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tate aid for R&D and Innovation
     Belgrade, 19 March 2012

             Bernhard VON WENDLAND
             European Commission
             DG COMPETITION
             R&D, innovation and risk capital
State aid for R&D and Innovation

• EU-objectives
• EU State-aid rules
• Concept of State aid
• State-aid control in the EU
• State-aid rules with an R&D and innovation objective State-aid rules
  and SME's
• Focus on EU-Framework for State aid for R&D&I – eligible activities,
  eligible costs
• R&D&I-aid and the General Block Exemption Regulation
• Decision practice
• Objective "The establishment of an internal
  market" - Art. 3 (3) of the Treaty on
  European Union.
• To that end, the EU shall “work for the sustainable
  development of Europe based on balanced economic growth
  and price stability, a highly competitive social market
  economy, aiming at full employment and social progress, and
  a high level of protection and improvement of the quality of
  the environment. It shall promote scientific and technological
• Objective "Promotion of Research and
  Development and Innovation " - Article 179
  (1) of the TFEU:
• "The Union shall have the objective of strengthening its
  scientific and technological bases by achieving a European
  research area in which researchers, scientific knowledge and
  technology circulate freely, and encouraging it to become
  more competitive, including in its industry, while promoting
  all the research activities deemed necessary by virtue of other
  Chapters of the Treaties.”
• EU-2020 objective: Smart, sustainable and inclusive
  growth; R&D-expenditure to reach 3 % of EU-GDP by
• Innovation Union Flagship Initiative: Strategic and
  integrated approach to research and innovation.
• Member State and EU-funding should contribute to these
• Important topics: Societal challenges, Key Enabling
  Technologies, collaborative and industry-driven R&D,
  reduce time to market, strengthen excellence.
EU State-aid rules

• Competition - an exclusive EU-

 The EU has exclusive competence in the
 establishing of the competition rules necessary
 for the functioning of the internal market; Art. 3
 (1) lit b of the TFEU.
Concept of State aid

Art. 107 (1) TFEU: General
prohibition of State aid:
"Save as otherwise provided in the Treaties, any
aid granted by a Member State or through State
resources in any form whatsoever which distorts
or threatens to distort competition by favouring
certain undertakings or the production of certain
goods shall, in so far as it affects trade between
Member States, be incompatible with the internal
Concept of State aid

That prohibition however is not total:
•The TFEU leaves room for a number of policy
objectives for which State aid "may" be
considered compatible with the Internal Market.
•State-aid rules are implemented through
secondary legislative acts that provide for criteria
and rules that the Commission shall use to
assess the compatibility of State aid with the
Internal Market.
Concept of State aid

• General rule: EU Funds are not considered as
  State aid - no "State" resources and not under
  State control.
• Notabene! Structural Funds and Cohesion Fund
  monies pass through Member-State control –
  fall under State aid rules if all criteria of Art.
  107 (1) TFEU are met.
State-aid control in the EU

Member States must notify State aid to
the Commission, prior to its
implementation - Art. 108 (3) TFEU:
"The Commission shall be informed, in sufficient time to
enable it to submit its comments, of any plans to grant or
alter aid. If it considers that any such plan is not compatible
with the internal market having regard to Article 107, it shall
without delay initiate the procedure provided for in
paragraph 2. The Member State concerned shall not put its
proposed measures into effect until this procedure has
resulted in a final decision."
State-aid control in the EU

• Procedure and implementing rules:
• Procedural regulation: Council Regulation (EC) N°
  659/1999 of 22.3.1999 laying down detailed rules
  for the application of Article 93 of the EC Treaty
  [now read Art. 108 of the TFEU]
• Commission Regulation (EC) N° 794/2004 of
  21.4.2004 implementing Council Regulation
  (EC)No 659/1999
State-aid control in the EU
• Commission approves aid measures by a Decision.
• Commission may exempt certain categories of aid
  from the notification obligation.
• The General block exemption Regulation of 2008
  (GBER) is the current legal basis for such
  exemption: Commission Regulation (EC) N°
  800/2008 of 6.8.2008 declaring certain categories
  of aid compatible with the common market in
  application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty [now
  read Articles 107 and 108 of the TFEU]
State-aid control in the EU
• Notification procedure – simplified overview:
  • Formal notification (electronic format): Art . 108 (3) TFEU; Art. 2
    Reg. 659/99; Art. 3 Reg. 794/94
  • Legal deadline to take a decision: 2 months from the date when a
    notification is "complete": Art. 4 (5) Reg. 659/99
  • Preliminary assessment by the Commission, Art. 4 Reg. 659/99; if
    necessary Commission sends information request(s) to Member
    State, Art. 5 Reg. 659/99
  • If serious doubts about the aid's compatibility: Formal
    investigation, Art. 6 Reg 659/99 (consulting interested parties)
  • Commission Decision, Artt. 4 and 7 Reg 659/99: Approval
    "compatible aid"; "no State aid"; conditional approval; negative
State-aid control in the EU

• Notification procedure – simplified
  • A notification may be withdrawn by the Member State,
    Art. 8 Reg 659/99.
  • A Member State may "pre-notify" aid measures. This is
    an informal procedure. In that process, Commission and
    Member State discuss the legal and economic aspects of
    an aid prior to notification. The objective is to enhance
    the quality and completeness of notifications.
State-aid rules with an R&D and
          innovation objective
• First and foremost: Community framework for state aid
  for research and development and innovation – R&D&I-
• Targeting in particular innovative SME's in their start-up
  and early phase: Community guidelines on state aid to
  promote risk capital investments in small and medium-
  sized enterprises – Risk-Capital Guidelines
• Exemption of, i.a., certain R&D&I-aids and risk-capital
  measures from the obligation to notify aid: Commission
  Regulation (EC) No 800/2008 of 6.8.2008 - General
  block exemption Regulation
State-aid rules and SME's

• SME-definition for State-aid purposes is based on
• Commission Recommendation of 6.5.2003
  concerning the definition of micro, small and
  medium-sized enterprises

• See also Annex to the General Block Exemption
  Regulation (GBER)
State-aid rules and SME's

SME's benefit from dedicated aid objectives
and from more generous rules, compared to
rules applicable to large enterprises.
  • Aid during the entire life-cycle of an SME,
  • to a large extent withot prior notification to the
    Commission or,
  • if notifiable, subject to a less detailed summary
The Community Framework for State
 Aid for R&D&I (R&D&I-Framework)
• Overall objective: Enhance economic efficiency and
  thereby contribute to sustainable growth and jobs.
• State aid for R&D&I therefore must lead to additional
  R&D&I (“incentive effect”!) whereas the distortion of
  competition must not be contrary to the common
• The R&D&I-Framework is designed to ensure this
  objective and, in particular, to make it easier for
  Member States to better target the aid to market
  failures that affect R&D&I-activities.

• Scope: All sectors (“horizontal” Framework); including
  Agriculture and Fisheries (specific rules for agri-R&D aid of up
  to 100% of costs in Chap. 9); excluding undertakings in
  difficulty within the meaning of the Community Guidelines on
  State aid for rescue and restructuring undertakings in difficulty
• Applies both to aid schemes and ad-hoc aid
• Duration: valid until 31 December 2013
• Legal status: non-binding secondary legal act; binding the
  Commission when exercising its discretion = R&D&I-aid that
  meets all the criteria of the R&D&I-Framework must be

• Structure – the most essential points:
   • Guidance on State aid in R&D&I-situations: public funding to
     research organisations and innovation intermediaries; indirect
     aid through public research organisations to undertakings in
     service contracts or collaboration (Chap. 3)
   • R&D&I-State aid: Criteria for the standard assessment (Chap. 5)
   • Incentive effect of R&D&I-aid: Basic formal and material criteria
     (Chap. 6)
   • R&D&I-State aid: Criteria for the detailed assessment (Chap. 7)
   • Rules for cumulation with other aid (Chap. 8)
• Chapter 3 - Guidance on State aid in typical R&D&I-
• Public funding to research organisations and innovation
  intermediaries could constitute State aid if the funding is for
  economic activities (= offering goods or services on the market) -
  Section 3.1
• Enterprises could receive indirect aid if a publicly funded research
  organisation delivers an R&D-service at conditions more
  favourable than market conditions (contract research, services) -
  point 3.2.1
• Enterprises could receive indirect aid when collaborating with
  publicly funded research organisations: Criteria for the exclusion
  of State aid in point 3.2.2
• Chapter 5 - Standard criteria for certain
  R&D&I-objectives that may be supported
  with aid:
• Eligible beneficiaries; maximum aid-intensities (percentage
  of eligible costs) or aid amounts; eligible costs; criteria for
  aid instruments such as repayable advances and fiscal aid;
  other criteria (e.g. maximum duration of a measure;

• Chapter 5 - Eligible R&D&I-objectives/activities:
   • R&D projects: fundamental, industrial research;
     experimental development: the larger the beneficiary
     and/or the closer the activity is to a practical
     application, the lower is the allowed aid intensity (point
   • Aid for technical feasibility studies preparatory to
     industrial research or experimental development (point
   • Aid for industrial property rights costs for SMEs: costs
     associated with obtaining and validating patents and
     other industrial property rights (point 5.3)

• Chapter 5 - Eligible R&D&I-objectives/activities:
• (continued)
   • Aid for young innovative small enterprises: not older
     than 6 years at the time when the aid is granted;
     innovativeness can be evidenced either by an expert
     evaluation or with R&D-costs - at least 15 % of total
     operating costs (point 5.4)
   • Aid for process and organisational innovation in services
     (point 5.5): new and substantial improvements; must
     involve ICT; project-based; must entail a clear degree of
     risk; must develop standards, models, concepts
• Chapter 5 - Eligible R&D&I-objectives/activities:
• (continued)
   • Aid for innovation advisory services and for innovation
     support services for SMEs; services must be bought at
     market price or aid must be granted in the form of a
     reduced price (point 5.6)
   • Aid to SME's for the loan of highly qualified personnel:
     personnel and recruiting costs for the loan of highly
     qualified personnel seconded from a research
     organisation or a large enterprise to an SME (point 5.7)
   • Aid for innovation clusters: Investment and operating
     aid to the legal entity operating the innovation cluster
     (point 5.8)
• Eligible costs:
   • Are set out for each eligible activity (cf. points 5.1 – 5.8)
   • Aid for Young Innovative enterprises: Not linked to any
     eligible costs
   • Example ("classic") R&D-project aid (point 5.1.4)- to the
     extent and for the duration as used for the research project:
       • personnel;
       • instruments and equipment;
       • building and land;
       • contractual research, technical knowledge, patents bought or
         licensed from outside sources at market prices;
       • additional overheads
       • other operating expenses, including costs of materials, supplies
         and similar products

Incentive effect (Chap. 6)
• Formal criterion: The aided R&D&I-project must not have
  commenced prior to the aid application by the beneficiary to the
  national authorities. This criterion must be met in any case.
  (decision practice document 3, (114), (115))
• Material criteria: If a significant positive effect on at least one of
  the elements below can be demonstrated, an incentive effect of
  R&D&I-aid can be presumed:
   • increase in project size
   • increase in scope
   • increase in speed
   • increase in total amount spent on R&D&I

• Chapter 6 - Legal presumption of an
  incentive effect of
  • project aid and feasibility studies where the aid
    beneficiary is an SME and where the aid amount is
    below EUR 7,5 million for a project per SME,
  • aid for industrial property rights costs for SMEs,
  • aid for young innovative small enterprises,
  • aid for innovation advisory services and innovation
    support services,
  • Aid to SME's for the loan of highly qualified personnel.

• Incentive effect and aid schemes:
  • Member State must verify for each individual aid
    under an approved scheme that an incentive effect is
    present; must demonstrate how it has assessed the
    incentive effect of the aid in annual reports to the
    Commission (cf. document 4, (40)-(44); (75)-(77)).
• Incentive effect and the detailed
  assessment under Chap. 7:
  • Chap. 6-indicators are not sufficient - complementary
    evidence is needed, pursuant to specific criteria set
    out in Chap. 7

• Chapter 7 - Subject to the detailed
  assessment is:
  • R&D&I-aid that must be notified individually
    pursuant to the GBER - Art. 6 lit. e) and f)
  • R&D&I-aid that is to be assessed in detail
    pursuant to the R&D&I-Framework - point 7.1
    of the R&D&I-Framework.
  > Aid above certain thresholds

  Chapter 7 Detailed assessment – methodology
                    and criteria
• Balancing test: The Commission balances the positive impact of the
  aid measure in reaching an objective of common interest against its
  potentially negative side effects by distortion of trade and competition.
• Positive Effects of R&D&I-aid (Point 7.3): aid addresses a market
  failure; aid is appropriate; incentive effect; aid is proportional
• Negative effects - distortion of competition and trade (point 7.4):
  aid distorts the dynamic incentives of market players to invest
  (crowding out effect); aid creates or maintain positions of market
  power; aid maintains an inefficient market structure
• Balancing: case-by-case; overall assessment based on the
  proportionality principle
R&D&I-aid and the General Block
         Exemption Regulation

• Most R&D&I-objectives that meet the "standard
  criteria" of Chapter 5 of the R&D&I-Framework are
  also caught by the GBER!
• > Such aid is exempt from the obligation to notify the aid
  to the Commission.
• > Such aid must be in line with all GBER-provisions
• > most critical rules:
   • No ad-hoc aid to large enterprises (Art. 1 (5) GBER);
   • Aid must be "transparent" (Art. 5 GBER)
R&D&I-aid and the General Block
     Exemption Regulation
• Exempted R&D&I-aid - Section 7 of the GBER (Artt.
• However: Aid to Innovation Clusters; Aid for
  innovation advisory services and for innovation
  support services are outside the scope of the
  GBER = not block-exempted.
• Aid to young innovative enterprises is inside the
  scope of the GBER but the innovative character
  must be demonstrated only with R&D-costs - not
  with an expert evaluation
R&D&I-Framework – Decision practice

• Background - State-aid for R&D&I:
  • +/- 0.09 % of EU-GDP
  • 10.9 billion EUR in 2010, in the EU
  • large disparities: Around 54% of total R&D&I-state
    aid in 2010 was granted by three Member States:
    Germany (€ 2.8 billion), France (€ 1.8 billion) and
    Spain (€ 1.1 billion).
R&D&I-Framework – Decision practice

• Since the R&D&I-Framework's entry into
  force on 1.1.2007 and until today:
  • The Commission has approved approx. 220 aid
  • and approx. 50 large individual aid measures. Most
    of these large aids were subject to a detailed
    economic assessment on the basis of Chapter 7 of
    the R&D&I-Framework.
R&D&I-Framework – Decision practice
          – Individual aid > EUR 3 million -

                                     Discounted aid
by Sector          Nb. of cases      amount
Automotive                        30       302.333.857
Aeronautics                       68       822.513.487
Transport                          4        30.873.496

Microelectronics                  17       613.476.059
Energy                            48       402.439.458

Biotechnology                     41       322.555.614
ICT                               36       265.058.100
Food                               4        21.085.982
Other                             11        85.973.255

TOTAL                             259    2.866.309.308
R&D&I-Framework – Decision practice
    – Individual aid > EUR 3 million -
R&D&I-Framework – Decision practice
    – Individual aid > EUR 3 million -
R&D&I-Framework – Decision practice
    – Individual aid > EUR 3 million -
R&D&I-Framework – Decision practice
• Large Framework schemes: N 112/2007 THESEUS; N
  726a/2007 Omnibus
• Individual detailed assessment of aid to an innovative SME:
  NN 39/2010 Mapper
• Individual detailed assessment of aid to a large enterprise:
  N 357/2009 GKN, N 4 and 7/2010 ALESTIS
• R&D-infrastructures: N 301/2010 GreenLabs
• Issue of economic activities of research organisations: C
  35/2008 IFP
• Aid for pilot/demonstration plants: N 193/2010 LignoBoost; N
  521/2008 Alpha Ventus
• Aid for technology-transfer activities: N 617/2008
  Technology-Transfer Institutes
State aid for R&D and Innovation

 • Thank you for your attention!

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  • 1. tate aid for R&D and Innovation Belgrade, 19 March 2012 Bernhard VON WENDLAND European Commission DG COMPETITION R&D, innovation and risk capital
  • 2. State aid for R&D and Innovation • EU-objectives • EU State-aid rules • Concept of State aid • State-aid control in the EU • State-aid rules with an R&D and innovation objective State-aid rules and SME's • Focus on EU-Framework for State aid for R&D&I – eligible activities, eligible costs • R&D&I-aid and the General Block Exemption Regulation • Decision practice
  • 3. EU-objectives • Objective "The establishment of an internal market" - Art. 3 (3) of the Treaty on European Union. • To that end, the EU shall “work for the sustainable development of Europe based on balanced economic growth and price stability, a highly competitive social market economy, aiming at full employment and social progress, and a high level of protection and improvement of the quality of the environment. It shall promote scientific and technological advance.”
  • 4. EU-objectives • Objective "Promotion of Research and Development and Innovation " - Article 179 (1) of the TFEU: • "The Union shall have the objective of strengthening its scientific and technological bases by achieving a European research area in which researchers, scientific knowledge and technology circulate freely, and encouraging it to become more competitive, including in its industry, while promoting all the research activities deemed necessary by virtue of other Chapters of the Treaties.”
  • 5. EU-objectives • EU-2020 objective: Smart, sustainable and inclusive growth; R&D-expenditure to reach 3 % of EU-GDP by 2020. • Innovation Union Flagship Initiative: Strategic and integrated approach to research and innovation. • Member State and EU-funding should contribute to these objectives. • Important topics: Societal challenges, Key Enabling Technologies, collaborative and industry-driven R&D, reduce time to market, strengthen excellence.
  • 6. EU State-aid rules • Competition - an exclusive EU- competence The EU has exclusive competence in the establishing of the competition rules necessary for the functioning of the internal market; Art. 3 (1) lit b of the TFEU.
  • 7. Concept of State aid Art. 107 (1) TFEU: General prohibition of State aid: "Save as otherwise provided in the Treaties, any aid granted by a Member State or through State resources in any form whatsoever which distorts or threatens to distort competition by favouring certain undertakings or the production of certain goods shall, in so far as it affects trade between Member States, be incompatible with the internal market."
  • 8. Concept of State aid That prohibition however is not total: •The TFEU leaves room for a number of policy objectives for which State aid "may" be considered compatible with the Internal Market. •State-aid rules are implemented through secondary legislative acts that provide for criteria and rules that the Commission shall use to assess the compatibility of State aid with the Internal Market.
  • 9. Concept of State aid • General rule: EU Funds are not considered as State aid - no "State" resources and not under State control. • Notabene! Structural Funds and Cohesion Fund monies pass through Member-State control – fall under State aid rules if all criteria of Art. 107 (1) TFEU are met.
  • 10. State-aid control in the EU Member States must notify State aid to the Commission, prior to its implementation - Art. 108 (3) TFEU: "The Commission shall be informed, in sufficient time to enable it to submit its comments, of any plans to grant or alter aid. If it considers that any such plan is not compatible with the internal market having regard to Article 107, it shall without delay initiate the procedure provided for in paragraph 2. The Member State concerned shall not put its proposed measures into effect until this procedure has resulted in a final decision."
  • 11. State-aid control in the EU • Procedure and implementing rules: • Procedural regulation: Council Regulation (EC) N° 659/1999 of 22.3.1999 laying down detailed rules for the application of Article 93 of the EC Treaty [now read Art. 108 of the TFEU] • Commission Regulation (EC) N° 794/2004 of 21.4.2004 implementing Council Regulation (EC)No 659/1999
  • 12. State-aid control in the EU • Commission approves aid measures by a Decision. • Commission may exempt certain categories of aid from the notification obligation. • The General block exemption Regulation of 2008 (GBER) is the current legal basis for such exemption: Commission Regulation (EC) N° 800/2008 of 6.8.2008 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the common market in application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty [now read Articles 107 and 108 of the TFEU]
  • 13. State-aid control in the EU • Notification procedure – simplified overview: • Formal notification (electronic format): Art . 108 (3) TFEU; Art. 2 Reg. 659/99; Art. 3 Reg. 794/94 • Legal deadline to take a decision: 2 months from the date when a notification is "complete": Art. 4 (5) Reg. 659/99 • Preliminary assessment by the Commission, Art. 4 Reg. 659/99; if necessary Commission sends information request(s) to Member State, Art. 5 Reg. 659/99 • If serious doubts about the aid's compatibility: Formal investigation, Art. 6 Reg 659/99 (consulting interested parties) • Commission Decision, Artt. 4 and 7 Reg 659/99: Approval "compatible aid"; "no State aid"; conditional approval; negative decision
  • 14. State-aid control in the EU • Notification procedure – simplified overview: • A notification may be withdrawn by the Member State, Art. 8 Reg 659/99. • A Member State may "pre-notify" aid measures. This is an informal procedure. In that process, Commission and Member State discuss the legal and economic aspects of an aid prior to notification. The objective is to enhance the quality and completeness of notifications.
  • 15. State-aid rules with an R&D and innovation objective • First and foremost: Community framework for state aid for research and development and innovation – R&D&I- Framework • Targeting in particular innovative SME's in their start-up and early phase: Community guidelines on state aid to promote risk capital investments in small and medium- sized enterprises – Risk-Capital Guidelines • Exemption of, i.a., certain R&D&I-aids and risk-capital measures from the obligation to notify aid: Commission Regulation (EC) No 800/2008 of 6.8.2008 - General block exemption Regulation
  • 16. State-aid rules and SME's • SME-definition for State-aid purposes is based on the • Commission Recommendation of 6.5.2003 concerning the definition of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises • See also Annex to the General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER)
  • 17. State-aid rules and SME's SME's benefit from dedicated aid objectives and from more generous rules, compared to rules applicable to large enterprises. • Aid during the entire life-cycle of an SME, • to a large extent withot prior notification to the Commission or, • if notifiable, subject to a less detailed summary assessment.
  • 18. The Community Framework for State Aid for R&D&I (R&D&I-Framework) • Overall objective: Enhance economic efficiency and thereby contribute to sustainable growth and jobs. • State aid for R&D&I therefore must lead to additional R&D&I (“incentive effect”!) whereas the distortion of competition must not be contrary to the common interest. • The R&D&I-Framework is designed to ensure this objective and, in particular, to make it easier for Member States to better target the aid to market failures that affect R&D&I-activities.
  • 19. R&D&I-Framework • Scope: All sectors (“horizontal” Framework); including Agriculture and Fisheries (specific rules for agri-R&D aid of up to 100% of costs in Chap. 9); excluding undertakings in difficulty within the meaning of the Community Guidelines on State aid for rescue and restructuring undertakings in difficulty • Applies both to aid schemes and ad-hoc aid • Duration: valid until 31 December 2013 • Legal status: non-binding secondary legal act; binding the Commission when exercising its discretion = R&D&I-aid that meets all the criteria of the R&D&I-Framework must be approved.
  • 20. R&D&I-Framework • Structure – the most essential points: • Guidance on State aid in R&D&I-situations: public funding to research organisations and innovation intermediaries; indirect aid through public research organisations to undertakings in service contracts or collaboration (Chap. 3) • R&D&I-State aid: Criteria for the standard assessment (Chap. 5) • Incentive effect of R&D&I-aid: Basic formal and material criteria (Chap. 6) • R&D&I-State aid: Criteria for the detailed assessment (Chap. 7) • Rules for cumulation with other aid (Chap. 8)
  • 21. R&D&I-Framework • Chapter 3 - Guidance on State aid in typical R&D&I- situations: • Public funding to research organisations and innovation intermediaries could constitute State aid if the funding is for economic activities (= offering goods or services on the market) - Section 3.1 • Enterprises could receive indirect aid if a publicly funded research organisation delivers an R&D-service at conditions more favourable than market conditions (contract research, services) - point 3.2.1 • Enterprises could receive indirect aid when collaborating with publicly funded research organisations: Criteria for the exclusion of State aid in point 3.2.2
  • 22. R&D&I-Framework • Chapter 5 - Standard criteria for certain R&D&I-objectives that may be supported with aid: • Eligible beneficiaries; maximum aid-intensities (percentage of eligible costs) or aid amounts; eligible costs; criteria for aid instruments such as repayable advances and fiscal aid; other criteria (e.g. maximum duration of a measure; certificates).
  • 23. R&D&I-Framework • Chapter 5 - Eligible R&D&I-objectives/activities: • R&D projects: fundamental, industrial research; experimental development: the larger the beneficiary and/or the closer the activity is to a practical application, the lower is the allowed aid intensity (point 5.1) • Aid for technical feasibility studies preparatory to industrial research or experimental development (point 5.2) • Aid for industrial property rights costs for SMEs: costs associated with obtaining and validating patents and other industrial property rights (point 5.3)
  • 24. R&D&I-Framework • Chapter 5 - Eligible R&D&I-objectives/activities: • (continued) • Aid for young innovative small enterprises: not older than 6 years at the time when the aid is granted; innovativeness can be evidenced either by an expert evaluation or with R&D-costs - at least 15 % of total operating costs (point 5.4) • Aid for process and organisational innovation in services (point 5.5): new and substantial improvements; must involve ICT; project-based; must entail a clear degree of risk; must develop standards, models, concepts
  • 25. R&D&I-Framework • Chapter 5 - Eligible R&D&I-objectives/activities: • (continued) • Aid for innovation advisory services and for innovation support services for SMEs; services must be bought at market price or aid must be granted in the form of a reduced price (point 5.6) • Aid to SME's for the loan of highly qualified personnel: personnel and recruiting costs for the loan of highly qualified personnel seconded from a research organisation or a large enterprise to an SME (point 5.7) • Aid for innovation clusters: Investment and operating aid to the legal entity operating the innovation cluster (point 5.8)
  • 26. R&D&I-Framework • Eligible costs: • Are set out for each eligible activity (cf. points 5.1 – 5.8) • Aid for Young Innovative enterprises: Not linked to any eligible costs • Example ("classic") R&D-project aid (point 5.1.4)- to the extent and for the duration as used for the research project: • personnel; • instruments and equipment; • building and land; • contractual research, technical knowledge, patents bought or licensed from outside sources at market prices; • additional overheads • other operating expenses, including costs of materials, supplies and similar products
  • 27. R&D&I-Framework Incentive effect (Chap. 6) • Formal criterion: The aided R&D&I-project must not have commenced prior to the aid application by the beneficiary to the national authorities. This criterion must be met in any case. (decision practice document 3, (114), (115)) • Material criteria: If a significant positive effect on at least one of the elements below can be demonstrated, an incentive effect of R&D&I-aid can be presumed: • increase in project size • increase in scope • increase in speed • increase in total amount spent on R&D&I
  • 28. R&D&I-Framework • Chapter 6 - Legal presumption of an incentive effect of • project aid and feasibility studies where the aid beneficiary is an SME and where the aid amount is below EUR 7,5 million for a project per SME, • aid for industrial property rights costs for SMEs, • aid for young innovative small enterprises, • aid for innovation advisory services and innovation support services, • Aid to SME's for the loan of highly qualified personnel.
  • 29. R&D&I-Framework • Incentive effect and aid schemes: • Member State must verify for each individual aid under an approved scheme that an incentive effect is present; must demonstrate how it has assessed the incentive effect of the aid in annual reports to the Commission (cf. document 4, (40)-(44); (75)-(77)). • Incentive effect and the detailed assessment under Chap. 7: • Chap. 6-indicators are not sufficient - complementary evidence is needed, pursuant to specific criteria set out in Chap. 7
  • 30. R&D&I-Framework • Chapter 7 - Subject to the detailed assessment is: • R&D&I-aid that must be notified individually pursuant to the GBER - Art. 6 lit. e) and f) GBER • R&D&I-aid that is to be assessed in detail pursuant to the R&D&I-Framework - point 7.1 of the R&D&I-Framework. > Aid above certain thresholds
  • 31. R&D&I-Framework Chapter 7 Detailed assessment – methodology and criteria • Balancing test: The Commission balances the positive impact of the aid measure in reaching an objective of common interest against its potentially negative side effects by distortion of trade and competition. • Positive Effects of R&D&I-aid (Point 7.3): aid addresses a market failure; aid is appropriate; incentive effect; aid is proportional • Negative effects - distortion of competition and trade (point 7.4): aid distorts the dynamic incentives of market players to invest (crowding out effect); aid creates or maintain positions of market power; aid maintains an inefficient market structure • Balancing: case-by-case; overall assessment based on the proportionality principle
  • 32. R&D&I-aid and the General Block Exemption Regulation • Most R&D&I-objectives that meet the "standard criteria" of Chapter 5 of the R&D&I-Framework are also caught by the GBER! • > Such aid is exempt from the obligation to notify the aid to the Commission. • > Such aid must be in line with all GBER-provisions • > most critical rules: • No ad-hoc aid to large enterprises (Art. 1 (5) GBER); • Aid must be "transparent" (Art. 5 GBER)
  • 33. R&D&I-aid and the General Block Exemption Regulation • Exempted R&D&I-aid - Section 7 of the GBER (Artt. 30-37) • However: Aid to Innovation Clusters; Aid for innovation advisory services and for innovation support services are outside the scope of the GBER = not block-exempted. • Aid to young innovative enterprises is inside the scope of the GBER but the innovative character must be demonstrated only with R&D-costs - not with an expert evaluation
  • 34. R&D&I-Framework – Decision practice • Background - State-aid for R&D&I: • +/- 0.09 % of EU-GDP • 10.9 billion EUR in 2010, in the EU • large disparities: Around 54% of total R&D&I-state aid in 2010 was granted by three Member States: Germany (€ 2.8 billion), France (€ 1.8 billion) and Spain (€ 1.1 billion).
  • 35. R&D&I-Framework – Decision practice • Since the R&D&I-Framework's entry into force on 1.1.2007 and until today: • The Commission has approved approx. 220 aid schemes • and approx. 50 large individual aid measures. Most of these large aids were subject to a detailed economic assessment on the basis of Chapter 7 of the R&D&I-Framework.
  • 36. R&D&I-Framework – Decision practice – Individual aid > EUR 3 million - Discounted aid by Sector Nb. of cases amount Automotive 30 302.333.857 Aeronautics 68 822.513.487 Transport 4 30.873.496 Microelectronics 17 613.476.059 Energy 48 402.439.458 Biotechnology 41 322.555.614 ICT 36 265.058.100 Food 4 21.085.982 Other 11 85.973.255 TOTAL 259 2.866.309.308
  • 37. R&D&I-Framework – Decision practice – Individual aid > EUR 3 million -
  • 38. R&D&I-Framework – Decision practice – Individual aid > EUR 3 million -
  • 39. R&D&I-Framework – Decision practice – Individual aid > EUR 3 million -
  • 40. R&D&I-Framework – Decision practice Examples • Large Framework schemes: N 112/2007 THESEUS; N 726a/2007 Omnibus • Individual detailed assessment of aid to an innovative SME: NN 39/2010 Mapper • Individual detailed assessment of aid to a large enterprise: N 357/2009 GKN, N 4 and 7/2010 ALESTIS • R&D-infrastructures: N 301/2010 GreenLabs • Issue of economic activities of research organisations: C 35/2008 IFP • Aid for pilot/demonstration plants: N 193/2010 LignoBoost; N 521/2008 Alpha Ventus • Aid for technology-transfer activities: N 617/2008 Technology-Transfer Institutes
  • 41. State aid for R&D and Innovation • Thank you for your attention!

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