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Startup Metrics 4 Pirates!

GeeksOnaPlane 2012
     Zagreb, Croatia
    Sept 2012 - #GOAP #AARRR

 Dave McClure @DaveMcClure
this deck is guaranteed to offend,
provide tragically incorrect advice,
  and perhaps get you arrested.

         Fucking Deal with it.
Dave McClure
           Developer, Entrepreneur, Marketer, Investor, GEEK!

00’s & 10’s:
•  Investor: Founders Fund, Facebook fbFund, 500 Startups
•  Companies:, SlideShare, Twilio, WildFire, SendGrid
•  Marketing: PayPal, Simply Hired,, O’Reilly Media
•  Speaker: Lean Startup, Web 2.0, Stanford/Facebook

80’s & 90’s:
•  Entrepreneur: Founder/CEO Aslan Computing (acq’d)
•  Developer: Windows / SQL DB consultant (Intel, MSFT)
•  Engineer: Johns Hopkins‘88, BS Eng / Applied Math
500 Startups
Seed Fund & Accelerator
    (350+ companies, 20+ countries)
[ This Talk ]

•    Basic Concepts of “Startup Metrics 4 Pirates”
•    3 Steps to AARRR: Product, Market, Revenue
•    Constructing MVP: Just ONE Feature?
•    Design (UX) & Distribution (MKTG)
•    Winning: Market, Revenue, Profit?
Key Concepts

•    MVP = F(Customer, Problem, Time or $$$)
•    PMF = F(Customer, Solution, Alternatives)
•    AUX = F(Customer, Design/UX, Metrics)
•    ACQ = F(Customer, Campaign, Vol, Cost, Conv)
•    WIN! = F(Customer, Usage, Dist, Revenue)
Geek Renaissance

•    Tech Innovation
•    Finance Innovation
•    Design Innovation
•    Social Innovation
•    Global Innovation
Platforms 2.0
Search, Social, Mobile
What’s a Platform?

Distribution Platforms
Customer Reach: 100M+

  •  Search: Google (SEO/SEM)

  •  Social: Facebook, Twitter, Zynga, LinkedIn

  •  Mobile: Apple (iPhone, iPad), Android

  •  Media: YouTube (Video), Blogs, Photos

  •  Comm: Email, Chat, SMS, Voice
DO Marketing!
                  (It’s Not Evil)

•    Marketing is Both Qualitative + Quantitative
•    Qualitative: Create Emotion, Drive Action
•    Quantitative: Measure Results of Action
•    Design (UX) & Distribution (MKTG) Matter
•    Volume (#), Cost ($), Conversion (%)
[ Interesting Shit. ]
Read Geoffrey Miller
Sex + Evolution + Consumer Mktg = Awesome Sauce
More Great Shit.
  Psychology + Comics
[The Lean Startup]
[Startup Metrics 4 Pirates]
Just Gimme the GOOD Metrics.
            Users, Pages, Clicks, Emails, $$$...?

         Q: Which of these is best? How do you know?
           •  1,000,000 one-time, unregistered unique visitors
           •  500,000 visitors who view 2+ pages / stay 10+ sec
good       •  200,000 visitors who clicked on a link or button
           •  20,000 registered users w/ email address
           •  2,000 passionate fans who refer 5+ users / mo.
           •  1,000 monthly subscribers @ $5/mo
The Lean Startup
•    Talk to Customers; Discover Problems
•    Progress ≠ Features (Less = More)
•    Fast, Frequent Iteration (+ Feedback Loop)
•    Measure Conversion; Compare 2+ Options
•    Focus on Product/Market Fit (don’t “launch” b4)
•    Keep it Simple & Actionable
Discover Customers
(Steve Blank,
Iterate, Dammit.
(Eric Ries,


     LEARN                BUILD


Product/Market Fit b4 “Launch”
             (Sean Ellis,


                     Transition to

                Product/Market Fit
AARRR!: 5-Step Startup Metrics Model
                                                   SEO            Campaigns,
                                         SEM               PR      Contests                   Biz
               Networks                                                                       Dev
                                          Blogs                      Affiliates
             Apps &                                                                         Direct, Tel,
             Widgets                              Email                                         TV


                                  Homepage /                                                      Emails &
                                                                     Landing Page

                                                                              Product                                 Affiliates,	
                           ntio                                Features                                Contests	
                             R e te

                    Biz Dev

Startup Metrics for Pirates

•    Acquisition: users come to site from various channels
•    Activation: users enjoy 1st visit: "happy” experience
•    Retention: users come back, visit site multiple times
•    Referral: users like product enough to refer others
•    Revenue: users conduct some monetization behavior


      (note: If you’re in a hurry, Google
      “Startup Metrics” & watch 5m video)
One Step at a Time.

1.  Make a Good Product: Activation & Retention
2.  Market the Product: Acquisition & Referral
3.  Make Money: Revenue & Profitability

“You probably can’t save your Ass and your Face
at the same time… so choose carefully.” – DMC
Startup Challenges

Startups have problems in 3 key areas:
•  Management: Set Priorities, Define Key Metrics

•  Product: Build “Right” Features. Measure, Iterate.

•  Marketing: Distribution, Distribution, Distribution.
                 (Search, Social, Mobile)
Key Concepts

•    MVP = F(Customer, Problem, Time or $$$)
•    PMF = F(Customer, Solution, Alternatives)
•    AUX = F(Customer, Design/UX, Metrics)
•    ACQ = F(Customer, Campaign, Vol, Cost, Conv)
•    WIN! = F(Customer, Usage, Dist, Revenue)
[ Constructing MVP ]
Role: Founder / CEO
Q: Which Customers? Problems? Metrics? Why?
A: Focus on Critical Few Actionable Metrics
   (if you don’t use the metric to make a decision, it’s not actionable)

•  Hypothesize Customer Lifecycle
•  Target ~3-5 Conversion Events (tip: Less = More)
•  Test, Measure, Iterate to Improve
Optimize 4 Happiness
            (both User + Business)
•    Define States of User + Business Value
•    Prioritize (Estimate) Relative Value of Each State
•    Move Users: Lower Value -> Higher Value
•    Optimize for User Happiness + Business $$$
•    Achieve High Cust Value + Low ACQ$ @ Scale
What is Minimum Viable Product?
MVP = F(Customer, Problem, Time or $$$)
•  Focus on CUSTOMER
   –  Qualitative Discovery, Quantitative Validation

•  Get to know habits, problems, desires (FUN MATTERS)
   –  what causes pain? what causes pleasure?

•  Define 1-5 TESTABLE Conversion Metrics of Value
   –    Attention/Usage (session time, clicks)
   –    Customer Data (email, connect, profile)
   -    Revenue (direct or indirect)
   -    Retention (visits over time, cohort behavior)
   -    Referral (users evangelize to other users)

•  Note: Paid Solutions drive FOCUS (& pay rent)
Example Conversion Metrics
                  (note: *not* actuals… your mileage may vary)

  Stage                     Conversion Status                         Conv.   Est. Value
                                                                       %      (*not* cost)

Acquisition         Visitors -> Site/Widget/Landing Page              60%        $.05
                (2+ pages, 10+ sec, 1+ clicks = don’t abandon)

Activation              “Happy” 1st Visit; Usage/Signup               15%        $.25
              (clicks/time/pages, email/profile reg, feature usage)

Retention            Users Come Back; Multiple Visits                  5%         $1
                 (1-3x visits/mo; email/feed open rate / CTR)

 Referral                    Users Refer Others                        1%         $5
                       (cust sat >=8; viral K factor > 1; )

 Revenue                    Users Pay / Generate $$$                   2%         $50
                   (first txn, break-even, target profitability)
               Something Sucks. Find It. KILL It.

•  Find the ONE THING that users LOVE.
•  How to figure out? TAKE. SHIT. AWAY.
•  When they SCREAM, you’ve FOUND it.
•  Then Bring it Back… Only Better.

•  Tip: KILL a Feature Every Week.
[ Getting 2 PMF ]
Role: Product / Eng / Design
Q: What Features to Build? Why? When are you “Done”?
A: Easy-to-Find, Fun/Useful, Unique Features that
   Increase Conversion (stop iterating when increase decelerates)

•  Wireframes = Conversion Steps
•  Measure, A/B Test, Iterate FAST (daily/weekly)
•  Optimize for Conversion Improvement
    –  80% on existing feature optimization
    –  20% on new feature development
What is Product/Market Fit?
PMF = F(Customer, Solution, Alternatives*)

•  Product / Market Fit occurs when:
   –  Customers like your stuff better than other options
   –  Not static, Not optimal – just Local Max 4 F(customers, solution, time)
   –  make sure you’re moving in optimal direction 2 local max
•  Q: what competitive solutions are available?
   –  … that your customers know about?
   –  how are you diff/same?
   –  in ways that people care about? (will pay for)

•  KILL a FEATURE regularly (or rotate 1% tests)
   –  Q: what is MOST $ cust pay 4 LEAST func MVP relative 2 BEST alt?

•  NICHE 2 WIN: RE-define cust + DIFFerentiated features
Better or Different.


                                  Shocking !!!

               Not Funny.
[ Testing 4 AUX ]
Discover Meaning
         Why Should Users CARE About Your Product?

Kathy Sierra:
Discover Meaning
                Keywords, Images, Call-to-Action

Top 10 - 100 words                     Call-to-Action
    •  Your Brand / Products               •  Words
    •  Customer Needs / Benefits           •  Images
    •  Competitor’s Brand / Products       •  Context
    •  Semantic Equivalents                •  Button/Link
    •  Misspellings                        •  Emotion

Relevant images                        Result
    •  People                             •  Positive?
    •  Products                           •  Negative?
    •  Problems                           •  Neutral (= Death)
    •  Solutions                          •  A/B test & Iterate
How 2 Tell if Design/UX is Good?
AUX = F(Customer, Design/UX, Metrics)

•  Don’t "LAUNCH" Until Your Product Doesn't Suck.
   –    In fact, Stop Thinking about it as a Launch – it’s Continuous
   –    Define Metrics, Measurability for Design / UX
   –    Focus on Psychology of User
   –    Relative to Competitive Alternatives (that your customers know about)
   –    Keep Testing 4 Awesomeness! (Q: does it Rock Yet? )

•  RAMP Mktg & $$$ AFTER it’s clear your MVP is:
   –  Functional = useful for >1 customers
   –  Differentiated = better than other stuff availabile
   –  Awesome (see above)

•  Minimum Viable Design = Minimum Viable Awesomeness
   –  what's the crappiest thing u can release & still be awesome?
[ Metrics 4 ACQ ]
Role: Marketing / Sales

Q: What channels? Which users? Why?
A: High Volume (#), Low Cost ($), High Conv (%)

•     Design & Test Multiple Marketing Channels + Campaigns
•     Select & Focus on Best-Performing Channels & Themes
•     Optimize for conversion to target CTAs, not just site/landing page
•     Match/Drive channel cost to/below revenue potential

•     Low-Hanging Fruit:
     –  Blogs
     –  SEO/SEM
     –  Landing Pages
     –  Automated Emails
Example Marketing Channels

•    PR                   •    Email
•    Contest              •    SEO / SEM
•    Biz Dev              •    Blogs / Bloggers
•    Direct Marketing     •    Viral / Referral
•    Radio / TV / Print   •    Affiliate / CPA
•    Dedicated Sales      •    Widgets / Apps
•    Telemarketing        •    LOLCats ;)
MAARRRketing Plan
  ACQ = F(Customer, Campaign, Vol, Cost, Conv)
Marketing Plan = Target Customer Acquisition Channels
   •  3 Important Factors = Volume (#), Cost ($), Conversion (%)
   •  Measure conversion to target customer actions
   •  Test audience segments, campaign themes, Call-To-Action (CTAs)

[Gradually] Match Channel Costs => Revenue Potential
    •  Increase Vol. & Conversion, Decrease Cost, Optimize for Revenue Potential
    •  Avg Txn Value (ATV), Ann Rev Per User (ARPU), Cust Lifetime Value (CLV)
    •  Design channels that (eventually) cost <20-50% of target ATV, ARPU, CLV

Consider Costs, Scarce Resource Tradeoffs
   •  Actual $ expenses
   •  Marketing time & resources
   •  Product/Engineering time & resources
   •  Cashflow timing of expense vs. revenue, profit
[ What is WINNING? ]
Choose #WINNING Metrics

WIN = F(Customer, Usage, Dist, Revenue)

•  after MVP functional use, several options:
  –  better Usage – Activation & Retention (AUX)
  –  more Users -- Distribution / Acquisition
  –  mo' Money --- U Wants 2 Get Paid, Yo.

•  understand ACQ$ vs REV$, optimize 4 short-term
  –  High(er) volume usually a priority
  –  costs may change as vol increases
[ The Lean Investor ]
Startup 2.0:
       “Lean Investor” Model
Method: Invest in startups using incremental
 investment, iterative development. Start with
 lots of small experiments, filter out failure, and
 expand investment upon success.

•  Incubator: $0-250K (“Product Viability”)
•  Seed: $100K-$2M (“Expand Distribution”)
•  Venture: $1M-$5M (“Maximize Revenue”)
Investment #1: Incubate
•  Structure
   –  1-3 founders
   –  $25K-$250K investment
   –  Incubator environment: multiple peers, mentors/advisors

•  Build Functional Prototype / “Minimum Viable Product” (MVP):
   –    Concept->Alpha, ~3-6 months
   –    Develop Minimal Critical Feature Set => Get to “It Works”
   –    Instrument Basic Dashboard, Conversion Metrics
   –    Test Cust. Adoption (10-1000 users) / Cust. Satisfaction (Scale: 1-10)

•  Demonstrate Concept, Reduce Product Risk, Test Functional Use
•  Develop Metrics & Filter for Follow-on Investment
Investment #2: Seed
•  Structure
   –  2-5 person team
   –  $100K-$2M investment
   –  Syndicate of Angel Investors / Small VC Funds

•  Improve Product, Expand Market, Test Revenue:
   –    Alpha->Beta, ~6-12 months
   –    Customer Sat ≥ 6 => Get to “Doesn’t Suck”
   –    Setup A/B Testing Framework, Optimize Conversion
   –    Test Marketing Campaigns, Cust Acqstn Channels

•  Prove Solution/Benefit, Assess Market Size
•  Test Channel Cost, Revenue Opportunity
•  Determine Org Structure, Key Hires
Investment #3: Venture
•  Structure
   –  5-10 person team
   –  $1M-$5M investment
   –  VC Investors

•  Make Money, Get to Sustainability:
   –    Beta->Production, 12-18 months
   –    Customer Sat ≥ 8 => “It Rocks, I’ll Tell My Friends”
   –    MktgPlan => Predictable Channels / Campaigns + Budget
   –    Scalability & Infrastructure, Customer Service & Operations
   –    Connect with Distribution Partners

•  Prove/Expand Market, Operationalize Business
•  Future Milestones: Profitable/Sustainable, Exit Options
    Don’t Pitch Me, Bro.
Seriously: Don’t. Fucking. Pitch Me.
     (and don’t email me either, cuz i won’t read it)
Links & Resources
Additional References:
•  Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion Robert Cialdini (book)
•  The Mating Mind Geoffrey Miller (book)
•  Putting the Fun in Functional Amy Jo Kim (etech 2006 preso)
•  Futuristic Play Andrew Chen (blog)
•  Don’t Make Me Think Steve Krug (book)
•  Designing for the Social Web Joshua Porter (book, website)
•  Startup Lessons Learned Eric Ries (blog)
•  Customer Development Methodology Steve Blank (presentation, blog)
• Sean Ellis (blog)
• Hiten Shah / Neil Patel (website)
•  How To Pitch a VC Dave McClure (slides, NSFW)
•  Understanding Comics Scott McCloud (book)
Startup Metrics

                         SEO          Campaigns,
              SEM                PR    Contests        Biz
Networks                                               Dev
                Blogs                   Affiliates                      Activation Criteria:
Apps &                                               Direct, Tel,
Widgets                 Email                            TV             •  10-30+ seconds
          Domains                                                       •  2-3+ page views
                                                                        •  3-5+ clicks
                                                                        •  1 key feature usage
                                       Homepage /
                                      Landing Page


                                                                    do LOTS of landing page
                                                                    & A/B tests –
                                                                    make lots of dumb
                                                                    guesses & iterate FAST
          What do users do on their first visit?

Example Activation Goals
   •  Click on something!
   •  Account sign up / Emails
   •  Referrals / Tell a friend
   •  Widgets / Embeds
   •  Low Bounce Rate

Activation Tips
    •  Less is more
    •  Focus on user experience / usability
    •  Provide incentives & call to actions
    •  Test and iterate continuously
       What do users do on their first visit?

Key Metrics to Track
  ü Pages per visit
  ü Time on site
  ü Conversions
   Crazy Egg (Visual Click Mapping)
   Google Website Optimizer (A/B & Multivariate Testing) (B2B Lead Generation Management)

   Experimentation and Testing: A Primer
   Landing Page Design Toolbox: 100 Tips & Tools
   Landing Page Tutorials & Case Studies
   101 Easy Easy to use Google Website Optimizer
Startup Metrics

                                                                                           SEO            Campaigns,
Automated emails:                                                                SEM              PR       Contests       Biz
                                                             Networks                                                     Dev
•  lifecycle emails @ +3, +7, +30d                                                Blogs                    Affiliates
                                                           Apps &                                                       Direct, Tel,
•  status / “best of” weekly/monthly                       Widgets                        Email                             TV
•  “something happened” emails                                              Domains
•  make it easy to unsubscribe

                                 Homepage /
                                                                                                       Landing Page


Tip on emails:
•  > 80% or more on SUBJECT LINE
•  < 20% or less on BODY TEXT                     Time-­‐based	

            How do users come back? How often?

Cohort Analysis:
•  Distrib of Visits over Time
•  Rate of Decay
•  Effective Customer Lifecycle

Retention Methods
ü  Automated Emails
   * Track open rate / CTR / Quantity
ü  RSS / News Feeds
   * Track % viewed / CTR / Quantity
ü  Widgets / Embeds
   * Track impressions / CTR / Quantity
       How do users come back? How often?

Example Retention Goals
   •  1 - 3+ visits per month
   •  20% open rate / 2% CTR
   •  High deliverability / Low spam rating
   •  Long customer life cycle / Low decay
   •  Identify fanatics and cheerleaders

Retention Tips
   •  Email is simple and it works
   •  BUT make unsubscribe easy
   •  80% subject line / 20% body text
   •  ACTUALLY 99% subject line / 1% body text
   •  Fanatics = virality + affiliate channel (bloggers?)
        How do users come back? How often?

Key Metrics to Track
   ü  Source
   ü  Quantity
   ü  Conversions
   ü  Visitor Loyalty
   ü  Session Length
   Campaign Monitor / MailChimp (email newsletter software) /
   TriggerMail (site-centric email management)
   Litmus (email and website design testing - clients / browsers)

   30 free HTML email templates
   Best Practices in Writing Email Subject Lines
   Learning Viral: Viral Emails of
Startup Metrics

                         SEO         Campaigns,
              SEM               PR    Contests       Biz
Networks                                             Dev
                Blogs                 Affiliates
Apps &                                             Direct, Tel,
Widgets                 Email                          TV


                                                   Marketing Channels:
                                                      •  largest-volume (#)
                                                      •  lowest-cost ($)
                                                      •  best-performing (%)

        Where are users coming from?

Acquisition Methods
ü SEO / SEM
ü Blogs
ü Email
ü Social Media &
   Social Networks
ü Domains
                     Keyword Vocabulary

Top 10 - 100 words
    •  Your Brand / Products
    •  Customer Needs / Benefits
    •  Competitor’s Brand / Products
    •  Semantic Equivalents
    •  Misspellings

Things to analyze
    •  Sources
    •  Volume
    •  Cost
    •  Conversion
         Where are users coming from?

Key Metrics to Track           Example
  ü Quantity (#)
  ü Cost ($)
  ü Conversions (%)
   Google Analytics (web analytics)
   Google Keyword Tool (keyword research tool)
   SEO Book Tools (SEO related tools)

   SEO Book Blog
   The Social Media Manual: Read Before You Play
   Strategies to ruthlessly acquire users
Startup Metrics

                                                   SEO                 Campaigns,
                                         SEM                   PR       Contests           Biz
               Networks                                                                    Dev
                                          Blogs                             Affiliates
             Apps &                                                                      Direct, Tel,
             Widgets                              Email                                      TV                  Viral	


                                                                                                                                 Emails &
                                         Homepage /
                                                                            Landing Page
                                                                                   Product                       Contests	
                                         e ntio                                    Features

                                                                                                        Focus on driving referrals
                                                                                                        *after* users have a
                                                                                                        “happy” experience;
                                                                                                         avg score >= 8 out of 10
          How do users refer others?

Referral Methods
ü Send to Friend:
   Email / IM
ü Social Media
ü Widgets / Embeds
ü Affiliates
                       Viral Growth Factor

  Viral Growth Factor = X * Y * Z
     X = % of users who invite other people
     Y = average # of people that they invited
     Z = % of users who accepted an invitation

A viral growth factor > 1 means an exponential organic user acquisition.
   Gigya (social media distribution & tracking tool)
   ShareThis / AddThis (sharing buttons) /
   GetMyContacts (PHP contacts importing & invitation software)

   Seven Ways to GO VIRAL
   What’s your viral loop? Understanding the engine of adoption
   Metrics: Where Users Come From
Startup Metrics

                                                   SEO                 Campaigns,
                                         SEM                   PR       Contests                   Biz
               Networks                                                                            Dev
                                          Blogs                             Affiliates
             Apps &                                                                              Direct, Tel,
             Widgets                              Email                                              TV


                                         Homepage /                                                    Emails &
                                                                            Landing Page

                                                                                   Product                                 Affiliates,	
                           ntio                                     Features                                Contests	

                    Biz Dev

           This is the part *you*                            
           still have to figure out…
           (we don’t know jack
           about your business)
                How do you make money?

Revenue Tips
  •    Don’t Rely on AdSense (only)
  •    Start Free => 2% “Freemium”
  •    Subscription / Recurring transactions
  •    Qualify your customers -> Lead generation (arbitrage)
  •    Sell something! (physical or virtual)
Resources & Tools
   Revenue Metrics (Andrew Chen)
   How to Create a Profitable “Freemium” Startup (Andrew Chen)
   2008 Affiliate Marketing Review (Scott Jangro)

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Startup Metrics for Pirates (Sept 2012)

  • 1. Startup Metrics 4 Pirates! AARRR! GeeksOnaPlane 2012 Zagreb, Croatia Sept 2012 - #GOAP #AARRR Dave McClure @DaveMcClure
  • 3. WARNING!!! this deck is guaranteed to offend, provide tragically incorrect advice, and perhaps get you arrested. Fucking Deal with it.
  • 4. Dave McClure Developer, Entrepreneur, Marketer, Investor, GEEK! 00’s & 10’s: •  Investor: Founders Fund, Facebook fbFund, 500 Startups •  Companies:, SlideShare, Twilio, WildFire, SendGrid •  Marketing: PayPal, Simply Hired,, O’Reilly Media •  Speaker: Lean Startup, Web 2.0, Stanford/Facebook 80’s & 90’s: •  Entrepreneur: Founder/CEO Aslan Computing (acq’d) •  Developer: Windows / SQL DB consultant (Intel, MSFT) •  Engineer: Johns Hopkins‘88, BS Eng / Applied Math
  • 5. 500 Startups Seed Fund & Accelerator (350+ companies, 20+ countries)
  • 7. Topics •  Basic Concepts of “Startup Metrics 4 Pirates” •  3 Steps to AARRR: Product, Market, Revenue •  Constructing MVP: Just ONE Feature? •  Design (UX) & Distribution (MKTG) •  Winning: Market, Revenue, Profit?
  • 8. Key Concepts •  MVP = F(Customer, Problem, Time or $$$) •  PMF = F(Customer, Solution, Alternatives) •  AUX = F(Customer, Design/UX, Metrics) •  ACQ = F(Customer, Campaign, Vol, Cost, Conv) •  WIN! = F(Customer, Usage, Dist, Revenue)
  • 9. Geek Renaissance •  Tech Innovation •  Finance Innovation •  Design Innovation •  Social Innovation •  Global Innovation
  • 11. What’s a Platform? Successful  Pla,orms     have  3  Things:   Features     1)  Features     2)  Users     3)  Money       Growth     Profit     Awesome   Profitable                                                   Users                                                .   .             Growth   Money  
  • 12. Distribution Platforms Customer Reach: 100M+ •  Search: Google (SEO/SEM) •  Social: Facebook, Twitter, Zynga, LinkedIn •  Mobile: Apple (iPhone, iPad), Android •  Media: YouTube (Video), Blogs, Photos •  Comm: Email, Chat, SMS, Voice
  • 13. DO Marketing! (It’s Not Evil) •  Marketing is Both Qualitative + Quantitative •  Qualitative: Create Emotion, Drive Action •  Quantitative: Measure Results of Action •  Design (UX) & Distribution (MKTG) Matter •  Volume (#), Cost ($), Conversion (%)
  • 15. Read Geoffrey Miller Sex + Evolution + Consumer Mktg = Awesome Sauce
  • 16. More Great Shit. Psychology + Comics
  • 17. [The Lean Startup] [Startup Metrics 4 Pirates]
  • 18. Just Gimme the GOOD Metrics. Users, Pages, Clicks, Emails, $$$...? Q: Which of these is best? How do you know? •  1,000,000 one-time, unregistered unique visitors •  500,000 visitors who view 2+ pages / stay 10+ sec the good •  200,000 visitors who clicked on a link or button stuff. •  20,000 registered users w/ email address •  2,000 passionate fans who refer 5+ users / mo. •  1,000 monthly subscribers @ $5/mo
  • 19. The Lean Startup •  Talk to Customers; Discover Problems •  Progress ≠ Features (Less = More) •  Fast, Frequent Iteration (+ Feedback Loop) •  Measure Conversion; Compare 2+ Options •  Focus on Product/Market Fit (don’t “launch” b4) •  Keep it Simple & Actionable
  • 21. Iterate, Dammit. (Eric Ries, IDEAS LEARN BUILD DATA CODE MEASURE
  • 22. Product/Market Fit b4 “Launch” (Sean Ellis, Growth Transition to Growth Product/Market Fit
  • 23. AARRR!: 5-Step Startup Metrics Model SEO Campaigns, SEM PR Contests Biz Social Networks Dev Blogs Affiliates Apps & Direct, Tel, Widgets Email TV Domains ACQUISITION   Viral   Loops   Emails  &  Alerts   Homepage / Emails & widgets Landing Page Product Affiliates,   Blogs,  RSS,   n News  Feeds   ntio Features Contests   R e te Ads,  Lead  Gen,   Biz Dev System  Events  &   Subscriptions,   Time-­‐based  Features   ECommerce
  • 24. Startup Metrics for Pirates •  Acquisition: users come to site from various channels •  Activation: users enjoy 1st visit: "happy” experience •  Retention: users come back, visit site multiple times •  Referral: users like product enough to refer others •  Revenue: users conduct some monetization behavior AARRR! (note: If you’re in a hurry, Google “Startup Metrics” & watch 5m video)
  • 25. One Step at a Time. 1.  Make a Good Product: Activation & Retention 2.  Market the Product: Acquisition & Referral 3.  Make Money: Revenue & Profitability “You probably can’t save your Ass and your Face at the same time… so choose carefully.” – DMC
  • 26. Startup Challenges Startups have problems in 3 key areas: •  Management: Set Priorities, Define Key Metrics •  Product: Build “Right” Features. Measure, Iterate. •  Marketing: Distribution, Distribution, Distribution. (Search, Social, Mobile)
  • 27. Key Concepts •  MVP = F(Customer, Problem, Time or $$$) •  PMF = F(Customer, Solution, Alternatives) •  AUX = F(Customer, Design/UX, Metrics) •  ACQ = F(Customer, Campaign, Vol, Cost, Conv) •  WIN! = F(Customer, Usage, Dist, Revenue)
  • 29. Role: Founder / CEO Q: Which Customers? Problems? Metrics? Why? A: Focus on Critical Few Actionable Metrics (if you don’t use the metric to make a decision, it’s not actionable) •  Hypothesize Customer Lifecycle •  Target ~3-5 Conversion Events (tip: Less = More) •  Test, Measure, Iterate to Improve
  • 30. Optimize 4 Happiness (both User + Business) $$$ •  Define States of User + Business Value •  Prioritize (Estimate) Relative Value of Each State •  Move Users: Lower Value -> Higher Value •  Optimize for User Happiness + Business $$$ •  Achieve High Cust Value + Low ACQ$ @ Scale
  • 31. What is Minimum Viable Product? MVP = F(Customer, Problem, Time or $$$) •  Focus on CUSTOMER –  Qualitative Discovery, Quantitative Validation •  Get to know habits, problems, desires (FUN MATTERS) –  what causes pain? what causes pleasure? •  Define 1-5 TESTABLE Conversion Metrics of Value –  Attention/Usage (session time, clicks) –  Customer Data (email, connect, profile) -  Revenue (direct or indirect) -  Retention (visits over time, cohort behavior) -  Referral (users evangelize to other users) •  Note: Paid Solutions drive FOCUS (& pay rent)
  • 32. Example Conversion Metrics (note: *not* actuals… your mileage may vary) Stage Conversion Status Conv. Est. Value % (*not* cost) Acquisition Visitors -> Site/Widget/Landing Page 60% $.05 (2+ pages, 10+ sec, 1+ clicks = don’t abandon) Activation “Happy” 1st Visit; Usage/Signup 15% $.25 (clicks/time/pages, email/profile reg, feature usage) Retention Users Come Back; Multiple Visits 5% $1 (1-3x visits/mo; email/feed open rate / CTR) Referral Users Refer Others 1% $5 (cust sat >=8; viral K factor > 1; ) Revenue Users Pay / Generate $$$ 2% $50 (first txn, break-even, target profitability)
  • 33. KILL A FEATURE. Something Sucks. Find It. KILL It. •  STOP ADDING FEATURES. •  Find the ONE THING that users LOVE. •  How to figure out? TAKE. SHIT. AWAY. •  When they SCREAM, you’ve FOUND it. •  Then Bring it Back… Only Better. •  Tip: KILL a Feature Every Week.
  • 34. [ Getting 2 PMF ]
  • 35. Role: Product / Eng / Design Q: What Features to Build? Why? When are you “Done”? A: Easy-to-Find, Fun/Useful, Unique Features that Increase Conversion (stop iterating when increase decelerates) •  Wireframes = Conversion Steps •  Measure, A/B Test, Iterate FAST (daily/weekly) •  Optimize for Conversion Improvement –  80% on existing feature optimization –  20% on new feature development
  • 36. What is Product/Market Fit? PMF = F(Customer, Solution, Alternatives*) •  Product / Market Fit occurs when: –  Customers like your stuff better than other options –  Not static, Not optimal – just Local Max 4 F(customers, solution, time) –  make sure you’re moving in optimal direction 2 local max •  Q: what competitive solutions are available? –  … that your customers know about? –  how are you diff/same? –  in ways that people care about? (will pay for) •  KILL a FEATURE regularly (or rotate 1% tests) –  Q: what is MOST $ cust pay 4 LEAST func MVP relative 2 BEST alt? •  NICHE 2 WIN: RE-define cust + DIFFerentiated features
  • 37. Better or Different. Funny! Shocking !!! Accepted Not Funny.
  • 38. [ Testing 4 AUX ]
  • 39. Discover Meaning Why Should Users CARE About Your Product? Kathy Sierra: “Creating Passionate Users”
  • 40. Discover Meaning Keywords, Images, Call-to-Action Top 10 - 100 words Call-to-Action •  Your Brand / Products •  Words •  Customer Needs / Benefits •  Images •  Competitor’s Brand / Products •  Context •  Semantic Equivalents •  Button/Link •  Misspellings •  Emotion Relevant images Result •  People •  Positive? •  Products •  Negative? •  Problems •  Neutral (= Death) •  Solutions •  A/B test & Iterate
  • 41. How 2 Tell if Design/UX is Good? AUX = F(Customer, Design/UX, Metrics) •  Don’t "LAUNCH" Until Your Product Doesn't Suck. –  In fact, Stop Thinking about it as a Launch – it’s Continuous –  Define Metrics, Measurability for Design / UX –  Focus on Psychology of User –  Relative to Competitive Alternatives (that your customers know about) –  Keep Testing 4 Awesomeness! (Q: does it Rock Yet? ) •  RAMP Mktg & $$$ AFTER it’s clear your MVP is: –  Functional = useful for >1 customers –  Differentiated = better than other stuff availabile –  Awesome (see above) •  Minimum Viable Design = Minimum Viable Awesomeness –  what's the crappiest thing u can release & still be awesome?
  • 42. [ Metrics 4 ACQ ]
  • 43. Role: Marketing / Sales Q: What channels? Which users? Why? A: High Volume (#), Low Cost ($), High Conv (%) •  Design & Test Multiple Marketing Channels + Campaigns •  Select & Focus on Best-Performing Channels & Themes •  Optimize for conversion to target CTAs, not just site/landing page •  Match/Drive channel cost to/below revenue potential •  Low-Hanging Fruit: –  Blogs –  SEO/SEM –  Landing Pages –  Automated Emails
  • 44. Example Marketing Channels •  PR •  Email •  Contest •  SEO / SEM •  Biz Dev •  Blogs / Bloggers •  Direct Marketing •  Viral / Referral •  Radio / TV / Print •  Affiliate / CPA •  Dedicated Sales •  Widgets / Apps •  Telemarketing •  LOLCats ;)
  • 45. MAARRRketing Plan ACQ = F(Customer, Campaign, Vol, Cost, Conv) Marketing Plan = Target Customer Acquisition Channels •  3 Important Factors = Volume (#), Cost ($), Conversion (%) •  Measure conversion to target customer actions •  Test audience segments, campaign themes, Call-To-Action (CTAs) [Gradually] Match Channel Costs => Revenue Potential •  Increase Vol. & Conversion, Decrease Cost, Optimize for Revenue Potential •  Avg Txn Value (ATV), Ann Rev Per User (ARPU), Cust Lifetime Value (CLV) •  Design channels that (eventually) cost <20-50% of target ATV, ARPU, CLV Consider Costs, Scarce Resource Tradeoffs •  Actual $ expenses •  Marketing time & resources •  Product/Engineering time & resources •  Cashflow timing of expense vs. revenue, profit
  • 46. [ What is WINNING? ]
  • 47. Choose #WINNING Metrics WIN = F(Customer, Usage, Dist, Revenue) •  after MVP functional use, several options: –  better Usage – Activation & Retention (AUX) –  more Users -- Distribution / Acquisition –  mo' Money --- U Wants 2 Get Paid, Yo. •  understand ACQ$ vs REV$, optimize 4 short-term –  High(er) volume usually a priority –  costs may change as vol increases
  • 48. [ The Lean Investor ]
  • 49. Startup 2.0: “Lean Investor” Model Method: Invest in startups using incremental investment, iterative development. Start with lots of small experiments, filter out failure, and expand investment upon success. •  Incubator: $0-250K (“Product Viability”) •  Seed: $100K-$2M (“Expand Distribution”) •  Venture: $1M-$5M (“Maximize Revenue”)
  • 50. Investment #1: Incubate (“Product”) •  Structure –  1-3 founders –  $25K-$250K investment –  Incubator environment: multiple peers, mentors/advisors •  Build Functional Prototype / “Minimum Viable Product” (MVP): –  Concept->Alpha, ~3-6 months –  Develop Minimal Critical Feature Set => Get to “It Works” –  Instrument Basic Dashboard, Conversion Metrics –  Test Cust. Adoption (10-1000 users) / Cust. Satisfaction (Scale: 1-10) •  Demonstrate Concept, Reduce Product Risk, Test Functional Use •  Develop Metrics & Filter for Follow-on Investment
  • 51. Investment #2: Seed •  Structure (“Market”) –  2-5 person team –  $100K-$2M investment –  Syndicate of Angel Investors / Small VC Funds •  Improve Product, Expand Market, Test Revenue: –  Alpha->Beta, ~6-12 months –  Customer Sat ≥ 6 => Get to “Doesn’t Suck” –  Setup A/B Testing Framework, Optimize Conversion –  Test Marketing Campaigns, Cust Acqstn Channels •  Prove Solution/Benefit, Assess Market Size •  Test Channel Cost, Revenue Opportunity •  Determine Org Structure, Key Hires
  • 52. Investment #3: Venture (“Revenue”) •  Structure –  5-10 person team –  $1M-$5M investment –  VC Investors •  Make Money, Get to Sustainability: –  Beta->Production, 12-18 months –  Customer Sat ≥ 8 => “It Rocks, I’ll Tell My Friends” –  MktgPlan => Predictable Channels / Campaigns + Budget –  Scalability & Infrastructure, Customer Service & Operations –  Connect with Distribution Partners •  Prove/Expand Market, Operationalize Business •  Future Milestones: Profitable/Sustainable, Exit Options
  • 53. NOTE: Don’t Pitch Me, Bro. Seriously: Don’t. Fucking. Pitch Me. (and don’t email me either, cuz i won’t read it)
  • 54. Links & Resources Additional References: •  Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion Robert Cialdini (book) •  The Mating Mind Geoffrey Miller (book) •  Putting the Fun in Functional Amy Jo Kim (etech 2006 preso) •  Futuristic Play Andrew Chen (blog) •  Don’t Make Me Think Steve Krug (book) •  Designing for the Social Web Joshua Porter (book, website) •  Startup Lessons Learned Eric Ries (blog) •  Customer Development Methodology Steve Blank (presentation, blog) • Sean Ellis (blog) • Hiten Shah / Neil Patel (website) •  How To Pitch a VC Dave McClure (slides, NSFW) •  Understanding Comics Scott McCloud (book)
  • 57. Activation SEO Campaigns, SEM PR Contests Biz Social Networks Dev Blogs Affiliates Activation Criteria: Apps & Direct, Tel, Widgets Email TV •  10-30+ seconds Domains •  2-3+ page views •  3-5+ clicks •  1 key feature usage Homepage / Landing Page Product Features do LOTS of landing page & A/B tests – make lots of dumb guesses & iterate FAST
  • 58. Activation What do users do on their first visit? Example Activation Goals •  Click on something! •  Account sign up / Emails •  Referrals / Tell a friend •  Widgets / Embeds •  Low Bounce Rate Activation Tips •  Less is more •  Focus on user experience / usability •  Provide incentives & call to actions •  Test and iterate continuously
  • 59. Activation What do users do on their first visit? Key Metrics to Track ü Pages per visit ü Time on site ü Conversions
  • 60. Activation Tools Crazy Egg (Visual Click Mapping) Google Website Optimizer (A/B & Multivariate Testing) (B2B Lead Generation Management) Resources Experimentation and Testing: A Primer Landing Page Design Toolbox: 100 Tips & Tools Landing Page Tutorials & Case Studies 101 Easy Easy to use Google Website Optimizer
  • 62. Retention SEO Campaigns, Automated emails: SEM PR Contests Biz Social Networks Dev •  lifecycle emails @ +3, +7, +30d Blogs Affiliates Apps & Direct, Tel, •  status / “best of” weekly/monthly Widgets Email TV •  “something happened” emails Domains BUT: •  make it easy to unsubscribe Emails  &  Alerts   Homepage / Landing Page Blogs,  RSS,   Product News  Feeds   Features Tip on emails: •  > 80% or more on SUBJECT LINE System  Events  &   •  < 20% or less on BODY TEXT Time-­‐based  Features
  • 63. Retention How do users come back? How often? Cohort Analysis: •  Distrib of Visits over Time •  Rate of Decay •  Effective Customer Lifecycle Retention Methods ü  Automated Emails * Track open rate / CTR / Quantity ü  RSS / News Feeds * Track % viewed / CTR / Quantity ü  Widgets / Embeds * Track impressions / CTR / Quantity
  • 64. Retention How do users come back? How often? Example Retention Goals •  1 - 3+ visits per month •  20% open rate / 2% CTR •  High deliverability / Low spam rating •  Long customer life cycle / Low decay •  Identify fanatics and cheerleaders Retention Tips •  Email is simple and it works •  BUT make unsubscribe easy •  80% subject line / 20% body text •  ACTUALLY 99% subject line / 1% body text •  Fanatics = virality + affiliate channel (bloggers?)
  • 65. Retention How do users come back? How often? Key Metrics to Track ü  Source ü  Quantity ü  Conversions ü  Visitor Loyalty ü  Session Length
  • 66. Retention Tools Campaign Monitor / MailChimp (email newsletter software) / TriggerMail (site-centric email management) Litmus (email and website design testing - clients / browsers) Resources 30 free HTML email templates Best Practices in Writing Email Subject Lines Learning Viral: Viral Emails of
  • 68. Acquisition SEO Campaigns, SEM PR Contests Biz Social Networks Dev Blogs Affiliates Apps & Direct, Tel, Widgets Email TV Domains Marketing Channels: •  largest-volume (#) •  lowest-cost ($) •  best-performing (%)
  • 69. Acquisition Where are users coming from? Acquisition Methods ü SEO / SEM ü Blogs ü Email ü Social Media & Social Networks ü Domains
  • 70. Acquisition Keyword Vocabulary Top 10 - 100 words •  Your Brand / Products •  Customer Needs / Benefits •  Competitor’s Brand / Products •  Semantic Equivalents •  Misspellings Things to analyze •  Sources •  Volume •  Cost •  Conversion
  • 71. Acquisition Where are users coming from? Key Metrics to Track Example ü Quantity (#) ü Cost ($) ü Conversions (%)
  • 72. Acquisition Tools Google Analytics (web analytics) Google Keyword Tool (keyword research tool) SEO Book Tools (SEO related tools) Resources SEO Book Blog The Social Media Manual: Read Before You Play Strategies to ruthlessly acquire users
  • 73. Startup Metrics Referral
  • 74. Referral SEO Campaigns, SEM PR Contests Biz Social Networks Dev Blogs Affiliates Apps & Direct, Tel, Widgets Email TV Viral   Domains Acquisition   Loops   Emails & widgets Emails  &  Alerts   Homepage / Landing Page Affiliates,   Product Contests   Blogs,  RSS,   n News  Feeds   e ntio Features Ret Focus on driving referrals System  Events  &   Time-­‐based  Features   *after* users have a “happy” experience; avg score >= 8 out of 10
  • 75. Referral How do users refer others? Referral Methods ü Send to Friend: Email / IM ü Social Media ü Widgets / Embeds ü Affiliates
  • 76. Referral Viral Growth Factor Viral Growth Factor = X * Y * Z X = % of users who invite other people Y = average # of people that they invited Z = % of users who accepted an invitation A viral growth factor > 1 means an exponential organic user acquisition.
  • 77. Referral Tools Gigya (social media distribution & tracking tool) ShareThis / AddThis (sharing buttons) / GetMyContacts (PHP contacts importing & invitation software) Resources Seven Ways to GO VIRAL What’s your viral loop? Understanding the engine of adoption Metrics: Where Users Come From
  • 78. Startup Metrics Revenue
  • 79. Revenue SEO Campaigns, SEM PR Contests Biz Social Networks Dev Blogs Affiliates Apps & Direct, Tel, Widgets Email TV Domains Acquisition   Viral   Loops   Emails  &  Alerts   Homepage / Emails & widgets Landing Page Product Affiliates,   Blogs,  RSS,   n News  Feeds   ntio Features Contests   Rete Ads,  Lead  Gen,   Biz Dev System  Events  &   Subscriptions,   Time-­‐based  Features   ECommerce   This is the part *you* still have to figure out… (we don’t know jack about your business)
  • 80. Revenue How do you make money? Revenue Tips •  Don’t Rely on AdSense (only) •  Start Free => 2% “Freemium” •  Subscription / Recurring transactions •  Qualify your customers -> Lead generation (arbitrage) •  Sell something! (physical or virtual)
  • 81. Revenue Resources & Tools Revenue Metrics (Andrew Chen) How to Create a Profitable “Freemium” Startup (Andrew Chen) 2008 Affiliate Marketing Review (Scott Jangro)