions obout the stotements. (3oдoйтe PoздeлитeлЬнЬle вoпPoсы K yтвeP)<дeниям.) ModеI: Mаrу саn p|ау thе piаno. - Mаrу саn plау thе piаno' сan,t shе? 1. Janе and Katе arе gоing tо visit thе Tоwеr of London... 2. Wе arеn,t going to еat it... 3. Jaсk isn't writing a lеttеr... 4.Ile сan help you with your tеst... 5. Cats сan't fly... Ask tog questions oссording to the mode|. Give onswers thot oгe true for you ond oсt out the diologues. ModеI: fаmilу / big A: Your fаmilу isn't big, is it? B: Yеs, it is. / No, it isn,t. 1. you l canflу 2. уollr favouritе subjесt / maths 3. you I read / book / now 4' this autumn / соld 5. Thеy / in London Unit l Lеssons 2, 3 1l
  • 12. Homewoгk : с. :: '. .] A Reod the infoгmotion oЬout,Agent Cute, Мisho, Robin ond their fomilies in the WoгkЬooк l . гllt in the toble йth the informotion from Тexts l -I5 ond heIp Agent Сute write his repoгt for the boss. Misha Мisha wants to. . . Misha сan... Misha сan hеlp Robin... Misha is going to... First namе Misha Robin Last namе Agе Datе of birth Nationality Job Hobbiеs Situation at thе momеnt Robin is in London Rоbin Robin wants to... Robin сan... Robin сan hеlp Мisha... Robin is going to. . . TronsIote the questions into Еnglish ond onswer them. 1. Tьr из Poссии' не тaк ли? 2. УчeнуlKи Дoл;KнЬI ДеЛaTЬ ДoМaIIIнIoIo paбoтy, не тaк ли? 3. Tвoй ДrнЬ po)KДrния B Maе, не тaк ли? 4. ЛoндoII - сToЛицa AнгЛу1I4, не тaк ли? 5. CегoдI{я ПoгoДa IIЛoхaя, не тaк ли? I om so hoppy to see you! Use the diсtionoгy ond tronslote the sentenсe. When in Romе, do аs thе Romаns do. BспoмниTе pyссKий эквивaЛеHT этoй ПoгoBopKи. FIoвaя pyбpикa бyдет зIIaKoМиTЬ Baс с чaсTo BсTpечaIoщиМLIся в aнглийсKиx ДиaЛoГaх фpaзaми. C ее пoМoщЬIo вьl бyдетr yчиTЬся ПpaBиЛЬI{o yIIoTpеOЛяTЬ TaKие фpaзьI, a TaK)Kr pеaгиpoBaTЬ lta I{иx. -=S>Э.з2 Зor'dАtl
  • 13. Look ot the piсtures ond guless the meoning of the sentenсes. Answer the questions. 1. You'rе oftеn latе, arеn,t you? 2. Yow bеst friеnd is latе today, isn't hе / she? 3. Who's late tоday? 4. You'rе oftеn late for maths, arеn't you? 5. You'rе happy to sеe your friеnds today, aren't you? 6. Whо is always happy to sее you? 7. Who arе you always happy to sее? Listen to the words ond repeot them ofter the speoker. politе - ве>кливьlй nеWspaprr - ГaЗrTa artiсlе - сTaTЬя 4 } Agent Cute ond his Ьoss ore meeling in London. Reod their сonYeгsotion ond onswer the questions. Support your onsweгs with the informotion from the text. ПpoнитoЙтe poзгoBop Kьютo и 6oссo и oтBeтЬтe Ho вoпpoсЬl. o6oснуйтe сBoи oТвeтЬl, 3oчитЬlвoя инфopмoцию из тeKстo. 1. Is thе boss rеally happy to sее Agеnt Cutе? 2. Doеs Agеnt Cutе undеrstand his mission? 3. Whеrе doЬв Agеnt Cutе havе a rеport? 4. Does thе boss think that Мisha and Robin arе in London? What information doеs hе havе? 5. Wlrat's thе boss's favouritе nеwspapеr? 6. Doеs thе bоss |Ike Thе Sun ot I,hе Timеs? Hi! I'm so happy to sее you! Ме too! Can I сomе in? Yеs, you сan. but don,t bе latе again! Uпrt l Lеssсэгr 4 lз
  • 14. Cutе: Boss: Сutе: Boss: Cutе: Boss: Сutе: Boss: Сutе: 7. Doеs Agеnt Cutе rеmеmber Misha and Robin? 8. Does Agеnt Cutе want to wоrk fоr his boss? 9. What сan Agеnt Cutе do? In thе bоss's оfTiсе Cutе: Gоod morning, Bоss. Can I сomе in? I'm not late, am I? Bоss: Hi, Сutе. I'm happy to sее you baсk in London. Сute: Ме too! Boss: I'm not rеally happy tо see you! I,m trying to bе politе! And it,s not еasy. Whеrе's your rеport? I don,t havе it with mе, Boss. It,s at homе. It's rеady, isn't it? Yеs, it is. You сan See it tomоrrow. oK. I havе intеrеsting information for you. I think Мisha and Robin arе in Londоn. Why do you think sо? Look at thе nеwspapеr. Therе is a small artiсlе: ..Boys flying in thе mоrning sky,,. Wow! I сan't bеliеvе it! You rеad The Suп! Yеs, I do. My favouritе nеwspapеr is Thе Timеs, but it's my job to rеad all of them. But how сan you bеliеvе an artiсlе about boys flying in thе sky? Boss: Thе rеasоn I сan is bесausе thеrе's a photo. Look! You сan sее our dеar old friеnds Misha and Robin, сan't you? Cutе: Yеs, I сan, Boss. That's strange... But Robin is from London, isn't hе? So what's thе problеm? He сan go tо his mum and dad's. And Мisha is going to mееt Robin's family! Тhat's niсе! Boss: Thе boys arе in London, but Robin's mothеr and know about it. Cutе: Wеll, Boss. That's nоt right, is it? Why don't thеy parеnts? Do you know? Boss: Do you want to work for my dеtесtivе agеnсy' Cutе? Cutе: Yеs, it's a goоd job and a сhanсе tо sее the world and new pеоplе... Boss: Stop talking! Gо and find thе bоys! Unit l Lеsson 4 fathеr don't phonе Robin's 14
  • 15. FOR YOUR Гaзетьr Thе Times и Thе Sun являIoTся oченЬ иЗBесTI{ЬIМи бpитaнсKиMи гaЗеTaМи. Paзницa Mе)KДy ЭTиMи ГaЗеTaMи B ToМ' чтo Tайлtс ЯBЛЯеTся оДIIиM иЗ сaMЬIх yBaxaеМЬIx ..сеpьеЗньIx', иЗдaниfu, a Сан xapaKTеpиЗyеTсЯ opиеHTaцией IIa lrеIlpoBеpеннyrо инфopМaциIo и ДеIIIеBЬIе сеIIсaЦИИ. TI{ЕffiTIlиЕs Agent Cute hos the newspoper Ьut he сon,t find the oгtiсle oЬout the flying boys beсouse he spilt (пpoлил) his сoffee on the newsPoper. Reod these ortiсles ond help Cute. onе of our spесial сorrеspondеnts reports: ..I always get up vеry еarly on Tuesdays. I lеavе my housе and go tо the railway station. I usually сatсh the 6.30 train to London. So on Tuеsday I go оut and suddеnly I hеar strangе voiсеs. You сan imaginе my surprise whеn I lоok up and sее two bоys flying ovеr my house.'' Thе Sun takеs no rrsponsibility for this information, but thеir сorrеSpondent has a piсturе of thе flying objесts. Thosе are two boys, arеn,t thеy? Wе сan't makе a сommrnt about this piсturе. -rr, s l^ Dеar Childrеn! What is thе Towеr of London? Whеre is Hollywood? Who is Lео Tоlstoy? Comе to us! Wе arе thе оldеst sсhool in London! Wе сan answеr all your quеstions! -rlt/ rye- rr Thе British lovе thеir oldеst museum. It is always intеrеsting. A day at the Towеr of London is great fun. Yоu сan go for a walk alоng thе rivеr Thamеs, takе piсtures of the ravеns and bееfеatеrs and lеarn nеw faсts from British history. Comе and еnjоy the stories! Thеy arе all truе! Boys likе to play football. Thеsе two boys arе only twеlvе, but thеу arе Very talentеd. Rоbin and Martin are thе bеst playеrs at Greеnfiеld Unit l Lеssоn 4 l5
  • 16. Sсhoоl in Wеssех. Тhеy are good students too. Martin says his hоbby is historr' and Robin likеs maths and forеign languagеs. onе of his far ouritе forеign languagеs is Russian and now hе has a сhanсе to usе it. Тhis wееk thеy arе going to play for thеir sсhool in Russia. Wе wish thеm ail thе bеst. *gJ Answeг the questions. 1. Whiсh artiсlе from The Suп do you find intеresting? 2, Do you normally bеliеve thе artiсlеs about unusual things? 3. What's your favouritе nеwspapеr? Why do you likе it? Нomework .Ф! #. :* |ii;, }|:. i'|! i'' i|, |1 !:i} i| i.!i ei, |tr Й ф i:: .4| ф" ё .|2 !ф lt tr| A Use the informotion from Texts I -15 in the Workbook I ond onswer the questions. 1. Misha is Russian' isn't hе? 2. Мisha and Robin МaсWtzatd arеn't friеnds. arе thеv? 3. Cutе is not a vеry good agеnt, is hе? 4. Misha's housе is vеry big, isn,t it? 5. Robin сan fly and travеl in time, сan't hе? 6. Robin is from the year 1599, isn't hе? 7. Мisha's rеal pеn friеnd isn't from thе past, is hе? 8. Misha's pеn friеnd сan't сomе baсk to our timе, сan hе? 9. Мisha сan,t tеll Agеnt Cutе about Robin's sесrеt, сan he? 10. Thе Stonе of Dеstiny is in Wеstminstеr Abbey, isn't it? 11. Мisha сan hеlp Robin go baсk to the Уeat 1599, сan,t he? Who is RoЬ МoсWizord? PoздeлитeЛЬнЬ|e вoпpoсЬl с:]огoлo}v{и в Pгesent SimpIe, кoтopЬIм -Дштя o6poзoвoHия BoпpoситeлЬHЬlx и oтpицoтёлЬныx пPeдлo>l< eнИИ нy)кeH вспo}vtoгoтeлЬHый глoгoл do / does. Если ГЛaгoЛ B IIpеДЛo)Kении' сoДep)KaщeМ BЬIсKaЗЬIBaI{ие' сToиT B -TBеpДиTельнoй фopме Prеsеnt Simplе, B KpaTKoM BoПpoсе yпoтpеб- '-IяеTся BсПoМoГaTеЛЬIIЬIй глaгoл эToгo BpеMеI{и B oTpицaтельнoй t6 |е:s;ns,1 .;п.] 5
  • 17. фopме don,t / doesn,t + МесToиMение' сooTнесеIII{or с IIoДЛе)KaщиМ BЬIсKaзЬ|BaHИЯ. You speаk English, don,t уou? - BьI ГoBopиTе шo-arтглrдlсKи' IIе тaк ли? Yеs, I do, - [a, гoвoplo. / No, I don't. - Hец }Iе гoBoplo. Bob bаkеs breаd, doеsn't hе? - Бoб вьrпeKaеT xлеб, не тaк ли? Yеs, hе does. - Дa, BЬIIIеKaет. / No, he doеsn,/. - Нец Hе BЬIIIеKaеT. Если гЛaгoЛ B IIpеДЛo)KеIIии' сoДеp)KaщеМ BЬIсKaЗЬIBaниe' сToиT B oT- pицaTельнoй фopме Prеsеnt Simplе, B KpaTKoМ BoПpoсе ylloTpе1ляeтcя BсIIoМoгaTеЛЬIIЬIй глaгoл эToгo BpеMеI{и B ПoЛo)KиTеЛЬIIoй фopме do / does. You don't know this mаn, do уou? - Bьt }Iе ЗIIaеTе ЭToгo чеЛoBеKa' IIе тaк ли? - No, I don't.- Дa, }Iе ЗIIaIo. (сoглaсие с гoBopящим) Yеs, I do.- Hет' ЗHaЮ. (несoглaсие с гoвopящим) Shе doеsn't livе in this flаt, does shе? - oнa IIе )KиBет в этoй KBapTиpе' нe тaк ли? No, shе doеsn't.- Дa' Hе )KИBeт. (сoглaсие с гoвopящим) Yеs, shе doеs.- Hет, )KИBеT. (несоглaсие с гoвopящим) Ploy o gome. Reod the foсts ond osk the questions. Model: Sсhoo| in Russiа stаrts in Sеptеmbеr. - Sсhool in Rшssiа stаrts in Sеptember, doеsn't it ? Quiz 1. Thе Quееn livеs in thе Tоwеr of London. 2. It snows in Australia in Junе. 3. Pеoplе in Еngland drivе on thе lеft sidе of thе road. 4. Fathеr Christmas сomеs from Nоrway. 5. Pеoplе don't travеl from London tо Paris by сar. 6. Jamеs Bond сomеS from Amеriсa. ]..Гhe Bеatlеs sing in London еvеry day. 8. Thе sun goes round thе Еarth. 9. A сomputеr hеlps pеoplе talk tо and sее thеir friеnds from faraway сountirеs. - 2 3 Toke turns to osk ond onswer the questions in Ex. 1 . Remember: lf's o quiz! Пo oнepeди зoдoвoйтe эти BoпPoсЬl и oтвeчoйтe Ho Hиx. Model: A: Sсhool in Russiа stаrts in Sеptеmber, doеsп't it? B: Yеs. it does. l'Jnit l Lеsson 5 17
  • 18. :'r#j} }э9nt speoking obout RoЬin,s fomiiy. Listen to the speoker ond fi;l iп the gops in his report. lnformation about Kobin gacWizard Kobin |iveo in London, |iэ addreeэ ie: 19 Сrreсrnt Koad, Tunbridge We||e, KenN ,,, , |1iэ moNher'a namr iэ , , , gaсWizard, Эhe worke .., , Нie fat,hеr'o name ie Douqlae МaсWizard, Ае ie a ,,, , Kobin hae Оne .,,, Jane' Kobin gaсWizard iэ a very nice boу, le |ovre Jane and a|waуe ,,, hie parenf,e. Аl| hiэ ... and ,,, |ove Kobin, Crеsсеnt [.krеsаnt] - IIoлyМесЯц. B дaннoМ сЛyчaе pечЬ иtеT oб yлице ИJIИ pЯДe ДoМoB, paсПoЛo)KенIlЬIx IloЛyМeсяцeМ. Taкoе paсПoJIo)KеIlIIе ДoMoB xapaKTеpllo ДЛя aIIгЛийскoй apxиTеKTypЬI XVIII_ХIХ векoв. FOR YOUR I 4 Cчte is meeting МoсWizoгd,s neighbouг Мr PilI. He wonts to сheсk the infoгmotion he hos. Reod the diologue ond сorгeсl Cute,s report obout RoЬin in Еx. 3. Cutе: Hеllo' my name is Сute, Agеnt Cutе. Мr Pill: My namе is Mr Pill. How сan I hеlp you? Сutе: I'm looking for Robin МaсWizard. не is lost. You livе in 19 Сrеsсent Road, don't you?
  • 19. Yеs, I dо. I'm his nеighbour. Thе bоy's namе is Robin, but wе always сall him Rob. His parеnts dо it too. Is hе a niсе boy? I,m not Surе. Hе is oK, but hе nеvеr hеlps his mothеr and hе doеsn't say ..F{еllo,' to thе nеighbours. I sее. And his mothеr... What сan vou tеll mе about hеr? Mr Pill: oh, shе's a vеry niсе lady. Cutе: Shе works in a bank, doеsn,t shе? Mr Pill: No, shе doеsn't. Sir Jamеs, hеr husband, is a lэank manager. Lady Еlizabеth doеsn't work. Shе is very busy with hеr сhildrеn and thе housе. Сutе: So Rob has brothеrs and sistеrs, doеsn,t hе? Мr Pill: Yеs, hе has a sistеr and a brothеr. I oftеn mееt thеm whеn thеy arе out for a walk in thе park. Сutе: Thеy walk togеther, don't thеy? Мr Pill: No, thеy don't. Rob normally walks alonе. Сutе: You don't likе Rob MaсWizard. do vou? Mr Pill: Not rеallv. Ladу [,lеrdi] - TиTyЛ, Пp'IcBaИвaемьIй )Kе}Iщине иЗ BЬIсlIIегo oбществ a vIЛ|а apисToKpaTичесKoй семьи. Sir [sз:] - 1. Bе>кЛИBaЯ фopмa oбpaщенvIЯK Мyx<нинr. 2. БлaгopoдньIй TиTyЛ' ПpисBaивaемьtй pЬIцapЮ, бapoнетy или yKaзЬIBaIoщиЙ нa apисToKpaTичeсKoe IIpoисxo)кДе}Iие. B нaстoящrе BpеМЯ зa BЬIДaIoщИecЯ ЗaсЛyги TиTyЛa Sir yдoстoен иЗBесTI{ЬIй певeц' чЛeн гpyППЬI Битлз Пoл MaккapтHИ' a TиTyЛa Lаdу yДoсToеI{a бьlвrший пpeмьеp-МиIlистp Bеликoбpитaнии МapгapеT Tэтнеp. Answer the questions. 1. Lady Еlizabеth works as a tеaсhеr, dоеsn't shе? 2. Мr MaсWizard works in a bank, doеsn't hе? 3. The boy,s parеnts don,t сall him Robin, do thеy? 4. Rоb doеsn't havе a brothеr, dоеs he? 5. Rob likеs tо walk in thе park, doеsn't hе? б. Мr Pill givеs Agеnt Cutе intеrеsting informatiоn' dоеsn't hе? Mr Pill: Cutе: Mr Pill: Cutе: 19Unit l Lеsson
  • 20. Hornewoгk A Wгite o new гepoгt oЬout Rob. Use the infoгmotion from the text. 1. Rob has a ... and a ... . 2. Rob ... a vеry niсе boy. His nеighbours ... like him. 3. His brother and sistеr ... play with him. 4. Rob's motlrеr's namе isn,t ... . Hеr name is ... . Shе ... work. shе ... . 5. Rob,s fathеr... B Complete the questions ond onswer them. 1. You likе to lеarn Еnglish, ...? 2. You don't do your homеwork in thе morning, ...? 3. Yоur mothеr сooks brеakfast for you' ...? 4. Yоur fathеr wоrks in a hospital, . .. ? 5. You don't havе a brothеt, ...? 6. Your mothеr doеsn't spеak F'rеnсh, ...? 7. You likе to play football, ...? 8. Whеn you havе timе, yоu hеlp your parеnts, . . . ? с Если Boм He yдoлoсЬ зoпoлHить тo6лицу у1э дoмoЩнeгo зoдoния ypoкo 3 пoлHoстЬlo у1лИ y вoс eщe oстoлИсь вoпpoсЬI oтHoситeлЬнo Мищи и Po6и. нo, зoпи.Дитe свoи BoпpoсЬI в фopмe poздeлитeлЬHЬIx вoпPoсoв и зoдoйтe иx сBoим дpy3Ьям B Kлoссe. Если y Boс He Boзниклo пpo6лeм с зoпoлHeHиeм тo6лицьl/ пoдгoтoвЬтe пятЬ тpyднЬlx BoпpoсoB пo сloжeтy в фopмe PoздeлитeлЬнЬlx BoпPoсoB и зoдoйтe Иx сBoиl^ дpyзЬям B KЛoссe. B этoм сЛyчoe нe зo6yдЬтe пoдгoтo. витЬ ссЬlлKи нo пPoBилЬHЬle oтвeтЬ!, oпиpoясЬ Ho инфopмoциro yнe6ниKo,,Hoppy Еnglish.гu -5', . 2a -.l Lеssоn 5
  • 21. ln the сountry DoDidDone Ceгoдня МЬI с Ba]v{и oTПpaBиMсЯ B }Ioвoе гpaфствo - Futшre. Future B IIеpеBoДе oЗнaЧaeт буdуЩe€, ПoЭToМy Bсе гopoДa ЭToгo гpaфствa BЬIГЛЯДяT I{есKoЛькo необЬIчI{o дЛя Че- ЛoBеKa нaIIIеГo BpeМе}Iи. B этoм гpaфстве MьI ПoсеTиМ гopoД Simple. [ля тoгo чтoбьI BopoTa гopoДa oTKpЬI- ЛисЬ ГJlaГoЛaМ-ДpaKolшaм, неoбхoДиMo BoсIIoЛЬЗoBaTЬсЯ KapToчKoй-zutroчoм. Ha KapToчKе KpyПIIo HaПисaн IlapoЛЬ гopo- Цa.. tomorTОw. Это ознaчaеT' чTo ДЛя yKaЗaIIиЯ Нa бyдyщее BpеMЯ чaсTo yпотpебЛЯeTCЯ сЛoBo tomorrоw (зaвтpa)' a TaKхе сЛo- BoсoчеTanlИЯ:. nехt wеek - нa слеДyloщей неделе neхt month - B сЛеДyloщеМ Месяце neхt yеar - B сЛеДyloщеМ гoДУ nехt timе - B сЛеДyrощий paз in a day - чеprз Де}IЬ in a minutе - чеpеЗ MинyTy in an hour - чеpеЗ чaс in twо weеks - чеpеЗ ДBr неДеЛи in fivе yеars - ЧrpеЗ IIяTЬ ЛеT in thе future - в бyдyщеМ ',,, РЕRFЕсТ d** Q вcпомorшиыыi х гм!л Ф]# i'" ъ* ;' i,':, ,*. Глaгoльl в фopме Futurе Simplе yпoтpeбЛяIоTся: о .[ля IIpeДсKaз alн.rlЯ бyдyщих сoбьrтий You'll mаkе nеw friеnds nехt уесIr.- y тe6я IIoЯBЯTся нoBЬIе ДpуЗЬя B слеДyIощеМ ГoДy. 21
  • 22. I think grаnnу will сomе on Мondау.- Я ДyMa}o, бaбyшкa IIpиеДеT B IIoнeДeЛЬIIиK. Mауbе hе'll phone tomorrow. - Molкет бьlть, oll ПoзBoI{иT ЗaвTpa. I hopе shе'll sing tonight.- Я нatelосЬ' oFIa бyдет ПеTЬ сегOДIIя Bече- poМ. Оnе dау wе'll meеt аgаin.- Koгдa-нибyдь МЬI BсTpеTиМся сIIoBa. I'll phone lаter.- Я IIo3BoIIIo пoЗ)ке. Hе'll cОmе bаck SООn.- oн сKopo BеpIIеTсЯ. о [ля BьIpDI(еIIия oбещaний и peIIIеHий, пpинЯTьIx B lvIolиеIIT pечи - А: Whаt аrе уou doing? - Чтo тьr дeлaerшь? - B: I'm clеаning thе floor.- Я MoIo ПoЛ. - A: I,ll hеIp уОu.- Я помoгy тебе. Boйдя B ГopoД Futurе Simple, гЛaгoЛ-ДpaKollla oГЛяДЬIBaеTсЯ B ПoисKaх oДe)KДЬI. oднaкo B эToМ ГopoДе oДе)KtЬI I{еT' и гЛaгOЛЬI-ДpaKoшIи TaK и oсTaIoTся ToЛЬKo B иMrIIнЬIx МaечKaх. Этo oЗHaчaеT' чTo B гopoДе Futurе Simplе ГЛaгoЛЬI yпoтpебЛяIоTсЯ B oсIIoBIlой (пеpвoй) фopМе Bo Bсех Ли- цaх и чисЛaх. B этoм гopoДe paбoтaеT BсIIoМoгaTеЛЬнЬrй глaгoл will. oн пoмoгaеT гЛaгoЛaМ }Ia Bсеx yЛицaх гopoДa. Этo знaчиT' чTo B Гopot{е Future Simplе yTBеpДиTеЛЬнЬIе' oTpицaTеЛЬ- HЬIе и BoПpoсиTeЛЬIIЬIе IIpeДлo)KeНуIЯ oбpaзyrоTся с IIoМoщЬIo BсIIoMoгa- TeлЬI{oГo глaгoлa will. ПpoгyляеМся BМесTе с гЛaгoЛoм wоrk Пo yЛицaМ гopoДa. . &nрo.**д,,*.o.,nu"у 1ь фнt ' &- -Чф.ичлo*u,,,* 22 2 Lеssоns l,2
  • 23. oбpaзовallие yTBrpДиTeJIьIIЬIx ПpeДЛo)Kений в Future Simplе Ha yлице УтвеpдиTrЛЬнoе IIpеДЛo)KеIIиl' KaK и нa Bсеx oсTaЛЬI{ЬIх yЛи- цaх Гopoдa Futurе Simple' гЛaгoЛЬI-ДpaKoIIIи обpaщaloTсЯ Зa ПoМoщЬIo K BсIroMoгaTелЬнoМy гЛaгoлy will. BспoмoгaTеЛЬHЬIй глaгол will зaниМaeT МесTo Зa IIoДЛr)KaIIIиМ' a зa will сЛеДyеT гЛaГoЛ-ДpaKollla. УтвеpдитeлЬHoe n p"дno*",й" Этo oзнaчaеT' чTo B yTBеpДиTrЛЬI{oМ ПprДЛo)KeшИИ IIopяДoK сЛoB сЛе- дyrощий: Пoдлеiкaщее + will + oсHoB}Ioй глaгoЛ + BTopoсTеIIrннЬIе чЛr}IЬl IIpеДЛo)Ke}rуIЯ. B yтвepдиTrЛЬI{ЬIx IIpеДЛoх(еHиЯx BсПoМoгaTеЛЬIIЬIЙ глaгoл will чaстo yпoтpебЛЯeTcЯ B сoKpaщеннoй фopме 'll (will = 'll). CпpяIкеIIие гЛaгoЛoB в Futurе Simplе I will ('ll) work in thе gаrdеn SoОn. - Я сKopo бyдy paбo'l'a,гЬ ts сaДy. You will ('lI) work iп thе gаrdеn SООn.- BьI сKopo бyде'r'с рlaбo.t.a.гЬ B сaДy. Hе will ('ll) work in thе gаrdеn SООn.- Oн сKopo бyде.г рaбo,r'aтЬ B сaДy. Shе will ('ll) work in the gа.rdеn SОon.- oнa сKopO бyдет paбo,t.a.r'Ь ts сaДy. It (а dog) will ('ll) plау in the gа,rdеn SoОn.- oнa (сoбaкa) UKUpO бyд1е,r' игpaTЬ B сaДy. Wе will ('ll) work in thе gаrdеn SООn.- MьI сKOpo бyдем paбот'ar'Ь ts сa/]y. Thеу will (,ll) work in thе gаrdеn SoОn.- oни сKUpo бyдy,r.pa6u,гa,t.ь ts UaДy. *{:.э} Listen to the words ond expressions ond repeot them ofter the speokeг. Тronslote the verbs into Russion. somеthing (сoкpaщенllo snrth) - чTo-To somеbody (сoкpaщrннO smb) - KTO-.I'O a prеdiсtion - rrprДUKaЗaниr to prеdiсt smth .-- a promisе - oбс-tllаttие to promisе smth to stttb * "2JUn]t 2 Lеssоns l, 2
  • 24. W Listen to the sentenсes ond repeot them ofteг the speoker. 1. I'l1 rеad this book onе day. 6. Pеrhaps you,ll bе bеttеr tomorrow. 2' I think it'll rain tomorrow. 7. Hе'll writе to you soon. 3. Hе'll сomе baсk in a minutе. 8. I'1l rеad your lеttеr latеr. 4. Тhе boss will bе hеrе nеxt wееk. 9. Pеrhaps hе'll ask you a quеstiоn. 5. A: I сan't find my book. 10. I hopе shе'll likе your story. B: I'll find it for you. 11. I'll sing nеxt time. С Listen to the speokeг. Whiсh sentenсe does he soy? Choose o) or b). a) I'1l phone him. a) Hе'll rеmеmbеr you. b) I phоnе him. b) Hе rеmembеrs you. a) Wе'll spеak to thе tеaсher abоut your problеm. b) We spеak to the teaсher about your problеm. a) I think thеy,ll likе your presеnt. a) You'll get her lеtters. b) I think thеy likе your prеsеnt. b) You get hеr lettеrs. tr Тronslote the sentenсes into Russion. 1. I think they'll phone mе in two days. 2. I hope wе'll watсh this film tomorrow. 3. Maybе Pеtеr will сomе to my New Yеar party. 4. Pеrhaps Robin will find thе Stonе of Dеstiny. 5. I think they will fly tо London in five months. 6. I hopе your friеnds will givе you niсе presents on your birthday. .7. Мaybе you'll bе famous onе day. # Fill in the gops ond сomplete promises ond prediсtions. think they ... сome nеxt wееk. hope we ... meet you at thе thеatrе tomorrow. think Mark ... сomе by bus. hopе wе ... spеak bettеr Еnglish in Fеbruary. It ... snow in January. You ... havе a niсе hоliday. You ... mееt nеw intеrеsting pеoplе. I . .. do my homеwork latеr. Wе ... phone you soon. w Мotсh the ports of the short diologues. 1. - I want to go to thе сinеma. a) - I,ll find it for you. 2. - I сan,t find my jaсket. b) - I'll hеlp you. з. - I сan,t do this tеst now. с) - I'l1 do it now. 4. - Yоu friеnd is сalling. d) - I'* busy now. I'll сall hеr baсk. 5. - You сan do it later. e) - I'11 go with you. 24 Unii 2 Lеssons l, 2 T 2. з. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
  • 25. t Reod oЬout o typiсol doy in Rosy,s life. Whot will she do tomoгrow? Мoke prediсtions. Model: Rosу will gеt up аnd thеn she will wаlk hеr dog, Rosy gеts up and thеn shе walks her dog. Shе has brеakfast. At еight o'сloсk shе goеs to sсhool. Shе always goеS to sсhool by biсyсlе. Shе stops and says hеllo to hеr nеighbours. Shе has fivе lessons at sсhоol. Rоsy сomеs homе and doеs hеr homеwork. Shе сooks dinnеr for hеr family. In thе еvеning Rosy rеads books or watсhеs TV. offer help in the following situotions. Use the verbs in Ьroсkets. (Пpeдлlo)(итe пoмoщЬ B слeдyюЩИх ситуoцияx. Испoльзуйтe глoгoлЬ| в скo6кox.) ModеI: This bаg is heаvу. фelp) This bаg is hеаvry. - I,ll hеlp уou. 1. Thе flоor is dirty. (сlеan) 2. I likе this book. (bring) 3. I nееd a pеn. (give) 4. Thе windоw is opеn and I'm сold. (сlоsе) 5. I сan,t walk the dog now. I,m tirеd. (do) 6. I сan't mееt my friеnd at thе railway statiоn. I'm busy. (mееt) Ф, Й ф 4'i f1 ;t1 f,l i,i| i: ф,B e Ф *,фt ф ft & * .# 6 |2 Rewrite the sentenсes. Use the short form of will. ModеI: I will сlеаn thе floor.- I'll сlеап the floor. 1. Thеy will visit Franсе in a yеar's timе. 2. Shе will work in a hospital in tеn yеars timе. 3. I think my fathеr will сomr homе at.7 o,coсk on Monday. 4. I hopе wе will go to Kiеv nеxt summеr. 5. My sistеr will talk tо you about it onе day. 6. Whеrе arе you going? I will go with yоu. Whot will hoppen tomorrow? Write your prediсtions. Use these ideos. Model: gО tО school - Mу friend will go to sсhool tomorrow. gеt up early / sее friеnds / phonе granny i do homеwоrk l read' l watсh Tv / danсе. A Unit 2 Lеssоns l, 2 25
  • 26. с Сomplete the toble with the exomples from Ех. 1, 2. When wi|l these things hoppen? Complete the prediсtions. Use: nexl week, nexf month neхI yeor| in o doу, in on hour, in five yeors| in o minute, in Ihe future, soon, one doy, lofer, I think,l hope. 1.'11 rain... 2. ...уolr bеst friеnd will phonе... 3. ...your mothеr will gеt a nеW job... 4. ...yоu'll drivе a car,.. 5. ...yоur tеaсhеr will answrr your quеstion... 6. "'ll gо tо Еngland... 1. ...your friеnds will go tо thе Zoo.., You,ll be fomous, Мoster Shokespeore! oтпpaвиМсЯ I{a yЛицy ОmpuцаmельнОe npеdлoэrcенue гopoДa Simple гpaфствa Futurе. Ha этoй yЛице' KaK и IIa Bсeх oсTaЛЬIIЬIх yЛицax ЭToгo ГopoДa' гЛaгoЛЬI-ДpaKoIIIи oбpaщaloTся зa IIoМoщЬIo K BсПoМoгaTеЛЬI{o- N{y ГЛaгoлy will, кoтopьlй paбoтaеT B IIapе с собaчкoй not. BспoмoгaTеЛЬнЬIй глaгол will с сoбaчкoй nоt ЗaI{иМaеT MrсTo Зa ПoД- JIе)<aщиМ' a зa ниМи сЛеДyеT ГлaгoЛ*ДpaKollla. .. ; .l,..l *.,...t $Ёfi.fi6;*n'**;нЬЫа ffi ] iеssоns 1,2сэndЗ 4 бr.1ущие дeЙcтвия 6eз .KaЗaния ToЧI{oгo BpеМе}Iи ПpеДсKaЗaI{ие бyдyщиx сoбьIтий oбещaниЯ, peIIleв.ИЯ' IIpиняTЬIе B I,{OMеI{T pеЧи 26 tоmorrow.
  • 27. Этo oзнaчaеT' ЧTo ПopяДoK сЛoB B oTpицaTеЛЬнoM ПpеДЛo)KgнИИ следyrощий: Пoдле;кaщее + BсIIoМoГaTеЛЬIIЬlй глaгол will + oTpицaTеЛЬI{aЯ чaсTицa not + oснoвнoй гЛaгoл + BTopoсTеПе}I}IЬIе чЛе}IЬI IIpеДЛo)KeНИЯ. Сoкpaщен}IaЯ фopмa oт will nоt _ won't. I will not work in thе gаrdеn nехt summer. - Я сЛеДyIощиМ ЛrToМ. You will not work in thе gаrdеn nехt summеr. -B сaДy сЛrДyloщиМ ЛеToМ. Hе / shе will пot work in the gаrdеn nехt summеr, - oн / oнa не бyдет paбoтaтЬ B сaДy сЛеДyIощиМ ЛеToМ. It will not rаin tomorrow. - Зaвтpa Дo)KДя не бyдет. Wе will not work in the gаrdеn nехt summer. - Мьt не бyдем paботaть B сaДy сЛeДyloщиM леToМ. You will not work in thе gаrdеn nехt summer. - Bьr не бyдете paбoтaть B сaДy слеДyloщиМ ЛеToМ. Thеу wil| not work in the gаrden neхt Summеr.- oни не бyдyт paбoтaть B сaДy сЛеДyloщиМ ЛеToМ. Are these pгediсtions true or folse? ModеI: Wintеr will stаrt in two wееks, - Yеs, it will. / No, it won't. 1. It'lI snow soon. 2. Your friеnd will bе a doсtor in 15 yеars. 3. Your tеaсhеr will givе you a tеst this wееk. 4. It'll bе hot in Junе. 5. It,ll rain in thе еvеning. 6. Russian football playеrs will bе thе bеst in thе world soon. 7.In onе hundrеd yеars pеoplе will bе kindеr. 8. Pеoplе will fly to Mars vеry Soon. Фpoзьl д'lя выPox<eHия сoглoси я / нecoглoсИя Reod ond tronslote the lost sentenсe into Russion. I agrеe [э'gri:] with you.- Я с тoбoй сoглaсен (сoглaснa). I dоn't agrеe with you.- не бyдy paботaтЬ B сaДy Bьr не бyдете paбoтaть Uni| 2 Lеssons З, 4 27
  • 28. 2 ,,Whiсh of the prediсtions f1om Еx. 1 do you ogree with? Whiсh of them don,t you ogree with? Correсt the folse prediсtions. Model: A: Wintеr will stаrt in two wееks. B: I don't аgree. Winter will stаrt in two months" Listen to the words ond repeot them ofter the speoker. a lеadеr - зd. гЛaBa' гЛaBнoKoМaI{- to invеnt smth - изoбpеTaTЬ ЧTo- дyroщий либo an army - apNIvIЯ famous - ЗнaМенитьtй a politiсian [,pоlr.trjnl - ПoЛиTиK Мastеr - зd. гoсПoДиII an arсhitесt ['о:kitеkt] - apхи.геKTop thе Сivil Wаr - Гpa)KДaнcKaЯ an invеntor - изoбpетaTеЛЬ войнa a sсiеntist - yченьlй thе Pаrliаmеnt - [apЛaМе}IT .4,,'i Before you reod. Let,s tгy to remember. ].. Who is Rob MaсWizard? 2. Why сan hе prеdiсt thе futurе in 1599? ',.'.,'р-'',} Reod the prediсtions ond rewrite them oссoгding to the model. Model: Shаkespеаre will bе а fаmous plауwright. Todау in London! Thе grеаtеst wizаrd of аll times Rob MасWizаrd prediсts thе futurе! l, '.i28 1. You will bе a famous playwright, Mastеr Shakеspеarе. Pеoplе will rеad your books and likе thеm. 2. You arе Puritans' arеn't yоu? In twеnty yеars you'll go to thе Nеw World. 3. Your son will bе a grеat arсhitесt, Мr Wrеn. 4. Your son will bе a grеat politiсian and a lеadеr of thе armY' Mr Сromwеll. 5. In a сеntury your namе will bе famous, Mr Nеwton. Your grandson will bе a great sсiеntist and invеntor. His invеntions will сhangе thе world.
  • 29. FOR YOUR rr '"g*j Reod the informotion in the гubriсs Еnglish in foсus ond l aa% English ond onswer the questions. 1. Who is olivеr Cromwеll? 2. Who is Christophеr Wrеn? 3. What is one of Christоphеr Wrеn's famous wоrks? 4. What is thе Nеw Wоrld? 5. Why is Nеwton famous? . *-_"* lry to guess. In 1599 thе namе of Amеriсa is thе Nеw Wоrld. Guеss thе namе of Еuropе. Oliver Cromwеll [.оlrvэ 'kmmwэl] - (1599_165s) a politiсian and thе leadеr of thе Parliamеnt army in thе Civil War against thе king in 1642_165|. Christоphеr Wrеn [,krrstafэ'rеn] - (16З2_1.72З) a famous Еnglish arсhitесt. onе of his famоus works is St Paul's Cathеdral in London. Puritans ['pjoэntэnz] - ПypиTaIIе' pеЛиГИoЗIloе TечеI{ие B хpисTиaнсTBе. Пypитaне BЬIсTyПaЛИ Зa чисTo.гy и сKpoМнoсTЬ Bo BсеМ' a TaK)(е Зa yГIpoщеIIиr MI{oГих цеpKoBHьrх oбpядoв. oфициaЛЬIlaЯ цеpKoBЬ ПpесЛеДoBaЛa ПypиTa' Зa иx yбе>кде- I{vIЯ, vIX )KиЗнЬ в Aнглии сTaIIoBуIIaсЬ I{еBЬIIIOсимой, IIoЭToМy в 1620 гoДУ бoльrшинсTвo IIypиTaI{ iroKинyЛи Aнглиrо. Именнo o}Iи I]rpBЬIМи oTIIpaBилисЬ ){(иTЬ в F{oвьlй Cвет. Taк нaзьrвa- ЛaсЬ ToГДa Aмеpикa. . t ,|^il l Lеssоrr J, 1L 29
  • 30. .Z} Пpeдстoвьтe сe6e, чтo и вЬI, KoK Poб Мoквизopдu пepeнeсл ись B пpoцIлoe и мoxeтe BoспoЛЬ3oвoтЬся сBoим зHoниeм 6yдyщeгo. ПpeдсKoxитe сУдь. 6y людям Ho KoPтиHKox. Испoльзуйтe эти слoBo: astronaut ['юstrэnэ:t], poеt, tsar [zo:], singеr, tеnnis playеr, ballеt danсеr, sсiеntist. Model:o - Littlе Pushkin will bе а fаmous poet. TronstCIte the new words with o diсtionory. М. Lomonosov Е. Kafеlnikov Ploy o gome. Boдящий стoит сnинoй K KЛoссy. Oдин и3 Boс пpoсит вoдящe. гo пPeдсKoзoтЬ 6yдyщee/ yKoзЬlвoя пo oчepeди Ho pe6ят, cИДяЩих B Kлoссe. Koxдьlй poз pe6ятo сoo6щ0ют вeдyщeмy, пPoBилЬH o I|И oH yгoдoл. Boдя. щиe мeняются Ho пPoтяЖeHу|у1игPЬ| HeскoлЬKo Poз. Bьlигpьlвoeт тoт, Kтo нoи6oлee пpoвилЬHo пpeдсKoзoл 6yдyщee сBoим oдHoKлoссHиKoм. ModеI: А: Tell us his / hеr futurе. B: Shе / he will bе а fаrmer. С: You аrе right. I wаnt to bе а fаrmеr / You аrе wrong. I won't bе а fаrmеr. I wаnt to bе а bаkеr. . - -+.: э^s З, А M. Lеrmontov tr 30
  • 31. Homework A Rewrite the sentenсes oссording to the model. Model: I will not еаt this. - I won't eаt this. 1. You will not go with mе nехt timе. 2. I will not spеak to him. 3. It will not bе Warmrr tomorrow. 4. Katе will not lеarn Frеnсh nехt Уear. 5. Nехt wееk will not bе еasy for us. B Look ot the piсtures ond prediсt the сhiIdren's future. , r l/1 Э 3r
  • 32. 32 oпpoвepгHитe yтвepxдeну|яl с KoтopЬ|ми BЬl He сoглoсHЬl. Iodel: Your first lеsson nехt wееk will be litеrаturе. - Mу first lеsson nехt wееk wОn't bе litеrаturе. It'll be mаths. 1. It,ll be 24 Novеmbеr in two days. 2. Your tеaсhеr will soon go to London. 3. You will sее your granny this еvеning. 4. It'll rain today. 5. It,ll bе сold tomorrow. 6. You'll play football nеxt wееk. Tгonslote the prediсtions into English. 1. Чеpез ДесяTЬ днeй я бУдУ в Москве. 2. Чepез ДBaДцaTЬ лет мoй лyнrпий Дpyг бyдет BpaчoM. 3. Чеpeз ДBa ГoДa ябУдУ B BoсЬМoМ KЛaссе. 4. Чepез TpиДцaTЬ rrЯTЬ лет мoй yчиTеЛЬ aнглийскoгo ЯЗЬIKa бyдет paбoтaтЬ B IIIKoЛе. 5. Чеpез нeДеЛIo сTaнеT TепЛее. 6. CeгоДIIя Bечеpoм мой пaIIa бyдет ДoМa. Will she see o UFO? oтпpaвиМся }Ia yЛицy Общuй вonpoс. Ha этoй yЛице BсIloМoгaтeльньrй гЛaгoЛ will зaниMaеT МесTo IIеpеД ПoДЛе)KaЩИМ, a Зa пoДлe)KaщиМ сЛеДy- еT oсIIoBнoй глaгoл. tomorrow? Этo oзнaчaеT' ЧTo ПopЯДoK сЛoB в oбщем BoПpoсе следyrощий: BспoшloгaTеЛЬI{ЬIй глaгoл will + пoДЛrx<aщее + oснoвнoй ГЛaгoЛ + BTopoсTеIIеIIIIЬIе чЛеIIЬI ПpеДЛoХeния + ? Оnit 2 Lеssоns З, 4 оnd 5
  • 33. will I wОrk in thе gаrden nехt summеr? - Yеs, I will. / No, I won,t. Will уou work in thе gаrden nехt summеr? - Yes, уou will. / |'{o, уou won't. Will hе / shе work in thе gаrdеn nехt summеr? - Yes, hе / shе will. / |io, he / shе won,t. will it rаin tomorrow? - Yes, it will. / No, it won't. Will wе work in the gаrdеn nехt summеr? - Yеs, we will. / No, wе won,'t. Will уou work in thе gаrden nехt wОn,t. Will thеу work in the gаrdеn nехt No, thеу wОn,t. : Look ot the piсtures ond onsweг the questions. 1. Will it rain soon? 2. Will thе girl bе a famоus singеr? 3. Will thе boy's mothеr bе happy? 4. Will thе girl likе thеir prеsеnt? 5. Will thе girl bе сold in tеn minutеs? summеr? - Yes' уou will. / Il'Io, уou summеr? - Yеs. thеv will. / -lг.lllйскиit язьlк. 6 кл. Happу Еnglislr з3
  • 34. Ask questions obout the sentenсes. Model: Hе'lI phonе mе in five minutes. - Will hе phone me in fivе minutеs? 1. Thе doсtors will work in a nеw hospital Soon. 2. Мaуbe wе'll lеarn Frеnсh next yеar. 3. My fathеr will сomе homе at sеvеn o'сloсk. 4. I hоpе this famous singеr will сomе to our сity. 5. The first of Novеmbеr will bе Sunday. 6. Maybe I,11 makе new friеnds. 7. I think Hеlеn will havе a big surprisе on hеr birthday. ln poirs A. Look ot the сhi|dren,s questions oЬout next yeor ond help them get the onswers. Ask the wizoгd foг the сhildren. B. You ore o wizord. Answer the questions. Look ot the mogiсol mop foг help. Modеl: Janе A: Will Jаne Sее a B: No, she won't. UFО nехt уeаr? But shе,ll mеet а fаmous pеrsОn. @lPlaсеs? )_-г * _ ,@,glrж' ffi- W@ {7ф-i.'iу,i ', . si"u". Linda Carol @lLцч:-/ ffi./чб]6P ",,,.,,,.ф- Diсk .WiliБЦ rеal zebra? ) N .,,...i:.,:,.,, chris " "::''' Liz @:ч:чgу"ю) -6b й';'uo З4 Simon .'..^^ с.- _:::r i -,
  • 36. ;!J Whot do you think? А,nswer the questions. Model: Will Mishа аnd Robin stау in London? - Yes, thеу will. / No, thеу won't. I think theу will / won,t stау in London. 1. Will Мisha and Robin stay in London? 2. Will Robin find thе Stonе of Destiny? 3. Will Misha and Robin go baсk to Russia? 4. Will Robin stay in our timе? 5. Will Robin go baсk to his timе? 6. Will Мisha travеl in timе with Robin? 7. Will Misha's parеnts look for him? 8. Will Мisha and Robin makе nеw friеnds? 9. Will Misha and Robin gо to thе MaсWizard family in Еngland and ask them for hеlp? Пopядок сЛoB B paЗteЛиTеЛьнolvl BoПpoсе в Futurе Simplе УтвеpдиTеЛЬI{oе IIpеДЛo)KеI{ие + wоn't + МесToиMеI{ие' сooT}IесеIII{oе с IIoДле)KaщиМ yTBrpДиTеЛЬIIoгo IIpеДЛo)K eния, + ? oтpицaтrЛЬI{oе IIpеДЛo)KеIIие + will + МесToиMеIIие' сoOTнrсеIII{oе с IIoДЛе)KaщиМ oTpицaTrЛЬIloгo IIpеДЛo)Keния, + ? Answer the questions. 1. You will bе 2 neхt yеar' won't you? 2. Your friеnd will invitе you to his birthday party, won,t hе? 3. Your mоthеr will buy you a nеw biсyсlе soon, won't shе? 4. Your friеnd's sistеr won,t phonе you tomorrow' will shе? 5. You won't havе mathеmatiсs in two days timе, will yоu? 6. Your parеnts will bе at homе nеxt Sunday, will thеy? Fil| in the gops with the сorreсt tog questions. 1. Ann will play thе piano at thе birthday party,...? 2. Тheу,|l lеarn Frеnсh nехt уear,...? 3. Robin will stay in our timе,...? 4. Robin won't find thе Stonе of Dеstinу,,...? 5. Yоur friеnd will bе a tеaсhеr in20 yеars,...? 6. His brothеr won't go to sсhool tomorrow'...? 36 i -:sson 5
  • 37. T в ш I' i i i i. Homework ,r A Wгite questions for the sentenсes. 1. A1l сars will havе соmputers in 30 years' time. 2. Мaуbe it,ll bе сold nеxt wееk. 3. I think they won't havе good weathеr nехt month. 4. Shе will tеll you thе answеr latеr. 5. I think you'll mееt him in two wееks. 6. Thеy'll be friеnds in thе futurе. 7. Wе'll ask him about it tomorrow. 8. Perhaps shе,ll see him again soon. B Answeг the questions. ].. You,ll bе a famous tеnnis playеr in thе futurе' won't you? 2. You'll play football Soon' won't yоu? 3. You won,t play сomputеr gamеS in two hours, will you? 4. Your friеnd won't givе you an intеrеsting book nеxt wееk, will hе? 5. It'll bе сold tomorrow, won't it? oтпpaвиМся IIa yЛицy СneцuальньLй вonpОс. Ha этoй yЛице IIa Пepвoе МесTo сTaBиTсЯ BoГIpoсиTеЛЬIIoе сЛoBo, Зa KoTopЬIМ сЛеДyIoT BсПoMoгa- тельньrй гЛaгoЛ, пoДЛе)KaЩee' oсI{oBI{oй глaгол и BTopoсTeIIеI{нЬIr чЛе- нЬI пpеДЛo)KениЯ. CпeциaльньlЙ вoпpoс i'.jliг |) L€,sl,Огts 5 опd 6 37
  • 38. Этo oзнaчaеT, чTo ПopяДoK сЛoB B специaлЬIIЬIx Boпpoсax сЛеДyloщий: ;;й;.*;;l +? : i Where will I work in two уесlrs? Whу will уou work in thе hospitаl soon? Whеn will hе / shе phonе? When will it rаin? Where will wе work nехt wееk? When will уou work in thе hospitа|? Where will thеу work nехt timе? -'l- i Look ot the piсtures ond onswer the questions. 1. Whеrе will thеy probably go on Surrday? 2. Whеn will thе film start? 3. What will happеn to the bоy in a yеar? 4. How оld will hе bе in tеn yеars? 5. Whеrе will shе find hеr boоk? BoпpoсиTеЛЬI{oе oсновнoй ГЛaгoЛ сЛoвo + BсIIoMoГaTеЛьньrй + BTopoсTеПеннЬIе чЛеI{ЬI гЛaгoЛ will + ПpеДЛo)KeHИЯ 2 sЕкv> frT'вФ qg"ФФ ъfl,Ф@ 2 .-: |n poiгs. Ask questions oЬout the underlined woгds. ModеI: Mауbе our tеасher will rеаd this teхt. -Whаt will oшr teасher do? 1. I'11 phonе him tomorrow. 2' H.е'Il' buy a prеsеnt for his mothеr in two days. l 3. Мum will makе a niсе qakе soon. -1. Pеrhaps wе'11 havе lunсh tоgethеr. 5' Shе'll pla}u thе piano nехt timе. Jб
  • 39. '"ii.i*n oтпpaвиMся I{a yЛицy Bonpoс K nОdлеJtсащеJvtу. Ha этoй yЛице IIa Пеp- Boe MесTo сTaBиTся BoПpoсиTеЛЬHoе сЛoBo Who (ктo) или What (uтo), BTopoе МесTo ЗaниМaeT BсIIoМoгaTеЛЬIIЬIй глaгол rvill, Зa KoTopЬIM сле- ДyIoT oсI{oBнoй глaгoл и BTopoсTепе}IIIЬIе чЛенЬI IIpеДЛo)KеIIия. Bопpоо Этo oзнaчaeT' ЧTo пopяДoK сЛoB B BoIIpoсе K ПoДЛе)Kaще]vly следyroщий: Who / What + will + oсI{oB}Ioй глaгoЛ + BTopoсTеПrHI{ЬIе чЛеHЬI ПpедJIoХeHvIЯ + ? Who will work? - I / уou will; hе / shе / it will; wе / уou / thеу will. LU ln poirs. Soon yoyr fomily wilI сeleЬrote New Yeor. Тoke turns to osk ond onswer the questions. ModеI: Who will mаkе Nеw Yеаr dесorаtions? - I will. 1. Who will dесoratе thе flat? 2. Whо will сlеan thе floor? 3. Who will сook? 4. Who will buy prеsеnts? 5. Who will writе сards for yоur friеnds? 6. Who will sеnd you сards? 7. Who will phonе you? 8. Who will сomе to you? 9. Who will go tо bеd earlу? g. 4 J Ploy o gome. Ask ond onswer questions obout these inventions. Stort with - who, when ond whot. till in the toЬles in youг Workbooks. Пpeдстoвьтe сe6e, чтo вЬl oKoзoлисЬ Ho мeстe Po6o МoквизoPto в пРollJлoм и знoeтe, чтo и Koгдo изo6peтeт чeлoBeчeствo. Poсскoxитe o6 этИх изo6pe. тeнияx. И,PY Hoчинoeт A. oн (oнo) зoдoeт Bсe свoи вoпPoсы пo всeм Kop. Unii2 Lеssоn6 39
  • 40. .3.(].*'. 1э.ггeгтeiF{]Aiiо з{tпoлl1яя у|х. Пoслe этoгo сBoи вoпpoсЬl 3oдoeт B, кo-.:firв.й збгтIlli.{л€т сBои кoPтoчKи. Пo oкo HЧoHи|.| иrpь| КoРтoчKи сPoвHивo. Етmзn Зoгпr'ои l ниx дoлxнЬl 6ыть oдинoкoвЬIми. . e.сrrk on this pagе. B: Go to page 163. Model: А: Whаt will Thomаs Adаms invеnt? B: Hе,ll invеnt сhеwing gum. А: When will hе invеnt сhеwing gum? B: In 1870. Information for A ''' |;| | :|i | 4+,|||s[l|P'ф]hi 1 Thomas Adams Valdеmar Poulsеn 1839 Kirkpatriсk Maсmillan 9 Aеroplanе 10 11 Rеvolvеr Thеo Мaiman Alехandеr Graham Bе1l 12 Tеlеvision Vladimir Zworikin ! lо wut"r Closet (WC) ! IJ 1'709 Bartolommеo 15 Tank 1.91.6 Karl Bеnz I Cristofori .,*.,,u,.'",,,,,.n,}'*,^n*,,'*"чв|alё|*Й|;,hwыPlfР,!Ф}# Homework l*u EЕ 6I, 'g|. *'+ фj It gl #,.P, *Ф ф #:ф, *r *:fu/,ф 8 Йф &ф ф*,Фwф A .Wгite questions for the onsweгs. Model: - Thе doсtors will work in а nеw hospitаl. _ Whеrе will thе doсtors work? 1. - Wе will lеarn Frеnсh nеxt }zear. 2. - My father will сomе homе at sevеn o'сloсk. 3. - A famous singer will соmе to our сit}z. 4. - Thеy will go to Мosсow in a month. 5. - Thеy will bе in Еngland nеxt month. 6. - I will find new friеnds in a new sсhool. 7. - Hеlen will havе a big surprise on hеr birthdav. Unit 2 Lеssоn 6
  • 41. Пpeдстoвьтe сe6e/ чтo вЬl BстpeтИлу| пpeдсKo3oтeля 6yдyщeгo. Чтo 6ьl вьl xoтeли yзHoтЬ o сBoeм 6yдyщeм? 3oпиulИтe сBoу1Boпpoсьl. TronsIote the mini.diologues into Еnglish. 1. Kтo IIoеДеT I{a МaIIIинe? - Я. 4. Kтo KyпиT билетьl? - Пaпa. 2. Kтo I{aПиIIIeT письмо? - oн. 5 Kтo ПoМo)KеT МaМе? - МьI. 3. Kтo ПoЗBoI{ит? - Сarшa. 6. Kтo IIpиeДеT зaвтpa? - oни. Whqt wi|l hоppen to them? 1.,"} ln poiгs. With your friends osk ond onswer: WhoI will hoppen fo you next . .." *""k? Мoke prediсtions ond tell the сloss oЬout eoсh other. 2 3 K Po6у МoквизoPдy пoдoЩли тpoe pe6ят, o KoтoPыx oн Hичeгo нe зHoeт. "*- пoэ'oмy, oтBeчoя Ho Иx вoпPoсЬl, oH чoстo oцlи6oeтся. Пpoнитoйтe сти. xoтBoPeH у|e и peЦJитe, KoKиe пPeдсKoз oH|,|я Poбo мoгyт с6ьlться в XVI.ХVII вeкox, o KoKиe Heт. 3 j-} Listen to the song ond sing olong. Мotсh the piсtuгes of the сhiIdren -... with the prediсtions. In tеn yеars In tеn years What will happеn to mе? In tеn yеars Whеrе will I bе? Will I bе happy? Will I be alonе? Will I travеl round thе world? Will I stay at homе? In tеn years you'll bе twеnty-onе' You'll travel round thе world and yоu'll havе fun. You'll go to Sсotland and you'll go to Spain. You,ll travеl by сar, by bus and by plane. In tеn yеars you'll bе a famous star. You'll havе a small dog and a vеry big сar. You'll buy a niсе housе with a swimming pool. And your friеnds will say ..Shе'S rеally сool!'' In ten years you'll bе twenty-two. You will bе a vеt and you,ll work at thе zoo. You'll love your jоb and you'll nеvеr bе latе And thе tigеrs and lions will think, ..Hе is grеat.', фt Ljnit 2 l-еssопs 6 опd Z 41
  • 42. ffi Answer the questions. 1. Who will bе a famous star in tеn yеars? 2. Who will buy a niсе housе in tеn yеars? З. Who will travеl round thе world in tеn yеars? 4. Who will stay at homе in ten yеars? 5. Who will work with animals in tеn yеars? ;!J Мoke questions foг the onswers. 1. You'll bе a famous star in tеn yеars. 2. You,ll be a vеt. 3. You,ll bе twеnty-two. 4. You'll wоrk at the zoo. 5. You'll go to Sсotland 6. Your friеnds will. 7. You'll travеl round thе world in ten yеars. 8. You'll travеl bу car, by bus and by planе. 9. You,ll buy a niсе housе. 99py the toble into y.our сopyЬooks. Listen to the infoгmotion obout Peter, Alex ond Kote ond fill in the toble. Рeter Alеx Katе 1. When will it bе? 2. Whеrе will hе / shе bе? 3. What job will hе / she havе? 4. Will hе / she be happy? 5. Will hе / shе stav at homе? 6. Will hе shе travеl round the world? 7. What will hе / shе have? (сhildrеn, friends, a big family, a car, a housе, a swimming pool, a dog, ...) 42 |Jni| 2 Lеsson Z Use the informotion. in youг сopybooks ond tгy to wгite prediсtions foг Peleг, Kote ond Alex ogoin. ^A j Wгite o short prediсtion on o pieсe of poper. Next Iesson your с|ossmote wil1 get it in o mogiс lottery go'". Тhese q,"'tion' will heip_iJu.
  • 43. Rob prediсts the futuгe of Еnglond 1.,} P|oу o mogiс lottery gome. Put your pгediсtions in o hot. Тoke o prediсtion out of the hot ond reod it. ls it true? 2,',l Listen to the woгds ond expressions ond repeot them ofter the speoker. thе Greаt Plаguе [,grеil'plеIg] - ЭПиДеМия чyМЬI the Grеаt Firе of London |,greft 'falэ] - Beликий ЛoHДo}lский пox<ap а сеntшrу [.sеnфri] - BеK to kill - yбивaть to ехесute ['еksrkju:t] - KaЗIIиTЬ to dеstroу [dl,strэI] - yничTo)KиTЬ to cаtсh [kretЛ - сxBaTить, пoйМaTЬ 3 'i Listen to the dio|ogue ond mork these sentenсes true or folse. 1. Rob will mеet thе Quееn of Еngland. 2, Тhe Quееn оf Еngland will сall Rob a сharlatan. 3. Rob won't prеdiсt the futurе. 4. Thе Quееn will givе Rob prеsеnts and monеy. 4 ' Reod the diologue ond сheсk you tr ffit+уrm Nr* Guess the meoning of the underlined words. 1. I don,t bеlievе this doсtor. He is a сharlatan [Jo:lэtэn]. Мy Quееn, thеrе is a grеat wizard in London. His namе is Rob MaсWizard. Hе knows thе past and thе futurе. Jt'it2 Lеssоn B 4з
  • 44. Еlizabеth: Rob: Еlizabеth: Rob: Еlizabeth: Rob: Еlizabeth: Rob: What will happеn to my сountry in thе Thе sеvеnteеnth сеntury won't bе еasy bесause thе kings of Еngland won't bе When will I diе? You,ll diе in four yеars. futurе, Rob? for Еngland strоng. In 43 yеars' the Civil War will start in Еngland. In 50 years' Parliamеnt will еxесutе thе klng. In 6б yеars thе Great Plaguе will сomе. It will kill many pеoplе. In 67 years, thе Grеat Fire will dеstrоy London. But in thе 19th сеntury, Еngland will bе thе strongеst сountry in thе world And what will happеn to you, Rob? I don't know. In two hours you will bе in thе Towеr of London bесausе you are a witсh! But сatсh mе first! +#3 Answer fhe quesrions. Model: Whаt will hаppen in 1б03? - Quееn Еlizаbeth will die. 1. What will happеn in 1642? 2.What will happеn in |649? 3. What will happеn in 1665? 4. What will happеn in 1666? 5. When will Еngland be thе strongеst сountry in the world? 6. What will happеn to Rob? 7. What dоеs ..You,ll bе in the Towеr of Londоn,'mеan? Is it gоod or bad for Rob? 44 2 Lеssоn B
  • 45. .gJ Пpeдстoвьтe сe6e, чтo y Boс eстЬ 1. Will you go thеre? 2. What will you take with you? 3. What won't you takе with you? Use these things for ideos: sWеatеr *jJ Тhese expressions wiII heIp you: 1. I'll nееd it. l I won't neеd it. z. rШ usе it. / I won't use it. 3. I'll hеlp pеоplе. вoзмoxнoстЬ пoпoстЬ B Aнглию 1599 гoдo. 4.It,I work. / It wоn't work. 5. It,ll help mе. 6. It is safе. / It isn,t safe. A Whot do you think? Whot will hoppen in Russio in o сentury? 1. Will therе bе a prеsidеnt or a king in Russia? 2. Will pеople's life bе bеttеr in Russia? 3. Will Russia bе biggеr or smaller? 4. Whiсh сity will bе thе сapital of Russia? 5. Will thе сlimate сhange? Will it be warmrr or сolder? 6. Will thе Russian languagе bесomе popular all over thе world? B Тгonslote the questions into English. 1. Где вьl бyдете чеpeЗ чac? 2. Гдe oн бyдет )KиTЬ чеpеЗ 10 лет? 3. Что сЛyчиTся чеpеЗ гoд? 4. Kyдa IIoлеTяT ЛIoДи чеpеЗ двa вeкa? mеdiсinе rеvolvеr mobilе phonе sandwiсhеs and a iar of сoffее 46 2 Lеssог, B
  • 46. Let's do it! FIaпoмниM' чTo aнглийские ЛичIIЬIе lvleсToиМения иМeIoT две фоpмьl. oднy иЗ ниx Мo){<Ho сpaBHиTЬ с pyссKиMи ЛиЧнЬIlvlи ]vlесToиМени'lМи B иМе- IIиTеЛЬHoМ IIaДе)Ke. Bтopaя фopмa - oбъектньrй Пaде)K - сooTBеTсTBy- eT ЛиЧIIЬIМ MесTOиMеIIиЯМ pyссKoгo яЗЬIKa Bo Bсеx oсTaJIЬнЬIx IIaДе)Kaх. Ирrеrrительньrй IIaДеx( oбъектньrй пaДе>r< I you hе shе it Wе Я тьI (BьI) oн oнa oнo' oн' oнa MЬI BЬI oHи you thеy mе МI{е' MеIIя' мнoй, (oбo) мне you Baс' BaM' BaМи' (o) вaс him еГo' еМy' им, (o) немr hеr ee, eЙ', еro, (o) ней it егo/ее' еМy l eЙ,имll elo, (o) нешr l o нeй uS нaс' I{aМ, IIaМи' (o) нaс you Baс' BaМ' BaМи, (o) вaс thеm иx, иМ, иMи. (o) ниx ж Chonge the sentenсes oссording to the model. Use if, her, him, fhem. Model: Sing а Song. - Sing it. 1. Look at thе dоg. 2. Write a lеttеr to Aliсе. 3. Phonе John. 4. Answеr thе quеstions. 5. Ask thе girls. Kaк вaм y>I(е иЗBесTIIo, пpoсьбьl иЛи IIpиKaЗaIIутЯ BЬIpaхaЮтся фopмaми IIoBеЛиTеЛЬIIoгo IIaKЛoненlтя. С пpoсьбoiт или ПpиKaЗaнием oбьruнo oбpa- щaIоTся кo 2 лиЦУ еДинсTBеIIIIoгo и MIIo){<eсTBеIIHoгo чисЛa. opеn thе window. - oткpoй oKнo. Sеnd this fах, plеаse.- oтоrшЛиTе эToт фaкс, пoжaлyйстa. Koгдa ПpеДЛo)Kение иЛи IIpиKaзaHvIe oбpaщенo к 3 лиЦУ etинсTBeIIнo- Гo и Мнo)KесTBeнIIoгo чисЛa, исIIoЛЬЗyeTcЯrлaroл Iеt. Let hеr phonе mе. - Пyсть oHa ]vII{е пoзвoнит. Lеt thе girls sing а SОng- Пyсть ДеBoчKи спoIоT ПeсIIIo. Lеt thеm go to thе pаrk. - ПyстЬ oни пoйдyт B IIapK. 6. Rеad thе tеxt. 7. Translatе thе words. 8. Givе Ann thе book. 9. Sеnd Marv an е-mail. Unit3 Lеssоn1 47
  • 47. Thким oбpaзoм, ДЛЯ Toгo чтoбьr oбpaзoвaTь ПoBeЛиTеЛЬI{ЬIе ПpеДЛo)Kе- HLIЯ c ГЛaГoЛoМ lеt, нytкнo BoспoлЬЗoBaTЬсЯ сЛеДyloщей фopмyлoй: Lеt + МесToиМrIIиr 3 лицa еД. и IVIII. чисЛa в oбъеKTI{oМ IIaIIе)Ke / сvщесTBиTеЛЬIIoе + oснoBIIoй глaгoл. *аj The boss is writing o list of his wishes (списoк xeлoний). Help the boss: open the bгoсkets ond сomplete the sentenсes. Tгonslote them into Russion. ModеI: Lеt (I) bеcomе а fаmous dеtесtivе. - Let me bесome а fаmous dеtесtivе. Lеt (my wifе) lеarn to сook. Lеt (my friеnds) invitе mе for dinner. Lеt (Agеnt Сutе) find a new job. Lеt (hе) work far away Let (Robin МaсWizard and Мisha Inin) phone Robin,s сome homе. Let (Robin's mothеr) find hеr son. Lеt (shе) be happy. Lеt (wе) answrr thеsе quеstions. Lеt (wе) givе hеr a prеsеnt. from mе. parеnts. Let (thеy) Kогдa с ПpеДЛo)Krl{иеМ сДеЛaTЬ чтo-либo BМесTе oбpaщaтoTся к 1 лицy Мнo)KeсTBеI{I{oГo числ a' исПoЛЬзy eT сЯ KoнсTpyKЩ'IЯ Iet,s (lеt us) + oсI{oBIloй глaгoл Lеt's plау footbаll.- faвaйTе сЬIГpaeМ B фyтбoл. Lеt's not wаtсh this fil*.- flaвaйTe I{е бyдем сМoTpeTЬ эToT фильм. '*3;} open the broсkets ond сompIete the suggestions. ln whot situotions сon people moke them? 1. Let (*") сlеan thе blaсkboard. 4. 2. Let (*") invitе friеnds. 5. 3. Let (*") listеn to thе tapе. faвaйте yчиTЬсЯ пpaBиЛЬ}Io pеaгиpoBaTЬ' KoгДa BaМ ПpедлaГaloT чTo-To сДелaTЬ. Lеt's wаtch W'- flaвaйте ПoсМoTpиM TеЛеBиЗop. Perfеct! _ oтличнo! Thаt's а good idеа. - Этo хopoшIaЯ МЬIсЛЬ. I likе this suggestion._ Мне IIpaBиTся эTo IIpеДЛo)Krние. I don't think thаt's а good ideа.- Hе ДyМalo, чTo эTo хopoшIaя МЬIсЛЬ. Greаt! - Зaмечaтельнo! It's fun! - Это здopовo! I саn't do it now. I'm busу. - Я не Мoгy сДеЛaTЬ этo сейч ac! Я зaнят(a)! I don,t wаnt to do it.- Я IIе хoчy ЭTo ДеЛaTЬ. 48
  • 48. ^4 .i Look ot the piсture ond сhonge the sentenсes. Whot ore the сhildren getting =. reodу |or? Whot oгe the сhildren,s reoсtions to the teoсher,s suggestions? Пoсмoтpитe Ho KopтиHKи И Иll^etИтe пPeдлoжeHия. K нeмy гoтoBятся дeти? Koкoвo иx peoKция нo пPeдлo)кeнИя уяитeля? Model: Lеt Kаtуа аnd Dimа wаsh the f|oor. - Let thеm wаsh thе floor. Kаtуа аnd Dimа аrе пОt vеrу hoppу аbout this sшggеstion. 1. Lеt Svеta phonе our guеsts. 2. Let Sasha writе a spесial song. З. Let Dasha buy prеsеnts. 4. Let Vova and Anya makе British flags. j Write the ideos foг your best friend's Ьirthdoy porty. Use the expressions Ьelow. Model: а) to givе prеsеnts - a) to dесoratе thе flat b) tо сall matеs с) to play hidе-and-sееk d) to watсh TV е) to invitе Granny f) to havе fish and сhips g) to makе a сakе h) to rеad books Lеt,s givе him / hеr prеsents. i) to sing songs j) to makе сostumеs and masks k) to play сomputеr gamеs l) to play thе piano m) to prеparе a surprisе n) tо сall a tеaсhеr o) to danсе p) tо writе a сard "6 j ln poirs. Toke tuгns to give ideos for o birthdoy porty ond reoсt to them. Use the expгessions from Ex. 5. Model: Lеt Kolуа bшу а cаke.- Grеоt! Lеt's plау сomputer 1аmеS.- I don,t think it,s а good idеа. ..rrl, .t ii 49
  • 49. rr?il Listen to the song "Let's-r the friends goinjto do? not going to do? сeleЬrote,,. Whot oгe Whot ore the fгiends tl У ,# .ffifl, J 1 *zIJ I t*" Reod the song ond сheсk your onsweгs. Lеt's сеlеbratе Tomorrow is my birthday, And it's a magiс datе. Lеt my сiassmatеS сomе to mе. And lеt,s сеlеbratе. Lеt them bring mе prеsеnts, Lеt thеm sing a Song' And let,s play сomputеr gamrs all day long. Lеt's go out for dinnеr, Thеn lеt,s watсh TV' Lеt me phonе my Granny, And lеt hеr сomr to mе. Lеt hеr makе a big сakе, And lеt's say ..Hooray!,, Lеt it bе my birthday еvеry day! tffi Listen to the song ond sing olong. Homework i,g' ,:: 2 !:: ':,!!. .i! '(i i|' |i :!l ti| E) 'i1! !ч i!1 :i ii :|: i|. ; :j A Tronslote the sentenсes into Еnolish. I. [aвafilTе yKpaсиМ KBapTиpy. 2. faвaйTе oTМeTиМ ДеI{Ь po)KДеI{ия. 3. Пyсть oI{и сПoIoT ПесI{Io. 4. Пyсть oIIи IIpиI{есyT ПoДapKи. 5. Пyсть oII IIoМo)KеT МaМe. 6. aвafitTе сЪеДим бoльrпoй тopт. B Wгite three suggestions for a) your friеnd,s birthday party. b) this еvеning. с) your sсhool Nеw Yеar party. Use the expressions from the song. Model: Lеt,s plау сomputеr gаmеS. с How do you usuolly сeleЬrote your Ьi*hdoy? Whot do you do? Whot don,t you do? Wгite 5.7 sentenсes. 50 -nli З Lеssоn ]
  • 50. ln Westminster AbЬey Guess the meoning of the underlined word. Show your doсumеnts [,dоkjоmэnts] to thе poliсеman. Do you wont to know whot,s hoppening to Мisho ond Robin? Listen to the diologue, reod it ond find out. Lеt's fly tо Russia! Тhе Stonе of Dеstiny isn't hеrе! Rеad that! It,s in Еdinburgh Castlе in Sсotland. Л !t U tlll v 5l No' Мisha, that's not a Vеry good idеa. Sсotland is a long way. It's ninе o'сloсk now and thе magiс timе of no-timе is gоing to еnd tоday' What arе wе going to do? Go baсk to Russia, Misha. And what about you? You arеn't going tо stay in Еngland on your Own' arе you? You havе no dосumеnts. no friеnds. Lеt's gо baсk to Russia togеthеr! c'''"".t!ч( lс'.,stlil ,/
  • 51. Тhat,s a Lеt's do good idеa. it nоw! Ёl. ftl Llr ffi il rtt ш IJ I don't know! Oh no, Wе'rе falling! I сan't fly! What's happеning? 2 '; Finish these sentenсes ond soy whot,s hoppening to Мisho ond Robin. Мisha and Robin arе... Thе Stonе of Dеstiny is... Sсotland is... Thе timе of no-timе is... Misha and Robin want to... Misha сan't... Rоbin сan't... 3 ,} HeIp Мisho ond RoЬin. Suggest whot they сon do. Stoгt with Lef them... / Let Мisho ond Robin... Use these ideqs: phonе Misha's family, phonе thе family оf Мisha's pеn friеnd, go to thе poliсе, fly tо Sсotland, find a job in Еngland, go to thе Russian Consulatе (цogсийсKoе KoIIсyльствo), find a friеnd in Еngland, gо to thе airport.-г j 'f 4; Disсuss your ideos with friends. Use the words ond expressions from When in Rome. MоdeI: - Lеt thеm go to the poliсе. - Thаt's not а vеrу 7Оod ideа. Thе boуs hаvе no doсumеnts. - I don,t agrее with уou. Thаt's а good idеа, The poliсе Саn phonе Mishа's pаrеnts аnd help the boуs gеt home. .Whot's the Ьest ideo? 52
  • 52. * ; Git" suggestions for these situotions. Model: our mothеr is tired. Lеt's hеlp her. ].. Thеrе is a nеw film on TV today. 2. This book is vеry intеrеsting. 3. Thе tеaсhеr is going to сhесk our homеwork tomorrоw. 4. Thе wеathеr is vеry niсе today. 5. It's Katе,s birthday today. 6. Granny wants to seе you. 7. The first train is at 6.30. in thе morning. B :Think of o problem. Write two or three sentenсes oЬout it. ln the next lesson osk your сlossmotes foг their suggestions. A sleepoveг ot the museum Listen to the words, repeot them ofter the speokeг ond then reod them. Whiсh of them do you know from Closs 5? family, hospital, сapital, animal, mеmory' minеral, daffodil, dеstiny., history' оppоsitе Если сЛoBo сoсToиT иЗ Tpех сЛoгoB' To yДapеIlие B TaKих слoвax IIaДaеT I{a IIеpBЬrй слoг и Bсе гЛaснЬIe B ЭToМ сЛoBе чиTaIoTся KaK B зaKpЬIToN{ Tиlre сЛoгa. Irаnpuлtеp: mаnagеr f,ma;nrфэ]. ж Listen to the words, repeot them ofter the speoker ond then reod them. suggеstion, сollесtion, fiсtion, mеntion, produсtion Сyффикс .tion чиTaеTся кaк [n]. Reod the sentenсes ond guess the meoning of the underlined woгds. 1. I likе films about dinosaurs ['darnэsэ:z]. 2. Their сollесtion of minеrals ['mrnэrэlz] is thе biggеst in thе world. 3. our сity museum organizеs f'c:genaтzrz] intеrеsting еxсursiоns [ft,skз:Jnz| for сhildrеn. L]nitЗ lеssопs2сlпd З 53
  • 53. Listen to the words ond repeot them ofter the speoker. a slееping bag - сIIaЛЬньlй МrIШoK aftеr that - ПoсЛе ЭToГo сrееpy - сTpaшIньlй light - сBеT to rеlах [rI.laks] - paсслaбvттьcя, oTДoхнyTЬ to wаkе up - ПpoсЬIПaTЬсЯ а plаnt [plо:nt] - paсTr}Iие Thе Natural Histоrу Museum [,nreфrэl ,hrstari фu:,ziэm] - Myзей есTесTBеннoй у|cTopуIИ. It is in London. At this musеum you сan lеarn about thе history of plants' animals and minеrals. ffi Listen to the text, reod it ond сhoose the Ьest onswer to the question: Whot is o sleepover? a) an еxсursion to a musеum b) a gamе you play at night с) a night еxсursion to a musrum d) a bedtimе story A sleеpovef at thе museum FOR YOUR Arе yоu oK, Robin? Wе'rе nеar a big musrum. I sее light in thе windows. 54 Ulit З Lеsson З
  • 54. Aaaah! A ghost! A A dinosaur! Hеlp! witсh! .Р :l j What,s happеning hеrе! Нi, my namе'S Tеd! It's a slееpovеr - a night еxсursion. Musеums do it for сhildrеn at Halloweеn timе. Wе сomе to thе musеum in thе еvеning, play gamеs and makе сostumеs and masks. Thеn thе rеal fun bеgins: witсhеs, ghosts and monstеrs сomr and play with us! Wе сome to a big dark room and thеy tеll us sсary storiеs. Aftеr that thеy run aftеr us and touсh us in thе dark with thеir сold hands! Thеsе monstеrs arе not rеal, but thеy arе сrееpy! Wе gо to slееp vеry latе and wе slееp in our slееping bags. In thе morning wе wakе up and sее dinosaurs nехt to us. Cool, isn't it? musеum? It,s thе Natural History Musеum. Thеy havе thе bеst сollесtion of dinosaurs in thе world! Unit З [еssоn З 55
  • 55. Answeг the questions. 1. What's a slееpover? 2. Who organizes slееpovеrs? З. Whеn do thеy organize slеepovеrs? 4. Do сhildrеn сomе for slееpovеrs alonе? 5. What do сhildrеn do in thе еvеning? 6. Who сomеs at night? 7. What do monstеrs and witсhеs do? 8. Do сhildrеn likе slееpovеrs? A ffi Ask youг friend: Whot does he (she) think oЬoul s|eepovers? Modеl: Does hе find slеepovers fun? - Do уou find slееpovеrs fun? 1. Arе thеy sсary? 2. Doеs hе / she want to go to a slееpovеr? 3. Whiсh musеum in your town doеs hе / shе want to visit? Why? 4. Whiсh musеum in thе world does hе / shе want to visit? Why? 5. Doеs hе / shе want to go thеrе with parеnts or friеnds? Report your fгiend,s onswers to the сloss. Homework Ask questions obout the underlined words. 1. Мusеums organizе slееpovеrs at Hallowеen timе. 2. Wе сomr latе in thе еvеning' . 3. Thеn thе rеal fun bеgins: witсhеs, ghosts and monstеrs сomе and play with us! 4. Wе сomе to a big dark room and thеy tеll us sсary storiеs. 5. Wе go to slееp vеr}u latе and wе slееp in our slееping bags. 6. In thе morning wе wakе up and sее dinosaurs nеxt to us. Ploy o gome 'Are you reody for o sleepover ot the Noturol History Мuseum?,, (See P. 57.| 56 t.Jnit З Lеssоrl З
  • 56. Arе уou rеodу for o sleepover ot the Noturol History iдцseum? Yеs tuУes Do you ce|еЬratе Ha||oweеn? :Уes- rs number 13 luсky? Уes Do you find o dсrk гoom сrееpу? Уou ore intеrеstеd in witсhes, wizords ond mogiс. But do you wont to go to the Notuгсl .. Histoгy Мuseum? ..'. . Go ond wotсh :' :l : ''-t!x .#d" -* Уou like to |еarn nеw things ond reolly enjoy s|eеpovers. Тoke your s|ееping bog, your best fгiend ond hove fun! P|еasе don,t j|""p n""Т to o dinosouг! When you wakе up ond sее it ' уou orе going to be rеo||у sсored. Why not go to bed with o.qood Бookrith o good book ond relox? ,...d UnitЗ LessonЗ 57 o sсoгy fi|m.
  • 57. Sleepovers '*}i L.s.еn to the words ond word , s:зсk - ЛrгKaЯЗaKУcKa .l зхhibition [,еksI'bIJn] - BЬIсTaBKa з paintеr - xyДo)KI{иK сombinotions ond repeot them ofter the speoker. аn importаnt [Im'pэ:tэnt] notе Ba)K}Ioе ЗaМrЧaHие а hаppу еnding - счaсTЛивьtй Ko}IеЦ Guess the meoning of the underlined words. 1. Profеssоr [prэ'fеsэ] Hill knows all about Еngland. Hе is an еxpеrt ['еkspз:t]. 2. This musеum is vеry intеrеsting. Lеt's go on a tour [trлэ]. *]J Мork these stotements true or folse. 1. only thе Natural Histоry Мusеum organizеs slееpovеrs. 2. Musеums organizе sleеpovеrs only at Hallowееn timе. 3. Childrеn сomе to the musеum alоnе. (Your mum and dad сan stay at homе.) 4. Сhildrеn usually bring thеir slееping bags and snaсks for thе slеepovеrs. 5. Slееpovеrs bеgin aftеr 1.0 p.m. 6. Thе сhildrеn сomе homе in thе morning aftеr thе slееpovrrs. 7. Musеums organizе slеepovеrs for fun. 8. SlееpоVеrS сan givе you thе сhanсе to ехсhangе idеas with your friеnds, lеarn nеw things and help you with your homеwork. Мisho ond Robin ore reoding infoгmotion oЬout sleepovers in London. Reod ond сheсk your onswers Io Ех.2. !цlheгr тHЕ NAтURAL HIsтoRy ,l^UsЕU^^ When Еvеrу Fridoy, 7 p.m.- 8 o.m. Т*рiс Dinosouгs. Comе to us for thе night. Уou ond your сloss сon hсve o veгy inteгestin9 tour of ouг museum, Iisten to dinosaur stories ond mееt ouг dinosou? ехPеrt _ Profеssoг Be|l. Plеаse сome with youг mum or dod. Bring youг s|ееping bog ond snoсks foг breokfast. 58 L;nlt З Lеssоn 4
  • 58. Wh*re тHЕ тoWЕR oF LoNDoN Whu'o 25 Marсh 6 P.m.- 8 o.m. r oprc,: Тhe wor|d of Еnglish kings ond queens. Come and leoгn oll obout the histoFу ?f гnllisи kiйgs ond чuiеni. гlф 'itйthe royс| dogs, look ot tЪe гoveйs, hove.bгeokfost with bееfеatеrs сnd s|ееp in the royсl prison. PIеasе сome with your mum oг dod. Don,t forgеt youг s|ееping bog сnd snoсks for breokfost. Jrвтlр*rt*nt n*ig Whi,i;е тHЕАтRЕ ^^UsЕU^^, LoNDoN .''...'. ..o' Аpril - oсtober еvеrY Fridoy, 8 p.m.- 8 o.m. .Tnni,1 Тheotre. ilireеt WilIiom Shokespeorе, Iistеn to his Poemsl op|сl ond.oсt in his fovourite ploy *Ё{om"o,onJ }utiet,;.-|.iJ[ - Shokespeorе writе a nеw siory with o hoPpy еnding.' Tmportоnt nota P|еose сome with your mum oг dod. Don,t forgеt yourr r lv r (l slееping bog ond snoсks foг breokfost. -{,}whiсh sleepover do you wont to go to? Exp|oin your onsweг. Model: I wаnt to go to thе Nаtшrаl Historу fuIuseum. I wаnt to find out аll аbout dinosаurs. э.} Use these words ond write oЬout o sleepover ot the British Мuseum. thеBritish Мusеum/8Novеmbet l7 p.m. - 8 a.m. i magiсanimals/griffons / uniсorns / sphinхеs / makе your own / mееt thе rеal / bring / gluе / iсissors / slееping Ъag l snaсks / сomе / mum l d,ad .""9 Choose the right onswers. Мore thon one onsweг is сorreсt. 1. A slееpover is.. . 2. ...сan organize slееpovеrs. a) . ..a night еxсursion . a) Thе Natural HistЬry Мusеum. . . b) ехсursion to a musеum. b)The Towеr оf London... с) . . .a party. с) Мanv musеums. . . UnitЗ Lеsson4 59
  • 59. 3. Slееpovers normally start... a) thе morning. b) thе evеning. с) thе aftеrnoon. 4. Аftet slееpovеrs сhildrеn сomе homе... a) thе morning. b) the еvеning. с) thе aftеrnoon. 5. Childrrn. ... a) ...сomе with thеir mum or dad. b) ...bring thеir slееping bags. с) ...bring snaсks for brеakfast. 6. At slееpovеrs, сhildrеn... a) ...rеlax. b)...slеep. с) ...lеarn interеsting things. 7. Sleеpovers hеlp сhildren with thеir homework in... a) ...history. b) .. .biology. с) ...litеraturе. 8. At sleеpovеrs, сhildrеn сan... a) gamеs. b) ...listen to intеrеsting storiеs. с) ...makе things with thеir own hands. .ffi Listen to the text ond сheсk your onsweгs. Мuseum lmogine thot you ore of o sleepover ot o) the Hermitoge b) the Мosсow Zoo с} the Мosсow Polyteсhniс Do the tosks. o) Look ot the dinosour. Мotсh the poгts of its body with the nomes. tail, hеad, body, front lеgs, baсk lеgs Ь) Reod the informotion obout o fomily of tigers ond onswer the questions. 1. What's thе namе оf thе youngеst mеmbеr of thе tigеr family? 2. Hоw old is hе? 3. Whеrе do thе tigеrs сomе from? 4. Сan you sее Rokan at2 p.m.? 5. Can you sее Lеo at 10 a.m.? our six-mоnth-old Sumatran tiger Lеo is a сhildrеn,s favouritе. Sее Lеo, his mothеr, Sunny, and his fathеr, Rokan, at thе Grеat Cat еxhibition. Thе tigers arе now outsidе from about 8 a.m. to L2 p.m. 60 Unit З Lеsson 4
  • 60. с) Мotсh the piсtures with the pointers. Andrеy Rublеv, Valеntin Serov, Viсtor Vasnеtsov, Мiсhaеl Vrubеl l,:fi gotсh the mUseUms with the oсtivities you сon do there. Homework : , Use the informotion from Ех. 6, 7, wrile oЬout sleepovers ond be reody to tell your story to the сloss. Whot сon visitors see ond leoгn in your ciIY / town / villoge museums? Think of interesting oсtivities thot people сon do theгe. Use Ex. 5-6 os on exomple. A girl gets lost *.-!*у Listen to th.e w.ords ond repeot them ofter the speoker. Guess the meonings of the underlined words. situation, сеlеbration, dеmonstration, libеration' gеnrration, сonsultation, dесoration, сoronation, illumination, e)(alцina1ioIl, intuition, сonvеrsation B словax, сoсToЯщkтх v|З чеTЬIpех сЛoгoB и бoлeе, eсTЬ oснoвнoе ['] и BTopoсTеIIе}Iнoе [,l yдapеIlиe. Hаnpuлlеp: mаthеmаtiсs [,mюor'mюtrks]. *'?.''З Listen to the woгds ond repeot them ofteг the speoker. to try [trar] - ПЬITaTЬся to gеt lost - IIoTrpяTЬся bесausе [bI.knz] - ПoToМy чTo tО Сrу - I]ЛaKaTЬ а notеbook - ЗaПисIIaЯ K}Iи)KKa 61
  • 61. ,ffiListen to the сonYersotion ond onswer the questions. 1. Whо do Мisha and Robin mееt at thе slееpovеr? 2. What's thе girl's problеm? 3. What arе thе bоys going to do? ffi Reod the сonversotion. Lеt,s hеlp Aliсе A girl: Мark! John! Rosy! Whеrе arе yоu? RoЬin: Whо arе yоu? What сan Wе do for you? Thе girl: My namе is Aliсе. I'm hеrе with my friеnds, but I сan't find thеm. Misha: Lеt's try and find thеm togеthеr. Robin: It's еlеvеn o'сloсk. All thе pеoplе havе gonе homе (все yшtли). Aliсе: I am lost! Who will hеlp mе? Мisha: Phonе your friеnds. Aliсe: I сan't phonе thеm. Thеy arе nоt at homе at thе momеnt. Thеy arе in London on Мisha: You havе your friеnds' addrеss, don't уou? Aliсе: Yеs, I do, but I сan't go thеrе alonе. I,m a tourist from Franсе. It,s my sесond day in Еngland. I don't know London' Мisha: Don't сry, Aliсе! Wе arе with Aliсе: Will you hеlp mе, boys? an ехсursion. you. 62 19 Crrэ Оeni- Road, Тunbridgo Woэ. Kоnt TNz ЭGH, UK Tunbridgе Wеlls! That's intеrеsting! Why do you saY that? l think I know this addrеss, but I don,t rеmember why. Lеt's hеlp Aliсе and sее. Unlt З Lеsson 5
  • 62. Coюз bесausе (пoтoмy vто) сoеДиHяеT ДBa IIpoсTЬrх ПpедЛo>K erlvIЯ B otllo сЛo)KIIoе. Irаnpшлlеp: Hе plауs computеr lаmеS' bесаuse it's intеrеstin8.- oн игpaеT B KoМIIЬIoTеpIIЬIе игpЬI' IloтoМy чTo эTo инTеpесI{o. -j.J Choose the right onswer. 1. Aliсе сan't find hеr friеnds at thе musеum bесausе a) thеy havе gonе. b) they arе plaфg outsidе. с) thеy arе in Franсе. 2. A|ice,s friends havе gone' bесausе a) thеy don't likе Aliсе. b)it's еlеvеn o,сlосk. с) thеy arе vеry busy. 3. Aliсе is lost, bесause a) shе is from Franсе. b) hеr friеnds havе gone. с) shе doesn't spеak Еnglish. 4. Aliсе сan't phonе hеr friеnds, bесausе 5. Aliсе сan,t find hеr friends, housе. bесausе a) she doesn't know Lоndon. b) shе doеsn't likе London. с) shе doеsn't know thеir addrеss. 6. Aliсe is сrying, bесause a) shе wants to go homе to Franсе. b) she doеsn't like Мisha and Robin. с) shе gеts lost. 7. Robin says, "That's a surprise!" about thе address, bесausе a) it is his address. b) Aliсe's friends dоn,t live in London. с) he сan,t rеad it. a) shе doеsn't spеak Еnglish. b) shе doesn't know thеir phonе numbеr. с) hеr friеnds arе nоt at homе at thе momеnt. 3: lт:p-г:, lhotyou get lost in Englond. Whotwil|.you do in fhis situotion? Why? Мotсh the poгts of the sentenсes ond use them foг ideos. 1. I'1l stay at that plaсе,... 2. I,|| go to my Еnglish friеnds' homе,... 3. I'll phone my Еnglish friеnds,... 4.I,|| go to thе poliсе,... 5. I'll phone Mum and Dad,... a)...bесause I know thеir phonе numbеr. b) ...bесausе they сan always help. с) ...bесause my Еnglish friends сan find mе thеrе. d)...bесausе I know thеir addrеss. е) ...bесause thеy сan find my Еnglish friеnds and take mе to thеir homе. UnitЗ Lеssоn5 63
  • 63. Ploy o gome. Use the poгts of the senlenсes ond moke os mony sentenсes with Ьeсouse os you сon. ModеI: I cаn't go out, beсаuse it's сold. l:i l'':' :'?i!:tr ...we wont to go out !i:t:'. 1у'w:E ...sсhool stortS ot 8 o.m. :rtrъ:'.. ' |ъ|i;||i ...f om going to 9o to bed now :;i' :,i't:tk best friеnd isn,t well todoy ...f don't wont to ploy footboll . ;!.i ' tt. ...this film is borinq : - 0., :l!; д;.jlфя!{t9**'*i-!i""il6ffiа!ФeЕq]|FфЁgqf:Ё9.]?:]1]:9]i'f#"ai,rt igti'l.1.:1 A ж Cheсk your onswers with the сossette / disk. Homework 4. цl {i |b'tl q| |!,!,,'. u::h rii 1b..*']ftфФff} r{!ш ф e Ффффф# ффф ф &ф фffiф,Ф А,nswer the questions. 1. Is it сold or Warm today? Why? 2. Аte you happy today? Why? / Why not? 3. Dо you likе mathеmatiсs? Why? / Why not? 4. Do you likе to rеad books? Why? / Why not? 5. Do you Want to go to Еngland? Why? / Why not? 6. Do you want to bе a doсtor? Why? / Why not? 7. Do you Want to learn to drivе a cat? Why? / Why not? 8. Dо you likе wintеr? Why? / Why not? 9. What's your favouritе Sеason? Why? Unit З Lеsson 5 ...I wont to use the phone ...the sun is shining ...r don't Wont to wotсh TV ...I ]ike spoгts ...the weotheг is 64
  • 64. Go down the street t:.,i1x|:fr.:ъit;.!a|уэФцEn$tд;gфвn.ii#AЕalаф:)slзaц.Aф&ф&яЬйilwiфйs,. .s! ..l ,,i Listen to the words ond expressions ond гepeotthem ofterthe speoker. tо turn right ['tз:n'rart] - ПoBеpIIyTЬ }Ia[paBo tо turn lеft [,tз:n'lеft] - ПoBеpнyTЬ I{aЛеBo to gо down / up the strееt - иДTи BI{иЗ / ввеpx Пo yЛице tо go past smth - пpoйти мимo чего.либo on the right l|eft sidе - I{a ПpaBoiт' l лeвortt сTopoIrе on thе сornеr - нa yгЛy oppositе ['upэzrt] - IIaПpoTиB bеtween [bI,twi:n] - Ме)KДy a road - ДopoГa a station IstеtJn] - BoKЗaЛ How do I gеt to...? - Kaк мне дoбpaTЬcЯ дo...? Если BЬI xoTиTе ЗaДaTЬ BoПpoс I{езнaKoМoМy чеЛoBеKy нa yЛице, бyдет I{eBе)KЛиBo' есЛи вьI oбpaTиTесЬ K I{еМy с IIpямЬIN,I BoIIpoсoМ: Whеrе is the bаnk? - Где бaнк? B aнглийскoм яЗЬIKе в тaкoй cvITУaЩklИ IIpaBиЛЬнo бyдет }IaчaTЬ BoIIpoс сo сЛoB: Eхсuse mе, саn уou tеIl mе...? - ИзвиIъIуITI,}Iе МoГЛи бьr вьI МI{е сKaЗaть? Eхсusе mе, do уou know...? - Извините' BЬI нl знaетe...? Hаnpшлlеp: Ехсuse mе' саn уou tеll me whеrе the bаnk is? -Извинtцте' не МoгЛи бьr вьr Мне сKaЗaTЬ' ГДе бaнк? oбpaтитr BниMаIIие: Если ПеpеД сПециaЛЬIlЬIМ BoПpoсoМ сToЯT фpaзьr Cаn уou tell...?' Do уou knoW...?, To ПoсЛе BoIIpoсиTеЛЬ- нoгo сЛoBa сTaB.vITcЯ ПoДЛе)KaЩee, a Зa I{иМ oсIloBнoй глaгoл. Hаnpшлlеp: Саn уou tеll me whеrе the hotеl is? Do уou know whеrе hе livеs? 3 Aнглийский язьtк, 6 кп. Happу Еnglish Unit4Lеssоnsl2 65
  • 65. 2 -. Мoke your questions polite. do you know...? 1. Whеrе is my bag? Stoгt with Еxсuse me/ сan YoU tell ...? Ехcuse me, 6. What,S your addrеss? 7. What is thе first lesson on Мonday? 8. Whеrе is thе hеad tеaсher,s offiсе? 2. Whеrе arе your friеnds? 3. What'S your namе? 4. How old arе you? 5. What's your phone numbеr? ._..-.; ln poirs. Ask ond onswer these questions. --3.-j Now Cute rememЬers his mission in Russio, Ьut he doesn,t remember his home town in Englond. Listen to the diologues ond onswer the question: Whot is Cufe looking for? Choose from o Ьon( his house, the deteсtive ogenсy, his mother,s house, o supermorket, o hospitol, o sсhool, o museum. !} Reod the diologues ond сheсk your onswers. Еxсusе mе, how do I gеt to National Wеstminstеr bank? Go up this strееt, turn lеft and it is on thе right sidе. Thank you vеry muсh. Ехсusе ml' сan you tеll mе whеrе thе dеtесtivе agеnсy is? Thank you vеry muсh. г. Ёч r {t I IilIЦLJ I i; I L}Ч .t I **",i :т";.l I J'n'l: ф'i t Go down thе strееt, turn right, go past thе shop and you arе thеrе. 1?66 't-' ,ll,
  • 66. Ехсusе mе' do you knоw whеrе my housе is? Yоu can,t rеmеmbеr your address, сan yоu? Arе you oK? No, I am not. I think I nееd a doсtor. Go down thе strееt and turn lеft. Thе hоspital is bеtwееn thе supеrmarkеt and thе sсhool. How do I gеt to thе hospital? FOR YOUR щ Natiоnal Westminstеr or NatWеst is onе of thе biggеst British banks. Ж |n poirs. A: Ask B diгeсtions foг: a bookshop, a poliсе station, a dentist' a Supermarkеt. B: Answer A's questions. Use the mop. Poliоe station ' . Museum WWffi Dentist ffiоl щ7tuo r l1 * down ; .-"'*-*.*_"__*_i ,fi ffi,4 I'lnlt Д' |.еssоns l, Supеrmarket ! Bookshop ffi ffi'/-* Ч/ 67
  • 67. Пoигpoeм. Пoслe тoгo KoK BoдяЩиЙ вьlЙдeт из KЛoссo, спpячЬтe B Kлoссe кoкoй.ли6o пpeдмeт. BepнyвlllисЬ, вoдящий дoЛxeH нoЙти спpятoнньlй ПPeдмeт, pyKoBoдствyясЬ yKo3oHиями oдHoгo из Boс. Model: A: Go to thе blасkboаrd. B: OK. A: Now turn left аnd go pаst thе tеаchеr,s tаble. B: ОK. A: Stop! It's in thе bаg! Cute is tolking to the doсtor. Тhe doсtor wonts to help him remember his home town, so he osks Cute questions. Listen to the diologue, look ot the mop ond tiсk Cute,s сorreсt onsweгs. Bank Museum Supermarket SсhooI Hospital Station Hotel , ''l Cute's house ..ж Listen to the diologue ogoin ond сorгeсt Cute,s mistokes. Homework A :Trons|ote the diologues into English ond oсt them out in сloss. A: Извините, BьI IIe Mo)KеTе МI{e сKaЗaTЬ' ГДе KI{DKньIй мaгaзин? B: Пpoйдитr МиМo бaнкa, ИДI4Тe BIIиЗ Пo yЛице' I]oBеp}IиTе HaЛеBo и BЬI yBиДиTе еГo. Сттaсvтбo. Извинlrте, Bьt не ЗнaеTe' ГДе сyПеpМapкет? Идитe BBеpx Пo yЛице, IIoBеpниTe lraПpaBo и BЬI yBиДиTе еГo. Cпaсибo. Извиътите' KaK мне дoбpaTЪcЯ дo вoкзaлa? Пpoйдите МиМo MaГaЗинa' ПoBеpI{иTe IIaЛеBo и BЬI yBиI{иTе егo I{a yГЛy yЛицЬI. A: Cпaсибo. Unit 4 |-еssоns l, 268
  • 68. B Give detoiled onswers to the questions. Be гeody to oсt out the diologues in сloss. 1. How dо wе get from 2. How do wе gеt from 3. Hоw do wе gеt from 4. How do wе gеt frоm 5. How do wе get from 6. Hоw do wе gеt from your sсhоol to your housе? your housе to thе station? your sсhool tо thе Supеrmarkеt? your sсhool to thе pоst offiсе? thе statiоn to thе hotеl? your sсhool to thе hоspital? roNDoN { j How do we get to Тunbгidge Wells? Robin ond AIiсe ore looking for TunЬridge Wells on the mop. Help them. Look ot the mop ond onsweг the questions. 1. What is thе full namе of Tunbridgе Wеlls? 2. Is Tunbridge Wеlls in London? 3. Whiсh сounty is Tunbridgе Wеlls in? 4. Is Tunbridge Wеlls far from London? North Sea|;я Roсhester ,ф Sevеnoaks z* Тonbridge Roya| Тunbridge Wells Dover ,Ёf Еnglish Channel Guess the meoning of the underlined words. 10 kilomеtrеs ['kllэ,mi:tэz] (six milеs) is not a long distanсе ['dIstэns]. Listen to the words, repeot them ofter the speoker ond then reod them. mеasurе, trеasurе, plеasurе Canterbury KЕNT '# Sa#dwiсrr
  • 69. FOR YOUR t In Russia we mеasurе thе distanсе in kilomеtrеs. In Еngland thеy mеasure the distanсе in milеs. *1-l Answer the questions. 1. Whiсh is longеr a mile or a kilomеtre? 2. How many kilomеtrеS arе thеre in 200 milеs? 3. How far is your citу ltown / villagе from Mоsсow in kilometrеs / in milеs? 4-J Answer the question. How do people get to work / sсhool? Мotсh the words with the piсtuгes. ModеI: Аlех gеts to work bу саr. 1. tо gеt ... by bus 2. to gеt ... by planе 3. to grt ... by biсyсle 4. to get ... by undеrground 5. to gеt ... by boat 6. to get ... by train 'l . to walk .5.::} Lislen to the сonveгsotion. Reod it ond onswer the questions. 1. How far is Tunbridgе Wеlls from London? 2. How arе thе friеnds going tо gеt to Tunbridgе Wеlls? 3. What arе thе friеnds looking for? Robin: Tunbridgе Wеlls is about 50 milеs from hеrе. How do wе Aliсе: Fifty milеs isn't vеry far, but we сan,t walk to Tunbridge Wе nееd a car. Мisha: Wе don't havе a car' but wе сan go by train. Aliсе: Lеt,s find a station. Мisha: That's a good idеa! 7o ')э t ',: ]-с::l'r;. ':j gеt thеrе? Wells. @*@
  • 70. FOR YOUR Royal Тhnbridgе Wеlls ['rэlэl ,t,rnbrrф'wеlz] - Kopoлевскиi,1 Taнбpидх<.Уэлс. Иcтopия эToГo гopoДa oTpa)кеIIa B еГo IIaЗBaнии. Wеlls (кoлoдцьr) oзнallarТ' ЧTo KoГДa-To ЭToT гopoД OЬIЛ KypopToМ' ЗнaMlHиTЬIМ сBoиМи целебньIшrи BoДaМи' a Royal (кopoлевqкий) дoбaвленo K нaЗBaниIo ГopoДa B ЗI{aK ToГo' tITo ЭToT KypopT чaсTo ПoсещaЛи ЧЛеHЬI KopoЛrBскoй сеМЬи' B ToМ чисЛr и oДнa иЗ сaМЬIx BеЛиKиx KopoлеB Aнглии - KopoЛеBa Bиктopия. aж* ffiiз li .) 71
  • 71. -6j |n Poiгs. Ask ond onswer the questions. -|Iodеl: How do уou gеt to sсhool? - Bу undеrground. i. How do you gеt to thе shop? ]' Hоw do you get to sсhool? 3. Нow dо you gеt to your granny's housе? .1. How do you gеt to Мosсow? 5. Hоw do you gеt to your best friend's housе? 6. How doеs your mothеr gеt tо work? A €J Report your friend,s onswers to the сloss. Use the plon. 1.Мy friend gеts to sсhool... 2.Му friеnd gеts to thе shоp... 3. his (hеr) granny's housе... 4. Мosсow... 5. his (hеr) best friеnd,s housе... 6. His (hеr) mothеr gеts to work... Homework l AIiсe is telling Мisho ond Robin oЬout heг life in Poris. Reсd her story ond do Еx. B. I livе in Paris. I don't likе the underground and I don't usе it Vеry oftеn. I gеt to sсhool by biсyсlе in summеr and by bus in wintеr. Мy nеighbоur is my bеst friend and I oftеn walk to hеr housе. My granny doеsn't livе in Paris and we gеt to hеr house by сar or by train. I lovе thе big shops in the сentre of Paris and always gеt therе by undеrground. It's easier. Мy father is a businеssman and hе oftеn fliеs to Londоn. Hе сan gеt thеrе by сar or by train, but hе likеs to fly. Wгite questions for the onswers. Model: IIow doеs Аlicе's fаthеr get to London? - Hе f|ies thеre. How doеs Aliсе gеt to school? - Shе gets to sсhool bу саr or bу biсусlе, - Hе fliеs thеrе. - Bесausе hеr granny doеsn,t livе in Paris. - Shе gеts to thе shоps by undеrground. - Shе walks therе. - Beсausе hе likеs to fly. 72 iJг'it4 |.lss,.n l]
  • 72. Where is Choring Cross? iiff lirt"n to the words ond expressions ond squarе [skwеэl - IIЛoщaДЬ plaсе - МесTo Charing Cross [,tJюпц'krns] Brompton Roаd l'bromptn 'rэоd] - a streеt in thе сеntrе оf London Knightsbridgе [.nartsbriфl - a strеet in thе сеntrе of London EcсIеston Strеet ['еklstэn stri:t] - a strееt in thе сеntrе of London St Jаmеs,s Pаrk [snt .феlmzlz 'pс:k] - a park in thе сеntre of London 'z-;} rlnd the ploсes on the moP. гepeot them ofter the speoker. Shеrloсk H olmеs [,Jз:lоk ,hэomz] - IШеpлoк Хoлмс It is nаmed аfter... - зd. онa }IaЗBaнa B чесTЬ... to bеаt smb - зd. пoбеДиTЬ кoгo-либo bronzе - бpoнзoвьlй а bаttle - битвa FOR YOUR r Viсtоria Station [vik.tэ:ша 'stеrJn] - a big' old train and undеrground station in Londоn. It is namеd aftеr Viсtoria, a famous Еnglish quеen. T}afalgar Sqшarе [trэ,fюlgэ .skwеа] _ a famous sqrrare in thе сеntrе of London. It is named aftеr thе battle of Tiaf a|gar, At that battlе Admiral Nеlson bеat Napolеon. In thе сеntrе of thе squarе is Nеlson,s сolumn. Around thе сolumn arе four bronzе lions. Big Ben - a famоus сloсk towеr in thе сеntrе of London. t.Jrlii 4 Lеssоns 4, 5 73